#only luz is more trusting and it gets her in trouble constantly.
crimeronan · 3 months
i love how it takes hunter like two seconds to decide he'll die for people. he honestly might be the most openhearted of the main cast except for luz. willow Ripped Him Out Of The Sky & he was like waow. this girl's awesome. luz was a wanted anarchist criminal wrecking his whole shit n he was like i do kinda want her approval tho. i do kinda feel bad when she gets upset with me. gus was like hey i don't trust your sus ass >:( and hunter was like that's fine. you gave me food you're on my i-will-die-for-you list forever. even with AMITY hunter was like haha i 100% did just try to kill you and have been fucking with you literally the entire time we've known each other but ummmmm uh.... thank you.... for giving me the key.... i feel kinda.... bad again. sowwy. sorta. okay BAIIII
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huesofgoldensun · 5 months
Okay so my Huntceda/Luz and Hunter ship is canon compliant. A summary of it is: Hunter and Luz through the canon events developed mutual feelings. Luz still loved Amity ofc, and Hunter knows she's taken + Willow and him having that chemistry made him more uncertain despite the feelings being there. Luz pushes the feelings down because Amity is her first relationship + that bisexual fear of your sexuality not being taken seriously if you're with someone of a different gender. As they grow up, she's very close with hunter, and he is with her. Nobody thinks anything of it because all of the crew are pretty close. But they're both the only odd ones out so far as doing magic. Neither of them can perform magic normally. :readmore:
Amity and Luz have some common interests (the azura books, magic) but they're eachothers first loves. It's all new. We've seen the issues in their relationship throughout most of the last season, and meta-wise Amity became not much beyond supportive gf who blushes. In my huntceda set up Willow and Hunter don't date until like a few months before the finale when we see them together. It lasts about a year before they mutually break up. Luz and Amity's breakup is an attempt at a collected one but it doesn't end up being that. It's the product of a lack of trust, growing apart and Luz developing her relationships outside of Amity. All of them being just as excitable and caring from Luz's end. She also has a tendency not to really confide in Amity which makes her much more frustrated with Luz because she's supposed to be her girlfriend. Luz tends to curl in on herself in times of trouble, or figure it out on her own, but Amity assumes she'll be sought out, so is often unaware of the issues Luz is struggling with. This is where those mutual repressed feelings crop up because Hunter tends to seek out Luz when she's off on her own. And she ends up turning to him for support for those stressors. Amity and Luz both still love Alura, and grudgby. But outside of magic they tend to lack things to discuss or keep conversations going. Which isn't noticeable for a long time since they're both really into the books and analyzing them. Luz also tends to get Jealous of Amity because of how together she often seems, as well as wondering if Amity could do better. (hormones, teenage stuff). Her conflicting feelings, wishing for more support, as well as the slow diverging of their interests (especially with Vee being in the picture as her legit sibling, and likely spending more time in the human realm) I don't see them ending up together forever. Also because this show has a real 'your first love is your real forever one true love' bias and that's...... not realistic. So they have a huge blowup fight that starts as a reasonable, kind of backpedally request for a break, which then escalates on Amity's end, and then on Luz's end in response. Their friends are sure it's just a couples spat and they'll reconcile. They don't. At least not at first. (they eventually become friends again, but it blows up pt. 2 when Luz and Hunter finally address their feelings after about a year and a half.) Willow initially sided with Luz, but when that happens Willow ends up going with Amity/siding with her in the dispute. Gus is confused and acts as a messenger before getting fed up with his friends constantly dragging him into stuff. Willow is really hurt by it, Amity is hurt by it. Both Hunter and Luz feel guilty but also REALLY care about each other and both are so lost on what to do. They initially agree not to officially be anything until they can figure it out. Luz is conflicted on her feelings, Hunter is not. Willow is wonderful and pretty, and badass and cool but just not who he really had those intense feelings for. Luz DEEPLY cares for Amity still, but it's just... not how she used to feel. They became more different than they were similar. And that's normal, but she still struggles a lot with it because they're all meant to be a team. Luz and Hunter ultimately end up coming back together officially but quietly. It takes a while before everyone is talking fully again. It causes a lot of friction before Luz eventually breaks down and it brings everyone streaming in together because of the front she was putting up to try to seem together.
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sepublic · 4 years
Luz, Emira, and Edric
           Clearly the twins gave Amity a lot of unnecessary flack themselves, but… I’m really loving the idea/concept of Emira and Edric ALSO being like her, having a mask they constantly put up, and it’s just less obvious because they’re seemingly more charming and confident, and their abuse manifests in different ways?
           Again, we never see the twins interact with anyone outside of the family besides Luz… And Eda that one time, but that’s mostly because she’s already there, and even then their interactions are pretty minimal as-is. I imagine that as charming, flirty, and confident as the twins are, seemingly beholden to no rules…
           …They’re actually really lonely? Like, Ed and Em are actually low-key insecure, or at the very least, they make a point to hide whatever ‘dork’ tendencies they have. I think it isn’t out of the question that Emira and Edric make a big deal of putting up the façade, the illusion of being confident twins who always know what they’re doing, who are too cool for school…
           And, while they’re definitely not fans of school- I really love the idea that Luz has earned an implicit, yet powerful trust from them after Lost in Language??? Like she’s someone who’s willing to get into trouble and dumb antics with them, but at the same time, she’s an outsider who can tell whenever Ed and Em go too far with their sister. She’s someone who can make it clear to them that disregarding Amity’s personal rules and boundaries is NOT the same as, say, rebelling against their parents’ strict rules or against generic authority in general. Mostly…
           I think of Luz as someone who the Blight kids can be comfortable around, all of them! She’s someone who doesn’t, and never judges. Around Luz, the Blight kids feel safe- Like they can drop the masks and façade and just be who they are, without fear of retribution, without fear of someone spreading the ‘truth’, without fear of anyone judging them or thinking lesser of them for it… I love the idea of Emira and Edric, these seemingly cooler twins and upperclassmen, allegedly out of Luz’s league… One day admitting to Luz that to THEM, she’s the one out of their league! That they’re amazed by her ability to just unapologetically be herself, out in the open, while Emira and Edric feel the need to hide that.
           They’re still rebels in a sense, but in other ways the twins hide who they are, how they feel, because they don’t want to be seen as ‘soft’, because despite their best attempts the abuse of their parents DID really affect them! And I love the idea of Luz finding out after Lost in Language that the Blight kids all are actually really open in affection or would like to be, that they’d rather be down-to-earth… Adventures in the Elements was a different glimpse to ‘another side’ of the twins, in the sense that this was a more genuine part of them. It was how the Blight kids interacted with one another at home, whenever nobody was watching them…
           After all, it IS the Knee, which is a pretty secluded location as-is, and the Blight kids didn’t expect anyone else to be there. The only ‘exception’ to this open trust is Eda, whom Amity clearly has some reservations towards… But while Ed and Em keep their interactions minimal, they’re also very open-minded to the Owl Lady’s ‘weirder’ ideas. Or at least, Edric is, but Emira is at least operating from a sense of safety rather than prejudice. They don’t bat an eye at Eda, probably because they’ve heard stories about her as someone who doesn’t care what others have to think, and it’s low-key inspiring to them… And they figure, if Eda doesn’t care what others think of her, maybe the same applies to how she thinks of others? LUZ seems to be open around the Owl Lady and trust her at least…
           Plus, given how Odalia and Alador witnessed Eda’s first transformation, almost immediately after she rejected the Emperor’s Coven to its face- You can’t tell me they didn’t fill their kids’ heads with stories, ‘cautionary tales’ of Eda the Owl Lady, who defied the sacred will of the Titan by rejecting its messenger’s coven… And right on cue, was personally punished by the Isles itself by being transformed into a horrific owl creature! Knowing Ed and Em, they probably figured out that if their parents hated Eda THAT much, then Eda was actually a pretty cool person after all! There IS a lot of trust to the twins and Amity heading over to the Owl House during Enchanting Grom Fright, after all…
           And while there’s no open interaction, Eda definitely appreciates their giant illusion of her! You can tell that through Luz, the Blight kids are getting to know and open up to Eda, or at least trust her to a degree because of Luz’s own opinion… And in turn, this lady is helping these kids find a home where they can be themselves, and maybe some other new connections and relationships along the way. Luz isn’t the only one who won’t judge, Eda is willing to let these kids be the goobers and doofuses they’ve always wanted to be, and it’s just sweet to me… Eda would trust these kids because that’s what Luz said, not to mention she likely knows how messed-up Odalia and Alador can be, as she may have interacted with them back at Hexside.
          I can see her brushing it off as her trying to ‘stick it’ to Al and Odalia by getting their own kids away from them… But let’s be real, Eda’s mostly doing this just for the sake of the Blight kids, to give other people room to actually be themselves because she knows how much that means to them. And it’s touching to the Blight kids, to see an adult who’s seemingly closed-off, but provides so much more affection and unconditional love to them than their own parents ever did…!
           But, back to Luz and the Twins- I think Luz would be very surprised to hear from them, be it implicitly or not, that they actually trust the girl… Because Luz is someone who was conditioned to under-value herself, to underestimate her own worth and importance to others. She’s pretty good at hiding it, but it’s still there, and it always blows her mind and makes her world when people openly tell her that she means a LOT to them!
           I can just imagine a scene, where Emira and Edric show up to Luz, and Luz is excited, trying to play herself off as being really cool… And then they just swoop in for a mutual hug with her from both sides, because they’re really not feeling it, they’ve had a bad day and they just feel crummy… They really missed Luz and they want some emotional validation and affection for once, these kids are touch-starved even around each other! And Luz is just SURPRISED, that these out-of-her-league upperclassmen would choose to be so vulnerable with HER, of all people…
           But then just as quickly, she takes it in stride and hugs them back. And then Luz and the Twins are silent like this for a long time, before Ed and Em choose to let Luz go, and without blinking or referencing what happened –unless they WANT to talk about it- Luz asks Emira and Edric how their days were, what antics they’d like to get up to, etc.! I love the concept of Ed and Em lowkey having self-loathing, wondering what anyone could see in the TRUE Emira and Edric… and then Luz just confidently reassures them, that they don’t need a mask to be so cool to her! And it’s both embarrassing and dazzling to the twins, that this girl seems so eager to impress THEM when it should be the other way around…!
           And I can see Emira and Edric taking a LOT of cues from Luz, especially since she’s more of a rebel than they are, without being harsh to others- She’s an open criminal, she changed Bump’s mind on multi-track learning… She even managed to convert Lilith, their little sister’s former teacher and a contributor to her indoctrination, the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, to her side! Luz foiled a public petrification at the Conformatorium, personally overseen by the emperor himself- And wounded Belos!
           I can imagine Emira and Edric maybe becoming insecure. Thinking Luz is too cool for them NOW, but she reassures them that’s never the case… Even as Luz inspires them to more openly defy the system in a different, more productive way. They’d probably follow Luz when it comes to a revolution, and convince Amity to do the same. They’re like Eda, in a sense- They learned to survive against some horrific abuse and indoctrination by becoming open rebels and troublemakers… But there was always that distance, that sense of loneliness, that feeling that they never accomplished anything and that their lives were wasted. That they could only ever be a nuisance to others, even if they weaponized and embraced this- And that deep down, there was an insecurity over who they were as they questioned if their own judgment was enough to say that they were lovable people.
           But then comes Luz- And she tells Ed, Em, and Eda that they’re all great people. That their lives aren’t meaningless… She tells them they ARE lovable people, but she’s also someone who can help rein them in, teach them a thing or two! And it’s so reassuring to actually learn from someone else, instead of having to figure it out all on your own… And maybe with Luz’s guidance, these E-named troublemakers CAN make a difference! That they can be even more than what they already were, and learn how to help other people when that was always something they wanted to do, but were never sure how to accomplish!
          Especially since Eda, Emira, and Edric both share that situation of having a sister they’re concerned for, a sister who’s too indoctrinated into the Coven System, and a feeling of failure at not being able to lead that sibling down the right path… Messing around with that sister, but ultimately lamenting the loss of their sibling’s personhood. So how inspiring is it, then… That Lilith, who is Eda’s sister, Head of the Emperor’s Coven, and also one of the people who influenced Amity into this same indoctrination… Changed her mind, that with Luz’s help, Eda managed to rescue her own sister! Maybe it’s never too late… Or at least, Mittens is DEFINITELY less indoctrinated than Lilith was. So if Luz can help, then I can see the Twins being willing to openly beg for her help, and Luz just reassures them that they neither need to ask nor get on their knees- She WANTS the best for Amity!
          Obviously that leads to the twins being the OG Lumity shippers, in-universe! Luz is just SO cool, they’d LOVE her as a part of the family, they love what she does for Amity and vice-versa, because Luz means the world to them and they know that Amity makes her happy- And it’s the least they can do for Luz given all of the stuff she’s done for them, to engage their little sister with her! Luz has GOT the siblings’ approval, all right! It’s the two people they care for most, Luz and Amity, being together and happy… So Emira and Edric want to contribute.
           And while Ed and Em like to joke a lot about flirting with Luz, about thinking she’s cute, and all that stuff… Really, I don’t necessarily think they actually see her in that romantic light? Not that it’s entirely out of the question if that’s what Luz wants, because they love this girl and want to give her everything- But not only is she with Amity and the Twins are not letting ANYONE jeopardize that relationship, least of all themselves… In general, they’re just grateful for Luz? They’re not looking for any romantic relationship in her, not necessarily? They love her as-is. Luz is someone they can be open around, someone privy to the Blight kids’ more open and vulnerable moments…
           Luz is like family to them, and not just in the in-law sense! Emira and Edric may joke about flirting with Luz, but I don’t think they actually see her like that… And no, it’s not just me making room for Lumity, Vinira, and Jedric, nor is it JUST me acknowledging the age-gap. In-universe, even if that’s another reason… I think Emira and Edric just see Luz not as a romantic interest, but as someone they’re already close to and open with. And it’s incredibly sweet to me, honestly… Like Luz is an adopted Blight, a little sibling in a sense! One Emira and Edric of course respect and provide autonomy for, and they’d never force this relationship on her… But in general, I do think Ed and Em see Luz as like a kind, younger sister! So obviously that would not only make a romantic relationship weird to them, even if all three got a bit older later in the future; But Luz is nevertheless someone that Emira and Edric want to take care of and vice-versa, in the familial sense! And I can see them being concerned of becoming too clingy to Luz… But honestly, Luz has no issues, and hey- She gets to be with Amity more!
           Maybe Emira and Edric become convinced that they can only ‘hold onto’ Luz, or at least justify their relationship with her, through Amity’s romantic relationship with Luz… But Luz reassures the Twins that just as she’d always love Amity, even if Amity wasn’t romantically interested- The same goes for the Twins, that she cares for them as their own people, and NOT just as Amity’s older siblings! And to be seen, recognized, and loved for themselves as their own individuals, not defined solely by their familial relationships or status as Blights… It’d mean a lot to Emira and Edric, I feel.
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riddledeep · 3 years
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Foop’s Full Character Profile
Slight Riddleverse ‘fic spoilers. Your mileage may vary.
(See also, Hiccup’s full character profile. It’s up next.)
Full Name: Anti-Poof Nebula Anti-Cosma-Anti-Fairywinkle
Title(s): Count / Prince / Väika / Heir to the High Count seat / Youngest anti-fairy in the universe (Temporarily) / Poof’s counterpart / The Green Samurai
Preferred Form of Address: Foop (Childhood); Anti-Poof (Adulthood)
Alternate Forms of Address: Nebula / Hiccup / Angel
Born: Summer of the Frozen Planet
Zodiac: Love Breath
Birthday: June 13th, 2008 (Spring Cleaning)
Hometown: Luna’s Landing, High South Region - Raised in the Blue Castle near the Anti-Fairy capital city (When not raised in Abracatraz)
Came Into Adult Wings: 149,720 (Earlier than average)
Age During Frozen Timestream: Mentally 7-12
Age As of “Live For the Moment”: 147,425 (Mentally 13)
Age As of Devil’s Backbone: 163,254 (Mentally 14)
Race: Fae (Unseelie Court)
Species: Anti-Fairy
Ethnicity: Mostly common anti-fairy (Faeumbra fae); ¼ anti-will o’ the wisp (Faeumbra lepidoptera); ⅛ anti-brownie (Faeumbra mundus)
Nationality: Hy-Brasilian (Obtained at birth); recognized as Jakokërian in Twilight Point (Hawthorn Haven)
Patron Bat: Tadarida brasiliensis (Mexican free-tailed bat)
Gender: Foop is genderfluid. For most of his youth he goes by he/him pronouns, but being Angel is his escape from reality and he goes by she/her pronouns at those times. They/them pronouns are also used frequently, especially later in life. Foop will be referred to using he/him pronouns in this profile, but she/her and they/them are still valid. Foop’s alternate personality, Hiccup, is also he/him.
Mindset: Pilot
Counterparts: Poof/Foop (Equal core sync) > Poppy
Core: Searchlight
Core Color: Yellow
Core Trait: Vengeance-seeking
Primary Fairy: Sport-loving hippie celebrity
Fairy Refract: Anime-obsessed pop diva wannabe
Power: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Endurance: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Wisdom: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Adaptability: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Charisma: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Openness: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Conscientiousness: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Neuroticism: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Magic: Tomte | Unstable | Weak | Average | Strong | Luz Mala
Crown Lift: ~7 in_
Karmic Weave: Frayed | Sparse | Plain | Average | Thick | Elaborate | Royal | At Equilibrium | Manifests as _
Fagiggly Color: Blue
Preferred Shapeshifting Form: Scent hound
Signature Tactic: Fairy Backstab - Poofs immediately behind his target and whacks them once with all his strength while their back is turned.
Wand Type: Obsidian
Kept in sheath on right side of body (A second wand is kept on the left side of his body for Hiccup)
Family: Nobility
Creed: Vihaku sõsi milaska pra - “Friends who fight are overtaken quickly by a common enemy.”
Caretaker Spirit: Her Glory Laelaps (The scent hound)
Permanent Residence: Blue Castle, Luna’s Landing; Anti-Fairy World
Lives in the school dorms for much of the year - Rooms with Poof, Sammy Sweetsparkle, and Finley Hammerfall
Also has a cell reserved for him at Abracatraz
Central Star (Purple) | Far East (Pink) | Lower West (Green) | High North (Blue) | High South (Navy) | Far West (Maroon) | Lower East (Teal) | Earthside
Occupation: Heir presumptive; student; high school TA / tutor
Self-Perception: Extremely intelligent mind trapped in a body much too young and pathetic. An evil genius only playing nice and biding his time for now. They’ll see. They’ll all see.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil -> Lawful Evil
Deadly Sin: Envy
Heavenly Virtue: Diligence
Love Language: Words of Affirmation
Reinforcers: Groveling, praise, whimpers of fear
Personality: Foop grew up in Anti-Cosmo’s shadow, constantly being compared to his father while struggling to assert himself as anything but. Anti-Cosmo is a social man who doesn’t feel complete without someone to bounce his thoughts off while introverted Foop sees collaboration as frustration and assistance as an insult. Where Anti-Cosmo is impatient and quick to throw half-formed plans into action, Foop is grounded and rarely acts without finalizing his calculations. He’s easily frustrated when real life deviates from his careful outline. While not prone to throwing fits in public, he’s stubbornly petty and releases his feelings by devising cruel revenge plans. His paranoia often keeps him from putting these plans into action, especially when he’s older and feels judged by all of Fae society, but it helps him blow of steam without hurting anyone or damaging anything.
Work is Foop’s passion. He loves taking initiative with his projects, doing his own thing, and talking endlessly about what he enjoys to someone who follows along- even if that means spending hours tutoring someone he’s not too fond of. He loathes being yanked away from his passions and is hardly interested in Anti-Fairy traditions and social etiquette, which he considers to be a bunch of useless, stuffy niceties. While Anti-Cosmo adapted to that proper world of charm and dignity because it was expected of him, Foop rarely sees value in keeping quiet about activities he dislikes. He struggles to articulate his feelings and is extremely self-conscious about sharing his deepest thoughts, but you’ll always know when he’s annoyed.
Aside from the struggle to form emotional connections (and lack of emotional stability in general), Foop’s main folly as a leader is his analysis paralysis. He’s much more of a perfectionist than either of his parents and often gets too bogged down in details to act until too late, then loses his patience and blames others when things don’t go his way. For Foop, the worst-case scenario is always being caught and punished. Most Anti-Fairies accept prison time as a necessary cross they have to bear, but Foop finds jail absolutely humiliating (and anxiety-inducing) and will do all he can to avoid it. Usually that means bailing on a plan halfway through and taking off for the hills, then lying low for a few decades with his nerves permanently on end. A far cry from Anti-Cosmo who treats jail time as a vacation free from worry until being cooped up makes him restless. Foop would rather improve his job resume than his criminal record, at least for now. He wants to be well known in the history books, but wants it to be for an impressive reason.
Though he may be mature for his age, Foop is still young and dealing with fluctuating hormones, political expectations, and school drama on top of his actual classwork. He exhausts himself very easily, yet continues to push himself further and further because his self-worth is tied to his achievements. Genius is everything. Failure is weakness. Struggles are shame. No matter what the media says about him, his harshest critic will always be himself. His emotions are complicated and fragile, but he’s far too nervous to let anyone close enough to truly understand what he’s thinking. Even his therapist and romantic partners are constantly surprised by what he does one day compared to the next. Anti-Wanda is his sole confidant and he tells her everything. Foop doesn’t show it publicly, but at his core he’s an absolute mama’s boy; Anti-Wanda isn’t bright, but she is loving and offers him the stability his father can’t. She’s his tether. Losing her trust would absolutely shatter him.
Special Note - Dissociative Identity Disorder: Officially, Foop and Hiccup (and Angel in Identity Theft) are multiple personalities in the same body, referred to collectively as “the Nebula system.” Foop is considered the original personality, and suffered a lot of trauma in his youth that he can’t quite recall since those memories are blocked. Hiccup is the protector who slips in control when life stress becomes too much for Foop to handle- he holds the trauma memories, but doesn’t like to talk about it with anyone besides his pixie therapist at Wish Fixers. In their younger years, Foop and Hiccup flipped control rapidly. In their older years, they sometimes go for days at a time without the other personality switching back.
In his youth, Foop’s goal was to integrate Hiccup back into himself. He eventually gave up on this and now strives to cooperate with Hiccup, whom he grudgingly considers a twin brother. The members of their immediate family, as well as their roommates at school, acknowledge Hiccup as a separate identity from Foop. Their extended family and most of the media have their doubts.
Hiccup firmly sees himself as his own person. He describes himself as being “stuck in Foop’s body” and frequently makes comments about how “This isn’t what he really looks like.” He suffers from body dysphoria and desperately hopes to master magic well enough to adjust his looks... though Foop is quite happy with their looks staying as they are.
Education: Attended classes at Spellementary School, Frederick Shinesworth Middle School, and Carl Poofypants High School when he wasn’t getting into trouble otherwise.
Spellementary School: _
Middle School: _Did well academically? Poorly? Sports?
High School: _
Further Education: _
Favorite Magic Subject: _
Least Favorite Magic Subject: _
Favorite Non-Magic Subject: _
Least Favorite Non-Magic Subject: _
History: Here we have one of those kids who constantly has too much on his plate and yet never seems to have enough to do. He’s extremely efficient at getting things done (mainly achieved by cutting out his social life) and has a wide range of interests that he prefers to pursue alone. Such interests are further complicated by the fact that since his youth, Anti-Poof has always been afflicted with dissociative identity disorder, and flips regularly between his two personalities: Foop, the bitter and blunt one who harbors a fascination for biology and horticulture, and Hiccup, the gentle and giggly romantic who enjoys cooking and has a blatant streak of savagery.
Yet somehow, they seem to be getting along okay. Their love life is a mess even without including the politics, but since the two personalities have known each other all their lives, they’re used to compromise. One wonders how much longer it will be before their patience snaps._
Notable Likes:
Juggle his wants against Hiccup’s.
Unlock the secrets of Fairykind biology.
Take over the High Count seat from his father (even if it’s in the boring traditional way).
Work out politics with the Ghosts and Beasts.
Find a balance between what he wants and what his parents want for him so he doesn’t hate life.
Favors Daoism over traditional Zodii teachings
Everyone is a moron except for him
Falling from roost and landing on his head
Spending his life rotting in Abracatraz
His own death
Being directly disagreed with
Getting tossed in prison
Comforts: Kelly Clarkson songs, Skullbeary, pajamas, research articles, retreating into the mindspace and letting Hiccup take the wheel
Indulgences: Black licorice; alone time in his lab; tasty poisonous spiders; sensual back rubs
Verbal Notes: Mostly straightforward and lets you know how he generally feels, unless he’s lying. He does a lot of lying. Very guarded with his true emotions and will allow you closer layer by layer, but absolutely shut you off before the last level (unless you’re his beloved mother, and even then it’ll take an hour of conversation to crack him).
Foop is very curious and interested in learning new things; if you can keep telling stories, he’ll keep asking questions. While he doesn’t want you messing up one of his projects with your “collaboration,” he doesn’t mind studying alongside you and will quiz you if you want him to. He lacks tact and has a direct way of speaking, which is very unusual in Anti-Fairy society. His long-windedness and dark humor make friendship a struggle. Overall he’s quite verbose and unsentimental.
Language: Fluent in Snobbish, speaks some Vatajasa, speaks some Milesian, speaks some Gaideliac
Physical Notes: Very thin and not endowed with the muscles even the average Fairy would have, but he works out regularly since he’s on the saucerbee team.
Handedness: Left-handed
Body Language: Usually stiff even around those he’s comfortable with. Movements are softer and less jerky than Anti-Cosmo’s. Keeps his chin up and shoulders back, and often walks or floats with his hands clasped behind his back. Famous for pacing in circles to burn off his frustrations. Those who know him well can usually tell when he’s fronting in the body by his tense, guarded posture (Hiccup tends to be gentle and open).
Hair: Thick black curls that inherited Anti-Wanda’s sleekness rather than Anti-Cosmo’s scruffiness. He has a bald spot in the middle (just behind the two big curls) due to having a scent gland there, like a sugar glider. 
Teeth: Has a snaggletooth that pokes over his bottom lip.
Wings: Foop has conversion disorder- He limps slightly on his right side while floating, even though there’s no physical reason for him to do so (Hiccup doesn’t do it). Anti-Fairy pups are born with “imprints” of their parents’ minds on their own, and Foop simply inherited the part of Anti-Cosmo’s brain that limps. Foop hates this detail about his body, but he can’t change his instinct.
Pilot Freckles: _Average dusting on face and throat, light dusting on back of shoulders, heavy dusting on upper arms.
Iris Virus: Inherited
Scars: Scar on neck courtesy of Cavatina
Style: Dresses properly for an Anti-Fairy of his status; strives to be clean and somewhat elegant without straying into tuxedo territory.
Regular Clothing: Black undershirt, black pants, blue sweater vest with purple trim, belt with a skull-shaped buckle, pointy shoes
Casual Clothing: May wear his black shirt or a dark blue one without his sweater vest and without the belt buckle. Usually goes barefoot when in casual clothing.
Nightwear: Often wears purple silk pajamas decorated with little skulls.
Ceremonial Clothing: A yellow leotard designed like a ruffled shirt with gold sequins and a low-cut neck. White cummerbund, white shoes, white bow tie.
Other: He wears a black lab coat while working in his lab. This coat is long and almost always kept open unless someone else points out that he forgot to button it. There are two pockets low on each side with a fifth pocket over his left breast.
Height: 3′6″ (Average for a fae)
Hygiene: _
Morning Schedule: _
Typical Day Schedule: _
Evening Schedule: _
Sleep Schedule: _
Relationship Status:
Publicly courting Anti-Coriander Anti-Windskimmer; Anti-Marigold Anti-Goldenglow is his secret mistress.
Ideal Relationship: Definitely interested in brains and needs a partner he can banter and scheme with. _.
Sexuality: Sexually attracted to both Seelie and Unseelie Courters; aromantic
Attractiveness: To a degree, Foop is considered attractive in Anti-Fairy society. He’s seen as intelligent, graceful, and clean, which are desirable traits in his culture. However, his patience, tact, and wisdom are lacking, so he loses points in those areas. His temper and pettiness don’t help. Foop is also out of touch with traditional Anti-Fairy culture and tends to rub people the wrong way. He is often judged for choosing to sleep laterally more often than hanging upside-down and criticized for not worshiping in the Zodii temples as often as most Anti-Fairies feel he should. Furthermore, he did not inherit Anti-Cosmo’s large fangs. Kissing is extremely intimate for Anti-Fairies, so they pay a lot of attention to mouths. Foop’s fangs are notably undersized thanks to his will o’ the wisp heritage; some of his peers tease him for “still having his baby fangs.” On top of this, the fact that he has an alternate personality makes many people wary.
Foop is not terribly attractive by Pixie standards for one obvious reason: Pixies value order and he embodies chaos. And also for further obvious reasons: every pixie loathes him after [REDACTED; see Prompt 130, “Final Stand”]. He would not normally be considered attractive in Fairy society either due to his light weight and thin body. Strength is valued more than brains in Fairy culture and he’s lacking in that department. However, his magical strength is indicated by the height his crown floats even if he lacks full control of it. Foop holds high rank in Anti-Fairy society, which contributes to his perceived dominance. Arguably, he’s considered more attractive by the general standards of Fairy culture than by his own, so he has a reputation for being the one anti-fairy his schoolmates would ever consider getting with (Mostly admitted in games like Truth or Dare and Kiss, Marry, Kill- not in polite conversation where such hypotheticals aren’t welcome). He either doesn’t know this or doesn’t care since he has his sights firmly set on Goldie, but Hiccup takes advantage of their good looks from time to time.
That said, Foop is a luz mala: a magical being brought into existence through magical means. His magic is highly unstable and not easily contained; his emotions can radically affect the world around him in ways that unnerve those who utilize wands. Traditionally luz mala have been extremely looked down upon in Fae society, though Poof and Foop themselves have started improving that view thanks to their celebrity statuses. They’re both very open about being luz mala. Poof tries to make luz mala seem less scary while Foop presents himself as more powerful than most, so they’re still at odds with each other, but they’re getting by.
Intimate History: Considers his first sexual experience to be with Anti-Marigold (whom he passed the iris virus to) shortly after he became a legal adult. He considers her his mistress since he is also courting Anti-Coriander, the girl the public expect him to marry and rule alongside someday. Hiccup has gotten around while in control of the body, and Foop has a few scattered memories of those events, but doesn’t consider them to be his own experiences and is uncomfortable when Hiccup’s past partners talk to him as though he’s Hiccup and remembers such things.
For Foop, sex is an absentminded thing. It’s more about scratching the itch his urges fill him with than either emotional bonding or achieving physical pleasure. If he does feel like he’s bonded or enjoyed the experience once it’s over, that’s a bonus but not normally his goal. The way sees it, he has lustful hormones that distract him from his work, so he satisfies them the same way he fills his stomach when it alerts him he’s hungry.
Turn-Ons: While Foop does his fair share of body admiring, he’d never chase after anyone if he wasn’t strongly attracted to their brains. He knows he’s into curves and playing with hair, but with him, foreplay consists mainly of conversation (and bragging). He knows a few physical tricks to excite others, but considers such things predictable and ineffective on himself. Stimulating conversation is the key to his soul, which is why he finds Anti-Marigold more sexually attractive than reserved Anti-Coriander. You... can’t have a short encounter with Foop. He’ll talk your ear off, and if you don’t have the mental stamina to keep up with him, he’ll quickly lose interest. 
Kiff-Tie: Not currently tied to a nature spirit, but it’s expected he’ll tie with Winni, the spirit who represents Breath on the Fairy zodiac, when High Count. He is not looking forward to it and plans to avoid it if possible despite literally all of Anti-Fairy society expecting him to be the spirit’s champion in the mortal world.
Honey-Lock Partner: Anti-Marigold Kelsia Anti-Goldenglow
Father: Anti-Cosmo Julius Anti-Cosma (née Anti-Lunifly)
Grandfather: Anti-Robin Anti-Cosma
Grandmother: Anti-Florensa Anti-Lunifly
Uncle: Anti-Robin “Anti-Schnozmo” Anti-Lunifly
Notable Ancestors: Anti-Ky Anti-Braddocki (The first anti-brownie); distantly related to the von Strangle family
Mother: Anti-Wanda Venus Anti-Fairywinkle
Grandfather: Anti-Dusty Anti-Fairywinkle
Grandmother: Anti-Kylia Anti-Swiftspark
Aunt: Anti-Wendy Anti-Fairywinkle
Notable Ancestors: Shylinda Coppertalon (The first High Countess of the Anti-Fairies); Anti-Ilisa Anti-Maddington (The first anti-will o’ the wisp)
Alternate Personality: Anti-Poof “Hiccup” Anti-Cosma-Anti-Fairywinkle
Met in youth
Brother: Anti-Dusty Smoky Anti-Fairywinkle-Anti-Cosma
Met at age 1,007
Girlfriend: Anti-Coriander Cleo Anti-Windskimmer
Met at age 141,266
Mistress: Anti-Marigold Kelsia Anti-Goldenglow
Met in youth
Crush: Goldie Kelsia Goldenglow
Met in youth
Other Important Relationships: _Chloe, Kevin, Caudwell
The name “Foop” is of Genie origins and translates to “Wolf which runs across the blue moon.” A foop is a magical wolf with a pelt that mirrors the sky, so in “Fairly Odd Fairy Tales,” Foop was quite literally a big bad foop.
Foop is typically associated with plant imagery while Poof is associated with animals.
Like all Anti-Fairy drakes, Foop has a scent gland on his head. He rubs his head against things he considers “his” (such as the door to his lab, his favorite bookshelf, and Anti-Wanda). He doesn’t use it for marking lovers much, although his alternate personality does.
Inherited black hair from his grandparents, but some people speculate he’s illegitimate since both his parents have blue hair; some suspect his true father is Anti-Juandissimo while some suspect his true mother is Anti-Cosmo’s ex-wife, Anti-Saffron. Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were alone during the pregnancy and birth, after all... It’s a mystery to the public.
Pretty much spent Spellementary School covering Anti-Marigold’s butt, then spent his older school years pulling Poof’s weight. He’s a TA for a reason... He can’t resist correcting answers.
Hates roosting upside-down.
Melts into the sensation of fingers scratching in his fur.
Actually enjoys taking walks; it relaxes him. He’s one of those people who will go out walking late or early in the morning all by himself.
I believe Foop appears in more 130 Prompts than any other character, and rivals H.P. for most appearances total (assuming each Origin of the Pixies chapter is not counted as an individual appearance).
Riddleverse Classic Timeline: “No Absolutes” > Identity Theft > “Yellow Flower Number 9” > “Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails” > “Bells On Bats’ Tails” > “Whenever Possible” > “Let’s Speak Vatajasa!” > Hawthorn Haven > Devil’s Backbone
130 Prompts Timeline: “Think Positive” > “Shouldn’t Have Survived” > “Hidden” > “It’s On Now!” > “Not All the Same” > “Lucky” > “Hate Mail” > “Who Am I?” > “Second Chance” > “Naptime” > “Teaming Up” > “Evolution Hopeful” > “This Is a Box” > “Step Back” > “Take a Break” > “Name” > “Final Stand” > “Unwelcome” > “Tools of the Trade” > “Opinion” > “Shadow” > “Live For the Moment” > “Watch and Learn” > “Temptation” > “Mind Your Manners” > “All I Ever Wanted” > “A Family Matter” > “Whisper” > “Forever” > “Revenge” > “Inside > “Trance” > “No Refunds!” > “Piggyback” > “Little Wonders” > “Not Like You” > “Voice” > “Bubbles” > Daddy’s Girl” > “Revenge” > “Can’t” > “Reality Doesn’t Work That Way” > “Reflection”
AU Appearances:
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prinxlyart · 4 years
How do you think some of the other parents would react to the blight parents journey to redemption/being fully redeemed? I think it would certainly be shoking at first and they'd be skeptical because of how much of a reputation the blights have built
Ooooo this is a good one I like it okay let’s see
Willow’s Dads
I think Willow’s dads have an especially sour attitude towards the Blight parents just because of Willow’s personal history with Amity and those 7 years of non-stop depression their daughter suffered because of Alador and Odalia’s actions. They’re extremely skeptical of the Blights trying to “turn over a new leaf” and are convinced they’re only saying so because they want to get something out of it. They’re also both especially protective of the Blight children after they’d originally escaped the manor simply because what the ever loving fuck did those two sorry excuses for witches think they were doing to these kids???????
After Willow explains why Amity stopped being her friend all those years ago, her dads sort of. Accidentally adopt? Amity? Sort of? They legit tell her that she’s welcome to stay with them any time and for as long as she needs if she ever has any trouble, etc etc, and no joke they offered their little 2-bedroom flat to the blight kids when they were first discussing their escape plans. They wanted to be absolutely certain these kids would have a safe place to go the moment they flew the coop.
They love Luz. No question. Okay, maybe one question: why is she so insistent that she try to make those good for nothing Blight Socialites see the error of their ways? Their heads are so far up their own vain asses; they consider Luz’s newest quest to be an impossible one. They’re rather surprised when Luz reports back that her talk with the Blight parents actually went in her favor. They still won’t believe it until they see it though, which Luz concedes is fair. It’s not until Camila (who they also love) also reports back weeks later that she made them cry and that they bound themselves in an everlasting oath to Luz that they were going to do better that they finally believe it.
They defo still don’t like it, but yknow. They’re trying? Which is more than they could say of most of their childrens’ lives? And it’s extremely tense; even though all of the Blight children are adults now, these two Very Good Dads (still with no names; please Dana I’m begging you) find themselves acting as chaperones occasionally to the Blight kids when they meet up with their parents. Usually when it involves Amity (as she’s the future daughter in law), but they also don’t hesitate when Edric or Emira ask for their backup as well.
Viney’s Parent(s)
I’ve seen a lot of fanfics where Viney only has one parent and I don’t know why that’s so common. Regardless, Viney’s parent(s) would be fucking livid at the Blight parents. Not only did they openly criticize their daughter (viney) to her face, but also just the years of shitty parenting they inflicted upon their daughter in law and her siblings??? Super not okay. In fact, they were so spiteful, it was a common theme muttered under their breath at Viney and Emira’s wedding. Viney’s parent(s) could almost constantly be heard whispering something about how glad they were that Odalia and Alador weren’t there or how disapproving they would’ve been at any display of affection the newlyweds would share. Long story short, they fucking hate the Blight parents. Where Willow’s dads are much like Willow in that they would let their anger simply simmer and fester like a dark storm on the horizon, Viney’s parent(s) would be the vicious winds of the storm fast-approaching.
Similarly to Willow’s parents, they offer the Blight kids their home if they ever need it. I’m not sure if Viney has siblings or not but regardless, they’d figure out at least three different bedroom solutions for the Blight kids if they ever needed their help with anything.
As much as Viney’s parent(s) love the Blight kids and want to protect them, they actually find planning Viney and Emira’s wedding as the only parent(s) rather difficult. Although that lasts for all of five minutes before the doors are blown off their hinges and Willow and Luz’s parents (and parental figures) burst in like a super hero squad. These adults all want to make sure all of the Blight kids are happy, not just the one that associates with their respective daughters. It just adds fuel to the fire when all of these parental figures show up and the Blight parents don’t.
When they do show up while they’re all trying to plan out our girls’ triad wedding, Viney’s parent(s) have nothing but cold, venomous hatred in their heart(s). How dare they try to reinsert themselves into Amity’s life at a time like this???? It actually takes everyone in attendance of this wedding planning meeting to keep them from just ripping the Blights to shreds where they stood.
Everyone Loves and Respects Camila Noceda. It’s like an unspoken law in the Boiling Isles (and probably also in the human realm, but we’re not there rn). As soon as Camila explains why the Blight parents are even allowed to be at the meeting is because of their willingness to change and the effort they’ve already put in to making amends with their children, Viney’s parent(s) back down. But they don’t stop seething.
I don’t think they truly believe the Blights are in it for their family and not for some other ulterior motive until the day of the wedding. Like, it literally takes Alador walking his daughter down the aisle and taking his seat and just dissolving into tears for them to actually believe they’re here for their daughter. They see Odalia holding his hand tightly and dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief which is more emotion than they’ve ever seen from Odalia Blight ever. They’re only finally convinced that the Blight parents are capable of changing during the wedding itself. After that point they go much easier on them.
Luz’s Family
I think Eda and Lilith have more personal ties with the Blight parents. We know they all at least went to school together and likely have interacted in the past. Lilith much more recently as the Ex-Head of the Emperor’s Coven and likely actively checking in with other coven heads and their immediate subordinates while also attending to her coven leader duties. I think if they hadn’t been witnesses to Camila ripping them to shreds, they would find it hard to believe too.
Whether or not they believe it, they have very little faith in Alador and Odalia’s ability to actually change much. Or at least, Lilith has the least amount of faith. Eda’s got faith in the Nocedas wedgie-ing those stuck-up Blights into acting like civil witches. And if anyone can melt some ice-cold hearts, it’s the Nocedas. Eda trusts her girls.
Lilith doesn’t not trust them, she’s just worked professionally with them in essentially the same office as them (probably different departments) for the last 20-30 years and hasn’t seen them change once. They seemed somewhat happier in the workplace after their children were first born, but they kept themselves strictly professional at all times. Unless, of course, they were bragging about what new accomplishment their children had achieved. All this to say, the Blight were not so easily swayed.
I think between the Bligjt parents and Lilith there’s a lot of like? Reciprocal Validation in their progress to be Better? Like, Alador and Odalia look to Lilith as a sort of example for someone that used to be in their position thats spent the last several years working hard to change all of that and be worthy of Luz and Eda’s time and attention (and respect. Sometimes Luz still struggles with that one). Lilith sees the Blights’ progress from the view point of someone that’s gone through those same struggles of unlearning everything you thought you knew and building it back up into something more healthy, and she lets them know that they’re doing well, at least compared to her when she was in that same place however many years ago. Idk if the Blights and the Clawthornes were ever friends during school but I like to believe that at least during the hard parts of the Blights redeeming themselves, they do make a real friend in Lilith as someone that understands exactly the mental place they’re coming out of and trying so hard to fix.
Eda generally keeps to herself when it comes to the Blight parents. She loves the Blight kids, of course, one of them is head over heels for her own kid and she’s been a proud bystander watching their relationship flourish over the years. She’s fiercely protective of the Blight kids; any time any of them show up at the Owl house with distressed looks, she immediately puts a kettle to boil and starts prepping some tea before they can even start hashing out what new complicated BS they’ve got stirring in their noggins. She started doing this as a way to not have to deal with teenage hormones because when did her house become a teenager safe-haven??????? But then continued it over the years because all the kids found comfort in the small act of love and care. Even though Emira and Viney are married by the time the Blight parents begin their Redemption Journey, Emira will still stop by the Owl House from time to time and just sit and have tea with Eda (as a fellow trouble-maker, Eda feels a special kinship with the twins. She never minded the Twins’ presence in the Owl House despite all her complaining that her House had turned into a teenage clubhouse).
Any time the subject of Alador and Odalia comes up in conversation, Eda just sits back and crosses her arms and shockingly, remains silent. She knows it means a lot to so many of them; Luz and Camila seem especially invested and she cares for those Blight kids more than she’d ever admit out loud, but she’s not here to get involved. She’ll quietly support her kid’s noble efforts and be on standby in case shit hits the fan, but otherwise she wants nothing to do with the Blight parents.
King is surprisingly observant when he wants to be. He can see just how much this means to Luz and to Amity and knows that while teasing here and there might be okay, he would respect their wishes to continue trying to make the Blight parents decent people again. But that doesn’t mean he likes Alador or Odalia. He, just like Eda, had been among the ones the Blight kids had turned to when they were at their lowest points and seeking comfort over the years. He’s acted as those kids’ teddy bear for years. He only wants them to be happy (he insists it’s so he can stop being the Family Snot Rag but everyone knows it’s because he loves them). So he, like eda, remains silent whenever the topic of the Blight Parents comes up in conversation.
King and Eda defo talk shit about the Blight parents when it’s just the two of them. They will rant for hours about how shitty the Blight parents are and how undeserving they are of this second chance that Luz is giving to them. Whenever other people bring them up, Eda and King will exchange glances and eye rolls. King will often go to Eda’s lap (if she’s sitting) and pretend to nap on her. He’s actually listening and gripping Eda’s dress in his claws as a reminder to Eda to not say anything. Eda does the same under the guise of petting him; she’ll run her fingers through his fur and just grip tightly whenever she feels him starting to grow agitated under her hand. They don’t like the situation, but they also don’t need to be part of it.
Camila’s so fucking tired you guys. She’s long since accepted that her daughter lives in the Demon Realm and that the demons living here tend to only be different in physiology compared to humans or witches. Otherwise, they’re exactly the same as any other person.
No, the true demons, Camila’s discovered, are those like the Blight parents. Those that neglect their children in favor of something so frivolous as social standing and at the same time, thrust ridiculous expectations on their children to behave in the same way such a social standing would require. Withholding affection as something to be earned rather than giving it as the basic need children require. As if their love was something to work for like Luz doing all of her chores (and not forgetting them) for a month to earn a new book. She’s disgusted to say the least. But! Luz is her whole world. And the Blight children are a part of her world. Putting in the work to change the Blight parents for the better rather than just writing them off as a lost cause is something that means a lot to Luz (and by extension, the Blight kids who Camila’s adopted in her mind. She adores Amity and loves watching Eda interact with the twins). So she’s ready to put in that effort. If only so she can scream at them to their faces about the million ways they’ve fucked up and get away with it.
Camila doesn’t....like Alador and Odalia, just sort of on principle. If anything, she pities them. What sort of lives have they led where they think treating their children so horribly was even an option? As she helps guide them into being decent people, she does get to witness their actual personalities break through the tough exteriors they’d crafted for themselves. Alador is a dork. Odalia is quite smart despite her dumb life choices. Both are extremely talented in the magic paths they’ve pursued. Alador is like every man ever and cracks dad jokes that literally only Luz (and sometimes Edric) finds funny. Odalia has a quick-witted kind of humor that you have to stop and think about before it sinks in what she’s said.
It takes a long time for Camila to actually be able to stand their presence, but I think she tolerates them by the time their daughters’ wedding takes place. After that point it’s a matter of chipping away at those stony exteriors they made decades ago to get their real personalities out into the sunshine. By the time those masks are gone, Camila finds she actually doesn’t mind them being around. She’s okay with them being in-laws. I’m not sure if they ever become like. Friends? But they certainly come to a point of mutual respect. Eventually.
Thank you so much anon!! This was a super cool thought exercise :0
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The Only One (Lewis Nixon)
Requested by: @dontfearthereaper-09
Summary: You're Colonel Sink's granddaughter and you're helping out with paperwork - you eventually fall in love with Lewis Nixon and start dating. However, every relationship has its ups and downs.
Prompt: a requested one - I wish I'd never met you.
Author's Note: I struggled so hard with this and I'm not proud of it at all, but hope it is what you wanted. A big thank you goes to for @alienoresimagines and her great help as always!
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans  @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @stressedinadress @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday
"He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began." - Anna Karenina, L. Tolstoj
Y/N had never in her life shooted from a rifle or even held it in her innocent hands. She had never known combat, real combat, where men kill and die. She had never endured real physical pain.
And still, Y/N was standing in the middle of Camp Toccoa during the hot summer days of 1942 with a huge grin on her face. She finally persuaded her grandfather to let her join the paratroopers. Well, she was there to help out with paperwork mainly, to be there at hand for the intelligence officers, but she also managed to pull a few strings so she will be undergoing the combat training like every other soldier even though she's not allowed to go and fight in France.
The first weeks were exhausting - physically and mentally - with the combat training Y/N volunteered for. She constantly felt like she's at the verge of giving up and going home. 
But Y/N didn't and neither will she. Even though it was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life, it seemed right. This is where Y/N Sink belonged.
But thank God it wasn't just exercise, work and signing documents. One evening, when everything was finished for the day, her grandfather Sink took her with him to a certain celebration, more like an occasion to get drunk and forget that a war is going on just across an ocean. 
It was certainly the most eventful night during her stay in Camp Toccoa, Georgia. Y/N lost her grandfather nearly 10 minutes after they walked in the pub. She immediately befriended two guys - George Luz and Joe Liebgott. It seemed like they'd known each other for years. The soldiers heard all about the mysterious woman that had been helping out in their training camp weeks ago now but never really got the chance to talk to her.
George introduced her to the rest of his friends within Easy Company and they spend the night together laughing, downing shots one after another, dancing and joking around. Y/N felt relaxed and genuiely unworried that night so when they were told to break it up and get some sleep for tomorrow, it suddenly saddened her. The Easy Company boys were the most welcoming, kind and funny men Y/N'd met during her stay and she was sure that she's not gonna have a chance to talk to them like that night for a long time.
There was a soldier waiting for her outside of the pub to escort her into her room but Y/N kindly told him to fuck off and he made sure to be quickly on his way. 
So there she was again, standing under the starry night in Georgia, a warm summer breeze dancing through her hair while she struggled a bit to remain on her feet due to all the alcohol flowing in her veins. 
"Have a trouble finding your way, Miss Sink?" a deep voice filled her ears and Y/N jumped a bit on her spot as she didn't see him coming from behind.
"I'm perfectly fine, soldier." she tried to answer with a firm steady voice but a quiet giggle escaped her lips.
"I can see that. Let me help you there, Miss." he offered his help kindly, smirking. The Moon was illuminating his face making his hair appear darker than the night itself and his eyes shined like two stars up at the sky.
"I assure you, Mr Nixon, that I have no trouble at all. I can manage myself." Y/N stood behind her words but a part of her desired his gentle hand on her lower back steadying her. 
"I'm surprised you know my name." Nix laughed raising his eyebrows as he took a few steps closer to her.
"And I'm surprised it was just a can of peaches." Y/N replied boldly looking directly into his dark eyes.
They were covered in silence for a few moments but they burst out laughing in the next second earning some "shut the fuck ups" from the nearest barracks.
The duo spent the rest of the night walking around the camp as they eventually ended up in her room talking about nothing and everything. By the next morning, Y/N knew every little thing about Lewis and he knew every little thing about her. 
It was no surprise, to Easy Company boys or even his grandfather, that the two of them started dating just a couple of days after the party. Richard Winters soon payed Y/N a visit informing her how he's never seen Lew so damn happy and cheerful all the time.
At the end of May, 1944 when all the preparations for D-Day were finishing, another party was thrown in honor of the paratroopers that had earned their jump wings. Y/N persaued Sink to take her to Britain with him so she was able to celebrate with all of them. 
She was a bit tipsy already because George Luz made her drink three beers and the forth was already on its way. 
Lewis Nixon glared at the duo with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand and a cigarette in the left. He watched how Y/N's lips curled into the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen at something George whispered in her ear. She burst out in a hearty laugh as she touched Luz's shoulder gently and this simple action reminded Lewis the night they met for the first time. An uneasy feeling burned through his chest - it suddenly became hard to breathe. Nixon clenched the glass in his hands and he'd have break it eventually if Richard didn't shake with Lew's shoulder.
"Not now, Dick," the intellingent officer snapped immediately, "we'll talk tomorrow. I'm heading back to my room."
And with that, he stood up and walked out of the pub without any other glance toward his girlfriend. The bottle of Vat '69 was left on the table half full.
"Baby? Why did you disappear so quickly?" Y/N barged in his room while he was sitting behind his desk looking out of the window absently. 
"You seemed quite happy with George." Nixon murmured quietly, he didn't even bother to turn and face her.
"What is this all about? Is there a problem?" she asked kindly moving closer to her broken soldier. The sweet tone of her voice was making it even harder than it already was.
Lewis Nixon looked at her for the first time. "I think we shouldn't be seeing each other anymore." He sounded decided, strongly convinced in his statement.
Y/N suspiciously eyed his face whereas Lewis tried to avoid her concerned look. "Is this about George?"
"No, it's not about fucking George!" Lewis raised his voice and stood up from the little chair, "you are better without me, okay? I drag you down, Y/N."
She stared at him in disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about? I love you and only you, damn it!"
"You just think you do!"
Y/N's eyes began to water and when the first hot tear rolled down her cheek Nixon's heart broke into million pieces. He hated himself for hurting the most precious human being on the Earth but he had to do it. There was no other way.
"I wish you trusted me more, Lew." she breathed out reaching out to caress his cheek but changed her mind in the last second and her hand fell to her body.
Lewis pressed his eyelids tightly together forcing the coming tears stay inside of his soul. "I wish I'd never met you."
The next days hit Y/N harder than her first days at Toccoa. No combat training, no amount of paperwork had ever made her feel so broken, tired and demotivated. As weird as it sounds, even after the relatively short relationship with the Easy Company intelligence officer, Lewis was a big important part of her life. He made her feel so many new emotions, he fulfilled her soul and heart like nobody else did.
And now, it was all gone.
Everyone noticed the sudden cold behaviour between Y/N and Lewis but they didn't really know what happened. Y/N brushed it off every single time when someone asked her and no one really dared to approach Nixon. 
It wasn't like the duo stopped communicating absolutely. Lewis after the argument stormed off and got drunk, he was genuiely wasted, but he also realised what a mistake he did. It was the first time Y/N told him she loved him and he was still able to make the person who cared for him the most go away.
When Y/N tried her best to avoid Nixon, he tried his best to talk to her as much as possible, every day he left her a note at her desk along with a flower and every time she accidentally glanced at him he sent her an apologetic smile.
Y/N knew her anger and hurt was slowly fading away. Lewis felt truly sorry - alcohol and jealousy wasn't really a great combination.
My dearest Y/N,
I know you don't want to have anything to do with me, and I don't blame you, but there's still something I need to tell you. I'm just gonna hope that this sort of letter is not lying in the bin already.
I want you to know that I regret every single word I said that night. Clearly my jealousy and my alcoholic problem (as much as you hate me right now, please don't tell anyone I just admitted that) came in the way and I thought you're better off without me.
I'm not the perfect boyfriend, Y/N, and I never will be. I'm not funny as George, and I guarantee you there's gonna be more arguments between us. But I can assure you that no matter what happens, I will love you for the rest of my life. 
Hope you can forgive me,
I'm sorry.
With love, your Lewis
A tear soaked into the piece of paper as she pressed it to her heart. Little did Y/N know that she will love the idiot forever.
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jammatown919 · 3 years
Cursed Part One
Content: Luz and Amity visit a night market and come across a peculiar paper spell.
Luz knew to be wary of buyable paper spells; Eda had made sure of that before bringing her and Amity to a magic night market. However, just because she was wary didn't mean she couldn't be curious.
After all, how could she be expected to ignore a stall advertising cures for all sorts of magical ailments, including curses? What did it matter if the vast majority of the merchandise consisted of the paper spells Eda had warned her against? Just because they were there didn't mean she was actually going to buy one. She just wanted to check it out.
"Luz, I don't think this is a good idea." Amity grabbed onto Luz's arm to keep her from walking toward the stall. "Eda told us to stay away from this stuff."
"We're only looking." Luz promised, gently pulling her arm away. "I know we probably won't find anything, but I just want to make sure we're not passing up an opportunity to help Eda. After all she's done for me, I want to do something for her, y'know?"
Amity let out a sigh, looking conflicted.
"I want to help her too, especially after she let me move in, but there's almost no chance a random night market stall is going to have what we need. A paper spell that can remove curses with zero drawbacks would probably be regulated by the Emperor's Coven. Only people with connections would be able to get it."
"I know that, but what's the harm in checking it out?" Luz insisted. "I promise we'll bail if it looks sketchy."
"Okay, fine," Amity decided. "But don't trust anything the vendor says. He'll definitely say whatever it takes to get you to buy something."
"Eda went over this three times on the way here." Luz gently took Amity's hand and began walking toward the stall. "I know what to do."
They approached the stall confidently, just as they'd been instructed. Vendors were far more likely to try and sell them garbage because of their age, so they had compensate by seeming as mature as possible. They needed to look like they knew exactly what they were doing.
"Hello," Amity said politely as they reached the counter. "I see you carry magical cures."
"That's right." The vendor gave her a grin that was only mildly predatory. He was a cat-like individual with giant feline ears and wide eyes. An orange-and-white striped pattern covered every inch of him that was visible. "Are you young ladies looking for something in particular?"
"We're looking for something that can remove a curse from our friend." Luz chimed in.
"Could you perhaps be a bit more specific?" The vendor leaned over the counter so that his face was only a few inches from Luz's. Amity bared her fangs at him and he responded with a toothy smile, revealing little fangs of his own.
"The curse transforms her into a giant monster." Luz went on, slightly uncomfortable. The vendor let out a soft chuckle, seemingly pleased with her reaction, and moved out of her personal space.
"Well, that certainly sounds like a nasty one," He remarked. "But I think I've got just the thing for you."
He turned and began to rifle through his merchandise, a striped tail that had not previously been visible swishing behind him.
"This guy's kind of a creep." Amity said quietly. The vendor's ears twitched, but he didn't seem to care that she'd just insulted him. "I think we should go."
"Just one more minute," Luz insisted. "I want to see if he has anything."
"Luz..." Amity pressed.
"Please, amor?"
"That's not fair," Amity's expression became somewhat grumpy and she crossed her arms over her chest. "You know I can't resist the pet names."
"That's why I use them." Luz replied teasingly, earning a light shove to her shoulder.
Before the two could finish their little 'argument', the vendor turned back around and presented a thick scroll clasped between two paw-like hands.
"This should do the trick." He told them, opening the scroll so they could examine it. "It can be used twice, so you can put the curse back if you change your mind."
Luz wasn't sure why anyone would go through all the trouble of removing a curse just to put it back, but that wasn't particularly concerning. They could just get rid of the scroll after the first use.
"This actually looks pretty legit." Amity squinted at the scroll, eyes darting around the paper to search for even the smallest flaw.
"Legit enough that we should get it?" Luz asked hopefully.
"I'm not sure about that." Amity replied. "I think we should have Eda look at it."
"Unfortunately, I can't guarantee I'll still have this in stock if you two leave and come back with your friend." The vendor said smoothly.
"I think we should just get it." Luz decided.
"Luz, it could very well be a scam." Amity warned.
"I know, but it's not like we're going to use it until we're sure. Other than some wasted money, what would be the harm?"
"Oh, alright." Amity sighed. "Get the scroll."
Luz reached into her pocket for some money and set it down on the counter. The vendor counted it up, let out a satisfied hum, and handed the scroll to Luz, who stowed it away in her hoodie pocket.
"Remember, two uses!" The vendor called as Luz and Amity turned and walked back into the constantly moving crowd.
----------------------------------------------------------------- When they finally managed to find Eda among the sea of people, she was engage in a heated 'negotiation' over the price of some exotic spice. Afterward, Luz and Amity were so busy laughing at the look on the seller's face when Eda somehow managed to get her to offer the spice for free that they forgot about the scroll until much later that night.
"It's fine, we can just show her tomorrow." Luz said, gently uncurling the scroll. "Besides, we should probably figure out how to use it first."
"That's easy," Amity replied. "You just say this incantation."
"Wait, I'm supposed to know how to pronounce all this?" Luz stared incredulously at the strange symbols on the paper. "I don't even know what this language is!"
"Don't worry, I can teach you. And you only need to know the first part." Amity plopped down on her sleeping bag and patted the space next to her, prompting Luz to join her. "If it's working, the rest should just come to you naturally."
"Oooo, a tutoring session," Luz said smoothly. She reached over and gave Amity's nose a little tap with one finger. "With my favorite tutor."
"Stop being cute, it's distracting." Amity swatted playfully at her. "Anyway, see this symbol right here?" She tapped the first symbol on the paper. "You pronounce it like this-"
The sound that came out of Amity's mouth was unlike anything Luz had ever heard before; something between a grunt and a hiss. Amity had to repeat it three times just so Luz could fully process it.
It took a while before Luz was able to adequately mimic the sound, and by the time Amity decided that Luz knew enough to be able to cast the spell, they'd been at it for at least two hours.
"Can't we do a little more?" Luz asked as Amity began to roll the scroll back up. "I love getting tutored by you."
"It's late." Amity gave her a peck on the cheek and stowed the scroll away in the duffle bag where she kept her things. "We can practice a little more in the morning if you want, but we should go to sleep now."
"Okay," Luz agreed. "But can I stay over here tonight? I'm feeling cuddly."
"You always feel cuddly." Amity pointed out, but she rested her head on Luz's shoulder nonetheless.
"Guilty." Luz said with a chuckle, putting an arm around Amity's shoulders. "Goodnight, cariño."
-------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next afternoon, after coming home from school, when Luz and Amity finally got the chance to give Eda the scroll. As expected, Eda was initially unimpressed.
"Kids," Eda's ears twitched with disappointment. "Did we not have an entire conversation about this before I took you to that market?"
"I know you said these things are usually scams, but usually doesn't mean always." Luz replied, brandishing her purchase. "Amity and I both think it looks legit, and you'll be able to tell for sure."
Eda rolled her eyes and took the scroll from Luz, squinting intently at it and mumbling something about a waste of perfectly good money. After a few moments, her mumbling ceased and her ears perked up curiously. Luz swore that she could detect a hint of hope in her mentor's eyes.
"Holy shit," Eda said quietly. She looked up and locked eyes with Luz, suddenly looking very serious. "You didn't hear me say that."
"I heard nothing." Luz agreed, not at all surprised. This wasn't the first time she'd heard Eda swear and immediately been sworn to secrecy. Amity, however, looked completely flabbergasted as she looked on from her perch near the bottom of the stairs.
"Anyway, I've seen a lot of fakes in my day and even I can't find anything wrong with this." Eda continued as if nothing had happened. "I think it's actually legit. Where the heck did you manage to find this thing?"
"It was at a magical remedy stall in the market." Amity chimed in.
"So, can we use it?" Luz asked excitedly. "Amity taught me the incantation last night."
Eda looked down at the scroll, frowning slightly.
"Come on, Eda, don't you want to finally get rid of your curse?"
"Alright, alright." Eda sighed and rolled up the scroll, handing it back to Luz. "But we're doing this outside. I don't want to blow up the house if something goes wrong."
Luz chose to take that as a joke, but followed Eda outside nonetheless, pausing only to make sure Amity was still behind her. The three of them walked about a yard from the Owl House before Eda decided they'd gone far enough.
"Okay, let's do this."
Luz smiled confidently and opened up the scroll, reaching out to grab Eda's hand. She took a deep breath and tried her best to recall last night's tutoring session. After a moment, she began reciting the incantation, hyperaware of how wonky her pronunciation was for the part that Amity had taught her. Once she'd gotten past that bit, however, her voice became smooth and sure, and she caught Amity flashing a thumbs-up out of the corner of her eye.
By the time she was finished, Luz was out of breath and slightly lightheaded.
"Did it work?" Eda asked as Luz caught her breath. "I don't feel any different."
"Maybe it takes a minute?" Amity guessed.
"I- woah..." Luz completely lost track of what she was going to say, distracted by the world beginning to swirl around her. The trees in the nearby woods all blurred together and her legs began to shake.
"Luz?" Amity asked, for some reason sound as though she were underwater.
Luz tried to turn toward her girlfriend, causing the world to spin faster for a moment before stopping altogether. Mildly relieved, she attempted to lift her head from the ground.
Wait, when had she ended up on the ground? Where had Eda and Amity gone? She couldn't see them, though she was sure that at least Amity was still there, judging from the faint yelling. That was Amity yelling, wasn't it?
Luz tried to call out, but her head was growing too fuzzy to form words and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Maybe she'd feel better after a nap.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, there was a vague notion that she should try and stay awake, but that was quickly dispelled as she began to sink into darkness. Her back was beginning to ache fiercely, but she would be fine after some rest.
I'll be fine, her mind whispered.
What was that sensation in her limbs?
I'll be fine.
Why did her eyes hurt?
I'll be fine.
What was Amity screaming about?
I'll be fine.
To be continued...
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rinadoesstuff · 4 years
Secret Soldiers
While Maggie has to live being another punching bag of Sobel, Claire has to face a talk she hoped never to have since her arrival in Dresden.
Chapter Eleven
After the whole of Easy company finished their run up Currahee, they all lined up as they did every single day, It was routine for the company at that moment in time - run, line up, get berated and shower. Maggie, amongst probably all of the men, hated being lined up after running. They were tired, they were dirty and they were frustrated by their CO. As they stood at attention in front of Sobel, Maggie stood beside Lieutenant Winters, only Easy companies breathing could be heard.
Sobel was quiet, walking up and down as if he was a cat stalking a mouse. It wasn’t long before he stopped and turned to face Easy company, eyes narrowing as they settled on Maggie. “Lieutenant Walters.”
“Yes, sir?” Maggie knew what was coming, the whole company did. They weren’t stupid, they had all seen Sobel picking on Maggie since the moment she arrived. Whilst many found it funny to begin with, the realisation that they could head to war at any moment had hit a lot of the men. It wasn’t as funny anymore, they needed someone that was competent and knew what they were doing - many of the men realised that Maggie was that person. 
“You have constantly disobeyed orders, making a mockery out of my company. You are to be on latrine duty and until I am satisfied you are not to return to your lodgings.” Maggie wasn’t even mad, she was tired and upset. She had been sweating all day, her body ached and she needed a shower more than anything. It took everything within Maggie not to cry, to not break down and quit right there. 
It wasn’t as if she had anyone to talk to about it either, Camilla off base on another assignment for a few weeks - Maggie didn’t blame her for wanting to go but she did resent the red haired woman slightly for leaving her. “Yes, Sir.” 
Once dismissed, Maggie obediently trudged to the supply cupboard with all the supplies in for the latrines. She knew that she just had to get it over with, knowing that Sobel would be around soon enough to make sure that it was done. After collecting the things she needed, Maggie was startled by the presence of another soldier behind her. He smiled gently, guilt hidden in his eyes as he saluted Maggie. 
Smile on her face, Maggie saluted and allowed the private to relax. “Sorry Lieutenant, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just wondering if you wanted a hand with the latrines.” He paused for a moment, quickly backpedaling. “Not that you’re not capable, uh, I mean I just-”
Maggie let out a small laugh. “Private,” She paused, trying to recall his name. “Grant, it’s okay.” When the man didn’t correct her, she let out a small sigh of relief subtly. “Thank you for the offer but, go get a shower and get some food. We both know that Sobel would have your head if he caught you.”
Both laughing gently, Grant bid the Lieutenant goodbye and made his way to his own barracks. Maggie was too tired to realise that it was strange - first Luz and Guarnere, now Grant. Letting out a small yawn, Maggie took a breath and entered the latrines.
Dresden, November 1942
The tension in the room was unbearable as Claire sat at the kitchen table. The dim light the lamp above her head provided, was barely bright enough to light up the small kitchen. The walls of the room felt so close to her almost suffocating.
Tapping her fingers down at the sturdy wood did only little to calm her nerves as she tried to find the right words. Claire got what she wanted. She found out what had made Hans so nervous but now that she had to confront him about what happened a little over an hour ago on the dark road, right next to a Wehrmacht truck, she regretted following him. But maybe that’s what she deserves for using him like this. For using him to have a good stay in Germany.
“We both have secrets.”
She wouldn’t be having this conversation if she stayed in France together with Andreé and Lise. 
Crossing her arms in front of her chest, Claire turned her full attention to the man sitting across from her. Her plan was to not show weakness during this conversation but as soon as her eyes met with the regret filled eyes of Hans, her facade crumbled. She wanted to reach out and take his hand in hers to calm him the same way she did in their childhood. She wanted to tell him that everything was going to be fine but deep down Claire knew that it wasn’t that easy.
“Hans, I want to trust you, I really do but I need to know what you are doing.”
She felt like a hypocrite asking him like this as if she was innocent. Seeing him and Viktor stealing Wehrmacht gear in the middle of the night while the driver was probably taking a break was enough for her to figure it out but she had to hear it from him.
The man in front of her swallowed hard and leaned forward. “I’ll tell you what we are doing under the circumstances that you explain this.” Hans reached over to Claire’s side of the table and tapped his finger a few times on the welrod pistol which laid in front of the woman.
With a simple nod Claire accepted his condition. It wasn’t what she wanted but he deserves to know the truth about her. She just hoped that there won’t be any big consequences.
“Alright, so, uhm,” Hans started, obviously unsure of what to say. “Viktor and I are stealing Wehrmacht, SS and SA equipment on a regular basis. Just enough to have them not realize it and we overpaint swastikas as much as often as we can. Ilse gives us an alibi if anyone asks.”
“You three are risking your life for this, you know?” 
“We know the risk but something has to be done, Clara. We can’t stand by while innocent lives are lost in this useless war.” Hans reached out and laid his hand on top of Claire’s. He wasn’t sure if it’s because he wanted to keep her at the table, out of fear of her walking away or simply to give her a feeling of trust. That she can be honest with him and that he trusts her enough to reveal something like this.
Taking the following silence from Hans’ side as a clue, Claire straightened her back a bit and wiped with her thumb over her friend's knuckles, a soft smile on her lips. “You have to promise me not to talk with anyone about what I’m about to tell you.”
Hans nodded, encouraging her to continue.
“I’m working for the special operations executive, or SOE for short, as a spy. My job is to keep an eye on the people, to cause a bit of trouble for the Nazis and of course to steal information.” Claire swallowed hard as she averted Hans’ eyes. From the promise she made herself about staying strong was no sign anymore. She could practically feel her best friend staring at her in disbelief but the almost childlike smile that was on his lips was still unbeknown to her.
“You are a spy? As in a spy, spy?“ Hans asked with excitement in his voice Claire still recognized from their childhood. In confusion she raised her head only to be met by pure and utter excitement. Before she had the chance to answer him, Hans started again. “So you had real training? Do you have any secret weapons? You actually know what you are doing? Holy shit I can’t believe it.”
Claire couldn’t help herself but let out a soft laugh. She expected him to be mad, to kick her out for bringing his life into danger along with hers but instead she was met with nothing but excitement.  “Aren’t you mad?”
“Mad? Clara, are you serious? I was just told that my best friend is a spy. There is nothing cooler than that! Do you have a codename or something? Sorry I’m talking too much aren’t I?”
Claire nodded as a response. “To all of your questions: Yes. My codename is Veritas. It is latin for truth. Since you know, I’m here to find out the truth behind the Nazis and all.”
“Alright so uhm, I have one last question.” Hans reached out and took Claire’s other hand into his just as well.
“I still have to talk with Ilse and Vik about this but would you join us?”
Claire swallowed hard. It would be good to have people she could rely on and now that Hans knew the truth there wasn’t much more to lose. “Under the condition that when I help you guys, I want to be able to trust you with helping me doing my job.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem.”
• • • • • •
 @wexhappyxfew @immrsronaldspeirs @trashgoddess600 @junojelli @kmorecoffee @vintagelavenderskies @order-of-river-phoenix @adamantiumdragonfly @happyveday @alrightnicelighter @easy-company-tradition @keoghans @jamie506101 @ultralillylove @pxpeyewynn @pinkesfaultier @madstertb
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mvtteo · 4 years
YES, i know i’m so late to the game - pls fight me :/ - but i’m here now & i cannot wait to write w/ all of u & love on all of u, etc !! i’m stef btw !! ok now on to the stuff yall came here for.
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☆★ [ tommy martinez + he/him + cismale ] ☆★ did you know that [ matteo de la cruz ] has lived in erie for [ two months ] now? the [ 26 ] year old [ dealer / uber driver ] is known to be [ loyal ], yet [ calamitous ]. which is fitting considering they are a/an [ scorpio ]. whenever they pass by on the street, i can hear [ save me from myself by louis the child ] blasting through their headphones. they remind me of [ a flickering street light in an alley, dirt stuck under your fingernails & a meme that isn’t funny anymore ], and it really wouldn’t be erie without them! [ stef, 21, est, she / her ].
( TW : drug use, abuse, violence )
from toronto originally ! he’s only been in erie for about two months ( and who KNOWS how long that’ll last ... more info on that below )
he grew up in a single parent home ( his biological father SLAMMED the door in his face at 4 years old & never returned ), of course a part from the revolving door of ‘ new daddy’s ’ his mother would introduce to him as he grew. money was tight but they made due, a working/lower class family living in an area of the city that was known as a spot tourists shouldn’t visit. 
a lil bit about his mother : emillia vargas ! she took odd jobs when she could & that’s how she put food on the table. that, or her boyfriend of the month dishing out from his wallet. sometimes it was shocking - to have food in the fridge - when at least half of her paycheck was sent to a dealer on the corner. she was from a long line of addicts & didn’t make it to the other side. matteo’s earliest memories are of needles — and the worst was the silence afterwards. their relationship is COMPLICATED to say the least. for some reason, despite everything, he still cares & checks up on her. probably because she’s the only family he knows. or the guilt trip & manipulation she’s thrown his way — that, too! anyway. they don’t talk often & she’s still at the same house up in toronto.
father : the man left when matteo was just four. fighting was constant ( so perhaps it was due to trouble in paradise ), but matteo was too young to really comprehend why he left & he hates pondering on it - even though the lasting effects are REAL. 
anyway. his mother did have her fair share of boyfriends, trying to fill in that void - but to no avail. some of these men were dangerous, some using emilia, some married already, others abusive & controlling, addicts themselves ... needless to say, no one really stuck. and matteo definitely had a part in that too, being spiteful, causing fights or fighting back. things got pretty bad @ his place & the neighborhood knew whose house those red & blue lights always visited.
SPEAKING of his neighborhood, one great thing did come out of it & that was not too far around the corner lived @luzzamaya​ , matteo’s BEST FRIEND / ride or die / partner in crime. he practically lived @ her house, looked up to her father as the male figure in his life & they’re still two peas in a pod today :~)) ... but more on that later too ...
matteo grew up QUICKLY - not really in the way of caring for himself ( bc his actions would in fact prove the opposite ) but he often hung out with people way older than him ( not really wanting to be home after school, etc ) & he began diving into the world of drugs early on. def the kid your parents would’ve been 👀👀 about. YALL CATCH THE DRIFT OK ... moving on.
IMPORTANT BLURB TO HIS STORY (TW : mention of gang violence )
so he was always in the wrong crowd / hanging with kids older than him / he got involved with drugs etc really young. he started selling drugs lowkey around high school + the town and was a lowball dealer until he continuously proved himself + being more closely tied to this GANG ( the suppliers ), we can call it La Línea bc i looked up active gangs and this one was made from corrupt / retired police officers so i was like .. YUP ! so he’s currently affiliated, not initiated bc that prob means killing someone nd he’s like miss me w that, fool. but as he’s grown his relationship with them + has continued selling (drugs, weapons .. contraband etc), they want him in bc they trust him. giving him more & more duties. and it’s not like he can say NO bc they’re all strapped + can literally ruin/end his life ?? or ruin/end the lives of the ppl around him? SO as another gang (aka a MAFIA) that is trying to step on la linea’s territory … ( maybe it had bad consequences, someone from la linea being thrown in prison or dead ). SO they trust their outside dude matteo (since he’s not super recognizable to the mafia since he’s not u know . FULLY in la linea) to work a plan to take DOWN this mafia. how ? buy ratting them out to the police. a literal snitch smh. the only bad thing is now … someone from the mafia traced the words back to him. their leader is now in prison & has sent “”soliders”” to come after matteo nO MATTER WHAT. he’s gotten threatening calls // he’s been forced into fights // held at gunpoint which was his FINAL straw of being like ..  I GOTTTA GO
soooooo now they’re ( him & luz ) are in erie :~). 
also i’m thinking he got involved w the gang bc originally he owed other low-level dealers money + was like trust me on this. i’ll do whatever u ask. nd is a loyal ass hoe. plus all of a sudden he was making DOUGH selling product + had a following / a lil bit of a “”community”” that he’d never rly had before
PERSONALITY / HEADCANONS ( idk how to label - just some more info )
he’s not a horrible dude but a LOT of people would argue that he is. and his actions might seem like he is. but ... he’s learning :,)
sarcastic as hell
has an infamous smirk ok ... super careless so yall are gonna see that a lot
has a rooted issue with authority figures & hates when anyone tells him / offers him / suggests to him what to do
despite seemingly coming across as a meanie, he could also be considered the life of the party. not in the sense of being gregarious, but more so having FUN. drowning out 
immature as hell 
has definitely dealt to his mother before :/. a low, even for him, but. that’s a complicated relationship
his hair is constantly a mess
STREET FIGHTS FOR MONEY $$$ or when la linea previously made him. he tries not to do it TOO often but sometimes he’s just gotta ya know ?
has some shitty tattoos - minus the ones done beautifully by luz of course !! a few to cover some scars :|
assume scruff on his face at all times
has been struggling with sleeping through the night, nervous abt getting caught & will often just walk around @ 3pm for a smoke
loves reggaeton 
bilingual but hardly speaks spanish :/
a COP / law enforcement that takes him in for dealing
or even a bystander that calls in authorities for him dealing / stealing / anything illegal ...
someone he DEALS to
someone who OWES him money
a BARTENDER/CONFIDANT @ his go-to watering hole
a GOOD INFLUENCE who is aware of his addiction 
a PASSENGER in one of his uber rides
someone he got into a CAR ACCIDENT with
they hit him in the middle of the night // or hit his car ? or vice versa ?
someone he had a BAR FIGHT with
next door NEIGHBOR
always wanted to do a homewrecker plot tbh
a revenge plot ?
someone he’s met from a DATING APP
another CLUB RAT
ok i’m literally open to ANY connection u think of. it might be easy to come up w/ those in-depth ones while brainstorming tg but above are just a few ideas :,)))
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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Series: Mother of the Year
Synopsis: This fic takes place in chapter 11 when the MC is taking her pysh evaluation and her daughter meets with the law guardian. There seemed to be a small moment where Thomas and MC’s daughter are left waiting for the MC to finish her evaluation so this is just my imagining of what they may have discussed while they waited for her.
Pairing: Thomas x MC (Janelle)
Characters: Thomas and MC’s daughter (Jada), with mentions of the MC
Once the door to Lillian’s office closed behind Janelle, Thomas took a seat on a nearby bench to wait for both Janelle and Jada to finish their respective meetings. He found comfort in the fact that Lillian was the mental health professional she was meeting with. He’s worked with her for years now and trusted her to be both fair and unbiased in the proceedings. He lets out a long breath he’d been holding since he entered the courthouse as he slowly sinks onto the hard and uninviting wooden bench. His nerves immediately began to get the best of him. This was far from the first psych evaluation a client of his had to complete but he’d never been this anxious about the outcome before. Not because he was worried so much about what either Janelle or Jada would say in response to the probing questions they were being asked, but because he knew how much pressure these things can be on any person. Even the most well prepared client can make a mistake saying the wrong thing under the right amount of pressure, that he’d later have to fight tooth and nail to defend in the courtroom. And he didn’t want that for Janelle. Vanessa didn’t need anything to make her look like an unfit parent.
Unfortunately, both Janelle and Jada had been under immense pressure as of late. Janelle having to juggle two jobs, raising a daughter, fighting a custody battle, and constantly being antagonized by Vanessa and Guy respectively. And poor Jada going from being the new kid at school alongside a bunch of spoiled, pampered brats and now being caught in the middle of a custody battle between her mom and estranged father. Not to mention having to deal with August’s cruel and unchecked mistreatment of her. His heart went out to them both.
It was his goal to remain as objective as possible and not to let any of his personal feelings cloud his judgement. But the truth of the matter was that Janelle wasn’t just another client. In the few short months he’d known her, she had become someone very dear to him. She was a good friend and a close confidant. She was someone he desired to become closer to every moment he spent with her. He appreciated the way she engaged in conversation with Luz so effortlessly. He loved that she treated her like her own person and not a mere extension of him. Even more than that she was an awesome mother to a bright and sunny little girl who his own daughter adored beyond words.
Both Janelle and Jada were a reprieve from the usual stuck up Bernhardt parents and their spoiled offspring. So, to see what they both were being put through with the recent reappearance of Janelle’s ex has been very upsetting, to say the least, and he was intent on doing whatever it took to ensure that sad excuse for a man wouldn’t cause any permanent disruption in their lives.
As his thoughts bounced around from Janelle’s case, and his ever-growing feelings for her, he’s interrupted by the sound of a door opening from down the hall. And out walked Jada wearing a crestfallen expression. His heart immediately ached for the young child only imagining the toll these whole proceedings were having on her. Custody battles are never fun and the children are always the ones who suffer the most.
Her eyes wandered until they landed on Thomas, who gave her a sympathetic smile that she returned with a halfhearted one that lacked its usual warmth and bubbliness.
“So, how did everything go?” Thomas asked as he stood walking towards the young girl.
“Fine…I guess.” She responded in a low almost inaudible voice.
“Were you able to answer all of the questions to the best of your ability? There was no right or wrong answer, you know? Your law guardian was just trying to gauge how you’re adjusting with everything that’s going on.” He said.
“I know.” She responded looking down at her feet not meeting his eyes.
Thomas struggled to find any words to comfort her, which he found incredibly frustrating. What she needed at that moment was reassurance that everything was going to be alright, but he couldn’t promise her that when he’s worked as a lawyer long enough to know that’s not always the case.
“What do you say we go outside and get some fresh air, hm? I find courthouses to be so suffocating at times.” He says as he places an encouraging hand on her shoulder.
“What about my mom? Shouldn’t we wait for her?” Jada responds.
“I’ll send her a text to let her know where to find us when she’s done.” Thomas answers.
Jada responds in way of a nod as they head towards the double door exit.
Once they step outside Thomas is struck with brilliance.
“How about we play a game? I play it with Luz all the time.” He says.
“What kind of game?” Jada responds in a more upbeat tone differing from her previous despondent one.
“It’s called The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. You have to name all the good things that exist in your life, followed by the bad, and then anything worse than that which would be the ugly. You get it?” Thomas explains.
“I think so but my mom always says we shouldn’t focus on the bad things in life because we can’t change them.”
“True but that’s why in this game we always comeback around and finish with the good things because no matter how few of those we may seem to have they always outweigh whatever’s bad. So, I’ll start. The good things in my life right now are my daughter Luz, you and your mom’s friendship, and the warning I received from the cop yesterday when I surely deserved a speeding ticket. Now your turn.”
Jada lets out a small chuckle clearly amused and says, “My good things are my mom, Luz, my teacher Ms. Eiko, my neighbor Levi, my other neighbor Alma, my dad’s girlfriend Faye, and my new beginnings board. Oh, and you.”
“Wow that’s a lot of good things. I appreciated the honorable mention.” He says in a joking manner. “Okay this is where it gets kind of dicey. My bad things are my bad habit of biting my nails, and I suppose not abiding by traffic laws.” He says jokingly again.
“Hmmm okay let me think,” Jada says with a contemplative expression. “My bad things are seeing my mom sad…” Jada says trailing off.
Thomas gives her time to continue.
“I know she tries to hide it from me but sometimes I can hear her crying in her room when she thinks I’m asleep.”
Thomas fights the urge to pull the young girl in a hug much like the ones he gives to Luz whenever she’s upset.
“You know Jada sometimes as parents we can’t help but hide the way we’re really feeling to not trouble our children. It’s our way of protecting them and I suppose ourselves as well.” He says.
“I know but I just want her to be happy. She’s my favorite person.” Jada says playing with her fingers a habit he’s noticed in Janelle as well.
“And that makes you a very good daughter. You’re your mom’s favorite person as well. Seeing you happy is the foundation of what makes her happy.” He says allowing a moment for his words to seek in.
Her expression waivers.
“Come on. Let’s finish the game. We’re almost done. All we have left is the ugly and the good again. So for me it would have to be my love of sweets…”  
“Sweets?” Jada says interrupting. “Shouldn’t’ that be a good thing?”
“Oh, it’s a very good thing. The ugly is what it does to my waistline. My metabolism isn’t what it used to be and I have to work extra hard to stay fit.” He says hoping Jada picks up on his humor.
She responds in kind with a pleasant fit of laughter. “My mom was right you are funny.”
He smiles to himself pleased that his corny dad jokes haven’t fallen flat with Janelle and completes his round of the game by saying, “And finally my good is meeting you and your mom.”
“But you already said that,” She says.
“I meant it,” He responded. “Now lastly your turn.”
“Okay well my ugly is August Blackwood because he’s mean and he’s just plain ugly.” Jada says in a matter-of-fact tone.
Thomas hides his smile behind his hand and says, “And your good?” Hoping that Jada doesn’t notice the smile steadily creeping at the corners of his mouth.
“Ummmm my mom again because she’s the best.”
“Agreed.” Thomas says.
And with that Thomas turns to the sound of Janelle exiting the courthouse wearing an expression that seems somewhat hopeful.
“Well time to see how things went with your mom. You ready?” He turns back to Jada to see that her expression has fallen once again. 
It is his only hope that their game had brought her some form of comfort no matter how small or temporary. Even more so than before it was his desire to ensure that going forward that both Janelle and Jada would have more good in their lives than bad.
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Random headcanons
Heya, y’all!
Here are some random headcanons for three of my OCs, Liz, Gina, and Steph.
As stated multiple times before and will be stated numerous times from then on, Liz isn't full Italian. She is fluent in it though. Well, the majority of her family is. Her mother knows some. Just to communicate with her father enough times. Liz and her brother were taught at a young age in Italian by their father. Even took classes for it if the schools provided for it. After joining the mafia, she took her Italian to the extreme and used it every chance she got. She even used a phrase that she says out loud (even if she mumbles it) before she murders someone. She doesn't use it nowadays since its a reminder of her past and she doesn't exactly murder anyone nowadays. She will if she has to.
Her fellow mafia members sometimes do go with her on missions. Sometimes to help her out, despite not needing it at her position. Perhaps when she first started out. Not as much as she used to now. So, it became a common thing to use her phrase before one kills. Not every member knows. Just the ones considered as /close/ to her. So, when they did come around and recognized her, they used her phrase to let her know that they're around. Something she now hates. Most don't know what it means and isn't willing to learn, but knows enough to know it used to their phrase before one kills. In this case, they attempted to take her down and failed.
Gina and Liz been through a lot. They actually knew each other in their teenage years. Only briefly. It's vaguely remembered between the two. But it's enough to recognize each other when they officially meet each other.
As stated before, the girls have been through a lot. Like, a lot of things. They have been poor together, homeless even, almost saw one or the other die, etc. The list goes on. They're each other rocks. Sure, they can go to other people for help or let out their feelings. These two have a deeper connection. They have a sixth sense if the other needs help, especially when one or the other is reaching their breaking point.
If we want to actually put her in game-wise, Liz has a special ability. She has an ability similar to Trevor's rampage. Unlike him, who goes batshit crazy, she becomes cold and ruthless. Life and emotion is drained from both her eyes and face. It goes completely blank. It's almost as if the Liz everyone came to know is gone and the one standing now is a shell. She starts killing anyone around her. She doesn't hesitate. Sometimes she may end up performing a gruesome method of killing, which isn't normally her style now. It doesn't matter who it is, she will go after them. Hence why Gina tends to back away and hides if she sees her best friend in this state. She will only come out if it's safe. If she's lucky enough, she can attempt to talk to Liz and snap her out of it. Nine times out of ten, Liz needs to be knocked unconscious in order for her to snap out of it.
Going based off of the last one, Gina did get herself almost killed. She was lucky enough to get out with a broken arm when she snapped out Liz from her ability. Since then, Liz felt guilty for what happened and swore she will try her best not to fall into such things again. It's been getting easier to control it. In reality, she is actually scared. Mainly because it seems easier and not as much. She fears that if she falls into it, she may not stop for just anyone anymore. That she will not snap out of it. Be the ruthless killer she was taught to be and grew into before she actually had to cut that life out.
Gina and Stephanie will wear bright colors, depending on which looks good for them. On the other hand, Liz wears dark colors. Not that she's trying to be edgy or anything. She prefers dark colors. It isn't all about black, but anything in that color scheme. The only time she will ever wear something bright is red, which makes up most of her flannels. She may wear red occasionally out of said outfit choice. It's rare to see it. If you see her wear anything bright, don't trust it. That's not Liz. It's an imposter. Likewise to Steph. She may not mind dark colors, but she is more of the cute, flashy, or bright colors. If she is seen to wear dark colors for more than two days, that's probably not Steph.
Gina and Steph care so much for fashion. Gina for shoes and Steph for outfits. So, insult their fashion and you insult them. Prepare for anger from the two. Liz does have a good sense of fashion but isn't into it as much as the other two. It's not so easy to insult her fashion since she doesn't care.
Out of the trio, Gina and Steph are seen to wear the dresses. If one has to choose who wears the most, it's Gina. Despite her position, Steph falls back onto other styles as well. It's uncommon to see Luz in a dress, which sometimes jokes can occur. Such as her wearing pants for her wedding.
Funny enough, Liz does wear suits. It's not as common as her flannels or dark clothes, but it's there. She does it at random times too. It could be a beach day and she walks in with a full-on suit. It takes people by surprise.
Liz is a strange person. She likes to mess around with others. Make them get annoyed. Like, the type where people still love her. Kinda like how playing Uno with your friends where they get annoyed by you yet still love you. That kind of person. At the same time, she is the voice of reason. She looks at both sides of the story and voices her opinion.
One would think that Liz or Gina is the one who has trouble sleeping at night, especially all the things they have gone through. It's Steph instead. Unlike them, she doesn't get plagued by nightmares and can't sleep for hours. She can't sleep. She will stay up all night if it calls for that. So, expect her to text your phone or post on social media at ungodly hours.
Paranormal. Like, all the ghost activities and whatnot. Liz doesn't believe in it and is a huge skeptical of it, though she loves hearing or watching stories about it. Just to pass the time. Gina is kinda skeptical about it. She doesn't exactly believe in it since there are things that can be easily debunked. Stephanie is a full-on believer on it.
Each one of them is smart in their own way. Steph is smart in terms of academic smart. She is excellent in math and science (any forms of it too). Since she had to take classes for Engineering, which has a lot of classes involving those subjects. She can even hack into systems. She ended up being taught how to hack by her cousin, who also attended the same school as her.
 Meanwhile, Gina and Liz balance out being smart in both street smart and academic smart. Gina more than Liz though. Liz sometimes needs to look at something in order to remember. If you try to talk to her about it, she may be left confused and unable to solve it.
  Liz doesn't do much with her hair. She will pull it into a ponytail if her hair gets annoying or it's too hot. The only time she will ever do her hair is if she is going somewhere fancy. Gina and Steph constantly do their hair and will stay for hours in the bathroom to do so.
Liz and Gina tried to teach each other their respectful language, but they ended up teaching a few words. So, anything they say in their language may not be understood by the other. They never attempted to try again. Most likely because they have gotten lazy to do so. But they know something serious is about to go down if one or the other speakers in their tongue fluently. No English words being added.
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crimeronan · 5 months
Hello, got a TOH question for you! I'm trying to write a scene from only-slightly-canon-divergent!Luz's POV, and to dismay finding I'm struggling with it. Any pro tips for writing her you can pass on to someone who didn't study at Luz University? 😅
aw, this is a sweet ask. i'm flattered to be considered a resident luz expert! and i LOVE an excuse to infodump. this got long i'm sorry i just love thinking about. my girl.
luz is usually pretty whimsical and optimistic (which is why her later self-destruction hits so hard), she believes in people and she believes in The Triumph Of Good Over Evil. she's weird and doesn't understand social norms but she cares So Much, About Everything, Ever. she believes that things will work themselves out like they do in stories, she sometimes steps on people's toes when she's trying to fix a situation, she loves an underdog story and it's constantly getting her into trouble.
i think the biggest three things for me when writing luz POV are these:
she is UNRELENTINGLY kind and trusting.
this is her biggest strength - she's constantly befriending her enemies through the sheer power of earnestness. and this is how she makes and keeps friends like willow, gus, and eda.
this is also one of her biggest weaknesses - she gave hunter back his staff in hunting palismen when she Really Should Not Have, she didn't pick up on philip's Bad Vibes, etc.
she truly honest-to-god believes the best in everyone and is surprised and hurt whenever they disappoint her.
2. she has NO impulse control and CRIPPLINGLY hyperactive ADHD.
luz is all over the place, constantly. her thoughts and hyperfixations go a mile a minute. she can devour a book in a day and learn a conlang in a week, but she can't sit still and she has the type of ADHD that makes traditional classroom learning borderline-impossible.
outside of school, you see this constantly in the decisions she makes, or rather the decisions she Doesn't make. luz always blurts out exactly what she's thinking, when she's thinking it. she always thinks that her first solution to a problem is the best one & rarely plans beyond that. she's not an analytical strategist. in fact she's frequently fucking up everybody else's plans by..... just. being luz.
the fact that luz always says and does whatever she's thinking is, again, one of her greatest strengths: she is SO earnest and genuine, and it makes it easy for people to believe in her. she loves SO openly and is so lovable in turn.
it's also one of her greatest weaknesses because. oh my god, girl. challenging boscha to a witch's duel on willow's behalf. angrily shouting straight-up heresy about belos in public in hollow mind. all the shit that got her into trouble in the human realm before she ran away. u know
3. she is Desperately Afraid of hurting people.
i'd say she's afraid of being a Bad Person (TM), but i do think her fear is more specific. in WAD, her nightmare isn't exactly about having committed atrocities herself -- she doesn't even believe she could have! she knows she didn't create the statue graveyard, she immediately tells amity "i don't know what's going on, but i wouldn't have done this."
all of her fears are related to things her friends & family went through after meeting her.... she's terrified that she's going to hurt the people she loves, no matter how much she tries not to. she's terrified that her presence in the world is harmful by itself.
same with her rant in the classroom in TTT. when she says "it would be better if he [i] never existed," she even says (paraphrasing) "who cares about the broader impacts or the greater good. who cares if he was a hero or wanted to do the right thing. it doesn't matter!!! what matters is that he ruined everything anyway!!!!"
her anxiety with papa titan reflects this, too. "doesn't that make us just like belos??" she's figuring out how to navigate the world and complex morality and she's terrified of getting it Wrong. she already feels like she's done everything wrong & it's completely shaken her sense of self. she doesn't trust herself not to hurt people or to work for evil because she doesn't have a clear understanding of what separates her ideology from belos's.
this third point often isn't relevant in fluffy/lighthearted fic because luz's optimism, joy, and simple zest for life are Definitely dominant in her character. but it is VERY relevant when doing character studies or angstier writing exploring her headspace in situations where she feels guilty or afraid.
everything else is set dressing. she's quirky and weird, she's bouncy and stimmy, she loves bats and rats and snakes and bugs and creepy crawlies, she loves gross shit, she loves shipping and romance and sweeping high fantasy, she gets Deeply invested in every random plan she ever conceives, and she is Astonishingly easy to love because of how easily she loves.
you don't have to keep every single detail of this in mind when writing her!! this was just a nice excuse to gush about my girl who i love so so so so so fucking much. luz love of my life daughter of my heart FOREVER.
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sepublic · 4 years
In the light of recent events I propose we give Edric a boyfriend (or girlfriend) some candidates are- Jerbo, the green guy and right now that's it but will come back to you
           I agree, Jerbo and Edric is a VERY underrated ship, and it just makes sense! Emira’s already got Viney, and SHE’s friends with Jerbo… Like c’mon. Think of the chemistry here!
           Really I think Jerbo is kind of underrated… There’s something endearing to me about his ‘wonkier’ facial features, him being an utter beanpole, his nervous mannerisms and apparent French; And his voice-cracks! Jerbo is adorable to me, he’s incredibly cute and shy! And while he has trust issues like Viney, he’s a lot less defensive and aggressive with them, and more just… Feeling down like he always has.
           Honestly, I can see Edric being interested in Jerbo- But Jerbo is nervous and suspicious, because he thinks that Edric is just playing some sort of cruel trick on him. So inevitably, Edric has to ask Luz for help, and she tells him that he needs to be straight-forward and honest, no more illusions or tricks or anything, nor teasing; That Jerbo is someone who’s been hurt and is nervous about being hurt again. Edric will need to rely on a lot more than just charm and flirting.
           Which for Edric… Would be interesting, because he potentially has also been hurt, specifically by the abuse of his parents. Likewise, he’s admittedly been cruel to Amity in the past alongside Emira, so he’d need to learn to be kinder and more level… Possibly he’d practice by trying to be less teasing of Amity, trying to improve himself for Jerbo!
           And after a while, I can see Jerbo lowering his guard a bit, but also being nervous. I think it’d be very sweet if Edric emotionally opened up to his crush, to let Jerbo know that he’s really serious about it and isn’t trying to trick him… Perhaps Edric would admit that for all of his charm, outside of Luz, he’s never really made friends with anyone beyond his family? And, Jerbo would just… IMMEDIATELY understand and sympathize, and agree that he knows what it feels like. And then maybe he’d be more ready to consider letting Edric in, if he’s really trusting him with such a personal, intimate confession… Plus, Luz seems to trust him!
           I can see Edric and Jerbo sort of feeling things out, with Edric perhaps learning to really appreciate Jerbo as more than just a cute kid, but also be supportive of his unorthodox interests. Edric, seeing what it’s like to not be so naturally popular, and thus prone to bullying, and learning to understand… While Jerbo sees a very vulnerable side of Edric that is normally seen only by Emira! Seeing that like Jerbo, sometimes Edric tries to hide his own insecurity beneath a façade of coolness… Before finally confessing his worst fear, that he’s afraid of being alone forever.
           Jerbo of course immediately understands, and him and Edric reach a mutual understanding from there… Maybe Edric becomes afraid of Jerbo leaving him, perhaps because Edric messed up and drove him away, so he tries TOO hard to be palatable and likable, but also doesn’t want to come across as desperate, so Jerbo just has to reassure him that he’s beginning to like Edric as he is, that it’s okay to be himself; He knows what the dilemma is like!
          If it means that much to Edric, Jerbo could even hold his hand sometimes… I’d like to imagine the two start openly dating more, with Edric constantly flirting with Jerbo, ramping up the charm every time and making Jerbo blush; While Jerbo tells Edric to stop, but not really. Maybe Jerbo reveals his own charm to Edric, and surprises the Blight Twin himself!
           I can see Jerbo introducing Edric to the Secret Room of Shortcuts –possibly as a secret date location- as Edric learns to appreciate Jerbo’s nerdiness, when normally he thought such a thing was more a joke than anything else. Edric is tempted to use the Room of Shortcuts for mischief, but is also considerate about not getting Jerbo in trouble, and letting him learn in peace, while also appreciating the trust that had to have come with this gesture! What starts as a superficial crush leads to some deeper maturity and understanding on Edric’s behalf for Jerbo… and perhaps by consequence, for his younger sister Amity.
           Just, imagine Jerbo using his plant-abomination magic to carry around Edric, or offer elaborate flowers and corsages… He reassures Edric that he won’t be alone, making a little Plant-Abomination to keep Edric company to remember Jerbo by! Maybe Jerbo offers to help Edric’s little sister with her Abominations work, and Edric is touched! Because Edric’s not used to openness and emotional vulnerability, especially because of his parents.
          And Jerbo is getting used to being loved and actually liked, and having a boyfriend to sit by and listen to what he has to say all day… Edric offers to use his money to get Jerbo some big gifts, and Jerbo tells him to stop, he doesn’t need to do that! He likes Edric for who he is, even the silliness and occasional pranks! And now it’s Edric’s turn to blush, because he’s never been genuinely reciprocated like this before! Regardless, if Jerbo ever needs financial support in his field of study, Edric is ready to help! Because Edric feels like he has to constantly justify his relationship to Jerbo by offering things, and then Jerbo tells him that it’s okay; That just being with him is all he could ask for.
           I just think these two have a LOT to offer each other, honestly! Jerbo would ask Edric what it’s like, to have such pressure on him once they reach a certain level of trust, and unconditionally offering support; Reminding Edric that yes, he’s a good person who deserves love, don’t listen to your parents! Edric listens to what Jerbo has to say about being bullied and made fun of, and becomes a lot more mindful of his actions, and ready to defend his boyfriend with his life.
          Edric asks what it’s like to at least be allowed to be your own person for the most part… So Jerbo takes him around, helping Edric explore his own identity and individuality, encouraging him to embrace it! Maybe Edric even becomes interested in Plants and Abominations to impress Jerbo, and has to beg Amity for pointers and help… Which of course, she’s VERY amused by and now has her own ammunition for whenever Ed teases her about her crush on Luz! Of course, Jerbo and Edric bond over feeling like they had to hide a part of themselves, but now love being able to be open about who they are in front of one another!
          And, yes- They go on Double-Dates with Viney and Emira. Maybe even Triple-Dates, with Luz and Amity included; That’d be something to watch!
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rinadoesstuff · 4 years
Secret Soldiers
Chapter Ten
Georgia, Camp Toccoa, 1942
As it had been for the past few weeks, the beginning of the run up Currahee was full of men attempting to sprint as far as they could. Everytime, they wanted to show Sobel that they could do exactly what he wanted. Maggie thought that maybe they were trying to make sure they got their weekend passes, not that she blamed them in the slightest.
After around ten minutes of everyone sprinting, Maggie included, Easy company visibly slowed down. It was natural that they would, tired already from lack of sleep and using all their energy trying to outrun one another. Maggie could feel herself slowing down, yet she pushed as the eyes of Sobel seemed to be burning a hole in her back. 
Maggie never wanted to seem weak in front of the men, but she was constantly out of energy from trying to prove herself. She wasn’t the slowest, not by far due to her SOE training, but there were men faster than her. Some of them even smirked at her when they overtook her on the run. 
As Maggie ran, she could hear Sobel berating men behind her. “Do not help that man!” Though she wanted to make sure whoever was behind her was okay, she knew that turning round would cause her to be berated once more. Instead, Maggie kept running and focussed on keeping her breathing steady as she neared the top of Currahee. 
Maggie could feel her patience for Sobel wearing away, the sound of the man’s voice constantly in her ear as he yelled at the men. She didn’t know why but he seemed to be in an even worse mood than usual. Maggie knew getting on his bad side would be worse for 
her, yet whatever she did it would be bad in his eyes.
As Maggie focussed on working out a way to stay in the man’s relatively good books, she didn’t notice the rather large stone in front of her. It wasn’t until two sets of hands grabbed Maggie’s arms to stop her from falling face first that she realised she had tripped. Her heart beat in her chest, glancing to her right to see George Luz grinning at her.; even though he looked as exhausted as the rest of the men, he wore a smile.
Looking to her left, Maggie was rather shocked to see Bill Guarnere holding her up. The man had hardly spoken to her, only talking to her in a training capacity. It was rather confusing but Maggie was thankful. When the voice of Sobel broke through, Maggie knew she was in trouble. 
“Lieutenant Wlaters! Stop fraternizing - I should have known you joined to find a husband!” Maggie could feel the inside of her cheek bleeding, biting down to stop herself from retaliating. She knew she would be in trouble, her foul mouth would only make it worse for her. Without answering Sobel, she gave a nod to Bill then to George before running at a quicker pace.  
Her thinking was that the quicker she ran Currahee, the quicker she would get her punishment and the quicker she could complete. Maggie was almost completely sure that she would be given latrine duty, none of the men had been punished with it recently so she was sure it was disgusting. 
Maggie had lived with men, she knew how disgusting they could be - especially in a bathroom - but a group of soldiers? Maggie knew she was in trouble. Instead of thinking about what lay ahead, Maggie focussed on running up the rest of Currahee and making her trip back down without tripping again. 
Dresden ,November 1942
“I swear to fucking god if we get caught I’ll say it was your goddamn idea.” Viktor let out a huff which instantly turned into a cloud in front of him. His gaze followed the dark green tarpaulin of the truck as Hans rolled it up. “And I want to get fucking paid for this.”
“Yeah no way in hell. You have enough money already.” Pulling himself up into the dark of the truck, Hans turned on a flashlight. After a quick look around the boxes he turned back to Viktor while pointing to various wooden boxes. “We’re taking this one, this one, and this one.” 
Viktor reached into the pocket of his black jacket. He pulled a cigarette out and held it out for Hans to take but the blonde man just shook his head. With a shrug he lit the cigarette tor himself and took a long drag while looking around the dark forest. “Why only three boxes tonight?” The cigarette was dangling between his lips as he reached out his arms to take one of the boxes from Hans. He heard clinging sounds with every move. Viktor guessed that it was ammunition.
“Because the Gestapo was at my place.” The cigarette fell out of his mouth as he looked at Hans in disbelief. Viktor was sure that he just misheard his friend. He hoped that he misheard his friend but something inside him knew that he heard Hans just fine.
“I said,“ Hans reached for another box, not even sparing a glance towards Viktor. “The Gestapo was at my place. Just a few hours ago.”
“Just a few- Hans what the hell?” With a scoff Viktor took a few steps back as he took a closer look at his surroundings. He felt watched from the darkness of the surrounding forest. As if someone was hiding between the trees just waiting to jump at him. With a scoff he walked back to the truck and climbed in. The quicker they reloaded the goddamn boxes the quicker they were gone again. “I told you we couldn’t trust Clara.”
“What so now you’re gonna blame it on Clara? You know damn well that she has nothing to do with this.” Hans crossed his arms in a defensive manner as he turned his full attention to Viktor. He raised his voice as felt attacked by his friend trying to put something on Clara. He couldn’t possibly imagine why Viktor would bring this up now.
“If it’s not this then it’s something else for christ's sake. Why should the Gestapo search your place otherwise?” 
“Well maybe but just maybe because of this.” Hans pointed at the boxes surrounding them. “Maybe the Gestapo is just catching up with us for stealing SS materials.”
Viktor scoffed and maneuvered his way past the boxes and towards the exit of the truck again. “Fuck it, I’m not going to argue now. Have fun carrying those goddamn boxes while I have a look outside. Not that someone actually followed- Oh for christ's sake.”
“What is it?” Hans turned his head to Viktor wanting to see what the problem was. As he saw his friend's hands high up in the air and the barrel of a gun pointed at his face, Hans moved forward trying to keep Viktor out of the line but, once he laid eyes on the shooter, he stopped dead in his tracks. 
With his eyes locked on the incredible familiar features Hans let out a shaky breath not quite believing who stood in front of him.
“Fucking hell I knew something was up.” Claire’s voice showed that she was shocked but at the same time it carried a certain amount of confidence in it. She lowered the gun in her hands as she kept her eyes trained on Hans, careful to watch every move. “I want the truth.”
Once the immediate danger was away from him, Viktor turned to Hans as he shook his head in defeat. “Just so you know. This is your fault.”
• • • • • •
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