#I think she liked Saiki taking her hand so much because it was out of character
fluffydice · 5 months
One big difference between Aiura and Teruhashi is that I think Aiura could be comfortable either sitting on someone’s lap or having someone sit on her lap, but Teruhashi deep down would only feel 100% at ease if someone was sitting in hers, not the other way around
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chosolovers · 2 months
at the last part i rlly liked i added that!!
you spent the whole morning getting ready. taking a shower, picking the right outfit, making sure your shoes were clean, makeup, hair, everything!!
you smiled and looked at yourself in the mirror, before immediately running out the door to go meet up with saiki!!
now, here you were, smiling as you sat down at a table with saiki. just a normal, cute little cafe. it reminded you of the one you worked at but this one just was more popular, especially since it was near you guy’s school.
because of how close it was to the school many familiar faces popped up here and there. (thankfully saiki distracted nendo away from the cafe..)
“you look…average.” Saiki said, not knowing how to properly describe how you looked to you with out feeling all weird inside. what he wanted to say was “you look so gorgeous in that outfit.” but he knew that’d be too much..well at least he thought it would be.
you smiled softly, letting out a quiet chuckle at his words. “thank you, i think?” you said, giggling right after.
what you didn’t know was teruhashi was at a table near you guys, her hands clutching her school uniform’s skirt.
“stupid saiki?! what is he doing with her?!!!!” Teruhashi thought to herself, not noticing that she was glaring directly at you. her anger boiling up in her.
“he doesn’t want the most beautiful girl to ever exist?? he wants a girl who works at a bakery..???!!!!” Teruhashi thought to herself, huffing right after.
as the ‘hang out’ with both you and saiki continue you both got to know each other a lot more, finding out you guys had a few of the same interests too, not even ordering any food because how engrossed in conversation you were.
in the end..it ended as you and saiki getting up, smiling gently at each other and exchanging phone numbers. (let’s act like he gave u a time and date to meet up in the last one cause i didn’t wanna describe.)
and teruhashi almost lashing out because..you hugged. how dare saiki hug you?! but wait..Teruhashi seemed more angrier at the fact that..it was Saiki who got to hug you.
(that ending is supposed to hint at something😈🙏)
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dogbunni · 2 years
[begins coughing like a cat about to throw up a furball] [spits up several nendo headcanons and then looks at u proudly]
-nendo collects hot wheels. I have no justification beyond this except that I also collect hot wheels and I think we'd have that in common. if he was real I would take nendo to a toy shop to look at all the hot wheels. just stand there and observe them for an uncomfortably long time. my friends aren't deeply autistic enough to do this with me so I can never observe the little cars for long enough before making a purchase :(
-nendo trans ally #1
-nendo has no idea what his sexuality is but not in a confused/questioning way, in a "I have never thought about it longer than 1 second" way. he likes who he likes and has no thoughts beyond that. he is label-less in a [shrugs shoulders] way. (saiki is also label-less but in a "fuck you" kind of way)
-nendo loves rollercoasters and watches weird essay length youtube videos about theme parks and animatronics. its a hobby that deeply disturbs everyone around him bc this guy cannot do basic math but he can and will channel the spirit of akechi rambling about defunct animatronics. sometimes he shows saiki pictures of animatronics in late stages of decay in horrible pitch black nightmare settings and saiki reacts as if nendo has placed a live cockroach in his lap.
-he has a condiment problem. steals sauce packets from restaurants with diagnosable compulsion.
-he doesn't Get memes. everyone has tried and failed to show nendo a meme. it's like trying to show your mother a funny picture and she holds the phone as far away from her face as she can and then stares at it for way too long before silently handing it back. he just doesn't Get It.
-hes like, really good at making memes though. he will just absently turn a phrase or take an image so absurd that everyone is still saying and reposting and reacting with it years down the line. he has no idea that he has this power
-he feeds stray cats and makes little shelters for them outdoors <3
-nendo and kaido roleplay together sometimes. I'm talking like, warrior cats roleplay. sometimes dark reunion but kaido gets pissy if nendo messes up The Lore. nendo calls it "playing pretend" bc he has no concept of cringe culture and kaido dies inside every time
-he manages to forget his own birthday. every year. saiki remembers though, and it's the one and only day he will ask if nendo wants to get ramen with him, instead of the other way around. it gets to the point that saiki asks if nendo wants ramen, and he says "what, is it my birthday ahaha" and saiki is just like. you goddamn idiot. good grief.
-last time I did one of these I said that nendo loves cute things like sanrio plushies and holds them so gently. well I see that and I am correct, but I raise you nendo thinking that SAIKI is the cutest thing he's ever seen. something about the pink hair and glasses and the little limiter bubbles on his head and his purple eyes and little frowny eyebrows- nendo wants to. hold gently. sometimes he just grabs saiki by the shoulders and stares at him blank in the face and saiki is like [nervously] "what the fuck? what the fuck????"
-he and aiura actually get along weirdly well. they're unhinged in similar flavours and it gets saiki's blood pressure up. he tries at all costs to keep them away from each other. their singular brain cells cancel each other out on sight.
-akechi makes nendo's brain hurt a little. he just can't process all of akechi's akechi-ness and it makes him feel dumb. he's fine with being dumb most of the time but akechi just makes him feel a little self conscious for some reason. (definitely not because he's jealous that akechi was friends with saiki first)
-he still likes the funny lil guy though. akechi's the only one who will enthuse with him about rollercoasters and he values those talks. so much.
-toritsuka is afraid of nendo for some reason. no one is sure why but nendo LOVES it. he's always trying to jump out and scare him. saiki supports nendo in this endeavour ardently. toritsuka suffers.
-nendo falls down the weirdest tiktok rabbit holes. it got so bad once that they got teruhashi to distract him while kuboyasu lifted his phone and deleted the app off of it. it took nendo several months to realise he could redownload it.
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sugahbunnies · 1 year
Your feet are aching from the previous day, all that standing up from baking and talking while pacing back and forth in Saiki's living room got to you. You're currently passing out cookies to your friends, as you have been wanting to do this for them for the past two months.
Kaidou and Nendou are shoving as much as they can into their mouths, their muffled thank you's coming out. Aren broke half of his and offered a piece to you which you hesitate at first, because well you already had about two yesterday. Well, what's the harm?
You thank him and force the cookie into your mouth, while Aiura and Teruhashi compliment you on your baking skills. You hold your hands out and shake them to show your humbleness.
"I can't take all the credit, Saiki helped me out".
Once you said that, you lock eyes with Saiki, who mouths the words "Don't mention it" in a snappy manner. Your cheeks turn red, your attention on shoving more cookies into Mera's hands. She gladly chomps on them, thanking you for feeding her as she hadn't had a real meal for the past two weeks.
You rub her shoulder in a way to soothe her, your guilt intensifying when you realize you should've made a meal for her. You're not too bad of a cook so making something for her shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
You get lost in your pondering, your empty container only consisting of crumbs as your friends devour your homemade cookies.
Saiki looks over, overhearing your thoughts about how you could help Mera. His mouth twitches, a small smile threatening to form on his face. He hates how you're actually nice well, not hate but he's confused as how you never lose your cool.
Especially when ..
Teruhashi gives you a bitter smile as she asks how your project with Saiki is going. You answer that you're excited to spend time with him and that he's not as distant as you thought he was.
Good grief, Saiki turns his body towards the window to avoid the awkwardness between you and the blue haired girl.
Teruhashi is not so subtle about her crush on me, hopefully Y/n knows how to handle her.
Before Teruhashi could torment you more with questions, you place the container on your desk. You go on your knees next to Saiki and place your arms on his desk, resting your head.
Saiki could sense your presence, he's just waiting if you have the guts to get his attention..
Of course you do, how could he think you don't ?
You tug at his short sleeve, whispering his name in a lullaby way. Which would have made a baby knock out in about a minute, but it irks Saiki. He finally directs his body to you, jerking back when he comes face to face with you. You give him pesky smile, your phone screen showing the time.
"Eight pm, remember, I'll pick you up" You confirm. Saiki goes "No" almost instantly.
"I'll pick you up".
Your face turns ghostly white, mumbling something about how your parents would flip at the sight of a boy. Saiki leans back on his chair, waving you off as you protest.
"I'll pick you up! Okay, got it?" You make an ok sign with your hand, stepping back and hoping he will accept it.
He just nods.
Relief washes over you, dropping dead on your assigned chair.
Really hope this goes well, Saiki chants to himself.
It's like the universe is trying to kill you and your chances of being close friends with Saiki. Nendou had called you up and asked if you were going to the drive in movie. You answer honestly which was your first mistake. Second was how you told him you were going with Saiki. Then bam, he invites himself along with Kaidou and Aren. Including the girls, which didn't bother you except for the fact he nagged about how you should all hop onto his truck.
You still decide to pick up Saiki, who has his phone in a tight clutch when he opens the front door. His eyes thunder with frustration as you try to explain what had happened. He still lets you in, surprisingly.
He strides down the hallway, then back to the couch where you're resting.
You give two thumbs up, trying to relieve the tension that is lingering in the air. Saiki whistles, checking his phone and seeing that Nendou and the others are on their way.
Not even five minutes later, a ding is heard throughout the house. You spring up from the cozy couch, playing with the straps of your tote bag. Saiki looks back at you with disapproval and you all you can do is flash him a grin. He opens the door once again, and there they are. Nendou and Kaidou have the sillist expressions on, exhibiting how excited they are. Teruhashi and Aiura give their brightest greetings to Saiki then to you. You struggle to stifle a laugh, waving at them.
Wow they really like Saiki, I mean he's nothing special so why ..
Saiki pushes past you, brushing your shoulder roughly with his. You stumble a bit to the side, Kaidou yelps and comes forward to your side. He places a hand on your shoulder and rubs his thumb on it.
"Did that hurt? Saiki, be careful next time!" He wails, he grabs your tote bag and slings it over his shoulder. Chiyo, who is behind the other girls, turns red. Not out of embarrassment, but out of anger?
Jeez, how many more girls can get upset at me for being close to their men?
You hear Saiki come to your side, noticing his eyes on your tote bag hung over Kaidou. He stares a bit, probably wondering why you're not the one carrying your own stuff. He goes "Huh" then follows the others who are making their way to the truck.
What's his deal?
In order to avoid being questioned by authority, you and the boys except for Nendou are laying down in the back of the truck. Along with Teruhashi, who is definitely not too happy about how she has to deal with the bumpy road.
"This isn't illegal right? I can't go back to being a delinquent" Aren says, side eyeing Kaidou who appears nervous. Maybe because Nendou is the one driving, and boy is he terrible at it.
You glance at Saiki, whose arms are crossed and he seems to be ignoring you this whole time. You frown, copying him and crossing your arms as well.
The truck slows down and parks backwards to where the screen would be playing. Nendou comes out and starts collecting the money from everybody to pay the movie upfront.
"Keep it coming, hehe" He creepily mumbles, grasping the money and counting it off. You offer to pass Saiki's money to Nendou and he declines.
It stings a bit but you brush it off by helping Aiura and Chiyo smoothen out the blankets across the truck bed. You plop down next to Aren who hands you a bag of hot chips.
"Oooh, the double hot ones?" You munch on a handful of chips, the cheeto dust powdering your hands in redness. Aren snaps his fingers, nodding.
"Yup those are the ones!".
The movie begins and the sunset is already setting in the background. You grab a pillow and hug it, your head resting Aren's shoulder.
And there's Saiki, watching this whole scene occur.
He sucks air through his teeth in annoyance, obviously not used to seeing you close with his friends as well. Kaidou is in a trance next to him, watching the movie scenes fly in front of him. Aiura and Teruhashi are not exactly focusing on the film, but instead are painting their nails and whispering to each other.
Chiyo's fighting with Nendou on who gets the sour strings, which really seems like its getting intense as they point at each other with menacing meaning.
His observations are interrupted when he hears your angel laugh. Okay, he doesn't think its angel-like but its how your classmates described it! Don't get the wrong idea, Saiki would never say your laugh sounds lovely.
He tilts in head in irritation, watching you share a bag of chips with Aren is ticking him off. He doesn't know why but he has an idea itching his brain. And he has to relieve that itch.
He shuffles out of the truck bed, and makes his way behind the projector. With a whistle or two, he uses pyrokinesis to lit it on fire. He immediately turns invisible, using the advantage to get back to the truck quietly. Now he knows he shouldn't cause harm, but he made sure to use forced telepathy to let the nearby firefighters know there's a fire occuring.
Surely enough, screams and yelps fill up the air, and firefighers in bright uniforms come to the rescue. Saiki smirks, coming to the side and seeing you're still in the truck's behind. He holds his hand out, a mischievous look playing on his expressions. You stare at him in confusion, the light of the fire reflecting off his glasses and brightening up his face.
"Grab my hand" He finally speaks up, and you clasp your hand onto his. He pulls you out and carries you bridal style to safety. Which is on the other side of the park where your friends are.
"Aren, why did you leave Y/n?!" Kaidou glares at Aren who is nervously scratching the back of his head. Saiki carefully puts you down and you're glad the sunset isn't hitting your face because he would be able to see the pink tinted on your cheeks.
"Sorry Y/n, panicked" He awkwardly grabs your hand and bows to you. You ruffle his hair, not noticing Saiki shooting daggers at Aren. He sighs, fixing his glasses and dusting of his cardigan.
What a pain , why am I acting this way?
Nendou insists that you all go to a ramen restaurant, and after that incident you all think that it's best to relieve the stress.
Saiki pinches Kaidou when he realizes that the blueberry boy is going to sit next to you. He rubs his arm in pain and scurries off to sit next to Chiyo. Who is failing to hide her excitement about it.
Once the waiter comes, he takes all your orders and you go last. You take a deep breath and recite your order.
"Large ramen, extra beef and sliced meatballs, put the vegetables to the side and make sure you give me lots of lime" You ramble, gathering the menus from everyone and handing it to the waiter with sparkling eyes.
The waiter just nods, making his way into the kitchen quickly as if hes afraid he'll forget your order.
You smile contently, everyone looking at you like you squashed a squirrel with your foot.
"What?" You ask in pure confusion, your face softening and your friends laugh lightly at you. Not Saiki, of course, but he manages to cover his mouth and smile discreetly underneath.
Once the ramen is served, the sounds of chopsticks clanging together fills the restaurant. You add tons of sriracha onto your noodles, slurping them up loudly.
Saiki blinks, wondering if you have any social awareness at all. He digs into his own food, ignoring your messy eating and slippery fingers squeezing the limes to juice up your ramen.
You nudge him tenderly, he turns to you and sees you holding up a sliced meatball in between your chopsticks.
"Want one?" You offer, your muffled voice being due to the stuffed noodles and vegetables in your mouth. He nods reluctantly.
He picks up the meatball once you set it in his swirl of noodles and eats it. Saiki tries not to watch when you slurp up the broth too.The night falls and Nendou begs everyone to let him drop them off at their house safely.
"Can I stay at your house for a bit ?" You chime in as others speak upon themselves. You're sitting next to Saiki at the back of the car and he knows he cannot say no to you.
He gives you a thumbs up and you perk up even more than you were a moment ago. As you hop off the back, Aren helps you by holding your hand the way down.
Saiki gives a side look to you both, but decides to open the door soon after you get on your feet.
You say hello to his parents and they try to reel you in with a bunch of questions but you assume Saiki gives them a death glare. They back off and tell you to go on ahead.
"So.. erm Saiki can I ask you something?" You crack your knuckles to calm yourself down. The pink haired boy nods, he seems too at ease despite you ruining his peaceful night.
"Why did you set the projector on fire?"
Saiki's eyes slightly widen, his actions pausing and rubbing his right temple to think up of an excuse to use.
There's no way Y/n could've seen that!
"I.." He trails off, obviously not aware that you might have been watching.
"And why did you hit my shoulder so hard before we left to the movie?" You demand with puppy eyes, upset and all.
Saiki tries to arrange his thoughts, thinking that yes he purposely nudged you with his shoulder but that's because he knew what you were thinking. You said to yourself that Saiki isn't special so why do Aiura and Teruhashi like him? Saiki had read your thoughts, that's why he bumped into you, out of frustration. He sighs, dismissing his thinking and coming to the conclusion to just confuse you with his words.
"Huhhh" He drags, narrowing his eyes at you because he knows so well that makes you nervous. You choke up a bit, clearly its working.
"The eraser incident! When we met! You have powers don't you? You set that thing on fire with nothing but your bare finger-" You keep rapidly spitting out incidents where Saiki was acting suspicious.
He sucks his teeth in aggravation, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. He knows he cannot tell you the reason why he caused a fire. Its all because he felt a bit jealous that you are close to his friends.
Nothing to do with you, he just actually likes his friends.
"Yeah, okay, I do and what about it ?" He asks, walking closer to you and stopping right in front of you. You stop blabbering and look up at him, he is still waiting for your answer.
"Powers? Really?" You laugh in his face but not in a rude way, more in a terrified manner.
"I have to go-" You begin, turning over to the door until you are met with your bunny drawing.
Floating in the air inches from your face.
You grab it and crumble it, throwing it at Saiki's chest but hes not too worried about your rude actions right now.
"Keep it a secret?".
"You do babble alot".
"Do not".
"Do too".
You scowl at him, wondering why he trusts you with this confidential information. Your eyes fall to the torn paper on the floor.
Jeez, that drawing was really good too.
"You can leave now, I just wanted to tell you" He says, sitting down on his desk and smoothing out the drawing against the wood.
You stand there, balling up your hands in fists but you can't really do anything at this point.
"Whatever" You mumble, leaving his room and making your way out.
Saiki looks back and sees his door is slammed shut. With a sigh, he restores your drawing of a bunny and tapes it above his desk.
"They're so annoying" He mumbles, his finger tracing the pencil lines. He hangs his head low, wondering why you won't tell him what's wrong. How your eyes look sunken and how your bruises fade so slowly. Plus, how your hair is thinning and why your nails look brittle.
He'll just have to pry the details from you later.
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cophene · 2 months
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 ✶. what’s your type?
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pairing : saiki k. x gn, gojo reader summary : because saiki can't seem to catch a break, his homeroom has gotten yet another transfer student. saiki can immediately tell there's something off about them, and that's before they reveal their so-called "six eyes" and "limitless" technique. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.1k+
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✶ . . .  WE WERE ALL STUCK ON that elevator, but all I could think about was how much I needed to take a shit.”
“Stop,” you wheezed, holding your stomach. “No more. I can’t breathe.”
Aren punched Nendo’s shoulder. “Everyone was running around saying ‘Shit! Shit!’ and Nendo was just huddled in the corner, yelling, ‘Don’t say that!’”
“He nearly told us to eat all of my chips so he could take a dump in it,” Kaido added, and once he started cracking up, it was all over for you. You cackled with laughter, the sound so obnoxious that Aren and Nendo started howling too. Only Saiki remained stone faced, glaring at you all like you were all several rungs beneath him on the evolutionary ladder.
Still laughing, you asked, “So where did you end up taking a shit, Nend—oh!” You knocked into someone accidentally. You caught their arm as they stumbled back. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
“No, I’m the one who should be sorry. Thank you for catching me.”
The person you’d bumped into was a cute girl with blonde pigtails. She beamed at you and you couldn’t help smiling back, making sure to let your glasses slide down a bit.
“I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Gojo Y/N. And you are?”
“Rifuta Imu,” the girl said shyly. “I’m only a first year.”
She was cute, even if she wasn’t exactly your type. You had the strangest urge to pinch her cheeks and give her caramels.
“What were you all talking about?” Rifuta asked.
Kaido looked innocently off into the distance while Aren coughed. “Oh, nothing. Just something that happened to all of us a while ago.”
“I’d love to hear it. It sounded hilarious.”
“It wasn’t that funny,” you said, waving a hand.
Really? You looked like you were about to burst a lung back there.
You glared at Saiki. Not in front of the cute girl, please.
“I can tell you what happened,” Nendo piped up. “We were going to an escape room, but we all got stuck in an elevator and I really had to—”
“Call his mother,” Aren butted in, clapping a hand over Nendo’s mouth.
“And his dentist,” Kaido added, clapping his own hand over Aren’s when Nendo still wouldn’t shut up. Together, they hauled Nendo off, shouting goodbyes over their shoulders. 
Rifuta shrugged and turned her attention to you instead.
“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Gojo-san,” she said, a slight blush on her cheeks. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Oh really?” You puffed out your chest. “What sort of things, exactly?”
“You didn’t have many friends growing up and make up for that lack of interaction by being overly energetic and charming now. You’re under a great burden but don’t want anyone to know about it so you suffer in silence. You’re secretly afraid that no one likes you and that they’re only out to use you.”
You felt the blood draining from your face. People were just saying that? You shot a panicked look at Saiki. 
Is that true? Does everyone just know that?
No. Rifuta is just uncannily good at reading people. Judging from your reaction, she must not be far off.
“Well, I’m flattered that people are spending time thinking about me,” you said, brushing Saiki off. “I’m surprised they’re not spending more time fawning over you.”
Rifuta squealed and latched onto your arm. “Do you really mean that? You think they should be fawning over me?”
“Of course, you could be an idol.”
“You’re too nice, Gojo-san! Does that mean you think I’m even cuter than Teruhashi?”
You furrowed your eyebrows at Saiki. Who?
In reply, he pointed behind you.
The students in the hall were being parted like the Red Sea. The stunning blue-haired girl you’d talked to yesterday at lunch glided down the hall, smiling beatifically at everyone she passed.
Oh right. That Teruhashi. Or was it Takahashi? In any case, Rifuta didn’t stand a chance against her but you kept your mouth shut.
Teruhashi’s smile dimmed slightly when she saw Rifuta hanging off of your arm. A flicker of irritation crossed her features before her expression smoothed and she walked towards you.
“Good morning, Gojo-san! Good morning, Saiki! Rifuta.” Teruhashi’s tone turned noticeably frosty on Rifuta’s name. The blonde girl stuck her chin out, gripping your arm tighter.
“Morning, Teruhashi,” you said. “How are you doing?”
“Wonderfully, thank you for asking. I see you’ve met Rifuta. She’s adorable, isn’t she?”
Rifuta’s eye twitched. “And I see you’ve met Teruhashi. She’s quite lovely, isn’t she?”
The way the girls said adorable and lovely made them sound more like insults than compliments. You tried to extricate yourself from Rifuta’s grip but she held fast.
“Everyone at this school is great,” you said, trying to dissipate the tension.
“I’d love for you to join me at lunch again, Gojo-san,” Teruhashi said. 
“Wouldn’t you rather sit with someone new?” Rifuta asked. “It’s easy to get bored of sitting with the same people everyday.”
“It can be quite intimidating to make friends with someone new,” Teruhashi responded. “It’s good to have people you can rely on first.”
Rifuta sniffed. “I don’t know about you, but I despise clingy people. They’re so immature, aren’t they, Gojo-san?”
“I don’t know about clingy, but possessive people are annoying too, aren’t they, Gojo-san? How can someone be so selfish and jealous?”
The two girls smiled at each other, but it was more like they were baring their teeth. You finally got your arm away from Rifuta and hopped back to join Saiki.
“I’d love to have lunch with both of you, but Saiki and I already have plans.”
“We’ll join you then!” the girls said in unison.
Before you could make up an excuse, the bell chimed and everyone began making their way to their classes. Teruhashi and Rifuta shot pointed looks at each other before parting ways.
Normally, I’d be thrilled that two cute girls are joining us for lunch, but do they always act like that? you asked Saiki, joining the stream of students heading for 2-C.
They’re both convinced that they’re the most appealing girl in school. Now that there’s someone new, they want to prove it once and for all.
Oh, so they’re rivals!
You shouldn’t sound so thrilled. You’re caught right in the middle of their squabble.
This is one squabble I don’t mind. I want to see how this goes down.
Saiki was quiet for a moment as you both sat down. You wished more people had telepathy. You hadn’t realized how useful it was to be able to continue conversations without being next to each other. You could still comfortably talk to Saiki while Yumehara yapped on your right and the teacher yapped on your left. And all in complete privacy.
You should be careful.
I’m the most powerful human alive. You should be careful.
Teruhashi and Rifuta consider you a threat. 
What, they have powers too?
Not physically. Popularity-wise.
You perked up. Appearance-wise, you mean?
Saiki said nothing. You smirked in his direction.
Aw, Saiki, you think I’m hot enough to rival Teruhashi? That’s sweet of you.
Is having an insufferable ego part of your Limitless?
No, but having this gorgeous face is.
Saiki didn’t respond to that, but you could practically hear his eye-roll in your head.
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Your lunch table was a lot more crowded than usual.
Usually, you sat between Nendo and Aren, Kaido and Saiki opposite you. Today, however, Teruhashi and Rifuta had wasted no time sitting on either side of you, forcing the boys to sit at a completely different table. Yumehara and Mera had decided to join too, along with a sizable portion of Teruhashi’s fangroup and a few of Rifuta’s fans as well. Although they tried to keep their staring from the sidelines discreet, your Six Eyes picked up on them all the same.
As you ate, you tried to keep up three conversations at once: one with the boys, one with Rifuta, and one with Teruhashi. Four, if you counted your periodic laments to Saiki telepathically. Eventually, it became too much and you just lumped everyone together into one conversation.
“So what’s everyone’s type? What do you usually go for in a person?”
Everyone blinked at you.
“That’s an interesting question,” Teruhashi said, patting her mouth with a napkin. 
“I like tall girls with big asses,” Nendo said, candid as ever. You leaned across the table to high-five him.
“Aye, that’s my boy.”
“How crude,” Yumehara sniffed. “What’s inside a person is much more important than looks.”
Nendo made a face. “Inside? I don’t find a person's intestines very hot, but if you do…”
“I mean their personality,” Yumehara snapped. “I would love to find someone soft and sensitive.” Her tone suddenly turned sheepish, and she tucked a strand of hair behind ear. “Also someone who is studious, and has a vivid imagination …” 
She snuck a glance at Kaido but he didn’t notice. He was too busy looking off into the distance. 
“I’m far too busy dealing with the Dark Reunion to concern myself with mortal attraction,” he said, pitching his voice lower. He sighed, pushing a hand through his hair. “It would be selfish of me to dedicate myself to someone when not a day goes by for me without risk.”
Yumehara looked down. “Maybe there's someone who would be willing to stand by your side so you don’t have to struggle on your own.”
The comment flew over Kaido’s head. “The Dark Reunion must be vanquished by myself alone. I cannot be bound by any other obligation.”
You just managed to stop yourself from kicking Kaido under the table. A new word for dense had to be created just for him. And look how disappointed Yumehara was. Poor girl.
The hopeless romantic and the delusional airhead. It's a match made in heaven, Saiki said flatly in your head.
Oh, be quiet. I think they'd be cute together.
“Personality is very important,” Aren said. “I would be happy with any woman with unshakable character.” 
“Well said, Kuboyasu!” Teruhashi said, clapping her hands. “That’s very admirable of you!”
Aren went red. “I-I’m glad you think so, Teruhashi.”
You waved a hand. “Psh, enough about personality. You guys really don’t have any physical preferences?”
“I would love to marry rich,” Mera sighed, a spoon hanging from her mouth. “I don't care how they treat me so long as they have a big bank account.”
“Amen to that.” You nudged Rifuta. “Do you have a type?” 
She batted her eyelashes at you. “Popular, blue eyes, and charming,” she rattled off. 
Well. Didn't that description match you to a T? Time to nip this in the bud. 
You ruffled Rifuta’s hair. “That’s cute. You get ‘em, little sis.”
A stricken expression crossed Rifuta’s face, your words cutting straight into her heart. You tried not to notice as her fanciful daydreams about you cracked into pieces.
“What about you, Saiki?” you said, lacing your fingers in front of you. You peered at him over your glasses. “Do you have a type?”
Everyone turned towards him expectantly. Saiki stared at everyone in turn before his deadpan expression settled on you.
I’d like someone who minds their own business.
Playing coy, are we?
What’s your type, then? he asked, and everyone seemed to hear Saiki because they changed gears to focus on you instead.
You leaned back in your seat, still staring at Saiki. “Well, that’s hard to say. I guess I like people who say what they mean. I like people who fight for what they believe in. I like people who can tell me the hard truths.”
Saiki arched an eyebrow.
“Or Inoue Waka. She’s hot as hell. I’d do anything for her.”
“Who’s that?” Nendo asked and you gaped at him. 
“You don’t know who Inoue Waka is?”
“I don’t know either,” Kaido said.
“What are they teaching you nowadays that you don't know who Inoue Waka is?” you grumbled. You fished out your phone to show everyone your idol, conveniently put as your wallpaper.
“She’s quite pretty,” Teruhashi said primly.
“I like her hair,” Rifuta added.
“Eh, I've seen better,” Nendo said, and your heart shattered.
“You guys don't think she's hot?” you said, aghast. “She’s beauty incarnate and all you can say is that she's pretty?”
Aren snickered. “Your taste is lacking, Gojo.”
“How dare you! None of you could even dream of being compared to Inoue Waka. I will not stand for this slander of my goddess.”
“I think Teruhashi is hotter,” Nendo said. “And she's real.”
“Real? What are you talking about?”
“Isn't Inoue Waka an anime character?”
You groaned, putting your face in your hands.
Uncivilized beasts! All of you!
You're the one who's into a gravure model.
You wouldn't know beauty if it hit you in the face.
Oh, she has, Saiki said dryly. On multiple occasions.
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verysanebsdfan · 7 months
Hear me out
Starlight Glimmer!reader x Saiki K
A reader who is kinda like starlight glimmer with sunset shimmer's abilities (I'm in my mlp phase don't judge but I rlly like their characters and abilities) who is kinda bad at first because of something happening with their friends earlier in her childhood and becomes very rude and cold but slowly learns to open up to the idea of new ways to act and get along with people and be nicer
Like of course they're not perfect, they're going to have social anxiety because what if others find out how bad she was in her past, and some old habits will peak through but they're still trying to learn
Their way with dealing with problems can be a little...extreme, like breaking open a vending machine when it malfunctioned after they paid to get someone a drink or things along that line
(forgive the long request I just woke up)
They also usually act before they think often
Starlight Glimmer!reader x Saiki K
Hello, thank you so much for requesting<3 I am gonna be completely honest i have not watched mlp, so I relied on your description and the internet but i tried. I haven't found much about Sunset Shimmer's abilities tho, well I did but didn't find anything much specific. I mostly mentioned some fire powers cuz from what i found...well nothing good into the story. I read that apparently Sunset can conjure powerful fireballs, but i made it fire in general, and it is also referred to as either psychic or supernatural powers. I hope it is to your liking. Also I wasn't sure but I made it a female reader since ykyk... Word Count: 1.2k
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It was a peaceful afternoon when a certain pink haired psychic got rid of the nuisances, uhm, friends and was on his way home. He was in a hurry since his mother asked him to go buy some ingredients for dinner, and there was still a show he wanted to watch today.
As he entered the store, he felt a sudden uneasiness. Something was gonna happen, he knew it. As he collected all the items his mother requested to buy, he walked in the direction of the aisle with coffee jelly. He saw a girl picking up a coffee jelly triple pack, but he quickly hid when he realized that the girl has his schools uniform. The last thing he wants is to have his classmate, whom he recognized after taking a closer look, start a conversation with him. Unbeknownst to him, the girl already knew. She carefully eyed the direction where he left to, quite glad that nobody is gonna ruin her peaceful day.
As she was nearing the next aisle, a certain someone put a hand on her shoulder. She tensed up and turned around to see who was disturbing her personal space. The girl got really startled when she saw a tall guy with a butt chin. She remembered him, some time ago, she was assigned to do a project with him. They were supposed to meet up in a library but he didn't show up, and had a reason, apparently he thought the library was other way and got locked in the school gym. Either way, she knew that he was a real dumb human, so she just patiently waited for him to say something. "Hey!" He shouted, jeez, calm down. "I know you! We did that project together!!" He exclaims loudly. "Yeah, no. You didn't show up, I did the project alone...but yes. Now if you'll excuse me, i have more important things to do than talking with gorillas." The girl announced and turned to leave "Wait!" Nendou shouts again "Do you wanna get ramen with me, pal, and chibi? Huh- where is my pal-" He suddenly realizes "No i won't get rame-" Nendo suddenly grabs the girls arm "Let's go find my Pal!" He insisted and pulled the two high school students behind him.
And that is how you got to where you are now. Seated between Kaidou and Saiki, across from Nendo, really strange individuals, really loud and obnoxious, except Saiki, that is. The Ramen shop didn't look anyhow exquisite...it actually looked quite, dangerous? The food will probably be poisoned or something. When the owner gave them their bowls, everyone looked disgusted (The one episode when Teruhashi tagged with them kinda disgusted) The girl stood up from her seat and looked at the humanoid creature, called 'ramen shop owner' and stared at him. "You call this food?! Impossible!" She yells while trying to hold herself from throwing the bowl on the ground. "You have a problem with that?!" The store owner spat out. "The heck i do! The noodles are expired, vegetable is actually not a vegetable, i have a piece of plastic in it, the broth smells like piss and sweat! If it's okay in your opinion, eat it! I'll gladly pay if you eat the whole bowl!" She yells at him, making the people outside, on the street, wonder what is happening there. "You won't, exactly! Now return our money. Hurry" She yelled the last line before the owner had to run to the kitchen because something was burning. Definitely not your doing.
Saiki knew. He knew that was not natural, the fire. It got extinguished, no one got hurt, but it was bugging him, and he wanted to know just who are you? He got his powers to help him out with getting you to hang out with his....whole friend group....or nuisances. And you slowly started opening up. One this one fateful Saturday night when the group was hanging out at a playground, it was already dark. Kind of a miracle that Kaidou's mom let him go so easily, we thank you so much Saiki on Kaidou's behalf.
"How about we play truth or dare?" Yumehara suggested. Everyone agreed, even you and Saiki, surprisingly, but nobody questioned it. Time passed and questions and dares flew around too. "L/N, truth or dare?" Kuboyasu asked the girl, who has been drawing into the dirt. "Truth" She mumbled tiredly "Have you ever broken a law? And if yes, how?" Who in their mind would ask that?
Yes....Kuboyasu..."Technically yes..." She sighs. "I broke open a vending machine because It broke after I paid, so I got what I paid for, myself." She said. "and also burned down a house" The girl whispered a sentence that only the lovely pink haired psychic heard. It startled him. Why did she do that? "Why would you open it up tho? You can't do that! That's destruction of property! A crime!" The perfect bluenette whisper-yelled. "Teruhashi-san...It isn't a crime as long as you're not caught....and also, why should you care why i did it...maybe because i won't waste my money, maybe because i was pissed? Probably. Not everyone is as perfect as you, not everyone is as nice as you, and I was not in a good mental state. Get over yourself..." Wait- the girl realized her mistake as she looked at the teary eyed bluenette. "I- uh- Teruhashi-san...I am sorry uh! uhm....I didn't mean it like that I just-I'll....I'll go buy you something just please don't cry"
Seriously...the vending machine broke. She turned around but bumped into a certain pink haired highschooler. "Why did you burn down a house?" The pink haired boy asked, very bluntly, realizing his mistake, not correcting it though. "My powe-" the girl realizes and quickly coughs. "My uhh...power in the house went down, and I, the little naive child, thought I could do everything, so I tried to fix it, cut wires and boom...." She says too optimistically. "Stop lying" The pink haired highschooler commanded. "Not here...But we cannot leave the group for too long either..." She thinks out loud. "They actually already went home." Saiki exclaims. "Guys are walking Teruhashi and then Yumehara...I'll walk you...while you talk...or we can talk at one of our places." He says while motioning for her to follow.
You two walk into your house, and you light up the lights. "Sit down, I'll get some coffee jelly, I noticed you staring at it...the day we met." 'Are you a goddess?' Saiki thinks. "So....I suppose you wanna know why? Hm...okay so basically I have powers, it went out of control....And i burned down my friends house....he almost died....that's why I don't really talk about it." You quickly summarized. "I really hate supernatural powers...or psychic powers...because I still feel guilty, I tried to stop it, but they don't even know it was me, not even my parents. You are the only one who knows." She says as she takes a spoon full of coffee jelly. "But I only told you because you have powers too
(○` 3′○)"
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Anyway! I tried but I do not like how it turned out but
Stay safe y'all! BYE
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higuchisora · 6 months
As mentioned before, I'll be sharing my top 10 anime characters that could solo my beloved sweet baby boy Binghe. This is both serious and not at all serious. Disclaimer: I love him, he's my good son, but he also needs some competition to keep his head nice and deflated. I'm sticking with 1 character per show to keep things fresh. Also "anime" is a... loosely used term here lmao. Also also, manga/LN spoilers ahead for some shows.
Without further ado (and in no particular order):
10. Uzumaki Naruto (and friends)
Definitely the most obvious so I'm putting it first. Honestly the Naruto cast could've had its own top 10, but rules are rules. That Talk No Jutsu is fucking lethal. If he couldn't TedTalk Binghe into a reluctant friendship, he'd rock his shit first and THEN befriend him. Without so much as a filler episode.
I'm of the mind that any Kage-level character could wipe the floor with my son, Mano y Mano. But even a solid jonin team would have some serious hands for him.
9. Saitama from One Punch Man
I haven't watched the full thing, but ending careers with 1 punch is literally his job, so I'm taking this one on good faith that he'd also be fast enough to catch Binghe at all.
8. Yoriichi from Demon Slayer
The only thing that could defeat this man was his own sadness. He'd clap TLJ and then come for Binghe without so much as a snack break.
7. Hua Cheng from TGCF (yes I know it's a donghua shut up)
Call me biased, I don't care. Hua Cheng would obliterate this man without even thinking about it. He'd laugh, too, because he's an asshole. And then go home to bang Xie Lian.
6. Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I don't like this man or this show. But no one can tell me he wouldn't just. Eat Binghe. Like full vore, as is canon of his abilities. He's done it with physically larger targets and succeeded, he could do it for some pretty boy. Binghe wouldn't even be the first demon king he's fought.
5. Aang from The Last Airbender
I SAID WHAT I SAID. Specifically in his Avatar State, I firmly believe he'd clap Binghe if led to believe it was absolutely necessary. Like the literal world ending. He exorcised a man when he was 12, I think Aang at his peak could handle an emo boy in need of an exorcism.
4. Saiki Kusuo from the Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
He'd dust Binghe out of existence before homie even knew what hit him. Argue with the wall.
3. Yumiella Dolkness from Villainess Level 99
I don't even really like her, but considering she's taken on a demon king of her own before, and is capable of making black holes big enough to swallow cities without breaking a sweat, she'll at least be a worthy opponent.
2. Kumoko/D from So I'm a Spider, So What?
Literally a god. The world-ending kind, and that's when she's being chill about it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being in control of the System tormenting poor SQQ and SQH. She's not as advanced in the anime, but in the light novel ending a world is literally light work. She's done it before and she'll do it again.
1. Mash Burnedead from Mashle
I haven't even caught up 100% with this show but I don't care. It doesn't even matter that Mash can't do magic. Actually, it's precisely BECAUSE he can't do magic that I firmly believe he deserves a place on this list because that just means this human dude is just Built Different. Binghe would throw a bunch of spiritual/demonic energy attacks at him and Mash would just bitch slap it out of the way. And then bitch slap Binghe. Worst part is that he wouldn't even realize they're fighting for real, which would permanently ruin Binghe's self esteem, IMO.
Honorable mentions:
Gabimaru from Hell's Paradise
I don't think he COULDN'T take Binghe on, just that it's unlikely he'd survive, honestly. Cultivation is real in their world kinda, and from what I've watched he's not yet capable of taking one on by himself 100%. But he's tenacious and skilled, so he'd at least get a few good ones in before Binghe smokes him. With a good crew and a battle plan, he'd be able to lock an average Binghe under a mountain.
Sailor Moon
The only reason she isn't on top 10 is because I'm not confident in her ability to take hits. She's great at dishing them out, but in the event Binghe manages to get a good whack in, I feel like it'll be over for her. I don't think she's fast enough to reliably dodge the whole time either. Plus, I barely remember the OG show, so it's kind of odd to be comparing her to stuff like Naruto, which I know well.
Hina from Hinamatsuri
Just offer a lifetime supply of red caviar and Binghe's a dead man. That being said, I don't think she'd walk away unscathed. This battle would mostly be dictated by how it starts. If she has the element of surprise, he's dead. If Binghe is suitably enraged (say, Xin Mo possession style), Hina's a goner. Hence she isn't strong enough to be able to beat him soundly in all scenarios.
Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
He's pretty cool. Also likes to eat flesh. I don't think he's as fast at it as Rimuru is, but then again I also gave up watching after the first season. Gets an honorable mention because he might actually be stronger than I think.
He's fucking Goku. I just have never watched this show so I didn't feel comfortable ranking him.
Kibutsuji Muzan + Upper moons from Demon Slayer
Any of them would be a solid threat. However, considering they get their asses handed to them by a bunch of human high schoolers and fold at the tiniest ray of sunlight, I figure the moons would be somewhat of a miniboss vs final boss in terms of power scaling.
Muzan probably would've gotten a place on the list if not for Yoriichi. Also, as said, anyone that gets clapped by a bunch of high schoolers in their own home gets a permanent L. Shine a lamp on him and it's over for bro.
Hashiras from Demon Slayer
Not a single one of them can 1v1 any upper moons. That being said, they still managed to body all of them. They go down with them though, so I'd say it would take all of the hashiras (maybe including pre-canon ones) to take down the average Binghe. And they'd all die doing it.
Hero of Time/Hero of the Wilds Link from Legend of Zelda
Is this an anime? No. Do I care? Not really. Fighting opponents wildly out of his league but ultimately winning anyway is literally his canon lore. All Link needs is a slingshot and an ocarina and he'll fight the fucking moon. He's no slouch in recent games either; a beef bowl and a stick is all it takes for him to take on the immortal demon king possessing the castle in nothing but his goddamn boxers.
This was my list!!! Very long, but a lot of fun. Let me know what your own lists are, I'm curious lol.
If I've not mentioned a show, it's probably because I've never watched it lol.
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danganronpa96 · 11 months
The most recent asks made me think of this.
How would the victims in 69 react to their Killers' execution? Same with 96, but cut out poor Bojack, for obvious reasons.
I assume by “most recent” you mean the slightly older asks by now (you can tell how long it has been and I will not stop apologising)
Now we can only hope no one who hasn’t read the fics comes across this post
Mr. Krabs (-> Mario): Krabs wouldn’t have appreciated being tricked with money like that, so going in he feels a little justified. However, upon watching Mario’s determination, and acceptance, he can’t help but feel a sense of sympathy towards his strength, especially facing death in front of his brother.
Dedede (-> Ashely): Dedede was pretty angry for being killed, especially by someone he deemed rather small. He was shocked when Red saved Ashley from falling, but a part of him felt bad once the two were both killed, their friendship reminding him of his own with people like Escargoon (and Kirby to a degree).
2D (-> Teto): As he didn’t see his killer (as that hand message was created by Miku), if we assume 2D thought it was Teto at first, he would be pretty devastated someone who he thought he could trust by proxy of Miku would do something like that to him. He’d watch her get executed, but he wouldn’t have much of an opinion. I say this because he often puts up with harassment from Murdoc, so he’d just be more or less speechless this is how things came to be.
(Bonus, Miku -> Teto: You know a bit of Miku’s reaction at the end of chapter 3, but for more detail, she found it entertaining but a little depressing. Even if she knew the execution was fake, a part of her didn’t want to see Teto partaking in it).
Peter (-> Sans): Peter wouldn’t really know why Sans was in a giant hall, or why the bear kept multiplying like a sci-fi clone movie, but it was a bit cool to watch, to say the least. That was, until the weirdo stepped in. If it was early seasons Peter he would be more sympathetic to the situation is all I’ll say.
Fluttershy (-> Brian): Hopeful their plan would work, only to see it cause another death did hurt Fluttershy. However, as Brian exposed himself to protect Parappa, she understood the sacrifice. She definitely cried a lot when Brian was being approached by the car, and a small part of her knew he was going to do something with the gun I believe, from what she knew previously.
Walter (-> Hiroshi): Walter Hartwell White pours himself a whisky and takes a big sip in lawful justice… sorta. He was pretty mad he was bested by some young man he hardly knew, and didn’t feel all that bad watching him die. Maybe it’s that idea that he would be okay with poisoning a child but that hasn’t happened so what does he know (dripping in sarcasm).
Retsuko (-> Kaidou): Retsuko was pretty upset dying so young, especially with a close call in the past. However, she can’t really bring herself to hate Kaidou, and got a bit teary at the end of his execution when Saiki showed up. She doesn’t know if she can entirely forgive him, but she feels horrible about the punishment he faced.
Yuri (-> Mai): For ruining her plans, Yuri is pretty peeved at Mai. She feels as if it was an “I told you so” moment as she gets executed par the death game cycle. Even if so many of her friends were affected. Although… No. No change of heart here. Those final moments were just human instinct.
(Bonus, Ena -> Natsuki: I feel like Ena would handle death quite differently from most people, being pretty indifferent towards their killer. Considering the circumstances as well, Ena is happy Natsuki wasn’t executed.)
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luffyvace · 2 months
hello lol I'm back
I'm the same anon who requested saiki w younger sister
may I request saiki younger sister meeting his gf ?
(idk if you do stuff the is like continue form another post if u Dont u may delete this request)
HIII again anon!! <3
yes you may!~ from the last hcs I’m assuming reader is the younger sister, btw!
Yes I in fact do! I don’t mind at all! 🩷
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The two least annoying people meeting! How cute 🌺
here’s one from the same anon focusing on just Saiki and sister (reader) <3
Saiki definitely wouldn’t be the one to suggest you two meet
not because he doesn’t want you to, but just because he doesn’t feel the urge to introduce the two of you
so either his gf asked once she found out about you or you asked after you found out about her
or maybe you’ve known about each other for a while but never got a chance to properly meet each other!
actually I think it’s mostly likely that it went down as: Saiki’s gf came over to his house (after a lot of begging because he didn’t want her to meet his parents 😆). you two saw each other while your were in the kitchen, living room- etc. either you or she said “who’s that?” and Saiki said “my sister/gf” as he pulled gf away to his room :)
so you probably only have seen each other before
don’t get me wrong he loves the both of you dearly, but he’s just not the type of guy to bring up his loved ones in a conversation unless asked, and even then it has to be with good reason 😅
-now for the actual meeting!! 🤗
Saiki would literally sit you two down in his room and go “(you), this is (gf), (gf), this is (you)”
you’d have to carry the convo from there unless you want it to be that short….
That’d be beneficial if your super introverted like Saiki, but was just kinda curious as to who she was 🤷‍♀️
I don’t feel his gf would be a super extrovert… but I’ll put a little scenario for both personalities anyway :)
if she’s extroverted/regularly friendly,
she’d probably reintroduce herself with her full name, and ask some questions about you! She’ll find you cute and start to think of you as a sister in law almost..! It’s kinda too soon since her and Saiki aren’t married yet but since they’re definitely trying to keep this relationship a secret from you and your brother’s parents..you’ll be the first wedding invite!! <3
She starts to basically “adopt” you LOL!
takes you out to fun spas and has girl time with you!! It’s so cute! 🤗💗💗
if she has siblings she low key favors you over them…..😁
As for a more introverted/calm gf,
she’d probably just (maybe awkwardly) say hi and wave a bit
once again..! hope your extroverted or the conversation will die off there…you end up just returning to your room and wondering questions about her, instead of asking them out loud. 😅
eventually I do think you two’ll warm up. maybe you won’t go out as often since she’s introverted, even if your not. Buuut..! the both of you still have plenty of fun together!! 💗
she gifts you stuff whenever she comes over and will indulge in your likes/hobbies with you! <33
now let’s completely flip the switch—just for fun 🤩
if your jealous/dislike her (one sided),
eek..tbh I don’t think Kusuo would be willing to break up with her just because you dislike her. You’d have to give a really good and truthful reason for him to do that.
soooo you’d pretty much just scowl at her whenever she comes over.. :(
if your upset because you think she’s stealing Kusuo away from you- honey just ask to hang out with your big brother 🤦‍♀️
you’d likely get along if you’d just communicate that
if it’s for some other reason Kusuo will just ignore you (unless it’s valid, as stated), and his gf gives you a confused look before moving on…🗿
on the other hand……❗️
if she’s jealous/dislikes you (one sided),
she’s now the one giving you the cold shoulder, always sticking her nose up at you and telling Kusuo your being annoying 😒
anyway Kusuo would ask her what she doesn’t like about you and unless it’s valid he’ll just keep you separated
honestly I can’t see him sticking with someone stuck up anyway so karma 😂
But if she’s not snobby and acts normally, yk? Like pretending you like them until they leave to be polite type normal- 😃 then he really just tries to keep you apart
Say you actually did something to make her dislike you, he’ll use his powers to give a (harmless) revenge and teach you a lesson- (LOL)
either that or he snitches if it’s a situation that’s easier for his mom to handle (especially since I feel y’all mom would love his gf)
if you dislike each other,
now that’s a whole different story. He loves you both and really doesn’t know what to do about it. Would first try to talk it out with y’all cuz he’s not gonna betray one for the other, he gives unbiased opinions and if no one’s right he’ll help you comprise some sort of peace treaty.
Now, whoever breaks it is the one in the wrong. Ik big brains right? 😼
On another note,
if your chaotic like his friends he’ll try to keep you two from meeting for as long a possible. Which…considering his luck you meet fairly quickly regardless 😆🤜💥
his gf won’t notice how chaotic you are (like how most ppl w/ out powers are oblivious) and will love you anyway! ☺️ I mean..unless your a weirdo chaotic like nendo 😂
Imagine you start liking each other more than him he’s gonna be pretty darn tiggered-
he uses his powers to get your likeability meters for each other to go down juuust a bit! 😁
something to get you to dislike in the other but not enough to wanna stop being friends 🗿😃
helping him keep gf away from Kuusuke is a must after you learn of her‼️ (y’all parents too) he knows it’ll inevitably happen at LEAST once but if he could minimize it to JUST once that’ll be enough for him 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
you race her all over the city while trying to come up with an excuse as to why, while Kusuo plays a game with Kuusuke to distract him 😒
as painful as it is, it’s better than your eldest brother meeting his gf- he just knows it won’t go well 🙄
or not- 😀 if your chaotic along with said Kuusuke….then it’ll be a war- refer to my previous hcs to know what I’m talking about ☺️💗
In this case you would be keeping tabs on Kusuo to update Kuusuke as to where they are, so he can pop up and be like “heyyy brother heard you were in town- oh! Who’s this? 😏”
ORRR going with Kusuo and his gf so if he wants to teleport he can’t! Bc then if the gf goes “huh?….Did we just teleport?!” and Saiki says “hm? no…?” You can be like “huh!? Yeah we did!! I swear we were just in that store over there! (🤪)” and that way she’ll have confirmation as to what just happened 😊 then!!
Kuusuke will use the confusion to sneak up on Kusuo and introduce himself 😜
Btw this is in the case he’d want to keep his powers away from his gf as long as possible, since he already views it as a nuisance himself and doesn’t want her to ask to use them- 😂🤷‍♀️
I had way more to write abt this topic than I thought I would!! I must say, I rather enjoyed this myself! Hope you did too my love~
-Brook 🏴‍☠️
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i know i JUST did this with the pony au but.. been thimking of.. saiki k spidersonas.. head in hands..
let me give u my ideas😋
this is just a brainstorm dont judge if its cringe
chiyo- love bite
pink+orange suit
HEAVY on the mask eyeliner
suit has a cute lil skirt, both cuz its just cute and fun and cuz she was insecure about the way the skintight suit looked
"i stained my mask with lipstick.. why did i do that..." (continues doing it)
eventually she just makes a mask that doesnt cover her mouth and realizes she shouldve just done that in the first place cuz one of her powers is her sharp ass venomous teeth😭(venom only deadly if she bites for a REALLY long time)
also for some reason i think one of her powers would be like an ABSOLUTELY EAR SPLITTING SHRIEK.. not bad enough to make people go deaf, but it seriously disorientates them and makes their ears ring
shun- jet black widow
blue+black (+red accents? maybe yellow to go with his whole thunder thing)
bat wings on his suit.. can he fly?? prob not.. sure can glide though!!
aren- the demon killer ??? (just his gang alias, idk what else to name him)
purple+black (+red accents?) ((matching with shun?🤔)
i feel like his only power would be super strength (but like.. SUPER super strength.. bros crazy strong already so...) and he would have to manually create a suit that gives him more spider-like capabilities.. why did he need to become a spider-person instead of just being a regular superhero?? um cuz its cool and his friends were doing it obviously..
kokomi- heart slinger
her suit also has a cute lil skirt, mostly cuz she didnt want annoying guys to be weird about the skintight suit
y'all know miss heed from villainous??? she prob has powers like that but yk.. less evil
i also imagine one of her powers being that shes somewhat indestructible.. like thats exaggerative ofc but it probably takes a LOT for her to bruise or bleed and she can take a lot of pain.. it just feels right to me, fitting for her perfect girl thing..
mikoto- tiger spider
BRIGHT pink+animal print
COVERED in what looks like stickers but is actually just cute little images embroidered on the suit
can obv still see the future like in canon.. cant decide if she has other powers naturally too
i kind of imagine her just updating kusuo on the sidelines or something but that might make her seem like too much of a sidekick and i dont like that so maybe she stays with him and does her predictions right there
maybe shes like aren and just has the one power but has special suit technology.. kusuo prob helps her, which i'll talk about in a second
ALTERNATIVELY she could be like peni parker and have a robo suit (covered in stickers and very decorated..) where she can safely do her predictions while controlling the suit.. she could use both interchangeably or either one idk
BIG social media following.. posts EVERYTHING.. pisses kusuo tf off
kusuo- cyborg spider man / psi bug
the media calls him the first name because its a running bit and hes PISSED about it
was thinking he'd just be plain spiderman but there has to be at least some sort of theme to go with his limiters sticking tf out the mask
despite already being the most powerful, his suit is the most technologically advanced.. hes just seriously really extra, bro prob made big spider legs sticking out the suit even though he can fly and defy gravity already.. he doesnt need them.. but it sure does look cool..
helps the others make advancements in their suits too
he'd prob have different limiters in this au too, like ones that limit in different amounts so he can fight efficiently
fyi he did NOT want to be a spider person cuz ew spiders but after a power reveal to his friends and them all having some weird accident or something and getting these superpowers snd THIS was the gimmick they went with.. he didnt have much of a choice
anywayyyyyyy most of them prob have secret identities and dont wanna be public (for various reasons) but miko would definitely just tell everyone who she is.. kusuo would constantly be having to protect her from stalkers and the like when shes just trying to live her life
kokomi prob tried to be secret at first just to prevent having MORE stalkers and general crazy people surrounding her every day life, but she would def be the first person to be exposed by the public because.. well, the media would be OBSESSED with her but also, shes just really obvious and doesnt realize shes not being subtle at all.. prob has all her long blue hair out of her suit and everything.. eventually she prob decided against having a mask at all (or just having one around her eyes) cuz being pretty and perfect adds to her whole thing
kusuo is pissed at both of them cuz he seriously cant handle hanging out with them in public now.. like if it was bad before, its terrible now
alsooo i was thinking about whether or not all his friends knew each others secret identities from the start or not and i started considering like if they didnt at first, yumehara would have a crush on kaido or the jet black widow and i was thinking theyd team up or something and she'd be like ugh i cant crush on this guy, i have kaido !!! and then i realized, this is just miraculous, i was making yumekai miraculous 😭😭
is kusuke a supervillain? ehhhh, probably nottt, he'd prob be similar to how he is in canon.. jealous and obsessive over his brother but doesnt really care about anything or anyone else enough to really be evil, he prob creates crazy supervillain esque tech that could rival the heroes easily but only uses it in private against kusuo cuz he wants to prove he can beat him.. kusuo comes back from his brothers place absolutely BATTERED and bloody and the others are like "?!?!? did u battle someone and not tell us???" and hes like nah i was just hanging out with my brother
just a thought!! i didnt do everyone but with some of the others, i wasnt sure whether i would want them to be spider people in this au or not, like maybe theyd have some other role ?? would not be opposed to it though if anyone else has ideas for it or if i think of something..
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sillylittlelemon · 6 months
HELLO!! ok sorry I’m not sure if ur still doing match ups so u can just ignore this if u want but could I get a saiki k and a hazbin hotel matchup <33
- I’m a certified yapper and I will ramble on about my interests for hours
- Im a big people pleaser and I try my best to make everyone around me feel comfortable and appreciated
- I tend to tolerate toxic behaviour just to avoid abandonment
- Im a romcom enthusiast and a bit of a film buff
- I like loads of music and singers but lately I’ve been loving my bloody valentine , salvia palth , alex g and Tyler the creator.
- My love languages are probably acts of service and physical touch.
- My humour is kinda all over the place and Im a sucker for dad jokes and well thought out dirty jokes
- I’m a hopeless romantic and I would probably fall head over heels for anyone who shows the slightest amount of interest in me
Okay- i wasnt sure about your sexuality (or gender) so ill do short headcannons for two characters i think youd fit with (seperatly not poly)
Sorry to my other requests im working as i go- right now tumblr is a passion project so ive gotta feel like- i dunno 'the spark' to actually get it done, but i promiseim trying
ALSO just a warning to anyone who reads/requests saiki k stuff, its been a bit sincei watched the show and also i donthave anywhere ican watch it currently so characters areprobably atleast a little ooc
This chick-
(I make a vauge reference to a little spice in her part but nothing explicit or bad)
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And this guy-
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YES. I know they have totally different vibes but hear me out.
He gives such 'im a big tough guy, but please love me in secret and call me your favorite boy'
she gives such 'im a brat but im your brat and actually i just want love and attention because i look like i would have major mommy issues'
And i dunno it just works
He would def be a cuddle bug once the walls are down and yall have bonded more and your in private(read: MUST be in private bc bb boy is defensive and dont f with pda), i feel like hes the type to hold you on his chest and rub your back (yall are laying on his/your couch or bed) and when he thinks your asleep he starts murmuring under his breath about how he's so glad you got past his walls- about how it means so much to him that you put up with his bs. This def lead to you pretending to be asleep more often so you can hear in words how he really feels, because lets be honest, words dont always equal feelings, and sometimes (i.e most times) he doesnt say it how he means it.
Now HER on the other hand-
All. Over. You.
Lowkey her?
Shes just so happy to HAVE you, right? Like- soulmates or not, youre hers. She adores you. Worships the ground you walk on, praises you breathless in more ways than one. Shes so confident- like... even if she isnt ACTUALLY, she portrays it so well, and she Hypes. You. Up. 24/7, 365. No matter if youre short, tall, heavy, skinny, freckled, dark, pale, or anywhere in between. She is making sure everyone knows youre her girl (or boy or whatever but based on your sentence structure im guessing female?) [NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSE I SWEAR I JUST IMAGINED YOU BEING FEMALE?] -oh god im gunna get cancelled-
Same here but itll be just generally better bc im more caught up with this fandom lol
He is this
But he wants to be this so bad
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Sir precious for my darling precious
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His love lmao
Sir Precious is 100% angel material (take that sera you bitch 🤟😝) He's just.... precious. Lmao. We've seen how flustered he gets with Cherry and imagine that but like- in an ACTUAL relationship with pda and shit. Like- stuttering, panicking, but also completely soothed by the hand currently resting in his? So many conflicting emotions, y'knowwww... he might need a kiss to get his head straight? Or maybe two? Hmmm, no that didnt work- lets try three, third times a charm right? *cue pentious sly+nervous smile* Would 100% bury his face in your tits/chest (under much encouragement and reassurance even more now that his minions spill the tea that hes been talking in his sleep about this very moment)
-can we talk about the smooth bass in the finale?-
-poor husk, man was singing and smiling like his soul was free-
Why do i feel like this is right up her alley?
Onto Miss Bomb,
She's a lot more brash in her affections. Not afraid to tug you down to her level and suck your soul out through your lips. Def had an emo phase when she was alive (if shes not still in it) She just.. loves you. Like her and angel you guys bicker, but i feel like while youre bickering she has her chin resting on your chest/tits, staring up at you with the slyest smirk and biggest heart eyes known to demon AND man kind.
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Shoulders Like Boulders
(Based off of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. season 2, episode 5)
It’s just another day on Angel Island for Knuckles. Knuckles stands on the stone steps to the large ruins housing the Master Emerald. Beams of sunshine shine through gaps between the big trees that have been there for who knows how long. A gentle cold breeze whooshes through the ruins, easing along Knuckles’ stiff frame. He can hear the sounds of flickies chirping and the chao playing and singing in the distance.
Standing in one area for hours has its effects on the echidna. Knuckles finds it uncomfortable to even roll his shoulders. Cracking every bone in his body was no longer helping, and his muscles felt tight, especially in his shoulders and back. He leans his back on the giant emerald and basks in the pleasant warmth emitting from it. It doesn’t help much, much to Knuckles’ disappointment.
“What should I do…” Knuckles says to nobody in particular. After some thinking, Knuckles decided to visit the smartest person he knew to help him solve the problem.
He walks to the edge of the floating island and leaps off, gliding down into the mainland. He lands gracefully in the sandy beach by Mystic Ruins where Tails resided. He approaches the workshop and hopes Tails is here, because if he isn’t, that would be pretty annoying. Fortunately, today is Knuckles’ lucky day! He can hear the whirring of machinery from outside the door. He puts in the code for the padlock and walks inside.
Tails is doing some maintenance on The Tornado when Knuckles finds him. Tails spots Knuckles and closes the hatch that allows access to the engine. “Hey, Knuckles!” Tails says with a smile, “What brings you here? Need something?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Oh! Are you finally letting me put a satellite on your island!??”
“It’s something else… non tech related.”
Tails’ curiosity has been piqued. “What do you need?”
“You often sit still for hours, right?” Knuckles asks. “Yyyyeeees..?” Tails says tilting his head, wondering where this is going.
“What do you do when your shoulders and back get stiff?” 
Tails gets off his step ladder and takes off his goggles “I do stretches! Like this!” Tails spreads his legs to shoulder width and bends his torso to the left, then arches his arm over his head. He repeats the process but to his opposite side. Knuckles watches and copies what Tails is doing. He’s done this stretch plenty of times before, but he’s wondering that maybe he’s doing it wrong, since it didn’t help when he did it on his own. 
Knuckles scoffs in discomfort, “It’s not working. I still feel all stiff.” he shakes out his arms. Tails taps his foot in thought “well, then maybe you need a massage? I’m pretty strong, so maybe I can give it a try!”
Knuckles sits down on the floor, and Tails places his hands on his shoulders. Tails tries to roll the pressure on his palms, but Knuckles’ muscles don’t budge. Tails puts in some extra pressure, but yields the same result “Knux, I’m gonna be completely honest. Your shoulders feel like rocks.”
“I suppose that’s not a good thing in this context.” Knuckles says glumly as he stands back up. 
Tails takes off his work apron “I think we need some extra strength! Let’s go see Amy!”
Knuckles nods and the two head over to Amy’s house. 
. . .
Amy answers the door not long after the first knock, “pleasant surprise, you two! Come in!”
The boys enter her house. The smell of roses wafting through the air thanks to a candle in the living room. Amy goes to get the boys some nice cold glasses of water (she’s a really good host) and sits across the couch from them. Knuckles is still trying to move his shoulders as much as he can.
“What’s up, boys?” Amy says, eager to hear anything these guys have to say. Knuckles cracks his neck “my shoulders are annoyingly stiff and we need extra muscle power. Tails’ tiny hands aren’t strong enough.”
Tails frowns and examines his hands. Oh no… they are small!
Amy nods and gets up with a sense of purpose. She cracks her knuckles in any direction they can go, one direction that make Tails and Knuckles cringe. She motions for Knuckles to turn around, and she firmly plants her hands on his shoulders. “Oh wow,” she says, “it’s like you have bricks instead of biceps!” Amy puts her all into trying to massage this mans shoulders, and very little progress was made. 
Knuckles is close to losing hope when Amy removes her hands from his shoulders, when suddenly he hears Tails gasp and he feels a rough poke on his shoulder blade. He turns around to see Tails looking shocked and mortified, and Amy holding a screwdriver with a severely bent metal piece with a nervous smile.
Knuckles’ jaw drops as he realizes “DID- DID YOU JUST S T A B ME-!?” he stares at Amy in absolute shock as she hides the screwdriver behind her back. She shrugs and says with a sheepish smile, “I thought it would help!..clearly it didn’t.” 
“YOU CRAZY WOMAN! YOU STABBED ME!” Knuckles then points accusingly at Tails, spooking the kit with how aggressive the point was, “Why didn’t you say anything??”
Tails bows his head in fear and shame “it happened too fast, I’m sorry!”
Knuckles sighs and waves his hand in a ‘whatever’ motion. He stands up “thank you guys for trying. I’m going to find another way to get rid of my stiff shoulders.” and he leaves without saying another word, and without waiting for anyone to say anything. Tails and Amy look at each other worried.
. . .
Knuckles wanders aimlessly for anything that could give him any ideas. 
He reaches a beach below a cliffside. He looks at the rocky wall leading to a cliff above him and notices all the cracks leading upward. He gets an idea.. It might be crazy, but it also might work. Knuckles punches the wall, sending deep cracks bursting upwards at a fast pace until it reaches the top. Knuckles hunches over, and allows all the falling rocks to hit his back. 
Knuckles has discovered his solution. Feeling those rocks sent his soul to the pearly gates. He sighs in satisfaction feeling the tension in his shoulders and back chip away. 
Eventually Knuckles needs to stop because he realizes if he punches anymore, he’ll cause a landslide, and being crushed by a giant rock definitely isn’t on his to-do list.
Then, another idea! He runs back to Amy’s house where she and Tails are chatting over some sweets. Knuckles whips the front door open so hard it nearly falls off its hinges. 
“Amy, I have an idea.”
As Knuckles explains his plan, a look of determination forms on Amy’s face. Tails thinks this might work!
They go outside and Knuckles lays facing down on the ground. Amy does every arm stretch known to man, and whips out her hammer. She lets out a loud battle cry as she starts beating the crap out of Knuckles’ back and shoulders with her huge hammer. Knuckles feels like the weight of the world on his shoulders was finally leaving him, and he can feel truly at peace for the first time.
Unfortunately for him, Amy’s arms are getting tired. She stops swinging when her arms feel like jelly. Amy puts her hammers head down on the ground and leans on the handle exhausted. Tails brings out a chair and helps her sit down. “Sorry, Knux,” she pants “that’s all I can do.”
Knuckles sits up “you did your best, Amy. Thank you.” He rolls his shoulders, grumbles, and frowns because he still feels tense. 
Hope is lost. Knuckles is cursed to have boulder shoulders for the rest of his life. Or so they thought! Tails’ ear flicks as he hears something in the distance. His eyes light up and he drives his fist into his palm “I got it!! Wait here!” Tails flies off and out of sight. 
Meanwhile, Sonic is on a nice run enjoying the cool breeze, when suddenly he spots Tails talking to a construction worker working on a road. Sonic skids to a halt to watch as Tails pleads with the worker. Those puppy dog eyes are magic, so naturally he gets what he wants. Sonic watches in utter confusion when Tails flies away with his goods. What is this kid doing??
Sonic follows Tails back to Amy’s, and decides to join the group. Amy lifts her wrist to wave at him, which makes Sonic even more concerned about the scene in front of him.
Tails lands and smiles at his brother, “hey, Sonic!”
“Hey, lil bro. What’s- uh… what’s going on here? Why do you have that, and why does Amy look like she’s about to pass out?”
Tails gets Knuckles to lay down on his front again, “Knuckles is having a stiff shoulder problem! Stretching and massages didn’t work, so Amy used her hammer, and well,” He places a slab of concrete on Knuckles’ shoulder blades, “you know the outcome.” Tails positions a big jackhammer that’s larger than him right on top of the slab. Sonic feels the wind knocked out of him, and his eyes look like they’re about to pop out of his head, “TAILS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!”
“Maybe!” Tails hops on the hammer and turns it on, sending intense vibrations in and through the concrete slab with incredible force. 
Amy and Sonic stand there slack jawed. Knuckles is in Heaven. He’s going on a soul searching journey and will come back a new man. 
This goes on for like 5 minutes before Tails turns the hammer off and steps down. His entire body is shaking. 
Knuckles sits up on his knees, shakes off the now crumbled concrete, and rolls his shoulders. He feels reborn! He can't remember the last time his joints felt this great!
Knuckles jumps up to his feet, “IT WORKED!” He announces then lifts Tails into the air to swing him around, “OH, THANK YOU TAILS! YOU ARE AMAZING!” He sets Tails back on his feet. The kid’s face is turning green, and he’s standing unsteady. But he gives a nice double thumbs up!
Knuckles is cheering and celebrating while Amy and Sonic check on Tails, who now looks like his soul abandoned him.
He just couldn’t handle the power.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 1 year
ok, sorry, i think im officially abandoning agwito :3 it's been fun but i just really don't feel like writing it anymore! if i ever get the gumption up to give it a proper ending i'll be surprised. here's the last bit that i had written under the readmore :3 tumblr exclusive!! thanks again
Though she was now a volumployee of Spirits and Such Consulting so she could get on her supernatural swag, Tome Kurata still had one teensy eensy problem.
Well, okay, she had several, least of which was the fact that her socks were cutting into her calves and making for a sensory nightmare as she ran.
No, her problem was what it usually was.
“Catch… that…!” 
And, okay, the stitch in her side was a big one too. Ou, ouch, that wasn’t a fun sensation. She wheezed hard, watching with hopeless eyes as the back she was chasing faded into the distance, his antenna blinking in the sun then winking right out. She groaned, and collapsed to her knees.
She’d lost.
“Uhm. Are you o-”
She whisked out a hand, her other too busy clutching at her face, as she reeled in the swamps of defeat.
“Not now, Mob. I’m reeling in the swamps of defeat,” Tome groaned.
There was a beat, then Mob said, “I don’t know what that means but okay.”
Uhg, did nothing mean anything to this boy? She whipped her hand away from her face so she could glare at him but Mob only eyed her with his usual sedate expression.
Sometimes he reminded her a bit of a cow. One of those very calm cows, simply at peace with its life in a vast grassy field so it thought about nothing much. Yes, a cow with big liquid dark eyes and a mopey face. He did love milk. Maybe he drank so much of it because of the resemblance. 
It didn’t strike Tome to think that might be mean, or that it might be inaccurate. Why would it?
Tacking that one to the conspiracy board of her mind, Tome flung a pair of pointed hands at him.
“What that means,” She explained, and pretended that she wasn’t pleased to be able to explain something, “Is that Saiki’s gotten away from me AGAIN!”
Mob took that in. Then he squinted a little bit. “So what does that have to do with swamps-”
She hopped to her feet and caught Mob around the shoulders, poking a finger into his chest.
“You! You can help me!”
Mob also poked himself in the chest and said, “Me?”
Tome grinned and nodded, in love with herself and her mystical magical ideas. She was so smart!
“Yes, you. You’re friends, right? So you can help me catch him! I just want to ask him a few questions is all.”
That was a lie. But what she did want started with only a few questions like, “So what kind of alien are you” and “can you take me to your leader”. That was neither here nor there, though. What was here and there was getting Mob to agree with her.
Mob looked at her with his big dark eyes, and looked at her, and looked at her.
“I don’t think I should do that, Tome,” He disagreed with her and Tome hit the floor with a wail. 
“But why noooooot!” She pouted after jumping back up, fixing her shirt where it was tucked into her skirt. All this running about had mussed her outfit.
“If he’s running away from you, I think that means he must not want to talk to you very much,” Mob said.
Then he frowned, and inexplicably Tome felt suddenly very very bad indeed.
“He’s not doing very well right now. So be nice to him, okay?”
“Pshaw, what’s that supposed to mean?” Tome pouted and looked away, brushing hair behind her ear and trying not to be uncomfortable. “I’m being perfectly nice! I’m only attempting to befriend your friend, but he keeps running away from me.”
“Oh.” Mob said, then tilted his head and said, “Maybe he doesn’t want to be your friend.”
Then he turned and walked away like he hadn’t just shattered Tome’s pride to the core. 
Ou ow.
It wasn’t only the stitch in her side that hurt anymore.
Another of Tome’s problems was thus.
“Hello, my name is Kokomi Teruhas-” Started an astonishingly beautiful girl but Tome screamed and ran away before she could finish.
It wasn’t only her, though.
“Heyo baby-oh,” Started an astonishingly beautiful girl with a wink and a v-sign. “My name is Mikoto Aiura, let’s be razzledazzl-”
Tome also screamed in her face and ran away again before she could finish.
‘Good grief,’ She rubbed the sweat away from her forehead and clutched at her chest. ‘I keep losing my cool. But there’s so many beautiful people at this resort, and for some reason they keep talking to me. I can’t cope with this!’
“Uhm, are you okay?” Said a feminine voice from behind her and instantly filled with the cold weight of dread, Tome turned around with the aching slowness of a person who fully expected to die any moment. She couldn’t take this. If it was another astonishingly beautiful person, girl or boy, she swore she’d-
It was a girl with a strawberry blond bob decorated with a cute little bow and big cinnamon eyes. She sort of reminded Tome of that Mezato girl that hung around with Mob sometimes, and the familiarity seemed founded in good fortune because Tome sagged in relief.
“Oh thank goodness, you’re not beautiful at all.” She said.
The girl’s look of concern flattened in an instant. “What.”
Tome realized a little too late what she said and started, then tried to smile and play it off. 
“Well, I mean-!”
But the girl was already walking away.
Tome thought about chasing after her to apologize properly because that had been an incredibly rude thing to say, but, well, it wasn’t like the girl was an alien and worth the cardio. 
‘Besides, it’s not as though I’ll probably ever see her again,’ Tome thought as she watched after the stranger as she rubbed the back of her head. ‘Yeah. I’m sure it’s fine.’
Anyways, she was supposed to meet everyone at the taco restaurant just a couple blocks away from the hotel. She sighed and shook her head, and decided to just look forward to good food.
Only when she got there-
“Mob, hey,” Tome started and lifted her hand in a wave.
Mob turned around and put on a smile to welcome her. “Master said I should wait outside for you since you’re late.”
“Haha, yeah, am I? Sorry.” Tome said as they walked into the restaurant. “I got a bit. Uhm. Distracted. You know UFOs. Geeze, it’s really busy in here, what gives?”
“I guess this restaurant is really popular. We’re seated over here.” Mob said with a pointing finger and led her to a table. Through the crowd it was hard to tell who all was there but Tome could see a pair of pink antenna and had to resist rubbing her hands together in villainous glee. Saiki would be trapped with her and the rules of social convention would bow him to her will, it was perfect.
“Saiki, hey-” Tome started, and then clued in on who was seated either side of Saiki. It was the blond and blue bombshells, and next to the blue bombshell was the girl who she’d accidentally insulted to her face.
Oh yeah.
Those were Saiki’s friends.
Her jaw cracked where it hit the table.
Saiki sighed, and said it for her. “Good grief.”
It shouldn’t have been so difficult to get through an all expenses paid lunch but being staunchly ignored while simultaneously surrounded by not just beauty but very, uh, loud personalities really put a damper in her appetite. Which was too bad. The tacos were really good.
‘I guess at least she hasn’t tried to talk to me,’ Tome thought, resisting the urge to sink very low in her seat indeed because hoo boy, this was not comfortable. ‘But those looks she’s giving me…’
The name of the girl she’d insulted to her face was Chiyo Yumehara and Chiyo Yumehara was evidently very talented at giving ghoul-like, empty-eyed smiles that zinged Tome every time those eyes scraped by her. They were just for her, too. When she wasn’t fawning over a boy with wild hair and red bandages, or talking with the blue and blonde bombshells, or eating a staggering amount of food that surely spoke to her work out regime, Yumehara was making her antipathy of Tome known.
But she wasn’t saying anything about it.
Worse still the restaurant was so jam-packed that it made it stiflingly hot, or maybe that was just the redhaired guy who seemed to put off heat like a furnace. He’d even melted his shaved ice.
It struck Tome that Saiki was by no means the only person in his friend group who was a little odd. Whether his friends were also of extraterrestrial origin was yet to be determined.
And to be honest, she wasn’t sure she felt like determining anything right now. The atmosphere, real and metaphorical, were so claustrophobic that, honestly? She didn’t even wanna speak.
Usually that would only incite Tome to say more but. Those looks.
And then Tome lifted her eyes from her plate for the first time in a while and noticed that Mob was missing.
“Where’d Mob go?” She asked Reigen.
“Hm? Oh.” Reigen swallowed his mouthful and nodded to the doors. “He was feeling a bit overstimulated so him, Saiki, and Serizawa went out to get some fresh air.”
She hadn’t even noticed him leaving.
Uhg. Typical boy. He would leave her in her time of need. All the more irritated, Tome stood from the table.
“Right. I’ll. Uh. Be right back too.” She said, then squeezed through the press of bodies for the doors.
The moment she got into the fresh open air and took a deep breath was the moment Tome felt something in her unravel. As the breeze toyed with her hair she closed her eyes.
Maybe Mob had the right idea, a tiny part of her said, because this felt much better.
But that just reminded her that Mob had left her, so with renewed irritation she looked around and went off to find him.
It didn’t take long. One dip through a short alley toward the ocean was all she needed to find three backs leaning against a railing to stare out into the water.
None of the three were talking to each other. They barely even looked together, Serizawa a few feet away. Somehow, though, something about the sight struck her as. Almost companionable.
Tome looked at her feet.
She was no stranger to feeling out of place but.
She turned on her heel and went back to the hotel.
It might have been her imagination but she almost thought she felt something stay with her. Whatever it was, silly as it may seem, Tome was grateful to it because it helped her feel less alone.
“We should be going ghost hunting anyway,” Tome grumbled, then perked up when she remembered she’d brought her ghost hunting equipment. This was the perfect opportunity to break it out!
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sugahbunnies · 1 year
Your brittle nails are picking at your cracked knuckles, trying to calm yourself down when your doctor comes back with your blood tests.
"I mean, you're doing well but I'm scared you'll bleed intensely one day" She explains, pulling the tip of the pen across the stack of papers in her hand.
"If I die because of that, will it be painful?"
You shoot her a dirty look, shrugging your shoulders.
"Okay? Not so bad then".
So she gives you extra supplements again, and she tells you the same things she told you about a month ago.
To eat your fruits and vegetables, and to take vitamins twice a day. All this is beginning to irritate you but what could you do? Not follow your doctor's instructions and suffer? Yeah right, you still have bigger things to do.
You start thinking about Saiki, Kaidou and Nendou. Along with all the other friends you made the past two months and even though it's been a short time, you truly felt at ease with them.
For the time being you decide to still not tell them just in case they begin treating you differently. Even though Kaidou has already been treating you like a kid, you did not want it to spread to your friends.
You leave the building, calling Aren's number and tapping your foot anxiously against the cement.
"Hey kid" His voice booms into your ear, and you roll your eyes playfully as if he could see you.
"Pick me up?"
"Be right there".
Saiki is not excited about the occasion about to occur in his quiet household. His parents had left to go see a concert. Seriously, did they not think about him and how he is going to be tormented by you when you came over?
The teacher had allowed Saiki to basically use your list as his, it’s like she doesn't even care about the actual assignment. She just wants an excuse to not teach for the next 5 months. Although, she did mention that you had to document such a project in either paper or video tapes.
Whatever, Saiki thinks. It won’t be too bad, plus Y/n hasn’t been too bad the past few days.
Once he hears the doorbell ring, he has to compose himself in order to not start treating you as if you are a pest. Plus, he knows you hate being a burden. I mean, hiding your condition when you’re clearly not okay? He often sees you as a people pleaser in a way, but not in a negative light. More like you hate to make people upset but you don’t exactly let people walk all over you either.
He opens the door to your tired self, your dry hand clinging onto a grocery bag with all sorts of baking items. You wave at him with a huge grin, letting yourself in and placing the bag in Saiki’s arms without asking.
“No manners still, I see” He shakes his head in disapproval, watching you take your shoes off and sliding over the clean wood towards the kitchen.
“Whatever Ku, yo your floor is pretty slick, you clean?” You peep your head into the fridge, grabbing the icecream drumsticks from Saiki’s arms and putting them into the freezer. He shakes his head again. “Actually my mom did it so .. can we just get this over with?”.
He dumps the items on the counter, except for the eggs because that would be a disaster. He hates disasters, which is ironic since his whole life has been disastrous. Especially since you came into the picture. He glances over at you and sees that you are already opening cabinets, your sticky hands grasping the necessary objects for the baking session.
Saiki comes up behind you, his sudden voice making you jolt. “You bake? You seem to know what you’re doing”. You shake your hand side to side, indicating that you don’t even know much. “I just use box mixes, so it’s nothing much” You explain, walking over to the oven and going, “Huh?”.
“Never seen an oven before?” Saiki asks you, but only this time he sounds actually serious. You follow his fingers as he pushes buttons to start preheating the oven. You shoot him a look of amusement, an annoying “Ahem” coming out of you.
“What is it now?”
“You’ve baked before?”
“So that’s a yes”
“It’s a maybe”.
You peer into the recipe book that you had stored away in your house closet, the dust making you and Saiki sneeze. “Bless you” You both say in unison, and with a smile you giggle at him. He’s not mildly delighted, but you could tell he found it funny by the way he scrunches up his nose. Silence falls upon you both as you read the recipe together, his hand holding up the right side of the book. While your fingers crinkled the thin pages on the left book cover. Your eyes follow to his hands, to his arm and then to his eyes. Complete focus is strained in his eyes and you realize that he is actually taking this seriously.
You give your head a little smack, picking up the recipe where you left off. He nods, dropping the book which catches you off guard and you struggle a bit to pick it up.
Saiki hands you a metal bowl, and you begin the first part of the recipe without his assistance. Which makes him think that maybe you're not so stupid after all. He stirs the second set of the ingredients. Fifteen minutes fly by, the whisking hurting your arm and you're actually terrified you might pass out from how fatigued you are. Fainting in front of your classmate who couldn't care less? Embarassing.
As your whisking slows down, it catches Saiki's attention and he decides to read your thoughts for insight.
Okay so they're tired annnd … Ok I know I'm harsh but I'm not too bad to not care if they faint.
He finishes up his bowl and decides to combine yours and his ingredients as said in the scrunched up book. Your gaze is totally set on the coffee jelly machine sitting on the dining table, your whisking coming to halt. He slowly grabs the bowl from you and begins completing the dough.
"I got it on sale, supposedly" He announces to you, glancing at you and realizing your eyes are glimmering with curiosity. He decides to tell you no immediately.
"No, we can't make coffee jelly". Your shoulders slump in defeat, pouting like a little kid being denied ice cream. You did act like a kid sometimes and that somehow gave Saiki comfort. Seeing his childhood was full of chaos after another, he felt warm whenever you show your childish traits.
Except for your whining, of course.
"Just put the dough in balls, like this" Saiki instructs you, your wandering hands realizing Saiki took your whisk. You follow his steps, your dough balls coming out lumpier than expected.
"Jeez Saiki, you could be on that British baking show!" You babble. "With your skills you could totally be like .. second place!"
Saiki shoots you an annoyed look, setting down the last dough on the parchment paper. "You're over here praising me about my skills and you say I could only win second?"
"Yeah! Second is good too, I always thought its just as good as first" You explain, giving him a smile and powdering his nose with flour.
He blinks at you, throwing a handful of flour to your face. The cloud of sprinkling white attacks your face and hair. Huffing out, the remaining flour on your mouth reaches Saiki's face.
His face remains stoic, a sigh falling from his lips as he sticks the pan inside the hot oven. You giggle when he faces you again, his fingers scraping at his face to clean it off.
Wetting a paper towel, you gingerly drag the wetness across his cheek. Collecting the flour off his face, Saiki's brows knit together. Lightly grabbing your wrist, he pushes it down to your side.
"Don't touch me, hmf" He drops your wrist, your face softening in expression. "Okay, yeah". You look over his shoulder to see there is about forty minutes to kill until the cookies are fully baked.
You both sit on the couch, your bottom on the edge of the couch's end as Saiki made it clear he wants you far from him. Therefore, you simply just granted his wish.
Finally after prickling moments of static noise, because the television is not working so well at the moment, you get up.
Planting your feet in front of Saiki and your hands behind your back, you try to form your sentence before he stops you.
Which he does.
He gets up and is a little too close to you for his comfort, but he just shakes his head.
"Whatever you're thinking, I am thinking the answer is no" He promises, pushing your shoulder with his index finger. You lean closer with a stupid grin spread across your face.
"Go out with me".
Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone else, that was the worst thing you could ever do in a boy's house. Especially when said boy has no actual interest in you as a friend or even simply a human.
You both play with your hands as you awkwardly sit on opposite sides of the couch. You cringe at the past occurence that just happened, the way Saiki's face turned more bored. The way he shook his head and said "Never, even if you're the last person in this life, no".
Plus, your even cringier response to that really put the icing on the cake. "In your next life I'll be your first date". Which made Saiki study your failed attempt at asking him out, and he still said no.
So there you are, waiting for the oven to ding and it's been like what? Thirty five minutes and you had about five more to go.
"My bucket list" You start off, your fingers tangling themselves as you nervously chew your lip. Saiki just hums, indicating he hears you and that you should continue before he ignores you again.
"Drive in movie, like a date, thats what I meant" You choke on your spit, coughing it up but Saiki seems to be deep in thought.
Ugh movies are a pain, people think too much during them so it'll be boring. Although ..
He turns to you, a ding setting off in the background but pretends he doesn't hear it.
I guess I can put on my germanium ring to avoid spoilers but .. why are their thoughts so frazzled?
He's referring to your thoughts, he can pick out your rushed sentences such as "Shit, wait if Saiki actually hates me", "He'll reject this oh man oh man".
He exhales deeply, knowing what he has to do.
"I'll go out with you".
Your eyes light up, scooting closer to him but he backs up.
"Not a date, got it?"
You nod, skipping away to the kitchen while singing. "If our loveee is tragedy why are you my remedyyy?". He groans quietly, a small smile creeping up on his face but he dismisses it.
They're such a kid, I mean jeez how old is that song?
Happily taking the cookies out of the oven, you share about four cookies between you and Saiki. With that, you also take out the ice cream you had bought for you both. You go ranting about kangaroos, and how inside their pouches aren't actually fluffy. Saiki couldn't help but stare at the vanilla collecting at the ends of your mouth. Though, he finds it endearing.
Saiki just nods, munching on the warm cookies and leaning against the counter.
Day one with Y/n, check.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Twelve: Kineshi Hairo, in Search of Lumber
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Summary: Being a psychic is not an ideal life, at least for Saiki Kusuo. Didn’t you read/watch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K to know that? Still, this isn’t about him, not really. Instead, let’s focus on his one and only friend, Akari Watanabe, who is also quite abnormal. You might not believe that Saiki would actually have a friend, but that’s what fanfictions are about, right?  
Word Count: 2771
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SCHOOL IS JUST AS NORMAL AS USUAL for the superpowered teens. Though we all know the drill by this point. The normal day will quickly become abnormal because the timeline dictates it or MJ gets bored. Of course, this time she was too lazy to write an original chapter, so we’re sticking to the anime, even if this isn’t her favorite episode or anything. Looks like you’ll just have to deal with it.
Currently, Akari and Kusuo were walking down the school hallway during their break. Though on their way they observed a girl having quite a hard time carrying a heavy box.
The girl grunted, “This is heavy…”
She was just about to fall but her savior was there to catch her and the box. “Watch out! Are you okay?” It is Kineshi Hairo! “Where are you bringing these to?”
“To the teacher’s room,” the girls answered.
Kusuo and Akari watched the interaction from down the hallway, “Kineshi Hairo. He is a central figure of our class committee.” He commented, “His kindness and leadership have won the trust of most classmates. However…”
“Wait!” Hairo exclaimed before scurrying off to a few feet away from the girl, “Carry them here! Humans become stronger when they push their limits!” The girl did just as he said with a little bit of difficulty as Hairo encouraged her,  “Come on! Keep it up! Push yourself harder! Good work!” The girl eventually made it to him and handed him the box. 
Kusuo deadpanned, “His energy can also make him a bit annoying.”
‘Sometimes it’s good to be optimistic,’ Akari said as they watched Hairo with raised eyebrows, ‘though usually there’s a time and a place for it. He’s just… always like this.’
“Nice! All right!” Hairo cheered before taking the box and placing it behind his back, “I will do my best, too. I will hop to the teacher’s room!” He then decided to make it much harder for himself and started to bunny hop his way to the teacher's room with the box behind his back. It’s almost impressive how he can do that. I certainly could do that… I need to get more fit...
“He is tough to others, but he is tougher to himself.” Kusuo stated as they watched him, “As a result, his classmates follow him.”
Hairo started to pass by an open classroom door, drawing the attention of a bunch of classmates. “Look at Hairo,” a student exclaimed.
A different student fist-pumped, “I want to hop, too!”
“I will join in even if I have nothing to carry.” Another student cried out.
So now not only was Hairo bunny hopping down the hallway but there were a few others following in his footsteps. The super-powered teens watched them go as Hairo shouted, “Teacher’s room, I am coming for you!”
‘His boundless energy gives me the creeps sometimes.’ Akari said with a small shiver as they watched the group jump away, ‘How can one person be so energetic?’
Kusuo nodded his head slightly, “I don’t dislike him, but I don’t think we will get along.”
Akari huffed lightly, ‘Eh, you might get along. You just won’t give him the chance.’
Her friend turned his dull eyes down to her, “You know that’s not true.” She just shrugged her thin shoulders in consideration. It’s not like Kusuo actually went out of his way to make friends. Really the only person that he had actively tried to befriend was Akari and he had done that when they were much younger. He certainly wasn’t looking for friendship now. Why would he? He’s already got Akari so there’s no need for any annoyances in his life that could distract him from her or anything that actually matters in life.
Though she thought it over, Hairo’s personality certainly wouldn’t mesh well with either her or Kusuo. She grimaced slightly, ‘Maybe a little bit.’
“Did you know this, Saiki?” Hairo asked as he followed the pair of superpowered teens down the hallway, “When humans sleep, we produce about 300 milliliters of sweat.”
It is later in the day, well, an unspecified amount of time. It’s kind of hard to tell just how much time has passed in these animes. Whatever. It was probably just after school ended.
Kusuo side glanced at him, hoping that he would just walk away sooner or later and leave them alone. “That is so random.”
“The sports festival is coming up,” Hairo explained, “We are building the entrance. But my helper Kudo caught a cold.”
Akari could just imagine what it was like when his helper told him that. No doubt, he had tried to convince him to help him regardless and about him giving up because of his illness. 
The pink-haired psychic stared at Hairo with a mixture of disgust and disbelief, “Are you a monster?”
“Why not ask someone else to help you?” Akari’s wispy voice asked Hairo, “What if we’re busy?”
“Oh, Watanabe,” he barely jumped at her appearance. He just smiled wider at her, “you can help out too!”
“...Did you just ignore what I said?” She asked him plainly.
Though Hairo didn’t answer and just continued on as he led the two towards a classroom. “It’s almost done. We just need to connect the base to the arch. So could you help…” He slid the door open only to find that the archway was completely destroyed. How did it even get like this? I’m blaming Nendo for no reason other than he’s an idiot. He may not be in this episode, but he could have done this. “No! Base! You were fine yesterday! Base! Speak to me! Base! Don’t give up!”
“You can’t motivate inanimate objects.” Kusuo deadpanned as they watched the class representative fuss over the destroyed arch. Akari raised an eyebrow as Hairo continued to shout at the destroyed arch as if he were motivating a student. She truly thought that some of her classmates were insane, and Hairo is no exception. Kusuo then turned, “Good grief. The three of us can’t fix this. We’re going home.”
“Wait, Saiki! Watanabe!” Haiku called out desperately to them. They lazily turned back to him and found the class representative flashing them a large, encouraging smile. “Let’s try our best! If we hurry, we can catch the last train home!”
Kusuo scowled, “Just let us leave.”
Though the pair did end up sticking around with Hairo to help him out a bit. Akari had a feeling that it had to do with Kusuo not actually wanting to say no to Hairo, but if she said that out loud, he’d probably get annoyed with her. Then again he’s always annoyed, so nothing new.
Hairo was running around the room using his fiery passion to try and get the work done as fast as possible. “Okay! I can do it!” He was sawing away at some wood quite passionately, “I can! Never give up! Never!”
“Shut up,” Kusuo groaned from his own corner as he and Akari worked a bit. Well, I say work, but Kusuo was actually trying to do a little bit of work while Akari kind of just watched. She’s not the handiest kind of person, to be honest. “Why am I doing this?”
Akari raised an eyebrow with her eyes gleaming a little bit with mischief, “Because you can’t say no?” Kusuo glared harshly at her with a click of her tongue. Though all she did was giggle lightly into her hands.
“Never give up!” Hairo shouted.
Surprisingly, Kusuo grabbed a hammer and started to work with it, only for it to break thanks to his powers. He stared at it for a moment, “It’s hard to control my strength.”
“No! How can this happen?” Hairo shouted out, which caused Akari to cringe, “We don’t have enough materials!”
Kusuo side-eyed Hairo, “Is he giving up?”
“I’ll go get some more.” Well, he made up his mind quite fast. Doesn’t he have to get home or something? Why is he so desperate to get this done?
Kusuo eyes him tiredly, “Just give up.”
“You two, keep up the good work!” He exclaimed with a thumbs up before sprinting out of the room, “All right!”
“What a pain. We can just leave, but I don’t want to be lectured tomorrow.” Akari and Kusuo then both imagined how Hairo would chew them out tomorrow if they did just disappear. Kusuo then used his powers to assemble the beginning of the archway. “It’s much easier if I don’t use the mallet or saw. But it may look suspicious. I’ll just read until he comes back.” Once he finished he sat down on a box and pulled out a book to read to pass the time.
Akari sighed and whined, “I could be taking a nap right now.”
“Just take one now,” Kusuo said, not even glancing up to her.
She glanced over at him with her sharp yellow eyes, “Will you be alright?”
Kusuo slowly raised his eyes to look over at her. They narrowed slightly as he took in the expression on her face. He didn’t really know what to think of this. Why she was so concerned about him over the littlest of things. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know… Whatever, I’m going to sleep.” So Akari cuddled up with her bag as a pillow and laid down not too far away from Kusuo. It didn’t take that long for her to start lightly snoring. She truly was far more tired than she would have thought. Though then again, it doesn’t take much for her to actually fall asleep. She could fall asleep just about anywhere at any time. Akari is constantly sleepy. Mood.
So while she fell asleep, Kusuo kept an eye on her. It’s not like she was going to go somewhere, so why was he watching over her. Hmm, curious. It’s not like seeing her peaceful, porcelain face as she let out soft snores calmed him in some way. Or that he believed that she looks quite adorable like this. No, of course not. Hell would freeze over before he would openly admit anything like that. Though it seems like it was starting to become a little bit chilly down there.
Time passed and soon enough the sky started to become a mixture of orange and yellow as the sun disappeared. Even though all this time, Akari continued to sleep soundly. She’s a deep sleeper after all. The shadow-manipulator can sleep through just about anything! And even as time passed, Kusuo continued to keep an eye on her. So sweet!
“He is late.” Kusuo commented, “What is he doing? It is unlikely that he is being lazy. I’ll search for him. Clairvoyance.” His eyes then crossed as he looked for Hairo. He ended up finding him but he was in a bit of a peculiar situation. “There he is. What is he doing? What? Where did he find that?” Apparently, Hairo was walking around the neighborhood with a large log tied to his back as he tried to lug it back to school. “If you can’t buy wood at a store, just accept that.” Though it turns out that Hairo didn’t want to just leave Kusuo by himself, even though that’s exactly what the psychic wants. “I’m fine. Give up.” The log is also covered in fungi, Hairo came to find out. “What’s wrong? Throw it out.” There was then a scream as the door busted open with Hairo hanging onto the log that slid into the room. “You slipped.”
“Sorry for the delay!” Hairo gave Kusuo a thumbs up with a dazed expression, “We can finish this by dawn now!”
“No, you can finish it sooner than that.” A voice said from the doorway as some students came into the classroom.
“What?” Hairo questioned as they turned to the newcomers, “Why are you here?”
One of the boys smiled, “We were at practice, and we saw you sliding on that log.” 
“You always help us,” someone else said.
A different, no-named character exclaimed, “Let us help you!”
“All right! Let’s do this!” Hairo was just about in tears at the show of teamwork from his fellow students. He jumped up, “Let’s huddle up!”
“Go team!” They all cheered.
Kusuo just eyed them in boredom, “Don’t huddle. Just get right into it.”
So they all set off to work together as the sun disappeared and the moon illuminated the sky. A couple of the students worked together to clean the log Hairo got, “Get rid of the fungus!”
They then worked on cutting it, “I’m cutting it!”
A student kicked another boy who was sitting on the ground, “Don’t just sit there!”
Even Hairo worked his hardest, obviously, which ended up with his pants falling down again and his butt hanging out. It wouldn’t be a true Hairo appearance in this anime without his pants falling down for some reason.
After the quick montage of all of the students working together and Kusuo making sure that no one bothered Akari, they finally got it done. “It’s done!”
“It looks great!”
Everyone cheered at their accomplishment, “Good grief.” Kusuo said, “It took a lot of time to finish it. Normal humans have it rough. Well, it’s not bad to do something like this from time to time.” Whoa, did he just admit to actually not finding this annoying? What the-
“By the way,” someone said, “why are you preparing for the sports festival now? It is still a month away.”
Kusuo looked up, “What?”
“What are you saying?” Hairo smiled as if unbothered at the reminder, “A month goes by fast!” Every student in the room blanched, which the fiery guy didn’t even notice.
“I knew it. We’ll never get along.” Everyone then started to sluggish shuffle out of the classroom. After all, all of them were just about completely tired now. Add in the fact that it was nighttime now and everyone was in need of some sleep. Speaking of sleep, Kusuo walked over to Akari who was still napping even though all of the work. He knelt down to her level and nudged her slightly, “Akari.”
She just burrowed herself underneath the sweatshirt that had magically appeared at some point while she was sleeping(*cough* Kusuo’s sweatshirt *cough*) that was used as a makeshift blanket. “Hmm…”
Kusuo sighed tiredly, and nudged her once again, this time brushing away her inky hair to get a better look at her porcelain face, “Get up.”
“Oh…” She yawned cutely and rubbed her eyes, “are they done?” She glanced around the room to find that it was just the two of them left and the archway was completely done. Akari is impressed with it actually being done.
Her friend's eye twitched at the reminder of the fact that he had just wasted his time with the arch. “Yes, now let’s go home.”
He helped her get up from the floor and grabbed her things for her as they started to leave the classroom. Akari yawned once again, seeing that it was night outside, “Oh, it’s quite late.” Her soft voice commented as they headed out of the school, “I guess I’ll have to stay up a bit late to do homework.” She pouted lightly.
Kusuo sighed, “I’ll help you out with it, just stay over.”
Akari tilted her head as her sleepy eyes stared at him inquisitively. It’s not a foreign concept for Akari to sleepover at the Saiki house or vise versa. However, they’ve done it less and less ever since they started high school. Most likely because, as much as neither of them commented on it, they were awkward teens. Even if they are best friends, sleeping in the same bed like they did as kids is a bit weird for them now.
“Oh,” she coughed, “all right…”
So that night they both headed to Kusuo’s house, of course after Akari told her parents and grabbed her clothes. Kusuo’s parents were more than welcoming of Akari sleeping over. They did have to embarrass the two teens a little bit(“Keep the door open, Ku-kun!~”), but it was pretty much fine. They worked together on their homework for a while, ate some food, and then got ready for bed. Kusuo, surprisingly and shockingly, gave up his bed for Akari to sleep on while he made a place to sleep on the floor. So the pair fell asleep like that. Neither of them admitted out loud that they were both… anxious(?) about sleeping over like this since they haven’t done it since they were young. Oh, well.
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terraflame25 · 1 year
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There's the potential for power, then there is power itself. What would you use it for, if not to fight for tomorrow? Saiki, fueled with the power of creation and destruction itself.
Do I need a reason?
A blast of wild arcane energy ripped through a revenant. A fist burst through the torso of another.
In this brief respite, Saiki wipes her hands clean of black blood, but to no avail. Her hands continue to be stained black. and so does the void she feels inside herself.
What she draws power from rests behind her, its dead form laying still, but even so, Saiki felt it watching her. Felt HIM watching her.
"I know you are aware of my awakening, why do you ignore me still?"
Ignore him she did, her attention turning instead to yet another revenant, its form disintegrating with a surge of storm mana.
"Why are you doing this?"
She ignored his question again, her fist crackling with power as it ripped another revenant asunder.
"Who are you doing this for?"
Once more, she remained silent as her kick cleaved through several more revenants.
"Why do you fight?"
Another brief respite, and finally the dead Tenthaian turns around to face him with a solemn expression.
"Because it's all I can do."
The eye watching her turned its gaze away. "You remind me of somethi-, no. Someone."
"And who might that be?"
"I am certain you are familiar with him."
"Him? I know no men, whom do you mean?"
"Your language...is so limited. Yet it was I who installed those very limits, so perhaps I am to blame. His name is Lokii."
Her break in focus costed her, as a blade found itself impaled through her belly, but she simply pulled it out, and destroyed her assailant. Saiki felt no pain, but she felt...loss.
"You both have no need to fight, yet you choose to pick up arms against fate. Why?"
In the darkness and suffocating cold of this dead universe, in the ever ensuing onslaught from life long past, Saiki continues to defend herself again and again, continuing to fight and continue her mission.
"Because it's all I can do."
The dead being behind her watched as she gracefully brought down adversary after adversary, and he was reminded again of Lokii.
"Lokii was meant to be an observer, much like what I am forced to do now. I can no longer access the strength needed to do anything else, but you, perhaps you can."
Another brief respite, a moment to think in the eternal battlefield.
"What do you mean, All-Father?"
"You lack what makes you whole, I shall fill in the cracks, and perhaps we can fight as one. I refuse to accept not understanding why it is you continue your futile battle. I will aid you, and I will learn. That will be our transaction."
"I- I would be honoured..."
"Words are worthless without action, your "god" proved that to me long ago. So now, go on. Take my strength, and fight."
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