#oops 😉
clairehadenough · 3 months
How does not staying long at a party make someone not married?😂
Are they becoming this desperate🥲?
Wedding rings ✅
Visibly in love ✅
Cute kisses and whispers throughout ✅
Had drinks and chatted with different people ✅
Stayed long hours inside ❌
Delulus verdict —> Not married
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And something else, also funny. Just as every self-confidence lacking loser, CaptDumbina needed to make a post to say she was right (of course, she wasn’t)😂⬇️
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Right about what? Oh yeah she wrote it in her post: “TOLD YOU THEY DIDN’T GO IN”.
Did you though, CaptDumbina? Let’s check. *opens receipts book*
There. This is what you said⬇️
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What did I just read?????? Colour me shocked 🤯
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Did you actually say they went INSIDE? Where of course “he took his ring off” and didn’t show her around to his friends?
I don’t know but if they really didn’t go inside, that’s the exact opposite of what you said. Which, sorry to break it to you 😢, doesn’t make you right.
It makes you… what’s that word…ah yeah…wrong.
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peachellaa · 9 months
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
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your lips, my lips (apocalypse)
"Do you know," Pierre says, thoughtfully, "that kissing is supposed to help with stress relief?"
Pierre and Charles begin a new thing in the 2023 season: making out after each new race. And then also... before it. And then at random times, too, just because they feel like it. And then they do a lot more than just making out. (It all goes about as well as you'd think.)
it just occurred to me that i've never actually made the tumblr post for this one, so here we go now! this is my new WIP project for the 2023 season 🫶 in which i make pierre and charles comfort each other after shitty races (and also vent my own feelings about the matter by writing smut. very therapeutic, that!)
updates: at some point after every new race/before the next race weekend. currently, we are at 4/20 chapters, with the monaco chapter being the latest ❤️
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for the smut prompts, 23 and 40 with copia??
Hi ghestie ❤️ sorry it took me a couple days to get back to you on this! I was a little busy and not feeling creative but I wanted to give this my attention ✨ so thank you!
NSFW below the cut 🥰
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Lounging on the little folding futon in Copia's room, you're locked in an intense co-op mission in Bubble Bobble. However, your friend finds his eyes wandering, taking in the curve of your hip, the way your t-shirt hugs your bust.
"C'mon, Cardi! You're down to your last life!"
"...m'not a Cardinal anymore, amico," he softly reminds you, returning his attention to the screen in front of him.
But he just can't get the idea off his mind... He wants to lay on his side with you, pressing himself against your backside.
Finally, once Copia loses his last life, you go down soon after him since you didn't have him to support you on the mission anymore.
You deadpan a look over to him as the Game Over screen flashes, "I know you can do better than that."
The look he gives you... It's one you've seen before. It sends heat right to your core, although you know you shouldn't feel that way about him.
"Oh no, don't give me that look," you shoot at him, "I'm your best friend! I shouldn't even know what your 'I wanna fuck' face looks like!"
Dropping the rectangular controller, his hand moves to squeeze the obvious tent in his burgundy sweatpants. Watching him touch himself so boldly makes you squish your thighs together, and you sit up so you're more face-to-face with the man.
"Per favore," it comes out as a half-ask as his eyes drink in your form, noticing your belly button peaking out from under your shirt and your strong hips spilling over the waistband of your own sweatpants.
"Papa, you can have anyone in the Abbey. Want me to go find you some unassuming Sister? Or a ghoul even??" You try to get out of what you know you're already locked into.
"I can have anyone in the Abbey, yet... You're right here, topolino," the hunger in his eyes intensifies as he looks at you like a cat trapping its next meal. Gently, almost too gently, his leather clad fingers circle your waist, sending a shiver down your spine.
"So you want me because it's convenient, huh?" Your voice quivers as his touch becomes heavier, his hot breath on your lips as he closes in on you.
He doesn't say anything, just leans down for his lips to find your neck, licking and nipping at the spots he knows will drive you crazy.
Choking back a little moan, you put your hand on the center of his chest, pushing him off of you just enough to say, "This is a one time thing, alright?"
His eyes flick up to yours before he chuckles deeply, lips returning to your neck as he rolls you back on the little futon. "You say that every time, tesoro," he whispers in your ear.
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whyeverr · 4 months
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"Is that what I think it is?!"
"Something smells good."
"Hang on, I haven't even told you the best part! They want me to do a mural as a trade for more food!"
"Wait. I thought it was for free?"
"Well, if we didn't have anything to trade, it would be. But I can totally paint a mural!"
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whiskeyswifty · 8 months
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For the LOVE of GOD hello!!!!!!!!!
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cowboyooo · 3 months
Suffering from having a boyfriend who continuously gets flirted with in front of me disease (it’s incurable)
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moonfromearth · 8 months
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The Spider Queen of Forgotten Hollow (before and after photos)
I recently made over the first sim I posted on Tumblr and I forgot how much I love her she's so adorable!
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pose4photoml · 6 months
@mlcpopfan - our boy ❣️ I am however at work in office but not doing as much, so far it’s been a YouTube video/music kind of morning. 😉
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clairehadenough · 4 months
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I think Getty and the lady from the NPC were not hired for the Axios event to block the view of his left hand and to “purposely avoid taking a picture” of it😌
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basmathgirl · 1 year
Is the BBC Doctor Who newsletter really suggesting what it seems to be suggestng?
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Because I’m surprisingly fine with that...
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
Wolfgang Wilder hearing about this so-called "Wolf of Moonwood Mill": ...... aight
LOLLLL okay Nonny I will admit…I had to look up who this sim was. I’ve never played with the werewolves pack or in Moonwood Mill before this mini-arc (also the world is stunning like omg??)
In my mind in this AU though (like in the main save) there are no supernaturals/occults. So Moonwood Mill is just an old logging town. Calling Giorgio “The Wolf of Moonwood Mill” was meant to be a play on The Wolf of Wallstreet and a little nod to what we know about Moonwood Mill in sims lore.
So please send my apologizes to Mr. Wilder because he is also a stylish stunning sim and I was not trying to upstage him 🫢
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stitchkiss · 1 year
tag game: shuffle your library, list 10 songs, and tag 10 people
tagged by @ksbbb and @thiamsxbitch <3
1. they don’t know about us by 1d
2. chameleon by heather sommer
3. moshpit by renforshort
4. holiday by lil nas x
5. grocery store girl by aidan bissett
6. stupid by tate mcrae
7. homesick by dua lipa
8. halfway by mimi webb
9. fast times by sabrina carpenter
10. mango bananas by flyana boss
tagging whoever so many of my mutuals have already been tagged lmao
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Someone’s Xtra today.. 👀
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
DAD is one of my favorite fanfics ever. Which moments in their story will we be getting from Mickey’s perspective? I’m hoping for the first time they meet where Mickey gives Ian a ride, the first time they hook up, and maybe the first time Mickey mentions Ian to Juice. Thank you for sharing your fanfic with the world, it’s honestly been a cathartic experience reading it.
anon, just popping in here to steal my heart, are you? 🥺😭🥰 i will never get over people loving up on these silly little biker boys. 💕
so, i have ideas for a handful of mickey pov scenes jotted down, but i’m not going to give them all away because 1) i love being a sneaky little bitch 😈 and 2) i don’t wanna promise things and then they don’t even up happening.
BUT…my two favorites that i really, really, really want to make sure come to life are:
- mickey x juice moment(s). originally i’d planned to write the whole thing as mickey pov. i’d planned out a whole friendship/storyline for those two, and was really bummed when i had to drop it after i decided to swap to ian pov. i was glad i was able to squeeze him into the last chapter, but i want to see more of them.
- mickey coming out to the club. another scene i had planned out before the pov swap. sad that we missed it, but just didn’t make sense that ian would be there. and (hopefully) the before/after was enough for them as a couple. but i still want to be there with mickey for that moment.
there are others, but we’ll see which ones every become enough to see the light of day. i don’t know when i’ll get to any of them. if i’ll jump right in or if i’ll wait a bit. see how i feel. but love know there’re people out there excited about them. comforting to know i can always jump back into the world whenever i’m feeling a little nostalgic for our boys. 🥰
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