#one of the reasons to support it was literally zoe no one would ever ask YOU out
irregodless · 2 years
cant stop thinking about how there was an episode of louder and prouder where they got mad at zoe for going out with a guy they said only dated white women when two of the girls were willing to dump their boyfriends for the guy with lighter skin and eyes
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Different nonnie from the Tikki-Xuppu person, but what you said about Tikki’s personality fitting Order better than Creation made me think about how Pollen would’ve be a better fit for Creation symbolism-wise over Tikki given how much bees better fit that image over ladybugs with their beeswax, honey and hive-making, not to mention the intimate relationship humans of various cultures have had with bees for literal millennia. Even the restoration of Miraculous Ladybug fits bees better due to the connotations of pollination and how essential bees are for the world’s ecosystem. In a universe where Pollen was the kwami of Creation with Tikki’s canon powers (though with bee-theming of course) to Plagg’s Destruction, how do you think things would’ve gone with Marinette and Adrien while having their canon personalities? How do you think they would have played off of each other with their canon personalities?
(Post that spawned this ask)
Before we begin, I want to note that my answer is probably going to be at least a little biased by @zoe-oneesama Scarlet Lady comic because Pollen has a big role in that and Zoe's read on Pollen pretty closely matches mine. Do with that what you will.
This is the first Kwami swap that I could see working. Plagg's personality is so iconic that it's hard to imagine anyone being an improvement, but Tikki is pretty generic. While she has a clear personality, she has no real interests or hobbies that make her stand out. She's mostly just here to be cute and act as the writer's mouthpiece. While I hate that for her and think she deserves better, it does mean that booting her and replacing her with a different Kwami doesn't feel like you're breaking a core element of the show so long as her replacement plays off the other characters well.
We don't see much of Pollen in canon, so it's hard to get a great read on her, but she her love of calling Chloe "my Queen" and the fact that Pollen is a bee give me vibes of a loyal, devoted Kwami who thinks that her Chosen is the best thing ever no matter what. Compare that to Plagg who delights in tormenting his Chosen and there's major potential for some excellent banter and fun contrasting moments, which is what Tikki's replacement would need to be able to do. Tikki and Plagg's contrasting dynamic is a lot of fun and you wouldn't want to lose it. Pollen and Plagg's dynamic would be different, but in a similar enough vein that I think it could work. Which is actually a point in Pollen's favor. If she was just another Tikki, then there would be no point in making the switch.
While Tikki is often dishing out lectures, her most valuable role is building Marinette up in moments when Marinette is feeling down. Pollen should be able to do that no problem. If anything, Pollen may be a little too zealous in supporting Marinette, but since Marinette isn't often shown to listen to Tikki's advice, that's not really an issue. It could even be a new source of comedy where Marinette comes up with insane plans and Pollen hypes her up while the audience watches in fascinated horror. It could be a lot of fun and also give Alya a better chance to fill the voice-of-reason role that she's occasionally allowed to have. That's one of the many awkward things about Alya knowing now. Her and Tikki often fill the same role on the civilian side since Tikki isn't presented as a wise, ancient mentor who knows things that these kids don't.
I especially love the idea of a Kwami swap where Adrien is praised to death and then refuses to give Pollen back because he needs this right now, okay? His lady can have the cheese loving gremlin for a few days while Pollen floats after him, calling him a Queen and praising his every move. Maybe Pollen even starts sneaking into his backpack and leaving him whatever her favorite treats are as a little sign that he's appreciated, leading Plagg to get all territorial, which further validates Adrien. (I just really like comedy that has a sweet undertone, okay?)
Since we don't have a full understanding of Pollen's personality, I won't speculate further than that as I'm trying to avoid getting too far into the realms of headcanon, but I do really like this idea and think it could be a lot of fun. I even like the idea of Pollen as Creation because bees do make more sense than ladybugs from a theme perspective. Plus Ladybee was such an iconic look, one of the few good unifies, and a version of that without the red would still be fabulous!
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
Seventeen P15-P20
Tumblr media
Media The Maze Runner
Characters Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet
Series Seventeen
I headed inside the classroom even if everyone was already busy with the reading 
"Mr Newton, Particular reason you're twenty minutes late to my class?" Janson snapped
"I locked my key in my locker again" I sighed 
"I have half a mind to give you a detention" 
"It's Thursday." I remind him
"Alright, I'll let you off" he sighed 
So I went and took my seat I guess that is the one perk of being the scholastic team captain I can't get detention on Thursdays and Mondays.
I felt the little box burning in my bag I wanted to know so desperately what she had given me, but Ratman is a cunt and if he saw me get it out in his class he'd confiscate it for sure and I'd be lucky to get it back at all. So I just kept my head down and imagined whatever could be in the little box... 
I was first to arrive at the maths room we always used for the scholastic team being first as always. I sat down grabbed the little box from my bag and opened it up, inside the little black box were a few little items, A little orange lollipop, a little chocolate bar, a little pressed flower and a little keyring much like her own but this one had black flowers and a cartoon style slushie cup with the same style of scroll with the words 'You carved open my heart'. 
Awwwww I'm gonna cry! 
Immediately I put the keyring on my bag so I could carry it everywhere with me and put the little box in my bag so I could keep everything safe till I got home, soon enough everyone headed in ready for practice 
"Right kids let's get going!" Jorge says as he arrives eager to start up everything 
I didn't really pay much attention as we did practice questions and such as usual, even if I didn't really try too hard as I knew I didn't need too
"And top again, Is Miyoko!" Jorge says giving her applause and everyone else sighed, God, damn Miyoko.
Miyoko Lee, she wasn't actually in my class but in our year group even if she's literally 12! She was homeschooled until nine and has skipped almost half the years she's been alive. I mean it was fair to skip her as she is honestly as close to a genius as I have ever known, she's just insanely smart and untouchable I couldn't even take the piss or be mean to the little squirt as she is minho Lee head of the track team's little sister. 
"I don't know how we're meant to compete with her" Nick complained 
"Well if you boys did you're practice more maybe you could compete with Miyoko. But you're all on the same team" Jorge explained "Ohh just a sec-" He says heading out to talk with a passing teacher
"You know you could save all you're showing off for the next actual competition?" Jeff said 
"가서 엿 먹어도 돼" was her response
"Uhh... Team captain? you gonna do something about this?" Nick asked
"Look I've already been beaten up by a member of the track team, I'm not doing it again"
"That's fair" 
"Alright kiddo's get off home before the track meet's over so you don't get boxed in," Jorge says as he got back to the room everyone very quickly began to scamper I got my stuff and wanted to get home too but as I headed out I noticed how busy the track field still was as the track meet would not be over for a good half hour. I knew I should start on the walk home but...
I headed over to the track field sneaking in through the tall fence, seeing the tall bleachers full of people mostly parents and those who supported the team, they were setting the tracks up for another heat, the lights on bright making it strange as the track looked as bright as a summer day but just beyond the fence was the autumn darkness, The track team stood warming up as well as the team from the other nearby school, The small group of flag girls by the track meaning my sister and Zoe both of them looking bored. But drawing all the attention were the cheerleaders doing a route as the track was prepped, all the usual stick jumping, kicks, arm waves, pompom's all kind of a blur honestly.
The whistle blew for the heat and everyone took their lanes so the cheerleaders moved off the track and that's when we caught eyes, Y/n at the back of course pompom's in hand much as I had seen her earlier in the day I smiled and gently waved to her and she happily waved back the pompom swishing as she did but the race started and was kicked to cheer with the other girls. 
I found myself a spot on the bleachers and watched everything going on even if I did have to put my headphones in as it just got way too much for me. I didn't really pay much attention to the track meet only clapping when everyone around me did and even then only when I really noticed but I made sure to watch the girls, doing all their little cheer routines even if y/n often got shoved up the back I still found it impossible not to watch her. 
I often had to force my thoughts away when they did kicks and lifts given it often exposed the small white shorts she wore under the cheer skirt. But eventually, the meet was over, I honestly have no clue who won but I jumped out of my skin when y/n sat beside me with her bag and her pom pom's I quickly took my headphones out and did my best to smile 
"Hi y/n"
"Hi newt," she smiled "I thought you weren't coming?"
"Ohh well Scholastic got finished early, so I came to see you"
"Awww that's so sweet, But you could have got out early"
"I know, but I wanted to see you" 
"You're too sweet sometimes" she smiled "Did you like you're present?"
"I did very much, but you didn't have to do that"
"I know, but I wanted to" 
"Thank you very much, I've already put it in my bag"
"I can see, it's like we match" she giggled 
"Yeah it is a little" I laughed 
"I need to get going my dad will be waiting, But I'll see you tomorrow newt"
"Yeah see you tomorrow, have a nice night"
"You too" she smiled grabbing her stuff and scampering away towards the car park waving as she went I smiled and waved until she left my view 
"Ummmmm" I sighed happily 
I walked home and saw my mum busy with her cross stitch in the living room, sitting on the sofa watching some Tv, and my dad sat in his chair with some paperwork. 
"Hey kiddo, how was school?" he asks
"It went good" I smiled trying not to smile too much 
"Did you do it?" 
"do what?" She asks 
"Did you?" He asked again
"I did" I smiled 
"Good job, I'm a man of my word Pizza for dinner"
"Yes!" I smiled "I'll be in my room"
"Alright we'll call you down for dinner" 
I headed up to my room throwing my bag on my the side close to my desk but I had a heart attack "ahhhh!" I jumped as I saw Thomas sitting on my bed one of my snowglobes in his hand
"Hi," He waved 
"What are you doing in my house!" I yelled snatching my snowglobe from him and setting it back on the shelf 
"Your parents said I could wait up here" he shrugs getting up and fiddling with stuff around my desk
"Why are you in my house?" I complained stopping his hands from touching things 
"I came to visit, you weren't here," he says flicking through my notebook 
"Fine, what do you want?" I snapped taking my book and putting it back
"What's your problem?"
"I... like things very specific, I don't even let my sister in here," I told him "But it's fine, what do you want Tommy?" I sighed sitting on my bed and he sat on my chair
"Well I came over with some news, I figured you'd want to hear it as soon as possible"
"Oh? what?"
"I don't know maybe I shouldn't tell you, you've kinda been a dick"
"You're in my room, without consent. I think being a dick is fair"
"Fine, I'll go-"
"No. sorry Tommy, what did you need to tell me?" 
"That's better, given the news I'm about to give you I imagine you're gonna really wanna thank me" he smirked
"Am I?" I rolled my eyes "What is it then?"
"Well, I had a word with the head of the drama club this afternoon"
"Right? about?"
"About the Winter Musical" 
"Oh? how do you know? it won't be announced for like a good two weeks?"
"She wanted to tell me,"
"Honestly she wants me to try a drum up... more boys for drama club"
"That's fair I mean it is you and Aris that's it so makes sense"
"So I know the musical"
"All alright don't keep me in suspense, Are we doing Le mis again?"
"What is it then?"
"We are doing Heathers the musical."
"How the hell are we gonna do that!"
"What do you mean?"
"Uhhhhh... Multiple deaths, mentions of suicide, of rape, many, many swear words and... the whole of a dead girl walking?"
"Apparently there's a high school cut"
"Ohh yeah that makes sense" I nodded "That's cool but why couldn't that be a text?"
"Because I told Teresa."
"and she told y/n"
"She told y/n. and apparently, she is going to be auditioning"
"Y/n is auditioning for Heathers! awww she'd make such a good Veronica"
"And the head of drama has asked me specifically to help bring more guys into drama club for this production under hint that I could have any role I want so I'm sure for a price I could make sure someone else gets a role they want"
"Are- are you suggesting"
"I have it on good conscious given head of drama asked me and because Teresa is head cheerleader and has basically already picked that she's gonna be Heather Chandler, we could help make sure"
"That Y/n gets put as Veronica,"
"And you as her JD"
"YES!" I yelled giving him a huge hug "Wait-"
"uhhh I can't sing"
"Newt. this is high school theatre none of us can sing"
"But you really think you could?"
" you're first, really it's between you and Aris."
"Yeah that's what I'm worried about... aris is good, like really good"
"True, but I will do what I can to help butter her up, I kinda already knew you would, so auditions tomorrow at lunch"
"Tomorrow! I can't prepare an audition in... 19 hours. and also sleep"
"Newt, you're not telling me you know every lyric to those songs"
"....good point"
 "and I and Teresa will help butter the head of drama we promise"
"Wait... so, does Teresa-"
"Yes. she's my girlfriend of course I told her you have a thing for y/n"
"She promised she wouldn't tell her, she's my girlfriend Newt I tell her everything"
"and yet I still got beat up for talking to her?"
"she has to keep up like she doesn't know, and I told her after"
"Well, thanks for telling me I'm just kinda worried how we're gonna pull this off I mean I can barely talk to y/n without stuttering and blushing like a mess you think I can handle a whole musical next to her? Have you ever seen a live version of dead girl walking, Veronica sits on JD's lap and rips her shirt off! y/n does that to me I'm gonna explode! Literally" 
"You'll be fine, you'll have months of prep to get to know each other better by the time you actually need to perform you two will be dating," He says "Now... I'm not hearing a thank you for telling you, getting you an audition and potentially getting you the girl of you're dreams"
"Thank you, Tommy"
"You're welcome"
"Pizza's here!" My dad yells from downstairs
"Coming!" I yelled back 
"You guys have got pizza?"
"My dad bet me A pizza if I talked to y/n today"
"Aww, I love your parents"
"They are great" 
"May I stay for a pizza slice?"
"You may Tommy," 
Admittedly I was so very sleepy I had been up all night, I must have listened to the soundtrack about six times to make sure I knew all the words. But I was getting more and more nervous the longer the day went on, I knew the lunch audition was coming and now I was shitting myself. 
"You ready?" Thomas smirked as he was basically pushing me down the hall 
"No, I'm not ready," 
"Liar, let's go, lover boy," he says kicking me into the drama room 
"Ohh that's more people than I thought" I gulped 
The large room with mirrors across one side and the smaller version of the stage in the main hall, and there were more people than I had hoped. 
"You said privately"
"I never officially said private"
"it was implied! I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die" I muttered hiding in my hoodie
"Let's get you a seat" he smirked pushing me to a chair beside him as he sat next to Teresa giving her a kiss "Hi babe"
"Awww hi" she giggled 
But that meant I'm sure intentionally I was next to y/n
"Ohh Hi newt"
"Ohh uhhh Hi y/n"
"I figured I might see you here, isn't it great we're doing heathers!"
"It is, it's amazing. you're gonna audition then?"
"I'm gonna try" she giggled "and you?"
"Ohh uhh well I uhh I thought maybe I'd wat-" I began but Thomas elbowed me "Yep yeah I am"
"Ooohh no no don't tell me I wanna be surprised" she giggled  
"Okay kids, Lets get this show rolling" Mrs Mary spoke up taking the stage
"Okay, kids. First I am going to let you into a little secret. Our department is low on funding. We are likely the lowest priority in the whole school, as I'm sure we all know high priority goes to the track team" She began
"Wooooo!" The track team yelled excitedly 
"Yes, yes" she sighed "Even the art club gets funding before us. So this is a shoestring of a budget. and the way we make our budget to keep the club alive is, Ticket sales." she explained "Which we have been severely lacking. I have produced the best musical ever written several times but that doesn't seem to be enough. So Fine! I'll sell out we're doing Heathers the musical"
"Yay!" Many cheered
"Yeah yeah, you little vipers. But I'm doing this not for art even if I will do my best to make it it's best. We are doing this for money. So I want advertising, recommendations, I want your families flying in from out of state to see you in this because by god if tickets are not sold out we don't go on, do you understand me!"
"Yes Mrs mary"
"Good. Now I have also asked my drama club to gather some cast members outside of our art and drama bubble, mostly because this musical has a cast of seventeen hundred, and because maybe that will bring in some new parents, siblings and really just dealing with the same ten of you is giving me a migraine. Now because of this, I am going to make sure anyone who auditions is cast somewhere be that onstage or off, but I will be putting focus on our new people. You drama rats have had your turns, Now, as I'm sure any of you who have goggled the script or ever seen this show will know full well this is not an easy musical, there are vocal moments, costume changes, impressive set and staging. this is gonna make the summer production of Grease look like a kindergarten Alice in Wonderland." She explained "So, I warn you now for any who don't know the musical well. There are no easy roles in Heathers. And to every girl hoping to be Veronica, I must remind you Veronica is in almost every song number, every scene, and is most of the script. if you are not prepared for that level of work, I suggest you go. The same goes for whomever if hoping to be our Jason dean. It's hard work, a hard role, even for a theatre brat."
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hellswolfie · 3 years
And here is a new post about my characters remakes ranking ^^
other rankings I made :
the Eva remakes
the Jonas remakes
the Noora remakes
the Isak remakes
the Even remakes
the Sana remakes
Now William is a complicated case. I hate this guy's gutts, he was the worst thing to happen to Skam, especially when Julie decided he was the Best Character Ever and that him and Noora formed the Most Iconic Couple Ever even after admitting IN THE SHOW how bland and fucking cliche he was. However, the remakes (well most of them) actually seemed to understand that was bullshit and improved his character (or at least tried to), but without changing his actions, so the result always made me perplex as to where I stood with their version of William.
As always, this is my opinion only, not a diss at anyone who does not feel the same. Feel free to discuss respectfully in the comments if you read this ^^
(I did not watch Skam Italia, which is the reason why Edoardo -I think that's his name?- is not in the list)
1- Senne (WTFock)
This is the only William I can say with confidence that I truly like and always love to see more off. Which could be weird, considering how awfull he was in season 1. His "you're not even my top ten" to Amber, and "you're so sexy" instead of the normally "you're so beautiful" to Noora definitely made me think he would become my least favorite William Remake. However, they still managed to improve him in the same season! For example, letting Zoe the choice to give him a call or not if she changed her mind about going on a date with him (yes I know he said it in a very confident implication that she WOULD change her mind but it was still a lot less pushy than this scene normally is). Even in season two, his blackmail to make her go on a date with him put a lot less pressure on Zoe, like she is the one who suggests it and he does not except anything from her, agreeing with it being "just a meeting". BUT the major and best change they did with him is when he apologized to Amber after his conversation with Zoe, without expecting anything in return, it coming from a place of truly wanting to change and improve (thus actually aknowledging that what he did was wrong) instead of just thinking that being decent makes him "earn" a girl. Honestly it always bugged me that the og did not do that because it was like the perfect opportunity to show there was more to his character and that he could have a redemption (not that William have any lol). And then, there was a lot of little things that just made him more human, endearing and likeable. His banter with Zoe felt more real and did a good job at showing they really did get along, the actor was very talented at portraying his emotions, and I felt so much for him when it comes to his brother and his family situation in general. I also love how supportive he was of Zoe when it came to his brother, even if it ended becoming too much in season 3 (like the dude was literally ready to fucking STAB the asshole get me a man like that). His whole relationship with Zoe felt a lot more real and cute actually, because they both had flaws and he knew that and did not put her on a pedestrial (like a lot of men charcater do in this trope), and even though they could fight he was still very endeared with her said flaws lol. ALSO he actually asked for consent for their first time instead of saying "I know I should ask if you're okay with it but I don't care" to his girlfirend who has just been sexually assaulted and who just confided in him her past trauma regarding sex (yes I know the bar is very low but still). He ended up having a lot more dephth and, I would not say this about any other William lbc, but it was very cool to also have him as a sort of awkward step dad to Robbe in season 3, kind of oblivious and always lost with a coffee in his hand, but being a real support and having a real good heart. Also his relationship with Milan is so adorable and beautiful too, I love how different they are and yet how much they love eachother, how they started to bond because they both care a lot about Zoe, how Senne is always very happy to be physically affectionate with him or to play along with his gay jokes, which actually shows that he is not the cliche popular jock... Really amazing!
One thing I really do not understand the writers did tho : when he wrote the thesis for Zoe. Like this moment in the og was supposed to show that he actually listens to her and that he cares about other people, the thesis being about something she did believe in and fought for, and the "people need people" even came from there, which makes a full circle when she tells him that to make him stay. But there she had to defend an idea she did NOT agree with, that women should not be able to work I think, so it just made him write something sexist and mysoginistic??? What was supposed to be the point of that, to show that Zoe was "too" feminist and that his views would help her "calm down"? Because if that's it that's really gross (don't get me wrong, there are extrem feminists I definitely don't want to be associated with, but Zoe is far from being like them). I don't know, it's just a thing I still can't wrap my mind around...
2- Noah (Skam nl)
Okay so this is the start of me not really being sure as how to feel with the characters.
I always thought that was the writers did with Noah was very weird, it was like they were not sure what they wanted to do with him. Like this dude is supposed to be this weirdo hyppy artsy guy who does not really have a clue about social interactions BUT ALSO the popular fuckboy??? In highschool???? Maybe it's because I haven't been in highschool i a while but unfortunately I really don't think those two things go together...And like he's supposed to be socially clueless but also have no problem rejecting Engel like he did? Wouldn't have make more sense for him to accidentaly hurt her without realizing simply because he just does not know how to deal with this kind of situations? I don't know, his character was just very weird to me, which made his characterisation really inconsistent and all over the place. And i felt like we were supposed to forget everything bad thing he did simply because he was an artsy weirdo. Season 2 was such a mess and his scenes were so rushed that it did not help to clear things up... I don't even think him and Liv fit well together tbh (but not because I hate him so there is that) and the wedding dress scene was such nonsense, unrealistic, and a real mess. Not even talking about how he kind of victim blamed Liv about what his brother did to her when he says "well I did warn you about him"...
BUT he's not in second place for nothing. He is actually the first (and only) William that made me want to watch season 2, which had never happened to me before even when I love the Noora because I hate the Willhelm plotline with a passion (and if you saw the Noora ranking you'd know that Liv is my fave), so I think he deserves to be hyped for just that. His weirdo vibes really intrigued me and even made me like him, and I like how it was more dwell upon in season 2, that it actually gave him more dephth, altho not as much as I would have liked. He also kind of reminded me of Even with how artsy and always being between very awkward and insecure and very confident at the same time he could be, and since Even is my favorite character of Skam, it could only make me like him more. It was a good way to not make him the bland and cliche fuckboy jock William is. So props to Skam nl for making such big chnages with him, it could only be an improvement with this character.
3- Alexander (Druck)
I really like how this guy really defied toxic mascunality, especially when we know the kind of character he was based on. The one thing that hit me the most was when he had a panic attack, like that's not something we get to see often for men characters, especially this kind, and with Mia taking care of him instead of the reverse (which happens in the other remakes)...I just really loved it. I also loved how goofy and dorky he was, but sometimes it felt a bit too much and forced it was like the writers came through the screen to shake me super hard while yelling "SEE??? SEE HOW LIKEABLE AND WEIRD HE IS???? ISNT HE SO FUNNY????? LAUGH!!! LAAAAUUUUGH!!!!!". So yeah it did not always work for me but it was still enjoyable. Plus, I really admired how he accepted Mia's breaking up with him with such grace and understanding in season 4, even though he was ready to give up everything to go with her to Spain just the day before, I don't even know if I would be able to do that lol, but that really shows how much he loves, and most importantly respects, her. Honestly I almost put him in second place, but I don't remember enough of him (in fact he is probably the William I forgot the most about) so I was not sure if he deserved it and well i guess it also meant he did not have so much impact on me...
4- Alejandro (Skam Espana)
So first of all : Truly Iconic Introduction!!! Not sure if the writers decided his name just so they could use this song lol but damn it was probably the best choice they ever made XD Just...amazing. I will remember this moment for years to come ^^
More seriously, though, it definintely showed that the writers were aware at how abusive and just all around horrible William was and that they tried their best to change that. They made Alejandro appologized to Vilde on his own, the dig he made at her was less bad and like it was at a party and he was kind of drunk so I guessed that makes it a bit better, he never pressured Nora, etc...Him and Nora were truly adorable actually, I LOVED their banter, how they were nerds togethers (like for the halloween party where they were the only ones who knew who she was dressed up as lol that was a nice touch to show how well they fit together) and I actually could not wait for them to get together because they were just so cute (yes I did not believe it either but I actually ended up shipping a Willhelm pairing, even Zoenne did not get me until the second half of season 2)... only for them to get together off-screen, never truly addressing the Viri situation, and then immediately breaking up the first scene they have together afterwards lol. which, after two seasons of waiting, felt very underwhelming (well one season, I only started to ship them in season 2). But like I understand that Nora's arc about getting out of an abusive relationship was more important to talk about that a love story we have already seen a million times so I'm not too mad about that, even though it would have been nice to see them together for a longer time (maybe in season 2???) so that we could see the difference between Miquel and Alejandro as boyfriends (the only thing we got was social media and not everyone has access to it).
Alejandro's character truly suffered from this decision though. The Noora season is supposed to be the one that lets the William "shines" (unfortunately), we get to know more about him and he (supposedly) becomes more than just the asshole jock character (og never truly managed that but you get my point). And here...well...he was just kind of there. It was very nice to see how supportive and respectful he was towards Nora, even when he was still very in love with her and she was dating someone else, but he kind of stayed personality-lacking for me. He ended up being very bland, only there to be the Good Boyfriend for Nora and don't get me wrong, like I said they are very cute and I'm glad they're endgame, but he has next to no dephth appart from that...
5- Daniel (Skam Austin)
I hate his face. Don't know how to say this in any other way, he has just this kicked puppy face all of the time, like he is always playing the victim even when he is the asshole. I just could not stand that. And damn, his introduction is like the opposite of Alejandro's, you can tell that this is an American show lol (no hate I love Skam Austin but still). Anyhow, there was not just bad things regarding his character, I can give him that, like he is already better than William (yeah that does not say much but Improvement is always good!). The thing I appreciated the most about him was how his relationship with Grace was portrayed. The writers really insisted on them being goofy kids in love, instead of being super serious and intense all of the time, it was really refreshing and nice to see a couple like that, especially for their first time having sex, it was so much more realistic. Also his Big Fight was against homophobes and in defense of Tyler, which made it better I guess (and is actually in the line of the "everyone is going through something, be kind, always" quote that follows the season)....
But for the other things? Damn I hate him so much. Like he pressured Grace to go on a date with him for A WHOLE YEAR even though they barely know eachother, and he was so creepy to the point that she had to invent a fake boyfriend to get him off her back (which is like my nightmare, I don't think the writers understand how exhausting and scary that kind of guy is, this is nor cute nor romantic, no matter what Grace's speech at the end of season 2 says, I'm still fuming about that), because of course he only respects her boundaries if she is already "claimed" by another man (eyeroll). And he even defends his brother after what he did to the woman he supposedly love and basically emotionally manipulate her to not attack him in justice? Wow boyfriend goals amiright???
Look, I could see the writers really did try to make him more likeable, and in some respect he was, but since, like I said before, they did not understand what was truly wrong with William's character, it did not work for me.
6-Charles (Skam France)
I don't think they even tried with him. On the contrary, they probably said to eachother "you know what we should do?? We should make him even worse!!! Groundbreaking!!!!" and then they did. Rape apologist, fights over Manon with Sofiane (btw I also have my beef with him but he will always have a special place in my heart for pushing Charles lol) even after she clearly made him know she did not want anything to do with him anymore, never actually appologized for what he has done nor admit he was in the wrong (they tried to make their issues about his relationship with his dad like in the og but like...no...that has no link whatsoever to the real problem), makes the same bad things William did without being given any nuance whatsoever, not to forget his glorious "you know what we say about people who say no? that their no is a yes in waiting" line, etc.... He really has all the qualities!
You know, skamfr season 2 was actually the first Noora season I have ever watched, even before the og. I was a real innocent and naive sweet summer child back then and I remember thinking at the begining of he season "Well I am relieved, they made him so creepy and mean, there is no way he is the love interest :)"...Yeah...And I did not learn my lesson, because I thought the exact same thing in season 4.... Poor naive little me lol. ^^
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stayevildarling · 3 years
Traitor- Cordelia Goode x Reader
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Chapter 2: Little White lies
word count: 3.2k
warnings: cursing, angst/sad, fluffy ending
Following Cordelia, you walk out of the living room, leaving the witches to carry on celebrating Zoe's birthday, and past the kitchen, momentarily your mind wanders to countless nights spent in a room that is supposed to be about the preparation of something simple meals.
Nevertheless, the kitchen always had a different meaning to you, it reminds you of intimacy. Not the kind of intimacy that you would feel or experience in a bedroom for instance, but it represents a sense of home to you regardless and a sense of comfort. You remember all those late nights when you couldn't sleep after just arriving at the academy because everything felt so overwhelming.
First, it was the fact that witchcraft is real, like how could that even be true? despite seeing some of the girls perform spells before and watching Miss Cordelia clean a few of Madison's messes, it still seemed like some cosmic joke to you and there were so many questions back then.
''Why did mom never tell me sooner?'' you questioned, not understanding why she would need to wait till her dying breaths because it only left so many more questions and no answers. The blonde witch, currently leading the way into her office, used to find you here at the strangest times, very early in the morning before everyone got up, her wanting to prepare breakfast for the girls when you couldn't sleep a single bit that night. She found you late in the evenings, in the middle of the nights, and somehow, Cordelia always knew you would be lingering the halls of the academy and she would mostly be finding you in the kitchen, looking out the windows and overlooking the beautiful spacious garden, ignited by the moonlight and the stars.
The first time she ever found you in there, neither one of you knew that throughout the first few months at the academy, this would quickly become one of your habits together and something you would both cherish eventually. In the beginning the supreme thought, you simply needed a little extra help and support, after learning about both of your parents' passing, the supreme felt bad and like you would be another one of those girls that wouldn't just need help with their magic at the coven but also a home and family.
She took you under her wings, giving you everything she could, her time - she would sit with you in the kitchen for hours, listening to you very intently. She would give you her resources- always taking time to teach you and help you explore your powers and that process wasn't easy especially at the beginning, to ignite those powers, hidden deep within yourself. Cordelia gave you her strength- making you believe in yourself and teaching you and guiding you through this journey.
Although it might seem like you benefited a lot from this and Cordelia was the one lifting you up, giving you a home, a family, someone to talk to, and someone teaching you, it wasn't just one-sided. After Myrtle's passing or rather her being burned at the stakes, Cordelia felt like she was on her own. Neither a mother nor mother figure left to who she could turn to, get advice with this whole supreme thing. All the witches at the academy used to be younger, before Coco joined, being one of the oldest there eventually.
Even though Cordelia is now a confident supreme, amazing leader and a great role model and mother figure to some of her girls, she wasn't always like this. Before you arrived at the academy, Cordelia lived under the shadows of her mother Fiona, always insecure and doubting herself, the betrayal of her husband at the time not helping with all of that either. The only people she could turn to at the time and that would lift her up back then were Myrtle and Misty.
But both the mother figure Myrtle and also Misty, the friend and student of Cordelia at the time passed and so Cordelia felt a lot of lonely nights, where she would doubt herself and the responsibilities of leading the academy and being the most powerful witch on earth, resting heavily on her shoulders.
But then you came along and at first the supreme thought you would just be another student. One of those that would use the support of the academy to discover your powers before you would leave. But after meeting you and learning about who you truly are, she quickly learned that you are a very caring person, always checking up on people and offering help without asking anything in return. Something that stood out to the supreme from very early on, was you checking up on her.
As supreme and headmistress, the witches including the ones that have been there the longest, Zoe, Queenie, and Madison, they always just assumed Cordelia was fine. After all, she is an adult, supreme, and headmistress she has to be okay right? Of course, they occasionally asked and Cordelia would say she is okay because what else should she really say? She couldn't bother the younger witches with all of the things and the stress on her mind.
But every time Cordelia would walk into the kitchen, you would be there, greeting her with a warm smile, offering some hot chocolate, and asking how she is. You were different, you asked, you cared and you really wanted to know how she is feeling, not just expecting the usual ''I'm fine'' answer and you had no problem mentioning at first that even though the supreme said she was okay, she didn't seem it. It took Cordelia by surprise and slowly you two started bonding, unaware that soon feelings would get involved and something bigger, something more powerful and far more would develop eventually.
Next, you walk towards the long staircase and through the hallway and you look at some paintings on the wall, some of them of the supreme's before Cordelia and you realize some things have changed in this year since you have left because they changed the decoration slightly.
Even though you studied at this academy for a long time, you are unaware of the names of the past supreme's, only knowing the name of the former supreme, Cordelia's mother Fiona Goode. Despite never knowing or meeting the woman, you had heard a lot about her. At first, Madison would tell you all about how she was killed by the former supreme and all the bad things that happened before Zoe told you what Cordelia had to deal with at times and learning about the supreme's past.
Whenever you used to walk past the portrait of Fiona, you used to feel hate, even before dating Cordelia, you never understood how anyone, especially her own mother could make the beautiful blonde angel, feel anything but special and loved. Cordelia could never hurt a fly, at least that's what you used to think and despite everything that happened, the blonde sure doesn't deserve the things she was put through.
You came to understand and realize that even a woman that technically has everything she could want, beauty, power, and a family, would crack sometimes under the pressure and need someone to lift her up, out of the ocean of responsibilities and also pain, and that even Cordelia needed a helping hand at times.
You were more than happy to provide that helping hand for her, whether it being helping her in the greenhouse over the weekends or throughout the week after classes, helping her water all the plants and helping them nourish and her explaining you all about each individual plant. You were more than happy to provide someone simply listening to the supreme, whether she needed to analyze one of the girls behavior and figure out how she can help them, or her stressing over some council meetings and unsure how to handle and deal with a certain situation. You would manage to get her to stay calm, relax and you would suggest her a few things or get her to make reasonable decisions again and it worked.
Next you walk past the bedrooms and just like it was yesterday you remember the room order and which room belonged to whom. First you walk past Coco and Mallory's room and you remember the many funny arguments they used to have especially with Queenie, arguing about the calories in people's foods and some fond memories, despite not knowing those two for long before leaving.
After, you walk past Zoe and Madison's room and this brings back a whole wave of emotions and also different memories and you can't help the bitter feeling when your mind momentarily wanders to all those nights spent in their room.
At first you would get along really well with Zoe, quickly realizing you both have the same taste in things and interests and she would often want to hang out with you, which only caused Madison to be jealous so eventually after getting over the arguing phase with the movie star, you got along very well with both of them.
They would often invite you into their room, especially at the beginning, getting to know you better, Madison asking you all sorts of questions, Zoe trying to calm Madison down and telling her she will end up scaring you off. The many nights where Madison would quite literally force you to go out together to a bar or a party and them doing your makeup or lending you their clothes.
Those things and interactions bring a smile to your face but it fades as quickly as you remember some of those dark nights you spent in there. Often you three would have little crisis meetings, Madison being dumped by a boy and needing a lot of ice cream and comforting, Zoe having her struggles with Kyle or you having your struggles with Cordelia.
At first it would be all these conversations about you doubting what is actually going on between you and Cordelia, all the nights drinking hot chocolate, speaking for so long and having such intimate conversations. Then the times where Madison encouraged you, telling you she noticed the way Cordelia would look at you and that she hasn't seen the supreme look at anyone like that in a while. Zoe was a bit more cautious, not wanting to get your hopes up but still you remember the many times you would burst through their room and gush over something Cordelia did now. Whether it being her inviting you to drive down to the city with her and pick up some new plants for the greenhouse, her helping you with another spell, her helping you discover that you are indeed a witch with a bloodline and that your powers just needed help exploring and so you could let them free.
You would start gushing over every single thing, to the point where Zoe became sceptic if you aren't just madly in love and reading everything wrong but indeed you weren't reading everything wrong. Madison was always confident and knew from the way Cordelia would glance at you from across the dinner table that there was something more growing and developing between you two.
The moments of bursting in there and gushing over Cordelia turned into moments of you three just swelling in memories and Zoe repeating ''I can't believe you were right all along Madison'' after you and Cordelia actually got together.
That soon changed too, although it took a few months, months of happiness, it fell apart as quickly as it grew and developed. From sitting there, over the moon gushing about the sweet things Delia did that day and Madison getting slightly annoyed, not wanting to hear all the romantic crap, your two friends would soon have to pick up the pieces Cordelia left and your shattered heart. At one point Madison thought you was going crazy, when you kept going on about Misty, after Mallory joined the academy and just like a miracle Misty came back to the academy, back from the dead.
Madison thought you were being stupid, accusing Cordelia of lying but Zoe had a feeling you weren't overreacting, weren't reading wrong that there is something going on and that the little white lies that you accused Cordelia of, would eventually turn out to be true.
Momentarily you are pulled out of your thoughts when you suddenly walk past your own bedroom door, or at least the one you used to sleep in before Cordelia's and your own feelings grew so strong for each other that none of you could possibly hide it for a second longer. And it didn't take long until you packed the few things you owned, some clothes, books and your vinyl player and you moved into the supreme's bedroom, just on the other side of the hallway.
As you glance over there your stomach flips and a bunch of emotions hit you like the familiar slap in the face or ocean wave crashing right at your body. You feel nostalgic, remembering the late nights with Cordelia, spent in her bedroom ,expressing secret love confessions, sharing each other's feelings and gradually taking each other's insecurities away, reminding each other and also showing each other all the beautiful parts about you and Cordelia, to the point where you would learn to love yourselves.
You feel happy that you were able to share such special memories with Cordelia, not just as her girlfriend back then but also her as a good friend to you, always there to lift you up when you doubted yourself or when your past and the grief for your parents hit hard. Even though Cordelia never had a stable relationship with her mother, she knew back then a lot about grief and she would help you on that journey of accepting things and learning to smile again, despite the things that life threw at you.
Part of you can't help but feel a hint of jealousy or maybe is it curiosity? whether they are still together, surely they must be because Zoe mentioned it on the phone but you do wonder, whether Misty and Cordelia share the intimate moments you shared together, whether Misty can lift Cordelia up the way you used to, whether she can love her the way you did and whether she is worthy of the supreme's love.
But before your emotions can overwhelm you or consume you further, Cordelia pulls you out of your thoughts, when she turns around, the same familiar perfume filling your nose, causing you to close your eyes just for a split second and remembering how at one point that smell used to remind you of home and safety.
She looks at you with a small smile and explains ''I thought it might be a bit more quiet if we speak in my office'' and all you can form as a reply is a nod, before she turns around again and opens the door.
Instantly a lot of flashbacks cloud your mind, the time you walked in there for the first time, after Zoe opened the doors of the academy to you and invited you in. The first few meetings with her, understanding what and whether you actually have a gift or not. The times where you would pop in there, sometimes even on the weekends or late at night and asking if she needed any help.
The times where she pushed you into her office, kissing you hungrily and taking you straight to her desk. The times where you would sit there, begging her, on the verge of tears and asking all of these questions, whether you two are still working, if she even loves you, ever loved you in the first place, whether you had done anything wrong, causing her to pull away from you or if it was indeed the return of Misty.
Every time you sat there, she would show the exact same reaction, her eyes locking with yours, her head tilting to the side a little, like she usually would when she noticed how much something is on your mind and how upsetting is it to you. Just there was a difference, she wouldn't do the things she normally would, like coming closer, kneeling down to reach eye-level and reassuring you that whatever is bothering you will be okay.
She simply avoided your gaze, often looking over to the window and overlooking the garden, her touching her nose gently or the scratching of her neck. Back then you didn't understand it was always an indication of what was really going on, her lying to you but not only you, to herself mostly, trying to push away what was so obvious, what you kept implying and what she tried pushing away since Misty passed years ago before you walked into her life.
Yet again, you are pulled out of your thoughts when Cordelia offers you a seat and points towards the same chair that you used to sit in all the time. She closes the door just like she usually would, swiftly and quiet and then she walks over to her chair, holding it with her hands for a second, her usual defense mechanism of her showing off her power and radiance but she quickly sits down and puts her hands on her desk a little nervously, playing with her rings.
You can't help but think back to your last conversation you had in this room, which was saying goodbye. Part of you always knew it was bound to happen, if not always, definitely after a certain blonde witch with curly hair and a Fleetwood mac obsession, returned to the academy.
It seems like the last conversation you had with Cordelia still didn't seem to finally give you any answers or any form of relief or clarity because only after saying goodbye, packing your stuff, saying goodbye and leaving New Orleans you learnt the truth from Zoe. Despite not really staying in touch with anyone, after you moved to Los Angeles, Zoe and you often messaged or talked on the phone, especially at the beginning, she wanted to know what is happening in your life and stay a part of it.
You remember your reaction when she told you a few weeks after leaving the academy, she told you that you were right all along and that Cordelia and Misty couldn't hide their affection and love for each other a second longer. It seemed like you were the piece keeping them from being happy and finally being able to share the feelings that they had for each other all along, despite Misty being dead for a long time in between and Cordelia being in a relationship in that time as well.
Of course it hurt and of course you cried but part of you felt relieved and you still do to this day, knowing you were never paranoid even if Madison and also Cordelia made you feel that way at times, telling you that you are wrong and reading too much into this. But you felt clarity and a bit of sanity given back to your life, learning it was never you being wrong, it was Cordelia and her little white lies. Always lying about these small or unimportant matters how Misty would gush over Cordelia or how they would look at each other or touch each other when they are in the same room and her lying in order to avoid hurting you.
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lowkeyorloki · 4 years
I really love how you weren't afraid to call out the mcu actors and their bs. I was hoping for some advice if that'd be okay? Who else besides Loki would in your opinion be safe to stan from the mcu that doesn't have someone with a lot of bs playing them? I understand if this question isn't your cup of tea, thank you anyways
Well anon, first let me thank you for your praise, though I don’t entirely deserve it: I took the post telling rdj/mark ruffalo/zoe saldana to develop critical thinking skills about fifteen minutes after I posted it. There’s a lot of reasons for that, but the main one is (despite all my angsty content) I want this blog to be a source of escapism for myself and my readers.
However, I’m willing to answer your question because I always encourage conversation and I am more than willing to give my opinion on anything, I just prefer to be asked it first. If you came to me, I want to honor that. I also want my blog to be open for my readers to discuss any and everything. 
This is a really hard question to answer. I’m going to preface by saying that I am minoring in ethics (which is directly what this question is about) and I have read a good handful of philosophy books. That being said, I am still just a 19 year old girl on the internet and while my perspective can influence your opinion, it should not form it. I hope you take what I say seriously, but do not take it at face value. Doing your own research is still necessary. I’m okay with contributing to your views, but I do not want be directly responsible for them. I don’t want to take that power from you. 
A lot of behavior from the MCU cast and your thoughts on that is going to be dependent on your experiences your personal morals. For example, because I was raised Jewish, Robert Downey Jr publicly defending two men (Mel Gibson and Chris Pratt) who have said or belong to groups with anti semitic rhetoric, I’m going to be more critical of RDJ than someone who was raised or still practices more mainstream religions. These are the types of questions to ask yourself when you’re deciding how you feel about certain people: What behavior is okay to me personally? Should I change that? How is my bias/privilege affecting my view?
It’s also important to note that no one in unproblematic. No one. Even Tom Hiddleston worked with one of the scummiest men alive. Your own core values will dictate what is and isn’t okay from people. I can excuse Tom for working with Woody Allen because he worked with him in 2011- a pre #metoo world. Tom is also English and Woody Allen is American, meaning that there’s a fairly big chance he never heard about Allen’s issues and demeaning behavior towards women at that time. Furthermore, Tom has never (to my knowledge) publicly supported Allen since around 2015. Would it be nice for him to address that he worked with one of the world’s most hated men? Sure, but until Tom expresses he still respects Allen, I’m not going to have an issue with him. However, not everyone will agree with me on that. It’s subjective. 
No one, especially people who grew up before the 2010s, is going to be without fault. What’s more, we shouldn’t expect them to be. We have to make mistakes to grow- first mistakes aren’t an issue. Repeated behavior is. Tom Hiddleston is one of the only MCU cast members who hasn’t repeated his shitty choice. That’s why I’m still comfortable being his fan.
I also want to express: You can like the characters even without liking the actors! That’s totally okay. Actors do not have to dictate if you like their characters! I promise.
All that being said, I don’t think the majority of the cast should be “cancelled”. If you’re looking for my opinion, I only really have a problem with three other cast members. 
I do not support Scarlett Johansson. Almost all of her behavior falls under that of a white feminist. She also has immense problems with transphobia. For that same reason, I don’t like Benedict Cumberbatch. He also had a horrible incident when he got defensive over being asked if his character on BBC’s Sherlock was autistic, and acted as though being autistic was bad and that people shouldn’t think Sherlock was that way (not cool! very mean). That was also a show with crazy problems over queer baiting (which was literally confirmed by Mark Gaitiss).
The reason I can’t look past these things is because Johansson and Cumberbatch in particular have a complete inability to take accountability. They consistently defended their behavior, with Scarlett Johansson claiming it was okay for her to take POC and trans roles, and Benedict Cumberbatch not thinking his performance in Zoolander 2 could be harmful. They can’t take criticism, even when marginalized groups are begging them to. 
Jeremy Renner... just do a google search. I can’t unpack all his shit. Actually, just search up the movie “Neo Ned.” That should give you enough perspective. 
Again: I am just a teen girl on the internet. I don’t know every single bad thing every single cast member has ever done, and I don’t want to. I’m not interested in holding people to impossible standards. That isn’t fair, and it’s a really self-indulgent stance to take. Who am I to decide if someone’s a bad person? I can only make that decision in regards to myself. I’m not going to tell you to unstan any of those people because it’s not my job or right. I can only give you my views and my justification. 
My personal method of when to stop supporting someone is when I see repeated bad behaviors. Everyone makes mistakes, but when we see the same ones happening over and over despite the ignorance being addressed, that’s when I begin to struggle with justifying it. That’s what works for me, that’s how I choose to live my life. You can do what you will with this information. I hope I answered your question or gave you some clarity. 
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bitches say they’re gonna write up a list of things that would be cool to see in s6 of jamie johnson and then don’t follow up with that for like 2 years
it’s me. i’m bitches
as a preface this is just kind of a shitpost from start to end and they’re not really fully developed ideas but yeah, it’s something at least
jamie and dillon at northport
- see friendship strengthen, still with same dynamic that they’ve always had, very playful and with a lot of sarcasm
- jamie struggling with taking risks after injury - since you start learning to drive during these years in the uk, maybe fear of driving now?
- jamie defends dillon with homophobia that may arise, no wavering from that
- elliot has to fucking come back, dealing with a romance there, where dillon is really shy at first, doesn’t reveal his feelings for a little bit
- maybe foxborough make a comeback, tension with homophobia there? i don’t know if they seem like the homophobic type
- both finding their way as the youngest on the team - how do the older players handle it? are they pretty vengeful and jealous or are they impressed? maybe one of them has some kind of backstory that will intertwine with jamie or dillon’s, like a real-life mentor
- will we get a comeback of the guy who wanted to steal jamie for some team in china, i believe it was?
- maybe seeing some stuff from hawkstone with their new prodigy, highlighting that they never really cared, they only were worried about the money, which in turn makes jamie feel bad
- okay, not likely, but like lowkey it makes sense to bring her back because duncan is going to be a more significant figure in this season, it would be nice to see him improve as a father and strike the balance between handling the club but also taking care of his daughter, who is going through a lot in her teen years, it would be nice to see them have nice moments at home together
- but like actually give her a valid storyline besides social media, what does she want to do when she gets older? i can see her almost doing something artistic, like designing outfits or something, but whatever we does, it would be nice to see her not feel so restricted by her father’s work and go along her own path outside the club
- sienna and dillon become friends again and people are like, “oh my god you have a gay best friend” and she becomes really vocal about that being literally the dumbest thing ever, the show can demonstrate this type of homophobia that’s kind of “in disguise,” not as in your face as dillon’s dad
- progressive queen and then realizes she can use her platform on social media to spread awareness, since that is what she enjoys doing
- but at the start of the season wanted to step away from it, reminded her too much of everything with her dad and wanted a break, she thought it was toxic but realizes she could do good with her voice
- jamie and jack reunite, even if it’s not playing against each other (i don’t think that would work), but meeting each other now when they’re both where they wanted to get to
- can we finally get that romance between them
zoe and kat at hawkstone
- talking about body image for women in sports
- it would be really cool to have transgender girl on the team, and some of the struggles she faces being an athlete while also being trans
- or talking about disabilities in sports, that would be really nice to see
- zoe falling in love with kat, but like no comment on sexuality, it just is what it is
- like zoe’s very private because she’s worried that kat won’t like her if she talks about her mom, which is silly, but then seeing kat support her and learning how to be in a relationship with someone with a lot of responsibilities at home
- maybe her mom’s situation interferes with her place at hawkstone
- do they meet up with jack’s team again? would they even play against her (like are hawkstone and st. george’s even compatible?)
- exploring more of kat’s backstory, maybe why she’s so superstitious and what kind of an impact her grandmother had on her
- i believe she mentioned having a brother who plays (gave zoe his old boots) so it would be interesting to hear how having a sibling doing the same thing has affected kat, in a different way to the whole competition between dillon and liam
- watching kat lose some of her superstition in that she’s able to believe more in herself and her abilities and allow herself to make mistakes
- they’ll probably have a lot of pressure on them since hawkstone just started this new women’s team, maybe there could be a lot of competition with the boys’ team
- zoe is not going to do the whole, “being jealous of other girls” thing anymore, okay? she’s grown out of it
- honestly would like to see some dillon and zoe moments, wlw mlm solidarity
boggy our absolute hero
- boggy finding his passion outside of helping sports, unless that is his passion
- friendship between him and jamie struggling at first when he finds what he wants to do, but proving that you can stick together even with not exactly aligned interests
- schoolwork getting more intense with whatever tests they have to do at his age (i have no idea how the british education system works haha)
- check in with his therapy, see how that’s going, we actually see him get to go to one appointment, maybe, hopefully he’s built a good relationship with his therapist and we see the show promoting finding professional help if you need it
- maybe tries to get through a panic attack himself, with coping mechanisms he’s learned in therapy, i don’t know if the building pressure of school would be what induces it or not, but if his storyline is more about getting to see him outside of football, i doubt it would be because of anything related to the sport or stats or whatever
- anything about his family? like how they react to his diagnosis (unless he’s already told them what’s been happening), how close he is with them, if some of the pressure in school comes from at home, whether he has any siblings - we want to know more!!
- would he and nancy cross paths after he finds the thing he’s interested in, since it might be the same thing, or at least something similar, they realize they’re really good together and supportive of each other
- i can see them really pulling through, and it would be nice to see nancy being there for him with his panic attacks and learning how to be a supportive girlfriend to someone who does have problems with anxiety, panic attacks, etc
u14s at phoenix
- i want them to get a comparable opportunity as the gothia cup, something else though, so that they get the experience they missed out on with the whole duncan situation, the season will center around them working towards that thing, i don’t really have any suggestions since i don’t know football but i’m sure there’s something else for them out there
alba and ruby
- her and ruby get further apart, doing their own respective things, now that ruby isn’t playing football anymore, for some reason i feel like she’ll be into either art or psychology, but i can also see her trying to do some activism-esque stuff after her experience growing up in foster homes and now finally being adopted (!! i’m still so happy for them)
- now that she’s not playing at phoenix, we have no idea who ruby’s friends with, maybe she has some at school? i would like elliot to come back and the two of them to bond
- i can see ruby wanting to know more about her background but alba not being so much into that, which causes tension between the pair, ruby just feels like she doesn’t have a solid idea of who she is and wants to know where her roots are, whereas alba is in a good place at phoenix with a sense of being in a family there and doing what she loves
- alba’s anger management is poor, her and ruby bond over futsal or whatever after a period of time not talking after whatever issues come up between them
- the trio made up so it doesn’t seem like she has any issues with freddie or eric, but i want to see her grow more into the captain’s role and take on the responsibilities and stresses of getting the team to whatever opportunity they’re doing, maybe working more with duncan and him being more willing to help the team
- i want to get a look into his home life, maybe how that affects him at school and just in general the emotional impact it has on him
- what happens to his family after the team get that comparable opportunity to gothia, compared to what ryan was doing? 
- we’ve just heard little snippets of his life and it sounds like a really complex story to explore which i think would be really cool, dealing with grief and the loss of a family member, and how it affects day to day life
- once they get this formal opportunity, freddie would be asked to be more serious on the team, kind of always the jokester and not fulfilling his full potential
- he doesn’t know where he fits in and who he wants to be, was there something in his past that made him feel like he had to feel that jokester role (like how wozza with adhd always wanted to crack the jokes and make a fool of himself so people were laughing with him)?
- it would be great to see him get a bit vulnerable and open up about some of his motivations, but eventually he finds the balance between putting in effort and not getting distracted and also being his normal fun-loving self
- please keep commentating because that was lots of fun, freddie
- i want to see him bond with one of the three when they’re in a bad spot, happened to be there by accident and they’re going through something that maybe he can relate to, that’s why he is able to help, that way it isn’t a planned way to get people to forgive him, but rather, just natural, now that he’s growing up a bit
- does he even want to do football anymore? or was it always a pressure from dillon being so good, and he’s found other interests? or maybe he just doesn’t want to be as good as dillon, i feel like there’s a lot of emotional manipulation from the dynamic at home, and i can see him realizing that he never liked football for football, he just liked winning and making his dad “proud”
the johnson family
- is karen dating someone new? i would like to see her on her own and she absolutely doesn’t need anyone to help her, but i also feel like she deserves someone that truly would be there for her and support her, especially after everything that’s gone on with ian
- i also want to hear more about her own career endeavors, and how that intertwines with jamie now going pro - she’s always been there to support him but it’ll be interesting to see how family impacts professional players in general, and ones that are really young like jamie as well
- is mike staying at phoenix? literally what’s the point of his character, does he even want to be with the now u14s? or is he going to try and interfere too much in jamie’s career, which he wouldn’t want because he’s now pro? maybe i’m just still kind of annoyed at mike and have a very negative view of his intentions, so ignore this
- ian can just disappear forever, please, unless he comes back for one episode because that’s what ian does
- what about feeling guilty for literally running his own son down bitch, i thought we were going to get a whole arc with that but maybe the point is that ian is such a flawed character and sometimes people don’t change and -
- who would teach jamie to drive, karen? new boyfriend? depending on who it is, it might present different issues with jamie learning to drive if they do want to explore him being a little nervous after the accident
i just kind of want to see more of the characters in their own individual element, bring in school more (season 2-3 vibes) and get a more well rounded view of some of the characters we don’t know a lot about. i think they’ve left it in a place with a lot of interesting storylines to be explored, i just hope we don’t get another freddie-eric-aisha love triangle situation
i was going to say stan stormzy for clean skin but it took me way too long to figure out what her name was so that is no longer a valid statement
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douxie-casperan · 4 years
[Shuffle said MORE ZOUXIE but didn’t want it to clash with the oneshot I’m writing so uh lets have an Aromantic trying to grasp glacial slow burn with a wizard who realised he fell for her long before she did but would not say a thing first preferring to suffer in silence than risk their friendship.]
Tale as old as time - Beauty & the Beast
Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise
When had things started to change?
It is such an innocent thought to have by all accounts whilst sitting in the scrungy old apartment nursing a cup of still warm tea with the imagery perfectly rounded out by a certain cat shamelessly claiming his socked feet as a pillow while he naps. It is a question too that he cannot for the life of him answer either because the concept of there ever being a before in recent memory had been drowned out by the after like a switch had been flipped and poof! There it was.
They'd known one another for literal centuries and while it would be unfair to say they became friends instantly, it'd be near enough to that if you squashed everything down into a more natural timeframe it could perhaps. In the very early days there would be rare occasions where they both happened to end up in the same place in pursuit of something or another but with both pursing vastly different goals while trying to wade into a brand new world alone it was never for long, not when travel would be arduous and good weather ever so precious. He must have made a decent enough impression during one of these encounters though as despite now knowing he was from Camelot like her and had studied under the Merlin, Zoe made the suggestion of using ravens to keep in touch just as they were about to part ways once more. It'd be tricky at times but the idea of being able to chat to somebody else who knew without having to be so wary of eavesdroppers whenever they spoke was too enticing to say no.
And thus they did.
If they were ships in the night before they were only more so as the years turned from 13th, 14th, 15th, ever marching onwards. His unintentional habit of dropping off the radar for long stretches cannot have been easy to deal with but the birds were always there with a message touched by magic just for their eyes to see.  The wiser thing would have been to burn them soon after reading but in the need for a thread to the outside world he kept hold of them, memorising the words as best as he could before they were condemned to the flame in batches and tried not to think how much he missed being able to physically talk. Patience was a trait of magic though and knowing it will happen again eventually helped soothe the aches.
They would tell one another of secrets, compare notes on their own discoveries as much as what people around them were up to, create inside jokes that sounded completely nonsensical outside the three of them between the scathing commentary about those dislikeable and even at times reminisce. He found that under this slightly prickly nature what an amazing person she truly was with the wild streak and general attitude to throw a finger in the air at authority if she thought she could get away with it completely unafraid to tell everything like it was.  He always did love that about her, despite even he would be on the receiving end of it more than a few times. The fact they are both junkies for a bitta adrenaline likely helped him stay in good favour from some of the more uh spectacular disasters.
It would make sense if this love he feels so deeply had grown from there, the wanting to be with and support this amazing witch he'd the pleasure to know so well but the when? It eludes him completely. The wizard said nothing though when he could finally put a word to it, simply clamped the feelings down and was content enough to remain friends because he'd rather have that than even consider not having her in his life.
The 21st century was different though, where Arcadia became a strange landmark to his own life history for reasons more than being able to settle in one place for a while instead of bailing within weeks. There was still Archie of course who is as dear to him as family that he could not bear the thought of being without and now his oldest and dearest friend all in the same place without having to rely on birds but could simply hang out when they felt like it for the most part. The same lady who one day out the blue while watching the sun rise after a particularly rough night wore a little bit of blush on her face whilst nudged him in the shoulder and said in all seriousness, I need to ask you something important.
Taking another sip of tea, Douxie smiles wondering if it'd be shameless to drop a text saying thinking of you or not.
"Like a tale as old as time~"
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Hi, i hope you are feeling good! Im better than yesterday so i can finally answer you. First of all: i am so happy that you shared your fanfiction! i had a great time reading it! Im always open for more recs. Maybe your all time favorites? Or if you know some good h/c these are always welcome :) And YESSS please send me a link to your fanvids. -- yeah 13rw was super cursed. haha i also watched season 1 but thankfully i was able to sto watching becaue i could feel it making me feel bad (1)
I agree the suicide scene was just cringe (but i think i remember reading somewhere that they cut it out? idk) and overall this show just gave me the feeling that there was no hope and things are always getting worse instead of better and i hated that. but enough of that cursed show. can i just say i really admire how open you are about your feelings (like being suicidal and that) i realy, really admire this about you. i have so much respect for you that you can just share your feelings here (2)
I have never heard of ace attorney but that story you described sounds really good. and i get reading sth that isnt good for you and still doing it (because im a dumb bitch too :D) -- okay i might accept that Root will never grow on you (but i thought so too and look at me now :D) but i havent fully given up yet :)-- yes thats the girl. i think it was really sweet when she said that to Shaw. and i think Shaw appreciated it that someone tried to figure her out instead of just writting her off (3)
Shaw is really cool and definately also a badass and in combination with John its just great! but you will have to suffer trough some Shoot.  but maybe, maybe you will end up not hating Root. hope dies last (idk how the saying goes in english, sorry). -- Did you ever ship Caresse (in a romantic way)? cause sometimes i do and sometimes i dont and i get so confused about it :) but i think most of the time i like them more as friends. anyway her death really sucked and you are right with (4)
her death and them losing the library it felt like a different show (i mean i guess it was a different show then). i kinda get your feelings about the destroyed library because i also really loved it (and im really bad with change) but i dont think it affected me as much as you. but yeah i still missed the library very much. and while the subway is a really cool new place its not the same. (also the subway is super dark cause its underground and idk it just makes the whole thing less homey) (5)
Yes he is everything! such a great, interesting character and i wish there were more John-centric episodes! (like ones that explored his character more). that was one of my biggest dislikes of the later seasons that John wasnt featured as much anymore. i think he chuckled a few times in the show but a real laugh? i cant remember one :(  -- He did promise Joss to talk to Tyler so @show were is that talk? -- if seen the vid its awesome! thehiddenmemory has some great poi vids! (6)
yes i think so too. Like Grace would probably be relived and thankful that Harold is still alive and maybe they would even try again but eventually she would figure out that she cant trust him after lying to him for so long or sth like that and Harold would ofc realize that he is in love with someone else now. And then he finds out that John is still alive but stayed away cause he didnt want to get in the way of Harold/Grace. But then Harold comes back. And when they meet again John is like (7)
you came back for the machine? what about Grace. But Harold tells him he came back for John not the machine and then they kiss and have a happy live with Bear (sorry i got a little carried away here :D). -- Yeah Zoe is really hot and she needed more screen time! -- i hope you have a good day and i hope i havent messed up the numbers on the asks! :)
Hi ! I'm finally free from the resits, I hope you're doing okay with your thesis 💛
Sorry for replying late, there was the exam resits, and I read a bunch of fics, then I fell into pokémon and started bingewatching it. (Also I had a breakdown during therapy today so I'm gonna finish writing my answer to distract myself - it's been sitting in my drafts for so long rip)
Thank you !! It was a very personal thing, I'm really happy you liked it !! Your support and your comment made me thrive 💛💛
Tbh I was surprised to see it get kudos given that the only intended audience was my self projecting ass 🤣
So, my fav fics (my fav fic ever is in French, rip to y'all bc it's so good):
I am, I am, I am by RavenWhitecastle
Actually check the entire series this work belongs to: The Sinner and the Saint. I haven't finished it yet but I love it (I just skipped the explicit fics bc I don't like smut or sub!John)
Breaking All The Rules by talkingtothesky
Outsider Perspective by Neery
A Really Private Person by astolat
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
If Only for Tonight by spacemutineer
From Here, Where? by AKMars
Stroll by TheaNishimori
and the world was gone by lunarcorvid
a light that never goes out by vindicatedtruth
Limitations. by Michaelssw0rd
Reel you in and spit you out by Michaelssw0rd
All I Want For Christmas Is You by richmahogany
By What Power I Am Made Bold by brinnanza
Aftershocks by darringtons
At Certain Hours It All Breaks Down by nogoaway
construction of a kingdom by the_ragnarok
You Take Me Higher Than I've Gone by talkingtothesky
All Together Now by beadedslipper
I'll Let the Waters Still by brinnanza
Birthday Tradition by talkingtothesky
Things My Father Taught Me by KRyn
Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder by infiniteeight
Better Luck This Time by Lisztful
Motivations by JenNova
What's On the Table by cortue
In Another Life by Della19
I Thought We Already Were by talkingtothesky
Misunderstandings by thisstarvingartist
This is already fucking long omg so for the h/c: my bookmarks filtered with Rinch and h/c
Here's my playlist, it's mostly Rinch, but there are a few not Rinch vids, plus some scenes I like
This is long enough already, so it's time for a read more. Also, warning, we be talking about suicide
The portrayal of suicide is cringe most of the time anyway. If my suicidal ass can find a list of suicide methods and their lethality in 2 mins on Google you'd think writers who are supposed to do some research would be able to find them too but no they're like "ah yes slicing wrists" even though it's literally the shittiest method 🙄 (I just don't understand why slicing wrists seems to be such a popular method in the collective imagination ? It's weird.) At least in 13rw she took aspirin and cut herself vertically instead of horizontally but still, no hesitation wounds, and she dies even though she only got 4 wounds iirc ? I know more about jumping off bridges than slicing wrists, but it kinda sounds like bullshit to me. Also Netflix once suggested "beyond the reasons" to me, it's a sort of discussion with the cast and crew of 13rw and the only thing I remember is a moment of intellectual masturbation abt how they "opened a discussion abt suicide" 😬😬😬
They may have cut it out it's not impossible, idk I didn't hear about it, but it's not like I look for info about this dumpster fire lol. Maybe they faced backlash ? Wouldn't be surprised given how shit the show was. And yeah it has a hopeless vibe, I mean that's how it be when you're suicidal, but I didn't like it either.
You're sweet 💜💜 it's interesting that you find it respectable or admirable, I don't have an external point of view, so I'm just like 🤷 it is what it is. I understand where you're coming from though, I guess it's still quite a taboo subject, and suicidal people don't always feel comfortable talking about it, so me throwing around that I jumped off a bridge must be surprising. I'm detached enough from my suicide attempt that I'm able to talk about it without much of a problem, and I'm not really suicidal anymore.
Dumb bitches unite 👏👏👏 we be out there reading shit we shouldn't read
Yeah I think it's nice how the show didn't portray Shaw as a bad person for not having "normal feelings". Well, hope makes one live as we say in French (idk the English saying either lol) but don't hold much hope about me liking Root lmao
I used to ship careese bc they kissed in the crossing, but then I read some Rinch fics and I just ended up falling into it to the point where I stopped caring about careese. Now I think their relationship works better as a friendship.
Yeah all that change really puts me off... It just gives me "bad spin-off" vibes. Especially since there is less John :( and less Rinch :((((
Lmao yeah I just have a lot of feelings about early poi hgkfglrk. Also :/ I'm sad about the subway being less homey pls I just want happiness ?? I swear this show destroys my heart on top of owning my last braincell (brb changing my blog title to this lmao)
Mood I need all the John-centric eps, give me m o r e characterization and development and backstory and feelings hhhhhhh. I love him so much I just wanna spend more time with him. And that's what fics are for ! Yeah thehiddenmemory is so talented ! Astolat made some good ones too, on top of writing really good fics ! (Our fandom has been blessed with the presence of one of the ao3 founders hell yeah)
Also, remember how we talked abt the poi subreddit ? The other day I left a comment on there, wild I know. It wasn't a discussion about the last seasons though, I'm not crazy, it was about the impact poi had in our lives so I said it literally taught me English. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll comment again lol. I just don't wanna meet one of those people who prefer late poi over early poi.
Allow me to uuuuh write something based on what you said. Don't ask me how John survived with no major injuries, my man got that Thick Plot Armor alright. Hope you appreciate me getting carried away sjdkdksk it's kinda rushed and the first part isn't that good bc idk how to write Grace I'm just here for that sweet sweet Rinch stuff
Harold is eating breakfast with Grace in her kitchen – he can't think of her home as his home – when his phone vibrates. It's a text from the machine. It's a surprise, she barely contacted him since... He blocks the thoughts and the images coming to his mind. The machine sent him a picture. When he opens it, his heart misses a beat. Right here on his screen is a silhouette he thought he would never see again. His phone vibrates again. Another picture, this time it's unmistakably John, wearing his signature suit, Bear next to him. Transfixed, he stares at his phone until he feels Grace gently touching his arm. She goes straight to the point.
"Is it John ?" He looks up in confusion, but before he can say anything, she adds, "I hear you call him in your sleep every night."
"It's him, yes." He doesn't want to explain. He only wants to see John, to touch him, to tell him how much he loves him.
"You should go back to him. I like you, Harold. I am deeply relieved to see you alive. But I've been thinking, and... It's not working. This, us... You aren't really the man I fell in love with, the man I grieved... I can't trust you anymore." She doesn't say 'You lied to me' but Harold hears it all the same.
Harold sits on their bench. The machine indicated John often comes here. Soon enough, his arms are full of Bear, and John is standing in front of him.
"John. How are you ?" he asks when Bear finally calms down.
"Busy. And you ?"
Harold eyes him suspiciously – John once said he was busy when he was bleeding and way too close to death – but he seems to be well.
"I'm fine." He doesn't have time for awkward small talk." I thought you were dead. Why didn't you contact me ?"
"The machine told me you were with Grace. I thought you wanted to come back to your previous life. I didn't want to crash into it and ruin what you had."
Harold wants to be angry at him, but he understands. He did the same with Grace.
"You would never ruin anything. Besides, my relationship with Grace... didn't survive my lies. She's very dear to my heart, but she's a part of my previous life, as you said."
"So you came back for the machine, and the numbers, like the good old times ?"
Harold gets up from the bench.
"I came back for you. You are an important part of my life. The most important part."
John smiles, finally. He takes a step towards Harold, they're so close they could kiss. Harold reaches out, grips his shirt and slowly inches closer. He's still afraid of being rejected but John wraps his arm around him and kisses him. The kiss is over too soon. John's smile is even wider when they part.
"You're the most important part of my life too," he says before kissing Harold again. "You will stay ?"
Damn I live for sappy Rinch stuff.
Bitches decided that Harold saying "always" is peak Rinch. It's me I'm bitches.
Also ofc I had to make a reference to number crunch, who do you think I am
Anyway. I hope you have a good day ! 💛
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thefandomlesbian · 4 years
Madison wasn’t a child, though, I thought all the girls in Coven where young adults, at least over 18? Zoe should have been at least like 19 so wouldn’t Madison be at least the same age or a bit older, based on the actresses ages? She never told Cordelia she had been raped, the only time Cordelia heard about it was when Zoe got scared and said it along with a bunch of other stuff. Anyway yes it was wrong that she didn’t ask Madison after that and did nothing after knowing, but imo that was completely out of character... it was bad writing like the many plot holes in that show. It just doesn’t match Cordelia’s personality to act that way, the writers chose to never bring up what happened again. They didn’t even show how it affected Madison and they used the rape just for shock value and to add nothing to Madison’s arc. Just like they never did anything with the incest plot with Kyle. The decided not to mention it in the show ever again. Cordelia wasn’t a bad person and she truly cared for the girls (and she showed it later in Coven and then even more in Apocalypse) the show is just very inconsistent and the characterization is a mess.
The original statement on the wiki was that Zoe was seventeen and the source has since expired but I do hold that to be canon, which implies Madison is also 17-20 years old. She's attending a boarding school where Cordelia is literally responsible for her and Cordelia didn't give a shit when she went missing. Being "legally" of age doesn't change the morality of the situation. Madison had been horribly abused and neglected her entire life up until that point, and her behavior was a reflection of that, and Cordelia blew her off as "just a troublemaker." She was not a good teacher. Madison said so to Zoe in the first episode when she told Zoe that Cordelia just wanted them to learn how to suppress their powers; it was more or less implied that Cordelia's job was to get the girls to bend their magic down and squish it, and I find that easy to believe, given she married a human.
Madison isn't the only example of this. She didn't care when Queenie left to join Marie Laveau and she didn't even look for Queenie's body after Hank shot up the Voodoo witches and was surprised when Queenie came back alive. She didn't question that Nan... Fell in the tub? under her care. As Queenie stated outright, Cordelia was flying high just because Myrtle had gotten her her vision back, and she tried to reassure the girls by telling them of her new strength, and Queenie said, "One witch is dead and another is missing. You are as weak as you ever were." Only that was a kick in the butt enough to get her to try to do something to find Misty (too little too late for Nan), and instead of being criticized, the canon narrative and the fandom alike romanticize the hell out of that choice.
Then in Apocalypse she slaps Madison in one episode and the next Madison literally volunteers to sacrifice her life for them and there is no apology or exchange about it—there is no excuse for Cordelia to ever put her hands on one of her students, ever, for any reason.
I don't disagree that Cordelia is a victim of bad writing, but I maintain that she isn't a good teacher and that the canon wants us to think she's a lot more pure than she is in reality. She ignored her students having substance abuse issues, ignored students' behavioral issues, provided no emotional support resources for students like Zoe and Madison who arrived after killing someone with their powers, ignored students going missing, ignored students being raped, ignored students' valid concerns about the welfare of their classmates (when she continually blew Nan off for insisting Madison was dead and then was surprised when the council showed up), chose to go out drinking and left students unsupervised with an immortal racist, had her all female students living in a home with her male husband under the same roof, ignored deaths when they occurred, and showed extremely questionable decision making skills all the way until the end of Coven. Having Myrtle burned at the stake was not the logical decision to make, as much as Myrtle insisted it was. The eyes of the world were upon them, and the first thing they see is the coven brutalizing one of their own? Cordelia and the coven would've been arrested on the spot.
There is far from one instance that makes her an incapable teacher. I don't like her character, and I don't like her actions. She is every well-intentioned adult who has ever hurt a child by being ignorant and self-absorbed and not noticing signs of trauma and poor coping mechanisms right in front of their face. Madison deserved better from her teacher and from her school.
I also don't disagree that Cordelia cared for her students, but caring for and actually being responsible for are two very different things. Hell, at that point, she jeopardized the whole coven just to ask Michael to bring Misty back; she led the coven into Outpost 3 where they were all violently killed and she had no choice but to kill herself to transfer the supremacy (which led to the worst ending of the century, but I digress).
Again, I don't think Cordelia's actions are defensible, and I maintain the only reason anyone thinks that is the narrative is skewed in such a way to make her look like the good guy. Told through a different lens where she wasn't meant to be the character the audience was rooting for, her negative actions and faults would be much more clear, and she wouldn't be the fan favorite character anymore. That much is clear with Lana—objectively, Lana's actions after Asylum were not that bad. The worst thing she did was become a little dismissive of Kit and walk away from her promise to help the people in the asylum where she had literally been tortured and where it was extremely painful and triggering for her to revisit. But because the narrative was tilted in such a way to make her seem selfish and self-absorbed, suddenly everyone in the fandom hates her because "she wasn't a good person anymore" when I've just listed oodles of instances of bad behavior on Cordelia's part that Lana never would've exhibited. (I think this narrative choice on part of Murphy was 100% due to lesbophobia, but that's beside the point.)
The narrative wants you to think Cordelia is pure and simply the best character because she's well-intentioned and has a big heart, but under the surface level, she repeatedly makes irrational decisions and takes actions that are not for the common good. Or worse, she doesn't act at all. In nursing, we say, "Inaction is an action." Choosing not to act when someone, especially someone you're responsible for like a student, is in peril is an action all of its own, and it speaks much louder than any superficial words.
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itsthisgirlfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 9
Last night...really happend. I woke up literally cheesing like a dumb ass. Stephanie’s face while...I just started hysterically laughing. Fuck, I liked her so much. Speaking of Stephanie I was snapped out of my head when a cold draft went through my body.
Looking at the empty spot next to me, I caught the wiff of bacon in the air.
I really hit the jackpot now I thought to myself.
I rolled off the bed fully naked, wondering where my pants were. Shrugging I went to Stephanie’s dresser, opened the second drawer and pulled out a pair of pink shorts. I’m about to look sexy as f.
“What are you wearing!?!”, Stephanie looked up from her magazine at the table she sat, eyes opened wide.
“What?”, I asked nonchalantly walking towards the round table. The kitchen wasn’t big but the windows on both the north and south side made it look bright and Stephanie even more fin beautiful.
“WHAT, YOU COOKED ALL DIS FOR ME”, I screamed at her with a weird voice.
She already prepared a plate for me across from her. Pancakes, bacon, and strawberries on the side. It was so gushy.
She took a bite of bacon and looked me up and down. I was shirtless.
“Soooo...”, she said.
“Sooo...”, I replied looking at her smirking. 
She sighed. “Nothing”. The vibration of her cellphone cut the gaze as I started to dig in, surprised the food was still warm.
“Hey! Yeah..yeah...REALLY..”
I continued eating but started smiling with her. I don’t know what the hell she was so excited about...but it’s Stephanie.
“NOW?”, she looked at me and mouthed “omg”. Then she placed her phone on the table.
“Tyler...Laith just told me that Allure magazine picked up my headshots and they want to see me now..well in like 2 hours in LA. They want me to model a spread!!!”
“Ahhhhh that’s so rad Steph!!!!”, then she got up and and kicked her leg over my lap. My hands in the air.
“I’m so happy I could go for a round two, three, maybe a quick four.”, she rubbed my arm.
“Dude but....waffles”, I said, her still in lap and me reaching pass her body to poke my fork in another one.
“Ok, you busy today? Come with!”
“I mean...shit. I mean yeah, today’s cool.”
She kissed me on my cheeks and all over my face and kept kissing me. It was so lame but I couldn’t tell her stop.
“The shoes are two sizes bigger than my actual size”, I said to Zoe as I put my foot in a 4 inch sandal.
“Typical”, Zoe rolled her eyes. “I have tape so you’ll be ok.”
I was in the dressing room provided, or lack there of. It was a simple curtain that was slightly cut off from the actual photo shoot set. The set was simple, and loft like. Exposed brick walls and lamps everywhere.
I was excited, I’ve always wanted something like this. Zoe has been a huge support and the more I’ve been around the more I enjoyed her company.
“They should get started soon, we’re losing peak sunlight, but no one around here thinks that’s important-“, she was cut off from her drag by Tyler’s high energy laugh.
“That’s your boyf huh? He’s a cool dude his music is interesting too”, she smirked as she continued pushing clothes in a rack.
“Yeah... we’re getting there”, a makeup artist began touching up my eyeliner.
As excited as I was that Tyler was there, Aaron was in the back of my mind. I know he’s been cheating on me, I can feel it...but I also realized now I’m a cheater too.
“Damn you look good,” Laith whistled after he popped his head behind the curtain meeting eyes. Laith was a huge help throughout it all. He introduced me to the lead photographer, the director and even the editor of chief who was on the set today. Tyler was loitering on the side. He was super self-efficient as he was chatting with the lead photographer and set director.
“You shouldn’t be here like a groom can’t see his bride the same day as the wedding”, Zoe scoffed, trying to shoo him away. He was persistent.
“So you hungry Steph? I was just talking to Tyrell about-
“It’s Tyler”, I interjected.
“Oh yeah Tyler...about this dope taco spot. “I laughed internally thinking about how Tyler would probably much better prefer Fatburger over any taco spot, but I let Laith have it.
“Oh cool! Yes I’m actually starving I could eat 50.”, I replied.
“Ok, noted, keep that appetite”, Laith laughed.
.Ew. Laith” Zoe giggled and sighed at the same time.
He was just very corny but I couldn't help but think how nice he seems to be.
“Sounds like a plan!”, I responded right after my mouth being closed so the makeup artist could add the lipstick.
Laith winked and then left.
“I’m sorry to break it to you but Laith never behaves this way unless he’s fallen for the girl of his dreams..which happens to be you. Buuutt crap let’s forget I ever said that to you”, Zoe turning slightly red rushed to pick up disregarded clothes and swiftly left the curtained area.
I giggled. What I could I even do with that information?
“I mean have you heard that jazz album he made? It’s gold dude”, Tyler replied to Zoe both of them gloated about their music taste. They seemed to really connect in that way. 
I can’t lie I was also sizing Tyler up. C’mon, I mean look at him and then look at me. There’s no competition when it comes to looks, but how the hell did he pull Stephanie. The other question I thought is how pissed Aaron is going to be when he finds out his girl really moved on to this goofy dude. 
F both of them, I really want her to myself. I looked over at her and she was listening to Zoe and Tyler’s conversation, mostly just glancing at Tyler with so much admiration. It was like she was sprung about his music expertise. She took a bite of her taco.
“How is it?”, I asked her.
“These are soo bomb.”, her mouth was a little full but it was cute. “Excellent choice, I’m sure you must bring all kind of honey’s here Laith”, she laughed.
I turned a little red, I mean this is a ideal date spot for me, but I don’t do this often. If I had it my way it would be Stephanie and I. 
“We could come here as often as you like, it’s right near the studio.”I suggested hoping she would take the bait.
She shrugged and smiled, “I’m down”, she took another bite.
I felt the vibration of my phone and saw it was from Aaron.
“I know where you at nigga and if I see you with her again I’m coming for your head”.
My eyes opened wide as I tried to conceal the message despite only me seeing it.
“Laith you ok?” Zoe asked taking a sip of her drink.
I nervously laughed, “Just my bro sending me crazy things”
I took a sip of my drink and looked over at Stephanie who was laughing at something Tyler whispered in her ear. She has no idea what was really going on, but for some reason it only made me want her more. 
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That is Just the Saddest F**king Thing I Have Ever Heard.
TW obviously DEH is about a kid’s suicide, so it has those themes
other parts :)
Part Three.
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I’ve been alone in the room for what feels like hours now. Doctors and nurses keep coming and going, pricking me with needles and giving me medicine to take, taking my vitals, and asking me how I feel. Rate my mental state on a scale of 1 to 10. I feel fine, I just want to get the fuck out of here. They could’ve at least put me in a room with a TV or given me a magazine or a book or something, literally anything. I’m so bored. If I didn’t lose my mind already, I definitely will if I have to spend another minute in this room. The only thing keeping me company is the beeping of the heart monitor, and the hissing of the air unit. I’ve counted all the cracks in the ceiling, and I’ve recited every song I know. I started playing a game where I see how high I can count before another person walks into the room. I got up to 6000. We need to pick up the pace here. I get they’re worried that there could still be something wrong with me, but if I was asleep for the unspecified amount of time everyone keeps referring to as a “long time,” I think if something was going to happen, it would have. I just took a really long nap, its fine, let me go home.
Everyone that walks in keeps saying that they’re happy to see me awake, that I was so missed. “Don’t worry everything is going to be so much better” Some tech told me. Sure, it is; everything sucked before, and there’s no reason that it would stop sucking. Hey, at least now I have a fake friend and a sister that refuses to see me. I can’t forget that I have an apple orchard? Someone really needs to tell me what’s going on.
On top of that, everyone keeps telling me  that it’s a miracle I’m not brain dead. Obviously, the higher powers that be think there is still some entertainment value left in me. Maybe this will be the single event that puts me on the path to becoming the person that ends world hunger. More likely, I’m going to just spend the rest of my life drawing pictures that no one appreciates, struggling to make ends meet. Oh, what a life to live; and it’s going to be mine, unless I get into a BFA program with connections to Disney or something, then it might actually be a life worth living.
Look at me: I can walk, I can talk, and I still remember everything that happened leading up to going to the park. It’s a miracle I remember what a fuck-up I am.
There’s a knock on the door, I look up expecting another person wanting to draw my blood, but it’s just Cynthia. She holds up a fast food bag, “I bet you’re hungry.” She unpacks the bag on the tray table, burgers and fries. We never get to eat crap like this. I think since the time I was 5 years old she was always doing some weird gluten free, keto diet. I must have really scared her to get a treat like this. I wasn’t hungry, but I didn’t want to hurt Mom’s feelings, nor did I want to pass up on this rare opportunity to eat junk food, so I picked at it.
She watches me eat, “I really love you Connor, you’re my baby boy.” She’s crying again. I’ve never seen her so upset before. My whole life, she was always nagging me about something: smoking weed, growing out my hair, missing school. In fact, the last time I was in the hospital, for hurting myself, she told me that she was disappointed in me. “I expect better from you Connor,” she had said. That really stung. I was hurting, I still am hurting, and even my own mom wasn’t there to support me. What’s different about this time? I got too close to actually dying? Did they finally realized that I wasn’t faking my struggles, and now they feel guilty for not helping me?
My whole life they have pushed me too be something that I’m not, which actually caused them to push me away. They keep pushing me and pushing me, but still expect me to be able to stand. They load they weight of their expectations and disappointments on me, but I can only hold so much weight on my shoulders before it starts to crush me. I’m trying the best I can here, but I’m buried under the rubble that is the mess that I am. I tried so hard, I tried faking it so everyone could accept me, but its so exhausting. I just want people to love me for who I am, the mess and all, and not want to change me. I’m sending out a S.O.S. and its too bright outside to see my flare.
“Mom,” I say, “how long was I in a coma?”
“A long-time” she says.
“Can you please catch me up? I jus-” Mom waves her arm signaling me to stop. I really want to know what happened while I was asleep. No one seems to want to talk about it. I’m left to wonder what happened to the world while I was in this bed. Oh, I hope aliens invaded.
Mom sighs like she’s tired of being here, “The doctors said to wait to reintroduce media to you, but you must be so bored, so I brought you this.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out my phone. Oh, thank God. I basically rip it out of her hands and push the home button. The screen lights up to reveal hundreds of notifications. What the hell, I don’t have friends, literally. I don’t have a single person in my life I could even call a friend. People must really pity me. You disappear from the world, and suddenly everyone realizes how special you are. Everyone wants to be friends with the kid that almost died, their conscience won’t let them sleep at night otherwise.
I look at the date, October 15th. You mean to tell me I’ve been asleep for almost two months? It’s been two months since the first day of school. I missed two months of my life? Two months of school. Two months of gossip. Two months in this hospital bed. No wonders why everyone is freaked out, someone in a coma for that long, there has to be something wrong with them. “I’ve got to get going,” Mom says standing up. She kisses my forehead before she leaves.
I scroll through the notifications, they’re all texts from unknown numbers saying shit like “We miss you Connor, get well soon” Okay, talk about some bullshit. No one cared about me before, so why do I have to almost die for people to notice me. I mean no one deserves to be forgotten, or to disappear, but it would’ve been nice if they all noticed me before. I log on to Facebook. I hate that website, but I have a feeling it would be the most reliable place to find out what happened. Surly, Cynthia posted some Please keep my family in your prayers, our son is a freak bullshit. Sure enough, my feed is filled with pictures of me, people sharing stories about me, Connor was my best friend in the fourth grade, and he used to ride my bus. Everyone talking about how they know me, how much I mean to them. Its funny how death can bring out the shallowness in everyone. Also, why is everyone making my almost death so personal? My life had no bearing on yours before, and it doesn’t now. You don’t care about me. If I really meant anything to you, I would’ve known, I would’ve been an actual part of your life.
I click on my profile, and I’m tagged in something called The Connor Project. I click it, a video of Evan Hansen and Alana Beck plays, “The Connor Project is student group dedicated to keeping Connor’s memory alive, to show that everyone matters, everyone is important.” Okay, but, I don’t know why I need a whole group to keep my memory alive, I’m still alive. The site is filled with videos of Evan talking about how important I am to him. There’s a video of him telling the story about how he broke his arm , but it’s completely false. Maybe he fell out of a tree, but I wasn’t there. We never went to a yellow field or climbed any tall trees. I definitely didn’t drive him to the hospital either.
There’s old pictures of me everywhere on the page.  You can tell they’re old because my hair is so short in them, my ears sticking out. I wonder where they got them from. I’ve never been a big poster, I think there’s maybe two posts on my Instagram. Maybe Zoe or Mom gave them the pictures. I’m not mad, they’re all really good pictures of me. I look happy in most of them, like genuinely happy.
I don’t even remember ever being that happy.
There’s so many copies of emails me and Evan sent each other. Oh, that’s funny, because I’ve literally never talked to this kid, let alone sent him an email. And people are eating it up, thank you for sharing such an intimate conversation. Hey, I hate to break it to you: this isn’t real. This doesn’t sound like the Connor I knew. Guess what! The emails don’t sound like me because I didn’t write them. None of these emails I supposedly sent could vaguely belong to me. It’s like writing an essay about a book you never read. Also, who even emails anymore? Did we hit a time warp back to the 1990’s? It’s like I was asleep for so long that time actually started moving backwards. Why are they all about trees? You can tell by how pale I am that I don’t go outside. I keep scrolling. It’s just endless content of bullshit. Evan did say he wrote fake emails, and Jared was in on it, but how many other people were in on it? This is really elaborate. The page has 16,239 followers. Evan Hansen is being crowned as an amazing kid who shared a great tribute for his best friend.
This is a really cruel. It has to be an elaborate joke, right? But, what did I ever do to Evan that he would do something like this? First he writes a creepy letter about my sister, and now he’s infiltrated himself into my life as my best friend, as my hero. What is his obsession with me?
I’ve always been a loser just waiting to be seen, and finally everyone sees me. But they don’t see me.
They see the me Evan created.
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tigerkirby215 · 5 years
5e Yuumi the Magical Cat build (and a test of Tumblr formatting)
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So I have no idea how this website works but I mostly made this account to post DnD 5e character builds based on characters I like. Ever since the latest UA came out I’ve been ecstatic over the fact that we finally got another Support-based Warlock that isn’t Celestial. The fact that it’s a genie Warlock is awesome and there’s tons of roleplay that can be done with a pocket wish-granting elemental walking around with you... good thing we’re ignoring all that for the sake of B O O K!
Yuumi! To be honest I haven’t played League of Legends in ages but Yuumi was a character who drew my attention immediately because she’s an UwU Kitty-Cat... who had like a 36% win rate on release. She’s better now though! ...Probably. Regardless Yuumi was my immediate thought when I saw the tether mechanic from the latest Warlock UA. Constructing a build for The Magical 7th Item Slot Cat was something on my mind for the longest time, probably because the only other character I could replicate is... what? Io from DOTA?
I got the OK from Tulok the Barbrarian-senpai to make some DnD builds which is why I’m using his format. All these builds will keep away from Homebrew and can all be made on D&D Beyond... as long as your DM allows Unearthed Arcana which this build heavily relies on.
Shield, heal, cuddle! - Yuumi is a support, through-and-through. Probably one of the most support-focused supports in the game. While this build will still have good damage output the main focus is on keeping your teammates alive and well.
Book, do something! - Yuumi is a dynamic duo between the cat and the book. Hopefully your DM is okay with you not really having a “patron” and instead having a sentient book fly around instead. I mean, it’s basically just a Hexblade right?
Lost Chapter - Yuumi honestly has a pretty basic kit. Replicating 4 spells is easy as cake in 5e so a lot of this build will be focused on replicating Yuumi’s typical item build as well.
Well as you can tell Yuumi is clearly a Bugbe-Ah who am I kidding she’s a Tabaxi. You’re welcome to pick whatever race you want but Tabaxi is honestly a good pick for this build. You get an increase to both DEX and CHA, some useful skills (be sure to ward bush!), and probably the most important skill: Feline Agility. Much like Yuumi you don’t want to be caught off-guard so a quick self-use of Zoomies can help you get away from the enemy and back to your team. For your language of choice... is Yordle an option? Halfling is probably the closest you’ll get to Yordles in 5e so just opt for that instead.
Much like Tulok I’ll be using Standard Array for ease-of-use. Roll for stats if you want but this is a general guideline for where to put your highs and lows.
15; CHARISMA - You’re cute, cuddly, and oh-so snuggly. Yuumi in-lore is an innate spellcaster and that translates into Charisma; helps that this also impacts Persuasion for head scritches.
14; DEXTERITY - Yuumi isn’t the fastest champion in-game (it’s on Book to do the “walking”) but she’s still a cat, and cats are fast. Dexterity affects AC as well as several other useful things.
13; INTELLIGENCE - Your best friend is literally a floating book it’s bound to know something.
12; WISDOM - You’re a smart kitty and you know a thing or two about Yordles... doesn’t stop you from dissing everyone else though.
10; CONSTITUTION - It’s technically in-character to dump Constitution but I don’t recommend it. Intelligence and Wisdom are higher on this list but you don’t really need them - feel free to get some Ruby Crystals.
8; STRENGTH - Here’s something that’s in-character to dump and I do recommend dumping. Strength is almost completely redundant in this build so don’t be afraid to ditch it.
This would be the point array I’d use if I was RPing Yuumi but if I wanted a more functional character I’d go CHA / DEX / CON / (INT / WIS) / STR for my stat spread. But much like in League you’re more than welcome to buy some health boosting items (notably an Amulet of Health) to compensate for bad stats.
Yuumi spent most of her time in Nora her master’s hut which would technically make her a Cloistered Scholar? But Sage works better if you’re teaming up with Book. You gain Arcana and History proficiencies which are honestly the two I’d pick for a magic cat that has a sentient Book as a best friend. You also get the Researcher feature which lets you know where to find any information: Book knows everything and can bring you anywhere - ask them to tell you where to go! You also get two languages and... uhhh who synergizes well with Yuumi? ...Yasuo? Is there a monkey language in 5e? Jokes aside just pick whatever language you think will be useful.
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(Art by EmeraldParrot on DeviantArt)
This may come as a surprise but despite the fact that this build was made almost entirely for the sake of using the new UA Warlock patron we’re actually not starting with Warlock! While half of Yuumi’s power comes from Book (who I’d consider the “patron” in this relationship) the other half of her power is innate. Now I could make her a Sorcerer to reflect the magic within her or I could perhaps make her a Wizard to get more value out of Book but I had to ask myself a question: which class in D&D would be the best for a character who regularly insults and sasses other characters and thinks too highly of themselves?
Yes this build is a Bardlock build, and the only reason we’re going Bard first is for the extra music instruments as well as the choice of any skill we want.
Your choice of instrument doesn’t matter much (it’s mildly important for Instruments of the Bard or if you have an Artificer, but other than that don’t worry) but I’m contractually obligated to take a Lyre every time I make a Bard. Other than that you synergize with Yasuo so steal his Flute, and I’ve always been a fan of Pentakill so I’ll take the closest to a guitar. (Lute)
For skills take Acrobatics, Persuasion, and Survival. You’re a cat which means you need to be quick on your feet and are adorable as hecc, and you need some survival instinct when you’re constantly hopping between dimensions. (Truthfully though as a Bard you should be picking skills that your party lacks, though I’d argue that Acrobatics and Persuasion should always be taken to remain “in character.”)
For cantrips take Message to coordinate with your party in team chat and Vicious Mockery; Yuumi is a cat of sass so feel free to diss your local god by calling him a dog. Or alternatively this could be you flaming the enemy team in /all - I won’t judge.
Cure Wounds and Healing Word are absolute musts for any support - in particular Cure Wounds is good for you since you can cast it from wherever your You and Me (tether) target is located. This means that whoever you’re tethered to can get the full value of Cure Wounds instead of you being forced to pop Healing Word instead. Other than that Longstrider lets you replicate Zoomies’ movement speed boost, and you can never go wrong with Featherfall. (The only spells that are really “mandatory” here is Cure Wounds. Maybe Longstrider too. Healing Word is always useful but both it and Featherfall are just suggestions.)
And from Bard we immediately jump to the meat of this build: The Noble Genie Warlock! You get your Collector’s Vessel which hopefully your DM will let be a book with cat-sized portals inside of it?
You also get some cantrips and guess what? Eldrich Blast! Yeah it’s a Warlock build you’re going to take Eldrich Blast. Other than that take Minor Illusion to pull something scary out of Book at the right time.
For main spells Hex is great to deal extra damage and also lets you debuff some of the target’s ability checks. Sleep is more of a Zoe thing but it’s still an insane pact-specific spell so there’s no reason not to take it.
We’re going to keep going in Warlock firstly for Eldrich Invocations. The main one you want here is Lance of Lethargy so you can replicate Prowling Projectile’s movement speed slow and help set up some kills for your team. The other invocation slot will be left open for now as we wait for level 4, as will our spell choice.
Hello Book! Of course we’re taking Pact of the Tome for the Book of Thresholds Shadows, or just Book for short. Again be sure to ask your DM if the book can be sentient for RP purposes. Or alternatively have it not act be sentient and make your party think your crazy when you talk to it! As for cantrips take Guidance to buff your ADC with some Adaptive Force (note: Guidance will not increase damage), Mending to fix any tears Book may receive (don’t want any more lost chapters!), and even though you’re not really a melee fighter being able to magically scratch nearby champions enemies with Shocking Grasp will give you a fighting chance if you get stuck in the middle of combat.
Note: While it would be more in flavor to use Primal Savagery the reason I opted for Shocking Grasp is because you can cast it through your ally to cause an enemy to be unable to take Reactions. It’s more in flavor to scratch at your enemies but Shocking Grasp is far more useful for this build. Truthfully you can take any cantrip you want though these are just recommendations; I know having 3 damaging cantrips is a little excessive but I like having an attack roll cantrip, saving throw cantrip, and backup melee cantrip.
Now for the Invocation we skipped. I think most 5e veterans have identified what we’re looking for: Book of Ancient Secrets. Book is a resourceful... book and the value of Ritual spells can’t go unmentioned. Take Comprehend Languages and Identify: flip through Book’s pages until you can find the info that you want! And don’t be afraid about picking bad rituals because you can just inscribe more rituals later on!
Now for Spells! Once we get to 2nd level spells we get a lot more stuff to choose from but let’s just choose the main spells we need:
Misty Step - You’re a noob if you’re not packing Flash. Also since this is a multiclass build the problem of Misty Step taking Pact Magic slots can be negated, as you can use your Bard slots to cast Misty Step.
Hold Person - Hit a snare with Final Chapter so your friends can clean up!
Truthfully though all your 2nd level spells open up a huge array of possibilities and I’d recommend picking up any one of them. The Noble Genie gets Enlarge / Reduce which is one of my favorite spells thematically: feel free to pop an Elixir of Iron on your tank!
Feel free to take Warlock 4 for the ASI but I’d like to get the Bard features up-and-running. At level 2 you get Jack of All Trades which means that Book can always help you out of a jam. You also get Song of Rest which further solidifies your role as a support.
For your spell of choice Charm Person lets you use that cute kitty face of yours to get a bunch of fan art on DeviantArt.
Let’s start by picking out our Expertise because that’s the easy bit: Arcana and History - straight from your background. You’re a magic cat with a sentient book you should know these skills well.
Now for your Bard College. There are several good choices: Lore gives you more Magical Secrets to let you “itemize” better, College of Valor lets you buff your allies’ attacks with some Adaptive Force, but at the end of the day the question is this: what subclass lets you shield while also increasing your allies’ movement?
College of Glamour yes really! The main reason for this is Mantle of Inspiration which was the most Yuumi-esque ability of the bunch. You can expect a Bardic Inspiration die to give all your allies temporary HP as well as allow them to move as a reaction without provoking opportunity attacks. You also get Enthralling Performance which is certainly a nice bonus: distract a crowd with your feline charm while the rest of your team does their work.
You also get another spell and... I’ll be honest throwing all the spells on this guide is making this post far longer than it needs to be. I can give some general advice but I’m only here for the class features - not the spells. Pick spells that will help your team, the same way you’d itemize to help your team in League.
Mostly taking Level 4 Bard now for the ASI. Bump Charisma for better spellcasting.
You also get another cantrip: get Dancing Lights to summon some moon moths to chase!
Note: One more level in Bard will get you Font of Inspiration, which allows your Bardic Inspiration to come back on a Short rest. It will also buff Mantle of Inspiration. If you think you’ll need to use Mantle of Inspiration more feel free to take another level in Bard earlier than suggested in this build.
And another ASI! Bump Charisma again for a maxed out spellcasting modifier!
At this level you get another Invocation as well as 3rd level spells. There are quite a few good invocations to pick from but as a squishy support you’re going to want Zhonya's - or in this case Tomb of Levistus. While not quite Zhonya's this invocation will give you a phat health buff in exchange for making you completely stationary until the end of your next turn. Pop it if the enemy Assassin ults you and pray that your team saves you.
Now that you got 3rd level spells there are some obvious choices. Counterspell? Fly? Maybe Dispell Magic or Gaseous Form? Honestly if your DM is allowing UA spells Psionic Blast from the psychic UA works great with the Genie patron. Those are my picks for some good level 3 spells - unfortunately the spells from the Genie Patron aren’t that good besides maybe Create Food and Water, which is only really useful for specific adventures.
Oh and you get another cantrip! I’d recommend Prestidigitation to pull more things out of Book.
This is the point that this build really starts to shine through. Is it bad that this build needs to get to level 10 before it really starts working? ...Eh...?
Anyways you get Elemental Resistance at this level which lets you give your You and Me (tether) target resistance to one of four elements. You can only choose one resistance per long rest so try to pick the damage type you think you’ll run into a lot. Pro tip: Fire damage is really common. Ignite is a powerful Summoner Spell.
At this level you get access to Level 7 invocations which are all... ehhhh? There are some cool ones here but none of them are really great for Yuumi so instead we’re going to go back a bit and pick up Exhaustion. ...The Summoner Spell, not the D&D debuff. Mire the Mind lets you cast Slow once per long rest: slow is a really powerful spell that you can pop on the ADC so your team can wail on them. Just make sure you don’t lose concentration.
You also get access to 4th level spells and while this is technically a spell Lulu has: Polymorph! Turn your allies into T-Rexes, turn your enemies into Fish (don’t try to eat the fish or they’ll turn back), and most importantly you can now become an actual cat! Truthfully though there are several great 4th level spells too and I recommend you look at all of them.
Ability Score Improvement but you should have max spellcasting by now which is the only thing that matters so... how about some Feats? I’m not going to choose any one particular Feat and instead focus on some of the better ones for you to take.
Alert - Along with Jack of All Trades this will almost always guarantee that you’re the first to go in initiative, meaning that you can tether to someone and start applying buffs.
Inspiring Leader - Lets you use Bop and Block early and give all your allies a nice health buffer to start the day.
Observant - With your Charisma and your proficiency buffing your Perception score this should guarantee that you don’t miss anything with those feline eyes of yours. Be sure to ping incoming ganks!
Resilient (CON) - You don’t really need the other effects of War Caster in this build and Resilient is just more useful overall.
Spell Sniper - Read this spell over and ask “does this sound useful?” If yes then take it, because you’re in a game with a DM who actually likes using cover mechanics.
Tough - Yuumi isn’t tough; that doesn’t mean you can’t be.
Lucky - When in doubt break out the OP bullshit perk.
You also get another spell: Dimension Door lets you recall back to base or somewhere similar.
At Warlock 9 you get access to another invocation, including your 9th level invocations and... oh oh there it is boys! Ascendant Step! Now you can be a proper hovering kitty cat! (Note if you took Fly at earlier levels it might be a good idea to drop it. Or not: you can still buff your allies!)
You also gain access to 5th level spells and here’s where it gets fun: Bigby’s Hand! Honestly this is just a fun spell but you can also justify most of the effects as being part of Yuumi (and Book)’s magic.
Clenched Fist - A full damage Prowling Projectile against a target.
Forceful Hand - More of a Janna thing but still very useful.
Grasping Hand - Hit your snare with Final Chapter. "I am TOTALLY doing this!"
Interposing Hand - Again more of a Taliyah thing (or perhaps Jarvan) but still very useful!
This would be my immediate pick but other than that for 5th level?
Creation is your other patron-specific spell and it is awesome. A little situational maybe but that’s the nature of Book! Pull out something useful: unfortunately it can’t be fish but still!
Hold Monster is like Hold Person but better. It’s a big spell slot though so be wary.
Synaptic Static is like a combination of Leona and Alistar, which is to say it’s a big nuke from the sky that makes all your enemies do less damage.
Contact Other Plane is not my first pick for a number of reasons but if you don’t know what to pick being able to ask Book for directions can be helpful. And it comes back on a short rest too! :) Just make sure Book doesn’t break your mind. (Maybe invest in the Resilient feat for Intelligence if you plan to use this spell.)
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(Artwork by sakkiye on DeviantArt)
And now we’ve reached the capstone of our Warlock levels and we get two very powerful abilities. Firstly there’s Protective Wish which lets you use your reaction to swap places between you and your tethered target if either of you get hit. Tank hits for your allies... or alternatively don’t do that and have them shield you from baddies trying to spray you! Just make sure that you aren’t teleporting into a more dangerous location and as a word of advice: don’t throw your allies into danger without their consent.
The other ability you get is Genie’s Entertainment which is far more useful. As an action you can make Book pull a target within 90 feet to a harmless dimension where they’ll be stuck for up to a minute. They can make a Charisma saving throw every turn until they either succeed or a minute passes before they’re ejected where they just were or in the closest available space. This is effectively a one-time use of the Banishment spell (which you can take as a Warlock) but it doesn’t require Concentration which means you can put your focus on other useful buffs for your team.
You also get another cantrip so invest in Mage Hand so Book can pick up things you can’t reach with those paws of yours.
And now we’re bouncing back to Bard and finally getting Font of Inspiration. Honestly if you need more use out of Mantle of Inspiration then feel free to get this level earlier, but you already have plenty of short rest value with your Warlock spell slots.
And speaking of spells: 3rd level Bard spells, anyone? I’d argue that Sending would be quite in-flavor, and Hypnotic Pattern would make for a strong utility, even if you don’t have an AoE stun. Honestly I’m going to skip the spell talk and only cover the last few levels of Bard for completion’s sake.
You now get Countercharm which is poo poo garbage and will make you want to die. But to be fair popping cleanse would help your ADC. (But why are you bringing Cleanse and not Exhaust?)
You also get Mantle of Majesty which will let you play the backseat gamer role you’ve always dreamed of being. As a bonus action you can start to command (the spell) anyone you please to do as you say. Approach, Drop, Flee, Halt... awn there’s not Pet command!
At 7th level you get... nothing! :D Okay you get 4th level spells to be fair but I’m far too lazy to talk about spells anymore.
ASI. Check my suggestions for Feats to take from Warlock 8.
Your Song of Rest increases to a d8 now which honestly probably doesn’t help you much at this point. You do get 5th level spells now though, which you can cast through your Warlock slots.
LEVEL 20 - BARD 10
And for our capstone we finally get Magical Secrets! There’s one specific spell we want: Haste. It’s super zoomies! Other than that you can buy Redemption with Aura of Vitality (which kinda works more like Fiora’s ult but w/e) or maybe an Ardent Censor of sorts with Spirit Guardians? You can grab Mikael's Crucible with Warding Bond, or perhaps contract some help from Zillian and grab Death Ward! There are literally dozens of spells to choose from and I recommend searching online if you don’t know what to take.
Your Bardic Inspiration also increases which means more Mantle of Inspiration health, and you get 2 more skills to give Expertise! Honestly at level 20 it’s a little too late to really choose between Expertise but know that any skill you have Expertise in will have a +12 modifier! You’re essentially guaranteed to succeed at any check with a skill you have Expertise on at this level unless your DM is Twisted Fate and is using Loaded Dice on you.
Cover to Cover - You’ve got a comedic amount of utility between ten cantrips and the ability to cast any ritual spell you can get your paws on. Along with Jack of All Trades and Expertise covering any skills you may need you’ll never be without a cat trick.
You and me, we got this! - Between Bardic Inspiration, Song of Rest, Elemental Resistance, Protective Wish, and a decent array of buff spells (tbh I kinda wish I took more :P) you can be an incredibly useful asset to your teammates.
You look like unscratched furniture! - One place this build particularly excels is in the crowd control department. Between Enthralling Performance, Mantle of Majesty, Genie’s Entertainment, and a huge array of debuffs you’ll never be lacking in a way to keep your allies safe and the enemies away from you.
Oh! Sunbeam ahead! - While I tried my best to avoid taking too many Concentration spells I have to admit that a lot of the nicer stuff will demand your attention: Hold Person, Haste, Polymorph, Bigby’s Hand, and Mire the Mind (Slow) all require concentration, so you can only have one up at a time. While you still have options the concentration requirement is heavy.
We’ve got 6 left... or was it 5? - If you’re roleplaying the build properly you’ll have absolutely horrendous health. No additional Constitution modifier combined with a d8 hit die means that you’ll have about a hundred health at level 20, and a Power Word Kill is all it’ll take to end you. Additionally your ability modifiers (with the exception of Charisma) are rather low which means low saving throws and a low AC with only Light armor. Know that you can sometimes sacrifice roleplay for the sake of a more viable build - having good skill checks is great and all but it doesn’t matter if you’re dead.
Full AP? - This build is pure support and I skipped on a lot of the strong damage options that you could’ve taken. In particular this is a max Charisma Eldritch Blast Warlock which doesn’t take Agonizing Blast, a concept most would consider an act of treason. A lot of the invocations I picked more for flavor than actual utility and you’re more than welcome to change Mire the Mind or Tomb of Levistus for something more useful.
But you’re not here to steal all the fame: tag along, help your team, and they’ll help you find your master! Just don’t ask the Triton what they taste like or else they’ll give you the spray bottle.
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(Artwork by Chelserella on DeviantArt.)
More Warlock Levels?
The only thing we really get out of level 10 Bard is Magical Secrets, but if you’re not interested in getting Haste all you really need for this build is 3 levels in Bard for Mantle of Inspiration (though 5 levels is ideal for Font of Inspiration.)
You can take more levels in Warlock to get Mystic Arcanum, more Warlock slots, and more Eldritch Invocations. You also get Collector’s Call which is a very strong ability that’s sadly held back by its casting requirement. If you’re planning on going heavier on Warlock instead of splitting this build 50 / 50 than get expertise in Persuasion! You’re absolutely going to need it to cast Collector’s Call reliably.
The other important thing to note is that Warlock honestly doesn’t have that many supportive spells in its kit, especially when you’re not playing Divine Soul. Dropping Bard levels means you’ll lose spells like Mass Cure Wounds. You’ll also have far fewer spell slots to cast your lower level Warlock spells, which does mean more 5th level spells but it also means less fun with spells like Misty Step, Dimension Door, and Polymorph.
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air-bison-yip-yip · 5 years
 Prompt from @exo-neukdae-minyeo :  jealous!zoe, not that senne is giving her any reasons to be but she just became territorial of sort. she feels uncomfortable when girls get too close to him or something, doesnt tell him directly it puts her in a bad mood. anyways, just fluff and senne having the time of his life teasing her about ut. but secretly loves it
Hope you enjoy!! :) (Also on ao3)
Zoë looked at her face in the mirror before reapplying her lipstick. She was annoyed with herself. She shouldn’t be so...on edge about this. But this Nora girl was obviously all over Senne right in front of her. Honestly, the only thing the Nora girl hadn’t done was to bend over and push up her boobs to get better cleavage. It’s not like Nora didn’t know she was dating Senne. She was literally introduced as ‘Senne’s girlfriend, Zoë.’
Zoë felt petty and like she was betraying her feminist values for thinking anything like that. She was annoyed at that girl, annoyed at Senne for existing in public while looking cute, and annoyed at herself, most of all, for being jealous.
She had no reason to be jealous. Senne was polite, but not flirty. He did nothing to warrant any unnecessary jealous feelings. And yet, she was close to fuming. Zoë touched up her lipstick, blotted it slightly with a tissue, and glanced at herself in the mirror one more time.
“You’re better than this,” she told Mirror Zoë before leaving the bathroom and heading back to the party.
It took Zoë a few minutes to find Senne. Last she saw him he was at the bar, but now she found him standing off to the side, squashed between Luka on one side and the girl, Nora, on the other. Zoë did her absolute best to push down the way it grated her nerves that what little space Senne occupied was overrun by Nora. God, Zoë thought, this girl was not subtle at all. Zoë was about five feet away from Senne’s little group sandwiched against the wall a few feet near the bar, when suddenly, Nora lifted her fingers and casually fluffed Senne’s hair.
Zoë lost it. She stormed over to them. She could see Senne (who, bless him, was leaning away from the girl) find her eyes and they widened whatever expression Zoë had on her face. For her part, Zoë was on a mission. She walked right up to Senne, grabbed him around the neck, and hauled him down to her. She kissed Senne like it would be the last time she ever could. Senne was quick on the uptake. He slipped one hand in her back pocket and the other tangled in her hair. Zoë may have purposefully kissed him messily so that her lipstick would stain his face. She bit his bottom lip once before pulling back slightly.
Senne looked dazed. He did have lipstick covering almost the entirety of his mouth and chin. His pupils were blown, he was breathing heavy, and she could feel the hardness against her stomach. Zoë glanced to her right, seeing if the girl, Nora, was still there but found the space thankfully empty. Luka, on the other hand, took one look at Senne and Zoë and said “gross” before walking away.
Senne, in the time it took for Zoë to come back and appraise the situation seemed to have lost his dazed look. He was smirking slightly at Zoë, and she leaned back to kiss him just to get rid of the taunting and teasing smirk Senne had. But when she looked at him again, his smug smile was even more prominent. Zoë’s jealousy was quickly replaced with embarrassment. Her cheeks blushed furiously as she just realized she had tried, and succeeded, at marking Senne as her’s in public.
Senne was about to open his mouth, but Zoë shook her head.
“Not a word, Senne,” she told him turning on her heel and heading for the door of the bar, not even waiting to see if Senne was following.
Zoë hated this feeling. This territorial bullshit that ate at her. But Senne was her’s. Her love, her family, her home, and even the inkling that someone could take it away set her off. She was frustrated. She hated feeling out of control, and this whole entire situation was, indeed, out of control. What’s worse is that Zoë knew getting frustrated was a mistake, because she was a frustrated crier. She could feel the lump form in her throat, and her eyes felt heavier as tears pooled in them.
The last thing she ever wanted was Senne to see her like this. Embarrassed, jealous, frustrated, and crying because of what? A girl didn’t know that personal space was a thing? This was such an overreaction, and Zoë knew it, but all that did was make a tear or two slip down her cheeks. She wiped them quickly, finally making it outside and taking a shuddering breath in the cold night air. She quickly wiped away the hot, frustrated tears that had spilled out before a hand was turning her around.
Senne still looked annoyingly pleased. But Zoë’s expression shook something in him. His smile dimmed, and concern filled his eyes. He cradled her cheek.
“Zoë?” He asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Zoë said refusing to look at his face and see her lipstick--her attempt at marking him.
“Why not? It’s cute that you’re jealous.” Senne told her. She took a step to walk towards their car and Senne shuffled to catch up.
“Cute?!” Zoë screeched. “This isn’t cute, Senne. This is shitty. You should be mad right now.” She told him. She looked over to find him smiling still. Her eyes narrowed. “Why aren’t you mad right now? I’m mad.”
 They made it to the Tesla, and before Zoë could get in the car, she was pressed up against the front passenger door. Senne’s body was warm and solid, pressed tightly against her chest and hips. One hand leaned on the car to keep balance while the other was running through her hair. Zoë looked up. She just wanted to be pathetic alone. That wasn’t an unreasonable request. But Senne said her name, in that tone she knew so well, that meant so much.  
“Zoë.” She released a heavy sigh before looking down at him with a small pout. God, he was lucky she was very firmly annoyed with herself, or he would’ve regretted the pleased expression on his face.
“I’m yours,” Senne told her and Zoë melted a little at the deep sincerity. She felt loved and adored, and she couldn’t believe that they were so good together. That the love they had been denied by their respective families had been built between them. That their homes were one and the same.
“I know,” Zoë told him softly. “I trust you.” She told him. Because that was the crux of the issue, wasn’t it? She shouldn’t be jealous because she knew that Senne would never do anything to betray her trust. He would never cheat. It was a bone-deep certainty, and she hated that her reaction made her question that truth.
“I know,” He repeated her words to her. “I trust you, too.” He gave a chaste kiss to her cheek. “It’s okay to be jealous. I know you aren’t jealous because you don’t trust me, but because, and I mean this with love, you don’t like sharing.”
It was an unfortunate truth. It had been an adjustment to share her space with Senne, to give up things important to her or share them. Because for so long the list of things that felt unequivocally hers was so small. And she had Senne now. He had moved up that list to the top and the thought that someone might ignore her, disregard her, their relationship… it hurt.
Zoë took a deep breath. She felt better. She put a hand on his cheek and rubbed her thumb over his chin, his lips. “You’re covered in my lipstick.” She told him.
“Good,” Senne said plainly. He bent down to kiss her. This time, it wasn’t hot or messy. It wasn’t chaste and placating. It was soft and loving. It warmed her to her core.
“If you want,” Senne whispered, still only a hair away from her face, Zoë’s eyes still closed relishing the feel of his weight on her body, his solid support, “we could go home, and you could apply a bit more makeup and get it anywhere you want on me.”
Zoë’s eyes snapped open. Her blush returned slightly, but the smoldering look that Senne was giving her heated her core past the comforting warmth from a few seconds ago. This was hot and heavy, his pupils blown, his breathing heavy. Zoë decided that his suggestion was a good one.
Mostly so she could permanently wipe that smug smile off his lips. She was up to the task.
Zoë nodded, and Senne shuddered before quickly moving off of her to get into the car.
All things considered, the evening had turned out to be a great one.
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fruitpunchninja101 · 5 years
Trouble with Love Potions
Characters: Hanji Zoe x Levi Ackerman Genre: Romance/Fluff Rating: T
Better late than never!I hope you like this my dear giftee!Here’s my contribution for Levihaneggschange2k19  @levihanweek​
Love is a Plague.
Levi scoffed at the overly dramatic headline of todays newspaper.A few weeks ago,an underground syndicate formulated a powerful aphrodisiac aptly named the love potion which was passed around brothels.At first,no one minded its existence,theres no shame in seeking aid when it comes to private bedroom activities.Soon,the word about a certain concoction that can make anyone fall in love spread out.The potion started to circulate amongst the civilians and with that came abuse.Prominent merchants and nobleman reportedly eloped with women they barely knew and some married men are lured into leaving their wives and family for some local tavern worker.Needless to say,the potion is starting to become a menace.
Not long after these reports,the government released a decree to ban said potion till further studies were conducted.The survey corps was tasked to raid and confiscate every last bit of it from the syndicates underground base.Hange,being one of the best scientist not only in the military but in the country,was tasked to figure out the components of the drug.In exchange,her titan experiments for the month will be fully funded.
It wasn’t a surprise that Hange dissappeared into her lab to focus on her reasearch.
Levi’s eyes wandered off to the empty chair in front of him and impatiently huffed a breath.The meeting is supposed to start 10 minutes ago and he didn’t appreciate its delay.He looked over at Erwin who was quietly skimming over a couple of documents on his hand,seemingly not bothered by the holdup.“Its late."Levi said impatiently,neatly folding the newspaper he was reading a while ago.
"You can check on her if you’d like."Erwin said not tearing his gaze away from the papers he’s examining.Irked,he turned to Mike as if to ask for support but all he got was a snarky remark."Don’t look at me,you want her you go and get her.”
The raven haired man didn’t miss Mike and Erwin’s look after that.They didn’t even try to hide an undeniable teasing smirk they shared.What’s that even supposed to mean?He uncomfortably shifted on his seat and folded his arms infront of him.
As if feeling his discomfort Erwin put down his papers and asked him to call Hange.
Levi wasn’t surprised to find Moblit sweating in panic outside her lab.Hange’s poor assistant had his left hand clutching on maps and other documents while his right knocked on her door.“Berner,What is she still doing in there?"Upon noticing his presence,Moblit immediately scrambled up on his feet almost dropping his things as he gave Levi a salute.He immediately raised a hand to dismiss him."We have a meeting."He added."Captain,I’ve been calling out for her for a while but shes not responding.She also warned me that under no circumstance should I go inside her lab."He nervously reasoned.
"Tch.Such a pain in the ass"He muttered to himself as he reached for the doorknob and pushed right in.He can hear Moblit protests but he dismissed them and shut the door behind him.
Thick and heavy fog floated around the room.Levi can barely see whats in front of him,the air he breathed felt heavy and made him a bit light headed.Not enough  to disorient him,but enough for him to feel its weight.He ignored it and pushed deeper into Hange’s jungle of a laboratory.He walked past a couple bottles lying on the floor and accidentally kicked a stack of books that almost went up to his knees.It made a loud thud."Moblit!I told you not to go in here!"Hange shouted on the other side of the room.He followed where her voice is coming and wasn’t surprised to find her crouching down her desk collecting bits and pieces of broken glass on the floor.
"What the shit are you doing four eyes?”
She looked up and their eyes met.
He felt his chest throb.That lightheaded feeling he had when he opened the door became more pronounced and this time,he can hear his heart pound.Hange snappily picked up the remaining glass shards on the floor and stood up to meet his gaze.“What are you doing here?!I told moblit not to let anyone in!”
“You think I want to be here?The meeting is starting and you’re the only one we’re waiting for…”
“You shouldn’t be here…"She cut him off grabbing his arm,pulling him back to the direction he came from."I broke a couple of vials…This is bad.We might…"Hange trailed and her legs visibly wobbled."Shit…"She said before losing balance and kneeled on the floor.Levi didn’t waste time and ran to her side."Hold your breath.The more we inhale the more potent it becomes."She wheezed and grabbed unto his arm real tight before passing out.Levi tried to shake her awake,call for help but all of a sudden but his lids felt heavy and his body felt weak.Next thing he knew,he passed out with her on the floor.
Despite Levi’s heavy lids,the bright light that bled through his eyes woke him up.The discomfort he felt earlier when he entered Hange’s lab was gone and he had no idea how he got out of that situation.One thing is for certain,he was on his bed.As He tried to recall what happened,a familliar gasp echoed the room.He craned his head up and Hange was sitting in the corner or his room reading a book."What are you doing here?"He asked as he pushed himself up with his elbows.
"You’re awake!"She dropped her book to the ground and almost jumped out of her seat in surprise.
"What happened?”
“Well,for starters we missed our meeting with Erwin…”
“No shit."He squinted as he tried to gather his bearings.
”…and I may have I accidentally got us both drugged.“
"You got us what?!”
“In my defense,I specifically told Moblit not to let any one in and you ignored him so I’d say its kind of your fault too.”
“Tch.What do we do now?”
Hange shrugged as she took a seat on his bedside keeping her eyes on his as if she searching for his soul.He was too preoccupied with her eyes that he almost didn’t feel her hand that came in contact with his cheek.“Do you feel any different?"She asked as she slipped her hand to his chin and held it to examine his face.
"I feel annoyed."Levi said,gently grabbing her wrists so she would let go of his face..
"Huh?Thats weird.I don’t feel any different either."She mumbled to herself as she pushed herself off his bed."I wanna show you something.Can you stand?”
When Hange said she has something to show him.He didn’t expect to be dragged halfway across their base to an isolated makeshift laboratory the military police built for her.Truthfully he didnt know why he even followed her.One moment,he was saying no and the next he finds himself wandering around someplace with her.
That seemed to be the running theme of their friendship.
There was a time when he’d try to intimidate Hange to get out of her shennanigans but admittedly,her reseliance had broken his defenses down.Besides,its not so bad.When was the last time he talked to her?After the raid?maybe a couple of days after that?
Who cares?He’s not counting the days he hasn’t seen her!
He doesn’t care godamnit!
“Two weeks ago,an incredibly wealthy merchant married a barmaid in Sina."Hange started,startling him out of his reverie."Everyone suspected its because of the love potion so we had both of them quarantined and tested."She continued as she led him into one of the tents where documents are stored in.Upon entering,She immediately headed towards one of the desk drawers and pulled out a sealed letter.”I had their blood examined and if my theory is correct maybe we can get to the bottom of our mysterious immunity with the drug.I also had Mike and Nanaba tested.”
"What does Mike and Nanaba had to do with any of this?”
“They pulled us out of the lab.Same thing happened,they got exposed but they didn’t seem to feel differently about each other."She explained as she tore the envelope and read the report.
"Is it possible that they sent in a defective sample?”
“No,its the same batch the barmaid used."Hange lifted the letter as if to tell him that she had everything double checked.”…Its just as I expected.“She scrunched her faced in speculation continuing to read the report on hand.Levi only raised a brow as if asking her what she meant.
"You see,I have a theory and its a little dumb."Hange mirthlessly chuckled before taking a deep breath and composed herself."My father used to say that once you eliminate all the impossible variables whatever remains no matter how improbable must be the truth.”
“Tch.Why are you prefacing it like this four eyes?Are we infected with something?”
“No,were fine.I just want you to know that im going to drop an improbable truth…and its gonna sound ridiculous.”
“Everything you say sounds ridiculous.”
Hange chuckled as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.Levi wondered why it felt like its the first time he ever saw her do that.“Did you know Mike and Nanaba were a thing?"Hange asked.
"How can I not know?Mike’s room is beside mine and we have thin walls.What’s that gotta do with this?”
“I think,people who already harbor stong attraction towards one another are not affected by the potion."Hange said as she kept her big brown eyes focused at him.
A thick veil of awkward silence draped on them.He averted his gaze from her and pulled a chair for himself.Hange did the same taking the seat infront of him taking a deep breath.
Fucking shit!
He panicked.He wanted to deny it.Tell her shes wrong but the evidence was staring them right into their face.Hange literally had paperwork to support this theory.At once he felt awkward and exposed.Quickly,he turned away from her and folded his arms in front of him.He didn’t know when it started but he and Hange was sort of…flirting for a while.He would often take time out of his busy day to sit down and talk to her,make sure she ate or even bathed.She would sometimes check on him at weird hours of the day and invite him to have tea.She would babble about her day,while Levi would brew tea for both of them.These small quiet moments they shared together formed an unspoken thing between them.A thing they both tried to ignore and bury deep inside.
"You look horrified."She laughed as if trying to break the tension."Don’t worry,I know this stuff makes you uncomfortable.We can just ignore it …if you want."She knows the risks of entertaining the concept of falling in love.It never ends well for the likes of them.Despite that,Hanges eyes were bright and hopeful.
"What the hell."He said,standing up."Fuck it.Whats there to lose?"He mumbled as he looked up at her.A huge grin painted Hange’s face,before he knew it she jumped out of her seat and pulled him into a kiss.
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hvrtlings · 5 years
                               “ no matter how fast light travels, it finds                                    the darkness has always got there first “
* ╰   lorenzo zurzolo ;  18 ;  he/his  —— wow,  lachlan hawthorn  sure has changed. i guess  he  is feeling isolated from the other  gryffindor  members. guess you can’t really blame him. i still remember him being so  curious & adaptable  now he just seems  frustrated & evasive  guess being a  halfblood  isn’t helping matters much either.  i’m hopeful though. they’ll be just fine.  (  zoe ; cst ; 21 ; she/her  )  
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WARNINGS:  infidelity, murder, car crashes, mention of war & hospitals & general bigotry    ADDITIONAL MATERIALS:   lachlan’s stats page, playlist, & pinterest board   ADDITIONAL NOTES:  this is fully a few thousand words longer than either nate’s or alecto’s intros and i should edit it down but i also need it to not be in my drafts. really sorry about that. if you want a tldr version please hmu!! or if you just want to plot!!!
when lachlan’s biological parents married, rumors abounded. plenty of couples from their class got married right out of hogwarts   ---   but none of those other couples were such a puzzling case to their peers. no one knew what sweet serena alessandri saw in declan glynne. sometimes, even serena wasn’t quite sure what it was about him; he was a dark beauty, something she could only call him in her head. he was the sort of boy who’d bristle at such a feminine compliment as beautiful; never mind that it was true. but for all his good looks, no other girl had been interested in him. maybe because he wasn’t a sweet guy   ---   just a guy who was sweet to her. 
sweet serena alessandri: deposed princess of a new money pureblood family, she hailed from italy and had lived her whole life in clueless luxury. right up until her new money family found themselves newly penniless, and escaped to england to hide their shame. 
the girls and boys she’d grown up with, gone to school with   ---   they turned on her and her family the moment they lacked the funds to support the frivolous life italian purebloods led. 
oh, but they were mean. they rubbed her family’s new poverty in her face with well calculated cruelty. they were the reasons she vowed to keep her head down when she transferred to hogwarts. she was wary of befriending muggles and muggleborns, but wary of hating them, too. haughtiness got you nothing; she knew this well. 
serena was hurt and young and foolish   ---   not to mention ever fearful of seeming those things. declan never acted like she was; maybe that’s all there was to her love. a sense of safety, if only from ridicule. 
surly declan glynne: why, he hardly warranted a full backstory. he was an angry pureblood boy from a long line of angry pureblood boys who’d never had enough money to back up their feelings of superiority. 
he was almost militant in his hatred of muggleborns and muggles; he hated muggles with a quiet passion, but muggleborns were the real problem. muggleborns infected his everyday life, stole opportunities directly from him. 
hardly a radical feeling, but still   ---   his bigotry and working-class roots didn’t make for a winning combination. swimming in friends and admirers, he was not. 
so the unlikely hogwarts sweethearts settled down months after graduating, and bets were made among their peers on how long they’d actually last. 
everybody who bet that the answer was  ‘ not long ‘  had plenty of evidence to support their stance   ---   namely, that while declan scrounged up a job in the magical maintenance department at the ministry, serena went to muggle university   ( excelled there, in that world of finite answers and figures, like she never could in the magical theory and feeling and pronunciation at hogwarts )   and ended up working at a muggle accounting firm. 
that while serena was making more money than the highest ranking official in declan’s department, declan stewed in his anger. 
his resentment bled into the relationship. they’d never had too much in common; when the sweetness declan used to treat her with left, serena was so confused. but she hated asking questions   ---   fearful as ever of seeming young and hurt and foolish, wary as ever of showing a chink in her armor to people far better equipped for cruelty. just as she learned that the purebloods of her childhood were crueler than her, she knew without needing the lesson that her husband was crueler, too. 
serena’s muggle coworkers and classmates had always liked her. 
she’d always told a version of the truth, to explain why some simple things confused her so much   —   after all, it wasn’t a lie that she was grew up in a rich italian family who lost the fortune when she was in her teens and left her kind of adrift. 
her confusion at taxis and ball point pens could be laughed off as a sign of her former rich-girl ways. 
as could her need to be liked. they all knew she attended a string of elite boarding schools but ended up having to pay her own way through university   ---   knew that she worked hard and wanted people to see that about her. 
so, yes: they’d always liked her. she was kind. 
her coworkers noticed the seemingly sudden shift in her mood, and one brave man she’d worked on a few projects with took that notice a step further   ---    friendly and concerned about her, just as kind as serena had always been to him, andrew reynolds asked her out to lunch one day. and there, he asked why serena was feeling so low.
the sweetness and the kindness from him was enough to open the floodgates. maybe, she could admit, she’d felt a little starved for those two things. declan’s moods had only ever gotten worse. she answered andrew’s questions with all the honesty the ministry allowed. 
she revealed that her husband wasn’t sweet to her anymore, that he was actually kind of cold. she revealed she was hurt and unsure of what she did wrong. andrew paid for her meal and told her that she hadn’t done anything wrong. 
that one lunch, where he said he’d be there for her, devolved into many lunches, and then late-running meetings, and finally time spent out of the office. they fell in love   —   and she became pregnant.
she hid it from declan for a while; they hadn’t been having sex all that frequently, with his sudden ire at her putting a dent in romance. but she hurried to initiate it as often as she felt was  ‘ normal ’  for a happy marriage, after she found out she was pregnant.
she wasn’t happy being married to him, but the idea of separating was alien to her   —   so she needed him to think that the baby was his.
she only got more unhappy with him, when she figured enough time had passed that she could reveal the pregnancy without suspicion. serena wasn’t sure how she’d have felt if declan had been pleased to hear they were having a baby   —   if any excitement or warmth would have won her back to him, if a return of love would’ve erased all her hurt. but the news only seemed to make him more miserable; so serena never had to find out. 
fast forward: lachlan is born, the staff at st. mungo’s hurrying as best they can to get out of a room so tense where it should be joyous. declan named the baby, and serena let him. a pang of something wrong rang through her but she ignored it in favor of plastering on a warm smile.  
then the trio returned home. 
apparently declan   ( who’d never been all that smart, whose suspicions never seemed to touch his wife, for all his anger at her and the world at large )    had wondered at serena’s change in mood before the pregnancy. he hadn’t really noticed she’d started feeling small and hurt and lost at home until she was happy again. and when she was happier, he got suspicious. he followed her physically when he could, spied on her magically when he could, and never got proof of an all-out affair   ---   but declan glynne had been born suspicious. he could wait. 
here’s the thing: all babies kind of look the same. lachlan’s looks weren’t a shocking departure from declan’s and serena’s. andrew reynolds had been white, too, so it wasn’t like baby lachlan’s skin tone was super different. but declan had just made a deal with himself, like   —   serena and I both have light hair; if this baby’s hair isn’t almost transparent, I’ll know. 
baby lachlan was born with a shock of honeyed-brown curls. so that was that. 
declan was, all records would show, an anti-muggle wackjob. and he was beyond furious that serena   ( his wife. he may not have loved her any longer, but she was his )   thought to pass off some  ‘ muggle’s bastard ‘  as his son. 
they lived in a little wizarding neighborhood a small ways away from godric’s hollow; some might say, kindly, it was more quaint than godric’s hollow. others, honestly, might point out it was a way cheaper godric’s hollow. a neighbor saw and understood what the flash of green light in the glynnes’ windows meant, and alerted the aurors. 
baby lachlan was left generally parent-less, as serena was dead and declan ended up in prison. he might have ended up dead himself, had the aurors not arrived on time. godric bless nosy neighbors, and all that. 
declan wasn’t a smart or wealthy enough pureblood guy to get away literally murdering his wife over an affair. 
some people probably sympathized with him   ( serena cheated on him with a muggle. when that saucy story hit the news, that fact was hammered in and plenty of people got where he was coming from )   but it wasn’t enough to keep him out of prison. 
lachlan definitely did have a still living parent who would’ve jumped at the chance to take care of him   —   but the wizarding authorities never even considered andrew reynolds for any real length of time. 
a peek into the auror office’s thought process:  if we give him the baby we have to explain how and why and that serena’s dead. and it’s just easier to not do that.
a peek into the world of wizarding adoptions: even smarmy, blood purist wizarding society is all about preserving magical blood. so magical orphans aren’t long left without homes; magical orphanages aren’t a thing. wizarding families are often huge. so orphaned wizards are shopped around to even distant relatives and then, if that doesn’t work out, given to other families.
scandalous, family-less, little baby lachlan wasn’t long alone.
meet the hawthorn family   ---    edmund hawthorn was born edmund shafiq and was quietly exiled from his sacred twenty-eight family when he came out. which was fine, because his husband travis hawthorn came from a sprawlingly big and welcoming half-blood family and they took edmund in right away. 
edmund still wrote to his parents, and they wrote back; they hadn’t disowned him out of bad blood. he knew his parents still loved him. they just loved the family’s image more, and needed to give him the boot in order to name his brother orlando the heir  ...   since he could give them more heirs. 
travis, conversely, had a lovely relationship with his family. 
both edmund and travis were pretty high ranking ministry workers. edmund worked in the office for the department of magical law enforcement   —   not an auror, but someone who puts together files and goes over paperwork and traces patterns. travis was a liaison minister with the department of international magical cooperation. they’re good guys with good reputations and the ministry was honestly relieved when they offered to adopt lachlan. 
lachlan grew up with two sisters: della, who was five years older, and laurel, who was just ten months older. he loved them with all his heart. 
people tended to think he and laurel were twins, especially growing up   —   the dads cut her hair a little short because she was always getting into a mess, and it was easier to clean mud and neon paint out of shorter curls than long ones   —   but with their matching hair and their alliterative names, their propensity to always cause trouble as a team   ...   they just seemed like twins.
him and laurel seeming like blood related siblings to the outside eye made it easier for the world to forget that the hawthorn’s son was the baby that caused that big scandal.   
edmund and travis never lied to the two of them and said they were blood related twins or siblings, outright. but they did let the world outside their family assume that. they figured life would be easier for lachlan if that was the readily accepted truth.
lachlan wasn’t all that adventurous on his own, but found himself dragged into his sisters’ adventures; he could vouch from experience that mud and neon paint were a pain to wash out as it was, and couldn’t imagine adding more hair into the equation. 
his sisters might’ve been better at getting into messes, but lachlan made up for it by being a mess. he was always having a crisis as a kid   —   his stuffed dinosaurs were just ravaging the block city, dad, but what about the finger puppet people in that apartment building? do they even sell dinosaur insurance?? why didn’t I think of the implications here  ... 
he and laurel played knights a lot, with toy swords and helmets modeled after the suits of armor in hogwarts  ( travis asked edmund if that wasn’t a little much, when they bought them; they were a few years out from school, after all, they didn’t care that the helmets were accurate   —   )   and lachlan always wondered about the ramifications of two knights fighting each other. laurel always took the ensuing soliloquy of hypothetical questions as opportunity to knock him flat backwards.
he was a needy kid   —   he always had questions at his lips, a thousand moral quandaries to discuss. he had an active imagination and a tendency to let situations snowball into situations.
he was often hilarious, and rarely on purpose, and very easy to like. anyone who knew his birth mother would’ve been surprised to see lachlan   —   he truly was nothing like serena. he was bright and sweet and openly curious about everything. he loved storytelling and art and music; a perfect case to show that nurture always won out over nature.
when it was time for him to go to hogwarts, he wasn’t at all sure what house he’d get sorted into   —   it wasn’t the sort of thing he’d ever been hung up on thinking about, for all that he’d wondered about every other part of the hogwarts experience. his dads had both been in different houses, and he had no way of knowing what houses his birth parents belonged to. the sorting hat cried out GRYFFINDOR a scant few moments after touching down on his unruly curls, and lachlan decided that felt right.
he loved hogwarts.  
 lachlan made friends easily and often   —   he’d grown up in the constant companionship of his sisters and knew well how to start conversations and shift them from uncomfortable topics, was skilled at asking questions that made people feel good and liked. 
he was a little overzealous in class, but most of his professors liked him well enough. lachlan was still a curious guy, and seemed to genuinely care about each subject   —   something that went a long way towards endearing him to hogwarts’ staff.
though, some of the staff might’ve been endeared to him even if he wasn’t generally endearing. 
his interesting past wasn’t a secret from most of the professors; travis and edmund had done well enough redirecting people’s memories around their son, but then most people had already forgotten about serena and declan, or else had never really known them in the first place. but many hogwarts professors recalled teaching the couple, recalled the shock their ending gave them, when the news hit.
lachlan’s  ‘ story ‘  wasn’t something his dads had shared with him just yet, so lachlan himself didn’t know. it was a little maddening walking around the castle, when it felt like all the adults looked like they knew something he didn’t. 
dumbledore, being dumbledore, took it upon himself to tell lachlan the whole sordid tale himself, when lachlan was just starting his fourth year. it was a shock   ( it majorly pissed off travis and edmund, who never found out why the old man did such a thing )   but the next time he went home for the holidays his dads sat him down and explained that, no they weren’t hiding it from him and yes, they’d had plans set to tell him when he was seventeen and of age.
wizarding authorities could have hunted down andrew reynolds and told him he had a son, but they didn’t. travis and edmund, however, wanted to find andrew just in case lachlan ever wanted to meet him. so lo and behold   —   once lachlan knew, his dad’s set up a meeting for the four of them in muggle london. it went well; kinda full of shock and crying, even without breaking the  ‘ wizard ’  of it all to andrew, but still well.
lachlan was perfectly happy with his sisters and his dads; for all that he’d always known he was adopted and for all that he’d always been curious as hell, he’d never really pushed his dads about his birth parents. his dads just were his dads. end of story   —   no need for questions. 
which was part of why it was easy for him to go fourteen years before learning about his past. lachlan could not be paid to stop the flow of his curiosity, but there were somethings that seemed so solidly true he never thought to question them.
so while it was kind of cool meeting andrew, it was also kind of weird. knowing about andrew at all was weird   —   because it meant knowing that his mother had died days after giving birth to him, alone and scared and unhappy. and that her husband had been a bigot and a murderer; that declan glynne was still alive in prison somewhere. it was a suckerpunch to the gut knowing that lachlan had come close to being killed himself, if a neighbor hadn’t called the aurors on their house just in time to save the baby he used to be.
listen, he’d never wanted to know where he came from. 
but he knew he’d feel, like, kind of bad if he just never saw andrew again. so with his dads’ permission   ( and encouragement; edmund and travis thought this would be good for lachlan, like getting to know his Muggle Heritage from his Muggle Birth Father )   he hung out with him on occasion, during holidays and school breaks.
even though the professors clearly knew about his past, and his dads did, and his sisters did once he decided he wanted to tell them   ...   lachlan kept it all under wraps around his friends at school. he liked to think he was an open book, before. but learning where he came from made him want to play his cards a little closer to his chest. he couldn’t put his finger on why   —   he knew it worried his dads, he knew it did, and figured he’d get over it in due time, once he settled into the truth.
it just didn’t seem like the truth wanted to settle around him.
declan glynne had family. he was a middle son from a whole gaggle of bigoted, disillusioned glynne brothers. the ministry just never considered them when they were trying to figure out who would take lachlan on. they looked at serena’s family and saw no options, but declan was not lachlan’s father and, like andrew, was never even considered. 
ian glynne had a bone to pick with this   —   had a bone to pick with lachlan’s whole existence, too, had a problem with that almost more than being overlooked. 
( he thought that if serena had just kept her legs shut she’d never have gotten herself pregnant and gotten herself dead and gotten her husband sent to prison. more than that, he thought if she hadn’t gotten the idea of a muggle career into her head and made his brother upset, what with her math and her decent paycheck, she really would’ve staved all this off. but serena was dead   —   so it was easier to blame the baby, who wasn’t. )
he was a fan of simmering in his anger and hatred and kept up with the news about lachlan, at least enough to know who he ended up being adopted by.
and from there he got an idea; the hawthorns were good people   —   a compliment that would’ve come out as a sneer if ian voiced it, the judgement and sarcasm inherent in every syllable. he figured at some point, they’d tell lachlan who his birth parents were, maybe even introduce him to that homewrecking muggle. and if they did, and if ian kept a low profile, kept observing   …   they’d lead ian right to the muggle at the root of his brother’s injustice. 
he wasn’t always watching lachlan, just keeping an eye on him by keeping an eye on his dads. he’d never been all that smart or ambitious   —   the glynnes were a family that thrived in their self-righteousness and self-importance and didn’t feel like they should have to act on those things to get what they deserved.
but his anger, his half baked plot, was enough to spur ian to action for the first time in his life. he rose through the ranks of the ministry through pure determination and will and ended up working in the same office in the department of magical law enforcement as edmund. they almost became friends; not earnestly, not honestly   —   not on ian’s part. but they did. friendly enough for ian to ask after edmund’s kids and get answers, friendly enough to hear about the trip into muggle london to visit someone edmund described as one of the kids’  ‘ distant relatives. ‘
he followed them.
and he didn’t do anything that time lachlan and the muggle were in the same place, but he started to plan.
it would’ve been too hard to keep magical surveillance over lachlan and the hawthorns, so he hadn’t, not ever. just kept an eye on them the old fashioned way, through word of mouth and casual water-cooler conversation. but andrew reynolds had no means of catching ian glynne in the act of spying. so, spy he did.
muggle police would later rule it a tragic car accident   —   shaking their heads at the carnage as they carted lachlan off to the muggle hospital while he clung with bloody hands to consciousness. it took hours for the dads to find him there and by the time his family reached him he decided he wouldn’t tell them any of the truth of what happened; told the official from the auror department once he got relocated to st. mungo’s, but only because he had to. 
he never asked if that official told his dads. none of the hawthorns talked about the situation anymore than they had to, after that.
here was the situation:
ian glynne tailed lachlan and andrew all day   —   a saturday during easter hols during lachlan’s fifth year wherein andrew showed lachlan around muggle london. the pair had lunch together, looked in a few shops, and were set to drive out to andrew’s home outside of the city, where edmund and travis and lachlan’s sisters would meet them later for tea. 
ian glynne got them on a secluded section of road just far enough away from both the city proper and andrew’s home to cause immediate alarm.
he came out in front of the car and andrew made to swerve around the man, but ian cast some defensive spell lachlan had yet to learn at the hood. it exploded   —   felt like they crashed into another vehicle even though they were the only car on the road.
lachlan and andrew both slammed into the windshield, but neither crashed through it. ian came ‘round to andrew’s side of the car and started screaming questions at him about serena and declan; then he shot him with a muggle handgun, something lachlan had surely never laid eyes on before.
andrew did not die from that initial gunshot   —   ian was a terrible shot, and was half out of his mind besides. the bullet just grazed him, and he inelegantly dragged andrew out of the car after. 
lachlan made his way out of the vehicle too, bleeding and hurt, all cut up and bruised from the crash and the glass he had to wade through. he thought, maybe, he was in shock. he was certainly in shock once he finally bambi-legged his way out of the demolished vehicle and saw ian cast a cruciatus on his biological father. 
and, still in shock when he saw ian whammy andrew with a killing curse after that. 
ian did not attempt to turn his wand on lachlan   —   this was the second time in his short life that a glynne brother forgot to kill him once done with a more satisfying target. ian took for the bare april greenery lining the road and lachlan   ( curious, trauamtized dumbass that he was )   ran after him. found a gun pointed at him for a terrifying moment before the muggle police sirens cut the air and sent ian apparating on out of there.
he fought to go back to hogwarts right away; it was only the first saturday of the holiday that all this went down, so lachlan felt, since he spent the whole rest of it in hospitals and bed, surely he was fine. the dads disagreed, and his sisters disagreed, and the auror working on ian’s case disagreed. he’d just become, in a way, an orphan. and it felt like no one around him cared to see him recover in the way he wanted to.
lachlan managed to bargain that he’d get to return to school as soon as ian was sent to join his brother in prison   —   none of the world any wiser that he’d been there when the newest glynne family crime was committed. 
laurel decreed that it’d look less strange if both of them stayed home until then, and that was that. the dads wouldn’t begrudge lachlan the company of his sister, if he couldn’t return to full normalcy just yet.
della was graduated at this point, technically an adult working a fancy job at some boutique robe shop, but she came home every day from work and glued herself to her younger siblings’ sides. lachlan recovered his new, strange orphan-hood with his not-twin and big sister at his side, dads hovering around as much as their jobs allowed.
the hawthorns were tight knit and loosely configured all at once   —   always brimming with love and independence in spades, care expressed tenderly and roughly, like no one was sure how to be earnest. edmund and travis had always expressed affection like that: through arguing and debating and ribbing more than any big displays. 
the kids worked the same way. family dinners used to be more running jokes and teasing than anything, raucous like none of them knew the definition of serious.
the five hawthorns weren’t really sure if that old normal was still achievable; lachlan’s brush with near-death met the daunting news lurking on the edge of their world. the whispers of war.
things became very real for the carefree family   —   the fact of edmund’s disownment, and travis’ famous half-bloodedness.
that all three kids were adopted with far-from-simple origin stories   ( even if lachlan’s was the loudest, neither laurel nor della came from a closet free of skeletons ),   that the dads were gay and the kids were open in their opposition to anti-muggle and anti-muggleborn sentiment
ian glynne might not’ve gone after lachlan for any of that, not really. but the possibility started to hit with dizzying closeness.
two weeks after the holiday officially ended, laurel and lachlan returned to hogwarts. if lachlan had seemed new and different upon receiving the news of his biological parentage, then he seemed really different following his brush with death and new witness to murder. it was the kind of different that was hard to put your finger on. he smoked now, and drank more; he was liable to fall into fits of melancholy. 
cynicism did not come easy to him, but he found that wariness did, that secrecy did. it was shocking.
he finished his fifth year chomping at the bit to do something, anything, about the awful ways in which his world was changing. the next year only held more tragedy   ---   attacks and deaths and disappearances. no one knew what happened to him unless he chose to tell them   ( and in truth, there was almost no one he chose to tell )   but he couldn’t help but feel a kinship with everyone newly hurt by this world. he’d been hurt by it, too, after all. 
there was a small degree of safety offered within hogwarts’ walls, but he couldn’t help but want to be free of them. to be out there, doing something. lachlan would wait for now, ask questions and notice things and store them away the way he always had. but it started to feel like he was just biding his time until he had something to do with every new thing he learned. 
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