#or at least some parts because uh
burning-jealousy · 1 year
An Open Letter To FR Staff & Users (But Mostly To Staff)
This post will be long and I'm sure one or two people will deem it as brown-nosing staff, so here's a read more because I love my friends and followers and anyone perusing the Flight Rising tag. This is a very long post.
Preemptively, yes, you can reblog and add on, but I probably won't respond, as immediately after posting I'm muting this post.
There are 3 TLDRs under the read more, alongside the bulk of the post. Again. This is very, very long. 2.4k words long. I have 9 years of thoughts rattling around in this post.
TLDR for section 1 (No Wait!! Only Dragon): The art staff needs to draw, adjust and recolor (if this is seen past 3/24/23, over.) 7,244 individual pieces of apparel for every new modern breed (this is including both poses, not just one pose) they add, along with 324 genes (including f pose, m pose and h pose) and make sure all 177 colors with 2,680,125 combinations of colors possible (I.. I think? This is including all 3 poses also. Additionally, if I'm not wrong, they have an algorithm handle coloring to make things easier, but it doesn't change the fact that these still need to all be tested as they come up. Also this doesn't include every gene and gene combo, so uh, you can have fun with THAT math) don't break anything, and paired with their 'no crunch policy' it is no surprise we need to wait 5+ years between modern breeds, and even without modern breeds being taken into consideration, it makes sense that we have glitches with colors and genes just breaking.
TLDR for section 2 (Communication): Staff (Specifically those in positions like Aequorin, where they can be a bridge between coders/artists/etc and users) needs to communicate more with their users in regards to accessibility rollouts, issues with 'ban waves', false multi-account claims, actual multi-accounters being unnoticed for some time, etc. Full stop. The lack of communication can be a bit egregious, but it's slowly gotten better.
TLDR for section 3 (Final Thoughts): Staff messes up. With people they hire, things they do and decisions they make - We see it a lot more because they're effectively 20 or so people being eyeballed by (as of writing this) 4,221 people. So does the userbase. But we don't see that as much because the average user does not have 4.2k eyes on them at any given moment. But they're just a bunch of humans. They still deserve to be treated like them, even if you don't agree with every single thing they do.
v-v-Actual Post-v-v
To start, please know, I have been an active user off and on since 2014. This is not coming from a user who has been coddled by the release of Obelisks and onward. Additionally, I have plenty ill opinions on staff and some of the hills they've decided to dig their heels in on, as they are not perfect, no one is, but I would like to write this post to no one either way. This is more so in regards to their 'no crunch policy' and several other things that I've noticed over the years.
I'll focus on my main and only issue here first, the "no crunch policy." I'm not sure if they've ever quite explained what they mean by that, but, at a glance, it means they don't make their artists rush to finish pieces, which is fine, however it becomes frustrating as a user when they keep, in the case of Aberrations, putting the release off because of a 'no crunch policy.' There is a definite difference between not crunching and ensuring your artists adhere to a release schedule- That is to say if Stormlight Workshop intends to handle Flight Rising like a professional website, then they need to hire artists with the intent of making a set release date, rather than hiring them under the pretense of 'not crunching under any circumstances, ever.' Realistically, we should've gotten Aberrations a little sooner than we did.
Now, staff has said on multiple occasions they are always working on new breeds, and only in the 2020s have we been able to get a good view of that being true, as we have had three Ancient breed releases in the past 12 months alone, a massive step up from the previous release 'schedule' where we got two in 2014 (Coatls, Nocturnes), one in 2016 (Bogsneaks), two in 2019 (Gaoler, Banescale), one in 2020 (Veilspun), one in 2021 (Obelisks), two in 2022 (Aberrations, Undertides) and one (so far) in 2023 (Aethers).
This isn't to be ignorant towards the artists employed at Stormlight Workshop and the fact that artists regularly, without fail, get absolutely shafted when it comes to income VS the work they put in and time constraints, etc, to the point where freelance artists (the average artist you'd commission off of Tumblr or other social networking sites) need to greatly undersell their commissions to even get one commission. For example, an artist who I'd put their art at maybe 45/50$ for one fullbody charged 20$ for a 2 character fullbody with full shading and details, it is that bad when it comes to trying to find work, so I can ABSOLUTELY understand why they'd choose to push for a 'no crunch' policy to give their artist a dang break when it comes to work they receive. However as far as I'm aware, no artists have ever come forward to speak about pay they receive working on Flight Rising assets. This is in no way me claiming they are not paying their artists a fair wage or not paying them at all, this is me saying that no official artist, as far as I am aware, has stated what they are paid and how (gems, USD, etc.), so guesses cannot be made re: hourly pay until then.
This is a very, very long-winded way to say I think the userbase should be a bit.. More understanding re: wait times. I know in recent times, as we've stopped being kids/early 20 year-olds, the agitation in regards to everything has gone down. And I still think the wait can be pretty egregious and I'm hoping we get more modern breeds soon, or a better idea on what release schedules we can look at going forward.
Now. The following segment is not about the art staff and issues in regards to the waits, but the company Stormlight Workshop as a whole. I am not claiming anything I say going forward reflects on the company, workers and staff in a negative light, nor am I claiming any/all of these bans were done to 'get back' at a user, were done 'incorrectly/in error' or were done without reason. These things happen with sites like Flight Rising where they have a smaller staff and cannot 100% screen every single ban/email inquiry re: a false ban/etc. But the communication is an issue all the same.
Moving onto other my secondary, significantly lesser issue is the lack of communication regarding this stuff. Staff - User communication should be kept at a minimum without being cold, snarky, standoffish, etc, (sort of like the behavior Aequorin(? i think that's how you spell her name) displays with users, she can be serious at times and silly others, it depends on the context really!) lest we get sites like PokeFarm Q where the site owner/main coder can be a total jerk and traumadump to a userbase consisting primarily of mentally ill minors while having no repercussions. However, the issue with this comes in when we don't have details regarding breed releases, actual ETA dates for when we're getting (for example) achievements back. Additionally there are some lesser promises that have fallen through that we've gotten no word on, such as more merchandise like the pins we never got, and why it can be such a complete pain in the butt to get Wildclaw scrolls and why they've only been in circulation for a total that's around a month when stuck back to back when they were intended to more 'regularly' cycle. (The post I saw claimed a cumulative 20 - 40 days? I don't recall exactly.)
Additionally, there are the, at times, false ban waves that staff goes on every once in a blue moon that makes a subset of the community lose their collective minds. I have been friends with two users affected by this. One I will not give details to, as they are back on-site under a new account (which is permitted under the pretense they give up on getting their old account back), but her husband and her both got banned. Staff can be very inconsistent with who does and does not get banned for multiaccounting, even while reporting is taken into account, as I've seen what I deemed to be a pretty blatant case not get taken care of for quite some time, when reported.
However I am aware this is very likely a case of personal bias. I am very aware that this is a topic that is very personal to me as I lost a pair of dragons to someone being banned unfairly for multiaccounting (context: they admitted they had an acc prior to their current one on the forums and got banned), and even when they relented the account and just asked that the dragons to be sent back to me, staff refused, per their TOS re: dragon ownership (once it leaves the original owner's lair, ownership is forfeit, so technically they weren't mine anymore). The final case I can think of here is when a user known best for their darker lore and was widely disliked for it being 'problematic' (see: it was dark, and people did not like that) was falsely flagged for multiaccounting and had their account locked, and staff eventually just stopped responding to their emails, so they gave up on waiting and made a new account. (I know that this was false because the user who flagged them admitted to it.)
Next are the many complaints regarding accessibility. Starting at the landing page on the site, it is VERY bright- Painfully so- And those with migraines, eye issues, so on and so forth, are not permitted within site rules to even use an addon to change the way the site looks. I won't do a deep dive into the issues with this, but they claim they 'will see' about a dark mode in the future. I am somewhat photosensitive. Not in the 'rapidly flashing, bright colors can give me a seizure' way, but more in the 'this can give me a migraine' kind of way, so while it is less harmful for me to have it open in a low-lit room, it still isn't particularly pleasant. Even sites several years it's predecessor, like Dragon Cave, even have alternate color schemes for their website, so I never quite understood the logic.
That is to say that things like this are not excusable, especially the lack of a darkmode and basic accessibility features regarding familiar bonding being marginally less painful to do than clicking and pressing left on your keyboard up to 215 times (this is 100% excluding those who bond ALL of their familiars every single day. they are not being counted in here, as even if they are disabled, they are making the intentional decision to bond 1102 familiars every day even if it hurts them) and that is a 'lesser' task that one can do in maybe 5 - 15 minutes if they're on the Desktop version of the website.
The coli captcha being changed was an incredible step forward, one that I'm very pleasantly surprised we actually got. And that's why I think we need to push more on these things in a respectful way. Key emphasis on respect. You obviously won't get anywhere being too gentle and kind and letting staff get away with ableism like the lack of a darkmode and banning of those who use applications to make the screen dark so they can use the site.. It doesn't make the site out to be a very friendly website to users who suffer from various disabilities. But they are making changes to help that. Several users enjoy writing in tiny, barely visible text, so they added a 'toggle text style off or on for this post.'
I know full well that no war was ever won with kindness, but you need to avoid making a donkey of yourself on the public forums- Especially ones where the minimum age is 13. Calling staff stupid/incompetent/nasty names is hurtful, even if you DO feel that way and it's a knee-jerk reaction to the lack of accessibility they seem to be digging their heels in on, that's just not how the real world actually goes.
This is not to say that staff is exempt of criticism, if anything they need to be critiqued more than they are in constructive ways that don't come off guns blazing.
All of this is to say that staff's communication, as a whole, not just about, say, a delay or two, but rather developer updates, needs to be done much better. I feel like I should actively be seeing more developers talking about what's going on rather than just Aequorin sniping misbehaving users and locking a thread, or Undel talking about what she's wanting to update next (for the encyclopedia, full disclosure, nothing too interesting.)
Going three pages into the dev tracker I have only seen the following administrators: Aequorin, Undel, Kaepora and Mutron. Aequorin seems to do a lot of the heavy lifting regarding engaging with the community, which makes sense, she's the community manager, but I sincerely think there needs to be more communication going on, more updates and such that aren't .
I could just be saying that as I feel every website, especially sites like this where a lot of it is on the users to make the fun out of the game, could benefit from more clear, concise communication. I am not asking a lot, I don't think at least, for them to maybe get one or two more community managers and hold more regular Q&A sessions like they used to. It is not right that we need to claw at staff for some of the things that we've gotten after 10 years, and it's not right that staff needs to shake us off their legs like rabid dogs from time-to-time because of a misstep they made that makes a small and very vocal subset of the community go ballistic, which sends ripples out to other parts of the community.
That's about all I have to say. I've been writing this nonstop for almost 3 hours, and I honestly can't think of anything else I have to say. Sorry if it's disjointed/doesn't make sense at times. I guess my very last thought is I don't know what I'd do to change the issues I have. I'd say monthly updates on various aspects of the site or maybe a Q&A, as I feel that's a fair request, given that's the average amount of updates a Kickstarter game gets, but that could prove annoying, frustrating or just ineffective in practice.
But again, I want to put emphasis on this: None of this is in any way, shape or form meant to reflect badly on Stormlight Workshop as a company or it's employees. This is merely a series of opinions I have in regards to Flight Rising, Stormlight Workshop and the staff behind Flight Rising.
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forgettable-au · 3 months
Here’s a question, if Papyrus where to be refused to all of Wing Ding’s fragments and retain his memories (despite how impossible it would be), would he be Wing Ding with all of Papyrus’s memories, or Papyrus with all of Wing Ding’s
Aka if Steven Universe/Dragon Ball fused would it be Pap or WG?
He would remain more Papyrus :] !!
Papyrus with Wingdings memories
Papyrus is someone who we could say is a natural progression towards something better
With a desire to better himself and also one of helping others better themselves
Of course he struggles and has a long way to go in lots of areas, but he's not giving up on himself or anyone else
It would be weird to make a character like that reverse to an old identity, someone who just ended up destroying himself (both metaphorically and physically)
So he would definitely stay Papyrus
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haunted-xander · 1 year
A big part of why Zack's death hits so hard (for me at least) is that Zack is someone who cares so so so much for people and managed to get so many people to care about him in return. Angeal cared for him enough to the point he prefered to die by Zack's hands over anyone else, and entrusted him with a precious family heirloom. Even Sephiroth (prior to the Nibelheim incident) very clearly has somewhat of a soft spot for Zack, being one of the few people he's shown deliberately being nice to.
Even the turks care for him! Cissnei is obvious as she and Zack formed a pretty personal connection throughout crisis core, but even Tseng clearly enjoys his company and often plays along with his jokes and antics.
I'm not gonna dig deep into his relationships with Aerith and Cloud (that's for another post if I ever feel like it), but they are also so so so important to him.
And, personally, what makes this all even worse, is that Zack probably knew he'd die by Shinra's hands eventually. By this point, he already laments the situation he's in, being stuck working for a company he KNOWS is massively corrupt and doesn't care for anything but their own agenda, and being unable to do anything about it. Acting out and rebelling against them doesn't work (as proven by Genesis and Angeal) and he can't just leave and be done with it (Zack knows too much for Shinra to just let him go, and even if he COULD leave, it wouldn't change anything)
But, at the very least, his death wasn't meaningless. Zack managed to save one of the people he loved the most, and that person then went on to do what Zack couldn't. It's all because of Zack that Cloud is not only alive, but also has the strength necessary to move forward.
Zack, man.
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moonscape · 3 months
okay i'm going to be nicer to totk for real now *deletes most of my drafts*
#bwark#god i'm fucking trying to have some kind of epiphany here where i can have it all click and be like ''even if i have my problems i can still#get enjoyment out of it'' but this game makes it so damn difficult#''i can discuss the story'' wait nope can't. story sucks ass and butt#''what about the exploration? that was the best part of botw'' uh no can't do that when the surface is practically the same and there's no#substance to the sky or the depths#''gameplay?'' i don't like ultrahand. which sucks when that's 90% of the gameplay#i respect the work that must've gone into it and the creativity it's drawn from fans but making one gameplay aspect literally ALL YOU DO#runs the risk of alienating people who can't get behind#and sure other zelda games have their gimmicks but it's different#like take tp for example. i get that the wolf mechanic isn't for everyone. but aside from the early game twilight sections and a few sparse#puzzles in the later game you're never really forced to play as wolf so it doesn't overstay its welcome#god i just remembered that totk turned wolf link into meat chunks. another thing they took from us 😔#actually on that genuinely why couldn't they just bring him back?#like you're reusing a ton of shit from botw anyway??#which brings me back to my main point is that anything that isn't new is just. botw again#shrines are back but they're uglier. dungeons are the divine beasts but in a new coat of paint#why did they add more shrines to the game anyway? like you'd think they'd at least lower the number because fans didn't want them to return#the SINGULAR leg up i can think of id the bosses. yeah i love botw and i'll hold my hands up and say that a lot of the common complaints for#it don't bother me personally but yeah the blights absolutely sucked#divebombing colgera with the dragon roost theme playing was the closest thing that this game came to giving me an experience#okay i'll shut up now I'M GOING TO BE NICE EVEN IF IT KILLS ME
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recurring-polynya · 9 months
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i would simply not attack this man, no matter how advantageous my position appeared to be
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alchemania · 7 months
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Be At Rest (Both Soul and Body)
Furina barely, if ever, caught Wanderer sleeping. He was always on the move, often whizzing by in a blue and white blur - or simply blending in with the crowds in Sumeru, allowing himself to sink into the sea of people around him.
So when she found him resting in the forest with a rather rotund bird on his head, the sight had her speechless for a good few moments. Not wanting to disturb his peace, Furina tiptoed closer and sat next to him as quietly as possible, folding her hands over her lap as she observed the sky- the clouds drifted lazily overhead, and she found herself relaxing, the air calm and warm. Looking back over to her companion, Furina wondered if he was truly sleeping, or just resting. Curious, she lifted a finger and gently poked his cheek, and an indigo eye opened instantly.
"What," he said, voice heavy with weariness.
"Were you sleeping?"
And just like that, the slight irritation she'd come to know shone through in his gaze. "I was TRYING to. Before somebody decided to bother me."
"..ah, sorry. I can lea-"
"I didn't ask you to go," he went on, closing his eye again and shifting so he was on his back. "As long as you stay quiet, it's fine." He folded his hands over his belly then, sighing, and Furina couldn't help but giggle - he looked like a little tired old man, and he acted about as crabby as one sometimes too, honestly. "The hell is so funny?"
"You look like a little old man," the white haired girl grinned, more giggles bubbling out of her, and the offense on Wanderer's face was palpable.
"I do not."
"You act like one, too. Crabby little guy who pretends he doesn't like anyone -"
"I don't pretend not to like people," he countered.
"..okay, but you do care a lot more than you let on."
".. I didn't know this was a character evaluation," Wanderer deadpanned, but the way his voice softened let Furina know she wasn't far off track.
"S'not a bad thing to care, you know."
A pause.
".. I know. A heart is a very heavy burden to carry though, sometimes. Almost too heavy."
"I think that's what makes us human though," the girl replied gently, also shifting so she was laying a few feet away from the young man. "The weight of - feeling, of loving, and holding things dear to us, and hurting when they're gone- that's a part of living."
"And yeah, hearts are a very heavy burden. But you don't have to carry it alone, either. Remember that." Furina looked up to the sky again, folding her hands over her breast, and Wanderer looked to her briefly with an unreadable (but visibly softer) expression before closing his eyes once more. A comfortable silence fell, and the warmth of the sun had Furina taken by slumber before she knew it.
When she woke up, the stars had already started to twinkle in the sky, and the girl sat up, slightly discombobulated. Sniffling, she rubbed at her eyes to wipe away her weariness, and then froze in her tracks when something akin to a sob broke the silence. For a moment, she thought she had imagined it, but then it came again, louder, and she turned to her companion, crawling over on her hands and knees. "Wanderer...?"
He didn't answer, but the tears rolling down his cheeks told her everything she needed to know. "Oh..." Furina's heart clenched, and she gently placed a hand to his back. "Hey ..hey, it's okay, it's just a dream, you're alright." Carefully, she reached out her free hand and patted him gently on the cheek, hoping to rouse him- if he was crying, his nightmare must be something awful. "Come on. Wake up."
Wanderer stirred, but did not wake, and to her shock, he began to mumble in his slumber:
"Please don't leave...don't leave me behind...."
"I'm not going anywhere," Furina assured.
"Mother," Wanderer begged, tears falling faster. "I'll do anything, just don't leave me here alone -"
"Wake up," Furina pleaded, shaking him harder, and he did, taking a sharp gasp and settling into raggedly breathing. Wanderer looked around frantically, not quite awake yet, and she took his hand, to ground him. "You're okay. It was just a dream, it's alright -" the young man stiffened once he seemed to realize she was there, freezing up like a startled cat who had just been cornered.
"What - what are you doing here?" he breathed, chest heaving, and she frowned.
"We were just hanging out and I fell asleep and I guess you did too, and when I woke up, you were crying...are you going to be okay?"
"I have no choice," he mumbled, placing an arm over his face, and Furina shook her head, slowly.
"That's not true. It's okay to not be okay."
"Not for me."
"Why not?"
"Because -" he trailed off then, pulling his hand away from the girl, and she let him. ".. because I just - I just have to be. Okay?"
"It doesn't make you weak, you know. Do you think I would be weak if I wasn't okay?"
"..that's different -"
"Because you're human-"
"So what? You think beings that aren't human just have to be these immovable pillars of stability? You feel, just like I do. You have hopes and dreams, and fears, just like I do. You've experienced so many different aspects of life. Maybe- maybe people treated you like you weren't human, but that doesn't mean you aren't, you know. I mean, weren't you saying earlier a heart's a heavy burden? That's part of being human. Sometimes we feel weak and like we're all alone, but - even when we do feel that way, people care."
".. I don't know why they do."
"Do they need a reason to?" Furina challenged gently, tilting her head. "Love never needs a reason. It's just there, regardless of who you are, where you've been, where you're going, what you have done and what you will do. That's what makes it so beautiful. It's always there."
"..then why-"
"...no, forget about it. I don't want to talk about it."
"Alright. I won't push you."
"Even if you did, I wouldn't talk."
"I know, I just -"
"I understand what you're trying to say," he mumbled, sniffling. "...thanks."
"Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to leave?"
"I- I don't know. I don't know," Wanderer replied, almost inaudibly, and she nodded. And then, all of a sudden, he got up and made his way over to the lake nearby, sitting in the water so he was waist deep. He looked awfully small without his hat, Furina realized. Maybe that was why he wore it all the time.
"Come here," he beckoned, and she stared, in confusion.
"Come here," he repeated, stronger this time. "You wanted to know how you can help me, right? Come sit. Just- I don't know. I don't want to be alone right now, weird as that is."
"Okay," she nodded, making herself comfortable in the water next to him. Minutes passed with Wanderer sitting rigidly, and then suddenly he hissed, clenching at his chest so hard his hands made wrinkles in the fabric.
"Wh- what's the matter?" Furina cried, eyes wide with alarm, and Wanderer shook his head, eyes glossy.
"Hurts. But it shouldn't, I -"
"Look, I don't know what you saw in your dream, but it's clear it's hurting you more than you want to admit. . will ..will the pain pass?"
"It usually does."
"...is it okay if I hold your hand until then?"
For a long moment, he did not speak, and Furina half expected him to say no. But then he shakily removed one of his hands from his chest and linked it with Furina's gloved one, and she paused. "..wait a moment." The ivory haired girl removed her glove then, holding Wanderer's hand with her bare one. His was cool and very smooth, like porcelain, and hers was warm and soft. The contrast was nice, she mused, noting sadly how her friend's hands trembled.
".. please don't tell anyone about this."
"I won't," Furina smiled. "I got 500 years worth of experience in keeping secrets, so no need to worry~" Wanderer sent her the most withering gaze at that, and she startled. "..what?"
"That's not funny," he mumbled, expression sullen. "Your pain, and everything you went through - you shouldn't make fun of it like that."
"Oh," she replied, heart dropping to her feet in shock. "I was just trying to -"
"I know what you were trying to do. Please don't do it at your expense. It isn't helping anyone feel better."
A pause.
".. did I say anything weird? When I was sleeping?"
"..you were calling for your mother."
Wanderer stiffened, pain streaking across his face. ".. I see. Ridiculous of me." Furina did not push, but he looked to her, reading the question in her eyes. "..she hasn't been a part of my life for years now, so there's no reason to feel like this."
"..isn't that all the more reason to miss her? If she hasn't been there?"
"Not if she wasn't a good mother," he muttered, eyes dark. "I don't need her anymore."
"People can hurt you and you can still miss them, Wanderer. Those things don't have to be mutually exclusive. I don't - know what all happened so I'm not saying you need to forgive her or let her back in your life, but it's okay to miss her. It's ..okay to mourn what could have been," Furina ventured, looking to the water. "We were meant to be loved and cared for and when we're not, it- it hurts a lot, and it's not weak to be hurt. It's not weak to feel that hole in your heart."
"..it feels that way."
"..yeah. I understand. But I promise you're not weak."
The moon hung high in the sky before he spoke again. "..if nothing else, my life is my own now."
"That it is. You can do whatever you want with it."
"How do you just - seem to know what to say all the time?"
"I don't always, but... I often just speak from my heart. It's hardly led me astray."
"Hm. ...you should get some sleep."
"Will you be okay?"
".. I don't know," he admitted. "I'm.. getting there, though."
"That's good, that's good."
"I don't think I'll be going back to sleep, so just. Don't bother waiting up for me. I may go for a walk to clear my head."
".. alright. Please be safe."
"There isn't much that can hurt me, but I appreciate the concern."
"I know, but-"
"But you still worry."
"Because I care."
"That's what friends do."
Wanderer turned his head, almost owlishly. "..what?"
"Am I wrong?"
"Well, no, but- you said -"
"That you're my friend, yes," Furina asserted, and he stared, bewildered. "You're nice to me, and you don't mind- well, who I am, yanno? You gotta keep those people close to you."
".. I guess so. I don't think I'm a very good choice, but- if that's what you want."
"It is."
".... okay."
She wasn't sure, but Furina could have sworn Wanderer was smiling a little when she fell asleep.
..of course, he vehemently denied it the next morning.
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6blackfilin9 · 1 year
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... i was thinking of him as Emhyr while drawing it
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t3tr0m1n0 · 8 months
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would anyone like a color palette in these trying times
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jacqcrisis · 3 months
This a ramble about some thoughts I'm having while playing bg3. Please ignore if you want cause I'm only just now about to start act 2 on my first playthrough.
I wonder if due to the general rarity and more animalistic appearance of a dragonborn, if Ronan is a hard sell on the 'attraction' front for a lot of people. I can't imagine most people's first reaction to meeting a new lizard man is 'the pants are coming off', unless they are a very particular kind of person or have been around people of that race enough for the general wariness for the visual peculiarities to have worn off. Especially not in a crisis situation where if you really wanted to bone down, there's other more human options with skin and normal teeth and...lips.
Obviously, all the companions are video game bisexual and also seemingly devoid of personal aesthetic preferences in order to help facilitate you the player's personal role-playing fantasy adventure. Everyone is available no matter what race you pick in a game mechanic sense but thinking logically in a worldbuilding/narrative sense...
I understand Lae'zel wondering outloud to Ronan if she could 'ride him like the red dragons'; that makes sense for her and her...interests. She seems like a certified freak (affectionate). And I would get it if Gale had a dialogue option that implied or directly stated he'd wondered what it'd be like to be with a dragonborn because he seems like he's spent a lot of time reading weird porn inbetween simping for an actual goddess who probably can and did true polymorph herself into some fucked up shit for him. Their sex life had to be crazy if he's willing to turn himself into a thermonuclear device to try and get it back is all I'm saying ANYWAYS
But since I'm romancing him this playthrough, I have to imagine for someone like Astarion, that it had to take some personal pep talk before putting on the fawning voice and asking Ronan to sleep with him. And even more psyching himself up because in my game, it took two additional long rests after that conversation to actually get to the awkward sex scene. He had to really think about that one, literally had to sleep on it TWICE to make sure he's got his head in the right place to find out what dragonborn dick is about.
Not that hes disgusted, just... put off by the prospect on how he's going to sell this whole charming, super into the dragonborn shtick when he's just not all that much. I just cannot imagine, even outside of the manipulation game he's playing with the PC, Astarion sitting there, being like 'you know who I'd like to get rowdy with now that my body is my own again? Out of everyone at this camp? Thats right. The Lizard.'
I'm only just now about to start act 2, so I could be super off base, but that's the headcanon I'm running with right now. Vampire didn't find much physically of the big dragonborn tantalizing before deciding sleeping with him was the best course of action. The idea that this would obviously change over the course of time is compelling to me.
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mad-hunts · 25 days
i'm sure y'all already know how petty barton is because i feel like i talk about it all the time... but allow me to ramble about one of the pettiest things he has arguably ever done to someone else, and that is that whenever barton is feeling quirky — you know, just a bit silly — he likes to call into the GCPD and make up complaints about jim gordon in different voices even though he knows he likely isn't going to get fired for it. barton just HATES him that much, and he thinks it's funny, so i can guarantee y'all that every single time after he makes one of these calls he cackles like a damn hyena 💀 and then he'll go on with his life as if he wasn't trying to ruin someone else's... like, if he wasn't evil, then i think he might just have made a good comedy actor BAHAHA
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need to shell out for a new laptop before the end of the year - for a lot of reasons but mainly bc support ending for win8.1 makes fixing the current beast rather pointless :/ (and. admittedly. there is a lot to fix. she's old and she has suffered.)
but my current beastie is from the last gen of laptops with a disc drive and the thought of using an external/usb disc drive is enough to make me cry tears of blood
#really though it is time to upgrade#and i hate to say it because she /runs/ fine it's all hardware issues w parts that can absolutely be replaced#but if i can't use it to run the programs i need then shelling out the money for those parts would ultimately be a waste#but also the fact that this machine that runs fine is no longer worth fixing bc some google-based bullshit just won't support win8.1 anymor#is ALSO a fucking waste & a pile of planned obsolescence bullshit! and i hate it!#but uh. even though she runs fine and she totally does. she does need. uh.#new keyboard (only 1/3 of keys work; currently use usb keyboard)#new trackpad ribbon cable (trackpad does not currently work; using external usb mouse)#new power button and connecting ribbon cable (turning it on involves opening it up and causing an intentional short-circuit every time.)#(a problem largely solved by simply never turning her completely off- except she also needs)#a new battery (current battery does not charge at all; machine needs to be constantly plugged in or it shuts down immediately)#...ok i might be the 'this is fine' dog about this#but i am still upset! that i will no longer have a disc drive inside my damn laptop.#that's the disc drive's natural habitat; that's where it should be; it's weird and offputting to have it connected via usb!#ack. why do tech companies fuck everything up.#and that's without getting into the way new devices offer less harddrive space so people will use the fucking cloud or whatever???#yeah sorry no i'm not using your goddamn data mining corporate off-site storage i want to keep my shit on my own goddamn machine#go to actual hell if you're trying to sell me a pc with less than at least 500GB of storage i swear to fuck#...in essence you could say the whole process is leaving me rather grumpy
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
day 204 of hating the Staghorns so much it defies description:
[warning unhinged petty rant under the cut]
THEY THREW AWAY RAVAEDRON'S GIFT BECAUSE THEY WERE SO FUCKING PETTY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK like "ohhhh noo our friend is worried about our safety because we're living alone in the middle of nowhere while there's creatures of unimaginable evil about. what a TERRIBLE friend!!! we're going to hate him forever now!!!!!!" I HATE THE STAGHORNS SO MUCH THEY'RE SO ARROGANT AND PETTY AND TEMPERAMENTAL RAVAEDRON SHOULD HAVE BETTER FRIENDS. like I Get It, they don't understand the amount of danger they're in because they've been so well protected from it by the rangers, but they're SO unaware that it come across as straight up stupidity. like they're letting their literal child go out "wraith hunting" like that's a totally sane and ok thing to let your kid do. even if they don't fully understand what a wraith is, even the most basic sanitized description of it Should have made them think twice about just how equipped they are to handle themselves in the face of this danger, but noooooooo how DARE Ravaedron take even the most basic precautions in making the task of defending themselves easier, clearly he's in the wrong here! like I cannot stress this enough, there are just two adults and a literal child in that household, they can't do shit to defend themselves from a Nazgul, yet Somehow Ravaedron being worried about them makes him the "racist elf" stereotype in their minds??????? they were just looking for a reason to hate him I bet.
Maddoc Staghorn hears that Ravaedron wanted to help out before he left and then immediately says "did he befriend us... out of pity?" this man REEKS of insecurity and it's going to get both him and his family killed.
and then, and THEN they have the gal, the audacity, to pull this "ohhh noo we just reacted like that because we were soooo sad that you were leaving :(((((((((((" act at the end of the questline. like we're just going to ignore the Staghorn's casual racism then? just going to pretend this was just an "oopsie! silly misunderstanding!" and that the Staghorns are not clearly in the wrong here??? we're just gonna act like they're not terrible people? ok. what a delusional and unhinged way to react. like, right, sure, someone I (allegedly) care about is leaving for personal reasons and gives me a parting gift, and what do I do? just throw it away I guess because it didn't have the Correct Symbolic Meaning™ behind it! "We did not want paintings, or gifts!" "It is YOU that we will miss, Ravaedron." liars. you reacted to him informing you that he's leaving by yelling at him and telling him he was no longer welcome in your house. for all you knew that was going to be the last time you ever saw him and you happily tried to burn that bridge without hesitation.
They never apologized for this and I think that's the part that really gets me. like I know people react to loss in weird and nonsensical ways sometimes, so maybe I could look past it if they admitted "yeah we really messed up there, you leaving just got to us and we didn't handle it well" but NOPE! not so much as a "sorry" for their cruel words, or for throwing away the painting he worked so hard on. Ravaedron ends up needing to apologize to them for *checks notes* trying to help defend their house and painting them a beautiful landscape. right. ok.
look look, I don't mean to rag on this questline, MOST of it was great! we got some really good moments in there with the rangers! I just. that first instance with the Staghorns always leaves Such a bad taste in my mouth it's really hard to continue the quests after that point. I just need to get this rant out of my system so hopefully I'll have an easier time with the rest of it. the worst part really is just that beginning bit so now that I've finally gotten that over with it'll be easier
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unnecessarilygrandiose · 10 months
randomly remembered the fandom wide disappointment after mister impossible came out and started laughing bc what was that even about. every single post i saw from somebody who didn't like the book was like 'but what about adam' and don't get me wrong i love adam he's my favourite but also why did people expect him to be there? he is not the main character of the trilogy. ronan and hennessy are. but then again there were also some people on the other end of the spectrum who were like 'oh but the book totally sufered middle book syndrome and the plot didn't progress at all in a meaningful way, adam's two minute appearance was the only saving grace' and my dudes. my guys. what
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rjalker · 1 year
I think it's kinda funny that by accident the moral of Avatar 2 is "you should kill the babies of colonizers unless you want them to grow up and become colonizers themselves".
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I dreamed that I was in Europa Park and they had the eurosat still instead of the can can coaster and I know that's super specific but ugh I miss home
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kashilascorner · 2 years
my conclusion after finishing the witcher season 2 is that they had a very clear storyline which is overall ok but the writing (especially on an episode basis) is weak at best
#props to the actors for working with what they had (esp yennefer fringila and triss)#yennefe's arc was..... i mean i know plenty of ppl don't like her s1 arc because of the whole motherhood thing#but i actually liked how it was focused and that it wasn't so much about motherhood itself but more about body autonomy#and the desperatr need of having someone to unconditionally love you and depend on you (at least that's how i saw it)#and her arc here had sooooo much potential but ultimately it was botchy in it's development#also jaskier. a beloved character. much needed comic relief but did nothing after geralt saved him#don't get me started on how fringila was far too naive at first and the moment she snaps out of it it's shown during a murderous spree#only to have her character dragged down AGAIN for being too naive. similar butchering to what happened to cahir's character in the end#only it's far far worse with fringila and hmmm cannot shake the feeling it's uh. racist writing actually!#idk. the dialogues weren't too good. ciri went through some good character development but she was very much the only one to do so#i mean geralt kinda did too but he's so stiff....... also tons of witchers around and they were all pretty useless for writing's sake#vesemir and geralt's relationship was good but felt underdeveloped. ciri and yen was good but rushed... ah#speciaf effects costumes sets & scenery lighting (the lighting!!!) were all very good#i think in the more technical department everything was pretty solid. can't judge the sound really because in dub it's a bit different#anyways at least i got to see 8 hours of very pretty ppl on my screen#laura watches stuff#also! you know those joke posts going around abt how shows actually need more s*x? yeah? well this is one of them lol#spicing it up a bit was not difficult wouldn't necessarily get in the way of the story and would actually help disipate the#storytelling tension given there is barely any comic relief at all for the most part (or any relief at all lmao all the calming acenes are#repetitive pseudo deep conversations between two characters lmao)
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