#or finding a part time i can work alongside the internship and school if i get the internship)
ambersky0319 · 4 months
I have multiple things I need to do tomorrow and I dont wanna do any of them
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amuyyi · 4 months
Summer Rain .
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synopsis: you head home to jeju island for summer vacation and reunite with your best friend and k-pop idol, jiwon after a year apart. you soon realize your feelings for "liz" go beyond platonic, theyre unexpected yet beautiful-- just like the summer rain.
trope: liz x f!reader, best friends to lovers, summer vacation, fluff
wc: 3.9k
cw: none
a/n: idk if u guys can tell but i love summer love and i love the environment... plants and outdoors are my calling.
A soft hum leaves your lips as you close your eyes, the cool summer breeze gently brushing your face as you smile. You always loved spending your summers in Korea, it felt great to get away from the chaos of the states—  all of that university, homework, internships, and endless responsibilities gave you practically no time to simply just be. The city of Seogwipo was covered in all kinds of nature for one to relax in, but as the summer months roll in, Jeju island always gets flooded with even more tourists than usual. People of all ages come to see the waterfalls or greenery or even come for the nightlife, and it becomes nearly impossible to exist within your own home.
Not here though. The leaves above rustle and the birds chirp, finding solace within your presence. This part of Seogwipo was a bit away from the heart of the city, and usually held less human traffic all year round. You sat comfortably at the edge of a picnic table, placed charmingly in front of a small convenience store as the girl sat across from you lay her head alongside the table, using her arms as a cushion. Jiwon hummed in response to your own as her eyes remained peacefully shut, taking in the environment through her other senses alone. You could tell that she was still paying attention despite dozing off, being able to smell the presence of the triangle kimbap you guys had bought from the store, to hear your calm breathing, to feel your guys’s shoes touching under the table– becoming an idol made her even more acutely aware of the world around her than ever before. You’re not all too sure if thats a good or bad thing.
The sight of your friend relaxing after working so hard still made you smile, though. You worry for a bit, concerned that her dark hair would get into your shared food, but decide not to wake her from her rest. After spending so much time promoting IVE’s newest comeback with endless photoshoots and performances, Jiwon and the other girls were rewarded with some free time to spend back at home with their families for the summer, and this was probably one of the few times you could finally see the ravenette in her “natural habitat.” She deserved this.
Taking in another breath of fresh Jeju Island air, you lean over the table and grab the last kimbap, unwrapping it and taking a bite. You savor the flavor with a pleased squeal as you enjoy the mix of spam and kimchi paired with the rice and nori. You missed this— and it was so much cheaper here than back at school overseas… 
“Mmm, let's go to the Falls today…” you hear Jiwon mumble from across the table, breaking the silence. You watch as she adjusts her position, snuggling deeper into her makeshift pillow-arms. “The Falls” was the name you gave a lake you and Jiwon had stumbled across while exploring the forests as kids. Since then, the falls has been your guys’ “spot” so to speak. You would go there every time you wanted to hang out as kids, needed a place to cry, or simply wanted to be away from the rest of the world. You nodded as you finished your snack, leaning over and tossing the rest of the trash away before placing a hand on the other girl's head, giving it a little shake. “C’mon then. We can't get there if you sleep in all day.” 
Groaning, Jiwon turns her head away from your touch, swatting your hand with an uncalled for attitude. This causes you to dramatically gasp and whip your hand away, kicking the girl from underneath the table. “Hey! Ow-WUH” Jiwon’s head snaps up as she hisses, glaring daggers at you as you feign innocence, whistling comically as you look around, scratching the back of your neck aimlessly. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Why are you looking at me?”
Jiwon lets out a playful scoff as she gets up, “uh huh… Right. Whatever you say,” she smirks, offering her hand to you as you gladly take it. The taller girl guides you out of your seat before linking her arm with your own, “so… How's school been?” Jiwon leads the way, following an all too familiar path to you two that was off the main road. The concrete beneath your feet gets replaced with overgrown wildgrasses, and the song of cicadas begin to emerge from overhead. Various bugs and flies lazily flew past the both of you as you walked, and you silently kept an eye out for a specific species as you pondered.
“So. Tiring.” You emphasized the breaks between the two words as Jiwon rolls her eyes, giggling a little, “and…?” 
You click your tongue as you begin to think of a proper response this time, eyes wandering towards the sky, the blue canvas and the incoming light partially masked by the overhead growth as you trudge deeper within the forest. “University is a different experience, I’ve never felt more grown yet so small at the same time y’know? It's like, you're a student, but you're expected to take on stuff like an adult, and you're in the same boat as literally thousands of other students but you’re still alone?” You begin to ramble, unknowingly unlinking your arm from Jiwon’s to dramatically act out your words as she nods. “And everyones expecting you to jump onto internships right away or to join a million clubs to put on a resume– I don’t know how to create a proper resume by the way, and talk to all of these professors and network, but also still maintain a social life, but freshman friendships fall off so easily and everyone just wants to go to bars or frats all the time and I get tired after one outing and it’s just so much!” You exclaim, throwing your arms into the air as the words spill uncontrollably out of your mouth. 
Jiwon chuckles, shaking her head. You had always been easily stressed, but the transition into university seemed to have taken an additional toll on you. “But you made it through your first year of university in the U.S, that's enough to celebrate!” She stops walking for a moment, bending over to pick up a broken branch hidden within the brush. Analyzing it for a bit, she nods to herself before returning to your side, using it as a walking stick as she continues, “besides, freshman year is meant to be your trial year anyways. You experience stuff and fail sometimes, but at least you know what to do next year. There's no need to grow up so fast,” the other girl's voice is reassuring and genuine, and you feel your gaze softening as you watch her speak. Still, she was one of your childhood friends. 
“Says you, you never even graduated.”
The jab was unexpected but playful, causing Jiwon to scoff and laugh as she flipped her long black hair with her free hand, “and where has that gotten me? I’m now your new favorite idol in the best Korean pop group of this generation!” 
You can't help but snicker at her response, not denying her statement at all as you ask, “How's that going by the way? I listened to your new song, you looked gorgeous in the music video.”
You swear you could see Jiwon’s cheeks grow pink from your comment, but disregard it quickly as your attention is brought towards small specks of white within the grass nearby. You begin to wander off, but Jiwon knows you’re still listening as she speaks. 
“It's going really well, actually. I mean yeah, we work crazy hard and I rarely sleep sometimes, but it's all worth it. I really like what I’m doing, and I think the fans are really starting to like me!” You watch as your friend’s eyes start to light up as she speaks, and you find yourself smiling at the sight. You loved when Liz was happy. Through various late night text messages, you had learned that your friend struggled a lot with self esteem and body image throughout her debut. There was not much you could do to comfort her, being over 6,000 miles away meant all you could really do was send her uber eats meals and call whenever you guys weren't busy. But it was nice seeing her confident again, you'd do anything to keep her like this.
You bent down within the grass as she continued on, eyes locking onto little white flowers you soon recognized to be a Japanese rose. The way that multiple white petals with yellow anthers would cluster amongst one another on a singular plant was always a wonderful sight to behold back at home. Your eyes scan for the prettiest bundle, carefully using your nail to cut and pick the flower with innate precision. Smiling to yourself, you twirl the small plant between your thumb and index, taking in its beauty as you return back to your friend. 
“You have to meet the girls one day y/n, they’d love you! Wonyoung is always so sweet, and Rei would be more than willing to talk your ear off…” Jiwon’s excitement and adoration for her girls was honestly contagious. She was normally so quiet and introverted until she was with you. Soon enough, she would go from a listener to a rambler, and you would gladly be her ears from then on.
Her voice trails off as you take a moment to tuck Jiwon’s hair behind her ear, delicately placing the bundle of flora in its place as you grin. This time, you could definitely see the pink blush that formed on her cheeks, and you smirk teasingly, twirling around and returning on your way down to the falls. The mention of meeting her group members though did make your heart race a little. “I’d love to meet them!” You chirp out, running your hand through the grass you pass by as she once again links your other arm with hers, “They seem so cool.. And obviously any friend of yours is automatically a friend of mine, so now I have…” You count on your fingers, “six famous kpop idol friends!” 
Jiwon’s grip tightens a bit on your arm as you laugh, her face absentmindedly turning into a pout as she speaks, “Okay well they're not THAT cool..” Her attempt to downplay how much she truly admired her group members was frugal, but she pressed on, “I don't need you liking them more than me, who's obviously your bias…Right…?” She teases, looking up at you with an expectant grin before something catches your eye.
Blue. A thin flash of blue followed by a light buzz caused you to pause in your tracks. Your eyes frantically scan the environment as Jiwon follows as well, her eyes lighting up as she spots the hidden creature. “Dragonfly!” You both exclaim in unison, grinning childishly as Liz intertwines her fingers with yours, excitedly leading you down the path the insect flew. Where there were dragonflies, there was water, and where there was water, there was your spot.
“Come on, come on!! We’re getting closer!” Jiwon laughs out as the pair of you jump over various rocks, ditches, and branches, almost as if you two knew this forest like the back of your hand— and you did. Every little den and tree branch has been dug through, explored, and climbed throughout the years you've spent here with the other girl. You also couldn't help but laugh as the wind rushes past your face as you guys maneuver through the brush. She really was the same Jiwon you knew and loved through all of these years. And as the sound of falling water grows louder, Jiwon grabs hold of a leafy branch and moves it off to the side, revealing the familiar bright blue lake enclosed within mountainous walls, a waterfall placed at its peak as it welcomes you two back home. 
“Waaahhh!!! It's just as beautiful as I remembered!” Jiwon cries out a bit too loudly, most likely scaring off any native fauna that was nearby. You chuckle at this, knowing that it truly didn't matter. This was your guy’s space. Nobody else mattered but you two. You follow the taller girl’s lead as she makes her 
“I bet you can still find some salamanders under the stones,” you comment, resulting in Jiwon’s eyes sparkling at the thought of finding a new friend before she sprints off, expertly hopping between the stones with ease. Chuckling at the sight, you shake your head, following behind as you take in the sights all around you. It’s barely changed since you last visited. It definitely got greener though, a good sign of little human interference. You take note of new growth alongside the mountain walls and some nearby birds nests and flower bushes that weren't there before. 
You sat on the rocks, listening to the water rush next to you. Your eyes land on the energetic Jiwon who was squatting down, flipping over various rocks to check for salamanders or other critters below. You smile, but you couldn't help but recall the last time you were here— the last time you were here with her.
You were out buying some snacks when you suddenly got a call from Jiwon. “Meet me at our spot in 10, okay?” Her voice rings out. You were honestly caught off guard, she rarely ever called for something as brief as this. 
“Okay… Why didn't you just text me that? Are you okay?” There was a brief silence on the other end followed by a, “yeah! …. Yeah. Just need to get out.” 
The call ends and you’re left confused and alone in the aisles of a convenience store.
Still, you swiftly make your purchases and bring the bags of various goodies with you as you delve deep within the forest, the sun slowly beginning to make its descent, progressively turning the once blue sky yellow. By the time you arrive, you see that Jiwon was already there, her figure sat close by the raging waterfall with her knees hugged close to her chest. The air feels heavy, and you slowly join her side, placing the bag down next to you as you tilt your head to the side.
“What's going on?” It was a simple question, really. Yet somehow those words make the taller girl’s body tense up as she hugs her knees even closer to her chest, her fingers digging into her calves as she struggles to find her words.
“I’m going to debut.”
Your eyes widen as you perk up, shocked yet overjoyed by the news. “What?! Seriously? Are you being for real right now Jiwon?” She merely nods in silence as you place a hand to your head, processing the information. “That's.. Amazing! When are you going to start your training? Next week? Next month? I don’t really know how this idol stuff works, to be honest…”
“… Tomorrow.”
Taken aback, your smile falters ever so slightly, but remains on your face as you nod, “That's so cool…” your voice trails off as you also hug your knees to your chest, your chin resting on the top of them as you continue, “so I guess we won't be seeing each other for a while then, huh?” The sentence comes out dry, but not menacing. It was laced with hesitance and defeat that you fail to hide behind a laugh.
Your attempt at being lighthearted towards the situation makes the dark haired girl move her head away from yours, unable to look at you. You can feel the walls Jiwon begins to build up. “Or ever….” She mumbles under her breath as she fights back tears. 
Jiwon knew she sounded like a child with her words, she wasn't stupid— but she was a child. Being freshly 18 didn’t automatically make you an adult, that much was true. She was still so young and yes, she did want this more than ever, that's why she became a trainee in the first place, but to be away from you? To work with complete strangers and to have you so far away in a whole other country for university? 
“Hey, we’ll still find time for each other! We’ll call every day, and if we can't call, then I'll text you whenever I can. It’ll be like nothings changed,” you reassure her, but it sounded like you were trying to reassure yourself as well. It was a big change for the both of you, after all.
A tense silence passes between the two of you, the only sound being the crashing waves from the waterfall nearby and the soon quieting chirping of birds above. The sky began to darken, shifting from yellow to orange, fading into a dark blue before Jiwon speaks up, “…Really?”
Her voice was soft and uncertain, but you look over as she shifts her gaze back to you, locking eyes as you watch silent tears stream down her face. Your heart aches at the sight, but you shift closer to her and then stick your hand out, raising your pinkie finger as you smile softly, “I promise.”
She hesitates at first, unsure of whether or not to trust you. But you’re her best friend, you haven't broken her trust before. She uses her sleeve to wipe her tears before reaching over, linking her pinkie finger with yours as you gave it a firm shake, a confirmation of that promise you made last year. She laughs, and it's a prettier song than all of the birds here combined.
Your cheeks warm before you pull her forward, wrapping your arms around her neck as she lets out a surprised squeal as her body collapses into your own. “I love you lots, Jiwon.” The words come from the bottom of your heart, they're light and shy, and you feel Jiwon lean into your touch, her head comfortably leaning against yours as her arms around your waist pull you in even closer.
“I found one!!”
The sound of Jiwon’s discovery brings you back down to reality, shaking you from your nostalgia. “Can you come grab it?? It's slimy…” the comment makes you laugh as you shake your head, watching as she struggles to keep a boulder of a rock upturned. She was strong, but it seemed as if the rock was even stronger. It was a wonderful sight, seeing your friend simply be a kid again after being forced to grow up all too fast, and you wonder how long you can stay like this, how long you can keep her here in this exact time and place before she begins to drift away again.
You get up from your seat as you make your way over to the girl. She was always tasked with just finding animals here, always being too scared to actually wrangle them herself for some reason. Squatting down, you meet the gaze of a small salamander beneath the rock your friend had lifted up, bright red in color and honestly a little fat as you scoop it up in your hands, holding it up as Jiwon cooes over it, “it’s so cute!!” It doesn't make any rapid attempts to leave your grasp as you lift it up, allowing it a view it may never see without human help.
Just above, dark clouds began to roll in as you crane your neck upward, furrowing your brows as you frown, “it looks like it's going to rain soon, we should head back.” You slowly return the salamander to the soil between the stones below as Jiwon looks up as well, crinkling her nose as she shakes her head, “it's just a little rain, it's not a big deal.”
And almost as if on cue, her nonchalant comment seemed to have angered the storm gods above, causing rain to almost instantaneously start falling from the sky, battering down at a rapid speed. As the rain above began to pour down on you and Jiwon, the both of you couldn't help but let out carefree squeals as you both began to sprint out of your spot, hoping to at least make it onto the main road before the dirt beneath your feet begins to give in.
Your hand was intertwined with hers as your grip tightened, not wanting to lose her in this moment. The branches whip past your arms and legs as you feel your shirt and skirt get progressively more soaked the longer you ran. Liz’s long hair becomes stringy and drips as you dramatically pop out of the brush onto the main road you had originally come from, and you were certain that your shoes were completely mud-ridden by now. There were various bits of twigs, leaves, and other miscellaneous parts of wildlife stuck to her hair, and you were sure there were plenty on you as well. 
The both of you couldn't help but laugh even harder at the sight of one another, Liz grabbing you by your waist and twirling you around as the rain almost cinematically surrounds you two. You squeeze her tight as she places you back down on your feet, her hands still comfortably placed on your hips, and you notice the rose within her hair still managed to stay on even throughout all of the chaos. The rumbling of the storm above roars, but you barely notice as you place your hand on the side of her face, your thumb grazing over her cheek as you soon realize these feelings you've felt all day today went beyond platonic friendship. It only took you years to realize, but that realization was unexpected and spontaneous, yet beautiful, just like the summer rain. 
“I… I love you, Jiwon.”  The words come from the bottom of your heart, having been said countless times before— but they hold a different meaning this time around. Her eyes widen, heat rushing to her face immediately before her gaze softens, she leans into the touch of your hand as she giggles, “what are you talking about?” The question was soft, not at all questioning her own feelings towards you, but your own to hers. 
“I love you,” you repeat, with more confidence this time, “I think I always have.” The smile on the taller girl's face grows even more as she pulls you even closer, grabbing your hand with her own as she gives it a soft kiss. The action makes your face flush, and you open your mouth to say something, but are cut short when your lips suddenly meet Jiwon’s. The world around you seemingly began to disappear, and suddenly it was just you, Jiwon, and the rain. Your eyes flutter shut as you practically turn into putty in her arms. The way she held you was so loving, and her lips were incredibly soft, tasting like a light layer of sugar as you can feel her smile against your own, causing you to pull back and giggle. 
“I love you too, y/n,” she breathes out, her eyes never leaving yours for even a moment, like she was afraid if she were to move, she’d have to go back to Seoul and your head back to the states, separating you two once again.
“We’re getting soaked, Jiwon… we should head back…” you comment between giggles as she presses her forehead against yours, eyes closed as she simply enjoys the feeling of your warm body in her arms amongst the cold raindrops from above.
“Mmm, can we just stay like this for a little longer?”
You let out a sigh, placing your lips softly on her forehead as she smiles. “Alright.. anything for you.” 
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uwu-co-in · 11 months
What majors 'Attack on Titan'characters would have in college AU (part 2):
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Source: My Majors
Word count: 1.1k
(part one)
11. Sasha: Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management
• Sasha was first admitted to a college with the major Culinary Science, along with her boyfriend, Niccolo, but left the course after a month
• I want to eat food not study it was what she retorted to everyone, but in reality, she just felt she would not be contributing enough to the community
• As the major took out for a lot of field work, she signs up for all, and even joined internships from the first year itself, regarding the same
• A procrastinator; crams on the night of the exam, while Niccolo is cooking her assortment of dishes and gets super groggy on examination mornings :')
12. Connie: Graphic Design
• His mother was extremely proud of her son getting into the college; so much that she had told every other person passing on the streets how Connie will be a genius, in whatever tech stuff he is doing
• Opted for a college far away from home, because he wanted to experience life to the fullest by living alone, and learning to fend for himself
• Teaches basic computer science to two kids, and works as a freelancer digital artist, along with juggling his classes
• Loves his subject and puts effort behind it quite regularly, but call him for a party he'd be there with two extra beer bottles, ridiculously shimmery clothes and a party popper!
13. Jean: Architecture
• Look me in the eye and tell me that Jean doesn't look like a dreamy arch student, always carrying his sketchbook along with him and sitting down to draw the building or monument designs that seem to intrigue him
• Was in eighth grade, when Mikasa told him that the way he draws the buildings are very clean. Boom, and he wants to draw them for the rest of his life
• For some reason, his mother did not approve of his subject choice, until one day she found a few building designs doodled in placards sprawled over his desk and reconsidered her opinion
• Loves a good party once in a while, but really wants to work behind the subject so sometimes, calls a rain check
14. Erwin: Intelligence
• Ever since Erwin can remember, he wanted to be in the army, fighting for his motherland. That was what he had wanted all his life, and he had every quality to enlist himself for it until he sustained incurable injuries on his right arm trying to save an elderly couple from an accident
• Intelligence major was a piece of cake for Erwin, for he was a natural leader, acing all his classes with ease. He loves spending time in the library a lot, and his favourite book is rumoured to be 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky
• He is equally loved and lusted by the women in his university, but apart from occasional casual flings, he does not want to engage in a relationship because it 'fuddles his mind'
• His room is speck clean and he likes working out regularly and eating healthy (cooks his own food and is distrustful of the canteen meals)
15. Zeke: Law
• In school, Zeke was reprimanded a lot because according to his teachers, he was 'always quipped with a brash follow-up question, with no regards to authority'. In college, he encashed it by enrolling himself in a law major programme
• He is a big believer in practical knowledge and quickly networked to find internship opportunities to practice and observe lawyers alongside his regular studies
• With an absentee father, he worked two side jobs as a cashier at Starbucks and a private tutor
• He participated a lot in debate competitions and moot courts to enhance his critical thinking and analytical skills
16. Marco: Film Studies
• Always a sweet and dreamy guy, Marco chose film studies because he passionately believes films influence people a lot
• Ask him, and he will name the most obscure movies just to seem like a film student with a mysterious air, while in reality, his favourite movie is Mean Girls
• Likes people watching and tries to do all his college work sitting in a cafe, with 'coffee, coffee, coffee!'
• Has tried making short films, and although the themes and plots have been pretty good, he is yet to get real recognition for them
17. Porco: Aviation
• Ever the cocky guy, Porco took aviation because it made him feel like he was on top of the world
• Scored average in theory but was very skilled in practical knowledge
• His professors have often recommended he enlist for the air force, but he doesn't want to; he wants a low-key life without stress (staning a king who knows the importance of mental health!)
• Flirts A LOT with his fellow classmates, and 10/10 uses his charm to get his homework and assignments done
18. Pieck: Inorganic Chemistry
• Pieck's main goal in life is to see more women in STEM, and thus, her major
• Has excellent mathematical and statistical skills and uses them efficiently to excel
• Straight A student, has the special lucky glasses that she wears while taking her exams
• Very humble and soft-spoken, she is often forced to help others even when she doesn't really want to
19. Gabi: Marketing Research
• Gabi originally wanted to become a footballer and had once run away from home because she felt her parents did not approve of her career choice
• While football is still her passion, she has a newfound love for marketing
• Immense persuasive skills and great essays make her one of the toppers of her batch
• Feels stressed trying to juggle studies and football, but she loves both and can't live life with one without the other
20. Falco: Art History Criticism and Conservation
• Falco loved visiting art museums as a kid, and this love of his followed well into adulthood
• His favourite artist is Monet, and his core memory of college is their field trip to the Sistine Chapel
• Loves art, any art in any form, and appreciates every art he sees; is passionate about learning more and has inculcated the skill of finding beauty in everything
• His dorm room is filled with paintings from roadside artisans that he fell in love with, and on Sundays, he tries painting himself (and fails miserably, but is the happiest)
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
Main Masterlist
Hi I'm J and this is my master list of stories. I have only written several and I focus my posting mainly on Ao3 but fret not. All stories there will be posted here. :) If you don't have an Ao3 account, you can find my works here too.
I am a big fan of Dramione, Bucky Barnes, Marvel BOTH Comics and Cinematic Universe and Eddie Munson. I write with a reader insert and if I'm writing for a couple like Dramione or Romanogers; I usually put myself in the story. The girl, who is asian, five feet flat and an introvert and has a name that starts with J. That would be me written in the story. Here is the list below. Categorized by the Character I write. This will be updated from time to time. :) I mainly post on Ao3 with my series but my one shots will be posted here in my tumblr first. :)
FOR TAGLIST: Please make sure to follow me and message me through my ASK if you want to be included. :D Thankieee!
🤗 - Fluff
💔 - Angst
🖤 - Dark Themes Involved
🌶 - Smut/Lemon
Warnings: My story is for 18+ readers. I have the tendency to be dark and I'm a bit graphic with violence, mentions of blood, rape or other dark themes. Please be warned.
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➡ Same Old Hawkins, Or Not? (Eddie Munson x Harrington!F!reader) 🤗💔🖤 [COMPLETE; Undergoing Editing] Summary: After a series of unfortunate events in Utah that she would rather forget which she moved to from Hawkins. Reader moves back to her old hometown just in time for her senior year. She half expected it to be the same old boring Hawkins as she remembered back at middle school. 
She was wrong. Apparently, Hawkins is now home to the monsters she thought only existed in D&D and now she is in the middle of an impending doom on her beloved hometown. Really, she was just passing through and now she might have a reason to stay.
Yeah, it’s nothing to do with her small crush on a certain fellow senior. A metal head who is always up to no good. It’s really about saving the town she is starting to love again, yes?
➡ Here We Go Again (Sequel to Same Old Hawkins, Or Not?) 🤗💔🖤 [COMPLETED] Summary: The Summer of '85 is on the roll. Reader has started her job as a printing personnel in the Hawkins Post with the help of Nancy and Jonathan who are both in their internship as a writer and photographer respectively. Eddie on the other hand is working as a part time mechanic at Jaeger’s Auto shop while Steve continues to work at Scoop’s Ahoy with Robin alongside him.
The kids, well, they are enjoying their summer with the mall in full operation and the upcoming fair that is being planned by the Mayor. Really, as long as all of the upside down remains quiet, everything will be great.
Unfortunately, their plans are going to be in ruins when one Billy Hargrove starts to take interest in the reader. Though, it was much better if it was just some misguided infatuation but apparently there is much more into it than meets the eye.
Reader was really happy not to deal with the upside down and would face a million Billy Hargrove, in fact the rest of them would be happy not to deal with it at all. Apparently, its not done yet. It is just getting started.
➡ Magnetic Attraction (Werewolf!Eddie x Human!Reader) 🌶🤗💔 In Progress.... [Writing parts]
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➡ Mind Palace : Lee Bodecker 🖤💔 In Progress... [Set in a Universe called Mind Palace. It will have Eddie and Bucky soon and other characters I can write on. Lee is the first one to enter]
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➡Untitled Dramione 🤗💔 In Progress... [Set still in HP Universe but altered. Already four parts in.]
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tbinternshipfolio · 7 months
5. Achievements and milestones
Throughout my internship I accomplished many achievements and milestones that I have been incredibly grateful and lucky enough to achieve. Some of my achievements and milestones may have been minor but to me they all played such a big part in my internship experience.
Some of my smaller achievements was what was seen in the classroom and how mental health and wellbeing in young kids is important to address and how something like a program and a few outdoor basketball sessions can make a great change in a kid’s life. An achievement in my internship was seeing all the kids experience the program and see the results during and at the end of the program. Another minor achievement was being able to organise my life around my internship and have a positive work life balance. A big achievement was being able to manage my contracted working hours at the hospital as well as complete my large amount of internship hours within a timely matter. Achievements in an organisation can create a large amount of motivation in the worker and can improve their strengths greatly (Van Yperen, & Orehek, 2014).
Some milestones also included working along alongside lots of different people each day and going to different schools throughout the week and presenting to them to cater to their needs. In multiple schools that I attended, there were a few kids with special needs in the classroom, which meant that we needed to adapt the program and how we taught the program to that child. It was great to be able to work one on one with some of these kids and work with them in identifying their emotions.
My main achievement throughout my internship was being offered a casual game day operations role with the phoenix. This was a massive achievement for me and something that I was extremely excited about. The operations role made me realise how much I loved being a part of the behind the scenes during a game and made me find one of the areas I would love to work in. Working my first shift in operation was terrifying seeing all the players around me and having to act calm and collected. I recently finished my last shift with the game day operations crew and the season ends for the phoenix. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity that I was given to be a aprt of something so amazing.
Overall, I have been extremely proud of my achievements and milestones throughout my internship with the South East Melbourne Phoenix. I believe that although not all my achievements were big, they all made the experience one to remember.
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Mike Kelly removed from game (ESPN, 2024)
Van Yperen, & Orehek, E. (2014). Achievement goals in the workplace: Conceptualization, prevalence, profiles, and outcomes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 38, 71–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2012.08.013
0 notes
aisyahstateofmind · 10 months
Design Manifesto
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Our design manifesto consists of a few rules we live by when it comes to design. Some are technical, some are more wise. Some of mine are “I’ll always listen to Ariana Grande as I work”- I wrote this because as I continue to evolve as a designer, my choice of music always stays the same. I could listen to her acoustic, live, her instrumentals alone… there’s just something about her music that keeps my momentum going!
Asking questions and not being afraid falls under the same line to me. I find that asking questions can be so scary sometimes. I’m scared of what people might think of me when I reach out for help. But it can be much scarier suffering in silence. Back in Year 1, I was still new to the concept of college and still adjusting to the transition from secondary school. I struggled so much in Digital skills where we were first introduced to Photoshop. The tutorials and lectures went by so fast and it was hard to keep up. I couldn’t even start my assignments simply because I didn’t know how to. It took me a long time to muster the courage to ask my lecturer in-charge for some guidance. He was more than willing to help me and made sure I understood. After that, asking questions became a much easier task for me. It’s not as anxiety-inducing as it was back then compared to now. 
‘I’m open to trying new things’ is something I’ve been trying to practise. As I’m heading towards internships soon, I have to be more open-minded. This means working alongside new people, trying out new styles. I’m currently experiencing this across all my modules. Group work becomes more consistent and I’m forced to be out of my bubble. My sister always tells me stories from her internship, and she tells me the most important thing when stepping into a new company is to be open to collaborating. The work I start will eventually be passed on to someone else, and everybody gets a say in what the outcome turns out to be. 
Even my lecturers say the same thing, that’s why our workspaces are massive, to encourage collaboration.
Lastly, this isn’t a part of my group manifesto, but it is a part of my own. It’s to stand by my values at all times. What I mean by this is to always speak up and not let my ideas be drowned out. In class, ideas are often exchanged and along the way, they’re overlooked or misunderstood. In CTS, we learn to practise self integrity. If I like something, I’ll stand up for it. In Studio, I had a consultation with my lecturer and we were not on the same page with a poster I designed. He thought it looked ‘off’ and so I had to back myself up with my concept, the message I intended to convey through the poster. Afterwards, it slowly started to make sense and he eventually grew to like it.
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495 words
0 notes
taechaos · 3 years
A Thriller Film
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pairing: director!Jungkook x fem!Reader
genre: oneshot, yandere, smut
synopsis: Jungkook's life is his movies, but people don't know his movies are his life. As an anonymous director, no one can suspect him as the villain in a story, but he leaves a clue in his movie about you.
warnings: smoking, stalking, murder, solo masturbation, public fingering
word count: 5.4k
a/n: i don't know why i put so much effort into this but we love to see it flop 🥰
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Smoking is bad, but there are worse things in life.
Jungkook noticed you for the first time when a cigarette was hanging off his lips, exhaling the stress from the process of organizing a new thriller film with a less than cooperative crew. Fresh out of high school, you were bright and skipping on the sidewalk in the early hours of the morning. What would such a young woman, applying for colleges left and right, be so happy about?
He didn't know you at the time, but looking at you was like a breath of fresh air. While he survived off of coffee and nicotine, you seemed to have a lot of happiness to share. Your smile was incompatible with his frown.
So he ignored you when you passed him with your earphones blasting a song so loud, he involuntarily caught the lyrics.
Fall... back... in... to... place.
The second time he saw you, he was smoking again and you were just as happy as the day before. How can someone be so in tune with themselves, with life? The same song played from your earphones, the one he listened to on repeat after searching up the lyrics: Space Song. An urge to approach you surged up in him, but he only watched you as you walked past him. A single glance from you was all it took to anticipate tomorrow.
Today, when he recognizes you from your clothing first; colorful, silky, gorgeous. So much personality in one outfit, a polar opposite to his casual black outfit in jeans and a plain shirt. Even your bag is eye-catching, and he flicked the ash off of his cigarette before nodding at you as you passed the bus stop, reaching the front of his studio.
Why did your eyes just widen? You acknowledge him with a friendly smile, and go on your merry way. That is until he lightly taps your shoulder, and you turn instantly.
"Hey," he greets before you can utter a word, "where are you always rushing off to?"
Your lips part in surprise; the man you secretly - guiltily - side-eyed for the past few days noticed you when you weren't looking? "I have an interview. Well, a few," you chuckle.
"For what?" he tilts his head curiously and takes another drag from his stick.
"Career counseling," you plainly reply, but it sounds enthused. "I'm a clueless graduate." Your hands clutch your tote bag before you discreetly check the time on your wrist. You're going to be running late soon.
"You interested in cinematography?" Smoke follows his words, but you aren't fazed.
"I'm interested in all forms of art, why?"
He notices you checking your watch again. "I'm a film director. This is my studio," he cranes his neck behind him. "You can apply for an internship here. Maybe for a stylist even," he points at your floral romper with his chin as his eyes trail.
You shift your weight on your left foot when his stare flusters you, and you consider his flattering suggestion for only a second before saying, "thank you for the offer, but I need to go now," you grimace sheepishly, "can I think about it?"
"Take your time," he reassures with a sly smile and inhales from his stick, filling his lungs with the sweet scent of your perfume alongside.
He doesn't look away when you walk off with a shy wave, entranced by your struts until he's called back in. It's with newfound inspiration that he's inside of his studio.
The storyboard of his upcoming project needs a few tweaks, and he doesn't fail in enhancing his crew with a different idea.
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It’s been a week. Okay, it might’ve been shorter, but Jungkook is impatient. Besides, it didn’t help when he saw you holding hands with someone... so less than. It really baffled him to see you with a guy who wore such shabby clothes. He looks like the type that Jungkook would cast for a flop character.
The two of you are like a toy display across his studio in that cutesy, obnoxious café with a smoothie in the middle of your booth. He chuckles as he lights up another stick when he notices the two straws in the single cup. Cliché, cheesy, but cute in a childish sense. Your age shines through the amateur romance between you and that loser.
It especially shows when you look to the side with a laugh and lock eyes with him; so flustered that you gasp and focus back on your date. What makes you so shy about seeing him? You seemed so confident during your conversation two days ago.
He whistles when he notices a stray dog in an alleyway. You look at him as well but don't hear anything beyond the glass wall, but it catches his attention regardless. He whistles again before saying in a hushed voice, "come here girl." It's difficult to suppress a smile when you gaze at him questioningly, as if trying to decipher his words. "Naive little girl," he mouths as he smokes, "what are you doing with that boy?"
He almost chokes when you take out your wallet in front of a waiter; are you paying for him? That's why you ordered one drink - so you could share? Jungkook isn't cruel but, he finds it laughable that your boyfriend is so... unappealing. He can't help but wonder why you're with him; maybe his face? The boy is somewhat handsome, but he only has his facial features to go by. It's rather strange for Jungkook to think about this in the first place, so he gets back inside his workplace after harshly shooing the stray dog away with a stomp of his foot.
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"I'd like to start my internship today."
Jungkook runs his eyes up and down your body while leaning against a brick wall. "Paid?"
"I-I'll do it for free. Besides, I don't know if I'll even work in this industry," you twiddle your fingers while smiling up at him. He intimidates you, but this morning you decided you did enough thinking and here you are, an aspiring stylist all of a sudden.
"Get inside," he nods at the door before stubbing his cigarette and following you to his studio. "You know what you're going to do?"
"I'm going to decide the outfits, right?" The place looks cozy to you, with its minimalistic interior design and blunt switch between the stories. The first floor is strictly for business, with lined up cameras, lights and a microphone. There is even a green screen! And the second floor seems to be more of a resting area with its couches and open laptops, but you can't make out much from the entrance. Jungkook starts walking ahead of you, making a beeline for the black stairs. You tail behind him and smile at anyone who notices you, which isn't a lot of people. It's not crowded.
"Right. We're still working on a storyline, haven't finished it yet so it's possible this project might not be published. You with me so far?" he glances at you, and at your firm nod, continues, "when we finish planning, scripting and shit, you come to play."
"So what do I do now?" you innocently inquire and watch him plop down on the red velvet couch. He clicks on the space of his keyboard to light up his screen.
"I have an idea for a character, and I want to know how you would design her," he vaguely explains as he scrolls through his document.
"You want me to sketch it or explain?"
"Let's hear you out first. Irene," he suddenly calls out loudly.
"Yes?" a female responds from downstairs. You see a woman with a grey cap look up at him, her attire nothing short of casual.
"Come here."
She skips a few steps while climbing up the stairs at his command. You're not awkward when you greet her, and she offers a coy smile.
"This girl - what did you say your name was?" he asks you. You tell him and he continues, "she's going to be our intern. I want you to critique her with me."
"What's she in for?" Irene asks before sitting across from him.
"Wardrobe stylist."
Her eyes widen as she takes a second look at you. Your style is definitely unique, but... immature. She has half the mind to not question Jungkook about his choice.
"Okay..." she trails. "I'm Irene, by the way. I'm going to be an executive producer for the upcoming film."
"Nice to meet you," you brightly chirp. "Sir?"
Jungkook smirks at your addressing of him. "Yes?"
"What is your name, if I may ask?"
"I'm Jeon Jungkook, but you may know me for my pen name Shin Dong-hyuk."
Your mouth falls open when you instantly recognize the name. "Wait, what? You directed My Time?" you incredulously wonder aloud.
My Time is a movie that took the world by a storm; it brought recognition to the whole country for its popularity and clever writing. You never knew the name was a pseudonym, however. It's a suspense genre, about the life of a crazed fanboy who is obsessed with a foreign celebrity. He stalks her on the internet, has a fanpage of her and pays a hefty amount of money to strangers to update him on her whereabouts. He's portrayed as a young college student in the story, and inevitably runs out of cash from reckless spending. When she gets into a dating scandal, he goes on a theft spree and flies out to meet and confront her. It ends with her murder when he finds her with another man in a hotel room, and he stabs himself in the heart afterwards. There are a bunch of clues that foreshadow his ending, from his family life to his friendships. It's an amazing thriller, and you researched his name in the credits to find more of his works after seeing the movie but to no avail; there is only one listed.
"That's me," he nonchalantly reveals as if he didn't just give you the shock of your life. "Don't tell anyone though, will you?"
You whimsically put on an imagery zipper over your mouth while trying to recover from your racing heart.
"I don't have a clear outline, but the female lead is going to be naive but charming. She has to stand out, alright? Happy, extraordinary, special."
"We didn't decide on that," Irene butts in with a displeased expression.
"I forgot to tell you, I deleted our previous plan."
"You did wh-"
"What do you think?" he turns to you as he ignores Irene's shrieks. "What color are you imagining?"
You feel nervous when he puts you on the spotlight after revealing his identity. You close your eyes with a deep inhale before answering, "I'm thinking red and green, like Christmas. There should be a hint of white as well."
Jungkook drinks in your outfit before grinning mischievously. "Perfect." All of your colors.
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Stalking is bad, but there are worse things in life.
Is it such a bad idea to follow you home when it's dark out? He kept you for a long time in the studio, allowing you to dress up a mannequin with all sorts of costumes you had in mind in the backroom. He's certain you had fun with him when you left with a permanent grin on your face.
You live with your parents, and he knows for sure he's at least 5 years older than you. You look about 19, so he's assuming he's only 8 years older.
A small villa with windows all around, he observes, before glancing back at your bedroom. The lights are on and you're swinging your legs with excitement on your bed after you face planted on the mattress. He didn't see you greet your parents before running off to your room, and he can't help the smile growing on his face at your hyperactivity. It was like an instinct to walk you home in secret and he isn't sure why he is still watching you. He should look away when you get off of your bed and heave your shirt over your chest, but instead he steps away from the lamp post to hide from the light.
You're changing, and he can't take his eyes off of you. As if that wasn't enough, you unclasp your bra without even pulling the curtains. Do you know he's there? The thought excites him, and his pants begin to tighten around his crotch. He lowly whistles at you, but you don't hear him again. You do look outside for a few seconds while stretching your arms, however, and he's certain you have a connection to him.
He leaves when you put on your pajamas with the image of your bare tits imprinted on his mind. He doesn't head home first, as the studio is only a few minutes away from your home and he wants to leave you a gift.
When the familiar building enters his vision, he doesn't waste time in unlocking the door and switching on a single dim light. He rushes to the backroom after locking the entrance for a second time and unzips his jeans as he goes. You were here not too long ago, and he can pinpoint exactly where you stood while striding to each corner with purpose. Bending, crouching, leaning, doing just about anything to tease him.
Now that he can imagine your perky nipples realistically, he immediately takes out his length from his restraints and picks up a random handkerchief to pump himself with. He doesn't stop to think over his actions; he's acting on urges, on impulse. Never has he ever done something like this.
He's rather relaxed as he sits down on an idle stool to close his eyes and run his hand up and down his shaft. What he would do to press your tits against his cock while he slides it up and down, smearing his cum all over your lips while you sleep. You would swallow it without a second thought once he finishes in your gaping mouth, and wonder why there's a dull ache in your breasts the next morning.
His breaths grow shallow the faster he strokes himself, the more he thinks about using every part of you for his pleasure while you're knocked out cold. He involuntarily thrusts into the air while quiet moans slip out of his open mouth. Something about how taboo it would be to fuck you while you're unconscious turns him on so much. Would that be something you're into?
The handkerchief is so soft, so silky against his length, he can almost imagine it to be your hand. He starts twisting his hand around his cock, from the base to the tip as his other hand palms his balls before he begins to reach climax. Strings of cusses fall out of his mouth when he quickens his pace, the fabric against his skin resounding in his ears before he finally spurts out his cum into the cloth.
"Fuck," he exhales as he coats his makeshift glove with his release. White on white doesn't make much of a difference, and he's panting as he folds the handkerchief to rub it evenly so it sinks in completely.
He leaves it on the stool after zipping his pants, and his eyes twinkle under the moonlight on his journey home.
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You aren't alone when you walk to work. Jungkook is taking his usual smoke break while watching you swing your interlocked hands back and forth with the guy next to you. Your smiles exude the same aura, and Jungkook sarcastically notes how compatible the two of you are. The boxy grin shines with the sun, but it doesn't hide the boy's worn out clothes.
"Good morning, Jungkook," you greet before introducing your boyfriend. "This is Taehyung, Taehyung meet Jungkook. I'm going to be under his wing until I decide my major."
"Hello, Taehyung," Jungkook coldly says before blowing smoke in his face.
Taehyung scrunches his nose before chirping, "hi!" He then turns to you and whispers, "I thought you wanted to study medicine."
You shake your head dismissively with a light laugh before responding, "it's just an internship." You let go of his hand and bid farewell with a peck on his cheek before going inside the studio.
"Well, have a good day," Taehyung smiles as he's about to leave before Jungkook holds out his hand to block the way.
"Taehyung, who is your girlfriend?"
"Um," he furrows his brows before saying your name.
"And who are you?"
At Jungkook's blunt question, Taehyung pauses and takes a step back. "What do you mean? Like my full name?"
"No, who the fuck are you? What is your contribution to society? What do you do for a living? What are you wearing?"
"Sir, I-" Taehyung's stammering is cut short when Jungkook asks, "how much money for you to stop leeching off of her?"
He scoffs, "excuse me? I'm not leeching off of anyone, and I'm sure as hell not breaking up with her for your money." Taehyung's face heats up from the shameless confrontation, and he starts walking in the opposite direction.
"So you're not going to leave her?"
Taehyung doesn't turn to look at him as he emphasizes, "no."
He abruptly stops in his tracks. "What?"
"Your dedication is admirable," Jungkook comments with a shrug. "I'm satisfied with your answer."
"Were you testing me?"
He starts chuckling before shaking his head. "I always knew directors were crazy; you scared me for a second."
"Where you headed now?" Jungkook smoothly switches the subject, but notes the fact that you've spoken about him to your boyfriend.
"I have a farm two blocks away." When Jungkook raises a brow, he explains, "I stayed the night with her, so I decided to drop her off before leaving."
"Want me to drop you off?"
It's a kind offer, really, but Taehyung is still put off by the insults thrown his way just a minute ago. Doesn't he have work to do anyway? "That's alright, thank you, but I'll just take the bus. Have a good one, Jungkook."
Jungkook doesn't stop him as they both wave goodbye. He doesn't bother putting out his cigarette before going inside.
Where would be a farm only two blocks away from the city center? It has to be a lie.
You're wandering around the place as to not awkwardly wait for Jungkook who sharply inhales at the sight. He calls your name.
"What do you want to become?"
"I," you look at him funny with a laugh, "I still don't know."
"Then take a gap year."
Your brows shoot up to your hairline. "Why?"
"I want you to be invested in this project completely. Once the planning is finished, I'll give you a salary. What do you think?"
He's asking you to work full-time for him. Not as an intern, but an employee and you are beyond willing after only being here for two days. He's a famous director; how can one pass up this opportunity?
"I'd love that."
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You noticed that Jungkook has a very unique way of working. You've heard that he's been keeping his crew until late at night, already having an outline for his plot and he's moved onto screenwriting. He apparently disappears randomly throughout the evening after you leave, and you've had some different experiences with him of your own.
He asked you to steal from the wardrobe of his backroom. "Take everything that you'd wear," he said before stepping out of the room.
When you confusedly compiled all of the clothes that caught your eye under your arm, he took them from you and brought them upstairs with a huge grin. "Keep that one," he pointed at the handkerchief you thought about lacing your neck with.
Taehyung's quiet with you. He doesn't respond to your texts, doesn't call you, doesn't come over. You're too busy spending time with Jungkook to check up on him, and it serves as a well distraction when you keep glancing at your notifications. It hurts, especially when your wallpaper is a picture of you and him. It hurts because he isn't with you in your proudest moments when you were with him even at his parents' funeral.
The only thing keeping you happy is casting. Jungkook asked you to make a list of all the actors that would suit his characters after giving you a vague description of their traits. The budget isn't an issue, and you're having so much fun. He makes you forget your worries without even trying.
Jungkook intimidates you, but he's so lovely.
A mere "aspiring" stylist is casting actors for a movie. How many people can brag about that? You almost stumble on the stairs as you quickly climb up with Jungkook's laptop in your hands. He gave it to you for research purposes as he drew a rough storyboard with Irene.
"I made a list," you exclaim brightly. Heads shoot in your direction and you sheepishly grin at your volume. Jungkook's eyes linger on your covered neck; it's almost like a collar.
He whistles and beckons you to sit next to him. You obey and anxiously present your list to the professionals; you have no idea how to go on about this task, and no one guided you. You're certain you look utterly amateur in front of them.
Irene is inspecting your list without hinting her thoughts as Jungkook asks, "who are your favorites?"
"Well, I think Kim Namjoon is um, suitable for the male lead's role and Joy-"
"It's decided then," he claps his hands twice without hearing out Irene who scowls at him.
"You're not cooperating with us," she voices in a complaint, "why are you always calling the shots on your own? These are major decisions-"
"Ms. Bae, don't take any offence now. I'm taking your opinions into accounts when I make these decisions. Unless you have an issue with something, let's not dwell on this, hm?"
She sighs as you stand there awkwardly. She's upset, but stays silent.
"The two leads are Kim Namjoon and Park Soo-young. The team will decide the rest of the cast, thank you," he informs you with a ghost of a smile.
"Of course," you breathe.
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You don't know how long it is supposed to take to shoot a film, but surely it's not this fast paced. Jungkook is relentless with his production; there are hardly any breaks in between takes. There are bags under his eyes from pulling all nighters to work on his scripts.
He is a perfectionist and a hard worker, as you've come to find out. You feel bad for the amount of times the actors recited their lines when they didn't capture a scene right in Jungkook's eyes. It was an honor for you to meet these famous people beyond a screen, and you were strictly ordered to do Joy's makeup only. You are her stylist, but the professional one does help you after she's finished with Namjoon's.
"Cut," Jungkook says into the speaker. You're located in a rented mansion outside of the city, but you can't enjoy it when everyone is so stressed. "Start over from line "he's leeching off of you"."
Even actors can't hide their annoyance from having to do a 25th take of one scene. Jungkook pays them enough to go on with this torture however, so they have no room to complain.
They start over and you force yourself to watch them again and again.
"Oh my god, cut!" You can hardly resist groaning yourself. Everyone on set is overworked, and you know the director has it the worst, but it's overwhelming you too at this point. You flinch when your name is called. "Act Joy's lines, will you?"
"Me?" you point at yourself in surprise.
"Go ahead," he urges with a nod.
You have no idea how to act, and it's nervewracking having to do it in front of A-listers. You pick up the script handed to you from another woman and start reading:
"He's not leeching off of me," you pause to inhale shakily; your hands tremble from the heavy stares on you.
"I'm his family, the only one he has left. No one would know if he was gone, and he trusts me to look after him without having to dangle a dollar bill over his head."
This goes on until the final scene, and the retakes cut down to half.
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A few months pass, and it is time for the premiere. The movie, simply titled Pretty Girl, easily got a green light for display in theatres, and it's been heavily promoted on YouTube and TV. You are excited to your core, and watching the celebrities walk the red carpet was a first for you. Jungkook easily blends in with the crowd as he once again didn't reveal his real name in the credits, but his pen name is gaining more and more recognition. You have never seen the movie throughout the editing procedure, but you can't wait to see everyone's efforts show on the big screen.
You're dressed fancily because Jungkook asked you to go with him, and the two of you are sitting in the crowded theatre with not a single empty seat to be seen. Even the entrance is decorated in retro style to fit in with the movie's theme! The jazz music playing in the halls reaches your ears, and your knees are bouncing in anticipation of the movie. Jungkook is smiling as he listens to you ramble.
"I can't believe I played a part in this whole project!" you gush with shaking fists. "I met the best director I know, and I worked for him! This all feels like a dream... No one even likes my style, and yet I became a stylist!"
"I love your style," he denies, "even now you have all the attention in the room."
"Pfft," you roll your eyes playfully, "they all think I must look weird. I tried to wear something classy so I don't stand out, but it hasn't been working out."
"Keep it that way, you're beautiful like this."
Heat creeps up to your cheeks at his compliment and you squeak, "thank you."
He doesn't get to relish your flustered state as everyone goes quiet once the movie starts.
The time period is unclear, as the language is modern but the filter is black and white. The first scene is in a bar, a man in a suit eyeing a woman with a date who is an outcast with his clothes. They're washed out and ugly, but he looks handsome with his dazzling smile at the woman.
An involuntary grin spreads across your face when you hear their dialogue.
"I want to touch someone's shoulder to see how they react. Did you see how they looked at me when I walked in here? I think they think I'm your sugar baby or something," Jimin's character jokes with a laugh.
"I know! They're all so boujee, but I'm willing to be your mommy without sugar," Joy winks. They have fun until Jimin leaves to the bathroom and Namjoon's character approaches her, who has been staring at her ever since they walked in. Joy is offered a modeling career, and she accepts after she's told that her fashion only works with her because of how beautiful she is. She's bashful when Namjoon gives her a business card.
Jungkook's film is only over an hour long, but everything is timed so perfectly. His directory is straightforward, and you admire his work until a song comes on.
"That's my favorite song!" you whisper into his ear. It's Space Song by Beach House.
"Mine too," he whispers back.
There are montages of photo shoots, Joy's rise to fame in the modeling industry, but the trouble is Jimin, her boyfriend. Namjoon confronts him one day when Jimin drops her off to her new workplace.
"How can someone so poor be able to court a woman like her?" he asks rhetorically.
"Excuse me, Sir?" Jimin is offended until Namjoon laughs it off and reveals it was a joke. The audience sighs in relief, and all is fun and games until Jimin is brutally murdered next to a dumpster. You gasp at the gore scene and glance at Jungkook, until something dawns on you.
The story is starting to sound familiar. Was this movie inspired by your encounters? Your eyes light up as you give your utmost attention to the movie. The line between reality and fiction is beginning to blur.
Joy goes to Namjoon's house, where the dialogue you first reenacted comes to play. The shots are gorgeous, the script filled with metaphors on poverty and currency, and the romance is sickly sweet. There is a sex scene not long after... Joy forgets all about her boyfriend in the snap of Namjoon's fingers.
You tilt your head when you remember Taehyung. Where is he? How come your boyfriend didn't even show up to this life-changing experience?
Jungkook's hand slides over your thigh out of nowhere, as he murmurs, "do you mind?"
You stammer when his fingers reach under your dress to poke at your panties. "S-Sorry?"
"I said," he grazes your folds as you tense at the feather light touch, "do you mind if I touch you, pretty girl?"
Your chest heaves as your lashes flutter in a daze, but you nod nonetheless. His low raspy voice already has you clenching your thighs, unintentionally trapping his hand against your pussy. He's gentle, almost curious with the way he runs his fingers over your silky underwear before he moves it to the side. You're shivering with delight and thrill, and you don't take your eyes off of each other as he begins to flick your clit carelessly.
"Looks so pretty on you," he compliments the makeshift choker on your neck. It's his handkerchief you wore for the occasion, unaware that it's dried with cum. He pulls on the knot like it's a collar, and you're entranced. Your pants fan his lips at the close proximity, and he doesn't shy away from slotting his mouth against yours. You quietly moan into the kiss when his thumb starts to rub your clit, and his long finger pokes at your entrance.
"You mind?" he murmurs against your lips, his words slightly slurred as he doesn't stop kissing you. The wet noises are drowned out by the loud volume of the movie, but you can't focus on what's going on.
"I don't," you breathe before he slips in two fingers, exploring your walls with precision. He's multitasking as he circles your sensitive clit, and you're not very experienced in regards to sexual encounters but your hand lands on his hard-on anyway.
"Don't be shy," he chuckles into your neck, "touch it."
You don't know what you're doing when you slip your hand under his pants and palm him over his briefs, but his sigh is encouraging you. You're touching each other in a room of 100 people.
It's embarrassing when his free hand joins yours to help you touch him while simultaneously fingering you. He must have sensed your lack of confidence, because he starts to stroke his erection over your hand. You start to imagine his fingers as the real thing, and with your particularly low stamina, have a hard time suppressing your whines.
"Kiss my neck," he suggests as a solution to your nibbling. You didn't even realize your nether lip is bleeding from how hard you were biting on it. You bury your head in his shoulder and start pecking his neck. He holds back a laugh at how shy you're being, and he feels proud for predicting this moment perfectly in the movie. Joy is having the time of her life with Namjoon, unaware of Jimin decaying in the attic.
He quickens his pace in your cunt, and you bite him rather harshly at the sensation. He hisses with a chuckle; he likes it when you're impulsive. He can pick up the squelches from his thrusts because of how wet you are, and you climax all over his fingers in a matter of seconds with a whimper. You're twitching in your seat, and your hand strokes him faster but he stops you.
"In my studio," he says and you nod tiredly against his shoulder. The issue isn't that he doesn't want to cum in his pants, but the movie needs to become reality. He wants to fuck you on that one stool, with Taehyung's corpse decomposing in the backroom.
Jungkook always adds a pinch of fiction to his stories, but they're mostly based on true events. If you paid attention to the ending, maybe you would've realized that.
Lying is bad, but there are worse things in life.
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mega-bastard · 4 years
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Bitch in Heat Stuck Under Debris Gets WRECKED
a miki mouse whorehouse collab, the m.list you can find here 
cw: sexual harrassment, abo themes, dubcon kinda
as the poor quality picture can’t really show you, I got stuckage and I chose Bakugo with the finishing touch of making it ABO <3 It’s also two days late but shhhhh we don’t talk about it uwu also 2.7 words of pain enjoy 
katsuki bakugou is becoming a thorn in your side.
you’ve both been metaphorically and somewhat literally glued to each others sides since highschool. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, to be quite frank katsuki is something of a deterrent in a world of second genders and pheromones— something you capitalized on in high school.
being an omega hero isn’t something entirely world shattering, but it’s a position that comes with lots of stereotypes— stereotypes you fought tooth and nail to fight against in your younger years. being one of four omegas in your class was...irritating, to say the least. lots of preconceived notions that you needed to be helped with trivial things, and while your classmates intentions came from a good place it was maddening. save for katsuki, back when he had no restraint with his anger and aggression, he didn’t coddle you like your classmates did. Labeled a brute for his actions towards his omega classmates in trivial interaction or sparring, you thrived on the normality— katsuki was an ass to everyone. Your omega was placated, finally encountering an alpha who wasn’t belittling her with preconceived daintiness.
it was easy to hang near katsuki, ignoring the atrocity that was his vocabulary. eventually like the rest of the peanut gallery that was the bakusquad, you just existed alongside katsuki— which meant that you grew on him. katsuki swears up and down that you’re all a nuisance but you’ve seen him go up to bat for all you at some point, you knew you’d all made some sort of ragtag pack with one another. this was rather amazing to you at the time, not to sell yourself short but you’d never really imagined belonging to a close knit group of friends— especially realizing that they understood when it was appropriate to step in for you. katsuki in particular had a knack for being at the right place at the right time.
During your second year you fumbled.
interning with miruko had its perks, a top 5 hero with raw strength, cunning, and the drive to just keep going— and an omega. landing and internship with her had been a dream, even more-so when you learned she’d been watching you since your first year because of the festival. bright eyed and eager, nothing could have dampened your spirits— neither katsuki and his usual moody behavior or the standoffish alpha from shiketsu. yes, you all had landed an internship with miruko and part of you was...worried? katsuki had never looked down on heroes based on their second genders but you couldn’t speak for the shiketsu alpha, both alphas interning under an established omega hero put your inner omega on edge— you didn’t quite know why though. but you chose to squash the feeling and enjoy your internship with who was essentially your idol and continue on.
then you started getting sexually harassed.
his name was omori kisai and he was the worst. hailing from shiketsu, known for their dignified schooling, he was far from it. salacious comments dropped when no one was listening, less that appropriate touching when passing by and just general ick that had your skin crawling and omega snarling. it was easy to brush it off as banter the first time, section off the awkward contact as an accident. The second time you made it clear the comments were not liked and the touches far from appropriate, after the third time you’d snap an insult or have to hold a trembling fish from making contact. but it was coming to a head and your suppressors could only do so much to hide your souring scent. looking back you should have said something, but your pride had told you that it was a necessary step to overcome and push through— that he wouldn’t be the last. it weighed you down, day by day, a heavy cloud that wouldn’t let up. one particular bad timed comment brought tears to eyes and shame to your entire being.
thankfully, as time would come to show, katsuki tended to nose into your dilemmas.
the day prior to the abrupt end of your harassment  you’d been tripped up by a villian and had fallen a sizeable distance into a pitiful excuse of pond. of course, omori had taken this as an open invitation to mock you and then offer you his shitty hero costume cloak— not without hinting at you returning the favor ‘somehow’. yeah right. you had stomped off, unaware of katsuki’s presence nearby. come next day, omori avoided you like the plague and katsuki not so subtly stuck to your side like an unwilling chowchow— all growly and temperamental. but his constant presence rubbed his scent off on you. despite his less than chummy attitude, you weren’t mad; katsuki smelled like cinnamon spice and whiskey with hints of burnt caramel— absolutely overpowering yet decadent all the same.
you tried not to think about just how much you enjoyed his smell. your omega was purring about it.
the omori incident was the beginning of katsuki’s subtle hovering. though you pried the truth of his involvement in omori leaving you alone after offhandedly bringing it up to mina and jirou one day, katsuki helped you out of situations as invasively as possible time and time again. by the end of third year it was no secret to you of your classmates teasing of your relationship with katsuki; an amiable and prideful omega and the irritable powerhouse of an alpha. you brushed it off because...well you didn’t know why, but katsuki’s seeming indifference to the teasing had you quelling every jittery happiness your inner omega expressed at the thought of katsuki being your alpha.
now, three years out of highschool and beginning to climb the ranks, katsuki was becoming testy— and for the life of you the reason couldn’t be more opaque.  you both work at the same agency, and due to the nature of your quirks you spend all your time together due to their compatibility. compatibility was a bitter word for you, katsuki and yours supposed compatibility had been talked about for some time now but the sobering reality is that perhaps you two were simply good friends— and now sharing your omegas endearment for the explosive alpha had reared its ugly head.
your heat was a week away and already you felt the familiar fatigue begin to lap at you alongside general moodiness. all that coupled with the annoying need to be around katsuki was maddening and sprinkling his own extra grouchy attitude on top and you were ready to snap. in hindsight, that should have been your cue to take an extra week off— instead you chose to once again to champion pride instead of your intellect.
you could have stayed home this morning, you should have.
patrol had been slow, not particularly unusual but favored nonetheless. face raised to the slowly dipping sun you couldn’t help but sigh, the warmth of the late afternoon sun was heaven sent-- you could sleep standing up with much issue. it remided you katsuki, strangely enough though most things did recently.
the sound of screaming and rushing feet shook you from your drowsy stupor. Set on alert, you spied the source of the sudden discordance and found several villains causing a commotion. quickly calling for backup for you before finding yourself facing a hulking mass of green charging you head on. tranquility gone, it was time to fight.
the ache in your body could not be more apparent but your humiliation ran more rampant in your system than any ache or pain could, your fatigue more than present as your body hummed with warmth. leave it to you to get stuck face down and ass up amongst the trashed ruins of what was an office building, weighed down between a broken desk and a collapsed bookshelf. the villain you had engaged with, some self-named idiot calling himself cruel croc, packed a punch and your bruised body and rendered office floor were a testament to that. of course, you’d done quite the bit of damage to him yourself before the entire floor collapsed underneath you both— rendering the meathead unconscious under a rather hefty pile of concrete and debris whereas you were pinned and to utterly weak to do much.
the thrum of your heat was beginning its path of vengeance through your body, feeling too pliant to get yourself out of what was otherwise easy to fix problem. you were feeling it, bad. the heat of your clothed cunt was beginning to become too apparent, unconsciously squeezing your thighs to provide relief to no avail. no, this could not be happening right now of all times. but as much as your inner monologue fought to try and will away your heat, the warmth was becoming too much and sudden breeze of wind had you trembling and whining. the feel of slick beginning to wet your hero costumes spandex set your hazing thoughts into sudden panic, if cruel croc woke up or if another villain came across you would they be above...the thought alone could’ve made you puke. flashbacks to second year had you bucking wildly for freedom, you wouldn’t let anyone have the opportunity for—
“ OI! Shitty ‘mega were are you? Are you—“
you stilled, biting hard to keep your mouth shut. your omega was whimpering, desperate for the alpha, HER alpha to relieve her from her heat. on a normal day she could melt into his scent, but right now? she could drown in it and die happy. with his scent getting stronger the closer katsuki clambered toward you, the more the head haze grew-- the slicker your thighs became. the whimper you let loose was pitiful, the need for some sort of stimulation to your cunt becoming near painful the longer you remained so close yet so far from katsuki. the pathetic little “alpha” you whined as you heard him quickly approach from behind would’ve been utterly embarrassing to you in any other situation.
but if you could have turned to see katsuki, you would’ve been met with the look of an unmistakably feral alpha-- pupils dilated to hell, fingernails blackened, and canines elongated and sharpened. but what you lacked in sight, you could hear and smell.
katsuki was the definition of an alpha as is, but the way he was pushing his scent out was like a big red sign that screamed ‘DANGER’. To you, it had you feeling utterly submissive-- if you weren’t already face down and ass up you certainly would’ve moved into position.  practically salivating at the thought of what katsuki could do--
the heated palm on the globe of your ass is thought pausing, the sudden heated touch coaxing a sugary sweet moan from deep in your throat-- the small touch quickly turning to rough palming at your moaning. tt feels so good, but you want more. need more. 
“Please, need more Alpha” it's breathy and whiny, something you're far from day to day but it feels too natural escaping you. mewling at the ghost of a touch over your clothed cunt, your blubbering when it presses harder-- escalating you to tears of frustration when it ceases. practically feeling katsuki’s harsh breathing near your cunt you begin to wiggle and wail with all manner of unrestrained vigor; chanting alpha and katsuki like a prayer and begging for relief like a sinner for forgiveness. it’s working, you know it is, if katsuki’s breathing is anything to go by but he refuses any further touching. you want katsuki everyday, but right now you need him. 
“Only want you Katsuki, please it’s only been you,” you hiccup your words through a shrill plea, but the tearing of your soaked spandex sends an excited chill down your spine. your legs tremble with excitement when katsuki grips the tops of your thighs and spreads them-- revealing your drooling cunt. it’s both too much and not enough all at once and you wiggle once more, yelping from a smack to your left ass cheek. it’s not particularly painful, not even as katsuki rubs over it right after the hit, but it quells your wiggling nonetheless. you open your mouth to urge him on but he beats you to it.
“No one else, you got that ‘mega? No one gets to see you like this, no gets to touch you like this-- your mine,” he punctuates his declaration with two of his deliciously thick fingers in your cunt and you squeal, “ you got that? I’m your alpha, always have been always will be.” nodding despite yourself, you struggle for words with his fingers pumping in and out alongside the ghost of pressure on your clit “Yes! Yes, I’m yours Katsuki!” you babble your words already teetering on the precipice of your first orgasm. it takes a pickup in pace and a rough rub along your clit and your wailing, slick streaming down your thighs as your first orgasm crashes into you.
despite the pleasant haze in your head, you faintly hear zippers being undone and the shuffling of clothes. licking your lips, you perk your ass up as much as the heavy bookcase allows, purring in excitement like a spoiled cat. The rough grab of your hips leaves you gasping, feeling the length of katsukis dick along your thigh-- long and heavy. you're salivating as he lines himself up with your weeping cunt, ramming his entire length in you with little regard. stars shoot across your vision and your ears deafen, crying out at being so full. it feels wonderful being stuffed this full and you babble it to katsuki. if you could see him, you would see just how prideful and smug he looked-- only he can take care of you like this, none of the other shitty alphas can take care of you this well.
katsuki sets a rough pace, drawing himself out slowly like he’s aiming for you to feel every vein of his dick before slamming back into you. your poor cunt clenches sporadically, drawing groans and growls from your alpha and all you can do is choke on broken moans because the way he feels churning your insides is downright sinful. you felt a band begin to tighten in your belly, your broken moans evolving into babbling-- how good katsuki was making you feel and how he was the only one who made you feel this good. it spurred him onward, fucking into you with more vigor alongside groans of your names and his own praise for you. “Good fuckin ‘mega”, “Takin’ me so well”, and “My perfect little mate” were some of the praise you could catch and had you preening. All of it combined you felt the band tighten and you couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing out. feeling the base of Katsuki’s length begin to swell, you could only salivate at the thought of being knotted.
“Want your knot Katsuki! Alpha I need it”
 at your blubbering demand, katsuki faltered in pace for only a moment before a deep mix of a groan and growl ripped from his throat. grabbing and bending your leg upwards he fucked deeper and faster into your battered cunt, the new angle sending you hurtling into your orgasm. eyes rolled back and tongue, you felt utterly boneless-- momentarily brain dead before screaming out at Katsuki knotting you, his own groan of pleasure mixing with yours as he filled you impossibly full with his seed. 
 trembling underneath him, you were only a fraction aware of movement above you before the weight of the bookcase vanished from you. weakly you glance back up at your alpha. your surprised to see just how feral he looks, no doubt you’ve pushed him into his rut. whimpering as he moves down upon you, he nibbles and kisses along your jaw and neck before biting down on you scent gland. a flash a white hot pain curtailed by just as intense pleasure wracks your wrecked body but the dopy look of happiness pulls a low purr from katsuki.
you wanna say something, anything, but your too exhausted and as katsuki knot subsides you let another weak whimper as he removes himself-- feeling his seed spill from your battered cunt. he pulls a quiet moan from you as he gathers some of it a pushes back in-- and a glance at his smug face lets you know that he’s decidedly not done with you yet.
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BNHA X DP Crossover HCs
After the long wait and finals, here are my ideas for all the quirks/occupations and other concepts I devised for the DP characters in the BNHA universe. This was just for fun and for inspiration towards others interested in this crossover au in general. 
Tagging the people that were looking forward to this post based on the replies: @qoinq-qhost, @floralflowerpower, @tgfangirl4eva @goodfish-bowl, @whitehairglowinggreeneyedcrush and more. 
Anyways, happy reading, folks!
Mr. Lancer
Hero name: Mr. Scholastic
Quirk: Bookworm
Involves his iconic usage of literature titles & quotes for swears to become abilities corresponding to the novel’s contents/themes. Course, he is limited to only books he has read and can quote accurately. Additionally, his voice gets very raspy past two or three quotes as well.
Occupation: Homeroom Teacher for Class 1- A; He’s very dedicated to his new students and teaching the fundamentals of being a pro hero and more! Course, I don’t think his chamomile tea with a wedge of lemon is enough to help him relax from his students (*cough* Danny, Tucker and Poindexter) from their antics at times. 
Hero name: Phantom 
Quirk: Ghost core (Ok, @coffeecakecafe had the best name for this one gotta give credit here)
Able to do anything a ghost is perceived to do. Go through walls, disappear and fly. This is a one of a kind quirk as it was obtained from Danny’s old quirk being altered by a machine his parents made that would repurpose/alter an individual’s quirk based on their past family members' own metahuman genetics.
Danny is doing his best and trying to understand his new quirk without causing too much attention to himself while doing so but it seems like its been doing the opposite as of late. Thankfully, he won’t be doing it alone with all his classmates around to help him!
Hero Name: Black Dahlia 
Quirk: Overgrown 
Able to create any plant that she knows the biological makeup and content of in almost any environment. However, it is important for her to drink lots of nutrient rich water and take in enough sun if she plans to create larger versions of these plants.
Hero name: Tech Master
Quirk: Tech Core
Located on his chest/heart area is a special energy core capable of powering electronics at a rate faster than anything made-man could ever hope to achieve. As a kid, Tucker would tinker away in his family’s garage on a suit that would harness his power to the fullest extent and lead a new era of support tech in the hero world.
Hero name: Red Huntress
Quirk: Electromagnetism (Someone I’ve been trying to find their post on my blog had posted this idea and I fell in love with it ever since)
She’s like Static Shock but with a dash of magenta/ruby lasers she can create through focusing her electromagnetism through her finger tips. She is an expert with her quirk and has the best handle of her quirk than most of her peers. She is the most frequent visitor in the support equipment workshop next to Tucker, Poindexter and Danny. It’s how she built the hoverboard she has in the show that utilizes her electromagnetic abilities for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Also, I enjoy the idea that Bullet is Val’s uncle on her mom’s side and is her biggest supporter alongside her dad, Damien Gray).
Quirk: Serenity 
Helps calm individuals and give them a sense of safety/security when they’re around her in a 10 feet radius. Though, anyone out of range cannot be affected by her quirk and she needs to be conscious in order to use it.
She planned on becoming a pro hero but felt her powers were best suited for her dream profession as a psychologist. She has used her quirk a lot when Danny was overwhelmed with his studies prior to UA. Course, a phone call and sibling chat over the phone certainly does the job for Danny now when it comes to preparing material for exams. (Course, its up to you guys to decide)
Hero name: Rager
Quirk: Strength Magnification
Improves his physique and stamina by a large percentage for a set amount of time. Needs to be careful of how much/long he magnifies his body or else his body will become immensely sore. 
Hero name: Rallier 
Quirk: Team Rally (50/50)
Able to duplicate himself 3-4 times while being able to power-up allies’ quirks or stamina with a rally chant to help the team. The more duplicates there are the rally effect multiplies/stacks on the individual but it can lead to dangerous outcomes for their quirk output. 
Kwan is the class representative for 1-A, he’s the best at the job and was more than thrilled to be the one leading his class in more ways than one.  
Hero name: Enchantress
Quirk: Charm
If the opponent is flustered by her taunts or flirting, their vision will become altered and start seeing things that are not there. It works better on men than women and the opponent can snap out of it with enough willpower or if they’re not interested in her.
Hero name: Ms. Meteorite
Quirk: Comet
Similar to Gran Torino’s Jet quirk except faster and she can create an explosive impact on where she lands. Similar to a meteorite landing on earth, she also learns to use this as a long distance move by punching fast enough as she descends to create wind pressure punches.
Hero name: Tex (like in Tex Avery; Danny gave him the idea!) 
Quirk: Slapstick
His appearance is black and white just like an old timey cartoon character as well as having the durability and cartoon powers of one. However, his quirk can only work as long as what he does with it is funny in the circumstance it’s used for. Sort of like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” rules in a sense. 
Sidney is part of Class 1-A just saying, I don’t care, this is Poindexter’s time to shine here to be the coolest/funniest person in the class. Also, Tucker’s most loyal friend/tester for new support items. 
Wes Weston
Hero name: Vigilance
Quirk: Deduction
He is able to deduct people’s identities to flaws/weak points for him to use against them and  exploit against problems. 
Class 1-B Representative and the most annoying/terrifying person that Danny has dealt with in his life. He was able to figure out that Danny’s quirk is not his own or more so that it's not natural and takes every opportunity to state this regardless if anyone is listening or not. 
Amber Mclain
Hero Name: Ember
Quirk: Fiery voice (50/50)
Her quirk uses the vibrations in her sining voice to conduct intense heat waves onto opponents or utilize to rumble the structures around here and even put out the flames from her quirk. Its like a combination of Present Mic and Endevours quirk but it leaves her with a strained or inflamed vocal cords with overuse. 
Third year student or an upcoming rock star that has certainly gain huge popularity after her song “Remember” was a nationwide hit amongst the younger generation. She’s striving to be the top hero while making her next hit to become the 1# song on the listings. 
Hero name: Phantwo (lol jk; unsure what her name would be)
Quirk: Poltergeist 
Similar to Danny’s quirk “Ghost”, except she has the additional ability to melt herself to a slimy puddle and use her ectoplasmic slime to trap or surprise opponents.
Hero Name: Clockwork
Quirk: Time Keeper
Clockwork’s quirk allows him to stop time for 5 to 15 minutes and be able to rewind it in the same amount of time. It can be one to multiple objects as long as he touches them in order to interact with them.
Principle of UA in this au. He’s quite a reserved man but still manages to visit and congregate with students throughout the school during lunch period. 
Flynn Fenton/Flynn Walker
Hero Name: The Green Knight
Quirk: Mineralization 
His quirk allows him to manipulate the minerals and inorganic materials in the atmosphere to create into crystalized constructs that are almost stronger than diamond. Luckily, the crystals have no value so he doesn’t have to worry about that aspect of his quirk. He does have to worry about his skin becoming dried out as a result of his quirk usage. 
Flynn is a third year student that loves to check up on his cousin, Danny, any chance he gets bc of the amount of work he does with his internships.
James Walker (or James W. Hausermann)
Hero name: Warden Wraith
Quirk: Plasma Apparatus
His quirk ionizes the electrolytes in the blood system into plasma. His entire body is composed of plasma giving him his skeletal appearance. He can create plasma chains, teleport from point A to B and more as long as he focuses and has enough energy at use. Course, he can have minor to severe dehydration and imbalance in his electrolyte levels from overuse. 
Occupation: CEO of an infrastructure security company/Provisional License Examiner just like Gang Orca.The ghost prison guards become his backup/helpers for the exam phases. (They’re just trained stuntmen with combat or military experience for the occasion).
Also, I like to think Walker has kids in this au who are in the Class 1-A group; they’re not hard to spot they take after their father with their skeletal complexion. 
Villain name: Quirk Hunter
Quirk: Tracker
The moment Skulker makes eye contact with his target he will be able to hunt them down and find them anywhere no matter how good they are at covering their tracks. He can lock on to only one target, but he will be able to know their heart beat, quirk, be able to place a tracking/scent line that only he can see and will lead him to his target’s location. It lasts for over a day or a half.
Occupation: Skulker is known for capturing, info-detailing or “retiring” newcomer pros or specific quirk users for his clients that pay him handsomely for their targets, dead or alive. Thanks to Vlad, Danny was strictly intended to be captured alive by Skulker but sometimes he gets too thrilled by the hunt to not have a memento. Trust me, it's more of a dangerous 
Nicolai Technus 
Villain Name: Technus 
Quirk: Technopathy
A genius in his own right, even if he’s a little crazy, with the best ability possible for a man of science and innovation. As long as he knows the makeup and attributes of the machine, Technus is able to completely repurpose or change a machine’s qualities for offensive and defensive qualities. Whenever that be for a mech suit or hacking a high tech system for entry, he’s able to do it as long as he knows what it is and how it functions. An example is repurposing a slot machine into a submachine gun that shoots coins at the target. 
Vlad Masters
Name: Vlad Plasmius
Quirk: Vampire
Can do anything a vampire can supposedly do. However, he was able to manifest an additional aspect of this quirk which is the ability to copy any quirk users ability. Based on the type of blood he ingests decides the amount of time he can use the copied quirk for.
Occupation: CEO of his own hero firm, he is extremely selective with the interns he has that there is a major waitlist to be even consider for Masters Inc. Course, imagine the surprise Danny must of felt when he received an offer from Vlad right off the bat after the Sports festival. 
Bruce Guiles (Bullet)
Hero Name: Bullet 
Quirk: Sphyraena or Chimera Fish
Able to do anything a barracuda can do or the quirk is a 50/50 mutant quirk in which he has both the traits of a barracuda, Chimaeras and a touch of piranha from his parents being of one of these fish species hence Chimera. Bullet can do anything those fish can do overall but he can’t go too long without hydration from water. Water quality and its oxygen content also affect his abilities by a noticeable percentage but he still remains quite formidable as a quirk user.
Occupation: Captain of a coast guard team, he’s a strict military man with an amazing record of saving people from any disasters both on land and sea. Him and Walker are best buddies ever since they went to school together. 
Hero Name: Vortex
Quirk: Storm Warning
Vortex can utilize any variation of a natural disaster depending on the environment he’s in. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, you name it he can create it for his use. However, despite his amazing control over his quirk it is still possible for him to create these disasters if he lost control or magnify another pre-existing one if he loses focus. 
Occupation: Storm-chaser/Forecaster; His control and knowledge in combating/predicting these natural disasters has led to him to be part of a storm chasing crew and they’re the best in helping disaster prevention teams evacuate citizens as a result.
Petra Eris
Hero name: Pandora
Quirk: Butterfly Effect
Can manipulate or prevent a chaotic event to happen if she was in proximity and present to prevent it to happen. Or even give a little chaos to the opponent to deal with during battle. 
One of the top ten heroes and most beloved heroes in the country. She is the best strategist in any team and has a way to predict any event before they happen given the necessity of it for her quirk to work in her favor. 
Vigilante name: Johnny 13
Quirk: Unlucky
Johnny manifests his bad luck into a shadow that will latch onto opponents and cause unfortunate events to occur more for that individual as a result. However, the shadow cannot exist in complete sunlight; it can only remain if there are already shadows in his general area or it’s nighttime and its effects are strongest at that time obviously.
Occupation: Johnny is the leader of a biker gang or de-facto leader of said biker gang who loves to raise hell and helping folks that need saving whenever he’s around or is up to the task. Kitty tags along with him to help him out of jams and bc she loves him. :3
Vigilante name: Kitty
Quirk: Lovesick
Kitty sends a smooch towards her opponent which if it makes contact causes the individual to have nausea or become disoriented for around 10 minutes. It can also have a chance of lasting longer if the individual was sort of infatuated with her regardless of gender. 
Pariah Dark
Villain name: King Pariah
Quirk: Ultimate Adaptation 
Similar to all for one except with the unpredictability for both the user and opponents. Pariah can manifest any type of quirk needed to defeat anyone that stands in his way both one-on-one and in groups. Course, drawbacks are the learning curve to some of the quirks and that multiple adaptions he utilizes at once will destroy his cells in the process. 
Pariah is a former follower of all for one who had unique quirk that All for one augmented to help him succeed if both Shigaraki and Tomura failed in their own conquest for the world. But now Pariah has his own plans to succeed where they failed and become the leader who shapes a new world order with an iron fist. 
Frederick Kingsmen
Villain/vigilante name: Fright Knight
Quirk: Burning Energy Infusion
Able to form/infuse objects with his own burning energy life force that is capable of burning or slicing through any in his sight. The sweat he gives off is what provides the material needed to ignite his unnatural flames despite it causing his body to overheat still. 
Fright Knight is Pariah’s second-in-command with a loyalty to him as strong as his control over his power. Fright Knight has faced many pro-heros as he carried out the smaller phases of Pariah’s plans and most of them barely came close towards defeating or leaving as much as  scratch on the knight. 
Rodolfo Gonzalo  
Hero name: Wulf
Quirk: Werewolf + Portal creation (50/50?)
Can do anything a werewolf can supposedly do; somehow it allows him to create portals with his claws to locations he has marked with them or visited in the past. 
Wulf was abducted on by Pariah’s forces and sent into the Nomu labs for experimentation to force on another quirk and instill complete allegiance to their cause. Course, Wulf broke free as a result of that new additional quirk allowing him to escape their clutches and his previous one helping him survive the endeavor. However, he lost his memories in the process and could only remember his native language, Spanish, and his hero name Wulf. 
Villain/vigilante Name: Overgrown
Quirk: Plant Manipulation
Can manipulate any pre-existing plant matter or create new vegetation if water and soil is present for the process or he understand the biological makeup of the plant in question. 
Occupation: Pro-hero or eco-terrorist who is tired of humanity from abusing the environment from quirk battles to industries using the land for their own benefits and none others.
That’s all I have for now! I hope this was worth the wait, guys. As well as, inspire ideas for your takes with a DP x BNHA Crossover! 
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Fashion Show
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 7: Fashion Show
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
For the last three days in Marinette‘s break the main Batman family traveled to Paris. One they were going to set up Tim in WE Paris branch, and two they’re going to enroll Damian in school alongside Mari. However they had planned a small surprise for their favorite little bug.
They had gotten seats for the final two shows Paris fashion week. The last two shows being of Audrey Bourgeois and MDC.
However they weren’t prepared that when the day of the fashion show came around they were suddenly unable to find Marinette anywhere.
To say that they were worried that, they had lost their sister, was an understatement. The fact that most of them wanted to suit up to look for her may have been an over exaggeration but was totally plan A. However luckily for everyone involved, or really thank you Tikki for telling Mari to send a text to her family saying that she’ll meet them at the show so that they wouldn’t go running off and jumping off rooftops.
"Mari you really should be going the show is going to start and your family is going to be wondering why you weren’t there with them" Tikki prompted
"besides Audrey is the opening the show and she said that she would take it care of Your show too while you are with your family" Tikki gave her a knowing look before continuing "as originally you were going to still be in Gotham."
"Sigh do your right Tikki" she conceded to the little goddess "OK just this last little thing and done! OK I’ll just leave everything set up and then I’ll go out to the show. Oh wait I just need to leave this one piece for Audrey!"
She did just that, she had created a special golden, jewel encrusted rose that would be placed on Audreys signature sun hat and a matching gown for her finale/entrance of the show. Marinette could not believe it this is her first entire fashion line and show , granted it was under her pseudo name MDC, but that didn’t mean she didn’t work any less hard on all of these clothes. The only thing was that she would not be making an appearance on stage. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t going to be a signature at the end.
"Where have you been!" Dick almost yelled when he finally saw her coming from backstage.
"Well Audrey had asked me to come over" she answered with a shrug.
"As in the designer whose show is about to start" Damian answered in a bored tone, but she didn't miss the squint of his eyes daring her to back down from what he must have assumed was a lie.
"She had offered me an internship a while back and well I declined it at the time but I still work with her from time to time She’s even wearing a piece of mine for her entrance.
Then as the show began she shushed the boys "it’s starting” she whispered pushing them to the seats. Mari was still quick flash to pull out her sketchbook and throughout the show she took note of all the beautiful designs for later, taking notes to ask her about them later but importantly pieces of inspiration for her to use in later designs.
Between the two shows there was a break in order to change theme and the stage and everything else so that was when Audrey came out.
"Minnette it was pleasure to work with you again your piece was a huge hit if I do say so myself. Oh and who is this now?" She had all finally looked up and seen Bruce as well as his boys and Mari behind that Audrey couldn’t help but be impressed by the suits that they all wore.
"Ohh she let out a small laugh "I should introduce you guys. Audrey this is my biological father, Bruce, and my half brother, Damian, as well as Bruce’s adoptive sons Richard, Jason, and Tim." She pointed to each of the boys and her father respectively and then she saw Audrey‘s calculating eyes glimmer behind her sunglasses and.
'Gasp' "Marinette Dupain-Cheng or should I now say Marinette Wayne really you never told me." she feigned being hurt "Well no matter" she waved it off "I need to help MDC set up a few final things for her show. Now you will be staying for it?"
"Yes we plan on staying for the show" Bruce replied with a smile.
Then Tim spoke up excited "wait do you know who MDC really is I am dying to know who they are. I can’t find any trace of their identity anywhere and I’ve searched."
At this Audrey gave her a small discreet wink from behind her glasses "well it’s not my place to say, now, but I doubt she’ll be keeping it a secret much longer goodbye" she said turning on her heel towards the back stage.
That’s when Tim turned onto Mari "Bean if you work with the Audrey Bourgeois do you know who MDC is? Please, please, please tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me." Tim was begging.
That was when Jason covered his mouth "As fun as it is to hear you beg. You really let Bluebell speak and you need a breathe, or do you want me to knock you out instead? That way we actually all have some quiet for the rest of the evening." Jason discreetly threatened.
"Is it really that hard to figure it out?" she hummed to herself "Because I thought it was obvious." she looked at them.
"Wait so you do know" Tim questioned her again "can you tell me?"
"After the show Timmy" she said as the lights dimmed once again. As the show was coming to an end she made her 'debut'.
Out walked a hologram projection of herself, except no eyes or mouth, and faded from a red head and torso to black hands, feet, and hair. Her hair in a braid laying over her shoulder and was wearing a simple haltered maxi dress following the same color pattern but in reverse. In the black of the dress were embroidered a swarm of bats concentrated in the solid part of the color, the same in the red but with ladybugs. The hologram walked the runway bowed and faded away at the end of the runaway, ending the show.
It wasn't until they reached the apartment she, Tim, and Damian will be living in that they spoke up.
"So do all fashion shows end in such a dramatic way or is it only MDC?" Jason asked.
"Why not a fan of Dramatics Jay?" Mari asked
"Are you joking Little Bat that was amazing!" Dick supplied. if will say the dress at the end was an odd statement. "Damian added.
"Really I didn't think so" Mari countered.
"Bats and Ladybugs weren't an odd combination" he challenged.
"Nope" she only supplied.
"It was a bit Mini" Bruce finally added.
"Okay this is all a thrilling discussion, but Mari who is MDC?" Tim burst.
"Really, still haven't figured it out" she said confused. "I guess you guys need to renounce the title of 'World's Best Detectives'"
"What do you. You!!! You're MDC!!!" Tim finally shouted.
"Took you long enough boy genius." she smirked.
@mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets
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cyberrat · 3 years
49th Batch Of Fics: 16th Fill
Deku/Bakugo – part 1/2 – boss!Bakugo; intern!Deku (post school); lingerie; big dick Bakugo; dirty talk (degrading... you know how Bakugo is) – Deku's biggest dream is fulfilled as he is accepted as an intern in Ground Zero's agency. And then his second biggest dream gets fulfilled.
“Send out more sidekicks! Holy fuck, do I have to do everything by myself?!”
Deku quietly listens to his boss cussing out whoever is on the phone with him while he moves about the office, cleaning a few knickknacks here and there. He’s burning to know what kind of catastrophe has occurred this time, but Ground Zero has been very clear in the fact that the first two weeks of his internship, Deku would be his personal assistant and only get to know the office side of the whole hero life.
He doesn’t really want to try and bring it up again… He’s suitably sure Ground Zero wouldn’t rip his head off, but he’s not completely sure.
In any case… he kind of likes being his personal assistant for the time being. While he did choose the Exploding Agency because of its excellent track record in handling very peculiar cases, he also has had been kind of… well… hot for Mr Bakugo.
For longer than he’d like to admit. Throughout his whole school carrier, Ground Zero posters have been hanging right alongside AllMight on his walls. He’s always been enjoying the both of them for what they are. Fighters of justice. Though they accomplished their goals in very different ways.
After school, he had send out exactly two inquiries for internships. One of them had led to this: a fresh-out-of-classes Deku standing in Mr Bakugo’s huge office, listening to him screaming into the phone with a murderous intent.
He’s been a fan of him for long enough to know how to take his explosive moods: A concerned boss that has no idea how to properly interact with… well… anybody, really.
Deku had been fascinated to find that all of the Sidekicks in Ground Zero’s agency are viciously loyal to their boss despite him having witnessed each and every one of them being on the receiving end of one of Bakugo’s famous verbal explosions. And that only after two weeks of internship.
“Hey! Deku! Do I pay you for standing around and drooling?!”
Deku jerks out of his reverie. He is staring at Ground Zero who is staring right back at him, the phone now back in its place. Deku can feel himself flushing red under the angry scrutiny and jerks toward one of the cabinets lining the walls.
“Oh! Uh yeah, yes, of course, I’m working, uhm. Sorry, Sir!”
Bakugo’s fist hits the top of his large desk, a lone pen jumping and then rolling off the edge to fall to the ground. Deku stares and Bakugo stares back again. When one of his lower lids starts to twitch, Deku moves forward in alarm. “Oh! I-I’ll, I’ll get that for you, Sir!”
He hurries over while Bakugo lets himself sit down heavily in his chair, arms crossed in front of his impressive pectorals. Deku has spent many a night staring at them on posters while… Well.
He moves around the desk and looks around, becoming more and more nervous the longer it takes for him to spot the subtle glint of the pen at the very back of the desk. The stupid thing has rolled surprisingly far.
“Just a moment,” he mutters and goes to his knees, quickly crawling beneath the huge desk of his boss.
He grabs it and is just about to move backwards out of the space when he feels a heavy boot against his ass keeping him right where he is.
“What’s that…”
Bakugo’s voice is so flat, it can barely be considered a question. Deku can feel his blood starting to run cold just from the sound of it. What has he…
There’s another touch at the waistband of his pants, something – a finger? – hooking in and tugging it down a little.
All of a sudden he remembers the green lingerie he had put on just earlier this morning. His throat closes up, heart stopping for a beat or two.
“Uh… Tha-tha-that is-”
He’s hoped for this, of course. He’s put them on just for the express purpose and secret little dream that Mr Bakugo might notice and… throw him over his desk or something to fuck him senseless just like he’s been daydreaming about for over a decade or so.
But he never actually thought it would happen. He never actually thought a situation would occur in which his pants pull down – despite belt! – far enough that Bakugo could see. He’s just… he’s just forgotten he’s wearing them at all. They’re so comfortable, keeping his cock hugged so nice and tight, and feeling so good on his skin…
“Oh my God you fucking nerd, stop spacing out!”
Deku feels himself yanked back by his pants. Bakugo has his fist hooked into his belt and pulls him like a misbehaving puppy or something. He sounds so pissed that Deku really wonders whether this will be the last day of his life… but when he is unceremoniously slammed down on his boss’ huge desk and feels his cock pressing against his ass as he crowds against him from behind…
He figures he might be okay after all? Or something?
“Hey! I’m talking to you! What kinda disgusting perv puts on pretty panties for work? Huh? Huh???” Mr Bakugo is as loud as ever, though for him it might almost be a whisper.
Deku feels hot all over, embarrassment and arousal so imminent that it feels like there’s so much blood in his head it won’t even reach his dick any time soon.
Ground Zero’s hand is on the back of his neck, keeping him held down and pinned like a fly. His other hand though… oh, his other hand… it has slipped into the back of Deku’s pants and is grabbing his ass without shame, kneading and testing how plump his cheeks are beneath the soft frill of the panties.
“You’re a fucking degenerate, are you, Deku?” Bakugo murmurs. His voice is as soft as Deku has never heard it before. The sound sends chills down his spine. Bakugo’s words twist him up inside, his heart racing so fast he can physically feel it thumping against his ribcage. They’re mean of course… but they’re not mean mean. They’re just Bakugo mean and Deku has been scouring his media output for so damn long, he knows exactly that he’s in no trouble right now.
Far from it, even.
“I just… I didn’t mean no disrespect, sir! It is just that they feel kind of good and I work long hours so I thought it might be better if I felt good throughout the day and I was not planning on anybody ever seeing them and feeling uncomfortable because of it. I know that it’s not very professional and harassment at the workplace is a prevalent issue that I did not want to feed into-”
The hand on the back of his neck lifts away to instead slap over Deku’s mouth. It is large and rough and warm and smells faintly of something smoldering which is fascinating because as far as he knows nitroglycerin is an odorless substance…
He’s drifting. He’s drifting despite his hot, easily angered boss rutting his erection against his ass and thigh and murmuring filthy degradation at him.
Pull yourself together, Deku! This is the chance of a lifetime!!!
He can only pray that none of the Sidekicks will come in to report something...
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Swipe Right {Rowaelin Fluff Modern AU}
Part TWO to Swipe Left {Rowaelin Fluff}
Written alongside the beautiful and talented @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty
Tumblr media
Aelin looked in the mirror one final time. She had to look absolutely perfect, of course, even though she was just visiting Rowan at work. It had been a little over a year since she had met the love of her life in the airport, and life was pretty perfect. 
She had no complaints.
And from what she could tell, the perfection would only continue to grow.
After brushing through her long, golden hair, Aelin slipped on a pair of brown sandals to go with her turquoise t-shirt dress and called it good.
It had been an eventful morning, to say the least, starting with a quick workout and brunch with Lysandra. After that, she’d showered and gotten ready, checking her email for an offer letter from one of the many companies she’d applied to. The paid internship she’d taken had ended a couple weeks back and while Rowan had been more than generous, not asking her to pay rent when she’d moved in, she needed to start pulling her weight.
Rowan said she could pay him in other ways and she snorted and shoved him.
Aelin liked to contribute. She liked to help out.
Nonetheless, she was hurrying down the steps, as quickly as she could, and to her car. Once inside, she was starting the engine and pulling out of the parking space before the radio could even catch up and begin playing music.
She was giddy, could hardly control herself.
She couldn’t wait to show Rowan.
In her defense, though, she was also bringing him lunch just before his lunch period, so it wasn’t all about her surprise. It was about the kind, loving gesture that could only be shown through bringing your significant other food.
She had to make one stop before she stopped at the school, though, and that was the most important of the day.
Rowan turned around and crossed his arms as he looked at his class. “Can anybody tell me who Abigail Williams is?”
He was met with silence.
“You learned about her last year, with Ms. Lochan.”
Not even a blink of recognition.
He sighed and rubbed between his brows with his thumb and forefinger. “First person who can tell me anything about her gets to leave for lunch ten minutes early.”
A male voice spoke up. “She was accused of being a witch, right?”
“Good, Quinton, she was.” He pointed at the student, who was a basketball player. He’d never put any effort into his studies until recently, when he realized colleges care about your grades, too, not just how many three pointers you can hit. “Where?”
Quinton hesitated.
“Starts with a S,” Rowan slowly.
“Salem,” Quinton said, without any hesitation.
Rowan leaned back against the whiteboard, arms crossed. “Very goo-.”
His words dropped off as he noticed a flutter of movement in the doorway out of the corner of his eye. His class had noticed, too, because he instantly lost their attention as Aelin gave him an amused look.
Rowan couldn’t be mad. His eyes softened as he said, “You all remember my-.”
She was met with a series of loud hellos and hollers, which only made her grin widen - and her ego grow to an uncontrollable level, no doubt. 
She held up a bag. “I brought lunch. I didn’t mean to be early. I’ll just…” She pointed to Rowan’s desk in the back corner of the room, indicating her destination.
He chuckled and nodded. He turned his attention back to his class, trying to reclaim their attention. “Alright, next week, we’re going to start on the Salem Witch Trials.” There was a flutter of excitement, which was atypical for sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds in school. “I don’t want to get your hopes up, because yes, it’s extremely interesting, but there’s also a lot of dates or boring stuff.” There was a collective groan, knowing Rowan would give one of his date only quizzes for extra credit. “But...we’re also going to be watching a movie next week. Which leads me to our homework…” Cue the groans again.
“Witches are a commonly adapted piece of folklore in modern media. Monday, I want you to bring in an example of your favorite adaptation of witches from movies, tv shows, music videos, whatever it may be. Wednesday, I want an example of other times there were witch hunts in history, aside from Salem. Not too hard, but we’re going to be taking a lot of notes. Be ready.” He glanced at his watch and saw it was ten til. He nodded his head at Quinton. “Q, you ready for lunch?”
He nodded yes and started packing up his backpack.
Rowan shrugged and said, “I’m feeling generous today. Pick a buddy to go with you.”
Quinton smirked and turned around, pointing to Aelin. “You hungry, Miss G?”
The class erupted into good natured heckling.
Aelin laughed, quietly. “I’m afraid I’ve already eaten.”
“Too bad,” Quinton murmured, earning another round of laughter. “Evangeline, then.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes but began packing up, anyway.
Rowan gestured for them both to go then told the others to get started on their homework, which meant they’d be talking quietly among themselves or on their phones, until the bell rang.
Rowan made his round around the room and ended by his desk, sitting on the edge. His smile had faded, and he wore a concerned frown. “Why’d you come in such a hurry? Don’t get me wrong, I love that you’re here, but...I mean, is everything okay? Did something happen?”
He hated that he had to miss the appointment, but he was saving his vacation days for the months when Aelin would need him home.
“No, nothing, just…” She shrugged her shoulders trying to appear cool and casual, but inside she was about to explode. “Wanted to see you.”
She couldn’t tell if he believed her, he smiled softly, but the wariness was still in his eyes. “Well?” He asked.
She laughed, quietly. “You don’t think I should maybe wait until you don’t have a class of eavesdropping teenagers around?”
She gave a pointed glance behind him and he caught two of his students quickly turning around.
“Maybe you’re right,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. He glanced over at the clock, they still had a few minutes. “What did you bring me for lunch?”
Aelin chuckled before she said, “Ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of chips, and cut up apples with some caramel to dip them in.”
Rowan’s smile was genuine when he said, “You spoil me.”
He reached for the bag, but she snatched it back. “It’s not fair of you to eat in front of your students,” she replied, smirking.
He rolled his eyes, but got back up, making another quick circle around the room.
“Mr. Whitethorn?” A girl’s hand raised. “We have a question about what we can use for our media. Movies are okay, right?”
He figured the question would be coming and he was glad someone asked it, rather than half the class having to scramble like the grade before them did last year. “Movies are permitted, but PG-13 or lower. Can’t be rated R.” There was a chorus of groans. “I don’t make the rules, sorry, but if I did, you still wouldn’t be allowed to.”
The bell rang and as everyone rushed for the door, he called, “Alright, don't forget your homework and have a great weekend!”
They were out the door before he’d finished his sentence. Aelin was chuckling from where she sat on his desk.
In a flash, Rowan was at the door, locking it, pulling the privacy blind and then at his desk. He pressed his lips to Aelin’s and said, “Okay, well?”
She laughed and handed him the brown sack that his lunch was in. Rowan looked at the bag and said, “I appreciate you bringing me lunch, baby, but that’s not what I’m asking.”
The urge to roll her eyes was almost too strong to resist, but she said, “Open the bag, you frantic buzzard.”
With narrowed eyes in her direction, he did as he was asked, and froze. His eyes widened as his hand reached in and pulled out the little black and white ultrasound pictures.
He said absolutely nothing as he shuffled through them, his green eyes growing bright and misty.
Aelin watched him with complete adoration.
“Shit,” he breathed, shaking his head as he met Aelin’s loving gaze. “This is our kid.”
She nodded, a smile breaking on her lips. She didn’t try to stop the tears that slid down her cheek.
Aelin and Rowan had gotten married on the beach, almost six months to the day after they’d met. Neither of them had any immediate family and they both knew the wanted no one but the other for the rest of their days.
They’d suspected Aelin was pregnant a few weeks earlier. Her cycle hadn’t come and Rowan was actually the one who noticed it was late.
Now, their baby was growing and would be there in a matter of months. These were the first ultrasound pictures where the baby actually looked like a baby, not just a blob. They could see the head, the hands, the feet, everything.
“Yeah,” she smiled, and he took her face into his hands and kissed her, softly. “It’s our baby.”
“I’m so sad I missed it,” he whispered. “Instead, I was here talking about shit that none of these kids will remember tomorrow.”
“There will be others,” she promised. “Much more important appointments that you’ll be able to come to.”
His eyes lit up. “When do we find out if it’s a boy or girl?”
She rolled her eyes, kissing him once more. It had been a constant debate for them both the past month. Rowan was adamant it was a girl, but Aelin said she could feel that it was a boy. “She wants to schedule that for eighteen weeks, but says we may not be able to tell until twenty.”
Rowan waited and he asked, “And how pregnant are you right now?”
“Ro!” She laughed but shoved him. “This morning was eleven weeks.” She placed her hand over her stomach, the bump just barely starting to show.
He laid his hand over hers. “Six weeks until I get to see my beautiful baby girl.”
“Or your perfect, handsome son,” she laughed.
Rowan just said, “We’ll see.”
Aelin rolled her eyes and took a bite of his sandwich, which earned her a scowl from him. When she claimed it was because she was eating for two, Rowan couldn’t argue with that.
He sat in his desk chair, pulling her onto his lap as he started to eat. He only had thirty minutes before his next class came in, and he hated to say he was dreading it. As much as he loved his job, he was ready to be at home with his wife, rubbing her belly on the couch in his sweatpants.
Life was never as good to him as it was now before he met Aelin. Things weren’t bad, not at all, but he was never this happy.
Before, he used to love teaching. It was his passion and he was always one of the first into the school in the mornings and one of the very last to leave in the evening. He poured over his lesson plans at home, spent all of his spare time grading papers or homework. But now, he wanted that spare time to go to Aelin. Rather than get up at five-fifteen, and make it to school by six-thirty, he stayed in bed with Aelin as long as he could, sometimes not making it until right before the bell. Those were usually the mornings that Aelin awoke with his first alarm and scooted back into his warm embrace. And then continued to scoot until he had to get up.
She had completely consumed him, but he definitely wasn’t complaining about it. 
And soon, there would be another little person to captivate him, too.
It was a Saturday, and the second Rowan opened his eyes, he realized Aelin was gone. He sat up, slowly, and blinked a few times to clear his surroundings.
She was nowhere.
“Ace?” He called.
“Kitchen!” She called back.
He picked up his phone to catch the time. 9:06. Just when he was about to ask why she was already out of bed on a lazy Saturday morning, the thought hit him.
Their gender reveal party was at noon.
He was up and rushing around the corner, grabbing it for traction as he rushed into the kitchen. His wife had an eyebrow raised, her hair piled into a messy bun on her head. She wore an old shirt from his college baseball days and a pair of his sweat pants she’d claimed as her own once her belly began to get too big for her own comfy clothes to fit. She held a cup of tea in her hands, carefully blowing on it. “Good morning,” she said with a smirk.
He stood upright and leaned on the wall. “Morning, babies.”
Aelin laughed as she rubbed a loving hand over her belly. He’d begun to refer to them as one, and she thought was the cutest thing she’d ever experienced.
“Is that breakfast?” He asked, with a yawn, throwing open the fridge for the entire carton of orange juice.
“No,” she said, with a pointed finger in his direction. “This is for the party, and if you touch any of it, I will kick you in the balls.”
Rowan froze as he turned, the carton halfway to his mouth. He was just now realizing how much there was on the counter. Multiple crockpots, bags and bags of junk, and something in the oven, seeing as how it was turned on and cooking. 
“Exactly how many people are coming?” He asked, surprised.
Aelin shrugged. “Enough.”
At least they had just bought a new house and could fit a herd of people. Either way, Rowan was not a fan of large groups of people. His socially awkward nature prevented it.
Standing up in front of a class of kids? Sure. Easy.
Entertaining guests? Nope. Not his thing.
“I see that look on your face, calm down,” she said, chuckling as she meandered toward him and grabbed him by the hips. “I’ll entertain, you just make sure all the bowls I set out are constantly filled to the brim.”
Rowan grinned, leaning down to press a soft kiss against her mouth. “Alright, I can do that.”
She turned back to the counter, picking her tea back up. Rowan began pulling things out to make himself a protein shake. After blending it up, he hopped up on the counter and looked at Aelin. “What can I do to help?”
“I need you to go pick up the cake,” Aelin said, washing her mug and placing it back in the cabinet.
Rowan blinked at her. “Like the cake? Like the cake our baby is in?”
She rolled her eyes. “First of all, you’re an idiot, you know that the baby isn’t in the cake. And secondly, we’re not doing a cake reveal, remember? But we are having a cake for the party.”
Rowan frowned. “Since when are we not doing a cake reveal?”
Aelin came up between his legs and looked up at him. “Since everyone else in the world did one.”
“Then why do we need a cake?” Rowan asked.
Aelin blinked. “Are you serious?”
Rowan just cleared his throat. “Okay, I’ll get the cake. What else?”
“Hang the decorations I got because I’m short.”
Rowan chuckled as he hopped off the counter. “Fair enough.”
A loud knock came to the front door but before anyone could walk toward it, it flew open and Lysandra came flying in, plastic bags full of decor in each hand.
“Hello, mommy and daddy-to-be!” She sang, setting the bags on the counter and immediately getting to work.
“Or I guess Lysandra is going to take care of that,” Aelin chuckled.
Rowan pressed a kiss to her forehead and went to go get ready for the day while Aelin sat and talked to Lysandra. Just like Rowan, her best friend hadn’t allowed her to lift a finger throughout her pregnancy. He was just entering the bathroom when he heard Aedion enter the house and say, “Good morning, Aelin. You’re looking plump this morning.”
Thirty minutes later, Aedion was riding to the bakery with a freshly showered and shaved Rowan, having been kicked out of the house by Lysandra.
“How was I supposed to know she was going to cry?” He asked, shrugging his shoulders.
“She’s five months pregnant, man,” Rowan laughed. “Her emotions are all over the place, pretty much assume everything might make her cry right now.”
“Huh,” Aedion said, staring out the window. “The pregnant mind is one I don’t wish to understand.” 
“Me either,” Rowan muttered. “Just wait until you knock up Lysandra.”
Aedion groaned. “Yeah, that can wait.”
Rowan laughed as he drove into the parking lot of the bakery and hopped out. He ran in to pick up the biggest, most elaborate gender reveal cake. It was for a small gathering, of course, but for a handful of people, the five tier cake was a bit much.
Which was why Rowan walked ridiculously slowly, cautiously, to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and slowly slid it in.
Aedion was just staring. “No wonder Aelin didn’t want to come pick it up. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for ruining that.”
“Thanks, man,” Rowan mumbled, climbing back in the front seat.
Aedion picked up the receipt and looked at it. “Gods, that’s way too many zeros at the end for a cake.”
Rowan sighed and said, “If it makes her happy, I do whatever she asks.” Aedion smirked. He asked, “What?”
The smirk softened. “Nothing, just… I always hoped Aelin could find someone who loved her the way I love Lysandra. I just didn’t think it would be on Tinder.”
Rowan groaned. The fact that they’d met on a glorified fuck-buddy app brought Aedion a lot more joy than it should have.
“Technically,” Rowan began, “We met in the airport.”
“Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that,” Aedion said, as Rowan slowly pulled onto the road. The drive back to the house was ten minutes longer than it should have been, due to the ridiculously slow speed Rowan was driving at to keep the cake safe.
When they arrived, it was just after eleven and Lysandra was already wrapping up her intense decorating agenda. The house was draped in pink and blue streamers, banners, and little frilly things that Rowan thought were ridiculous and pointless, but he kept that thought to himself.
“Where’s Aelin?” He asked, once he and Aedion set the cake, successfully, on the island.
“Bedroom, dressing,” Lysandra said, still scowling at an exasperated Aedion.
“I’ll be back,” Rowan sighed.
He walked down the hall to their bedroom, knocking softly on the door. “Ace?” There was a quiet answer and slipped in.
She was in her closet, and when he entered the bathroom, she said, “Baby, can you help me put on my shoes? I can’t reach my feet anymore.”
He found her sitting on a small chair, her foot halfway in a sandal.
He laughed and knelt down, latching the shoe around her - honestly, very swollen - ankle and then did the same with the other. He kissed her knee then her pronounced bump, and looked up her face. “Aelin, I love you…but that cake is fucking excessive.”
She smiled. “Yes, it is.”
He rolled his eyes and stood, helping her to her feet as he went.
She was wearing a white dress, that hugged her body, highlighting the pronounced bump that grew more and more every day, and a loose, comfy cardigan. Her hair was piled on the top of her head.
He softly kissed her. “You look so beautiful.”
She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. It was becoming difficult. She sighed and said, “Are you sure I’m not looking plump?”
“Baby, he was just joking,” he chuckled, rubbing her back.
She sniffled.
“Aelin, baby, don’t cry,” he cooed.
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” she said, throwing her hands in the air, “and I don’t know why it makes me so mad that Aedion called me plump, which I am, and why I hate that my house is covered in pink and blue. I mean, pink and blue? That’s so normal, Ro, and I hate normal. Why didn’t we do purple and red? Or, shit, green and gold? I love green and gold. Pink and blue sucks, Ro.”
Rowan just stared at her as she babbled on before taking a long, deep breath. “How about this? Next week, when we start decorating the nursery, we’ll do it in green and gold. Okay? After today, you never have to look at blue or pink again.”
She wiped angrily at her nose. “Fine.”
“Fine,” he repeated, trying his hardest not to laugh. “I love you.”
She leaned up on her toes and he met halfway, pressing his lips to hers. “I love you, too.” She stepped out into the bathroom and made sure that her makeup was still intact and then said, “Let’s go see my fucking excessive cake.”
One by one, their friends showed up. Lysandra made everyone give their official guess as they came in and after everyone had arrived, it seemed the majority agreed that Aelin was correct and there would be a little heartbreaker running around soon.
Even with the pink and blue decorations, Aelin had to admit that everything was beautiful. Lysandra had done an amazing job, which she told her time and time again.
When the time came, everyone filed out into the backyard, Lysandra carrying a bat and a white box. She handed Rowan the bat and Aelin took the box, explaining that the ball inside would explode into a colorful cloud when hit. All she had to do was get it to Rowan. All he had to do was hit it.
“No pressure,” he mumbled, setting the bat down. He rolled up his sleeves, to which his friends whistled and howled, and got a few practice swings in. When he felt he could confidently hit a moving target, he got into position and nodded to Aelin.
Her grin was glorious as she threw the ball.
It was a terrible throw, but Rowan swung at it, nonetheless, and pink dust filled the air.
Everyone erupted into cheers as Aelin yelled WHAT THE FUCK, but when the cloud cleared, and Rowan caught her gaze, she was smiling at him with tears in her eyes. 
Rowan whistled, looking around at their living room, which was full of opened gifts. Their baby shower had been that morning - Rowan had spent it playing basketball in the park with Lorcan - and they had been spoiled.
Earlier that week, Rowan had painted the nursery gold, and it seemed that everyone who went to the shower got the hint that gold and green was the theme.
Aelin sat in the chair, her feet up on the table in front of her. She nodded. Her voice wavered as she said, “I love our people.”
He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He knew this wasn’t a crazy pregnancy crying. No, this was the love she felt for their friends, how blessed and overwhelmed by their own love and generosity she was.
He took her hands and helped her to her feet. “Let’s go get comfy and put together our sweet girl’s nursery.”
She groaned as she moved towards their bedroom. “I’m eight months pregnant. I don’t even remember what comfortable is anymore.”
“Just take off your pants,” he suggested, as they entered their room. “No pants equals comfort.”
She snorted. “You just like me pants-less.”
He shrugged. “It’s a perk.”
As much as she thought he was joking, she did just that, putting on a gigantic t-shirt and some fuzzy socks. In his sweatpants, Rowan followed her down to the end of the hall, to where the nursery was.
She sat in the plush rocking chair they’d bought, knowing they’d be spending quite a bit of time in nursery. Aelin quietly watched Rowan as he worked, humming a lullaby and slowly rocking in the chair. One by one, Rowan built, put together or set up everything they received from the day.
He dragged a big box towards him, puzzled. “What is this thing?”
Aelin smiled. “A cooler with a built into bluetooth speaker and charging station.”
He blinked. “And why does the baby need that?”
“The baby doesn’t, but you do.” She laughed at his shocked expression. “It’s from Aedion and Lysandra. He said it was your bro shower gift.”
Rowan opened the box and peeked inside. “Have I mentioned how much I love your cousin?”
She snorted. “He’s aware of your bromance, yes.”
Rowan grinned as he put the box in the hallway and looked around. “Anything left that has to be put together?”
Aelin shook her head, slowly. “Just stuff that has to be put away.
Rowan opened up a little gift bag and pulled out a little red, polka dotted sundress. “Are you fucking kidding me? This is tiny.”
Aelin’s grin widened. “That’s from Elide. Along with a hundred other little outfits.”
But Rowan was staring at the newborn sundress. “Aelin, this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
She laughed. “Come with me, I’m about to blow your mind.” He raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes. “Not like that.”
With Rowan’s assistance getting out of the chair, she led him back down to their room. “I can’t bend over so… There’s a storage box under the bed. Put it up here.” She patted the mattress.
He did as he was told, grabbing a hold of a long, thin plastic tub, it’s lid was snapped securely in place, but it was full to bursting.
Rowan murmured, “She has more clothes than me. How does she already have more clothes than me?”
Aelin chuckled but skimmed through the small outfits, pulling a few of her favorites out. “Because Lysandra is her auntie.”
Rowan took the small blue onesie from Aelin. He held it in his hands, gazing down at it.
Aelin noticed his silence then and her smile faltered. “Baby?”
Aelin was floored when he looked up and there were tears shimmering on his face.
She hesitated, and when she spoke it was a whisper, “Gods, Are you crying?”
“No,” he said, but a tear had, in fact, fallen down his cheek. “It’s just so...small.”
She watched him, smiling softly, as he took in the little outfit. 
“The baby is going to be tiny,” he breathed. “What if I break her?”
He chuckled, brushing it off, but she could see the genuine fear in his eyes.
“You won’t, Ro, you couldn’t.” She reached up and brushed the tear from his cheek, cupping his face in her hands. “She isn’t even here yet and you’re so in love with her. You wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt her.”
He nodded, but Aelin could see the trepidation still on his face. The whole pregnancy, he’d been her rock, the one constant motivator. She knew he was so ready for this baby, that she was already so loved, but it was normal to be scared.
“I love you,” she breathed, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss him. Her belly got in the way and she groaned as she was just barely too short of his lips.
He laughed and leaned down, letting her stand back on her feet and wrapping his arms around her. “I love you, too.”
They went back to the nursery, Rowan carrying the massive tub so Aelin could begin folding them and putting them in her dresser. As he was unwrapping diapers and putting them in their designated drawer, Rowan said, “So I had an idea for a name.’
Aelin paused and turned. “Okay?’
She was having this baby in less thirty days and they had yet to find a name they agreed on. The closest they’d come was with Nora, which Aelin had decided after a day of overthinking, was that Nora was an old person's name. Rowan had said that it was classy and timeless. Nonetheless, it went into the no pile, and they continued looking.
He leaned his back on the gold wall, crossing his arms over his chest, almost like he was bracing himself for her response. “Sloan.”
Aelin tilted her head to the left slightly. “Sloan?”
He nodded. “Sloan.”
“Hmm.” She closed her eyes and repeated the name a few more times, slowly, then with their last name, just to see. At last, she opened her eyes back up to meet her husband’s gaze and said, “I like Sloan.”
Rowan hesitated. “Wait, seriously?”
She laughed, leaning back on her hands from where she sat on the floor. “Yeah, seriously. I love it.”
Rowan still was in shock that she was in favor of a name suggested by him. He was still frozen in his place along the golden wall. “You’re worrying me. Are you feeling okay? I’m calling your doctor.”
“Shut up, you prick,” she said, smiling. They’d finally decided on a name, a name they both loved, a name they both agreed upon.
He chuckled and laid down in front of where she sat, his face inches from her round stomach. “Did you hear that, Sloan? Mama just told daddy to shut up. You should kick her in the ribs for that.” Their daughter did no such thing and Aelin quietly laughed, running a hand through Rowan’s newly cropped silver hair, as he scowled at her. He pressed a kiss just above her belly button. “What about this? Can you tell her how much I love her?” Aelin took a sharp breath in through her teeth as she felt a sharp pain in her side. Rowan’s deep rumble of a laugh traveled across her skin. “That’s my girl.” He pressed another kiss to her stomach, and gazed up at Aelin through his lashes, smirking. “Won’t take orders from a man. Just like her mama.”
Aelin sighed and shook her head. “Already turning her against me.”
“She’s a daddy’s girl,” Rowan muttered, yawning as he closed his eyes. It had been a long day, and he wasn’t even the one growing a human being inside of him. When he looked up at his wife, he could see her exhaustion. “I think we’ve done enough today, mama. Let’s go to bed.”
“Mama,” she repeated, quietly, eyes shining. 
Rowan nodded, slowly, and took her hand. “One more month.”
Aelin brought Rowan’s hand to her lips as she smiled. “Yeah, one more month.”
Rowan was having a beautiful dream, sleeping soundly, when his wife suddenly began shaking his shoulder with the wrath of a cranky, nearly full-term pregnant woman.
He groaned, opening his eyes, just barely, to look up at the alarm clock that sat on his side table. It was just after two.
“Go to bed, babe,” he mumbled. 
“No, Ro,” she said, jabbing him in the back with her knee.
“Ow, Damn,” he hissed, pushing himself up on his elbows with a sigh. “What? Are you okay?”
“No,” she breathed.
His body tensed as he reached over to turn on the lamp, and when he did, he saw Aelin sitting up, eyes wide, a dark circle spotted on their light gray bed sheet.
Rowan blinked. “What? You woke me up cause you pissed your-“
“My water broke, you asshole,” Aelin snapped.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, eyes wide. He jumped out of bed, grabbing for the jeans he’d discarded on top of the hamper the night before. “Oh, shit!”
Aelin was breathing heavily, and clutching at her stomach. “She’s coming,” she whispered, “she’s coming, she’s coming, she’s coming.”
Rowan was there immediately, sitting on the bed in front of her, taking her hand in his and letting her squeeze as hard as she could. “What do you need me to do, baby?
“Are the bags packed?” She asked, voice tight.
He nodded. “Yes, ours are in the dining room on the way out the door and Sloan’s in the truck, with her carseat, already buckled in and ready for her.”
“You’re such a good daddy,” she breathed, face showing relief  as the pain in her abdomen subsided.
Rowan pressed a kiss to her forehead and said, “Come on, let’s get you changed and go meet our precious girl.”
A slight look of panic crossed her face, but it quickly turned to excitement and adoration. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Rowan breathed, and helped her to her feet. She kept on the oversized tee she had and Rowan helped her slip on some cozy pants and her flip flops before they were hurrying out the door.
The car ride was miserable. They got stuck at every red light along the way and the contractions quickly became stronger and closer together.
When they got to the hospital, Rowan parked as close as he could to the entrance. It helped that it was the middle of the night. After helping her to the door and into a wheelchair, Aelin was met with a nurse and then she was being wheeled away. Rowan, and their bags, just behind. 
“I feel like we forgot something,” Aelin said, as Rowan tied the back of her hospital gown and helped her into the bed.
“We talked about this,” Rowan began, pulling a chair up close to the side, “Fleetfoot isn’t allowed in the hospital, Ace.”
She chuckled, but the gesture was quickly replaced with a contorted look of pain.
“Breathe,” the nurse whispered, calmly, as she finished hooking Aelin up to a series of machines. One took blood pressure, one kept track of the contractions, one monitored her heartbeat, another monitored the baby’s.
Looking at all of the machines gave Rowan a headache.
“How far apart are your contractions, dear?” The nurse asked, taking notes on her chart.
“About eleven minutes apart, but my water broke,” Aelin said, resting back in the bed, trying to get comfortable while she still could.
She smiled and said, “Not uncommon for a first time mom. We’ll keep an eye on it, but for now, why don’t you try and get some more sleep.”
“Sleep?” Aelin asked, her eyebrows raising. “I can’t sleep right now, I’m having a baby. I want my epidural and to push her out.”
The nurse, a sweet-looking older woman named Alis, laughed softly. “Sorry, hon. You can’t get an epidural until your contractions are about five minutes apart. Just relax and we’ll come check on you in a little bit.”
Alis left and Aelin stared after her. “I can’t sleep,” she mumbled, looking at Rowan. “How does she expect me to sleep? I’m about to shove our daughter out of my vag.”
“Great visual, babe,” he sighed, sitting next to her and taking her hand with his free one. His phone was in his other. “Here it is,” he began reading. “In the early stages of labor, mothers-to-be are encouraged to rest and relax. If labor begins at night, it's best to try and go back to sleep until contractions have increased to require all of your focus.”
“Fabulous,” Aelin mumbled. “Can I have my phone?”
“Sure, baby, where is it?” He asked, reaching for her purse.
She looked at him. “I thought you had it.”
Rowan’s brows furrowed. “Why would I have had your phone?”
Aelin’s eyes narrowed. “Because I asked you to grab it on the way out the door when you went back for your tablet.”
Rowan didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. His eyes said enough: Ohhh shit.
She let her head fall back against the pillows and closed her eyes, settling back and trying to get comfy. “I knew we forgot something.”
“I’ll ask Aedion and Lysandra to get it on the way.” He yawned and leaned back in the chair, pulling the ball cap covering his messy, silver hair lower over his eyes.
It was quiet for a minute and then Rowan said, already dozing off, “If you don’t have your phone, I assume that means you haven’t told anyone she’s on the way?”
Aelin replied, “Nope.”
He re-situated his hat and pulled out his phone. Since things didn’t seem to be progressing too quickly, he sent a quick text to their friends, not wanting to call and wake everyone. Save for one person: Lysandra.
Thirty seconds later, Rowan’s phone was ringing. With a sigh, he answered. “Hell-.”
“You didn’t call me on the way to the hospital?!” Lysandra’s loud voice came through to his ear.
“Sorry, I was a little busy trying to get my wife to the hospital,” Rowan said, yawning. “Nothing’s happened yet, don’t worry, I’ll call when things pick up. Her water broke and now she’s being told to go back to sleep.”
“Which I can’t do and my husband forgot my phone!” Aelin said, loudly, obviously frustrated.
There was a second of silence on the other end before Lysandra said, “Seriously? You didn’t grab her phone?”
“Don’t worry, she’s giving me a look that is equivalent to being stabbed, I’m being punished,” Rowan muttered.
“Let me talk to her.”
Rowan held out his phone without any hesitation. He heard Lysandra rattle off a series of questions and Aelin silently nodded along to each, softly biting the side of her finger. It was a nervous ‘twitch’ she’d picked up in the past few months and couldn’t seem to break it when she was thinking. “Okay, I got it. You know where the spare key is and I’ll send you the rest.” He heard Lysandra saying something else and Aelin’s eyes flicked over to him. “I haven't decided yet. I’ll let you know. Love you.” Lysandra replied and then Aelin ended the call, handing the phone back to Rowan.
He had an eyebrow raised, and though every instinct in his body instinct told him not to, he asked, “Decided what?”
She pouted her lips slightly and was about to reply when another contraction began. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, holy shit.”
He was up, his phone forgotten on the side table, and he took her hand. “Breathe, baby. Just breathe through it.”
“I’m deciding,” she said, through her teeth, “if I’m having Lysandra pick something up from Starbucks for you on the way here, or just me.”
He raised his eyebrows, rubbing soothing circles in her back with his free hand, but he said, “That’s cold, baby.”
“Well you forgot your pregnant wife’s phone on the way to give birth to your daughter,” she said, finally remembering to do the breathing exercises they’d learned.
Rowan sighed and said, “That’s fair.”
Aelin ended up having Lys get Rowan his coffee, too. They were even able to get a couple more hours sleep between the contractions, but when Lysandra blew threw the door at five-thirty, a bleary-eyed Aedion behind her, they were both up and Rowan was eating a sad, cold, hospital cafeteria breakfast.
“Oh, bless your hearts, thank the gods I brought real food.” She held up a bag from Aelin’s favorite bakery.
“Chocolate croissants?” Aelin asked, her eyes going wide.
“And they’re still warm, haven’t even been out of the oven for ten minutes,” Lysandra said, handing her the bag. With the other hand she extended her phone.
Aelin snatched both. Rowan knew better than to ask for a croissant. Lysandra held up a cup of coffee to him, her emerald eyes narrowed. “In your defense, she had left it in under the blankets in the bed.”
Aelin was sniffing the croissant as the door swung open, once again, and Alis came in, cheerily asking, “Good morning!” 
“Good morning,” Aelin groaned. “When can we get this thing out of me?”
It had quickly turned from my daughter to this thing as the morning went on.
“I’m going to check where you’re at, and we’ll see,” she smiled. 
Alis eyed the coffee and bag of goodies as she approached, but before she could say anything, Aelin said, “Don’t worry, they’re just for smell. I’m waiting to eat them after baby gets here...which will be soon, right?”
Aedion had made himself scarce the moment Alis ordered Aelin to put her feet up, but Lysandra was sitting on the edge of the bed. Rowan was still eating his shitty cafeteria waffle as Alis checked where Aelin was at. Five minutes later, the nurse was tossing her gloves into the trash and washing her hands.
“I believe your baby girl will be here sometime this afternoon,” she smiled, hands on her hips. “I’ll be in to give you the epidural in a few hours. Until then, continue to relax as much as possible. I’ll bring in more ice chips for you to munch on while you sniff your baked goods.”
She left and Aelin groaned as she let her head fall back into the pillows. “After noon,” she said, making sure the words were separated. “As in after twelve pm, which is still seven hours away.”
Lys patted her hand. “It could be sooner. She might decide she’s ready to be here now.”
Aelin turned and looked at her best friend, a look in her eyes that she hadn’t seen since they were in middle school and beating the shit out of each other in the girl’s locker room. They’d been inseparable ever since. “That would be horrible, too. Because then I wouldn’t get my epidural and I’d be in even more pain.”
Aedion said from the couch, mouth full, “She’ll get here in the perfect amount of time that you get your drugs and you aren’t in labor for two days.”
Aelin looked at him. “What are you eating.”
Aedion crumpled up the wax paper bag it had been in, trying to obscure the chocolate within. “Nothing.”
Aelin’s voice was like ice. “If I wasn’t due for a contraction any minute now, I’d punch you right in the dick.”
The room got silent and then Rowan’s phone rang. He glanced at it. “It’s Lorcan, babe, I need to get it.”
“Go,” she said, smiling wickedly. “Aedion can help me.” She held out her hand, waiting for his to squeeze.
Rowan patted his back as he walked by. “Hope that croissant was worth it.”
He answered as he stepped out into the hall. “Hey, man.”
Lorcan asked, “Your wife push out your demon spawn yet?”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “No, she’s still a few hours away from her epidural and a while from pushing.”
Lorcan’s response was simple. “Gross. Hey, is your substitute giving your finals?”
He sighed, “I would assume, Lor, since they start on Wednesday, and my wife is giving birth to our daughter right now.”
“Fair enough,” Lorcan said. “Elide will be coming by at some point to see Aelin, and I’ll come by after classes end.”
“That’s probably about when she’ll be here, so make sure you call Lysandra first. I might be a little busy,” Rowan laughed.
Lorcan snorted, “Why? It’s not like you’ll be doing any of the hard work. You did your part nine months ago, when you nutted inside of-.”
Probably louder than he should have, in a hospital wing just after sunrise, Rowan said, “Goodbye, Lorcan,” and hung up the phone.
Considering how his best friend usually spoke, Rowan had to admit that the conversation had actually been pretty tame. I’m fact, he was pretty sure that was Lorcan being sweet and caring. Which is why, once he opened the door to Aelin’s room, Rowan said, “Lorcan said good luck.”
Aelin, next to Aedion who was rubbing his now-sore hand, blinked. “Are you sure? That’s uncharacteristic of him.”
“He also says that Elide will come by soon.”
“That sounds more accurate,” Aelin said, then yawned. “Can you at least go get me some magazines or something? I’m bored as hell and hurting like shit.”
His stomach grumbled and he said, “I’m absolutely starving, so what if I go grab some food that doesn’t look like it could come to life and eat me instead, and I’ll pick up that new book you’ve been wanting?”
“You mean you’re going to leave?” Her eyes went wide, filling with tears.
He was instantly by her side, her face in his hands. “I won’t, I don’t have to. I can eat the radioactive cafeteria food and run down to the gift shop for the magazines. I was just going to run to the Walmart that has a McDonalds in it down the road. Two birds, one stone.”
Her eyes were still panicked and Lysandra, hearing Rowan’s stomach growl ferociously again, said, “Ro, why don’t you run down to grab some magazines, and Aedion will go get you food and the book for Aelin?”
It was less of a question and more of a “Get your asses in gear, this is what we’re doing” statement, and with Aelin’s sniffling nod of confirmation. The men were off, Rowan coming back with a few magazines and the sweetest stuffed animal that Aelin had ever seen.
“What is that?” she laughed, eating another bite of ice chips.
Rowan sheepishly held the white ball of fluff in his hands. “I realized that when we were packing her bag, we didn’t bring her anything but clothes and diapers and the essential stuff. And I know she has tons at home, but... I wanted to give her her first stuffed animal, as her daddy, so…”
Aelin’s eyes were rimmed with tears as she said, “Can I see?”
His cheeks burned. “I didn’t have many great options, they’re doing a remodel down there, so… The White-Tailed Hawk was the highlighted animal of the month.” He held the soft bird out to her.
Aelin huffed a laugh as she took the bird into her hands and ran her fingers over the soft fur. “It’s perfect.”
She clung to that stuffed animal for the next few hours as Rowan ate his McDonalds. The book, however, had to wait, because by the time Aedion got back with everything, the contractions were brutal. 
At least Rowan had finished his egg McMuffin before they pulled out the longest needle he had ever seen, making him lightheaded.
He nearly fainted when they stuck that needle into Aelin’s back.
It wasn’t much longer that she grew numb from the waist down, and not too much longer after that she felt the slightest bit of pressure, letting Alis know that the baby was wanting to make her grand appearance into the world. 
Lysandra, much to her disappointment, was told she had to leave while Rowan remained, holding her hand as she began to push. 
“You’re doing so good,” Rowan whispered, five minutes in. “I’m so fucking proud of you.”
Aelin closed her eyes and pressed her sweaty forehead against his, just as she started to push again.
They had both heard horror stories of women who had to push for hours and hours and hours. Thankfully, Aelin was not one of them, because half an hour after the first push, a soft cry filled the silent room.
“She’s here, baby, she’s here.” There were tears streaming down Rowan Whitethorn’s face as the doctors placed the small, wailing infant on Aelin’s chest. The cries quieted almost immediately and he kissed her head. “I love you so much. You did so amazing, Ace.”
Aelin was crying, looking down into the perfect face of her daughter. “Hello, beautiful girl. We’ve been waiting for you.”
Rowan laughed quietly, though even Aelin admitted that it sounded closer to a sob.
About an hour later, a quiet knock came from the door. Rowan opened the door to find Lysandra and Aedion waiting.
All it took was one smile from Rowan and Lysandra began to cry, throwing her arms around him. “Congratulations.”
He hugged her back, trying his best not to tear up again himself. “Thank you. Come meet her.”
After a quick hug from Aedion, Rowan led them into the room, where Aelin, fresh faced and hair in a messy bun on the top of her head, sat in the bed, gazing adoringly at the small bundle in her arms.
“Do you want to meet Auntie Lys and Uncle Aedion?” She cooed down at her daughter.
Sloan was sleeping, but it didn’t stop Lysandra from pressing her lips against the newborn's head, where a striped knit hat was pulled over her tufts of golden hair. 
“Meet Sloan Elia Whitethorn,” Aelin said, quietly, brushing her finger over Sloan's soft cheek.
“She’s beautiful,” Lysandra whispered, and the moment Aelin asked if she wanted to hold her, Lysandra was crying again.
Rowan watched the entire scene play out from just inside of the door, leaning up against the wall. His wife, holding his baby girl. His friends, family, admiring their little creation. There was nothing like it. He had never imagined life could be so perfect, so joyful. He had never imagined he could love someone, two someones, so much.
And to think, he owed it all to a fucking dating app and an absurdly long layover at the airport.
He was so damn happy he swiped right.
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finnishcrimestory · 4 years
Anni Törn
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Anni Törn, 29 years old, was healthy, well educated young woman from Savonlinna. She had always loved writing about her life, so she did it in a form of diaries and her blog. Her blog surrounded a lot around her active lifestyle, and she had plans to compete in figure competitions. She loved to travel and experience different cultures, so she volunteered in Tanzania, where she apparently helped local orphans and visited schools. When she returned to Finland she started to study BBA in Mikkeli, but left to be an au pair in The Hague, Netherlands during the same fall. In 2017 Törn moved to Rovaniemi with her sister, because she started an internship in a local insurance company. After the internship ended, Törn applied for a job from the same company, but this time in Mikkeli. The man who interviewed her was 33 year old Jukka Hyttinen.
In March 2018 Anni got the job and moved to Mikkeli. She did not particularly like moving and living in Mikkeli, but she was satisfied with it since it was very close to her hometown Savonlinna. Törn’s boss was the same man who interviewed her, Hyttinen. They grew close and very soon they started dating. According to Hyttinen, they had good chemistry between them and the relationship moved ahead fast. Very soon they stopped using protection and tried to conceive. Törn’s family liked Hyttinen, even though Törn’s mother was a bit confused because the relationship moved forward so fast. Törn’s family described Hyttinen to be polite person who dressed neatly and was ambitious.
Törn and Hyttinen did not live together immediately, but they had plans on getting a house together where they could build a life. In summer 2018 they carried out with this plan and purchased a house from Mikkeli. During this time Törn also revealed to her family that she was pregnant. According to Törn’s mother, she was happy and thriving. The pregnancy was very happy news for Törn, and her friends were glad she had found such a good man for herself.
On 21st of July 2018 Törn and Hyttinen were invited to a birthday party. Hyttinen was quite new to all the guests present, but they welcomed him well. Törn of course did not drink any alcohol during the night, but Hyttinen drank even for her behalf. The host of the party also noticed how much Hyttinen drank, and according to him it was over 20 servings. After 12 am people started to leave from the party and the people left were Törn, Hyttinen, the one who’s birthday they were celebrating and his girlfriend. At some point the topic of the conversation changed and they started to discuss Törn’s ex boyfriend. Hyttinen got very upset because of this and asked if they could change the subject. However Hyttinen himself continued talking about the ex. Törn tried to make Hyttinen change the subject by talking about other things, but Hyttinen did not stop. According to people present, Hyttinen’s behaviour changed and he was very angry and uncomfortable. The situation escalated and Törn yelled at Hyttinen and slapped him. After this Törn was going to leave the party and suggested that Hyttinen should walk back home, not come with her car. Hyttinen however managed to get into the car and they left together. 
On the next day Törn’s family got worried when they couldn’t reach her with a phone. Törn’s brother, Antti called Hyttinen who told that he is in Joensuu and couldn’t tell where Törn was. Hyttinen had fled the argument from last night to his hometown in Joensuu. Antti described the call as follows: “When Hyttinen called me and told Anni was missing, I knew he had done something to her, because I’ve been living in a world where I’ve witnessed horrible things to happen for so long. I wen’t to Joensuu and started to search for Anni.”
Antti and Törn’s mother made a missing persons report on a Sunday night approximately at 10:30 pm. Törn’s mother also called some hospitals and asked if Törn would be there. Antti searched for her from her previous apartment in Mikkeli, Hyttinen’s previous apartment in Savonlinna and from Joensuu where he met Hyttinen. He had been asking about Törn and noticed a bruise on Hyttinen’s hand, which had been bandaged. After this, Antti informed police of everything and they decided to search Hyttinen’s apartment and interrogate him.
Antti also wrote a post on Facebook about Törn’s disappearance. He wrote: “Anni Törn has gone missing on the night between Saturday and Sunday. Anybody who knows something of her movements, could you please contact me. And Anni, if you see this, my dear sister contact me. I’m dying of worry.”
When the police talked to Hyttinen, he told that on Sunday Törn had a meeting with a man who had been serving time in a prison. He apparently referred to Törn’s ex boyfriend who was currently in prison. The police contacted the prison and found out that the man in question was not on a furlough or anything, so he couldn’t not have been meeting with Törn. The police searched Hyttinen’s apartment but didn’t find anything. However they noticed that the shower curtain was missing from there. Törn was never late or missed her work shifts, so the police decided to wait til Monday to see if she would go to work. This didn’t happen so she was declared missing. 
The police interrogated Hyttinen who told them about the argument and that Törn had woken him up during the night and told him that he had to leave. Hyttinen told that he had done that and left the apartment. He also told that Törn had started to show aggression towards him after she got pregnant. The police looked into Hyttinen’s movements and he indeed had left the apartment during that night. When they were searching his car, they found grass from his car’s bumper. This was suspicious to the police.
When the police talked to the friend from the party, they had told that Hyttinen had called them on Sunday. He had told that he and Törn had became reconciled right away after they arrived home. He told that he however couldn’t sleep, and that was the reason he had left the apartment. 
Törn’s brother Antti took part in the search very closely since the beginning. He used social media, volunteered as a searcher and gathered other searchers as well. He noticed contradictions in the things Hyttinen told and sensed that things are not like Hyttinen has told. Antti had visited Hyttinen’s apartment and noticed weird blood marks in the staircase. Antti called Hyttinen and tried to find out about the blood. This is what Antti told about the call: “If something has happened, tell me now. I’ve thought of you being a person who has backbone, so I hope there is enough man in you to be honest with things.” Hyttinen had answered that he knows more than he has told. 
When 4 days had passed of Törn’s disappearance, the police started to investigate it as a manslaughter and Hyttinen became their main suspect. On 26th of July 2018 Hyttinen called the main inspector of the case and asked if they could talk. Hyttinen was brought to police station, and while he was there, crime scene insvestigators investigated his apartment. Hyttinen’s bathroom was very clean and they could find clear remnants of detergent, which meant that during the cleaning, detergent had been used with large amounts. Even though the bathroom was cleaned very well, the police found Törn’s blood from there. 
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(In the picture above, you can see police arresting Hyttinen.)
Again Hyttinen told about the argument which had continued in the apartment. In the middle of the argument Hyttinen had wanted to take a shower, but Törn had prevented him of doing that. Hyttinen claimed that Törn had been kicking and hitting him. Hyttinen confessed that he had hit Törn. First once, then twice and in the result of the third hit, Törn had collapsed on the floor and lost consciousness. After that Hyttinen had called his friend and told that Törn is not alive anymore. Hyttinen had packed Törn in his car and driven to Joensuu. During the drive, Hyttinen had dropped Törn’s body off of a bridge. 
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The police searched the waters but they did not discover the body. The police started to suspect what Hyttinen had told so they contacted the friend to who Hyttinen had called after killing Törn. He told that Hyttinen had revealed that he will bury Törn in his parent’s property in Joensuu. During the interrogation, Hyttinen told the police that he had buried Törn in his parents property. The police started the investigation there, and very quickly a sniffer dog found the grave. According to the coroner, Törn had big bruises and sores in her head and legs. Törn had been laying on the bathroom floor, while she had been hit in the head and choked. Bruising from Törn’s body revealed that she had been kicked, hit and that she had been hit with a triangle shaped object. All this abuse had resulted to Törn getting a brain damage that resulted to her death.
Hyttinen didn’t really comment of the abuse, but according to some sources he had told that he hit Törn three times which killed her, and to other sources he remembered holding her down. He had tried to stop the blood from flowing with a towel, which he later threw away alongside with the shower curtain. At one point Hyttinen told that he had dropped strawberries on the floor, which was why he had cleaned there so well. 
The trial
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During the trial, Hyttinen only confessed on the abuse, but all the evidence from the body told otherwise. Törn had suffered hard and long lasting abuse and she couldn’t have defended herself. Hyttinen tried to defend himself by telling that he does not remember the situation so well, but he did remember things that suited him some way. The court was not happy about this, and were able to find out that Hyttinen had continued the abuse even after noticing that Törn wasn’t conscious anymore. Hyttinen told that Törn as well had been violent, but the police weren’t able to find any evidence from his body to back this up. Törn’s family had never seen Törn to act violently, and they don’t believe that she was violent towards Hyttinen. Törn’s mother told that Törn was that type of person who always tried to avoid conflict and not take part in arguments. 
Hyttinen was sentenced to 9 years and 10 months to prison for manslaughter and violation of the grave. He complained to the court of appeals but the sentence stayed the same.
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Törn’s funeral was on 1st of September 2018, where her loved ones ate her bravura, cheesecake. Törn’s sister Riitta wished that people would remember Anni for something else than just a victim of manslaughter. She described Anni to be brave, who was not afraid to make her dreams come true. Anni was very close to her family, especially her brother Antti and they were in contact daily. People said that if Anni ever got any problems in her life, she would always tell Antti first. Anni was people loving, cheerful and bright woman. When reading articles of her and the case, I got the general image of her being very kind and lovely person. I truly hope her loved ones can find peace in their lives, and keep Anni’s legacy alive.
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thegoodgayshit · 3 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Thirty-Six: I Have the Best Summer Ever
The rest of Luz’s summer was a total blur of the best kind of amazing, fantastic, demigod-ness a kid could even imagine.
Luz’s days were filled with training in the arena, playing capture the flag, and hanging out with her friends. Every morning that she woke up and put on one of her orange t-shirts was another reminder that as of right now, she really had it good.
Sometimes in the mornings she and Eda would head out into the arena and spar while King took his usual sunbathing position a few feet away. Eda would parry and block her strikes, give her dirty tricks to use in upcoming games or events, and sometimes Luz would even get lucky enough to disarm her or pull something new she wasn’t expecting.
“I swear kid, one of these days you’re going to be even better than me,” she’d say, reaching down to ruffle her hair and switch her weapon and get ready for another round.
More than once, she and her siblings in the Hermes cabin had banded together to play some light-hearted pranks on the other cabins. Viney and Jerbo were a mischievous force to be reckoned with, and while Luz liked to participate she never really got lucky in the “getting away” part. More than once, Lilith had caught her in the act while she was placing a prank and turned a blind eye, and Luz always felt a rush of affection for the daughter of Zeus. It was asking a lot for her to not snitch, especially since she was a stickler for rules.
Luz made it up to her once or twice by pranking Eda on her behalf with a little bit of help from Edric and Emira. When her mentor showed up to the dining pavilion once with her hair sticking straight up in the air thanks to some magic hair gel, the laugh that came out of Lilith’s mouth made it all worth it.
At nights, Luz and Amity would sneak out of their cabins and hide from the harpies, sitting with their sketchbooks in the strawberry fields. They would laugh, and talk, and kiss, and enjoy each other’s company until one of them inevitably almost fell asleep and they decided to head back.
The wall of Luz’s bunk was soon tacked to the max with drawings, some of them of her quest, and some of them with fond memories of camp. She always did her best to text one to her Mami once in a while, and let her know how she was doing.
Luz made sure her cabin would try and team up with Gus and Willow’s whenever they could. The three of them were officially a force to be reckoned with during capture the flag. Their combinations and chemistry in battle often resulted in very easy and very early wins, and some of the other cabins were quick to point out they had an “unfair quest experience advantage”. While Eda had just shrugged, Willow did her best to make sure the teams would sometimes even out a little better after that.
Gods kept visiting camp here and there, usually to come by and say hello to their kids. Aphrodite had the habit of showing up unannounced and snapping her fingers, giving everybody an unrealistically fashionable outfit and hairdo, while the clothes they’d been wearing got snapped back to their bunks freshly washed and laundered. While some of the campers hated it, Luz didn’t mind. Aphrodite certainly had her style down to perfection, and pocketing another free outfit was always nice. Amity had other opinions on the matter.
“I just don’t get why she has to do this!” She complained, adjusting the pink t-shirt Aphrodite had magically slapped onto her. “It’s so weird!”
“I think that really suits you,” Luz shrugged while pointing to the leather jacket slung over Amity’s arm. “And your shirt says Hexside! How cool is that!”
Amity rolled her eyes as Luz did a spin, showing off her new green jacket and beanie to Gus and Willow. “She gave me new shoes too! My old ones are torn to bits from the quest.”
“You have to admit Amity, it’s nice getting free stuff,” Willow said while examining her own yellow jacket. “And she’s not the goddess of beauty for nothing. These are nice clothes.”
“My clothes look exactly like the ones I already own!” Gus complained, looking down at his simple navy button-up and jeans.
“If it isn’t broken don’t fix it!” Luz teased with a smile, patting him on the back. Amity groaned in embarrassment, slapping her hands to her face.
When Hermes showed up the first few times to visit the camp, Luz said hello to him, but also made sure that her other siblings got to spend some one-on-one time with their dad. As he was leaving the third time he visited, he pulled Luz aside for a quick chat.
“I just want to let you know that the gods have talked about adding an additional reward for you and your friends after what you’ve done for Olympus,” he said quietly, and Luz’s jaw dropped.
“I… I don’t need another reward dad. The way you guys have been showing up at camp is more than enough.”
Hermes tilted his head, smiling softly. “Perhaps you don’t need one, but the gods want to give it to you anyway. You have no idea the gravity of the situation that Belos had created upon Olympus. He almost destroyed us all.”
He looked around to make sure nobody was listening, and then leaned in to whisper.
“As the god of messengers, I was responsible for delivering a package to your mother and the rest of your companion's parents. You should hear from them shortly.”
Luz gaped. “What? What do you mean…”
Hermes reached over and gripped her shoulders. “I am proud of you, Luz. And trust me when I say I will make good on my promise and be there more for you and your siblings.” He winced rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “And… don’t be the first one to use the shower this evening. Your siblings and I might have set up a bit of a cruel prank.”
With a flash of wind, leaving behind a thoroughly confused Luz, Hermes was gone.
Luz didn’t have to wait long to find out what exactly the gods had done, because her Mami was calling her on her cellphone almost immediately after.
“Luz! You’ll never guess what showed up in the mail today! You’ve been accepted for a full ride to a boarding school downtown…”
And she wasn’t the only one.
“I can’t believe this!” Gus had exclaimed while the four of them were sitting on the beach just after dinner. “We’re all going to the same school next year!”
“It really does seem too good to be true,” Willow grinned, handing Luz one of the illicit cans of Sprite that Viney had managed to sneak from out of camp in celebration. “My dads are sad that I won’t be staying at home in Wisconsin, but they had to admit it is a great opportunity.”
“I’m just excited to go to a school where I finally have real friends.” Luz had never been so happy to think about the start of a new school year before. “We’ll get to go see Olympus on the weekends! Working alongside the actual gods!” Luz turned to Amity, who was watching Luz with her own soft smile. “Are your parents… okay with this? After everything that happened…”
“Oh trust me, they’re more than pleased. They see this whole internship program to create a bridge between the gods and their mortal kids as a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity'. They’re even talking about paying for Edric and Emira to go with me and hope that my ‘success’ rubs off on them. They don’t love that you guys are also a part of it though…” Amity’s expression darkened for a moment, and Luz reached across the beach to squeeze her hand.
“I’m sorry,” Luz started, but Amity just shrugged her shoulders.
“Don’t apologize, this is a good thing. I’m going to get to stay here in New York full time.”
“We all get too!” Gus grinned, digging his hands in the sand like he was holding back a squeal. “Luz you’ve got to show us all your favorite moral spots in the city.”
Luz’s smile had stretched wide, already imaging the kinds of shenanigans she and her friends would get up to running loose in Manhattan. “Obviously! The city’s huge; we could do something new every night!”
“You’ll never be able to get away from us now,” Willow teased, passing Amity an amused look as she sipped from her Sprite. Amity tilted her head back and laughed.
“Oh gods, I better stock up on Advil. Between you three and the twins I’m going to have a constant headache…”
As it started to fade to late August, Luz’s days just kept getting better. Thanks to Eda and her training paired with the other camp activities, she was faster than she’d ever been, she could scale up the rock wall in record times, and her sword skills had gotten incredibly good.
So good, that when the annual sparring tournament came up in the arena towards the end of the summer, she’d been able to knock Boscha into the dirt with the pommel of Aletheia, leaving the red-faced daughter of Ares extremely bitter and her final opponent being none other than her girlfriend.
“No chance you’re going to go easy on me?” Luz asked at the campfire that night, really only half-joking.
“Nope,” Amity replied with a little smirk. “I’ve won this tournament two years in a row. I’m about to make it three.”
To say the camp was buzzing with excitement would be an understatement. The whole camp had watched as Luz the newbie quest hero and Amity Blight had grown obviously closer, and in the three days leading up to the final tournament match, the discussion of which girlfriend would be the winner was as common as asking what the harpies would serve for dessert that night.
“Come on, kid, this is what we trained for!” Eda said, smacking her shoulders encouragingly the night before the match. “I don’t care if she’s you’re little girlfriend, she won’t be going easy on you so you shouldn’t either!”
“Knock her into the dirt!” King screeched from his napping spot on the ground.
While they were only trying to help, it wasn’t the most reassuring advice she’d ever received.
Luz tried to turn a blind eye to the gossip leading up to the fight, but it was hard to ignore Emira and Willow exchange a bet right in front of her at breakfast right before the right.
“Seriously?” Luz scoffed, crossing her arms.
“Sorry Luz, but Mittens has years of training under her belt, and I’m out of allowance,” Emira shrugged while she shook Willow’s hand.
“You don’t see the way Amity acts around her,” Willow retorted. “If she’s like that today, Luz has a good chance.”
Emira hummed, “Shoot. I didn’t think of that.”
“Oh my gods,” Luz groaned, slapping both hands to her face, sinking into the bench of the table, mortified.
Once Luz had been fitted into a set of finally well-fitting bronze armor, she drew Aletheia and met Amity in the center of the field, where Eda and Lilith were standing to referee the match. As she approached, she watched Amity coming from the other side, armor almost identical to Luz’s strapped over an orange camp shirt, the crowd of campers cheering in excitement. As her gaze flitted up to Amity’s eyes, there was a glint that reminded Luz that Amity was not the person she wanted to be on the bad side of.
It was too easy to forget weeks after their quest that Amity was a demigod force to be reckoned with and not the kind of enemy you wanted to have.
As the crowd quieted to an anticipated hum, Lilith raised her hand. Her mouth was cocked in an uncharacteristically juvenile smirk. It made Luz wonder if the campers hadn’t been the only folks at camp to place bets. When Eda shot Luz a cartoonish smile with two thumbs up, before patting her pocket knowingly, it confirmed her suspicions.
Gods. Now she really couldn’t lose. Eda would never forgive her.
“Amity! Luz! Are you ready?”
With a single touch to her own wrist, Dike sprung into its full form, lifted just high enough to cover the grin that was spreading across Amity’s face. She swung her sword experimentally in her hand, the little flecks of a glinting in the sun. “Yep.”
Luz took a deep breath and raised her own blade nodding once. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“No holding back, right?” Even though Amity had phrased it as a question, Luz knew better. It was a challenge. The nerves in her stomach faded, and a laugh escaped her lips.
“Since when have I ever held back? ”
She smirked, “good point.”
“Alright your adorable banter is literally making me sick,” Eda scoffed, “let’s just do this already.”
Lilith rolled her eyes, dropping her hand. “Begin!”
Without wasting another beat, Amity charged and swung, and Luz lifted Aletheia to deflect it. A loud metallic clang echoed around the arena, and the watching campers erupted into cheers.
It was Luz’s toughest match yet.
The two of them traded blow for blow, each pushing the other to their limit. Amity was, inarguably, better trained, with mastered precision and skill that left Luz reeling with each strike. But Luz was more creative. She was able to flick her sword at the right angle to push her off balance and shove, she was able to dodge and weave without the extra weight of a shield, and she was crazy enough to take steps closer to her and press into her personal space, forcing her to recalculate moves.
As the fight went on for some time, the cheering got louder, their arms got heavier as they began to slow down, and the fighting got dirtier.
Luz did it first, though it was kind of an accident. Amity went to swing when she’d knocked Luz off balance, and she knew she wasn’t going to be able to stop it before it cut into her armor. Amity would have taken it out on herself later if she’d seriously hurt Luz, so it came out as more of an instinctual shout.
“Too low!”
She closed her eyes bracing for impact, but it never came. With a woosh, the sword went right over her head. She opened her eyes and saw Amity’s misty eyes clearing, before changing to a completely indignant look.
“Did you just use your Hermes bartering on me?”
She smiled sheepishly and swung Aletheia towards her, and Amity barely had time to raise her shield to deflect it.
She could hear the snorts and chuckles from both Eda and the crowd, but Luz barely had time to be proud of herself. Within the next two swings back and forth, Amity got her revenge.
Luz swung upwards, flicking the blade and finally getting a decent move that knocked her off balance. But as Luz went to disarm her, Amity’s eyes flashed and a curled smile crept up her face right as Luz brought her weapon forward.
And for a moment, all Luz could feel was the thrum of her heartbeat in her head as her vision went blurry. There was an overwhelming urge to get rid of Aletheia, back away, stop herself from getting any closer to Amity. All she could think about was how she couldn’t hurt her, wouldn’t even try. When her vision cleared, she had backed up five feet, and her sword slipped from her hand and clattered in the dirt.
She blinked, trying to figure out what had just happened before it dawned on her that she’d seen Amity do this once before. Aphrodite’s passion.
Luz looked down at the sword, then up at Amity, scowling. “Really?”
Despite the smirk on her face, Amity’s eyes were sparkling with humor and affection. “You started it.”
Luz barely had time to leap out of the way from another swing, doing her best to make a grab for the sword, but Amity wasn’t coming to play. She stepped right over it, and for a couple of moments, all Luz had was her speed. She ducked and dodged and weaved between swings, doing nothing but buying herself a tiny bit of time.
It wasn’t enough. Luz tried to make one last grab for the sword and Amity reached out with her hand, grabbing Luz by the arm and honest-to-gods judo flipping Luz over her shoulder. With a comically loud “oomph!” Luz was thrown onto her back, looking up at Amity as she grinned, her sword lifted in a faux-threatening position just below her chin.
“Alright,” Luz groaned, slapping her hand against the dirt. “Mercy.”
As Luz heard Eda groaning behind her and Lilith’s positively gleeful “and the winner is Amity Blight!” Amity sheathed her sword, reaching down with one hand and pulling Luz up to her feet.
And yeah, it was a tiny bit embarrassing to lose to Amity. But as her girlfriend lifted her fist to the roaring crowd of campers and grinned, her own hand wrapped tightly around Luz’s, she couldn’t find it in her to care.
The following night was Luz’s last night at camp before her first summer as a camper was over. She sat at the dining hall for hours with her siblings, joking, laughing, promising to stay in touch over the school year. Viney ruffled her hair and passed her an emergency pouch of Hermes tricks, while Jerbo reminded her not to be too close to this one when it exploded.
Edric and Emira snuck up on Luz at the table and informed them their parents did in fact enroll them in the same boarding school come the fall, and while Luz loved Amity’s twin siblings, the devious grin on her face did make her a bit nervous.
Right after dinner, Luz made a point to go find Eda and King, who were in their usual spot at the arena.
“Kid!” Eda said as she approached. “That was some great swordplay today.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t win, I know Lilith is probably giving you a hard time…” Luz said immediately, but Eda just held up a hand.
“Gross, sympathy. You’ve accomplished more than most first-timers this summer, and you’ve… made me proud.” There was a crooked smile on her face as Luz looked up at her, and she realized that Eda really was going to miss training with her. “Don’t be slacking while you’re gone. Keep your skills sharp. Stay out of the bad trouble, but in the good trouble. Don’t die. Oh, and if you’re getting chased by another empousai and need a quick getaway, there’s a great alley on sixty-second street-”
Luz rushed in, pulling Eda into a tight hug. While Eda huffed out a little groan at Luz’s overwhelming need to be touchy, Luz felt a rush of affection as the daughter of Zeus leaned into it anyway.
“Thanks, Eda,” Luz muttered into her shoulder.
A hand came up to pat into her hair. “No problem, kid. If Lili and I are ever heading to Mount Olympus, I’ll make sure we stop by that fancy new school of yours and say hello.”
“You better.”
"Can I come too?" King called out from at their feet, and Luz bent down to pick up the tiny hellhound scratching behind his ears.
"Yeah, can he?" Luz pleaded, and Eda rolled her eyes.
"Gods, you two are just the cutest things ever. Fine, whatever, the next time I go to Olympus I'll let him tag along."
After a chorus of excited cheering from Luz and King, it was time for the last campfire of the year. Luz finally got the true Camp Half-Blood experience. As Eda was leading the campers in a final last hurrah of songs and games, she walked over to Luz and reached out, handing her a leather necklace.
“As you all know, per tradition, every year we give our campers a bead to celebrate another year at camp. This year, the Hermes cabin designed the beads, and there is someone very special they wanted to honor.”
Luz blinked at it, taking it gingerly, and as she did Viney stood up, the twisted smile on her face visible through the crackling orange, magical, campfire.
“Luz, not only are you our newest sibling, but you helped lead a quest that not only saved Camp Half-Blood but all of Olympus. So with permission from the councilors from all the cabins, we dedicate this year’s bead to you and your quest!”
There was a whooping of applause as the beads were passed out, and when Luz took a look at it her heart clenched, affection and gratitude washing over her in a whirl.
It was a beautiful deep purple bead with a very familiar-looking sword and shield, and as she turned it in the light of the campfire, the glint of the light made it glow a beautiful magical bronze.
“So, did we nail it?” Viney asked as Luz was left speechless. Willow and Gus were grinning over at her with knowing smiles. Next to her, Amity squeezed her hand, looking just as emotional as Luz felt.
Luz leaned over and threw herself into the embrace of her half-sister, and the campfire erupted into more whoops and cheers. And yeah, Luz might have teared up a bit as she sat back down next to her friends, but if anybody noticed they didn’t comment on it.
That morning as she packed up what few belongings she actually had, electing to leave a majority of the items she’d bought for next summer, she was digging through her backpack when her fingers touched something soft. She pulled out a stiff, slick, feather, and immediately broke into a smile. Carefully sliding it across the leather to dangle right next to her bead, she clipped the necklace on and slung her backpack over her shoulder. Saying one final goodbye to the Hermes cabin, she walked out the door to go meet Willow and Gus in the strawberry fields.
When she got there, she couldn’t help but grin. Around the growing collection of beads on their necklaces, five and four respectively, a single matching feather was dangling from the middle. While none of them said anything about it at first, Luz watched as both Willow and Gus glanced down, their eyes softening with affection.
“Well?” Willow asked as she reached them, gesturing towards the now distant Camp Half-Blood. “Give us the verdict. What did you think of your first year at camp?”
“I…” Luz didn’t even know what to say. Sure, there had been the lows. The hungry belly as she traveled across the Midwest, the sword slashes, the monsters, the horrible villain who’d threatened to destroy the world. But right now as Luz looked between her friends and her new home, she felt nothing but love for her new life. The mischievous half-siblings, the rivals between the cabins, the eccentric camp directing duo that was the daughters of Zeus, Gus, Willow, Amity…
Luz couldn’t ever recall a time in her entire life that she’d felt so full.
“All I can think right now is that I don’t want it to end,” Luz finally said, and Willow and Gus stepped forward to pull her into a group hug.
“It won’t end, at least, not really,” Gus promised, his voice muffled as he was shoved into Luz’s bicep.
“Yeah, it’s just a short break,” Willow nodded, leaning her head against Luz’s shoulder and wrapping her other arm around Gus. “And in two weeks, we’ll all be together again on a new adventure.”
Luz laughed, “yeah, because the life of a half-blood is never really quiet, is it?”
“Well, that’s half the fun of it,” Amity said from behind her, and when Luz turned her head she saw her girlfriend walking through the field to join them. Her own backpack was swung over her shoulder, and she had a genuine, at peace, smile on her face.
“Spoken like a true Blight,” Willow chuckled from next to Luz, and Amity laughed.
“Well, maybe I’ll get lucky and this year away from my parents will shake some of that out of me.”
“You’re sure you’re mom and dad are okay with you staying at my Mami’s for two weeks?” Luz asked for what felt like the sixth time that week, and Amity shrugged her shoulders.
“I’m back to being their number one, despite all the… drama, that happened the last time we saw them. Edric and Emira will pack my things for school for me. Honestly… it’s kind of nice not going back to Colorado.”
After getting a first-hand glimpse into how uptight and uncomfortable the Blight Manor was, Luz couldn’t help but agree.
“Don’t have too much fun you two,” Willow teased, and Amity flushed over the sound of Gus’ laugher while Luz bumped her with her shoulder.
Whatever retort Luz would have come up with died in her throat as she looked down towards the pine tree. There, a few parents were already waiting at the border, with some campers joining them and saying hello. Among the waiting ones, Luz saw a man almost identical to Gus, and two other men standing together with their hands interlinked.
“We better not keep them waiting,” Gus said slowly, but he looked back up at Luz with a frown. Willow was standing there as well, and for just another moment Luz felt that same rush of love.
“No, you shouldn’t. Amity and I will meet you at grand central in two weeks, okay?”
“Two weeks,” Willow affirmed, and Luz pulled the four of them into one last group hug before Willow and Gus grabbed their things and went to go join their parents at the pine tree.
It wasn’t a real goodbye, nowhere near it. But Luz couldn’t help but feel her throat close up at the sight of them reuniting with their parents. Gus’ dad scooped him up into the biggest hug, and one of Willow’s dads immediately took her backpack while the other one kissed her cheek.
She felt Amity’s warm hand close around hers, and when she looked back, the daughter of Aphrodite was smiling softly.
“It’s going to be okay.”
“I know,” Luz said, and she meant it. She squeezed her own hand around Amity’s, taking a moment to really let the gratitude she had for this camp, for these people, sink in.
It wasn’t long until she saw another familiar person join the other parents near the pine tree. Luz perked up immediately at the sight of her Mami, still dressed in her scrubs. She’d probably gotten off of a shift at the hospital and rushed all the way down to Long Island just to meet her and was looking around anxiously at the other gathering parents and campers.
“Is that her?” Amity sounded nervous, and when she looked over, she was reaching up with her other hand to self-consciously adjust her mint green hair.
“She’s going to love you,” Luz promised, giving her a reassuring kiss on the cheek. “She’s been talking about how excited she’s been to meet you for like, three weeks.”
“That… somehow makes me even more nervous,” Amity breathed out. Luz chuckled, adjusting the straps of her backpack over her shoulder as her Mami finally looked up and noticed them. She beamed so widely Luz could see it from all the way up in the strawberry hills, waving towards them.
“Well, then let’s do this together.”
Amity looked back at her one more time, taking a deep breath. “Alright. Together.”
And as they walked through the fields hand in hand, slowly getting farther and farther away from camp, Luz felt her anxieties about the coming months slowly begin to fade. That was part of the magic of Camp Half-Blood. The place wasn’t just a training ground for young demigods. It was a safe haven. A family. A place that, even miles and miles away from it, you always knew it would have your back. It would be there for you, whenever you wanted to return. So leaving it didn’t feel like a goodbye, not really.
Instead, it was the promise of another new beginning as a child of the gods.
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
Loving You Is A Losing Game - chapter eight
i suck at updating. i also remembered that i have another book i’m working on, so i’m trying to write all of that before i publish the first chapter. so its been fun. 
this chapter is written like an eleven year old girl wrote it, and for that i apologize. i’m tired. hope you like it though... and also, i know that teddy doesn't come until after the merger, but i'm changing that because otherwise there is no one for cardio
"oh, oh, all i know, all i know, loving you is a losing game"
alex karev was having a good day. a really good day actually. izzie wasn't as determined to go back to work as he thought she would be, and didn't try to argue with him when he told her that she needed to stay home. he hadn't seen any bears that morning (those things are freakin terrifying), and he had a small texting session with jo, which inevitably made him laugh as she rambled on about absolutely nothing. yeah, it was a good day, and he just hoped that it would stay that way.
he walked into the hospital leisurely since he —for once in his life— wasn't late.  he stopped by the coffee cart and ordered a straight black coffee, giving the cashier a half hearted attempt at a smile before making his way to the resident's lounge and changing into his scrubs. he felt a sense of calm in him. he knew that something was probably bound to happen at some point, but right now he was going to enjoy the silence of the lounge (a major rare) before the storm hit. because it always did right? that's how it had been his whole life. happy kid, bam, dad starts using. dad starts using, mom's conditions gets worse. mom's conditions get worse, she had more kids.  
he knew it wasn't fair of him to call his little siblings a storm, but in a way they were. it made him have to grow up a hell of a lot younger than other kids his age. so bam, siblings. then he starts his surgical internship, which leads to a crazy amount of drama. he gets married, then cheats on his wife. if you ask him, that was a whole lot of storms. but right at this moment, there was no storm. there was just a guy lying down on a bench as people chattered in the halls. a guy with his eyes closed as he lets his mind go completely blank, not thinking about anything at all except the white noise he seemed to hear.
it was peaceful, he couldn't remember the last time he wasn't worried about his wife or his friends. right now it was just him, not worrying about anybody or anything, not even himself. he just relaxed and let the white noise take over.
but of course, moments of calm must come to an end. his pager breaks him out of his state, rubbing his eyes before finding doctor robbins, who was paging him to the PICU.
"what happened?" he asks a nurse, pulling on a pair of gloves as he entered the room of jeremy thomas, a six year old who came in a few days ago after he had fallen out of the tree he was climbing, a not so rare occurrence in peds. he had some internal bleeding that they were able repair and a minor concussion, but otherwise seemed to be doing fine. until now that is, his monitors seeming to be beeping out of control in the otherwise quietness of the sterile four walls, nurses rushing in to help.
he watches as arizona brings two different ultrasound machines into the room, immediately paging cardio as alex tries to consult the crying parents, leading them out into the hall and onto chairs, giving them reassuring words as he makes his way back in, robbins looking up at him immediately. "his appendix burst." the blonde says, not having time to say more as doctor altman enters the room, performing a cardiac ultrasound, pursing her lips as she analyzes the screen.
"we missed it before, but he tore his aorta. it was too small to see when he first came in, but we need to get him up to the OR right now." she states, already unlatching the wheels of the bed as she shouts orders to nurses, letting them know that an operation room needed to be prepped and ready for them. they roll jeremy up to surgery, scrubbing in as quickly as they could before beginning the operation. he watches as the two women stick out their hands, taking a deep breath before they begin.
"ten blade."
"suction! i need suction!" altman says frantically to her resident, trying to stop the bleeder as quickly as she could. alex feels his heart drop at the sight of the kid in front of him. there was so much blood pooling in his chest, and no matter how much suction he knew the scrawny resident applied, the kid was too far gone. he was hands deep in the boys abdomen, helping robbins suture as she looked for any more damage done to the boy.  
when the monitors begin to draw out in a straight line and he hears the cardio surgeon yell clear! he knows that it was a lost cause. they shock the boy three times, teddy letting out a loud sigh as she shakes her head defeatedly.
"call it karev" arizona says to him.
alex gulps, this was his least favorite part about being a surgeon, not only calling time of death, but doing it to a kid. and this child was only six years old. he'd never grow up. never go to a high school formal or experience his first love. his life ended because he fell out of a tree. how freaking screwed up was that?
"time of death, 10:13 am." he sighs, immediately ripping off his gown and gloves, thrusting them into the bin, the attendings not far behind him. he tears his light blue scrub cap off, leaning into the scrub sink as he watches the younger resident close up the patient, nurses cleaning up the blood and lap pads on the ground. alex shakes his head and lets a slow breath escape his lips. he always had to calm himself down after losing a kid, and he's lost a fair amount of them in his nearly four years at seattle grace. it made him mad. mad that the universe could take something, no, someone so innocent from this world while there were people like his dad who were running around free. well, he was free when alex was a kid. maybe jimmy was dead now, who knew. but that didn't change the fact that a kid was dead and awful people were out there, living their best life.
arizona gives his shoulder a small rub, silently telling him that he did good in there, it just wasn't enough. the three scrub out alongside each other, alex taking in the attending's appearances, arizona looked exhausted and like she hadn't slept in days, while altman, who he didn't know very well, looked stressed. seems like he'd be talking to the parents.
"i'll tell the thomas's" he says, already beginning to jog down the hall before he sees the taller blonde catch up to him, saying something about how they both needed to be there, big guns and all. when he tells the parents the news he feels the overwhelming urge to just quit again. it happened every time. those cries haunted him. it hurt him when he lost patients, but this was someone these parents loved more than life itself. their own flesh and blood, a product of their love for each other. but he wouldn't quit. he never did. instead, he would work in the skills lab to improve his technique and save more kids. that's what he would do.
there goes his good day. he didn't think it could get any worse, because let's be realistic, what was worse than losing a kid? nothing could make a day more crappy than that. that was until, when he passed by the chief's office to see his wife in a chair, talking to richard webber urgently, almost as if she was pleading.
he lets out a frustrated sigh, having the urge to punch a wall. of course it wouldn't have been that easy, how stupid of him to think otherwise. he should've known izzie would pull something like this. he knew how much this job meant to her. this was her home, just like him. but he was still pissed. she needed to be resting, she was still too weak to come back to work.
before he knew it he was barging into the chief's office, startling the blonde, but not so much the chief. he knew alex would turn up sooner or later.
"what the hell iz!" alex says angrily, glaring at his wife.
izzie lets out a frustrated sigh. "alex i need to be here." she says adamantly, standing up from her seat and crossing her arms over her chest. she was wearing a long sleeved beige sweater, even though it was hot inside of the office. that wasn't what alex would call being well enough to go back to work.
"no izzie, you need to go home and rest. you'll be fine." he says, running a hand through his hair as he watches the fire burn in her eyes. crap. he was trying to civil. he even used a softer voice, but yet she just got more angry.
"how the hell can you say that alex!" she yells, richard leaning back in his chair uncomfortably. he wasn't one who liked to be in the middle of drama. "i'm at that goddamn trailer all day while you're here!"
he lets out a slow breath, trying to calm his anger. if he didn't, he would snap. and if he snapped, izzie would ban him from the tin can the called their home and he would be forced to spend the night at mer's place, and he definitely didn't want to hear her and shepherd going at it. they were like bunnies, screwing each other everywhere at any time.
"iz, please. just go home and rest." he pleads with her. he couldn't deal with her getting sick again. he almost lost her last time. she died in his freaking arms. he couldn't go through that again... the helplessness, the pain. he loved her, but she died in his arms. he couldn't lose her. her loved her. he couldn't go through the hurt again, the heartache almost losing her brought on. it was gut wrenching and terrifying, it ate him up inside and loomed in his nightmares. he couldn't lose her, not to this cancer, not again.  
the blonde was about to say something when the chief steps in, leaning over his desk and clasping his hands in front of him, giving the woman sympathetic eyes. "karev's right stevens. go home and rest."
izzie swallows the lump growing in her throat. she wanted to argue. she wanted to say that she felt fine, that she was ready to go back to work, but she knew defying the chief would only get her in trouble. she sighs in defeat and nods her head, turning to glare at her husband. she was pissed. maybe she could've gotten richard to agree to letting her come back if he hadn't come in. now she would never know (she knew that realistically that wasn't the case, webber had been denying her requests since the moment she stepped though his office doors.)  
she brushes by alex without looking at him, making him sigh as he watches her walk down the catwalk and disappear around a corner. he turns back to the man and gives him a small, appreciative nod. he was too tired to manage a smile. the chief nods back, understanding how he felt.
he just wanted to go to joe's and have a beer, his crappy day taking a toll on him quickly. arguing with his wife always took a toll on him. it was exhausting. it seemed to drain him inside and out, making his brain lose it's function until he got to state of peace, which only occurred when he had a beer in his hand and was sipping it leisurely, or when he was able to lie down and sleep.
the beer sounded much more appealing, but he still had six more hours of his shift. normally, with the upcoming merger he would make sure to stay overtime, logging extra hours in the pit, scrounging for surgeries, but today he just didn't have the energy.
he makes it into the nearest on call room and crawls into one of the bottom bunks, setting his pager directly beside him so it would have no trouble waking him up when it went off. he lets out a yawn as he wraps the thin, uncomfortable blanket tightly around him as he drifts off the sleep, hoping to forget about the day he's had so far, even if it's just for a few minutes.
when she woke up that morning nothing was out of the ordinary. She could hear the birds chirping their delightful songs, she could feel the duvet pulled up to her neck, and she could tell that paul wasn't in the bed with her. she was used to waking up like this, it was her idea of normal.
it wasn't until she tried to open her eyes she realized what was wrong. she couldn't open her left one. she was confused at first, until she felt the pain shoot through her body,  traveling from her eye to the rest of her body, feeling like how it did when she first received the punch. the memory of last night was a bit iffy. all she remembered was coming home from the party, getting punched, her husband saying he was sorry, and talking to alex.
that thought brings a small smile on her face, recalling the teasing that had happened the night before. she knew that their... whatever they had escalated quickly. in just a few days of knowing each other, they had learned so much about one another that it seemed like they had been best of friends since they were kids, but hey, if cheating on your spouse doesn't bring you together, what does?
she lets out a groan of pain, wincing as she finally pries her eye open, getting up slowly before making her way to the bathroom, frowning at the sight she saw in the mirror.  a dark purple bruise covered her left eye and the area surrounding it. she splashes some cold water on her face, gently patting it with a wet towel once she was done. last night changed a lot of things. something had been in paul's eyes when he hit her, something she hadn't seen before. it was like a billion fires were raging inside of him, and when he hit her, it was the burn.
but... he seemed so sorry after he had done it. at least she knew better now, he was just a bit jealous. he didn't want to lose her, he loved her. and if that meant he got a bit mad over her talking to his colleagues too much, then she wouldn't make the same mistake again.  
she walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, grabbing a pack of frozen peas from the fridge and wraps it in a towel, pressing it gently to her swollen bruise. the cold stings a bit at first, but she sucks it up as she leans against the marble island's counter, watching as the minute hand ticks by on the clock above the random painting her husband had hung on a wall. today she had nothing to do. it was a saturday, so she didn't have any classes, and she didn't have any work to do. no papers, essays, labs... the ultimate rare and what most would call the greatest blessing for a college student, but for her it just meant she had to sit around and watch TV until her husband got home.
she wanted to feel angry at paul, but how could she? she didn't have the right to be mad at him, she cheated on him. wouldn't that make her a hypocrite, being mad at her husband when she had done something worse?
she sighs as she sets herself down on the couch, turning on the TV and flipping it to some random channel, settling on a soap opera she had seen a few times play on the screen. her life felt a bit like a soap opera right now to be honest. actually, her whole life had.
welcome to 'the life of jo, (who's name isn't actually jo, its brooke)'. catchy title right? she thought so too.
last night, the feeling of paul holding her in his arms no longer made her feel safe. it felt wrong. she just wanted to feel safe again, that was all she really wanted. for him to hold her like a porcelain doll and place kisses on the top of her head. she had always felt safe then. why couldn't she feel that now?
she just wanted to feel safe again.  
alex walks out of the hospital, head hung low with his hands buried deep in his pockets, letting out a deep exhale as he watches his feet move beneath him like they were the greatest movie he'd ever seen. anyone who passed by him on the street could probably take one look at him and tell that he had a crappy day.
he sighs as he contemplates the day he had so far. it was only seven thirty-three, yet it felt like he'd been up for forty eight hours. his quick nap in the on-call room only lasted a mere ten minutes before he was paged to the pit, only to find out that the kid he would be assisting on was a four year boy old with abusive parents. it took everything in him not to beat the shit out of the assholes.
add that to losing jeremy and izzie drama, he was exhausted. he didn't want to do anything. he wanted to feel at peace. he just wanted a little bit of normalcy, something he knew wasn't even close to possible, especially with his job.
alex leans against the brick wall in the ally way of joe's bar, pulling out his phone and clicking on the familiar contact.  
jo pulls out her ringing phone, a sigh a relief escaping her lips as she sees the name pop up on her screen. they speak it at the same time, words breathy and tired.
she says it because she wants to feel safe.
he says it because he wants to feel normal.
"when can i see you again?"
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
December 29, 2021
We have reached that time of year where I must start preparing to apply for summer research internships.  (actually, I should’ve started this process weeks ago but alas)  If I’m lucky, I’ll be invited back to work with the PIs at the museum.  If I’m less lucky, they won’t have a spot for me, and I’ll need to get them to write me letters of recommendation for other programs that are, unfortunately, not nearly as focused on my interests because biological anthropology internships are few and far in between.  It’s like, I could settle for an archaeology internship or perhaps a biomedical one focused on genomics or something, but hominin/human evolutionary biology stuff is not easy to find.  Applications due in about a month for the programs I’m looking at.  And I’ve still gotta make a definitive list of grad schools.  Maybe that’ll come after the conference when I get to make connections.  I actually talked to my puzzle-friend about grad schools today.
Also as far as my The Opened Way arrangement goes, I think the problem is that I don’t completely understand how many moving parts there should be at one time.  I can generally come up with parts that fit within what I think the chord structure is (you must, however, consider the fact that I, with almost no knowledge of music theory, barely understand what a chord structure is), but when I put all the cool moving parts together, the things I hear in the recording and have transcribed plus the things I come up with, a lot of times it just sounds like noise.  And I don’t know why that is.  Which part makes it sound bad?  And see, I know the parts can work bc when I isolate parts I’ve made and play them alongside the main melody and baseline, everything sounds decent.  But all of my made up parts together?  A mess.  It’s weird.  I think the problem is having too many parts.  But how many countermelodies is too many?  What even is a countermelody, really?  If I have one cool syncopated (do I even truly know what that word means??) bassline, could I have other instruments just play long notes in the same pitch or nah??
And I know, I know, I just need to “read” more scores.  Maybe I should look into some old concert band pieces I’ve played.  The familiarity might help.  Just, probably not marching band/pops stuff bc pop music is incredibly simple from a notation standpoint.
I don’t plan to submit this arrangement for the spring semester’s repertoire, but maybe for next fall (...there will also likely be less competition then bc of all the graduating seniors).  Maybe I won’t submit it at all.  Dunno.
Speaking of projects, I’ve started working on the late Victorian walking skirt!!  It is going to be very heavy, I can already tell.  I decided to flatline the flannel panels with quilting cotton, as they would have done back ‘round the turn of the century to get a more structured look, but I’m afraid that my very cute but not particularly large rump may not be able to hold it all up.  I went for a pattern that is composed entirely of trapezoids because the best part of historybounding is that you can choose which parts of the garment you want to focus on for historical technique, and this go round I truly did not want to deal with a real pattern.  Someone posted drafting suggestions in the facebook group and I’m using those as a rough guideline, but really, this project is a bit of a hodgepodge of things I’ve learned from watching many many many many many walking skirt construction videos.
Anyway, I’m trying a new technique today where I’ve stopped working on the skirt at a point where it would’ve been really easy to continue.  My thinking is that instead of running myself ragged trying to basically complete it all in a night (which, like, I don’t think I could do, but I could get pretty darn close), I can pick up easily tomorrow without being entirely exhausted by the project.
Today I’m thankful for uh for the walk I took this evening with my cello-friend and puzzle-friend.  It wasn’t a sunset walk, as it was quite cloudy, but they were very kind to indulge me in calling it a sunset walk nonetheless.
I really need to clean my room.
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