#on this episode of what characters is my favorite artist writing their songs about…
crazyxtogether · 29 days
Finally breaking my silence not only is this 100% bylers album this is MIKE WHEELERS ALBUM. I think about him every time I listen to and no one can tell me it’s not made for him
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mye-chi · 6 months
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01. how were you first introduced to aphmau?
02. favorite main character, side-character, ship, and villain?
03. which characters do you think deserve better? which characters do you think deserve less?
04. what are your favorite episodes/scenes?
05. favorite minor character? like barely a fraction of the fandom acknowledges them but you adore them?
06. what are your favorite and least favorite skins?
07. best dynamic in the series? like, whenever these characters are onscreen your brain just explodes?
08. alternatively, what's a dynamic you really want to see in canon?
09. personal bias aside, who do you think is the best written character and why? 
10. what is your ideal ending for the series?
11. do you have a rewrite, character reinterpretations/redesigns, or any aus? if so, is there anything you'd like to talk about or snippets you want to share? 
12. which roleplay, excluding minecraft diaries and mystreet, is your favorite? (my inner demons, mod mod world, meteora valley, etc.)
13. have your sentiments towards any characters/ships changed over time? (for instance, you didn't care for them at all but now you're obsessed with them, or you used to love them but it's faded over time.)
14. if you could choose an opening and ending theme for the series, what would it be?
15. alternatively, if you could choose a theme song/ost for your favorite character, what would it be?
16. favorite blogs, artists, and writers?
17. any headcanons you're attached to?
18. is there anything about the fandom you dislike?
19. which character would you like to cosplay as?
20. you can only change one plotline in the entire canon—what would it be and how would you alter it?
21. have you ever had a crush on any of the characters? (and do you still have one?)
22. who's the character that you most identify with and why?
23. you get to design an official aphmau game! assuming money or time wasn't an issue, what would that look like? (for example, a visual novel, TTRPG, fighting game, etc.)
24. if you could design your own line of merch, assuming money or time wasn't an issue, what would you choose?
25. aphmau got a cafe collaboration! what food/drink do you think your favorite characters would be?
26. you're tasked with writing an official side story/spin-off roleplay (like void paradox, mermaid tale, upside-down story, etc), what would that look like?
27. what's something really interesting that you wished canon decided to explore more? alternatively, what's something interesting that you wished the fandom acknowledged more?
28. if you could ask jess one question about the series and recieve a direct answer, what would it be? 
29. any general unpopular opinions?
30. freebie!
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verybigvag · 4 months
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There's been a lot of recent discussion with Angel Dust, his scene Poison, and Its interpretation. I would like to talk about it.
⚠️ Trigger warning for discussion of Sexual Violence/Assault, Abuse, Drug Use, fetishization, and In*c'est mention ⚠️
I would like to start by saying that I wanna be able to have more posts like this and discuss topics both serious and not for media/entertainment here on Tumblr, however, I would like to keep articulate and not too long but that won't be the case here lol.
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In Episode 4 of Hazbin Hotel 'Masquerade', there is a musical scene showcasing Angel Dust singing 'Poison' about his trauma and current situation of being sexually abused, and taken advantage of by the porn industry and how he copes with drug addiction, masking himself and relying on his hypersexuality to get through it with the possibility of losing himself to it all and killing him in the end.
While the scene doesn't show his assault outright, it is rather disturbing and obvious imagery of his situation. Back in 2017 there was a music video for a fan song Addict turned soft canon at the time. It was the original showcase for what we will get for Angel dust as a character and his nuances going into the show, as well as the first instances of Valentino taking advantage of him. While the music video isn't as dark as poison, he does an amazing job at just that. Not needed to go so far and yet it's so obvious through the animation.
Now the question I would like to give my opinion on is, Is Poison fetishizing Angel's abuse? In my personal opinion and the show's intention... No.
Poison is a disturbing scene, it's dark and almost uncensored. There's an argument to be made that it's supposed to make you uncomfortable and while that is true, nobody should use that as justification to talk down to victims when they have something to say. I'm a victim myself and frankly, I'm conflicted on how I feel about this. I think the scene does work in the fact that it gives Angel's perspective well what he sees and how he wants others to perceive him. Then we have the fact that the show is presenting that angel situation is something to take seriously but will characters harass others and the occasional r*ape joke. (Sir Pentious in the most recent example)
People are conflicted and at times it's unsure how some perceive this. It's almost whiplash to see SA played for laughs then later in the same episode, we see a character stand up to their abuser and is presented as a triumphant moment, a starting point and Proof he is strong and can make it out and is also protecting his friend, showing he good character traits, someone who cares for other and wants to protect them.
I think people are right to point out its writing issues with its comedy and tone armor and victims have every right to point that out.
There is more to this situation I will get into later in the post that Understandably makes people uncomfortable given the context.
It's almost like a popstar giving a performance, letting their persona out on stage; either Kampy, unapologetically themselves, hypersexual and glamorous. This is very common with mainstream I industry musicians/pop stars.
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While it's not the case for every artist, it's well known that most are subjected to sexualization from the audience and media (unless they lean into that hypersexual persona).
Angel Dust is a product of his trauma and environment. With that I don't think the show will actually get into how unethical and exploitative the porn industry is (which I think they should), rather just how Angel is being exploited.
Now whether fans like it or not, your favorite media will be criticized for both warranted and ridiculous reasons.
There seems to be an issue with the stans of Hazbin Hotel and constantly deflecting any criticisms of the show. This isn't the case for all the fans but it's still common, unfortunately.
There are people who don't know what it's like to have a history of sexual violence and grooming, and that's ok. It's something I never want to wish upon anyone. It'll affect you for the rest of your life. Some days are better than others but it's not the same for everyone, and universally Trauma is processed differently. There will be experiences that many can relate to; Hypersexuality being one way, some want to reclaim themselves and disassociate sex from the experience and the feelings of uncleanliness that comes with it.
We don't need others who have an unhealthy attachment to a show to constantly speak over those who disagree with Angel's visual representation of his sexual exploitation/assault. Many have stated they don't have any issue with their scene, AND MANY others disagree and They are BOTH right to feel that way. We don't need fans who are selective with victims and their input on a serious nuanced topic.
The sentiment should be that we shouldn't be speaking over anyone who's been victimized, groomed, assaulted, and experienced similar circumstances. Whether they validate your opinions or not.
I still want to clarify, that it's ok to enjoy dark media. It's ok to enjoy what you want. In my opinion, there is a point where you go past safe consumption to obsession with problematic media that's concerning.
If you want to enjoy Valentino and Go ahead. Villains are popular for a reason and it's easy to enjoy characters who are Kampy yet evil in nature. Merchandise of villains is nothing new so I don't see why it's an issue now (unless it depicts said inappropriate tendencies in a glamorized light)
With that said, there was understandable discomfort knowing the artist who storyboarded poison.
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I would go into details here but I recommend you go and read this thread by Uninformed Artist, It goes over everything you need to know but to keep it short, they have a r*ape fetish.
People are free to feel however they want about this, especially since there could be a chance Raphielles may have had interior motives but at the moment we can't say for sure and if so, it was conveyed at all in the scene. personally, It feels disingenuous to claim that they want to take the said topic seriously but aren't considerate of the team representing it.
Speaking of that, I may diverge a bit but I want to give an example...
This reminded me of another similar situation with another animated show; Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
⚠️Incest Warning ⚠️
On Twitter an artist who goes by Sheldon made this below regarding a scene they storyboarded for an episode in season 2 called 'The Lair Games' and yes it did make it into the show.
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Sheldon replied to a user who partakes in problematic content
To clarify, TCEST is what people refer to as shipping Any of the Main Brothers; Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, And Michelangelo in the TMNT franchise. Yes, this means romantic/sexual.
There was much discomfort from many fans that was warranted given the implications. While something like this will never be implied for Canon for any TMNT iteration, it's weird knowing there may have been certain intentions from Sheldon.
With that said there was another reply clarifying the original tweet was a joke. I'd personally say it's really weird to make that type of joke in the first place and attract people you don't want to interact with and it's not a funny joke to begin with.
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But I sincerely hope it was just a terrible joke in bad taste, That's hope I'm personally going to take it as this was about 2 years ago and the rise of the TMNT has unfortunately ended. Hazbin Hotel, however, is just getting started.
I do wish the best for the show and that it grows into something amazing, along with the writers getting into their element and doing these characters justice and I hope there is a bit more consideration that goes into depicting more serious topics later on.
So, I'm not sure how to end this but here we are. I would like to thank all of you for reading. If you have your input feel free to add on!
Make sure to be kind to each other and stay hydrated 💛💛💛
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heliza24 · 1 year
Let's talk about the music in Young Royals! (Part 1)
This post, which will focus on the needle drops used in the show, is the first part of a two-part analysis. Part 2 will focus on the original score.
I love the way music is used in Young Royals. It was one of the first things that attracted me to the show, but it's only recently that I’ve stopped to think about why I find it so effective. I used to (in a pre-disability past life) work in the music industry, and I’ve been missing my old job a lot lately. So I thought I would use some of my knowledge (and my media analysis skills) to write this meta. I've tried to link a youtube video for every song I reference, so you can go and listen to the tracks if you want to.
First, let’s talk about some logistics. “Needle drops” are when a show uses a pre-existing song as part of the score (like literally dropping a needle on a record player; isn’t it weird how that terminology has stuck around even while the technology has changed?). You can also call them music syncs, which refers to the fact that in order to use pre-existing music in film, you have to obtain a music synchronization license from the copyright owner (this ensures that the recording artist and the songwriter get paid for the use of their music). The person in charge of selecting songs and clearing the rights for them is called the music supervisor. The Young Royals music supervisor is Magnus Palmborg, and I think he does an incredible job. (He was also a co-writer on Simon’s Song, so we really have a lot to thank him for).
Music serves a very important role in Young Royals. I believe that the selection of songs and use of the score really helps establish one of the most important themes of the show: the dichotomy between the public and private self. So much of Young Royals is about the images characters consciously try to project and the pressure society puts on them to act a certain way, and the way that conflicts with their actual internal feelings.  And this dichotomy exists very clearly in the music too.
Most of the needle drops in the show are big, bold pop and hip hop songs. They are usually played over montages of the students at Hillerska, often towards the beginning of the episode, and they reflect the “cool” image that the students are trying to project to each other. The very first time we see Hillerska, “Wannabe Ghetto” by Fata Boom is playing, and the lyrics “keep up the front like it’s your mission/Look our best, cover up what’s missing” perfectly sums up the pressure the students feel to fit in at such an elite school. When everyone is getting ready for the welcome back party in 2.1, the incredibly confident "Ripe" by Flavia is playing. The lyrics “no need to go to work unless you're working on my body” are full of sexual confidence, but they also play while students are putting on makeup and trying to look their best, literally working on their bodies. (Flavia is one of my favorite finds from the soundtrack by the way. She makes total queer bangers, I recommend checking her out). 
It’s probably worth talking briefly about the opening title card here. A lot of shows have full opening sequences, with their own theme song. Young Royals eschews this, choosing instead to just flash the title on screen over an existing scene, often with a needle drop (but this changes each episode). I think this approach works really well, because it lets the music clue us in to the mood of each episode. A lot of episodes start with a very intimate scene, like the music room scene at the beginning of 1.3, and then contrast that with a burst of pop music during the title card that reminds us of the front the characters are normally projecting. In 1.3 the title card is shown over a montage of Felice struggling in the stables and is accompanied by a loud, lyricless pop song. That contrast from the intimacy of the music room, to a space where Felice feels like she’s always pretending, is really effective.  
But sometimes needle drops are used to reflect more intimate, genuine emotions. Sometimes the show does this by making the song semi-diagetic. (Diagetic music is music that exists within the story that characters can hear; so Simon’s Song for instance is diagetic). At the beginning of episode 1.1, Wilhelm is listening to “Bad” by Farveblind, which has the lyrics “I think it’s bad/I think it’s lame/I think it’s horrible” over and over again, which is a pretty clear indicator of how Wilhelm is feeling. The show does a similar thing in 2.3, when Wilhelm listens to “The Lonely Ones” by Lova in his headphones when he walks by the lake. He’s feeling lonely! He listens to a sad song! That’s pretty straight forward. 
But sometimes the way the music captures characters’ genuine feelings is a little more subtle. I actually think that there’s a lot more of this in season 2 than there is in season 1. There are a few examples I love from season 1, but most of my favorite examples are from the latter half of season 2. This perfectly reflects the journey that all of the characters, but especially Wilhelm, are going on; as season 2 goes on he gets more and more in touch with his real feelings and less and less able to pretend to please the royal family. These songs tend to be a little quieter than the flashy pop and hip hop that represents the facade of Hillerska, and you sometimes have to think a little bit about how the lyrics are illuminating what the characters are feeling.
Some of my favorite examples in season 1 include  “Holes (Deep Throat Choir Remix)” by Zhala that plays during Erik’s funeral, which has the lyrics “And I lose myself inside”, reflecting Wilhelm’s descent into grief and the way that he’s about to push Simon away, and “Sunday” by Gina Dirawi that plays as the girls are setting up for the sleepover and Wilhelm is going over to Simon’s house in 1.5. The lyrics “but I can see you clear here” reflect the fact that both sets of characters have found a sense of comfort with each other. But my absolute favorite example in season 1 is “Samurai Swords” by Highasakite, which plays while August uploads the video of Wilhelm and Simon to the internet. “I am leaving/I’m unleashing/I unravel to the leeches/I’m unpleasant/I’m unloving/So call out the guys with the samurai swords” plays while the camera focuses on August, reflecting his emotional state and also the fact that uploading the video is an act of self-harm for August (the image of samurai swords makes me think of seppuku, or the ritualized suicide that samurai warriors would commit instead of falling into enemy hands) and an act of aggression against Wilhelm and Simon. And when the camera cuts back to Wilhelm and Simon the lyrics say “someone else will love like a rainstorm”. The melody is so wistful and sad, like the show is already nostalgic for the perfect love that Simon and Wilhelm had which is about to be marred by the outside world. 
In season 2, I really love “My Awe Sustains” by Ari at the top of 1.5, which perfectly captures the feeling of longing between Wilhelm and Simon (this is my other favorite discovery from the soundtrack; the whole album For Evig by Ari is one of my favorites now) and “I Wanna Be Someone Who’s Loved” by Tusse, which is included after the fight in the music room in the same episode. The lyrics to this one are really heartbreaking: “You make me feel like I’m invisible… Thought it would help but no one hears my call/No I won’t give up/I want to be someone who’s loved.” The lyrics capture how much Wilhelm wants to make his way back to Simon, but there’s frustration in melody too, which reflects how trapped he currently feels. “Please Don’t Go” by April Snow and Elias in episode 2.3 is another really interesting example. It plays right before August invites Sara to his room “just to talk” and before Simon tries to break up and Marcus doesn’t let him. The lyrics “I asked you to leave but I meant that I want you to stay/I need you to hear what I mean and not what I say” seem to capture the push-pull in both sets of relationships, and how all of the characters are trying but failing to really communicate what they mean.
But I think my favorite needle drop in season 2 that's used to illuminate the inner thoughts of a character is "Mirror" by Mogli. The song starts playing right after Wilhelm's last session with Boris in 2.5, when he realizes he has a choice: he doesn't have to become king. He could let August inherit and be with Simon. The lyrics "You don't want to be sad anymore/And I can't laugh/ No I can't laugh/I want to win this race but you can't lose/I let you score" underscore Wilhelm contemplating August in the Forest Ridge common room. Letting August inherit the crown would be letting him "win" in their invisible war for power, but what would that matter if Wilhelm gets to be happy with Simon? We see Wilhelm come to that realization, and then in the next scene he tells Simon that he's willing to give up the crown for him.
Since we’ve talked about the opening title card needle drops, we should probably address the fact there is also often a song over the closing credits as well. Again, this doesn’t happen in every episode; sometimes original scoring is used instead. But when a needle drop is included at the end of an episode, it feels like foreshadowing for things to come. My favorite is the end of 2.1, right after Wilhelm has a meltdown on the call to his mom. “Seize the Power” by YONAKA plays, and seems to signify Wilhelm’s arc for the rest of the season: 
“Woke up this morning, I feel so fucking important/Look in the mirror, I’m different, I finally made a decision/All the rejected that lost a lack of respect in themselves cause people get hectic/they hurt you and make you feel helpless/they’re not brave like you/they’re too scared to do/anything that’s different, anything that’s new/I don’t need lessons/I do what I want it’s refreshing/as soon as you taste independence/you start living life in the present”
Season 2 is all about Wilhelm realizing he needs to claim his independence and start living his own life, so the lyrics perfectly represent his arc. Plus, the melody of this song is driving and angry, which helps carry forward the momentum of Wilhelm’s conflict with his mom through the end of the credits and reminds us how urgent this need to stand up for himself is.
You’ve probably noticed that I haven’t talked about “Revolution” by Elias or “The Most Beautiful Boy” by The Irrepressibles yet. I saved these two for last because I think they get the most fan discussion of all of the music choices in the season, and for good reason. To me these two are almost the theme songs of their respective season; everything centers around them. They occur at the same place in the season (at the end of 1.4/2.4 and 1.6/2.6) and they encapsulate the lessons that Wilhelm needs to learn: how to stand up to his mom and defy what is expected of him, and how to prioritize his love for Simon.
(I’ve also already talked about “Holy” by Elias in my post about the sex scenes here).
Overall, I love the way that needle drops are used in Young Royals. I know some people have complained that the songs don’t have much to do with the story, but to me nothing could be further from the truth. The songs capture both the societal expectations of Hillerska and the tender, inner workings of the characters. They help us understand the pressures put on our main characters and illuminate how they are really feeling inside. Plus the soundtrack is filled with queer, female, and POC artists who are a delight to discover.
I would love to hear your interpretation of the needle drops in the show. Do you have a favorite song on the soundtrack? Is there something I missed that you want me to talk about? My ask box is open and I would love to hear your thoughts!
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the-amber-fox · 5 months
AO3 Wrapped
How many words have you written this year? 143.349 published on AO3. Quite a lot unpublished. Quite a lot for other things.
How many works did you publish this year? 10
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I think it’s One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind aka sex shop au. This was such a ridiculous idea and we executed it with a passion and fun level that just made it irresistibly fun.
What work of yours has the most hits?
As this was the year of the red white and royal blue movie astoundingly the one fic I wrote for the fandom, Midnight Icecream, won by nearly double the hits than my others.
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Sex shop au. Normally people comment less on E-rated fics.
Favorite title you used? Nothing here to fear.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Nothing here to fear is from a Tori Amos song called Wednesday Also Take Me on is naturally from A-Has Take on Me. The Prince and the Popstar had a lot of lyrics and artists too. Check out the playlist for this one.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?/ Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Wilmon
What work was the quickest to write? I think You’re the cutest Jailbird I have ever seen was extremely fast.
What work took you the longest to write? The Prince and the Popstar, because me and the lovely @pagegirlintraining were just insanely busy.
How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? Wednesday AU and half an idea about Burlesque style barkeeper Wille.
What’s your longest work of the year? The Prince and the Popstar
What’s your shortest work of the year? Take me on
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Wednesday AU. I promise I am going to finish it one day.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Alternative Universe
Your favorite character to write this year? Simon as Wednesday probably.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Wilmon all the way to the end baby. Let’s see if we need fix-it’s after season 3.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? I do not reread my own work in general. But I reread comfort pics like Oh Christmas Tree by @ishotforthestars.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2.983
Which work has the most comments? This year The Prince and the Popstar.
Did you do any collaborative works this year? I wrote four amazing fics with @pagegirlintraining and one lovely fever dream of a collab with @ishotforthestars.
Did you write any gifts this year? Yes, I wrote five: One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind for @ishotforthestars Love is everything, stupid for @girls-are-weird Midnight icecream (Red, white and royal blue) for @rmd-writes Take me on for @pagegirlintraining Slipping’ into Christmas for @piebingo
Did you receive any gifts this year? Yes three lovely ones: Christmas Basket by @tuiiii En-Garde by @girls-are-weird Killing me softly (WIP) by @pagegirlintraining and @ishotforthestars
What’s your most common category? m/m
What do you listen to while writing? This might sound weird but it totally depends on my mood and what I am writing: sometimes I do listen to music, sometimes I even have dedicated playlists. But sometimes I listen to a movie from the genre I am writing or to old John Oliver episodes…
Favourite work you wrote this year? I have to name two, I can’t chose. It’s either The Prince and the Popstar or Sex Shop AU.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
“Simon, we are an inclusive group. It’s an adult queer romance book club, I doubt that anything you are wearing could–” Wille trails off with a splutter and stares at him as Simon opens his coat and shrugs out of it. Simon doesn’t know if he should feel self-conscious or proud that he made an obvious man of words lose them with cutout tights and a glittery mesh top under his big, violet fleece scarf. It really does leave very little to the imagination, he thinks to himself as he unwraps the fleece. Wille clears his throat, squeezes out “I’ll get you a hoodie,” and turns on his heel to speed walk to the other direction of the shop. 
29. Biggest surprise while writing this year? How well all four coops with @pagegirlinwriting went and how much better of a writer it made me. It challenges you if you have to keep up to another excellent writer.
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cosmicangsts · 2 months
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what made you pick up the muse you have?: my first fifth doctor rp account was made in november of 2013, & my first tenth doctor account was made in december of the same. i love the doctor dearly, & i tend to eventually come back to muses i heavily favor in this way, no matter how long i've been away from writing them. five is my doctor & the love of my life. is there anything you really enjoy writing?: idk, i really like when i get to be funny & really express my character's inner dialogue & thoughts. so scenarios that allow me to do that! is there anything you don't like to write?: mm, if i had to choose . . . fight scenes, i guess. specifically really complicated ones. thankfully five doesn't do that much HAHA how do you come up with your headcanons?: i draw vague aspects from many different characters & franchises that i like. my doctor who headcanons are ancient, though. i genuinely looked at the ones from when i was a kid, picked the Not Garbage Ones ( LOL ) & expanded upon those do you write in silence or listen to music?: silence, most of the time. but if i do have music on, it has to have no lyrics. tends to be video game music or original compositions by indie artists. i get so easily distracted. adhd goes crazy do you plan your replies or wing them?: i tend to pull things out of my ass, most of you have likely noticed this about me LOL do you enjoy shipping?: yes! what's your alias / name?: seele ( like the character from h.sr ) zodiac sign?: gemini birthday?: jun 20 favorite color?: sky blue favorite song?: edge of reality - elvis presley last movie you watched?: honestly can't remember, not a movie person. but i'll offer the fact that the madea movies are my favorites of all time as a substitute fact last show you watched?: golden girls, my rewatches are likely pushing triple digits. have the episodes nearly memorized word for word. huge comfort show for me last song you listened to?: the crystal ballroom - u2 favorite food?: vanilla ice cream favorite season?: winter do you have a tumblr best friend?: ily all ♡
tagged by: @kindofuneven , thank u so much, be bless ♥ tagging: @isbrilliant , @carbondated , @psychnot , @tenfoldrage , @solarisgod , @curamorte , @riiese , u, cream danish
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strangeswift · 2 years
Hi Robin Buckley enjoyers, if you care about Robin Buckley's music taste this very niche post is for you! Your local former band kid and music extraordinaire (me) is here. This is long.
All information on Robin's music taste was given by Maya Hawke. And before you argue that "Actors don't affect what is canon," Okay well Maya does. The costume department let her take home Robin's converse in season 3 (which she wears in every episode) and write whatever she wanted on them. Because of Maya Hawke, Robin's sneakers canonically have "I won't go down in history but I'll go down on your sister," and "TIDDIEZ" written on them. Checkmate.
So for our musical headcanon purposes we are going to take everything Maya says as canon.
I know that in season four Robin has the line, "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles, music, we need music!" while she's sorting through Eddie's tapes as Nancy is getting vecna'd. But I believe she's just naming very popular artists hoping it will be a song Nancy would like. So I haven't taken this line into consideration for our purposes. (Though we do know from this interaction that Robin definitely is not a metalhead.)
According to Maya Hawke, this would be Robin's music taste:
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I whole-heartedly agree with her take on this, all four artists. This is just correct. And as I said, canon.
But what would Robin's favorite artist be, and what's her favorite song?
So glad you asked because I'm about to tell you!
Maya Hawke said in an interview that Robin would have the same music taste she does, because they are very similar. (More on this later)
If Robin's music taste is Maya's music taste, then it stands to reason that her favorite music would be most similar to Maya Hawke's own music.
In my opinion (which is correct because I know more about this than you so shut up) out of these four artists, based on overall lyricism, lyrical themes, musical themes, and vibes, the artist most similar to Maya Hawke is unarguably: Patti Smith.
But what is Robin's favorite song?
People Have the Power by Patti Smith! (Released in 1988, but go with it!)
Two reasons for this: it is one of the most similar to Maya's music lyrically and vibe-wise, and the lyrics would undoubtedly resonate with Robin.
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If you're at all familiar with Maya's music you can see the similarities in lyrical themes: use of multiple metaphors, use of imagery, overarching social commentary.
I won't go too much into why the lyrics would resonate with Robin but I will say that the Robin who spit in the face of a Russian general and mocked him would resonate with a song about people having the power rather than the government having the power. Also the fact that she and the rest of the main characters keep having to save the world rather than the U.S. government who got them into this Upside Down mess in the first place. And lastly, I think this song is a powerful song for anyone who feels powerless, like for example a lesbian in small town Indiana in the 80s. Or just a teenage girl in general.
Okay NOW let's talk modern day music because it's fun.
If you write modern Day AUs that include Robin you're legally required to read this:
In the same interview that Maya said Robin would have the taste she does, she specifically mentioned Phoebe Bridgers.
When asked about Robin's music taste on the red carpet at the Stranger Things premier, Maya Hawke again said that Robin would like the same music she likes and mentioned MUNA, Phoebe Bridgers, Charli XCX, Samia, and Christian Lee Hutson.
Another good take btw.
So what would be Robin's favorite modern day song?
If we're not allowing Maya Hawke to exist in our AU because that's too meta, I'd stick with Phoebe Bridgers as her favorite artist because she's mentioned her multiple times when asked this question and in the first interview Phoebe is the only artist that she mentioned.
So assuming Phoebe is her favorite artist and her taste in music is as close to Maya Hawke as we can get, then I can confidently say that modern day Robin's favorite song is:
Graceland Too by Phoebe Bridgers
(Source: I have listened to every Phoebe Bridgers and Maya Hawke song more times than any reasonable person should and this is the most similar. I wont waste your time breaking down why.)
Robin would also resonate with the lyrics:
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To her it would represent the thought of getting out of Hawkins one day (or already having gotten out of Hawkins), as well as the isolation that comes with being a lesbian in the 80s or even just being unpopular in high school. Also her neurodivergency (I hc her with ADHD because I have that and she is just like me fr but autistic Robin truthers you are so valid and honestly there's probably more canonical evidence for that). And lastly the idea that she would "do anything" for someone refers to both how selfless of a person we know she is but also the fact that she falls hard for people, we see that with Vickie.
Bonus! What would be modern day Robin's favorite album?
You might think Punisher, because that's the album Graceland Too is on.
You'd be wrong.
The correct answer is:
Folklore by Taylor Swift!
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Maya has said her most recent album Moss was heavily inspired by Folklore, and while it is distinctly different it definitely comes through in the album. And I'm not going to do lyrical analyses on why every song is relatable to Robin, but as a Taylor Swift Expert, just trust me on this one.
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I'm considering making 2 playlists one for 80s Robin Buckley and one for modern Robin Buckley but we'll see.
If you read this entire thing you are entitled to one free kiss on the mouth idk why anyone would read this incredibly niche ramble but tysm.
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indigoatari · 1 year
please explain to me what the deal is with chonny jash i am fascinated
oh my friend you have olled away the rock the tomb has been unsealed,
Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium is a cover album of Tally Hall songs, in the same way Everything Everywhere All At Once is about a woman trying to do her taxes. the full thing is available on youtube and spotify. even solely superficially, it's super interesting, because it's not like, karaoke over the song's musical track, it's like. Redone. new sounds. same song, same tune, but still completely reupholstered. if you like jhariah or will wood, this is like tally hall if you seasoned it to make it sound like them.
the instrumentals are NOT the only thing that changed-- he also REWRITES THE LYRICS. he's a VERY clever lyricist, even if hes still definitely drawing from the original. but in doing so he's creating an underlying story, and in tying it all together it starts becoming clear.
CCCC is about Chonny Jash, the artist in question, going through such a bad mental health episode that he manages to split his brain in three. be aware, it's not explicitly anything-- it could be about plurality, it could be about depersonalization, or it could just be a metaphor about self conflict. but the bottom line is, where there was once one there is now THREE, and none of them want to be here.
the bulk of the album is the three of them singing and songwriting and arguing with each other. Mind Electric is the left brain, the logical side, and the only one with a distinctive voice-- he has a distinctly robotic, modulated voice. he also talks like a disney villain.
his counterpart is Heart Acoustic! the right brain, the emotional side, and the most visually distinctive of the three-- he's the chap with the blindfold and the wings and he's a bit of a miserable mess. if mind is the voice in your head who berates you for not getting things done, heart is the voice in your head panicking about the long term impact.
that being said: neither of them are inherenty the Good Guy or the Bad Guy. they are equals, and they cannot lives without each other, and they are constantly committing war crimes. the first thiiiird? of the album is the two of them bitching and bitching and bitching and
number three is my favorite and he shows up in like the last half of the album: the Soul Eclectic. you can't really argue if Heart or Mind are id or superego, but Soul is unquestionably the ego in the triad. he moderates and also keeps Heart and Mind from killing each other. and plays guitar. he's skrunkly
that being said. it is about a depressive episode. all three of them kind of want to die. Soul is absolutely not opposed to it. they have explicitly discussed this. i cannot emphasize enough, the entire album is about an absolute mental low, and that's kind of what keeps it interesting. the three of them are one person at his absolute worst, and they are so filled with loathing for the Others that is really just kind of... loathing of the self. take all of that on top of the fact they are in a time loop.
the three of them are trapped in an infinite cycle of dissolution and reconstitution. they will always eventually synthesize and make it out of the misery pit only to fall back apart into the same patterns and arguments and PEOPLE. they cant catch a break man!!!!!!
i have SEVERE autism about it and so does my girlboybestie @julystruck. the full album is here, but if you're just trying to lean into it, i fully recommend the whole twelve minutes of The Mind Electric along with the lyrics analysis to get a grip on the characters, and then Mucka Blucka and The Bidding for basic dynamics. and feel free to ask me about literally anything and giving me an excuse to write an essay when i COULD be writing an essay about the progressive era,
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lazanskywrites · 3 months
Glee Was Ahead of It's Time.
You either love or hate Glee there is absolutely zero in-between. It's like the "cilantro soap-tasting gene", you decide whether you like it or not in one try. In my opinion, Glee is a masterpiece and I am prepared to die on this hill. Here are my top five reasons why Glee is one of my favorite shows.
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My controversial take though, Glee was only good until halfway through season five. With that being said, the first reason why Glee is my favorite show is because the original cast is iconic. The original Glee Club members slowly fizzle out of the show, having random cameos here and there. This is why, to me, the last seasons are hard to watch. No amount of new characters will top the original characters, they were funnier and had better acting.
The fourth reason Glee is my favorite show is because the comedy was ahead of its time. Countless skits in the show are similar to those in today's comedic world on TikTok or YouTube. But Glee is slowly losing popularity as other shows and movies are produced. The writing and comedic timing of these attached clips are another reason why I and plenty of others still watch Glee.
The third reason I love Glee is for their celebrity cameos. John Stamos, Neil Patrick Harris, Britney Spears, Ricky Martin, Olivia Newton-John, and Jennifer Coolidge, the list goes on and on. Every celebrity has an important role in the episode or the season they're featured in. For example, John Stamos' character was dating a teacher involved in the Glee Club. Ricky Martin was a Spanish teacher who taught the Glee Club about Latin music. And Olivia Newton-John was alongside Jane Lynch's character in a music video.
The amount of A-list celebrities the directors were able to feature in only six seasons is outstanding. It shows how popular this show became as more episodes were filmed.
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Fourthly, Glee would be nothing without the music (literally). Were all the covers good? Absolutely not. But the good covers were good covers. Every character has a handful of songs that were praised in the Glee fandom, but Rachel, Mercedes, and Blaine had hit after hit. As much as I dislike both Rachel Berry and Lea Michelle, she can sing. Rachel's standout song for me was "Don't Rain On My Parade", it perfectly highlights her vocal talent and the attitude her character brings to the show.
Mercedes has just as powerful of a voice as Rachel and Mercedes does not hold back. Her character was hilarious and full of talent, but she often got overshadowed by her peers. There are songs her peers had performed I think she would've performed ten times better. This isn't a solo, but it's my favorite song of hers. The context of the song is hilarious and the music video is pure 2010s vibes.
Finally, Blaine Anderson. On TikTok, there is a joke being spread that any song Blaine has covered in Glee is better than the original. They call it the "Blaine Anderson effect". Similar to the "Kelly Clarkson effect" which is when Kelly Clarkson covers a song and outdoes the original artist. I listen to Blaine's covers like they're originals. I could go on and on about how many good covers he has in Glee. Today, Darren Criss still performs outstanding covers. My favorite Blaine cover has to be "Bills, Bills, Bills".
The fifth and final reason why I love Glee is none other than Jane Lynch. Without fail, she'll always be the funniest character in every episode. What I appreciate about her character is the soft side she tries to cover up with crass jokes towards students and colleagues. Realizing why she is protective and patient with Becky it makes you see her from a different perspective. I love Sue Sylvester so much that I dressed up as her for Halloween.
It takes a certain person to truly enjoy Glee so it's not surprising that I'm one of the only people out of all my friends who enjoy watching an episode or two every night.
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You thought I was kidding about the Halloween costume?
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well, i was gonna have to do this episode eventually lmao
you know... i don't actually remember now what my expectations were for this episode??? i think we were all still onboard the miorine is going to lose an eye train or something and just knew some shit was gonna go down this ep lol
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if we ever get a recap movie i really hope we get to see the whole plan here get told to eri... like i just really really wanted miorine to have a serious conversation with eri for like the entire series lol
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gosh, the beginning of this episode is so rough to rewatch lmao. suletta is so damn smitten with miorine. just standing out here waiting since who knows when for her to wake up
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man i remember this scene and thinking mio nooo! like of course she doesn't KNOW aerial is literally family, at least not yet... and suletta doesn't fully understand yet either... but it's just ahhhh lmao again there are so many things that happened off-screen that i really wish we'd seen. like what the hell was mio's reaction to finding out that the actual girl who provided the genetic material to create suletta is stuck inside a gundam
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suletta you're gonna get bonked by the horny police
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gotta wonder how shaddiq was gonna dissolve the benerit group if he had taken the presidency. would it have been as easy as miorine made it out to be? just announce it to the world out of nowhere?
clearly he had no intentions of keeping any of these promises to peil lol
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you tell him, bbgirl
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hey maybe you should have adhered to that too, shithead
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i like that suletta doesnt go all fidgety while rejecting guel and telling him about her feelings for miorine
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remember the cours 2 trailer that emphasized suletta saying she'd win until mio's birthday lmao
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lol this asshole left with miorine and never did any of this shit. with how much guel fanboys love talking him up as a "good guy" you'd think he'd at least have done this
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*smiles in homura akemi*
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really incredible stuff that so far we only see lauda and petra barely standing next to each other and suddenly that means they've been dating. however getting married after a whole series finishes means you're just mega friends to some people lol
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i do appreciate the ptsd reactions to so many of the characters but now with everything over, it feels like it's lacking in depth lol they just get one random flinchy reaction just once or something and then an episode later they're fine lol
worst of all with guel is his ridiculous determination to make sure jeturk heavy machinery keeps doing it's thing --- that thing being making weapons of war lol
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i wonder if bandai knows how much money they'd make if they released options sets for the darilbalde and michaelis upgrades in this cour
then again, its bandai
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lmao i don't actually want this to have been shown in the show, but i really do have to imagine what that convo was like when el5n went to go find shaddiq and asked him to hide him
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honestly kind of wish we'd had secelia being the one to MC the duels or whatever for the entirety of the show
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lmao ok so i definitely remember thinking they were just gonna leave it as this being the only affirmation suletta says outloud, but....
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... yeah.
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i honestly really love how they cut to everyone's reactions as soon as suletta loses. secelia in particular looks really distressed lol
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god, suletta's desperation here just as red birthmark starts playing is so awful lmao i love it
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and then the gut-wrenching scream once she loses the holder pilot outfit colors
ahhhhh lmao this episode is definitely the most angsty of them all but god i love yuri angst
lmao fuck all the fairweather miorine fans who hated her the minute this episode finished. she was always my favorite of the two but this episode just solidified that
also i know opening/ending artists get like very vague story line summaries to help them write their songs but i am really convinced red birthmark was written to specifically play at the end of this episode. like sure it was a great decision to have the intro fade in at the end of every ep for this cour, but the FEELS when it starts playing here are like no other in the whole cour besides maybe episode 23
also only slightly related, but i am obsessed with my calibarn. i put it on my desk for work and i just catch myself going full on COOL ROBOT mode during the work day just staring at it lmao
ok will try to get to ep 18 eventually... i've been dragging out this rewatch because i keep getting caught up reading lately
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wolfkitty42 · 8 months
My Thoughts On The 2023 HoYoFair.
Wow. This year was full of utter gems. I'm just going to link a couple of the ones I especially enjoyed, and put my thoughts on them below.
I was extremely hyped up for Shadows in the Sand. It's always been a quest I enjoyed, and Jeht is by far one of my favorite npcs. (Although I hope some day she won't just be an npc... Make her playable, Mihoyo!) While I felt like the short was a little rushed, it was still a wonderful tribute to the quest. I love the reveal at the end with Jeht removing her mask. It was also nice to see Lumine!
I was also very hyped up for Times Changed after seeing teaser images for it. I adore Lumine's new outfit! I didn't really enjoy the short that much, but I admire the quality of the animation. If you're looking for Genshin fan animations to watch, try this one!
When I saw PROGENITOR: Albedo had gotten a second episode, I was thrilled! For those who haven't seen any of this series, I highly recommend checking it out. Here's hoping we'll see a third episode next year!
I actually only got onto the stream right before Riptide started. I love this song! The animation is beautiful and I think the singing and lyrics fits Childe's personality very well. Check it out!
Writing on the Wall is genuinely one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard. Up until hearing this, I have been a Kaveh hater. Sorry! Haikaveh just didn't really appeal to me that much, and... That was pretty much all of the widespread Kaveh content I had seen. I knew Kaveh had more nuance in his character, but I felt very unmotivated to look into him.
That being said, this song helped clarify what I knew about him. I started crying halfway through the song. (And okay I'm sick with a cold so my eyes are already leaking 24/7, but still!) Writing on the Wall perfectly captures the feeling of losing motivation to finish your art. At least for me, I used to often find myself making paintings for friends. This became incredibly demotivating over time because I felt like I had to perfect details and I lost the sense of fun in drawing. Over the past year and a half, I've been trying to draw for myself more.
This song spoke to me so much. The lyric about the architect remaining inside their buildings especially stood out to me. You can see an artist in any of their works. Even if there's no written signature, every stroke and line is a signature in itself.
So... Am I converted to being a Kaveh fan now? Honestly, I'm not sure. That being said, I do have a c6 Kaveh... (cough cough Baizhu pulls x3). Maybe I'll finally try building him.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 5 months
2023 Fandom Year in Review
I'm a bit late on this because I kept being busy, but here! I probably forgot a bunch of stuff in my answers - c'est la vie.
✨Dollsome’s Fandom Year in Review!✨
Favorite new (to me) shows of the year:
Joe Pera Talks With You
Reservation Dogs
The Righteous Gemstones
The Gilded Age
The Buccaneers
Somebody Somewhere
Vice Principals
Feel Good
Colin From Accounts
Poker Face
Favorite shows with new episodes this year:
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH!!!!!!!!!! 🏴‍☠️💘
Good Omens
Ted Lasso (kind of? 🫤)
What We Do In The Shadows
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
The Great
Abbott Elementary
The Nevers
Black Mirror
Some favorite TV show episodes watched for the first time this year (one per show! Just for a challenge!):
Our Flag Means Death - 2.04 “Fun and Games”
What We Do in The Shadows - 5.05 “Local News”
The Great 3.07 “Fun”
Succession - 4.09 “Church and State”
Ted Lasso - 3.10 “International Break”
Good Omens - 2.05 “The Ball”
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - 5.06 “The Testi-Roastial”
Beef - 1.10 “Figures of Light”
Dave - 3.10 “Looking for Love”
Reservation Dogs - 2.04 “Mabel”
Black Mirror - 6.05 “Demon 79”
Joe Pera Talks With You - 2.01 - “Joe Pera Talks With You About Beans” and 2.04 “Joe Pera Guides You Through The Dark” (Cheating and picking two because the episodes are so short!)
Favorite books read this year:
The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe, Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh, Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton, Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year:
I discovered this album a few years late because I got tickets to a concert by them this year, but Bitter Better by Laura Cortese & The Dance Cards! I also loved Guts by Olivia Rodrigoooooo. 
My favorite song is “Misbehavin’” from Righteous Gemstones, a bop like NO OTHER.
Favorite movies of the year:
No Hard Feelings, Saltburn, Barbie, M3GAN, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, Rye Lane, Next Goal Wins, Quiz Lady, Eileen, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Cocaine Bear 🤣
First fandom of the year:
In January I had a major Jurassic Park/World resurgence wherein I watched all the Lego Jurassic World shows about Claire and Owen on Netflix and also read all of Tess Sharpe’s tie-in novels, while also feeling nine zillion feelings about Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler on the side because they are THE movie otp. I regret none of this, it was fun as hell.
Best new fandom discovery of the year:
The Gilded Age. I can’t believe I was living without Bertha and George Russell, and Julian Fellowes’ extremely stupid yet incomparably enchanting writing, for so long.
Biggest fandom disappointment of the year:
Ted and Rebecca not happening and also not getting nearly as much significant screentime together as I wanted. 😭 That one hurt me real hard, even though I always kind of saw it coming. I somehow just knew all the way back in season 1 that it was too wonderful and refreshing to happen. But even more disappointing to me was Keeley and Roy not getting back together. (And the fake-out of them seeming to get back together and then not really doing so. Ouch!) I wish they hadn’t broken up at all! That whole plotline gets a million thumbs downs from me. It made me feel so, so bad inside, a badness that never healed.
Honorary mention: Roman and Gerri’s last ever interaction getting deleted from 4.09!!!!!!! FERAL SCREAM!!!!!
I also really didn’t like what they did with Orlo’s character in s3 of The Great.
Biggest squee moments of the year:
(I can’t possibly narrow ‘em down well but let’s try.)
Like the entirety of OFMD season two, but I’ll narrow it down with great restraint to Mermaid Stede, the conversation on the sofa in “Fun and Games,” and the “You wear fine things well” redux kiss.
Roman watching Gerri recite the limerick and being besotted! Gerri caring about Roman with her eyeballs at the funeral! Roman’s Gerri tribute martini! Gerri smiling at Roman making fun of Greg that one time even though he didn’t know she was! It was a rough season, okay!
Guillermo dancing in the Pride Parade episode! Nandor always knowing that Guillermo didn’t have what it took to be a vampire and helping him become human again! The vampires doing the news!
Old ladies Midge and Susie making each other laugh at the end of TMMM! What a perfect way to go out.
Rebecca spitting her tea in Ted’s face in an act of fond vengeance. I really thought we were so happening after that one, mates! (And that moment in the hallway! And the Ted’s A Work In Progmess scene! Everything that made it feel like it might be happening!!!)
I also squeed during the Morning After Ted In Rebecca’s Kitchen Fakeout until I was dashed back down upon the rocks of cruel reality. Congratulations, show: I 100% fell for it. (Though part of that was because the people watching with me were like, “Wow, congratulations! It happened!” as if I had somehow personally willed it into happening. And you know I would have if I could have!)
Crowley and Aziraphale’s big scene at the end of Good Omens. It was a squee moment tinged with terrible pain, but such a squee moment nonetheless!
Also, Aziraphale’s “Smitten, I believe” lil’ look/remark. Will delight me forever.
Gregory and Janine kissing on Abbott Elementary! The flowers!!!!!!
Kelvin and Keefe’s first kiss (finally!) on The Righteous Gemstones!
Also on The Righteous Gemstones: Judy and BJ walking into the party to “Dance Hall Days” while BJ is rocking his shorts-romper ensemble. A moment that simply stunned me!
The end of the first episode (I think?) of Beef where “The Reason” by Hoobastank is playing specifically in the context of, I just found my nemesis whose life I’m going to make a misery. That made me so happy.
Seeing the Doctor and Donna Noble together again!
Favorite Main Character of the Year:
Catherine from The Great. Season three was such a tour de force for Elle Fanning, and I just loved every note of her character’s journey! I’m so bummed that we won’t get to see what happens to her next and I’m going to miss that performance and that character so much. 😢 She is INCREDIBLE!
Favorite Villain of the Year:
The briefly-seen Logan Roy, and the way he haunted his kids and kept tearing them apart after he died, and yet they still stared at him with such love and fondness and longing in that video in the finale and then proceeded to try to tear each other to shreds because that’s what he raised them to do. AAAH!
Favorite m/f couple of the year:
Gotta be RomanGerri. Good lord, what a time we had!
Runner-up: George and Bertha Russell, the morally questionable marrieds of my dreams.
Favorite f/f couple of the year:
I loved Midge/Susie with all my heart and rambled weirdly about them being Luke/Lorelai in (slightly) different clothes for the entire run of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, from the pilot being in that pilots contest onwards (remember that??). So it was just so wonderful and satisfying to have their relationship so loved on in the last season. And to get some canon ‘Susie is in love with Midge’ vibes going on, aaah! (Midge is in love with Susie, too. To me.)
Runner-up: Anne and Mary on Our Flag Means Death. I know they were only there for one episode but I’m god damn obsessed with them and will always dream of seeing them again in hypothetical s3. Staying at Ed and Stede’s inn? Swashbuckling into their lives on the high seas, possibly wearing other people’s faces? I will take ANYTHING!!! They ARE love and romance!!!!!!!!
Favorite m/m couple of the year:
Ed/Stede!!!!!!!! They came back to me!!!!!!! They were so in love and so deranged about it in so many moments that were absolute bangers!!!!!!!!! It was a total dream come true and I will never love another season of television quite in the way that I love season two of OFMD!!!!!!!!!
Also Crowley and Aziraphale, hoo boy. Don’t think I’ve forgotten what season two did to us as a society!!!! It was spectacular and I loved every minute of my deranged feelings.
And Nandermo always always always, and more with every season. Sorry, WWDITS showrunner dude!
Favorite fictional friendship of the year:
I really enjoyed getting to see Mabel and Oliver and Charles again in Only Murders in the Building season three! And the Rez Dogs in Reservation Dogs, which I finally watched! And the return of the Doctor and Donna to finish off the year!
Also, this doesn’t totally count as friendship per se, but George obstinately pretending to be Catherine’s bestie for self-preservation reasons in season three of The Great was riveting at every second and I was obsessed with it.
Your fictional boyfriend of the year?:
Edward Teach, going through every single human emotion and being so god damn beautiful doing it! 🥹
Your fictional girlfriend of the year?:
Gerri Kellman, my love, my light, THE stone-cold killer bitch of all time. 👑👑👑
Fandom that you never expected to get into:
I guess I never expected to get AS into Succession as I did. But somehow that final season really hit the exact vibe of ‘Your dreams could come true but they never will’ that absolutely and lastingly obsessed me.
Fandom that made an unexpected comeback:
Community, I guess? I’ve been really fixated on Community since our rewatch was begun! I always forget exactly HOW obsessed and emotionally invested I am until I am watching it again. And then I’m left in an abyss of feelios.
Fandom that inspired the most crack:
Oh, it’s gotta be Succession. That’s the only way to engage with Succession.
Last fandom of the year:
As mentioned: I am currently very in my Community feels due to my rewatch! Oh, does this show ever dwell in a tender and sweet place in my heart.
Overall favorite fandoms of the year:
Succession, Good Omens, OFMD
Your main fandom of the year:
Oh, gosh. Is it Succession?? I feel like the three above all got some major attention, but Succession might have been stretched out over the longest amount of time. Just, y’know. All that trying to recover!
The most missed of your old fandoms:
My year was definitely too Gilmore Girls lite for my liking! I also already miss Ted Lasso and simply insist that they make a fourth season. Even if they have to do it without Ted anymore 😢, I could dream of Roy and Keeley getting back together and see Rebecca and Nate and Higgins and Beard and the team and all my buddies again. I just feel like season three did not feel like an ending season and there’s still so much more juice in that ensemble.
Fandom resolutions for next year:
Just keep having a jolly time! Maybe watch less TV. Be more discerning in choosing which TV shows to watch so that there are more free hours in my day.
Fandom predictions for next year:
I predict Ted Lasso is going to come back in some form. It wasn’t over! It still isn’t over!! (I know if this happens it probably won’t include Ted, but wouldn’t it be hilarious if the desperate dream of Ted/Rebecca was suddenly back on? And by ‘hilarious’, I mean ‘everything to me’?)
I’m still quietly predicting the Killing Eve fix-it movie. I know it won’t happen, that Jodie and Sandra have moved on, but I’m dreaming of it anyway. And dreams can come true!
I predict that Jeff and Annie will finally get to be in love in the Community movie if it comes out. I am just choosing optimism and sweetness in this moment. I am choosing to believe.
In that vein: I predict that OFMD season three will exist!
I predict that Hugh Grant and Colin Firth will finally make a romcom together as the love interests. WHY NOT. IT'S TIME.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Music is life; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author’s note*
Well this is a first time for everything, although I’ll be honest I’ve been wanting to do a Stranger Things fanfic for awhile (like around s.2) but ever since the first episode of s.4 this man Eddie Munson has STOLEN my heart (and YES I’M STILL NUMB WITH WHAT HAPPENED). So I can speak for everyone that we NEED some Eddie fluff so I DELIVERED!!! Now there’s NO SPOILERS HERE, in fact I’d imagine this is as a PRE S.4 oneshot. Hope you all enjoy this and if there’s anymore Stranger things requests you wanna send my way, I’ve opened it up as a FANDOM TO WRITE just look at my pin post and see what character’s I’ll do.
ALSO SIDE NOTE. PLEASE LISTEN TO THE FILM SCORES I’VE LISTED. (honestly too lazy to do links plus you guys can just search them up on youtube or whatever streaming music service you use to set the mood).
Warnings: fluff, flirty Eddie, swearing.
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The chaos of lunchtime was the perfect time for me to escape to my music.  Now while some people would be listening to the latest pop artist, new Queen song, or for people like a certain boyfriend of mine, drown the world out with heavy metal. Me, well I prefer to listen to the great scores of my favorite movies, today’s mixtape was Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I sat with the other ‘band geeks’ as I fingered on the table each note of the main theme when sitting down beside me was my bffl Robin Buckley.
“What’s on the score box for today?”
“Raiders of the Lost Ark.” I replied pausing the song and removing my headphones.
“Ahh, your sexy go to movie.” She teased.
“Hey any chance to see Harrison Ford’s chest is a win in my books. Didn’t see enough of that in Star Wars.”
“I swear you’ve got the weirdest taste in actors.”
“Oh you’re just jealous cause a character like Indy can get a girl like Marion and you can’t. Don’t deny it! Last time I was at the video store and Steve had it playing in the background, you kept staring at her like the way you stare at Vickie.” She shushed me before tossing one of my French fries at me.  I gawked at her and threw a fry at her which made her laugh.
“Backtracking away from my failed attempts at a love life, how are things going with yours?” she asked me.
“Great. Couldn’t be better.”
“You know I still sometimes can’t believe that you and Eddie Munson are a thing.” I shrugged.
“He’s really not so bad once you get to know him. We’re both nerds, enjoy music, and are basically all types of insanity wrapped up in a sack trying to survive in this fucked up world that is high school.”
“One thing though, your music tastes are way beyond being the same thing.”
“True. He tries to get me over to the dark side but I refuse. Sorry but his metal taste in music sucks.”
“Which surprises me that you both have stayed together for a year.”
“Oh trust me Rob. We have our fights about it, not in public but they can get pretty nasty.”
“Oh by nasty you mean swapping spit with each other to try and make your points across.”
“We do not swap spit. He tries to give me hickeys.”
“Same thing.” I shoved her arm as I stuffed some fries into my mouth.
“You know, instead of hassling me about my love life, why don’t I help you with yours?”
“God I swear you’re worse than Steve.” I grinned.
“Come on songbird, you know I care about you right? Band geeks in diapers remember?”
“Yeah, yeah nightingale. Band geeks in diapers.” Since Robin and I had been besties since we were practically babies, we always called each other a type of bird (and since we both love music and been taking band since middle school together) she calls me Nightingale since they’re the most passionate singers in the bird realm, and I call her songbird cause of the way she always plays her instruments so beautifully.
“And hell I could be your wing-woman if you ever need me too. You know I could give a crap about what people say about me. They already rat on me for both being in band and for dating Eddie.”
“As much as one would appreciate that, I don’t want you to be looked at as the ‘freak of sexuality’. I’ll just…..find my own way. Besides Steve and I are hoping to combine our failed relationships together to hopefully find the right match for us. I need his confidence and he needs my perfect perception on what he wants.”
“I’m not gonna voice out on what I think on what that love child is gonna look like.” She shoved me as I chuckled. “Kidding! Kidding. Hey speaking of that lovable dingus, could you tell him to stop stalking me and Eddie on our dates?”
“Oh god, what’d he do now?” she whined.
“He came into the diner, in probably the worst disguise ever. Fake mustache and everything, even tried to pull off the worst Irish accent I’d ever heard.”
“Are you serious?”
“Robin. He told me pip-pip da-doodley-do.” She cringed but also laughed. “I swear Steve’s a sweetheart, especially after what we went through with the—you know Russians. But sometimes he can be such a—”
“Overbearing dumbass? Yeah I totally get it. He’s the same with me. But I’ll talk to him, get him to lay off before your next outing with your man.”
“Thanks Robin, I owe yah.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” She said with an evil, cunning grin. I shook my head at her and went back to listening to Raiders for the remainder of lunch.
Once school was over, I walked towards the isolated picnic table deep within the woods in the back of the school.  I had traded out Raiders of the Lost Ark for Empire strikes back and I fast forward the mixtape until I knew it would lay in (what I would also call mine and Eddie’s love theme) ‘Han Solo and the Princess’.
I sat along the table waiting patiently as I allowed the gently intro of the love theme take me away.  It wasn’t until the horns started playing when I felt two hands cover my eyes and my right headphone was removed.
“You really shouldn’t leave yourself vulnerable like this. You never know what kind of dangers lurk in these woods.” Eddie’s voice whispered teasingly in my ear.  I giggled and turned to face him as his hands removed themselves from my eyes.
“Oh really? And what kind of scoundrels should I be on the lookout for?”
“Scoundrel?” he said in mock offense as he took my hand in both of his gently squeezing it (much like Han did with Leia in Empire). “Scoundrel?” he repeated with a smirk. “I like the sound of that.” In timing with the music I could feel my heart fluttering hard against my chest and my breath nearly being taken away.
“Stop that.” I couldn’t help myself but say.  Thankfully Eddie and I share the same love for quoting films at each other as he said.
“Stop what?”
“Stop that. My hands are dirty.”
“My hands are dirty too, what are you afraid of?” Eddie said squeezing my hand once more, even giving it a soft massage (it felt twice as good since my last class was English and we had to write an essay for the whole class before turning it in).
“Afraid?” I asked incredulously.
“You’re trembling.” He said slowly leaning closer and closer towards me.
“I’m not trembling.” Eddie gave his infamous grin as his forehead pressed against mine, and I could feel his curls gently brush and tickle across my face.
“You like me because I’m a scoundrel. There aren’t enough scoundrels in your life.” He teased as his nose brushed against mine.
“I happen to like nice men.” I teased.
“I’m a nice man.” Inch by inch his lips brushed against mine until I leaned forward and kissed him right as the music reached it’s brief crescendo before decrescendo-ing to the part where 3PO basically cockblocks their moment.
Eddie reached over for my Walkman and stopped the tape but never once separated our lips until the need for air took over us both.  Our foreheads pressed together and I couldn’t help but say.
“That just made it ten times better.”
“And what song were you playing this time?”
“Our song.”
“Ahh. Han Solo and the Princess.”
“Yep. Although today was mostly Raiders but I figured I’d test this moment out with our song. See if we could make the kiss feel even more—thrilling.”
“And did it?” he said pulling me into his lap.
“Along with quoting the scene in perfect timing with the music, kissing you already feels like I’m on an all-time high. But with our song—Eddie I saw the entire galaxy.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck so that I could brush my fingers through those soft curly locks.
“God you are such a cheesy poet.” He chuckled.
“Look who’s talking Mr. ‘My heart beats faster than Gareth’s suckish drumming everytime I look at you’.” He covered my mouth with his hand.
“You know I have a reputation. If anyone hears you say that, I’ll…..”
“Be labeled as the school’s softie? You know that’s what you’ll always be to me Eddie-bear.” He lowered his head bashfully as he groaned in embarrassment.
“That nickname again.”
“Yes that nickname. Now c’mon let’s go. I’m making mac and cheese tonight.”
“With those homemade biscuits of yours?”
“Don’t I always make them with mac and cheese?” I stood up and Eddie followed right behind me like a puppy as the two of us headed for his van and he drove us to my house.
Since my parents were away on a business trip all the way in Dublin, Ireland, that left me to handle the house (which also meant free sleepovers between Eddie and I).  He always preferred coming here, even though I don’t mind going over to his uncle’s trailer.
“But in all seriousness, you have got to admit that you at least liked Metallica. If not Shout at the Devil.” He said as he stuffed the last bit of my homemade biscuit into his mouth.
“Eddie, I’m not denying anything it’s just that—there’s more to music than just heavy head bangers and lyrics being screamed so loud and rasply that you can’t understand what they’re saying.” I said going through my records of all my favorite movie soundtracks.
“Alright, alright I’ll admit doing the covers of some of those screaming metal songs is hard on my voice. But you can’t deny a good head-banger.”
“The last time I head-banged to Bohemian Rhapsody, I hit my head on the counter in Robin’s living room and ended up with 6 stitches in my head.” I said rubbing my right temple where the scar was hidden underneath my wildly, untamed hair.  
“Aww my poor baby.” He cooed as he brought me in a one arm hugged, removed my hand and replaced it with his lips.  “Guess that means no more Queen music for you.”
“Oh I still listen to them. Can’t deny they’ve basically changed the way music is. Plus the first ever band to do a music video that basically sparked MTV, fuck yeah. But in all honesty, there’s something about the pure beauty and raw emotion that program music has.”
“Program music?” he asked confused.
“That’s what my uncle calls it. You know the one who plays for the London Symphony.”
“Is that the same uncle who you say actually got to record for films like Star Wars, Superman and ET?”
“Don’t forget JAWS and Raiders.”
“Right how can I forget that? And what instrument did you say he played again?”
“The French Horn. Remember I told you he’s the one who actually plays that solo for the Binary sunset in A New Hope.”
“Oh yeah that’s right. Damn you’ve got such a metal uncle.”
“Hey Wayne’s a pretty cool dude. At least he’s kept you on the straight and narrow.”
“True. Been more of a dad to me than my old man ever was. Though I wish he would’ve been those uncles you’d allow me to have my first beer at 16. Still did it anyways but you know.”
“Edward Munson you are the devil incarnate.”
“Oh yeah?” he hummed as he smirked at me mischievously. Suddenly I felt him come up behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist and I heard him growl in my ear, “Well if I’m the Devil, you are my Lilith.” He let out a playful roar as he suddenly threw us backwards on my bed, the weight of the two of us making us slightly bounce as he kept a firmer grip around my waist.
He then buried his face into my neck and altered between gently nipping the skin, or just being straight up mean as he blew raspberries into the sensitive parts of my neck making it tickle.
“No tickling. No tickling!” I said trying to scrunch my neck to protect myself.
“Oh if it’s tickling you want,” I soon felt his fingers dig into my sides as I let out a shriek of laughter.
“Eddie plhehehease!” I screamed in laughter before he finally stopped and rolled me over till I was on my side and the two of us were facing each other.
“Never change, my beautiful, beautiful (Y/n).” he said stroking the hair out of my face.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He softly grinned before bopping my nose which made me softly giggle before he leaned in and kissed the tip of it.
“So, care to give me a…whatcha call it uhh—Program music? Yeah program music education?”
“Are you for real?”
“Well figured I’ve stuffed you with pretty much every one of my favorite metal bands, think it’s about time I learn a little about your music taste. So long as you don’t give me any of those old dudes from like the dinosaur age.”
“Eddie, Bach and Beethoven didn’t exist in the dinosaur age.”
“Well you know what I mean.”
“Darn there goes my first lesson then.” We both chuckled as he playfully ruffled my head but I got out of his grip before returning to my vinyl records and started to search for the first album I could introduce him to.
I pulled it out of the case and went over to my record player and set the record up before turning it on.
“So what’s first on the music appreciation list Ms. (L/n)?” Eddie said as he sat up on my bed.
“The first ever summer blockbuster.” The record started to spin and all was silent before the haunting two notes came up.
“JAWS?” he guessed.
“I’ll tell yah, first time I saw this movie, couldn’t sleep for a month and literally threw a temper tantrum begging my parents not to take me to the beach. Not to mention that besides television, this would be the spark that would launch John William’s career as a composer. And that it only took two notes to instill true terror, the like of which Freddy Krueger nor Michael Myers could never pull.” I said the last part in a haunting tone as I came up to him and sat on his lap.
As the music got faster as I spoke, I could already see the terror in Eddie’s eyes.
“Jesus……you’re already starting to scare me.”
“Good. That’s the power of music like this. Now close your eyes.” He looked at me skeptically but with a raised brow from me, he did as he was told.  “Imagine: you’re out in the middle of a large body of water. But you’re not on any boat, nor canoe, not even a wooden plank to float on. Blissfully unaware of what lurks just beneath you. But it slowly, silently gets closer….and closer….and closer until…..” when the tightening of the strings pierced my empty room I saw Eddie give a flinch.
He was seeing it!
“It has you by the leg. You feel yourself being pulled across the water. Pain and fear succumbs your very being as your screaming, begging for your life to be spared. The water around you erupting into frantic splashing as your body is being thrashed around like a ragdoll. Your screams piercing the air but there’s no one in sight to save you. Then all is still.” As the music went still I paused for dramatic effect.  “You think it’s heard your pleas and let you go. But then you feel it’s grip on you again, pulling your body once more. Your screaming resumes but you know it will only fall on deaf ears. Then with a final cry, you’re finally pulled under the water. The water now starts to still, and all is quiet.”
As the gently yet frantic sounds of the xylophone plays in the background signaling that the horrific scene had ended and all was back to normal.  Like nothing had happened.
“Jesus H Christ. Can I open my eyes now?”
“Yes you can open them.” He opened his eyes and looked straight at me.  “I should have you sub for me as DM with the way you just described that horrifying scene. And I know you haven’t seen that movie in a while to remember exactly what happened.”
“Told you. That’s the power of program music. It don’t have to match the scene word by word that it’s shown in the films. Or like with normal music how a lyric distracts the listener from the actual rhythm and melody being played. It can be erratic, moving, heartbreaking, and it’ll fit the scene of life itself.”
“Damn. You are a music philosopher.”
“Well I wouldn’t say that. My uncle just knows how to read music’s emotions and he taught me what he knows.”
“You got anything else?”
“Tons. Care to see why I think the Superman theme song is like the greatest opening to ever exist?”
“Compared to Star Wars?! Oh babe we’re gonna have another fight if you say that again.”
“You wanna debate, let’s debate. Star Wars opening theme is great, no denying that. But Superman’s theme song actually says its name.”
“When does it say that? I’ve seen that film enough times and I don’t hear anybody singing ‘Superman!’” he argued.  I stood up and turned my record player off and took the JAWS record out and began to search for my Superman tape.  I walked over to my stereo and turned it on and opened the slot and put the tape in before closing it and pressed play.
“Prepare to eat your words Munson.” I challenged as the opening started off soft.
“Not until you eat your own (L/n).” the suspense of the tuba soon began as I turned my stereo up as loud as I could and tapped along to the steady beats of the horns and strings as it began to build the suspense of Superman’s arrival.
“Okay, here it comes…..it’s coming…..is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s……SUPERMAN!!” right on cue the high suspense the whole orchestra went into full forte as the theme song actually said SUPERMAN
“HA! See I told you it didn’t say it!” Eddie exclaimed.
“It so did listen to it again!” I exclaimed as the orchestra repeated the superman part once again.
“You’re in denial sweetheart. I still don’t hear it.”
“God all that heavy metal has made you go deaf.”
“What was that missy!?!? I couldn’t hear yah!!” he shouted in my ear as he rubbed his own with his finger, trying to rub away the ‘deafness’. I shoved him away but he soon caught my hand then lifted me as high as he could as he spun me around.
“Eddie put me down yah big oaf!” I laughed as I exclaimed. He laughed as he continued to spin me around my entire room before falling down to my bed once again with me hovering over him.  Our laughter mixed together as the song continued to play in the background. “You are such a dork.”
“Your dork. But hey wouldn’t that count Superman a dork? He does work for the Daily Planet and wears those ugly glasses.”
“True but Christopher Reeves made them work.”
“Do I sense competition in the midst of my lady’s affections?”
“Only in a dream. But never fear good sir knight, you are the only man who has my heart.” I said as I rubbed over his heart.
“Good. Cause I don’t think I would last in a fight with Superman.” We both laughed and I said.
“I don’t think any of us could. Besides his heart belongs to Lois Lane. I could never compete with her.”
“In my opinion, you’re prettier than Lois Lane.”
“Aww Eddie you sweet-talker.” I leaned forward and captured his lips with mine right as the song came to an end.
We continued on with the Superman tape until the flying sequence came about I had to speak my mind.
“Now I both love and hate this song from the track.”
“Oh really? Why’s that?” Eddie asked as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer.
“Well not only because of how they shot it after he takes her into the air with the whole physics about how he holds her hand and they’re both flying together normally. But the stupid monologue Lois says during the music. It just—doesn’t fit well. In my mind, I imagined Superman holding her fairly close.”
“You mean like this?” Eddie said as he wrapped his other arm around me.
“Yes. Then we’d just—see them flying together. The music itself is beautiful on its own but her fucking monologue drones it out completely on film. For me personally, there are some scenes in film where we should just— let the music speak for itself. The fascination she already has for Superman, the closeness of their bodies pressed together. The lingering looks they share with one another as he takes her higher and higher into the sky. That’s why I’ll always pick the Binary Sunset over this song any day.”
“You’re not just saying that because your uncle has a solo in that song.”
“No. You know how we’re introduced to Luke right?” he nodded. “The Binary sunset, it—it allows us to also feel exactly what Luke feels. The longing, the desperation, the need, hope and the dream to have something far beyond our reach like the sun.”
“Damn you are really getting deep here babe. How did we ever work out?”
“We work out because you’re funny, you’re sweet, loyal to your friends, a good mentor to the present and future members of Hellfire. And you’ve got such an imagination that could only rival mine. Plus you’re the only guy whose accepted me for my own unique nerdiness. Not even the guys in band would touch me with a ten foot pole.”
“Well those band geeks are blind to see the true goddess that’s before them. All those guys they’re just doing band to get an elective credit. You—you have a truly, fiery passion for the music you play. Long to play, and may eventually play. Can you imagine if they ever did bring Lord of the rings to life? I’m sure the music is gonna need a player with as much passion as you. And I’m gonna be right there cheering you on and listening for yah.”
“Thank Eddie, it really means a lot to me.” He smiled then leaned in and kissed me softly.
“You think we can quote Star Wars all the way through just listening to the scores?” he asked me.
“You really gotta ask that?” I stood up from my bed and switched the Superman tape for A New Hope.  “One thing though, it doesn’t include the 20th Century Fox theme song.”
“Ahh the bastards!” he playfully groaned.
“So care to do the honors Ed?”
“Princess, it’d be my pleasure.” He then grabbed my own version of Brian May’s red special guitar, plugged it into my amp and turned it up as loud as he could.  I then grabbed two pencils and began the drum roll of the company’s theme song before Eddie played the horns section on the electric guitar.  Never before have I heard it be played on anything else but damn did he shred it and to use my guitar, it was pure poetry.
He unplugged my guitar and turned my amp off as we both said the title card introduction.
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” I pressed play and right on cue the full forte of the Orchestra played throughout my room. “Care to do the honors Dungeon Master?”
“As you wish my fair Princess.” He said before reading out the actual credit roll all the way through in his DM style of how he narrates his campaigns for his club.  From there on, it was the two of us acting out the scenes based off the scores that played out.
We also couldn’t help ourselves with quoting the rest of the movie and right as we came up to my favorite part, I turned to my window balcony and saw that the sun was just about to set.
“Oh my god.”
“Uhh that’s not the quote that comes next babe.” Eddie said.
“No Eds look, the sun’s setting. Oh let’s pause this and you’ll see what I mean come on!” I turned to stereo towards the window and grabbed Eddie’s hand as we went out to my small little balcony and stared at the sunset together.
*Eddie’s POV*
As my girl dragged me to her makeshift balcony and the rays of the sunset landed upon her face, I could hear the sound of the flute starting off the most epic part of the song.  Then as her uncle’s solo came into play, I immediately felt this—fluttery feeling in my stomach.
This angel nay this—goddess of music that stood at my side. She—she was my everything. My wants, my hopes, my dreams. Everything I wish to do, want to do I—I want her to be there at my side.  As the orchestra rose in volume, there was this wave of—god I can’t even describe it.
All I did know was that I never once took my eyes off of (Y/n) for a second as my heart swelled and I could feel my chest constricting with whatever this emotion I was feeling.
 “….d? Ed? Eddie.” I snapped out of my trance and said.
“What? What was it?” (Y/n) only smiled and reached up to touch the corner of my eye.  It was then I felt that I actually had tears in my eyes.
“You felt it too, didn’t you.” She said it as more of a statement than a question.  I sniffled softly and nodded.
“That’s what you feel everytime?” she nodded. “God babe that…..that was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I felt—warm and…..god I can’t even describe it.”
“Music is the way of life. It’s all around us. Just like I’ve always said.” I cupped her face into my hands and asked her.
“I wanna feel it again. But this time with our song. Please sweetheart? I—I wanna feel it again, but this time as I kiss you.” God I’m sounding like such a sap right now but fuck it! This is a high I’ve never been on and I wanna feel what my girl feels every day she listens to these songs, especially how she described our kiss earlier today with our Star Wars love theme.
She placed her hands over mine and kissed my left palm before taking me back inside her room and switched out the tapes.
“Shall we quote the scene again?”
“I wanna try your theory of just letting the music speak for itself.” I answered.  She nodded and pressed rewind and waited for a couple of seconds before pressing play to see if it was our song.
“Okay let’s just let this last section of Boba Fett play out and then nothing but silence.” She said as she came up and wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist pulling her close.
Soon the gentle melody of our love theme started playing over the speakers.  As she gently brushed the hair out of my eyes I could already feel my heart racing faster than it’s ever gone before.  There was a lump in my throat but for some strange reason it felt like the good kind of lump.  Honestly I can’t explain it as beautifully as my musical goddess does, but all I can say was that I liked it.  A lot. It wasn’t a sexual pull, but a truly, deep, love connection (much like Aragorn and Arwen).
I lifted my hands to gently cup her face.  My thumbs gently stroking along where her cute dimples were hidden and I pressed my forehead against hers, our noses gently and affectionately nuzzling the other’s.  We both soon leaned in and as the music got louder our lips met and I swear to god—it was like a firework just exploded in my gut.
We separated and (Y/n) reached over and turned off the stereo as the two of us softly panted.
“Shit……” I gasped out.  
“What’s the verdict doc?” she asked.
“Best……high……ever.” I chuckled and she followed with soft laughter. “You were right. God that was—I know I always get butterflies in my stomach and my heart races every time I kiss you but with our song setting the mood…..holy shit.”
“Like I said. There’s more to music than just headbangers.”
“I’ll never question your wisdom again, my beautiful muse.” I said bringing her into yet another, more passionate kiss.  We walked right towards her bed and she collapsed once more onto it, and I immediately crawled on top of her.  “So what shall it be Princess? Want to make beautiful music of our own?”
“With most scoundrels I wouldn’t but for you, always.”
“I love you.”
“I know.” She said with a grin and a twinkle in her eye before wrapping her hand around the back of my neck and bringing me down to kiss her once more.
That’s a night I’ll never forget, I think out of all my shows I’ve performed, this one will always be my favorite.  Because it was just me, my best girl, and the two of us making music with our bodies all night long.
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leverage-ot3 · 5 months
I was tagged by my buddy and old siren (freeform) mutual @imaginejolls for this ask game!
Star Sign(s): Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising
Favorite Holidays: halloween :3
Last Meal: my mom's cajun beef stew with rice pilaf and a roll
Current Favorite Musician: I've been listening to a lot of noah kahan recently (vermont represent), but I also adore hozier, gracie abrams, lizzie mcalpine, phoebe bridgers, etc. I've never been the same since I was told my taste in music was yallternative. I also love lil nas x and found a new musician through tiktok that goes by brye that is really good
Last Music Listened To: the playlist I listen to the most, especially for sleep: immaculate fall vibes (technically the name of the playlist is just a bunch of the artists featured in it but the description is immaculate fall vibes). my most recent song was save me by noah kahan
Last Movie Watched: this is so embarrasing but I watched the meg with my dad yesterday lmao. I have a weakness for stupid monster movies (we used to watch the shittiest syfy movies together when I was in hs. the shittier the better). I thought he'd like it because jason statham but he was meh about it
Last TV Show Watched: last one I was invested in was the new episode of percy jackson, but I did watch a little bit of that polish show high water on netflix the other day which seemed interesting
Last Book/Fic Finished: god I actually haven't been reading fic for a hot minute which is really surprising. probably my reread of of the northmost winds and skies by @jjackfrost. wasn't in the crossover fandom until earlier this year but actually adore that pairing. this is now my comfort longfic (+400k). it's so good, I read it and I wasn't even in the fandom at the time and it was amazing!!! all the characters are written so well, the voices and pov are great, the worldbuilding and storyling is amazing! I've gushed in the comments before but ugh I love it so so much. inject this into my mf veins
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I don't really abandon fics, I just wait for them to get updated again. as for books, I really tried to get into loveless by alice oseman because aroace rep but I couldn't really get into it :/
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment (not going to list all the fics I'm waiting for updates for because I can't remember them all and the ones I can remember would take up like multiple pages lol)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ooo this is hard. technically speaking I've been hyperfixated on playing animal crossing so the most recent thing I looked up for that was what treasure islands were lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: oooo I'm not sure actually? I really love having mutuals even if we don't talk. I also really enjoy when people engage with my posts and appreciate my tags and aus. I like sharing my thoughts and ideas with you guys and it's so heartwarming and validating when y'all enjoy it right back
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I agree with jolly, I miss siren dearly. can they just do a leverage in like five years and retcon the last season? thanks
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: probably some of the kdramas I've watched. I adored the guest on netflix but there's no fandom. I really REALLY wanted some fix-it fics for the ending of my name but there weren't any because the fandom was too small :(
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: so many things that I jump between (the adhd of it all lmao). I really would like to make a leverage ot3: are they queer video essay and I have some stuff typed up BUT I work in the healthcare field and I'm really hesitant of putting myself on video because when you work in this field it can be weird if clients or employers find your channel. so that's technically on hold for privacy reasons rn. I also really want to learn how to sew and make clothes and my roommate has even offered to help (they used to do competitive cosplay) but I'm just very unmotivated. I want to get back into witchy things but don't have the mental energy to invest in that other than appreciating my stones
tagging 10 moots but anyone can play!!!: @leverageclips @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline @peachyteabuck @vampirewalterskinner @buzzmcnab @sidras-tak @my-beloved-lakes @kajaono @suddenrundown
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kdramaxoxo · 1 year
Hey I love your blog soooooo much!! 💖 I’m going through a tough time rn and I was wondering if you had any funny kdrama recommendations?! Or kdramas that made you feel really happy when you watched it?!
Thank you for all your posts and recommendations btw! I’ve loved so many of your recommendations and I’m so grateful for your blog!!💕💕💕
Oh anon i'm so sorry you're going through it :( Thank you so much for the blog love and hopefully one of these will fit your mood!
K-dramas to brighten your day:
Shopping King Louie (romcom): Ridiculously fun and lighthearted romp following a spoiled and useless chaebol with amnesia who is being taken care of by a country bumpkin in the city. Very low stakes, super adorable couple, and as many tropes as you can fit in your bag, this one is one of my favorites to recommend.
Extraordinary You/ A Day Found By Chance (fantasy/romance): This magical k-drama has my heart. It plays with all of the predictable tropes and then just goes crazy! While not perfect towards the end, I give this show bonus points for being super creative AND inspiring me to read a LOT of fan fic. I think about this drama more than any other.
Soundtrack #1: (romance) A short drama about two friends. One of them is helping the other write a love song (while also being in love with her). It’s cute!
Hit The Spot: rom/com-ish: Just a heads up this is legit rated-r and has graphic sex scenes. I don't usually go for that (and actually the scenes are pretty funny to me personally - the first episode starts that way but I swear you can just skip those scenes) but the actual drama was soooo good (and maybe sponsored by a sex toy company?) Hani delivers (i love her so much) and the sex positive messaging and just two ladies getting what they need?? So funny and so fun!! But take care if this isn't for you.
Run On: (rom com) This show follows four people in their daily lives: An athletic, a translator, a CEO and an artist. Soft soft couples!! Y'all know I love this slice of life rom com for so many reasons, but you might not know that Kang Tae Oh’s character (the painter) is like one of my dream boys. BLORBO FROM MY SHOWS.
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Have a Nice Dessert (another cute web drama): If you’re looking for low angst and a super soft boy, this is your drama!! It’s a web drama (youtube) about a girl who loves photographing desserts and the boy who likes her.  Like all web dramas, it’s short, and there’s really no time for angst and breakups :)
The Best Hit / Hit The Top (romcom): A famous 90′s boyband dude travels into the future and meets up with his family and friends in this really cute drama featuring Yoon Shi Yoon. I LOVE Yoon Shi Yoon in pretty much everything but this role was made for him - he is hilarious. It’s a slice of life but features the k-pop music industry so the setting is unique.
Into The Ring (workplace/romcom): The perfect slice-of-life rom com! Goo Se Ra has trouble holding down a job due to her passionate personality so after she loses her latest job working for the ML, she decides to run for a small government office position because it pays a salary. Literally she does it for the money which is just *chef’s kiss.* The show is about her dealing with local politics and it’s SO FUNNY and smart and the OTP is the best! 
Eulachacha Waikiki / Laughter In Waikiki: (ridiculous comedy) I hope you’re ready for a crazy amount of unlikely situations and nutty hijinks because this show is probably one the most silly ones I’ve ever watched. It follows a group of friends who own a hostel so it’s a slice of life drama. At certain points I was like “this is TOO silly” but I’m glad I stuck with it cause it was so hilarious. Plus, the baby is a star!
Light On Me (web drama bl): I absolutely adored this simple and sweet drama! One of my favorite korean BLs EVER! Because it’s longer than the average Korean BL, it actually has: *cues triumphant music* Character development!
Fight for My Way (romcom) I love this drama! The couple is one of my OTPs and it’s really funny and a mostly lighthearted story of a group of friends. It’s down to earth and adorable - I’ve never had anyone complain about this one!
Wok of Love: (romcom) Despite the fact that the show was shortened by two episodes because of sports, this drama is a funny and quirky show worth watching. Many people dropped it because it was SO crazy for the first couple of episodes (it has a talking horse people!), but it does settle into a really sweet and fun story about a chef, a gangster and a rich girl and her family. If you love food, this show is for YOU!
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Splash Splash Love: (short drama) Featuring a girl struggling with her studies and magically ends up in an ancient land working for a king! It’s awesome!
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo: Super cute and fluffy drama featuring a female weightlifter lacking confidence, and a popular and good looking swimmer. Romance & great friendships!
Top Management: Adorable mini drama about a girl who can see the future and becomes the rookie manager for a kpop band. Fun and easy (plus they seem to be setting it up for another season…)
***J-drama rec*** Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: (romance, fluff, represenation!)  If you’re used to k-dramas were everything could go wrong at any time, you’re in for a real treat! Cherry Magic is my absolute favorite drama of last year and this year combined (even with a silly name like it has!) - It’s the ONLY show I’ve ever given a 10/10 rating to. An introverted guy finds out a seemingly popular and confident co-worker has a crush on him. This drama is so so soft, so so sweet and it has not one but TWO ace characters and a lot of gay panic! I’ve rewatched it recently and smiled the ENTIRE time. Plus there’s a valentines day special that’s really fun.
Bonus short shows for instant relief:
Gaduri Sushi Restaurant
Semantic Error
Out of Breath (gl!)
The Best Mistake
Kiss Goblin
Enjoy and I hope you feel better soon!!
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dyeinggoosenoises · 5 months
1-25 new years ask game
1. Song of the year?
Good As It Gets by Little Hurt
2. Album of the year?
I don’t really listen to albums
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Noah Kahan
4. Movie of the year?
uhhh I don’t watch many movies but probably Nimona
5. TV show of the year?
Young Royals :]]
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
hm I’m not really sure what this question is asking
7. Favorite actor of the year?
Ruby Cruz 😌😌
8. Game of the year?
Board game or video game? I don’t really play board games unless it’s with my family so my favourite video game was Tears of The Kingdom
9. Best month for you this year?
August for so many reasons
10. Something that made you cry this year?
I cried a lot but the worst was probably when I threw up a ton on our trip to Europe and sobbed for like an hour straight
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Uhh go to winter camp with pathfinders
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
I became friends with this girl from pathfinders and now we’re pretty close!
13. How was your birthday this year?
It was fun! I invited some friends over and we hung out
14. Favorite book you read this year?
My current read, Gwen & Art Are Not In Love
15. What's a bad habit you picked up this year?
I didn’t pick it up this year, but my nail biting has definitely gotten worse
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
I don’t actually have many pictures of myself so this one is from May lol (this is my favourite dress literally ever btw)
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(also this photo is from right after I tripped and scraped my elbow really badly so you can see the bandage)
17. Post a picture from the end of the year
The most recent photo of myself that I have is the absolute worst quality but oh well
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18. A memorable meal this year?
Umm idk my mum’s beef stew??
19. What're you excited about for next year?
Going on a trip with pathfinders to Toronto!
20. What's something you learned this year?
I learned that I am not in fact a girl
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
I got a new window in my room, and we redid the upstairs floors to hardwood instead of carpet
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
Ireland and Scotland (and England) definitely, I’ve got some really pretty pictures from there
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
I’d tell myself that it’s okay to still be figuring myself out
24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
I didn’t have any in the first place
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
I already described Ozzy and Micha when I answered this the other time so instead I’m gonna tell you about Claire. She’s my pjo OC and she’s a daughter of Iris. She’s 23 and she basically adopted Ozzy. She works a part time job while getting her degree in New Rome, and is slowly falling in love with a non binary classmate that I haven’t named yet
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