#one company that invaded their privacy i mean......
bandzboy · 5 months
Unfortunately that statement from the skz chart data account means nothing because they're still going to promote and stream this song. The only thing they'll do is send emails to jype which we know does absolutely nothing
no honestly yeah that's what i thought tbh which is a bit upsetting! when txt had that zionist producer in the song no moa big accs talked about it so that's why it got me shocked that they even addressed it lol
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autolenaphilia · 10 months
One thing I noticed talking about Linux and free software is that a lot of people seem afraid of learning things about technology. I constantly read things like "I hate windows, but switching to linux would mean learning a new OS, and you have to be some super-smart programmer-hacker to do that." Or even: "Switching to firefox would mean switching browsers and I don't know how"
And that is precisely the attitude tech companies like Microsoft and Apple try to instill in their users in order to control them. They create these simple and “friendly” user interfaces for their products, but these hide information. From their OS being pre-installed to their settings apps, they keep people from learning things about how their computer works, and letting the companies make the decisions for their users.
I think people are underestimating themselves and overestimating how hard it is to learn new things are. It is like Windows/Macos have taught them some kind of technological learned helplessness. Not knowing how computers work and being afraid to learn how is how companies like Microsoft controls you, and justifies that control.
For example, people hate the forced and automatic system updates on Windows. And Microsoft justifies it as necessary because some people don’t know that their computer needs security updates and therefore don’t update, so they have to force the updates on them. That’s definitely true, and Microsoft’s tech support people is definitely very aware of that but it is a operating system that presumes that the user is incompetent and therefore shouldn’t control their own computer. And of course Microsoft abuses that power to force privacy-invading features on their users. Windows updates are also badly designed in comparison, no Linux distro I’ve used required the update program to hijack the entire computer, preventing the user from doing other things, but Windows does.
This is the dark side of “user-friendly” design. By requiring zero knowledge and zero responsibility for the user, they also take control away from the user. User-friendly graphical user interfaces (GUI) can also hide the inner workings of a system in comparison to the command line, which enables more precise control of your computer and give you more knowledge about what it is doing.
Even GUIs are not all made equal in regards to this, as the comparison between the Windows Control panel and their newer Settings app demonstrates. As I complained about before, Windows have hidden away the powerful, but complex Control Panel in favor of the slicker-looking but simplified and less powerful Settings app for over a decade now.
Of course this is a sliding scale, and there is a sensible middle-ground between using the command line for everything and user-friendly design masking taking control away from the end user.
There are Linux distros like Linux Mint and MX Linux who have created their own GUI apps for tasks that would otherwise use the command line, without taking control away from the user. This is mainly because they are open source non-profit community-driven distros, instead of being proprietary OSes made by profit-driven megacorps.
Still, giving that control to the user presumes some knowledge and responsibility on part of the user. To return to the update example, by default both Mint and MX will search and notify you of available updates, but you will have to take the decision to download and install them. Automatic updates are available in both cases, but it’s opt-in, you have to enable that option yourself. And that approach presumes that you know that you should update your system to plug security holes, something not all people do. It gives you control because it presumes you have knowledge and can take responsibility for those decisions.
All this also applies to the underlying fact that practically all pre-built computers nowadays have an operating system pre-installed. Few people install an OS themselves nowadays, instead they use whatever came with the computer. It’s usually either Windows or MacOS for desktops/laptops, and Android/IOS for smartphones (which are also a type of computer).
Now all this is very convenient and user-friendly, since it means you don’t have to learn how to install your own operating system. The OEM takes care of that for you. But again, this is a convenience that takes choice away from you. If you don’t learn how to install your own OS, you are stuck with whatever that is on the computer you bought. It’s probably precisely this step that scares people away from Linux, few people have installed even Windows, and installing your own OS seems impossibly scary. But again, learning is the only way to take back control. If you learn how to install an OS off an USB stick, you now have choices in what OS to use. (Sidenote: the hard part IMO is not the actual install process, but fiddling with the BIOS so it will actually boot from the distro on the USB stick. This old comic strip illustrates this very well).
That’s how life is in general, not just computers. Having control over your life means making decisions based on your own judgment. And to make sensible, rational decisions, you have to learn things, acquire knowledge.
The only other alternative is letting others take those decisions for you. You don’t have to learn anything, but you have no control. And in the tech world, that means big corporations like Microsoft, Google and Apple will make those decisions, and they are motivated by their own profits, not your well-being.
Computers have only become more and more capable and more important in our lives, and that can enable wonderful things. But it also means more power to the tech companies, more power over our lives. And the only way to resist that is to learn about computers, to enable us to make our own decisions about how we use technology.
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Tech monopolists use their market power to invade your privacy
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It's easy to greet the FTC's new report on social media privacy, which concludes that tech giants have terrible privacy practices with a resounding "duh," but that would be a grave mistake.
Much to the disappointment of autocrats and would-be autocrats, administrative agencies like the FTC can't just make rules up. In order to enact policies, regulators have to do their homework: for example, they can do "market studies," which go beyond anything you'd get out of an MBA or Master of Public Policy program, thanks to the agency's legal authority to force companies to reveal their confidential business information.
Market studies are fabulous in their own right. The UK Competition and Markets Authority has a fantastic research group called the Digital Markets Unit that has published some of the most fascinating deep dives into how parts of the tech industry actually function, 400+ page bangers that pierce the Shield of Boringness that tech firms use to hide their operations. I recommend their ad-tech study:
In and of themselves, good market studies are powerful things. They expose workings. They inform debate. When they're undertaken by wealthy, powerful countries, they provide enforcement roadmaps for smaller, poorer nations who are being tormented in the same way, by the same companies, that the regulator studied.
But market studies are really just curtain-raisers. After a regulator establishes the facts about a market, they can intervene. They can propose new regulations, and they can impose "conduct remedies" (punishments that restrict corporate behavior) on companies that are cheating.
Now, the stolen, corrupt, illegitimate, extremist, bullshit Supreme Court just made regulation a lot harder. In a case called Loper Bright, SCOTUS killed the longstanding principle of "Chevron deference," which basically meant that when an agency said it had built a factual case to support a regulation, courts should assume they're not lying:
The death of Chevron Deference means that many important regulations – past, present and future – are going to get dragged in front of a judge, most likely one of those Texas MAGA mouth-breathers in the Fifth Circuit, to be neutered or killed. But even so, regulators still have options – they can still impose conduct remedies, which are unaffected by the sabotage of Chevron Deference.
Pre-Loper, post-Loper, and today, the careful, thorough investigation of the facts of how markets operate is the prelude to doing things about how those markets operate. Facts matter. They matter even if there's a change in government, because once the facts are in the public domain, other governments can use them as the basis for action.
Which is why, when the FTC uses its powers to compel disclosures from the largest tech companies in the world, and then assesses those disclosures and concludes that these companies engage in "vast surveillance," in ways that the users don't realize and that these companies "fail to adequately protect users, that matters.
What's more, the Commission concludes that "data abuses can fuel market dominance, and market dominance can, in turn, further enable data abuses and practices that harm consumers." In other words: tech monopolists spy on us in order to achieve and maintain their monopolies, and then they spy on us some more, and that hurts us.
So if you're wondering what kind of action this report is teeing up, I think we can safely say that the FTC believes that there's evidence that the unregulated, rampant practices of the commercial surveillance industry are illegal. First, because commercial surveillance harms us as "consumers." "Consumer welfare" is the one rubric for enforcement that the right-wing economists who hijacked antitrust law in the Reagan era left intact, and here we have the Commission giving us evidence that surveillance hurts us, and that it comes about as a result of monopoly, and that the more companies spy, the stronger their monopolies become.
But the Commission also tees up another kind of enforcement: Section 5, the long (long!) neglected power of the agency to punish companies for "unfair and deceptive methods of competition," a very broad power indeed:
In the study, the Commission shows – pretty convincingly! – that the commercial surveillance sector routinely tricks people who have no idea how their data is being used. Most people don't understand, for example, that the platforms use all kinds of inducements to get web publishers to embed tracking pixels, fonts, analytics beacons, etc that send user-data back to the Big Tech databases, where it's merged with data from your direct interactions with the company. Likewise, most people don't understand the shadowy data-broker industry, which sells Big Tech gigantic amounts of data harvested by your credit card company, by Bluetooth and wifi monitoring devices on streets and in stores, and by your car. Data-brokers buy this data from anyone who claims to have it, including people who are probably lying, like Nissan, who claims that it has records of the smells inside drivers' cars, as well as those drivers' sex-lives:
Or Cox Communications, which claims that it is secretly recording and transcribing the conversations we have in range of the mics on our speakers, phones, and other IoT devices:
(If there's a kernel of truth to Cox's bullshit, my guess it's that they've convinced some of the sleazier "smart TV" companies to secretly turn on their mics, then inflated this into a marketdroid's wet-dream of "we have logged every word uttered by Americans and can use it to target ads.)
Notwithstanding the rampant fraud inside the data brokerage industry, there's no question that some of the data they offer for sale is real, that it's intimate and sensitive, and that the people it's harvested from never consented to its collection. How do you opt out of public facial recognition cameras? "Just don't have a face" isn't a realistic opt-out policy.
And if the public is being deceived about the collection of this data, they're even more in the dark about the way it's used – merged with on-platform usage data and data from apps and the web, then analyzed for the purposes of drawing "inferences" about you and your traits.
What's more, the companies have chaotic, bullshit internal processes for handling your data, which also rise to the level of "deceptive and unfair" conduct. For example, if you send these companies a deletion request for your data, they'll tell you they deleted the data, but actually, they keep it, after "de-identifying" it.
De-identification is a highly theoretical way of sanitizing data by removing the "personally identifiers" from it. In practice, most de-identified data can be quickly re-identified, and nearly all de-identified data can eventually be re-identified:
Breaches, re-identification, and weaponization are extraordinarily hard to prevent. In general, we should operate on the assumption that any data that's collected will probably leak, and any data that's retained will almost certainly leak someday. To have even a hope of preventing this, companies have to treat data with enormous care, maintaining detailed logs and conducting regular audits. But the Commission found that the biggest tech companies are extraordinarily sloppy, to the point where "they often could not even identify all the data points they collected or all of the third parties they shared that data with."
This has serious implications for consumer privacy, obviously, but there's also a big national security dimension. Given the recent panic at the prospect that the Chinese government is using Tiktok to spy on Americans, it's pretty amazing that American commercial surveillance has escaped serious Congressional scrutiny.
After all, it would be a simple matter to use the tech platforms targeting systems to identify and push ads (including ads linking to malicious sites) to Congressional staffers ("under-40s with Political Science college degrees within one mile of Congress") or, say, NORAD personnel ("Air Force enlistees within one mile of Cheyenne Mountain").
Those targeting parameters should be enough to worry Congress, but there's a whole universe of potential characteristics that can be selected, hence the Commission's conclusion that "profound threats to users can occur when targeting occurs based on sensitive categories."
The FTC's findings about the dangers of all this data are timely, given the current wrangle over another antitrust case. In August, a federal court found that Google is a monopolist in search, and that the company used its data lakes to secure and maintain its monopoly.
This kicked off widespread demands for the court to order Google to share its data with competitors in order to erase that competitive advantage. Holy moly is this a bad idea – as the FTC study shows, the data that Google stole from us all is incredibly toxic. Arguing that we can fix the Google problem by sharing that data far and wide is like proposing that we can "solve" the fact that only some countries have nuclear warheads by "democratizing" access to planet-busting bombs:
To address the competitive advantage Google achieved by engaging in the reckless, harmful conduct detailed in this FTC report, we should delete all that data. Sure, that may seem inconceivable, but come on, surely the right amount of toxic, nonconsensually harvested data on the public that should be retained by corporations is zero:
Some people argue that we don't need to share out the data that Google never should have been allowed to collect – it's enough to share out the "inferences" that Google drew from that data, and from other data its other tentacles (Youtube, Android, etc) shoved into its gaping maw, as well as the oceans of data-broker slurry it stirred into the mix.
But as the report finds, the most unethical, least consensual data was "personal information that these systems infer, that was purchased from third parties, or that was derived from users’ and non-users’ activities off of the platform." We gotta delete that, too. Especially that.
A major focus of the report is the way that the platforms handled children's data. Platforms have special obligations when it comes to kids' data, because while Congress has failed to act on consumer privacy, they did bestir themselves to enact a children's privacy law. In 2000, Congress passed the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which puts strict limits on the collection, retention and processing of data on kids under 13.
Now, there are two ways to think about COPPA. One view is, "if you're not certain that everyone in your data-set is over 13, you shouldn't be collecting or processing their data at all." Another is, "In order to ensure that everyone whose data you're collecting and processing is over 13, you should collect a gigantic amount of data on all of them, including the under-13s, in order to be sure that not collecting under-13s' data." That second approach would be ironically self-defeating, obviously, though it's one that's gaining traction around the world and in state legislatures, as "age verification" laws find legislative support.
The platforms, meanwhile, found a third, even stupider approach: rather than collecting nothing because they can't verify ages, or collecting everything to verify ages, they collect everything, but make you click a box that says, "I'm over 13":
It will not surprise you to learn that many children under 13 have figured out that they can click the "I'm over 13" box and go on their merry way. It won't surprise you, but apparently, it will surprise the hell out of the platforms, who claimed that they had zero underage users on the basis that everyone has to click the "I'm over 13" box to get an account on the service.
By failing to pass comprehensive privacy legislation for 36 years (and counting), Congress delegated privacy protection to self-regulation by the companies themselves. They've been marking their own homework, and now, thanks to the FTC's power to compel disclosures, we can say for certain that the platforms cheat.
No surprise that the FTC's top recommendation is for Congress to pass a new privacy law. But they've got other, eminently sensible recommendations, like requiring the companies to do a better job of protecting their users' data: collect less, store less, delete it after use, stop combining data from their various lines of business, and stop sharing data with third parties.
Remember, the FTC has broad powers to order "conduct remedies" like this, and these are largely unaffected by the Supreme Court's "Chevron deference" decision in Loper-Bright.
The FTC says that privacy policies should be "clear, simple, and easily understood," and says that ad-targeting should be severely restricted. They want clearer consent for data inferences (including AI), and that companies should monitor their own processes with regular, stringent audits.
They also have recommendations for competition regulators – remember, the Biden administration has a "whole of government" antitrust approach that asks every agency to use its power to break up corporate concentration:
They say that competition enforcers factor in the privacy implications of proposed mergers, and think about how promoting privacy could also promote competition (in other words, if Google's stolen data helped it secure a monopoly, then making them delete that data will weaken their market power).
I understand the reflex to greet a report like this with cheap cynicism, but that's a mistake. There's a difference between "everybody knows" that tech is screwing us on privacy, and "a federal agency has concluded" that this is true. These market studies make a difference – if you doubt it, consider for a moment that Cigna is suing the FTC for releasing a landmark market study showing how its Express Scripts division has used its monopoly power to jack up the price of prescription drugs:
Big business is shit-scared of this kind of research by federal agencies – if they think this threatens their power, why shouldn't we take them at their word?
This report is a milestone, and – as with the UK Competition and Markets Authority reports – it's a banger. Even after Loper-Bright, this report can form the factual foundation for muscular conduct remedies that will limit what the largest tech companies can do.
But without privacy law, the data brokerages that feed the tech giants will be largely unaffected. True, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is doing some good work at the margins here:
But we need to do more than curb the worst excesses of the largest data-brokers. We need to kill this sector, and to do that, Congress has to act:
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The paperback edition of The Lost Cause, my nationally bestselling, hopeful solarpunk novel is out this month!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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w1ngedsoul · 1 month
dating frenchie...
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warnings: swearing, mentions of sex/drugs
requests are open!
frenchie masterlist
⭑ loves to give you nicknames
⭑ if you're short, he'll call you something like 'stumpy' or 'little leprecaun' and if you're taller, he'll call you something like 'bfg' or 'giraffe'
⭑ 'mon coeur', 'ma puce', 'mon amour', 'cherie'
⭑ 😫
⭑ literally so fine, you just stare while he's working on a project and when he catches you staring 👀
⭑ his face while concentrating >>
⭑ frenchie is a breast guy, end of discussion
⭑ he just loves laying on your chest and falling asleep
⭑ definitely has ordered you lacy bras before so he can spot your nipples poking through
⭑ speaking of lacy clothing, he ADORES lingerie
⭑ he loves the way they hug your hips and pushes your breasts together
⭑ grey, white, red, green, black
⭑ you have a whole damn drawer just for them at this point
⭑ he definitely loves to experiment with toys
⭑ vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, whips
⭑ he's up for trying pretty much anything
⭑ he likes being tied up and being restrained from touching you but when you've undone the restraints then he's all over you
⭑ he's also into edging you, seeing how far he can push your limits until you're a crying mess for him
⭑ 'mon coeur, look at me while i let you finish'
⭑ he's loves baking and cooking for you
⭑ literally never let's you help him
⭑ you're banished from the kitchen 🧍
⭑ loves to hear what you think when he tries out a new recipe
⭑ his face lights up if you like it, it's almost never that you don't like something he's made because, c'mon, this man is an artist in the kitchen
⭑ loves smacking your ass
⭑ when you're walking past him, bending down, brushing your teeth, showering together
⭑ on the topic of showering, he loves it so much when you let him wash your hair
⭑ he makes sure to be careful everytime and to never tug your hair, he loves putting on your hair masks and hair oil, even after you're showered he loves putting on all your different sprays to fully nourish your hair
⭑ he also loves to curl/straighten/wave your hair, or anything in general
⭑ whether it's literally putting up a ponytail or totally curling and volumising your hair, he wants to be involved
⭑ you eventually taught him and now he never let's you do your hair
⭑ privacy means nothing in your relationship
⭑ not that he intentionally invades your privacy, he just loves your company and wants to be near you all of the time
⭑ he's an artist, prove me wrong
⭑ he loves drawing you, in your favourite dresses, or without clothing
⭑ he's definitely got your name tattooed on the back of his neck or the date of your anniversary
⭑ he loves being romantic
⭑ written letters, candles, dancing, dates every friday, flowers, your favourite drink order every morning
⭑ he loves taking care of you
⭑ cleaning, cooking, drawing, walks in the park
⭑ his love language is acts of service, what can i say
⭑ he also loves watching films with you
⭑ if its something he's already seen, he'll definitely unintentionally spoil it
⭑ 'it's such a shame that he has a bullet shot through his head-, putain!'
⭑ one of his favourite films is final destination
⭑ listen, i don't make the rules 🤷
⭑ loves anything with a detailed plot, or an unexpected twist
⭑ has two birds, lizzie and maguire
⭑ you bought them both together, and even if the owner seemed dodgy, you still arrived home happy
⭑ having them fly around the shared apartment the whole group lives in scares the shit out of butcher
⭑ he once shattered a mug of coffee
⭑ frenchie loves kissing you in front of the boys + kimiko, he loves their annoyed expressions, telling him to finish his project
⭑ talking about kimiko, she's happy for the both of you and has never felt any feelings other than platonic towards frenchie
⭑ you and her are a literal dream team at ranking frenchie
⭑ the whoopie cushion is such a classic but scared him shitless
⭑ he's literally the best bf ever
⭑ he's try and keep you out of the boys' business as often as possible, to keep you safe, although if you really wanted to, he wouldn't stop you from doing so as he wants to respect your wishes as much as possible
⭑ always complimentary towards you, and telling you how much he loves you
⭑ 'mon amour, you are the best thing to ever happen to me'
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They Called It Puppy Love: Headcanons (Simu!Ken x Shy!Reader)
Request: Hello 💕 I wanna request a Simu!Ken please - Simu!Ken (Barbie) where he's dating a new Barbie shyreader and Barbies & Kens find it adorable that Simu!Ken follows her like a lost puppy and just deeply in love with her, please?
Genre: Fluff
Description: Headcanons for Ken and a timid s/o
a/n: he's so cute <3
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Upon knowing of Ken's existence in Barbieland, there was a definite: He was a damn show-off
And a cute one on top of it - and that did annoy you
You were a lesser know Barbie that was released and, let's say, didn't fly off the shelves
You were pretty happy in your own little corner by the library and you always kept to yourself
Ken noticed you...eventually
It was another perfect day in Barbieland, you were simply walking on the pier near the beach, your eyes down and not making any move to speak to people
Then he saw you, the beachball bounced off of his head in an instant
He found it quite cute that you were doing anything to avoid talking to people, so, he did what he did best - showed off his beach skills
And with enough oomph in his step, you finally looked up and saw
His smile beaming with comfidence
Was that a wink? Hell yeah!
Your face was bright red, your palms sweaty, your breath quickened - *in squidward's voice* OH NO HE'S HOT!
He then approached you after to talk to you
"Hi, hi there, I'm Ken - you know, from beach?"
"Yeah, I know..."
It may have been only a few sentences after and then he asks
"Do you, uh...do you know how to play volleyball?"
"...No, I'm, um, I'm not a Beach Barbie..."
"Huh...can I teach you?"
And the rest is history
In Relationship:
He follows you around
Not in a 'ooo I like here, let me invade her privacy' kind of way
But he follows you like a lost puppy - all bright-eyed, a big smile on his face and not so subtly praising you for the bare minimum
Like, you could be doing the most basic thing like reading and he's just looking at you with heart eyes
Dates usually consist of watching him do beach things like volleyball, surfing and such
But that doesn't mean he won't do anything else
One of your favourite things to do is to simply sit in silence, enjoying the company of someone else
That soon became a mandatory ritual for the both of you
He calls you "baby, love, sweetie, darling", like, all the basic ones
He also is a GOD at respecting boundaries when they're put in place
He is a touchy-feely guy and he likes to hold you in any way he can and any time he can
But if you quietly tell him 'no', he will immediately move away
But if you're craving a little extra touch, he's more than happy to oblige
This was adorable! Anything you wish to request, go to my inbox!
Please like and reblog! Do not pass this as your own.
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notinmymovie · 2 years
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x gn!reader
Word count: 1k
Summary: After a chance encounter at a bar, you and Sam’s one night stand becomes habitual. You’re content to let her keep her secrets in exchange for her company that you’ve grown fond of, but one night changes things.
Warnings: Mentions of sex (no actual smut), nightmares/ptsd, mentions of death/murder, dealing with trauma
A/N: Not requested, a bit of angsty hurt comfort to soothe the soul??
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The first time you meet Sam Carpenter—it’s in a tiny hole in the wall bar in NYC. You shared a similar humor and well, she was undeniably stunning. It didn’t take long before an exchange of sharp wit turned into flirtation. And eventually you went back to your place and shared a night together (a pretty memorable one too, you might add). You didn’t expect much after the fact, oftentimes a one night stand was a one night stand, and the other didn’t seem too keen on sharing a lot of information about herself.
But, to your surprise, she calls. You don’t believe this will go anywhere, you hold no preconceived notions about any of it. And first, you’re sort of right. At first, it’s just hooking up and her leaving early the next morning. You didn’t mind it, she was good company and it wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy it. You did hold curiosity about her though, this you couldn’t deny. But you didn’t want to push or invade her privacy, she didn’t owe you anything and you figured she had her reasons for not being open.
But one night things change, one night you wake up to her tossing and turning and mumbling in her sleep. You wake up startled and half groggy, she seemed…distressed. “Sam,” you say quietly, gently trying to nudge her awake. When her reactions get more frantic, so do yours. “Hey—hey. Sam, wake up.” you reach out to touch her again, to jostle her awake, when she bolts up screaming in a panic.
You notice her terror, checking her surroundings, breaths heaving. You don’t know what else to do so you simply try to get her to focus on you, an attempt to ground her. “Sam, hey,” your voice is soft, a gentle hand on her shoulder. “It’s me, you’re okay.” She still seems so on edge, seemingly refusing to look at you. “Can you look at me?” And when she does you can see the tears in her eyes. “You’re safe here.”
It seems like the words only induce more tears, so you simply pull her into your arms, letting her cry. “It’s okay,” you mumble. “You’re okay.”
The next morning, you don’t say anything—almost a little afraid to push it. Eventually it’s her that breaks the silence, “I’m sorry,” Sam says. “About last night. That was probably a bit weird for you.”
You shake your head, taking a sip of your coffee. “It wasn’t weird,” you say. “A little worrying maybe, that’s the word I’d use. You just seemed so—scared.”
Sam chuckles, an awkward and quiet sound. “I was…I guess sometimes you think you’re dealing with things so well and then something just—wrecks that thought to hell.”
“I’ve really tried not to like—overstep boundaries,” you start. “You don’t have to tell me anything, you really don’t. But if you wouldn’t mind, I’d maybe like to understand, I mean…” You pause, trying to collect your thoughts. “You had a panic inducing night terror in my bed last night, if you’re gonna be around this much—at least let me care a little.”
Sam looks almost a little surprised at that, “okay…I guess I owe you that much.” She sighs, clearly nervous. “Last year, I returned to my hometown for the first time in five years because my sister was attacked by a—masked psycho.”
Your eyes widen, “jesus christ, okay…”
“She survived, but there were other attacks. People who didn’t survive.” She continues. “And it…all came back to me.”
“I doubt you’re to blame for some nutcase wanting to get stab happy,” you say.
“There’s more to it…” She seems hesitant. “You’re probably never going to want to speak to me again after this,” Sam says.
“Try me,” you counter.
And it was like once she started she couldn’t stop, like she had been bottling it all up and now it was all flowing out over the top. She weaves her tale, the murders, the terror, and even her biological father. And now, the rumors that surrounded her because of it all.
If you were honest, yeah—it was a whole fucking lot to take in and part of you wondered if you were living under a goddamn rock to not know about at least some of this, but you were surprisingly calm.
“Say something please.” She says in the wake of your slightly stunned silence.
“Fucking hell,” words blurted out.
Okay, so maybe not that calm.
“Maybe say something else,” she adds, uneasy.
“That is…I would probably have nightmares too.”
“You’re not nearly as freaked out as I thought you’d be,” says Sam.
“I mean, I’m a little freaked out. But if you were going to go all Micheal Myers on me—I figure you probably would have by now.” You realize that was probably not the best response, but you were still just a bit overwhelmed. “Sorry,” you add haphazardly.
“I—it’s fine,” she says, shaking her head a little. “I didn’t do it, for the record. What everyone’s saying.”
“I don’t think murderers typically wake up in a panic after their killing sprees,” you say. “I get it.”
She sighs, “I really am sorry. I didn’t tell you or try to get too close because I didn’t want to drag you into anything.”
“I doubt anyone wants to open up to the stranger they’re hooking up with,” you say lightly. “And I can handle myself too by the way.”
“Yeah, but I do actually like you,” she says. “And I clearly should have told you that too.”
You grin a little at that heart squeezing. “That’s a relief, I didn’t want to be the cliche of falling for your friend with benefits all on my own.”
“I can assure you, you’re not alone.” She says, a soft smile that matches your own.
“Okay…good,” you say.
“Great,” she responds. The two of you were giggling now.
And for once, she doesn’t leave and suddenly the sunlight streaming in through your kitchen window feels just a little bit brighter and warmer. It all felt—hopeful.
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tears0fsatan · 1 year
I have something in mind
Can brothers+ Simeon (If you can) react to a smutty fanfic with male mc written by some random succubus?
They're just randomly scrolling on devilgram (or any other platform) and they see this fanfic (if you know what I mean)
Sorry if it's a bit confusing.
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✦ ⊹ ˚˖ warnings... nsfw??, below 16 do not interact u'll be blocked if u do, male!mc, mainly implied dom!mc, mainly implied top!mc, possessive language yeahhhh 🤘🤘🤟, praise, levi has two dicks lol (its canon atp yall source: trust me), implied blowjob lol (levi), lowkey exhibitionism (satan&beel), mention of somno (belphie), mention of body worship lol (simeon)
 :¨·.·¨ ♥︎  a.n... wait this is actually pretty cute??? HAHAHA had so many ideas for this thank you hon <3 (lol lets move past the fact that this req is almost a year old and it reminded me of svsss lowkey)
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he doesn't really remember how things had gotten to this point, one moment he was busy doing his paperwork and the next he was reading this... obscene nonsense on his phone. it was horribly vulgar and terribly inappropriate, not to mention how it invaded his and MCs privacy.
yet for some reason, he couldn't look away.
lucifer was no teenage boy, he had the willpower to move mountains and never felt the urge to masturbate, especially to something as crass as smut of someone he knew personally.
he had no need to read horrible stuff like this since he could easily have the real thing, yet he had to admit, there was something rather enticing about someone's lewd fantasies between him and MC. it annoyed him to no end that someone thought of his MC in such a way but knowing that they knew it was lucifer that was the one making his human feel so good eased his jealousy.
it was comical almost, how the author depicted him fucking MC into the next day when in reality it was the opposite. it was lucifer who was under the mercy of the human, the one who would cry and beg for more, not that anyone outside of the two of them needed to know.
however, there was one commonality between the vulgar post and reality that made his pride flare, no one, not human, angel, or demon, could ever make his little human feel as good as he did. it was interesting to see how accurate yet inaccurate this succubus's fantasy was at the same time and only lucifer would know.
lucifer thought about leaving a comment correcting the author on what a satisfied MC really looked like, on how it was really he himself that trembled under the human's touch, and how MC managed to get the avatar of pride into such a state. yet, knowing that he was the only one who truly knew those little things pleased him greatly, and quickly dismissed the thought. some things were better left unsaid.
during one of his nightly visits to his favourite casino, mammon couldn’t help but notice how some of the succubi keeping the gambling demons company were whispering amongst each other and giggling to themselves while occasionally throwing glances at him. at first, he thought nothing of it, he was a demon lord after all and the second oldest of all seven avatars of sins on top of being a model, it was no surprise people would recognise him.
throughout the night he caught wind of bits and pieces of the succubi’s whispering and immediately opened his D.D.D. to see exactly what the hell they were muttering about. what he found left him speechless and unable to focus on his bets the entire night, though he tried (and subsequently failed miserably) to not let it show.
there was a flare of anger at the thought of other people thinking of his MC in that way but the fact that they imagined him with MC had a different feeling flaring up in the pit of his stomach. a sense of smugness bubbled up from within, damn right it was him that was fucking MC, as if he would allow anyone else touch his treasure.
mammon's thoughts kept flitting back to the post despite himself, images of scenes the author described coming to haunt him through his bets and they had him shifting in his seat, eager to keep the money rolling in but also desperate to have MCs arms wrapped around him and make the dirty fantasies of a random succubus come to life.
he wanted to feel MCs desperation on his skin, he wanted the humans attention all on him, his eyes focused on the demon and him alone, but most of all, mammon wanted to hear the cascade of praises that the human sang his way, just like how the post had described. he needed all of it.
before he realised, his thoughts were no longer focused on the money he could've been earning and instead on his human. he'd deal with the perverted succubus and his increasing debt another day, what he needed right now was MC.
now, leviathan was no stranger to fan fiction, especially smut and x readers. he was what one could describe as an expert on internet culture, so how could he not know about something as infamous as fan fiction? they were his guilty pleasure, not that anyone knew.
he was also no stranger to searching MC up online, whether it was on devilgram to see the most recent photos captured of him or fabsnap to replay the videos of him doing a silly challenge with one of his brothers. while he knew that the real living human was merely a few steps away, leviathan wasn't sure if he wanted such a useless and gross otaku breathing down his neck.
so, when he was scrolling through devilgram to see updates on a new anime he was into and accidentally stumbled upon a once in a lifetime goldmine, how could he pass up the opportunity to read it? i mean, to think that some other basement dweller thought of him with MC in such an intimate way... that was pretty fucking awesome, wasn't it?! leviathan was divided between feeling like the luckiest demon in all three realms and feeling like he had tainted something he shouldn't have, as his eyes shakily scanned the blob of text with bated breath.
there were several moments that sent a shudder down his spine, the description of MC taking his cocks oh so sweetly had him running laps in his mind. even after he finished reading the entirety of the post, he had to go back again, as if to burn the text into his memory.
a whine made its way out of the demon's throat when the mental image of the human stroking his cocks with a lazy smirk on his lips and sharp eyes analysing his every move took reign over his thoughts, the image coming back despite how hard he tried to will it away and focus on the post again. his attempts proved futile, thoughts of MC on his knees in front of him with a cock in each hand, movement stopping completely just as he was about to come flashed in his mind with every breath⎯ leviathan couldn't get him out of his head.
hidden beneath the guilt that came with thinking of such lewd acts with MC lay a flare of envy⎯ how dare someone think of the revered human in such a manner? the more he thought about him and the post, the brighter the flare burned, and soon it consumed him, on top of the sinful thoughts of his human.
while waiting for a certain human to join him at the library for their promised tutoring session, satan decided to scroll through his devilgram, chuckling quietly to himself when he comes across a silly video of cats. however, his laughter soon died down when he scrolled onto the next recommended post and saw that it was about his study date and himself.
after a moment of pondering whether he should take the time to read the horny rambling of a random succubus or not, he ultimately decided, fuck it, why not? it was crude and quite poorly written, he noted, but the thought behind the post was made clear; satan took MC to the library under the guise of tutoring him when in reality it had only been a front to fuck the human in public.
a concoction of emotion bubbled underneath his skin and his mind ran rampant, the thought of someone naively believing that satan would be the one who would do something as ballsy as that nearly made him laugh, but he imagined a scenario where the dynamic flipped, and the chuckle died in his throat. various images of MC using him in a place he deemed to be his haven weaselled past his wall of self control and it became the only thing he could think of.
it wasn't something he hadn't thought of, it was just one that he tried not to acknowledge. after all, it was a public setting and satan had the reputation of a demon lord to keep up, he couldn't just do something indecent where lesser beings could see him and MC. yet, in a way, the vulgar musing of some unknown succubus brought an onslaught of unwarranted thoughts about him and the human doing uncouth things in places where someone could randomly stumble upon them that he didn't hate all that much.
the idea of the human covering his mouth with his hand to silence all the obscene noises so people wouldn't discover them had more of an effect on the demon than he thought and he had to stop himself from divulging in his horny daydreams further.
he was pulled out of his dirty fantasies by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and satan looked up to see that the human had arrived, chest rising and falling faster than it would normally, giving him the idea that he had run to meet him. the demon put on a smile and continued with the date like he never read the post in the first place, but unbeknownst to MC, there were endless plans swirling around in his mind.
there is no demon in devildom who is more active on devilgram and fabsnap than asmodeus, the avatar of lust himself. it was no surprise to find him scrolling through his phone whenever he wasn't checking himself out on the nearest reflective surface. he isn't ashamed to admit he often checks posts tagged with his name, he enjoyed seeing all the compliments random succubi and inccubi showered him in.
though as of late, there was another name he found himself searching up alongside his. there was no one else it could've been besides MC, the human had somehow managed to worm his way into asmodeus's self fulfilled heart, which shocked even asmodeus himself. the demon always read every caption and comment under a post with either his or MCs name in it, especially posts tagged with both of their names. he made sure to never miss a post, regardless of whether they had something good or bad to say (of course the negative ones all got mysteriously bombarded with death threats and soon after were taken down). it was how he found the random musing of one of his fans.
it was scrambled and all over the place, not to mention the number of inaccuracies woven into it, and yet it turned asmodeus on nevertheless. there was one thing they got right; how the demon absolutely adored milking the human dry. the way his spit coated lips would bleed from how hard he bit on them and the way the filthy, degrading names that made asmodeus tremble in all the right ways would tumble past his lips as he rode him, he loved it all.
he fed off of MC's grunts and delirious praises like they were his last lifeline, both in this fan's fantasy and in real life. he never thought that someone could look as beautiful as himself while orgasming but then the human came along and suddenly it was like he had found god again.
the demon found himself getting more and more worked up as he read the text, the detail in the writing of what the two did sent a delightful shiver down his spine, and asmodeus had a sudden urge to stalk the human down and jump his bones. who knew someone's horny rambling could make asmodeus, the avatar of lust, feel this heated? as he skipped off in the direction of MC, thoughts about commissioning the fan kinkier work in the future cycled through his mind.
the avatar of gluttony wasn't someone who was constantly glued to his D.D.D. like a certain brother of his, if not for communicating with his brothers and MC or using his food sleuthing skills to find new and upcoming food businesses, he hardly even glanced at his phone.
yet somehow, beelzebub found himself unable to take his eyes off of his phone after one particularly tiring fangol practice. while all the other players had finished washing up and changing, the avatar of gluttony was still seated on the bench, unaware of the world around him. the post that had the demon so entranced was one about MC and himself doing sinful things that he only thought asmodeus would indulge in inside the very room beelzebub was situated in at the moment.
a shiver went down his spine and goosebumps broke out all over his skin, both from sweat that clung to his skin and the cool air and the post on devilgram. he was already hungry from not being able to eat during practice, but the description of MCs equally sweaty chest pressed against his back while his hands roamed beelzebubs waist made him feel a different kind of hunger⎯ a different sort of want.
usually his sin felt like a neverending void that he couldn't fill no matter how much he stuffed himself, and he still felt that, but the constant buzzing was somehow not as strong as the ache in his chest and the fire in his lower belly. amidst the heavy racing of his heart and the adrenaline from practice was still pumping through his veins, the post didn't exactly help with his current predicament.
he knew he needed to shower, to go back home and see his family, to stuff his face with all the food he could imagine in hopes of one day being able to silence the ravenous hunger, but after reading the post, he didn't know if he could take a shower without his member getting hard at the thought of MC doing him there too.
to be pressed up against the wall with his hands bracing his weight, the feeling of lips leaving evidence of their activities and lingering on the spot that drew out all sorts of uncharacteristic noises from the demon for a beat too long, the rough yet gentle touch of the human, all the thoughts swirled around in beelzebub's mind and it overpowered his insatiable hunger.
he had just woken up from the perfect after school nap with nothing to do, MC wasn't around and beelzebub was most likely in the kitchen emptying out the fridge. all homework that needed to be completed was filled out, it wasn't his turn to make dinner and he had already finished all of his chores. with nothing better to do, belphegor slid his phone out from where it was tucked underneath his pillow and scrolled through devilgram with no real goal in mind.
all the posts that flooded his feed were of fellow RAD students he couldn't have been bothered to remember and random promotional shots of RAD from the student council account that he felt the sleepiness creep back into his mind. just as he was about to shut off his phone and continue his nap, a flash of MCs name caught his eye and he scrolled back up to the post.
it was a relatively long post and belphegor mentally groaned, not in the mood to read something so lengthy, but he caught a glimpse of a few rather enticing words along with the human's name thrown in between and he was suddenly filled with an overwhelming urge to read the entire thing.
the way the author had detailed how MC fell victim to late night wood and couldn't sleep it off no matter how many times he tried while cuddling the demon, resulting in him rutting in between belphegor's thighs until the demon stirred awake had him squirming underneath his blanket.
with the help of his sleep addled mind, he could feel the ghost of MCs touch on his skin and he had to suppress the whine that wanted to crawl out of his throat. his eyes continued to skim through the fat chunk of text, swallowing thickly when he read about how the human sucked on his neck to muffle the sound of his own groans, leaving marks in his wake.
belphegor could hardly finish reading the post due to the onslaught of vivid scenarios of MC being all over him and feeling him up in his sleep, to which he felt his half hard dick twitch in his sweats. content with the train of thought his mind was heading in, the demon shut his phone off with the perfect dream to indulge himself in.
all he was looking for was a new recipe and yet somehow, he found himself entranced with the filthy, sinful words. simeon was by no means the perfect angel, he had done his fair share of dirty deeds in his time but nothing quite enough to make him fall like his former brothers.
temptation was, naturally, an angel's worst enemy and simeon was known to flout the rules every now and then, and this was of no exception. the words on his D.D.D. were familiar yet strewn in a way that was foreign to the angel. it wasn't as though he was completely ignorant of such activities, but his status as an angel certainly meant that he had limited understanding of it outside of reproduction purposes.
so when this post suddenly showed up on his feed, as an author himself, how could he pass up the opportunity to read such a miracle?
the writer described MC in such a way that left simeon feeling flustered, with how this written version of him became so pliable, like putty in the human's hands. he didn't consider himself submissive, but rather something in between. however, there was something about MC praising him for doing well that made the angel think corrupting himself for the human wasn't all too bad of an idea.
he particularly enjoyed the way the writer entailed that MC was gentle and didn't limit himself when it came to praises while he caressed simeon's body, worshipping his body like it deserved. the angel could practically hear the breathy whisper of his name on the tip of the human's tongue, could see the satisfaction on his face whenever simeon couldn't hold back a noise from how good the human was making him feel.
well, as long as he didn't actually act out what was written, he wasn't breaking any rules, now was he? then, it wouldn't hurt to indulge in a few more similar works, right?
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© 2023 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t translate, modify, repost or plagiarise my works anywhere.
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canbean-enby · 2 years
You Found His Sketchbook Bakugou x gn!reader
~You accidentally find his sketchbook~
Hope you guys like this one!
TW: cussing and mentions of stalker behavior
Best experience in light mode
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The hot summer sun was caressing your skin as you read over the sentences in the blond-haired boys' book. Comparing the notes to yours, let’s just say that yours didn't have the pizzazz~ that his notes did. 
As you finish up the last page, you feel a slight vibration in your pocket. You take your phone out and see that it is a text from the same person that is letting you borrow their notes. 
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You rolled your eyes but chuckled at the rude comment then put your phone back, not even bothering with a response. After a couple of minutes, you checked to make sure that you transferred everything into your notes. After confirming, you get up and start walking towards the dorms, letting your mind wonder about the city that you’re in and the people that you have met. Your mind especially wandered to the crimson-eyed boy. 
You cannot understand why you admire him but there is just something in your soul that just yearns for his company. Admittedly, you were a little disappointed when he sent you that text because it meant that you won’t interact with him for that short amount of time. 
Your heart started to sting at the fact but before your thoughts could continue on, you arrived at the dorms. The shock of how quick you got there washed away as you enter the facility and exchanged smiles with some of your peers. 
You take the steps up to his room, wanting to hold onto this piece of him just a little longer. The dragged-out walk lasted a little while and you sighed as you opened the door to his room. 
The darkness of the room did not surprise you, and neither did the All Might figure sitting on his dresser, the romance books, or the anime posters sitting on his wall. You have been in here plenty of times before due to the study sessions you both have every other day. Today was supposed to be one of those days but he got caught up with something so you had to supply yourself with the knowledge. 
You look around to the room you're used to, to see if he has added anything new to his room. To your surprise, you found a black book sitting on his desk. Now, this is something that you have never seen before. 
Your mind races rapidly. Thoughts of invading the blondes' privacy are at the forefront of it. It wouldn’t hurt to look at some of it...right? I mean if there was anything bad then he wouldn’t just leave it out like this. 
Both the devil and angel on your shoulder advocate heavily for you to listen to them. In the end, you chose to just place Bakugou’s notebook on the desk and just leave. He wouldn’t touch any of your stuff, you don’t have a right to touch his. 
As you were reassuring yourself of your decision, your hand knocks the sketchbook over anyway. It just so happened to flip open to one of the first pages. Was that...you? You move in a bit closer to see but someone swipes it up before you could see the detail that Bakugou put into the drawing. 
“What part of my text made you think you could look through my shit? I didn't know you were illiterate.” 
Your whole body froze as you heard the sly comment from him. When he usually insults you, there is a slightly joking tone you can catch every time. However, this time you couldn't seem to find it. 
“Oi, dumbass, I’m talking to you.” He grabbed your shoulder and turned you around in one smooth motion. His firm hand stays on your shoulder as he continues to chew you out. Telling you how much of an idiot you were for going through his things and that he didn't know you were a stalker. You started to become mad at his demeaning tone so you interrupted him, “to my defense, you dick, it fell and I was going to pick it up. And as a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure that was me in your drawing. Therefore, you have no right to call me a stalker.” His mouth immediately shut as you voiced your observation. A small pink tint grew on his face but was invisible to you because of the lack of lighting in the room. 
The room went silent for a few moments, he then scoffed and put the sketchbook back on his desk, and turned the light on in his room. You looked over to see the same drawing that was on the ground right in front of you. The detail pounced at you and you couldn't help the gasp that escaped your mouth. The small imperfections on your face, even your birthmark...it all looked so incredibly real. You turned back over to the male with widened eyes, “when did you draw this?” 
He scoffed once again and broke the eye contact that you both held for a few milliseconds. “Why the fuck you wanna know?” His remark was met with silence as you turned the pages of the sketchbook. Your jaw dropped even further as different sketches of Japan met your eyes, even drawings of your friends were featured in the sketchbook. You couldn't help but notice that every other picture was of you. There wasn’t a single batch of pages that didn’t feature you. Why the hell did he draw you so much? You thought out of all of you, he would draw himself the most. But there wasn’t one page that had the crimson-eyed male on it. His gauntlets were the closest thing to it. 
“Is there a reason you haven’t drawn yourself?” You look back over at him but he still isn’t making eye contact. “I don’t know, just- don’t feel like it. Would rather draw other people instead.” 
“Well, I think your style is pretty nice. Drawing yourself in this style wouldn’t look too bad.” His head turned back to you, eyes gazing into your own “tell anyone about this and you're dead.” You chuckled softly, you know that is his way of saying thank you. 
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If you enjoyed this, please leave a like. Let me know if you guys would like a part 2. I kinda have an idea for it so just let me know. Also, If you have any suggestions for what character I should write about next then write it in the comments, message me, or leave it somewhere I can see it (can you tell idk how tumbler works ;-;) Love you all and thank you so much for reading. 
Part 2 Part 3
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writingsofwesteros · 7 months
King's Landing Daily
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Highlights from our interview with Westeros's it-girl, and one of the Targaryen heiresses.
We've heard in the news recently that your brothers Aegon and Aemond will be taking up their place at the family company in a few years after university with your half sister Rhaenyra- but what about you? "I'm proud of my brothers for continuing the family legacy at the company- but you won't see me in the boardroom anytime soon," she laughs. "I'm doing my degree right now in art history, and I'm still training to compete in the King's Landing horse show next year, so I'm all booked."
It's no secret you and your siblings have a massive following on social media, and fans are always eager for more information about you. How do you handle it? "It's difficult, when there are people that go that extra mile and sometimes invade our privacy, for sure. When I was younger the mean comments really got to me, but now I just ignore them. But I'm grateful for the ones that are truly kind, and supportive. They come up to me all the time, and they're so sweet- I'm always happy to meet them."
Of course, fans are dying to know- what can you tell us about your love life? Is there another high society wedding coming at us? She laughs, and says, "Definitely no weddings, for sure. I won't give too many details- my mother always says a lady must have her secrets, after all- but I can say that I'm happy, and I'm enjoying life and all it has to offer."
You're incredibly close with your siblings, and unabashedly so- do people's criticisms affect your closeness? "I get that my family's traditions are weird to some people, but when people chose to express their opinions in really disrespectful and hurtful ways, it only brings me closer together with them, rather than drive us apart."
Who's your favourite person to have a night out with? "Hmm- well, I love going out with my best friend Sienna, we've been hanging out since we were kids, and we never get tired of each other. Of course, if she's off at Casterly Rock, or sometimes just because- my siblings are always my go-to. Aegon always makes sure it's wild time, and even though we sometimes have to drag Aemond out with us, the four of us always have a blast- my sister Helaena makes sure I don't go too crazy," She chuckles.
you are so sweet and talented!
my sister Helaena makes sure I don't go too crazy," She chuckles. WE LOVE HELLY
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
so it’s not enough that yibo’s car door gets opened by a crazed fan days ago, trackers placed in his work van before, nasty rumors left and right, random people bullying him, melon accounts claiming they know things about his personal life and now this. “getting a fan pregnant?” at this point, even passerby who don’t know yibo at all are seeing a pattern. they just throw around random things to see if something sticks. none of them do because it’s all lies. i say that this is expected because he has btf promotions coming soon but i have come to realize that this should not be considered normal. these people can get away with basically a slap on the wrist and how about yibo? how about his reputation? the thing is these proceedings take very long to get a result. we don’t even have a resolution on the escort allegations, which yuehua already reported to the police and sued. level headed people can see through the lies but it’s out there. damage done.
just to show how pathetic this is, it’s a random girl commenting on another “beauty blogger’s” post. ( this online personality is somehow connected to du meizhou but like i don’t even care. so whatever.)
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AND IF YOU LOOK AT HER PROFILE, It’s obviously a troll account. The number of followers and likes says it all. Also her intro bio. I mean. It’s so obvious why this dummy account was created. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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And now it’s deleted. See? They can stir shit up like this then up & leave. Their UID will be tracked and all that but see how fast they can disappear? In the meantime, Yibo and his team have to waste resources for this.
AND WELL THE CIRCUS CONTINUES. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This person is so dumb. You so dumb. So very very dumb.
After Yuehua released their statement, This girl posted an “alleged” photo of them and conveniently adds a blur effect. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ captioning it share picture.
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What’s funny is netizens, not even yibo fans noticed that the photo have a watermark ID on it that’s not hers. If you’re not familiar with Weibo, if you upload something personally, it will automatically have your username as a watermark.
it ends in “ra” and looking at this troll’s username, it does not have “ra” on it.
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moments later, it was discovered that it’s this photo she used. i mean. who. what. 🤦‍♀️ same initial watermark.
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dude. let me just blur out a random photo of two people and say it’s me and yibo. that he got me pregnant. humanity really continues to disappoint me. 💀💀💀💀
Chinese netizens are known to gather evidence, I mean with the amount of scandals getting out, they already know how to verify things. Look at how they discovered what time and where that photo of CFY’s was taken. It’s no surprise they noticed this little detail and knew right there and then that this girl is a fraud.
AND THAT “BEAUTY BLOGGER” (李恩 LIEN_) gets criticized, now i see she posted like 4 short statements regarding it. Commenting on people. Basically distancing herself from it. Must be nice getting all the traffic while slandering Yibo right? Ugh. Disgusting.
It’s still on HS tho. but most ( if not all ) of the posts are ridiculing the troll account who lied. I mean, at least we have that……
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I’m sad for Yibo. Angry at these jobless bottom feeders. Amused at their stupidity. Insulted that they think people are so easy to believe and manipulate. Please leave Yibo alone. Yibo-Official just opened their YT & IG yesterday for international fans, who is getting nervous again? Lol.
this is why he rarely interacts with people in public unless it’s a controlled crowd ( road shows for example and even then he is unresponsive once outside ), rarely posts personal things, has bodyguards with him at all times, keeps his distance etc. trying to avoid crazies and companies who want to see him get cancelled combined. and people wonder why he shouted at fans who were crowding at his hotel that one time? i mean, if you live the life that he does— i think shouting at people who are invading your privacy is actually being kind.
PEOPLE FORGET THAT HE IS HUMAN TOO. Ever since he started in this industry, it seems like he can never catch a break. C-ent is so dirty. 💀💀💀 I love everything that Yibo puts out : songs, live performances, dramas, movies etc but times like this I am reminded at what cost.
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
@natasha-in-space how would Jumin Han react if the MC he knew in the game Mystic Messenger is the masked programmer/developer/hacker in his company that created websites, applications and games for his company and for him himself then he noticed that lately the programmer/developer implied all about him directly/indirectly hahaha
this makes me overthink and curious, how will Jumin handle this? will he be awkward and creeped out towards MC because MC obviously likes him and she made content all about him or will he be alright with it and is internally smitten?
sorry, my overthinker ass is at it again
but tbh tho i wonder hahaha the case is that everyone else knows except for Jumin ;(
As soon as he identifies this pattern (and he will identify it, Jumin is hella smart and observant, let's be honest here), he'll confront you about it. Jumin is very upfront about his thoughts and opinions with most people he's more or less close to, so I don't think he'll be subtle or sneaky with you about it. It's just not his style. Furthermore, he values honesty and trust in his relationships. He's also not one to make any assumptions, for better or for worse, so he'll just... quite literally confront you about it directly to figure out what is going on directly.
How will he act if he realizes that your actions are a result of your interest in him? Depends on how close he is to you at that point in time. If it's during the early stages of your relationship, he'll probably get rather uncomfortable about it and politely request of you to stop. Jumin had to deal with many unfortunate instances of people making unwanted advances at him and disrespecting his boundaries growing up. It's why he's so intent on keeping himself safe and reclusive as an adult. It should also be noted that he is a public figure who is always under the media's scrutiny. It's something he was quite literally born into, so it doesn't bring him much trouble (as long as his father and his girlfriends do not bring any unwanted attention over to him instead), but he still should be mindful at avoiding any unwelcome rumors on his public image.
Both for his personal comfort and his integrity as a boss. And you being part of his company automatically means that your privacy can be invaded as well.
The situation is quite risky for both parties involved. Jumin will remain rational and respectful in his approach, though. After all, you are a member of the RFA that V has approved of personally, so that alone gives him the benefit of the doubt.
If you two have become close by then? That's not the same story at all. I actually think he would find it pretty cute and endearing, in a way. Jumin is the type to involve his interests and the people he loves in his work. So I can easily see him doing the same thing in his own way. He finds it sweet that you still think of him while you are working.
The only downside is that your coworkers will probably barf at just how lovey-dovey you two are for each other. But, hey, that's what they get for calling Mr. Han a robot! Now they get to eat their own words, and you get a doting partner/husband (depending on how quick you two tie the knot, or if you tie it at all).
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diaphin93 · 1 month
Racial Allegory: The Quick guide on how to write The Whites as the true victims of racism
Okay, try to keep it quick here, I got this hitpiece shown to me and it dabbles into a topic I wanted to write about for a while: Racial Allegory
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To make things super short, racial allegories can make for captivating and engaging narratives concerning bigotry and can often be a good narrative tool to subvert tropes and conventions in genres such as fantasy, sci-fi and horror, to analyze relations and depictions of fictional races under the lense of bigotry and marginalization.
The issue with the whole 'genre' of racial allegory is though, that it does very little to actually adress racial injustice and White Supremacy in real life, especially in the western world, as this would require a closer and more critical look into how our history, culture and social systems are shaped to benefit white people over people of color and how even to this moment, the western quality of life is entire build upon colonialism and the continuous exploitation of the global south.
More importantly and more problematically, racial allegory as a genre is highly centered around removing people of color, or in some cases also queer people, from stories about their own oppression project them on a cast of mostly whites and cisheterosexuals. Even in cases where racial allegory is utilized in a diverse cast, it is often used to defocus stories about oppression away from the people affected by them, by inserting liberal colorblindness onto human ethnicity. The X-Men started off as an allegory for the civil rights movement, yet its original cast was comprised of white mostly middle class teenagers, lead by a an upper class white man who owns his own private school. The very premise of the series takes inspiration from the struggle of the black community for equality and instead makes it a fantastical adventure about white kids. And lets not get started with the messy origins of Magneto as a character.
And don't get me wrong. I love the X-Men. They are my favorite Superhero series ever and I absolutely adored X-Men 97. They are great and they are capable of telling good stories about opression, marginalization and resistance. Magneto is my all time favorite Marvel Character and one of my favorite characters in fiction period. And potentially they can be a good starting point to teach younger people their first lesson in concepts such as bigotry and tolerance, but we are all adults here, and I think at some point there is something wrong with grown up people to whom the X-Men are still their first point of reference when it comes to making a point about bigotry.
Because the problem with the concept of the X-Men is exactly of what the original poster brought up here: They fall apart under any closer critical evaluation, because yeah, they are actual dangerous. We wouldn't want in our real lives people who are capable of copying in every detail, up to the intimate, who can cause rapidly changing climate conditions, mess around with he earths entire magnetic fields or infiltrate and manipulate our very mind at a whim running around without any accountability and oversight. You know with what butwhatifidothis surely would agree? That we don't want people to have the means of commiting mass murder at any public location without any regulations, control and oversight. I'm talking of course about gun control here. What we also don't want surely is people being able to change the climate around us for whatever personal benefit they deem fit, to invade our privacy and gain access to our most personal information, to incorperate our image in any context on very public plattforms or be able to kill any innocent civilian without any means to stop them.
These exist in real life of course. They're giants of industry, tech companies, people who creat deepfakes and any police officer, armed redneck standing his ground or white Karen calling the guy on a black guy in a park. And this is really where such racial allegories fall flat, because minorities in real life are not those who wield this form of unchecked power against their environment, but those who get targeted by it and protest to stop it, to creat checks and balances.
X-Men ultimately is build around never thinking too deeply about the implications and just accept the premise, to engage with the fantasy of superheroes who are the underdogs fighting against oppression and for social acceptance. They live off of ignoring the bad optics of, for example, a white girl lecturing a black man about oppression. Becoming too immersed on them on the other hand, to obsessed with their initial premise, too uncritical of it, leads to some fairly bad understanding of bigotry and marginalization, to the point where one basically becomes obsessed with contextualizing those who hold power as the oppressed against the weak, impotent masses. You start at X-Men and end at The Incredibles, of which the randian subtext has already been well enoug discussed.
Going back to Fire Emblem here, away from X-Men, there is already a fairly objectivist fantasy present in the people who make Nabateans their primary racial allegory. Lets not ignore the problematic aspect, that the game doesn't really do racial allegory. It does racism, targeted at people of color, with the most violent examples being commited by the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and with Claude, a mixed race man, having already confirmed it to be the result of the churches doctrine of xenophobia. Instead of getting invested in this though, people like OP focus on the Nabateans as their primary racial allegory. A group of immortal dragons with power beyond any human, who are the offspring of an alien dragon goddess and who used to rule humanity as deities. And who are, of course, depicted as whiter than white, their differenciating traits being elvish ears and mostly light green hair which, lets be honest, would be understood analogous to blonde hair if it wasn't explicitely shown to us to be special, considering the presence of colors such as blue and pink as regular hair colors in the setting. Ignatz and Linhardt even have green hair without being ever framed as looking anything out of the ordinary, lol.
And I think it becomes fairly self-explaining here. There is something deeply randian about hyperfocussing on a race of superhuman immortals who frame themselves as superior and with the duty of leading the weaker, dumber, mundane masses as someones primary racial allegory. Because it becomes immediately muddy. Rheas entire outlook on humanity and her role in relation to it is never one of equal co-existance, it is practically her claiming the white dragons burden, as horrible as it sounds. And many of her defenders among the Edelcrit community take exactly this stance as a moral good, which is inheritly problematic. I'm talking about people such as butwhatifidothis, gascon, randomnameless and fantasyinvader, Boofire too if we want to include youtubers.
There edgy "humanity can't be trusted and is inheritly incapable of controlling itself" position is not progressive. Its deeply elitist. It is ultimately a reflection of contempt towards the common masses. It is the act of primarily immersing oneself with those who stand above those supposedly unenlightened masses and taking the position, that they are incapable of governing oneself. And the act of hyperfocussing on constructing a racial allegory around it, it also means to immerse oneself into the idea that those born with powerful are the most victimized and marginalized group in society by the inferior, who want to take away their rightful positions of leadership and power. It is also sadly one I feel like is highly encouraged by the Blue Lions route in general, by its decission to focus mostly on the way those born with crests into nobility are mistreated and envied by those without them, probably by accident encouraging those kinds of randian implications.
And as a disclaimer, I'm not saying here that one can't chose the Nabateans as ones favorite and feel deeply sympathetic and empathetic around their plight, because this is one is real real as well. They were victims of a genocide orchestrated by Agarthans in their attempt of getting vengeance against the Goddess Sothis for their own destruction, they had their blood stolen and their bodies defiled by bandits who wanted to claim their power for themselves and uplift themselves to the status of rulers. They are deeply human and their depth comes from the fact, that they deal with trauma in very flawed, very human ways. The issue comes from viewing the Nabateans as both sympathetic victims but also inheritly superior beings with Rhea being framed as justified in the oppressive systems that are the root cause of the majority of issues inside of Fodlan. Something the games text supports. Their Crimson Flower ending describes Byleth as ending the Tyranny of a Godlike being. In comparison, the Azure Moon Version speaks about crushing the Ambitions of the Empire. Rheas own S-Support has her admit her guild and be remorseful for it, the ending card speaks about her rehabilitating the church.
So in the end, yeah, hyperfocussing on racial allegory over actual depictions of racism centering people of color can be problematic, they often have messed up implications and require just accepting the premise and alot of people are really into imagining themselves to be both the superior elite but also the underdog.
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chevelleneech · 1 month
I do not mean to kickstart any drama by saying this, but I’m actually kind of gagged at how Tkkrs in 2023 were right about Jimin and Jungkook not seeing each other as much.
Under a cut, because I talk too much. But also, it’s not as bad as you might think, lol.
They were wrong about them hating each other and it all being fake in the past, but they kind of did hit the nail on the head about them being too busy to hang out, and saying a real couple would make time for each other.
However, is it not crazy how things turned out? Jimin and Jungkook didn’t just continue to grow apart. They didn’t become awkward former best friends who are settling for being band mates and nothing else. They realized their relationship needed mending, and intentionally started making time for each other.
Do y’all get what I’m saying? JM and JK went from always being together to not, and Tkkrs took that to mean they have always been faking it. Only for JM and JK to realize they don’t like being apart, and chose to once again always be together.
And I guess I bring this up, because I’m actually shocked that Tkkrs got something right, while at the same time seemingly got it very wrong. Not to mention them having said Tkk never grew apart and their conversation during ITS1 was faked by the company. Because how did they notice Jikook’s shift but not Tkk’s? And does that question answer itself? I’d say yes, because it kind of proves JK and Tae’s issues weren’t big enough to be noticed by fans at large.
Tkk went through whatever they went through, talked it out for a bit, and are now still the best of friends. Jkk went through whatever they went through, and it changed their behavior enough to be noticeable. Changed things enough to where they had to put in effort to readjust, and that effort concluded with them choosing to spend 18 months together. No matter what any of us think they’ve got going on.
I don’t know. I feel like this explains a lot about what makes Jikook different from Tkk. And Tkkrs being the ones to double down on what makes a relationship real means they maybe do know what to look for, they just refuse to look in a different place. Because their “Real love isn’t meant for the cameras!” existed in Ta*nnie. We didn’t know anything about them until their privacy was invaded. And their “A real couple makes time to see each other!” is currently being expressed through AYS, with JM and JK making time.
Shits crazy.
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enhas-bestie · 2 years
Idol Crush! [46]
► FORTY SIX: make it official bro (smau + written [1. 5k words] + smau)
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"I think Y/N's mad at me." Jungwon says frowning, his eyes still trained on his phone. Or scratch that, he knew that you were mad at him - and frankly, you had every right to be.
His "it's complicated" excuse sounded like bullshit even to his own ears.
Sunoo looks up from his own phone and spares the younger boy a curious glance, a feeling of sympathy rising within him as he continues to watch Jungwon deflate, "Why? Did you did you do something wrong?" 
As far as Sunoo was concerned, you being mad at Jungwon didn’t even sound plausible. The two of you had been seeing each other for roughly 3 months now and everything was going great. 
Sure, there were times when you visited the dorms and Sunoo and the rest of the boys had to witness you and Jungwon having a few petty arguments (if he could even call them arguments) . But it was almost always over within ten minutes and then followed by a nauseating battle of “No, I’m the one who should be apologising first”.
This time, however, it seemed a bit different. Jungwon actually looked a bit distressed.
"I think,” Jungwon murmurs, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration while he rapidly tries to type out another message to you, “it's because I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet..."
To be honest, he didn't think it was because he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend yet. He knew it was because of that.
The boy’s still in the process of figuring out what to say to in an attempt to remedy the situation- typing, deleting and then retyping a flurry of unsent text messages- when suddenly his phone is snatched out of his hands by Sunoo. 
The older boy levels him with a look of plain disbelief, "What do you mean you haven't asked her yet? I thought you guys were dating already!" 
Flipping Jungwon's phone around - and not necessarily caring about invading his friend’s privacy- Sunoo allows his eyes to roam over the screen, a mixture of a gasp and scoff leaving his lips as he reads through the messages, "Oh, there is no way you're this clueless about love." 
"It's not that I'm clueless, okay" Jungwon defends, “It just... Things have been going so amazing with Y/N these past few months. We meet up whenever we're free, we go on dates, we enjoy each other's company…In my head we’re already a couple; so I guess I just didn't feel the need to have the whole "girlfriend boyfriend" talk with her... " 
The words coming out of Jungwon’s mouth weren't necessarily a lie - but it was just a very very small part of a much bigger truth. And the truth of the matter is this: Jungwon is scared. 
He's brave enough to perform in front of thousands of people. He could withstand the harshest criticism from his vocal teachers and dance coaches. He could even steal Sunoo’s fancy skincare products without batting a damn eyelash…
But officially asking you to be his girlfriend? For a multitude of reasons, it was both a thrilling and terrifying thought to think of.
Sunoo gives the boy in front of him a long, hard stare before rolling his eyes, "You’re so hopeless.”
Jay chooses that exact moment to walk in groggily, still dressed in his pajamas even though it was nearing the afternoon.
“Who’s hopeless?” he asks, sharp eyes automatically surveying the empty lounge just to see that it's only occupied with himself, Sunoo and…Jungwon.
“Oh, nevermind. It’s probably loverboy over there.”
If it’s possible, Jungwon only deflates further.
“Not much of a loverboy if we’re being serious,” Sunoo snorts, “He and Y/N aren’t even officially dating yet.”
Jay’s hands pause their action of rubbing his eyes. He could hardly believe his ears, “...What?”
“Yeah.” Sunoo all but shoves Jungwon’s phone into Jay’s face, who squints as he reads the conversation. After he's done, he instantly drags his eyes over to look at Jungwon who’s sitting crossed-legged on the couch, “Seriously?”
“I’ll talk to her.”
“Yeah, you better.”
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A cool and gentle breeze ruffles Jungwon’s hair as he stands a good distance away from a group of buildings. Said buildings had become increasingly familiar to him over the past few weeks, given that he became a regular visitor to the place, though, he had never once show up without your permission.
It was the residential complex that housed your dorms.
He had sent you a short text message a few minutes ago telling you to come outside, but the fact that you were taking so long was starting to unnerve him. Were you even at home or what?
The streets were completely empty, save for a few people who were speed-walking to get home. But the slim chance that someone would recognise him - even in the dim lighting of the dark - set him on edge. He had seen himself in enough tabloid articles to last him a lifetime.
Additionally, the thought that you were still frustrated at him and simply just didn’t want to see him at all also ate away at his mind. You hadn't even responded back to his messages yet...
It’s another two minutes of waiting (though it feels much longer) before he finally sees your familiar figure jogging towards him. The sight of you makes him relax and the fact that you were unintentionally dressed similarly to him - in an oversized black t-shirt and sweats - makes his lips quirk up in a smile.
Of course, that smile drops off his face the instant you open your mouth.
“Hey, Bro.” your voice greets him and he resists the urge to roll his eyes at that stupid fucking nickname. He didn't want to let you know how much it irked him to hear it. Because if you did know how much it bothered him, you’d probably never stop calling him that just to mess with him.
“Are you wearing lipgloss?” is what he chooses to say instead of addressing your annoying choice of a pet name.
But also, he’s curious. Why were you wearing red lipgloss at almost 9pm at night and why did you have blush and concealer applied to your face? It looked messily blended too - almost like it was put on in a rush... Wait a minute.
Not even he can hide the self-satisfied grin that crawls up onto his face, “Did you put on make up for me?” he asks innocently.
“What? No. Of course not.” the way you almost spit the words out makes his eyebrows raise in amusement.
“Are you sure?”
Your spluttering and vehement denial is honestly all the answer he needs to be able to tell that you’re lying, but he’s having too much fun watching you squirm and dodging his eyes.
It almost makes him forget why he set up this little rendezvous with you in the first place - but the next few words that fall out of your mouth remind him instantly:
“Sorry,” you make a show of folding your arms in front of your chest, “I don’t put on makeup for my bros.” 
His grin is replaced by a crestfallen expression and he watches the way your turn your head from him to hide your smirk. If he wanted to tease you, fine. But you could tease him too. You didn’t know who the hell he thought he was fooling by trying to cover up the fact that the term “bro” was clearly making him upset.
Jungwon bites back an exasperated sigh and then pulls you to him. You’re trapped in a half hug - his arms circled around you while you stubbornly refuse to uncross your arms from their folded position. But his hugs are warm and familiar and you can't help but relent by leaning your head against his chest. It allows you to hear how fast his heart is beating.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” he mumbles into your hair and you hum.
“Oh? And what exactly are you sorry for?”
He’s quiet for a second before he replies softly, “For akways making you do all the work in this relationship.”
Your arms unconsciously loosen to wrap around his waist. He...felt like you were doing all the work? 
“The reason I didn’t ask you to be my girlfriend is because, honestly, I don’t even know what it takes to be a boyfriend. I’ve never been in a relationship before... and I have no clue how any of this is supposed to work.” he admits.
“I’ve been so incredibly happy with you these past few months - the happiest I’ve been in a long time actually. But I’m just so scared that once we put a label on everything, there’ll be an added pressure and you’ll realise what a shitty boyfriend I might be.”
His confession has you blinking.
Once. Twice. And then thrice. 
Honestly, you’re torn between squeezing him in the tightest hug of his life and whacking him over the head with the nearest (non-violent) object you can find.
You have no idea which option to pick... so you decide to do both.
Jungwon feels your comforting embrace around him tightening and he melts into it a bit; trying to get comfortable by bending down slightly so he can rest his head on yours - but then you’re pushing him back and the next thing he knows is he’s feeling a light smack being delivered to the back of his head. 
Did you just hit him?
“Yeah “ow”, I should’ve hit you harder.” you scowl and Jungwon frowns. Overall, he’s getting some pretty mixed signals here and it's messing with his head a bit. Were you mad at him or not?
“Jungwon, I’m new to the whole dating thing too, okay? I know how scary it is. But you can’t just go around assuming the worst of yourself! If I thought you were gonna be a bad boyfriend, I wouldn’t be standing in front of you in the first place.”
Jungwon avoids eye contact, waiting quietly for you to continue, “We’re going to make mistakes. And fight. And get a little angry at each other. And things aren’t always going to go our way... but that’s okay - it’s inevitable." you give his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"The important thing is that we can come together and talk out whatever's bothering us - just like we’re doing right now.”
Jungwon feels your arms wrap around him again and he leans into your hug, "Everything will be okay if we just learn to communicate properly, okay?"
Somehow, you had the ability to shrink all of his insecurities and make them feel trivial.
It was something only you could do - something he was so grateful for, because even amidst all of these new and foreign experiences, he knew that you’d always be there right next to him - holding his hand and reassuring him that in the end, everything would be okay.
And he wanted you to feel the same way about him too.
He wanted to be someone you could rely on - someone who provided you with as as much comfort as you provided him. He didn’t just want to take; he wanted to give too.
And if that meant he had to step out of his comfort zone and venture into new, undiscovered territory…Well, that was okay, as long as he had you by his side.
“Y/N, will you let me be your boyfriend?”
He feels you bury your head deeper into his chest, your face so warm he can feel it through the thin material of his sweater.
A muffled “yes” is your answer, followed by a shy, “Will you let me be your girlfriend?”
Jungwon smiles so hard he fears his face will split in two.
He unwraps his arms from around your shoulders so that he could use his hands to gently tilt back your head. He wanted to give his answer while looking into your pretty eyes. And he wanted you to look into his own eyes so that you could see the sincerity brimming in them, “Yes.”
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Idol Crush!💞 masterlist
[TAGLIST #1]: @acciomylove @mitsukifilms @ncityy04 @ja4hyvn @navsnct @hwalllllllelujah @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @lullabyinparis @masterofdoom @enhacolor @mochisnlix @hiqhkey @vlykai @pshwyfie @hyuka-luvbot @yvesismywife @one16core @en-boyz @moon-lys  @liliansun ​ @jungwoniie @spicynlong @ramenais @bigtoewinwin @catbitchh111 @c9tnoos @missmadwoman @haoreo @doodlewon @enhaswab @alyselenai @moasworld @yyunari @chirokookie @yjwfav @kyutekyuala @giyyuzz @andromedawillburryyou @tlnyjoong @sarahxy537 @darlinluvsu @fairycheol @love-4-keum @ohmy-fandoms @yyunari @centheodd @mavlogist @jungwonnieee @emoworu
[CAN'T TAG #1]: @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @vlykai @pshwyfie @jungwoniie @spicynlong @itboyjungwon @enhaswab @kyutekyuala @darlinluvsu
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lqfiles · 6 months
ANON WHO BROUGHT UP LUCAS THANK U I WAS ITCHING TO TALK AB HIM BUT I WAS SOOO SCARED BC i didn’t know if it was a safe space free of lumis or not…
my ig feels kinda curated to show me content of him there’s so much of his stans there compared to tiktok and the specific posts im getting is like “dreamies winning for smoothie!! …lucas in the back🥺💔” OR “dejun introducing lucas for his stage🥺🥺” SHUUTTT UPPPPP
it’s especially aggravating when there are situations in the industry that were far less impactful than his allegations the ones i’m thinking of specifically is soojin ex gidle as well as chuu have not promoted on music shows BUT WITHIN LIKE TWO MONTHS OF HIM COMING BACK HE GETS TO HAVE HIS SOLO DEBUT AND PERFORM??? and don’t even get me started on seunghan. what the fuck do you mean ot6 siren gtfo
i gave up on editing and was making shitposts on my tiktok praying for the downfall of sm ent because it seems they have a 7 member group curse DIEEE!!! (respectfully..! i lov u lee donghyuck i hope u can be free from the sm shackles in due time)
HSDJDKSKS don’t worry this is never a safe space for him and his fan i rlly do not like that guy and you’ll never catch me praising him.. anyways i got some stuff to say too but it will probably be the only time i’ll speak on it here because i don’t like giving that man attention 😶‍🌫️
bro i’m not surprised that you’re getting that stuff because when i tell you 99% of nctzens on insta are all lucas fans it actually shocked me 😭😭 i remember once commenting smth like “we don’t want him back” and i got sent death threats like OVER DOZEN???? MR CANT FIND THE BEAT?? 😭😭😭 tiktok is really 50/50 with a side that’s here for him and another side that doesn’t like him. the only platform i know where it’s mostly people disliking him is twitter but even then he got a pretty large following on there that is LOUD and ANNOYING
and you’re so right about that ITS SO CRAZY TO ME how SM just wouldn’t let go off him like they were so adamant on keeping him in the company for some reason and have been soft launching him for a good year trying to get the public to ease a bit, (the amount of concerts he’s attended to make his presence known.. you’re not slick SM) and i just don’t get what value he has to that company. he doesn’t bring the talent like he literally invented the term dozen because he dozen do anything right, he doesn’t bring the visuals, you can argue that he brings fans because he got a very huge SEA and latin (?) fan population that is veryyyy loud but even then the number of haters is much bigger, china literally hates him and korea barely tolerates him.
they didn’t hesitate to put seunghan on hiatus and are literally erasing him from the group in real time with the ot6 siren ver it’s crazyyy, all because he got his privacy invaded and did acceptable teen things? they kicked that SNSD member out for starting her own clothing brand and i’m sure they blacklisted her too, jaejoong got blacklisted too, soojin and chuu got kicked out, but the guy who has literal criminal allegations (that he basically admitted to himself) gets a whole pity sob documentary as well as rebranding as a soloist? chris lee is the biggest dick rider ever for this and it will never make sense to me😭
i honestly don’t like talking about him or mentioning him because 1. any type of publicity can be good publicity to him 2. arguing with his fans is useless and tiring because they will NOT change their mind 3. his face and existence annoys me so yeah i don’t like mentioning him because what’s the point hate-watching his content like that’s still publicity for him
but yeah if i find out any of his fans follow me i’ll literally block, even if you dont follow me and i find you’re his fan i block 💀 NOT A SAFE SPACE FOR LUMIS PLEASE LEAVE BEFORE I HAVE TO BLOCK U MYSELF 😭🙏🏽
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 years
"Sir, as per your protocol, I am to inform you that Peter is in great emotional distress. He is not in physical distress, I will keep a watch on his vitals"
Tony set his coffee cup down from where he stood in the kitchen with Steve, Bucky and Rhodey. He clears his throat " Thanks Friday, do you know what cause it with out invading his privacy"
" He recieved a phone call and an email from Mr. Osborn's solicitor and lawyers."
He made a face, raising his hand up wipe down his face. Its been a few months since the late Harry Osborn had passed away. He had finally succumb to his mysterious genetic illness. Tony didn't know all of the details but he knows that Harry and Peter were close. The final weeks before Harry passed Peter was at his bedside. The death of his friend devastated the young man. He looked over at Rhodey and then back at Steve and Bucky who both had a solemn look on their faces.
" Let the kid know if he needs anything to let me know. "
" Of course. Peter has informed me he will be in need of Ms. Potts and her publicity skills and possibly the team of lawyers you have on hand. "
" What.... Friday. Once Peter is well enough tell him to come talk. Whatever he needs he can have. But i will need to know whats going on"
" Peter has permissioned the access to his email for your review. A copy has already been sent to Ms. Potts"
Tony turns around and projected the email up in the air in a hologram. Everyone gathered close as they read the email. The shocked look on all there faces, Steve reaching out to hold Bucky's hand as his eyes filled with tears.
" Hey Pete,
If your reading this it means I finally kicked the bucket and the vultures at the company can't legally get away with what they want. And I'm sorry Peter. I wish we had more time and I could prepare you for this, it feels like only a few weeks ago instead of the last couple of years to when we reconnect. I was an ass. And your a mess Peter Parker, but you are my best friend. We have known each other for so long and no matter what we have gone through you stayed my friend even when I didn't deserve it. Your a good person, no fashion sense and those jokes? Horrible. But that makes you, you.
And before you say you dont deserve anything and this was never what you had in mind. Just listen to me for once. You deserve to live the life you deserve. I know I pissed off a lot of people with my will. But Peter if anyone deserves to run Oscorp, its you. Father always liked you, even after everything, he always wanted you helping the company. Even if you decide to sale it, I trust you will do good things, life changing things. I know money doesn't mean anything to you but you will finally be able to get new clothes that are NOT from a thrift shop cause thats just gross Pete.
And yes, you are entitled to this. When the accords happened, I told you I didn't trust Stark as far as I could throw him. He has done good by you now but in the beginning I was the one making sure you were safe. I promised you on your 18th birthday that I would always take care of you. And even though I'm not there. This is me fulfilling that promise.
And I'm sorry you are finding out this way. And I promise I would have fixed it if the time came but until then. Maybe it was me being selfish.
I never signed the papers of the annulment. I paid the judge off. We are still legally married.
Peter Benjamin Parker. I've been in love with you since we were 11. Took me a while to realize that I was jealous of your loving family, your smarts, how you didn't care about my money. I know I was being selfish when you turned 18 and would of needed to sign the accords. Nothing Stark could of done could of protected you. And when I realized this is when I could marry you? I jumped at the chance. My family had the money to protect you in a way Stark couldn't since he had no claims on you legally.
You made me the happiest I have every been when you agreed. We had a great few months together before Father found out and I pulled off the greatest fuck you ever to the family legacy. I know I had to tell you we had to separate. And I knew that it broke your heart but you were so worried about how the public would view me, the company that you signed and told me we could go back to being friends.
I'm glad for the time we had together. Even after we reconnect later, I had no hope of rekindling what we had before. My clock was ticking and I didn't want to hurt you even further. But I guess you were going to be hurt no matter what.
Peter Benjamin Parker you deserve all the love and happiness in the world. I'm glad I got to experience what it means to be loved by you "
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