#but he didn’t walk her to the door and someone had been lurking waiting for her
rowanhoney · 1 year
Errrrr er
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testrella · 4 months
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since the beginning of japan, the gojo clan has always been wealthy. the clan brought their money to rural japan and built from the bottom up, making them the landlords of half of japan.
gojo satoru, the heir to everything, finds himself in a difficult position as he fell for somebody who his family would never approve. yet, he cannot find himself to leave as you are the first girl who isn't interested in his family's wealth.
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sony corporation, mitsubishi corporation, nintendo co, sanrio co etc…
all these companies are based in japan and rack up billions in revenue every month. with money, comes power, and with power comes authority over everything.
and that was all satoru ever knew growing up.
“gojo satoru! how would i even begin to explain your state to your mother?!”
the first time satoru noticed his authority over people in the real world was when he was seven.
he was covered in mud, head to toe. any other day, he could’ve gotten away with it. but today was not those days.
the suit personally made for him that day was too tight. he believed if he took a walk outside, it’d stretch and fit to his liking. one thing led to another and his now ¥5790 suit was in ruins.
though he didn’t see an issue with the suit being covered in grimy wet dirt, and possibly worms. his mother gave him permission to go outside. but she knew that satoru, at age seven, would find a way to mess up his suit.
“how could you explain what to me?” the snake herself walked through satoru’s door.
satoru always believed his mother was a snake. not because her teeth could most certainly be filled with venom, or the fact she was twofaced. but because she lurks silently and waits for the right moment to wreak havoc.
before he could greet her, a loud, sharp smack was echoed in the room. almost like a wet towel was being thrown against the floor.
“how dare you let my child walk around looking like this?” her voice was strong and full of jurisdiction.
satoru watched the head maid get beaten to the floor. it was hit after hit. it was like a broken movie cd, and it replaying the worst scene.
“mom, please stop..” he spoke barely above a whisper. but somewhere within that sentence, he gained consciousness.
as he watched blood splattered across the room, he knew in that moment that he was the only one who could say something. everyone watched in terror as the young boy stood with unshaken bravery.
“mother, as future heir to the gojo clan, i-i command you to stop!!”
and she did. that was power.
and nobody in japan had any when standing next to gojo satoru.
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taking care of kids full-time wasn’t something you had in mind. children are snotty, had sticky fingers and asked a million questions that have no answers.
your heart was set on journalism.
you wanted to be the next to have their big break with the most jaw dropping piece. but fate had other ideas for me.
“boys in the back, please be quiet. how many times do i have to ask all of you to not talk while someone’s presenting??” a frustrated sigh escaped your lips as they continued their banter at the kid in front of the class.
now you find yourself in a secondary classroom, asking teenagers to be quite for the millionth time.
“miss. l/n,” your head turned to the direction of the child, “may i use the restroom? it’s an emergency.”
you knew him well enough that he was trying to escape from presenting his project next. the boy was quiet and kept to himself. the only time he would ever speak was to use the restroom, or to greet you in the morning.
“nice try, you can go after you present. come on up fushiguro, you’re next.” you gave him an encouraging smile as his posture slumped.
you rested your arms on your desk and watched the boy slowly walk up to the front. he gave you one last ‘do i have to?’ look before speaking to his peers.
once again, the group of boys snickered and made rude remarks towards him.
“look at emo boy up there. his hair is covering his entire face!”
“i bet you could punch him, and he wouldn’t see it coming.”
before you could silence them, your student spoke up.
“why don’t you come up and find out then?”
the class starts echoing ‘ooouuu’ at his comeback. as smart as it was, it was highly inappropriate. sighing, you stand up from your chair “okay, settle down everyo-“
one of the boys from the back stands up so aggressively that it knocks down the desk in front of him.
“yeah, it’s like that.” fushiguro states with the straightest face anybody could have. he was unphased by the other’s outburst. as if he had his share of tantrums from others.
“you’re gonna let him talk to you like that? beat his ass!” one kid blurted.
“get his ass! we got you from right here…” another said while muttering the last sentence.
and of course, with teaching, you get to see your fair share of fights. although nothing could’ve prepared for you to see a five v one.
..and nothing, absolutely NOTHING could’ve prepared you to watch the quiet kid in your class demolish all five boys before being separated.
“megumi fushiguro! i will be calling your father, and he WILL be having a meeting with miss. l/n and myself.” declared the head of the school.
you watched awkwardly as he slumped down into his chair, muttering a quiet ‘he’s not my father’ and wiping the dry blood on his face. you wanted to speak up but the tension in office was too thick.
“i’ll- um,” both the dean and megumi look at you, the first to break the silence. “i’ll get fushiguro some ice and bandages. i’ll be back before his father-“
“he’s not my dad!”
“oh! his um, his guardian. i’ll be back before his guardian arrives.” you sigh realizing that any errands you’ve had before would have to be rescheduled.
the cold, tingling feelings lingers on both hands as you alternate the ice bag on your hands. your eyes are glued to the floor as you have today's events replay in your head.
from your lack of situational awareness, you bump into a wall. or at least what you thought was a wall. you look up and see a white haired male towering over you.
“woah there little lady, you okay? seems like we’re both in a hurry today.”
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𝜗𝜚 | CHAPTER ONE : fight! fight! fight!
tag list: @roscpctals99 @poeticlovefanpage @mistyheart @sureconfused @chilichopsticks @lightshowerrr @faeryminnyx @0001010dog @myabae @nivi @therealestpussyeater @kolpvii @sleepykittycx @browrm @tojisworm-5 @universallystrangeravenue @catobsessedlady @shivzypuff @nico707 @invisible-mori @peqch-pie @dilflover-3 @lovelivelaygh1324 @mo0sin @gojoracle @foliea @honoredalone @goldenglow149 @portgas459ace @sealsu @misorastars @hyori2 @selysixn
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writingroom21 · 3 months
Hey boo boo bear imagine this kook rafe x shy pouge reader get stuck in a room together…… they have sex. I don't know how to plot this😭
Rafe only tolerates reader in his sister group since reader is shy and quiet and because she's a good baker and cooker since he eats the food reader makes for Sarah (the reader doesn't know obviously)❤️❤️❤️ plz make it super smutty
Escape Room
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (f receiving), spanking, spitting, use of belt, unprotected sex (wrap it up y'all), choking, (let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 2.9K
A/N: This was just a great idea and I literally loved writing it.
“He said he would be there in fifteen minutes to pick up the brownies. Thank you again so much.” Sarah rushes out her words feeling bad that Rafe was already late. “It’s okay not like my job is super demanding anyway. I just sit here and watch the cameras. Plus it’s slow and no one has reservations.” Working at an escape room has its perks. You get to sit back and relax, watching as people try to figure out the puzzles. 
“Okay. Again I’m so sorry he’s late. Let me know if he was a dick after he leaves.” Sarah says before hanging up the call. Rafe was supposed to be here two hours ago and he is still not here. Sarah had asked you to make her brownies from the pool party she was having when she invited you. Sadly you had work but still had agreed to make them.
You’ve been making desserts and dinners for her since middle school. It started when you made some pasta dishes with your mom. You had brought some extra to school the next day and she had tried it at lunch. She fell in love with it and promised you to always save her extra when you cook. Even when you too went to different High schools she didn’t let that stop her.
She would ride her bike to your house all the way in the cut after school to try some new dishes. It was a little routine the two of you enjoyed. Then you started to make extra of every dish and dessert to bring to Tanny Hill. Everyone in the house loved your cooking and baking. Even the eldest Cameron sibling couldn’t find himself to hate it. No matter how hard his brain told him not to eat your dirt pogue food he still does.
He guesses over time his disdain for pogues dissipated only for you. He found himself excited to try a new dish or eat your famous cookies when Sarah brought them home. When Sarah had asked him to pick up at first he was really willing to get them. Accepting the chance to get close to you without having her around. Then he realized he would actually have to be around you without a buffer.
Rafe decided that the longer he waits to pick up the brownies then maybe the less time you have to take to him. That’s why he told Sarah he would be there in fifteen all while he was still on the course playing golf with Topper and Kelce. 
Another forty minutes pass and he is still not here. The last group of people leave the alien invasion room. Sighing you get up and start to clean up the room. This is the one downside of everything, you have to clean the whole things up. Resetting every clue is a hassle in itself, not to mention people make messes on purpose. You were so busy trying to put one of the clues together that you didn’t hear someone calling out for you.
Rafe walks around calling out your name to find you. “Where are you? I just need the brownies and then I’ll be gone.” He sees one of the doors open and a figure lurking around. Getting closer he can see that it’s you so he walks into the doorway. “Hey! Can I get them now?” You turn around to see Rafe, clutching your chest at the scare that he gave you.
He goes to walk further into the room and bumps into the door holder making it fly out of place. “Don’t let the-” The door slams shut due to the weight of it, it’s slam echoing in the room. “Door close.” Rafe turns around to open it. “God, it's not a huge deal.” The door handle shakes but it doesn’t budge.
“Why isn’t it opening?” There’s a twinge of irritation in his voice. Whipping around to look at you he finds you sitting down on one of the seats. Like clock work the automatic voice booms through the speakers. 
“Welcome brave fighters. The Aliens have attacked and you are our only hope of fighting them. In exactly one hour they will take over the world and destroy it. This bunker contains the key to saving the world. Find it before time runs out or we are all doomed. Good luck.”
Just like that the clock above the door turns on and the seconds start to count down. “What the fuck is happening?” Rafe is rattling the door trying to pry it off the hinges. “It’s an automatic system. Once the door closes the game starts and you can’t get out.” You are willing to let the time run out already texting your boss to tell them you got locked in a room.
This wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. At least those times weren’t you and there was someone else to open the door. It’s just your luck that today of all days you are the only one working. Your boss texts you back without being any help.
Well I’m on vacation right now. I’ll text the group chat to see who can come get you out. You might just have to solve it or wait it out.
“Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?” You laugh at him and go over to the first clue, solving it and getting the key out of the box. “It’s an escape room dumbass. It’s kinda the whole point. Plus everyone here knows not to close the door, that’s why the block was there.” Rafe closes his eyes as he realizes the thing his foot accidently hit was the only thing holding the door back.
“I didn’t know sorry.” Your back is turned to you as you are finding the keyhole on the table that opens it. Rafe watches in awe as the table top clicks open and you lock it into place. Sarah has always said that they should all come here to try one out and he brushed it off when they actually made plans. He thought these types of things were stupid but now that he’s seeing you do it just makes him think it’s him who's stupid. 
There would be no way that he would figure any of this out. He knows that you know how to do all of the clues due to having to set them up. But damn how would anyone be able to figure that out? Walking closer he can see that the table opens up into a map of the world and each country is out of order. You just set each one perfectly in place and a trap door opens on the far side of the wall.
“Didn’t realize you were so smart for a pogue?” You roll your eyes at him and push past him to go to the other room. “How long will it take you to figure this all out? I don’t have all day.” It is funny that he would say that considering he made you wait on him for most of the day. “That’s rich coming from you.” You get into the room and look at the fake control panel that’s in it. This is the one part of this room you take forever to fix. 
You can’t remember which switches control which thing. They all work in some way but only four of them cause the map to light up for the next clue. “What upset that I have a life and you don’t? I had shit to do, you aren’t important.” The laugh you let out is like you are mocking him and he hates it. “I could give two shits that you were late. Wouldn’t expect anything less from you. All you care about is yourself.”
“That’s not true.” If he thought that other laugh was annoying this one makes his blood boil. “You are literally the most selfish person I know. You’re rude, arrogant, and honestly a disgusting person. I would rather be stuck in a room with a million spiders then feel you breathing down my neck.” You didn’t realize how close you had gotten to him. All up close and personal to him. 
“I’m literally trying to figure all of this out so we can get out of her and you didn't even offer to help. All you can do is sit there on you ass like a fucking child.” Rafe’s anger gets the best of him and he wraps a hand around your neck. “Careful there. Don’t get on my bad side. You’re lucky I even tolerate you.” His fingers tighten a little bit, the blood flow slowing slightly. “If this is you tolerating me then maybe you should get fucking checked. There is obviously something wrong with you.”
The room gets quiet and all that can be heard is his heavy breathing. His chest is brushing against yours with each breath. Your eyes flicker back and forth looking into the blue eyes you’ve known for years. Without a second thought his lips are crashing onto yours. You meet his enthusiasm, kiss him just as hard. 
His other hand wraps around your hair tugging it to manipulate your head to deepen the kiss. Walking backwards you bump into the counsel, buttons digging into you as he lifts you to sit on it. “So much tough talk and look at you now.” The way he looks at you is belittling as if you aren’t a real person.
“Do you always have to be so annoying?” He smiles at you and dives back in to kiss you. Hands roam your body and squeeze the flesh under his palms. The kiss gets more intense as he nips at your lips. You let out a wince pulling back. Lifting a hand to touch your lip and feel the warmth seeping from the cut. “Are you serious?” Rafe smiles all cocky at you, feeling good that you were in pain. 
The smirk didn’t last because you delivered a smack across his face. He slowly turns his head back, shocked by the action. “Oh you’re going to regret that.” He kisses you again, ignoring your wince of pain and biting your lip even harder. The hands roaming your body move in between the two of you so he can unbutton your pants. Your fingers dig into his shoulder as you lift yourself up, helping him take your pants off.
His right thumb starts to stroke you over your panties, feeling how wet you are. “Look at how wet you are. Shy little girl who’s actually just a slut in disguise.” You moan at the words and the feeling of his thumb rubbing you just right. The fabric makes it feel even better. Your hands reach towards his belt and unbuckles it. His pants and boxers are shoved down his legs.
“Can you just shut up and fuck me already. Starting to think that you keep talking just to stall.” Your hand wraps around his dick and starts stroking. The tilt of your head does him in. He grabs your face and pinches your cheeks together. “Don’t worry baby, just giving you some more time with your thoughts before I scramble them.” Without warning he pushes your panties to the side and thrusts into you.
The moan you let out is like a taste of heaven. The sweetest sound that he’s ever heard. His pace is brutal, not giving you any time to adjust to his size. In his head he’s thought about this before. This exact moment has played out in different ways in his dreams. In those he takes his time with you, stretching you out with his fingers and eating you out until his face is covered in you. That was always a part of his vision yet here he is skipping all of it.
It’s like there is something about you that clouds his thoughts and sense of morality. He can’t seem to keep his cool around you or to stop himself from being him. His grip on your cheeks get tighter, his hips snapping into you. He keeps watching your face as your eyes roll back.
If he wasn’t holding your face then you would have fallen backwards. As if he heard your thoughts he pushes you backwards, your back hurts from the keys. You know that tomorrow there will be marks left from them. His other arm wraps around your back lifting your hips in the air. From this angle he’s hitting deeper and getting your g-spot in the best way.
He’s holding you in a position to give himself the best form of pleasure and yet you are getting it too. At first he really didn’t care if you enjoyed it, only wanting to teach you a lesson. That mindset faded away just by looking at you. This was better than what he had imagined and he couldn’t be happier. He lifts you back up and pulls out, flipping you to lay over the counsel.
Lights flicker as some buttons are pushed from your hands slamming down to catch yourself. Rafe kneels down behind you and attaches his lips to your clit. Your head drops down to rest on your forearm. “Oh fuck that feels good.” Rafe hums at the taste of you, shaking his head slightly side to side. He stays there for a few minutes bringing you to the very edge of your orgasm before stopping.
Pulling back his hands play with your ass, his eyes catching the glint from his belt buckle. An idea pops into his head. Picking up the belt he folds it in half, dragging it up your leg as he stands up. “What are you doing?” You turn your head to look at him and see him smirking down at you. Without saying anything to you he lifts up the belt and smacks your ass with it. You let out a yelp from the stinging sensation.
He does it once again, your yelps morphing into moans. The pain is dull or maybe you are just too focused on the way he’s kissing up your spine. His other hand grips  himself, lining his dick back up to your entrance. Teeth dig into the side of your neck as he sinks into your soaked pussy. Your eyes pinch shut, mouth wide open as he keeps thrusting in.
You are enveloped in pleasure, so much so that all of your senses seem to disappear. Your ears are ringing, eyes watering from pleasure, all you can feel is him all around you and something cool around your neck. Opening your eyes was like a wake up call. You can feel the smooth leather moving around your skin as he loops it through the buckle. Lifting a hand to touch your neck confirms it all. 
He put the belt around your neck.
Rafe wraps his hand with the excess leather, keeping a tight grip on it. He yanks a little on it to tighten it. Not enough to fully choke you but enough to make it pleasurable. He gives it another tug when he realizes you like it, causing your back to arch. Your head is practically touching his shoulder now. He moves a hand up your body to grab your face, turning it to look at him.
Once your eyes are staring back at it he speaks. “Open your mouth.” You don’t know why he even told you anything, he used his grip to pry it open anyway. Rafe spits into your open mouth, kissing you immediately after. His thrusts are increasing in pace, slamming into your hips. The familiar feeling of your orgasm washes over you, making your body convulse. Your moans are loud, tearing through your throat.
Rafe helps you through your orgasm before pulling out and stroking himself, cumming all over your ass. “Oh fuck. You look so pretty like this, covered in my cum. All fucked out because of me.” He’s mesmerized as he plays with his cum, scooping it with his fingers he brings it to your mouth. On instinct you lick them clean, moaning at the taste of him.
The sounds of a buzzing noise scares the two of you away from the moment. “The aliens have succeeded in their plan to overrun the world. Better luck next time.” The two of you stare at each other for a moment and mutually decide to just get dressed. Rafe’s eyes move to your neck as you remove the belt. It’s a bit red but he’s mostly focused on the teeth indents left. 
He has a smug look on his face as you both get dressed that continues once you give him the brownies. Thank god no one was in the lobby waiting to do a room because you don’t know what you would have done if there was. You couldn’t even look Rafe in the eyes after what just happened. If he thought you were shy before then this was a new level. 
Just as he was about to leave he turned back around. You are staring at the floor watching his feet to see when it’s safe to look back up. When they don’t move you reluctantly look up at him. “I might have to come back here. Never knew being locked in a room could be so fun.” With that he walks out leaving you there shell shocked.
He’s right, being locked in a room could be fun.
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cece693 · 15 days
Not Interested (Jasper Whitlock x M! Reader)
Summary: You never understood the hype over the Cullen family. Sure, they were beautiful, but didn’t anyone at school have enough common sense to notice something was off? Too bad a certain empath is smitten with you and merely finds your open disdain entertaining.
tags: perceptive reader, Jasper is smitten, isn't character canon nor resembles his original description, human reader, reader is a hothead and unfiltered, creative liberties with Jasper
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You never understood the hype over the Cullen family. Sure, they were beautiful, but didn’t anyone at school have enough common sense to notice something was off? They looked like marble statues—flawlessly sculpted but lifeless, almost artificial. And then there were their mannerisms, too controlled to be teenagers. It was all a bit too uncanny for your liking.
Jasper Hale was no exception. Out of all of them, he seemed like the biggest walking red flag. He wasn’t an asshole, exactly, but his whole demeanor screamed danger. Every time you glanced his way, he was as stiff as a board, eyes unblinking and hands clenched into fists beneath the table, like he was holding himself back from doing something. There was a reason people said he was the second most unapproachable Cullen, with Rosalie taking the number one spot. Yet, despite his apparent hatred for people, he seemed determined to catch your attention.
He'd linger by your locker, his eyes burning a hole in your back. When you snapped at him to get lost, he didn’t flinch. He smiled. HE FUCKING SMILED LIKE YOU WERE A KITTEN THROWING A TANTRUM. In class, he'd try to strike up a conversation, blatantly ignoring your clipped and cold responses with a patience only a saint could have. Not only did you notice this, but the whole school did, too. Jasper’s odd behavior had quickly become a hot topic.
Jessica, damn her soul, was at the head of the rumor mill, spinning far-fetched stories about you and Jasper being secret lovers. If punching someone—much less a girl—wouldn’t get you expelled or possibly arrested, Jessica would have been target number one. You tried to keep your anger in check, especially when the whole school (students and staff alike) kept staring at you and Jasper like you were part of some soap opera. But one rumor, in particular, pushed you over the edge.
“I’m not a sugar baby!” you hissed at Jessica when she tried to strike up a conversation about the nonexistent gifts Jasper was supposedly giving you. “What bullshit gave you that idea?”
“He gave you a pencil—”
“Oh, fuck off and shove that pencil—” You couldn’t finish that thought as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of fourth period. Jessica just waved goodbye and scurried off, knowing your temper wouldn’t be stopped by a bell. Huffing, you made your way to history class, where, lo and behold, Jasper was already seated, a grin on his face.
As the class dragged on, you couldn’t keep ignoring Jasper or the hushed whispers of the other students. His grin never faltered, and neither did the feeling of his gaze burning into you.
Screw it.
Without waiting for the teacher to finish his lecture on some historical battle you couldn’t care less about, you stood up abruptly.
“Out,” you muttered, grabbing Jasper by the arm with a grip that brooked no argument. Jasper, taken aback, allowed you to drag him to his feet. A low murmur rippled through the class, but you didn’t care. You were done playing around.
You hauled him out of the classroom, ignoring the teacher’s confused calls after you, and pulled him down the hallway to the nearest janitor's closet. You shoved the door open, pushed him inside, and slammed it shut behind you. The tiny space was dimly lit and filled with the scent of cleaning supplies, but you didn’t let the cramped quarters intimidate you. Instead, you crowded Jasper back against a shelf, glaring up at him.
“Alright, Hale,” you snapped, eyes blazing. “I’m sick of the staring, the lurking, and the creepy smiles. What's your deal? Are you trying to get under my skin, or are you just that bored?”
For a moment, Jasper didn’t respond. Then, slowly, that infuriatingly calm smile spread across his lips. “You know,” he drawled, his voice like honey dripping off a knife, “for someone who claims not to care, you seem awfully worked up about it.”
“Cut the crap,” you growled, slamming your palm against the shelf beside his head. “You’ve been following me around like some kind of deranged puppy, and I want to know why. And don’t you dare feed me some bullshit line about coincidence.”
Jasper’s smile faded, and for a moment, his eyes flickered with something darker, something almost… amused. “Maybe some of the rumors are true,” he admitted, his voice low but steady. “Maybe I do want to get to know you better.”
The words hung in the air, surprising you. You’d expected deflection, but this was something else. You narrowed your eyes. “Get to know me?” you echoed. “And what exactly does that mean?”
“It means,” Jasper continued, his gaze meeting yours head-on, “that you’re different from the others. You don’t fawn over us like we’re gods, and you’re not afraid to speak your mind. It’s… refreshing.”
You snorted. “So, what? You think acting like a creep is the way to get my attention? Newsflash, Hale: it’s not working.”
His lips twitched, almost like he was holding back a laugh. “Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “It got you to drag me in here, didn’t it?”
That did it. You reached out, grabbed the front of his shirt, and pulled him closer, your faces mere inches apart. “Listen to me,” you said, your voice a low, dangerous whisper. “If you want to know me, try acting like a normal person instead of some stalker freak. Got it?”
Jasper didn't reply immediately, just stared at you before his gaze briefly flicked to your lips. “Got it,” he murmured, a reverent expression crossing his face that confused the hell out of you. You let go of him, expecting him to step back, but he didn’t. He stayed right where he was, not seeming at all bothered by the confined space or your proximity. “Just so we’re clear,” he added softly, “I’m not giving up. I’m still going to try to get to know you, whether you like it or not.”
Feeling a mix of frustration and something you didn’t want to name, you turned around and opened the door. “Fine, but try anything like this again, and I won’t be so nice.”
Jasper chuckled, that damn smile creeping back onto his face. “Deal, but somehow, I think you like a little chaos.”
You rolled your eyes. “Let’s get back to class, Hale.” you grumbled, stepping out into the hallway. But as you walked away, you couldn’t shake the feeling of his gaze on your back—a challenge silently hanging in the air between you.
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douceurrrr · 9 months
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paring(s): felix catton x black!start!reader
summary: farleigh is his best mate but his sister is just too good and someone knows.
warning(s): mdni! smut, profanity, she/her pronouns, oral sex (f), f-ing in secret, Oliver lurking lol, jacob elordi’s hotness may be fatal!
PS: ik farleigh is his cousin but pretend he’s not
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Being farleigh’s sister meant coming to saltburn every summer and coming to saltburn every summer meant being with felix. You and felix had been in a secret relationship for a couple months now and your brother hasn’t suspected a thing. It’s weird because felix would kill anyone that touched his sister but when it came to farleigh’s sister, he could resist. You know it’s wrong but you loved the way his hair brushed against your thighs when his head is in between them. It starts with him sneaking glances at you during breakfast and dinner and ends with you in his bed.
“shhh! he’s asleep felix.” you whispered with a smile. felix had successfully pulled you out of the room you shared with venetia and into his, liked he’d done many nights before. “oh hush, love. oliver sleeps like a child.” felix says, moving your box braids off your shoulder to peck the skin there. oliver on the other hand made sure he didn’t sleep that night.
You and felix had finally made it to his room. “y’gonna let me taste you, love?” felix whispered in your ear, making sure to leave a kiss on your neck before lifting his head up. you nodded, slowly placing yourself on his bed and spreading your warm, brown thighs. before felix leaned his head down, you heard the floor creak, “wait, i heard something.” you lifted your head towards the door but there was nothing there.
“it’s probably nothing, love. but here-” felix then got up and closed the door. “there. feel better?” you nodded but you were still a little concerned. felix then hooked his fingers underneath your lace panties, putting them in his pocket. he then grabs your thigh and pulls to him with force.
his metal, eyebrow piercing was cold against your thigh as he licks his tongue through your wet folds. swirling on your clit. you moaned into his pillow as he watch your face fill up with pleasure.
it encouraged him to do more, wanting you to struggle to keep your sanity. “try to keep quiet, darling. wouldn’t want your brother hearing, let alone oliver.” how does he expect you to be quiet when he eats your pussy the way he do?
the more close you got the more pressure he added to your clit. he had your back lifting off the bed as you the band in your stomach break as your mouth opened in awe at the pleasure. “y’wanna wet my dick, huh?” felix stands up from the bed, fumbling with his belt. you sit up from the bed, watching him struggle with his pants from scrambling too fast.
“need help?” you giggled but he had already shoved his pants down, crawling on the bed to you. it was like lion and prey. he kissed you, hungrily. and you kissed back with force. felix then breaks the kiss. “alright enough of the fucking foreplay, ready love?” he huffs, positioning his cock to your center. you obviously nodded and bucked you hip into him, attempting to speed the process which made him laugh and rub his tip on your clit, making you even more anxious.
“felix please.” he couldn’t say no to you, especially when your making those pretty sounds for him. you finally felt his cock slip through your folds with sharp thrust. “fucking hell that’s incredible.” he groans in your neck, moving in and out of you.
you couldn’t help but to bite into felix’s shoulder to hide you moans as he pounds into you with your legs wrapped him. you press your feet onto his ass, making him take you deeper which made him go even faster.
“fuck felix, m’close.” you moaned in his ear, which would’ve been enough to make him cum.
“cum f’me, angel.” felix replied, sharpening his thrust and hitting that spot that made you see stars before cumming around him. “fuck.” you whimpered as he slows his thrusts, walking you through your orgasm while whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
“you’re incredible.” felix whispers as he slips out of you and flops on his back. the room smelled like sweat and sex as you gather your clothes, about to leave when felix stops you. “just sleep here, love.” felix says but you knew you couldn’t without venetia noticing your absence but you nodded anyway and crawled back on the bed, laying your head on his chest.
The next morning, felix had been staring at you the whole breakfast without anyone noticing (or so you thought). After breakfast, you made your way to venetia’s room when oliver stops you. “oh oli! hi.” you smiled but he wasn’t.
“you know you’re a slut right?” you face dropped at his words. “w-what?” you replied, not knowing what he was talking about.
“you think i don’t know about you and felix? how you moan for him?” oliver says. your blood runs cold. “fuck you, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” you sneer at him, attempting to walk past him but he grabs your arm, tightly.
“poor farleigh. he doesn’t know how much of a slut his sister is for his best friend.” he says before letting go of your arm when lady elspeth comes. “oliver love! come. there’s someone i want you to meet!” she says, cheerfully.
“coming.” oliver replied, switching his attitude like nothing happened and walking away with standing there, astonished.
but who would you tell?
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luvrdrop · 3 months
# “ WATCH YOU “ !!
ft. izana kurokawa x afab! reader smut
synop: izana had seen you walking and became infatuated with you to say the least, but when you get home late once night and have a surprise waiting.. what will you do?
cont: stalking! dub-con! pussy eating ( with panties on as well ) , cursing, reader passing out during sex, izana still fucks her, forced eye contact , spanking, squirting, reader submits to izana because she is affection deprived! , no clear aftercare!,
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it really wasn’t supposed to go this far. he swears it wasn’t. he had seen you walking down the street from your house heading to what he guessed to be a small convenience store down the street. he layed eyes on you and that’s when he felt it, that burning in his chest. you were beautiful, once it started he couldn’t stop it.
5:47 pm
“ yeah, kenny.. “ you responded to your best friend over the phone, as you heard him walking into his home. you were down the street from your own home, you had a car but you liked walking. you walked almost everywhere. once you made it your apartment, you opened your mailbox and you instantly freaked out. “ what the actual fuck… ? “ you whispered to yourself. “ what’s wrong, y/n? “ draken had asked you, hearing your distraught curse. “ nothing, i seen something, i’m just tired. “ you said, lying. you were actually freaking out because for the past three days, you had been getting really weird mail in your box. the first day it was a love letter, you were scared to open it because you didn’t have any clue what it might have said. the second day, it was a box of chocolate. and now today, the roses.. a very pretty bright bouquet of red roses.
when you got in your apartment, you locked your door. and headed to your kitchen, laying the roses onto the counter. you lived alone, and you only knew a handful of people.. so who would be sending you roses? and why? you had been getting this feeling that you may have been being watched but you brushed it off, blaming it on the few scary movies you had watched with your homeboys recently. but now it was getting a little weird. “ y/n? “ you heard your friend call your name. you were zoned out and he had been calling out for you. “ oh, my bad. what’s up kenny? “ you asked while heading to your room. he chuckled, “ are you still coming to the meeting tomorrow? “ he reminded you that you had made plans to go to the meeting tomorrow, but now, you were a bit paranoid to go anywhere. “ i’ll see if i finish this work up in time, i’ll pull through. hey kenny, i’ll call you right back. “
pulling your headphone out of your ear, you took a deep breath. “ what is really going on? “ you asked yourself. was there really someone stalking you.. watching you? the thought was terrifying. you had never been through anything like that before. and what could help you figure it out…wait, the letter. maybe it can give you some type of lead on who was sending all that shit to your house. you went to the living room and looked on the tv stand seeing the cream colored envelope with the red heart on it. you open it and read the paper that was inside.
“ hello, i just want to tell you how stunningly beautiful and perfect you are. i hope i get to see you soon, mahal. “
your eye twitched as you read the words on the paper, “ mahal? “ what even did that mean? who wrote you this? it was no help at all, you were still as lost as before if not even more. you sighed, placing the letter back in the envelope and putting it right back where you had it. you decided to leave it alone for tonight, making you way back to your room grabbing your laptop. your work would keep the fear off your back. little did you know, while you were working with music blasting inside your ears from your earbuds, deep purple eyes lurked from the left side of your bedroom window, watching you very quietly and closely. this went on for hours until you fell asleep with your laptop right open.
you woke up the next morning, jumping out of your sleep with a gasp. you were trying to catch your breath, snatching the earbuds out and placing your hands on your chest. “ what the hell.. “ you coughed out, you had a dream where you were running down a dark street, pitch black almost hearing something chasing you with this.. evil laugh. you shook your head, trying to dissipate the sound out of your head. looking over, you see the clock it was 11:35 am. you had worked hard on your work last night and only had one more paragraph to do so you decided that you’d get up and go to the meeting with your friends. your friends were in a huge gang, once they realized how lonesome you were, they started inviting you to hang out with them after the meetings.
you grabbed your phone, dialing your bestfriend’s number. once he answered you placed him on speaker and sat the phone down, yawning while grabbing your toothbrush. “ good morning kenny.. “ you said, you and draken, or kenny as you called were very close. you met by quite literally bumping into him getting off the train one day in town. he was really sweet about it, he ended up bumping you again that same exact day in a convenience store. you two were inseparable ever since then, he grunted very sleepily “ good morning y/n.. “ he was falling back asleep, you furrowed your brows before questioning him, “ why aren’t you awake? you know i’ll be over there soon right? “ she finishes up brushing her teeth and washing her face. “ mhm.. i’ll be up.. “ you rolled your eyes, hearing the lies in his words.
after around an hour or so, you were showered, dressed, and ready to go to draken’s house. you were gonna walk to his house and ride to the meeting with him. he lived around ten minutes away, so you didn’t mind making that small trip. once you had everything you made your way out the door, something in you ushering to open the mailbox and check. you did and there was nothing. “ hm.. that’s not a bad thing i guess “ you closed it back and placed your hands in your pockets , en route to draken’s apartment. you only had one earbud in so you could still hear what was going on around you. the walk seemed kind of quick, you were already a block away from draken’s place. you picked up your pace to hurry and make it there an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach.
stupid little you, you had no clue that a white haired boy was walking right behind you. he was on the same foot as you, loving slower though. he wasn’t exactly doing anything, just walking behind. catching your sweet scent as the wind blew it right into his direction. he wanted to just hold you in his arms, never letting you go.. but he knew that sooner or later, you’d be his. he wasn’t too sure on how yet, but surely, you would belong to him. completely.
you knocked on draken’s door, and he opened it almost instantly making you jump a little bit. he noticed and frowned a little. “ you good, y/n? you made it fast, cmon. “ he let you in. and you nodded, “ m’ fine. i was zoned out. “ you answered. your friend was grabbing his keys and turned to you. “ you want anything before we head out? “ you shook your head, “ nah i’m good. “ he nodded before grabbing his toman jacket, tossing it to you. “ i can wear it? “ you looked up at him. “ nah, put it on your head. “ you slapped his arm, and put the jacket on over your tshirt. “ cmon. “ before you knew it, you were on the back of his motorbike, holding onto him so you didn’t fall or jump too much. the rides with draken were always fun, quiet but super fun.
once you made it to the building, you seen all your homeboys, they all said hey to you, waving and some of them coming up and hugging you. it started with baji, then kazutora, mitsuya, chifuyu, and the rest just stood around talking to you. “ where’s manjiro? “ you asked right before you heard the familiar voice. “ is that y/n? “ you smiled, before looking at your friend. “ hi, mikey. “ you laughed before walking up to him and nudging him. “ what’s up? you came to chill? “ he tilted his head. you nodded. after a while, the meeting started and you were sitting watching, the boys always handled what they needed to and then it was time to have fun. everyone stood around talking and having drinks, some eating some food. you found yourself standing in the corner with mikey, talking to him.
your intuition was nothing you ignored, so when your gut told you to ask this question. you did with no hesitation. “ mikey, do you know what.. mahal means? “ he turned his head , laughing. “ mahal? “ he repeated, sounding a bit more different than how you said it. “ that’s tagalog.. it means love. where’d you hear that? “ he’s curious now, but your heart sank when he explained. whoever wrote that note called you love.. in another language. you pretended like it was nothing and you just heard it somewhere but it was actually starting to freak you out. you decided to just have a good time and you would handle it later.
after about two and a half hours it was time to go, draken dropped you off at your house, you hopped off the bike and waved at him. “ bye kenny!! call me tomorrow!! “ you opened the door, slipping through it and closing it, you turned and locked the door. as soon as you started to turn around you felt a hot, very hot body against your own, it happened in the matter of seconds. a hand pressed agains your mouth, and your back pressed against what felt like a chest. the shriek you let out was loud, you started to panic. “ mahal.. “ you heard that damned word again from what sounded to be a male. you felt tears pool in your eyes and run down your face falling towards his hand. “ why are you crying.. “ he asked. you didn’t say anything, not that you could with his hand pressed against your lips.
how did he even get in here.. did you forget to lock the door or something? “ i’m not gonna hurt you.. i promise. “ he said sweetly, pressing his tongue flat against the shell of your ear, giving it a lick. you shivered at feeling.. he was strong so you didn’t bother to fight, thinking he’d possibly kill you if you tried to fight. “ mahal.. i just wanna make you feel good.. feel special. “ his body pressed more against yours, pressing you up against your own door. he licked and sucked at the skin under your ear, softly nibbling on you. you’re weak attempts to push him eventually, stopped as the feeling he gave you started to feel.. good. it was crazy. you had no idea who this was on what he looked like. “ i’m gonna move my hand.. if you scream.. i’m going to hurt you. okay? “ he snatched your head back to lean on his shoulder roughly. “ i asked you something.. “ your eyes closed as tears still fell from them. you were helpless against this man. you just nodded, letting out a small whimper. his hand found it’s way to your throat. “ s’good.. you smell amazing, baby.. mahal ko ito (i love it) “ you were still confused on why he was doing this if he didn’t even know you.
he ended up leading you to your own room and that scared you even more, he had to have been here way before you got back home to know his way through the house. he bends you over on your own bed. you cried out, “ please.. listen i don’t know why you’re doing this but i- ah! “ you shouted when you felt a stinging pain on your ass, “ i told you not to scream.. “ you feel him get even closer, he whispers in your ear, “ only i can hear you, mahal.. stop being so bad. i don’t wanna have to keep spanking you. “ he spoke very softly, but you could tell he was serious. he started to remove your pants and you cried softly, “ please.. “ you begged. he ignored your pleas and cries, sliding his arms under your thighs, flipping you over. and there he was.
those same purple eyes that watched you for three weeks, walking up and down your street, the eyes that watched you do your work and carelessly fall asleep with your laptop open, the eyes that watched you from aisles down at the convience store were now staring you back into yours. he was… beautiful. his made your breathing start to even out a little. the tears still sitting on the edge of your eyes as you watched every detail about him, he smirked. “ oh, stop looking at me like that.. you look like a sad kitten.. cmere. “ he pulled you closer by your thighs, you clenched your thighs together when he did so, but that earned you a fat red mark on your thigh. “ don’t. “ he wasn’t even looking at you at this point. his eyes were now focused on the way your panties were soaked, the darker spot covering the whole area of your pussy.
his white hair stuck to his forehead, he was sweating at this point, the way you twitched and grabbed at him but failed because of the grip he hand on your wrist, all you could do was cry out and whine. he was licking and sucking at your clit through your panties, watching you squirm and quiver at his actions. “ mahal.. you taste so sweet.. what’s wrong? “ he rubbed his thumb against your wrist in a soothing way, “ i won’t stop.. won’t stop until you pass out. promise. “ he smiled as he said it, lifting your panties from your pussy, he gave it a long lick, before placing his right hand down your abdomen, rubbing at your clit with his thumb, he was still watching you. “ you like it? “ he whispered, “ gusto mo ba? hm? (do you like it? hm?) “ he asked and you nodded your head .. “ yes.. “ izana laughed once again, finding it oh, so funny. he placed his lips around your clit once again. you almost screamed, but you remembered he told you not to. you heard the zipper of his pants coming down and you looked down, but he started to push you up and down, your hips making him switch from licking your clit and going into the cavern of your sex. this alone made you squirt all over his face.. he loved it. “ fuck.. you’re so dirty, baby.. “ he stood up and leaned over you, face wet with all of your essence, his earrings dangling over you as well. you looked down before he grabbed you by your throat once again, squeezing slightly.
“ look at me, mahal.. i’m right here.. “ you looked at him and before you could say anything, you felt his tip slowly entering your pussy. “ wait- oh shit- “ you heaved out. “ ah.. you have a potty mouth, baby.. hush.. “ he kisses your cheek, as he bottomed out into you, releasing one of the intoxicating moans in your ear. “ fuck- masikip.. (it’s tight..) “ izana groaned.. he pushed until his stomach was flat against yours, and he didn’t waste time either. he went fast, incredibly fast. “ f-fuckfuckfuck- “ you tried not to scream, izana was in your ear, moaning saying all types of lewd things both in english, and his native tongue. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, he chuckled in your ear before tapping the side of your face. “ wake up.. “ he kept going, not letting up or slowing down his speed. “ ah- baby.. i’m gonna cum if you keep squeezing me like this.. fuck.. “ izana started to squeeze your throat. “ i’m c-cumming!! oh god.. i’m cumming.. “ at this point your legs were in the air.. you chocked out that you were close and you came, you came everywhere. your juices leaking all over him, and yourself but he kept going even after you came, you gripped the back of your thighs, mouth hanging open and breath short. your head started to spin at this point.. you were at a lost of words for not only how he was fucking you. you still didn’t even know his name and he was fucking you like this.
this was about to be your third orgasm, you choked out again, “ fuck.. p-please… “ and izana looked down at you. “ what is it.. mahal? “ he spoke into your skin.. he was still fucking deep into you, what you didn’t know is that he had came once before as well, he never stopped fucking into you, the mixture leaking and pouring out of your hole as he choked you, fucking his load deep into you trying to bust another. “ please i- “ you felt your conscious lose you.. you passed out, legs and arms falling, that didn’t stop izana.. he kept fucking you until he came. he pulled out watching the milky white seed drip and pool from his cock and onto your tummy.
it took izana 10 minutes to clean you up, and place you under your sheets. he cleaned himself up as well, leaning down over you once he was dressed. “ i’ll see you soon, mahal. “ he kissed her forehead and disappeared into the night.
you woke up the next day with a banging headache. “ what the fuck.. “ you sat up wiping your eyes, you thought it all was a dream until you looked down and seen your pants were off.. and you seen another note right beside you.. you opened it, reading..
“ i loved make you feel so good, mahal. - izana. <3 “
…. izana was his name.
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kai:3- this was really fun to write i can’t lie xxx, i don’t really know toooo tooo much about izana, he’s such a cutie patootie though i really had fun writing for him!! i’ll def write for him again!! i think i’m going to do a chifuyu smut next, ( chifuyu & rindou have been melting my brain:333) buttt this was my second ask & dedicated to @yourefavsakura !! i really hope you enjoy this<3
©️luvrdrop <3 reblogs are appreciated!!
( not proofread!! )
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wttcsms · 1 year
time, mystical time (cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine) ; simon "ghost" riley.
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pairing simon "ghost" riley x f!reader  word count 3.3k  synopsis snapshots of the defining moments in ghost's life. content contains slight angst, mild descriptions of alcohol abuse (ghost's father) + domestic abuse (non-explicit desc., but the act itself is mentioned various times), a bit of tiny look into my take on ghost's background, nsfw content, slight size kink, breeding kink, creampie, domestic fluff, pregnant!reader in some scenes, children (dad!ghost) author's notes takes place in this au & honestly is a lot more enjoyable of a read if you read that fic (+ the other connected one shots [go on my masterlist]). fun fact: simon is referred to as simon in the scenes with only you and his family. he's ghost anywhere else.
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His mother had always told him that as a baby, he was always rather quiet. Scared her half to death, she would say, ‘cause he’d rarely ever cry. Even the doctor got worried when he first came out. 
Looking back at his childhood — perhaps the lack thereof — Simon assumes it’s probably instinctual. With a deadbeat drunk of a father armed with a heavy hand, being quiet probably saved Simon’s life more times than he wants to admit. He’d be knocked upside the head for the littlest of reasons, shouted at for even less. 
I’m the man of the house. 
His father’s slurred justifications for doling out unfair punishments ring through the dark halls of his childhood home. Simon hears it while he cowers inside his closet. His room is dark because his father doesn’t believe in nightlights, and mum got slapped hard for daring to go against his wishes and trying to sneak Simon one. She thinks he didn’t see it, but Simon sees a lot more than he should. Since then, he’s been sleeping in the dark. It’s not so scary anymore. 
There are scarier things that lurk in the light, anyway. 
It’s stuffy in the closet, and he knows it’s stupid to hide here because dad will find him any second now. The punishment is bad when he gets to drinking, and it gets worse whenever Simon tries to hide. 
A loud thump against his door makes Simon hold his breath. Then, the door bangs open from the weight.
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Kicking doors open comes second nature to Lieutenant Riley. 
The loud crash of the door popping from the rusty hinges shocks the poor girls previously trapped behind them. All of them stay huddled together, staring fearfully at the loud, big men toting even louder, bigger guns. The hollowed cheeks, hopeless eyes, and array of bruises on their skin makes him sick. It’s a hot summer’s day, and Simon hates that after all this time, his observation from his childhood still stands true:
There are scarier things that lurk in the light, anyway. 
A bit hypocritical, he supposes. After all, he walks around in broad daylight, and he’s certainly no saint.
With the help of the rest of his extraction team, Ghost makes quick work of herding all the girls out of this depressing underground prison and out into a free world. He’s careful to be gentle with his touches, nothing more than a gentle guiding hand. Even with his gloves, he can’t be certain he’s not tainting them. Sins don’t wash away as easily as blood does. 
He’s the last one to leave, but he doesn’t exit alone. 
For a while, he felt a tight grip on his arm. Someone’s been clinging onto him this whole time, and with everything that’s happened, he can’t find it in his heart to shake them off. With no other distractions present, he finally turns to see who’s gotten so attached to him.
This is it. 
This is the moment where Simon Riley claims his life begins.
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It’s such a juvenile feeling, he thinks. Waiting for his phone to ring, wondering why you haven’t texted or called. It’s so silly. So what he saved your life? It’s not like you owe him anything. It’s his job. He had a duty. Nothing more, nothing less.
Besides, he’s an asshole. Not the type of asshole who thinks he’s entitled to your company since he rescued you, but the type where Soap and the rest of the team aren’t too surprised he doesn’t have anyone to come home to. 
He can’t sleep. 
It’s been weeks since he gave you that burner phone. Surely you would have called, even sent a simple “hello”, if you really wanted to. He knows there’s not much to do in that facility. He knows that you haven’t been sleeping well. He knows that he should go to sleep; he’s got an early flight to catch in an active warzone, and there’s no way in hell he’s gonna get any semblance of rest as a result. 
Instead of sleeping, he’s grabbing his own burner phone off the nightstand and staring at the screen. It’s a simple enough task, really. He can just head straight to his contacts list and click the only one that’s there. Isn’t it traditional for the guy to call first, anyway? Or is he just fooling himself into thinking that you’re waiting for him to make the first move? Do you want him to make the first move? 
He’s never experienced this before. This newfound, boyish anxiety. The equal mixture of both hopelessness and hope churning in his stomach every time he sees you; do you think of him as much as he thinks of you? The question is then followed by a decisive no. He hasn’t survived this long because of blind optimism, so there’s no point in indulging in it now. 
Will you come back then? 
You looked up at him while asking this question, and you looked like an angel unfairly punished to walk alongside man. He wanted to spend the rest of his life constructing a stairway to heaven that you could use to make it back to your rightful home. When you look that beautiful and then proceed to ask him a question, what else was he supposed to say besides,
Whenever you want me to. 
Perhaps God truly is as merciful as he is all-seeing, because after a minute of contemplation and staring longingly at your contact, his phone screen lights up with the notification he’s prayed for (the only thing he’s ever prayed for, really). 
You’re calling him. 
And true to his word, he’s on his way. 
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He’s never said I love you before, and as a result, he’s too scared to make his first attempt to do so, even though you just told him those three words yourself.
(He might tower over you, but looks can be deceiving. Simon thinks you’re much stronger and braver than him, in all the ways that matter.)
I love you.
He resists the urge to beg you to say it again and again and again, on repeat for the rest of your lives. 
He doesn’t say it back immediately, but he does let you take off his mask for the first time.
He doesn’t realize that the wide-eyed, awestruck, soft gleam in your eyes as you take him in, fully, for the first time is the same starry-eyed look he gets whenever he looks at you. He has a feeling you’re well aware of it, but now he finds the courage to confirm it.
“I love you.” 
And with a smile that could bring him back to life, all you have to say is, “I know.”
His mask is in your hands, after all.
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“You never quite outgrow it, do ya?” Tommy’s got his hands in his pockets, but Simon can still picture the wedding band on his younger brother’s finger. He had been happy when Tommy tied the knot with Beth, if not a bit jealous. 
Now, though, Simon’s got his own wedding band. It’s tucked underneath his uniform, hanging from the same chain his dog tags are. It rests against his chest, in a spot closest to his heart, right where it — you — belong.
Dad’s dead. Tommy says mum cried, but he couldn’t understand why. After all, she’s the one who faced his wrath for the longest. She’s been on the receiving end of all his harshness. She’s the one who’s taken the most hits, the hardest hits. Simon nods in agreement but doesn’t tell his brother that he thinks he might know why.
Simon knows his mother is a good woman. A long time ago, his father wasn’t the man he knew growing up. He doesn’t know when the change in his personality happened, and Simon somehow feels like it’s his fault. He was the catalyst, the trigger. While she was pregnant with him, that’s when the violence and the drinking and the anger started. He knows mum isn’t crying to mourn the man he became; she’s just finally safe to grieve about the man she loved and lost. Simon hasn’t been able to face her in a while since he’s come to the conclusion that his being born was the cause of everything horrible that has happened to her. 
“No, I suppose not,” Simone says. The house feels smaller than he remembers, but when he walks into his childhood bedroom, he’s transported to darker times. The room is as big as the whole world again. This room, this damn house, is his only world. He’s nine and cowering in fear again. He’s little again. He’s scared again. He wants to run away, but his scrawny little legs won’t let him. Dad won’t let him. 
Then he blinks and realizes that the room hasn’t changed all that much.
Within the next week, Simon gets the house demolished and the land sold. 
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“Ta-da!” You present to him a knitted, baby-blue blanket. The beginning stitchwork is sloppy at best with considerable improvement the further he looks. Between every thread, Simon can practically feel the love that’s stitched in it. 
“You like it?” You ask him, looking at him expectantly. 
“It’s perfect.” 
“Liar!” Your laugh rings through the cabin, and Simon feels like he’s being bathed in sunlight from the warmth of the sound alone. It’s distinctly yours, and he doesn’t want to be the barbarian who just takes and takes, but he wants it all to himself. He wants to catch it from the air and stuff it in his pockets and save it for when he’s in a foreign country and can’t sleep at night. 
“Why would I lie? It’s perfect.” You’re perfect.
“I messed up, like, five times trying to get this damn thing started! And it was so hard to get into a good groove since Simon Jr. thinks he’s a little football player. He’s been kicking like crazy!” To prove your point, you get closer to Simon and take one of his large hands, placing it on your growing belly. He’s sitting, surrounded by tools and pieces of a crib that he’s trying to build, and all he can do is look up in admiration at you, the most beautiful woman to walk this earth, an angel too good for this world, the mother of his child, his wife, you. Your hand is on top of his, and you squeeze it gently, and he loves the way the diamond on your wedding ring glitters in the sunlight. 
“He’s a strong one, alright.” Simon chuckles, feeling the way his son bumps against your belly. 
“Must get it from you, then.” 
That’s funny. Simon was just about to say that he’s pretty sure he gets it from you. 
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When he’s with you, Simon likes to take things slow. He can be rough at times, demanding and conquering you with nothing but brute strength and vulgar compliments. Like a true soldier, you take all of his transgressions in stride. 
Tonight is one of the nights where Simon will indulge and finally take things slow. He likes to savor every moment he gets with you because no matter how much time has passed, the pessimist in him doesn’t stop reminding him that time is fickle, and the future is never promised. 
But Simon wants to build a future with you. Simon has built a future, but he’s greedy. So, so greedy. He wants more, he wants all of you, he wants everything you’re willing to give him. The way you part your legs for him, how you willingly — lovingly — let him in, even though nature resists.
No matter how many times he’s split you open on his cock, even with the slickness of the previous two orgasms he so happily wrung out from you, there’s still resistance as the width and length of his cock struggle to slide into your cunt. 
“It’s okay, love, let me in.” His whispers of reassurance are barely heard over your little whimpers. You’re nodding, trying to be a good girl for him, but the fact of the matter is that Simon Riley is incredibly too big. He is a god among men, and you find yourself squeezing his hand tightly as the first few inches of his cock make its way into your warmth. 
“I know, darling.” He mumbles, but his gentle words are spoken roughly. Desire coats every syllable, and his voice is gravelly. He’s holding back, restraining himself from giving in and giving it to you roughly. His hand, so much larger than your own, squeezes back. He’s slowly pushing more of his length inside your needy cunt, and you moan at the feeling of being complete. 
You don’t realize the tears that are welling up in the corner of your eyes as he completely enters you, the tip of his cock perfectly pressed against your cervix. Simon’s always been good at mixing pain and pleasure, and tonight is a testament to that. 
“More, please.” It comes out like a weak, little whine, and Simon is putty in your hands. Completely malleable to your every whim and desire. His love wants more? He’ll give you everything. 
Your lashes are wet with your tears, and he watches as tiny streams of tears fall down your heated cheeks. Your face feels warm to the touch, Simon realizes, as he leans down to kiss away your tears. Poor thing. You must have exerted yourself too much when you were thrashing around earlier as he refused to remove his mouth from your precious pussy until you came in his mouth. 
You’re no match for the sheer strength and power of Simon, who’s built like a Greek god and probably just as powerful. You surrender to the overwhelming sensation of his cock stroking in and out of your cunt, and you’re damn near shameless in your greed and desire for more. 
“Cum in me. I want you to give me another baby, wanna grow our family with you.” You toss your head back in pleasure, feeling the way his grip on your hand tightens at your words. The two of you move perfectly together; you wrap your legs around his waist as his free hand grips your hip to keep you steady. 
“Yeah? My wife wants me to fuck another baby into her?” Simon grunts, doubling his efforts to ensure that his cock hits deep enough to press against all the spots that have your walls tightening around him. 
The throbbing of his cock and the allure of expanding your family with Simon, with having a part of him always, even after the two of you have left this earth, is enough to send you over the edge. The ecstasy is all-consuming; all you know is Simon. You feel him to the depth of your core, his heat pressed against your own, your shared bedroom heavy with lust and love. 
He loves the way your body goes slack from the intensity of your orgasm. It lets him know that he’s fucked you just the way you deserved to be fucked, filled to the brim with his cock and his cum and all his love. He kisses you hard, savoring the natural sweetness of your lips pressed against his own. He muffles your moans as you feel the endless stream of his cum spilling inside of you, the warmth of it all being almost too much to bear. 
“Mmmf,” You pull back from his kiss, just so you can look him in the eyes as you give him his favorite reminder in the world.
“I love you.” 
He responds with another deep kiss. It says enough. It says I love you, too, and we’re going for a round two. 
He has all the time in the world with you.
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He doesn’t feel any pain. That’s odd.
He looks back to the last minute. He heard the distinct sound of a gun firing, and he stumbled a bit as fate had its cruel fun and allowed the bullet to miraculously hit him in the one area his bulletproof gear just so happened to miss. What are the odds? 
He looks down. A dark stain is forming on his uniform, and the spot only continues to grow bigger. He moves a hand down to where the stain is at — it’s wet. A fresh wound. Fuck.
The sentiment is shared with Soap, who for once in his life doesn’t have anything smart to say. Ghost wants to say something cheeky, then. Just to keep him calm. It worked with Tommy. 
What’s the matter? Don’t worry about me. Should’ve seen the other guy. Almost had him in the last round. 
The words, Ghost realizes with growing dread, don’t quite come so easily.
It’s like his brain knows what he wants to do, but nothing is going as planned. Soap is saying something, but he just can’t quite make out the words. Johnny, speak proper fucking English, why don’t ya? 
No. That’s not the issue. Ghost frowns, but he doesn’t think Soap notices because of his damn mask. He can’t speak for shit, and he can’t hear, either. Actually, now that he’s really trying to take in his surroundings, everything’s a bit hazy, too. Like someone’s put some stupid film over everything, and stuff’s all slightly blurry. Just out of focus, just out of reach. 
“—get you home, alright?” The words sound all jumbled up, and Ghost only really catches the last end of whatever Soap’s blabbing on about. He’s a good kid. Great soldier. Stellar human being. He mentioned something about going home, but that’s just silly. The mission isn’t over yet, get it? They can’t go home ‘til the mission’s complete. 
“—don’t close your eyes—”
Home sounds nice. Warm vanilla in the colder seasons, jasmine with equal hints of something fruity and floral in the warmer ones. You fill the house with these scents, even matching your daily perfume to it. Doesn’t matter much to him, though. He hugs you close to his body and breathes in deeply, and he can still smell just you. No perfume will ever compare. 
Oh, and a busy kitchen. You’re covered in flour, his son sits on the counter, his daughter in her high chair. The entire kitchen comes to life, and every time he sees all three of you giggling in unison, his favorite sound of all, this kitchen becomes his whole world. This is what he goes to war to protect.
Baby blue walls and a crib. Crayon drawings of a stick figure family. Watching his daughter’s first steps and his son clinging to your legs. 
Maybe Soap’s right. Forget the mission. He should just head home.
But first, he’s really fucking tired. He’ll shut his eyes just for a minute.
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He blinks a few times, eyes struggling to adjust to the light. Light slaps against his face were the cause for his waking up. A damn shame, honestly. He rarely dreams, but when he does, it’s of you, and he was dreaming about something certainly worth remembering for the next time he’s reunited with you. 
He rolls over to confront whoever dared to ruin the one good rest he’s had in a long time, only to come face to face with bright, innocent eyes the same shade as his own. 
“G’morning,” his son says, the words still clumsy on the two-year-old’s tongue. When Simon doesn’t answer immediately, he resumes slapping his father’s face.
“I’m up, buddy.” 
The little toddler claps his chubby little hands together in pure joy. 
“Dada home?”
Like a sight for sore eyes, you appear in the doorway, gently opening the door and pushing it open. You’ve got your daughter in your arms, and you look ready to scold the young boy for disturbing Simon until you realize that he’s already awake. There’s that smile of yours that Simon loves so much, the one he swears could bring him back to life.
“I’m home.”
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author's note i intended for these little scenes/glimpses of his life to be the things ghost sees as he's bleeding out on the field. get it? the whole "life flashing before your eyes" thing BAHAHAHA. don't worry, he's alive and very much well, enjoying much needed domesticity with you + your little family. the last scene is him fucking u good and well, and that's the lil dream he was having. muahaha
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ravennaortiz · 20 days
Sequel to Stepping Out- A Happy Lowman Story
As always 18+
It had been a year since you had stepped foot in the Teller-Morrow lot. A year since you watched your husband shove his tongue in another woman’s mouth and then carry her back to his dorm to fuck her. A year since you had been humiliated, hurt, left to heal not just a broken heart but also a broken body. What should have been joy at you being cancer free had been nothing but sorrow.
Parking your car in the full lot you looked around. Maybe you should just turn around and leave. Before you could though a tap at your window had you jumping. Looking over you couldn’t help but smile at the goofy grinning faces of Juice, Half-Sack and Ratboy.
“You came” stated Juice as you stepped out of the car. “Well you asked so nicely and all three of you begged….several times” you laughed as he pulled you in for a hug. “We missed ya. Not the same without you popping in” he murmured before letting you go. You met his eyes and gave him a smile. He was right things hadn’t been the same on your end either.
You had missed them all so much more than you realized. They had made a good effort to visit and call but you had been cold and distant. Not wanting to be shown pity. Be seen as the one who had been cheated on. Seen as weak, unworthy, unlovable. So you had stayed away. Until Jax had called you a couple of months ago. He wanted someone he trusted to keep the books for the new strip club and porn studio the club had opened. He also wanted you to give lessons to the new hires, vet them out. You had said no at first. You didn’t want to see your Old Man. Jax had been quick to assure you that you never would.
The four of you made your way to the clubhouse door chatting like old times. You had missed this more than you realized you would. Stepping into the darkened interior of the clubhouse you couldn’t help but cut your eyes over to where Happy would always be waiting for you. You weren’t sure if you were sad or thrilled when you saw the spot was vacant. “Want a drink?” asked Juice his breath hot on your ear as his hand rested gently on your hip as he guided you through the crowd by the door. “Please” you replied as he maneuvered you two towards the bar where Tig and Chibs sat. The other two disappearing to the pool tables.
“Lassie!” hollered Chibs as he caught sight of you as you slid next to him while Juice hopped behind the bar to grab you drinks. “Good to see you Doll” greeted Tig as his eyes traveled down the corset top and short skirt you had on. “Hey” you greeted both men as you took the drink Juice offered.
“You look good” stated Tig. “That top really makes the girls…pop” he added his blue eyes glued to your chest. Chibs simply sighed and smacked him in the back of the head. You laughed and turned away shaking your head. You couldn’t deny you loved the attention. It had been over a year since anyone paid any to you. “What? Just a fact” grumbled Tig before he slid off his stool and made his way over to a darkened corner.
Your eyes watched him go. Maybe you thought to yourself it wouldn’t hurt to test the waters. The toys in your nightstand hadn’t been getting you where you needed. A tiny part of your mind wandered about Happy, but if he cared he wouldn’t have started this whole thing in the first place. The last year wouldn’t have happened. The two of you were locked in stalemate of him wanting to reconcile and you denying him. It had been a few weeks since you last heard from him so you figured he had finally gotten it through his big bald head.
Happy sat lurking in a dark corner. His eyes on you from the moment you had walked in. All his assets on display for everyone in that damn outfit. The tooth pick he had been chewing on had snapped as he clocked Juices hands on you. Who did that punk think he was? Touching his woman like that? It didn’t matter that it was obviously to help get you through the crowd. Happy was pissed. Then that asshole Tig pretty much drooling all over your tits. Suppose to be brothers.
Happy was fuming and seeing red when he felt someone sit next to him. “Go the fuck away” he barked not even looking to see who it was.
“Its your own fault” stated Gemma as she took a drag of her cigarette. Happy turned to her watching as she nodded towards you. “You had it all. Tossed it away. You only had to wait a bit and you could have been getting your dick wet in your Old Ladies pussy, but no you had to go down the dead end road of pussy.” She continued as she smoked.  “You don’t get to be angry with anyone but yourself Happy. Don’t start shit tonight with whichever brother she lets between her legs. And believe me at least one of your brothers she will be letting in.” finished Gemma before standing up as she patted his head. Happy stared in shock as he watched her disappear into the crowd.
A couple hours later
“Hey” you giggled as you collapsed onto Tigs lap dancing and grinding.
“Hey Doll” laughed Tig as his hands went to your hips. “Having fun?” he asked as he felt his jeans start to tent.
“Yeah” you murmured as you turned to face him. Your skirt rising up more as you moved. Tig swallowed hard as he felt your smooth skin under his hands. “These are for you….sorry they got a little wet” you whispered as you shoved your lacy black panties into the pocket of his kutte. Tigss breathing was picking up and he licked his lips as his fingers kneaded your bare ass. “What you playing at doll?” he asked as his your lips found his neck sucking and nipping as you ground your core onto the tent of his jeans. Tig groaned as he looked around. He wasn’t sure if he wanted someone to help or to make sure no one could see.
“I want you to fill me up Tiggy. Make me cum on your cock” you murmured as your fingers found his belt buckle and started working on. “Fuck” muttered Tig as he stood up quickly. Checking to make sure no one was paying any mind he carried you into the hallway to his dorm room.
“Fuck love” muttered Tig as he sat your ass on his dresser as he undid his jeans as his mouth found your neck. Sucking at the pulse point as you used your heels to push his pants and boxers down. Tig moaned as his cock head pressed into your wet slick. “Fucking so wet already” marveled Tig as you whined and bucked your hips to push him in more. “Fuck me Tig” you begged as he kissed down your neck and onto your chest.
Tig chuckled as he grabbed his cock to line it up but before he could thrust into you the door slammed open.
"How could you hurt me like this?' whispered Happy as he stood staring at you and Tig. The latter who was hastily yanking his pants back up as you rolled your eyes and laughed.
"You have no idea what it means to be hurt or feel pain Tacoma Killer" you snarled as you grabbed ahold of Tig and pulled him back to you. Effectively dismissing the man who had barged in. Tig looked between the two of you. “Maybe” he started before you grabbed his jaw turning him to face you. “Fuck me now. If he wants to stay and watch me take your cock that is his choice” you snapped. “Stepping out has consequences sometimes that is watching your wife cum on another man’s cock” you added your eyes boring into Happys.
Tig nodded and shoved his pants down quickly before slamming into you. “Fuck” you moaned as your eyes remained locked on Happys. Tig filled and stretched you in a mix of pain and pleasure. “Shit so tight” groaned Tig through gritted teeth as he started to slam in and out of you. Each snap of his hips the driving you further back onto the dresser.
Happy simply stood watching as you squirmed underneath Tig. Your moans and whines echoing through the room as his friend fucked you.
“Tig” you screamed as his fingers found your sensitive bud and pinched and twisted it sending you over the edge of pleasure. As your orgasm ripped through you your body fluttered and clenched around his cock until finally he was releasing himself deep within you with a feral moan. The two of you sat connected as you caught your breaths.
You moaned once Tig finally pulled out of you. Sitting up slightly you saw that Happys eyes were now locked onto your dripping pussy. Watching as a mix of your and Tigs cum dripped from your hole onto the dresser.
“I’ll leave you two to…talk” murmured Tig as he pulled his pants up before kissing your cheek and leaving the room.
“Seems I know how to pleasure a man” you remarked as you dragged a finger through your folds. Happy watched your finger gather up the mix of cum before moving up to your mouth. You moaned and closed your eyes as you sucked on your cum covered fingers. Happy closed his eyes as he fought to decide what to do or say. He loved you and he couldn’t lose you. He was the one who had started you both down this path, the one who had made you vengeful.
Opening his eyes he walked over and dropped to his knees. You gasped as he yanked you to the edge of the dresser his long tongue licking a strip up your slit before dipping into your hole. “I will lick and suck any man’s cum out of you for as long as it takes for you to finally reconcile with me. If that means forever then so be it” he stated firmly before latching onto your clit as he sucked and nipped gently. Within seconds he had you cuming on his tongue as you screamed his name.
Happy kissed up your body until he reached your lips. “I love you. I am so sorry I did this too us” he whispered before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. Tears sprung to your eyes as you grabbed his kutte and kissed him hard opening your mouth and letting his tongue snake in.
“Make love to me Happy” you whispered as you pulled from him and met his eyes. Happy simply nodded as he picked you up and walked you over to the bed.
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avocadoguru · 2 years
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 2 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 3 (word count: 6.6k)
The scent of a familiar human female drifted through the air as Harry neared his cabin. He slowed his stride and honed in on the direction of his dwelling with a sniff. He wouldn’t forget the smell of her. Ever since the day at the lake when he got out and picked up her hat from her pile of clothes and her panties were there lying on top making his mouth water, her unique smell stuck with him.
This time he was sure he wasn’t imagining it. Enough days had gone by for her scent to have dissipated. Last time there had been a possibility that the smell of her had lingered on the young one’s fur - he’d seen her snuggle him to her chest when he was hiding behind the door at the station and she almost walked in on him stealing the pup away - but this time there was no way he could still be smelling her anymore… unless she was there.
Slowing down, and hiding behind a denser part of the forest to the cabin’s side he perked his ears up and listened intently. 
She was going through his things.
She wouldn’t be finding anything, anyway. So he decided to play her little game. Wait and see what she was plotting further when her plans to find out more about him would inevitably fail.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t thrilled by the prospect of seeing her again. He’d refrained from following her all these days since their last encounter down by the lake. He knew better than to give in to his instincts when it came to her. 
She was human. 
She was a ranger. 
But she was also… irresistible to him. 
He’d been surprised at how often she popped into his mind. He’d seen plenty of human females before, but absolutely none caught his attention until then. After all, how could they ever? Their species just weren’t compatible like that. He was naturally attracted to a lot of things that women just didn’t possess. 
But then - why was it that whenever he would pick up on her accelerated heart rate he relished in it? Especially when it was coupled with her bravery. Knowing exactly how scared she was underneath that facade was incredibly attractive to him. He was sure that, to the human eye, her fear she hid so well would never show. 
He’d deliberately gotten under her skin a bit at the lake, just to see if what he’d felt that first encounter during the full moon had been real. He was sure to scare her, lurking in the water like that - and sure enough, he had, he could sense her heart rate pick up. He could hear her blood run fast through her veins. But still, he would’ve never been able to tell, simply by just looking at her, that he was having this effect on her.
Not to mention other effects. To his delight and surprise, he was arousing her. He could smell it, even with the lake water washing it off her, the smell potent and mouth-watering to him. Even in her state of distress, she was still attracted to him. What did that mean? Did she like a bit of danger in a man? Was she into bad boys? Was she into rough–
Harry shook his head, inhaling deeply, trying to collect himself. But all it did was remind him of her proximity. Her scent was so alluring. She wasn’t aroused but even so, there was just something about her fragrance that enthralled him. 
He’d not had that happen with anyone of his kind. Much less any human. He’d never met someone that he felt he could just get lost in scenting all day long. 
He just wanted to lay her down and bury his nose in her neck. And his tongue–
Harry rested his forehead against a tree trunk. What was he going to do about all of what he was feeling? It wasn’t natural. He felt perverse lusting after a human like that. 
Thankfully, she was gonna put an end to his misery and hopefully get lost soon, he could hear her footsteps approaching the entrance to the cabin, even from a considerable distance. He peered through the greenery, making sure she wouldn’t be able to spot him, and was thankful for yet another way in which they were different - she wouldn’t be able to sense his own heart pounding against his ribcage. He could hide all the ways his body was responding to her perfectly, something he wouldn’t be able to do with a mate.
–Not that he was comparing her to a possible mate. 
His eyes zeroed in on her lite frame, and he was once again reminded of how small and fragile she appeared to be in the water when he purposely towered over her, trying to intimidate her. But she stood her ground. Nobody had ever looked him square in the eye like that, seemingly unwaveringly. Granted, she didn’t know who it was that she was defying like that. Everyone from his pack knew better than to dare provoke him. The females would cower with a whimper. And the males would retreat, tail or no apparent tail between their legs.
Their difference in size should’ve put him off. He was instinctively drawn to females that were similar in build to him. An alpha, just like him, the biggest and strongest of her kind. But the ranger was petite by comparison. She was of average human height for a woman, to be sure. But compared to his kind, she was even smaller than a beta. 
He watched her look around on high alert, and sure enough, she was as careful as ever. Well, as careful as was humanly possible. She made sure not to leave any tracks and then appeared to be leaving- only she wasn’t planning on leaving at all.
Furrowing his brows, he watched with a bit of delight as she searched around the exterior of the house and stuck herself in between the large pine and the bushes to hide, which granted her a good view of the cabin’s entryway. 
She was going to wait for him to show up.
So she wanted to play, did she? He’d play.
A quick scan, well - a different kind of scan of her head to toe assured him she wasn’t armed. She was probably carrying that measly butter knife she called a weapon. He could use that to scratch his back in his shapeshifted form.
Wiping the grin from his face he resumed his walk back to the cabin and the closer he got he could hear her heart pounding. She was nervous. As she should be.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she saw the man approach. She had somehow dodged the bullet yet again. She’d just been inside, conducting a thorough investigation of his belongings and she wouldn’t have wanted him happening upon her while she did so.
Her investigation had proved fruitless, however. 
She’d used up her day off- once again- to try and gather as much information as she could on this man and try and figure out what he was up to. Why did he have a cabin in the deepest part of the forest, making it virtually inhabitable and incredibly difficult to get to by foot? Was he a fugitive? Was he an outlaw? 
She needed to know. Because she couldn’t keep it a secret much longer. This was illegal, and she had to bring it to her colleagues’ attention soon- otherwise she could get in big trouble for keeping quiet about her discovery. She could even become an accomplice to whatever this man was up to by keeping her silence about it.
But she was well aware that if she was to bring this to light, she would also have to disclose all the instances she’d broken protocol to get there. Starting from how she’d gone after the pup that full moon when she was suspecting poachers without calling in for backup and ending with using her rifle while off duty when she made the first trek there (she didn’t risk it the second time around, though) and discovered the cabin. And everything in between. It was guaranteed to have her fired, and she would probably even have her badge suspended.
She needed to figure out if this was worth giving up her job as a ranger for. She was fairly certain she wouldn’t land a job as good as this one for a long while with all the things that were sure to go into her report. But if the man really was dangerous, and if she found out he was conducting any kind of illegalities (aside from building property on government land, that is), she was willing to take the risk. She was a sworn officer, and to her, the law was above all else. Yes, she’d broken protocol on several accounts but she’d done it with good intentions. She wasn’t expecting anyone to see it her way, though.
She’d been very thorough going through the man’s belongings in the cabin. But there wasn’t much there to look at. She’d taken note of how scarcely it was furnished the first time (well, considering she had yet to figure out how exactly he’d brought all the furniture into the middle of the forest on foot- she was surprised he had any that couldn’t just be built from scratch on the spot- like the couch and the kingsize mattress he had on that huge bed), but she hadn’t gone through his stuff quite as thoroughly back then.
She’d left no stone unturned this time around and she had found absolutely nothing to his name. She was hoping for some sort of ID, some receipts at the very least, anything to give her some info on him. But he had absolutely nothing of the sort inside the cabin. Aside from his books (that she went through- and couldn’t even find footnotes), his spirits, and his clothes, there was nothing to indicate the cabin was even lived in.
After petting the pup for a while, she gave up and admitted defeat. She had to get back on track, it was a long way back awaiting her and she had to make use of sunlight.
But then, she thought she’d wait and see if he’d show up. Maybe that’d give her some sort of clue. Otherwise, unless he chose to stalk her again like he did showing up at the lake all those days ago, it was a dead end.
She chose a spot that she felt was well hidden and decided to wait it out and see if he’d show. It was her only chance at finding out something- anything- at this point.
While she stood there waiting, she allowed her mind to go back to the lake. Visions of him emerging from the water were plaguing her dreams. She couldn’t erase them from her memory. None of it. Starting with his eyes that were the color of clear water reflecting the deep forest pines… The way they pierced right through her, she felt as though he could read her mind as if she couldn’t keep anything secret from him no matter how hard she tried. Then his nose, and how his nostrils flared with each pant, and how she thought she’d never seen a nose she found attractive before. It was so masculine and perfectly proportioned to his face. Then probably her favorite thing about him- that large mouth with pink, luscious lips. The perfect shape and size. The square of his sharp jawline. The long hair, slicked back and wet, and that stray curl that hung over his face. She wanted to coil it around her finger and bring its curl back into shape. His shoulders- his frame was massive compared to hers. He wasn’t bulky, but he was definitely well built, his muscles well defined- but not for the sake of showing off. It looked as though he really used his body’s strength. The tattoos, she was incredibly intrigued by them. She’d seen a few that first night, especially the ones on his hands with his sleeves rolled back to his elbows, but the ones on his torso were quite a sight. Unexpected, too, for a man as intimidating as him, to choose swallows and a butterfly, especially considering their size and placement. 
And then he’d gone out of the water and well- maybe his mouth wasn’t her favorite thing about him after all. She felt bad for not giving his large back and shapely thighs more attention, but his glutes were like something she’d only seen on greek statues in museums before. 
And then he turned around and suddenly, the comparison to any greek statue was nonexistent.
It was safe to say she’d never seen anyone as big as he was. Not even erect. And he wasn’t erect, her hat stood testament to that.
She could never erase that from her mind. It made her clench around nothing just remembering it. Of course, a man like him would be well-endowed. They didn’t call it big dick energy for nothing, and he exuded it in spades. But this… this was next level. She needed his name if only to call the Guinness Book of World Records to come see for themselves. 
She wondered if it would be painful–
Her thoughts were brutally interrupted by the owner of said world record himself. Wearing clothes- sadly- but still clad in his ridiculous getup. How the hell did he make the trek in those heeled chelsea boots she’d never understand. She barely made it in her Doc Martens. No backpack. No water. No nothing. 
Was there a secret passageway through somewhere? Something definitely wasn’t adding up.
And now here she was watching him slowly make his way back to his cabin. She’d wait a bit and watch him from her hiding spot. Surely he wouldn’t see her hidden. She hoped.
As Harry got closer he decided how he was going to mess with her. If she wanted to do this she was going to learn who she was playing with. He would have some fun. 
Instead of immediately going inside, Harry decided to walk around near to where she was hiding, just to really get her going. Just as he hoped, her heart rate increased wildly when he was only feet from her. He put on a show of moaning and stretching his arms overhead to display his large stature, the bottom hem of his shirt rising to reveal the laurel tattoos at his hips. He inhaled deeply and sighed. But his deep inhale drew in her scent, making his olfactory senses go wild. She had been sweating just a bit. He closed his eyes for a moment as her fragrance traveled through his nasal cavity and up toward the roof of his mouth, tasting the acrid perspiration on his tongue. He leaned down slowly to pick up a bucket of rainwater next to the bush to bring with him inside, a sort of cover for the show he’d just put on. He walked toward the front to enter his cabin and could tell right away that she’d calmed significantly once he stepped away.
She watched him get inside and then wondered how long it’d be before something relevant would happen. Would he leave again? Would she even be able to see anything through his windows if he lit up candles? But then again- she couldn’t let it get dark at all, otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to make the journey back to her car.
Harry walked inside and looked at her through his laced sheer curtains. He could see her since he knew where to look- but he knew she couldn’t see him. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see what she’d do.
“What? Don’t look at me like that. You know she’s out there.”
The pup stared at Harry with a look that felt accusatory. But he could judge all he wanted. Harry didn’t need to explain himself to anyone.
Y/N waited and waited, but she thought the man must’ve gone to bed. After all, what else would he do in there? Or read one of his books- but it was getting dark and he hadn’t lit any of his candles, so that couldn’t be the case.
She had no choice but to get going. She couldn’t risk making the trek back in the dark, without her rifle. She would probably make it just in time to the marked trails when the sun set completely, but with how dense the forest was so deep in, it was already getting difficult to navigate.
Harry saw her leave and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. He knew she was probably leaving because it was getting dark, and she was wise to do so, but part of him had really wanted to have her in his proximity some more. Hear more of that smart mouth of hers. 
But Harry wasn’t planning on spending the night at the cabin. He very seldom did. He came to check on the little one and bring him some food and water and then he’d be off to his pack, where he was needed. He made sure he got his scent all around the cabin every couple of days to deter any unwanted visitors (of the inhuman kind).
He bid his farewell after doing all he’d set out to do at the cabin and left. Just before he could truly enter the forest his nose picked up a scent it very seldom did. Wolves knew better than to come anywhere near his cabin. They weren’t near- but as close as they’d gotten in ages, definitely. 
And there were a few- if Harry had to guess, he’d estimate 2 or 3. Which only meant that they were hunting. And his own nose couldn’t pick up anything substantial in their vicinity except for the one scent his nostrils were still overwhelmed by- the ranger’s. 
Y/N was cursing her decision to linger at the cabin for longer than she’d intended. It wasn’t even close to sunset yet, but the forest was so dark already. She just had to get back on the marked trails and she’d be alright, but these places were dangerous for a reason.
Animals that kept their distance during the day were becoming active. She certainly needed that rifle now more than ever. She cursed at herself for being so dumb. She’d set out to come gather info in a more organized fashion and somehow it ended up even more reckless than the first time around.
She kept hearing noises and twigs snapping behind her, making her feel like she was being followed.
Was the man following her? No. Impossible. He had no idea she’d been there, and she’d waited a good 15 minutes before leaving. Had he known she was there he’d have confronted her. Had he found something amiss in his cabin he’d have gone out to try and find whoever had tempered with his belongings. But she knew she’d left everything intact. 
She was just being paranoid.
But she couldn’t shake off the feeling. She could’ve sworn she heard huffing behind her. She kept looking back but she had to keep her eye on the GPS. She couldn’t afford to deviate off course at all. 
Another quick glance back and her blood froze. She saw a pair of eyes glistening in the dark and she knew she was in big trouble. 
She slowed down a bit and turned again, and this time she could see not one but two pairs of glistening eyes. The shape and hue could only belong to wolves. 
They were way closer than when she’d previously spotted the first pair. They were gaining up on her. 
She tried not to panic, and slowly turned her body to face them while keeping on moving backward, just the way she’d been taught so many times during her training for this position. Just the way she’d prepared for even way before that- ever since she’d first gone trekking with her father in the mountains. Walking backward was tricky but she knew better than to turn her back on a wolf in the wild. Much less two of them. She had to spot a tree and climb up as quickly as possible. The wolves wouldn’t be able to scale the tree. 
Running was futile. They were much faster than she could possibly be. And she still had a good few hours til she got to her car. There was no way she could outrun them for that long. She had no choice. She could only walk backward till she could spot a good tree to escalate and then wait it out. They’d hopefully tire of waiting for her to come down eventually-most probably by sun up they’d leave her be.
Her mind was running a mile an hour, while she carefully walked backward. She could see them clearly now, they weren’t trying to hide from her at all anymore, but she was confusing them with her strange behavior. Enough to deter them from pouncing on her right away. But the trick wouldn’t last much longer. She needed to find that tree, fast. 
She finally spotted something that looked like she could climb it. She couldn’t risk and just try and climb any old tree- if she failed they’d tear her limb for limb immediately.
She started redirecting towards it and the wolves followed. She couldn’t even reach for the army knife she had stuffed inside her boot. Crouching was gonna get her killed.
But when she heard a twig snap from the direction in which she was headed she flinched, slowing down even further. A quick glance revealed yet another wolf, and it was standing right next to the tree she’d chosen to climb.
This was it. 
She wasn’t going to make it. 
She wasn’t able to coordinate her feet well enough anymore and she tripped backward on her next step. 
She had the presence of mind to immediately go for her knife, but a loud growl made her drop it and cower away, facing the ground and trying to protect herself from the imminent attack.
But the attack never came. 
The next thing she heard was whimpering and yapping and she quickly felt the ground for the knife she’d dropped. Finding it, she chanced a look over her shoulder and screamed when she was met with another pair of eyes, very similar to the ones before. But the longer she stared into them, the more she recognized they were not wolf eyes.
“It’s alright. You’re alright.” the man knelt next to her and put his hand on her shoulder to which she screamed again, flinching away. “You’re in shock. Try and calm down. You’re safe now.”
She was shaking violently; tears fell down her cheeks without her even realizing. Her trembling hands hugged around her torso and the man gently took the knife out of her hand and folded it, showing it to her before dropping it in her coat pocket.
She didn’t even register what he was doing. She barely even recognized that it was him.
He reached over to her backpack and took her water bottle out, uncapping it and holding it out for her. She grabbed it and gulped down most of it, in an effort to calm her senses. 
“That’s it. You’re alright. Breathe.”
She panted heavily and tried to focus on inhaling deep breaths through her nose, and squinted her eyes, pushing more tears down her face. She pressed the heels of her palms into her eye sockets trying to get a grip.
“You’re in shock. Give yourself a moment to process it.” the man admonished “You were just about to be shredded to pieces!”
She hiccuped a sob and allowed herself to cry some more. He was right. She’d been so close. It was a miracle she was alive.
Harry looked at her and fought every instinct he had to grab her into his arms and soothe her. He’d just startle her. She feared him, maybe even more than she feared those beasts earlier. 
Little did she know he was the ultimate big, bad wolf. 
He was far more dangerous than those 3 from earlier. They’d been too distracted salivating over their prey to smell him, but all he had to do was snarl at them once and they skedaddled like the mutts they were.
She tried getting up but cried out, falling back onto her sore butt with a loud thud.
“What’s the matter? Are you hurt?” his brows furrowed even deeper. He thought he’d spared her any harm, but her cry of distress had pierced right through his heart. He never wanted to hear that sound again.
“I’m not sure” she shook her head. “Help me up?”
He stood, reaching out his hand for her and when she tried propping herself up she felt it again. That stabbing pain shooting right through her foot, all the way up her leg “Ow!”
Harry winced and sparing not a moment longer, he bent and grabbed her into his arms, lifting her off the ground like she weighed nothing- backpack and all. 
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“You may have fractured your leg.”
“It’s probably just a sprained ankle… put me down–”
“Even so, you shouldn’t put weight on it. Let me carry you. Please.”
She looked into his eyes, he was closer than he’d ever been, even in the lake towering over her. She was a breath away from his face, he was holding her unnecessarily high, but he looked unphased. 
… Did he just say please? She was probably high from the adrenaline rush.
“I parked at the southeast entrance…”
“You can’t drive with a bad foot. I’m taking you back to my cabin. It’s closer, and you’re already familiar with it.” he raised an eyebrow at her and then the other when she opened up her mouth to argue. Truth was, she had no fight left in her. 
She let him carry her in his arms all the way back to his cabin. She was willing her heart rate to stabilize, though she wasn’t sure anymore if it was pounding that strongly against her ribcage because of her near-death experience or because of how it felt to be held in his arms like that. She felt silly even comparing the two alternatives, just she was being honest with herself- it was affecting her a lot, his proximity, his gentleness, and the fact that he didn’t strain at all carrying her all that way. She knew it was a long way to the cabin, she’d actually made some progress on her way back before this whole ordeal happened. But he was walking them fast, much faster than he should’ve been able to in those damn chelsea boots. Not to mention the fact that he knew his way around the growingly dark forest without any need for a GPS or a compass even.
She was mindful not to pull on his hair when she placed her hands around his neck, and she let herself become distracted by the feel of his pulse against her digits. The smell of him- that cologne she’d smelled that full moon at the station that she’d stupidly mistaken for air freshener- mixed with a hint of perspiration, it was making her feel… protected. And she knew it was wild because this man was dangerous, but he’d just saved her life. And she couldn’t help but feel grateful and safe in his arms. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he slowed down a bit, looking at her. She avoided eye contact but could feel his gaze. He eventually picked up his pace again and they were back at the cabin in no time.
Harry kicked the door open and went straight for his bed. He’d imagined throwing her onto his bed and her bouncing off it in a fit of giggles more than once, he could admit. But it wasn’t this bed, instead, it was his much nicer one back home. And she wasn’t injured and shaken, but naked and willing.
He willed those thoughts away, and carefully laid her down. He lit the candle he had on the bedside table and immediately propped a pillow underneath her injured leg. He could tell her right one was the culprit by the way she was afraid to stretch it. She winced even when he very gently held her foot and untied her shoelaces, taking off her boot and then the other.
“It was that damn swiss knife… must’ve fallen on it funny, I had it in my right boot.”
“Why are you even carrying that useless thing around…” he muttered, inspecting her right ankle. It was swollen and he cursed at himself for not having any ice at the cabin. He would have to improvise something.
“I can’t exactly take my rifle with me while I’m off duty…” she trailed off, looking at her ankle and assessing the damage. It was looking bad.
“Why are you venturing out into the woods unarmed, then?”
She raised her gaze to meet his.
“Don’t you realize how dangerous that is? Look what could’ve happened had I not been there to save you!”
“Well– I mean– you weren’t armed either!” she couldn’t exactly ask him what he was doing back into the woods when she knew he’d just gotten back to his cabin, and blow off her cover. He didn’t need to know she’d been there to go through his stuff.
“I know what I’m doing, unlike you, clearly.”
She scoffed, meaning to pull her foot away from his hold but then cried out. She couldn’t contract her muscles at all.
“Stop fidgeting!”
“Stop scolding me!”
Harry exhaled loudly through his nose. This human was wearing his patience thin. His attention went back to her leg and his eyes noticed her leg was scraped underneath her pants.
“We need to take these off. You’re cut.”
Her heart started hammering in her chest again, to Harry’s wicked delight. “Wait– what? Why?”
“You scraped your skin, we need to disinfect it. And you can’t sleep in these anyway. You won’t be able to take them off by yourself. I’ll help you.”
It dawned on Y/N for the first time that evening that she was going to spend the night with this dangerous stranger, in his cabin. Somehow that hadn’t clicked until then.
“Wait– but…”
Harry squeezed his eyes shut and tried to calm himself down. He recognized she must’ve been still shaken up from her attack earlier, but he was growing impatient. She needed to let him help her and stop questioning him. He wasn’t used to this. No one ever challenged his authority like this.
“Okay…” she finally conceded.
He opened his eyes and for the first time since he’d met her, he was met with no resistance when he looked into hers. Finally. Maybe she was tameable after all.
He nudged his head toward her midsection “Lift up your bum, use your hands to push up a bit, and I’ll take them off for you.”
He didn’t miss her blush as she did as instructed. He unbuckled her belt and unzipped her trousers, then hooked his thumbs inside her waistband and dragged the material down and off her shapely legs. While he was careful to pull them carefully off of her injured foot, she pulled her dress shirt as far down as it would go, the hem barely covering the tops of her thighs as she sat on the bed. 
But there was no hiding from Harry. He didn’t need to see to know what she was hiding from him. He could smell her perfectly fine from the edge of the bed, and it was making him dizzy. He blinked his eyes and swallowed down the saliva that began to gather on his tongue when her scent permeated the air. She smelled almost edible, though he wasn’t interested in eating a human. But he would be interested in tasting what was underneath her panties…
Her adrenaline rush from before added a very heady note to her scent. That coupled with the sight of her legs in the candlelight was pushing him over the edge. 
He needed a minute.
“I’ll… be right back. Stay put.”
He didn’t even wait for her to reply with “Where would I go?” before he was out the front door. He tried inhaling fresh air, but it was useless. It was as if he’d buried his face between her thighs, that’s how strongly he could smell her. 
He wasn’t sure how he was going to keep it together. He’d never felt like this. Not even in his rut. He made a mental note not to go anywhere near the bed in his cabin when he was due for his next rut, which was rapidly approaching. He’d never make it through it surrounded by her scent. He couldn’t imagine anything more painful.
After scouring for yarrow to help disinfect and stop the bleeding on her knee, and wild parsley to help the swelling for her ankle, Harry started a small fire under a boiling pot of water with the parsley to make a tincture. And he ground up the yarrow in a mortar, using a pestle, to make a paste. He began to feel a bit better with the distance from the girl. He needed to get his head on straight. He couldn’t be acting like this around a human. He couldn’t be feeling like this about a human.
He came back into the room with everything he’d prepared and found that she’d fallen asleep already. He felt a pang of guilt for waking her up, but he had to tend to the ankle before he could let her sleep. 
“What are you doing in here?” the man admonished through his teeth.
Y/N flinched awake, wincing at her involuntary strain of calf muscles, watching Harry shoo the pup out of the room. It’d come in after Harry left and she petted it, as it snuggled next to her in bed. She hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep.
“Why are you shooing it away? It was purring while I scratched behind its ear…”
Harry’s brows furrowed even deeper, jealousy hitting him like a freight train. He couldn’t help but imagine himself being the one there next to her, purring while she ran her nimble fingers through his curls, scratching at his scalp soothingly.
“He– he knows he’s not allowed on the bed” he blurted. Truth was, his nephew had no business being in there, especially with Y/N half-naked. And he didn’t want him seeing him act like this around her. He could recognize he wasn’t being himself when it came to her. Nobody had ever seen him blabber like this. It was humiliating how she reduced him to a pathetic puddle of need.
He cleared his throat and got right to it, pulling out one of the fancy Gucci shirts he had hanging in his closet, and tearing the fabric to make a bandage. The tincture had cooled enough for him to soak the cloth in it and squeeze out the excess, then began wrapping it tightly around her ankle. She winced in pain a couple of times, and he cooed soothingly that it’d be over soon.
Watching in shock as he destroyed the shirt to use on her wounds, she kept her thoughts to herself. She didn’t need him knowing that she’d also dug through his closet and saw the high-end labels on nearly everything inside. The shirt he used on her was certainly a lot of money, yet he tore it and dipped it into the tincture as if it was nothing. She never thought she’d see this man do these things. From the way he’d saved her and carried her back to the way he was tending to her injury, he was so gentle and knowledgeable about it- it completely caught her off guard.
Inspecting her ankle she felt like he’d done an excellent job of cleaning and wrapping the wound. It was interesting. He didn’t appear to be a man who would know how to do any of this. The jewelry, the fancy clothes, the stupid chelsea boots he wore in the forest… anyone would take a look at him and assume he was clueless about the wilderness and survival. But he knew to select yarrow for her cuts and wild parsley for the swelling of her ankle, which was something she hadn’t even considered in her state.
She was lost in thought over it when she noticed his gaze had trailed further up her body and she realized that when she’d fallen asleep, her shirt had ridden up, exposing her panties. She ever so slowly grabbed the hem and pulled it back down, and she saw him frown in disapproval, his bottom lip jutting out a bit. 
But he resumed his work on her foot, seemingly unaware of how she’d caught him staring.
“All done. You should feel better come morning. Make sure you don’t move it in your sleep, don’t cover it with blankets, let it breathe.”
Her small voice reminded him of the scene he’d walked in on just earlier, how fragile she looked, asleep, on his bed. He wished she’d let him guard over her- make sure she didn’t move and maybe even change her bandage through the night. But he knew she wouldn’t let him. He’d be pushing it.
“If there’s anything you need… I’ll be right next door. I’ll take the couch.”
“Oh- I could sleep on the couch–”
“Absolutely not. And risk falling over the edge? Your foot would never heal properly.” He stood up and scanned her on the bed, then leaned in and grabbed her from underneath her armpits, scooting her more to the middle of the bed. He readjusted the pillow propping her foot up too, then placed several pillows alongside her body, making sure she wouldn’t turn over in her sleep.
She giggled at how thorough he was being about it. The sound made Harry have to fight very hard not to let a smile slip. It was like music to his ears. “I’ll be fine. Really…. Uhm… Thank you… I don’t even know your name.”
He stared at her for a beat, his hand already on the doorknob. He needed to get away from her. It was getting unbearable. 
“It’s Harry.”
“Harry…” she tried it on her tongue. It suited him, she supposed. “I’m Y/N. Thank you, Harry. For everything. After the way I’ve treated you, you had no reason to jump to my rescue. Especially with how much danger you put yourself in while doing so. I might not agree with… this cabin… and the way you choose to go about the law and rules we have… but I don’t think you’re a bad person. I think I misjudged you.”
Harry swallowed thickly. She was half asleep, drowsy, and probably coming down from her adrenaline rush. She’d most likely forget she’d said anything come morning. But in the moment, he believed her. He watched her snuggle her face into his pillow, closing her eyes and he tight-knuckled the doorknob, trying to will himself to leave the room. 
He wavered, then blew off the candle with an exaggerated huff and left the room before the smoke even had a chance to clear out.
Chapter 4
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) Uh-oh! It’s gonna be a long night for wolfrry! We told you it was gonna be a slow burn! 
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 6 months
I have an idea, can you do a drabble of yandere sniper x reader? Like sniper spotted the reader when he is about to kill someone and instantly fell for her. He stalked her and kidnapped her, keeping her locked within his camper van. And hopefully, add in that the reader has stockholm syndrome and fell for him right back.
This idea had been boiling in my head for a while now.
A/N: This is such a yummy idea. Please take me and hide me in your van, Sniper
Mine, All mine.
Yan!Sniper x F!reader
CW: Kidnapping, Light torture(?), teasing, shooting/mentions of shooting, (some) Non-con aspects, blood mentions, language, loss of virginity, begging.
There is quite a long sex scene in this so.. uh yeah
You were the newest member of the RED team. They hadn’t really gotten around to getting your clone set up for BLU yet so there was just one of you. Which, only made you even more enticing. You ran into battle, screaming loudly as you began to violently tear apart the opposing team. Taking knives to their throats, snapping necks and shooting holes through their torso’s. The blood of the falling team members painting your face rather beautifully. Sniper noticed this, watching you through the scope of his rifle. Aiming just enough beside you and suddenly shooting a bullet. Effectively killing one of your team members. Making their head into a fine red mist. You look up and noticed the glare from his scope before he moved to hide. You only scowled and ran finished the battle, continuing to slaughter the opposing team for the remaining time. After the battle was finished you went to leave and clean up but Sniper stopped you just before you left the battlefield.
“Hey, Shelia.- he paused “What’s your name?” he stood tall, his rough hand resting on your shoulder.
“Why? Who wants to know?” you shot back aggressively.
“Well, I would. names Mick Mundy. I’m the teams Sniper.” he flashed a toothy grin at you.
“Y/n.” You muttered
“We aren’t on the same team im guessing. I’ve never seen you here before.”
You nodded “Couldn’t guess by the uniforms?” you laughed and cocked an eyebrow. “They haven’t gotten around to making my clone yet, so it’s just me.”
He smirked “One of a kind, huh?”
You nodded and pulled away from his grip as you walked away “See you around, maybe next time I’ll be the one whizzing a bullet past your head, hmm?”
He only smirked and chuckled as he watched you walked away. Admiring your figure and thinking of all the things he’d like to do to you. He shook his head and regained his train of thought before walking back to his van.
This continued for a few more days. Just silently watching you. From anywhere he could. Your teams base, your room, during battles, you name it. He just watched you. Soon a growing need began to form deep inside of him. Everyday felt the same. Same routine of trying to conjure up a plan on how to get you all alone. Like a jaguar stalking its prey before the strike. Yet, this one day in particular felt slightly different. He had finally formed a plan in his mind on *how* he could get you all to himself. Just to him. No one else.
He carried his gun to his van, waiting behind a wall. Lurking in the shadows as you walked out of the battle field and towards the exit. He pounced on you. A bowie knife to your throat as his other hand covered your mouth tightly. “Not a peep. Respawn doesn’t work outside of the battle field, Sheila and I have no problem with slicing that pretty throat of yours, and wouldn’t want that now would we?”
You looked at him the best you could with wide eyes and shook your head rapidly. He didn’t look like the type of person to make this kind of threat up.
“Good girl.” He nudged you to walk forward. Knife still to your throat as you walked up to a camper van. You were frightened. He instructed you to pull the door open and you did as you were told. He guided you inside the van and you stood there. Not making a sound.
“You try to leave and I’ll find you, Y/n. You’re staying here. With me. Understand that?” You began to cry as he locked the door, tucking a key into his vest pocket and sitting down to clean his gun and knife.
“Please.. why are you doing this, I didn’t mean any of that stuff I said.” You said through frightened tears as you looked around, noticing the jars of liquid, weapons and snuffed out cigarettes that littered the van which only fueled your rage and terror.
It was obvious that he had not been with a woman for some time and it finally started to get him. “Not about that.” He mumbled “Then what can I do. Please, just don’t keep me here” you dropped to moved to him more and dropped to your knees as you begged and cried. He just shrugged. You gripped onto his leg. He was still unbothered as he cleaned his gun.
“Look, roo.” He moved his hand to your chin “It’s dangerous out there. The last thing I want to happen to a pretty girl like you is to get yourself hurt or worse, getting stuck in that god forsaken respawn machine.” He looked away and let go of you “I’m doing this for you.”
You stood up and glared at him with disgust and. “Fuck off. You’re a psycho” he just hummed. Showing he acknowledged your statement. You moved to him and smacked him hard across his face. His glasses shifting off the bridge of his nose.. He shot you a glare. Then, stood up and fixed his glasses while holding his gun. “Not a good idea to hit someone with a gun, sweetheart.” He moved to you as you backed up and swept your feet from beneath you. He aimed the barrel against your forehead and your tears began to flow again. Harder this time as you tried to breath through the shock.
“No” you gasped “No, no! Wait I.. I was just scared.” You moved to hold his leg tightly again “S..Sniper”
He interrupted your pleads. Still holding the gun to your head. “Mick.”
You nodded “Mick.” You looked up at him with red cheeks and wet eyes. “I’m sorry, please forgive me! I.. I’ll never do it again, I promise.”
He fixed his aim. The sound of the gun movie sending a shiver of fear down your spine “Hmm. I don’t know, babe.” He tapped the battle gently against your head some “You promise?”
You nodded the best you could and gripped him tightly “Yes! Yes, oh god.. I promise! I swear!”
He just smirked “Beg for it.”
Was he seriously asking you to beg for your life right now?? How crazy is this sick motherfucker!?
Your tears flowed heavier as they wet his pant leg and you began to hyperventilate through sentences “Please Mick! Please don’t kill, Anything but that! I.. I love you too much! I want to love you forever! Please don’t take that from me!”
He smiled and removed the gun. replacing it with his hand “Good little girl.” He pulled his leg away from you aggressively and moved to sit back down. You fell forward onto your palms when he took your support away. He patted the bed. “Let’s lay down.” You nodded and moved cautiously to lay on the bed next to him. He gripped you tightly against his chest and you listened intently to his heartbeat. It was the only soothing thing about this whole situation. “Tomorrow I’ll go out and get you some new clothes” he said as he tugged at your shirt. You just nodded and sighed against him. He began to rub gently circles against your back but you were far too scared to fall asleep fully, however this was helping you rest your eyes for a bit.
Before you knew it, it was morning once again. “Wake up, roo.” He tugged you. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. “You’re sitting up front with me. Can’t have you trying to break down the door or a window while I’m driving.” He opened the door and held your wrist tightly. Opening the door to the main party of the van as you climbed in and sat eerily still. “Is my girl hungry” you shook your head silently. How could you be in a situation like this? He sighed and looked at you. You mumbled, scared you did something he didn’t like “What? What’s wrong, Mundy” you said hoping to tug gently at his heart strings. “Are you scared” what kind of question is that?? Yes of course you are.. but you lied. Afraid to say something to upset him “No, not at all” you leaned against him. He smiled and held you close “Good.”
Time skip (I’m lazy)
After you made it to the clothing store he purchased wonderful, new matching sets of bras and panties for you.. too bad noone was going to see them but him. Once he took you back to the van he drove to an empty area. Pushing you gently into the back of the van and locking the door behind him. “Try em on” he commanded. “In.. in front of you?” You asked. He nodded and leaned against the wall. You were hesitant at first but began to take your clothing off. He pulled out a matching set and tossed it to you “That one” he watched hungrily as you stripped fully and finally laid bare in front of him. He chuckled as you shivered and began to slip the panties and bra on. “You look so good, Sheila.” He said as he made his way to you and peppered your neck in kisses. Pulling you closer to him by your waist. You wanted to resist but you we’re unsure if he’d even listen at this point. He bit down harshly onto your neck and it sent a shiver down your spine, maybe you’d like it. Might as well try to enjoy something in this wretched situation. You leaned against the touch. Whimpering at the pain from his teeth.
“What’s my baby want me to do, hmm”
“I.. I’m not sure” you mumbled out
He moved his hands to the curves of your waist, then your hips as he gently squeezed and moved to tease you through the panties. You squirmed instinctively and clenched your thighs “Seems like I can guess a few things” he pushed you gently onto the bed. He took his hat and glasses off and set them on a nearby counter as he leaned over you. He continued to kiss your neck, he shoved two of his thick fingers into your mouth and pulled your panties to the side. Slipping his thick finger up your slit and he began to tease your clit. Gently rubbing circles as you whimpered. Once he got bored with that he moved to your hole. Slipping one finger in and curling it. You gripped his arm and held it tightly. Moans and whimpers escaping your lips as he worked you open, “That’s right, keep making those noises for me.” You nodded and exaggerated your moans some for his enjoyment as he fucked you on his fingers, rutting his hard cock against your thigh.
Once he figured you were worked out enough he slipped his finger out and licked it. Sucking up your nectar as he released his aching erection from its confinements. He tapped the tip on your clit teasingly before sliding it down your slit to your hole. Slipping in slightly. You were so tight. So tight, in fact, that he had to stop to level his breathing because his breath was already hitching at the feeling of you stretching around him.
“You a virgin or something? You’re tight as hell” he hissed out with furrowed eyebrows.
You just nodded as your legs shook slightly
“Why didn’t you say something” he leaned up to you and held your legs open slightly more. You only shrugged and gripped onto his back for dear life as he began to slowly move more. Breaking your bleeding, virgin pussy around his thick cock. You moaned at the feeling, the pain started to subside and you felt only the pleasure. His grip tight on you, as if he thought you’d run away. He started to pound into you faster, moving you to a different angle. You moaned out loud and arched at the feeling as you clung to his back.
“Yeah, you like that? That’s the spot isn’t it?”
You nodded frantically. He rushed a hand down to your clit and started rubbing vicious circles on the bundle of nerves, you were seeing stars as he mumbled praise and curses into your ear. Not slipping a single thrust as your orgasm crashed into you. Your legs shaking and your body convulsing as you clamped down onto him. He hissed at the feeling of you milking him of the orgasm he so gratefully gave you. He continued to fuck into your overstimulated body until he reached his own orgasm. Painting your virgin walls with his thick, hot, sticky cum. He hovered over you as you still clung to him, both of you trying to regain your breath.
“Good girl. Already so obedient, hmm?”
You nodded “I never want to disappoint you.” You were lying, again. You just wanted to stroke his ego He sat up and tucked himself away, covering you with a nearby blanket and kissing your cheek “Go to sleep. I’ll get you some food or something while we’re out.” You just nodded. You had to admit.. it was kind of sweet that he looked out for you like this. When he wasn’t threatening you he was actually quite nice. He left and locked the door. Before driving to a store and getting some snacks for you. He came back and seen you still laying on the bed, not fully asleep yet. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just got a lot things. Let me know what you like and I’ll get more of it next time.” You nodded and sat up, immediately moving to put the things away. He smiled
“No need to do that, doll.” You just stood there unsure if what to do “I want to. Please.” You said softly and waited until he said you could continue. He moved to sit on the bed as he watched you put the things away. “Can I sit with you” you asked meekly. He nodded “Yes of course” and then he leaned back pulling you to him as you sat down. He rested his eyes and you did the same as you leaned your ear against his chest. Falling asleep properly this time. Only to wake up to him gone. He was driving the van back to the base. You sat and waited patiently, rubbing your eyes. Once he pulled in and parked he walked back into the van. You perked up. He moved to grab his gun and knife. “Where are you going” your heart raced. “Work.” He said sternly. You jumped up and gripped at him “No, please! Don’t leave me here alone.. Mundy, what if you get hurt? I’ll be here all alone. I can’t lose you please just stay here with me!” he gently rubbed your back but then pushed you away “I can’t do that, darling. I need to make money so I can provide for my princess.” He kissed your forehead and walked out, locking the door. You cried to yourself. Sitting in the corner of the bed you shared for what seemed like hours until he came back. He was such a hypocrite. Isn’t that what he looked you up in here, to be safe?You heard the door click and immediately stumbled to meet him. Holding him for dear life. “I missed you.” You groaned and let your tears smudge against his shirt. He shushed you. “I’ll always come back to you, Y/n. You never have to worry about that, okay?” You nodded “I just got so scared..” he nodded “I know, but you trust me right?” “Mhm..” you whispered. “Good. Then I need you to trust I’ll always come back to you.” He gently picked you up and laid you down next to him, holding you tightly. Embracing himself with your scent and the feeling of you.
“I love you, y/n”
Your heart skipped a beat and you wiped your still wet face. “I.. I love you too, Mundy” and nuzzled into his touch.
This wasn’t a Drabble but.. who cares.
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serasvictoria · 2 years
The House
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader x Steve Harrington
Summary: A test of courage to spend a few hours in the Creel house on Halloween night turns into something else entirely.
Word Count: 9148
Content Warning: 18+ mdni. Fingering. Hand jobs. Oral (m receiving). Deep throating. Face fucking. Unprotected sex (P in V). Overstimulation. Swearing. Alcohol use (they drink a beer). Eddie and Steve kinda have a “good cop, bad cop” thing going for a bit (don’t know if that’s worth a warning). Never explicitly stated anywhere, but this takes place after graduation so Reader is of age. And please let me know if I missed anything!
Notes: A day late! I can only apologise, but this fic was a lot and only got longer and longer so that’s my excuse. This is my first time writing Steve in a smut fic so fingers crossed I’ve managed to do him justice🤞🏻
Beta read by the magnificent @mylifeisactuallyamess. Thanks again! ❤️ Any remaining mistakes are all mine.
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Even now, as you walked up the steps to the front door, you still felt that same rush that you did when you were a kid.
Everyone in Hawkins knew about the old Creel House. The place where Victor Creel killed his entire family in a horrific way that didn’t seem like a human could have been capable of it. People avoided it like the plague and it was almost as if the whole town was waiting for the walls to finally crumble and turn to dust so they could forget that it ever even existed.
“Scared?” Eddie’s grin is wide, bordering on demonic because he was ever the showman. “We can still go back.”
“I’m not scared,” you retort. “Are you?”
“No,” he replies instantly. “It’s just an old house. Its only occupants are probably spiders, mice and bats. Nothing to be scared of.”
You didn’t believe him.
Every kid in Hawkins had gone through the same rite of passage on Halloween night.
Small groups of kids would gather on the sidewalk in front of the house and watch as someone from their group would walk to the front door, knock, stand there for at least thirty seconds before hightailing it back to his or her friends and the process would repeat itself until everyone had done the same thing.
You had managed to do it when you were ten years old, but only barely. It was different now that you were older and wiser and knew that there was nothing to be afraid of.
It was just your mind playing tricks on you, making you believe that every shadow was a lurking demon or that every time the old wood creaked that it was the dead children of Victor Creel out to get you, forever stuck in the old house.
The reason that you were here now was because of one of Eddie’s dumb ideas. He had practically dared you into going to the old house on Halloween night, not just knocking on the door, but actually spending some time inside, too. He probably thought that you’d be too chicken to do it, but you had surprised him by saying that you’d be game.
The days leading up to it had been spent trying to put the other person off from going through with it. Citing various urban legends that surrounded the house, with the murders coming front and center obviously. Neither of you would be deterred however and that was how you found yourself standing in front of that door right now.
In a way you couldn’t quite believe that you were dumb enough to actually go through with it, half expecting that the floorboards would snap in two underneath you the second that you set foot through the door, but it would be worth it simply to wipe the smile off Eddie’s face.
It took him a short while before he managed to get the door open and the hinges creaked loudly when he slammed his shoulder into the old wood.
“Ladies first,” Eddie says with a bow and his arm gesturing into the dark house.
“You pussy,” you mock and then you step inside. When you turn around, he’s still standing right there on the threshold, staring at you wide-eyed. “Are you coming?” You pull your hands into your underarms and flap them around like they’re wings. “Or are you chicken?”
“Pfff. No way.” He straightens up immediately and takes a couple of large strides into the house until he’s standing a short distance in front of you. “Was just waiting for you to chicken out.”
“Yeah right,” you counter. “I could see the look on your face, you know.”
“Sure you could,” he huffs. “Come on. Lets explore.”
It was even creepier on the inside than outside. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. The furniture had been left behind, picture frames hung askew on the walls or had fallen to the floor entirely, curtains hung in tatters on the rails, wallpaper was left to peel off the walls and the paint, which had probably been vibrant one day, had dulled over time.
Eddie had brought a couple of flashlights and while he wasn’t really illuminating much apart from his face by holding it underneath his chin almost the entire time, it did work brilliantly by making you focus more on him than on your surroundings.
Leading you into the back of the house, the both of you came to a standstill in what had probably been a study at one point or another. Some of the planks that had been put in front of the windows were missing and the pale blue moonlight was filtering it. It cast the space in an eerie glow.
“This is perfect,” Eddie declares. “We can hang out here.”
“What was the plan anyway?” You run a finger over one of the windowsills and look at the caked dust on the pad as you bring it up to your face. “You never were clear about that.”
“Nothing apart from drinking a couple of beers,” he shrugs.
“Huh,” you look around the space once more. “You just wanted to sit on the floor? Your jeans will get dirty.”
“I have a blanket in the van.”
“Of course you do,” you sigh. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me.”
“I sleep in there sometimes,” he responds.
“Sure, Eddie. Is that why you have condoms in the glovebox too?”
“I’m not having this conversation with you. Again.” He gives you the finger and you roll your eyes. “You wanna come with me and get the blanket and the beers?”
“No thank you,” you reply quickly. “I’ll wait for you right here.”
“Right here? You sure?” He actually sounds worried and you were somewhat sure that he wasn’t taking the piss. “You don’t have to act like a badass just to impress me, you know.”
“I’m not!” You step closer to him until you’re close enough to nudge his shoulder. “Just be quick, alright?”
“Fast as the wind, babe,” he says with a wink. “Promise.”
A shiver runs down your spine, but not because of the creepy house this time. Eddie flirted with everything that had a pulse, but it still made your heart flutter when he called you by an endearing nickname.
Eddie whistles as he walks off, some tune that you can’t quite place and that you highly suspect is from some random horror movie seeing how it sounds a bit sinister. You can hear him off in the distance, on the porch right outside, then on the path, until you can’t hear him at all anymore.
Now that Eddie had left you on your own, you weren’t so sure if you could handle it. You had merely told him that you could so he wouldn’t make fun of you (not that he ever would) and you were regretting it now.
It was as if every part of the house creaked now, as though the walls were talking and were telling you to get the hell out of here, but you couldn’t. Your legs were frozen in place, unable to move. You brought your hands up to your chest, feeling your heart beat furiously inside your ribcage and you took in a deep breath in the hopes of making it stop.
It didn’t work.
If anything it only felt like more adrenaline was being pumped through your system, triggering even more feelings of fear. You found yourself wishing that Eddie would come back soon, to have him fill up the silence by cracking dumb jokes, anything to pierce through the silence of the house. If your mouth had been able to move, you would have called out to him, but your jaw was clamped tightly shut.
When you feel a hand touch your shoulder, your entire body jolts before you breathe a sigh of relief, and you almost say the name of your friend as you turn around and find yourself staring straight into a Michael Myers mask instead.
You scream. It’s louder than you have ever screamed before and seconds later, you curl in on yourself, hands wrapped around your body and rocking back and forth on your heels.
The voice that answers isn’t Eddie’s voice and it barely even registers who was underneath the mask when he pulls it off, crouches down in front of you and tries to get you to calm down.
“Hey, hey,” Steve says softly before saying your name a few times. “Jesus Christ. Relax. It’s just me.” By this point, you’re crying and you can see the horrified look on Steve’s face over how badly wrong this prank even went. “Oh fuck. Please calm down.”
But you can’t.
So Steve does the only thing that he can think of doing.
From out of nowhere, he suddenly presses his lips down on yours and he keeps them there until you eventually reach out, tangle your fingers in his shirt and sigh. He pulls away slowly and you blink a few times just to make sure that he was really there.
“Okay now?” You nod and Steve smiles at you as he wipes your tears away. “Jesus, I didn’t even know you could scream that lou- Ow!” You slap his chest suddenly. “What was that for?”
“You scared the shit out of me, Steve!” When you try to hit him again, he grabs your wrist instead to ensure that you can’t hit him again. “Can’t believe that you’d do that to me!”
“It was Munson’s idea,” Steve jerks his head back to the doorway where Eddie stands, blanket and six pack of beer in his hands and staring at the two of you, his expression unreadable. “He thought that it would be funny.”
“Not funny, Eddie!” You flip him off. “Why would you even ask him to do that? That’s such a dick move.”
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbles before walking over to where you and Steve were, spreading the blanket out next to you and sitting down on it. “Shoulda seen your face though,” he says, but there’s no real amusement in his voice. It just feels a bit… empty.
He pulls one can of beer from the plastic rings and gestures at you two to take one as well. You and Steve share an awkward look and then you join Eddie.
Instead of listening to Eddie’s voice as he fills the silence with all kinds of stories, you find yourself listening to Steve talk instead. He talks about work and Dustin who had come in to ask for the scariest movie that they had, which Steve had to deny him on account of his age. He recounts Dustin’s reply word for word and you laugh until your sides hurt.
Eddie is uncharacteristically silent. He keeps looking at you and then at Steve, biting his bottom lip and looking down into his can of beer wistfully.
Eddie had planned the whole thing out.
Steve would scare the crap out of you and then Eddie would swoop in, acting all heroic, you’d fall into his arms and then he could finally tell you exactly how he had been feeling about you for a while.
Instead, Steve had completely stolen his thunder and had ended up kissing you instead. Suave bastard. Leave it to King Steve to ruin everything.
Maybe he should have asked Dustin to scare you instead, but since he had other plans Eddie had never asked him about it. Instead opting for Steve because he didn’t have a date for once in his life.
Now he’s forced to sit there as Steve makes you laugh and he hates that he even feels this way. Eddie had prided himself in the fact that he has never once been jealous of Steve, hell, he really liked the guy too, but he sure was green with envy now.
Steve throws a couple of odd looks in Eddie’s direction as well, as if he was silently asking him what the fuck he was doing and why he wasn’t joining in with the storytelling because Eddie was far better at it than he was, but he got nothing back in reply.
“Oh, Steve!” you suddenly exclaim. “Didn’t you have to get that thing?”
“Thing?” He looks confused and honestly, anyone would have. “What thing?”
“You know,” you hiss and your eyes dart over to Eddie until you see some spark of recognition bloom in Steve’s expression. “That thing.”
“Oh, ha, yeah,” he mutters, unconvincingly. “Now I remember. So I guess I should uh… get it huh?” You roll your eyes at Steve’s sad attempt at acting. You’d think that he would be somewhat better at this. “The thing.”
“Yeah, you should.” You pull on his arm to drag him in closer so you can whisper in his ear. “Give us a couple of minutes, alright?”
“Sure,” he replies. He gives your shoulder a stiff pat and gets to his feet. Steve can’t seem to resist giving you and Eddie a weird thumbs up which he follows up with the immortal words, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, kids.”
A groan escapes your lips and you mouth the word, “Go,” at him until Steve leaves the room. You look over to where Eddie is still sitting, unmoving like a statue, and you can’t help but feel sorry for him. You really needed to get to the bottom of his sudden mood change.
“What’s gotten into you?” You sidle up close to him and put your hand on his forearm. “You’re so quiet.”
“Nothing.” Eddie couldn’t keep the dejected tone out of his voice and you frowned at him. “Long night.”
“It’s about ten thirty,” you say softly. “You’re usually not in bed until around two in the morning.”
“Yeah, well, I did a lot of stuff today, you know.” It was the weakest excuse that he could have come up with and he hoped that you bought it. “Had to help Wayne with some stuff around the trailer.”
“Hmmm,” you hum in reply and he can tell straight away that you don’t believe a single word that he’s saying. “Sure.”
“What?” Eddie can’t stop himself from bristling slightly at your reply. “It’s true.”
“No, it isn’t.” You shift until you’re sitting right in front of him, but he seems reluctant to look you in the eye. “Now are you gonna tell me what’s really going on? If you don’t tell me, I’ll just go home.”
That got his attention.
“You can’t leave!” There’s a bit of a panicked look in his eyes, but at least he’s looking at you now. “I’m sorry, alright? But please don’t go.”
“I’ll go if you won’t talk to me,” you repeat once more. “So spill. Tell me what’s up.”
“Alright,” he said with a groan. “It’s Harrington.”
“What about him?”
“Are you for real?” Everything about his tone of voice tells you that he seems to think that you should get it, but you have no idea what he’s on about. You look at him questioningly until he follows up on his question with an annoyed sigh and says, “He kissed you!”
“Yeah, he did,” you shrug, because you hadn’t minded at all. “Is that a problem?”
“Yes! He wasn’t supposed to-“ Eddie swallows his words back down. If he told you what the problem was, you’d laugh at him, of that he was certain. “Eh. It’s eh… he’s lame.”
“No. Fuck off. Don’t do that, Eddie. He wasn’t supposed to do what?”
“Fuck,” he says under his breath. He didn’t have a choice now. He had to come clean. If he didn’t, you would leave and he definitely didn’t want that to happen. “He wasn’t supposed to kiss you.”
“And why not?”
“Because… ‘cause… that’s what I wanted to do,” he eventually mumbled.
“Oh yeah?” In all the time that you have known Eddie, you never once thought that you’d hear him say that. You had dreamed of it, of course, but it’s quite different to actually hear him say it. You actually give the back of your hand a squeeze just to make sure that you’re awake. “You wanna kiss me?”
“Yeah.” He says it so softly that you can barely even hear him at all. “I do.”
“So why don’t you?”
“Wait.” Eddie blinks in surprise. Very much like you were thinking earlier, he obviously hadn’t expected you to say that. “You want me to kiss you?”
“You can if you want to,” you reply shyly. “Just saying.”
“Shit.” He looks at your face more closely, probably to check if you’re being sincere, but there’s no hint of a lie to be found anywhere. “Shit. Seriously?”
“Yeah.” You look down at yourself and pull on a stray bit of thread that came loose from the hemline of your shirt. “Do you want to?”
“Yes.” The thread is instantly forgotten when he says that, making you look back up into his dark eyes. “Yes, I want to.”
You lean forward a little, moving into his space, and Eddie’s eyes widen, surprised that you even want him to kiss you. He leans in, too, close enough for him to count your eyelashes if he wanted to, and being this close is making his heart race.
This was really happening. This was actually fucking happening.
Your lips touch, nothing more than a light brush against each other as you finally make contact, and he finds himself pulling away just a tiny bit, only for you to give chase and pressing your lips back on him with some more force. Your hands move to the back of his head, threading your fingers through his hair to ensure that he can’t pull away.
Eddie gives in all too easily and your lips press and slide against each other. His tongue moves over your lips, following the crease between them, and you open your mouth to give him access. His tongue dives into your mouth, seeking out yours so they can move together.
You sigh and his hands move to your waist, pulling you in closer until your chests are pressed flush together. Eddie can feel your hardened nipples pressing against him through your shirt and bra.
A loudly creaking floorboard pulls the both of you out of the moment.
Your heads turn as one to see Steve leaning against the doorway, his arms folded in front of his chest, and with an amused look on his face.
“Enjoying yourselves?”
“We were until you interrupted,” Eddie grumbled.
“I guess,” you say with a mischievous grin. When Eddie pinches your arm, you wink at him. “I was kidding. That was a good kiss.”
“Better than mine?” Steve asks as he settles back down on the floor in the same spot where he was sitting before.
“Didn’t last long enough so I can’t exactly compare you guys,” you giggle.
Steve takes a sip from his beer and you watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. He wipes his mouth with his hand and suddenly asks, “You want to?”
The whole atmosphere in the room changes suddenly. The three of you exchange looks and there is a pause as you wait for someone to raise any objections, but nothing happens.
Even the house is silent, like it’s holding his breath as it waits for events to unfurl.
The silence drags on and from the way that Steve is looking at you, eyebrows raised and one corner of his mouth turned up in a lopsided smile, makes you realize that you were supposed to say something.
“I wouldn’t mind,” you let slip, speaking so quickly that it almost comes out as one word because your nerves briefly seem to have taken control of your mouth. Steve tilts his head to the side when you give him that as an answer. This was not the time to be flippant. “Yes. I do,” you amend yourself with more certainty.
“Okay.” Steve shrugs with a grin before getting up and sitting down next to you. He brushes some hairs out of your face and his hand lingers on your jaw as he leans in slowly. “Now be sure to tell us who’s the better kisser.”
Kissing Steve is different.
With Eddie there was an underlying sweetness and a hint of hesitation, but Steve kisses you with a lot more certainty. He doesn’t hold back like Eddie initially did and hits you with the full force of what he can do.
You’re reduced to moaning into his mouth within seconds, the muscles in your thighs quivering as every press of his lips goes straight down to your core. Seemingly noticing this, Steve’s hand drops down to your lap, his fingers gingerly brushing over the front of your jeans at first before pressing down harder and making sparks fly from your cunt.
Not wanting to be outdone, you feel Eddie’s chest pressing against your back. He removes your jacket first and then his hands circle your waist momentarily before he cups your tits and gives a squeeze that’s almost too gentle. You mewl between the two boys and your mind has a hard time processing that this is even happening at all.
You pull away from Steve’s lips with reluctance. “What are we doing?” Steve’s lips settle on your neck where he starts creating marks by sucking on your skin. “Are we going to have sex in a haunted house?”
“You wanna have sex?” Eddie attempts to sound scandalized, but it doesn’t help that he’s chuckling and then Steve starts laughing, too. “Such a filthy girl.”
“If I had known this beforehand, I never would have kissed you,” Steve agrees. “You actually want us to fuck you on this old floor?”
“I dunno,” you gasp. “You guys just want to keep touching me like this?”
“Like what?” Steve counters as his deft fingers pop the button of your jeans, pull the zip down and then slides them in. “Like this?” He doesn’t have much room to work with, but his digits slide up and down your wet panties and you push up into his hand. “You’re soaked, babe.”
“Fucking knew it,” Eddie breathes into your ear. “She’s practically gagging for it.”
“You were right,” Steve acknowledges and the pad of his index finger rubs circles around your still covered up clit.
“You guys planned this?” The question spills out of you in between little gasps and moans as two sets of hands keep touching you. Eddie’s lips are on your shoulder, dragging back and forth, and Steve keeps his beautiful eyes on you at all times. “That’s just so-“
“Right?” Steve interjects.
“Filthy?” Eddie says at the same time.
“Unexpected,” you say instead. “I had no idea-“
“I didn’t exactly plan this,” Eddie reveals. “Didn’t get further than kissing you if I’m honest.” You crane your neck, turning your head slightly so you can just about see him. “But I’m not complaining.”
“Me neither,” Steve affirms. “And what about you?” He addresses you now, looks for even the slightest hint of doubt on your face. “You can still opt out. No hard feelings.”
“I could,” you reply teasingly, wanting to keep them in suspense for a little bit even if you were already ridiculously into this. “You guys wouldn’t hate me for it?”
“I wouldn’t,” Eddie’s lips move against your skin as he talks, the collar of your shirt pulled to the side to give him more room to work with. “I’d just be incredibly disappointed.”
“And you?” Your hand loosely curls around Steve’s bicep. His fingers never once stopped working you over, continuing on with their ministrations over your soaked through panties. “Would you be disappointed as well, Steve?”
Worldly Steve Harrington gives you nothing to work with, nothing apart from a smirk, because he already knows what you want. He had seen it written all over your face from the moment that you agreed to let him kiss you again.
You’re so fucking hungry for both of them.
“Fuck it.” You knock your back into Eddie’s chest. He gets the idea and pulls away. Steve merely looks at you with his eyebrows raised when you peel his hand out of your jeans. You take a deep breath. “Fuck. It.”
Getting to your feet, you take a step back and both the boys look up at you expectantly. Reaching down to the hemline of your shirt, you pull it up over your head. You kick your sneakers off and then strip out of your jeans.
So now you’re standing in what was probably once the dining room of an old house, a house that may very well be haunted, and you’re in your underwear. You’re standing in front of two guys, two very hot guys, and you’re about to embark on something that you had only ever dared dream about.
Eddie gets up first and all the uncertainty from before is gone. It’s replaced with confidence now that you’ve made it clear that you are very into this.
“Fuck,” he says under his breath as his eyes rake up and down your body. He cups your cheeks and kisses you with such force that it makes your head spin. “I always had you down as innocent, you know?” You laugh at that. “For real,” Eddie emphasizes. “Because you always looked like it. So sweet and perfect. Silently asking to be defiled.”
“Sorry.” You’re having a hard time not scoffing in his face, because you were far from as innocent as he’s making you sound. “Did I burst your bubble?”
“You’re fucking filthy, sweetheart.” His words make a shiver run down your spine and you swear that it makes you go even wetter as well. “But I never thought you’d be this filthy.”
“Maybe you’ll find out exactly how bad I really am.” Your hands move to his vest, sliding underneath the leather jacket and pushing it off his shoulders until it falls to the floor with a thud. “You want to know what I’m really like?”
“Fuck yeah,” he breathes out and your hands slide over his chest, feeling every muscle through the thin Hellfire shirt that he wore. “What are you gonna do?”
“You’ll see.” You don’t remove his shirt, nor do you tell him to take it off, not yet. Your digits skim over his nipples over the fabric and you see Eddie’s hips jerk forward a little. “I want to make you feel good.” His beautiful eyes were squeezed shut for a second there, but as soon as you start undoing his belt, he looks down. “Will you let me?”
With his belt now hanging open, you start undoing the button of his jeans and then slowly slide the zip down. His eyeballs almost pop out of their sockets when you sink down onto your knees.
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters, somewhat unable to believe his luck. You pull his jeans down roughly, down past his knees. When you pull his plaid boxers down, his big dick nearly pokes your eye out. “Oh fuck.”
Grabbing his thighs, you make Eddie turn a fraction, just to make sure that Steve has one of the best views in the house. Your gaze falls down to his hand which is palming the front of his jeans to relieve some of the tension that’s building.
You know for a fact that Steve is packing, it’s all in the way that he carries himself. It is something that is also confirmed by his tight jeans that leave nothing to the imagination. It’s all right there, on display for everyone that wants to see.
Eddie’s just about had enough of waiting and he grabs his cock so he can wipe the ruddy tip over your cheek, just to remind you that he’s still there.
“Didn’t forget you,” you say as you look back up at him. Your index finger swipes over your cheek, to gather the drops of precum that he smeared over your skin, and you stick it in your mouth so you can suck the salty fluid off. “I’d never.”
A potential smartass reply dies in his throat and turns into a groan instead when you finally take his cock into your mouth.
This is as much a show for Eddie as it is for Steve and you start licking Eddie’s cock like it’s a popsicle. The noises you make are over exaggerated, humming and moaning like you were having the best meal in your entire life.
Steve’s hand slides down into his jeans and the way that he angles himself, just about able to wrap his fingers around himself, makes the reddened tip of his dick poke out of the top of his boxers.
You gesture with your hand in an effort to make Steve come closer, which he does. You circle the fingers of your free hand around the base of Eddie’s cock and lazily start jerking him off to make sure that he wasn’t being left out.
When Steve’s close enough, you attempt to push down his jeans, but when you’re only able to uncover part of the trail of hair that goes down into his underwear, he gives you a helping hand instead.
Steve doesn’t work slow. He pushes the fabric down just far enough for his cock to jump out and you audibly gasp when it’s finally revealed. He’s long, thick too, and you honestly can’t wait until he impales you on it.
You spit on the palm of your hand, reach down and lubricate his shaft with your saliva. Then your digits curl around the velvety skin, squeezing once, and then your hand starts gliding up and down his length.
Turning your head back in Eddie’s direction, you take him into your mouth again, deepthroating him to make up for your previous neglect. The noises he makes are a fair indication that he’s more than willing to forgive you.
“Fuck, you look so pretty with your mouth full,” he remarks. “Don’t you think so too, Harrington?”
“Yeah, she does,” Steve agrees. “She can’t give us any lip now.”
“True.” Eddie’s hand moves to the back of your head, just to make sure that you can’t pull away. “Bet you’d like to though, wouldn’t you, sweetheart?”
You manage to get out a distorted “uh-huh” and the boys laugh cruelly, amused at your current predicament. Though it couldn’t exactly be called a predicament when you were this into it.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you keep moving your mouth up and down Eddie’s cock, mirroring the speed with which your hand was working over Steve’s. Both of them swear under their breaths and their joined moans are like the sweetest music that you've ever heard.
“Such a good girl,” Eddie comments.
“Think that you earned yourself a little reward, baby,” Steve adds. He pulls your hand away from him and you would have asked him why if you could have, but he moves until he’s right behind you so you can’t see him anymore.
Soon enough, you feel him though. One of his hands settles on your stomach and starts to dip down lower until it’s between your thighs. His fingertips move over your panties and come to rest on your mound, his touch feather light and barely applying pressure at all. You whine pathetically and Steve chuckles in your ear.
His free hand moves in, hooking the saturated cloth under his thumb and pulling it away so that your cunt is now exposed to the cold air. He is still hardly touching you, his fingers digging into the top of your thigh, about an inch away from your burning core.
When his fingers finally touch your pussy, you sigh deeply, satisfied that he’s finally touching you right where you want him to.
Steve wastes no time. He slides his fingers between your wet lips, picking up enough moisture and sinks one finger in shortly after. One finger quickly becomes two and he fucks you with his fingers so fast that you can barely keep up with his onslaught on your cunt.
Steve’s erection pokes in your lower back, as a reminder that he’s still hard, his hips gently rocking back and forth against your flushed skin.
Since you’re now too focused on the pleasure that Steve is bringing you, you in turn lose sight of Eddie. Though you could have argued that that was impossible to do seeing how his dick was still firmly pressed into your mouth.
Eddie’s hands grasp your face, his touch far from gentle now, fingertips threading into your hair. His hips advance forward, holding your head still as his cock hits the back of your throat and he starts rocking back and forth.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he says in a tone that sounds far from apologetic. “Had to take matters into my own hands.” You look up at him, tears already forming in your eyes, blurring your vision. “You don’t mind, do you?” Eddie relaxes his grip on you slightly, just enough so that you can shake your head a little. “Good fucking girl.”
Steve’s fingers curl up inside you, pressing against your sweet spot, the one that makes your toes curl, and you moan loudly around Eddie’s cock, who can’t help himself as soon as he feels the vibrations from your voice and presses in deeper than before. He can feel the muscles in your throat fluttering around him deliciously.
Saliva bubbles at the corners of your mouth and spills out as you choke around him. You breathe in deeply through your nose, letting Eddie continue to use you for his own needs.
Steve doesn’t let up either, his fingers not so much thrusting now, but more curling and constantly prodding that ribbed part inside. You can feel the pressure building in the pit of your stomach, muscles tightening around his thick digits and your orgasm hits you with the power of a freight train.
You would have screamed if you had been able to. Instead the sounds of your sudden climax come out all garbled. Eddie doesn’t grant you a moment reprieve either, his fingers digging into your cheeks as he keeps fucking your face.
The first spurt of his cum hits the back of your throat and you do your best to swallow, to devour everything that he gives you, but when he pulls his softening dick out of your mouth, a little trickle of his seed comes out, mixed with your spit, spilling down your lip and chin.
“What’s this, sweetness?” Eddie notices immediately and his thumb wipes the residue away gently. “You made a mess.” He forcefully shoves his thumb into your mouth. “Suck.”
You do as he commands and your tongue twirls around it, cleaning off whatever leftovers were stuck to the pad of his finger and he doesn’t pull it out until he’s satisfied that you got rid of everything.
“Good girl,” he coos. “Isn’t she well behaved?”
“Very.” Steve’s lips brush against the shell of your ear and the skin on your arms bump instantly. “Are you gonna be a good girl for me, too, baby?”
“Yes,” you reply resolutely. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”
“Even better,” Steve says. “We like that, don’t we?“
“Abso-fucking-lutely.” Eddie sits back down, right in front of you and Steve, and he looks on hungrily. “What do you want Stevie to do to you, sweetheart?”
“W-want him to-“
“Don’t tell me,” Eddie cuts you off with a grin, “tell Steve.”
When you turn around to face him, Steve has an expectant look in his beautiful eyes, waiting for you to tell him exactly what you want him to do to you.
“I want you to fuck me, Steve,” you confess, “want you to fuck me real good.”
“Oh yeah?” He reaches out and trails his fingers from your shoulder down your bare arm. You shiver as soon as he makes contact with your skin. “Is that what you want?”
“Y-yes,” you confirm, “that’s what I want.”
“Take off your bra.”
Steve doesn’t just ask you, no, he’s telling you, and you’re willing to comply with his demand partly. You reach around your back and unhook the garment. You hold the cups in place with one arm and slide the straps down your arms with the other.
“Take it off for me?” You bat your lashes at him and bite your bottom lip.
“Sure,” Steve chuckles. He removes your arm from your chest and your bra simply slides off as soon as that happens. “Would you look at that,” he whistles through his teeth. “Aren’t you pretty.”
The urge to cover up is damn near overwhelming, their intense stares are practically killing you, but as soon as you shift your arms, the movement so slight it should have been imperceptible, Steve notices.
“Don’t.” His hands come up to your elbows, firmly holding them in place. “Don’t cover yourself up.”
An apology forms in your mind, but there’s little chance to actually utter it. Steve dips his head down, until he’s level with your chest, and licks a line from between your tits up over your sternum.
His lips start moving over your neck and to the bottom of your jaw, nice and slow, kissing his way up until he can blow air into your ear. It makes you shiver.
“You’re beautiful,” Steve speaks in hushed tones, almost as if he doesn’t want Eddie to hear what he’s telling you. “I always thought so, you know?”
“I didn’t,” you answer. His hand is on your lower back, index finger hooking underneath the elastic band of your panties so he can pull it away from your body and snap it back.
“Well, you are.” He picks at the waistband impatiently. “Why don’t you take these off, too?”
“Gladly.” You reach out, place a few fingers on his thigh and tap his jeans. “Are you going to do the same?“
“Guess I’ll have to.”
It doesn’t take that long until both of you are completely naked from the waist down. It does not escape you that you’re the only one that’s completely naked now either.
“You gonna let me fuck you in front of Eddie?” Steve husks in your ear when he leans in. “Make him watch while I split you open with my dick?”
“Yes,” you whimper. “Please.”
“Please? Damn, I love that.” Steve sits back, long legs spread out in front of him and his arms positioned behind. You move in to straddle his hairy thighs and wait for him to make a move, but nothing happens. He flashes you a wide grin and says, “Go on. Put it in.”
Your eyes fall on his massive erection and you can’t help but swallow hard.
Obediently, you rise up, position his cock in front of your entrance and sink down on him. It’s insane how he just seems to keep coming, like there’s no end to his cock, but you’ll be damned if you let him break you.
Not when Eddie’s waiting in the wings to take over as soon as Steve’s done with you anyway.
You keep letting yourself sink down a little bit more at a time, taking inch after inch, until you finally reach the end of him. You inhale a sharp breath as you try to adjust to his size.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” you whine. “You’re in so deep that you’ll be coming out my belly button as soon as I move.”
“Think that you can’t take it?”
“Fuck, you think that little of me?” You grind your hips against his, slowly, slow enough to savor the feel of him. “I’d like to try.”
“Shit,” he laughs. “You’re a fucking dream, babe.” Your fingers tighten in the fabric of his yellow sweater and you pull on it harshly. “Off?“
“Yeah, off.” He pulls the sweater and the shirt that he had on underneath off. As soon as his chest is bare, you run your hands up and down his chest, feeling his chest hair on your palms. You lean forward to lick a stripe up his neck and when you reach his ear, you take the lobe between your teeth and give a gentle tug. “I’m gonna move now,” you tell him.
“Go for it.” He can’t resist smacking your ass and squeezing you roughly when you finally start rocking against him. “That’s it, baby.”
Hanging onto his shoulders, you start riding him. It’s all you now, Steve barely moves, instead looking closely at the point where your bodies meet and how your cunt greedily keeps sucking his cock back in.
Arching your back, you push your chest out and put a hand on the back of his head to pull him in closer until he figures out what you want him to do.
His lips latch onto your nipple, his mouth hot as he sets to sucking gently. You buck up, hips lifting so far up that his cock almost slips out entirely, but you catch yourself just in time and slam back down.
“Fuck, Steve.” Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging on the strands every time that his tongue swipes over your hot skin. “Feels so good.”
“You feel good,” He exhales against you. “So fucking tight. You fit like a glove.”
Finally he moves, angling his hips so he can fuck up into you, and you mewl his name. He rams in so deep that it should have been painful, but the ecstasy that’s budding is starting to overtake all your other senses.
Shoving a hand in between your bodies, circling your clit with two fingers. The combination of his thrusts along with your own assistance are electrifying and you start chasing your release with desperation.
Steve mutters words of encouragement which you barely hear, because of your climax peaks and flows in waves through your body, from your cunt to the tips of your fingers and toes.
Your body goes limp, your head sagging forward slightly, and you need a second to recollect yourself. The only thing that even snaps you out of it is the fact that Steve is still rock hard. Tilting your chin back up, you stare deep into his blown out pupils for about a second before he surges forward.
There’s a sense of urgency in the kiss that he gives you. He’s barely able to press his lips on yours as it is, but Steve still tries. You feel his tongue at the corner of your lips and you close your lips around it so you can suck it into your mouth. He gasps, the kiss turning sloppy again, and he wraps his arms around your waist tightly.
“You gonna come, pretty boy?” He presses his head against your shoulder, teeth scraping over your skin as his thrusts grow more uneven. “Huh? You gonna come for me?”
“Fuck,” he breathes against your skin.
“Fill me up, Steve.” His hips jerk more roughly up into you. “I want your cum so bad.”
You scream when Steve bites down on your shoulder hard, his climax finally hitting him and needing another outlet. The last few thrusts are weak and then he stills entirely. His tongue laps at the mark that he just left, lazily following the outline of his teeth that was already appearing.
“Sorry,” he breathes against your skin. “Couldn’t control myself.”
“Don’t apologize,” you reply and you push him away from your shoulder so you can cup his face and look him in the eye. “That was so fucking good.”
“Oh yeah.” Steve kisses you then and you can feel him smiling against your lips. “So, so good.”
Steve hangs onto you for a bit longer, his arms still wrapped around your waist, unwilling to let you go. You come down from your high together and you’re almost reluctant to let him go, but you hear Eddie exhaling deeply behind you (you don’t even remember him lighting a cigarette) and realize that you have to let go of Steve.
You start shifting a few seconds later, having now entirely caught your breath. Your lips find Steve’s again and you kiss him lazily when you push yourself up, softly groaning when his now soft cock slides out.
“Don’t move.” There’s an underlying sense of hunger to Eddie’s voice and you can hear him move in behind you. “Hold on to Steve’s shoulders.”
With your ass still in the air, you hold on to Steve, whose gaze is fixed entirely in your face. Then you feel a hand on your ass, squeezing, and another one on your slit, fingers sliding in all too easily after Steve spread you open.
“Fuck, it’s leaking out, man.” Eddie sounds impressed as he says that to no one in particular and then two fingers appear in your line of vision. It’s wet with your and Steve’s bodily fluids. “Suck.”
Like earlier, you oblige and start sucking off whatever was on there. The only difference now is that you can feel the tip of his cock prodding your opening. You moan around his fingers when he slides in entirely in one fluid movement.
“Fuck,” Eddie groans. “You’re so fucking tight.”
“Told you,” Steve chimes in.
“You did.” Eddie pulls his hand away from your lips and moves it down to lightly grab your throat. Then he pulls back before slamming back inside you roughly. “This fucking pussy,” he groans in your ear. “It’s sucking me right back in.”
“Still haven’t had enough?” Steve places his hand over his heart and pouts at you. “You wound me.”
You don’t answer. You don’t think that you’re able to remember any words at all now that Eddie is plowing into you while you’re practically in Steve’s lap.
Eddie’s ringed fingers squeeze your neck, cutting off your air supply for a split second.
“He asked you a question.” Eddie’s voice is low as he hisses in your ear. “You still want more?”
“Y-yes,” you choke out. “Can’t- can’t get enough.”
“Fuck, sweetheart. Guess I’ll just have to give you what you want then.” The speed of his thrusts increases until he’s pounding into you and reducing you to nothing but a whining mess. “I’m gonna fucking ruin you.”
It’s nothing short of insane that Eddie is even able to keep up this manic pace at all, the sound of his skin slapping against yours so fast that you can’t keep track, but somehow he manages.
Your mouth hangs open in a silent scream, your eyesight glazed over by now. You’re so far gone that you haven’t even realized that you had started crying.
“You’re so pretty like this.” When Steve wipes a few fingers over your cheek, that’s the first time that you notice that your skin is wet. “Are you close?”
In an ideal world, you would have been able to answer his question. You would have been able to say “yes, I’m close, so close.” But nothing except incoherent babbling comes out of your mouth as you nonsensically string words together.
“I’ll give you a hand, yeah?” Steve sounds sweet, that’s about all that registers. Your body jumps when his fingers find your clit and he starts rubbing fiercely. “You’re okay,” he says just loud enough over Eddie’s groans. “Come on. Come for us.”
“C-can’t,” you whine. “Ca-can’t.”
“Yeah, you can.” His fingers don’t stop stimulating your swollen bundle of nerves. “One more, baby. Last one.”
“You can do it,” Eddie grunts behind you. “I want you to squeeze me dry, sweetness.”
Despite their encouragement, you’re convinced that you can’t. You came twice already, the most that you’ve ever climaxed in one night, so you’ve already gotten more than you ever could have wished for.
“I-I sw-swear that I- fuck!”
To say that you’re surprised when another orgasm tears through your body would be an understatement. You imagine that this is what it must be like to be struck by lightning. There’s no part of your body that isn’t tingling. You dig your nails into Steve’s shoulders and drag them down his chest all the way to his hips where they come to a standstill.
“Fuck!” Your walls clamp down on Eddie like a vice and he swears loudly as soon as it happens. “You’re fucking- holy shit.”
You barely even notice how tight his grip on your hips is, but come morning there would be an imprint of his ringed fingers on your skin.
Eddie fucks you straight through your orgasm and since Steve seems to be refusing to pull his hand away from your clit, you start screaming through your teeth from the overstimulation. Every muscle in your body jerks, desperately wanting to pull away, but they won’t let you.
There’s no escape from this and your only choice is to ride it out, to let it happen until Eddie finally pumps you full with his cum as well.
The noises that he makes change subtly at first, changing in pitch, his voice getting higher the closer he gets to his release. Eddie shouts your name, one final push, and then you can feel his warm seed filling you up and joining the mess that Steve left a bit earlier.
“Christ,” Eddie’s out of breath which is all down to how much he exerted himself. “Your pussy is fucking perfect.” His softening cock slides out, instantly making you feel empty. A few seconds later, you hear a loud thud. “I could sleep for days.”
“Insane,” you mutter. “You guys are insane.”
“Maybe, but that was hot as fuck,” Eddie replies from somewhere behind you. “Jesus H. Christ.”
“You trying to tell me you didn’t have a great time?” Steve asks and you briefly meet his gaze before looking away again. “Don’t get all shy on me now.” His hand cups your chin, tilting your head back up until you’re forced to look at him again. “You got a mixture of my and Eddie’s cum oozing down your legs. So don’t act all coy.”
“Wasn’t,” you murmur. “I mean, I wasn’t going to say that.”
“There,” he says, satisfied once more. “Feels good now that you’ve admitted it, huh?”
“I was feeling pretty good before,” you admit.
“Really?” You turn your head to look at Eddie who’s sprawled out on the blanket, his head propped up by his arm. “I hadn’t noticed,” he finishes with a smug expression on his face.
“Thought I was hiding it so well, too,” you joke. “Nice to know you’re not just a pretty face, Ed.”
“Shucks, sweetheart, didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Seriously, have you seen you?” You gesture at him with your hand, as if that simple gesture would be enough to explain what words couldn’t. “You’re a handsome devil. Take it from me.”
It had always mystified you how he didn’t have more women fawning all over him, with his big doe eyes, full lips and amazing hair. And you weren’t even talking about his tattoos.
“Same thing goes for you, Steve,” you say to him, even though you don’t think that he needs the validation. With the amount of girls that were throwing themselves at him for a large part of his high school days, he’s probably been told that he’s good looking plenty of times before. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Thanks,” he smiles, “I’d much rather look at you though.”
“I can’t help it,” he explains. “I see a pretty girl, I need to tell her.”
“Are you giving me the King Steve treatment right now?” You lean in to kiss his cheek suddenly and whisper the following words, “Because you don’t have to, you know.”
“Nah. I wouldn’t dare.” Steve turns his head so he can catch your lips with his. “That was all me.”
“You’re actually making it worse,” you gripe. You nudge at his cheek gently before moving away from him and sitting down next to where Eddie is still spread out on the blanket. You drape your arm over the section of his stomach that’s bare from where his shirt has ridden up. “That’s quite an achievement.”
“I aim to please,” Steve gives you a two-finger Cub Scout salute and a wink which comes across as so cocksure that you can’t help but giggle. He wiggles his eyebrows and adds, “And you definitely look very pleased, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh god, please stop.” Reaching over Eddie, you grab what remains of the six pack and hand Steve a beer, “Here. Now shut up.”
“What about me?” Eddie pushes himself into an upright position and takes the can that you offer him. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
A short silence falls over the three of you, nothing to be heard but your breathing and the soft creaking of the house as it seems to come back to life around you. It doesn’t seem as scary to you now as it did in the beginning.
Funny how that changed in a matter of hours.
When you feel Eddie’s hand circle around your ankle, his thumb caressing the back of your heel, you suddenly feel the need to inquire, “Same time, same place next year?”
“Next year?” Eddie sounds nothing short of annoyed that you had even suggested waiting that long. “Fuck that. I want to do that again tomorrow.”
How Eddie can say that when his touch on your leg gets more insistent, his hand already shifting to your calf, making it painfully obvious that he wants to do it again right now is beyond you, but you’re not foolish enough to point it out.
“My parents won’t be home until late November,” Steve helpfully throws in. “So.”
“That’s settled then,” Eddie replies with some finality in his voice, not even waiting for your answer.
They already know your answer after all.
“You guys are going to kill me,” you huff and you try to ignore how Eddie’s hand is slowly moving up past your knee. “Come morning, I’ll be dead,” you say directly to him now, but Eddie simply grins and shrugs.
“Do you mind?” Steve moves in closer next to you and nuzzles your neck. He starts leaving open mouthed kisses all along your jaw and murmurs against your skin, “You can take it. I know you can.”
“I’m not so sure,” you answer, but you still turn your head so you can give him a kiss. You gasp into Steve’s mouth when Eddie’s hand reaches the apex of your thighs. “But I’m willing to give it a go.”
You can’t remember who said that afterwards, but you decide that it doesn’t matter, not when they were gearing you up for another round. Not when there was the prospect of more of this on the horizon whenever you wanted it, but you’d always remember this night, the night when it all started, the Halloween night that changed your life…
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Dancing with a wolf (FemalereaderocxAemondxAegon)
Aemond x reader x Aegon
Tags: Showsetting, blackmail, piracy, warcrimes.
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🔷Summary: A long time ago, you paid the ultimate price for Prince Aemond's hand. And now your sister summons you back to court.
🔷Author's note: Dark.
🔷Wordcount :7000
🔷Warnings: Piracy, child-abuse and mentions of traumas and blood and gore.
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Dancing with a Wolf
The Red Keep had not changed in years. It was the same old horrible looking building, with the same boring old towers and the same horrible people that called it their home. You look out the window of the carriage, quickly closing the curtains when a single sunray finds its way into your carriage. Today is a sunny, lovely day. So unlike how you feel inside.
You are irritated, hollow of the greed you have been feeling for a while now, as well as that anxious choking feeling you had hoped to be rid of for years now. You prided yourself into not feeling fear anymore, or not allowing yourself to feel it. Yet here you are, back in the city of Hell, King’s Landing on no one’s order than your sweet darling twin sister, Adalina. Or is it Princess Adalina now? You wouldn’t know. You haven’t written a word to that brat since you were exiled.
The Carriage finally drives up to the familiar courtyard, and when you are nearing the gates, you notice there is blood under your fingernails from where you slammed your fingers too deep into your own skin. You quickly wipe it away, on your skirt. The driver of your carriage, Haryold takes notice of your behavior. ‘’Ye Nervous, Miss?’’
You huff, denying it to yourself. As long as you don’t admit your feelings are real, they won’t feel real. ‘’That’s a ridiculous observation, Haryold.’’
He continues, stabbing the poorly healed wound.
‘’It’s just…Last time you were here, you were in quite the trouble.’’ Memories flash back to you, as you pretend that they are not your own. You are not the same girl you were back then. 
‘’I don’t pay you to have an opinion on my personal matters. People who lurk around in caskets, shouldn’t be surprised if they ended up in one.’’ You warn him with that and one of your glares. Haroyld nods, understanding he crossed a line and does not speak when riding the carriage to the entrance of the keep.
There, two servants help you out of the carriage. One offers his arm, the other is prepared to help you with your feet. You drop your bag in the hand of the man, and after that you jump out of the carriage, landing on your leather shoes, glancing up at the sun and the castle.
It is quiet in the courtyard. Adalia invited you here, yet she isn’t here. You would be insulted, if you didn’t hate her. You walk towards the castle doors, your boots leaving muddy footprints from your last trip. A page or servant, someone who works for the castle, as you didn’t bother to keep up with titles of the staff, rushes after you. ‘’Lady! Lady Ethel! You must wait.’’
You turn on your heel, facing him. You smile, revealing your glimmering teeth, folding your hands on your back. ‘’I’m just visiting my sister’s future home. If you like me to report that you had a issue with me, be my guest.’’ You wait for him to deny that claim, that she’s an angel, a gift sent by the Seven. Instead of that he bows his head, letting you, as a dog rolling over. You smile, patting his shoulder and tossing him a coin, before entering the Red Keep.
The smells, the lights and the damn banners. It all brings you back. You tried to look as yourself as much as possible. Your parents don’t need to be pleased. Your hair is loose, wild, untamed, unbothered. It is as wild as a river, as deep as an ocean and endless as the sea. Your good eye has a beautiful black line around it, highlighting the color of your pupil, and your other eye is shining as beautifully as ever. The silversmith did an amazing job, fitting your new eye. It is a small, pure silver orb with a citrine in it, symbolizing the pupil and the eye you lost. Your dress is a simple but practical dress in the colors of the Dornish. 
Inside the castle, someone awaits you already. Two guards size you up, narrowing their eyes almost at the same time. ‘’I am here for Princess Adalia.’’ You tell one of them, when watching the other. The two men share a glance.
He judges your poor quality dress, your cloak with holes and your old boots. ‘’You are Lady Ethel?’’ No. 
‘’Yes.’’ You say, smiling to hide your disgust. You are, in ways. In others, no. Not anymore.
You turn your head at the same time, and notice someone coming down the stairs. Someone with your hair color, someone wearing your smile. Someone living a life so different from yours. Your twin sister wears a fine silk gown with embroidered details of gold. She spots you easily, dismissing the ladies following her around as helpless little pups stalking their mother.
She comes over, and both guards nod in respect to Lady Adalia. You don’t. You do smile, and you notice her staring at your clothing and your fake eye. ‘’You changed.’’ That is the first time your twin sister says to you. Her voice almost sounds sincere. She sounds shocked.
You shrug. ‘’Disownment and exile does that to a person. Shall we go discuss things upstairs? I’m sure you can fetch a decent bottle of wine here.’’ You add with a wink. 
Adalia groans, but follows.
You soon walk over the same stairs you did years ago, and it all comes back to you.
-ten years ago-
Your hair is put up high, making you look so much older than you actually are. The coal and berry juice  itches on your face, as you aren’t used to wearing any of it. And your dress, it is the pretty own with the silver sparkles, as your mother requested by the seamstress. You never felt as a princess as much as you do tonight. 
Your parents worked hard to arrange this match with Queen Alicent of House Hightower. Despite your family being some of her most loyal supporters, Queen Alicent was being ‘’difficult’’ about the match for months. But now, tonight, she finally has accepted: Her son, Prince Aemond of House Targaryen, will marry either you or your sister, Adalia. You and her were born during the same moon and have shared everything in life. From plush toys to dresses and from dresses to secret wishes. You both love each other deeply.
You are presented first to court. You have to wait until the page reads your name out loud and when he does, you finally make your debut and enter the castle hall. Many eyes are fixated on you, but only one pair of eyes matters. You see him standing near the throne where his father sits, the boy with silver hair that one day will become your husband. ‘’Lady Ethel of House Mossdam!’’ A few murmurs rise up as you pass the crowds of people, coming closer to the Prince. He waits with his hands folded on his back, taking in your gown with a smile on his lips.
When you are finally in front of the King and Queen, you make a curtsy for them and turn to your future husband. He smiles, greeting you. Your mother who had escorted you, quickly tells the Queen which one of the two twins you are as you and Aemond converse about the candy that is put on the table. ‘’I personally prefer the dragonsticks but I can also recommend the chocolate cake.’’ The prince says, moving a bit with his hands as he talks, likely nervous. You nod and smile. Chocolate cake sounds delicious. You plan to get a piece when your sister is announced. Once again, all heads turn.
But this time it is different. Gasps and adoring coes are heard as your sister parades to the Prince, her head held high as a true Queen. You look at the Prince, trying to get his attention by offering him chocolate cake, but it doesn't matter anymore. 
The moment he sees her, his eyes light up in a way they never did when he looked at you. Despite your best efforts, your smile fades and you turn to your parents for direction and help. You gently tap the Prince’s shoulder but he does not only ignore you, he also glares at you to warn you to not do that again. Insulted and confused, you look at the Queen who only smiles back at you the way you once saw so many smile at you. Her smile speaks where her mouth cannot. Disappointment, shame and embarrassment wash over you as Prince Aemond and your sister take off in another direction entirely, gushing happily to one another. 
‘’Prince Aemond made his choice.’’ Queen Alicent declares with a smile. ‘’Adelia and him will be married when they both turn sixteen.’’ 
You came here, hoping that Aemond would like you. You came here, hoping that this would be your home. A strange, hollow feeling eats away at your soul, bringing out an unfamiliar darkness in you that you never felt before as you look at the smiling Adelia. Your feet act before you can think and you quickly dispose of the chocolate cake you had gathered. Fresh tears pierce in your eyes, threatening to cause a scene and to ruin all what you worked so hard for.  And now he doesn't even want you. 
You hear footsteps approach and see that your father has followed you. You offer him a piece of cake too. He only needs to glare at you so you put the plate down. ‘’I am very disappointed in you.’’ He tells you, his voice soft so only you may hear. ‘’Your sister only needed a few moments with the Prince, and you are making a fool of yourself and he doesn’t even care.’’ He refers to the cake incident. You had hoped that no one would’ve noticed. But as you lift your head and a few tears escape, you notice that all eyes in the crowd are on you, stuck as a fly in honey.
You must defend yourself. You must.
‘’Daddy, I tried.’’ You manage to stutter. He raises his hand, to silence you.
He has a scoff in his voice, but you hear anger more than anything else.  ‘’You didn’t try hard enough. Do you know how much effort me and your mother put into this match? You could at least try to not look like a clown.’’ You quickly wipe at your make-up, smearing most of it on the sleeve of your dress.
 He walks away with one final word that would forever haunt your memory. ‘’Disappointment.’’
Prince Aemond and Adalia seem to be happy, at least. You try to be happy for your sister, but somehow you are only reminded of your own failures and your own misery whenever you see the two of them together. You can’t take the suffocating growing feeling inside of you, threatening to tear you apart the way a wolf would tear apart a lamb. Your legs take off, running to the exit of the ballroom when you think no one looks.
When you try to enter the cool and calming gardens of the castle, you bump into a tall silver-haired person that smells unpleasantly. You don’t need to see his face to know it is the Prince’s older brother, Prince Aegon. 
Aegon smirks at your teary face, your trembling hands and your dirty dress enjoying every miserable little minute. ‘’You’re one of the little brats who my brother would marry.’’ He observes, quickly blocking your way to the gardens. 
You sniffle, nodding to confirm, as you know well enough it is rude to not answer a prince.
‘’I-I am. Please let me through.’’
He does not comply. ‘’Shouldn’t you be talking with my brother?’’ He asks. You huff, anger, getting the better of you.
Why does he care? ‘’No. He picked my sister.’’ You say, pointing to the two children who are now enjoying a chocolate cake.
The other prince huffs, annoyed quickly. ‘’You give up so easily? Do you know what’s at stake here?’’
He leans in a little closer, a mischievous spark growing in his eyes. ‘’I’ll let you into a little secret. If you want to hold Aemond’s attention, mention dragons. He never had one, he would do anything for one.’’ Dragons. You know of dragons.
House Targaryen is one of the few surviving houses of old Valyria, where dragons once roamed the big skies. Before the doom. ‘’Anything?’’ You reply, a plan forming in your head.
That night, when everyone is asleep, you sneak out of your rooms at the palace. You pass Ada’s bed on the way out, and you can’t help but feel horrible for how you are going to steal her husband and her future away from her. You even tear up, and can barely muffle your cries as you sneak past her. 
On your own, you dress and prepare yourself. Your mission is simple: You will find a dragon, convince it to bring it with you, and offer it as a gift of betrothal to the Prince. He would not even dare to refuse it. It sounds like an amazing plan, and you are pretty proud of yourself for thinking it up. 
There are just a few irons to work out:
You don’t know where dragons are, you don’t know how to bring a dragon home, and you don’t know how to speak with a dragon. But you assume that if you learn one, you learn the other two. It has to be.
You manage to sneak out of the castle easily: No one cares where you go, who you are, or what you come to do. You are a shadow in the light of the Red Keep. And whoever pays attention to shadows? You hear your own footsteps and take comfort into this.
You read in your history books about the Dragon pit, located in King’s Landing. That is where the dragons of the Targaryens are where their riders can’t attend them, and that is where you will go.
It is dark and cold in the city as you walk through it, but no one seems to pay you any mind. That is until you are in front of the huge colossal housing where the dragons stay. You never saw anything like it. It’s structure reminds you a lot of the Red Keep. A memory of a time long ago, long forgotten by most. Two guards outside warn you of trespassers and what will be done to them. 
Both guards seem bored, yet dangerous. You had hoped there would be no security at all, but that might have been wishful thinking. Instead of backing down and rolling over, you think of a plan on how to get inside.
Luckily for you, a huge cart is approaching, with dead animal meat on top of it. Huge slabs of meat, likely meant for the dragons. You make yourself as small as possible. The driver is asked to stop and when the two guards are busy inspecting the meat on intruders, you sneak past them both, into the famous Dragon Pit.
There you avoid most torches, and go from pen to pen. First there is a big goldenlike dragon. It warns you when you approach by flapping it’s wings violently, hissing and warning you. You bet it would impress the prince, but you aren’t stupid enough to even risk that. So, you go onto another pit.
Most dragons you pass do not please you. Most are too big, too dangerous or too scary. You had almost given up your quest entirely when you stumbled upon a small, red with black dragon sitting in a lone pen, straw and food near him. He is as big as four apples, and arguably the smallest dragon you ever saw. It looks weak, tiny, vulnerable. And perfect as a gift for Prince Aemond.
You open the pen, easily and slip inside of the pen, as the dragon cocks its head at you. You withhold a giggle of excitement and glee as you realize that everyone will soon be either impressed or happy with you. 
You approach the dragon, hands out to grab it. The dragon takes a few steps back, watching you very closely but does not fight or breathe fire at you. ‘’Please, dragon. Work with me! Prince Aemond wants a dragon, and I want Prince Aemond to like me.’’ You whisper to the creature that awkwardly stares back at you with its big hollow eyes.
You lean in closer to the hatchling, coming as close that you can smell its poop nearby it and the meat it devoured recently. You watch it twitch it head at you and both your hands come closer to his body, grabbing hold of it firmly.
It seems so tiny. So helpless. 
And so, so threatened by your presence. 
The dragon hisses, before slamming a claw down your face, tearing open your flesh, blood bursting from the wound as you open your mouth. You know you are supposed to be silent. You know this is forbidden. You know you can’t be heard.
But that pain…
The pain of a dragon’s claw, it is the worst pain you ever have been subjected to.
You cry out in agony, pain slashes through you as the claw of the dragon pierces your flesh, cutting deep and unforgiven. Your screams of pain echo through the dragon pit as you back away from the baby hatchling, covering the right side of your face.
When you remove your hands, they are drenched in your own blood. Your face feels as if it was ripped from your very own skin. You pant, heavily, as the dragon follows you around its pen. You finally manage to get back on your feet, your small legs trembling as you make it out of the pen at long last.
Outside of the pen, with the dragon safely behind bars, you fall back to your knees, your pain becoming too much too quickly. Blood is flowing down your face, your dress, your shoes. It drips on the floor and for your own sanity, it feels like it slips between the tiles itself, going into the earth below.
You can only wail and cry in pain as someone approaches, carrying a torch. It appears to be a old man, wearing a classic scribe robe you would see on septons. But this man is no septon. He is a guard to the dragons. He sees your bloodied face, your trembling legs and your shaking body and the dragon who keeps hissing at you from behind bars.
It is all he needs to leave. You assume he is leaving you to die.  Your breath quickens, as panic takes hold of you. But you soon hear three voices, coming closer as you crawl in the direction of the door.
It is the dragon guard. And he brought the two outdoor guards. The dragon guard lifts his torch, shining a light upon your face. You blink back against the sudden warmth and light. The dragon guard mumbles something, and the other two guards look at you speechless as they take in your face.
“It's a girl!” One of them shouts. “Child, what were you doing here?’ He tries to get your attention. You don’t respond. 
You can only look at the crying girl looking back at you in the reflection of his blade, and you see that something ripped her face in half. It is you. It is your face. You cower, making yourself as small as possible as your face keeps stinging, reminding you of your injuries. Of a very bleak looking future without any Prince by your side. Without any approval of your parents. 
Without any husband at all.
The dragonguards brought you to the King. It is embarrassing, seeing the entire castle woken up and everyone in their nightclothes for something you did. The King did you give the privilege and kindness to first receive excessive stitching in your face. You were offered milk of the poppy, but your mother denied it. ‘’Let her suffer the consequences of her actions.’’ She said. And so, your skin was pressed back together and stitched with a needle and thread in a slow, torturous manner. The Maester had never seen anything like it, and you could tell most women were horrified to see you like this, scarred and bloody.
All but Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The Princess of Dragonstone seems as furious as her little boy, the owner of the dragon you tried to steal. She resembles her ancestor, Queen Visenya.
You can only cry, no words to defend yourself or your actions come to mind. Your parents are near, yet they stand in the back of the room, disappointment and anger chizeld into their eyes forever. Adalia is near the King and Queen, close to Prince Aemond.
“What were you doing there?’’ King Viserys has a powerful voice that booms through the room as you are finally done with your stitches. What were you doing there? How could you be so stupid?
“Can we discuss this in private?” You ask, your voice soft. You don’t want Aemond to find out. Or your parents for that matter. Anyone but the King.
The king continues his sharp questions, spitting them out as fire. “Why were you trying to steal Prince’s Joffrey's dragon?” You don’t know. You really don’t. Maybe you wanted everyone to stop judging you. To stop pressuring you. To finally be in control for once. And you ruined it all.
“It was all my fault. I didn't know a dragon would be so aggressive.’’ You say, and the King’s harsh features soften, as he takes in your new fresh scars and trembling hands. You can see he feels pity for you.
A voice as sharp as glass cuts through the silence, surprising both his foes and friends. “You know nothing of dragons then.” Prince Aemond sneers. It's somehow even more painful when he scolds you. Unknowingly to him,  you wanted to please him. You wanted him to like you. To pick you as his wife.
And now he is lecturing you as if you are a little stupid girl. You look in the reflection of a sword of the King’s guard from Dorne, seeing your scarred poorly stitched and terribly mangled face. You are just that. A stupid, little girl.
Aemond continues, taking steps in your direction.
“You came into its pen, you threatened it and tried to take it away. Of course it would lash out.” You don’t know anything about dragons. You don’t know much about anything.
You would love your parents near you. To defend you and to hold your hand. But they remain in the back, present but silent. And holding your hands? They won't even look at you. 
For all they are concerned: You are a disgrace, a failure, a disappointment.
You expect to be executed on the spot for your treason. And truth be told? You’d welcome it. Anything to end the pain of your face, of the humiliation and the disappointment your parents feel for you. 
So when Prince Daemon takes out Dark Sister, his famous sword, you just stand there and allow him to approach you.
Queen Alicent is quick to interfere. 
“The girl has been scared. Forever. Lower your blade, Daemon. Even you won’t harm a disabled child.’’ You are shocked at her kindness. Why does she even care, you wonder? She didn’t like you during the ball.
But someone else disagrees firmly with the Queen. It is the Princess. ‘’My sons will have their answer. We must know why she stole the dragon. If not willingly we can always sharply question her.” You know what that means. Torture.
So you start talking, avoiding all eyes, your eyes aimed at your bloodied slippers. “I heard Aemond liked dragons. I wanted to give him one.” You confess, softly. Queen Alicent’s eyes shimmer with tears as she turns to look at her son, the prince who has many eyes on him now.
His face betrays that he is enraged. “You can't gift dragons!” He shouts, instead of taking you for your sacrifice, for your thoughtful gift, for the gesture, for the blood you lost because of him.
“I know that now.’’ You mutter, a tear falling rolling down your scarred cheeks.
Princess Rhaenyra approaches now too, angry and terrifying as a thunderstorm or maybe a big mother dragon. “Why would you give him a dragon? Why did you think my son's dragon was a good gift?” She makes it sound like this was some deliberate attack on her son. You would never. You don’t care for her sons. 
You decide to tell the truth, hoping she will believe you. “Because the others seemed too big. This one seemed harmless.” You feel all eyes on you as you fumble with your hands.
“And because…Aemond had to pick a wife…and…” Briefly, your air is cut off as you sob, your emotions becoming too much. “I wanted it to be me.” Followed by a final plea. ‘’I’m sorry!’’ You shout.
If Rhaenyra cared, she has become quite good at not showing it. “What will we do with her, father? She tried to steal my son's dragon.” This is madness. She thinks that this was some plot to hurt her, to hurt her sons, her claim to the Throne. That was not what this was. This was a desperate act.
Queen Alicent scoffs in disbelief at her words, as if she can’t believe what the Princess is saying. “For Aemond. To please him. I fully believe there was no ill will in Ethel's heart.” She adds. “She only did what she thought was right.”
Rhaenyra glances at Alicent, but her glares are for you and you alone. She turns her silver braided head in the direction of your silent parents. ‘’What do the parents think?’’ You gulp.
Your mother steps forward first. ‘’In all truth, we are disappointed and grieved by Ethel’s stupidity. We fully believe she is not capable of marrying any noble.’’ Your mother says. ‘’We certainly cannot approve of a marriage between her and House Targaryen anymore. We all ask that we may leave with Adelia and our heads on our shoulders. You may do with Ethel as you wish.’’ Your head fills with horrible images of you losing your head, or rotting away in a prison cell.
You don’t feel well. You feel as if you can pass out any moment now. ‘’’Mother,’’ you manage to squeak. ‘’You can’t mean that.’’ Yet your mother turns away, ignoring you as if you don’t exist. It is the cruelest thing she has ever done to you.
‘’Will you disown Ethel?’’ Alicent asks, and at that point, you start crying to a hysterical angle. You can’t handle being alone. You can’t be alone. Your twin sister is perfectly silent by Aemond’s side, a faint smile on her lips. 
Your mother glances one time at your face. ‘’I will do as the King wants.’’ She says.
The King glares. Not at you, however. At your parents. At your mother, your father, even at your sister. To you, he only speaks. “We will spare you. But we can't allow a marriage between you and Prince Aemond, not any other Targaryen.” You had figured that one out already.
Aegon snorts, reminding everyone that that weasel is present. “As if he even wanted her anymore.”
King Viserys ignores his son, standing up from the Iron throne. ‘’We must all rest now. The hour has grown late and I’m sure Ethel wants to forget this has even happened.’’ 
The Princess chases her father, her black and red skirts lifted so she may go faster. 
‘’Father-’’ She smiles but this time her father does not fall for it.
‘’The matter, has been settled, Rhaenyra.’’
You are returned to your rooms after. You don’t even dare to glance at the Princess, convinced you made a powerful enemy for life.
You are cooling your face with a towel, still somehow crying, minutes later. “Where is Ada?” You ask as your parents enter. They had an argument. You heard both of them scream and things break. 
The towel brings small comfort but the pain is unbearable. “Ada has been removed from her Chambers. She is living with the royal family. And that is for the best. You could ruin it all again. Forever  this time.” Your mother warns you. You roll your eyes.
She gasps at your audacity, before she sits down, grabbing you by your freshly stitched face. You yelp in pain. “We are already a minor house. Our coffins are nearing their bottom. And to top it all you now have a hideous scar that makes you unattractive and reminds every man how stupid you truly are.” She hisses, close to strangling you. 
‘’Resa, let her go.’’ Your father begs your mother. ‘’The king warned us if anything happened to her, he would know.’’ Why does the King even care? 
Your mother stops her actions, as if only now realizing what she did in a wave of anger. She turns her back to you, her first born child. ‘’You disgust me.’’ She whispers before she leaves. 
Ada and you never became close again after the incident. She blamed you for trying to ruin her chance at becoming a princess and you blamed her for ignoring you and shutting you out when your entire world was on fire.
You watch the wine splash around in your cup. ‘’What do you want?’’ You ask your twin sister. Your sister raises her chin, trying to intimidate you. She has no idea what you've been through, however but you are not impressed. 
‘’I want you to attend my wedding to prince Aemond.’’ Ah, yes. Aemond. The man you lost your eye for. The man who you became a scarred mess for. The man who changed your life.
You can’t and don’t want anything to do with him anymore. ‘’I heard men lie better than that.’’ You say. ‘’Whatever you want, it’s not my support when that Valyrian scum fucks you.’’ You become distant and eye her room for anything unusual. You notice a vanity with an excessive bouquet of flowers, likely a gift from her husband to be. You notice your eyes glide to the hair bracelet around your wrist, where black, dornish locks hang. You try to hide your smirk, but you fail.
‘’I am serious. I want your support.’’ She says, using her big puppy eyes. ‘’Mother and father died so suddenly.’’ There is an accusation there. You had nothing to do with it. In a way. Sort of. Kind of. Ok, it was your fault, but you didn’t use the daggers. That was someone else. 
You know it is risky for you to stay at the castle. But you want to see how her marriage with Aemond is treating her. You tell yourself that lie, feeding it your brain, repeating it until it becomes the truth. You feel your tattoo ache on your back, the one you had Aros put there years ago. You want revenge, in truth. But you can’t let Ada know that. Sweet, doe-eyed Ada would never let anything happen to her Aemond, her precious Prince. 
You try to think back of the last time you felt sadness. ‘’It was a great tragedy. I regret missing their funeral, but as you know, I was not allowed back in the estate.’’ You need to cough. Your sister however thinks you have become emotional and rubs your back. 
She takes a deep breath as if what she says costs her great energy. ‘’I regret the way we parted, Ethel.’’ Not Ethel.
‘’So do I.’’ You lie smoothly. You do, but it is easier to convince yourself that this is just another harmless lie. You won’t allow yourself to see it as a truth.
Adalia does not notice and pulls you in a hug. You notice her eyes close, but yours are wide open. ‘’You may take a bath.’’ She says after the hug has ended. ‘’You …smell.’’ She adds, softly. You chuckle, scoffing a bit but agreeing. You smell.
She stops in her tracks. ‘’After that, we must talk. We have much to discuss. I want my sister to be near me when I become a Princess.’’ You are confused. Didn't you just talk? You were right. She wants more from you. Much more.
You are even allowed to use her bathroom when your sister is busy arranging a room for you. You fill the bath to the brim and toss in three different bars of soap, and wait for the bubbles to appear. You drop out of your dress, putting your golden dagger in your boots. You also raid your sister’s closet, searching for pretty fabrics and bottles of wine. You find a delicious Dornish well-aged bottle, likely a gift from one lord or the other. You pop the bottle open and take a big swing, lying down in the warm bath, drinking freely from the bottle as the soap bars continue to create bubbles. You could get used to this. 
The door is pushed open after a few minutes. Your eyes shoot open and you reach for your boot, for your dagger to see who is approaching. Once you see who it is, you are shocked. You did hear rumors he lost his eye. A blessing, you called it. You remember treating the whole bar on a drink when you heard it the first time. Aros was furious you spent so much gold, but he did forgive you, and once he heard the news too, he bought everyone a second round.
Prince Aemond has interrupted your drinking and bath moment, staring at your bare naked chest as if he never saw a pair of tits before. You lower your hands, back in the warm water and pick the bottle back up and take another sip of the bottle, daring him to speak up. 
He doesn't. He seems shocked yet fascinated by what he found in his fiancee’s bathtub. You have had many men look at you that way before. You know what is on his mind.
You don't even attempt to cover yourself. “O. You're not…” He begins, soft and gentle with his way of speaking to you. You recall how he yelled at you, how he screamed at you. So you don’t even blink. 
You raise your eyebrows, picking up the soap and continuing where you left off before he interrupted. “Clearly. Did you hear about this wonderful invention?” You ask, when cleaning your arms. Fascinated, he watches, shaking his head, his cheeks growing warmer and warmer.
“No.” He breathes, as you lower the soapbar underwater. You grab it, throwing it at his head. It hits him, perfectly, as he quickly backs away.
You scowl, lecturing him angrily. “It's called knocking. People usually do that before storming in.’’ You dryly respond.
Prince Aemond gawks, looking at you and the door, you and the door, the door and you and finally decides it's for the best to leave. “I-, yes.” He says. ‘’It’s just…I haven’t seen you in years and…You’ve grown.’’ Clearly.
As much as you enjoy him flustered over your body, you do have more things to do.  “Where is your brother?’’ You ask. ‘’I have things to discuss.’’ You smile, and you watch Aemond’s gleeness die in a mere moment, jealousy breaking out of him.
‘’My brother?” He asks, dumbfounded. Aros needs a new ship. Aegon has money. Aros is not stupid, Aegon is, there is the end of the story.
You smile, sweetly, tilting your head. ‘’Are you deaf too?’’
He approaches, anger getting the better of him. You can’t even move but if you could, you wouldn’t have done that either. You just smirk, enjoying his little worked up face and angry pouty lips.
‘’I’m your Prince.’’ He reminds you, firmly. ‘’You will grant me your respect.’’ You have one prince. It is not Aemond.
You laugh, empty and shallow. ‘’No you’re not. You made that choice years ago. You choose wrong, little princeling.’’ You continue, taking another sip from the bottle. ‘’I made my own happiness. I don’t know what my sister wants from me yet, but I am not interested in feeding that brat if she was dying of hunger in a desert.’’ 
‘’Our interests align, then.’’ He leans on the tub with his hands, coming closer to your naked body. His voice becomes a soft, breakable plea. ‘’I want my freedom back.’’ You laugh, enjoying his misery. ‘’I should’ve chosen you. I didn’t know how she was.’’ He adds. There it is. Words you always dreamt of hearing.
Yet this marriage is old as stone, and it is likely that Prince Aemond has tried to talk his mother out of it before. ‘’The marriage is an old agreement. How do you plan to break it, Prince Aemond?’’ 
‘’I was hoping you’d know that.’’ He says. ‘’I heard you are quite the clever girl.’’ You roll your eyes. Did he really think that would work? No wonder he is in a arranged marriage. This man couldn't seduce a wife if his life depended on it.
‘’Hah! Flattery won’t get you anywhere with me. I am not a weak little doe eyed girl.’’ You tell him.
He doesn’t respond, looking at your wrist. ‘’Whose hair are you wearing around your wrist?’’ Aros. Yet you won't tell him. It is bad that he notices. The hair is a tradition among sea folks, people who travel a lot and yes; pirates. You cut off a lock of your own hair, so your loved one may tie it around their wrist, keeping you near them in a way.
‘’Please answer me, Adder.’’ For the first time during your time in the Red Keep, your head twists, shock written across your face as you look at Aemond’s smirking pink lips. He adressed you by your nickname. He knows. But how much?
Prince Aemond smirks. You glare, putting the bottle aside, as this has just become a serious conversation. One of life and death. You reach for your boots, showing him your dagger. He chuckles, delighted. ‘’Oh, that’s a adorable little blade. Did your boyfriend give you that?’’ He asks, mockingly. 
It is true. You are not Ethel. You have become the first mate and paramour of Aros Blackwaters, the fearless Dornish pirate that captured your heart. You have stolen from royal and merchant ships belonging to many nations and kingdoms, including the Seven Kingdoms.
You sigh. ‘’I am not his girlfriend. I am his paramour.’’ 
‘’So, his slut.’’ He remarks, unimpressed. 
You roll your eyes. He’s such a simpleminded man. ‘’What do you want with Aros?’’ Although, it is pretty obvious. He is a pirate. Aros regularly attacks Westerosi ships.
Aemond pretends to think. ‘’I am certain he can be of use on a rainy day.’’ He chuckles. You are silent.
‘’Aros never told you, did he?’’ 
You only look at him. Aemond leans in closer.
‘’He’s not just any Dornish man. He’s the bastard of Qoren Nymeros Martell. His first born bastard at that.’’ He pats your wet hand, as if rewarding you. ‘’Congratulations, your pirate boyfriend is the runaway prince of Dorne.’’ He reveals as if this isn’t already known to you at all.
You glare at the ceiling, smacking his hand away from your own. ‘’Touch me again and become known as Aemond one-hand as well.’’ You warn him. ‘’Aros never liked his family or his birthright. I’m telling him of you and your plans.’’ It is true. He would never help Aemond.
He smirks, a bit darker as he takes in your body. 
‘’Do that. If I put you in a nice, dark cell, your boyfriend will come here and I’ll finally be able to jail him for his crimes, or worse, depending on my mood.’’ You know he would. You know he could. Aros would save you. He would risk his life for you. He is just as stupid as Aemond is.
You glare. Aemond leans closer, his lips coming closer to your ear so he can whisper. ‘’Now, I don’t want to hurt you. But for the sake of my family, for duty, for the crown, for the greater good? I will run you through with my sword and make that little scar of yours look like a adorable little accident.’’ You scoff.
‘’Looks like the gods gave you your own little adorable scar.’’ You remark, making him much more upset than before. He growls, clutching the bathtub to avoid hurting you personally. ‘’Although, I’m the lucky one. I at least have my wits so I can make my own happiness. But you, a little boy who always seeks validation from others? I pity you.’’ you whisper, brushing your fingers over his cheeks. He does not pull away. ‘’I despise you.’’ You add. 
He only smirks. ‘’Soon I don't need validation. I will have it all. And more. You can either play along with my games and my plans, serve me and my brother well-’’ You frown, turning your head.
‘’Serve?’’ He makes it sound so sexual.
Aemond slightly blushes. ‘’Well, do our dirty work.  I promise you, we won’t need help in the bedroom.’’ You see another plan forming in your head, one where you and Aron take the throne from the two princes, and sit it.
You nod, smiling. ‘’No, you do have both your hands.’’
He glares. He rolls his eyes, eying the heavens as if to ask the gods why he is forced to work with you. ‘’Or I will reveal you for the Pirate that you are, for the war criminal you are, and will see you hanged at dawn.’’ How romantic.
‘’I have never received a more moving proposal-’’ Your mockery is interrupted by your own thoughts. ‘’What do we do about my sister?’’ You ask.
Aemond smiles, mischievously. ‘’I might take her flying later, you of all people should know just how dangerous dragons can truly be.’’
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Who's gonna listen when you run out of lies? Who's gonna hear you, when your words seem worthless? Who's gonna save you when you're out of time? And who's gonna want you, when you're on your knees, begging
"Oh, please take me at my word, I'm desperate I swear, I never meant to hurt no one, no Oh, please stay for what it's worth, I'm desperate" You're on your own
So don't you call my name I will take you down Should've known that you've been dancing with a wolf So don't you call my name I will take you down I'm not your friend, you burned a bridge I chew you up and spit you out
Really captures this fic really well.
I hope yall liked this little one shot!
:) i was inspired by @valeskafics latest aemond/aegon/witch reader thingy and wanted to make something!:) Hope yall liked it and im sorry for leaving for so long. mental health is kicking my butt.
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
A Court of Sins and Nightmares
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Chapter five
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Eris Vanserra x OC! Alessia Mors
Warnings: Not much. Angsty, tho.
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Eris stood at the bottom of the staircase, his eyes lurking over every intricate detail that had been carved on the polished stone steps that led to the heavy walnut doors of the forest house. He flinched slightly when Alessia stirred in his arms, her hands gripped onto the loose collar of his tunic. His cheeks heated up at her gesture.
He had almost forgotten that his arms were holding her sleeping form up against his chest. Eris looked away from her, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to climb up the stairs and enter the demon's lair, or as other people would call it, the Vanserra’s residency. 
His leathered boots met each step one by one, slowly, it almost seemed as if he was reluctant to bring Alessia into this hell of a place. The doors opened as if someone had been waiting for him to get back: of course there was. 
Adhelaid Krause Vanserra. “Mother.” Eris bowed his head slowly, averting her worried gaze as her beautiful russet eyes, the same as Lucien's, flickered between him and Alessia. 
She sucked in a breath, her lips sealed in a thin line. “Is she…”
“Sleeping, mother. She's just sleeping.” Eris reassured her. A shiver ran down his spine at how limp and light Alessia felt in his arms. How… dead, indeed, she looked. 
He never noticed how her brown pigmented skin seemed to be veiled, almost muted. Surely the lack of sun filtering through the mountain of Hewn City didn't do her any good. 
Adhelaid nodded slowly, her traits loosened as she regained her calm composure. “Thank the Cauldron,” She cleared her throat a little and turned on her heels. “Your father has matters to discuss with you. He'll be waiting in his office,” She told Eris over her shoulder as she kept walking.
Before Adhelaid disappeared around a corner, her guards trailing behind her, she halted. “Eris,” She didn’t even turn around to look at him, but Eris saw how her body straightened, and he could sense that his mother was weighing her next words. “Take care of the girl.” 
Eris' arms tightened around Alessia. His brows frowned, but before he could snap back a snarky response, Adhelaid stormed out of the foyer. He grumbled. Why would she assume that he needed to be reminded of how to take care of his…
Eris gulped, fiancé. Alessia was his… fiancé. It sounded weird in his head. Why did she accept this alliance so… easily. 
“If you agree to let me help you, I’ll let you go.” 
“What’s the price of your help…”
“My own satisfaction.”
The more he thought about this conversation he had with Alessia, the less it made sense. What satisfaction could she find in helping him? Was she really being truthful about her intentions? Eris opened his bedroom with a foot, the wooden door softly groaning as he made his way inside the room. 
Eris stepped into the quiet bedroom, enjoying the silence while he could. He knew that the discussion he'd have to have with his father would be anything but pleasant. 
He laid Alessia over the sheet of the bed, his bed, he couldn't help the weird clutch of his heart at the thought. His fingers delicately unlaced her muddied boots, and he neatly put them down on the carpet beside the door. 
Eris stood there for a while, staring at Alessia as she was already starting to instinctively curl her arms around a pillow. He couldn't leave her sleeping like this… surely she would get cold. 
So Eris quietly walked back toward the bed, absent-mindedly holding a breath. He carefully laid a throw over her, and a fire appeared in the hearth with only a flick of his fingers. 
He took a few steps back from her, slowly, reluctantly leaving the peaceful quiet of his chambers. 
Well, their chambers from now on. 
Eris frowned, contemplating Alessia’s sleeping form for a few more seconds, before heading to his father's office. 
His steps instinctively led him there, the path clearly memorized in his head from how many times a day Eris had been summoned by Beron for centuries over various matters. 
But this time, Eris knew that this “matter” Beron had to discuss with him would probably end up in a brawl of flames and sparks. 
Before he knew it, Eris was standing in front of Beron's desk. His father's awaiting eyes glimmered dangerously, but Eris didn't break despite his heart beating like mad. 
“You had matters to discuss with me, father?”
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The room was silent, peaceful. The soft crackling embers in the hearth were still red, meaning that the fire that had been dancing in there just recently died down. Alessia’s unconscious body was sprawled all over the bed, the sheets messily curling around her body and a pillow tucked into her arms as if she was hugging it. 
Her rounded chest rose and fell in a regular rhythm, and the sun rays gently settled atop her body, its warm caress keeping her warm. A thick carpet of fog covered the floor surrounding the bed she was resting in, the mass of magic was inoffensive, but ready to attack anyone that dared disturb their master’s more than needed sleep.  
The bedroom door yanked open, jolting Alessia out of her slumber. She clutched the sheets to her body, reaching for the dagger on her thigh only to realize that she was wearing none. Her breath quickened, as she tried to focus her bleary eyes to the figures standing at the unfamiliar bedroom door.
The youngest one straightened when a tendril of mist swirled up her leg, climbing to the side of her stomach and lingered there, rubbing against the area in circular motions. Alessia rose up, her feets hurriedly dragged her towards the terrified housemaid. She waved her hand over the young Fae stomach, trying to shoo away the disobedient ripples of mist. 
“Oh!” One of the two servants squealed at seeing Alessia disheveled, sitting straight in their prince’s bed. Both of them dropped the heavy looking bed frame they were carrying and bowed to the hips at the young witch.
“M-Miss Mors! Apologies, Mister Vanserra didn’t tell us that you would be sleeping. If we had known-” 
How ironic that she couldn't even contain her own power.
Alessia felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. She failed to control her powers, and scared people off. Again. The heavy silence that fell in the room after that interaction was enough to echo Alessia's shame and the guilt that haunted her. 
The murk eventually evaporated, disappearing somewhere in the room, probably lurking the corners to keep an eye on their mistress. What stubborn things they were.
Alessia sighed and reached a hand towards the domestic to apologize, but she flinched at her movement.
Alessia retracted her hand at her side, and before she could open her mouth to apologize, the other housemaid spoke. “We'll just settle the other bed Prince Eris requested in the room, and we'll leave, Miss Mors.” 
“Stop trying to train her,” Thanatos' groggy voice rang from his slumped form. His words were destined for your instructor standing beside you, but he was staring at his daughter dead in the eyes. His eyes were lined with dark circles caused by his sleepless nights since Nemesis had been abducted by Amarantha’s soldiers. “She's a lost cause.” He finally spat, his teeth clenched as he stormed out of the room, unable to look at his daughter. 
His daughter who looked too much like the woman he hadn't got the time to demonstrate his love for her properly. And he would never get a chance to love her properly ever again. 
May her soul lay peacefully in the Mother’s hands and her body somewhere in the gloomy Bog of Oorid. 
Her father's voice slipped from her memories, reminding her mind the pain these words had caused her. He had given up on her long ago. She had wanted him dead that day. But now that he was…. 
Alessia shook the thought out of her head, refusing to sulk over her old man's death. She wondered how Thanatos had managed to convince Eris that she was a powerful witch.
Because she wasn't. She would never be. 
She was a lost cause. 
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“Where is the witch?” 
It wasn't a real question, and Eris knew it. It was an order. 
“Miss Alessia Mors is sleeping. The evening have been eventful and-” 
“Lord Keir and Thanatos are dead.”
Silence fell on the room. The chair creaked as Beron dropped down on it. The High Lord was now drumming his fingers on the desk, brows furrowed. “How?”
Beron's eyes narrowed, looking at his son dubiously. “Butchered?” 
Eris nodded his head slowly. He had rarely seen a body as severely mutilated as Keir's. Somehow… Somehow Morrigan had seemed to spare Thanatos, kind of. 
The wounds on Thanatos’ body have been deep enough to be fatal, but short enough so he would bleed slowly. As if she had wanted for Thanatos death to be slow, so he could witness how she butchered Keir. 
“Who's been alerted?” Beron's voice interrupted his thoughts.
Eris bit his tongue, knowing that a wildfire was about to roar in his father’s study. “No one.”
“No one?!” Beron’s fists slammed onto the wooden desk. “Rhysand is going to completely have his hands on it now! The witch didn't claim Keir's pathetic Steward title?!” 
“Technically, Morrigan has that claim.”
“I don't care about technicalities, son.” Beron snarled, his fists combusting in flames, harmful to anyone but himself. “She's from Hewn City, she's part of the Mors family, she has powers, so she has every damned right to take Keir’s title.”
Eris had tasted the punishing pain of this magic more times than he’d like to remember. The hair at the back of his neck rose. “I'll make sure to arrange a meeting with all of the High Lords to discuss this matter.” 
“You and Alessia will discuss this matter with them. Do not count on me to assist one of these painful High Lords meetings.” Beron's angry expression shifted into a wicked grin. “And when she’ll take over Hewn City, with you by her side… It’ll give me direct access to Rhysand.” 
And once Rhysand was out of the game… Beron could easily become High King. 
Bile rose in Eris' throat at the thought. He couldn't let this happen. He needed to act, and quickly.
If Alessia was truthful about her desire to participate in Beron's assassination… He would selfishly appreciate any kind of help at this point. Any risks were worth taking now. 
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Taglist: @sarawritestories @milswrites @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria
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paperweight91 · 10 months
I shall prompt you with a GIFt!
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Ahhhh Siri, you know how much Lloyd always brightens my day! I hope you like it 😏
You woke up to the sound of something rustling. As you blinked away the fog of sleep you realized that the sound was someone rummaging in your kitchen. You sat up stock straight in bed, fully awake. You felt your heart beat race in your chest as the rustling got louder, closer maybe? It was starting to sound more like frustrated searching.
You looked to your bedside table for anything you could use as a weapon. Of course you had left your phone charging in the living room. Your mom was always telling you to be more thoughtful about having your phone nearby. You could hear her voice in your head now as if she was right in front of you. “The city is no place for a lady to be alone. You have no idea who could be lurking in your building! You promise me now you’ll keep your phone on you at all times.”
You huffed as the closest thing to a ‘weapon’ you found was a particularly high heel you planned to wear this weekend. What the hell were you supposed to do with this?
Suddenly the noise in your apartment stopped. Silence was all you could hear. Maybe the burglar had given up that you had anything good?
That hope was quickly dashed when the door to your bedroom swung open with a bang. Instinctively you curled in on yourself and held up your hands. Cowering beneath your blanket.
“There you are pumpkin!” You knew that voice. But it couldn’t be…
You peeked up at your midnight intruder. “Lloyd? What, what are you doing here?” He didn’t answer just looked around your room, searching for something, you still weren’t sure what.
Your boyfriend had broken into your house in the middle of the night. Not only that but,
“Wait, Lloyd, oh my God. Is that blood? Are you hurt?” You were up and bounding over to him before you could stop yourself. Checking over his face and arms. He had clearly been in a fight. Lloyd preened under your attention, but quickly stopped your efforts to check him over.
“I’m fine. You got a first aid kit around here?” He scratched at the back of his neck as he continued to look around your bedroom. He seemed paranoid, like he was afraid there was someone lurking in the shadows.
You pulled him back into the living room and sat him on your sofa as you ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. This was all so odd. You and Lloyd had only become serious recently, and you weren’t even that serious. You hadn’t even given him a key to your house.
As you walked back into the living room, to see Lloyd lounging on your sofa the thought echoed in your mind, you hadn’t even given him a key yet. “So uh babe, what happened?”
You approached Lloyd cautiously, suddenly concerned that there was so much more to the man you were dating than you ever realized.
He squinted as he looked up at you. The joyful expression at seeing you having faded into something much more sinister. “You’re not gonna let this go, are you?” He huffed, snatching the first aid kit from your hands. You flinched, as ice cold fear started to drip down your spine. Lloyd had always been so loving and kind, the man in front of you seemed completely different.
“It was a bad day at the office, Pumpkin.” He had turned his charm back on, as he cleaned and bandaged the wounds on his hands. He winked as he finally looked up at you. His face fell once again as he saw the terror written clear as day across your face. “What baby? You really thought that I was just an investor? You gotta know by now that was a line.”
The hurt flashed across your face, “Lloyd, what’s going on? Are you in danger? And uh how did you get into my apartment?”
He smirked as he stood, towering over you. “Oh Pumpkin, you really are gullible aren’t you?” He stalked into your kitchen, pulling himself out a glass and filling it with some of the whiskey you kept around for when your dad visited.
Your mind was spinning. But you still couldn’t put all of the pieces together. Lloyd wasn’t who he said he was, he broke into your apartment, and now he was staring at you like an animal ready to devour its prey.
“I think you should leave now Lloyd.” Even though you tried to be strong, firm, your voice came out with a wobble.
Grinning like a Cheshire Cat Lloyd sauntered over to you, “I don’t think so sunshine. I think you’re my prize for a bad day. And you’re gonna show me all the ways you can take care of me aren’t you baby?”
You gulped as he wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you close. The look on his face left no room for argument. And judging by Lloyd’s injuries, he was likely the winner in his fight. You did not want to test him tonight.
“I’m sorry babe. You know me, I get so squeamish. I just got scared.” You were proud that you were able to keep the tremble out of your voice.
Lloyd was proud that you were doing exactly as he said.
“That’s my good girl. Now take me to bed, Daddy’s had a long day and needs some TLC.” He turned you towards your bedroom, all you knew for certain is you were in for a long night.
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Prompt: 13. "Come with me, hurry."
Fluff-ish, season 6: Diana throws Mulder a surprise birthday party. Chaos ensues. (wc: 1,461)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 13: Don't Forget The Cake
“So,” Mulder asks her, his hand rummaging in his pocket, looking for his keys, “what are you in the mood for? Pizza? Chinese?”
“It’s your birthday,” she replies, her stomach grumbling. At this point, any food will do. “You decide.” Mulder finds his key and grins at her. He’s been in a good mood all day and it’s infectious.
“I think I’m in the mood for-”
“SURPRISE!” A group of people yells as soon as Mulder opens the door. He tenses up next to her, standing stock still. She puts a hand on his back, just to remind him that she’s there, but she’s not sure he even notices it.
“There you are,” Diana says. Of course, it’s Diana. Who else would plan a surprise party for Mulder? “I was just about to call and ask where you are. It’s late. We’ve been waiting for you.”
“I- I didn’t know,” Mulder stammers.
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” she says with a big grin that showcases her way too white teeth. Scully’s eyes narrow. Either Diana hasn’t seen her yet, or she’s ignoring her. After all, she didn’t even invite Scully to this surprise party.
“Well,” Mulder says, clearing his throat. “I’m definitely surprised.”
“Happy birthday, Fox.” Diana practically purrs his name before she grabs him by his shoulders to draw him closer. The lingering kiss she puts on his cheek grazes the corner of his mouth and Scully finds herself inexplicably seething. She doesn’t count the seconds (though she almost does), but the kiss doesn’t end. Just when she’s about to interfere, and save Mulder from Diana’s grasp, she lets go of him, pulling him further inside – and away from Scully.
She’s never seen so many people in Mulder’s apartment. And so many of them strangers. She’s looking for familiar faces among them. Clearly, Diana must have invited someone they know. She sees Colton lurk in a corner with a beer in his hand, smirking. There are a few agents she’s seen walking the halls, but she doesn’t know their names. She doubts Mulder does. Even if, none of these people are his friends. Scully can’t find Chuck or even Skinner. Then, right when she’s about to give up, she sees the Gunmen.
“Agent Scully,” Frohike says with a dreamy smile, toasting her with a glass of champagne.
“We weren’t sure Diana would invite you.” Langly doesn’t beat around the bush.
“She didn’t,” Scully says, grabbing one of the champagne flutes from the table. There’s a small buffet, too, but the hunger she felt a moment ago has vanished.
“Then how did you know?” Byers asks her.
“We were going to watch a movie together.” It sounds lame, but it’s the truth. The smile Mulder gave her earlier when she asked him what his plans for tonight were – he didn’t have any – and whether he wanted to spend the evening together, is chiseled on her mind. He hasn’t stopped smiling since. Well, he has now. She watches him with Diana, nipping at her cheap-tasting champagne. Across the apartment, Mulder’s body language is wooden. He keeps trying to smile whenever someone wishes him a happy birthday, but every attempt falls flat.
“I think you better go save him,” Frohike mumbles, making Scully wonder how much he’s had to drink.
“Excuse me?”
“That woman,” Frohike says, pointing at Diana, who only has eyes for Mulder. “Is bad. I think, and you cannot tell anyone this, Scully. Promise.” Scully bites her lip, nodding. She’s sure now that the shortest Gunman is indeed drunk.
“I think she’s actually evil.”
“Okay, I think maybe you had too much to drink.” He shakes his head, turning away from her, and guarding his champagne flute like a treasure.
“She’s evil, Scully. She is. I like you so much better than I ever liked her. You can’t let her take Mulder.”
“She’s not going to-” but she stops herself. She doesn’t want to believe that Frohike is right and that Diana is evil. However, she can’t deny that she doesn’t trust that woman one bit. Mulder, however, does. It’s clear that he wants to please Diana by going along with her surprise party, even though he hates it. How can Diana know him so little? His eyes find hers from across the room. They’re pleading with her.
“What can we do?” Scully asks Frohike, her eyes still on Mulder.
“Leave it to me,” he says and she can only watch as Frohike twirls once and then throws himself across the buffet table. The resulting chaos frees Mulder from Diana’s tight grip who clamors and complains as she tries to fix it.
“Come with me,” Mulder breathes into her ear, making her shiver all over. “Hurry.” He reaches for her hand, pulling her with him. No one stops them. Scully can’t help but wonder how many people even know what Mulder looks like.
“Wait,” Mulder says before they’re out the door. He grabs the small, untouched birthday cake from the kitchen table, throwing Scully a mischievous grin, and then they’re gone. Mulder’s gurgling laugh as she pounds her palm against the elevator button, makes her giggle like a schoolgirl.
“Where can we go?” Scully asks. She’s out of breath, feeling exhilarated.
“Your apartment.” His answer surprises her. “There’s no way Diana will show up there.” She nods, though she isn't sure what Diana will or won't do. All of this will have an aftermath. She is sure of that much.
In the car, Scully is holding the cake that reads “Happy birthday, Fox”. She can only imagine how pissed Diana will be when she finds out that not only the guest of honor disappeared, but his cake, too.
“I’m sorry, Scully,” Mulder says out of the blue.
“For what? It was a surprise party. You couldn’t have known about that.”
“No, but I know Diana. A few days ago she said something about a surprise later this week and I completely forgot.”
Scully glances at the cake and considers Mulder’s words. What if she’s getting this all wrong?
“Can I ask you something?”
“It’s personal.”
“Ask away.” Mulder’s voice is soft.
“It’s none of my business, but are you- you and Diana, is there… did you- ever since she came back, have you two…” she can’t say the words. She doesn’t even want to think them. She knows how alluring an ex can be, no matter how much time has passed. In hindsight, everything looks rosier, easier.
“Have we? No. No, we haven’t. I mean she tried and I- I did kiss her once. I could tell she wanted more and Scully, I can’t lie, I thought about it. But I couldn’t go through with it.”
“Why not?” she blurts.
“I think you know why.” His words are simple, but his answer is anything but.
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“Hm, I owe you a lot and I’m glad you asked, Scully. I should have told you, but how do you let your partner know that you didn’t sleep with your ex without it sounding strange?”
“You know, Frohike told me to save you. He said he thinks Diana is evil. I think he was drunk.”
“Oh, I’m sure he was. But I’m also sure he believes it.” Mulder gives her another one of those bright smiles he’s been throwing her way all day.
“You’re not all worried about your apartment?”
“No. The Gunmen will make sure everyone leaves.”
“What about Diana?”
“She too. I think it’s time I change the locks. I have no idea how she got into my apartment.”
“She doesn’t have a key?”
“Why would I give her a key?” Mulder sounds genuinely surprised. “We’re here.” He parks the car in front of her building and neither makes a move to get out. “Diana is going to be so angry that we stole that cake and ate it ourselves.” He’s grinning from ear to ear.
“You don’t think she poisoned it, do you?”
“Let’s find out.” He uses his finger to dig into the cake and Scully watches as he licks the dough off of it. “Not bad. You want some?”
“I prefer to eat with a fork.”
“Let me just give you a little taste.” She doesn’t know what to expect, but it’s not Mulder leaning over and pressing his mouth to hers. She tastes lemon, dark chocolate, and Mulder. Her favorite taste of all, she decides.
“Happy birthday to me,” Mulder whispers as he leans back into his seat. “Still want to spend the rest of the day with me?”
The rest of my life, she thinks.
“Yes,” is what she instead. “Let’s go have some cake.”
“And more?” he asks, his hand on her back leading her inside.
“We’ll see.”
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harringtown · 2 years
the view between villages
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a/n: what’s this? two fics in one day? sometimes I even impress myself (aka I finished them both yesterday and am too impatient to space them out) anyways this request took far too long to get to, so thank u for ur patience anon and I hope u like it!!!!
requested by anonymous
pairing: steve harrington x reader 
summary: at a party with the reader, Steve has Nancy flashbacks (aka an insecure Steve, newly established relationship, and love confessions)
word count: 1.6k
warnings: cursing and alcohol/drinking
Everything was fine.
The party, hosted by someone’s older brother or sister and in a parent-free house, was in full swing, and the crowd was a mix of upperclassmen from the high school and graduates from the last year or two, like you and Steve.
The music was good, and whatever alcohol lurked inside the massive Gatorade cooler was hidden by something fruity, and there were a lot of people, but Steve didn’t mind, because it meant you had to press up against him and hold onto his arm to keep from getting separated.
You danced and laughed and shared sips from an overflowing red solo cup, and Steve was happy for the first time in a long time.
Then, he leaves to get a refill, and when he comes back, and starts sipping off of it, the energy shifts. He was walking the line of tipsy and too drunk, but now, he’s toppling over the far side.
From the way you cling to his arm and sway on your feet, you seem to be in the same boat.
And maybe it’s the alcohol getting to him, or maybe the lighting in this living room is too familiar, or maybe there’s no reason at all, but Steve can’t stop thinking about Nancy Wheeler.
Which he absolutely shouldn’t be doing, not as he’s dancing with his new girlfriend—the girlfriend he really fucking likes, probably loves. But he is. He’s thinking about her off-kilter steps as he guided her toward the bathroom and that vacant, angry look in her eyes as she spat bullshit like venom.
It’s been a long time since that night, and neither he nor Nancy are the same people, but the scared, heartbroken boy who walked out of the bathroom at that party never fully healed from it.
Steve has spent the three months you and him have been together waiting for the shoe to drop. It always has, and now shouldn’t be any different. The longer this hangs, the more it’s going to hurt when it does fall.
Your hands slide up his chest, fingers curling around the collar of his shirt as you stretch up to speak into his ear, almost yelling over the music. It sends Steve’s train of thought careening off its track.
“Can we go somewhere for a minute?” you ask.
Steve’s stomach drops to the floor, bouncing as the loud music shakes the floor, and he almost says no. He knows where this is going, and he wants to put it off as long as possible. He wants more minutes with you, dancing and drinking and happy.
Instead, he just nods. Lets you take his hand and pull him through the throng of people and into a quieter hall.
Somehow, you manage to find an unlocked door, and pull Steve into a dark room. You nudge the door shut behind you and flick the lock before reaching for the light switch. You’re in a small bathroom, with an alarmingly-scarcely stocked shower and dingy mirror.  
Steve backs up as much as he can. He ends up nearly taking out a towel rod, and settles for folding his arms and making himself as small as possible.
“God, it was so stuffy in there. I swear that living room was about a thousand degrees,” you say. You lean back into the counter, fingers curled around the ledge.
“I’d guess two thousand, minimum,” Steve says, and he prays you don’t notice the crack in his voice. He has to fight every urge to turn, open the door, and run the fuck out of this house before you say or do something he isn’t ready for.
He can’t run. But he can, maybe, stall, or change the subject enough times to avoid what’s coming.
The inevitable end.
His throat starts to close up, and though the alcohol swirling in his veins already had him flushed, he feels like he’s on fire. His heart is beating so loud, it could put the boombox in the living room to shame.
“Would it kill them to put out a few bottles of water at these things?” you muse.
“Would anyone drink it?”
You laugh, but the sound shuts off like a spigot as you turn and catch Steve’s eyes. Your brows cinch together and a frown pushes down on your lips.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
Steve shakes his head and tries to smooth out his features. He has no clue if he pulls it off.
“I’m good,” Steve says, forcing a smile. “I’ll be better after about five cheeseburgers from the diner. Or, like, an entire box of cereal.”
Your frown lingers for a moment, like you don’t really believe him.
“You sure? Because you kind of look like you’re going to puke.”
“I mean, with that jungle juice, it’s always a possibility.”
You laugh again, but your expression takes on an intensity that turns Steve’s stomach.
“So, there’s something I need to say to you, and I’ve wanted to say it for a while, but I kept talking myself out of it, but I’m just drunk enough to say screw it, so—”
Steve is strongly considering popping open the bathroom window and climbing out. Anything to get him out of this room.
You stop, stepping up to him, hands finding his shoulders. Your gaze burns into his.
“Okay, yeah, you’re definitely not okay. What’s happening?”
“Nothing,” Steve says. “Go ahead. Say what you want to say.” He’s fighting to keep the bitterness out of his tone, and from the furrow to your brow, he’s failing.
“Steve—” You start.
“If you brought me in here to dump me, or whatever, can we just get on with it?” Steve snaps, harsher than he means. He doesn’t really mean to say it at all; the words just spill lose. Every inch of him feels like it was pumped full with adrenaline.
“Wait, what? What are you talking about?”
“Look, I’ve seen this movie before, and I’m really not a fan of the ending, so—” He tries to move around you, but you step in front of him. You take him by the shoulders again and pin him in place.
“Hey. Look at me,” you say. Steve doesn’t. He can’t.
Your hands move to his cheeks, forcing his gaze onto yours, and this, too, holds him hostage.
“I don’t know where you got it in your head that I’m dumping you, but that’s so not what’s happening right now,” you say.
Steve can barely hear you over the rapid pounding of his heart. He tries to tear his gaze away from you, but your hands stay firm on his cheeks.
“Talk to me, Steve. What’s going on?”
Steve steps back, uncaring that he knocks a towel down, and your surprise makes you drop your hands, giving him his out. And he takes it, a step toward the door.
“Nothing. It’s nothing. I’m fine. I just—” He says.
Suddenly, you throw your arms around him from behind, burying your face in his back. You squeeze tight, with no apparent intention of letting go, and Steve is so surprised he freezes for a long second. Then, he twists in your arms, winding his own around your waist. After a beat, he tightens his grip, ducking his chin against your head. He lets out a breath, and he swears, some crooked piece of him rights itself.
Steve doesn’t know how long the two of you stand there, holding the other. He just knows he never wants to let go.
Eventually, you lean back, but you don’t let him go.
You lift your gaze to his, and give him that smile reserved just for him as you say, “I’m not trying to break up with you, for the record. Kind of the opposite.”
“What, are you proposing?” Steve asks.
You snort a laugh, and say, “No, dummy, I’m trying to tell you that I love you.”
Steve’s breath hitches.
Your smile widens. “Yeah. I love you.”
Steve tries to speak again, but the words won’t form.
“I love you, and you don’t have to say it back, or say anything, but I just needed you to know because—” You shrug. “I just needed you to know.”
The fear and anxiety and dread churning inside him all go still—he goes still, maybe for the first time in his life. All he sees is you, and the affection billowing in his chest. What he feels for you is a forever-expanding helium balloon, big enough to lift you both and carry you away.
“I love you, too,” Steve says.
“You do?”
“Of course I do,” he says. He doesn’t think he’s ever smiled bigger in his life, and if you weren’t smiling the same, he might be embarrassed.
“Good,” you say. You readjust your arms to loop around his neck. His hands find your waist, pulling you close, your stomach flush against his. “Because this could have gotten real awkward, real fast.” Your lips pull into a wide smile, and Steve catches your mouth in his—it might be his favorite thing, the curve of your smile against his lips.
He kisses you until he’s breathless and his lips are numb, but even then, it’s only to say, “There’s definitely a line of drunk nineteen year old’s outside this door that want to kill us.”
You laugh, pressing your lips to his again, mouth parting against his, and Steve regrets saying anything; he truly couldn’t care less about anything outside this bathroom right now.
“Let them wait,” you hum against his lips.
And Steve is happy to comply.
taglist: @milkiane​ @spideyboipete​ @robiin-buckley​ @robinbuckleyssgf​ @la-fille-en-aiguilles​ @sunlitide​ @cityofidek​ @isshecrazyorissheclever @peanutbutter-y-jams​ @hellfire1986baby​ @comfortcharactercraze​ @sweetbabygirlsworld​ @cherryredharrington 
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