#one time he broke into her to interrogate her and she literally just crossed her arms and went
raviollies · 1 year
never knew how much i needed rahadin/blythe until now ghdjgjfjdhfbd please they’re making me go FERAL
They're certainly. A dynamic.
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mezzy-1 · 11 months
@eviethelesbian once again thank you for the Headcanon List. Also shoutout to @darthladyofillusions because I included ur OC :)
Harbor is a history professor dating Astra, the archeology professor.  Both of them met on a trip to a site in India
Both of them reached for the same the brush at one point and they laughed it off later
Both of them are excellent teachers in their own way.  Varun has a habit of going on tangents about stories and is super nerdy about his subject.  Efia’s classes are fun and her energy is infectious
Cypher has a family and does cyber security for the University.  Nobody knows his actual name.
Nobody knows him that well but when he comes out of his office he’ll say hello to anyone nearby.  He goes home quickly though and usually avoids working late.
Cypher’s office is full of pictures of his family, drawings from his daughter, screens, and the scent of imported Moroccan teas
He and his wife and kid see the students off when they graduate, and all of the students are amazed to realize that this guy has such a good family life.  (They thought he was a no-life kinda guy)
Liam ‘Brimstone’ Byrne is the university’s Dean and basically runs everything as much as possible for the good of the students.  Tariq and him are the brains and guiding hand of the university
He retired from the military after he was given an educator’s license and became a professor of tactics at a military academy.  He then took his skills elsewhere and turned the college into what it is now
Liam keeps the students at the forefront of any policy changes and takes an interest in professors that are considered brilliant but difficult to work with.  He’s an expert of recruitment and reining in the right people
Has snacks in his office for students but they can only get them if they complete a pull-up on an pull-up bar he has in his office.  One arm only.
Sabine worked at R&D at a pesticide company but is the only Organic Chem teacher that the Valorant U could get.  Somehow is a good professor despite hating students and no general teaching
She doesn’t really hate them but it isn’t a good idea to get on her bad side.  It’s rumored she poisons the students she hates.  
Stared daggers into the first person (Jamie), to make a Breaking Bad reference and since then nobody brings it up
Classes with her are pretty tense but if a student actually tries and gives their all, she’ll notice and be kinder to them.  Especially students who study chemistry.  Double for O-Chem.
Sabine’s style of teaching could use work, but when she tries to explain complex ideas she’s genuinely in her element.  She once explained how tetrodotoxin and nerve ion channels worked to Zyanya’s little sister 
Zyanya is a professor for sure, probably the best Spanish teacher ever.  Beyond terrifying to new students
She will not let students forget proper accents and grammar, and god help the people that do.  Somebody once forgot their homework and Zyanna was literally this close to killing them
Her Spanish is specifically Mexican, and that extends to the class through some of the words she teaches.  Especially bits in culture and authenticity
Zyanya’s idea of testing people is borderline an interrogation.  10 minutes of extensive and stern conversations and multiple pages of writing.  People say it feels like their souls have literally been drained
Students come out of the classes fluent or scarred for life
Ling is a professor of medicine and completed her PHD around the same time Viper completed hers.  They were amazed to see each other teaching
She does Tai Chi for relaxation but did at one point learn Kung Fu while living abroad in a monastery for a couple of years.  She once broke a board in front of her class just to prove it
Hosts meditation hours during finals week and her office hours are always super useful for all of the medical and nursing students.  Calming as hell to anxious people
Tala got a scholarship via cross country and another from basketball, and wants to major in physical therapy.  She also got a job doing late night shifts at the library as security.
Hazal is in a band called Nightmare.  Her and several other introverts got together and started one.  Only perform in the most obscure venue.  She can play bass REALLY WELL
Tala found out and now shows up to every performance the band has.  If it weren’t for the lights flashing red and blue, you could see Hazal blushing when she spots Tala in the crowd
That’s how she met Hazal.  Tala was approached by her because Hazal wanted to study late and the two became acquainted
Both of them love the late nights that they share and Hazal is always at one of Tala’s games.  Tala picks her out of the crowd every time, and at the end Hazal always kisses her 
Mateo is a veterinary student and is everyone’s friend.  Except Iselin because some of his patients got into her office once and trashed her latest project model
He keeps fish, dogs, lizards, cats, and nearly everything else.  At one point he was in charge of a project that kept some monkeys around at one point 
The animal counterparts are a chameleon (Dizzy), a Chinese High Banded Shark (Thrash), a bullfrog tadpole (Mosh), and an Axolotl named Wingman
He has a crochet version of his (radivore) crew, courtesy of Omen being bored one day
Mateo is a Gen Z kid, and his vocabulary beyond salvaging
Jamie is an English major, I mean, obviously
Everyone likes Jamie, he brings a certain energy to everything he does and it resonates well with people.  His writing has a level of power and rhythm that makes it both easy to listen and layered
He is a songwriter, and poet, and even has a collection of published short stories.  His mums are proud.  His scripts are also incredible and his goal is to get his own musical to Broadway 
When Jamie is in a play, it’s usually as the protagonist or the main antagonist.  It is wonderful to see him on stage, especially because he’s trained as a Shakespearean actor
Tayane is THE art student and the reason most of the faculty drinks.  And also the reason why most of the students drink too
Absolute ragers getting thrown anytime Tayane is involved.  This woman does not stop until the sun is up
Her graffiti portraits are inspired, colorful, and almost always on government property or university property.  Brim started commissioning her in order to stop her from painting everything
The commissioned murals are a lot better for her, and gave her legal access to make huge projects on some of the older buildings
One of the walls is a silhouette of a woman with big circular glasses, geometric pink and yellow patterns around her, and surrounded by flowers
Vincent Fabron is the art teacher and Viper HATES him.  He’s also that one teacher an unreasonable amount of people of have a crush on
He was a tattoo artist while taking art lessons in France, then moved into high class art.  His gallery pieces gained a lot of attention and he gained a lot of money from them.
Now he teaches art, and has done graphic design for many upscale companies.  His own business card has won awards from design and art societies though
Omen is a guy in a scarf and hoodie that is somehow in everyone’s classes.  He crochets in the back sometimes.
Texts notes at 4am to anyone who needs it and is incredibly nocturnal.  He doesn’t need sleep he needs friends
Students never remembered or learned his name, so they just started calling him Omen after the laptop brand he uses
Erik ‘Breach’ Torsten is a coach they brought in and actually manages a paralympic team.  May have criminal past according to some of the athletes he manages
He will scream at people in Swedish during games, practice, going over strategies, and if he sees them in public.  Friendly but so loud
His prosthetic arms were a courtesy of the university’s science program.  They were partially a gift and partially a test to see what they could do.  Erik made sure that he could flip people off with the arms
Iselin the professor of Industrial Design, and she is the most stern professor ever.  At times she works for a wilderness recreation company and does product design for them.  
She is very organized, and her lecture presentations are always available, she lists the pages to read, dates for every assignment are posted a month in advance
Iselin’s a professional and rarely eases up, but the few times she’s been out with the other faculty she’s been surprisingly fun.  Especially with Ling for some reason
Kirra is a Biology professor that has so many plants in her room.  Has a parakeet, dog, and fish tank at home too.  Does wildlife photography on the side.  
Kirra protested in college and was arrested once for sabotage.  So she is totally chill with people missing class for stuff, and gives extra credit for students involved in causes
Goes on wilderness expeditions with some students for a class and memorized several survival books worth of information and knows every plant, animal, and fungus she comes across
Klara is an engineering major and Tayane just comes to those classes because she can.  It usually results in the equipment being plastered in stickers and paint.
They met when Tayane decided to tag the garage that Klara was keeping her final project in.  Both of them sort of caught feelings as soon as they saw each other
Klara fell so damn hard, and realized this while Tayane was doing a kegstand.  Klara whispered ‘she’s perfect’ mindlessly and then realized Sunwoo was right next to her
Sunwoo finished what was in her cup, patted Klara on the back, and said ‘good luck’ before walking away and pretending she didn’t hear
Her final project has been her ‘Lockdown’ which is basically an EMP crossed with a massive DDOS hack.  It went off once and downed the college’s internet for a week.
She’s going to switch it to something a little less destructive at this point, and Tayane is helping her brainstorm.  Currently it’s a robot but she’s trying to figure out what to make it do
KAY/O is Tariq’s gamertag.  The man is a CS:GO fiend and has crazy flashes due to muscle memory
Liam and him are MARRIED.  I’m not budging on this one and you will find me dead in the ground before I let this go
Tariq’s good at a lot of random stuff and doesn’t help out too much at the college but is well-known as the ‘guy who Brim allows to help grill things’ because nobody else is allowed
Helps Liam plan out things for the students and assists in any sort of set up that he can do
Ryo is studying Japanese History and works as a mechanic at a chop shop.  It is shady as hell over there but Yoru will hook people up if needed.  They definitely steal parts though
He takes business classes and there’s a real chance he might double major.  His business acumen and aggressive nature would make him the ultimate CEO
Sasha is the professor that most students simp for, and he teaches Russian Language classes.  Throws things at students that don’t pay attention and rarely misses
He has an owl nesting outside of the window to his classroom, he named it Matrioshka after the nesting dolls.  It had owlets so it seemed fitting.
His babushka lives out of the country but gets a continuous stream of gifts from him
Sasha is that one professor that has a weird story for everything in his room.  The bow he has? killed a grizzly bear with it.  Glass eye on display?  It was a gift from a glassmaker that was caught with illegal firearms.  Weird rock?  It was at the sight of a historic battle and has a bootprint in it
Has SO MANY books from Russian writers he reads in his off time.  Also does archery at a cabin he has in the woods.
Nobody could handle Novikov at the cabin, the sheer hotness of him splitting firewood, bow hunting, and chopping trees would send people into a simp coma
At the end of the year, he writes each student a short note in Russian telling them something worthwhile.
Sunwoo is an amazing sprinter and also amazing at darts.  Loves adding photos to the corkboard she has in her dorm
She isn’t really sure what she wants to study at the moment or even if she wanted to go to college.  Gotta love families pressuring college on their kids right?
It isn’t as depressing though, she shows real talent and enjoyment in studying Business but surprisingly is leaning towards learning Journalism as well
She writes stuff for the school paper, a blog, and even has a (somewhat inspired by people around her) science fiction story.  She hasn’t thought of a name yet.
It’s about secret agents that fight against an alternate dimension that tries to steal a powerful crystal from them.  It’s quite popular with the people who she let read it and people are constantly asking for updates
Sunwoo is trying, and hopefully she’ll manage to find somewhere she can feel comfortable
Kayra is studying botany, and started a garden in one of the common areas.  At first it was small but cute, then after a few weeks the flowers and bushes spread outside of the garden and overtook the common area.
It's now her favorite place to get away from people because trellises were added in and nobody can see through the vines.  There’s a chance she keeps patio furniture in the garden too
Has been living in an apartment with Hazal.  Tala has been the only one in there and says its overrun with houseplants and hanging lamps.
(@darthladyofillusions I hope this is accurate to some extent)
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kachikirby · 1 year
For the OC ask!
Fettuccine: 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 16
Kurabe: 5, 6, 12, 14, 16, 20
Katsumi: 1, 9, 12, 14, 16, 25
Thank you for the ask!
2. I feel like it's the fact that she's actually an interrogation genius and child prodigy. She was the youngest person to ever join Task Force Zetta, which is basically the elite unit of the Intelligence Division of the Organization. But I feel like people wouldn't realize that based on how she look.
4. If Fetty is frightened, she would probably freeze. It takes a lot to scare her, but she can get scared.
6. It would be extremely difficult unless it was someone she highly respected. (i.e. Meta, Risotto, or Pandoro would have the easiest time convincing her) But even then, she would be a bit skeptical why and ask them to justify why.
12. She often tries to put on a brave face with her work, especially if whoever she is interrogating had some way to end themselves while she was doing it, but it does haunt and upset her, but she never says it. Other than that, she does try to act confident in the face of death. (i.e. when she was poisoned by someone) But overall, the moments are few and far between because her job doesn't really involve fighting.
14. She overall just wants to be seen as a good person and a close friend or even lover to Meta.
16. Her pain tolerance is surprisingly high. There's a reason her mirror world counterpart is a masochist. (i.e. she likes it rough)
5. Depends on what it is she wants. Generally, she can chuck a lot of money at her problems, and they'll go away because she's rich. But if her family is threatened, she will kill.
6. It would be near impossible to. The only way for her to be convinced to do something against her moral compass is for it to literally be the only solution.
12. Kurabe is EXTREMELY hard on herself. Like if something horrible happens and she believes it's her fault, she will go into a mental spiral and have a breakdown. She also doesn't like being a burden on others, so that adds to her self-destructive behavior at times.
14. While Kurabe doesn't really care about the opinions of others, she does want her students to see her as a teacher they look up to and rely on for years to come. It works, seeing how a lot of her former students visit her. (Meta tends to visit the most of them because he's also her adopted son.)
16. One of the things she teaches those who are willing is an unnaturally high pain tolerance while still being able to fight. Like being shishkababed and having a limb cut off level of pain tolerance.
20. Kurabe doesn't really get jealous if I'm being honest. She knows that Mikuto only has eyes for her and she's content with her life. Most is she will teasingly get jealous if Fetty mentions how Meta is more snuggly with her, because she loves hugging her son too.
That time Yona broke through all the traps in her home just to see where she lived. It took her forever to get her out and replace them all.
9. "Aaan? Bukkorosu zo!" (Nn? I'll kill you!) because that was one the the quotes I had in mind when thinking of Katsumi's design. The specific character that I associate this line with is actually her voice claim. (Neru from Blue Archive)
12. She will do anything for money, no matter how destructive or deadly it is or even if it means she'll cross paths with the Organization. She just has that much confidence that she'll make it out alive.
14. She doesn't really care how she's seen by others. She just wants to be paid. She is literally willing to backstab the person she's working for if someone else is willing to pay her more for what she does. Also, one of her policies is literally "I get half of my full payment in advance in case you all die".
16. I'd honestly say on par with Kurabe. Maybe a bit more than that, since she's a ruthless mercenary.
25. Honestly, while I like her personality a lot, her design is my favorite thing about her. I came up with her because I really like the aesthetic of bancho and sukeban and I wanted an OC that reflected that. I also made her a puffball/Astral/whatever you would call Kirby's species because I wanted to have one that was more in the morally grey territory after having a lot that were more on the lawful or neutral good side, and that was why I made her a mercenary as well. Everything else followed after that.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
5th dimension
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 2750.
Please check out the notes in the end :)
It’s the first thing that you see when you go downstairs for breakfast early in the morning after the big party. Kara is in her super suit leaning over the kitchen island. Lena is next to her, sitting on one of the high stools, and Alex is on the other side talking to them. This obviously doesn't look good for you, after you just sneaked out the night before.
You honestly thought you would get away with it. If Kara had seen you last night, if Lena had noticed her car was missing, or even if Alex had figured you and Jamie weren’t really in the Fortress, they would’ve done something immediately. They wouldn’t let you enjoy the party in your super suit, then sneak back home pretending you did nothing wrong. Right? It’s what you hoped, anyway.
But when you woke up today, and checked your phone, you knew there’s no way in hell they don’t know. Of course they don’t follow stupid teens on social media, but there were a lot of pictures of you hanging in this party. A lot. An absurd amount. So, obviously, first thing in the morning you got an alert on your phone for a piece called ‘This Super Knows How To Party’.
Ah, damn.
So when you see the three of them, suspiciously waiting for something in the kitchen, you turn around in silence, ready to make your way back upstairs when you hear, ��Good morning, sunshine.”
You bite your lip. Ah, crap. You turn around to see all of them staring at you, with not so friendly faces and raised eyebrows. “Good morning, mommy.”
Kara smirks. Well aware you’re using ‘mommy’ to try and make her side with you. Pathetic for someone who was just claiming to be rebellious.
“You, um, what brings you by, so early on a Saturday? I thought you would both be working.” You gulp, walking in a little bit closer.
“Well, we wanted to come in and talk to Alex to make sure it was actually ok for you to stay here.” Lena answers and you raise your eyebrow, wondering if that’s all this visit brings.
“And I was telling them how good it is to have you here with Jamie, and that you two are having a really fun time. Right?”
“Mhm.” You force a smile out of your lips, still scared to do more.
“Why do you think we’re here?” Kara asks, hands on her hips, and a fake concerned look on her face.
You see, they might know everything about you, but you know them very much as well. This feels like a weird, staged play. Kara is standing there with her heart on her throat, giving you a sheepish smile, in a very uncomfortable pose. Lena is looking too soft, which would be a relief if your last two interactions with her weren’t so downright bad, so you know it’s impossible for this sweet little face of her not to be an act. And Alex has her interrogation room face.
They obviously want the truth out of you. But they want to get it without asking, otherwise they would lose their upper hand. And you could just come out and give it to them. But you're still raging at the fact they can come here and stage this little scene, but they can’t be there for you. So no, you’re not going to give them the truth just yet. They want a weird, staged interaction? Sure. You can give them that. You can join their play.
“To be honest, I thought you and auntie were working on the case and mom got lost on her way to L Corp.” You shrug, faking a sense of relief that doesn’t make justice of how you actually feel. “But good to know you took the time to come all the way over here to ask her if it was ok for me to stay, but couldn’t quite do such when I needed attention.”
“Well, if we’re also being honest-” Kara says with a little hint of skepticism with that word. “There is something else we’re here for.”
“You see,” Lena takes it away and you look at her. “I managed the crisis at L Corp. And Supergirl caught the invisible threat that was terrorizing National City.”
“Yeah! So we thought-” Kara starts and you’re sure they’re going to ask you to come back home. But you don’t know if you want that yet. Sure, being a rebellious teen doesn’t make any sense if they’re not being absent and aloof, but you thought that if you left they would make a bigger deal about you coming back. You didn’t expect these weird faces and blank stares. You expected hugs and forehead kisses and apologies. “Well, your mom and I thought-”
“That we could go on a little vacation.” Lena completes and you furrow your eyebrows, completely lost.
Did they go totally bonkers?
“Yeah.” Kara agrees, adjusting the non-existent glasses on her face, then smoothing her hand over her suit when she realizes she is dressed as Supergirl, and not Kara. “We were thinking, you would stay here with your aunts, and we would go out of town and work on our stuff.” She says looking at Lena, and they share a look.
“Wait, wait. So let me get this right-” You probably missed something. There’s no way in hell they would just go on vacation with things this distressing between the three of you. “Two days ago, you weren’t going anywhere with your problems. I needed you both, but hell,” Kara hardens her features at you, but doesn’t interrupt you. “Your problems were too hard. And now that I came to stay with Aunt Alex, then suddenly you handled everything and now are leaving on vacation without me?
You can’t believe this! Here you were, thinking they were going to ask you to go back home, and here you were lying to yourself you didn’t know if you wanted back yet. But now that you know they don’t want you back it’s when it dawns on you, you really just want this to stop and go back home. Snuggle with them on the couch and watch a dumb little family movie. You just want your best friends back. You don’t want to lie anymore. You want Lena to look at you and know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling. You want Kara to tell you that you are her heart, you desperately want that again.
But, apparently, they have other plans.
Lena seems to be considering the information. “Well, you did say for us to deal with our old crappy habits.”
“Do you have to deal with them on vacation? You can do that from home?”
“We could.” They look at each other again, agreeing with their heads. “But, um, kid, there’s more we need to work on. And honestly, we’ve worked so hard this past week, we just want to be trouble-free somewhere far away from here.”
Got it.
“In that case, I’m really happy you two handled your life and death crisis all alone.” You don’t even fake the sarcasm in your voice. You literally gave Kara the means to go after the threat in National City. You gave Lena plenty of ideas of how to deal with the L Corp crisis, and you’re sure she used at least one of them. But sure, they’ve worked so hard, they deserve to be trouble-free.
You feel stupid. It’s a really odd feeling for a genius. You feel like a silly little girl, waiting for her moms to notice her. You broke rules! You sneaked out to a party, took Lena’s car without permission, compromised your secret identity, showed a totally different side of the Supers; you thought this would surely call their attention. Even if it was a bad kind of attention and not the one you actually wanted, still you were sure they were going to see you.
But no, here they are talking about going on a vacation, and leaving you behind. Here they are telling you that no matter what you do, you won’t have their attention. You were so foolish. So, so dumb for someone so smart.
OK, then.
“Well, I’m glad my absence made things easier for you.” You try to hold down the pain inside you, holding the tears that are threatening to fall from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make Aunt Alex's life so damn hard as well, so I think it’s best if I just… Disappear.”
Kara looks like she’s about to panic. Her heart beats fast and her breath itches. She holds her hands up, about to launch herself into a ‘no no no’ sequence.
But before that, Lena stands up on her chair with wide eyes. “That’s not what we’re saying.”
“You might as well.”
You know, the thing with being a (dumb) genius is that sometimes Lena thinks she might have shut down an experiment before it was successful, when in reality it was on the palm of your hand, on your phone, this entire time. Coordinates ready, fully downloaded, ready to go.
“But no need to worry, go on to your little vacation. I’m happy to comply.” You’re one touch away to have the portal opening in front of you. “I should go on a vacation of my own.”
“No, no, no, no, no!” Kara finally launches herself into the sequence and you touch your phone, portal opening in one second, you cross it, and one second later it’s closed again.
Let them have a nice fun time without you. You can’t believe you thought they were going there to get you, when they were actually there to tell you they needed more time away from you. Well then, have it. You’re perfectly safe in… You look around. Huh, this sure doesn’t look like Storybrooke.
You look down on your phone to see that somehow you’ve changed the location to where you were going. Oh great. Where the hell did you get yourself now?
“What are you doing here?”
“Mxy!” You scream, hand on your chest, when a familiar figure shows up in front of you out of thin air. You look around the nothingness of the room. “Where am I?”
“Fifth dimension.”
“Uh.” You look at your phone. How did you end up here? “I sure wasn’t aiming for here.” Then you look up to him. “So, um, where’s everything?”
“What do you mean?”
“Isn’t this your home? Shouldn’t you have, like, I don’t know, at least a chair to sit on?”
“This is pure magic, buttercup. You want a chair? Here.” A chair appears behind you, and he throws in behind, making you fall in it. “Not comfortable? Have an armchair then.” It changes right under you. “Couch? Bed? Trampoline?”
“Ok, I got it!” You say when you feel your body bouncing back on the trampoline. “If you can have all that, why did you go for this all-white, void look?”
“Oh, I’m downsizing.” He shrugs. “And you’re not supposed to be here.” You’re up on your feet and there’s nothing under you in a second.
“I know!” You grab your phone again. “I was going to Storybrooke, but apparently I pressed something wrong on the portal.” You look up to him. “Oh well, it was ok to see you again, I guess. I should go now.”
But you don’t move, no matter how many times you press the button, or switch the parameters, nothing happens.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually that third dimensional science doesn’t work against fifth dimensional magic.”
You lift your eyes at him, looking unamused. “I’m sure I will.” You growl. “Ok then, how do I leave?”
“You know, the good and old fifth dimensional magic.” He gives you a little smile and shows you his fingers. He doesn’t look like he will help, though.
“Hey there, my good fellow Mxytopololik-”
“That’s far from correct but go on. I want to see how this goes.”
“Well, remember that time you took me to the future in another reality and left me stranded there?” You ask and he gives you a chuckle remembering about it. You press your lips, not finding it at all fun. “This would be a good time to help a girl out.”
“Lucky for you, I do have to make it up for people that I wronged.” Mxy rolls his eyes, annoyed. “Stupid 5th dimension rule.”
“Oh, how sad for you.” You fake it, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy it. “I mean, um, can you give me a little hand, buddy? Send me back to the third dimension? You can drop me off on any Earth, really. I’ll find my way back to my Earth.”
“I’m surprised on why you would want to go back there.” Mxy says, snapping his fingers, and a large TV appears in the middle of the room you’re in.
The TV starts playing the scene you just lived. Your moms saying they’re going on vacation, and you standing there looking like you’re about to break into an ugly cry. You were, anyway.
“I wouldn’t want to make Aunt Alex's life so damn hard as well, so I think it’s best if I just… Disappear.”
He pauses on this sentence. And you look at him biting your lower lip.
“You did. You disappeared.” You harden your jaw. Sure you disappeared, but this was far from what you wanted. You wanted to be in the arms of a loving family right now, not in a void from an imp from the 5th dimension. This is nothing like the vacation you said you were going to. “Why would you want to go back to them? They wanted to go on a vacation without you.”
“Maybe they didn’t mean it.” You don’t know if you’re trying to convince him, or yourself. All you know is that right now you’re very sorry you’re stuck here and staying at Aunt Alex’s house looks a lot better than what you’re doing.
“Oh, toots. Whatever you need to tell yourself.” Mxy gives you an evil little grin.
Ah, fuck. Stupid imp is right.
You sit on the floor -since there’s nothing on the room- and you can’t hold the tears anymore. From that point on, you’re just saying a bunch of nonsense in between your tears and hiccups. You’re loud crying, muttering, in a hunched posture. Mxyzplk looks lost, like he has no idea on how to calm you down. You don’t think there’s anything he can say that can do that for you right now.
“You’re right! They don’t even love me anymore.”
“No, no. That’s not what I said! They love you!”
You lay your back on the floor, and curl yourself, in a fetal position, clinching your face, feeling like your erratic breathing is getting stuck in your lungs. “I hate it, I hate all of this. I want to go home. This is the worst day of my life.”
“Now, that cannot possibly be true. You came really close to death a handful of times.”
“But at least I knew they loved me and that they were going to miss me!” You feel the hot tears wetting your pajama’s shirt and Mxy looks like he is about to snap.
“Ok, enough with this.” You’re up on your feet after a snap of fingers. Your tears are dried with another snap. “You won. I will show you their reaction to your leaving.”
“What?” Even though you’re not crying anymore, your voice still comes out small.
“Here. All the possible outcomes from your little stunt. These will show your moms’ possible reactions.” He snaps his fingers again and you see a bunch of tapes on the floor.
“Tapes?” You look completely lost. “May I introduce you to hard drives? You know, even pen drives would make a better job at storing this.”
“You really are your mom’s daughter.” He sighs. “Do you want to watch them or what?”
“Ok, geez. No need to get defensive.” Although you do understand why he is. You are a little bit annoying. A second ago you were curled on the floor crying, and now you’re being a nerd about tapes.
“So what are we watching first?” He asks, and you kneel down to read the titles.
“This one.” You give the first tape to him. He sets everything up. A couch appears in front of the screen, popcorn and soda too. He puts the tape in and looks at you, waiting for your permission. You sit back on the couch, nods, and he presses play.
Hey guys, Superkid is in the fifth dimension watching tapes (like momma, like daughter). And I thought it would be fun to write the tapes you would like to read. So here's a list of tapes I thought of, you can comment which ones you would like to 'watch' and I'll write that and post 1 drabble every day next week (total of 5).
Tape 1: Kara and Lena don't care and go on vacation.
Tape 2: Kara and Lena get depressed over SK disappearing.
Tape 3: Lena goes on a solo mission.
Tape 4: Kara goes to other realities/universes.
Tape 5: Lena goes full Luthor and kills Supergirl.
Tape 6: Kara gets maniac and kills half of National City.
Tape 7: Jamie has to tell Maya SK secret identity (good reaction).
Tape 8: Jamie has to tell Maya SK secret identity (bad reaction).
Tape 9: Kara and Lena split up.
Tape 10: Everyone’s reaction to SK disappearing (all of her family and Maya).
Let me know in the comments which ones you would like to read, please and thank you! ❤️💙
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caramelcal · 4 years
You can’t sit
Request:  Anonymous said:omg Can I Sit? was so cute sofmsmfmadmandma can a make a lil request based on it? like it’s their usual thing sitting together since that day, BUT one day nat arrives and somebody sat on her seat? retired assassin mode activated? 🥴
Word Count: 1.3k
a/n: OMGGGG, THIS!!!! this request, wow. amazing. i literally wrote can i sit back so long ago but yes, of course you can make a request! i’m definitely going to be taking more nat requests now omg, also wanda?? steve?? eye- oh lordy just anyone tbh 
Also, just to clear something up, at the end it speaks about y/n waiting for nat to do something, that’s cause you’re too scared even though you know nothing bad would happen. (Trying to keep this ague but informing, it isn’t working)
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Natasha walked towards the small coffee shop with a smile on her face, maybe a slight bit too excited to see you. You both had been meeting up at the coffee shop ever since, but the excitement buried in the pit of your stomachs never seemed to go away no matter how normal the meet-ups became. It was a nice feeling, talking into the late hours of the day, talking over the phone, and sending each other little flirty and joking messages.
The other avengers found out two months after you and Natasha exchanged phone numbers. Natasha, who was normally void of any emotion on her face couldn’t help the smile erupting on her face one time as she checked her phone during a break from training and, as usual, Tony felt inclined to ask. Despite Natasha shrugging it off, after a lot of careful watching, it became pretty obvious as to why Nat was suddenly 'too' smiley.
“So Nat,” Tony had asked, a sly smirk on his face as Natasha’s green eyes broke away from her phone and up to the billionaire, “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Clint tried to hide the laugh that traveled up his throat, it was very obvious that Natasha was not into men. Sure, she hadn’t outwardly said so towards anyone but Clint or brought a girl home, but you could just tell. Natasha placed the phone down on her lap, crossing her arms over her chest, “Why would you think there was a guy?”
“Come on,” Tony drawled, sassily rolling his eyes before he pointed towards the phone in her lap, “The smiles, constantly checking your phone. Sure, you didn’t really participate in conversations to begin with but at least you acted like you were listening. We’re pretty interesting people y’know, Natalia, but clearly, the guy on your phone is much more interesting.”
The rest of the avengers watched on, some sitting silently awaiting Natasha’s answer, Peter with wide eyes at the semi-interrogation and Steve with a raised eyebrow, completely oblivious to what was going on.
From the corner of her eye, Natasha saw Wanda’s eyes flash red briefly before she let out a small snort, “Oh this is going to be good.”
“There isn’t a guy,” Natasha shook her head, sending Wanda a sly smirk as Tony’s eyes furrowed and he opened his mouth to interject. Yet, before he could, Natasha continued to speak, “There’s a girl though. If that’s what you’re asking.”
Silence filled the room. Tony’s mouth dropped open, eyes wide as he stared at the redhead, many of the other avengers copying his movement.
His face was a picture that Natasha wanted permanently tattooed on her brain, Tony’s jaw practically dragging on the floor, eyes wide and stuck like a statue in shock. Natasha knew you would love the story and would find him finding out just as funny as you would, so as she pushed the door of the coffee shop open, an eager smile was on her face.
However, her smile dropped when she caught onto your figure. You were still as beautiful as ever, hair in a hairstyle she has often seen on you, yet it still blew her away every time she saw you in it. You had comfy yet stylish clothes on, and Natasha wished you’d wear it more often but her mind didn’t stay on that long; she was too busy trying not to snap the person’s neck that was sitting beside you. In her seat.
Your hand was grasped on the back of your neck, rubbing it awkwardly as you tried to get the boy in front of you away. You were shrunken against the seat, almost like you would rather the chair swallowed you whole than being in this position and hoping that Natasha would have come sooner. Because then he wouldn’t be in her seat.
He looked about your age, and from what you had heard from himself as he ranted on, he was in university too. He maybe would have been cute, but you didn’t like people that were full of themselves, and so far all he had talked about was himself, not even letting himself take a breath in between his sentences. Maybe he would have been more attractive if he was a certain redhead assassin, too...
The coffee shop was practically empty anyway, a few people dotted around, some studying, some on dates but there were still plenty empty tables. Natasha knew that you didn’t want him there, and she certainly didn’t. She would be damned if she let this boy ruin the time you guys spent together before your next class.
“Excuse me,” She coughed, arms crossed over her chest and tone clipped when she interrupted the boy. She saw the way you looked up at her, letting out a sigh in relief and letting a smile cross your face but the boy didn’t seem as pleased. He rolled his eyes, glaring up at the assassin.
“That’s my seat,” Natasha stated bluntly, arching her eyebrow at the way the boy was talking to her. She would be damned if she let a little boy talk to her like that, especially one that was hitting on you.
He let out a short laugh, pretending to look around the seat before he looked back up at the older woman, “Don’t see your name on it, sweetheart. Plus, me and this lovely lady are having a great conversation here so if you could hop along that’d be great.”
His sarcasm definitely wasn’t welcomed by Natasha and you knew that, letting out an involuntary wince as he started to try and get Natasha riled up. However, Natasha kept her cool a lot better, at least she didn’t snap the boy’s neck, that was a plus.
She cocked her head to the side, sending the boy a sarcastic sweet smile, “Might not have my name on it, kid, but my girlfriend was keeping it for me before you stole it.”
It took him a few moments before his mouth fell open, letting out a stutter of shock before looking over at you. You, awkwardly, watched the two of them and seen the smirk that rose to Natasha’s lips as he looked over at you, “Y-You? Her?”
You nodded with a smile, tucking hair behind your head as he watched the two of you. Natasha, rolling her eyes, continued to speak, “Kid, get out my seat.”
He didn’t waste much time before he jumped up, shaking his head and grabbing his jacket. Instead of sitting at another table, or ordering something, he simply walked out of the coffee shop. His gaze was on his shoes, maybe trying to hide the blush on his cheeks either from the embarrassment that he was trying to chat up someone who had a girlfriend or in rejection. Probably both.
Natasha slid in beside you, taking you into a hug; one that not many people got to experience. You both held smiles on your face, glad to see each other and get to talk to one another in real life and not over the phone. It had been over a week since you guys had gotten to do that, so you both missed each other a lot more than you’d say.
“So girlfriend, huh?”
Natasha simply hummed into your neck in reply, making you let out a small giggle in reply, playing with the ends of her hair fondly. Even if you guys weren’t officially dating, everyone knew that neither of you would be against it.
You were just waiting for the day that Natasha would ask.
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thewinedarksea · 3 years
triptych; or, a late night call
three phone calls, for the prompt “who do you call when it’s late at night.” ft. tselel/caym, rys/natalya, sajaa/alexei. tw: mild sexual implication. 
Midnight broke coolly over the city. Not even broke; more a soft sort of splintering, a finger, perhaps, or a toe—something easily snapped and even more easily ignored. A darkening in the already dark shadows. A faint chill creeping into the air, just behind the even fainter chill of the wind. The Ways yawned a little wider, luring and lurid and so, so easy to stumble into, one missed cross street or misplaced step on the curb away from plunging into a nightmaric paradise.
Tselel walked down one of them, effortlessly weaving her way along the border. One foot in Faerie and one in Humane, the both of them tugging at her ankles like two feral cats fighting over a piece of meat. The only difference was that Faerie wasn’t afraid to use its claws. 
If she took sixty-one steps down this Way, one for every midnight moment and an extra for luck, she’d find a park bench stranded exactly between the two realms. It was said if you put your head in Faerie and your feet in Humane and took a nap, you’d dream of your heart’s desire. It was said if you put your feet in Faerie and your head in Humane, you’d get about as good of a night’s rest as you could expect from sleeping on hard wood outside. That, or end up abducted. Bit of a dice toss with that one.
Tselel was willing to roll those dice.
Forty-two, fifty-seven, sixty-one steps and there it was: splintery white wood held together with rivets of brass, parked right where the two ways wound into each other.
She plopped down on it. It was damp, because rain had passed through earlier, and cold, because it was dead winter and things tended to get a bit frigid around that time. Power prickled against her skin, the bench’s magic brushing up against her own and trying to assert dominance. 
Tselel closed her eyes and made a stab at sleep. Opened them again. Balled her jacket up beneath her head to serve as a pillow. Drummed her feet against the bench until it made an alarming creaking noise. Gave in and pulled out her phone, which helpfully informed her it was twenty past and thirty-one degrees out, as if she couldn’t tell that from the angle of the moon and her breath collecting, pale-white and steaming, before her face. 
Her lives had refilled in Diner Dash; she played them through, and after all the breakfast truck levels, then tucked it back into her pocket. Sleep still felt far away. Civilization felt further still, the night hollowed of life, even the typical sounds of the city coming to her muffled, unreal and dream-like, having to pick their way through the different paths before they could be perceived. Borders were such lonely places. 
Perhaps she could call Caym. It was an unbidden thought, rising too fast for her to avoid it, and unwelcome, too.    
Tselel didn’t need him. She never needed anybody, especially not to help her do something as simple as fall asleep, but she did want him, with a sudden, desperate seizing of her lungs. Him, and the quiet of his office, and the strains of techno music that drifted just below it all. Not the familiar litany of questions she could count on if she did call—where are you, who are you with, what are you on, what do you need, shall I come fetch you, in that order—but him. Just him. 
She re-fished out her phone and played a few rounds of Solitaire but that didn’t kill the wanting, either.
Before she could talk herself out of it she was dialing. There was just enough time to hear the first tinny ‘brrring’ before Caym picked up, already speaking. 
“Don’t talk,” she interrupted. “Don’t ask questions. Don’t think questions. Literally, not a fucking word.”
The silence tipped from interrogative to inquiring, then over to accepting. There was a click as he placed his phone down on the desk; the sudden, heightened hiss of static as he switched to speaker. And then the soft scratch of his pen against paper, filling the pre-morning, the sound of his breath just beneath, in-out, in-out, so clockwork regular she could think him a fae.
Tselel closed her eyes and breathed along. Eventually, she dreamed. 
Midnight broke coolly over the city. Natalya watched the numbers on her stove flip from 11:59 to 12:00. They were neon green and the brightest thing in her apartment aside from her phone screen, lending her kitchen a faintly radioactive air. 
A few moments later her phone’s clock followed behind. That was worrying; she might need to replace it. She made a mental note about looking into what newer models were worth the expense, and, after that, which dealer to buy it from to dodge as much of market price as she could, and then went back to staring at her contacts list. 
Karla’s number sat right at the top. She was probably awake—Natalya didn’t think that woman ever slept, not really—and she’d even more probably pick up, sleeping or not. Maybe she’d want to hang out. They could get takeout. Have that marathon of Fast and Furious they kept meaning to have before it got pushed by another order, another job. If nothing else, she’d show up, if she asked for her to.  
Natalya allowed herself a second to picture it: Karla standing in the doorway, sure as anything, a crate of Monster in one hand for Natalya and a crate of Red Bull in the other for herself, sleeves rolled up to flash those fang-mouthed tattoos. Then she scrolled a little further down and hit the contact marked only with a spider emoji.
The line rang and rang and rang, on and on until she thought it was sure to go to voicemail and then, just before she could hang up and pretend it was an accidental dial and call Karla, it stopped. 
“Natalya.” The voice on the other end was cool and sticky-soft, the faintest ribbon of amusement running through it. She closed her eyes at the sound.
“What can I do for you?” 
“I need…” She didn’t know what she needed. She hadn’t planned this far ahead; had only been thinking of the itching beneath her skin, of the desperate, driving need to call someone do something now now now now. “Something,” she decided on. 
A hum came down the line. Another picture replaced Karla—Rys with his many eyes crescented, his head tilted in that particular way of his when he was deciding whether to indulge her or leave her to drown. When he spoke, teeth carved that image up to slivers thinner than the amusement and twice as deadly. 
“I’m at a club,” he said, and then, “I’ll send you the address.” And then, a laughing postscript, “Don’t wear your jacket.”
And then, “Or your underwear.”
And then, “Or your glasses.”
Midnight broke coolly over the city, a flood of shadow and starlight, seeping into every inch of the neighborhood. ‘The Wrecks,’ the inhabitants affectionately called it. A ramshackle collection of houses and shops scrounged up from the forgotten edges of the city, creaking and tilting and one good gust of wind away from shattering into so much plywood and glass. Sajaa loved it with a fierceness that nearly stopped her heart.
But that was when it was the Wrecks, when she could look out at the piecemeal, piercing buildings and see it in all its shambling glory. In the dark it was just another room. Another building. Another not-home. 
She crept from her bed, smoothing the sheets to erase her presence, then made her way down the winding halls and up the wrought-iron stairs to the roof. A dim moon was shining and a few stars scattered the sky, battling with light pollution for a place. Wind nipped at her hands and cheeks. With a shiver she pulled her robe tighter around herself—a protection, a hiding place—and leaned up against one of the chimneys dotting the roof.
Then she called Alexei.
He picked up on the third ring; his voice, when it came, was breathless, as if he’d run across the room to answer. “Sajaa? Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine. I just wanted to call.”
“It’s late.” 
There was no reproach in his words, only a statement of facts. She blushed regardless, tucking her head further back into her hood as if she could shield herself from his non-existent gaze, her eyes falling to the concrete beneath her boots. 
“I wanted to call,” she repeated. “I wanted— I wanted to hear your voice.”
“And now you’ve heard it.” He laughed. A moment later she echoed the sound, the wind snatching it away before it was fully out. “I’m joking, Sajaa; I’ve missed your voice too. How is it there? Strange, I imagine. No wonder you’re not sleeping.”
“It… Yes. It is strange.” 
More than strange, it was marvelous. Awe-inspring. In the scarce few weeks she’d been with Rin’s crew, Sajaa had seen more miracles than she knew how to process—girls halted on the brink of death; an enclave raised by godly hands; storms made of magic that swept through in minutes, leaving everything changed in their wake. 
Now she found herself  grasping for the mundane (in contrast) confines of her old life. The silence on the line was heavy with what she didn’t say, the end of her sentence gaping around the lacuna of all that she wanted to tell him: how it scared her, how it thrilled her, how she wasn’t calling him to remind her of home but to remind her of him, to give her something to cling to that wasn’t the Archive’s doctrine or the mission or the promise of greatness her future held. To give her a reason to come back. 
She swallowed. The sound echoed. The words remained unsaid. 
“Can you go out to the roof?” she asked.
No answer came but the rustle of fabric, the click-click of a door unlocking and then re-locking just as quickly. Footsteps echoed through the phone. Another door creaked open and then the rush of wind filled the speaker, drowning out Alexei’s movements. 
“I’m there,” he said, a moment later.
The Archive’s territory was a spine of glass and light on the horizon; Sajaa searched it desperately, seeking the towers of the building she’d lived in. Was that a red smudge she saw? Probably nothing more than a trick of the light, but she could still pretend it was him, looking back at her across all those dark miles. 
She kept her eyes fixed on it, scared to blink lest it vanish. “Tell me a story, Alexei.”
“About the Salted Lady?” Another laugh, this one softer, truer, and Sajaa’s mouth twitched in an answering smile. 
“She’s not a drink,” she told him primly. “But, no. I’ve heard too much about the pirate gods lately. Tell me about one of yours. Your favorite.”
Eyes open, watering against the cold and the strain, she stood there and let him spin her a tale of the Frostbitten Queen and her silver scythe until the night had passed and dawn lit the horizon with a pale glow.  
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camslightstories · 3 years
Tolerate It - Part 12
Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers. Female Reader. 
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Notes: Hey guys! How are you all doing? Well its been a long time since I updated tolerate it and its because I haven't had much inspiration, I been in a literal block, a part from that everything i been writing lately I hate it but I didn't want to let you guys hanging. So thanks to @captain-josslett​ for checking and helping me in this part.
I love to hear your theories, opinions, suggestions and more so if you have any comments leave on my inbox or message me. I wanna hear what you guys think is going to happen or what you want to happen. But right now I'm not receiving any requests since my inbox is full of them and I don't wanna leave you guys hanging. I hope you guys enjoy, and have a great day!
Taglist: @multi-images​  @captain-josslett​  @aznblossom​  @venteen​   @coxmicbabygirl​  @lezzzbehonesthere​ 
Russian Translations:
Принцесса - Princess
The throbbing pain surges through your body as the cotton full of alcohol touches your wound softly, sending chills through your body. You laid on the white hospital bed in silence as your ex-girlfriend check the ripped wound on your torso.
With the myriad of thoughts and feelings running through your head only to fail, making you groan. Lena glances at you carefully and curiously as you kept quiet, her focus not leaving the ripped wound she was trying to mend. Noticing the different types of scars on your body some of them longer and worse looking.
“Can you tell me how does it feel?” She asks, gulping down when you made no move to speak. With her voice full of worry, she nods and takes her gloves off, only to stop when you spoke loud enough for her to hear.
“It’s fine” You state, keeping your eyes on the ceiling. In a monotone voice, as your heart almost bounced off your chest when she asked. 
Clenching your fists, you move to sit only to groan in full pain as the wound touches the shirt cotton. The green-eyed woman immediately runs to your side, with fear. You took a deep breath before helping yourself up ignoring her questioning expression. 
The Luthor woman out of desperation yells as tears fill her eyes. Throwing her hands into the air. “Can you at least look me in the eye?! Talk to me!”
“What do you want me to say, Ms. Luthor?” You answered rubbing your temples at the sound of her voice, a neutral tone and expression on your face as you looked at her. Her green eyes full of retained tears and her lip trembles as she looks at you. 
She cried, cleaning furiously her tears as you looked at her. The last word came out quieter than the rest, showing a hurting part of herself. “I don't know! Just… please.”
“Ms. Luthor, I don't know what to say to you, nor I know what you wanna hear and I'm sure you don't either.” You answer in a soft yet determined tone as you tried to walk away only for Lena to get in the way crossing her arms as she tried to keep control of her emotions.
“You are just going to walk away?” She remarked loudly, exasperated for an answer. You stopped as you heard the words coming out of her mouth, the obvious distress in them.
 “It seems to be the only thing you can do,” She added looking at you in the eye. You shifted uncomfortably before moving past her as fast as you could, ignoring her scoff.
She scoffed as you walked away from her, clenching your fits trying to find control as you felt the urge to yell at the black-haired woman. Now the free-flowing feelings in you have become stronger and harder to restrain.
You press your lips together and clench your jaw when the black-haired woman shouts loudly and desperately at you. “What about the ring?! What did I feel? What about everything?! Because you are here pretending nothing happen”
The smell of the alcohol invaded your nose, as the itching pain on your lower stomach kept throbbing, feelings run around your heart and head openly without any control. The white lights annoy your eyes as you try to focus on something else only to fail. The sneaky feeling tugging at your heart when you heard the break in her voice. 
The feeling of conflict as the two sides of yourselves began to fight on how to act, how to feel, how to be normal. One part of you asked you, begged specifically to go and wrap the green-eyed woman in a comforting embrace, protecting her from getting hurt. And the other remained you from all the pain, the anger, the sadness you had resorted to when you left and reminded you how easy life was when there was everything clear with a common goal. 
Lena shouted again this time, in an angrier and determinate tone. Stepping closer to you, in her CEO stance but the only difference was the fact that it looked forceful like she was trying so hard to hold it together, you heard her in her voice, in the way her feet hesitated to step closer. And as much as you hated it, it broke you inside. “Y/N! Just tell me something!”
You didn't know, how, when nor why, you turned around facing her with your heart clenching at the sight of her tears springing free. Her eyes looked tired and sorrowful, her cheeks were covered in tears and the ruined makeup, her hands were in a fist that you could tell where a base for self-control. You hated the pain she was revving, you hated the sadness in her eyes, and the tears that sprung freely but never even if you tried you could hate her. 
“Just fuck off, dammit!” Your mind seemed to be in automatic mode when the words came out of your mouth. The green-eyed took a step back in shock when you snapped, the now wide-eyed woman made you regret every decision in your life as her eyes restrained hardly the tears she desired to disappear. 
Against every fiber in your body, you shocked your head before starting again, glancing at your ex-girlfriend. Cutting the tension you took a deep breath before speaking, gaming Lena’s attention. “Look-”
You weren't even in the middle of what you were going to say when two well-known, familiar voices interrupted you. You tensed as you heard the voice of your sisters, the urge to just walk out and the urge to shout everything out were confronting each other as your mind running with all the different scenarios. “Y/N!” 
You kept quiet as your sisters got closer, without hesitation you started to walk away to the run you had been staying only for a familiar blur to stand in front of the door with her arms crossed and a knowing smile on her face. Hope, happiness, and regret radiated out of her, while Alex stood behind you with a determined look on her face as you turned around to walk the other way. 
A part of you wanted to yell at them until there wasn't anything left and the other wanted to walk away leaving everything behind to keep leaving the simple life you had been living for the past 3 years. Lena kept quiet as her mind kept doing rounds of possible explanations, while both of your sisters decided to stand in front of you with nothing but questions. But you remained silent as they did. 
Questions such as “Why do you have so many scars?” “What is the tattoo on your chest?” “What do you mean of the Bratva?” “Why were you with Roulette the other night?” were thrown at you by your older sisters as you tried to ignore each one, only for them to keep pressing. 
Lena had stayed in the same place, as they interrogated you. The black-haired woman somehow noticed the way your patience was getting closer to the end when you clenched your fit with so much force that the veins on your arms started to show slowly. 
“Don't you think we deserve an explanation?” Kara asked, taking a step closer, which made you clench your jaw, the feelings running around your body screamed at you as the pain and anger started to build by second. 
The feeling of anger and betrayal under all of those layers you tried to put up, under what you thought it would make you okay, it would make the pain go away, the memories, the feelings, everything... 
Your oldest sister yelled, getting frustrated by the minute. “Feel free to fill up the blanks, but it seems that you are not going to do that are you?”  The redhead asks sarcastically, covering somehow the relief of how you were but adding the worry of what had happened in the last few years. 
When you didn't respond, ignoring the redhead. Your sister hits the table with her fists showing her frustration. Kara looked back where Alex stood with both of her hands on the table as she looked at you angrily. You stared at her, challenging the redhead, making Lena furrow her eyes when she noticed Alex walking back where Kara stood in front of you letting out a scoff. 
“Don't you think we as your family don't deserve to know?” Kara asked with sorrow in her eyes and voice. Tears swelling up in her eyes as she searched in your eyes for any sign of her baby sister finding none but a challenging glare to the redhead and her now.
You felt everything come out, and you were seeing red. As you were about to snap, a strong familiar voice shouted in determination stopping you. 
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Your clenched jaw and fists kept the pressure making your vivid expression and reaction be acknowledged by all of them. 
Oliver had been standing with Anatoly catching sight of the interaction between you and your sisters. The blonde man remembers vividly how going back the emptiness, the feeling of just wanting the pain to get away, the angriness at the world, every single detail. Seeing the mark on your chest, oblivious to outsiders but obvious to him, a torturous feeling in your chest as you tried to keep yourself in the corner, in the darkness, where you knew not to expect anything. 
He saw the expression in your face, the way your eyebrows knitted together, the way your hands were converted into fists drawing blood at the pressure, the way you clenched your jaw, trying to keep control, the way your eyes were painted deep down with suffering but were void and incomprehensible on the outside, the way you tried to distance yourself into the darkness feeling the only calmness there, the way every time your fists hit something were not in act of defense or attack but in letting your hidden feelings out.  
The way you tried to keep control, of yourself, of your feelings, of the world around you, of the memories, of everything but you, felt powerless in the darkness. Feeling the need to yell and run away from everything, to isolate yourself from the world, believing and trusting in yourself and only trying to keep everything inside. 
“Принцесса, I see you finally decided to escort somebody” Your focus immediately went to the Russian man when he spoke, walking closer to you with a black garment suit bag in his right hand. Holding it up, as you make your way to grab it. His teasing voice made you roll your eyes while snatching the bag out of his hands. 
Smiling at Lena and your sisters, the man walked closer to them as he spoke. Making you sighed in annoyance, while Oliver suppressed a smile. Lena looked at the man in the suit and took his hand with a firm handshake, Kara and Alex following to do the same as he presented himself. “Anatoly Knyazev, at your service. Принцесса friend”
“Work partner, if you don't have vodka or I don't have the green light with your new friend and I'm not courting anyone” You corrected giving him an annoying look, he shook his head when you hissed irritated. 
The Russian man grinned at you before shaking his head as he spoke. “Roulette is not our business associate anymore, too ambitious and mercenary for her own good”
“Nice, then friend. I'm gonna go change, and I can solve a certain complication” You grinned sheepishly, which made Oliver sighed while your sisters and your ex-girlfriend looked at you curiously. 
The Queen man waited for you to be out of hearing sight to speak “This isn't helping”
Anatoly kept quiet as he sat on the sofa, while Oliver spoke. Lena and your sisters stood in front of him, each one of them with expressions of annoyance and worry. 
The blonde man took a step back, crossing his arms as he tried to reason with them before either of the three could respond. "I get it you guys want answers, but right now she needs to let herself be vulnerable again, she needs to feel safe, to feel she isn't in the darkness anymore and neither you nor I know what she went through and it's not going to help if you guys keep pressuring her”
The explanation had left the three feeling uneasy
“You do not get to tell me how to treat my sisters, Queen.” Alex spits at the vigilante. Lena and Kara try to calm the redhead down but your voice stops them. 
“Let’s go” You enter the room and sensing the tension between the two, but you ignore it and walk to where the Russian man sits. Catching the attention of the group of four turning around to see you grabbing the gun from the shelf putting it behind the jacket you carried. 
Alex didn't think twice before running up to you grabbing you by the upper arm, holding you back when you tried to get out of her grasp. Oliver sighed as you spoke, your eyes connected yours and hers in a glance, the staredown between the two created a visible tension. “Alexandra, let me go”
Tilting your head when Kara stepped in to put her hand on your oldest sister's shoulder, looking between the two before walking away with the Russian man by your side. 
Entering the car shop you notice the obvious and threatening silence. Letting out a sarcastic sigh when you heard the sudden movement behind the next wall, the sound of the gun clicking, and the pushing from the same source. You looked at the Russian man before shaking your head to the side, taking out your gun. 
Walking down the stairs you felt the end of the arm on the back of your head, and a hand topping your mouth. You kept in place for a second, raising your arms, before flipping the person down the stairs, keeping the gun in your hand before discharging it and throwing it away.
You walked down the stairs before shooting at the man on his thigh when the other two came out. You rolled your eyes when the two guys pulled their guns at you but were thrown to the side when an arrow hit them. Noticing the green arrow you sighed in annoyance before continuing.
“Leave it alone” Anatoly who sat on the chair waiting for you to be done, looked over to the group of four noticing your sisters and ex-girlfriend's expression of shock, while Oliver made his way to you. Noticing the man behind you, you spoke threateningly at him, before turning around. 
The tall brunette guy who was now with a black eye and a busted lip, as you kept your hold on his throat. You murmured when the guy kept silent. “Okay then it's the hard way”
Pushing him down before shooting him, you looked over to the black-haired man staring at you with wide eyes. You walked where he was before lowering to the floor having the same eye contact, you looked at him and recognized the immediate fear before speaking. “Taking a wild guess, I'm gonna say you don’t wanna end up like those two, do you?”
The man without thinking shook his head, which made you let out a sarcastic laugh tilting your head at him before helping him up. “Okay, then where is Roulette?”
“I don't know, I don't know” He kept sputtering and shaking his head.  
“She left this morning and left us here with the order to keep watch on someone” When you took a step closer to the guy, making him speak which made you look at him curiously before pushing him to the wall.
“On who?” You asked. 
“Her, Lena Luthor” He responded, whispering only for you to hear, looking over where your ex-girlfriend stood.
A switch had changed and in seconds you felt everything come out, the rage, the pain, and in seconds you were seeing red. The calm, determined dementor had changed to an angry, protective one. A sudden outburst was what you had. 
Moving your arm, pinning the man onto the wall with anger, you spoke eagerly and unease, threatening. Rage in your eyes, as you claimed to press harder into his chest, making the man cough in pain. “You tell Roulette that if she even thinks of breathing the same air in a 200 miles area as Ms. Luthor then I would make her life a living hell and everyone who is with her too”
Kara, who was listening in, smiled softly before looking down. The outburst had shown your care for her best friend, and that was a baby step that meant more than anything. The fact that you snapped at the moment your ex-girlfriend began mentioning showed that maybe it wasn't lost at all.
Your oldest sister looked at Kara curiously, before giving her a shoulder bump, giving her a questioning glance while your sister responded with a silent glance to you and a smile. 
You pulled away from the man, giving him a second to breathe before striking your fist right at his jaw. Immediately knocking him down, the sound of the body plumb into the floor made you realize what just had happened, the myriad of feelings flowing through your mind were taken out the moment an arrow grazed your cheek and the soreness of your knuckles were now bothering you.
Looking behind you, identifying the red arrow, you let out a laugh before taking it out of the wall, throwing it to the side before turning around, softly moving your hand trying to relieve the ache. Oliver seemed to have caught up with the situation as he grabbed the arrow letting out a sigh.
“Still doing the same?” You shouted turning around where Thea stood on the top of the car with her bow in hand and black leather jacket on. A smirk on her face as the brunette jumped landing on the floor perfectly before making her way to you.
“I see you hadn't left the throne, princess” She claimed, teasing the last word. The two of you sharing a silent glance, when she came down. The small spark in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by you and neither by Oliver. 
“And you are not so intimidating, princess” You flirted with the brunette, cleaning the small substance of blood coming out of the graze on your cheek with a teasing smile.
Lena knew the tone you were using, the smile you gave her, the little spark in your voice and eyes as you did. You were flirting with her, the jealousy feeling creeping inside her chest as she noticed. Drawing daggers in the brunettes back, she stood straight pulling out her CEO stand and expression, even if she felt her heart begin twisted remembering the once she was the one receiving the smile, the glance, the tone, everything. And she hoped that one day you would do it again. 
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Chapter 2
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Character : Mob!Steve Rogers x Female Reader (?)
Summary : Steve was hoping to meet the right one until he met her. But is he ready to be with her? He thought his life already dark because of his job. He wouldn’t able to find a woman that strong enough to face the hardship to stand beside him. Turn out his life is nothing compared to her. 
A/n :This #### will be used to explain the character’s past. 
Warning : Grammar mistakes, since English is not my first language.
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Somewhere in Brooklyn. 
There’s a female who is taking a nap on the couch. Today’s activity kind of exhausts her because of last night and the unexpected event at the restaurant. She wants to take a nap first before having dinner. But after 10 minutes, her beautiful sleep got distracted.
“(Y/N) !!! (Y/N) !!!” 
(Y/N) awakened up from her nap because of the smashing door. She rubbed her eyes with her backhand. When her eyes finally focused, she could see someone standing in front of her. 
She lazily asked him, “What’s up, Bambi?”
“Don’t call me with that nickname.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Yeah, because you have grown up. But Peter Parker, in my eyes, I will always remember the boy who cried asking me for ice cream.” She put on her smirk smile, her hands moving fast to mess up his hair.
He slapped her hand that made her giggle.
“It’s not like I hate you coming to my house? But what’s wrong with that pouted face Peter?”
Peter heavily sighed; this time, he threw his body to the couch. He crossed his arms and pouted. 
“Aww, ~~ What's it, partner? If you keep sighing, you will get older.”
“Urgh,” Peter rests his head on her shoulder. “When can I have a job that doesn't relate to guns?”
"You can."
Peter lifts his head to get a look at her. "How?"
"Die first."
"Thanks (Y/N)."
(Y/N) shrugged her shoulder, "You can't get rid of it. It's already in your DNA."
She pinches Peter's cheeks. "Why do you sound sarcastic today?" Usually, every time he came into her house, she could see flowers behind him. Now the background changes into grumpy Squidward. 
Peter’s face still on the pillow, he grumbles, "You shouldn’t come to my work today."
"Why not? I'm worried about you."
"Pietro has been asking me about you."
"He knew I'm related to you?" (Y/N) seems surprised.
Peter nodded. "He noticed on my first day."
"He's good."
"But today…. It's not only him." Peter grumbled.
(Y/N) still impressed about Pietro’s instinct, she didn’t hear Peter grumbled since he speaks to soft "What?"
He shook his head "Nothing."
"Are you going to have a sleepover?"
Peter has been living in his place since he graduates from university. Before he said anything (Y/N), grab his hand. "Please… I'm tired eating delivery also instant mac&cheeseeeee~."
Peter shook his head; who would even think a former assassin like (Y/N) could act like a child because of food. 
To explain the relationship between Peter and (Y/N); both are not related by blood. (Y/N) knew him because of his mother, and she met him when she was an assassin.
And a deadly one. 
Why did she leave? 
Because of Peter. 
Something happened that made (Y/N) choose to burn everything from her past to the ground literally. She made quite a name in the underworld. 
"Fine." He answered that made (Y/N) raised her arms to cheer. 
"But only for today though, because my new housemate is coming." said Peter while he went to the fridge to get some ingredients.
(Y/N) looking at his back, the boy in front of him acts more mature than her. Time moved so fast the first time she met him; he asked her for a piggyback, cried when she didn't give him ice cream and blamed her when he's the one who broke his mother's favorite plate. 
And now, he is almost taller than her, independent, better at cooking and moving out from their luxury home. 
(Y/N) puts her chin on her palm. "I don't understand why you need to move out." She doesn't want to tell the truth that she misses him.
Peter already started cutting the vegetables. He had a reason why he moved out; somehow (Y/N) past will come to hunt and target her.
Peter knew everything about her and saw it. He could live with it, but he couldn't sleep every time he heard a gun, a sound of grunting because of the stabbing, and in the morning, he saw their house destroyed with bullet holes and destroyed furniture.
They have to move a couple of times. 
He never saw any blood and dead bodies, (Y/N) top priorities were to get rid of the blood and bodies before he sees it. 
Peter knew that she understood his reason why; he could see her teary eyes when he told her he wanted to move out. She felt guilty for all the things he had been going through because of her. 
But it takes two to tango. Peter was the one who asked to stay beside her before she dropped him with his aunt May Parker on that day. 
What (Y/N) said was right; it’s already in his DNA. Danger always follows him because of his mother. 
His mother used to be an assassin like (Y/N) until she met his father. She left everything to build a family together.  
But their happy life was cut short; one day, he lost his parents, and that's the first time he saw the dark side of (Y/N) and the first time he knew what revenge is. 
"I met someone." Peter answer. 
"Owww~ My brother is a man now~."
Peter looked at her through his shoulder. 
She nodded her head multiple times. "I understand you need privacy."
"But use protection okay?"
"Ugh,(Y/N)!! Seriously…?"
(Y/N) laughed while putting her hands on it defensively. "Sorry, I will stop it."
After 30 minutes, both of them finally eat dinner together. 
"Someone else beside Pietro also asked about you."
"You knew who it was don't you?"
(Y/N) winked at him. 
She knew it must be Steve because it is obvious he tries to flirt with her, and she gave him her phone number. She made a program if someone put specific keywords along with her fake name, she would get notified. (Y/N) only tell her real name to someone that she could fully trust. 
She must admit he almost got her, with the help from Starks, the other genius, but she's better at hiding.-
"You planned to make him more curious about you right?"
"You're getting smarter Peter." (Y/N) want to meet Steve once again. Today the moment she saw his face, it looked like a cheesy chick flick movie. 
She could replay the moment he approached her. And when he tried to be cool to say 'Hi' but failed, that was cute. 
(Y/N) wasn’t planning to stay long at the restaurant today but she has to because she’s worried about Peter. Last night both of them went out to get dinner when they had back her old enemy try to target her. It failed since (Y/N) is much more powerful, but Peter’s shoulder got hit. 
He said he was fine, but her heart clenched when she saw the blue bruise on his shoulder. Peter is a stubborn boy; he doesn’t want to make her worried. But she is; that’s why she chooses to stay to make sure he’s alright. 
She didn’t regret staying since she met a gorgeous man today. Perhaps cupid plays its part. 
Peter added, "He's a good boss, don't shock him."
"You make me look like a cold hearted bitch." (Y/N) scoffed. 
Peter sighed. "The time when you were with Billy Russo?"
"It was brief, but we are cool."
"It's hard to believe when he sent his Anvil team to get you."
"Because of me, he learned that his team was weak. He even sent a letter thanking you and said let's meet again."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head; he wishes he wishes the best for Billy. 
"The time with August Walker?" 
"To be fair, I betrayed him, but hey, we got a free helicopter." 
"Both of us agreed to break up, and he ended up married with his true love. Happy ending."
Peter sighed "(Y/N); the reason why I'm saying this is because everytime you broke up with your boyfriend, they would come after you." The aftermath is always messy. 
"I love this job, and my new friend. Please don't mess this up." He makes it clear since he liked his new workplace; the first time he came for the interview, he knew something different.
How Peter ended up working in Steve Rogers’s business?
Peter’s previous boss closed the restaurant to enjoy retirement with his wife. He recommended Peter to try at Rogers. 
Rogers restaurant has been known as a prestigious dining place. He thought his chance was small, but it turned out he passed with flying color. Wanda was impressed by the way he could keep up with her work ethic. 
After working a few days, he realized Rogers is not just a regular restaurant.
Pietro interrogated him to get some info about (Y/N), and one more obvious reason he saw a gun under Vision blazer, why would a manager own a gun? Why?
Then (Y/N) told him the truth that his boss is a famous mobster in Brooklyn. 
Peter sighed when he heard that; he thought he could start living like an average person. 
"You knew me Peter." She put down the knife and fork, then sipped a glass of red wine. 
"I'll listen to you. Besides, I quite like him."
Peter widened his eyes "You mean genuine like him right? Without any agenda?"
(Y/N) nodded, "Maybe he could be your future brother in law."
Peter immediately shivered to imagine Steve became his family. "Let's not think to far (Y/N)."
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Unlike Peter, someone else already thinks of it. 
Somewhere far away, in a secret mansion where Steve and others gathered. 
Three of them sit around the table; Bucky and Sam were nervous while Steve is playing with the dagger. 
Natasha is furious. "I knew someday Rumlow will make a fuss at our area and make a big mess. But what I don't understand is why I got a call from the fixer and then the interior design telling me they want an extra payment because we asked them to finish in a month?"
She already anticipated the surprise attack from Brock since he replaces Pierce. It’s nothing new for them. 
She noticed that Steve doesn’t listen to her complaints "Did Brock hit Steve's head? It looks like he’s not listening to me.” 
Sam bumped Bucky’s elbow to talk to his wife. 
Bucky cleared his throat because his seat is near to her. He leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Honey, Uhm… so today, something else happened."
Natasha listened what her husband whispered to her, what she hear made her gasped "Pietro!! Bring out the vodka !!" She called out their favorite bartender.
"Wake him up," Nat told her husband, her head pointed at Steve. 
Bucky threw a french fries from his plate at Steve. 
It hit Steve’s cheeks, successfully got his attention. He realizes Natasha sits in front of him, and Pietro serves them vodka. 
Sam shook his head; he silently murmured his boss also, his best friend is in lovesick right now.
"Ooh, something to celebrate?"
"Little white wolf told me you got lovestruck today?"
Bucky’s hand covers his red cheeks when his wife mentions his nickname while Sam pretends not to hear it. 
"Yes." Steve admitted. 
"Congrats.” Natasha smirked while asking him, “So... she's the reason why you want our restaurant to reopen next month?"
"Ow, interesting."
“What makes her unusual was, she’s the only guest that didn’t run when the fight happens.” Bucky said. 
“She’s the one who gave him that dagger.” Sam added. 
“And, we couldn’t find anything about her even with the help from Starks.”
Bucky and Sam told her everything; they told her with excitement like they found a discovery. 
Natasha was immensely impressed when she heard that “Can’t wait to meet her.” 
They wish Steve could find someone that can accept who he is. In the last relation he had, they tried to change him by asking him to leave the mobster. It ended up badly, making Steve became bitter about everything. 
If this woman not afraid to see what happened today, perhaps she could accept who Steve is.
"Me too." Said Steve, his lips could reach his eyes. His eyes are still looking at the dagger, thinking that he has to impress her the next time they meet.
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A/N: Dum Dum dum~~~~ 
The female reader turned out to be a retired assassin.  At first, I want to make the reader be Peter’s godmother, but I don’t want her to be that old, so I change it to stepsister. 
Thank you for all the likes, my new follower and for repost. I really appreciate it. 
Please tell me if you want to be tagged for the next chapter.
>>>Chapter 3
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More Than Enough | Owen & Charlie
Requested:  hi! can you do an imagine where the reader is like 16/17 and lives with owen and charlie and she finds out her boyfriend back home cheated on her? basically like owen and charlie are acting like big brothers.
A/N: This was too cute to pass up. I did alter it a tiny bit since I don’t think any parent would just send their seventeen year old to Vancouver. Hope you like it though! 
Pairing: Platonic!(Owen x Charlie x Reader)
Warnings: Explicit language, cheating, angst
Song(s) used:  none
Words: 2,523
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Being a Gillespie has had many, many perks. Anyone in your family was always up for an adventure in the middle of the night or ready to jam out at any given moment. Family parties were never dull and the bonds unbreakable. 
Until you and your family suddenly moved to Vancouver when your mother found herself a new love and packed her bags within the first few weeks. Of course, only being thirteen at the time, you had no other choice but to go, though it broke your heart saying goodbye to the friends you made in New Brunswick and the close family you left behind. 
About four years later, you received a message from your very favorite cousin, Charlie. He’d been your best friend since you were born. Even though he was four years older than you, the two of you were two peas in a pod. He felt like a big brother to you as much as your actual brother did, if not more. And since you left Dieppe, Charlie had been texting you non-stop to make sure you were okay and adapting to your new surroundings. 
But the message you received in 2019 made your heart leap. 
Guess who’s coming to Vancouver for work? 
(It’s me!) 
You had chuckled at the second message, shaking your head at the fact that your favorite cousin hadn’t changed one bit since the last time you saw him. 
Charlie had told you he’d auditioned for this new Netflix show directed by the legend himself, Kenny Ortega. You were the biggest fan of the man, so you made sure you did all the superstitious things you could to make  sure he’d get the part. You had burnt dozens of candles, prayed every night and kept the lucky blue rabbit’s foot with you every day. Charlie had given you the blue rabbit’s foot the day you left for Vancouver, showing a matching one that he kept on a chain on his jeans. 
“This is gonna bring you luck, and if you ever miss me, just hold it tight and it’ll feel like I’m there with you,” he’d told you. 
When Charlie came to Vancouver, the two of you thought it’d be a good idea for you to move in with him and Owen, a member of the cast he’d become close friends with during the bootcamp they did that summer. 
Your mom wasn’t too sure about it at first, but eventually caved and let you go, thinking it might be good practice for when you’d go off to college. 
With all of that said and done, you were now a full-fledged member of the Gillespie-Joyner household. The first few weeks were the most fun. You’d stay up all night with the boys, dancing around the living room to whatever song came on or cuddled up on the couch watching movies. Every now and again, even your boyfriend came up to the apartment to hang out with the three of you. Though, the boys being the boys, became overprotective when that occurred.
The first night Thomas came over to hang out with you, Owen and Charlie immediately went into full-protective mode. They started interrogating the seventeen-year-old boy with questions you say an overprotective dad with a shotgun or baseball bat ask in those cliché rom-coms. 
“Can you guys not?!” you had asked, chuckling because you thought they were joking about it all. “Let’s just watch this stupid movie while we wait for our pizza.” 
During said movie, the two full-grown men kept glaring at the teenagers on the other end of the couch as you were cuddled up together, his arm slung over your shoulder. Charlie had that trademark scowl on his face with his arms crossed while Owen just furrowed his eyebrows, keeping an eye on the two of you. 
That occurred pretty much every night since that first day they met. And you could feel Thomas growing more and more fidgety next to you as the nights progressed.
One night when Thomas came over, the four of you decided to cook dinner together since you were pretty bored of constantly ordering food and eating unhealthy. You wanted to get some vegetables inside these boys.  
“Watch out, Gillespie, you’re gonna burn yourself,” Owen said to you when you were simply stirring the bolognese sauce you had made from scratch. That was something  your grandmother taught you when you were younger. You and Charlie used to cook with her all the time when having sleepovers at her place during nights your parents were out. 
“I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be fine, Joyner,” you muttered back, chuckling slightly. Just as the words rolled off your lips, the sauce sputtered and a droplet of hot sauce fell on your hand. You hissed at the burning sensation as you wiped the red off your hand. 
“See! I told you!” Owen exclaimed and grabbed your hand, guiding you towards the tap. 
“Owen, I’m fine! It was just a tiny drop. I’m not gonna die!” you protested but let him hold your hand underneath the cold running water. The coldness of the water made the burning and stinging feeling vanish and actually felt good. 
“You ought to be careful, Gillespie,” Owen muttered, his eyes focused on the water gliding down the back of your hand and down every fingertip in small streams while you watched him. You’d lived here for almost a month, and  you’d seen Owen from up close but never this close. 
There was something about his smooth jawline, bright green eyes and swoopy blonde hair that you hadn’t noticed before. All of a sudden, the boy you’d seen as a brother for a month now, turned attractive. Very attractive. 
No, y/n, focus. Your boyfriend is literally behind you. Calm down. You thought to yourself as you shook out of the trance you found yourself in.
But then Owen glanced up at you and the whole pep-talk went to waste. Especially as the corners of his mouth tugged up into the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. 
You coughed before sputtering out, “T-thank you, Owen.”  He simply nodded acknowledgingly before turning the tap off and letting you go back to your food with your mind woozy and your heart beating faster. What in the holy hell was that? 
Thomas of course noticed the interaction between you and Owen as he was sitting on a stool at the breakfast island, scrolling through his phone with Charlie next to him. The latter had been weighing off the pasta to cook later and didn’t notice anything of what just happened. 
“I’m gonna head home,” Thomas said that night straight after dinner. Normally, he’d stay for one more movie before heading home, but after seeing what he saw earlier, he didn’t feel like staying much longer or ever coming back. 
You picked up the tone in his voice, and your stomach sank. Something had upset him and you could only guess what it was. Of course he saw. Everyone could probably see. Now it was up to you to show Thomas nothing was actually going on between you and Owen. 
“Oh--okay… I’ll see you out,” you said and got up from the chair, halting when Thomas held up his hand and shook his head dismissively. 
“I’ll see myself out,” he muttered and made his way out the door without even a goodbye, let alone a kiss goodbye. Your heart sank to your stomach as you felt the storm hanging above your head. This was not going to end well. 
“What was that about?” Charlie asked, confused about the boy’s demeanor all of a sudden. You glanced over at Owen, who had his lips pressed together, offering you an apologetic countenance. 
You sighed, dropping down in your chair again and rubbing your face with your hands, not even caring about the make-up you’re smudging right now. You were going to lose the best thing that has ever happened to you since moving to Vancouver, besides seeing Charlie again. And all because you couldn’t keep your eyes off an attractive man that stood a few inches too close. There was a storm ahead, and you weren’t prepared for it. 
Three days. You didn’t hear Thomas for three days. After sending text after text after text, he still ghosted you. You knew he was going to break up with you soon, but what came next was beyond your expectations. 
Your friend Lili called you on the fourth day of radio silence from Thomas. Her voice sounded solemn, almost worried. 
“What’s up?” you asked, growing more and more anxious. 
A shaky breath sounded from the other side of the line before she spoke again. “Allison told me Thomas showed up at her doorstep last night…” she started. Her voice cracked and so did your heart in anticipation of what was going to follow. “Sweetie, I’m sorry, Thomas cheated on you…” 
Tears sprung into your eyes as you grabbed the nearest pillow from the sofa and hugged it tightly to your chest while Lili blabbed on about what she’d heard from Allison. All you could pick up was that Allison felt terrible about it but couldn’t say no to him since he seemed in distress. Laced between her words were your venomous thoughts about how all of this was just your fault. If the thing-which-wasn’t-even-a-thing between you and Owen didn’t happen, Thomas wouldn’t have gone to another girl’s house. 
“I am so sorry, y/n. I--Tell me if there’s anything I can do? I’ll--I’ll come over with some ice cream or chocolate if  you want and you can just cry?” Lili probably knew you weren’t listening anymore. She was the first friend you had made in Vancouver four years ago, along with Allison. But apparently being friends gives you a get-out-of-jail card to fuck your friend’s boyfriend. 
“No, that’s okay, Lils. I just wanna be alone right now…” you whispered, and after you’d said your goodbyes you hung up the phone, dropping the device on the sofa next to you. Your arms tightened around the pillow as tears soaked the fabric and the toxic thoughts haunted your mind on repeat. 
The thoughts were so loud, you didn’t even hear the door to the apartment opening and closing. You only noticed someone had walked in when two pairs of arms snaked around your body from each side. 
Charlie piped up first, “What happened, cous?” he whispered and pressed a kiss to your hair as his fingers tangled up in your messy hair. 
“He-hecheatedonme,” you blurted out in one breath. Both Owen and Charlie halted their movement, glancing up at each to see if both of them heard the same thing. You felt someone shift beside you, the warm feeling of their body pressed to yours turning cold. 
“Where does he live?” Owen growled. You looked up at him and sniffled, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your sweater. “Where does he live, y/n?” he repeated sternly. 
“No, Owen, please,” you begged, more tears rolling down your face, “Please, don’t. Stay with me. Please.” Owen’s tense expression softened as he slid down next to you again, the warmth returning to your body as he wrapped himself around you once more. 
“Just stay,” you whispered as your arms wrapped around Owen’s bicep and your head rested on Charlie’s chest. “It’s my own fault.” Neither of the boys say anything, but they let you babble for a while, holding you and rubbing your back or planting kisses on your head. 
Once you had calmed down a little, Charlie began his pep-talk, “None of this is your fault, little one,” he said. “I know something happened between you the last time you were here, but that doesn’t mean you drove him into another girl’s arms. He could’ve come over to talk it out, but instead, he chose to ring another’s doorbell. This is not your fault.” The last words came out just above a whisper before his lips crushed onto your head again. His hand smoothed down your hair, lulling you into a state of calm. 
“Char’s right, y/n,” Owen chimed in softly as his fingers trailed up and down her leg. “His decision to do this instead of talk to you is on him. He doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.” Your lips curled up into a small smile while a sob raked through your body, shaking both boys along. 
“I love you guys,” you mumbled as you felt your eyes drooping. Crying always made you feel sleepy, especially with the boys’ soothing touches and words. “So much.” And with that, your light went out for the next few hours. 
Owen and Charlie eventually fell asleep too as they didn’t want to let you go, and that’s what you woke up to in the middle of the night too. The two boys asleep on either side of you, clutching you in their arms. Though Owen had sunk down with his head in your lap and him clutching your arm against his chest, Charlie had fallen asleep resting his head on yours. A content, warm feeling fell over you while that upsetting, past-breakdown sob shook through your body. 
“Boys,” you whispered, waking them up softly. Both twitched, but only Owen shook awake and shot upright. You giggled at his concerned, sleep-drunk expression. “Shall we head to bed?” you asked. The look of confusion that flashed across Owen’s face made you realize that it did sound a bit odd, so you quickly added, “It’s past midnight, I think we better sleep in our own beds than cramped up on the sofa.” 
Owen let out an “ah” and nodded his head before punching Charlie in the shoulder. Your cousin looked up with narrowed  eyes, ready to growl at whoever woke  him. 
“Let’s get to bed,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead. The boy nodded and got up, grabbing your hand in his and leading you towards your bedroom. He didn’t turn on the lights, but blindly made his way over to the bed and rolled onto it, tugging you with him and cuddling you close to his body. You let out a shriek at the sudden movement until it turned into giggling before sighing contently at the welcome warmth and comfort of your cousin’s arms. There’ve been many nights where you fell asleep cuddling one another on your grandmother’s sofa after having watched your favorite tv-show.   
“Joyner, get your ass in here!” Charlie shouted, his voice croaky and thick with sleep. You heard shuffling before the bed dipped, the warmth of Owen’s body radiating into your skin. 
This hadn’t occurred yet since you moved in with them a month ago. Falling asleep on the couch, yes, all the time. But never falling asleep in the same bed. It was a welcome, soothing feeling though. No matter how you turned, every side of your body was always toasty. You were the happiest person alive even on darker days like this one. You’d always have these two boys in your life. And that was more than enough for you.
JATP Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost 
Charlie/Luke Taglist: @parkeret​ @lukeys-giggle @gingerxarmy @lovesanimals @lolychu @perfectlywrongformend3s @luckylouiebug @camiladelrio98 @myfriendscallmebeans
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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krreader · 4 years
BTS scenario → saying something cute/funny when meeting their parents.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: / genre: fluff ; crack word count: 1.2k+
a/n: you never have to apologize for requesting @nendere​, I love writing your requests!!!! I hope you enjoy this love ♥
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kim seokjin
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You had prepared so long for this meeting, but as soon as you were face to face with Jin’s parents, you were the most awkward person in the world. You could barely say a word without blushing and so you settled for not speaking at all. And well, that made it ten times worse.
In addition to that, you were so afraid to offend them in some way when speaking to them, even though Jin had told you not to worry about that.
“I'm just wondering.. what made you fall in love with our son?” the direct question put you on the spot. This wasn't a question that Jin could answer for you, you had to do that yourself.
And so you took a deep breath and looked at her, “May I speak freely?” you waited for her to nod, then you said: “He loves me for who I am. He accepts me the way I am. And he told me that he got this kind of acceptance from you two. So I am very grateful that you have raised such a wonderful man.”
His father crossed his arms in front of his chest, making you gulp down hard, but then he grinned, “Did you hear that, honey? We raised a wonderful man.”
“Aw, you're so cute,” his mother giggled, “I like you, young lady.”
min yoongi
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His parents could tell how nervous you were, that is probably why they pulled out Yoongi's old baby photos, to shift the attention away from you and onto him. They hoped that that way, you'd feel a little more comfortable.
And while it was true that you did feel a sense of ease wash over you as his mother was telling you all sorts of embarrassing stories about your boyfriend, the shift from extreme nervousness to this, made you stop thinking before speaking.
“Look at him, he had the cutest little butt,” his mother swooned.
“Well, he still does.”
And it was already too late to take it back once it was out.
His parents were taken aback, but your boyfriend just laughed and shrugged, “She's not wrong, you know?”
Thank god for Yoongi.
jung hoseok
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“(Y/N), Hoseok told us that you speak another language,” his mother leaned a little forward on the table, “Can you say anything in that language?”
Ah, great. The question that you hated more than anything in the world, because you never knew what to respond.
So what did you end up saying?
That one French phrase from Lady Marmalade. Yes. That one.
And man, as soon as it was out, you realized what you had said and started blushing.
“Oh, that sounds lovely! I'm sure that means something really romantic, right?”
You started to chuckle, but it sounded so fake to your boyfriend that he immediately furrowed his eyebrows.
“Yes. Very romantic.”
It was only later that night, after you had already gotten home, that you told him what you had just said. He laughed so hard that he had to cry.
kim namjoon
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“I was surprised when Namjoon told us about your age.. I always thought he'd want his girlfriend to be a little older than what your age is,” his mother said honestly, not meaning it in a mean way.
And you didn't think take it as such, you thought it was a genuine question that you actually understood. Namjoon had admitted to you that he had always thought he'd end up with someone older than your age, but love didn't work that way.
Nevertheless, your nerves got the better of you and without thinking about it, you just blurted out: “Well, that's okay, I like models such as that of Namjoon.”
Your boyfriend was so freaking shocked that he stopped drinking mid-way and just stared at you with wide eyes just like his mother did.
It was his father that started laughing so hard and loud that all the restaurant turned and looked at you four.
He actually started crying from how hard he laughed, which made it a little better for you. At least one person in the room appreciated your humor.
park jimin
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Jimin's parents were lovely, they really were. But they really liked alcohol and you, not wanting to be disrespectful, drank with them and tried to keep up that night when you first met them.
And it reeeeally loosened your tongue.
“Ah, I'm so lucky to be with him,” you wrapped an arm around your boyfriend and kissed his cheek, “Thank you for making the most wonderful man in the world, Mr. and Mrs. Park.”
Jimin was a little uncomfortable, because he thought his parents would be, but they actually thought it was hilarious and his mother found it rather cute from the looks of it.
“Well, she can't hold her liquor, but she sure as hell sounds like a keeper, son!” his father raised his glass and drank one more to that.
In that case..
kim taehyung
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You weren't used to this.
When Taehyung had said he wanted you to meet his parents, you had assumed you'd meet in a restaurant and just have dinner. Just the four of you.
But now you were sitting in his parents' house with literally the entire family at a table, all having gathered here today to take a look at Taehyung's new girlfriend. You.
“Ah, you're such a beautiful girl,” one of his aunts said, looking over to Taehyung's mother, “I'm sure you're over the moon that your son has picked out a girl like that. Aren't you excited for all the cute babies they are going to make?”
The question caught you off-guard, you hadn't expected them to talk about babies so soon, so you spit out a little bit of the drink you were having, making everyone around the table laugh.
“Don't worry, love,” his mother smiled encouragingly at you, “I don't expect you to have grandchildren so soon.”
But when you looked at Taehyung and you saw him wiggle his eyebrows, you quickly kicked his foot under the table.
jeon jeongguk
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This most certainly was an unconventional way of meeting the parents of your partner for the first time, but maybe they did it because they thought it'd make you more comfortable in a setting such as this one... which was a camping trip.
Thankfully, though, Jeongguk's brother and his girlfriend that he hadn't had for too long either tagged along and so you didn't feel like the only elephant in the room.. or.. woods.
Everything went relatively fine, mostly because you hadn't had much opportunity to speak with them properly except for a hello, nice to meet you. But when you were sitting around the campfire at night, it was time for the interrogation.
“So, (Y/N), tell us a little bit about yourself.”
You hadn't thought they'd put you on the spot like that, because suddenly all eyes were on you and you really weren't prepared for a question as deep as this. Because revealing information about you like this was always uncomfortable, in any situation.
“Well, uh.. I like.. hot dogs!” your brain didn't function properly, it was the first thing that came to mind and you immediately wanted to hit yourself for saying that.
But it definitely broke the ice, made everyone laugh and his father give you a thumbs-up and tell you that that's a good choice.
Jeongguk gently rubbed over your back and smiled at you, showing you that you could say whatever you wanted to say, they just wanted to know you a little better.
So that was comforting.
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
Instinct Part Two: Interrogations and Intrigue (Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader)
A/N: I'm super excited for this part. Spencer and Reader’s relationship finally has some foundation!
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings! Mentions of suicide and manipulation. 
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(Reader’s POV)
I tap my foot anxiously as I peer around the bland and intimidating interrogation room. It looks like something out of a mental asylum in a 1980's horror movie. They want me frightened? They got me.
Count Dracula barges in abruptly and sits opposite from me. I wince at the sound of the metal chair scraping against the cement floor.
“My name is SSA Aaron Hotchner. I'd like to take a moment to get your description of the man who broke into your apartment," he shows no emotion.
I nod, "Well, he had his hood up and a bandana on, but from what I could tell, he had green eyes...maybe blue...or hazel. I'm sorry, I'm not a hundred percent sure. He was just a little bit taller than me, so maybe 5'8 or 9. He climbed out of my window, so clearly, he's at least slightly athletic. He disguised his voice; he made it sound almost like Batman."
He writes down some notes. A statement that the other agent presented to me at the crime scene puzzles me. I decide to inquire for myself.
"The other agent..." "Dr. Reid?" "No, Emma? Emily?" "Yes, Agent Prentiss." "Yes, her. She told me at the ambulance that I might be the key to solving this. What did she mean by that? This wasn't just a one-off robbery? How could it involve me?"
He purses his lips, obviously pondering the right response, "What do you know of the Nomad Boys?"
My heart rate rises, but I promptly disguise my anxiety. "You get straight to the point, don't you," I quip, "I know that they used to operate about a block from my old neighborhood growing up. A lot of people have lost their lives because of them. Both figuratively and literally."
"Are you aware of your brother's involvement with them?" Agent Hotchner examines me.
I gasp. What kind of game is he playing here? I shift uneasily in my seat, "Excuse me?"
"We have significant evidence that your brother Jeremy was involved with the Nomad Boys from 2015 until his death."
I slam my fist on the table, "How dare you. How dare you bring my brother up and implicate him in illegal activities that he had no part in. Is this what you people do? You're so desperate to close a case that you can't admit defeat in then you pin it on people who aren't even here to defend themselves?"
"You seem relatively defensive yourself. Care to explain why?" The emotionless man taunts.
"Two hours ago, I was the victim of a failed robbery, and now I'm being interrogated by the feds about my dead brother? Is that not a good enough reason to get defensive?" I clamor back. 
Tears sting my eyes and threaten to spill over as I dig my fingernails into the palm of my hand, trying frantically to suppress my growing rage. He watches me like a predator to its prey. The sound of my rapid heartbeat muffles my hearing. I can feel my skin heat up with anger. I stare right back, eager to display my disdain for his treatment.
"If you'd excuse me," he gathers his files and leaves the room. I exhale shakily and hastily wipe the stray tears from my eyes, desperate to gain my composure.
(Spencer's POV)
Hotch exits the interrogation room and clutches my shoulder, "You're up. She knows more than she's letting on, even if she doesn't realize it. She will feel more comfortable with you." "Hotch...I-I feel like maybe Emily or Morgan should go in. Not me." "Why?" He glares at me. I swallow the lump in my throat. 
I have a job to do.
"Forget about it," I say, stepping past him into the dimly lit room. She looks up at me with pleading eyes, silently begging me not to put her through what Hotch did. I sit across from her, noticing her obsessive picking at the skin of her fingers. Her knee bounces and lightly taps against the underside of the table.
She takes a deep breath and breaks the stillness, "Whatever it is they are thinking, it's not true. None of it is true. They're wrong." 
"Y/N, I appreciate your willingness to cooperate and come back to the precinct with us and sit in here to be interviewed." 
She throws her head back and laughs, "My willingness to cooperate?Interviewed? You mean interrogated, right?"
"I know this must feel like an ambush," I say, and she jeers, "but I promise if you just hear us out, the sooner we can rule you and your brother out of this." 
She sits up, eyes wide, her posture defensive, "You just said my brother and me. Am I a suspect too? For god's sake, I don't even know what we are suspected of! Do you think I'm apart of the Nomad Boys too?" 
Strike one, Spencer. Don't screw up again.
"I didn't mean it like that, y/n." 
"But you said it," she crosses her arms.
"I need to ask you some questions about your brother's death." 
"I'm going to be sick. Screw you, Dr. Reid." 
I can't manipulate her. I don't want to. I can't use months of researching her to achieve our agenda. 
It doesn't feel right. Why doesn't it feel right? 
But for the efficiency and success of this case, it's required.
"Every day, you wake up in fear of the nightmares that haunt you each night. You live with the images of your brother engrained in your mind. The patterns he used to follow every day have now been adopted by you, most likely in an attempt to keep his spirit alive somehow. You are constantly looking over your shoulder because, still to this day, aspects of his death leave you unsettled and uncertain. You opened the door today because you were under the impression that the person on the other side would be able to offer you insight into your brother's death. He couldn't because he had another agenda, but I can. I can give you that insight; I just need you to work with me." 
I watch as she struggles to fight the pain that comes from masking her fear. I got to her. 
Why do I feel so guilty? 
Her lip trembles as she begins to speak, "I know he didn't kill himself. That's all." "What makes you so sure?"
She releases a sob and then grapples with composing herself, "B-because he loved his family. He loved life. His girlfriend was pregnant; he was going to be a father. What kind of man who was so family-oriented and had such a bright future ahead of him would do that to himself, to his future child?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize he had a child." "Aren't you guys supposed to know stuff like that? Shouldn't you come in here armed and ready with any ammunition needed to break me down?" She cocks her head. "We do. We try to find out all vital information on our suspects and those connected with them." "That's how you know that I follow the same routine as my brother? Have you been watching me?"
I can feel a bead of sweat drip down the back of my neck; I reach my hand around to pat it off and to buy myself time to come up with a sufficient answer. She chuckles, "You don't have to answer that. I've seen you and Count Dracula in there tailing me."
My heart stops, and I swallow unexpectedly, slightly choking in the process. "For professionals, you sure don't take into consideration the fact that most people are suspicious of black SUVs now...mainly because of tv shows. Black Suburbans with tinted windows are either law enforcement or a celebrity. And judging by the fact that no celebrity would ever willingly set foot in my town, I was quickly able to determine which I was looking at every Monday and Friday from 10am to 5:30pm. You should really try getting some red cars, maybe blue, just try and blend in a bit." 
"Actually," I begin falling back on my knowledge as a way to diffuse the situation, "Any vehicle, when suitably modified, can be utilized as a police vehicle, but the most prevalent are those produced or altered by manufacturers for the role of being a police vehicle."
"Validation and dissemination: am I making you uncomfortable, Dr. Reid?" She raises her eyebrow. I adamantly shake my head, "Not at all. I was merely dissecting your point and proving it to be a failed tactic to intimidate me."
She looks at me keenly, but not in the way she had looked at Hotch. No, she peers at me as if striving to convey a message, an offer to be her ally. While locked into her gaze, I can't help but study her. Contrary to all of the times we followed her, hidden within the shelter of our car, I can now learn her up close. She is attractive in a flawed, approachable way. Her vulnerability camouflages a might that even she doesn't perceive exists.
(Reader's POV)
I study him thoroughly. He baffles me. A man in the station he is, maintaining the job he has, and bearing the weight of both victims and perpetrators on his shoulders, should be coarse, bitter, emotionless, much like the first agent who grilled me. Yet, here he is, eyes lighting up when he starts to spout off facts. His nervous ticks overflow, making it seem like he is incapable of withholding the truth of what this job does to him. He doesn't want to put me in this position. He's not like the standard brute that treats this job, and it's prey as if they are nothing but a bridge to walk over to get appreciation and approval.
"I want to help you," he proposes in a hushed tone.
"I know," I whisper, easing back in my seat. 
Unexpectedly, he offers me a wink and then stands from his chair. Stepping over to the door, he clasps the doorknob but delays for a moment. I look at him in anticipation. Looking back at me, he declares, "I'm going to get you answers. I promise you that." And with that, he's disappeared behind the two-way glass. A feeling of being left alone in an alternate universe overwhelms me. 
Spencer is somewhere out there on the side of the good guys, his reputation untainted, with the certainty that he will be going home tonight. I, on the other hand, have lived in uncertainty since my brother died. Here I sit, on the side of the glass that is riddled with darkness and evil. Spencer lives in a world of heroes. But I have been subjected to the world of criminals. I have a feeling, though, that I won't have to navigate it alone. 
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schrijverr · 3 years
Trevor has bruised ribs. He doesn’t think it a big deal, but Sypha and Alucard are more concerned about him being injured and show him that he is cared for and that hurting is a big deal.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: injury, insecurity
It was dark outside and a fire was crackling. They had been on the road for some time now, trying to help where possible with the night hordes, now left wandering with no one to steer them. It was nice and comfortable to be out there for a while even if Trevor was bruised.
“Ugh, I don’t think I’m ever getting up again, my everything is blue,” he groaned as he dropped gently to the ground after returning from gathering some firewood.
“Stop being such a baby, Trevor,” Sypha told him, throwing a log on the fire.
“I can be as much of a baby as I want to with the entire forest ground trying to dig into all these bruises,” he pouted, not really meaning it.
“For a big bad hunter you do whine a lot,” Alucard picked Sypha side, because of course he did. Not that Trevor minded, it was hard to hold a grudge against the dhampir after taking down Dracula together and Trevor had found to his horror that he quite liked Alucard.
That horror had faded quickly and he had rolled his eyes at his ancestors, before happily befriending the other more along with Sypha. So he took their friendly ribbing with grace. Well… his form of grace that was. “You’re all so mean to me, I don’t deserve this.”
“Ahw, did we hurt your wittle feelings,” Sypha exaggerated a pout and put on a mocking baby voice.
“Is your ego now bruised as well?” Alucard added and both laughed as his misery.
It wasn’t that bad, just some bruised ribs, maybe cracked, but nothing more. A common injury on his part that he could function with normally at this point. Still, in the wake of their teasing he played it up, cradling his midriff as he pouted at them, which only made them laugh.
Sypha pushed his side gently with her foot, making him catch his breath slightly as she hit his tender ribs. “We haven’t even traveled that much today.”
He glared at her halfheartedly then snootily sniffed: “You obviously can just shoot beams at monsters instead of getting thrown around all day. That horde was large. And I got thrown into a tree, for your information.”
What he hadn’t expected was for them to look guilty.
“Hey now, what’s wrong?” he asked in confusion when both stayed quiet and the teasing atmosphere that had been there dissipated. “Aren’t you two going to make fun if my brittle little bones or something?”
“You broke something?” Alucard exclaimed wide eyes of horror.
“No, just bruised, maybe cracked them at worst, but I don’t think so,” he shrugged, wincing slightly at the action and completely unsure what to do with the reaction he was getting. “It’s nothing really, happens all the time.”
“Why didn’t you say so?” Sypha practically demanded as she sat up, fingers hovering over his chest as if asking for permission to examine him.
“Guys?” He was now officially confused. “Guys, come on, you’re scaring me here. What happened? There is literally nothing wrong with me, no need to fuss. I’m fine. If it’s about the teasing that was fine too, I swear. I wouldn’t have gone along with it, if I was in any real pain, I promise. Just stop with those faces.”
Both immediately tried to school their concerned faces into something else as if to please him, but it wasn’t working and their concern was still prominent. Sypha broke first, recognizing in his face that he could still see the concern as she pleaded: “Can I at least check your ribs?”
“If that will help relax you again, sure,” he said, struggling into an upright position from where he had been slumped against his pack. In the corner of his eye, he saw them both wince with sympathy and he wondered why they cared now for something relatively routine.
The cross belts, once undone, were easily slipped over his head with minimum arm movement and pain and Trevor was glad his shirt buttoned at the front so that he could just slip it off, baring his chest to them.
When they saw they gasped. He looked down, but saw nothing too bad or out of the ordinary. His chest was obviously bruised, the outline of his ribs clear from where they had pushed against his muscle from the inside when he had hit the tree. It was swollen slightly, but it didn’t look too bad.
“Wow, it’s probably not even cracked. Nice,” he smiled, hoping it would lighten up his companions, but no such luck. They stayed passive, Alucard more so than Sypha, who looked upset. Still, she raised her hand to do what she had asked: examine the injury.
At the first press of her fingers he hissed. He couldn't help it and it was completely involuntarily, but she pulled her hand back as if burned nonetheless. He attempted a smile and said: “You won’t get to feel if it’s broken if you’re scared to touch. I can take it, Sypha, it’s fine. It’s probably not broken anyway, you won’t do more damage, promise.”
“How do you that?” she snapped, clearly upset.
Trevor didn’t know what to do with that. He had never seen her this upset over him and he tried to cheer her up, even if he didn’t know how. “I’ve cracked my ribs enough time to know what that looks and feels like. This is nothing. It just happens, no need to worry.”
“This happens often?” she yelled at him. Okay, so the comfort had not worked and he didn’t know what else could be wrong beside her thinking this was a bad injury instead of a regular one, so he looked helplessly at Alucard, hoping he would step in and save him.
Alucard was no help. “While I wasn’t a doctor, my mother was, and that looks pretty severely bruised. It will take four to six weeks to heal,” he said with a frown. “You said you bruise and crack your ribs regularly? Can you breathe okay?”
“What?” Trevor said, completely baffled. “I can breathe fine. A rasp or a stab here and there, but everyone has their aches and pains.”
“And pneumonia?” Alucard continued his interrogation as he crawled closer, now also examining Trevor’s ribs. “Are you easilysusceptible to pneumonia?”
“I would have died, if I got pneumonia regularly,” Trevor rolled his eyes. The dhampir must know hardly anyone survived that, especially since Dracula’s hordes has swept over the lands. The sigh of relief Alucard gave at his answer confirmed that the other was aware of that fact and had asked it out of fear that he did, which only served to confuse Trevor more.
“Then how have you treated this in the past? When was the last time this happened?” Alucard questioned him, hands ghosting over his ribs as Sypha watched along over his shoulder with great interest.
“I walked and lived on like a normal person,” he said, suddenly feeling very exposed under their heavy gazes and concern. “It’s literally just a bruise, we all have bruises constantly. I don’t- Can you fucking stop that?” he finally snapped.
Both froze with again that guilty, concerned look on their faces that Trevor was beginning to seriously hate.
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s fine? You’re both acting like I’m going to kneel over when it’s literally nothing. I’m injured all the time, this is just a little inconvenience to me and you two didn’t care before, so I don’t understand why you’re suddenly acting like it’s the end of the world that I got a little bruise now,” he ranted.
The gigantic bruise that covered a large chunk of his chest could hardly be called little, but those were not the details the others were concerned with in their reaction.
“You’re injured all the time?” Alucard frowned as Sypha exclaimed: “Of course we care!”
“Uh, yeah, I’m only a measly human, no regeneration for me and I don’t exactly get to stay out of the way of the big hitters. My whip may give me some distance, but it’s not really a shield,” he answered Alucard, because facing Sypha’s comment made him uncomfortable.
“Why didn’t you say so?” Sypha asked, genuinely hurt. “We wouldn’t have teased you, if we had known that you were in pain. And wounds need treatment, what if you got an infection? We could have helped, Trevor.”
“I- I-” What was Trevor supposed to say to that? That he was used to the hurting so much that it hadn’t registered as something notable? That he was used to pushing through alone? That he had thought they’d known, just hadn’t cared enough?
Something must have shown on his face, because Sypha’s fiery look softened as she gently took his hand. “Trevor, we want to know when you’re in pain. You’re our friend, we don’t wish to see you hurt.”
“Oh,” was his only stupid reaction to it.
“Indeed, oh,” Alucard said, before asking, “Can I look over your ribs? I trust you when you say you haven’t broken anything, but just to be sure.”
“Ye- yeah, sure,” he replied, still thrown off slightly.
Alucard pressed where the bruising was worst, making him hiss, but the vampire didn’t stop. He just worked on steadily until he nodded to himself, before leaning down and instructing Trevor to breath deeply, which he did even if it hurt slightly.
When he leaned back, Sypha urged him immediately to give the verdict with a curious and anxious: “And?”
“He is fine,” Alucard told Sypha what Trevor had already deducted, “He should heal perfectly if we keep him still for as much as possible and put ice on his ribs two to three times a day. There is no rattling in his chest and the only out of place rib seems to be old and already healed.”
“I can make ice,” Sypha said happily at the same time Trevor frowned: “Keep still?”
“Yes, Trevor, keep still so that it can heal,” Alucard said. “It’s a miracle your ribs are mostly in the right place still. And we don’t want you to hurt yourself while walking.”
Trevor was quiet for a moment, he really appreciated their concern and the fact that they did care and hadn’t just ignored him being in pain, but he was also a realist and hardened by the road, both with them and all the years by himself. So, he tried to gently break it to them: “Alucard, I appreciate that you care and all that, but we’re in the middle of nowhere and the best we have is a shaking cart while we’re getting attacked regularly. I don’t think resting is really an option.”
“Then we’ll camp here for a few nights,” Sypha demanded sternly. “We can set up here as well as any other place so that you can rest. It might not be the full recovery time, but a bit. Until you feel better. Wallachia can wait until you’re in fighting shape.”
He would deny it to his grave, but he chocked up a bit at that. And while he thought their concern was a bit over the top, it felt nice to be cared for again, that someone was willing to put aside more important things for him.
So, despite his mind telling him it was unnecessary, he gave in: “Sure, yeah, okay.”
The smile he got in return was worth the guilt he would later feel over leaving people to their fate with the night creatures still roaming around and he let them help him back into his shirt as Sypha summoned ice.
The night was still dark and the fire now burning low. The temporary camp would have to wait for the morning and the road for later. It was nice and comfortable anyway, to be out there, even while Trevor was bruised, because he also had Sypha and Alucard and that made it better.
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waveypedia · 4 years
Leaving the Nest
Companion piece to The Family We Make (can be read in any order)
Granny’s posture is as immaculate as always, but her knuckles grip the pan just a little too tight. To an outsider, she would seem the perfect picture of serenity, but Webby knows the tells that give her away too well.
Of course she does. Granny is Webby’s favorite person in the entire world.
Webby’s family has grown and grown over the last few years, and she wouldn’t trade that for the world. But if it came down to it, Granny is more her family than anyone else. Even the boys. Even Dad.
“Dear, I think we should talk about… the other day,” Granny trails off, awkward and lame. It would be disorienting to see Granny, normally so put-together and articulate, struggling with words. But a couple days ago, Webby saw her chained and captured, crying and beaten, forced to spill her darkest secrets and then knocked out. Manipulated. Nothing Granny does can faze her in quite the same way.
Webby takes a deep breath. “I… I think so too,” she says. “But, honestly, I don’t have anything to say. You’re my Granny.”
Granny’s shoulders slump in relief before she catches herself, her decades of SHUSH training snapping in, and she reorients herself to her ever-present poker face. 
“I’m not, you know,” Granny says quietly, her voice full of shame. Webby stiffens, and glances away before Granny can see the tears pooling in her eyes. “I- I stole you from a SHUSH compound. The photos you have of your parents were a lie. Just another lie among many.”
“I don’t care,” Webby snaps, with more anger in her voice than she intended. But as soon as the words are out of her mouth, she realizes that she truly does feel that anger. Not towards Granny herself, but towards the notion that Granny isn’t her grandmother.
“You’re my grandmother,” Webby declares passionately. “I don’t care if you’re not related to me. I don’t care if I’m a clone of Dad. You stole me from a FOWL compound because you cared about me from the moment we met. You gave up your entire life and a career you’d been working towards for decades for me. You raised me. You locked yourself in the mansion to keep me safe. You’re my grandmother.”
“I’m happy to hear that, dear,” Granny says in the softest of whispers. “More than you could ever know.” Webby thinks she hears Granny’s voice catch, but she can’t be certain. 
“But I lied to you, even after I promised I wouldn’t,” Granny continues, her tone more subdued. She crosses her hands in her lap, making a controlled effort to smooth them out. “You have every right to be angry with me.”
Webby reaches forward and takes her grandmother’s hand in both of hers. “I do,” she agrees. Granny’s head snaps up and she stares at Webby, eyes wide. Webby shrugs nonchalantly, shoulders loose, emulating Louie’s calculated facade of easy calm without realizing it. “But that’s not the kind of person I am, Granny.”
Webby glances away, pursuing her lips. She can’t bear to watch Granny’s face twist in pain. “I… I am frustrated that you lied to me and broke your promise,” she says slowly, haltingly, choosing her words carefully. She’s walking a thin line, basically a tightrope with no net, of expressing her feelings and not upsetting her Granny. “Just don’t do it again, please.”
Granny’s face softens. “Of course, Webby dear. No more secrets.” 
She reaches out to hug Webby, and Webby obliges, but she says stiff. “That’s what you said last time,” Webby mutters into Granny’s shoulder. Her words are almost too soft to be heard, but judging by the way Granny stiffens, she does.
Granny pulls back, her hands still on Webby’s shoulders. She opens her mouth a few times, frantically searching for words, some kind of placating promise that she didn’t already break.
 “You’re right. Of course,” Granny acquiesces at last, hanging her head. Strands of grey hair drip out of her bun by the pull of gravity. Webby swallows thickly, bile pooling in her throat. Granny is reacting perfectly, yet all she does is remind Webby of when they were stuck together in a dark FOWL interrogation room, a wall of pain and deception painfully thick between them.
Webby reaches out a small hand to touch Granny’s shoulder. “Granny, please,” she whispers. She’s not sure if Granny understands the true meaning behind her plea in its entirety, but she pulls herself back together nonetheless. For a few minutes, silence hangs between them. It’s not a comfortable silence, but it’s not stifling, either. It’s just… anticipatory.
“I can’t simply promise that I won’t lie to you anymore,” Granny says at last. Her voice is quiet and subdued, but honest and vulnerable. It’s open in a way Granny rarely is. “But I will do better from now on. I’ll prove my sentiments through actions, not empty promises.”
Webby smiles gratefully. It’s not her usual wide, face-splitting grin, but it’s soft and vulnerable, with layers and meaning behind it. “Thanks. I… I want to know things. About SHUSH. Classified things. The parts of my past you could never tell me, and new information, too.”
Granny’s gaze shoots away. “I-I can’t,” she replies immediately, and Webby’s heart drops. It must show in her face, because Granny’s own twists with guilt. 
“I- Well- I suppose I did just promise to, didn’t I,” Granny says, half to herself, with a small chuckle. There’s little humor behind it, but it’s fond. “I will do my best, Webbigail. But please understand that there is some SHUSH information that is simply beyond my classification to give you.”
“I understand,” Webby says simply. “But the information you can give me… I want to know, Granny.”
Granny’s fists clench and unclench in her lap. Webby knows how uncomfortable and out of her depth she must feel. She protected Webby with her life for years by hiding these secrets, and it takes time to undo such habits. But she’s trying, and that’s all that Webby cares about. 
“Do you remember the day I met the boys?” Webby asks, her voice lighter and more casual than she feels. There’s a pit of fear steadily growing in her stomach, but her voice is blessedly steady. 
Granny’s smile is small but fond. “You snuck out,” she replies, a hint of reproach in her voice, but no malice. It’s a wound long since healed, leaving only a soft scar as a reminder that it existed at all. “You ignored my number one rule and left the mansion for the very first time.”
“Yeah, and it was new and scary,” Webby replies lightly, ignoring the jab. “But you let me go, because you knew it was for the best. Because I was growing up.”
“Because Mr. McDuck could keep you safe,” Granny adds pointedly, but she’s smiling, if a bit pained.
“Yeah, and he did! I’m fine, Granny. Besides, I can keep myself safe.”
“Tell that to the you that landed yourself in FOWL headquarters with all your allies captured and no real clue what was in store for you,” Granny quips. “My worst nightmare, come alive right in front of my eyes.”
“I’m sorry,” Webby mutters, dropping her gaze to her feet. “But hey, if you’d told me the truth, maybe I wouldn’t have been so misinformed.”
Granny dips her head. “You make a good point. I concede that one.”
“Anyway, that’s just what this is like,” Webby continues. “It’s a big change. But it’s a necessary one. I’m ready for this, Granny.  You are too. And in time, this’ll feel completely normal, and we’ll have forgotten what it was like to live like we are.”
Granny is silent for a few moments. Webby glances up, nervous, only to find Granny smiling proudly, and wiping a small tear away under her glasses.
“Webby, dear, you are so wise,” she says, her voice thick. Webby’s heart clenches. “Aren’t I the one supposed to give you the deep, heartfelt talks and inspire you, and not the other way around?”
Webby gives her a small smile. “You’ve done it before, Granny. Don’t sell yourself short.”
Granny sniffles rather uncharacteristically. Without warning, she lunges forward and scoops Webby up in a tight hug. “Oh, my dear,” Granny says, her voice choked with tears. “You are just lovely, you know that? How did I ever get so lucky to have you for a granddaughter?”
“Well, it’s partly because of you,” Webby says, smiling into her grandmother’s back. “You raised me.”
Granny nods into Webby’s shoulder. “And it was lovely.”
When Granny finally pulls back, she tugs Webby back to face her, her hands on Webby’s shoulders. “You’re growing up,” she says thickly. “Oh, Webbigail, I am so proud of you.”
Webby beams at her grandmother. “I’m proud of you, too.”
“Oh,” Granny says thickly, and hugs her again.
HEY REMEMBER WHEN I SAID I WOULD WRITE THE CONVERSATION WITH WEBBY AND BEAKLEY WELL HERE IT IS :D (rip my poor math homework i’ll be up all night finishing that ugh)
i wrote this in like,, 45 minutes because i had to get the few sentences i was thinking about down before i forgot them and just,, kept going lmao. rip the webby & lena convo story i’ve been chipping away at that is going absolutely nowhere rn. i’ll get to it
webby and beakley’s relationship is SO important to me. beakley literally gave up everything for webby. it’s so obvious how much beakley cares about her, but also,,, they had this entire episode about trusting each other and then beakley promises not to keep any more secrets from webby and she has absolutely zero intention of keeping it. that always gets me. especially since webby is one of the most trusting characters of all time and would never doubt her grandmother of all people after they made up. i’m not salting on beakley or anything, but it’s very interesting to think about going forward since beakley will obviously try to do better, especially once the major factor keeping her quiet is gone, but she really doesn’t have a leg to stand on since she broke her promise. definitely an interesting concept we should talk about more
we talk a lot about how scrooge never apologized to webby after telling her she wasn’t family in last crash of the sunchaser and she immediately forgave him. scrooge def should’ve apologized but it’s interesting to note that webby basically can’t and won’t hold a grudge for the life of her, at least when it comes to the people she cares about (she definitely can with goldie DJDFKLSLDF). it’s sweet. i imagine beakley feels incredibly guilty after the finale but webby’s just ready to move on and to enter a new chapter of their lives where they’re completely honest and open with each other. i don’t imagine she’s not upset at the deception, but she’s not mad.
also man that interrogation scene? that probably traumatized webby. man. what a shitty situation to be in i can’t even imagine.
beakley and webby’s relationship will always mean the world to me, especially with the added context of their backstory. beakley literally saw one (1) baby and was like i’m about to end this man’s (me) whole career LMAO. it’s incredible.
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detectivesofty · 4 years
ex’s and oh’s | j.h.
Summary: your ex and your partner, whom you have feelings for, walk into an interrogation room. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke right?
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Partner!Reader
Song I listened to while writing: Spirits by The Strumbellas also a rewatch of Season 4 of Chicago P.D.
Author’s Note: sorry for the delay, I was watching a movie with my dad and forgot the time! This has literally everything. Romance, action, excitement. READ IT! PS: The part with the interrogation might confuse you a bit, be sure to read it carefully to know who’s talking to whom!
Warnings: mentions of alcoho, child abduction, death and guns
Word Count: 3,229 words
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“You’re late.”
“Don’t I know it, Sarge.”
Normally you exchanged more than a few words with Sergeant Platt when you came to the district in the morning, but this morning you were late. This week you caught a case of abducted kindergarten kids and it’s been especially hard on you. Unsurprisingly, Jay knew about it, even though you’ve adamantly insisted that nothing was wrong, and came over  with a bottle of wine.  
“They’re already questioning the witness upstairs, giggles.”
You threw a thumbs up in her direction before placing your palm on the scanner, waiting for the buzz of the door impatiently, immediately pulling the door open when it did buzz. Hurrying up the stairs, you threw a collective ‘morning, hey’ into the bullpen and knocked on Kim’s desk as a form of greeting while you walked by, finally reaching your own desk, across from Jay’s, which was conspicuously empty.
His empty seat already had your head gears turning and you glanced at Kim, who was already looking at you quizzically. It took her only a few seconds to interpret your face.
“He’s questioning the witness. In the interrogation room,” Kim said, making you jump up and lock your gun into the locker. 
“Y/N, wait-”
But you already disappeared around the corner into the observation room, where Voight was standing with his arms crossed. You made two steps into the room when you stilled, your eyes stuck on what was happening in the other room.
“So you’re telling me that you were right across the street while 15 kids were being abducted and the only thing you saw was a white van?”
“Man, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not like I knew what was going on.”
“A bunch of kids being herded into a white van didn’t appear suspicious to you?”
“What the hell is Jay doing in there with my ex?” You sputtered and Voight only blinked at you. 
“Don’t tell me he’s the witness.”
“He’s actually the only one we’ve got,” Voight replied and you scoffed, leaning your hand against the glass. 
“Why the hell are you so riled up? Do you think I had something to do with it?”
“I don’t know, did you?”
“The jerk’s right though, why is Jay being so antagonizing?”
“Why do you think?” Voight said dryly and you pressed your lips together, shaking your head slightly when you thought about what had happened last night. 
“I told you I am fine,” you said with a sigh, but still opening the door wide enough so Jay could come in. 
“And I told you that you need to stop lying to me for two reasons,” Jay answered, leaning against the wall. “One, I am literally a detective. And two, I am your partner. You can’t lie to me.” 
Rolling your eyes playfully, you pushed the door shut and walked to the living room with Jay hot on your heels. While you took a place on the couch, Jay wandered into your kitchen to grab two wine glasses. It was weird how he felt much he felt at home at your apartment. Handing him a corkscrew, Jay quickly opened the wine bottle and poured two glasses, offering you one. 
“So. Talk to me.”
With a long sigh, you accepted the wine glass and swirled the wine in the glass, before taking a sip. You weren’t good at talking about feelings. You were good at making jokes, telling stories, nagging other people. But you rarely got raw and honest about what you felt. Jay was the same. The two of you never openly talked about your feelings for each other. You knew he loved you, but did he love you the way you loved him?
“They’re just kids, Jay. Innocent children in a kindergarten. Why would anyone abduct them? And what are they planning on doing with them? Who does something like this?” You threw the questions into the room, not expecting an answer. “I really love my job. I know we’re helping a lot of people, but this?” 
You let out a sharp exhale and Jay gently pried the wine glass out of your hand, putting glasses on the coffee table. Without anything to hold, your shaky hands dropped into your lap before Jay clasped your hands in his, effectively stopping the shaking. 
“Hey. Hey, look at me,” he said softly and you lifted your eyes to meet his. “I know this job is tough, but you can’t keep focusing on the bad stuff. How many times have you told me that? So now it’s your turn to believe, hm?”
Pressing your lips together, you nodded and gave him a small smile. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Jay gave you a look and raised an eyebrow. “Hey, I’m always right.” 
You snorted with a roll of your eyes and then gave him a push so he’d fall back on the couch, but he quickly grabbed your wrists, so you fell with him. 
“You dimwit!” You exclaimed in between laughs, leaning your arms on his chest. 
“You pushed me first!”
It was then that you realized how close you were. You swallowed thickly and tried to focus your eyes on anything but his mouth, like all the freckles dusted across his face, his beautiful green eyes and eventually, your eyes still ended up on his lips. It looked like he was looking at yours and your tongue reflexively darted out to wet your lips. 
The tension was so thick, you almost felt it all around you and at this moment, you thought to yourself: this is it. Maybe this is where Jay would reveal his true feelings for you.
But your hopes were too high.
Jay quickly averted his eyes and cleared his throat, before he gently rolled over, lying next to you. There was a brief silence and then Jay clapped into his hands, as if he’d wanted to clear the air. 
“You down for some pizza?”
“Yeah… Sure.”
The night passed relatively normal after that, but that one moment still lingered in both of your minds, especially in yours. Maybe he didn’t see you as more than a partner and friend. And now you have to watch Jay drilling your ex, out of all people in Chicago? God really liked to torture you. 
“How about you stop dicking around and tell me what happened before I arrest you for obstruction of justice?”
“Obstruction of-” Your ex jeered and then paused, furrowing his brows. “Wait a minute. You’re Y/N’s partner, aren’t you?”
You wished you could see Jay’s face instead of his back. 
“That’s Detective Y/L/N to you,” Jay said, his voice dropping lower. 
“Alright, that’s it, I am pulling him out. Burgess, you and me,” Voight said and headed out of the room. You hadn’t even noticed Kim in the doorway, and she just gave you a sympathetic look before she followed Voight into the interrogation room. 
“Halstead, take a break now,” Voight ordered as he opened the door. Jay threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
“Sarge, I-”
“I said now!”
“Yeah, Halstead, take a break,” your ex taunted and Jay slapped the table, making him flinch when he pointed a finger at him. 
“Do not test me, you jagoff.”
With that, Jay pushed his chair back and Kim and Voight sat down across from him. Your ex, quickly having regained his composure, grinned at the two of them.
“Thanks for saving me, Halstead’s a real hothead, huh?”
“Shut your mouth.”
You stopped paying attention to the interrogation when you saw Jay walk past the open door, freezing when he saw you. 
“Y/N? How long have you been here?”
Shaking your head with a scoff, you exited the room, shouldering past him. 
“Y/N, wait, I can explain!”
You didn’t. Ignoring everyone’s eyes, you walked straight to the break room and you were about zero percent surprised when Jay followed you in there, shutting the door behind him. Still, you ignored his presence and grabbed a mug to pour yourself a coffee.
“Earth to Y/N, I am talking to you,” Jay exclaimed and laid a hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him. 
“I am trying to drink my coffee here, Halstead.”
Jay sighed and gave you a look. “Really? You’ve resorted to calling me by my last name now?”
“What do you want, Jay?” You asked, putting an unnecessary emphasis on his name just to bug him. 
“Oh my god,” Jay muttered, massaging his temples before he turned his attention back to you. “Listen. I know I shouldn’t have been so aggressive but he’s such a dick, I couldn’t help myself.”
“You always thought that he was a dick and tried to be civil to him. But you treated him like a hostile suspect in there, even though he’s the only witness in this fucking case. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Jay rubbed his chin ruefully and shrugged with his shoulders. “I just lost my cool, okay. I wasn’t actively trying to destroy this case.”
“You never lose your cool unless it’s something personal.”
“Well, this was personal. You’re my partner. He treated you like shit, ergo personal.”
He was making excuses up and both of you knew it. 
“That was a year ago, I am fine. I don’t need you to fight for my honor.”
“Cheating on your girlfriend doesn’t have a statute of limitation and-”
“What the hell Jay!” You suddenly exploded, startling him. “Stop saying stupid shit and just be honest with me. This is bullshit! Last night you came over all like ‘I am your partner, you can’t lie to me’ shit and now you have the audacity to lie to me when it’s literally about me?”
Jay heaved out a breath and ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, fine. You’re right, I am sorry, I shouldn’t lie to you… I just don’t know how to tell you this.” He paced back and forth, while you looked at him expectantly, soon he turned back to you. 
“I-” Jay began, but broke off again, cursing before he cupped your face and kissed you. 
Even though you were still mad at him, you could feel your resolve slowly melting away as he kissed you and while you were shocked for a split-second, you kissed him back the moment you had realized what was happening. You weren’t sure how long you’ve been kissing when Jay slowly pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“I’m sorry, this is probably the least appropriate place to do this, but I figured if I can’t find the words, I’ll act instead,” he mumbled softly and you nodded, not finding any words. Your head was whirring, trying to form a sentence, but before anything could come out of your mouth, someone knocked on the door and the two of you sprang apart.
“Hey, I hate to interrupt you guys,” Adam said, leaning in the doorway, “but Antonio tracked the white van your SOB ex described and it’s parked outside a warehouse in Oakly Boulevard. We gotta go right now.”
You and Jay looked at each other, faces incredibly serious. You knew this had to wait right now. 
“We’ll talk later,” you promised him and he gave a curt nod, before the two of you followed Adam to save some lives.
“Everyone in position?”
It was a couple hours later and your team was sitting outside the warehouse where the kids were held. The weather was gloomy, and even though it was only a few minutes past four pm, the sun has already set, engulfing the warehouse in darkness.
“Burgess and I are on the roof boss, we’re ready.”
“We’re good, Kev is ready to take down the door.”
Jay glanced at you, hands on his radio. “You good?” You swiftly broke the lock and gave him a thumbs up, before he gave his confirmation through the radio to Voight, who was running point outside of the building. 
“Okay. Remember, quiet and stealthy. Right now we count all fifteen kids and 4 offenders inside and 3 outside standing watch. We do not want to tip them off, who knows what they might do. The most important thing is to get the kids home to their families alive, you hear me?”
Everyone voiced their understanding. 
“Good. Go.”
“We’re in,” you spoke quietly into the radio, silently moving through the dark warehouse. It took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the darkness but you could hear people talking from a room where light was coming from. 
“We got the pricks outside,” Adam said.
“We’re through the west entrance, hostages seem to be kept in the break room, two offenders with them and three are walking the warehouse, keep your eyes open,” You heard Kim’s voice crackling through your earpiece and you stilled when you saw a flashlight bouncing off the walls. 
Turning back to Jay, you pointed two fingers in that direction and he nodded before he disappeared into the dark. You quickly walked towards the flashlight and a few seconds later you could hear a grunt and a body hitting the floor.
“One suspect down,” you informed the team. “We’re getting closer to the breakroom, I can hear two of them arguing.” 
There were two doors leading into the room and you glanced at Jay. 
“You go in, I’ll distract them,” he whispered and the two of you split up, quietly moving toward the open door. Through the crack, you saw two men, standing in front of the children, waving guns around. The children looked scared, but otherwise okay. You felt a bit relieved, though you knew that this was not over yet.
“I told you,” one of them said, getting in the face of the other man, “We’re waiting for the parents to contact us, we left them a message-” A clatter outside the room made him pause and he quickly looked around, alarmed. “Someone’s here. Go check if where the others are.”
His partner rushed through the door and the shot caller aimed the gun at the kids. “If you even think about running, I will kill all of you,” he threatened and as you moved in, you pointed your gun at his head.
“I don’t think so, jackass. Hands up and put the gun on the floor, now.” You could hear the offender cursing under his breath before he carefully dropped the gun to the floor. Kicking the gun away, you moved closer until the nuzzle of your gun was pressed against the back of his head. 
“Get on your knees.”
You were surprised that he was so compliant and threw some handcuffs on. Then, you slowly put your gun back in the holster, turning to the kids. 
“Hey, hi kids. It’s okay, I am a detective, you’re safe now okay?” You told the kids with an assuring smile, checking them over. “Is everyone alright? Anyone hurt?” The kids shook their heads and you sighed in relief. 
“I got the kids, waiting for confirmation until all offenders are down. Jay, what’s your-”
“Watch out!” the kids cried and you felt a gun against the back of your head. 
“Turn around and do not reach for your gun,” the man said and as you turned around, you realized it was the man from before. He looked nervous and drops of sweat were running down his temples. 
“Kids, get behind me,” you said in a calm voice, not wanting to scare them.
“Wyatt, what do you want me to do with her?” he asked and Wyatt grunted, his face contorted in anger. 
“Just kill her and get me out of these cuffs Zac, we’re about to be swarmed with police.”
You saw the hesitation in Zac’s eyes. “Hey, Zac.”
Zac turned his eyes on you and you held your hands higher. “Zac, right?” He nodded, his  eyes flitting over to Wyatt when he screamed out.
“Don’t listen to her! Get me out of these cuffs!”
“Zac, ignore him and listen to me, okay?” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jay inching closer, his gun aimed at Zac. You shook your head ever so slightly and Jay nodded, keeping his aim, but not pulling the trigger just yet. 
“I know you don’t want to do this. You can still get out of here, it does not have to end like this. Look at all these kids. They’re innocent. Whatever you want to achieve, I promise there’s another way, okay?”
You could see that Zac was really listening to you, as he slowly lowered his gun, but Wyatt kept screaming at him. 
“HEY! If I go to prison because of you I will fucking kill you!”
Zac balled his hands into fists and as the desperation clouded over his face, you knew this was a lost cause. He straightened his arm, his gun on you. 
“I am sorry,” he pressed out. 
A shot rang through the room and blood splattered all over your face, the kids screaming out. You exhaled deeply and blinked slowly, watching Zac fall over limply. You were so close to saving him.
“Hey, Y/N you alright?” Jay asked, rushing over to you and you nodded, holding onto his bicep for support while he patted you down. Wyatt was still kneeling on the floor, cursing loudly, not even bothered by the fact that his partner just died in front of him.
“I am fine. Let’s get the kids out of here,” you told him and he nodded, herding all the kids together to lead them outside. 
Several ambos were already waiting outside to check on the kids as the offenders were being taken away. You watched with a small smile as a handful of cars pulled up, and parents started piling out, calling for their kids. 
A hand laid on your shoulder and when you turned, Voight was giving you one of his rare smiles. “Good job, Y/N. Do you need a medic?”
“It’s not my blood,” You said, wiping your sleeve over your face. “Thanks Sarge.”
Voight clapped your back affectionately and then walked off to take care of the offenders, while you looked around, finally catching Jay’s eyes across the street. He tilted his head to the side and you gave a tired nod, picking up your feet to where Jay’s GMC was parked. 
He was waiting by the driver’s door, but instead of getting in the passenger’s side, you walked up straight to him, laying your head on his chest. Jay wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. 
“Today was good, huh?” 
“Mhm,” you hummed, not wanting to pull away just yet. “Can’t believe it started with you yelling at my ex.”
Jay breathed out a laugh before he pulled away, holding you at an arm's length. “Listen, about that-”
You effectively cut him off by placing your lips on his, kissing him gently. Immediately he kissed you back and cupped your cheek with his hand, holding you as if you were delicate. You pulled away after a few seconds and smiled up at him. 
“I think I got it,” you told him quietly and he beamed at you, tucking your hair back. 
You knew that you’d have to have this conversation eventually, probably later that day. But for now, this was enough.
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Taglist: @toomuchtv95​ // @miranda0102​ // @annaallicce​ // @galacticsmoon​
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starshine-effendy · 3 years
HI HI! what about reader who is from mha world but then she ends up in aot world, where she meets her soulmate, Levi. Maybe she has his name in her skin or something?
A/N: I spent an hour planning on how this is going to go so I hope I got it right <3. I might need a wider spread of vocabulary... In other words I might need a dictionary. THIS TOOK ME LIKE 2 HOURS HA! I MANAGED! WATCH ME WORLD! 
I do not own any characters from My Hero Academia or Attack On Titan. 
My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi
Attack on titans belongs to Hajime Isayama
Summary: You’re a pro hero friends with Hawks and Endeavor. You’re fighting that nomu guy when he flung you and knocked you out unconscious. You wake up in the world full of titans but you still had your quirk. 
Warnings: If you watched MHA the Nomu fight then you’re all good... If not Spoilers. Uh... Some angst and arguments... A bit of swearing and Name calling. 
(Please keep in mind that you woke up in an unknown universe so I tried my best to replicate anyone’s reaction) 
Soulmates. No matter what, they’ll always be together even if they’re near death, separated or gone through amnesia. They’ll always find each other no matter what it takes. In a world of quirks, there’s a quirk for everything. Time, water, fire, earth, air... ANYTHING! There’s even one for soulmates. A man who works in the hospital. His quirk was if you’ve been touched by him your soulmate’s name would appear on the place he touched. You had to be 16+ and single for him to use your quirk on you. You met him at the age of 18 and your wrist was labeled “Levi Ackerman” 
You’re a pro hero and friend of Endeavour and Hawks. You did missions together often and today a Nomu showed up and you helped with the fight. Endeavour was in a bad shape and you’ve finished killing tiny Nomus so you went to help Endeavour but you got flung out of view. You landed on a rooftop; unconscious. 
Your head was spinning but you managed to open your eyes. “Trees... Large ones... What the...” You mumbled. “HEY! WAKE UP! CMON LET’S GO BEFORE THE TITAN COMES” Someone yelled. 
‘Was he talking to me?’ You thought. 
He had to get you up from the ground and into a wooden cart where you blacked out once more. 
You woke up in what looks like to be an infirmary. “What the hell?” You were thinking out loud, “Oh I get it... I’m dead” You concluded. 
You looked at where the noise came from it was a short man with a stoic expression, black undercut hair, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed. 
“You are certainly not dead, cadet,” 
You looked at him. Damn he did he have a perfect look quirk or something? His beautiful dark blue eyes were filled with hidden pain, with eyelids hiding half his eye balls, even then his eyes would still somehow put the brightest star to shame. His hair looks soft and smooth. Oh what you would give to be able to stroke them. His lips looked soft, the upper lip was thin but the bottom was plump and if you could, you’d nibble them. His jawline was sharp and angular and to say it complimented his rugged face would be an understatement. 
“Hey brat!” He called out, “You frozen or something?” 
His words interrupted your thoughts. You realized you’ve been staring at the man. You shook your head in attempt to get rid of those thoughts. Your gaze were now focused on the floor. 
He got up front his seat and approached you. Your reflexes kicked on and you activated your quirk. He stared at you with wide eyes. You slowly deactivated your quirk and asked, “Is your quirk only to look good or something?” 
“What in the walls did you do!?” He interrogated. 
“Activated my quirk?... You know... Powers?” You replied with a confused look.
“What are you?” He asked sternly.  
“A Pro hero?” You answered. 
“Yea. I was with Endeavour and Hawks fighting a Nomu! Didn’t you see the news?” 
“The news paper? Why wo-” Before Levi could finish you interrupted.
“Not the news paper, guy! The literal news! Like in... TV? Your phone?” 
If Levi looked confused before he’s definitely over the top puzzled now, “What the hell?” 
“Oh my god! Are you broke?!” You exclaimed.
“Oh I knew it! I should’ve donated more often,” You hopped off your bed, started pacing back and forth and rambling, “Ah!! I thought people could afford phones but nope! I’m so selfish I should’ve donated and instead I used the money for food. I’m sorry ran-” Your rambling was interrupted by a swift kick to your stomach that made you fling backwards hitting the wall. You slumped down to the floor, groaning in pain and curling up like a ball. 
“Damn man... Nice kick,” You complimented and gave him a weak thumbs up. 
He stared at you completely confused. You could probably hear gears working around his head. He sat down on the bed and placed his hands together and covered his nose and mouth. The pain was still lingering but you still managed to get up and approach him. 
His eyes shifted to your torso before something caught his eyes. A name on your wrist. He grabbed your wrist and there it was... Clear as day... His name. 
“Are you some kind of sick admirer or something?” He spat. 
You tried to pull your wrist back but his grip was too strong, “What?” 
“Why in titan’s name do you have my name written on your wrist?!” He questioned. 
You stared at your wrist then him... then back at your wrist and then back at him. 
 “I-... There’s probably another Levi Ackerman in this world...” You stammered.
Levi was trying to rub his name off your wrist. 
“Y...You can’t be my soulmate... Right?” You continued. 
Your words caused Levi to stop rubbing instead he stared at you as if the biggest shock came to his life. 
“Tch” He shoved your wrist away, “My soulmate isn’t some crazy brat!” 
‘Oh ho ho... It’s on!’ you thought to yourself.
“Oh yea? Well my soulmate isn’t some shorty who can’t even reach the top shelf without a stool!” You argued. 
Levi’s eyes widen at your comment, “Well my soulmate isn’t some damn weakling who can’t even survive an hour outside the walls!” 
You faced the wall and activated your quirk. You were prepared to break the wall down but before you could Levi stopped you.
“WELL WHAT’S THIS WALL’S NAME!? LUNA?!” You yelled, pointing at the wall you were about to break. 
“Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Lapetus, Cronus, Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyna, Phoebe and Tethys?” You questioned, “Why would be fighting Greek mythological creatures?!” 
“Who the- NO!” 
“... Then?” 
“TITANS! Giant, Man-Eating Humanoids!!! ” 
You looked at Levi as if he grew two heads.
“OH MY WALLS!!” He yelled before dragging you somewhere. 
His grasp on your hand was so strong it would’ve leaved a bruise. He dragged you along the corridors passing cadets who gave you pity stares while you eyed them in confusion. 
You and Levi ended up in a room where there was a crystalized blonde woman tied down there. 
You sigh, “Levi... That’s just a girl trapped in a crystal,” You paused putting your hands on his shoulders, “Do you need to see a psychiatrists?” 
He stared at you irritated, his vein was practically popping out of his head now. He shoved your hands off his shoulder, “I think you’re the one who needs one,” 
“I have proof that I have powers Levi. I’m a pro hero along with Endeavour and Hawks,” You paused taking a breath, “But you yelled to me about walls, Man eating creatures, you even brought me down here in a creepy looking brick made basement to show me a girl trapped inside ice or something,” 
“I don’t think I’m the one who needs a psychiatrists, Levi” You tried to sound reassuring but Levi was fuming. He began to drag you again. This time he stopped in front of a boy with emerald eyes. 
“EREN! GET OUT AND TRANSFORM!” Levi yelled at the poor boy who was cleaning. 
“Yes Sir!” The emerald boy went outside, far outside in a middle of a steady grassy field and both of you followed behind him. 
We were a few feet away from the guy Levi called “Eren” And waited. 
Eren bit his hand and a yellow lighting came. You stared with wide eyes that looked like they were going to pop out of your head. The smoke cleared out and you saw a giant. You didn’t realize that you held Levi’s hand tight while you watched the boy coming out of the giant’s nape. The giant looked like it was evaporating. A girl with black hair and a red scarf came from no where and zipped through the sky to get the boy out. 
You took a really Really deep breath... “Cool,” You said, “You have a giant shifting quirk,” Eren and the girl with the red scarf approached the both of you. 
“I like your quirk, Eren. Now may I borrow your phone?” You asked the boy. 
Eren and the girl looked at you confused. You were about to add a comment but before you could Eren asked, “What’s a phone?” 
You took another deep breath and simply asked, “What year is it?” 
“847,” He answered. 
“Ah... I see...” You mumbled, “Quirks started at 2060,” 
“You’re from the future?” Eren questioned. 
He was starting to approach you slowly before he was pulled back by the girl telling him I might be dangerous. 
“It’ll be fine Mikasa! Captain Levi’s holding her!” He reasoned. 
“The brat apparently has powers. Show them,” Levi commanded. 
You activated your quirk. 
Eren’s and the gir- Mikasa’s eyes widen in amusement. Apart from titan shifting you were the only other with powers. 
You plopped down on the grass and sighed, “If this isn’t permanent then I should be able to get out of here..”  
“In the meantime get up,” Levi commanded, “If you wanna sit get to the barracks you filthy brat,” 
Let’s just time skip~ 
It has been 4 weeks! AND YOU WERE STILL STUCK IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN YEAR! Good news though, You and Levi have been bonding a lot. Less arguments and more talking about what it’s like in your time. You were actually starting to like the guy. You got to learn more about him too. He’s a clean freak and he really likes tea. He suffers from insomnia and he lived in the undergrounds. You somehow felt safe around him even though you had powers. 
You helped the Survey Corps killing titans with your powers and your new ability to swiftly use ODM gear. You managed to kill more than 10 titans in your first expedition which impressed some cadets. 
Levi likes you, not in a romantic way (not yet) more in a ‘you’re my favorite cadet’ type of way. You cleaned better than others, you’re brave and do quick smart thinking, your skills impressed him and you make good tea. He’d always assign you to make his tea and bring it to his office now. You’d always end up having a good conversation too. 
Bad news? You witnessed plenty of deaths. You were a hero, you were meant to save people but the thought of you being unable to save someone right in front of you was truly pain in your conscious. Levi would always comfort you about these deaths. Levi... He had made you forgot about the fight in with the Nomu. He distracted you from all your pain because whatever this feeling you have for him. It felt right. You didn’t even want to go back to your time now. You wanted to stay with him forever. You wanted to live in a world with him together in nothing but peace and comfort between the two. He was your soulmate and now you know why. 
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And when dick finds out jason KNEW and didn't tell b/c of the bet. oh man. Can we get a chapter in dick's pov on this? idc where u put it I just really want to read it.
Dick rolled his eyes at his brother’s antics. Honestly, he didn’t really care who Ladybug was. They had more than enough proof that she was on the good side and their little squabble didn’t seem all that serious.
Besides, no one in France knew who she was after her being a hero for four years. Dick wasn’t one to attempt the impossible (he loved things that seemed impossible, but that’s different than things that actually are).
Still, Damian had come to him for help and he was fine taking some time out of his day to research with him.
And what did they find? Pretty much nothing.
The Parisians either guessed her age as 15-21 or somewhere in the thousands.
She had to have come over from France over the past two days but there wasn’t a single person even moderately matching her description who had come over.
Her friend group was iffy. Supposedly she was friends with someone named Chloe Bourgeois, who’d had the bee miraculous for a short period of time. Then again, some footage indicated that Ladybug might actually hate the girl, so that information was useless. All the other heroes she’d worked with were still a mystery.
And her powers? God, don’t even get him started on her powers. Did she know what she was going to summon or not -- sometimes it seemed like it and sometimes it didn’t. Just how far did the apparent invulnerability go? How does someone take a miraculous? How does her outfit work? Why won’t the mask come off? How much did her cure actually fix? The only thing they knew for sure was that she had to participate in a battle for her to be able to use it.
Even Tim hadn’t been able to scrounge up more than rumors.
But Damian still wanted Dick to be there when he confronted Ladybug with the information and question her, and he didn’t really have anything better to do.
Finding her was way harder than they thought it’d be. You’d think someone in bright red would be easy to spot in the middle of the night, but apparently not.
But, eventually, they found her.
She didn’t seem to notice them for a while. She hopped from rooftop to rooftop, drink in hand.
And then she stopped. She took a long sip from her drink.
“What do you want?” She asked. Well, at least they knew for sure she was French. Her accent was still pretty thick.
Dick and Damian looked at each other awkwardly. What were they supposed to say? ‘We tried to stalk you on the internet but it didn’t work’?
She spun on her heel and repeated herself: “What do you want?” Her smile was getting more strained.
Damian crossed his arms over his chest. “Who are you?”
Wow. Smooth. He fought the urge to sigh.
Ladybug grinned cheekily as she matched his posture. “I’m Ladybug, of course.”
He could already tell they weren’t going to get anything of substance from her. Still, Damian was sending him pleading looks out of the corner of his eyes. He brought a smile to his face. “We’ve spent the last few days researching you. We looked up immigration records, plane flights, everything. No one matches your descriptions. You, frankly, don’t exist.”
She tapped her earrings. “That’s ‘cause of magic. It keeps people from finding out my identity if I don’t want them to.”
He blinked and looked at Robin, trying to gauge if this could be true. Sure, metas existed and the internet had attributed her powers to the earrings she wore, but the idea of earrings giving people powers was still kinda odd for him.
Robin didn’t know. Great.
And then Ladybug took a sip of her drink and Dick gave pause. He’d seen that cup before. Pretty much every day, actually. He could ask Tim about it later --.
He was pulled back to the present when Damian groaned and left. He broke into a wide smile. Maybe this wouldn’t be impossible, after all.
He held out a hand to shake. “It’s been nice meeting you. Sorry about my…” He hesitated for a half-second, unsure whether he wanted to say ‘brother’. He glanced at her eyes and decided against it. He didn’t like how intent they looked. Whoever she was, she wasn’t stupid, that much was obvious.  “... partner. He’s a bit annoying.”
She beamed as she shook his hand. “It’s fine. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Nightwing. I hope next time we can get to know each other without him around.”
He chuckled. “Just Nightwing would be fine. And that sounds great.” He gave one last wave before hopping away.
Jason’s phone rang and Dick grinned, glad for an excuse to stop working for even a second.
“Who wants to talk to you?”
He held up his phone to show it was ‘Timberly’.
They both frowned at this. Tim? Calling during work? He must be dying.
Jason turned on his speaker.
“Heya, Replacement, what’s up?”
“Hey, I’m going to take the day off.”
Jason and Dick looked at each other for a long time, stunned. And then they finally processed it. “WHAT?!”
“Yes, I’m fine. No, it’s not a prank. I’ve met someone --”
Jason laughed.
“-- not like that, Jay -- and I’m giving her a tour of the city. She just got here from France a while ago.”
Cafe person? From France? Dick’s brain clicked and he shoved Jason out of the way to get to the phone. “Did you meet her at the cafe?”
“Yes, I met her at the coffee shop, Dick. What does it matter?”
“She could be Ladybug.”
Tim and Jason laughed at him. Laughed.
“You’re insane. Can I have time off or not?”
Dick fought back his annoyance. Tim was actually asking to leave and he wasn’t going to stop him. “Yes!”
“Please!” Added Jason.
The line went dead. Dick dropped back onto the couch and pulled out his own phone.
How could he bully Tim into bringing (the person who might be) Ladybug over?
He opened up the family group chat.
Idontwantpicturesthatsjustmyname: Guys you will not BELIEVE this
Dick rested his head on his hands as he watched Marinette from across the table.
“So, what do you know about Ladybug?”
Her eyes widened slightly. Whether this was because of the suddenness of the question or because he was right he wasn’t sure.
“Subtle,” Jason said sarcastically. He sent Dick a short glare as if to say ‘don’t scare her off we just met her’ and then gave Marinette an apologetic smile. “Sorry, ‘bout that. He’s been obsessed since she appeared, and most of his research has been a dead end. He’s grasping at straws.”
She relaxed and gave a soft laugh. “I’m too klutzy to ever be Ladybug, you can ask anyone.”
Dick tried not to look too skeptical. He’d purposefully surprised her with a rather forceful hug when he’d met her to see how good her balance was when she wasn’t paying attention. She’d had no problem both staying up and supporting their weight.
He couldn’t tell her that, though.
He groaned. “And I don’t suppose you know who it is?”
And, just like that, the conversation moved on. Damn it, Jason, can’t you relax for a few seconds so he can interrogate her? Ugh.
Still, he smiled at Tim’s expression as Marinette began to explain exactly how they’d met. Even if it annoyed him that he hadn’t gotten any information, no one could ever pass up on the opportunity to mess with their siblings.
Jason sent Dick a glare as he pulled on his leather jacket. “You want to what?”
“Do a stakeout!” Dick said brightly. “I’m pretty sure Marinette is Ladybug.”
Tim sighed. “So we’re going to stalk my new friend? Great. Maybe this is why my friendships don’t last.”
“C’mon! It’s not like you even have to go, Tim.”
“And let you guys embarrass me? No thanks.”
“She won’t know --,” Jason said.
Tim sighed and put on his mask. “No. Come on. Dick, you owe me a coffee.”
Dick groaned but nodded. “Fine, I’m paying for snacks. Let’s go.”
“For the record, I think you’re stupid,” said Jason as they started to pull themselves up the fire escape.
“Thanks!” Said Dick brightly. “I know I’m right, but thanks!”
Jason laughed quietly. “Suuuure. Wanna bet?”
“Sure. How about 3k?”
He rolled his eyes. “Only 3? Are you really sure?”
Dick scoffed. “Fine. 5k.”
Jason smirked and pulled himself up the last rung and sat himself down on the edge. “Sucker.”
Tim glanced inside and gave sarcastic jazz hands. “Wow. How suspicious. She’s going to sleep.”
“Can’t you guys even pretend to believe me?”
“Nope. You’re insane, dude, the girl probably couldn’t hurt a fly if she wanted to.”
“I know what I saw. That coffee cup was the same one he --” he pointed at Tim “-- brings home all the time. And he saw her get one that day. She’s French and new in town. It’s got to be her.”
Tim sighed. “This feels wrong,” he mumbled. He took a long sip of his drink before continuing: “She’s a civvie, we can’t just watch her.”
“She might be a civvie,” corrected Dick.
His brothers groaned and they all opened their bags of Doritos.
And then Marinette flung the window open and stuck her head out. “Could you guys not do this outside my window?”
Everyone jumped. Tim literally jumped, nearly falling over the side of the fire escape in his surprise. They got into fighting poses on instinct.
Marinette had gone a little pale at the sight of them.
They quickly dropped their guards.
She flashed a weak smile. “Oh, I’m sorry, sirs. I thought you were just guys on my fire escape. You on a stakeout?”
Everyone looked at each other confusedly. Did her accent somehow get worse in the few hours since they met her? Tim looked especially confused by the development.
“Of sorts,” said Red Hood carefully.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes and her accent slipped back towards normal as she spoke: “If you’re staking out, can you…?” She trailed off and her eyes found their way to their Doritos. “Is that really all you’re eating tonight?” She asked, her lips falling into a frown.
The three all looked at each other.
“I mean... yeah, it’s stakeout food,” said Dick.
She clicked her tongue. “C’mon,” she waved them inside and began walking to her kitchen.
They all shrugged as they stepped through her window. What did it matter?
Dick snooped around her apartment with his brothers. He didn’t really know what he was looking for, just evidence that she did anything shady, but really he didn’t know where she’d hide anything. The place was pretty empty.
‘Damn, you live like this?’ He thought, giving her a glance and shaking his head.
His eyes found their way to her bed and he frowned. She’d set up a fake version of herself with pillows and blankets… but hadn’t she made it seem like she’d gone straight from bed to the window? How awake had she really been? And, if she’d been awake, had the accent been faked? Why?
He raised an eyebrow at the real Marinette.
“There were three people outside my window, did you want me not to take precautions?”
He looked away. Fair enough.
He continued looking for anything, but his attempts were fruitless. He would have thrown his hands up in frustration if he didn’t think that would make her suspicious of their true intentions.
Unable to do much else without making it obvious, he wandered over to watch her bake.
Dick looked the NightMare outfit up and down.
Ladybug sighed. “What?”
Maybe he could get some information on how her powers worked.
“Why is this outfit more intricate than your normal one?”
Ladybug rolled her eyes. “Because I was intending to make it look like a coincidence that I showed up here right after the Ladybug in Paris defeated Hawkmoth,” she said.
He knew she was lying. He didn’t know how he knew she was lying, maybe it was the cadence of her voice or the fact that she had a tendency to keep them as in the dark about her identity as possible, but she was definitely lying.
But he couldn’t prove it.
So he moved on.
She stumbled out of her portal and sent them all a tiny wave. “Salut.”
Dick’s eyes widened and he rushed forward to catch her in case she fell. She didn’t, but he still wrapped her arm around his shoulders to hold her upright. “Christ! What did they do to you?”
"Some sort of tranquilizer,” she mumbled, closing her eyes. “We need to warn the Waynes.”
He tensed and looked at his family, who were anxiously shifting from foot to foot.
“You’re not in any state to do that,” said Bruce, finally.
“I can open a portal.”
A wide smile stretched across his face. Aha! She’d admitted that she had to have been somewhere to open a portal. He had her now! “You’ve been to Wayne Manor?”
She opened an eye just enough to send him a glare. “No, but I’ve been outside it.”
His smile dropped. Damn. That’s a good point. The outside was a pretty popular tourist spot. He sighed.
“You need to get home,” said Tim. “I’ll make sure everyone turns around.”
Dick sent him a slight glare but let go of Ladybug and turned away. As much as he wanted to be right, the idea of watching her stumble into her room while half-awake in order to confirm this made him feel a little sick.
He could figure it out some other time, at least.
Jason dropped Ladybug onto the bed and they all scrambled around her.
Dick picked up a knife and started attempting to cut the suit around her wound and a curse slipped from his lips as it attempted to reform itself instantly.
After a few attempts, he reached for Ladybug’s earrings. He hadn’t even really been thinking about her identity, he’d just been frustrated about the apparent inability to help her.
Her hand shot up and grabbed his wrist before he could touch them. She tried to say something but couldn’t talk above the blood gurgling in her mouth.
He pulled his hand from her grip.
‘Fine, but when you die stupidly it’s not my fault,’ he thought.
He went back to attempting to tend to her wounds through her outfit.
Listen, just because he hadn’t done that didn’t mean that he didn’t still want to know.
He sent a text to Marinette. He’d check every once in a while to see if she responded, but if it took however long Ladybug was out then he would be right.
He stepped into the apartment and was stunned to see that Jason and Tim were already there.
But then he watched Marinette walk over. And she was probably injured, with how hard she was trying to hide her limp. And she clearly knew that he was onto her, otherwise why would she be trying to hide it?
“You’re walking a little weird, are you alright?” He said, a smug grin on his face.
But then Tim came to her rescue. He walked over and slung an arm over her shoulders protectively. “Maybe if you weren’t watching her walk she wouldn’t be overthinking it so much.”
Damn it. He hated it when Tim had a point.
Whatever. At least he’d thought of a plan B. He watched as Marinette’s eyes fell on Robin. She’d never met the vigilante before, so there was no reason why they shouldn’t get along.
And then she was nice to him.
He wanted to kick a wall. Was he actually wrong or was she just aware of what he was doing?
She pulled a bottle of wine from her cupboard. “You guys can all have this, right?”
There, a perfectly acceptable way to be petty. He snatched the drink from her hands. “It doesn’t matter because you can’t drink!”
Marinette raised her eyebrows. “It’s legal in my country.”
“But not in ours! Where you are currently staying! How did you even get your hands on this?”
She shrugged innocently.  “You’re more uptight than my actual mom.”
He scoffed. Rude!
So rude, in fact, that he didn’t realize that she had changed the subject until there was no natural way to come back to it.
He stared at the wine in his hands.
Screw it.
Dick glanced at his phone as he received a text.
His eyes lit up at the username. Marinette! Aha! He had her now! It had only been a day since Ladybug was released, surely this was proof --!
Definitelyforgottosleep: lemme in
He frowned. All thoughts of Ladybug were pushed out of his mind at the two words. Was she okay? What had happened?
Chloe Bourgeois? Where had he heard that name before?
A frown found its way to his face as he tried to recall this. “I know you.”
“You do?”
He nodded slightly and scratched the back of his head. “Definitely... so where...?”
Marinette looked a little pale. “Don’t all rich people kind of know each other?”
Dick gave a small nod. “I guess...” He said despite being sure that wasn’t it.
She grabbed both of them by their sleeves. “C’moooon. It’s cold out, we can at least do this inside.”
Dick watched from a bit away, trying to fight back a grin as Marinette and Cass greeted each other.
“Hi,” Marinette squeaked.
Cass looked Marinette up and down. If anyone could crack this case in two seconds, it was her…
And she did.
“Are you a vigilante?”
He fought the urge to squeal. Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyes --!
And then Jason appeared out of nowhere to tackle Marinette in a hug.
This couldn’t ruin his good mood, though. Nothing could.
“Cass thinks that Mari could be a vigilante,” said Dick with a cheeky look on his face.
Jason and Marinette tensed slightly and looked at each other.
Then, Cass gave a short laugh. “No, wait, I was wrong. Don’t worry about it, Dick.”
Ah. Nothing could ruin his good mood except for that.
His smile dropped instantly and he groaned. “Dang…”
Dick looked between Marinette and Tim with horror. Ladybug had confessed literally hours ago and here he was dating Marinette? What the heck? Sure, they were cute together, but that was just cold. Couldn’t he have waited a few days at least?
It didn’t even occur to him that maybe the whole ‘Ladybug confessing’ thing could be linked.
When he’d turned on his comm, he hadn’t expected anything much from it.
“The bug’s been bugged,” said Cass.
“She’s been what?”
“Bugged. Someone bad found out her identity and now she’s got a bug.”
There was a silence as this sunk in.
“Damn, Nightwing, didn’t know you cared so much,” said Tim, who sounded a bit on edge.
“Because everyone gets to know before you,” said Cass calmly. “You’re officially the last to know.”
He couldn’t believe he’d been betrayed like this, especially by his own family.
And so he questioned them.
Tim had apparently figured her out the second day and not said anything about it because ‘her identity clearly matters to her, she didn’t even know I knew it until a little while ago’. Damn him. Dick couldn’t even get mad at him for that.
And then Jason was next. He’d apparently found out when Marinette had gotten shot. He’d given the same reasoning as Tim, which was more than a little suspicious.
Bruce was next. He’d found out on the Wayne Manor cams and hadn’t said anything because he thought everyone already knew. Ouch.
Duke said that he had just found out when Marinette had touched her comm. He got a pass.
And then Cass said she’d found out the moment she’d met the girl. Dick had suspected that, considering the conversation they’d had on Thanksgiving, but then he’d questioned her on why she hadn’t told him and…
“Red Hood and Marinette didn’t want you to know, so.”
Dick was practicing breathing exercises. It didn’t work, though. “WHO IS SHE?!”
He had a strong suspicion he knew, considering Jason had kept the answer from him, but he wanted to hear it directly from someone.
Jason attempted to steer the conversation away: “Hey, so about that bug thing --.”
Whatever attempts to save his wallet he was about to make was ruined by Cass, who simply said: “Marinette.”
Let’s just say Jason was lucky that Dick was against murder.
He was not, however, against cursing him out for the entire family to hear.
When you have to read 44 chapters of your own fic to answer a prompt--
I probably missed some things, too. I put a lot of little things in
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