#oni bakugo
kozidraws · 4 months
Blessing in Disguise
Rated T// Oni Bakugo x Kitsune Kirishima
When Bakugo is exiled he travels the world to find a place where he will belong, he just didn't expect to find it in such an unlikely place, and person.
Out of all the things Bakugo aspired to be in life, being cast out from his clan was not one of them. It’s been five years since then but still the anger sizzles underneath his skin when he lingers on the memories. But most of the time?
It just hurts.
- Five years ago -
All Might, after many years of leading their clan had decided it was high time to chose the next oni to succeed him. A feast was prepared for the event, everyone was bustling with excitement but none were as excited as Bakugo Katsuki felt, well at least in his opinion. He had been waiting for this for some time. Bakugo had always been the strongest of his peers, boasting his prowess since he was twelve years old when he was the first young oni in a long time to take down a demon without an elder’s assistance. He attended every clan meeting, no matter how trivial to learn the proceedings and important matters, memorised every rite and ritual like they were the back of his hand.
His victory was assured.
Which was why when All Might decided that Deku was appointed as the next clan leader, all hell broke loose.
All he could remember after hearing that was the loud ringing in his ears, his vision flashing white before all he could see was red. Bakugo launched himself at Deku in a fit of rage. It took several oni to tackle Bakugo into the dirt to prevent him from reaching his intended target. Bakugo snarled and thrashed under their combined weight, cursing Deku to the seven hells for cheating him out of his dream. Not once through Bakugo’s outburst did Deku retaliate or rise to match his anger, he merely looked at Bakugo with sad somber eyes which honestly just added fuel to Bakugo’s ire. How dare Deku look down on him with pity.
The sound of footsteps drew closer, All Might made his way over to Bakugo and crouched down in front of him, effectively blocking Bakugo’s sight of Deku placing a firm yet gentle hand on his shoulder. “Bakugo…”
The tone of All Might’s voice alone made Bakugo turn his head to avoid his gaze choosing instead to spit out some dirt that invaded during the scuffle. When he heard the resulting sigh after it took all of Bakugo’s willpower to will his eyes not to prickle with frustrated tears.
“Bakugo, even though Deku was just appointed, you know our rules when it comes to attacking the leader of our clan.”
Bakugo gritted his teeth, he knew all too damn well what that meant, regardless that his actions were done in a fit of fury.
Heavy punishment, and in some cases…death.
Bakugo growled. “I refuse to accept Deku as our leader! There’s no fucking way I’m gonna stand idly by and watch him lead our clan to ruin!”
All Might squeezed his shoulder once more, keeping the pressure there until Bakugo finally returned his gaze. All Might gave the oni that still had Bakugo pinned down a gesture to let him go.
Bakugo stood up gingerly, measured movements to try and hide how much anger he still had running through his veins. When he tries reaching for his club All Might intercepts and picks it up instead, staring at the pitch black weapon for a moment before lifting his eyes back to Bakugo.
One of the punishments for attacking the tribe leader was getting heavily beaten with your own club. A sort of poetic justice in a sense. Unfortunately for Bakugo, his club was his pride and joy, polished to precision and adorned with numerous spikes that he always made sure were kept wicked sharp.
Bakugo watched tensely as All Might tightened his grip on the club, it seemed like a decision for his punishment has been made. He mustered up what was left of his pride to curb the building fear that crept to the surface.
This was going to hurt. A lot.
Bakugo heard a commotion in the crowd as another someone rushed towards them.
“Wait!” Deku shouted, stopping beside All Might. “While Bakugo did try to attack me he wasn’t able to inflict any harm! Surely there’s an alternative punishment that we could use instead!?” He pleaded.
Bakugo felt absolutely gobsmacked at the situation. He could not believe that Deku was trying to defend him from getting severely beaten right now.
There was a heavy silence amongst the group as Deku and All Might quietly discussed options. Bakugo himself was going over all the options in his head as well, trying to brace himself. Anger slowly building up again when he thinks of some of the punishments that were downright humiliating.
After some time Bakugo watches as Deku hesitates briefly before giving the older man a solemn nod. When All Might steps in front of him this time, Bakugo makes sure to meet his eyes this time, as much as it stings he’s not surprised to see how disappointed All Might is with him.
“After deliberation we have decided that your punishment will be exile.”
His fury was snuffed out in an instant.
Bakugo stood frozen, white noise roared in his ears while he felt his body go numb. The weighted gazes of all the clans people were pinning him where he stood. He clenched his fists brutally tight, making sure the tips of his claws dug into the flesh of his palms to recenter his focus.
Bakugo took one deep breath and closed his eyes. “Fine.”
“You will depart first light tomorrow.”
Bakugo was glad everyone gave him wide berth and didn’t try to speak to him as he walked back to his hut. It was a small but sturdy home that was a bit further away from the others, mainly because he liked his privacy. He still remembers building it from scratch three years ago, which some help from his parents of course. He had planned quite a few modifications for next spring, primarily for storage or maybe even a target range.
But it doesn’t matter now.
Once inside he stands in the center of his home and stares at his belongings. The hunting trophies from slain demons, the blanket of woven furs his mother made recently, the tapestry his father wove a decade ago that commemorated his first victory.
It. Doesn’t. matter.
Bakugo forces himself to move and start packing essentials; maps, bedroll, light and warm clothing (he still has yet to decide which direction to travel) and his hunting dagger.
All Might never did return his club, most definitely confiscated or destroyed as part of his punishment. Another thought he tries not to linger on.
It’s when Bakugo is packing a small whetstone into his knapsack when he heard footsteps approaching, followed by his front door opening.
His parents.
Mitsuki enters first, several small wrapped bundles of what Bakugo assumes is food in her arms. Bakugo expected Mitsuki to start shouting as soon as she was inside his home but she remained uncharacteristically quiet as she placed the parcels on the bed. Mitsuki turns towards him and grips onto one of his arms, he instinctively tries to jerk back but she tugs him back towards her, pulling him into a tight hug. She moves one hand up to hold the back of his head then pushes his face into the crook of her shoulder.
A few seconds pass, she doesn’t move. Bakugo clenches his eyes tightly and hugs her back just as firm. It’s only at this very moment he regrets all those recent times his mother had offered affection only for him to rebuke it because of he had a reputation to uphold. The reality hit him hard that this was going to be the last time he will be able to see his parents for a very long time, if at all.
The pit in his stomach sinks deeper.
Bakugo is hit with Masaru’s earthy familiar scent as he too joins the embrace. His father is slightly shorter than him but with the way Mitsuki has him hunched over slightly in her arms Masaru encompasses them both.
Masaru is the first to break the silence. “I’m sorry it has had to come to this Katsuki.”
Mitsuki nudges him to raise his head, when he meets his mother’s oh so similar face staring back at him, her eyes darting all over his face to no doubt commit this last night to her memory. He’s doing the same thing to her.
Masaru excuses himself from their embrace to go outside for a moment.
Mitsuki moves her hands down to clasp Bakugo’s arms. “Katsuki,” her voice trembles, something he’d never heard until now, “You better make sure you look after yourself out there, you hear me? Don’t throw yourself into needless danger if there’s no one around to help.” She warns.
“I‘ll try, but you know me.” He says wryly.
Mitsuki half heartedly smacks his arm in response. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“And because we know you so well,” comes Masaru’s voice as he walks back inside carrying something familiar, “you better take this with you.”
It was Bakugo’s club.
“How did you-?”
“Doesn’t matter. What does is that no matter where you find yourself travelling to Katsuki, that we will always love and be proud of you.”
“Love you both too.” Bakugo gives his father one last hug. He wished he had told them both that more often as well.
Mitsuki looks like she’s on the verge of tears but is stubbornly refusing to shed them.
“We’ll let you go rest now Katsuki.”
Bakugo nods, not trusting his own voice.
After a fitful night’s sleep Bakugo leaves his home one hour before dawn.
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zaoikiro9 · 8 months
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He's already like a native….
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m-ete0ra · 2 years
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57 notes · View notes
sleepy-kawaii-snail · 2 years
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Kitsune's blood au
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bunnyyslug · 2 years
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Tehee~💞 he's so pretty🥹
A gift for @miggiisdumb 💓💌
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emjiroki · 1 year
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My Hero Masterlist ♡
Enji Todoroki ♡
Oni's Heart Yakuza Series
Alpha Enji Short Fic
Self-indulgent Daddy kink
Enji’s Birthday
Alpha Enji x reader x Alpha Shoto pt 1
Alpha Enji x reader x Alpha Shoto pt 2
Shoto Todoroki ♡
Love You More: Alpha Shoto x Omega Reader
Dreams You Find Masterlist
Where You Belong link
Where You Belong Masterlist
Need You, Love You
Holiday Smut
Arranged Marriage drabble
Touya Todoroki ♡
Fading Light: Zombie AU
Katsuki Bakugo ♡
Katsuki x Reader 18+ short fic
Midnight Writing 18+
Eijiro Kirishima ♡
Open it Red Riot: Birthday fic
Country Boy Kirishima
Country Boy Kirishima pt 2 Rodeo Headcanons
Hitoshi Shinsou ♡
You and I? Two of a kind
Hanta Sero ♡
Say it when your sober: Sero x Reader x Shoto
768 notes · View notes
thehusbandoden · 1 year
I Love You- Bakugou x Reader
635 words
Hey sorry for the silence. I've been dealing with some stuff, but hopefully I'll be posting a more frequently soon. Oh, this is old writing so I can't guarantee the quality. 😅
Bakugou and you get into a nasty argument, and after realizing what hard time you were having Bakugou apologizes and makes it up to you.
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You were having a terrible time. You dropped down to the fourteenth place, some extra getting ahead of you, your mom was nagging you about your husband "not being good enough", your brother tried to kill your husband for a fight you started, and one of your best friends started talking smack about you.
You and your husband Katsuki have been fighting constantly, just because he was extra irritated because he "wasn't good enough". Welp that helped your insecurities, your husband was currently the number five pro hero, and was quickly escalating, but it wasn't good enough for him.
You two got into a fight last night because you asked if he could cuddle and watch a movie. You were really, really upset and on verge of a breakdown. But your husband was stubborn, he kept on telling you that it was a "waste of time" and that he had to practice. You just quietly nodded, tears threatening to emerge, but you decided to wait for your husband to leave before you breakdown, he would just get irritated.
Things would've been fine if he stopped there. But no, he just had to nag that you never did the laundry today. You snapped. You defended your mistake, you were working full time, just like him. He jabbed that he was working longer, and harder, and that's why he was number five when you were number fourteen.
It broke your heart, you didn't need him to tell you that, you told yourself that daily. You broke then and there, and he left you. He yelled that he was going to Kirishima's because he couldn't deal with your shiz. (Yes I meant to write shiz.) You just sat there, crying on the floor, for hours.
You awoke to a warm hand rubbing your shoulder, shaking you gently. You blinked open your eyes to see Katsuki, his eyes soft and worried. You blinked slowly, about to wrap your arms around his neck, but then you remembered last night and you frowned. "S-sorry Katsuki... I'll get your breakfast..." You apologize, quickly sitting up to his disappointment.
"No. Don't worry about it. Instead tell me what the he-. What's wrong with you." Bakugo demanded, frowning at your exhausted form. "Umm..... I don't know what you're talking about..." You reply, not really wanting to be made fun of by your husband for your insecurities.
Katsuki just stared at you, and he didn't stop until you gave up. "Okay fine... I'll tell you." And so you did, Katsuki had picked you up and brought you to your shared bed and laid there with you, your head on his chest as he slowly pet your head.
You spilled everything, the stress of your mother -which he never knew about- your brother, your hero ranking, and finally how touch starved you were from his distance. Katsuki felt terrible. You were going through all of this, and all he did was whine about not progressing fast enough.
Biting his bottom lip he squeezed you tighter, moving your head up towards his. "I am so, so sorry. I should have never said those untrue words to you, no matter if you were feeling insecure or not. That was uncalled for, and childish. I am truly sorry. I love you." He whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver.
Katsuki rarely apologized, he would ony do so if he felt like he did something wrong, and if he cared for the person greatly.
Katsuki giving you such a sincere apology was heart warming, so you just wrapped you arms around his neck and brought your nose to his, foreheads touching. "I forgive you, but only if you give me lots, and lots of cuddles!" You exclaim, kissing your husband's nose tenderly. He just smiled and squeezed you tighter.
Tips <3
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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deusvervewrites · 6 months
Bakugo For All x Eri Escapes x Start Again: Little did All Might know as he fought Re-Destro, Akari was busy eliminating the scientists that experimented on Izuku. She's not even completely there mentally as she does, just aware enough not to get taken down by a bunch of shmucks.
All she keeps seeing in her head is the Green Haired boy being cut open, taken apart and put back together by Overhaul. All she sees is the memory of the day he and his mother died by his hands. As for the MLA 'Doctors', well, they have to deal with 'The Oni Warlord'
(For a bit of context, people usually refer to Eri as a Unicorn because of her singular horn. Akari on the other hand, was not only a warlord, but a VERY capable one. Not only being a hard counter to All For One due to how rewind works ONLY on organic matter, she also did her best to keep her feifdom as habital and safe as possible.)
Sounds about right
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spliffymae · 2 years
HIDE , a virtual anthology.
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"think i found my soulmate, yeah i know this."
⚠️ prior to reading, just know my main character will always be black (unapologetically, at that).
𓆉𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧
your family’s favorite, rio (good girls)
a fallen king, rafe cameron (obx)
lick back, angel reyes (mayans mc)
 ★ *     aot°    🛰  °·  
bestfriend!sasha braus
collegejock!jean kirstein headcanons
shoulda, coulda, woulda, teacher!jean kirstein x blackfem!reader
unforgettable, college!connie springer x blackfem!reader
musicproducer!connie headcanons
rapper!ony headcanons
 ★ *     jjk°    🛰  °·  
barber!sukuna headcanons
take a hint, nanami x blackfem!reader
 ★ *     bnha °    🛰  °·  
girldad!bakugo headcanons
 ★ *     haikyuu°    🛰  °·  
nobody has to know, a.ojiro
 ★ *     series °    🛰  °·  
yours, mine, & ours, ex!series
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helloescapist · 1 year
To Me
Word Count: 2037
Setting: reader pairing, Neito Monoma x gn!reader (oni, kijo quirk), SFW
Content Warning(s): none 🪄
Summary: your horns have always been a sore topic for you, and during one of Neito's many (onesided) spats with Class 1-A, he is met with the reality that, he really doesn't know how to help.
A/N: really, this isn't very good, but oh the well! Just a small trial-run short.
[not my art, credit goes to the artist!]
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It was the distinct flick of his wrists, pointer fingers flexed from both of his left and right hands. The curl of the remainder fingers, pressed against his ears, fingers upright. The knowing glare Bakugo directed at you.
The classes had been gathered for a joint activity. One which was intended to be conducted under both instructors from U.A. Although it wasn’t as though Kan-sensei was known for his objective stance when the two classes were to compete, often times his favoritism rang clear even at moments in which subtilty was required. In his desire to encourage his students, fairness often escaped his enthusiasm. Today was such day, his boisterous nature far too distracted with expressing how far as a Class 1-B had advanced since Aizawa-sensei had last observed you. The prides of instructor leaving him completely ignorant to his smaller body double; Monoma had started the gathering off assembly of classes off on a rather audacious note. Not that any of your classmates were surprised, Kendo looked especially exasperated to the blonde’s antics. Tired from having stayed up late studying, her movements were slow, taking longer than normal to process that once again, the quirk impersonator had thrown down the gauntlet between classes without so much as consideration for those he had looped into the confrontation. His scorn drawing the attention of both classes despite the conversations that had otherwise been enjoyable. Yanagi who had been enjoying her counterparts in 1-A, Shoji and Koda, had her face drawn, eyes blank and focused, witnessing a moment she would express as his stupidity at work. Monoma’s abrasive behaviors had drawn Awase away from Yaoyorzu, still unwilling to admit how excited he had been to see her once again. Determined to dodge any unnecessary teasing from his peers, or tipping off his growing affections. Tsunotori and Hagakure who had been giggling amongst themselves, had silenced their jovial conversation. The growing unease evident on their faces, the oblivious rage that Monoma inspired within Class 1-A’s number one trigger-happy time bomb was apparent. The agitation was rolling in waves potent enough to set off a buried weight pressure explosive. The Copycat user had drawn obvious, blistering annoyance from the emitter. The veins in his forehead beginning to pop as his eyes widened. Bakugo’s seething beginning to boil over. Monoma’s insistence to continue spatting insults despite Kaibara’s insistence to cease fire. The boy’s cautionary reminders falling on deaf ears, far too delighted in Bakugo’s growing temper. The nervous tilt of Kirishima’s hands, beckoning his friend to remain calm, and dismiss the obvious instigator, was as useless as that of Kaibara’s.
                The explosive nature of the quirk user Monoma had set his sights on, the easy target he always prayed upon, reminiscent of the school sports festival. That day despite having placed first, Bakugo was practically foaming at the mouth, snapping his teeth a lot like h was in this moment, but this time directed at Monoma. The realization had drawn you forward, nervously forcing a smile and doing your best to distract your classmate. For all of your time together, you were familiar with Neito’s mannerism, outside of his interactions with Class 1-A. His overall nature was in fact, laid back, and playful, but every time he was gifted the opportunity to wreck havoc with the other class, his impulsive nature override his senses. Drew out his competitive, and argumentative side, and in truth, apart of you were well aware that it was a strategy ploy he had utilized. Sure, in the event Bakugo’s temper bested him, a brief moment of physical contact would be all Neito needed to utilize it in the sparring match to come, but with how far he had pushed this time, you were worried he may not make it to the one-on-one.
                “M-Monoma,” you gently probed. Attempting to use a softer voice as not to draw Bakugo’s ire. The shift of periwinkle blue eyes. Piercing, and gravitating towards your frame, captivating your silhouette. The draw of his eyebrow, over confident. Cocky in the way his smirk met his lips, the plaster of a false smile. One intended to be reassuring that he was in fact not biting off more than he could chew—did the exact opposite. The small twitch of the forced expression, drawing your eyebrows forward, doing your best to talk him down from the edge, and that’s when you saw it.
                Bakugo’s annoyance, only slightly cooled by Kirishima’s assurance had drove him to childish gestures behind Monoma’s back. Sticking his tongue out, tugging at his eyelid. The immature display of dissatisfaction almost comical, until his eyes had met with your won. The scowl drawn, as quick as his reflex. His fingers meeting at the top of his forehead. Oni.
                Distant memories dropped your shoulders. The taunt, while absolutely ridiculous had drawn forth echoes of a past you had wished would leave you. Dipped in to your cache of information, and left the tremble of your lip. Eyes averted to the ground as you did your best to train your expression. A forced smile that had been well practiced throughout your childhood, all too aware of the faint breeze of hydrangea blooms following your reaction. Quick to mumble an excuse to leave the classroom, expressed that you had forgotten a crucial part of your hero costume in the classroom, and ensured Kan-sensei you would return as quickly as possible—you were a valuable role in stomping Class 1-A’s reputation into the ground, reminded you of the drills you would run if you skipped the skirmish, but for once, you did not care.
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All he could hear was Kendo yelling in his ear, the telling sting at the nap of his neck. The bitterness ebbing at his mind, the tug of his collar. His periwinkle eyes blurry from the direct hit, the small ebb of a burn festering near his cheek where he had barely managed to dodge. Able to make out the slightest of outlines, but was unable to determine what noise was eliciting from the obvious rabid porcupine. Bakugo thrashed about, still sending off a number of curses flaring, drenched in smoke. Aizawa-sensei having suspended his quirk, Kirishima and Izuku doing his best to qualm his aggression. A flurry of movements that met the ringing in his ears, a light burn marred to the opposite cheek of his own, only adding to Bakugo’s rage. Neito understood the position he had placed himself in, Kan-sensei at Aizawa-sensei’s side, looking less than pleased.  The distinct lecture of his classmate as she dragged him from the classroom. The first opportunity Kan-sensei would seize would be eventful; the drills he would run, the potential smack here and there. He suspected Kan-sensei may ebb him into an offense match one derived of improving his lacking skills, only slightly enjoying the opportunity to smack him around, or he would willingly place Kendo on a one on one with him. She certainly had no qualms with tossing him around a bit. His classmates would be exasperated with his display, and you… you would probably be disappointed when you found out. In fact, he suspected you would even avoid him for a bit, the last time one of his comments had strayed too far, you had opted for lunches with Kodai in seclusion.
                But he had seen your response. The quiver of your lip, the dip of your eyes; the smallest twitch of your eyebrows and wiggle of your nose. The grit of your teeth as you forced back tears, coercing a smile in place. Well trained, strained at that. He had noticed it a few times, when your overall smile and tender temperament would sway. Overall, you were one of the most optimistic students in their class, soft in your approaches. The softest of smiles, a little quiet at times sure, but in small moments when you thought no one was watching, he had noticed the worry in your eyes. The way you would avert your gaze. The tug of your sleeves before securing the drawstrings of your hoodie. The way your class had taken a patrol excursion with the intent on working on their interactions with civilians, you had expressed obvious discomfort. Forced a smile and continued the lesson until you had noticed a small child drop their stuff animal. Quick to respond, and return the well loved item back to its owner, the obvious startle of the child had shocked the both of you. Dropped the little one’s toy, backing away as quickly as you could. Monoma had attempted to sooth the child, reassure that you were one of the good guys, but you would only apologize to both the child and the parent for disrupting their day. A forced smile, and refusing to acknowledge any questions Neito had pressed. Not that he had pushed much. Knew that he shouldn’t. The first day of school, you had attempted to wear a cap in class. Dismayed by Kan-sensei’s disapproval, reminding you of the school dress code of conduct. You had trembled through introductions, fidgeting with your bangs to better high the small nubs at the height of your brow. Your obvious horror when you were suggested as a potential candidate for the U.A. School Festival’s beauty pageant. The red of your face, shamed wide eyes, and quick to shield your face between fingers—no, you hadn’t attempted to safe guard your appearance. Rather the small blossom of cornets at your brow. Your firm stance on Kendo being the only applicant for Class 1-B’s submission. Then, there was the day he had caught you in the morning classroom.
                The stillness of the room, quiet with the lack of students. The early hours since moving into the dorms had left you unsettled, all of your class had noticed it, but had come to the understanding that approaching you directly often made you skittish, and shifted the mood of the group. So, they had elected to give you space, time to come around. To adjust to whatever burden you had been carrying, even if it was difficult. That morning, Kan-sensei had sentenced him to arriving early, annoyed that his grades had dipped. Deep cleaning the erasers after having ran a few miles should put him into place. it did not. Neito had not considered that anyone else would have been awake at that unholy hour. Let alone find you, sitting at your desk. The light of day flittering through the small windows, the nervous settle of your bag. The meticulous tuck of your papers, aligning everything well, and when you hadn’t realized he was there. The slump of your back, the mirror betwee two fingers. Sad eyes that appraised your reflection, shuffled your bangs to and fro, the scowl deepening on you face before placing the mirror reflections side down. Your fingers, clasping your eyes, leaned forward. The small quiver of your shoulders as you willed yourself to breathe. To paint upon the smile that had greeted him every day.
                No, as far as Neito was concerned, regardless of the punishment that would come his way, or the disapproval he would be met with, he had little remorse for his actions. In fact, he had a bit of gratification despite the lecture Kendo was issuing. His fighting style was never one for blatant offense, especially a head on approach, and with Bakugo’s rage dulling his senses, Neito had managed a slight of hand. One quick enough to equip the other student’s quirk, and land a direct hit, although it did come at the cost of the snarling psycho’s adept ability to rebound. My face hurts, he thought to himself as his footsteps echoed down the hallway.  Kendo had rightfully exiled him, her last remark leaving more of a sear than Bakugo’s blow. In all the times she had laid into him, whether verbally, or even on the times he had physically put him in his place, nothing had ever stung as much as her observation. The blatant way she had bridged the subject, the pointed look. Her words still resting against him. If you had cared about {YN] you would have followed her. He had let his own temper get the btter of him, set himself in a mock villain match off with the rabid hedgehog, and essentially marked himself for an ass kicking later…
                And had left you alone.
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Nestled between the small touch of storage cabinets near the costume storage, you had drawn your knees up to your chest. Attempted to catch the tears that betrayed your inner world. Whispered the realities of a past of hurtful remarks. Intended or not. The days you had spent in your childhood, desperately wanting a friend. Someone to play with, your peers quick to avoid your interactions. Your appearance the recollection of demons in fairytales. The small nubs that rested at your brow, quick to elicit unease regardless of how you had smiled, or how gently you had approached potential play mates. As though you were truly the bringer of plagues, the Harvenger of death such as the oni in fairytales. The days of clear avoidance, nervousness as though you may curse their existence; other days spent with lunchroom food smeared across your face. Rice crumpled to your hair, students demanding you leave their school. Others that taunted, demanded to know if even the smallest infringement upon their day was a result of a kijo’s curse. Your please and cries falling upon deaf ears, unwilling to listen to reason. The day when your quirk had fully activated, drawing to more than just your outward appearance. You had unintentionally flipped a swing set; you had just wanted to play. Even if it was by yourself, it had never been your intention to leave the equipment in ruin, nor to terrify the other small children. Their screams echoed in your ear as though you were little more than a feral dog.
                You had stopped going to the playground that day.
                Had forced a smile.
                But today, all you could do was cry, press your eyes into yoru knees, unable to fully conceal your appearance. The stupid points of your horns unwilling to nestle against your knees. The rough sob of your tears rolling off, shamed by your own appearance. You understood—it’s not that Bakugo had specifically targeted you. His harm was directed really towards any extra, but… it hurt. To be the oni freak. To be the Kijo who’s being was curse. A plague to others.
This is where he had found you. Coiled up under the guise of searching for a part for your hero costume. A ridiculous excuse, your outfit had little bells and whistles, more revealing of your will to go unnoticed than anything else. How had Kan-sensei made it to the top instructor all these years? The obvious heave of your chest, collapsed over long, untrained hair. The tender soft of your cheeks, as you wiped at your eyes. Too embarrassed to even admit to yourself the ache of your heart. The quiver of your closed eyes as your fingers brushed against one of your horns, as if testing whether they were still attached or not. Did you think you were a moose? The crushing reality that they had remained in place eliciting a soft murmur of a stifled wail. Alone, or at least you had concluded you were. Allowing yourself to slip from the seams, the smile falling from your lips at the time alone. You always did this. Fell apart when no one was looking. TH touch of small light at your hair, the gentle regard you had for others, even unwilling to burden your classmates despite how your heart ached. Despite how desperately you wished to grasp onto someone’s hands.
                How was it, you had ended up like this?
                Why didn’t you take someone’s hand?
                The distant memories, the rejection he had endured in his formative years. His quirk, a villain. No, Neito understood how you had found yourself in this state. Your existence far gentler than his own. Unwilling to bite back at the hands that offended you, forcing a smile rather than reveal your contempt. No, no he suspected that you didn’t even have a touch of scorn within your bones. So different than himself. Thoughtful. Gentle. Kind. The melancholy that nabbed at his heart, longed to hold the hand that you desperately denied reaching out. Too ease your tears, to sooth your worries. He.. He didn’t really know how. The Phantom Thief was comfortable with touch, with casual teasing and encounters, but... but that wasn’t who you were. Yet, he could not stop the brush of his hand against the strands of your hair. Could not fight the smile, the soft regard as his knees bent to meet your own. His left hand soothing the strands of distress. Impulsively stroking you despite the obvious shock of his appearance. Allowed your quirk to manifest between his brow, a mirror image of the horns that you so desperately attempted to hide. Forced a smile, quivered your arms. Attempted to deceive him. Something in your eye, how silly. Of course, there was something in your eyes, tears. Regardless of the way you fretted against him, never willing yourself to smack his hand away, he continued. Soothed out strand. Reassuringly hummed as though he were consoling a small child—in some ways, he was. But whether it was his inner child or yours he did not know, but he did not stop. Didn’t desire to.
                He didn’t understand. In all truth, to me, he had the touch of melancholy ebbed across his features. The telling smile that tugged at his lips, sincere and affectionate. Not wanting to relinquish the moment, you’re... He thought quietly. His eyes smolder, and appraising your reactions. Ensuring that he did not press to far, did not stray into a touch you did not like. Remained petting your hair, easing your burdens. Unsure of how to approach you. Unsure of how to tuck away the tears that threatened to spill once more. Unsure of how to tell you, to tell you…
You're everything.
                 If only for a moment to reassure you that you were not alone in the world. That he would hold your hand.
Should you ever want him to.
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thepariahcontinuum · 11 months
An MHA x Parahumans Crossover idea
Because I did the same thing for RWBY x Parahumans.
Which members of the MHA cast would each member of the Slaughterhouse 9 try to recruit for their "Try-Outs" the way they did in Brockton Bay?
Hatchet Face: Okay so in canon Hatchet Face doesn't get to make a selection, because he's dead and the others are picking his replacement; also we never got much of an insight into him beyond 'Serial killer vibes' now for the RWBY version of this I picked Tyrian for matching vibes and there is a very straightforward obvioucs answer here, but you'll see I saved that for later. The least important member of the nine can pick a minor character so: Moonfish, the guy with the teeth
Mannequin: For someone whose whole modus operandi is to find Tinker class Capes who are trying to make the world a better place and break them there really is only one option in the MHA cast and that is Mei Hatsume.....Try not to think about the fact that Mei's Quirk is related to her vision and not her genius and so there's an easy but symbolic way for her to pass Mannequin's challenge of "Change yourself"
Crawler: Crawler's nominations are a unique thing, he doesn't nominate people with any intention of the actually surviving and joining the Nine, all he wants is the strongest possible opponents to fight so that he can keep on evolving and that makes things simple; I considered Deku, Shiggy and Allmight but really, the best possible challenge for Crawler would be All For One, something that gives him a chance to evolve to fight multiple different threats at once.
Bonesaw: Easiet possible answer: Dr Kyudai Garaki/Daruma Ujiko, the Nomu scientist; of course Bonesaw wants a grumpy grandpa mad-scientist to join the family.
Burnscar: Okay so hear me out, in canon Burnscar forewent her opportunity to nominate in order to visit someone she was in the Parahuman Asylum with; so I think that yet again she'd forego her chance in order to basically veto someone else from being nominated. In this instance I'm gonna go with the idea that she saw Shoto's burned face and selected him/the Todoroki family as off limits for the rest of the Nine....Also because when she's not in serial killer mode she's a weeb and a dork and the idea of her being awkward as fuck but thinking that this is clearly the start of a romance is amusing to me.
Shatterbird: She takes fighters and cold blooded killers, or people she can mould into cold blooded kilers....I like the idea that she was weighing up several options, maybe Endeavour, maybe Mirko, maybe Lady Nagant but then she heard about Katsuki Bakugo; a promising young hero who has already proven his abilities, his capacity for violence and has already been kidnapped by one villain team seeking to poach him. Immediately she decides that he's the only possible candidate.
Siberian: In canon he recruited Rachel because she was an outcast who reminded him of his daughter and I honestly considered the idea of taking one of the Heteromorph heroes like Froppy or Mina but then I had to slap myself and realise that Himiko Toga is the obvious choice....Also Toga and Burnscar can be Yandere together.
Cherish: Again, in a situation without Alec Cherish would just pick whoever reminded her most of Alec and initially that was gonna be Todoroki; son of a bastard and clearly the favourite....When Burnscar denied her that I like to think she debated picking someone close to Shoto, like Momo just to be petty, but whilst scoping out UA she found someone whose personality reminded her of Alec; I think she'd nominate Neito Monoma....Granted Shinsou's power is closer to Regent's but Cherish picked her brother to get him killed, I think we all want Monoma dead at least a little.
Jack Slash: Okay this gonna be another 'Cop-out protag vs villain match up' but hear me out....I think Jack would go looking for Stain and be unimpressed in the end, the same way he was with Oni Lee and then start looking for other candidates, if Hatchet Face was dead than I can see him wanting Aizawa as a replacement, if not then maybe LeMillion for the potential and the opportunity to break someone heroic....But, in canon he forewent his chance to nominate in order to have his game with Theo; and I think if anyone's gonna piss him off like that and make him second guess himself and change his plans....It's gonna be Deku, the kid who started with no powers and who even the Hero Killer respects; of course Jack Slash is gonna want to tear him down.
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kozidraws · 4 months
even if your writing was "subpar" (it's not imo) some of the best ideas are presented in simplified formats and less than perfect writing skills! (I'm saying you should definitely write even if you just bullet point your ideas because some of the best stuff is presented in ways that are unorthodox. skill =/= imagination and passion) ((I feel like I could've worded this better but it's suuuuper early for me sorry orz))
Thank you Nonnie, that bullet point suggestion is really good! I'm gonna try that!
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livefreebutwisely · 2 years
Eri: What are Bakugo’s quality?
Todoroki: He is Midoriya’s childhood friend.
Bakugo: How can that be one of my merits???!!! 💥💥💥
Todoroki: Trust me, it is.
Team Oni: There must be other ones to tell.
Todoroki: No, that’s the only one that matters.
Eri: I agree.
Bakugo: 💥💥💥 ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME???!!! 💥💥💥
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 4 months
Blessing in Disguise
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BfdS7nD by Kozidraws (Kozikoko) When Bakugo is exiled he travels the world to find a place where he will belong, he just didn’t expect to find it in such an unlikely place, and person. Words: 1627, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Oni Bakugo Katsuki, Kitsune Kirishima Eijirou, Fantasy AU, Swearing, mention of violence but not super graphic, Blood and Injury, a bit of angst, But they get better, Angst and Hurt/Comfort read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BfdS7nD
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bcdomens · 3 months
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BCDOMENS- Indie, selective multimuse/multiverse/multiship including a demon slayer verse. WRITTEN by li, they/them, 27. no minors. LINKS: ozemir bio. bakugo katsuki bio. t'shon bio. oni bio.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 months
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