#open source development
Agile Testing: Delivering High-Quality Software with Continuous Testing and Collaboration
In this paper, we will explore the key principles of agile testing, its benefits, and how it can be implemented successfully in organizations.
Agile testing is an approach to software testing that emphasizes the need for continuous testing and feedback throughout the software development lifecycle. This approach is based on the principles of the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. Agile testing has become increasingly popular in recent years as organizations seek to deliver…
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Gain Higher Success Rate Using Our Open Source Web Development Service
AIS Technolabs is a top Open Source Software Development Company in India. Our Open Source Web Development Services provide Flexibility to meet specific needs and enhanced portability. Get reliable and secure Open Source Customization Services to match your business needs.
Visit For More Info : https://www.aistechnolabs.com/open-source-software-development-company/
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ivaninfotech · 2 years
The article undertakes a brief idea about the various benefits of open source development in website development and the reasons why businesses have been choosing it.
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hephaestuscrew · 3 months
Thinking about the protective way Clara tells Fleet not to go into DeVries' dangerous-looking training set-up, and about how when Septimus mentions Fleet's friend Fleet's immediate assumption is that he must mean Clara, and about "This is Miss Clara Entwhistle, my partner - in business, my business partner." / "I'm also his friend, but he doesn't like to say it.", and about how Fleet rarely smiles but he smiles to himself at Clara having a good idea (and Clara notices the change in his expression), and about how Clara is trying to work out Fleet's birthday through a process of elimination, and about how Fleet tries twice to shut down the conversation with Frances Byrne that's making Clara uncomfortable, and about how panicked and angry he sounds after realising she's been poisoned...
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praxis-app · 2 months
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We’re excited to introduce Vibe Checks for the Praxis website, inspired by the process we’ve developed in our Discord server. With this new feature in place, new members will be able to answer a list of community decided questions, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all who join the website.
Here’s how it works: Vibe checkers, selected by the community, read over the answers and engage with new members in their respective questionnaire tickets, which are automatically generated upon joining. If enough vibe checkers vote in favor of verifying a new member, they are automatically verified and receive a welcome notification.
With Vibe Checks implemented, we're now able to safely share invite links to the website far outside our Discord server. Whether you're a longtime community member or a newcomer looking to contribute, we welcome you to join us in this early round of testing and QA.
Join the project: https://praxis-app.org/i/4efdc9de
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tuxpaint · 2 months
The next version of Tux Paint will include some brief descriptions of many brushes.
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catboy-official · 9 months
It is imperative that every single indie developer move towards owning as much of what they make as possible and as quickly as possible.
If you draw for a living and use something like Photoshop, if Adobe decides to completely upend it's business model tomorrow, you can always just import your work into another program. Learning a new workflow always kinda sucks but the only real hurdle is that learning curve.
If you make a game in Unity or Unreal however, your art is now inexorably linked to a company whose main goal will always and forever be maximization of stock holder returns.
No matter how much work you put into it, they will forever own a portion of what you make and will make decisions you disagree with using that ownership. That is a certainty precisely because they definitionally are not loyal to the people who use their products.
Unity may or may not reverse it's decision to shoot itself in the foot, but even if it does that's besides the point. This decision didn't just come from no where and happen for no reason, something like this always was and always will be an inevitability.
"Switching engines is extremely difficult though, especially mid development"
It is, yes. Most of the time I would say it isn't even possible when taking things like cost of rewriting most if not all the games code, the technological differences between engines and familiarity with current tools into account.
BUT that's the point. The difficulty of switching engines means you inevitably get stuck in the technology you've used the most, this perpetuates the cycle where every indie dev uses Unity because every indie dev uses Unity. And because everyone just uses Unity, other engines struggle to break through and become widely adopted. Which is what leads to entire sections of the industry to become beholden to a single mismanaged corporation.
There isn't going to be a single answer of what to switch to that every single person can take, it will be different for every case. That decision might end up being to stay with Unity because you really have no choice, but even if it is you HAVE to at least ask yourself the question of whether or not using a new engine is a possibility.
The big open source one everyone just kinda defaults to recommending is Godot these days. I've personally done a few game jams with it and it's pretty good for that, I don't really know how good it handles larger projects but there are also other options out there if you dig just a little bit.
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magz · 8 months
Reminder for artists and riggers with interest in Live2D:
Live2D Juku, Live2D's official Live2D Cubism youtube course, free until November 30, 2023.
Original is in Japanese, with english caption available.
(translated audio)
[Live2D Juku playlist link]
Check description of video for more resource.
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meliohy · 5 months
Game concept
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Create your avatar
Customize your room
Chat with other players
Explore rooms
I need help with this project! I'm not looking for specific skills but for people who can help me refine the concept
More details under the cut
Provisory concept details:
Plateform: Web
Style: Isometric pixel art
Type: Multiplayer, virtual world
Game engine: Godot
I made the images from this post with 32x32px tiles but I think the game might be better in 64x64px
This is just the beginning of the project, all of these might change when we refine the concept
I'll create a discord for the project if I can find some people interested enough to help me with the concept. If I do I'll post about it on this account but if you want me to send you the link directly send me a message!
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kitkatcodes · 1 year
How to dip your 🦶 into Open Source
Contributing to Open Source projects can be a valuable experience for beginner programmers. It can help you learn new skills, build your portfolio, make connections, make a difference, and gain recognition for your work.
But... how do I start? Well here's an option to get you started ☟
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Google's Summer of Code (GSoC) is an online mentorship program that matches beginner contributors to open source software development with mentors from open source projects ❋
GSoC takes place every year mid January with registration to be a contributor usually opening around mid March. Unfortunately for this year (2023) the application deadline is tomorrow シ (April 4)
However! There are so many open source projects available this year so I highly encourage you to try to apply even if its past April 4 you might get lucky 🍀
The key to getting accepted by an org is to interact with their developer community and keep in contact with the orgs mentors. This is why I believe even if they application period has ended if you join the orgs online communication app and involve yourself in the community and keep sharing your skills and expertise with them you will still have a good chance of being able to join!
Best of luck! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
(even if it doesn't work out this year there will always be the next and the next and the next... I recommend checking out the archive for how the previous years went to better prepare yourself to jump on this opportunity next year!!)
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ecrivainsolitaire · 9 months
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Stolen from Facebook
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frog707 · 6 months
abuse of software metrics
When software projects judge themselves by the number of open issues, or how long issues remain open, there's a tendency to rush issues to closure and close issues that shouldn't be closed.
I'm seeing this phenomenon with the Assimp project. The project's GitHub repository publicizes metrics like "issue resolution" in days and the percentage of all issues that are open.
During the past month or so, I filed a slew of bug reports with Assimp, mostly related to the ".blend" file format. Recently, the project manager closed all those issues, saying that the .blend format was "deprecated", meaning the project no longer supports it.
But the documentation said (and still says) that ".blend" is supported.
Later that same day they started a discussion about deprecating the format. The causality is clear, and it looks to me like an effort to improve those metrics.
How do I feel about this? At first glance, the effort I put into those issues seems wasted, which is irritating and a bit sad. But if my work pushes the project to be honest about its limitations, perhaps that's best for everyone in the long run.
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theeclecticlibrary · 1 month
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One of the most intimidating and also scariest facts I've been coming to terms with is how true that one xkcd comic is about how many people & libraries are reliant on some package that has been thanklessly maintained by one person in Nebraska since 2003.
In an entirely unrelated discovery, I learned today that tmux (you know, that one terminal multiplexer that is used by god knows how many people) is functionally maintained & developed by one dude, Nicholas Marriott, who was the original creator of the program back in 2007. There is a contribution guide, and he does have a list of recommended issues to work on. So, if you're looking for an open source project to contribute to, and you use tmux, consider :)
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ivaninfotech · 2 years
Using SaaS or open source development services are two of the major routes for building your ecommerce store and making it a success.
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codemerything · 9 months
The Quiz App: Final.
Hello everyone, If you follow me or happen to have seen the post I made on the 21st of August (this post precisely) I casually made a request because I was tired of coding alone(still am 😆) and people showed interest starting with @xiacodes. Immediately- We talked about what we wanted to do causally and it ended up being "The Quiz App", We had a few calls on the Codeblr Discord to decide what we wanted to do and where we would stop, with @lazar-codes joining us later on to contribute. We digressed a bit and talked about other things lol but you get it.
Active Contributors
@xiacodes did 99% of the styling (she really loves styling) and it turned it great.
@lazar-codes suggested Trello(a task-management system) which we use to organize tasks and check progress.
I did the documentation, helped with the quiz-app logic, and theme mode and I was generally just all over the place offering help here and there, also being a sponge absorbing all the new pieces of information. 🤩🤩 Today, I merged the testing branch with the master branch, bringing an end to an experience that I want to cherish forever.
(I clearly suck at Geography lol) ⚠⚠⚠ I also want to take this opportunity to encourage Web Developers + programmers to contribute to open-source projects: It's one of the best ways to learn from other people, share ideas and put your Git knowledge into practice. Check out The Quiz App here The Quiz App (mmnldm.github.io) Special Shout-Out to @a-fox-studies Your presence is always appreciated!
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
You won't be able to do everything (and that's okay), it's best to prioritize things to get them done well.
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Hello everyone.
How are you?
I'll explain why I put a print of my github, but first I wanted to talk about prioritizing tasks.
He in some article about time optimization about listing your tasks and thus starting a prioritization ranking to know what you should focus more energy/do first, I don't remember which article it was but I recommend searching it on google if you like this type of You won't be able to do everything (and that's okay),
it's best to prioritize things to get them done well.
Within that, I wanted to share that making choices is a difficult thing, even more so if you are anxious and keep doing calculations of probabilities that could go wrong if you choose the x path UHEUHHEUHUE.
BUT that's life and I even admit I like it sometimes.
During the next 44 days I will be focusing 100% of my time on achieving my goal.
And with that I reduced my code study time.
Which will make me study from 30m to 1 hour a day.
And that's where the print from my github comes from, I feel satisfaction in things well done and well aligned. And seeing these green dots not having a straight sequence pisses me off (I take into account that it also excludes certain repositories) UHEHUUHEHUE.
So my goal now is to study and put it on my github every day, until I can only do 15 minutes a day. I want this github to have constant contributions from March to December.
So that's about it, sometimes you'll see me just talking about 1 minimal topic I learned that day and I'm fine with that, because I decided to prioritize something that will change my life if it works out. (And I will fight for that)
So I hope that you who are reading know how to prioritize your tasks/choices in the best way and have great studies, stay well!
ABOUT OUTREACHY: As I don't have anxiety to get the scholarship, I'll do it calmly until April 3th. I'm still learning about project governance models and you'll see more about it on weekends around here.
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