#ummm uhhh i tried posting on here for once???
m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
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Catching and Falling
Pairing: Satoru Gojo & Fem Reader (platonic)
Length: 2.7k words
Summary: Satoru Gojo is not quite sure how he feels about you, the child that took his beloved babysitter away from him. AKA the pomegranate ink prequel mini one shot nobody asked for, featuring Gojo and Y/N’s relationship before she joins Tokyo Jujutsu Tech.
Warnings: minor swearing, gen fic, makes more sense with knowledge of pomegranate ink but ig could technically be read without that
A/N: Something completely random based off of Gojo mentioning during the exchange event chapters that Mrs. L/N used to babysit him before Y/N was born!! I am VERY scared of writing Gojo so Gojo stans please be gentle about me mischaracterizing him horribly 😭🙏🏻 I did my best
Satoru Gojo stood in the dimly lit hallway of the L/N manor and craned his neck, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible when peering through the open door. It was not the child that everyone was cooing over that he was trying to see; in fact, it was someone else entirely.
“Satoru! Did you want to hold the baby?” his mother said, noticing his curious gaze. His expression immediately dropped into a scowl as he was forcibly handed that thing.
“Where’s Mrs. L/N?” he grumbled, glaring at the baby in his arms, which gazed up at him with large, adoring eyes. It was a dainty and tiny creature, like a little dove, entirely unaware of the vitriol he held for it. He was tempted to throw it across the room, but it would not do for the almost-twelve-years-old heir of the Gojo name to toss around the child which might one day stand beside him as the head of its own clan.
“She’s resting,” his mother said. “It’s hard to be the mother to an infant, you know.”
“When can I see her again? I don’t like the other people who watch me. Mrs. L/N was nicer,” he said.
Mrs. L/N, the mother of this child — she had belonged to Satoru first, hadn’t she? She had told him that he was her favorite person in the whole entire world, allowed him to have extras of everything she made for him, turned on movies he wasn’t supposed to watch and ate popcorn as they made fun of the characters. She was only ever supposed to be his babysitter. So why’d she have to go and have a baby of her own?
“Likely not for a while,” his mother said. “She’ll be far too busy with this one.”
“That’s not fair,” Satoru said. “Tell her she has to spend time with me.”
“She is a L/N, not a Gojo,” his mother said. “It’s not our place to demand things of her. If you really want to see her in the future, you could marry this one.”
She pointed at the baby, which was still held securely in his arms. It was a good thing it was so secure, too, because his mother’s words almost made him drop it as he gagged.
“It’s a baby,” he said.
“A baby that will one day become a woman capable of using the Reverse Cursed Technique and maybe even healing entire armies with it,” his mother said with a shrug. “Allying our clan with the L/Ns would be a smart move, so I doubt your father would have anything to say about it, and then your precious Mrs. L/N would be your mother-in-law.”
“But it’s a baby,” he insisted. The baby shifted in his arms, blinking lazily at him, perhaps mesmerized by the bright blue of his irises.
“She will grow older,” his mother said.
“So will I,” Satoru said. “I don’t wanna marry it. That’s gross.”
“It is a she, and she has a name, by the way,” his mother said.
“What is it?” he said, though he didn’t really care. He just was getting that sense that his mother wanted him to ask and wouldn’t let him go until he did, so he jutted out his chin and waited for her to answer.
“Y/N,” she said.
Satoru’s eyes widened. There was only one person who could’ve chosen that name: Mrs. L/N herself, who had been enamored with the story of the Heian sorcerer Y/N, the woman that had died sealing Sukuna before being revived by her husband, one of the healers of the L/N clan.
Abruptly, he handed the baby back to his mother. If it was true that Mrs. L/N really loved the thing more than she loved him, then he wanted nothing to do with it at all.
“Gojo!” the toddler shouted, chasing after him — well, chasing was being generous, he was walking at a medium pace while she wobbled desperately to keep up — and reaching out her chubby little arms in his direction.
“Leave me alone!” he said. Technically, as the now-head of the Gojo clan, he should be attending the meeting with the rest of the higher ups, but he had been told in no uncertain terms that he was a child and ought to play outside with the rest of the children. When he argued that he was a teenager, they laughed and said that that was actually worse before slamming the door on his face and locking it to ensure that he could not get inside.
With a sigh, he deactivated his Infinity and crouched, wondering if they’d find him mature for entertaining the little girl. She began to babble in delight, fingers opening and closing when she reached him, tugging on his clothes, his hair, and his ears. He scowled but did nothing more, finding it to be too much effort to tell her to stop. What an irritant. How did the poor Mrs. L/N deal with having such an insufferable being at her side constantly? He was sure that she regretted it all now.
“Gojo,” she said again. That was the one thing she seemed able to say with confidence, and he patted her on the head for it.
“That’s right, Gojo. That’s me,” he said, pointing towards himself before pointing towards the locked door where the higher ups were having their meeting without him. “And the people in there? They’re assholes. Can you repeat after me? Ass-holes.”
“Ass-holes,” she parroted.
“Oh, shit,” he said as he realized he had just taught Y/N how to swear. Now he would never be allowed into a meeting of the higher ups.
“Shi — shit?” she said, stumbling over the foreign word and tilting her head at him as if seeking out his approval. His already pale face went even whiter, and he began to make the cut-it-out motion.
“Nope, no, stop saying those things! Stop it! What would Mrs. L/N do if she heard you?” he said with a groan. To make matters worse, the door squealed open, and the higher ups filed out, still chatting amongst themselves about whatever had happened during the meeting.
“Ah, Satoru, thank you for watching Y/N, you really didn’t have to do that!” Mr. L/N said, swooping his daughter up into his arms. “I hope she wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“Um, no, she was fine,” Satoru said faintly, his head spinning as he realized this might actually be the end for him. Every single important person in jujutsu society was gathered there, and though he didn’t necessarily care about their opinions of him, they had the capabilities to make his life incredibly difficult if he made them upset.
“Papa,” the toddler said proudly. “Ass-holes!”
The room grew deathly silent. Mr. L/N’s jaw dropped, and he narrowed his eyes at Y/N, who was entirely unaffected by the tense atmosphere, giggling to herself about whatever it was that dumb little kids found amusing.
“Darling, who taught you that word?” Mr. L/N said.
Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t —
He decided then and there that he would never have children.
Satoru hated the stupid parties that he was forced to attend under the guise of being a good clan head. He usually tried to slip away as soon as he had finished eating, but today was different; namely, that annoying thing was following him once again.
“Gojo, your glasses are so cool,” she said. “Can I see them? Huh, can I? Please please please can I try wearing them?”
“How about you please please please try bothering someone else?” he snapped. “The twins are your age, and Noritoshi Kamo isn’t that much older. Play with them!”
“But my father said I’m not to associate with the Zenin twins in case their uselessness rubs off on me, and Noritoshi Kamo is too busy to play with me, so I can’t! Also, my mother said that you were really super duper nice and cool, so that’s why I’m following you around,” Y/N said. He froze at the mention of Mrs. L/N, whose face was the first he thought of when someone asked him about his mother.
“Fine,” he said, taking off his glasses and placing them on her face, ignoring the stabbing pain in his head as his Six Eyes were exposed to the harshness of the world. “There.”
“Do I look nice? Do I look like you?” she said. “I can’t see anything, so you have to tell me.”
“You look —” He was going to say stupid, but it would be a little uncharitable for him to call her that to her face. “Not as cool as I do.”
That got the job done. And it was true, to boot; there was just no way that he looked quite as ridiculous as she did with them on, the black lenses too large, dominating her face and giving her an owlish appearance.
“Nuh-uh, I bet I look even cooler!” she whined.
“Impossible,” Satoru said with a snort. “No one’s as cool as me.”
“Y/N! Come say hello to Noritoshi, won’t you?”
“Oh, it sounds like my father is calling me. Can you help?” she said, feeling around blindly for the door. He watched in amusement before bending over and plucking the glasses from her face, putting them back on and smiling slightly at the relief they provided.
“Hey, wait, Y/N. Does your mother mention me a lot?” he said. Surely she must have. After all, he had been her favorite person growing up, so of course she regaled her daughter with tales of their time together.
“Nope! I don’t even think she knows who you are?” she said, voice ticking up in that way characteristic of children, as if everything they were saying was a question. Satoru tried to fathom this, a world where Mrs. L/N did not even recognize him. Mr. L/N never brought her to clan meetings or parties, so he had not seen her since Y/N had been born…had she forgotten about him entirely? In such a short time?
Y/N. It was definitely Y/N’s fault. Though it was petty, he stuck his tongue out at the girl’s disappearing back and hoped for something equally as horrible to happen to her.
A few days later, the news came out that Y/N L/N showed no aptitude for the Reverse Cursed Technique. The failure of the L/N clan, she was lambasted as an embarrassment akin to Ogi Zenin’s twin daughters Maki and Mai.
Satoru thought it must be his fault for cursing the girl. Every night, he’d feverishly whisper apologies to whatever deity he had accidentally contacted, telling them that it was alright, he didn’t care that much, it was fine that Mrs. L/N didn’t remember him as long as they gave Y/N the Reverse Cursed Technique back.
It was all for nothing, because of course it was not actually his doing; whether Y/N L/N could use her family’s Composition had been determined at her birth, and nothing he could do or think or say would change that. Still, Satoru stared at his hands and felt something like guilt whenever her small face crossed his mind.
Y/N L/N stopped coming to meetings and parties after that. They were trying to hide her away, he reasoned. It made sense. It was probably what he would’ve done, if that was his situation. They would try to make it like the girl and her mother had never existed, and then she’d be quietly married off to someone like Noritoshi Kamo in the hopes that she’d strengthen their bloodline enough to make her entire measly existence worth something.
He found he missed her. She had been a pain, but she had reminded him of her mother in some way. And…and she was definitely annoying, but it had been kind of nice, having someone look at him the way she did, all awed and genuine, with no ulterior motives behind it. She didn’t really care that he was the head of his clan or the holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless. She thought he was cool just because he was himself.
“Say, do you have any siblings?” Suguru said. It was an entirely random question, one Satoru thought he must’ve answered already, but then again, it wasn’t something that came up very often, so maybe that was why he was asking.
“Yeah, one,” Satoru said. “Little sister.”
“Really? I’m an only child,” Suguru said, a hint of jealousy entering his voice. “What’s she like?”
“Dunno,” Satoru said. “I haven’t seen her in years.”
Maybe there was something to be said for the fact that when everything went wrong, he did not wish for his mother to come back. It was Mrs. L/N’s face he pictured, her in her youth, when his parents would leave him at the L/N manor for days on end. That bright-eyed woman, the only one who had ever cared about him, the singular person who treated him like a child instead of a god — he cried and he cried and he wished she was there to wipe away his tears and tell him it wasn’t his fault, tell him it was alright that he couldn’t save everyone, tell him she did not blame him for any of it.
His own mother had never loved him, anyways. To her, he was not Satoru but Gojo, as he was to everyone else. He did not resent his power, but everything else that came with it was like a poisoned barb in his skin, so painful that occasionally, he wished he had been born a L/N instead.
Y/N L/N was to marry Noritoshi Kamo. He was not quite sure what the girl thought about it; to his knowledge, Noritoshi was kind and gentle and handsome, so there was no real reason for her to complain — besides the fact that she was being forced into it.
It seemed that that was enough. It was obvious to anyone with eyes (and Satoru had six of them, so imagine how obvious it was to him) that she was unhappy, and Noritoshi was no better. They were two children pretending to be in love for the sake of politics, and the sight was actually sickening. Especially because it was her, that girl he had known since her infancy, the one whose mother he loved like she was his own.
That was why he followed her out onto the balcony when she left after Naoya Zenin or some other such unimportant person made a crass comment about her relationship with her fiancé. He wasn’t sure what, exactly, he could say to make it better, but he wanted to say something. To give her some kind of agency, to free her before the chains that bound her mother wrapped around her as well. Because he understood, now, that it had never been poor little Y/N’s fault that Mrs. L/N had had to stop seeing him — it had been the clans, the L/Ns as a unit, who had reduced the woman to nothing but Y/N’s mother, and Y/N to nothing but a failure, and Satoru to nothing but a tool with which they could exorcise curses. And after all, tools were not supposed to need love, and failures were not supposed to need freedom, and mothers were not supposed to need anything.
Fuck that.
She was about to jump, or maybe not. Maybe she was just enjoying the night air and the distant fragrance of the nearby gardens and the stars hanging in the sky. He wasn’t sure, but his heart leapt in his throat at the thought of this girl, this Y/N L/N, dying. He did not want that. He did not want it to happen in that way.
“I won’t catch you if you fall, you know,” he said casually, conversationally, as easily as if he was talking about the weather. That was because it was a lie.
He definitely would.
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the-fiction-witch · 28 days
Bracken Bunny P4
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Davos Blackwood Couple - Davos X Reader Reader - (OC) Lady Y/n Bracken Rating - 18 + nudity / swearing / bj / forced bj/ forced orgasm/ pinm/ seed / forced swallow/ Word Count - 770
Requested -
Anonymous asked: Part 4 of Bracken bunny please 😫😫
Anonymous asked: I know you just posted pt 3 of bracken bunny and I don’t mean to be that person, but I need pt 4 now or else I’m gonna tear the roof off my enclosure. Thanks. love you. bye.
bowerstrash asked: Liafiction here! Thank you, ''Bracken Bunny'' lives on my head rent free now! <3
Anonymous asked: Can we have part 4 of Bracken Bunny?
thornsandtulips I love this sm!! Can’t wait for part 4🖤
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"Fuck you." I bit back between my gasps,
"No, no. Nicely my little bunny." He demanded as he grabbed my hair forcing me forward, to kneel on the bed with my stomach against the sheets,
I screamed as I had no choice but to let my head meet his hip,
"Now, come on my little bracken bunny, open your mouth and suck."
"Or what?" I snapped back,
"Or I fist your hair and fuck that pretty mouth, your choice."
I clench my teeth tightly, feeling the pressure, but I realize I have no other option. I muster the strength to remove his hand from my hair and adjust my position to find a more comfortable stance. As I shoot a fierce glare up at him, he responds with a sly and malicious smirk that sends chills down my spine. I move closer and began to pepper tiny kisses against his hard throbbing shaft,
"Ummm ohh yeah- that's a good little bunny," He growled, "come on now, suck."
I sighed but began to slowly lap my tongue against his head, running circles around him and licking all over his shaft listening to his groans and moans above me,
"Ummm humm humm..." He smirked, "Very good, but I said suck." he demanded,
I grit my teeth but I sigh and opened my mouth before I could even take him into my mouth he grabbed my chin,
"Such a pretty mouth," He growled, "You bite." He warns, "I will fuck you with my sword until you break in two you understand me?"
"Yes, what?" He demanded,
"Yes, Davos."
"Good little bunny, go on," he smirked,
I did as he demanded and took him into my mouth, only halfway down his shaft, I slowly sucked and licked resisting the urge to gag, he smelt like sweat and tasted of salt, dirt and old honey mead,
Davos moaned and groaned above me, grabbing my shoulder to keep me close, "Ohhh fuck! Little bunny... harder! Harder..."
I slowly sucked harder moving my head back and forth as little as I could get away with,
Davos grabbed my hair and began to move his hips, bucking his hips into my mouth,
I desperately tried not to gag as he pushed harder and faster almost fucking my mouth aggressively,
"Ohh yeah, my little bunny." He groaned,
I did my best to suck and lick in time but mostly just allowed him to fuck my mouth as trying to take control wasn't an option, I sucked and licked but he demanded more, his pace almost inhuman as he forced me to pleasure him,
"Uhhh ohh yeah- fuck-" He groaned as his hips buck up hard into my mouth, before his cock shuddered and jolted in my mouth, sending spurts of his salty seed onto my tongue,
I almost gagged at the taste and tried to pull away,
But he held my hair filling my mouth until his seed slipped from my lips and dripped down my chin,
It was disgusting, utterly revolting but he wouldn't let me go,
"Ughhh ughhh- Fuck yes! Yes... take it all... all of it." He growled down at me, "Such a good little bunny," he smirked smugly, "Swallow."
I shook my head as much as I could and muttered a sound of protest, almost gaging as it made its way lower and lower in my mouth,
"Swallow little bunny," He demanded, "Swallow it. Let my seed slide down your pretty throat."
I used all my strength to push back against his grip pulling his cock from my lips,
But he grabbed my hair once more and held his hand over my lips before I could spit it out, "Swallow it. Now." he demanded,
I began to gag and choke up on his slimy seed, I shook my head and screamed out in protest,
"Don't you dare spit it out," He growled in my ear holding his hand tight against my lips and nose, "You think I won't let you choke. You really think I wouldn't get a sick delicious joy out of sending you to Stonehedge, dead by choking on my seed."
I desperately tried to spit it out as I began to retch from the feeling of it slipping down my throat,
"Swallow it!" He demanded,
I knew I had no choice, I squeezed my eyes tight and swallowed until my mouth was clear, until every taste of him was gone, and only then he released me from his grip,
"Better. But I shouldn't have had to ask so much," He smirked, wiping my chin, "My little bunny needs reminding to do as I say. Bend over. Now."
"No." I choked out,
"No?" He smirked, "You just don't learn do you," He growled...
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Here's the prologue for my TKB 2nd chance fic! No title atm, but that's why it's posting here and not AO3 (because people voted for this option lol)
Rating: Uhhh...I guess Teen and up atm?
Warnings: ... *shrugs* TKB has issues? Honestly nothing major comes to mind atm, but I will be sure to mention any that happen to appear.
Summary: Ummm...TKB gets a second chance at life?
Wordcount: Hey, a question I can answer! It's 1405!
Throwing below a cut so it doesn't hog up people's dash. Notes at end for a few words that people might not be familiar with.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Silver-white stood as a stark contrast against the murky darkness, slowly making its way towards its brightly-lit destination. Those patrolling seemed unaware of the presence that intended to invade the sanctity of the holy barque. It rose from the darkness, crawling along the shadows of the stern, peeking its ash-violet gaze over the edge before melding into the shadows onboard.
A dark, humanoid feline sprawled itself lazily across a nearby chaise lounge, slightly stretching her dark, iridescent wings.
“You won’t make it,” she quietly teased towards the figure hidden behind her.
“I will if you stop talking to me,” the figure quietly growled.
“Good luck with that. Set’s on to you, and won’t allow the barque to pass through the First Gate without having checked over every cubit,” the dark feline replied, hiding her words by pretending to sip from a wine chalice.
A humanoid canid the color of blood approached the feline, the tip of his curved snout twitching as he smelled the air. “I smell the thief. You wouldn't happen to know his whereabouts?”
The feline coyly narrowed her sapphire gaze. “Sorry, I haven’t laid a single eye on him. And of course you smell him. His stench is putrid. I have no doubt it still lingers in the wood from his repeated attempts to sneak onboard.”
The god, Set, leaned in close, brandishing his sickle. “Sanura, if I discover you are hiding the thief, or are aiding him in any way, I promise you will share his eventual fate.”
Sanura threw her head back in a mock-laugh. “You threaten the daughter of Anubis with Ammit?”
Set growled low. “You are not immune to eternal damnation.”
Sanura rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. The thief’s repeated attempts to sneak through the Twelve Gates is the most exciting thing to have happened in millennia. Before he came along, it was just riding this stupid barque night after night and wishing I could be one of the mortal dead.”
“You are part mortal. I’m sure it can be arranged,” Set taunted with a grin.
Sanura stared boredly for a long moment. “Your threats are like your promises: Empty.”
Set’s nostrils flared with rage as he lifted his sickle high into the air. Sanura felt a weight place itself between her shoulders, and before the god could bring his weapon down upon her, she spread her midnight wings and lifted up into the sky with a single downward thrust.
“You know what?” she called down to the god spewing curses at her. “This ride is boring. I think I’d rather walk.” She glided her way to the edge of the River of Night, landing softly on its bank. She waved once towards Ra himself, who nodded as the barque continued its journey towards the First Gate.
As soon as the barque passed through the gate, the weight fell from between her shoulders, spewing curses of his own.
“Sorry. I tried,” she said apologetically.
The Thief King plopped himself onto the ground. “Did you really have to say I smelled ‘putrid’?”
“A slight over-exaggeration to throw him off your trail.”
“You do smell.”
The Thief King folded his arms while sharply turning his head in the opposite direction to hide his pout. Sanura sat beside him, staring off in the direction where Ra's Solar Barque began its nightly journey.
"Thanks for trying to help," the Thief King mumbled quietly after a long period of silence.
"I think it's unfair what they ask of you. You are the remaining fragment of a destroyed soul, yet they demand you follow the path as intended just to end up as a meal for Ammit? It is not your fault that the only thing that remains is your Sah."
The Thief King lowered his head as if defeated. “My soul rotted away for millennia in a cursed object, fused and twisted by the dark entity Zorc. What remains of me is now free…and I just want the entire nightmare to end. Have I not suffered enough already?”
The Thief King lay down on his back to stare at the sky of the Duat, placing his head on Sanura’s lap as though it were a pillow. The feline demigod looked sadly down upon him as she gently raked her clawed fingers through his tangled locks.
“Would feeding yourself to Ammit make you happy?”
The Thief King tilted his head back to meet the sapphire gaze that looked down upon him.
“Happy?” he scoffed. “I don’t know what that even is. Maybe it was something I felt before my people were murdered to make cursed relics, but honestly, I remember nothing prior to that day. All I can recall are things like pain, anger, and hatred. For you to ask if it’ll make me ‘Happy’? Sure. I won’t exist beyond Ammit’s maw. I won’t have to feel anything.”
“Have you encountered nothing that brought you joy?”
The Thief King didn’t like the curious, yet sad, expression that the feline wore.
“Does killing people and trapping souls count?”
Sanura’s expression remained unchanged.
The Thief King sighed heavily. “I don’t know…maybe?”
He returned his gaze to the sky in an attempt to avoid the eyes that he knew could see further into his very being than she let on.
“There wasn’t much of me when I was in the Ring. However…I do recall feeling something with my last host. Not sure what it was though. I don’t recall ever feeling it before him.”
“Can you describe it?”
The Thief King slowly shook his head. “Not really. I don’t have anything to compare it to.” He tilted his head back again. “Actually, that’s not true. It was…” He chewed his lip in contemplation. “It was kinda like right now with you. I’m not sure what to call it.”
The Thief King’s eyes shifted back and forth in thought. “Huh…so that’s what this is? Yeah…I suppose it is. He knew pain and…and the guilt of surviving. He understood. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for the Zorc portion fucking shit up, I wonder if…”
The Thief King quickly sat up, keeping his back to the demigod, his head lowered.
“Are we…friends?” he asked quietly.
“You ask that question in a way that makes me think friendship is another of those things you have never experienced,” Sanura stated sadly.
The Thief King sheepishly shook his head. “I haven’t. Allies, yes. Friends…not really.”
“Not really?”
“It’s hard to explain. My previous host…I think he wanted that…but there was too much Zorc in the way for it to happen. There was another…we had a mutually beneficial agreement…but I found myself doing things that didn’t mutually benefit me. Apparently the Zorc part was oblivious to these things.”
“Yes, I like to think we are friends,” Sanura finally answered. “I don’t wish to see you face Ammit. I don’t wish for your existence to come to such an end. For your suffering to be all for nothing.”
The Thief King turned his head enough to look back and see the caring expression in Sanura’s feline features.
“It’s not like I have much of an alternative at this point.”
“What if you did have an alternative? What if you could have a second chance? What would you wish for in a new life? What would make you happy?” Sanura asked.
The Thief King smirked while shaking his head. “No offense, Sanura…but I don’t think a demigod has the ability to give me a second life. Especially the daughter of a death deity. That sounds more like a life deity thing to me.”
Sanura flattened her ears and scowled, appearing insulted. “Answer the question.”
“Fine,” the Thief King said in annoyance. “You really wanna know what’ll make me happy in a new life? For the Millennium Items to have never existed in the first place. To live a life where I am surrounded by family and friends like how it should have been. To be able to genuinely feel…happy.”
Sanura rose, standing proud and regal, her dark wings outstretched, shimmering with iridescence even in the darkness of the Duat. She extended a hand down toward the Thief King, inviting him to stand as well.
The Thief King rolled his eyes, but stood anyway to humor the demigod. He accepted the outstretched appendage, only to be surprised when Sanura pulled him in close for an embrace.
“Consider it done, my friend.”
-Cubits- Ancient Egyptian unit of measurement
-Sah- One of the parts of a person's soul. Specifically the 'Spiritual Body'. (Also the name Ancient Egyptians gave to the body of stars called 'Orion's Belt', where they believed Osiris resided and Pharaoh's went after their time among the living came to the end.) This particular fic will have a lot of focus on the different aspects that Ancient Egyptians believed the soul to be made up of.
-Barque- Essentially a barge/boat that Ra used to carry the sun across the sky. Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's also rode on them when travelling the Nile.
Chapter 1, 2, 3
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sugarbooger513 · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝓭𝓭𝔂'𝓼 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓟𝓽. 1 (Gojo x Virgin!reader)
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Art credit: @kyoshuko20 on Twitter!
This is the next post in my Kinktober Masterlist! Enjoy!
WC: 3.7k
Warnings: Stepcest (stepfather and stepdaughter), reader is a virgin, daddy kink, Gojo bites once, language, shitty mother, toxic relationship, Gojo is pretty soft in this
“You comin’ with to drop your mom off, kiddo?” You glance up from your video game, the pocky stick almost tumbling from your lips. “Ummm, I don’t think so, Satoru. I got a few missions to finish here and then some school work.”
Your stepdad leans over the back of the couch to look at your screen. You feel your heart rate increase from the close proximity. “Hmmmm,” his blue eyes shine teasingly behind his sunglasses, “you know an enemy is wrecking your shit right now, right?”
Even after he tells you, it takes a second to register his words. “Oh! Fucking hell..” He gasps, gently smacking your head with his hand. “Language, young lady! I taught you better than that!” “My bad.. Fuck this fucking game up the a-”
Your mom peeks into the living room, making both you and Satoru shut up. Satoru’s small giggles make you lose your poker face.
“Uhhh, hi mom!” “Don’t copy him.” Her stern tone has you squeaking. “Y-yes ma’am.” “Oh come on, love. Don’t be so harsh on her. She is an adult.” She rolls her eyes, ignoring her husband’s attempt to save you.
When she goes back towards her room, you sigh and drop your forgotten game on the couch. Satoru frowns, watching as your bubbly personality is shut down so easily.
“How about a deal?” “Deal? Is this something else that will get me in trouble?” He chuckles, gently placing his hand on top of your head. “Not if you keep quiet. Come with me to take mom to work and we can get ice cream together, okay? My treat.”
Your bright E/C eyes light up again, making his cheeks warm slightly. You jump up, wrapping your stepdad in a tight hug.
“Thank you, Satoru! You’re the best!” He chuckles, returning the hug and kissing your head. “I know I am. Go get some real clothes on, you look homeless.” “Coming from you?! Whatever!”
As you rush upstairs, he leans against the back of the couch with a frown.
Truth be told, he’s never seen himself as a father figure to you. The two of you are more like best friends, so he could never bring himself to actually parent you.
When he first entered your life, the romantic relationship with your mother was great. He took her on weekly alone dates, then took you both somewhere fun like amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, anything you can bring a kid along to.
Eventually, the weekly things stopped when your mom started prioritizing work over her family. When he brought it up, it would inevitably end in a fight.
The last two years of marriage haven’t been any better. He finds himself sleeping on the couch more often than not due to the constant tension in the bedroom. If it isn’t how tired she is from working all day, it’s nagging at you for taking online classes instead of going to a university like other college students.
When he tries to be a parent and stand up for you, he’s shut down and told he’s “too young” to understand what a girl your age needs.
“Satoru,” his wife’s voice snaps him from his daydream, “wake up. We gotta go.” “Here,” he passes her the keys, “get the car started. I’m waiting on Y/N.” “Why?” “She needs to swing by the bookstore for a few things, so I’m going to just take her after I drop you off so she doesn’t waste the gas in her car.” She, once again, rolls her eyes, but accepts the answer and steps outside.
“Satoru, you didn’t have to lie to protect me.” He looks down at you, his eyes widening at the outfit you chose. “Wow, never thought I’d catch you in a skirt kiddo.” Your cheeks flare red as you slap his arm.
“Shut up! I forgot to do laundry..” “Why didn’t you ask me to do it then? I don’t mind.” “Absolutely not, Satoru.” He snorts a bit of laughter as your cheeks continue to darken in color.
“Come on, Y/N. Your mom will yell at me more if I take too much longer.” You nod, following him closely as you make your way to the car. He opens the backdoor, allowing you time to get in comfortably before shutting it and hopping in the driver’s seat.
“Why did you do that?” Your mom’s question has him raising a confused eyebrow. “Why did I do… what?” “Open the door for her like you’re on some type of date.”
“My love,” he chuckles as he pulls onto the main road, “I’m simply being nice. Is every action of mine up to be judged?” She narrows her eyes. “Shut up, Gojo.”
You see him bite his tongue, keeping his comment to himself. “Mom.. he’s told you that he-” “Did I ask you to speak?” “No, but-”
“Y/N,” his eyes meet yours through the rearview mirror, “I’m okay. Don’t worry.” “But you don’t like being called Gojo..” Your whisper makes him sigh. “I know, kiddo. It’s okay.”
“Shouldn’t you be calling him dad anyways? It’s disrespectful to use his first name.” “I told her to use my first name. I’m not her dad, dear. Don’t bring it up anymore.” She glares at him, but his eyes stay focused on the road.
When he pulls into the parking lot of her work, he gives her a sweet smile. “Have an amazing day. I love you.” She doesn’t bother saying anything back, but she slams his door harshly.
His smile falters as he lets out a sigh. “Okay then.. Bitch.” Your giggles make him jump. “Shit! Make noise next time! I forgot you were back there.” “No you didn’t. You just got caught calling her a bitch.” He chuckles, patting the passenger seat. “You call her worse. Come on and sit up here. We can go get ice cream.”
For some reason, your stomach churns at the thought of it now. “I.. don’t think I want it anymore..” He looks over his shoulder at you worriedly. “Bad mood now?” “Yeah.. I’m sorry.” “No no no, I am. You shouldn’t be in the middle of our fights. How about we go sit at the lake awhile?”
Your smile rubs off onto his face. “I would.. Really enjoy that.” “I knew you would. Now get your butt up here.”
Rather than being a normal person and getting out of the car to go to the front, you decide to climb over the middle console. Satoru blushes darkly when he catches a glimpse of the panties you’re wearing. His eyes stare a bit too long, making you tilt your head in confusion. “Satoru?” “H-huh? Right! Lake! Let’s go.”
You giggle, gently patting his shoulder as he starts to drive. “You’re stupid sometimes, you know?” “Yeah,” his hand reaches over to gently squeeze your leg, “I know, trust me.”
You feel so soft under his hand. He hates how often he thinks of you like this, but you’re so much different than your mother is. His thumb glides over your thigh, enjoying the way just a bit of pressure makes your breathing pattern change.
You can tell he’s looking at you from the corner of his eye. He squeezes again, this time allowing his long fingers to curl to the inside of your thigh.
“You okay, Y/N?” “F-Fine! I umm.. Are you?” He smiles, turning into the parking lot near the lake with one hand easily. “I am now. Sometimes it’s frustrating when she uses her age against me.”
You nod, still trying to form words as he parks the car. “I know.. She really thinks age means wisdom.” He leans back in his chair, still keeping his hand on you. “She has her flaws. We all-” “Satoru, it isn’t like you to give life advice. It scares me a bit.”
“Okay then, you little shit. Your mother can be a real bitch.” “Feel better now?” He chuckles softly, reaching up to pull his sunglasses off. “I felt better as soon as she got out, honestly. Spending the day with you is much more to my liking.”
“That sounds suspicious, Sato.” “Ahhh, come on you know what I meant, weirdo.” He shoves you playfully, finally taking his hand from your thigh. You find yourself wanting him to put it back.
“You could.. Do a lot better than her, you know.” He tilts his head at your statement. “Trust me, I know. I’ve considered it.” His honesty makes you happy, but something about it also hurts.
“Then you should. You don’t deserve this shit.” He runs a hand through his snow white hair, slightly messing it up. “I can’t leave you like that, Y/N.” Your eyes widen at his words. He stays because of you?
He seems to read your mind. “You deserve someone in your life to treat you as an equal, ya know. She’s not going to do it, so I have to.” “You don’t owe me anything, Sato. Plus, we can still be friends. You act like I don’t just consider you my best friend anyways.”
He chuckles, leaning a bit closer to you. “I know you do, but if I’m just your friend who isn’t married to your mom, when will we be able to talk? She monitors everything you do.” He has a point. Outside of school, you don’t do much because of her. Your online classes make it that much more difficult to leave the house.
“Yeah.. I guess you’re right..” “But, there’s nothing stopping you from finding a place with me.” You laugh a bit at that. “You wanna be roommates with your once stepdaughter?” He shrugs, reaching over to move a strand of your hair from your face.
“I mean.. is that a bad idea?” “N-no!” Satoru blinks in shock from the sudden eagerness in your voice. Part of him was cracking a joke, but you seem all too excited by the idea.
“I-I mean it.. we’re both adults. Plus, we’re closer in age than you and mom are anyways.” “Whatever you do, don’t remind her of that. She’ll get mad.” “When isn’t she mad at me, Sato?”
He nods in agreement, drumming his king fingers on the steering wheel. The sudden silence fills you with worry. Did you say something that he didn’t like?
“Y/N, would you.. shit.” His pale cheeks suddenly dust pink, and he glances out the window to avoid your gaze. “Would I.. what? You can ask.”
“Would you date someone my age, or is that too old?” Your cheeks warm slightly from the sudden question. “I-I think it would.. depend on the guy. It’s only eight years, after all. You and mom are twelve apart.” He finally meets your eyes again, his soft smile returning.
“So.. what about me?” “S-Sato! I umm.. well.. I-I don’t.. geez..” He reaches back out, gripping your chin gently between his thumb and forefinger. “Shhhh, baby. Just yes or no. That’s all I-“ His sentence is cut off by you grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a kiss.
The hand on your face slides to hold your cheek as he depends the kiss. Your small whimper makes him purr into your mouth.
“So I take this as a yes, my dear?” You nod instantly, getting on your knees in your seat to push yourself closer to him. He chuckles at the way your hands grab at him, desperate for his touch.
“Touchy touchy, aren’t we baby? How long have you been thinking of this?”
Honestly, since your mom’s brought him home. You always found your stepfather extremely attractive. To top it off, the two of you shared many common interests.
“I guess.. a few years. Have you thought about it long?” “You want me to be honest?” When you nod, he pulls your body further towards him. “So long, baby girl.. I’ve stayed in this marriage so I could stay close to you, but I would be lying if I said it was as a parental figure.”
His free hand reaches to his side, grabbing the bar on his seat and lifting it, making his chair slide back. You blink in confusion as he pats his lap.
“Come on, baby. Come straddle daddy like a good girl.”
Your shyness comes back, making him smile warmly. “I’ll help you out, baby. Come here.” He gently places both hands on your waist, slowly guiding you over the center console until you’re comfortably on his lap.
He groans when you softly grind against his cock. The urge to take you right now has his head spinning.
You notice him eagerly staring your body up and down, and the attention has your nerves on fire. “I-I’ve never done this, Sato.”
“Shhhh, I know baby. Daddy will help you if you want it, okay? You just have to tell him.”
Your whimpers make him buck up instinctively, tearing a moan from your throat. His hands slide from your waist to your hips, pushing your clothes pussy against him as he starts to grind your body against his.
“I-I want it! Please daddy?” “Fuck, you’ll be the death of me, baby.”
Your hands shakily start to unbutton his shirt as he reaches under your skirt, wasting no time pulling your panties down your thighs. “Already so eager for me.. I don’t think I even need lube.” It’s not until you look down that you notice the dark spot already covering the discarded fabric.
Before doing anything else, Satoru pulls the wedding band from his finger, flicking it carelessly into the backseat.
His bright eyes hold your gaze as he finally sides a finger across your exposed slit, groaning at the amount of moisture he’s able to gather. Your thighs clench around his hand, but he parts them gently.
“It’s okay baby girl. Daddy’s gonna make you feel good, I promise. Open up and let him in, okay?” “O-okay, daddy..”
He chuckles softly at how shyly you look away from his face. You really are the cutest thing.
His middle finger gently flicks your clit, making you yelp. His smirk only grows wider when you start to move yourself along it.
“That’s my good girl. Want it inside you baby?” You pant softly against his face, nodding frantically. “Y-yes! P-please put it inside of me.. N-need to feel it..” The tip of it swirls your entrance before pushing inside slowly. The small hiss you let out has him pausing.
“Do I need to stop?” “No! Please k-keep going daddy..” You lift yourself slightly before dropping back down, putting his long digit inside you completely and squeaking. He groans at how tightly your walls are squeezing around just one finger.
“You’ve really never done this?” “I-I had someone else finger me before.. But yours are b-bigger..” When he curls it, you almost collapse on him.
“I’m gonna add another baby. You need to be nice and stretched out for my cock.” You nod, legs starting to tremble as he slips the next finger in beside it. The burn brings tears to your eyes, but he’s gentle as he brings them in and out of you.
When the pain finally subsides, you’re moaning loudly and rocking with his hand. His eyes are fixated on the way your juices drip into his palm.
“F-Fuck.. You’re so fucking wet for me, baby.” Both of his fingers curl expertly into g spot, making you cry out his name. “N-Need your cock.. Please..” His eyes actually roll in the back of his head from your feeble plea. His fingers are out of you and inside his mouth in an instant. The moan he lets out from the taste of you on his tongue is damn near pornagraphic.
“Fuck, I planned on taking this slower, but I might lose my mind if I’m not inside of you soon. Help daddy out here, baby.” Your hands fidget with his belt until it finally comes loose. Your palm bumps the bulge in his jeans, the size of it making drool form in your mouth.
His hands are much faster in freeing himself from his pants. His cock bounces back once it’s free, slapping against his lower abdomen with a soft thud.
You wiggle in anticipation, the drool coming from the corner of your mouth ever so slightly. When you lift yourself on your knees, however, Satoru places a hand on your waist to stop you.
“Woah there, eager beaver. Let me put a condom on.” You nod, suddenly blushing again at just how badly you wanted him. He lets out an amused chuckle, reaching behind him to pull his wallet out.
“You just.. Carry one on you?” “No, not usually.. But a friend of mine slipped this one in my wallet yesterday as a joke. Seems he knows how to predict the future.” His eyes meet yours as he brings the wrapper to his mouth, tearing it open with his teeth.
As he rolls the condom on, he starts to turn a deep shade of pink. “I-I promise I’ll take my time with you when we’re home, okay?” “S-so.. there will be more?”
His hand grips your waist a bit tighter, pulling you so your dripping hole is just over his cock. “Baby, there will be so much more than this. I’ve been waiting so fucking long to have you..”
His free hand pulls your face to your, kissing you so tenderly that you almost start tearing up. You gasp in his mouth when you feel him push into you, the head alone making you squirm uncomfortably.
“I-It burns.. Shit..” “I know it does, baby. It’ll feel good in just a little bit.” You whimper, leaning closer to him as he pushes you farther down. He wipes the tears from your cheeks, kissing you more as you whine. “Shhh. Focus on daddy. Let him take the pain away.”
He groans loudly in your ear when he finally bottoms out. The way you squeeze him should be something only found in fantasy books. It’s like you were built just for him.
“I-fuuuck-I’m not moving yet.. Tell me when it doesn’t hurt.” He leans you up so he can unbutton the shirt you're wearing, purring at the sight in front of him. “You’re so beautiful.. Inside and out..”
His lips press gently against your collarbone, making you squeeze around him. “God damn.. You ready baby? Want daddy to fuck you now?” He licks a small stripe along the base of your neck before gently biting down. The way you gyrate your hips makes him chuckle.
“Good girl. Now you be still and let daddy do his job.”
He lets you lift yourself up, but he pulls you back down onto him slowly, watching carefully for any pain in your face. Your eyes roll back, completely blissed out already. He moans at the sight of you losing yourself because of him.
“That’s it baby.. Show daddy how good you feel..” His pace picks up, now lifting you and slamming you down as if you weigh nothing in his arms.
Your whines turn into loud moans, which only get louder with each thrust. When he takes a hand to start playing with your neglected clit, you start to babble out his name, begging for your release.
“I- oh my fucking- daddy I-I’m gonna.. Wanna c-cum p-please?” His middle and index fingers pinch your clit, rolling it around slowly as you finally start to unravel. “Cum for me then, baby. Be daddy’s good little girl and cum all over his lap.”
His words push you over the edge. Stars twinkle in your vision, making you flop into his strong body. He lets out a low growl as you spasm around him, just begging for him to find his own release.
“Hold on baby, daddy’s gonna get a bit meaner for a minute.” He reaches down to lean his seat back before both of his arms wrap around your body, hugging you tightly against him. Before you can ask what he’s doing, he starts fucking you from underneathe, driving the tip of his cock into your cervix at a brusing pace.
Your nails dig into his chest as you pretty much scream his name, thankful that the car is parked in a pretty secluded spot.
You turn your head to his, capturing him in a hungry kiss that’s almost all teeth and tongues. When he breaks it, he lets out a low moan.
“S-so fucking good for me.. Fuck I love you.. So fucking much, baby girl..” Your eyes widen art his words, but he only smirks, still rutting into you.
“I-I love you too d-daddy..”
“Oh shit.. I’m gonna cum b- fuck!” He lays his head back on the seat, groaning out your name as he releases into the condom. You softly moan at the feeling of his cock pulsing inside of you.
When you flop on his chest again, he chuckles, running a gentle hand over your back to soothe your tired body. “Are you okay, baby girl?” “B-better than okay.. I’m so sleepy..”
“How about we go home, I run you a nice bath, and we snuggle until I have to get your mom?” “Sato.. did you mean what you said?”
He blinks in confusion before blushing profusely. “Yeah.. I did. I truly love you, Y/N. Is it too much?”
When you shake your head no, he feels his heart flutter in his chest.
“I love you too, Sato. I mean it.” “Well, what better way to celebrate than a warm bath and cuddles? “You really just want to cuddle, don’t you?” He winks playfully, gently helping you off his lap.
The two of you straighten your clothes out before he speaks again. “I’ll look into some apartments and start the divorce process. How does that sound?” “A-Are you serious?” he laughs loudly, leaning over to kiss your forehead.
“I am. You still wanna be my baby?” The way you throw yourself into his embrace gives him enough of an answer.
All that’s left to do is break the news to his soon to be ex wife.
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fxrstreaper · 3 years
Blooming Sorrow
Quick thing I pulled together in a few hours ✌️ Kind of a vent-y piece too so ummm 🤠
I took a lot of liberties with how pacts and magic work uhhh do pardon that 😅 I’ll probably post this to my AO3 (same name as here) as well so do look for it there too! 
The battle and summoning aspects mentioned in the beginning is meant to be reminiscent of Fire Emblem Heroes, which I’ll probably go into the details of my idea with at a later date. With that in mind, you can probably guess who I based Fallen Rheannon off of if you’re a Fire Emblem fan.
The character Pandora is my reinterpretation of the purple haired succubus from the A Cup of Red Coffee chat image, who you can find my designs of on my art account @obeyme_rheannon,  on Instagram. 
All in all, I feel this is the most personal emotion I’ve ever put into a piece, for good reason, and so I hope you enjoy!
“There is no hope.” said Pandora to the lesser demon before unleashing the full might of Scabiosa, a rain of glowing purple thorns falling upon the hapless demon, which was then slammed by a vine of the same colour and iridescence, longer and thicker than a pillar. The demon disappeared, as all of them did to recover for the next battle, and just in time as Rheannon plowed through, spear in hand with a roar of “We won’t lose!”
…the real Rheannon, anyway.
Pandora soon found herself approached by the alternate that Rheannon had managed to summon the other day. Physically, they were one and the same. Emotionally and in terms of how they dressed, they could not be more different. 
The real Rheannon was kind and jovial even during the heat of battle. Quick to cut down her foes so they’d feel as little pain as possible. Easy to approach, and seemed to draw others to her. This…Fallen Rheannon, as the real one had taken to calling her, was devoid of any and all kindness. Merciless as she burned her foes into nothing from the inside out, with a flame that was not really a flame as it held no warmth. Solitary, and unsettling enough that her presence was enough to put the likes of even Pandora on edge.
Whereas Rheannon dressed in bright colours of cyan and white, symbolic of the beacon she’d become for demons, angels and humans alike, the alternate dressed in dark colours of red and black, in no way trying to hide her nature as a fallen hero.
“You know,” The alternate’s voice was laced with some sort of demonic reverb. Which made sense, as according to Rheannon, this alternate had sold her soul away by reciting a spell which allowed the pacts to corrupt her. 
“Once, a long time ago, I would have disagreed with you.”
The demon brothers of her world had tried to reverse the effects of the spell, and Rheannon’s trailing off when she was explaining the alternate’s origin heavily implied that the alternate had either killed or severely injured at least one of them. She had then escaped into the furthest reaches of her Devildom, plotting to attack the human world and purge it of its corruption. Until she’d been pulled here. ”Once, I may have told you that hope can move mountains. That hope is what makes or breaks someone, be they demon, angel, human or otherwise. That hope can unify and divide nations. Build and tear down empires. Preserve and destroy life.” The alternate—Fallen Rheannon, she reminded herself—looked at her with Rheannon’s eyes. But they were soulless and cold, devoid of the light that the real Rheannon’s eyes sparkled with so brightly, the warmth they radiated that brought comfort to even Pandora’s icy heart.
“But that was once, a long time ago.” Fallen Rheannon stared into the distance. “I forgive my old self for being so trusting, so loving, so naive. But I no longer believe in what she would tell you. I can’t, believe in what she would tell you. Not after what I have witnessed of humanity.” ”And what have you witnessed exactly, Rheannon?” The name burned her tongue to say, for there was no way this…husk, could be Rheannon. But Fallen Rheannon responded anyway.
”Betrayal. Heartbreak. Despair. Over and over and over again. I can no longer believe her now, not after people I loved, respected, admired, adored, cried with, cried for, prayed for… betrayed my trust. Broke my heart. Plunged me into the depths of despair over and over and over again.” Her empty eyes met Pandora’s, and she could’ve sworn there was…pain in them?
“So, your true goal is not to purge the world of its corruption; that’s just a front to make yourself seem like some kind of noble demon, so that others are less inclined to step in even with the forbidden power you wield.” The purple haired succubus deduced. “What you really plan is—“
“To plunge the world into despair and pain and sorrow.” Fallen Rheannon finished for her. “Make the world feel the same despair and pain and sorrow that it dealt to me.” 
Pandora remained silent.
“The world withered away the faith I had in others to nothing, because people are so stupid and selfish, dying to defend what they know is not right—whether it be illegal or taboo or inhumane or the actions of their own sorry carcasses—to their last breaths!” Fallen Rheannon was roaring now, her words pure venom even as they remained so very vague. Somewhere, the old Rheannon that she spoke of must still be in there, despite her claims to the contrary. What exactly happened to the real Rheannon that would cause this to befall an alternate of her? Pandora would have to ask…and then repay anyone she mentioned in full for their kindness to her dear friend. ”All I ever wanted was for the people who betrayed me, broke me, destroyed me piece by piece, to be honest; I believed once that people can change. People can make amends. People can grow and learn and atone for their mistakes. They made mistakes, I won’t deny that; I called one of them out for their mistakes for God’s sake.” The name made Pandora flinch, but she remained calm. 
“But I believed that they could change; I wanted so badly to think that they would see what they’d done wrong, that they’d admit that they’ve hurt others… because I loved them. I loved them. Others loved them. And they spat on all of us like we were dirt to them. Less than dirt to them.”
There were tears building in her eyes, to Pandora’s utter shock. This was the first time Fallen Rheannon had ever shown emotion beyond zealotry in her belief of purging corruption, beyond mercilessness in destroying those who stood in her way. Pandora slowly reached a hand out to try and comfort the grieving monster, only for her to swat it away.
“But they didn’t. They never did. And they never will.” Fallen Rheannon took a deep breath, then looked Pandora directly into her eyes. Whatever tears she had glimpsed were gone, replaced by a cold, burning flame. The same flame, Pandora could feel, that slowly burned the candle of her hatred on a long, everlasting wick. The candle that had started burning the moment the power of the pacts had eaten away at her soul.
Fallen Rheannon would have forever to make her tormentors feel that hatred, too, because she had made herself immortal through the pacts. And she would be able to torture their souls long after their physical bodies withered away, no matter where they ended up. From what the real Rheannon would likely tell her, most of them would end up in the Devildom anyway, and it didn’t take a genius to get into Purgatory. Though it would take a lot of magic. And will power. But as Fallen Rheannon herself had already demonstrated, nothing would stand in her way. Pandora could not say she felt one ounce of pity for those people, whoever they were.
“But that’s alright. Because whether they remember me or not, I will come. One day, when I find a way out of this damned contract that my old self has me bound to, I will come. And remind them of the debts they owe.” She stared out over the battlefield, watching as the real Rheannon defeated yet another lesser demon. 
“But I will not kill them… or at least, I will try not to. After all, there is one thing that both me and my old self still believe in.”
“And what would that be?” Pandora willed her features to remain cool, neutral. As she had learned and become over the centuries.
The smile Fallen Rheannon gave her turned her blood to ice.
“That there are fates worse than death.”
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Shipping with Myself - A ML Fanfic
(Based on the following post: <Click Here> )
It was a normal Akumaless day in Paris. Adrien Agreste was busy practicing the Piano when he was talking to Plagg about the possibilities of someone discovering his Identity as Chat Noir.
“Hey Plagg, do you think there’s anyone who thought about me being Chat Noir?”
“Kid, if that happened that reporter girl from your school would be on top of it ASAP. You’re good kid.”
“I don’t know....Oh I know! Let’s search online and see if anyone has tried to search up my and Chat Noir.”
Adrien goes to his computer at his desk and searches “Adrien Agreste Chat Noir”. The results were a little shocking for him as he got 1,000+ results. The first link brought him to a Fanfiction called “A Chatastic Night”. Curious, he clicked onto the link to see what it was about. As he began to read it, he couldn’t help but be impressed with how well the Author nailed Chat Noir & all of his Puns. Unfortunately for our Sunshine, his intrigue was going to shift to pure shock.
“Ok, I’m just getting out of the Shower when Chat arrived.....wait why does Chat have a Red Rose in his Mouth?”
Plagg is watching his child read this clearly lewd Fanfic while trying not to laugh & is kinda curious to see how far it goes.
“Chat walks towards the partially dressed Model and begins to undress himself as he grabs the Chatastic Model & gives him a passionate kiss. Chat then grabbed the towel wrapped around Adrien and....”
“OH MY GOD!!!!” Adrien shouted!
“Bwahahahahaha oh my god!” Keep reading! I got to hear how this goes! Let’s see “Adrien then grabbed Chats tail and pulled it off while whispering in his Ear “Purr for Daddy”. Kid.....this is Unreal! Also this has been read by 50,000 + people”
“PLAGG SHUT UP!!! OMG OMG OMG! Ok it’s no big deal. I just have to close the page, clear my history & no one will ever...”
“Adrien? I heard you scream. Is everything ok”
Adrien stopped in his tracks immediately. It was Ladybug. She was standing just outside his window. She walked into see how Adrien was doing while also trying to stay calm as she was I her crushes room.
“M’L..I mean Ladybug! I’m rood..I mean I’m good. I just uhhh stubbed my toe. That’s all. No worries here.”
Ladybug sign in relief. “Glad to hear it. I thought that maybe an Akuma showed up or something. I’m glad to see that you’re so fine..I mean that you are okay. I better....”
Ladybug paused as if she was in deep thought. Adrien was curious to see if she was ok when he realized that she was looking at his computer screen. With a Raunchy Chat Noir X Adrien Agreste Fanfic open on his screen. Adrien suddenly began to panic.
“LADYBUGITSNOTWHATITLOOKSLIKE!! I-I-I-I Just found the link by accident. I wasn’t reading this becau..”
Ladybug was about as red as her costume. Unable to know what to say she bolted out of the window screaming that she had to run! Adrien fell over in defeat and anguish. Not only does his Lasy think he likes someone else, but it a guy and more importantly it’s himself! Plagg came out of hiding u able to hold it in any longer.
Adrien proceeded to hide himself under his pillow and remained in his room for the rest of the day.
Meanwhile, Ladybug silently arrived home and transformed back into her civilian form and was about to follow suit and crawled into bed hugging a pillow while screaming.
“Marinette? Are you okay?” Asked Tikki
“Ok? OK?!? NOO!! I’m not okay!! Adrien is in love with Chat Noir!!”
Marinette began to tear up. Marinette reaches out to her laptop and began typing onto it. The page brought her to a website with the User “The Y-Bug”. In the links of things on the users page included a certain link. A link to a Fanfic by that very Author. The link was to none other then “A Chatastic Night”.
“Why did I have to make that stupid Fanfic?!? What if Adrien finds out that I wrote that?!?”
Tikki attempted to comfort her Master while also trying to figure out why Adrien was on that page to begin with since she knows Chat & Adrien are one and the same.
Several days pasted and Adrien was not to be seen in school at all. Apparently he was sick and was unable to come to school. Everyone was concerned, but Marinette was panicking since she thinks it was because of what happened.
When she went home she immediately walked up to her room and sat by her computer to quickly get all of her work done and retire early for the night.
“Ugh! This is the worst!”
Suddenly she heard a ping come from her computer. Apparently it was from a User from the Fanfiction site who went by “SwagChat”. They claimed that their Agreste/Noir Fic was really well made & had sent them a link to a Fanfic of their own. Trying to get her mind off of what happened, she decided to give it a read. Maybe this would help make her feel better.
The title of the Fic was called “A Spotty Situation”. It stared Ladybug as the Main Character & went through the Adventures between her and Chat Noir. Seeing this helped put a smile on her face. She was also impressed that the Author has her character down to a T.
“Whoever this is must be a real big Ladybug Fan.”
She continued reading the Fanfic. Apparently the Ladybug in this wanted to find herself a new style for her Super Suit but was having dificulties getting ideas. Ladybug then mentions one of the people she once saved who she knew was also a Rising Star in the Fashion World. The person she was going to was none other then Paris’ own, Mari eye Dupain Cheng.
“....Marinette?!? That’s me!!! Why am I in this. Also Rising Star?!?”
Marinette was both shocked and also flattered that whoever wrote this thought so highly of her. As Marinette continued to read the fanfic, Tikki was listening and reading from behind. Tikki was also curious as to how this individual knew her and Ladybug so well. This is when a sudden thought dawned onto her.
“No way.....it couldn’t be....”
In the fanfic Ladybug & Marinette apparently became fast friends. Marinette happily helped Ladybug come up with ideas for a new style for her Suit. Marinette asked Ladybug if she could take a few measurements & Ladybug allowed. As Marinette was taking Ladybug’s Measurement, she accidentally tripped and fell on top of Ladybug.
“OMG Ladybug, I’m so sorry are you al..”
Marinette stopped as her eyes suddenly locked with Ladybug. Both were silent, both of their hearts began to race and both started to get a little Red in the face.
“It’s...ok. Uhh....I....I....”
A shout can’t from outside. Soulds like there was an Akuma Attack going on. Ladybug quickly collected her thoughts as she and Marinette got up and Ladybug prepared to leave. Before she left, Marinette called out to her.
“Ummm will.....will I see you again Ladybug?”
Ladybug began to blush just as Marinette had.
“Of...of course. Can’t wait to see you again!”
Ladybug then left in order to stop the Akuma that was reeking havoc.
Marinette still red in the face with her heart feeling like it was going to leap out of her chest.
“See you soon.” A soft smile appeared as she said this. End of First chapter of “A Spotty Situation”.
Marinette just finished reading this with a face so red it put her Ladybug Suit to shame.
“What The Hell Is This?!? Why is there a Marinette x Ladybug Fanfic here. And Who The Hell is SwagChat?!? OMG I swear if this is Chat, I will kick his fine ass!! But even if this was him it’s not like he’d know that this was my user.”
Tikki remained silent. (“Well you’re not incorrect.” “Plagg, this was your idea! I’m sure of it! When I see you, we will have words!”)
Meanwhile at the Agretes Mansion, Adrien was sitting at his desk in his pajamas with a flush face. In truth he was actually a little under the weather although that didn’t make him guilt free. Not long before, he had just finished Writting the first part of a MariBug Fanfic. “Why did he choose Marinette?” To him, she was his everyday Ladybug. It felt somewhat fitting to use her. Plus she knew Ladybug and Chat Noir so it wasn’t too far fetched. He just hoped she’d never see this or find out he wrote it. He couldn’t imagine how she’d react if she found out one of her Best Friends was writing a fanfic where they pair her with Ladybug.
Plagg is currently eating Cheese while thinking to himself “Oh kid, if only you knew!”
Adrien looked over to his computer and saw that he just got a IM from the user “The Y-Bug”. Y-Bug?!? Wait wasn’t that the one I sent the link to? They read it already? Let’s see.
“SwagChat. First off thank you for your comments about my fanfic. I was surprised when you sent over this link & even more so after I read it. What inspired you to write it?”
Adrien was nervous since he didn’t want to reveal too much & also wanted to respond so they didn’t try to inquire more about him and possibly find out that he was Adrien or worse Chat Noir.
“Hello Bug. I guess my inspiration was a few things. First was your Fanfic. As for the second.....I....Actually am somewhat farmiliar with both Ladybug & Marinette. I’ve been a fan of Ladybug since her debut and as for Marinette....well I’ve a fan of some of her work. She’s a new Self Designer but if you asked me, she could even give Gabriel Agreste a run for his money. I really admire her so when I think of two girls in my life as a Pairing, it kinda make me feel....happy.”
Marinette fell silent. Whoever this person is, they must really know her well to think so highly of her. Both of her. Despite being pissed earlier, she couldn’t help but feel happy. She then wondered if she knew this user and tried to see if she could get them to reveal anything about themselves.
“Nice try, Bug. Can’t do that. Cats got my tongue. Though maybe if we can chat some more maybe I’ll feel more comfortable seeing you in person. Afterall, it sounds like you also live in Paris so maybe we will bump into each other. Can’t help but be curious about who made this Fic. Chat out.”
Marinette was half convinced at this point.
“It’s Chat! I’m sure of it! He saw my post and is trying to get back at me by making this post.”
Tikki decided to jump in.
“If it is him....are you upset?”
“At first I was, but now....I can’t help but find myself smiling. Oh No! Am I falling for Chat now? Speaking of there’s still the Adrien/Chat situation. Ugh...what do I do?”
Adrien just finished loggin off his computer when Plagg landed onto his head to talk about “Y-Bug”.
“So kid.....how do you feel?”
Adrien was silent for a second.
“I’m...okay Plagg. Y-Bug really wanted to know who I was. Can’t help but wonder if she suspects anything. Also.....”
“I feel like I know them somehow. I don’t know why but I just have this feeling that I know who the Author is but I can’t put my finger on it...”
Plagg sighs as he begins to think to himself.
“Good thing I flew over to Marinette’s house the other day to see if my hunch was right. It’s also good that Adrien was sick sleeping all day yesterday so he didn’t realize where I went. After this, I’m getting tired of waiting for these two to figure it out. I hope my plan to hook these two up somehow using these “Fanfics” of theirs works. I guess only time will tell.”
Hope you all liked this.
Tags: @buggachat for starting this, @gale-of-the-nomads for inspiring this particular idea, and also @masked-bixch since I usually tag you in posts like this.
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 I wrote this based off this post by @incorrectspnforfun 
sorry this kinda sucks ngl
I apologize in advance for the mistakes i wrote this in the notes app at one in the morning
A typical Friday night at the bunker usually called for some sort of movie, whether that be Star Trek or Lord of the Rings (Cas always agreed with Dean’s suggestions, much to Sam’s displeasure), and a few beers to “take the edge off” as Dean put it.
Halfway through The Princess Bride (Cas’s choice), Sam rolled his eyes, sighed, and mentioned something about giving him half an hour to find something more entertaining than this.
“C’mon Sam it’s a classic!” Dean protested, “Cas back me up here!”
“Sure Dean,” Castiel murmured lazily, not taking his eyes off the screen. He was doing the little head tilt thing Dean loved. Not that Dean would ever admit that out loud.
Dean put his feet up on Sam’s spot and put his head on Cas’s shoulder. Cas smiled and leaned sideways onto his friend. 
Cas and Dean were over halfway through the movie when Sam came back carrying a thin white box in his hands. He saw the pair snuggled up on the couch and sighed.
He faked a cough and waited for a reaction.
Neither one of them turned around, still leaning on each other and watching Inigo Montoya pledge to kill his father’s murderer.
Sam walked over, grabbed the remote, and pressed pause.
“Hey! We were watching that!” Dean objected.
Sam gave his brother his best bitchface and turned the television all the way off right before putting the remote on the tv stand.
Cas realized how close he was to his friend and stood up a little too quickly. Dean furrowed his eyebrows but said nothing, wondering if he did something wrong. Sam rolled his eyes again.
Noticing the silence, Sam held up the box and said, “I got Twister if you lovebirds want to play. Figured it would be more entertaining than the movie.”
“Sam, Dean and I are not birds nor a couple,” Cas told him.
“You have no appreciation for the classics, Sammy,” Dean sighed. He stood up though, so Sam counted that as a win.
“How do we play, Sam?” Castiel asked.
Sam opened the box and handed Cas the rules and instructions packet while he gestured for Dean to help him unfold the mat. Once they got the mat set out and somewhat straight, Sam took the spinner and announced he would call out the directions first.
He then proceeded to point at their feet and say, “Shoes off. They’ll ruin the mat.” Both of them bent down and removed their shoes with only the minimum amount of complaining, mostly from Dean.
“Okay. Ummm. Let’s start. So Cas, stand on that side, and um, Dean stand on that side,” Sam directed.
Dean’s eyes met Castiel’s steady gaze, then both of them quickly looked away and blushed.
Sam apparently didn’t notice the tension, because he took a deep breath and called out, “Dean, left foot green.”
After plenty more turns, it was getting harder to keep up off the ground.
“Hey Sammy, I think it’s about time to switch the caller don’t you think?” Dean uttered.
“That’s not how the game works, dumbass. I keep calling until one of you falls,” Sam grinned.
“Lovely,” Dean grunted.
The two friends were getting closer and closer together, and it was getting harder and harder to keep from touching each other.
“Personal space, Dean,” Castiel through a smile.
“So you do understand sarcasm,” Dean teased.
Sam snorted and called out, “Cas, right hand red.” Castiel looked at his hands and feet for a second, rotated his left hand, and flipped over to get his hand on red. Right on top of Dean. Meanwhile, Sam was covering his mouth to try and stifle his laughter.
Dean groaned. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you.”
Sam wasn’t even trying to hide his laughter at this point. “Dude I stopped spinning fifteen turns ago. I can’t believe it took you this long to figure it out.”
Dean glared and tried to slide out from under Cas, but he knocked into his leg, causing the angel to fall right on top of him. Sam was full on wheezing with laughter and he ran to grab his phone before the two could untangle themselves. 
Dean and Cas were trying to get up off the mat then Cas threw his head back and laughed. 
“What’s so funny Cassie?” Dean chuckled, “Are you ticklish?”
Cas frowned, and simply said, “I am nothing of the sort. You just look funny when you’re frustrated,” Cas blushed, “In a cute sort-a-way, I mean.”
Both of them were red up to their ears when Dean jumped up. “Uhhh. Thanks I guess. You too.”
“Can you please help me up?” Castiel asked.
“As you wish,” Dean smiled. He offered a hand and helped pull Cas up off the ground. Dean could have sworn he felt a spark travel up his arm. Not a painful one. Just a soft spark to start a soft flame.
Cas felt his grace react to Dean’s touch. Nothing big, like the lights blowing out, but a flicker of a lightbulb turning on. Something new and bright. The angel brushed it off though, because if Dean felt it, he didn’t show it.
“So you were paying attention to the movie,” Cas teased. They were barely inches apart, but the tension in the air ran for miles.
Dean rocked back and forth on his feet. “Yup,” he said, popping the p, “You know me.” 
Cas didn’t know what to do, and he wasn’t really thinking at this point, so he did the first thing he wanted to. He leaned in and kissed Dean. 
It was only a little peck on the lips, barely enough to rival two middle schoolers feeling rebellious. A kiss that would make it feel like the feeling would last for forever. Like they already knew what love was. Life was perfect behind the swingset for two kids, but for an angel and The Righteous Man, the world was perfect in that one little moment. A small little peck on the lips that made Dean fall in love all over again.
“So-sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” Cas mumbled, averting his eyes. Before Dean knew what he was doing he kissed Cas. 
Castiel, the angel he had been in love with since what felt like forever. Castiel, the angel who had fallen for him, in more ways than one. The angel who had died for him. The angel he would die for. The angel he would kill for. The angel, he decided, he would live for. 
At that moment the world stopped. Fuck the world anyway. What could it offer when all it does it take? But that moment wasn’t about the world or what they could get from it. It was about the two of them finding out the love they could give each other. Not to the world. Each other. It was about broken pieces finally sliding into place. And it was so fucking beautiful.
This time it wasn’t a quick 15-year-olds-spinning-the-bottle type of kiss. It was a real kiss, gentle, and sweet, and oh-so-fucking-perfect. Dean pulled away and shook his head. “Is-is this okay?” he blurted out.
“Dean?” He paused, “Could you do that again?” Cas asked.
“As you wish,” He said, and leaned in for another kiss.
When Sam finally found his phone (he left it in the car) and came back into the room, he took one look at them making out in the corner and whispered to himself, “Fucking finally.” 
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peachywander · 4 years
All asks
Holy shit, this will be so much fun B-) *cracks knuckles*
A - Your current OTP
Uhhh pff,,, skeleton dance I think?? I mean sure, skelley dance is always my current OTP, ngl. They're basically made for eachother, hell, even craig himself wore tshirts and stuff with wander hugging hater ifthisisn'tcannonthenidkwhatitis
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
To be honest,, wander x beza. I used to dislike every wander x girl ship bcs I see him as gae and nothing else. But I have a friend who does lots of art with them so I think it grew on me more and more with time?? Now I think they would look cute together, even if i'm still not super big on it.
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
Wnder x domi. No comment, I despise it with all my heart 😂😂 Like I said earlier, I don't like most of wander x girl ships, and domi really hates wander. Sooo this ship simply doesn't make sense to me,, lmfao.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
I think Twi x Flash from mlp. Yeah, I thought twi was cute when crushing on him in the 1st EG movie but they don't seem to have that chemistry I was hoping for. Plus I haven't seen any recent episodes of mlp in a long time, though I heard ppl say that he was mean to her once, if I remember well? Anyways, doesn't work so much for me.
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Besides memes/ shitposts, not really. Check @gunxball if you want to see posts of mine back when I was into gumball 2 yrs ago (golly i miss those times)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Probably su (2016-2019) or kid vs kat (2011-2014)
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Why yes, of course I do. cosmo x wanda from fop. They were so adorbs together esp in the first 2 seasons. Don't like how they got so flanderized with time, their dynamic was absolutely destroyed, and my day was ruined when I found out.
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series
I don't watch either lolol
But I think anime.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Dislike the fandom, not the show itself? Probably hzbin hotel. The show has a pretty neat concept and animation and it had such a big impact on my artstyle when I first watched it. But the fandom? Absolute hell. (pun intended)
From shipping wars, to pestering vivz, anything is possible. Glad I haven't actually interacted with that part of the fandom.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Not a show but among us. Back in september/october last year, my tl was FILLED with among us, up and down. Made me a lil tired of it but once I tried playing that game, I couldn't stop. Also the owlhouse, fell in love with the artstyle and story.
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
I don't have a current fandom. Not feeling in the mood + school + inactivity bcs of school. So I'll say abt my latest fandom, which was animaney. Well, people were really nice, and they seemed to enjoy the reboot. Nothing more to say tbh,,
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for
Ummm I don't really like giving rqs to my fave artists, i don't wanna bother them haha
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist
I don't know aaaa, prolly toonipi but she also draws ocs, not just fanart.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
Anything cute or sappy with skelleydance (NO nsfw)
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
Lasers and feelings. Skellydance again. It matches sO well-
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I used to have a skatepark AU ft. su chars but never put anything over here. I still have the sketches from 9th grade lmao.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
To be completely honest, Amydot. Up until s3 they really gave me possible ship vibes. They interacted a lot, and peri discovered her metal powers thanks to amy. But after s3 they hardly ever interacted anymore (besides that one ep from s5 with the kindergarden). I was so dissapointed, but hey lapdot isn't so bad anyway, right?
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Back in 2014 I would have said chred from angry birds, definitely. Not many really shipped them, and when I saw some fanart of them on dA everyone would say "ew, gae". Well, 2014 everyone. I was always like "so?? i like that ship, what's the problem??"
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Uhmm, i headcanon darwin from tawog that he likes to yodel lol
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
I think my ships are 50-50, but here are some examples:
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Same as T. Another examples:
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping
Lol no. Tbh, i'm not super big on shipping either. I only slighty like/dislike any ship i listed earlier (with the exception of skelleydance, i'm too in love with that ship)
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
wakko warner (animaney)
wander (woy)
fluttershy (mlp)
amethyst (su)
bubbles (ppg)
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
skelleydance (woy)
lumty (toh)
stevnnie (su)
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from
kid cosmic (or maybe I do ship papa g w/ chuck), animaney, okko, gravity flls
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
That one fan made episode from su called the smothering, it was so freaking amazing. It helped a lot in relieveing the pain of that big hiatus from 2017 (which was the biggest one, i literally turned into a skeleton waiting for new eps). Loved peri's needy personality, as well as lappy's playful one. It was so well written, like it could be perfectly fit as a role reversal episode in the main show.
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The main 10 cheering up a crying Scholar (Y/N) part 3
Here goes the last part finally... Here we have the last 2 boys: Tegan and Tyler! Like I said they had to be cut because tumblr was all like "YoUr PoSt Is ToO LoNg!" Thanks tumblr. As always.
- you were feeling like shit lately and you just really needed to confide in someone so before you even noticed where your legs were taking you, you were already standing in front of Tegan's room
- it was really late at night so both of you were in your pyjamas already, though in Tegan's case he was most likely still playing video games
- "Is Tyler here?"
- "Oh uh. No, he's not here... yet."
- Going by Tegan's guilty face Tyler probably snuck out... again.
- Tegan is rambling a lot, he's probably really stressed out because he wasn't expecting you out of all people to come this late
- "A-anyway, when he comes back I'll tell him that you were looking for him so..."
- "Wait, no! I wanted to talk with you, I was just asking to know if we're alone. The both of us. Can I come in?"
- you see a faint smile on his face, is it relief? He's probably happy that you were looking for him instead of someone else
- when you come in you can see that he was in fact, playing a game
- "Oh, sorry. I'm probably a bother."
- "What?? No!"
- He shuts the TV off and makes some space on the couch so you can sit
- "I should be the one apologizing, it's such a mess here. If Karolina saw the state of our room she would kill both me and Tyler."
- his familiar quirkiness is making you feel at ease, but when you remember what you came here for it gets harder to speak
- Tegan attentively looks at you while you're trying to find your words
- turns out that no matter how you try to start, you can't go on. Everytime your throat gets tight and your mind goes blank
- "Y/N...? T-take your time, there's no rush... I'll wait. I can even pull an all-nighter while waiting, no big deal!"
- he's trying really hard to sound reassuring but knowing that he's literally ready to NOT get any sleep tonight just to listen to what you have to say makes the pressure even stronger
- You start crying and cover your face out of embarrassement
- Tegan.exe has stopped working
- "Woah! Uhhh... Y-Y/N?? I'm sorry! Is it me?? Is it because of the other day when I laughed so hard that I spilled cola on your uniform?! Is the stain not coming out? Please don't cry I'll buy you a new one!"
- This boi is a wreck
- It's like he's on an emotional roller-coaster without knowing what the ride is about
- "Noooo... it's not your fault... thank you for being there for meeee..."
- "O-okay! Good to know! But what can I do to help?"
- You keep on sniffling and bawling
- "Ummm... could I get a hug?"
- "Yes! Anything!"
- squeezes you in his arms tightly... maybe too tightly. Where's all of this strength in PE?
- You already knew that he was tall but now you can really tell that he's a tree
- once you stop crying it gets a little awkward
- Well, to be fair it's always a bit awkward with Tegan, but in a good way
- "Um. So. I was playing Mycraft, wanna play?"
- You end up sitting on his lap while he creates a new world in the game just for you
- "Here. Even if you never played Mycraft you probably heard things about it right?"
- "Yeah, they got an update recently right? With the bees and stuff."
- You guys spend a few hours building things turn by turn while taming different animals in game, like dogs, horses, parrots and whatnot
- in the end you explain the situation pretty calmly
- You can see Tegan tighten his grip on the controller whenever you get to the parts of the story that are unpleasant
- he doesn't say it but he's clearly angry about all the things that happened to you
- overall the evening/night is well spent building houses and getting jumpscared by creepers
- next morning you wake up on the couch and see that Tegan is sleeping in his bed while Tyler is trying his hardest to not make any sounds while walking in the room, which is impossible because of the mess
- "Ah Y/N, you're up! Haha so you had a good time with Tegan when I was gone huh? You bad children. Sooo scandalous, I'll go snitch to Lady A."
- You sit up on the couch in a hurry
- "W-what do you mean?"
- Tyler has got the most mischievous grin that you've ever seen
- "Get this: when I came back yesterday at 4am, you were sleeping in Tegan's arms while he was still playing Mycraft. He said that he didn't want to move around because you'll wake up, but honestly? It was probably because he was planning on sleeping with you on the couch if I didn't get ba-"
- A pillow flew towards Tyler's head from behind him
- looks like Tegan woke up
- "S-shut up! I-I wasn't... I mean... Ugghh! It's like when a cat falls asleep on your lap! You wouldn't want to wake it up, right? That's all it was."
- "Can't relate. I think you're spending too much time with your online furry friends."
- "I don't even *have* furry friends."
- "Yeah. Well, maybe because *you're* the furry friend."
- they have a short pillow fight while you're still trying to remember everything that happened yesterday, well, technically it was today but whatever
- You leave their room in a good mood while Tegan is already planning on hacking a few phones...
- Noticed it the moment you didn't greet anyone in the morning
- Usually you start the day by saying hi to everyone but that day you went past them as swiftly as you could and made your way to your seat
- Tyler, of course didn't want to bring any attention to you since that's what you were trying to avoid in the first place
- he did his best to sneak out of his group of friends and came to your desk
- "Hey Y/N! Not feeling good today? Want to talk about it?"
- "...Not now, sorry."
- Great! He'll spend the whole day wondering what's wrong
- can't concentrate in class or in anything really, not even his art
- You always come to mind whenever he tries to do anything
- so he's being really adorable with you the whole day, and the following days
- Helps you carry your belongings, even if they're super light
- also carries your food tray at the cafeteria
- "You need more water? Wait! Wait, I'll get it."
- he even pulls out the best weapon against sadness
- wholesome memes.
- he sends them constantly when classes are over
- You end up calling him over because you can see how worried he is, and also because you trust him and need to talk to someone instead of staying alone all the time
- you can see that he read your message but he's not answering. Weird.
- a few seconds later someone is knocking at your door
- "Y/N!!! I'm here! What do you need??"
- You open the door and see that Tyler is out of breath and wearing a panda beauty mask, it's honestly kinda hilarious to see
- "Please don't laugh... I was just doing my skincare routine."
- "No I understand but... haha, you look like you got beat up from both sides. Doesn't really look like a panda."
- you guys sit down and have a casual talk
- Tyler manages to make you laugh a few times with some stories from before you came to Arlington, though it was mostly about him and Tegan screwing around
- then Tyler looks at the time
- "Oh! It's time to take it off! Observe the magic of my "beat up from both sides" mask!"
- His face is literally glowing, he looks like he has baby skin
- that's when you decide that it's time to tell him about your troubles
- When he had the mask on you didn't feel like the conversation could get serious because of how ridiculous it looked
- You start speaking really softly, so softly that Tyler most likely couldn't hear you properly so he got closer
- When your voice starts to break he puts his arm around your shoulders and rests his head on yours
- and when you start crying he takes one of your hands into his
- he's carefully rubbing your hand with his thumb while you continue speaking
- When you're done and you've calmed down he kisses you on your forehead and hugs you
- he didn't say anything while you were telling him about your problems but his way of comforting you was surprisingly really physical
- Tyler already knows that it's a personal matter and he can't help you directly but he's gonna do his best to be there when you need it and distract you from it
- When you guys call it a night and he goes back to his room you realize just how romantic that moment was
- You have second hand embarrassement while remembering how gentle and caring he was while you were literally bawling
- You keep on silently screeching and making weird sounds into your pillow while recalling everything
- You cringe so hard at some of the things you said and the way you cried was honestly worth of an actress in a drama
- 'Oh wow. Maybe Tyler's dad will hire me just to cry on screen in one of his movies...'
- a few days later when you feel a lot better Tyler admits something to you
- "Please, don't take it in a weird way but... I thought that you're really cute when you're crying."
- Um...?
- "Dude. Tyler. Do you even realize what you're saying?"
- "I know! I'm sorry! But I swear I don't mean it in a like- you know, creepy way or anything! I swear!"
- "How can this not be creepy?"
- "Uhh... Nevermind. Forget I said anything..."
- the both of you keep on having a good time while Tyler is secretly plotting a little revenge
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Casual At All: Everybody Get Some (Biadore) - Miss Alyssa Secret
“You’re the only one I can trust not to yell, ‘not today, Satan!’ right before you come,” had been Roy’s explanation when Danny brought it up.
Adore thinks she’s going to have to settle for (admittedly cute) trade, but she’d much rather be having sex with Roy. Luckily, there’s a surprise waiting in her dressing room, followed by an absolutely filthy blowjob in the shower and cuddling.  
A/N: Admittedly, I wrote an entire fic to set up a blowjob/mirror sex.  Contains very brief Adore/OMC, and Danny’s resulting vulnerability about the situation. -MAS
Adore finished out the number flat on her back on the stage, the lucky fan she’d pulled up to make out and grind with cradled between her raised knees.  She closed her eyes and took a few seconds to enjoy the applause and shouting, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.  
The boy on top of her was very politely holding his weight off her torso, and she let him help her up.  He’d been fun, flushing dark red when she pushed him down in the chair and straddled his lap but readily groping her chest and crotch once invited.  A good kisser as well, something Adore could appreciate, evidenced by the fact that he was now wearing more of her lipstick than she was.  She watched as he tried to discreetly adjust his hard on, gathering his wallet and cap from where they’d tumbled when she pulled his shirt off.
Giving him one last kiss, she murmured, “Come see me after?” in his ear, pleased when he bit his lip and nodded.
”That was fucking hot!” she yelled into the mic, evoking another round of wild screams before introducing the next song.
The music started and she lost herself in the song, green hair whipping back and forth.  There were just a couple more to go, and then she’d be done for the night. Performing always made her horny, so with luck, the boy would find his way to her as well.  
His dark eyes had caught her attention when she scanned the crowd to make her selection. Intensely masculine features, short curls under a hat, he had pushed all of the right buttons.  He was slender with a wiry build that she couldn’t wait to feel pinned against a wall, or maybe the couch in her dressing room.
Adore loved finding the beauty in everyone, never settling on one standard of appearance. On the other hand, she was well aware that the boys she’d been finding most attractive resembled a certain someone, although the fans didn’t seem to have picked up on it.
Roy himself seemed highly amused when she admitted most of the trade reminded her of him.  (“As long as it’s me and not Bianca, I’d be worried if you were fucking clowns.”)  She’d much rather be falling into bed, over vanity tables, or against doors with him.  Unfortunately, Bianca was booked halfway around the world, and she was stuck pulling boys who were quite attractive and charming, but still poor substitutes.  Getting off was fun, but she missed the companionship and post-coital conversation that consisted of more than race-chasing or celebrity worship.
After two encores, she bounced off the stage, buoyed by the audience’s energy.  Blotting her face, she grinned when she saw him waiting for her next to a severely unimpressed security guy.
”Wanna party with me?” she winked at him, pulling him by the hand towards the backstage corridor.  Once through the doors, she pushed him against the wall and let him grab a handful of her ass.
“Forgot to ask,” she purred, “what’s your name?”
”Uhhhh…”  He reddened in embarrassment, and she patiently waited for his upstairs brain to come back online.  “Ummm.  I’m Ian.”
”Nice to meet you, Ian.”  She pressed a thigh between his, feeling his clothed erection against her hip.  “Wanna see my dressing room?”
John was lingering at the end of the corridor, and she waved him off as they approached.  He shook his head in mock-despair, giving Ian a once-over before walking down the hall twenty feet and casually leaning on the wall, phone in hand.
She pulled him backwards into the dressing room by the belt loops and paused, frowning, when he stopped dead in the doorway, staring.
”Oh fuck me…”
”What?” Adore didn’t think she’d left it that much of a mess, turning around to check.
”Hey pussyface,” Roy greeted her cheerfully from his seat on the vanity, carryon at his feet.  “Who’s your friend?”
“Ohmygod.”  Ian’s eyes were wide, and Adore was at a loss for words when he dropped her hand and frankly stared.  “Are you…oh shit, you’re Bianca!”
”That’s the last thing my uncle said when-“ He hopped down, hands casually tucked in the pockets of the (yet another) baggy black hoodie.
Adore was still blinking in disbelief, but she was certain she was sober enough that Roy wasn’t a hallucination.
Ian’s head turned back and forth between her and Roy a few times before smiling nervously. “Ummm.  I’m sorry, I didn’t…”
”Don’t worry, this was supposed to be a surprise.”  Roy stopped just out of arm’s reach from Adore, attention seemingly focused away but she could feel his eyes hot on her.
”Sorry,” she gently squeezed Ian’s elbow.  “Rain check?”
”…what?  Oh!  No problem.  I mean yes.  Uhhh, I mean not if it’s not okay, because I ummm don’t want to-“
”Breathe.”  Roy still looked far too amused, reaching out to take his hand.  “Do me a favor?  Don’t tell anyone you saw me.”
”Sure.  Yes, totally, I will.  I mean, I won’t.  Won’t!”
”Thank you, my angel.  Appreciate it.”
”No absolutely!  You two, are you, yeah?  Yeah.”
“Cat got your tongue?” Ian looked like he was hanging off of Roy’s every word, and it took everything Adore had not to break out laughing.  It figured she would try to pull a Bianca fan.
She saw Ian out with a kiss on the cheek and several photos.  As soon as the door closed, she ignored Roy’s protests and lifted him off the ground with her hug, platform boots leaving her nearly a foot taller than his boy self. 
“Fuck, what are you doing here?” she murmured into his neck.
”Had a bit of a layover issue, so I got them to reroute me.”  Roy tugged her wig gently until she set him back down.  
“Layover- B, I’m not even on the right side of Europe!”
He waited while she unzipped her boots and started unpinning her wig.  
“I missed you.”
It was just three words, but the kiss that followed destroyed the last of her lipstick.  She tried to chase Roy’s lips as he pulled away, but he made a face and took a step back.
”You taste like someone else.”  The matter of fact tone of voice meant he wasn’t upset, but it also meant Roy wasn’t going to continue kissing her until she did something about it.  And since kissing figured rather heavily into her plans for that evening, she definitely needed to take care of the problem.
”Sorry,” she quirked her lips in a half-smile.  “I wasn’t-“
He cut her off with a hand to her cheek, and she leaned into it, feeling his fingers nimbly locating the last of the bobby pins holding her wig in place.
”It’s okay, pussyface.  I know how it is.  I just wanna taste you.”
Adore made quick work of removing the rest of her drag, aware of how Roy’s hands hovered over her body as he “helped” her get undressed.  
“Shower?”  The adjoining bathroom was small, but it included a shower and she wanted to wash all traces of anyone else off.  She didn’t know how long Roy had to stay, and it wouldn’t do to make any more delays.
Roy was already down to his briefs when she got the water running, completely naked when she was done quickly brushing her teeth, and waiting in the shower once Danny wiped Adore off.  Danny paused to just watch for a moment as the water ran over the sharp planes of his face tilted under the spray, before Roy slicked back his hair and opened his eyes.  Droplets clung to his lashes and he smiled on seeing Danny back to himself again.  
“C’mere,” he beckoned, molding their bodies together.
This time, there was no rush, tongues meeting with the barest hint of teeth.  Danny used both hands to hold Roy’s head in place as he deepened the kiss, moaning low in his throat when hands found their way to his ass and squeezed roughly.  He was most of the way to hard, erection sliding over Roy’s hip and his own pressing against the inside of Danny’s thigh.
”Miss me?”
”Of course, bitch.  Don’t be stupid.”
Roy kissed his way across his collarbone, licking droplets of water from the skin.  Danny nuzzled his temple, hands sliding down to the small of Roy’s back and toying with the dimples there.
”Long as you don’t replace me with a younger model.”  It was clearly meant as a joke, but Danny frowned, unsure if Roy was using it as a cover for a real insecurity.  
Better safe than sorry.
”B,” he tilted Roy’s head back enough to negate their height difference, “I could never.”
The teasing smile on Roy’s face slipped into something more serious in contrast to the highly erotic setting.  
“Shhhh, I know.  I didn’t mean it like that.”
Biting his lower lip, Danny nodded.  Some trace of uncertainty must have remained in his admittedly wobbly smile, because Roy backed against the wall out of range of the water, pulling Danny against him again. 
“Hey.  I promised I’d always be honest with you, remember?“  He blinked a couple of times, eyes gone soft.  “And I’m still okay with it.  It’s not like you knew I was going to be here.”
“You’re allowed to be weird about me showing up with trade.”
“It’s sex,” Roy continued, squeezing Danny’s hands.  “It wouldn’t be fair for me to ask you to wait weeks or months."  For me was left unsaid, and Danny wondered if they would ever quite be willing to address that part of their unconventional…something.  Not relationship, but not friends with benefits either.  
They’d talked about this their first time together, more than either of them was probably comfortable with, and in theory and the vast majority of practice it wasn’t an issue at all.  Months later, Adore was back to no-strings fun to satisfy her appetite, but it had taken a bit to be comfortable again.  Danny had been more circumspect than usual about hookups on tour, to the point that Courtney and Darienne commented about it in the group chat, asking if Adore was feeling okay because of the apparent dry spell.  It wasn’t until Roy left a voicemail (”If you’re not in the mood, that’s one thing.  But if you’re not getting laid because of me, that’s not what I want at all.  Love you pussyface, be safe, and I’ll see you in a couple weeks.“) that he realized he still worried about it being okay.  It wasn’t like the reverse was the case either; as far as Danny knew, Roy wasn’t fucking anyone else, although he always made enough innuendos to satisfy their friends.  ("You’re the only one I can trust not to yell, ‘not today, Satan!’ right before you come,” had been Roy’s explanation when Danny brought it up.)  
“Yeah.  Sorry, just feeling kind of weird about it."  
Roy kissed him gently, nudging their noses together.  "I get that.”
“Sorry,” Danny curled his lip up in a frown, “didn’t mean to kill the mood.”
“Quit apologizing."  There was that hint of Bianca, lurking around the edges.  "If it was bothering you, it was important.  Now,” he cocked his head to the side, “I’ve got four hours before I have to be back on a plane out of here.”
“Time to go back to my room?”
“Possibly, but I thought you might like to get blown in the shower."  Roy’s ability to be conversational about sex was, in Danny’s opinion, one of the hottest things ever.
“Yeah."  He steered Danny back under the water.  "Turn around for me?”
Grabbing the bottle of body wash off the shelf, Roy took his time working it into a lather over Danny’s back, fingers digging into the knotted muscles as he worked in gradually larger circles.  He eventually moved his hands around to the front, circling Danny’s waist, Danny’s head falling back onto his shoulder for a messy kiss as he ran slippery fingers teasingly over his nipples.  The layer of soap between them provided the perfect amount of slip for him to slide his half-hard cock against Danny’s ass.
“If you want,” Roy’s voice was husky with arousal, lips barely brushing Danny’s ear, “we can change that to shower sex."  He punctuated the last word with a harder thrust, cock slipping into the cleft of Danny’s ass and evoking a whole-body shiver.
"Mmmm, not tonight?"  The hand Danny had thrown back to anchor Roy against him tightened on his ass.  "Unless you wanna get fucked.”
“Not tonight,” he agreed.
”I don’t let other people fuck me,” Danny confessed, feeling as if it were a scandalous thing.  Maybe it was, for them.  
Roy’s hips stilled.  With his chin hooked over Danny’s shoulder, it almost seemed like he was staring into the distance until Danny realized what he was looking at.  
The shower was directly opposite the full length mirror, and even with the glass door partially fogged, their reflection was clear.  If someone took a photo of their faces right then, cheeks pressed together, the pose would be familiar to hundreds of thousands of fans from dozens of selfies.  What the mirror captured and the camera seldom did, was the vulnerability in Danny’s eyes, Roy’s tiny smile and arms holding him possessively against his body.
Slowly, Roy turned them sideways, moving until Danny’s back was pressed against the wall.  He dropped to his knees, hands sliding down Danny’s sides and coming to rest on his hips.  Then he reached out and pushed the glass door open, providing a view of the mirror unimpeded by steam.
Danny looked down, and Roy shook his head.  “Don’t watch me.  Watch us.”  He jerked his chin towards the mirror, waiting until Danny complied.  
They locked eyes in the reflection, Danny’s still soft with uncertainty and Roy’s sleepy in a way that spoke of rumpled sheets and nights filled with the sounds of sex.  Very gently, Roy nuzzled Danny’s hip, twining both of their hands together as he did so.  He kissed the crest of that same hip, opening his mouth to suck a bruise into the skin before soothing it with his tongue.  
Danny’s mouth fell open in a gasp that he couldn’t hear over the rush of falling water, but felt all the same.  Roy continued his path downward, tongue drawing a line between the droplets of water clinging to the groove between hip and thigh.  
Danny shuddered when he sucked a second love bite into the flesh of his inner thigh, eyes falling closed for a moment before snapping open again.  
Still watching each other, Roy mouthed at Danny’s balls, using his tongue to bounce them against his lips and nipping carefully at the skin.  
Danny’s head fell back onto the wall with a dull thud, but he didn’t look away.
Roy licked up the underside of the straining erection, squeezing their fingers together as he slipped the flushed head into his mouth.  This time, Danny’s moan carried over the shower noise.
He let it slide out of his mouth with a wet pop before leaving open-mouthed kisses down the side of the shaft.  
Danny dug his teeth into his lower lip, trying to stay quiet.
Pulling back for a moment, Roy’s lips curved into his bedroom smile, the one that always made Danny hard with the memories it suggested.  Then he licked his lips, wrapped them around Danny’s cock, and went down in one smooth motion until the tip nudged the back of his throat.
Danny’s hands clenched convulsively as his hips jerked, trying to go deeper.  Roy took a long breath, eyes falling closed, relaxed his jaw, and slipped just a little further down.  
When his eyes opened, what he saw in the mirror was a vision of pure sin.
Danny’s back arched away from the wall, head and elbows braced against it as his hips thrust forward.  The muscles in his arms flexed, chest thrown out and nipples hard.  His mouth hung open, lips puffy and bitten, brow creased and eyes clenched shut in ecstasy.  
Roy pulled back, sucked in another deep breath, sucked harder on the cock in his mouth.  He bobbed his head a few times, pre-come slicking his tongue, before gently freeing one hand from Danny’s grip and bringing some relief to the aching need between his legs.
The moan that vibrated around Danny’s cock when his fingers closed around his own throbbing erection evoked a whimper.  Danny’s hand flew out to turn the water off before fisting his fingers in wet hair and forcing his eyes open to watch as he fucked Roy’s mouth.
The steady stream of moans from them both mingled with the wet, choked-off sounds of a blowjob, filling the steamy air.  Danny’s gaze drifted down to where Roy was jerking himself with rapid strokes, willing back his orgasm.
Roy might not be submissive in the least, but he got off hard on having Danny use his mouth.  The stretch of his jaw, the spit-slick shaft gliding over his lips, the weight of the cock on his tongue, all conspired to bring him closer to the edge.
”B,” Danny rasped out, “I wanna see you come.”
That’s all it took.  Roy’s eyes rolled back and his jaw fell slack as he arched his back and came, thrusting into his fist.  
Orgasm hit Danny like a wave breaking against the shore, rushing up from his cock pulsing cum into Roy’s mouth.  His legs buckled, overcome with shakes, and he collapsed back to slide down the wall, cock smearing cum across Roy’s lips and chin.  The sight of him still shivering with his climax sent an aftershock of pleasure up Danny’s spine.  
There was only the sound of their harsh panting for a few moments, until Roy dragged himself back to reality.  Turning his head, he spit his mouthful of cum towards the drain before listing sideways, coming to rest between Danny’s spread knees.
In response, Danny tugged his shoulders with arms that felt impossibly heavy, pulling Roy until his back rested against Danny’s chest.
”Why’d you spit?”
Roy started to sit up, stopping when Danny’s arms tightened.
”Not mad or whatever, just wondering.”
”You’re smoking too much again,” he frowned.  
”Oh.  Sorry.”
Roy shrugged one shoulder, head lolling back against Danny’s shoulder.
”It’s not cause I’ve been with…”
This time Roy did sit up and turn until they were face to face.  He paused, hearing what wasn’t being said.
”I know you’re being safe.  It really does taste bad, believe me.”
He leaned out to check the time, and groaned.  
”We should probably finish cleaning up before someone comes looking for you.”
Danny pushed himself to his feet, waiting for Roy to do the same.  He turned the water back on, giggling as Roy rinsed his mouth under the spray.  
“I should make you eat it next time,” he muttered, rolling his eyes when Danny stuck out his tongue.
They were silent for a few minutes, using the shower for its intended purpose.  Roy sacrificed his shirt for them to dry off (“You’re in a place with a shower and didn’t bring a spare towel?” “What, it’s not like you carry one in Bianca’s suitca- oh.  Never mind.”) and they made their way back out to the dressing room.  
Roy fished out a clean shirt from his carryon, and they collapsed onto the couch.  
“Round two or…?” He tried to guess what Danny might need.
Instead, Danny gathered him close, nuzzling Roy’s wet hair.
”Nah.  How long till you gotta leave again for the airport?”
”Thirty minutes if I want to get through security and not run for the gate.”
” ‘kay.”  Danny sighed.  “Just stay like this?”
Roy smiled and brushed a gentle kiss against his lips.
”I can do that.”
In my stories, Danny and Roy only ever have unprotected sexual activities with each other, and even then not all of the time. Danny’s messed around with other people, so they ought to have used protection, but, like in reality, sometimes people forget. That’s not the reason Roy spits (truly doesn’t like the taste), but leaving semen in contact with your mouth does increase the risk of an STI.
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marlettwrites · 5 years
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Tagged by: @quilloftheclouds (you said I could, so I’m gonna)
What genre(s) you write?
I write fantasy and sci-fi and I’m a little loathe to call this a genre because I feel like books with LGBTQIA+ characters should be normalized rather than separated from media with purely cishet characters? Anyway, I write looooots of gay shit.
What’s on your reading wish list?
Okay, so... I really want to read some HP Lovecraft. I have a huge collection of his stories on my Kindle, I just haven’t gotten to them yet.
I’m slowly working my way through The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons. I’m not going slowly because I don’t like it (I!!! Fucking love!!! This book!!!), I’m going slowly because somewhere along my journey to becoming a writer, I stopped reading as much as I used to. It’s sad, and I hate it, and I’m trying to reverse this awful curse.
After I read that, I’m gonna read Akata Warrior by Nnedi Okorafor. I own the first book, Akata Witch, and it was super good and I can’t wait to read the sequel! I adore all her characters and the worldbuilding is just... mmm! Delicious.
Your favorite character from your current WIP?
Oh dear. 
Ummm.... all of them? I mean, Kasaika’s a piece of shit, but everyone else can have the spare key to my apartment and access to the leftovers in my fridge.
Some writing tropes you like?
Fuck, uh, okay.
Found family is hot shit, so jot that down. I also love??? Enemies to friends to lovers??? In my own WIP I’m doing a variation on that that I refer to as ‘Frenemies to friends to lovers’, and I’m super excited for that slow burn to catch flame. Uhhh... I also like... when the characters are pining hard... but also in denial... and assuming their love is unrequited... and then finding out... it wasn’t... das good shit.
The story behind your WIP’s name?
A Curse of Healing was... so incredibly difficult to name. I wanted it to be intriguing, but it also had to say something about the book, and for some reason, putting both of those things together was a challenge???
Basically, I called it that because the main character, Jude, has the ability to heal people using his magic, which would be cool, except it hurts him to use it. Also, his brother forces him to constantly heal people because he runs an underground criminal organization and being able to insta-heal an entire armies worth of thieves in a day makes him damn near invincible.
Are you a pantser or plotter?
I tried pantsing when I first began writing. It didn’t work out so well. I like to plot out as many details as possible.
Do you post your work somewhere?
I have an earlier version of this story up on a few platforms. By ‘earlier version’, I mean the short story I originally wrote to get rid of my plot bunnies. It worked for about five minutes. Then my brother told me he wanted to know what happened next, and, well... here we are.
Do you also read/write fanfic? If yes, for the same genres as what you write?
Oh man. Some of the first things I ever wrote were fanfic. I turned in a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic (although it kinda wasn’t?? Like, they were anthro characters in the style of Sonic, but the story had fuck all to do with any of the Sonic characters or their world. It was about an anthro fox ice princess who went on a quest to slay a dragon to save her kingdom, and I think there was a fire prince in there somewhere?) for a fourth grade writing assignment, and I got the numbered equivalent of an A. 
Come to think of it, I have no fucking clue if I put any effort into describing characters, so I’m not sure if my teacher even knew the princess was also a bipedal fox.
Your favorite dessert. Because why not.
I like... cheesecake. With cherry glaze. Yum. 
But!!! My favorite desert!!!
Is anything rose flavored!! Especially rose flavored turkish delight. Yessss delicious. I also had a vanilla ice cream with rose syrup on top once and!!!!! Very Good!!!!!
Tagging: @aly-writes-stuff, @practising-writer
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Survey #177
“i get pretty just to fuck my face up.”
What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop? Strawberry or watermelon. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print? Not particularly, but I suppose jaguar. What do you think of foot tattoos? Surprisingly, not a big fan. It's gotta be cute, well-placed, and small. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go? Maybe? I don't remember. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts? Chocolate frosted. What do you drink with dinner? It varies. Can be soda, water, milk... Peanuts or sunflower seeds? I don't like either. What is your favorite grocery store to shop at, and how often do you shop for groceries? Sam's Club totally has the best deals, but I don't make the shopping calls here. Who is your favorite character from the last movie you watched? Uhhh the super paranoid lady whose actress is a legend. Where did you have your first kiss? What about your last kiss? His bed; airport. What is the last thing you spoke to your father about? Phone bill. Who do you feel you have the most in common with? Sara. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? Myself. Have you ever apologized to someone, but didn’t mean it? I'm sure at some point. What is the one thing that you can’t resist? Reese's, I sometimes cannooooot tell myself no to a Mtn. Dew Voltage, wanting to pet an animal even if it's dangerous, and uhhh I'm sure there's more. Have you ever done another person's homework for money? No. If you could play any piece of music on an instrument, what would it be? Teach me the ending piece from WKM on the piano so I could ruin myself further than just listening to it already does. Have you ever treated someone like they were nothing? I don't believe so. If you could ask 5 questions and get an exact answer, what would you ask? Oh yikes, deep one. Um... 1.) what is the cure for cancer, 2.) cure for Alzheimer's/dementia, 3.) cure for HIV/AIDS, 4.) how can/is it even possible to obtain world peace, and 5.) will I be stable in the future are what come to mind first. Does it frighten you when animals get into fights? I GET VERY SCARED FOR THE ANIMALS. When you were little did you touch just about everything in the store? YUP YUP YUP. Do you ever leave your drinks out in the open at a party? N/A, but I absolutely would not. Ever suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Yes. Who is someone you’ll always hate? No one I personally know. How many people do you trust 100 percent? Just one. I would include Mom, but I know she lies about Dad. Do you think you could survive a month of solitary confinement? NO, I really think I'd lose it and kill myself. Do you often start books, yet never finish them? I don't read, but I'd do that if I didn't like it. When was the last time you felt abandoned by someone? Idr. Does the sight of blood gross you out? No. Have you ever gone through a red light? No. Do you fail to stop for stop signs, sometimes? No. What is your favorite eye color in the opposite sex? Blue. When you are sad, do you cheer yourself up, or look to others? It depends, but I usually begin with the former. During which year of your life were you the most unhappy? 2016 can been damned by God themselves. Have you ever seen a bluejay in person? Yes. Have you ever eaten grass/leaves? Probably as a kid. Do you typically like green-colored candies? Yeah! Apple flavor is the bomb.com. Who is the most energetic and happy person you know of? Ryder, my nephew. Who makes you smile the most often? Sara Jane. :') How do you express your happiness? I'm louder, more talkative, goofier. When was the last time you did a good deed? Uhhh idk. It's a tiny thing, but I suppose you could count me getting my old man bub with arthritis up on the bed when he wanted up. What songs make you happy? Lots... Do you like to sing? Sometimes, but I'm not good at it. Where is somewhere that holds fond memories for you? Ummm the little pond behind the community college where we took our first prom photos. That whole day was just extremely magical, and passing it is a severe PTSD trigger so if for whatever reason we're driving past there, Mom goes around it. I did pass it a few months back when I was taking pictures of flowers around the college and I was okay, probably because I didn't even glance at it. What do you think of the gothic stereotype? # A E S T H E T I C Have you ever encountered a black widow? Yup. What scares you, more than anything else? Ending up alone/losing all those I love. Has an animal ever peed on you? Lol yeah...  Pet rodents have multiple times when getting them accustomed to being held, a puppy probably has, and Venus (my snake) did once after I held her for like an hour, aha. Couldn't be mad at that angel, she was obviously so comfy. What would make a cool substitute color for the sun? Pink. Is purple a good color for a car? Sure. Do you prefer green or purple/red grapes? Purple; crisper. What is something you like that is sour? Warheads. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Some hot wings at BWW with one of the hottest sauces. When was the last time you had a real deep chat? Idk, I'm sure something with Sara. Who did you last see on webcam? I've no idea. Have you ever discovered something gross in your food at McDonalds? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Ramen? I only like the spicy chicken Yakisoba ones. Have you ever spent the night in jail? No. Name a really popular television show you never got into: Ha, a lot. Game of Thrones, for one, but I'd be willing to give it a second chance via more episodes and a different attitude and actually kinda want to. Sara, add that to our list. Do you listen to any unsigned bands/singers? Who? No, I don't believe so. I need to start listening to my old friend's band, though, because I really want to support them; they work so hard and are very serious about taking their band somewhere. Nova Mortis if you're interested and like heavy metal. What do you find really interesting? THE PARANORMAL, for one. Genetics, psychology, fossils, abandoned buildings and shacks, natural selection and evolution, outer space, differences in languages and cultures, and so much more. Who is your favorite video game character? Spyro! What kind of pictures do you post on Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat most frequently? I like never post pictures, but selfies on FB, then I have two photography Instagrams. Do you remember the first person you felt sexually attracted to? Seriously, Jason. Have you ever been on vacation with a significant other? No. Is there anything on your bucket list that you’re hoping to cross off soon? A lot of things, but. Probably won't be soon as many include travel. Of all of your friends’ significant others, who do you get along with best? And least? Sam's wife Kieley is an absolute doll; least, idk. What would your life be like if you had married your first love? HAHAHAHAHA I REEEEEAAAAALLY DON'T WANT TO PICTURE THAT KNOWING NOW HE DIDN'T/DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ME AND CAN'T COMMUNICATE FOR SHIT. What is the most difficult or time-consuming thing you’ve ever cooked? Would you make it again? N/A Have you ever had a platonic friend that everyone insisted you should be in a relationship with? Girt, hardcore. Eventually did, but we know how that went. Is there anything about a person’s sexual past that might stop you from wanting to date them? Yup: if they've assaulted someone, prostitution is involved, casual flings/one-night stands have happened, being/have been a porn star, cheated before. If someone asked your closest friends/family members what career path might suit you best, what do you think they would say? Like, everyone will answer that question with "vet." Have you ever considered “unplugging”/taking a significant period of time away from technology? lol nope I doubt I'd last a day with no technology. Do you use a photo editor? Lightroom, Photoshop, sometimes PhotoScape. Is your dad overweight? Quite the opposite. Ever been honked at? Yeah. Which do you prefer, doctor or dentist? Dentist; I'm never nervous for them. Name two things you put whipped cream on? I haaaate whipped cream. Texture thing. Favorite thing you’ve ever painted? Two meerkats grooming, done on a huge thing of burlap. What’s your favorite type of sushi? Never tried, never will. Have you ever had an ulcer? No. What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend has had? Scarlett. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? Yup. I had a long insomnia streak where I physically couldn't sleep without Melatonin. What is your current favorite song? I'm hooked on "The Bottom is a Rock" by Mother Mother rn. If you had to move to another country, where would you move? Canada. Do you have a balcony? No. Are you jealous of anyone, even mildly? If so, who? Yeah, my sisters, as well as some real successful friends. Have you ever done a craft you saw in a magazine? No. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? No. Who is a singer that has given you chills? Celine Dion, Loreena McKennitt, Sebastian Bach, David Draiman, and Amy Lee off the top of my head. What act would you perform in a talent show? I wouldn't, I got nothin'. What area are you the most gifted in, do you think? Um... writing, I guess? Which style of wedding dress is your favorite? BALLGOWN BITCH Do you enjoy editing videos? Ye! Do you enjoy editing photos? Yup. Who do you think is the most attractive actor? I see u Jason Momoa. Have you ever been caught doing something REAL embarrassing by your parents? I don't believe so. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Do you have any of your neighbors as friends on Facebook? No. When was the last time you thought about sex, or sexual things? Ummm within the past few days probably, at least briefly? Are there any flowers planted outside your house? We have a tall bush that sprouts big, pink flowers, if that counts. Does anyone in your family smoke? Dad. What was the very first election you voted in? I haven't yet. Do you have a drone? No. Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? No, rather too shy. Were you tired when you woke up this morning? YEAH. I slept like shit and had to get up early for a VR assessment. You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? I feel like I'd say something sarcastic to them. Or be more mature about it and ask why. Or cry. Are you proud of who you are? Eh, only in certain areas... Is your vision good? I can barely read the line below the big "E." So no lmao. Are you a legal adult? Yeah but idk how. Has anyone ever called you a flirt? No. What was the last compliment your received? The assessment lady at VR loved my hair. Do you know any sign language? No. Who was the last person to give you a gift? Sara, on our anniversary. Do you trust the media? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BITCH NO. If you could kill off one species of animal, which would it be? Can gnats like????? not???????? Idk if they have a single useful function????????? What kind of cookies are your favorite? Chocolate chip. Who’d you last say I love you to? My mom. What’s the most overpaid job in your opinion? I'm not educated on this enough to give you an informed answer. What’s the last thing you wrote down? Working out a math problem during the assessment. When’s the last time you didn’t sleep in your own bed? Over a month ago. When’s the last time you heard a gunshot? Idk. Who’d you get mad at last? Myself. What’s the last thing that annoyed you? Bentley wouldn't listen. When’s the last time you gave someone advice? I think yesterday? Do you think you’re lucky, unlucky, or neither? Neither. Who did you last disappoint? Myself. Do you enjoy learning? Of course!!!! I mean there're subjects I have no interest in and don't enjoy, but learning as a whole is great. People say you learn something new every day, so what did you learn today? Well it was nothing big, but that I could return Miku before she got hurt since Mitsu didn't appreciate a new "buddy." Yes or no: eyebrow piercings? They can look super badass or awful depending on your face and eyebrow thickness imo. When I say The Beatles, what is the first song that comes to mind? "Yellow Submarine" even tho I hate that song???? In your opinion, what is the very worst type of weather? Hot and humid, especially with no breeze. Just no. You can only listen to 1 band for the rest of your life, who do you pick? DON'T MAKE ME. What is something that you had to learn the hard way? DON'T. THINK. A RELATIONSHIP. IS WITHOUT A SINGLE CHANCE. OF. SOMEONE. LEAVING. EVEN. IN THE MOST "SECURE" ONES. When was the last time you felt like your heart was actually breaking? Ahhhh I'm not sure. Either something with Mom or Sara. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Mom. If your ex called you right now, would you answer? I don't have his number, so I wouldn't answer. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Sara. Do you want your tongue pierced? It is. 10/10 recommend for cute factor, but 0/10 for the healing process and pain asjfawiwo. Mine's through the very tip of my tongue and because that area is so sensitive, it was so painful that I became immediately nauseous. Pain didn't entirely vanish for almost two weeks. BUT I have zero regrets, so worth it. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Yeah. What’s one thing in your life that you wish you could change? Financial position. Have you ever been in a perfect relationship? Ha, don't ever believe those exist. Do you still talk to the person who broke your heart the most? Nope. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret? Ummm I don't believe so. Well, I don't know if I'd take back going all the way or whatever the fuck that was, maybe I would. idk Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? No. Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it? I'm capable, but I don't enjoy it at all. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret? Yeah, being in a shit mood and/or being impulsive with my words. Do you like french fries? Who the FUCK sayin no to this. Have you ever ate so much you puked? No. Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? To some degree/in certain aspects. Would you rather eat cookies or brownies? Probs brownies. Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones? No. Are you good with managing your finances? I don't. Not in that position yet. What is the closest pizza place to your house? Domino's. Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names? Hmmmm no. Are you any good at drawing? Some things. Is there anything unusual about your house? No. Can you maintain a text conversation or do you run out of things to say? I think I'm good at keeping *text* convos going, surprisingly. Do you find it hard to talk to strangers, even people who work in stores? YEAH!!!!!!! Have you ever tasted goat’s milk? No. Did you ever take classes for a musical instrument when you were younger? Yup. Band member all through middle school, stopped after my junior year of HS. Do you snore when you sleep? No, but I talk a loooot. Who is the first person who broke your heart? Dad. Do you know anyone who has fought in a war? Jason's dad was in the Navy. What religion are you? Theist, which basically just entails me believing there's a god/goddess/some sorta beginning deity, but hell if I know anything about them. I make my own guesses. Who is the last person you gave a ride to, and where did you take them? I don't have a license or my own car. What is the last thing you untruthfully denied? Hm. I'm not sure. Have you ever ridden on a real train? No. Name ONE good memory about your last ex? He's absolutely hilarious and I miss hanging out more! Would you consider yourself dishonest? Not gonna bullshit and claim I never am, but in general, no. Do you tend to let people break through your walls easily? HAHA YEAH RIGHT. What are you superstitious about? Nothing. What is the coolest thing you can do? Oh boy, hell if I know. I know from experience people are often surprised how even skittish animals/pets seem to be drawn to me; does that count? Is there anyone you want to hook up with that you haven’t? Not my thing.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
My Boyfriend has No idea P2
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As soon as we got the the restaurant everyone yelled happy to see us at last here the only seats left on the long table where right on this end so I sat next to gally and newt sat next to me on the end of the table 
“What the shuck too you shanks so long?” Thomas chuckled 
“newt was still in the shower when i went to pick him up, so I had to wait around for him to put pants on” I complain
“Yeah bet newt was hoping you’d come up and visit him in his shower” Minho smirked making everyone laugh but him
“Ohh shut up min!” he complained we all sat having lunch for a good while so much they where considering kicking us out but our group bill was running up by now anyway I hardly spoke to gally all night, mostly because talking with newt was much more interesting anyway, plus we where being a little secretly flirty with each other not enough that if anyone saw they would think it was anything but a joke, but enough that I could tell it was making him hard, I smirked as I sat talking to Brenda across the table I rested my hand on his leg I saw out of the corner of my eye he lightly smirked at me focusing on his conversation with minho or well trying to given that i moved my hand to the crotch of his pants intentional rubbing my hand on his hardening cock though his thin jeans I figured out where his head was and focused all my rubbing there he had to stop talking often sipping his beer trying to stop himself making any faces or giving away what I was doing to him I felt his metal zipper and gently and quietly tugged it down and slipping my fingers in he tucked himself a little under the table more so nowone was going to see what I was doing to him I noticed he had no boxers on so I gently ran my fingers down his shaft and gently rubbing little circles on his head 
“Ohh shuck!” he complained
“what was that?” gally asked him  a little confused but newt’s noise 
“I hit my foot on the table leg” he answered making everyone satisfied with that answer going back to there normal chats as they ate as soon as they did I grabbed him hard lightly pumping as much as i could without giving it away by my hand “Ummm you dirty girl” he groaned quietly directly in my ear “jerking me off while your sat right next to your boyfriend?” he moaned 
“Your more fun then he is” I smirk winking at him before taking my hand away, he quickly did his pants back up 
“bathrooms, now” He growled 
“what for?” I chuckle
“A cup of tea love” he smirked he made is exit most people not thinking twice about it as he left I sat for a moment having a drink I gently placed my hand on gallys leg but he pushed me away going back to his conversation so i sighed 
“Gal, I’m off to the bathroom” i tell him
“sure” he shrugged not overly interested so I went off to the little bathrooms shutting the door and a hand grabbed mine as newt tugged me into the disabled toilet slapping the door shut behind me he lifted me up by my thighs sitting me on the ledge with the sink kissing down my neck
“Newt! stop if what if someones see’s them” I laugh lightly kicking him as he tried leaving a love bite on my neck
“Ohh come on who cares, tell them gally did it... just let me have my fun love” He complains 
“No, stop it, you can shuck me fine but no marks” i warn him
“humm fine” he sighs “But if we are really going to be doing this all the time... we’ve going to have to look into some better protection, because I can’t raw shuck you all the time” he says “and I only have one in my wallet” he says getting it from his pocket and ripping the wrapper with his teeth as I slipped my underwear off from under my dress 
“well maybe tomorrow, as we both have a day off work maybe we could go into town maybe have a wonder around one of the more...smutty stores” I giggle
“Umm you dirty girl” he smirks kissing me and grabbing waist as soon as he was sorted out he quickly slipped inside me 
“Come on before they guys notice where gone to long” I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him deeply as he quickly began thrusting inside me we kept kissing mostly to keep each other quiet till I felt myself getting close and he pulled away
“Hummm you dirty little thing, your boyfriends out there, sitting waiting wondering where his baby girl is? and where is she... getting pounded in the pussy by some other boy” He groaned 
“one of his best mates too” I smirk “well if he shucked his baby girl better she wouldn’t be desperate for his best mates cock” I smirk pulling him back to kissing me 
“Yeah? maybe I should tell him how his girlfriend says I shuck her better then him?” he smirked
“he’d kill you” I smirk
“I know he would, he’d kill me he knew what we had been up to. but I love your pussy to much” he growled pulling me closer I grabbed onto the soft fabric of his shirt getting close to my orgasm I know he knew that was my problem he smirked nuzzling his head into my neck getting faster I felt my orgasm explore inside me having to bite on his shoulder so I didn’t scream but he didn’t stop
“Hhuu Newt.. you have to stop” I told him losing my mind in my post orgasmic state
“Just... a little longer love, I wont be long” he groaned kissing down my neck till his hips bucked inside me and he almost collapsed with a sharp grunt and groan
“Come on we have to get back” I tell him hopping off and getting my panties back on
“you, go I need a minuet” he says 
“alright, see you in a sec” I smile giving him a kiss and going back to the table with the guys people didn’t even look out at me after a while newt came back sitting beside me once everyone had finished up we all left the place paying our bills and heading out t the cars “gally you drove with Thomas and Teresa right?” I ask “well I drove newt so I’ll drop you and him home” I tell him
“sure” he shrugged.
I sighed as I moved my face out a little from the pillow as gally roughly thrusted inside me I sighed as he groaned and grunted behind me “Uhhh! Fuck!” He groaned behind me I just wanted it to be over so I could leave
“Gally how much longer are you going to-” I began
“Quiet! I can’t do it if your talking” he says 
“Humm... gally not doing to good is he?” I heard newt ask me I glanced behind me but nothing but I smirked burring my face in my pillow losing my mind in my fantasy “Aww You Imagining me rather then him love?”  he growled
“Uhhhhh!” I groan day dreaming about newt fucking me instead of gally
“Shut up! I can’t finish if your talking” Gally complains
“Humm... your really doing it aren’t you love? dreaming it was me. Well go on then Imagine it’s my cock fucking your sweet little pussy, I bet when gally finishes up your going to call me arent you? call me up and tell me to get over so I can actually make you cum” He smirked “Hmmm what would gally think he knew you where dreaming about me while he was fucking you? properly drive straight over and kick my arse because of you” 
“Ughhh! fuck!” He groaned laying on his bed lighting up a cigarette I sighed turning to sit and get my clothes back on “You alright?” he asks
“Fine” I shrug 
“Y/n...is something up?” He asks
“No, I’m just tried” I shrug
“Ohh get home then” he suggests
“Sure, see ya later” I tell him
“See ya” he nods from his bed so I got my stuff and left going down to my car as soon as I got out the building I got my phone and called newt it rang for a while so much I had put my stuff in my car and got in before he answered
“Uhhh- Hi yeah- Hello?” he stuttered
“what’s wrong with you?” I ask
“nothing” he answered sharply I could hear his jagged breaths and the fact he was stuttering on his words weren’t helping out
“here you jerking off before you answered the phone?” I ask
“Yeah” He answered
“why?” I ask
“You said you where at Gal’s tonight... Didn’t know when I’d be seeing you next” he shrugs ��Why do you ask?” 
“Keep it hard I’m Ten minuets away” I tell him starting my car
“Uhh okay... what’s-” He began
“just shut up and order Pizza” I tell Him
“Alright Love...What do you want?” he asks
“Don’t care half of whatever you want” I shrug as I put it on speaker as I drove off “So long as it’s no Pineapple” I tell him
“Ohh! you spoil all my fun, alright, Ten minuets” he smirked before he hung up so I quickly drove off to newt’s place parking up and going up the dirty half broken staircase up to his flat I knocked on the door “It’s open!” he yelled from inside so I went up quickly shutting the door behind me he sat on his sot trying to find something to watch “Hello love” he smiles “Pizza’s on the way, lock the door on your way over” He says so I locked the door and turned off his TV “I was watching that but-” he began but i smirked slipping off my dress and he smirked biting his lip at me “Your that horny?” he asks and I nod “Alright get the rest of and get over here” he groaned undoing his jeans so I giggled slipping off my underwear and un clipping my bra as his hard cock sprung free from his pants 
“Humm you did as I asked” I smirked
“I did my best, He was excited to see you again” he smirked “get that arse over here love before I start touching my shucking self again” I stepped over kneeling on his sofa over his lap within seconds he was inside me and I bit my mouth “What’s up with you? what happened with gally?” He asks kissing down my neck
“Nothing” I answer sharply 
“Liar” he smirks thrusting up instantly hitting my G spot I grabbed his neck tightly kissing him he kissed me back grabbing my arse and hips as I slowly moved and he thrusted up inside me each one feeling so good “What happened? and why did it make you so horny?” he asks me gently rubbing on my clit “Tell me...else I won’t make you cum” He warns
“He fucked me” I shrug 
“I’m not feeling any sloppy seconds ?” he smirked
“He didn’t make me cum” I answer already getting close
“Humm thought he didn’t...that’s what’s wrong with you darling? your horny as shuck because your frustrated” He smirked kissing down my neck and down my breasts “Well... it’s what I’m here for love” he smirked thrusting up faster he was struggling getting close himself I could tell by his face
“Aww close already newtie...hat where you imagining when I called?” I ask moving myself a little faster
“You... riding my cock” He groans rolling his head against his sofa
“Humm well you must have been wishing pretty hard, it came true” I smirk as I kissed down his neck 
“I better wish that hard every time if it makes you come over and ride my cock” He smirked
“Just text me next time your horny okay? next time you want to touch yourself you text me okay and I’ll come over and fix it” I smirk
“Ummm you dirty girl, what even if your with gally you’ll rush over to come suck my cock?” he asks
“Yep” I giggle 
“Umm I love you” he groans
“I know” I smile he got much faster rubbing my clit hard 
“I think... there is something you didn’t tell me? you and gally have alot of sex and your always left horny, you don’t always drive straight here and jump on my cock? so what was different this time?” he ask
“nothing” I snap
“Liar” he smirked biting my neck “tell me the truth...else I’m telling gally where his girlfriend ran off to?” he warns
“You wouldn’t... then I wouldn’t have sex with you” I smirk
“Well..maybe he would dump you then you’d be all mine” He smirks “Wouldn’t you like that? no sneaking around? no frustrated nights?” he suggests
“not yet... I’m still deciding” I tell him
“Tell me Y/n” He smirks but I got faster “Uhhh! bloody hell! I love when you do that” he groans as we both got close holding each other tightly desperate for our orgasms 
Knock Knock Knock came from his door
“Yeah!” He asked trying to bite back moans 
“Delivery” The man called from outside
“Okay...one sec” he groaned going to make me stop but I kept going to desperate to stop he kept going to kissing me hard to keep us quiet getting faster and faster and faster I hit my orgasm rocketing into pleasure as my pussy clenched he finished too both of us holding onto each other with a wise like grip as we calmed down we pulled away from kissing resting out forheads together as we got our breath back
Knock Knock knock
“Okay! we’re coming!” I yell 
“Yeah... we where cumming” he smirks kissing down my neck 
“Go get food you dickhead” I smirk getting off him and taking my clothes to his room starting to get dressed again as he dealt with the door, When I came back he was setting the Pizza on the table and sitting on the sofa having a breath 
“I love when we do that” He smirks opening his arm so I smiled sitting beside him and cuddling into his side “So what did happen?” he asks
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S2E12
Non-chronological order reaction post?  Yep.  Probably should be working on the other ones instead?  I’m gonna say yep.
I just wanna see how they do Mr. Freeze here.  If they wreck him, then I might be a little mad.  I’m still mad at Ed- I never liked Ed.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
Oohhh, flashback!
Oooh, drumroll!
They use a drumroll for the background music all the time when it comes to the GCPD.
“[Jim] You then pursued Cobblepot and his men, correct?”  “Yes, but I was unable to locate them.“  *jaw drops in shock*  Oh my God...
*claps with each word*  Jim, you are lying under oath!
“At which point, you [JIm] decided to flee the city before law enforcement could question you?”  “Yes, for that, I have no excuse other than to say I was concerned for the safety of my fiancée [Lee].“  *gasps*  SHE SAID YES!!
Yeah, this is basically just a recap of what happened in the winter finale.
“Were you [Jim] present at the time of his murder?”  “No, I was not.”  Oh my God!
“Do you [Jim] have any information regarding the case that you have not shared with us?”  “No, I do not.“  OH MY GOD, JIM!
“Were you [Jim] involved in Theo Galavan's murder?“  OH MY GOD, JIM!
“No, I was not.”  OH MY GOD, JIM!  OH MY GOD, YOU LIED! 
*on verge of losing voice*  JIM!
Jim, you ass!
“Then what's wrong [Jim]?”  “Nothing.  Long day.“  LIES!  YOU LIED UNDER OATH!
“I [Barnes] believe your [Havey Dent’s] investigation has found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.”  “Careful. You're starting to sound like a lawyer.“  Hoo hooo...
Oswald C. Cobblepot?  What’s Oswald’s middle name?  Chester?
AN:  It’s Chesterfield.
There’s that [Jerome cult] graffiti again!
Oh my God... he [Oswald] looks so mangy... and gross
Oh my God, they put a screwdriver in Butch’s stump?!?  That’s... kinda awesome.
I like Tabitha’s look in this scene.  Like A+
“I [Butch] bet that was your [Tabitha] plan all along, huh? You're just that fond of me.”  “Strangely enough, I [Tabitha] am kind of fond of you [Butch].“  This is gonna come back and bite us in the butt in the S4 finale AAAHHH
“We [Tabitha and Butch] have history.“  *grimaces*
*Tabitha kisses Butch*  Ohhhh!  Ohhhh!!
Selina, what are you doing?!?
*Victor freezes a cop*  Whoaa!!
What?!?  Wait wait wait, Mr. Freeze has his tech before he becomes Mr. Freeze?!?  What is this?
Oh my God, this is just the opening.  Hoooly crap.
Oh they didn’t play the theme at all!
Ha, Jim just strolls in like “Ah yes, a regular day!” and everyone’s like “...Jim?!?”
“That's it? No hug? No kiss? No "welcome back"?”  “You don't deserve these lips.“  Heeheeheehee!
Jim’s like “...OK... I can roll with this...”
*Ed dips a rose in liquid nitrogen*  Oooh, yay!  Flashback to eighth grade science class!
“Which means your suspect wasn't using liquid nitrogen. He was using supercooled liquid helium.“  What? 
Liquid helium?
Ed... control thy anger!
“I [Ed] found Mr. Cobblepot wounded and dying in the woods.  I nursed him back to health.  He owed me his life, which is why I trusted him when he said he had changed his ways.  It was an innocent mistake.“  ...Really?
*Barnes brings Oswald in in handcuffs*  Whoa!
Take a shot every time they use the word “skell” in this show.
How did they catch him [Oswald]?
Freakin’... Oswald...
“You [Oswald] confess to murder?”  “Yes, I do. Proud of it. I'm not a criminal, you know? I'm just insane.“  Hooo...
“Jim, I'm trusting you.  Don't make a fool out of me [Barnes].“  HOOOAAHHHH...
Y’know, so far, for an episode called “Mr. Freeze,” we’ve only seen Mr. Freeze once.
Oh wait, there he is!  Speak of the devil!
[Victor’s]  Just gonna leave this dead, frozen corpse in the back of his truck!  I mean...
God, the actress who plays Nora [Kristen Hager] looks like a mix between Michelle Williams and Brie Larson
“I [Victor] need to find the correct ratio of liquid helium to glycerol cryoprotectant.”  “Now tell me [Nora] what that means in English, honey.“  *chuckles*
“I [Victor] can bring your temperature down to 200 degrees below zero, and I can stop this disease from killing you [Nora].“  What’s the disease though?
What’s the disease though?  Like what is this tragic disease that Nora always has?  They never explain what she has!  I think “Batman and Robin” was the only one that actually tries to put a name to it.
Like it’s not really that contagious because he [Victor] just kissed her [Nora] on the forehead!  What is it?!?
“Good news.  Nygma did some digging, found one company in all of Gotham that makes liquid helium:  Wayne Enterprises.”  Oh but of course!
OK, so he’s [Victor] working with cryogenics... is it similar to what whatever Hugo Strange is doing at Indian Hill?  It’s gotta be, right?
Oh, that [Victor’s basement lab] doesn’t look shady at all!
Frickin’ Ed!
“[Oswald] You doing okay?  You look kind of funky.“  Hahaheehee!
Vitrification?  That’s a word?
AN:  It’s the process of turning a substance into glass, like in ceramics.  Which is also used for cyro-preservation
*Victor turns on the basement lights*  Whoaaa!
Oh my gosh, he [the corpse] is actually blue!
I don’t think the body can survive below -100 degrees.  There’s no way!
AN:  You can survive extremely cold temperatures for a moment, especially if concentrated on a very small patch of skin. The larger the surface and longer the exposure, the less likely that you’ll survive.
Oh my gosh, can we get more of this?  Jim, Lucius, and Harvey going out for lunch?  Can we have more of this?
Can we have more of the Crime Trio here?
It’s Proto-Team Batman!
I wanna know what that restaurant is...
Meanwhile at Arkham Asylum...
Please don’t tell me that is who I think that is...
Nope, OK.
Oh no, why am I thinking that?  Jerome’s deaadd! 
For now.
I want Oswald to have like this dramatic speech and then just prat-fall off the table.
*The Arkham inmates start to riot*  Well that clearly didn’t work, now did it?!?!?
“Solution A14.  I [Victor] knew it would work!  I knew it!  Ha!  Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!“  But the guy’s dead!  He’s totally dead!
Why did the body melt?!?  Why did it melt?  It should not have melted.  Whaa...
*Nora starts hacking up blood*  Uhhh... call 911?!?  Should we call 911 maybe?  Can we please call 911 for Nora?  Please?
“If you [Nora] have another attack and you don't have this medication, you could die.“  Yeah, what does she have?
I actually do like that we get time to get to know their [Victor and Nora’s] relationship.  I do like that because half the time they’re like “Oh yeah, she’s already in ice!”
We get to see his motivation but we never get to see her as a character and how she interacts with Victor.
Goddd, who the crap is this?
Oh my gosh, this dude at the counter at the pharmacy is a diiiiiiccckkk!  Oh my God!
Oswald just looks miserable!
Why is he at Arkham?!?!?
Oh my God, B.D. Wong is such a perfect choice for Hugo.
“Chief of Psychiatry?”  Oh my God, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
*Victor freezes the pharmacist*  Whoa...
*Jim and Harvey accidentally run over one of the frozen victims*  OOHHHHHHHH!
Oswald, for some reason, reminds me of one of those really snooty popular girls.
AN:  Think Megan Fox from “Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen”
Oswald’s like “I’m gonna pour myself some tea.  Why not?”
Or scotch, whatever that is.
I really like the focusing shots on Hugo’s eyes.  Makes a really nice shout-out to the comics.
“And don't worry; here at Arkham we have a number of intensive treatment programs.“  Uhhhh....
Yeah, I’m with you, Oswald.  I would not trust Strange with an inch of my life!
So does Nora know that he’s [Victor] dragging dead, frozen bodies downstairs to experiment on?
“Victor?  Honey?”  God, she’s gonna go downstairs and see it!  Noooo!!!
Noooo, she’s gonna see it!  Nooooo!!!
No, I don’t like this, I don’t like this, I doooooonn’t like thiiiss!  Not at all!
She is gonna see all of this!
‘I’m really good with names,’ are you, Harvey?!?
*continues to contemplate the correct pronunciation of VIctor’s last name for the rest of the episode*
Where’s the freeze guuuunnnn?
Noooooo my God, is he [Victor] gonna target Jim and Harvey?
“See no evil, do no evil.”  *jaw drops open in shock*
“My husband did terrible things.  But he did those terrible things for my sake.  I'm dying.  He wants to save me [Nora].”  What are you dying of?!?
What are you dying of?  Just tell them!
*Victor walks into the precinct*  Ohhhhhh snap!
Wait, why are there other people claiming Victor’s work as their own?
*gasps when the frozen body on the lab table is gone*
Ummm... exCUSE mee?!?
*gasps and covers mouth in shock when the victim is revealed to be thawed out and alive*
“I'm [Victor] coming for you, Nora.  I'm coming to save you.“  She’s not gonna be there!
Strange, what the hell are you doing?
God, that’s so hard because I know two Dr. Stranges:  one’s a good guy and ones a bad guy. 
*yells in frustration*
Holy crap, I forgot Indian Hill’s under Arkham, isn’t it?
“Treatments will include immersive aversion therapy and radical psychotropics.“  Ummm, I didn’t know what half of that meant, but it isn’t good.
“Our young lady arsonist refuses to cooperate with our experiments...”  *gasps*  Firefly!
Oh my God, noooo...
“Hello, Mr. Freeze.”  *cue small high-pitched yell*
*jams out to ending theme*
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shinusual · 7 years
Wooseok Fic - A Great Story
Heh...heh...hi...so this is unexpected. So in the past few weeks I was brutally attacked by this group called Pentagon and I just...I can’t even explain how much I love them alright it’s bad. So, I’m so sorry since I usually write svt fics and this is literally the first fic I’ve ever posted for a different group, but I hope you enjoy it!!! I’m Wooseok trash and this...just happened. THANKS FOR READING
“You’ve gotta be kidding!” Wooseok exclaims the second he hears your response.
“I’m serious!” you fire back. “How dumb are you that you wouldn’t agree?!”
Squeezing your hand he’s already holding, he shakes it vigorously as his arms fly up in disbelief. “You’re crazy!”
Laying beside him, you watch the frustration build on your boyfriend’s face. And you can’t help but laugh. “You’re crazy!”
As if questioning everything he ever knew about you, Wooseok turns his head on your shared pillow and stares deep into your soul. Even in argument like this, he makes your insides flutter. No, especially in an argument like this.
Jaw slightly hung, he’s ready to scream. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them back up. “You’re telling me…,” he starts to say calmly before exploding, “that you would rather have a VENUSAUR than a CHARMANDER?!?!”
Holding his hand even tighter, you cry back, “That’s EXACTLY WHAT I’M TELLING YOU!”
“A FREAKIN VENUSAUR?!” he shrieks, his empty hand slamming up against the bottom of Yuto’s top bunk. “WHAT THE HELL IS A VENUSAUR GONNA DO FOR YOU?!”
“I LIKE PLANTS!” you scream through your laughs. “A Venusaur would be sweet and loving and adorable!”
“(Y/N), IT’S A FUCKING POKEMON! NOT A HOUSE PET!” Wooseok argues, but you can see the small smile starting to creep out of his lips. It was always at this point in your unnecessarily stupid arguments did Wooseok start to lose his hard exterior. He’s having too much fun and there’s no way he can hide it for much longer. “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE ONE ON SKILL AND NECESSITY!”
“UHHH, ANYTHING YOU WANT!” Wooseok aggressively answers. “My Charmander could warm up your dinner! He could be your night light! He can make bonfires on the beach to roast marshmallows—”
“YOU WOULD FREAKIN TAKE YOUR CHARMANDER TO THE BEACH!” you interject, not holding back how ridiculous that sounds.
Shaking your head, you jab your finger into his chest, sitting up slightly to shout down at him. “You would do stupid shit like THAT, but I’M CRAZY FOR WANTING IT TO BE CUTE AND GOOD WITH PLANTS?!”
Seeing you above him, Wooseok can’t handle it anymore. A giant smile finally sprouts out of his face and you can see his gorgeous, shining teeth. Taking a second to just look at every part of your face, he bites his bottom lip before springing into action.
“WOAH!” you scream as he takes you by the shoulder and shoves you back onto the bed. In one swift motion, he’s somehow pinned you down so that he’s now staring down at you.
All too satisfied, Wooseok smirks. Your heart’s racing from both the rather steamed argument you were just having and the fact this disgustingly attractive boy is hovering above you like this. For a second, you just wait to see what happens next.
Slowly, Wooseok lowers his head so his lips are right by your ear. Holding your breath, you can feel his hair brushing against your face. Taking a second, he leaves a hot sigh on your skin before whispering, “If you don’t choose Charmander…, you’re gonna be really Venu-sorry.”
And with that, you completely lose it. Laughing way harder than any person ever should, you can’t even move your arms to wrap around Wooseok fast enough before he’s lying right on top of you, laughing his face off too.
Wooseok rolls over slightly so he’s not completely crushing you, but he can still engulf you in his body. Burying your face into his chest, he’s more smiling at your reaction than his own joke. Unable to contain his joy, he squeezes you and shakes you in his arms as you scream into his sweatshirt, “That was the worst thing you’ve ever said!”
Laughing into your hair, he tries to catch his breath. “I think I’ve been hanging out with Hongseok too much.”
Wiggling your way out of his grip, you pull back a little, just enough to see his adorable face while still being wrapped in his embrace. Everything is so close and so smooshed together in his bottom bunk. Your arms are now between you and his chest, so in that small space you reach up and cup his soft cheeks. Your faces are already so close together. “I hate you so much.”
Somehow that makes him smile even more. Accepting that as your sign of affection, he closes his eyes and easily kisses you on the forehead, lingering there for just a little longer than you expected. He had a way of doing that, making your heart pound even harder.
This is what you loved about your boyfriend. There was no one else on the face of the planet that you could be this idiotic with and they would end it by kissing you so sweetly. No one else could make you feel so safe and so warm while also so frustrated and entertained. So hot and so cute all at the same time. Wooseok didn’t make any sense. He was perfect, yet at the same time, a complete mess. But to him, so were you. And he loved you for that.
Once he pulled away, he readjusts so that you’re both at eye level. It’s always funny when he does that, cause the rest of your bodies never line up. But neither of you care. As long as you’re close, that’s all that matters.
Feeling your grip on his face loosen, Wooseok reaches up and takes one of your hands off his cheeks. Staring as your fingers so naturally lace together, he teases, “How did I get a girlfriend with absolutely no common sense?”
“Wooowww,” you dramatically reply, rolling your eyes. But that just makes him chuckle, which then just makes you smile. “You still wanna fight, boy? Cause I can go all night.”
Thinking it through, he sighs. “Ya know what, trust me, I could go all night, but we probably shouldn’t since Yuto’s gonna be home in a couple hours.”
Nodding along, you keep his tone and sigh too. “You’re right. We probably won’t be finished by then.”
Wooseok takes a second to just play with your hand in his before he meets your gaze. You’ve always known those eyes to be killer, but they almost always catch you off guard. Smiling this adorable, playful smile, he finally says, “Ya know, you attacked me so quickly with your lunacy that I didn’t get to ask you how your day was.”
Trying your absolute best not to punch him for referencing your “lunacy,” you smile and reply, “It was alright.” You can feel his thumb rub against the back of your hand as you talk. “Class was annoying but when is it not?”
“Something we can agree on,” he says with a nod.
You chuckle as you go on. “Yeah, I didn’t do much.”
But Wooseok isn’t satisfied with that answer. “That’s it?” he complains, raising an eyebrow at you. “Come on, I’ve been waiting to see you all day. Where’s the epic story? The pizazz? I need a plot here, (Y/N).”
With a groan, you let your head rest fully on the pillow as you stare into Wooseok’s annoying, sparkling eyes. This boy will never let you live. Still, he puts a smile to your face. You know he just loves hearing you talk. “Fine,” you say, immediately making Wooseok grin. “Ummm, I guess then from the beginning?”
He nods. “From the beginning.”
Rolling your eyes, you scoff. “Okay, well this morning I woke up and got breakfast on my way to campus. I stopped by that place with the really smelly old man.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Wooseok asks, “The one with the beard or the one with the really awesome cat?”
“The awesome cat.”
With a nod, your boyfriend smiles, always glad when you both can reference your plethora of custom characters only you two know about in the city. “Go on.”
“So, I got a bagel from there and it was way better than it was last time. Maybe one of my top 5 bagels this week,” you tell him.
“Baby, how many bagels have you had this week?” Wooseok asks curiously.
Nervously looking away, you retract into yourself. “Like 7,” you weakly answer.
“(Y/N)! IT’S ONLY WEDNESDAY!” Wooseok laughs in his shrill voice.
Darting your eyes back at him, you take your clasped hands and hit his hip. “I’M TELLING THE STORY RIGHT NOW!”
With a giant smile, Wooseok calms down and nods in agreement. “Right, right. Sorry baby. Continue.”
Finding your relaxed position again, you proceed to tell the tale of the monotonous tasks that made up your Wednesday. Outlining every instance of mundane and boring, you can feel yourself drifting off at the sound of your own voice to the point where your eyes close. But as you’re talking, you can also feel Wooseok wrap his long legs around yours, holding you even tighter. You can feel his free hand brush the line where your hair meets your forehead, until it comes down and rubs your cheek. You can suddenly feel light tufts of air hitting your nose. He interjects every so often for clarification, to see if that guy with the alien voice sat next to you in lecture again or if the birds in the park tried to attack you like usual. It’s not until you stop hearing his questions do you realize you’re not even talking anymore, but that you’ve somehow managed to put yourself to sleep.
Finally catching yourself, your eyes shoot open and everything’s blurry. “Wooseok, what happened?” you sleepily utter, thoroughly confused by your surroundings.
But as your vision comes into focus, you finally see what’s in front of you. Staring at you with the softest, brightest eyes possible, Wooseok takes a second to just...take you in. As you started to fall asleep, he just couldn’t help but be mesmerized. Your voice was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. In those moments, he took in every feature that he loved and every detail that he thought about nonstop.
After a pause of realization, Wooseok cracks a tiny smile, a layer of blush forming over his cheeks. “You fell asleep, dummy.”
Still kind of groggy, you don’t have to be fully conscious to fight this boy. “And whose fault is that for making me tell such a boring story?”
But Wooseok just takes it. Smiling even bigger, you feel his arm slide beneath you and his giant hand push firmly against your back, so that the only space between you is finally gone. Well, almost gone.
Pressing his forehead to yours, Wooseok closes his eyes and plants one right on your lips. And unlike the last time you shut your eyes, sleep is nowhere to be found. You can feel a rush of sensation fly through your entire body as he kisses you. Wooseok takes a second to untangle your hands so he can focus on pulling you even closer to him. Running your fingers through his hair, you can’t help but feel everything for this boy smooshed against you. It’s magical. Like the best kind of dream that you can only experience when you’re awake.
After kissing you for just long enough to make your entire being melt, Wooseok takes a moment to linger just a little longer, like he always did, making your heart pound even faster.
Finally taking his lips off of yours, he pulls back, but keeps your foreheads together. Your eyes flutter open to find him gazing right at you. Usually, at this moment, you could expect your boyfriend to say something completely stupid. Something that would make both of you burst out laughing and just scream like maniacs.
But right then, Wooseok decides not to. He’s just so overwhelmed that his mind draws a blank. He can only remember the last thing you said. Keeping the sleepy atmosphere between the two of you, he lightly smiles and says, “I thought it was a great story.”
-- -- --
Sigh...I love pentagon XD Thanks again for reading!!! Agh, ive just been in so much feels for this boy i cant even fully explain so i just...ok then. Not my typical group but maybe more for them one day? I’m not sure but i love them...I’m deeply in love with jung wooseok ok bye
Masterlist of my usual stuff
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Toy Boy p2
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Writes notes: seriously? who keeps requesting these? every time I post one of these kink ones I get a million more requests.
I hummed my little tune as I stood cooking up breakfast, as much as I do enjoy our constant kinkness or well whatever you want to call what Thomas does, I do love when everything goes out the window for some lusty morning sex. "Tommy darling, breakfast" I call "Coming..." He answered he sounded funny maybe it's just me this early in the morning he leaned on the kitchen door frame making the open door creak a little hugging his dragon tightly "I think the lady at work may have given me her germs" he says his voice a little horse and he definitely had s blocked up nose "Awwwww, my poor baby" I smile opening my arms he happily came and cuddled with me a little but not really nuzzling like he normally does "hey? Why no real cuddles?" I ask "I don't want to make you sick" he says "Awe that's sweet of you, but mummys can't get sick" I smile "come on sit and have your breakfast I'll make the sofa up for my little boy" I smile giving him his breakfast "Can't I go up to bed?" He asks "No, because I have lots of housework to do today so you need to be down here so I can keep an eye on you" I tell him
"Okay" he nods having his breakfast so I went turning the sofa into a nice comfy bed for him getting all his favourite shows and some his drawing book for if he wanted it later once he had finished his breakfast he came and sat on the sofa so I smiled wrapping him and his dragon up tightly in the blankets letting him get cosy watching his show "Hey? Would my baby boy like some apple juice Make him feel better?" I offer and he nods "And... maybe my pacifier too?" He asked innocently "No, you can't be trusted with your pacifier anymore, esspecaily under all those blankets Mr" I warn tapping his nose "Pwease" he begs "I pwomise I'll be good" he begs "I'll think about it" I smile messing with his fluffy hair going and putting some apple juice in his little star wars cup with a straw built in as Thomas Could Never get along with proper sippy cups so I took it handing it to him and giving his head a sweet kiss "Thank you mummy" he smiles giving me a kiss "I love you" he smiles "Awww I love you too" I smile going back to my cleaning and chores.
"Mummy?" He calls from downstairs so I ran down to see him snuggling with his dragon cuddled up on the sofa "What is it Tommy?" I ask "I need a mummy cuddle to make me feel better" he complains so I sighed sitting on the sofa and within seconds he was nuzzled into my neck wrapping me up in his blanket and hugging his dragon so I laughed giving his head a kiss "could I have my pacifier mummy?" He asks nicely "I pwomise I'll be a good boy, your here so you can stop me If I get to naughty? Please mummy," he begs "Alright, but... One hand off your dragon I take it away" I warn and he nods so I went and got it he almost snatched it out my hand to suck on it again so sorry laughed getting cosy again with him I kept an eye on his hands tightly hugging his dragon plushie so I watched TV for a while and as I did I noticed his eyes glance at me noticing my view in the screen so he slyly moved a hand away from his dragon into his little shorts and slowly touching himself I could hear his gentle groans and moans he tried to keep quiet often sucking on his pacifier to quiet himself as his hand began to speed up so I grabbed his wrist and grabbed his pacifier taking it way "But mummy i-" he began but I squeezed his wrist "What's this hand doing Thomas?" I warn "Touching my cock" he blushed "Why?" I ask "Ummm... because it feels good mummy" he blushed "it's ever so nice to play with... Not as nice as when my mummy plays with it" he smirked  so I smiled getting comfy again taking his hand away and slipping my and inside his little shorts and grabbing his shaft "Uuummm! Mummy... More please, you feel so good" he moans "No, you have to be a good boy else you don't get any love" I smirk "I'm a good boy I swear" he groans "Really because good little baby boys wouldn't be touching themselves under there blankets"  I smirk getting faster "Uhh uuuuhhh! Please y/n I'm so close" he moans "No cumming Thomas" I warn "Why not!" He whines his hips bucking towards my hand "Because you don't deserve one" I laugh "But I'm poorly Mummy" he complains "All the more reason to not bundle your tummy up with a orgasm" I smirk "Could I atleast... Please" he begged so I smiled sitting up a little and nodding so he grabbed my breasts gropeing and squeezing them in times with my pumps and strokes his fingers trying to harden my nipples thought my shirt one of them did so he pulled my shirt down as well as my bra and sucked on my hard nipple a little like he does on his pacifier till he moved back "uhhh ummmm ummm mummy! I'm gonna cum!" He moans "Not till I say so babyboy" I warn "I can't stop it! Uhhhh uhhhhhh! AHH!" He moans biting on the top of my exposed breast as I felt his cock twitching and little warm loads of cum fill his pants as he got his breath back "I'm sorry, It felt so good, I couldn't control myself" he blushed "Naughty boy" I tell him getting up and going to our room I couldn't hear he followed me "I didn't mean to, you just treated me so good" he says trying to cuddle me but I pushed him away "Downstairs" I tell him so he now going down so I gathered a couple things and headed down to see him sat on our sofa looking sheepish so I sat beside him he caught a glance at what I had with me and he looked panicked "No, no no please mummy I promise I'll be good with out that" he begs kneeling on the floor holding my legs "Well, you need to learn Tommy" I tell him tapping my leg so he sat on my lap a fairly easy thing as Thomas weighs praticly nothing esspecaily when he's already stripped down like this he nervously flicked his eyes around the room "Aren't you going to shut the curtians? Turn of the light? Someone could see us!" He complains "That's the idea Thomas" I smirk pushing him over so he laid his stomach across my legs I ran my hand softly down his back and as I went down slapping his arse hard "Uuhh! Mummy!" He screams grabbing onto the sofa cushion to have a grip on something but I moved his hands away giving him his dragon to grip as I slapped him hard again "ummmm! Mummy..." He moans I could already feel his cock getting hard because of my spanking it starting to press lightly against my leg I kept spanking him over and over for what felt like an hour often getting little toys to do it for me when my hand got tried I had in that time tugged down his boxers and his skin was red and sore from the spanks but his moans still grew louder so I stopped pulling him up to sit on my lap again "Have you learnt your lesson baby boy?" I ask and he nods "use your words" I tell him "I'm sorry mummy, I'll be good. I learned my lesson" he blushed "Good boy" I smile "go on you and Mr dragon, up to bed" I tell him so he nods getting up pulling his boxers back up and getting his dragon as he Bent to get it I spanked him again and he moaned hugging his dragon tight to his chest before he went off to bed so I locked up the house and went up too seeing him laid in bed getting cosy so I got changed and got cosy too letting him snuggle with me "no more touching under your covers?" I ask and he nods "Touching that is mummys job" he smiles "Good boy, come on get to bed you have work in the morning" I tell him giving him a kiss "Okay, love you y/n" he yawns holding me tighter "Love you too Thomas" I smile
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