#opportunity to ramble about their OCs
katsigian · 4 months
I have an idea about a tag game but I'm nervous about starting it ghdjfhdjs it's essentially like a WIP whenever, but a lore whenever. Basically it's like a "tag, you're it, here's the microphone to chat about something in regards to your OCs" and I dunno how it'll go
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Me seeing your lesbian WH OC’s
yippee!!!!!! here they are again!!!
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vulcan-moon · 1 year
naming all of your dnd/pathfinder characters after crime is a very fun naming scheme btw ahshdjd
dbhdf theyre all catfolk too 😔
it started w felony and misdemeanour, who i named based on a petfinder pic and it just continued from there fjdj im too committed to the bit to ever stop
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felony and misdemeanour, my dnd characters, felony is the one i play and misdemeanour is her sister. felony is a cleric, meanie is a paladin. they have,, a lot of family drama going on
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then there's perjury for my current pathfinder game, she's a cleric who died during the campaign, came back wrong and absolutely is not processing it. her and another character just went on a road trip and semi left the game for a bit
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and my current character forgery (real name identity theft, but dont let anyone know). they're a changeling bard and theyre so so goofy. i got to play them last night and my god. they're one half of a double act with a goblin paladin and theyre so funny
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papakhan · 22 days
Wait so how does Boone die in your version of New Vegas? One of your posts mentioned Sun getting him killed or smth?
One day I will do actual art or writing of this but today is not that today so I present to you: my ramblings
In a similar way that in his quest, Boone convinces himself that he will die defending refugees from Legionaries, Boone convinces himself that Sun-- a Khan who is Manny's ex boyfriend and knew Carla when she was alive-- will be the man who kills him. Boone gets obsessed with this idea when Sun visits Manny after Carla's disappearance and starts snooping around. To him it's perfect, and he represents to Boone all the people he has wronged (Khans, Manny, Carla) and will be what puts him at peace.
On the other side, Sun has a lot of issues surrounding death and is very uncomfortable with it. It's finality and just how easy it is to snuff out someone's entire life frightens him, blended in with the Khans view on ghosts and vengeful spirits. He will do everything in his power not to kill someone even when it's expected of him due to his status as a Khan. That's not to say he won't kill people, btw, but it takes a lot to make him want to.
The other thing about Sun is that he has a lot of self respect. He doesnt take kindly to being ordered around and has strong belief in his own convictions. He will not grovel, he will not beg, and he will not be pressured to do something he is personally uncomfortable with.
This conflict of Boones desire to die by Sun's hand and Sun's flat refusal to kill comes to a head in Novac where Boone goads Sun into a fight. When Sun works out that Boone is letting him win and wants to die by his hand, it makes him even angrier, because how dare he. How dare he force him to play out some sick fantasy. Sun refuses to be a part of it and tells Boone "I am not the arbiter of your retribution and your peace is not my concern. If you want so badly for death, go to Red Rock and beg for forgiveness. But I will not be your convenient punishment." and leaves. And Boone. Disappears.
Sun doesn't know where he went but Manny thinks that he did go to the Khans. Manny is pretty broken up about it and it's kind of the nail in the coffin for his and Sun's rekindled relationship. Tho probably also in this AU Manny would see the light and see how much of a shitty friend Boone was, but they were still friends once so it still hurts, and it makes Manny challenge Sun about whether sending someone to their death is just the same as killing them yourself
I haven't actually decided yet where Boone goes or what happens to him but whatever it is he does not find peace I promise you this <3
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alongtidesoflight · 27 days
hi hello may I have some cyberpunk!maddox lore 🥺
of course!! (thanks for the ask btw and i'm sorry i only got around to answering it today!)
he's baiano and only made it to night city because his dad dragged them halfway across the continent in pursuit of money (that he ultimately earned off maddox's back).
because of that he knows his way around gangs and fixers, and he's just as handy with a gun as he is with a wrench. he also worked as a joytoy for a while. on the side he picked up an interest in netrunning, although he didn't really have the means or the time to do much with it at that point.
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he ended up doing a gig for a nomad called murdoc, and upon its completion, he was invited to join the bakker clan, where murdoc helped him sober up and started to teach him about netrunning. after the clan fell apart and merged with the snake nation, they split up, but still remain in contact.
the relic set him back a bit, but he's hellbent on surviving whatever soulkiller has in store for him and after running with the nomads for so long he might just end up pulling it off, ya know? he's resourceful like that. and once arasaka's dealt with, there might also be the founding of a schaeffer clan on the horizon. 👀
his primary love interest is takemura, but also this outtake doesn't just exist for the fun of it (i'll talk more about this soon, for now i just have to get the feral brainworms out so i can form coherent sentences)
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wereh0gz · 1 month
It's oc posting time
Rue has vivid revenge fantasies. Extremely violent ones about the many ways they'd kill Nox if they ever got their paws on him. Crushing his exoskeleton under their bare paws, tearing him apart limb for limb, ripping his guts out and eating his heart while he's still alive- you name it, they've probably thought about it
These thoughts *terrify* her. It proves what Nox has always told her right, that she is a hopeless, violent, uncontrollable *monster*. That the reason she became a beast in the first place is because she is truly evil at heart, just like him
(In actuality, it's just a symptom of their PTSD, but going to therapy and actually unpacking all of that isn't an option to them. They'd rather die than actually talk abt their struggles)
So the thoughts fester in her mind for years. She thinks about it daily. It becomes like an obsession. An impulse. A need. And she begins to think that the only way to free herself from that torment is to do it. To kill him. Even if it proves Nox right
Even if it proves *her* right
So they hunt him down, trying to kill him every time they encounter each other. And every time, Nox gets away, and he taunts them. And the thoughts, the want, the *hunger* for vengeance grows stronger
The cycle continues. The thoughts never cease. She never finds peace
(At least, she *thinks* she will never find peace, but she does. Eventually. After Nox dies from his own hubris lol)
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ehlnofay · 5 months
19! :)
19: sea change
In the last few days of the year 200, Torr kills the Emperor. In early 201, a war breaks out.
It’s not wholly unexpected, at least not by those who know where to look. The Emperor’s death is no small blow to Solitude, the city that sent him off on a voyage he would only exit under a pall; especially considering that the guard had patted itself on the back for successfully foiling an assassination attempt right before his ship left, only for his throat to be slit under their noses, anyway. The head of Skyrim’s Penitus Oculatus appears to have vanished. No-one reports seeing anyone out of place on the boat until they started stumbling over the bodies. The Empire mourns through all the official avenues as the heir prepares for succession; Solitude’s government is busy trying desperately to smooth it over, putting out excessive bounties on the assassin that failed and scraping up intel on the one who succeeded. Not that there’s anything much to find – it’s a locked-room murder, and every logical suspect has an alibi that holds up to interrogation. There are no leads to follow.
And Windhelm is a powder keg.
It always has been, ever since the Great War, as long as Torr or any of his kids have been alive. Short-fused and disillusioned, crowds moving hot as blood through its winding stone streets, it’s always been something tough, hard-throated, splintered into careful lined sections. Torr walks whatever lines he wants, but not everyone has the energy to straddle them; not everyone can.  The upper city is all harsh-cut stone and ice, the bricks ancient, the crowds in a hurry, even though none of them seem to know where they’re going; the Grey Quarter is where the snow runs when it turns to slush and the walls are stuffed with rags. The planks keep snapping with dry rot, sharp and gaping as broken teeth. They need to be filled to keep the cold out. The Cornerclub keeps the fire roaring. Talres goes there to work most days and doesn’t come back up to the house until the streets are empty. No-one knows it’s going to happen, not exactly, but there's no way anyone couldn't know. There are a lot of people who have been waiting on an opening, and all eyes are pointed elsewhere.
With little fanfare, the Jarl and his entourage leave Windhelm.
The city stops being a fuse and starts being the wreckage after it’s blown. Torr is told that there’s a span of a few weeks where Talres stops leaving the house completely. Katla gets arrested again and weasels out of it on her own. The ill-drawn posters of something approaching Torr’s face stuck up over the walls of Solitude are covered up with announcements and calls to join the Legion. Windhelm floods with bodies ready for the rebellion. Aventus’ house is already crowded; in a few months, Torr hears, it’s nigh impossible to walk in for the bedrolls and blankets spread over the floor. The city has never been a warm place in any sense of the word; Torr’s siblings are inundated with more kids and more kids with nowhere else to go. They don’t know if Solitude is much better; they look different now than they did on the night of the assassination that wasn’t and then was, hair cropped shorter and uneven, face gaunter, the weight they’d managed to gain over their comfortable months in Falkreath sloughing off them like a spider’s old skin, but even so it’s a bit much to step foot in there so soon, some of the bounty posters still mouldering on their posts. One of the kids says something about needing a whole other house. They’ve only got the one. Still, it makes Torr think.
(Skyrim has one orphanage, a little wooden hall down on the banks of Riften’s canals. And now there is a cursed house in Windhelm.)
Torr doesn’t go to Solitude. They only occasionally go to Windhelm. When they’re not on business, they stay on the outskirts of Danstrar; the Pale, all frozen winds and snow high enough to ice a horse’s knees, is an unappetising enough target that aside from an announcement of alliance with Windhelm’s Stormcloaks the war has not truly reached them yet. Which is ironic, considering.
(If prompted, Torr probably could have seen this coming – Torr, who spent years with his finger on Windhelm’s pulse, moving through the people and hearing endless talk about the government. It was going to happen sooner or later. And of course the Empire reeling from the assassination of its Emperor – the first since around the time of the Oblivion Crisis, which no-one is anxious to repeat, and the reminder of which put plenty of important people quite on edge – is enough of an opportunity to weigh heavily in sooner’s favour. If he’d thought about it with his blade set beneath the hairs of the old man’s beard, he would have known he was setting a war in motion. What Torr doesn’t know is if he would have cared.)
(Probably not. He still doesn’t, after all. Not enough to regret anything.)
Dead winter bleeds into spring; a little ice melts, and the sea begins to change. Torr’s shoulder aches when the weather is bad. There are clashes on the roads, outside cities, described in newspapers and word of mouth. Cyrodiil ships off heaps of soldiers to spill into Solitude’s ports. The house in Windhelm is overrun. But the nightshade kept in the temperate corner that Babette has transformed into a garden begins to bloom months early. The tides still come in and out.
The old Emperor is dead. Skyrim is tearing itself apart. Torr cleans his knife after use with a soap that smells like lavender and tries very hard to dredge up any guilt.
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laugtherhyena · 5 months
Hmmm Mao story idea,,
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blindbetrayal · 1 year
post-BB danse is a catatonic wreck at first and then dyce sits with him, gently takes his hand, strokes it gently, tells him she's there, and it's okay, and he'll always have her and when nobody is looking this boy crumbles.
full on ugly crying into her arms and apologizing every wretched gasp and sob because he's never broken down like this and god damn if he could stop the waterworks he would.
and she just. so softly kisses his forehead, lets him cry, tells him its okay, because god damn if this man, the one man in years she has let get as close as he did, is going to fall to pieces on her watch.
after a while he composes himself again and just. sits with her for a bit, watching the clouds go by, wordless. no dialogue needs to be transacted now. they're in it for the long haul.
they were in it the moment they let their walls shift even a little
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star-shaped-bug · 1 year
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She died :[
(Congratulations to Corduroy and Xipy for beating Sehra in the @bug-oc tournament btw!)
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drakeheart · 9 months
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@commanderhorncleaver hope you don't mind me giving this a response, my brain really wants to chatter about charr right now and you gave me an opportunity here. :p
first of all, i love your idea of gladium outreach/charr therapy services. these battle cats really do need that kind of reform if they ever hope to escape the cycle of self destruction their society currently drives them to. it's just a really good idea, and from what i know of gaius, he's probably doing a fantastic job.
that said, decima just might get a redemption. her story could really go either way. she would absolutely hate to have to talk about everything that's happened, but she really would be a good candidate for rehabilitation if she did manage to survive the events of IBS and the fall of jormag. despite all that's happened to her, she still wants to live, and especially wants to make sure that everything she's suffered doesn't happen again to anyone else.
regardless, thank you for the nice tags ♥
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a-drama-addict · 10 days
12, 28, 35, & 80 for the tav asks? :]
heyy thanks for the ask!! :] SIGRID TIME [ask game]
12. How does your Tav feel about Us? Did they free them, maim them or leave them behind?
Sigrid freed Us, mostly because she was in a daze and like… well, the brain sounded polite. When she encounters Us again in the Mindlfayer colony she’s like “THEY TRAPPED MY CHILD” and immediately takes them with her again <3
28. What does your Tav think of Auntie Ethel? What do they tell Mayrina?
When first meeting she was apprehensive, because like why is this random old lady in the grove so interested in her condition? Pretty much a “Thanks but no thanks for the concern” for her.
And then when she sees the shit go down between Ethel and Mayrina’s brothers she’s just kinda like “okay i’ll kill these guys i guess” <- which is basically only done because she’s like “Well Ethel’s a weird old lady but probably not a hag” and then almost immediately realises she’s wrong
Gaslights Mayrina into thinking Ethel killed her brothers, because well SHE’S not taking responsibility for that. In the end she does help Mayrina revive Connor and lets her go ham because Sig quite frankly didn’t care enough to keep him or kill him
35. Do they deliver Nere's head to the Myconids and save the slaves?
Sigrid definitely delivers his head, because OH she doesn’t like him. The second she enters the Grymforge and like sees the amount of Gnomes enslaved she’s like “Yeah okay cutting off his head sounds fair.” Also the Myconids and Barcus are her besties, OF COURSE she kills Nere
80. Does your Tav free the slaves from Steel Watch Foundry? Do they side with the Gondians or with Wulbren?
She frees the slaves, definitely. She can empathise with the Gondians a lot really, and at that point in the story she was definitely more concerned of the fact that she’d be killing so many people if she were to just. Go ham and destroy the foundry without second thought.
Sig also sides with Gondians at the end, Wulbren and her aren’t on good terms like. Ever. “Fuck Wulbren Bongle all my friends hate Wulbren Bongle” yknow
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lieutenantselnia · 9 months
Selena and davy jones headcanons
Oh I do have some of those! This ask actually got me motivated to finally write some of them down so thanks for that <3 I haven't done a ton of writing in recent years aside from school/university papers (unfortunately), but I tried! This list is neither ordered nor exhaustive, I just picked out some headcanons for them that I've been thinking about recently💖
Davy Jones x Selena Finley Headcanons
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One of the first ways for Selena and Davy to connect and get closer is music. Selena was taught playing the piano when she grew up, and was captivated when she heard Davy playing the organ for the first time. When she finally witnessed him playing, she was also fascinated by the way he utilised his beard tentacles to play (though, to be honest, who wouldn’t be? It’s quite a sight after all). She asks Davy if he’d allow her to try playing the organ, and although he’s reluctant about it in the beginning, he lets her and even kind of starts teaching her later on.
Even though he slowly starts to emotionally open up to her, Davy is very reluctant about touching Selena at first. Although he has resigned himself to his appearance decades ago, once his affection for her starts to develop, he becomes afraid that she will find him appalling. In reality, Selena doesn’t actually have any problems with his look at all - if anything she finds it rather intriguing. But she also is a bit hesitant about touching him at first, mostly because she notices there’s something about it bothering him and she doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
When they finally manage to overcome that barrier though, it becomes obvious how touch-starved Davy is. He loves feeling Selena’s hands on him, especially on his face. In turn, Selena loves caressing his beard. The tentacles fascinate her, in the way the move, sometimes even as if they had a mind on their own, but also in the way they feel. She adores the way they react to her touch, how they’d wrap around her fingers and wrists as if they wanted to hold her close. Another thing Davy is desperate for is just feeling her body closely against his. The sensation of her warm, living, breathing body pressed up against him when he hugs her or when they cuddle is everything to him, especially as he notices that she feels completely comfortable in his arms.
At some point, Selena starts helping Davy to rid himself of some of the barnacles and sea life growing on him. Not because it bothers her in any way how he looks with them, but some of the growths have become uncomfortable for Davy. They hurt him when he’s trying to find a comfortable sleeping position - one of the reasons why he’s grown accustomed to sleep while sitting at the organ - or get in the way during their cuddling sessions. It’s a tedious work, and Selena’s fingers can hurt a little afterwards, but it’s so rewarding for her to see how much more relieved Davy feels. She doesn’t remove more than necessary, it’s mostly the coral growths around Davy’s back and shoulders that bother him, because they pinch uncomfortably when he’s trying to lay down. She’d also scrape off some of the mussels and barnacles with sharp edges, so she won’t cut herself when she hugs Davy - she knows he’d feel bad about it.
Davy is initially not too enthusiastic about the idea, insisting he doesn’t need any help with cleaning himself, but he grows to adore their little care sessions. They allow him to become completely relaxed, at times so much that he’s almost falling asleep. He loves it when Selena gives him gentle touches on his face or his arms in-between. Luckily, most of the growths are just on his clothes and not directly on his skin, so Selena doesn’t have to be too worried about hurting him when removing them with a knife. She’s still careful though, since his tentacles like to get in the way when they’re searching for contact with her hands, and she has to shoo them away a little. Sometimes, Davy will also just end their session before she's actually done by pulling her into his arms and just holding her tightly, as he whispers to her how thankful he is that she’s with him and takes him exactly the way he is.
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perfectpaperbluebirds · 2 months
Manner minded as got to be Father Luc, I bet he’s always so polite to Flora even when he’s really sick, always had a hanky with him and hates it when she has to do basic things for him.
Luc may seem very mannerly in the fics I've written about him because they're usually when he's "on" doing priest things or else with Flora, because especially in the early months, she brings out the best in him ❤️
But most days, he's just a normal dude lol. He'd sooner sneeze into the collar of his shirt than carry around a tissue or handkerchief. He would only use the word hankie if he was joking around. He definitely tends toward comfortable and casual rather than neat and precise in most things. Also, don't forget, he was an angsty punk rock lover in the 90's and 2000's. Had he not been religiously inclined from an early age, he probably would have landed somewhere on the angry hipster spectrum and exist exclusively in joggers or ripped jeans lol.
However, he IS always polite to Flora because he's crazy about her and wants the best for her. It's true that he goes out of his way to be especially kind to her when he's not feeling well, because he'd never want to go take out his bad mood on her. But after they're comfortable and established, he loves being babied a little and letting her take care of him (within reason). Definitely the "cuddle me until I'm better" type rather than "Stay away, I don't want to trouble you."
Thank you for your interest in my characters though ☺️ if you want to request something else from this list now that you have some more character detail, please feel free!
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 months
talk shop tuesday - obviously the nature of fic writing is that we're inhabiting characters that we're not necessarily going to share much with, but one of the best parts of the Morgan AU is the complicated and twisted relationship she has with Eowells and I just want to know how you've managed to do this so well given you've stated you have a very positive relationship with your own parents? How you manage to pin down all the shades and all the emotions Morgan has towards him?
Good question! You’re right, it’s nothing like my experience 😅 my parents are wonderful and far from the awful dad Eowells is.
To start off, I’m gonna answer the opposite question: how did I write how Eowells feels about Morgan?
Honestly this was partly taking note of how Eowells (in s1) acts around the Team, and extending that a few steps further. And also, for specific abuse tactics, a little research, since it’s ofc not my lived experience…and also pulling a little from Carla and Caitlin, since although Carla wasn’t as neglectful as Eowells, she still was neglectful, and there are still similarities here (the workaholism, the cold demeanor, the guilt-tripping, etc). Carla and Tina are in a sense foils…and so are Tina and Eowells, who are repeatedly contrasted in s1.
The key was definitely hammering home that yes, Eowells loves Morgan, and the rest of the Team, but not in a healthy way. And for Morgan in particular, he’s balancing her and his revenge plot…and the latter usually always wins, which results in neglect (a type of abuse) throughout her childhood. Most notably between ages 7 and 13, when he was completely uninvolved (luckily she had Tina to pick up the slack), but also to varying degrees after that, up until his defeat in the s1 finale.
And as for how Morgan feels about Eowells…well, I try to put myself in her shoes. And also, I’ve done quite a bit of research on this too: how abuse shapes kids, how it can turn them into people-pleasers (or potentially abusers themselves, but that’s not Morgan’s case, largely because of Tina + Team Flash’s influence) and change how they perceive things (a raised voice, a door slam) and even last for years afterwards. And how, not all, but some abused kids still want to love their parent—Morgan is one of these. It takes her a while to accept that while Eowells never physically harmed her, while he was superficially supportive, he was still neglectful and at times emotionally abusive, even in public. And even then…she spent so long loving him that it’s hard to shake.
So honestly, it’s just attachment to this particular dynamic*, an eye for the specific nuances, a very active what-if brain that focuses on characterization above all else…and some research to fill in the gaps, since I don’t know all the abuse terminology 😅 (also figuring out what a “mandated reporter” is. Caitlin, who is one, is gonna be hit with some major guilt for missing the signs 🥺)
*after all, this whole AU was spawned by “hey what if Eowells had a daughter/Jesse had a doppelgänger”, so ofc Morgan & Thawne ought to be a relationship I put a lot of care and thought into. And I’m glad you’re liking it! It’s definitely a challenge at times, but that’s part of the fun of fanfic writing tbh.
talk shop tuesday!
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
Sin I cannot emphasize enough that I have not stopped thinking about your latest drawing, specifically how unbearably cute Ruza's face is,,,I love her expression so much I can't even contain it. Where did those scars come from!! I'm almost afraid to ask because I feel like I might know!!!!
Hey there!! Omg I'm so happy you enjoyed the latest piece! It was just a silly idea but I had a lot of fun making it, especially with rendering dear Ruza's lovestruck face, so good to know you enjoy it as much as I do lmao 😂 In general though, I'm honestly delighted you like her and think about her so much!!! I seriously didn't count on people having so much affection for her, but I am beyond grateful that you and a handful of others indeed do 💙✨️
But anyways!!! You and a couple of others asked the same question, and I am more than happy to answer! I think I can imagine what your guess might be as to the origin of Ruza's new scars, and you might be half right, at least. The one on her lip came from a certain church-goer's blade after the blood moon rises, with no thanks to Ruza's ailing heart making her hesitate in the conflict. Ordinarily, a regular person couldn't hope to land a blow on a seasoned hunter so easily, but it was certainly not an ordinary situation. The fact that her outfit has changed and the badge of her creed from her scarf is now missing are also both consequences of that same, sad state of affairs.
But the scars on Ruza's eye were actually not acquired until her second hunt, and the cause of which was a lot more mundane, for a hunter at least.
She was unable to leave the dream the first time after completing her hunt, despite asking to and wanting quite dreadfully to be set free, and was thus dragged right back to square one to start all over again. This time around, she took her first foray into the Hunter's Nightmare, which to be frank was a little more dangerous than she had initially prepared for; and while trying to acquire her Beasthunter Saif, she was ambushed by a beastclaw hunter. It was something of a challenging fight for her, particularly because she had no more vials at her disposal and was already worn down from the road she took to get there. Lucky for her, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Unlucky for her, she suffered a blow to the face among several other injuries in the process of taking that hunter down, the scars of which still remain! However, she was aided by a ✨️mysterious cooperator✨️ that was drawn to the skirmish and who ends up being revealed to be extremely important later on. So while the cause of these scars were mundane, the aftermath definitely was not!
Have a bonus sketch while I'm here lmao thank you for enabling my Ruza brainrot 💝
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