#one day I'll have enough time to write the already thousand fic ideas i have for them
I just like to think about how once they're officially dating, Keeley sets up a group chat with the three of them, and like 96% of it is just her and Jamie texting with the other 4% being Roy's 1-2 word replies or thumbs up emojis (basically just agreeing to date night plans or assuring them he's still alive).
And then one time out of the blue Roy sends a selfie. Jamie and Keeley collectively lose their shit.
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lookingfts · 3 months
hey can i ask for tips on how you write this fast? i always fall into writer's block and i never know how to break it.
Sure! I've always been a pretty fast writer, but I do get stuck. Here are some things that help me:
Setting a small word goal. For me, that's about 500 words. I don't write every day, but if I have some time and I want to write, I try to break it down or it gets overwhelming. I'll either write 500 words and decide that's enough for that day, or more likely, I keep going and write a few thousand.
Switching between fics. In an ideal world, I would always finish one thing before moving on to another, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to write that specific thing. The other day I had planned to write a new chapter of Sugar and it just wasn't coming to me, so I switched gears. I'll usually have one longer fic in the works, and then some shorter fics or drabbles whenever I need to write something different.
Skipping scenes. Sometimes I just cannot figure a specific scene, and I used to insist on writing things chronologically. Now I understand the value of just skipping to the next scene, or writing the scene you most want to write first.
Changing small things. I write in light mode and edit in dark mode, or vice versa. I sit in different places in my house. I listen to different music. Even a tiny change in perspective can help shake something loose.
Keeping notes constantly. Every time I have an idea for a plot point or dialogue, I write it in Google docs. I have documents for all my fics, plus a document that's just fic ideas and random snippets. When it's time to write, I already have something to work from. I have it all organized by chapter, and the outline doesn't have to be fully fleshed out from the jump, but it keeps me from asking "what's next?"
Trusting my instincts. I doubt what I've written all the time, but I always remind myself that I've doubted my writing before, and people like my work. So I just keep going and trust that whatever comes to my mind is the right direction to go, even if it's not the direction I originally planned for a fic.
Treating writing and editing as separate jobs. This was advice I read a while ago and it's so valuable. I don't edit as I'm writing. My goal is just to write a first draft and then look at it later, usually a few hours later or the next day when I've had some distance and can see it clearly.
Not forcing it. Yes, I often have to push myself to write SOMETHING because starting is the hardest part. But if I'm stuck, I just go for a walk or snuggle with my cats or stretch or watch something on YouTube. By not focusing on the problem, you can often resolve it.
I hope this helps a little! If anyone else has tips, please leave them in the comments.
(And here's a bonus photo of my cats)
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chameleonspell · 2 months
HTDC commentary - 0: intro
Recently, I made some unwise threats to write commentary on my almost-10-year-old Morrowind fic, and enough people encouraged me that I started going through my old notes, and re-reading the fic, something I hadn't done in more than five years. It's an interesting experience, looking at it with more emotional distance. I know I had none, at the time, riding a chaotic wave of complicated feelings and ideas that my brain had, for whatever reason, decided to force through the medium of Morrowind fanfiction, like trifle through a straw.
Why did I start doing that, again? 
"A combination of worsening social anxiety, rereading Pratchett novels, listening to the Magnetic Fields, and then starting a new Morrowind game" - Origins of the fic, according to me in May 2015.
It is true that by 2015, my social anxiety was becoming increasingly unmanageable. I used to wake up seized with immediate terror, if I knew I had to leave the house, that day. When I did leave it, the feeling of moving through the world under the eyes of strangers was enough to send me into deep dissociation, barely feeling like my surroundings were real, forgetting words, reduced to speechlessly stumbling around like an automaton.
Or like a video game character. I started a new game of Morrowind that spring. I'd already played it for thousands of hours, but I wanted to try a pure mage, and had a few mods to make it a bit more viable. An illusion mage, maybe, like a thief build, but using magic.
I'd been thinking a lot about invisibility, you see. Well... fantasising about it, but I'd done that since I was tiny. Thinking about it as an adult, surely there would be drawbacks, if you lived in a world where that was actually possible? Or, like... psychological complications?
On March 12th, 2015, Terry Pratchett died. Despite not having touched a book of his since my teens, it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I cried for a week, feeling like I'd lost my dad, talking with other grieving fans about how his books had shaped us, growing up, realising just how true that was.
I started re-reading the Discworld series again, immersing myself in that slightly arch but very warm and human narrative style. It felt so familiar, so natural, so easy to start narrating my Morrowind game like that.
And I already had a voice in my head, for a character, emerging from all the Magnetic Fields albums I'd been listening to. Intelligent, queer, bitter, disillusioned, depressive, detatched, self-aware - but not in any way that seems to, y'know, help. The Stephin Merritt Protagonist, basically. I'll probably mention more specific song inspirations from the big HTDC playlist as we go, but for now, Iriel's opening theme: Smoke and Mirrors. Anti-love songs for jilted illusion mages.
The culmination of all this was, that instead of seeking professional advice about my mental problems, I gave them to a fictional elf, instead. Thereby delaying me addressing my brain problems by several years, but bringing me several (I hope) lifelong friends, and, well. This fucking thing. No regrets!
I posted the first HTDC chapter on 5 April 2015 and the next dozen chapters very quickly thereafter, so I must have had quite a few already written before I decided to shove them all onto a hastily-created tumblr account.
I found a title just as quickly: How to Disappear Completely. Named less for the Radiohead song of the same name (though it does describe the experience of dissociation and has a line about walking through walls!), and more from my dim memory of reading a Radiohead interview, where Thom Yorke mentioned the book he'd stolen the song title from: How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found, which has always stuck in my head, as a phrase. It fitted with my dim concept of the fic: what if invisibility, but too much? Later, I realised it fitted with the Dwemer as well, and felt extremely smug.
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A song reference for a title is such a fanfic cliché, not to mention the lowercase one-word chapter titles. I was fine with all that. I was always committed to HTDC as a very self-indulgent project, thus the new pseudonym, separate from the rest of my online life, never mind my offline one. No audience, no embarrassment, no holding back.
A comfort project, no need to make much effort, just something silly and easy and fun.
It started that way, I swear.
It devoured nearly 3 years of my life, ended up 40 times longer than my university dissertation, and, honestly, was 40 times the work, too.
It's far from perfect, but it's as good as I could make it at the time. It was a ride and a half to write, I learned a lot, and pushed myself to write in ways that were new to me. Over the years since, I've had people say it's meant a lot to them. Thank you, it means a lot to me, too.
next: 1: numb
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antariies · 2 months
20 19 questions for writers
tagged by @i-mybrunettelady!! ty nero :3c
tagging dama my friend dama @sylvaridreams
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
th. three.
2. what fandoms do you write for?
exclusively gw2 these days!
3. what are your top 5 by kudos?
i've only got the three published on ao3, so in order of most to least kudos is: forgive us, visions of the past: the departing, and HOW TO BUILD A CHAIR (THIS COULD BE GLORY) !
4. do you respond to comments?
yeas :•]
5. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm! how to come back from the dead
6. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i would say all the gift fics i've written have pretty happy endings!
7. do you get hate on fics?
no. also how is that even a thing still
8. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
no, but i love to talk about ocs fucking creepy and wetstyle on discord with friends. if i were to write dedicated smut i think it would be a series of oneshots from my commander's pov. it's not harley's fault he has so much weird and freaknasty yet incredibly story-relevant sex. pussy that launched a thousand plots.
9. do you write crossovers?
once ☝️ when i was younger and on ff.net i wrote a SYOC pokemon/pjo crossover. it's been abandoned for years. poor thing.
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
11. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! we haven't worked on it in a hot minute, but @hawkepockets and i have a fic about harley and prem's historic falling out pre-personal story, featuring our many headcanons about divinity's reach and the events surrounding the great collapse :]
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12. what's your all-time favorite ship?
13. what's one WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ummm i have a wip called "lessons learned" and it was supposed to be a series of 2nd-person vignettes from the pov of the sylvari commander. expanding more on early personal story and how being raised/mentored by caithe and trahearne kind of fucked them up. whose bright idea was it to let miss "i will walk on my knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting" and mister "i want to martyr myself so bad it makes me look stupid" take a crack at the young and impressionable sapling anyway. now look at them. they're pushing aurene to meet the same unreasonable standards because it's the only way they know how to live. generational trauma fic. you know how it is.
14. what are your writing strengths?
give me a STRUCTURE! give me a set of RULES! if you say "here is a strict format you MUST follow" i will say "YESSIRRRR" and i will think inside of that box so hard and i will do it so good. i don't break rules but by god i'll bend them within an inch of their life. also i'm funny
15. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
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more of it now and forever
16. first fandom you wrote for?
pjo high school au
17. favorite fic you've written?
due to recency bias, my fave fic is always the one i worked on last. rn it's my wip "how to make coffee"!
18. what are your writing weaknesses?
the fact that i don't do it. my turnaround time is abysmal there's like a minimum two years waiting period in between everything i publish :[ also according to my boyfriend just now he says sometimes i don't explain things enough. sometimes i expect the audience to know what kind of broth i'm making but i haven't thrown them enough bones. and i don't realize this bc the broth is already cooked in my head. it's obvious to me but not to them.
19. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had someone ask once if they could translate my fic, but they also wanted to repost it to a different website. so i turned them down. sharing is fine, but i'm just not comfortable with my writing being reposted somewhere else even with credit.
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chartreuseian · 3 months
Hey! Fan fic writer ask. 💥🥳🔎😎
Hi hi!! Thank you 🥰
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Ooooh, I did already get this one, but let's be real, we all have a thousand things we would change if we could. Maybe Nikola saying he loved her in 'The Five'? Or just how they handled him in general? I think they didn't have a huge plan for his character (which, fair) so he's a little all over the place.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
Not a clue! Fun, I guess. I was the summer after I'd finished high school just before I started university but other than remembering when I started, I've got no idea why.
I restarted because last year nearly broke me and I made a deliberate decision to reclaim my life and my time to do thing that I like. And writing was something I loved, but hadn't done properly since about 2014/2015.
🔎 Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
Nah! Sometimes I'll send bits to people for feedback or if I don't like how something is going to get some advice, but no proper editing/beta stuff. I don't take it quite seriously enough for that!
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
To read? Either.
To write? I call it canon adjacent. Like train fic is my sort of 'what if?' response to if something forced Helen and Nikola together back during their Oxford days. In my head, once they get home a lot of the events of the show would still happen, but with their relationship playing out alongside it.
Same for Lessons. It's the question of what would have happened if James had manned up and let Helen and John seduce him (because you can't tell me the three of them weren't flirting up a storm).
I'm attempting my first ever totally original story for them (I say that, but it's got some big Out of the Blue inspiration) at the moment, and it's a very different experience to write it!
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Hello!!! Your writing is so beautiful and moving!! As an author, do you ever feel like the stuff you write is not good enough? Or your ideas have already been done 1,000 times? I can’t imagine you do, because your stories are pure gold. But if so, how do you move past it and keep writing?? Do you have trouble coming up with original content? I find when I’m writing fics that I sort of stop myself mid story with doubt. Hopefully I worded that correctly. I just admire your fics so much! Thank you!!!
Hey there 🩷✨️😘 And thank you so much for your kind words, I was honestly so, so moved by your message! I'll try my best to offer some advice and thoughts on this, hopefully some of it is helpful 💕
First of all, I sure struggle with this! I have days when I feel like deleting everything I've ever written because I think it's garbage. Those thoughts usually occur when I'm comparing myself to other writers and their work (which generally differs a lot in style, tone and voice, so it's kind of redundant to compare in the first place). Also, I'm not a native English speaker, so there will always be a gap I can't cross. I will always be one, two, three steps behind in expressing myself. Still, I haven't allowed it to stop me from writing and sharing my work. (Well I have, up until this year... But better late than never, right?)
That being said, we need each other for joy and inspiration, which also means that nothing we create is 100% original in the end… and at the same time, everything is original! You write in your own voice, and only you can have a new perspective or offer a unique take on an existing idea. But tropes are tropes for a reason; they're popular for a reason, so I wouldn't shy away from using cliche pairings or recurring tropes as key concepts. Besides, they're so much fun to write!
It's only natural to compare yourself and your fics to other writers and their work, but there's a thin line between getting inspired and feeling like you're not good enough as a writer. It's so easy to feel unworthy when you see loads of new, amazing content (= other people's souls and lifeblood, condensed into a brief flicker on top of our dashboards) every day. But when you start to think about it, there's actually no point in comparing yourself and your creative input to the stream of literally thousands of works.
Even if the idea is not the most original, I keep writing until something "original" pushes through. Sometimes it's a piece of dialogue, and that's when I get interested as an author. Why did the character say that? What do they mean? Why did I write this? What's lying underneath?
I don't know if you catch my drift here or if this sounds like nonsense, but when you get curious about your writing, it starts to gain new levels, you gain new ideas, and even the most "unoriginal" idea may get a fresh new twist. And if it doesn't… who cares 💃 If you write with passion, it shows, and I think that's what matters in the end! Plot holes, or lack of plot altogether, don't matter if you and your readers can indulge in your writing.
If and when I hit a wall, I have to check who I'm writing for. I may have a hidden feeling that I'm not good enough as a creator, or that readers expect this or that and the next thing I know, I'm standing in the middle of a desert when it comes to creativity. Writing to self-indulge (in the most filthiest way if you have to) will almost always fix this issue. It's a simple gospel truth that writing what you'd like to read, works.
I'm repeating myself here, but writing should be fun; the minute it's not, I usually stop and take a break. Professional writers probably say it can't always be fun, and they may have methods to work past that slump, but because this is fanfiction and we are doing this as a pastime hobby, I'd say better keep a light approach to it and cut yourself some slack. There's no need to push it or force it.
'Good enough' is an admirable (and understandable!) aspiration when you wish to be the best version of yourself and offer your readers something fresh and unique. I say the following with all the love: good enough is also the main idea behind a violent worldview where nothing is ever enough. It's the origin of self-doubt and the feeling that we're somehow always unworthy.
To a system that always wants more, and wants it better and faster, we as imperfect creatures and emotional human beings can never be enough. Didn't mean to get deep into environmental philosophy in a tumblr ask, but this worldview is currently destroying people's sanity (not to talk of destroying the planet and its myriad inhabitants). It's not easy, but I encourage everyone to rebel against 'good enough' as much as possible! ❤️‍🔥
So you don't have to strive for good enough, you only need to strive for what moves you, what makes you laugh or cry or simply makes you feel something. That way you'll know it will move others too 💋💞💃
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WIP Wednesday Thursday
It’s WIP Wednesday Thursday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
I was tagged by @pizzaqueen (thank youuuu)
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
OKAY now full disclosure, since I use scrivener, the file names are shit like "fanfiction" and they're all in one singular project, and i've titled each individual part of the "project" already except the one thing so y'all are getting titles.
i'll burn that bridge when i get to it
because no one can break my heart like i can
i can't tell where you end and where i start
spent all winter waiting for the sun to arise
the one about dio
Snippet (from spent all winter waiting for the sun to arise, my super self-indulgent modern au fic where Steve has my IRL job and Eddie is a rockstar):
“She has you so whipped, Steve.”
Steve sat on the staging table in one of the banquets storage rooms and eating a plate of leftover food from a buffet they just cleared. They affectionately called this storage room Dustin’s “office” since the banquet server was most often working events and using that staging and storage area.
He gave Robin a baleful glare as he shoveled another scoop of ravioli into his mouth.
“Yeah, dude, why are you even letting her boss you around? Just tell my mom,” Dustin said, popping open a can of soda.
“I’m not gonna tattle to your mom, Dustin,” Steve sighed heavily.
“Yeah, because Nancy Wheeler has you whipped,” Robin repeated, rolling her eyes. “She’s totally taking advantage because she knows you’re still not over her—”
“Okay, first of all, I am totally over her, like one-thousand percent over her,” Steve said quickly, pointing at Robin. “And she said she doesn’t trust the event managers to handle bands or film crews, and honestly? Valid.”
“I don’t know enough about rooms to dispute your expertise in them,” Robin admitted sadly, grabbing another fancy little brownie bite.
“You don’t know anything about rooms,” Steve agreed, smirking at her. “Anyway, it’s one group, and they’ll probably cancel anyway.”
“Why do you think that?” Robin asked.
Steve heaved a big sigh as he settled in to explain as simply as he could. “Half the time bands will cancel, usually because their tour got all fucked up for one reason or another. Anyway, this group is booking their rooms three months in advance. There’s no way they’ll actually come.”
“But you said they’re traveling with a film crew, right? Wouldn’t they have a pretty strict filming schedule?” Dustin asked, and Steve shrugged.
“No idea,” he replied.
“Who’s the band?” Robin asked, and Steve shrugged again. Robin scoffed. “Seriously? You don’t know?”
“I know they’re a metal band. None of the paperwork says the band’s name, and the rooming list has fake names already,” Steve replied. “Typical procedure for higher profile bands, so they might be a big deal. I don’t really care, honestly.”
Just as he finished saying that Steve’s phone started ringing.
“Hey, this is Steve,” he answered without actually looking at the screen.
“Hey, I know you’re on your lunch, but the tour manager called asking about the rooming list,” Nancy said, her tone apologetic.
“Revisit the first half of that sentence, Nance,” Steve said, but he was already putting his plate aside to hop down from the table.
Robin made a whip-cracking noise with her mouth and rolled her eyes.
“I know, just— the tour manager seems really high-strung about it,” Nancy pressed, and she did sound genuinely sorry for calling on his break.
“I’m. On. My. Lunch,” Steve said slowly and deliberately as he waved goodbye to Robin and Dustin, slipping out of Dustin’s office.
“Fine, fine, just make sure you get it done before the end of the day,” Nancy sighed and hung up.
Steve let out a slow breath as he walked back to his office ten minutes before the end of his lunch break.
I know WIP Wednesday is over, but still, I wanna share the love a little bc i love y'all's writing, and absolutely NO PRESSURE: @patchworkgargoyle, @scarcrossdlvrs, @scoops-stevie, @steddieas-shegoes, @afewproblems (if I am adding u belatedly it is ultimately bc last night I was like "I'm missing ppl who am I missing" and my bitch ass was too tired after a long day being Steve From My Fic and getting my hair cut)
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actuallyitsstar · 7 months
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
⛔ 🎶 ⏳💥 🎃❌
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
(this is so many and obviously feel free to answer however many you want!!)
✨ send me an emoji and ask me about my fanfic! ✨
😈 has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
honestly, i can't say that there has been! i mean don't get me wrong, i have certainly been writing EVEN MORE ANGST AGAIN and been like. hmm. the people in my phone are gonna hate me for this :) lol. but that angst is also for ME bc like. that's my jam lol. and i never post unfinished multichaptered fics, so i feel its not likely that i'd ever do this, since i don't get feedback on my writing until after it's already completed, lol.
✍ do you have a beta reader?
i don't! i never have, actually. it is an intriguing idea but i've never been a ~serious~ enough writer for it, i don't think, and i also cringe at the idea of anyone seeing anything i've ever written before i have re read and re-edited it about 50 thousand times lol
⛔do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
recently, no, but i have at least 10 unfinished fics for various old fandoms that are like. not *scrapped*, per se, but just uhhh unlikely to be completed any time soon lol, some being 10+ years old. i never say never but like AM i going finish that OC-au of the mentalist season 6 where somebody is trying to attack all the "psychics" in texas because they have a grudge against what some fake psychic told them like 10 years ago???? honestly, probably not, lol.
🎶do you listen to music while you write? what song have you been playing on loop lately?
yes, i do! can't write in just silence, usually, but it can't have words, either, because i can't hear Words and also Write Different Words, lol. recently i have been listening to 70s-80s Japanese city pop playlists (here is one of my favorites!) since i don't speak the language and it also is such a vibe. in the past i've also done the in love with a ghost vibes, lofi girl, and instrumental synth-wave, as well. i also really like the artist City Girl for that reason, and i think my favorite album of theirs is Neon Impasse. I listened to that on loop a lot writing ttnp!
⏳how long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
this is a very difficult to answer question because it depends on a lot of factors, lol. I have written 20k words in two days before. I have also gone weeks only writing a thousand. it depends on how much free time i have (recently, almost none, lol), how much down time there is at my job (i wrote a large portion of ttnp in down time at my job, and there is not going to be job down time for the foreseeable future unfortunately, which has really put a damper on things). as long as i am at least mildly inspired or motivated, and have ample enough time, i can get a lot done, usually, but it all depends on a lot of factors.
💥how do you feel about criticism?
i am made of tissue paper pls dont hurt me akdshdjfhf i am actually very much okay with and welcoming of it, actually, bc without it, i would never improve. definitely needs to be in good faith, because being made of tissue paper isn't entirely a lie lol, but if there's something i have done poorly or something that i have the opportunity to do better next time, i am always happy to take it into consideration!
🎃do you write fics for holidays? what is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
hmmmm well i actually never have but i love the concept and i am hoping to get to do it this year ;) ;)
❌what's a trope you will never write?
for an actual trope i'd probably have to think a lot longer and harder than i have in answering these questions so far, lol, but one thing i can say, though it's not a trope, is that i'll never write smut. your local sex repulsed asexual is just not about it, lol. which is not to say ive never read and enjoyed fics w/ smut in them!!! i just skip ahead until it's over, lol.
🧠pick a character and i'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them!
omg i don't know which of us is supposed to be doing the headcanoning but i'll go ahead and assume it's you ?????? and my pick is iceman. pls tell me ur fav headcanon !!! i am excited !!!
🤩do you have a favorite character to write?
recently, it had been maverick, to no one's surprise, lol. what can i say. somethin' about the inherent trauma just speaks to me <3
🤲 would you please share a small snippet of a WIP?
HMMM...... I SUPPOSE..... A SMALL ONE......... ;)
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THANK U SO MUCH for the ask !!! i loved answering all of them and i am so sorry it has been taking me so long to do everything recently oh my god. i am, as bilbo would say (im paraphrasing), feeling like butter scraped across way the fuck too much bread these days akdhfdjfhf but i rly appreciate ur asks and ur support and time and continued habit of thinking of me !!! <3 <3
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sunfoxfic · 1 year
4,17 and 19 for the fic writer asks!
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Active WIP's or just stories that aren't finished?
For active WIP's, I have... the custody battle AU, the fic I'm thinking I'll use for the big bang, and possibly maybe the Adrigami divorce fic which I revisit every now and again when I don't feel like doing anything else. (The Adrigami divorce fic isn't long, I just got stumped and wrote slowly, then at one point decided to rewrite as a screenplay.)
For stories that aren't finished, I have... well. I counted 47. To be fair, some of the one-shots I counted only have a few words and probably were never fleshed out enough to be counted as "WIPs." One looks like this and I stopped writing because I laughed too hard and couldn't continue:
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17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
not much, to be honest. I do the bare minimum amount of research. One time I was late to a Zoom class because I spent a fair amount of time reading up on Swan Lake? I've still not seen Swan Lake but honestly it's the first ballet I want to watch when I finally start watching ballets lmao
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
[Plagg:] “Come on, kid. Gotta get up, get going. Long day of superhero-ing and shit.” Adrien flipped himself over, though he had no intention of sitting up, much less standing. “I don’t need to patrol,” he said. “Too tired.” “Kid, you’re already on the fast track to depression and you think the best course of action is to lie in bed the day after the love of your life moved six thousand kilometers away? You think that’s a smart idea? Jesus Christ, how the hell did you graduate with honors?”
-- Chapter 22 of the custody battle AU
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reggieblk · 1 year
hello <3 thank u so much for the ask from this game
H. How would you decribe your style?
I actually don't really know, which bodes well for the rest of this lmao. I'd say it's definitely influenced by everything I've ever read and my education - I went to school in France so there's probably some french influence in there. I'd say it's pretty simple and definitely still in the first stages of life, I hope to get much better as I keep writing!
E. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I'm gonna assume we're talking about equals in life (partners in death) bc I don't have any other fics posted haha. If there were to be a sequel it would definitely just be an amalgamation of scenes (already seen from Harry's POV and never seen before) from Tom's POV. Realistically there is nothing else I could do with how the fic ended lol, but yes I have thought about writing a small sequel like 20k of Tom POV
L. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Uuuugghh so many dude oh my god. I am SICK of equals in life how many times did I read that fic oh my god. I would like to use this opportunity as a formal apology for the HORRIFIC dialogue punctuation in that fic btw, any time I read back bits and pieces of it it's like full body cringe like - oh, a thousand ppl have read this, great. I do love the fic though so I'll revise it later on, at a time when I've laid it to rest for a bit bc I did write that fic out of love and I do love it, I'm just sick of it atm.
But, to get to the heart of the ask: I'm in the process of shaking off the habit of obsessively reading over every single sentence I write while still writing so it makes for more editing at the end but I now get the added bonus of rediscovering bits I'd forgotten! So I'd say I read over a fic a total of three times before posting : one entire time from start to finish, and then chapter by chapter as I post and I do that twice over (but there's also the small edits I make along the way).
O. How do you begin a story - with the plot, or the characters?
I tend to always use the same characters, main characters anyway so other characters just appear as the fic goes - but I definitely start with the plot. I'll vividly like hallucinate an idea I have and be like 'this is the best thing ever' and then if I'm motivated enough I'll open a google doc and flesh ideas out, write the bits of dialogue that stick in my mind and write an outline. The characters are part of the initial hallucination so I suppose it's kind of both at the same time!
Although, I mentioned in a post I'm writing a play (original work) for one of my fics, and for that, while I had a general idea for the plot, I was forced to come up with the characters first - so I suppose it depends on what I'm writing. (sidenote: this is the fic I've been writing obsessively for the past few days, I've decided to call it If we were lovers)
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flowerslut · 1 year
5, 6 and 19!!!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
this is so fun to talk about because I never let myself indulge in Fic Thinking Or Brainstorming because that's dangerous for me (for obvious reasons) BUT two fun fic ideas I've had in the past year-ish are these SUPER fun ones:
what if james and co DIDN'T overhear the cullen's baseball game and didn't stop by the cullen's residence until the next day like alice ORIGINALLY thought? (and with edward absent and playing the Must Be Constantly Around Bella game I think the whole 'james knows who alice is' reveal could be SO FUN—really you could go any way with this: angsty, silly, both!) I thought I would write this eventually but there ain't no way in hell it'll happen at the rate things are going lmfao
and what if alice was like "I have to WAIT to meet my true love? hell no" and after a few years she goes down south and makes her own army in a "well if you can't kiss 'em, join 'em" type of way. I just want to see a dumber version of alice who is like "I'll get this man's attention one way or another. i'll sort everything else out eventually" and she makes SO many bad choices but whoops she's good at this army business and now she's super powerful lol whoops! well, she'll get her back blown out one way or another! and if she has to commit a few thousand murders beforehand then like, whatever, yknow?
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
yes!!! right now I've been on a BIG tlt fic binge and these are a couple I go back to all the time: GHAZAL WHERE I'M BEGGING YOU TO TOUCH ME, Inversion (<- this right here is the best tlt fic I've ever read), The Heart is Hard to Translate, and beat your swords into ploughshares (and your spears into pruning hooks). most of these are explicit griddlehark fics if I'm not mistaken lmfao
and as far as jalice fics are concerned I regularly return to @goldeneyedgirl's ongoing jalice fics Jar of Hearts and Shadow to Light because lexie's versions of jasper and alice mean so goddamn much to me. but I don't read much jalice tbh because I am... so picky with their characterization, etc.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
this is long enough, so here's a bonus roots snippet under the cut!
When the screeching of limbs and heads being removed punctuated the hissing and crying that had filled the field, the vampire who stood, watching, rolling the stone around in their pocket, finally let out a sigh.
“Very well,” they spoke, watching as their army gathered the bodies to drag across the barren land and toward the pile that had already been assembled just out of sight, up and then down another hill. As they worked in agreeable silence, the watcher closed their eyes again, sighing once more.
The stone in their pocket was sharp on one side. With a small amount of pressure, the tip of their finger opened. A clenched fist brought venom toward their palm and with a quick squeeze their hand was wet with it.
Memories attached to the pain trickled in through their thoughts. For a moment they smiled and pictured once more the two bodies that were being carried away. Their faces were not hard to morph with the imagination, their features not quite similar but close enough that there was no effort to this daydream.
They imagined blonde hair torn and burnt, skull exposed and venom slick across the head. An opened neck, perhaps proving that scarred skin all looked the same when peeled back, ripped from the cemented system that held their kind together. His teeth would be kept and put to use. His last mark on the world he’d abandoned would never come. He would become nothing more than a discarded instrument, broken down for parts—maybe put back together once, or twice, just so they could hear him scream and beg and cry—that would be used to carve into every other victim these lands claimed.
The same teeth that had once marked them, would mark others, too.
Imagining the woman was easier, and brought a fiercer fire to their chest, the satisfaction of what would be done to her eliciting a full smile from their quiet, closed off face. Yes, the dark-haired witch would get what was coming to her. They imagined what she might look like, as torn and mangled as her companion had always been. Limbs fused together. Eyes gouged over and over until regeneration ceased (they had never figured out how many times their bodies could do such a thing).
Experiments were only kind when it was deserved. Some people did not deserve mercy.
fanfic writer asks!
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beetlesacquired · 2 years
WIP Update
Hi, between work and uni, I haven't been able to write a lot lately, which sucks, but I graduate in about a month (!!) which means that starting about midway through December, I'll have way more free time and creative motivation to get fics out. In the meantime, here's a rundown of all the wips I've got going through my head that will hopefully get updates/see the light of day soon (warning for nsfw fics)
Published WIPs
I'm over a month late and only on day 10, so least to say, she's my highest priority. Currently I'm working on day 11: oviposition, and it's almost done, so that should hopefully get out this week! If you're not into that, day 12 is a cute Padme and Luke fluff, so you can look forward to that one instead.
Higher on the Streets
This is a podracer!Anakin and kind of sugar daddy senator!Obi-Wan fic that currently only has one chapter published several months ago, but rest assured, it haunts me every single day. It's not abandoned! But this was my venture into trying to write a multichap where I post chapters as I write them instead of once the fic is complete, and as it turns out, my brain doesn't like working like that. The second chapter is in progress, though it's kinda low on my priority list.
now there are four of them
Sith!Obikin x canon!obikin. This is my favorite of my posted wips, and I'm already several thousand words into a part two, I just have to have the time to really dedicate myself to writing it, because if you've read my smut fics before, you know they're obscenely long. As a sneak peak for part two, Obi-Wan uses the artifact to visit the sith and gets lowkey cucked. ALSO because I've had people ask me, part three WILL be Vader/Anakin, promise promise promise
Omegaverse Week 2021
YES this is still a wip because I'm the WORST. I've had day 7 almost done for over a year. I just need to finish it. Please give me the motivation to finish it. It's body worship, fluffy, so wholesome, I just have to finish it.
will it feel like the end?
Omega prince of the sith Anakin is betrothed to alpha king of the jedi Obi-Wan after the death of Anakin's mother and father. Not only does Anakin want nothing to do with the Jedi, but he has suspicions that King Obi-Wan is behind his parents' murders.
I really did omegaverse week dirty huh, I said over a year ago that I would turn this one shot into a fic, and I got so many comments asking me to do just that. And Yet. It'll happen. I swear it'll happen. I mainly just need to get my thoughts together for it.
Unpublished WIPs
gather ye children of men
TW: religious trauma, internalized homophobia
I, like all the other obikins, watched that angels and demons movie and felt things. Alas, I don't know enough about catholicism to write a priest kink, so I had to improvise. I give you: southern baptist preacher's son Obi-Wan is asked to be a good influence on local bad boy Anakin, who's fallen away from christ in pursuit of tattoos, piercings, alcohol, and *gasp* homosexuality.
all the skins of a life in this world
TA!Anakin who's in love with professor!Obi-Wan. In order to try to get over his feelings, he joins a BDSM discord server where he meets Mod Ben. Possibly trans!Anakin? Still thinking about that one.
if brokenness is a work of art
TW: child abuse, trauma
Master!Anakin agrees to take on padawan!Obi-Wan as his apprentice after Obi-Wan's master, Maul, is deemed unfit for duty in the aftermath of the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan has some strange habits, however. He only speaks when spoken to, doesn't keep any personal possessions, and has cast off all the friends he'd made when he was a youngling. At first, Anakin puts it down to the stresses of going into the Clone Wars too young and being reassigned to a new master, but as time goes on, Anakin starts to question what really happened to Obi-Wan when he was with Maul.
This is probably my favorite one here, but it's a newer idea, so I'm still working through the planning process to make sure that everything works out the way I want it to. More likely than not, it'll actually probably be platonic Obi-Wan & Anakin rather than shipping just because of the nature of everything.
currently unnamed fic
My newest idea, as is apparent by the lack of title, so I don't completely have a summary yet? But it's modern/magic au, definitely a darkfic, lots of whump for obikin especially but also everyone else they drag into their problems.
Those are my wips! I greatly anticipate the day that I can write about things that aren't ancient scandinavian poetry and the effectiveness of college entrance exams. If you've gotten this far, asks about wips or any of my other fics are always welcome <3
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petraevesplace · 7 months
Hello! I've been greatly enjoying twofold light, and speculating on future events with friends. I just wanted to ask a couple questions as someone who both enjoys the work, and has had an interest in writing a story inspired by it and it's writing style. Firstly, I wanted to ask how long do you typically spend on a chapter, do some come easier than others, or do you find yourself with writers block often? Secondly, I wanted to ask if you tend to have plot points already planned in advance for where you want the story do go, or do you tend to just let the story go wherever it feels most natural. Finally, I wanted to ask for your thoughts on more modern fire emblem games, particularly three houses since, primarily my idea for a fanfiction would be essentially a Jugdral Fodlan crossover fanfiction. Though I don't know if I'll actually write anything on the topic, especially since in my opinion Fodlan is... deceptively small in its world building, I thought I'd ask for your thoughts on how it stacks up to Jugdral. Thank you for your time, I can't wait to read the next chapter whenever it releases. Reading posts on your twitter about Lewyn and Forsetti or writing new characters for the first time has me very excited.
Hello! I’m very flattered to hear that and so sorry it’s taken me so long to answer you
It’s hard to say exactly how long it takes to write a chapter. None of the chapters have been easier or harder to write than others and I haven’t really run into writer’s block before but how particular I can be about wording and the flow of sentences does slow me down at times. On good days, I can write over a thousand words. Other days, I’ll only finish one paragraph. And after all of that, editing what I wrote adds on probably about another month. It helps a lot that I have the plot of the remainder of the fic planned out so I know where everything is leading and what the main moments of every POV section will be. But getting each character to the point I’d like them to be in a way that feels natural and in character is what makes reaching those points take so long, especially now that there are so many characters. The amount of characters now also often leads to me coming up with ideas for smaller character arcs and moments as I’m writing, like Lester’s thoughts on Verdane or Hicks checking in with Eyvel. This is getting a bit into your second question, to which I’d say I have bullet points for the overarching plot that are set in stone but there is space between them to give side plots and character arcs room to grow, like flowers popping up through cracks in the pavement.
A Jugdral Fodlan crossover sounds really interesting! I’ve kind of seen Fodlan as Jugdral-lite, skirting close to a lot of the similar ideas and concepts but the world building also felt a bit lacking to me. Part of that issue may have been that Three Houses put more focus on exploring the characters and how much of Three Houses’s story takes place in the Academy, drastically cutting down the time available to see and experience the world. Fodlan sounds like an interesting place but I walked away from the game feeling as if I hadn’t seen enough to say whether it was genuinely is or not.
Thank you for your message and once again, I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond! It’s going to be a little while before the next chapter comes out as I’m currently finishing another project, hopefully by the end of the week, but I hope when it does, it won’t let you down!
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breathplayed · 1 year
4, 6 & 8 💜
below cut to save dashboards!!
(4) what is the plot bunny you've been carrying the longest? ooouuuuhhh..... so many............ So many............ i have full fic outlines from 2017 LOL but the most viable one is a jikook au where they're both vampire hunters + jimin is Turned + jungkook swears to hunt him and be the one to kill him bc it's "what he would have wanted" some good ole lovers to enemies bullshit Once Again. every year since 2018 i've thought it'd be a fun three-part fic i could post for halloween and have never gotten around to it. lately i keep thinking it'd be good for an original novel (hello lesbians <3) but then i would have to actually worldbuild and write well which is daunting......... so back to the drawing board every time...... Maybe Some Day
(6) do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best? 💀 i always tell myself i will try to write a little bit every day, and there's been periods where that worked well enough for me, but tbh i write the best and most when i am daydreaming about a fic idea and get batshit possessed and fuel a Fixation. in those moments i am seized by insanity and sit down to write for about 4-6 hours straight in the dead of the night and manage several thousand words in one sitting. the record is 10k for DSD pt1 in like a day, and when i wrote the 90k fic that is WBIO in like 3 weeks off the high of not having any responsibilities in early lockdown (incl almost 20k in one sitting)
So kind of a mix.... When I have more free periods of the year i tell myself *trying* to stick to a schedule is good, like "ok i should go TRY to write at least a little every day, and if it doesn't work and im not feeling it today that's fine" but I can't lie, most of what I put out is the product of a feverish manic haze. Where i daydreamed too hard about a fic idea and accidentally came up with the whole plot and exact dialogue lines and need to bullet point it immediately before I forget it all. I am tormented by visions
(8) what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it? Constructive criticism: not exactly a fan unless I ask for it lol, just bc I think it's kinda rude to offer constructive criticism unless it's asked for? So I already automatically feel a lil cornered. I spent a year as an art major bringing paintings in for concrit sessions, I can take it, but that feels like a facilitated environment where I knew I was opening myself up to hear things so I could improve..... however, I'm not super interested in 'improving' writing beyond naturally improving by doing it.... bc it's just a hobby if that makes sense? I'm also usually super aware of how/where one of my fics is weak (example: i Know my worldbuilding and side characters and settings are not the most fleshed out, that I usually only focus on the main pairing/conflict and let everything else be a cardboard cutout, RIP) and just didn't put the work in to improve it bc I want to have Fun doing this hobby and struggling with fixing weaknesses is not super fun. Yes i am very lazy but it's ok it's fanfiction posted for free not something I'm trying to publish ukno. I'm a perfectionist in other ways! It balances out
Important to note I define constructive criticism as like "it would have been better if you did x instead" and a lot of times in fanfiction that's just people's personal tastes. I do consider everything readers say to me! Like someone said they didn't think the side characters served any point in "folie à trois" and it's just me inserting my faves, I Considered that opinion. There's been times I consider feedback and changed how I continued in a story, like in TLG people said they wanted more Jimin pov/motives and I said hmmm yeah that's valid I'll do more of that. In the aforementioned case for Folie, I considered it and decided (1) no, they're there for jk to see that Everyone is a lil fucked up and (2) it's my fic i can put my kpop girlies in it if i want lol. So sometimes 'concrit' is really just someone saying 'what you wrote wasn't to my personal taste' and not actually anything to do with the quality of the story/plot/style whatever itself.
Feedback overall tho, I do always want to hear from readers!!??! How a story made them feel especially. Tbh , TLDR, I think it really depends on the tone.... My relationship to it is on a case by case basis..... like I'm fine hearing that a character/plot frustrated someone, that they disagree with a character's actions, etc.... because that's Conflict in the story and I think good writing makes the reader Feel something..... it really just depends on what is being offered? if something is obviously mean spirited (which I have gotten) or offering concrit without asking like telling me "btw this would have read better if you didn't write like a possessed failed poet" i'm like ok well i have no plans on improving that. I am down to clarify any points of confusion on a scene/character/etc but I will not be improving. Lol
I hope that makes sense sorry I rambled as always. I took one of my adhd meds for the first time in weeks and now I am tachycardic and overexplaining myself worse than usual. Thank u for the ask <3
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
[This is for a person with whom I have quite a contrary opinion. And I want to get it off my chest]
You. Have. No. Idea. What. Fanfic. Is.
For you, quality literature has to have the qualities you demand of it. Yes, I agree that you need a minimum of quality in all areas, but a lot of fanfic is written by people who spend their time (for free) to give you a story with characters you already know and want to read in that context.
"But you shouldn't write about real people." You're missing the point of fanfic.
"But you shouldn't use non-LGBTQ+ people/characters for LGBTQ+ stories." You're missing the point of fanfic.
"Sex scenes with real people are disgusting". For you, but not for everyone.
"I hope one day the 14 year old girls who read this kind of fanfic will realise that writing about real people is wrong and move away from the dark and toxic side of fandom." Don't say what people can read or not.
"I hope you grow up and leave your fanfic era to read worthwhile literature." Honey, I can read fanfic and I can read books that were Nobel Prize winners, one thing doesn't take away from the other. Oh, again, you're missing the point of the fanfic.
So please, stop throwing all the bad stuff at fanfic writers and thinking you're mature for reading Stephen King (I guess he can talk about Beverly's boobs because it's not fanfic). And I hope you never leave Wattpad, because if you go on ao3, first you'll faint and then you'll cry about the "atrocities".
You're good at giving writing advice and encouraging new writers, but stop talking about a subject you don't understand and don't want to understand. If I vent here it's because I know that if I write it in your comment box, I'll be the hater and I don't want arguing with people.
[Sorry if I made a mistake. English isn't my first language and I'm really upset right now]
There's an interesting thing I read as a kid about language acquisition. It was specifically about vocabulary acquisition among native speakers. The researchers observed that parents, teachers, etc. thought kids should read "good" books that "challenged" them because this would improve vocabulary and comprehension...
But in fact, the thing that most improved reading skills was reading books that were just barely hard. They might have learned only one new word per crappy Nancy Drew, but they read thousands of them and learned thousands of words. The kids reading "good" literature that was much too hard for them learned much less.
Needless to say, I waved this in my mother's face and went back to reading Nancy Drew.
Mom absolutely suffered from Buy The Child Boring And Depressing Literature syndrome, like many intellectual adults. Also, she was terrible at judging a book from the cover blurb and was always buying things she thought would be fun pictures of some cultural moment that were actually about the horrors of war and teenagers fleeing their countries.
I find it hilarious that this person is a Stephen King fan. Nothing wrong with King! He's rightly beloved and famous. But in the minds of Real Literature snobs, he's also fun trash, not Serious Books For Serious People.
That's the danger of snobbery: there's always someone who can show you up.
The only way to win this game is to be completely secure in your own tastes to the point that you don't even care about defending them when people attack.
For me personally, fic made all the difference in my writing ability. I was surprised a few years ago to realize I'd turned into someone who could write the kinds of things I actually want to read. I never used to reread my own work, and I never used to be able to live up to my own standards. Lack of revision was part of it, but that wasn't most of it: I just wasn't very experienced and thus I wasn't very good.
After a decade of writing Yuletide fic and the occasional other thing as the mood struck me, I apparently gained enough experience while not paying attention to level up.
Those 14-year-olds dicking around with Jungkook readerfic or Taekook or Minecraft dumbass RPF or whatever has this person's panties in a twist will probably turn into good writers one day if they just keep writing.
It's a question of stamina as much as anything, and nothing kills stamina faster than elitism.
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Period On Tour {HSLOT} /blurb/
This story contains: mentions of periods, crying
{ husband!harry - HSLOT Harry era }
word count: 1022
You stay in the dressing room while Harry preforms at his Dallas concert because your period is super painful. Afterwards, Harry takes you to tour bus and helps the pain go away.
Tumblr media
(this photo is from harryflorals on instagram)
Unfortunately you got your period the day of the Dallas show that your husband Harry was preforming at. He told you that it was okay if you wanted to stay on the tour bus, but you insisted on staying inside the stadium and be there to support him. Even if you were in tremendous amounts of pain.
Everything was going well up until now, an hour before the show. Your cramps had been mediocre so far but they continuously get worse as the day falls to night and it's almost unbearable. If you were home right now, you know you'd be in bed with a heating pad and fluffy blankets, but you're thousands of miles away and are not able that amount of luxury.
As Harry continued doing some last minute touches to his appearance before he was set to go on stage, you laid in the fetal position on the small sofa in his dressing room, trying not to cry. Your uterus felt like it was being ripped out and you didn't want anyone to see you like this. You didn't want to have the whole of Harry's team knowing you're crying due to your period. It just felt personal and you were only comfortable being that vulnerable with Harry.
Minutes later when Harry was finished getting ready, he walked over to the couch and sat right on the edge. He ran his ringed hand down your arm soothingly and whispered, "You can go lay in our bed on the bus if you'd like. Promise I won't be mad. Just want you to be comfortable is all."
With a low voice, you replied, "I'll be fine in here. I want to be able to at least hear your voice and I can somewhat hear it from in here."
Knowing he can't persuade you to go onto the bus, Harry leant down and kissed your forehead. Then he said quietly, "Okay my love. Let me know if you need anything while I'm out there. You always come first. I love you."
"Love you too Harry and I'll come get you if anything becomes worse. Now go on, go on that stage and sing your heart out." you responded with a fake grin. Half of that was a lie. Of course you loved Harry but you probably wouldn't disrupt him on stage if you needed him. Not unless it was a life or death situation that was. Harry left to head to the stage and you continued to lay on the small sofa in his dressing room, trying to breath through the pain your period has caused.
Through-out Harry's concert, you had the worst time ever. You thought staying inside the stadium was a good idea so you could at least hear his beautiful voice since you didn't feel well enough to be physically in the crowd like you normally were. But what you figured out was that the loud sounds of all the instruments, mixed with their singing voices and the fans screams, they all gave you a throbbing headache. So a headache to go along with your already bad period cramps was not a good combo.
You had hot tears running down your face and you were having a hard time breathing due to the amount of pain you were in. Harry came into his dressing room when his concert was over and immediately rushed over to the couch where he could hear your whimpers. Normally after shows, his bandmates would follow him to his dressing room to hang out. But Harry already told them you weren't feeling too well so they knew not to come in tonight. He didn't share specifies as to why you were unwell, knowing you would have felt uncomfortable with them knowing you're on your period.
"Love, what's wrong? Shh, deep breaths darling. Need you to tell me what's wrong." Harry questioned out of breath from just having left the stage, and kneeled down beside you.
"It hurts so bad. My cramps and now my head hurts from the loud music and fans." you cried out.
Right before Harry stood to get changed out his sweaty outfit, he whispered so not to hurt your head, "It's gonna be alright. I'm gonna help the pain go away when we get into the bus. Just give me five minutes and we'll leave. Won't be long as it usually is."
Harry quickly changed into more causal wear and made sure to grab all his stuff, as well as any of your belongings. Then he took out his Green Bay Packers hoody and went back to the couch where you still laid. He helped you sit up and slid the hoody over your head carefully. Once you had his hoody on, Harry slung his bags over his left shoulder and helped you up from the sofa and lifted you in his arms.
Harry left the dressing room if the Dallas stadium with you in his arms, on the way out to the tour bus. You had the hood of the hoody over your face so people didn't see your teary eyes, but your face was already in the crease of Harry's neck so they wouldn't have seen your face anyways. Your arms and legs were wrapped around your husbands body securely. You felt better already, just from being in his hold.
On the bus, Harry plugged in your heating pad and ran to the mini kitchen to fetch you some pain medicine. Then once you were situated, he turned the back rooms lights out and left to take a quick shower because he still stank of sweat. And when he was all cleaned, Harry came to get into bed with you and the bus was off to the next city for the night.
Harry held you through-out the night and your cramps finally went away.
Masterlist (regular smut, fluff & sicfics)
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series - One Shots & Blurbs Masterlist
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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