#on yqy's behalf
thegoldenavenger · 10 months
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i got tired so fast drawing this :( anyways, for The Grand Unified Theory of Shěn Qīngqiū for one of the beginning chapters.
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I think one of the reasons why SVSSS works better for me is that Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu are two different people. YQY remaining behind while SY heads off into his new life is sad for him but any other response from SY would feel manipulative and disingenious in a bad way. SY has no past he shares with YQY. But WWX shares a past with JC. They have that connenction. Furthermore, WWX's past is an integral part of the story unlike SY of whose past we learn next to nothing. Therefore, when he walks away, it feels bad. Not just on JC's behalf but also like WWX is cutting off a part of himself.
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tcfactory · 6 months
the obvious shenanigans that follow are well! if sj isnt going to socialise the poor beast then sy will! lqg staring like. "What is that." begging peak lord Liu's pardon, but this is a spiritual wolf that is meant to be under the care of peak lord shen. it requires socialising and i was informed you also possessed a spiritual wolf! the wolves, ofc, get on. sj wants to die when he finds out. he wont STOP them because that would make it worse but sToP WaGGinG YouR TaiL when liu-shidi comes over!!
Liu Qingge takes Shen Yuan at face value about the wolf - like, he knows Shen Qingqiu's daemon is a wolf, had seen its silhouette move in the shadows during night hunts, but this wolf is out in the open and is getting pets from Shen Yuan so he can't be Shen Qingqiu's Calamity (the wolf is actually called Harbor, like 'Safe harbor in a storm', but he would never admit to it so when people started making up names he just ran with the most menacing/powerful sounding one) - and during the next Peak Lord meeting he goes to confront Shen Qingqiu about neglecting a spirit beast in his care. How jealous does one have to be to hurt such a majestic wolf like that?! He can tell exactly what caused those scars and he will not stand for a fellow peak lord whipping innocent beasts!!
Shen Qingqiu can glare Yue Qingyuan into silence, but not quick enough to shut Shang Qinghua up before he can blurt out what's up. Liu Qingge demands that Shen Qingqiu prove himself by calling his daemon there. He's reluctant, but complies. Everyone is upset at the state of the wolf (did someone try to dock its tail to make it look a bit more like a dog?!?!!? yes, it was one of Qiu Jianluo's bright ideas to make them more obedient), most of them on Shen Qingqiu's behalf. Shen Qingqiu very much wants to strangle both Liu Qingge and Shang Qinghua, so Airplane reaches for the most convenient bombshell he has as distraction and blurts out what happened to Yue Qingyuan before he flees.
So now Shen Qingqiu has a regretful shidi (planning various nutritious and difficult to hunt monsters as apology gifts) a very regretful and kinda relieved shixiong (sporting one hell of a black eye) and a bunch of other mildly regretful and worried martial siblings and things are going to be fine. All thanks to one oblivious but very pretty hallmaster of his who he absolutely will not thank or fill in about what's up, no sir. (It's fine, it will take YQY and LQG maybe a day or two to get over their shock, realize what happened and start matchmaking, like the idiot sibling-types they are. Shen Qingqiu will have a supportive family whether he wants one or not, and we all know that he kinda really wants one actually.)
It's all going to be fine.
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cooliogirl101 · 6 months
bingge is 50% plotting his shizun’s murder + torture and 50% just super baffled by sayuri and i love that for him
Sayuri just being herself unknowingly accomplishes the impossible task of distracting SQQ from his past trauma (helps that past trauma is significantly lessened by her killing WYZ) and Bingge from his revenge.
I think endgame for Bingge in this AU is for him to a. finally trust someone and b. make a friend (the first one he’s ever made) that c. is female and d. he views in a completely platonic way and isn’t trying to secretly marry/fuck.
It’s a lot of character development for him.
Ironically, by Sayuri rejecting Bingge’s advances over and over again (which is a wholly new experience for him, a woman not wanting him?? That literally never happens), she unknowingly restores a lot of his faith that true love and devotion occur. I mean you can’t tell me that witnessing so many women betray their previous lovers for him didn’t play a role in his own insecurity and cynicism. Qiu Haitang, in refusing to stray so much as a millimeter in her loyalty to her husband, in refusing to so much as glance his way in a lustful manner, models the way LBH wishes his wives treated him in his previous life but had never quite managed in reality.
Eventually it comes out that SQQ and Qiu Haitang’s marriage is completely platonic. This is primarily due to YQY and SQQ finally reconciling (through no small intervention on Sayuri’s part because she was so tired of their mutual unsaid past destroying the both of them). They start to spend more time together and Bingge witnesses one of their outings, with YQY shyly offering SQQ a hand-painted fan and SQQ accepting with the faintest hint of a blush on his face.
He immediately grows completely and utterly enraged on Qiu Haitang’s behalf (another new experience for him— sure, he’s sought righteous justice on behalf of hundreds of women before but somehow this seems personal). Because how dare he. After all that Qiu Haitang has done for SQQ, all the ways she has supported him and improved his public image and loved him (why, why, why did she never love him the same way), this is how that traitorous, undeserving scum repays her?
Which made him realize that a part of him actually believed that SQQ truly loved his wife back, and that just makes him angrier, he should’ve known that no part of Shen-fucking-Qingqiu was capable of true love and loyalty, how could he be so stupid as to believe that filthy lecher had a single redeeming quality?! But no matter, even if Qiu Haitang is no longer his wife in this world, she’s become something of a friend to him (despite her appalling taste in food and men), and so he’ll do her this one favor, he’ll obtain justice on her behalf and rip Shen Qingqiu limb-from-limb—
Qiu Haitang has to pull him aside and be like “yeah I’m touched you’re so angry on my behalf and all but you’re about to ruin my 33-step plan on getting my husband and his childhood friend to finally hook up, so I’m gonna need you to calm down.”
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flowerywhispers · 1 year
I don’t hate YQY as a character. He’s very special to me actually but in a very specific way in which I hate him on Shen Jiu’s behalf because SJ isn’t around anymore to make YQY feel constant crippling guilt
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 hours
Okay so
Funny story, admin doesn't actually have a bank account. In fact he doesnt even have his ID. Literally for the short duration hes been an adult hes stayed at home tending to the house- hence why any commissions I do has the money going straight to what it's for (IE. A fundraiser, someone else if I'm doing comms on their behalf, ect)
I dont... actually know how to handle money (and taxes are a whole different beast, which I am terrified of)
I do want to open commissions to get money for myself, not NOW but eventually sometime in the future. My brother has offered to help me set things up, so that's going to make the process easier. So! YQY! I'm nervous, more so than usual since now its finally getting done after having it put off for so long
"Admin why are you talking about this-"
Because I dont know what route to go when it comes to handling comissions 💔
I know theres different stuff- venmo, PayPal, cashapp, evt.. theres also patreon and ko fi
And uhuh
I don't know what the differences are
So uhuh
If anyone can help shed some light and explain like I'm 5 that would be... greatly appreciated...
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touchmycoat · 2 years
You mentioned happy qijiuliu in a post, so I thought I would share the random half awake dream I had that was defo inspired by your fic. Premise: after finding the Qiu mansion burned down, YQY got very drunk one (1) time, naturally with his reliable bro, LQG. And of course, he poured out his whole broken heart, and then LQG was a good enough bro to never ever bring it up again, so YQY let himself forget it happened. (1/3)
But LQG has it all rattling around in his head, this tragedy over YGY's Shen Jiu, his Xiao Jiu, so when he first meets the actual grown up Shen Jiu his reaction is more of 'ugh, YGY was all torn up over you??' And then Shen Jiu gets to know that YQY did try, he did care, he was just too late. Cue reconciliation speedrun, any percent, bonus trophy LQG (since the cure for SJ feeling insecurely jealous is to have a claim too). (2/3)
Sorry it was so light on the details, the rest of it was really hazy, but I hope it sparks some joy in your day! Thank you for always writing and sharing, I always look forward to it (3/3)
ANY% MAJOR GLITCHES RECONCILIATION SPEEDRUN, WE LOVE THIS SHIT. yes please ;; that makes so much sense!! drunken mess YQY mad at the world and mad at himself. Maybe he even gets reckless with Xuan Su ("what use is all this power if I can't protect anyone who matters?!") and that's how LQG finds out. YQY mourns for SJ in LQG's company and LQG hears all about SJ's resourcefulness and intense protective streak. how SJ is YQ's dearest person in the whole wide world and now he's gone.
except he's not. SJ comes back to life and LQG rushes to YQY's side the moment he hears that Yue-shixiong's brought back a strange rogue cultivator. LQG meets SJ in the depths of his betrayed fury and shame that he's ever trusted Qi-ge to come back for him. LQG proves a hyper-effective catalyst and sets the record straight, because YQY hasn't exactly sworn to go to his grave with this secret (his silence is built out of habit and repeated silent self-confirmation more than anything). SJ is flabbergasted and disbelieving. Is this just some excuse YQY's new friend is making up for him? SJ pulls Xuan Su in a sudden motion (that YQY fully could have stopped) and finds out LQG's telling the truth.
"—why wouldn't you tell me?!" "I didn't want to make excuses—" "That's not an excuse, they screwed you over and left you for dead, heaven's sake Qi-ge, what—you, get out!"
This last bit's directed at LQG when SJ abruptly remembers they still have company. All of LQG's alarm bells are ringing about SJ though so he ignores SJ and looks to YQY instead. YQY looks between them both and nicely sends LQG away, and in that moment SJ sees the depths of LQG's loyalty to YQY. Oh, this cocky swaggering rich boy wants his Qi-ge, huh?
So as LQG's walking away, SJ grabs and kisses YQY. It's reckless it's messy it's a dirty tactic to drag YQY down with him it's a genuine display of his own feelings. YQY is shocked but shyly so. LQG's scandalized/furious at first (because you definitely did not do these sorts of things so crassly and openly! and with Yue-shixiong nonetheless!!) but when he sees YQY's flushed response he storms away, very much not comprehending why he's so angry when he should be happy YQY, or something.
Anyways yeah, disciple era young lovebirds shenanigans. SQQ's training goes smoother than in the original once he's accepted YQY's help. SQQ and LQG are still very much rivals who despise each other's guts except it gets more effectively tempered by YQY's mediation and also thanks to their mutual attachment to YQY. SQQ loves dangling YQY in front of LQG to the point where he kind of gets affronted "on YQY's behalf" when he spots LQG training/getting along with other people.
There needs to be some plot in that forces SQQ to confess to LQG that the only reason he's such a dick about being YQY's cultivation partner to LQG is because he's so insecure about not being as good as LQG. In turn LQG gets to confess that yeah he's totally been jealous but has confirmed that SQQ is every good thing YQY has said he was, and LQG's actually glad that SQQ's around to watch YQY's back especially in the political arena. Nobody else has as silver a tongue, especially not LQG, so good for all of them that SQQ is here at Cang Qiong, actually.
Talking through their misunderstandings leaves a good but awkward aftertaste lmfao, so in a hurry to get back to normal, SQQ resumes his prior behavior of dangling YQY in front of LQG, getting extra intimate when LQG is around, deliberately making eye contact while his hand's slipping into YQY's robes, etc. Except now...LQG's less going puce with outrage and more just rolling his eyes, and SQQ is less "hah see Qi-ge is mine mine mine" and more "look over here, hey why aren't you looking, aren't you always supposed to be looking."
YQY very much notices and is like, "um. So. Hey dear :) It seems that recently you've been really wanting Liu-shidi's attention." SQQ pulls a whole how dare you detective diaz-- monologue but ends up succumbing to YQY's bright idea of having LQG over for tea, and the three of them going on missions together, and going out to local festivals and attractions and such all three of them wouldn't that be lovely? Xiao Jiu and Liu-shidi getting along? Wouldn't that be nice~?
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XSPL SJ: MBJ giving SJ an ornate & overpowered battle fan as one of the courting gifts since SJ likes them so much. Maybe he adds some demonic elements to make it powerful? Or he orders SQH to make one? Or SQH commissions Wan Jian Peak to make a battle fan on behalf of his smitten king? Wei QingWei knows what's up and doesn't care because he gets to try something new! Maybe MBJ adds a little ice power to the fan? Or he adds his clan sigil in a possessive gesture to warn others from coveting SJ?
MBJ would be very blatant with his courting. Shameless in battle when he clearly favors fighting anyone trying to be close to SJ. Giving SQH the signal to get SJ away from the situation or lest he watch MBJ maul a man for daring to lay hands on HIS future wife.
SJ has become rather bountiful in weapons and core strengthening material. His disciples are blossoming day by day. Even LbH has to admit, MBJs care has helped him grow. SQH is even allowed to share with his disciples to help ease them from the stress of their peak. It’s a nice reprieve when LqG does nothing but fight him and his disciples. YQY does nothing but smile and try to appease everyone but the victims.
Often times YQY will barge into the bamboo hut and find the bed empty. SJ has never slept more peacefully than at MbJs. With all female staff attending to him, a room far away from anyone else’s. He refuses to use his hut unless MBJ is humoring another demon guest. He must protect his dear SJ, even though they all know this stronger SJ was a menace to the cultivation world now.
More bitter YQY wondering who has SJ smiling so sweetly when he reads letters. He never gets to find out because SQH is very sneaky, he’s not. Everyone but SJ has the IQ of a blade of grass-
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delicioussshame · 3 years
Notes for the trash AU I posted on twitter, because I’m not writing TLJ/SY vs LBH/SY.
Okay, so we’re starting with a complete subplot that gets very irrelevant later: SJ is SY’s distant cousin or something. There’s a family resemblance, but it’s mostly chance. They don’t really know each other. The resemblance is blatant enough that YQY, who, in all universes, isn’t over SJ, decides hey, good enough, and starts courting SY. Who is much younger (legal, but younger) and flustered by the kind of attention he’s not used to. He has no defenses against that kind of behavior and they end up together, in a relationship where YQY pampers and spoils SY like he would have wanted to when SJ was younger, and that’s fun while it lasts but he ends up meeting SJ again, possibly via SY himself because they’re family, and drops him like a hot potato as soon as SJ signals he might be open to making up.
So SY finds himself single, with too much free time and uninterested in dating someone his age. He tries, but he feels a general disinterest and lack of attraction.
Enters the pretentious dating website. SY is from a rich family, probably somewhat notable, so he decides he’d better pony up and buy a subscription to the kind of dating website that caters to a more “exclusive” clientele, especially since he’s looking for an older man. That’s how he meets TLJ.
I feel TLJ is probably like LBH in that the love of his life was SXY and he’s not actually interested in a serious relationship with anyone else, but the man has needs. As in canon, SXY died giving birth to LBH, who was raised by a stranger. Anyway, TLJ is probably higher profile that SY and the scandal of him looking for a younger man would be much worse for him, so he’s also going the discreet route, browsing profiles and ignoring anyone who looks like he’d be vying for his wealth. SY fits the bill, so they meet and hit it off. They’re both pretty easygoing people when they want to, so I think they could get along well when they’re on the same page.
They end up in a kinky friends with benefits arrangement. They both get what they want from it, they enjoy each other's company even outside the bedroom, they have zero expectation that their relationship will ever become public. It is, however, a strictly monogamous arrangement. TLJ does not share.
Enter LBH. I find it hard to believe that in modern days, SXY could 1) have a child and 2) die in childbirth without TLJ knowing, so here, he does. It just hit him so hard, since it was completely unexpected, that he disconnected completely from LBH. The child was given to an old woman to raise. TLJ financed her, so LBH wasn’t poor here, but he didn’t know about TLJ until he became an adult. It gave TLJ the time to process and move on. And feel guilty for having abandoned SXY’s legacy that way. So they try to create a relationship. It’s... going. LBH isn’t exactly a fan of the father who gave him up, and TLJ just isn’t very paternal. But LBH visits from time to time, and they’re both trying.
Turns out SY is there sometimes. SY and TLJ don’t live together, but SY is over often, if not most of the week. At first, LBH thought his father’s lover would be a spoiled pretty thing with no brains. He was wrong.
This is quite awkward for SY because LBH is closer to his age than TLJ. He makes it very, very clear that he has zero desire to get between LBH and TLJ’s relationship, or be any form of parental figure to him. He tries to remain generally friendly, maybe helps him out with whatever school thing he can help with, things like that. They get to know each other and find they enjoy each other’s company. TLJ approves; SY can act as lubricant between LBH and himself.
Obviously, as LBH gets closer to SY, he starts getting insulted on his behalf, because he doesn’t see what SY gets from his relationship with his father. He’s pretty much TLJ’s dirty little secret. It’s obvious they’re never going to start a family or get serious. He deserves better.
He confronts TLJ about it, who laughs it off until he gets why LBH is asking. He doesn’t say anything, just waves him away, but he starts thinking about LBH’s crush and ends up deciding to wait for it to pass, because LBH and SY wouldn’t be sexually compatible, considering SY’s kink. It’ll never happen.
It doesn’t pass. TLJ starts questioning himself. He likes SY, he cares about him, but they’re not in love and will never be. Would it be better to give him up and let LBH have him? It would be a better match for him. LBH could make SY his life partner more publicly. It would still be a scandal, but a more manageable one. LBH is his sole heir, so he could provide SY with a carefree, happy life.
He decides against it. SY is independently wealthy, it’s not like he needs to be supported, and TLJ himself is already providing the occasional luxury when he feels like spoiling him. Plus, it doesn’t make LBH and SY himself more compatible. SY is happy with his current arrangement; why change things?
LBH gets bolder, flirting with SY who, even when much more aware of all things romantic, cannot imagine his partner’s son as a potential love interest and thus is completely unaware.
TLJ, though, notices. And gets annoyed. And tells SY what is happening in the most faux casual way possible, saying how children grow up so fast and that LBH’s crush on him is cute.
SY doesn’t believe him, because usual SY reasons: LBH could have anyone, why would he condescend to consider his father’s boy toy? So he ignores TLJ.
But he’s been made aware, and now that he knows, yeah, it’s kind of oblivious? But, again the idea of ditching his partner for his son is just not something SY is willing to consider, so he tries to let LBH down easy.
It backfires, because of course it does. Now that SY knows, LBh has no reason to demure and amps up the courting, which has the side effect of putting SY in a bad position and angering TLJ. He wasn’t bothered when it was harmless, but now LBH is being downright rude. Meanwhile, SY is starting to think he has overstayed his welcome. He’s obviously worsening the relationship between father and son in a way he never meant to. Maybe it’d be better for everyone if he skipped out of town for a while.
So he does that. Goes on a foreign vacation or something to give them all time to cool down. And obviously, he misses them both.
So he comes back, and.... it could go either way, really. I could plausibly make it that the distance made him realise he missed LBH’s presence much more than TLJ’s affection, or, you know, the reverse. Pick your choice!
Option 1: he realises he cares for LBH much more than he let himself accept, dies a little inside for being scum, returns and breaks up with TLJ, who would be pissed at the moment but would get over it because, again, it’s not like SY is the love of his life and he does want LBH to be happy. I think SY would probably tell LBH to give it some time because he’s not ready to jump in an other relationship just yet, and they’d start slow, but it could work. They would, however, have to deal with the different dynamics SY is unused to, but since, let’s be honest, he was the result of some weird form of grooming (He’s a adult, so it’s not grooming, but you get what I mean), maybe with some therapy he gets over himself and they get their happily ever after. Also possibly YQY apologise for being an asshole.
Option 2: SY realises that he can’t see LBH as more than a friend who is the son of the guy’s he’s fucking and that’s a big nope he can’t get over, and he missed his partner more than he’d thought he would considering their relationship has never been serious, so when he comes back he tells them both that, possibly with the asterisk that he’ll leave if he’s the source of too much conflict, because he doesn’t want to destroy their father/son relationship, but he’d rather not because his life is pretty sweet, thanks. It’s a pretty serious talk and LBH has no choice but to accept it, so even if he gets his heart broken that’s what he does. SY and TLJ returns to their status quo, except maybe SY stops by a little less often to give LBH some space, but in the end both TLJ and SY are annoyed by it and decide that enough is enough, they’ve done what they needed to do, and possibly SY moves in and they live in illicit bliss until the end.
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tossawary · 4 years
After a conversation with some fandom friends - and given your skill with an AU - I was struck by an intense curiosity. If you could create a third transmigrator for a SVSSS fanfic - as a narrative resource or just for fun - who would they be? Would you pick an existing character or go full OC? (If it helps, my ideas were a Tianlang-jun transmigrator or a lady OC who was Mobei-jun's aunt figure because there aren't enough women and also baby Mobei-jun.)
Thanks! If I had the time, which I don’t, I would absolutely write some third transmigrator one shots. I like making OCs out of barely canon characters or related to canon characters, so you can play off what little you do know of a name-only character and what you know of the characters adjacent to them. I like having that leaping-off point. (See: Luo Jiahui in pride.) 
Third transmigrators roles which would make fun fics: 
Liu Mingyan (#transmigrator liu mingyan au). 
Mobei-Jun’s mom, caught between MBJ’s father and LGJ, for the fun of making Linguang-Jun briefly sympathetic/likable and also to pay my dues to the Unfridge the Mom Club. More in-laws for SQH! 
Basically any female character, honestly. 
Gongyi Xiao. Poor stressed bun. 
Wei Qingwei, miraculously managing to fix the Qijiu backstory by going for SJ on YQY’s behalf or something, despite Airplane never having published it. 
Pretty much everyone has the potential for fun. I probably wouldn’t do Tianlang-Jun personally because of the 20 years of imprisonment and the fact that TLJ is just such a good threat in fics. This man is so dangerous and very unpredictable when he wants to be. You can fit SO MANY plot devices in this man! 
But the only “unexpected transmigrator” fic I’ve actually wanted to write is for MDZS instead of SVSSS, in which someone transmigrates into Lan Wangji. 1) The humor in LWJ being largely silent but thinking mostly in modern speak and probably curse words. 2) The transmigrator getting the mission “The Eternal Devotion of Lan Wangji” in regards to the Wangxian relationship, except this transmigrator basically bristling with repressed rage has NO INTENTION of falling in love with some DUMBASS MOTHERFUCKER LIKE WWX. 
So much so that, upon meeting WWX after years of Lan rules and Lan disciple and System restraints, the LWJ transmigrator actually attacks WWX out of anger as per canon. And then, despite all their rage and resentment, due to WWX’s overwhelming charisma and liveliness, finds themselves falling head over heels in love with a doomed man anyway (their memory of MDZS would be kind of shaky and without details for angsty reasons). Fuck. 
Surprise second “unexpected transmigrator who becomes apparent a few years into the story” in this fic would be Jiang Yanli. 
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acernor · 4 years
Different anon here. I kinda see potential in SWD/SJ, but not in the way you'd probably think. If SJ was SWD's lover, I feel like he would become a target for HX. And SJ being a potential target for HX would put HX at odds with Bingge. Unless HX hears about Bingge's wife-collecting ways and tries to use his female form to his advantage, but I personally don't think that's very likely.
oooooh i’m listening... what if it put hx at odds with yqy, and then bingge tried to manipulate hx into eliminating yqy for him while he disappeared with sj in the chaos... swd and pei ming go to get him back from lbh’s palace and lqg separately arrives, acting on yqy’s behalf bc him and hx fucked each other up real good and are recovering... uneasy teamup... but who does bingge fall in love with if endgame is swd/sj and pei ming/lqg?????? WHERE ARE THE BINGGE RIGHTS???? like do they all join the harem or (lol rip sj (litearlly rest in pieces))
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