#and my aunt lived really close too. said they heard something but assumed it was fox screams
rowanhoney · 1 year
Errrrr er
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I kinda want to figure out exactly what aro community terms/movements would be like in Norwegian.
off the top of my head there's
relationship anarchy
I don't have a full idea of all these terms, I do think loveless and lovequeer probably are the most used ones. And I've seen people use loveless to mean different things (both not using love to describe yourself/your experiences and the seemingly basic idea that love doesn't make you human/isn't the whole point)
one thing here is that as a Norwegian I've only heard of this idea that "love is what makes you human" through aro communities. I assume it's a U.S. thing, but feel free to correct me if that's inaccurate.
In Norwegian one very relevant things on the topic of these communities, particularly relationship anarchy is that the word for boyfriend/girlfriend/enbyfriend is "kjæreste" which directly translates to "dearest", which may have some implications (I don't know that most people think about it, but one can see it). At least it's gender neutral.
I'll translate some more relationship, romantic and other arguably relevant terms for y'all.
forhold: relationship (any type, pretty much same usage as English afaik)
vennskap: friendship (venn -skap)
venn: friend
vennine: friends who are girls (mainly used by older folks, definitely in use)
kamerat: friends who are boys (same as previous)
klassekamerat: classmate. Uses boy version for people of all genders. usage is just like in English.
platonisk: platonic. I think it's taken from English. used a bit more rarely than in English.
type: slang for boyfriend. (also used as slang meaning "for example"/"such as")
dame: slang for girlfriend (also means lady/woman).
kjæreste: partner/gf/bf/nbf etc. literally means "dearest".
kj: abbreviation for "kjæreste", sometimes pronounced like K.J.
kjære deg: literally "dear you", sometimes said when trying to calm someone down. doesn't imply anything about a relationship, can even be used in a demeaning way. Can be used with partners too.
kjære: dear. like in English.
å holde noen kjær: caring about someone. includes romance, doesn't necessarily imply it. implies closeness (e.g. familial, platonic)
ektemann/mann: husband. literally means real + man. might have some implications on masculinity
kone: wife
kjærlighet: love (noun).
forelskelse/å forelske seg i noen: falling in love/to fall in love with someone. (for-elske)
å elske: to love, used about anything really, can be said platonically, carries more weight than liking something or someone
å like: to like, not really used about people in the same way as you would say you're "forelsket" in/with them. otherwise like English.
friendzone: friendzone is used as slang.
I guess I could add familial terms too, since I'm bored:
mor: mother
mamma: mom/mommy
far: father
Pappa: dad/daddy
søster: sister
bror: brother/bro
broder: bro (also used in religious context I think)
søsken: siblings (plural). you can technically say "et søsken", but it's not used much
mormor: maternal grandmother (mother's mother)
morfar: maternal grandfather (mother's father)
farmor: paternal grandmother (father's mother)
farfar: paternal grandfather (father's father)
bestemor: grandmother (usually used in place of either mormor or farmor depending on family)
bestefar: grandfather (same as previous)
kusine: girl cousin
fetter: boy cousin
tante: aunt
onkel: uncle
I'm not even trying the rest, idk what "søskenbarn", "niese" or "third cousin twice removed" means.
obviously language may be different different places in Norway and this is just what I could think of. Also, I've not lived anywhere English speaking just so that's said.
To be clear this is all Bokmål, there are some differences in Nynorsk (e.g. syster), but I think you can use most if not all these (excluding slang) there too.
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marvelsdc22 · 2 years
Ghost In Westview
Intro: Heyyyyyy, its been a while, it's been a crazy past month or two for me, but I'm back for the time being, enjoy my latest obsession~
Note: TW Abuse and Murder
Summary: You live in Westview, a small town with an even smaller populace, you have a gift, what's that gift? You see spirits, what happens when the Maximoff family moves into town and brings their own spirit?
Word Count: 4203
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You had lived in Westview for a few years now, you owned your own little bookstore and cafe called Iris Book Cafe , you ran it with your best friend Monica, the two of you having met when you just opened the store shortly after you moved here to start a new life after your aunt died, sure your parents live in Westview but you were never close, they never really understood your gift like your aunt did, Monica knew of your gift too and she supported you and was very open-minded about it, what was your gift you may ask? Well, ever since you could remember you could see ghosts.
When you first found out, you were of course scared, you were only seven at the time and you didn’t understand, your aunt helped you through it, she had the same ability and she was able to help you understand and teach you how to use your gift for good and to help families find relief in their loved ones passing, you had lost count of how many earthbound spirits you helped cross over, but every time you did you felt really good about what you did, it felt good to watch a spirit cross over with the look of peace on their face, to see the families relief to know that their loved one is going in peace and is finally happy, it was all worth it to you.
Of course there were some sour ones that you try to help, but they don’t want your help until it’s too late, the one thing keeping them there was either gone or no longer accessible or the person they needed to speak to was gone and crossed over already, those cases weren’t the most easiest since you would have to spend hours doing research with Monica to try and find a way to get the spirit to cross over to the light where they belonged, but those were worth it in the end too.
Coming into your little shop, you were expecting to be alone like you usually were on Wednesday mornings, but when were ghosts ever timely? As you headed into the back room, you saw someone standing there, bullets riddled along his torso, his blonde hair sticky with blood and his face and clothes covered in dirt and blood “You need to help me” he uttered, staring straight at you “What do you need? What’s your name?” You asked him, hoping his energy would keep him there long enough for you to get some answers from him as you set your bag down on the desk, keeping your eyes on him “Help her” he said before there was a flash of light and what sounded like gunshots before he vanished, leaving you to struggle to breathe for a moment after the flash of a vision you saw from him.
You were running, you weren’t sure what from or who towards, you glanced back but you saw nothing but darkness, when you looked forward you saw a small child, he was too far away for you to reach in time, but you still pushed yourself to surge forward, then you heard the bang and saw the flash before you saw nothing.
You weren’t sure what happened to this ghost, nor who he meant by ‘her’ but you weren’t able to dwell on it long before you heard the chime of the front door opening and the sound of four voices, coming out of the back room with a friendly smile on your face, you saw a man and a woman with what looked to be twin sons “Welcome, is there anything I can get you guys?” You asked with a smile, watching as the boys went to browse the books with who you were assuming was their father, leaving you with who you assumed was the mother.
She smiled as she approached the counter which you had walked behind. “Can I get something with enough energy to keep up with those two?” She laughed, pointing to the small boys “Well, I might have something for you, but are you ready for the crash afterwards?” You teased, going to grab her a menu since you had yet to re-write it on your chalkboard that was hung up behind the counter, you had changed a lot of the menu and you had forgotten to do it yesterday before you left, that would be a task for later, right now you had other priorities, like this lovely woman in front of you.
After she ordered, you set to work on her coffee “Haven’t seen you around here before, how long have you been here?” You asked as you worked, the town was fairly small so everyone knew everyone and new faces were a rare sight to see “We just moved here a few days ago, we decided to try the small town life rather than New York City life” she said, watching as you worked, glancing back when she heard one of her kids begging for a book “That’s quite the change, but this town has a lot to offer, especially families” you smiled, going and handing her the coffee, watching as she took a sip and sighed contently.
“That is honestly the best coffee I’ve had, you’ve definitely earned yourself a customer… I’m Wanda by the way, that’s my husband Vision and our boys Billy and Tommy” Wanda introduced, holding her hand out which you took “Y/N, if you ever need anything just let me know, I’m sure I can find someone to assist you” you said, knowing that you knew everyone so you could get her help on practically anything “I might have to take you up on that” Wanda smiled, going over to the register to pay just as Billy ran up with a book in his hand.
“Mommy, can I pleaseeeeeeee get this book? Please please please?” Billy begged, giving her puppy eyes as you chuckled “Consider both the book and coffee on the house, a welcome gift” You said, smiling and it turning into a grin when you saw the pure joy on his face “Thank you thank you thank you!” He squealed, going and hugging you before running back over to his brother to show him his newly acquired book ‘Thank you’ Wanda mouthed to you, offering you a smile before she led her family out of your shop, Billy trying to read his book while Tommy ran around his parents.
A few weeks later, you and Monica were walking through the square on your lunch break when you saw Wanda sitting on a park bench, watching her boys run around, but that’s not what stopped you in your tracks, it was the ghost that was standing near Wanda, the same one you had seen before, the same one you’ve been having dreams and visions about, he caught your eye when he looked over before appearing in front of you “You have to help” he said, looking the same as you saw him before “What’s your name?” You asked, glancing at Monica who took the queue and faced you so it would seem like you were talking to her.
“Pietro, now please, you have to help me talk to my sister” Pietro asked, glancing over at Wanda who had seemed to notice you with her smile and small wave which made your heart skip a beat, you knew it was wrong to fall for a married woman, but you couldn’t help it, not like you would act upon it “What do you need to talk to her about?” You asked, glancing at him after you returned her wave “It’s about her husband-” Pietro started, only to vanish when Wanda approached, leaving you even more confused, what was Wanda’s husband doing that she didn’t know about?
Shaking the thought out of your head, you smiled at Wanda when she got to you guys “Hey Wanda, spending the day outside?” you asked, cringing at the question since you know that was one of the dumbest things you could ask “Yeah, figured since it was the last day of the boys summer we could spend time out and about” She smiled, making your heart flutter once more “Haven’t seen you around the shop lately” Monica commented, knowing that for a while she had been coming in daily, watching as Wanda scratched the back of her neck and nodded “Yeah, life got busy” she said, it obviously being a lie but you weren’t going to press the issue “Well, we gotta go get some lunch before we have to open up again, we’ll see you later” you said, waving to her before pulling Monica away.
Once the two of you were seated at the small restaurant you two always went to, you gave Monica the rundown of the ghost you had been seeing and that today you realized he was attached to Wanda “But, what could Vision have done? He seems so nice” Monica said, looking at you and you sighed, giving a small shrug “I don’t know, but we can’t assume it’s a bad thing, it could be good and he wants his sister to know” you tried, rolling your eyes when Monica gave you a look “I don’t know, I have to wait for him to come back to tell me more, his energy seems to be low so he’s struggling to stay in one place for long”
“So, what you’re saying is we need to research this” Monica said, looking at you and smiling some when you nodded “I have just the person who can assist us with this, he’s obviously been here a while, there’s this new history professor at the school, I think she’d be a lot of help with this” Monica said, leaning forward with a smile while you stared at her “Monica, I can’t have more people know about me” you said, you knew that people would think you were crazy if you ever tried to tell them about how you can see spirits “She wouldn’t have to know, we could just tell her we’re doing some research for Wanda” she suggested, giving you puppy eyes and cheering when you finally relented, listening as she explained how this professor could help you guys.
A few days passed before the two of you were able to speak with the professor, when you came in you saw a black-haired woman looking through her bookshelf on the wall across the room “Ms. Agatha?” Monica asked, knocking on the doorframe of the office, causing the woman in question to jump and turn to look at the two of you since she had not been expecting visitors outside of her office hours “Yes? What can I do for you? You two are obviously not students” she commented, approaching her desk and gesturing for the two of you to sit down in the seats on the opposite side of her desk.
“No we’re not… We need some help… A friend of ours is trying to look into her brother” You lied, knowing that you would sound rather crazy for telling the truth “Well, you do realize I’m a history professor-” “We know, but we figured you might have some advice on where to look… He was in the Army and was likely killed in action, we aren’t sure where to start” you interjected, looking at her and watching as she looked you two over curiously before she sighed and turned to her laptop, typing away at it for a moment before pushing it over to you “Don’t tell anyone that I showed you this” she said, you smiling some as you looked at the site, it obviously being heavily secured, how she had the access you weren’t sure, but you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth “While you search, you should probably tell me the real reason you’re here” she said, causing you to freeze as you looked at her, having figured she was going to be hard to fool.
After a few moments, you decided that the best course of action was to give her the full truth while Monica did the research “So, you’re telling me that you can see… Spirits?” Agatha asked, raising a brow as you nodded “Yes, I’ve been able to see them since I was a child…” You admitted, looking at her and wincing slightly at her laugh of disbelief “Now Mx. Y/L/N, you do know that’s hard to believe, correct?” She asked, her logically just not able to believe what you were telling her “I know, I’ve dealt with this my whole life, I don’t expect everyone to believe what I do is real, but it is, I help spirits cross over, just like the one that I’m trying to help now, but I need more information on him… Believe me or not, it doesn’t matter to me as long as I get the answers I need” you said, stunning her before she smirked and sat forward in her chair “I like you already”.
After spending a few hours at Agatha’s office, you and Monica walked out with more information about Pietro than you had before, discussing with her until you hear your phone ping, digging it out of your pocket and seeing it was Wanda, her having been messaging you more often over the past few days “Wanda wants to come to the store, you go ahead and head out for the day, I’ll finish up there” you told Monica, who argued before you promised her you’d rest tomorrow and have her take over for the day before you two split ways.
When you got to the store, Wanda was already waiting there, looking like she had been crying “Wanda? Is everything alright?” You asked, rushing over to her and ushering her into the store after you unlocked it, leading her into the back room, giving her time to process as you made the two of you tea, giving her a small smile when she thanked you before sitting down next to her on the small couch “I feel like my marriage is falling apart… Vision’s been working late more than he’s home and every time he has a day off, he opts to spend time with friends rather than his family” she admitted, brushing her tears away with the back of her hand.
You sat there and listened to her, reaching out and resting a hand on her leg as she spoke, not even realizing you did it until you felt her hand cover yours and give it a squeeze “Maybe he’s trying to earn more money to do something for you guys” you suggested, knowing it was a dumb suggestion, but you didn’t want to flat out accuse Vision of cheating or something, you hardly knew the man, but you knew you didn’t like him either way, but you wouldn’t accuse him of that just because of your feelings for him or even Wanda for that matter.
“I just don’t know what to do” Wanda whispered, taking a small sip of her tea before looking at you as if you were the one who would have all the answers, glancing over her shoulder when you saw Pietro appear, looking like he was angry but also a hint of sadness “He’s cheating on her you know… Has been since before I was deployed… We were deployed… He left me there” Pietro said, looking at you as he said it “Tell her” he said, anger flashing in his eyes “I can’t” you said, knowing she couldn’t handle it in her state “What?” Wanda asked, looking at you with confusion on her face “I wish I could tell you what to do, but I can’t” you said quickly, looking at her and hearing Pietro let out a shout of anger before he vanished again.
You shook your head at him before you focused on Wanda “Why don’t we go get some food and take your mind off it, we can get something for the boys so they don’t feel left out” you offered, giving her a small smile as you stood up and offered your hand to her, your smile growing when she took it and you helped her to her feet “You’re spoiling us” she laughed, smiling at you and before you could answer her, she pulled you into a hug, making you freeze before you returned it “Thank you” she muttered, resting her head on your shoulder “Of course”.
A few days later, you were finishing getting ready for work, pulling your shirt on over your head and letting out a scream when Pietro was standing right in front of you as your head went through the headhole “DON’T DO THAT!” you shouted, taking a moment to catch your breath before you realized he was chuckling “Oh you find that funny? Giving me a heart attack? What do you want, Pietro” you said, looking at him and crossing your arms as he sobered up some and looked at you “You need to help my sister” he said, that much you knew since that was all he would really tell you “I need to know your story first… What happened to you?” You asked, looking at him and gasping when he pulled you into a vision, a vision of his death.
Pietro was walking down a road with his patrol, Vision being apart of that group, you heard him talking about some woman that he had been with the night before, making your blood boil since you couldn’t believe the audacity he had to say that in front of you, this not being the first time “Guys, someone’s up ahead” one of the other guys pointed out, causing you all to focus forward, seeing a group of men and a child amongst them “We have to do something” Pietro said, starting to move forward “Are you crazy?” Vision asked, grabbing his arm “What if that was Billy or Tommy?” Pietro asked him, pushing him off him before he headed towards the group.
One thing led to another and Pietro was on the ground, blood rushing from his shoulder from a gunshot, the small child, now dead on the ground “Vision, we gotta get out of here” he said when he approached, holding his hand out for assistance “I’ll tell Wanda you died a stupid hero” Vision said before several gunshots rang out and everything went black.
Coming back to the present, you touched your chest to make sure there were no bullet holes and took several deep breaths “Why?” You asked, looking at Pietro who stared at you for a long moment before speaking “I knew his secret… He took the opportunity, save my sister from that man” he said before vanishing once more, you taking a seat on the edge of your bed to regain your bearings, how the hell were you going to tell Wand that her husband killed her brother?
Later that night, you had asked Wanda to meet you outside the shop, shifting foot to foot as you waited for her, you two had gotten a lot closer over the past few days, to the point you were sure that she had tried to kiss you the other day, but you pushed that out of your head, knowing that right now you had to be there and tell her probably the worst news you could tell someone, jumping and looking towards her when she said your name.
“Hey, come inside with me?” You asked, leading her inside and taking a deep breath “Wanda, I know this is going to sound crazy… But, I need you to have an open mind as I tell you this… I see spirits, I talk to them and cross them over, I’m telling you this because you have a ghost… Your brother, Pietro… He wants to tell you something” You said, looking at her and watching at least five different emotions cross her face before she shook her head.
“No, you’re lying to me, I don’t know what scam you’re running here but I don’t believe it” Wanda said, pushing past you to leave “Tell her about the sitcoms we used to watch… How I watched them because they made her happy… Especially Dick Van Dyke” Pietro said, watching his sister and looking like he did before he died, you repeated what he told you and watched as she froze with her hand on the door “He’s really here?” She asked softly, turning to look at you with tears in her eyes “He is, he’s been stuck as an earthbound spirit for a while, he needs to tell you something… About how he died” you explained, leading her to the back room and sitting down on the couch with her.
After you explained what all you saw with Pietro’s vision, you watched as Wanda struggled to decide what she wanted to do, cry, get mad? She didn’t know… “He killed my brother?” Wanda finally whispered, her hands clinching into fists as she thought about it “How could-he knew-” she tried, flinching away from you when you tried to reach for her “Wanda!” You called when she stormed out “Leave her… I’ll keep an eye on her, let you know if something happens… I can’t cross over until I know she and the boys are safe” Pietro said before he vanished as well, feeling your heart sink at what will potentially happen next.
About a week passed before you heard anything, you had been half asleep when Pietro appeared in your room “He’s going to hurt her, hurry” he said, causing you to jump out of bed and call 911 as you quickly grabbed your jacket and pulled on some shoes, not even bothering locking your door as you shut it behind you, more worried about what could happen to Wanda if you didn’t get there soon.
“Wanda!” You shouted, pounding on the door when you got to their house “Wanda, answer me!” You shouted, pounding some more until the door opened to a sleepy Tommy “Mx. Y/N?” He asked sleepily, looking up at you with half closed eyes “Hey buddy, where’s your mom and dad?” You asked him gently, heading out back when he pointed to the back door.
When you got out there, you saw Vision and Wanda in each other’s face, but before you could get over to them, Vision grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the ground “Hey!” You shouted, going and grabbing Vision, roughly throwing him to the side, getting nailed in the nose by his elbow as he fell over, ignoring the pain that flared as you straddled him and started punching him, only stopping when Wanda pulled you off of him, blood running down his face and your nose and knuckles bloody, but you ignored all of that as you cupped her face “Are you okay?” You asked, not getting a response as she buried her face in your chest, the tears staining your shirt but you could care less, she was okay and she was in your arms now.
The next day, you were in your house with Wanda and the boys, the three of them staying with you for the time being, Wanda having told the police everything, Vision killing her brother and about how he attacked her after she confronted him about it, currently you had them all together to say their final goodbyes to Pietro so he could finally cross over.
“Tell the boys that they’ve grown a lot and that I’m so proud of them” Pietro said, grinning at the boys and watching as tears ran down their faces as you repeated his words “Tell them that I’ll always be with them… That I’ll be waiting for them on the other side” he said, going and resting his hands on the boys heads before gently caressing Wanda’s cheek, all three of them reacting to the touches “Tell the boys to listen to their mom and to eat their vegetables… Tell them I love them and… That the light isn’t so scary…” He said before he vanished for the final time “He’s gone” you said softly, brushing tears from your eyes as Wanda hugged her boys, feeling a sense of pride in yourself for being able to help them.
As time went on, you of course ran into more ghosts, helping the ones that you could cross over into the light and be at peace, one thing that didn’t change was Wanda’s presence in your life, the two of you started dating about two months after the whole Vision situation, then a year later the two of you got married, her and the boys helped you with ghosts every chance they got, especially Tommy, he always believed in that stuff and you confirming it made it even more true for him, you loved being able to have them at your side, you knew that more adventures were to come and with Wanda and the twins at your side, anything was possible.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
where its just a day in the life of being the adopted daughter of the BLACK WIDOW her picking us up and training us, trying to bonb with us
love your stories ♥️
Being Natasha’s Adopted Daughter Would Include . . .
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/piratanjo
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Natasha met you post-Black Widow. She was helping out Yelena with freeing the Widows’ when she came across you.
You were a teen at the time - but still brainwashed. Thankfully because of your age you hadn’t been brainwashed into doing anything too bad yet, but you were almost finished with your training.
Something struck Natasha when she saw you. Looking back on it, she assumes it was the fact that like her and Yelena, you had been put into the Red Room at a young age, and you were the first teen they saw while on these various missions.
While she was okay with fighting the other Widows’, it was hard for Natasha to fight you. At the time, she brushed it off as not wanting to hurt a kid, but she knew that she was taking a liking to you.
Which was why, when Yelena managed to free you, and you told them that you had nowhere to go, Natasha felt the need to do something about it. Unlike the other Widows’ who were adults, you couldn’t go out into the world alone and, after talking with Yelena, Natasha decided to take you along with her.
It wasn’t adoption per say, at least at first, but it was close enough.
You jumped at the opportunity to tag along with Natasha and while Yelena continued the Widows’ mission, Natasha took you back to Melina’s house., where you met Melina and Alexei.
You were wary around them at first, clinging to Natasha, but you warmed up.
However, it wasn’t long before Natasha had to go on the run again. She offered you the chance to stay there with Melina and Alexei but you had grown very close to Natasha and wanted to come with her.
So, you did.
It was difficult, escaping authority and having to constantly be moving, but it in a way it strengthened yours and Natasha’s bond. You guys got closer and learned to work together — as fighting partners as well as mother/daughter.
Which was why, not having known your biological parents or where they were, the word ‘mom’ easily fell off her lips.
It happened when you guys were eating take-out in your latest house. Natasha had passed you the water pitcher and “thanks, mom” just came so naturally.
For a second, you didn’t realize what you had said, until you looked up to see Natasha staring at you with wide eyes.
Then, it hit you. Holy shit my god. Had you just said that?? What just happened?
You got scared that Natasha would react badly, but it was the opposite. A huge grin broke out on her face and even happy tears of pure joy.
When you asked her what was going on, she said: “I’ve never been a mother.”
That’s when you smiled and hugged her and you officially agreed on becoming mother and daughter.
Natasha was worried on being a mother at first, scared that she messed it up, but after reassurance from Melina via a phone call, she fell into the role naturally.
She became much more protective.
Not that you minded.
This went on until the Avengers called upon Natasha to fight Thanos.
She brought you along with her and the team was thoroughly stunned.
“wHO ArE yOU???”
Yeah, it was chaotic.
You weren’t fazed though and quickly befriended Wanda and attempted to befriend Vision.
Steve and Sam also became like uncles.
Tony was a bit more difficult because you initially blamed him for you and Natasha on the run, so you were distant at first.
You were also kinda disappointed that Clint wasn’t there. You had wanted to meet him (and Natasha wanted you to meet him) after the stories you heard.
Nonetheless, you went to Wakanda and that’s where you met Bucky. It wasn’t long before he became another uncle.
You absolutely loved fighting alongside Okoye and meeting Shuri. You were fascinated by her technology.
You also kicked ass on the battlefield.
But then . . . You lost.
You watched Bucky disappear and even though you hadn’t known him for nearly as long as Natasha and Steve did, you still felt great pain.
Then you learned to that Sam and Wanda had gotten snapped and it got worse.
The days leading after were some of the most difficult days ever.
It was the first time you had to be strong for your mom, seeing as she had lost her friends too, and you panicked at first.
But you had been her daughter for awhile now and you knew what to do. You hugged Natasha and was there for her.
In the months coming, you helped the reminding heroes rebuild the world and you eventually joined the Avengers under your mother’s lead.
You also met Clint but it wasn’t a happy meeting, really, since he had lost his family.
You continued on as an Avenger with Natasha by your side. You met Carol and she was like an aunt and was amazing.
Things started to turn on the bright side when one day Natasha walked in with a genuine smile and held papers.
You could only guess what they were for at first, but quickly was shown and freaked out (a happy freak out) after.
Adoption papers.
You jumped and yelled and screamed and cheered, unbelievably happy that this was becoming official official.
You were Natasha’s daughter.
While the past few years had been difficult, this made it all worth it. You didn’t know where you’d be without Natasha and she was always with you.
Eventually, the team had a plan to defeat Thanos.
Which felt liked a miracle.
Natasha lives because I say so.
You and her got to tag-team Thanos’ enemies.
Literally the best team since Clint and Nat.
(Clint was jealous)
Then, you got everyone back!
You were SO happy to see Bucky, Sam, and Wanda again, and so was Natasha.
After you all reunited and the world went back to semi-normal, you and Natasha visited Yelena, Alexei, and Melina who were beyond happy to see you both.
Things started to turn up again and you were so grateful to have Nat at your side.
She was the best mom EVER.
Always looking out for you and protecting you
If any of the other Avengers made the slightest of snide comments, she was on them like a bloodhound
She always reminded you to hydrate and was always asking you how you were doing
It was hard to believe that she hadn’t had any experience with children before
Well, she had, with Clint’s kids, but still
Speaking of Clint’s kids, they all looked to you like an older cousin
But getting back to Natasha
She insisted that only she would train with you, not trusting the team to not injure you (besides, she knew you best)
You loved training with Natasha too
She always made it fun, putting on music and stuff
It helped you had similar music tastes
She also would always gush to anyone but really Clint, Sam, or Bucky on how cute and adorable you were
And they definitely agreed
One time during movie night you fell asleep with your head on Nat’s shoulder
She was so happy
Made Bucky take a picture
But she did feel a little bad because you must be tired
So she carried you to your room and put you to bed, kissing you goodnight
You had missed out on a childhood so it was nice for your mom to bring you to bed
All in all Natasha was the best thing to happen to you
Despite it being tough, you were thankful for every second of it
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things @ycfwmalise14 @unexpected-character  (could not tag)
MCU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @okkulta @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @caseyfish @sarahp-stan @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @xtraordinaryfangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @username23345 @ima-gi--na-tion @yori-nakajima @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mads-weasley @tenaciousperfectionunknown @afraid-to-be-me @lilclownx @acertainredhead @natromanoffxox @lilymurphy03 @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumekoi  @mjaudrey @un-name-d
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amxranthiine · 3 years
(n.) the kind of beauty that is more than skin deep.
request:  Can I ask for platonic Thranduil with sister in law reader, reader is Legola's aunt and she saved Legolas' mother from dying but ended up paralyzed from waist down, needing to be on a wheelchair (let's pretend they have wheelchairs), and Thranduil is very grateful and helps reader a lot with things?
pronouns: she/her
a/n: like six months late but ITS FINE
warnings: ANGST n fluff. mentions of death and orc attacks. nightmares.
“Nana? Nana! Wake up, nana, please! You have to wake up!” A little Legolas screams as he watches his mother and aunt’s bodies be carried in by his father’s guard. His mother was pale and lifeless - cold hands and dark eyes, staring back into his own blue orbs as he shook her body. Though, he felt no love from her stare. Nothing about her was the same, her soul had already been lifted from her fragile body.
Next to her lay his aunt, Y/n, his mother’s sister. She was alive but unresponsive, blood was leaving her body faster and faster each second, pooling beneath her like a crimson ball gown. From behind Legolas, his father, Thranduil, was quickly approaching the scene. Loud orders from him to his guards could likely be heard throughout the palace. One would be a fool to miss the fear, desperation and anger laced in his voice.
Y/n stirred from the commotion, her eyes burning and her body flaring in pain as she tried to become responsive once again. She could feel every centimeter of her wound, the sword that stabbed her was likely poisoned - and it embedded it’s way into her spinal cord. She could feel her life force being drained, the light becoming far too close for her liking. Even if she lived, she knew nothing would be the same - with her body and with her family. She had been too late to save her dearest sister, and that thought alone was almost enough to make her give up. However, her little sister left her a nephew and a brother, both of which would need guidance recovering from her sister’s death.
“My King Thranduil -” Started the Captain, though he was soon hushed by the horrified Elf. Thranduil was terribly shaken up, his hair was messy and his robes wrinkled, likely from the speed at which he was running.
Thranduil looked at his beloved Wife and sister in law, and he felt his blood run cold. There was - there was so much blood. His wife was nearly blue and unconscious, was she... No, he wasn’t think like that. He looked over to Y/n, where she was struggling to open her eyes, and groaning from the giant hole in her back. He could feel the tears in his eyes, and he knew deep down that his son no longer had a mother.
Y/n heard her brother in law approaching, and even though she was on the verge of death, she felt as though she had to be the one to break the news. “Thranduil?” She croaked, her throat dry and her lips cracked.
The King rushed to her, grabbing a waterskin in the process and lifting it to her lips. She coughed as she drank down as much as she could. “Y/n...”
She ignored the burning in her eyes and looked up at him, and suddenly, she wanted to cry. She didn’t have that much time left, and she had so much to say. Y/n attempted to take a deep breath, then said her last words.
“I’m so sorry, Thranduil. I - I couldn’t save her - I tried so, so - hard. Please, tell Lego - Legolas we loved him.” She used the last of her energy to say those words, and soon, her eyes slipped shut.
“No! Y/n! You can’t leave me! You can’t leave us! Legolas will need guidance. I will need guidance! Legolas just lost his mother, he can’t lose you too!”
The weight of losing both the love of his life and his sister crashed down on him, and he fell to the ground with a heartbroken scream. A tiny body forced itself into his lap as his son wept along with him, not knowing if he’d ever see his mother or aunt again. Thranduil’s arms wrapped themselves around Legolas as he rocked back and forth on the floor, weeping and crying out to the Valar, cursing them and asking to spare them.
Thranduil gasped for breath as he jumped awake, beads of sweat rolled down his face as he regained consciousness, the nightmare - no - memory he had tried so hard to forget was now engraved into his head once again. He felt the urge to go check on his, now paralyzed, sister in law. Her wounds from that awful day were fatal, but somehow she pushed through the worst of it.
Though, not without consequence. Apparently the blade had all but destroyed her spinal cord, and because of it she was paralyzed from the waist down. The healers told him that it was a miracle she was still alive.
He got out of bed and put on a velvet robe, ignoring the chill in his bones from the cold air. He quietly tiptoed to her room, trying to ignore the feeling of dread, likely the product of his nightmarish memory.
Soon enough, as it was right down the hall, he arrived at his sister's chambers and, as quietly as he could, opened the door. His heart dropped when he saw that she wasn't there, and her wheelchair was nowhere to be found.
Thranduil panicked, his mind buzzing for any clue as to where she could be. The kitchens? No, she has trouble reaching the cabinets, and the accident made it even harder for her to see. Legolas' chambers? Hard no. She could be quite clumsy and can't be quiet to save her life. Literally.
He was starting to panic. What if she was kidnapped? His dearest sister in law, kidnapped by the very creatures who paralyzed her in the first place? It seemed realistic. At least, it did to Thranduil - who was losing his mind from worry. Though the only way they could get into the palace was through the-
Of course! The Royal Gardens!
In his state of worry, Thranduil had conpletely forgotten that Y/n liked to go to the gardens when she was having a hard time, because it was one of the only places that reminded her of her sister, the place where they had the most memories.
He took off towards the Gardens, not really caring about it being in the middle of the night as Elves were light on their feet anyway. In moments he was standing before her, nodding at the guards who took place at the Garden entrance.
Y/n was laying on the grass, her wheelchair was forgotten next to her, and she was playing with an orchid she had plucked, twirling it between her fingers carefully. Thranduil's heart throbbed as he realized that orchids were his wife's favorite flower, and that Y/n was missing her as much as he did. If not more, the sisterly bond between them was something he had never seen before.
He cleared his throat, alerting the woman if his presence. Her head turned slightly to the left as a way to acknowledge him.
"You scared me, Y/n. I couldn't find you, so I assumed the worst." He muttered quietly and sat down next to her.
She chuckled, "You've known me for how long and you still don't know that I tend to... gravitate here?"
The King sighed, he had always known that she used jokes as a coping mechanism, a way to escape her reality. "Yes, yes, I know. I just... I was worried," He frowned, taking the delicate flower from between her fingers. She paused, and he could practically see the gears grinding in her head out of his peripheral vision.
"You're having nightmares again, aren't you?" She asked, and he could feel her eyes burn into his head.
"They aren't just nightmares, Y/n," He twirled the flower absentmindedly, "they're memories."
This time, it was her who sighed, "Of that day?" She questioned, already knowing the answer, but his nod only confirmed it.
"I miss her," Y/n said, looking up at the night sky. Thranduil went to say something, but she held one finger up. "Let me finish. Sometimes I wish it were me who died, instead of her. She had you and Legolas to come home to, and I didn't really have anyone. Yes, I had family here, you and my nephew for example, but my sister was your wife and his mother, and the queen for crying out loud. Why am I saying this? I honestly have no clue. I suppose my point is... After the accident, I was overwhelmed in guilt and sadness. I didn't really focus on the fact that I was alive because of you. You and Legolas have taken care of me since day one and I can't remember if I've thanked you for that. So... Thank you. For helping heal my mind, and my body, even if their isn't much left of it. I am eternally grateful for you, brother."
Thranduil stared at her, and Y/n sniffled. At some point along the way she had started crying, and he felt like he was going to as well. He pulled his sister into his arms and held her tight as she cried, holding onto one of the last pieces of family he had left with an iron grip.
"You do not have to thank me, sister. You are family and you will be treated as such, even during hardships such as that one. If anything, I should thank you for being there for both Legolas and I while we were grieving, even if you weren't in the best state yourself."
Y/n giggled, much to Thranduil's delight. The sound had pulled a small smile onto his face and they both relished in the quiet for a moment.
Finally, Y/n pulled away, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her robe. "Alright, my King, help me up."
Thranduil laughed, a very merry sound, and helped her into her wheelchair. "As you wish, my Lady."
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - The One Where You Punch Tony Stark - Part II
Part 1 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Read on AO3 (Complete Work)
Thanks to @gingerbreadcookieforlife for letting me know i did not upload the entire work here.
Summary:  When the rumors that you punched Tony Stark in the face spread around your school, some interesting events unfolded. Or enemies to Lovers in high School.
Warnings: 18+; Enemies to Lovers;  Angry Sex; Underage Sex; High School AU;  Violence; Fights;  Inappropriate language; Fluff and Smut; minor mentions of Reader x Carol and Reader x Jessica Jones.
Notes: This work was already finished on AO3, but i forgot to continue this on Tumblr. I hope everyone who thought that was a one shot, enjoy the rest of it.
Sometimes is just a kiss
The news that Steve Rogers and Tony Stark kissed behind the bleachers spread quickly through the school. And it was only 10 o'clock on a Monday morning.
You had no idea who had spread the rumor around the campus, but knowing your luck, you were just waiting for the bomb to drop in your lap.
Besides, you hadn't spoken to Wanda since you gave her an orgasm against the walls of a locker room. You saw her briefly in the hallway between history and biology class, but she looked away quickly, and you rolled your eyes without patience.
It had been good sex, and you repeated that it was just that. Sex. That it shouldn't have happened, mainly because you were incompatible, and there were too many social barriers between you.
You should have known that Wanda would not break the expectations they had of her, to stay as someone as broken as you.
Closing the locker with more force than necessary, you walked out toward the history room.
Taking your place in the last chair by the window, you sit down as you wait for the class to begin. You have about five minutes of peace before an angry Tony Stark enters the room and walks toward you pointing his finger in your face in a threatening manner.
- I told you to mind your own business.
- What have I done to deserve this, Lord. - You grumble without patience, ignoring Stark completely. He lets out an angry exclamation and punches the table, making you jump with surprise.
- You'll pay for this, bitch. I'm going to-
You cut off his speech by pulling his hair and forcing his head against the table in a blow that makes a loud noise. He staggers back, shocked that he has been hit again. The room erupts in a hubbub and someone holds Tony back to stop him from jumping on you.
You stand up, gathering your notebooks, seeing that the history teacher was already signaling for you to talk to the counselor.
- You never learn, Stark. - You sneer, taking one last look at the boy's bloody nose before you leave the room, most of your classmates laughing.
- I'm so angry with you right now. - said your mother as soon as you both left the school. You didn't respond, walking with your hands in your pockets to the car. She started mumbling to herself, and only when you had been in the car a few minutes did she speak to you again.
- And the worst of it is that you hit my boss's son!
You let out a wry laugh as you looked out the car window at the view.
- I doubt very much that Howard Stark knows any of his employees, Mother.
- It doesn't matter. - she retorted, turning the wheel. You watched the landscape change as you turned the corner.
- At least I didn't get expelled. - You commented, your mother let out a wry laugh.
- Suspension is not a good thing! - she replies in an irritated tone. - And I even had to miss my shift to come get you. I honestly didn't raise you for that.
- That's the point, isn't it? - You retorted angrily, finally turning to face your mother.  - Did you ever raise me? Last time I checked, I've been raising myself for a long time.
Your mother assumes a disapproving expression, denying it with her head. You throw yourself back on the seat with your arms crossed.
- You've always been so unfair, you know. - She begins. - Who's picking you up from school now, huh? And who puts a roof over your head? Food on your plate? You raised yourself, that's a joke.
She grumbles again, but you just ignore it, shutting yourself off from your surroundings.
You barely register when the car pulls up in front of your house, startled when your mother slams the car door as you get out. You take off your seat belt, and step out.
- You are grounded, three months. - she says, and you just nod. It's not as if she was present enough to know where you were going anyway. - And you are going to help your aunt in the store while you are suspended.
You let out a protesting grunt.
- Really, there's nothing worse for me to do? - You ask, throwing yourself on the sofa in the living room, your mother giggles.
- Weren't you the one who was thinking that suspension is better than expulsion? Well, you're not going to be sitting around this week. - She said as she left her purse on the kitchen table, and walked towards the small office table in the corner of the room. - Now go to your room, I'm working from home today.
You roll your eyes, getting up. Dragging your feet to your room, you slam the door as you enter, throwing yourself against your bed.
You hope Tony Stark's nose is hurting.
You are very surprised to see Natasha Romanoff enter your aunt's mercenary, shortly after school hours. She smiles at you with amusement, walking over to the counter.
- Wow, interesting look. - She jokes, commenting on the blue uniform combined with a sailor's hat that your aunt makes her three employees wear. You laugh at Nat.
- How can I help you, ma'am? - You asked in an amused tone, she leaned her arms on the counter.
- I'm looking for a fighting dog. Do you sell these here?
You laugh at the insinuation. And then a customer enters the store, Nat moves aside for you to attend to a lady buying tomato sauce and noodles, and then as you check out, she speaks again.
- You caused a fuss at school with your fight. - She remarks, and you just grumble, counting the money. - By the way, how did you find out about Rogers and Stark's secret affair?
You shrug, smiling. - I saw them kissing the night of the game. Stark freaked out, by the way, typical.
Nat laughed, and began to look around the store. - It is nice here. I didn't know you worked.
- It's my aunt's. - You say, finally finishing counting the money in the cash register. - And I worked at the junkyard on Avenue Two until last year.
- Aren't you going to tell me that you were fired for fighting? - Nat teased, making you laugh.
- No, I asked to quit. - So you say. - I wanted a quiet senior year.
Nat nods, and walks around the store, stopping at the magazine section. You see three more customers before she returns.
- I have to get home before my mother freaks out. - She announced as soon as she reached the counter. You nodded. - But I want to know if you want to do something with me?
- I thought you had a boyfriend. - You joked, and Nat rolled her eyes humorously.
- Don't be a smartass.
You laugh.
- I will be helping out in the store during this week. - You say. - Because of the suspension. I leave at seven.
Nat nodded, assuming a contemplative expression for a moment.
- Do you know where Avengers' Bar is? Three blocks past the municipal hospital?
You nod, smiling.
- Sure, Nat. - You say. - I've already driven past it.
- Why haven't you ever gone inside? I'm always there.
- I wasn't in that area to drink. - You remark with a suggestive smile, and Nat just laughs and rolls her eyes.
- Well, I'll be there on Wednesday. Some colleagues from State are playing there. - She says, and writes down a phone number on one of the papers on the counter. - Text me if you're going to show up.
- Are you sure it's not a date? - You joke and Nat just winks at you before you leave. You keep her number in your uniform pocket.
Even from outside, you could hear the music from the bar muffled against the windows.
Avengers's Bar was a popular place in town, but only for a certain kind of people. Mainly frequented by punks, bikers, and artists, it was exactly the kind of place you liked but should avoid. With its history of fights, it wasn't exactly the kind of place you went to anymore.
A dark-haired girl in metal-working attire smiled at you from the doorway, looking at you mischievously as you walked through the door. You just nodded slightly.
Inside, you looked around for Natasha and her friends, but with the amount of people in the bar, it wasn't so easy to find them.
- Y/N! - shouted Thor when he spotted you in the crowd. You smiled, walking over to where he was standing. - We're on the top floor, Nat got a table. Come on, I just came to get some drinks.
You followed him to the bar, and helped him carry the drinks for the others. You didn't recognize any of the drinks they were making there, so you decided to just drink from everyone's glass, which made Thor laugh.
- Look who I found. - announced Thor as soon as you two arrived at the table. The group smiled when they saw you, and you greeted everyone with a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to Nat.
- We heard that you were suspended. - commented Clint, but he seemed almost proud. You shrugged awkwardly.
- She wasn't content to just punch Stark, she also slammed the bastard's head against the table! - Said Natasha excitedly, and the group laughed. You laughed half embarrassed, as you took a sip of the pink drink Nat had ordered.
They started talking about some scandal that happened at the federal school, and you did your best to react to it, not really knowing who the people they were talking about were. And then Valkyrie let out an exclamation, as if she had spotted someone, and stood up. A very pretty girl approached, smiling and hugging Valkyrie.
- I'm glad you could make it, Carol. - Valkyrie said the girl who waved to everyone. When you looked closely, you finally recognized her. Carol Danvers was an ex-student of your high school, having graduated last year. She used to be very popular, and you noticed the military silver necklace around her neck.
Carol sat down next to Valkyrie, and the two of them seemed so close that you thought maybe they were dating.
When the show started, everyone exclaimed with excitement, quickly getting up and walking to the stage area. You smiled as Nat dragged you by the hand, liking the feeling of having friends.
The band was surprisingly good, and you danced with excitement, feeling the alcohol make you lively and loose. You were surprised when Carol began to dance with you, her hands on your waist.
She was very attractive, so you didn't mind her kissing you. And you pushed away the feeling that she wasn't the person you wanted. When she pulled you into the bathroom, her hands roaming over you as she tugged off your clothes, you ignored every part of your body screaming that this was wrong. When she made you cum, you bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming Wanda's name.
Your suspension was finally over, and you gave the key to the store back to your aunt before you went to school.
You tried not to think about it too much, about how many college opportunities you had missed with that stain on your record. But if you were honest, you didn't even know if you wanted to go to college anymore. Every day the possibility of buying a motorcycle and traveling aimlessly getting closer to your real calling.
Many people stared at you when you arrived at school. The vast majority didn't even bother to look away. You rolled your eyes impatiently, reaching into your jacket pockets as you walked through the main doors.
You were slightly startled when Jessica Jones approached you in your locker, but you smiled awkwardly, taking off your headphones.
- Girl, you are a legend! - she said excitedly, pushing you lightly by the shoulders against the lockers. She stood close, and you thought maybe that was flirting. - By the way, I didn't have your number to text you.
She took a pen from her bag, and grabbed your hand, writing down her own number while flashing you a mischievous smile.
- Text me, let's do something this week. - She says as she lets go of your hand. You blink slightly, and nod, a little awkwardly. Jessica doesn't seem to notice, and smiles, leaving afterwards.
You hear a whistle, and Nat looks at you with curiosity.
- You are stealing hearts, huh. - She teases, and you feel your face heat up, still surprised by the whole interaction. - By the way, are you and Carol on a real thing?
- What? - you ask in surprise. - No, I don't think so. It was just sex in a concert restroom, Natasha. I don't think she even knew my name. - You remark as you turn toward the redhead. She laughs, finishing putting her books away.
- Actually she asked me for your number. - She says, and you look at her in surprise. - But then I see you with Jones, and I have to admit, it's a tough choice. - Nat teases, making you laugh. You start walking down the hall together, walking towards the classrooms. You think Nat has said something about the show, but your attention is elsewhere. As you walk past Wanda and Peter Maximoff, everything seems to slow down, you notice the slight flush on Wanda's cheeks when her gaze meets yours, and you both hold your breath as you walk past each other. But the next second everything is as it was before, and you sigh, focusing your attention on Nat.
When you arrive in the literature room, you are happy to know that Nat sits next to you.
You hate the cafeterias. So when Nat invites you to join her at the outside tables you think it's the best lunch you have ever had.
The outside courtyard is relatively less crowded than the other places in the school, and you are in the middle of a discussion about the new TV series that launched over the weekend, when Nat signals to something behind you.
Coming out of the school, and heading towards the table where you were standing, was Sharon Carter, accompanied by her pet friend, Pepper Potts. And you really thought you could have a quiet lunch.
- To what do I owe the honor, Carter? - you asked ironically as they reached your table.
- You stay away from my boyfriend. - She spoke in a serious tone, and before you could say anything, she tipped the glass of soda she held over your head.
You felt your whole body boil with irritation and you stood up abruptly, seeing red. But Natasha tugged on your forearm, whispering something about your suspension. Sharon and Pepper seemed to be slightly startled by your posture, but they let out a wry chuckle and went back inside the school.
You tugged on Nat's arm, then left the courtyard and headed for the changing rooms. You needed a cold shower to calm yourself down, or you would do something that would surely cause your expulsion.
Since the athletic games period had not yet started, the gym locker room was empty. You sighed with relief as you found your spare change of clothes in your locker.
Walking toward the bathroom stalls, you quickly undressed, and stepped into the shower, letting the cold water wash all the soda and anger from your body.
Leaning your head against the wall, you let out a sigh, thinking about all the shit that was going on in your life in less than two weeks. And then your mind went back to Wanda, and you let out a breathless groan, laughing humorlessly. The cold water didn't help to chill the new heat that settled under your stomach. You turned off the shower, then stepped out to put on your clothes.
On your way out of the locker room, you saw something you would rather not have seen. The universe seemed to be testing your anger today.
Wanda was being pressed against the wall of the indoor bleachers, which at that time was empty and perfect for those who wanted to make out in a secluded spot. It was a tall boy, but you couldn't see his face, which was buried in Wanda's neck, kissing her. And then she opened her eyes, and looked straight at you. You saw him pull down his pants and enter her, and she moaned with her mouth ajar, without taking her eyes off you. She had a gleam in her eyes that made your whole body tremble.
You gripped the strap of your purse tightly, controlling the impulse to go over and beat the boy until he passed out, and spun on your feet, walking out the back door.
Fucking day, you thought as you walked back to school.
Eventually, you thanked Nat for keeping you from hitting Sharon. She shrugged, saying that she didn't want you to be expelled now that you were becoming friends, and you tried not to be too happy about it.
On Wednesday, Carol Danvers showed up at the door of the school on a motorcycle. This is sure to be a long-lasting gossip, you thought as you and Nat greeted her on the way out. Several students looked at you, many of them impressed by Carol's motorcycle, others impressed to see her back at school, but the vast majority trying to ask how you knew her.
- What's up, Danvers? - You say to her with a slight nod. Carol looks at you as if she wants to undress you right there, but you have your gaze on her motorcycle, attentive to the details of the vehicle.
- Hey, pretty girl. - She answers while leaning against the vehicle.
- Jesus, you are not even seeing me. - Nat teases and Carol just laughs, giving her a kiss on the cheek. - Tell me, what brings you back to your beloved school?
- I came to say hello. - says Carol. - And to invite you both to a concert on Saturday.
- And you didn't text me because you missed me. - Nat rebuts in a provocative tone, Carol smiles, and then looks at you, before confirming. You don't really know what to say.
- If the music is good, I'm in. - You joke and Nat agrees. Carol takes two tickets out of her pocket and hands them to you.
- I'll pick you up, okay? - She offers it to you. You think about refusing, without really knowing why. But you nod in agreement before you can think about it too much.
- Okay, lovebirds. I'll leave you two alone because I'm starting to get the urge to puke. - Nat jokes one last time, before heading out toward the parking lot. You imagine that she will use the break time to smoke a bit.
You shift your weight between your feet before turning your gaze back to Carol.
- I was surprised to hear that you asked Nat for my number. - You comment, and Carol smiles.
- I like to talk to pretty girls. - She says, and you roll your eyes humorously at the flirtation. She laughs, biting her lips, and you allow her to rest her hands on your waist, perhaps too low.
- Are you looking for something serious, Danvers? - you ask with a slight irony. Carol looks at you in mild surprise.
- You don't think it has anything to do with me, do you?
- Sorry, the motorcycle and the leather jacket gave you away. - You respond humorously. - I get it, because it's my game.
Carol laughs.
- I'm enjoying our time together. - she confesses. - But I'll be back at the station in a few weeks. I can't make any promises.
You nod, without really being bothered by it. Carol is not the one you wanted to be with. And to push those thoughts away, you kiss her. She smiles, deepening the kiss slightly. You think she squeezed your ass, but you're not really paying attention.
And then you break apart, and she smiles at you.
- I'll see you Saturday, right? - she asks, and you nod, letting her kiss you one last time.
When she finally starts the motorcycle and drives away, you notice the mischievous and suggestive looks you receive.
And you try not to let your anger peak, but then you notice Stark's group in the corner of the school, laughing openly. You'll need to walk past them to get inside, and you really hope that none of them will test your patience.
- Hey weirdo, who was your girlfriend? - shouts Tony Stark. You know, you really think maybe he is brain damaged. His friends laugh at the joke, and you think you will ignore it, but then he shouts again. - I'm talking to you, dyke!
He throws something at you, missing you by inches. You watch the red liquid run down in front of your feet.
You think, this is it. This is how I'm going to get expelled. By sticking a straw in Tony Stark's eye. You wondered if prison life was worth it.
But then the laughter died down in the next second, and you watched Tony turn pale.
- Mr. Stark, please come with me. - A male voice sounded behind you. The school principal was a scary man, and he was hardly ever seen outside his classroom. He never witnessed his students' conflicts, and Fury never bothered him with such matters. Tony's paleness was understandable.
- P-Professor Thanos, I don't...
- Now. - says the man finally, and Tony stiffens his jaw as he follows him. He gave you an angry look before leaving.
The buzz started as soon as they entered the school, but you didn't really pay attention to anyone. Ignoring the middle finger Steve Rogers threw at you, you went back inside the school.
Tony Stark was punished with detention. You rolled your eyes when the rumor reached you. They had also said that his father refused to pick him up and that the driver was the one who talked to Fury. You would have sympathy for Stark if he wasn't a complete imbecile.
You had chemistry again, and you really weren't in the mood to see Wanda, but you had no choice.
And then Professor Agatha was feeling particularly inspired today, and decided to switch lab partners. You ended up on the same bench as Darcy Lewis and Pietro Maximoff, you being the only trio due to the odd number of students. You sighed against your bad luck.
The experiment that Mrs. Harkness performed was not difficult, but it could be dangerous if you didn't pay attention. So you just listened to Darcy's instructions, and everything was working out fine. Then Pietro Maximoff decided that his attention was better placed on a girl sitting behind him, and started flirting. Darcy rolled her eyes, smiling at you.
In the blink of an eye, you heard a scream of pain. Pietro had forgotten the limits of the counter itself, and stretching his arms most likely to impress the girl behind you, he slammed his hand against the chemical glass jar behind him. Darcy stepped back to avoid being hit, but you were quick to help Pietro, pulling his arm into the sink on the counter, turning on the faucet as you hurried to get as much of the acidic liquid off his skin as possible.
Pietro sighed with relief, probably feeling the pain disappear as you rubbed the soap into his skin. He was extremely surprised, as was the rest of the room.
- Very efficient reaction, Miss Y/L/N. - commented Ms. Harkness as she approached you, holding a cloth to dry Pietro. - I'll add an extra point to your average for that. Mr. Maximoff, please go to the infirmary.
Pietro wrapped the cloth around his injured hand, and looked at you with a mixture of hesitation and confusion in his eyes, but he nodded in thanks.
Harkness asked someone to call the janitor to clean up the shards, and then continued the class. You found it hard to concentrate when you noticed Wanda's gaze on you.
Jessica Jones kisses you against the wall of the second floor locker room.
You exchanged a few messages, mostly innocent jokes. And then Jessica said she had something amazing to show you, and when you met her after third period, in the not-so-isolated locker room, she pushed you up against the wall and kissed you on the mouth.
Jessica tasted like coke and something sweet, and she likes to bite.You had to remind yourself that you were kissing someone while you were doing it, not feeling connected to her really.
And then two girls came into the bathroom giggling and she let you go.
- Sorry for the scare. - She joked, her lips swollen. You shrugged, smiling slightly.
- What inspired you to do this? - you teased, putting your hands on her waist.
- You of course. Punching assholes and saving people. It's hot. - She says and then she checks her cell phone. - Damn, I have chemistry now. I can't be late.
She steals a kiss from you and quickly leaves. You blink, not really understanding what has happened.
As you go downstairs, you realize that the cheerleading squad is coming out of the locker room, and Sharon and Potts give you a death stare as you walk past them. And then, as you pass through the door to the women's dressing room, you hesitate. All your logic tells you to go on your way, but then your feet are turning and you walk into the dressing room, looking around.
You let out a sigh as you find who you were looking for. Wanda is changing clothes, wearing only her cheer skirt, and a bra. Your intimacy pulsates with the image. Wanda lets out a surprised exclamation at seeing you there, but then she lets out a mischievous smile, and continues undressing.
Slowly, she lets the skirt slide down her thighs. You bite your lower lip hard as it falls to the floor.
And then two other cheerleaders come out of one of the aisles behind you, and the giggles die down when they see you. One of the girls turns to Wanda:
- Is this girl bothering you, Wandy? - she asks in a honeyed voice.
- And what are you, a watchdog? - You retort before Wanda can answer. The girl gives you a death glare. - Mind your own business, nosy.
The other girl approaches you, looking at you with disdain. - We don't like street trash here. Why don't you go back to your junkyard?
You swallowed dryly, trying to control your anger. The smaller girl giggled, and you looked at Wanda, who looked in shock, before you stormed out of the dressing room slamming the door.
You knew you shouldn't do that, but your feet dragged you out into the field of trailers.
You walked a long way until you arrived. And when you entered the courtyards, many of the residents looked at you with a frown. But you ignore them, as you walk between the houses. You knock hard on the door of one of the trailers farthest away. It takes a moment before a tall, muscular boy answers it.
He lets out a wry laugh when he sees you.
- Visiting old friends? - He teases, you don't smile.
- I need to break something, Erik. - You say simply, and he sighs. And then he closes the door, and you walk together in the opposite direction, out of the trailer park.
You have known Erik Killmonger since kindergarten. His life wasn't exactly the easiest. You used to hang out together in high school, but then Erik started getting into a lot of fights, and it was rumored that he joined a gang. He didn't tell you anything, and when you asked, he told you to mind your own business. And then, in the second year, he was expelled for breaking the jaw of Johann Schmidt, one of the seniors at the school. You remember never seeing Erik so angry. But you never knew the reason for the fight. And then he drifted away, and even though you missed him, you didn't push him.
- Here it is. - Erik said as you reached an abandoned area a few feet beyond the trailers. He handed you a wooden stick, and you took a deep breath before you started smashing through the abandoned objects there, most of them junk.
- Fuck that fucking school. - You shouted as you hit a bottle, the glass splattering through the air. Erik just stood at a safe distance, his hands in his pockets. - Fuck Tony Stark. - You shouted, a wooden box shattering with the blow of your bat. And then you noticed a tall dead tree trunk a few yards away, and you stepped forward, aggressively slamming your bat several times against the tree. - Fuck Wanda Maximoff. - And the staff shattered with the force of your blow. You let out a sigh, throwing the object to the ground, as you sat down down on the grass.
Erik walked over to you, and he said nothing about the tears streaming down your face.
- Do you want to talk about it? - he asked as he sat down beside you. You nodded in denial.
- I want you to tell me something about yourself. - You said, wiping your face.
- Um, let me think. - He says, putting his arms behind him and leaning back, he looks relaxed. - My mother is in town.
You turn your head to him in surprise. He smiles.
- Yes, I know, that's nice. - He comments. - But I won't get my hopes up. She could leave at any moment.
- I hope she stays. - You say.
- So do I.
You stand there in silence for a moment, then Erik stands up, then offers his hand to help you stand. You sigh and accept.
- Let's get something to eat, you're paying. - He says, causing you to smile ironically.
You end up at one of the dinner stands across the main road from the trailer park. You buy Erik a hamburger and fries, but you decide to just have a milkshake.
- This is all about a girl, isn't it? - he asks after a while, and you almost deny it. But you just shrug your shoulders in agreement, taking a sip of your milkshake. - Is it someone I know?
- Maybe. - you say, and Erik frowns humorously. He eats some chips, assuming a thoughtful expression.
- That's hard, I've never seen you paying attention to anyone at school. - he says. - What about that redheaded girl in the locker next to yours?
You laugh and nod your head in denial. Erik smiles, thinking again.
- What about that girl in your chemistry class? The one you said was smart?
- Darcy? - You ask and he confirms, you just smile. - No, I wish. Darcy would be less complicated.
Erik laughs, and then pushes the rest of the potatoes to you.
- Why don't you just tell me? - he asks, but his tone is not accusatory, just provocative.
- Because I don't want to admit it. - You confess, accepting the potatoes. It takes a moment, and then you speak. - I think I'm falling in love with Wanda Maximoff.
You don't look at Erik, fearing his reaction. But then he lets out a sigh, and drags his hand across the table, offering it to you. You accept, and he holds your hand warmly.
- You, my friend, are totally screwed. - He teases, making you laugh. - But keep calm. Passions go away as fast as they come.
You nod, squeezing his hand before letting go. You eat in silence, and you can't help but think how much you missed him.
Debates test your patience. And as if that weren't irritating enough, you still share this class with Wanda.
You don't look at her when you enter the room, but you feel her gaze on you. Throwing yourself on the last chair in the room, you stand with your headphones on and sink your head into your arms on the desk, wishing for the school year to end soon.
When Professor Hill enters the room, you are surprised that one of your classmates nudges you to warn you, and you smile in appreciation as you straighten your posture and put your cell phone away.
- I hope you have read the book I asked for, children. - She announces as she puts her bag on the table, and walks to the front of the cabinet, leaning against the wood as she looks around the room. - We will discuss it in class today.
The room lets out a chorus of displeasure, but the teacher lets out a chuckle. Her debates were famous for ending up in heated discussions, plus they made up about fifty percent of the grade. If you didn't say anything, you had to write a report of the discussions.
The teacher took a copy of the book from her purse, and held it with both hands.
- "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man, possessing a good fortune, must be in need of a wife." - She read, walking around the room.  - Who can tell me what the line implies about women?
- It's the old-fashioned way of saying that women prefer rich guys. - Steve Rogers sneered, drawing giggles from his teammates in the room. Mrs. Hill, however, just sighed with disappointment.
- No, Mr. Rogers. - she said, cutting off the laughter immediately. - If you have no intention of participating seriously in the debate, I suggest you remain silent.
Steve let out a lame laugh, shrugged, and whispered something to his tablemate. You rolled your eyes impatiently, resting your face in your hand. And then you watched Wanda Maximoff raise her arm up.
- Yes, Wanda? - nodded Mrs. Hill waiting for the answer.
- I think it's about a reaffirmation of the status of the man. As if the woman is a trophy to prove his status and position. - She says. - It objectifies women completely.
You blinked, slightly impressed. Wanda was always smart, after all. But then the boys in class giggled, and the redhead seemed to shrug her shoulders. Professor Hill, however, smiled at her.
- Interesting position, Miss Maximoff. - she said, and walked back around the room. - Let's talk a little about the main romance of the book. - She says, and looks reproachfully quickly at two boys who are whispering, and they fall silent. - I'd like to know what you think about Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship, and how we can bring the book's issues into our current society. Do you believe that the same prejudices are faced today?
The room explodes into excitement, and you feel like going home. Mrs. Hill looks around, and waves to calm the students.
- Please, class. Raise your hand who believes that Elizabeth and Darcy would easily marry today?
The vast majority of the students raise their hands. And someone makes a comment that they would get laid on the first date, and many laugh. You play with your pencil, twirling it on your finger, and then feel a light elbow on your arm. Your classmate nods her head forward, and you blink in confusion, realizing that Ms. Hill has called your attention.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Hill. What is it? - you ask, straightening your posture. She smiles tenderly.
- I asked why you didn't raise your hand. - She repeats. - Could you share with the class your position?
You let out a sigh, thinking about it. And then you lean back in your chair, putting your hands in your pockets, and trying not to get intimate with the stares in the room.
- I really don't understand how everyone here can say that we no longer have social rules for relationships. - You say. - If Darcy and Elizabeth were from the present day, the prejudices portrayed in the books would only be different, but they would still be there. We have many ways of forbidding people to relate to each other, even in this school.
- Interesting. Please continue. - the teacher said, leaning back against her desk. You let out a sigh, trying to organize your opinion into words.
- I can give an example of how we divide the social groups around here. - you say. - It's not like the jocks are seen hanging out with the kids in the theater. Elizabeth would definitely be one of the smart girls, and Darcy would be the dumb brat. Sort of like a Tony Stark.
The room erupted in giggles, and you watched Steve Rogers lock his jaw, commenting something to his classmate. Professor Hill gave you a warning look, beckoning the class to be quiet.
- So you believe that Darcy and Elizabeth would not be together in the present days? - she asks you, and you shrug.
- I don't think Darcy would break the expectations people have of him for Elizabeth. - You state. - And besides, she can do better than that.
Some students laughed at your comment, and Mrs. Hill smiled at you. And then she asked if anyone had a different opinion, and you were slightly surprised to see Wanda raise her hand again.
- I think they would end up together. - She says. - They are really in love, and just like in the book, I think Darcy just needs time to understand everything, and to build up some courage.
- And Elizabeth should expect him to have some guts, then? - You cut Wanda off. The room looks at you in surprise, and Wanda turns in her chair, a look of mixed defiance and surprise, but you don't back away. - While he decides whether she is worth it, should she just wait around?
- Elizabeth needs to understand that Darcy also has his own issues. - Wanda retorts. - That it's not easy to let go of all the expectations people place on you.
You laugh lightly with irony.
- Of course Darcy would be quite comfortable keeping Elizabeth waiting. - You say with mild irritation. - Besides, Elizabeth is also going through a lot. She deserves to have someone who chooses her.
- That's not what we're arguing about. - Wanda replies. - No one is questioning Elizabeth's worth. I'm saying that they would be together, but that they need time.
- And I'm saying that Darcy has to stop being such a gutless pussy and make a decision soon. Elizabeth is not going to pause her life just to wait for him.
- She would do that if she really liked Darcy. - Retorts the redhead, you blink in disbelief.
You think the room held its breath with your debate with Wanda, and you would have continued if the teacher hadn't interrupted.
- Okay, I think we're getting a little nervous. - She cut in, and you blinked awkwardly, stopping to look at Wanda. The room murmured quietly again as Wanda turned back to face the front. - Thank you for your opinions, ladies. Now let's move on, who can offer a reflection on marriage in the book?
The class continued for a while, but you completely disconnected. Your heart was racing and you realized that the discussion you had was not about Darcy or Elizabeth. Wanda was asking you to wait for her. And you felt a strong urge to punch something. And then you focused your attention completely on the literature report, ignoring the debate completely.
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captain-yeet · 3 years
The Worst Timing (Felix x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Keeping things to yourself is hard when your father reads minds. How do you successfully keep the secret that you're in a relationship with your family's sworn enemy?
Word count: 1.9k 
Warnings: NSFW; local man goes down under + edging, swearing, second-hand embarrassment
Author’s Note: Spicy times getting interrupted, I’m a sucker for that. Might make this a two-parter if people like it 🥺👉👈
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Privacy in the Cullen household wasn’t always a given, especially with having a mind reader for a father.
Being the adopted member of Edward and Bella Cullen's strange family, you grew up knowing off the bat that your new family were vampires - gifted vampires at that - from very early on. Now that you were a legal adult and out of school, your parents and family were worried about a certain Italian governing force of vampires paying them a visit in regards to your mortality.
They didn't know however, even with your aunt's foresight, that they already knew that you were of the age to be turned. Aro had left that up to fate's hands.
Well, fate's hands being his trusted executioner, who's hands were very much occupied right now with gripping onto whatever part of you he could as the two of you kissed each other with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
"What-what if someone walks in on us?" You half asked half whined into your boyfriend's mouth.
Felix simply laughed, quietly, moving his lips from yours to your cheek. "I have very good hearing, sweetheart, if anyone's approaching the house I'll know."
Luck smiled upon you when you were born. While you didn't share the same blood of Bella, you happened to have a gift that was very similar to hers - the gift of being able to block specific thoughts and memories from someone's mind. You found out while talking with your adopted sister Renesmee one day, she tried to show you something you'd rather not know about with her gift, and your mind and body shied away from it. So much so, her projected memories couldn't get into your head.
Which led you to the helpful discovery that not only could you block Renesmee from from projecting thoughts into your mind at-will, but you could do the same with your dear old dad about your very secret Volturi boyfriend.
You'd been very sneaky, both you and Felix, at working around your family's multiple gifts to stay hidden. Today, your parents and sister were out, leaving you to your own devices. Originally you planned on sneaking Felix into your room but the two of you only made it as far as the living room.
Felix took your chin in his hand and made you look him in the eye; his own were almost pitch black from how dilated his pupils were, the ring of blood red that you'd grown so accustomed to barely visible. "Now relax, mi amore. I've got you."
His words made you feel secure.
With one arm hooked around your waist and the free one reaching down to work on what you assumed was the buckle of his belt, he turned the two of you around, leading you forward towards him. Kissing you again, you heard his pants hit the floor as Felix fell back towards onto the couch behind him, bringing you down on top of him.
You adjusted yourself so you were straddling him, your thighs on either side of his hips. Shifting your weight a little to each side, a jolt of arousal struck you as he grabbed hold of your hips and thrusted upward, his own arousal plainly obvious.
 “These,” Felix growled, reaching up for your shirt, “need to go. Now.”
 “Take them off yourself.”
To drive your sassy retort home further, you grinded against him, keeping eye contact. It gave you pleasure to watch him lose his focus, his eyes rolling to the back of his head mouth half open.
If anything, the fact that you, you, could drive a vampire wild was only turning you on further, your ego growing bigger by the second.
You didn’t have long to enjoy your smug pride at giving Felix pleasure however as you felt one of his hands move to your leg and the other staying firmly at your hip; then in the blink of an eye, you were on your back and the sound of cloth being torn caught your attention.
 You pouted up at Felix, who tossed the remnants of your now ripped shirt to the side. “I liked that shirt, y’kno- hey!”
Ignoring you, Felix easily tore off everything you were wearing waist down with terrifying ease. Throwing more torn material aside, his eyes travelled up and down your exposed body with growing lust... and a smugness of his own.
Not letting up on the fact he just ripped your clothes, you tried to glare up at him. “I liked those too.”
Felix chuckled darkly. “I’ll buy you new ones.”
 “Even that exact shirt?” you pressed, raising your eyebrows. This man brought out a bratty side to you that you didn’t know existed, and deep down you both secretly liked it.
Felix, even though he'd ever admit it, loved how bratty you got sometimes.
He rolled his eyes, moving off the couch to pull you to the other end of it. “I have money, now relax my dear Y/N.”
Cocky bastard, you thought to yourself.
Completely at his mercy, your boyfriend - or rather, your mate - admired you with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes. "You have no clue just how absolutely breathtaking you are to me," he said softly, slowly getting on his knees. Felix kept eye contact with you, which felt a little intimidating but also it aroused you.
Before you could open your mouth to respond you gasped as a pair of cold lips brushed against your inner thigh, placing loving kisses trailing up further and further, closer to where you needed it most.
"Felix," you whimpered, wiggling to try and get any friction where you needed it.
"I know, baby," he assured you, "let me make you feel good."
And finally, you felt his tongue make contact with your sensitive core. The moan that left your lips was as sinful as it was needy, leaving you a whimpering mess on the couch.
Felix was an attentive lover, making good use of his mouth and fingers to bring you closer to climax. You could do nothing more than buck against his tongue as he fucked you with it.
"Felix I'm - I'm gonna -"
To your dismay, he pulled out as you began to pull him in closer. His mouth covered in your own wetness, he flashed a grin at you as he rose from his crouched position. "Not yet. I want you to come when I want you to."
You sighed impatiently, feeling like you needed to cry in frustration. So, you bit your lip, trying to contain yourself.
Taking pause, Felix was suddenly at your side, scooping you up into his arms and carrying you. "If you need me to slow down, I can," he offered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “If I’m being too much...”
"You're fine," you assured him with a weak smile, "I'm just... I am, well..." you broke eye contact and stared blankly at his chest as you mumbled the next few words to leave your mouth. "I just really need to come."
He deftly opened the door to your room, chuckling at your words. "You will, I'll make sure of it, cara mia."
"You sound so sure of that," you teased as Felix lay you back onto a bed - your bed. He'd carried you into your room.
"Tease," he growled.
"And you're an incubus."
That made him snort. Felix closed his eyes, shaking his head briefly. "Only for you."
Stepping back, Felix rid himself of the shirt and boxers he wore.
Now, looking at him, you assumed he'd be big. 6'7 and built like a heavyweight champion, physically he was intimidating. Bigger than average. And boy were you correct in that assumption.
Felix wasted no time in lining himself up with your cunt; being completely soaked from what he did to you on the couch, it made it a little easier for you to take him.
Pants and moans filled the room, neither of you holding back with the sounds you were making. For you this was bliss; you couldn't imagine anything better than Felix, nothing would ever compare.
It didn't take long for you to build your climax up again. Felix could tell by how much more ragged your breathing had become.
"That's it sweetheart," he praised you, feeling his own release build up as he watched you come undone beneath him, "come for me. I want you to come for me, baby."
His words coaxed your impending orgasm along, and you wordless cried out, grabbing his shoulders and digging your nails in as you rode it out.
The sensation of your nails digging into his back brought along his own orgasm, a feral snarl ripping through his throat. You heard something snap just behind your head as Felix's thrusts slowed down.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, the only sound in the room being your erratic heartbeat and breathing.
The post-sex bliss was that; blissful. Being in his arms, you felt like you were home.
Until the bliss was brought to an end.
"Y/N?" An urgent voice called out from somewhere in the house.
Your dad.
So much for Felix’s super hearing.
Locking eyes with Felix with nothing other than the shared expression of "oh shit," he deftly rolled off you, his boxers back on in a flash as you darted up from your bed to lock your bedroom door.
"Y/N Cullen answer me!" Edward's sharp voice boomed from the hallway, coming closer.
"You smell that scent too right, dude?" A second voice called out.
Uncle Emmett.
You looked back to Felix, who now at least had some of his clothes on. He gave you an apologetic look, throwing you the nearest article of clothing near him; a long shirt dress.
You quickly padded over to him and he cupped your face, stroking your cheek reassuringly with his thumb as your door began to rattle. "Go," you whispered, pointing toward your bedroom window.
"You better put that on," he replied, eyeing the door warily.
You fumbled with the dress, shoving your arms through it and quickly pulling it down over you.
Luckily for your chastity, the moment you were decent, your door came barreling down, hitting the floor with a loud thud as your father and uncle burst into your room. Their eyes widened when they saw who you were with.
"Oh shit," Emmett shouted, eyes wide looking between you and Felix.
"You motherfucker," Edward snarled in a deadly quiet tone of voice, his eyes locked solely on Felix.
You turned back to Felix, who was as tense as a spring. "Go, now!"
"I love you Y/N," he said urgently, his gaze flickering to the window.
"I know," you replied hastily. You had to buy him time, a window to escape out your actual window. You vaguely acknowledged the sound of your uncle shouting "What!?" at Felix's words.
So, you grabbed a nearby chair and launched it at the two of them.
Edward caught the chair easily, tossing it gently to the side to turn the full intensity of his glare onto you. "You, young lady, have some explaining to do. What was that... that monster doing in our home?"
You turned around, and saw the window wide open, Felix nowhere to be seen. You hoped he'd run far enough to where he could avoid your family's wrath.
Despite the clear trouble you were in, you couldn't help but giggle at the tonight of him running half dressed through the woods.
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ezgithechaotic · 4 years
pushing up the dasies . peter parker
pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Peter Parker x female reader
summary: Someone has been stealing Y\N's flowers, and she is determined to find who it is.
warnings: she\ her pronouns (don't know if this one's a warning), mention of the death of a loved person, graveyard
author note: I’m sorry in advance if I have any fault. English is not my first language. But please let me know if you see anthing that doesn’t seem right. I really have no idea if this is good or trash. I’m getting mixed signs. So, please leave a comment about what you think, love you.
As a comic book nerd, I personally love both Andrew and Tom's Spiderman. Just thought this story fit Andrew's more, but feel free to imagine Peter as your favorite! 
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The first time you realized a few flowers were picked from your garden, you didn't think much into it. The kids around the neighborhood liked to play hide and seek around your garden. You thought; it should be Thompson's girl, she likes flowers. It wasn't something that never happened before. You would simply plant new ones, it was no big deal, you could never get angry at children. But after some time, you started to realize the pattern. Every month on the same day, you found a handful of your daisies gone upon returning from your part-time job. Mrs. Thompson swore her daughter would never do such a thing without asking, and after the third time, you were sure somebody was stealing your flowers. Maybe it was that gruff man across the street that never got along with people. But you had a feeling if he had to do anything with your flowers, it would only be blowing them up. 
Peter always wondered whom the pretty flowers and house belong to. The post box just outside the garden said Y\L\N, and he had always imagined an old sweet woman lived in the white-painted house with a green door. And Peter hoped he didn't make the poor woman too sad with missing flowers. Boy, was he wrong. You weren't old, and you were furious and determined to find the person who stole your beautiful daisies. 
Your friends always wondered why you liked living in such an old neighborhood. The house was one of the few things your mother left you after she died, along with the considerable amount of money in your bank account. You could always sell the house, find an apartment downtown, so you can be closer to school that's what your friends told you every time you had them over. But you loved the house. You loved that the house held so many memories of your childhood, especially your garden. Even though your mother was a busy woman, she had always made time for you and her flowers. At the age of six, growing flowers with your mother quickly became one of your favorite pastimes. That week you did what everyone would do, changed your shift with Mary Jane to catch the flower thief. 
So, no, selling the house or letting strangers steal your lovely flowers was not one of the many choices. 
Now, Peter Parker was many things, but not a thief. Well, it depended on what you would call stealing. Surely picking a few flowers from a random garden couldn't count as stealing. And God knows he wouldn't do it if he weren't penniless. Trying to survive college and paying for an apartment didn't leave him much. The money The Daily Bugle paid was shit. He had been selling photos for the damn newspaper since high school, but it was no use, Peter had to find a job that paid more than The Daily Bugle. And there was no way he was going to ask Aunt May for money, even though she would be happy to give him some. But that was another day's concern, for now, the only thing he needed to do was be quick. Because he knew if you found out that it was him who was stealing, sorry picking, your flowers he sure wouldn't be able to swing away this time. 
Peter honestly felt guilty about your flowers, they were lovely. And he knew this was a safe neighborhood, so he had no way of paying you back with saving you. He had been visiting Gwen every month since her death. It was one of the few things he could keep up with after he graduated high school. Daisies were Gwen's favorite. Peter knew he could easily find another place to pick the flowers, but he believed that there was something magical about the garden. He felt so much love around the house. Maybe it was a silly thing, but Peter thought Gwen would have loved that garden. 
Y\N had been sitting on her porch, hiding behind the dark blue armchair, actually too anxious to face the flower thief. You felt childish after some time. It was just a few daisies, right? There was no need to act like a crazy woman. As you were getting ready to go back inside, you saw him. He had an average height, brown messy hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt and an unbuttoned baby blue shirt with a greenish-brown jacket. Y\N's anger turned back the minute she saw him touch the flowers. 
"You, flower thief!" 
A moment before, Peter felt like his whole body was on edge as if bells were ringing in his brain. But he was already late to realize she had been waiting for him and there was no way to run, he wasn't wearing his suit. Where were the damn spider-senses when he needed them the most? So, he just stood there, speechless, his hand hanged above the daisies. She was pretty, as pretty as the flowers before him. Guilt heating his face, Peter couldn't help but stare at you with his eyes wide open like a dumbstruck idiot. He felt like his lunch was climbing its way back up. 
You were now, standing few steps away from him. "You've been stealing my flowers for months!" 
Peter held his hands up in defense. "Look, I can explain." 
Y\N put her hands on her hips, one eyebrow raised, waiting for an explanation. Your heart beating like crazy. Even though it was still bright and you were in the middle of a road, he was a man. A man taller and despite looking skinny, stronger than you. But you hold your face as still as you could.  
"Go on then." 
Peter couldn't find the words to explain. What was he going to say? Sorry, I thought my dead girlfriend would love your flowers so, I've been stealing them, I hope you don't try to kill me. No fucking way. His mouth opened and closed few times, making you sigh. You realized the boy wasn't going to give you any answer. He was probably taking them to his girlfriend or boyfriend. 
"Are they pretty?" you asked, dropping your hands. Peter, very confused, kept on staring at her. You rolled your eyes at how silly he was. "The person you're taking my flowers to." Something at the back of your mind hoped he would say they were for his mother. Now that you were closer you could see the sweet hazel color of his eyes. 
"Um-" His hand went up, scratching his neck. "She is." 
She was.
He shuffled through his pants pockets. "I have a photo-" 
"No." You stopped him. "I want to see if she is pretty enough for my daisies." 
"What?" Peter tried to grasp his head around the idea. 
"I want to see her and tell her that her boyfriend is a thief. C'mon." 
"I don't think-"  Peter was getting anxious, now. How was he supposed to tell you that her girlfriend was dead? 
"Of course you don't think." You started walking. "C'mon, now. Take the flowers." 
Peter didn't know what to do so he went with it. What could go wrong, right? 
"I'm sorry," Peter said after some time. "I have no excuse for what I did." 
His head hung low, watching his steps as he walked. He knew he would stutter if he looked at your face. Peter had a habit of getting tongue-tied around pretty girls. And, well, you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Mind you, he wasn't even thinking about Gwen anymore, which made him feel kinda guilty. 
"It's okay." You had your hands in the pockets of your jacket. "My life's been boring lately. You were the only exciting thing, I guess." 
"I'm sure you have more exciting things than me." Peter still didn't look at you but you could see him smiling.
"It's Y\N, by the way." You kept your eyes on him. "If you wanted to know the name of a woman you constantly robbed."
He laughed. "Peter, Peter Parker." His eyes finally met yours. It was ridiculous, how easy it was to just look at his face and feel safe even though he was a stranger. His smile grew even more. It was almost contagious, his smile. He had something about him that made you wanted to scream and purr like a cat at the same time. You felt yourself getting overwhelmed, he was making you weak at the knees. So, you pulled your eyes away from him. 
Pull yourself together, woman! He has a girlfriend.
You were too distracted to realize where was Peter taking you until you arrived. It was the same route you took whenever you felt like talking to your mother. Peter and you were standing just outside of the graveyard. Your head whipped around, turning to Peter. He had a soft smile on his face. 
"Peter, I-" 
"It's okay." 
"No, It's not okay." You took a deep breath, pressing your palms into your eyes. "I'm such a dick." 
"No, you were just mad at me." 
You slouched your shoulder, didn't know what to say. What would even one say in this situation?
"C'mon." Peter's warm hand was gently holding your arm, now. "Let's go see her." 
You didn't talk until you arrived at the tombstone. Peter put the flowers in front of it. 
"Daisies were her favorite." He had a sweet look on his face, he put his hands back into his pockets. 
"They were my mother's favorite, too." You murmured, but Peter could hear you perfectly. "I think that's why I overreacted you picking the flowers. I wasn't thinking." 
"Oh, It's not stealing anymore, then?" He teased. "It's okay, honestly. She would've liked you. You have that fire in you like you could make the world better just with a gesture of your hand. She liked that kind of people, that can light the room with their smile." 
"I think I would've liked her, too." You said, your eyes on the tombstone.
Gwen Stacy. 
Her name was familiar to you. You didn't know where, but you were sure you had heard before. Still, you didn't ask Peter anything, assumed he wouldn't be comfortable talking about it. You didn't say anything until you were out of the graveyard. You knew you would come back tomorrow to see your mother, but with Gwen on your mind. 
The more you looked at his face the more you could see him. Peter wore his heart on his sleeve, he was easy to read. "You blame yourself." You said, nodding your head slowly. You smiled after seeing the face he made. "It's okay, I know the feeling." 
"Your mother?"
Neither of you talked for a long time. Peter could tell you weren't ready to talk about it. He knew it wasn't easy to open up, especially to a stranger. It'd been years since he talked about Gwen, so, he knew the feeling, too. 
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. It was a message from Mary Jane.  "Just arrived home, you owe me." 
"That's it!" You exclaimed, remembering your talk with Mary Jane. "That's how I knew her name!" 
Peter, looking very confused, asked you. "What?" 
"Gwen, her name was very familiar." Pocketing your phone again. "I have a friend, Mary Jane, who went to the same high school with Gwen. I've seen her in the yearbook. That's where I recognized her name." 
"You know MJ?"
"Oh, yeah," you laughed. "We met in Brooklyn, probably four years ago. I think it was very late, some guy was trying to get her number even though she said no, like five times. And I hadn't had the best day of my life. So, I punched the guy and told him to leave her alone. We have been friends ever since."
Peter was amazed. He didn't know how much cooler you could get. 
"You know her, too?" 
"Yeah, We've been friends for a long time. My aunt kinda tried to set us up."  
You laughed. Peter and Mary Jane seemed like two opposite characters. You would never imagine them together. But again, maybe Peter's pretty face was affecting your judgment. You didn't know. He made your mind foggy. At last, you found yourselves at your front yard again. Your eyes wandered over the empty spots that daisies left. 
"Would you like to get a coffee sometime?" Peter was leaning against white fences that surrounded your garden. He had that sweet smile on his face again. "So I can pay you back for daisies."
You bit your lips to stop yourself from smiling so much. "Gwen was pretty enough for them. You can have some once a month when I'm not looking." Peter was feeling like you were about to turn him down. Both of you knew this wasn't really about the damn flowers. But again, Peter was every so often wrong about these kinds of things. "But you know, maybe not Saturdays. I'm usually free for a cup of coffee on Saturdays." Peter was ready to feed himself with only pasta for a week if it meant he would get to see you again. 
You could visibly see Peter's eyes liting up. "Just one cup?" 
You shrugged. "Tea is fine, too." 
"I didn't know MJ had friends like you." He said, intensely watching your every move. 
"Like me?" You were so sure something bad was coming, he was simply too good to be true.
"You know, this beautiful. If I had known, I would have visited her more."
"Wow, you are hiding a monster under that pretty face, don't you?"  
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
A Caged Dove Finale (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)
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Summary: You are a princess from a smaller territory within the kingdom, summoned to the castle to meet with the heir of the throne in the absence of your parents. You think it will simply be a routine trip, until you realize that Prince Shouto has his own plans for you. Whether you agree with them or not.
Pairing: Prince Shouto Todoroki x Reader Rating: Explicit + Word Count: 4.8k Chapter Warnings: Dubcon, forced pregnancy, pregnant sex, praise kink, lactation kink, yandere Series Warnings: Dubcon, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, breeding, pregnant sex, praise kink, lactation kink, stalking, yandere. Some vague descriptions of pregnancy stuff, including morning sickness. Note: Fairy Tale AU. (More Grimm than Disney). Well this is extremely bittersweet. The final part of my very first series (that I swore I would never do.) Despite cussing this story occasionally, I really loved writing it and I’m rather proud of the end result. I hope everyone else likes it just as much! Thanks: To @hisoknen​, for reassuring me that the sex scene was indeed hot. And to @burnedbyshoto​ for being there to listen to me scream about attempting to write all of the Todorokis in one scene. And also for encouraging my deviant lactation kink.
One || Two || Three || Four || Finale 
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
You let out a pained groan as you roll over in bed for what feels like the hundredth time in an hour, trying to find a more comfortable position. Something that was near impossible, considering the reason for your discomfort.
Despite your best hopes, you had gotten pregnant shortly after the wedding. You suppose it wasn’t so surprising, with how insatiable Shouto is. He was determined to have a child quickly, and refused to finish anywhere but inside you. He would take you multiple times a day, until you were so sore that you could barely walk. He was an attentive lover, at least, always making sure you finished as well. That you thoroughly enjoyed yourself, was nothing but a satisfied, boneless mess, sweaty and exhausted and more than ready to curl up with him and sleep.
There was one big positive to your pregnancy, however. You were able to leverage your condition to get Shouto to release your parents from their confinement. You convinced him that not knowing where they were and what was going on with them would only stress you further and harm the baby. It was not even much of a lie, as you were beginning to worry he had already had them killed and was hiding the truth from you. But you were proven wrong when he finally allowed you to see them.
They were not in as bad a condition as you assumed they would be, and were ecstatic to see you. Although they were horrified by what had happened to their daughter, the forced marriage and pregnancy, you reassured them that it was not so bad. Partly because it was the truth, as much as you hated to admit it, and partly because you were terrified they would do something stupid in order to rescue you.
It was this concern that led Shouto to accuse them of treason, but he merely had them stripped of their titles and lands, banished to another country with no political power. He made even this positive publicity, standing in front of a gathering to announce the news with a stricken look on his face, talking about how his beloved wife had begged for her parents’ lives. How he loved his wife too much to harm her in such a way, and had chosen the way of mercy, provided they left the country forever.
The kingdom loves him more than ever now. They whisper about what a beautiful love story it is, how Shouto went below his class to marry his true love. How he risked looking weak by allowing traitors to live, all because the love of his life begged for mercy. How the princess herself was so benevolent, forgiving the people who had hurt her.
You had asked Shouto for one last favor on the day of their banishment. You wanted to speak to your parents privately before they left, as you knew it was the last time you would ever see them. He relented after some pleading on your part, but warned you that his mercy would not extend to allowing them to live if they moved against him.  
You agreed, of course. Even if you wanted to be rescued, there was no way you would risk their lives for it. So when you saw them off, you were the ones reassuring them as they sobbed. They told you to only say the word, and they would come for you, and would rescue you. You placed your hand gently on your stomach, reassuring them that you would be okay. That it wasn’t so bad to be married to Prince Shouto, that he took good care of you. What shocked you is the realization that you weren’t lying, that you were becoming more comfortable as his wife.
You think it started on the day that changed everything. The day you realized you were pregnant.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
You rush to the bathroom, barely making it before you violently throw up yet again. This had been happening for over a week now, and you couldn’t figure out why you were so sick. You thought at first that you may have gotten food poisoning, but that was unlikely with the palace chefs making sure you and the royal family had nothing but the best. And besides, when you made sure to eat different foods, the sickness still continued.
Your head swims with dizziness as another intense wave of nausea overtakes you. And that was when your sister-in-law poked her head into the bathroom, apparently having heard you rush to the bathroom in a panic.. “Are you okay in here?” She asks with concern in her voice.
“I’m fine,” you manage to choke out before turning back to heave. You have been so sick that there is really nothing left in your stomach, and you find yourself simply gagging instead. “Okay, maybe I’m not fine. I can’t stop throwing up.”
You see Fuyumi’s expression turn contemplative, before asking the question that turns your world on its axis. “Sweetie, when was the last time you had your period?”
Your eyes widen, your hand coming to clamp over your mouth to hold the gasp that was bubbling up inside of you. “I - oh god - I don’t know,” you whisper.  “I don’t remember. A few months, maybe?”
Fuyumi goes from hopeful to pure joy within seconds of your confession. “Sweetheart, you’re pregnant!” She practically jumps up and down from the excitement, not even noticing your look of shock and despair. Or perhaps she is choosing to simply ignore it. “I’m going to be an aunt! And oh, Shouto is going to be over the moon when you tell him!”
“I didn’t think it would happen so quickly,” you whisper. In fact, you had secretly hoped it would not happen at all. A fact that you will never reveal to anyone. It’s not that you don’t want to be a mother. You always have, had even dreamed of it. But in this situation, it only drove home the true reality of your situation. You had no control over any aspect of your life anymore.
“You have to tell him immediately! Actually, let me go grab him for you. You can tell him now,” Fuyumi practically squeals as she turns around to leave the room. Before you can open your mouth to tell her that it can wait, the excited woman has already ran out the door. You let out a sigh, supposing that there is no use in delaying the inevitable as you pick yourself up from the floor.
By the time your husband enters the room, you’ve been able to freshen yourself up a bit. “Fuyumi said you had something to tell me?” Shouto’s face is a mask of concern as he sits beside you in the bed, pulling you close into his arms.
“I do,” you say hesitantly, not really sure how to begin this talk. But you figure that the best way is to just come right out and say it and not beat around the bush. “Shouto, I’m pregnant.”
It takes a second for the news to truly sink in, but when it does, the smile that takes over is truly radiant. The laughter that slips out is so pure that you find yourself smiling despite yourself. And when he pushes you down on the bed to put one hand over your stomach, you can’t stop your own laughter from spilling out.
“Do you think I can feel the baby kick,” he murmurs as he gently pushes on your stomach. You laugh a bit harder as you shake your head. “Honey, I’m pretty sure it’s way too early for that.”
It isn’t until he gives you a soft smile that you realize you called him honey.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the door opening, and you glance up to see your husband walk in. He smiles at you as he takes his jacket and shoes off, looking happier than usual. His whole demeanor screams excitement, and something else you can’t put your finger on.
As he begins to get into night clothes, you decide to simply ask him. “You seem happier than you usually do after meeting with the nobility,” you note. “Did something happen?”
“Oh, something amazing happened,” his smile twists up into a smirk as he changes the subject, a sure sign that he’s done talking about this particular topic. You decide not to push for now, and mentally remind yourself to ask him about it later.
“How are you feeling, love?” He climbs into bed as he wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you tightly into his embrace. He nuzzles at your neck, causing you to giggle.
“I feel like I’m about to pop, I’m so big. My feet are swollen and hurt, and my breasts are sore and leaking. But other than that, I’m fine,” you snark at him.
“My beautiful, hormonal wife,” he chuckles as he rolls you over, climbing on top of you but being careful not to put too much weight on your stomach. He plants kisses down your neck, sucking gently at your pulse point as his hands run smoothly up and down your sides.
“Shouto, I - you need to stop,” you whisper, not because you really want him to but because of how self conscious you feel about yourself as you are now.
“Is it because of this,” he murmurs as he touches your swollen stomach. You try to look away as he traces his fingertips across your belly, but he simply turns your face back towards him. You give him a quick nod in affirmation, and are surprised when he chuckles.
“Love, you have never looked more beautiful to me, all big and swollen with my child.” You can’t stop the way your heart pounds at his words, your face growing hot as he smiles at your reaction.
He begins to trail down your body, stopping to gently squeeze one of your breasts. You grab at his hand to try and pull it away, but he quickly stops you. “I told you, I’m -” you pause for a second, embarrassed to finish your sentence, before changing your mind and simply saying, “they hurt.”
“Hmm, I do believe I can help with that,” he smirks as his grip around your breast tightens. You let out a surprised gasp as milk leaks out, causing the front of your nightgown to develop a wet spot on the material. But the sound isn’t one of pain, but of pleasure at some of the pressure being relieved.
“Oh you like that, do you?” Shouto’s voice goes low and husky as he rips your shirt over your head. He leans down to knead a nipple between two fingers, licking his lips as more milk comes out. “Would hate to waste this, wouldn’t you?”
“Shouto, what are you - ahh!” You let out a moan as he latches around one of your nipples and begins to suckle. You make a move to stop him, to try and push him away. But you quickly realize you don’t actually want him to stop as the pain of being too full ebbs with every gulp he takes. So you simply trail your fingers through his hair and let him continue. “Oh god, that feels so good,” you moan out, throwing your head back against the pillow.
He pulls away just long enough to pull his pants down, letting his already painfully hard cock loose. You can see the red, swollen head already leaking precum, and he grips it in his fist as he moves to take your other nipple into his mouth. “You taste so fucking good.”
His grunts and groans as he strokes himself while drinking your milk has your pussy clenching around nothing, juices gushing out and making a mess of the bedsheets below you. You didn’t think this would feel so good, but the throbbing of your core tells you just how much you’re enjoying yourself. And if Shouto’s pace as he rubs himself is anything to go by, he is enjoying himself just as much.
“Dirty girl, I bet you could cum just from me drinking your milk. Do you like it that much?”
You reach down to thread your fingers around the back of his head, pulling him down to your aching nipple. “Please, don’t stop,” you whimper in a needy tone. He chuckles as he reaches down to rub your throbbing clit. “Cum for me, then. Cum while I’m sucking on these beautiful tits.”
You let out a sharp gasp as a wave of pleasure runs through your body. Shouto moves down to take a nipple into his mouth, licking the stray droplets of milk that leaked out. He groans as he continues to stroke himself in time with the tight circles across your clit.
Your face contorts in pleasure, toes curling as you find yourself tipping over the edge into a powerful orgasm. Shouto coaxes you through it, not letting up until you’re squirming from overstimulation, breath coming in harsh gasps.
“God, I have to be inside you right now,” he growls, pulling away almost entirely as he rips off your soaked panties with one quick movement and spreads your folds apart as he prepares to enter you.
You whine as his cock spreads you open, inch by inch. You’re so wet from your previous orgasm that he slips in without resistance, and so sensitive that you can feel every vein on his cock.
“Still so tight for me,” he groans as he finally bottoms out inside you, heavy balls resting against your backside. He puts his hands under your ass, lifting your hips off the bed as he begins to thrust inside your soaked pussy.
You can tell he’s trying to hold back, to be gentle with you. But when you reach up to fondle your breast, squeezing just enough for milk to dribble down towards your stomach, you know he’s reached his limit.
He growls as he begins slamming inside of you, leaning down to lick up the trail of milk before latching back onto the nipple. You clench down hard around his cock as you see his throat working as he sucks down your milk like a man starved.
His thrusts are so deep, so powerful that your breasts and round belly are bouncing and you’re unable to do anything but lay back and take it. He releases your nipple with a wet pop, rubbing his hand along your swollen stomach. “You look so good like this that I should keep you pregnant all the time,” he groans, “would you like that?”
You don’t answer, choosing to reach between your bodies to find your clit, but Shouto snarls and smacks your hand away before pinning both arms above your head with one hand. “I said, would you like that?” He pulls all the way to the entrance of your pussy before slamming back in with one powerful thrust. “Would you like to be bred constantly, all round with my children so I can pin you down like this and milk these tits?”
You whimper when his thrusts get more savage as he finds a sensitive spot inside of you and deliberately aims for it. You can feel your stomach begin to tighten, all of your nerves feeling like they’re on fire as you get closer to that edge. Your pussy won’t stop clamping down on Shouto’s cock as he pounds you into the mattress. But just as you reach the edge, you feel him begin to slow down. Your orgasm is suddenly pulled away from you as you hear a dark chuckle.
“Answer me, princess,” he whispers to you. Your lust addled mind can’t seem to comprehend what question he means. “Shouto, please,” you try to move your hips, push back on his cock to reach the orgasm that was denied. But he simply holds your hips firmly in place, preventing you from moving as he waits for his answer.
He makes an impatient noise when you still won’t answer, moving his fingers in between your soaked folds as he grazes your clit. His thumb grinds down on the sensitive bead, and he groans as he feels you clench around him. “Come on,” he coaxes, “tell me how much you want my cum, how much you want me to breed you again.”
You let out a choked sob at the pleasure running through you, body so oversensitive from hormones and your previous orgasm. You want nothing more than to cum again, to feel Shouto cum with you and fill you up. “Shouto, please breed me again,” you finally start to beg with no shame in your tone. “I need to feel you cum inside me again, please -”
He lets out a low growl as he abandons all sense of rhythm, pounding into your pussy like a man possessed. His hips pick up speed, wet noises of skin slapping against skin filling the room along with your combined grunts and moans. He deliberately hits your g-spot with every thrust, wanting you to come undone around his cock.
The pressure is building back up inside of you quickly, muscles in your stomach tightening and toes curling as your orgasm hits you hard, causing your pussy to flutter wildly around his cock and more milk to dribble out of your sore nipples. Shouto’s pace stutters at the sight, forcing his cock all the way inside of you as he leans over to lick your nipples clean. Just the taste is enough to send him over the edge of his orgasm, thick ropes of hot cum filling your pussy as he continues to drain you dry.
You both stay there for what feels like forever, but was probably only a few minutes, until Shouto gently lowers himself behind you. He pulls you carefully towards his body, nuzzling you as he kisses a wet line down the column of your neck. “I love you, you know,” he murmurs into your ear. “I’m so glad you’re mine now.”
You pause for a few seconds as you consider his words. It’s not the first time he’s used them, and it won’t be the last. Despite everything he’s done, you do believe him. It’s a possessive, all consuming love that will allow nothing else but you and your children together. But you believe it’s still love.
At your silence, Shouto lets out a disappointed sigh. That is one thing he has not been pushy about, told you that he was waiting for you to realize the truth and say the words yourself. You open your mouth to respond to him, although you’re not sure how, when someone comes barging through the door. Whatever words you were about to say die in your throat as you take in the appearance of the one who dared to intrude on Prince Shouto and his heavily pregnant wife.
You barely recognize Fuyumi, with her clothes being put on haphazardly and eyes bloodshot. Her face is splotchy and red, as if she’s been crying for a long time. And then you realize with a start that’s exactly what’s happening, as you see more tears run down her face. “Shouto, it’s - oh god, it’s Dad, he -”
Her words run over each other in a blur as she tries to finish her sentence. “Fuyumi, calm down and speak clearly. What’s going on with our dear old dad?” His voice comes out so cold that you almost don’t recognize it, and you can’t even begin to interpret the look on his face.
“He’s dead,” Fuyumi barely manages to get out before she begins to sob brokenly. “How can he be dead, I don’t understand -”
Shouto’s bearing changes immediately at her words as he begins to take over the situation. He orders Fuyumi to leave the room so he can get changed, instructing her on various procedures for what to do when the King of the realm dies. A nagging thought occurs to you at how odd it is that he knows all this information off the top of his head, before you try to mark it down as meaningless. Of course he would be trained in such things as the heir to the throne. But you’ve learned to trust your instincts, and right now they’re screaming at you.
“You need to get dressed, love,” he says as he kisses your forehead. “Until we know what’s going on, you need to stay close to me.” You quickly nod as you pull yourself reluctantly from the bed and begin to hunt for your clothes.
You’re both ready within 20 minutes, and you head to the Great Hall where everyone is gathered. You glance around and see the rest of the Todoroki family all gathered together, and you breathe a small sigh of relief that they’re okay. Queen Rei looks like she’s in shock, barely holding it together. Fuyumi has an arm around her as she tries to comfort her, but utterly fails due to how much she herself is crying.
What’s concerning is Prince Natsuo and Prince Touya, who simply look amused by the whole spectacle. Prince Touya’s face splits into a huge grin as he sees you and Shouto walk up to him, clapping his back with one hand. “Well then, I suppose congratulations are in order.”
Fuyumi comes out of her stupor long enough to glare at him. “Congratulations? Our dad is dead and you’re congratulating him?”
“Why wouldn’t I? He’s the King now,” Prince Touya chuckles. “Isn’t that right, brother? You do intend to take your rightful throne now, don’t you?”
Prince Natsuo has stayed quiet through this exchange, but you notice he is staring at Shouto with grim determination. As if he’s already decided something, and is merely waiting for the right moment to mention it.
“Of course I do,” Shouto nods. “I’ve prepared for this moment my whole life.” He glances over at you with a tender look in his eyes as he pulls you into his arms. “And now I have a beautiful wife and an heir,” he murmurs, running his hand over your stomach.
“Now you just need the spare,” Prince Touya snorts. “You ready for that, princess?” He snickers as he sees you turn away in embarrassment, but before he can continue to tease you, you’re interrupted by one of King Enji’s advisors. The man leans in to whisper something into your husband’s ear, and your husband simply nods and waves the man away.
Shouto motions for the rest of the family to come closer as he reveals what the advisor had told him. “It seems dear old dad was assassinated.” He breaks the news with no fanfare, no buildup, no emotion of any kind. But this information sends shockwaves through the rest of the family.
Queen Rei’s face goes completely blank, as if unable to process it. Fuyumi’s hand flies to her mom to contain her gasp. Touya simply starts laughing, looking at Shouto with what almost appears to be pride. And Natsuo remains completely silent, continuing to study Shouto as if he’s trying to figure something out.
“The kingdom will see unrest when the truth of this gets out,” Shouto continues as if he didn’t just drop a bomb through his family. “We’ll need to have the coronation quickly, so that there’s no panic. Ideally tomorrow, if we can get it set up.”
Fuyumi rushes towards Shouto, a look of pure fury on her face. “Dad’s dead and you’re already talking about taking over? Do you have any emotion over this at all?”
“Oh, I think our brother has a lot of emotions right now,” Touya gives a darkly amused laugh. “Don’t think it’s the same ones you’re having, though.”
Choosing to ignore his older brother, Shouto instead addresses his sister. “There’s nothing you or Mom can do tonight. Take her to your room. I’ll station guards outside just in case, and I’ll handle whatever planning needs to be done.”
Fuyumi looks like she’s going to demand to stay, but Queen Rei lays her hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “He’s right. There’s nothing we can do,” her voice comes out a reedy whisper, so quiet that you have to strain to hear her. But you notice the way she looks at Shouto before finally turning to leave. As if she’s never truly seen him before.
“Same for you, love,” Shouto pulls you into his arms to kiss your forehead. “You especially need to rest. I’ll walk you back to our room.”
You’re too tired to even think of protesting, and your feet and ankles already hurt from standing. So you nod and allow yourself to be taken away from the crowd and back into your room. “I’m going to be busy for a while taking care of everything, but I’ll make sure to check in on you.”
He places his hand on the side of your face, tracing a finger down your jawline before leaning in to give you a gentle kiss. And then he drops to his knees, gently lifting your shirt to plant another kiss on your round stomach. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise,” he murmurs. “I love you both.”
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Despite protests from Fuyumi and Rei herself, the coronation is being held the very next day, even before the king’s funeral. But if anybody else had any issues with the order of events, nobody spoke out about it.
You just finished getting helped into the floor length ball gown you would be wearing for the event when your husband walks in to see you. You see the look of appreciation on his face at your dress, designed to be flattering while also not concealing your pregnancy completely. “Are you nervous, my beautiful Queen?”
The full force of the word Queen hits you all at once. The former King Enji is dead, and your husband will take his place. You will be Queen, and your baby, whether son or daughter, will be the heir to the throne of the Todoroki Empire.
“Yes, I’m very nervous,” you admit quietly. “I didn’t expect this to happen so quickly. You inheriting the throne, I mean.”
Oh? I certainly expected it.” Shouto gives a deep chuckle that turns dark when he utters the next words. “Nobody else did, however. I made sure of that.”
A cold rush of emotion hits you all at once. You don’t want to believe it, you truly don’t. But it confirms what you already know, deep in your heart. Shouto is the one who orchestrated the king’s death. His own father’s death. Your understanding must be written plain as day across your face, because he’s smirking at you when you glance over.
“You know, he intended to pass a law that stated he could annul a marriage, if it were proven to be illegitimate,” he says conversationally. “I couldn’t let that happen. Couldn’t let his hatred blind him into ruining the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, and our baby.”
It feels like your heart jumps up into your throat, beating as fast as a hummingbird’s wings. You should feel horrified, as this means that it’s your fault the king is dead. But as you look into his eyes, you don’t just see the man who killed his father to inherit the throne. You also see the man who wanted to make the love of his life his Queen, and his child the heir.
You can’t bring yourself to hate him for it. Despite everything that he’s done, you love him too, and you love the child still growing inside you.
So when Shouto reaches his hand out to you in order to lead you into the throne room, you take it without hesitation. “Are you ready to become my Queen, love?”
“Yes, I’m ready. I love you too, Shouto.” And as you say those words and begin to walk into the coronation hand in hand, you finally feel the cage fully close behind you, trapping you forever.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @burnedbyshoto, @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re-blog, @ttamaki​, @lildreamer93, @marlowewrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash​, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @league-of-thots, @shigaraki-is-my-master,  @hoefortodo​, @mhafanfics19, @daringbanshee, @otaku-explosion, @hellomary16, @vanillaicebaby, @theravencawsatmidnight, @universaltys, @simixchan, @crackhead1-800​, @acehyacinth, @ererokii, @la-lay, @hadesnewpersephone, @engel-hageshii     
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lunastwilightblog · 3 years
The Volturi are the good guys and Bella is the up-and-coming villain
I’m on my computer for this as I know it might be long, but bear with me (insert Emmett pun here) 🐻
So wait - the Volturi are the good guys? But didn’t SM write them as the bad guys? 
Well, yes, SM did write Aro and co in as the antagonists of the series, but bear in mind that originally she didn’t write most of New Moon to happen, or the entirety of Eclipse. There was Twilight and Forever Dawn, which we’ll sadly never read. Her vision of the Volturi and their role as the evil villains who wanted to separate Edward and Bella became distorted as she had to flesh them out more and show their role as the governing body.
Then she wrote the Illustrated Guide and revealed their history and the horrors of the world without their authority; with the Romanians being as brutal as they were, the constant terror humans lived with and the fracturing of the world into many unstable and violent vampire-ruled empires (plus with way more children of the moon running about, probably as far west as - at least - central Europe). 
When the Volturi were coming to power they were laughed at with the idea of their law, a significant reason the Romanians didn’t take them seriously. But now they are extremely popular.
This isn’t just because Aro created vampires to go out and sing his praises. Volturi rule has been a blessing for both humans and vampires.
For humans it’s the obvious: they are not living their lives in fear, they are not subject to massacres (except if caught in newborn warzones), their population has been able to grow and expand, modern medicine and technology have been able to flourish, society is much more stable, people need to flee areas much less (if ever) so they can stay put and complete research/live to meet their grandkids/etc, and not have to serve a vampire in the local castle. 
For vampires it’s actually quite similar: with the human population growing to as large as it is today when at the time the Volturi came to power it was (estimated to be) only 210 million globally, vampires have been able to grow to even greater numbers also, and feed more often than before. If a vampire 2000 years ago killed 5 people in a town it would be an outrage the humans would certainly have noticed, however kill 5 people in a place as big as London, LA, Paris, Singapore, Bucharest... it would likely not be noticed very much, if at all (depending on who you kill).  
Humans like to measure things in percentages. Those 5 people is a huge number to a town of 2000 - that’s 0.25% of the whole town’s population. It would be talked about, and relatives of the dead/missing would all know each other. Yet kill those 5 in a city of 12 million (as is London), that’s only 0.00004167% of the population. And chances are, the dead humans’ families don’t even live in the area (or could be in another country entirely) never mind know each other to realise there was a mass murder.
So vampires, as long as they hide from humans, as is the only law (besides no immortal children or consorting with werewolves), they have a lot more freedom nowadays than they did before the times of the Volturi. There are so many people that they can easily get lost in a crowd, move internationally, and not be pressured for allegiance by a local vampire warlord (before meeting Aro, Caius ran afoul of the Romanians, and he barely escaped with his life).
With there only being one authority, and one that does not interfere with your day-to-day life, is a dream come true. As long as they don’t break this law that is very easy to abide by, they can do whatever the f*** they want.
Carlisle would have never been able to get a job as a doctor if he was known to be a vampire, nor could any of the Cullens have entered education of any form. They’d be stuck sneaking into libraries after closing, and googling. Edward would have never met Bella (neither would Edward’s ancestors have immigrated to America - in fact, Europeans may have never discovered America in the first place. The whole Cullen coven aside from Carlisle might never have been born).
So what the Volturi have done (despite many of them having not-so-savoury personalities corrupted by hunger for power or violence) is bring peace to the world, get rid of tyrants, increase the food supply, allow a greater amount of freedom, and the first kind of trials and justice ever seen in their world. Sure, Aro uses trials to find new talent, but it’s still a world away from before.
Which leads me on to the events of Breaking Dawn, and Bella.
So. Maybe controversial, but: the Volturi did absolutely nothing wrong in Breaking Dawn.
They turned up thinking a serious crime had been committed. They stopped to talk (which Vladimir certainly never would have done!), considered the evidence and processed new discoveries and discussed their legality, decided there was no crime to punish, and left with only the informant dead. Yes, Irina had been innocent in the way that she strongly had believed she had been telling the truth and her memories must have presented good enough evidence to Aro initially, but their witnesses had come to see justice being served, and in the vampire world that is execution. Aro could have continued with prosecuting the Cullens for something he now knew was false, or execute Irina instead.
(Side note: she did kind of deserve it too. She didn’t bother to check her evidence, she wanted revenge for Laurent’s death so her accusation wasn’t coming from a place of good intentions but instead she was willing to have her friends and family killed for Laurent. She was also forcing Aro into a position where he had to prepare himself to kill Carlisle, whom we know he cherishes. Remember also that Aro turned down Laurent’s application to the Guard because he’d followed the Romanians for a while, so he won’t have been entirely trusting of Irina anyway, her having been Laurent’s mate).
Anyway. Onto Bella.
So Aro’s impression of Bella after New Moon seems to be positive. Why? Well, through Edward’s thoughts he saw that Bella was able to keep The Secret. He had heard how much she wanted to be a vampire. In addition, Marcus showed him how strong Edward and Bella’s bond is. Both of them knew, that if E & B’s love was almost as strong as Marcus and Didyme’s, that no matter what Edward currently said or thought about Bella being turned it was invalid. If Bella were dying, he would turn her for sure, which happened. Then the obvious, that Edward had already proven he could not live without her.
Bella was trustworthy and probably going to be turned. Alice showing proof was just a formality so Aro could say he had evidence rather than admit he’d just made assumptions (and Alice having had that vision may act as proof that his assumption was correct).
Therefore, from Aro’s perspective, Bella was a human who wanted to become immortal so much that she would rather die than not, and she was already following his law. She was no issue. 
Bella, knowing the law, should have been very grateful that she was left alive. Edward not being executed and she not being killed or forcibly turned on the spot... Aro had been very nice to them.
And again, in BD, he was very nice to them. Some people will inevitably say that he was weak in not killing them all. I mean, they stood beside Vladimir and Stefan! They have an army of wolves fundamentally opposed to vampires! Aro has lost Good Reputation Points by sparing the Cullens. He held as close to a trial as vampire society has ever had, and rightfully pronounced the Cullens innocent.
So shouldn’t Bella like him? He has spared her life and the lives of her loved ones more than one, and proven that he can be spoken to and conversed with properly and is willing to admit he was wrong. With Aro, we know it’s important to look more at what he does than what he says, and what he has done is be very kind to the Cullens (though who knows about the future?).
Yet Bella was creeped out by him when they met and interpreted him as a threat to Edward’s life. As she loves Edward, she’s always going to be of this mind, and first impressions are important.
Vampires are stuck with the mindsets they had when turned. An example of this is Esme, who was turned after her baby died and she tried to die too. She is permanently feeling maternal. She was turned only days after giving birth. Before knowing this, Bella even describes her as maternal and the mother of the family. Huilen also has a lot of care for Nahuel, being his aunt, because of her love for Pire, and while she was dying, Pire begged Huilen to raise him. Joham does not seem to have this parental love for his son and daughters; he never really knew Pire and was never affected by her love for Nahuel, and did not meet him until years after he was born. He’s only genetically a parent. He doesn’t have the protective mindset. When he was turned, he was a curious scientist (in fact, it was even why his creator turned him). He sees the world and people as things to study.
When Bella was turned, all she was thinking about was Renesmee. She begged Edward to get the baby out and didn’t care for her own life.
And she will be forever stuck in this high alert, must-protect-my-baby mode. Then for weeks as a newborn vampire, she was thinking of Aro as a threat and preparing to fight him. Compounding that, he was a threat to her daughter.
Both of these things will have had a significant effect on who she will have become after her newborn phase ended. It is impossible for Bella to ever like Aro now, even if she tried.
Her dislike of him, and willingness to fight against him, will be forever engrained in her brain.
This is dangerous.
Bella found the Romanians weird, but she didn’t dislike them per se. She would probably be willing to stand with them against the Volturi again.
We can take an educated guess and assume that sometime they will rise up again - and Bella might stand with them (though I highly doubt any of the other Cullens would).
Bella was not a problem for Aro until she stood beside Vladimir and Stefan. 
Here is this vampire who can block most of his coven’s gifts, stuck with an intense dislike of him, who he has seen with his own eyes stand with his enemies. He has every right to be nervous now. Her love for her mate is almost as strong as Marcus’s bond to Didyme - how strong is her bond to Renesmee? Likely more. Aro knows the threat in that. He knows that Bella may be viewing him in the way Marcus feels when he thinks of taking revenge on whoever killed Didyme.
Nobody wants the Romanians back in power. Those who lived under their reign and those who have heard first hand stories told to them all know very well that life under Vladimir would be horrible, brutal, awful for all beside his close coven members (though considering he had a very large coven that was often squabbling amongst itself, it was probably miserable for a lot of them too).
But Bella is young. She has no memory of the world before the Volturi, and knows no one with first hand experience of that world other than the Volturi. She will have heard that it was horrible, but she has no emotional or personal connection to the near-ancient past, and vampires who lived during that time are disappearing. No one lives forever.
Then, she is American. Like Garrett, she values freedom, and the Volturi are the only oppressive vampire force either of them has ever known. Despite them being the least oppressive in vampire history, Bella and Garrett haven’t experienced the alternative. They are a government that is at times harsh, is corrupt, and executes people. They go to war and they obliterate their enemies. Bella doesn’t see that the Volturi is the least bad government her world is ever going to get, and that they’ve granted her so much freedom. She is unable to see that because, in her youth, she has nothing to compare them against.
By standing against the Volturi, Bella isn’t just standing against Aro, Caius, and Marcus. She is standing against the peace they have brought between vampires, against humans living without fear, against modern civilisation itself. She stands a representative of the next world order, and Aro can sense it.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Open for holiday requests? Well then... ho,ho,ho🎅 Tom’s driving home frantically during holiday season and ends up getting his car stuck in a snowstorm. Reader and her family take him in from the cold and slowly he adjusts for the time being and maybe starts catching feelings???
I love a good hallmark like Xmas movie romance!
Home For The Holidays 
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
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“Spencer, look!” Lucas alerted his twin once he heard the knock. “There’s someone outside.”
Spencer got up to the window curiously and looked outside, seeing Tom covered head to toe in snow.
“It’s a monster.” Spencer shrieked as he ducked down from the window.
“It is not a monster.” Lucas rolled his eyes before looking out the window again. “Oh my God.”
“What?” Spencer asked, jumping up next to his twin to look out the window.
“Its a monster.” Lucas gasped. The boys scrambled to the door and flung it open, gasping in unison at the sight of a snow covered Tom.
“Hi. I’m-“
Are you the abdominal snowman?” Lucas asked as he let Tom in the door.
“No, I’m T-“
“Daisy!” Spencer cut him off with a shout. “Come in here!”
“Is there an adult I can speak to?” Tom asked the child as a little girl came into the room.
“Whats going on?” Daisy asked before her eyes landed on Tom. “Woah, is that an abdominal snowman?”
“Yea!” Spencer nodded. “He came right to our door.”
“I saw him out in the snow.” Lucas said proudly.
“Hey kids.” Tom spoke again. “Sorry to bother you, but I really need to talk to an adult. Are your parents home?”
“Did you come from the North Pole?” Spencer asked.
“No, Spencer.” Daisy rolled her eyes. “The abdominal snowman lives in Alaska.”
“I think he lives in Florida.” Lucas added.
“It’s actually abominable and I’m from Europe.” Tom cut in.
“Do you have magic powers?” Lucas asked.
“Yeah. I can use a phone really well. Do you want to see?” Tom tried to bait them into letting him use the phone.
“Wait!” Spencer gasped.
“What?” Daisy asked.
“Stranger danger.” Spencer realized. “We let a stranger into the house.”
“Oh no.” Lucas whined. “My parents are gonna be mad at me.”
“Mine too.” Daisy feared. “We can’t tell them.”
“Get Y/n.” Lucas instructed. “She’ll know what to do.”
“Okay.” Spencer ran out of the room, leaving Tom with the other two kids.
“Is Y/n your age?” Tom asked the children, hoping he wouldn’t have to deal with another child.
“No. Shes my cousin.” Daisy answered. “I think she’s 40. Shes really pretty though.”
“He’s right in here. He doesn’t look like the one in the movie.” Tom heard Spencer’s voice coming back. He came into the room with you, your one hand holding his and your other over your eyes.
“Okay. Can I open my eyes now?” You asked your brother.
“Uh huh.” Spencer said, and you slowly opened your eyes and removed your hand. Tom finally got a good look at you and felt all the air leave his chest.
“Uh, hi.” Tom waved awkwardly at you, taken aback by the beautiful stranger who let him on their house. You, on the other hand, were thinking something entirely different.
“AHHHHH.” You screamed and grabbed the children. “Intruder!”
“Woah woah woah.” Tom tried to calm you down. “The kids let me in.”
“Did you hurt them? Are you guys okay?” You asked as you inspected the children.
“We’re okay.” Lucas nodded, making you kiss his forehead out of relief. You picked Daisy up with one arm and held the boys close to you with your other as you backed away from Tom.
“Who are you and why are you in my house?” You demanded.
“My name is Tom.” Tom started slowly. “I’m so sorry to bother you but my car has broken down and I can’t get any service. Would you mind letting me use your phone?”
“My whole family is inside.” You told him. “Can you give me some sort of proof that you’re not chop us up and turn us into soup?”
“What kind of proof do you need?” Tom chuckled softly.
“Can you take me out to your car to show me that it’s broken down?”
“It’s really cold out here and I parked pretty far. It’s not safe for you to walk all the way out there.” Tom warned you.
“How far did you walk?” You asked, suddenly noticing how tired he looked.
“I’m not sure. You can’t see anything out there.” He shrugged. You chewed your lip and looked down at your siblings and cousin before making a decision.
“Kids, go inside and help grandma with the cooking.” You instructed. “Tell her I said you could have one piece of candy each.”
“Are we in trouble for letting a stranger inside?” Lucas asked fearfully.
“No, honey.” You assured him. “Just don’t do it again, okay? You did the right thing by coming to get me.”
The children smiled in relief before scurrying out of the room, leaving you alone with Tom.
“Empty your coat pockets” You demanded, trying to put on a brave face.
“Okay, but why?” Tom wondered as he took the contents of his pockets out.
“In case you have any weapons.” You said like it was obvious.
“There.” Tom said as he put the last of it on the table. “Pockets are empty.”
You eyed him skeptically before walking up to him and putting his hands in his pockets. You patted him down until you were satisfied.
“Okay. I believe you.” You nodded. “I’m Y/n, by the way.”
“Tom.” He shook your hand. “Are those your kids?”
“No.” You smiled. “Those were my brothers and my niece.”
“They’re cute.” Tom complimented. “They look like you.”
“Well, I have tons more in the living room.” You said proudly. “That’s why I have to keep you in here until I know you won’t hurt anyone.”
“How can I gain your trust?”
“Um, I don’t really know.” You realized. “I’ve never interrogated anyone before.”
“How about this.” Tom offered as he pulled off his hat and scarf, revealing his reddened face. “I’ll take off my stuff so you can see I’m just a regular guy.”
Your body language changed when you saw that he was a handsome guy your age. You blushed a little and looked around the room to gather yourself.
“Your skin is freezing.” You sighed as you touched a warm hand to his cold cheek. “How long have you been out there?”
“A while. I can’t feel anything below my neck.”
“You poor thing.” You sighed and rubbed his arms to warm him up. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”
“Wait, what about the interrogation?” Tom wondered.
“You passed. Now come on, before you get frostbite.” You laughed as you took his hand and lead him into your living room where your family was. Tom looked around the room, seeing at least 8 children and a bunch of adults. As soon as they saw you, your cousin Clementine ran into your arms for a hug. You scooped her up and held her on your hip as you addressed your family.
“Everyone, this is Tom.” You put your hand on Toms back. “His car broke down and he needs our help.”
“How cute is he!” Your aunt Linda gushed. “Look at those brown eyes.”
“The eyes? Look at that hair. So healthy.” Your Aunt Mary added.
“Nice to meet you Tom. I’m also Tom.” Your grandfather reached forward to shake Toms hand.
“And I’m Gary.” Your other grandfather shook his hand. “Nice handshake. Strong.”
“Thank you sir.” Tom smiled shyly.
“Ah, Y/n, he’s your age.” Your grandmother gasped. “What a cute couple you’d make.”
“Do you want to see my train set?” Your brother Charlie tugged on Toms hand. “I built it myself.”
“I helped.” Your youngest brother, George, told him. “I put the tracks together.”
“I’d love to see it.” Tom smiled at him.
“Can we get you something to eat?” Your uncle Jason asked Tom. “You must be starving.”
“How about a drink? Do you like hot chocolate? I just made some.” Aunt Linda offered.
“Have a seat, dear.” Your mom led Tom to a chair. “You must have been walking for miles.”
“A friend of mine owns the best auto shop in town. I’ll give him a call for you to see about your car.” Your uncle Richard said as he went to get the house phone.
“Thank you, sir. I greatly appreciate that.” Tom nodded in appreciation.
“Did you hear that?” Your mom gasped. “Manners.”
“And that accent.” Aunt Mary winked. “Oh, Y/n, he’s perfect for you.”
“Aunt Mary.” You glared at her. “We just met.”
“Oh, you must be freezing. I’ll get you a sweater.” Your other grandmother moved towards the closet.
“Make Y/n get it.” Your grandma waved her hand in dismissal. “You need to focus on the food.”
“Y/n, would you take Tom to get a fresh set of clothes? He’ll catch his death in this weather.” Your mother asked you.
“Please, don’t let me put you to any trouble.” Tom tried to stop them from going to great lengths for him.
“Nonsense. You’re our guest.” Your mother smiled at him.
“Follow me.” You put Clementine down and took Toms hand, leading him to one of the bedrooms.
“You have such a big family.” Tom commented as you reached the room.
“I know.” You smiled proudly as you got clothes out of the closet. “Every holiday is a huge celebration. It’s the only time we all get to be together.”
“That’s really great that you’re all so close.” Tom smiled as he looked at the family pictures hanging on the wall.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Here.” You handed him clothes. “You can put on anything you find and leave your wet clothes in the bathroom.”
You went to leave the room but Tom grabbed your arm.
“Y/n?” Tom asked.
“Yes, Tom?”
“Thank you. I really appreciate you letting me in.” Tom smiled warmly.
“And I really appreciate you not chopping my family up and turning us into soup.” You smiled back before leaving the room. You waited a few minutes before coming back in once you assumed Tom was finished changing.
“I found some more sweaters if none of those...” You trailed off when you saw what Tom was wearing.
“What?” Tom asked in confusion as he looked down at the sweater.
“That’s my dads sweater. I haven’t seen it in years.” You smiled softly as you ran your fingers down the material of the sweater.
“It’s so soft.” Tom chuckled as he felt it as well. “He doesn’t wear it anymore?”
“No. He um, he passed away a few years ago.” You admitted, keeping your eyes down.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I can take it off.” Tom immediately went to remove it.
“No, it’s okay.” You stopped him. “It suits you.”
“Tom! Y/n!” Your aunt Linda called from the living room. “Hot chocolate is ready!”
“Come on.” You took his hand. “My aunt makes really good hot chocolate. You’ll love it.”
Tom blushed behind your back as you lead him to the kitchen, feeling intimidated when he saw your entire family sitting down.
“There you two are.” Your mother smiled. “We were just sitting down to eat.”
“You can sit next to me.” You pulled Tom to two empty seats. He pulled your chair out for you, making you smile.
“I wanna sit with Tom.” Daisy whined.
“No, I do.” George pouted.
“You can sit across from me.” Tom told George. “And I’ll sit in the middle of Y/n and Daisy.”
“I called the auto shop.” Your uncle told Tom. “They can’t send anybody out here until the morning. Hope you don’t spending the night here.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Tom shook his head. “I’m sure I’ll find a hotel around here.”
“Nonsense. You’ll never make it to a hotel. Plus, we have a perfectly good bed right here.” Your grandpa insisted.
“I don’t want to put you to too much trouble.” Tom told your family. “You’ve already done so much for me.”
“It’s no trouble at all. We’re happy to have you here.” Your other grandpa said.
“Hot chocolate, for you.” Aunt Linda placed two mugs down in front of you and Tom.
“Would you like some potatoes?” Aunt Mary passed him the bowl.
“How about some greens? I put a little brown sugar on them to make them taste good.” Aunt Linda put some on Toms plate.
“You have to try this. It’s my special recipe.” Your grandma put a baked zucchini next to the green beans.
“My wife makes the best stuffing.” Uncle Gary chuckled as he put some on Toms plate. “You’ll want to take some before the kids get it all.”
“Ooo. Make sure you get some cranberry sauce.” Your mother filled the last empty spot on Toms dish.
“Thank you. All of you. I really appreciate your kindness.” Tom smiled fondly at the table, his heart warming with gratitude.
“It’s the holiday season. Kindness is the most important gift you can give.” Your grandpa declared.
“Tom, do you want to play dolls with me after dinner?” Your cousin Ivy asked.
“No, he has to see my train set first.” Charlie spoke up.
“We could put the dolls on the train.” Tom suggested, making all the children grin.
“Did you hear that? He’s a genius.” Lucas said to Spencer.
“How long is Tom gonna stay with us?” Ivy asked her mom.
“Can he stay in my room tonight? I have stars on my ceiling.” Lucas told Tom.
“That sounds really cool, Lucas.” Tom nodded. “You’ll have to show me.”
“Are you and Y/n gonna get married?” Clementine wondered out loud, making you slap your hand to your forehead while Tom laughed.
“We just met, Clementine.” You said shyly as you pushed your food around your plate.
“Do you like pie Tom?” Aunt Linda piped up. “I made apple and cherry.”
“And I made pumpkin.” You leaned towards him to tell him.
“I like pumpkin.” Tom smiled at you, leaning in as well.
“Me too.” You giggled as you bumped shoulders with him.
“Oh look!” Aunt Mary gasped. “You two are under the mistletoe.”
You and Tom looked up and sure enough, a bustle of mistletoe was hanging above your heads. Toms face immediately flushed as he looked at you, but you were busy giving an unamused look to your family.
“Wow.” You said sarcastically. “It’s almost like someone hung mistletoe over the only two empty seats at the table.”
“Maybe it was a coincidence.” Tom squeaked.
“Uh Uh.” You shook your head. “This was no coincidence. My family did this on purpose.”
You punctuated your sentence by standing up and taking the mistletoe down, making your family roll their eyes and huff.
“We’re not gonna kiss.” You declared as you set the mistletoe down on the table. “Not like this.”
Tom perked up at your words, but appeared to be the only one that heard it. He looked around the table for witnesses, but found that your family had given up and started eating. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched you slip the mistletoe into your cardigan pocket. Tom eyes you curiously but didn’t say anything as he began to eat his food.
After dinner, Tom helped you clear the table while the kids ran off to play. You couldn’t help but smile at him as he stood next to your grandmother, drying the dishes as she washed them.
“Look at him.” Your grandmother gawked. “He’s helping me wash the dishes.”
“Y/n, if you don’t marry him, I will.” Your mom clicked her tongue, making you roll your eyes.
“Stop it.” You scolded. “No one here marrying him. We don’t even know if he’s single.”
“Well, Tom, are you seeing anyone?” Aunt Mary asked him as she put the dishes away.
“I’m not, no.” Tom answered as he kept his eyes on you. You gave him a coy smile before looking away.
“Then when are you taking Y/n on a date?” Aunt Linda asked, making you gasp.”
“Aunt Linda!” You exclaimed. “That’s enough. Nothings gonna happen between us if you’re all poking around in our business. We’re leaving. Come on, Tom.”
Tom gave an apologetic look to your family as he followed you out of the room. You took his hand and brought him to one of the rooms, presumably the one you were staying in.
“Sorry about that.” You sighed as you shut the door behind you. “They’re always trying to set me up.”
“Has it ever worked before?” Tom asked, a hint of jealousy in his words.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged and flicked your eyes to the ceiling. “You tell me.”
Tom followed your eyes and looked up as well, smiling a little when he saw mistletoe badly taped above your heads.
“Hm.” Tom played coy. “Now, where did that come from?”
“I took it from the dining room.” You laughed. “It’d be a shame to go to waste.”
“You know what?” Tom smirked as he hooked his pinky under your chin, tilting your lips closer to his. “I was thinking the same thing.”
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zeldas-cigarrette · 4 years
Hi!!! I love your writing for Zelda and was hoping to request one where readers hired by hilda (readers human) after sabrina dies and ambrose leaves the mortuary, to help out zelda (aka make sure shes not lonely, makes sure she eats and doesnt smoke excessively) and zelda starts crushing even though she’s annoyed af by her new secretary at the mortuary
- ❥author’s note: Hi!! Tysm<3 I really hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing🤍
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The secretary.
You had known Hilda for a couple of years now and you had heard of their loss. The blonde, usually cheery Brit, worked at the bookstore. She always had the latest gossip about people you had never heard of, nonetheless, Hilda was a polite a friendly woman you were happy to know.
You two were close, it seemed as if she was your only friend in town and you cherished her existence very much. That’s why you couldn’t hesitate to help her after the loss of her niece. „I’m not sure how to ask you Y/n, but I really need your help with this,” her voice carried concern. „Just say it,” you replied not averting your gaze from her worried face. „My nephew is out of town, I have to be here and my sister is all alone and she doesn’t take good care of herself,” she sighed before starting a new sentence, „Would you mind, taking a job at the mortuary as a secretary? Just to make sure Zelda is okay while I’m here?”
„Sure?” It sounded more like a question than a statement. „Don’t worry, she can be very nice when she warmed up to people.” To be honest, this didn’t sound too promising, but to make Hilda feel better you gave it a shot, what could go wrong? Hilda’s „Just don’t tell her you’re looking after her.” should’ve warned you in the first place. Your naïve mind just shook it off, you knew how much Hilda loved her niece and how hard it was for her to lose that girl, you couldn’t imagine how it was for her other aunt, so you felt the need to help.
Two days later you were marching through the woods, thick layers of mud covering your shoes. It rained the night before and you have never been at the Spellman’s house and didn’t know that the way would lead you through the forest. The smell of rain lingered in the air and even though you had never met the other Spellman sister you hoped she wouldn’t hate you too much. From what Hilda had told you she didn’t seem like a charming person, but you didn’t want to judge too much before you actually meet her. When you arrived at their front door you softly knocked and waited for a response, nothing. Another, more eager knock, seemed to awake response in the house because the door flung open and revealed a mischievous redhead. „What is it? I don’t want to buy anything,” the woman scoffed and was about to close the door again. „Hello, I’m the new secretary,” you smiled innocently. Zelda, who you thought it was, rolled her eyes. „Come in.”
You assumed that she just wasn’t the type of person for warm welcomes. Stepping into the house, a cloud of smoke surrounded you, that must be one of her habits, excessively smoking. „There,” she pointed at a table, „Just take the calls or whatever.” As fast as she appeared, the fast she disappeared into the kitchen again. It left you frozen in place. Before you could worry about anything, luckily the phone rang and brought you your first client.
Weeks had gone by and from time to time you were able to check on Zelda. It was hard to do it without waking to much mistrust in the woman. It was late noon and you had brought rice and vegetables for cooking lunch. You knew she would be in there and you might have a chance to talk to her.
You sat at the table, observing the older woman from time to time. It was a miracle, Zelda never left the table, she sat there smoked her cigarettes and read her newspaper, the whole day. It worried you, to say the least, seeing this woman who was smart and also very beautiful, destroying herself piece by piece. „Have you eaten today?” your voice was shaky, fearing she wouldn’t answer. It nearly surprised you when she slightly shook her head. „Would you like to have some rice then?” Just another shake of her head. „Could you at least stop smoking when I’m in here?” I asked. „It never bothered you until now, what is your problem?” Zelda’s voice grew in rage. „Okay, no need to freak out it was a subtle question,” you tried to ease the tension between you two. Zelda averted her gaze and turned a page in her newspaper. „I’m going to cook now, if you want anything let me know,” you almost whispered and got up from the chair. Soon the smell of freshly cooked food filled the kitchen and you placed bits of it on two plates. „In case you develop appetite in the next time,” you said and placed a plate in front of her. You left the kitchen with you. „You’re annoying,” was the last thing you heard before you entered the hall again. „I know.” She may not hate you as much as she used to.
As the day went on no calls were incoming, no people came, nothing at all. „Do you mind if I join you for a while?” you entered the living room with a book in your hands. „No just sit.” Even the living room smelt as if fifty people were smoking in there. You opened your book on the page you last stopped and continued reading the novel. Sometimes coughs interrupted the suffocating silence. It felt good being near the woman, though she doesn’t seem to like you very much it made you feel at ease to know that she was doing nothing severely hurtful to herself. „I really don’t want to bother you, but could you please stop smoking?” you asked anew not bothering to look up from your book. Only a sigh in response, but she stubbed it out. It surprised you, to say the least. Normally smoking didn’t bother you at all, but smelling it so prominently the whole time took a toll on you and when Hilda said that her sister chain-smoked the cancer sticks madly you think it was one of the reasons why she hired you.
Days after, a lot of calls were incoming. It was a busy day and you arranged days for the grieving family members to see their loved one dressed nicely in their coffin. You spent the morning talking on the phone almost with no breaks, you wondered what had happened in the last days that so many people died.
You entered the kitchen when you made sure nobody would call in the next few minutes, to get a glass of water. Zelda sat at the table once again, reading her newspaper. At least she wasn’t smoking.
„Want something to eat?” „I’m good,” her voice sounded strained. „There were a lot of people calling today,” you explained before taking a sip of water. „Is there someone for the morgue stuff or…” you wanted to continue but you heard suppressed sobs. „Oh God, Zelda are you okay?” it almost worried you immediately. You had never seen her like this before, nor did you think she was even able to cry. You quickly scurried over to her, wanting to comfort the woman. The soft sobs turned into uncontrollable cries. „What’s going on, please tell me,” you panicked when the woman buried her head in her hands. „Get Sabrina back!” the redhead screamed through her tears. You didn’t know what to do, you knew you couldn’t get her back. „Zelda, just talk to me you need to calm down alright,” you caressed her cheek. „I can’t.” „Yes you can, get up we’re going in the living room,” you cooed in her ear and took her hand, not caring about the sudden contact.
„Just sit down, it’s going to be fine,” you placed a cushion behind her back. Her sobs became less and less audible until they stopped completely. „Do you want to talk about it?” „I’m sorry I didn’t want to-“ „Don’t apologize Zelda it’s fine,” you forced a smile onto your face. Silence.
„We don’t have to talk about it, we can just sit here in silence,” you reassured her putting her hand back on her thigh, not wanting to be clingy. „Could- Could you take…” referring to your hand she stared down at yours. „Sure.” You took her hand again and caressed her palms with your thumb. Zelda’s body relaxed and she leant back on the couch, letting her head rest on it. A look in her direction let you know she had fallen asleep, sound and peaceful. You carefully placed her hand on a cushion next to her and got up. „Don’t go?” it almost sounded desperate. „I’ll be right by your side when you wake up,” you smiled before sitting down again. Your mind went on and on about how incredibly sad Zelda was, and how much you grew fond of her. You watched her sleep, how her nostrils slightly twitched every now and then and how some of her hair fell into her face. „Y/n!” the sudden noise startled you. „Jesus, what’s happening?” you asked perplexed and closed the book in your lap. „I’d thought you left,” Zelda admitted and sat up straight. „I told you I’ll be here,” you smiled and scanned your opposite. „Is there something you’d like to tell me because you seemed to dislike me from the very beginning, Ms. Spellman,” it was hard to hold back a chuckle. „Well…, I might have taken a liking to you Y/n,” it came like butter over her lips. „I might’ve too,” you took her hand and squeezed it, letting her know that you were there.
„I’m glad Hilda asked you to stay here with me,” she yawned and closed her eyes again. „You knew, huh?” it didn’t surprise you, Hilda wasn’t a secretive person. „We both know my sister.” „Can’t say anything against it.” Zelda’s arm slowly pulled you closer to her, fearing you’d be gone just as fast as Sabrina was. „I’ll be there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I’m not going anywhere,” you mumbled and one could almost hear you smile. „I’m not taking the risk,” the grip around you got stronger, but you didn’t mind.
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thebeebi · 4 years
your little games pt. 12
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pairing: Jungkook x reader
warnings: fluff in later chapters, smut, non-con, mention of r*pe attempt, implied murder and many more! Read only if you are okay with these topics!
genre: historical AU, 18th century?
word count: 3k+ [part 12]
a/n: Hello, I am sorry for posting late, but I am trying to learn some coding so I could fix the tumblr themes up to my liking. ALSO huge shout out for people who messaged me a suggested some themes ♥ Love you. ♥ 
taglist: @njrwifey​ @danietoww04​  @kaithezaftig​​ @she-is-dreaming​  [If you want to be added, just let me know :)]
You ran away from the man who tried to take an advantage of you. You stabbed him and escaped. Escaped to the arms of the handsome captain who was even worse than the man you just killed.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11
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In the silence, you could hear that Jungkook was back. He was taking off his clothes and the only source of light was the lamp from the outside. He laid down next to you and turned his face towards the door just in case something might happen again and because he could not look at you. It was silent in the room once again and the only thing you could hear was his breath, which started becoming more stable and calm.
Before you could even open your eyes, you heard that it was raining outside. The man lying next to you moved and pulled away the blanket that was covering him. Jungkook sat up at first then stood up. You finally opened your eyes and also hopped out of the bed which got his attention. He frowned while looking at you. “You do not have to wake up yet.” He said tetchily. “I have to take care of a few things and I cannot take you with me.” You opened your mouth in o while nodding. “Are you leaving right away?” You asked timidly since his expression was not the most welcoming you have ever seen. “No. Not right now. Firstly I have to wash up and then eat breakfast.” You looked around the room and then backed away from him. “If you don’t mind, I would rather wake up now.”
“Do whatever you want.” He murmured. “I don’t care.” When the servants from the tavern brought him the warm water into the tub, ha made sure it was the temperature up to his liking. Once they left and you stayed with Jungkook alone once again, he sat down in the tub. It looked like Jungkook was in a bad mood, enjoying the silence. It was too silent that you were scared to even come closer to him and offer him help with washing up. You gathered all of the courage and walked towards him but once you were close, you stood still unable to say a word. You tried to reach for the sponge, that Jungkook was holding, while your hands were shaking. Jungkook looked at you surprised. “What do you want?” He asked annoyed. “A cat got your tongue?”
You took a deep breath before you finally spoke up: “I want… I want to help you to wash up.” Jungkook frowned even more. “You don’t have to.” He spat out. “Go and dress up and if you want, you can eat breakfast with me.” You nervously backed away from the tub and turned to the chair, where you left the dress last night. It was more than evident that he wants nothing to do with you today. You decided to keep your distance for now so you won't make him even more upset with your presence. You decided it would be best to brush your hair. You made your way towards the mirror and started trying to fix the mess with the fingers while Jungkook got out of the tub. He took the towel that was hanging on the chair and wiped the drops that were slowly going down his toned abs. Once you were finished you made your way towards the table but at the same moment, Jungkook turned to you and also walked towards the table to grab the freshly washed white shirt. You quickly moved to the side to let him through, but the action was met with a frown. “You don’t have to be so scared.” He said bitterly. “I won't hurt you.”
You looked down biting your lower lip. “I… I am sorry.” You whispered. “I didn’t want to be in your way.” Jungkook cursed under his nose. “I don’t care if you avoid me or be in my way. I am not planning on beating you for things as your aunt did. I have never hit any woman in my life.” You looked at him unsurely. Should you move or should you stay, where you are right now? Jungkook was trying to tie the ribbon of his shirt in the bow-knot but anger did not help him and he failed to do so. You walked towards him slowly and pushed away his hands from the ribbon. Jungkook was staring at you but you did not look at him back. With the nervously shaking fingers, you tied up his ribbon into an even bow. Then you walked towards the chair and took the coak. You approached him again, wanting to help him put it on but he grabbed it from you. “Let me do it.” He said looking away from you. “You go and brush your hair again with a brush.” You smiled and quickly nodded, running towards his bag to take out the brush. While you were softly caressing your hair, Jungkook walked to you and buttoned up your dress. You thanked him and shyly smiled.
After that, the days flew quickly and it was the day when Jungkook was supposed to take you to the dressmaker to try on the dresses they made so far and to check on the fittings. “Today you are supposed to go and try on the dresses.” Said Jungkook slowly and took a bite of the bread. “I will come to pick you up around 2 in the afternoon. Tell Jimin to ask for the carriage.” When he looked at you, you obediently answered and nodded while taking a sip of coffee. Jungkook was softly caressing your body with his eyes. You always tensed up feeling his eyes on you, but after a while, you relaxed but still blushing a little.
While Jungkook was eating, you were watching him in silence. He was wearing a dark blue coat with a stiff tall collar quilted with a golden stitch. The shirt and the bow were of the bright white colour and you could smell a soft hint of his cologne. He was dressed up perfectly as always and he looked so attractive that all women in the tavern went weak just seeing him breathe. Then you realised he had the same effect on you. It was more than often when you stood still while looking at him. You would keep looking at him but his sudden voice surprised you and you looked down at your bread on the plate. “Yesterday I lost the button on my shirt.” He pushed away the plate from him and wiped the plump lower lip. “I would like you to fix it for me. Jimin is not so good when it comes to these things.” He looked up at you and raised his eyebrows. “I am assuming you would be good at that.” You smiled shyly, glad that he finally asked you to do something. “Stitching is one of the works I enjoy the most. It is the first thing I was taught to become a proper lady.”
“A proper lady…” Murmured Jungkook more for himself than for you to hear. “Excuse me?” You asked warily, not sure if he is going to make fun of you again, not understanding why he would do that after such peaceful days you spent together. Jungkook did not answer but reached for the strand of your hair that was in your face and softly pushed it behind your ear. “I mean nothing by that, little one. I am just thinking about how educated you are in this field.” You thought he was making fun of you but weren’t sure and there was no way to find out.
The door to the tavern opened up and a tall young man entered in, wearing the typical coat that sailors wore. He looked around before his eyes stopped at Jungkook and he made his way towards your table. When he came closer, Jungkook stood up looking at him. “Good morning, sir.” Said the young man in the strange accent you could not identify. He looked at you then bowed while smiling. “Good morning, madam.” Jungkook introduced him to you as Kim Seokjin.  When Jungkook introduced you as his wife, Seokjin showed no sign of surprise. For sure he was told about our marriage. You did not know to what extent and what kind of details he knew but you knew that he knew. When I will be big enough, the crew of Bangtan could count on their fingers and realise that we slept together before marriage. Seokjin’s face was really handsome but you thought that your husband looked better. Seokjin smiled at you brightly. “I am glad to finally meet you, madam.“ You smiled at him and Jungkook asked Seokjin to sit down while he sat down in his chair.
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When Jungkook and Seokjin left, you returned to the room. You asked Jimin to bring you a needle with a thread and scissors so you could start working on Jungkook’s button. This kind of work relaxed you a little while you did not even know you needed it. With his shirt in your lap and a baby in your womb, you felt happy and for a moment you felt like a real wife. You stopped working and the calmness disappeared soon enough. Soon you will have to pack your bags and leave the place you called home. The new life you were going to live was still unknown to you. You will be brought to a place full of strangers and your child is going to grow up among them. You weren't sure if you are going to be happy there but only time will tell.
When you finished up the stitching, you folded Jungkook’s shirt and placed it on the table. Jimin brought you a light lunch and then you got ready to leave for the town to see the dressmaker once again. Jimin knocked on the door, telling you that the carriage was downstairs waiting for you. Suddenly you could hear the loud tintinnabulation of the bells in the town centre but Jungkook’s voice was the only thing you could hear. You smiled once you heard the footsteps in front of the room and when he opened the door and looked at you, Jungkook noted. “I see that you are ready.” He did not look as happy as you were once you saw him, he furrowed his brows looking you up and down. “There was nothing to keep me from getting ready” You smiled a bit but quickly looked away unsure if you won't make him upset. He handed you the cloak that was hanging on his forearm. “It is cold outside.” You took it from him. “I think this one will fit you better than mine.” At first, you thought it was another one of his cloaks but when you put it on, you realised it was for women and it looked expensive. You never had such an elegant cloak before, not even when you were living with your father. You run your fingers through the material smiling. “Oh, Jungkook.” You exhaled. “It's so beautiful.” He reached in to button it up, but you were so happy with the present you started turning and spinning smiling at how beautiful it was. You were moving from one side to the other to see it better which caused Jungkook to laugh. “Stay still, my little bunny, so I can button it up.”
You giggled happily and looked down at his fingers that reached for your cloak once again. Since you did not tie up your hair, they fell down and covered your face alongside with the button and the hole Jungkook was trying to find. “Well, now I don’t even see what I am doing,” he lectured you lovingly. You started laughing so hard, you bent backwards letting him help you. Jungkook saw how happy you were with a little present and he was honestly glad he decided to buy you such a surprise gift. His eyes darkened once you touched his chest with your hand smiling. At that moment your eyes met and the touch was electrifying. The moment was interrupted by the horselaugh from the outside and Jungkook pulled his hands away from you. He shook his head as if wanting to get rid of all the sparkly feeling and then he smiled again and reached out his arm to let you wrap yours around it. “Let's go, little one,” you finally laid your hand on his as he continued. “We have to hurry up.”
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Mrs Dubois welcomed you in front of her shop and then quickly led you inside, not wasting any minute. “Everything is going smoothly, captain Jeon. We will make dresses on time.”  Jungkook sat down on the offered chair and nodded. “Well done, madam.” The dressmaker then made her way to bring out all kinds of dresses. You walked to Jungkook and turned to him with your back, moving your hair to the front so he could help you unbutton them. His face had a strange expression when he reached up to help you and his fingers were clumsier than usual. You stepped out of the dress and Mrs Dubois helped you into the first one prepared.
“You are really lucky that it’s fashionable right now to have the middle higher.“ Said the dressmaker. “When the middle is so high, you will have no problem wearing this dress even in a few months when you will have a bigger belly. We will keep a bit of fabric inside, so you could cut the mold joint so it would create more room just in case.” Jungkook’s eyes suddenly slid down on his wife’s stomach. Today he forgot about your state and about the circumstances of your marriage. “Do you like the dress, monsieur?”  Jungkook then looked at your body, looking you up and down, not really caring about the pink dress you were wearing and but was covering something he really wanted to see. He murmured something in agreement then looked away. Mrs Dubois kept on putting you in the dresses, asking Jungkook if he liked them and he just always mumbled something as a yes. He moved on the chair while seeing you in the beautiful black dress. He was sweating as he started thinking about how he almost broke his promise a while ago. If the moment in the tavern was not interrupted, he would have thrown away the pride and would let his words mean nothing in a second. If the moment was not interrupted, he would hold you, brought you to the bed and nothing would stop him from making love to you. Now he was painfully aroused and was watching you how you are putting on and off different kinds of dresses. He was battling with himself. His pride and lust were battling and Jungkook was not sure which one was winning.
He frowned and dusted off his coat, wanting to look anywhere but at you. He did not want to look at you anymore. If he did, he would just run to you and would act as some kind of animal. At that moment he would be content with the carriage and privacy it offered. Nothing would help you, not even begging. He was feeling as if his insides were rupturing because he knew it would cause you to hate him even more. To Jungkook, it looked like you were happy with the situation you two were both in and he was worried that you would start playing the game of cat and mouse if he told you that he wanted to make love to you. And who was he really to say anything to you after the first experience you had with him? But he did not want it to be like that again. He did not want you to be scared of him. He wanted to be gentle with you. He wanted to show you how beautiful it could be.
Jungkook was really unlucky. You tried a few more dresses and he was cursing himself inside for actually buying you that many. He was frowning more and more and whenever Mrs Dubois asked him, he would answer even shorter each time. Mrs Dubois just exhaled knowing that he was just like any other men. She thought Jungkook hated the time it took them to try on the dresses. Oh, how wrong she actually was. Jungkook moved to the side on the chair, looking at you briefly thanking God and the dressmaker for finally putting you in the dress that covered your bust. Is she really unaware of what she is doing to me? Even though he promised to himself he is not going to touch you, it did not mean that you in a sating undergarment did not cause him to feel things. It barely covered anything and his mind was already full of images of you without it anyways.
Mrs Dubois helped you into another dress and said something in a quick French. The dress was small around your bust causing it to almost spill over youre breasts. Jungkook started twisting on the chair and was cursing inside. The cold sweat appeared on his forehead and he dug his fingernails into his knees. “Oh, girl! I have to show her the mistake she made.” Mrs Dubois spat out. “Not everyone is as flat as she is.” The dressmaker ran out of the room and you could barely breathe in the dress that was still full of pins. You moved your arm a little but it only caused you to whimper in pain.
“Jungkook, could you, please?” You asked him pitifully. “I feel like as if I were a pin cushion. That girl left there all of the pins she used. I cannot even breathe, they are pricking me.” Jungkook rather unwillingly stood up and walked towards you and put his hand underneath your bust-bodice feeling the warmth of your body. For a second your eyes met and to your surprise, he started blushing. He quickly pulled away his hand as if he was burnt. “You will have to wait for Mrs Dubois.” He spat out. “I cannot do it.” You were surprised by how rough he was. Obviously, he was nervous the whole time he was sitting in the chair, moving around. You nodded silently and looked down. Does he hate seeing me in the dresses? But he bought them… Did I do something?
Chapter 13
a/n: how did you like this chapter??? How long do you think is Jungkook going to be able suppress all of his urges and feelings? ;))))))  If you have any guess and would like to share go ahead :D I know the answer and I am curious if you can get it right :D love you lots ♥ 
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - HighSchool AU “Sometimes is just a kiss”- ChapterTwo.
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Gif is not mine.
Read on AO3 too
Summary:  When the rumors that you punched Tony Stark in the face spread around your school, some interesting events unfolded. Or enemies to Lovers in high School.
Warnings: 18+; Enemies to Lovers/ Angry Sex/ Underage Sex/ High School AU/ Violence/ Fights/ Inappropriate language; Fluff 
Yes, I turned this into a short fic, simply because there were so many positive comments that I felt very inspired to continue. And I hope nobody will be disappointed haha But here it is, have a good read.
The news that Steve Rogers and Tony Stark kissed behind the bleachers spread quickly through the school. And it was only 10 o'clock on a Monday morning.
You had no idea who had spread the rumor around the campus, but knowing your luck, you were just waiting for the bomb to drop in your lap.
Besides, you hadn't spoken to Wanda since you gave her an orgasm against the walls of a locker room. You saw her briefly in the hallway between history and biology class, but she looked away quickly, and you rolled your eyes without patience.
It had been good sex, and you repeated that it was just that. Sex. That it shouldn't have happened, mainly because you were incompatible, and there were too many social barriers between you.
You should have known that Wanda would not break the expectations they had of her, to stay as someone as broken as you. 
Closing the locker with more force than necessary, you walked out toward the history room. 
Taking your place in the last chair by the window, you sit down as you wait for the class to begin. You have about five minutes of peace before an angry Tony Stark enters the room and walks toward you pointing his finger in your face in a threatening manner.
- I told you to mind your own business.
- What have I done to deserve this, Lord. - You grumble without patience, ignoring Stark completely. He lets out an angry exclamation and punches the table, making you jump with surprise.
- You'll pay for this, bitch. I'm going to-
You cut off his speech by pulling his hair and forcing his head against the table in a blow that makes a loud noise. He staggers back, shocked that he has been hit again. The room erupts in a hubbub and someone holds Tony back to stop him from jumping on you.
You stand up, gathering your notebooks, seeing that the history teacher was already signaling for you to talk to the counselor.
- You never learn, Stark. - You sneer, taking one last look at the boy's bloody nose before you leave the room, most of your classmates laughing.
- I'm so angry with you right now. - said your mother as soon as you both left the school. You didn't respond, walking with your hands in your pockets to the car. She started mumbling to herself, and only when you had been in the car a few minutes did she speak to you again. 
- And the worst of it is that you hit my boss's son!
You let out a wry laugh as you looked out the car window at the view.
- I doubt very much that Howard Stark knows any of his employees, Mother.
- It doesn't matter. - she retorted, turning the wheel. You watched the landscape change as you turned the corner.
- At least I didn't get expelled. - You commented, your mother let out a wry laugh.
- Suspension is not a good thing! - she replies in an irritated tone. - And I even had to miss my shift to come get you. I honestly didn't raise you for that.
- That's the point, isn't it? - You retorted angrily, finally turning to face your mother.  - Did you ever raise me? Last time I checked, I've been raising myself for a long time.
Your mother assumes a disapproving expression, denying it with her head. You throw yourself back on the seat with your arms crossed.
- You've always been so unfair, you know. - She begins. - Who's picking you up from school now, huh? And who puts a roof over your head? Food on your plate? You raised yourself, that's a joke.
She grumbles again, but you just ignore it, shutting yourself off from your surroundings. 
You barely register when the car pulls up in front of your house, startled when your mother slams the car door as you get out. You take off your seat belt, and step out.
- You are grounded, three months. - she says, and you just nod. It's not as if she was present enough to know where you were going anyway. - And you are going to help your aunt in the store while you are suspended.
You let out a protesting grunt.
- Really, there's nothing worse for me to do? - You ask, throwing yourself on the sofa in the living room, your mother giggles.
- Weren't you the one who was thinking that suspension is better than expulsion? Well, you're not going to be sitting around this week. - She said as she left her purse on the kitchen table, and walked towards the small office table in the corner of the room. - Now go to your room, I'm working from home today.
You roll your eyes, getting up. Dragging your feet to your room, you slam the door as you enter, throwing yourself against your bed.
You hope Tony Stark's nose is hurting.
You are very surprised to see Natasha Romanoff enter your aunt's mercenary, shortly after school hours. She smiles at you with amusement, walking over to the counter.
- Wow, interesting look. - She jokes, commenting on the blue uniform combined with a sailor's hat that your aunt makes her three employees wear. You laugh at Nat.
- How can I help you, ma'am? - You asked in an amused tone, she leaned her arms on the counter.
- I'm looking for a fighting dog. Do you sell these here? 
You laugh at the insinuation. And then a customer enters the store, Nat moves aside for you to attend to a lady buying tomato sauce and noodles, and then as you check out, she speaks again.
- You caused a fuss at school with your fight. - She remarks, and you just grumble, counting the money. - By the way, how did you find out about Rogers and Stark's secret affair?
You shrug, smiling. - I saw them kissing the night of the game. Stark freaked out, by the way, typical.
Nat laughed, and began to look around the store. - It is nice here. I didn't know you worked.
- It's my aunt's. - You say, finally finishing counting the money in the cash register. - And I worked at the junkyard on Avenue Two until last year.
- Aren't you going to tell me that you were fired for fighting? - Nat teased, making you laugh.
- No, I asked to quit. - So you say. - I wanted a quiet senior year.
Nat nods, and walks around the store, stopping at the magazine section. You see three more customers before she returns.
- I have to get home before my mother freaks out. - She announced as soon as she reached the counter. You nodded. - But I want to know if you want to do something with me?
- I thought you had a boyfriend. - You joked, and Nat rolled her eyes humorously. 
- Don't be a smartass. 
You laugh.
- I will be helping out in the store during this week. - You say. - Because of the suspension. I leave at seven.
Nat nodded, assuming a contemplative expression for a moment.
- Do you know where Avengers' Bar is? Three blocks past the municipal hospital?
You nod, smiling.
- Sure, Nat. - You say. - I've already driven past it.
- Why haven't you ever gone inside? I'm always there.
- I wasn't in that area to drink. - You remark with a suggestive smile, and Nat just laughs and rolls her eyes.
- Well, I'll be there on Wednesday. Some colleagues from State are playing there. - She says, and writes down a phone number on one of the papers on the counter. - Text me if you're going to show up.
- Are you sure it's not a date? - You joke and Nat just winks at you before you leave. You keep her number in your uniform pocket.
Even from outside, you could hear the music from the bar muffled against the windows. 
Avengers's Bar was a popular place in town, but only for a certain kind of people. Mainly frequented by punks, bikers, and artists, it was exactly the kind of place you liked but should avoid. With its history of fights, it wasn't exactly the kind of place you went to anymore.
A dark-haired girl in metal-working attire smiled at you from the doorway, looking at you mischievously as you walked through the door. You just nodded slightly.
Inside, you looked around for Natasha and her friends, but with the amount of people in the bar, it wasn't so easy to find them.
- Y/N! - shouted Thor when he spotted you in the crowd. You smiled, walking over to where he was standing. - We're on the top floor, Nat got a table. Come on, I just came to get some drinks.
You followed him to the bar, and helped him carry the drinks for the others. You didn't recognize any of the drinks they were making there, so you decided to just drink from everyone's glass, which made Thor laugh.
- Look who I found. - announced Thor as soon as you two arrived at the table. The group smiled when they saw you, and you greeted everyone with a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to Nat.
- We heard that you were suspended. - commented Clint, but he seemed almost proud. You shrugged awkwardly. 
- She wasn't content to just punch Stark, she also slammed the bastard's head against the table! - Said Natasha excitedly, and the group laughed. You laughed half embarrassed, as you took a sip of the pink drink Nat had ordered.
They started talking about some scandal that happened at the federal school, and you did your best to react to it, not really knowing who the people they were talking about were. And then Valkyrie let out an exclamation, as if she had spotted someone, and stood up. A very pretty girl approached, smiling and hugging Valkyrie. 
- I'm glad you could make it, Carol. - Valkyrie said the girl who waved to everyone. When you looked closely, you finally recognized her. Carol Danvers was an ex-student of your high school, having graduated last year. She used to be very popular, and you noticed the military silver necklace around her neck. 
Carol sat down next to Valkyrie, and the two of them seemed so close that you thought maybe they were dating.
When the show started, everyone exclaimed with excitement, quickly getting up and walking to the stage area. You smiled as Nat dragged you by the hand, liking the feeling of having friends.
The band was surprisingly good, and you danced with excitement, feeling the alcohol make you lively and loose. You were surprised when Carol began to dance with you, her hands on your waist.
She was very attractive, so you didn't mind her kissing you. And you pushed away the feeling that she wasn't the person you wanted. When she pulled you into the bathroom, her hands roaming over you as she tugged off your clothes, you ignored every part of your body screaming that this was wrong. When she made you cum, you bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming Wanda's name.
Your suspension was finally over, and you gave the key to the store back to your aunt before you went to school. 
You tried not to think about it too much, about how many college opportunities you had missed with that stain on your record. But if you were honest, you didn't even know if you wanted to go to college anymore. Every day the possibility of buying a motorcycle and traveling aimlessly getting closer to your real calling.
Many people stared at you when you arrived at school. The vast majority didn't even bother to look away. You rolled your eyes impatiently, reaching into your jacket pockets as you walked through the main doors. 
You were slightly startled when Jessica Jones approached you in your locker, but you smiled awkwardly, taking off your headphones.
- Girl, you are a legend! - she said excitedly, pushing you lightly by the shoulders against the lockers. She stood close, and you thought maybe that was flirting. - By the way, I didn't have your number to text you. 
She took a pen from her bag, and grabbed your hand, writing down her own number while flashing you a mischievous smile.
- Text me, let's do something this week. - She says as she lets go of your hand. You blink slightly, and nod, a little awkwardly. Jessica doesn't seem to notice, and smiles, leaving afterwards.
You hear a whistle, and Nat looks at you with curiosity.
- You are stealing hearts, huh. - She teases, and you feel your face heat up, still surprised by the whole interaction. - By the way, are you and Carol on a real thing?
- What? - you ask in surprise. - No, I don't think so. It was just sex in a concert restroom, Natasha. I don't think she even knew my name. - You remark as you turn toward the redhead. She laughs, finishing putting her books away.
- Actually she asked me for your number. - She says, and you look at her in surprise. - But then I see you with Jones, and I have to admit, it's a tough choice. - Nat teases, making you laugh. You start walking down the hall together, walking towards the classrooms. You think Nat has said something about the show, but your attention is elsewhere. As you walk past Wanda and Peter Maximoff, everything seems to slow down, you notice the slight flush on Wanda's cheeks when her gaze meets yours, and you both hold your breath as you walk past each other. But the next second everything is as it was before, and you sigh, focusing your attention on Nat.
When you arrive in the literature room, you are happy to know that Nat sits next to you.
You hate the cafeterias. So when Nat invites you to join her at the outside tables you think it's the best lunch you have ever had. 
The outside courtyard is relatively less crowded than the other places in the school, and you are in the middle of a discussion about the new TV series that launched over the weekend, when Nat signals to something behind you.
Coming out of the school, and heading towards the table where you were standing, was Sharon Carter, accompanied by her pet friend, Pepper Potts. And you really thought you could have a quiet lunch.
- To what do I owe the honor, Carter? - you asked ironically as they reached your table.
- You stay away from my boyfriend. - She spoke in a serious tone, and before you could say anything, she tipped the glass of soda she held over your head.
You felt your whole body boil with irritation and you stood up abruptly, seeing red. But Natasha tugged on your forearm, whispering something about your suspension. Sharon and Pepper seemed to be slightly startled by your posture, but they let out a wry chuckle and went back inside the school.
You tugged on Nat's arm, then left the courtyard and headed for the changing rooms. You needed a cold shower to calm yourself down, or you would do something that would surely cause your expulsion.
Since the athletic games period had not yet started, the gym locker room was empty. You sighed with relief as you found your spare change of clothes in your locker.
Walking toward the bathroom stalls, you quickly undressed, and stepped into the shower, letting the cold water wash all the soda and anger from your body.
Leaning your head against the wall, you let out a sigh, thinking about all the shit that was going on in your life in less than two weeks. And then your mind went back to Wanda, and you let out a breathless groan, laughing humorlessly. The cold water didn't help to chill the new heat that settled under your stomach. You turned off the shower, then stepped out to put on your clothes.
On your way out of the locker room, you saw something you would rather not have seen. The universe seemed to be testing your anger today.
Wanda was being pressed against the wall of the indoor bleachers, which at that time was empty and perfect for those who wanted to make out in a secluded spot. It was a tall boy, but you couldn't see his face, which was buried in Wanda's neck, kissing her. And then she opened her eyes, and looked straight at you. You saw him pull down his pants and enter her, and she moaned with her mouth ajar, without taking her eyes off you. She had a gleam in her eyes that made your whole body tremble. 
You gripped the strap of your purse tightly, controlling the impulse to go over and beat the boy until he passed out, and spun on your feet, walking out the back door.
Fucking day, you thought as you walked back to school.
Eventually, you thanked Nat for keeping you from hitting Sharon. She shrugged, saying that she didn't want you to be expelled now that you were becoming friends, and you tried not to be too happy about it.
On Wednesday, Carol Danvers showed up at the door of the school on a motorcycle. This is sure to be a long-lasting gossip, you thought as you and Nat greeted her on the way out. Several students looked at you, many of them impressed by Carol's motorcycle, others impressed to see her back at school, but the vast majority trying to ask how you knew her.
- What's up, Danvers? - You say to her with a slight nod. Carol looks at you as if she wants to undress you right there, but you have your gaze on her motorcycle, attentive to the details of the vehicle.
- Hey, pretty girl. - She answers while leaning against the vehicle.
- Jesus, you are not even seeing me. - Nat teases and Carol just laughs, giving her a kiss on the cheek. - Tell me, what brings you back to your beloved school?
- I came to say hello. - says Carol. - And to invite you both to a concert on Saturday.
- And you didn't text me because you missed me. - Nat rebuts in a provocative tone, Carol smiles, and then looks at you, before confirming. You don't really know what to say. 
- If the music is good, I'm in. - You joke and Nat agrees. Carol takes two tickets out of her pocket and hands them to you.
- I'll pick you up, okay? - She offers it to you. You think about refusing, without really knowing why. But you nod in agreement before you can think about it too much.
- Okay, lovebirds. I'll leave you two alone because I'm starting to get the urge to puke. - Nat jokes one last time, before heading out toward the parking lot. You imagine that she will use the break time to smoke a bit.
You shift your weight between your feet before turning your gaze back to Carol.
- I was surprised to hear that you asked Nat for my number. - You comment, and Carol smiles. 
- I like to talk to pretty girls. - She says, and you roll your eyes humorously at the flirtation. She laughs, biting her lips, and you allow her to rest her hands on your waist, perhaps too low.
- Are you looking for something serious, Danvers? - you ask with a slight irony. Carol looks at you in mild surprise.
- You don't think it has anything to do with me, do you? 
- Sorry, the motorcycle and the leather jacket gave you away. - You respond humorously. - I get it, because it's my game.
Carol laughs.
- I'm enjoying our time together. - she confesses. - But I'll be back at the station in a few weeks. I can't make any promises.
You nod, without really being bothered by it. Carol is not the one you wanted to be with. And to push those thoughts away, you kiss her. She smiles, deepening the kiss slightly. You think she squeezed your ass, but you're not really paying attention. 
And then you break apart, and she smiles at you.
- I'll see you Saturday, right? - she asks, and you nod, letting her kiss you one last time.
When she finally starts the motorcycle and drives away, you notice the mischievous and suggestive looks you receive. 
And you try not to let your anger peak, but then you notice Stark's group in the corner of the school, laughing openly. You'll need to walk past them to get inside, and you really hope that none of them will test your patience.
- Hey weirdo, who was your girlfriend? - shouts Tony Stark. You know, you really think maybe he is brain damaged. His friends laugh at the joke, and you think you will ignore it, but then he shouts again. - I'm talking to you, dyke!
He throws something at you, missing you by inches. You watch the red liquid run down in front of your feet.
You think, this is it. This is how I'm going to get expelled. By sticking a straw in Tony Stark's eye. You wondered if prison life was worth it.
But then the laughter died down in the next second, and you watched Tony turn pale.
- Mr. Stark, please come with me. - A male voice sounded behind you. The school principal was a scary man, and he was hardly ever seen outside his classroom. He never witnessed his students' conflicts, and Fury never bothered him with such matters. Tony's paleness was understandable.
- P-Professor Thanos, I don't...
- Now. - says the man finally, and Tony stiffens his jaw as he follows him. He gave you an angry look before leaving.
The buzz started as soon as they entered the school, but you didn't really pay attention to anyone. Ignoring the middle finger Steve Rogers threw at you, you went back inside the school.
Tony Stark was punished with detention. You rolled your eyes when the rumor reached you. They had also said that his father refused to pick him up and that the driver was the one who talked to Fury. You would have sympathy for Stark if he wasn't a complete imbecile.
You had chemistry again, and you really weren't in the mood to see Wanda, but you had no choice. 
And then Professor Agatha was feeling particularly inspired today, and decided to switch lab partners. You ended up on the same bench as Darcy Lewis and Pietro Maximoff, you being the only trio due to the odd number of students. You sighed against your bad luck.
The experiment that Mrs. Harkness performed was not difficult, but it could be dangerous if you didn't pay attention. So you just listened to Darcy's instructions, and everything was working out fine. Then Pietro Maximoff decided that his attention was better placed on a girl sitting behind him, and started flirting. Darcy rolled her eyes, smiling at you. 
In the blink of an eye, you heard a scream of pain. Pietro had forgotten the limits of the counter itself, and stretching his arms most likely to impress the girl behind you, he slammed his hand against the chemical glass jar behind him. Darcy stepped back to avoid being hit, but you were quick to help Pietro, pulling his arm into the sink on the counter, turning on the faucet as you hurried to get as much of the acidic liquid off his skin as possible.
Pietro sighed with relief, probably feeling the pain disappear as you rubbed the soap into his skin. He was extremely surprised, as was the rest of the room.
- Very efficient reaction, Miss Y/L/N. - commented Ms. Harkness as she approached you, holding a cloth to dry Pietro. - I'll add an extra point to your average for that. Mr. Maximoff, please go to the infirmary.
Pietro wrapped the cloth around his injured hand, and looked at you with a mixture of hesitation and confusion in his eyes, but he nodded in thanks. 
Harkness asked someone to call the janitor to clean up the shards, and then continued the class. You found it hard to concentrate when you noticed Wanda's gaze on you.
Jessica Jones kisses you against the wall of the second floor locker room. 
You exchanged a few messages, mostly innocent jokes. And then Jessica said she had something amazing to show you, and when you met her after third period, in the not-so-isolated locker room, she pushed you up against the wall and kissed you on the mouth.
Jessica tasted like coke and something sweet, and she likes to bite.You had to remind yourself that you were kissing someone while you were doing it, not feeling connected to her really.
And then two girls came into the bathroom giggling and she let you go.
- Sorry for the scare. - She joked, her lips swollen. You shrugged, smiling slightly.
- What was it that about? - You teased, putting your hands on her waist.
- What inspired you to do this? - you teased, putting your hands on her waist.
- You of course. Punching assholes and saving people. It's hot. - She says and then she checks her cell phone. - Damn, I have chemistry now. I can't be late.
She steals a kiss from you and quickly leaves. You blink, not really understanding what has happened.
As you go downstairs, you realize that the cheerleading squad is coming out of the locker room, and Sharon and Potts give you a death stare as you walk past them. And then, as you pass through the door to the women's dressing room, you hesitate. All your logic tells you to go on your way, but then your feet are turning and you walk into the dressing room, looking around.
You let out a sigh as you find who you were looking for. Wanda is changing clothes, wearing only her cheer skirt, and a bra. Your intimacy pulsates with the image. Wanda lets out a surprised exclamation at seeing you there, but then she lets out a mischievous smile, and continues undressing.
Slowly, she lets the skirt slide down her thighs. You bite your lower lip hard as it falls to the floor.
And then two other cheerleaders come out of one of the aisles behind you, and the giggles die down when they see you. One of the girls turns to Wanda:
- Is this girl bothering you, Wandy? - she asks in a honeyed voice. 
- And what are you, a watchdog? - You retort before Wanda can answer. The girl gives you a death glare. - Mind your own business, nosy.
The other girl approaches you, looking at you with disdain. - We don't like street trash here. Why don't you go back to your junkyard?
You swallowed dryly, trying to control your anger. The smaller girl giggled, and you looked at Wanda, who looked in shock, before you stormed out of the dressing room slamming the door.
You knew you shouldn't do that, but your feet dragged you out into the field of trailers.
You walked a long way until you arrived. And when you entered the courtyards, many of the residents looked at you with a frown. But you ignore them, as you walk between the houses. You knock hard on the door of one of the trailers farthest away. It takes a moment before a tall, muscular boy answers it.
He lets out a wry laugh when he sees you.
- Visiting old friends? - He teases, you don't smile.
- I need to break something, Erik. - You say simply, and he sighs. And then he closes the door, and you walk together in the opposite direction, out of the trailer park.
You have known Erik Killmonger since kindergarten. His life wasn't exactly the easiest. You used to hang out together in high school, but then Erik started getting into a lot of fights, and it was rumored that he joined a gang. He didn't tell you anything, and when you asked, he told you to mind your own business. And then, in the second year, he was expelled for breaking the jaw of Johann Schmidt, one of the seniors at the school. You remember never seeing Erik so angry. But you never knew the reason for the fight. And then he drifted away, and even though you missed him, you didn't push him.
- Here it is. - Erik said as you reached an abandoned area a few feet beyond the trailers. He handed you a wooden stick, and you took a deep breath before you started smashing through the abandoned objects there, most of them junk.
- Fuck that fucking school. - You shouted as you hit a bottle, the glass splattering through the air. Erik just stood at a safe distance, his hands in his pockets. - Fuck Tony Stark. - You shouted, a wooden box shattering with the blow of your bat. And then you noticed a tall dead tree trunk a few yards away, and you stepped forward, aggressively slamming your bat several times against the tree. - Fuck Wanda Maximoff. - And the staff shattered with the force of your blow. You let out a sigh, throwing the object to the ground, as you sat down down on the grass.
Erik walked over to you, and he said nothing about the tears streaming down your face.
- Do you want to talk about it? - he asked as he sat down beside you. You nodded in denial.
- I want you to tell me something about yourself. - You said, wiping your face.
- Um, let me think. - He says, putting his arms behind him and leaning back, he looks relaxed. - My mother is in town.
You turn your head to him in surprise. He smiles.
- Yes, I know, that's nice. - He comments. - But I won't get my hopes up. She could leave at any moment.
- I hope she stays. - You say.
- So do I.
You stand there in silence for a moment, then Erik stands up, then offers his hand to help you stand. You sigh and accept.
- Let's get something to eat, you're paying. - He says, causing you to smile ironically. 
You end up at one of the dinner stands across the main road from the trailer park. You buy Erik a hamburger and fries, but you decide to just have a milkshake.
- This is all about a girl, isn't it? - he asks after a while, and you almost deny it. But you just shrug your shoulders in agreement, taking a sip of your milkshake. - Is it someone I know?
- Maybe. - you say, and Erik frowns humorously. He eats some chips, assuming a thoughtful expression.
- That's hard, I've never seen you paying attention to anyone at school. - he says. - What about that redheaded girl in the locker next to yours?
You laugh and nod your head in denial. Erik smiles, thinking again.
- What about that girl in your chemistry class? The one you said was smart?
- Darcy? - You ask and he confirms, you just smile. - No, I wish. Darcy would be less complicated.
Erik laughs, and then pushes the rest of the potatoes to you. 
- Why don't you just tell me? - he asks, but his tone is not accusatory, just provocative.
- Because I don't want to admit it. - You confess, accepting the potatoes. It takes a moment, and then you speak. - I think I'm falling in love with Wanda Maximoff.
You don't look at Erik, fearing his reaction. But then he lets out a sigh, and drags his hand across the table, offering it to you. You accept, and he holds your hand warmly.
- You, my friend, are totally screwed. - He teases, making you laugh. - But keep calm. Passions go away as fast as they come.
You nod, squeezing his hand before letting go. You eat in silence, and you can't help but think how much you missed him.
Debates test your patience. And as if that weren't irritating enough, you still share this class with Wanda. 
You don't look at her when you enter the room, but you feel her gaze on you. Throwing yourself on the last chair in the room, you stand with your headphones on and sink your head into your arms on the desk, wishing for the school year to end soon.
When Professor Hill enters the room, you are surprised that one of your classmates nudges you to warn you, and you smile in appreciation as you straighten your posture and put your cell phone away.
- I hope you have read the book I asked for, children. - She announces as she puts her bag on the table, and walks to the front of the cabinet, leaning against the wood as she looks around the room. - We will discuss it in class today.
The room lets out a chorus of displeasure, but the teacher lets out a chuckle. Her debates were famous for ending up in heated discussions, plus they made up about fifty percent of the grade. If you didn't say anything, you had to write a report of the discussions.
The teacher took a copy of the book from her purse, and held it with both hands.
- "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man, possessing a good fortune, must be in need of a wife." - She read, walking around the room.  - Who can tell me what the line implies about women?
- It's the old-fashioned way of saying that women prefer rich guys. - Steve Rogers sneered, drawing giggles from his teammates in the room. Mrs. Hill, however, just sighed with disappointment. 
- No, Mr. Rogers. - she said, cutting off the laughter immediately. - If you have no intention of participating seriously in the debate, I suggest you remain silent.
Steve let out a lame laugh, shrugged, and whispered something to his tablemate. You rolled your eyes impatiently, resting your face in your hand. And then you watched Wanda Maximoff raise her arm up.
- Yes, Wanda? - nodded Mrs. Hill waiting for the answer. 
- I think it's about a reaffirmation of the status of the man. As if the woman is a trophy to prove his status and position. - She says. - It objectifies women completely.
You blinked, slightly impressed. Wanda was always smart, after all. But then the boys in class giggled, and the redhead seemed to shrug her shoulders. Professor Hill, however, smiled at her.
- Interesting position, Miss Maximoff. - she said, and walked back around the room. - Let's talk a little about the main romance of the book. - She says, and looks reproachfully quickly at two boys who are whispering, and they fall silent. - I'd like to know what you think about Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship, and how we can bring the book's issues into our current society. Do you believe that the same prejudices are faced today?
The room explodes into excitement, and you feel like going home. Mrs. Hill looks around, and waves to calm the students. 
- Please, class. Raise your hand who believes that Elizabeth and Darcy would easily marry today?
The vast majority of the students raise their hands. And someone makes a comment that they would get laid on the first date, and many laugh. You play with your pencil, twirling it on your finger, and then feel a light elbow on your arm. Your classmate nods her head forward, and you blink in confusion, realizing that Ms. Hill has called your attention.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Hill. What is it? - you ask, straightening your posture. She smiles tenderly.
- I asked why you didn't raise your hand. - She repeats. - Could you share with the class your position?
You let out a sigh, thinking about it. And then you lean back in your chair, putting your hands in your pockets, and trying not to get intimate with the stares in the room.
- I really don't understand how everyone here can say that we no longer have social rules for relationships. - You say. - If Darcy and Elizabeth were from the present day, the prejudices portrayed in the books would only be different, but they would still be there. We have many ways of forbidding people to relate to each other, even in this school.
- Interesting. Please continue. - the teacher said, leaning back against her desk. You let out a sigh, trying to organize your opinion into words.
- I can give an example of how we divide the social groups around here. - you say. - It's not like the jocks are seen hanging out with the kids in the theater. Elizabeth would definitely be one of the smart girls, and Darcy would be the dumb brat. Sort of like a Tony Stark.
The room erupted in giggles, and you watched Steve Rogers lock his jaw, commenting something to his classmate. Professor Hill gave you a warning look, beckoning the class to be quiet.
- So you believe that Darcy and Elizabeth would not be together in the present days? - she asks you, and you shrug.
- I don't think Darcy would break the expectations people have of him for Elizabeth. - You state. - And besides, she can do better than that.
Some students laughed at your comment, and Mrs. Hill smiled at you. And then she asked if anyone had a different opinion, and you were slightly surprised to see Wanda raise her hand again.
- I think they would end up together. - She says. - They are really in love, and just like in the book, I think Darcy just needs time to understand everything, and to build up some courage.
- And Elizabeth should expect him to have some guts, then? - You cut Wanda off. The room looks at you in surprise, and Wanda turns in her chair, a look of mixed defiance and surprise, but you don't back away. - While he decides whether she is worth it, should she just wait around? 
- Elizabeth needs to understand that Darcy also has his own issues. - Wanda retorts. - That it's not easy to let go of all the expectations people place on you.
You laugh lightly with irony.
- Of course Darcy would be quite comfortable keeping Elizabeth waiting. - You say with mild irritation. - Besides, Elizabeth is also going through a lot. She deserves to have someone who chooses her.
- That's not what we're arguing about. - Wanda replies. - No one is questioning Elizabeth's worth. I'm saying that they would be together, but that they need time.
- And I'm saying that Darcy has to stop being such a gutless pussy and make a decision soon. Elizabeth is not going to pause her life just to wait for him.
- She would do that if she really liked Darcy. - Retorts the redhead, you blink in disbelief.
You think the room held its breath with your debate with Wanda, and you would have continued if the teacher hadn't interrupted.
- Okay, I think we're getting a little nervous. - She cut in, and you blinked awkwardly, stopping to look at Wanda. The room murmured quietly again as Wanda turned back to face the front. - Thank you for your opinions, ladies. Now let's move on, who can offer a reflection on marriage in the book?
The class continued for a while, but you completely disconnected. Your heart was racing and you realized that the discussion you had was not about Darcy or Elizabeth. Wanda was asking you to wait for her. And you felt a strong urge to punch something. And then you focused your attention completely on the literature report, ignoring the debate completely.
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A family reunited
Summary: Shelby family dinners always bring some drama with them...but none of the brothers expected their sister, Y/N, to join them. After all, she had been missing for 5 years.
Word Count: 3147
A/N: First time writing a fic with a word count over 3000, baby!!! All of the brothers are actually in this but, let’s be honest, Tommy always gets more attention in my writing than anyone else. Let me know what you think of this one, and enjoy!
Part 2
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Sometimes you can be better off not knowing the truth. Because the knowing the truth can make your worst nightmares an inescapable reality. A reality that can bring everything crashing down around you.
And that's how the Shelby clan felt about knowing the fate of their sister, Y/N.
Y/N Shelby was 23 when the war began, one year Tommy's junior. Before her brothers left for France, she left them with the promise of having their Mother's favourite sponge cake waiting on the table for them when they got back. She would have to save her money and actually figure out how to make it, but Y/N swore that she'd do it (somehow, even if it did turn out to be an atrocity).
But when the boys stepped through the door of the Shelby residence again in 1918, there was no cake waiting for them. It had been four years, they reasoned, maybe she'd forgotten. Even that didn't seem to sit right with the brothers, however - Y/N always kept her promises, no matter when they were made.  
It was like a dark cloud was looming over the house, but none of them could see what had caused it. Something wasn't right at number 6 Watery Lane.
After embracing Polly and Ada, who had tears flowing down their faces at the mere sight of them, Tommy immediately asked where Y/N was. Their silence had told him everything. Not waiting for an explanation, Tommy stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.  
It was no secret that Y/N and Tommy shared a close bond; they always had each other's backs and always made time for each other. Despite there only being one year between them, Tommy was especially protective over Y/N, as he didn't want anything to happen that might risk her leaving him alone. He couldn't cope without her, for Y/N was both his rock and his light, even though she carried her own darkness with her.
It was dusk when Tommy finally returned, wanting answers. Polly simply presented him with the letter that had been left for herself and Ada on the night that Y/N vanished, for that was all she knew. It said that she had to go away for a while, to not tell Tommy, John or Arthur as she didn't want to worry them, and that she'd be back home as soon as she could. The letter was dated back to 1916. Two years ago. And no one had heard anything from her since.
Tommy refused to look up at his family after reading the letter over and over again, not wanting them to see the tears that glazed his cold blue eyes. He grabbed his bag (effectively hiding the shaking that had taken over his hands) and mumbled something about going to unpack, before retreating straight up to his bedroom, actively avoiding the pitiful looks being sent his way.
The only other time the family saw Tommy that night was when he walked through the parlour and back out of the front door again. They assumed that he was going down to Charlie's yard, where Y/N and Tommy always went together to talk. It was their special place, for they both possessed a deep-rooted love for horses and always found themselves wandering back to their Gypsy roots. When they were both younger, the siblings would be out for days on end riding in the open air. What a distant memory that was now.
According to their uncle, Tommy didn't leave the yard until the sun was fully risen the next morning.
Y/N Shelby had been well known to the Birmingham Police from a young age: she had a, quite frankly, remarkable ability to escape the officers no matter how tight of a spot she had managed to get herself into. She was a listener, and had an impressive memory for information that could be of use at some point in the future. Her brain, in combination with her physical abilities to slip away from or outrun trouble, made her an absolute nightmare for the coppers of Small Heath.
She built up such an impressive reputation that, during the war, she had been asked to put her talents to good use. Y/N was recruited as a spy by British Intelligence, and went undercover in Germany to retrieve vital information which ultimately helped the Allies to win the war.  
It was an opportunity that she would never have been able to resist. Her brothers had always treated her as an equal when it came to the family business (although Tommy was sometimes unwilling for her to take part in certain activities); it had annoyed her immensely when they went away to fight and she couldn't do anything to help.  
(She had tried to become a nurse with Ada, but was also kicked out because she couldn't stop laughing when her sister had started laughing).  
But this was her way around it and, as far as she was aware at the time, her brothers would never have to know about her dangerous escapades.
However, not even Y/N Shelby was the perfect criminal or spy. In the March of 1918, she had been on the verge of completing her latest mission when the plan had gone awry. Instead of using her limited time to escape, she had ensured that the information she had gained was communicated properly to her associate. This decision left her with an open police case in Germany, and Y/N was forced to go into hiding.  
As that fact hit her, only one word came to mind: shit.
For a year after returning home Tommy searched for Y/N, and turned up nothing. She seemed to have disappeared without a trace. His desperation fuelled his ambition: Tommy wanted to make it big, not just for money but for status and connections. This, he hoped, would provide the opportunities to dig deeper and give him access to speak to the right people, so that he could find out where his younger sister was.  
Because despite the slight shadows that lurked in the back of his mind, he clutched onto his conviction that Y/N was still alive somewhere. He didn't believe in much these days, but he would always believe in his sister.
But in 1920, even Tommy was starting to have his doubts, though he refused to admit them or accept them. His search was beginning to become futile and none of his fucking contacts had been able to turn up everything.  
And so Tommy began to spiral further and further downwards, for Y/N wasn't there to stop it and he didn't have the strength to do it alone.
By the time 1921 had rolled around, the family had pretty much given up all hope that their sister was still alive. However, none of them wanted to be told that harsh truth. What they didn't realise, though, was that it couldn't be further from the truth.
Polly Gray wasn't a woman to be easily shocked. She had seen and done too much in her time for that.
Having been settled in her new house (courtesy of Thomas) for a few weeks now, she knew exactly who had her new address – she had only given it to the people that she actually wanted to hear from and knew that they weren't a threat. So, when she didn't immediately recognise the writing on the front of an envelope, worry took over her. However, upon closer inspection of the handwriting, she stopped. Polly knew that writing, but she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She ripped the envelope open, and what was contained in that letter shocked her more than anything that had happened over the last three years:
DO NOT SHOW THIS LETTER TO ANYONE OR TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT IT CONTAINS. It's not sensitive or anything, I just want to keep it a surprise. A secret between us girls, just like the old days (I've written to Ada as well).
As you can probably tell, it's Y/N, and I'm alive and well. I'll explain more when I get home - I'm on my way back to Birmingham now.
By the time you get this, I'll be arriving in two days' time. I'll come to the address that I posted this to, I know that's your fancy new home. Then, how about we organise a little family get together? You know I've always been one for the dramatics (although I promise me disappearing off for 5 years wasn't completely intentional).
I can't wait to see you again soon; I've missed you all so much.
All my love,
Y/N Shelby xxx
(P.S. in case you don't believe that I am who I say I am, I've enclosed my Mother's necklace that Tommy gave to me on my 16th birthday, to prove my identity.)
And there the necklace was, sat at the bottom of the envelope. Silent tears began to roll down Polly's face and a smile, as big as the day that Michael returned to her, brightened her features.
Y/N Shelby was coming home. And, boy, were those two going to have some fun telling her brothers...
The day that the 30-year-old turned up on Polly's doorstep was a blur of tears, hugs and gin.  
Y/N had been introduced to Michael, who they couldn't really avoid because he lived there, but who was more than happy to keep their secret. Just being with Polly again made her realise that she was finally home.  
Whilst Y/N already knew a lot about what had happened since she left, having kept tabs on the family through her various contacts while she was away, the next day Polly helped to fill in some of the gaps in her knowledge. Polly also told her about how torn up Tommy still was about her absence, and it was enough to nearly send Y/N running straight to him. But then her aunt reasoned that it was probably better for Thomas to pass out in shock in her home, where they could set up lots of cushions as a crash pad, as oppose to on the hard streets of Birmingham.
And so the planning commenced. It was decided that Polly would host a dinner for the whole family, telling everyone that she needed to put her new house to good use, and that they could combine it with a proper welcome for Michael.
As the day drew nearer, Y/N could feel butterflies in her stomach constantly. Her excitement at seeing her whole family again was almost overwhelming. Yet she dreaded having to tell them all the truth about her prolonged disappearance.  
But, honestly, the excitement won over her nerves every time.
When Y/N heard her brothers' voices booming through the house, she had never been more grateful that she was running late in getting ready (as usual) and didn't have her makeup on yet. She hadn't been able to stop the tears falling from her blue eyes as the familiar sounds of her family's squabbling travelled up the stairs like music to her ears.
Everything was ready for the night that she had dreamed of for nearly three full years.
Fuck, I'm still in my pyjamas, Y/N realised, and hurried about getting ready.
Having memorised where the creaky steps were earlier that day, Y/N creeped down the stairs silently, clad in the most gorgeous midnight blue dress that she had ever seen. When she looked in the mirror, with her makeup on and hair done, she had realised how much she had grown up since she last saw her family.
But she had no time to think about that now, for it was nearly her moment.
Lingering in the doorway with a glass of champagne, and sending Polly a wink, she felt her heart rate shoot up as her aunt stood up with her own glass.
"Now, before we have dessert, I'd like to make a toast." She paused, looking around the table, her own happiness threatening to overflow. "To family."
"To family!" The brothers and Michael chorused.
Stepping into the light and leaning against the doorframe, completely unnoticed by her siblings, Y/N waited until the noise had died down before gently repeating the toast: "To family."
It felt like time had stood still.
Arthur, John and Finn's heads whipped around to see where the voice came from. Tommy had frozen completely, tensing up as he heard his sister's voice for the first time in seven years.
"Y/N/N?" Arthur whispered, not believing his eyes.
"Hello boys," Y/N said with a smile and a teasing glint in her eye. "Did you miss me?"
John stood up slowly and made his way towards her, and Y/N stretched her hand out towards him after putting her glass down. Her little brother tentatively placed his hand in hers, and she squeezed it, reassuring him that she was really there. She saw a couple of tears form in his eyes, though he refused to let them fall. John started to laugh, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted Y/N up, spinning her in circles and hugging her tightly. Still laughing, he exclaimed "Oh my fucking God!" and placed her down on the ground.
Y/N was next almost knocked flying with a hug from Finn, who buried his head into the crook of her neck as he cried silently. "Look at you, eh! Almost as big as me now, aren't you?" Y/N placed a soft kiss on the top of her youngest brother's head and rubbed his back soothingly. Over Finn's shoulder, she saw Arthur approaching her, seemingly lost for words. His hand cupped her cheek as he ran his thumb over it, before finally saying "Now what sort of time do you call this, young lady?" Y/N collapsed into giggles as Arthur placed a rough kiss to her forehead.
As Finn and Arthur pulled away, Y/N's eyes found the only brother who hadn't yet greeted her and who she was the most anxious to see. Tommy still hadn't moved, his eyes fixed firmly on the table in front of him, but Y/N could tell that they were cold.
There was silence. After what felt to Y/N like a lifetime, Tommy spoke quietly and slowly. "I don't want to look up and find that you're not really here. That this is all in my head. I don't think I could bear it." His voice cracked slightly as he uttered the last sentence and, for the first time since the war, the family saw their brother's vulnerability as clear as day. It was a stark contrast to the Tommy Shelby that they'd gotten so used to being around.
Y/N cautiously walked over to her beloved elder brother, as if he were a spooked horse, and lowered herself into the seat beside him. She observed his eyes flit over to her as the chair creaked, so quickly that if she had blinked at the wrong moment she would have missed it. She smiled gently at Tommy. "Well I'm afraid you're going to be stuck with me for a while now, Tom, so you'd better start getting used to having me around again."  
As Y/N gently placed her hand on top of his, Tommy's entire body relaxed and at the same time something ignited in him. He felt alive for the first time since the war, and yet so at peace at the same time.
Suddenly, Tommy grabbed her hand in his, pulled Y/N to her feet with him and brought her into a bone-crushing hug. A thousand emotions and lost words were communicated in that one embrace, in that one moment, even. Tommy clung to his sister like she would vanish again if he loosened his grip. It was only when she whispered "I'm here now, Tom" in his ear as he stroked her hair that he relinquished his hold on her.
Tommy pulled away only slightly from Y/N and held her face gently in his hands. "My sweet girl," he breathed, a small smile gracing his lips. Y/N brought her hand up to his and held it there, the sibling simply enjoying the moment of being together again, tear tracks staining both of their faces.
The silence was broken by Arthur, who gruffly announced: "I need another fucking drink." The whole family started to laugh, the reality of the event finally sinking in.
"Yeah, you pour us all another drink, Artie, while I go and get your pudding." Y/N skipped towards the door.
"Y/N/N we don't fucking care about pudding now, you dick, just get back here now," John shouted after her.
"Bloody hell, no need to shout, John boy, I'm only going round the corner." She leaned around the doorframe, making sure to keep one hand on it to reassure Tommy. "Anyway," Y/N continued, "I've got to give you three your coming home present!"
"Our coming home present?" Arthur chortled.
"Yes," Y/N replied, matter-of-factly. "I believed I promised you lot cake" and she entered holding a cake exactly like their Mother used to make.
The three eldest brothers simply smiled fondly at their sister, shaking their heads.
An hour later, the family were all crowded into Polly's living room, having consumed the entire dessert. The gramophone was gently playing music in the background, as no one had bothered to take the record off once Arthur and John had finished dancing with their sister (they had claimed that they needed their toes stepping on to bring them back to reality).
The Shelbys and Grays spent some rare time together as a family that evening. No fighting, no arguing, no business: just talking and reminiscing and laughing.  
But now the night was drawing to a close. Finn had fallen asleep, the overwhelming emotions of the evening having finally caught up to him. Arthur and John were drunkenly singing in the corner of the room, yet they occasionally looked over at their sister, wanting to check that she was still there. Tommy simply felt complete again. For once his silence did not come from an attempt to conceal his true emotions, there was no point in trying that again tonight; he was just cherishing the moment, wanting it to last forever.
As for Y/N herself, she couldn't remember ever feeling so content before. She felt like she was on cloud nine, curled up to Tommy's side as they sat on the sofa together, watching the flames dance around in the hearth. His arm was around her shoulders, holding her close to him, and every now and again Y/N felt him place a soft kiss on the top of her head.
She knew that she had a lot of explaining to do. But that could wait until the morning. For now, they were a family reunited, and none of them could wish for anything more.
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teamsarawatshusband · 4 years
Do you think there is a chance that WYB really believes in China's innocence in this? If people in China don't have all the information, then maybe he also doesn't know what is happening.
Okay, I’m gonna be very careful in how to answer this.
First of all, I don’t know him in person (obviously), so I can never know 100% what he does and doesn’t believe. Much like with any other celebrity.
My assumption on what he believes in this is based on what I know about his life and how that might potentially affect his thinking in matters like these. It is also based on what I know from my personal connections to Chinese citizens and what they have told me about politics and human rights affairs in the past.
Since Yibo is living in China, there is a big chance that he doesn’t have access to all the news regarding this specific political situation. So I do assume that he most likely doesn’t know the details of what’s going on in regards to the human rights violations and why exactly Nike spoke out against the government of his country.
However, he is very familiar with the business side of working with brands and he has had political situations affect career decisions in the past. So I can’t help but think that he knows things are fishy.
He must know that brands, especially big corporations like Nike, don’t make business-damaging statements against a whole country like this without global pressure. Let’s not forget, Nike like any other company, first and foremost has to think of their marketability and consumer’s trust. So, Yibo must know that consumers (not governments or political institutions but regular people) all over the world are watching the news and demanding that companies such as Nike take a stand. So, I’m assuming he knows that, in the eyes of the global population, based on their sources of information, the Chinese government is doing something bad.
Whether or not he believes this information to be true is a different question.
Now, if Yibo had lived his entire life in China, had grown up with the censorship and propaganda of the Chinese government throughout his life and not aware that this is different in other parts of the world, then I would assume he’d believe it to be false.
However, he has lived in South Korea for several years. So he did have access to a non-Chinese point of view on politics and life in general. He also has traveled to other countries professionally, both as a singer as well as an actor. He must know that independent sources of information are much easier accessible in other countries. He must know that the amount of freedom to publicly criticize a government or state personal opinions varies largely from country to country. I am convinced he is aware that censorship and deliberate spreading of misinformation is a common political practice in China. So, based on that, I do assume that he takes information from Chinese news with a critical mindset that doesn’t simply trust and buy into everything that is served to him.
He also has witnessed political situations affect his or other co-stars’ careers. He used to be in Uniq which, as all k-pop bands, suddenly wasn’t allowed to appear on Chinese TV anymore, even though they hadn’t done anything wrong. And a big change of course of action like that was kept all hush-hush in the entire Chinese media. He must know that this wasn’t fair, that they innocently fell victim to political agendas. An entire career, fanbase, performance platform simply taken away from all of them, one second to the next, and they hadn’t caused it and didn’t have any say in it either. Are we really assuming that they simply took that blow without wanting to speak out and fight for the success they had worked so hard for?
The 227 situation was very similar. The international success of one Chinese series brought so much traffic to AO3, that the Chinese government noticed it as public platform depicting values that they didn’t want China to be associated with. More importantly, a public platform with content that they couldn’t control. So they went and blocked it. And who had to suffer the blame? The government? Of course not. Xiao Zhan, who hadn’t done anything other that be an actor in the series. Because of this he lost so many marketing deals and job offers that people believed his career was over for good. All while doing nothing wrong.
Yibo, as the second main actor in the same series, 100% saw all of this go down. He knows that Xiao Zhan hadn’t caused any of it, knows that he was blamed unfairly. He also knows that remaining silent under those circumstances will only cause more harm to a career and public reputation. He knows that the only option is to say what you are expected to say, regardless of what you think.
And, I mean, based on all the situations that I have been in in my life, where I was forced to say something against my will, and based on knowing Yibo to be quite headstrong and having a competitive mindset... I just can’t picture him going, “Well, they make me say this. So, I believe it too.”
Now, based on what I have heard from people that I personally know IRL, I think some of the things that my aunt and uncle have mentioned left the biggest impression on me. My uncle is European but has lived and worked in China for decades now. My aunt is Chinese, grew up in China and only after meeting and marrying my uncle has traveled out of the country.
My uncle is very outspoken about life in China. When talking to him in person, he will tell you everything he personally experienced, including things like tax evasion, people avoiding police charges with hush money, countrywide blocking of messaging services and email providers, copyright frauds as legitimate business endeavors, illegal confiscation of items by police/border control etc. etc. etc. Basically, the gist of his reports is, “In China, if you are a regular person, you have to be aware of this, work around the corruption/unfairness and, most importantly, not make a big fuss about it. If you are somebody with money and powerful connections, you can buy yourself out of any situation. Unless if you stand in the public eye, then you’ll be used to make an example of  - under the guise of a just and law-abiding country.“ He will tell you all of this, while over here. Never when in China. Because he knows the consequences.
My aunt is a lot quieter on the matter. She never directly spoke out against Chinese politics and never directly called out the issues of censorship and corruption. But she often asked, “Are we really allowed to say this here? Back home we can’t.” And when I talked to her about specific political situations she confirmed a lot of things with small examples from her experience. While my uncle is mostly angry when speaking about those things, my aunt is primarily careful in her phrasing. She very clearly loves her country dearly (who wouldn’t it’s a beautiful country with wonderful people), and she is very pained by how it is governed, and how that governing affects both the people living there as well as how China is perceived in the world.
I have never spoken to them about celebrities or specific entertainment issues, but what I do know from them is, if somebody in China is a public figure with success and a bit of wealth, they will:
- most certainly be aware that their government’s actions are often unjust and based on corruption and personal gain
- be forced to side with said government or, if they refuse, forced to retire for good
- have to do propaganda related work. Either, if they (or somebody close to them) did/said some non-government-compliant things, for people in power positions to overlook those, or in return for specific freedoms they wouldn’t get to enjoy otherwise.
Especially the forcing of propaganda jobs on public figures, I can’t help not relating that to Yibo.
Just compare some of his songs... “無感 Wu Gan”, for example, with his recent “青春恰时来 - Youth Comes in Time”.
Wu Gan is musically progressive, sounds fresh and goes with the genres and types of music Yibo has shown to love before. And he officially wrote it himself. Youth Come in Time, which he released but was neither composed nor lyrically written by him, sounds like a polar opposite. Musically, it sounds like what you would hear in a 90s advertisement.
And looking at the lyrics, I mean... that song has lines like “strengthen the country”, “we stand in the front row”, “I am with my country”, “the Chinese stage is taking off” - how is that not propaganda?
Do we really, genuinely think that somebody believes in this, even though in the songs that he wrote himself, and has stated to be about his own personal experiences, he says stuff like, “don’t become a puppet whose feelings are manipulated by others”, “every day there’s someone going on and off stage - just remain emotionless”, “You’re famous but you have no works and the voices scolding you only get worse”, “I’ve trapped myself and I can’t make my goals distinct”?
Do we?
I’ll leave that up to you.
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