#op hakugan
cebwrites · 2 years
gender/sexuality HCs (Heart Pirates pt 2)
a/n: for point of reference, i’ll be deferring this intro since not all the hearts are named yet and we still don’t know much about them ; 3 ;
as a reminder you’re free to agree or disagree with these hcs, these are just how i write them and my personal opinions o( ̄▽ ̄)d
onto the HCs! word count: 0.7k
he/him (cis man)
a raging dumpster fire disaster bi if i’ve seen one
clione shoots his shot a lot with airs of confidence to cheer himself on, the only downside is that people often see right through him and turn down the inflated persona he wears just so his knees don’t buckle
there’s a certain appeal to his awkwardness and fumbling, maybe clione wants someone to match all that energy he puts out, or maybe he needs someone tall, dark, and handsome to help slow him down
bi, they/she (gnc transfem)
their gender journey has always been something that Ani’s kept close to heart and at the same time, just a cog in the background that no one’s drawn too much attention to outside of her initial mentions of it to clear up any confusion
the realization happened gradually over time along their journey with the Hearts - she’s grateful for such an understanding crew but supposes with a captain like Law and a partner like Fang, any response that wasn’t acceptance wouldn’t be tolerated
bi, he/him (transmasc)
in direct contrast to his girlfriend, Fang is out and loud about just how trans he is - captain worked hard on his top surgery and Fang’ll be damned if he doesn’t show off the scars any time he can (the opportunities are slim in the sub and their boiler suits so that makes him even more keen to go topless outside)
he’s not the “yodel from the heavens about how much i love my partner” type unlike some other people on the crew, but Fang shows his affection a lot through small gestures throughout the day - they have different stations in the sub but even then he manages to swing by Ani’s for a quick kiss on the cheek with his snack drop-off and vice versa, it’s the little things that they manage together
(yes I know his canon name is Hakugan but I got attached to Fang long before Oda revealed that bit about him fairly recently so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
he/they/she lesbian (cis woman)
every crew needs a stone butch to keep things on the straight and narrow, right? right
despite how private he can be about his personal/romantic life, dorie still manages to be quite the open flirt - hitting mainly on other butch women but hey if you’re a gal interested in other gals that’s free real estate in their mind
everything is kept pretty casual, they don’t expect to form lifelong bonds in a coupe nights when the crew typically don’t dock at an island for more than a week at a time, give or take how much trouble they get (dragged) into - she takes what she can get and for the moment, it’s enough
although, some part of him does wonder when they’ll meet up with the Kidd Pirates again, for no particular reason...
they/them (enby)
demiromantic but what kind of pirate doesn’t kiss their crewmate goodnight? or on the forehead sneakily before breakfast, or on the cheek- just.. cause...
point is! they’re very affectionate and like to sling at least an arm around whoever they’re talking to if it’s someone close
they’re chatty and amicable too with a friendly disposition to boot, something you’d breathe a breath of relief for to find in your tattoo artist, no? well--
they/he (genderqueer)
unlabeled yet down horrendous for their best friend
this dumb gay bitch has gotten a bunch of small tattoos all over their body just as an excuse to spend more time with and/or be physically closer to Hake rather than just talk to them like a normal person
because the feeling of their arm around his shoulder sends Hoki’s heartrate skyrocketing normally but for some reason, seeing Hake in their element, at their most focused, calms them just enough to stay still for another hour or so
yeah he’s down so awful someone send HELP
And because I don’t have enough to say on the rest of them to make another post but wanted to mention these goobs anyway-
Jean Bart, Marl, Gul, Bas, and Laeno are the older gays of the crew - the queer elders (peepaws even) if you will Marl and Bas are trans men, Laeno is unlabeled but certainly not cis, while Jean and Gul are cis (all he/him, all mlm) Jean Bart didn’t have much of an opportunity to explore himself a la pillaging and terrorizing as a fearsome pirate captain before he was caught and sold to the Celestial Bastard that owned him - but now that he’s free and has a lot more time to his own thoughts, he’s able to examine himself properly and even reconsider experiences in the past as maybe not so straight after all
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lazychimken · 6 months
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Law please I know they look cute like this but you gotta help them!!
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ai-sun · 1 year
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Heart Pirates
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I've got this headcanon in my head about the hearts pirates. Remember that time when Law introduced the hearts pirate to Luffy?
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I kinda imagine that his crew actually bugged him to introduce them to Luffy. That's why when he just introduced them as a whole crew not one by one they felt slighted.
I bet that each one of them expected to have a character introduction and they already planned each pose like for example.
This Bepo our navigator, he's from the minks tribe and he's the crew's baby.
These are Shachi and Penguin these two are left hand slash Bepo's nannies.
This is Hakugan our helmsman
Ikkaku our shipwright.
That would have been so funny.
I just hope that the rest of the crew were fine 🥹.
Is it fine that I worry more about Law's crew more than himself. After all I'm a big fan of Law he belongs to my top 10 list of fav One Piece characters.
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frogfemur · 1 month
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So I heard yesterday was heart pirates day so just did a meme pic on my phone
they're at Law's (and Corazon's house) waiting to hang out or do a group project or something lol
and Corazon let them in cuz he knows they're homies
I never know what color to do anything so sorry for the brightass colors
Og meme:
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skit181 · 5 months
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Another heart pirates drawing made (i love this man and his crew and im probably not ok)
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midnightfire830 · 19 days
SOOOOO TW for blood?
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Had a fun conversation with the author of this fanfic that doesn’t get NEARLY enough attention in the comments. So I doodled a few ideas we mentioned!
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xxnotinmylobbyxx · 8 months
Hallo! I love your One Piece tlou AU arts! I love your artsyle ❤️
Though i want to see tlou AU Shachi and probably with the others, since he and the Hearts are my favorite
Hey anon! First of all Thank you so much!!! I’m so glad that ya’ll like the au :))
As for Shachi and the rest the Heart Pirates they are taking the spot of the Salt Lake Crew! A few of the dynamics are gonna be a little bit different from the game. I wanted to make it a bit more like a crew like in the show. It’s a bit more familial a lot less romantic. Specifically Bepo as Owen and Law as Abby, there’s not really gonna be any romance between them like in the game.
I’m not going to lie I haven’t Played the second game, I’ve only watched some playthrough’s so my knowledge on some of the relationships in the game are a bit limited. But I had fun trying to figure out who I wanted as who!
I don’t have much but here’s the lineup of the crew right now!
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stupidjaguar · 8 months
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Can't belive I've never told you guys I have an One Piece OC who is like one of my main source of serotonin in almost a year now (he's much older than one year actualy, but I've got hyperfixated on him just year ago.) So have a bunch of my fav sketches of him A bit of info about him is under the spoiler
So yeah, meet Mortimer. He is a cook of Heart pirates crew. Dorky and playful guy, flirty, teasing, VERY affectionate to those who's he trust enough. But also have almost zero self-preservation, low self-esteem, very overprotective and easily triggered for violence (he geniunely tries to not to buuuut). He is a former celestial dragon's slave/pet (how unique, I know!) so yeah, it messed up his head pretty much.
Also ate zoan devil fruit, model eagle owl.
Feel free to ask things about him, I'd love to infodump :""^)
(Green-haired girl is @/mooseypersonal's OC, Sanai!)
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chromatic-lamina · 6 months
Heart Pirates Week 2024: Day 8: April 13: Hakugan: Caught
Hakugan’s boiler suit was caught on a submarine panel—half a huge smiley face, dragging him down. His captain's magnetism drew all to him, or attracted the Hearts at least. Hakugan's mother had always told him to look before he leapt, but he dove into everything feet or beak first, including this ocean. He didn't have much choice this time.
He struggled against the weighted water and against his air pipes constricting. Seawater pushed through his mask, wet his lips. He couldn't hold his breath for much longer. Geese did not dive this deep. His feathers were waterlogged. His heart had been captured by this crew, by Law, and now their vessel. With no-one at the helm—with no helm, no ship—escape was slim.
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@heart-pirates-week AO3 Link: Will not be live until about 8 hours after the publication of the tumblr post.
Day 1: Tumblr: AO3, Day 2: Tumblr: AO3:, Day 3: Tumblr: AO3:, Day 4: Tumblr: AO3: Day 5: Tumblr: AO3 Day 6: Tumblr: AO3: 7: Tumblr: AO3, Day 8:You are here: AO3 Day 9: Tumblr: AO3
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lazychimken · 6 months
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Just some Heart Pirates shenanigans :D
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ai-sun · 11 months
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The twenty two crew members of the Heart Pirates and their beloved captain
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random-moth · 8 months
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Wanted to draw my favorite hearts interacting :]
Traditional coloring and sketch under cut
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frogfemur · 5 months
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Heart Pirates Week!
Day 9
Fantasy AU
Dungeon Meshi inspired me
Since it's the last day I wanted to include all the members of the crew but man my brain broke part way through this (don't ask why I made them what they are but Law is for sure a mage)
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For @ikkaku-of-heart !
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daeryn · 2 years
OP 1064 SPOILERS (barely)
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