#or at least ‘will sweetheart’ all one breath as if that is his double barrel first name
i know we’ve never seen claudia henderson interact w any of the other kids in any real way but i’d just like to posit that from what we’ve seen of her, it’s not just dustin who gets called a cutesy version of his name. she’s got the energy of someone who just Does That, especially to Kids, and with that i present to you a fundamental truth of stranger things:
erica sinclair 🤝 claudia henderson
calling lucas “lukey”
i will take no criticism on this thank you and goodnight
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seijorhi · 4 years
Final Girl
Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou & Akaashi Keiji x Female Reader
And please check out the incredible fanart @lausterdomyamong created for this fic here 💕💕💕
TW blood, gore, violence, minor character death, implied non-con, pregnancy mentions, nsfw
Your lungs are burning. 
You haven’t run like this in years, your thighs are screaming at you for a reprieve. With every step it feels like the soles of your bare feet are splitting open but you can’t stop, not for a single second.
You can’t stop. You can’t stop. 
Keep running.
It’s dark, and you can barely see.
Stumbling like newborn foal through the thick undergrowth, tripping over the roots that catch at your feet. Your legs are scratched and bleeding, and there’s a nasty scrape along your arm from where you’d fallen and tried to cushion the blow, but you shove it all down and you keep running.
You can’t hear much over the sounds of your laboured breaths and your own heartbeat hammering away inside of your ears, but you know you must be making a racket. Branches breaking, leaves crunching underfoot as you clumsily dash through the woods - keep running, keep going.
Being quiet won’t save you if they catch up.
The loud whoops and the hyena like laughter that echo out through the trees behind you spur you onwards. Faster, you have to run faster.
This is nothing but a game to them. 
“Wait- wait, just stop for a sec… do you hear that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes as you scoot closer to his bedroll, “Really, babe? The campfire stories weren’t enough for you? Do you not want me to sleep at all on this trip?”
There’s a teasing little grin on your face, not that your boyfriend can see it in the darkness of your tent. You expect him to laugh, grab you by the waist and pull you under him - make some quip about his wicked intentions of not letting you sleep a wink, but he doesn’t.
He stiffens, pushing himself back upright onto his palms, head cocked to the side like a dog listening for the faintest hint whisper of a sound.
“Shh!” he hisses, and it’s more shock than anything else that has your mouth falling shut. His hand reaches across to grab yours in the darkness and he squeezes it just once. An apology maybe, or a reassurance that you’re still there with him. “Can you hear that? I think… I think there’s someone out there.”
You swallow uneasily, goosebumps prickling at your skin. If this is part of some stupid joke, you’re gonna kick him out of this tent and make him bunk with his friends for the rest of the trip. He’s never been one for mean spirited pranks, but this is freaking you out.
“It’s probably just one of the guys-” or an animal, or the wind, or his own overactive imagination. You guys are out in the middle of the woods after all. 
“I’m gonna go out and check,” he whispers, pulling his hand from yours and pressing a quick kiss against your cheek. “Stay here.”
There’s a road, a long stretch of winding highway that you’d driven along for what felt like hours when you’d first arrived with your friends. There’s no possible way for you to know if you’re going in the right direction, but if you can just make it there, then-
The thick scent of smoke invades your nose and for you falter - just for a split second - searching for the source. There, maybe two hundred yards away to your left, you spot the orange glow flickering between the trees and your stomach lurches.
Dark figures flit through the clearing, maybe a dozen of them, half illuminated by the bonfire. You can hear their laughter, the shouts and drunken revelry as they party the night away. They don’t have a care in the world, and why should they? Real monsters belong in horror movies and scary stories, not lurking in the shadows of the woods. 
Leave them.
The vicious thought takes you by surprise, but for one awful moment, you consider it. The promise of fresh new toys to rip apart and break, drunk and blissfully unaware, surely that would be enough to tempt them away. You’re just one girl… 
(The truth, the one that sits heavy in your stomach, whispers that you know better than to believe they’ll ever let you get away.)
Your heart pounds against your ribs, your legs unwittingly slowing down. You don’t have time for indecision; it’s them or you.
If leaving them to the wolves meant that you walked away from this, if you could make it back home-
There’s a shout, a scream that rips through the crisp autumn night before it cuts off with an abrupt gurgle. A loud thud followed by a laugh you don’t recognise - one that sends a chill running down your spine. More voices, more screams. Footsteps and a splatter of something dark and viscous against the side of your tent.
There’s a hoot and a chuckle, closer this time, and you hear a sob that’s all too familiar. Pleading. 
Your friend begging for her life.
“Shh, shh, shhh. Aw c’mon sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
Another hiccuping sob. “Please… p-please I don’t wanna die…”
There’s a petulant huff, a loud voice interjecting, “s’no fun when they’re just sitting there.”
Kneeling frozen in your tent with one hand clamped tightly over your mouth to stifle your own terrified cries, you squeeze your eyes shut, not daring to draw breath. 
Somebody sighs - the first one, you think. “Y’know, I think Bokuto has a point… Do you like games, sweetheart?”
There’s no response - at least not one that you can hear - but she must have nodded, because the voice continues, “Glad to hear it! Tell you what, we’re gonna play a little game, and if you win, we’ll let you go! Sounds fair, right?”
“We’ll even give you a headstart, just cause we’re nice guys! Whad'ya reckon ‘Kaashi? A minute? Two?”
There’s a short silence, filled only by the sounds of her ragged whimpering. “Two,” the second one - ‘Kaashi - decides. His voice is deadpan, smooth, cold and blunt, but there’s an underlying current of something excitable - the barest hint that he’s not quite as disinterested as he sounds. “She won’t get away.”
You veer, sprinting towards the camp. 
The others died while you hid like a fucking coward, too scared to do anything to help them (it wouldn’t have made a difference, but you should have tried) you can’t do this again. 
You can only imagine how you must look, a strange woman sprinting out of the woods, barefoot, your nightgown torn and filthy, blood streaking your skin. You can pinpoint the moment that they catch sight of you, one of the guys doing a double take and jerking so badly he almost falls off the log he’s perched on. “What the fuck?!”
Another turns, eyes wide and gaping, “Dude, she’s fucking pre-”
“RUN!” you bellow, just in time to see an axe arc through the air beside you and embed itself smack bang in the centre of his skull with a sickening thud.
“Now that’s a bullseye!” Bokuto hollers, maybe thirty feet behind you and gaining quickly. “Didja see that, Akaashi?”
Screams erupt from the other campers, scrambling frantically to their feet as their friend collapses lifelessly to the ground, blood still spurting gruesomely from his wound. 
“Don’t go gettin’ cocky now, the night’s still young,” Kuroo drawls, swinging his baseball bat - the dark wood flecked with dried blood, rusted nails crudely hammered through the barrel - experimentally through the air a few times. “And last I counted, I was still two up on you.”
There’s no time to humour the fear that rips through you like wildfire. You grab the nearest camper - a girl not much older than yourself, staring wide eyed and trembling at the body in front of her - and yank her forward with you. “Run,” you hiss again.
The others scatter, drunk and clumsy - a split second too slow. 
A boot lands on the fallen tree stump, its owner springing gracefully over it. Akaashi’s machete gleams in the moonlight, sweeping gracefully like an extension of his arm as he slices downwards. Blood sprays, drenching his front, and another body falls to the ground - this one missing half a face. 
It’s brutal. Chaotic. 
You can’t look back, you can’t help them. The girl is screaming at you, yelling words you can’t hear, trying fruitlessly to tug her wrist out of your grip, but you don’t relent. You don’t slow down, not even as dread fills your stomach and tears burn unshed in your eyes. You can’t help the others - not as Kuroo’s bat comes swinging out of the darkness, tearing flesh and muscle from bone, not when Bo yanks his axe from his victim’s head with a foot planted on his chest, immediately giving chase to another with a wild grin, not when Akaashi’s machete, slick with blood, cuts through her friends like butter - but you can save her.
Just one person- 
“Kitten, come back and play!” Kuroo shouts after you with a sickeningly fond chuckle.
- so long as you don’t stop running.
The camp is eerily quiet, even the crickets have stopped. You have no idea how long ago they left to hunt down your friend, how long you’ve sat, sobbing in silence, too scared to breathe, waiting to see if they’d come back. 
Your friends are dead. Your boyfriend is dead. 
You don’t realise how badly you’re shaking until you try and move - almost falling flat on your face when your arms give out. They’re gone, but every noise, no matter how muted, feels deafening and you try not to flinch as you drag yourself towards the mouth of the tent. You don’t have time to prepare yourself for the carnage waiting for you across the camp ground, you can’t think about the fact that people you love have been torn apart and murdered while you cowered away frozen in fear.
The grip you have on your emotions, your sanity, is fragile, but in your terrified hysteria, you understand one very important thing - they could come back at any moment, and you cannot be here when that happens. 
You cannot stop and cry for your friends, you cannot afford to break down when you see their bodies hacked up and scattered around you - you won’t even look - you just have to take the car keys fisted in your right hand, get to your boyfriend’s truck and get the fuck away from this nightmare as quickly as those wheels can take you. 
Crawling on your hands and knees you slowly pry open the tent flap, biting your lip and wincing at the quiet hiss of the zipper. 
The cold night air hits you like a slap in the face, but it’s nothing compared to the overwhelming coppery tang of blood that settles on the tip of your tongue as you breathe it in. You bite down on your whimper, squeezing your eyes shut and forcing your leaden limbs to move - you can’t afford to stop now, you have to get away.
You won’t look, you won’t look, you won’t-
“I was wondering when you’d finally show yourself.”
Ice douses your system, your heart lurching. Your eyes shoot open, darting towards the source of the voice - there, leaning calmly against the thick trunk of a tree only a few feet away from you is a man. Tall and slender, with dark hair and delicate features, you’d probably go so far as to call him pretty if it wasn’t for the blood splattered garishly across his pale skin and the teasing grin tugging at his lips. 
Absolute terror renders you helpless as he pushes away from the tree and takes a single, calculated step towards you. “Kuroo and Bokuto won’t be long, they’re just finishing up with your friend.” His pretty smirk widens as your eyes well up with tears and a gasping sob finally rips its way free from your chest, “but I don’t think they’ll mind if we get started without them.”
You’re following the well trodden path, praying to god that it’ll lead you back to the road, to any kind of safety. The shouts and screams behind you died out a few minutes ago, but you can’t let yourself think about what that means - it’ll only slow you down and you’re so close.
“Wait, wait, stop! We ha-have to go back!” the girl cries, trying once again to pull you to a stop. “My friends-”
“I’m sorry,” you pant, glancing across at her - and you are. Her eyes are wide and terrified, swimming in a pain you know all too well. It’s selfish and cruel, and it’ll tear her apart just like it has you, but if you let her go now… “It’s too late for them, we need to keep-”
“Baby, you know you can’t hide from us!”
Bokuto. Your heart seizes just as the girl shrieks, and you risk a glance over your shoulder, slowing just a faction. 
They’re closing in, all three of them, less than twenty yards away.
Panic and desperation bite at your nerves - you can’t let them catch you, not now, not when you’re almost free. But your body is aching, your muscles on fire and your stamina is shot to pieces. You’re on your last legs and they know it. They don’t even have to run anymore, they’ve worn you down completely - it’s a miracle you’re still standing.
And it’s childish and petulant, but you just want to scream and cry and yell and beat your fists against the ground because it’s not fucking fair!
You were so close.
Your grip around her wrist slackens just a touch, and the girl takes the opportunity to rip her hand free from yours. You expect her to run, to flee like a bat out of hell and leave you crumpled in the dust, but instead she turns to you with a withering glare, “This is all your fault. You brought them here. You did this.”
The accusation hits you like a slap, but before you can even open your mouth to protest (she’s not wrong, you know she’s not wrong) she grabs you by the shoulders and with all the strength she has left, shoves you back in the path of your pursuers. You stumble from the force of the blow, not expecting it, and for a moment you feel yourself start to fall, instinctively curling in on yourself to protect your belly-
Strong arms catch you before you can hit the ground, pulling you against a warm, muscular chest. “Gotcha,” Kuroo breathes, his tongue darting out to lick at the blood splattered across your cheek.
Vaguely, you register Bokuto’s low, furious growl as he launches forward, his axe raised high. The sharp, piercing screams are cut off quickly - violently - as he buries it in her neck with a snarl. He swings again and her head tumbles clean off to bounce across the forest floor, but he keeps going, swinging again and again and again until her body is nothing but a bloody, mangled mess for the animals to scavenge. 
Your vision blurs, and it takes you a moment to realise that it’s tears welling up in your eyes as Kuroo’s hands run up and down your sides, drifting protectively across the gentle swell of your stomach. “You did good, kitten,” he coos, Akaashi and Bokuto coming up either side of you. “But it’s time to come home now, don’tcha think?”
A hand cups your cheek, drawing you to meet Akaashi’s twisted, lovesick expression, “Gotta reward our pretty little girl for playing her role so well,” he murmurs, his thumb gently stroking the delicate skin. 
“Maybe we can fuck another kid into her,” Bokuto adds with a grin, his previous rage all but forgotten, sated along with his bloodlust thanks to the butchered corpse lying a few yard away. His golden eyes, half lidded and burning with lust, flicker across your face for just a moment, drinking in every last drop of crushing defeat and despair before his lips crash down on yours in a savage, bloody kiss.
This was nothing but a game to them - one you never had a chance in hell of winning. 
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221bsunsettowers · 3 years
TK/Carlos: I Shake and I Shiver Just to Watch You Breathe
(Takes place during Season 2, Episode 6)
As their car pulled in, Carlos leapt out, churning up dust as he took off running. The minute he spotted the 126, he knew.
Oh. Yep. Love of my life. Following a duffle bag, spray paint and a prayer across an active loaded minefield.
And then TK leapt onto the first circle.
In which Carlos ends up at the minefield right as TK starts his journey across.
Takes place during episode 2x06, because Carlos should be in every episode, and because there was so much potential for Carlos to be there watching TK jump through an active minefield.
CW for a few swear words, panic, anxiety, explosion, fear. No blood, injuries, or medical procedures are described.
Thanks so much to @buddie-buddie  who once again was an amazing support system for me to push through the self doubt and just keep writing.
Title from Run by Matt Nathanson and Sugarland
Can also be read on a03
It definitely wasn't a secret to Carlos' coworkers he was in a serious committed relationship with a firefighter from the 126. When he could, TK would stop by the station to bring coffee and a kiss, especially if he knew Carlos was having a hard day, and Carlos was constantly being good-naturedly teased about the apparently epic heart eyes between him and his boyfriend anytime they were on the same call.
If somehow anyone didn't know by that point, the framed picture of him and TK on his desk would have given that one away.
So Carlos found his cell phone pinging over and over in the seconds before the news came over the radio. His fellow officers had tried to warn him what was coming, not that he could take much comfort in that with what he was hearing.
126. Minefield. Two firefighters attempting a rescue.
His partner didn't even hesitate before responding that they were on their way to the site.
As their car pulled in, Carlos leapt out, churning up dust as he took off running. The minute he spotted the 126, he knew.
Oh. Yep. Love of my life. Following a duffle bag, spray paint and a prayer across an active loaded minefield.
And then TK leapt onto the first circle.
Carlos felt that morning's breakfast rising in his throat, battling with his lung's sudden amnesia regarding breathing, and he was doubling over, head swimming, until he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.
"We gotcha," Judd's voice rumbled soothingly in his ear, and Carlos suddenly found himself perched on the back of the truck, Tommy's kind eyes meeting his as she reminded him to breathe in and out. The rest of the 126 had pressed closer together, and Carlos felt Paul's shoulder tap reassuringly against his own.
"I--what even--" Shaking his head, Carlos gave up on even trying to ask how they now all found themselves at the scene of this unbelievable situation.
"They needed a medic," Marjan explained softly.
"TK said you guys filled that spot though..." Carlos turned his head to find the eyes of a man who sure as hell looked like a paramedic quickly darting his gaze away. "You son of a bitch," Carlos growled, and that was definitely not a sound he knew he could make, but that bastard stood on this side and TK was on the other, and whose fucking fault was that then.
"Carlos...." Paul's arm was around his chest, gently tugging Carlos back, and Carlos sagged, because that medic was worth nothing and TK was worth everything and wasn't that what really mattered anyway.
And then, as if on cue, explosion.
Smoke shot everywhere, and Carlos felt his knees buckle, and by the time he hit the ground they still couldn't see a damn thing. So he knelt there, holding his breath, trying to will TK's way out of the ashes, and it wasn't until Tommy's radio announced the news that Carlos let out a gasping choke of air.
Rising, Carlos dusted his uniform pants off as the Bomb Squad pulled into view and the injured teenager on the field woke up. He nodded his head at the officers he recognized, tried to smile for his patiently waiting partner, kept his shaking hands concealed inside his pockets and his relieved sobs clenched tight inside his throat. He knocked shoulders with the 126, and he knew they knew him far too well at this point to believe he was fine, but they also knew him well enough to know he was one soft touch away from crumbling.
And TK was suddenly walking towards him, that beautiful sunshine grin quickly shifting into concern as he took in Carlos.
"Los," was all TK got to say before Carlos had his arms around him, hard enough to carry him back against the rear of the engine. Carlos was whimpering, another sound he had no idea he could produce, and TK was holding Carlos together, a tight embrace and soothing murmurs and a kiss to the side of Carlos' jaw.
"Aren't you supposed to be the one shaking here?" Carlos tried to joke, eyes closed as he nosed along TK's hairline, breathing him in.
"Adrenaline crash hasn't happened yet," TK assured him, clutching his fingers in the curls at the nape of Carlos' neck. "Right now I'm worried about you, baby."
"I had to watch that whole thing, Ty," Carlos whispered into TK's skin, the crook of his neck, the curve of his shoulder. "I love you so much and I'm so mad at you."
"I know, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," and TK's hands were clutching at Carlos' back, gripping his uniform tight enough to tear, and Carlos was nodding into TK's shoulder, drawing breath in.
The crew, the Bomb Squad, the kids from the field, everyone was out of sight, blurry visions around the corner from where TK and Carlos now stood. Pulling back slightly, Carlos wiped his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, looking down at their dust-covered shoes.
"TK, just imagine you're standing on the other side of a fence, and there I am, about to enter a field full of, let's say, snipers, to try to save someone who's already been shot.  And every time I move I throw a rock, and if that rock misses the nearest sniper, I get shot." Carlos choked out, shaking his head violently. "That's what that felt like for me to watch you on that minefield."
"Please don't ever make me imagine that," TK's voice was shaking, and Carlos met his eyes, saw them tear-filled, saw the way TK's trembling hands reached for him, and he swept TK up in his arms again.
"Please stay safe for me," Carlos whispered back, words settling along their skin as they both nodded in unison, Carlos knowing TK needed the hopeful promise just as much as he did.
"Are you still mad at me?" TK's voice was so quiet, quivering in uncertainty, and Carlos pulled back just enough to cup his boyfriend's face in his hands.
"You saved a kid's life," Carlos said, voice full of awe and so much love as he brought his forehead to bump gently against TK's. "I knew what I was getting into, Tiger, may not have seen a minefield coming, but still."
They both laughed, TK's head doing that adorable little tilt to the side, just far enough to lay a kiss on Carlos' palm. "I love you so much," TK promised, wrapping his arms around Carlos' waist, leaning into Carlos' waiting arms.
"I love you so much too," Carlos vowed back, pressing their lips together into a soft, steady kiss. Before stepping back, Carlos murmured, "And you better believe I'll be expecting a full body massage tonight since you just took ten years off my life with that stunt." He grinned as TK blushed, giving him no warning as the rest of the had been extremely patient 126 came barrelling over, and TK ended up in a combination headlock hug tackle.
"See you at home!" TK managed to squeak out from where he was currently pinned. "Love you Carlos!"
"Love you too baby," Carlos grinned, shoulders shaking with laughter as TK's hair was forcibly ruffled by Judd's hand. Turning to his also extremely patient partner, Carlos squeezed her arm gratefully. "I owe you the biggest coffee we can find."
"Oh you owe me at least three giant coffees, Officer Heart Eyes Emoji," she bantered back with a laugh and a smirk.
"New nickname for the win!" Marjan crowed, TK shrugging sheepishly as he emerged from under Mateo's arm.
Laughing as he slid back into the car, Carlos just caught her next words before the door closed. "Oh don't worry, we would never leave you out, the Heart Eyes Emoji Formerly Known as Strand!"
@i-had-bucky @bikingthroughhawkins @officereyes @highqualitykhakis @meloingly
Let me know if you would like to be added to my Tarlos tag!
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vintagedolan · 3 years
Post fic concept: beks and gray visiting Indy at work 🥺🥺
“Okay, and what do we have to remember?”
“Stay close and use inside voices.”
“Good job. You wanna press the button?”
Beks nodded, eagerly reaching up for the elevator button on her tip toes to press the up arrow. They waited patiently for the doors to open, climbing in and hitting the button for the 8th floor once they got on.
They stopped on the 3rd floor, and when the doors opened a father and his son came inside. The boy, who looked to be around 5 or 6 was in a wheelchair, large enough that Grayson and Bekah stepped back against the wall to make room for it.
Once they were in, Grayson watched as Bekah took a few steps forward until she could see him.
“Hi. My name is Bekah but sometimes my name is Beks. What’s your name?”
The boy smiled his biggest smile, but didn’t speak. Instead, he pulled his arm up to his side tightly, moving it quickly in excitement. Bekah simply watched, and waited.
“His name is Judas,” the man spoke up, offering Grayson a smile.
“Hi Judas. S’ nice to meet you. Are you okay?”
There was an innocence to her tone that made the other dad smile.
“He’s okay. He’s just here for a check up, because his brain works a little bit differently than other kiddos.”
“Oh. Cool! My mom does check ups on kids sometimes. She works here.”
The elevator dinged their arrival.
“Bye Judas! Feel better!” With that, Bekah skipped out of the elevator. Grayson waved bye to the pair in the elevator and followed his daughter with pride. Nothing made him more proud than how big her heart was, and how much she cared for others. 
When they got closer to the doors he scooped her up with his free arm and held her up to the small speaker box. She held down the button and leaned in.
“8th floor nurse’s station this is Hannah, how can I help you?”
“My name is Bekah Dolan and I came to see my mommy please.”
Grayson could hear Hannah’s smile in her voice when she answered.
“Well well Ms. Bekah. Do you remember the magic word?”
“Good job! Come on in!”
The double doors swung open and Grayson carried her through, loving the way all the nurses faces lit up when Beks waved at them. 
Down the hall, he spotted Mike, one of the many nurses that Indiana came home with stories about. 
“Is that my girl!?” He called out. 
Bekah giggled and wriggled around until Grayson put her down on her feet. “Mike!!!” 
He knelt down as she went barreling down the hallway towards him until he caught her and gave her a hug. 
“Hi sweetheart, how are you?”
“I’s good. Daddy and I brought cookies!”
“No. Way. You guys spoil us,” he teased. “I’ll go find your mommy and tell her you’re here okay? Be good!” He sat her down and waved at Grayson before heading down the hall.
Sure enough, a few moments later, Grayson spotted her down the hall. Her hair was up in a messy bun, usually a sign of a harder day at work. He was glad he’d made the time to come see her - maybe it was instinct. 
Indy’s shoulders relaxed when she saw her family down the hall.
She met her daughter halfway, scooping her up with tired arms. She hid her fatigue, smiled bright at Beks and kissed her forehead.
“Hi baby. How’s your day going?”
“Good. Daddy and I went to Monty’s.”
“Without me?!” She teased, faking her shock.
“We brought you some, don’t be sad!”
Indy knew she could never be sad with her daughter in her arms. She kissed her hair again, thankful for each breath she took in with ease, unlike so many of the kids just down the hall. So she carried her daughter into the break room and shared her joy with her coworkers, smiling every time one of them came in to say hi. It was the morale boost everyone needed, and Bekah loved the attention. 
When Mike offered to give Bekah a free ride around the unit in one of the pediatric wheelchairs, Indy waved until she was out of sight and then leaned against her husband’s shoulder, soaking in the last few minutes of her break. 
“Hi babe. Rough day?” Gray kissed her forehead.
“Better now,” she sighed, resting her eyes for a moment. “Love you. Thank you for coming.”
“I know you miss her when you’re here. Least I can do while you’re saving lives and such.”
“I miss you too while I’m gone, for the record,” she reminded him, turning his chin towards her with a finger and kissing him softly. 
“Just five more hours and you’ll be home with us, and it’s three days off. We’ll just relax and hang out. Sound good?” 
“Mmmmm, yes please.” She looked down at her watch. 2 minutes until rounds. 
“Gotta go huh?” It always went so quickly, but he was thankful for every minute he got to see her.
“Yeah. Got tiny lives to save and such. You gonna track down our daughter or what?”
“I could just leave her here as your little sidekick for the day,” he mused. Indy rolled her eyes and kissed him again, soaking in the last few minutes she had before returning back to her reality. 
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oxhaven · 4 years
Let Me Love You / hybrid!au - Jimin
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1. 2. | Jungkook | Taehyung | Hoseok | Yoongi | Seokjin
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The bell jingled behind you as the door closed, putting you out into the cold, rainy night. A drawled out sigh escaped past your lips as you held out the small umbrella and pushed it open hearing the small droplets hit down on it. Once again you were walking home by yourself, on your way to an empty apartment with no one to welcome you back. 
You plopped your feet into puddles with every slow step, in no rush to get to an empty and dark apartment. You decided to take a break from drinking and clubbing per request of your co-worker and friend, who once again denied your offer to pay for her drinks if she came with you. You battled with yourself on wanting company or wanting to be left alone, wanting to be held and comforted. Wanting to be loved. 
Or maybe declare war on men. 
Your last failed relationship wasn’t something you were hung up about because of the guy, it was that you were beginning to think the problem was you. Were you that unloveable? It always goes good in the beginning and then somewhere in the middle you ignore the red flags all the way to the end where he cheats on you or tells you he’s not emotionally available. You were starting to believe that asking for romantic love was too much to ask for. No matter how much love you put into you, you shamefully wanted to share how much you loved yourself with someone else. You wanted to fall in love with someone and share worlds with. You wanted all these things, slowly losing the grasp and accepting it as something you couldn’t obtain. 
You watch the traffic lights change colors for an empty street as you walk on the sidewalk path towards home. The fear of walking alone at night left you long ago when you grew used to it, seeing the difference in the amount of people there were depending if it was a weekday or weekend. No one was out to bother you, nothing but empty cars on empty streets. Empty alleyways except for the stench of trash barrels and a wet dog sitting beside-
You stopped in your tracks with your feet plopping in water and eyebrows knit together. You slowly turned your body to the side, looking back at the person sitting down in the corner of the alley. He had his knees pulled up to his chest, a jacket that stood no chance against the rain soaked against his body. You could see his bangs underneath the hoodie plastered against his forehead, the strands wet and dripping with water. It was a pitiful sight, although he didn’t seem to be shivering or whimpering for help. 
You could have kept walking, acknowledging the possibilities that this guy could be a psychopath or a serial killer. Make it home without risking yourself in danger and get in your warm bed. Usually you took these things into account but for some reason none of those thoughts popped up in your head. You were only holding out your umbrella to him, shielding him from the rest of the rain as his head finally peered up with dark eyes staring into your green ones. 
You could hear the rain continue to come down, you could feel the cold onslaught of it on your back as you leaned over. No matter how much you tried in that moment you couldn’t think of yourself or think of anything else except what you thought of him as a smile grew on your face.
“You’re soaked.”
You pushed your body on the door when you got it unlocked, huffing out with effort as the bottom of the door scraped on the floorboard. You reached over to the side and switched on a light, then a couple more until you got the right one dimming the hallway with light. 
“Home sweet home..” you announced with a relieved breath, turning around to make sure your stranger was still behind you. He peered over your shoulder into your home until your hand on his wrist was dragging him in and closing the door behind. 
“Don’t be shy! It’s warm in here and I have plenty of food. Let me just heat up a pot really quick. You like ramyun?” You dropped your bag by the coat rack after hanging up your raincoat, slipping out of your boots and ushered him to do the same. You hurried to the kitchen telling him to follow as well, going straight to your cabinets and pulling out your usual pot when you made noodles. You thanked the heavens you deep cleaned and tidied your place for this, going through a checklist in your head just to double sure you didn’t have to be embarrassed about anything. You heard his feet drag into the kitchen as you stood up, looking over your shoulder and seeing him still in his wet jacket and shoes as you tried not to grimace. You didn’t let it get to you, immediately thinking he was just shy and went to turn on the stove and fill the pot with water. 
“My name’s Dahyun, what’s yours?” You introduced yourself, putting the pot on the stove before turning around and yelping out with how close he suddenly was. You didn’t get a clear look at his face with his hair in it and the hoodie still pulled over to hide it, only catching sight of his hands cupping your face. 
“It can be whatever you want sweetheart.” He breathed, surprise making your body freeze over. His breath didn’t smell bad at all like you thought, and finally hearing his voice was like honey on your eardrums. You caught yourself as he was pulling your face closer to his, getting a peek at pink plush lips before you were stiffening in his hold and shaking your head. 
“Woah! No! You don’t have to do that- I didn’t bring you here for that.”
He stopped his advancements and the both of you stood there as if you were on pause. You didn’t push him away, allowing his warm hands to stay on your cheek as you swallowed. “Your clothes are soaked and you’ll get sick if you stay in them.” 
It took him a moment before he let you go, pulling away and stepping back as his hand came over his head. You blinked with wide eyes as he pulled back his hood, pushing his wet hair back and giving you a good look at his face. 
And the floppy ears at the top of his head. 
They were a deep brown, clashing with his black hair but nonetheless adorable as they twitched about trying to get water off. Before you reached out on impulse to touch them you realized that this wasn’t just a stranger you brought into your home but a hybrid, which led to other questions. Did he belong to someone? Was he a stray? Did he run away from his home? 
The questions that lingered in your mind only worried you more before you shook them off when you were clear about your answer.
“You can stay here tonight. It’s warm, much better than outside.” You assured him before grabbing his wrist again and leading him to the bathroom. You readied a towel and got out an extra loofah, setting them to the side and pulling the hybrid in. “Take a nice hot shower and I’ll have some pj’s ready when you get out. With a nice hot bowl of ramyun.” 
He nodded his head to you before you smiled gleefully and closed the door behind, setting out to get the noodles boiling before searching for some extra clothes. Luckily you always had oversized shirts and boxer briefs stashed away that you personally liked to wear for the comfort they brought. You pulled out the garments and hurried back to the bathroom, opening the door quietly and peeking in. He was already in the shower thankfully, setting the fresh clothes next to the towel before gathering his discarded clothes off the floor. You made quick work to throw them in the washer machine with some detergent before heading back to the kitchen and finishing the noodles for two. 
He came out just as you set two piping bowls down the table, finally getting a good look at the pup you welcomed into your home. His hair was wet but this time by a shower, his body dried and in the pajamas you gave him to wear. They were just as baggy on him as they were you but he looked comfortable and clean, smelling delightful in your shampoo and body wash. You ushered him to the table, pushing his bowl towards him that had extra helpings of the noodles and kimchi. He sat down in the creaky stool chair and dug in with the chopsticks, the sound of his slurping filling the kitchen. You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you watched, hurrying to pick up your own and dig in when he peeked up at you. You both ate silently, not letting the awkwardness bother you as you finished your bowls clean, leaving nothing behind. You deposited the dishes in the sink to worry about in the morning, making your way to the living room and making sure the pup followed behind. You already had a pillow and cover ready for him, the bed being a little too weird and soon to offer up. He climbed in without your encouragement, seeing how tired his body was as he relaxed into the cushion. You could see the sleep on his eyelids wanting to welcome him, straining to keep awake as he watched you bent down. 
“You can stay, as long as you like. If you want.” You blurted, finally saying what you wanted. This was all a bit sudden, and this could be taken in a lot of different ways but most of all you wanted to help someone in need. That was the Dahyun thing to do, and you wanted to at least put it out there someone wanted to help him. His tired eyes stared at you, tired blinks you counted up to three before you glimpsed at the small smirk forming on his face. 
“My name’s Jimin.” 
It was your turn to blink before your mouth formed an ‘o’ and a smile spread over your face. You nodded your head and introduced yourself again before saying goodnight, heading off to your bedroom with hopes of what tomorrow would bring. 
It brought pain. 
You stood in your living room, staring at the spot where your tv and devices used to be counting up the amount of money lost with each item. The pup had stolen the electronics in your house and whatever he considered valuable, as you found the couch empty the early morning you woke up. Luckily he didn’t sneak into your room where your wallet and computer were, at least you could keep those to yourself. As much as you should be hurting, you weren’t surprised. Hybrid or human, men were still trash. 
You dragged yourself back to bed, not bothering to look for the thief or attempt to rebuy what was stolen. You didn’t have it in you to report him or ask around, just hoping it brought him a little spending money as you will yourself to go back to sleep. This was expected as much, you were a fool. A pitiful, naive fool. Fuck good intentions, you will never do another good thing for any being anymore. You dreamt about becoming an asshole version of yourself, even daydreamed about it when you woke up and went about your day all the way to readying for work. All the way down to the bar, promising yourself you would never lend a helping hand to anyone ever again. Even as you entered through the door and greeted your friend Nari and the new co-worker named Chaesol, you were readying yourself to announce you were turning over a new leaf. A new leaf that only brought pain as the sole customer at the bar turned around, familiar dark eyes giving you their attention as a sly grin spread across his face and his brown tail wagged.
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league-of-thots · 4 years
The Bee’s Knees
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
A/N: pretty happy with how this turned out! pretty nasty though so please read the warnings carefully. thanks @lady-bakuhoe for checking it over!
(sorry for double post it got fucked up on mobile :/)
Warnings: Smut, gun play, violence, dub-con, oral
taglist: @ikinabi, @redbeanteax, @marilla-eldriana, @kittykatkrissa
You’d always had a bit of a boring life. While your friends had been out at speakeasies and dancing with men and woman through the night, you’d had to take care of your little sewing shop. Repairing and making fine clothing you couldn’t afford wasn’t what you’d choose to do if you could, but it was what you had to do to keep yourself fed and safe.
You lived in a decent part of town, although that didn’t stop you from hearing gunshots every few nights between the law and the mafia. But then again, nowhere was completely safe from the mafia, especially with the bosses at the helm now. All of them were young, violent and eager to expand their territory and prove their worth, and the state of the city and surrounding areas were proof of that. But, nothing bad ever really happened to you, so you often ignored it and did what you wanted on your own time.
However, one day your entire life changed just from simply meeting Katsuki Bakugou, one of the new mafia bosses who’d come to power recently.
It had been a normal Tuesday night, except for the fact that you’d ran out of bread. Something so simple and you- albeit annoyed- went to the store despite it already being night. Getting there and getting your bread had been simple, it was getting home that had changed your life.
On a shortcut to get back to your little shop and home as quick as possible, you passed into an alleyway. Where you happened to run into three people, a blonde with his suit all messed up, someone with bright red hair and a lanky black haired man with a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
Oh my god- they were all standing around a bloody and beaten body. You drop your purse in surprise and they all turn around sharply to face you. Not caring that you’d be leaving behind money and belongings, you run as fast as you can the opposite way, trying to get to a main street.
You hear them yelling behind you, telling you to stop but all you can think of is that they’re criminals, worst case they’re mafia, and you need to get away.
But they’re bigger, faster and stronger than you are. The red haired one catches up to you first, and he grabs your arm before you can get more than a block away. You try to scream, but as soon as your mouth opens up, his large hand prevents you from screaming and breathing too. You can hear them muttering about what they should do with you as your air supply is completely depleted and you start to black out.
You return to consciousness in perhaps the worst way possible, your headache from being choked out being exaggerated by the really loud yelling coming from a new man in front of the three you’d seen in the alleyway. You shake your head a little as you get your bearings and realize there's duct tape covering your mouth, and ropes tying your limbs to the chair you’re sat on. You begin screaming but the sound is muffled as because of the restraint covering your lips.
Two of the three glance back in your direction which seems to anger the leader who snaps in their faces and starts to yell at them.
“So you accidentally killed the mark instead of subduing them, and on top of that brought back some fucking worthless extra that now I have to find out what to do with. YOU’RE ALL MORONS. GET OUT!”
The three scurry out of the office and he kicks over a stray chair, cursing loudly and sitting behind his desk. You can’t seem to take your eyes off of him. Despite your fear and the obvious lack of self restraint and loud anger he exhibits, you notice he’s gorgeous and has a way of speaking that seems to draw people and energy towards him.
“What are you looking at extra? Hah?” He snaps at you. You just look at him wide eyed and shake your head, showing that you don’t mean anything by it. He snorts and rolls his eyes, and goes back to his paperwork.
You feel incredulous and can’t believe that, after all the fuss he just pulled he straight up ignores the fact that he has a live human captive in his office. You shook your head. How the hell were you supposed to get out of here? Your fear was starting to disappear and in its place annoyance was quickly surging up. You were tired, needed to sleep and had to wake up early tomorrow to get your shop in order. Yet you couldn’t even speak to the man because of the tape across your mouth. So you decide to grab his attention, and the first step of that was making as much noise as you could through the gag. Which unfortunately, wasn’t much. He didn’t even spare you a glance.
So you decided to make a larger uproar, and start shaking on your chair - which was great for making noise, however for staying upright, not so much. You clatter to the floor with a loud crash and let out a grunt of pain as your head hits the floor, your vision a bit blurry.
“What the fuck are you doing? Seriously?” The man in charge yells and starts stomping towards you and you wince in fear as he approaches. He pulls you and the chair upright by a firm grip on your hair, close to your scalp. At this point you’re crying from pain and a little bit of fear and embarrassment. “What do you want?” he asks, even though you can’t answer. You just look up to him with watery eyes, fucking helpless in the current situation..
He curses a bit looking at you, “You know I should just get this over and done with and kill you.” he says, almost conversationally. “You saw something you shouldn’t have and I need to tie up the loose ends of my business. Can’t be on top if we’ve gotten ratted out by a little lady y’know.” His grin is sharp, it reminds you of a wolf. Despite the situation and how close you are to death, you can’t help but be aroused by both his determined attitude and gorgeous features.
Suddenly he rips off the tape gagging you, and you let out a sob in response to the quick pain that burns around your mouth. “If you’re going to kill me, why are you playing around with me so much?” you ask, a little confused.
He just lets out a laugh. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve even been around an upstanding lady such as yourself? Your reactions to things are so refreshing, everything's new and terrifying for you.”
You can hear your heart hammering in your throat as he pulls a pistol out of his pocket and holds it up to your forehead. Your eyes cross as you desperately try to keep the muzzle in sight, even if you know that it won’t make a difference.
“I promise I won’t say anything to anyone! I just don’t want to die, I have friends, I have a job, please, please don’t kill me!” You start pleading with him and straining against the restraints on your arms and wrists, crying because these could be the last few moments of your life.
He cocks his head to the side, emotionless, staring down at you from above - the light from a lamp hits his face as it turns, lighting up his blood-red eyes. When he smiles you feel as if you’ve already signed off on your death sentence, until he starts laughing so hard he has to bend over. It’s an ugly cackle but you’re too shocked at the rapid switch in behaviour to do or say anything about it.
“Oh my god- this is actually a great opportunity, I didn’t even think about it really, but - yeah alright. I’ll give you a choice, what’s your name?” he doesn’t wait for a response. “You let me use you how I please right now or die.”
What kind of choice did you have really? This was your only chance to see another sunrise, to see another normal day.
“Alright.” you get out, the word sounding sad and broken as it leaves your lips. At your agreeance, he backs off to his desk, placing the pistol down and opening a few drawers until he finds what he’s looking for. Out he pulls a wooden case. Inside another pistol, but this one is clean, more delicate looking and has a longer muzzle. He pulls some bullets from the case that it was in and loads the gun, one at a time, making eye contact with you.
What could he be doing with that? You think as he slowly walks towards the chair where you’re tied up, eyes stuck on his. He shoves the muzzle into your face.
“Open up sweetheart, this will go easy or fucking hard depending on your actions.” he smirks poking your lips with the barrel. You feel your teeth cutting against your lips as you resolutely close them. You aren’t going to give him the satisfaction of making this easy for him.
At least that’s what you think until you feel a blooming pain on the side of your cheekbone, the bastard had pistol whipped you and your mouth fell open in a scream. You feel something cold and metal shoved deep into your throat and you gagged harshly.
“I said, fucking OPEN bitch.” he seethes, shoving the gun deeper and you feel your air supply drastically restricted. “Now be a good girl and suck the gun off, my trigger finger is a bit itchy today.”
Sobbing in embarrassment, you begin to bob your head up and down the gun, shaking in fear. You close your eyes rather than have to look at the sick fascination on the man’s face as he sees you work the gun. You know he’s getting hard because of this and as much as you hate the situation you can feel your arousal growing knowing that he’s likely going to fuck you well.
A few minutes pass, the only sounds being wet noises as you blow the gun, the metallic taste of steel taking over your mouth and combined with your fear, making you want to vomit.
“Enough.” he says suddenly, and you drop your mouth open and take deep breaths trying to steady yourself as he takes it out. You open your eyes and feel your heartbeat race as he pulls out a knife in his left hand. You flinch as he brings it to your lower half, but instead of cutting into you, he instead uses it to rip through all your clothing and tears it off. He smirks as he looks at your cunt quivering as the cool air hits it.
“What’s this? Have you been hiding your enjoyment through your tears?” he leans down putting his face near yours and the gun beside up to your head as his fingers ghost across your lower lips. You bite your lip, you’re not allowing yourself to feel pleasured by this. He sees the determination in your eyes and smiles, always excited for any challenge that crosses his path.
He knows he always wins of course.
You feel him enter a calloused finger into your pussy, the slight stretch making you take a sharp breath as he moves it in and out, occasionally curling the digit. Against your will, your body responds to him, hips moving as much as they can while you’re restrained. When he deems you ready, he adds a second in, scissoring them to open you up. His thumb plays with your clit and you let out small whimpers as you feel your core heat up and start to tighten.
“You like me playing with your pretty pussy, don’t you? No matter how much you try to deny it, I can feel you tightening around my fingers, and I can see your eyes start to dilate.” as much as you want to shout that he’s wrong, you know he’s write. You’re not sure if you hate him or yourself more in that moment.
He suddenly pulls his fingers out and looks at you as you whine needily. “Wanna be full again? I have the perfect idea.” he puts the gun on a hook as he takes out the knife again and cuts the restraints on your arms. Immediately you reach to claw at any bit of him you can reach, but he grabs your hands and lets out a tsk in disappointment.
“I thought you were smarter than that. Guess we’re doing this the hard way.” he manages to hold your wrists together in one hand as he gives you a strong backhand across your face with the other, dazing you. Blearily, you realize he’s tied your two wrists together and cut off your leg restraints. He puts your tied arms behind his head and lifts you with one arm, as he picks up the gun once again and brings you to sit on his lap in his large leather desk chair.
He leans back with a self satisfied sigh as he moves his legs to spread yours further apart, watching as some of your juices drip out of your cunt.
“I want you to listen very carefully,” he says lowly, his voice a growl in your ear that makes you shiver. “What’s going to happen is that I’m going to put this pretty loaded gun up your pussy, and you’re going to get yourself off. If you can’t do that within a couple minutes, I might get impatient and pull the trigger. Got it, sweetheart?”
What else can you do but nod? You have no idea if you can even get yourself off only on penetration with the fear holding you stiff, but if you want to live you’re going to have to do it somehow. You clench in surprise as the cool metal is ruthlessly shoved into you without warning, letting out a moan.
His eyes are on you as you gradually start moving your hips into the gun, feeling it reach deep. His wrist moves in time with your movements, helping you out a bit. You try and force out the entire situation and the fear from your mind, focusing on the sensations. The cool metal providing you some sharp pleasure as you pump yourself up and down the muzzle.
You whimper as you start grinding down faster feeling one of the ridges on the weapon hit your clit every time you bring yourself down on it. You lose track of everything as you shut your eyes and lean your head into the man’s neck. He smells almost as good as he looks and you just let yourself go, losing track of time. You enjoy the sensations and soon enough you bring yourself to the edge.
You can hear yourself whimpering and cum with a shout, your juices flowing down the metal and onto his hand. You open your eyes after feeling spent, as he takes the gun out and sends it clattering onto the table. Making eye contact with you, he lewdly slurps the juices from his hand into his mouth.
“Sweeter than I thought. What a good girl you are for doing it right.” He says stroking your face rather condescending. “Now it’s my turn.”
He unbuckles his belt and shimmies them down as he stands up holding you in his arms. He then drops you onto his cock without warning, as you scream from pain and pleasure as he fills your needy cunt. 
He chuckles, the sound much deeper than before. “That’s right I want to fucking hear you scream, better yet I’ll give you a name to scream out. Katsuki Bakugou.”
He lifts you almost off his cock and slams you down again, thrusting as you come down making you see stars. Soon you’re only crying his name out as you card your fingers through his hair and tug as you lose sense of everything else but the feeling of his cock in you. 
“You take my cock so fucking well sweetheart, I haven’t even found a whore this good.” He practically cackles, speeding up his pace as he chases his own release. He slams your back onto the desk and you howl as your back arches, the pleasure he’s giving you covering up the pain of your body being banged up.
You cum shouting out his name, clamping down on his cock as he releases his load deep into you and takes heaving breaths.
He pulls out and lifts your arms over his head as he gets his clothing back on and straightens out his shirt. You want to move, run, get away, but you can’t bring yourself to even move. The most you can do is blink the tears out of your eyes and blearily look up to him. 
“So now I can go right?” You ask, your voice shaking. “You said I could live if you fucked me.”
He just laughs. “I said you could live, I didn’t say your were leaving sweetheart.”
You wail as your heart drops and you realize just how utterly fucked you are.
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gothgirlmahi · 4 years
Princess Chapter 1
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Dark!Bucky x Reader
Summary: You never thought one date with an Avenger would end up with you locked in his house, playing out his fantasy.
Warnings: forced age regression, smut, non con
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Your eyes shot open, frantically darting around the unfamiliar space. You were laid on your back completely naked, tied to a bed. The white sheets were rough under your bare skin. Your wrists and ankles were bound, seemingly attached to ropes at the bottom of the bed.
Panic took over your mind. This was definitely not your house and not your bed. The room you were in was small and unpainted with two doors, one leading to your left and the other to your right. There were no windows to see out of.
Part of you wanted to call for help but you suppressed the urge. The person who brought you here was probably still around. A light and hazy feel clouded your brain and after tugging at your restraints for a while, you were tired. You bit your lip, trying to silence the tears you knew were coming. You didn’t want to cry. You had to be strong. Whatever this was, you would get out.
A few minutes passed and your breath never calmed. Still agitated, still waiting to see why you were here, why it had to be you. You hadn’t done anything to anyone, at least not that you’d known. You were a nice law abiding citizen who certainly didn’t have any enemies so why were you here?
The door to your left began to creak open you supposed you would get answers soon. You nearly had a heart attack when he walked through.
“Bucky?” you asked, chest heaving wildly with fear. His mouth was pressed into a hard line as he approached you, staring down at you in the bed.
You knew him. You knew him! You and Bucky had gone on a date, on one date and you hadn’t planned on seeing him again after that. Although he was an Avenger, there something about him set you off. Now you knew what.
Bucky’s lips curled into a sweet smile and he put a hand on your cheek.
“Good morning, princess. Did you sleep well?”
There were a lot of things you wanted to say.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why the hell did you bring me here?
You’re crazy.
But you settled for something less combative.
“Can you untie me?”
He shook his head and gave your cheek a pat before sitting down next to you.
“No. Not yet. I guess we need to talk, huh?”
“Why would you do this? You don’t even know me,” you stammered out. Bucky shook his head.
“I know you need me. The world is a dangerous place and you need Daddy to take care of you.”
A tear slipped down your face and Bucky swiped it away with his thumb.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you begged, attempting to curl in on yourself and being held back by the ropes. Bucky set his hand on your hip, rubbing circles into your bare skin.
“Shh. None of that. I won’t hurt you unless you make me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Daddy loves you, honey. Don’t be scared, it won’t be so bad. I’ll make you feel so good and all you have to do is be a good girl.”
“I’m really confused and I’m scared. Please let me go,” you begged. Bucky shook his head. A look of frustrated anger took over his face as he looked down at you.
“I know this isn’t going to be easy but you will accept me.” The cold anger raging in his eyes almost made you gasp. He stood and pulled off his shirt which sent adrenaline running through your veins.
“You don’t have to do this. I promise I won’t tell anyone. Please. Please just let me go. I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone.”
He slid his pants and his underwear down and you were greeted with the sight of his half hard cock. His hand wrapped around his cock, jerking himself off as he looked at you.
“You’re so pretty when you beg. Keep that up. You’ll be begging for my dick soon.”
Bucky climbed on the bed and you closed your legs quickly. He pried then apart easily despite your attempts otherwise. He laid between your legs, keeping your thighs open with his own. You wanted to push back against him but your restraints could just barely reach him.
“Your body is mine. You belong to me. Remember that.”
He slid the head of his cock against your clit and you squirmed. He did it again, taking up a gentle rhythm against you. There was nothing you could do to stop him, nothing you could do at all but cry and beg him not to go through with this. With every protest you uttered, he only seemed urged on more. Slick started to gather between your legs and you hated yourself for it. Bucky just smiled and began to press into you.
His member was thick, stretching you open uncomfortably even with your growing arousal. When he was fully sheathed in you, he threw his head back with a groan.
“I knew your pussy would be amazing but fuck.”
He slammed into you with a hard thrust before doing it again and again until he was ramming into you with abandon. His hips slapped against yours mercilessly and the headboard hit the wall with every thrust. A hand came to close around one breast while his mouth went to the other. With his free hand, he pulled your leg closer around his waist to get better leverage over you.
“Please stop,” you tried again. He pulled off of your nipple and shook his head. In the low light his blue eyes were nearly black and his gaze seemed absolutely feral as he took you.
“Daddy loves hearing you beg, princess. Do it again. Tell me to stop.”
He pressed his face into your skin, giving a low growl before biting your shoulder. You yelped in surprise and he licked the bite mark slowly, sucking a bruise into your skin. After the pain and shock subsided, you tried to ignore the growing feeling inside you. Your breath was ragged as you tried to keep a level head, keep from slipping into—
“Are you gonna cum?” he asked suddenly. You shook your head with silent tears streaking your skin. Bucky slid his thumb into his mouth before bringing the wet appendage down to your clit. As soon as it made contact, your eyes were rolling back.
“I’ll let you cum if you do one thing for me.”
“Stop,” you said weakly. Bucky increased the pressure on your clit and you felt yourself barreling towards an orgasm.
“Beg daddy to let you cum,” he demanded. When you shook your head, his metal hand was almost instantaneously wrapped around your neck.
“Beg daddy to let you cum,” he repeated. The little smirk on his face showed the sadistic pleasure he was taking in this. When his hand began to squeeze around your neck, you were nearly frozen in panic although the tingling in your core was still distracting you.
“Please daddy let me cum,” you begged, humiliated at your situation. Bucky laughed and let up the pressure on your neck, but he kept his hand there. The cold metal on your skin was contrasted with the heat between your legs and Bucky working you towards a shameful release.
“That wasn’t hard, now was it? Cum for me, baby. Squeeze that pretty cunt on my cock.”
Your legs shook uncontrollably as your orgasm took over. Back arched off the bed and moaning wantonly. Bucky seemed pleased at the sight, not stopping his ministrations until you were completely strung out. To your surprise, he pulled out. Cock still hard and leaking. When he started to untie your legs, worry set in.
“Are you letting me go?” It was wishful thinking on your part but you had to ask. Bucky looked at you like you were stupid and gave your now free leg a little pat.
“Daddy loves you but first he has to break you. I’m gonna fuck your pretty ass, sweetheart.”
“No, please! No! I’m not ready, I’ve never—“
“Shh, baby girl. It’s okay. Just calm down,” he said while roughly flipping you over. You flailed around on the bed, kicking your legs but he was able to very quickly subdue you. He roughly opened your legs, once again settling between them. His metal hand slapped your ass before groping you roughly.
“Bucky, please, I’ll suck you off. I’ll do anything. Please don’t do this.”
Bucky chuckled darkly, leaning over you to whisper in your ear.
“Baby, you’re gonna suck my dick later anyway.”
He pulled your hips up, forcing you to arch your back. His metal fingers dipped through your folds, collecting your slick on his hand. He pulled your ass cheeks apart and slid one metal finger through that tight ring of muscle. When you cried out in pain he hushed you.
“Don’t act like nobody’s ever fucked your ass before, slut. I know your holes were like a revolving door before you met me. I saw that vibrator you have. The double penetration one. So I know you like it.”
When he pushed another finger into you, you held tightly to your restraints, gritting your teeth. He pressed into you as far as he could go before finally adding a third finger. Silent tears ran down your face while you laid face down on the mattress.
“How does that feel?” he asked. Your only response was a groan of pain. When he had enough of working your open for him, you felt the head of his cock press against your tight hole. He slid in with some force and you screamed out in pain. It felt like you were being ripped apart. Bucky moaned loudly above you, taking hold of your hips and slowly pressing in further.
“I’m not gonna last long. I’ve never felt anything this tight in my life. It’s like every part of you was made for me.”
He pulled you back against his dick and you sniffed through your tears. You knew there was no use in begging him but you couldn’t stop. You would do anything to stop the pain.
“Please stop, please! It’s hurts so much!”
“Fuck. If you keep begging me like that I’m not going to be able to control myself. I hope you know the tears only make me want to fuck you more. Your ass is so goddamn tight. We’re definitely doing this again.”
Bucky wrapped his metal arm around your waist while the flesh one rested against your back. He held you still while he fucked into you quickly. You clenched your jaw, just wanting it all to be over. His hips stutters in their rhythm and his breath hit your neck in a little gasp. He was close.
“Oh fuck yeah. That’s it. Taking my big cock like a good girl. I’m gonna cum so deep inside you, sweetheart. Has anyone ever cum in your ass?”
You vigorously shook your head.
“You’re a liar, but we’ll work on that.”
Bucky groaned above you and spilled into you, filling you with his warm seed. He pulled out slowly and you winced from the pain. Tears still flowed freely down your face and you laid face down in the sheets. Bucky got off the bed and slapped your ass before leaving and closing the door behind him.
You cried until you were out of tears. The situation you were in was unbelievable but you couldn’t find it in yourself to cry anymore. He said he wanted to break you and he was doing a good job of it so far. You were shaking from the pain and from the cold of the room. Your wrists were sore from being trapped in the same position for hours. Between your legs felt disgusting.
It was impossible to know what was going through his mind. you thought you had parted on good terms. Besides, Bucky had seemed so nice. He just wasn’t right for you. Now at least you knew your instinct was right.
Bucky came down later with a glass of water. He didn’t say anything, just shoved it toward your lips. When you didn’t drink, he grabbed your chin in his hand.
“Open your fucking mouth,” he told you. Fear compelled you to listen. You gulped down the water, finally realizing how thirsty you were. Bucky gave a nod of approval when you were done.
“That should help you sleep.”
Bucky sat next to you in silence, just staring at the wall. As the minutes passed, you could feel your body calming and eyes struggling to stay open. Eventually you couldn’t fight it anymore and fell unconscious.
Masterlist // Chapter 2
A/N New series! Loosely based on my Princess one shot. Sorry, no tags on this one because I have it all written up and scheduled to post. Hope you guys enjoy. Next chapter will be up soon.
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
Darkest Little Paradise
Blue Jones Modern/Mob Boss AU ish
A/N: I have no fking clue what possessed me to write this but here we are  Im so sorry for this dumpsterfire
Pairing: Blue Jones x fem!Agent!Reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+ sub/dom themes, bondage themes, orgasm denial, dubcon???, dirty talk, praise kink, THAT GIF OH GOD
Word count: ~2.5k
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You were going to die tonight. You were sure of it. No one lives to see another day after double-crossing the most notorious man in the city. Let alone someone who got into his club, his lair, his bed.
Blue Jones’ strip club was just a front for his more illegal activities, money laundering, drugs and arms dealing. Youhad joined as bartender as a secondary for our colleague’s mission and you caught the eye of the head within the first week of you employment. By the next few weeks, you and Blue had christened every surface of his office. And you had gotten a good look of the ‘behind the scenes’. It technically wasn’t a part of your job but you did it just because you wanted to. And getting a look into his operations was just an added benefit.  
Things turned to shit just as quickly, when your colleague’s cover was blown. You’d been forced to cut your losses and rescue your him from the man you were sleeping with. Your tactical team had caught Blue with two of his dealers and you had personally handcuffed him and shoved him into the armored vehicle. But where you had expected to see anger or betrayal, you had only seen mirth in his eyes.
That look haunted your dreams for nights. For days, you had sat in the courtroom, being forced to watch the jury dismiss every single evidence against him as circumstantial. 
Today, the jury had pronounced him innocent. And Blue Jones walked out of the fire unscathed. An entire year’s work gone down the drain with absolutely nothing to tie the crimes to the man himself. But at least two of his dealers were convicted, your superiors told you. For them it was a win. But not for you.
You kick your apartment door close, frustration getting the best of you. Your bag goes flying in one direction and you kick off your heels, storming into the kitchen looking for that bottle of scotch in your cabinet not even bothering to turn the lights on. You slam you glass atop the dining table and pour a generous amount of liquor into it.
“Hey there, sweetness,” you jump at the smooth voice that sounds from the dark behind you. “Oh no no, baby,” The voice coos when you try to turn around, the cold barrel of a gun pressing into the back of your neck. You freeze as a warm body presses into your back, pining your hips against the table, reaching around you for the glass. You hear a scoff, then the sound of glass shattering as he tosses it against a wall. “Drinking isn’t good for you, sweetheart,” This is it, you think. You’re going to die.
“Show me your hands,” you hesitate for a second and you feel him press the gun harder into your skin. “Go on sweets, I won’t hurt you,” he coos as if he wasn’t holding a gun to your neck. You lift both hands before you, suppressing the tremors that run through you at the thought of what he might do to you. You’d once seen him beat a man’s face to a pulp for trying to steal from him. “It breaks my heart that I can’t trust you anymore sweetheart,” he sighs into your neck, sounding.
You hear the rustle of cloth behind you as he whispers a soft good girl into your ear when you obey. You really shouldn’t be getting turned on when your life was on the line, but here you are anyways. Your thighs clench together of their own volition at his praise and that sultry tone. His hand comes into view, clutching his tie, which he loops around both your wrist and holds them together before lowering his gun.
“I hate guns,” he mumbles more to himself than to you as he carelessly tosses it onto the table and it clattered, coming to rest barely a few inches from you. Blue works the tie around your wrists forming an elaborate knot, humming when he was satisfied with the results. You know you can’t escape it no matter how hard you try. You’ve tried before. He nudges your feet apart with his feet, still clad in the expensive leather shoes he loved so much.
“Put your hands on the table and bend over for me will you?” It isn’t as much of a question as it is a command, and you do as he tells you, your body already complying before your mind comprehends. He’s always had that effect on you. As much as you had hated it at first, it always ended with you having one of the most mind blowing orgasms of your life. Now that you couldn’t resist, even if you tried.
Blue lets out a shuddering breath. You realize it’s a turn on for him, seeing you all spread out and at his mercy. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to concentrate on the trial with you parading around in this fucking pencil skirt?” A violent shiver runs down your spine as he presses his hips against you, his erection evident against your ass. “All I could think about was bending you over the table and having my way with you in front of all those people,” your hips buck against his involuntarily at his words. “You would’ve liked that, wouldn’t you sugar?” He was speaking to you like he usually did when you were lying naked under him on his bed. Not like you had betrayed him and gotten his men arrested.
You eye the gun lying on the table before you. Could you try to reach for it? Do you even have a chance? You could still aim a gun with your wrists tied together. Maybe if you shove Blue backwards hard eno- 
You feel him ruck up your pencil skirt letting his fingers skim against yours thighs, way too close to your sensitive nub, and a wave of arousal hits you out of nowhere. Suddenly, escape is the last thing in your mind, and the gun lays forgotten before you. “I wanna feel you honey,” he breathes above you. “Can I? Let me touch you baby,” his fingers dance along your inner thighs, drawing patterns on the sensitive skin with the tips of his fingers. A hand dips into the waistband of your underwear as you nodded, rubbing circles into your throbbing clit as you whimpered in pleasure.
Blue yanks you up by the back of your shirt, leaning you against his chest as he slips a finger inside your slick folds. Your cry of surprise immediately morphs into moans as he adds another digit, pumping both fingers in and out of you. The heady scent of his cologne and the way he whispers filthy promises into your ear has you shaking in his arms. 
“You want another finger, baby? You need three of my fingers in your greedy little cunt?” His voice sounds high and breathless, like he’s getting off on the sole act of pleasuring you. The obscene sounds of his fingers squelching in your wetness echoes through the small space. Blue pants as heavily as you and he rolls his hips against your ass. He lifts his other hand to wrap his fingers around your throat, pressing his fingertips into the sides of your neck. You hang on to the edge of the table with your bound hands as Blue thrusts another finger inside you, curling them into the spot that makes you see stars. Your eyes roll back and your knees buckle, but his grip around you keeps you upright and flush against him.
You feel yourself rapidly approaching your release and Blue chooses that exact moment to extract his fingers from inside you. A keening cry slips from your mouth as you feel you orgasm dissipate. You whine his name when you feel his chest rumble as he finds humor in your plight. “If you behave, I might let you come, baby,” 
Blue turns you around and you get a good look at him in his crisp white shirt, just missing the usual jacket. He holds you close enough for you to feel the smoothness of his shirt beneath your fingers. You lurch forward, trying to crush you lips against his, every ounce of shame and control thrown out the window. But Blue moves faster, a hand coming up to grab a handful of your hair and yanking it back. A guttural moan slips from your lips and you don’t bother trying to smother it.
“You look a little tense, sweetness,” you feel his hot breath on your skin as he grazes the tip of his nose up the column of your throat. His voice sweeps over you, so sweet and warm like honey, at odds with the way his grip on your hair sends pinpricks of pain through your scalp. “It’s been a frustrating day, hasn’t it?” 
The grip on your hair remains unrelenting as Blue coils his other arm around you, undoing the clasp on your pencil skirt. Then his fingers hook onto the waistband of your underwear, pulling it down all the way and he lets you step out of it. But he makes no move to go beyond that. You twist your fingers into his shirt in frustration.
“You want me to take care of you, sweetheart?” He nips your earlobe, grazing his teeth over the soft bone. “You know I can make you feel so good,” you squirm against him. You know he can make you feel great.
Your body is no longer in your control as he leads you to your couch, lying down on it before he pulls you on top of him, your legs straddling him, skirt bunched up around your hips. And you are grinding against him, hands splayed on his chest, trying to keep yourself upright as you frantically grinding your core against his clothed erection. It doesn’t take long for you to feel another orgasm approaching after the one he just denied you.
Until, he twists his hand into the material of your skirt, forcing you to a stop again. Tears prickle your eyes as you groan in frustration. “I wanna hear you beg for it,” Your arousal is soaking through the material of his pants, he has you all wound up and aching for him. That’s when he negotiates. 
“Blue, please,” your face burns at the sound of your own voice begging for him. “Please let me ride your cock, please,”
“What would your precious partner say if he sees you like this huh, baby?” He huffs a laugh, “Begging me to fuck you like a little slut?” You growl, pushing him harder into the couch, trying to shut him up. But it only encourages him, knowing that his goading was getting a rise from you. “Whoring yourself out to the enemy like this,” he shakes his head clucking. He hisses when you dig your nails into his chest, “You’ve got some claws, kitten,”
He releases his hold on your skirt and you shamelessly paw at his belt, trying your best to make use of your bound hands to undress him. Blue lays back, watching your desperate attempts to pull his pants down and whining in frustration as you fail. He chuckles, finally helping you push it down far enough to pull his length into his hands, giving himself a few short pumps before lining up against your dripping slit.
You lower yourself onto him, watching his mouth fall open as he fills you up, inch by inch. He throws his head back, eyes rolling back as a moan wrenches out of him. His fingers around your waist tightens as your wet heat envelopes him entirely, and his face twists in pleasure. You can’t bring yourself to look away from his gorgeous face, as much as you want to hate it. He groans your name as you start rocking on top of him.
Your real name. Not the alias you used during your time undercover.
“Just like that, you ride my cock so good, kitten.” He pants. His sweet moans and filthy words only drives you on harder. You throw your head back biting back your moans as you chase your release for the third fucking time. “I know you can be a hell lot more louder than that baby girl,” he growls, thrusting his hips to meet yours halfway. “Scream my name, baby. Show me how good I make you feel,”
And so you do. Your mind goes numb with pleasure when he grabs your waist pulling you down onto him at the same him he trusts into you. The only sounds from your mouth is the screams and moans of his name along with a few choice words that would make a sailor blush. 
“I’m gonna come,” you whimper, your pace faltering. Blue flips you onto your back, pinning your wrists above your head and pounds you into the couch. The new angle finds that sweet spot inside of you making your eyes roll back as you whimpered. Blue slips a hand between your bodies, rubbing tight circles over your bundle of nerves and your vision whites out as an orgasm shatters through you, back arching skywards, breathy moans falling from your lips. You hear blue groan as your walls clenches and spasms around him and before long, he’s spilling into you.
 It takes a few minutes for Blue to recover his strength and he flips the two of you over again. He holds you against his chest, stroking your hair gently as you lay on top of him, quivering from the aftershocks of your orgasm. An inexplicable ache settles heavily on your chest as you nuzzle your face into his warm neck, breathing in the scent of his worn out cologne. 
“Why are you here,” your voice comes out breathier and a lot softer than you expect and you blame it on your previous activities. 
Blue stays quiet for a few seconds, and then he says, “You’re not one of them,”
“What?” you look up at him.
“You’re not one of the good guys,” he repeats, “You may be fooling yourself, but you can’t fool me, baby,” he tuckes a stray hair begins your ears, “The gun was within your reach on the table sweetheart, I made sure of it. You could’ve used it to escape me, or shoot me, but you didn’t. You wanted to surrender to me.”
Blue really wasn’t someone to make decisions on speculation alone. He had a compulsive need to always be right, to always have a back up plan. You learned it the hard way, you were still learning about it apparently. Realization hits you just then, and your mouth falls open. “The gun wasn’t loaded, was it?”
“Smart girl,” He chuckles, “But not smart enough,” He traces a finger up your spine, “I just came to say goodbye, by the way,”
“Why?” you frown.
“I need to take a small vacation somewhere,” A small smile spreads on him face like he was imagining something. “You see, the people you managed to put behind bars are gonna blame me for it since I walked away without any charges. Everyone knows we weren’t just auditing the accounts alone in my office. So I need a safe place to lay low for a while. I’m flying off in two hours,” 
“And you’re telling me this because you think I won’t be coming after you? Because, I want to surrender to you?” You throw his words back at him, mocking him. “I will, Blue. I’ll find a way to lock you up,” You are fully aware that you are not in the position to be issuing threats but you do it anyways. 
“I know you will,” His sly smirk tells you he had one more trick up him sleeve. “But you have to catch me first,” His lips descends on your as he kisses you fervently. You kiss him back with just as much vigor, and your entire body feels heavy like lead in exhaustion.
Wait, that wasn’t it. Your breaths become shallow as you struggle to hold onto consciousness. Blue pulls away as your head lolls forwards, suddenly too heavy to hold up right. “Shh, don’t fight it baby,” 
Your muddled thoughts came to one final conclusion. Leave it to Blue Jones to chose the most theatrical way to undermine you. That bastard had drugged you. The last thing you feel is blue gathering you up in his arms before your vision goes black.
Blue gently settles you on top of you bed, tucking you into the covers. He placed a soft kiss against your forehead, on top of the small frown you sported even unconscious. His heart thrums at the though of the chase he had planned for you.
You had fire, he’d seen it in your eyes when you cuffed him that night. You’ll go after him, Blue was sure of it. He was counting on it.
“See you soon, babygirl,” Blue kisses your cheek one final time before he leaves.
Tags: @yougottakeeponkeepinon​ @anetteaneta​ @darksideofclarke​ @woakiees​
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faofinn · 4 years
Is Something Burning? - Whumptober Day 14
It was hot. The air was thick, humid and insufferable. Sure, it was nice to be on holiday with Fred, Sheila and Finn, but Fao hated the heat. He much preferred winter, when it was cold and he wasn’t constantly on the verge of overheating. He couldn’t even take his shirt off either, too self-conscious of the dark scar on his chest. 
He couldn’t help but drag his feet, tired and far too warm to be enjoying himself. Fred was talking about something or other - Fao had lost track hours ago - and Finn was still somehow full of energy. Finn was always full of energy. 
He just wanted to sit down for five minutes, grab a drink and catch his breath again. But he didn’t want to be a bother - he knew deep down that he wasn’t, but he couldn’t help that feeling of being extra, being a drain. He was lucky to be with them, lucky that they wanted him around. He couldn’t do anything to annoy them. He stumbled a little, though managed not to fall. It sort of jolted him awake a little, his heart pounding. He dragged his hand through his hair and carried on, taking a few faster steps to try and keep up.
Finn ran at him, hands clasped out in front of him and squealing gleefully. “Fao, Fao! Look what I’ve got!”
Fao frowned at his brother. “What is it?” He asked, trying to act interested.
His grin widened and he thrust his hands into Fao’s stomach. “I caught a lizard!”
“Finn! You can't just go around catching lizards!” He said, groaning.
"I know. I had to go around and around and around!"
“Go and put it back! You've grabbed him from his home.”
"He was running about!" Finn protested. "I thought you'd be excited!"
“I am, but I don't think he's very excited. You wouldn't like it if you were running around and some giant person came and grabbed you, would you?"
"Ugh. You're so boring!" Finn rolled his eyes and darted off again, barreling towards his dad. "Dad!"
Fao sighed and watched him run off, envious of his boundless energy. Slightly dizzy and with his stomach now cramping (thanks to Finn) he tried to keep up with Sheila.
Sheila had turned to check on Fao when Fred's shouts drew her attention and she hurried ahead. At the sight of Finn with the (very unfortunate) lizard still in his hands, she let out a low swear and forced him to put it back. Disappointed and scuffing his feet in the sandy ground, he obliged, but took his sweet time doing so.
They were really in the middle of nowhere, no place to wash their hands or anything like that, so she settled for sitting him down on the nearest bench and spraying his hands with sanitizer. Of course, she chewed him out, telling him off kindly but firmly and with words echoing Fao's. 
"Where on earth did you get a lizard from, Finn?"
"He was on a rock." Finn shrugged, trying to pull his hands away. "Just picked him up."
"Well that wasn't nice, was it? How would you like it if someone giant picked you up out of nowhere and ran around with you?"
"Yeah!" Finn's eyes lit up before noticing the look in his mother's and dropping his gaze. "No."
Fred interrupted with a laugh. "How did you even catch it?"
"I just grabbed him!" Glad the conversation was away from him being told off, he grinned again.
"That's pretty impressive. Lizards run really fast. Did you know that some lizards will lose their tail if you grab them?"
"No way!" Finn turned to his mum. "Is that true?"
"Yes, Finn. Stand still."
"And some lizards can grow bigger than you and me."
"Wow." Finn's jaw dropped open. "Like dinosaurs!
"Not quite, kid, but dragons!"
His jaw dropped wider. "Dragons?"
"Fred, why don't we save this for after Finn learns why we're not supposed to pick them up?"
Fao was just grateful for the bench, sinking down onto the wood with a stifled groan. It was just as hot as everything else, but at least he was off his feet. And he felt slightly less like he was about to black out, which was a positive.
"Right. We all ready to keep going?" She turned to Fao. "Have you got enough suncream on? Don't want you getting burned."
It took a split second too long for Fao to reply. “Oh, yeah. I'm fine.”
"Want a drink before we go? It isn't long before we should be stopping."
“Uh, water would be good.”
She rummaged around in the bag, passing him a slightly cool bottle. "Here. Let me get some more cream. The last thing we need is you burning too."
“I'm fine, honestly.” Fao said, opening the water bottle. “I'd worry about Finn catching more lizards.”
"Finn better not be." She turned to him with a glare. "Right, stay still. Let me put some on the back of your neck."
Fao did as he was told, staring at his lap. He tried to sip the water, but it just made him feel sick as his stomach cramped more. 
"Are you alright?" She hesitated, her clean hand on his shoulder. "You're very quiet."
“I'm okay, just not used to the heat.”
"I bet Fred's been talking your ear off too." She hummed, sitting next to him. "He loves all of this stuff. Could talk about it for hours. I don't know where he stores all the information. Then again, I think that's all that he has in his brain."
Fao smiled weakly. “He has cooking knowledge too. I'm just a bit tired I think, Finn was talking all night.”
She laughed quietly. "There's another one that never shuts up."
“Can see where he gets it from.”
"Precisely." Sheila leaned in. "Don't tell them I said this, but it makes me love them both more. Although, Finn catching the lizard was pushing it."
“He tried to show me first. Nearly threw the poor thing at me.”
She shook her head. "He's crazy, he really is. I'd better go catch him and get some more cream on him too." 
Fao nodded. “Yeah, go on. I'll catch you up.”
"Good, we're nearly there and then you can have a snooze or something." She gave him a gentle pat on the knee and stood, calling for Finn.
He followed after her a moment later, forcing himself to drink more water. It really wasn't making his nausea any better, but Fao knew he just felt shit because he'd not drank enough. 
He kept pace with Sheila fairly well after that, not wanting to be left behind. Surely they were nearly there by now? He just wanted to submerge his whole body in ice water and never move again. 
The dizziness got worse and he stumbled again, just about catching himself. 
“Uh, Sheila?”
She hummed as she turned around, glancing over her eldest. "Everything okay?"
His stomach churned and he swallowed thickly. “I… I don't feel too great.”
"That's okay. You're alright." She rested a hand on his arm. "What's wrong?"
He was about to speak when the nausea overwhelmed him, and he turned away from her as his stomach clenched and he was sick. Doubled over next to a scrubby looking bush, he groaned. 
She sighed, moving her hand to rub his back. "Oh, Fao."
“Sorry.” He whimpered. 
"You don't need to apologise, it's okay. I'm sorry you're being sick."
“I've ruined everything.” He mumbled, though he still felt far too warm. He was dizzy, and somehow felt worse. He'd hoped being sick would make him feel better. He took a shaky step back and turned towards Sheila, the blood rushing in his ears. “I think ‘m gonna-” He didn't get to finish his sentence as his legs gave way under him and the world went black. 
Sheila swore loudly, grabbing at her eldest. He was heavier than she expected and it was more of a fall than a controlled lower to the ground. 
"You're alright, you're safe, I've got you." She murmured to him, getting him on his side as she checked him over. "You're just fine, Fao. It's okay."
He wasn't out for long, coming to with a groan. The ground was hot and dry, he was covered in sandy dirt. It was bright and he blinked slowly, trying to sit up. 
"Hey, hey. Careful, sweetheart." Sheila murmured softly. "Nice and slowly."
“Sorry. Didn't mean to…”
"Didn't mean to scare the life out of me?" She joked weakly.
“I've ruined everything.”
"Course not."
He stared at the ground. “Is Fred mad? Is Finn upset?”
"Of course he's not mad, darling. We wouldn't be mad at you. You couldn't help this."
“But I've ruined his trip.”
"Nah, not at all."
“‘m sorry.”
"No need. You should have told us sooner, though. You said you were fine."
“Jus’ the heat.”
"I guessed as much. Why don't we get your top off? Have something to drink?"
“I'll have some more water?”
"You need to cool down too." She said, passing a new bottle. "This one's clean."
He took it from her, sitting up properly and sipping it. It didn't really help the nausea, but it was something.
"I know you're not a fan, but it's just us here. Nobody's looking."
He shook his head slowly. “‘m fine.”
He didn't have a choice, did he? He didn't want Sheila to be mad at him for not doing as he was told, so he awkwardly pulled his shirt over his head. 
"You can hold onto it, hold it across your chest if you want." She told him, giving him a warm smile. "You're doing really well."
It felt better, Fao had to admit. There was the tiniest hint of a breeze and it helped, cooling off his now exposed skin. He didn't see the point in covering his chest - Sheila had seen it before anyway - and so balled up his t-shirt, hanging his head. Why did he always have to cause trouble? She had to be fed up by now. 
Sheila was interrupted by Finn's cry, turning as her youngest went sprawling into the dirt. Fred gave a hopeless sigh as he picked him up, his knees scuffed and bleeding, as well as his elbows and hands. He led him over to the other two, kneeling by Sheila's bag as he tried to comfort Finn and find plasters.
"The two of you, eh?" Sheila shook her head as she passed Fred what he needed. "Can't have one without the other."
Finn sniffed. "Is Fao - Fao alright?"
“I'm fine, Finn.” He said softly. “Are you okay?”
He nodded, lower lip still wobbling. "'m okay."
"Hey, Finn. Tell you what. Why don't you grab this paper and do a super cool and special job?"
He perked up, interest piqued. 'What?"
"I need you to help cool Fao down, wo you need to flap the paper up and down -  like this - so that it gets all windy. Do you think you can do that?"
"Yeah!" Finn nodded excitedly, his injury (and Fred trying to stick plasters to his knees) already forgotten as he waved his arms frantically. "Like this?"
Fao flashed Sheila a look, sipping the water. He felt bad, especially now Finn was hurt. 
Sheila leaned in, whispering. "If you let him dwell on it, you'll be carrying him all the way back."
“Hey, Finn, did you see another lizard?”
"Dad was showing me one. I couldn't catch it though.”
“Was it a big one?” He asked, voice still a little shaky. 
"Just a baby. And it still had a tail."
Finn chatted away for what seemed like forever, his scuffed knees seemingly forgotten. It gave Fao time to recover somewhat, and the water helped stop him feeling so dizzy. He even poured some over his head, and the water that trickled from his hair down his back was glorious. 
They turned back not long after that, Fred’s quest forgotten. With Finn’s knees scuffed too he was bound to complain, and Sheila was rather worried about Fao. On the way back she reassured him multiple times that he’d not ruined anything, that they just wanted him to be okay. There was always another day to go walking, anyway. What Fred was interested in had lasted hundreds of years. It could wait a day or so. 
After a cool shower, more water and even more fuss from Sheila, Fao ended up practically passed out on his bed under the air conditioning, exhausted. 
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vintagevalentinex · 4 years
Hello!  Here is the 3rd installing of my Frank Castle/Reader series!  Enjoy!
Read Part 1 Read Part 2
Title: Leftovers Author: vintagevalentinexx Words: ~1250 Pairing: (Frank Castlex Reader) Warnings: Violence, man with a gun, watch Daredevil Season 2 first!
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It’s funny how things seemed so normal and natural now between u and the man that everyone in New York City seemed to either be terrified of or applauded.  You readjusted your bag on your arm, steaks and other accoutrements lay inside.  You walked with purpose, excited to get the food on the stove, knowing that you’d actually be sharing a meal with Frank.  Was this a date?  Yeah right.  As if he wanted anything like that from you…but did you want it?  Why would you care in the first place?  Do I want it to be a date?  Great.  Do I want to go on a date with a man who’s killed countless people?  On the other hand he’s made it so criminals can never harm anyone ever again.  Why? Why do I do this to myself?
You stopped paying attention to your surroundings as you again adjusted the bag on your shoulder. You smiled as you saw your apartment building, getting ready to pull your keys from your pocket to open the lobby door.  What you didn’t expect was to be shoved into the alleyway adjacent to your building.
The bags you were carrying fell and spilled on the ground as your back slammed against the wall.  You looked up, your eyes wild and scared as you looked at the man who was now pointing a gun at your chest.  You threw your purse to the ground; no amount of calling to cancel your credit cards and getting a new driver’s license could equal the value of your life.  You trembled with fright, the mugger’s gun unwavering.  He smiled down at you menacingly, his forearm pressed up against your windpipe.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here.  Aren’t you a little cutie, little mouse.  Want me to tell you what I like to do to little mice like you?”
You could feel your eyes well up, hot with tears as you struggled underneath your assailant.  He grinned lewdly down at you, running the barrel of the gun against the side of your face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take real good care of ya, little mouse.  All you have to do is keep your mouth shut.”
You closed your eyes, wishing that you were somewhere else, feeling the tears begin to spill as you whimpered with fright.  This is it.  This is the moment that I can never come back from.  What did I do to deserve this?
It happened so quickly that you didn’t realize what was happening.
One moment your attacker was on you, and then all of a sudden he wasn’t.  For a moment you thought that he had killed you; perhaps it was completely painless and the fear was over.  You were pulled out of this stupor when you heard what seemed to be your assailant grunting again and again in pain.  You slowly open your eyes, wiping the wetness from your cheeks.  You see your attacker doubled over on the ground, his gun down the alleyway.  Looking up you see the angry face of Frank, his own gun pressed against the temple of the mugger.
“You think it’s funny, asshole?!  You get your kicks out of scaring the shit out of a woman?!  You’re a piece of shit, nothing but scum!!”
You can see the anger in his eyes, his body poised to attack, which it seemed he already had done. Your attacker looked beat to hell, certainly much worse off than you.  You could see Frank’s trigger finger twitching, wanting the mugger to give him any reason to pull the trigger.  The pounding of your heart was nearly deafening; your flight or fight response kicking in once again.  You could hear Frank continuing to yell, but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. It was as if everything was moving in slow motion.
You managed to croak out. Your body trembled, trying to grasp at anything, feeling your hands scraping against the brick wall behind you. “Please…please don’t, Frank.”
He finally swung his head around, looking at you, his eyes wild.  Upon seeing your condition, his eyes softened, his grip still firm on your attacker.  You swallowed hard, whimpering again.  “Please…please don’t kill him in front of me, Frank.”
He shoved the man to the ground roughly, getting down into his face.  “If I ever see your ugly face anywhere ever again, the last fleeting moments of your life will be filled with a gun pressed against your head!” Frank stepped toward you, his hands on your shoulders, checking your body for physical damage.
“Did he do anything to you, (Y/N)?  Hurt you? Touch you?”
You shook your head.
“I need to hear you say it, (Y/N)!”
“No.  No Frank.  You came just in time.”
He held onto your shoulders until your breathing calmed down, his eyes focused on yours.  He let go, bending down to retrieve your purse, your attacker long gone.  You smiled a little at him as he handed you your purse, immediately frowning as you look at the ground.  Frank looks at you, tilting his head.  “What’s wrong?”
You look sadly at your grocery bag, the contents spilled out and dirtied by the ground.  You sigh, “The groceries.  I bought steaks…I was going to—“
You are cut off by Frank’s soft chuckling, his thumb wiping away the rest of the wetness from your crying off of your cheeks.
“That’s it?  That ain’t too bad, sweetheart.  C’mon, let’s get you upstairs.”
The three of you sat in your apartment, Frank, you, and even Max.  You laughed when he sheepishly looked at you.
You smiled, nodding as you brought over beer for the both of you.  You filled a bowl with water and set it on the floor for Max, smiling down at the dog as he lapped happily.  Sitting on the couch, taking a swig from the bottle you brought over, you put a shy hand on Frank’s forearm, causing him to look at you.
“Umm…I just wanted to say thank you.  That could have gone pretty south if you didn’t show up…”
He nodded, reaching down to scratch Max behind the ears.  Frank seemed to be a man of few words, but when he spoke, he made those words count.
You sat in quiet, comfortable silence for a while until the doorbell rang.  You jumped in surprise, still a little jittery from the incident in the alleyway.  Frank shot up, waving at you as he went to the door, retrieving the Chinese food he ordered while you were cleaning yourself up.  He set all of the food on your coffee table, handing you a pair of chopsticks.
“How much do I owe you Frank?”
He shook his head, smiling only just a little.  “Nothin’, kid.  I got this one.  You’ve been through enough today.
You could feel heat rising to your cheeks as you ate in silence, enjoying the quiet presence of Frank and the sloppy slurping of Max, amuse when Frank would toss the dog a piece of meat every so often.
It was getting more difficult to deny that you at least felt something for Frank.  Maybe it was only platonic, but you couldn’t deny how safe you felt around him.  He stopped when you asked him to, and he didn’t make a fuss of it.  You could no longer deny how it felt to have his strong hands grasp your shoulders tightly, fussing over you, making sure you were alright.  Hands that could kill in an instant, were nothing but kind to you.
What mess did you get yourself into?
Read the next part here!
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robinskey · 5 years
Don’t Touch My Family
Request: Would you be willing to make an imagine of dad!billy were after graduation u nd billy leave town bc u get pregnant w/out telling anybody but after a few years u have a son & daughter Neil finds out n come by the house hella pissed while billy isnt home, tries to hurt u nd the kids but billy comes home n just beats the hell out him for trying to hurt his family? just the thought of billy goin after the only person hes terrified of for HIS family makes him THE father he never had makes me melt ❤
A/N: This is a little bit darker than my typical fluffy sunshine fanfic, but I really liked the request, so I decided to do it anyway. :) Sorry if you wanted something shorter, anon-this turned into more of a drabble/one-shot than an imagine. Thanks for requesting!
Warnings: Teenage pregnancy, descriptions of violence, implied abuse, language
You find out you’re pregnant halfway through the last semester of senior year. 
When you tell Billy, you expect him to freak out. He doesn’t, though-at least, not on the outside. On the inside, he’s absolutely panicking. But he can see how upset you are, so he just pulls you close. He whispers into your hair that he’ll support you in whatever you want to do.
After a few days of contemplation, decide you want to have the baby. You and Billy agree that it’s best to keep your pregnancy a secret-for now, at least. If your parents found out, your father would probably actually fire that shotgun he’s always threatening to use on “that deadbeat boyfriend of yours.”
And Billy...well, he has no idea how his father would react. But he has no intentions of finding out.
Thus, Billy offers to run away with you right there on the spot. However, you ultimately decide that it would be better to finish high school. Maybe you'll even be able to save up a little bit of money before the two of you start a new life together.
So, for the next few months, you wear baggy clothes to hide your growing midsection. Billy picks you up for “dates” that are actually doctor’s appointments. Thanks to your valiant efforts, no one suspects a thing.
Eventually, graduation rolls around. Your family hosts a small get-together after the ceremony. Distant relatives congratulate you on your achievements and ask if you’re excited to start this “new chapter in your life.” You smile and nod.
You have no idea.
Later that night, you stuff everything you can fit into a small tote bag. You leave an apology note to your parents on the kitchen counter and sneak out of your house.
Billy’s waiting for you outside in the Camaro. He greets you with a kiss on the forehead and holds the door open as you climb into the passenger seat. As he drives away, you watch your childhood home shrink into the distance, saying a silent goodbye to the only home you’ve ever known.
Five years later, you and Billy share a two-bedroom house on the West Coast. You have two kids-a son and a daughter. Billy works as a mechanic at an auto repair shop, while you write for the local newspaper. Neither of you make much money, but it doesn’t matter. You’re both happy-genuinely happy-for the first time in your lives.
Billy gets home around 5:30 every day, so, when the doorbell rings at 5:15, you figure he just got off early.
“I’m coming, honey!” you yell, bouncing your infant daughter on your hip.
But when you peek into the peephole, you discover not your husband standing on your doorstep but a scruffy older man in tattered clothing. His face is scrunched up, and he squints in the sun. You freeze, clutching your baby to your chest.
Neil Hargrove is standing on your porch.
“I know someone’s home. I heard you,” he barks. “Come on. Open up. I just want to talk.”
He raises a dirty fist and raps on the wood. The noise scares your daughter, who starts to whimper. You’re too busy shushing her to notice your son appear at your side.
“Mama, who’s that?”
You clamp a hand over his mouth and suck in your breath. Maybe, if you’re quiet enough, you can cancel out the noise made by your clueless four-year-old.
“Is that my grandson?”
For a split second, his volume dips below its typical scream-level. It’s the most gentle you’ve ever heard him speak.
But then he has to ruin it by pounding once more on the door.
“Come on, you coward, open the damn door!” He rattles the doorknob so violently that you think it might fall off.
This time, you can’t prevent your daughter from letting out a wail. Beside you, your son sniffles.
You muster every last fiber of courage in your being. “Get the hell out of here, Neil,” you growl, trying to sound as menacing as possible.
“Y/N? Is that you?” he asks. There’s a soft thud, almost like he’s just leaned his forehead against the wood.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I thought it was Billy in there,” Neil says.
“Billy-Billy is here,” you stutter.
“No, he’s not. I don’t see the Camaro anywhere, and I know my son takes that damn car everywhere,” Neil says.
Your son wraps his arms around your calf and clings to it. You hope he isn’t able to absorb the panic pulsing through every part of your body
“I’m warning you, Neil, to walk out of here while you still can. I…” 
You scan the messy living room, littered with toys. Your gaze falls on a plastic pistol laying on the sofa.
“I have a gun. And I’m not afraid to use it,” you threaten.
The wall between you slightly muffles his ominous chuckle, but it still reaches your ears.
“I’m sure you do, sweetie. But there’s no need to get violent on an old man who just wants to see his grandkids. Why don’t you just open the door, Y/N?”
“Why don’t you just go to hell, Neil?” 
The silence drags on long enough for you to almost convince yourself that he’s walked away.
And then, just loud enough for it to be audible: “If that’s how you want to play it.”
You jump out of the way as the door falls inward with a thud.
Neil Hargrove slowly lowers the foot he used to kick it down, glaring at you with bloodshot eyes.
You push your son behind you, wrap your arms tighter around your daughter, and take cautious steps backwards.
“Did you really think you could hide from me forever?” he asks. He advances deeper into your home-your sanctuary-with every word.
“What do you want from me?” you demand. Your backside collides with a wall; Neil’s backed you into a corner.
“I just want what you and my son stole from me by skipping town five years ago,” Neil says. “A chance to connect with my family.”
He draws close enough that you can count every crater left by untreated acne on his creased face and smell the stale whiskey on his breath. “I knew you had one child,” he says, peeking around you at the little boy cowering in the corner, “but two? What a pleasant surprise. This little one-let me see her face.”
Neil extends a wrinkled hand to peel back the blanket covering the baby. You’re too stunned to react until his filthy finger is only inches from her face. That’s when you raise a knee and jam it into his groin. He doubles over with a grunt.
“Go!” You practically shove your son into his room and set the baby next to him. Then, a hand wraps around your ponytail, yanking you backwards. Tears stream down your face as you scream at your kids to shut the door and lock it. There’s a slam and a click, then the word “bitch” yelled into your ear. Neil spits into your ear canal as he calls you every name in the book. You claw and kick and punch, but Neil’s got a death grip on your hair. He drags you across the living room floor, promising that he’s “going to make you pay.” He finally tosses you onto the couch. Your back aches as the barrel of the fake gun juts into your spinal cord.
Between your shrieks and Neil’s name-calling, you don’t hear the roar of the engine as the Camaro pulls onto your street, nor the squeal of the brakes as Billy pulls up next to the beat-up pick-up truck he’d recognize anywhere. You don’t hear your husband’s thundering footsteps as he sprints up the sidewalk. No, you don’t notice any of that; you’re too preoccupied flailing around as Neil tries to pin you to the sofa. 
But even though you don’t see him, Billy appears in the doorway, still wearing his navy mechanic jumpsuit. He’s covered in grease stains and flushed skin. And, for the first time in his life, he raises his voice at his father without an inkling of fear of the consequences.
“Get your hands off my wife!”
He charges at his father, who’s caught completely off-guard. The two of them crash onto the coffee table, snapping it in two. They only wrestle for a minute before Billy comes out on top. He raises his fist and brings it down on his father’s face until it’s nothing more than a bloody pulp. Billy continues landing blows long after Neil passes out. And, while Neil Hargrove certainly deserves it, you’d rather not have Billy kill someone in your house with your kids in the literal next room. So, eventually, you walk up to your scratched-up, bruised husband and lay a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Baby,” you say softly. 
He gazes up at you, the pain and torment of eighteen years of abuse bubbling to the surface once again. Once his eyes meet yours, they immediately soften. He raises himself to his feet and pulls you into a tight embrace. He squeezes you so tightly that you wince, sore from Neil throwing you around like a ragdoll. Billy apologizes profusely and holds you out at arm’s length. His eyes flicker over your features.
“Are you all right?”
“No,” you say honestly. Your hands are shaking profusely, your heart rate is still elevated well above normal levels, and you’re pretty sure you’ll have nightmares about this encounter for the rest of your life. 
“Did he hurt you?”
“A little. But it could have been so much worse, if you hadn’t…” 
A single tear trails down your cheek. Billy wipes it away with his thumb.
“You don’t have to go there, Y/N. Don’t go there,” he says, leaning his forehead against yours. “It’s all going to be okay.”
Your eyelids flutter shut. “You’re right. We’re safe now-me, the kids-”
“The kids!” you both exclaim at the same time. You run to their bedroom and knock on the door. It swings open, and two small children stare up at you. They both burst into tears, and you and Billy gather them into your arms.
The police arrive a few minutes later, just as Neil starts to regain consciousness. (Having nosy neighbors pays off when you need someone to call 9-1-1 without being asked.) As the officers escort Neil out of the house in handcuffs, Billy warns him to never come near his family again.
And for the first time in his life, his father actually listens.
Taglist: @novaddictx @anabundance0ffand0ms @rexorangecouny  @sweetboibilly @scarrasco1325  @readinthegarden12 @lacunaclouds
If you want to be added to the tag list for a specific character/my writing in general, leave a reply or send me a message! Thanks again for reading. <3
If you want to check out more of my writing, here’s my masterlist. :)
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Feeling kinda dumb asking this tbh. Not sure if you even watched TVD, but in case you did, you know how Bonnie uses Expression Magic which is considered extreamly dark and powerful form of magic (I mean, she literally destroyed hell!) do you mind writing Freddy x victim!reader oneshot where he mets a witch who also practices Expression and is extreamly powerfull? He tries to kill her at first obviously
Omg, this one started out so light hearted but oh my god.
Don't feel dumb!! Its a good ask!! I do watch TVD, and I hope you like this ^^ 
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I wake up the same way I have for the past 3 weeks. With messy hair, slashes through my favourite pyjama shirt and a finger in my hand- well, it isn’t always a finger. Sometimes its an ear, a portion of his ugly sweater, his hat, once even his eyeball. You get the picture though. Unimpressed, I watch the finger turn to gunky, dirty dust. Then promptly get up and tiredly get out the vacuum cleaner to clean up the mess.
Once I’m done, I put the vacuum back in its cupboard down the hall, which at this point I could totally do just from muscle memory and no other senses due to how often this month I’ve ripped something of Freddy’s back out into the real world in my attempt to take him out and kill him off the clean way.
But, I take a deep breath and let it out, exhausted and resigned, as I pull on pants and search through my closet for a shirt to wear out today. I guess I’m going to have to do it the hard way.
Finally, I discard the ruined shirt and wrench on a clean, yellow t-shirt and leave my house.
“Hey, Bernard,” I beam towards the grassy haired barista. The café’s basically empty, apart from a group of teenagers watching Netflix and Disney plus on their laptops and phone sin the far corner, so I think we’re fine to talk. He looks up from the mug he was drying out, sees my expression and promptly scoffs. Immediately he starts down the bar, past the glass case with all the sweets inside including a delicious jelly slice with lavender for safety that I get when I come here for breakfast, rounds it, and comes all the way to stand very close to me. He holds up his pointer finger between us sternly, almost mad and I focus instead on his hair rather then his face. It really is grassy- not because he’s been playing footy which he likely was before he came to work and not just because its green. Its messy, and multiple shades of different, environmental green. Representing his element.
“Don’t you dare.”
I sigh, and roll my eyes as I sit down in a bar stool, successfully putting space between us as he doesn’t move. “Its kind of a dire situation.”
“A demon?” He doesn’t look at all like it would change his mind on the subject of my using magic if it were a demon. Which it is.
“What kind?”
“The kind that draws strength from attention, lets move on.” Again, I roll my eyes. Not at Bernard though, this time its Freddy. Yes, he totally is that kind of demon. Not even just because he needs people to believe he exists to work. He’s just an attention whore.
Bernard crosses his arms and rolls his shoulders back, more than expressing his parents’ shared fire element. And, also, his cranky streak. “You will not use magic.”
“I’ve tried doing it the easy way. I’ll be safe, I promise.”
“I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about your neighbours, and the rest of the known universe if you fuck up. Actually, scratch that. Unknown universe, too.”
“I’m not asking you for permission anyway. Just- come on, gimmie the book.” I hold out my hand, looking around for where he could possibly be hiding it. Cupboards? Behind the cupboards? Has he digitised it? He just continues to glower, and its so forceful that I lower my hand and pout. He’s always been the scary cousin in our family.
“Oh, you so are asking me for permission. You don’t know where the book is!” He sneers, and I deadpan deeply at his immaturity.
“Look, Ber, we’re grown adults. Grown! Ass! Adults! I can make my own decisions, now- where is the book?”
“I’m older than you, and I say no!”
“Berrrrrrrr- Oh hi Boyd.” I pause in glaring at my Bernard to look at his brother, Boyd walk by from the upstairs apartment, clipping the vizor attachment to his glasses as he’s going out. He looks boredly at me smiling at him and keeps going to the door with an old-fashioned bell fixed to the top.
“You’re here for the grimoire?” He asks, opening the door and turning over his shoulder, and I nod sweetly- he’s sure to be more helpful! “Yeah, Bernard lost it. Hid it so well even he cant find it anymore. Now, I have a date.” He leaves the, now very tense and cold café with a curt, “Later.”
Slowly… I turn to Bernard. He is now avoiding eyecontact. He misplaced… our families… century old… grimoire??! “Find. It.”
Having a change of heart, he heads behind the counter again with a lowered head. “Oof, I’m on it.”
It must take hours, before I give up looking alongside him and sit down to take a rest. The teenagers have gone by now, and Bernard turned the ‘Open’ sign on the front window around to say ‘Closed’. I don’t know how it happened, but at some point, I rest my head on the bench and the exhaustion from not getting full rest for weeks catches up to me, and I fall asleep.
“Back so soon?”
I jump. “Gah!” Turning around to where the voice came from and I see Freddy- clearly, not in a creative mood because otherwise he wouldn’t have appeared so quick. “Why are you here?!”
“This is my domain, sweetheart.” Freddy explains, something I already knew and he knows I already know and I groan.
“It’s the middle of the day! Can’t I have this one moment to sleep in peace??” A wide smile spreads across his face, and I slouch over. Course not. Oh god, I am so tired. Another yell escapes me though, exhaustion making me incredibly jumpy, when suddenly he appears beside me. Physical form and everything, I can feel the fuzz of his sweater on my arm. “Don’t touch me.” I flash him a glare, not daring him. Definitely not daring him- he’ll take it. Just telling him to back the fuck off because I’m tired not only from his unfaltering ability to keep me busy and working, even when I’m asleep, and also now because my dear older, moronic cousin has lost our grimoire which was entrusted to him, which I need to get rid of Freddy, in order to sleep and actually feel rested!
Oh, my goodddddd, I would do almost anything right now to dream about stupid normal stuff like flying, or running from an encroaching car, or falling. Even falling, which wakes you up. At least I can fall right back to sleep.
“Okay, now, see, if you tell me that, I’ll just wanna do the opposite! ~” The clawed glove nears my face and my right eye twitches, but I stand still there with my arms crossed and glare at it. The rusty, nearly black metal nearing my eyes, reflecting the sharp, gross grin on Freddy’s burnt face.
“So, its opposite day then?” I ask, humouring him because what else are you going to do? When he gets bored, he’s even more dangerous.
“Yep!” Visibly, the stripe sin his sweater switch places so its green and red, and not red and green. He thinks he’s funny.
And, clearly I’m exhausted otherwise I never would’ve fallen for that. “Then please touch me Fredrick.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, raucous laughter escapes him, and he holds his belly as he doubles over and laughs. I groan and dig the heels of my hands into my eyes. I need to wake up. “Out of all the obnoxious murderers out there… “I got the worst of the lot.
“Yep, you got me. Now, let’s stop fucking around shall we? Let’s get to the good stuff!”
“Oh no.” I half groan, half whine in dread and fear. Suddenly, the fact that I fell asleep feels like stupidest move ever- at any time, he might kill me. Its just blind luck that he hasn’t felt like ending the game so far. But he could at any time, including this time.
Freddy disappears again, and I whip around to look for him. My heart starts to beat thunderously in my chest because nothing good has ever occurred when Freddy disappears. I’ve been shot, I’ve been crushed under a stone slab, I’ve been choked with 80’s twisted telephone phone cables- I’ve even been kissed. And every time, I get closer to dying. I lose oxygen, I lose blood, I lose morale. Every time I get hurt, Freddy takes me closer to death then before and I think I’m actually gone this time. He’s bored, I’m not enough anymore, the torture is over.
Which is both a relief and even more horrifying then anything else. Tears cluster in my eyes as time goes by and nothing happens. I just see the boiler room around me, everything tinted red and everything damp and shiny with grease and rust. I don’t want to die.
Suddenly, smoke starts to fill the room. Until I can’t see anything at all except the white in front of me and my hand if I would raise it, but I don’t. I just stay very still, afraid of what’s about to happen. “Fr-Freddy?” I call, weak and disappointing myself. I’m a fucking witch… but that doesn’t really mean much in this world. Not without the spell that I need from the grimoire that’s nowhere to be found. I’m a witch, and I’ve raised to think that means something, means I’m a force to reckoned with, but here I am being reckoned with and I’m useless.
The ground underneath me starts to vibrate, and the smoke slowly starts to clear.
I squint, but I can’t see much through the remaining smoke and the tears shielding my eyes except a bright light.
The vibrating gets worse, and I look down and notice that the smoke has cleared enough at the point to see what beneath my feet, and the realisation of what’s there makes fear swarm throughout every crevice of my being. Mind, body and soul.
Train tracks.
My head snaps up again to see the light, a train, barrelling closer and closer to me. It’s so loud now that I’ve realised, I’m about get his by a fucking steam train, that my ears pop and protest to the pain of it all. The train gets closer and there’s Freddy. The fucker. Wearing a conductor’s uniform and hanging out the side of the driver’s compartment. He grins and waives.
I try to use rational sense and move out of the way, but rope shoots out of the earth between the tracks and twists tightly over my shoes. I try to wrench my feet out of my shoes, panicking now as the train tracks are practically jumping, but the ripe starts to climb… higher and higher up and around my legs and my hip and my arms, until I can’t move at all. It’s so tight I can’t barely even breath- not that I’ll need to for much longer.
I brace myself, and squeeze my eyes shut against the now blinding, all-encompassing brightness of the trains light. And then the train hits-
I’m wrenched suddenly, and violently from my sleep on the counter and straighten up so vigorously that I nearly slip right off the bar stool. There’s drool on the bench from my sleep, my cheek feels stiff from resting on it for a while, and whip around to look at Bernard who’s standing beside me now with the leather bound, yellow paged book that he’s found. I snatch it from his fingers, dropping it on the bench and start frantically looking through it, eyes still filled with tears and now they start falling. I slap a hand over my mouth, stifling the heavy sob that racks my back and shoulders and mouth from the shock and horror of what just nearly happened. I can still see fuzzy blue dots in my vision from the light, and my nose tingles because the train just touched. It smelled like smoke and coal and that’s still in my nose. Theirs white scrapes on my wrists from the rough rope.
“Y/N,” Bernard touches my arm and I don’t push him off, but I don’t respond, either. I barely notice him, too preoccupied with looking for the right spell. I need this to be over, that can’t happen to me again! I’m not brave enough for it. Another terrible sob forces its way from my chest and I feel half like curling into my cousins chest and crying my heart out and half like killing that bastard Freddy. Wrenching his entire nasty existence from unwritten history and tearing it so it will never be salvaged again.
The second half wins, as I go back through the book backwards, and this time find the spell. “Ow-Okay.”
“Y/N, take a moment- “
“No,” I snap. I nearly got h i t, by a t r a i n. A monstrous thing the same colour as Freddy’s blades. Bernard can’t understand that, but I sure as fuck can. Stammering, but sure, I start to recite the incantation under my breath. Slowly it gets louder, as words start to become harder to say and I need concentrate more. Latin mixes together into one big word, and its har don the best of days but when there’s expression magic involved, it takes an army. More.
And I am that, right now.
Bernard looks around as wind, not coming from an open door or window, starts picking up in this room and rushes to shut the curtains and block the rest of the world from seeing in. Napkins go flying, then the chairs topple over, and then finally the wind is so strong that coffee maker rips from the wall and smashes into the glass sweets case.
I don’t see it, because I’m still following the words in the book, but I hear it. But only just, over the terrible wind screaming through my ears. Finally, the spell reaches its peak and the air in front of Bernard and me, who has gotten back to where I am, opens up. Like someone took a knife and tore literally through the fabric of space and time and magic, revealing the familiar boiler room.
The words start to speak on their own. Whispering in the wind and my lips don’t even have to move, so I let Bernard take the book. Its all so chaotic, I don’t know how I know what to do. But I reach forward and just, lightly touch the hole and its like the magic knows exactly what I want.
Dirty dust, like what Freddy turns into when you bring out of a piece of him from the dream world that I’ve been vacuuming for the past weeks appears, connects together into the shape of a man and then twists together slowly, disturbingly like vines until it isn’t dust and vines anymore. Its burnt flesh and knitted, red and green cotton.
And he looks mad. “You bitch.” Is all he manages to say, but it’s got so much hatred and fury in it that I nearly get scared. I feel it creeped into my bones and organ in my chest.
But then I remember. This is my world.
And I don’t want him in it. “Get out.” I spit, and just like the world seems to crash. Eliminating an existence -anything. Much less a person, - is a lot of work and a big deal. It shouldn’t be possible at all, and I believe that. But I believe it like some who believe murder shouldn’t be possible.
But it is and sometimes it happens, in dire situations.
It feels like I’m being torn on the inside, and scraped clean on the outside- punishment, for doing such a thing. Something to make the world balanced for this.
And Freddy warps like The Scream or a computer glitch. Half of him gong up and the other half going down. Its horrifying sight and I’m in so much pain, but I make my eyes stay open.
And then everything goes black.
___TIME SKIP: A Week___
The whole week has gone by like dream. Not a Freddy dream. Not even a happy dream. Just, like its unreal. I don’t feel much, except a slow, soft blankness like when you’re totally out of it in class after a really, really bad day.
Its not particularly a bad feeling, not compared to the horrors I endured before. Its just like I need to rest, after I used so much power, and feeling so much in general.
Oh, and I have. I’ve been sleeping all the time. Day and night. It’s been uninterrupted and nearly… empty, feeling. Bizarly, I’m well aware now when I’m asleep that I’m dreaming. I’m lucid. Like when Freddy would be there, but without him. Its not exactly restful, but still. It’s better than the nightmares.
Right now, I’m going to sleep. Feeling tiredness expand and unconsciousness take over.
Immediately, I nearly jolt right awake again from fear. Nearly. But his hand grips onto my arm before I can.
Freddy’s right in front of me, smiling sharp like a much madder, pissed off the Cheshire cat. “Heya again sweetheart.” His voice sounds too real. His touch feels to real. This cant be- “It took a fucking lot. Pulled a few strings, don’t know how. Don’t ask. But I’m back. Don’t worry though, I’m not about to kill you. That was a real neat trick you pulled… “I jump, and whimper when the a blade on his glove touches my cheek, and he leans much closer.
“So, we have a lot to talk about.”
You didn’t think you could rid of this Slasher, did you?
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gone-daddy-gone · 4 years
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Pairing: Hinata x Yachi
Can be found: AO3, Wattpad
↳𝙳𝚎𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎↰      
❝𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖, 𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖, 𝕟𝕒𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕥𝕪, 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕡𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤. ❞
 The Karasuno love story of Yachi and Hinata. They say that love is about sacrifice and struggle. Yachi is so shy and timid, but when she's with Hinata she has courage to fight. Hinata is a fiery ball of passion, and Yachi's constant patience is more than he thinks he deserves. Can our first years make it? "The beautiful thing about young love is the truth in our hearts that it will last forever." This is their high school love story.
❝ 𝔻𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕐𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤? ❞
❝ ℍ𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝. ❞
❝ 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖! ❞
❝ ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣? ❞
❝ 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕖! ❞
❝ 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕀 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕟𝕠𝕨. ❞
 In the morning. Yachi got up to check the time. She chuckled.
"Five minutes before it goes off."
 She took her hand and rubbed the side of her face and into her hair. She then scratched her head lightly. Yachi sat on her bed, staring off in the dark. She then turned to the window. The little rise of the morning seeping through. Getting up to let the light in, she winced. There wasn't to much sun, in fact it was just morning. But it was enough. Taking her hand one more time and smudging her face to get the drousyness out, she headed to the bathroom. Of course not before doing a double take to shut off her alarm before it continuously blares through the small apartment while she showers. Which totally hasn't happened before.
 She showered, brushed her teeth, and got herself ready for the day. The day she would see Hinata for the first time, after the kiss.
"This isn't some cheesy teen romance movie. Relax Hitoka." She uttered to herself.
"Who are you talking to?"
Yachi yelped in surprise.
"No one mother."
"That's what I thought."
 Her mother said tauntingly. Yachi sighed, looked in the mirror one last time before going to eat breakfast with her mother.
 Her mother placed breakfast down for Yachi before getting ready to leave. She began to dig in so she wouldn't be late for school.
"Yachi dear, how was last night?"
 Her mother inquired, she was out working to late. Not getting a chance to ask.
"It was a lot of fun! I gave him the present, he took me to a café, we ate, then an arcade, and then we went to a record shop."
"Really? What type of music does he like?"
"A lot of older music. Mostly British and American."
"Like, uhmm, Beatles and Clash, Rolling stones too."
"Wow. Good taste."
 She said as she began to check her bag for everything.
"Yeah. He even likes Johnny Cash."
Her mother stopped rummaging through her stuff to look at her daughter. Yachi looked down at her breakfast, avoiding her mothers gaze.
"Mom, you better get to work. Don't want to be late."
 Her mother decided to not push any further.
"Ok, good bye sweetheart. Have a good day at school."
"Have a good day at work!"
 Yachi called back. When she was finally alone, she put her head in her hands.
 Why did I have to mention that part? I know it brings back bad memories for mother.
 After fully scolding herself, Yachi began to eat again.
 Hinata woke up with a start. He shot up out of bed and threw open his curtains.
"Beautiful day."
 He said contently while placing his hands on his hips.
"Poop." He dove for his phone.
 He rushed to get on his clothes on and went flying down the stairs.
His mother was in the kitchen with an apron on with her hands on her hips.
"What were you doing last night? Were you practicing again instead of sleeping?"
"No! No, I just couldn't sleep."
 Hinata stated as he sat down with a smile, chuckling.
 With that his mother turned back to what she was doing.
Natsu came out of her room. She was still wearing her kuma the bear PJ's. She yawned and clutched onto her bear.
"Morning~" She mused as she got into her chair.
"Morning Natsu! How did my favorite little sister sleep?"
"I'm your only sister." She said giggling.
"I slept good. What about you Shouyou?"
"I couldn't sleep."
 Hinata said as he began to re stuff his face.
"Why's that?"
 Natsu looked up innocently. He sat there, considering how he should respond.
"I had a lot on my mind."
He smirked.
"Yeah, volleyball."
"Didn't you go out yesterday Hinata? What was her name?"
"Umgm." Hinata began to choke.
"Yachi Hitoka."
"Oh right. How was it?"
"It was fun. I just showed her around. Nothing big."
"I didn't raise you to be cheap. You better of showed her a good time."
"MOM! It wasn't like that!..We were just hanging out."
"Mmm hmm. Sure."
"Its the truth!"
"Its the truth." Natsu mocked.
"What was that you little-come here!"
 Hinata grabbed her and tickled her. She kicked him off, but to no avail. Hinata chased her making monster noises. While their mother stood in the kitchen laughing.
"Ok, ok ok. Break it up you two."
Hinata whispered in Natsu's ear.
"Next time you won't be so lucky and I'll tickle you to death."
 She stuck her tounge out at him before going back to her seat.
"I gotta go mom. Breakfast was delicious as always!"
 With that he grabbed his lunch from his mother, saying thank you. He gave Natsu a kiss on the forehead and gave her a big hug.
"Bye!" Natsu and his mother called to him as he left.
 The rush to school. By every student was an essential part of the day. Some, taking their sweet ass time. Some reading on their way, not caring about their fellow classmates. Running, walking, or complaining. A typical Monday morning.
"Daichi, can you give this to Yui?"
"Yeah, sure. What is it?"
"Oh its just-"
"COMING THROUGH!" Yelled Nisinoya and Tanaka as they came barreling down the road.
"GUYS! YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE!" They were going to fast for them to hear Suga.
"HEY! Stop yelling outside my shop!" Yelled coach.
"Sorry!" Daichi yelled back.
"Why do we always have to babysit the upper classmen?" Suga stated.
"That's rhetorical Daichi."
 Everyone was piling into the school.
"So what did you do this weekend?"
"Nothing much."
"You will never guess what I did this weekend!"
"Did you see the latest episode?"
"No! Was it good?"
 The sound of chattering children allthrough our the hallways put Yachi at ease.
Just another day.
 Yachi hustled into her classroom and sat up in the front, like the good girl she was. She scratched the back of her head lightly as she got out her utensils for the class. Just then, Kiyoko senpai walked in.
"H-hello Senpai, is there something you need?" Kiyoko looked at Yachi softly.
"You were with Hinata yesterday, yes?"
Yachi's heart pounded. How did she know that? I knew she was goddess.
"Yes? I was."
 The older raven haired beauty smiled.
"Good. I thought it was just a rumor."
"Good bye, Yachi."
 Yachi was in so much shock she couldn't speak. A lot of questions were flying through her mind. How did she know? Who else knows? Why did she say good?
"Oh, and, Yachi."
"I'm-no, we are all routing for you."
 That last comment left her completely dumbfounded.
 Hinata walked the halls, a strut in his walk. A puff in his chest. He was a proud, proud boy. Kageyama and Tsukisima seemed to take notice to such.
"What's with you dumbass?"
"Oh, nothing." Hinata said with a smirk.
"You're an awful lier, shrimpy."
"Shut up Tsukisima! I don't need you ruining this for me."
"And just what, is 'this', hmm?" Daichi asked with his arms crossed. Hinata stood up, he admired his senpai for worrying. But he would like him to uh, piss off.
"Why don't you go talk to Yui, Daichi senpai?" Daichis face went red at what his kouahi was saying.
"What's that supposed to mean, Hinata?" He began to get defensive.
"Huh? Nothing, we need to coordinate with them about the next match, all teams boy and girl are going after all."
"Oh," Daichi relaxed. "Right, I'll...get on that. Thanks for the reminder Hinata."
"Anytime senpai."
 Suga watched Daichi walk away, before he turned to Hinata.
"Hinata," He smiled sweetly. "Cut the crap and tell us about the date." Hinata stopped smirking and held his stuff midway in the cubby. He turned.
"I knew I shouldn't have told him!"
 Hinata slapped himself on the forehead, grimacing. The memory of being grilled by Tanaka and Nisinoya was painful. On the bright side, at least they both cared a lot about Yachi-san.
"Oh ho ho. Our shrimp went on a date?" Tsukisima teased.
"Oh, up yours!"
"Well, tell us about it." Kageyama said curiously.
"We just, went around town a little okay. And then I walked her home." He closed the cubby and turned around.
"That's all?" Suga questioned. Hinata sighed and smiled.
"Yes, yes that's it."
 He was lying, of course.
"Right." Suga breathed out slowly.
"Well, I'll leave you three to it then. I better get Daichi before he makes a fool of himself. See you boys at practice then."
"See you at practice!"
Tsukisima and Kageyama just grunted in understanding.
"Well, bye!"
"Not so fast dumbass." Groaning as he turned.
"So you really went out with Yachi?" Hinata kind of fumbled with himself.
"Well, it wasn't supposed to be. And then..."
"Then nothing! Just relax okay. We were just hanging out, you don't need the details."
 He regulated his breathing before walking away.
"You notice the necklace?"
"From Yachi?"
"Oh, without a doubt."
 Kageyama jumped as he realized he was talking to Asahi. When did he get  here. And where did Tsukisima go?
"Sorry to startle you."
"Oh, its fine."
"I just wanted to see what the commotion was about."
"Well, Hinata and Yachi are dating."
"How cute." Asahi smiled sweetly.
"Yeah..." Talking to senpai was getting awkward.
"I have to..."
"Yeah me to."
 Asahi cut in quickly. They both went to their respective classes.
 Eventually lunch time rolled around. Yachi planned to eat alone, but Hinata had other plans.
"Yachi-san! Lets eat together." Yachi gave him an uncertain look.
"Please?" He gave her his best loving puppy dog look.
"Ok..." She said shyly.
"Great! Lets go someplace secret. I know just the place!"
 With that Hinata took her hand, much like when they ran after her mother together. Only this time it was her hand. Her face was bright pink, however, she couldn't fight the small smile on her lips. As much as she didn't want to admit it. This was bliss. Hinata made sure that no one saw them as they ducked and dogged through the hallway.
"I just want it to be us." He said proudly.
"N-n-no offense to everyone on the team and Kiyoko. Its just-"
"I understand."
 Yachi knew Hinata well. She understood him when no one else did. This time included. He nodded as he trudged on forward, Yachi on tow.
"Here. It nice and sunny, and its secluded! I've scooped this place out. No one comes here."
 The area was just behind the outdoor activity area. The sun beat was shinning on the green, slightly damp grass. Hinata gestured for Yachi to sit down. Which she did. He soon followed after.
"Do you like it?"
"Its quite lovely."
 She said to him, her eyes slightly dreamy.
"T-that's good to hear."
 He scratched the back of his head. Yachi got out her lunch. Hinata almost forgot why they came out here. He scrambled for his.
"So, um, music?"
 Yachi nodded. He smiled as he pulled out his phone and was playing some soft music while they ate.
"Who is this?"
"I'm glad you asked."
 Hinata began to go on an entire speech about who they were. How influential they were in their genre. The history, he was giving Yachi another music lesson. Yachi didn't mind at all. Infact, she loved it. The passionate way he would go on and on. He occasionally would stuff his face before going on, giving Yachi enough room to ask another question. She sat there staring at him, like he was the best teacher in the world. Slowly chewing her food.
"So then-"
Bing Bing.
"Looks like lunch is over..."
"W-we can always pick up where we left off another time! Or you can tell me about other bands! After all you like all sorts, right? So-"
"That sounds great, Yachi!" She breathed in a sigh of relief.
"Can't wait."
 Was that another date? Another? There was no first...I think...the days not over. I still have practice. Maybe I should talk to him about then?...
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lia-jones · 4 years
Growing Pains - Chapter Eleven - Sweet, Sweet Leverage
My alarm clock rang like it was insulting me. Due to yesterday’s events, I couldn’t sleep at all, replaying the entire dinner with Victor in my head, which led me to no conclusion at all. My head and my heart would not agree with each other, no matter how hard I tried. So I decided to completely drop the subject, or, even better, pretend that there was no subject at all. I had enough on my plate as it was, I couldn’t afford any more time on a one-sided crush.
I was finishing my breakfast and coffee, getting ready to leave, when someone rang my doorbell. It was Levi, the Krav Maga god, in all his glory. Freshly showered, his hair still wet, his muscles showing under his blue sweatshirt, beaming at me.
“Good morning, Andy.” He greeted me with a hug.
“Hey!” I said, hugging him back. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I’m sorry, I know it seems like I only come here to ask for favors, but-“
“You want me to walk Boris.” I interrupted him. “When?”
“Later tonight, if you don’t mind. I have training. And speaking of which, you didn’t go to last night’s training. I can’t remember you missing a single one. Is everything ok?”
“Everything is fine, my boss invited me to dinner, that's all.” I said, as I walked around the house looking for my phone.
“Your boss? The mean dude?” Levi made a face.
“Yes, and it turns out he’s not mean.” I said, looking for my phone between the cushions of my sofa.
“Can I help myself with some coffee from your pot?” Levi asked, going to my eating kitchen. “I forgot to buy ground coffee.”
“Sure, go ahead.” I yelled from my room. “Do you mind calling my phone? I can’t find it anywhere.”
After a minute, my phone started ringing. It was definitely inside my room, and it sounded muffled. After searching between the covers and under the pillows, I finally found it in the drawer of my nightstand. How did it get there? I have no idea.
“Found it!” I looked at the screen, it was 8:40 already. “Crap! I’m going to be-“ As I walked out of my room and into my kitchen I was met by Levi and… Victor. “Late. Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Victor was clearly in a bad mood. “Ready to go?”
Victor looked at me briefly, only to stare back at Levi, his eyes lit with anger and scorn. Levi was staring back at Victor, comfortably relaxed leaning against my kitchen counter, his legs crossed, a smug smile on his face as he sipped coffee from one of my mugs.
The air was suddenly hot and dense, the tension building in my kitchen. Suddenly I remembered I was late.
“I need to leave now. Nice seeing you, Levi.” I said, going for the door.
“Thanks for the coffee and for walking my dog.” Levi said, grabbing my head and kissing me on the forehead. “You’re such a sweetheart.” And with that, he went to his apartment, my mug still in his hand, closing the door behind him. I blinked.
“Don’t forget to lock your door.” Victor chimed in bitterly. “Or are you too smitten to care for your safety, sweetheart?”
“Oh, quit it.” I warned, not in the mood for his moodiness. “Why are you here anyway? Do you need something?” I said, locking my door and going downstairs.
“I came to pick you up. But it seems I interrupted whatever you were having with your little friend there.” Victor practically spat as he mentioned Levi, his words dripping with venom.
“Ok, listen.” I looked at Victor, ignoring his icy look, my expression dead serious. “Number one, although I appreciate the gesture, I do have a car. You don’t need to pick me up, and you really should call beforehand. If I wasn’t late, you probably wouldn’t even find me home.” Victor was about to retort but I raised my hand, and he kept quiet. “Second, not that’s any of your business, but Levi was there to ask me to walk his dog. That’s all. You didn’t interrupt anything.”
Victor unlocked his car and we got in. He didn’t start the car though, remaining seated, looking at the street through the windshield.
“He was drinking your coffee like he owned the place. He kissed you on the forehead. That is not nothing. That is intimacy.” Victor clenched his jaw, like he was stopping himself to speak any further.
“What are you talking about?” I was confused, I had no idea why he was acting like this, and I felt I was being punished for something I didn’t do. “I have no idea what led Levi to act that way, he was never like this before, but even if he was, what’s it to you? Why do you care?”
“What makes you think I do?” He asked coldly.
“Well, why are you so worked up then?” I faced Victor, daring him to deny it.
“This is going nowhere.” He said, starting his car. “We are late, we should go.”
The drive to LFG was tense, to say the least. Victor was clearly angry at me, and I had no idea why. And that made me angry at Victor, because I felt he had no right to intrude in my life like that. Sure, I had feelings for him, but I had no shred of evidence that he felt the same. We were just friends. Hell, I wasn’t even sure I could say we were friends in the first place.
We sat in our desks in silence, turning on our laptops. I didn’t want to spend the whole day with him fuming like this, since there was nothing to be mad about, at least from my perspective.
“I’m going to get some coffee. Would you like me to bring you a cup?” I asked softly, raising the proverbial white flag.
“I’m fine, thank you.” He didn’t even look up from the computer, his tone showing me he was still angry. Fine, Mr. Lee. Have it your way.
When I returned, coffee in hand, I found the office empty. Victor had already left, his laptop and phone gone with him. He probably had an emergency meeting. I let out a sigh of relief, at least the tension was gone. And maybe the meeting would be enough of a distraction to make him forget about all the craziness of that morning and return in a better mood.
 I grabbed my earphones, put some relaxing music on, and started to work. It was going to be a busy day. After a while, I was startled with the sound of the office door being forcefully open.
“Where’s that entitled little prick?!?” I flew from my chair when I recognized the voice.
“Ted?!? What are you doing here?”
Ted looked like he was as in shock as I was.
“You’re here?!?!?” He practically screamed. “You really are a go-getter, aren’t you, you sneaky little bitch! Fucking the CEO to get your way up to the top!”
I didn’t even reply. I bolted to the phone to try to call security. My body froze when I heard the cock of a gun.
“I wouldn’t try that unless you want me to decorate the bastard’s office with your brains.”
My mind was running wild, skimming through everything I had learned in my Krav Maga training. I knew I could hurt him badly, but for that I needed to be close, and he had a gun, so that wasn’t an option. Even if he didn’t shoot me, one of the shots he would fire could go through the glass windows and land on someone else. I looked at the windows, remembering someone could have seen already what was happening. All hope vanished in an instant, when I saw the blinds were down.
“Turn around.” I heard Ted’s voice again, closer to me now. I obeyed. Ted walked in my direction, making me lean on Victor’s desk, his body extremely close to mine, his gun against my chest. He ran it down across my stomach.
“You were never this cozy with me when I was your supervisor. Not powerful enough, I guess?” His gun left my stomach and traced my jawline. I shivered at the cold metallic touch, whimpering softly. “Aw, is the kitty scared?” He cooed at me. “Don’t worry, daddy is going to show you what you’ve been missing.”
He was interrupted by the sound of the door opening again. It was Victor. He froze for a second, registering the fact that Ted had me at gunpoint.
“Let go of her!” Victor roared, his expression fierce. He was about to run to Ted, but stopped dead on his tracks when he spotted the gun.
Ted lifted his armed hand, placing the edge of the gun under my chin.
“Easy, tiger… Not so brave now, that I can finish her right here, are you?” Ted teased. “Just sit back and enjoy, we were about to have a private show… But it doesn’t have to be so private, does it, cutie pie?”
My stomach turned, and for a moment I thought I was going to vomit.
“Let her go, Ted. She has nothing to do with this.” Victor’s voice was calm, but I could hear traces of rage and panic. “It’s me you want. I’m here. Let her go.”
“Oh, no, that is not going to happen. I know how much you like your precious little pet.” Ted forced the gun on my chin, tilting my head up, like he was admiring a prey. “If I let her go, I lose my leverage.” He held my cheeks roughly with both hands, making me face him. I noticed the barrel of the gun was facing upwards, not towards me.
“And you’re such a sweet, sweet leverage, aren’t you?” My stomach did a double turn when I saw his face come closer to mine, and I realized what he was about to do.
I found my opportunity when the bastard tried to kiss me. I forcefully grabbed the hand holding the gun and slammed it on the edge of the desk, hurting Ted's tendons and making him drop the weapon. Seeing Victor bolt to the ground to get it, I slammed my knee to Ted’s crotch, making him double himself in pain, and took the opportunity to slam it again against his nose. Ted slumped to the ground, knocked out.
Victor moved to the phone to call security, gun in his hand, eyes on Ted. I leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath.
“Are you ok? Did he do something to you? Did he hurt you?” Victor softly held me by the shoulders and search my body with his eyes, probably looking for any injury. His jugular was jumping like crazy.
“I’m fine, he didn’t hurt me.” I said, feeling my stomach turn one more time.
Security came and handcuffed Ted, still passed out on the floor. Victor instructed them to take him downstairs and call the police, turning to me again.
“Are you sure you're feeling well? You look pale.” He searched my face again. “That’s it, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
My stomach turned again, and I immediately knew I had no time to chat. I bolted to Victor’s private bathroom and kneeled by the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach in it. I felt warm hands in my neck grabbing my hair, pulling it up gently, until nothing would come out of my but a painful dry heave. I sat up, exhausted.
“Rinse.” Victor said, as he handed me a glass of water. I rinsed my mouth, spitting the water into the toilet and flushing it. He put the glass on the sink, and kneeled beside me.
“Feeling better?” Victor asked, as he softly stroke my back.
“Yes.” I wanted to sound strong, but it came like a whimper. Victor’s arms were suddenly around me, pressing hard, his face on my hair, his hand on the back of my neck.
“What you did was really stupid. Fighting him like that.” Victor’s voice, low and soft, whispered in my ear.
I didn’t reply. I didn’t realize how much I needed the comfort of his arms until I was enveloped in his embrace. I hugged him back, letting myself just be there for as long as he would let me.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 12
Warning: swearing, several mentions of murder, scaring people out of their pants, Beej being a creep, shotgun use, abusive ex.
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The ground was shaking, the house was somehow glitching and green smoke filled the living room. The girls heard a loud, croaky, devilish laugh right before the room turned completely dark. Even the lightning stopped. Sofía held Rei close in fear, while Ari was looking around with lustruous eyes. All of a sudden, a gravelly voice filled the air.
- Welcome, welcome, welcome, lovely ladies! - a weirdly handsome, husky man with fluffy hair, which went from black roots to glowing, bright green tops and stubble colored the same way stood on the dining table. He wore a dirty striped suit with a stripey shirt; a green tie, which had several spots of moss on it; black suspenders; and dirty black leather shoes with stacked heels. He was grinning, showing his sharp double canines; his golden, kind of catlike eyes were shining in excitement. Some random spots of dirt and maybe rotting patterned his face. He put a spotlight on himself, and as he threw his hands above his head, a couple of red neon lights lighted up around him. Some of them were arrows, pointing at him, some of them were captions saying "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice". - Can all of you see me now?
- SHIT HE'S REAL. - screamed Rei.
- Wow. - gasped Ari right before the man jumped down from the table. He landed right in front of her. He locked his gaze in hers and offered her a hand. - You look WAY better than I imagined, based on the voice. - she put her palm in his. - Not so dead... - Beetlejuice lifted Ari up from the ground and as he did, he locked her in his arms, swooped her off her feet and planted a kiss on her lips. Which was followed by a bitchslap from the wide-eyed breather girl. Beetlejuice let Ari go, still smiling like an idiot.
- Sorry, sorry, I got overjoyed, I just had to, I couldn't help myself. Am I overstepping my bounds? - Ari nodded and smiled while she wiped her lips. This man can't be real. Crazy motherfucker is worse than I imagined. - It's just that this whole thing is so beautiful! - his voice got emotional and he put his hands on his chest, where Ari imagined his heart would've been. - You called me! You didn't have to, but you called me!
- The fuck you mean she didn't had to? - asked Rei who let go of Sofía to inspect the demon more closely. Beetlejuice raised an eyebrow, pulled a grimace, snapped his fingers and a couple pieces of furniture appeared before the winter garden's door, making a barricade.
- Solves all ya problems. - he turned back to Ari. - NOW! I'm gonna go, kill those suckers, have some fun, earn some screams, and leave chaos in my wake!
- Yes, good, get on it! - stated Ari, held Beetlejuice's wide shoulders, and turned him around to face the backdoor. - Get'em, tiger. - Sofía jumped in front of them, making Beetlejuice almost fall over.
- Wait, you really want him to do that?!? - Ari gestured with her hand and raised her eyebrows.
- Duuuh, I didn't summon him to play fucking yahtzee! - BJ chuckled and put his elbow on Ari's shoulder.
- I like your jokes but I like hu-mor. - he cooed with a tilted head and a cheesy smile. Ari flashed a kind of annoyed look at him and blinked fast.
- Later, Beetlejuice, later, please, we have so much shit to do and haunt and kill now.
- You can't do that! - said Sofía, still standing before Ari and BJ. - It's not just morally wrong, but don't ya think, Ariadné dearest, that if a bunch of guys get brutally murdered here, we'll have to bury them and having a shitton of mounds in our backyard would raise suspicion? AND since we have such a bad luck, I'm pretty sure the police would find the bodies somehow. - Beetlejuice layed back to the wall, inspecting his dirty black nails, sighing. There's so much trouble with living folks, they always find somethin' to ruin the fun. It's easier with dead guys, you have some problems with them, you just throw 'em to a sandworm and your problems are solved! WAIT...
- Hey, guys, sorry to barge in, but I just wanna state that if you push someone, that’s bullying, if you kill someone, that’s murder, sure, but if there is no evidence and nobody sees it... - he shrugged. - ...it’s a simple accident. - he showed a toothy grin, lightning flashing on his sharp double canines. - And those goddamn sandworms could swallow anyone alive.
- What's a sandworm? - asked Ari excitedly. BJ shrugged.
- Oh ya know, nothing much, just 10-meters-tall two-headed snakes with a killer appetite. If they eat someone, they automatically get deported to the Netherworld, or I dunno how ya folks call it, Purgatory. No problem with the body, or the ghost. - Ari smiled widely and launched herself at Beetlejuice. She hugged his neck tightly.
- YOU ARE A GENIUS! - Beetlejuice just stood still, not knowing what to do with the sudden hug.
- Well, being dead has its perks. - he said with a small, weird laugh. Ari made a disgusted face and quickly let go.
- Ew, you smell like rotten meat. Gross.
- Aww thanks babe! - ha cooed and put his weight from one leg to another like a little kid.
Rei cleared her throat.
- Isn't that swallowing thing still murder though? - Beetlejuice appeared right behind her out of thin air.
- Jesus Christ, Rei, you sexy son of a bitch, grow up! - he said and pinched her booty, then quickly reappeared on the dining table. - Please, sweethearts, shut up already! - he said in a nagging manner. - I'm ready for some people to die! Let me have my fun, you guys are like a snorefest! - the knocking started again, since the bad guys on the other side of the door realized they can't break it.
- Who's there with ya honey? - asked Matt, after hearing BJ talk. - Did... DID YOU HOOK UP WITH SOMEONE?! I AM ALL THAT YOU NEED! ARIADNÉ, DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!!! - BJ pointed at the door.
- See, the stupid motherfucker's even asking for it!
The girls looked at each other. Rei was the first to talk.
- Well, I have a very little patience for stupidity. I say let's get rid of these jerks. - Sofía rolled her eyes and tried to say something but Beetlejuice quickly pointed at her and a metal plate appeared on her lips, making her unable to talk. She flashed an angry look at the demon. But he just shrugged with a wicked smile.
- Silence gives consent.
- There's only one more thing! - stated Rei, which made Beetlejuice do a huge eyeroll.
- Kill only Matt. His henchmen don't deserve death, I mean at least I think so. - she said while looking at Ari. She nodded with pouted lips. - Only scare them. If you can do that. - Beetlejuice held his chest and dramatically made the expression of fainting.
- If I can do that?! What do ya think, what am I, a newbie? - he jumped off the table, booping Rei's nose. - Babes, I've been scaring for like a millennia. I'm the bio-exorcist of the Netherworld, giving houses enemas and shit. - he turned away. - Don't underestimate my power cause I'll be offended! - Ari laughed, jumped next to Beetlejuice who hold his arm out, so she locked arms with him. He stared deeply into her widely opened, emerald green eyes. - So tell me, little wolf, do you want to punish those who have wronged you? - he said in an arousing tone. His gravelly voice made Ari slightly shiver and gulp.
- Y-yes...
- Alright ladies, then let's turn up the juice and see what shakes loose!
With a snap of the fingers, all 4 of them teleported to the kitchen. The metal plate from Sofía's mouth disappeared, which made her kind of relieved, but still left her grouching.
- You snake-ass bitches don't respect the Sister Code... - she grumbled.
- Hey, d'ya want me to put the plate back on your slutty mouth, woman?! - asked Beetlejuice in a sharp tone. Sofía crossed her arms before her chest.
- ...I hate you. - Beetlejuice nodded then turned back to Ari with a devilish smile. His eyes were literally glowing at this point, and maybe he had sharper and a bit more teeth than an average human would have.
- Okay, so first thing first, I'm invoking the "No Judgement” clause of our friendship.
- What? Why? - asked Ari. Beetlejuice layed back to the middle kitchen counter and fixed his jacket. He flashed his glowing, hungry eyes at Ari and winked.
- Cause Imma get a little nasty... - Beetlejuice was interrupted by an angry scream. Matthias was banging on the door so loud at this point that Rei was sure he already broke some of his fingers.
- OPEN UP OR I'LL SHOOT THIS FUCKIN DOOR OPEN! - Ari's lower lip juddered at the sudden shouting. She cupped Beetlejuice's chubby face in her palms, took a deep breath and with heated determination in her eyes she said:
- Make him piss his pants.
- Your wish is my command, babes.
- I'M GONNA COUNT TO THREE! - Beetlejuice looked at the door and snapped his fingers. - ONE! - the furniture floated back to their original places. - TWO! - BJ let out a voiceless laugh as he wiggled his fingers and made the whole house pitch black. - FUCK IT! - and with that, right after the sound of barrel-loading a shotgun, the door of the winter garden opened with a creek.
One of the most sobering things in the world must be to experience a classical horror cliché in a house that is rumored to be haunted. There were 5 men standing behind Matt; he met them all earlier that night at a shitty pub, and they were all horny and drunk enough for Matthias to convince them easily to follow him and break into the house of his ex-girlfriend. Stupid boys thought that they'll get some easy pussy that night. Then they saw the house and all of them started to get second thoughts... But they quickly brushed them off, those rumors were just to scare the little townsfolk.
As soon as the door opened, Matt's henchmen looked at each other. Matthias hastily stepped into the house and looked back at the guys. They were stalling and shared concerned looks. Beetlejuice snapped his fingers and appeared with the girls hidden behind one of the huge cupboards of the winter garden. He leaned closer to Ari and whispered:
- Watch. This. - he pointed at one of Ari's big oleanders and started to wiggle his fingers. The plant started to grow, and as it got bigger and bigger, it became an anthropomorphic cross between a Venus flytrap and an avocado. It had a huge, nasty-looking pod which had shark-like teeth. Ari gasped and smiled widely. She always wanted to see this plant in real life. The men didn't notice the plant first, but then one of them started to sniff the air, which was filled with the smell of blood now, and turned around. As soon as he spotted the plant, he screamed like a girl. Beetlejuice opened his mouth in awe and circled his nipples.
- Oh how I missed that sound... - he purred. Ari laughed.
- Do the Voice, do the Voice, do the Voice! - she said excitedly and jokingly smacked BJ's upper arm a couple times. The demon showed his teeth, held out his hand like a sock puppet and immitated talking with it. As he did, the plant started to talk.
- FEED ME SEYMOOUUR! - the plant growled at the men before it. All 5 of them screamed and launched themselves into the pitch black room. They shoved Matt before themselves, who fell on his stomach, dropped his weapon and headbanged the hardwood floor. Beetlejuice snapped his fingers again, which made him and the girls reappear behind the sofa. He peeked out, threw his hand up and made a pulling movement. The burglars all got dragged deeper into the room. It felt like something grabbed their ankles and pulled them...
In the blink of a moment, the door slammed shut behind them, and maniacal laughter filled the air, like it came from every direction. Beetlejuice winked at the girls and got back to his normal, gravelly tone.
- Learn to throw your voice, fool your friends, fun at parties!
- Now THAT is cool! I wanna do that too! - said Rei in an excited tone. Sofía rolled her eyes; she was still very pissed at her sisters so she decided to not give a damn, doesn't matter what awesome things Ari's demon buddy could do. Ari peeked over the edge of the sofa and giggled at the expressions of the men. They looked so afraid. Beetlejuice quickly pulled her back and shushed her with a small laugh. He gestured towards the fireplace which instantly lit up. One of the guys let out a tiny scream, which made BJ rub his palms in ecstasy. He bit his lower lip.
- Mi mamá was right. - said one of the burglars, a shorter latino guy with wobbly voice. - This place... is cursed.
- No it's not. - stated the one next to him. He sounded clearly afraid as well, he just tried to cover it with confidence. - Anyway, what is it with you and curses? You're never happy without a good curse. Superstitious idiot. - he changed into a more sarcastical tone. - "This is cursed, that is cursed!"
- Give it a rest, will ya!!! - shouted Matt, who was looking for the shotgun. - Don't be pussies! It's just the wind, and my baby always had weird plants. You know what we came for. Let's head upstairs, 2 people per girl, and have some fun! - he flashed an evil smile at his "friends". And that made Beetlejuice's blood boil.
- Not on my watch, Mattyboy! - he hissed. He closed his eyes for a moment. Welp, hope I'm not rusty. - Let's see, what are you jerks the most afraid of?
He disappeared from behind the sofa. The girls peeked out, and clearly saw a shadow figure circling the men. It was audible that something was moving behind them. The burglars turned around but didn't see a thing. Beetlejuice's shadow form took a quick look into every men's eyes. Several scriptures from the Middle Ages tell us that if a demon looks into your eyes, they can see your biggest fears. Who would've thought that it's true?
- Got it. - said Beej as he reappeared behind the sofa with a snap. He took a quick look on Ari's excited faced, and flashed a toothy grin. - This is gonna be so. Much. Fun. Let's give those guys the fright of their lives! - Beetlejuice disappeared again, just to reappear next to the windows. His figure was vaguely illuminated by the random thunderbolts. He tilted his head sideways and dropped his left hand next to himself. His painted black nails grew into huge claws, his catlike eyes were glowing, just like his dark burgundy hair. It always looked like this when he was in a destructive, devilish mood. He flashed a wicked, Cheshire-like smile and started to scratch the windows. It made the girls' get goosebumps but the burglars' look was a good enough compensation for the unpleasantness. Ari was pretty sure that the guys saw BJ for a moment before he disappeared with a laugh again. He sounded so evil. Beetlejuice appeared next to Ari again, digging into his fluffy hair, eyes closed, wide smile on his face. Shit, that's hot, thought Ari. - I'm still the Ghost with the Most.
- What if they go upstairs? - asked Sof with a raised eyebrow, pointing at the burglars approaching the stairs. - Hmm? Did ya plan out something for that as well, Mr. Ghosty-ghost?
- Well I have ideas... - said Ari and leaned close to Beej. She whispered something into his ear which made him bite his lower lip. At this point his teeth were more shark-like than human-like.
- Shit babes, you're a natural... - he moaned and flung his hand towards the stairs. Matthias just stepped on the first step, but was stopped by the sight of 2 little girls standing on the top of the stairs, holding hands. Their eyes were all black.
- Come play with us, Matty. Forever... and ever... and ever... - they said in the same rhythm, with the creepiest child-voice you can ever imagine. The burglars stepped back. Ari couldn't hold back any longer and shouted:
- NOW!
The children started screaming histerically and in the same moment, blood started to wave down the stairs, soaring on the walls, splashing at the men. They all screamed bloody murder and tried to ran away, scattering in every possible direction. Beetlejuice's eyes were glowing with pleasure.
- Do you hear that sound, Ari? That BEAUTIFUL sound? - he said with a moan and bit his fist. - That is the sound, of clean, white, shorts turning brown.. - he looked at Ari. - Ain't it the sweetest noise around? - he laughed maniacally which made Ari and Rei giggle as well. - You guys stay here so you won't stay in the way, but you... - he grabbed Ari's hand and pulled her up to her feet. - ...you deserve to enjoy the show from first row, babes.
With a snap, they appeared in the corner, next to good old Long John Silver's skeleton. Beetlejuice wiggled his fingers and the pirate slowly came to life. One of the burglars, with terror in his eyes, tried to run away as far as possible from the reanimated corpse, but clumsily, he lost his foothold because of the dripping blood from his clothes and fell on his back. It made a huge thud. Ari burst out laughing, like the child she was in heart, but tried to cover her mouth with her hand. Beetlejuice was laughing too, but decided to top his performance and wiggled his fingers again. The pirate started rattling as he lifted his sword up, let out a warcry, and started to run in the lying man's direction. He let out an agonizingly high-pitched scream as he got up. BJ and Ari laughed more histerically.
- Did you hear that?! - wheezed the girl and slapped BJ's shoulder. - Oh my god let's make some more people scream!
BJ held Ari's hand, and pulled her over to the TV. The demon tapped the screen which instantly lit up in blue. Weird streaks appeared on it, then a hand from the inside, tapping the glass. Then another one. Then one more. Two guys, who now held each other, screamed out. BJ put his arm around Ari's shoulders.
- Panic and stress, oh ain't it the best? - he said an laughed with his head thrown backwards.
- You are such a weirdo! - she laughed and elbowed him in the side. He let her go, tilted his head sideways, hunched down and bit his lips in a weird, kinda creepy manner. Ari wheezed and scruffed his fluffy hair. Beetlejuice hunched down more.
- Now behind my ear... - he said with a moan. Ari pulled her hand back with a laugh. She looked around, admiring the sight of bloody men running around, but then her eyes found a specific person standing before the steps, staring at her with a shotgun in his hand. The smile from her face disappeared. She took a step back, and Beetlejuice instantly stepped before her, covering her with his body. He formed a little cup with one of his hands, held out the other dramatically and blew into his palm. A huge blob of fire appeared right before them, blowing up in Matthias's face. He screamed and BJ laughed. - No worries babes, I got ya. NOW WHERE WERE WE. - he turned around and after some looking, he pointed at a guy. He was trying to open up the front door, but it was shut. Beetlejuice made huge gestures and summoned a crazy eyed, killer looking dog. Ari awwed and crouched down. The dog acted all surprised when the girl scruffed his head, but in half a second he got really happy and wagged his tail. Beetlejuice raised an eyebrow and made an unimpressed face. - You are a hellhound, you are SO not supposed to do that. - Ari laughed, hugged the dog one more time, then pointed at the guy Beetlejuice was eyeing.
- Go, catch! - she said in an angelic voice. The hellhound started barking and running towards his target. Poor guy jumped up on the hall cabinet.
Beetlejuice snapped again. They now appeared in the downstairs bathroom. A burglar was leaning against the bathroom door, huffing, and as they appeared, he pointed at BJ in fear.
- YOU! - he shouted. - My dad told me about you! The stripey demon with the stupid hair who haunts the creepy house at the edge of the town! Nobody believed a young weedhead pizza guy but you ARE real! - Beetlejuice shrugged and flashed an evil smile.
- Well, why didn't you listen to him? I bet he told ya to stay away from this... - he rubbed his palms together. - ...creepy house... - he opened his palms, water pouring out of them. Ari climbed up on the washing machine, which was a good idea, noticing that something huge started to move in the water. A crab-like figure. The guy screamed bloody murder. BJ laughed and snapped. Him and Ari reappeared in the living room, right behind the sofa. Rei was clapping like an idiot. Shit, even Sofía looked a bit more enthusiastic now. What can I say, the guy IS good.
- Are you lovely ladies having fun? - Ari and Rei nodded exaggeratedly, Sofía huffed and rolled her eyes. - Well the real show is just about to begin! Take your seats! - Beetlejuice teleported the girls onto the sofa while himself appeared on the coffee-table. He started tapping a rhythm with his feet and out of nowhere, the sound of a guitar could be heard. Then came drums. BJ was kinda dancing around on the table, feeling himself. One of the burglars ran towards him with a glass thing he found on one of the shelves. BJ fixed his jacket and with a movement of a hand, he summoned fire towards him. Then laughed at the guy falling over. Now full on music was blasting. Theatrical weirdo, thought Ari. Rei clapped, BJ bowed. Then he raised his hands slowly, making big spiders emerge from the ground. Sof whined a little and closed her eyes.
One of the burglars, who was sitting in the corner, legs pulled up to his chest, cried out.
- THIS IS JUST A LUCID DREAM! I'M DREAMING! - BJ turned his head backwards, then floated before him with a normal facing, tilted head, and grabbed the guy's chin.
- Really? - the girls didn't see what's happening really, but what they saw, was that BJ's head was getting bigger and that he opened his lower jaw like a snake. - Then tell me, buddyboy, why do I hear you screaming? - the burglar screamed out and turned white as a wall. Beetlejuice appeared next to Ari on the sofa. He wiped his teary eyes and laughed again. Ari grabbed his thigh with an excited smile.
- You are fantastic! Unbelievable! That was a sound that says I will never sleep well again! - she breathed in. BJ's eyes were glowing at her. Literally glowing. - I can't believe you are such a talented scarer. Hollywood should learn from you. - the demon looked down at his shoes and crumpled his jacket. A slight streak of pink appeared in his hair. Ari jumped back. - OH MY GOD YOUR HAIR CHANGES COLOR! - he pulled the differently colored streak and sighed.
- Yeah, it's like a moodring... Stupid thing always tells on me...
- THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! - said Ari with excitement in her voice. - What does light pink mean?
- NOTHING. - stated Beej. With a little bit too much voice. He cleared his throat. - Imma tell ya later, but as you said, we still have so much shit to do, to haunt, to kill... - he winked at Ari who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before her chest. Beetlejuice booped her nose, than pulled her up onto the table. He whirled her around in ecstasy, both laughing, BJ howling sometimes. - Nice moves, little hellion! - he laughed. The music in the background got louder and louder with each moment. BJ let Ari go for a moment. The guys were losing it at this point, most of them crying and running around. Beetlejuice looked at his pal. - Hey Ari, check this out! - he raised his hands, pointing at one guy after another, twitching with each move. All 6 of them stood up straight. BJ looked at Ari with a wicked smile. - Dance break!
To the rhythm of the music, the burglars all started to dance. They did the same moves BJ did, with a weird green fog in their eyes. Beetlejuice occasionally looked at the girls, who were laughing their asses off. BJ did The Thing™, which made them all snort. Beetlejuice didn't notice that it also made Ari check out his pelvic moves.
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The music ended, Rei and Sof was holding each other, both of them teared up by laughter. Ari slapped her thighs. Beetlejuice bowed several times.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was an old Scandinavian folk song. - the girls teared up again. Beetlejuice smiled like an idiot. Now his hair was more green then burgundy. He was having a great time. - I mean, yeah, I put my own spin on it, but... Hey, ya liked it!
And that's when their laughter was stopped by the sound of barrel-loading a shotgun.
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btswrckd · 5 years
Dangerous Game
BTS Mafia AU where the reader is confronted by a rival gang member but refuses to give up any information and ends up getting hurt.
I was going to split this up into the Hyung line then the Maknae line but I already wrote so much for only three member that this may end up being 3 parts. Also, the members aren’t in order.
Min Yoongi: Suga: Main Assassin
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“You sure Yoongi isn't gonna be pissed that we're here?” Jisoo shouted over the music, the bass loud enough to make the whole place shake.
“Yoongi's out of town on business.” You shouted back as you bent over the bar and waved down the bartender.
“And you managed to dodge your security team how?” She laughed when the bartender seemed to focus on nothing but your cleavage, having to ask for your order a second time.
“Yoongi took Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung with him, Namjoon took Hoseok and Jin to the other side of town and hasn't been back for hours, so they left a bunch of rookies at the compound.”
“You know he's gonna be pissed and those newbies are going to lose their heads when he gets back.”
You shook Your head with a smile and pulled her into the dance floor, moving your bodies to the rhythm. It had been weeks since you last went out and had fun without an army behind you. You'd missed Jisoo and all of your friends, so when the opportunity arose to slip out of the compound for a couple of hours, you took it.
Jisoo was pulled back into the body of a rather good looking guy and you excused yourself to give them a moment, sticking out your tongue to tease her before walking away. You managed to snake your way through the crowd and were making your way up to the bar when a hand reached out and grabbed your wrist.
You turned to find the friend of Jisoo's new found crush. He smiled apologetically and let go of you to stick his hands in his pockets.
“Sorry,” He chuckled and stepped closer so he wasn't shouting as much. “Your friend wanted to know if you could get her another drink too but my brother kind of ‘distracted’ her.”
“It's okay,” You smiled and gestured for him to follow you to the bar. “Jisoo's always been easily 'distracted’.” This time you were able to order your drinks a little easier with him next to you; the bartender averting his eyes and fumbling to make your drinks quickly.
Paying for your drinks and asking him to take them to Jisoo, you waved him away so you could go to the bathroom. Even in the dimly lit hallway to the ladies’ room, the bass echoed off the walls in a near deafening beat. You sighed as two women were waiting outside the door impatiently seeing as there weren't many stalls for such a small club.
They were quick to push the previous women aside and you tried to stifle a laugh when they nearly came to blows until one girl decided that her need to pee overpowered her need to fight and they went their separate ways.
You kicked at the ground and leaned against the wall; your heels were killing you and you were missing Yoongi a lot more than you initially thought. Sure he'd taken trips before but this time felt different and there was this uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, unable to pinpoint what it was and instead brushing it off.
You looked down at your phone as the screen lit up and Yoongi's ringtone nearly startled you into dropping it. Cursing, you calmed your breathing and brought your phone up to your ear. “Hi, Yoongs.”
“You know I hate that name, kitten.” His deep voice shot an unexpected pang of arousal through your body.
“You know I hate the name kitten.” You bit your bottom lip and smiled at finally being able to be in contact with him. “When are you coming home? I miss you.”
“You miss me, huh?” Yoongi teased and you swore you could hear Jungkook in the background screaming ‘hi noona!’. His screams were followed by a loud slapping and you knew Yoongi had smacked him upside the head.
“I miss you too, baby,” Yoongi redirected his attention back to you. “Can I ask you something though?”
“Of course.” You nodded at another woman who came to stand next to you for a turn in the restroom and let her go ahead of you when a stall had been vacated.
“If you miss me so much, why did you slip away from your security team and leave the compound?”
Your mouth went dry at having been caught and you paled in realization that he was home early and you'd gotten a fresh team of security guards in trouble. “Umm...I missed you so much that I needed to dance away my troubles?”
“Get home before I decide to double your punishment.”
You groaned and opened your mouth to whine about not being able to go out the last few weeks when a forceful grip on your arm had you yelping. You turned to the familiar stranger and tried to wrench out of his grip. “What the hell? Let me go.”
“Is that Min Yoongi on the phone?” He tilted his head and smiled sweetly as if he weren't bruising your arm.
“No.” You answered immediately, your adrenaline spiking and your eyes darting around to find an exit. “Get your hands off of me.”
His fingers came up to wrap around your throat and push you up against the concrete wall. “Don't be so rude, Y/N. Not when my brother has a hold of your pretty little friend out there.”
You struggled to breathe and you began to panic at the mention of Jisoo being in trouble. “Get. The fuck. Off of me!”
He dodged your oncoming knee as you failed at hitting his crotch and threw you to the ground, your phone clattering out of reach. He reached back to untuck his gun and press it to your forehead. “Yoongi's right. You don't listen very well, do you? I should shoot you just for trying to knee me in the balls.”
“I don't know who you're looking for, but I don't know Min Yoongi.” You winced when he pressed the gun harder against your skin.
“You suck at lying. Where is he? Where the hell is Min Yoongi?”
“I don't know who that is!” You insisted and cried out in pain when he brought the butt of his gun across your face.
“That motherfucker murdered one of my closest friends and if you don't answer me properly, I'm gonna take something of his.” He dropped his knee to your shoulder, shifting all of his weight down on you and shoved the barrel of his gun into your mouth.
You inhaled deeply and counted the seconds until he pulled the trigger. You barely had time to register him being yanked back by his collar and thrown up against the wall next to you.
Yoongi brought a knife up to the man's throat and gave him a small knick. “Your boss know you're here, Kai? Does he know the bullshit you're trying to pull on Bangtan's main assassin? You know you're in our territory and your boss isn't going to be too happy when I send you back in pieces.”
“Yoongi,” You gasped out, “Jisoo. They have Jisoo.”
“Tae’s got her, jagi.” Yoongi pressed the steel harder into Kai's neck, sneering, “I kill who Namjoon tells me to, your friend just so happened to be on your boss’ list and asked Namjoon for a favor. I'm sure you're at least that smart to put two and two together.”
“Fuck You.” Kai growled out before Yoongi brought his knife clear across his throat, blood gushing out as his body sank to the floor.
Yoongi crouched down to you and took your face in his hands, pissed more than he was relieved. “What the fuck, Y/N? How could you slip past your guards like that, huh?! Kai would have killed you!”
“I'm sorry,” Your bottom lip trembled as tears threatened to spill. “I just wanted a night out with Jisoo.”
He sighed, kissing you gently before pressing his forehead to yours. “You're so brave, baby. I'm so proud of you. Let's get home and get you cleaned up, okay? I'm sure Jisoo's worried about you.”
“Can...can Jisoo come with us? Just for tonight?”
“I think Taehyung's a little ahead of you on that thought.” He helped you off the floor and led you through the club to the waiting SUV where Jisoo was already curled up in Taehyung's lap.
Kim Namjoon: RM: Leader
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Having been the girlfriend of Kim Namjoon, leader of one of the most notorious gangs in town, you quickly learned that sometimes dangerous situations require you to keep your emotions in check. Situations such as now, when your staring down the barrel of a gun and an angry looking rival gang member. Namjoon had called earlier to let you know that he'd be late coming home tonight and you opted to jump in the shower before bed. Several men had somehow managed to subdue the guards left to watch over you and crept into your bedroom as you changed into a pair of sweatpants and Namjoon's shirt. You opened your bathroom door to a gun in your face as you were wrestled onto the bed.The man standing in front of you had made it clear that they weren't opposed to hurting a woman, it was something they specialized in. He smirked down at you and let his eyes roam your figure and raising his hand when you sneered at him.
“Don't be stupid, little girl,” He warned as you had enough sense to turn your head away from the oncoming slap. “So obedient. Namjoon sure picked out a good one, didn't he? Where is your boyfriend, sweetheart?”
“I don't know.” You bit out, curling the blanket in your fists. Any sudden moves and you knew he'd waste no time in shooting you.
“You don't know?” He threw his head back and laughed. “You're slutting around with a mafia leader and you don't even know where he is? Are you his girlfriend or just his whore? Surely he wouldn't be stupid enough to just leave such a pretty thing like you heavily guarded for no reason.”
He tsked and reached out to brush his finger along your jaw as your body went rigid and you had to hold back the disgusted shudder trying to rack your body. His fingers trailed up to your bottom lip and he grinned at the tick in your jaw.
“I know you know something. This is his compound right? And we're in his room so you must be important to him. Tell me where he is.”
“I wouldn't even if I knew.” You resisted the urge to spit in his face when he kneeled down to your height and cupped your cheek.
“My boss really wants a word with Namjoon and is most likely planning on killing him. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you? I can talk to my boss and keep your boyfriend alive if you be a good girl and suck me off.”
Your nostrils flared and you snapped your head to the side to bite down on his fingers, nearly ripping them from his hand as he screamed in pain and tried to pull his fingers back.
“You bitch!” He reared his good hand back and slapped you across the face, leaving you to scramble back on the bed until you hit the wall. “Come here!” He grabbed your ankles, yanking your body down and straddling your hips to keep you pinned as his palm reared back once more.You'd raised your hands to block his slaps but he managed to grip both wrists and slapped your cheek at least thrice more. “You disrespectful slut! If you were my girl, you'd know better!”
Your eyes slammed shut and you prepared for another slap when suddenly his weight had been thrown off of you and into a wall. “Your boss is looking for me?” You shot up at the sound of Namjoon's voice and found him standing over your attacker.
“N-Namjoon.” You whispered to get his attention but it's like you were invisible as he reached down and grabbed the man by his collar.
“I'm going to fucking kill you, Lay.” Namjoon growled and slammed Lay back into the wall, creating a dent at the sheer force. “You think you can come into my home, put your hands on my girl, and live?”
“Namjoon, there are others,” You plead with him; if he'd come home alone then Lay's men were already on their way to help him.
“Kook and Yoongi are here, baby,” He assured you,finally looking at you and focusing on your red cheeks and bruised wrists. His eyes turned back to Lay, his vision red and knuckles white as he slammed Lay's head into the wall. “Your dead body's going to be my response to your boss's message.”
You turned away from Namjoon driving his fist into Lay's face over and over until he was no longer recognizable. The next thing you heard was the cocking of a gun and covered your ears as the shot rang throughout the room. Namjoon hurried over to you, dropping his gun on the bed beside you and cupping your face gently. “Baby, look at me. Are you okay? Did he touch you anywhere else?”
“No,” You mumbled before throwing yourself in his arms and letting out loud sobs. “I was so scared, Joon.”
“I know, jagi,” He smoothed his hand down your back and drew soothing circles with his thumb. “I'm sorry I'm late. I should have been here. I should have---.”
“What if you were?” You pulled back with tear stained cheeks and tangled your fingers with his bloody ones. “What if you had been home and taken by surprise? He would have killed you, Namjoon.”
“Better me than you.” Namjoon reached up to wipe away your tears but you slapped at his hands.
“Screw you, Namjoon!” You hiccupped and moved away from him. “How can you just say that?! How do you think I'd feel if you died?! Do you think my love is a joke?! You think I'm with you for parties and expensive clothes?! You're an asshole, Namjoon!”
“Baby, I'm sorry!” He engulfed you in a hug and hearing the pounding of feet as Jungkook and Yoongi barreled into the room. “I'm sorry, Y/N, okay? I've never thought any of that. I love you so much, you know that.”
You buried your face into his dress shirt that was now wet and stained with your tears. Feeling yourself being lifted from the ground, you heard Namjoon telling Jungkook and Yoongi to get the room cleaned and have Lay's body sent to his boss in pieces.
Jeon Jungkook: Golden Maknae: Sniper/Assassin
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Gritting your teeth, you somehow managed to maneuver yourself around a rack of clothes in hopes of not being caught. Unfortunately before you could make a run for the exit, you were caught by a hand clapping down on your shoulder hard enough to bruise. You yelped in pain but another hand quickly covered your mouth. You were dragged kicking and screaming into a nearby door, eyes pleading with an associate that had been scared off with one murderous look from your assailant.
“Shut up!” The man hissed as he shoved you into a wall and you had to catch your breath. “You really thought you could get away from us?”
“I don't know you.” You managed to reply through small puffs of air.
“Well your boyfriend does.” He sneered, his hand shooting out to grab a fistful of your hair and yanking on it. “You tell him that my boss wants a word with the little brat and to keep his nosy ass leader out of it.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” You kept a steady voice even as he tugged so hard that your knees buckled and you dropped to the ground.
“Don't fuck with me!” He brought his free hand around and slapped you hard enough to draw blood and make your ears ring. “You tell Jungkook this is only the beginning, sweetheart. If he doesn't show then I'll do more than just slap you around.”
Your breathing was ragged but you looked up at him, your gaze locked with his and never wavering. You'd be damned if you showed any ounce of fear to this man. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“You stupid bitch!” He threw you to the ground, his leg sweeping back and coming forward to kick you in the stomach. Repeating his actions over and over, stunned by the fact that you were still adamant on not understanding what this was about. Your boyfriend was a sniper in the mafia, for fuck's sake, you had to know something.
The small click of a gun caught the attention of both of you, realizing it was the sound of your boyfriend's firearm being loaded. You coughed and looked up to find Jungkook with his gun pressed to the temple of this soon to be dead man.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” Jungkook sneered and cocked his gun, his eyes full of rage. “Are you stupid, Chen, or do you have a death wish?”
Chen backed away from you with both arms raised and turned to face your boyfriend. “You knew this was coming, kid. My boss has been after you for awhile now and instead of showing your face, you forced him to take a different route. This is your fault.”
“Close your eyes, jagi.” Jungkook demanded before pulling the trigger, his bullet piercing Chen between the eyes and his body fell with a heavy thud. He scrambled for you after tucking his gun away and pushing the hair from your face. Using his thumb to run along your lower lip and wipe away the blood, he nearly cried at your bloody and bruised face.
“Why did you leave your guards, Y/N?” Jungkook tucked his arms underneath your frame and cradled you close to his chest through the now empty store. The associate who'd ran away earlier happened to be the brother of one of the many men in Namjoon's gang and recognized you, quickly calling up his brother.
“I just...got separated from them...by accident.” Your sentence was broken as you had a hard time breathing through the sharp pains in your abdomen.
“You should have just told him where I was.” His grip tightened as you whimpered. “You shouldn't have endured that.”
“I wanted to keep you safe too, Kookie.” Your head lolled onto his shoulder as he climbed into the black SUV waiting for him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Rest now and we'll talk at home.”
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