#or I go to online mass
u know it’s bad when ur doctor literally goes “hey you need to take a break from Lent/going to Mass this year until we work through some stuff”.
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clericofshadows · 10 months
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The Two Spectres, The Two Sentinels Rendered in Blender v3.3 Eevee
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papasmistakeria · 11 months
AU where everything is the same except when Father Paul was telling Riley about his sister named Alice, he's actually lying and his sister is still alive and well and named Christine
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kulliare · 2 months
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yippeeee the dices
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yotd2009 · 4 days
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quick sanrio haul . kuromi + her pj's from build a bear and cinna overalls + my melo charm from hot topic
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Ghosts finale hurt me so bad I am going to rewatch double life ranchers pov (specifically tango's because I have never seen it before????? how???)
AND I JUST REALISED TANGO AND JIMMY ARE STOOD NEXT TO EACH OTHER?? AHH the unintentional foreshadowing from 2 people who were almost strangers with how little they interacted before this
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merevide · 6 months
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sonics-left-shoe · 16 hours
Tired of living in a period of enabled overconsumption and the quality of everything being replaced for cheaper alternatives with only higher prices. Tired of corporations being able to get away with selling products that won't last. Tired of unnecessary mass manufacturing. Tired of trends and impulsive purchases being encouraged by companies. Tired of celebrities being worshipped whilst they help destroy the environment. Tired of micro transactions and blatantly invasive advertisements everywhere. Tired of false advertisement, misinformation and clickbait being normalised. Tired of corporate fear mongering and blatant disregard of human livelihoods.
I'm so tired of all the wastefulness and cruelty and how corporations can just get away with it.
#dont get me started on corporations that make millions who don't pay their workers accordingly and give them inhumane hours#or those “doctors” on social media that are clearly just trying to get you to buy products and people fall for it#or “influencers” who you'd swear couldn't lick jeff bezos' boots any harder than they already do with their “amazon finds”#mlm schemes have been around forever but they're getting worse with how they reel people in#the rampant hate and disgusting shit that goes unchecked online makes me sick#especially when posts online are deliberately spreading misinformation just to fuel the hate for minorities#I feel like humanity is going back in time god#the casual racism all the time makes me so sick#and the homophobia#“theres no ethical consumption under capitalism!” yeah but that doesnt mean you need to buy 50 fucking reusable cups from target or whereve#the state of the environment isn't the average person's fault of course but there's no need for all this mass consumption please#yes corporations are literally pouring sewage and litter in the ocean but please just try please#we can't fix it on our own but we can try to not make things worse#please find joy in things that aren't spending thousands on a corporate product#please#I need to lie down honestly#mick squeaks#not sonic#environment#anti corporations#anti consumption#anti consumerism#please don't get all “oh so we can't be happy now??” because this isn't an attack this is a plea
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oakstar519 · 3 months
hngg i wanna play mass effect
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britneyshakespeare · 1 month
I love AbeBooks bc you can absolutely tell who is trying to rip you off
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pyrobassist · 1 year
every time i open any random non-radfem blog i immediately stumble upon dozens of posts about girl dick and het "queer" sex and kinks and cock and balls-
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ssaalexblake · 9 months
the number of people who think they're entitled to your time bc you like 13 is Staggering.
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jvzebel-x · 1 month
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tap-tap-tap-im-in · 4 months
These days Windows does a lot of annoying things.
But I think one of the ones that bothers me most is when I select "Update and Shut Down" because I'm going to bed and I'm probably not going to use my computer until at least the next day, if not several days from now, and then I go to bed thinking "Ah yes, I have done the responsible thing and ensured that I am not wasting power on my computer, while still ensuring that it is up to date and potentially more secure."
Meanwhile my computer is in the other room: "Yeah, I know what you selected, but I'm gonna restart now and be on when you come back. Isn't that convenient!?"
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similar to the greentext stuff - i was visiting with my neighbors and their grandkids were around, and I said to this eight year old, "Hey, you wanna know something cool? I was playing the game when the Endermen came out." and his eyes went wide, like this kid looked like i told him i landed on the moon. His grandma thought it was really funny, and she said she has no idea what i'm talking about, but her grandbabies do, and that's incredible to her.
oh that's fun lmao, when minecraft & that update's existed for more than your whole life, and yknow being that young and like Next Year fr is this huge time scale away, a couple of years is a quarter of your life thus far and like maybe nigh half of the part of your life you actually have longterm memories for....i was checking out this dev's blog's archives about a:tdd's release in 2010 & in one entry they compared the implicitly Roughly concurrent release of Minecraft and i was like hey whoah. forever primarily being a game i've Heard Of more than any more direct exposure so i had no precise sense of [before minecraft release] [after minecraft release] Year 0 there but it's like for sure back in thee day when minecraft was a new thing, huh
#add in that [i also basically Heard Of mass effect but that's a game series w/a 2010 median which i had Any knowledge abt already]#so i have that reference point for a still like [niche video for When You've Played These Games For Sure] there but then like#if you were ten or even 5 yrs younger at the time you May Well Be much more at sea as your starting point there#(but i mean not that much; i didn't know a ton. reread those wikipedia plot summaries myself)#enderman came out? happy pride#shoutout to this one time i crossed paths w/this kid who was at the time probably like late middle school early high school age#who started talking abt pokemon like Clearly A Big Interest and i'm like my only Direct experience is playing pokemon go but i know Some#stuff b/c i was 5 in '99 when it was first making that huge splash lol. can make Some remarks....but also just Listening Attentively To You#Monologue like uh huh go off....i sure remember like the Sense of a couple yr's sagacity like being 9 i think reading a book abt 6th or 7th#graders (i.e. two or three yrs older) like My God They Must Be So Mature....#and like ofc when skimming passages as an adult it's like omg l'enfants. Both Perspectives Being Accurate respectively lol#my vintage experiences like i've def saved things on the floppy discs of [save icons imagery]. have heard the dialup tones organically....#but also; say; Home Computers That You Didn't Really Need To Know Much Abt Computers To Use were forever an everyday thing for me#having been born mid '90s....vs like in the '80s being nicher but also like. the programs to amateur code not being As Complex either#like [working on cars] of yore vs more modernly lmao....plus ofc in their designs; opening up a desktop Tower vs what? a tablet??#ppl my age who had more substantial Online Access earlier than i did maybe having at least picked up some html; which i did not lol#also didn't have too much Gamer Experience ever; what i did largely desktop then laptop pc wasd+mouse style....#didn't have a smartphone till maybe 5 yrs after they were starting to become more commonplace#vs that again to an 8 yr old of today [commonplacer smartphones] is your whole life basically too. i remember when we flipped those phones.#(i do fr lol. did have one of those first for a good while.)#granpa granpa....mh being fourteen yrs old meaning like the Teen Fans of Today were probably not watching it as it aired lol#whereas i Was that teen fan of those yesteryears. and all my stories for it like fuckin uhhhhhh [crickets chirping] [studio audience laugh]#though You Don't Need The Fans like mh is a long movie ppl can newly discover Whenever that holds up; plus it has bonus lore#mostly what i could even Possibly bring is just the particularly nicher older bonus lore. but like grandpa simpson (the simpsons) for sure#which is to say: humorously irrelevant & perhaps somewhat cantankerous#whilest i'm vaguely aware there may have also been that minecraft resurgence (esp through streaming?) from 2020 on....#but evidently Like Mh something that continually revives / takes on New Fans / Participants#for sure i might well be playing some tf2 myself if i had the technical capability (i would have the poor personal ability i always did lol#real games of yore but it never gets old also. though i know Of Late there was a bot problem / just neglected maintenance? that get fixed?#These Have Been The Tag Tangents. maxed out thirty tags i know that's right
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moteldogs · 7 months
these vintage thrift stores have got to be stopped… I just left a place downtown that was asking $12.95 for a used steinbeck paperback
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