#opal loves her dragon babies!
The Taming of Man: chapter two - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Yet another chapter of this getting cranked out, slowly waiting for burnout to catch up to me :/ Hope you Enjoy!
ONCE AGAIN, This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, Shirtless Katsuki, and copious amounts of grass-touching
words: 2,684
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"Do you vow allegiance to your land?"
"I do."
"Do you vow allegiance to your people?"
"I do."
"Do you vow to never leave, and to spend every day hereafter in your country?"
"ugh," your handmaid Ururaka sighed, shaking her head and shutting the aged book in her lap. "You can't hesitate! How do you expect to be crowned if you hesitate," she scolded, her brow furrowing.
"I know, I know," you groaned, hanging your head in your hands. It was going to be your 20th birthday in a month, and as princess of the fae you would have to go through your coronation to become queen of the fae. you have to make an oath, the same oath you were just practicing, in order to be placed on the throne. The people took this very seriously, and if they sensed you were being disingenuous they wouldn't allow your crowning.
"I just...what if there's good out there? what if things have changed?" You peered at your trusted servant seated across from you from between your fingers, watching as she looked displeased and sighed again. "And what if there's not? You know what happened, you've heard the stories," she explained, gentle yet firm.
You sat back up, looking out through the baby-blue stained window right next to you. You watched as children played in the courtyard, golden glitter shooting from their fingers as they "shot" at each other. Pegasus' pulled wagons of fruit and grain in, men and women unloading them and carrying the bags into the door that led to the royal kitchen. Life was so quaint, so perfect, so comfortable, and yet so...boring.
"I don't see the issue if I already go out there," you grumbled, crossing your arms with eyes locked on the scene before you. Ochako rubbed her tired eyes, quite frankly sick of your bullshit, and just stood from her chair. "You know the issue, a Queen doesn't leave her people," she said pointedly, coming around behind you and beginning to braid your hair into a bun. The tension was going to give you a headache, you just knew it.
your lips pressed together at her words, and sighing in defeat you said, "fine...but I'm not a queen yet." Ochako let out a sniff of amusement, smiling a little to herself. "you know how your mother would feel if I let you go," she reasoned, scooping a little gel from a container on the vanity behind her and slicking back your baby hairs.
"well yeah, that's what secrets are for," you laughed, wincing a little as you felt your hair twist in her skilled hands. Ochako was silent for a moment, seemingly weighing her options. "...don't expect me to lie if you get caught."
You nodded eagerly, and she gave an affirming nod back as she finished your hair. "There," she said in an accomplished tone, happy with the bun, and you stood to hug her. "Thank you," you exclaimed, grabbing your basket and rushing out. You'd want to wash your clothes, you loved how the water made them feel. "It's not like I'm allowed to say no anyways," she called after you, raising and dropping her arms dejectedly.
You zoomed past servants and scholars, your bare feet pounding against the opal halls of the palace you called home. Room after room you passed, the library, the billiards room, the study, all to get to the window just before the stairs. After all, why go down 5 flights of stairs when you could hop out a window? You popped it open, looking down to check if that abandoned wagon was still there, and blithely hopped out. Your sage green skirt and white underskirts caught a little wind, blinding you for a second, before you landed on the wagon full of hippogriff down.
You didn't feel a thing, although the pile was difficult to climb out of. You plunged your hand into the dense fluff, grabbing a rope before clambering out of the feathers. Your feet sunk into mud as you walked towards the giant wall that protected the castle, the white material gleaming in the sun. You threw the rope over the side, listening for the sound of metal hitting metal as the weighted end clanged against an anchor. Perfect.
Tugging it first to be sure it was secure, you began to climb up the side of the wall, your corset making it increasingly uncomfortable. Your feet stuck a little to the wall, thankfully not slipping, and it took you a full minute to climb all the way to the top. Once you reached it, you stood for a second surveying the area, taking a breath of fresh air and watching for anyone who might see you.
Seeing nobody, you grinned and jumped down, knees bending as you hit the ground. You began to run, giggling happily and undoing the bun Ochako worked so hard on. You were practically flying, running far from the palace that kept you feeling imprisoned. You could feel the eyes of the birds and chipmunks, you could hear them giggling with you.
You started to slow down, your legs beginning to hurt, and you stopped to sit on a rock. Catching your breath, you looked around, examining the forest you called your second home. The sun dappled through the trees, the grass releasing a gold shimmer with each disturbance, and the scent of the spindling vines covered in white flowers citric and sweet.
You smiled, stretching a little and standing back up. From now on, you walked leisurely, sure no one would catch up to you, even if they realized you were gone. While walking, you began to hum, singing the song of your country. It was ingrained in your history, a legend many took incredibly seriously. You yourself believed it, but you didn't think it was so relevant now.
It took you a while, but you finally reached the babbling brook you were so fond of. It shimmered different colors from different angles, sometimes purple, sometimes red, sometimes every color in between. You kept walking down the side of it, singing your song the whole way, until you reached the perfect spot. In the very center of this part of the stream was a ring of water club mushrooms, each cluster a different color.
Carefully, you balanced on rocks peaking out the top of the brook, not wanting to fall and get swept away. Once you reached the circle, you took a deep breath, holding it and hopping into the center.
Suddenly, you were underwater, slowly treading up to the surface. You reached the top, swallowing up air and climbing out. The second you left the water, you and your clothes were dry, as was your basket. You looked around, taking in the smell of the multicolored flowers. You set down your basket on the giant tree stump, its number of rings somewhere in the thousands, and skipped through the flowers and to the trees as you sang your song. "See me now, oh ray of light in the moondance," you sang, hitting each note perfectly. It always satisfied you when you could do that.
You grabbed at the pink Tea Fruit hanging low on the branches, taking a bite. It was something like the mix between a pear and a plum, rich flavor with a crispy crunch. The juice dribbled down your chin, staining your shirt, and you smiled as you took a couple more to snack on while you sat.
Making your way to the giant stump and singing your tune the whole way, you plopped down and ate your fruit, listening to the sound of the forest. Birds joined you in song, fluttering down and sitting with you. You gave them the core of your fruit, allowing them to peck at it. A deer pranced in, a deer you knew well. You pressed your forehead to hers, staring into her big, clear eyes. You held a fruit to her mouth, smiling as she gladly took it and settled at your feet.
The next couple hours went like this, enjoying the sun, fresh air, and water. Animals came and went as they pleased. The scent of wild flowers filled your nostrils. All the while you sang your song, and all the while you thought about the outside. You had never gone farther than the little ring of trees, and any time you tried to look much farther, all you could see was mist.
As much as you wanted to explore, it unsettled you. Something primal told you no, told you to stay in your safe little field...and yet something else a little louder told you something was out there for you. Something big. You sighed, looking up towards the sky and shaking your head. You restarted your song for what felt like the billionth time, not even questioning why you wouldn't stop. You just...did. You felt like you were preforming for a waiting crowd.
Treading the water with your feet, you watched that same glittering effect change and shift. Suddenly, the once twittering birds around you fluttered, flying off in groups. You watched in confusion, looking towards the opposite direction of the flock, wondering if you should be scared too. You could hear footsteps, and smell the scent of blood.
Your singing stopped, and you looked even closer. You could just barely see the outline of a man, and despite your better judgment you got up and walked closer. Now you could see him completely, he was a man who was incredibly attractive. He looked like the sun.
His hair was light blonde, glowing even, and his eyes, fuck, those eyes. Sharp and intense ruby red, like he held the manifestation of pure passion in them. His build was strong, each and every muscle chiseled and defined, especially noticeable as he was lacking a shirt. You could see scales trailing up his forearms, an orange-red and nearly translucent. Lastly, a chain of animal tooth, amber, and cat's eye hung on his neck...
You knew what he was. You knew what The Dragonborne did to your people...You should be scared...but, this Dragonborne hasn't done anything, right? And this feeling in your chest, the swelling of emotion like destiny was pulling on your heartstrings, it didn't mean nothing, right?
Katsuki was surprised to see you notice him, and twice as surprised to see you walk towards him. What was he thinking, coming all the way out here? This was crazy. He shouldn't fear you...He didn't fear you! who said that?
"Hey," he barked, stepping closer to you. You didn't back down. "Hey," you said inquisitively, your hands twitching a little as you wanted to reach out and touch him. "W-who are you," he growled, a little bit of steam blowing out of his nose. stuttering? what, was he five? He cursed himself in his head, hating that he of all people would fall nervous in front of a beautiful woman.
"Who are you," you countered, at this point you were just echoing what he was saying. You shook your head, not wanting to be so...annoying. "I-I'm (Y/n)," you blurted out, sticking your hand out for him to shake. he pushed it to the side, getting closer and crossing his arms. "How did you get here? Where are you from," he interrogated, staring you down.
You just stared back, not one to be intimidated, and pursed your lips a little. "uh, I swam, and Gildflå," you chortled, a little attitude in your tone as you gestured vaguely to the creek. He looked where you pointed, glancing back and forth as his scowl deepened. Who the fuck does this chick think she is? He's never heard of any Gildflå, and he knows every country in the world. "You think I'm joking," he scoffed, glaring daggers at you.
"No...I mean, if you are, you're not very funny," you tittered, looking past him now. "And I could ask you the same thing, where are you from, how did you get here?" He rolled his eyes, but answered all the same. "I'm from Forrmidūl, and I walked." He was nothing if not honest. "What's Forrmidūl?" You didn't know? nobody this side of the planet didn't know. "alright, now you're joking." You laughed and shook you head, walking back to the stump and taking a seat. He followed without even thinking, like a lost puppy, and sat next to you. "I wish I was. I'm not really from here," you sighed.
...you really weren't from here. Katsuki knew when people were lying, he could smell it, and he couldn't smell the sweet yet bitter scent of deception on you. He took your appearance, from the roots of your hair to the tips of your toes, completely enamored. You wore a ring that had engravings of a language he's never heard before, inlaid with gemstones he's never seen.
"...You're a faerie." He didn't sound shocked, or happy, or devious. He was just making a statement, an observation. You looked away from him, down at your hands, and smiled a little. "aaand you're a Dragonborne," you sighed, glancing back at him. "...What's it like," you ask quietly, brows creasing with confusion, perhaps even desperation. "What's what like," he grumbled, patience as thin as ever.
"Out there," you stated, tilting your head towards where he came from. You were so clueless, he almost felt bad for you. almost. He rolled her eyes, looking down at the water. "Dangerous. 's not a place little faerie girls who don't know shit," he said scornfully.
You laughed a little, looking up at the sky as it began to slowly fade into orange. "Well...What if you made me know shit," you offered, looking over at him with pleading eyes. Now it was his turn to laugh, his eyes meeting yours. "Yeah? What'd I get in return?"
you hummed in thought, bringing your knees to your chest. "I could...heal that," you said with a teasing tone, pointing at his wounds. He was about to just scoff and get up to leave, but something in him told him to accept. He wanted to spend more time with you.
"...You know magic," he asked gruffly. You nodded eagerly, gold flakes coming from the tips of your fingers just to prove it. "I can make potions too," you proposed, wanting any reason to both learn about the outside and keep spending time with him.
He thought for a moment, looking at the water as he did so. People who could do magic so easily were rare, if not impossible to find. "...every day you bring me a potion of my choosing, I'll give you a lesson."
You grinned widely and practically jumped up with joy, immediately giving him a squeezing hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou," you squealed. He was stunned for a moment, but quickly pushed you off. "yeah yeah, I'm the best, whatever, shut up," he groaned, standing up. "Bring me a healing potion tomorrow, and I'll teach you then."
you nodded happily, that gorgeous smile unwavering. "Will you be shirtless tomorrow too," you teased, your eyes holding mischief. He froze, shocked for a second, before turning scarlet and growling. "You want this or not," he shouted, practically foaming at the mouth.
You just laughed, waving him off as he walked back to the woods and kept his arms crossed over his chest. You were just about to leave too, when you realized something important. "Wait!"
He begrudgingly turned around, shouting, "what," as loud as you were. "What's your name," you asked, a curious look on your face. He paused, pressing his lips together. "...You gonna cast a spell on me or somthin'?"
You chuckled, you never knew such a myth existed here. "No, You're just hot and I figured that'd be important," you called back. He tensed, redness flooding from his face to his neck, before whipping around towards the forest. "It's Katsuki," he grumbled, hands stuffed in his pockets.
You laughed, yelling, "Byeee Katsuki!"
Stupid girl. Doesn't even know how good his name sounded coming from her damn mouth.
Stupid feelings.
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Ahhhh it's startingggg! please please please let me know how you feel, is it bad, is it good, are you completely confused, etc. I just love getting feedback, and if you have any questions please direct them to my Ask Me Anything box :)
Taglist: @xxiamabookdragonxx @the-galaxy-fiend
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huramuna · 3 months
helaena targaryen - headcanons
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my collection of helaena headcanons, ft. a drawing of her eyes & an excerpt of her claiming dreamfyre, under the cut! remember, these are just my personal headcanons and nothing here is fact. i just really love helaena and expanding on her character on how i see her is very fun.
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Modern Helaena is an entomologist who also has an etsy where she sells elaborate taxidermied insect scenes.
Modern Helaena is a huge fan of the monsterverse and loves Mothra. 
Helaena is autistic. She is mostly touch averse with others but enjoys holding her children, they are her safe place and safety blanket.
Helaena and Aegon are mostly divorced in their everyday lives. They don't dine together nor sleep in the same chambers but there is one time in their lives where they enjoy being together. They enjoy taking the children flying with them on Dreamfyre and Sunfyre respectively. They don’t interact with each other much when they are flying, but being adjacent to one another on their dragons is enough.
Her crown that her mother presented to her in the Dragonpit coronation is inlaid with opals. She likes to look at it but doesn’t like wearing it.
Besides live bugs, she loves pinning dead bugs, putting them in display cases all around her room. 
She has a glass tank ‘vevarium’ in her solar with Armadillidae, aka isopods, aka pillbugs, aka rolly pollies. She requested Aemond’s assistance with making it as he has studied some of the sciences from citadel around insect environments. 
She has sectoral heterochromia. It is not noticed upon first look, but up close, a flecked segment of brown is integrated with the periwinkle iris in her left eye. it is a personification of her dreaming, the crack into her psyche, as well as one of the only things in her appearance she inherited from her mother, Alicent.
Her favorite bug is a Giant Jeweled beetle, which has a blue and teal iridescent sheen to it. It reminds her of Dreamfyre. 
Dreamfyre’s saddle was modified to have the image of a dragonfly on the front.
Helaena claimed and was claimed by Dreamfyre at age eight, although not riding until age twelve, whilst in the Dragonpit, likely following Aegon to go see Sunfyre. 
Dreamfyre rumbled from her nest, grumbling low as a warning. The dragon peeked her head out of the cave as Helaena and Aegon passed by. Her breaths ruffled the hem of the princess’ skirt, which was ironically, a teal-tinted blue and slightly reflective material.  Helaena turned her head and stopped in her tracks, as Aegon muddled on through the caves to where Sunfyre nested– he hadn’t even noticed his sister wasn’t behind him any longer.  “Hello,” Helaena murmured towards the rumbling mass. It was a sound of caution to others, a sign to stay away from the broody dragon. But to the princess, it was a soft and lilting song.  The cerulean dragon puffed a cloud of smoke, as if to gently deter the tiny interloper. But Helaena was, surprisingly, unphased in front of the beast. Pale periwinkle eyes roved over Dreamfyre’s scales, the ambient light of the torches casting opalescent sheens from within them.  “Oh, you’re like a beetle,” the princess whispered, tilting her head in unison with the dragon, who was inspecting her as she spoke. “You hold all of the colors… it only takes light to see them. Red, green, gold…”  Dreamfyre gave a small cooing noise— a different inflection than her previous warnings. It was notably more light and rhythmic, as if she were communicating with a baby dragon. Helaena, in turn, tried to mimic the noises, offering her hand.  As skin met scale, they both relaxed under one another’s touch; an ancient bond snapping into place.  “You are my favorite color… I love blue.” 
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From the Ashes Pt. 32
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs, Reader POV
Words: 4513
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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“No way. . .”
“My lady. . . Where did you obtain such a treasure?”
As you gawked at what you had thought to be a normal opal gemstone, you felt your mind spin uncontrollably with disbelief. There was absolutely no way. Dragon eggs had been all but gone in Westeros, even in Dragonstone where centuries earlier they had been abundant. The few that had been found by Aerys early on in his reign were unable to hatch and thus destroyed as they proved useless to him.
Maybe that was why you had been feeling a deeper type of warmth resonating from the beautiful egg. A life that had once had potential.
You told Inniros of Thalina and how a knight from Westeros along with Tyrion had delivered it to you. It indeed hailed from Dragonstone where you had spent your childhood with Thalina.
“To think that maid was actually a red priestess.” mused Tyrion as he was unable to tear his gaze from the dragon egg. All the stories hadn’t prepared him for the real thing. Inside was a baby dragon that never got the chance to live. Impossible to both you and Tyrion to view Thalina as this secret keeper as she had been a lovely, ditzy girl when you had known her. “She knew all along.”
Inniros picks up the egg and examines it with his one good eye. Now Tyrion stared at the darkin. Another tale that he had thought was only make believe. A darkin and a dragon. He towered over you and Tyrion, his face fully visible now that he could no longer hide behind his long, red, locks. His sheared head bothered you. Who had done it? Or did he cut it off himself? You knew that some men of the Fiery Hand could be malicious.
“Granted, who knows if there’s anything left alive in it.” He murmurs, fingers scraping against a scale. “For all we know it could only be a beautiful fossil now.”
“Are you sure it’s an actual dragon egg?”
“Positive.” Inniros immediately replied without waiting a second. “There is a forgotten city in the heart of the Shadowlands called Stygai. It is void of human life and only the darkins are brave enough to venture out there. Strange creatures have taken over the ruins and there are rumors that dragons are still present there too. My master Batur brought me as close as he thought appropriate. I will never forget the shriek that shook the land beneath me. Batur told me it was from a dragon. The Shadow Hills where the darkin call their home are on the outskirts of Asshai and lead to Stygai. In a way we protect unknowing travelers from stumbling upon the Shadowlands.”
Inniros hands the egg back to you, very carefully as if there were still life in it. “Be very careful to who you show this to. Even if it’s just a fossil now, it’s still worth a fortune. Especially one as beautiful as this one.”
You purse your lips and cradle the egg in your arms like an infant. “If dragons are still alive in the Shadowlands. . .”
As if reading your thoughts, Tyrion continues your musing “Then it may be possible for the egg to still hatch if it’s brought there?”
The darkin shrugs and sits on the edge of his small bed, way too small for his height and long legs. “Who knows how old that egg is. But I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. Many odd things happen in the Shadowlands. From the River Ash that glows green at night to the creatures that lurk in the Valley of Shadows, anything could happen.”
Noticing the expression of unconditional hope on Tyrion’s face, you carefully tell your brother not to get his hopes up. Like Inniros said, this could only be a fossil now. Tyrion wasn’t having any of it though. His life prior had been filled with neglect and abandonment. He had entered the land where anything is possible and tales from his childhood were coming true. Darkins and dragons, creatures that lurked in the dark and all of the adventure that it carried with it. Even if Tyrion begged you, you knew he couldn’t accompany you to Asshai. There were too many uncertainties and you didn’t want to put Tyrion at risk now that he was safe in the temple. It pained you, the thought of leaving him again. But he would be with Jaime and you knew Jaime would do anything to ensure that Tyrion stayed safe.
A gentle rap against Inniros’ door sounded before Vidarr poked his head in. “Sorry to interrupt but the Red Priest who presides over the dungeon would like to know what to do with the Fiery Hand you sent down there.”
Yes, there was still the issue of that Fiery Hand to deal with. You look down at Tyrion. “I’m afraid I must leave you in the watchful eye of someone else.”
“I can’t go with you?”
“The dungeons are no place for a young boy.” You told him and immediately saw the fight that was ready on his lips. Trying your best at a ‘stern big sister stance’, Tyrion bites back whatever words he had on the tip of his tongue for he respected and loved you too much to cause you any type of displeasure. “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll leave you off at the training grounds so you can watch the others. Jaime must already be there after this morning. You can always find Jaime there.
Stiffly, Tyrion nods. “Alright. But what about the egg? Inniros just said to be careful who you show it to.”
“The temple is safe. I have no enemies here.”
Even so, you knew you couldn’t walk around all day carrying the egg. Hopeful eyes glance at Inniros who was glaring at Vidarr from his spot on his bed. “Inniros, would you mind terribly keeping an eye on this?”
“An eye is all I have.” He murmurs but holds out his hands so that you could once again place it in his care although he seemed hesitant.
You thank him and take Tyrion by the hand. “Are you too old to hold your sister’s hand?”
“Never!” To reassure you, he gives your hand a little squeeze.
The both of you smile and walk out.
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The training grounds were loud as ever with the vibrato of clanging swords and grunting men and women alike. On his typical bench under the shade, Nuahlin sits pleasantly. He watches the army that used to be under his authority which old age had stripped him of. Neither seemed to bother him though as he smiles amicably. Next to him is the tall priestess Siofra with her short curly hair that was uncharacteristically blonde for someone with such dark skin. There was always a priest or priestess with him as he was still highly revered.
Her dimpled smile emerges when she sees you and Tyrion approaching. “Hello nuha kosh!”
You lead Tyrion over to them, guiding him as his attention was on the skilled fighters. In the depths of the ring was Jaime having it out with Weles. As of late they had been consistent sparring partners and you knew that they had a sort of friendship budding quietly.
“Rytsas (Hello) Siofra, Nuahlin. I don’t think either of you have been officially introduced to my brother. This is Tyrion. Tyrion, Nuahlin used to be the commander of the Fiery Hands. It has now been passed down to Weles who you see sparring with Jaime. And this is one of the Red Priestesses, Siofra.”
Tyrion greets them and blushes when Siofra gushes over his two different colored eyes. “How interesting! One is black and the other is green like your sister’s.”
Nuahlin pokes at the small sword that hung off of his hip. “Do you know how to use that, byka azantys (little soldier)?”
“Somewhat.” He looks down momentarily at his stunted legs. “It was hard to learn because I’m a dwarf, but I had an excellent teacher who taught me the basics.”
Gently nodding his head, Nuahlin seemed to already know who Tyrion’s teacher was. “The Westerosi knight you traveled with.”
“Ser Barristan Selmy.” Tyrion nodded.
“Yes, Ser Selmy. What a shame he couldn’t stay longer. It would have been wonderful to watch him spar with the Fiery Hand. Watching Jaime when he first started here was quite entertaining. He fought stiff as a log, now look at him.”
You and Tyrion turn your head to watch said brother swipe a leg under Weles, making the captain momentarily slip but flipped back on to his feet. It was a challenge to knock Weles off balance, not many were capable of succeeding. In the flash of an eye, Weles’ curved blade strikes out at Jaime while the sword he held in his other hand jabbed near Jaime’s stomach. The blade only caught a piece of his robes, sending a ribbon of fabric drifting through the breeze. You even heard Tyrion suck in a sharp breath at the close call. Jaime was holding his own though and was equally fluid in his footwork. He had become such a beautiful fighter.
“I am excited to see what the Fiery Hand can do with you.”
“Even if I’m a dwarf?”
His smile was tender. “Yes, byka azantys. In the Fiery Hand, we accept everyone. Former slaves, vagabonds, you name it. As long as you show faith and work hard.”
You catch Siofra’s attention. “Do you mind keeping an eye on him? There is a situation that calls for my presence in the dungeons.”
“Of course nuha kosh. I will take good care of Lord Tyrion.” she smiles happily.
Patting your younger brother on the head, you tell him that you would see him in a little bit and to behave. He nods, partially listening to you but his gaze couldn’t be torn away from watching Jaime.
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Silently making your way all the way down to the temple’s jail cells, you were greeted at the gate by a Fiery Hand who bowed at your appearance. You nod to them and offer a small smile before opening the door and going to a cell where you were told the offending warrior was being held. Guilt flickered inside of you that someone who had been so dedicated to R’hllor should be behind bars for simply voicing worry. You knew trusting Inniros may have been viewed as extreme and unwise. He had murdered a handful of Fiery Hands without much thought and so efficiently. The power of the darkin terrified them and made them angry that he had not had justice brought down upon him. Inniros still stood while they were forced to bury their brothers. What would the actual Azor Ahai done with this man?
Even facing him you still didn’t know what to do. You stared into his dark eyes that flickered with the torch’s dancing light. Tattoos showed devotion to the Lord of Light.
In Valyrian you ask what his name is. He lowers his gaze and replies “I am Tejas.”
You repeat his name, practicing it on your tongue. “I must apologize that I had to resort to sending you here-”
“While the darkin walks free above.”
Trying to mask the wince, you felt your heart race. “Yes. Inniros. I know the crime he has committed is unforgivable. Inniros has done many things to obtain riches. But even R’hllor is willing to give grace to someone who repents, is that not correct?”
“You don’t understand the dark side of the world because you are but a girl, even if you are Azor Ahai reborn. You are young and trusting. Too trusting. You might have been able to get away with it back in your land of Westeros where the people are soft. Not here. Men will forsake religion in order to obtain wealth beyond their wildest dreams. The darkin lies.” He spat out the last sentence. “They are lost in their ways and have forgotten who gave them their abilities in the first place. And yet you let one into the temple after he murdered the men in charge of protecting you.”
You were quickly losing your courage. “What’s the proof you have that all of them have lost their way?”
“Speak up." You heard your father’s voice ring in your ears.
“Speak up and look right into my eyes.”
There weren’t many times when you thought back fondly on your father Tywin Lannister. Yet you found yourself drawing on his strength and remembering his harsh words. For at that moment, you needed to be a little bit of your father if you were to get through this without looking weak. And Tywin was anything but weak.
Tejas presses his lips firmly together before answering “You really know nothing because you were born an outsider.”
You envisioned your father glaring down at you behind his massive desk. Pale green eyes made you want to cry. He hated when you showed any sign of cracking. A Lannister didn’t show their fear. Better yet, a Lannister didn’t have fear. Courageous like the lion on their crimson banners.
“Then tell me, Tejas. Educate me for the priests and priestesses don’t seem to be doing a good enough job to your liking.” Attempting to fix your face like Tywin’s had been when admonishing you, you forced yourself to become steely. Finely honed like a blade of Valyrian steel. You wouldn’t show Tejas how nervous you were. At that moment he was a five year old (y/n); cowering before her abrasive father.
He took on your challenge though, not prepared to let a little girl like yourself intimidate him. You weren’t a little girl. That was his mistake for thinking you a fool. You knew the dark, cruel side of the world. Had the wounds to show that you had survived. “When Azor Ahai died, they did not join the rest of R’hllor’s worshippers at the temple. They wanted to be their own agents, live in those haunted hills of Asshai. They left without a word.”
“That doesn’t necessarily mean they lost their way. I understand your doubt, but was it not I alone who stopped him from causing anymore damage? I put an end to his reign of terror. When he saw Lightbringer ablaze, he knew what he had done was an error. Let me ask you, do you doubt that I am Azor Ahai reborn?”
Flushing slightly, he scrambled for useful words. “I-I personally wasn’t there to see Lightbringer’s glory. . . but according to my brothers it happened.”
“That didn’t answer my question. Do you think me a fraud, Tejas?”
You were unnerving him now. “O. . . Of course I believe you are Azor Ahai reborn, nuha kosh.”
“Then trust that I know what I’m doing with the darkin. While they may not have allied themselves with the temple back then, they will now. Azor Ahai is back and they’ll obey the call when I go there. They were created to help Azor Ahai win against the Others. There’s a reason for everything, Tejas, and it might not be clear now. A bigger event is at play and while I mourn the loss of the men that died protecting me, there will be more lives lost in the upcoming battle and we need the darkin to ensure we don’t lose more lives than need be.” Despite your hands trembling at your sides, you kept your voice level as Tywin would have. “I will allow for your release, but don’t you dare question me again.”
Tejas immediately presses his forehead to the ground. “Yes, nuha kosh. Please forgive me.”
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You paused a few steps away from the cellar’s door, up on the stairs that led back to the brightness of day. Heart still pounding and a fever on your cheeks, you took a deep breath as the rest of your body trembled. To be that tough had been hard to do. You knew that being like that was necessary in order to prove your authority. You couldn’t have your men thinking you as a sweet, stupid, girl from Westeros.
Still jittery, you carefully make your way back to retrieve your egg from Inniros. The guards greeted you a second time before letting you in. Inniros was stationed by a small window that was held above a table and chair. On his lap lay the beautiful fossil.
“Are you alright?” He questions when handing you the egg.
You nod. “I never thought I would ever say this, but I’m grateful for my father being who he is. He’s a bastard, but his men respect and fear him. I had no idea how much effort it was to be like that.”
“Because that’s not who you originally are.”
“It’s who I have to be though. If I want the Fiery Hands to respect me, I have to act like the Lord of Casterly Rock.”
“You don’t want to be like him. Your sister is like him and she was not the least bit pleasant to be around. I walked into the shadows in front of her just to wipe that conceited look off her face.” Inniros told you.
Only imagining the fright on Cersei’s face made you smile a little. “I bet that felt good.”
The faintest hint of a smile made the corners of his lips twitch upward. “Yes, it did.”
He must not be used to smiling for it was quick to disappear and Inniros turned his attention back to the window.
“By the way, your hair. . .’
His hand goes up to where his mass of scarlet dreadlocks once covered the right side of his face; concealing the eye that he was missing. “The priests shaved it.” That was all Inniros was willing to divulge. You didn’t press any further on the issue but you felt angry that the priests would do that to him. Now he acted even more self-conscious around you. You thought the two of you had made progress during your visits to his cell, now all that progress seemed to be lost. Like the shadows that bent at his will, his hair had acted as a security blanket that he could hide behind. At least it would grow back. Perhaps on your journey to Asshai it could reclaim its former glory. When you got back, you would have to discuss with the priests that Inniros’ hair was off limits unless he wanted to cut it.
“If anything else happens. . . please let me know.”
You catch his nod before you leave Inniros’ room to go fetch Tyrion.
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Back on the sea again, it wasn’t the same without his small companion.
Selmy would every so often look down to his side, expecting Tyrion to be there gazing out at the glittering Sunset Sea that would lead him back home to Westeros and to an uncertain situation.
There was no reason to feel melancholy as his job was done and he could return to his post. That’s what he had wanted when he first started out on his journey. Selmy had wanted to get back as soon as possible so as to not procure the wrath of Aerys. Once Tyrion had joined him everything had changed. Barristan started to enjoy the travel, enjoyed in Tyrion and his incredible brain. If the boy had been born in a normal body, he would have gone places- no, he WOULD go places regardless. While his blades skill was nothing to brag about at least Tyrion would be able to go down fighting and not like a helpless lamb. He was safely with his family now, the only family that loved him. And Jaime, Jaime seemed to have changed for good.
Barristan had to restrain himself from glancing over his shoulder, back to where the Red Temple looked out over the ocean. By now it was probably just a speck in the horizon since he had been on the water for some time now. The priests were eager to get him out as soon as possible. Even with (y/n) claiming that he was a trusted friend, they seemed skeptical of his presence. The girl had become a deity to them. At least that was what Barristan surmised. No one had really answered his question on what (y/n) was to them. It was clear that she was incredibly important to everyone in the temple. Serving as her castle, (y/n) seemed to have the last say in many things and they waited on her every word. Ilta had been passionate about serving (y/n) and this Lord of Light.
A while later the horn that warned of an approaching ship was sounded. Whether it was a friendly ship or that of an enemy was still yet to be seen. The sound had roused Selmy from a nap he had tried to force upon himself. On his feet in a flash and sword shaft ready in his palm, he dashed back up to the deck. By that time the ship was closer that Barristan could discern purple sails. The closer it grew, Barristan realized that there was a silver sword and star emblazoned on the purple sails. It was House Dayne’s sigil. He couldn’t believe it yet there it was. Lady Ashara Dayne’s ship that had transported Selmy and Tyrion to Lys. He made sure to inform the captain that it was a friendly ship and to stop.
The ship that belonged to Ashara slowly pulled in next to Selmy’s and a long plank was thrown so that their lady could board.
Still a sight for sore eyes, Barristan’s heart beat faster as he had thought he would never see her again. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail to help relieve her of the stifling heat. Waves splashed against both ships that made the plank wobble a bit but Ashara didn’t seem to mind. With her knee high boots, she took casually calculated steps forward with perfect balance. There was no fear on her face that she would fall over. She wore a revealing gold gown that billowed from the sea breeze. Gold bangles around her wrists could be heard clinking together.
“You look as if you’ve seen a ghost, Ser.” She chuckles once she is assisted onto the deck. With her feet safely planted, she waltzes over to the surprised knight.
“Forgive me, my lady, but what are you doing out here? I thought you had returned to Starfall.”
Her smile was ever dazzling as she laughs again. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. No. . . Where is Vaiko?” Ashara looks around him, perhaps expecting the boy to be hiding. Her eyebrows flicker down when she does not see him.
What he told her wasn’t a particular lie but it did dodge around the truth of Tyrion’s situation. “He has family in Volantis who wished him to stay. He will be better off there as I must return to King’s Landing.”
Ashara nodded with acceptance but she still looked a little sad that Vaiko was no longer there. Much like how Selmy felt. “I’m afraid you won’t be returning to King’s Landing quite yet, Ser Barristan.”
He frowned. “And why is that my lady?”
Long lashes flick up revealing her rich colored eyes. “I need your help. Is there a place we can speak privately?”
The captain allowed the two to use his personal quarters. In there they were secure from prying eyes and ears.
“News has spread from Westeros that the young Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys Targaryen have been abducted from Dragonstone.” She sits on the edge of the captain’s desk, her eyes drilling into Selmy with dark urgency. “I plan to find them and bring them to Prince Rhaegar and my brother Arthur. But I desire your help. While I have my own guards, it could never hurt to have the most renowned knight in all of the Seven Kingdoms by my side.”
It was a lot to take in in such a short amount of time. Selmy’s stomach sank at the thought of someone kidnapping Aerys’ children amidst a war. Friend or foe, it didn’t bode well. “They could be anywhere by now.”
She moves her hair off her shoulder with such flippant ease. “Precisely. I’ve already sent some of my men out to start the search. Any kind of rumor or tip, they will follow. I must do my part too.”
“Why would you want to bring them to Rhaegar?”
“You can’t be serious.” Ashara momentarily chuckles. “I wouldn’t even dream of giving them back to the Mad King. And you’re too good of a man to do that to them. Despite your vows, you know how twisted Aerys is. You know that Viserys and Daenerys would thrive with their brother. Anyway I hear the war has turned against Rhaegar for the meantime. Aerys is implementing his wildfire on the battlefield. Who knows how many lives have been taken from that damn wildfire.”
He heard the worry in her voice for her brother Arthur. Ashara cast her attention down to her boots, brows knit together in the center as she grimaces.
“I pray to whoever is listening that Arthur is safe. There has been no news on who is left in Rhaegar’s army. It scares me, Barristan. Even before you arrived in Starfall I worried about Arthur. He hasn’t written to me since Tumbleton. Now all is quiet and I am not home to receive any missives even if they come. If I can do one thing for him that may help turn the tides, I will do whatever is in my power. While the Targaryen siblings may not seem like much of a bargaining chip, I think just having them with Rhaegar will completely unsettle Aerys enough for him to make a stupid mistake. We just need an opening.” Her tears refuse to fall, instead making her eyes glitter like polished amethyst. “I want to see my brother alive after this is done. That is all I ask for.”
How could he deny Ashara Dayne anything when she was that close to tears yet looking so strong and resilient; a woman ready to take on the world. She was asking more of him than Varys had. Now she was asking him to be a turncloak and work with Rhaegar’s allies. If this plan of her’s succeeded, he would be participating in the undoing of Aerys. Barristan remembered the day he was sworn into the Kingsguard. What a joyous occasion it had been and what honor he felt when King Jaehaerys smiled down on him and placed the pristine white cloak around him. Times had been easier back then.
If Tyrion were there, he would have wanted him to do this. To do the right thing instead of turning a blind eye as his king burned people alive.
He just hoped that what Ashara had planned actually worked.
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ezra-iolite · 2 months
Asya the Dragonkin NOW IN FULL
Sorry for the long wait, y'all! But here she is!! And it's all thanks to Simphony_Da_Kat on Twitter for her amazing hard work!!
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Those white dots under her eyes are actually makeup. They're a traditional Jokani symbol of beauty in terms of makeup styles, while her eyeshadow also helps to hide her scars on her eye. ~
Her canon height is 7' 3'', while her human disguise measures 6' 7''. ~
She got a MAJOR OVERHALL with her tattoos... In total she has 5, if you don't count them in pairs: ~ ~ The white shoulder Siren/Progenitor ones (think Mycenaean-Greek art style) on both her biceps, as a way to show that she will always be there to carry her wife's (Elbent's) burdens, as well as to mimic her octopus tentacles to show how much Asya loves them and finds them beautiful..... She got them done right after her wedding to Verglaust and Elbent, by Blue Heron (@hyraxas OC)~ ~ ~ The gold star dreamcatchers on her surgery scars, to highlight her top surgery AND bottom surgery as her way of "crowning" her dream come true. Her bottom surgery scar tattoo can be seen over her womb area, with the stars pointing upwards from the crescent shaping her crotch, since the scars are.... you know.... ON the area. ¬3¬' ~
Kat (the artist who made this) made the brilliant idea of further differing the two subspecies of Dragonkin in Joka Ardhi: the common Opal Dragonkin and the royal tailor-bred Ruby Dragonkin..... And that's best seen by Asya's paws for feet, and her HORNS~ ~ ....... All Dragonkin have the same evolutionary trait shared amongst them with their horns, as their horns are in fact hollow inside, surrounded by years of layers upon layers of keratin to strengthen it for use in their adulthood, but all horns have a thin and spongy core within them known as their "Horn Cores". A Dragonkin's horn core contains a collection of vital liquid components such as: ~ Sulfur (the fuel source within their bodies that powers their fire) ~ Sun Dust (a golden dust that is in fact magic made physical by the crimson sand of Joka Ardhi, turned red by the spilled blood of dragons, baked in the never-ending harsh sun over the eons since the Founder's War and turned into a layer of literal dust above the sand and absorbed by the fauna and people of Jokani society, with too much of it being absorbed by an individual making them become Sun Blessed and developing fire powers nearly as strong as a Ruby Dragonkin) ~ Nutrient Rich Blood ~ A piece of their Dragonkin fire These are stored in the horns as a back-up supply to fuel their flames in tougher times, and help them not only to survive during famines and dry seasons in the desert, akin to a camel storing water in their hump, but it's also used as a way to show off their strength, age, and beauty to help attract a mate. The older and magically stronger the Dragonkin, the longer their horns will be and therefore will have more rings, due to a longer core storing more of their emergency stash of fuel for their fire and strength. ~
...... Appearance wise, Opal Dragonkin are not only born with stronger and more muscular frames, a tail with only a tuft of black fur at the tip, as well as their feet being reptilian claws that can withstand long journeys on sand, they also have actual RINGS or ridges in their horns, mimicking the local fauna such as antelope or cows, and come in a wider variety of shapes than a Ruby Dragonkin would.
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In short... Opal Dragonkin have RINGS along their horns that are linear and organized in a pattern along the length of their horns. ~
Ruby Dragonkin, however, were designed into what they are from the moment they begin developing in the womb through genetic alterations (ie, forcing the baby within the pregnant queen to absorb entire liters worth of Sun Dust by having the mother bathe in it for weeks on end... the mother is not affected by this aside from minor bouts of fire magic that wears off) to house MORE MAGIC AND POWER than anyone else in all of Joka Ardhi. Combine that with the ensured survival of Alunnui's bloodline (the first Dragon Lord of Joka Ardhi and the first Ruby Dragonkin) through the royal family.... And you get paws instead of claws for feet and horns that have mutated to become so fire themed that the ridges are instead all over the place, just like veins of magma within a volcano. On top of that... a Ruby Dragonkin's horn core are a lot longer and wider than an Opal's for this obvious genetic mutation enforced onto them intrauterine/during their gestation. This makes their horns a lot more fragile than an Opal's, but given enough time to mature and grow stronger with age and training, and their horns will grow longer and gain more layers of keratin that will shield their horn cores better. ~
........ However, ALL DRAGONKIN HORNS DO NOT GROW BACK IF BROKEN. If left untreated after a small fracture on one or both horns, the horn will leak or bleed their core to the brink of emptiness, while a complete breaking of the horn will make the symptom only occur sooner, as the Dragonkin will then experience what's known as Hollow Sickness. ~
They will become dizzy, nauseous, unable to stand or keep their balance for hours or days, suffer from severe migraines and deeply torturous pain in their horn stumps or the area in their horns that's fractured/cracked, and only when the fracture is patched up using keratin treatment sealing glue or a prosthetic is placed onto the missing horn/s will the sickness subside. If the horns cannot be refilled after a month or two of rest and replenishing their Sun Dust and sulfur levels..... the Dragonkin will enter a deep depression and become unable to eat or move, slowly withering away until they die from exhaustion and starvation. ~
.... Thus, to break a Dragonkin's horns is considered the cruelest way to cause them the most agonizingly slow death. For even with prosthetics and their diet altered to refill their new cores..... A Dragonkin missing their horns feels like they are missing an entire limb used for survival. The depression such a loss causes can never be healed. As such, most Dragonkin would consider the breaking of their horns aimed closest to their heads, which would cause their skulls to fracture due to the horns literally being connected to them via major arteries and bone, to be a more merciful and quicker means of killing them. ~
And to finish this off with a more cute and fun fact...... Asya's ears measure a total of ten inches and are highly sensitive. Stroke them and you'll end up with a very happy purring kitten to deal with~ ;3 ~
......... I just wanted to add real quick here, that while the angle doesn't show it, Asya's tail tip of fur is shaped like an oval..... and it's supposed to be akin to a Dakotaraptor's tail~ You can see what I mean HERE and HERE.
Anyways, back to the void I go...... ENJOY THE BABY GURL FINALLY WITH A FULL BODY REFERENCE!!!!
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uneryx · 2 years
TDP Season 4 Thoughts
Watched it last night while doing some gathering in FFXIV so I"m still processing but here's my "I've slept on it" thoughts!
Spoilers Ahead!!
Still not sure I think Stella is EEEEEEVIL. Sus, yes, throwing that moon opal into a portal to who-knows-where is iffy, but I don't think Rayla knows her monkey is working for Aaravos, if she is.
Aaravos needs to keep his sparkly hands off of my baby boy Callum, that was CREEPY.
Sir Sparklepuff (goblinvos) was hilarious and 200% a kreechur, I loved it.
Terry. Oh Terry, Terry, Terry you need to take several seats and touch grass. I know you like Claudia but bruh.
I love that they made his transness explicit text, that was cool
I did also enjoy seeing Viren not be a total asshole to him and warm up to him slowly.
And I was 200% there for Terry being a grounding influence (lmao, Earthblood elf) on Claudia and going "bro that was not okay" about the coins
boy Ezran and Callum sure have a lot riding on their shoulders for being teenagers.
Ezran and Janai's parallels as rulers trying to move their people forward into a future where things are different and better for everyone was really cool.
Janai's arc especially was interesting. It wasn't the big epic OH NO AARAVOS that the main plot was taking but that was refreshing? Also Karim c'mon dude.
The parallels between Janai and Ezran are interesting too because of how often Aditi and the Orphan Queen were alluded to.
I'm still not convinced the Orphan Queen, who spilled the beans on Aaravos, isn't the vanished Aditi turned human. They even have similar hair and the transition between the two really highlighted how visually similar they are.
I *really* like how they portrayed Viren's PTSD, and how PTSD can affect even very powerful, confident people. It was super humanizing to see Viren afraid of heights and afraid of his own magic because of how he died.
I knew Soren was going to tame the dragon. He's such a good lad.
That red-haired EB Elf can eat shit, what a jerk.
i do find it interesting that in the Xadia/Humans conflict there are Xadian parties who found Avizandum's actions questionable. Rex Igneous being like "Get Rekt, Thunder" (until he found out Avizandum WAS rekt) was interesting.
Rex Igneous is a really interesting character and I wonder what made him so guarded and mistrusting.
I fucking love Zubeia, she's great. Especially her relationship with Soren and being one of the only people who laughs at his jokes.
I *am* left wanting more... I know we're one chapter into a new arc and that there is more to come, but it's very noticeable that there is more and we've only been laying the groundwork. So... can't wait for S5!
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omnicenos · 9 months
Alright, so we’ve got this Pokemon Sw/Sh ‘Darkest Day’ AU, where all the characters and locations are there, but it’s medieval times, baby. Or medieval-ish, since we do mix some other centuries in on a few elements. 
So, in normal canon, all the Gym Leaders and such are essential to their towns, so we made them all some form of nobility. Also, there’s a war, which means everyone gets some sort of martial discipline/weapon.
Title: Viscount
Weapon: He gets to have a scythe. Don’t tell me it’s impractical, it’s cool.
Title: Viscount
Weapon: Spear and weighted net for a fishing theme.
Title: Earl
Weapon: Bisento; he brought it from Hoenn. A practical weapon with a stern, powerful air.
Title: Viscount
Weapon: Brass knuckles. SHE WILL PUNCH YOU.
Title: Viscount
Weapon: Shortsword, but he’s not good at it yet so he mostly uses his Ghosts to possess, confuse, and levitate threats.
Title: Duchess
Weapon: She is too old for battle now, but when she was young, she had a rapier. Classy.
Title: Viscount
Weapon: Warhammer. This is purely for coolness.
Title: Viscountess
Weapon: Chakram. I have no reason for this it’s just cool.
Title: Viscount (joint title with his sister)
Weapon: Great axe, because I’ve always thought of Piers as ‘slow to anger but for the love of god don’t piss him off’ kind of guy. A weapon that swings relatively slowly but is unstoppable once in motion is perfect. Also, axe as in guitar 8D
Title: Duke
Weapon: Dragon-headed mace, no real reason.
Title: King
Weapon: Longsword, because it’s classic.
Other Canon Characters
Title: Viscountess (joint title with her brother)
Weapon: Throwing knives, with two close combat knives for when she’s out of the former.
Title: Bede has been adopted by Opal, so when she passes, he will be a Duke. He is a Lord for now.
Weapon: Rapier, with carved knuckles as a backup.
Title: Prince
Weapon: Zweihander, because that skinny kid being a beast with a greatsword is funny.
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pheita · 8 months
All the WIPs I ever introduced to Tumblr
The Mitresk Chronicles It all started when Nesryn just wanted to get home from work after working overtime one rainy night, and ended up in another dimension where dragons exist and not only peacefully coexist with humans but also are their mentors since the dawn of age. Trying to get back home entangles her in a world so different from hers and in friendships she never wanted in the first place. In the end, she has to face one question: Where is her real home? Always Prepared
The Insane God
The Queen of Hell Trilogy
Josephina has only one goal: Mark off everything from her bucket list and then commit suicide before her chronic illness becomes too deliberating. Her plan starts to waver when she meets Sam, the owner of the hotel where she currently stays, who gets interested in her and the reasons for her decision. The only thing she doesn't know: Sam is the devil, and soon she will be caught in the politics of angels, heaven and hell, with her illness being the smallest issue at hand.
No Rest For the Wicked
A Little Wicked
Cursed Blood Series
The lust demon Sojan left his home dimension almost a century ago with his sister and mother because of his megalomanic father and carved out a good life for himself disguised as a human in the human dimension as a monster hunter. Things change when his father for a change finds enough followers to actually cause harm to both dimensions, forcing Sojan and his sister to go against him with the help they find along the way. One of this helpers is Lyran, a young bard who got saved by Sojan and is partially smitten by him but also drawn by the prospect of epic stories, and unfortunately the main piece in the master plan of Sojan's father.
Blood Night
Sins of the Blood (Intro coming soo)
Welcome to New Hanshwig A cyberpunk story follows Aria, a young hacker from the outskirts of the city who accidentally became one of the harem women of one of the big three company heirs, who happened to be aromantic and connects with her over the wish to change the system.
Flowers of Fire A modern fantasy story playing with the idea that all mystical beings known to men are real and live among us, having a partially parallel society. Told through two POV's, the nymph Aleena who grew up in this world, and the kitsune halfling Thane who is new to all this.
Sea of Memories, Sea of Chances Historical fiction about the two pirate captains Killian and Becca who want to find the treasure of the old captain they learned under, and find more than they bargained for.
Tricky Love WLW Romance in a dystopian slightly cyperpunk-ish setting following the average woman Audrey who discovers her new girlfriend is a villain.
Guiding Star Serial story, modern fantasy set in Germany, magical girl kind of. Growing up an oprhan Rodrigo knew nothing about being a mage or the world beyond the visible until some unlucky event changed his fate and made him one of the keepers of the magical balance. Now he had to learn the ropes of an average mage along of being one of the most powerful keepers, and falling in love with the other keeper in town without knowing who she is while dealing with a crisis of apocalyptic dimensions.
The Adventure of Deidre and Maddie Fantasy, older children Deidre is meant to become the next high priestess of the night dragon elves until the night the starlight opal gets stolen, and she is exiled for its theft despite being innocent. Her only way back home is to find the real culprit, bring back the opal, and prove her innocence. Help comes from the baby vampire Maddie, she met shortly after being exiled and needs to navigate the world outside her hidden home.
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Hello! For the 🖊️ prompts:
The old lady in apartment 6 that thinks Lin and Zolt are newlyweds
Naoki from the hair salon (she was really cute)
Linzolt babies again. I desperately want to know more
Thanks for the ask!
Apartment 6
Her name is Lan Fen. She came from a merchant class Earth Kingdom family in Yu Dao and fell in love with a Fire Nation soldier at the height of the war. Her family didn't approve and she was disowned, but she and her love created a home together in the Harbor District, where the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom neighborhoods started bleeding into one another. When she saw Lin and Zolt move into her building, it filled her with memories of the great love she had experienced, and gave her hope that things would be easier for the new generation.
Naoki is actually not my OC; she's Mako and Bolin's mother. However, a headcanon I have about her is that she came from a very small island in the Fire Nation. She's never even seen the Caldera, but lives for news articles that discuss the goings-on at Fire Lord Zuko's court. She has a deep reverence for the spirits and keeps a candle with the image of the Painted Lady lit around the house for good luck.
Poppy and Zola
Lin takes the girls with her to Yui's salon; Poppy enjoys getting pampered along with her mom and sister, while Zola likes listening to all the adult gossip
Poppy works harder on her bending, but Zola has more of a natural affinity for her element
Shady Shin had to babysit them once and nearly lost his mind trying to keep them from finding out he was a Triple Threat
Zola worries a lot about both of her parents, and begs the spirits that they'll come home safely every day
Poppy tries to adopt almost every stray animal she comes across
Their great-grandparents adore them, and they spend a lot of time with them in Gaoling when Lin and Zolt are both busy
The girls assume that Sola is their grandmother—or at least Poppy does—and they get spoiled by the former crime lord whenever the family visits the Fire Nation
When they were babies, Sola gave them matching bracelets with gold dragons on them and Lin uses metalbending to resize them for the girls every few years
They both think their cousins in Zaofu are weird, but will protect Opal at any cost
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dorcasmeadowsx · 1 year
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[ greta onieogou, she/her ] -  DORCAS MEADOWES is a [21] old [ CIS WOMAN ], and a member of the [ Gryffindor ] house. Dorcas is studying [ History of Magic ] in their [ 10th ] year at hogwarts. Dorcas reminds people of [ the bitter first taste of black coffee, the echo of laughter on a summer evening, a bag of sugar quills, partying with a pair of heels in hand, the smell of a blown out candle ], and is siding with the [ ORDER ] during the war. but hopefully, it won’t come to that. 
name : dorcas nadine meadows nickname/s: dor, doe. age: 21 birth date: january 11th 1957. zodiac: capricorn sexuality: bisexual birthplace: newcastle, england. affiliation: order of the phoenix height: 5'4
parents: keith meadows (father), willa meadows (nee bell.) siblings: younger sister children: n/a pets: n/a
positive traits: warm, humorous, fun-loving, reliable. negative traits: sarcastic, stubborn , judgemental, arrogant aesthetic: the bitter first taste of black coffee, the echo of laughter on a summer evening, a bag of sugar quills, partying with a pair of heels in hand, the smell of a blown out candle 
blood status: halfblood wand: 11" Sturdy Apple Wood with Dragon Heart Core boggart: small spaces patronus: tabbycat house + year: tenth year gryffindor specialization: history of magic extra curricular: tba
Keith and Willa Meadows were slow and steady people, content with the offering that life had given them.  Keith Meadows is a halfblooded wizard with a keen interest in Herbology whose eyes fell on Willa, a muggle school teacher, and never looked back.
First came the ring and the prospect of marriage between the young pair, and then came Dorcas. Born fast, almost two months early.  Dorcas was the complete opposite of slow and steady. The couple were besotted with their daughter,  a living example of their love for each other. Dorcas was not an easy newborn by any means. The pair had many of sleepless nights, pleading with the baby to settle. Dorcas would never listen, she would cry and scream but all of it was worth it for the few moments of the child's laughter.
Her parents always instilled the importance of being reliable in Dorcas, to always ensure that people felt appreciated, and valued. Dorcas' childhood was filled with love. Summer days were spent sitting on the countertop of her father's florist in Newcastle, a grin on the young girl's face as elderly women brought her opal fruit sweets and slipped fifty pence pieces into her hand. Dorcas' world shifted when her younger sister was born, no longer was she battling the world of adults alone. While some children may be filled with jealous of the diversion of their parent's attention, Dorcas was besotted with her younger sister. No longer did the world feel so small, with a partner in crime the possibilities were endless.
Dorcas' temper mellowed in her teenage years, but her unwillingness to listen to decisions or opinions that weren't her own remained. After being accepted to Hogwarts, Dorcas felt her entire world shift. Finding it hard to be separated from her sister for the first time, it took a while for Dorcas to push herself out there amongst her peers.
Quiet smiles and burying her nose in a book only lasted so long before Dorcas had to force herself out of her shell. And she didn't regret it. Dorcas loves to attend a party and enjoys time spent with her dearest friends. Sometimes, she even has a tendency to prioritise a good time over her education. After all, isn't that what being twenty-one is all about?
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jerek · 2 years
OC QUESTIONS SORRY LONG POST ty warcraftish ♥️♥️
1. does your oc have any motifs?
oh boy! off the top of my head: black-and-white, moths, ghost fires, dendritic opal, anything milky. and curly smoke :)
2. describe your character’s voice. do they have a voice claim?
no voice claim. an accent though, south sudanese, yanno. she has a high, soft, almost murmur-y quality. when she's really beltin though... skip to 2:28 on here she is Such a fucking coquetteblogger
3. is your character an indoor or outdoor person?
'outdoor' but as anduin can tell you it's all a front to get people to take her indoors and make her cozy lmao
4. what’s your character’s favorite recreational activity?
she would be SO jealous of dracthyr's wings lol. as for what she CAN do, probably testing out troll physics with wrathion and other champions
5. what was your character’s dream job as a kid? is it different than what their career ended up being?
midha was already doing what she ended up being best at by the time she could even ask herself what she wanted to do. she's been shadowing an adventurer mom and dad for long enough that adventuring was inevitable. in a modern au... probably would start off as some Baby's First Job and get talent scouted for being a sugar baby lol. or alternatively: butterfly therapist lol. thats what the mind control is for
6. what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves?
her emotional vulnerability. bitches will cry into the jacket of their whelpling little brother SO loud and SO ugly and and be like "i'm fine." no girl you're a pisces
7. what is the thing your oc likes the most about themselves?
her plot armor <3
8. what book genre is their favorite?
only the Stupidest of drama! probably wattpad-tier werewolf romance.
9. what book genre is their least favorite?
LEAST favorite? -anime girl ehhh- probably anything detailing the methodology of wow faction leaders. she still reads them, but she reads them to use in callout posts.
10. what kind of music do they enjoy?
party man - peter gabriel
glorious - the pierces
punisher - phoebe bridgers
skateaway - dire straits
silhouettes - of monsters and men
11. has your OC ever fallen in love and with whom?
she admired anduin a lot back in MoP, but being she was a champion, it's hard to say whether that was a crush or jealousy.
she had a homoerotic friendship w vyneia willowing, my velf (then belf) oc at the same time.
she is PROBABLY somewhere on the aroace spectrum though.
12. how well does your OC do in school?
inapplicable. might do well if she'd gone as a kid
13. where would your OC like to go on a honeymoon?
depends on who's taking her 😳
14. An embarrassing secret about your OC?
she's been using the same wyrmrest tabard as a swimsuit/loungewear since it actually fit her well back in cata lol. at least back then she wore shorts w it.
15. who is your OC’s best friend?
-squid games voice- BLACK PRINCE‼️‼️
16. how does your OC feel about their parents?
not involved with them. does not know if they're alive, does not need them (whole time shes deranged)
17. how does your OC feel about their siblings?
only child biologically. HOWEVER!!!!! see 'dragon cultist' post for her thots on wrathion.
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry?
not much makes midha angry. she was however, very aware of what she did not like about the week she spent w anduin before he got kidnapped.
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad?
again, not much makes midha sad. however.
"alas champion you could have been a blacktalon but the alliance needs you. go to anduin"
20. a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood?
most of her time with her dad. summers were with dad up north, winters were with mom down south. she could have gone the way of her dad and been a druid.
21. hobbies your OC enjoys?
haven't explored this a whole lot! realistically probably some of my own: anything involving upcycling. or like, CREATING wattpad drama
22. what is holding your OC back to achieve their goals?
she's so nervous oh my god. insert greyhound pic here
23. what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths?
Doubt and Strength to wrathion, waywardness and Tenacity for anduin. to herself... she's a pile of goo but at least she's principled!
24. how does your OC handle death of someone they know?
she does not. assume random bouts of silent weeping with a completely blank face. or a trip to the mental health cloak.
25. favorite food and color for your OC?
huh. white-gold for color... this bitch loves apple pie filling in literally any pastry.
26. least favorite food and color?
GONNA KEEP IT REAL WITH YOU... idk. she isn't capable of disliking things like that :^>
27. your OC’s zodiac sign?
oh pisces for SURE lmao
28. is your OC a dog or cat person?
dragon weeb. failing that... probably likes bakars. would be a cat person if she read warriors
29. when was their first kiss?
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30. does your OC wish to be married someday?
she saw tiffin's memorial, thought a little bit and said. Hm. so like, good luck
if you see this do it im not PHUCKIN kidding i'll GET yoy
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t4tstarrailing · 2 months
overall thoughts on the Stonehearts
most interested in: sapphire, sugilite, pearl
least interested in: obsidian
opal: baby with a gun
sapphire.... fuck I love characters that have strong convictions, even if they're in the wrong. I also just love griffins and they remind me heavily of the grey wardens from dragon age.
sugilite, I've already talked about him in previous posts. I'm most interested in him simply because I want to see if hoyo can do him well. as of the trailer, it seems like he's one of the two who saw aventurine as an individual rather than by the value he brings.
pearl, she's already been mentioned in aventurine's character story. she's the one who notified him that he was the last and those that helped him were also dead. she's super pretty, and I'm very interested in how she applies her ideas of "justice" to an organization that actively destroys planets for its own gains.
obsidian is.... meh. I'm really not too interested tbh. the vampire motifs and literal blood bath are cool but outside of that, I'm not too interested.
opal is just. a baby with a gun. I'm not entirely sure what I expected from him. it is interesting, however, that opal is frequently a substitute for diamond in expensive jewelry. and opal was standing in for diamond. it could be another situation of using other cornerstones as dupes, like we saw in penacony with aventurine and jade.
day by day my theory that diamond doesn't have a physical body and his physical body are the cornerstones continues to grow....
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hardcore-lonewolf · 1 year
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"My name is Ophelia Stephanie Trevor, daughter of General Steve Trevor and crowned Queen Diana Prince, heiress to the Amazon throne of Themyscira, the demigoddess of honor and justice, the Slayer of all Monsters, Savior of all Nymphs, Ruler of all Legacies, Conqueror of all Titans, the Chosen One of the Spirit World, the last Prophecy of the Big Four, and the Avatar of Light. I'll bring everlasting peace to this world and outside this island no matter what costs me. I don't care if I get cursed, my loved ones matter the most in my eyes and their safety will always be my first priority. I found true love by my bond with my leader as his second-in-command to our team, Kaldur'ahm knew me by my goddess name...Bellatrix, and I'm stuck as Bella for a nickname from my friends. Kaldur and I get along very well ever since we both survived a war together with our buddies from our homes. I'm also that girl who fought men and women in steel cages to prison cells as Xena Jekyll...my ring alias when I'm ready to start eradicating my opponents. I won many wrestling championships by fighting with honor and respect from extreme to hardcore. I was always that tomboy, though I tend to look gothic and edgy as an emo girl. First off...I'm not emo, I wasn't in a phase at all...I wanted a new change for myself and chose to join the other side of darkness. My ex Gargarean boyfriend was a jerk from Olympus and I stayed in Themyscira with a broken heart after catching him kissing my former best friend. Kaldur fixed me back together and I kept my inner demons out of my head. My dad was a big supporter of my journey when I came to his world and taught me through life till I was ready to return back under my mom's wings. Being a child of a military veteran and retired soldier got some perks for my training, such as boot camp, summer school, detention centers, army drills, gym class, basketball games, wrestling matches, jail fights, gladiator battles, civil wars, rock concerts, house parties, live performances, animal hunting, juvenile programs, and much more. I was the guardian angel my parents loved to death and will never let them down, though I was my big brother's gift and we got a little brother to keep safe till we get a baby sister. My pets are very mystical to say the least in my life...my Pegasus named Salem, my dragon named Blake, and my wolf named Luna. I got nothing to say the most, but...one thing for others to do will be this...never trust snakes and watch your backs."
P.S.: Since I'm a big fan of Rhea Ripley and her bloody reigns of Judgment Day as the best woman in my book. I made Opal based off of her, she'll cut her hair at the beginning of S3 and it will stay short throughout that season to the S4 finale...just like the Avatar does when they want a brand new change to themselves. From being the Nightmare of NXT to the Eradicator of WWE, Rhea will forever be my fallen angel with her pitch black wings and metallic silver halo. I'm Judgment Day all the way...TJD 4 ever!
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anoddopal · 3 years
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In which Opal is turned into a mutant bilby due to a freak experiment gone wrong. She initially appears to take the drastic change well, far better than her time wielding spouses. However, it suddenly hits that their disdain for bandicoots/the order Peramelemorphia is... immense, to say the least. A moment of panic ensues. 
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fluffyplushiez · 3 years
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Finally got around to doing this trend!
EDIT: I did an updated version here!
Some quick notes on their redesigns and my headcannons (nextgen and non nextgen) for them!
Twilight Sparkle:
They/Them, She/Her
Married to Sunset Shimmer and parent to their two children Sunrise Gleam and Bubbling Cauldron, Twilight took over Celestia's place on ruling Equestria on the day as well as raising the sun. She's a batpony due to her fathers genes (also because I loved scitwi's Nightmare transformation in EQG). I gave her pink eyes because they stand out more then her purple eyes, and I just like pink lol. Despite being in many magical fights, her high level of healing magic has left her with little to no scars. Her body type is tall and lanky, and she can't see anything without her glasses
Spike Sparkle
Married to Rumble and parent to their child Storm Wave, Spike lives a simple life with Rumble as a blacksmith/baker. I wasn't able to show here because this was more of a recolor drawing, but I imagine they end up really tall and chubby. Spike is the adopted child of Twilight. They have many scars from fighting other dragons when they lived in Dragonia for awhile, as well as when they and Storm Wave play fight
Trans woman
Biromantic Asexual
43 (A year older then Twilight)
Married to Capper (they're T4T because I said so) and mother to their child Ribbon Dance. Rarity lived as a fashion designer, make up artist, and highly successful model. As for why she's so young, don't worry about it :) She has batpony traits and dark splotches on her pelt due to her Nightmare Rarity transformation. She has scars on her hooves from Opal and Ribbon Dance when she was a baby kitten
Pinkie Pie
Any Pronouns
Earth Pony
Married to Skystar and parent to their child Shell Scavenger, Pinkie Pie works as a party planner and baker. I gave her yellow patches on her fur to kind of replicate cakes that you cut open and are super fun and colorful, and heterochromia to match her blue and yellow hooves. Her mane has sprinkle like sparkles, and despite her many kitchen accidents, has managed to evade any scarring despite not having any type of healing magic/abilities. Many of her friends after trying to figure out why this is so, gave up and just accepted that it's just another Pinkie thing. She's pretty chubby and very short
Asexual Lesbian
Vampire Bat Pony
Married to Treehugger and parent to their child Green Tea, Fluttershy works as an animal babysitter and major plant mom. Fluttershy is a batpony, and the more severe type at that due to her magical transformation due to Twilight's spell backfiring on Fruit Bats. Fluttershy can't see the moon anymore or be out at night often due to her vampirism, and she passed down her vampirism to Green Tea. He has many scars due to his talent involving working with animals, and due to his vampirism. She's very tall and lanky
Rainbow Dash
They/Them, He/Him
Married to Applejack and Lightning Dust and parent to their children Twenty Ounce, Chromatic, Thunder Bash, Sandstorm, Zap Apple, Red Delicious, Rain Shower, and Spark Sprint. He's a Wonderbolt Captain alongside Lightning Dust, and Trains their kids in flying lessons and others when he has free time. He has many scars from crashes or just doing reckless activities. He's the shortest of them all
Earth Pony
Married to Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust and parent to their children Twenty Ounce, Chromatic, Thunder Bash, Sandstorm, Zap Apple, Red Delicious, Rain Shower, and Spark Sprint. They're a stay at home parent and runs Sweet Apple Acres. I colored their cutiemark and hair ties green because I think they fit them better and I love the contrast with her orange and yellow color palate. They have the most scars out of all them due to farm work, animals, and helping being parent of the year to their kids. They're the tallest and most fit out of all of them
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railroad-migraine · 3 years
Could I request some hcs of the EXU crew reacting to a Dragon!Rider reader who comes from a completely different continent where it’s semi-common for select Humans to psychically bond with a Dragon and become partners for life? Most of the time the Dragon’s pretty lazy but affectionate with the reader but when a fight breaks out it turns into a flying whirlwind of claws, fangs and flaming breath.
👀 Sounds like a cool idea!!
Requests are open!
~ Poet
Was so wary of your fire breathing companion at first - because of the mutual dislike for each other with Little Mister, Dariax was worried your dragon wouldn't like him either and he'd constantly have a scaly beast keeping him from getting to know you.
But one day while he was on watch with you, the dragon set its heavy head on his knee and let out a puff of air in a sigh, and the sweet dwarf fell head over heels for it.
If you ever offered him a ride in the skies, you'll find he's already on the harness, strapping himself in and asking you how to steer a dragon. He thinks you're so awesome and wants to learn to be like you - who knows, maybe one day he'll find one of his own!
It's his first encounter with any dragon outside of storybooks he's read throughout childhood - thought he was seeing things when you introduced your companion to him, and actually rubbed his eyes because wow, dragons do exist? What?? And you have a deep, emotional bond that ties you to its will???
Is a little jumpy around your mount, but he's in constant denial. After a hike through some fields, the dragon's allergies must have been triggered and it kept sneezing on and off for about an hour. Dorian kept yelping, half expecting the crops surrounding you guys to catch fire. He's not keen on his outfit or hair being singed.
However, he won't deny how handy it is to have a dragon in your party. It makes him feel a bit more secure about journeys on the road. And campfires are so much easier to light now.
Fire familiar play dates galore! Your dragon and Mister get on brilliantly, and Fearne feels like the proudest mama when they play nice together. Sometimes they get a little rowdy with their play fighting, which often result in scorch marks on floors and walls, but they're so darn cute together they rarely are scolded.
One time when you were up in the air, you felt a little tug around your waist - looking down, you saw Mister had mounted with you and had his little monkey arms wrapped around you, letting his tongue flop out of his mouth in the wind like a dog with its head out the window.
Fearne admires the feral nature and dangerous side to your dragon as much as she appreciates the adorableness. On more than one occasion, she (polymorphed as a direwolf) and your dragon have fought in perfect harmony in battle - it's in these moments that she learns so much about herself. Oh, and what's the most efficient way to tear a baddie to shreds :)
Has little to no fear of the dragon, and immediately goes in for a belly rub. It's scaly, and that fact alone reminds her of that fey gator she thinks of fondly from time to time - she's relieved that it's friendly enough that she doesn't have to tie it up.
Loves the lazy nature of this seemingly ferocious beast. She'll cuddle up into its side when you guys have set up camp (cause it's like a living furnace and it's cold outside), and gives it so many chin scritches. At some point you remind her that it is in fact a dragon and not a big dog. She waves a hand at you and continues to baby your fire breathing, killing machine.
You've noticed that whenever Opal yawns, your dragon does too. It's a pattern that started only recently, and at times you can't actually tell which one is copying the other. Nevertheless, it's weird, endearing, and it makes the others laugh. Opal doesn't get what's so funny.
Fascinated is a word to describe the halfling fighter of the group. A majestic beast of destruction and strength has bonded to one of his party members - it's the stuff of legends, and yet you hop on its back with such grace and ease he almost stands in shock.
Your dragon probably likes Orym's company best - he's quiet, observant, and keeps to himself. He's the perfect companion to lean into after a tough fight, or sit with while on watch. Sometimes when you're falling asleep on your bedroll, you can faintly hear the halfling murmuring to your familiar, telling stories or just insights from the day. Your dragon can only understand a little Common, but it's the thought that counts.
Politely declines your offer to fly for a portion of your journey - as the shortest party member, he thinks it's best that he stays as close to the ground as possible.
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lumiidragon · 2 years
ohh I meant for ur oc hcs :3 I LOVE YOUR OCS SO MUCH I stare at them lovingly often. Heheueh the way you draw furies is so adorable but you also incorporate the dragon aspects really well and I absolutely adore that
Oh boy, here we go!
So let's start with the relationship. Soundbreak is the son of Ruffrunner and an OC of mine named 'Opal'. He's the only child of the two and is free-spirited like his aunt, Dart. Dart showed him the outside world and he quickly feel in love with it and its skies. Eventually, he does end up leaving The Hidden World to live outside where he meets his mate, Shoal.
Shoal is a light fury who has always lived outside of The Hidden World. She's the reason Soundbreak ultimately decided to leave The Hidden world and eventually they had their own night lights, Scamper, Flower, and Roughwave.
Scamper is the friendliest of them all, but can be a bit oblivious to things, thus this gets him in trouble from time to time. He's a lot like a puppy.
Flower is the more mature one out of the set. She's very mellow and easy-going and she's often the one getting her siblings out of trouble. Don't let this role fool you though, as she can get energetic like any other baby dragon and run you ragged.
Roughwave is the tough one of the group. She's always roughhousing and she loves testing her "powerful" abilities, like seeing if she can finally break through that tree stump with her plasma blast. (she can't). Through all of this, she's very protective of her siblings and even though Flower is often having to pull her out of trouble, she'll do it in return for her brother and sister as well.
In my current OCverse, the baby night lights are about as old as Toothless's are shown at the end of THW.
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