#or a good time to fill out the reasons more clearly never happening
Ngl, I think one of my struggles with fic writing in general, is I don't really have anyone I trust enough that can give me feedback before I post said fics. I don't feel comfy at all asking someone I don't know super well to give my writing a look over, and rn my few close pals either can't or don't wanna give em a read. so yeah, I try my best to go over my own work and fiddle with it and re-adjust things as best I can, but I'm fully aware my own thought processes don't always "translate" well, or make total sense I guess? But I'm trying. ^^;
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rboooks · 1 year
The bakery is a front!...Right? Part 2
Danny can practically feel Peter's glare through the small window between the front counter and kitchen, trying to melt his ice core. He isn't sure what he did to earn the man's ire but it was getting sort of old after two weeks.
Peter's brother, who almost always steals food and drinks between customers, wasn't nearly as bad. Danny didn't mind the loss, as he is beyond rich that he could fund his own country; he just found it odd that Alvin tended to put whatever he stole in test tubes.
He used to seeing street kids' having sticky fingers, but not ones with this particular habit. If he hadn't witnessed Alvin taking an entire bagel and stuffing it into a ziplock bag after another filling another test tube with the ghost theme latte- it was just color dye green and the foam shaped into a blob ghost- he would thought the guy was gathering samples of his merchandise rather then stocking up on food. Not that he could blame him.
Not knowing where their next meal will come from makes it understandable that they horde any food they can. Yes, the pair of brothers were close to his age but they been on the streets since Peter was fifteen and Alvin was thirteen. They had apparently took off in the middle of the night after Alvin was violently outed and his scum of a father tried to break the gay out of him.
They haven't spoken much about their past besides that, but Danny didn't need any more information.
Alvin is remarkably good at taking things without anyone noticed.
The only reason Danny caught on to what he was doing was because this was his haunt, and his ghost side had growled in outrage the first time Alvin swiped some samples of various coffees. His human side just thought it was hilarious.
After a while, the part of him that was Phantom recognized the two as new members of his haunt and now purred whenever they took stuff. Phantom's desire to provide for those under his protection made it hard for Danny not to slip and purr or rub himself against people like a creepy cat.
Phantom also had this mysterious allure to humans. Sam and Tucker let him know after the three came across the Phan Club led by his old classmates. Paulina wanting to marry him wasn't a one-time thing. Almost all his classmates wanted to marry Phantom because a part of him influenced their attraction.
Halfas were like that.
Frostbite said halfas were close to sirens and that annoyed him more than anything.
His ghost side wasn't mansplain, manipulate but rather manwhore. At least with enough exposure, people developed immunity to his allure, so Danny ignored all the love-struck eyes made at him.
Danny still very clearly remembered coming back for his junior year, walking into the hallways and causing multiple jaws to drop.
Sam and he had broken up at the beginning of the summer, so she only blinked at his sudden appearance, but Tucker had been blindsided.
"Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but you look delicious"
Danny had fallen for him just a little for that alone.
The two of them dated all junior year with Sam's blessing but agreed they were better as friends by the end. It was awkward, but the three got past that, spending senior year snickering as various people tried to ask Danny out.
Danny was petty enough to admit he enjoyed turning them down, citing their past treatment of him as a "never going to happen". Breaking the hearts of the A-listers was a special kind of joy, especially Dash.
After taking the time with Elle to further develop his ghost side, he hadn't realized the big difference between him and the other halfas.
Vlad's accident case him to form over time, after getting ecto-acne, and the years he spent in the hospital were him repeatedly dying only to be brought back seconds after, by the ectoplasm forced into his face. It is no wonder he lost his sanity and became violently obsessed with his parents.
In the creation of Dan, Vlad's mind had finally been accessible to his human side again. The future Vlad was more mellow sure, has taken him in with a kind heart but that was because he had been more human then ghost. The ghost side no longer had his parents around so its vengeance was no longer needed ans it cleared up the maddness.
It was like his image of a human hand been painted over by his ghost. It didn't blend.
Jazz had realized this, and then after speaking to his parents, they vowed to help him. Surprisingly it worked, and now Vlad was not a fruitloop. Unfortunately he may be something far worse.
Vlad was now his parents' boyfriend. Ugh. It didn't help that it had been Vlad that given his parents a grant all these years, who had taken care of the family from afar, and that he was a gentle soul. Jack had named him godfather of his son because they grew up together and had always know the sweetheart hidden within.
His coming back from the dead madness had rekindled old feelings, and his mom admitted she had felt something for him too.
Ellie was influenced by her ghost side too. She was a clone, but her core form first, and unlike the other failed clones, she was more like a ghost who learned to be human. She gave in more to her spirit urges, only really eating and sleeping because she thought they were fun. Her ghost was painted over by her human side, but it was a well balanced collage.
Danny was a single painting with two figures side by side.
Since his accident perfectly split his two parts his human side kept his ghostly influence at bay until he was about sixteen, where slowly but surely, he allowed his two pieces to start to fuse.
That's why Dan had gone off the deep end when separated from his human side. There was nothing hold his urge to protect after his loved one's death and his ghost part saw his human half trying to get rid of him as betrayal, so it reacted by betrayung his protective obsession- by destroying everything it could and eating Vlad's ghost only fueled his crazy.
There had been times when both his ghost side and human side were separated that didn't cause this. When he was spilt by Fenton Ghost Cather, his ghost side took the responsibility while his human became even lazier than average. That didn't mean they had different personalities, just that some aspects of themselves were futher away.
It was like his soul multiplied rather then broken. It's why he was able to stay sane, he didn't reject any part of him.
It just didn't help with their fusing his ghost was affecting humans and him. He now had to deal with even more love-struck eyes. Worse, according to Vlad and Frostbite, Danny was now entering his mating stage, and he was honest to Acients nesting.
The building next door that he had bought and developed to have decent-sized cubicles with warm beds meant to house the homeless was now mostly occupied by children.
Phantom was almost always purring, seeing street kids slowly move in. He offered them food, work, a roof, and warm water. The cubicles could be considered dorm rooms-a bed, desk, and small cabinets that were savage from other kids who sold them to Danny enough for them to walk into and sleep when it turned dark. Some leave in the morning, others stay, but Danny doesn't mind.
Maybe that's why Peter hated him so much. Alvin was weak to Phantom's charm and Danny knew a thing or two about older siblings trying to protect thier younger siblings from parent's bigotry.
Jazz made a face when ghost hunters got near him before the reveal. They weren't in danger anymore, but knowing that and relaxing around what they saw a threat were two very different things.
Peter and Alvin Draper appeared a month or so after the whole Scarecrow's incident. He didn't mean to run into the supervillain, knocking the man over in the middle of his villian monologue.
He had been too busy trying to get Sam and Tucker- dated in senior year and the last two years- to agree on the main decor for their wedding. Even after they got engaged, it was still Danny who smoothed their bickering to notice that he had stop breathing again.
Sometimes he forgot.
It took the guy stuffing a needle into his arm, the liquid already being cleansed by his ectoplasm before fully settling in his bloodstream, to realize this wasn't another Gotham citizen casually wearing a gas mask.
This was the reason people wear gas masks.
He punched the creep away from him, effectively allowing the heroes to lock him up. But in doing so, he put all his goons out of work. He hadn't known until two days later Andres had nervously walked into his bakery with a resume.
Andres had been the Scarecrow's right-hand man trying to get money for his dying mother, who had cancer. Danny didn't know what to do with a guy whose only valuable skill at a bakery was speaking Spanish but if he wanted to get out of life of crime then who was he to stop him?
His resume was impressive, but it was mostly how to handle illegal chemicals and torture, so Danny set him up as his cashier and co-baker. A few days later, Andres had carefully suggested other goons from Scarecrow's crew who needed jobs, and Danny found himself fully staffed that same day.
More people began visiting him for work, and Danny didn't what to do with them half the time.
Sighing, he placed the newest batch of ecto-cookies in a box for Manolo to take to his mother. The kid is rocking on his heels by the entrance. He is new to the streets after getting thrown out by his mother's ex, but now that she was cleaning up her addiction, Danny hoped he wouldn't be seeing him around the streets as often.
"Peter is going to shoot you," Andres said, looking at the man with the streak of white in his hair practically foaming at the mouth when he saw the small boy arrive for his delivery run. "Want me and the boys to take care of him?"
Danny glanced up to catch Alvin ducking his head, face a healthy red hue. The guy had been staring at him again, which meant Peter was being overprotective again.
"No" He tells Andres, putting the boxes in a little red wagon for the boy to tug around. "I'll handle him."
He walked by the brothers, Alvin already trying to sneak a box away. Danny quickly moved the wagon away from him. When there was nothing to cleanse, ectoplasm worked like a potent energy drink, and honestly, Alvin did not need more of a reason to get less sleep.
Alvin pouted when his chance to steal a cookie failed.
Cute Thought Danny
Our children will be gorgeous Responded Phantom Make Alvin mate.
Danny ignores Phantom to smile at Manolo. He slips into Spanish, quickly crouching down to be at eye level. "Hi buddy. How is the new sweater treating you?"
Manolo's dimple shows as he pulls the sleeves over his palms. "It's warm. I like how fluffy it is."
Phantom cooed, and a soft purr escaped him before Danny clamped down on the sound. "I'm glad. Ready for another day of deliveries?"
"Yes!" The ten year old chirps snapping the list of names and address out of Danny's hand. The baker laughs, pulling our his wallet.
"I know I can count on you, so I'll pay you upfront. If anyone gives you tips, you can keep them," He says, handing the boy five hundred. Manolo beams, pocketing the money and scurrying away with his wagon.
I want a baby Phantom whines
I'll eat a bagel later, Danny promises.
( Part 1 ) (Part 3)
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evanpetersmybf · 4 months
Be mine?
Tate Langdon x female!reader
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Summary: Meeting you was his destiny. He had to make you his so he could feel alive... It was meant to be.
Genre: Smut.
Word count: 3,172
Warnings: Virgin and inexperienced reader, mentions of bullying, self-harm (just once and is nothing detailed), obsessive and stalkish behavior, swearing, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected p in v and cumshot.
A/N: English isn't my first language and this is my first time writing smut, so sorry if it sucks or if I have grammatical mistakes or something TT. Btw, also sorry if Tate's out of character. Anyways, hope you enjoy it!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ཐི ♡ ཋྀ
Tate had another bad day. It was the usual. Bullying, failed tests, the teacher humiliating him after he couldn’t solve a simple equation on the chalkboard, his mother scolding him. Nothing seemed new, and it seemed that nothing wasn’t going to change at any point.
He needed something, a reason to live, something to make him feel alive. Because he was dead. Dead in life, which in his own opinion, was even worse than being a rotten corpse.
He headed to the music store after secretly stealing some of his mom’s money, just a few bucks; the enough amount to buy a vinyl or some CD’s. Tate was sort of a music elitist, always believing that the artists nowadays just created pure, hollow, and trashy songs. In fact, he didn’t believe those could even be considered music.
Walking around the nearly empty store, rummaging through the shelves filled with Nirvana vinyl’s, someone bumped into him.
“Oh, sorry.” You spoke, after accidentally taking too many steps back and bumping into Tate’s behinds.
He frowned, somewhat annoyed at you for disturbing his moment of peace. The blonde turned around to look at who it was, scanning your body from head to toe, taking note of your appearance. Then, his dark eyes drifted to the sign that was on top the shelf, which indicated the musical genre of the records that were on that rack. Alternative pop. His gaze went to the album you were hugging to yourself.
“Cry Baby? What type of crap is that?”
“Huh, excuse me?”
“Never mind, you won’t understand.” Tate talked in such a volatile and rude manner, already feeling superior because of his likes.
You arched an eyebrow. What was his problem? You did nothing to him and yet he was here, judging your amazing music taste.
“Well, people’s free to like whatever they want to, hmm?”
“Uh, yeah, but what’s the point of that if everything is so generic?”
“Have you ever listened to Melanie Martinez at least once?”
He shook his head no, still scowling, now fidgeting with a ring that was on one of his fingers.
“Have you listened to Nirvana?”
“Just like… Two songs?”
“Don’t tell me. Smells Like Teen Spirit?”
Tate rolled his eyes. What was going on with this generation? What happened to good music, to the greatest artists? Why was everyone just listening to trash?
After sharing your names and a few more words, debating about who was right and who wasn’t, you placed one of your hands over his right shoulder, as an attempt to stop his rant of how superior he was. And indeed, it worked. The teen stopped venting and stared at you, all confused and a bit uncomfortable. You noticed it and quickly stepped back, apologizing for touching him without permission. He told you it was okay, that you just surprised him. But deep down, that simple yet complex touch meant a lot to Tate, even if it was absolutely nothing to you.
For the first time he felt something more than sorrow.
“So… What do you think of this? I’ll make you listen to some songs by Melanie and other artists, and I’ll listen to your beloved beautiful grunge music.” You said those last words in a mocking way.
Tate huffed, clearly offended by the way you referred to his taste. Nevertheless, in the end he agreed with you.
After paying the stuff you two picked, both of you went to Tate’s place. As you walked next to him, your fingers brushed his, making his cheeks turn a light shade of red and his heart flutter. He felt dizzy, not sure about what was going on.
In his house, he took you to his room. The boy didn’t want his mother to see you, otherwise she’d be too nosy and probably scare you and push you away from him, and that was the last thing he wanted.
“Get comfy.” He mused, extending his hand as if inviting you to take a seat wherever you feel to.
“Thanks.” You sat on the floor, using one of the sides of the bed as a support for your back. He did the same and sat right next to you.
He was nervous. So damn nervous and excited. He brought a pretty chick to his place. The Tate Langdon, the outcast, the bullied, that Tate Langdon was in the same room with a girl? He couldn’t believe it.
“Ladies first.” Tate pointed the record-player with his thumb, and you obeyed, placing the CD in it. The music started playing.
“We could’ve used Spotify, y’know?”
“Nah, I don’t like it. I prefer the old school.”
‘Cry Baby’ was the first track that was listened to.
He squinted his eyes and rubbed his chin, analyzing the sounds, the melody, the harmony and of course the lyrics.
Although it wasn’t his style, you definitely were. The way you looked, talked, walked. How you stood up for your beliefs and didn’t allow him to step on you (even if you just discussed about music). It was new for him. He craved your independence. He craved you.
That was the very moment when he realized that you were the thing he was looking for all his life. You were the one who was meant to be his, he was meant to be yours. It was destiny. Tate truly believed it was some kind of divine prophecy, and he wasn’t going to let you go.
He was so immersed in his mind that he didn’t pay attention to the song anymore. He was solely focused on you, remembering how warm and kind your touch was, how sweet your voice was. ‘Oh, she’s mine’, he thought.
“So… That was the first track. Its name’s Cry Baby. Did you like it?”
Tate snapped out of it and bit his bottom lip. He didn’t listen to your question.
“I’m sorry, what did you?—”
“Did you like the song?”
“Ah, yeah yeah. It’s quite… Innovative. I’ve never heard something like that.”
You smiled and clapped your hands. “Of course! She’s such a genius. Let’s finish the album, hm?”
He just nodded, as a little smirk appeared on his face.
The days flew by, and Tate asked you out on many friendly dates. Or at least that’s what you thought because you were so oblivious at the fact that he had a fat crush on you.
With every hang out, you noticed that Tate was lonely. Like, really lonely. Maybe that’s why he was so clingy with you.
He told you about his family, about how annoying Constance was, about his siblings and about how his father left him behind. He also mentioned the bullying he suffered and almost talked about the self-harm but stopped himself.
Both of you grew closer, as his obsession.
Since you went to a different school, he would skip class and infiltrate your campus just to see you. He couldn’t stand being away from you. And if he did, his mind was full of you, thinking of you all day, unable to focus on his homework and tests. Tate didn’t care anymore if he failed subjects, as long as you were next to him, he was happy and alive.
The void he once felt, was now fulfilled with your mere presence. You could step on him, and he would thank you. In his twisted little mind, you were free to have everything of him.
He was willing to do anything to keep you by his side. The thought of losing was so terrifying that it would make him throw up.
Tate learned every single detail about you. Your mannerisms, your likes and dislikes, your dreams, and your fears. Everything. And that includes your schedule since you wake up, and since you go to sleep.
That was his definition of love. No one ever taught him about how to express it, and he ended up being the way he was with you.
One day he invited you over to his place. The Langdon's house was empty, and he was going to take advantage of it. No doubt.
“Your mom isn’t home?” You questioned as you followed him behind, going upstairs straight to his bedroom. Little did you know this wasn’t going to be another afternoon of playing board games while listening to some music.
“Nah, dunno where she went but she won’t be back any time soon.” He shrugged and let you inside of his private space,
You went to lay down on bed, feeling relief in your aching back after a long day at school. “Damn, I need some rest!”
Tate chuckled softly and sat on the edge, looking at you as you closed your eyes and tried to relax. He was focused on your steady and calm breathing, on how your breasts went up and down with every inhalation and exhalation. His eyes stared at your lips, at how kissable they looked. He felt a sudden desire, the intense urge to make you his. Feeling conflicted, he shook his head and tried to distract himself, pretending to ignore how aroused he was getting.
He wasn’t going to say it out loud, but of course he already had some wet dreams of you. He imagined you beneath him, your precious body shivering and responding to his touch, to his kisses. Your cunt wet and ready for him, just how he wanted to.
“Y/N…” Tate cooed, unable to hold back any longer.
“Yeah?” You opened one of your eyes and spotted him, sitting on the bed with his fists clenched over his thighs, while his breathing looked kinda rapid. “You ‘kay?”
“Uh? What’s wrong?” You reincorporated and sat straight beside his warm figure. Your right hand touched his left, rubbing it up and down with your thumb.
Tate shoved you to the bed, pinning your arms above your head and holding them tight.
His breathing pattern was no longer normal. It was a heavy one.
His dark brown eyes locked with yours. Your orbs were wide, not understanding what the hell was going on. Or maybe you did but were in denial.
“Please. I want you.” He purred, seeing you with puppy eyes, the ones he knew you couldn’t resist.
“Hahah, you funny.”
He let out a frustrated whine, almost begging on his knees for you to get the hint.
“I’m not kidding. Pretty please. I need you.”
“Do you mean…?” You raised your head a few centimeters to look at his crotch in order to confirm your suspicions. Your cheeks had a cute blush as soon as you noticed Tate’s erection restrained by his jeans. It looked painful, and it actually was.
“Yes. I want to. Please, I truly need it. Please, please, please?” His voice was shaky and low, a needy desperate whisper. “Can I?”
This wasn’t what you expected for today. You saw Tate as a best friend, but you couldn’t deny he was handsome… And that he already provoked butterflies in your stomach before.
Hesitantly, you gave a shy nod with your head, giving him consent to continue. “But Tate… I’ve never done this before, I dunno what to do, I—” You trailed off, being cut off mid-sentence when Tate placed his lips over yours. The kiss was slow and tender, not rough at all. Your bottom lip was between his, as he nibbled it with extreme care to not hurt you.
After some seconds, he pulled apart and led his hand towards the side of your face, brushing some hairs away. “Don’t ya worry, princess. Leave it all to me, hm? I’ll be gentle. Unless you don’t want me to.” With that being said, he leaned into your neck, pressing his mouth on your sensitive flesh. He left sweet kisses, making you hum as you melted under him.
His lips continued to tease your skin, leaving some little bites between every kiss, trailing down to your collarbone. Tate stopped there and helped you get rid of your blouse, tossing it aside and continued his journey, this time kissing your sternum while his right hand cupped one of your breasts, kneading it gently over the fabric of your bra. He pulled down the straps and took off the piece of lingerie, setting your tits free.
The cold air hit you and your nipples perked up, looking ravishing and making him desire you even more.
He introduced one of the hardened buds into his warm mouth, sucking it greedily and making lewd wet sounds as he did so. His left rubbed the other nipple in circles, taking it with his thumb and index, pulling it and pinching it.
“Hmph… Huh…” You let out soft whimpers, slightly arching your back meanwhile he abused your breasts.
Tate stopped after some minutes, letting go of your nipple and looking at you, grabbing your chin and tilting your head to the side. He approached your ear and whispered, “You like this?”
“Yes…” You begged. Your voice was already ragged and shaky.
Instinctively, you pressed your thighs together, rubbing them as a pathetic try to feel some relief. Tate realized it and spread your legs with one of his hands. He took his digits right to your clothed pussy, eagerly rubbing the spot where your clit was.
“Someone’s already wet? Cute.” He giggled and took off his striped sweater, throwing it away. He positioned himself between your limbs and pulled down your pants, mesmerized as he saw your damp panties. Tate continued rubbing your bundle of nerves over the fabric of your underwear, still fascinated at how humid you were.
This was the moment he had been waiting for the past weeks. He wasn’t going to need to jerk off to your photos anymore, because now he would be able to jerk off to your tits in person.
Tate removed the last barrier that was stopping him from touching your womanhood directly. He pulled them down to your ankles and you helped him to get rid of it by shaking your feet.
He got closer to your cunt and placed your legs over his shoulder, spreading your folds with two of his large digits, blowing some air at the sensitive meat. Finally, he started sucking on your swollen clitoris, enjoying the feeling of your dampness against his face.
“Mmh…” He moaned, still toying with the nub. You grabbed him by the hair, not thinking about what you were doing. You just let yourself go and pulled him closer to your pussy, wanting to feel more. Your body twitched, unconsciously bucking your hips against his mouth that was currently making slurping sounds.
His attention changed and was now on your slit, teasing just the entrance with his hot tongue, while his nose rubbed against your clit. He lapped your pretty cunt, savoring your juices as if they were a delicacy.
Looking at your adorable face contorting in pleasure, he introduced his ring finger into your wet, tight hole. It was a slow and kind movement because the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. He slipped it deeper, pumping it in and out with care, increasing speed after a few seconds once he saw you comfortable. “Tell me if it hurts…”
“Mhm… It feels nice. Huh…” Your melodic whimpers and moans were just too much for him. He could listen to you for the rest of his days and never get tired of you.
Without further ado, he introduced his middle finger, now finger-fucking you with two. Tate’s thumb was also working wonders on your lil’ bundle of nerves in circular motion.
She was clenching around Tate’s large fingers, that he curled inside of her, hitting the right spot to make you squirm and feel a new and foreign sensation in your lower belly.
“Fuck it, I can’t wait anymore.”
He undid his belt, unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers, quickly getting rid of them and letting them fall to the wooden floor.
You just stared in awe; it was the first time you saw one in real life.
Tate grabbed his hardened cock and stroked it a few times on top of you, finding amusing your silly reaction. The reddish tip was glistening with pre-cum, which he used as lube. He spat at your pussy and rubbed his slick saliva with two digits, before finally thrusting his dick.
He did it slowly, beginning with the head. Eventually, he pushed his entire length, hitting your cervix and stretching you out for the first time.
“Fuck, you’re so tight!” Even if he was taking the lead, he was a whiny mess, vocal and loud.
He continued pounding into you, his gaze never leaving your face. Tate loved how you rolled your eyes to the back of your head and how your little mouth was letting out such nasty sounds.
The room was filled with slapping and wet sounds, created by his skin slapping against yours, his balls always hitting you with every stab. Again, he placed your legs on his wide shoulders to have a better angle and pump into you deeper than before.
His big veiny hands were roaming all over your body, specifically your breasts. Within minutes, he developed an addiction to them. Probably because of his mommy issues? He grabbed them roughly, tweaking both of your nipples as he fucked you mercilessly.
Tate lolled his head as he felt your hole gripping him tight. Very tight.
He increased the pace and moaned your name, begging you to squeeze him tighter.
“Oh, please, please, please!” The blonde kept whining. He left one of his hands taking care of your nipples, while the other went back to torture your clit. He stroked it in circles, and then up and down, applying the enough amount of pressure to make you beg for more.
“Tate, I feel like I’m—”
“It’s okay, let it go, mhm?”
You couldn’t hold yourself any longer and squirted all over him, coating his lower body with your warm fluids.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, gonna cum!” Tate pulled out from your cunt and pumped his cock with his hand finishing with a loud moan. His hot sticky white cum coated your breasts and abdomen, creating an incredible sight that he always imagined.
All spent, Tate threw himself next to you on the bed, pulling a blanket to cover both of you as he filled your pretty face in candy pecks.
“Did it hurt? First time usually does.” He looked at you, concerned for your wellbeing. “I was too rough?”
You laughed and shook your head no, caressing his messy locks with your fingers, tenderly scratching his scalp. “Don’t worry, I’m fine, really.”
Tate smiled at you and kissed you on the lips, “You’re so pretty, Y/N.”
You hugged him from behind, him being the little spoon this time. Your mind was going wild; you were still processing what happened and was about to drift to sleep when he whispered.
“Mh, what is it, Tate?”
“I love you… Please be mine?”
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risuola · 9 months
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So... it happened, you and your frenemy of ten years fucked and now, you have to deal with his shenanigans, idiotic pet-names and so. much. touching. The man took teasing you straight to his heart.
cw: smut, little to no plot, unprotected sex, Satoru being his usual teasing self, reader discretion is advised — 1,6k words
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"Fuck you, Gojo."
"Oh my, your mouth is so filthy," the man laughed quietly, squeezing your hip and pressing his hard, muscular body against your back under the guise of reaching for a can of soda that he could have easily grabbed without gluing his dick to your ass. His lips brushed against your ear as he added, "should I punish you for that?"
" Get lost," you snapped, pushing him away with your hips and he chuckled.
"I think I should," his grin widened. "You've been acting like such a brat lately. I wonder why would that be?"
God, how you hated him and his stupid smile. Ten years of knowing each other and still all you could think of when he opened his mouth was to break his damn nose. You thought he couldn't possibly get any more annoying than he already was, but he proved you wrong every time. It's been four months since the two of you had sex for the first time, and somehow that triggered another level of madness that you had to deal with while working with him. Endless supply of idiotic pet names, never-ending sexual innuendos, and so much touching now created the new veil around the usual bickering that has been going on for a decade.
"It's not me acting like a brat. It's you straight-up being an idiot," you scoffed, glancing around the crowded gymnasium at Jujutsu school. It was a special night; students and some teachers from Kyoto were visiting Tokyo, and the only reasonable thing to do was to throw a party to create bonds between the youths and just relax a little without the need for training and fighting. There was a little bit of that, as some of the students just communicate through their fists, but other than that it was almost an ordinary high school party, with dozens of ordered pizzas and fried chicken, snacks and sweets, plastic cups filled with various non-alcoholic drinks, and music blaring through the speakers. There was also a corner where teachers could sit and enjoy some chitchat, but most of the adults were responsible for keeping an eye on things. You were one of those supervisors, and so was Gojo, but of course, the idiot takes everything so lightly.
"So mean," Satoru chuckled again and took a sip of the melon soda straight from the can. "You know, there are other ways to get into my pants than acting up. You could just ask."
There he goes.
"Not everything is about you and your dick," you were that close to growling at him, but forced your composure back in line and your voice down. You wouldn’t want anyone to know about your little affair with him, or whatever the fuck that was. Yea, you fucked him... few times after the first one on his desk, but in your book few quickies wasn't enough to call it a romance. If anything, you felt like you were the teenager in this school, hiding in the various corners only to have some tension off, but damn, Satoru was good at releasing it. There was this thing where he bragged he was good at everything he did and you figured that sex was clearly one of those things.
"No, but since that thought is already in that pretty head of yours, shall we sneak out of here?" he purred, way too close to your ear and his large hand smoothed over the curve of your hip. You took a grip of his wrist, squeezing it with enough force to make him hum with a slight surprise that quickly switched back to his signature grin once you pulled him out of the hall and into the teacher's dormitory. Your door was first, and you unlocked it swiftly with a key, pulling him inside.
"Oh, so we're meeting at your place now?" he teased, but you shoved him against the nearest wall with no delicacy whatsoever.
"Shut up," you muttered, already working on the buttons of his light blue shirt.
"Eager, aren't we?" a chuckle rumbled inside his chest, but his hand betrayed that he wasn't so chill either, with how quickly he began to undress you.
And then, there you were again. Underneath him, in your own bed, leaving scratch marks across his back and shoulders as he's slammed his hips into yours, kissing every sweet and sensitive spot inside of you, burying his cock deep into the velvety heaven time after time. His mouth never parted from your skin, smearing hungry, wet kisses all over it, and you let your hand tangle in his hair as he sucked a spot onto your neck. A low, breathy moan escaped your throat as his movements became sharper, harder, driving you absolutely crazy with every push and pull of his hips.
"You're not gonna cry this time, are you?" he teased; his teeth nipping at the shell of your ear, but you couldn't care less about his taunting when he rolled his hips with such delicious finesse, reaching so deep inside you that your vision was filled with stars.
“Oh, shut up, Gojo,” you mumbled. Heat filled your entire system, every touch of his hands stinging with pleasure and lust, and the temperature rose rapidly as Satoru shattered his own composure.
The intimacy of your apartment unleashed even more wildness in him, he was less cautious about the surroundings, much more playful. All his attention was buried in you, he was vocal, moaning low and purring against your skin and lips. He gave into the surge of ecstasy that pulsed through his veins and the rhythm he set made him lose his mind as your pussy swallowed him whole. So lost in bliss, he didn't care about the bruises his grip on your hip will leave and the marks he sucked into your flesh. The subtle pain it caused only made your head reeling even more into the heated state of euphoria.
Satoru's hand fell between your bodies, quickly finding your clit and massaging circles into it, forcing a moan of his name from your throat. The sound was music to his ears, he wanted it on repeat. Your whole body tensed, pleasure began overtaking you and your orgasm was threatening to explode. You squeezed his bicep, clawing at the hard muscle and your breath stuttered. Gojo knew you were close, with the way your pussy throbbed around him, it was a clear cue and he picked up the pace, determined to bring you over the edge. Your trembling thighs and the desperate hold you had on his shoulders only added fuel to his fire and when your warmth exploded on his cock, leaving creamy white around the base as he pumped you through your orgasm, he felt himself close as well. His name slipped off your tongue like a prayer, whispered so beautifully.
"Look at you, such a good girl," he praised, licking your throat and chasing his own release with ferocity. The searing kisses he planted all over your chest and neck became sloppy and wet, and you felt the curve of his dick hitting your sensitive spots all over again as his thrusts became hurried, rough, and frantic. He collapsed onto his forearm, your plush walls squeezing him hard, and he moaned your name as the final string snapped, releasing the warmth of his load that slicked your insides, filling you so completely to the brim, and the sensation only untangled another knot of ecstasy in your stomach. Second orgasm washed over you, although weaker than the first one, but still overtaking your entire, hypersensitive mind and soul. It was too much, he was too much, too intense, overwhelming.
A satisfied smile stretched his lips, a light laugh escaped them as he rode the high out with slow and languid rolls of his hips. Satoru pulled away and then dropped onto the bed, barely making it to the spot next to you. He found himself lost in a haze of afterglow, but the excitement still surged through his veins. He was still hungry, unsatiated. All of this felt so good, it was almost frightening. And then you went again. And again, giving into the primal impulses and the intoxicating haze of desire and lust. The world outside your room faded into nothingness and only you two mattered. Nothing more than two bodies colliding, breaths intertwining and lips crashing onto one another.
As you lay down, facing each other, both sticky and messy in the aftermath of your adventure, you could feel the adrenaline wearing off, leaving your body sore and exhausted. His grasp remained at your waist, keeping you close to him. It was odd, it felt foreign and wrong to stay in the tender embrace of his arms, to share kisses so soft and intimate, and yet it felt right to be there with him. You let your fingers brush his cheek. Gojo in a state of post-bliss was a blessing to witness. His eyes heavy and hooded but still so blue and beautiful; his hair disheveled with some strands stuck to his forehead and his lips swollen and parted as he breathed slowly through them. His pale complexion still bearing the marks of flush, and there was none of his usual arrogant facade. Gorgeous.
"We're gonna get in so much trouble for leaving the party," you whispered against his lips, and he chuckled lightly. "That old Kyoto prick is gonna get pissed."
"He has no power over me," Satoru responded, stealing another kiss. All his focus was directed on your lips, you were the only thing on his mind right now.
"No one has power over you, Satoru," you smiled, biting his lower lip gently, and he could swear that his nervous system twitched in excitement at the way you spoke his name.
"You seem to have some," he admitted, giving you another peck and with a firm grip, he rose from the mattress with you in his grasp. "Shower. We're disgusting," he joked and you laughed, holding on tight as he made his way to your bathroom.
"Oh yeah, we are."
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ningvory · 2 months
troublemaker — huh yunjin
cw: teacher x student, brat reader, mean yunjin, public sex, fingering, facesitting (y. receiving), pussy eating (both receiving), degration, overstimulation, cum eating, dacryphilia, humiliation kink, mentions of gp chaewon, she takes 1 picture of you and sends it to chae, not rlly proofread..
word count: 1.1k
anon ask? yes!
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“so..where’s my homework, y/n?” your professor, yunjin questioned you. her eyes were looking you up and down through her glasses with a small smirk on her face.
it was about 5 minutes after class ended, her last class of the day which happens to be your last class. she always tells you to come see her after class, in which you always do but you never know her reasons to why. you clearly show that you honestly don’t care for what she has to say and her stupid homework assignment.
which is what you’re doing now, standing infront of her desk with your body resting on your right hip, lollipop in your mouth full on knowing that no candy is allowed in her classroom, and your hand is tapping away at your phone and it’s audible that you’re texting someone due to your phone ringer being on. your just ignoring her question and her lingering stare on your body.
“i’m talking to you, y/n.” her voice is more stern, causing you to roll your eyes and turn your phone off. your eyes finally meeting hers for the first time today.
“look, i don’t have your stupid assignment, kay?” you say, tone harsh and sarcastically smiling at her.
“watch your tone with me.” yunjin states, eyes darkening and walking towards you.
“hah. make me.” you say, looking up at her eyes. doubting that she would actually do anything. it’s not like she ever did do something whenever you broke her rules or gave her attitude.
but suddenly your body was pushed down to her desk, before taking your skirt and panties off.
“wh-what are you doing?” you question her trying to raise your body up but to no avail.
“teaching you a lesson. now be a good slut and take it.” she says before kneeling down and immediately sucking on your clit making you let out a surprised moan.
you were trying to find anything to grip onto, any coherent thought completely vanished from your mind and only incoherent words that were cut off by your moans and whines spilled out of your mouth. you hands were tangled in her hair, trying to pull her head impossibly closer to you cunt, not caring if she was suffocating but you doubt she cared from the way she was moaning into your cunt.
“not stopping until your fucked completely dumb and overstimulated, pretty.” yunjin mutters before diving right back into your cunt, nothing but her slurps and your whines filled her classroom.
she hums against your dripping cunt, tongue deep in your hole and her nose nuzzled right against your clit. your moans and whines were like music to her ears, it excites her that she’s got you this submissive for her. she knows that you’ll sound even prettier when she splits your tight cunny with her strap-on.
“you like this you whore don’t you?” she pulls away before she plunges two of her fingers deep into your cunt making you squeal.
it’s not like you can answer her with a complete coherent sentence. but yunjin’s too impatient to wait for you to form a sentence. “got you too dumb to speak already, dummy?” she taunts, landing a harsh smack to you clit, making you jolt and moan.
yunjin leans back into your drooling cunny, placing sloppy kisses onto your clit before she sucks on your puffy clit once more.
you start to grind your hips onto her face until she pins your hips down.
“ah! yunjin—g’na cum!” you moan before cumming all over her face.
she didnt seem to care that your cum was dipping from her chin and on her table because once your vision turned backed to nomal, she’s latching her mouth onto your juicy cunny once more.
“no! n-no more please, i-i’m sorry!!” you cry, tears falling down your face and desperately pushing her head away from your overstimulated cunt.
she moans into your cunt from the way you tug at her hair but ignored your pleads, forcing your legs that were closing in on her head open. continuing to swirl and suck on your bundle of nerves.
you can’t do anything but to sit there and take all that she’s giving you, body too weak and nothing but moans were coming out of your mouth.
she sucks all on your cunt, drinking up all the cum before pulling away with a loud pop!
she finally stands up from her kneeling position. pulling her pencil skirt down and her soaked panties off.
“your so cute when your an obedient slut that’s not being a lil troublemaker.” she mocks before climbing up your body.
“i fucked you so good it’s only right to return the favor, right?” yunjin asks, letting you nod your head, looking up at her with nothing but lust.
she giggles before sitting completely down on your face, all of her weight landing on you. and you to work immediately, arms wrapping about her legs and letting her roll her hips onto you face.
“you’re such a good slut when someone fucks it into you.” yunjin moans, rocking her hips slowly into your mouth.
she began to squeeze your head in between her plush thighs when your nose hits her clit everytime she rolls her hips into you. she begins to grip on your hair, hips rolling quicker from the pleasure, “fuck! just like that, s-so—fuck! so good for me,” she moans.
“what would y-your friend, chaewon think about—ngh!— think about you getting bitched by your professor?” she questions you, making you moan into her dripping cunt, hips jolting up into the air. “fuck, she’d probably cum in her pants just from watching me use your pretty lil’ face. i see the way she looks at you, hiding her boner,” she continued through staggered breath.
“oh fuck!” she moans loudly, her back is arched, squeezing her legs around your head, “r-right there! holy shi—”
she cums all over your face, slowly grinding her dripping cunt down onto your face until she finally gets up and lets you breathe.
yunjin sits down on your tummy, grabbing your phone before forcing you to unlock it. she does a few tapping before she smiles at you, “smile for the picture,” she says as the camera flashes. creating a photo of your face covered in globs of her cum and tear stains.
“let’s see what your pervy little friend chaewon thinks of this.” she says as she types something up on your phone before you hear the sending message.
“we should do this more often, only next time. bring chaewon over so i can fuck the both of you dumb.”
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ilikesillythings · 3 months
" To my darling baby; " Vox x reader TWs ;; Yandere themes, Vox in himself is a tw (If you squint enough Al stole Vox's bitch) Requested by ;; @everywherebut
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"Two weeks.", Vox angrily muttered to Valentino, who, clearly wasn't listening as much as the TV-headed demon assumed he was.. or at all. But, in Vox's mind he had every right to be upset at the moment! Not only had you broken his electrical heart - he hadn't seen/heard from or of you in TWO WHOLE WEEKS! It felt like Vox's world had come crashing down!! And he only got even angrier when Val finally spoke up, in a bored, uninterested tone, "Uh.. Voxxy- isn't {Y/N} at that hotel? Y'know.. the one with the Radio demon? Thought I saw her outside it one time on one of your cameras."
This didn't sit right with Vox. His precious {Y/N}, at that shitty hotel? With radio fossil trash? This could not be happening. With quick movements, Vox ran out of the room, straight into the elevator, hands frantically pressing the 'down' button.
You, on the other hand, had been having a great time. Charlie was welcoming, when she had seen you at the doorstep, in your nightly attire, tears filling up your eyes, she had immediately taken pity upon you, ushering you inside. After two long years with Vox, you had grown to hate him. He was arrogant, loud, rude, and never spared you a glance anymore.
Running away was hard enough, as you knew very well he could spy on people through the TV screens he had displayed, the electronics from his brand, and cameras. But the Hazbin hotel was the one place you felt to be safest. Yeah, the Radio demon was there, one of the most dangerous overlords, though his reputation smudged into old tales after his absence, and yes, the princess of Hell, Charlie, ran it, but she seemed like nothing more than a harmless puppy. Alastor, on the other hand, was in fact scary as fuck,
But, he never made an attempt to frighten you, to harm you. Nor did he ever demand information on his 'rival', despite having heard about your past affiliations with the demon. He was a sort of gentleman, to most at least.
Maybe if you were someone else, you'd be eternally paranoid, for good reason, of course. You had broken up with a powerful overlord, who had many souls, and a lot of power at his fingertips. If he wanted to; he could find you. Yet, he hadn't. You were safe at this dingy hotel. Somehow you had managed to be safe.
Or, that's what you had thought up until now. To be completely honest, you had forgotten all about your ex. Until he showed up at the hotel's door.
You could hear him shouting from outside, unluckily for you, it was only you and Nifty at the hotel. "{Y/N}! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! BABY- PLEASE, I'M SORRY!" he screamed, voice sounding strained, which made sense when you realized he had been shouting for about two hours now. Not wanting to talk to him directly, you made your way upstairs, to the balcony, and leaned over the edge, annoyance evident on your face.
His electrical face lit up, digital eyes widening with awe. Perhaps for you, this was an irritating encounter, as you had been hoping to simply relax all day, still dressed in last nights clothing from when you had gone to bed. For Vox?
It was like he was Romeo, and you his Juliet. An angel sent from above to grace this poor, poor sinner. "Oh- baby! There you are!" he exclaimed, relief evident in his strained voice, "C'mon, get down from there, and we can-"
He paused as you raised your hand, "I'm not going home with you, Vox." you sternly stated to the annoyance below you, who in tern, stared at you in shock. Before guffawing, shaking his rectangular head, "You've always been so good at jokes!" he praised earnestly, clapping his hands, "But, now it's time to go home!"
For a moment, you scowled at him, before turning on your heels and walking back inside, ignoring the loud protests from Vox, begging you come out, begging you to come back to him.
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months
— cw: fem!reader, dd/lg (obviously), implied ch0king, bre/eding
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𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 can tell you didn’t mean to say it nor did you actually realized it had slipped out, yet he simply can’t stop himself from repeating it over and over again in his head. seung knew you’ve always wanted him to take care of you, even if you didn’t directly say it, your behavior was all he ever needed and he’s been happy to be exactly what you crave and want ever without hesitation. he loves taking care of you, it makes him feel in control and at ease, fills his masculinity in just the right ways and gives him a different kind of comfort. especially when he’s got you all fucked out, not able to mumble a single word without drooling and making a mess of yourself like the good girl you are. Whenever you’re riding him, Seung can tell you’re at the absolute peak of your high, yet he’s never expected you to take it to this point. “Daddy”, the word itself isn’t particularly what makes his eyes roll into the back of his head and tighten his grip on your soft waist, it’s the way you say it. Full of despair, need and adoration, like it’s the only word in your vocabulary and the fact he feels your cunt clenching around his cock like a goddamn vice doesn’t help him in any way. that’s the first time he feels himself lose every bit of composure he had left, joining you as he stumbles over the edge and paints the inside of your pussy with his cum and a loud groan. “Such a good fucking girl”, voice hoarse and deeper than usual, his hands finds its way around your delicate throat to make sure you look at him with those pretty, fucked out eyes, “such a good fucking girl for Daddy.”
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆 feels his chest fill with nothing but adoration and love as soon as this tiny, yet forbidden title falls past your swollen lips. you’re not looking at him, too lost in the way his big cock fills your tiny cunt in the most perfect way possible and his pretty fingers rubbing circles into your hardened clit. but jongseong knows this was meant to happen, even if it was an accident. for a solid minute, he stops in his tracks. dark hair messily sticking to his sweaty forehead, his pretty eyes roaming your face like he’s looking for a confirmation that this actually just happened. like he’s desperately trying to make sure his biggest fantasy has actually become reality. “say it again”, the tone of his deep voice leaves absolutely no room for discussion; he doesn’t give a flying fuck about the way you’re getting more and more flustered as the realisation of what you had just said becomes more clearly. “come on, angel girl”, this time jjong can’t help but beg. he needs to hear you say it again, he needs to know you actually meant it, “please.” you don’t even notice the way his hand has gently grabbed your face to maintain the eye contact, his heavy breathing and the throbbing of his hard cock inside of your sensitive cunt clouding your brain and before you can even stop yourself in shame, you look at him and whisper a soft “please, Daddy” not realising you’ve given him a free pass to finally live out his most desired dreams.
𝐒𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐔𝐍 doesn’t really know what to do. for some reason, he finds himself with his face buried in the crook of your neck trying to catch his breath. jaeyun’s brain tries to desperately process your little “more, daddy, please” like he’s about to write a whole essay about it. the moment he lifts his head, he’s met with the delicious sight of your tear stained cheeks, drool covered chin and bit swollen lips before he finally lets his gaze finds yours. “f-fuck”, jaeyun grunts and pushes his cock deeper into your cunt with a particularly hard thrust because he knows you’re too fucked out, way too far gone to back out of this now and he’s definitely gonna take advantage of it. he would have never even admitted it to himself, yet hearing you use this sweet, sweet yet oh so bad spoken title for him is something he’s been thinking about since the first time he’s gotten a taste of you. to know you’re apparently just ss into it as he feels like his biggest dream is coming true. “go ahead then, baby”, he whispers against your lips and pushes his hand in between your bodies as he slowly picks up his steady rhythm again, making sure to rub your cute clit just how you like it to push you into the sweetest haze of pleasure, “be good for Daddy and cum, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 just starts chuckling because he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t expecting this to happen soon. the amount of times he watched you bite your lip to try and stop yourself from actually using the sweet title has become uncountable and as he replays the sound of it in his head, a wave of pride hits him. so, hoon just straightens himself and reaches for your throat to pull you up and pulls your back flush against his toned chest before he places the most gentle kiss on your sweaty cheek. he can tell from the way you’re whimpering that the new position hits new yet perfect spots, your hot, spongy walls gripping his thick cock with such intensity, he feels like passing out for a good second just to regain his composure and wrap his hand around your pretty tit and gently toying with your sensitive nipple just how you like it. “don’t get all shy on me now, princess”, he mumbles into your ear and pulls the lobe in between his teeth, a groan escaping his throat when you moan in response to his words, “you’re always so good for me, so go ahead and say it again, will you?” sunghoon doesn’f rush you, just slowly thrusts his cock in and out of your cute cunt to push you to the edge; the urge to hear you begging for more easily overwhelms his senses. “please, Daddy”, your voice is a mere whisper, yet more than enough for sunghoon’s eyes to roll back and make his cock twitch inside of you. “there you go”, his voice has gotten raspier and hoarser than you’ve ever heard, not realising the little title causing it, “Daddy’s perfect little princess. I’m so proud of you.”
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untoldstar · 1 year
yandere boss when you find another job
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warning: fem reader, yandere themes, obsessive behavior, abuse of power
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At first, he notices a change in your demeanor, you do as you're told but you don't engage with him as much as you used to, the conversations you two had felt quite..personal to him, you two would talk in his office where no one would overhear or interfere, you even had inside jokes that only you two would understand, it felt special to him, so when conversations with you wouldn't go past five sentences alarms started going off in his head, did he say something to upset you? has one of your co-workers been bothering you? just tell him he can take care of it in the blink of an eye! it's not like it would be the first time he's done that for you. Perhaps your workload has been too exhausting? he'll happily give you a vacation if it means you'll treat him how you used to
This man reflects for a whole day to make he didn't upset you in any way, he gives you simple errands and prolongs your breaks but that only seems to spark even more of an unpleasant emotion in you, he replays all the security cameras in the office to see if someone has been harassing you which doesn't turn out to be the case but it does lead him to notice you being on the phone more often than usual and his mind immediately goes south, has she gotten a boyfriend? when? how have I not noticed this..
He backtracks all your calls to find out who you've been talking with so he can deal with them properly but he finds that most of your calls have been with another company..what would you need from another company? a job application? you were planning on leaving him?!
He becomes so paranoid, he goes to every length possible, he makes everyone in the office guilt trip you into staying with comments on how work would suck if you weren't there, how they would have a crisis every week if you weren't there to handle it quickly and swiftly every time, just what would they do without you?
He almost goes as far as giving you a bad reputation in the company you were planning on applying to when it finally happened..
You walking into his office with the most serious face you've had since he hired you, he listens to you utter the words "I'm resigning" from your beautiful soft lips and the rest is turning into muffled mumbles in his brain because the only thing he's thinking of is locking you both in his office forever where he can keep his eye on you, where you can't run away from him.
You finish the speech you so clearly prepared and exhaled while looking at him expectantly, guilt written all over your face, he doesn't say anything for a few seconds, the silence filling up his spacious office until it's broken with a deep chuckle, your shoulders slump down, that definitely wasn't the reaction you were expecting, he rises from his chair and starts to make his way around the desk to where your standing, the sound of his hitting the floor with every step only makes you more nervous "what could you possibly want from another company love? everything you need is right here!" you shift your weight to step back "I..well I already told you why-" he steps closer invading your space "ah yes you mentioned it but that's simply not good enough, see, all the reasons you've mentioned I can take care of I still fail to see why you would go searching for that somewhere else, could it be me you're escaping?" you're eyes blow wide "no! of course not..look, sir, I'm sorry but even though I know you're fully capable of providing me with what I'm searching for but I've already decided..working with you has been-" you jolt as he slams his hand on the desk trapping you against it, his head hangs low for a second before he lifts it and your heart skips a beat at the look in his eyes, you've never seen him look at you that way the entire time you've worked here " ah..your behavior over the past two weeks makes sense now, you were too guilty to act the way you usually do because you knew it was special too! and you just couldn't bring yourself to do that when you were planning on leaving..oh you sweet little thing, it must have been so hard to act so cold towards someone so special to you but alas, your efforts are in vain because you're not going anywhere my love.."
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lemotmo · 13 days
Time for some Buddie fandom positivity!
Okay Buddie fam, the last couple of weeks have really been tough for the fandom, but we're still here thriving. After all the toxicity and discourse, I think it's time to focus on the good things, all things Buddie.
I am, at this point, 100% certain that Buddie is in the works. There are a million different reasons why I am so convinced.
Here's the beginning of a list:
The pre-season Ryan and Oliver interviews where they were completely unhinged and talked so freely about Buddie.
Buck was made canonically bisexual in one single episode.
Buck's current love interest has almost no screen time, which really doubles down on the whole 'they needed a way to out Buck as bi, so they quickly brought in Tommy to fullfill that goal.'
There were talks to make Eddie queer (with Tommy).
Eddie keeps being intertwined in Buck's new romance. He is there all the time and very consistently. Even when he isn't there in body, he is there in the dialogue. To the point where the audience has picked up on it.
Maddie knows! Her 'If there is something you need to tell Eddie' convo was so interesting.
The way Buck is consistently shown as a second father to Christophere, in body and in dialogue. First he talks with Chris about Shannon and then he is also involved in his new romance with Tommy.
Both Oliver and Ryan keep getting questions about Buddie in interviews. They love answering these questions and their grins are alway so wide. It's obvious they talked about it with Tim as well at some point, because their answers are clearly rehearsed. They have been told how to navigate these questions, in order to gently introduce the idea of Buddie to the general audience. I mean, the whole 'We're open to it! Whatever happens happens!' basically screams that they are going there.
The many articles about Buddie. The interest is crazy at this point. I love it!
Buck's new romance is almost never talked about, except in the whole narrative when they talk about bisexual Buck. For the rest it's all Buddie.
The questions to these interviews are pre-approved by ABC and show runners. So the fact that they get asked all the time and they are allowed these very open answers? Very interesting!
There has been no PR around Buck's romance with Tommy. No joined interview with Oliver and Lou, no photoshoots... nothing, nada, crickets. Just Oliver repeating he would like Buck to stay friends with Tommy after they break up. I mean...
I'm sure there are soooo many more things that indicate that the show is finally going the Buddie-route. I just can't remember all of them. :)
So I invite all of you Buddie peeps to reblog this post to fill in any other things you want to add to the list. Feel free to add it in the main body of the reblog or even leave things in the tags. If you don't want to reblog, just leave it in the comments of this post.
Let's create and spread some Buddie positivity here. I think we can all use some of that right now.
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margotw10bis · 21 days
Crashing On Crush.JJK [m] 10
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 5k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: protected sex; light biting; oral sex (f. receiving); masturbating; angst (xenophobia)
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All the little everyday life things has been better. You could delude yourself and try to find some ridiculous explanations in the astral sky but you know damn well the real reason: Jeon Jungkook. Your bed has never felt better than when you are in it with him. Falling asleep and waking up with him feel good.
You wake up wrapped by warmth. Two reasons of it: your sheets and Jungkook's arms. He is spooning you in the most delicate way but you do feel something hard against your ass. You press against it a little bit to be sure but there is no doubt it's Jungkook's big cock in the early morning. Feeling your pretty butt on his dick is the best awakening possible for Jungkook. He softly moans into your ears and wraps his arms tighter around your frame. You immediately get aroused and push your ass even more on his body.
Jungkook gets the hint and he starts grinding on you. You clearly feel how deliciously hard he is. Fuck, it feels good. Your pussy is getting wetter and wetter and you can't wait to have it filled by Jungkook. He caresses your breasts, sneaking a hand underneath your t-shirt. He gives you delicate kisses on your shoulder and you moan at the pleasure. Your hand leads up to find his messy yet soft hair. The delicious tension is building up inside you, making a mess out of your panties.
"I want you" You confess, your hands caressing his forearms around your stomach
Morning sex is one of the things you love the most because it feels more intimate since it means you've spent the night together.
"Anything my baby want" Jungkook replies so softly that you melt but his voice is deep and raspy too, echoing right into your core
His palms slowly separate so one goes up to squeeze your boob and the other one heads South to caress your pussy through your clothes. Your head roll back into his chest and Jungkook starts kissing your neck. You love feeling his mouth on your skin, his lips are as soft as clouds. Little moans form in your mouth to escape right after.
"Fuck me, Kook" You gently order - or more like beg - him
It's the first time you call him 'Kook' and he loves it. His nickname has never sounded so harmonious and he wants more of it. He wants you to cum screaming it so your neighbors know how good he makes you feel. His damn possessiveness is never too far when it comes to you. A raspy growl from Jungkook echoes in your whole body and his hands quickly peal you bare. Each layer of clothes slipping down your body arouses you more.
"Grab a condom" He asks you and you move fast to take it in your nightstand
Jungkook can't resist your perfect ass on display while you're searching for the condom on all fours. He smirks when he remembers your first encounter. Your fucking pretty ass right in front of him, he could have fucked you right there. As he can't go back in time, he sticks to the present and offers you a slap on your asscheek. You gasp of surprise and pleasure. You turn just to see the playful grin on Jungkook's face.
It doesn't take long for Jungkook to cover his cock and to press his member between your folds. He is still behind you, spooning you, and sneaks an arm under your upper leg, right behind your kneel, to have a better access to your pretty pussy. Fuck, his dick slides upon your cunt, meeting your clit every time. Your whimpers urge Jungkook to enter you already. He does while he bites on your shoulder.
Being filled by Jungkook's dick is perfect. Your walls are stretched just like you love and the angle is perfect to provide you pleasure. He nestles deep inside you to give you time to adapt. He doesn't stop kissing your neck, the wet patches he leaves on your skin make you shiver. You whimper when the need of friction becomes painful. When it comes to sex, you feel like you don't even need to speak. Jungkook seems to know your body as well as you do and starts providing you the delicious and necessary poundings. But his slow pace is driving you crazy. You missed him inside you and he is taking his time.
"Faster" You ask but Jungkook does the opposite, torturing you with slower moves
Your hands grab his forearm around your frame to urge him but it doesn't do anything. Jungkook smirks to witness you this desperate. When he gently bites your earlobe and completely stops his moves, you almost cry.
"Kook, please" Your voice is shaky and clearly begging him to fuck you
"I love when you beg for my cock" He says with a raspy and sexy voice
The magic word was just what he needed. Not only Jungkook slides again into you, but his poundings become rough. Each time his cock hits deep inside you, making your tits bounce and your ass slapped. His hard and big member gives you so much pleasure that your eyes roll in the back of your head. Your moans are unsteady and you can't even think straight, especially when Jungkook start playing with your nipple with his tattooed hand. His other hand has a deep grabbing into your flesh and you're pretty sure you'll have bruises.
"You like that?" He almost growls in your ear
He surely knows the answer by the sinful noises coming from your mouth and the way your pussy clench around him but he wants you to say it out loud.
"Yes, yes!" You repeat in a delirious state due to Jungkook's poundings
When he changes his pace to slow down but to penetrate you harder and deeper, the air is kicked out of your lungs. Your mouth open but no moan form. Your eyes water with the pleasure. A delicious slap on your ass forces you to mutter your loud groans into your pillow.
"No, I want to hear you" Jungkook states "You're taking me so fucking good"
He forces you to let your moans fill the room by grabbing your throat. He doesn't really apply any pressure but his large palm around your breathing column is fucking hot. He uses his hand to slightly turn your head so he can kiss you. The position makes it difficult, resulting in a messy kiss that only arouses you more.
Your walls tighten when your orgasm is not so far away.
"Fuck, I love your pussy, babe. Could fuck it all day long"
Jungkook's praises do nothing to delay your cumming but you don't want the pleasure to stop. You hold his wrist like a lifeline and urge him to fuck you harder. The slight change of angle to enhance the pace provokes Jungkook's cock to hit your g-spot.
"Oh my god! Here!"
You sound like a lunatic. You're so loud, you're sure your neighbors can hear you but you can't care about it right now. On the other hand, your moans are like music to Jungkook's ears. He is addicted to them and he wants more. His hand leaves your thigh and dangerously heads closer to your crotch. It doesn't take long for you to feel small circles on your clit. You're feeling Jungkook inside and outside your pussy and it's almost unbearable. He is fucking you so well you could cry.
"Fuck, Kook, I'm gonna cum" You moan, eyes filled with tears
"Go ahead, cum for me, babe. Be a good girl"
Jungkook's raspy voice, his dick hitting hard your sweet-spot, his hand around your throat and his delicate digits working of your clit are way too much for you. The tsunami of pleasure washes over you. Your toes curl and your body shakes in Jungkook's embrase. You scream his nickname and let your head rest on your pillow, exhausted by your high.
Jungkook slows down his pace once again and kisses your shoulder to soothe you after your orgasm. His hand is no longer around your throat but caresses your cheek. The gesture is soft and you take his hand to kiss it. You're so good to him that his heart is squeezing in his chest despite its erratic pace due to his physical efforts.
"I want you to cum" You say with your sexually intoxicated mind
"I'll be more than happy to" Jungkook smirks
His poundings regain their animalistic pace but you're way more sensitive after your orgasm. Your whimpers make Jungkook so fucking horny. If he weren't afraid to break you, he'll fuck you even harder to make you scream his name. He wonders how your delicate body can take his big dick so perfectly, just like you were made for him. To be honest, he truly believes he was made for you.
"Open your pretty mouth" He orders
You don't think twice and obey. Jungkook slides two inked digits into your mouth, making you drool. You suck on his fingers to mutter your moans. The velvety and wet muscle on his fingers makes his dick throb inside your pussy.
"That's it, babe. You're so naughty for me" He teases you but it only makes your pussy clench around his big cock "Fuck, babe, you're so tight"
His pace becomes unsteady and you know he is close. Your hand finds the one that was staying on your stomach to guide it towards your clit. You make Jungkook rub your clit but your own fingers stay upon his hand to set the rhythm. Jungkook presses even harder on your bud and you moan around his fingers. You can't see it but Jungkook is looking at you with awe: you're so fucking hot. Your both hands working on your clit are dangerous for your sanity.
"Fucking cum again. Come on, cum on my cock, I know you can do it" His voice is nothing gentle, he is ordering you and how can you disobey such a great command?
Why are Jungkook's words so scandalous yet so arousing? Your second orgasm overpowers you but thanks to his fingers in your mouth, your screams are shuttered. It doesn't make long for Jungkook to join you on cloud nine. You are both panting and neither of you want to move. Jungkook frees your mouth only to kiss you but he is staying deep inside your warm pussy which occasionally clenches around his dick, preventing it to truly soften.
"That was hot" Jungkook comments, making your giggle
"It was, indeed"
"You were perfect" He says tenderly, pecking your shoulder and your cheek a hundred of times
You love how sweet Jungkook is. His long and messy hair are tickling you. But suddenly reality hits you back. You quickly grab your phone and gasp when you notice what time is it. You need to hurry and grab the next bus if you don't want to be late for work.
You leave Jungkook's arms with regret and run to the bathroom, without closing the door so Jungkook doesn't feel like you're shutting him off.
"What's wrong?" He asks, quite worried
"I'm going to be late!" You shout while you're brushing your hair and your teeth at the same time
Honestly, Jungkook has totally forgotten that it was Monday. Time flies with you, especially when he is fucking you. He checks his own phone and frowns: you're not this late.
"You don't need to rush, we are only 10 minutes away from your work"
"By car, but it's 25 minutes by bus" You explain
Jungkook jumps on his feet without even caring covering his naked body but you can't blame him: he is perfect. The sight of you rushing to tie up your hair makes him smile - the more you try, the less you succeed - and he wraps your frame with his strong arms. The contrast between his pale, virgin one and the dark and overwhelming other is hypnotizing but you don't have time to contemplate them.
"Did you think you were going to work by bus?" He asks you with a playful tone that makes you stop your moves
You look at him with surprise writing all over your face.
"Let me drive you"
"Jungkook, you don't need to-"
"I want to" He cuts you off and you can't answer anything because you're afraid to tell him you love him instead
So you nod and smile at him through the mirror to thank him. You finish getting ready, way less stressed than two minutes before.
"You don't work today?" You ask Jungkook while you're in his black Mercedes
"Nope. Seokjin will come in the afternoon to check my place so I won't have to bother you at your own home" He replies with his bunny smile and scrunched nose that attack your heart every single time
You hate how much your chest tightens. You wish he could stay longer. You wish he could stay forever even. You two have spent the entire weekend together and it was just perfect. Cooking together, joking, cuddling on the couch while you were watching some randoms movies on Netflix felt right. There wasn't any kind on embarrassment and you loved having Jungkook next to you. You have no doubt that when you come home tonight, your apartment will feel way emptier than usual.
To cheer you up you stare at Jungkook. Fuck, he is way too handsome and he doesn't make any effort. You love his long black hair, you love his doe eyes, you love his cute bubble nose, you love his lips. Yes, especially his lips that make wonders. You just love him. All of him. Your eyes go down to his large shoulders hidden by his usual oversized black t-shirt. Your eye ends up on his veiny hands holding up tight on his wheel. You know his tattoos by heart now but you are still fascinated by them. They make Jungkook so hot but you can't help wondering if it was painful.
Your eyes widen when you notice the hair tie around his wrist. You know it's yours because it's an old one and the fragile elastic will break soon.
"Is it mine?" You question just in case
Jungkook looks down at his wrist and smiles gently.
"Yeah" His voice is oddly proud
"It'll break soon, don't you want other one? I can buy you one, if you want" You propose but Jungkook shakes his head
"I want this one. I guess I like having something that's yours with me"
God, he has to stop being so perfect and romantic because your weak heart is not going to make it! Your cheeks redden immediately and you turn your head towards the window to hide it and your stupid grin. You're way too in love with him to think straight and you don't even care. If you had to go back in time, you'd fall in love with Jungkook a thousand times and it wouldn't be enough.
Jungkook has found your hair tie this morning in your bathroom. He kept it because it was evident that it's too worn out to be used and that you won't miss it. But he is well aware of his deep intentions when he has put your elastic around his wrist. As silly as it might be, it was a way to say to the world that he is taken. That he is yours. Obviously, he can't put a ring on your and his finger just yet so the hair tie will stay until then. However, he does regret his long hair now, even though he loves it, because the hair tie can be for his personal use. He's pretty sure no one can understand his weird logic anyway.
Jungkook giggles and places his hand on your thigh. He draws random patterns on it with his fingers and you sigh in delight. You grab his hand in yours but you still don't trust yourself - a love confession could escape you - so you are looking outside at the sunny day.
You thought that Jungkook would tell you goodbye in the car but he steps out and walks you to the main door of the art gallery. Every gesture is kind and it shows how caring is Jungkook. You're lucky to have him.
"I could pick you up after work and we could go to the restaurant tonight?" Jungkook proposes with a slight blush adoring his cheeks
"I have to check on the printer after work" You reply, sighing — the damn printer is driving you insane
"I can accompany you if you want"
"You're sure?" You ask but your voice is actually full of hope
Jungkook nods and smiles at you. God, his eyes are even shinier! He is so pretty you could die out of his cuteness. He gives you a last kiss on the lips before disappearing in his car. You are on a cloud right now and the whole day seems to go just like a dream.
As you agreed on, Jungkook was there when you finished work and drove you to the print firm. He asked you if you wanted him to come with you but you assured him that you'd be okay.
However, right now, you're starting to regret your words. You're talking to the boss of the firm and he doesn't want to hear you when you tell him that you need the prints now. You develop all your arguments, reminding him that you've agreed on a deadline but he is haughty and arrogant and you're two seconds away from losing your mind. Until he tells you something that kicks the air out of your lungs...
"If you don't like how we work in Korea, you should go back to your country!"
You have never faced xenophobia before and it fucking hurts. Especially when you make absolutely no difference between races. You always treat people as equal because they fucking are! But what can you respond? You're way too shock.
However, it wasn't a very smart move from the boss because he said his insult at the very same moment Jungkook stepped inside. Anger is boiling in his blood and he runs pass you to grab the man by his collar. His eyes are nothing like doe's ones right now and the darkness of them are terrifying.
"Say that again?!" Jungkook shouts
"It's not-" The printer stutters
"You're the one who can't do his fucking job! How dare you using the foreigner card to cover your pathetic incompetency?! You're a shame for my country"
Your chest tightens and your eyes water. You're touched by the way Jungkook is defending you but you're afraid he'll punch the guy if you don't stop him. You put a delicate hand on his shoulder to make Jungkook look at you.
"Let him go" You ask him with a weak voice and Jungkook obeys but his eyes are still harsh on the man
"You'll do the fucking printings for tomorrow and you'll make a price on them. And if I hear that you disrespect her again, you won't be so lucky" Jungkook threatens with fists so clenched that his knuckles are white
The printer can only gulp and nod. You grab Jungkook's hand and escape the room which feels suffocating. It was such a good day so far and now, it looks like one of the worst days ever. You're sad and angry, and the worst thing is that you can't do anything about it. People like that are hard to change their minds. You wish he could see how much you love South Korea and the Korean culture. How much you've worked to be able to live here, how much you have sacrificed. You miss your family everyday! But you don't want to cry for someone like that, it doesn't worth it.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks you with a voice as sweet as possible with his current wrath
"Thank you for defending me"
He kisses you on the forehead in a attempt to calm down. He can't understand how you can stay calm while he is boiling with anger and frustration — and he is not the one who was insulted! But he knows you're way better than him and he is just amazed by your strength and your courage.
"Maybe we should postpone our date" You say, unsure "I won't be good company and I want to be alone tonight"
"You're sure?" Jungkook asks, his worry evident in his voice and on his face
You feel like every time things go smooth between Jungkook and you, something comes to wrack it off... Why is the whole universe conspiring against your happiness?
"Don't apologize. I understand. Just remember I'm just a phone call away, okay babe?"
The pet name warms your heart a little, giving you the strength to offer Jungkook a small smile.
Jungkook is worried. It has been three days since he almost beats the shit off this asshole printer and the few texts you've sent him did little to ease him. He should have stayed with you. He should have lied, saying that Seokjin hasn't checked his place yet and that he needed to stay at yours. But he didn't and now he can't find any excuse to knock on your door. He sighs while playing with your hair tie around his wrist. It makes him think about you. Every time he is working on his graphic tablet and his black eyes drift away on the side, he sees it. And a stupid 'I-Am-In-Love' grin appears on his face.
Jungkook's head snaps so fast when he hears a knock on his door that his long hair rises up in the air during the movement. Is he dreaming? He can't question himself because another knock is heard. He jumps on his feet and opens the door as fast as he can. His face immediately brightens when he sees you, but he almost instantly frowns as he grows worried.
"Hi, I hope it's okay I just drop by?" You ask with a small and shy voice, blush adoring your cheeks
"You're welcomed anytime" Jungkook replies with his bunny smile
"Since we didn't go to our date" You start as you're stepping in his place and bend over to take off your shoes "I thought that I could bring the date to us. I brought some fried chicken"
Jungkook's heart goes wild in his chest. He is two seconds away from confessing his feelings but he's missed you to much to waste time with words. He captures your lips with his and gives you a deep and passionate kiss that can only arouse you. You've missed his touch too and you use your free hand to cup his cheek. All species of butterflies are flying in your stomach and you feel stupid to have stayed away from Jungkook this long. Sure, you needed time to heal after the harsh words that were addressed to you and you didn't want to bring Jungkook in your bad mood. You know he is struggling with enough things on his own, he doesn't need to deal with your own shit. But you've missed him. A lot. And it's only been three days...
"I need to stop kissing you, otherwise you won't eat any chicken tonight" He whispers against your lips
Suddenly, skipping diner doesn't seem a so bad idea. But your stomach betrays you and makes an embarrassing loud noise that notifies Jungkook that you are actually hungry. He chuckles while you're blushing in shame. Sometimes, you don't like your physical reactions...
"Let's eat, we'll have plenty of time for the rest later" Jungkook states
You have both finished dripping your fried chicken in the delicious sauce, a random series playing on Netflix when you decide to speak up:
"I'm sorry, for the past few days"
Your voice might be calm, your whole inside is shaken up. You've played your words many times in your head before saying it out loud, yet it feels weird.
"You don't have to apologize" Jungkook reassures you
"I know but I want to. You have been really... nice to me" You want to say how perfect and amazing and absolutely lovable Jungkook has been but it might be too overwhelming for you and him to confess that out loud "I shouldn't have shut you off like that. I just needed time to... I don't know, heal?"
"Hey..." Jungkook says softly as he grabs your hand and caresses the back of it with his thumb "You don't have to explain or say anything about it. I'm just glad you're feeling better"
You smile lightly at him, relieved that he doesn't resent you — even though you had no doubt about it. But your smile soon turns into a gulp when you notice the faint smirk on Jungkook's handsome face.
"But if you really want to apologize, I have an idea" He purrs with a tone way lower than before, which makes your cheeks burn
You don't know what to reply, and you don't really want to anyway. So you close the gap between the two of you and crash your lips onto his. The coldness of the lip ring surprises you as much as it pleases you.
Jungkook's hands immediately reach your hips to guide you toward his lap. You press your crotch on his and you literally melt when you feel the friction of your covered clit on his slight hard cock. You don't know if it's because you've missed him or because Jungkook makes you brave but you feel more adventurous and drift to his throat. You kiss his neck and inhale his sweet smell you love so much. Your ministrations on his thin skin seem to please him because he squeezes your ass. It makes you want to tease him more. So you capture his lobe, between two of his earrings, between your teeth and gently tug on it.
"You need to stop that if you don't want me to fuck you rough" He adverts you
But his sexy voice is way more important than his threat, it spurs you to push on his button because how good could it feel to be fucked rough.
"Maybe I want it" You reply with a faked innocent tone
"You don't know want you're asking for, baby" He almost growls
You don't waste energy to reply and you rather lick a fat strap from his collarbone to his ear lobe. That's it for Jungkook. He has let you take a little bit of control but he can't stand it anymore, not when you're such a tease. You deserve to be fucked good and it's what he intents to do.
His moves are precise and fast, so much that it only takes you a gasp to be sit on the couch and have Jungkook on his knees between your legs. The view somewhat reminds you of the first time you've been intimate — on this very same couch.
His big palms go up and down your bare thighs, lifting up even higher your pink sundress. This simple touch electrifies you. You feel so aware of him. You thrill out of expectation, especially when you spot the perfect smirk on his handsome face — a face you want to burry between your thighs.
Your breathe gets cut off when Jungkook's hands reach higher, clamping on your ruined panties. He asks your consent with his doe eyes and you nod while biting your lower lip. In one second, your underwear is gone, thrown on the floor.
You blush as Jungkook admires your wetness. He wraps his forearms around your thighs and brings you on the edge of the couch. When his tongue lands on your intimacy, your eyes shut close and your head roll back to fully enjoy the pleasure it provides. You feel Jungkook's tongue on your clit, drawing perfect circles and sucking lightly. It's so good that you need to tug on his black hair and press him deeper against you. You moan when the metal of his piercing touches your burning and soaked pussy, making you automatically open your legs wider for him — and the tattooed man can't helping thinking how a good girl you are.
You open your eyes again and you almost faint when you notice that Jungkook was looking at you the whole time. His eyes are so bright and cute, and the contrast with his nose, lips and chin covered with your arousal is lethal. You almost choke on your spit when Jungkook enters your with his tongue.
"Kook" You groan, spurring him to fasten his pace
You are so wet, so aroused because of him, for him. You really want to think that's because you haven't seen him for a couple of days but, deep down, you know that you could feel the exact same if he had touched you this morning. It's just the effect this man has on you.
"I love how you taste" He purrs against your cunt "The most delicious little pussy in the whole world"
You wish you could have the strength to scold him but his dirty words make you clench — it's impossible to deny how much you love his praises.
"Oh god!" You moan loud when Jungkook takes a big fat strap from your entrance to your sensitive bud
You are close. You are so deep in your delirious pleasure that you notice just now that Jungkook's shoulder and arm are moving. More like jolting. Is he...?
"Oh my god!" You scream with redden cheeks when you understand that Jungkook is jerking himself off while eating your pussy
You should feel scandalized in front of the sinful scene but it actually makes you feel the opposite. It makes you feel sexy. And fuck... He is hot.
You caress Jungkook's long hair that tickles your inner thighs — which provides even more pleasure — but your intended caressing soon turns into tugging harshly on his locks because you are real close.
"I'm gonna come" You notify him with a dry throat
"Cum on my face, babe" He teases you with his stupidly hot smirk
But who are you to disobey? The fog provided by your orgasm takes over everything. You loudly moan Jungkook's name as your head rolls back and your toes curl.
You are out of breathe when you reach down Earth again but your cheeks are still burning, especially because Jungkook is still wanking.
"You are so beautiful when you cum" He murmurs, almost as if you weren't supposed to hear it
You look at how the lower part of his face is glistening with your juices and you try to wipe it off but Jungkook grabs your hand and kisses it.
Your heart obviously skips a beat because of your orgasm and not because of the sweet gesture, right?
"Can I cum on your stomach?" Jungkook asks so nonchalantly that you wonder if you've heard well his request
"I-uhm-yeah" You whisper for an answer
"You can say no" He reassures you, not willing you to feel trap
"No, it's okay, please do it"
You don't really know why you answer so politely to such a filthy question but it surely pleases Jungkook. He lets a 'fuck' escaping his perfect mouth and locks his eyes on your poor oversensitive cunt.
To be honest, he was too worried about you to masturbate so he knows damn well that he won't last long. He is not embarrassed because he isn't unaffected by your touch either and him cumming now doesn't mean he won't fuck you later in the night.
Just thinking about how warm and tight your pussy feels around his big cock brings him to the edge. And when your hand reaches his balls to gently caress them, it's enough for him. He spreads his hot cum on your lower stomach, painting your skin white. It's so fucking beautiful he could cry.
Jungkook loves that he can mark you this way, even though no one will know it. Hoaxed by his possessiveness, his thumb collects just a little bit of his seeds and uses it to roll smoothly on your clit. You almost jump out of surprise and pleasure. Your moans are choked but undeniably spurred by arousal.
Actually, you are so deep in pleasure that you barely register your phone ringing.
You could ignore it, except that it's a special ringtone. A ringtone you haven't heard in a long time. And you also know that, at such a late hour, it can't be for nothing.
With your heart squeezed, you jump on your feet, completely missing Jungkook's flabbergasted face. He just sits on his butt, on the floor, with his cock still out of his briefs as he watches you answering your phone while he was fucking playing with your clit.
"Oppa?" You say, causing an immediate frown on Jungkook's face
You stay silent as the caller explains the situation and stress rushes through your veins.
"I'm coming!" Sure do, Jungkook thinks with annoyance "I'll be there in just 35 minutes" You assure and hang up
You collect your panties and put them back, not even caring about your drying juices or Jungkook's cum on your stomach.
"I'm sorry, I've got to go" You tell him but you don't even look at him as you put your phone in your bag and put on your shoes
"Okay?" Jungkook replies, completely taken aback "I can drive y—"
"No thanks" You shut him down, a little harshly while you really don't want to but you are way too stressed to control your tone like you want "I see you later" You add
You land a gentle kiss on his cheek and disappear. 
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Hi! I'm sorry for making you wait this long but so many things happened! I'm almost done with Better Than Him. Thank you for your patience 🩷
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rebouks · 5 days
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Wren: Robinnnnnnn, mom asked you to watch Ava for a minute. Robin: [tuts] Don’t drag her like that. Wren: Why not? She likes it. Robin: Until you drag her over a rock.
[Wren ignored Robin as she continued hauling a giggling Ava through the long grass]
Wren: Why’re you here again?
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Levi: Why not? Wren: ‘Cause this isn’t your house. Byrd: Shut up, Wren-.. you’re being a meanie! Wren: You shut up!
[Wren scowled, muttering something under her breath]
Levi: What?
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Wren: I said you’re stupid! Levi: I bet you’re stupider. Wren: Not as stupid as Byrd. Byrd: I’m not stupid! Wren: Are too! Robin: No one’s stupid.
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Robin pulled Ava safely into his lap and listened to Wren and Byrd bickering, eventually turning their attention toward Levi, accosting him as ferociously as they would anyone else; his usual walls crumbling to dust as they wrestled amongst the clover. His friends might not have understood why he wanted to hang out with Levi, but Robin could sense that there was an entirely different boy hiding beneath his prickly, well-maintained façade.
The rustling birch trees and the dappled shadows beneath created a rare safe haven for Robin’s classmate, who in the absence of anyone to impress or mislead, finally smiled and enjoyed himself with a genuineness that Robin had never seen before.
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Straightening Ava’s little bow and holding her closely, Robin couldn’t help but think how awful it must be to be part of a family that never played or laughed together, a family that didn’t particularly enjoy your presence or show you much affection-.. if any. It wasn’t hard to imagine how strenuous it’d be, constantly pretending to be someone you weren’t.
He didn’t exactly want to spend every waking moment with his parents, nor his siblings, but Robin loved each one of them dearly and struggled to picture his world without them. It wasn’t expected or necessary given how supportive Oscar and Courtney usually were, but Robin took his role as an older brother quite seriously and enjoyed lightening their load by looking out for his brother and sisters; he felt a pang of sadness for Levi as he realised that on top of his absent parents, he couldn’t even rely on his own sister as a source of comfort or approval.
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Robin wondered what would’ve happened if he hadn’t heard Levi in time-.. what if he’d been that bit better at blocking everything out, what if he’d been distracted, what if he was too far away or hadn’t been there at all?
He’d tried to convince his parents that he wasn’t interested in going because an elementary school disco sounded like the most boring event in existence, but they’d assumed his reluctance had been due to anxiety and cajoled him into going anyway, for a little while at least. In the end, he supposed it was a good job they had.
If something had happened to Levi that night, he would’ve struggled to forgive himself, and the thought of anything terrible befalling anyone else at the hand of his apathy or purposeful ignorance filled him with dread.
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Although it could be difficult and tiring sometimes, he probably ought to pay more attention to his surroundings rather than ignoring everything, as he’d been partial to recently-.. just in case.
It was nice to have the option these days, but maybe Robin was never meant to suppress his gift completely, maybe he’d been given it for a reason. He had no idea why, how, or where it came from, but it wasn’t just a quirky annoyance anymore, it’d literally saved someone’s life; it was clearly far too important to wilfully dismiss...
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hotchfiles · 3 months
↪ day eight. choices — #marchhotchness
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [tell me to regret it] ❞
pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!reader. summary: aaron prides himself of making good choices. until he makes one he regrets. content warnings: not proofread, pretty sure only one gender mark (miss) by the very very end, a bit of angst, a bit of fluff, happy ending. light mention of sex. word count: 1.1k
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      At first, Aaron prided himself on making good choices, at least after graduating high school. All his choices were thought out to the best outcome. His major, Law School, his job, Haley. 
      He then prided himself on standing by his choices. Even if the outcome wasn’t the best. Even if it wasn’t the easiest choice to make, he stood by them. He took the bullet, he accepted the consequences.  
      When Haley filed for a divorce he wanted to fight it, he did, but Aaron knew she had spent too much of her life dealing with his choices. He knew it wasn’t fair for her to fight for a broken marriage because his career was too important to him.
      Every single day he chose to pick up the phone, he chose to leave, he chose to work after hours. So he signed the divorce papers, letting her free to make her own life decisions. 
      Whenever the BAU faced repercussions for their actions on the field on any cases, he took the heat at all times, the eyes of the higher ups were always on him and he took advantage of that to let the team work more freely. If needed, he would take the fall and it would’ve been his choice. And he would be happy with it. 
      There was one decision though, one choice that he made that kept heaving on his mind. He made it, he thought it was the right one at the time and he was living through the consequences. 
      Still every time he saw your eager eyes or heard you laughing at something Emily said, that sharp pang in his heart would take his mind to the last time you truly talked.
      So much so he ended up calling you to his office, not thinking clearly, not planning it out. He just heard your voice at the end of the day, happy, laughing, apparently not suffering from the distance he had chosen to put between you two and for once he was selfish with every intention to be so. 
      “Need help with anything, boss?” The title tastes bitter in your tongue and it hits Aaron just the same. He was Hotch. And then Aaron. Old man. Babe and love. Never boss.
      Boss came after he told you your relationship couldn’t go on. It would hurt your career and his. Boss was now the only way you referred to him, as that was what he chose to be. 
      His attempts to lock eyes with you don’t go unnoticed, but they remain unfruitful as you focus on his desk and your fingers fidget with your necklace. 
      “Not exactly… I–I just wanted to talk to you. We haven’t spoken privately in a while.” Your eyes immediately find his, the hurt and the anger filling them in a way he never saw before, he felt it piercing through his soul and he almost regrets not thinking it through before calling you in. Almost.  
      “There’s a reason for that. We don’t have anything to discuss privately.” 
      “Does it have to be like this?” 
      “I don’t understand, what do you want me to say, Hotchner? That we can be friends? Pretend nothing ever happened between us?” You’re both glad the door behind you is closed, even if it’s late and everyone has left by now. Your voice is slightly raising more and more with each response you give him.
      That’s not what he wants, he selfishly wants to hear your voice crack while speaking to him, he wants you to tell him you miss him, to force out of his tongue what he desperately needs to tell you: That he regrets the choice he made that night.
      He regrets being afraid when you never were. That he’s sorry he pushed you away when you were always an open book. That seeing you seemingly happy and moving right on with your life was killing him because he couldn’t even begin to think of doing the same. 
      Aaron glances quickly at his window to make sure once more that the bullpen is empty and gets up, getting just close enough that you won’t leave. “Don’t you miss me? U–Us?” Funnily enough, his voice is the one cracking up as he speaks. 
      “Aaron, don’t be cruel.” Your voice is barely a whisper, not similar to the one you showed him minutes before, your eyes divert from him again, knowing that if you look at him too much you might tear up and that’s not you. 
      “I’m not doing that.” 
      “You are. You sleep with me, tell me you love me. You push me away, break up with me. And now this? Just… Don’t.” It hits him sharper than a knife how hard he hurt you then. He’s a profiler, he should’ve noticed it, instead he chose to notice only the happy smiley façade you put up to work every day so you could face him. 
      He usually wouldn’t do this in the middle of an argument but maybe he needs to start reevaluating how he makes his choices and this is one of those, so he pulls your hand and although you flinch at his touch you don’t pull away, so he hugs you tight, your arms are dead limbs by your side but his are strong around you, as is his cologne filling your senses, both bring you that familiar feel of safety. 
      “I’ve been foolish, and afraid and selfish. And possibly a handful of other adjectives. But I would never purposefully be cruel to you.” Aaron pulls away from the embrace only slightly, taking your face with both his hands so you can see how true his words are by the look on his eyes. You begin to feel your arms again, sliding them up to his chest where you feel the rapidness of his heartbeat. “I miss you, give me a chance to try this again?” 
      You’re not certain it will work, but you know that he means his words. And you know your heart is beating just as fast as his because just being embraced by him meant everything. So you nod once slowly, seeing his lips turn into a grin as he pulls you into a gentle kiss. 
      His lips taste like hope, hope he won’t make any decision he will regret again. But mostly, it tastes like cheap coffee, which causes you to laugh into the kiss. 
      “Is this all because I stopped bringing you coffee from the coffee shop?” Aaron laughs out loud, a laughter unlikely to be heard by most people, but then again, you are not most people. He shakes his head in disbelief at what you’re saying and licks his lips. 
      “You’re getting way too good at noticing details, miss liaison.” 
      “Just when it comes to you.”
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anxiouspineapple99 · 6 months
Title Prompt: I'll drop a few below and you can choose which one inspired the most. I'll let you decide if it's SFW or NSFW and write whatever you'd like.
- Little Lies & Brown Eyes
- Under a Bright Coruscant Sky
- What Happens on Nar Shadda...
No Rules, No Requirements, and No Rush!
Little Lies & Brown Eyes
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader
Summary: A game of “Two Truths, and a Lie” turns spicy!
Warnings: MINORS DNI. Recreational drinking, fingering, unprotected PiV, oral (f receiving), cxm eating, Dom!Tech, praise kink
Word Count: 1972
A/N: The semester is over! Which means I’m kicking off the break with smut. This is porn with a smattering of feelings. It’s filthy. I’m unsure what possessed me when I wrote this because I read it back and made myself blush. Thank you for the prompt @523rdrebel and thank you for being so patient while I took literal months to answer lol
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Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair had made their own plans for this bout of shore leave which left you and Tech alone to enjoy each other’s company, something that you were quite delighted about if you did say so yourself. You found the tall bespectacled clone of Clone Force 99 to be unbelievably handsome and his mannerisms positively endearing. You loved when he asked you to help him tinker on the Marauder or chose you to share all of his new findings. Most of all you loved being the focus of his attention when it was just the two of you.
The evening started like the handful of others had in the past, the two of you tinkering under the console of the Marauder. You handed him tools as he talked about anything and everything on his mind.
Now, Tech wasn’t one for lying. He never saw any point in it. According to him it was a ‘superfluous detour toward the inevitable truth that was bound to emerge anyway. The truth is simply faster.’ You always appreciated that about him. His bluntness was refreshing (albeit sometimes harsh) and you valued that you could always count on it. Which was why two truths and a lie seemed like the perfect game.
You sat across from him, rosy cheeked, giggling. Breathtaking as always, he’d thought to himself. You weren’t drunk yet, but you were certainly teetering on the edge. The truths and lies started off benignly, mostly about favorite foods or hobbies.
“Alright, it’s your turn. Two truths and a lie, please. I am quite good at this game so make this one a challenge!” Tech puffed his chest out proudly before adjusting his goggles. You couldn’t fight your silly smile before you continued.
“Okay! So… I find you attractive. I am allergic to blumfruit. And… my childhood tooka was named Cuddles!” You leaned back.
Tech rested an elbow on his knee, “Well that is easy. Clearly the lie is that you find me attractive.”
You leaned in, nearly nose to nose with him, a playful smile crossed your lips as you answered, “Nope,” with an emphasized pop of the ‘p’. “I am not allergic to blumfruit.”
You leaned back in the copilot seat, “Your turn, Tech!”
His leg bounced as he rested his chin in his hand.
His fingers tapped on his knee as he began to answer, “Very well. Wrecker’s snoring is the reason I sleep in the cockpit most of the time.” He paused, his eyes darkening behind his goggles. “I prefer wine to spotchka.” With his final statement he leaned in, narrowing his eyes, “And I should very much like to kiss you.”
You suddenly felt as sober as a judge.
“Shall I repeat my statements? Perhaps I should enunciate more,” he rasped a tinge of lust colored his voice.
Your stomach turned. He couldn’t possibly…could he?
“N-no, ahh, wanting to kiss me. That’s the lie.”
He leaned into the backrest of the pilot seat, his back the straightest you’d ever seen it.
“Incorrect. I have no preference for alcoholic beverages. I will drink just about anything.”
You gulped, your eyes traveled to his lips. You clenched your thighs to quell the ever present arousal you felt in his presence. You watched wide eyed as he rose from his seat and filled the space between you. He caged you into the copilot seat, his brown eyes roving over you. He softly took your chin between his gloved thumb and index finger lifting your head to meet his gaze. Your breath hitched as he pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and reserved, the opposite of his burning eyes.
He pulled back only slightly and tutted, “All those little lies, mesh’la. Did you really need those to tell me how you felt?”
An airy laugh huffed from your chest. “You’re one to talk.”
“I simply had not yet found an opportune moment,” he crooned against your lips. “Stand up.”
The command startled you at first. You were unaccustomed to Tech being so assertive.
“Mesh’la. I said stand. Up.”
Wordlessly, Tech guided you to your feet and turned your back to the console.
“You’ll need to use your words, darling. I need to know you want this too,” he growled into your ear sending chills down your spine and soaking your panties.
“Maker, yes please, Tech,” you whined as he trailed kisses from your neck to your collarbone.
“Mmm… good girl,” he sighed as he ran two gloved fingers along the outline of your breasts. Those two fingers ghosted down your sternum, along your stomach, and to the hem of your skirt. Meanwhile your own hands were exploring the edges of his armor.
He dragged those same two fingers up the inside of your thigh and pressed them to the soaked cloth covering your sex. You whined at his touch, desperately wanting him inside you.
“Oh dear,” he chuckled, removing his hand, “you’ve soaked my glove, mesh’la. Well, it only seems fair that you remove it for me.”
You made to reach for his gloved fingers when he held them to your lips and scolded, “Ah, with your mouth. Open.”
You opened your mouth and he slotted his fingers inside, almost choking you and then slowly dragged them back along your tongue ensuring you tasted yourself on his fingers. He paused long enough for you to bite down on the tip of the glove to pull it off. He then slid your panties off, tucking them in one of the many pouches on his utility belt.
His gloveless hand returned to your soaked folds, toying first with your clit and then sliding one exquisite digit inside of you. You bucked your hips in response, moaning loudly.
“I have wanted this for so long, cyare. To have you on the console of my ship, screaming my name. You will scream my name for me won’t you, good girl.” His tone was clear, that was an order. Not a question.
“Anything you want, sir.” You gasped through waves of pleasure as Tech swirled and thrust his finger, quickly learning which patterns elicited the greatest reactions.
The emphasis of that word unleashed an utterly primal side of Tech you’d never seen. His mouth crashed into yours, his tongue eagerly seeking entrance as he pressed his body to yours. He inserted a second finger inside you, your walls twitching in response to the stretch. He easily reached the delicate spot inside of you, pressing and stroking rhythmically, pushing you rapidly to the precipice.
“What a good girl you are. Who do you belong to?”
His mouth moved from your lips to your neck, biting and sucking leaving his marks. His brothers were going to come back and know exactly who you belonged to.
“Y-you Tech! I belong to you!”
And just as you promised him, you screamed his name as you crested your peak, your legs quaking with the intensity of your release.
He pressed his cheek to yours, “Are you ready, ner sarad? Are you ready for me to fill you up?”
You leaned into his touch, “Please, sir. I need to feel you inside of me, I feel so empty without you.”
A growl rumbled deep in his chest as he freed his throbbing cock already soaked with precum from his blacks in one swift movement. You were in awe of how long he was and hoped the next time you did this you could suck him off until he couldn’t walk the next day. Your fantasy of Tech fucking your mouth was cut short as he lifted you with ease and laid you on the console. He slid his cock within the walls of your pussy slowly and gently allowing you both to relish the bliss you were experiencing. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he caged you in. You wrapped your arms around his neck and whined into his ear as he bottomed out inside you, stretching you perfectly.
“So perfect, cyare. If I didn't know better I would think you had been made just for me,” he cooed, the sweet praise making your heart flutter.
“Please fuck me, Tech.” You gasped, the plea falling from your lips with agonizing desperation. You needed him to move, to rock his hips into yours and fill you to the brim.
“With pleasure,” he cooed with a smile and a soft kiss to your forehead.
He slowly pulled back and pushed back in, his eyes locked on yours gauging your reaction. Once. Twice. Again and again his thrusts were steadfast and precise. You threw your head back, moaning his name with each thrust.
“Mine,” he growled as his fingers grasped the back of your neck and your hips with nearly painful intensity.
Gradually he increased his pace, intentionally grinding his pelvis into your sensitive bud with each calculated movement. He grunted soft words of adoration and praise, still licking and biting at every inch of exposed skin. And with each thrust you felt him push you closer to your second release. You scraped your nails along his scalp as you cried his name with your volume matching the intensity of your pleasure. He followed suit with a shuddering sigh into your neck.
He pressed his chest to yours, dusting soft doting kisses along your neck, cheeks, and forehead. Your legs remained locked around his waist as he slowly softened inside of you.
He carried you to his rack, laying you down gently, pausing for a moment and smiling as if admiring a piece of art.
“Tech?” You felt exposed despite still being mostly clothed.
“Hm? Ah. My apologies cyare. You are just a divine creature and I am taking in your radiance.” He sat by your feet, running his hand up your thigh. “Now, why don’t you take the rest of your clothing off? I wish to worship you properly.”
You’d never shimmied out of clothing so quickly. You fought the urge to cover up.
He stared at your pussy still dripping with cum, both yours and his, hungrily.
“This,” he growled, lust soaking his words. “Should do nicely.”
He needed to taste you, the perfectly unique combination of you and him. He lifted your knees over his shoulders, a growl rumbling in his chest as his eyes never left your drenched sex. He pushed his goggles up onto his forehead before trailing open mouthed kisses up your thigh. His lithe fingers squeezed your thighs before licking a strip up your folds. You keened beneath him, arousal burning deep within you once more.
He sucked lightly on your clit, flicking his tongue across it sporadically until you were a writhing, mewling mess. You could feel his smile widening as his tongue slowly crept closer to your entrance. All at once he thrust his tongue inside you, his own groans rumbling into you, pushing you closer to climax once more. He devoured you, kissing, licking, sucking and biting at every inch of you. And once he was satisfied, he pressed his thumb to your clit rubbing soft circles as he continued thrust his tongue inside you. He worked you until your legs were shaking and you chanted his name like it was the only word you knew.
He looked up at you from between your thighs, a smirk adorned his lips as he pulled his goggles back into place. “That was…satisfactory?”
You gawked. “Exemplary, actually.”
He nodded, a hint of arrogance flashing in his eyes. He reached into his footlocker, pulling out a towel and began to clean you up.
“The others will be returning soon. You should get dressed. I’d prefer this,” he gestured toward your nude form, “be only for me.”
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you leaned in, kissing him softly. “It is. Only for you.”
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Spicy Ragu For You: @secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @dystopicjumpsuit @mooncommlink @moonlightwarriorqueen @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @starqueensside @mandos-mind-trick @multi-fan-dom-madness @808tsuika @msmeredithrose @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @mythical-illustrator @wings-and-beskar @wizardofrozz @ladyzirkonia @eyeluvmusic21 @523rdrebel @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @littlemissmanga @sinfulsalutations @dickarchivist @eclec-tech @dreamie411 @flyiingsly @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @cw80831 @eternal-transcience-spice
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
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Ok vampire hunter!König is hot but how about vampire!Engel with vampire!König who seduced and turned her?
König is the meanest vampire there is.
He never lets his angel become an independent, strong creature of the night; instead, he keeps her in his tower and “teaches” her, telling her she must never venture out because the world is a dangerous place and mortals are more cunning than she can even imagine, and Engel, poor fresh young fledgling that she is, just looks up at him wide-eyed and lips drawn into a thin line and believes everything he says.
And so there’s really no one to tell her that König is shunned by all the other vampires: he has a reputation, he’s more feral than any of them and always keeps to himself, never comes to the balls or burdens himself with the need to charm anyone or even dress properly, he’s like a relic from the past when vampires had to scour their meal from wherever they could get it, filthy docks or poor cottages in the hills, bothering lowly peasants whose blood tastes like dung. König lives in a time of war even though there’s peace now, and plenty of good blood to feast on, he has even killed some of his own – Engel really doesn’t know the full depth of the trouble she’s in... She couldn’t have bumped into a more unfit, berserk, depraved sire.
He always picks her meal for her: always fragile, meek women, dragged to the tower screaming and pale and filled with fear and horror: and he doesn’t even let her feed alone because he likes to watch. No one tells her that this isn’t supposed to happen: that a lamia’s meal is a sacred ritual, it's between her and the sacrificial lamb, and it's also a moment when a vampire is at her most vulnerable... But no: König watches her like a mortal would watch pornography or an obscene play, and Engel thinks it’s perfectly normal, she just wants to please her master, as difficult and hard as it is to do so at times.
And sometimes she feels this odd yearning – she was such a cute, well-behaved mortal, she had her whole life ahead of her, she never did anything wrong, and she never asked to be turned... (yes Engel keep telling yourself that) She just wanted to talk to this mysterious highwayman who walked her home when she got lost in the woods, who gave her the most intense hand-kiss she had ever received and after that, left her a blood-red rose on her windowsill every night... And now she finds herself here, in this ungodly tower with a monster – a monster she hopelessly loves and adores.
Sometimes the need to feed grows too strong and she floats down the stairs, helpless and weak, only to be met with König’s imperious form as he opens the heavy oak door and immediately catches on to what’s going on. His heavenly angel was about to disobey him; clearly, she doesn’t yet understand the danger she’s in (in truth König is getting pale even at the thought of her finding some other mentor, were Engel to leave him he would crawl into his coffin and never come out again).
So into the coffin she goes, without breakfast, and has to stay there alone until he's sharpened his knives. Only when dawn is already about to break, only after the sturdy old pine box echoes with her pitiful little whimpers, König finally joins her, gathers Engel in his arms, asks her if she has learned her lesson now, hmm? She must understand that this is for her own good: he’s just ensuring that nothing bad happens to her. After all, she's his responsibility; it was fated that they met. She’s exactly where she belongs; she has nothing to fear.
Then he feeds her himself: another taboo and a perverse act of him, and even sicker than anyone could ever imagine because König pushes them both to their limits, getting lewd pleasure out of Engel drinking from him until he's near the point of going into rigor mortis, groaning that she needs to stop (secretly wishing she wouldn’t… Not just yet…)
And König never tells her that their kind is supposed to sleep in their own coffins for a variety of reasons. He allows her to sleep in his, never even gets her her own, getting sick satisfaction from the way she curls up and clings to him like a pathetic, helpless human.
The only things he gets her are stunning, gorgeously large white dresses: pompous and flowy and frilly and so heavy she can’t possibly even dream of escaping while wearing those. The only time there’s a slightly more benevolent look in those piercing cold blue eyes is when Engel laughs and spins around in them, fresh blood on her lips, eyes outshining all the night stars...
She’s truly the most innocent, beautiful creature he has ever seen. He almost feels… what was it that mortals called it?
Ah, yes. Love.
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pensoterios · 3 months
was thinking about Hazel soooo
enemies to lovers with Hazel Callahan, I guess. 2.7k words :)
Of course, you weren’t really enemies. How could you be? She was so nice, for no reason, always willing to help, which was disgustingly endearing, and she hadn't seemed to realize that you didn't want to be friends. You were a solitary person, an introvert, who rarely ever sought out other people. People often told you that you were intimidating, but you didn’t really understand why. That may have been part of why you hadn’t made many friends.
Of course, Hazel Callahan just could not have this, apparently. You rolled your eyes at the thought as you sat at your desk, paying no attention to Mr G’s very short class. You were very aware of Hazel in the desk behind you, trying to get your attention.
“Hey.” She whispered in your ear for the third time. You ignored her and the chill that ran down your body. When you didn’t respond, she tapped your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and finally turned around. “What?”`
Surprise dawned on her face at your tone, but she smiled and, voice low, asked, “Um, do you wanna join our club for female solidarity? It’s after school’s over, starts at 3:15 in the gym. I-I could email you about it, we’re learning about self-defense.” Your eyes were absolutely not watching her lips as she talked, and you huffed a sigh.
It actually didn’t sound terrible, but if Hazel was gonna be there, you weren’t planning on going. “I’m good.”
You turned back around in your seat before you could see her reaction, effectively ending the conversation.
After class, you overheard Hazel talking to her friends. “She said no, and I think she doesn’t like me. I guess it’s never gonna happen.” You heard Josie tell Hazel that you might warm up to her, and you scoffed to yourself. For once, Hazel was right, it was never going to happen. After what had happened during freshman year, you had ruled out ever being friends with her.
That day, you, a solitary, intimidated freshman, had heard some girls talking loudly about you right next to your locker, calling you a sad loser, and you looked around to see if anyone else had heard. Hazel, a few lockers down, was frowning at you, clearly having heard the girls. You looked away, embarrassed that a cute girl had heard them talking about you like that. The next day, Hazel came up to you and handed you a letter. You were surprised to see that Hazel had written you a note saying that those girls were completely wrong and you actually seemed cool. You began to smile for the first time in a while, but when you looked up, your heart dropped. Hazel was giggling, and it grew into laughter. Of course. It was a joke, there was no way someone like her would have any interest in you. You turned around to slam your locker, walking away with tears in your eyes. You rarely talked to Hazel after that, and anytime you did, you gave her the shortest, most contempt filled answers you could.
You had come a long way since then, joining the cheer team and even having a few girlfriends outside of school, but still remaining mostly solitary.
When the end of the day came, you found yourself lingering at school, wondering if you should go to that club. It had actually sounded interesting, though you didn’t really need self defense lessons as you had been taking them for years. However, female solidarity sounded interesting to you, even if you didn’t want to see Hazel more than you had to. Eventually, you decided to go, and that you would ignore Hazel as much as possible. You walked to the gym with just a few minutes to spare.You hated the way your eyes immediately found Hazel, and you ignored the way her face lit up when you walked in. You leaned against a wall, observing everything but her. The girls were standing in a circle that you decided to join. You were surprised to see Isabel and Brittany there, and as they waved at you, you smiled back. PJ stepped forward to start the session.
“Okay, losers!” Your eyebrows raised at her words. She continued, “today we’re continuing our self defense lessons.” Her eyes zeroed in on you. “Why don’t you go first? Let’s get that out of the way. Go against…” PJ smirked. “Hazel.”
What did she mean ‘go against Hazel’?
Hazel stepped into the circle, and you began to realize what was going on. Hazel only confirmed it when she smiled but put up her hands in fists. A wave of relief washed over you; you were good at this. You waited as Hazel stepped closer, throwing the first punch towards your face. You ducked and threw one back. It caught, landing just below her ribs. She stumbled backwards, the breath knocked out of her. The girls around you cheered. Not one to kick someone when they were down, unlike her, you kept your hands up, waiting for her to recover. She didn’t take long and scrambled towards you. This time you didn’t wait and went for her face. She dodged and threw a punch to your chest before you had retracted your arms. You clutched your chest where she had hit your sternum. It hurt like a bitch and you knew you’d have a bruise. You knew you had to get over it though so you put your hands back up and focused. Hazel stepped towards you and you anticipated her punch, grabbing her arm to use her momentum and knee her stomach. She grabbed onto you as she went down, pulling you down on top of her.
Nope. She was a terrible person and she was not hot. You looked down at her under you, with a weird smile on her face as you drew your hand back to hit her again. You faltered slightly at her expression and she caught your arm before it hit her. Damn it. With your concentration broken, she pushed up and pinned you to the floor, and why did she have to be so pretty? Sweaty and out of breath, she looked downright indecent while sitting on top of you, but you had to focus. You pushed at her shoulders, but she held your arms down. You decided to pull out the dirty tricks, waiting till she was close enough from holding you down to headbutt her as hard as you could, which you thought wasn’t that hard. Unfortunately for Hazel, it was pretty hard. “Fuck!” she yelled, scrambling off you while clutching her head. Everyone around you gasped. Your eyes widened as you witnessed her sit back, eyes squeezed shut and muttering curses under her breath.
Nope. No No. No. Her body absolutely did not feel nice under yours, and you were not enjoying this. Not at all. And still, a little voice in your head went, yes you are. You like it and you like her. Even after what she did.
“Fuck, I- are you okay?”
Her eyes snapped open, finding you immediately. “Um, yeah- ah shit. Yeah I’m fine.” You frowned, “it doesn’t seem like it.” Hazel shook her head.
“I’m fine just a little- ow- just a little dizzy.” This was bad, you thought to yourself. You hadn’t meant to give her a concussion, and you held out two fingers. “Shit, Hazel how many fingers am I holding up?” you asked.
“I don’t know, like, 4?” Yup. Definite concussion. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” you gasped. PJ called from the circle, “is she good?”
You shook your head, finally taking your eyes off Hazel. “She has a concussion. I have to take her to the nurse, or something.” PJ shrugged, “fine, whatever.” You rolled your eyes and turned back to Hazel. “Come on, let’s go.”
Hazel shook her head again. “I’m fine, just- ah- gimme a second.” You sighed. “You have a concussion. You should not be here. You should be somewhere where you can rest your head.” You pulled her up, keeping her steady as she leaned on you. “Alright, alright,” she conceded. “Don’t be mean to me.” You rolled your eyes at her childish remark. “I’m not being mean,” you insisted as you led her out of the gym. “You’re just stubborn, so excuse me if I’m like… concerned for your health.”
Hazel hummed but didn’t say anything as you walked towards the nurse’s office. There was a silence, not uncomfortable, as you walked and eventually reached the nurse’s office. The school nurse had already gone home, but of course, being in self defense classes meant you knew your fair share of first-aid. As Hazel watched, seated in a chair, you went to the freezer, grabbing ice cubes and putting them in a plastic bag. You handed the bag to Hazel. “Put this on your ribs, and lay down on one of the beds.” You gestured to the two medical beds in the office. Hazel listened, surprisingly, and laid down on the closest one. You sat in the chair next to it, watching quietly.
“What about your, um… your chest?” asked Hazel, blushing through talking about your chest.. You had forgotten all about your injuries for a moment, but as soon as Hazel mentioned it, your sternum began to throb. “Yeah. Right.” You nodded and got up again to get more ice, holding it to your chest and sitting heavily in the chair. You could feel Hazel’s eyes on you, watching as you slumped in the chair.
“What?” You turned suddenly, catching her staring. Her cheeks started warming and she looked away. “Nothing, I just- you’re really pretty.”
You rolled your eyes. “I look like shit, Hazel.” Hazel shrugged. “So?” You shook your head. “So. how could I be pretty if I look like shit?”
Hazel frowned. “Well, it’s not like a right-now thing, I mean, you’re always pretty, whether you look like shit or not.”
You looked at her out of the corner of your eye. You’d blame it on the concussion, you decided. She wasn’t thinking properly. “Yeah, okay. Whatever you say.”
Hazel was not having that. “No, actually. Like, you are actually really beautiful.” You hated the way your heart fluttered at the earnesty in her compliment. You knew you were pretty, but it was always nice to hear. Hazel looked away. “Sometimes I just look at you and go: ‘wow, I wish I could tell her how pretty she is every day. Maybe after a kiss on the cheek.’”
She what?
The shock from her comment got to you. “You what? So what was that in freshman year? You don’t get to just say that after what you did.” Hazel frowned again. You didn’t like that face, in fact, you much preferred her smile. “What do you mean?”
“Oh come on, you’re telling me you don’t remember when you wrote that fake note and then laughed in my face about it?”
Her eyebrows pinched further together in obvious confusion. “Fake note? What fake-” Realization dawned on her face, her eyes wide, which quickly turned into hurt. Her voice was quiet. “You thought it was fake?”
You looked at her like she was crazy. “Are you trying to tell me it was real? Hazel, you laughed in my face about it. Why wouldn’t I think that?” Hazel shook her head. “No, no, I didn’t. I just got nervous and when I get nervous I do this like, giggle thing.” Her eyes widen. “Oh my god, that’s why you walked away? You thought I was laughing at you. Holy shit, I feel terrible now. That explains so much- no, I meant every word I wrote on that paper.” Your eyes went wide as hope surged in your chest.
“Hazel, you… you meant it?”
She nodded. “Of course I did, I’d never not mean it. That would be horrible. Do you.. Still hate me?” You grimaced. “I don’t think I ever did.. I was just hurt cause I thought I’d been absolutely rejected by the girl of my dreams.” At her frown, you clarify. “You, Hazel.”
Hazel’s jaw drops, and she sits up, ignoring the way the room spins for a second. “I’m the girl of your dreams? Really?” Her wide eyes draw you in closer, leaning in as your eyes drop to her pretty pink lips. “Yeah, you are. Is this okay?” You ask as you lean even closer.
She nods her head, but before you can even move, the door to the nurse’s office swings open. You both lean back quickly as PJ appears in the door, but too late as her eyes flick from you to Hazel and back. “What are you losers doing in here? Making out?”
Both you and Hazel blush and PJ finally realizes that she’s right. “Oh, you were actually about to make out? Well don’t stop on my account-”
“Shut up, PJ,” you say, rolling your eyes. She rolls her eyes back at you. “Whatever. Club’s over anyway.” She shrugs, but both you and Hazel frown. “PJ, that’s really short. What happened?” Hazel asks. PJ shrugs again. “We had like, two more fights after you guys left, but the mood was totally killed so it got boring. Plus, Brittany had to leave.”
You and Hazel shared a look. You were both friends with PJ, so you both knew she was only in it for Brittany. “Okay, well, I gotta go. Hazel, if you want a ride, me and Josie are leaving, like, now.” Hazel swung her legs off the bed, standing a little shakily.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask, reaching out to steady her as you all walk out of the nurse’s office. She opens her mouth but PJ interrupts. “She’s fine, chill. Come on, let’s go.” You all walk back to the gym to get your stuff, then you part ways.
Hazel smiles sheepishly at you before they leave. “Thanks for taking care of me. See you tomorrow.”
“See you,” you respond, and you can’t help the disappointment in your voice. You wish PJ hadn’t interrupted, seeing as you’d definitely be kissing Hazel right now if she hadn’t, instead of watching her leave. You would see her tomorrow, but who knew if you’d have a moment like that again?
There wasn’t anything you could do about it now, but as you walked to your car, you made a promise to pull Hazel aside after school tomorrow and kiss the life out of her.
That self-promise proved to be challenging, since you had to see her all day before you’d talk to her privately. Sitting in Mr. G’s class was torture since you were hyper aware of Hazel sitting behind you, just out of reach.
Finally when the end of the day arrived and the bell rang, you rushed to your locker to find Hazel. You found her leaning against her own locker, and she looked up when you approached, her face brightening. “Hi,” she breathed out, a smile taking over her face to mirror the one on yours.
Your brain nearly shut off at her smile, but you quickly shook it off. The plan you had formulated in your mind rearranged itself as she leaned against the locker. You came closer and closer, putting a hand on the lockers next to her head to support yourself as you leaned in, your lips inches from hers. “Hi gorgeous. Can I kiss you?” You didn’t care about the other people in the hallway. All that mattered was Hazel’s little nervous swallow and the nod she gave you. Immediately, your lips were on hers, slotting together as you kissed her sweetly. You felt her hand go up and touch your cheek, holding you in place as you continued to kiss her.
When you finally pulled away, you were both slightly out of breath, your lips and cheeks flushed. You smiled at each other.
“It’s fitting,” you say, smiling now. “What is?” she asks.
“We kind of just corrected what happened here last time,” you laughed softly, leaning in for another kiss. Hazel smiled against your lips, kissing you back with passion. She pulled back to speak, her lips brushing against yours. “You want to get out of here?”
You smiled. “Hell yeah.”
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pepsiconcoction · 10 months
Together - Bang Chan x Reader
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pairing: Bang Chan x F!Reader
tags: angst with hopeful/good ending, mentions of not eating, felix swears a LOT
req? nope! this was based off of a day dream lol
wc: 1,853
Chan hasn't left his studio in a while, time to send in the big guns.
“Hyung, I’m just saying, you should come get lunch with us, this can wait.” Jisung shuffles back and forth on his feet, glancing sideways at Changbin who has a sort of grimace on his face.
“I said no.” Chan doesn’t even bother looking up at them now and Jisung doesn’t remember the last time he received eye contact from the man sitting at the desk.
“When was the last time you took a break?” Changbin tries, gently. He watches Chan glance toward the clock. 
“Uh, three? Yeah…” Chan trails off. Jisung and Changbin let out a sigh in tandem, that was five hours ago.
For whatever reason, Chan has essentially locked himself in the 3RACHA studio for the past month. He hardly leaves, even to get food, let alone rest. The members have been trying their best to keep him alive by bringing him calorie-dense shakes and various takeout and snacks, although some of it goes untouched. No one knows how it got this bad, or even what caused his mindset to shift like this. He’s clearly not coping, but at the same time, no one can get through to him. Not even you, his girlfriend, his so-called soulmate.
Of course, you knew about the situation, you were one of the first to pick up on his behaviour: coming home later and later, skipping meals to spend more time working, and even working a lot more at home. You always encouraged Chan to leave it at the front door as much as possible, because believe it or not this isn’t the first time it's happened, but it’s never lasted this long.
Jisung and Changbin leave, unsuccessful for the fourth time this week. They’re getting worried, he’s lost some weight and to put it nicely, he looks like shit. They decide to call you.
You’re in the kitchen washing up when you see your phone light up, with a picture of Jisung filling the screen. You dab your fingers on a tea towel and, shove the phone in between your ear and shoulder.
“Hey Ji, what’s up?”
“Hey Y/N, are you busy?” You hear the slight concern lacing his voice, you think you already know what this is about.
“Not particularly, just tidying up.” You dry your hands properly and grab your phone.
“Good, uh, it’s about Chan.”
“Yeah, Changbin and I tried to get him out, he’s been here since yesterday.” Hearing that broke your heart a little.
“Want me to try?” you sigh doubtful that you’d get through to him either.
“Would you?” Jisung asks.
“Of course, I’ll be there in twenty,” you say. Ending the call with Jisung, you quickly gather your things to leave. Sure enough, you make it to the JYPE building no more than twenty minutes later, and you find Changbin and Jisung in the corridor leading to the 3racha studio. After some words of encouragement and a pat on the shoulder from Changbin, you knock and enter the studio.
Your heart twinges when you see him, it’s only been a few days since you saw him, but the time apart makes the difference more noticeable. He looks hollow and a little sunken in, with dark bags underneath lifeless eyes. You walk up to him silently, his back to you, and you reach out, putting your hands on his shoulders. 
Startling a little, he looks back at you, relaxing again when he realises it’s just you. He surprises you by taking his headphones off, although his gaze returns to the screens in front of him.
“Hi, baby,” you breathe out into his hair, kissing just above his forehead. 
It’s not much of a response.
“Chan, will you turn around and look at me?” 
To your surprise, he listens and spins around to you in his chair. He looks like Hell, but he’s still your Chan, all his soft features looking like they’ve been put through it. You crouch down to his level.
“You need to come home, baby.” You reach out and grab his hands to keep him from moving immediately.
“Why?” He squints.
“Chan, you know why.” When he doesn’t respond, you continue.
“You’re not okay, I haven’t seen you in almost a week. The boys are worried about you, I’m worried about you,” you say, gently.
“I’m fine,” he huffs.
“Baby, you know that’s not true. Chan, please, talk to me.” You squeeze his hands. Momentarily he glances down at your intertwined fingers, and you find yourself hoping for a second.
“I said I’m fine, you should leave, Y/N.” He lets go. Before he gets the chance to turn around, you grab the edges of his chair.
“No, Chan, we spoke about this. I can’t sit here and watch you do this to yourself.”
“Do what?” he huffs, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t know, whatever this is.” You gesture wildly into the space between you. He’s quiet for a few moments.
“So, what? What are you gonna do?” 
“I’ll leave,” you say, shakily.
“So leave then,” he spits at you, turning back to his desk.
“Chris, you don’t get it. I will leave.” you pause, staring into the back of his head as if you could scream directly into his mind.
“If I walk out of here, this is the last time you’ll see me.”
You watch as he pauses his typing, tensing in his seat.
“Fine, leave.” He turns his head to send you a glare.
“I don’t want to.” You strain, frustrated.
“You clearly do! Stop pretending you know what’s good for me! You have no idea what’s going on.” His voice is raising in volume now.
“Chan! Why are you acting like this?” You begin to feel tears gathering behind your eyes. 
“Just leave Y/N, get out.”
“You’re willing to lose me?” You choke back a sob. He doesn’t reply.
“Fine, I get it, I’ll leave you alone. I wish you the best Chan, I really do.”
The corridor of the JYP building is a blur after you leave the studio, Changbin and Jisung never left, so they catch you. You manage to get out enough words to get the point across and they both try their best to comfort you. Changbin offers to drive you home and you accept. The drive is quiet and he lets you cry it out.
All of a sudden the music on the radio pauses as Changbin’s phone begins to ring, his dashboard showing Felix’s name. Changbin looks over at you.
“Go ahead.” You faintly smile, your head resting on the plush leather.
“Hey, Felix.”
“Hey Hyung, where are you? You were meant to meet me at the dance studio twenty minutes ago.” You hear Felix’s deep voice resonate through the car speakers.
“Yeah, sorry about that, I’m giving Y/N a ride home. I forgot to text, my bad,” Changbin says.
“Y/N?” he asks.
“Hi, Felix,” you croak.
“Hey, what’s happened? Why isn’t Chan driving her?”
“Chan and I broke up, I think,” you say into the car.
“What the Hell? What happened?” Felix’s voice sounds just as confused as you feel.
“I’ll explain later, lix, I gotta go,” Changbin speaks up. They share a quick goodbye and he hangs up, just as you turn onto your street. 
“I’m sorry about everything, Y/N.” Changbin pulls up outside your apartment building. 
“It’s not your fault, Bin. I didn’t want this to happen, but I also can’t watch him slowly destroy himself, y’know?” Your tears have dried up for now. 
Changbin nods and you thank him for the ride, exiting the car and heading straight up to your apartment to collapse in bed. 
Felix sprints up the three flights of stairs and two corridors that separate him from the 3racha studio, where he knows Chan will be.
Not even bothering to knock, he throws open the door and stomps towards Chan, ripping the pair of headphones off his head. Chan startles but quickly regains some semblance of composure the second Felix speaks.
“Are you going to explain what the fuck has happened?” Felix sounds angry. Chan looks up.
“What are you on about?” Chan asks, attempting to brush off the thing he knows is coming.
“Don’t play fucking dumb with me. What did you do to Y/N?” 
“I didn’t do anything, she was the one who left me!” Chan’s voice beginning to raise in defense.
“Oh my god, Chan, get your head out of your ass. She loves you, she wouldn’t just leave.” Felix’s voice strains.
“Felix, you don’t know what’s going on.” Chan attempts to dismiss him.
“Fuck off, Chris. You know that’s bullshit. You need to listen to me.” Felix grabs him by each shoulder forcing him to look him in the eyes, blinking like a mouse caught in a trap.
“Chris, you’re right, I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but I do know something. You’re a complete and total idiot if you’re gonna let Y/N leave. She loves you and is worried about you, we all are. We all care about you so much, we just want to help, but we can’t if you won’t let us. I know you, so I know you will absolutely regret whatever the fuck it is that you’re doing. So, I need you to do me a favour, just one thing, please.” Felix pauses, taking a deep breath. He can see the cogs slowly beginning to turn in Chan’s head.
“Chris, you need to snap out of this and get the hell out of this studio. Right now.”
You awoke to the sound of frantic knocking at your front door. In a daze, you made it to the peephole. You’re surprised to see Felix, but you quickly unlock it and swing the door open.
“Felix? What are you doing here?” Your voice comes out hoarser than you had wanted.
“Give him Hell,” Felix says, before grabbing something to the right of him, his hand reappearing holding the disheveled body of your boyfriend. Chan stumbles into view and is ultimately pushed over the threshold of your apartment. Felix quickly takes off. Even more dazed than before, you close the front door and lock it, elongating the task as long as possible before you’d have to turn around and face him.
When you turn around, you’re caught in a trap. Staring into each other's eyes, both unmoving, silent. God knows how long it lasts but eventually Chan opens his mouth.
“So are you going to give me hell?”
You laugh.
You actually let out something that resembles a laugh, but partially also a sob.
“I want to, but I’m honestly too happy to see you out of that studio.”
He laughs.
You break, walking over to him, wrapping your arms around his middle. His arms wrap around your shoulders instinctively, and you breathe in the deep warmth of your boyfriend. The familiarity and comfort you feel in his embrace almost makes you laugh, for how could you ever leave this man so easily? Of course, you knew you had mostly been lying when you said it. With time, and the right communication, you’d get past it. Together.
taglist (lmk if you want added!) - @lethallyprotected @lieslab @jeyelleohe @lilykatelyn-blog @mimiibear @jisungfanpage47
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