#or i havent listened to taylor at all in a really long time
crying-in-converse · 1 month
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Hi how are you ❤️? You write amazingly well <3
I was wondering, if you take requests, if you could write a Jack/Ethan fic inspired by "You're Losing Me" by Taylor Swift. (You can decide the ending, line sad or not)
Thanks you 💕
thank you!! yall love being heartbroken, me too!! requests are open, i love doing them :)
you and jack had been dating for a year when he got offered a role in scream vi. you were more than excited for him, even though it meant you would be spending a lot of time apart. you both decided you would do everything in your power to make it work, but lately that was proving to be easier said than done. the last couple of days you could barely get in touch with him. whenever he did reply it was small or dry remarks. you felt lonely in the apartment you once shared. sitting, staring at the walls that were once filled with laughter and love. feeling your phone buzz you are quick to check the notification. 
“hey babe sorry ive had a long day on set” 
“jack we havent talked in days. i don't understand” 
“i know you don't. listen i’ll call you tomorrow” 
crashing on your bed, tears begin to dwell in your eyes.
you say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't"
we thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time
pacing your room with your phone up to your ear you begin to grow anxious. jack broke his empty promise and didn’t call you. so now here you were, trying to piece it back together. as the ringing stops, a smile is cast across your face. 
“jack!! hey, i miss you”
“hey what did you want”
“well you said you were gonna call and i just wanted to check up on you” 
“im a little busy right now” 
“oh okay maybe we can call again later” 
a deep sigh is his only response. 
“is everything okay?” 
“no everythings not okay! i cant get anything done when youre bothering me all day. im working and all you want to do is talk about your day. im sorry but i really don't care right now”
“oh okay. i’ll let you go” 
throwing your phone onto your bed, you break down in sobs. 
do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
i'm getting tired even for a phoenix
always risin' from the ashes
mendin' all her gashes
you might just have dealt the final blow
you spent the evening on your bed, shaking with tears streaming down your eyes. you could only thing about how good things used to be. when you had a boyfriend who absolutely adored you. now it seemed like you had no one at all. your heart was racing a million hours per hour and yet you felt absolutely nothing. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
after that night, that call, you made it a point to stay out of jacks way. he would facetime you every now and then. while he got his hair done, goofing around on set, or just in his trailer. none of these times did he seem to notice that none of your smiles reached your eyes. your replies were empty and solemn. you were happy to see him so excited but apart of you hated him for not realizing what he had done. for not realizing how deep his words had truly affected you. 
“hey you okay” 
biting your nails behind the screen 
“lately not really” you honestly replied. 
“hang on mason's gotta tell me something. i’ll call you later. love you."
every mornin' I glared at you with storms in my eyes
how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?
i sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
my face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
your surprised to hear a knock at your door. you open it to reveal your curly headed boyfriend. he had stopped responding to you completely a few days ago, so saying you were shocked to see him was an understatement. tired of being the only one trying to keep the relationship afloat, you let out your frustration. 
“what are you doing here jack” 
“hey i just wanted to check up on you, i have a few days off” 
he brings you into a hug, but you stay stiff below him. 
“whats wrong?” he asks, picking up on your mood. 
“you ignore me for days and expect me to be excited to see you?” 
“ive been busy you know that” 
“jack we barely talk anymore. and when we do you blow me off in the first 5 minutes. hell you even told me to stop talking to you.” you explain, tears filling your eyes. 
“look im sorry, the movies just been taking up all my time."
“and the movies more important than me right?” you say barely above a whisper.
“no but this is my job, my life” 
“then maybe you should only worry about yourself” finally looking into his eyes.
“what are you trying to say” 
“im saying we’re done jack. i cant keep putting myself through hell only for you not to give a shit” 
“no c'mon we can make this work.”
“yeah thats what you said last time. please jack im going to ruin myself if this keeps happening.” 
you both are a crying mess at this point. 
not saying another word, jack leaves. 
and the air is thick with loss and indecision
i know my pain is such an imposition
now, you're running down the hallway
and you know what they all say
"you don't know what you got until it's gone"
the next morning you find a letter left at your front door. 
my love, 
i'm sorry. for absolutely everything. i love you endlessly. when the stars realign, i’ll be there. but for now, be with someone who can give you everything i couldn't. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
stop 'cause you're losing me
crumpling up the paper you begin to cry. 
i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy
and all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me
giving up so much of yourself, you were absolutely exhausted. the beautiful relationship you once had is now behind you. 
you're losing me
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
giving up the fight, you were at rest. 
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just-rogi · 1 month
this is so stupid but im depressed, and im angry im depressed because i want to be happy right now you dont understand. i have been struggling so fucking bad these past few months when my health went downhill and i had to go on medical leave, i couldnt see my friends for so long, and i stopped getting paid and its fine i have money saved up but i feel insane guilt at spending any money on anything at all for pleasure while im off work. like ive dropped hundreds on doctors appointments in the past two months and cant rationalize concert tickets or shit. ive been having just bouts of anxiety and grief and i can manage them because i know HOW to manage them but its just frustrating doing all the depression upkeep when i WANT to be happy. i turned twenty two last month and i havent celebrated my birthday since i was in fourth grade because of reasons, and i was really scared of being let down so i just dont celebrate, but this year i begged my closest friend- i dont want a party i dont want people there, i just want to not be alone, and not be sad and i want to listen to 22 by taylor swift. and due to an emergency she had to cancel on me at nine pm the night before and i was so upset about changing plans i just wasnt able to regulate my emotions or be there with my other friend who showed up at my apartment unexpectedly, because i wasnt emotionally ready to be happy, i just didnt want to be devastatingly sad. I have been waiting to play 22 by taylor swift on my 22nd birthday for at least a decade. its so fucking stupid, its SO fucking stupid, but i was so disoriented and depressed that i cant bring myself to listen to it which is dumb because its not even a good song but it was supposed to be happy. my grandmother was the only member of my family who wished me a happy birthday, and less than a week later was easter and i wasnt invited but all my siblings were there. and im trying so hard to go for walks and talk to friends and go to the library and make art, but i keep going to doctors appointments and i cant do shit i used to be able to do and i feel so isolated at home... and it just kinda hit me... im not excited to listen to the new taylor swift album tonight. what the fuck. im taylor swift girl. im like THE swiftie friend. there were people in highschool who only knew me because i loved taylor swift, hell even on tumblr i was known for my stochastic terrorist taylor swift post that went viral, and.... i dont care. Its not even that i dont care- its that i actively dont WANT to listen to the album tonight. my phone lock screen is a sylvia plath poem, i have a full shelf of just my favorite poets, like poetry and taylor swift are my favorite things in the world and everyone knows it... and im not excited. what the fuck. i want to be excited again. i want to be happy about this. im sick of doing depression manitence and going outside and eating fruit and taking showers and going on walks. IM ANGRY BECAUSE IM SICK AND I DONT HAVE ANSWERS AND EVERY WEEK IS A NEW DOCTORS APPOINTMENT AND I DONT EVEN GET TO BE HAPPY ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT???? cmon man its hard enough i just want to be feeling something again. i deserve to be happy about this so why am i miserable and apathetic. i get it. im a swiftie and taylor isnt even that good and its not even something special because she releases new music every other week..... but man... i want to be excited about something again. its not my fault this time- i did everything right and im still just so fucking sad i cant cope
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
Thanks for always answering bby! Im glad youre doing alright! Ive been feeling quite down the past days, yesterday my day reproached me because I was "overreacting" when I saw my cat being chased by dogs (I said a strong hey to get their attention away from my cat from the window where I saw everything) and he kept on saying bullshit like why you scream so loud with an annoyed tone of voice and I felt so bad, he always get these anger explosions and tantrums and no one can tell him anything or he will get more mad and im like, dude, mine was a REACTION. You cant control that at all. What was best, to leave the dogs catch my cat and it ends in a worse situation? Man you wanted that? Like for real I felt so pissed and frustrated. I even told him that when he gets mad no one can tell him to calm down or stop overreacting. My sister, mom and I always try to be more calm and colected and try to see things in a good reasonable light, but with him truly you cant communicate at all. And whats worse is that I end up being the crazy one! So now ive been trying to ignore him and interact the less its better for me.
And on the other side, so ive felt kinda down because Taylor will come to latinoamerica but isnt going to visit my country and I saw one of my closest friends will go to Brazil to her concert and I'm stuck here in my home due to my illness, I cant even make my own money to pay me the things I want, my closest friends are busy and we havent talked a lot the past weeks, maybe I will go back to University next semester if Im on better health terms and I really dont want to see some people ive considered to being transfered to another University... I feel like everything and nothing is going on with me at all and thats makes me go all ugh :( literally my only joy during all this time has been watching series, movies, reading and listening to music. Healing is so tiring and lonely at the same time, I dont mind it generally, but sometimes its strenuous.
I wish I could get a ticket and fly anywhere and start from zero with a whole new everything. Thank you for listening and being here for us, it means a lot💐🩷🩷
(So sorry for the long emotional dump, you can delete it if its bothersome)
Of course my love!! I'm sorry I didn't answer this sooner <3
To me, it does NOT sound like you overreacted. Dogs are (typically) bigger and stronger than cats. Even a big dog playing with a small cat could be unsafe. You did the right thing, even if the cat wasn't in danger! And like you said, it was one of those immediate reactions anyway, because of course it was! Lulu sometimes just looks at the edge of the balcony in a certain way and I'll put her back inside. Or the other day, she started to walk a bit too close to my burner plate while I was making a candle and I DID yell at her, because I got scared! We don't ever want to see our pets get hurt, so it's natural to have automatic reactions like that. Ignoring your dad, or minimizing contact with him, is probably the best option here, unfortunately. I'm sorry he tends to act a bit more irrationally, and tries to flip stuff around onto you. That sounds very frustrating to deal with.
I'm sorry you can't see Taylor!! That's a shame :(( It sounds like you're feeling pretty lonely, which is an awful way to feel. It's good you have hobbies, but I totally understand why they don't always quite feel like enough. I hope you start to feel a bit better, and find some people to connect with! I hope your close friends can find some time for you as well <33
And your emotions are never ever bothersome!! Lots and lots of love for you my friend <333
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 9 months
All the very best for your exams bestie!!! I hope you're taking care of yourself, drinking enough water and getting plenty of sleep along with studying <3
I was wondering if I could please get a ❤️ and 🦉from your event?
I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her. I'm an infp, a taurus sun, gemini moon, and scorpio rising
Physical description - I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have a fair skin tone, I'm slim and I've got full lips and fairly large eyes. I also have these dimples that I really like!
I love reading, my favorite genres are poetry, Russian lit, and mysteries! I love learning about new things and knowing a little bit of everything. I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything! I adore all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I listen to a lot of modern/indie rock and I love watching films very much! It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do, I become really talkative and outgoing. I love helping out and I'm the therapist friend, people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm smart and ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I'm quite the hopeless romantic and I love being in love! I adore big and small romantic gestures and I love domesticity sm!! My love languages are acts of service and quality time. I'm a ravenclaw and my enneagram is 4w3.
Thank you very much, I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️
thank u bestie 🫶 (sorry this took so long)
for the Taylor Swift song, I have to go with the last great American dynasty.
As for the ship,
You sound incredibly smart. You are someone who values knowledge and you must have a big imagination. You bring comfort to those around you, they feel safe enough to open up to you and seek help.
Your ideal partner would be someone who listens to you in return, someone who is quiet but kind and once you get close to them warm -like a fire lit in the coldest of winters. You want someone smart, someone you can talk to about your books and interests. You want someone who hates your favorite book, but keeps reading it because you love it, so it must be good, they just havent understood it yet (this is a trope from a dramione fic called Wait & Hope btw)
You want someone that admires you, someone that looks at you in awe while you talk about Dostoevsky and Tolstoi.
You want a partner- an equal. You want to be a team with your significant other, you want to help eachother get better, be the best versions of yourselves.
The best person for you would be Theodore Nott, and let me just write a little something about you two.
You were dragged at a party by your friends, immediately as you step inside the big house you seek a quiet corner, somewhere away from all the drunk people around you.
You find an open door that leads to the balcony, the night is beautiful, the stars are shining bright and you can hear music playing in the background.
You are lost in thought when you hear someone curse to himself and you turn your head startled.
It's Theo, of course, so tall that he hit his head on the door frame and stumbled lightly, spilling his drink.
He wanted a quiet place to sit, not wanting to be at this party in the first place, just like you.
Long story short, you spend the night talking, bonding over your loud friends- and your love for them.
By morning he has sobered up and offers to give you and your fiends a lift home. You agree and after dropping everyone off he asks you, "Do you want to get breakfast or something?"
You end up in an empty diner, drinking coffee and splitting pancakes and waffles with him, because you couldn't decide between the two.
He ends up being the love of your life.
Please tell me what you think- I'm sending you the most positive of vibes- may you find your Theo and may you split pancakes and waffles with him every Sunday morning as a tradition <3
also, im terribly sorry, I didn't have time to proofread this, I took a small break from studying, but now I have to go eek
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iworshipsappho · 9 months
aaah tack for the tag!! @rosetintedgreyspaces :D <33
Favourite colour and why? ooh red and honestly idk i think i was like 4 or smth when i went oooh blood = cool and blood is red therefore red=cool and i love that for me
Five comfort movies: oof uhh red white and royal blue for sure yeah, maan karate,vip and remo are some really feel good tamil movies for me and uhh badhaai do :33
Favourite season and why? oof definitely has to be whatever we have from october to january here. literally all the other months are hot humid pressure cookers :')
Favourite book(s): YOU CAN'T MAKE ME PICKKKKK. but like the obvious answers here are RWRB, the song of achilles, one last stop, ooh room on the roof by ruskin bond one of my comfort books for sure, oh and this one book i read called my life as a book, changed my life as a kid honestly. other than that we have the toa series and uhh the iliad and odyssey which i havent gotten to yet but do love
favourite aesthetic(s)and why? mmmm im a big fan of dark academia but tbf i do love most aesthetics in varying multitudes, never really got much into it
Favourite genre and why? genre as in music or media?? idk in media it is definitely queer romance atm used to be mystery and mythology. and for music i more or less listen to anything and everything thats vibey
Favourite clothes style: baggy tshirts and shorts >>>>> but thats usually for at home. when i head out ive been layering a baggy tshirt over a white shirt paired with brown pants/jeans off late. layering is one of my favourite styles for sure, the whole academia vibes or the 'teenage dirtbag' style is what i usually go for ig
Favourite music genres: ohhh music here, yeah as i said if its good me likey
Favourite artists: oof long list coming up :]] uhh taylor swift, omar rudberg, the front bottoms, wilbur soot as well as lovejoy>>>, jeff satur my beloved bottom, cavetownnnnnn, conan gray ofc, queen and then uhh mitski
Favourite song(s): i for the life of me cant possibly pick now can i???? BUT rn ive been obsessed with theseee
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Favourite fandoms: young royals fandom my beloved, closely followed by mcyt bc that was my firstever proper fandom and fuck yeah for that!!! (still very much into that so les gooo qsmp and tommyinnit my beloved) and well im not really part of any fandoms save for these and rwrb tbf? oh how could i forget!!!! KINNPORSCHE!!!! love that for us
Hobbies: oof uhh reading, writing and playing minecraft or watching cubitos on minecraft probably lmao
Care language you give: i think i usually show my care in the form of words i think? pretty sure yeah
Care language you like to receive: mmmm physical touch <333
Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert: ehhh its pretty fluctuating. used to be introverted, getting more and more out of my shell off late. so ambivert it is ig
Morning or night person? again idfk at this point man what even is time anymore fjdksgksfg uhh night person probably tho i like satying up faaar more than i like waking up early
City, country or suburbs and why? uhhhh never really thought about it? idk on one hand i do want the quiet of the country but idk if ill survive with the constant bustle of a city ykn. and never really experienced to much of suburban life except for when i lived in australia for a few months so yeah idk
Favourite time of day and why? that time between like 5-8. the hours go by so quick and hte fucking sunset etc etc
Do you have any religious beliefs(don’t have to answer if not comfortable)? mmm vaguely religious from time to time
What does your ideal family look like to you? again its faaar too much in the future for me to have given it a thought but but ik for sure that ive always wanted kids, so thats the only definitive there
Dream future: mmm im an author lving in a little cottage just surrounded by overflowing love and creativity and nature etc etc. very ruskin bond-esque
Dream place to visit: greece and rome for sureeee. and thenn uh nyc just for the vibes of it ykn also uhh sweden for reasons ;)
Favourite type of nature: mmmm rainforests my beloved. absolutely love the earthy smell and just how fucking alive it is man like >>>>> oh also the fucking hills of north east india. lomls would drop everything and go there again no questions asked. and ofc beaches. be aches are just based
Favourite habitat (eg jungle, desert, tundra etc): mmm i have a special place in my heart for tundras and the savannah idk why. i just love that life fucking THRIVES despite ykn the harsh(er) conditions
How would you describe yourself in 4 words: dumb, enthusiastic, creative and uhhhh complicated
If you could be another thing on earth what would it be: oooo idfkkkk theres just sooooo many options i could literally be a fucking manatee!!!! or a vampire or or a mudskipper!!!!! wait can i be food?!?!?! id be garlic man ajskdsfl the fucking irony of wanting to be both a vampire and a garlic clove oooh id love to be a grapefruit ngl. omg i could be an actual monkey???? id be one of those spider monkeys man so fucking cool. gosh i could just oughhhh creatures and inanimate shit man. so cool
Favourite type of weather: i loveeeee thunderstorms. top tier weather. as long as its not during deepavali. if it rains when im trying to burst my crackers? im sorry but earth can perish /j
If you could travel anywhere right now we here would it be: is my girlfriend's house a valid answer? bc thats where i wanna be right now baksdflsd. uhh idk tbh maybe like oooh i wanna go to puducherry ngl i miss the beachhhh even tho i literally just went like a week ago man. its right here-
Do you have any fears (serious or otherwise): ehhh not as far as im aware. not materialistic ones atleast. ive always had a fear of being forgotten or left behind
Dream job: uhh a writer for sure
Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why? VAMPIREVAMPIREVAMPIREVAMPIRE!!!!! i literally get to suck blood in the most homoerotic way possible- what more could i literally ask for ahfjdsflk pirates/knights are a close second tho fucking love them could go on a whole tirade if i wasnt to tired for it
tagging uhh @elblorbo @stygianirondiangelo @foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland @daylightsimon @desi-yearning @altruistic-meme @spaghett-onaplate @mirabel-on-a-bicycle
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itsdelicate · 1 year
its totally fine that ur busy!! im not lol just in this waiting period for my exam results so i have all this time to send u a whole essay reply lmaonjdsmk. aw :( felt like it just flew by like suddenly its 2023 which is crazy
ahh its so great to have a friend like that!! i dont lmao my friends listen to music that is vv different from my music taste so i just google recs. like im getting back into r&b music cause i had a bit of phase where i was obsessed w it during quarantine and also joni mitchell and elliott smith and i just googled and saw recs on reddit. YES YES YES a ten min version of the great war would be mmmmm perfect
tbh ive never been to any concerts like just little recital sorta stuff but i do really love live music!! wbu? what are the best concerts youve been to? that would really suck if they laughed at u for that omg. ohhh yea i get that like recently ive been in a very speak now songs mood but i listened to it A LOT so now im listening to the new sza album!! ooh how was the musical? ive never heard of it before tbh ijsdmk
wdym by that? like bought? cause i havent actually like gotten a physical copy of an album before (or even like a digitally bought one). i just listen on spotify. but the first album i got into like listened to (and loved) the whole album is prob harry styles' first album!! like i got into one direction during quarantine (weird as hell i know) and all the other boys but i listened to his whole album first and it was everything !!!! wbu what was the first album you got (like bought) or got into?
LMAOSKMDF that is alr more than enough. i do really wanna watch the latest puss in boots movie tho just cause i love puss in boots jdskm
i didnt know there was a life of play omg how was it?? my brothers and my parents loved the movie back then!! ooh thats nice!! havent been to the zoo in a while lol. what's studying animal welfare like? idk anyone who studies it so this is vv cool to me lmao
omggg i really love lover so i dont know how to feel ab this 😭yes!! it has some great songs. okay heres a question that could be a dealbreaker to me if you answer wrong (jkjk lmao) but thoughts on false god? yea i was one of those ppl too sdhcnjk but now i love all that lmao
thats nice!! what was the recipe for? my days gonna be very boring i think lmao ive nothing to do so im prob just gonna be doing online courses and listening to music
now ab the matilda musical: YESSS its literally one of the best htings ive watched in 2022 (havent watched a lot of things tho lmao). omg i'm here is def number one like i CRIED sm at the "dont cry daddy" part djis. one of my fav parts tho is the part in when i grow up where miss honey sings cause it makes me cry and its so very. i just could not. also love my house and still holding my hand (basicallt every scene ever w miss honey she is so special to me <3) and the smell of rebellion (EMMA FREAKING THOMPSON!!!!!!!!) i dont think so actually ive got a lot of shows and movies sitting in my list on nfx waiting to be watched lol so those will be next prob. my friend got me into this reality tv show recently ab rich ppl in dubai called dubai bling and all the drama is so funny so ive been watching that and re-watching queer eye for the fiftieth time lmaodfmk. wbu? any musicals or movies or shows you're excited for?
xxx ur secret santa
omg all the best for your results!! i always find the waiting period so nerve wracking whew i know! it went so fast
yeah it’s fun to get recs!! during covid my friends and i tried to do this month long song challenge from prompts and we all added in songs into a joint playlist and ended up with almost 200 songs that were all over the place it was fun ahdjf ooh r&b is interesting! god yes i need that song to possess me idk
aw but that’s fun! live music is great <3 taylor’s concerts for me! (big surprise i know 😭) are you liking the album? the musical was great!! it’s a jukebox musical so it was really really fun!! shakespeare’s wife doesn’t like that he kills of juliet just because of romeo so she proposes rewriting it so juliet goes on to live her life shdjg
that’s fair! the first cd i ever bought on my own was hannah montana when i was little 💀 a quarantine one direction phase is so valid, did you like harry’s first album? i haven’t heard the whole thing just a few songs!
omg yes i want to watch that too! and the play was really good! the animal puppets were incredible! it’s great!! i study animal welfare and anthrozoology and i love love love it :’) nothing in the world i love more than animals so it’s <3333
shfkgk i’m so sorry 😭 i feel like i’m neutral about false god like i don’t Not like it but i also have to be in a specific mood to listen to it 🤔
it was bahn mi! ooh what online courses?
everything u said!! yes yes!! i want to rewatch the stage musical again hopefully this year 🤞 omg that sounds wild i haven’t heard of it before! aw nice! i’ve seen like three episodes of queer eye it was great idk why i never continued it ahdjf i’m not sure actually!! idek what movies are coming out this year or anything hmm (also have u ever seen taskmaster? it’s my fav hehe)
also i think i’ll find out who you are tomorrow if u revealed yourself so i just wanted to say thank you for all your messages!! i’ve loved talking to you sm it’s made me so happy 🫶🫶🫶
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ebdanon · 2 months
10 artists you've liked in your life and 10 artists you would like to one day like?
hi im going off the assumption this is about music lmao because i have a long long list of artists i need to listen to/get into but i havent because im lazy and need to sit in a sensory deprivation chamber basically to process new music
10 i like/liked (obv taylor is one but im not including her because duh. but my list is predictable probably)
1. noah kahan
2. waterparks esp their recent album intellectual property thank u to @heystephen for bringing me to enlightenment
3. olivia rodrigo has not made a bad song literally ever the talent she has is crazy
4. sabrina carpenter. stream feather and decode btw
5. ricky montgomery (ive loved him and sab for years and im so so so happy theyve finally gotten their big breaks in music in the past few years)
6. shawn mendes (listen. the way his music got me through all of my teen years and paved the way for me to bond with my best friend of 6 years almost can never be discredited or taken away from me love him forever)
7. harry styles. harry’s house isnt my favorite album (i like it tho) but im convinced fine line is the reason i made it out of my senior year of high school alive that album holds such a tender soft place in my little heart. i got lyrics tattooed on me thats how annoying i am btw stream sunflower vol 6
8. COIN - saw them at a music festival and basically fell in love w them
9. ed sheeran 🫣 divide was my comfort album for years tbh. i havent really gotten into subtract and equals the same way but i still think both albums are very excellent and he has written one of the best lyrics of all time its true
10. maisie peters stream the good witch specifically bsc oh my god. oh my god
bonus since u said used to like 11. used to be a huge p!atd stan but the brendon urie of it all happened. stream pretty odd tho
10 i wanna like:
1. renee rapp - ive listened to some of her music already and i ADORE her in interviews and videos of performances ive seen from her but havent had a minute to dive deep into her discography
2. lizzy mcalpine - my friends love her but i havent given her a good listen yet
3. hozier - ive seen him live and really enjoyed him but dont listen enough tbh
4. wallows
5. 5sos newer music. i stream self titled and sgfg religiously to this day however i havent listened to much stuff past young blood for some reason and idk why
6. billie eilish — i like everything i hear from her so idk why i havent fully went through her discography yet
7. troye sivan — one of my best friends is a huge stan but i havent listened to his new album. ADORE blue neighborhood tho
8. boygenius
9. scott helman
10. paramore — i listen to their older stuff but havent listened to their recent stuff much and i have no excuse at all
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 6 months
a03 writing wrapped: 17, 27, 29, and 30! 💕
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
wen kexing from woh from zhou zishu‘s perspective! youve seen some of my descriptions of his hair and body language and quirks already!! hes a character that i love a lot and learned to love even more this year, and i kind of kickstarted my own characterization of him when i wrote that one let wkx be cringe! post :D i havent really written him cringey yet but it was important to my perception of him
also: zhou zishu from woh. i found out what i enjoy writing about him the most this year. mostly i write from his perspective for some reason, and many of my zzs versions tend to be very similar. i tried something new this year and it was really fun
27. What do you listen to while writing?
i have several playlist from other writing projects and three (3) playlists curated specifically for tyk. lately ive been listening a lot to taylor swift even though im not a taylor swift fan. there is just smth about her songs that make it very easy to slip away into a good headspace. though i need to be in the mood for it. sometimes i will listen to artists that are recommended to me or an artist��s radio. i also really like spotify‘s recommendation songs function based on the playlist im listening to. but i dont always listen to music, i need to be in the mood for it. sometimes i just want to hear the words flow or the background noises from my place
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
im sure there are several! but one im very proud of and that kinda showed me that yes, i can indeed write! is this one from good things that lie in the hand:
"pocket knives are actually very good at lying in your hand when you close your fingers around it. they have a good feel to them, like stones. and they have ridges. while u trace these ridges u can imagine all the little, smart, brilliant things that are tucked away in that pocket knife‘s little body."
generally im very proud of the entire thing. its silly and whimsy and unpolished and perfect to me. it showed me that there are words inside of me that can and will flow effortlessly when im in the right headspace, that writing can and will feel good and fun, and that there is skill and a sense for structure in me even when im not aware of it
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
see the above lmao!!
but to expand on this, im wowed and proud to see the signs of my own growth. sure, i was more confident when i started out, im generally an anxious mess 24/7 currwntly which is Not Fun. but i understand things about storytelling and my own preferences and skills, my own style, now that i didnt before. for a very long time writing was just me getting a feel of being creative with words in this way again after i thought i would never be able to bear it ever again. my priorities have shifted a lot since then, which shows how far ive come
ask me writing questions about my ao3 wrapped!!
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secretofblue · 8 months
So, I opened this acc just a few days ago and since then I've been wondering what my first post should be like, and after a long think, I figured out it would be good to start by introducing myself so, here I go...
Tumblr media
Hi! i'm blue, that its not my real name but for some reason I took that nickname to my online persona a looong time ago and now i'm really attached to it.
Currently i'm 22 yo
English its not my first language (spanish is), so expect a lot of grammar mistakes lol
College student
I like a lot of things, few of my favorites are biology, anatomy, physiology, the moon, reading, learning languages, learning new things in general, being alone, drawing, rainy days, long walks, road trips
I think I rather tea over coffee
I consider myself a cat person but i love all kind of animals
I enjoy a lot listening to music, some of my favorite artist are: chase atlantic, the neighbourhood, p!atd, blackbear, halsey, melanie martinez, lana del rey, the 1975, troye sivan, taylor swift, selena gomez
Also i'm really into kpop my favs are: bts, ateez, txt, enhypen, new jeans, le sserafim and ive
I casually listen to tokyo hotel, envyyou, palaye royale, yungblud, conan gray, hayley kiyoko, always never, hey violet, &team, tripleS, mamamoo, taemin
disclaimer! - I think its important to note that i'm not aware of the life or career of every single one of these artirst, so if they've made something problematic please know that I don't support their actions
I do reallyyy enjoy watching cartoons, my favorite genre are fantasy/mystery/adventures, kind of like gravity falls, hilda, the howl house, star vs the evil forces (if you have any recs please drop it here)
I like anime, but i havent really watched a lot
I'm in love with spookycore since I was a child (I don't know if something like this exist or if I just made up the word but i hope you get what I mean 😭)
I like watching series but i'm super bad at it
This is not my first acc here on tumblr but its the first time that I will try to active use it
I think that's all the important things that come to my mind right now but if i remember or new things pop into my life I will add it here.
If you have any questions, you can always hit that button (that btw i still dont know how to edit it for it to say something hilarious like some of yours here does)
Finally, if someone reached this far, thanks for reading! :) 🍃
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ess-presso · 1 year
hi ess <3
miss taylor: dancing with our hands tied, blank space, & treacherous <3
ty for the fic rec <3 i love texting fics sm i eat em up everytime. here's one for u, operation: toebeans by moonymoment (cute lil wolfstar fic, they fuck around with minnie and shes so tired of them)
chatting <3
id love to see a massive colonel sanders statue irl. it would definitely be significant enough for people to make pilgrimages to it & in fact i think id visit it myself.
fuck san francisco (im sure its lovely) i hate it there (it looks kinda cool tbh). sadly we've already broken best friend code cause she lives in a different city for uni 💔💔 havent seen that bitch since the beginning of january and im losing my mind. but its fine i think i get to see her this month🕺
ah yes the only two requirements to date someone: be hot and funny. (no but fr thats it. the bar is so low)
hozier <3333 (yes canadian money smells like maple syrup!!! just the notes though not the coins. i wish the coins were scented too)
now for the jesus/judas au..... i think peter simply has to be judas. but for jesus i wanna say james because judas revealed jesus' identity = peter revealing james & lily's location (although sirius as jesus would be funny too with his long jesus-like hair & the way he kinda came back to life via escaping azkaban)
american harry styles scares me fr.
fuck seagulls like actually. they always steal my food at the beach while im swimming and i cant swim back in time to stop them. theyre public enemies around these parts.
oh god. an eighteen year old dating a fourteen year old while he has another gf...... so fucking gross. (someone free both those girls rn. actual leonardo dicaprio behaviour)
i got anne carson's sappho fragments book for christmas & i was gonna go ahead and annotate it but now i feel like i should wait until i have someone to annotate it for. or maybe ill just annotate it and then i can give it to my person when they come along <3
ur def right im the opposite of final girl material but i am impulsive and stubborn so i will explore the church if its the last thing i do. (it will be the last thing i do cause im gonna end up getting myself killed)
six cans of monster can cure anything & i truly believe that. even a horrible hangover.
philosopher's stone>>>> sorcerer's stone sounds so bad anyways. im glad canada isnt quite dumb enough to get the sorcerer's stone treatment.
all of my halloween costumes are pretty lame tbh. i was a bee for my first bday (hence my nickname) but ive been a witch, vampire, zombie, ghost, etc. nothing special really
u should definitely tell harvard. theyd be too stunned to deny u entry its foolproof.
i loved blowing things up in chem. truly my only motivation to go to class.
using music apps based on our fav colours thats so real of us.
i may not have gotten wingstop but i did see florida (jumpscare)
joey in season one <3333
infinite bag of money thats a great idea how did i not think of that.
u will be banker one day. im manifesting this for u.
tumblr will forever be the superior social media idc. this website is untouchable.
oh god that guys a mummy's boy...... freud would absolutely lose his mind. a field day.
i understand u. like sometimes ur drunk self has a mind of its own and will do random shit. ive cut my hair drunk and woke up very confused but at least i managed to not botch it!!!
love in the dark is SUCH A JEGULUS SONGGG oh my god. adding to my jegulus playlist right this instant.
omg listening to music while looking at art>>>>>> perfection. makes u feel so peaceful and cool fr. (WENDYS!!! i love wendys so much.)
ur completely right id rather be having a horrible time with liv than be somewhere nice with someone i hate. doesnt matter what we're doing or whats happening it'll just be better if shes there.
i love that taylor likes 13 like yes girl me too. but 13 is actually a lucky number in italy so my family has always liked it!
oh god james and lily im so sorry......im just glad i wasnt born in 1981 or else id be highly suspicious that im the reincarnation of one of them.
american and canadian accents are super similar unless we're talking southern united states or far eastern canada. they literally sound irish over there no joke.
drarry <3 i just love the angst. so many possibilities for them.
jily & jegulus <33 ur right, jegulus for the fics (theres just SO many good ones) but jily for the ships theyre just so sweet.
after that guy i swore to never watch a movie for someone i like ever again. (also mainly because most of the time the movie is SO BAD!!!!) but yes its so cute when ur watching something with someone and they tell u all about it <333
we kinda did have a lot of paint lying around! it was mostly just lil kid art sets with crappy cheap markers and pencils but they were fun. if i was lucky i was allowed to use my parents fancy stuff.
it was genuinely so funny like i wish i couldve seen the sock fall from the audience's perspective i bet it was ridiculous.
literally ezra/aria. it was so gross but at least it wasnt real.
rude old people make me so mad like how have u lived so much of ur life and still carry so much hate in u......get a life old lady!!!!!!
hermione & harry <33
its true dramione fics are better. romione fics are usually just as bland as they are in canon. still cute tho.
tote bags!!!! love em. and omg a pride and prejudice tote thats so cool. i have one with constellations all over it i love it sm. (but also tote bags make my shoulders hurt so bad i swear im gonna get scoliosis one day)
wireless headphones till i die!!!!! how am i supposed to clean my room while watching netflix or something with wired headphones. how am i supposed to cook with wired headphones.
omg a 2! alexa play lover by taylor swift. (im a 5, apparently the investigators. i do love solving a good puzzle so ill take it)
red nail polish 4ever. looks good with anything i swear. my fav is a dark wine red and its just perfect.
wait thats so funny. it sounds straight out of an episode of friends or something. (glad everyones okay!!!!)
THATS SO CUTE!!!!! AHHHHH! top tier gift fr.
also a top tier gift. signed copies of ur fav books + unabridged podg + museums???? a flawless gift.
THE EMMA QUOTE OHHHH MY GOD!! i love that quote so fucking much. those are all so good. quotes that make u feel completely unzipped are the best always.
that poem is so good wtf. "i fear no fate (for you are my fate my sweet)" WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! IM UNWELL.
i wanna visit the lake district so bad ohhh my god. it looks so nice. the air looks so crisp there.
the locket that is so cute im crying!!!!!! i have a pic of liv and i from when were like 3/4 grinning at each other and ive wanted to put it in a locket forever so u have inspired me thatll be her bday gift.
tigers are so cool thats an excellent choice. king of the jungle fr.
horror movies & romcoms thats so real of u. the duality of man. & horror movie adrenaline rushes are unlike anything i swear.
not picking between jily and jegulus REAL!!! theyre both so perfect.
answering qs!
im not allergic to anything! (that i know of. so far so good.)
i totally believe in fate, at least to the "everything happens for a reason" degree. i think people need to just live their lives and let things happen cause we cant control everything and it would be impossible to even try. if its meant to be then itll be.
i accidentally fucked up a really good friendship a while ago by not being there for someone when they needed it (to be fair we were both going THRU it so i didnt realize) but we both moved on & they had moved to a different school so we drifted apart eventually. shit happens but theyre happier now so thats good.
i wake up bright and early (its 12pm.) i gracefully get out of bed (i sit on my phone for half an hour before dragging myself out of bed) i go brush my teeth and do skincare (i do brush my teeth but i definitely dont feel like doing skincare) i go make a nice nutritious meal (i make a coffee and some toast if its a good day) i do a wakeup workout (i sit in bed and drink my coffee) i get dressed for the day (im not changing out of my pjs) i do my makeup (im not doing my makeup) i head to campus for my class (my class is online. i stay in bed.)
spiderman or thor!!! ive never read any of the comics so this is purely based on their movies but peter parker i love that man. and thor is a dumb idiot i love him.
i think id switch lives with either elon musk or jeff bezos so i can give away all their money to charity or to pay for important things that they can afford like solving world hunger. i think id also love to switch lives with timothee chalamet like what goes on in that boy's head hes so funny sometimes.
(like which pre-existing fic do i wish i was the author of?) i wish i had written just lovers by zar (also intermission by zar) just because that fic is a masterpiece and to be the author of such a work of art would be an honour.
i wish i had written the iliad and the odyssey cause it would be cool as fuck to be as iconic as homer. (also since homer mightve not actually existed id love to be that much of an enigma too. keep em guessing)
ive never been in love! ive liked people but it never gets past that. i guess im just waiting for the right person to come along. but also, in a way i think i fall in love with everyone i meet. some people are just so cool and ill carry that memory of them forever.
i dance and sing a lot when im drunk. i get loud in general but i will karaoke the shit out of whatever is playing. also i get giggly cause everything becomes funny for no reason.
the worst fight liv and i have had is so dumb, she called me telling me that she was having people over at her place for her bday. i said i wasnt sure if i could make it bc i had 4 papers due that same weekend but i would try bc i obviously wanted to be there for her bday. she called me back a bit later sobbing saying she wanted me to be there and that she was mad i might miss it, i started sobbing because i felt bad and because i was overwhelmed, i told her okay, id be there no matter what, she said okay. we hung up and then she called me back 10 mins later completely fine and we both apologized for the dramatics & everything was fine and i managed to write my 4 papers in time so i could go. (uni and exams were kicking both our asses & we both had a breakdown cause neither of us had slept in like 2 days at that point lmfao)
probably either stargazing and seeing sirius & regulus & that comet, or when i last saw liv in january - we got coffee and walked around a lake for like 3 hours and talked shit abt the bitchy people from high school. it was lovely.
jegulily yes! ive never read any jegulily but i wouldnt mind reading some at some point. again, james has two hands!!! plus i think their dynamic is so fun.
i actually dont watch a whole lot of romcoms so i had to look up which movies would be considered romcoms and from that search my favs that ive seen are: enchanted, easy A, mamma mia, & 10 things i hate about you!
i also dont watch a lot of horror movies but i was fucking OBSESSED with IT in 2017 like fully obsessed. my entire personality was from that goddamn movie.
qs for u!
piercings vs tattoos?
whats your fatal flaw?
if u were any emoji which would u be?
whats ur love language?
fav superhero?
fav fic of all time
fav disney/pixar movie?
whats ur preferred method of annotating books? (like do u add random commentary or do u add deep analysis & thoughts?
what do u think ur animagus would be?
fav aesthetic?
do u prefer to stay in to watch a movie or go to the theatres?
fav day of the week and why
whats your literary archetype? (fun lil quiz, i got the ruler)
thats all for now <3
bee my darling <333
(first apologies for replying late.I seem to have a knack with doing those kind of things. but now I'm on half-term break , exams are over, so I'm mostly a free bird !!!)
miss Taylor -
dancing with our hands tied - JEGULUS - 'I loved u in secret'. that's all. secret love is theirs , they own it . also also , this is so regulus's line - 'I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us'. HIM HIM HIMMMM.
blank space - all the women - I simply couldn't choose between them and since this song is very very female rage to me , I'll say all of them. especially Marlene , because if she's one to sleep around , you just know she was shamed for it.
treacherous - WOLFSTAR - I just really feel the vibe of sirius being like 'I'll follow you home' and remus thinking that the love he feels for sirius is treacherous !!!
chatting ----->
nah imagine being under that statue and you see boxes of free kfc just hanging around . colonel the redeemer would be gods child fr.
everything in the us looks either cool or dangerous. SHE BROKE THE BFF CODE. yta divorce immediately. lu lives like five minutes away from me and it's to and fro from there like everyday. I see him all the time and I haven't even thought about the possibility that one day I might not see him everyday. like that's not happening. peace to u bee , u brave for not tearing the fuck up.
nah fr where are my hot and funny little bitches/bastards. like bro come here and kiss me on the mouth and take me out and we can get married in like an hour.
hosier is bae baeeee. (that's so fucking cool. and I think the coins should so smell like maple syrup. it's fucking unjust that they don't. sue Trudeau.)
Peter = judas and James = Jesus (and I so see ur point with the sirius looking like Jesus parallel. like James (if he was alive) would've so made some jokes about that.
TALKING ABOUT HARRY STYLES - please tell me you saw him at the brit awards yesterday. please. I was in fucking tears when I saw. like broooo he mentioned Zayn??? my boy Zayn ???? my directioner heart is healing for real. (and lewis Capaldi is probably the only person in the world who can among to get the band back together. he has the power.)
I get chased by them whenever I'm at the beach and they've stolen chips from my fish and chips before and it's so fucking annoying like genuinely I wish they'd go fuck themselves.
no genuinely someone should arrest that guy. fucking hate him. piss bag.
ahhhhh annotate it and then buy a new copy for your person and annotate with shit like 'made me think of u' and everything I would cry my fucking eyes out if someone gave me that.
nah bee a nun gonna fly in and drop kick u in the face (now laughing at this image)
it did not cure my hangover ! it made it worse !!! and the worst part was that lu was also hungover so he couldn't work his magic with his hangover potion. and he also emptied his insides out (he threw up) and I was his sick nurse and made him soup and everything. (he was so out of it it was funny as fuck)
canada is smarter than the use for sure (free healthcare and gun control for one.)
bee as a bee oh my god that's so cute (and those costumes aren't lame they're classics)
fr Harvard is so calling.
blowing things up is so so fun. I used ethanol in class recently (there was a big boom) and it was very funnn.
yes pink and green stay winning always >>>
ew not florida ewwwwww.
joey is just bae. I love him so so much. (his funeral fit stays banging.)
I'm just smarter than u bee , let's face it.
update on the banking thing - he said no. he just doesn't like powerful women.
tumblr is so bae , like vanilla extract is so funny to me now
freud would love to dissect that boy fr.
cutting your hair drunk ??? and not botching it ??? you are the chosen one. I bow down to your brilliance.
THE MOST JEGULUS SONG TO EVER JEGULUS. yes yes u must add it. can't believe it wasn't already there in the first place.
it is so perfect. such a vibe honestly. (Wendy's slaps hard. but it wasn't square so I feel betrayed.)
bad times with your best friend so that ten years in the future you can look back and laugh on how stupid and dumb you were.
ahhh no my family has always considered 13 bad luck. but I don't believe it so 13 stays winning <333
can't tell the difference fr (Irish ??? never knew that that's fucking weird (in a good way))
DRARRRRRRYYYYYY the angst is unmatched. unmatched I tell you.
jegulus fics are so so so good I eat them up like soup. and jily is just - perfect. I love them. I love it so so much.
no because those kind of movies are so weird. it annoys me so much. (but watching stuff with someone who's obsessed with the thing you're watching ??? like whatttt. it's so sweet. eg Lu's fucking obsessed with sports and shit and he knows I'm just not - so he always always explains shit to me like when to cheer which team we support and everything.)
I would feel so proud if it was me and I was allowed to use the fancy paints. like so so important and everything I would love it so so much.
I can imagine it now. sock falling in slow motion.
yes thank fuck for that.
get a life of their own frrrr. high time considering their lives are just about to end.
herm and harry are my darlings honestlyyy
yes yes romione is so cute and awesome but I don't personally like fics about them fr.
OH MY GOD A CONSTELLATION TOTE ???? honestly you're so fucking awesome it's fucking coooolllll.
WIRELESS HEADPHONES 5ever fr fr. could never deal with the wires when I'm doing stuff.
LOVVVVERRRRR. ( a 5 ??? that's awesome !!!)
mine's that kind of red or a classic bright red. love them classics and everything I love it <33
it really really really was. (we're all good but we have matching scars now ! hey - tattoos right there ???)
no I loved it so so much I love it so fucking much it's cool as fuck. prize present <33
I'm literally the best friend ever he should bow down to me and my excellence. (no but I just got him all his favourite things and bro got super emotional and everything. )
YES I FEEL SO UNZIPPED WHEN I READ THAT SHIT I FUCKING LOVE IT SOOTHES ME. those kind of confession quotes will always be so dear to me.
YES YES U GET IT. favourite poem ever <33
the air is super crisp and everything feels mega real up there. like I am hyper-aware of the fact that I exist.
yes yes a locket like that is so so cute. she will keep it close to her heart trust <333
horror movies & romcoms have my whole heart. rom-coms come first , but horror movies are a close second. (and horror-coms are lovely too !!!)
jily and jegulus are amazing. top-tier always.
reviewing your q's -
god bless u and ur immune system. the chosen 1 fr.
fate fate fate. I believe in destiny and fate and I love it because I really truly believe that I could bump into someone and fall in love. like it could so so happen. It will happen. manifesting the fuck out of it.
friendship break ups make me so so sad. like damn you don't want me anymore???? sad as fuck. (glad you both are doing good now !!!!)
WHAT A FUCING MOOD. same though. I think it's something in the air when I'm getting ready for school. like I get ten times more slugger in the morning I'm getting up for school like I really curse the fuck out of everyone and their mothers.i do it so often.
Peter Parker always <33333. I love them so so so much.(tom and toby and ANDREWWWWW)
(yes yes that's what I meant !!!) I so so need to fucking read it I swear I'll do it. I'm going to do it as soon as I have time honest.
homer is iconic you're so right. keep them guessing always and forever for reals.
I fall in love every time I look in the mirror. no but if we're being honest - me neither. I feel like it's coming though. I love love and I want to be in love too. (meeting the best people and carrying the memory of them forever >>>)
NO HONESTLY. man wearing hat ???? funny as fuckkkk.
not being able to go places because you have exams is so so so fucking annoying. like exams can go to hell (she cried for u ??? that's so sad and honest and sweet honestly best friend GOALS.)
talking shit about bitchy people with your best friend >>>> especially because it's always the darnedest things too and the best friends we have would never expect it and it's always so funny to shock them.
I honestly don't really mind jegulily. I think it's fun , and I might read a couple fics here and there but they'll never be my OTP. I love them , but jegulus and jily stay winning alwayssss.
'I hate the way I don't hate u. not even a little bit , not even at all.' my heartttt. and also Cameron is amazing and needs to be appreciated more.
q's -
now I love piercings (want at least 3 in each ear) but tattoos because to me they can hold much more meaning than a piercing. like it would be amazing and they just .... do stuff piercings can't. piercings still slap though.
loyalty to the people I love. like I've said this before , but I'd absolutely go feral if anything untoward happened to the people I love. i would genuinely fuck the aggressor up. like I genuinely feel like I saw a ten foot tall hunky muscle guy slap lu once , and I was there , I'd get so mad I'm pretty sure my sheer anger would scare him the fuck away. but I'd do it even if they were wrong. like if he says the sky is purple in front of people he doesn't like , then the sky is mf purple until we get home then I ask him what the fuck is going on.
the raising a single eyebrow one. I'm always making that facial expression. (I used to hang out with some pretty sus people and the things they used to say ..... shiver.) and of course the love heart ( where is my pink love heart , apple ?????? where is it ????) simply because I am a hopeless romantic.
acts of service !!! I will always do something like that for someone I love. like you need the groceries ??? not a single word more I'm going rn. also also love love giving gifts. like I really think them out .
SPIDERMANNNN. I love all 3 of them so so much I love the fuck out of them they're my favourites always always.
oh my god I couldn't possibly. but I could. (for each ship I have 1 or 2)
drarry - mental , temptation on the warfront.
jegulus - absentmindedly making me want you
dramione - wait & hope , isolation
wolfstar - of memories and milk thievery , lessen my load
nottpott (harry x theo nott) - rendevouz receipts , lethal combination
btw lethal combination is by the same author as the one who wrote the atlas six !!!! I love it so so much !!1 (nottpott is a guilty pleasure ship)
7. my favourite Disney movie is tangled always always <33333 unmatched. Pixar - UP (I fucking love it. it made me cry so so hard, I love it so so much)
8.i do both. like I have clear post-its , and sometimes I jot my notes down there , other times I have annotated the fuck out of them on the pages. in my copy of Gatsby , I have the word 'gay' written next to a lot of the times nick talks about Gatsby (maybe I'm biased but he was so in love with Gatsby.)
9.i'd love to be a black cat. mostly because I hate how they're said to be bad luck. like they're so sweet and cute and I just love them always. they're amazing. (plus being lazy and thinking they're better than everyone ??? so me honestly.)
10. dark academia !!! I so so so wanna live like that like it's the dream I love it so much. everything about it. the outfits , the scene , the vibes , the feel , the feeling that if I fall in love with someone , it'd kill me to be without them. I just LOVE it.
11. cinemas !!!! I love cinemas so much the vibes , the popcorn , the snacks I've snuck in , the way people clap when famous actors come onto screen >>>>
12. friday !!! end of the week , game night , no alarm to wake upto the next day . Friday has it all always. very dear and near to me <333
13.the lover !!!! no one was surprised by this honestly. it's very literally me. I am very much an idealist always looking for love wherever I can find it !!!
q's for uuuu -
which 1d member is your fave ?
top 5 Taylor songs ?
top Shakespeare quote ?
fave Shakespeare play ?
fave modern family character ?
style vs ootw?
cruel summer vs dress ?
fave tay tay lyric ?
controversial opinion you have ?
famous person you hate (not an obvious one like Kanye or John Mayer we all hate them they don't count) ?
sickest burn you've ever given ?
sickest burn you've ever got ?
moment when you wanted to slap liv's face the fuck off ?
moment you've been horrendously jealous ?
(beee beee beee I love u tonnes. sorry I've been so bad with replying. I'm so going back to normal after this I pinky promise. come back soon <3333333 I missed u!!!)
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pufferfishguy44 · 1 year
*taylor swift song title*
yes that’s the title
LI: love interest
MC: maine character
MC-H- hero identity specifically
MC-C- civilian identity specifically
sorry about typos, there will be many
*taylor swift song title*
in which a long standing city superhero must learn how to trust and love after losing many of the people in their life, and living a dual personality for decades
first person/switching perspective
angsty adult is seen breaking up with someone, walking out of the room, jumping out the window and flying/swinging/zooming/kachowing superhumanly away
switch to
mind-numbingly angsty teen is seen losing
parental figure/lover/someone important and absolutely losing it.
flash back and forth from adult to teen until their stories converge into one person, now u have backstory
pt. 2
adult hero with A👏BAN👏DON👏MENT issues is bitter and stuck in their ways. sure nothing is going to change, especially since the death of their soulmate, they’ve lost all hope, becoming more and more brutal in their methods of vanquishing villains and criminals. morally grey, only stopping crime bc they feel its their job
NEW POV enter: well meaning, but clumsy, ND, love interest, who is a new hire at the workplace of the civilian identity. CI=head of big company maybe? high ranking big job bro? possibly assistant to MC-C. bubbly and naïve, but also demonstrates incredible information recognition skill, proves to be cool under pressure, VERY STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE, biggest fan of MC-H
slowly grows on MC-C, despite annoyance at first
fluff scene, fluff scene, daily routine, fluff scene ALTERNATING POV’S THROUGHOUT
holy shit look LI is cAtChiNg fEeLiNgs and
MC is too, but is super scared and wont admit it. no no no i always hurt ppl, etcetera, im a burden blah blah blah, keeps trying to distance themself yadada bUT LI keeps pushing the two of them closer, even if it’s totally by accident and LI’s just autistic lmao.
LI, finds out the secret identity of MC by accident, confrontation, omg its you aaahh!!! my hero!! holy shit!! MC takes this as disgust (?? gay ppl are dumb dont ask me), panicks and distances themself, and in the panic and lack of control, trauma from losing first love, breaks up and leaves. 😮. noone physically sees them for two, three agonising weeks
LI’s bsf has to listen to this, she’s the bisexual fat POC icon who runs the goddamn world while providing comic relief for you poor sluts out there
annnnd thats the end
just kidding!
angsty angsty angsty angst intensifies, both of them torn up, its my fault its my fault waaah i have the mindset of a 15 year old who failed drivers ed aeaeaeaeaeaeae
MC: mumford & sons i fucked it up this time
LI: youre hot and youre cold youre yes and youre no, but i cant stop loving you oh whoa
youre in and youre out youre up and youre down, but needless to say im hooked. *epic pop-punk ballad*
LI’s perspective:
theyre never coming back theyre never coming back theyre never coming back theyre never coming back theyre never coming back oh shit wait they came back
“im so sorry it was all my fault i never should have fallen for you in the first place. i always end up hurting more people than i save. you should forget all about me and go on to live the best life you can. i do nothing but wrong people, please just walk away whilst you can. i-
*gets kissed*
“what are you doing??”
“what you told me to.”
“i said to go live your life!!”
“you are my life”
“because i really like you, dummy. was that not obvious??”
“you what?? but all i’ve done- i’m not- you like me??” (a/n: this fuckin teenager)
“of course. i know you havent been perfect, but neither have i. we’re human-“
*look of objection*
“dont start, alien. just because you can kachow around doesnt mean you have to have everything figured out. you need time to figure out how to love again, and im willing to be there for the whole journey, be it the good, the bad or the extraterrestrial.”
achievement unlocked: therapy
montage of fights, and makeups, smut and breakups, both loving with their whole broken souls, each trying to heal the other, until the day they die
post credits scene: we find out LI ran a blog about MC-H’s activity, analysing every fight, rescue and recovery to see the evolution of the hero.
new post about how the MC-H fighting style is much different than anything else theyve seen in the past, maybe the MC-H finally met somebody ;)
and fucking scene jesus christ my wrist hurt and ive been writing over an hour holy shit this was supposed to be a two sentence idea for a plot
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theamazingannie · 4 years
Happy one month anniversary to the album that I have not been able to stop listening to since it came out!
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
ok so i’ve been listening to a loooot of taylor swift recently and i was thinking what about a Cornelia Street themed imagine for nozel? like him and reader navigating thru a newly formed romantic relationship then after awhile, the reader realizes how much they love nozel and how much terrified they are of losing him 🥺 pls do listen to the song if you havent its really good!!! i luv your writing btw ❤️
Hello Anony!! I'm a Taytay fan too! Her songs are so wonderful and it always pulls at my heartstrings. Cornelia street is beautiful ಥ∀ಥ
Nozel Silva x f! reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
It's only been 6 months since this royal asked you to be his girlfriend. But the both of you never really announced it to the public.
You were a commoner and he was a royal, so you were worried about how others may think, you didn't want people to see Nozel in a negative light, you felt that Nozel was already a misunderstood person due to his cold demeanour so you didn't want to add to that.
It still felt like yesterday when Nozel mustered up the courage to tell you about his feelings, one night after you came back from a very long mission, he was so worried and anxious about you, waiting every day for your arrival, distraught by his own pessimist thoughts.
You were so happy that he asked, you never thought that he would be in love with you, you tried meeting him on more quiet nights, days where he was not too busy with his work. Other than that, you settled for just meeting him in public, exchanging glances and smiles, hands brushing against each other.
One day, you had a message from your captain, Dorothy, to be passed on to all the other captains. You happily volunteered yourself.
As you reached the Silver Eagles headquarters, you heart was thumping with excitement to be able to see your boyfriend for just awhile. You imagined how surprised he would be to see your face. And maybe, just maybe if you were both alone in his office, you could sneak in a kiss or two. You smiled to yourself at the thought of that.
"Hey y/n, what brings you here?" Nebra looked lazily at you
"Just needed to pass on a message from my captain, where's Captain Nozel?" His name rolled out your tongue sweetly, just speaking of his name to someone sent tingles to your body.
"In his office." she pointed in the direction of her brother's office.
You skipped-strode over towards where she pointed.
From afar, you saw Nozel, he was with someone else, a visitor? or guest? You walked closer and realised it was a lady.
She had black shoulder length hair and pale skin, the way she carried herself was graceful, like a royal. She looked beautiful and she looked at Nozel with a cheery smile, like they were close. You heart banged against your rip cage, wondering who was she and why was she alone with Nozel?
Everything that happened next went by in a flash. She smiled at Nozel and leaned up to press a kiss on his cheeks, to which Nozel stood frozen, a hint of scarlet tinged his on cheeks.
You feet continued walking towards them unknowingly all these time and before you knew it the both of them noticed of you presence.
True to your predictions, Nozel looked pleasantly surprised to see you, then in a flash, that joy in his eyes turned into panic, like a deer caught in the headlights, he must have realised that you saw everything that happened.
"Oh? Who is this Nozel?" the lady asked with her head cocked sideways innocently.
Nozel cleared his throat, "She's just someone from another squad." He replied, his calm disposition returning before turning towards you, "may I help you, y/n?" The way he called your name, so cold and distant, sent pricks to your heart as your felt it squeeze inside of you. You had to grit your teeth to endure the pain and stop the tears from welling in your eyes.
"I'm just here on Captain Dorothy orders, here I believe you can read this on your own with me explaining to you," You handed him the scroll, bowed a little, and turned around quickly so that none of them saw the tears the fell off your face.
You ran off as quickly as you could out of the Silva house.
"Y/n!" It was Nozel's voice a distant behind you. But you were crying so hard to even face him, your heart hurt so bad that you couldn't even accept any form of explanation. You quickly flew away.
You went home immediately, giving a crappy excuse to your captain to take the rest of the day off. You threw yourself on the bed and thought about you and Nozel's relationship.
we were in the backseat, drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar
You realised that you fell for this royal even harder than you had before you were together. And now that you had him, you were afraid of losing him.
And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends.. That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend..
You closed your eyes as tears rolled uncontrollably down your cheeks. The imagine of the lady kissing Nozel running through your mind again and again.
You could never compare to her, she was a royal and you? Just a commoner. Nozel was surrounded by many woman like her every day. Why would he end up marrying you? You could jolly well be just one of his many relationships and he picked you because he wanted something fresh and new.
You thought about all the times you spend together. Times he sneaked to your place where he cuddled with you on your tiny couch and your tiny apartment.
we bless the rains on cornelia streets, memorise the creaks in the floor... barefoot in the kitchen, sacred new beginnings.. sat on the roof, you and I..
He must have been disgusted with how small your place was compared to his.
All those times you spend strolling in the quiet forest, where there was only you and him...
Jacket round my shoulders is yours.. you hold my hand on the street, walk me back to my apartment..
He must have been tired of having to sneak around.
Or maybe he never treated you as his girlfriend in the first place, just a fling. You heart broke at that final thought and sobbed uncontrollably into your pillow.
Little did you know, Nozel was just standing at your door of your apartment, hesitating to knock on your door. He was ashamed to face you. He knew you were hurt, he knew he had hurt you. He should have explained on the spot, he should have introduced you to his distant cousin.. He turned around and left, not knowing what to tell you about the kiss and thinking it would be best to let you cool down.
You didn't talk to him for weeks. Whenever you saw him, you avoided even going near him. Just looking at him made you feel that you couldn't breathe again, tears would well up in your eyes.
and baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away.
It was painful. Everytime Nozel saw you walking away from him, he knew you weren't ready to talk to him, to accept his apology and forgive him. His heart clenched every time he saw you. Every night he drowned in despair, he would flew to your apartment on some nights, watching as your room lights were on, wondering how you were doing, why weren't you sleeping at such a late hour.
He quietly 'flew' you home on some days. Following you from afar, making sure you were safe. The path that you both used to fly together, hand in hand, laughing and smiling in each other's company. Now it felt like a long stretch of road with memories.
I don't wanna lose you, hope it never ends, I'd never walk Cornelia street again.
It was late one night, you were flying home alone after a long day of training and duties. Suddenly you met a group of bandits blocking your path.
"Hand over your wallet and anything expensive pretty girl~" The crooks pointed a knife at you. You got ready to fight.
"Ohhh~ a magic knight, looks like we're lucky tonight boys, magic knights are rich!" they surrounded you.
They were strong and one of them managed to catch you in a choke hold. You struggled against his hold as they ransacked your bag.
Mercury rained down, hitting them furiously. The moment the thief released you in panic, spears of mercury pierced through, nearly missing his vital points.
They threw you down towards the ground and Nozel swooped in to catch you before you fell to the ground, letting the thieves run away.
"You alright??" his eyes wide in horror as he checked you for injuries. You sustained some bruises and scratches but overall you were unscathed.
"I'm fine.." you spoke shyly, after more than 3 weeks of not meeting him, there was an awkward tension between the two of you.
"It's really late, I'll send you home." he held your hand as he summoned his silver eagle from his magic and flew you home.
"C-can we talk?" he said softly, not facing you.
"What is it?" You knew what he was going to address. You were not ready. You were not ready for this to end, you realised how much you loved him over the 3 weeks, you didn't want to let him go.
"The lady you saw that day was my distant cousin." he held onto your hand tightly, still unable to face you, he was ashamed of himself for letting this matter drag till now. "she's been sickly since she was young and I've been finding doctors and funding her medical bills for years now. She came the other day to tell me that's she's better now and that she was grateful.. hence.. the kiss."
You looked at him, mouth agape, tears welling in your eyes again.
You turned to face you, realising that you were crying, he panicked. "I'm sorry." he frantically wiped the tears with his fingers. "I'm so sorry..." he didn't know what to say and he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"I was so scared!" you bawled uncontrollably into his chest, it was like a valve was broken and your tears couldn't stop flowing, "I thought you wanted to break up with me!" you cried over yours sobs.
"Break up? I would never-" He realised what was going on all of a sudden. "Oh y/n..." he pulled you into his arms again, stroking your hair, trying to calm you down under the quiet night sky.
"I thought I was just a fling to you.." you breathing was slightly more stable now, "I thought you realised that we wouldn't work out, that we were not suitable and-"
You were cut off by his lips pressing onto yours. You melting into his hold, his lips soft but his kiss rough and needy. You held onto him and kissed him back, you were touch starved and you wanting nothing else except Nozel Silva.
Your lips parted, both of you breathless. He pulled a string of hair and tucked it behind your ears, arms running across the sides of your face, taking in your beautiful face under the moon light.
"I love you so much y/n. You're my everything, have you any idea how much I missed you and how much I was hurt watching you avoid me?" he looked at you straight into your eyes, showing you that he was telling you everything straight from his heart.
"7 months ago I confessed to you and made you mine, I know 7 months is a short time you show you and prove to someone that you truly love them, but I loved you way before that. And till today my feeling have never wavered or changed one bit. If anything, I love you even more." Nozel searched your eyes for a sign of believe, a sign that you trusted whatever he said. "I'm sorry I didn't explain to you the situation on the spot. Everything happened so quickly I didn't know what to think and react. I didn't know if you were comfortable to let her know about us and-"
This time it was your turn to cut him off with a kiss. You pecked his lip and pulled away, "I'm sorry too Nozel. I'm sorry for not trusting you and avoiding you. I'm sorry for hurting you too."
He heaved a sigh of relief. He pulled you into his arms again, squeezing you tightly. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"Let's make our relationship public so this will never happen again. I don't care about what others think, I just don't want to go through this again, it's painful and I can't concentrate on anything else." He sighed as your nodded your head in agreement.
My heart was clenching in pain writing this ugh... Poor misunderstood Nozel.. Someone just give this bb lots of love. I need to give him lots of kisses.
I hope you liked this piece as much as I did Anony~ I hope I did taytay's song well. ಥωಥ
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carelessmemories · 2 years
@loiteringdiligently tagged me!! thank u tiff ive been eager to do this one <3 (also im so sorry it took me this long ik this went around months ago it just took me a while to get to >.<)
who was your first favorite artist? 
I'm super vast in my love for many artists and I never considered that i had a favourite until i got into depeche mode, there was a love there like no other artist i had ever heard before
who are your current favorites?
depeche mode, bowie, duran duran and the pet shop boys are constants but ive really fallen more for stromae and måneskin lately as far as musical obsessions
are you into musicals?
I seldom get into whole musicals but when I had friends who were I'd like the odd song here and there, i knew two hamilton songs by heart for a while lmao
are there songs you consider so special you only listen to them very rarely?
I take breaks from special songs sometimes, i get this irrational panic that i can't play on loop a song i love or ill stop liking it. but regardless of what i get into I'll Always come back to those special ones and feel just as fondly of them as the first time i heard them.
what’s your preferred way of listening to music?
I primarily listen to music when im out and about on the train with spotify. I have a long commute to work and i take that time to enjoy my music! however i absolutely Adore vinyl and am trying to find ways to set up my record player so i can listen to them frequently again.
what would you say is the most niche music you listen to?
the music my dad's band makes lmao theyre famous but indie by all standards
what’s your favourite music related movie/tv show that’s not a musical?
ok idk if this counts, but the first season of the umbrella academy had such an incredible soundtrack that even if it wasn't a music related show the the music is the biggest thing i took away from that show, more than story or acting.
albums or playlists?
playlists! i find its easier to organize my taste since I'll end up skipping half the album songs if im in the wrong mood
favourite albums?
Music for the Masses and Some Great Reward by depeche mode, The Hurting and Raoul and the Kings of Spain by tears for fears, Behaviour and Introspective by the pet shop boys, Aladdin sane and the Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust by bowie, Seven and the Ragged Tiger by duran duran, Discovery by daft punk... i could go on and on
is there an artist you’re trying to get into?
i’m really loving måneskin rn but i havent been able to sit down and run through their discography properly
whose music do you find overhyped?
taylor swift's recent release.. i just dont think i understand whats so special about it
what’s an underrated song?
Flexible by depeche mode, its a b side we dont talk about enough. also Love is a Bourgeois Construct by pet shop boys :)
what’s a thing a bunch of songs do that you love every time?
any sort of yell or whoop or gleeful howl that i can yell along to, i always know when they're coming and i can match them just as well as singing along to the lyrics :P
what song is better acoustic?
I am Big on songs with a groove or beat i can dance to so i tend to really dislike acoustic covers. I will burn at the stake the man who took Mad World and made it a slow sorrowful ballad that eclipsed the orginial >:(
what’s the worst song of all time?
I cant name one but any modern song with one verse repeated over and over with an electro riff in between. i Hate those songs and i listen to daft punk :/
do you put individual songs on repeat?
As i mentioned earlier i have an irrational fear of repeating a song i love so much i hate it, so I'll let myself listen to it a few times over and the move on so that excitement stays alive.
do you make your own playlists? if so, what’s your most entertaining playlist title?
I dont have very interesting naming conventions usually, "get your ass out of bed" is a particular fave for when i was badly depressed and played upbeat music to motivate me out of bed.
headphones or earbuds?
Earbuds, i wear mine most hours of the day especially when im out n about
do you always sing the lead vocal or do you harmonize sometimes?
oh i sing lead all the way, I'll match the lead's voice however i can regardless of whether its good or not
a musical confession?
i love and post a lot about kate bush, but ive listened to Barely any of her music..........
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itsdelicate · 1 year
aw thats so cute omg and a vv good cause <3
noo i loved music i just never knew what artist to start w lol and there never seemed to be enough time. why thank you for that honour i do really love fearless ajshjbd. omg really? yk what that is so valid. its not my fav but i really love the ironic satire of it all njcvnjf. cardigan is my fav mv!! its so prettyyy and the colours are just so ahhh. willow is a close second. what ab u? YES YES EXACTLY OMG im so desperate for at least a cruel summer mv i dont think there is a single thing bad ab that song. it is SO GOOD!!!! ikr like he was def a catalyst to my swiftie era and i love him for that <3 lmao yea its perfection and i def would not mind 5 more mins of it jndkm.
AWW and LMAOFJEWIF it is so valid to be singing mamma mia all day its so good like the second i hear those opening piano notes i will scream. OMG that is so very iconic tho i love that!!! teachers shouldve been proud u had such good taste so young <3 omg yes do it cause i think the radio overplaying me! made me unable to really appreciate it. like the second ur a bit eh w it, change it to smth elsee
yea it doesss!! oh thats fair but i really could not live without them lol. bUT i do love happy songs too
omg i have not watched most of the mcu movies just like some of the latest ones and i honestly am not into them really. and we're actually gonna watch the avatar movie!! i havent even watched the first one lol. there IS a lot and i dont have the patience or the interest to actually watch ALL of them lmaoo. okay cool cause i really do talk a lot adjomfm
when's ur weekend trip? if its this weekend, have fun!!
xxx ur secret santa
yee i love him so much <3
ahdjf i get that i find it hard to get into new artists cause there’s so much!! and idk how to start!! ahdjfj i think it was her whole look in the mv 🫣 same omg willow is my fav followed by cardigan! i love how they’re connected <3 she literally put drugs in cruel summer istg the first time i heard he looks up grinning like a devil changed me 😮‍💨 do you still go to lessons with him? no you’re so right @/taylor make all ur songs 10 mins long challenge xx
exactly!! i really want to take my mum to see abba voyage next year she loves their songs so valid 😌 ahdjf tbh it took me years till i got a bit older to realise why they were laughing i thought they were laughing at me cause i was bad at singing or something and i was so self conscious about it for years later until it clicked 💀 yeah omg the moment it gets to that point where it’s like “hm not this again” i Have switch it or i’ll never be able to listen to that song ever again lmao
okay tbf i think it depends on the music for me cause if it’s a sad song but still a bop i love it but if it’s sad and slow i’m 🥲
shdjf i don’t think i’m ever going to watch any of them honestly 😭 oooh did you like avatar? i never saw the first one either LOL
oh it was last weekend when i got the tat!! but it was lovely thank you 🥰 any weekend plans for you? it’s the 25th tomorrow god december’s flown by!
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