#or fics in which dick threatened to put tim in arkham
kinkforwings · 1 year
If you're writing a Dick Grayson who doesn't wholly love Donna Troy and Tim Drake. Then that isn't Dick Grayson. If you're writing a Dick who isn't the kindest, an asshole, an overworked mess, a BAMF, and just the right amount of manipulative. Then who are you even writing about? Cause it sure as hell isn't Dick fucking Grayson
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a-canceled-stamp · 2 months
🖋️ and ‼️(your choice on which fic or WIP) for the most recent ask game!
🖋️ what inspired you to write your WIPs?
Mostly, my fics are either based on my own "experiences", or they come to me sort of like concept art. Then Came The Morning was for example very much based on my own experiences with anxiety and panic attacks, whereas A Leap of Faith started with an image of Tim dangling from a grappling hook, as well as Dick cradling him in his arms. So it depends! ^.^
‼️ what has stayed consistent across all drafts?
For this one imma choose A Leap of Faith, just because I rewrote this one SO many times oh my gosh. I spent like...6 months on the latest rewrite? Still figuring out if it was worth it or not ahjdkhskjd. But the one thing that has stayed consistent throughout all drafts I think is Tim's inner battle between his apprehension to accept Dick's help and his longing to have his brother back, if that makes sense.
I knew from the beginning that I wanted to try and capture their dynamic in the 'Dick threatens to put Tim in Arkham' AU (which I at the time thought had happened in Canon, boo boo the fool is me and I am her), but avoid having it simply be black and white. They're both hurting in different ways, and it felt important to me to try and respect that. Since I haven't read much of the comics, I still don't know how "accurately" I portrayed them, but I'm at least happy with the angsty roller coaster of emotion I put these bois through lol.
Thank you so much for the ask! 💞🤗
Ask game :)
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
In my fandom (dc comics) I've been seeing a push from some bnfs that fandom should know more canon. Now that's fine and all, but given that there are hundreds if not thousands of comics to possibly read with no order, multiple reboots and contradictions or time travel plots or what have you, there is genuinely just too much to reasonably get through. So this has lead to most of the fandom reading fic as their starting point instead which is more enjoyable and understanding the source material through fanfic and fan headcanons only. But now there's like a divide. People who know canon and people who know fanon. And the canon fans are mad that now they have to debate canon actions of a character with fanfic actions.
Canon: dick grayson suggested tim drake talk to a therapist. Fanon: dick threatened to put tim in arkham asylum. Canon fans: he was just trying to help his brother! Fanon fans: dick called his brother crazy and nearly put him in Arkham against his will, he's not a good brother!
And i get why the canon fans are mad. But like theres only so many hours in the day and this is such a little thing to be mad about. People only knowing fanon isn't a bad thing.Its not that big of a deal but it does certainly create a hostile fandom environment. I get it's annoying having accidentally created the fandom version of Chinese whisper. I do. But being in fandom you are bound to run into the wrong interpretations some time. Just gotta know how to navigate it.
But what are your thoughts about fans getting into fandom without knowing the source material?
Counterargument: DC fans enjoy suffering and constantly being enraged by wrong opinions or they would not be into comics. ;-)
Okay, but more seriously, I think it's acceptable to get into a fandom without knowing canon thoroughly.
For writers, I think it can be a mistake artistically, but it's not morally wrong or anything.
How much I personally roll my eyes depends on what canon is. RPF I have low standards for because it's hard to say which canon is enough, just like with US superhero comics. Single tv shows not based on other media I kind of think a person should just fucking watch.
A good enough writer can probably write fic I'll like regardless, though I do think consuming canon for yourself usually leads to stronger fic on average than regurgitating other people's fanon does.
For readers, read whatever the fuck you want!
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ectonurites · 3 years
The more I learn about the DC timeline the more I notice when fics mess it up lol
YEAHHHH i mean i know most authors take a lot of liberties with timeline stuff (and like, understandably because even in canon the timeline does not always make sense/there are very blatant conflicts) and also often try to blend things, because in general people are very attached to the pre New 52 world but like some elements of more recent things, so they often just mix it all together, which can be really fun to see bc different people approach it differently
but like, i get you and sometimes when reading things i’ll notice off details or something and im always just like doing a double take of ‘was that intentionally ignoring/changing things or???’
like every time i come across something like the common ‘dick threatened to send tim to arkham during Red Robin’ misconception (he suggested Tim go to see a therapist in metropolis, no mention of Arkham. Dick did put Jason in Arkham in the same timeframe during the Batman and Robin comic, and I think just somewhere along the line those plots crossed in people’s brains and the misinfo started) and im just trying to figure out ‘did they choose to make it like this instead because they wanted to up the drama’ or ‘did they just hear this in the fandom and assume that’s how it actually happened’
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huilian · 4 years
with her sweetened breath
AO3 Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne
Summary: With the threat of an airborne drug, the Batfamily has to fight against the clock to contain it.Or, I found a plot hole in a previous fic and decided to write 5k of words to remedy that, but instead created much, much more plot holes.
A/N: In Flameo, Batman! I wrote about how Oracle can only narrow possible locations to 5, which means that the kidnappers are actually good, but then I didn't deliver on the fight scene. So I decided to write this, and ends up with 5k of the batfam actually being detectives. This is written almost in a S.W.A.T. like style, because my dad is obsessed with that show and so I watch it too.title from Hozier, Angel of Small Death and the Codein Scene. I thought it's fitting, since this fic is about drugs. (This is Chapter 1, btw.)
“Hey, Red, is it important? I’m kind of in the middle of a stakeout.” As he says that, Dick sees movement from inside the house. He really cannot keep talking to Tim, not if he wants to get as much information from this stakeout as possible. But Tim rarely calls in the middle of patrol, so Dick is assuming that this is important.
“Oh. Not really. I just want to give you a heads-up about B’s kidnapping a few weeks ago. Turns out there’s more to it than just the kidnapping.”
Dick curses under his breath. He knows that that rescue attempt was too easy for an organization that managed to fool Oracle. “Okay. Do you need me there? I can wrap this up in a few minutes if you need me.”
“Nah, I think between Hood, BB, Batgirl, me, Robin, and Batman, we pretty much got it covered. Just keeping you in the loop.” 
“Alright, Red.” If Tim says they can handle it, then they can handle it.  Besides, Dick has his own cases to work through. “Thanks for the info. Call if you need help?”
“You’re welcome, N. And sure, I’ll call if we need help.” 
“Nightwing! Get your ass here now!” 
“Hood? Is something wrong?” It’s been a few days after Tim calls about Bruce’s kidnapping, but since there were no other calls about that, Dick assumes that they are handling it.
“Oracle’ll brief you on the way, she’s currently tied up in something else. Just get your ass here now,” Jason practically shouts to the comm. 
“Is this about the kidnapping case?” Dick asks, just to be sure. 
“Just get your ass here, Dickwing! We need you here yesterday!”
“Shit, is it that serious?” Dick grabs the keys to his bike from the table. It’s lucky that he’s staying in today, working on connecting leads to the murder case on Young Street. If he’s out on patrol, it would take much longer to get to the bike.
“Oracle’ll give you the full briefing in a couple minutes. I’m also currently in the middle of something…” 
Two explosions, one after the other, come in from Jason’s end. It was loud enough to be heard over the comms.  
“Hood, are those gunshots?”
“Like I said, I’m currently in the middle of something. Just go to Gotham, we’ll meet you at the Cave.”
“Be careful, Hood.” 
“Yeah, yeah, see you there, ‘Wing.” 
“Yeah.” Tim shrugs. “Their original plan was to distract us, GCPD, and basically the entire city with Bruce Wayne’s kidnapping. We found broadcasting equipment in the warehouse B was held in. But we rescued B fast enough that they couldn’t really use his kidnapping as a distraction, so now they have to find a new distraction.”
“And their new distraction is to blow up the bridge? Haven’t we been through this before?” Dick remembers another case that he works with Tim that involves blowing up the bridge. He is not looking forward to repeating that. 
Tim grimaces. “You have to admit, blowing up the bridge is a pretty big distraction.” 
It is a big distraction. Not that Dick is going to admit that now. “How do we know this again? And how did we miss that they are part of a larger group?” Dick turns to Babs, who hasn’t stopped typing into the Batcomputer since he got here. 
“Since I am very rarely wrong, I found it suspicious that I found five hits to the possible location of B’s kidnapping, considering how easy you took them out.” That was Dick’s thought too, but he didn’t actually stick around long enough in Gotham after they ‘rescued’ Bruce that he got to say that to anyone. He could blame his abundance of cases in Blud, but he really should have said something. Thank god Babs also finds that odd. “I sent Steph to investigate the four ‘not-it’ warehouses. She found traces of this drug there. It’s a more potent version of fentanyl, almost up there with carfentanil. It has a similar composition to the bloodwork from an OD case a few months ago.”
“We thought it was just a guy experimenting with fentanyl and accidentally OD-ed himself, so we didn’t dig too much into it then,” Tim explains. 
“I’m guessing that is not the case here.”
“No.” Tim sighs. “That guy was actually part of the group that kidnapped Bruce. He either stole some for himself and misjudged the dosage, or he was the guinea pig for this drug. We have no time to investigate his death now, not with this new drug threatening to spill on the streets tonight.”
“Tonight? What are they planning?” Dick came to Gotham prepared for any situation, so this information that he is going to have to act sooner rather than later comes as a confirmation rather than information, really. He’s been preparing himself for it as soon as Jason called him. But still, it would have been nice to have been called for something that’s not as immediate as tonight once in a while. 
“They’re going to release this drug to the air. They have an airbender, which makes it so much easier for them,” Babs says. Airbender plus airborne drugs equals very bad news, especially with drugs as potent as carfentanil. It can cause hundreds of OD cases throughout the entire city. Is Gotham not already crazy enough for these people? “We think that they want to get the entire city hooked on this drug, then sell it to them at a very high price.” 
“Damn. Tonight, you say? Is there why it’s only the three of us here?” 
“Yeah. B’s with Cass and Damian coordinating with the GCPD on containment and evacuation.” Tim points to three dots, designated Batman, Robin, and Black Bat, on the GCPD building up on the map. 
“Smart. Cass and Damian may be the only ones capable of containing this kind of scenario.” 
“Steph and Jason are out on the docks, trying to scare some of the goons to giving up their boss’ location.” Tim points to another two dots. These two are actually moving pretty fast. Dick assumes that the two of them are chasing some goons. 
“Wait,” Dick frowns, “we still don’t know their location?” That can’t be good. 
“We figured out the locations of some of the caches they put to be released to the air, but we can’t guarantee that that’s all of them. And, considering the sizes of the warehouses that were used to store the drugs and the caches we’ve found, there’s still a significant amount of drugs missing. Those must be with the boss,” Babs says. 
“Which is why I’m here with Babs, trying to track them down. Also, it seemed that this drug is flammable, so I thought it’s prudent to stay out of the field.” 
Tim actually has remarkably good control over his fire and he can fight just fine without his bending, all of them could, but Dick currently does not have time to debate that. He files it in his mental note for a later date. “Okay, what do you need me to do?” 
Babs and Tim look at each other. “A third pair of eyes won’t hurt,” Tim says.
“Don’t you think it’s better for him to be out on the streets? Hood and Batgirl haven't checked in yet, they might be in trouble.” 
Right as Babs finished that sentence, the Cave’s speaker turns on. “Hood to the Cave, Hood to the Cave.” 
“Speak of the devil,” Babs says. 
 Dick presses the mike button on the cave, then says, “Come in, Hood.” 
“Oh, good, you’re here, ‘Wing. O, Red, we got several locations, but they’re all contradicting each other. I don’t know how useful this is going to be.” 
“Any additional data is going to be useful, Hood. Where is it?” Babs opens a new window on the Batcomputer, ready to type in and analyze everything Jason is going to say.  
“One said that he’s on Crime Alley, 31st Street. Another one said he’s camping near Arkham, just a few blocks from it. One said he’s on the grounds of Gotham U.” 
“Fuck him very much for that, by the way. Who tries to release drugs on university grounds? Haven’t college students suffered enough?” 
“Focus, Batgirl.” 
“Right. Some of them said he’s on Robinsville, but some also said he’s on the Bowery, King’s Street. For all it’s worth, all of them seemed very sure about their answers, and they’re all also confused about why their fellow henchmen are giving out different answers.” 
“How sure are they?” Tim asks. 
“Sure enough that the firebenders are willing to get iced,” Jason says grimly.
“How come this guy is in five places at once?” Babs frowns at the screen. “Maybe these are just decoys?” 
“No, I don’t think so, Babs. For a firebender to be willing to get iced, they must be super sure of themselves. Even I don’t want to get iced.” Tim shivers. Dick knows for a fact that Steph has once iced Tim, so Tim is speaking from memory at that one. Dick has been iced before too, but the experience is totally different for a firebender, what with their source of power being the fire inside and all. “Oh, that reminds me. Hood, please tell me you didn’t actually ice them.” 
“Nah, Replacement.” Tim sighs in relief. “Blondie here did.” 
“What!” Tim exclaims. 
“Shut up, Hood! I can and will ice you too!” 
“Try it, Blondie. I’m a waterbender too, remember?” 
“Children, focus,” Babs says. “Let’s assume that this guy is in five places at once. How is he doing that? Meta powers? Spirit world connection? If he has a spirit world connection this case might just turn out to be worse than it already is.” 
“Wait,” Dick says, tracing the five places Babs has highlighted on the map. “What if he’s not in five places at once?”
“Are we not acting on the assumption that the henchmen are giving accurate information?” Babs looks at him. 
“It can be accurate without him being in five places at once, Babs. What if he’s just moving between these places so fast that when they check in to see where he is, they all get different answers?” 
“Huh. That is certainly more plausible. But the speed in which he must have moved suggests that…” 
“He’s an airbender. Only airbenders can move that fast. It tracks, though. We already know they have an airbender to release the drug. That airbender is just the boss.”
“If he’s the airbender, he can make sure that he inhaled none of the drugs himself. Oh!” Babs claps her hands. “That’s genius, Former Boy Wonder!” 
“Hey, I’m a former boy wonder too!” Jason cries out. 
“Same here!”
“I literally had the longest run as Robin, after N here,” Tim adds.  
Babs sighs. “You guys really are children, aren’t you? Someone not me please tell Batman about this. I’m going to run an analysis on airbenders outside the League who’s in Gotham right now. There shouldn’t be too many of them.” 
“Speaking of the League,” Dick turns to Tim, “are we sure it’s not them?” 
“I don’t think so, ‘Wing. This is not their MO.” 
“Yeah. Besides, neither Talia nor Ra’s have any interest in these kinds of drugs. I don’t think it’s them.” 
If both Tim and Jason, their current resident expert on the League, say that it’s not the League, then Dick is inclined to believe them. They have spent a considerable amount of time with the League to not pick up on their tendencies. “Okay. Let’s rule out the League for now. Any hits yet, Babs?”
“No. There are still quite a few airbenders around, even discounting the League, you know?” 
Dick nods. Even though most of the airbenders are present in the League, there are still several groups outside of the League who have their own airbenders. Not to mention the occasional airbenders who’re not affiliated with any of the groups but still managed to master their craft. 
Then, the Cave is bathed in red light, with alarms sounding from all the speakers in the Cave. 
Dick curses. “What’s that, Red?” 
“It’s Bruce’s alarm. Whoever he is, he’s making his move now.” 
“Alright, Hood, Batgirl, head over to B’s location now. I’m also moving out right now. Red, you coming?” 
“No, I’ll look into containment options other than airbending from here. I’m not risking a city wide fire.” 
Dick nods. He really needs to have that conversation with Tim about why he doesn’t want to go out to the field today, but that unfortunately has to wait. “Oracle, keep us posted. B’s in GCPD headquarters, yes?” 
“That’s what his last location is. His tracker is down.” 
“What about Robin’s? Or Black Bat’s?” Dick asks. 
“They’re still at GCPD.” 
“Okay. I’m heading to GCPD now. Hood, Batgirl?” 
“Already on our way, ‘Wing!” Steph says. 
“Good.” Dick mounts his bike and zooms out of the Cave door that either Tim or Babs must have opened for him. He tries to hail Bruce on the way to GCPD. “Nightwing to Batman, Nightwing to Batman, come in.” 
Dick tries again. “Nightwing to Batman, Nightwing to Batman, come in!” 
The same as before, silence. The fact that both Batman’s tracker and his comm are down is very concerning, especially at nights like this, when Bruce knows he has to communicate with the entire family. 
“Shit. Oracle, Batman’s not answering. When did his tracker go down?” 
“His tracker went down right before he pinged the Cave,” Babs says. “Try hailing Robin. I’ll hail Black Bat. Maybe they know where Batman went.” 
“‘Kay, O. Nightwing to Robin, Nightwing to Robin.” 
Static. At least it’s not silence, which meant that Robin still has his comms, he just can’t reach it to answer. That’s marginally better. Still not reassuring, though. 
“Oracle, I’m getting static from Robin’s com.” 
“I’m getting the same thing from Black Bat’s com. Maybe they are in the middle of containing the drugs? That would make them unable to answer the coms.” 
Dick wills his bike to go even faster, even as he’s already riding at breakneck speed. “Maybe, O. Let’s hope it’s not something worse.”
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elareine · 5 years
Reasons to be jealous
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, one swear word Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne (side) Additional Tags: Pining, Misunderstandings, Jealousy, Undercover as a Couple, Future Fic, 5+1 Things, Brotherly Bonding, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff Batfam Bingo Square: 5+1 AO3: /18872404
“Well, that’s one arsonist behind bars.” Dick closed his laptop with a sigh of deep satisfaction. “Good job, Timmy.”
“Warm in here today,” he remarked absently, still focused on his own screen but knowing that Dick liked a bit of chatter once the tension of a case lessened.
“Oh, yeah, Jay and I were talking about it recently and it just reminded me of how much I like coming home to a warm room.”
Tim actually turned his attention to Dick. Dick and Jason… they talked, sure. The years had even smoothed most of the stiltedness out of it. He would go so far as to call them family.
But they weren’t friends. Tim couldn’t imagine them talking about room temperatures.
“You were?”
Dick laughed. “Weird topic of conversation, right? But you know how boring stake-outs go.”
Tim nodded in a heartfelt manner.
“It’s just a childhood thing. Circus trailers aren’t exactly known for great insulation. And Jay….”, Dick hesitated. Close to two decades later and still none of them liked to think about that child trying to survive on Gotham’s streets.  “Well, he knows cold, too. I thought it would be nice to have it warm if he stops by, is all.”
That was the second time Dick had called Jason ‘Jay’. Tim had thought he was the only one of their family who called Jason that. The only one who regularly saw Jason, too. Apparently not.
He ignored the twinge in his gut and asked, “So you’re getting along better now?”
The smile on Dick’s face was small but genuine. “Yeah.”
“Hey, did you set something on fire? Usually I’m close to freezing in here. See, this is why I bring the food,” Jason joked as he dropped the containers with said food on the kitchen counter.
Tim’s neck felt hot as he moved to take out some plates. “I thought it might be… nice. To be warm.”
It wasn’t a good excuse, he knew that.
Jason’s gaze sharpened. “Nice.”
Tim shrugged as casually as possible.
He thought Jason might ask again - give that man a hint something was up and he would follow it to its bitter end - but the other man finally relaxed into a smile. “Well, it is. Nice.”
When they moved to the couch for their weekly session of greasy food and terrible TV, Jason took his jacket off. Again Tim felt that unease in his gut. He had assumed that Jason kept the jacket on as form of a safety blanket, to hide his guns or even just out of a sense of style. But no, he’d just been freezing because Tim never really noticed the temperature of a room he was in and tended to keep it on the chilly side.
Some detective he was. He’d been doing this - this thing with Jason for years now, being partners, brothers, friends even, but he hadn’t seen something so simple about him. But Dick had.
A knee nudged against his. When he looked up Jason’s eyes were concerned.
“You alright, babybird?”
The nickname, as always, made Tim want to smile, but he just said: “Tired, sorry.”
It was one thing to know that Dick and Jason were getting along better now; another entirely to watch it.
Patrol with just the four of them was always tense. It didn’t happen often. Babs had made plenty of comments about all-men groups being ‘way too testosterone guided’ and Tim absolutely conceded her point. But she was busy and Steph and Cass were away, as was Bruce. The announcement of an upcoming Arkham breakout hadn’t left them with much choice but for the four of them to work together.
Still, Tim had expected it to be tense because Dick and Jason were sniping at each other and Damian at everyone, not because Jason and Dick were goofing around and it was weird.
Dick was laughing and slinging an arm around Jason’s shoulder innocently. Tim knew that move intimately - any moment now Dick’s hand would move under Jason’s right arm and flip him over bodily. He’d done it to Tim and Damian about a thousand times.
Dick’s hand moved and pulled.
Nothing happened.
Jason was grinning under his helmet, Tim was sure. “Bit heavier than you remembered, Nightwing?”
Dick pouted.
Before he could reply, however, he was interrupted by a sharp voice. “Are you done being a distraction?”
Damian was being even more pissy than usual. He’d donned his Batman cowl in Bruce’s absence, but it couldn’t hide the perpetual scowl on his face this night. Tim didn’t need to guess what had caused it. The brat (which was what Damian always would be to him, a head taller than him or not) had always been possessive over Dick, and didn’t Tim know it.
Still, for once, Tim actually agreed with him. They were very distracting.
Luckily, the first inmate chose that moment to break through security forces, and soon they were all too busy for any more flirting.
“Why are you here and not in the shower?” Dick waved a hand in the direction Jason had disappeared to.
“I need to write a mission report,” Tim protested.
“We can do that, right, little D?” Dick smiled at Damian, who grumbled but acquiesced. “Go ahead and have an early night, dude. You look beat.”
“Uh. Thanks.”
Tim made his way to the unofficial changing room they sometimes used after missions, where Jason was just coming out of the shower, a towel around his hips.
He smiled when he saw Tim. “You’re done?”
“Looks like it.”
“Wanna go for some pancakes?”
With a quiet sigh of relief, Tim peeled out of the tight suit, grimacing mentally at the sweat that made his skin stick to the material. Jason moved next to him to get dressed.
Tim didn’t realise how quiet he’d been until Jason’s hand reached out to poke his newly uncovered cheek. “Something on your mind, babybird?”
“It’s weird,” he admitted, “seeing Dick and you get along.”
Jason laughed. “I bet. Don’t worry, it probably won’t last.”
“What brought the truce on, anyway?”
“Nothing special. Guess we just decided to, to quote a certain Tim Drake, ‘grow up and talk’. Though alcohol was involved. Obviously.”
Tim’s eyes narrowed. Jason wasn’t looking at him and his tone of voice was relaxed, light, even.
He was lying. 
“If he’s coming to Wayne functions now, we might as well make Jason officially a part of the family again.”
“Bruce doesn’t know how to ask and he thinks Jason will say no.”
“He might not.” But Tim was aware that Dick’s attention wasn’t really on their quiet conversation.
Dick was loosening his tie. Tim, curse his brain, couldn’t help but notice the way his throat was flushed, how he swallowed like his mouth was dry.
See, this was the kind of situation where Tim mentally cursed every bit of detective training he’d ever had. He’d really rather not know that his brother was becoming aroused in the middle of a very public ballroom, thank you very much.
Tim followed Dick’s gaze to where Jason and Damian were talking to a group of socialites, the two of them towering over everyone else. Without any conscious input from his brain, his own eyes strayed to where the suit jacket stretched just so over Jason’s broad shoulders, to where the coat flared, perfectly accentuating his waist, down to his thighs just barely contained by the slim suit pants…
Dick’s voice recalled him to the present. “Well, you would know better than anyone else.”
Apparently not, Tim thought. Apparently I don’t know anything about him. If he didn’t even tell me about you…
It was hard to speak around the bitterness in throat. “I know that if he keeps throwing Damian to the wolves like that, he won’t live long enough to answer Bruce.”
Dick laughed. “Aww, you know Damian only means his death threats 30% of the time these days. Still, I’ll go rescue him. Coming?”
Tim waved him off, knowing all three of the official Wayne brothers together would draw a crowd. Worse, it would draw Cass. As much as he loved his sister, he didn’t want her to see the ugly feeling clawing through him.
For a minute, he just watched Dick move through the crowd, a kind word here, a flirtatious smile there, always working his audience. The golden boy. Tim had thought he was over that old jealousy - over fighting for the cowl, for Bruce’s love, for a place in their family, always compared to the first Robin - but now it looked like Jason would be just one more thing he’d lose to Dick and he couldn’t stand it.
There was a familiar presence sidling up to him. For such a big man, Jason could be quite stealthy.
Tim took a deep breath, composing himself. He couldn’t afford to act weird around Jason. Again.
“Hey,” he smiled at him, “Alfred got you into a suit?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to wearing something this expensive.” Jason rolled his shoulders back, stretching the shirt even further. Tim had to look away. “You make it look so natural.”
“I’m always terrified of spilling something.” Tim suppressed a shudder, remembering his mother’s less than understanding attitude when he’d ruined one of his outfits as a child. Alfred, of course, would never do more than cluck disapprovingly, but…
“Well, then you’d better put that glass away and dance with me.” There was a roguish grin on Jason’s face as he offered Tim a hand.
Tim, however, didn’t even really have time to consider that offer before Jason just went and took his hand anyway, his other setting down Tim’s glass on a nearby surface before pulling the younger man to the dance floor.
“Jason,” Tim protested, laughter threatening to break through as Jason pulled him into his arms and began leading him into a quickstep.
“C’mon, the longer we dance, the longer we don’t need to talk to anyone else.” Jason grinned down at him. “Mrs. Quickshaw was already making her way over.”
Now Tim did giggle. “In that case, feel free to whisk me away anytime.”
He thought he saw Dick watching them from the corner of his eyes, but Jason chose that moment to twirl him around and he forgot all about it, breathless with laughter.
“Grayson and Todd.”
Tim looked up from his screen at the cave to the masked crusader sitting next to him. “What about them?” Last time he’d checked, the two were out and about on their usual routes. Jason had even texted him about a particularly funny incident involving two sex workers and a fourteen-year-old wannabe client four minutes ago. Surely even he hadn’t managed to get into trouble in the meantime?
What was he thinking, this was Gotham.
Damian made an impatient gesture. His expression implied that Tim should know exactly what he was talking about, but he deigned to say: “They are closer.”
“Yes.” Tim did his best to sound disinterested. There was no way he would bare this wound to Damian.
Damian was frowning up a storm now. “I’ve seen Grayson experience romantic and sexual attraction to someone he believes is out of his reach before. He’s exhibiting all the signs now.”
Tim considered that. In a way, Damian certainly knew Dick better than Tim. (That still smarted a bit, by the way.) The brat had certainly become better about people’s emotions through the years. If Damian said that Dick was in love with Jason, Tim believed him.
For a second, he considered the possibility that it was one-sided with something like joy. Then he squashed it ruthlessly.
It was Dick. How could Jason resist him? Why would he want to? Everyone loved Dick. It didn’t matter that Tim had invested years of his life into supporting Jason through the most difficult times of their lives, into building a relationship that was founded on trust instead of violence. He had never kidded himself that it made Jason obligated or even likely to love him.
It didn’t matter, because who wouldn’t want Dick?
Dick might be pining now, but soon, he would get what he wanted. He always did, in these things.
Tim just hoped for Jason’s sake that Dick wouldn’t get tired of him once he had him.
Shoving the thought away, he said tiredly, “Maybe it is for now.”
There was a loud crack as Damian set down his cup with enough force to split porcelain. “You’re not helpful, Drake,” he spat, jumping up and exiting the cave in his usual dramatic fashion.
Tim watched him leave and wondered why this felt like giving up.
“Oh, I see you have booked our honeymoon suite. May I offer my felicitations?”
Jason smiled and pulled his partner closer into him. “Thank you.”
“Our suite offers everything you need to make it the experience of a lifetime. The rooms include a kitchenette, a secluded balcony with a sea view as well as a whirlpool. I’ll have an attendant bring you a bottle of champagne,” the clerk smiled, “on the house.”
Dick beamed. “Oh, thank you, that’s very kind of you!” He turned to kiss Jason on the cheek. “See, babe, I told you this hotel is the best.”
“You’re very welcome, Mr. Grayson. Now, our restaurant serves dinner between six and ten, though I’m happy to give you recommendations if you choose to dine elsewhere. Room service is available by calling…”
“Will she never stop talking,” a voice in Tim’s feed cut her off.
Tim frowned. “You’re supposed to be working, Robin.”
He could practically hear Damian’s eyeroll. “Not much to do as a valet, you imbecile. I’m assigned to take their luggage up,” that was going according to plan, then, Tim thought, how nice to know, thank you, Damian, “but they are too busy flirting to actually do something.”
“That is what they’re supposed to be doing,” Tim reminded him.
“Tch.” Damian’s feed cut off.
Jason and Dick were finally wrapping things up at the reception desk. Tim watched through the security cameras as they turned towards the elevators, their eyes seemingly never leaving each other.
These days, Jason was the logical choice as a partner on these missions if they wanted to keep it in the family. Mostly because people didn’t know he was family, so they could use their actual names to get into luxury hotels and the like. O was busy and Bruce on another planet, so it made sense that Tim was running the backup side of things. Sure, Dick had been a bit quick to volunteer to be Jason’s partner on this one, leaving Damian to infiltrate the labor side of things, but Damian was still a bit stiff in undercover situations like this one. The entire set-up was entirely logical.
Still, as Jason’s hand dropped down to squeeze a generous handful of Dick’s ass, Tim started to see Damian’s point.
The honeymooners made their way up to their room. Separating as soon as the door closed behind Damian, they silently began to case the room.
Tim let them work for it for a minute, then spoke into the mic. “There are no outgoing signals apart from my camera from your room.”
Jason looked up into said camera and smiled. “Thanks. How are things on your end?”
Dick asked, “Where’s Damian?”
“Making his way through the rooms. He’ll hand your note over to the mark in about five minutes.”  
“Better get undressed then,” Dick said, winking at Jason. “Gotta give her a show, right?”
“You actually want her and Damian to walk in on us?” Jason sighed dramatically. “Tim, you’ll rescue me if Damian tries to kill me, right?”
“I don’t know,” Tim replied drily around the bile in his throat, “if you make me watch you two have sex, I might help him hide the bodies.”
“Ouch.” Jason pressed a hand to his heart. “I’m wounded.”
Dick rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt over his eyes. “Just get undressed.”
“Since you’re asking so nicely, darling.”
“Just for you, honey.”
Tim decided to turn his attention to Damian’s feed, instead.
And one
To say the aftermath of the mission was tense was to make an understatement. They had drawn out the mob contact they’d needed and locked away an entire branch of a drug-smuggling cartel, but Jason and Dick had barely made it back to the cave before Damian had appeared to whisk a confused Dick away, throwing acidic looks at Jason all the way.
Jason, weirdly, didn’t seem to take that to heart at all. Instead, he was grinning at Tim. “Got the brat all upset, huh?”
Tim didn’t know what to say. That Damian had good reason to be upset? That both of them couldn’t stand this new relationship that had been on display so obviously during this mission? ‘He’ll come around’, knowing fully well it would be a lie?
Abruptly, Tim stood up from his chair. Then he didn’t know what to do next. His instincts were screaming at him to get of here, to get away from Jason until he had himself under control again, but he couldn’t just storm past him, could he? Then Jason would definitely know something was wrong.
And this was what he had wanted all these years, right? For Jason to be a part of their family again. To be happy.
(For Jason to happy with Tim.
But he should’ve known better. Who could compete with Dick Grayson, after all?)
“I’m happy for you and Dick.” Tim could say it, but he couldn’t make himself look at Jason as he did.
“Tim.” Jason’s voice was soft.
Tim’s eyes stayed stubbornly on the ground even as he heard Jason move closer to him.
Then there was a large hand cupping his left jawbone, gently tilting his head up.
“Oh, babybird, I’m-“ there was just the slightest brush of Jason’s lips against his own. Then Jason’s mouth moved up, pressing gentle kisses to his cheekbones, the arch of his brow, his forehead.
Tim had to close his eyes against the sudden burn in them, and Jason kissed his eyelid, too.
“I’m sorry,” Jason told him earnestly. “I didn’t realise the acting would affect you. I didn’t think you-“
“Well, I do. Love you, I mean.” Tim stopped himself. “Wait, that is what we’re talking about, right?”
“I was hoping.” Jason kissed him again. This time, it lasted a lot longer, just their lips gently moving against each other, Jason’s hands on his neck, Tim’s hands on Jason’s shoulders.
When he finally moved just fractions of a centimetre away, Jason said, “I do, too.”
Tim wanted to believe, to just let himself give in to Jason, drown in his affection, but he had to open his eyes, had to ask. “But… you and Dick…”
To his surprise, Jason chuckled. “When would that even happen? I’m pretty sure I spend every waking hour of the day either with you or texting you or talking to you on the coms, Tim. I was probably texting you during the stake-out when Dick and I were talking about the ideal room temperature that you were so weird about.” He paused. “We were talking about the ideal room temperature, babybird. How does that scream romantic relationship to you?”
Tim was full-on blushing now, he was sure. “You’re very comfortable with each other. And you did do way more touching than necessary on the mission.”
“Okay, number one - we’ve been in this business long enough to know to never go undercover as a couple with someone you actually have feelings for. They will be exposed and it will be a mess and someone will probably be watching. Number two - I just enjoyed annoying the shit out of Damian.”
Tim actually pulled back a bit to look at Jason. “Wait, that was intentional?”
“On my side at least.”
Some of the interactions Tim had had with Damian fit that, he just hadn’t thought it was reciprocated - oh. Dick’s flush at the ball. Oh. “So Dick is-“
“I knew Dick was fucked the moment Damian turned out to be that tall.”
Tim groaned in exasperation. “How did I miss that?”
“To be fair, I didn’t really know before I mentioned to Dick that I’m, you know, with you and he proceeded to have a slow meltdown about Damian in front of me. There was alcohol and crying involved. Wasn’t pretty, believe me.”
“That’s what broke the ice?”
“Yeah. Pretty difficult to get annoyed at someone after you’ve seen them sobbing with guilt about being attracted to the demon brat.”
With an exhale, all the tension Tim had been carrying for weeks now left his body and he slumped forward into Jason’s embrace, hiding his face in his neck.
“Can we please stop talking about our brothers now?” Jason asked plaintively even as his hands started rubbing soothing circles on Tim’s back. “Because I’m kind of stuck on the part where you said you loved me and let me kiss you, here.”
The smile that rose on Tim’s face was slow to unfold but so very, very happy. “You’re right. You should kiss me again.”
Jason did.
Tim had no occasion to think about Dick Grayson again that evening.
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