#one of the unnamed gay dudes
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demontobee · 1 year
Good Omens is queering TV/storytelling - part 1: GAZE
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I would argue that part of why Good Omens is so refreshingly queer is because it does not cater to the male gaze (which centers around the preferences - aesthetic, romantic, sexual, visual, logical, emotional, political ... - of mainly white men in positions of power):
no oversexualization of groups or types of people: Women or characters that could be read as female presenting are not overly sexualized. In fact, some of them are shown to be grimy, slimy and not sexual at all. All of them are real characters and not just cardboard-cutout on-screen versions of male misogynistic fantasies. They portray real people with real people problems. They are human, or exempt from our categories when portraying angels or demons. There are no overly sexualized bodies in general (as has so far also often been the case with young gay men, PoC, etc.), no fetishization of power imbalances, and not exclusively youthful depiction of love and desire.
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sex or sexual behavior is not shown directly (yet): All imagery and symbolism of sex and sexuality is used not to entice the audience but is very intimately played out between characters, which makes it almost uncomfortable to watch (e.g., Aziraphale being tempted to eat meat, Crowley watching Aziraphale eat, the whole gun imagery).
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flaunting heteronormativity: Throughout GO but especially GO2, there is very little depiction of heterosexual/romantic couples; most couples are very diverse and no one is making a fuss about it. There is no fetishization of bodies or identities. Just people (and angels and demons) being their beautiful selves (or trying to).
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age: Even though Neil Gaiman explained that Crowley and Aziraphale are middle-aged because the actors are, I think it is also queering the idea of romance, love and desire existing mainly within youthful contexts. Male gaze has taught us that young people falling and being in love is what we have to want to see, and any depiction of love that involves people being not exactly young anymore is either part of a fetishized power imbalance (often with an older dude using his power to prey on younger folx) or presents us with marital problems, loss of desire, etc. – all with undertones of decay and patronizing sympathy. Here, however, we get a beautifully crafted, slow-burn, and somehow super realistic love story that centers around beings older than time and presenting as humans in their 50s figuring out how to deal with love. It makes them both innocent and experienced, in a way that is refreshing and heartbreaking and unusual and real.
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does not (exclusively) center around romantic/sexual love: I don’t know if this is a gaze point exactly but I feel like male gaze and resulting expectations of what a love story should look like are heavily responsible for our preoccupation with romantic/sexual love in fiction – the “boy gets girl” type of story. And even though, technically, GO seems to focus on a romantic love story in the end, it is also possible to read this relationship but also the whole show as centering around a kind of love that goes beyond the narrow confines of our conditioned boxed-in thinking. It seems to depict a love of humanity and the world and the universe and just the ineffability of existence as a whole.
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disability as beautiful and innate to existence: Disability is represented amongst angels by the extremely cool Saraqael and by diversely disabled unnamed angels in the Job minisode. Representation of disability is obviously super important in its own right, but is also queers what we perceive as aesthetically and ontologically "normal". Male gaze teaches us that youth and (physical and mental) health are the desirable standard and everything else is to be seen as a deviance, a mistake. By including disability among the angels, beings that have existed before time and space, the show clearly states that disability is a beautiful and innate part of existence.
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gender is optional/obsolete: Characters like Crowley, Muriel and others really undermine the (visual and aesthetic) boundaries of gender and the black-and-white thinking about gender that informs male gaze. Characters cannot be identfied simply as (binary) men or women anymore just by looking at them or by interpreting their personalities or behaviors. Most characters in GO, and especially the more genderqueer ones, display a balance of feminine and masculine traits as well as indiosyncracies that dissolve the gender binary.
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Okay so I need to get some analysis done about Daniel and his relationship with sex (and drugs) because I'm rewatching both seasons and oh man
Starting with Young Daniel
- "I can be on my knees in a second" "Bartering with desire, is that what makes you fascinating?"
This could be a way to get out of dodge in an extremely dangerous and scary situation, or the way out he goes for when also scoring for drugs
- Pulling off his shirt and calling it "fulfilling his side of the social contract".
It could be a joke, it could be a way to get *that* out of the way as if he was indebted to Louis in that way now, he doesn't have any money so that's how he goes
- "You said to a girl that you'll only do her if she had a paper bag over her head. She agreed and you did it, even as she cried"
(A small note about Armand, he's so twisted on how sex is handled due to his past that he calls this humiliation of an unnamed girl a "splinter of coldness". Dude, that's more than a splinter)
To this Daniel doesn't react, maybe out of fear for Armand, but it's interesting the way the gremlin plucks out that memory in particular. Maybe it's to see why he wasn't killed immediately by Louis?
There is no remorse on Daniel's part apparently, so that begs the question as to why he did that. Cruelty, a joke, a way to target that girl in particular? To lash out? We'll probably never know.
On to Old Daniel:
- "I really... I really thought we did."
This is the scene that saddened me the most, especially Eric's facial expressions as Louis says "do you want to now?". A tiny bit of hope that then gets crushed by disappointment, regret, shame. Maybe for the fact that he feels old, or he feels played by Louis?
- "[The gay bar] was a good place as any to score. I did what I had to do."
Score drugs, someone to listen to, something else? We saw that Daniel in the past was interested by Louis, which leads me to believe he is currently "hiding" that part of himself, showing it once more as an obligation.
He also wrote a book on the AIDS epidemic ("A shadow on the skin") when he was young, and another publication called "Searching in the Dark: One San Francisco clinic's fight against AIDS". There is no year added so it isn't clear if they were published before or after those nights in 1973.
It's also a midly worrying situation, now that he is a vampire. He's talking like his younger self, he's dressing like he is having a midlife crisis, and I fear that from there the step against relapsing into addiction will be close by, adding to that the fact that he's super strong and immortal. He wouldn't be bartering with desire to get what he wants anymore.
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ubernatural · 25 days
Due to the overwhelming majority of positive votes on my poll, this is a small snip of my as of now unnamed destiel fic. Please please please talk to me about how I can improve or what you liked about it <3
Cas was alone. Again. His roommate had fucked off, predictably, and left him to stew alone in their half unpacked room right before his first classes of the year. Normally, he’s fine being by himself. Thrives in it, really. But after the way he left things with his family, he’s craving human contact more than ever.
His parents will tell you he “ran away,” but, really, he just never told them he got accepted into KU. He just packed his bags, and left for the fall semester. He had been working jobs since he was fifteen and had saved every last cent of his pay, so he had some money to help with tuition. He also got one mean scholarship, so all he really needs are the books. But that won't stop his parents from calling him “selfish” and “entitled” when all he really wants is to live his life not being constantly squished into the image of the perfect son that hasn’t fit him in a long ass time.
It also doesn’t help that they are super religious and did not support him coming out as gay. They insisted it was a “phase” and “would pass.” But Cas had known for years that he was into men. He knew it before when he picked a girl in class to “like” just so he would fit in. He knew it in Senior year when Hannah, a girl in his school, invited him over to her house to study, or so he thought. She said she was going to change into something more comfortable and he figured that meant pajamas, but apparently that meant buck ass nude. He was embarrassed and, frankly, grossed out. He made a speedy exit, and avoided her for the rest of the year. His parents, Chuck in particular, kept asking him what ever happened to “that lovely Hannah girl.” Well, now they know why they never saw her again.
Pushing away the thought of his family, he rises from his bed to get ready. He throws on a pair of worn dark wash jeans, a black shirt, and pulls a battered gray zip-up over it all. He grabs the old messenger bag he was able to snatch from his father before he left, and fills it with the books he’s going to need today.
The walk to class was pretty uneventful. It was a nice day, and Cas only got lost once. He quickly asked for directions, and was relieved that he wasn’t even that far off course.
He was still pretty proud of himself when he got to the lecture hall. It was relatively full, but not so that it was hard to find a seat. He ended up picking one close to the middle next to a small redhead with glasses. They shared a polite smile before she reached her hand out for him to shake. “Hey there. I’m Charlie.”
Cas tentatively grasped her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Hello, Charlie. My name is Castiel.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! I might have to steal it for my new DnD character,” she playfully shoots back.
“Yes, well, you would be too late considering it’s already the name of mine.” His lips tick up in a smile as he sees her face brighten.
“Dude, you should totally come over and play sometime! I’ve only got one other friend who plays, and his younger brother who’s usually our DM.” Her eyes widen a fraction before she continues frantically, “I mean, obviously you don’t have to, and this is kinda weird since we know basically nothing about each other and-”
“I would love to join you, Charlie.” He cuts off her rambling before she can talk herself out of his invite.
Her face splits into a wide grin, and she’s beaming again. “Did we just become besties?” she asks.
“Yes, I believe we did,” Cas amusedly answers.
The Queen: handmaiden, come quick
emergency dnd meet in my room
and bring the good popcorn
Dean gets the text as he’s finishing his last class for today. He’s pretty drained from all of the “introduce yourself” and “get to know you” chats that he was forced into all day. The sun’s setting, and all he really wanted was to curl up in bed and maybe watch Tombstone for the millionth time. But he loves Charlie, and he can’t refuse his queen. He shoots off a text saying he’ll be right there, and heads for his room to get the requested snack.
Ten minutes later, he’s standing outside Charlie’s dorm with the half cheesy, half caramel popcorn that she likes. He knocks once and is utterly unprepared for what he sees when he lets himself in.
“Hey, Charles-”
He stops in his tracks as he takes in the scene. Charlie and some guy are sitting on the floor as Charlie is very animatedly ranting about something or another and the guy is just sitting there, softly but excitedly smiling at her. Upon second glance, the guy is hot. He’s wearing a shirt that hugs his shoulders perfectly and matches his messy black curls. The guy also has a straight nose and full lips. When he looks up at Dean, he’s struck by just how blue his eyes are. Blue enough to drown in. Shut up, brain.
Their impromptu staring contest is interrupted by Charlie springing up from her spot on the floor and practically yanking him all the way inside the room. “Dean,” she says, “this is Castiel. We have English together and he mentioned he plays DnD, so I invited him over to see if we could coerce you and Sam into getting a game started.” He raises a quizzical brow and her responding look says “just go with it.”
“Uh, hey, man,” he says, transferring the nearly forgotten bag of popcorn under his left arm, reaching the other out for the guy to shake.
“Hello, Dean.” And damn, if he hadn't thought this guy was hot before, he definitely thinks so now. His voice is whiskey smooth yet still has a gargling gravel quality to it. His handshake is strong, too. And just as he realizes that fact, he also recognizes that he’s held this guy's hand for a beat too long and was staring again.
He clears his throat and extracts his hand, trying to control the flush he’s feeling. Judging by the small smirk on this Castiel guy’s face, he’s failed miserably.
Turning back to Charlie, resolutely ignoring the self satisfied smile on her smug little face, he extracts the popcorn from under his arm and offers it to her with a small bow. “M’lady,” he recites.
“Why thank you, handmaiden,” she says liltingly, and pats him on the head.
“Anything for you, my queen,” he says as he straightens.
He throws a glance back over at the guy, who is doing a comically adorable squint-tilt of confusion. He sniggers a little to himself. Where did Charlie find this guy? “So, Cas,” he starts, “are you a sweet or salty kind of guy?”
The squint deepens until the whole look smoothes out. “Well, I prefer sweet to salty snacks, if that’s what you’re asking. Although I do believe that opinion is almost entirely based off of my older brother sharing his sugar addiction with me.” His face turned contemplative and almost yearning.
“Well, that’s good since that half and half crap she has me pick up is more 70-30 on carmel to cheese. Now it works out,” he grins, “you two can split the 70 and I’ll get the 30 all to myself.”
“That’s… agreeable.”
His smile widens much more than the comment earned, but he can’t help it. He’s swooning and the man only said two words. “Great, I’ll get Sammy on the phone. Charles, why don’t you and Cas set up the game?”
Sam picks up on the third ring, predictably still awake and not trying to ignore his big brother. “Hey, Dean. How did your first day go?”
“Ah, it was alright, Sammy. Met some people, found some classes, nothing real eventful until now.”
“Until now? What does that mean?” He sounds equal parts concerned and cautious.
“Nothing bad, you can relax. Charlie found herself a new bestie, and we were just wonderin’ if your dungeon master skills could be brought out for a quick game.”
There’s a large sigh on the other end of the phone before he inevitably relents. “Fine. Put me on speaker, I’ll go get my notes.”
“Yes, Sammy!” he shouts excitedly “This is why I love you.” He puts his phone on speaker and flashes a thumbs up at the other two in the room who had looked up at his outburst.
“There’s gotta be more reasons than that, jerk,” Sam replies petulantly.
“Why don’t you come over here and find out, bitch,” he throws back.
There's grumbling and shuffling on the phone, and Dean grins triumphantly, even though the comeback didn't make much sense. “Ok,” Sam pauses, “am I on speaker?”
“Yeah. Hi, Sam!” comes Charlie’s reply.
“Hi, Char. And, uh, hi, Charlie’s new bestie?”
“Hello, Sam. My name is Castiel. It is good to speak with you.” Dean could listen to Castiel read an organic chemistry textbook and never get bored.
“Hello, Castiel. It’s nice to meet a fellow nerd,” Sam jokes.
Cas laughs and if Dean likes his voice, he loves his laugh. He could bottle it up and get drunk on it each night. God, when did he turn into such a sap?
They stay on the phone with Sam through a two hour adventure that he found lying in his notes. Afterwards, it’s pretty late, but they stick around and chat for a bit. They find out some random things about Cas, like, he’s 20 (just a year younger than Dean), his favorite animal is a bee (”But that’s not an animal, Cas, It’s an insect.” “And insects are a type of animal, Dean.”), he has one older brother, and apparently is in a band.
“No way, dude! That’s so cool! What do you play?” Charlie practically bounces off of her perch on the edge of her bed in excitement.
“Well, I play guitar, but I also sing, sometimes.” He shrugs, “We’re very flexible with who takes the lead, though. It usually comes down to who wrote the song and what they want to do with it.” He then smiles shyly, “Then again, most of the songs are mine as well, with more than a few written by my friend, Meg.”
Charlie nearly chokes on her own spit. “Wait, Meg, as in Meg Masters?”
The squint-tilt is back. “Yes. Megara Masters. Do you know her?”
Charlie scoffs, “Know her? No. Know of her? Hell yes. What kind of lesbian would I be if I didn't know the hottest gay in school?”
“Hey,” Dean protests, “the hottest gay is obviously that Aaron guy.”
She reached over and gently laid her hand on his cheek, “Oh, sweetie,” she said pleasantly, “you keep telling yourself that.” She pats his cheek lightly before she withdraws her hand. The whole exchange leaves Cas more than a little confused.
The topics ebb and flow however it wants, and soon they’re debating the merits of each Hogwarts house.
“I don’t care what either of you buffoons have to say, I gotta back my girl Harmionie,” Charlie yells.
“We’re not talking about characters, Char, We’re talking about the house itself!” Dean yells back.
“But if we were talking about characters,” Cas chimes, “That would give Hufflepuff a point because of Sedric.”
“Oh, yea?” Charlie snaps. “And where’s Sedric now, Cas? That's right, he’s dead,”
Dea narrows his eyes, “That was a low blow, Char.” No one disrespects Sedric and gets away with it.
Cas is about to speak, presumably to come to Dean’s aid, when his phone chimes. “Oh dear,” he says.
“What is it, Cas?” Dean asks as nonchalantly as he can, but if the look Charlie shot at him is anything to go by, it didn't work very well.
He laughs breathily at his phone and begins tapping away, speaking distractedly as he goes. “It looks like it’s much later than I thought, and Gabriel seems to have been trying to contact me for quite some time now.” He bites his lip thoughtfully before he starts typing again. Dean tries not to let his gaze snag on the gesture.
“If you gotta go, man, that’s cool,” Dean relents.
“Yeah,” Charlie chimes, “we should all probably get some sleep, anyways.”
“Yes I think I might do just that,” Cas answers. Just then his phone starts buzzing in his hand. “I have to take this, but it was lovely meeting both of you, and I hope we can possibly do this again sometime?”
“Of course, dude,” Charlie answers and goes in for a hug. Cas is a bit awkward, but he’s smiling, so it can’t be too bad. “We nerds gotta stick together!” she declares.
Dean sticks his hand out for Cas to shake. It’s firm and strong and lasts a little bit longer than a normal handshake, but Dean’s probably just imagining that. He also probably imagined when Cas’ eyes seemed to flick down to his lips. He had to have imagined it. No way would this guy be interested in a sack like Dean.
Cas seems to come back to himself abruptly when his forgotten phone starts buzzing again. He answers swiftly with a sort of fond and annoyed look that belongs to most younger brothers. “Gabriel, ya kak raz sobiralsya pozvonit'. Chto vam nuzhno?” He casually shoots them a wave, and closes the door on his way out.
Dean and Charlie are left staring after him in shock. Was that Russian?
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trollprincess · 4 months
Ten reasons why I headcanon show!Eloise as lesbian:
1.) Yes, yes, she married a man in the books and they’re happy together. The only other explicitly gay character we’ve met on the show was also married to the opposite gender. Because this fictionalized London has trashed racism but kept homophobia, for some reason.
2.) Because she loves women. She does! She thinks they can be so much more than what they are allowed to be by society. Her problem when it comes to speaking to other women at parties isn’t that they’re women, it’s that they literally have nothing in common. Embroidery? Flower arranging? Snooooooze. Eloise responds the same to dudes she has nothing in common with, but at least this season she’s making a concerted effort to converse with other women. Men, on the other hand …
3.) She managed to weasel a personality out of Cressida simply by showing her some actual friendship.
4.) I mean, if the way she goes to [book spouse unnamed for spoiler reasons] isn’t the Georgian equivalent of loading up a U-Haul in a whim …
5.) She and Benedict have their backyard queer sibling club going on, or at least they did as of last season. Just watch the gay relatives gravitate to one another. (Because you can argue whether or not Eloise is a lesbian, but as a bisexual we would have planted a bi pride flag in Benedict’s back if he didn’t put one there himself.)
6.) Because since you apparently can’t be queer in this universe without it being something shameful, that’s one more thing for Eloise the sneaky little bluestocking to fight for.
7.) Eloise — the real Eloise, not the Eloise this season that’s fighting off social leprosy for dating a poor socialist or whatever — would have been thrilled to find out more about the mechanics of sex that doesn’t make babies.
8.) Speaking of, first season Eloise didn’t even know how babies are made, so maybe somebody could sit her down and explain women loving women. What are Colin’s sex worker friends doing this weekend?
9.) Look, I’m not exactly thrilled with her this season, so at least give me the joy of imagining her and Cressida making out like bandits when Cressida’s douchebag of a father can find them.
10.) Because I want to, that’s why.
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steddiebang · 10 months
Living In A Lunar Spell l Mature l 50k
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Author: Weird_Witchcraft (Ao3) / @Mojowitchcraft (Tumblr) /  @Mojowitchcraft (Twitter) Artist: @Nomunun (Tumblr) / @Nomunun (Twitter) / @Nomunun (Insta) Artist: sourw0lfs (Ao3) / @sourw0lfs (Tumblr) Beta Reader: @justcourbeau (Tumblr) & @glitterfang (Tumblr) @glitterfangart (Twitter)
It’s the summer of 1985 and Eddie Munson is trying to stay out of trouble for once. 
Okay, maybe he’s visiting the new mall more than strictly necessary so he can see a certain sailor at Scoops Ahoy but that’s his own damn business, thank you very much.
Imagine Eddie’s surprise when the hot jock he’s been crushing on turns out to be…kind of a good dude? Becoming friends with Steve Harrington goes against every tenet of the Munson Doctrine, but before Eddie can really get to know this new and exciting version of King Steve, he comes face to face with what’s lurking under Starcourt Mall. And emerges from the experience a lot smaller. And furrier. 
Steve Harrington has resigned himself to his fate as a babysitter to a group of middle schoolers, but when he comes across a tiny bat with a wonky wing he’s not so sure if he wants to offer up his caregiving services to the furry creature, especially not when Robin insists that it probably, maybe, definitely has rabies. Steve finds himself quickly charmed by the little thing, especially when it looks at him so intently with those brown eyes that seem weirdly familiar. 
Of course, in Hawkins, it would be weirder if there wasn’t something extra-dimensional going on.
Fic | Comic by Ellie | Art by Fox
Pairings: Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Gareth, Jeff, Grant (Unnamed Freak), The Party, Tommy Hagan, Billy Hargrove, Jason Carver, Wayne Munson, Henry Creel | One | Vecna Tags: Bat!Eddie, Bat Eddie Munson, Pining, Fluff and Humor, Season/Series 03, Scoops Ahoy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, POV Multiple Trigger Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Period-Typical Homophobia, use of f-slur, Implied/Referenced Drug Use
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Corroded Coffin Headcanons!
Why yes, I am procrastinating. Why do you ask?
I've good all week and want to take a little break and descend into madness, so I'm allowed, okay?
As always, you can headcanon whatever the hell you want, just like I can, so please no hate. Good?
This mostly about the members of CC and not necessarily about the band as a whole.
I'm going to do Eddie last because we know the most about him.
The Unnamed Freak- And as far as I've heard around, this dude STILL doesn't have a name. I've seen all sorts of names for him: Frank, because it sounds like freak; Grant, because that's the actor's name; Archie, is another I've seen crop up a lot; and of course a smattering of others. In all of my fics, he's Brian. All the other members of the band had epic names: Gareth, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, Edward, the name of several of England's kings, and even Geoffrey has a lot of famous people of that name. So he gets named Brian. Usually his last name is Martin.
He met Eddie because they were seated next to each other due to their last names in band. Eddie got him into metal music and the subculture.
Bassist for the band he began learning at an early age, early enough that he was and is the band's only bassist.
He is the oldest of four kids having three younger siblings. Two brothers and a sister. He tries to get out of babysitting as often as he can.
He's ace but not aro. When I age him up in stories, he's often in a romantic relationship, but never a sexual one. He's not sex repulsed but it's not for him.
He was held back in kindergarten and understands what Eddie is going through as far as being older than his peers.
He's a year younger than Eddie, and if he hadn't been held back would have graduated with Steve.
Jeff- Everyone thinks his given name is Geoffrey, but nope. It's Jeffrey. It's because his mom thought it would be easier for him. Nope! He has one older sister who is away at college. His last name is Lawrence mainly because I love that name and I think Jeff Lawrence just has a nice ring to it.
He is the grade he's suppose to be in, the same grade as well...literally every other older teen in the series except Steve and Eddie. In fact he's super smart, but doesn't have the patience to help Eddie with his school work. He gets frustrated too easily.
His mom hopes he gives up the idea of super stardom soon because she thinks he's smart enough to be a doctor.
In my fics where I age them up, he has a white girlfriend and understands Eddie's fear of going public with a guy, because in the 80s, black boy and white girl is just as bad as being gay. Still is in some places, sadly.
Jeff is Eddie's best friend, mainly because they both play guitar. Jeff is rhythm guitar, though because Eddie is far and away the better player.
Jeff is bisexual. Yes, he is with a girl most of the time and his relationship with his girlfriend is a lot like a couple friends of mine, where they are both bisexual, but dating an opposite member from their sex. Still experiences attraction to the same sex, though.
Gareth- this might shock some people but Emerson is a fanon not a canon last name for the character. And because I headcanon him as second generation American, his grandparents migrated over to America from Wales and his dad is first generation, their last name is Hughes. His dad knows Welsh, but Gareth and Gethin his twin brother don't.
The main reason I think this is because Gareth is a very Welsh first name. As is the name Gethin, in case you were wondering. It's why I picked Gethin as the name of his twin.
I think Gareth is a twin because there is a character in the first episode taking pictures at the basketball game that looks a lot like Gareth, almost uncannily so. You can even see Nancy talking to him for a moment.
Gareth is gay and Gethin is straight. Gethin is everything his parents would want from a kid, straight, smart, into photography, preppy. Everything Gareth isn't. He's gay, struggles in school, drums for a metal band, and is a metalhead.
That's not to say his parents aren't supportive, because they are. They let Corroded Coffin play in their garage, after all. But Gareth still feels like a disappointment anyway.
He's a junior in high school and absolutely wants to drop out when his bandmates graduate, but he's afraid his mom will kill him.
Eddie- Look, I know I've used Edward as his full name a lot, but sometimes Edmond is just the superior name. And I use them interchangeably, but yeah it's probably Edward considering he grew up poor.
Wayne is a Catholic (you see a calendar of the saints in the trailer) and Eddie grew up around Catholicism, but the more he realized he was gay and moved further into the metal subculture the less he liked the religion.
Yes he does know the patch on the side of his denim vest is the church of Satan. :D
Wayne bought him his first guitar after his mother died and taught him how to play as way of coping with the grief.
Eddie was one of those students that coasted in school until his senior year where suddenly the difficulty was ramped up to eleven.
He promised his mom that he would graduate from high school though, because she didn't. She got pregnant with him.
I think he was 11 or 12 when he went to go live with Wayne, just barely starting middle school. He's been around Wayne long enough that he knows he's loved by him, but old enough to have been influenced a little by his dad's life style.
In fact, it was his dad that got him into dealing drugs for Reefer Rick.
His dad keeps coming into town and dragging Eddie back down with him and leaving Wayne to pick up the pieces.
I've written him bisexual in the past, and probably will again, but there is just something about Eddie being gay that hits a sweet spot. An extra box to tick in the freak department (not that being gay is bad, it's just how Eddie would see it).
The Munson Doctrine is a serious things he's picked up over the years from his dad and uncle but also his experiences with life as whole.
Did NOT get bullied by Steve. Especially since for most of Steve's high school career Eddie was the grade above him. He just dealt at enough parties to "know" rich+good looking+popular with girls=douchebag. But he hasn't had any direct experience with Steve outside of the odd class they had together his second senior year.
Is the president of the Hellfire Club in practice, but on paper it's usually someone else. Someone more liked by the principal. And is billed as a gaming club on the school records so that it doesn't get banned. Everyone knows it's DND.
Corroded Coffin- Just a little headcanon here. Gareth is the second drummer but everyone else were original members that played at that Talent Show (Gareth would have been in fifth grade). They picked up Gareth after their original drummer moved away.
So there you go, just some of my headcanons for the CC boys.
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horrorvillaintourney · 4 months
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND TWO MATCH THIRTY: Scar (Alien vs. Predator) vs. Unnamed Demon (Suitable Flesh)
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"Dude comes in ready to annihilate some Xenomorphs and maybe some humans. But he also recognizes game. When Lex kills a Xenomorph, he gives her some gear and teams up with her. Like everyone, he loves a final girl, and does whatever he can to make sure she can see all his cool Predator friends when they pick him up."
"ok first things first this is a tribute to stuart gordon who did re-animator and i KNOW herbert west is on here. talking about the actual character though he posseses several people throughout the movie and its done by having sex with them and its really gory and horny And theres a specific scene where they talk about how they always thought they were a man but dont mind being a woman. and bc of the possession thing this character is played by both male and female actors (one of them being barbara crampton!!) and its very gay sometimes. also unrelated to the gender part but the judah lewis is so fucking good in this movie pls watch if you havent seen it"
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A Guide To TDP's Male Cinnamon Rolls
So, since I have seen even more "season 6 is the most heartbreaking season yet" tweet screenshots (Aaron Ehasz tell your merry band of jolly souls to stop tormenting me and to leave me alone please I can't take it anymore) I figured I would bring more happy content to this fandom and completely ignore season 5 episode eight ahaha what are you talking about
So I will be explaining the differences between each of our little wholesome men here, because they're all just sliiiightly different from each other, which warrants an entire long text post from me because I'm bored
King Ezran- despite all the trauma he's withstood throughout his life, he's still a twelve year old boy, and there's a sense of childlike innocence about him. This boy would like to tell you about Pokemon, and I would listen to him if I were you. He's the type of twelve year old cis boy who would definitely stand up to transphobic bullies. King Ezran is the definition of the "not all (I suppose men doesn't apply here, 12 year old boys ig?) is right, [insert character name here] would never" meme.
Prince Callum- Callum is literally the biggest loser around and it's adorable. He's literally a crown prince and he couldn't ride horses normally until he was like 16. He's just a dorky little man, who gets excited about big books and research and libraries and things like that. Dude would love light academia. He's a nerd with tiny skinny arms, need I say more?
Head crownguard Soren- he's a himbo, need I say more?
Commander Gren: he's the dictionary definition of cinnamon roll. Dude is polite even with his captors. He has the patience I never will, and that is completely envy-worthy. He's that one friend in the gay friend circle who is endlessly polite to the homophobic mom, just because that's how Gren is. I don't think he could ever be mean, or rude, or angry. And that's just the way he is.
Title-less Terry: Terry is the one who is setting high standards for boyfriends. Terry is everything a boyfriend should be, and he goes even above and beyond. Terry needs to get out of this relationship soon, though, because he is too optimistic and happy to realize the gravity of what is going on with his girlfriend. He literally put all of his issues on hold for his girlfriend, and keeps telling her "Claudia you need to sleep, it's not healthy for you to go this long without sleep :(" and then goes around building rafts throughout the night with no sleep and wearing his binder 24/7. Terry you need self-care too!!!
Crownguard Corvus because I just considered to include him- Corvus is a man who is built different. He is the voice of reason in these trying times, but under his rough exterior, he has no idea what is going on. He is pretending to be in control and he is not fooling us. Corvus is the type of man who had an emo phase. Corvus is just trying to keep everyone alive, and honestly, they need to bring him on more missions because he would've probably helped them avoid so much awful stuff.
Another crow themed man I missed- The associate crow lord. While being an unnamed side character, the crow lord is just a struggling man fresh out of college trying his best to help all of his customers. This man exudes waves of he/they energy. He is happy you're happy, definetly. He just got promoted and he is very proud of himself.
Lemme know if I missed anyone
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the-everqueen · 8 months
fellow comrade in the trenches of rarepairs in a fandom that cares precisely about One Ship (and ofc it's two white dudes). i love when you scream about that one guy who shall go unnamed. i love when you get excited about the mansand lesbians. spanish on my dash. 😊 you find such good pics of Viv and Melissanthi. your fics are so good and i have your Luce character study open in a tab so i can actually leave a comment for once in my life. you so kindly commented on gay coworkers. the Luce scenes in that fic are for you, ayla, and swan. ("write for yourself" NO, i write for the women lovers in my audience.) i don't follow soccer but i know Marta because of you.
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27potatochips · 8 months
@meowmeowriley asked to hear more about 4, 6, and 7 from my COD wip list (thank you very much btw) and my motto will always be 'ask and ye shall receive' so here we go!
4 Still Unnamed centaur AU: Alright so Price is the very proud owner of a centaur wildlife reserve which is a place that takes injured centaurs and fixes them up so they can be released again. Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Roach, König, and my OC Flower (pls ask me about him), are all centaurs who cannot be released into the wild due to various reasons and they act as like ambassadors, they even organise events to help raise centaur awareness (everyone especially adores the kids that come with school visits) but Shepard, who is a very high official in the wildlife reserve business, only sees centaurs as beasts and not like the intelligent beings they are. He tries to put Price out of business at every opportunity and is generally an all around dick. Yet nothing seems to work as support for centaur communities continues to blow up due to the team being adorable and in love together, i mean look at Ghost blushing as Soap tries to court him! It's adorable!
6 The Men In The Corner Booth: It's basically an outside view on the lads from the perspective of a gay bar and it's patrons. I love outsider POVs so i decided to make my own. It's mostly about the lads being disgustingly in love with each other while also being absolutely insane. Also features another of my OCs i call Timber. I don't have much yet but i still love it.
7 Wild Wild West: A RDR2 and COD crossover, i also love this one. The lads are a bounty hunter gang who mainly deal with the worst of the worst and are on the search for Graves who betrayed them, they find out Graves is working with these dudes called the Pinkertons and accidentally stumble upon the Van Der Linde Gang getting shot at and decide to intervene. They team up and join the camp as they search for Graves, in the meantime they show the Van Der Linde gang that things could be better mainly by just doing their own thing as they normally do. (AKA everyone does the chores and brings in money instead of relying on one dude to do it, i am a firm believer in letting Arthur rest. That poor man needs it) Ghost and Arthur bond, Hosea and Price bond over being dads, Price sets Dutch straight, they drive Micah crazy. Very fun. Also stars Flower because i love my boy.
Nobody asked for it, but i need to rant about my Star Wars COD crossover too, it's very self indulgent and full of my own headcanons so be warned. It's about Ghost and Soap being Mandalorian bounty hunters who just got married a week ago and still very deep in that honeymoon phase. They make a stop on Coruscant because they're out of the tea Ghost drinks and Ghost without his tea is a nightmare so they go get it even though Coruscant is a sensory nightmare (They are both force sensitive because the Force is very cool and force sensitive Mando's exist damnit) they find his tea, but also find a wee little baby Obi-Wan, freshly traumatized from Bandomeer, hiding in a alley because Obi had a panic attack while searching for his master at the markets. Ghost and Soap's Mandalorian instincts activate, Soap sees Obi is Stewjoni like him and gets even more protective. And well the marriage is really new but it's never too early to adopt right?
Baby Obi gets fed copious amounts of tea and cookies and gets adopted, but requests to get brought back to the Jedi temple because he does really want to be a Jedi and finish his education, Ghost is a bit pouty but they drop him off by the temple with a care package and a few dozen comm numbers to call if he ever gets in trouble or just wants to call his new family. And because Obi-Wan is the greatest danger magnet to have ever lived he will get in a lot of trouble lol.
Anyways, first post that is not a reblog i think, nice. I will always love questions about things i write or my OC's so please, if you're curious about something, ask away.
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 2 years
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YGOctober Day 11: Hirutani and that one unnamed villain dude from the Zombire chapter whose design I really liked
Do crimes.... be gay?
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rottmnt-hc · 1 year
Unnamed Mini-Series
12 Donatello: I'm sorry, did you say MAGIC!?
14 Raphael: Okay, I'm calling bullshit
03 Michaelangelo: We have magic, but it's sealed away.
87 Raphael: Great super powered babies, just what we need.
14 Casey Jones: Please don't be too OP
Magic_Mike: Old Man Jones! Hiii! We didn't die! Please don't find an excuse to come back!
Queen GOONGALA: Old Man! I want a rematch!
NeonLeon: Pls with fists this time
87 April: Wait Casey, you've been to their universe?
Commander O'Neil: Yes, Yes it did and wow...
Red King: Raph does not like this but I guess thanks or whatever.
Junior Cadet: It's really that bad Raph?
87 Donatello: Is what bad? Is your Raphael okay?
NeonLeon: Raphie had a little bit of a growth spurt and he doesn't like how...big he got.
12 Raphael: Growth spurt! Boy would I kill for one of those!
Red King: One that tops you off a 15ft?
03 Raphael: I..What?
87 Raphael: Bullshit!
14 Raphael: You're taller than Donnie!?
12 Raphael: Fuck you and your height! I'm fucking 5'0!!!
03 Raphael:...How are you shorter than 87 Raph!?
14 Raphael: Damn you're fun sized...
87 Raphael: Lol shortie
03 Casey Jones: Dude, you just admitted to being the shortest person here...
Bootyyyshaker9000: Actually Mikey is the same height so he isn't alone.
Red King: Can we please introduce ourselves so we can forget about this? Junior, you start since you made the chat.
Junior Cadet: I'm Casey Arnold Jones Jr! I came from an apocalyptic future and it turns out I like penguins!
Queen GOONGALA: I'm Cassandra Casey Jones I'm Junior's bio mom and I'm still planning on world domination, what I'm doing afterwards is a mystery.
Commander O'Neil: I'm April O'Neil long time best friends with the turtles and honorary older sister! I have many licenses for anything not a car!
Red King: I'm Hamato Raphael, I am currently standing on top of Metro Tower about to show Casey something I came up with.
Bootyyyshaker9000: I am Hamato Donatello Von Ryan, I am watching Raph jump off of Metro Tower and...this motherfucker...ok that's kinda cool.
NeonLeon: I'm Hamato Leonardo and Donnie if you let him die Im going to take drastic measures against you. Also gay.
Magic_Mike: I'm Hamato Michelangelo! I like to do art and sometimes do commissions! I'm also the strongest magic user compared to my brother!
14 Casey Jones: I'm Casey Jones, I guess you can call me Case and I'm a cop.
Several people are typing...
A/N: I am picking up where I'm leaving off lol, also I'm messing with the timeline a bit so might make Raph 16, Donnie and Leo are 15 and Mikey is 14. Yes the Kraang shit has happened already. No I did not do this oldest to youngest (on purpose) so it's not accurate. And expect my short for my Peepaw project tonight.
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yashahimewasamistake · 5 months
So let me get this straight. You sit here and bitch and moan about people using the word queer (ooooo scary i know) because a handfull of people are uncomfortable so you're oh so loudly trying to say it's slur but will not give two flying fucks about misgendering someone? "Weak" really? Really?
Now let's loop back to the first point, what on God's green earth do you think the Q in LGBTQ stands for? Let's say it together now hon, it's Queer. It's not some filthy nasty word that needs to be censored. I'd assume you only believe gay and lesbian are the only valid identities to you based on you're prior posts, but I was taught assuming about people is wrong. Definitely think that's something you could stand to learn.
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people aren't identifying into it. They have same-sex- attraction and so, they use the word that better describes them and their reality. Even if they failed to identify in any of those categories, reality would remain true.
Homosexuality is natural and exists even if unnamed or denied.
Btw, is the person I "misgendered" is it really a man or a girl pretending she's a man and would get a narc bost by making me apologize for using a language based in reality by mere mistake? No, wait, he isn't the one asking for any apology, he didn't seem to care at all except to say "I'm a dude", so, maybe you are the one that wants a narc bost my making me apologize for "misgendering"...who knows, should I care?
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svnraez · 2 years
a list of people who are in the mike wheeler hate club (in no particular order):
max mayfield
jonathan byers
jim hopper
murray bauman
vecna (and associated otherworldly creatures)
ted wheeler
troy walsh
martin brenner
tortured unnamed agent dude
that one government worker who side eyed him in an ‘i know what you are gay gay homosexual’ way
mike wheeler
if u think i’m missing anyone feel free to add on
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eclipsetwist · 7 months
Intro :D
---Some basic info:
I don't mind being called any abbreviations of my username (Eclipse, Twist, etc.)
They/He (On/Jego po polsku)
Trans gay male
I write. stuff
check out my ao3 :DD (it's empty)
---Read some of the things in which I headcanon before you decide to read my (nonexistent) works:
Cross is a babygirl (in "I project onto him" way)
Geno is also a babygirl (in "can he be my daddy frfr" way(my father was absent through my entire childhood did you get it???))
the day I make Cross a cis man is the day I get assimilated by aliens
BSP, Crepic, Dreamberry, Crossmare are the things I live for
I do ship a lot of other things tho
I mean. sometimes
Error nonbinary they/them forever
Killer gets bullied whenever he appears
Lust is a she/her transfem now
I make a lot of transgender people have you noticed that yet??
---The things I'm currently working on:
"Godhunters" where Nightmare looks for his harem of ghosts he has lost accidentally
"Crown I Wear" - a royalty AU where Cross is nearly 18 and is just me but ten times worse
"How (not) to cope with a skull injury" (based on that highschool au @xyriscomplanata made once)
That one unnamed Multiverse that I had in my head for about 6 years. It's multilayered and has 3 acts but no timeline oops
evil capitalist Dream AU where Dream is an alcoholic and a simp, Cross is a random dude with autism and the gang lives in a cave I think
The war AU where Cross has a buzz cut, two children, and no legs :3
School :((
Trying to stop loving a 40-year-old man
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