#or at least not domineering
fluffydice · 2 months
One big difference between Aiura and Teruhashi is that I think Aiura could be comfortable either sitting on someone’s lap or having someone sit on her lap, but Teruhashi deep down would only feel 100% at ease if someone was sitting in hers, not the other way around
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detectiphoenix · 11 months
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The Dos and Don'ts of Parenting, feat. Viren and Aaravos
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mymainwastoocluttered · 9 months
Idia: He wants to destroy all of magic and magic users!
Yuu: You and your brother wanted to destroy the entire world and rebuild a new one just so you two could fit in. You have no legs to stand here.
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queenmelancholy · 1 month
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You walk downstairs, and find him with your eyes. You halt and walk on. But he's waiting for you.
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Tell her she looks beautiful.  You’re delighted to hear it, but you cannot admit it. 
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Bill Benson is about to throw away his life on the tables. Alone, hollow and without hope. 
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Then suddenly he lifts his face and sees Anne standing there, tall, serene, graceful, her eyes shining with unshed tears. On an impulse, he snatches back his money. Rien ne va plus. 
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The wheel spins. And every last thing he owns would have gone. But no. Her love, her beauty have saved him.
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She takes his hand, and they walk away. Together. The end.
“It seems you are my saviour.”
“And I intend to remain your saviour for a very long time to come.”
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boom-doodles · 1 year
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pappypotato · 6 months
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what a great year to be a fan of these two wonderful men
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batsplat · 8 days
pecco rant please please
*spins wheel on possible topics* absurdly underrated but in a dumb way. you'd think you can stumble your way into two premier class titles. I don't care he's on the best bike - let's be honest, how often this century have the title winners not been on the best bike? 2004 and to a lesser extent 2005 you can say clearly weaker bike, 2007 late 2010s 2021 there's a clear enough disparity with anyone else riding the bike that you can say clearly the rider is making the difference/it's an unrideable wreck one guy is making respectable, then there's a few seasons where it's at least very close whose machinery is best or they're fighting with people on equal equipment, which pecco has done! but generally speaking, good/promising riders end up on good bikes and then they win. that's how the game works!
the thing about 2022 is that it had such a massive mid-season swing that overhauling a ninety something point margin cannot come down to any single factor. is it fair to say fabio lost that title? on balance, it's a bit harsh - yes, there were a few too many errors post-sachsenring, yes, some were driven by desperation, but also you can't really expect anyone to ride a flawless season. but pecco did win that title as much as yamaha lost it. I don't care if you're riding a literal rocketship with two wheels, you can't win four races in a row if you're not extremely good at what you do! if we're saying that title was worth less because the yamaha turned to shit in the second half of the season, then let's keep going. let's put an asterisk next to 2013 because jorge and dani both got injured (let's not even get into the 'if marc hadn't been injured' asterisks because that's where you get into truly silly territory). is 2006 not a legit title because of all the bad luck valentino faced that year? let's say all titles between 2007 to 2015 were worth less because at any one time only 4-6 bikes had a realistic chance of winning races. throw out any title before 2009 because they were constantly fucking about with the tyres and there wasn't a level playing field. if you're motivated enough, you can play this game with basically anything, but it's dumb and pointless because that's not how sports works! you can only win against whoever you're facing. it has always been thus and it will always be thus
it's narratively fun and juicy that pecco has these insecurities himself - but within the context of everyone else doing discourse over it, the whole thing is massively overblown! linked to some of the worst sports discourse about how much people love to disparage late bloomers, because they need every single successful athlete to fit the same mould of the ultra-talented wunderkind, apparently. it's more interesting when it's not always the most 'talented' (whatever tf that means), naturally gifted, *fast the second he touches a bike* bloke who wins. sometimes they have to work hard for it, sometimes they have to improve themselves year on year and be smart about how they do it, sometimes they have to be in the right place and right time, sometimes they have to be very lucky. sports is all about competition, and competition is all about contrast. it's a contrast that can be generated in a whole lot of ways, and in fairness to motogp they have come up with a bunch of interesting narratively tense contests that don't rely on a massive fundamental 'talent' differential - but at the end of the day, that's one of the best ones you can have! the more ways you can have to win in any given sport, the better, both in the literal sense of how you go about the actual process of winning and how you even become a winner. none of this means that pecco isn't very very good, it means he got there in a different way than every other multiple champ this century has. it fundamentally flattens the sport if you want every top-level competitor to be an alien-level talent... one of the best things about this current era is that it has given us something new and exciting in that regard, where you well and truly believe some very different blokes might have what it takes to eventually be champion
anyway, pecco is absurdly adept at digging himself into holes and absurdly adept at digging himself out of them. he's one of the worst frontrunners imaginable in every sense, biologically incapable of dominating without at least a perpetual hint of jeopardy, both in the context of a race and a season. but when his back is against the wall, somehow he keeps finding performances you never imagined he was capable of. his mixed up and slightly odd skillset, his strengths and weaknesses, how he's better and worse than he has any right to be... all of it lends itself to perpetual momentum shifts and thrilling seasons - because you never quite know what you're going to get. love him or hate him, he's a gift to the overall competitive landscape! god knows the racing hasn't been much to write home about these last few years (though, yes, we did have a good little run this season), but somehow he's managed to get himself involved in two out of the six title deciders this century back-to-back. is that not the dream for the viewer, to have a bloke at the top of the sport with a little self-combust chip in his head every time he builds too much of an advantage? build a hundred of those guys! throw a marc marquez at him and see what he does! I can't wait to see what he'll come up with next
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yelenabemylova · 2 months
big weekend for annoying people (taylor swift + f1 fans)
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nixariel · 3 months
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yuwuta · 2 months
i loooooove homewrecker megumi so much you have no clue 😵 this is also a pipeline to toxic ex! Megumi >.<
He listens to 'boy is mine' by Ariana Grande n 'kill bill' by SZA and immediately starts thinking of you. Just all that listening/ lecturing from gojo n toji he must've gotten growing up completely wrapped his perception of relationships.
you two were dating in his mind long before he asked you out and date farrrr longer than what you think because he doesn't count (-all-) the times you've broken up
ok so here’s the thing i’m really bad at envision any kind of exes/ex-relationship with 90% of the jjk boys because there’s no… there’s no getting out of that LOL you’re locked in for life with them. most of them would, quite literally, rather die than break up 
the exception to this in my head, personally, is toji. he’s like, the fun ex to have around. you two can joke about how he’s been inside of you, and how you know he drinks tea with his pinky up but also be completely platonic. there’ll always be a funny kind of sexual and romantic history, but if you need a cheeky friend in your life, keeping toji around is the way to go. also if you ever just truly want a one-off hookup, he’s your guy
but megumi and infidelity… goes a bit too hand in hand i fear. especially megumi as your best friend… he couldn’t care if your current boyfriend lives or dies, so there is no moral weight on his shoulder knowing or acting on being in love with you. him being in love with you/dating in his head so true… you are not just single to him if you’re in a relationship with someone else, you are, inevitably, going to choose him and honestly, he’s getting tired of waiting for you to realize that he’s right for you; no matter how good of a match your boyfriend might be for you, the simple truth is megumi is a better match. you can realize that on your own, your boyfriend can realize that for himself, or megumi can step in and help you <3 
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rockafirevevo · 4 months
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based on this
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dbd-slvt · 22 days
since the Pride Month is in 4h (for me)
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here's a headcanon, all of them are ace.
I am not apologising to anyone.
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babybluebex · 1 month
yes i know i'm extremely late on the mother's day front, seeing as i've got 10 minutes left in the day, but don't think about being dom's wife and having your first mother's day with him
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like i think the first one would be while you're still pregnant, and you go to his house and have lunch with miss jennifer and bella and dom, and he's sorta being protective the whole time even though he doesn't need to be, just helping you stand up and sit down, getting up to get you stuff so you don't have to get up, stuff like that and he gets up to get you more water while at lunch, and his mom waits until he's fully out of the room before leaning forward and going "i've never seen him like this before" and you're like "aha yeah he's acting a little neurotic today... more than usual" and miss jennifer is like "no, i mean... he's good around his cousins and their kids, but i've never seen him... attentive like this. this is a first for him" and bella chimes in "yeah, he's bending over backwards for you. i mean, as he should, you're literally carrying his child, but he's never been like this" and you're like "huh. weird." but he comes back before any of you can say more and lands a kiss on your head as he sits down and when you go to leave, miss jennifer hands you a little gift bag "don't open this until you're back home" and winks at you, and she hugs you "happy mother's day, momma" and you do as your mother-in-law asked, you wait until you're back in your nyc apartment and your husband goes to futz around in the nursery as per usual (he always has some sort of project that he's doing, adjusting the furniture or rearranging the books on the shelf; you think he's making up excuses just to spend time in there) and you sit on your bed as you go into the bag and extract a little striped onesie, an old baby clothes brand that you're not sure exists anymore, snaps on the front and little mitts over the hands, and the tag inside says "newborn", but then you notice a little red stitching on the back of the collar: DAS. dominic a sessa. and your eyes water and your heart explodes as you hold your husband's baby onesie, and you tug out the card from the bag and read jen's handwriting "we brought dominic home from the hospital in this onesie. hopefully you can do the same with your own. you know who to call if you need anything. xo, grandma jen" and you go to dom in the nursery and sniffle as you show him the onesie and he chuckles "oh wow... this old thing..." and he rests his hands on your little belly as he kisses your shoulder "this time next year, they'll be with us"
and he's right, fast forward 365 days, and you wake up to a light knock on the door to the bedroom, you squint and grunt, and the door winges open to show your husband, a shadow on his jaw, your six month old son in his arms as he balances a plate in one hand, and little frankie squeals when he sees you, and it puts an instant smile on your face "well, hi, boys" you rasp sleepily, and you reach out for your son, taking him in your arms and dom sits on the edge of the bed and smiles as he watches you land a kiss on his son's nose, and he says "do you know what today is?" and you wrinkle your eyebrows "sunday?" and dom laughs "well, yes, but what else?" and you shrug, bouncing fussy frankie a little "it's mother's day" and you're like "oh. i forgot. i have to call my mom" and dom's like "right, but eat some breakfast first" and the plate he brought in has pancakes and cut-up strawberries on it, and dom says "frankester helped me cook. didn't you, stink?" and frankie claps a little in excitement "and by 'helped you cook', you certainly mean he ate some mashed-up strawberries while you burnt a few pancakes?" you ask, grabbing a strawberry with your fingers "the only way he knows how to help" dom nods, and he falls silent while you start to eat, but you notice his unusual silence, and you're like "what's wrong, dommy?" "nothing" he says easily "just enjoying our first mother's day as a family" and you can't help but smile, and you tug dom by his arm into a kiss, and frankie reaches up to touch his father's chin and he does a tiny baby giggle that makes dom laugh "alright, mister, what's so funny?" he asks, and frankie just looks at him with the same almond dark eyes that dom has and a smile on his gummy mouth
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ramssby · 12 days
if they cast someone REMOTELY attractive AND young for snapee, snape fandon would have a renaissance and that would be the end, it will be so over for everybody else
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foxy-kitsune · 30 days
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charmac · 14 days
can we get your professional opinion on the rob baseball ad thing or-
I've gone on a few tag spiels about it, lmfao... I think most people really don't give a fuck, but it is drives me a little crazy no one is batting an eye at Rob McElhenney being the face of the London MLB Tour for like... seemingly no reason? Why is there Wrexham/Phillies merch for THIS event? Wrexham is in a different country. I even checked the Subreddit multiple times and no one else seems to give a fuck, it's like. Just me watching the San Diego Padres play the Arizona Diamondbacks on a Friday night and getting jumpscared by Rob on my TV advertising a World Tour game...I actually thought I'd crossed to some alternate timeline.
I mean, I know it's like a marketing thing, but I can't fathom how he wormed his way into this one. Just because in 2010 he wrote his TV character a little homo for Chase Utley? I know he's friends with Chase but like, Chase is retired... How did they get Bryce Harper into not only an advertisement but some little "event" for the first pitch? And ALL the ads have revolved around Rob? Why did I just see an ad for the Yankees-Dodgers game tonight narrated by Rob McElhenney??
Man I don't know. Does Sunny have that much pull with the Phillies and MLB? I really didn't think so... Fuck it, new timeline, let's just start saying shit. Mac wants to fuck Bryce Harper. July 17 2024 Sunny will receive an Emmy nomination. Sunny does a panel at SDCC this year. Whatever.
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