#only heaven knows
chaewonplzbiteme · 1 year
Three days...
First of all - thank you all a lot! To every reader, every reblogger, every liker, and last but not least, every follower! Thanks for the warm welcome.
Three days is a lot of time. Three revolutions of my home around the poles. My first proper work had a few cycles to traverse the globe and its time zones a few times, to gain impressions and arousing interest.
I'm giving you guys some of my thoughts and behind the scenes.
Publishing was not something I had in my mind when starting any of my two works so far. The 'Jessica x SinB' was rotting away in my drive, only recently have I dusted it off and posted it. 'Lazy Evaluation' was for shits and giggles - I could not stop after adding a joke and another joke. Well, gotta post somewhere at some point.
This blog was close to a start from zero. Two days before I posted 'Lazy Evaluation' - I was still writing the last paragraphs and did not even edit yet - I created the Tumblr and posted an old work of mine. Close to seven years old, I barely even remember how I wrote it. Just a horny night in front of MS Word. That's all I know. One like, one follower. Thank you, @cheezbot and @hasinum! You guys gave me a nice headstart~.
Potential spoilers for 'Lazy Evaluation' follow.
I have started Lazy Evaluation on March 11, and finished it on March 31. Twenty days, multiple hours every day (and a LAN party) - a lot longer than a single night for 'Jessica x SinB'. But the journey was a lot of fun, and I experienced a lot of tingly feelings for JiU 😊.
5k words, 30k characters, 145 paragraphs.
This sentence started it all:
Her low hums guided your mouth between her mounds, but your tongue dictated the rhythm of her mellow purrs.
It got me fixated. It set the theme. Bi-directional love making. And the rest of the paragraph followed. Fucking long sentence after this one, lol. I wanted to expand upon this. I knew I needed a mommy with big decent boobs deserving of worship. I thought of Karina or Eunbi first, but I'm afraid I don't know them that well. I don't follow any of their content except for MVs and some stages. JiU is a long lasting love, though, uninterrupted since 2014. I dig every single breath of her. Whopping body. Mine. What a good fit.
How would they start? Help with homework, a frustrating one would suit well. No one understands Monads, countless tutorials and even more memes about the myriads of tutorials. We have our computer science topic. Lazy-by-default evaluation is another concept common from the Haskell programming language, just like Monads. Perfect for procrastination. The fact that lazy-by-default is actually uncommon for programming languages and other technologies, but the de-facto modus operandi for a non-negligible number of humans has been brought to you by the academia gang.
Tortoise and hare is a fable about the hare losing the race due to its own arrogance. Also a heuristic for cycle detection in computer science. Good fit, but better about a race towards the peak, a vicious cycle of pleasure and edging.
A massage would initiate the intercourse. Maybe a hand job before the 69. A cream pie would be delicious. Target is three cum shots - no less. How to transition between positions. Joke about forgotten protection - I doubt Minji would be that careless, add her getting a pack of condoms from her bag (did anyone notice?).
I was already making a lot of jokes, some in mathematics and computer science. I tried to incorporate some classic jokes, too. Not all of them verbatim. The cloud is just someone else’s computer.
Pure functions are side-effect free. A consequence of this property is we can achieve idempotence. A healthy penis also satisfies this property, though, as your boner clearly shows.
I combined the following with a silly 1 + 1 = 3 joke:
A physicist, a biologist and a mathematician sit in a sidewalk cafe, looking at the building across the road. Two people go into the building, then three people come out.   Physicist: "This must be a measuring error!"   Biologist: "This is proof of procreation!"   Mathematician: "If one more person goes into the building, it will be empty!" 
Maybe I am the only one laughing. Who cares. You see the result at the cream pie. The sum of all its parts is greater than the whole. I combined with that, too.
About the never-before-solved formula: I consider this to be quite surprising, when we look at the fact that there are more than eight billion humans in the world. It is possible that there has not been sufficient time to process the empirical evidence, given the exponential increase of the population in the last two hundred years – going from one billion to eight billion. I imagine that observing and examining such vast amounts of data to be very time-consuming. Also, not all results of examining the data have been made available to science, most notably by the method of pornographic content consumption.
Some general science and academia jokes. The academic paper structure for the final big joke. An exercise left for the reader. I nearly did a n=1 joke. Given the importance of our research question, I think it would be valuable to increase our sample size to ensure that our findings are robust and reliable. Sequel, anyone?
So much about volcanoes and mountains and hills and mounds and caves. I should have studied geology instead of computer science ;_;. (plot twist: I failed university)
I added one thing and didn't want it to go to waste, like the chocolate, so I added it to another part. Same with some other little details, like Minji's composure. That way I had a common thread (several, actually) running through the story.
Some smaller pop culture references to Lord of the Rings (VERY hard to spot), Attack on Titans, and of course Harry Potter (it's more than the movie title ;) the cum we lose in the chamber of secrets has a way to come back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect). I had given some thoughts about whether a potential reader should understand every reference I add, given that they also know the source media. My conclusion: No... I will giggle about my hidden jokes alone if I have to. Not everyone has to. Not everyone will. Even if they know the source media.
I also had some goals that I rarely see in male reader fics: "Minji needs to feel good, too." I had a big-ass note hovering over my draft all the time: "What's in it for Minji?" Add stuff about their antics. About what they love about each other.
They were obviously in an existing relationship. Some thoughts about how that came about (not really), how they lived, what their relationship was like before. I almost cried when I wrote the scene with the three words, some tears were already forming actually. It was not a conscious choice to place it that far back, but it did fit well.
A lot of things were a natural consequence, everything leads to the next thing. How do writers say? Have good characters, and the story will write itself. A good cause will lead to a good (and obvious) consequence. No idea if I have good characters, but it all worked out for me. It all feels natural. This is what counts. I'm happy with it.
Again, it was a lot of fun! The rush of adding things into the mixer and see it bloat into something beautiful is quite addicting. From the beginning I could not anticipate the end. It was quite a tremendous journey.
Sadly the following part did not make it - at least verbatim - I was unsatisfied of how much I was jumping from metaphor to metaphor, from one image to a completely different. Had to reduce.
Minji gulped down the snake all the way down, choking on it and feeling it throb at the back of her throat. The other end of the snake did not relent, however, and continued its attack, circling around her nub, unafraid of the secretions her cavern produced in defense, but now even more determined to continue.
I mean, where the fuck would a snake come from. So I changed it to the hare's tail. In hindsight, I maybe should have experimented with hare's paw / foot / whatever it is called in English. You know, the good luck charm.
So many messy thoughts.
Editing and revision makes everything perfect - or at the very least, better. Sometimes. Eventually. Maybe. Who knows? Perfectly fine.
Next up, the whopping numbers. These are far beyond the lowest expectations I would ever have for this work, especially given the niche nature of computer science and maths. I cannot say I had any doubts, since I did not expect anything in the first place. Until Tumblr started to summarize the followers for the day.
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I cannot rationalize these numbers. I have no baseline to relate them to. I can only see: 'big' authors seem to have ~500-1000 notes on a work in days / weeks / months / years / decades. Very muddy numbers. No idea how Tumblr works, every author and every post has different numbers. And I have a fraction of that. In three rotations of the planet.
Most of all.
Thank Minji.
Does it tell me it's any good? Who cares, I defined it as finished. I won't ever touch it again. A solution exists. I can go back to sleep.
Maybe it does tell me that some of you are nerds, though - and that I am not alone in being one. Uwu~.
Ok now I shall throw the stats into the bin. A surprise to be sure, a welcome one at that, too. But I intend to write for myself. More than incoherent dreams and thoughts. Ordered, sorted and well-thought out scenarios is a big step up for me. Not synthesized-up and randomized brainstorms. I have ChatGPT my brain for that.
Also rushing for stats make me sick, lol. I'm already engrossed enough with work and the sideways movement of the stock markets. I'm incapable of playing Rainbow Six due to the adrenaline.
I have started reading some fics again after those three weeks. And I notice. So. Many. Differences. To other people's work. It is actually a good thing. I don't have much moaning, no "I'm cumming". Way less dialogue, the only conscious difference I was aiming for. Lots of descriptions and images. Volcanoes and burning hot lava in mouths and vaginas, hahaha. Minji gets to be pleasured and cum. Heaven forbid no one think about her!
The world thrives on variety and diversity, so it is actually a good thing to show you guys another way to write smuts, albeit accidentally. Everyone brings something different to the table. We all love each other.
The world needs more breeding fics, especially of the fluffy and romantic variety.
Do I have something planned next? Maybe. No promises. How long it will take? Only heaven knows...
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Peace, out! ✌️
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bishy437 · 5 months
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he won
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 months
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Do You Love The Color Of The 413?
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greelin · 9 months
“actually the term you’re looking for is pansexual” actually i’m dying right now. i am dying right now before your very eyes and those are the last words i had to read before my soul vacates this plane of existence forever. Are you proud of yourself
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thecaptainbriarrose · 2 years
Am I numb to death because I
a) have a strong religious belief in a life after death or
b) think through nearly every wild scenario and outcome before it happens
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flintbian · 11 months
There's a disabled angel in good omens 🥺
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muzzleroars · 4 months
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i only say morning
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bakudekublogblog · 19 days
kacchan there is actually a way you and izuku can be together forever i have this crazy inventive solution for you it's called a marriage license
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lady-tortilla-chip · 3 months
Nah because I do actually wish more people would recognize that Mu Qing never lacked confidence or belief in himself. What he struggled with was trusting other people to value/trust/want/love him. He never thought less of himself over his background he just assumed everyone else did.
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endless-nightshift · 3 months
Heaven officials blessing version of this. They fill me with joy <3
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hezuart · 8 months
Something I was curious about is that you say Hazbin and Helluva don’t follow religious or biblical accuracy, but you seem to forget that it’s not supposed too. It’s Viv’s own spin on biblical things so of course it won’t be biblically accurate.
I’m not trying to be mean or degrade you in anyway I just don’t get why you think it needs to be accurate to religion.)
Because Viv's spin on the religion and its figures is like this
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felicitywilds · 11 months
hear me out. season 3. aziraphale is new supreme archangel. sure he can use his new authority to spy on his poor wet cat of a boyfriend as im sure will become a popular trope in fic. but. he can also use these powers to unlock all those Top Secret files heaven has laying around. and also find out exactly why crowley fell and realize it sucks so bad and is so so unfair because he's done sooo much worse than just ask the wrong questions truly so many times in the last 6000 years and despite this they. put him. in charge. and he realizes that maybe heaven doesn't actually know or care what's "good" or "bad"? and then accidentally blows heaven up from the inside out in a way that only aziraphale can in an effort to get back to earth the end. <3
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hualianschild · 4 months
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presenting *drumrolls* all the homosexual supporting cast that I've shipped from the media I've watched (till now)
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A headcanon for Father’s Day:
Simeon finding Luke crying, surrounded by cards, all of them unique and different with special messages on them. Sime obviously asks his poor bab what’s wrong and Luke tearfully replies:
“I have too many dads to give cards to and I’m barely halfway done 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭”
What a problem to have, little guy, what a problem to have.
(Everyone loved their Father’s Day cards btw, legend has it that Lucifer ruffled Luke’s hair without calling him a chihuahua)
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cometrose · 2 months
Op I read your old post about "the blind dragon who wants to see the sun" and I realized wait Zhongli is most symbolized by the sun
zhongli has soooo much sun symbolism here is a list
Gold everywhere!!! Lots of yellow and gold in his color palette. His eyes are described as golden or amber -the golden glow of his hands, the gold in his suits or archon outfits. Gold, the color of the sun is his signature color.
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In his splash art his meteorite looks distinctly like the sun (plus his character demo is full of sun symbolism)
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In depictions of Rex Lapis he always symbolizes the sun
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Zhongli's namecard description: stars fall, light fades
His burst/ultimate is translated to "Planet Befall" in english but in chinese it is "Heavenly Star"
During one of the melusine quests in fontaine one them says "gold are the tears of the sun" if you gift them cor lapis. She also says cor lapis is warm to the touch "truly as gentle as the sun itself"
Deus Auri which translates to “god of gold” is one of Rex Lapis' titles
Mora (which is often referred synonymously with gold) is minted from Zhongli’s own flesh and blood
As you mentioned Azhdaha was a blind dragon who yearned to see the sun. As Morax was the one who granted him eyes -meaning he was the first person Azhdaha saw- Morax is in part the "sun" he yearned to see
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In Zhongli's TCG card the story says "a hidden gemstone can illuminate the whole earth, bright and unrivaled as a star"
One of the distinct features of the adepti is the "illumination" that Rex Lapis granted them that gave them the ability to create subspaces and other powers (what does the sun do? illuminate)
In Azhdaha's story he recites a poem to Jiu (his eroded self) "A star appears within the wild a sun ascends as bright as jade”. Other than gold Zhongli's signature item is jade! Fun fact the weapons of the Primordial Jade series were created by him.
In the description of the Geo Hypostasis it states maybe the reason it creates pillar is not to combat enemies but to get closer to the sky
In one of Albedo's voicelines he says "without human manipulation you would need to harness the power of a sun eight times the size of our own in order to naturally create gold”
Interestingly the Solar Chariot crashed into Liyue forming The Chasm about 6000 years ago, coincidentally Rex Lapis descended upon the region at the same time.
Lastly, while Zhongli symbolizes the sun a lot of the people around him symbolize the moon. Guizhong has a dark blue and white color palette with stars in her sleeves. Azhdaha often depicted with the moon and night. Ganyu and Xiao both have moon symbolism. The 'yue' in Liyue means moon. All the other archons -Venti, Nahida, and Ei especially- have a lot of moon symbolism. So not only is he very "sun-like" but the people around him are very "moon-like"
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artingstarvist · 1 month
Chapter 10 / 18 "Ghost City"
Summary: Hua Cheng dresses up Xie Lian; Xie Lian takes a step-litter ride through Ghost City.
Additional Tags: Coffin Rescue, Coffin AU, AU - Canon Divergence, AU - Different First Meeting, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Identity Reveal, Revenge Plot, POV Alternating, Blood and Injury, Dream-Reality Confusion, Canon-Typical Violence, Hua Cheng AND Xie Lian have Self Esteem issues, Hua Cheng & Xie Lian Invented Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Hua Cheng bout to make it 34 gods
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After that last harrowing chapter, how about something light.
Date Night 😁
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