#one i walked past on my way home the other day it’s super close
rowanhoney · 1 year
Errrrr er
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little-diable · 22 days
The Right Stuff - Hangman/Jake Seresin (smut)
I had this idea on my flight back home, so I simply needed to write it. It’s super self indulgent, but I ain’t sorry. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader meets Jake on her flight back home, a man she's instantly drawn to. Over the course of their flight both seem to be getting tangled in the clear attraction they feel for one another. An attraction they give in to on their following date.
Or: The first time (y/n) lets a man touch her on a first date while feeling like she has met the one she wants to spend forever with.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, car smut, somewhat public, teasing, slight choking, dom!Jake, strangers to lovers
Pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader (3.5k words)
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Music rang in her ears, guiding (y/n) as she squeezed past people while trying to bite down her exhaustion. Airports had never been her favourite spot, too many people, too many noises – a mixture she tried to run from at any given chance. Her eyes flickered down to her phone, opening her boarding pass again to double check the number of her gate before she allowed herself to find an empty bench near the boarding era. 
For a moment, her eyes fluttered close as she deeply exhaled. Soon she’d be back home, allowing herself to relax while processing the past few days of her trip. As much as she loved travelling, she loved coming home even more, fully focused on her time to wind down. 
After a few more deep breaths, (y/n)’s eyes fluttered open again to take in her surroundings and the people who sat on the other benches. Within seconds, her gaze was drawn to a man who was approaching the sitting area. Even though he wore sunglasses, (y/n) could instantly tell that he was handsome, more interesting than all the other people she had looked at so far. The man sat down two benches from her, looking down on his phone while she tried to find something else to focus on. 
But no matter how hard she tried, her eyes were drawn back to him every now and then. There was something to him that seemed to pull her in, perhaps it was the way he sat all too straight or the way his jaw muscles kept ticking whenever he looked up from his phone to study those who walked past him. Whatever it was, (y/n) couldn’t find it in herself to stop looking at him. 
Only as the boarding process finally started did she manage to get a grip, turning her back to the handsome man while she made her way to the plane. She couldn’t help but silently hope that he’d sit close to her, giving her the chance to solve the mysterious aura he exuded – a good way to pass the upcoming hours of her flight. 
With a sigh, she plopped down in the middle seat while fumbling with her bag, knowing that she’d most likely have to stand up again to let somebody pass. She kept her eyes focused on her phone, at least until a slightly raspy voice caught her attention with a simple, “Excuse me?” 
Heat shot through her as she stared up at the handsome man from earlier. She didn’t say a word as she stood up to let him pass, trying to stop her heartbeat from spiralling. The expensive scent of his cologne instantly wrapped itself around her as if it was trying to lure her closer. (Y/n) allowed herself to look up at him for a moment, catching his gaze with a soft smile before averting her eyes again. 
She needed to find something else to focus on rather quickly before she’d make a fool of herself, fighting against the need to look at him to get lost in the bright eyes that were now exposed, perfectly matching his blonde hair. With trembling fingers she pulled her book from her bag, letting it rest on her lap while she put her phone away. 
“Are you enjoying the book?” His voice caught her by surprise, drawing (y/n)’s gaze back to him. A soft smile was playing on his lips, he let go of a chuckle as he showed her the cover of the book he was holding, “The Right Stuff” – the same book she was currently reading. 
“I do, even though I didn’t really expect to like it.” (Y/n) silently thanked her lucky stars for this very moment, proud of herself for keeping her voice low, not carrying any trembling syllables. “ It’s not your first time reading it, is it?” She pointed to the worn out pages, telling her that he – or the person who had owned the book before him – must have read the book quite a few times. 
“I think the first time I read it I was still a kid, so, yeah, it’s been through some stuff with me.” The laugh clawing through him had an addicting effect to it, letting one claw through (y/n) herself. She felt his curious gaze wander over her features before he reached his hand out  for her to shake, “I’m Jake.”
His hand felt warm against hers as (y/n) shook it while replying with her name. She prayed that the heat wandering up her neck wouldn’t embarrass her, not making it too obvious to him. It felt as if fate was treating her today, giving her a chance to learn more about the man who had managed to catch her attention from the first moment she had looked at him. 
“Are you flying back home?” Their books were long forgotten as Jake angled his body closer to her, not sparing the safety instructions any of his attention. She tried not to focus on whatever was dangling from his neck, hidden beneath the white shirt he wore, small details her mind was hyperfocusing on, trying to burn everything about him into her mind. 
“I am, I was visiting a friend for the past week. What about you?” The plane began to move, but (y/n) tried not to pay her uneasiness any attention, she felt strangely safe around Jake, trusting whatever it was that made her feel so comfortable. 
“Somewhat, I’m stationed there, but home’s Texas.” She had been trying to pinpoint his southern drawl for the past minutes, wondering about his backstory and whatever he’d want to tell her about himself. It certainly fit, adding to the many questions she wanted to ask, set on uncovering any and every secret Jake carried with himself. 
“Stationed? Are you in the army?” Curiosity spurred her on, something that seemed to amuse Jake as he sank further into the seat. With one hand he tugged on the band around his neck, exposing dog tags to (y/n)’s wandering eyes. Before she could stop her hand from moving, her fingers were reaching for the tags, stroking along the cold material. 
“I’m a naval aviator.” It was a simple reply, and yet (y/n) could instantly tell that this was more than just a job to him. Pride simmered in his eyes, stretching across his handsome features as he watched her study his tags before letting them drop back against his broad chest. 
“Well, I guess I’m in good hands now that we’re in the air, huh?” She kept her voice low, letting another laugh claw out of Jake who shot her a wink while nodding his head.
“I’ll keep you safe, darlin’.”
“You should absolutely come by, they’ll all love you.” Jake had just told her about the Hard Deck and his colleagues coming together there most nights. Hours had passed since they had boarded and yet it felt like she and Jake had known each other for much longer, instantly clicking as they shared more and more about themselves. 
“Maybe I will, that sounds like fun.” Her mouth was about to start hurting from all the smiling she had done, unable to let go of the happiness simmering inside of her. It was cheesy almost, too perfect and yet Jake had easily managed to pull her into his trap, forming a bond miles and miles up in the air where he felt more at ease than with his feet planted on solid ground. 
She was about to reply, wanting to ask another question about his job and the missions he probably wasn’t allowed to talk about when the plane started shaking. No matter how often she found herself in a plane to move from one spot to the other, turbulences had never been her friend, drawing a shaky exhale from her.
(Y/n) could feel Jake’s eyes on her, studying her for a moment while the pilot spoke barely coherent sentences that warned the passengers of the stronger turbulence. Another shake made her hand dart out to grasp the arm rest while trying to stay somewhat calm and collected.  And only as Jake placed his hand on top of hers to loosen her grip and interlace their fingers did she allow herself to look up at him again. 
“I promised I’ll keep you safe, didn’t I? It’ll be over soon.” He whispered his words as he studied her with concern swimming in his pupils.
This was a side of himself he was a stranger to, Jake had no problem chatting up pretty women, he was used to taking them to his or their place for a few hours he’d easily forget about the second he was up in the air, but something about (y/n) was different. Sure, he’d like to ask her out and perhaps even explore her bedroom, but this wouldn’t be a one time thing, at least not if he had a say in it. 
“Tell me more about your colleagues.” (Y/n) was grateful for any distraction as the plane kept shaking. Jake’s thumb ran over the back of her hand, managing to feel her more and more at ease. He started speaking, rambling about those he secretly admired and cherished, even though he’d never say that out loud to them, at least not in moments where their life wasn’t on the line and close to ending. 
Seconds turned into minutes, and even though (y/n) tried her hardest to intently listen to his stories, she struggled to catch up. Her mind was too occupied with everything she had learned about Jake while she wondered how she could keep him close, given he wanted to keep her around just as much.
But perhaps fate was feeling generous today, not running out on (y/n) just yet. 
Two days had passed since (y/n) had crossed paths with Jake, the man she had fallen for over the course of a handful of hours. After parting ways at the airport – with a tight hug that had lasted long enough to make others believe they were reuniting after months apart – they had begun texting almost immediately, making plans for a date Jake had asked her out on before they had gotten off the plane with their fingers still interlaced. 
A date that was just about to happen. A date (y/n) felt overly torn about, not used to feeling so excited and yet nervous over a date. Would they feel the same pull they had felt days ago? Would they still be as excited about being around one another while learning more and more about the one they strangely enough wanted to keep around? 
She had begged him for something lowkey, not caring about where he’d take her, just fully set on getting glimpses into Jake’s life. Her attention was drawn towards her door as the sound of the ringing bell filled her apartment. With shaking legs, (y/n) walked closer, opening it to let her eyes settle on Jake's handsome features.
“Hi, darlin’.” (Y/n) was pulled in for a hug, allowing her to inhale his comforting scent. She clung to him for a moment before peeling herself out of his grasp, scared that she may be unable to let go should he keep her close a second longer. Her smile grew wider at the flowers he gently pushed her way, “Here, thought you may enjoy them since you had these on your bookmark.”
“You’re sweet, thank you so much. Come on in.” She opened the door wider for Jake to step in, leaving him alone for a second while searching for the right vase. Moments later, (y/n) had her arm hooked through his, letting him guide her to his car. With his hand placed on her thigh, Jake drove them away from her home, sporting a smile as bright as the one she couldn’t bite down. 
“So, did you tell your friends about being asked out by a hot Navy guy?” His smile had turned into a cocky grin, remembering the mention of her closest friends and how they were set on finding (y/n) the right guy. Her tongue kissed her teeth as she shook her head at him, set on cutting right through the cocky facade he seemed to sport around most people. 
“Did you tell your admirable teammates about finally asking a woman out on a date? Oh wait, you don’t want them to know you actually like them, huh.” A laugh ripped through Jake who silently thanked whoever was listening for sending this fitting match his way. He squeezed her thigh harder at her teasing, showing off his perfectly white teeth while he studied her for a second too long. “Eyes on the road, lieutenant, can’t have you fucking up our date before I got a kiss, I need something actually worth mentioning to tell my friends about.” 
“Oh, you’re working hard today, spitfire. Don’t you worry, darlin’, you’ll have enough to tell them about.” With a wink thrown her way, his eyes flickered back to the road that was taking them straight to the beach (y/n) could already spot.
Excitement simmered inside of her as she realised that Jake must have remembered her comments about wishing for some more free time she could spend at the beach. Even though she lived so very close, she rarely found the time to come down here, adding another special touch to this very date.
He held the door open for her, letting his hand settle on the small of her back to guide her towards the beach. With their shoes carried in their hands, both found themselves walking along the endless seeming beach, getting lost in deep conversations they normally wouldn’t give in to on a first date. Yet this felt like anything but a first date, it felt like they had been doing this for weeks, months even, feeling all too comfortable with the other person. 
“Seems like a storm’s brewing out there.” Jake was sitting next to her, feet buried in the warm sand. (Y/n) had her head resting on his shoulder, following his gaze towards the darkening horizon. The wind began to pick up, dancing through her hair – a silent warning that they should find their way back home, Mother Nature’s own way of setting an end to their date. But neither Jake nor (y/n) dared to move, watching the clouds move closer as they kept sitting next to one another. 
Only as the first raindrops fell did Jake rise to his feet, pulling (y/n) back up with his hands finding hers. The moment had something awfully cheesy to it, something he’d tease others for if they ever told him about it, but today he didn’t find it in himself to care. Jake and (y/n) held eye contact as he wiped some rain drops from her cheeks, letting his fingers rest on her warm skin while dipping his head down to kiss her.
Her fingers fisted the fabric of his shirt, not daring to break away from the man who kissed her breathless. His tongue begged for entrance, unable to bite down their groans the second their tongues met, deepening their kiss all while the rain soaked through their clothes. Two strangers who have managed to fall in love over the short span of just three days; two strangers who’d prefer to spend their last seconds on this earth together should the world end any moment now. 
Thunder roared through the afternoon, breaking them apart to guide them back to his car. Rain pitter-pattered against the windshield, allowing them to get lost in another kiss while nature gifted them worthwhile moments hidden from curious eyes. 
“We have to stop before I end up fucking you in the backseat, darlin’.” His almost pained words left her chuckling against his lips. 
“What if I want you to fuck me there? You promised me good stuff I can tell my friends about.” The groan that followed her teasing words vibrated on her lips. Jake kissed her again before a simple, rasped out “Then move your pretty ass” left him. 
She was sitting on his lap, fumbling with his belt while thanking her past self for settling on a dress for their date. Jake’s strong fingers dug into her thighs as he kissed his way down her neck, leaving marks she’d struggle to cover up tomorrow morning, souvenirs as he’d call them, marks to remind her that from today on she was his, his only. 
“I need you to be sure about this.” His hand found her throat, fingers settling on her jaw to keep her eyes focused on his. There was something dark swimming in Jake's eyes, something that told her she’d struggle to put whatever was about to happen into words later on tonight. Her fingers grasped his cock, pulling him from his underwear while parting her lips to speak. 
“Let’s take this as another test to see how perfect of a match we are, lieutenant.” (Y/n)’s smirk turned into an open mouthed o-shape the second his fingers found her clothed heat, rubbing her pulsing bundle through the thin material of her already damp panties. She felt trapped, in the best way possible, getting lost in all things Jake Seresin, even though she was the one straddling him, keeping the tall man buried beneath her. 
An avalanche of lust rolled upon them both as she spread her saliva on his cock, pumping him while he kept touching her, drawing sinful sounds out of them both. She let him fumble with his trousers to pull a condom free, allowing her to roll it down his cock while he pushed her panties to the side, exposing her aching heat to his bright eyes.
“Fuck, we’ll do this the right way the second I get you home, you deserve to be fucked on a comfortable bed.” The heated kiss she pressed against his lips successfully managed to shut Jake up, drowning out their sounds.
She sank down on his cock with her eyes squeezed shut and her fingernails clawed into the spot where his neck met his muscular shoulder. Neither of them wanted to waste any time, settling on a rhythm that worked for them perfectly, letting his hips meet hers. 
“Shit, you’re a sight for sore eyes, darlin’. Look how perfectly you fuck yourself on my cock.” Her walls fluttered around his cock, movements getting faster to feel Jake at any given chance, high on the feeling of having him buried so deep inside of her.
(Y/n)’s eyes couldn’t help but marvel at Jake, taking in the freckles on his cheeks, the piercingly bright colour of his lust-blown pupils, a godlike feature. Her fingers tugged on his tags, reminded of their run in days ago – oh, how much she’d like to tease her past self about this very moment, knowing that Jake Seresin was about to flip her life around from today on. 
“Jake, touch me, please.” His raspy chuckles filled the car, followed by her moans the second he rubbed her bundle of nerves. She was trembling on top of him, knowing that her high was close – just as close as Jake’s whose grip on her grew tighter with every passing moment. 
“Will you cum for me, baby?” One of his hands kept stabilising her, the other found her throat again, keeping an almost possessive grip that had (y/n) seeing stars. Incoherent, moaned words left her, ringing in Jake's ears while she could only get lost in his guiding eyes. Bright like the northern stars, a guiding light in darkening times she’d look for from now on. 
(Y/n) came with a gasp, a sound Jake’s lips swallowed with the kiss he needed to chase. His hips jerked up again, burying himself inside of her for one last time before he came too. She clung to him with heavy breaths, head resting on his shoulder, focusing on the feeling of his hand stroking up and down her back. 
“Can we do that again soon?” (Y/n) mumbled her question with hot cheeks, grateful that the falling rain was still hugging them with its cosy embrace. Jake tugged on her neck, forcing her to look at him again, gaze instantly drawn to his wide smirk. 
“We can do that daily, for the rest of our lives, darlin’.”
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chilschuck · 4 months
Hii!!! I just discovered your blog and i have to say, dude i loooooove the way you write about Chilchuck!!! Absolutely lovely!
If your requests are open, id really like to know your thoughts on Chil intereacting/dating with a reader who's also a hafling? Maybe they're also the shortest of haflings even tho they are an adult? (T^T projecting hard coz I'm 21 and havent grown since 6th grade, literally 4'10 lmfao)
Feel free to ignore if you dont feel comfortable with this ask! Again, love all your works 😭💕
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAAAAAH ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (;;;w;;;) i was so happy to write this because my insert is also a half-foot, so this was fun to do!!! i made this super fluffy so i hope you enjoy it!! <333
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— CHILCHUCK: x half-foot reader hcs.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader! suuuuper fluffy!!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 562
✦ hope this is okay anon!!! this was so fun and now i’m in such a fluffy mood. (;;;w;;;) just wanna pull him close and give him so much love, waaaaah.
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✦ Chilchuck would definitely use the height difference he has to his advantage. When you’ve been dating for a while, I like to think he’d pull you to his chest and rest his head on your shoulder, enjoying the proximity. Maybe he even rests his chin on top of your head when he’s feeling affectionate.
✦ Cuddling with this man as another half-foot is so nice. He’s going to be the big spoon most nights to feel protective, and in doing so he’s wrapping you up in that warm body of his. If you feel like spoiling him, snuggle your head into his chest as he holds you, wrapping your arms around him. He’d probably melt into the blankets.
✦ We know Chilchuck isn’t very affectionate in front of others, but I like to imagine him still pulling you close behind closed doors and burying his head into your neck after a long day. Maybe he comes home and wordlessly kisses your forehead, pulling you into him and sighing. (He’ll probably not talk about anything that happened at work, but at least he shows you he’s there!)
✦ As you’re another half-foot, dancing with him is a must! Especially after he’s had a few drinks in his system. We know from that one piece of official art that he can, in fact, dance a bit, so I can see him pulling you in as well. Any time you two can, dance with him and enjoy how big his smile is when you grab his hand that’s held out to you.
✦ I saw other people headcanon this, but imagine wearing his clothes and having them be a little baggy on you. You enjoy it a bit too much, going through his laundry and finding something of his to wear. Chilchuck will get a little red in the face at the sight of you in his shirts, but he’ll wave it off and mumble how nice you look.
✦ Leaning up to kiss his cheek and pulling him by his belt towards you will definitely get him a little flustered. We know how this man is with affection, but if it’s from you, it gets his heart beating a good bit. Decorate his face in kisses by pulling him down gently by his neckwarmer and watch as he lifts his hands up to shakily hold your waist. Sometimes he even pulls you to his lips to get what he really wants if you keep teasing him like this.
✦ Going back to cuddling, if you decide to share a bedroll with him, he’s the perfect sleeping partner. Seeing as he likes to sleep on his back, you can easily slot up against his side and rest your head against his chest. He’ll wrap an arm around you to subconsciously pull you closer in the middle of the night. (Be prepared to get super warm and toasty while sleeping now!)
✦ Chilchuck thinks your height difference is cute, but he’ll never admit it out loud. You can use it to your advantage too by walking past him and kissing his shoulder. Maybe even wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck. Chil will jump a bit at first, but lean into your touch, especially if you nuzzle into his shoulders. After all, you’re definitely a soft spot for him.
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune!! <33
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andreafmn · 2 years
Hello I see your taking request again ! I’m so happy It’s been sooo long hope your doing well !?!
Can you write a reader x jasper
Reader is a vampire she has been with the cullens for ever like before Alice and jasper got there !
She’s as cool as a cucumber like no one has ever seen her mad
Well once edwards started seeing Bella and being a diva he makes a comment about jasper and reader loses it like full on throws him through a wall lol
Everyone is super shocked because they’ve never seen her like that and emmitts booming voice in the back round saying well never talk shit about jasper in front of reader again
everyone nods in agreement and jasper just looks at reader and says I love when your defending me love but let’s not put anymore people through a wall and everyone laughs
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Word Count: 3K
Story Description: (Y/N) Cullen might be even-tempered and calm by nature. But when it came to her partner, no one gets by unscathed. Not even her own family.
A/N: I know I took forever to post this request, but I always take forever for everything 😅 though I hope you enjoy and that I did your request honor, anon. My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing🥺👉👈. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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If you’d like to be tagged in any story or make a request: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post! Tagging apparently has reached its limits for Twilight stories. It won't allow me to post with the list I have right now, so turning on notifications will allow you to know whenever I post anything new.
Karmic Retribution
There were certain unspoken rules to being a Cullen.
One of the worst ones, the oldest made all the decisions. This meant that, more often than not, Carlisle and Edward were the ones to determine the outcome for the family. And to that point, it had been fine. There was never anything truly holding them down to any place in particular, and they could travel any time they wanted.
(Y/N) was fine with that to an extent. She was on the same level as Edward in terms of age, and sometimes she felt she should have more leverage in family decisions than she had. But she had always been quiet, keeping her anger always at bay. And it helped that she had Jasper by her side.
Their connection was almost instantaneous.
When the messy bundle of blond curls walked into their home in Calgary, she knew he’d turn her whole life around. They grew close quickly. Spending almost every moment by each other’s side. (Y/N) could not remember her life before she met Jasper Whitlock. As time passed, the memory of her time without him seemed more and more like a dream rather than her past. To her, he had been there forever.
Though she did not have any special abilities, everything about her was extraordinary to Jasper. She became his lifeline, the only thing to keep him afloat when he felt like drowning. Because most days he felt his head was always just barely above water. Treading on the line between fighting his animalistic instincts and his new family’s peculiar lifestyle.
(Y/N) could do to him what he was able to do for everyone else. She could read his emotions before he had a chance to name them, and she somehow found a way to make him calm and tranquil. She was everything he did not know he needed.
He had been afraid to tell her of his past. How he’d fought for the confederacy and had built and led an army of newborns in the south. He was ashamed of the lives he had taken, the people he had turned and promised eternity to in exchange for their loyalty, only to dispose of them one year later. All for what he thought was love. Jasper was frightened that the second he confessed to the sins of his past, (Y/N) would forsake him and push him aside.
Instead, he was met with a wave of compassion that washed over him. As his eyes stung from dry tears, (Y/N) provided him with a smile that he was sure could warm his frozen body. She placed a comforting hand on his cheek and gave his lips a soft kiss.
“Our pasts do not define the people we are today,” she had told him, nothing but love in her eyes. “The reason we are who we are now is because we have moved forward from what we did yesterday. You don’t need my forgiveness, my love. For the man I know now will never be the same as the man that was. What you need is to forgive yourself.”
At that moment, Jasper knew that his search was finally over. Though he still struggled with his hunger and considered himself a dangerous man, he’d found the person that could love him completely. A woman that had taken one look at the scars of his past — literally and figuratively — and, instead of recoiling in fear and disgust, had placed a kiss upon them and filled them with love and compassion.
“Do you know how lucky I am, darling?” Jasper had told her one day as they lay in a clearing somewhere in the snowy surroundings of Alaska.
“Is that so?” (Y/N) chuckled. Her fingers traced the stitching of the vest he wore, her head pressed against his chest wondering what his heartbeat could have sounded like. “I’d like to think I’m the one that is lucky. How many years did I spend on my own, waiting on my forever? Then you show up, with Alice in tow, and you change our family for the better. And now, I have someone to walk through life until the end of time.”
“Life is funny that way, huh,” he smiled. “And that is precisely what I wanted to speak to you about. I know our journey is seemingly endless and certain mundane things don’t particularly mean as much as eternity. But there is something that I want more than anything — mostly as a symbol of how much I love you. Because in this life and the next I want nothing more than to spend it by your side. So I ask you, (Y/N), would you do me the absolute honor of allowing me to be your husband?”
“For as long as love lives between us, yes. A thousand times yes.”
A wedding was such a monumental event for humans. For beings that stood the trials of time, it was a symbol of commitment. A way to bind their lives with something other than words. A simple promise made in the presence of the people they valued above everything else. That they were making the choice to intertwine their lives in all ways, regardless of any circumstances.
The event had been small, much to Alice’s dismay. The pair simply wanted their family and a few friends in attendance. Their love needed no impressive show, it simply was, and that’s how they wanted it.
In the family, they kept their heads low and out of the way. It was futile to insist on having more of a voice when it came to the decisions of the family. To that point, they had no quarrels with the choices the patriarch had determined for the clan.
Keeping to themselves allowed (Y/N) and Jasper to form a bond like no other. They didn’t need Edward’s mind reading to be able to hear the other’s thoughts; didn’t need Alice’s foretelling to know their life would be live and full of life. The couple had created the perfect balance between themselves and orbited around the family. Still, it was them against the world.
Jasper being the youngest — at least considered that way for being the last to join the family — was often the target for many quips in the family. From his stoic stare to his short fuse when it came to human blood, the blond would often be the butt of the joke. And it never seemed to anger him. He’d chuckle from time to time or roll his eyes at any lines that went just a little too far. But he never defended himself or asked them to stop.
His efforts were centered on keeping (Y/N)’s anger toward the family at bay. Though she was calm by nature, she despised the way their adoptive brothers picked Jasper apart. How they would jokingly criticize something the man could not control. It was often a topic of discussion when the pair enjoyed a rare moment of privacy.
“I’m going to squash them,” she huffed. “Are they not tired of the same jokes? Is there even an original thought in their heads?”
“There’s no need to worry your pretty little head over them, darling,” Jasper chuckled, placing a comforting kiss on her head. “I’m used to it by now.”
“But you shouldn’t be! Every day you work your hardest to control yourself around humans and I know how painful it can be for you. Then Tangina and Schwarzenegger come in and tell the same stupid jokes over and over again,” she exclaimed. (Y/N)’s arms flew up in frustration earning a chuckle from the man as he stared at her from where he lay. “It’s not funny, Jasper. One of these days I’m gonna blow and you’re not gonna be able to calm me down.”
“As much as I would love to see you say your piece to Edward and Emmett, I assure you I do not mind.” He took her hands in his, kissing the knuckles gingerly. “Their words do not affect me, darling. The only person whose approval I care for is yours.”
“And that you will have until the end of time.”
And that was the case for the next couple of years. Whenever they’d reach a new town the other two Cullen teens would joke about how Jasper could snap at any moment, and he’d wreak havoc in the city. They would say pick on him and laugh at him. The worst part, he simply took it, much to (Y/N)’s dismay.
She would grow angry, he would temper her emotions, she would complain about their brothers’ treatment behind their backs, and he would say it was fine. But it shouldn’t have been fine. He should never have gotten used to the unnecessary mean jokes from the older boys.
When they settled in Forks, (Y/N) already knew the cycle. New town, same jokes. The only difference this time, Edward grew obsessed with a particular human.
The day he’d come home from school muttering how he needed to leave for some time and hole himself up in Alaska, (Y/N) couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. There was Mr. Jasper-can’t-control-himself at the end of a downpour of blood frenzy. Everything he had jabbed at her partner with had come back to bite him.
She had laughed with Jasper that night, the jokes laced with actual worry that Edward would be the one to snap and attack a human. But the karmic retaliation had been far too exquisite for her to remain concerned. Revenge was always a very tasty treat.
But her small victory had not lasted long.
Only a week later, Edward had come back home with a recharged confidence. His woes about hurting Isabella Swan had died in a matter of seven days and he was ready to throw a hundred and ten percent toward forming a connection with the frail human.
And with Edward’s presence coming back, so did the overused jokes.
It had been a sunny afternoon in Washington and all the Cullens were stuck inside the house. Most of the morning had been uneventful, each of the family members reclused in their own rooms. The house was quiet and tranquil, peaceful. But that never lasted long. Especially when they were all home.
“So, Edward, this Bella chick is kind of… different, huh?” Emmett commented, his typical goofy grin spreading across his face. “But don’t you think it’s kinda dumb to get involved with a human?”
“Yeah, it might be,” he chuckled. “But it would be dumb of me to not even try. There’s just something about her that’s… intoxicating.”
“Yeah, it’s called human blood,” Rosalie spat. “Because she’s a human, Edward. The worst thing you could do is get involved with her. It could put her in danger. It can put all of us in danger.”
“There’s nothing wrong with testing the waters though,” he debated. “There’s truly something about her that calls to me. I need to see what it is.”
Anger had started sprouting inside (Y/N) as she listened to her family discuss the sudden apparition of Bella in their lives thanks to their adoptive brother. The cold that ran through her veins suddenly started growing warm, consuming her from the inside out. Not even the hand that Jasper had placed lovingly on the low of her back was enough to dissuade the ire that was taking over her.
“We’ve pretended to be humans for decades; I think I can do it for a couple of months with Bella. I just… I need to get to know her,” Edward continued. “I need to at least try.”
“And what will you do when she starts asking questions?” (Y/N) interjected. “How will you explain the cold skin? The fact that you don’t eat? The fact that you turn into a disco ball under the sun? How will you refrain from telling her you are a vampire?”
“I simply won’t tell her, (Y/N),” he chuckled. “It’s not that hard to not mention the fact that my family and I are a bunch of supernatural vampires.”
“You can’t even read her mind, Ed. How will you know she’s not coming up with conclusions on her own?”
“God, we can sit here a debate all night long on why it’s a bad idea for me to get in any way, shape, or form to get involved with Bella,” he retorted. “But it’s not really a family decision. I’m gonna see where things go with her, regardless of what any of you think.”
“So, you’re willing to put our family – our whole species – in danger, for a seventeen-year-old you met a couple of weeks ago?” (Y/N) questioned. Jasper was failing to calm her down. He could feel the angry red monster taking over her mind as she debated with Edward. Her emotions were taking over her reason and he could do nothing to help her. “I can’t believe you could be that reckless and selfish. Our entire existence depends on us being careful and guarding our secrets with our lives, especially in this town. If the Volturi don’t get you, I’m sure the wolves would be more than ready to put you in your place for breaking the treaty.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/N),” he laughed dryly. Everyone could tell he wasn’t taking the dangers seriously, he was not taking her seriously. To the older boy, it was merely a conversation. “If there’s anyone we should worry about recklessly exposing our secret is mister short fuse over there.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“That it only takes something as little as a prick on a finger and fidgety Jasper will be pouncing on a human. The safest way for any of us to keep the secret is for you to keep a short leash on your husband.”
Edward had once vowed to not use his ability on his family unless absolutely necessary, and he had always kept that promise. That afternoon, he regretted it.
As everyone laughed at his taunting joke, (Y/N)’s emotions reached their peak. Her eyes had grown darker, and her hands had balled into fists. She couldn’t resist the wrath that had taken over her. All she could see was red.
One second, the family was enjoying the gag against the Cullen. The next, (Y/N) had pushed Edward hard enough to go through a wall in their picturesque living room. Dust filled the area, fragments of the wall thudding against the wall, falling around the boy. A mix of glass, wood, and gypsum board had scattered around Edward’s body, his body coated in a fine layer of dust.
The same expression of shock washed over each of the family members, astonished at the sight in front of them. Calm-mannered and good-natured (Y/N) had finally reached her boiling point. For centuries, she had always been able to keep herself emotionally balanced, even without Jasper. None of them thought there would come a day when they would see her temperament break.
Her chest was heaving, her nostrils flared, and her hands still stretched in front of her. She wasn’t breathing, instead, she was letting out every ounce of fury that still burned inside her. In a split second, she regained her composure. (Y/N) smoothed down her clothes and her usual smile spread across her face.
Silence spread across the room, the kind that was enough to deafen ear drums. It was tense and uncomfortable, filled with a type of discord they had never witnessed between them before.
“I think we can all agree that all jokes about Jasper’s, uh, condition shall only be done in private or inside our heads,” Emmett’s voice sliced through the silence, his voice booming and reverberating against the walls. “That was… unexpected.”
“But we can all say it’s a long time coming,” Jasper grinned, turning his attention to the woman he proudly called his wife. “And, darling, as much as I love that you’re defending me, I think it’s best we don’t put more people through walls. Alright, love?”
“I guess that’s doable,” she smiled.
The rest of the siblings broke into laughter. All but Edward that wore a scowl on his face as he wiped away the white dust from his face. (Y/N) couldn’t help the pride that swelled in her chest. After years of biting her tongue and holding back her feelings, it felt exceptional to finally shut Edward up.
“Well, Edward, it seems you and Emmett will have to set aside some time to fix that wall,” Carlisle grinned. “Can’t have your new girlfriend coming over and seeing a person-shaped hole in our new living room.”
“Why do I have to do it? (Y/N)’s the one that pushed me!”
“Let’s call it your apology for taunting Jasper for the past few decades,” Esme responded before joining her retreating husband. “Now get to it, boys.”
“How is that fair?”
“What can I say, Eddie boy?” (Y/N) grinned. “Karma’s a bitch.”
Jasper and (Y/N) promptly sped outside, needing a moment to themselves after the chaotic scene that unfolded. When they reached the clearing they often sneaked out to, the blond wrapped his wife in his arms and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.
“I can’t thank you enough for defending my honor,” he smiled, resting his forehead against hers. “Though I can’t say Edward didn’t deserve it, maybe next time we can try to use our words rather than our hands.”
“I’m offended, Major. It was a calculated reaction after years of bullying.”
“(Y/N),” he lovingly reprimanded. “You know better than that.”
“Alright, love. I promise I won’t throw Edward into a wall ever again,” she smiled, pecking his lips. “But I can’t promise I won’t find other ways to get even.”
“I would never expect less.”
At that moment, everything was perfect. Nothing and no one could ever have predicted that in less than a year Bella Swan would infiltrate their family, that all the quips against Jasper would accidentally turn into reality, and that life as the Cullens knew it would drastically be altered.
Taglist: @agent-anna @banterbanner @alitav99 @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @mauvette268 @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot @abelbai000 @ridiculous-creature​ @mikariell95 @gryffi-ndor @jules-bea2308 @comic-book-overload @winter-soldier-101 @jessicasunderground @mxyee @hey-you-therexo @witchy-obeyme-freak @xcastawayherosx @kortniec696 @slutforsainz @Blackbluerose666 @DyslexicCatterpillar @sunflowerleii @gypsymusiclover @byelannie @a-sifu-hotman @zheezs14 @minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby @mushroomelephant @swidkid @skyesthebomb @user0ur0mom @nogitsune-the
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fairlyang · 9 months
Roommate 🕷️
you get caught masturbating by your hot cocky roommate, and he helps you out
w/c: 4.3K
pairing: roommate!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. fantasizing about him, thinking you're alone, being watched, flashbacks, he scared the living daylights out of you, secondhand embarrassment (I live for some cringe), confessions, rough, some spanish dirty talk (no Google translate but yes English translations), creampie, and passing tf out
notes: number three of my og fics from june and I don’t hate this one as much
You were a college student living in an apartment in New York with a cocky roommate because the rent would be too much for you alone. Miguel O'Hara.
You stumbled across his ad looking for a roommate who didn't have any kids, and wasn't a piece of shit who paid bills late. So you messaged him and said you were responsible with bills and didn't have any children. He messaged back within the same hour and asked when you can move in.
It was a little over a year since then and time flew fast. You almost never got to see Miguel because of school and work. You were in your junior year of college and were finally in a good working position with decent pay.
You weren't sure what kind of job Miguel has but it has to be something really frustrating because he comes home mad as shit super often. Maybe he works in construction? Not sure but he definitely has the build for it.
Now with finals week you were stressed as fuck scrambling to finish some work and any extra credit assignments to end your junior year of college well. You already had your day to day schedule set, classes between 8am-12pm and work between 2-10 occasionally 11.
Miguel's schedule on the other hand was all over the place and you never knew when you'd be seeing him, when he'd be home, and he still pays his half of the bills but what was the point if he barely stays here anyway?
You minded your business and the very rare times you end up stumbling across him you keep conversations casual not wanting to overstep or make him uncomfortable. But you still end up talking back to him playfully and he doesn't mind so that's been a good sign.
Tonight there was no sign of him, and you've been very stressed and touch starved all week long. You shut your bedroom curtains and jump onto your bed. You get comfortable and take off your pj pants but keeping your tank top on. You first start lightly rubbing your nipples, then pinching one and the other. You moan and feel them both getting hard. You squeeze your tits, closing your eyes.
You play with them imagining it's Miguel's hands on you instead of yours. "S-shit."
Your right hand trails down to your panties, you slowly rub your clit in circle subconsciously clenching your thighs from how sensitive it feels. You open your eyes and giggle. It's really been a while.
Your thoughts go back to Miguel and you've found him attractive since you stumbled upon his ad but it intensified when you moved in and he was around way more.
You were hanging in the living room reading when you hear a door slam and it startled you a bit. Then you hear a door open so you assumed Miguel just went back to his room so you kept reading.
You were sitting with your legs out on the sofa and you were facing the kitchen instead of the tv. Past the kitchen is a hallway that leads to your room, the bathroom then Miguel's at the end. You heard his footsteps moving around until you saw him walking straight into the kitchen with only a towel on his waist.
His skin was glistening, still wet. You widen your eyes and shook your head looking down at your book. But who were you kidding.... You bite your lip, looking up to look at his muscular back as he was getting something from the fridge. You look at how his shoulders move as he grabs something and your breathing becomes uneasy.
You quickly look back down at your book as he closes the fridge. We had an open bar kinda of island so you could look into the kitchen and he could look into the living room, which was what he was doing...
You felt his eyes on you so you try your best to stay calm, control your breathing and boom you're fine. Until he turns back around to get a snack from the cupboard reaching for the whatever was on the top shelf- he was already very tall so you knew he was doing for your viewing pleasure making you flush.
You roll your eyes but might as well- his biceps were huge, his shoulder blades were insane and your eyes began to feel very lustful. He puts down whatever he got and all of a sudden has to yawn and crack his back flexing everything for you to see. You felt like you were in a trance and couldn't look away until you heard him chuckle.
He starts turning around and you look down as soon as you saw him move and bite your lip. Shit shit shit. "Y'know you could take a picture if you'd like muñeca, they last longer." He says with a smirk on his face. (doll)
"I think I'll pass thanks." You say looking him in his eyes as you're scrunching your nose in fake disgust while he just smirks at you and walks away.
Your fingers were rubbing a little faster now slightly feeling your wetness over your panties. Damn.
You stop and lean over to your bedside table and grab your dildo. Might as well.
You move your panties to the side then spit on your dildo and making sure it gets everywhere. You grab it with one hand and use the other to stroke it. God why isn't this Miguel.
You lay on your stomach and close your eyes. You kiss the tip and start to slowly take it in your mouth. You moan and go lower until you feel the tip at your uvula. You pull away and moan using all your spit to stroke it again.
You move it to your bottom half and line it up to your wet pussy. "O-oh shit-" your eyes widen realizing how tight you are. Has it really been that long???
You take it out and start sucking again until you get more saliva and try to fit it inside again. The tip is barely in and you whine. You slowly fuck the tip into you until your pussy gets use to it and then it feels fine so you put it in a bit deeper and now you're halfway on your 8 inch dildo.
You moan and clench your thighs. You roll your eyes back and blink them open looking at how you fuck yourself slowly. You spread your legs with one hand between them fucking your pussy slowly when you push in further and take all of it. You whimper and shake a little. You grab a body pillow and place it on top of you, your empty hand grabbing onto it hard. You close your eyes and start to think of it being Miguel's dick inside you, teasing you not wanting to pound into you yet.
You decided to do some yoga in the living room while watching a video on the tv. You were in a sports bra and tight fitting shorts accentuating your curves, thighs, and ass. You didn't even hear him come in when you were doing the downward dog then switched to the doggy position unknowing you were being watched.
You did a straddle split and leaning forward for a solid minute when you heard a low whistle startling you. Your heart jumped out of your chest as you sit up and look behind you. "Were you... watching me?" You ask your eyebrows furrowed, confused as shit.
"Thought I could take some notes..." He says with a confident manner and gives you a wink making you roll your eyes.
"Acting as if you could do that O'Hara, no seas baboso." You chuckle and smirk. (Don't be stupid)
He has a smug grin on his face and you think of something. You go get into the extended doggy position earning a gulp and a quiet "chingada madre" from Miguel. (Mother fucker)
You try not to make any noises besides your steady breathing. You hold it for a good fifteen seconds before saying, "Take a picture it'll last longer."
"I just might..." he says sounding like he's out of breath making you smirk.
You fuck yourself faster and harder feeling your pussy starting to cream against your dildo. Your grip on the pillow was harder and needy, as if you were grabbing against Miguel's back. "F-fuck- mmmm god j-just like that" you moan out clenching against your dildo making you shake.
You stop for a second to control your breathing. You go back to it but at a slower pace, lovingly, and passionately. You fight back the urge to moan his name but couldn't resist. "Así Miguel- n-no pares—" you moan and feel yourself squirming into the mattress. (Just like that Miguel- d-don't stop—")
You move your hand a little faster and trying to hit deeper but you're feeling tired already. You whine as you hear the creaminess with every trust. My cream would look so good on his thick cock. "Miguel te necesito- fuckk- I need you- oh I need you so ba- bad-" you moan out shaking. (I need you)
You feel that familiar feeling in your stomach and you start to fuck yourself deeper and faster whining and moaning so much more. "Fuck- so g-good."
Your juices make even more noise and you start sweating so you move your pillow to the side never opening your eyes, for more immersion. Your left hand rubs your clit while your right is still going in and out of you. You suddenly feel your orgasm take over and you fuck yourself as deep as you can take it letting out the most animalistic moans and needy whines ever. "a-a- fuck- a-ay M-Miguel-! fill me s-so good p-pl- please-"
You completely stop, your whole body shaking, your mind all foggy and when you try to open your eyes they're all hazy so you just close them again. You calm your breathing and slowly take your dildo out. It plops out and sounds like it splashed out. Really sounds like you got filled.
You sigh and bring your dildo up to your lips softly kissing it. You then lick it and get a taste of your creamy pussy until you start to lick it off the whole thing. You get the taste of your pussy off your entire dildo until you find yourself sucking on it again. You take it down your throat just gagging on it until you pull it out and breathe out. All done.
You leave it on your stomach as you rub your eyes slowly a yawn coming out of your mouth. Wonder what time it is. You lean over to your bedside table putting it on a clean towel and check your phone. It's 12:58pm. Damn.
You leave your phone there, and go back to your previous position on your bed and yawn again rubbing your eyes. When you open them you scream. You sit up trying to cover yourself fast but it's too late. "M-MIGUEL??? W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!??!?" You yell pulling your tank top down, and grabbing your pillow to cover your bottom half.
Your cheeks have never felt this hot in your life, oh GOD WHAT DID HE HEAR-
You feel sick to your stomach- he's literally just standing in the middle of the room with his eyes closed? But WHY-
Your eyes are wide, cheeks so fucking red. Oh my god he saw everything-  you gulp and reach down to quickly fix your panties and try to calm down. "So!??!??" You yell waiting for an answer.
He takes a step closer and you can finally see him clearly in the light. He was wearing a black tee with grey sweatpants making your breath hitch when you saw his stiff bulge. Once you look back at his face his eyes open and they're red.
You jump and your heart started beating fast as fuck. "Chingada madr— W- wha- who- Miguel? What the fuck-" (mother fucke-)
He walks over to the left side of the bed making you move to the other side scared shitless. He chuckles and as fast as you can blink he's on your side of the bed grabbing your hips and leading you against the wall, grinding you onto him. You whimper and try to get out of his grasp. "Don't try it doll... no need to act like you don't want me to play with you." He says using a finger to lift your chin to meet his eyes.
His red eyes filled with so much lust it scared you. Excited you even. "W-what are you-" You ask nervously biting your lip.
He chuckles again and pushes you against the wall. You gasp as his hands start to roam your body. You bite your lip as his hands caress your hips, smacks your ass, and then pulls on your hair from behind. Your head was pulled back as well and he leans in to kiss your neck. You moan and wrap your arms behind his neck twisting and pulling on pieces of hair. He groans against your skin and bites on it. You whimper and he leaves a wet kiss on it.
He pulls away but leans close to your face, "Wanna tell me what you were doing?" He leans in about to touch your quivering lips.
"I- uh I got- horny." You whisper breathing on his lips.
"Yeah? So horny you started thinking of me playing with you hmm?" Your thighs clench and you bite your lip looking up at him.
"Contéstame amor." He growls and you moan. (Answer me love)
"Mhm- it's not the first nor the last time I'll do it either." You say looking up at him with the most innocent eyes you could pull.
He groans and grinds his bulge against your stomach making your wide go wide. "Good girl...." He snarls making your thighs clench even more.
"What were you thinking of specifically right now as you came?" He asks tracing his fingers along your neck and collarbone.
"I- I- uh- mmm..."
"Answer." He growls and you nod.
He groans and quickly picks you up and holds you against the wall. "So you like being a dirty girl when I'm gone? Not even thinking I could catch you? Not bothering to think of how hard you make me...." He snarks a hand behind your neck.
This left you breathless and made you whimper more. You wrap your legs around his hips even more to have his bulge rub against your covered but drenched pussy. "I- fuck- I haven't touched myself in a week and I needed to feel something inside me- I n-never knew you thought of me that way-" you say and he growls grinding harder against you.
You both moan at the same time and he leans in millimeters from your lips. "I've been wanting to fuck you since we met." He whispers and you smash your lips together. He reciprocated and moans into your mouth.
You have one hand on his cheek and the other gripping hairs between your fingers. His were on your neck and playing with your hair. His tongue slides into your mouth and you let him. His tongue was exploring your mouth and you couldn't even believe this was happening. You tug on his shirt to take it off and he pulls away for literally a second somehow taking it off and his lips were back on yours. "Tan hermosa...." (So beautiful)
You moan and he grinds harder against you. He groans against your mouth and you feel him grab your tank top. Then you hear the sound of fabric ripping and in two seconds its gone. "I'll get you a new one." He mutters when you stopped kissing back to say something.
"So how long were you watching me for? you perv..." You ask pulling away finally getting your hands on his broad shoulders and big biceps.
"As soon as you started fucking yourself. God I heard your moans and couldn't help myself coming in to watch- mm I needed to finally have you for myself." He answers and leaves another mark on your neck but going towards your chest.
"You can have all of me." You whisper making him squeeze your tits roughly and suck on your nipple so roughly.
You gasp and he carries you to the bed. He puts you down towards the middle and he gets on top of you kissing you desperately. Your hands are all over each other and the kiss get more and more heated, needy, and hot. He pulls away and leaves trails of kisses on your jaw, when he leaves a couple marks on your neck. "Fuck-"
He kisses them after leaving marks and goes down to suck on your nipples again while his hand goes down to rub you over your panties. "Mmm- fuck- así M-Miguel." You moan out and feel yourself shake a bit.
He runs your clit a little faster but it's still sensitive so you buck your hips up whining. He stops and pulls away looking up at you, "was that too much?"
"N-no just uh still sensitive." You say looking anywhere but his eyes.
"Then how about no foreplay and I just fuck you?" He whispers making you clench your thighs.
He smirks and leans in to kiss you. You tug on the waistband of his sweats while kissing him and he grunts. "Well actually I might wanna use your mouth a bit...." He says and you smile.
You grab him and flip positions so you're on top of him. You sit up and place yourself right on his bulge and grind on it slowly. He leans his head back his mouthing in the shape of an o and his breathing heavy. "Don't tease me too much or you won't end up liking the outcome...."
You shrug and lay one hand against his chest while grinding against him. "Jesus you're so hard- did you even stroke yourself watching me or just tortured yourself and watched?" You ask with a chuckle making him smirk.
"Might’ve been more interested in the show to even do anything...." He says and winks.
You grin and go down his body, tracing your fingers along every crevice and line, along his abs and v line. You lick down his v line to where his sweats were. "Don't need these right now..." you pull them down as he shifts up a bit so you can get them over his ass.
You slide them all the way down and just look at his bulge over his tight fitting boxers. It looks so long and thick. "Wore these on purpose hm?"
"Just took a guess." He says with a smirk.
You grab the top of the boxers and pull them off slowly until you get to where the whole thing just plops out and hits his stomach making your eyes widen. "Now suck on it like you sucked on your dildo." He says making you gulp. He's insane.
It was a good 8 to 9 inches but so fucking girthy your mind couldn't wrap your head around it. You grab the bottom of it and you have to practically grab it with both your hands. You bite your lip then kiss the tip softly. Then you stick your tongue out and slap it against your wet tongue. He quietly moans and you look up at him and do it again. He rolls his eyes back and his head against the headboard. You giggle and spit on the tip watching it all go down and slowly stroke it to have all the saliva cover it. You spit on it some more and start stroking him. While you do that you go down to his balls and suck on them. You could hear him moan some more and you could feel how wet it's making you. "Así cariño no pares- ay si-" (Just like that dear don't stop- oh fuck)
You stroke him a little faster now and come up to suck on it. You get in a decent position and slide it in your mouth slowly. You close your eyes and start going down and back up. You go about halfway until he thrusts his hips making you take the whole thing down your throat, and you moan on it. You pull up and breathe out. "Would you prefer to fuck my face? I don't have a gag reflex...."
He widens his eyes and grabs you leading you towards the floor. You get on your knees while he stands in front of you. "It won't be for too long.... This time." He says with a wink making your cheeks flush red.
"I just really need to feel your throat real quick... then that wet pussy." He says and you nod.
"You can pull on my hair too if you want..."
"Dios- porque estas tan perfecta- mas que me imaginé..." he says and goes straight to work grabbing your hair with one hand and letting you put your mouth on it first. (God- why are you so perfect- more than I imagined...)
He starts to slowly move his hips letting you adjust for a few seconds before he finally starts going faster. Your head is still and he's the one doing all the moving, you close your eyes while you feel him in your mouth going deeper and deeper. You feel him go down your throat and he keeps hitting it making you drip. He goes faster and he doesn't stop moaning your name while still having a tight grip on your hair. "Fuck- Y/n your t-throat feels so good."
You moan against his dick and he groans. "Fuck this-" he says and moving back and sliding his dick out of your mouth.
He grabs your hands helping you get up only to have him man handle you on to the bed making you lay on your stomach. "Ass up now." He says in a stern voice and you comply.
You move your ass as much as you can and then arch your back. "The dirtiest girl huh?" He smirks and lines up his dick to your pussy.
"Nomas para ti Miguel." You murmur looking back at him and he moans and slams into you making you jump and whimper. (Just for you Miguel)
"H-holy fu- oh s-shit-!" you moan, your legs shaking already.
He grabs onto your hips and starts fucking you faster already not letting you adjust at all. You moan and roll your eyes back. He's moaning and groaning the room filled with the sound of skin to skin, his body against yours. "Migue-" you moan out and lay your head against the bed.
"Fuck baby- god you feel so much better than I thought you would." He says making you whimper and clench cashing him to moan.
"Fuck- oh fuck you're so tight around me baby-"
His words just do something to your body and you're already feel all dazed and obsessed with him fucking you. So many months of fantasizing and now it's finally happening. He's pounding into you and smacking your ass leaving it red. "Miguel deeper plea-"
He cuts you off by fucking you deeper making you both moan and making you clench around him again as well as whine. "O-oh fuck- oh Miguel I'm-"
"Me too baby, fuck I wanna cum inside you-" he moans out and you clench again making him go faster.
He's pounding into you and you feel your orgasm come fast. He moans with every trust he makes and it's driving you insane. Your arch is no longer an arch as your legs were slowly giving up on you but that didn't stop Miguel from still fucking you hard and also leaning down to you his mouth to your ear, and whispering dirty things to you. "Así soñabas que te cogiera nena? Eh? Quisiste esto desde que me viste huh? Yo se que yo si, mmm desde que v-veniste el primer día." (Is this how you dreamed I'd fuck you baby girl? You've wanted this since you first saw me huh? I know I did, mm since the first time you c-came.)
Your eyes rolls back and you whimper, "fuck- yes- fuck I dreamt you'd fuck me like this every- every fucking night Miguel."
He goes back to his original position but he flips you around so you're on your back while he was still inside you. "I wanna look at your pretty face while I cum deep inside you."
You wrap your arms around his neck and bring him in for a kiss. It's instantly needy and desperate, his tongue in your mouth and yours trying to go into his, with his pace still going strong. "P-pleas-"
He goes a bit slower and he moans in your mouth. Your hands go to his back light digging your nails into his skin which makes him groan. He fucks you deeper again unexpectedly so your nails dig into his skin a little harder and you feel close. "M-Miguel- I'm so- fu- I'm so clo-"
He pulls away him your mouth and nods, "me too angel- cum with me."
You moan and wrap your legs around his legs and it feels even bigger inside you. You both moan together and his legs start shaking. You're feeling tired fast but you need to cum with him. Your eyes are closing as you're ready for him to cum inside you to sleep together. You both start shaking as you clench around him and he groans finally shooting his cum inside you and your orgasm takes over, your legs shaking as he stops. You're both panting in each others face when he goes all the way inside you making sure every inch of you is covered. He slowly pulls out and all his cum spills out. "Jesus fuck Y/n- holy- god that pussy worked fucking wonders."
You shake and just nod before closing your eyes and losing consciousness. "Goodnight love."
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Wonze x Child!Reader
Summary: You meet a different Nala
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Your mummies had Narla longer than they had you. You think that's super cool because you're kind of like Narla's bigger little sister. You're very close.
She sleeps in your bed with you and never pulls on the lead when you go out for walks. She helps you adjust to Spain. It's very hot here and there's a lot more sunshine than in Manchester and you're not too sure if you like that.
You're leaning more on the side of not liking it but it's all okay because you have Mum and Mummy and Narla too.
The Barcelona girls are there as well but you're pretty wary of most of them. They talk in Spanish and they're very touchy, lots of head pats and cuddles. Some of them speak bits of English but mostly they just coo over you in a way that the Manchester girls never did.
Narla, though, is your bestest friend and you know Mummy has a picture of you and Narla napping as her homescreen. You would spend all your time with Narla if Mum and Mummy's boss let them bring her to work.
"They're adorable," Frido says as she leans against the doorway, spotting you sitting on the floor in front of the tv with Narla," Have they always been like that?"
"Yeah," Lucy replies fondly," Narla tried to sleep in her crib the first day we brought her home. They've been inseparable since."
"That's so cute," Frido says," She must love dogs."
Keira makes a face. "Not really. I think our Narla is just special."
Narla is definitely special. She squares up to the other dogs at the park when they come up to you and she barks like she's a husky instead of a terrier.
Narla's your hero and your very bestest friend in the whole wide world so you're happy to sit with her on the floor as Mum and Mummy's teammates mill about the new house.
You ignore the sound of the front door opening and closing in favour of pointing out something on the screen to Narla, who thumps her tail against the ground.
She sniffs the air for a moment before moving to stand protectively in front of you, snarling and barking.
You look where she's looking and shriek, immediately moving to stand on the sofa (stepping on Mapi and Ingrid in the process).
Narla barks at the other dog again (whose lead you follow up into the hand of Alexia). You move to make more space between you and this new dog and Ingrid has to catch you before you topple back off the arm of the seat.
The new dog wags its tail happily, uncowed by Narla's barks. Narla growls, low and deep in her throat, before moving to sit protectively in front of you.
"Sorry, Alexia," Mummy says apologetically," I don't know what's gotten into here. She's not usually like that with other dogs."
Alexia just shrugs. "Maybe it is different when it is at her house. Nala will be fine. She won't push." She unclips this new dog's leash and lets it loose.
Somehow, you lean even further back and Ingrid has to adjust her grip on you so you don't fall. She doesn't have to hold you for long though because Mum comes walking past and plucks you into her arms.
Narla whines a little, stomping her feet as she follows you both.
Mum takes you into the kitchen where Mummy, Frido and Alexia are.
"Hi," You chirp in greeting because it's polite and Mummy always reminds you about your manners.
"Hi," Alexia says back as Mummy takes you from Mum and sits you on the countertops.
You open your mouth to let her pop a slice of orange into it, taking another piece out of her hand to drop for Narla.
"She's not meant to eat human food," Mummy reminds you.
"Narla likes it!" You say.
Alexia and Frido laugh and Alexia moves closer to smile at you.
"I have a Nala too," She says and you frown a little.
"No. My Narla."
"Si, this one is your Narla. But I have my own dog and she's called Nala too."
That stumps you for a moment, little brow furrowed in confusion until the little dog from earlier appears.
You shriek again, standing up as if the dog could reach you.
"Sit down!" Mum yells, moving to catch you in case you fall.
"No!" You say, reaching to hide in her neck as the little dog (who you now know is also called Nala) sniffs around, tail wagging as it yips at you.
"Okay, okay," Mum says, bouncing you up and down as your Narla fronts up to Alexia's Nala," It's okay. Ale's Nala is like a little puppy. She can't hurt you."
Her words do little to soothe you so Mummy has to take over, holding you nice and close and coaching you through nice, deep breaths.
Alexia picks up her Nala and keeps a bit of distance.
You lean into Mummy, trying to hide away in her shoulder as you reach your arm down for your Narla, who moves to stand on her hind legs to lick at your fingers.
"Ale's Nala isn't bad," Mummy assures you," Do you want to say hello?"
You shake your head. "No," You whimper," No! Want-Want my Narla!"
"Okay. Okay, let's take a step back." Mummy takes you into the living room and sits you in the armchair.
You pat the space next to you for Narla. She jumps up easily and rests her head on your legs. You run your hands through her fur as you watch warily as the other Nala pads around.
All the adults are keeping a close eye on you just like you keep a close eye on Alexia's Nala.
She doesn't look scary but she's a small dog and you know that small dogs can be yappy sometimes. You don't like yappy dogs. Their barks are too loud and sometimes they scare your Narla when they start barking randomly.
Your Narla is also watching the new Nala but she doesn't growl again so you take this to mean that Alexia's Nala isn't as scary as other dogs.
Nala looks up at you, tail wagging. She doesn't attempt to get up on the chair though and you're happy at that.
Your Narla looks down at the other Nala and then back at you. She settles closer to your body and goes back to staring at the other dog.
"See?" Mum says softly as she sits on the arm of the chair," Alexia's Nala isn't scary."
"Is little," You reply," Is little and small. Don't like small dogs."
"Why don't you like small dogs?"
"Because the small dog at the park chases our Narla when she doesn't want to play."
"Alexia's Nala doesn't do that," Mum says," How about you meet her properly? Here, Alexia will hold her still for you."
Alexia does as Mum says she will and you cautiously approach this new dog.
Her little body is wiggling a lot and that scares you a little so you scamper back into Mummy's legs, who takes your hand and walks you closer again.
"Nice and gentle," Mummy reminds you," Like with our Narla."
She guides your hand over Alexia's Nala's head and you let the dog lick at your fingers.
"See?" Mummy says," She's not scary."
She's right but you don't want to tell her that.
"Your puppy is nice," Is what you say to Alexia instead of Mummy. You wiggle away and go straight to your Narla, who is dutifully waiting for you.
You pick her up. You're only little and Narla's all grown up for a dog so it's a little awkward but she's happy to be carried by you.
You take her all the way back to the armchair, placing her there. You detour briefly to snatch a blanket before returning. You curl up with your head on the arm of the seat and Narla on your chest, wrapping the blanket tight around you both.
"Are you having a little nap?" Mum asks and you nod.
"Naptime for me and Narla."
"Alright, have a good sleep."
You don't answer because you (and Narla) are already halfway to sleep.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Work Wife
Bucky x reader 
Some angst, past crappy relationship with cheating but Bucky is a sweet baby and makes it all better. Lots and lots of fluff
“See you soon doll” Bucky pecked a kiss onto your head before making his way out to a new job he had taken up at a small bookstore. He’d taken a few months off of missions, needing a break from it all and the store that wasn’t too far from the compound was perfect. 
You smiled watching him run off, not wanting to be late. It warmed you seeing how happy he was, it had only been a couple of weeks and he was glowing. 
He clearly loved it. 
Every day he’d come back, excited to tell you about how his day went; the new book he read, how his coworker, Rosa, introduced him to a new coffee, the puppy that visited the store, the new café he went to with Rosa, how to processed an online order for the first time, how Rosa walked him through the whole thing. 
You were curled up in bed with Bucky, your head on his chest while he cuddled you close, telling you about the most recent events that took place that afternoon (which of course, included Rosa). He laughed about how the owner of the store, Dave, told them to stop flirting so much, it was going to make the other customers sick. 
“Almost followed her home today, she made these almond cookies that were so good, I wanted to bring you some but Dave finished them” 
You hummed, shaking off the tiny inkling of insecurity and jealously that had started to crawl up your spine. You were over thinking. It was nothing. Rosa was a coworker.
Bucky would never cheat. 
He loved you. 
“Come visit soon?” He whispered, before kissing your forehead and turning the lamp off so you could both fall asleep. 
“I will” You kissed his chest, biting your lip, wondering if it was a good idea. You had been meaning to visit for ages but missions and recovery had taken up your time. Now you feared actually seeing everything in person would make everything too real. 
You didn’t know if you could go through that again. 
“Sounds like you have a work wife” Tony snorted, over hearing bits and pieces of Bucky’s day at the book store while you both sat at the kitchen island, eating dinner. 
“A work wife?” Bucky looked confused, having never heard the term before, he was already on the struggle bus trying to find the courage to make you his wife, what was this additional fuckery. 
“Y’know, like a close bond you have with someone at work and it almost feels like you’re married to them cause you get each other and there’s some banter and bickering in there. Like a wife”
Bucky nodded, it made sense. His relationship with Rosa was sort of like what Tony was describing and he certainly felt a deeper connection with her than just someone else he worked with. 
“Pepper says Nat is my work wife but Nat said Steve is her work husband, Cap still doesn’t understand the concept, so we’re all in a bit of an entanglement until further notice” 
Your heart started to hammer in your chest. You knew they were all just joking and you kept reminding yourself that Bucky would never, never cheat but...
That’s also what you thought in your last relationship. 
When he said they were just co-workers. 
When he literally introduced you to her as his work wife.
She was in every single one of his stories. 
His day wasn’t complete unless she was in it. 
You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but surely being a work wife didn’t entail sending each other nudes. 
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm yourself down before you got ahead of yourself, Bucky was different. 
“So...” You fidgeted with your fingers, watching Bucky get ready for work, letting your curiosity get the best of you. “Whats-whats Rosa like?”
“She’s super sweet. We have a lot in common, its incredible. I don’t think I’ve had that type of connection in a long time. She’s caring, she listens, more patient than I am, that’s for sure” Bucky snorted to himself, embarrassed over the number of time’s he had asked her to help him go over the system they used for returns. She didn’t mind, showing him again, every single time. 
“Oh” You felt your heart sink, you didn’t know what answer you were expecting from him but his words felt like salt rubbed on a wound. You didn’t want to dump your insecurities onto him, it wasn’t fair when he hadn’t done anything wrong. He gave you a kiss good bye as always before heading out the door. 
It was getting late. Bucky was never late. You couldn't fall asleep, your stomach churning at the number of reasons he could be late but nothing brought you comfort. 
“You’re still up?” Bucky had walked in quietly, expecting you to be asleep but you were up, reading a book, still waiting for him. “Sorry baby, I got caught up with Rosa, I lost track of time. She really is like my work wife” He strode over to the closer to change out of his clothes, not seeing the tears that had welled in your eyes. 
That did it. You couldn't swallow the lump in your throat or mask the sniffles that escaped you. You tried to bite your lips shut but you couldn’t hide the tiny whimpers that slipped through.  
“Doll?” Bucky frowned when he heard your soft cries, rushing out to come by your side, his heart racing when he saw how distraught you looked. “Babygirl what’s wrong”
“It’s-it’s nothing, it has nothing to do with you” You shook your head, not wanting to go into the way you had trusted your past boyfriends so much, only to end up hurt every single time. You were practically watching history repeat itself and you hated it. 
“Babygirl, talk to me, please” Bucky pulled you into his lap, doing his best to soothe you but it didn’t seem to work. 
“W-would-would you ever-ch-cheat on m-me?” You hiccupped between sobs. 
“Never doll, I’d never do anything to hurt you baby, you’re it for me. No one else comes close to you. Where’s all this coming from sweet heart” 
You sucked in a breath, your body feeling hot, almost embarrassed to tell Bucky about your past relationship but he had to know. You told him about how your ex endlessly spoke about his coworker and how amazing she was. It started off fine. Then he started coming home late. He gave her that glorious title. Then he tripped and put his dick in her. 
“You-you said work wife, I guess it just reminded me about him” You shrugged, “I know you like working with her a lot, Its just hard because I trusted him when he said there was nothing between them” 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that baby” Bucky wrapped his arms tightly around you, peppering kisses onto your face. “I promise you it’s nothing like that with Rosa” He could tell by your face you were not convinced even though you were trying hard to believe him. You nodded against his chest, closing your eyes, hoping sleep would help you feel better. 
“I think you should me et her” Bucky smiled softly while you blinked up at him, his sweet hopefully eyes looking down at you. “Please?” 
You gripped Bucky’s hand tightly as he walked with you down the sidewalk, your heart racing while his was jumping with excitement. The bell jingled as he opened the door, the soft scent of books immediately evading your senses, calming you slightly. Soft music from the 40′s played in the background on an old record player. 
“Rosa!” Bucky called out, grinning when he heard the tiny footsteps rustling between the rack. 
“James! It’s your day off darling” A tiny old lady popped her head from around the bookshelf; she was wearing a soft pink cardigan, her grey hair tucked in a bun and thin gold framed glasses perched on top of her head. She was half Bucky’s height, standing on her toes to pinch on of his cheeks before looking at you with bright eyes. She was adorable. 
“Rosa, this is my girlfriend, y/n” 
“Oh! I see why you call her a doll, what a sweet heart” She didn’t hesitate to pull you down for a hug, cupping your face gently in her soft hands “He talks about you so much darling” 
“Y/n, this is my work wife, Rosa” You felt your cheeks heat up while Bucky smiled bashfully, excited you finally got to meet the people and see the place that brought him so much happiness. 
It all made sense now. 
Of course she understood him well. Of course he felt happy here. They reminded him of all the things he had missed out on. When he was with them, he felt like he had a small piece of his old self back. 
“What are you doing here Barnes” Dave snorted, shaking his head “Here to flirt with my wife again?” An older gentlemen made his way over, cane in hand, dressed handsomely, nudging his wife playfully. “I hired you to work here, not flirt with the punks that come in here” 
“We’ve been married 60 years, he still insists we’re just colleagues” She shook her head, elbowing his side while Bucky chuckled, enjoying the typical banter between the two, something he hoped he’d have with you one day. 
“When you’re on the clock you work for me” Dave shrugged, giving her a gentle kiss before sitting down and sorting a pile of books. “Shouldn’t have hired this one to work here, he’s been distracting you” 
“Can you blame me, look at how handsome he is” Rose threw him a wink before helping her husband while Bucky blushed beside you, walking you through the store. “Handsome little devil” 
“He’s a little shit” 
“They won’t let me call them Mr. or Mrs or Sir or Mam” Bucky shook his head, thinking back to the utter struggle her had the first week, getting bonked with Dave’s cane every time he slipped up. 
“Don’t age me, I’m younger than you, if anything I should be addressing you as Sir, Sergeant. You were already in your 20′s when I was born” 
“They’re so sweet” You giggled, squeaking when Bucky tugged you to the back of the store. 
“They are” Bucky hummed, wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you closer “I-I want that with you some day doll” He whispered, nervous with what he was hinting at. 
“and what’s that my handsome devil?” You stood on your toes, kissing his lips sweetly, your heart fluttering while he rested his forehead on yours. 
“Be happy with you, love you, grow old with you” 
“I want that with you James”  You could feel your eyes sting a little, snuggling into his chest, nothing would have made you happier than getting to spend the rest of your life with your soldier. 
“Propose to her already!” 
“Shut up and let the boy be” 
Bucky chuckled, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at you, giving you a few more kisses before spending the rest of the afternoon, cuddled up with you on the couch with some coffee, books, and his mind planning how he wanted to ask you to marry him. 
(and eventually he does propose to you. At that very bookstore. Dave and Rosa are 100% at the wedding. They’re more excited than anyone else that their son is getting married because Bucky is like their baby now. Your babies call them grandma and grandpa. Bucky still teasingly calls her his wife and she blushes like a little girl every single time)
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velocesainz · 9 months
Hey lovely, F1 idea with either Lando or Charles for you. Them coming home after being away a while and going to the fridge for a snack, only to find things you normally hate in there. Because you’re pregnant but you haven’t told anyone yet 🫠
A/n: Hope you enjoy, I’m sorry if this was a little short for your liking
F1 masterlist | main masterlist | Taglist
Summary: Lando doesn’t know you’re pregnant and comes home from f1 to find the most random foods in the fridge. What is his reaction? This is kinda short don’t mind
Warnings: none, super fluffy, very slight angst
Pairing: Lando x pregnant!fem!reader
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Y/n pov:
I came home with a bunch of groceries, most of them my pregnancy cravings and started putting the foods away.
Lando doesn’t know that I’m pregnant and I’m kinda scared to tell him. How will he react?
We never had a conversation about having kids before so I don’t even know if he wants kids or not.
Lando should be home in another few days so I better make a plan fast.
I put a hand on my barely visible baby bump. “It’ll all be ok baby, don’t worry”
A few days later:
Lando pov:
Finally I’m home! This season was fun but the break is going to be even better!
I can spend my time with y/n and maybe I can tell her about wanting to have kids
I’m at a decent level in my career and we are old enough to have kids, also I had baby fever from looking at Carlos’s niece and can’t stop imagining how y/n would look pregnant.
She would look really hot.
I came home and dropped my bag on the table walking into the house.
I called out to y/n but didn’t hear a response, she’s probably not home.
I felt really hungry so I opened the fudge but the contents inside really surprised me.
Pickles, peanut butter, cheesecake…
These are all foods that y/n hates with an absolute passion. Why is it in the fridge then? Was somebody over when I wasn’t around?
That can’t be possible! Y/n would tell me if someone came over, plus with how much she works there is no way she would even allow a visitor because she would fear that she wouldn’t be a good host.
Just then I heard the front door open and heard y/ns sweet voice that I’ve been dying to hear for the past 2 weeks. “Lando are you home? I’m back!”
I closed the fridge and ran to hug her tight.
“I missed you so much baby. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to the last few races.” She told me.
“I missed you more than you can imagine love. Also don’t worry about not coming to my races, just knowing you are watching me is enough motivation to do well in my races” I said to her causing her to blush, why is she so goddamn cute?
“I have one question, why are there pickles and cheesecake in the fridge? Me and you both don’t like them” I asked her. Her eyes widened in fear.
“Uh I uh…” she stuttered.
“It’s ok love, you can tell me no matter what it is” I said to try and ease her nerves.
“Ok…but just know that I understand if you want to leave me after what I tell you” she said with her down.
What? Did she cheat on me or something?
“I uhm..I’m pregnant” she said and backed away.
I was going to be a father. WAIT WHAT? IM GOING TO BE A FATHER!!
I immediately hugged her right and I felt a wet patch on my hoodie.
“You’re not mad?” She asked me with her big doe eyes staring straight into mine.
“Of course not love! I’ve always wanted to be a father, I’m sorry if I never told you before” I told her and watched as she breathed a huge sigh of relief and hugged me tighter.
“I’ll make sure that this baby has the best and most safe love with my favourite lady in the world” I said as we hugged each other tightly and stayed there for a while.
The next few months are sure going to be eventful.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
hiii want to say that i just met your blog and i obsessed with it!! i really love your writing. anddd i want to make a abby request, abby and reader are in college and abby is like super popular and when they start to date reader is called “abbys girl” all the time and get super flustered? i dont know if i express myself good, english is not my first language, sorry! hope u have a amazing day, xoxo <3
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- Abby’s girl -
Pairings - modern au! Abby Anderson x Fem! Reader
An - this is kinda bad I’m sorry 😭😭 I wasn’t really sure what plot to write but I still appreciate the request.
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Everybody was cheering. With only a minute left on the clock the Seattle wolves vrs the Jackson mustangs— one of the oldest lasting rivals on and off the court, were pushing one another around trying to keep Abby from making her shot.
The blonde dodged around trying to avoid the other team. Making it to the 3 point line she threw the ball. Going through the hoop the clock blared at the same time, the referees announced the wolves win making the home side scream with excitement.
Abby shouted happily, making eye contact with you she grinned. Making your way out of the stands was easier said then done.
Eventually getting to the locker room you walked towards Abby’s spot. One of her teammates walked past you taking a moment to say hi. “Shit It’s Abby’s girl, hey she’s just over there the girls are cheering for her”
You felt your face turn red, “oh thanks” with a smile you watched as she walked away before going towards the shouting. Being the girlfriend of the basketball team captain tended to help boost your own reputation. Most of them didn’t know your name only addressing you as ‘Abby’s girl’.
Was it your preferred way of being addressed… well no. But it wasn’t the end of the world, all it did really was embarrass you.
Setting your purse down by Abby’s duffel bag on the bench you watched as the girls other girls crowded around her, chanting Abby’s name while they all celebrated their big win which would now take them to state. You were and always will be Abby’s biggest supporter, no matter what you would never miss any of her games.
She instantly noticed your presence, breaking free abby quickly made her way to you. Grabbing you by the waist she pulled you into a messy kiss. It was full of adrenaline and not coordinated. Pulling back Abby kept her face close to yours. A few of the other girls on the team chuckled at the display making you blush. “Hey” abby flirted against your lips.
“Hi” You giggled “You did amazing out there.. I mean really I genuinely believe Your Gonna win this thing”
“And im Gonna do even better tonight” she continued her cocky streak, pressing your hips against hers.
You rolled your eyes finding her attempts at seduction funny. “Uh huh, I’m gonna wait for you outside ok” kissing her one more time you gasped as she grabbed your ass. You rolled your eyes as you pulled back, giving her a warning look as Abby remained on her high.
You sat down on a bench near by the exit. Pulling out your phone you started to scroll on Instagram, trying to decided what to make a post about. That and finding a new restaurant near by to take Abby to, just to celebrate her big win before she actually tried to get you pregnant.
“So your Abby’s girl huh?” A woman spoke. Looking up you were taken back by seeing Ellie Williams the Jackson mustangs team captain.
Confused you nodded “uh yeah..”
She just scoffed. “How the hell did she manage to pull you” standing up you grabbed your purse, Ellie knew you had been offended by what she said.
“First of all she didn’t pull anyone, how we got into a relationship was because she’s a good person and secondly” you looked her up and down “why are you even over here, your bus is on the other side of campus”
“Damn, I was just asking” she laughed crossing her arms “but seriously though Abby? Her being a good person, that’s total bullshit she’s anything but good, besides I can do anything she does”
“Except win a Game”
You could tell Ellie was starting to loose her patience. Why was she over by you, to hell if you knew. There was a tense silence between you both, before she could speak the back door opened.
Abby stood tall and strong as always only her former grin was replaced with a look of disgust. Getting up you walked over to her, kissing her cheek. “Williams”
Both girls staring at each-other with a Look of hate, You had heard Time and time again the rivalry between the two schools and between their families. “Why are You over here, and better question why are you talking to my girl”
“Fuck dude nobody’s trying to fight Dina just forgot her bag inside I offered to come get it.” Ellie looked at one once again before gesturing her head to Abby. “Your Girl seems like a real catch, guess you got lucky”
“Guess i did” her response was harsh. At this point you were fed up with the conversation and dealing with Ellie. Grabbing Abby’s hand you pulled her away.
Sitting on Abby’s bed you laughed softly at watching her go on a rant. “And don’t get me started on Joel the sheer fucking audacity of that man! He punched my dad because he couldn’t help Ellie. I repeat he punched MY DAD— why are you laughing”
“Nothing Nothing its Just.. your really cute when you get mad” Abby flipped you off making you laugh once again. After a moment she sat down on the bed beside you, taking a calming breath she leaned over kissing you softly, slowly, sensually.. pulling back she gently squeezed your hand.
“What did I do to deserve you” she muttered.
“Not much but working out and getting buff and being blonde helped, you know the important shit” you gave her a charismatic smile
“Your not Funny”
“I’m hilarious”
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milesandcorysupermacy · 8 months
miles with a hello kitty partner???
SURE, POOK! Btw I didn't know what miles u were talking abt so I just did 42 because I thought the personality contrast would be cuter, enjoy!
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42!Miles x Hello-Kitty-Black!Reader
Genre: Sugar, spice, and everything nice 🤩
Warnings: Nun, just super cute!
Summary: Your mom finally let's Miles have a sleepover with you, the two of you participate in some hello kitty activities, but not without some convincing!
Miles has always had a soft spot for you, ever since your first day at Visions. You came in 10 minutes late, (You were trying to figure out how to put your hello kitty claw clip into your braids) and sat in the only chair available, the one next to Miles. Everyone else was so afraid to sit next to him after that incident with his dad, they all treated him like he was a ticking time bomb. Like even the slightest touch or wrong thing said would cause him to go off on anyone or anything. But you, you were different.
You sat down next to him, your triple pink dunks lightly tapping against the floor as you sat down. You turned to your left and saw a brown-skinned boy with braids. He was lightly tapping his pencil on the desk to the steady beat of 'Stay Ready (What A Life)' by Jhené Aiko & Kendrick Lamar. "Hey, I know that song." You gently say, trying to make conversation. The boy looked over at you, starstruck. If anyone else would've said that, he'd roll his eyes without missing a beat. But your pleasant smile with glossed lips, your eyelashes gently fluttering, and your shared music taste drew him in. He gave a flirtatious smile, turned to you, and said... "Really? Well I wanna know sum', what's your name, mama?"
Ever since that day, Miles never left your side. That was something you took notice of, but so did your mom. She never let the two of you have a sleepover, when you asked why she always said the same thing.
"That boy never leaves your side, in 9 months we're all gonna need jobs on the side."
This constantly made you roll your eyes, not every teenage girl is the same! But, no matter what you said, she never thought otherwise. So, you and Miles made a Google Slideshow with reasons why you two should have a sleepover. To your suprise, your mom actually agreed under one condition, it had to be at your house. So, with a little bit of convincing Rio, Miles was making his way over. As you were thinking about what the two of you were gonna do, he texted you.
My Big Baby 💞
Outside, mami.
Ok, coming down rn.
You excitedly hopped out of your hello kitty, pink colored bed sheets. The pink LED lights illuminated your room, making you subconsciously even more excited. You speed walked out of your room, catching your mom's attention.
"Your little friend must be here."
"Mom, he's my boyfriend and has been for 10 months. But, yes he is here!"
You say before clapping excitedly and opening the front door to reveal Miles standing there with a pleasant smile on his face, plus two bouquets of eternal roses. One was a pink and white bouquet that resembles hello kitty, and the other with royal blue and white roses to match your Mother's kitchen.
He said before stepping into your home with you closing the door behind him, wearing the hello kitty slippers that he bought for you to wear around the house. He handed you your bouquet and you squealed excitedly, taking the flowers from his hand.
"Ahhh! Thank you, Miles!"
You say, hugging him tightly. He smiles as you pull him into an embrace, happy with your fulfillment.
"No problem, Cariño."
He walked past you, approaching your mom with the flowers.
"These are for you, Ms. L/N."
He said before handing over the 2nd bouquet to your mother. She took the flowers, but not before a lecture.
"Thank you, Miles. This bribe won't work, you still can't sleep in her bed."
Miles chuckled at that.
"No bribe, just an appreciation gift for allowing me to come over."
He said slyly, giving her his most charming smile. You started walking over to him, intertwining your fingers.
"We're gonna go in my room, mom."
"Ok, I'm ordering pizza."
You and Miles walk into your room, excitedly. He admires your whole room aesthetic.
"Mami, this room is somehow more pink than the last time I saw it."
"Well, atleast it's not depressing like yours."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He said before cooking his head to the side and putting his hands on his hips, something his mom also does a lot.
"Well, mine has color. Your room is just dark purple and black."
You say, also putting your hands on your hips playfully.
"Well, atleast mine doesn't have a cartoon character cult."
He says, before motioning over to your collection of hello kitty plushies and mean mugging you playfully.
"You do, a cult full of random action figures that haven't been opened yet, and just sit on a shelf collecting dust."
"First of all, those are limited edition, collectibles. And you know that, Miss Thang."
He says, holding a finger up and shaking his head side to side sassily. You two burst out into laughter before sitting on your bed. You checked the time and saw it was 6:51 pm. Which reminded you that it was about time to put on the matching pajamas you bought for the two of you.
"OH! Miles?"
"Yes, mama?"
He replied with his arm wrapped around you and tv remote in hand. You stood up, walking over to your dresser, opening your pajama drawer.
"I know you tell me to never buy you anything unless it's your birthday or Christmas, but I saw this and I just had to get it because it was just so cute, plu-"
"Where is this going?"
He said cutting you off, by the way you were trying to convince him he could already tell he wasn't going to like this suprise. You pulled out 2 pink pairs of hello kitty pajamas with kitty's face on them and red hearts. Along with that, there was 2 white shirts with kitty's face on them. Miles looked at the outfits in disgust.
You whined.
"No, there's no way you're gonna make me wear those pink pants right now."
"Fine, then I'll make you wear them later."
Miles opened his mouth to speak, but you decided to respond before he could add a sassy remark.
"Right now, let's do these face masks!"
You say, holding up 2 hello kitty face masks. Smiling, before walking over to him and grabbing his hand. Dragging him into the bathroom with you. Once you two make it into the room, you show him your routine.
"Ok, so first we're going to cleanse our faces, then, we're going to add toner, next a cucumber, hello kitty face mask, next a serum, and finally moisturizer."
"And what exactly is all this stuff gonna do? All I use is cleanser and moisturizer."
"Miles, I love you. But, shut up."
"Yes, ma'am."
He said, before holding his arms up in surrender. You playfully roll your eyes and squirt some cleanser onto both of your hands. You turn on the sink and lather up the cleanser on your hands, Miles does the same. You two lather up your faces and turn off the sink.
"Ok, what'd you say was next? This tone stuff?"
"Yes, Miles. The rosewater toner."
You grabbed the toner and sprayed it 3 times on your face and once on your neck. You began to rub it in with closed eyes. Miles grabs the toner and you hear the sound of the bottle spraying 7 times before you told Miles to stop.
"Miles! That's enough, jeez. That thing was like $28."
"You act like I can buy you another one, I don't care if it was $2,800."
You smirk at his confidence before grabbing the hello kitty masks.
"Ok, grab one!"
You say excitedly, before Miles sighed.
"You're so lucky I love you."
"I am."
You say before kissing his cheek, making him smile. You two take the masks out and he asks a question.
"How long is this supposed to stay on?"
"The label says 15 minutes."
"But it's cold."
He whines.
"Aw, do you want me to put it on you, my big baby?"
You coo.
He says before sitting on the toilet lid. You put your face mask on in the mirror, making sure that it's on right. After yours is on, you make your way over to Miles, straddling his waist before fully taking the mask out the package. You apply it to his face, but not without him squirming.
"Be still."
"It's cold!"
"It won't be in like 2 minutes."
"That's too long!"
You rolled your eyes and finished applying his mask after an extra 30 seconds of him whining.
"You wanna take a photo?"
"Sure, whatever makes you happy, mami."
You pull your phone with a hello kitty case out of your pink legging pocket. You open Instagram and take a picture, adding the caption 'Sleepover day with Bae! @milesdontgaf'.
You two walk into your room and watch an episode of TV to pass the time, guess what show.....Hello kitty! You two watched a 15 minute compilation of season 5 on YouTube. By the time the video was over the two of you walked back into the bathroom to take off the face mask. You told miles to rub the extra serum.
"Now it's time for the Vitamin C serum."
"World's longest skincare routine."
Miles muttered, you slapped his chest.
You applied 4 drops, one to each cheek, one to your neck, and one to your forehead. You did the same to Miles because he whined about not knowing how to do it (🙄). You both applied the moisturizer with SPF 15 and finished in time for dinner. Your mom told you that the pizza was here and you and Miles rushed down the stairs. You saw 2 boxes, one pizza for you and Miles and one pizza for your mom. You two grabbed your pizza, 2 apple juices, thanked your mom, and ran upstairs.
You opened the box to reveal a Hello Kitty shaped pizza. You gasped, squealing from excitement. Miles shook his head smiling at your reaction.
"Miles, baby! Look!"
"I see, mama."
You two ate the pizza and drank your juices while watching hello kitty. Once the two of you finished and threw away the pizza box, you got an idea.
"So, you still don't want to put on those hello kitty pajamas?"
"Y/N, no. I'm not wearing that pink shi-"
You waited outside the bathroom door with your hello kitty pajamas for Miles. You had convinced forced him to put his pajamas on. Once Miles walked out the bathroom, you smiled, hugging him and kissing his cheeks. You were so thankful that he would do anything to make you happy.
"See, you look good in pink!"
"Don't push it."
Taglist: @we-loveebony, @im-miss-simp
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 30, Epilogue - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mild sexy stuff (Just some very light hand business. Very light.)
Word Count: 1.1k
Previously On...: You moved out of the Tower :(
A/N: This is it! The last part! You guys. I can't even. It's been a magical journey, and I'm so honored that I got to take it with all of you. I'm scheduling this post on Thursday in my office, and I'm fucking crying, because you've made this more than anything I could have ever hoped for. I love each and every one of you, so fucking much. Thank you for coming on this adventure with me. Thank you for loving Pocket. Thank you for sticking with Bucky and not throwing knives at him and his stupidity. Just, fucking THANK YOU. You are all amazing, beautiful people, and I could not have done this without you. Thirty Chapters, One Hundred Fifty Five Thousand, Four Hundred and Fourteen Words, and more to come. Bucky and Pocket's journey is not over! POOKIE LOVES YOU SO MUCH.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
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Not even twenty minutes later– it was actually almost pathetic how close your new place was to the Tower, really– you were opening up the door of your brand new penthouse apartment. It was more extravagant than any other place you’d ever laid your head, and when Tony’s realtor had first shown it to you, you’d balked at the opulence of it. But Tony reminded you that you’d been shot, after all, and had almost died once, then actually died, all in the span of a few days, and after that, on top of everything else you had already endured in your life, wasn’t it time you treated yourself to something good? Besides, it wasn’t like you couldn’t afford it. So, here you were.
“Honey, I’m home,” you called out softly to the enormous, empty space. It would still be some time before the movers finished loading up and delivering everything from the Tower, and then you were going to have a lot of furniture shopping to do. Toeing off your shoes, you padded your way across the apartment to the terrace. Opening the glass doors, you stepped outside. You walked to the edge and rested your elbows against the railing. Taking a deep breath, you admired the view of the city before you, the Tower just a block away. Looking across, you could easily make out Tony and Pepper’s apartment. Waving at breakfast, indeed.
You felt a pair of strong arms slink around your midsection, tugging you into a broad, warm chest. “Thought I heard you come in,” Bucky said, nuzzling his head into the crook of your shoulder. 
“Hey, baby,” you smiled, reaching back to caress his face with your hand. You turned in his arms so you were facing him. “I missed you.”
 Bucky laughed as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I only left the Tower two hours ago,” he said. “But I missed you, too.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him, pouring every ounce of love and affection you felt for him into the motion. “I can’t believe we finally did it,” you grinned.
“Took us long enough,” he mused back, but then turned thoughtful. “Probably would have happened a lot sooner if I hadn’t–”
You brought a finger to his lips, silencing him. “Stop. We agreed not to talk about that, remember? Dr. Whitmore said we can’t move forward if we keep hashing out the past, and I just want to move forward, with you.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, but you just smiled and kissed him again.
After you’d been released from the hospital, you and Bucky had had a long, emotional discussion about the future of your relationship. The only way you’d ever stand a real chance, you’d both decided, was if you committed to couples’ counseling and complete and total honesty. Bucky knew he didn’t deserve yet another chance from you, and you probably wouldn’t have given him one if you hadn’t loved him so fucking much. But you’d actually died, and you couldn’t stand the idea of wasting any more time without him. Now, after nearly a year of doing the work, both on your relationship and yourselves, you felt your connection was stronger than ever. And besides, when it really mattered, Bucky had proven, in the most definitive way, that he would pick you over Jade Carthage.
“So…,” you said once the kiss had been broken and you began playing with the hem of his shirt.
“So, what?” he asked. You raised an eyebrow at him suggestively. His eyes widened as he caught your meaning. “What? Here? Right now?!”
You tilted your head and looked up at him with the most innocent expression you could muster, given how completely un-innocent your current thoughts were. “Yeah, right here, right now. Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough, baby?” You trailed a hand down the center of his chest and his breath hitched. “Almost a full year, spent using my fingers, pretending they were you, never feeling full enough? Never getting off as good as I got off with you? It’s been so long since I felt you inside of me, Buck. So long, it fucking hurts.”
When you had decided to give your relationship a real reset, one of the rules you had established, with the advice of Dr. Whitmore, was no sex. You needed to establish emotional intimacy and boundaries once again, without the complications a sexual relationship would bring. She had even suggested you both try to date other people, to ensure that this was the relationship you both truly wanted, but neither one of you could bring yourselves to do it. And now, here you were, almost a full year since the last time you’d been together, and you were desperate. 
Bucky groaned at your words and you knew he was this close to giving in to you.
“Come on, baby,” you purred, reaching down and slowly unbuckling his belt. “Don’t you want me? Don’t you want to be inside of me?” You slowly began nibbling at his jaw, tasting the salty sweetness of his skin and letting it flood your senses.
“Always want you, Pocket,” he growled, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you flush against his hips. You let out a low moan when you felt the evidence of his arousal press into your stomach through his jeans. 
“Then have me, Barnes,” you whispered, carding your hands through his hair. “Have me on this balcony, have me on every fucking surface of this apartment, as many times as you want.”
Any remaining sense of resolve Bucky may have possessed snapped, and he was on you, sucking on the skin of your neck as he rutted his hips against you, and it felt so. fucking. good. to feel him like that again. His hand dipped into the waistband of your pants, where he found you wet and eager for him. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he growled into your skin as his fingers slipped through your slick folds to toy with your clit. “All this for me?”
You groaned as you felt one finger gently breach your entrance. “Only you, love,” you moaned. “Only ever you.”
You both froze when you heard the sound of the elevator ding, and Bucky quickly withdrew his hand, popping his finger into his mouth to suck away the evidence of his actions. Grunting in frustration, you looked around him to see the elevator doors open and the movers begin to unload dollies of boxes from the Tower into your new apartment.
“Fuck,” you whispered. “So much for reunion sex. I swear, I’ve got blue balls, Barnes”
Bucky grinned at you, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before redoing his belt and heading over to help the movers. “This’ll only take a little while, doll,” he winked at you. “We’ve got the rest of our lives together to make up for lost time.”
<- Previous Part / The End
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hsangel64 · 4 months
bandmates pt. 7 !
pairings: bassist!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: it’s been a couple of weeks and you and ellie were officially together but ellie has been acting suspicious and it feels like you're together only behind closed doors.
warnings: angst angst angst (sorry !!), cussing, slight smut, use of y/n
a/n: i am trying my best to be back and write, ive been in the process of moving and i just got in the mindset to write!! I had a plan for this and then stopped writing this for a while so this series will have more than just a couple of chapters left, i'm not sure yet!! anyways good to be back hope you enjoy!!
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you and ellie were doing fine, great even! but only in your guys' room. you have been so happy the past few weeks, but it was starting to feel a little off. you didn't think much of it but that still didn't stop that small anxious pit in your stomach from forming. you liked ellie so much and was so happy this was finally reality that you didn't see the red flags ahead of time.
"do we really have to go to this stupid get together?" ellie whined and you giggled.
"yes unfortunately we do, speaking of which we need to get up really soon to get ready." ellie groaned and turned away from you and got out of bed. she walked over to her closet while pouting and grabbed some clothes considering we were only in underwear....
you sat up and grabbed an outfit from your closet. ellie came up from behind you and kissed your cheek and made her way down to your neck. you giggled and squished her face in your neck, you tried to push her away, but she fought against your small weak nudges.
"ellie we can't, we have to go dina and jesse really want us there to meet these people."
"we could be late." she said in that sultry voice she puts on. you felt a shiver down your spine and so badly wanted to fall for it but you knew how much this meant to dina and didn't want to let her down.
"no els we gotta go i don't want to let dina down." you laughed as she kept kissing you neck and reaching down you back. she turned you around and kissed your lips, you melted into her mouth and couldn't resist the urge to just go for yet another round of the day, but you fought back and slowly pulled away. you gave her that look a sad puppy dog would give and she groaned and then smiled at you.
"ugh fine, only because you're cute and i love you." you let out a small gasp, ellie hadn't said i love you yet. a small smile made it to your face and she smiled back.
"i love you too." you smiled at each other and kissed again, you both went on and got ready for the get together.
you two were sitting on the couch together next to dina and jesse at someone's house you didn't know, you just wanted to be home with ellie. the air felt super awkward and ellie felt a little distant. you didn't think much of that until you all introduced yourselves.
"this is ellie and y/n!" dina introduced us to everyone else and they all collectively said hello.
"how did you all meet?" one of the girls asked and ellie answered.
"y/n and i have been friends since before we could remember and met dina and jesse in high school band class. we all became really good friends and formed our band, coastal."
"that's really cool, you guys all seem so close is it just dina and jesse together? some girl asked while making flirty eyes with ellie.
"yeah it is, me and y/n are best friends and i wouldn't have it any other way." your face shifted and you gently whipped your head towards ellie in a questioning way, she was already looking at the girl with that same flirty look and you turned away and excused yourself to the bathroom. dina noticed your change in behavior and decided to follow after you. you quickly made your way to the bathroom before dina could make it in and you closed the door in front of her face.
"babes are you okay? what happened?" you tuned her questions out and your mind drifted. you could tell something was wrong, you knew it felt weird that you two weren't going on dates or that she acted different outside of the dorm. you saw all the red flags but was too oblivious to see what was going on. your eyes slowly filled with tears and you didn't even realize you were crying until you snapped back into reality and heard dina bang on the door.
"hey, are you okay what's going on??" you turned and opened the door, dina gasped and pushed her way into the room seeing your state.
'what's going on, talk to me." she held your face and wiped your tears, you felt so overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't make out the words so you said.
"ellie is an asshole." she looked at you saddened and nodded her head saying i know, she grabbed you and pulled you into her. you silently cried into the crook of her neck and just felt so angry. you were mad at yourself for thinking this was going to work. you didn't want to cry anymore about it so you gently pulled away and turned to the faucet and wiped your face down of the mascara streaks. dina helped you pull yourself together and you both made your way back into the living room. everyone was preoccupied with mario kart on the tv and didn't even notice you two coming back. you sat down on the couch next to jesse and dina occupied the spot next to ellie. she turned over and looked at you and nodded her head asking if you were okay. you looked away and dina pushed her head towards the tv and diverted her attention away from you.
for the rest of the time you guys were there you sat on the couch with your back against the cushion and your head slouched. dina tried her best to stop ellie from talking to you and left you alone till you guys left.
when you guys were getting ready to leave you all said your goodbyes and you saw ellie and that girl exchange numbers, you felt sick to your stomach and didn't want to face her in the car. you turned away and walked out of the house without anyone, you guys weren't to far from the dorm so you just decided to walk on your own.
as you walked you made it to the gas station right by the school so you stopped for a slushy. you walked in and grabbed the biggest size, you needed this. you also grabbed some ice cream and made your way out. you sat on the curb for a little and pulled out your phone to a million notifications.
40 texts from ellie, 20 missed calls from dina, it all felt too much. so you texted dina and said you were fine and just decided to walk home. dina proceeded to cuss you out in your texts and raved about how dangerous that was for you to walk alone by yourself. you rolled your eyes and got up from the curb and walked to rest of the way towards the campus.
you found your way back and checked their locations to see they were home so you just knocked on the door. ellie answered and quickly let you in. you made your way to your shared room and grabbed some clothes.
"hey what happened back there?" she quietly asked and you rolled your eyes. you made your way to the shower but not before ellie squeezed her way through the door.
"bee what's wrong?" she grabbed your arm and you felt sick, you pushed her away and started to take your makeup off before your shower. she put her hand back on you and you pushed her away again getting frustrated now.
"why do you keep pushing me away, what happened back there?" you pushed her away hard and felt that tickle in your throat. you grumbled and said wouldn't you like to know under your breath, but it wasn't very quiet, so she heard.
"what do you mean? i would like to know. what's up with you?"
"i don't know ellie you tell me."
"I don't know y/n that's why i'm asking." you rolled your eyes starting to get more frustrated with her.
"maybe it was the fact that you just called me your friend and not your girlfriend?? i guess i missed something but i thought us having sex all the time and calling each other girlfriends meant just friends."
"i just called you best friend it isn't a big deal i'm sorry." she didn't sound sorry.
"it's a big deal to me ellie."
"well, i'm sorry." she shrugged and you scoffed at her nonchalant movement.
“i really don’t want to deal with this can you please leave i want to shower.” she didn’t pick up a fight and left. you sighed and wiped your face from any left over tears. you made your way into the shower and let the warm water help you forget about your thoughts for just one second.
a/n: i’m sorry this was short !! it was more of a filler before we get into some good angst and drama!! chapter 8 and possibly 9 will be out tomorrow!!
@gold-dustwomxn @lil-elliesgf @hopelesssheaven @elliestears @cjrights
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badgerbl00d · 2 years
omg can ypu write something with one bed trope with shanks, rayleigh, rosinante/corazon and (if you’re comfortable writing him) maybe doffy?
I’d love if it could be like mutual pining ish and not established relationships 🫶
i don’t have a preference for how it’s written (like headcanons, blurbs etc) so just however you like it! i love to read the things you write 🤩
only one bed trope with the one piece boys
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☆ characters: shanks, roger, benn, rayleigh
☆ up next: taking an aphrodisiac with them and seeing who gives in first w/ one piece boys
☆ a/n: absolutely loved this request! i'm still on marineford so i'm not super familiar with cora and doffy, but i promise i'll make up for their absence in this fic in the future ;3. enjoy!
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It was a calm day at sea, with steady winds and vibrant sunlight.
Being a Red-Haired pirate meant drinking, and fighting, and a lot of playing cards, and more drinking.
As time passed you’d grown somewhat envious of crews with women on them. You longed to spend your idle time with other women, painting your nails, gossiping, even just spending time together. 
Your crewmates tried as best they could, but there was only so much hair braiding grown men could tolerate. 
Shanks, out of all of them, was the most eager to help you feel more at home. He let you paint his nails- though you were limited to red and black polish. He let you teach him how to make sugar scrubs, and even sometimes, if he wanted to “relax and rejuvenate” himself, he’d do facemasks with you.
You’d always thought he was handsome, even before you’d joined the crew. And had more than once found yourself staring at his wanted posters. But to be on the seas with him was an entirely different experience. The friendship that accompanied piracy was unexpected, but an unbelievably close bond. 
You felt the same about all your crewmates, they were family and you knew you’d readily die for them. But you didn’t get the same butterflied around all of them that you got around Shanks.
When it was late at night and you were still outside completely unaware of the dropping temperatures and waning moonlight, he’d find himself making his way out of his cabin to find you and lead you back to bed, offering to braid your hair the way you taught him.
More often than not, you’d accept his offer, soaking in how gently he took your hair into his hands, his knuckles softly grazing the back of your neck. 
You’d been lounging outside on the deck where the sun shone brightest, taking advantage of the unusually pleasant weather.
 You laid out on a towel, the sun bathing you in that kind of pleasantly ebbing heat that makes you feel like it was coming from within. 
You could feel your skin tanning, glowing, and glistening as the ship gently rocked back and forth. 
Your bikini was tiny, a necessary measure to ensure that you got evenly bronzed, and you’d happily sauntered past your crewmates, unbothered by their playful whistles and cheers as you walked past them toward your spot. 
After a peaceful fifteen minutes of sunbathing, you were joined by your captain.
“Mind if I tan with you?”
“Not at all, Captain.”
Shanks smiled, you knew he liked when you called him that. 
He laid down next to you, your arms grazing one another. 
You felt yourself dozing off, before a loud bang! woke you up.
You and Shanks both shot up, running toward the source of the sound, along with the rest of the crew. 
A plug had gotten shot out of the hull of the ship and water had started flooding it. 
Fuck, you thought, my room’s gonna flood.
Shanks and Benn barked commands at the crew and you all started working towards plugging the source of the flooding. 
You were limited in your ability to help, given that you were still in a bikini and knew a lot less than your crewmates about plugging holes. 
Shanks laughed as you got soaked by the water and by the time the problem was solved, he was out of breath. 
You made your way back up to where you’d been, hoping to have caught some more sun before having to face your definitely flooded room. When you were greeted with the warm orange and purple hues of sunset, you headed to the kitchen for a beer. 
You sat on the counter and turned when a slight knock on the wall beckoned your attention.
“Hey, Shanks.”
“So,” he started, not wanting to upset you, “Your room got-”
“Flooded. Yeah, I figured.”
You sighed, there was nothing of significant importance in there, and you knew you could buy new things, but it was going to be a pain in the ass.
“Thanks for confirming, though. I’ll go and buy new stuff next time we dock. The lack of a bed kind of sucks though,” you polished off the beer in your hand. 
“Sleep with me,” he said.
“Ha. ha.” 
“What? I’m being serious!”
You paused to consider it. 
“Shanks, c’mon. I’ll take a bunk in the men’s quarters.”
“Not sure that’s any better.”
You laughed, “It’s definitely not.”
He got up and extended a hand toward you, which, after a moment of hesitation, you took. 
“You don’t even need to grab anything, I have a bunch of extra shirts.”
“And an extra toothbrush?”
He smiled at you, “We can share that too.”
“Ugh, gross.”
You waited until you were really tired to actually make your way over to his bedroom, hesitating before you finally knocked on the door. 
He opened it, and it was clear he’d made his best attempt to clean up his room for you. 
You sat on the poorly made bed and told him his room looked nice. 
“Good enough to sleep in?”
He smiled with pride. It was sort of adorable. 
He sat on the other edge of the bed, unexpectedly awkwardly. 
You decided to lay down and make yourself comfortable, you pulled the covers over yourself.
“Very soft,” you noted.
He lightly laughed and followed in suit, situating himself under the covers. 
You had your backs to one another- it felt too foreign like you didn’t know one another. 
You flipped over, “Shanks turn around.”
He happily obliged, turning with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
Reaching down, he pulled the covers up to cover your arms and the two of you talked about anything and everything. 
Neither of you remembered falling asleep. 
You woke up later than usual the next morning, the sun was already high and beaming through the Captain’s window. The soft duvet that covered you seemed as though it was trying to keep you in bed, and it had the generous aid of Shanks, who had a strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
He was still asleep, it seemed, and was breathing gently. 
You should’ve been up hours ago to get all your chores and work done…  but you had a feeling that the Captain might let you off the hook this one time.
Sleep started to weigh down your eyelids again, and you let it wash over you, snuggling back into Shanks’ chest. You fell asleep quickly, but not before feeling him press a soft kiss 
to the back of your head. 
The warm bath water, full of bubbles and essential oils, soaked into your skin, slowly sloshing back and forth and back and forth along with the steady lull of the ship.
The few moments you got to yourself were always cherished. They were rare, and when they did happen you always felt anxious, but you finally felt as though you could relax. 
You dipped your head below the water a few times, letting your hair soak, braiding it over your shoulder as you closed your eyes and let yourself let go of all the anxieties, and worries, and stresses that came with being a Roger pirate. 
The dim warmth from the candles paired perfectly with the bit of moonlight that made its way through the bathroom window.
And, like clockwork, when you’d allowed yourself to indulge in the moment and started to finally relax;
Knock. Knock.
You sat up, sighing.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” you arranged the bubbled around yourself as the door opened.
Roger walked his head in, and just as quickly covered his eyes when he saw you in the bath.
“Sorry, Y/n,” he laughed, “Didn’t know you were taking a bath!”
“Right. Because that definitely isn’t what bath-rooms are for.”
He sheepishly tugged at the collar of his shirt, his hand still resting on his face.
“So…” he started, clearly guilty of something.
“Just tell me what happened.”
“Right. Right, well, you see, Rayleigh and I thought we might work on getting the boys to bond a bit more.. Since they fight so much.”
You sat in the tub, watching as he struggled to tell you why he really interrupted your alone time, not saying anything.
“Companionship is the most important thing for good pirates. Establishing connections. There is no better greatness than being loved, than having a partner, someone to rely on. And well, the boys are so young and they bicker so much and fight day in and day out, and so we figured we’d try and start patching that up while they’re still just kids-”
“The point, Roger?”
“Yes-” he stumbled over his words, “Yes- the point. Alright, so Rayleigh suggests a friendly game of catch, seeing as they were in good spirits and they agreed and so we started, just with simple baseballs at first.”
He slowly took his hand off his eyes and searched your face for some kind of expression, anything.
You gave him nothing, but your impatience was evident.
He cleared his throat, “And the boys seemed to enjoy it so I- so we suggested using something more challenging and… R-rayleigh found a bowling ball.”
You’d tried to keep a completely neutral expression, to keep him on edge. But at this, your eyebrows failed you and furrowed. 
Still, you said nothing.
“And Shanks- strong boy, very adept and- and promising.. He, well, unintentionally of course-”
He nodded and swallowed hard. “He threw it through your window. There’s glass everywhere. It broke the bedframe, there’s a dent in your wall. It-it’s a mess. That they’re cleaning.”
You remained silent. Wordlessly you stood up, earning an uneasy laugh from your Captain as he debated whether or not to cover his eyes again. He chose not to.
You walked toward him, reached past his shoulder, your nose grazing the tip of his, and grabbed your towel. 
You dried yourself off and wrapped the towel around yourself.
“So where am I sleeping tonight?”
Roger smiled.
“Would you rather sleep with Rayleigh? Or share a bed with the boys?”
You huffed. 
You’d decided to take the right side of the bed, since it was closer to the door and, as you had so eloquently put it, “Get the hell out of here” in the morning. 
Roger had laughed when you’d said that and despite your best efforts to stay upset you smiled at him. 
The two of you lay down on your backs, facing the ceiling. 
“Comfortable?” he asked. “No.”
He shifted and brought two arms around your waist pulling you into him.
Your cheeks turned a violent shade of pink, you didn’t like not being in control.
“Nuh-uh,” he said, “Captain’s orders.”
You sighed but obliged, letting him spoon you. 
His arms were strong and you could feel the muscles of his chest through the thin t-shirt he wore. 
“You’re hugging too tight!”
He relented, albeit slightly.
You pushed his arms out and crawled on top of him, laying down on his chest, resting your head on your hand which was propped up by your elbow.
He laced his hands together and brought his arms up behind his head, laying on the pillow and looking at you.
You liked this more, you were on top.
“Better?” he asked.
You nodded. 
“Do you ever worry about those two?”
He smiled one of his signature smiles at you, “No.”
You pinched his chest.
“Ok! Ok- yes,” he admitted, bringing a hand down to rub at the spot you pinched, “Christ, woman.”
You ignored him, “So do I. But it’s only because I know they’ll both be great. In one way or another.”
“Or another,” he laughed.
You woke up in the middle of the night, your arms wrapped around your Captain’s neck, head on his chest. His arms were around your waist and he was out cold, lightly snoring. 
You smiled and pressed kisses wherever you could reach.
In the morning, your anger would return and you’d give both him and the boys an earful. Rayleigh, too, if he wasn’t smart enough to wait out your temper. 
But for now? 
You’d sleep. 
When Roger woke up the next morning your side of his bed was empty. He groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
When was the last time I slept that well? he thought to himself.
There was more sunlight entering his room than usual and he turned toward the source of it.
There, right in the center of his wall was a gaping hole, perfectly round. 
On the floor beneath it was a bowling ball. 
He stood up, contemplating the mess in his room. He looked through the whole to find you barking at Shanks and Buggy to continue mopping the floors. You had a ruler in your hands and Buggy was rubbing the back of his head. 
He laughed, loudly. 
‘I think I’m in love,’ he thought, before going out to join you in yelling at the two. 
“I’d like to apologize in advance,” Shanks announced to the crew, earning several groans in return.
“Yes, yes,” he continued, “Well, as it would happen, I miscounted. Two people are going to have to share a bed.”
This time the crew responded with some cheers and whoops, and you heard more than one person mention your name. 
You sighed.
Hopefully, it was Lucky and Yasopp. They probably shared their bed anyway.
“To decide fairly, Benny here suggested we draw straws.”
More groans from the crew.
“Tough crowd,” Benn mused. 
Shanks held up a plastic cup with a bunch of wooden sticks in it like a child at an arts and crafts fair. 
He shuffled them around before drawing two. 
The air was hilariously tense. 
Who cares if they have to share a bed? you thought to yourself. 
“Benn! Haha!” he laughed, “And…. Y/n!”
The crew erupted into a cacophony of whoops and cheers. 
Your cheeks darkened and you nibbled at the inside of your cheek. 
Of course.
You made brief eye contact with Benn, who looked as cool and composed as ever. 
Noticed only by your Captain, was the slight blush that dusted his cheeks. 
The room was smaller than either of you had expected. 
And so was the bed. You’d have to practically be on top of each other. 
“I’m more than good on the floor, you take the bed. I only ask for a pillow.”
You gave him a look.
“I’m not gonna let you sleep on the floor Benn, and there’s only one pillow.”
You both sat in silence staring at the bed.
“I’m sure there’s a way… to work this out.”
You giggled, “In a 2-foot wide bed?”
Benn smiled. 
“It’s funny. We’d die for each other in battle but a bed is where things get awkward.”
“It’s only awkward ‘cause you’re so awkward.”
He looked down at you, a somewhat insulted expression resting on his face. 
“I’m fine sleeping with you!” 
He raised a brow.
“N-no! No! Not like that! I’d never- I just meant like…” you gestured broadly toward the bed
“You’d never, hm?”
“See what I meant about you making things awkward?”
He laughed.
Sitting on the bed made things less tense, you folded your legs, sat on your heels, and faced Benn who sat leaning against the wall with his legs hanging off the bed.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, searching for a lighter. 
He came up empty-handed.
“I have one,” you said, reaching into the front pocket of your bag to grab your pink lighter.
“Cute,” he leaned forward, cigarette between his lips, lighting it. 
You flipped through some pages of a magazine as Benn read.
“Can I try it?”
“Be a little more specific, sweetheart.”
Your body warmed up at the nickname.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded eagerly, reaching for the cigarette that still resided between your vice-captain’s lips.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist before you could reach it. 
You blinked to look up at Benn, “Let me help.”
He took the cigarette from his lips and brought it to yours, which were already so obediently parted. 
You inhaled the smoke, your lips closing around the cigarette, gently brushing Beckman’s fingers. 
“Take it easy,” he said. 
You breathed in, tears pooling in the bottom of your eyes, and tried to hold it in, but found yourself stuck in a spasm of coughing. 
Benn laughed, and rubbed your back, before taking another puff himself. 
You scooted closer to him, emboldened by the burning heat in your lungs, and were practically on his lap.
“Let me try again,” you asked, “Guide me.”
He held the cigarette to your lips, and you awaited instruction.
“Gently suck in the smoke- don’t inhale, just suck lightly.”
You obeyed, your lips softly closing around the soft paper, drawing in the smoke to the back of your throat.
“Good,” he praised, pulling the cig away from your lips, “Now hold it there for a moment, let it warm your mouth.”
You held it, turning to look up at him.
It took him a moment to find the words he was looking for, what with a majority of your ass on his lap, your hands resting on his chest, your eager doe eyes looking up at him- he was getting rather distracted.
“L-like that, yeah.”
“Mm-mmm?” What’s next?
He smiled, lightly laughing, “Now just inhale through your mouth as you normally would, but do it slowly.
Your lips formed a perfect ‘O’ as you inhaled the smoke, feeling a deeply satisfying burning sensation spreading through your lungs. 
Benn had opened the room’s main window earlier, and a cool breeze had found its way in. You got up, to Benn’s obvious disappointment, and closed it. 
This time when you sat back down, you inched yourself the rest of the way forward, making your way fully onto his lap. 
Maybe it was the smoke that had started filling the room or the fact that now you two were alone and touching there was no point in denying what you’d been feeling for one another, but this time, as he drew the cigarette from his mouth you leaned forward and placed your lips on his. 
His lips closed back around yours, slowly at first- not out of hesitation but indulgence. 
You felt his tongue lightly swipe your plump lower lip, teeth gently pressing down against it, and you released a staggered breath into his mouth.
Your heart was pounding against your chest as your mouth flooded with the flavors of tobacco and an unidentifiable clean taste, almost like lemon. 
His hands found the fat of your ass, and as he laid his back against the bedrest, now fully taking up the bed, he lifted you up so you were fully on his lap, your thighs straddling his hips. 
A strong arm trailed up your back, resting his hand against the base of your neck, gently pulling backward to give him access to your throat. 
He placed hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, his tongue swiping over every place he kissed. It made you incredibly sensitive and you started to softly squirm in his grip, moaning his name between kisses, holding half-lidded eye contact as strings of saliva connected your mouths. 
You didn’t sleep much, despite Benn’s sincere efforts to get you both to bed.  The last thing you vividly recalled before sleep outweighed your desire for more of him was how overwhelmingly sweet and sensitive his touch was on your body- how softly he handled you. His strong arms massaging your back and palming your tits. 
The next morning you both awoke to a violent knocking on your door.
“Vice Captain! The Captain is requesting your presence, immediately!”
You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes, the idea of leaving the intoxicating warmth of your bed making your head hurt. 
To your delight, Benn simply wrapped his arms tighter around you and flipped you both over to face away from the door. 
“Tell him to fuck off! I’m busy!”
You giggled, knowing that the crew would put two and two together. 
For a moment you worried about how they’d react- was this something that could potentially be dangerous? 
As though reading your thoughts Benn gave you another reassuring hug, his hands finding your boobs, lightly squeezing them. 
“Worry about it later, Sweetheart.”
And just like that, you fell back asleep. 
“Tired already?” Rayleigh teased, handing you the beer you’d sent him to grab.
“It’s ten past three, I should’ve been in bed hours ago.”
He laughed, rubbing your back.
“I figured you’d have gotten used to the late nights after a good expedition.”
You shrugged, “I guess, but I’m never more tired than when we’re done with an ‘expedition’.”
He smiled at your air quotes around his term. 
You popped open the can of beer he’d handed you and took a few big sips. 
The moon was full and the clear sky ahead meant perfect travel conditions for when the crew set sail tomorrow morning. 
The salty air smelled like home, and you took a few deep breaths. 
It was chilly out, but the fire in front of you more than made up for it, and you felt warm inside from the several beers you’d downed. 
The ship was still full of life, but it was now concentrated into small groups of partiers that were somehow still awake. 
Your captain was, of course, one of the main contributors.
You leant against Rayleigh as the both of you watched him and laughed. 
Your vision slowly blurred as you closed your eyes. 
A not-so-gentle tap on your shoulder woke you up. You blinked your eyes open, suddenly aware of how cold it was. 
A pair of strong arms were wrapped around your body, carrying you bridal style.
“What the hell?”
“Calm down,” Rayleigh replied, “You fell asleep and I figured I’d bring you to your room but it’s- uh, occupied.”
“What does that mean?”
You jumped out of Rayleigh’s arms and peeked into your room to see what was going on.
Shanks and Buggy were passed out on your bed, several alcohol bottles littering the floor. They were sleeping back to back like a pair of milk-drunk kittens. 
“I don’t wanna move them,” Rayleigh explained, “Or they won’t sleep for a week- what with all that alcohol in their system.”
You hated to agree but the two boys were energy houses if you’d ever seen one, it was best to let them sleep when they slept. 
“Okay, I’ll take one of their bunks then. Not ideal but if it keeps them out of the way…”
You walked into the room to grab your toothbrush and makeup remover and slipped past your vice-captain to head toward the men’s barracks. 
“Y/n, sweetheart,” he called out to you, “Hold on a sec, will ya?”
You turned, “Rayleigh, I’m tired and I haven’t showered yet- what do you want?”
He walked toward you, approaching you with his typical confidence, standing in front of you so as to block your path. 
“Why don’t you spend the night in my room, hm?”
You rolled your eyes, and pushed him to the side, too tired to entertain him. 
He grabbed your wrists as you tried to walk away, pulling you into his chest.
He stood you still, wrist still in hand, and bent down to talk in your ear, and for some reason you let him. 
“I’d like to use this opportunity to remind you that my room has its own private shower.”
You sighed.
“And a bath.”
Private bathroom… clean sheets…. Rayleigh. You thought about it for a second.  
“Okay, fine but only this once.”
His room was bigger than expected. You had half a mind to chew him out for living like this while half the crew was stuck sharing bathrooms and beds, but you supposed that was one of the perks of being vice-captain.
“What do you think?”
He winked at you.
“It’ll do, I guess. Where’s the shower?”
He laughed, and despite your best efforts to not inflate his ego, you also smiled.
He pointed toward the bathroom and you entered.
You stepped out of the shower and looked for a towel, failing to find one.
“Rayleigh! Where are your towels?”
“Top drawer, sweetheart!”
Double fuck. 
You inhaled, “Rayleigh?”
“I can’t… reach.”
You could practically hear the infuriating smile spreading over his face.
“Coming,” he said, his voice had a slight lilt to it. 
He knocked before he entered and you covered yourself as best you could. Not like he hadn’t seen this much before, right? You’d worn bikinis on board. 
Wrong. He walked in and was struggling to keep his eyes off of you, a light blush spreading across his cheeks.
This made you feel good- great, even. To have Silvers Rayleigh blushing at the sight of you? Scoundrel or not, you’d take it. 
He grabbed you a towel and eagerly turned around to hand it to you. 
“You know you’re gonna have to remove at least one hand to grab it right?”
“Which would you like me to remove?”
He seemed slightly taken aback at your sudden reciprocation of energy. 
“Surprise me.”
He looked down at you with an intensity that you almost recognized- but this was different. You’d seen how he looked at enemies, at pirates and warlords he was planning on killing, but this? This was full of desire and lust.
Surprise me, his words echoed in your head. 
He was so irritatingly arrogant. So self assured. You figured a lesson might be useful. 
Before he could register what was happening you landed a heavy slap to his face, and wrapped the towel around yourself.
He held his cheek in shock, watching you walk out.
You got into his bed, not bothering to put on any clothes. 
Extremely aware of his hawk-like watch on you, you sat up in bed and peeled the towel off. You faced away from him, to ensure he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing anything. 
You slipped under the covers and turned off the lamp at your bedside. 
Within seconds you felt Rayleigh crawling into bed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing kisses to your neck.
“Pretty as you are, you give me a headache, you know that?”
“I know.”
Another kiss to your neck. 
He trailed a hand up and down your arm, lulling you to sleep. 
Yawning, you felt sleep start to settle into your body, feeling as though gravity was pulling you down further into the mattress. 
“This won’t happen again, Ray.”
“I know.”
Three weeks later, you woke up in your Vice Captain’s bedroom for the ninth time since that night. 
His hands were tangled on and around you and he was snoring loudly. 
You turned to face him, his arms stayed wrapped around you. 
“G’morning,” he yawned, “Sleep good?”
You kissed him, and then kissed him again, and again. 
“I did.”
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WIBTA for telling someone i can't be friends with them and returning a gift?
buckle up gamers, this is gonna be a long one. so i (22nb but i present fem) was out at the bars the other night just kinda hanging out, and a girl (26f) came up and started talking to me. she didnt really seem...super present i guess? and i talked to her to be nice and she had a cool outfit on. well i was a little drunk and ended up giving her my phone number and meeting her husband (39m) and they walked me home. the whole time she was talking about how she doesn't have any friends and her ex friends just wanted to get with her husband. she told me she was bi and i was like hey me too but im not interested in sex so that was cool. she ended up walking me home w her husband bc it was late which was nice, but they seemed really shocked i lived in such a nice apartment(i do, its expensive but my parents pay for it. im really privileged to be able to do that).
i saw her again today because she kept texting me about wanting to hang out, so i went for ice cream with her bc it was in a public place and i wasnt super comfortable going back to her apt with her. i paid for her ice cream bc she said her card wasnt working, nbd bc my parents have money and her and her husband aren't really well off. i said she could pay me back sometime, buy me ice cream or whatever another day, but she really fixated on it. she told me her husband thought i was cute which made me a little uncomfortable but i laughed it of, and then she kept talking about how she was bi and would date a girl and how she approached me not to date but to be a friend and then 'see where it goes.' she also told me she did porn online to make money which is fine w me, that she's on disability but that the money isnt really enough to live on, and that she'd been raped in the past and drugged which yanno a little overshare-y considering ive known her for three days but she really seemed like she needed someone to talk to and im good at listening. well her husband showed up out of nowhere bc he apparently tracks her phone and we all went back to their apartment bc i couldn't say no(im a doormat. i know) and she ended up giving me two pieces of jewelry in return for buying her ice cream which felt a little like overkill. i tried to refuse but she said she wouldn't ever wear them again so it would be fine. it was really kind of her but now i kind of feel i owe her back for them. the whole time i was there they seemed really eager to get me to move in nearby, and while its true that area is definitely cheaper my parents are really fine paying for my expensive apartment bc my tuition is a lot cheaper than my sibling's. she and her husband walked me home again, mentioning they might be going on a cruise in november if they could save up the money and that they could bring a friend. i said id almost definitely have school which they seemed to accept. they kind of seemed to want to see my place, but i told them it was really messy(it is) i have anxiety around having people in my space(i do) and that maybe they could come up another day and i could make dinner, and she told me she didn't like people cooking for her bc she'd been drugged in the past and that i could go over to their apartment again instead.
my parents think theres some really big red flags going on and i should try to break this off sooner rather than later. i pretty much agree. im not gonna ghost her and they dont think i should either, but that i should somehow return the jewelry in a kind way and tell her i cant really be super close friends. my mom had the idea to draw myself wearing the jewelry and then say i still have a memory of it but to return it bc i cant accept such a nice gift which i could try to do.
to be clear i am shit at communication and setting boundaries, im very aware of that, and most of this can be solved by telling her hey i can't accept this gift and im really busy for school a lot and im sorry i cant be as much as a friend as you need. but i still kinda feel like tah for leading her on almost and then breaking it off like everyone else in her life. ive been under a lot of stress bc of school and my stepgrandmother passing and trying to take care of my grandfather so trying to be friends with someone that seems kind of high maintenance is not really tenable for me.
so, wibta if i tried to let her down gently?
What are these acronyms?
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sweetprfct · 2 months
The Hate Formula
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Living in the same building, across from each other shouldn't be much of a problem, right? But how come you and Joe tend to always push each other's buttons every day? Is it because you both truly just hated each other or is it because there was something more to it?
Author's Note: I'm not home for a while and will be super busy, so I apologize if this seems a little rush! I want to upload this chapter at least for you guys.
Disclaimer: 18+, smut
Wordcount: 3.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
You walked down the bustling streets of New York, gazing up and saw the small raindrops already starting to fall from the gray skies that covered the city. You had a long day at work, but you were glad it was Friday. You have been so stressed at work because everything just kept hitting the fan, and you have been coming home with a headache almost everyday. You needed a break from your work environment. You couldn't seem to organize your thoughts lately. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, interrupting your thoughts and saw Sara’s caller ID. 
“Hey, where are you? Wes and I are on the way to the restaurant.” Sara said on the other side of the line.
“I just got off work. I’m on my way to take the subway right now.” You looked both sides before crossing the street. “I’ll meet you guys there as soon as I can. I just want to go home first and change.”
“Okay,” Sara replied. “Just be careful and let me know when you’re on your way here.”
“I will, thanks.”
Hanging up the phone, you sped walk down the stairs and immediately entered the subway before it closed its double doors. You sighed in relief, feeling lucky that you were just in time or else, you would have had to wait for the next subway. Pushing your way through the crowd, you murmured your excuse-mes and sat on one of the empty seats. 
You had promised Sara and Wes that you would join the two of them—including Joe— for dinner after work on a Friday night. Sara had noticed the change between you and Joe lately. Less arguments in the hall and less angry eyes that you two would give each other. 
If only she knew.
You still haven’t told her what was going on between you and Joe, and you sort of still were hesitating on it because you still haven’t gotten your answer. Besides, you and Joe weren't doing anything else but sex. 
Why should you overthink this, right?
When the subway had finally stopped, you exited out of it and paused in your tracks the moment you saw who was waiting for you at the station.
“Joe?” You called out. 
He turned around and a grin immediately appeared on his face. You weren't going to lie, you were starting to believe his words sometimes. Joe hasn’t been seeing anyone else but you these past few weeks, and you wondered if he has changed. You wondered if this thing between the both of you were something… exclusive. 
Did Joe think you two were exclusive?
“Hey,” He greeted you happily.
“Wh…What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Sara and Wes at the restaurant?” 
“Thought I could wait for you and we could go together.” Joe explained, his fingers intertwined with yours. 
You smirked at his small smooth move as you slipped your hand away from his. There was no way he was getting away with this.
“What?” Joe asked, his brows furrowing as he followed you out the station.
“You don’t get to hold my hand.” You stated, looking over your shoulder. 
You could see the hurt in Joe’s face as he continued to follow you down the sidewalk. He gently touched your forearm, making you stop in your tracks. You knew exactly what he was doing.
“This between us…” You gestured your hand between the both of you. “This is nothing but just sex, remember?”
Biting his lower lip, Joe continued to follow you all the way towards the apartment building. You could feel his eyes burning through the side of your head as he kept glancing at you. Taking your keys out of your pocket, you slid it in the doorknob and the moment you entered your apartment, Joe gently slid his hands in yours and turned you around. You gasped softly as you looked deep into his eyes and he cupped your cheek gently with his hand. 
“How much time do we have?” He whispered. 
Holding in your breath, you bit your lower lip as you held in your smile. 
“Why?” You asked, breathlessly.
Joe’s chocolate button eyes studied you, his fingers brushing your hair away from your shoulder. 
“Because if we do…” He leaned in, kissing the line of your jaw. 
You gasped softly, your hands sliding on his shoulders and gripping them gently. 
“I think Sara and Wes can wait a few more minutes.” You whispered, enjoying the feel of his tongue on your skin.
Joe let out a soft hum, his lips trailing down your neck. You bit your lower lip softly, your hand curling on the back of his head. Joe gently pushed you against the wall in the middle of the hall, sliding his hand under your thigh and hooking it on his hip. 
“I can’t stop thinking about you all day.” Joe whispered, making you smile as he cupped your face between his hands. 
Joe kissed you softly, his lips moving with yours like he had tasted something so sweet. He moaned softly as you smiled through the kiss, slipping your tongue inside his mouth. Both of your tongues played together as Joe slipped his hand under your skirt, rubbing your wet folds through your underwear. 
“Wet for me already?” Joe smirked, pulling away from the kiss. 
“Shut up.” You murmured, feeling your cheeks flushed. 
“I love that I make you feel this way.” He lifted you up in his arms, pinning you against the wall and both of your legs wrapping around his waist. 
Fumbling with his belt, Joe found your lips again as you moaned softly and unbuttoned his pants. Joe’s fingers pushed aside your underwear before slipping his member in, both of you gasping loudly. Closing your eyes, Joe kissed and sucked your neck, thrusting inside of you. Your fingers gripping his shoulder, you threw your head against the wall as Joe thrusted deeper. You could feel every bone in your body trembling and starving for him as he trailed kisses down your neck. 
Another moan slipped out of your lips as Joe thrusted faster and deeper inside of you. He couldn’t help but groan and let out a breathless gasp as your walls tightened around him, pleasure pooling in your stomach. 
“Come for me, love.” Joe whispered, looking deep into your eyes. 
You closed your eyes immediately as you moaned his name and gripped his shoulders tighter. Your toes curled, your legs trembling as Joe continued to pound inside of you. With a quick few more thrusts, pleasure crashed over the both of you, Joe burying his face in your neck to stifle his moans. Panting softly, Joe gently set you back on your feet, his arm never leaving your waist, so he was balancing you. 
“We made a mess.” You chuckled softly, pressing your forehead against his. “You made a mess of me.”
“It’s okay.” Joe kissed you softly. “You have no idea how much of a mess you have made of me.”
“I have to clean up before we go.” You slipped away from his arms. 
“Let me help.” Joe smiled. 
Raising your brow at him, you gave him a small smile as he followed you over to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him, Joe grabbed a soft hand towel, letting the water run over it before ringing the excess water. You watched as Joe gazed down at you with a grin on his face before he lowered himself down and pulled your underwear down to your ankles and gently wiped you off. 
You didn’t know what it was, but Joe doing all of this for you, you didn’t know how much harder your heart could pound inside your chest. He left a soft kiss inside your thigh before smiling and getting up from the floor. Your eyes stared at him, your eyes full of tenderness as he leaned forward and kissed you softly. 
“Let me change, hm?” You pulled away from the kiss. “Then, we’ll go.”
Joe nodded his head, letting you go from his arms. He watched as you slipped your clothes off and changed into a nice blue dress. You could feel his eyes on you as he slowly walked up behind you, zipping the back of your dress before kissing your shoulder softly. 
“Gorgeous.” He smiled. 
“Ready?” You asked, turning around and fixing Joe’s shirt. 
Joe tried to hold your hand again as you walked over to the restaurant but just because you two had a small quickie at your apartment, it didn’t mean he had a permission. You were still sticking with your decision about the fact that he couldn't be touching you like this unless he had admitted what was going on between the both of you. 
You were just glad that the walk from the apartment and towards the restaurant was a short quick walk because by the time you both arrived, Sara and Wes were already on the table, waiting for the both of you. You and Joe exchanged smiles as you both sat across Wes and Sara. 
“Hey, sorry.” You smiled slightly. 
“Where were you guys?” Wes asked. 
“I…um…” Joe cleared his throat. “I got caught up at work because of the rain and by the time I arrived back at the apartment, we saw each other, and I decided to just wait for her to finish changing and just go together.”
You shifted your eyes at Sara as she gave you a look that indicated if Joe was telling the truth. You gave her a small smile before pulling up the menu in front of you to hide your face. You saw for a moment as Wes gave Joe the same look before Joe pulled up the menu in front of him too. 
“So, what’s delicious?” Joe asked, his eyes studying the menu.
Sara slightly knitted her brows and she watched the three of you interact. She had been trying to figure out the atmosphere between you and Joe and how it suddenly shifted. She kept wondering why and when all of this happened. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was because the last time you two talked, you and Joe had argued at Central Park. Though even if you two had made up, she still couldn’t believe she hasn’t heard any commotion in the hall lately. Not that she was complaining.
“So, how’s work?” Sara asked you that night as you ate your salad. 
You sighed, shaking your head. “Stressful. I’m tired of it. I need a vacation.”
“Why don’t you take one?” 
Joe tilted his head at you, curious as to why you were stressed. You both didn’t really talk about anything besides the constant sex lately and if you did, it wasn’t really anything personal. 
“Why are you stressed?” Joe asked.
You turned your head towards him and saw the worry lines that appeared on his face. You couldn’t help but feel your heart swell from the way he was looking at you. It was an affectionate and caring look that you have never seen before. 
“Um… Just a lot of things going on.” You replied, turning your attention back to Sara. “You know, just busy and a lot of things on my plate.”
Feeling Joe’s hand on yours under the table, he squeezed it lightly as you gave him a small smile and slipped it away from his touch. You kept trying to push away the sudden privileges that Joe kept throwing at you. He was making moves like he was your boyfriend. You weren’t about to just let him get away with that. 
The rest of the dinner was normal. All four of you catching up and telling stories about each other that made you all laugh. Some stories that would make your cheeks flush and have to give Sara a look to not continue because it was an embarrassing story, which made her giggle softly. 
“Do you guys want to go to the bar? It’s just about two blocks away.” Wes asked you all later that night. 
Slipping in your jacket, you could feel the summer New York air starting to cool down. The rain finally stopped and the soft breeze flowed through your hair. The city lights flickered around the four of you as you all exited out of the restaurant. 
“You know what, mate. I had a long day. I think I might just go home and rest.” Joe stated. 
You turned to Sara and said, “Me too. I still have paperworks to finish.”
“Are you sure?” Wes asked. 
Sara took your hand in hers and pulled you aside for a moment. You could see the wonderment in her eyes, and you hated how you kept lying to her. You have to tell her soon. You couldn’t keep doing this anymore. 
“Is there something going on?” Sara asked. 
“What?” You shook your head. “No, no.”
Sara blinked her eyes a few times, waiting for you to give her a real answer. 
“Everything’s fine. I promise.” You reassured her. 
“Okay but please, let me know if there's anything wrong.” You nodded your head as Sara smiled, rubbing your arm softly as the both of you walked back towards the two men. 
“Walk home safe, you two.” Wes smiled, squeezing Joe’s shoulder before taking Sara’s hand in his and walked towards the opposite direction. 
Coming back to the apartment, Joe gently slid his hand in yours and you immediately tried to slip your hand away. Joe, however, was quick to squeeze your hand softly and didn’t let you go.
“Wait,” Joe murmured as you both stopped in the middle of the hall. “How come you never told me you were stressed at work?”
“There wasn’t a time where it could be brought up.” You shrugged.
“You could talk to me, you know.” Joe grazed his fingers on your cheek softly, his brown doe eyed eyes looking at you like you were the only woman in the world for him. 
You blinked a few times, smiling softly before pulling him close to you and kissed him passionately on the lips. Joe’s arm wrapped around your waist as he pressed his body against yours, kissing you deeply. 
Parting from the kiss, you unlocked your front door and pulled him in, both of your grabby hands tugging on both of your clothes. You both stumbled through the hall and into your bedroom, Joe laying you gently on your bed and towering over you. His lips trailed down your neck, kissing and sucking the skin. 
“I love sneaking out with you.” You giggled happily.
Joe let out a soft moan, his lips kissing your chest. “I love this dress on you.”
His fingers slipped behind you, zipping it down and tugging on the straps as it fell off your shoulders. He kissed the blade of your shoulder before pressing his face on your neck, breathing you in. 
“I love this shirt on you but it needs to come off.” You let out a soft chuckle, pulling the shirt over his head and throwing it on the floor. 
Joe kissed you deeply on the lips as he murmured, “I love you.”
For a moment, both of you froze as you bit your lower lip. Your mind was running a thousand thoughts. You heard what he said. You weren’t dreaming, right?
He said it.
Those three little words. 
Your whole body was paralyzed, your heart pounding in your chest, and you didn’t know what to say. You felt the air shifted between the both of you, and you didn’t really know how to react or to reply because what the fuck you were supposed to say? 
First, this thing between the both of you was just sex for the last few weeks and now, Joe had literally jumped over the line and said something that made this whole situation ten times more complicated. Swallowing all the emotions that were coming up in your throat, you slowly gazed up at him. His chocolate button eyes staring deep into yours, affection and love flooding his whole expression.
You were so fucked.
“We… We should make this fast before Sara comes back home.” You murmured. 
Nodding his head, Joe kissed you deeply again and pulled down your dress, his lips trailing down your breasts and sucking on your nipples as you moaned softly. As Joe continued to show how every bone of his body was trembling for you, you could feel your hands shake as he slipped himself inside of you and thrusted deeply.
Those three little words still echoing in your brain as you closed your eyes and buried your face on his neck, his hard cock hitting you on the right spot. You kept pushing your overthinking thoughts away as you flipped both of you over and rode him faster, his fingers digging deep into your hips as it rolled with his.
“Fuck.” Joe groaned softly, his eyes closing.
You continued to ride him, leaning down to kiss him hungrily until both of your moans were echoing through the four walls of your bedroom. Panting heavily, Joe sucked on your breasts, your hands holding tight on your headboard.
“Holy shit.” Joe cursed under his breath. “You’re so tight, love.”
You bounced on his cock faster as you felt him deeper inside of you. You muffled your screams as you bit his bare shoulder, your whole body trembling when both of you finally let go of your orgasms at the same time. You collapsed on Joe’s chest, breathing heavily, while his fingers brushed the strands of your hair that were sticking on your sweaty forehead before dropping a soft kiss on it. 
You closed your eyes, pressing your face on his neck as he wrapped his arms around you. Your mind kept wondering if he blurted those three little words because he was in the moment, or he actually meant it. You tried to push the thought away, but how could you? 
He said I love you to you. 
How were you supposed to just let that go? 
“How come you decided to live here in New York instead of London?” You asked him later that night, hoping it would distract you from your thoughts. 
Joe caressed your arm softly as you laid your head on his chest. 
“Figured it's easier for my career if I lived in the States. Not that it wasn’t easy back in London. It’s just more opportunities.” Joe replied, his voice was soft and low. 
It was almost soothing. 
“How about you? Why New York?” He asked, glancing down at you. 
You shrugged your shoulders and gazed up at him. “It’s mine and Sara’s dream.” 
Joe smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. His soft touches kept sending shivers down your spine, and you didn’t know how you could take anymore of this. You didn’t know how long you could pretend that maybe—just maybe—you also felt the same. 
That maybe you did love him too. 
“You two are two peas in a pod, aren’t you?” Joe chuckled softly. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without her.” You exhaled a sharp breath. “She’s the one person I can trust and rely on so much.”
Joe slightly sat up, leaning his back against your headboard. He cupped your cheek with his hand as you gave him a small smile. You couldn't help but feel safe in his arms by just the way he was looking at you, and you couldn't explain why. You just wanted him to stay here next to you forever.
“Is this… making you struggle?” Joe asked.
“No,” You shook your head. “I will tell her… soon. I.. I know I can’t keep lying to her.”
“I understand.” Joe gave you a reassuring smile, his fingers stroking your hair softly.
“Can you stay here tonight, please?”
Joe smiled, nodding his head as he laid back down and pulled you close next to him and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Of course, love.” Joe murmured, dropping a soft kiss on your hair. “About earlier… when I said you can talk to me about anything, I meant it.”
His soft voice was making you sleepy as you tried to fight your eyelids from closing. 
“I know.” You pressed your face on his neck. “Work is just… work.”
“What happened?” Joe softly caressed your arm as you closed your eyes.
Sighing, you said, “Just a lot of work and no one is really helping me.”
“I’m so sorry, love. Maybe Sara’s right. You need a vaca—” Joe glanced down at you, finding you slowly falling asleep in his arms.
Smiling happily, he stroked your hair softly before kissing your temple. He pulled you close in his arms as you hummed softly in your sleep, a small smile tugged on your lips.
Tonight, you got to be in his safe, warm arms and somehow, that was enough for now. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @quinnyficsy @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover @mdurdenpitt @siriuslysmoking @blueleonor @bejeweled13swiftie
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stardustloserdoll · 9 months
Hi! I saw your post about writing about Jake and Johnnie and I'm so happy! There's not enough fics about them.
Can I request fic Jake x reader and reader is Johnnie's cousin and lives at his house because she's new in LA?
And one day Jake and Johnnie eat super delicious dinner at his house and Jake is surprised how good hai friend cooks but he just says "YN made it". Jake thinks he somehow missed information about his friend's new girlfriend.
And it took several weeks for Jake to meet her and fall in love with her, but there was still this misunderstanding.
How do you think this situation could be resolved with a happy ending?
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johnnies cousin
female reader
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“well here’s your room.” johnnie said pointing to the empty bedroom. “call me if you need any help.” i nodded my head and set down my things on the floor. “thanks johnnie!” after a few hours of unpacking, my room was finally done. with a satisfied sigh i began walking into the kitchen to prepare some dinner.
once i finally finished cooking i called johnnie to come eat, moments later johnnie came into the kitchen his hair disheveled as he rubbed his eyes. i smiled setting down his plate and mine, "i made us some dinner." he walked over and sat down trying it "y/n, this is really fucking good." i smiled and sat down joining him to eat "thank you."
"oh yeah, im going to be out tonight. im gonna explore LA." i mentioned between bites. "cool have fun. im having a friend over too just for a bit." i nodded my head and ate the last of my food heading to wash my dish. "well, the foods on the stove if you want more. later." i said grabbing my keys and purse. "see ya, thanks for dinner."
“dude this foods really good!” jake said as he scarfed down his food. “y/n made it actually. she’s new to LA and she’s been staying with me for a while. you’ll meet her soon.” johnnie responded, making jake raise an eyebrow, ‘johnnie has a girlfriend and he never told me?’
weeks passed by and jake was getting more and more desperate to meet y/n. "when can i meet your girlfriend hm?" jake smiled as he handed johnnie a gummy worm "girlfriend? y/n isn't my girlfriend. did i not tell you she was my cousin?" jakes eyes grew wide "OBVIOUSLY NOT." johnnie laughed "i forgot to tell you that, my bad."
"shes home right now actually, wanna meet her?" johnnie asked. "oh yeah sure, if she doesn't mind." johnnie shook his head "nah she wouldn't. i always talk about you to her. she always asks the same thing about when she can meet you." johnnie laughed as he led jake to y/n's room.
knocking on the door y/n was heard on the other said saying "coming!" as the door opened they were met with y/n smiling up at them. jakes mouth opened when he saw how pretty johnnies cousin was. "close your mouth jake." johnnie mumbled, making y/n laugh. "whats up." y/n asked.
"y/n this is jake. the guy i talk about non stop to you." y/n smiled giving a friendly wave at jake. jake gave a wave back "nice to meet you y/n." jake responded shyly, his face turning slightly red. "nice to meet you too jake. i heard a lot about you." y/n smiled. they all stood there awkwardly in silence waiting for someone to say something. johnnie whispered something in jakes ear making jake nod his head. "so.. y/n, would you be interested in hanging out or something?" jake asked. "i'd love to."
these past few weeks jake and i spent everyday together. one day as jake was dropping me off he stopped me "y/n. i wanted to tell you that uh.. nevermind." i closed the door and sat back down in the seat "whats wrong, you know you can tell me anything." i said placing a hand on his arm. "i like you and i was hoping you'd say yes to being my girlfriend." i smiled leaving over to kiss his cheek "i feel the same way, of course."
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