#opioid withdrawal
thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
Hey, popping in for education if you’re willing: saw your post about supporting all different types of meds and med relationships disabled people might have/supporting all, and was surprised by meds that could hurt your body but be worth it overall. Are you willing to give an example or two—I wanna be clear this isn’t a fight, I just didn’t know that could happen
Right off the bat I am taking two medications that help me so much but can cause harm over time if not properly monitored (and have a risk of harming me no matter what)
Tramadol and Pantoprazole Sodium dr
tramadol is an opioid, which is pretty obvious, it can cause liver damage and addiction. Tramadol is one of the more "safer" opioids, but it still carries that risk. However I still take it because nothing else has helped my back pain other than my cervical injections (which can cause spinal degradation over time).
The pantoprazole is like a stronger Omeprazole that you can get over the counter. I have a halatial hernia in my esophagus that causes chronic acid reflux which is very painful and can lead to the hernia getting bigger. I used to have to carry around tums with me everywhere and constantly be eating them. I would wake up periodically with my throat full of acid. I had to literally sleep sitting up. Now when I take my pantoprazole regularly I rarely ever have to eat a tums unless its for normal heartburn reasons. Unfortunately, long term use of pantoprazole can cause bones to weaken, leading to a higher risk of bone fractures.
These are just two examples off the top of my head. I choose to take these to improve my quality of life now, even if it leads to problems later on. I want to enjoy life while I can. That is my choice and doctor's should respect that. That's why informed consent is so important. Give people the facts and let them make their own decisions. Don't try to force a medication that's helping them away from them. That just leads to medical distrust, especially if you don't have any alternatives to replace it with.
There's also medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancers, or having to have organs or limbs removed due to disease or injury. These may hurt you in the short term, but overall they can also be the thing that saves your life, if not improve your quality of life as well. Even vaccines make you feel like crap for a couple of days but they are still good for you overall. Surgical procedures can have horrible recovery times and symptoms, but are also usually positive overall.
Choosing to undergo a medical procedure or intervention can be a complicated and difficult choice, and people, including doctors, need to respect that.
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cannabisnewstoday · 2 months
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xpitypartyx · 4 months
withdrawals make me genuinely suicidal and my dealers aren’t picking up, guess suicides the answer 🫶
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android-anathema · 3 months
i wonder why... i still get stimulating effects from it but why does my dexamfetamine make me feel so much calmer? i tried actually taking the full dose im prescribed today and never felt the urge to take buprenorphine, which im tapering off rn. that's unusual at the best of times, i crave opioids every time i have a PTSD flashback or feel ashamed of myself, so countless times a day. combine that with me being in a mild opioid withdrawal and its a very impressive thing to simply forget to take it. i put it in my mouth earlier! i have to pretend to take it when i go into the pharmacy (long story, all you need to know is im coming off my meds without my doctors knowing) and i didnt even hesitate to spit it out or have a moment of debating in my head if breaking my rules a bit even matters, or!! just! doing the sensible thing and taking the third of it a day I'm meant to!!!
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tarvyunderscore · 29 days
Allergy pill withdrawal so bad I'm feeling like Jane Prentiss, "I itch all the time" omg me too girl did you also take Zyrtec?
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ihnmaims · 1 month
Tumblr media
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thethingything · 2 months
so we didn't take any pain meds for like a full day because we weren't in that much pain and only took one dose today (because of period pains, not post-surgery pain, weirdly enough) but before the surgery we were on a much higher dosage because of the pain from the abscesses and not being allowed to use ibuprofen for a while and guess who now has withdrawal symptoms again. holy fuck
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dont-look-up-69 · 5 months
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fushigurocest · 5 months
save me 1mg xanax (withdrawal is killing me)
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thisisthevoice · 6 months
I've seen a lot of posts about cops mistaking various medical emergencies for an opioid overdose and administering narcan (or trying to) and how awful that is. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate police and in an ideal world only actual medical professionals would respond to medical emergencies but
PSA: if you are not overdosing on an opioid, it's still safe for you to receive narcan. It won't hurt you at all. As a not-quite-RN who has a narcan kit in my car just in case, if I find you down with overdose symptoms, I'm narcanning you (right before I call 911 so you can get further attention) because it can only help you - if you're down for some other reason, it won't hurt you. This isn't really a valid point to hate cops on imo, I'd rather they administer it than not if they think you're overdosing
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rabbithaver · 6 months
are you fucking kidding me
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marilynannevlog · 8 months
Suboxone is a FDA-Approved medication which is combined with buprenorphine, and naloxone. Suboxone has 2 variants: suboxone 8mg and 2 mg. Suboxone works instantly after 20 minutes of the first dose. It helps to reduce and control opioid symptoms. You can take a suboxone pill with water or without water it can work effectively. Pregnant women cannot take suboxone. You can buy Suboxone online Without Doctor's Prescription legally and safely.
Visit Here: https://cosmodix.com/adhd/suboxone/
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xpitypartyx · 4 months
my withdrawals are nearly over but being sober makes me painfully suicidal, I want to slam my car into a cement wall💖
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selfmedblves · 9 months
These withdrawals fucking suck. Under four blankets and I'm downing robotussin just to be able to breathe through my nose. I hate this so much and I feel like shit.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
tw: drug addiction
i just gotta say, the sound of the phone ringing and the sirens, both so masterfully folded into the beat at the beginning of agnes, is fucking bone chilling. it gives me waves of chills every single time and i don’t think that feeling, the feeling of full-body bouts of chills that course through me from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes until dave’s voice kicks in, will ever go away.
this song captures the trajectory of addiction SO well. i literally cannot even put it into words. but it’s so comforting????? it’s so comforting to hear someone else who has presumably lost a loved one (a close friend, in this situation) to the demon of addiction, outline the full course of its development.
i feel like,,, if you don’t have someone close to you who has struggled with and fought with addiction, it is so difficult for you to truly and fully understand how devastatingly heartbreaking—and excruciatingly painful—it is to watch the ravenous monster that is addiction fucking devour this person from the inside out. slowly. it corrodes their smile, it decays their mind, it dulls every single aspect of life except for when they’re high. they become nothing more than a shell of their former selves; a host for this parasitic sickness, who’s only care in life is that next fix, irregardless of what they have to do or who they have to hurt to get it.
and once that monster has been birthed inside of you, it never fully goes away. you fight it for the rest of your fucking life, irregardless of how much treatment you’ve gone through, irregardless of if you���re in treatment for the rest of your days on this earth. you battle those psychological cravings until you die, especially if your addiction was a coping mechanism or a self-soothing mechanism (which is so often is). it changes you and your life forever. and i dunno, i guess i feel like there’s still so many people who just can’t comprehend this and comprehend how much of a sickness addiction truly is. and i guess it’s really nice to find an artist you admire so much who DOES get it, who HAS experienced it. that’s all, i think.
#like#i can tell you all about how my dad used to sing and dance around the house on the weekends as we cleaned as a family#i can tell you all about how my dad used to take me everywhere i wanted to go even though he had no money#how he’d take me to the movies and to hockey games and how he always *always* got me a lil treat whenever we were at the store#something my mom for example would never do because she’d always tell me we didn’t have the money for even just a bag of candy#i can tell you all about who my father was in the early years of addiction#i can also tell you about his sobbing fits#i can tell you about the screaming matches over money and pills#i can tell you about how he punched a wall and we never fucking fixed that goddamn hole#i can tell you about how he was sick on the couch every single fucking month for YEARS of my life as he tried to quit over and over and over#i can tell you the signs of an opioid withdrawal fucking backwards#i can tell you about how he used to steal money from his children#i can tell you about how i had to give him money from my student loans so we didn’t lose our house#(which we did lose the house eventually; it was inevitable)#i can tell you about his overdoses#i can tell you about the terrifying conversations i’ve heard between him and his dealer#i can tell you all about how as he descended further into addiction he because a bitter shell of himself#a husk that cared about nothing and no one except for this pretty little white pills#i can tell you about how his abuse got INFINITELY worse#but you’ll never truly understand that devolution unless you’ve experienced what it’s like#i can talk your ear off about it and you can feel that sympathy and comprehend how difficult and painful it is#i have a very complex relationship with my father#i still hold a lot of anger towards him for all the things he did to us#all the things he did and still does to my mother#but it still HURT to watch him do this to himself#and impact my entire fucking family in the process#he’s been an addict since i was a fucking toddler#but anyway#these are just my morning thoughts today#do yourself a favour and go listen to agnes by glass animals
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thethingything · 2 months
our tooth is suddenly a lot more painful again and I don't know why, but I also only had one ibuprofen left so I've just taken that and I guess I have to hope our mum can get us some more before that one wears off because I really want to avoid having to take co-codamol again.
the issue is that we took some ibuprofen earlier and it wore off so quickly I'm not sure we're gonna be able to get away with just using that but I'm gonna feel really shitty if I do end up having to take the co-codamol, and we'd started getting intrusive thoughts about taking it while not actually in pain so I've gotten myself into this ridiculous loop of being like "what if I'm just coming up with an excuse to take it" even though I am in fact in a fuckload of pain now and the other medication isn't helping enough.
it feels like I'm stuck in a situation where my options are once again to either take a medication that I know is fucking me up and it's going to be a nightmare, or deal with being in too much pain to function, so I'm fucked no matter what I do
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