#once again thank you so much for the oportunity!
lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
double p*netration with carmy/lip/reader please 😳😳
Ohohohoho anon ILY for this.
There's porn here. 18+ blah blah minors piss off.
"What if we both fuck her tonight?" Carmy's question came during a shared cigarette, hanging out of the kitchen window.
"What are you talking about, we basically always both fuck her." Lip offers him back the cigarette with a questioning look.
"Yeah, I mean, we do. But we always take turns." He gestured between the them to accentuate his comment to which Lip's brows raised in interest before quickly waving the whole thing off again. "Forget about it man, she won't do anal. Begged and bribed my way through college to let me but she never would. Absolute turn off for her."
"Think she'll fit us both?" It was a sincere question, thanks to some stupid videos Richie had shoved in his face after work. 'To give him some ideas.'
You were straddling Carmy, his cock all the way inside you while Lip's hand rested on your lower back, stuffing three lubed up fingers insides of you as well. Your moans were muffled with your face in the crook of Carmy's neck and biting down. Lip being rough with you was nice, especially with Carmy being ever so soft with you to balance it out. Fingers were pulled from you and a short moment later you feel the tip of Lip's cock slide down your ass. Your high pitched whine was a sound he knew all too well.
"Shh, baby. He won't do it." It was Carmen who comforted you, a hand on the back of your head and the other rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder. You felt him move further down and prod at your entrance where Carmy was still inside. He pulled away for a moment, only to return his previous actions with his dick covered in a thick layer of lubricant. "Just keep breathing, baby.." Carmen's soothing voice whispered, kissing the side of your head as Lip held his head on the other side of you. "Gonna fill you up real good, gonna go slow for you." With some awkward moving around he pushed his tip past your entrance.
"Fuh-- god, ahh.." Your pained cry was joined by groans of the two boys. Your fingers pulling hard on Carmy's curls as gour tried to breathe through the pressure of them stretching you beyond anything you ever felt.
"Hhnng.. Too much--" Lip slowly pushed further in despite your protests, each time only a fraction of an inch and stopping to let you adjust for a moment. "You can take it, sweetheart." and "doing so good for us." fell from their lips. All while Carmy moaned with every one of the other's thrusts, the feeling of Lip's cock against his was new but not unwelcome. His sounds only turned you on more. You kissed and licked at every bite mark you had left on Carmy's shoulder, apologizing between gasps and sighs.
Once fully in, tears were streaming down your face. Any bit of movement shot straight to your core, being so full made you feel every single twitch. Being pulled backwards against Lip's chest you let out a cry one of them rubbed right against that spot that had you see stars. It felt so good you were afraid you'd come as soon as they started to move.
Carmen took the change in position as an oportunity to play with your tits, rolling the hardened nubs between his skilled fingers. "Ah Carm--" You tried to beg him not to tease but all the stimulation took your voice, nothing but whines leaving you.
Whines turned into moans from all three of you as Lip announced he felt like you adjusted long enough and carefully lifted your hips and pulled you down in a slow, steady rythm. It only took a few thrusts for you to be a babbling mess, trying your hardest to form a sentence but failing. To your luck Lip understood your fucked dumb language and moved his fingers to rub on your clit, adding rhat bit of extra pressure to push you over the edge.
You cried out as your walls clenched around the two cocks buried deep inside of you, encouraging them to keep thrusting. Carmen's hands laid over Lip's, squeezing your skin and setting a quicker pace. Both boys only chasing their own release now, dragging you along to another high with their hard thrusts and loud groans, both so close that they could barely hold back. "God, Lip- Close.." Carmen rasped as his grip on you tightened. "Fuck- Yeah, me too." You clawed at Carmen's chest, forehead pressed against his collarbone as you clenches hard around them again, their desperate tones getting you off before both of them followed suit. They came one after the other, only one or teo thrusts in between, stilling inside of you until they were fully spent.
You fell limp against Carmen, having Lip pull out first and grabbing some paper towels for you to leak onto as Carmen pulled out and carefully placed you on the bed.
"Sould we run her a bath, get her cleaned up?" Lip gives you a quick look before answering. "Lets get a warm towel and clean her off first. If she wakes then we'll bathe her."
A/N: this one was funky to write. Three people together is like a nasty game of twister so not much position swapping happened lol. Hope you enjoyed it!!
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thequietkid-moonie · 11 months
This is a strange request, but can I have shuichi, kokichi, rantaro, and kiibo (all separate) with a reader who carries around a music box loclet 24/7 only to get upset when they lose it one day?
The locket idea is inspired by the Star Locket from Sailor Moon, thank you for taking the time to read my request and I hope you have a wonderful day / night!
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S/O always carries a music box locket
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Shuichi, Kokichi, Rantaro ]
[ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ]
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Dear you are the best person in the world!!! My entire life i have always wanted an music box and I love pocket watches so this is perfect!!
I was a little anxious while writing this so i reaaaaally hope I didn't mess it up 😢 and I wasn't able to write for Kiibo, so sorry 😣
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Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi is pretty insecure and shy so it would take him a while to get used to be in a relasionship, althought he can be determinanted too, so for knowing that you correspond his feelings he won't doubt on taking the oportunity to be in a relasionship and try his best
Even before start dating Shuichi always makes clear that you can count on him, he cares for you so if you ever need help he is willing to do it, however he doesn't like to pry much in your personal life, and even in a relasionship he doesn't fully understand how much he is allowed to ask
Even if you normally keep your music box on your pocket or even hiden it won't take him much time before notice it, but, then again, he doesn't want to pry or exceed your limits if you don't want to talk about it. Although, it is something that would stay in his mind for a while, wondering if it would be alright for him to ask, giving little glances at your pocket music box from time to time but don't really ask
It has to be you who decides to tell him about it or that he finally gives up and manage to ask you about it, he is intriged of why you carry it around and want to know as much as you are willing to tell him, and no matter your reasoning (either for be a comfort item or just because you like having it with you) he won't judge you and will just accept it, it isn't something that it wouldn't bother him at all
Depending on why you carry it it would be Shuichi's next course of action, if it is because is because of an special meaning for you he will want to know more (if you allow him to know more, of course) and probably will give it the same importante you give to it, the same as is if is a comfort item, in this case he will try to be carefuly with it if you ever let him hold it or if you leave it somewhere around (like if he sees it in your dorm or your ultimate lab). If you just carry it because you like it then he will be more calm about it but still sees it as something important for you, but will hesitant less in asking you if he can hold it
The first time you let it hold it he probably will pay attention to the details, like the form, the music it plays, the tiny decorations, is just like a second nature for him to be so observant and curious, once he snaps out of his trance he will apologize with an embarrased blush and say how beautiful the pocket music box is
Since is important to you Shuichi takes care of it, making sure it never hits the ground or not letting in Kokochi's hands of someone that can break it, unless you are completely sure to trust them with it. As well he always knows where it is, somehow, he know that you have it but whenever he notice you aren't carrying it with you he can make himself an idea of where it could be or if he notice it is somewhere he will either keep in mind where it is or directly take it and give it to you (if it is somewhere you wouldn't put it intentionally)
If you ever lose it and he doesn't know where it is he offer you to search it with you without hesitantion, even if you aren't upset or desperate he is already thinking where it could be, althought if you are upset for losing it he will be more rushed to help you, depending in how upset you are is how much he will be stressing himself out to help you find it. Despite his stress is probably that it won't take much time for him to find it, still if is definetly lost Shuichi will still think about it for days, until he finally run out of ideas and will deeply apologize to you, almost as if it was him who lost it
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Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi can be really reserved despite always acting so wild, so giving himself a chance to be in a relationship is going to be until he know that he can trust you that you two can start a relasionship, and even so it would be a slow process for Kokichi to be able to open up with you
Although, unlike him, Kokichi does expect for you to open up to him and, wanting or not, Kokichi will know a lot about you just by watching you, he is incredibly observant and perseptive so is just like a second nature for him
Even if you don't tell him he will find out about your pocket music box, depending in how much you hide it and how playful he feels in that moment it would determinate if he ask you about it right away and if he tries to borrow it to look at it better. Kokichi is really curious about it and won't even try to hide it, he will ask you a lot of things about the pocket music box, most of his questions sound silly but he is trying to pry as much information as he can
Kokichi knows how important this is for you so this is important for him too, however he doesn't show it, he acts as if it was a simple souvenir without value but he actually makes sure no one else take even a glance at it (unless you are fine with showing it to others too, in that case he will still do it but only in a playful manner)
Kokichi will know the story behing your music box soon or later, if is just something simple like you bought it because you find it cute it would take him a while to grap his head around to why it is so important to you, but if it has a special meaning like being a comfort iteam or a gift from someone important he will be more respectful of it in less time (but may be jealous if someone outside of your family was the one who gave it to you and will try to kinda fight against it and give you something way better, according to him)
His curiousity not only goes for the story behind it, he wants to have the opportunity to hold it close and see all the little details of the little pocket music box, but he is kinda embarrassed by it so he acts like he doesn't care and try to borrow it for a moment to appreciate without you noticing
Unless Kokichi sees it somewhere he always asumes that you have the pocket music box with you, if some day you lose it he tries to remember if he had saw it before or if he has it in his possession, depending in how upset you are by losing it will be his reaction, going from teasing you and messing with you or immediatly getting serious (and a little worried)
If he had borrow it without telling you and that is why you don't find it he will feel a little ashame and embarrassed but won't admit it and will try to leave it somewhere you usually you put it (even if it is in your pocket, he'll try), even call you silly for not looking for it well
He tries his best to help you find it and since he is really smart and sneaky it won't be much troubles for him, but if at the end he has to ask for someone's help he will ask to Kirumi (and probably with little cocodrile tears in his eyes)
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Rantaro Amami
Rantaro can be pretty calm while being in a relasionship but that doesn't make him any less affectionate, he has not shame to show how much he loves you and does it in direct and indirect ways
Even if Rantaro isn't too obvious with it he is really interested on you as a person, he wants to know what you like and dislike, what you are interested on and so on, also he is really observant and perceptive so he will get to know a lot about you by just paying attention
At some point he will find out about the pocket music box you always carry around, even if you don't tell him directly he will know at some point and he is really curious about it, Rantaro will probably ask you about it right away but it would depend in your reactiom to what he does next, if you are startled he may apologize (specially if you haven't say anything about it before), but if you don't have troubles with showing him the pocket music box he will want to be able to hold it (if you prefer to not he will be disapointed but will respect your wishes)
If you allow him he will like to take a moment to appreciate it, it doesn't take him long to noticed the details of the design and actually give it back to you while complimenting it
Rantaro is pretty curious about why you always carry it but only ask depending your reaction, if it seems like is too especial or something you prefer to keep to yourself he won't ask, but if doesn't seems to be something too private then he will ask about it. Rantaro asumes that it has a special meaning for you since you always carry it, but if is because more simple reason (like you just like carrying it around because you find it cute) he will just find it amusing, but at the end, regardless of your reason to carry it around he respect it and treats the pocket music box like something really special
Somehow Rantaro always know if you have it with you or not, he is just really observant and since is something important for you is something important for him, he also has an idea where you leave it whenever you don't have it with you (he probably already had saw you leaving it in your dorm or in your ulrimate lab)
If you ever lose it Rantaro will be there to help you search for it almost immediatly, first of all he wants for you to calm down (in case you are getting anxious or estress for it) and try to remeber when was the last time you saw it, Rantaro tries to think where it could be, it would be strange to just lose it for how much you care for it, however he never says anything that could sound as blaming you
He has no problem with asking the others if they had saw it and even ask Kirumi's help (is almost imposible for her to don't find it), Rantaro seems calm while searching but a lot of thoughts and posibilities are crossing his mind, and in the rare case you don't manage to find it he will feel truly sorry, as if it was him who lose something important (but will focus on comforting you)
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animeshotsh · 4 months
In love with Control (Lucifer x OverlordMakima!Reader)
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Summary: Lucifer its in love! Or is he?... Charlie cant help but be upset of this.
Warnings: HH violence - Manipulation - Cannibal mention - Insults - Cursing - Kind of soft tho - Grammmar mistakes -
PT2 of this
Charlie knows she should be upset that her dad just decided to spent more time in the Hotel because of a centrain Control Demon. Who could not care less about the kings crush over them, it was a good spawn to use whatsoever, so (Y/N) made sure to keep the fake facada towards him.
Of course they noticed that the princess of hell was not so happy about her fathers actions, while (Y/N) found it fun to watch, it was also a lose that needed to be repair.
"Princess" (Y/N) bowed towards Charlie who in reaponse tried to tell (Y/N) how that was not necesary, not used to the formality Charlie blushed as (Y/N) next words left their mouth.
"I apologies if this causes you discorfm, however you are the heir of hell and such i must act according to it"
"T-there is no need (Y/N)!! Really, we are all friends in here after all" Charlie responded taking (Y/N)'s hands "Im really happy you are giving this a try"
(Y/N) smiled at the princess, they could not understand how this was the pawn of Lucifer itself.
"Princess, I would like to apologie if the resent interactions between the king of hell and myself has made you uncomfortable. If you want I can call our meetings off"
Meeting were Lucifer showing up randomly, putting much effort in impressing the Control Demon.
Charlie was suprised. She had to admit that it did hurt her to see her father being now interested only because (Y/N) was present. But, did his father not deserve happynes too? Who was she to denied such a thing.
And you were so considerated. Oh! Charlie could tell you were going to be one of the firsts demons to be saved.
"I aprecciate your concer, but there is no need. Im happy to see my dad out of his office more and...and seeing him making a new friend. There is no reason for both of you to stop seeing each other"
The smallest of a smirk appear in your face.
"Thanks Princess you are very kind"
After the first time Lucifer saw you, he was hunted in the good sense by your eyes. These spiral eyes, it made him feel emotions he thought did not exist anymore.
Yet, anytime you two would meet up for tea or just for a walk, you would keep eye contact making the king of hell feel his soul being pulled out from his chest. His ideas and words would cramble as you would still talk about whatever topic you two were on.
"Your majesty, are you alright?" You asked pulling down the cup of tea. Lucifer was once again lost in your words and image.
"Eh?-oh yes! Sorry, ammm work has been in my mind lately" He lied taking a nervous sip, ignoring how hot the tea was.
"Oh? If its too much i can help" Pulling your hands under your chin you saw as how he gluped down some saliva, he was not expecting an offer like that.
What better chance to discover the secrets of hell if not by being besides the one who made it himself? This was a unique chance you were going to try and reach.
Lucifer had two ideas, one from where exactly he would find much work that needed you to be by his side- helping him of course, and two that it was an amazing oportunity to pass more time with you.
"Ummm, well I- I have it covered....from now"
Lucifer saw your reaction, your eyes being cast down and your shoulder defeating. He felt like he had just broken something.
However, that reaction was once again a calculated one. After spending so much time with Lucifer you got to see and understand what made the small king feel guilty and would make him fall down into your trap.
"B-but there are some really old books that needs to be clean and organized"
He cringed at his stupid "extra work" and waited to see your reaction or hear your words.
"Oh....so you are having a hard time with daily tasks" you said taking one hand to your face and thinking "I guess, its normal that even your majesty would face that type of thing. If you allow it would be an honor to help you sort these books"
One part of Lucifer was jumping while the other was completly frozen. You, someone whos name was whisper in fear in the circle, someone with so much power and intelligence, would do such a thing as organize books?
"I loved them when i was alive. Never was a big fan of Tvs or any electronic device, the touch of the paper and the different covers" You closed your eyes, adding drama to the moment, missing how Lucifer eyes almost turned in hearts.
"Well, its settled then. I can- i can call you so you can come over?..." Lucifer asked feeling like a young teen asking out his crush.
"At anytime your majesty"
"Please, Lucifer its fine" You were going to kill him if you continued to adress him as that.
Later that night at the Hotel the dark corridors where filled with silence as you walked to your room a neutral expression on your face.
"Well, i must say I havent quiet find someone who's tongue is as sharp as a blade" The static voice and laughts from a deer demon said making you stop to turn and look at him with a smile.
"Alastor, its a pleassure to see you tonight. Do you need something?"
"I must say, seeing the king of hell fall down over a sinner who only tells lies has its own charm Dear. Its a shame not everybody falls under your spell"
"Im not sure what you are talking about but..."
Grey chains appear behind you swiftly going for Alastor's head and pircing it.
"I still see you as nothing but a lowlife cannibal, who seeks nothing but entretaiment in others fails, when you are the very example of one. Being caught and shoot to death when being alive, and then having your soul being held by someone. To me all you are is a kid, crying for his mother, wishing to be in a different situation but finding yourself again at the bottom. And I know this because this is not the first time you try to corner me, but we both know how this ends....or well I do"
"Alastor, you wont remember seeing me here tonight. Whatever you overhear when I talked to Lucifer you wont remember it. You will go to your room, lock the door and sleep till tomorrow morning when Charlie ends needing you"
Alastor eyes devoid of emotions or any type of sign of being there. He just nodded his creepy smile not leaving. Slowly he turned back and went all the way to his room.
"Oh many times is he going to try get in my way" You murmured to yourself as you continued walking. "Well, i can always order him to kill the Hotel staff, im sure that would piss the princess really bad" You finally said with a sadistic smile as your eyes brighted in the dark.
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arxxq · 2 years
Prompt 13 with itoshi sae please!, thanks a bunch 💖
13. “Whoever has a problem with us can come fight me” | Itoshi Sae
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Ah thank you anon for requesting! I just got back home and tmmrw I'm even more busy gah. ♡♡ i have school in a few hours lmao...should be sleeping but here i am
Hope you the best anon!
lowercase intended, mistakes will be fixed later on
Prompt list in my blog..can't post it here since this post won't be featured in the tags..
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now sae had realized something off about you recently. 
he was bothered by it but at first he decided to not ask you about it because maybe it was just for temporary.
but as time goes on, it wasn’t just for temporary. he wanted to know what wrong so bad but it wasn’t as easy because almost all the time he tried to approach you about it, you always manage to change the subject. you guys have been together for almost years, but he was so concerned on why you were behaving like this near him again as if he just started courting you.
he missed your touch, your embrace your warmth. as much as he does not want to admit it he missed it alot. even if he tried to hug you or even just simply touch your hand, you would pull away from him. he despise this action from you. just why in the world are you acting like this nowadays. 
but as time pass on, he knew that he will be able to get his answer just that it wont be coming out from your mouth. one day as sae was scrolling on social media, he found a post that caught his attention only because the post was something about you and him. 
it seems like whatever this person was saying was supposed to be directed to you. the post read “out of everyone sae had to chose that bitch..like c’mon there’s other fish in the sea!” and even the comments were agreeing with this said person saying how you don’t deserve him or saying that their better than her. sae scoffed at this. could this probably be the reason why you were behaving like this? its not safe to assumed so he decided to ask someone you trusted the most. 
“no i’m not telling you anything,” right now sae was talking to a friend of yours. well it was the only person sae knew you had put so much trust into after all you’ve known eachother like siblings. “i know you yourself are worried about them, so if you cared then tell me,” sae wasn’t wrong. your friend themselves were worried about you so they sighed and gave in. 
“yeah its about the post...and maybe also because they were cornered by others as well for the past few weeks..” now that was something sae was not expecting. sae nodded his head and the last thing he heard from your friend was, “you better make things right!” 
sae was now home, he was waiting for you to enter the door and when you did lets just say he had you cornered so you couldn’t escape. “sae i have to cook dinner you know..” you tried to reason with him but he was unfortunately one step ahead. “no need i ordered take out.” before you could say another word, he beat you to it. “don’t even try to make up a silly excuse,” 
you let out a breathe and lowered down your head lips trembling..sae immediately took notice of your action and pulled you into an embrace which surprised you “i know why you’ve been behaving like this and i don’t like it...so because of that i’ll say this once,” 
“whoever has a problem with us can come fight me,” those words made you smile and let out a tear. “so if you could please stop acting like this..” he mumbled which made you laughed. 
as you were eating, sae took the oportunity and made sure to remember to post that comment on the post. the comment says. 
“if u got a problem with our relationship then come fight me because fyi they are much more better then you’ll ever be,” 
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Reblogs are highly recommended
Do not claim your own and do not post on other platforms
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hermywolf · 6 months
mi gente, mi fútbol de pep guardiola - FIGO
translation of the figo chapter from pep's book (from april 2001) for my most beloved @daegorth
the translations i've seen flow a lot better than this one but to get better sentence structure some parts are omitted, so just in case someone wanted a more literal, 'word for word' translation of this absolutely insane homosexual love letter, here you go
Chapter 18 - FIGO Colorful days, tainted white
It's 5am. I call for sleep… and it won't come. It just won't. It won't answer. The night of March the 3rd is becoming the morning of the 4th. My number. I just came back from Madrid, from the Barnabéu, where I have lived one of those nights that give meaning to the entirety of a deportive career. I send a thank you, although I don't know exactly to whom, for having dedicated me to this job, and, above all, for having given me the oportunity of enjoying games like this one. Games that we used to live together and that we now live separately. Games where you used to play as number 7 when you now play with the 10. Colorful days you've tainted white.
Yesterday, Luis, when we flew to Madrid, you weren't next to me. This time, Luis Enrique was my companion on the front row of the plane. If it had been you, you would have ordered your usual Sprite, always very cold, and you would have spent the whole flight going through fashion magazines. The Asturian, on the other hand, asked for a tomato juice while he finishes reading 'Labyrinth of Olives', of Eduardo Mendoza. You see, Luis, the new level we're reaching here. You can't say it's not high.
I get to Madrid, I get to the hotel and I'm alone. You, however, have probably already replaced me with another, who, as I used to once, will watch impassibly your usual routine during training camp. You'll grab the phone and you'll keep on calling your portuguese friends and your friends from here so you can talk about everything, except football. And once it's late, when dawn comes, you'll turn off your bedsite lamp and you'll say goodbye to the day with the same sentence you use every night during training camp;
"Alright, I'm going to call for sleep."
And your sleep, I'm sure, will come as fast as you can face defenders, get rid of them and run for the goal. As brave now as you used to be. As brave now as you were that day in Vigo where, playing Portugual against Spain, I saw you for the first time. And on that galician day I saw you do what I've seen you do so many times since then. I discovered the ease with which you put the weight of the team on your shoulders. And, with this charge on your shoulders, you dragged them along as you would later drag us, so many times, so we can win a game today, and another tomorrow. And so on until we reach the titles we reach. And now as I remember you this way, I see you, I just saw you, dragging others. And it hurts me, but… It is what it is.
Anyway, as Ángel Mur says, we like that you come into our locker room at the end of the games. You did it again today like you did the day you came back to the Camp Nou and what happened happened. Ángel likes that very much. He always says he doesn't understand the players who were once with us and who, when we just played against their new team, don't come by the Barça locker room to chat a bit. So we can know about how he's doing, and he can know about us. And we don't care if it's in our stadium or his. What matters is seeing each other. Talking to each other.
Many of those who played with us ended up walking past the door of the Barça locker room, but not you. You came in. Sweaty, tired because you ran so much, but ready to say hi to everybody. The president Gaspart gave you his hand and you shook it. Him, and the Closa directives, and Barnabéu, and probably somebody else too. You said hello the the Mister, to Ángel, to Ibarz, to Chema, to Jaume and, without any exceptions, to every single one of the players. Later, you and I sat down on one of those tin boxes that always travel with us and we talked some time about your new home. About your wife, Hélène, and about Daniela, my goddaughter.
Many of those who played with us ended up walking past the door of the Barça locker room, but not you. You came in. Sweaty, tired because you ran so much, but ready to say hi to everybody. The president Gaspart gave you his hand and you shook it. Him, and the Closa directives, and Barnabéu, and probably somebody else too. You said hello the the Mister, to Ángel, to Ibarz, to Chema, to Jaume and, without any exceptions, to every single one of the players. Later, you and I sat down on one of those tin boxes that always travel with us and we talked some time about your new home. About your wife, Hélène, and about Daniela, my goddaughter.
I remember the day you asked me to be your daughter's godfather. I told you; "think about this well, Luis. I'm sure there's someone closer to you than I am, who deserves this and wants this." But you'd thought it thouroughly already. You chose me, and, I want this to be clear, you filled me with honor, pride, gratefulness and responsability because, for example, Luis, where can I buy Easter eggs for my goddaughter in Madrid?
1/2 (more in reblog bc character limit)
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You thought I wouldn't appear here too, but I'm a very special gal, so here I am 👁👁
Fairy anon is here babyyyyy 🧚🏻‍♀️
Tbh I was gonna use this as an oportunity to tell you to do a oneshot about one of my headcanon requests, so let's go with my last one, with Reader being Grey's sibling and Glitchy Red being a sweetheart for once (LOL)
... I couldn't find another inspiring pokemon quote that I liked, so have a rare candy 🍬
I hope this is okay! Also thank you for the rare candy I need it today. Also here is the headcanon fairy anon mentioned!
You and Grey never thought you would end up in a Pokemon game, let alone a bootleg one. So when you two woke up in the bootleg world together, Grey was very nervous and a little scared. You tried your best to be brave for him, but even this was a bit too much for you. Over the short amount of time you two had been there, you had met one of the bootleg Pokemon, Shinto, who reminded you of a bootleg version of the Pokemon Hypno. While Grey was practically terrified of her, you became friends with her and you keep trying to convince Grey that she’s not going to hurt the two of you.
Unfortunately, you two have no idea how much time has actually passed since the two of you have been trapped inside the bootleg game, since… you don’t have a way of keeping time in this world, not even Shinto knows. You have figured out a way to communicate with her through the use of the pokedex that Grey had woken up with in his bag, as she can manipulate her pokedex entry, which was new to you but hey, whatever works.
You were playing with Shinto, just having a bit of fun while Grey was just watching you two from nearby. That is, until a glitched figure came up to him, not noticing you and Shinto. He reminded Grey of trainer Red, but very glitchy. He had caught Grey off guard, not expecting anyone else in this bootleg world aside from you, him and Shinto. He decided talking to him, he found out his name was Glitchy Red. Maybe he knew a way to get out of here? It was worth a shot to ask him.
You, on the other hand, had noticed the interaction between Glitchy Red and your brother. You occasionally glanced over at the two, but still playing with Shinto.
“…actually, I’m not by myself.” You heard Grey tell him as he pointed out over to you and Shinto, who had crawled up onto your shoulder. You walked over to the two, introducing yourself as Grey’s older sibling. It was at that moment that Glitchy Red decided that he was going to keep you both safe. Why? Not even he knew. He just had this feeling in the back of his mind that he had to protect you two.
After talking to the two of you for a while longer, Glitchy Red left, saying he would be back again soon. You thought he was pretty nice, or at least to you and Grey. Grey was a little unsure at first, but seeing as he hasn’t done anything to harm either of you, he would trust him for now, but only because of how you trust him, which he didn’t really understand how you could, but he knew he could trust you, and your judgement, at least.
“I think he’s nice.” You shrugged as you, Grey, and Shinto stepped into your little home, Shinto crawling out of your arms and back onto the floor.
“I know you think so, but we don’t know for sure yet, Y/n. We can’t trust him right away…”
“I am aware of that, Grey.” You pat his head and went over to the couch. “But he’s the only one here that we’ve seen that isn’t one of those stupid NPCs! We’ve got to at least give him a chance.”
“Alright, alright.” Grey shook his head and sat beside you on the couch.
“Besides, you know Shinto and I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“Yeah… that’s true.” He rubbed the back of his head, sighing softly. “Just… we need to be careful, that’s all.” You only nodded in agreement, taking his words into consideration.
Over the course of what felt like several months, but hey what do you know, you can’t really tell time in this world, you and Grey have gotten closer to Glitchy Red, especially you. He’s a little protective of you, even around the NPCs. Grey has noticed this, of course, and he was a little curious about this. So he decided to talk to him while you were out playing, or rather walking around, with Shinto.
“Hey, Glitchy Red..?” He started, looking up at the taller male, who looked down at Grey with a look of ‘go on, I’m listening,’
“I’ve noticed you’ve gotten pretty close to Y/n.” He swore he saw him flinch a bit, but decided not to question it. “I’m not surprised, though.. because they like you a lot. I guess to be fair though, you’re the only one we’ve seen in what feels like years… and the fact that you keep coming back, it makes them happy to see you.” Glitchy Red seemed a bit surprised by Grey’s words. You liked him?
“…I do like Y/n, a lot. I’ve never… felt this way towards anyone else before.”
“Then, you should tell them how you feel.”
“Are you sure about this, Grey..?” He seemed a bit nervous about confessing his feelings towards you.
“Absolutely sure. I want to see Y/n happy, and you make them happy, Glitchy Red. So you should go for it!” Glitchy Red nodded before he stood up.
“Thank you, Grey, I’ll do it.”
“Great! They should be back shortly.” And as if on cue, you and Shinto walked through the door.
“We’re back! Oh, hello again, Glitchy Red.” You looked over at him as you closed the door behind you.
“Hello Y/n.”
“Come on, Shinto, let’s go and play a game in the other room.” Shinto, at the mention of another game, hopped off your shoulder and followed after Grey, who went to another room. You were a bit confused by this, but you shrugged and sat by Glitchy Red. He looked over at you, a faint smile on his face, which you almost didn’t notice. You always thought he was really cute, but you weren’t going to admit that out loud to him.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on Grey while I was out. I know he doesn’t really need it, but it’s nice to know he’s safe.”
“You’re welcome, Y/n.” He wanted to move closer to you, but he wasn’t sure if his glitches were going to affect you or not, and he didn’t want to risk hurting you. It was silent for a few minutes, not an awkward one, but a nice comfortable silence, that is… until Glitchy Red spoke up.
“Y/n…” he turned to look right at you.
“Hmm?” You looked up at the taller male, tilting your head slightly, as if to give him the go ahead to keep talking.
“I’ve been… thinking about something.”
“What is it?”
“Since that day I met you and Grey… I’ve been having these feelings… ones I haven’t felt in a long time.” You were about to ask him to elaborate until he continued,
“I… love you, Y/n.” You were shocked to say the least. He felt the same way towards you! He took your silence as something bad, that you didn’t feel the same way.
“It’s… fine if you don’t feel the s-“
“I love you too, Glitchy Red.” You moved closer to him and hugged him, which caused him to flinch, as he wasn’t expecting the sudden hug.
“I’m… glad you feel the same way.” He said just loud enough for you to hear before he kissed your forehead and hugged you back. Sure, this was going to take some time for him to get used to, but with you by his side, he didn’t mind it at all. Especially since you weren’t affected by his glitches, which was a good thing for both of you, and eased his worry that he was going to hurt you because of them.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, however, Grey and Shinto had been listening to… most of the conversation, and both were very happy for you! However, if he did anything to hurt you, both would be after him in a heartbeat.
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hmslusitania · 20 days
Happy Birthday Hayley!!!! 🥳🤩🎂🎉Hope you're having a fun and awesome day and I am gonna use this oportunity to tell you again how much I adore ''Paint Down Our Memories''💖
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Thank you so much!!! I’m not really having any day yet because it’s 8 am here (except for Starbuck standing next to my head and purring aggressively) but it should be decent!
Also I’m so glad you’re liking the fic! Chapter five will be up in about half an hour (once I get up lol)!
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bellanoche-oxo · 2 years
ia art makes me so sad and mad is just so horrible, artists have been buied by everyone on the internet for the longest time, and now these bad ppl, bc thats what they are, are coming here using tools that activelly steal from our comunities and just using them to buly us, to insult us, to literally trying to be above us and on the process they will say bullshit like "ah it's your fault bc u are too expensive you are classist" like bro there's never been a time in history where art has been more accesible and that's such a beautyfull thing but bc of this you know what u are going to get? you are going to force ppl to hide they creations under a pay wall or you are going to force us out of our own save spaces or you are going to make us not even want to keep going, this makes me so sad you can't even imagine
like i know every artist out there does art bc we need to it's not only a product for us i literally would have go e insane years ago if it wasn't for the piece this gives me, and obviusly i'm not going to stop doing it bc of all this, but my biggest dream has always been being able to work by sharing this thing that gives me so much peace and hopefully making others feel the same i do maybe even inspire someone to give this magical thing a chance, but bc of all this crap i'm afraid in the future i won't even be able to have money for food...
thankfully i know the artistic proffesions then to be filled with ppl who understand this and won't accept machine generated images as art but still it is such a scary future, specially studying in a graphic design university and moving in this areas where ppl more than accepting the souless horror of this things only sees the oportunity to make money and trick companies into giving them the job bc "the ia works faster"
idk i'm sorry if this is long and depressing and bad written i have been thinking about this for months and i tend to not talk about my opinions bc the internet it's scary but well i trust that the only ppl who will take the time to read this are ppl who follow me and are interested in thoughts
once again sorry if there are misspelings i am:
1 not a native english speaker
2dislexic (hw do u write this word lol)
3currently lying on the flor of a bus and it's 5 am so i'm too tired to re read what i wrote, hopefully is still readable
well that's all i hope you have a great day or night and thank you so mucho for following me and supoorting me even when i post very little lately
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claricelispctor · 1 year
hello again, tags! i’m here once again to tell you that my pack of everything is on sale again. in my payhip store, you’ll find all my content for a special price and discount to buy it all at once. the reason is 1) i really am struggling with my bills once is my last year of studies and things are just too expansive 2) i’m finally planning to retire from creating. i’m giving this last oportunity for you to have this content and i hope it can be useful somehow. help a creator & be happy! thank you so much for your attention so far.
this sale ends on july 28th.
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tessabennet · 9 months
Hello!!!! I'm an absolute fan of your work!!! I've read your series "What I'm looking for" and I loved everything about it. I think I've never seen such a detailed and well thought fic about the MCU and Steve and Bucky. Everything about their past, their feelings, the relationships they crafted, and that sadness and loneliness that surrounds specifically Steve after he comes out of the ice is beautiful. And while I obviously love the Stucky, I think one of my favourite things about your fic is Steve relationships with other people, like Tony, Sam, Natasha... Seriously, you made their friendship seem so organic, so real, they all have so much emotion and baggage and yet they all care so much, they are still sometimes distant, they fight, they don't always agree, they annoy each other, but they care and are trying to built something more. I read some other fics about the Avengers and when they are made to be super friends and family right after the battle of New York that really annoys me (kkkkk), like they literaly just met Clint? How are they like brothers now? None of them know each other but Nat and Clint like ????? How???? I love when they are friends, but they need to built it, and I think you've done it perfectly.
Anyway, super excited to read the other parts of your work!!!! (I'm literally melting and dying with curiosity, begging time to move faster). I'm curiouss about a few things if you could answer, like are you gonna keep everything canon compliant? All the movie deaths in Endgame are still going to happen (if Nat dies I don't thing I will get over it)? Is Bucky going to be snapped? I always thought it was such a wasted oportunity to make Bucky die in Infinity War, because him being there in Endgame with Steve and Tony could make good conclusion for them, and it would make the rebuilding of their friendship feel way stronger...
Again, love your work!!! You are incredible!!!! Big kiss for youuu!!!
Oh wow, hi!! Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear how much you enjoy the series. And I'm especially glad you like the friendship dynamics just as much as the stucky parts themselves, that really means a lot to me. Tbh those relationships between the different Avengers really took me by surprise when I was writing the whole thing, they just sort of... happened? I guess?
Anyway, to answer your questions: Yes, I will stay canon compliant, all the way to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. And yes, that means everrything that happens in Infinity War and Endgame happens in the fic but please don't worry it definitely doesn't stay that way. In the post-Endgame parts, I went into fix-it mode. I've done my absolute best to give everyone a happy ending.
And maybe as a small comfort in the meantime: I'm all but finished with writing the last part of the series!! There's only 3 chapters to go, and then a lot of editing - but once that's all done and dealt with, I'll forgo my established posting schedule and drop large chunks of the series (possibly all of it) in one go. My goal is to get all of it out there sometime next spring, though of course I won't make any promises.
So... yeah. Thanks again so much for taking the time to read my writing and for coming here and leaving such a lovely message in my inbox, you really brightened my day! And of course you're always very welcome to talk to me about the fic, and to ask more questions that may come up, ask for snippets (I'm very liberal with those) or background info. Or, you know, talk to me about the mcu and stucky in general ❤️
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lutzsan · 4 years
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A lovely commission for @maydmarigold
Once again, thank you a lot for commissioning me!!
Commission | Ko-fi
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
hi!! how are you? i hope you are doing well! 💗
First of all, thx you so much for answering my request! It was so fun and cute to read!
Second, ik I've literally came here like 2 days ago but i was just wondering,,, can i get some "going on a vacation at the beach with their s/o head cannons" for the Sawyers and the Sinclairs?? Cause omg i think it would be chaotic and fun 🤠✨
That's all! Don't forget to take care of yourself and give yourself some love! ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ
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OF COURSE YOU CAN! I don't care if you spam my requests honestly cause I'm running out of ideas. Thank you again for the love. So because I feel like it would be very unlikely that either set of brothers would go to a beach I changed the setting to a lake like beach. One with a shore but it's not salt water. Same thing just private. I mention some other stuff because it's my head cannons for hot men and I get to chose the setting. Lmao sorry for the little rant thing I hope you enjoy. Reader is gn.
Side note I kept thinking about these guys (Mainly the Sinclairs) shirtless and I kept getting so flustered and giggly it’s so stupid dude. 
Slashers going to the "beach" with their s/o
Includes: Poly! Sawyer and Sinclair brothers
Warnings: Strong language, mention of a dead animal, idk if this is upsetting but the mention of throwing frogs 
The Sawyer brothers
Drayton would not go with you because I feel like he's too focused on buisness or whatever he has to do. So it's you Bubba, Chop Top and Nubbins.
Bubba will just wear what he usually wears and I feel like the twins don't have bathing suits so they'll just wear regular shorts in the water.
These boys have very resilant skin. Never been sun burned before and can handle heat well. If you do get your hands on sun screen the twins will refuse to put it on at first but after the see you helping Bubba put it on they'll change their tune. They’ll also watch you put yours on but Bubba is quick to call them out. 
Chop Top can swim pretty well seeing as he was in the Vietnam war. Nubbins just kinda floats like a duck in a way. Like he'll lay on his back and just ride the waves that pass.
Bubbas just gonna watch nervously while everyone else swims. He doesn't know how to swim and will freak out if one of you drowns. Make sure to go back to the shore every 15-20 minutes to let him know you’re ok. 
I don’t think the twins are the kind of people to splash water they’ll throw wet sand at each other. Like pick it up underwater and chuck it at each other. They might throw it at you too but in a loving, playful way. 
Bubba would bring a radio, drinks and snack too just in case. He knows how brutal Texas heat can be. 
If you just lay out in the sand or on the dock and tan the boys (mostly Chop Top) will probably just look at you from time to time and how peaceful you look laying in the sun.
(I say this next part because this happened at a beach I was at once) If one of the twins find a dead fish they will pick it up and either chase one of you with it or just chuck it back into the lake. 
The Sinclair brothers
Like the Sawyers there’s a secluded lake in the woods near the house and you’ll go swimming there. 
Bo will take this as an oportunity to take a day off work and make a day out of it. Lester will insist on bringing Jonesy with the four of you. 
Bo and Lester will definitly swim but Vincent will be more hesitant. He will bring his sketch book and maybe some paint with him but he probably won’t swim. If he does he’ll strip to his boxers (totally not losing my mind over thinking about this) and take off his mask. He’s a strong swimmer and might go out pretty far. 
Lester can hold his breath for a really long time so he just holds his breath dives to the bottom of the lake and grabs stuff. A lot of it being stuff the three of them threw into the lake when they were kids. He’ll pull it up onto the dock and sift through all of the crap he finds. 
Bo just mainly swims and watches out for his brothers and the dumb shit they do. He’ll join you up on shore from time to time and if he feels like it he might pick you up and throw you off the dock. He does this in a loving manner and you can totally get him back for it later. 
If you’re standing in more shallow water one of the boys will have their arms wrapped around you, sorry I don’t make the rules. 
I feel like they also spent a lot of times as kids hunting frogs. Lester was the best at it because well, first of all his name is Lester. So unlike throwing wet sand Lester will put a frog on Bo or just throw one at him. Bo won’t get scared but if you do it enough times you’ll have to break up a fight. 
Vincent might wander off a bit and pick some wild flowers to give to you or to just float along in the water. 
At the end of the day Vincent and Lester will beg Bo to do this again another time. 
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
I love your headcanons 💕 could I request how do you think the moon boys would propose (like when, where, how) please? Thank you dear 💐
I know is Thirty Tuesday but can also be Tenderness Tuesday so...
Marc Spector:
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When? -During a small vacation in Egypt. He knows you're also a big fan of Egyptian culture and history, and there couldn't be a better landscape to proposte to you that a night in the most luxurious hotel he can pay, while staring at the Nile and the Moon shines bright in the top of the sky.
Where? -In the privacy of your balcony, he doesn't need more public for this moment than you, a little because he thinks you may reject him (he has trust issues since ever and, let's remember, he went through a divorce not a lot time ago), a little because, well, he's not the best at speaking.
How? -You're sitting by together, enjoying the view and each other's companion, probably with a nice fresh drink at your side. You cannot stop thanking him for taking you to a such beautiful place, and he's easily flustered. "How do you do it?" "The what, Marc?" "Just... being like that, so perfect" You chuckle and lean over to play with his hair. He clears his throat and gives you a small discurse that sounds more like he's about to give you bad news, until he reaches in his pockets and pulls out a little box. "Look, I... totally understand if you want to say no, but-" poor boy seems he wants to run away, but you are sincerely surprised. You gently take his hand because it's shaking badly. "Marc... Yes. My answer is yes". He's truly impressed you didn't drop him at sight and he struggles with his sudden need to cry of release while you pull him into a kiss.
Plus: the ring
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Steven Grant:
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When? -You've been dating for about one or one and a half year perhaps, your lives are so already united you spend at least three or four nights at week in his flat. Now it's autumn, your favorite time of the year despite the intense cold in London, since it's a good excuse to cuddle together at the first oportunity and stop by the café every often.
Where? -You're having a nice walk in one of the famous London parks (the Kensington Gardens, perhaps), hands held together and the best mood. Steven may take you to a not crowded spot among the trees, he's very nervous and once his plan is on, he begins to shake.
How? -Contrary to Marc, Steven speaks a lot, so he spent about two days writing over and over again some words to make sure he wouldn't tangle or get lost in his mind while proposing to you. Anyways he used most of the discourse to talk about how lovely, perfect and sweet you are for him and how much he loves the little things you do (yeah, little but he needed like two paragraphs to describe them) and then he finishes with pulling off the ring and, kneeling on the ground despite the mud and the rain. "(Y/N), please... w-would you ma-marry me?" And oh gods, how can you say no to this precious little thing? "Oh I got- wait, said yes? Y-you really said yes?" "Oh dear, Steven, yes!" "Oh my... oh my..." (he looks like he's about to faint)
Plus: the ring
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Jake Lockley:
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When? -He's a man of doings, with just a few months he knows you're the one. Besides, he's an old-fashined romantic, so he'll prepare everything to make this moment unforgettable, and of course, the night is the perfect time for love.
Where? -He takes you in his limo to a fancy restaurant. You wine and dine and have a nice time in something that doesn't involve Khonshu or beating the shit out of people, and you find out Jake is a thug, but also well-manered and educated in the "magnificent gentleman nature" how he describes himself.
How? -He's a man of few words, suddenly he takes your hand, gently caressing it with the tip of his thumb and muttering a nice song in spanish (obviously), perhaps "Con los años que me quedan" or something similar. Then he proceeds to kiss your hand and mutter "You know who you'd look even better, mi amor?" Then, he pulls off the ring and, without even asking, he slides it on your finger while you stare mouth wide open. "That's it, you're more than perfect now". "Oh my God, Jake-" "Yes" (he cannot help but joke) "No, I mean... are you kidding aren't you?" "You think I'd play with this, muñequita?" "I... Sorry, I just-" He chuckles, you look so beautiful when you're flusttered.
Plus: the ring
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lluzionz · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could make a Sakura x self harming reader? It's okay if you don't write things for such heavy themes. Have a nice day/night🙌💕
A/n: hello there! (Sorry if this isn't great but this is my first request.) Thank you for giving me the oportunity to write such a story because I've been struggling with self harm for a while now so this story is my comfort. (If anyone else is struggling with self harm or some kind of mental illness please please talk to someone you trust and remember, you're not alone. Love you all♡)
"I'll always be there for you"
Sakura x self harming reader
Tw: graphic description of self harm, mentions of blood, mention of scars, self harm comfort
Sakura had noticed that lately you weren't yourself. You didn't smile as much as you used to, didn't spend time with her or with your friends as much, you basically had isolated yourself from everyone and everything. And that made her really sad. She tried many times to talk to you but the only reply she got from you was "I'm ok."
But that reply wasn't enough to her. It was clear that something was bothering you and she wanted to know what was really going on in your mind but she knew she couldn't force you to open up. She only tried it once and it didn't turn out as she hoped. You ran to your room and shut the door behind you as Sakura followed you but she didn't manage to catch up to you. You had already locked the door, leaving her banging at it from the other side until you yelled at her "Leave me alone already. I told you I'm ok!"
That was the first time you raised your voice to her. You usually were so sweet towards her and your voice sounded like an angel's. What had made you snap like that all of the sudden? She didn't have the answer to this question so she decided to leave you alone to relax.
You on the other hand where crouched down with your back against the door, crying your heart out. You couldn't take it anymore. All of your emotions burst out of you and that was too much for you. Even tho you made a promise to yourself to never cut again, you couldn't help it. You needed to cut. You needed to release the pain you felt inside and that was the only way to do it.
You slowly picked your broked self up from the floor and walked towards you night stand. "Only one cut" You thought to yourself as you picked thr blade up and placed it against you wrist. "Only one." You thought again as you rna the blade against your already scared skin. The pain was unbearable but you didn't care. You wanted this, you need this. You needed to release the pain that you felt inside. All those emotions that you felt, all the terrible thoughts you had about yourself, everything. Before you knew it, the one cut had become two and the blood that was coming out of them was too much. You couldn't handle this yourself this time. You needed help. You needed her help.
With slow and unsteady stepped you walked towards the door and unlocked it. Behind it was Sakura with her back leaning against it as tears rolled down her cheeks. She wanted to be beside you and comfoct you but you locked her outside when hou needed her the most. When she felt your presence behind her, she got up from the floor and approached you. "Y/N are you ok? I was so-" Her sentence was cut off as a gasp escaped her lips. "You're bleeding!" Her voice came out loud as she took her hand in hers and inspected it.
"What happened?" Was the only thing that came to her mind to ask you, even tho she already knew the answer. No reply came from you as more tears ran down your red cheeks. You were embarrassed. Ashamed about the fact that you found comfort on self harm rather that opening up to her. She didn't blame you tho. The only thing she did was taking you to the bathroom to clean your wounds.
Your blood covered the bathroom sink but once again Sakura kept quiet. She honestly didn't know what to say. Seeing all of this blood coming out of you, emptied her mind completely. The only question that was stuck on her mind since the moment she saw the blood coming out of you was "Why?" She didn'r know. But how could she?You had grown distant lately and everytime she tried to get closer to you, you pushed her away. But not now. You needed her. You needed to tell her everything that was haunting your mind.
Once she was done cleaning and bandaging you up, she took you in her hands and walked with you on the room. She made you sit on the bed, she sat next to you with her one arm wrapped around your shaking figure and the other on your bandaged wrist. "Y/N can you please tell me what is going on?" Her voice cracked a little at the end as a new pair of tears wetted her cheeks.
You finally broke and told her everything. Every little thought that brought you to this. You didn't hide anything. Not anymore. Sakura sat there, holding you gently as you emptied your heart out to her. She didn't interrupt you not even once. She wanted to hear everything you felt, every bad thought that lead you to harm yourself.
Once you were done talking, Sakura lifted up her head and looked you in the eyes. Her eyes were shining from the tears but she blinked them away. She smiled at you sweetly as she placed her hands on your cheeks, wiping the tears away from your eyes with her thumbs. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" She asked as she ran her fimges across your face, soothingly. "I-I didn't w-wanna upset you.." Your voice trailed off as more tears ran down your face.
"Hey it's ok, don't cry!" She moved closer to you as she wrapped her arms tightly around your body. She couldn't bare the sight of you crying. Her hand was brushing your hair as she whispered sweet nothing against your ear until you calmed down.
Once you were calm, Sakura started to complimenting you and praising you like "You're the most important person to me and I don't wanna loose you." or "you deserve the whole world Y/N. Please, don't forget that." or "You're an amazing person, so kind and so cute. I really don't know what I did to deserve you." That last comment made you blush as a little giggle left your lips.
"Finally you smiled!" A big smile spread across her face as she pulled your cheeks. "Hey don't do that!" You whined as your cheeks turned pink. Sakura leaned over and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I love you so much Y/N." You were about to wrap her arms around her but she stopped you by taking your injured hand in hers. "You know, I had noticed the scars on your wrist for a while now but everytime I tried to talk to you, you just shutted me away so I stopped trying. I know you needed time and space so I decided to stop pushing you." She admited. A tear fell from your eye as you lowered your head in embarrassement. How could she had noticed. "I thought I hid them well enough." You thought to yourself as you hid your face with your palm.
Sakura was quick to remove your palm from your face and place a gentle kiss on it. "Don't feel embarrassed of what you did Y/N." She scolded you as she pulled you closer. "But next time you feel like cutting please, come and talk to me. I'll always be there for you no matter what." Your smile was brighter than the sun as you leaned over and rested your head on her neck. "Are you tired?" She asked as she rubbed your back. "Yeah.." Your voice came out as a whisper as you eyes closed by themselves. You were exhasted.
A small giggle escaped her as she lead down on the bed with you still in her arms. "Just rest and when you wake up we can talk again about it." You mumbled a "yes" as you snuggled closer to her and fell asleep. But she didn't. How could she? The thought of you crying and bleeding from your wrist was haunting her mind. Why didn't you tell her about your problems earlier? Why did you decided to cut yourself rather than talking to someone, to her? Why?
She wasn't trying to be selfish or anything like that, she just wanted to be there for you and make you happy, to keep you safe. But in the end she couldn't. She had let you down. How could she say that she loved you when she didn't do anything to help you when you needed her the most. Why did she let your smile being snached away from you so violantely? How did she let that happen? She was terrible and she needed to change, so she made a promise to herself to keep your smile to your face no matter what it cost.
She then took your bandaged arm in her, brought it up to her lips and started kissing each and everyone of you scars. She didn't care what people would say about your scars, she would always be there for you. "I love you so much Y/N!" Was the last thing sge said before her eyes closed and she fell asleep, holding you close to her, giving you all the love you deserved.
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laskyy · 3 years
Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait, but I didn't have much inspiration this week. This imagine that I wrote is probably not gonna be my best, but I hope you enjoy it, because I still worked hard for it! Love you 💖
Took you long enough
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Tw: food, kissing (let me know if I missed something pls)
Genre: extreme fluff
It was around 8:30 a.m. when you heard your phone ring, so you picked it up without looking at the caller ID because you were to sleepy to care at this point.
"Hello?" You said in a groggy voice.
"Hi sleeping beauty, did I wake you up?" The voice you couldn't get out of your head giggled.
"Oh Intak! Hi there, and well kind of, but I was about to wake up anytime soon so it's fine!" You said as your voice just sounded happier, because of Intak.
Oh and by the way you had a big fat crush on Intak and you were pretty sure he felt the same way, because you guys shared a lot of affection with each other that friends don't. Like kissing the corners of each other's lips, you have slept together in the same bed and you shared longing hugs that neither of you guys wanted to pull away from, but you were still being cautious as you didn't want to move to fast and scare him away.
"Okay then! I called to ask if you wanted to come over and have breakfast with us! You know, to catch up since we've both been busy and I want to see you, if that's okay with you." Intak said in a soothing tone and at this point you were thankful he couldn't see you blush.
"I'd love to come over Intak! I also want to see you." You said and you were sure that Intak could tell by the tone of your voice that you were smiling.
"Alright! I'll see you in 20 cutie!"
"Okay, see you!" You said as you hung up and couldn't help but blush at the nickname.
You got ready and passed by your and Intak's favourite bakery to buy some croissants and other pasteries for everyone to eat.
As you got to the dorm you texted Intak instead of knocking on the door, because you didn't know if the other boys were already awake or not.
As soon as you texted him the door opened and your favourite boy was standing right in front of you with his slightly messy hair.
"Good morning Y/n! Come in!" Intak said as he closed the door and pulled you into a warm hug.
"Good morning! How are you feeling today?"
"I'm great! And you love?" Yeah, you weren't that great after hearing that nickname, it drove you wild! And you guys weren't even dating yet!
"I-I'm good too! And I brought some food!" You said happily as you pulled away from the hug and showed him the bag of pasteries.
"Aww Y/n! You're just the sweetest! Come here, let's go to the kitchen while the other get ready to come down to eat." He said as he grabbed your hand and guided you to sit down on one of the chairs in the kitchen next to him.
"I really missed you Y/n! Can I hug you again?" He said as he gave you those puppy eyes you could never say no to.
You didn't even hesitate, you obviously accepted as Intak englufed you in a beat hug as he put his arms around your shoulders and you put yours around his torso.
"You smell really good!" You said against his chest.
"Oh, thanks I showered!" He said as you both laughed and pulled away from the hug.
Intak was the most handsome guy you had ever laid eyes on. And as cheesy as it sounds you could not stop looking at him. He was just that impactful (Intaktful - no? Sorry, moving on).
"What's wrong cutie? Is there something on my face or you just can't get enough of me?"
You laughed "Oh, you are so full of yourself. But yes I was admiring you, I have to admit it"
"It's good to know you're as smitten for me as I am for you" He said and kissed the corner of your lips softly.
You couldn't help but blush and hide your face in his broad chest as you felt it vibrate with laughter.
"You're so cute when you're shy." He said as he gave you head pats.
You guys pulled away and were just updating each other on your livres while you played with Intak's fingers, a habit that always made you feel at ease.
Eventually, the boys started coming to the kitchen and they couldn't miss the small acts of affection and little looks and giggles you shared with their member Intak, and honestly they just wanted you guys to stop tip-toeing on your feelings. They wanted you guys to realise you were, in fact, perfect for each other.
"Good morning lovebirds!" Jiung said as he softly laughed.
"Good morning!" Both you and Intak answered at the same time.
"Oh who brought food?" Soul asked as he saw the bag from the bakery down the street.
"It was Y/n! They were kind enough to bring food for breakfast!" Intak said as he pulled you closer to him.
"You brought quite a lot as well, but since you were so considerate I'm sure Intak won't let it go to waste!" Keeho said teasingly.
Intak blushed as he looked at your interwined hands.
"Aww look at them being awkward!" Theo said as he looked at Intak and you.
"Yeah They're cute! But I'm hungry and we have work later on so we need to eat!" Jongseob said as he sat down on one of the chairs as well.
You guys were eating and you lost count of how many times Intak wiped your lips or even got hair out of your face. You also lost count of how many times the members gagged! Yeah, they sure love pda.
Once you all finished eating you offered to clean up since they needed to recharge for work later in the day.
You were cleaning the kitchen when Intak wrapped his arms around your waist and softly backhugged you.
"Hey cutie, need help?"
"Hey! It's fine I'm almost finished!"
"Good, because I wanna cuddle!"
While you and Intak shared this sweet conversation in the kitchen, the other members were talking in the living room.
"Don't you guys think it's about time they start dating?" Theo stated impatiently.
"Yeah, but they just won't make a move to ask each other!" Keeho said.
"Maybe if we say something they'll consider it?" Soul said in a questioning way.
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! But they won't listen to just anyone. How about Jongseob says something about that! Since he's the baby and yeah you get it!" Jiung suggested while the other nodded in agreement.
Later on in the day the guys had to head off to the van so they could go to the company and it was also time to get the plan in action!
"Can we meet up tomorrow?" Intak asked as he caressed your cheek softly.
"Yeah, I'd love that actually." You said and pecked his cheek while he giggled softly.
"Look at them! We really have to do something! They've been in this stage for ages! They already look like a couple why do they assume themselves as friends? My God Jongseob do your thing!" Jiung said as he just wanted his two friends to understand they both wanted the same thing.
The boys went to the door and blocked it as Jongseob went in front to talk.
"Intak, Y/n. I just wanted to say that the both of you would look like a great couple! I mean you already do, why not make it Official! Please! You guys want this so bad! And we're not letting you get out until you're both dating each other, so good luck!" Jongseob said as he exited the dorm alongside the other members and let you two stay inside.
"Wow that was... Wow!" Was all you manage to say as you were still in shock.
"Yeah! But well we wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of them would we?" Intak said as looked you in the eyes.
"But do you really want this? I don't want us to date just because of peer pressure!" You said as you wanted to make sure Intak really wanted to be with you.
"I really want this! The reason I hadn't asked you yet, was because I never found the right moment to do it but now that they sort of gave us this oportunity I'm not wasting it! Do you want this as much as I do?" He said as he held both of your hands as a way to calm you down.
"I really do! I've been waiting for this for a long time! I didn't ask you before because I didn't want to scare you away!" You said as you smiled shyly.
"Well then, do you want to date me officially?" Intak asked as he looked at you hopefully.
"Of course I do bub!" You said as you hugged him tightly" You said and you could hear the members on the other side of the door cheering for you.
When you pulled away Intak kissed you right away and honestly it felt better than you could have possibly imagined.
"I love you Intak" You said as you pulled away from the kiss.
"I love you too Y/n" He said while leaning in for another kiss which you gladly accepted.
After a while you opened the door and were met by the members cheering for you.
A chorus of "Awws" was heard when Intak kissed your head softly.
"Took you long enough!" Theo said as the rest of you laughed.
Hope you guys liked this imagine! And once again happy birthday to our puppy Intak! Hope he has a great day! And I hope you guys have a great day as well!! Love you 💖💖💖
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Hi! First of all: thanks for running this blog.🥰
No. 6. is my all time favourite book, although I'm pretty shy and never really engage in the fandom.
Recent news* in the danmei (Chinese BL) community had me thinking of the possibility of an official English release, so my question is related to this.
I don't know if No. 6. fans know about this oportunity or not, but Seven Seas Entertainment has a survey on their website and they seem pretty open to suggestions about what to licensce next. They also did various light novels before.
I was wondering... Do you think No. 6. fans could get to publish this novel by popular demand? 👉👈
Or maybe No. 6. community already tried this and I'm just not aware of it 🤔
Sorry if it's something trivial or annoying to ask, I know next to nothing about how official releases work and my English is also lacking. I just think it would be very neat to get an official version of the novel, especially since it's the 10th anniversary and all ❤️
(If you are not familiar with the story above it's basically this: fan translators asked Seven Seas Entertainment and were able to publish all of the chinese author MXTX's books, competely legal.)
Anyway, thanks for the time and energy you put into the RC blog again ❤️
Hi, Pepe! Thank you so much for the kind words. The No. 6 fandom has made efforts for things like getting a nezumi/shion nendroid made or a season 2 made in the past, but these efforts didn't work. Although No. 6 is very loved, the tumblr fandom is no longer highly active due to the site losing popularity, and it is difficult to get more thousands of people mobilised at once to achieve a No. 6 fandom goal, although we can usually manage a few hundred. However, that certainly doesn't mean we can't give it a go. If you send us information about the survey (like where to go to take it and what we have to do) then the RC is happy to help you try and reach our audience with it. Hope that helps!
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