#she needs…someone who isn’t gonna be real masculine
fluffydice · 5 months
One big difference between Aiura and Teruhashi is that I think Aiura could be comfortable either sitting on someone’s lap or having someone sit on her lap, but Teruhashi deep down would only feel 100% at ease if someone was sitting in hers, not the other way around
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newhologram · 2 months
”he/she/they” and wears female clothing all the time
Oh no, you caught me being femme! The worst crime!! How dare I be comfortable being feminine no matter where my gender lands on a given day. Quick, run, hide! I’ve been found out! Gender expression isn’t the same as gender identity, silly goose. You thought this was such an epic slam dunk on me but you’ve just embarrassed yourself by announcing how little you actually understand about anything at all. 😭 That’s okay though, I really love teachable moments like this. Thank you for the opportunity for me to give my followers the vocabulary needed for these kinds of interactions. So, duh, but being queer takes tremendous fortitude and thick skin for many reasons. Even coming from a place of privilege (born and raised in Los Angeles, not the kind of visibly queer that gets me in dangerous situations, etc), I went through multiple un-fabulous “coming-outs” since age 12, because you never really just come out once. (The Merry-Go-Round of Coming Out🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️) I get comments like this both from actual transphobes or from people within my community accusing me of being a “transtrender”, questioning my validity based on how I look, my body, my fashion sense (which is lit, but okay? Sorry it upsets you?), my pronouns, etc, blah blah. The point is, I did not spend 30 years on this earth coming back to myself for a pitiful little anon like this to invalidate my entire lived experience. (The transphobes found my channel! 😱 Let's challenge them 🏳️‍⚧️ sex ≠ gender) And that’s a hard boundary in all of my relationships, online or offline: My lived experience with my gender, my body, my Self, is not up for debate. Period. So I’m not here to try to convince you that I’m Legit! I’m Actually Trans and Genderfluid, Please Believe Me or I’ll Just Die! I could try until I’m blue in the face and it wouldn’t matter to someone so miserable that they get mad at me over being comfortable with my own femininity. (Weird thing to get mad at an enby for? I serve cunt even on my low-spoon days and you’re mad? Are you okay?? If you have a therapist, this is something that could be worth investigating.) Let’s break it down:
1. You take issue with me being an all pronouns cutie.*But why? Is there something wrong with not having a fixed sense of gender? Because if I were AMAB, I’d be… the same. I’d also be all pronouns and I’d also be cute as fuck in things considered feminine. My experience with gender is fluid, it’s not something I can pin down or grasp or even really explain well. And that’s okay, because it’s not clear-cut for everyone. I love the mystery of it. Embracing it has been a huge part of coming home to myself. I don’t express in masc ways very often, it’s definitely more subdued, but uh… If you think that the only Real Trans Way is to like go totally 180 on the expression, then thaaaat’s weird and not even true to most people’s experiences. (Obviously since tomboys and femboys exist who aren’t trans.) I wasn’t feminine growing up. I wasn’t comfortable with it for a million different reasons. So coming to a place of gender euphoria with myself has been about reclaiming femininity on my terms. Not because it’s being forced on me as the “correct” gender expression but because it’s just who I am. I’m a fairy princess and I’m not gonna “try to be more masculine” so understimulated troglodytes like you will accept me. This is actually a common experience with a lot of AFABs! So many trans men become drag queens or finally feel comfortable being feminine once they’re out or starting transition. It’s a thing. *(Journaling prompt: Are you insecure? Does it trigger some kind of wound in you to see me live the way you’re too afraid to even try, even if you’re not queer/trans? This is often the case when people accuse me of having “fake pronouns” or being a transtrender. A lot of projection. The brain goes “if I were like them, I’d get hate for it! So I’m gonna send them hate!” I cannot imagine such misery. Please be free.) 2. “Wears female clothing” Hold up. Clothes are not sexed, so I assume you mean “feminine” clothing. Even then… Do you think that someone has to dress every which way in accordance with pronouns? This may be an education deficit on your part, which can be corrected with effort if your empathy or desire to be a better person ever exceeds your IQ. (Sorry, T got me sassy today.) 3. “All the time” – Oh, are you, like… in my room right now? Do you go to work with me? Errands? So you see what I’m wearing literally all the time? You would totally know what I wear all the time! Come on. You gotta admit this is pretty silly. It’s like when random guys on set would tell me, “You know, you look way better without all that makeup.” HUH? SIR? Were you in my room this morning before I beat this mug? No? Then what the hell are you talking about? So… My big question that I don’t expect an answer to is: Just what do you want me to do? Do you want me to ONLY be cool with all pronouns if I’m ONLY very distinctly presenting in more extremes of any gender? What’s the gender checklist that would make You Personally Comfortable with Me? Do you want me to completely drop he/they because I’m so pussy power? Orrr what? What’s your endgame for sending an anon like this? Or was it something you just did in the moment to try to offset whatever internal discomfort you’re battling? Because all you did was remind me of how far I’ve come. Maybe 10 years ago this kind of anon would’ve sent me back into the closet, because it was still so fucking hard to be out and proud as genderfluid in the 2010’s. The kind of invasive and invalidating shit I had to deal with on a daily basis was wild. Because no, I don’t want surgery, no, I’m not transitioning. I’m just me. Whoever’s reading this, wherever you’re at: this is also a good reminder of why it’s important to love yourself. And to get therapy. Because good lord, anon, if you haven’t tried it, PLEASE. There are options out there. I want you to not be this miserable.
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ilovemenoverfifty · 1 year
Copybat Ch. 1
Bale!Bruce Wayne x Trans!OC
(Victoria October is a canon trans woman in the Batman comics, although I know nothing about her. My oc only shares a name and the fact she's trans) Disclaimer: I've only seen the Dark Knight Trilogy and the plot is solely based off of that and my own ideas. I hope y'all like how I captured Bruce Wayne. This is set in the time of "The Dark Knight"
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Ever since reports of the Batman, the controversy, and the good he’s done for Gotham, Victoria has been full on obsessed. She’s not just any fan of his either. She’s studied his actions, methods, and ideals. Victoria understands the character of the Batman under the mask. 
There are times when the real Batman isn’t there, though, and people need him. Sure, there have been Batman copycats, but she’s going to rise above them. Victoria will be the second Batman that Gotham needs.
For days on end, she would lock herself in her home office, building her suit, 3D printing her cowl, crafting her weapons, and choosing how to present herself. Victoria doesn’t have the body of the Batman, but she can make herself look and sound masculine enough to appear as a male. Days turn into weeks until she’s finally completed the armour and costume.
Other than crafting, she’s been on autopilot, doing the bare minimum to take care of herself. She was completely focused on this project.
It was the first day back to her normal life and Victoria decided to start off strong. Before heading to work, she had worked out and she was on her way to a coffee shop. A larger man bumps into her, slamming her into a wall.
“Hey! Watch it you asshole!!” She almost screams at him, not noticing his size. Victoria’s eyes widen, noticing how much taller than her he is. She’s by no means short, but this man was almost twice her height.
“The fuck didja just call me?” He asks, punching her in the face, sending her harder into the wall and pulling her by her shirt collar. She’s frozen in fear, trying to get someone’s attention. A few people give her sympathetic looks, but no one does anything to help.
“Nothing, I’m sorry,” She squeaks. The thug stares her down for a quick second.
“Got any money on you?” Victoria nods, pulling her wallet out of her blazer pocket. She fumbles through the cash she has.
“How much?” She barely whispers.
“Just gimme the wallet and I’ll forget this happened.” He snatches the wallet from her hand, throws her back, hard, causing her to black out for a minute. When she comes to, her mind is racing a million miles a minute, unable to focus on or hear anything. She had been so confident about her fighting skills before, so why couldn’t she fight back now?
 After what seemed like hours, she heard a voice trying to get her attention.
“Are you okay?” He asks. She comes back to reality when she clearly hears a snap of two fingers. In front of her, a familiar concerned man who she couldn’t quite place in her current mental state. The two are in an alley and he’s holding her up as if he were a crutch.
“Yeah…um,” She holds her head with one hand. “I think.”
“I called an ambulance, it should be on its way.”
“No, no,” Victoria shakes her head, moving to stand up straight. Getting slammed into the wall left a nasty bruise on her shoulders and she sucks her teeth when she feels the pain. “You didn’t have to.”
“You have a concussion and need treatment.”
“I don’t have a concussion,” She insists, shaking her head. “I’m fine…”
“I need you to follow my finger with your eyes. Can you do that?” He asks, ignoring her denial. Victoria nods. “Tell me if you get a headache while doing so.” He moves his hand back and forth, and she follows it for a few seconds. Her head starts to hurt a lot, and it shows on her face. “Alright, I’ll stop. Do you remember your name?”
“Of course I remember my name,” She chuckles slightly. “It’s um…” She thinks for a minute. “Victoria… I think.”
“Alright, Victoria… Do you at least have someone you can call?”
“My boss is gonna kill me…” She groans, hardly in the right state of mind. “I need to let him know… that I won’t be in today…”
“Victoria, look at me,” He gently commands. She does so, only now realising who’s helping her.
“You’re… Bruce Wayne…” She points at him.
“That’s right,” He nods. “And I’m taking you to the hospital where you’ll get treatment for your concussion. I need you to stay awake.” Victoria is hardly listening, trying her best to stay conscious.
“You know my boss,” Her thoughts are few and far between.
“Who’s your boss? I need you to stay awake.” He asks, trying to keep her conscious, genuinely worried about her health. She gives him a blank stare for a minute.
“Lucius…Fox….I think.” Victoria’s words are slurred. 
“Alright. I’ll talk to him. The paramedics are here. They’re going to help you.” Her world is going dark as she hears the faint sound of an ambulance siren in her ears. until she blacks out again.
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I…I have headcanons about their sexy times but they’re very disjointed and I shan’t sully this nice aka by going full x rated.
Ok, filth and philosophy below. 18+ as always on here folks
Well, in short. I feel like Benny Demarco is a savorer of flesh, as was mentioned before, ha. If some sorts of odd things might make yall wanna mock him, may I point to the door right now because Benny’s tastes are essential for making Lu comfortable in her skin again, and nobody said it was gonna be straight vanilla. She could get that in college so. Hold your piece or bail out now.
And please add your own thoughts guys, I wanna hear them. I don’t care how graphic, lol.
This man would find an elbow joint erotic if attached to the girl he loves. And weirdly, he can make her think of it that way too. Savoring. Literally doesn’t need her to take her clothes off to make her feel ravished in the best way. Kissing? He’s great at kissing, Lu loves the way he kisses her initially with only one hand gently anchored to her cheek and the other resting respectfully on the seat back.
His lips and tongue and gentle hums are everything to her and make her quake. His scent too, familiar but exciting. Just like him.
He don’t need his hands to make her drown in his kisses. But once he does use his hands?! Who needs penises? No really, Lu has to call Ida to ask if it’s possible to cum from someone kissing you and rubbing your biceps.
Ida isn’t sure but she knows a woman can come from a man licking her shoulder blades, don’t mind Rosie and his obsession with Ida’s sinewy back, it’s incurable
But it’s not just someone, it’s Benny. Only Benny can make Lu do that, but it certainly spices up earlier dating times when the girl feels so utterly romanced while not out of her comfort zone. Benny is a giver, gets high off giving to her and the realization that she trusts him with her literal healing in this way sometimes short circuits his masculine brain until he’s on cloud nine from that alone. It makes him feel like such a man, not at all the nightmare riddled shell of himself he sometimes thinks he is.
After awhile they do make it into each other’s underwear. As I’ve said before, I don’t think Talullah waits until marriage to do that. She needs to know before, the planned and restrictive schedule of a wedding night would throw her for a tailspin. Whatever her own convictions on the matter, Ida agrees and supports her in this, often kicking herself for not being braver with her own wants in the early days of her marriage to Robert.
Lastly, another note. Benny loves eating out, loves it. But he’s also the absolute king of rubbing his tip through her petals until she’s an absolute gushing wreck. And something about watching his olive hand with its jangling Catholic charmed bracelet round his beautiful wrist holding onto his cock with a firm grip and sliding it throughly the obscenely loud proof of her pleasure sends Lu into a lust filled haze of contended safety she never thought was possible in real life.
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campgender · 1 year
ROY KENT? toxic masculinity-roy fuckin kent? oh hell nah, sorry in advance, this is gonna be long, you just jinxed yourself mentioning that. ;_; whoever said that did NOT watch enough of that boy because his masculinity is beautiful and there's genuinely nothing toxic about it at all. like, we did not watch him suck all his bitchiness up to have a relationship with his girl just for him to get called toxic. not to mention...
FIRST on my list of his display's of butchness: this is Roy "I gave my girlfriend head while she watched a video of me crying my head off" fuckin Kent! Y'all are not gonna pin him for toxic masculinity, c'mon. If that ain't the most butch-ass shit I've ever heard of...
SECOND: I'd put a lot more weight into the suggestion of toxic masculinity if he'd stayed the way he'd been at the beginning of the show but this is a man who grew a fuck-ton even in just the first couple episodes, not to mention throughout the show (which I haven't finished).
He's not a bully, which is surprising for such a hyper-masculine character. Hair as far as the eye can see, with a beard, furry thighs and arms, a low growly voice-But for all his swearing and other foul language, he isn't a bully. He doesn't pretend, he says no, and he sets clear boundaries, but even with children who he has loads of power over, he's very careful to never cross the line into bullying. He jokes, clearly knowing the children, barking orders and playing ball. He has a niece and even though he doesn't understand the book wrinkle in time, he reads it to her and only after getting three quarters through does he go to ted to demand what the fuck its supposed to be about.
THIRD: the way sometimes he looses speech and yet he STILL. FUCKING. COMMUNICATES. beautiful. Which rolls straight into FOUR, which is the way he communicates! He's very clear, very blunt, obviously. But its not just that. Its how as we get to know Roy Kent, more and more, we see how when he gets overwhelmed or annoyed, he often steps back from the situation so that he doesn't blow his temper at someone he likes or someone who doesn't deserve it...which is very, dare I say it? chivalrous! Its not a word you think when you think of roy kent, but he is! He's chivalrous! He isn't quite comfortable around rebecca, think of early season 2, but when he sees she needs it, he tells her she deserves the goddamn world in a partner, not just "fine", and he didn't tell her that because he had to! Keeley would've left it and he could've gotten away with a minimal answer. He told her because she deserved to hear it and he knew that and he's a fucking kind person!
just like that time at the end of season 1 when he and keeley were photographed by that man and he stole the photos and then handed them to keeley and gave the man back his camera. he could've smashed the fuckin camera. he's exactly the type of person to smash the camera! but he didn't. why? because they cost a shit-ton of money and because he wanted keeley to have photos of their first date. ;_; its called CHIVALRY. which. is. BUTCH. AS. FUCK. need i go on?
roy kent's masculinity is beautiful, it's a joy to behold, it's butch as hell, thank you, i hope you don't mind me dropping an essay in your askbox, sorry abt that.
OH SHIT YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED IT. you haven’t seen what they did to my bestie in the finale 😭😭 how they MALIGNED his NAME — if you do watch it come hmu though bc holy shit am i still livid.
anyway. yes to all of this!!!!! especially how he communicates while also losing speech <3333 i get so fucking upset every time someone calls him repressed bc like. he literally isn’t!!! he’s very aware of & in touch with his emotions!!!!!!!!!! what he is is stoic & it’s bc 1) he’s autistic 2) y’all are assholes. like. i feel like fucking crying every time i think about the scene in s1 when he’s just been benched: keeley’s excited but kind of impatient “oh, so you are ready to talk about real stuff now!!” and the way it makes it seem like a bad thing for him to need some time to process. & then her really sarcastic & dismissive response when he says how scared he is of losing what the entire fucking country has made his sole identity:
I think men that feel sorry for themselves are so sexy. And if you start telling me how hard it is that you play a game for a living, I think I might come.
i see fucking red!!!!!!! the show multiple times (including in the finale) belittles his feelings and/or throws away his characterization and then treats that like a #Feminist moment. & like in the previous example, yeah keeley prompts phoebe to say how she sees roy & that’s a sweet moment, but keeley never actually apologizes or says how she sees or thinks of roy outside of sex.
& then in s3 honestly his apology letter to her made me feel ill. like there’s a difference between owning your shit — which i do think she deserved an apology for him breaking up with her out of nowhere — and saying everything is your fault. that’s not growth, that’s still self-hatred. and like i understand keeley was going through a lot but i don’t think it was fair to him for him to confess his love & her fuck him while like. presumably knowing she doesn’t want to get back together.
i’m also so fucking livid about the show comparing roy and FUCKING RUPERT????? in that scene, again for some sort of shallow #GirlBoss moment. fuck that fuck the writers fuck like most of the fan attitudes i’ve seen.
also the way the “roy is sorry for not understanding keeley” scene is played — yeah, he should’ve communicated better, but she just started yelling at him out of nowhere & revealed she’d been complaining about him being clingy to all their colleagues. and she never apologizes for not talking to him sooner & her bottling her feelings until she exploded at him???? instead he apologizes for doing….. something she’d never told him she had a problem with.
i’m working on a fic about this aspect but the show has no fucking sympathy for his becoming disabled and it’s so transparent. obviously ted lasso in general is really bad at acknowledging systemic issues — “just be a goodfish!!” :))) — it’s a liberal show & you should overcome adversity by individual work ie therapy & forgiving your oppressors. but like there’s literally no acknowledgment after that scene when he gets shut down by keeley in s1 of how ableism affects roy’s self-image.
as a disabled person whose mobility impairment started with a knee issue in sports, i also think the show did a fucking shit job with his disability in general. like they played it for a laugh — you might not have watched 3x11 yet so feel free to skip this paragraph but “i played injured all the time / you can’t go up stairs!!” followed by jamie still playing injured to, what, make a point about forgiveness?? shows how fucking seriously they took that, and roy was walking up stairs earlier in that very episode.
similarly, “everybody run to the bus… except roy!” earlier in s3 was an emotional moment for me bc like oh they’re acknowledging how this affects his life!! …..and then they showed him running (on pavement!!!) with jamie all the fucking time. like sure not every knee issue is the same as mine, okay, whatever, but either be consistent or throw in a line about him having a good day today or something. jesus fucking christ it’s so ableist & careless & disrespectful.
anyway my hot take is that as they’re written, keeley & roy shouldn’t be together not because, as brenden fucking hunt put it, “he has work he needs to do on himself first,” but because she doesn’t respect him & fundamentally you can’t make compromises with people who think how you are is wrong.
i do really like keeley especially in s1, i think a lot of this is fuck-ups on the writers’ parts that keeley were she a real person either wouldn’t have done or would’ve apologized for. but as it’s written? fucking yikes.
anyway that got really off track from your thoughts lol but i absolutely adored reading this, it was a delight & i would love to hear more any time 💓💓💓
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rpmemestorehouse · 1 year
Until Dawn Real-time Fandub Starters: Part 1
Change wording as needed
“Oh my Goood, it’s so fucking cold in herrrreee!”
“Are we seriously complaining about how cold it is right now?”
“Oho this is gonna be so fucking funny.”
“There better be some goddamn blankets in here.”
“Hey, I’m not a blanket but maybe I can keep you warm.”
“Whoa! That guy was straight-up looming! I wish I could loom like that...”
“You have pants?”
“You told me it was Shorts Sunday!”
“I heard there were pants in here!”
“It was for a prank video! Come on!”
“I gotta loom at somebody!”
“You’ll teach me how to loom, right?”
“I didn’t bring my phone! It was in my other pants!”
“This is a really long high-five...”
“Are you gonna laugh at me for wearing pants again?”
“Grab my stinky hand!”
“You see, that’s a joke there. I like to try and play a trick on people when they come into my office, lighten the mood a little.”
“My real name is [Own Name]. They got my name plate wrong.”
“Well, with my 10-step plan, I’ll be happy to go plumb the depths of your sad, scared little mind, and see what makes you...tick, as it were.”
“I noticed you don’t have much of a sense of humor.”
“I don’t speak corn.”
“Oh so NOW you’re a funny guy, huh?”
“It’s going to be a long, and arduous, couple of weeks.”
“Who talks to screens? Maybe you can! With this new video series.”
“I’m not gonna answer that. Not look like an idiot.”
“When those girls died? That was funny.”
“A Butterfly Affect appears when your actions have changed the narrative of the game.”
“I love Animal Crossing!”
“Check it out! I have this gun. It’s really really cool.”
“I’ve just been playing a lot of Among Us recently, I’ve just been really trying to get good at lying, but the thing is I yell so much so that they think I’m lying.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so hungry.”
“Where are we going, anyways? We, I-I was just kinda following, following you.”
“Are we going somewhere safe?”
“Why did you hit me?! That hurt so much!”
“I’m sorry, I’ve - I’ve been in jail, for a while.”
“Alright, just gotta make sure I packed all of my equipment. Uh, I packed the USB interface, I packed the...did I pack the shirt, or...”
“I gotta get the precision!”
“This is my Smash invitation, and frankly I deserve it!”
“You don’t have to butt in to every conversation.”
“Jesus. Everyone is so rude.”
“What is this, Rude Mountain?”
“I just got my lips unstuck.”
“I can’t believe you brought me all the way up here.”
“I’m here to be rude to people.”
“As a gamer, I know exactly all about Among Us.”
“ ‘Sus’ - it’s used when someone is suspicious.”
“I think I just want to, lay down, and sleep.”
“That’s pretty cringe of you, buddy!”
“They don’t, carry packages, I haven’t unlocked that skill yet.”
“Eh, you know what? I have two arms. So, I guess I can carry both of them at the same time.”
“You got the bag carry skill?!”
“It’s a very expensive perk.”
“Hey babe, you wanna go, and, record a vlog with me? In my expensive studio?”
“See, aren’t my pranks as good as Markiplier?”
“You better pay me back that fucking quarter.”
“Mmm, I love hugging. This is as far I as I know.”
“Wait wait when did they get the hugging perk? I haven’t gotten the hugging perk!”
“She won’t even hug me!”
“I wasted all my points on two-arming!”
“Yes, there’s, there’s a lot of grinding, I won’t say it’s worth it.”
“You see, that’s what I think of your problems as, they’re just some kind of joke.”
“Gender isn’t real.”
“I think you have some very strange misconceptions about, you know, publicly perceived notions about masculinity and femininity.”
“That’s the only reason I bought this metronome, is to make people feel bad about not being able to play the piano.”
“Your insurance isn’t covering these sessions, by the way.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I made it up to Rude Mountain, only to be discovered by, rude people.”
“I did not pack warm enough for this.”
“We can send like, aura to each other, y’know, like, uh, vibes.”
“You’re not believing the vibes? You’re not believing the aura?”
“And really I miss my Xbox more than anything, so...”
“[Console exclusive] is like the only good game on it!”
“Have you ever heard of the Kinect?!”
“I don’t guess, I know, I never guess anything, I know everything, I do the math.”
“Why am I getting hurt so much?! I think I’m okay, I think I just hurt all of my bones...”
*from the other room* “DID YOU SOLVE MY WOLVERINE PUZZLE?!”
“This is place is kinda big, and, cold.”
“I’ll show you what this two-hand perk can do!”
“Save the fight until I have the camera ready, okay?!”
“Hello? Are the recording demons out there? They always mess up my takes.”
“You should trust me, I have Gold Play Button from YouTube. That means a million subscribers.”
“Hey look at this! It’s a view!”
“Here, let’s take a picture!”
“Framing is not your strong suit.”
“I was born in a lab out of a tube.”
“I think you’re in the Corridor of the Monkey!”
“Next, you go to the Papaya Room and solve the puzzle!”
“I should have known coming to, Rude Mountain would have made you worse as a person.”
“If you throw that at me, I’m gonna flip my goddamn lid.”
“You want some snow, BITCH?”
“Oh shit they don’t have my bath salts here!”
“Water’s lookin’ a little green, that’s just the way I like it.”
“Hey [Name], did you make sure that the, that you put the mud in the pipes, right?”
“Did the ghosts take my friends again?”
“I’m actually half-ghost.”
“It’s the vibes. Once you get connected to the vibes, you kinda die.”
“Only if you ask *very nicely*, say please, and accept the Pact of the Vibes.”
“I’m kind of working on the Curse of Rude Mountain right now, I kind of want to dispel that so we’re not dicks to each other this whole trip.”
“Drama is necessary for content.”
“I had a fucking dragon egg in here, and they fucking stole it!”
“God I’m feelin’ the Rude Mountain effects.”
“Oh God why did I high-five with a scalded hand?!”
“[Name] you gotta be nicer to yourself.”
“You know, your self-deprecation’s not getting you nowhere.”
“We’re in Rude Mountain I’m not nice to anybody.”
“You gotta be nice to yourself or else it’s gonna get us!”
“I lost my hearing in the war, but I felt it.”
“Quickly, use a psychic blast on it!”
“I do dig the wizard robes you’ve got now.”
“I’m gonna level with you: I hate being the same room as you.”
“Aahh, hello patient. I see you must have woken up by about now.”
“You like philosophy, kid?”
“You ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?”
“I know a little place down by the bay...”
“This isn’t a proper Luigi board, I mean there’s no ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you can’t say ‘goodbye’ - you’re gonna get fucked if you can’t say goodbye to a ghost!”
“I can get fucked? FINALLY!”
“Well I’m the only one in the group who knows how to read, and that’s the only reason you invite me to your parties.”
“Could you read me another bedtime story please?”
“I got some Sonic comics, but uh, they’re Ken Penders era so it’s not gonna be very good.”
“I don’t think I can stay here. I’m a Gemini, and I know my vibes don’t go with Libros.”
“I can be as rude as I want and I can say it’s the mountain’s fault because we’re on Rude Mountain.”
“I don’t care about your agency.”
“I’m casting a hex on you now.”
“Oh, my god, I-I have so much trouble with doors.”
“Telling them the vibes made you do it won’t hold up in a court of law.”
“The nose is off.”
“Not like you’ve ever done anything on purpose in your entire life, you fucking hack.”
“Would you look at the time? It’s time for me to rip you a new one again!”
“I love runnin’ through the forest like a fuckin’ weirdo.”
“Would dropping be so bad? No, let’s go - ow it was bad!”
“The thrill of the hunt has gotten my adrenaline pumping high. I don’t feel any pain.”
“I didn’t see a single draugr in that cave!”
“Hey funny voice! Fuck off! Please!”
“It’s a Saw trap, you dumb piece of shit!”
“I will live on in the vibes!”
“Get your smelly, sweaty hand off of my fucking face.”
“Wow. We’ve had an uneventful day so far.”
“Are you charging a super attack [Name]?”
“You’re just not receptive to my methods.”
“So that’s it. Our partnership is over.”
“You had your chance. Go home.”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
omg i’m so excited i like,, spam read all of your writing and now i can request,,, anyway, could i request maybe something similar to your Tanaka x femboy reader, but with Oikawa? like he mistakes him for a girl and maybe flirts with the reader a little bit and the reader i just like ,,”you do,, you do realize i am a man correct” and hijinks ensue?? sorry if this is too vague i suck at describing things. lotsa love your writing is literally my favorite 💕
Omg wait Oikawa??? And femboy reader??? Hijinks???? Take me now—
Oikawa x reader - Oikawa Tooru Goes Both Ways
⚠️warnings - reader is mistaken and referred to unintentionally as a girl. I assure you, this is a male reader. Femboy reader, if that triggers you.
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Oikawa couldn’t help but stare as a...rather cute girl stepped into the gym.
“Oi! Shittykawa! Focus!” Iwaizumi was about to hurl a volleyball at Oikawa’s head when he caught sight of where he was staring. He looked from the newcomer, back to Oikawa’s eyes tracing their form up and down.
“Iwa-chan...” Oikawa held his breath as he pointed subtly. “Who is that?”
Iwaizumi looked over back to the intruder. Sure enough, some girl with (h/c) styled hair stood at the foot of the door awkwardly. They weren’t sporting the school uniform, instead wearing a skirt with a cafe apron tied around their waist. Oikawa recognized the cute logo on the somewhat dirty apron as the coffee shop he’d visit on days he wasn’t particularly busy.
All in all, this stranger was incredibly attractive.
Eventually, coach Irihata emerged from the storage closet, and motioned the stranger over. The stranger perked up, pulled out a slightly-wrinkled paper from their back, and timpered off into the office.
Oikawa sighed dreamily. “Iwa-chan...is this what I think it is? Are we fiiiiiinally getting a cute girl manager to manage our team?!”
He draped himself over Iwaizumi’s shoulders. “Aaaaah~! I’m so happy~! And it’s such a cutie too!”
“Get off me, dumbass. You have like...millions of girls throwing their panties at you, literally all that look like her. And you go for the one who decides to join our club?”
Oikawa huffed. “What’s so wrong about that! She’s cute! And she looked so shy standing there...aaaah, I’m swooning just thinking about wrapping her up in my arms-!”
“I’m saying,” Iwaizumi bonked Oikawa on the head. “If you manage to get with her, then break her heart, or at the very least make her uncomfortable, she’ll have to see your annoying face all day at practice, and then she won’t wanna be manager anymore! Because she has to see you!”
Iwaizumi pinched at Oikawa’s scalp. “I want a cute girl manager and to have them actually stay! And who knows? We get brownie points if it’s not another one of your fangirls trying to get in your pants by joining the club!”
“Ow! Mean Iwa-chan, bad!”
“I’m not a damn Pokémon-!” Iwaizumi was about to kick Oikawa in the back, before letting himself simmer down and take a deep breath. He lowered his legs, and turned towards the office door. “...I’m gonna go look at that girl’s application and see what class she’s in. Maybe we can, I dunno, make her a welcome basket of fruit or some corny shit like that.”
“Let me come with you-!”
“No! You’ll just scare her away, and you have cleaning duty! All you need to do is take down the net, and I’ll meet you outside when I’m done. If you be good, I’ll tell you her name.”
Oikawa thought about it for a second.
He disappeared to take down the net from the poles. Iwaizumi sighed, and walked towards the door. They were the only two left in the gym, as they were in charge of cleanup for the day, so no one else but him should be in the office. Well, minus the new girl and coach Irihata.
Iwaizumi slid open the door. “Yo.” He greeted. He looked around the room, only finding coach Irihata.
“...Didn’t someone come in here with you with an application form?”
Coach Irihata chuckled. “Oh, yeah,”
“He just wanted to drop in his member application before his part-time job made him go back to work.”
Iwaizumi froze.
“Yeah, he wanted to join the club as a (Position name). He’s not confident about his jumping or spiking abilities, but he claims to be really dang good at digging and receives.”
The two looked at eachother in silence. Wasn’t she-well, he—wearing a skirt? Now that he thought about it, everything about him looked like...well...a him, minus the skirt. Iwaizumi dashed to the table and picked up the application resting there peacefully.
‘(L/n) (Y/n) - 2nd year, class 4’
‘Position - (Position name)’
Iwaizumi scanned the page. He wanted to doubt this was the ‘cute manager’ they laid their eyes on, but they even had a school photo clipped onto the corner of the paper. Sure enough, that was him. His eyes eventually landed on something printed on the middle of the page.
‘Gender - male’
That proved it. The ‘cute girl manager’ Oikawa was just fawning over turned out to be a guy. And their future teammate, no less. Iwaizumi wanted to laugh in Oikawa’s face.
“Is there something wrong, Iwaizumi-kun?”
“Pfft-no! N-no, sirrrrr....” Iwaizumi set the paper down and walked out the the room, doing his best to keep in his snickers.
Oikawa jogged up to him excitedly once he stepped out of the gym. “So? Did ya find out her name? Her class? Is she our manager?”
Iwaizumi opened his mouth to say something, before letting his mouth clamp shut.
“Nah, coach said I couldn’t see it.”
He watched as Oikawa deflated, trudging his way over to the club room to change and go home. Iwaizumi did his best not to bust out laughing on the spot.
This should be fun.
“No, you stalker.”
“But Iwa-chaaaaaan!” Oikawa whined. “Why not?! Practice ended early, and we could use some coffee! Come buy coffee with me!”
“You just wanna use me as an excuse to see that bo-that girl who came into our club yesterday, idiot! That’s stalking! You’re acting like your little fangirls!”
Oikawa pouted, and Iwaizumi prayed he didn’t catch him on his little slip-up. He turned around, walking off out of school gates. Oikawa dejectedly trailed behind him.
“I’m going home. Don’t bother me if it’s about that manager again—“
Just then, a text tone pinged from Iwaizumi’s pocket. He stopped mid-sentence, fishing out his phone and opening his messaging app.
‘Mom - no ones going to be home because we have to go out real quick. The house is locked, and you left your spare keys with me again. Go out and have fun with Tooru-kun before I come back!’
Iwaizumi deadpanned. Oikawa had his chin resting on his shoulder, with a shit-eating grin Iwaizumi didn’t even have to look at to know was there.
“Yeah, Iwa-chan. Listen to Mrs. Aina and hang out with Tooru-kun for a bit. We can go to the cafe and hang out like your she said, Iwa-chan~”
Iwaizumi pushed past Oikawa bitterly. “Don’t... fuckin’... call my mom by her name... dumbass... stalker... Shittykawa...” he grumbled as he trudged his way in the direction to the cafe. Oikawa let out a small “Yay~!”
Hiding behind the big, laminated menus the cafe provided, Oikawa kept glancing over to the cashier-area to try and find (Y/n). Iwaizumi deadpanned, sitting back in his chair nonchalantly.
“You’re acting stupid.”
“I’m being sneaky.”
“You look more suspicious than if you were to act like yourself.”
“As if you would know!” Oikawa whisper-yelled to Iwaizumi, momentarily letting his menu fall flat. “I’m trying not to get caught, unlike one of us-!”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi froze. Oikawa rigidly turned to the voice, while Iwaizumi almost fell back in his seat.
There stood the boy—well, the ‘girl’, in his work apron, this time, up close. Oikawa could see the detail in his eyes, the way a few of his hairs fell onto his face and stuck because of the small layer of sweat on his forehead, even taking in the small kitty hair clip resting in his hair.
“Hu...huaai...” Oikawa breathed out. Iwaizumi bit his lip. If he started laughing now, Oikawa would tell his mom he was bullying him again.
“Hello! I was wondering if I could get you two anything to drink! No worries if you aren’t ready to order yet.”
His voice had a soft tamber to it, a warm, welcoming aura that fit the vibe of the cafe perfectly. Iwaizumi could see how Oikawa, and probably other people, could mistake him for a girl. Especially with the way he dressed and carried himself as evident to yesterday’s practice.
Iwaizumi tilted the menu infront of him up a bit. “I’ll get a small black coffee. Whabout you, Oikawa?”
When he got no response, other than the hum of acknowledgment from (Y/n), Iwaizumi looked up. Oikawa was staring dumbly at (Y/n) again, and seconds later (Y/n) was caught under his gaze. He stared back awkwardly, waiting for Oikawa to say something or at least order something, until he suddenly jolted up in pain.
Iwaizumi dug his heel deeper into Oikawa’s foot. “Say something, dumbass! Stop staring!” He hissed, covering his mouth from (Y/n) in petty attempts to mask their conversation.
“Ow! Ow! I’ll get a peppermint tea please-! Stop it!”
(Y/n) scribbled down Oikawa’s order, smiling patiently as he did. Iwaizumi removed his foot. There was a beat of silence, until Oikawa smoothly rested his chin on his hand.
“Soooo, (L/n) (Y/n)-chan, is it?” Oikawa said, as he peered at (Y/n’s) name tag. “Pretty masculine name for a cute girl like you~”
Iwaizumi choked on his spit. (Y/n) tilted his head to the side, looking up from his notepad to peer back at Oikawa.
“What...did you say?”
“Sorry, sorry!” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head cutely. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I think (Y/n) is a cute name~”
Iwaizumi didn’t know if he wanted to die from laughter or embarrassment. He was going to pop a vein trying to keep in his cackles.
“Ah. It’s the clothes, isn’t it?” (Y/n) mused. He took a step back, looking at his rather-feminine clothing choices for the day. “I understand why. I get that a lot.”
“...What does your clothes have to do with your name?” It was Oikawa’s turn to sound confused. Iwaizumi let out a few haggard, stifled snickers at his dense expression. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“You...” He pointed at himself with his pen. “You do realize I’m a man, correct?”
Oikawa choked. His eyes widened as his smile cracked a bit. Iwaizumi had to hide his face in his jacket to prevent himself from bursting out into hackles. Oikawa gave a nervous smile.
“Aha...haha...funny joke..”
“I’m not joking, though...” (Y/n) smirked. He wouldn’t deny that seeing the faces of people flirting with him after he told them he had a dick was a guilty pleasure. “Want proof?”
(Y/n) grasped Oikawa’s wrist, tugging it forcefully, and moving his apron to the side. He brought it down closer to his groin until Oikawa sputtered and flailed on the table.
“No! I-I believe you! I-I can see it from here—I don’t need to touch it-!” Oikawa shrieked. Iwaizumi clutched his stomach from laughing too hard, already given up on keeping it in. He snorted loudly, choked on that snort, and erupted into a series of cough-laughs.
By the time Iwaizumi’s laugh turned into the kind where no noise came out-but it hurt in your stomach anyways—Oikawa was laying his head on the table, embarrassed, while (Y/n) chuckled along.
“You knew, Iwa-chan! You knew!” Oikawa hissed, holding his poor, abused hand. “You set me up for failure!”
“You did that to yourself.” Iwaizumi said between breaths. “He’s actually gonna start attending practice as a (position name) starting next week. We don’t have a manager after all.”
“And you got my hopes up for what?!” Oikawa cried out, making Iwaizumi snort again. (Y/n) raised his eyebrows.
“Oikawa thought that when you came to drop your registration form in yesterday, that you were signing up to be a manager since he thought you were a girl. I saw your form though, so I knew but this guy here didn’t.”
Iwaizumi nudged at Oikawa, who was hiding his face in his hands. “You better be nice to him, though. He’s your new captain starting next week.”
“Ah! How fun! Having my new playboy captain flirt with me before I even join the club. ” (Y/n) mumbled, as he scribbled down something else in his notepad. Iwaizumi heckled when Oikawa whined with his head down.
He didn’t raise his head back up until a slip of paper was placed gently on top of his head. He heard a “I’ll go get your drink ready.” From (Y/n), before he looked up and noticed he was gone. He caught the slip of paper falling off his head as he sat up.
“What’s that?” Iwaizumi said lazily. Oikawa was staring giddily at the paper. He turned the paper around smugly, holding it up for Iwaizumi to read.
‘Call me. If you’re feeling fruity, that is. (xxx)-xxx-xxxx. -‘(Y/n)-chan’’
Iwaizumi stared at the neat handwriting, then back at Oikawa’s smug face.
“...Were you not just listening? He just tried to make you touch his dick? He’s a dude?”
“Eh. Cute girl, cute boy, he’s still cute~” Oikawa dreamily sighed as he watched (Y/n) make his tea behind the counter. “I’d still hit it till he breaks~”
“Says you.”
Oikawa earned a sharp thunk to the head.
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serenheist · 3 years
What Taehyung is like in a relationship/ Taehyung as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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How long does it take him to get into a relationship? & Does he prefer long or short term relationships 8 of cups, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles 9 of pentacles reversed, 4 of cups
Ffs the queen of swords always pops up. Anyway yeah I don’t see him getting into anything quickly. He could’ve in the past but I think past relationships left him drained af and feeling alienated. I think he has a shit ton of walls up and is a lot more no nonsense now. It’s probably intimidating and more blunt to others because he wants to get to the heart of why someone is trying to get with him since so many people try to pull the same shit and fuck around with him like he’s dumb. He does not settle for anything other than what he wants. If he can’t find “the one” then he legit just rather be alone. It looks like he’s now more focused on building a Legacy though and something serious and long term so he has no desire to just jump into something with anyone. He basically would wait it out and get to know them long before deciding he trusts them enough and feels comfortable enough to show his emotions and not be so aloof.
I feel like he’d be the type to not show much interest at first because he really needs to scope the person out. So the person probably wouldn’t even know he actually likes them. Actually he could be a little too jaded and bored to the point of turning away everyone even though he does want a relationship. But in his mind there’s too many people being carbon copies and trying to swindle him for his money bruh for real all of bts are having this problem like damn it keeps reoccurring. Idk why it seems like there’s people also trying to use money to get with him like they’re rich and they think he’ll just want someone loaded. Like dude he’s already rich so that doesn’t work and to him them having a ton of money means Jack shit when they have the personality of a damn rock.
Past & present love life 10 of swords, 2 of pentacles present: the hermit, 5 of wands
Past love life: welp. Do I really need to explain the 10 of swords. I think actually that he had all this past trauma and shit from relationships and even other shit he still hasn’t dealt with but there was no time to even process that because he had to get back to work and act like he was fine. I think he’s the type of person that buries himself in his career when he experiences traumatic stuff that he doesn’t want to deal with. And of course it’s easier when you’re busy 24/7 anyway. This relationship betrayed him in every way tbh but maybe it was a catalyst for better things to come though he still might not see this right now. Present: I don’t see him in a relationship now currently cause the hermit but also being a major arcana it’s like he’s really in a life stage right now where he just wants to be alone because there’s so much conflict going on and he’s feeling anxious and having all these negative pessimistic thoughts that he just needs time to himself. I don’t think he very optimistic about his love life right now he’s lost a lot of hope. Things are too chaotic elsewhere to focus on romance.
What is he like in a relationship? the chariot, ace of cup, Unicorn, fae 61, solus 13, vanth, the sun reversed, anger and chains 29, justice, 2 of swords reversed, 3 of cups reversed, avenoir 1, princess of pentacles,ta’om the poet 29, ace of swords, Thanatos
What is he like in a relationship? When he’s in a relationship he really puts all his focus on that person and will go above and beyond for them. There’s a kind of masculine and feminine balance in him in the sense that he’s ready to be the go getter and take charge but there’s also a vulnerable energy and overflowing emotions. He works hard to take care of his person and make the relationship work . The only downside is he could possibly be too smothering to his partner or come on too strongly because of past shit and maybe too clingy for some people since in a relationship he really shows his softer side and he’s not as aloof as he is to others. He loves to have little house parties with his partner and have friends and family over with a ton of food and music.
For date ideas he’s down for anything but especially something “magical” maybe literally some place like Disneyland or pagan festival like beltane? That’s specific af but there’s a medieval type of energy and nature spirits and shit, he wants to do stuff he hasn’t done before and that might even be outside his comfort zone since G. Hobyah card is all about imaginary fears and getting past them. The best qualities he has in a relationship is the ability to help his partner stand on their own 2 feet but also recognizes that you can’t do everything on your own so he’s the type of person who would go above and beyond and connect you to the right people or situations. He’s always there when his partner really needs them and will make sure to put time aside.
His worst quality is that I don’t think he knows how to express his anger in a healthy way. I think with the sun reversed next to anger and chains it’s more like he doesn’t know how to fully show it it’s kinda repressed but his emotions under the exterior are a hot mess and there’s a big need for stability. It’s like being too stubborn to admit when you mess up and petty shit cause it hurts his ego. But I don’t think it’s super bad considering the justice card I used to represent his communication style. I feel that even if he gets mad af he gets over things really quickly and one minute he’s be angry and 10 minutes later he’ll be asking you what you want for dinner like wtf.
When he likes someone he’s not going to jump in and immediately go approach them. I see him instead watching them intently from afar lol he’s very cautious and like gathering everything he can on that person. Dude’s a 1st class stalker. Jk But the thing is the person wont even know he is interested in them because he keeps a serious face as a kind of mask but on the inside he’s like a giddy kid. Ta’om is known for looking serious and thoughtful but is actually very playful and slightly mischievous. I think Taehyung is definitely one to start off as friends and slowly get to know someone rather than just start dating because he really wants to know that person well to see how real they are and if they’re just putting up a front.
He’s not attracted to new shiny things that are perfect he’s able to see the beauty in all things even in difficulty. After he’s been friends with them for awhile and knows if that person like him back, that’s when he’d actually make a move. He finds a lot of satisfaction in doing services for others until they’re completed so it makes me think his love language (giving) is acts of service but with the ace of swords is pretty obvious his Receiving love language is words of affirmation but moreso he appreciates when someone is blunt and honest and not just saying stuff to make him feel better cause then it’s just insincere.
What is his ideal type? the ageless, the star, the singer of healing 10, el shaddai, protection 26, ram, the maestro, fae 41, the sage 19, king of cups reversed, himself 17, danu, death reversed, obsession
His type: this person seems to have had some messed up stuff happen to them in their past. Even when others were horrible to them they still kept their dignity and chose to still give to others instead of give in to bitterness and despair. It’s like the Phoenix where no matter how many times they metaphorically die, they can still rise up even better than before. I think they’re able to help heal others because they’ve been through the trauma themselves but they know how to be honest and blunt without being overly mean about it. They have a kid of tough exterior though I think from years of negativity from people that’s made them strong but also a little distant from people and they need a lot of time to themselves to recharge and get away from peoples bs. Honestly this seems a lot like Taehyung too lol I think he wants someone who’s been through similar traumas.
The ram keeps calling out to me that I think this persons way of showing love is a little aggressive but that’s what Taehyung likes in someone tbh. It’s not like actually showing love it’s hard to explain. It’s more so you know when someone tries to act like sarcastic and shit to hide the fact that they like someone? Idk why it reminds me of toph from avatar the last airbender where she just punches people to show affection it’s kinda like that. Cause they’re not good at being really vulnerable. They put on this brave face and are pretty good at it to the point where you won’t notice that they’re jealous seeing you hang out with someone else. But this person is really independent like I’m not joking lmao and a go getter they don’t rely on anyone really. And don’t give a fuck who you are.
There’s 2 healing cards and honestly why is this person so similar to Taehyung lol this person is great at helping or healing others but again has to realize it’s okay to also get help for yourself. They think maybe that they’re fine on their own and they don’t like relying on others for help because people disappoint you and it’s easier to just do it yourself. But they’re really good at giving advice and are lot nicer than their exterior let’s on. Bruh the star card makes my mind keep playing that I’m gonna be a star song by twice lmao stop. I think this person actually is a star or is working up to it cause they have huge plans. This isn’t someone just wanting a mundane job I think they’re gonna go big.
Especially paired with the ram talking about they go for big dreams and huge successes. This person won’t stop until they accomplish their dreams they really don’t care what others say and will go to the extremes to get there. I see they have a lot of talents anyway but some people were like saying negative shit that their dreams are impossible but they’re learning to set boundaries with other people and it’s more of a just move in silence energy. Also usually I don’t say zodiac signs but since it’s a major arcana it might play some significance but Aquarius might be prominent in their chart (nvm I just remembered Taehyung has venus in Aquarius so duh you dumbass it wouldn’t be that out there to think he’d be drawn to Aquarius qualities).
I wonder if this person is into astrology though given all the glyphs. I think this is someone Taehyung has been trying to manifest and call in too like wishing on a star for a looooong time and maybe thought it wouldn’t come but boy does the universe have a surprise for you. They really are future oriented thinkers and know a lot about spirituality I think that a big part of who they are I really don’t think they’d be completely atheist or not care about spiritual topics. They give a lot without much thought in return and can talk about anything with openness and honesty. With Taehyung they’d teach him everything under the sun. He likes when he can share all this knowledge especially about weirder topics with someone who isn’t going to dismiss him. I see them really encouraging him to try new things and show him things he never knew were possible. They treat him like he finally belongs somewhere in the world.
This shit is kinda spooky because both the maestro guy and illbe the retriever are holding orbs/a little white ball close to them and they speak of the same thing. This person really protects Taehyungs hopes and dreams. Also they themselves obviously represent a dream that Taehyung thought was long gone and impossible. I think it can be taken literally too lol to mean that when Taehyung is being forgetful af. This person is that type of person who has your keys already when you think you lost them. They’re really the more responsible one in the relationship lmao helping him to be more organized and get his life together. The next set of cards I used to represent what his biggest turn ons are. This isn’t in a sexual way though lmao I meant the qualities he likes the most in his ideal type. Already I noticed how all the cards are facing straight ahead and looking right at you so it makes me think this person has some intense ass eye contact and looks intimidating and they got a rbf.
With the king of cups reversed I don’t think they’re actually these heartless cold bitches and that Taehyung is turned on by that because the sage card is upright and talks about the same shit but this is a person definitely who looks colder but is actually kind on the inside. He kinda likes people who look cold like that but are actually sweethearts. This person is not one of those super lovey-dovey people or uses pet names and babytalk like “my sweet baby Taehyung” whatever I think they find it very cringe. They have some trauma from when they were kids where they felt as if they aren’t allowed to act very emotional because people will think they’re weak and take advantage of them (this is just their beliefs about themselves) they instead act very macho or tough again lol like Toph from ATLA idk why I keep thinking of her but there’s like a kinda tomboy energy but they’re really not heartless they just need the right person to feel comfortable around and need to work on opening up emotionally.
There’s so much masculine and yang energy but then at the end you see this motherhood figure so it again really makes me think it’s a front and this person is so nurturing and that’s what really draw Taehyung to them. He loves the most that this person knows so much about the most random things and esoteric topics. They value tradition and stability but they also understand the need for growth and change they’re the perfect balance. Communication is really a big thing for Taehyung it’s a reoccurring theme in this. Someone who is very good at communicating and are action oriented. They say what they mean and mean what they say. It’s very important that they are their own unique individual self and have their own goals and skills and hobbies.
This person is probably a powerful manifester too and sets their intentions and goes after them. They have so much power and confidence also with the himself card they could be a dancer or love dance since he’s a dancer faerie they’re very much into creative shit. They seem very natural and not the type who got work done or wears too much makeup idk there’s like a wild energy lol like this bitch is from the damn forest. If someone attacked Taehyung this person would literally drop kick someone even if the person was bigger than them. Danu card is always protective and nurturing but ferocious if you mess with their person. Like “idc what you do to me but if you touch my guy I’ll end you”.
Now onto what Taehyung’s biggest turn offs in general are: death reversed and obsessed card lol oh god bro I am fucking done. His biggest turn off is when someone makes him the center of their universe. I mean this in the extreme way like “omg you’re my one and only we’re meant to be I think about you 5000 times a day and have an entire closet with all your pictures and I document your entire life” 👀 and he’s like uhh can you get a damn hobby? (That doesn’t involve me) Cause imagine someone’s entire life revolves around you. It’s sweet at first I guess? Lmaoo then it’s just creepy and like they have no life or personality without you. Death reversed is like something is plaguing you and following you around, pestering and annoying you. He must’ve experienced this shit irl lmao if it’s this strong with a major arcana to come up as a turn off. Cause major arcana are big ass life lessons. Like they thought he wouldn’t know they were secretly obsessed with his ass and used other people like his friends to get closer to him but I’m telling you Taehyungs intuition is something else and he always knows when people are some obsessed crazies. This is exactly why he’s so cautious now because of bs like that he can’t trust anyone. Like please stop acting like Jodi Arias and have some self respect.
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magdaclaire · 2 years
nobody will lose their head
jobela. i think i’m officially sapphicnatural insane now.
This is a running away together sort of story.
She was nineteen when they first met. Her hands shook on the steering wheel of her very own four door, the car she built herself when she could only find the burnt out shell of the one she knew was there in her head. Getting into cars was just about the only masculine hobby that she ever got into that her mama liked, though she doesn't really think it's the masculinity that ever bothered Mama; it'd always been the danger. Nobody ever wants to see their little girl with a gun in their hand. Not anybody that likes their little girl a whole bunch anyway, she reckons.
She didn't think that way at nineteen, though. At nineteen, she was madder than she had sense and had miles of road in front of her ready for that car to eat away at, ready to put them between her and Mama and go to find her Daddy out there in that great wide somewhere. Not. Not really find him. She knows that her Daddy's dead. She's not gone in the head, no matter how many times Ash and her Mama both asked her when she was packing up her shit and slamming all of it into Betty's backseat. Car's name is Betty. Like any girl with taste who grew up in the bar scene, she grew up with a bit of a thing for Betty Boop.
Who didn't?
But this isn't the running away story of her and Betty, so there's gotta be somebody else, doesn't there? Jo might be a bit of a car girl, but she's never been enough of a car girl for the car to be everything she needs. She's not Uncle Bobby.
Mama says she's not supposed to make that joke. That there's more history there than Joanna Beth could stand to shake a stick at. Jo told her she'll stop making jokes when somebody starts telling her stories. She's never told any joke like that in front of Uncle Bobby, though.
Anyway, she knows her Daddy's dead. She stood at his funeral pyre herself, unbraided pigtails moving in the wind that blew her father's smoke and ashes all over the valley, remembers it like it wasn't more than a few years ago. She's gonna find her Daddy in the great wide somewhere by holding onto all of the pieces of him that she can, lacing her fingers in the failures of her memory and finding something new to comfort her, becoming something new herself. She's gonna be a hunter. She is a hunter. She has her Daddy's knife and the weapon's cache of a hunter who died before he managed to clear his shit out of the Roadhouse and she's not afraid to use any of it, push comes to shove.
She's gonna do this.
She's not even running away with her Daddy's ghost. She and Betty and her Daddy's memory riding shotgun, and there's still the girl who changed the world.
Bela Talbot.
Jo had never put much stock in girls like Bela Talbot. Pretty girls with silver tongues always seemed to serve themselves in the first half of the movie, only to prove that their silver tongue only hid their heart of gold! And look, she's been a princess all along! There can't be anything real in that. The girl who only looks out for herself in the first act. The girl who only takes the first act to fall in love. The girl who drops her armor when someone shows they might be able to be trusted beneath it.
She'd never believed in that girl. Then came summer. Then came Bela.
"Come along, darling, don't you imagine there's an easier way to do that?" the woman in question says, breaking Jo's concentration. She's a minute and a half into trying to pick this lock, and if Bela keeps interrupting her, she's going to kick this girl's ass. She raises an eyebrow at Bela, keeping her gaze on the lock.
"If you think there's an easier way to get your job done, Bela, you're more than welcome to do it without me," she says, her spare lock pick making it hard to articulate as it hangs out of her mouth, but she thinks she gets her point across. She can only assume from Bela's high little chuckle. Giggle? Whatever girls do when they're probably making fun of her. Jo doesn't even really remember why they're friends.
"And leave you behind, dearest? You'd be arrested by now without me," Bela says, checking her nails and sitting down primly against the hall radiator as if she's in need of peak comfort while they try to break into a hotel room together. Jo bristles as the implication of her words.
"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Jo says, not quite realizing how sharp and brittle her voice is going to come out until it does, cracking out of her like glass. She's already got her Mama's voice in the back of her head telling her she can't do it. She doesn't need Bela's too. Bela tugs at a lock of her hair near the crown of her head.
"Oh, dear, I know. This is a job I take purely of pleasure," she says, her voice warm, and Jo's face warms as well. What does that even mean? This goddamn British girl is gonna be the death of her. The lock clicks loose between her fingertips and she opens the door to let Bela in first, standing up and stepping out of the way with a bit of a flourish- that's something she's learning from Bela, maybe. Flourish. A little bit of spin. Bela oftentimes tells her that there's no point of doing any of this if she isn't having any fun. Jo doesn't really agree, but she doesn't think Bela is all the way wrong, either. Things have been working out like that a lot lately.
"Your highness," she says, holding onto the door handle with her gloved hand so that Bela doesn't have to touch the door. She'll get her gloves on in a sec, but Miss Talbot, ever the ingenue, always plays their good girl when they're breaking in somewhere like this, and she's dressed too well to have put on gloves any time before she started actually doing her job. God, when did she start to care about Bel's job? Bela cups the cut of her jaw for a moment as she passes her by.
"Thank you, dearest, I do so appreciate not having to break in myself," she says, and Jo's proud of how quickly she collects herself even enough to snort. As if Bela isn't always fucking like this. This girl is gonna be the death of her.
"As if you couldn't do it faster than I can. How many museums have you broken into? And I'm supposed to believe that my lag on a hotel room is giving you trouble?" She moves to start looking through their target's belongings- they're looking for a cursed object that Jo needs to stop from killing people and that Bela already has a buyer for- they're just not quite sure what it is. The effects have become a hit all over this little region of the Midwest (kills your appetite once you touch it, you'll drop weight like a motherfucker in a month, wither away to nothing as whatever it is takes everything you've got in you out of you, straight life force), but the user has been very private about what the object is, making sure that her clients have kept it quiet as well. It does nothing but make their jobs harder. Jo cheers in her head when she finds a jewelry box, barely hearing Bela when she speaks.
"Well, I need to make sure you'll have these skills after me, don't I, love? Can't rely on me too much," says the thief, and Jo pauses in her search of the jewelry box. It's almost always some sort of jewelry, isn't it? But she stops, frowning at Bela, her eyebrows coming together. When she musters herself to speak, whether she realizes it or not, it is directly into the jewelry box itself, her face stilled turned down.
"If you... If you wanna go, Bels, you can leave. This can be our last case. Whenever you want. I'm not here to hold you back, princess. I know you usually work faster than this. We're not-"
"We're not what, Jo?" Bela asks, and she's right behind Jo's shoulder, and she never uses Jo's name. Looking at Bela is always looking up, but right now it feels insurmountable, like she's a girl and the bars of a cage, like Jo is a girl and an animal caged. Jo breathes herself calm and flicks a smile onto her face, looking through the rings once again. She's glad she put her gloves on before they ever came in. She can't imagine this would be safe otherwise. She turns toward Bela, though she keeps her eyes on the box.
"We're not partners. Just. Working together for now. All of that. It's cool. You're not a hunter. You could go out there and- well, I can't imagine you not stealing, but you could go out there and steal shit that isn't gonna starve you to death from the inside out if you touch it wrong, sell the fucking Hope Diamond back to the owners and make them glad you returned it, you could get out. I'm just a hunter. You're a thief. Skills are transferable. All of that," she repeats, clenching her jaw and opening a compartment of the jewelry box to give it a cursory glance, though she doesn't think the object'll be in there. Jewelry box is probably a decoy at this point. She sure hopes it is, because Bela takes it out of her hands, setting it on the bed, and she takes Jo's face in her gloved hands.
"Jo, I sold my soul when I was fourteen years old," she says. Her voice is pointed, that direct tone that Bela takes when she wants Jo to be absolutely serious, as rare as that is. Of course, Jo fucks that up immediately.
"You've got to stop saying my name, it's going to start making me think you're saying something serious," she says, quirking a smile that almost makes the corner of her mouth hit Bela's thumb, but she's not thinking about that at all. She's incredibly normal about it actually. You can't imagine.
"Jo," Bela repeats her name, forces her back into the situation. Jo nods, just the once.
"I know, I know. You're... you're twenty-one now, right? You're two years older than me? That was true?" she asks, because she has to consider that Bela might have been a cover in herself, that Bela might not exist at all, and that Jo might not be standing with a girl she knows at all. Demon deals make people do crazy things all the time. She can't imagine having sold her soul at fourteen. Where was Bela's mama? Nobody must have been looking after this girl. Jo barely even notices it as her fingers curl around Bela's elbow, her eyes locked on Bela's face.
"Yes, dear, I've never lied to you. Only kept some things to myself. As needed if you will," Bela says, smile just a bit awkward in a way that Jo doesn't know that she's ever seen the other girl be before, and the need to poke at it comes unbidden. She'd typically leave Bela to stew in her own, let her come to her own conclusions, tell Jo if she must. Instead, she pokes.
"Selling your soul was need to know?" she asks, and Bela's nose scrunches.
"I imagine so, yes."
"And why did I need to know?" Jo asks before she can think better of it, and it's obviously a question that gives Bela pause, one she wasn't expecting. Like she wasn't expecting to have to explain herself, like she wasn't expecting Jo to want to know why she should know that, like she was expecting to just say something like that, and say nothing more.
"I don't want you to get attached. To me. With only three years left," Bela says, her careful, high and clear voice coming out so cracked open that she's still smiling and still wants to check if she's crying. She wants to cup Bela's face like Bela holds hers, she wants to grab Bela's hand, wants to hold her by the waist, wants and wants and wants so terribly that it sticks in her throat, cloying, but she smiles up at Bela anyway, tucks a lock of hair behind her own ear, dives in and says,
"And why can't we have the next three years, then?"
Being kissed by a girl is so different from being kissed by a boy that it seems terribly unfair that they're called the same thing. Bela kisses her and Jo barely keeps her knees beneath her, has to catch herself on the table behind her, which reminds her. They're still in the fucking hotel room. Fuck. As much as she doesn't want to, Jo pulls herself away from where Bela is still pressing in closer, giving the other girl a parting peck.
"Not the best setting, is it?" Bela says, rough voiced in a way that makes Jo want to kiss her again just to make it worse. As if able to sense the implication, Bela clears her throat, smoothing her hands down her shirt and then her pressed pants before turning back to the bedside table she had been rifling through. Jo grins.
"You're flustered, aren't you?" she teases, wanting to step up behind Bela and wrap herself around the other girl's back, but the British woman makes an admonishing noise, only a little pitchy.
"We have an object to find, I'd like you to recall," Bela reminds her, but she's red across the ears, so Jo doesn't feel the need to tease her anymore. Instead, she goes back to looking herself. There'll be time to tease Bela later.
It's a fucking broach, because of course it is.
But this is a running away together sort of story, and it's not about the broach. It's about Jo's hand on the steering wheel, Bela's hand on her thigh, and three years. Three years to find a solution to a problem no one has ever been able to solve. And so that's what she'll do.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
i watched legends of tomorrow 5.03 “miss me, kiss me, love me” a couple days ago and then i watched it again today bc i just loved it so much!!!! solidly fun and entertaining episode that also sets up some of the plot junk and character arcs for this season. and the historical setting is so fun, they really make the most of it with the costumes and soundtrack and funny accents. this is what i want from a legends of tomorrow season premiere, and it took a few episodes but eventually the show came thru.
the team of ray, sara, and constantine was so fun. i especially enjoy seeing sara and constantine work together. you really get the sense that they understand each other on a level no one else does and i just love it so much. also wonderful seeing the dynamic between ray and constantine this episode. it’s pretty intuitive to pair them together because of their contrasting personalities, but given constantine’s angst over astra, ray seems like the perfect person to provide input and advice, since his whole thing is relentless optimism and that’s what actually convinced nora that she could choose a better life. if anyone can get constantine to believe in astra’s capacity for goodness, it’s ray. 
while ray’s little subplot was the least compelling part of the episode for me, i do think it hints at something potentially interesting. ultimately the story is ray naively believing that there are some good cops in the 1940s LAPD, and having this illusion rudely shattered. this serves as a kind of foil to constantine’s storyline (which i would consider to be the main storyline of this episode), which results in constantine changing his mind about astra deciding that there is still hope for her. it’s notable that ray advises constantine to believe in astra even after ray’s police mishap - i think it makes ray’s optimism more poignant, since he remains steadfast in it even after it fails him in one instance. but after the events of the previous episode, where ray explodes rasputin from inside, i am kind of wondering if this episode is setting up a more lasting disillusionment for ray? i could be reaching but who knows.....we will see.........
now on to constantine. god this was such a good constantine episode. at first i was a little confused why the episode was spending so much time on this plot with constantine and the lady (i dont remember her name so i’m just gonna call her ms femme fatale), and then i realized it was meant to parallel constantine and astra, and then it all made sense! constantine knew something was suspicious with ms femme fatale from the moment they met, but trusted her to do the right thing, and was betrayed when she chose to seize power by any means necessary - a choice that ended in her murder. constantine tried to save her, but you can’t save someone who refuses to let go of their quest for power. and even though ms femme fatale betrayed constantine, it’s hard to blame her for trying to become powerful when society tries to render her so powerless. there are a lot of parallels to astra’s situation, and it makes perfect sense that after constantine fails to save ms femme fatale, he would decide that he has to try and save astra. this storyline fits into some extremely fun detective noir genre tropes while also providing real character growth for constantine and setting up his arc for the season. 
speaking of genre tropes, i about lost my mind when sara tried to seduce the gangster. in the past, the show has tended to place sara in a more masculine role when revisiting history (remember sara lancelot?). but here we see that she’s able to play the feminine role equally well. i wonder if part of it is that the writers have gotten more confident and no longer feel that they need to show sara kicking ass all the time so that we understand that she’s cool and badass. which is not to say that her using herself as bait ISN’T badass bc of course it is but just in a different way. but like even beyond that there can be moments like constantine calling sara his secretary and sara making a face at him and like we get that she’s more than that sexist idea, we don’t need to make a big scene over it. we don’t need a flimsy “girl power” affirmation bc the show has done the work to present sara as powerful, and that isn’t threatened by her being belittled or pretending to be a femme fatale. anyway sara’s fluidity with gender roles means so much to me. also i thought her old timey accent was really funny. 
i also have to talk about ava of course......i like her dynamic with mick, it’s sweet. would have loved to see charlie along with them but alas it was not meant to be. i’m glad that this season is addressing early on what it means to ava to no longer be time bureau director and instead be one of the legends, because obviously it’s a huge shift for her. it’s hard not to see it as kind of an unjustified demotion, but i also think it will allow her opportunities to grow as a person and that will be interesting to see. i liked how mick was trying to comfort her, and how that didn’t really help bc he is so different from her that she can’t take his words to heart. but then she sings her silly song and discovers that she does have a new freedom now and that is something to appreciate. it was so so cute how sara was cheering ava on and being so supportive even though ava’s singing was terrible. also how she was wearing ava’s scarf. they are literally girlfriends. 
okay this post got WAY too long so i will save discussion of the tarazi family drama subplot for another post. but yeah i loved this episode so much, i’m guessing it will end up being one of my favorites of the season. 
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Adventures in Aphobia #1
So I was scrolling through Tumblr the other day (a regrettable mistake as always), and I had the great pleasure of seeing this joyous post.
Tumblr media
*deep breath*
Not gonna lie, posts like this make me real pissed. Pissed because the person who posted this exists in a space where they feel comfortable enough to post this online. Pissed because these posts are so common and often face little backlash. And pissed because there’s nothing better than allosexuals condescendingly explaining to asexual people why they’re dirty attention whores who invent their own oppression. Ace people deserve to be defended against this horseshit. Young people see these posts, and it’s extremely damaging to have your identity be nothing more than fuel for people in discourse to mock you and demand you bled in order for them to notice your pain.
Anger aside, many people do not see why this post is wrong, so why is it? Let’s unpack this clusterfuck of bigotry:
“would love to see substantive evidence of systematic “aphobia” that isn’t actually just misogyny, toxic masculinity, or rpe culture.”
God damn, we are not mincing our words here XD. A few things: systematic in bold, which tells you if you do not make a blood sacrifice on the altar of queer pain you will not be taken seriously. Potential nitpick, but systemic and systematic are not the same thing. I believe systemic is the word they’re looking for. Systematic implies a lot more intentionality that can be hard to prove. Systemic merely means that systems, in their current state, do aphobic things, which they absolutely do.
“Aphobia” in quotes is absolutely rich. Not only will this person refuse to acknowledge systemic aphobia, which is only one type, but this poster casts clear doubt upon the mere concept of aphobia in and of itself. We love to see it.
There’s a lot to unpack here. The statement, as clearly condescending as intended, is sort of correct, though it doesn’t mean a whole lot. Systemic oppression is about the systems in a society (government, healthcare, etc) discriminating against people. Systemic oppression is not bigotry faced on a person-to-person level. In short, systematic oppression is something a person experiences in their overall life, while personal discrimination is experienced on a personal level by people who are not singularly in control of the systems. This post boils down the negative comments ace people face into being called “weird”, which is an understatement for sure, but calling a gay person weird isn’t systemic oppression either.
It’s still bad and discriminatory.
This is such a snotty way to dismiss aphobia as some mere, insignificant comment with no meaning as if it doesn’t reinforce society’s painful aphobic views in the same way casual homophobic comments reinforce heteronormativity and society’s hostility toward gay people.
Ace people face discrimination in healthcare, most notably, which is systemic discrimination, but the systemic discrimination of asexuals really ought to be its own post if I’m to nosedive into it. Even if ace people faced no systemic discrimination, it wouldn’t make this point anymore correct. Discrimination is a perfectly valid reason to feel disregarded by society, and often only ace people are denied the right to feel this way and are instead gaslit into admitting what they face is no big deal and they’re just making it up for attention.
The experience of being pressured to have sex when you’re allo vs ace is very different. The vast majority of allo people do not plan to be celibate their whole lives. Many ace people do not want to have sex, ever. “Waiting for sex” in much of western society and in Christianity is seen as pure and honorable. Yet being asexual and never wanting sex is seen as a deviant disorder and people are accused of robbing their partner of sex forever.
There’s really a specific flavor of sexual pressure that is unique to ace people. Sex being to “fix” someone or because they “just need to try it”.
In this respect, aphobic sexual pressure is better compared to that faced by gay people and lesbians. Lesbians especially often can face this same struggle, men pressuring them to have sex because they think lesbians just need to “try it” or to “fix them”. I can imagine this poster would have no issue acknowledging lesbophobia being the root of lesbians coerced into sex with men, yet she does not give ace people the same.
Imagine if someone said (and knowing our fucked world, someone probably has): “Lesbophobia doesn’t exist. It’s just misogyny. Straight women are coerced into sex too!”
It’d be pathetic bullshit. Toxic masculinity, misogyny and many other issues can all tangle into combined messes with other forms of bigotry. Lesbophobia is an experience that deserves to be recognized apart from misogyny, even if the two are linked. Please stop erasing ace people’s experiences with this when it’s not the same thing.
Honestly, though, this post, as trashy as it is, if anything, is perhaps, really asking: Is there any type of aphobic experience that’s inherently exclusive to ace people?
I still wager to go say, yes, yes there is, but I must make an important point first:
Most experiences of queer discrimination are not limited to queer people.
Homophobia and transphobia are both experienced by cishets in certain instances. Feminine straight men can be victims of homophobic harassment. This does not disprove the fact that it’s homophobia just because a straight man is the victim of it. A tall cis woman with broad shoulders and a lower voice may be the victim of transphobic remarks or comments. The basis of these comments is rooted in transphobia, however, so the fact that the victim is cis does not erase the transphobia.
People who argue that experiences ace people complain about can be experienced by allosexuals are not poking a legitimate hole in doing this. Certain experiences related to aphobia can and are experienced by allosexuals. If you do not acknowledge this, then homophobia and transphobia aren’t real because cishet people have sometimes experienced them.
Despite cishets sometimes experiencing queerphobia, most of us acknowledge that their experience of that bigotry, however unfortunate, is not the same as that experienced by actual queer people. It’d be quite homophobic for a feminine straight man to claim he knew just as much about the gay experience as an actual gay man. Similarly, when allosexual people relate experiences that were rooted in aphobia, it’s overstepping a line when they claim asexual discrimination isn’t real because they experienced elements of it too.
Cishet (cishet including allosexuals) people do not experience their doctors telling them their sexuality might be a disorder or caused by trauma. Allo queer people can experience this with their sexualities too.
“using sex appeal to sell products is misogyny, it is not engineered to gross sex-repulsed people, it is meant to objectify women.”
This is a strawman thinner than my last nerve. Uh, what? What ace people are you seeing that literally think sex appeal was engineered to gross-out sex-repulsed people?? I don’t think this is a core argument??
Yes, sex-repulsed ace people sometimes complain about sex appeal in media being uncomfortable. But that’s it. Every time an ace person shares a discomfort of theirs doesn’t mean it’s the entire basis of their oppression. For the love of God, let ace people discuss their experiences without being blow-torched over not being oppressed enough with an individual discomfort. 
(This was in the tags)
“Completely vilifies celibate individuals” 
...no…? What…? Huh…? 
The most charitable interpretation of this vague accusation is that the poster means celibate people face aphobia as well, due to not wanting to have sex. I have no idea how this “vilifies” anyone, but that aside, as said before: people who are not queer can face aphobia. Also worth noting that society treats celibate people way better than ace people, which is really another example of aphobia. Celibate people can be told they’re missing out (which could be at very least related to aphobic ideals), but they’re rarely called broken. Celibacy is seen more as a respected, controlled ideal in allo people, but when ace people want to do it, they’re just mentally ill.
Anyway, the post was aphobic trash, and it needs to be debunked more often. Mocking ace people online is not a good look anymore, guys. Don't be ugly.
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sepublic · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Ruins!!!!!
         SO! Onto other things first…
         WRATH IS BRAXAS’ FATHER!??!!? HOLY SHIT, Wrath is a canonical dad, I’d always expressed my… OH MY GOD WRATH IS DAD! And of BRAXAS, that sweetie… How is Braxas such a sweetie with a father like HIM, also-
         Wrath was in casual wear? Either he has a day off, or he got fired by Belos/Kikimora after drawing Luz a map to Eda in Young Blood, Old Souls! Either way this guy has a sudden new level of NUANCE that I am reeling from, and yes I checked, that really is Wrath according to the credits! Dang this puts everything in a WHOLE new light…!
         She looks so BEAUTIFUL and I love the kind of foreshadowing with the bookends of our first shot of Amity having her hair down, and now it’s changed! And she looks adorable and EMIRA AND EDRIC BEING GREAT SIBLINGS I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This… THIS is everything I wanted! I was resigned to not much of them but HELL YEAH they’re being good siblings and we get a look at their rooms, we see them doing MAKEOVERS together this is everything from my favorite fanon content and MORE,
         Also Edric has a date?! Emira says ‘their’ mom… Unless the Golden Guard has a mom, DARN! Not gonna lie, I half-expected a big twist at the end that Edric was dating the Golden Guard, who was doing some sort of reconnaissance as his unrecognized normal self and/or screwing around with the Blights even further, but in a GENUINE sense… But then who knows Kikimora could be posing as GG’s ‘mom’, this is a stretch anyhow-
         JUST HELL YEAH Blight Twins! Blight Twins being sweet and mischievous and supportive of each other, Blight SIBLINGS being siblings, Emira being an older sister and giving advice! And AMITY, Amity mentioning how much Luz has changed stuff, I love that they acknowledge it openly how her life has completely shifted, and now… NOW…!
         No necklace! Red leggings! PINK HAIR?! Is this why Amity in the intro hasn’t been updated yet… She was getting TWO updates, so the animators decided to only animate a change after this final update?!
         King and Gus are also friends it seems, and they even recorded some fun together! I’m surprised at how much Bria and the others mock Gus’ illusion skills… Obviously Belos is kinda terrible but like; I don’t think he’d set aside an entire subset of magic into Illusions without reason! Also that nightmare trip… I LOVE IT, I love Gus applying the creativity of illusions in their ability to completely warp and distort someone’s sense of reality! And I called that dragon-thing being an illusion!
         A graveyard… I wonder if the Gallderstones (is that how it’s spelled) have any relevance or if they’re just neat? I hope Mattholomule and Gus help hide the Looking Glass Graveyard… Damn, that’s another Death reference with Gus, huh! Is it culminating in his respect for the dead, or will it continue further with Gus being a necromancer, or an Oracle who can commune with the deceased, and he has their respect as someone who treats them properly?!
         Also not to get dark but… What if all those Illusionists are dead because of Belos? I’m JUST SAYING…! And not gonna lie, every time someone insulted Illusions, I kept imagining the Illusion Head just suddenly waking up and feeling like there’s a disturbance in the force, as well as a weird compulsion to beat up some Glandus kids. It’d be even funnier if he had beef with the Construction, Plant, and Abomination Heads as well!
         Speaking of which, more confirmation on Construction Magic being related to earth! Glad to see Bria give us a look into that, which furthers my idea of Belos using construction magic… Also dang, Bria and the Glandus Kids really are the parallels/foils to the Detention kids! You’ve got the short ‘nice’ girl, the tall lanky kid, the furry… But the Glandus Kids start off looking nice and cool, but turn out to be rather nasty!
         Meanwhile the Detention Kids seem like bad news and delinquents, but no! They’re just demonized and actually very kind and chill! The Detention Kids are looked down upon, the Glandus Kids are appraised… The Detention Kids are dual-track, the Glandus Kids are singular; Glandus Kids from, well, GLANDUS, Detention Kids from Hexside… One’s ‘mischief’ is actually very neat and cool, the other’s is literal grave robbing.
         I guess that’s how the bleeding statues got past the censors- It’s technically just an illusion! Also more insight into how Glandus works with its Survival of the Fittest mentality, I wonder if we’ll get confirmation on which coven heads came from there, how that might influence them as adults…
         What is Glandus like, is it more whole-heartedly accepting of Belos’ rule, hence its harsh ideals? Was it made after Hexside? Does Bump hate it for being so cruel like that, or is it just school bias? And dang poor Mattholomule, I always had a feeling he sort of felt and knew that he wasn’t much, so he accepted and compensated by deliberately doing whatever he can for power…
         They confirmed he’s from Glandus, and I appreciate this new look at him! This new leaf turned… Hot take but he’s honestly not as bad as Boscha, his stint with Gus was a one-time thing that Gus was able to live with! And that seems pretty good to set them up as friends! Speaking of Boscha, Willow was injured by pixies? And the last time we heard of pixies, they belonged to Boscha and caused the school to get shut down… Did BOSCHA DO THIS I SWEAR SHE IS DEAD TO ME-
         (Also she’s mentioned in the credits for this episode but I don’t remember hearing her? I might’ve gotten distracted with so much other things.)
         Gus! I like the insight into his relationship with Illusions, and I appreciate how he’s considering other forms of magic… But this hesitation might just serve to reaffirm his believe in Illusions, which is okay! It’s all about choice… And yeah, it seems Gus also has a case of impostor syndrome like King, no wonder they get along so well! I love the glimpses into Gus’ house and the confirmation that he has a library card, no Perry though alas…!
         I appreciate how Gus feels overlooked, like he has no real substance, which is how his Illusions reflect a desire to draw attention, but also the idea that there’s nothing real beneath them… Again, very much like King! And Gus, he’s not a powerhouse like the rest, he’s SKILLED and smart, but strength isn’t his forte, it’s not brute force he operates on, but cleverness! Trickery, I like it…! It’s a nice callback to his last A-plot episode, SVSF, where instead of fighting Mattholomule physically, Gus’ solution is to think outside the box and pull the alarm!
         You go kid, not relying on brute strength but showing that some clever tricks and thinking are just as valid! Kinda wonder if this episode is lowkey a discussion on masculinity for young boys, especially with Gus growing older with puberty, though the latter is mostly because his actual VA grew… But maybe the writers rolled with that and incorporated it, or it’s just a very neat coincidence! Also, it is me or did Mattholomule’s voice change? And the gag that Gavin’s dad looks identical to him, even moreso because he’s NOT supposed to have a moustache… That’s great!
         Malphas! Love this reference to a classic demon, I wasn’t sure if Malphas was the librarian with glasses whom I’ve always headcanoned as a father figure to Amity… But maybe it’s actually this bird dude! He seems adept in Bard magic, and I love the reveal of his true crow appearance… Guess those theorists were right that the one-eyed figure is from the Forbidden Stacks! Also Malphas NOT COOL with Amity, but I’m glad Luz changed his mind, and I wonder how that adventure looked…
         Which- DAMN, the RSD with Luz! She looks so UTTERLY BROKEN when Amity mentions doing stupid things, and she didn’t mean it like that, but Luz just looks so completely shattered and you can tell she wants to cry but instead she bottles it up and tries to take it in stride, and that plays into her trying to overcompensate for her mistakes AGAIN… SOMEONE GET IT TO HER HEAD that she doesn’t need to! I’m scared for Luz, and I was SO scared this episode would end on a bad note…
         This is EVERYTHING I ever wanted!
         What an AMAZING episode with wonderful characer beats and reveals! Again, Amity’s growth as a character, that brief insight into how Luz as a person is very chaotic and sometimes frustrating for Amity and forces her to reevaluate, but ultimately it’s good and Luz DOES try her best, and Amity clearly wanted to make things up for Luz and apologize, they’re BOTH doing things, just the little moments!
         Also, Alex Lawther voices Philip Wittebane! He has long hair and a vaguely british accent, he’s… He’s Belos isn’t he? And they got a new VA because having him voiced by Matthew Rhys would be really spoiler-y right? He’s got the long hair and he’s a nerd… And with how he talks of finding a way back home, maybe Belos really DOES just want to return home, after all? He talks of making a way back home…
         And we see a glimpse of the Portal, so it might’ve brought him there? Or did Philip succeed in making it, and that was his blueprint designs? Did he arrive by Titan’s Blood? What happened to the portal if it brought him there, or if he made it? Why the scar, why near Eda’s house, partially buried?
         Was it lost before he could finish his work, and Philip got side-tracked into something else… Perhaps going on a crusade, on behalf of a curse/demon that possessed him? A demon that killed King’s father��? Was the portal broken and he had to discard it, but then it naturally healed- Or did it just need to recharge, maybe Philip DID make it back home, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?! Is there some sort of doppelganger for Philip, is BELOS his doppelganger?! What is THIS WHAT-
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"Learning the Lesson"
Parts of the fandom have often expressed an irrational rage when it comes to the question “why didn’t Scott trust Derek with the secret of Gerard’s cancer and his plan to turn Gerard’s plan to have Derek bite him against him?”  
Allow me to provide some insight on Scott’s motivations. 
At the beginning of Master Plan (2x12), Scott has been waiting with Isaac for the police, Coach, and the other lacrosse players to leave so he can rip the door off Stiles locker in order to get things for him and Isaac with which to track Stiles down. So who should show up at that point but Derek and Peter.  
Allow me to reproduce a snippet of that conversation.
Scott: What the hell is this?
Derek: You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff’s station. 
Scott: Okay, hold on. He - he threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do? 
Peter: I’m gonna go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom? She’s gorgeous. 
Derek/Scott: Shut up.
Isaac: Who is he? 
Scott: That’s Peter, Derek’s Uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat. 
Peter: Hi. 
Isaac: That’s good to know. 
Scott: How is he alive? 
Derek: Look, the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him.
In case you forgot, this isn’t the first time that Derek has surprised Scott in the locker room by being in the company of Peter.
Now, Co-Captain (1x10) may have been a year before to the viewing audience, but to the characters here, Derek’s betrayal and brutal violation of Scott in the very same place the present conversation is occurring with the very same person happened somewhere at the beginning or middle of February of 2011 and this is taking place at the end of March 2011, a week or so after Lydia’s birthday party. So that scene in Co-Captain took place six to eight weeks before.
So, suddenly Derek is once again teaming up with Peter, the person – if anyone needed reminding – who not only threatened the life of Scott’s mother, but also his best friend, his girl friend, and anyone Scott was connected to, but also murdered eight people; savaged Lydia; transformed Scott against his will and violated his mind repeatedly, trying to get him to kill his friends. But hey, Scott should so totally trust Derek, right? Right? Right?     
I also would like to point out a few other things in this scene that just might suggest that Scott was right not to trust Derek with his Master Plan. When Derek brings up his realization that Scott was seemingly working with Gerard, Scott explains that he was doing it under duress (which he was!) and he was doing it to get close to Gerard (which he did!). Let’s compare that to what Derek said when Scott demanded an explanation in Co-Captain:
Scott: You’re on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?
Derek: It was a mistake. 
Scott: What? 
Derek: It happens.
There’s a significant difference in these lines, isn’t there? Scott is working with Gerard to stop him and to protect his mother, and Derek worked with Peter because, well, he can understand how mistakes were made.
But hey, Scott, should so totally trust Derek, right? Right? Right?
I also want to point out that Isaac doesn’t know anything about Peter. Not that this should be a news flash to anyone, but Derek hasn’t been particularly forthcoming with his betas about what happened in the SIX WEEKS before he bit them. He says he told them about the hunters, but did he give them the full story about why the hunters were in town? About how he got his alpha abilities? Did he say “Yeah, my uncle became the alpha by murdering my sister and then I became an alpha by murdering him; this is normal in werewolf society – promotion by murder. Wanna join?”   
Isaac’s face on the words “That’s good to know” certainly implies it would have been better for him to know this before he said yes to the Bite, don’t you think? Is anyone shocked that in a little over six months, Isaac’s going to have to demand that Derek explain why he did this to them? I’m not.  
On the other hand, contrary to what thousands of Sterek shippers believe, Stiles never had to ask about what happened to Gerard. He was never surprised by Gerard still being alive and he certainly didn’t demand an explanation about why Scott did what he did. It’s almost as if he already knew about it and didn’t care. We can’t be 100% sure, of course, but the fact that Isaac, Scott and Boyd all criticized Derek for not sharing information, but the fact that Stiles never even asked Scott about his Master Plan should mean something.
But hey, Scott, should so totally trust Derek, right?Right? Right?
So, let me wax dramatic for a moment and paraphrase the last part of that first exchange.  
Scott: You’ve sided with your murderous uncle again? You asked for my help and then started working with the man who tormented me and everyone I loved the moment he came back from the grave? Did you lie to me about him being dead? Did you help him come back?
Derek: I have neither the time nor the interest to explain myself to you. I’m the alpha, so just suck it up and do what I tell you. When it is in the interest of the greater good, I don’t have to answer to anyone.
Scott: Is that how werewolves work? If you have a good enough reason, you can do what’s necessary without even an apology. Thanks for the lesson, Derek. Keep what you just taught me in mind for about… thirty minutes, okay? It might be useful to you.
If Scott was a terrible person for not revealing the cancer and the mountain ash trick as a way of stopping Gerard’s plan to get the Bite and hurting Derek’s feelings, then maybe fandom might want to consider that he learned his lesson at the feet of the master of concealing information and ignoring other people’s feelings, Derek Hale. Derek has zero room to complain, which to his credit, he never does.
This whole post is so fundamentally wrong, vile and disgusting on so many levels I don't even know where to begin, to be honest... 
We all know the Scott McCall Defense Squad bunch have an obsessive hate boner for Stiles and the Hales and think Scott repeatedly lying to everyone around him, conspiring with Gerard behind everyone's back, selling Derek and his Pack out to the hunters, handing both Matt and Jackson over to Gerard to save his own ass, giving Gerard all the information Gerard wanted on Derek and his Pack, and violating a rape victim is heroic. But them stooping as low – lower than usual –as to claim that Scott "Had A Valid Reason"  to violate someone's boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent and that Scott used and dehumanised Derek to teach him a lesson and make him a better man is truly on a whole other level of vileness and rape apologism. It's victim blaming at its grossest. The Teen Wolf fandom always talk about Scott McCall's abusive tendencies and behaviour, his toxic masculinity, and his utter lack of empathy; but his fans are even more toxic than him
The only difference is that Scott McCall is a fictional bully, while his fans are real ones 
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princessfbi · 3 years
#It’s the way that I can dissect this scene and the argument we don’t see but hear when Chimney leaves for hours
..... those tags tho, I’d happily read that dissection 👉🏻👈🏻
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Oh man! I am more than happy to oblige.
SO... In order to talk about Buck and Maddie's fight during "Merry Ex-Mas" we have to talk about some people we don't like. Namely, Margaret Buckley and Doug Kendall.
Particularly about how Margaret essentially made Maddie into a mother figure for Buck and Doug point out to Maddie that she is in fact, his sister and not his parent.
Margaret and Philip, whether unintentionally or not, relied on Maddie to take care of Buck. They let her handle him; be his parent. A fine example is in Buck Begins after he fell off the bike. Buck calls out for his mother and she goes to him only to pull back when she sees the bike. It’s a rejection in its most complicated form. The bike, for Margaret, is a symbol of grief. But for Buck and Maddie it was a symbol of growth. Of Buck growing up and becoming a big kid. Of moving on.
Margaret allowing the bike, her grief, to be a kind of barrier to her kids essentially drew a wall between them where she was on one side and Buck and Maddie were on the other. Which can be devastatingly isolating for an about five year old. Five being old enough to realize when a cry for comfort has been ignored is also young enough to still be reliant on others. But their parents didn’t just block out Buck. They blocked out Maddie too. They left her with a kid.
So, Maddie took care of Buck. She raised him. She didn’t have a choice which doesn’t cheapen their relationship. It goes back to what I said in my Maddie character analysis. We would not have Buck without Maddie. The emotional neglect that Buck and Maddie went through could have wrecked them as people. Buck could’ve very easily been turned into a toxic masculine person with resentments that rivaled the size of Margaret’s towards her own children. But he didn’t because of Maddie. Because Maddie showed him what it was like to love and be loved in return.
Maddie saved Buck.
But Maddie was also a kid and because of that added responsibility, I don’t think Maddie had any real boundaries when it came to Buck. Anyone who had a hand in raising a sibling knows the feeling of ownership, if you will, over them. There's a very clear sense of agency you get when you had a hand in making someone into the way they are.
It's why Maddie didn't back down from Margaret when she threw out the accusation that she "didn't know what it was like" because Maddie "wasn't a mother yet." It's why Maddie from young age handed out discipline in a sense with her parents in how they spoke about Buck.
"Don't talk to him like that."
Maddie scolds her parents for the way they disrespect Buck and put him down. She calls them out on their complacency when it comes to their relationship with Buck. Maddie sees herself as a parent figure/protector/authority figure (if not the only one) in Buck's life.
Which leads me to Doug. I think Doug was the person who pointed that out. I think Doug was the person who showed Maddie that she needed live for herself just as much as she lived for Buck. I think Doug saw that lightbulb go off for Maddie and used that to manipulate her as well. Doug recognized and “respected” in his own way that Maddie’s relationship with Buck was something of great value in her life. It’s why he didn’t storm in on those nights where she was alone with Buck after he found her. It’s why he didn’t ask her questions about Buck. It’s why he didn’t demand she come home when she told him “I’m with Evan” on the phone in Buck Begins.
Doug recognized in his own way that Buck was a hard line for Maddie.
So, Doug gave Maddie boundaries for Buck and hoped that would bring her over to his side. And neither Buck or Maddie realized it because they were so used to emotional neglect/manipulation (which is a form of abuse) that they didn't even blink because in their minds', they still had each other.
By Maddie’s own admission, the only thing of value she had at the time, was her relationship with Buck and Doug knew that. So, rather than take it away, he pushed himself in between them as a way to put distance between them.
Boundaries with one another was something completely foreign to Buck because his own idea of a "boundary" was the extreme with his parents: to be shut out completely which Buck would then internalize as being his fault. So, Buck resents Doug not for giving Maddie boundaries with Buck but for not letting Buck be a part of creating those boundaries. He sees it as a way of being shut out again.
Let's take into consideration what Buck said in Buck Begins when he asked to go live with Maddie and Doug.
"It's Doug, isn't it? He hates me."
Buck recognized Doug as another wall in his life and the resentment Buck had wasn't aimed at Maddie but at Doug. He had complete faith that Maddie wasn't shutting him out because she didn't love him anymore. It was because he thought Doug never loved him to begin with. And it's at this point that I think Buck saw the similarities with Maddie in himself. After Maddie left, Buck found himself in the middle between his parents and her. Buck recognized that Maddie was now in the middle between Doug and himself. That's why he didn't confront her in the hospital about Maddie pretending everything was hunky dory. But Buck recognized, before Maddie did, that Doug was the one putting her in the middle.
"You don't have to pretend with me, all right? I know things aren't okay with Doug."
It wasn't until a new beginning, an opportunity for them to escape from their sadness that Buck finally addressed that distance and the reasoning behind it.
Let's skip back to "Merry Ex-Mas" now.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"So, you hate Christmas now. Something else I can thank Doug for, huh?"
This is something I think a lot of people who have been on the sounding board end of a loved one going through a break up where the loved one is still defending the ex can recognize. I think Buck expected a clean break because that's the way Maddie was presenting it. Because Maddie had no problems cutting off everyone else in her life such as her parents, her friends, and to an extent Buck in a very clean, compartmentalized process. So, to Buck this seemed like it should've been the same.
But it wasn't. Because Maddie's relationship with Doug was complicated and she didn't fully cut herself of from him (or at least, didn't stop making excuse for him which is an internalized form of victim blaming) until that moment in the car during "Fight or Flight".
Let's take a look though at the real meat of this argument.
"You can't come into my house, Buck, and act this way."
"'Come into my house?' I'm your brother. Typical old Maddie."
Here's the real kicker.
"Typical old Maddie."
Remember how I said that Buck doesn't resent Maddie, he resents Doug?
Here's what I think we sometimes forget because we, as the audience, view the show as a whole. We, the viewers, know the extent of the trauma Doug put Maddie through but Buck doesn't. All Buck sees is that his sister isn't acting like herself and the only reason he has for that is whatever happened with Doug. Buck doesn't know everything Doug put Maddie through because Maddie has been shielding him from it.
Remember in Buck Begins when Omar tried to get Maddie to tell Buck about what happened?
"Evan can never know."
Even with the events of Buck Begins, Buck is still learning the extent of the abuse Maddie suffered from Doug. He knew Doug beat Maddie and he knew it was pretty bad to the point that he almost killed her. But he didn't know until Chimney told him that the reason Maddie didn't leave with him was because Doug beat her brutally for picking a side; Buck's side. It's one thing to know the broad picture but an entirely different thing to know the details.
Because at some point along the way, Maddie's boundary with Buck became a protective shield for Buck. Maddie may have been in the middle between Doug and Buck but Maddie had put herself over the line in the sand beside Buck once again and neither Buck or Doug realized it.
Maddie doesn't want to explain to Buck why she doesn't want to celebrate Christmas because it's a painful truth for herself but for Buck as well. It's opening up that protective bubble and letting the risk of Buck and herself being hurt again. So, she's shutting down again which is something she'd done before to keep Buck out of that messy part of her life. Except, because Buck thinks Maddie has had this clean break from her life with Doug, he pushes her a little.
"Come on, you love Christmas."
And Maddie lashes out.
"And easy to lash out on the person that you know is always gonna forgive you."
It's a panic response, a knee jerk reaction, because she doesn't want to go through the painful process of unpacking that especially not with Buck because she was still continuing to shield him from it all. She lashed out because, subconsciously at least, she knew it would deflect him from it.
"Typical old Maddie."
And it worked.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
1 Thing I Love & 1 Thing I Hate About EVERY Danganronpa Character Part 1
Part 2
I’d love to hear our opinions as well in the comments or my inbox or DM’s! If you try this trend with DR characters, tag me!
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Sayaka Maizono
♡ Her passion for her career and friends.
✘ The way she tries to screw over Makoto when the game had just begun. Like wait and see what happens before screwing over such a great guy? Leon didn’t deserve it either.
Leon Kuwata
♡ His voice actor (English), and how real and human his execution was in that we all would be so scared and irrational. It was just so iconic and sad as it’s our first introduction to the death in this series and we all think: “shit, this is real... they are really killing these kids.” I didn’t think it would be that brutal, just seeing his body limp at the end with the haunting music.
✘ His design is disgusting. I hate how he looks.
Chihiro Fujisaki
♡ So innocent, so kind, so intelligent
✘ Shouldn’t have been killed for such a stupid reason, also they did Mondo dirty with that motive for killing as well. Just a mess. As for the actual character, Chihiro cries right off the bat when you do your introductions and that was kind of annoying to me personally.
Mondo Oowada
♡ He has a lot of respect, understanding and emotions for someone I thought would be a hard-ass douche biker.
✘ The worst motive to kill ever in a game where you know you’re getting executed if you’re found out. Like you’d be extra careful and that’s his reason to kill? Lazy writing.
Celestia Ludenberg
♡ Bad bitch energy and her goth lolita design.
✘ Manipulation and double murder. Bad bitch energy only goes so far. Confidence is different then selfishness. Also, of all the chapter 3 triple murders... the worst motive to kill.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
♡ Emotions: secure in his masculinity, able to cry, show emotions, and apologize when he’s wrong. He’s funny and likable.
✘ The Ishimondo white hair thing was stupid. Taka was fine on his own.
Hifumi Yamada
♡ Writing takes talent, fan fiction as much as any other style or genre. Also the talent of his voice actor (who also voices Kiibo/K1-B0).
✘ Literally everything else about him.
Sakura Oogami
♡ I love everything about her. I love her wisdom, loyalty, design, voice etc. Just step on me, mother.
✘ Why the hell would she ever agree to be a spy even if it meant the end of her dojo? I just don’t think she would do that rationally because she isn’t selfish. The others would suffer for her spying. She remedies this with redemption in her letter in chapter 4 but still she should’ve said no off the bat. Everyone had something to lose. The dojo wasn’t worth spying for monokuma. Also I just don’t think she would commit suicide. She can’t help the remaining students survive and redeem herself truly if she’s dead.
Kyoko Kirigiri
♡ Bad bitch energy, calm and collected when I could never be.
✘ Especially in future arc of the anime, damn can you show some emotion please? Through your words and expressions not just your actions. Sure she was willing to “die” for Makoto but like I just want more emotion from her sometimes, even in THH.
Makoto Naegi
♡ So pure. I Love Bryce Papenbrook. Makoto reminds me of Sora and I love his design.
✘ In THH I didn’t mind his innocence but in the Danganronpa 3 future arc anime, when people started straight up abusing him and accusing him, he needed to grow a little backbone.
Byakuya Togami
♡ Love my dad, king shit, also love how over the progression of the games and animes he becomes a little more kind to his friends.
✘ Why the fuck did he mess with Chihiro’s body? Just so cruel and disrespectful.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
♡ Funny magic man. Sexy voice.
✘ Please. Please Hiro use your brain just once. Why do we have to prove Kyoko isn’t a ghost?!
Toko Fukawa
♡ Character development in UDG and I love Genocider.
✘ Putting down herself and others constantly gets old in THH.
Aoi Asahina
♡ Love her voice actress and her personality
✘ We really just gonna get everyone killed in chapter 4 huh? Surely you know they don’t all deserve that.
Junko Enoshima
♡ A very memorable villain with great hair and design.
✘ I just can’t stand her. I hate her so much.
Mukuro Ikusaba
♡ Her mercenary background is super cool as a concept.
✘ Too bad it wasn’t explored nearly enough.
Hajime Hinata
♡ Seeing the protagonist be a little less naive, innocent and positive than Makoto was a refreshing change, although I loved Makoto. I liked Hajime’s cynicism and expressions that sometimes just screamed “this shit again, huh?”
✘ I enjoy the way Izuru looks but I hate him as a character. He is sexy to look at but Hajime is just a better character overall
Teruteru Hanamura
♡ His love for his family and mother especially is so cute and heart breaking if you know the full story.
✘ He needs to know when to dial it back and quit with the perversions. And no it’s not just how he looks, Miu needs to chill at times, too.
♡ I feel like he genuinely cares about his friends, just hides it well
✘ His death felt like a cop out and poorly written. It just didn’t sit right with me. Also his design is disgusting to me, his outfit and such.
Mahiru Koizumi
♡ Loyal to her close friends.
✘ I just have no interest in her as a character and I find her boring.
Peko Pekoyama
♡ Loyalty. Loyalty is something I value very highly in every form of relationship. Peko is also very hot.
✘ Come on girl... I know how you were raised but you should’ve known Fuyuhiko didn’t think of you as just a tool and you two should’ve expressed your true feelings long ago. Like even in secret. How do you live like this? Also I feel like killing Mahiru could’ve been avoided with a calm talk.
Ibuki Mioda
♡ Cute design, positive vibes.
✘ Cringe sometimes in the way she talks.
Hiyoko Saionji
♡ Beautiful character design and some very good insults and snarky remarks at times.
✘ Just irredeemably mean and annoying. Even when you do her free time events she is just so annoying.
Mikan Tsumiki
♡ I like her design as well as her hair, expressions, sprites and clothing.
✘ I hate her. I just hate her whether she’s in her true psycho form or timid stuttering form. She’s just annoying in my opinion.
Nekomaru Nidai
♡ So supportive, can hold my drink at a party. Respects everyone and wants the best for them.
✘ Bro Mechamaru was a stupid plot point. I just couldn’t stand looking at him and couldn’t take it seriously. Still sad when he died though.
Chiaki Nanami
♡ From chapter 5 of sdr2 on she is impossible not to love if you didn’t already. Just the selflessness, the sadness of the reveal and execution, how she returns to help Hajime at the end???? I love her. I love her hair design, color palette, her personality, everything.
✘ I’m bitter and miserable about her being the only class member to actually die (the despair arc anime) also her falling asleep at random times is kind of odd and she doesn’t seem to be like that later on in the game??? Like it seemed like a cheap joke but not actually who she is? Hard for me to explain.
Gundham Tanaka
♡ King shit, couldn’t praise him enough. He’s sexy, loves animals, and is funny as hell sometimes. His voice actor is a saint and a cool dude and I named my guinea pigs after the Dark Devas (yes I know they are hamsters in the games.)
✘ Come on dude. I get that being from Hell and magic and having evil powers is your shtick, but we all know that you and Nekomaru sacrificed yourselves so the others wouldn’t starve. We know you care about your classmates. There comes a time when it’s time to let personas and facades fade and be true to your heart. I just feel like him denying he cared at the end hurt. We all know he cared. I didn’t like how he was haughty until the end. He deserved better. I love him.
Nagito Komaeda
♡ I love him so much. So cunning and intelligent, always a step ahead. And he’s big sexy.
✘ Him killing himself in chapter 5 hurt me so bad I was like in denial for days. Also hate how Bryce Papenbrook gives him a raspy stoner psycho voice in the game then a light airy higher-pitched voice in the despair arc anime. It just bothers me. I love his voice still but the inconsistency just hurts my OCD
Sonia Nevermind
♡ I love that she’s so interested in her passions and love her feelings for Gundham
✘ Her outfit and bow are atrocious. Also why didn’t she start liking and talking to Gundham sooner on? Their romance bloomed late and it would’ve made for a better chapter 4 ending if they were a bit closer.
Kazuichi Souda
♡ Cool design and outfit, love his voice (also voices Kaito in V3) and his backstory is relatable at times. He’s also very human in that he’s scared a lot of the time or insecure or blames others in panicked situations. It’s not always a good thing but it’s human and realistic.
✘ Gosh he can be so annoying. Sometimes flirting or whining too much is well... too much.
Akane Owari
♡ Strong-willed and definitely someone I would be friends with
✘ What the hell is her outfit? Gymnasts and athletes don’t wear that shit. Stop objectifying her when it doesn’t even make the product or plot better. Like there’s absolutely no point to making her dress that way. I was a gymnast for 15 years. Even those who do parkour (which Akane seems to do more often than actual gymnastics in the anime and game) don’t wear what she wears. Also she’s underrated.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
♡ I love him. He’s the DR character I’m most like out of all the games and anime. Tenko is a close second. I think he’s adorable, love his character arc, development, redemption, and love his voice.
✘ In the anime/despair arc, Fuyuhiko is not done justice. He doesn’t get enough lines, has a different voice actor, just doesn’t give off the same vibes.
Izuru Kamakura
♡ Sexy man long hair good.
✘ Boring character. I wish he were just Hajime.
Kaede Akamatsu
♡ Loyalty and leadership are such attractive qualities in her. Also she faced her death with such class and dignity and I respect her because I could never.
✘ Some of the voice lines Erika does for her are just weird and cringe. Just random moans or grunts... I don’t know it’s like when Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 (also voiced by Erika) makes suggestive noises as well. Just grinds my gears. Also hate her outfit down to the hair pins.
Shuichi Saihara
♡ I love his nasally voice. I love his design and he’s so adorable. I love how emotional and compassionate he can be. He ties with Makoto for favorite protag of mine.
✘ That sprite where he sniffs his hand. And his ugly ass hat.
Rantarou Amami
♡ Sexy man, sexy voice, sexy piercings
✘ Ugly outfit, and wasted potential
Ryoma Hoshi
♡ I respect him and feel bad for his outlook on life and for how poorly he views himself. I love his little hat as well and he’s the first “different styled” character (Hifumi, Bandai, Teruteru) that I liked the design of.
✘ I hate when he says “got a long ways to go,” it’s overused and annoying, and wish he gave himself more credit. Also hate that when you first meet him he warns you that he’s killed people and is dangerous to be around. Come on buddy, you know you wouldn’t hurt your friends. Stop pushing them away.
Kirumi Tojo
♡ Competence, well rounded, skillful
✘ Boring as hell. I wouldn’t waste one free time event on her.
Angie Yonaga
♡ Dark skin, super cute, love her talent as an artist myself.
✘ Gives religious people a bad name and is super manipulative which I hate.
Tenko Chabashira
♡ I relate to her and feel bad when she’s misunderstood. She’s a good person deep down. Also love her sprites.
✘ There’s more cunning, funny and clever ways to write her digs at men.
Korekiyo Shunguuji
♡ I’m in love with this man. Long hair, voice, mystery, mask, intelligence, passion, talent.
✘ He definitely was a victim of abuse and a lot of people refuse to see that and just hate him. Team Danganronpa should’ve given him a redemption arc where he realized his sister abused him and changed.
Gonta Gokuhara
♡ I love his design except for his suit. Also he’s so cute and naive. I cried for his trail.
✘ No need talk like caveman. Better way to do this.
Kokichi Ouma
♡ Like Nagito, I value his intelligence and crazy cunning.
✘ Shouldn't have died. Also shouldn’t have manipulated Gonta. That was just cruel.
Miu Iruma
♡ She has her hilarious moments and her death surprised me and was sad.
✘ Sometimes she lacks basic empathy, i.e. calling Tenko “Tencrotch” when she just fucking died.
Maki Harukawa
♡ Amazing character development. Didn’t see her surviving until the end at the start. Also her love and passion for Kaito.
✘ “Do you wanna die?” gets old.
Kaito Momota
♡ Just the overall best bro you could ever have.
✘ Has some toxic masculinity issues and anger issues.
♡ Pretty much everything about him. His design, his attitude and personality, especially how amazing and cool he is chapter 5 onward, his execution made me so sad. He’s so innocent and funny without trying.
✘ When you do his free time events he’s very arrogant and just talks about himself a lot... it seems odd and not similar to the Kiibo we see throughout the game.
Himiko Yumeno
♡ Super cute design, love her voice and “Nyeh...” and her sprites. Her character development is great as well.
✘ Why did they take so long to make her important and likable?
Tsumugi Shirogane
♡ An excellent and well hidden reveal
✘ I hate her. So annoying, from the voice to the references and her personality.
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algumaideia · 3 years
The ableism in the Acotar series
I was thinking about all the problematic aspects of the Acotar books, and I realized that they are pretty ableist. I don’t know if someone have already talked about it, but just in case I’ll do it. But before I start, I need to say some things:
1. I haven’t read the series for a while, and I don’t remember some stuff. So, I might write something that is wrong.
2. I’m not disabled myself. This post is based on my research about disabilities and how disabled people are represented in the media. I have a lot of interest in the subject, and I also researched about it because I’m writing a story with several disabled characters. I also did a school project about assistive technologies.
3. English is not my mother language and I’m still learning it. There are gonna be spelling and grammar mistakes. I’m sorry about it, but it is life.
4. I haven’t read the acosf book, so maybe SJM changed the story or some character in this book and therefore my post will be incorrect.
5. Besides the fact that I consider Emerie to be disabled, I won’t talk about her in the post. Because as I said I didn’t read acosf and I think that her appearance in the acofas has the same purpose that the other female Illyrians (since Idk how to write Illyrians this will be write wrong in the entire post, I’m sorry).
6. I forget the name of some characters and I don’t want to search it, so I’ll just give them new names.
Now let’s begin.
I’ll analyze the following characters in this post: Papa Acheron, Lucien, Cassian and Ianthe, the woman from the library and the female Illyrians, the female creature from the forest, the Illyrian soldiers that came back from the war and the girl who couldn’t fly. I think I forgot someone, but patience. In the end of the post I’ll talk about disabilities, ableism and worldbuilding.
I also would like to say that almost all her characters got their disability as a punishment, and the problem with this is that it always links disability with something bad.
Papa Acheron:
As I said Papa Acheron got his disability as a punishment, since he didn’t pay his debts, some people went in this house and broke his leg. I might be wrong, but I think that it didn’t healed well and because of that he has chronic pain. So, to better analyze him I’ll compare him to two other characters with chronic pain, Kaz Brekker and Melissa, one of my main characters.
Papa Acheron became useless after he became disabled. He thought he was useless and by extension Feyre thought it too. I’m not saying that internalized ableism doesn’t exist, but the narrative never calls it out. Feyre accepts this excuse, it is kind of implied that if he weren’t disabled, he would be able to help his family and get money. Now let’s look to Kaz (I haven’t read the second book of the duology, please no spoilers). He accepts his disability, not only that but he uses his cane as one of his symbols. He goes against the idea that a disabled person is stuck with a cane or a wheelchair or whatever. He feels free with his cane. Now, this doesn’t mean that every disabled character needs to feel okay with his disability. My character, Melissa, feels a lot of anger because of her chronic pain. It hurts her, it disrupts her plans, it makes her suffer. However, it didn’t stop her to live her life and she also is not seeking anyone’s pity, which is very different from the Papa Acheron situation. Mel has friends, a social life, she studies, she will have a job, she will date, get married and have children. She doesn’t feel mad because she is disabled, she is also autistic, and she loves that part of herself. What bothers her is that her disability makes her feels a lot of pain. Papa Acheron is just someone to you feel bad and angry about. He doesn’t do anything because he is disabled and believes that this makes his useless and the narrative kind of agrees with him.
Lucien doesn’t have one eye, and that’s what makes him disabled. He became disabled as a punishment for falling in love with a lesser fae and not only that, but he is only without his mechanic/magic eye when he is on his worse. He was without his eye when his family was torturing and banishing him. And then when he was UTM. Again, disability being connected with bad things. Now about his mechanic eye. The first time that Feyre describes his eye she says it is creepy. Which is bad. But also, why it had to be magic and give him the ability to see spells or something like that (this was never brought back btw)? Why can’t he have a normal mechanical eye? Why he needs a mechanical eye? Why does his mechanical eye need to compensate the fact he is disabled? He is as much complete with and without his eye.
Cassin and Ianthe:
I put this two together for one reason, their disabilities were cured. I’ll talk about Cassian first. When they invaded Hybrein (I also don’t know how to write the name of the country) they hurt his wings badly. And considering that to Illyrians the wings are as much a limb as an arm or a leg, he was disabled for a while. (I’m aware that to something be considered a disability it needs to be long lasting. But I think that the fact that it was cured is ableist, if I’m not wrong the text said it was a miracle he was healed.)Then we had Cassian in the floor with his wings all damaged, suffering a lot, what a horrible scene. But don’t worry! The next time he’ll appear completely cured, because being disabled is such a horrible thing and SJM never used deus ex machina to save her characters. So, this injured made him disabled for a while, and it could be interesting. The wings are the Illyrian symbol, the symbol of their toxic masculinity and their sexism. Cassian being disabled because of his wings would make him revalue his culture and his own idea of masculinity and it would be so amazing. But he was cured. I think that this makes Cassian falls in the disabled for one day trope. Just like Ianthe. First the way she became disabled was disgusting. Feyre invading her mind was such a horrible thing to do. I’m not denying that Ianthe is a terrible person/fae but that doesn’t change the fact that it was a horrible scene. I really dislike characters with telepathic powers, because for me their powers are crossing a line. They invade and control someone’s mind. They take off the person free will. They basically turn the person in a robot. If I remember correctly when Feyre made Ianthe broke her hand it was with the purpose to make it useless. And when she appeared again in all her glory she was, surprise, surprise, cured.
The woman from the library and the female Illyrians:
I put they together because their disabilities are used for the same two purposes. The first is that they became disabled as a punishment for being female, and the second it to show how FEMINIST Rhysand is. He isn’t feminist, so all these women suffered for nothing. Again, disability being linked with bad things. The symbol of the female Illyrians suffering is they becoming disabled. NOT GOOD AT ALL. About the woman from the library, she was there to also show how good Feyre is. She is there so we can feel pity of her. She didn’t deserve it.
The female creature who couldn’t see:
My problem with her is that it is implied/said that she has better senses because she is blind. And that’s not how it works?? People just pay more attention in what they hear, touch or smell when they are blind/visually impaired.
The girl who couldn’t fly:
I'm gonna call her Anna. First Anna is like the only character who just have a disability. No trauma, no war, no punishment. She just has. Then she is a great disabled character, right? Wrong. She has inspirational porn written all over her story. She is there to make Feyre feel better about herself and make other abled people/fae feel inspired. She is there so we can say: ohhh poor thing, but at least she overcame her disability and now can fly. So ableist. Anna is also only valued after proving herself useful. That is wrong. Disabled people should be valued because they are people. They don’t need to be amazing in anything to be treated with respect.
The Illyrian soldiers:
My problem with them is how their disability is used to reinforce sexism and make Cassian and Rhysand feel bad. But what about the Illyrian soldiers? How are they feeling? It seems this is not important. They also bother me because of worldbuilding questions.
Disabilities, ableism and worldbuilding:
First, why humans and fae feel the same about disabled people? Feyre has the same opinion the IC have. And the humans and fae were separated for 500 years. This doesn’t make sense. Every court think the same thing about disabled fae? Does something change if the disabled fae is a lesser or a higher fae? It should make a difference. A real world example of how social class affects the way disabled people are treated: the first school for deaf people created only taught children of the nobles.
And why the way people look to disabled fae didn’t change after the war? What about the assistive technology? You know what, it is unrealistic the fact that we don’t have any assistive technology in this world. But this happen in the antient times, how could there be any assistive technology? First, assistive technology is everything that helps a disabled person, a cane, a screen reader, a scooter. Everything can be an assistive technology. Second, assistive technologies exist since the antiente times. One of the oldest prothesis were found in a mummy. There is a painting of Hephaestus using a wheelchair. And considering that this series happens in what was supposed to be the Middle ages, it was supposed to have assistive technologies. Wheelchairs during this time were heavy and the user couldn’t use it by himself, but they existed. There are records of a king using a wheelchair during the middle ages. And I mean with the war something was supposed to change. The first place to blind people in the France was created because 300 soldiers came back from the crusades without their eyes. It was in the century 20 that disabled people started to be more included in the society. And one of the reasons were the soldiers that came back from WW1 and WW2 disabled. Not only that but in war times the technology improves, so a lot of new assistive technologies and materials were created during this time. The first record of guide dogs comes from 1819 in school in Vienna, but it didn’t work. Only after WW1 that guide dogs appeared again. And you know with what purpose? Help veterans that were blind due to the war. Braille was a system used for the French army during battles. Louis Braille only made it simpler. The war should change something.
Why is the world ableist?  The excuse that this is an antient society doesn’t work my friend. The Egypt was a very including country. Blind people could be part of any social class. Dwarfs were part of the society since they had a dwarf god. In antient Japan blind people were expected to be independent. They could work with music, religion, telling stories etc. And the work of telling stories was very important since it made the Japanese tradition to continue. The excuse that this is an antient society is just this, an excuse. Now she could have used to say something. Leigh Bardugo used the ableism of her world to criticize the ableism of our world. I’m doing the same thing with my story. SJM made an ableist world just because.
That was my analysis. I’m sorry this was very long. I know this was a little confusing, but it was very difficult to put all the stuff that was in my mind in text. In my mind everythig made sense, but when I was writing it I realized I wasn’t following a logical argument. If that makes sense. Anyway, thank you for reading it.
If you read the books and realized I wrote something wrong, please tell me. If you are disabled and think I said something offensive, I’d love to hear you. If you are non-disabled and want to comment and give your opinion, feel free. And if you don’t want to comment, don’t do it. You can do whatever you want.
Best regards,
Ps. This is my first post in Tumblr, so I don’t know if I tagged it right, if you want to help, I would be really grateful.
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