#one of my favorite rarepairs in the wild
py-dreamer · 2 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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pacific-rimbaud · 4 months
Hi PR, I wanted to say thank you for your fics, your writing is such a good part of life. I recently read The Secretary after seeing it recommended for Best Smut by someone in the @hprecfest. I have already flailed in the comments over there but wanted to come here too, to say it's been like two weeks and I am STILL thinking about it.
The smut is absolutely definitely god-tier, but I think what has really gotten me is the character development and the emotions of their relationship. The way it's so good for both of them. How Pansy is so much happier with the structure and discipline, quitting the day-drinking and smoking, and feeling treasured and cared for--"There isn't a more careful man in the world, and I wanted to be the subject of that care" now lives rent-free in my head--and Percy gets all his rigid little boxes blown open and to be seen, accepted, and desired for all of who he is, even the parts he wants to reject and it's just AAAAHHHHHH!!!
Imagining how he is feeling and what he is thinking during Pansy's big bridesmaid-dress speech and the subsequent 72 hours of nonstop working to free her, omg it's just peak romance.
I wondered two things--if you have ever considered writing a Percy POV, whether a full fic or just a one shot, I would EAT IT UP.
And also if you can recommend any other fics with a similar dynamic? I'm absolutely in love with this Percy, so if it's Percy, whether with Pansy or someone else, great, but really any pairing that has this particular dynamic I would be so grateful. <3 Thank you!
AAAAAHHHHHH, to you, too! I know @heyjude19-writing recced The Secretary recently (thank you so much, my friend!) and even before that there was a noticeable influx of comments, so thank you to whoever else posted about it somewhere out there in the wild. It's the best, best feeling as a rarepair writer when something manages to find new readers. And I love this ask, because yeah, the fic is about sex, but it's MUCH more about how kinks are incredibly personal and idiosyncratic, how isolating and shameful they can feel, how genuinely off-putting they can be to a partner who doesn't share them, and how liberating it is not just to be accepted but to be wanted and affirmed. Pansy comes into their situation with NO fear of the kink and power play dynamics, and proceeds to gloriously "Yes, and . . ." Percy's really very idiosyncratic and aesthetic desires, which is how he ends up feeling safe enough to fully explore them.
Percy is possibly my favorite POV to write (I've done it twice in shorter fics), so I won't say I won't ever do it again, but I am trying to wean myself from fic writing. I also haven't written explicit smut in a very, very long time, so it would probably be sort of sketching the erotic in the margins, which I personally really love.
As to the power play dynamics, I'm honestly not sure of any other fic (or fiction, honestly) with quite the same thing going on. I've mostly come across domination/submission fiction that focuses on either a sexually reserved/inexperienced or a highly driven female character being taught how to be submissive by a confident male dominant, which is not their dynamic in The Secretary, like. At all. If anyone knows of another work that handles these themes in a similar way, please speak out in the comments! Thank you for reading and for the ask!
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thrillofhope · 4 months
Oh my god. I will never be calm about this. I feel like I've been staring at it for hours. Thank you @scriberated for this most beautiful gift!
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So I had a silly thought a few months ago: "What if Gil-galad and Celebrían were in love?" It would be doomed, and tragic, and right up my alley. (Naturally from there I devolved into chaos and now I have a new favorite rarepair.)
Into Darkness Fell His Star was my exploration of that question and my love letter to Gil-galad (the best High King of the Noldor).
Here is an excerpt that leads into the scene so stunningly illustrated:
“I want to dance with you beneath the stars,” he says, and then the words come rushing forth. “I want to see you smile as you once did. I want to shelter you from every manner of darkness, every shadow. I want—” He is a selfish bastard for saying these things out loud, for offering something that he cannot give. His life is not his own, his fate is not his own, and yet… “I wanted to lay you down and make love to you until despair and shadow were but faint, passing memories and there was nothing before us save for the very vision of our hope: a home in this world so bright and beautiful.” 
Tears shimmer in her eyes unshed and he hates so much that he could be the cause of a single one of them. But better that she weep now for a time than all the long days of her life when he is not there to comfort her.
“But you cannot,” she says softly. 
“I cannot.”
The words lie heavily between them and he finds himself wishing she would respond in anger because her sorrow is almost too much for him to bear. But she does not spare him her sorrow; she holds his gaze as though begging him to remember this moment. And he will. He will remember it always when he thinks about what might have been in a world without darkness. 
Finally, she takes a step back, toward the stone wall of the garden maze. But she does not turn away from him. She holds out her hand to him. “If this is to be the end, will you not dance with me beneath the stars, my king?”
And because he is so very weak, he takes her hand.
Needless to say, I am obsessed with this is will be forever. It is wild to see something that existed only in your brain come to life.
Art by @ssuzu. Seriously incredible.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
A fandom thing that brings me great discomfort is the assumption that "all" queer fans are naturally going to flock around a single ship, and if you don't see it happening you're definitely straight and possibly homophobic. Those are some wild things to assume!
(I'll note a bit of added context here: I don't participate in Twitter fandom, so Discord and Tumblr are my main exposures to character and ship discourse, and AO3 and Livejournal and fansites are the current and past places I've consumed fic. When I'm into a show, I tend to read widely in the main tags even if I usually gravitate towards one or more favorite ships.)
In my current fandom, my inclinations are mostly centered around a m/f ship as well as multi-shipping a variety of monogamous and poly ships (many/most of which are queer). This is a bit of a departure from most of my previous fandom experiences, which have been centered around very subtextual f/f ships in fandom spaces where the fic-writing and discourse is nearly entirely centered around femslash. My corner of this current fandom includes tons of queer fans (of which I am one), as well as plenty of fans who don't identify as queer. In all the fandom spaces I'm in and in all the pairings (and gen fic) I enjoy from this show, there tends to be a lot of nuanced exploration of gender and sexuality, including explorations of queerness, including within transformative works about that popular m/f ship.
Over the last few weeks, I've watched the ship wars in my fandom, which used to be largely focused around that m/f ship I happen to love, kinda shift into what I think is a bit of an emerging-from-within defensive campaign for a popular m/m ship.
(Some more context: I have zero interest in engaging in ship wars. I believe all ships with adult characters are valid ships. I am invested in what will happen in the canon of this show, but "endgame" has never been the driver for my participation in any fandom, and I'd be shocked if I don't continue to create transformative works about my favorite ships for months and years to come regardless of what happens with the show. I personally don't adore the popular m/m ship, although I definitely see the chemistry and for most of the time this show has existed, I've appreciated the enthusiasm for the characters and the ship even if it's not my cup of tea. I enjoy both characters and their canonical relationship, and completely understand why the romantic ship is very popular.)
I find it genuinely kind of funny and amusing that for ship war participants fighting for basically any ship within this fandom, the arguments they experience from antis are incredibly similar--for character x and character y to get together, or for character x and character z to get together, it would be cliche, it would be tired, it would be unnecessary, we already have plenty of rep like that, or there's no way these characters could make sense as rep like that, there's nothing in the text that supports this ship, etc.
What feels newer is this insinuation that to opt out of shipping a particular thing means you are unable to see it. If you just don't prefer it or don't predict that it will happen in canon, that must mean that you believe the people who do see it happening are delusional, and therefore you are the enemy.
And attendant with that viewpoint is this idea that there are only two options in media: "the" queer ship will go canon, or the entire show is a big queerbaity setup. Does queerbaiting exist? Yes! Is it happening right now? No! Queerbaiting is, essentially, a broken promise from creator to fan.
The reason all this bums me out try as I might to ignore it and continue having a grand time is multifold: it's a gender thing and a rarepair thing and a thing about ship-as-campaign that saps the fun and joy out of (sub)text and text and the beautiful mystery of watching a story unfold faster than anything.
The gender thing: the show I'm talking about has a character who identifies herself as bisexual in the first season. Do I want more about that story? Do I think that story could and should take up more space? Yes! But is it there? Absolutely. And it's been disheartening to see people either ignore her completely or chalk this part of the story up to "lame jokes" as if humor and flirtation are less-than or inauthentic ways to engage with one's sexuality. It's disheartening to hear people talk about how they hope this show will have its first queer representation when there's been a queer woman on the show the whole time.
The rarepair thing: fic writers, presumably of every orientation under the sun, have been creating very queer fic about a multitude of characters on this show (including, notably, characters who are women) this whole time. There are queer pairings with twenty or fifteen or even three, two, or one stories in their tag. And it feels like lately all these pockets of fandom, regardless of what we've been writing, are getting lumped into this generic "straight" soup of people who lack the vision for the thing that's now "the" thing. But the things that made me want to write queer fic (and, yes, m/f fic) about all these characters, including one of the characters who is part of the popular m/m fic, are things I picked up in the source material, too.
The ship-as-campaign thing: it's exhausting. And it takes something that's pretty inherently queer--the communal act of engaging with a text and transforming it in a million beautiful (or depraved, or silly, or gross, or genre-defying) ways--and splinters it into factions. And assumes stupidity (or outright bigotry) on the part of those who don't see it the exact same way you do. Of course there's bigotry in this fandom, and among casual viewers. It's shit. So why invent more of it that isn't there when we could all focus on eradicating what is there? I don't think there's anything wrong with hoping fervently that you get to see the love story you want to see play out onscreen. That's absolutely how I feel. It's the way this stuff gets treated like a political platform that needs to do numbers to win...that's what bothers me, regardless of which ship it's about.
This has gone on way too long and I very easily might end up regretting making this post, which is very obviously about the thing it is about. If you reblog it, do NOT use it to campaign for any ships or belittle anyone for enjoying the ships they enjoy. PLEASE. Every single one of the ships is great and interesting and worthy of being explored by fandom, and you're selling fandom and community and queer culture short if you assume all the queers have to go in one room and all the straights have to go in another. We can be excited about the things we're excited about without making those hurtful assumptions and making ourselves miserable over a thing that is actually extremely cool.
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smoshpvnk · 3 months
adjusting to a fandom with a whole different world of shipping is amazing, but a very big shift.
the only fandoms i’ve really been into as heavily as smosh have been mcr (emo trinity, but mainly mcr) and dnp. those two have their primary, obvious ships with years and years of headcanons, fics, art, you name it.
with smosh, yes ianthony has a wide range of content to peruse, it’s been a ship for a very long time and it’s almost too much to keep up with, (i’m trying to keep up) but it’s new for me to have so many ships to feel for (which is not bad, just new). ik the newest pit theater will most likely have ianthony, shaymien, spommy and maybe amangela…but what about all of the little rarepair niche ships i’ve seen on this site, i wonder if they know??? like it makes sense, and i have absolutely no judgement towards rarepair shippers, but it’s new for me.
shamanda, antmien, shaynse, spourtney, damangela, shrevor, shian, shanthony, chanthony, courtgela, kimney, then whatever the names are for courtney/arasha, amanda/ian, and sooo many more. this is crazy and i love it. you guys make content so fast and no one is safe /pos
but also, even though my main smosh ship is shaymien, which is not /technically/ a rarepair, comparing that ship to phan is CRAZY and i feel so spoiled. (for context: shaymien has 467 works on ao3, phan has almost eighteen thousand ?!?)
my phannie ass starting to ship shaymien is like. wait. what do you mean there’s barely any chaptered fics out there, let alone many, many chapters worth (i mean like 25 or more) what do you mean there’s not an au for every career or trope under the sun. what do you mean there’s not a fic for every kink in the world. what do you mean there’s not a fic for every video, instagram post, tiktok or tweet. what do you mean there’s no The Fic for this pairing, whether it’s actually good or not but it’s so well known the person/people the characters are based off of somehow Know (ex. milk fic for panic/smosh. heart rate of a mouse for panic. skin fic for phan but also like the well known, actually good fan favorites like a match and a fuse, l’histoire française, bluebird, etc. a splitting of the mind for mcr) what do you mean there’s no ‘how did we end up with a baby’, no song fics for every song loosely connected to this pairing, no gender swap au, and SO MANY MORE. THIS IS WILD.
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peanutbutterex · 3 months
9 People You Would Like To Know Better
Thanks so much for the tag @snake-snack-stede !!!
3 ships:
Since i did my most significant of all time last time lets do a few other ones
1. Torklenz (Peter Tork/Micky Dolenz, The Monkees): mmm where do i begin? I started shipping them because I had crushes on both of them but they have such a good dynamic and are so sweet together they will always have a place in my heart
2. MakoAmi (Makoto Kino/Ami Mizuno, Sailor Moon): kind of nerd/jock but in the sweetest way. Also tell me this scene does not look gay af
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Ami really said to Makoto “I don’t care if guys don’t want to dance with you, I want to dance with you” and she was so real for that
3. Broach (Nathaniel Buttons/Roach, Our Flag Means Death): my rarepair of all rarepairs. I have a manifesto in my drafts just waited to be posted. What started as a crackship in an ofmd discord server (which is now pretty much dead sadly), it became a ship i am genuinely invested in and have been making art for, although it has not been posted. If you want me to post the manifesto or just have me go off on how much i love them in dms let me know
First Ship:
As I said in my last tag, it has to be Zutara. I started shipping it I am pretty sure before i got into my wild monkees obsession when I was 13, which brought about me shipping Torklenz
Last Song:
“Get What You Pay For” by Peter Tork. Stranger Things Have Happened is my comfort album and it helped me go to sleep last night, and so I woke up to it this morning.
Here is the song. Nowhere near my favorite on the album but still pretty good
Currently Reading:
uhhh i was reading a book about cat magick but i am really *really* bad at reading books because i don’t have the attention span to finish them
Last Film:
Barbie, I was watching with my mom but we didn’t get to finish
Currently Craving:
other than Stede Bonnet being my boss so that I could actually work in a supportive environment? More sleep, I always need more sleep.
Tagging: @nandorisms @wearfinethingsalltoowell @medievill @jaskierx @cherry-harrison @catbells-and-summerlinens @xoxoemynn @whimprone @virgo-79 and anyone else who wants to do it!! No pressure!!
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uselessmacrowave · 11 days
(🚨This post is still under construction🚨)
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Hello! I am Charlie (you may also call me Micro or Macro). Formerly @uselessmicrowave , I lost my account due to a password misplacement issue. It may look like the account is still active because of the queue.
•💚 @cyberrose2001 my love 💚•
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DNI's -> problematic in general
Reblog Wednesdays will now be mostly centered around writing that I like instead of art.
If there was a fandom on my old blog that you'd like me to write for, please ask.
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Oneshot Requests -> Closed
Headcanon Requests -> Closed
Matchups -> Closed
Love Letter Requests -> Closed
Nsfw Alphabet Requests -> Closed
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I would love to write for...
Graves, König, Nikto (Call of Duty), predator/prey, dubcon, this one really niche graves x boot kink shoe shinier reader fic with a side of oral, rarepairs, coregasms
I will not write for...
Female readers (AFAB is fine, however, every reader will either go by they/them, he/him or it/it's pronouns), pregnancy, breeding, non consent (dubious consent and consensual non consent are fine), generally illegal activities (excluding canonical violence)
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Fandoms I write for are...
Transformers (TFP, TFA, Cyberverse, Rescue Bots, RID15, MTMTE)
Call of Duty (I will try to write for all of the characters, but there are some I don't know as well.)
Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom)
Breaking Bad
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Matchup Rules -> Send the fandom you want to be matched up with and some basic information about yourself (hobbies, favorite foods, smarts, bad habits, pet peeves, ect). You'll get some headcanons eventually!
Love Letter Rules -> Send in a character from any of the fandoms i write for. if you want any specific/special phrases or pet names, please tell me in the request.
Nsfw Alphabet Rules -> Only one character in an ask at a time. These are sort of easy because I follow this template.
There is a maximum of 4 characters per headcanon request.
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• TAGS •
#valveplug -> where the robo nasties are
#micro talks -> random thoughts, polls, ect
#pick a fic -> where the pick a fic polls and fics can be found
#micro matchups -> where all the matchups can be found
#love letters -> where all the love letters can be found
#nsfw alphabets -> where all of the nsfw alphabets can be found
#micro's kinktober -> where the kinktober fics can be found
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
gen's ship one piece fanfiction masterlist!
um so my original masterlist became impossible to edit because it was too long so i decided to split it in half! so, now the old masterlist is purely my gen content (romance is not the main focus) and this masterlist will focus on romance and ships.
updated 08-12-23
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doflamingo x viola/violet
i hate this ship as much as i love it. i suffer every time i write them. anyway. here are the fruits of my labor.
a gift and a curse
rating: T warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings status: complete! oneshot, 2,916 words genres/cw: soulmate AU, enemies to lovers, angst, attempted murder, sexual tension, power imbalance, suicidal thoughts, canon-compliant characters: doflamingo, viola summary: They were equals now. His wild, reckless motives threatened her vitality as much as her desire to restore her kingdom threatened his. He could have the build of a cockroach, but Viola was just a delicate little princess. A knife to the chest would easily kill her, if he didn't want to play by her rules. Judging by that expression when he looked her way, that disgusted scowl, he was dawning upon the same conclusion. additional notes: this was written for a rarepair event in feburary. a friend challenged me to write a soulmate AU (not a huge fan of them). it turned out pretty dark, so be mindful of that.
cut it (out)
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! two chapters, 1,755 words genres/cw: angst, canon compliant, power imbalance, blood and injury, implied alcoholism, insomnia, unhealthy relationships characters: doflamingo, viola, dellinger summary: gerascophobia ~ the fear of aging additional notes: two separate stories that focus on doflamingo's relationship with viola, and aging.
rating: T warnings: no archive warnings (check tags) status: complete! oneshot, 1,897 words genres/cw: canon compliant, unhealthy relationships, identity issues, pre-dressrosa, manhandling, hurt no comfort, threats of violence, death threats characters: viola, doflamingo summary: “What happened to the princess I used to know…?” The bridge of her nose crinkled as she maintained her balance. “She stands before you.” “This,” Another harsh jostle. “Is a façade.” additional notes: written for the "manhandling" prompt i got for the bad things happen bingo. yeah. i hate it too.
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corazón/rosinante x bell-mère
corabelle my beloved. these two are hysterical, a great fluffy/humorous escape from my angstier works. (except for when they BECOME the angstier works. then we have a problem. a good one. but a brain-eating one.
how to bed your captain
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 3,111 words genres/cw: humor, pining, sprinkle of angst, only one bed, canon-compliant characters: rosinante, bell-mère summary: Staring ahead blankly, Rosinante decided at some point between negotiating a room with the innkeeper, and getting into this bed, he’d died and gone to heaven. additional notes: probably my favorite corabelle story i've done so far. great pairing for this trope.
king of christmas
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 5,136 words genres/cw: modern AU, christmas fluff, humor, slice of life, domestic fluff, drunken shenanigans characters: rosinante, bell-mère, law, nami, nojiko summary: nojiko ruins santa for nami. bell-mère finds the perfect jolly, blond replacement. additional notes: wrote this one for christmas! thought about rosinante in a santa suit and this was born.
king of karaoke
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 1,778 words genres/cw: modern AU, humor, fluff, slice of life, dates characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law summary: bell-mère takes rosinante (and a begrudging law) to a karaoke bar. rosinante feels the need to prove a point. shenanigans ensue. additional notes: i wrote this in like an hour when i started depressing myself writing angst
happy belated
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! 3 chapters, 13,530 words genres/cw: modern AU, humor, fluff, awkward romance, rural setting, friends to lovers, domestic fluff, awkward date, suggestive themes, birthday party, dinner, snowed in, deep talks characters: rosinante, bell-mère, law, nami, nojiko summary: bell-mère helps rosinante catch a break. additional notes: SHE'S FINALLY FINISHED WOOOO
rise & shine
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 1,212 words genres/cw: modern AU, mother's day, fluff & humor, romance, suggestive themes, domestic bliss characters: rosinante, bell-mere, nojiko summary: bell-mère gets a few surprises on mother's day additional notes: i think this is the fluffiest thing i've written so far. it's very sappy and a bit suggestive, verging quite close to M territory.
from the heart, for the heart
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 2,340 words genres/cw: modern au, father's day, domestic fluff, slice of life, holiday blues, found family, hurt/comfort, law is a little shit characters: bell-mere, rosinante, law, nami, nojiko summary: rosinante gets a bit glum every father's day. bell-mère and law give him a reason to smile. additional notes: another piece of the corabelle family holidays series which was totally created intentionally
set in stone
rating: T warnings: major character death status: complete! oneshot, 2,836 words genres/cw: canon compliant, angst, financial struggles, slice of life, tragic romance, suicidal thoughts characters: bell-mere, genzo summary: “He, he was a nice guy. Terrible at charades, but I guess we were both pretty banged up.” “Did you become good friends?” “We held hands.” additional notes: a follow-up to Matching Set by @crowbarsolo because he thought he could just, write a story like that without breaking my heart and making me write a copium fic
high tide
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! 2 chapters, 9,643 words genres/cw: modern au, birthday fluff, beach vacation, light angst, drama & romance, domestic fluff, slice of life, suggestive themes, recreational drug use, referenced drug addiction characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko summary: rosinante uses his birthday as an excuse for a family vacation. things do not go as planned, but he sure does have a great time additional notes: yes the title is a pun. this fic is probably not great i don't even remember writing it
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smoker x corazón/rosinante
i truly adore this pairing! not a whole lot out there for them to my knowledge. i'd like to write more, but for now, here's some tooth-rotting fluff.
from one home to the next
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 2,030 words genres/cw: modern au, college au, fluff/humor, established relationship, romance characters: rosinante, doflamingo, donquixote parents, smoker summary: maybe returning to campus this semester wouldn't be so bad. additional notes: a cute little corasmo gift for the lovely @gali-la based on the little universe they have for them! ♥
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crocodile x corazón/rosinante
one of my favorite all-time pairings!! not nearly enough content about these two out there. (they are kind of random i guess) but hey i don't care i love them anyway. the two stories i have here so far are... extremely different, so be mindful of that 😅
all bark and no bite
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! four chapters, 14,207 words genres/cw: modern AU, fluff, humor, slice of life, fake dating, undercover missions, drunken shenanigans characters: rosinante, crocodile, bell-mère summary: rosinante gets an odd new client who is definitely a crime lord. bell-mere helps him get to the bottom of it. additional notes: somehow this story became one of my all-time favorites. rosi the boarding kennel owner and croc the... totally innocent client.
broken fingers hold tightest, broken hearts bleed brightest
rating: M warnings: creator chose not to use archive warnings status: complete! oneshot, 3,588 words genres/cw: canon-compliant, angst, unhealthy relationships, brief smut, power imbalance, arguing, mildly dubious consent characters: rosinante, crocodile summary: “Grow up.” Crocodile’s tone was flat, hand furled casually in his pocket. “I’m not here to kiss your ego. This mission was your choice—” “And this relationship was your choice.” Rosinante pushed, “If we can even call it a relationship. Starting to feel like I’m just your…goddamn plaything.” A dry chuckle. “Perceptive, aren’t we?” additional notes: somehow i am capable of writing both of these crocorosi stories. i don't know either
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corazón/rosinante x katakuri
this pairing may seem like it comes out of nowhere because it does. but i am always happy to fill in another spot on my rarepair bingo sheet.
donut miss your chance!
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 5300 words, (may add more chapters later) genres/cw: modern AU, fluff, humor, slice of life, blind date, awkward date, anxiety, reference to selective mutism characters: rosinante, bell-mère, katakuri summary: bell-mère sets rosinante up with "a cute baker." a 7'2" punk-goth behemoth is not exactly what rosinante had in mind. additional notes: a gift for @gali-la! we've both succumbed to some major katacora brainrot from the wonderful fanart by M.BD on twitter and this was born in the span of like, 10 hours. might add another chapter once i actually watch WCI and feel more comfortable characterizing katakuri and the charlotte fam
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corazón/rosinante x sora (oc)
sora is an oc from 01746! she's rosinante's superior, and helps track his coordinates for tsuru while he's undercover. this story can be read without reading 01746, but some inside jokes might not make their mark.
secrets secrets (can be fun)
rating: E warnings: none! status: complete! two chapters, 6669 words genres/cw: canon-compliant, secret relationship, humor, dark humor, angst, banter, smut characters: rosinante, sora (oc), sengoku, tsuru summary: “One of these days…” Sora raised her head reluctantly, as if she’d rather keep staring into his heart. “One of these days…?” “One of these days…” His palm settled at her nape, fingers weaving through dark hair. “We’ll actually do some work in this office.” With a light laugh, Sora urged herself up onto her toes, tugging him down for a quick peck. “Not today.” “No, not today.” additional notes: my first rated E fic! yeah it's uh. rated that way for a reason. ya'll asked for this, okay. once upon a time it was one chapter and it was rated T, lmao
fill your cuts, spill your guts
rating: T warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 5,835 words genres/cw: canon divergent, blood and injury, whump, cora lives au, bullet extraction, mild gore, referenced suicidal thoughts, mental health concerns, confessions, romance characters: rosinante, sora, law summary: She took the canteen for him and put it aside, helping him remove the tattered, soaked shirt. Corazón’s flashy pink shirt. Such an iconic garment. Looked so much prettier in those wanted posters, but now that it was here in her grasp, it was nothing but a threadbare, rusty, well-worn scrap of cotton. Might have been Corazón’s choice of attire, but there was still a man beneath that garish, streaky makeup. Her man. additional notes: this was festering in my drive so i posted it and doctors hate me for it
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sora (oc) x bell-mère
another spicy little blurb involving sora. did my best to make this compliant with the 01746 universe, too!
temptation, torment, and tangerines
rating: E warnings: none! status: compelete!, 4 chapters, 23,522 words genres/cw: canon compliant for the most part, enemies to lovers to friends, sexual tension, angst and hurt/comfort, feminist themes, misandry, smut, some humor, conflict of interests, moral dilemmas, arguing, size difference, implied/referenced human trafficking characters: sora (oc), bell-mere, rosinante, tsuru summary: “I’m not, we’re not doing anything. I’ll let you go, for now, but you need to get serious. If I hear of any other misdemeanors after this conversation, I will report you.” Bell-mère sauntered towards the door with her hands out in an exaggerated shrug. “You owe me a tangerine, by the way.” Sora scoffed and folded her arms. “You’re supposed to salute your superiors upon entry and exiting.” “I’ll salute ya as soon as I respect ya, toots.” ~ takes place in the 01746 universe, but can be read standalone ~ additional notes: i wanted to address the fact that i have no f/f fics in the OP fandom so i wrote this. there are undertones of f/m at the end! but yeah the main pairing is bell-mere and sora 👍
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corazón/rosinante x sora (oc) x bell-mère
uhhh i have. very little explanation for this. some friends told me a threesome with these three would be funny. did my best to deliver.
trouble, trouble, toilsome trouble
rating: E warnings: none! status: complete! 4 chapters, 21,265 words genres/cw: modern AU, polyamory, demisexuality, aromantic, bisexuality, fluff and humor, drama & romance, online dating, some smoking and drinking, insecurity, slice of life, okay. bring forth the porn tags, smut, first time, hand jobs, S&M, exhibitionism, rough sex, inappropriate use of kitchen utensils, vaginal fingering, voyeurism, threesome - F/F/M, anal fingering, pegging characters: rosinante, sora (oc), bell-mère, smoker's there for 5 seconds summary: How many times could he doom himself? Giving Smoker his phone. Dating Sora. Sleeping with Sora. Encouraging her to seek a new partner. Encouraging her to bring that partner into their home. Encouraging her to fuck that partner in front of him. The words, “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind giving it a try.” His seven deadly sins. And he tripped, stumbled, and faceplanted into all of them. additional notes: yeah this story is odd idk why it happened either
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law x monet
yeah this is a random pairing idk
paper meets coffee
rating: T warnings: none! status: incomplete, one chapter, 4224 words genres/cw: bookstore AU, coffeeshop AU, canon universe? it's weird i know, humor, sexual tension, enemies to lovers characters: law, monet summary: A coffee bar. Installed in her bookstore. It was an outrage. additional notes: do not remember writing this. i don't know when this happened. i do know a friend gave me this random prompt generator and this is what i got.
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gladius x monet
a true rarepair. have to enter them into ao3 manually every time i write about them. they're sweet though!! i think they'd have a lot in common.
until hell freezes (us) over
rating: gen warnings: none! status: complete! oneshot, 1,190 words genres/cw: canon compliant, goodbyes, character study, self-consciousness, angst characters: gladius, monet summary: His sleeves, not ideal for absorbing fluids, smeared the vapor around to create a smudged, translucent portal of reality. Although, as those talons clattered to the glossed wooden surface, claws carving into grain, Gladius wasn’t entirely sure reality was what stood before him. additional notes: my take on a light, pretty piece to highlight the tragedy of this ship. kind of tried to write the story to frame it like a blizzard, if that makes sense.
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mrssimply · 7 months
Get to know me!
I was tagged by @peaches-n-screem, thank you! it's always fun to take some time to pause on what's currently occupying my free time! And to share it with the Tumblr crew!
Last Song: Hold On to You by Ann Brun (the revisited version). It's a song that nearly brought me to tears while I was writing the last chapter of The Mechanics of Grief.
Favorite Color: I'm constant on that: Klein's blue forever.
Currently Watching: We just started Peaky Binders after the show was recomended to us by like... half our friends and familly. I have great expectations now. I just finished Stranger Things, that I liked a lot more than I expected! Gained a new ship, as if I needed more...
Last Movie: Oppenheimer. I really love Nolan's movies, this one is no exception, even though I thought it a bit naive on Oppenheimer himself. I really love Nolan's obsession with space and physics, and the way he shows it on screen.
Currently Reading: I have a list of real book I can't seem to get into, so I'm surrently reading Cherry Pie, a Harringrove fic (from Stranger Things) and it's amazing, clearly a favorite of mine, despite the 130k words being crammed into 2 chapters (even I didn't do that xD). After that, I have Funny you should ask from @civilization-illstayrighthere and The College Years from @timaeusterrored to read and enjoy! Back to SilverVdyne!
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Spicy everyday >:)
Relationship Status: in a very uneventful and, on the outside, super cliché relationship with a man I love so much it's stupid. We're also poly.
Current Obsession: As I said, I finished Stranger Things, and let my obsession with Dacre Montgomery run wild so I'm knee deep into Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove and I have to say it's nice to get into a ship with so many fics. It's like... comforting, after Cyberpunk and John Wick (though I only have myself to blame for choosing rarepairs!)
Last Google: Gaspacho recipe ;)
Currently Working On: I'm not working on anything. I have a WIP for an original work that I complexified so much it's now terrifying me. I still have a few ideas about a follow up for my John Wick fics, but I'm not writing anything for real. I just finished a very dear project, writing Kerry going through the stage of grief after Johnny's death (so, it's Silverdyne but I think it's more like a declaration of love to Kerry), for Koda, and now I'm reaping the rewards, getting giddy as I read his reactions xD. Best part of writing for a friend!
So, I'm tagging @m-lter as always, and whoever wants to do that game, just tag me so I can learn more about you!!!
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jjsstars · 10 months
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tw rarepair week 23: day 6, season 3 malia & derek
|| for @teenwolfrarepairevents event
|| peaceful — on my ao3 | 1.4k+ word count
|| tags: hurt/comfort, malia getting overwhelmed, derek is malias brother (even if that’s not how family trees work)
The lights are bright, noises too loud, smells overwhelming with different foods from one direction and sickly sweet perfumes from another. This is bad, Malia had decided five minutes into the mall trip with the pack. They all came, Scott, Stiles, Derek, Allison, Lydia and even Kira tagged along, so she’s been roughing it out.
The trip is for Malia, that’s what Lydia told her on the half hour car ride to the other side of Beacon hills. The mall just hits the line between Beacon hills and the next town over, really it could be considered in either. Malia already knew this before Stiles told her, she’s been here before, back when she was a coyote and liked to walk the woods near the dumpsters waiting for the workers to dump bucket loads of perfectly good food, wasteful, but as a coyote she appreciated the free snacks.
It’s not nearly as enjoyable now. She’s not in the woods but rather inside, walking the second floor of the mall where most clothing stores live, that’s really why they’re here, to get Malia clothes that aren’t random hand-me-downs from each member in the pack. As of now she has on one of Derek’s shirts, an oversized olive green one, it’s soft and one of Malias favorites, it’s paired with a pair of Lydias old jeans, they’re too tight for Malias liking but she’s thankful that Lydia gave them to her. Stiles says Lydia’s really into fashion, she assumes that means Lydia giving up her clothes is a big deal, she tries to thank the redhead when she can.
It’s hard making friends and forming bonds with people, but Malia tries, especially with Lydia. She can tell Lydia is an important person to Stiles and Derek, the rest of the pack too, but those two seem extra protective over her.
Speaking of Derek and Stiles, she can’t see them through the clothing racks scattered about the store. Lydia’s in front of her with Kira, they’re talking about a shirt and keep glancing at Malia, studying her in a way. That’s fine, she doesn’t mind their looks, but she does want to find Derek. Or Stiles. They’re the people she’s grown most fond of, become most attached to, she’s practically in Stiles’ bed every night and if not there she’s at Derek’s loft sleeping on his floor by his bed. He always offers the bed and says he’ll take the couch, she denies each time, she likes his floor, it’s not wood like Stiles’ but instead a concrete that’s finished over and surprisingly warm. Derek says there’s heaters built into the floor, she loves it.
She wants that, the warmth and comfort of Derek’s floor, of his loft that she knows every inch of and smells like safety, she wants the comfort of Derek. This was a bad idea, the mall is too bright and too overstimulating, she needs Derek.
“Malia? Hey, hey, Malia what’s wrong?” She stares at Lydia, the hands that Lydia squeezes on her shoulders is helping a little, not enough.
“Derek— where’s Derek?” Looking around again helps nothing, she can’t see him, and there’s too many scents and smells to try to pinpoint where he is through it all.
“Hey, hey, I’m right here.” She clings to his frame as soon as he appears behind her. Derek’s arms curl over Malias back the second she throws herself into his chest, hiding her face against the soft material of his t-shirt, it blocks out most of the light and his scent overpowers the other mix of too many smells to decipher. She leans as far into Derek as she can, it’s too loud, too many things are going on, she wants to go home, with the people she trusts and not the random strangers around now.
“Malia, can you talk to me?” It’s a few moments later when Derek speaks, Malia tries to force the words but can’t.
She feels like a wild animal trapped in a cage, but then it hits her, she is a wild animal. She’s a coyote, one that lived in the woods for years and hasn’t been around people nor lived as a human for most of her growing up, she is trapped. Having to learn how to live in the “normal” world and being expected to function like everyone else feels suffocating, as if she’s scratching the walls begging for help and direction.
“Breathe Malia, you gotta breathe. In and out, nice and slow.” Oh, she’s not breathing correctly. It’s fast and ragged like Stiles’ gets when he wakes up from nightmares, and Derek’s rubbing her back like she does to Stiles after his nightmares too. It’s helping, she nuzzles against Derek, an odd pitchy noise coming from her throat. A whimper. She’s never done that as a human before, a coyote sure, but it feels different as a human. More vulnerable than she ever was as a coyote.
“I don’t want to be here.” It shakes coming out of Malias mouth, muffled by her face still pressed into Derek’s chest. They’ve been here for hours and somehow the shopping trip still isn’t done, Malia can’t handle being here anymore.
“Okay, okay, alright let’s go. I’ll take you back to my loft.” It’s where she was before they left this morning. She hadn’t meant to end up there. She had gone out in what was just supposed to be a late night run, but somehow she was standing in Derek’s doorway before she could question how she got there, and he wouldn’t let her run back home so late so she stayed over.
Malia clings to Derek the ride home, gripping his hand as tightly as she can over the center console. He says nothing about it, or about her constant shifting in her seat since her anxiety hasn’t calmed down and every car that goes by somehow seems louder than they ever have.
The ride is silent aside from Derek humming under his breath, Malia finds herself getting lost in it. She doesn’t recognize the tune, which isn’t surprising as she hasn’t listened to a lot of music, but there’s something soothing about it. By the time they pull up to Derek’s loft she’s calmed down a sufficient amount, she can tell Derek has too, no longer trying to hide his panic about Malias state.
“Do you need anything?” Derek asks once they’re inside and he can strip his leather jacket off while Malia toes her shoes off. She’s still not used to them, she’d rather be barefoot, but it’s “unacceptable” according to the pack, something about societal norms as Mason put it.
“Can I stay here tonight?” There’s no need for her to ask, Derek wouldn’t let her leave even if she wanted to. He’s still too protective about what happened earlier, Malia can smell it on him.
“You never have to ask, my doors always open. Do you want to take the bed?” She shakes her head and smiles when Derek chuckles lightly.
It’s not late enough to go to bed by normal standards but Derek changes into his pajamas anyways, and lends Malia a pair of basketball shorts she thinks he bought specifically for her as there’s no way they’d ever fit him. She appreciates them, and how Derek resumes humming that same song once Malia curls up on the floor by his bed and he sits up at the headboard with a book.
They don’t sleep but it’s peaceful, a different type of peaceful that Malia isn’t used to. She can’t hear the sound of birds chirping or the wind rustling the trees like she used to in the woods, it’s replaced by Derek’s humming and the routine click of a clock that’s somewhere in the loft. There’s also a periodic sound of Derek turning his page, it’s a big book when Malia lifts her head to look over at him, she can’t read the cover as Derek’s hand covers it but she assumes it’s something important. There’s no way a book that thick would just be for fun.
“Hi?” Derek’s lips curl into a smile, Malia gives one back, Stiles tells her it’s rude not to. And now that she’s sat on the end of Derek’s bed she thinks he deserves one, not that it feels forced with Derek. They’re family, in a weird way Malia still doesn’t understand, but he’s comfortable to be around and that’s all she really cares about.
“Can you keep humming?” It takes a second for her to get the request out, not sure if this is an appropriate thing for her to ask.
Derek doesn’t bat an eye and simply goes back to his reading/humming. Malia lays by his feet, on the bed, it’s softer up here and warmer despite the heated floors of the loft. She settles herself into the fleece blanket Derek has folded across the end of his bed, she knows her brother won’t mind it.
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epersonae · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @yerbamansa, thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
169 😅 150 of which are for The Adventure Zone (I wrote a LOT of small fic for TAZ, and just a lot of TAZ fic in general)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
604,338, which remains absolutely wild to me. I hit the half-million mark this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Our Flag Means Death, but previously The Adventure Zone, and I have one Star Trek (TOS movies) fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sea of Love (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (6,697 words)
Phoenix Fire (The Adventure Zone (Podcast)) (2,031 words)
Commit to the Bit (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (2,471 words)
Dinner & Conversation (The Adventure Zone (Podcast)) (826 words)
I have begun to long for you (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (4,185 words)
Yeah, ok, some fun reunion porn for the big fandom and a collab with two pretty popular writers for the small fandom make sense for that top two in particular.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, especially since I don't get that many, and I love getting comments so much that I just want to share my appreciation. Sometimes the spoons are low, sometimes I don't know what to say except "thanks!" and if someone just commented on several chapters I might not do that for all of them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Phoenix Fire is the Worst Ending, aka the destruction of the entire universe, plus unbearably sad between the main characters, so yeah.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I do have quite a bit of fluffy fic (Commit to the Bit comes to mind, there's also a Fantasy Costco Kravitz/Taako that's very sweet), but I immediately thought of for the benefit of all the broken hearts, just because it takes an incredibly bittersweet ending of the fic it's fixing and says FUCK THAT, how can everyone get a happy ending instead?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never gotten any, even managed to avoid the twitter wank that WFU got when I wrote fics of it! (long ago, I did get some vagueblogging about some stuff in my TAZ fic, but nothing ever addressed directly at me)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
That is where I started and why I started (my first smutty fic is pretty bad imho but it was popular, relatively speaking, because for a bit there it was the only unlocked smut for that pairing); my original rarepair was M/F bi4bi in a complicated polycule, and so there's some them+others works in there. (readers of for the benefit of all the broken hearts are nodding along like "ok this tracks") beyond that, I'm just going to say go look at my work.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Is for the benefit of all the broken hearts (and the rest of that series) a crossover??????? Like I'm legitimately staring into space thinking about the boundary line between modern AU and RPF and........ HUH.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
183 thousand words in a series: the only life you could save, with my beloved Ryn, when we were "just friends" - started as our attempt to co-write a reconciliation between Taako and Lucretia, and spun out into an entire timeline with themes spanning before the Stolen Century all the way into post-canon. Some pieces we wrote separately, much of it we wrote together. Even the last piece, which I published after Ryn died, includes a section that they wrote, about Taako trying to cope with Lucretia's death.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Probably Mulder/Scully lol, tho I don't know if I've ever read any fic of them????
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
One of my very first TAZ fics was a Hurley/Sloane backstory fic that was going to be basically a beat-for-beat retelling of The Fast and the Furious (oh, I guess that's also sort of a crossover?), but I only ever wrote the first chapter. I would love to write it at some point, because I think it would be fun as hell.
I'd also love to finish my TAZ Amnesty fic, sweetness follows, which is friends-to-lovers post-canon Minerva/Duck.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voice, I think. Possibly a stupid depth of canon knowledge for whatever the canon is, and I think I have a knack for figuring out how to reincorporate those details. Honestly, it's hard for me to say "oh these are my strengths and weaknesses", or at least today I'm having trouble pinning that down.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation Pokemon, or rather, my sentences do get very tangly. I find endings really tricky, I've done a lot of work thinking through how to stick the landing. (This is one of the ways in which Ryn continues to live in my head, because they could always spot when I hadn't quite made it.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Alas my Spanish (high school and college) is too rusty to even try, and I don't know any other languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Adventure Zone, although I wrote quite a bit of Agatha Christie pastiche in junior high, and a lot of Anne Rice influenced original fiction in high school and college.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I love a lot of my fic, it's fun to go back and look and say "oh that!", and The Reckoning Arrives is up there, of course, because I loved writing it, and it saved my life. ("she's survived the impossible before" got me out of my marriage and 2 years later got me through the hospital. "you're here, so be here" got me through what came after that.)
But it does have to be for the benefit of all the broken hearts - she lives in my head, still, and I feel incredibly proud of all the work I put into it, the technical work, the emotional work.
Not tagging anybody, but PLEASE! if you feel like talking about your writing, do it!
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loregoddess · 3 months
Faye from FE for the ask game? :)
First impression: I didn't have any strong feelings for or against her, although I wasn't wildly keen on her writing for my first run, but in the "wow, the writers really messed up" kind of way and not like, "wow this character sucks" kind of way. I did like her as a unit though, she was pretty strong even though I eventually benched her bc I stopped using pegasus knights late-game (which was the class I had her in my first run).
Impression now: One of my favorite FE characters like, ever. Which started off as spite, I will admit, because she got a lot of hate from the fandom, but unlike so many other characters/games where fans criticize the writers, they just went straight for Faye as a character which was ??? bc like, what little writing she gets outside of her crush for Alm is Fine Actually, and again, she's a great unit in battle. So I decided that no actually I'm going to love this character, and then between critically reading her canon writing and coming up with my own headcanons and ideas for expanding her characterization, I ended up genuinely loving her a whole lot. Faye's great.
Favorite moment: This is hard bc again, *vaguely gestures at the game* she doesn't get a whole lot of screentime for anything, although I do appreciate that she comes to terms with her feelings towards Alm being unreciprocated, and is able to forge a friendship with Silque.
Idea for a story: Because I have this rarepair of Faye x Rinea (which was also born out of spite, I swear Echoes is actually tied for my top favorite FE game, I just also have a lot of spite in my heart I guess), I've been kicking around different ideas of how that could work in a mostly-canon but canon-divergent post-game story where Rinea is able to survive, and how Faye would help her along her healing journey while she also recovers from the war and comes to terms with her own feelings about Alm and stuff (and possibly have Faye help Sonya out with her witch recovery efforts in general), although I haven't gotten too far with any specific ideas to have a solid mental outline or anything.
A story exploring her life growing up with the other Ram kids would be pretty interesting too, although I'd probably get sucked into the research rabbit hole trying to learn about things like a complete history of farming and end up stressing about whether the fantasy farming village of Ram seemed like a legit farming community or not.
Unpopular opinion: I kind of feel like loving Faye is unpopular in and of itself, but yeah. Writing aside though, I do genuinely think Faye's a good character, like, from a visual design standpoint and also from a game mechanic standpoint, she's got a lot going for her. The writers did a poor job with her writing sure, but I think there's a lot of potential for her to be an interesting character in her own right.
Favorite relationship: Again, she doesn't get much, but I do like the friendship she has with Silque (and I don't mind the romantic ship of the two either even if it's not my first choice of ship for my own fleet), and I would have loved it if we got more insight into her relationships with the other Ram kids aside from Alm, bc I think there was a lot of missed potential there. Also, because Faye can be recruited to Celica's army instead, I would have loved if Faye had supports with at least Celica to explore what their relationship would have been like (I think they would have gotten along, even if Faye was a bit jealous of Celica at first). And well, of course my wild rarepair of Faye and Rinea.
Favorite headcanon: Hmm, I dunno if I have a favorite per se (since I mean, a lot of trying to expand Faye's characterization is just making stuff up that seems plausible), but I think since she was the only girl in a group of boys growing up that she's got sort of a rougher streak, like, she's willing and capable of throwing someone down in a fight, especially if they were picking on one of the other Ram kids (which could be reflected in her stats in the game, since she's pretty strong all things considered), and also due to Ram being a farming village she isn't really squeamish or icked out by things which some of the high born noble girls would have hated (bugs, dirt, mud, snakes, etc.). Like sure, Faye also enjoys wearing dresses and looking cute (she's very fashionable!) but she's also not really bothered by getting dirty and I'm very sure she probably picked up some critter out of Clair's tent one night with a slightly bored expression and released the poor thing outside. Hell, she'd even put some of the noble men to shame with her lack of fear of things that were normal everyday occurrences bc she grew up with a bunch of guys in a farming village (she's also definitely got some muscles as a result too). Also I think she makes all her own accessories by hand, and that she's overall very handy when it comes to sewing and crafts. I do think she's a bit of a picky eater though, not overly so, but just a bit.
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pearlypairings · 6 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @pipergirl17- thank you darling!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Officially? 17! Unofficially inc my anon works, 22!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
225,303 which is wild to me!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write with Stranger Things (heavy on the Chrissy-centric fics with ships :P) and drop the occasional Twin Peaks one-shot.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do or Die (first ever ST fic!)
not a sound but the wind (ST hellcheer)
Meet Me At Our Spot (ST hellcheer)
In an Envelope Marked: Harrington (ST Max & Steve friendship)
Open the Sky and Let Her Come Down (ST hellcheer)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love chatting with readers and try to respond to comments as they come in (occasionally I fall behind depending on my work sched, but I always respond!).
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My Twin Peaks fic Twin Flames Divided is very similar to its canon source, so has to be angsty and a little out there! Definitely angstier than my usual fics!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So far I think Dear Donna, (my hellcheer slow burn told through letters) has the happiest, tooth-rotting fluff around. But all of my Chrissy fics have happy endings :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I would say no, not really! Thankfully, everyone's been super supportive in the comments and on tumblr:)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only once!! It's anon and was posted for Kinktober as like a little writer challenge for myself to see if I COULD do it. It was fun, but I'll leave the smut to the professionals lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote on that's currently on hiatus, but had SO much fun with it! IT's a TP x ST crossover where Agent Cooper is brought into the midst of season 4's crazy supernatural murders. I'd love to get back into it, but I have other brainworms I want to work on now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also, no, but I'd be so into that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! But I'd love to be a co-conspirator with my main squeeze @1lostsoul0fishbowl someday when our schedules and inspo lines up to try it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hellcheer has been my big one, but I'm starting to fall in love with some ST rarepairs lately...so we'll see if it stays that way.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmm any unfinished WIPs of mine will be finished in their own time. I have a hard time admitting one might be unfinished, because my core perfectionism won't allow anything to be left undone!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my dialogue is a decent guiding factor in my writing! It's at least my favorite portion to write!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In general, allowing more creativity to flow while I'm writing. I went to college with an emphasis on more direct, scientific writing....But now I'm trying to unlearn all the drills of no flowery language or complex sentences to write with better immersion and storytelling.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm not confident enough to do that, unless I'm very knowledgeable in that language. But it's rare for me to inject that into the fics I write.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Twin Peaks technically!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
That's like picking a favorite child! But back against the wall, today my favorite is there is a light that never goes out , my wip for jonathan x chrissy. It's moody, it's 80s cheesy, and it's cute :)
Tagging off the top of my head: @1lostsoul0fishbowl @hangon-silvergirl @erythromanc3r @a-strange-inkling and anyone who likes guac is welcome to answer and tag me as the source;)
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vveissesfleisch · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
1. feed me just enough that i'll never need a cage (1917) - man oh man, my beloved Tom/Will historical horror au. I was truly on another level when I was writing for 1917, I genuinely adore every fic I wrote for this fandom but this is quite possibly my favorite fic ever (definitely top 3!).
2. Under Your Spell (Saw) - my delightfully putrid Amanda/John (OH TEE PEE!!!!) fic that I wrote for a unique sample population (myself and only myself) as a treat, and the target audience loves how monstrous, gross, and horny it is.
3. body and blood (John Wick) - oh Mr Wick/The Elder, my delicious rarepair, the second fic ever in this tag (what a distinguished honor). I had the best time writing this, I loved getting into my beloved assassin husband’s head in this slutty, angsty little vignette.
4. Very God-Like, Don't You Agree? (Venom) - whenever I ask myself how/why I managed to only write one (1) symbrock fic, I reread said fic and am reminded that I managed to fit pretty much all of my favorite parts of their dynamic into this one glorious, kinky fic. I just read this the other day in fact and was overjoyed to conclude that it still kicks ass.
5. i hide my tongue behind my teeth and buy myself a new belief (Peaky Blinders) - oh man I just adore Tommy/Alfie, so much insane chemistry, so much angst, so much absolutely buck wild loose cannon energy. I am so happy that I captured so many choice dynamics for these two in this fic, and I also love my writing style here - it’s very much in line with what I’m always aiming to accomplish in my moodier fics.
This was so much fun! And surprisingly difficult - there are several more that I could have easily included here instead. Thank you for the dearly needed bolster to my writing confidence, sweet anon!
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azurezfiction · 1 year
What are your favorite ships for Power Rangers characters? Especially for characters like Conner and Javi?
That is a very loaded question! I have a lot of ships that I have for my favourite characters (main of which can be considered rarepairs or crackpairs). Before we get to those, let's tackle Conner and Javi first shall we?
So, for Conner. When it comes to shipping for him, I tend to lean towards outside of the Dino Thunder team. (mainly because you can tear CassidyxEthan from my cold, dead, rotten corpse thank you very much). A friend of mine and I joked about the DT rangers meeting the Squadron rangers, and Conner immediately swooing over Xev and Telosi.
Look me in the eyes and tell me Conner wouldn't immediately start simping over Xev, Telosi and their muscles.
He probably also has a thing for Cole. Especially those biceps and Ryan. And Shane. And Hunter. and Dustin. Adam. Rocky. Definitely Jason. Big time. Eric is out though. He shares a name with Conner's bro, and that's a major no. He'd absolutely go ga-ga over Dillion. Damon's, TJ, Mike C, and Leo too. Chad.
I'd say Joel too but... lets be honest, no one can win against Angela Fairweather. No one.
Anyone with muscles, Conner's there. But when it comes to romantic involvement for shipping? Xev, Telosi, Dillion, Cole, possibly Shane. Depending on how it's written, DustinxConnerxHunter... long as Dustin isn't Erik McKnight's teacher, I'm good.
Now, for Javi...
I'm blaming @skyland2703 for my growing fondness for JavixAmelia. It's a very cute couple, and I can't believe I never thought of them as a ship until I started seeing their content. Another friend of mine has also made me a fan of Javi x Ollie too, and with Russell's (Zayto) recent tweet it does make me curious if Javi x Zayto will happen or the potential it could hold.
As for my favourite characters... I have a variety of ships~ I'll go in order of series that way no one gets left out or behind.
MMPRS1-Turbo 1: Katherine x Billy; One of my top OTPs of all time. I really wanted them to have nice things. Tommy x Jason, Tommy x Kim: These two have my heart~ And you can't tell me something wasn't going on between Tommy and Jason through the series. Adam x Rocky, Adam x Rocky x Aisha x Tanya, Adam x Tanya, Rocky x Aisha, Aisha x Shawna, Aisha x Tanya; Do I really need to explain? These four are pretty much rock solid. Splitting them apart if like a huge NO imo. Turbo 2-Wild Force TJ x Cassie; Lets be honest, the Phantom Ranger was never gonna stick around for Cassie. She needs someone dependable in her life and that's TJ. Zhane x Andros: Once again, utterly blaming a friend of mine for this. I've fallen down the rabbit hole and can't seem to get out. Zhane x Astronema/Karone: I can't help it. It's a cute ship! Mike Corbett x Carlos Vallerte: My OTP of Power Rangers. I forever be shipping them and hopefully getting my motivation to actually get writing them, I read a fic several years ago that made me ship them. Unfortunately that fic no longer exists. Kai x Damon; literally don't know how I came up with this one, but I thought it would be pretty cute that the engineer/mechanic and the uptight soldier would hook up with one another, and Damon endlessly flirting with him non-stop even during work hours~ Ryan x Carter: My OTP of Lightspeed. I feel like Ryan would be great for Carter, helping him come out of his shell a bit and be a more explorative while sharing quiet moments when it's simply the two of them. Dana x Taylor; Soft military nurse that will kill you with kindness and Taylor that disciplined military pilot that can kick your ass with a glare? It can't go wrong! Nancy x Kelsey: It's match made in heaven. PROVE. ME. WRONG. Eric x Wes, Eric x Wes x Jen: It's inevitable that they three will end up together. And you can FEEL that chemistry/tension between Eric and Wes on scream. They definitely have something back during their school days. Katie x Trip: Do I need to explain? Merrick x Cole: I have a weakness for these two, it's just... they simply FIT together. Ninja Storm - RPM Dustin x Hunter: I like how the two bounce off each other, and their aesthetics that match together. They definitely have very good chemistry together and I can see them ending up together at the end of Ninja Storm. Ethan x Cassidy: LET. THEM. HAVE. NICE. THINGS. Sky x Bridge: I know, I know. I've been pulled on the Sky x Bridge train, but you can't tell me there isn't something going on between them. Vida x Chip: I really love these two. I know they are best friends and everything, but at the same time, I feel like their romance is something very believable that can happen between them. Giving it the proper time to grow. Xander x Nick: This is a guilty pleasure of mine but like... *squints* like you can't tell me that the two had SOMETHING happening when no one was looking. RJ x Casey: Need I say more? There's no heterosexual relationship about them. Dillion x Ziggy:... Just let me have this. Please? They personally had more chemistry in my eyes than Dillion and Summer. But that's simply me. Flynn x Gemma: SOUL MATES. Samurai to Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury(?) Jayden x Antonio: THERE IS NO HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION FOR THESE TWO. Gia x Emma: I say by what I say when I say Gia should have been leader and red. Noah x Orion: Nerdy boy and alien? SO MUCH POTENTIAL! Tyler x Shelby: One of the few times I do enjoy the main couple in the show~ Matt Griffin x Tyler x Ivan: I blame my friend for this but you can't tell me it wouldn't be interesting. The modern cowboy, the explorer, and the knight? Imagine the shenanigans! Izzy x Fern: QUEENS. They deserver EVERYTHING! I don't really ship a lot involving Beast Morphers, Ninja Steel, or Dino Fury yet. I'm waiting to see what Cosmic Fury holds first to see how the relationships grow and change for the second season.
My number 1 crackship of all time:
Dane Romero x Mr Kelman x Andrew Hartford: Involving time shenanigans that ensure all three are around the same age and being able to be in love and be together without any problems. I have NO idea why or how I came up with this ship, but it's mine and I love it~
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babsvibes · 9 months
For that ship song vibe game: what about Rudlee?
One of my favorite rarepairs! Thank you!
Rudy/Kaylee: The Walker by Fitz and the Tantrums upbeat and very “oh wow we sure are wild and crazy!” meanwhile they’re trying to whistle along to the song but one of them can’t whistle 😭
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