#or if he's just wearing the hat to mess with us which is also very likely
mostlymihawk · 2 months
Marriage Ceremony!
Prompt: Zoro, Mihawk, Cabaji, Shanks, and Nami x GN reader getting married and what the ceremony would look like.
CW: None.
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Literally does not care.
At all.
"All we need is a piece of paper. Just make sure we get that."
You decide you want to do something based on his culture, though.
The only thing he insists on is a picture of Kuina at the ceremony.
Everything else is all up to you.
...It does make planning a frustrating experience because he literally. Does. Not. Care.
Day of, though, he looks very happy.
Wearing the swords, of course. Yet another reminder of Kuina.
You also get to meet his sensei, which is an impactful experience.
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Also insists he literally does not care.
The difference is he's lying through his teeth and just doesn't know it.
Cares so much.
The moment anything ceremony-related is in front of him he's got Opinions.
"I would not be caught dead with those flowers and those champagne glasses in the same room. One of them has to go."
Also wants you to have everything you desire.
To a fault.
Won't buy those candles because they're cute, but definitely not worth that much and the seller is clearly jacking the price up because it's Mihawk and he's rich?
Guess which candles show up at the ceremony.
Insists on the hat, but you insist he wear a shirt during the ceremony.
You win some, you lose some.
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Wants a fairly traditional wedding, which is surprising.
As much as Buggy uses the word 'freaks' affectionately, he still wants to be normal at least once.
Also an absolute sap about the marriage.
Biggest princess you've ever met, dewy-eyes and all.
"I can't wait until the day I vow to spend the rest of my life with you."
This man shows up in his best tux.
It's so not the norm for him that you genuinely don't recognize him.
And then you realize that you do recognize the guests in attendance, just not in plain formal attire and without copious amounts of makeup.
That's Buggy in the back.
When it's time for him to kiss you, he kisses you with a gentle reverence you've never felt from him before.
It's such a shock you pass out and wake up on the floor a minute later with a teary-eyed, smiling Cabaji cradling you in his arms.
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Pirate wedding. You knew it would be.
Shanks isn't much for lavish ceremonies, and you just accepted it.
That said, when the day comes, the crew have all washed their clothes and the entire ship is immaculate.
There are even flowers and lights.
Oh, and Benn got a certificate to officiate weddings on their last port day.
"I wanted it to be perfect for you."
He says it like that explains how they set this all up without waking you.
It doesn't???
You never let it go, and he never explains.
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Privately, you had initially been less-than-enthused with the idea of going to Coco Village for the wedding.
It meant the world to Nami, so you wouldn't say no, but...small town wedding wasn't what you'd call picture-perfect.
When it all comes together, though, it's gorgeous.
So much better than anything you would have ever planned.
The tangerine orchard in the background, the sunset...it's better than perfect.
Sanji plans the menu and trains the staff, so the food is delicious.
Nami doesn't cry the whole ceremony, but when you pull about twenty different strings to present her with a picture of Bellemere at the end she's a mess.
"I love you. I love you so much."
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horsesarecreatures · 8 months
Attendees of the 2023 USEA Annual Meeting & Convention were in for a real treat with this year’s keynote speaker, Dr. Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin is an icon in the worlds of agriculture and autism and is most notably known for applying her own experiences as an autistic individual to her studies on how stress impacts both humans and animals. In this year’s keynote address, Dr. Grandin shared several different scenarios encountered in both her studies and the studies of her animal science students at Colorado State University that apply to the equestrian community. Take a look at some of our favorite takeaways from this year’s keynote address below:
1. Animals live in a sensory-based world. Get away from verbal language to understand animals and instead evaluate what is the animal hearing, smelling, and touching and use that to your advantage when exposing your horse to objects that often spook them.
“Sudden new things are scary for people with autism and for animals. If your horse is afraid of flags, don’t shove it in their face.," she said. "Decorate their pasture fence or arena fence with flags and let them walk up to it on their own.”
2. Exposure, conducted in the right manner, is the best training tool for your horse.
“A lot of animals lead sheltered lives," said Dr. Grandin. "I had a chance to go to the Keeneland Thoroughbred sale [Lexington, Kentucky], and the horses were terrified of the auctioneer because they hadn’t been trained for the sound of the auctioneer's voice. They also hadn’t been prepared for a strange groom or handler to hold them. What I realized was that when a horse was swapped from his regular groom to a new person, the horse became anxious and let out a giant shriek. I noticed that noise. I don’t think anybody wants to make that stressful mess, but they did. Now the horse was alone in this strange, creepy, scary new place, and his regular groom was gone. You have to expose your animals to enough different things.”
3. Horses think in pictures which can impact how and why they spook at certain objects.
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“This is an interesting study that one of my students did that explains why a horse might suddenly spook. If you look at this playset, you will notice that it looks totally different when it's rotated. My students walked young fillies and colts past this playset 15 times at the walk, until the horses just walked by it without stopping, raising their heads up, or flaring their nostrils. When this thing was turned, it became a new thing. It became something different.”
4. Everything feels different to horses at different gaits.
“The saddle feels different at a walk, trot, and canter," she said. "I suggest to students to put a backpack on and then walk, trot, and canter so they can see how it feels different. Sometimes you have to go slow and think about how you are going to introduce things to your horse. Since they are sensory-based, it is much more specific.”
5. Animals are very fear specific. Keep that in mind when dealing with a horse who habitually exhibits fear as a response to certain stimuli or when trying to expose a horse to something new.
“This horse was terrified by black cowboy hats because he associated a really bad experience with a person wearing a black cowboy hat," she said. "So black cowboy hats were very frightening, but white cowboy hats were fine—it was very specific. Now, if I put the black cowboy hat on the ground, it was a lot less scary, but as I brought that hat toward my head, it got more and more scary. And the problem with fear memories is that they are very, very difficult to get rid of. So let's try to not have that.”
6. Animals have emotions and, just like in humans, each animal or each horse is going to be very different in the way they manage their individual emotions.
“Fear is a proper scientific word," said Dr. Grandin. "When I first started doing scientific research in the early '90s, I wasn’t allowed to use the word 'fear' as they said it wasn’t scientific to assign human emotions to animals. But now we know that animals have emotions; they definitely do. Fear is real, and some animals genetically are going to have higher fear responses than other animals. It turns out with me that my fear center is three times larger than normal. You can have animals that are higher fear or low fear. An animal that is high fear is an animal that gets scared more easily; their heart rate and cortisol levels go up more, and when you put that animal in a high-stress situation they are more likely to get sick.”
7. The best thing for your horse is to let them be a horse.
“We have to look at what animals need," she said. "Dogs in an animal shelter need 45 minutes every day of funsies with the volunteer, that is what they need because we have bred them to be social. A lot of horses need to get out and run around in the pasture just to have a chance to be a horse. I am concerned that some horses are so locked up in stalls. You’ve got stallions with abnormal behavior? It’s because they have never learned that give and take of social relationships with other animals. Does the animal have a life worth living? Does it have a positive, fun, experience? Does it get to do things it likes to do? For a horse, that is getting out and running around. You want to let the horse have positive, happy experiences.”
8. Horses can be life-changing for people of all backgrounds, but especially for kids with autism.
“When I was in a regular high school, I got bullied and teased for being autistic," Dr. Grandin shared. "So I went away to a special school where horses became my life. The only place I had friends was when I was riding horses or getting horses ready for shows. I learned how to work with horses and there are a lot more troubled teenagers today who cleaning horse stalls, taking care of horses, and getting involved could be the best thing that has ever happened to them.”
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
Cooking was a lot like sword fighting. There were rules, and a routine to follow to get better at it. But repetition alone wasn't enough to be good, you had to understand the fundamentals. Which ingredients go with what, and what combinations to avoid. Mihawk had a lot of time to study this back at his home in Kuraigana, cooking for the two kids that literally got delivered to him by a stork 20 years too late. Zoro loved his food, but didn't care much for the process, not that he had time to spare from his sword training. But Perona came into the kitchen to help him sometimes. She was more interested in baking, which was unknown terrain to Mihawk and kind of terrifying, because it was a lot easier to mess up.
He wrapped his arms around his black satin nightgown as he knelt slightly to check the oven. Thankfully, the bread had risen well. He got up and picked up some eggs to get started on an omelette as two men walked into the kitchen, one being dragged by the other.
"Good morning." The taller man grumbled under his breath as he threw the other man on one of the chairs. He was wearing green pyjama pants and no shirt, displaying his muscles and scars to the world. He sat down beside the sleeping clown and picked up the newspaper on the table, his hook ripping through the paper. But the man started reading as if it didn't phase him at all. It never did.
"Good morning to you as well. Slept well?"
"As well as I could."
Mihawk put the whisked eggs aside and walked over to his lover to give a chaste kiss to his lips.
"What about him?" He asked, pointing to Buggy who was quietly snoring and drooling on the table. He made a move to gently shake the clown but a hand wrapped around his wrist to stop him.
"Leave him be. He must be tired."
Mihawk lips curled slightly as he moved back to the kitchen counter to lightly butter a pan, while Crocodile's eyes fell back on the newspaper. A loud sizzle filled the quiet space as Mihawk poured the egg mixture into the hot pan.
"Straw Hat is wreaking havoc again."
"When is he ever not?"
"Your Zoro seems to be doing well too."
Plating the food was also an important part of the process, according to seasoned chefs. Mihawk didn't quite get it, but he tried to honor their code. He would be very angry if anyone broke the code of swordfighting, so he tried to apply the same respect to other art forms. He gently placed the grilled tomatoes on Crocodile's plate, none for Buggy of course. Instead he used some ketchup to draw a cute clown face on his omelette. It wasn't the best or anything, but Mihawk was very proud of it. He knew Buggy would love it too, the sentiment was there. He took the plates and walked over to the table, putting the food in front of his lovers.
"Buggy, darling, wake up."
Buggy groaned and whined as Mihawk gently poked him. "Stop it, Hawkyyyy."
"Just get up, clown. It's already quite late. You need to eat to get through the day. We have that business meeting with that old fart today, remember?"
Buggy finally lifted his head from the table, his hair all over the place, the bun he put it in last night barely holding it together. His lips were shiny with drool and his shirt was falling off his shoulder, probably because he stole it from one of them.
"I forgot about that... Do I have to, Croccy? You're the one who deals with business stuff!"
"Yes, you're right. You don't have to do a single business thing. All you have to do is sit down and look pretty."
"That's hard too! Sometimes! No one understands the struggles of being too hot and charismatic."
Crocodile put down the newspaper he was reading to finally start eating as Mihawk sat down with his own plate. "Just shut up and eat." He said in his low voice, but there was no bite to it. Not anymore. They had gotten through their differences, and grown.
Mihawk smiled as he took a bite from the food. It wasn't perfect, but it sure felt like it as he watched the other two men clearly enjoy his cooking. Two years ago today, he was probably sulking around in his mansion on Kuraigana. He would have never guessed back then, that he would end up where he is now.
Mihawk was a man of routine and rules, but this once he had to admit: Sometimes change is good.
@kittaykattz this is super short but hope you enjoy
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acesandocs · 3 months
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The gang indulges in some unrestrained summer fun!
This has been a wip for gosh knows how long, but I managed to get it done. It started with just Maire but then everyone got to join in.
The gang mostly belongs to @libras-interactives Lottie belongs to @maryannsstrawberry i belive. So sorry for misattributing her to Libra. Who has custody of Little Lottie I'm still unsure of tho.
Individual pngs below (theyre suposed to be transparent, but i guess tumblr can just decide not to do that sometimes. free website and all that), as well as art thoughts.
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We’ll go from left to right
Jack: I feel like if Jack is going to the beach he need some protection from the sun. So along with a early 1920s style mens swimsuit, he’s also got a sun hat and a housecoat. I based it of a womans house coat as they look very light and breathable which probably helps with the heat while keeping him safe from sun. House coats were also generally not uncomon to wear on the beach. I also just like messing around with gender presentation in my art. I’m sure Marius approves.
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Marius: Marius is sporting a mens bathing suit from the late 1920s. As he is very fashion forward I felt it fit him to wear something a bit more up to date. His fur pattern does make it look like he was wearing shorts and a t shirt and got sunburned lol. I based his fur on Eveline’s and the photos of the cat he was based on. Maybe a gradient would make it look a bit less silly idk. Feel free to weigh in if you have any ideas.
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Eveline: I know Eveline prefers clothing from the late 1900-1910s more but I really loved how she looked with her hair up. I based her bathing suit on a 1920s version but added a few flairs to give it a bit more of a retro vibe for the time.
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The Lotties: I gave Lottie a bathing suit with a belt and a cap. As per the laws of the Lackadaisy-verse her ears are tucked safely into her cap. No ear holes here. I wanted to give her a beach bag but I couldn't find any type of purse specifically for that so she’s got a shopping bag instead. I felt she needed somewhere to keep little Lottie's beach toys and sun screen, speaking of: She is wearing a very normal child's bathing suit. Not much to say on it. I focused more on her posing than her fashion.
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Máire: the original name for this drawing when I was just planning on drawing her was bathing beauties… Anyway, she strikes me as someone who uses her time at the beach to relax and look good while doing it. Her swimsuit is based on something I saw on Pinterest. It had flowers painted on it which strikes me more as being ornamental. Shes also a pair of fashionable heals and a parasol.
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And last but not least Malwina: Malvina’s bathing suit is technically from 1926, so maybe she is just way ahead of the trends. Her shoes are laced beach shoes. I feel like shed take the opertunity to enjoy the fresh air, and swim in the cooling water. Maybe check out some cute boys. I think shed enjoy having a day where she can just be a normal teenager.
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Mc is probably around. Maybe off buying soda pops for everyone.
My main source for most of this was vintage dancer
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece straw hat post-ts redesigns part 4: monkey d luffy
i like him a lot he’s really cutie patootie! i didn’t have any qualms about his original outfit, i just wanted to apply my own style to it! ignore the weird scribbly inconsistent and maybe mildly overdone shading, i literally did it like 5 minutes before i made this post just cause i was messing around. and then i happen to like it more! i really should shade my work even if its just a sketch it helps with color contrast and vividness so much omg
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what i wanted to do most, like my previous designs, is add influences from where he was during the time skip! tho luffy was out in the wild, and completely alone for a good portion of it, i’d like to imagine the kujas made him his new clothes! i took the flower pattern from boa’s skirt and on luffy’s repaired vest from the amazon lily arc and applied it as embroidery and ribbon on the shorts! and i’d like to imagine boa would give him jewelry maybe before he left for sabaody archipelago, cause she’s in love with him…, so i modeled his anklet after her earrings. i made the snake eating its own tail to make it an ouroboros (ignore how i spelt it wrong in the image…), representing eternity and reincarnation. but ive applied it to luffy in the concept of inherited will (he’s taken on the goals and aspirations of shanks, gol d roger, his crew, and given them new life). also kinda how joy/nika is eternal and luffy’s g5 awakening is kind of a reincarnation.
but so while the finer details are inspired mostly by the kuja, the shapes/structure of the outfit pieces are based off of luffy’s influences and mentors!
i noticed luffy probably wears a cardigan post-ts to mirror rayleigh’s clothes pre-ts, but since i didn’t like luffy’s cardigan all too much, the hoodie is supposed to mirror ray’s hooded cloak
luffy wears shorts above/middle of the knee, but i made them longer so they look kinda like ace’s! i was gonna add pockets too but i forgot… he also wears some of ace’s beads and one of the theatrical mask charms (i think sabo wears the frowning one, so there’s technically some sabo refs in there too)
i wanted to include references to sabo, but i wasn’t sure how due to their really different styles… i hope i can come up with something to update this design soon ;-;
the epaulettes (fringed shoulder pads) and folded collar on the black coat are supposed to look like gol d roger’s coat! while its color makes it look like luffy’s coat from the end of the wano arc, which specifically is supposed to look like shank’s coat too! and it’s made of animal fur, so like an altered version of luffy’s disguise cloak given to him by boa before the fish man island arc. technically the shape is also pretty simple to garp’s navy coat, but that’s probably just cause they’re a similar style
no references to dragon… cause he wasn’t there to have any real influence on his son, despite how him and luffy just so happen to take similar life paths. but i made luffy’s skin tone darker and warm toned similar to his father and grandfather’s.
oh also the patterned pants are supposed to be similar to rayleigh and shanks’s ugly little patterned pants too
other fun little tidbits:
luffy’s right ear is torn! my hc is that when he was little, he wanted earrings to look like a cool pirate like shanks and his crew! so maybe makino or one of his brothers did it for him, but he couldn’t sit still for long enough, making it pretty high up on his earlobe and unable to sit down for the other one lol. idk what kind of earring it used to be, maybe a tiny seashell!
ok sad part now! it got torn off when luffy was kidnapped and beat up by the bluejam pirates…
ok not sad part now! i think nami got chopper to pierce luffy’s ears afterwards. cause she caught zoro on the verge of stabbing an unsterile sewing needle into luffy’s earlobes… cause they’re both stupid and luffy would trust him like that. luckily chopper has very sterile medical equipment!
the woven bracelet was made by usopp! its color is purely coincidental… luffy just wanted a purple one
the sash is now tied at the back to look like a monkey’s tail! i wanted to add more sun wukong/monkey king references, maybe instead of the sash there’s tassets or han yao/han bei similar to @/soaked-doors’ luffy design… idk
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here’s some closeups with and without the cloak!
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uuuh i don’t wanna talk about g5… it’s not really what i wanted to do at all… i’ll try again later…
anyways i hope yall like this one!! i love him a lot! obv any critique/constructive criticism or suggestions is welcome!! don’t expect anything new so soon… drawing men scares me and i can’t get zoro to look right ;-;
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weskin-time · 2 years
Theres Only One Bed...
Albert Wesker x GN!Reader
if you saw this post before no you didnt <3
Count- 3963 words
Summary- Youre a spy for STARS about to go on a mission, but this mission is also your yearly assessment where your captain tags along to judge your work on the field. Getting to the hotel was easy, but they only have one room open, and theres only one bed.
CW- GN reader so there is mention of 'Mx' being used for the reader
No description is used for the reader so have fun! This is the first fic ive posted on tumblr! reblogs and feedback is always nice thank you!
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Undercover missions were always your favorite. Getting a new name, cover, identity, it was so fun in a weird way. Being able to melt yourself into a new persona at the drop of a hat was always a talent of yours, something your high school theater teacher highly praised. If there was information needed, you were the spy to be sent before the STARS team would swoop in and deal with the issues.
Currently you were on an assignment, an easy one, just a simple gaining intel then book it kind of ordeal. There was one downside to this assignment though, this was also your yearly work assessment, where your captain would tag along either in the shadows on coms or with you in person to see how you are on the field. You've never failed an assessment before but to have captain Wesker listen in, breathe down your neck, or just be near you when you were working, freaked you out a bit, what if you messed up and it costed you your job? It never did though, and any minor slip up you had would be easily fixed in a heartbeat by you. You were a professional hired onto STARS for this exact role, and you were proud of what you did.
Wesker was to meet you at your currently temporary base of operations, which was a semi small hotel not too far away from where you would be working tomorrow, so you weren’t surprised when you pulled your car into the parking lot to see a completely sleek black unmarked van in the parking lot with your captain, in regular civilian clothes, leaning against the van waiting for you.
It was weird to see him in every day wear, in fact it felt almost wrong, naked even. He was wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up at his elbows, black dress pants, a watch on his wrist, and a black belt with a silver buckle tying his outfit together. Even as the day starting to fade into dusk, he still adored his sunglasses, which you were thankful for, he was already in civilian clothes it would be alien for him to not have his glasses too.
You pull into the parking spot next to him on the side where he’s leaning making sure to leave some room for him and you to get out of the car. A thought crossed your mind that if you feel like it’s weird to see him out of his uniform maybe he had the same feeling about you, sometimes you did feel weird when you weren’t wearing your uniform honestly. Putting the car in park and turning the key, you got out of the car and closed the door behind you gently. Wesker glanced up at you when you exited, his arms crossed.
My gods he looked amazing like this. There’s no shame in thinking someone is attractive and Wesker was very attractive. You looked him up and down once, trying to be subtle and not draw attention to the fact you’re checking out your boss. Your eyes were mostly drawn to his arms, the way his shirt hugged his muscles, the way the watch rested on his wrist, even at the angle he crossed his arms you could still see the veins that rose on his skin. The watch was just a nice silver with a black leather strap, and my gods did it make his hands look attractive.
You dragged your eyes off him and looked him in his eyes from behind his glasses, nodded at him, “Captain Wesker.” you greeted.
He nodded back at you greeted you in return by calling your last name. Hard to take the military out of a man you guessed.
There was little small talk about the mission and you both grabbed your bags from your respective cars before heading into the hotel lobby.
The lobby was cold as you walked in, and you took a in a deep breath, man you loved the way hotels smelled. There was a lady at the front desk who looked up your way when the sliding doors opened, she looked tired. Dragging your suitcase behind you with Wesker carrying a duffel bag, the two of you walked over to her and politely smiled.
“Good evening!” she slightly bowed her head in a polite greeting, “How can I help you two?”
“Hello,” you stood your suitcase up next to you as you leaned on the counter. “We would like to book a room please.”
“You’re just in luck, we have one last room available.” She typed something on her keyboard before confirming one room was okay, that the stay would only be for two nights, you signed some papers with your fake name and paid in cash, she told you about the pool hours and breakfast times.
“Alrighty Mx. and Mr. Doe, your room is on the top floor, the elevators are to the left of you. Y’all have a great night!” She slid two keys on the desk to you.
You grabbed the keys before you even registered what she said. Instantly you were flustered, jaw dropped slightly like a fish, before you straightened yourself out and thanked her before grabbing your suitcase and turning away. Your brain was on fire and you felt heat rise from your chest to your neck enveloping your face, your cheeks felt warm but you had to swallow it down.
Passing your boss on your way to the elevators you noticed a small amused smirk on his face. “Yes, let’s go, dear.” He turned his attention to you and began to follow after you. Any notion of any training left your brain for a second, was he teasing you or was he helping solidify y’all’s cover? You wanted to rip that smirk off his face, it made your heart flutter and made your stomach feel like it was in your throat. It was a suffocating feeling that you never really liked all too much, but you had to stop your brain to be able to calm your nerves.
Dear. The way it fell off his lips. The gravel of his voice saying the word, directed at you, rather convincingly that you were his spouse was enough to make your head fuzzy. He called you dear. It made your skin turn to flame, if you thought just being mistaken for being married was bad enough this was the one thing to kill you. He said it like he’s called you by this pet name a thousand times, it fell so easily off his lips, like it was your second name. Wesker must have been good at having a fake identity because there was no way he could say such a simple little phrase and make it sound so earnest.
The way to the room was a blur to you honestly, you were so busy trying to not think of his damn smirk, how he called you dear, and the woman mistaking you for being married, that you didn’t really pay attention to your surroundings. The elevator ride up was short but suffocating. You wanted to just get into your room and lay on your bed and sleep. You wanted to lay in the uncomfortable mattress and sleep until your alarm goes off to get ready for the intel snag. You didn’t want to wake up in the morning and get dressed and ready to be spied on while you spied on some illegal activity. The hallway was long and kind of creepy, the silence between you and Wesker was not uncomfortable but also not completely comforting, just the feeling of being in the break room not wanting to talk to each other. You arrived at your door and unlocked it, pushing the door open and lugging your suitcase in, moving out of the way to let your boss walk through first into the room. He made his way past the bathroom and into the main bedroom area as you closed the door and stood your suitcase by the closet.
“Hey captain, did you by chance bring any fingerprint powder? I have a small bit left.” You spoke up for the first time, rummaging through the front pocket of your case looking for said powder. There was a pregnant pause, Wesker hadn’t said anything which caused you to look to him. He stood facing away from you at the end of the small hallway, the wall blocking you from seeing what he was looking at.
“Wesker?” You cocked your head.
He let out an amused scoff as if he was broken from a trance, “Well. She definitely did think we were a couple.”
Your heart sunk and you hoped what he implied wasn’t true, standing up you made your way on over to him to see what he was seeing, and to your embarrassment only one bed was in the room, no couch, no nothing. Just the bed. The one single bed. The one single king-sized bed neatly made up. Wesker turned to look down at you and you glanced up at him. That damn faint smirk was on his face again, you wanted to tear off his sunglasses so you could tell what he was thinking and feeling. You think you can see a slight pink color on his cheeks but you can’t tell complete in the dark room.
You snapped out of it, “I’m so sorry Wesker, I’ll go down there right now and ask for another room for you, normally they give me two beds, she didn’t even ask me if I wanted two beds. And then she thought we were married so she must have thought we wanted one bed. I’m so sorry captain I’ll go down and have this fixed right away.” you were rambling in your embarrassment under Wesker’s gaze. You felt like you were a rookie again handing in the wrong files of paper work for your first assignment, you had a fear in the back of your head that this would get you fired for this, even if you knew you weren’t.
“She said this was the last open room if i recall correctly.” He stopped you from your rambling. You were so confident and flustered that you forgot what she had said. There was no other room for you to get changed out for, this was the only room.
“You’re right, sorry sir. I must have forgotten what she said.” You straighten out and reach to turn on the lights in the room.
There was a sigh as Wesker moved to put his stuff down on one end of the room, “There is no need to be formal, your assessment doesn’t start until the morning.”
“What about sleeping situations?” It’s better to get the question out now before it eats at you.
He paused for a second, he was facing away from you again as he opened his bag looking for something, “hmm.” he pondered for a second. “Shifts. You sleep first, then I will wake you up, take turns.”
“No offense Wesker,” you took a quick glance at his ass in the tight pants he wore. “But I’m not about to have you tired and judge my performance on the field.”
He gave a single light breath of a chuckle, “Oh? Don’t want to get a low score?”
“I don’t want to get pay docked because you’ve ended up sleeping on the job.” you follow with a laugh. The tense air broke and you were back to how you normally were with Wesker. Banter was rare with him, but when the two do you were alone you did enjoy it from time to time.
“Alright then, what else do you have in mind? We can’t get another room and if you haven’t noticed, there is only one bed and two of us.” He turned to face you and asked.
Your confidence faltered, there was only one other way that you could think of and here he was wanting you to say it. The warmth returned to your face again as you looked away as he turned around to face you. He was setting you up to say it. He wanted you to say it as if he loved to see you flounder. You watched him as he took his sunglasses off and placed them on the desk in the room, his eyes never left your face as you looked away yet again not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“Well, I mean, if you don’t have a problem with it.” Your voice didn’t waver yet your mind did. It was freaking out and screaming. We’re you really about to suggest sleeping in the same bed as you really hot boss that already made your stomach flip just by your fingers touching as you handed him a coffee cup in the break room? It was the only solution, and honestly you weren’t too opposed on the idea. You took a deep breath and tried to make the next sentence you would say sound better than the jumbled flustered mess that your brain wanted to say.
“We could share the bed? It’s a king size so there’s more than enough room.” Instantly your face was hot. “We could even build a pillow barrier if you’re uncomfortable with the idea.” You added in a haze.
It was quiet for a moment. Wesker was thinking, you took a quick glance at him to see his eyes still on you, observing you. He was watching you squirm under his gaze at the mention of sleeping together. There was a glint in his eye that you didn’t know the emotion of but there was something there, almost as if he enjoyed dragging out the silence after your awkward question just to make you more embarrassed and uncomfortable. You locked eyes for a second before you glanced them down. It felt like a few minutes have passed of drowning in embarrassment, your heart mirroring a stampede in your chest. It felt forever but it was more like half a minute has passed before he took a breath in to respond.
“Hmm.” he mulled over it, as if trying to taste how his answer felt on his palate before answering. “It is our only option so it would seem.”
His answer didn’t really help your heart at all. The tension in your body both doubled and dissipated at the same time somehow. The question was asked and answered but now you had to actually sleep in the same bed as your boss. You wanted to escape the feeling. To be freed from the twisting feeling in your guts, but it wouldn’t end until you woke up the next morning, wake up to him in the morning. Your face was hot and your body was a flame, butterflies and moths made nests in your lungs and stomach as they flew around inside you, you felt like you were going to explode. So much for a being a seasoned spy who could change at the drop of a dime, it was easier when you were pretending to be someone else, but playing as yourself was a different story.
“Yeah, I’m sorry captain, I should have planned this out better.” you gave him no time to respond before you jumped topics, “I’m going to get my stuff ready for tomorrow and get in the shower before heading to bed for the night.” you explained as you moved to the hallway once more to grab your luggage to drag it into the bathroom with you.
He agreed and explained he would set up his post for tomorrow as well and head to sleep, you hoped he would be asleep before you got out of the shower. Setting up your costume and such wasn’t hard, just setting the outfit out along with a wig and some makeup, it was some work to be a new person but an easy set up the process wasn’t so much. The shower was also uneventful. Using all the provided soaps and such, thinking about the mission tomorrow, you tried your damndest to not think about the man outside the bathroom setting up for bed, what would he wear? What does captain Albert Wesker wear to bed? You mused yourself over the idea of him wearing a funny nightgown and cap like Scrooge wore even including the hand-held candle, funny white long johns, before your mind settled on him wearing just sweatpants. Sweatpants with his boxer band showing. Grey sweatpants. No shirt. You were going to melt in the shower and it wasn’t because of the hot water, you were now slowly killing yourself by imagining your boss in different outfits. Black tight spouse beater with grey sweatpants, a loose white tee with boxers; but your personal favorite to fantasize about was him shirtless with grey sweatpants, his watch still on his wrist as his hands were in his pockets, you imagined him to have a blonde happy trail on his stomach and that sent you to turn the hot water to cold. You almost screamed as it woke your body out of the trance it was in.
Getting out was the hard part. Knowing you had to face your boss in bed was worse than anything you’ve seen in your time on STARS, and you’ve seen some things. You took a deep breath while drying yourself off, focusing on keeping your heart down and your breathing calm as you dressed for bed. You gave yourself a little shake before you opened the door and turned off the light making your way to the main bedroom.
The room was dark, a dim light came from a lamp in the corner of the room on the desk but it did next to nothing to illuminate the bedroom. There was a microphone, a computer, and a few other things set up on the desk, you assumed the camera and ear piece were for you for your mission in the morning. You took a hesitant glance at the bed only to find your boss facing away from you sleeping on his side. The covers were pulled up to his waist and only revealed the black undershirt he wore. Honestly you were a little sad he wasn’t shirtless but you also know that you would die if you saw his back muscles and shoulder blades. A weight fell off your shoulders at knowing you didn’t have to converse with him before slipping into the bed, you could just do it right now. Making your way to the other side of the bed you glanced at the clock that read 9pm.
You tried your hardest to not move so much as you got under the covers, waking the sleeping captain next to you wasn’t something you wanted to do so you lay there stiff. You could feel him next to you, feel his heat, the way the bed dipped under his weight, it drove you a bit mad. Here you were, lying next to your very attractive boss in the same bed, he was lucky he could fall asleep in a situation like this, your mind just raced with thoughts, thoughts of him. You couldn’t even relax in this bed; it was calling for you to untense your muscles and let sleep take you but just being able to hear Wesker’s soft breathing next to you kept your eyes open and your body rigged. You could feel his warmth from under the covers that the two of you shared, you could hear his soft breathing, you could feel the slight rise and fall of the blanket, it was intoxicating.
You couldn’t sleep. Glancing at the clock you find about forty-five minutes have passed with you just lying there with your eyes open. You sigh and wiggle a bit to try and get comfy but you instantly regret it. Wesker let out a small yawn as he pulled the comforter off him to twist around to lay on his other side, to face you. It all happened so fast you didn’t even notice what was happening. You watch as the very much asleep Wesker reaches his arm and wraps it around your midsection to pull you close to him, meeting in the middle of the bed, he used his other arm to slide under your head and used his hand to cradle your head, pushing your face into his chest, instantly your arms fold in between the two of you, pressed up against his stomach and your chest.
He’s,,, He’s asleep, but here you are, the new teddy bear for Albert Wesker. Youre tense in his arms as you both still, your eyes wide and you try not to move to not wake him up. There’s a pause before he moves again, mixing his legs with yours, which somehow pulls you even more flush against him. Your red-hot face was smushed against his chest where you could hear him breathing and his heart beating. He held you in a loose yet vice grip, the arm around your waist felt like it was burning. The fire of your face came back but this time worse and it swarmed your entire body in a flush.
If you thought today was already enough to make you die instantly this was the kicker, the real nail in the coffin. Your boss was now cuddling with you, something you didn’t think he could do with his hard and stone cold deminer, but with the way his legs were intertwined with yours makes you think it’s a perfect fit. If you were a computer this was how you bluescreened. You were somehow stiffer in his arms than you ever have been in your entire life, your senses were overloading. You could smell the body wash and cologne he wore, it smelled of apple cider and pine, like a autumn mix with a hint of spring, it smelled expensive and warm and nothing like what Chris or Barry wore. It made your head spin in the best way. You could feel his skin pressed against yours, soft and warm, you wanted to drag your fingertips across it in gentle patterns. Your heart sounded like a stampede in your chest. You could hear his gentle breathing and heartbeat, slow, soothing, and comforting.
You focused on his breathing, and soon began to match it. If you were stuck in this situation you were going to take full advantage of it and deal with the repercussions of your actions later, right now you wanted to be a little selfish, you wanted to enjoy this accidental moment to the full extent. Your body began to slowly relax in his arms, the sound of his heart comforting in ways you never knew existed. Your eyelids soon began to burn and droop, they begged you to close them, to make friends with sleep, every time you blinked, they drooped lower and lower. You took a risk and shifted in his arms, snuggling closer to his chest you made yourself more comfortable, moving your head so it was just under his chin and resting on his chest. You complied with your body and closed your eyes, it wasn’t long before sleep came to take you, but as you were right at the cusp of unconsciousness you felt something soft press against your forehead. You could hear something being said but it was muffled and sounded like it was underwater, the only word you could make out was 'dear', at least you think that was what was said, but by the time you realized it you were already asleep in the arms of the man you have feelings for.
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weirdmarioenemies · 7 months
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Name: Mr. Blizzard
Debut: Super Mario 64
Who ordered the Funny Snowman? Not you, because this is a blog and not a restaurant, silly! You are just so silly. But between you and me, I am a fan of Funny Snowman, so I will humor you!
Mr. Blizzard is one of the first snowmen to appear in the Mario series, and the one who would become the most iconic and recurring. This is something he should be proud of, since Super Mario 64 has a bunch of snowmen in it! But one of them based his whole identity around missing his head, and the other one is an entire location. Gimmicks that make them memorable, sure, but not very versatile for future use!
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Mr. Blizzard's design really notably uses billboarding, the graphical trick where a sprite will always face the camera, giving flat circles the appearance of spheres in a slightly blurry 3D world. Snowmen are SO orbs! Some of the most orbs guys I can think of! It was a very good decision. Mr. Blizzard is honestly slightly unconventional compared to other cartoon snowmen, with no nose- nay, nary a carrot- and a simple line mouth, rather than the typical "series of dots" mouth that we know and love. Instead, it has a blank, autism creature face, with its eyes and mouth seemingly made of the same material! Mouth made of eye, or eyes made of mouth? You won't know until you kiss him on the lips!
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Nowadays, Mr. Blizzard uses a new design, which I also like a lot! This time he has a scraggly mouth because he is, as I assume he would say, "not too sure about this one, guys". He now has snow buttons on his torso, revealing that he was previously NAKED down there, and he also wears a bucket as a hat! That's one of those things that's so common in Japanese media, but in Western media it's always a top hat. So funny how one cartoon snowman had such influence on media! The average snowman-builder is much more likely to own a plastic bucket than a top hat!
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Mr. Blizzard's main Thing is his single arm, adorned with a cute little mitten, which he uses to throw snowballs. Do you think that's like throwing his own flesh? I don't think so. If clothing buttons and igloos can also be made of snow, I think snow is just the building block of a snowman's world. But still, imagine some cattle throwing delicious meatballs at each other. Messed up! How would they even do that with hooves? Would they use their tongues like slingshots? What was I talking about? Where am I?
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Oh yes! I am in "Snow World". Mr. Blizzard is a recurring enemy snowman, but Mario's world is also full of morally neutral living snowman, who DO have carrot noses, thank goodness. These snomonculuses are obstacles on snowy Mario Kart courses, but it's kind of rude to refer to them as that. Is a pedestrian an obstacle to a driver? Suffer, vehicles, as I wield my high level spell called "right of way"!
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In Mario Kart Tour, these entities are exclusively referred to as Snowpeople! Gender? They hardly snow 'er!
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venuscnjunctpluto · 2 years
Astro pt 3.
Credit: @venuscnjunctpluto
(I’m on spring break and literally have 50 other things I should be doing but we’re back at it again folks😝)
Venus conjunct saturn women 🤝 men w mommy issues
The worst moon square moon beef I’ve seen is Taurus and Aquarius. Both won’t let it go like the Taurus moon thinks they’re making sense while the Aquarius moon wants to seem unbothered it’s a mess.
Taurus Venus people are so beautiful (ex: Victoria Monet, Ariana Grande, Leighton Meester, Cillian Murphy, Matthew Gray Gubler, plus my mom💕)
There are three types of Aquarius risings: one who walks around in pajamas and chokers, one who is legit a model, and the one who wears graphic t shirts and multiple finger rings)
Also I notice a lot of aqua rising women love dressing masculine (ex: Zendaya, Nicki Minaj, and Aaliyah) if you see a girl w her pants sagging with her hat turned backwards w every color of the rainbow on. just know she’s a aqua rising.
Sag Venus women are bisexual ex: Erica Mena, Nicki Minaj, and me lol
Most kpop stans have libra placements and this is coming from a libra moon
Underdeveloped Men w Fixed sign placements are such incel. Leo esp mars when their ego gets hurt they cannot take it. Aquarius thinks they’re too good and smart for women so they can’t understand why no one wants to be around them. Do I even need to explain Taurus and Scorpio?😭
Pieces Venuses are down bad ex: the men crave a manic pixie dream partner and when they can’t live up to the natives fantasy; they cheat. The women are usually loyal but they are blind asf and will neglect and abandon their relationships w others just for their partner who may or may not be trash. On a good note; they are very very very giving in relationships and so sweet but just because y’all can give doesn’t mean you have to constantly.
Brent faiyaz and Jungkook have Scorpio Mars😮‍💨 I don’t know what it is but I wanna date one so bad. What’s y’all experiences?
Certain signs and placements date people w similar charts. Like I notice Taurus suns usually date eachother bc who else is about to put up w them (just kidding…no I’m not🙂) also Scorpio placements (ex: future and Ciara, Megan fox and machine gun Kelly, Karruche and Chris brown…these are terrible examples😭)
As far as Venus conjunct ascendant synastry…I honestly only feel the tension when I’m the ascendant. Whenever my Venus conjuncts someone’s asc it doesn’t really move me like I don’t think they’re unattractive I just don’t really gaf. Their personalities are fun because my sag Venus and mars knows they can take a joke. I think Scorpio/8th house doesn’t really care too much about looks and appearances. In fact I notice Scorpio Venus men view the people they date as beneath them in some way and they do that to feel comfortable as if that person can’t get better and leave or cheat.
I always tell people I don’t have a type which I kinda don’t aesthetically but: Virgo rising, moon-Pluto or Scorpio moons, Virgo mars, Taurus suns w aqua moons, air venuses or mars, libra risings, Scorpio mars😚
Blueface and Chrisean have Venus square pluto synastry. When I say they are the most exaggerated example of this synastry it’s crazy. She clearly seems trauma bonded and believes she’s truly in love with this man (Venus). While he’s using her for money (pluto) and maintaining control over her at all times. That’s another thing w Venus Pluto synastry the venus person looks worse in the public eye because we’re always outwardly vulnerable (the good and bad) while Pluto doesn’t show just how insane they are overtly. But he’s the jealous one because peep how mad and aggressive he gets when she gets any sort of attention outside of him (ex: when Drake followed her and he twisted it to be related to him) Pluto really thinks they OWN the Venus person like that Brent lyric “they only wanna fuck with you cause they know I fuck with you” that’s their mentality. (They’re both physically abusive to eachother and need to breakup asap)
Also everyone talks about how much she’s changed for the worst since she got w him. Her missing tooth and getting multiple tattoos of that man. I’ve seen this guy w his Venus square his ex’s Pluto and he looked terrible while w her and when they broke up he got hisself together. My conjunction synastry took me from wearing bold colors to black for months😭
Sag placements esp Venus or mars men are bow legged asf
Lana Del Rey’s catalog is the epitome of 8th house stellium. Constant changes, a certain loneliness that doesn’t go away, learning and growing, but also never giving up hope.🦋
Cancer mars men and their pregnancy fetish…lil durk has like 5,000 kids and his ex India said that she wanted another baby because of how affectionate he was when she was pregnant.
A lot of football/soccer player have air mars. (Ex: mason mount, kylian mbappe, phil foden)
Women w sun-Neptune, Uranus, pluto may have terrible relationships w men bc of their relationship w their father
Aqua, sag, and cap placements are funny asf😭 I’m one of them and I don’t even try but people are always dying laughing around me
I’ve been in two “lust” triangles and both pairs had one Taurus placement friend and one Scorpio placement friend. The Taurus friend (literally both of them had birthday two days apart) liked me and had their Scorpio friend (one was a Scorpio Venus and the other was a Scorpio mars) spy on me or maybe they just offered😭 long story short the Scorpio friend ended up liking me in both situations I just✨felt✨ it. Taurus and Scorpio are both sneaky and possessive they have opposite energy and it’s very likely they could like the same people. It gets complicated because Scorpio is more likely to keep their crush a secret which can cause unintended overlap.
Capricorn mars: I don’t get mad like I rarely get upset😐
Us all hearing them yell behind closed doors and come out like nothing happened:
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suzukiblu · 1 year
👉👈 do you have any more of the dubcon ( ;3c dubKON lol) tim//kon thing with the pining kon?
. . . I actually am not even sure what fic you're referencing so maaaaaybe I have written too many fics, lol.
But like, here's an excerpt from something that at least fits that definition?
Superboy fucking hates Gotham.
Well, not necessarily Gotham, but definitely the Riddler and probably Poison Ivy and, like . . . whoever the fuck else decided to set up a goddamn murder-box puzzle room and lock him in it with a drugged-out-of-his-mind Robin and the worst set of instructions ever.
And especially he hates the fact that apparently the whole damn mess was fucking livestreamed.
"This sucks," he mutters under his breath. Robin stares at him from the other side of the briefing table in the middle of the Batcave, because of course Superboy's first time in the Batcave would only happen because he'd fucked up. Like–of course it would.
"I sexually assaulted you in a supervillain deathtrap in front of the entire internet," Robin says very, very carefully. "And we only survived the experience because said deathtrap had faulty wiring. And that . . . 'sucks'?"
"I mean, very much so, yes," Superboy says. Honestly he's more annoyed about the deathtrap than anything else. Like, he tried really hard to solve that stupid puzzle of Riddler's and it's really annoying that he apparently got it wrong. Which–okay, he was pretty distracted at the time because drugged-up Robin had refused to settle for a handy and had basically bullied him into going down on him, but still. That asshole Riddler and his lame-ass bowler hat had been very fucking clear about how said drugs weren't gonna wear off without Robin getting off and how they'd had very limited time to solve his stupid puzzle in, so Superboy had just kinda tried to . . . multitask it, basically. He'd let out-of-his-mind Robin shove him down and fuck his mouth and just kept his hands on the floor so he could use his TTK a little easier and tried to solve the stupid puzzle with it, just in case Robin wasn't gonna snap out of it fast enough.
It'd very literally been a puzzle, for whatever reason–like one of those weird abstract-looking 3D ones–and probably would've been a lot easier to figure out if he'd actually been able to see it as opposed to having to rely on his TTK feeling it out while the whole thing was all wired up to the table on the opposite side of the deathtrap room, but apparently it hadn't even fucking mattered anyway because of whatever that one fucked up bit in the wiring had been. So like . . . Superboy basically violated a guy he barely knows and already had weird feelings about for no fucking reason whatsoever.
So yeah. This definitely sucks.
"I called you a whore," Robin says, his face absolutely expressionless. Superboy makes a face at him more to be contrary than anything else. "Multiple times. You asked me to stop yanking your hair so hard and I called you a mouthy bitch. And then I yanked your hair harder."
"I mean, I know, I was there," Superboy says, raising an eyebrow at him. And also, like, those are accurate assessments of his character, so . . .
"I made you get down on your knees and shoved my dick in your mouth," Robin stresses, his jaw going tight. "Which was livestreamed and is now on the internet. Where it will never go away. Ever. And anyone who feels like it can just go and google it."
"They probably shouldn't, I'm assuming that'd count as underage porn," Superboy says with a shrug. "At least, I'm not eighteen yet, dunno about you. Actually I'm like . . . two, max. Probably not even that. Although I dunno, I was sixteen-ish when I got out of Cadmus, maybe I do count as eighteen by now? Technically?"
Robin gets up and goes over to the trash can by the computer and throws up in it. Superboy . . . blinks.
"Uh," he says. "You okay, man?"
"No," Robin says. Then he throws up in the trash can again.
Awkward, Superboy thinks, trying not to wince.
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starsurface · 4 months
I had an idea for an angsty one! Padded babyspace MK1 Liu getting homesick for his old timeline and missing Dada, while being ultra clingy to Rai Rai?
And maybe the cozy flip side of that, MK11 babyspace Liu being ultra clingy-cuddly and snuggly with Dada Raiden?
So sorry for how late this post is!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden w/ Clingy Babyspace Liu Kang MK1 Hcs
🌩️ Sometimes Liu Kang gets really, and i mean really, bad memories of his old timeline
🌟 ^ These moments make him feel incredibly icky, physically and mentally
🌩️ He doesn’t wanna get up, he deosn’t want to do his Godly duties, he just wants to hang out with his Lao, or cuddle his Kitana, or show his Dada his new pretty picture, so he just kinda rots in bed, feeling too little and unwilling to getup and face the changes he made
🌟 Raiden’s the one to come check on him, since he had to personally train with Liu Kang for the Tournament and Liu didn’t show
🌩️ He wasn’t expecting to see Liu hiding in bed with his old monkey plush, face full of tears and deep in babyspace
🌟 This isn’t the first time Liu Kang’s had a bad memory that causes him to regress, but it’s definitely been the worst so far
🌩️ Normally he'll rush to Raiden (or Kung Lao, depends on the memory), trying to pretend that it's his Lord Raiden (which Raiden will softy, but very firmly, shoot down)
🌟 But right now, Liu’s tiny tiny, and even when Raiden tries to shoot him down, he’ll just shake his head and call him Dada on repeat, as if he’s wishing it was him instead
🌩️ It really breaks Raiden’s heart seeing him like this, so distraught and upset, knowing he can’t really do anything to help other than be there for him, and that he technically isn’t even the one that Liu Kang wants anyways
🌟 He’ll gently coax Liu Liu out of bed, getting him into a nice bath to help him feel less icky
🌩️ It does help!! Atleast a little bit. While he’s upset about having to put his monkey plushie away, the bubbles make him very happy (also helps him not as physically icky)
🌟 Raiden knows how deep Liu is in babyspace, and he’ll put him into some padding, which Liu doesn’t actually fuss too much about
🌩️ He’s more fussy about the fact that Raiden has to put him down and he can’t stay in Raiden’s arms while Raiden changes him into something soft
🌟 But afterwards Raiden will sit Liu on his lap and brush his hair and it makes Liu very happy and a bit sleepy
🌩️ Raiden is not allowed to do anything without Liu Kang
🌟 Liu Kang has to be attached to his hip at all times, or else he’ll start fussing again
🌩️ The two spend the rest of the time outside, surprisingly
🌟 Mostly because Liu Kang wants to play outside, like he use to with his old Dada, but also because outside makes him feel better
🌩️ He’ll also wear Raiden’s hat, mostly because it’s like his Dada’s hat!!
🌟 Raiden doesn’t mind his hat being stolen, but he’ll still try to remind Liu Kang that he isn’t his Lord Raiden, he’s just Raiden
🌩️ Which causes another storm of crying because Liu Kang knows it’s not his Dada, but still really misses him
🌟 He does know that trying to pretend that Raiden is his Dada isn’t healthy or okay either, and he can’t make Raiden be something he’s not, even if it wasn’t a fate he ever wished for
🌩️ Raiden’s very patient about it all though, like really patient, and he’ll just let Liu Kang cry and babble to him, he’s hard a hard enough day as it is, and clearly this is more of a not regressed conversation to have with him
🌟 They spend the rest of the day decorating Raiden’s hat with stickers!! Or one of his extras!!
🌩️ It sounds a bit funny, but Lord Raiden would never let Liu mess with his hat, and this Raiden really doesn’t mind as long at Liu’s having fun and giggling instead of sobbing his eyes out
🌟 The regret Lord Liu Kang has about the whole situation when he’s bigger isn’t very fun, but Raiden’s always been a patient person with him, so it does end all okay
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Lord Raiden w/ Clingy Babyspace Liu Kang MK11 Hcs
⛈️ You thought you wouldn’t get more angst?
❤️‍🔥 WRONG! Think again! >:)
⛈️ You want to know a time that Liu Kang was ultra clingy-cuddle and snuggling with Lord Raiden?
❤️‍🔥 After the tournament
⛈️ During tornomant training
❤️‍🔥 When he was overworked and over stressed about having to win, about the aftermath of winning, where he was Champion and had all the pressure of being Champion
⛈️ It makes him tiny, small, and needing his Dada near him
❤️‍🔥 And Lord Raiden isn’t any better, he feels terrible for having Liu Kang slip so deep into babyspace because of his new training
⛈️ Or when Liu Kang starts having accidents from nightmares about the tornoment
❤️‍🔥 Okay I’ll be nice now-
⛈️ Liu Kang’s always on his best behavior around Raiden, especially while regressed (have you seen his face when he is with and without lord Raiden? He turns mishevious the moment he isn’t there)
❤️‍🔥 Liu Kang likes to show Lord Raiden all his pretty pictures, or the castle he just built, or anything that will get Lord Raiden to acknowledge and praise him 
⛈️ Not that Raiden doesn’t already praise him!! He just likes Dada’s attention (he’d probably be a bit of a tattle tail if it meant that Raiden was happy with him, especially if he’s littler)
❤️‍🔥 You know what gets Liu Kang out of trouble when Dada finds out he misbehaves? Puppy eyes
⛈️ Normally they don’t work at all, but Liu doesn’t like it when Raien’s mad at him, and that’s when he gets realyl cuddly with him (half to get out of trouble, the other half because he wants comfort)
❤️‍🔥 ^ This is mostly when he’s more ina a younger headspace, toddler Liu Kang has a bit more spite to him
⛈️ Baby Liu loves cuddles, especially Dada’s cuddles
❤️‍🔥 Raiden’s very tall, and he’s had a habit of making a lot of regressors feel small by his hugs
⛈️ Is Lord Raiden good at cuddles? . . . It’s like hugging a brick at times
❤️‍🔥 But that’s okay!! It just means that Liu can just cling to him and hang off him like a monkey!!
⛈️ Raiden would never admit it, but he also adores Liu Kang’s cuddles (he’s like a personal heater)
❤️‍🔥 Sometimes if Liu’s feeling really clingy but Raiden has important Godly work, he’ll let himwear his hat!!
⛈️ Liu Kang loves wearing Raiden’s hat!! He’s just like Dada now!!
❤️‍🔥 Although if Liu Kang can . . . he might follow Raiden to wherever he has to go do important big kid work (maybe he can color in the corner . . . or Raiden can just skip the entire event!! :D)
⛈️ Clingy Liu’s hard to get off Raiden, especially if everyone else is busy or Liu just really wants his Dada
❤️‍🔥 Raiden’s not against having Liu Kang come with him, but he does find it quite entertaining when Liu Kang ‘secretly’ (very loudly and giggly) follows him to his next meeting
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I dunno why but I was struggling writing this one. Hope you guys enjoyed it though!! :D
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rocksibblingsau · 5 months
Do you have any headcanons for Funk Branch being an older brother to Prince D (maybe even Copper later on)? How would he react if Prince D ever asked about him leaving, not that I can really see him asking that
Branch is very reluctant to be a brother to D, especially an older brother. He's terrified that D will end up like he was, left alone and broken. It's because he's become a big brother though that he begins to unlearn his self-blame. There's nothing D could do that would make him hate him. If D did the same thing Branch did, if his singing led Bergens straight to Essence and Quincy, Branch still wouldn't blame him. When D makes mistakes he doesn't view D as flawed.
So why did he hold himself to those standards?
Branch is constantly worried about being a big brother and all the ways he's failing, but D thinks he's the best. His big brother Branch is a nerd and he loves him so much.
They joke about the height difference a lot, with D being 'The biggest little brother he's ever had'. You know that one meme 'why is the dog on the counter'/'he likes to feel tall'? I like the idea that when Branch needs to put his foot down/win an argument he stands on whatever surface will make him taller. I could also see him using the shoes the funk trolls wear in the movie. You know the ones that grew taller during the 'assemble the crew' bit? I don't think he'd wear them much, but he's making even less eye contact with people than he normally would because his neck starts to hurt from looking up.
Cooper it's a lot more of a friendship than a full brotherhood, though Cooper kind of goes all in on it. "I've got a twin and a big brother and I didn't even know it!" D likes messing with Branch and so when he and Cooper hang out he'll be like "Wanna see something funny? Pick up those scissors."
Cue Branch coming out to yell about safety as the two snicker.
Cooper also likes to try and throw Branch off by taking off his hat and asking Branch to guess which brother is which. He gets a very 'Oh, this is going to be so hard, you're so similar.' in reply before Branch just puts Cooper's hat back on him.
By leaving I assume you mean if D would ask Branch if he'd ever want to go back to live with Pop/his family? I think D might have asked ask a young kid before they bonded but as adults he wouldn't. Though if he did, Branch would tell him he already knows that he's home with the funk fam.
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Ten
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Curse words, if that’s still a thing
Notes: Sorry this one is a little short, but I’ve got big ideas for upcoming chapters. Thank you guys for all the love so far, it means so much to me to hear your thoughts and see the notifications!
Word Count: 1900
Series Masterlist
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• March 13th, 2005 • Cullen’s Garage •
Ever since Jasper and I left my house in a hurry, I felt like I’ve been stuck in a haze. Like none of this is real. And even though I snapped at him on the ride over, he’s respected my decision and kept me either within arm’s reach or a hand touching me in some form. It’s the only thing keeping me here in the moment while controlled chaos continues to explode in his family’s garage.
I feel deft fingers unzipping my, or rather Jasper’s, jacket and sliding it from my shoulders. I grab at the hands to stop them, but it’s Jasper himself.
“I need to give it to Esme, for her to lure him with your scent. I also need your hat, sweetheart.” He explains gently.
I release his hands and nod, allowing him to take the articles from me. I shiver without his jacket to keep me warm and he immediately replaces it with a different hoodie, this time slipping it over my head.
“Another one of mine that I don’t mind letting you borrow.” He winks at me and it draws out a smile from me. I feel at home cocooned in his scent.
On the other side of Carlisle’s car I hear Edward arguing with Rose about carrying Bella’s scent. Emmett squeezes past us to throw some supplies in the backseat of his Jeep and turns to me.
“Be safe, Y/n/n?” I nod and he turns to his brother, “Take care of her and watch your back, alright tough guy?”
“Likewise, big guy.” Jasper replies, pulling him in for a quick hug with a smile before parting and opening the passenger door for me. Bella and Alice already waiting in the rear as I climb in and buckle up.
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• March 14th, 2005 • Outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona •
The entire trip south was a blur, what I assume normally is a two to three day trip, took us one day with minimal time for bathroom breaks and gas stops. Me being the designated one to refuel the car during the day since our protectors couldn’t exit the vehicle and Bella spent the majority of the ride in and out of sleep. I was grateful for the temporary duty, it felt like I was actually being helpful instead of sitting and waiting for something to happen, which I know might very well be my fate once we make it to Phoenix.
“All done, darlin’?” I shake myself from my day-dream, Jasper had cracked his driver’s side window and I meet his eyes in the side-view mirror.
“Oh shit-sorry.” I quickly put away the pump and screw the gas cap back on before hurrying back to the passenger side.
“You alright?” He asks quietly, giving me a sidelong glance as he directs the car back to the interstate.
“Mhmm.” I answer him, looking out of the window at the passing cars.
I feel a small hand slide onto my shoulder and give it a squeeze before it retreats to the back seat, Alice. I’m not really sure how to feel at this point, I mean - I am happy that Jasper is with me, lord knows I’d be a nervous mess worrying about him. But I can’t help it thinking of the others, Esme wearing my scent and Rose wearing Bella’s. Edward is the fastest and with his ability to read minds, he’s formidable. Carlisle is an extremely smart man and I know Emmett is strong for a normal vampire, but is he stronger than vampires that drink human blood? I shiver, human blood. The vampires after Bella and I want our blood. Just as I’m about to spiral down a path of panic for fear of not being able to protect myself, a large hand slides over my left thigh.
Raising his eyebrows in concern, Jasper gently smooths his gift over my panic to calm me down and combined with the distraction of his hand, it works. I don’t know what I would do without him, it’s like fate knew I couldn’t digest his world without his ability to control emotions. So I give him a sad smile and slide my hand on top of his, with him I can do this - we could do this.
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• March 15th, 2005 • Hotel - Phoenix, Arizona •
Alice and I picked a hotel for the four of us close to the international airport in Phoenix so that we might have an additional means of escape. That also puts us in the middle of a metropolitan area. Nowhere near a forest.
Nowhere near our food source.
And I’m confined to a room for who knows how long with my singer after having spent 24 hours with her in a car.
Yet another test of my precarious control.
Thankfully I fed myself before the baseball game and under normal circumstances I could go a little over a week until I needed another meal… but I exerted myself trying to mask the energy signatures surrounding the women in our group to the nomads to make them uninteresting. And staying in this room watching over the girls doesn’t help either.
“You won’t hurt them.” Alice tells me from her watchful position at the window, early morning light peaking in the crack in the curtains held open by her slender hand.
“Doesn’t make it any easier.” Taking calming breaths is a human technique, one that would increase the inferno in my throat. Meditation is all that can offer a modicum of peace, a skill I wish came easily.
I can feel her eyes assess me, even though my own are closed in concentration. “I can get us an adjoining room-”
I cut her off and crack an eye open, “And be further away? Absolutely not, I’d much rather suffer through hunger than adding a barrier from protecting you three for my comfort.”
“I’m not incapable of defending myself or the girls.” Her sharp tone makes me wince, so I give her my attention fully.
“I meant no disrespect… I know you are fully capable, but she is mine, Alice.” Surprise colors her emotions.
“She is your singer?” My sister questions in a gasp.
“You didn’t see that coming?” I joke with her, leaning back on the couch to stare at the ceiling.
She smacks my shoulder, “You know I’ve been preoccupied with Edward’s predicament with Isabella. The guy is as paranoid as they come!”
“I only figured it out Saturday, so it’s not like I’ve been sitting on the news for very long.” A sigh deflates my chest, “I haven’t told her.”
“You’ll find the right time when this is all over.” Her smile would be reassuring if I didn’t have the ability to sense the uncertainty in her emotions.
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I spent all day yesterday sleeping while occasionally texting my mom to check in. I passed off another lie that we were just waiting on her mom to get here from Florida and that I’d be staying with Bella for a few days until then. I hope the others catch the nomads soon, I hate lying to my mom and I’m running out of material that’s legitimate enough to keep her placated.
The worry drags me from my shared bed with my friend, Alice got us a suite but with only one bed so our locations wouldn’t be spread thin. Fine by me, I wouldn’t be able to stand a room to myself just waiting.
Exiting the bedroom into the sitting room, I spot only Jasper with no Alice in sight.
“She’s acquiring food for you two, the lobby has free breakfast and the sun has barely risen.” He explains, lowering the newspaper in his hands.
I sit sideways on the couch facing him with my legs tucked in close, far enough away that I’m not touching him. Our confined situation mustn’t be easy on him and I don’t want to add to the difficulty, but I’m like a moth to his flame.
“Did you get enough sleep? I heard you tossing and turning.” A strong hand reaches up to gently run along the indentions my pillow made on my cheek, not the most attractive thing to wake up with in the morning.
“I’m fine, just restless and worried.” I caress the hand on my cheek and lean into it.
His brows furrow slightly, “You’re safe here with Alice and I-”
“No-no, I’m worried about Esme, Rose, your whole family, mom…” I glanced down at my lap and pick at the seam of my shirt, well actually Jasper’s shirt-I did a pretty shit job of packing and he let me borrow one of his to sleep in - I’m trying to not think about that too hard.
“My family can handle themselves, we’ve survived this long for a reason.” Jasper reassures me calmly.
“Yes, but protecting Bella and I has pulled you and Alice away from them-“
“And they’ll be alright. Besides, I have what they want and we’re across the country.”
“If they get angry and-and hurt one of them…” I can’t finish my sentence, anything happening to any one of them for my sake is too much to consider.
Jasper pulls me in for a hug, turning me so that I’m sitting in his lap with my face pressed to his neck and his hands rubbing my back soothingly. “Sweetheart, there’s more of us than them and we have more gifts, the odds are stacked in our favor. Especially with Alice-“
Just then the aforementioned vampire sweeps gracefully into our hotel room with a stack of to-go containers. “My ears were burning, do continue.” She teases us with a sweet smile as she sets the food before us on the coffee table.
“Jasper was just telling me there’s no point in worrying when we have a badass like you on our team.” I wink at her before opening a container with a waffle and bacon, cooked exactly like I prefer.
“You seemed like a soft bacon kinda girl,” I chuckle at her, amazed at her predictive skills. “I’ll go wake Bella.”
As she dances through the bedroom door, I slide out of Jasper’s lap and to the floor next to him, leaning against the couch I dig into my food. “It really is a shame you can’t eat, I’d miss bacon entirely too much if I were a vampire.”
“Something you’ll never have to find out, darlin’.” He chuckles as he goes back to reading the paper, but his words don’t quite sit right in my stomach.
Never have to find out? I suppose I hadn’t really thought of that. One day I’ll be old and wrinkly, meanwhile he will always be this, always be young. My appetite begins to shrink at the thought. Fuck - one day he won’t want me, I’ll be old and-
The newspaper rustles, “What-”
But Alice and Bella walk through the door and cut him off before he could ask what was bothering me.
I don’t even know what I’d say.
That I don’t like the idea that we’re on opposite ends of the mortality spectrum? That I won’t have forever with him? That I might be falling in love with him and I’ll just have to get over it at some point and let him go?
Wait-falling in love with Jasper Hale?
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
cowboy readers and team run into his southern belle ex and maybe some jealous jj please 😍😍 love to see some jelly jj
Description: the BAU run into an old friend of cowboy reader while near his home town
Warning: jealousy, mentions past smoking addiction, that's about it
A/N: Hope you enjoy, this is after reader quits smoking
PART TWO (of this fic, this one is part one)
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas
It was a case close to home, now the case had been wrapped up, you planned on staying one more night (spend celebrating in the bar and then sleeping in the hotel) and then you were taking them to your house to meet your family. This case being close to home though, also meant that you could bring Buddy with you to see his grandparents (which is where he currently was whilst you had a night of freedom before staying at your parents house).
“Hey, (Y/N),” You looked up from the case file at Penelope, “Since we’re so close to where you grew up, do you think we can meet the family?” 
You faltered for a moment, “I mean, I’d have to ask my Mama, but can’t see why not,” You said with a shrug, getting your phone out and texting her, ignoring the ‘aww’s from Penelope and Emily as you did so. “I’ve asked,”
It didn’t take long for her to respond (a whole three minutes). “She says of course,” You said, Derek and Penelope both cheering. "She says we can head down whenever. There's a good bar close by if you wanna celebrate first?"
"Let's get a move on then!" Garcia declared.
You drove them all to the bar, missing your truck as you did so. SUV's always hit different. Three drinks in (three drinks for everyone else, you were still making your way through your first pint - you weren't a big drinker), a woman approached you.
"(Y/N)? No way!" You turn at the familiar voice and meet face to face with your ex, Rose. She looks good, she's wearing shorts and a tank top, matched with cowboy boots and a hat. She's still pretty. 'She ain't got nothin' on JJ,' A small part of your brain chimes in, but you shrug it away. Nothing could happen anyway. A twinge of sadness swept through your stomach.
"Rose? Oh wow, it's been a while,"
Rose laughs, "I'll say! How ya been?" She brushes her hair off her face as she talks and you grin.
"Not too bad, just workin' mostly," You say with a nod.
"Hey, cowboy, you gonna introduce us?" Morgan smirks.
"Everyone this is Rose, Rose this is Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, Hotch, Rossi, Reid, and last but not least The Penelope Garcia."
"Hi, it's so nice to meet y’all," Rose grinned.
"How do you know (Y/N)?" Garcia asked.
"Oh we dated through high-school," Rose nodded, "Thought it was true love," And you laughed as you rolled your eyes slightly. "We were idiots back then," She added.
"Thanks," You muttered sarcastically.
"What? We were, you started smokin' and I was a mess." Rose explained. "Did you finally stop that smoking habit then?" Rose asks, folding her arms.
"Yes Ma'am," You said with a nod, "JJ here forced me after I jumped back on the wagon,"
"She must be a very special lady if she could make you of all people quit."
"She guilted me into it," You tease lightly, shooting JJ a smile. You force the smile to stay as you see the hesitant smile JJ sent you. Had you said something wrong?
You were too caught up in talking to Rose, you didn't see JJ walking off. Or Emily following her.
"Hey, JJ, you okay?"
"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine," JJ said, fake smile in place.
Emily raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "Yeah and your sudden fowl mood has nothing to do with the attractive woman (Y/N) is talking to?" JJ sighed as she felt herself blush. "Ah, so I'm onto something, am I?" She teased. "What's going on? What you thinking?"
"I've developed... feelings for him." JJ admits hesitantly. "And seeing her talk to him makes me feel..."
"No. Insecure."
"You? Insecure?" Emily asked, jaw dropping.
JJ groaned, "Please don't start singing one direction,"
"What? No! Gross." Emily paused, "Is this insecurity paired with... any other feelings?"
"A little bit of jealousy I guess," JJ mumbled.
"Are you going to talk to him about it?"
"God no!" JJ exclaims, blushing when she realises how loudly she protested. "I mean, not right now."
Emily gave a small chuckle. "You jealous about anything in particular?"
"That they were dating." JJ said with a shrug.
"Ooo does someone wanna date a cowboy?" JJ flushed bright red. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Okay, yeah, but he clearly doesn't feel the same so there's no point. I just need to get over him."
"Er, excuse, rewind-" Emily said, pointing her wine glass at her. "Are you both blind? You clearly both feel the same way about each other."
"No. JJ, you both like each other so for God's sake get together!"
"You're just saying that." JJ said. Emily groaned, throwing her hand in the air. "Come on, let's just forget about it and get drunk."
Emily shrugged, that sounded like a good idea to her.
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cherryfennec · 8 months
Bad End AU lore question, do the other know that Super Dimentio is both Luigi and Dimentio?
If they do, can they tell who's in control? And how do they feel about them/what's their dynamic? I'm guessing Bowser prefers Luigi just because of how annoying the clown is
I'm also really curious about the Shadow Queen, is it like Super Dimentio with the queen never letting Peach take control, or is Peach completely dormant since it's possession and not a fusion? (If i remember the game correctly)
And how does Luigi feel about it? Having to hang out with an enemy wearing his friend's face?
This is going to be a long one, so long I've put it under 'read more'. Alright, here goes!
1. For a while no, they don't know!
When they initially meet, Shadow Queen literally has no idea who this is, she does recognise the poncho though. The only thing that's clear to her then and there is that this person is connected to the thief, she just doesn't know exactly how yet. However Bowser does recognise the mustache and the hat, saying it's the brother of his old enemy who's named Luigi.
And that's how it kind of stays for a while. They know him as just Luigi.
Soon enough the weird behaviour rears it's head. He starts talking to seemingly himself, changing expressions and voice tone, contrasting the one before, on the spot during discussions, tolerating something and then suddenly acting malicious towards it. Fighting with himself even, you'd be just doing something and he appears for a split second slamming himself against the wall then vanishing.
Peach certainly figures out what's going on. From there forward she manages to overhear Dimentios name and also confirms that the thief still has the Chaos Heart. While Bowser is aware of the strange behaviour and everything he can't quite name why it happens. He explains it to himself as the brother simply going crazy after the disappearance of Mario.
2. There are two ways to tell who's in control at the moment. The first one is what helps the most often.
Body language. Observation is key, and luckily for others Luigis and Dimentios old habits die hard.
Dimentio is loud spoken and likes to make jabs at others. His tone is most often sly, which also shows on his face with a sharp grin and squinted eyes. His gestures are more elegant alongside the general way he moves. He still prefers floating to walking and uses magic for the smallest of inconveniences. If any of these traits are present it's most likely Dimentio that you're looking at!
Luigi's more soft spoken and doesn't speak in 'riddles'. He tends to have his eyes fully open and his expressions, like his smile, are generally less exaggerated. He's the type to walk and jump everywhere, not relying on magic because he 1.never needed it before and 2. still perfectly can't use it. He tends to hunch over and has a tendency to trip. If you're not being currently insulted and belittled in the weirdest way imaginable, congrats! You're talking to Luigi!
This isn't always very reliable buuuut sometimes this can happen:
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The default tint of the eyes is white, its when they're acting in mutual agreement. The tint is more blueish if it's Luigi. However when it's more of Dimentio speaking there's a chance for this hue to alter to purple and yellow. As I mentioned this is a bit unreliable because it's already hard to notice in the first place since its such a slight difference and lighting can mess with how it appears.
3. Peach likes to exploit others for her gain, and she quickly learns that getting something from this one won't be easy. Trying to trick a trickster such as Dimentio seems like an impossible task, a raccoon and fox trying to fool eachother basically deal. That leaves Luigi but guess what, not that much better with him either. The 'brother of a fallen hero' is smarter than he looks, albeit a little more open minded to small suggestions. She overall has a slight preference towards Dimentio though, she finds him very fascinating. And that's exactly why he tries to ignore her when he can pfff
Bowser definitely prefers when Luigi acts like y'know, Luigi. Just like you said, he finds the other one annoying. Bowsers relationship with Luigi is overall weird, while he's very irritated by the clowns antics and wouldn't mind shutting him up for good, he can't help but feel some sort of sympathy. These two have a bit of history, whether it be direct or more because of Mario, and it just might be enough to make Bowser not absolutely despise him and have at least a smidge of patience and understanding.
4. As you mentioned yes it's possession, and not a fusion. Peach's mind, unlike Luigis, is dormant. Some of her behaviours can shine through but it's mostly remnants. If you're curious I'll just say it as a fun fact: if you managed to somehow rip out/get rid of the Shadow Queen from the body, Peach would come back like from a long nap. You can probably imagine how'd she react to everything that's happened while she was gone... yeah...
5. Not fun. Since only Luigi knew who Peach was before, all the attachment comes from him. She has gone from someone he could talk to about everyday life, meet up to play normal games while not risking his health and just have an overall great time with, to a person who he's sure would dissect him on a table if given an opportunity. He's not wrong.
He still calls her Princess despite her insisting on Queen. He does it as a memento of the past, while Dimentio calls her Princess just to make her even more upset.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Perona x male reader
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This might be more accurate to pre time skip perona bc I’m watching impel down arc, hope you all don’t mind 💗
I just really like her and wanted to write for her since she’s underrated <3 (plus from the poll)
Idk how you and perona met or when but y’all together soo !! 🤷‍♀️
if your dumb/dense- (lol) like zoro or luffy she’s gonna go insane
she loves you..! but your just…..a bit slow..
no matter how through her instructions are you always somehow end up doing the opposite
she has to do a lot of things herself which triggers her because she considers herself a princess
she gets mad at you, but not mad like how should would to bearsy, more so a ‘you can’t do anything with out me 🤦‍♀️‘ typa mad
in fact she usually ends up helping YOU out
”I’m only doing this because I love you, you know??”
she says that while pouting all the time
but if you return the favor by helping her carry something heavy, giving her a kiss on the cheek, or just sincerely thanking her?
shes a blushing mess in denial 💝
if your smart !!
She finally has someone that gets her and is on her side!!
she makes you spend lots of time with her
picking out what outfit she should wear
watching the sunset
she does all sorts of romantic stuff with you <3
(zoro gets lost and crashes your dates 🙂)
if your on the slow side you, zoro and mihawk drive perona up a wall fr
shes the only female and her boyfriend isn’t even on her side?!🧍‍♀️
I mean you are, but it’s just not the same if you don’t get her
and if your intelligent you help her keep zoro under raps
and she makes you help defend her in arguments
perona likes to pick your outfits
dw she has a great taste in fashion, she’s very stylish
she puts you in black and your favorite color
so that you two are kinda matching
ngl she’s pretty sentimental
one moment she loves the crap out of you and the next she’s attacking you with hollows
ok I know that seems more moody or bipolar or smth but it’s just because she’s sensitive!
it’s more so that what you say affects her deeply because she loves you
so if you choose the wrong dress and you say it’s cuter than the one she was hoping you’d choose, she’s gonna think you think she’s ugly
(don’t ask me how that translates she’s overthinking it)
Your less prone to this if your average smarts or above
but again if your on the slow side, your love is gonna seem like push and pull
She makes you help her with everything, whatever she needs
and she’s kinda clingy, she always has to have you around
at least in the same room, if your not she looks for you
its not because she’s insecure or anything she just likes being in your presence
If she wants to reorganize a room? She’s instructing you and your doing the actual work
she wants the dishes done? Why didn’t you wash them??
(you make a point that she’s the one who used a crap ton trying to cook and she ends up helping you)
she’s fair for the most part though she may be a bit bossy..
perona’s love languages are quality time and physical touch
(lol physical touch is irony but anyway)
yeah I’ve pretty much been mentioning quality time throughout this whole thing
she basically just loves to be around you, doing anything with you whatever!
she doesn’t like to be bored though so you guys are gonna have to figure out fun things to do
playing hide and seek is always fun with her!
she’s really good at it but sometimes you feel like her devil fruit is cheating 😒
you’ve found her a couple times though!
she was proud of you but also kinda upset at the same time 😂
If she hears you getting close to her hiding spot she immediately moves
So it’s very rare you do win
and as a seeker she uses her hollows (sometimes zoro too, he does it begrudgingly though) to find you
she also goes through walls so yeah that helps, when she hears you she can get to you faster
If your a straw hat Kuma mighta sent you there for stealth training 😂😂
I feel if your highly intelligent you could outsmart her though, especially if you learn her way of thinking
with physical affection perona loves to cuddle, hug and give cheek kisses
NOT around zoro and mihawk though
she gets so embarrassed about it
pda does not amuse her so don’t try it
she doesn’t really like using her hollows on you but she just might
she loves to show you off despite that!
oddly enough
she constantly brags about your feats and accomplishments
she may as well be more proud than you!
Even if you haven’t done much she still prasies you
The ghost princess absolutely cherishes you!
anyway yeah she gives you a forehead kiss before you go to sleep
and she expects one back!
but wait til right before she falls asleep!
it’s more romantic that way 😍
(yes she wants it that specific way or she’s going to be pouty with you the next day)
if you don’t do it right she will ignore you
But she gives in first bc 1) she loves you too much 2) she gets bored 3) she likes your attention
she also does this thing where she holds onto your arm and floats
She secretly wants you to kabedon her
shell never tell you that..
(look it up if you don’t know what it is :P)
She reminds you of a cat when cuddling
she practically curls up into a ball on your lap
she gives you cheek kisses whenever you do her a favor or if she’s just feeling particularly happy
(for more dense m/n that’ll be if you did something smart or didn’t tick her off on accident today)
perona will also simp if you have abs/muscles
will avoid you for a bit if you catch her though
I mean she can go through walls so if your changing and she’s comes in..
even if you don’t mind she doesn’t want you to catch her admiring you
she spies on you working out still, since that’s less suspicious
if you don’t have abs that’s all right
she romanticizes you anyways so no matter what you look like or what you do she absolutely adores you!
Your love life with perona is never dull!
she genuinely loves you ♡
These were a really good length! 💪 I’m getting back in my groove! 😼
I was originally not gonna do these but I’m glad I did they didn’t take very long and were fun to write! :) hope you enjoyed lovelies 💖
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Obscure Character Showdown FINALE
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[image ID: the first image is of image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
No Significant Harassment
[NSH has beaten Akama (The Idiot (1951)), Libby Day (Dark Places), Sally Swing (Betty Boop), Shrimp (The Upturned), Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)), Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu), and Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)] They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
[Granger has beaten Chopfyt (Oz), Wolfman (Darkwood), Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Forest Friend (Gris), Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale), Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity), and Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)] so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda (including art) !]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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