#only hopium here
otomaniac · 1 year
Woke up to ao3 being down, now going to bed while ao3 is still down. Hope I wake up to good news and a surprise the destiel meme, but it says ao3 is back up again 🙏 pls tag me if it happens.
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maxwellatoms · 4 months
How are your feelings about the B&M Cosmic Horror Musical now? Are you still holding out hope for a possible pick up, or is that looking unlikely now?
I know a lot of artists who'd love to work on a fanmation of it, but obviously if there's still a chance to make it you should
Ostensibly, the reason "Destroy Us All" didn't happen was because CN felt like modern audiences wouldn't know who Billy & Mandy were, rendering any need for a wrap-up, finale, or revival moot. So the first thing I would need to do would be to come up with a series reboot for Billy & Mandy and sell that to Cartoon Network.
Series reboots are usually pretty gross and sad, but I actually managed to come up with something that not only felt new, but actually got me really excited about a whole new slew of B&M adventures. I showed that to CN and they said that maybe if Genndy and Craig's reboots did well enough, they'd be able to find the money. Maybe.
That was... two years ago? From what I understand, those reboots are all currently in limbo.
That all puts "Destroy Us All" maybe five to seven years away at the earliest. I think it's safe to assume it will never be made unless the animation industry has some sort of instantaneous reverse-shake-up.
I still haven't dropped the script for Destroy Us All or the bible for the reboot here yet, so I guess I do have an eensy-weensy amount of hope. Likely a result of my hopium addiction.
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I’m gonna write this down now so I can look like an absolute genius later (or look like a clown, but at least I said it with my full chest!)
❌ Spoilers for the FNAF Movie below! ❌
Ok, I might be huffing hopium here, but in my heart of hearts I STILL think Mike Schmidt is Mike Afton. If (or when) they make a sequel, there’s a way they can reveal this
So the most obvious thing from this movie is when Mike is in “Steve’s” office, and when “Steve” is reading Mike’s name out loud from his résumé, he stops mid-sentence. He looks at Mike for a weird amount of time, almost studying him, before completely changing the subject. There’s no way in hell “Steve” recognizes Mike from when he saw him as a kid when he kidnapped his brother Garrett 10+ ago, no chance. Also why would he go to Nebraska (unclear where the movie takes place, but let’s assume Utah because of the books) to kidnap a random kid and just drive off? Here’s what I think is going on…(also I’m gonna call him William from now on cuz we all know lol)
William fingered out that Mike is his son during that interview. My theory is that at some point, William was married and him and his wife have a son named Mike. And for one reason or another, they got divorced. This is when Mike was too young to really remember which is why he doesn’t recognize William during their meeting. Mike’s mom gains custody of Mike and remarries, she marries Mr. Schmidt. They have a child together, Garrett. Sometime after the divorce, William adopts a child, trying to cope after losing his only son. He adopts Vanessa.
William finds out about his ex-wife having another kid. He wants to cause her pain and suffering for leaving him. He follows the Schmidt’s and takes Garrett during the camping trip. Unable to handle the pain, Mike’s mom takes her own life, leaving Mike and his stepdad. Mr. Schmidt marries a little later to another woman, and she has a daughter named Abby. Sometime after this, both Mr. Schmidt and his new wife die, leaving Mike to care for Abby.
Vanessa owed William so much, he had adopted her while she had suffered in an orphanage for years. She would do anything he told her, even if it meant covering up his crimes. Years later, realizing what she was doing was wrong, she left her father and became a police officer, hoping to stop people like her father as she had failed to stop him.
Here’s another thing. Scott Cawthon knows that the fans are obsessed with the lore of FNAF. I think he knew he could make more movies, this isn’t going to be a one and done deal. Plus, he had his hand on this project every step of the way, he wouldn’t agree to anything that he didn’t want to happen in the story. Mike being William’s some is CRUCIAL to the story of FNAF (at least in the games). I think he’s trying to fake us out, you know how he loves to troll the fans!
Again, this is just a theory (A GAME THEORY lol), but I don’t think the idea of Mike being an Afton is dead just yet. Hoping and praying so I can look incredibly smart if or when the sequel drops 🙏🏻
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earthtokhal · 2 months
Look at the end of the day, I do not think Daniel was blindsided, after all he does have a good team and he is a businessman. Maybe it's copium or hopium or confirmation bias, but it wasn't just Daniel's behavior this weekend. It was also Sergios and Marko's and Horners.
It was also that comment (now deleted) from the people who make his helmets and that CAA guy coming out of the woodworks.
It was the difference in how Sergio responded to that interview F1 poster compared to what Daniel said about definitely being here post break, but he isn't sure what car he will be in.
Do I think Daniel was compensating for losing out on something he wanted? No. He is genuine, and if Mclaren thought us something is that he won't hide behind a smile.
While I do agree that money/sponsors are playing a role here, I don't think they would have left it this long and letting the narrative go on for so long if the solution was just some extra cash from the sponsor.
So considering that, it's possible that this is to keep everything quiet until they're ready to make the announcement or make a proper decision because if the decision was SO easy and could be made in a single meeting, despite everything they said before, why was it left so long?
If this is true, I have a few theories.
1. Max genuinely thinks about jumping the ship, which makes letting Sergio go a bit risky. They could do well with those sponsors next year. In that case, Daniel would be brought up in 25, which would explain his behavior.
2. Sergio and his people managed to negotiate a retirement option. He races in Mexico, and he sees this year through, and perhaps the team gains some money from it. In that case, Daniel would still move up.
3. They genuinely do not rate Liam right now and will be putting Sergio in the vcarb. In that case, Daniel would still move up, Liam gets some extra runs during filming day, and he would return to the grid next year.
4. A decision has been made, but like Mclaren and even Red Bull before, assuring everyone that the boat will not rocked will ensure a good break and media staying away from them only to come out with the decision closer to the end of break
5. Nothing changes, and I will pray every day for mclaren and Ferrari, possibly merc too, to beat them because truly not even sponsors can justify this because even though he bring money, the cost cap doesn't change and he's wasting away money that could be spent on upgrades. In this case, I want both titles gone.
All in all, the idea that it's now Daniel who could lose his seat when he's been top 2 Red Bull driver for multiple weeks in a row is insane.
He's a genuine guy, a good guy, and he has never wished bad on Sergio or Liam despite the narrative around them from day 1. I truly believe that he will be rewarded.
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sytokun · 7 months
A lengthy thought wall about the recent RT shutdown and DillonGoo Studios' interest in acquiring RWBY - I speculate and entertain some hopium about the pros that could come with it and why all in all, impossible it may be, it's probably the best shot we have for RWBY.
Some rwde cause it mentions Shane's letter and nobody likes that.
I've been reading a lot, a lot of the various discussions around RWBY's fate and Dillon Goo Studio's (henceforth shortened to DGS) interest in acquiring it. Here's my overall evaluation everything so far:
This goes without saying but this is obviously an optimistic take on the matter, I wanna talk moreso about the pros rather than the logistics of whether DGS can afford it, whether you think it's just clout-chasing, etc.
Dillon's a former RWBY animator and a fan of Monty's work. No matter what you think of Monty's style of action, in the greater public sphere, RWBY is known and liked precisely for that and largely that alone, period. Only RWBY fans who are already invested in the show will mention story or characters - for the majority of people, i.e. future RWBY fans, the action is the main selling point, and DGS clearly can deliver on this.
Dillon himself is at least amicable with most of CRWBY and likely open to negotiate with them given prior work history. For any other media corporation, consulting the old IP holders of a defunct company is a minor formality at best or even a laughable waste of time. And if you want to bring up a certain almost 10-year-old letter and the person working with Dillon who wrote it, there are plenty in the comments section who would agree with me that it's not as big a dealbreaker as one might think, given the company the letter largely condemned is well dead and buried. I won't go further into that matter.
DGS is very community-oriented - they're very intimately familiar with 3D animation and produces creator-friendly content like the Goo Engine which helps future animators inspired by RWBY to make similar anime-style 3D content. Every single RWBY fan animator whose work we enjoyed benefits from this acquisition - all of whom can grow into future animators for the series, intimately familiar with its trademark action style.
DGS is probably the only genuine fan of RWBY that has a remote chance of acquiring the IP with the express motivation of using the IP creatively. This can be clearly seen in the steady improvement of their animation content over the years and desire to push the medium. All other candidates are corporations whose motivations with RWBY are, more likely than not, going to be entirely financial (not necessarily a bad or unhealthy thing, but it's a factor).
If RWBY stays under WB or given off to Crunchyroll? They have no stake in RWBY beyond pure business. They have no interest in what's best for RWBY or its growth, only how it will be most profitable or recoup the losses from RT. The only companies I can see being more creatively invested in RWBY are ArcSystem Works who implemented RWBY in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, or Shaft that animated Ice Queendom, but those are both Japanese companies unlikely to go all-in on a foreign IP - especially given that these studios usually adapt other IPs, not buy them outright.
DGS is invested in RWBY. Their entire studio's style is built on RWBY-esque action animation. Acquiring RWBY more or less guarantees it'll become their main flagship series and their main investment, whereas with WB, Crunchyroll or other big platform, RWBY is nowhere near prolific enough to be much more than another shelf-filler in their library. At worst, Warner archives RWBY for eternity and at best, they only bring RWBY out for tie-ins and crossovers to prop up their larger DC properties. Why give RWBY the spotlight when they own the likes of Justice League and Looney Tunes?
DGS may not be the most plausible choice, but it's clear that unless some big company like ArcSystem Works or something throws their hat in the RWBY ring, DGS is far and away the people's favourite, even gaining approval from JJ Grelle (Tyrian's VA), who quite notably refused to reprise their role for Rooster Teeth.
DGS is still very much an indie studio which IMO RWBY has flourished the most under, the time period where it retained a certain unpolished energy that made you invested in watching it improve and grow. I don't want to watch a RWBY that uses its precious time under a new studio to just go by the numbers and coast by on its existing fanbase. I want to watch a RWBY that grows, innovates and takes risks, that impresses and draws new and old fans in the way it does for every single person that has watched the Red Trailer for the first time.
I think a lot of folks have a preconceived notion that RWBY has to continue on the exact same production value as V9 left off, but that never had to be the case. I think a return to a much more subdued production with smaller teams focusing on strong individual episodes over large overarching narratives will be healthy for RWBY and more easily invite new fans, which it sorely needs if it wants to stay afloat this time around.
Whether this means a continuation to V10 or a reboot I don't know, but I know I'd rather take a RWBY that a new studio respects and will produce in a way that fits their strengths and limits, over trying and overreaching themselves to make something work that even Rooster Teeth failed to, or over no RWBY at all.
That's the crux of it: the worse alternative is no RWBY at all. CRWBY and especially us as a fandom are in no position to be picky when that's the alternative. There's no such thing as a perfect deal, but this is about as sweet as they come. If the only hurdle is WB's refusal to sell, then that's on Warner. If the only hurdle is affording the IP, I, many others and no doubt other associates Dillon Goo Studios knows are likely to help them meet that price.
I do wanna stress, despite my optimism, I'm not asking to stake all our hopes on DGS as the saviour of RWBY, god no - the last thing I want is a weirdo Monty 2.0 cult and I doubt Dillon would want that either. I'm not saying the RWBY they'd make will be perfect or be equitable for everyone either - some compromises must be made and professionally speaking, whoever owns RWBY next has no legal obligation to make V10 or bring back anyone from CRWBY. Any such action is solely on the graces of the new IP holder and at the end of the day, I think whatever creates a healthier, longer-lasting future for RWBY should take priority over our sentiment or attachment.
But as things stand right now, if DGS isn't just farming Twitter likes and is honest-to-god serious about acquiring RWBY, and no better candidate presents themselves, this is about the best option we have right now, and I myself will be ready to help and contribute in whatever little way I can. Because I know the very real alternative is either a complete gamble on yet another faceless media subsidiary, or watching RWBY rot behind a vault for the next decade or more.
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skymagpie · 29 days
**TWW SPOILERS** & theory (hopium) discussion below
Happy launch day let's talk about our favorite wizard!
For those that have played or have at least seen the video, you know that Khadgar's fate is grim and that the general assumption (as wowpedia and the wiki put it) is that he is deceased. People have made a bunch of theories about it, so I am listing everything I know and have seen from the cinematic itself that might go in either direction.
In favor of Khadgar somehow surviving:
Unlike the previous major character death cinematics, Varian's, Vol'jin's and Saurfang's as example, Khadgar's cinematic does not show him actually die. The rule of no body = no death applies, as we never see him die on screen. Even if it's unlikely that he survived given that we saw the city explode, this video does play into the common trope when characters aren't truly dead and return later on.
There was a datamined wheelchair that most people believe to be a cut asset, but if you rewatch the video itself and focus only on his legs in the second half once he is injured, they do not move at all, even when it would be logical for the animation to have him move at least the knee or attempt to get up. (This was also brought up by another user.)
Khadgar turns to Xal'atath in anger, so he is neither pleading nor bargaining, however he also doesn't seem to want to keep fighting her. Instead, when she creates the black hole around herself, he willingly reaches out and allows his hand to "dissolve" before the scene cuts and we no longer see him. He reaches out of his own volition, and he groans in pain even before touching the black hole (which goes back to the above theory that he is already injured and just the strain of reaching towards it causes him pain).
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Khadgar's toy, the Wonderous Wisdomball is disabled in the new zones. This is such a small detail, but it feels like the final nail in the coffin. A lot of people believe that they wouldn't have included this small detail if they didn't plan something more for Khadgar and if this was his final farewell - maybe they would've even given it more lines and the such so people can keep it as a memory.
There is that one shot of Khadgar's eyes as he whispers "Alleria." but it's a completely new animation and it's not drawing from the cinematic. Everyone else in that sequence is actually alive. It could be a memory, but it could be something else. (this sceenshot is from this video)
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In favor of Khadgar being permanently dead:
Metzen kept hinting in the interview with Scott that he will kill a bunch of characters in the saga, to which Scott asked why is Khadgar first on the list and Metzen didn't reply, only laughed it off and said that there is no kill list - before comically looking back at Scott with a frown. He also mentioned that he is thinking of how to give respectful send off to the old characters so they can make space for the new ones. Khadgar's death above is as respectful as it can get for him, since we didn't see him suffer much and he went out a hero as he always was.
We saw his hand dissolve.
Dalaran exploded when whatever darkness swallowed Khadgar closed in on itself.
Xal'atath said "Goodbye, Guardian." so if anything, she would know what happens when you touch that black hole she summoned.
The wheelchair is from an untested Dalaran scenario and we know that Blizzard has previously cut things that were in the game files.
Patch 11.0 is Danuser's last patch, and Metzen took over since then. Metzen however said that he liked what Danuser did, but believed that there needs to be something bigger for the opening of the saga, so maybe even if Danuser was planning to bring Khadgar back, Metzen could change that now that he is our story lead.
There are few running theories that I saw people talking about, and while I cannot say I am vouching for a specific one myself, I am going to list them here:
Khadgar survives, he is in the void and he is injured, so he will be permanently disabled, possibly drained of his magic and no longer able to be The (unofficial) Guardian - hence the wheelchair.
Khadgar will return as a voided up raid boss and it will be up to us to put him down like Old Yeller, because Blizzard cannot do it themselves. 🙄
Khadgar survived, but his physical body is destroyed and he will become one of the Ethereals (this goes into the Khadgar and the Locus-Walker are the same entity theory).
If you have any other ideas, have seen something else in favor of either outcome or have a theory of your own, please let me know because I am looking for all the copium I can right now and we are just getting started with The War Within.
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ewesless · 2 months
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God had mercy 😭 They were holding out on us and her BOOBS!!
Preemptively: This is like how the guys suddenly get super buff so Shut up. Do not complain about her boobs getting boobier or I will go screeching harpy instead of screeching monkey and beat over the head like a newspaper with every instance of a male character getting a bigger buffer body dependent on the artist involved.
SKIN TIGHT WETSUIT FTW Are you fucking kidding meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I had expected they may give her shorts and a tanktop or cropped tank with a button down over it (I can hope for a bikini or bikini top with tiny shorts, I still do) all the way over in the back corner I DID NOT EXPECT BOOTY! BQBWHRBEVAVWHS
Tbh I'm still on the fence about whether they'll ever give us her shower/lingerie/towel pics (or feet. I swear I'm not into feet, but I can't help noticing them. She's wearing shoes here, too) I can only hope and pray and smoke the hopium by the kilo, but I am fed, please feed me more. I want more Thirteen peach 😭 God her thighs are so perfect I want to hold them in my hands and feel them. This artist gives her thighs some good squish too 🫠 I always love her thighs, these are so delicious please let me eat them. Please more I need her I nee dmore please I need Thirteen need her to sit on my fa
I was so tired and sad, I am restored 😭
I didn't think I would ever get to see her, she is like one lil step away from being naked too Oh my God Solmare does have the gonads 🥹 oh my God 😭 She's so gorgeous!!
I feel like my heart is going to explode today sucked so bad but now it's sunshine, lollipops and rainbows and everything that's wonderful when we're together
I need to lay down on the ground and breathe oh my God I didn't expect this at all, I'm legitimately shook
Edit: 13 notes 😎 Based
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yankthoudong · 3 months
rubyneo and also rosebirds for the bingo
funny that you asked me for these together because they're 100% thematically linked in my mind
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this one has been driving me insane for like 2 weeks now and i did pre-prepare this because if no one asked it i was going to anon it to myself lol. i am almost never an enemies to lovers type of shipper and even when i am it's normally about the potential of moving on for me. NOT here. neo redirects all of her self-hatred and blame onto ruby without ruby having any idea what's going on but directing her hero complex against neo as a stand-in for every other villain she has even less of a chance of beating (and most especially as a stand-in for her own failures that she thinks she's defined by) and they hit this dynamic at JUST the right angle to make me Obsessed. wrt the "only works in a specific AU in my head" bit it may well end up here but for now i am continuing to have the hopium that my Ascension theories will come real (regardless of canon romantic outcome). neo's previous Purpose was revenge against ruby, and she was devoted to it to a degree befitting an Afteran more than a human. so, i think her Ascension will go more like an Afteran's than like ruby's: a version of herself will be given different means and/or ends but with the same target in mind. same as what happened to the red monarch and to the paper pleasers/genial gems. the new neo will have a devotion towards ruby, but to help her bear her burdens rather than adding to them. especially since the Blacksmith seems to have liked ruby a good deal.
sorry i talk about this theory every chance i get lol and i don't think this is my best articulation of it. it's taking up a lot of my headspace and i'm not very confident in my personal ability to make a fic out of it for a few reasons. anyway theyre cute together and i think TATT is kinda hot
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raven was hesitant to warm up to summer after a lifetime spent fighting for her next meal but when she does she puts her whole soul into it. she left the family because of her insecurities telling her that she would ruin their kids and that was even more unbearable to her than never seeing summer again. but she kept watch over them, a silent guardian ready to protect if necessary but never letting herself look at them, and leapt at the chance to help summer directly again if only to see her. whatever happened on that mission (my money's currently on salem forcing them to fight each other somehow before grimmifying summer) completely broke raven. she threw herself into the bandit life to try to live with the pain, but there is no true living with an emptiness in your soul. so she keeps watch over yang, and possibly ruby, trying to keep her/them out of oz's war as a kind of final tribute. this is how she can make up for her past wrongs, this is how she can live with herself.
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BNHA 429: It's not really a win when the only comfort is that Izuku/Ochako didn't became canon during a breakdown.
Honestly I think this is the most confused I've been with this story, so this might be the most openly critical I've been. (I've rewritten this five times already, so if it looks all over the place, I apologize).
"Joki Joki" being Tenko was debunked, which. You know what. Fair. Creating a character that looks like him only for be someone else with a tragic backstory five chapters before the finale? That's kinda cruel.
Harsh backstory for a small-role guy, by the way. A mutant Quirk (that we'll probably know only from supplemental material, if at all) his family didn't have, mouth sewn shut, locked in a basement for years, family leaves him and (probably) a Decay Wave was his only escape? And they say the world of BNHA isn't a harsh one /hj
I'm glad they didn't pull a Teen Wolf (iykyk). Ochako thinks Himiko is dead, Izuku's a shoulder to cry on. For... *counting* 4 pages of holding it in, 2 of actually talking about it, all of the 8 being about Izuku being nice but hypocritical (emotional suppression my dear beloathed Ch. 430 I fear you-).
Izuku says she's "his hero"- it's true, he thinks all his friends are his heroes. But we're shown 2/4 times (Blackwhip and the mob, but not Tenko cornering him in the mall, or their first meeting?) which made me realize he's the only named character/hero she "saved". The "who saves the heroes" thing? Not like she helped other heroes, that plot went to- oh.
Also, the whole "putting others before yourself", the only example listed that comes close to this is her giving some of her Entrance Exam points to him. The others are just her being nice to him, repressing her feelings, Blackwhip was the only other moment that kinda counted. The only "other person" she put before herself? Himiko.
I'll believe Himiko's dead when I see it; blood transfusions don't kill the donator. They take a minimum of 4hrs max. They sent Spinner and Touya to a hospital, but not Himiko, who was unconsicous, winging a transfusion out? Yeah, that's bullshit, "hope for a sequel" is becoming more and more of a plea.
I wish I could say I liked the breakdown, but all I think is "Ochako's a character development tool, with redundant, pointless arcs, and all she got is doomed yuri, trauma and reassuring words from a LI".
I didn't see Izuku crying at first; removing "Joki Joki's" 2 pages, the "talk" took 8/15 pages, I kept wondering when did he ever relied on "her strength", it's not like he trusted her enough to talk about his feelings, secrets or anything.
Class A interrupting was funny, I'm with Katsuki: Does Izuku still have embers (he does). I'm sorry to Ochako, I just didn't care anymore. I knew he didn't tell anyone else, lol (<- I'm shaking him into opening up-). But if he wasn't willing to open up about that I wonder what else doesn't Class A know. Does Inko know her son's dreams are over again or…?
Uh. One For All, crystalization of power from everyone's hopes, LFtR vestige scene, remaining embers looking a bit stronger, "Control Your Heart" is still a thing, "holding someone's hand makes me feel at peace", we have that talk with Katsuki, rule of narrative means if he opens up there's a chance this story can end on a hopeful note, Izuku fans here's how we can still win- (I'm inhaling hopium, I know)
I'm confused Hawks isn't getting ditching the Hero Billboards, just expanding it for "ordinary people". Isn't that continuing part of the problem? Part of why Dabi was created, why many heroes don't care about being a hero? I get it's to inspire others to be everyday heroes, but this if backfires in-universe...
Aoyama's farewell party with Eri singing was as sidelined as the 3Baka (… actually no, 3Baka is still more sidelined sob) and it hurts, but hey. Monoma got a statue before Katsuki, I just know if he isn't traumatized about his corpse he will brag. (I'm trying to find positives in this chapter)
The last pages. I know it's symbolic. Society extending a hand, Izuku "inspired" them to move. It's what Izuku was talking about in Ch. 1, "saving people is the coolest thing a hero can do". It's even from his poem inspiration "Called useless by all/Neither praised/Nor a bother/Such is the person/I wish to be".
But it doesn't come just from Izuku fighting giving up OFA, but from him still failing Tenko, who was doomed from the start, the LoV never knew who he was before "Tomura" (so. Spinner how's the book working out-). And no one else wants to, look at Ch. 427.
If it was still an ambiguous "AFO searched for Tenko", fine Ig, but since Ch. 419, it's half "No one helped Tenko except AFO" and half "Tenko never had a chance to live". I'm not saying them hating Tenko isn't justified. Look at what they have to rebuild. But ditching the "Tenko's whole life was planned" part, they still don't know the LoV came to be because they thought a child looked scary. Jeez, no one knows they were victims of ostracism, abuse, manipulation. Why they turned out the way they did.
And it ends on Izuku and Ochako smiling with the "future where heroes can relax" line. It's adorable, but they're still dealing with the guilt of Tenko and Himiko being gone. But I guess it's fine because they're smiling now? Because people are now doing something? So the reward from almost dying is: Bystander syndrome is chipping away?
*sigh* I guess the TL;DR for my opinions are:
Joki Joki isn't Tenko but damn if he isn't a woobie,
If I don't see the corpse Himiko isn't dead, I refuse,
Somehow Ochako's breakdown was more about Izuku, and we still didn't get introspection, just because it's comforting words doesn't mean they don't feel hollow,
It sounds like I hate her: I don't hate Ochako, I just hate the way she's written in "Tell, Don't Show" for Izuku, even my opinions about the breakdown are more about "dude what are you talking about" rather than it being about her and her alone, so I can't take her as seriously,
I think I just became Katsuki ATP: yeah yeah she's crying but what about Izuku and OFA- oh it's mostly fine.
The fun bits were relegated to two pages and small panels but I like to think Monoma goes to Katsuki's room to brag about the statue, Eri deserved to have a full page to sing
Hawks, I fail to see the point of switching Hero Billboards to "Everyday Ladybug" Billboards,
Bystander Syndrome is one thing, how are they gonna prevent another instance of the LoV if they don't know it was discrimination that started it all or that Tenko was a walking Greek Tragedy?
Izuku and Ochako's smiles give "Aw, it's adorable. Oh it's traumatized" vibes.
Yeah no, I'm not buying it. If Edgeshot can still live, why can't Himiko or Tenko? Why does Izuku still have embers, if we have one chapter left? What is the reasoning for "twisting fate", "saving and winning", "perfect victory with zero casualties", "I wanna save that little boy" if it ends on standard shonen ending?
Hell, OFA had dead people communicating with our protagonist and antagonist, and is connected to the deuteragonist, and you're telling me it doesn't mean something good can happen to Tenko?
... God now I just hope the next one isn't a timeskip, just Izuku and Katsuki holding hands, talking and being honest to each other (especially Izuku because oh boi I have seen some Writing Critics and I can't say I disagree) (maybe we'll confirmation on what actually happened to Himiko and Tenko, what about OFA, but that only depends on the page count of the next one).
Once again, sorry if it's all over the place, this chapter just. It wasn't great, in my (overthinking) opinion. I'm still unconvinced Himiko and Tenko are dead dead, until the last page of BNHA, we now have BKDK talking left, so let's see what the next one will bring. And I'm not rewritting all of this, I'm tired XD
So, yeah, that's my thoughts! Thank you for reading!
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aaaa charles podium!! what are your predictions for monaco? do we genuinely have a shot for the win there, and how do you think mclaren and rb will perform?
Okay Monaco is a question mark. Mclaren have not been strong there in the past either in terms of their drivers or their car. However the only driver who has been consistently good at Monaco in the last 5 years is Max. It's the one that creates the most mixed results.
I think these upgrades might be better suited to the track but it's so unusual it's hard to say. Like the Ferrari is fast and we have two more experienced drivers so I would expect high grid placement. The car is better than Mclaren in the low speed corners now (thanks to the upgrades)and that is a key point on the Monaco track. Much less so at Imola so that will come into play.
It really is a big question mark. The only think I can say is that Max will probably do as well as always. The rest is up in the air. Given the top 3 teams we will likely see some combo of them in the top 6, but again I am not sure about Oscar placing well here, and Lando has also been all over the place with this track.
Checo and Max are more likely to place well, but again I am not sure about how Checo is doing in that car with the upgrades, his results have been mixed.
I won't be saying too much about Monaco because it is a big question mark and it's honestly painful. I wish I had better data from Charles on it to cover . . .
I am not talking about a win there. I know people want hopium, I am not going to give it to you. We don't know. We have a good car and Charles is good. That is all I can say.
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kumiaku · 4 months
Okay so just a quick theory on how we might team up with each of the harbingers/how they will be playable.
Unlike Hoyo's other games, namely Honkai Star Rail and Honkai Impact 3rd, the characters in Genshin seem to have the need of two things currently - being alive, and being on 'good' terms with the Traveler. And of course being able to control elemental energy.
In order,
Pierro - unlikely to be playable imo, but if so we'd team up to take down celestia and likely convince him to be better in the future / maybe see eye to eye (haha pun)
Capitano - also feel unlikely to be playable (due to mask + rank + build) but am personally hoping he's playable. but likely a mutual understanding via honor / natlan abyss expansion or smth he is released at the same time and works with us in this expedition.
Dottore - unlikely dottore dottore is playable. feel like he'd get a super satisfying death scene w/ collei/diluc/scara/arle involved somehow. most likely diluc imo. but i think one of his segements will be playable, and will be one that defects from the rest and betrays them, more likely a younger segment.
Columbina - unlikely to be playable for a while, but if so i hope she doesn't have one of the seven elements in teyvat and has like a light/imaginary/dark/quantam element, or is pure physical damage somehow. I do think she will be playable, but maybe in later patches of natlan, likely to be very strange and off putting but perhaps never directly against us or for us? maybe also linked to a potential abyssal or dark sea region?
(if hoyo does release both capitano and columbina in the same patch i will cry.)
Arlecchino - Acquired. Will likely have future content in Snezhnaya/Khaenri'ah bcuz of foreshadowing. Also hoping to get more HOTH members in the future.
Pulcinella - feel like he'd be unlikely to be playable, but he also was in the travail trailer. can't imagine him getting along w traveler too well mainly cuz of his actions w the chasm, scara's line, arle's line, n what we've seen of him so far. but maybe, common interest would make him come to our side? he seems very rational - to the point of not being sympathetic at all imo, so maybe?
Scaramouche - Acquired, obv. Hopefully will have more development/roles in the future especially against the fatui. I want to find out if they had some way to bypass the irminsul deletion of his existence.
Sandrone - Okay, going out on a limb here real quick (its not quick). Bcuz all of the Fatui Harbinger's secondary titles (in this case, the marionette) Sandrone is not the feminine looking doll, but rather someone piloting the mech. Imo I think Sandrone is Alain Guillotine who is inside the ruin guard like mech and who made the kathryne's and the doll the mech carries around. I think this also lines up w Childe's voice line of Sandrone bcuz Alain Guillotine is envious of his relationship w his siblings since they are alive (unlike Mary Ann, who looks a suspiciously lot like the doll) and I think Sandrone aka Alain wont be playable but the Doll/Mary Ann will be and her story will be one of her breaking free of Sandrone. Maybe. This could also line up with Scara and Arle's VO's cuz it's stated Sandrone doesn't talk much/isn't really open so I think it is possible they don't know that Sandrone is actually not the doll but the man inside the mech or smth. I have more to this theory, but I might do this later.
Sandrone TLDR - Sandrone Marionette playable, the feminine doll, not the mech. Maybe mech in her attacks, but not the actually character.
La Signora - Look I'm a La Signora hopium believer, have been since the minute she died in 2021 - only way for her to be playable is for her to have a redesign and resurrection in natlan. 🙏 I'm not religious but I am praying for this. To any god who will listen. If not maybe when we 'reweave the threads of all fate' or whatever, we will get the chance to go back in time/partner with her. Maybe we will go back in time to the actual cataclysm - and actually wait there is the pierro and possible capitano connection too.
Pantalone - Due to popularity and build I want to say I feel like he'll be playable. Don't think he's loyal to the Fatui, very much leaning toward him being loyal to himself. Don't think he'd get a vision though, so I'm not sure. Maybe he'll be one who canonically uses a delusion/recieves a vision on screen/or even modified his body w Dottore's help to make him able to use elemental powers. I'd say either Geo or Hydro if so. Geo just fits idk man. As for him partnering with the traveler, I could see it being in snezhnaya as a way to take down the fatui, maybe he will partner w the HOTH or smth and put full support there. Idk he kinda gives me Adventurine vibes w in terms of gambling to get a win. Esp since every voice line mentions he's very ambitious, and arle said he isn't very rational.
Tenth Seat - Currently unknown and being theorized on. Imo most likely to be either a hexenzirkle member, previous seat of our sibling (with the name innamorati, while traditionally as lovers, in this case perhaps referring to platonic love for sibling? or the usual irony in that not loving romantically? so love but not love.) or the Tsaritsa going undercover as the 'Tenth Fatui Harbinger' and still being the Lover since she is pretty likely to be the Goddess of Love.
Tartaglia - Literally came in 1.1, will continue to be relevant in Snezhnaya. His second story quest will feature his family and be all cutesy in the beginning then bring area of the abyss connected to Snezhnaya, maybe. See Skirk too, maybe? Leads into her story quest and event with the region similar to Albedo and Dragonspine events? Maybe Skirk will be released with Hurricane Torilla's second story quest?
Anyway those are some of my convoluted thoughts, gotta go and get ready for work, any comments/reblogs/tags are appreciated bcuz i'd love hear other people's thoughts for future genshin lore theories/speculation.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
Keep it in Your Heart
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If we're doing another leg of this flashback, it's time to dust off a old concept that proved right with the last time we stepped away. We...might not be coming back to how this situation with Saturn gets resolved. We may come in directly on the resolution. There are a lot of ways that can go. But for the moment I just wanted to focus on a few things that are relevant. Starting with the chapter I borrowed a title from here, 603. Viz slightly changes it, but the noteworthy "heart" theme is part of the whole package, one you probably remember with this scene.
Of course it's relevant that Kuma asked for this final mission. This direction for the flashback has a high chance of us seeing an alternate view of the story we all know and love. Really, really would like to see this cover Kuma's POV on Thriller Bark. What I forgot until looking at this chapter again was how much the Straw Hats, particularly Franky, know about the cyborg project. Franky offering a dire warning that is quite pertinent; that Kuma is someone they're indebted to...but if they ever cross paths again he will be an emotionless weapon.
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There is no such thing as coincidence, only fate. That was how Van Augur put it. Remember, that was when the story was taking an odd moment between Luffy and Blackbeard and spelling out the thread that had been running since Drum. How a quirk of fate tied the brothers' story together. It's interesting to see it on display here leading into explaining just how Kuma protected the ship. Had a hand in setting the Straw Hats up to learn what they'd need to take on the New World.
I used that quote from Augur in one of our earliest Post-Wano Musings, titled Holding Pattern which covered Chapters 1062 & 1063. Looking back, man it's cool we're still looking at Bonney the same way and Drake has the same potential. I really dug up the coincidence thing because Law having boobies was so on point. 1063 was the first time I really started wondering if there might be a real reason to keep the hopium around because it was so weird then to cut away to Law like that. Egghead has gotten a lot longer than we imagined then but really leaned into those early threads we were looking at.
Those who have been following along would recall a while ago I stopped fully caring about this from the perspective of Kiku actually being #10 or not and more that using her as a guide was clearly paying off enough I'mma keep doing it until we get our answer. So then it's worth noting it may be no coincidence, but fate that made Kuma's decision to split the Straw Hats land them at the right time to stumble into the Akazaya's revenge plot. Though the length of their time apart is out of Kuma's paws even if he knew about it. That was just one thought looking back on 603 here.
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You even had Caribou stumble in at the end. Don't forget him. My hunch right now is if the Blackbeard ship is actually Moria & Perona then Caribou fits their aesthetic to a T. That's not a bad vehicle to show some of what happened during the skipped night in the lab. Reading that old review was a great reminder; some of the little oddities we noticed early did and continue to snowball.
As for Kuma? Who knows where the flashback goes from here. I'd love some deep Makino lore but they could just be ships passing in the night. Where Bonney's story runs parallel will also be telling. I'll dust off one classic though. The longer this flashback goes the better the odds we come back to the present in a weird fashion. I don't think this 1100 turn can be ended in just one followup chapter either. Gut says wait til the first one of a new year, those are always big too.
Hell...worth mentioning too. If this is our second segment like this in the arc, what does it mean if/when we break down into a third? Just saying, we already had the idea Egghead was the 4th more accurate part of Wano doing a Rashomon type thing. What if that story itself is a nested Rashomon narrative? I will make and send Oda an award for literary brilliance if he does that and it's really, really starting to feel like we might.
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gojuo · 1 year
Gojo has his head. In season 2 he tells toji he failed to kill him because he didn't cut off his head. Sukuna didn't cut off his head. He can still heal his body.
Plus we see Nanami tell gojo that there are two paths. One to change you or one to stay who you are. Gojo says goodbye to his dead friends and we see him walk away showing he's taking the second path. We also see a lotus then.
Which symbols strength and renewal.
Gojo is not dying. He may be gone a few chapters but everything his hunting he will heal his body and be back.
Gojo will live.
i wish i had your hopium but i gotta correct a few things here ... 1) it was said by i think kashimo (i dont even remember) that cursed energy comes from the gut, and gojo has been split into two from his stomach. toji never bisected him, even if he managed to stab him through the cranium. 2) gojo didn't say goodbye to his friends in the afterlife, that was a mistranslation. 3) he's not walking away from anything either ?? 4) the chapter title is called "going south" bruh...
listen. i so badly want him to come back. i really fucking do. i read jjk 0 when it came out in jump giga in 2017 and when it wasn't called jjk yet (it was called tokyo metropolitan curse technical school btw). i've been with gojo since mfing 2017... 2017!!! i've loved him for over 6 years now i can't even believe it's been so long.. i never expected that silly oneshot manga to become this popular 🥹 kinda makes me happy how loved jjk is currently :')))) but the fact of the matter is that gege has stated numerous times that he wants to finish jjk soon. he actually stated in late 2022 that he was planning on finishing it in 2023. gege's editor has come out and said that the manga will not be ending this year though, so my guess is somewhere around spring 2024 everything will be wrapped and and be donezo so that gege can move on to that goddamn idol manga he's been yapping about for a while now. so what am i trying to say with this tangent? i'm saying that jjk is ending soon and that gege has stated multiple times how difficult it was for him to write around the powerhouse that is gojo (which is just an admission of his own shitty writing/planning because mf YOU 🫵 are the writer like you are the one that created him!!! learn how to plan out your story and how to utilize the characters you yourself have created for it you stupid fucking cat i swear to god....). this all just screams to me that it's over. it's finished. gojo already died once and came back enlightened, he's not gonna have it a second time. not this close to the end. not after having been removed from the narrative for over a hundred chapters. not after seeing sukuna back at full health in his heian era form, something gege didn't even have gojo force out of him. like gege really got him out of the box so that he could be done with him unarguably and conclude his character arc because he wants to finish jjk.
gojo is dead, nobara is for sure dead, megumi is basically done for (we'll see him once more within the mind once yuuji does his soul cursed technique whatever bullshit on sukuna to have a talk but he's not coming back no more), and yuuji, the kid whose execution started this story, will be the only one left alive. gege said in an interview a while ago that he wanted to end jjk with either 1 of the main 4 dead, or only 1 of the main 4 alive. i think it's pretty obvious that person is supposed to be yuuji. "die surrounded by your friends" from the first chapter is going to turn into "all your dead friends will surround you". i am wholeheartedly convinced of this. i'm sorry, but after 3 years of having to sit through that worthless culling game arc leading to absolutely nowhere for our heroes, after realizing that there will never be a pay off for the last 100+ chapters because the whole point of the arc is now fucking dead just like that, i do not have it in me to have any faith nor hope in gege's writing skills. it's become painfully clear to me how mid that guy is at writing and how hard he is rushing towards the end. i have lost all faith and goodwill i used to hold for gege.
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coconox · 6 months
late night ramble but ig heres my 2 cents of this poll (not directly attaching this to the poll cause im a coward LOL)
ofc, i won't put my thoughts on luci/belphe/asmo. ik we get tidbits of them through their nobles or pb's prev games but i wanna judge them based on how they actually show up in-game. i also know there's prob gonna be some luci lore later when gamigin update is out (atm its like abt 4 or so days till that update's release) but i'll just omit my thoughts on luci for now
ok now for the rest of the kings:
i should also put a disclaimer that i don't read any of the unholy board stories unless if it's mammon's, so for the other kings that aren't mammon my opinions are purely based off of main story or event appearances or how they act in comics
satan - honestly pretty ok w him. i'm kinda biased when it comes to mc being recoginized as their own person rather than purely just the descendant of solomon so i like him based on that. idk i don't have any strong opinions abt him i just see him as a very fluffy cat :3
mammon - absolutely love him. 0 flaws. wins the idgaf war. my absolute fav squeak toy. lol ok but fr tho i don't really have any complaints abt him. will spoil tf out of mc and wants to ensure their safety. also sees mc as mc and was even kinda disgusted(? idk a better word for this💀💀) by the fact that a part of solomons soul can be sensed in them, almost as if he doesnt want it to be in the way of mc. also wasnt afraid to call out the fact that sitri kept calling mc solomon. and ofc the love at first sight thing is great too but also the bodyworship (or ig faceworship bc he only just kissed mc's entire face??) before the confession like UGH... absolutely weak for that man (devil?). idk i dont rlly see that many mammon fans rlly anywhere and it saddens me hes such a good char outside of just having huge tibbies. srsly tho pb pls we get it he has huge tits you dont need to constantly bring it up the char sprite is literally right in front of us-
cant wait for the next chapter w the big lore dump abt mammon and hope we finally get a pt 2 of his h scene (hopium)
no srsly he's the only king w 1 h scene, satan and levi got 2,, WHERE IS MAMMON'S PT 2
as a side comment also i love the silly banter btwn mammon and satan like they are truly besties from the cross on their foreheads to matching skill names to the amnt of times they throw hands and still hang out and care for each other
beel - hes ok ig? i think lore-wise hes gonna be one of the more interesting ones considering how "mysterious" he is i.e. constantly wandering, almost being an absent king. like what led to the constant wandering? what did andrealphus mean when he said beel is the key to ending the war? how does his cloning work? i kinda feel bad for bael and the other nobels needing to manage everything while beels away but i don't rlly hate him for it? at least not now considering we don't rlly know the definite reason and i want to assume the best and say he has a valid reason for being absent so he could protect his region. hate is a strong word ig its more of a slight dislike towards beel, but its like this 🤏 small of a dislike im still overall neutral abt him
levi - falling into the majority from the poll i have to agree that levi is my least fav king also lol. i get where he's coming from and why he acts the way he does, i just dont like how he's written? or ig moreso how he's written in the perspective of mc. tho tbh that's more of an mc issue than a levi issue, but i got pretty tired of the story constantly reminding us how pretty levi is (similar to how we always get reminded of how big mammon is/how huge mammons tits are). idk its like a gut feeling to not like/trust him. i also just don't really vibe w him in general even before we were actually introduced to him in main story. hes a good attacker gameplay-wise tho lol
so yeah, those are my thoughts for now. ofc they could change in the future when we get more info abt all of them but we'll see
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nenekobasu · 2 months
i almost called kiyora-kaiser hopium trying to make another post about them but at this point, wouldn't it be weirder to assume that kiyora would side with isagi? for a long time the standard of "isagi links up with everyone, kaiser only with his trusted system" was present, and under that standard something like raichi-kaiser felt like hopium, but maybe it didn't fully hit me until now that we've either reversed or broken this standard. if i'm honest, the fact that the story raises a choice between isagi and kaiser at all is a massive flag— if this was still ubers the story would have taken it for granted that any blue lock player choose isagi
my instinct is that kiyora's choice here is a stand-in for the choice the narrative of blue lock is about to make. kiyora was noted to have used his skills to "survive" within blue lock, and this ability to fight to survive gives him blue lock cred; besides, the image of kiyora overlaid on top of the physical environment of blue lock clearly ties his importance to blue lock itself. blue lock is using kiyora's upcoming choice to broadcast its own definitive choice between isagi and kaiser— we are on the cusp of a seismic shift, and blue lock will execute the switch through kiyora
(note: egojin at start of nel, "environment is crucial to the development of players". kaiser whose identity was first formed in response to his abusive upbringing before being destroyed and rebuilt within blue lock embodies this, now kiyora is tied to the environment of blue lock— both characters stand (or could stand) for the importance of environment)
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freshie44 · 8 months
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So sat on it and gave it some thought and going off ONLY Episode 1 of the new season of Disventure Camp here are my opinions on who going to take the win. Breakdown
No Chancers
Yul obviously not going to win, he is here to get pants verbally by the smarter villains like Fiore. So moving on to Miriam and James the returning champs from S1 & 2. I don't think anyone repeating and Miriam is obviously tapping out and here to serve as support for Jake. I think the same goes for James with Aiden. I think Riya is going to end up eliminating James only to get wrecked by Aiden a sort of reverse from the S2 finale. Speaking of Riya is here to stir shit up and cause strife but is not winning. Then that leaves Conner this is the only one I think you could argue me up to the next tier. But he got a big back for Riya to stab. The One on Life Support The "fake" face turn going to get Grett probably to the merge but no further in my opinion. Seems like a mid-season reveal kind of thing. For the bickering couple Hunter and Ally I think this is going to weigh them down throw off Hunter's challenge ace mojo and doom Ally to a similar fate. Last is Fiore she doesn't have one yet but looking at the facts her old strategies won't probably work and she most here to support growth for Alec in my opinion. The One Going Deep Tom is good in challenges and I think Jake going far thus his Old Flame probably going far as well. Ellie, I think she going to go full heel this season and I think she going to be a major threat and probably once again make finals only to be slain. I get this from the bitter angle in her interviews. The Not Enough Content to Judge I assume they brought Ashley back to do something, just waiting to see what that is. As for Tess her story will really depend on Hunter's and Ally's to develop before I can guess her trajectory. The Potential Jake is probably the least popular of the 5 but he has been given a lot of focus and seems to being position to go far. Plus he has a good rivalry with Ellie to build upon if we want to do that pair for finals. Gabby would be a popular pick, she a fandom darling even if I think she is a little overrated. (don't kill me, I know unpopular opinion). Plus there is a good amount to build upon that wasn't touched in S1. Next up is Aiden, I think would be another popular pick. Again I'm bias being a fan of his and also trans so my veins are filled with both copium and hopium on his run. But he got to slay Riya and that means he probably going deep to wait for that chance as we got to get the pieces in place. The Penultimate is Alec who again very biased for, but I think he getting a face turn of some kind he seems regretful of his play in S1. I think Fiore is here to boost his chance for a deep run and I think Conner early will help set up with the wise older guy speaking to the young divorced guy. Plus he is the trauma pinata for the host to beat up for all the juicy content. I think the strongest contender is Lake, she popular with fans, she is good in challenges, and seems to have a solid head on her shoulder. If the winner is supposed to be the best of the group Lake is up there as a solid choice. But give me your thoughts and opinion, again we have one episode to go off of so I expect these to be widely wrong but that the fun of it.
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