#or as I say the babysitting shift please 😭
menlove · 5 months
having to wear the Hickey Hoodie Of Shame is horrible enough at this big age but the AC being out at work..... this is like textually legitimately homophobia
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girlofthesunxoxo · 2 months
porn star dancing | james wilson
synopsis: y/n is a neuro-oncologist in wilson’s department and whenever she gets out of work, she works at a strip club. tonight is masquerade night which works in her favor when she sees her boss and his friend.
note: i have no medical knowledge or dancing knowledge so im flying blind here 😭 so if anything seems a little off, its because of that LMAO. also y/n is in her mid to late twenties while james is in his mid to late thirties.
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y/n was just finishing up with a patient, making sure they were feeling fine after their surgery when she got a call from her friend, sheila. she excused herself from the room and went into a random hallway.
“oh hey, sheila ! whats up ?”
“hey, y/n ! im sorry to ask but can you take over my shift today ? my mom has come down with a really bad cold and i have to take care of her.” her apologetic tone evident in her voice.
“oooh um yeah im already finishing up here so i’ll be on my way over there in about thirty minutes !”
“oh my gosh, thank you thank you thank yoooou. i owe you big time !”
y/n lightly chuckled, “okay okay, ill call you later ! i need to talk to my boss really quickly.”
“okay bye !! also in case you forgot, tonight’s theme is masquerade.”
“yes yes, i remember the theme, i think i saw my costume there a few days ago. okay we’ll talk later, bye bye !”
she hung up before making her way towards her dr. wilson’s office. she knocked on the door and went inside after hearing a quiet, “come in.” she stood in front of his desk with her hands clasped in front of her, nervous about what she was about to ask.
“hello dr. l/n, what do you need ?” he asked with a polite smile on his face.
“hi dr. wilson, um i was wondering if i could leave a bit early today, i am already finished with our brain surgery patient and i think i have all my clinic hours done for this week !” she nervously rambled which james took notice to.
he quietly laughed and shook his head, “yes you can but if i may ask, what is the reason you need to leave early for ? you never leave early. are you feeling okay ?” his casual expression slightly changing to a more concerned look.
“oh no im feeling alright !” she knew she couldnt tell him the truth. how many people have gone to their very attractive boss and told them they couldnt work because they had to go to their second job which is a strip club. not a lot, she assumed.
“i just have to babysit m-my sister’s kids, shes not feeling the best !” her lie came out with little struggle.
“oh well i hope she is feeling better soon but yes you can go for the rest of the night.”
“okay thank you so much, dr. wilson !”
she quickly turned and walked out of the room with fast beating heart and blushed cheeks. there were times she hated how she had a slight crush on her boss. this was one of those times and it didnt help that his friend, dr. house was standing outside his door staring at her with a smirk. she tried to move past him but he put his cane in front of her stomach which stopped her movements.
“what do you need, dr. house ?” she tried to ask politely but she was in a little of a rush.
“yeah, why are you coming out of wilson’s office looking like you just finished riding him into oblivion ? oh im sure you would like that, right ?” his words made her blush as the thought of her on top of james has been a recurring dream of hers.
“u-um well im - im sorry, im in a r-rush to be-“ she was interrupted by the door opening and james’s annoyed voice filling her ears.
“house ! let her leave, please.” he rolled his eyes while shoving his cane away from y/n’s stomach. she smiled thankfully while rushing to the front doors to leave seeing as she had a few minutes before her shift started. as she was leaving, she heard dr. house’s fading words, “you know she has a-“ she didnt know what else he was going to say.
she drove to the club and quickly greeted all the other dancers while getting into her clothes which was black fishnets with very short red shorts that looked like underwear with little sparkly fringe that flowed every time she moved and a matching bra with the same fringe. (think of the girls from “but its better if you do” music video 😉).
she picked up some random black high heels that were covered in black glitter and she heard the crowd cheering as it was almost time for the dancers to come out .
she hurriedly did her makeup which was just more eyeliner and eyeshadow than she used for her day job.
sheila let her know on the drive that she was going to be in the spotlight which meant she could pick the song and be right in the center of the stage.
y/n was very anxious, she had only been in the center stage maybe two times despite being told by everyone that she was awesome but having that many eyes on her was very nervewrecking. that says a lot considering she literally works as a doctor and has to perform surgeries sometimes.
she picked the song “porn star dancing” considering she practiced at home days prior, just in case somebody needed her to take on their shift.
the microphone crackled before a loud voice came on, “lets give a biiiig round of applause for our dancers !” two girls gave y/n a “goodluck” before heading out to their poles which were on either side of the center pole.
“and let us let our main dancer for the night know how much we looove her, welcome to the stage, mrs. vibraaaant vixen !”
y/n quickly put on her red, glittering mask with tall feathers which only covered her eyes. she let out a big breath to calm her nerves and strutted out the curtain, the song she chose began playing in the background.
kelly wont kiss my friend kassandra
jessica wont play ball
y/n slowly strutted to the pole and grabbed it with one hand as she circled it making sure to sway her hips.
mandy wont share her friend, miranda
doesnt anybody live at all
amanda wont leave me empty handed
got her number from a bathroom stall
she squatted behind the pole before slowly getting up with her ass up first and slowly moving her body up. the cheers made her feel confident and her nervousness slowly went away.
brandy just got way too much baggage
and that shit just gets old (hey)
she rolled her hips in a circle while her hands wandered up her body then behind her neck to flip her hair to the side.
but i got a girl who can put on a show
the dollar decides how far you can go with her
she wraps those hands around that pole
her movements followed the lyrics as she wrapped her hands around the pole then crouched down while rolling her hips to every beat.
she licks those lips and off we go
she takes it off nice and slow cause thats porn star dancing (hey)
she slowly pick herself up with the pole and pushing her chest flush against it before she circled it and stopped right in front of it, giving the audience a full view of her ass. she turned around and started looking at the crowd while she circled her hips.
she dont play nice, she makes me beg
and she drops that dress around her legs
and im sitting right by the stage for this porn star dancing
as she looked over the crowd of men and the occasional woman, she spotted one familiar face and her heart almost stopped. it was her boss, dr. james wilson. at her strip club. with dr. house who was grinning as if he won the lottery. they were both cheering before dr. house muttered something in james’s ear before he turned wide eyed towards her on the pole.
she quickly circled the pole and stopped behind it keeping her head down slightly, her hands roaming her body and rolling her hips as she turned around, her ass on display as she crouched while rolling her hips. she felt mortified knowing her boss was more than likely watching her ass.
your body’s lighting up the room
now i want a naughty girl like you
theres nothing hotter than that
she turned around on her knees and flipped her hair to the side, her eyes catching james’s eyes. he mouthed “y/n ?!” she averted her eyes as she got up, ass first.
stacy’s gonna save herself for marriage but thats just not my style
shes got a pair thats nice to stare at
but i want girls gone wild (hey)
groping her boobs (😭) at that one lyric, she felt her body go hot, the thought finally registered that her boss/little crush was seeing her half naked body while she should be helping people. shame gnawed at her as she kept her head slightly down.
but i know a place where theres always a show
the dollar decides how far you can go with her
she wraps those hands around that pole
she picked herself up onto the pole and swung herself around it a few times. the cheers got even louder and people tossed some dollars on the stage.
she licks those lips and off we go
she takes it off nice and slow cause thats porn star dancing (hey)
she dont play nice, she makes me beg
she drops that dress around her legs
the pole and the swinging was making her muscles ache but she kept on going. her back flushed against the front of the pole, she picked herself up until her legs wrapped around the pole and her upper body was spinning around. she took her hands off the pole, waved and blew kisses at the crowd which caused them to cheer harder.
she could see james clapping with his mouth open and smiling while house was cheering louder than anybody there, she smiled at the sight.
and im sitting right by the stage for this porn star dancing (hey)
your body’s lighting up the room
i want a naughty girl like you
lets throw a party just for two
you know those normal girls wont do
as she slowly descended down the pole, she put her hands on the floor and unwrapped her legs from it so she can kick her legs away and landed upright like a half cartwheel.
the part of the song where no lyrics are on is her favorite because she can do some random dance on the pole and the crowd will go wild. she swings herself on the pole, holding it with her ankles before climbing and wrapping her inner leg/knee around the pole while her other leg is standing on the pole. still spinning, she straightens her leg so it is poking outwards.
then she bends both legs, one on the outside of the pole and one inside holding her and takes her hands off to let go of the pole so she can clasp them behind her while spinning so shes spinning sideways.
she can hear people cheering and whooping and some just plain yelling.
she wraps those hands around that pole
she licks those lips and off we go
and she takes it off nice and slow
cause thats porn star dancing (hey)
as the spinning slows down, she grabbed the pole and unwrapped her legs while positioning herself upright again. now that shes upright, she tries to gauge everyone’s reactions, some of the dancers not performing were clapping and yelling as were a lot of the men. some had their mouths slightly open and others were just cheering.
but only one had her interested, james had a full blush on his cheeks and he stood there in disbelief while house tapped his shoulder to telling him that shes looking at him. he waves and she let one hand let go to wave back.
she dont play nice, she makes me beg
she drops that dress around her legs
and im sitting right by the stage
for this porn star dancing (hey)
she hopped down from the pole and rolled her hips like she did when the song first started. she was completely out of breath while her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. her muscles ached when she walked back towards the curtain but not before turning around and looking james straight in the eye and blew a kiss while the crowd started cheering and whooping.
she passed the curtains and let out a deep breath. her whole body ached and she knew she would be a little sore the next day but it was worth it. seeing everybody’s expressions, especially james’s expression made the whole thing worth it.
all the girls came up to her and hugged her while telling her how much they loved the dance and how beautiful she did. all the compliments made her blush as she changed into her regular clothes which just consisted of jeans and a black long sleeve.
y/n made her way out the dressing room and managed to avoid seeing her boss and house. she still felt shame and embarrassment that her own boss, the person who signs her paychecks, saw her half naked body sensually dancing on a pole. she’s had nightmares about that. she was already half way out the front door before a cane stopped her from walking.
she only closed her eyes and sighed, “what do you need, dr. house ?”
“woah how did you know that was me ?!” his childlike glee was a little annoying to y/n, any other day she wouldve indulged in his jokes but her entire body ached and she just wanted to sleep.
“hm i dont know, maybe the fact that i saw you earli-“
he interrupted, “while you were sexy dancing and getting all the guys turned on, i swear i saw all of them with tents in their pants !” he rolled his eyes and lets out a little grunt, “ugh men.”
she sarcastically smiled, “ugh men indeed, including the one that is wasting my precious time right now.”
“what, are you taking one of those greasy little guys home ? you know im sure you’ll have a lot more fun with me.” his smirk is enough to tell her that he’s joking and he reached out to touch her arm before the front door creaked open and another hand gripped his wrist.
“house.” wilson’s slightly irritated voice cuts in.
house let out a big gasp before whipping his head around to face her, “daddy caught us ! i wonder how he’s going to punish us.”
y/n didnt let her eyes travel to james, still embarrassed by what he saw. she chuckled at house’s words before she stood on her tippy toes and leaned close to house’s face, “hm i dont think i’ll have fun with you, i actually like it when a man is below me and you seem like the type that cant handle that.” she leaned back down and pushed his cane away from her, walking back to her car while hearing james’s laugh.
she waved her hand and said, “goodnight guys, hope to see you here another day !” she heard house say “i hope so too !” she shook her head and laughed.
“wait, y/n !” james shouted while jogging towards her.
oh god, this is where she gets fired or he suspends her. she braced herself for bad news and turned to face her boss.
james had a wide smile, “y/n, you were incredible !”
she blushed and looked at her feet which were starting to hurt from standing and dancing all day.
“thank you, dr. wilson.”
“james, call me james.”
“okay well thank you, james !” she said softly.
he still had a soft smile on his face, “why didnt you tell me you worked here ?”
“i thought it wasnt appropriate, imagine telling your boss that you work at a strip club. how embarrassing ! i mean, im embarrassed right now !” she laughed.
he laughed with her, “i guess that’s true but i wouldve preferred that over finding out from house and losing twenty bucks.”
“you lost twenty bucks to house ?”
“he said that you worked at a club and i didnt believe him so we bet on it. imagine my surprise when i see my prettiest employee dancing on stage.” he rolled his eyes as he glanced at y/n, noticing her biting her lip to contain a smile and her blushed cheeks.
“well i guess i owe you twenty bucks, huh ?” she teased. his eyes creased as he chuckled and rubbed a hand over his face.
“well i wouldnt object.”
“okay how about i get us both muffins in the morning ! my treat, obviously.” she mused while tapping a finger to her chin in thought.
he grinned at her as they stopped in front of her car, “i would love that.”
“i would love to continue this conversation but i need to sleep because my body is killing me.” she tiredly groaned. he lightly smiled and waited for her to get into her car before saying goodnight and walking back to the strip club.
“also !” she yelled from her car window.
he turned around.
“tell house that i meant what i said. him and his leg wont be able to handle me on top.” she winked and rolled up her window, finally making her way home.
his eyes twinkled as he laughed, “i will keep that in mind.” he muttered with a flushed face.
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of-dragonss · 2 years
Ive had a really bad day 😭 dew fluff?
here you go lovely! i’ll be combining this request with this one if you don’t mind !
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☜ àŒšâ€ƒ àŒ”â€ƒÛ°â€ƒâœ§â€ƒÛ°â€ƒ àŒ”â€ƒàŒš àŒ”â€ƒÛ°â€ƒâœ§â€ƒÛ°â€ƒ àŒ”â€ƒ
— dewdrop x reader (gender unspecified)
summary: dewdrop surprises you during a ritual
Loving you.
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☜ àŒšâ€ƒ àŒ”â€ƒÛ°â€ƒâœ§â€ƒÛ°â€ƒ àŒ”â€ƒàŒš àŒ”â€ƒÛ°â€ƒâœ§â€ƒÛ°â€ƒ àŒ”â€ƒïżŒ
Being a stage technician for the band had its perks. For one you got to travel the world, albeit be brief moments in beautiful cities. Spending time outside the Abbey was good for you. No longer in that stuffy uniform you wore around, instead in an all black casual outfit just like the rest of the technician crew. It was nice walking around in jeans and a nice button up for a change.
But the biggest perk was getting to spend time with your boyfriend, Dewdrop, before and after rituals. You loved watching him perform from the sidelines. Always in awe of his talent with his guitar. Having the fans craving his attention as he got close to the edge of the stage to throw one of the picks he carried during performances. Maybe a little too close for your liking. You’ve seen the members take a few tumbles during your time as a stage tech, and you know one of these days he’ll take a fall right in front of the pit.
“All I’m saying Dew is one of these days you’re gonna fall face first in front of the fans. Remember when Swiss fell off his platform earlier this tour? Watch your footing, please.” You teased lovingly, swinging your legs as you sat on the stage, watching Dewdrop adjust his guitar next to you, resting his forearm on the floor of the stage. You can practically see him rolling his eyes behind the goggles of his mask.
“I’m always careful.” He shot back at you, sticking his tongue out at you childishly. “Besides you’re always watching out for me. If I fall, I know I’ll be in good hands.” He set his guitar down gently where he was leaning from the stage to stand in between your legs. Snaking his arms around your waist to pull you closer, careful not to let you slip. “You’re always looking out for me.”
“Because its my job, doofus.” Your arms wrapped around his neck, smiling up at him. “Well, no, I take that back. It isn’t my job to babysit you and the rest, any injuries you get is not my fault. I’m only in charge of making sure sound and lighting are okay. So if you fall it’s every man for themselves.” Dew scoffed as he pushed you away gently, taking a few steps back.
Before he could say anything else, Copia called everyone to their places for their last practice round before fans started lining up outside the venue doors. Dewdop quickly kissed your cheek before the two of you ran off to make sure everything was working smoothly for the north american tours last ritual.
And everything has run smoothly so far. The ghouls and Copia didn’t fall on stage, the fans were screaming lyrics at the top of their lungs, the lights were working properly, sounds weren’t deafening or cutting off, pyrotechnics worked great, and everyone in the building was content and happy. You and the other stage techs were quietly jamming along to the songs in the sidelines, content with another successful ritual. Sister Imperator will be pleased to hear about.
The familiar tune of Cirice traveled through the air, and the crowd screamed in excitement. The pit was bustling with the anticipation of who Papa would choose to sing to today, fans hoping to get a chance to get Circied. An occasion people could only dream of. Instead of walking to the front of the stage, Papa walked over to the sidelines, where you were standing. Dew walked over to the front, eyes shifting focus to him.
Papa stuck out his hand to you, confusion written on your face as you hesitantly took it. Following him to where Dew stood, who was now looking at you. Copia directed you gently to keep walking to him as he sang, eyebrows furrowed and heart beating wildly in your chest as you stood next to Dewdrop, hands held close to your chest to keep them from shaking. While you did run around after the opening acts finish their sets to prepare for Ghost, this was entirely different experience on stage in front of thousands of people.
This was definitely not part of the show. Dewdrop stepped closer, resting his mask gently against your forehead. Then it suddenly clicked in your head. You were being Ciriced. Not by Copia, who was standing a few feet behind close by, gesturing over to the two of you as he sang. You were being Ciriced by Dewdrop. Who you knew was looking directly into your eyes as you stood there confused. But nonetheless you smiled lovingly at him. Closing your eyes and leaning into him a little, careful not to get to close to his guitar.
The crowd seemed to not mind as some turned on their flash from their phones to gently sway in the crowd as the song continued, Aether and Rain standing at the far ends of the stage. Copia singing passionately into the microphone in his hands, unable to hide the smile on his lips as he watched his two friends in front of him.
It felt like it was just the two of you. No one else mattered at the moment. They didn’t exist to you as you focused on the pressure of the mask on your forehead and the body heat Dewdrop radiated off of him. Opening you eyes as the song came to a close by the sudden cold when Dew pulled away you tilted you head at him as the last cords played in the speakers.
Dew drop kneeled in front of you, hands reaching to pull out a box. Your eyes widened as the crowd cheered loudly watching Dewdrop open the little black velvet box. Your hand flew to cover your mouth at the sight of an engagement ring neatly placed in the center.
“Will you marry me?” It was hard to catch as the crowd was cheering at the two of you, but you heard Dewdrop loud and clear. Words didn’t come to you. Choked up with so much love for the ghoul in front of you, you could only nod your head rapidly. As the fans screamed once more, Dewdrop gently slipped the ring on your finger, standing up to engulf you in a hug.
“Give it up to the happy couple!” Copia instructed, clapping his hands together. The rest of the ghouls cheered as well, Aether and Swiss clapping wildly and cheering. The ghoulettes squealed in excitement for the two of you.
Soon everything died down and you were escorted back off the stage, right before Dewdrop kissed your cheek one last time to play the last few songs for the night.
When the last of the fans left the building, Dewdrop ran to over to you backstage where you were patiently waiting, engulfing you in a tight hug, spinning you around.
“I convinced Papa to let me propose to you tonight. I wanted to surprise you, Y/n. I love you so much. You mean the world to me.” He ripped his helmet off his head and started peppering your face with kisses, his hands gently holding the sides of your face.
Giggling at the onslaught of kisses from your now fiancĂ©, you pulled away to stop his attack so you could kiss him properly. “I love you too, Dewdrop. I’m so happy.” Another long kiss before you two almost went crashing down by the sudden impact of Aether throwing himself to bring you both into a hug, which was followed by the rest of the ghouls circling you in, talking 100 miles per minute. Closing your eyes and resting your head on Dews chest, with a sigh you smiled wide. Happy to be with the people you loved most. And happy for what’s to come in the future.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
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Catching and Falling
Pairing: Satoru Gojo & Fem Reader (platonic)
Length: 2.7k words
Summary: Satoru Gojo is not quite sure how he feels about you, the child that took his beloved babysitter away from him. AKA the pomegranate ink prequel mini one shot nobody asked for, featuring Gojo and Y/N’s relationship before she joins Tokyo Jujutsu Tech.
Warnings: minor swearing, gen fic, makes more sense with knowledge of pomegranate ink but ig could technically be read without that
A/N: Something completely random based off of Gojo mentioning during the exchange event chapters that Mrs. L/N used to babysit him before Y/N was born!! I am VERY scared of writing Gojo so Gojo stans please be gentle about me mischaracterizing him horribly đŸ˜­đŸ™đŸ» I did my best
Satoru Gojo stood in the dimly lit hallway of the L/N manor and craned his neck, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible when peering through the open door. It was not the child that everyone was cooing over that he was trying to see; in fact, it was someone else entirely.
“Satoru! Did you want to hold the baby?” his mother said, noticing his curious gaze. His expression immediately dropped into a scowl as he was forcibly handed that thing.
“Where’s Mrs. L/N?” he grumbled, glaring at the baby in his arms, which gazed up at him with large, adoring eyes. It was a dainty and tiny creature, like a little dove, entirely unaware of the vitriol he held for it. He was tempted to throw it across the room, but it would not do for the almost-twelve-years-old heir of the Gojo name to toss around the child which might one day stand beside him as the head of its own clan.
“She’s resting,” his mother said. “It’s hard to be the mother to an infant, you know.”
“When can I see her again? I don’t like the other people who watch me. Mrs. L/N was nicer,” he said.
Mrs. L/N, the mother of this child — she had belonged to Satoru first, hadn’t she? She had told him that he was her favorite person in the whole entire world, allowed him to have extras of everything she made for him, turned on movies he wasn’t supposed to watch and ate popcorn as they made fun of the characters. She was only ever supposed to be his babysitter. So why’d she have to go and have a baby of her own?
“Likely not for a while,” his mother said. “She’ll be far too busy with this one.”
“That’s not fair,” Satoru said. “Tell her she has to spend time with me.”
“She is a L/N, not a Gojo,” his mother said. “It’s not our place to demand things of her. If you really want to see her in the future, you could marry this one.”
She pointed at the baby, which was still held securely in his arms. It was a good thing it was so secure, too, because his mother’s words almost made him drop it as he gagged.
“It’s a baby,” he said.
“A baby that will one day become a woman capable of using the Reverse Cursed Technique and maybe even healing entire armies with it,” his mother said with a shrug. “Allying our clan with the L/Ns would be a smart move, so I doubt your father would have anything to say about it, and then your precious Mrs. L/N would be your mother-in-law.”
“But it’s a baby,” he insisted. The baby shifted in his arms, blinking lazily at him, perhaps mesmerized by the bright blue of his irises.
“She will grow older,” his mother said.
“So will I,” Satoru said. “I don’t wanna marry it. That’s gross.”
“It is a she, and she has a name, by the way,” his mother said.
“What is it?” he said, though he didn’t really care. He just was getting that sense that his mother wanted him to ask and wouldn’t let him go until he did, so he jutted out his chin and waited for her to answer.
“Y/N,” she said.
Satoru’s eyes widened. There was only one person who could’ve chosen that name: Mrs. L/N herself, who had been enamored with the story of the Heian sorcerer Y/N, the woman that had died sealing Sukuna before being revived by her husband, one of the healers of the L/N clan.
Abruptly, he handed the baby back to his mother. If it was true that Mrs. L/N really loved the thing more than she loved him, then he wanted nothing to do with it at all.
“Gojo!” the toddler shouted, chasing after him — well, chasing was being generous, he was walking at a medium pace while she wobbled desperately to keep up — and reaching out her chubby little arms in his direction.
“Leave me alone!” he said. Technically, as the now-head of the Gojo clan, he should be attending the meeting with the rest of the higher ups, but he had been told in no uncertain terms that he was a child and ought to play outside with the rest of the children. When he argued that he was a teenager, they laughed and said that that was actually worse before slamming the door on his face and locking it to ensure that he could not get inside.
With a sigh, he deactivated his Infinity and crouched, wondering if they’d find him mature for entertaining the little girl. She began to babble in delight, fingers opening and closing when she reached him, tugging on his clothes, his hair, and his ears. He scowled but did nothing more, finding it to be too much effort to tell her to stop. What an irritant. How did the poor Mrs. L/N deal with having such an insufferable being at her side constantly? He was sure that she regretted it all now.
“Gojo,” she said again. That was the one thing she seemed able to say with confidence, and he patted her on the head for it.
“That’s right, Gojo. That’s me,” he said, pointing towards himself before pointing towards the locked door where the higher ups were having their meeting without him. “And the people in there? They’re assholes. Can you repeat after me? Ass-holes.”
“Ass-holes,” she parroted.
“Oh, shit,” he said as he realized he had just taught Y/N how to swear. Now he would never be allowed into a meeting of the higher ups.
“Shi — shit?” she said, stumbling over the foreign word and tilting her head at him as if seeking out his approval. His already pale face went even whiter, and he began to make the cut-it-out motion.
“Nope, no, stop saying those things! Stop it! What would Mrs. L/N do if she heard you?” he said with a groan. To make matters worse, the door squealed open, and the higher ups filed out, still chatting amongst themselves about whatever had happened during the meeting.
“Ah, Satoru, thank you for watching Y/N, you really didn’t have to do that!” Mr. L/N said, swooping his daughter up into his arms. “I hope she wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“Um, no, she was fine,” Satoru said faintly, his head spinning as he realized this might actually be the end for him. Every single important person in jujutsu society was gathered there, and though he didn’t necessarily care about their opinions of him, they had the capabilities to make his life incredibly difficult if he made them upset.
“Papa,” the toddler said proudly. “Ass-holes!”
The room grew deathly silent. Mr. L/N’s jaw dropped, and he narrowed his eyes at Y/N, who was entirely unaffected by the tense atmosphere, giggling to herself about whatever it was that dumb little kids found amusing.
“Darling, who taught you that word?” Mr. L/N said.
Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t —
He decided then and there that he would never have children.
Satoru hated the stupid parties that he was forced to attend under the guise of being a good clan head. He usually tried to slip away as soon as he had finished eating, but today was different; namely, that annoying thing was following him once again.
“Gojo, your glasses are so cool,” she said. “Can I see them? Huh, can I? Please please please can I try wearing them?”
“How about you please please please try bothering someone else?” he snapped. “The twins are your age, and Noritoshi Kamo isn’t that much older. Play with them!”
“But my father said I’m not to associate with the Zenin twins in case their uselessness rubs off on me, and Noritoshi Kamo is too busy to play with me, so I can’t! Also, my mother said that you were really super duper nice and cool, so that’s why I’m following you around,” Y/N said. He froze at the mention of Mrs. L/N, whose face was the first he thought of when someone asked him about his mother.
“Fine,” he said, taking off his glasses and placing them on her face, ignoring the stabbing pain in his head as his Six Eyes were exposed to the harshness of the world. “There.”
“Do I look nice? Do I look like you?” she said. “I can’t see anything, so you have to tell me.”
“You look —” He was going to say stupid, but it would be a little uncharitable for him to call her that to her face. “Not as cool as I do.”
That got the job done. And it was true, to boot; there was just no way that he looked quite as ridiculous as she did with them on, the black lenses too large, dominating her face and giving her an owlish appearance.
“Nuh-uh, I bet I look even cooler!” she whined.
“Impossible,” Satoru said with a snort. “No one’s as cool as me.”
“Y/N! Come say hello to Noritoshi, won’t you?”
“Oh, it sounds like my father is calling me. Can you help?” she said, feeling around blindly for the door. He watched in amusement before bending over and plucking the glasses from her face, putting them back on and smiling slightly at the relief they provided.
“Hey, wait, Y/N. Does your mother mention me a lot?” he said. Surely she must have. After all, he had been her favorite person growing up, so of course she regaled her daughter with tales of their time together.
“Nope! I don’t even think she knows who you are?” she said, voice ticking up in that way characteristic of children, as if everything they were saying was a question. Satoru tried to fathom this, a world where Mrs. L/N did not even recognize him. Mr. L/N never brought her to clan meetings or parties, so he had not seen her since Y/N had been born
had she forgotten about him entirely? In such a short time?
Y/N. It was definitely Y/N’s fault. Though it was petty, he stuck his tongue out at the girl’s disappearing back and hoped for something equally as horrible to happen to her.
A few days later, the news came out that Y/N L/N showed no aptitude for the Reverse Cursed Technique. The failure of the L/N clan, she was lambasted as an embarrassment akin to Ogi Zenin’s twin daughters Maki and Mai.
Satoru thought it must be his fault for cursing the girl. Every night, he’d feverishly whisper apologies to whatever deity he had accidentally contacted, telling them that it was alright, he didn’t care that much, it was fine that Mrs. L/N didn’t remember him as long as they gave Y/N the Reverse Cursed Technique back.
It was all for nothing, because of course it was not actually his doing; whether Y/N L/N could use her family’s Composition had been determined at her birth, and nothing he could do or think or say would change that. Still, Satoru stared at his hands and felt something like guilt whenever her small face crossed his mind.
Y/N L/N stopped coming to meetings and parties after that. They were trying to hide her away, he reasoned. It made sense. It was probably what he would’ve done, if that was his situation. They would try to make it like the girl and her mother had never existed, and then she’d be quietly married off to someone like Noritoshi Kamo in the hopes that she’d strengthen their bloodline enough to make her entire measly existence worth something.
He found he missed her. She had been a pain, but she had reminded him of her mother in some way. And
and she was definitely annoying, but it had been kind of nice, having someone look at him the way she did, all awed and genuine, with no ulterior motives behind it. She didn’t really care that he was the head of his clan or the holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless. She thought he was cool just because he was himself.
“Say, do you have any siblings?” Suguru said. It was an entirely random question, one Satoru thought he must’ve answered already, but then again, it wasn’t something that came up very often, so maybe that was why he was asking.
“Yeah, one,” Satoru said. “Little sister.”
“Really? I’m an only child,” Suguru said, a hint of jealousy entering his voice. “What’s she like?”
“Dunno,” Satoru said. “I haven’t seen her in years.”
Maybe there was something to be said for the fact that when everything went wrong, he did not wish for his mother to come back. It was Mrs. L/N’s face he pictured, her in her youth, when his parents would leave him at the L/N manor for days on end. That bright-eyed woman, the only one who had ever cared about him, the singular person who treated him like a child instead of a god — he cried and he cried and he wished she was there to wipe away his tears and tell him it wasn’t his fault, tell him it was alright that he couldn’t save everyone, tell him she did not blame him for any of it.
His own mother had never loved him, anyways. To her, he was not Satoru but Gojo, as he was to everyone else. He did not resent his power, but everything else that came with it was like a poisoned barb in his skin, so painful that occasionally, he wished he had been born a L/N instead.
Y/N L/N was to marry Noritoshi Kamo. He was not quite sure what the girl thought about it; to his knowledge, Noritoshi was kind and gentle and handsome, so there was no real reason for her to complain — besides the fact that she was being forced into it.
It seemed that that was enough. It was obvious to anyone with eyes (and Satoru had six of them, so imagine how obvious it was to him) that she was unhappy, and Noritoshi was no better. They were two children pretending to be in love for the sake of politics, and the sight was actually sickening. Especially because it was her, that girl he had known since her infancy, the one whose mother he loved like she was his own.
That was why he followed her out onto the balcony when she left after Naoya Zenin or some other such unimportant person made a crass comment about her relationship with her fiancĂ©. He wasn’t sure what, exactly, he could say to make it better, but he wanted to say something. To give her some kind of agency, to free her before the chains that bound her mother wrapped around her as well. Because he understood, now, that it had never been poor little Y/N’s fault that Mrs. L/N had had to stop seeing him — it had been the clans, the L/Ns as a unit, who had reduced the woman to nothing but Y/N’s mother, and Y/N to nothing but a failure, and Satoru to nothing but a tool with which they could exorcise curses. And after all, tools were not supposed to need love, and failures were not supposed to need freedom, and mothers were not supposed to need anything.
Fuck that.
She was about to jump, or maybe not. Maybe she was just enjoying the night air and the distant fragrance of the nearby gardens and the stars hanging in the sky. He wasn’t sure, but his heart leapt in his throat at the thought of this girl, this Y/N L/N, dying. He did not want that. He did not want it to happen in that way.
“I won’t catch you if you fall, you know,” he said casually, conversationally, as easily as if he was talking about the weather. That was because it was a lie.
He definitely would.
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babygirl-garcia · 9 months
A request from @jenny-from-the-bau for Jenelope, and boy is this fluff sweet 😭
I have no name for this as of right now, but the doc is called
Historians Will Say They Were Besties
There were lots of things Penelope Garcia was good at: baking, babysitting, cat-sitting, hacking. But if you asked anyone at the BAU, or anyone who had known Penelope her whole life, they would tell you that throwing a killer party would rank very high on that list.
Which was precisely how she, JJ, and Emily had ended up curled up on Penelope’s couch after her birthday extravaganza, Emily sat on the far right, legs over JJ’s, who herself was nuzzled into Garcia’s side. Each of them had a tub of ice cream in hand, and they were currently halfway through an episode of Drag Race.
A shift in Penelope pulled JJ’s focus from the tv to the blonde to her left, and she peered up at her. She watched silently as Garcia scooped a bit of ice cream from the tub, slipping the spoon into her mouth upside down so that the dessert fell flush against her tongue. She pulled the spoon away, observing it, before it met her tongue again, and JJ felt a lump form in her throat as Garcia drug her tongue, flat, up the inside of the spoon slowly, licking it clean.
There were several things Jennifer Jareau was good at: Hand-to-hand combat, cooking, having impeccable music taste-
What Jennifer Jareau was not good at was hiding her feelings for Penelope Garcia.
And even worse, processing those feelings.
JJ scrunched her nose, trying to hide her slight displeasure when Penelope suggested-
“We should do each other’s makeup!” Her grin was so big and bright that it would put the sun to shame. She flipped off the television, sitting up so that she could face JJ and Emily fully.
“Ooh, that could be fun!” Emily interjected before JJ could protest, and the blonde’s gaze flitted to the dark-haired woman, Emily herself fighting a smirk with a grin to match Penelope’s. “JJ can do mine, I’ll do Pen’s, and you can do JJ’s.”
JJ choked a bit, eyes widening. “I-”
“Yeah!” Penelope bounced in delight. “Please, Jaje? It’ll be fuuuun
JJ met Penelope’s gaze, bright hazel eyes pleading, and JJ’s heart skipped a beat as Penelople’s lower lip slipped under her teeth. She looked back to Emily, who offered an innocent shrug, not bothering now to hide the smirk that played at her lips. Closing her eyes, JJ took a deep breath. “Okay, sure.” The thought of Penelope that intimately close to her set her heart on fire, her nerves in shatters. But, hey- if you can’t beat fear, do it scared, right?
When JJ opened her eyes, Penelope’s face was full of more joy than she’d ever seen, and she all but dragged her guests to her room, throwing her closet open to retrieve a large box. “Okay, I have so many colors, and glitter and stamps-” She opened the box and presented it before JJ, beaming proudly, and JJ swallowed thickly at the array of items inside, but Penelope was so adorable and excited that she couldn’t bear breaking her heart and telling her no. “Pick your poison, gorgeous. We’re gonna make you even gorgeous
JJ chewed her lip nervously, and Emily laughed at Penelope’s phrasing. “I
 Garcy, I don’t know, I don’t
 usually wear any of this stuff
 you choose for me, huh?”
This seemed to please Penelope, and the woman wiggled in delight. “Ooh! Okay, with those breathtaking baby blues you’re working with
” Her face scrunched deep in thought as she dug through the box, her lips pursed, before, with a sound of triumph, she pulled a small pallet from it. “
we’ll stick with neutrals, browns and beiges, with a super chic wing, and some mascara for those lil blonde lashes.”
JJ laughed softly, shaking her head in amusement. “Oh, dear Picasso, my face is your canvas.” She teased, giving a soft yelp as Penelope pushed her back onto the bed.
“Oh, no, darling.” Penelope grinned devilishly. “I’m more of a Van Gogh, and you are my Starry Night.” JJ froze, heart practically leaping out of her chest as Penelope climbed on top of her, straddling her carefully. “And an artist needs to focus.” The world around JJ disappeared, and it was just her and Penelope as the other woman leaned in, face inches from JJ’s, tongue peeking out between glossed lips in focus. They remained like that until Penelope giggled softly. “JJ, you have to close your eyes, love.”
Shit. “O-oh-! Shit, you- you’re right, I
Penelope waved her comment away, swirling her brush around in a warm brown-colored shadow block. “Don’t apologize, Jaje, it’s your first time.” If JJ didn’t know any better, she’d swear a smirk flashed across Penelope’s before it disappeared just as quickly as it had made itself known. Rather awkwardly, JJ hesitated, trying to figure out what to do with her hands before deciding to rest them, fingers linked, on her own stomach. “Now- eyes closed!”
JJ did as asked, lids fluttering closed, and Penelope was even closer than she had been. So close, in fact, that JJ couldn’t tell if the heat she suddenly felt came from the woman on top of her, or from JJ’s own frazzled state. Either way, her heart raced hard in her chest, and part of her wondered if Penelope could feel it. She shivered as, without warning, Penelope tenderly blew a bit of air onto JJ’s face to get rid of the fallout.
“Right, open.” Came Penelope’s voice from above her, and when JJ followed instructions, her mouth grew dry as she realized Penelope was mere inches from her face, studying her work. “Beautiful.” Penelope said, voice soft, giving JJ’s nose a gentle boop with her pointer finger, earning a chuckle from the blonde beneath her. Penelope set back to work, and JJ opened and closed her eyes where appropriate. “Just about
” Penelope mused, before she frowned slightly. “Oops!” She flicked her tongue across the tip of her thumb, and JJ froze below her as she ran her slick thumb along JJ’s cheekbone, fixing a bit of eyeliner. “There
” She said softly. When she was through, however, Penelope didn’t withdraw her hand; instead, she opened her palm, resting it gently against JJ’s cheek, and her thumb stroked the skin there. “Perfect.” Penelope whispered, and JJ let out a shaky breath, leaning slightly into Penelope’s touch.
JJ’s eyes fluttered closed once more, chewing on her lower lip. After a moment, a soft laugh from Penelope urged her to inch an eye open. “What?” JJ asked curiously.
“Hmm?” Penelope hummed innocently. “Oh, nothing, I just thought, with you being a profiler and all, that it would be so fucking easy for you to realize how badly I want to kiss you right now-“
“So do it.” JJ’s mouth moved faster than her brain, but she didn’t care: the broad grin that stretched across Penelope’s face made it all worth it.
“I want you to say it. Consent is important, you know.” She teased, grin not wavering.
“For god’s sake, Penelope-” JJ started with a chuckle of amusement, and used her impressive core strength to lean up to close the distance between the pair of them, lips crashing against the analyst’s. Penelope’s free hand found its way to JJ’s other cheek, holding her close as humanly possible. Garcia tasted of peaches, lips softer than JJ could have ever imagined. Being this close to her, JJ could feel that Penelope’s heart was racing just as fast as her own. Still, neither of them made an effort to take the kiss anywhere hotter, both enjoying the moment as it was- soft and tender.
A soft chuckle from the corner of the room pulled them from each other, both women breathless, and Emily sipped at the glass of wine she’d helped herself to. “It’s about goddamn time.” She said with a grin. “I’m glad that I could be the one you both came to, but damn if keeping mutual pining a secret isn’t difficult-”
JJ fell back against the bed, flipping Emily off with one hand, throwing her other arm around Penelope’s neck so that she fell with her, and they were both enveloped in the other’s intoxicating kisses once more.
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maidstew · 3 months
i am SO sorry lily for being annoying in ur ask box once again but i genuinely cannot get over dad!panlo..
like especially single dad!panlo who's doing it all on his own and he has no idea what he's doing...
doing face paint and dressing up w his girl and watching frozen and moana and crying at the end
him being really good at styling her hair because he has his own curly hair routine
making food that turns out to be kind of awful so he ends up just buying her takeout (he eventually learns to cook because sheaf teaches him vigorously)
he'd be trying to resist the urge to say yes to everything she requests like if she says we should get ice cream and get another dog he's like "that's not even a bad idea"
crying his eyes out on her first day of nursery/preschool
knitting and making clothes for her with the help of bobbin who taught him..
sheaf who babysits her when panlo has a long shift at the clinic (hc that panlo is a vet in modern!au) and she's like "ugh ok wtv" but ends up really getting into it and if ANYTHING happens to her lovely niece she will throw hands
sheaf being known as "aunty she" (because paisley cant pronounce sheaf yet)
panlo would take her to his family's farm and she'd love all the goats and cows :((
they'd go to the beach together as a family ugh lily this idea has actually rotted my brain in the best way possible ilysm
i have also not stopped thinking about dad!panlo so i am so pleased that i’ve spread the dad!panlo agenda
STOPP panlo is absolutely the most patient person in the world and he’s just so good with his daughter 😭
he’d 100% be the dad wearing a tiara and sipping pretend tea at one of those little tables with the other stuffed animal guests
and he lets her paint his nails and of course she always chooses a very sparkly pink
omg he would love pixar movies 😭 imagine paisley patting his head to comfort him while he’s crying over bing bong or something (because he absolutely would cry over bing bong)
omg not only does he always do her hair but he always puts the cutest little accessories in her hair
i just KNOW sheaf is the one whose really keeping things together 😂 if it weren’t for her panlo & paisley would be having mcdonald’s every night and have like 50 puppies
sheaf rolling her eyes while panlo is crying and taking first day of kindergarten pics (she says she has to step away to grab something, but really she’s totally tearing up too)
sometimes when sheaf is babysitting they’ll go visit panlo at work and panlo lets her see some of the animals (she doesn’t get to go back for a while because she starts sobbing when panlo explains that the animals belong to other people and they can’t keep them)
and omg the mention of bobbin has me thinking of the other tributes meeting paisley- i just know reaper ash is putty in her little hands
thank you for sharing i just love this little concept 😭
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
why can I imagine Vali manipulating Dr. Strange in that new post where he's babysitting her like "if you don't take me to disneyland I'm telling Clea you're bullying me!" (dad Loki in the background proud of her) 😭
Young VĂĄli very smart and very cute and very spoiled by her parents and her teacher.
Thank you for the ask!
“The art of meditation is a powerful tool for a sorcerer,” Dr. Stephen Strange said. “It allows the sorcerer to calm their mind and connect to the mystical energy that surrounds them and feel the tides of it, both to understand the past, as well as— Váli, are you paying attention?”
VĂĄli was sitting across from him on the floor, her legs crossed, leaning on her hand like she was the most bored little girl in the world. Her eyes were filled with the fire of the Bifrost. Strange put a gentle hand on her shoulder and she came out of it.
“And where were we this time?” he asked.
“Nowhere,” she said.
He waited for her to give him the real answer.
“Disney World
” she muttered.
“We’re supposed to be learning how to meditate,” Strange said.
“I don’t wanna learn how to meditate,” she said. “I wanna go to Disney World.”
 “You understand how important this training is, yes?” Strange asked.
“You keep talking about the end of the world and stuff,” Váli said. “But that happened already, I learned about it in history class.”
Strange sighed.
“Yes, Ragnarök has passed,” he said. “But there are other worlds that have yet to end, and we’re trying to prevent that.”
“That seems like an Avenger thing,” Váli said. “Papa says I’m not old enough for that.”
“I’m aware,” Strange said.
“I don’t think he likes you,” Váli said.
“I’m aware of that too,” Strange said. “Can we continue?”
“Can we go to Disney World?” Váli said.
“No,” Strange said.
VĂĄli pouted.
“That’s not going to—”
She sniffed.
“Váli, we need to get back to work.”
She shifted to have her wolf ears and they drooped.
Strange pinched his nose.
“Will you promise to do at least an hour of the lesson?”
One of her ears perked up.
A few hours later, VĂĄli ran into the Great Hall with a lollipop the size of her face. She ran up to her brother and hugged him.
“Why are you sticky?” Nari asked.
“I got you this!” she said, handing him the lollipop. He noticed the very familiar cartoon icon on the plastic wrapping.
Strange followed VĂĄli in, looking annoyed.
“Might I speak with your father?” he asked.
Nari took VĂĄli back and sent Loki out. Loki noticed the candy on his way to speak to Strange.
“Again?” Loki asked. “I didn’t think you were this much of a pushover.”
“Please don’t tell Sigyn,” Strange said.
“I make no promises,” Loki said.
“How does she do it?” Strange asked.
Loki shrugged.
“She’s my daughter.”
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sarah-dipitous · 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 316
Nihilism/Damaged Goods
Huzzah!! It only took uninstalling, reinstalling, and then restarting Netflix and then my whole tv to get picture back on but I did it!! So an spn double header
Plot Description: as Sam and Castiel try to free Dean from Michael’s control, it falls on Jack to protect the bunker from a monster horde outside
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died. I’m guessing that this is happening in Dean’s mind as either a way to pacify him or convince him to be Michael’s vessel forever
Omg it took a second watch of the first five minutes to realize that Rocky’s Bar (the bar this Dean owns) is in the Rocky and Bullwinkle font
like moose and squirrel, like Crowley used to call them 😭 I miss Crowley
That was a really good distraction to get the angel cuffs on Michael
The reapers have SHIFTS to babysit the Winchesters now?? Amazing
Then how did they get back to the bunker?? If violet didn’t take them there
 the way Dean is living the same rainy day over and over in his mind. Please wake up from this groundhogs day
Jack’s faith in Dean is đŸ„ș
Damn. Michael is even more blood thirsty than Lucifer
Sam’s so desperate for whatever cab save Dean
I’m not going to make comments about why Dean’s mind seems empty
It’s really just super dark because of the trauma
Oh good. Dean’s

.oh no. Michael’s adjusting Dean’s memory to fit what Sam and Cas are saying , but not faster than Sam can make him remember
Not only is Michael cruel, he’s annoying. He’s stalling til his monster army gets to the bunker
Oh damn!! Since they can’t actually kick Michael out, they shoved him in the cooler of the fake bar in Dean’s mind and now Dean is The Cage. Ngl. It was kinda hot to hear him say that for some reason
Me to Megumi đŸ€ Cas to Jack: I’m not mad at you, I’m just trying to keep you safe, and you are making it SO. DIFFICULT.
Awwww it WAS Billie who got them out of the place Michael was at the beginning
Well, at least now I know that whatever fate is in Billie’s books can be changed because I know for a fact Dean doesn’t die the way her books tell it. It’s way, way stupider
Omg they’re really Avengers Infinity War/Endgame-ing this. All of the books say Dean dies with Michael escaping his mind and burning down the world
.except one. The one where he dies on a rusty nail for some reason
That said, I can’t believe Billie let him read AND KEEP THE ONE BOOK WHERE IT DOESNT HAPPEN?!
“Damaged Goods”
Plot Description: Dean decides to spend some time with his mother—until Nick shows up looking for a secret Mary stashed away for safekeeping
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: if Nick wanted to kill me, he just would
How does this demon not recognize Lucifer’s vessel
“We don’t hug. I mean, we do, but only if it’s the end of the world or something” truer words never spoken, Sammy
I’m so glad Dean has Donna to take him to go get the best burger
😭😭😭 I’m so proud of Dean for making his needs known and seeing that they are met, even if he’s not forthcoming about WHY he needs them
I MUST know what’s in the Winchester Surprise
When did they get Garth out of the trunk?
Yeah, I ALWAYS think “I should do some welding” when the archangel banging around in my brain starts making my vision go wonky
Nick, you can’t roll up to a small town in a creeper van asking for the friend of the sheriff

Nick better not actually hurt Donna
I hate that they’re probably right to worry about Dean, but I also don’t like that they’re going behind Dean’s back like this, ESPECIALLY Sam, who seems to be on his way to the cabin
Dean’s read the one way he won’t die with Michael taking over. I don’t know how the whole story goes or if they’re able to divert that to something else but
..let him have some time to process
Ok, we’re getting closer to whatever Dean’s really up to
So Nick is angry because Mary trapped the demon (instead of killing) who killed Nick’s family. I can’t believe he just asked her if she still had the box like she wasn’t dead for three decades
but she knows where the box is
I really hate Nick putting these women in danger.
The way the writers can’t come up with another way of describing an archangel possessing one of the boys other than “wearing me to the prom” it’s been like ten years, and they’re still going with that
Dean, you’re not talking about Nick when you mention people you think are past saving
or you’re not JUST talking about Nick
Nick, you dumb piece of shit, don’t you dare hurt Mary
Boys!! And Donna!! Thank god you showed up
You know it’s bad if Sam doesn’t think you’re worth saving
What was — oh. Oh no. Dean. Dean, you HAVE to realize Sam is not going to let you do this. He built some kind of box nothing can escape and is planning to pay some hush money for someone to drop said box (WITH HIM INSIDE) into the Pacific Ocean, so it’s just him and Michael duking it out in his brain FOREVER. Sam KNOWS what it’s like to be stuck with an arch angel or two. There is no way this happens
I can’t believe you were ever part of Team Free Will, the way you’re talking, Dean. I can’t believe you’re asking Sam to help you with this insane plan and I CANNOT BELIEVE HE AGREED
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sniixnn · 3 years
Bruno X reader babysitting Antonio together please <333 (Bruno and reader are dating :)
꒰ ➌ ❝ the jaguar doesn’t bite !! ❞ ꒱
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bruno x reader
warnings: nothing!
a/n :: THIS IS SO SWEET I LOVE THIS ASK SM ANON !! this was so much fun to write 🙏 😭 :: i have a few asks to get through, so if you are asking me if i got your request i probably did, i just have a few drafts i need to finish, sorry. tumblr has been eating some of my requests though i’m pretty sure, so don’t be afraid to ask me if i got yours.
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you and bruno had both agreed when felix asked you to take care of antonio. pepa seemed a bit hesitant, leaving her kid in the hands of someone else, bruno even more so. even after they reconciled their relationship did have rough patches. she didn’t say anything, though the small cloud above her head said enough.
antonio welcomed you into his room, and you couldn’t believe your eyes. sure, you had been in there for the ceremony, but you swear everytime you visit it just keeps on getting bigger. as you were admiring the scenery of the room, you began walking towards the large birch tree with antonio. bruno looked around with you before letting out a scream. you whipped your head back, and watched bruno race off in a hurry as a jaguar raced towards him with mighty speed.
‘he doesn’t bite!’ antonio exclaimed, grasping your hand and racing after bruno, who was racing with purpose and fast pace before his foot slipped beneath a root of the large tree, tumbling as he groaned. the jaguar had caught up to him now, and had resorted to licking him. kneeling beside him, you rubbed a thumb over his forehead, which was red with pressure and in the future going to become a rough bruise. antonio halted parce, which you learned to be the jaguars name. bruno groaned, sitting up. antonio blinked.
‘i told you he didn’t bite.’ he reminded, shifting away. bruno shook his head, saying it was fine, but you swore you could hear him muttering that ‘it’s a jaguar
’ under his breath.
once you had made your way to the tree, you sat bruno down and pulled out bandaids from the bag you insistently brought with you. (for antonio of course, but you didn’t want to embarrass bruno anymore). he protested as you stuck a bright pink bandaid on his leg, sighing. you drifted your attention to antonio, who seemed happy enough to play with his animals by the river.
‘are you alright?’ you soothed, running a hand through his hair. he blinked, rubbing his forehead slightly.
‘yeah, yeah i’m good..’ he reassured looking on as antonio played around with the capybaras. ‘.. should we..?’ he muttered flicking his eyes ever to antonio and back to you.
‘..oh!’ you laughed. ‘yeah, sorry.. i’m not good with this type of stuff.’ you listened as he hummed.
‘neither am i. we can do this together, right?’ he asked, eyes flicking to you as you grasped his hand. placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, you turned your attention once more to antonio. he looked at you, all of his animals pausing as he raised an eyebrow.
you let out a laugh as bruno turned into a flushed mess, trying to recover himself. ‘oh, i’ll show you gross!’ he exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips. antonio clapped his hands, and parce was ready to jump into action. bruno deflated, shrinking behind you. ‘you know what
? nevermind! we can just
 talk it out. yknow?’ he chuckled. you had to admit, time really did fly by when you had fun. you had been amused by antonio for so long that time had slipped by, only being altered of what time it was by antonio as he got fatigued, tugged you along as he asked you to tuck him into his comfortable bed.
he wasn’t the first to drop, though. bruno had forced himself to stay awake, rubbing his eyes like a tired child and eyes drooping the moment he wasn’t engaged in conversation. he had curled up on the bed next to antonio (because it was obvious to both of you that he needed to sleep). you were going to wake them up, you swear; but you just didn’t have the heart. seeing them curled up together comfortably was just a sight that you really didn’t want to end.
in the end, you gave up and leaned into bruno, delving into a land of dreams along with them. you just hoped that pepa and felix weren’t going to come back home anytime soon.
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