#or if they make the reader like wayyy too sarcastic
gundarn-it · 1 year
Stop making the reader character in reader x whatever so fucking submissive and petite I’m begging on my hands and knees.
“His big strong hands around your tiny pale waist” make me enraged like how is this anyone’s fantasy???
It immediately rips me out of the moment when the reader is self loathing and pitiable in a not hot way. Get real.
I don’t want to have to make my own dinner but I am *dangerously* close if you guys don’t stop writing the reader character like a tiny, weak idiot who blushes at nothing.
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 4 months
idk what to call this
paring: p.b x vb player reader
summary: You and Paige teach each other how to play eachothers sports.
heyyy guysss. this was made at like 12 AM wayyy past my bedtime so like it may be bad but. also idk shit about sports so ignore that
-love gabby💋
You set up the camera in the empty Uconn gym. You were wearing your volleyball jersey while Paige was wearing her basketball jersey.
“Okay lemme set the phone up.” You say to her and she nods in response putting her hair up in a ponytail.
The timer for the tiktok goes off and you begin to talk. “Okay yall so we are gonna swap sports” You say excitedly to the camera. “So as yall know Paige plays basketball, and I play volleyball” You continue.
“Soo, shes gonna teach me basketball stuff and ill teach her volleyball stuff.” You say.
Paige goes to grab the basketball that was sitting on the wooden bench. “So im just gonna start easy and teach her the right shooting form.” She says handing you the ball.
“Yall not too much on me” You say laughing already knowing what the comments were going to look like.
She leads you to the 3 point line and puts your body in the correct position to shoot. She then moves your arms in the right position. “Okay go ahead and shoot.” “Remember to flick your wrists and jump up a little” She explains. You thought it was adorable how much she loved talking about basketball.
You attempted to shoot and it bounced off the rim. Paige laughs but tries to hide it. “Whats so funny?” You ask pretending to sound offended. “Nothing.” She says still smiling.
You continue to shoot until you make the shot. “OOU PERIODD” You yell. Paige just laughs at your goofyness. “Onto my sport” You say happily.
“Okay yall, we are gonna teach her how to spike. (or set idk)” You say. “Pretty simple.”
You give Paige the ball. “Your holding it wrong.” You say laughing.
You move her arms in the right positions to hold the ball. “Okay so just throw it up in the air and then hit it like I taught you” You tell her smiling. She does what you told her and it hits the wall.
“Is that good?” She asks. “Sure!!” You say sarcastically.
You run over to your phone and end the TikTok.
@ilovey/nnnn: the hand placement 🙏🙏 when is it my turn
@kkarnold: y/n you suck at basketball
@youruser: smd
@uconnbbfan: GYATTT Y/N
@paigebueckers: ikr
@youruser: PAIGE GET OUT
see more..
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athenamikaelson · 2 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 10
Word Count- 7.2k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, violence, death, Damon’s ass/Damon BEING an ass, shitty Google translate, spelling mistakes(I'm wayyy too tired to edit this rn)
A/N- some of this is not canon just because I love a character too much and she deserved better in the show. 
“Are you just going to keep sulking in here,” I ask from my position in Damon’s doorway.
Damon answers me back with a loud groan mixed with what I believe to be a growl, “Tell me again why you’re here. And why I haven’t killed you yet?”
If I had just met Damon I would be scared of what he just asked me, but after these past weeks of knowing him, I’ve realized most of his threats are half-assed. So I just shrug and walk into his room.
“My mother and brother are away for the week visiting family, leaving me home alone. And, well, I don’t feel like having “he who shall not be named,” come and kill me in my sleep. And you haven’t killed me because you don’t want to. I’ve called you many bad names to your face, and yet I stand here, unharmed."
“Here you stand annoying the hell out of me. Again.”
I roll my eyes and sit on the edge of Damon’s bed. Damon still hasn’t moved from his position under the covers. 
“Damon,” I turn over my shoulder to look at him and he lets out yet another groan to acknowledge he’s listening, “I’m going to be honest with you.”
“Nothing new there,” I hear him say under his breath sarcastically.
“You’re kind of embarrassing to watch right now,” I turn to see him fully glaring at me now, “You’re how old? Like five thousand years or something like that? It’s time you grew up.”
“Says the high schooler.”
“Says the man in love with a high schooler,” I bite back which has him shutting up momentarily.
“You don't know anything,” He says as he finally sits up in his bed. His white sheet falling down, revealing his naked chest. I quickly avert my eyes, not because I’m attracted to him but because seeing Damon half-naked would be like seeing my annoying ass distant cousin naked. No, thank you. 
“Don’t bullshit me, Demon-spawn,” I point an accusing finger at him resulting in him glaring at me some more. 
“I know you have feelings for Elena, everyone and their bloody mothers knows. And as much as I like Stefan, I also don’t think it should be something you need to feel bad for,” I think momentarily and tap my chin in thought, “Well, okay. Maybe a little bad because she’s 17 and you’re like 1,000 and she’s also your little brother’s girlfriend,” I catch Damon’s deadly look and stop rambling, “Moving along…What I’m trying to say is that we can’t control who we catch feelings for. And honestly, Elena’s pretty and nice as hell so I don’t blame you there. But what we can control is how we choose to express those feelings.”
Damon just stares blankly at me and I feel like I’d be better off giving a toddler this speech. 
“What you’re doing right now, sulking and getting mad at everyone around you for something that is out of our control isn’t helping anyone. It’s only making things worse. Elena’s my best friend and I know she’s scared out of her mind right now but doesn’t want to say it because it'll cause more stress for the people she loves. What she needs right now is all of us. After tonight is over and Elijah’s elixir brings her back then you can go back to your hissy fits but right now,” I stand up and face him, planting my hands on my hips in a power pose, “You need to get your ass out of bed and get a fucking grip.”
Damon and I hold each other’s glares for a straight minute before he huffs, throws his blanket off of him, and gets out of bed. I have to fight a smirk as I get overly proud of my pep talk. 
“I’m really starting to miss when it was just puke coming out of that mouth of yours,” Damon growls as he walks to the bathroom and pulls down his boxers without a second thought. My eyes fly out of my head as I get a full look at Damon’s white ass. I quickly turn around and gag.
“Dude! Seriously, warn a girl!”
“I don’t remember you being so…talky,” Damon’s voice yells from over the water of his shower.
I frown as I think about his comment and sit back down on the edge of his bed facing the front door and not the bathroom. Not wanting to get a face full of his behind again, or worse…ugh.
“I…don’t think I’ve ever been talky. There has never been a reason for me to be,” I say back to him not really caring if he hears or not.
A moment later I hear the shower water stop and his footsteps padding around behind me. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean,” Damon says from next to me and I slowly turn hoping he’s at least half decent. 
Thankfully, he has covered his behind with jeans and is currently slipping a shirt over his chest.
I think about his question and then shrug my shoulders, “I’ve never really had friends to talk to, and whenever I had tried talking to people they just hadn’t cared. So I never really saw the point in talking.”
Damon stops fixing the buttons on his shirt momentarily to look at me. His eyebrows are drawn together and the look in his eyes isn’t one I think I’ve seen from him before. Something about it almost seems kind of…human. But within another second it’s gone and his lip upturns into a smirk.
“People are a waste of time anyway. The only good thing about them…,” He takes a step closer to me and leans down so he’s in my face, “Is there blood.”
I huff as I stand up and push past him heading towards the door, “And here I thought I could actually have a half-decent conversation with you. My mistake.”
I start walking through the halls toward the living room where Elena, Stefan, and Elijah are. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Damon catch up to me so we’re walking side by side.
“You’re kind of annoying,” He says and I have to fight the urge to not punch him.
“Gee, thanks,” I go to walk faster but he catches up to me again.
“What I mean is…,” He pauses for a moment trying to find his words, “You may be annoying but that doesn’t mean what you have to say is pointless or something that shouldn’t be heard. Screw anyone who tells you otherwise…or just kill them.”
I look at him with a confused look matching the confused feelings I now have, “Thank you? I think.”
“Don’t mention it,” He leans down and glares at me, “Seriously, I will kill you if you tell anyone what I just said.”
I suck on my teeth and then nod my head, “And there’s the Demon we all know and loathe.”
“Right, back at you, Pukey.”
I watch as Damon’s eyebrows furrow as we get closer to the living room and as we enter he speaks up, “Then why are we letting him break the curse?”
I follow Damon into the living room and see Elena and Stefan sitting together on a sofa and Elijah standing before them. Elijah’s eyes lock onto mine and I acknowledge him by sending him a small smile which he just returns with a nod. Okay, Rude.
“We can kill him today. With Bonnie,” Damon says and I realize we’re talking about him. At the mention of him, I begin to clench my fists as a surge of anger rises through me but stop myself since I don’t feel like accidentally cutting myself in a room of vampires. I take my seat on a loveseat next to Elena, who sends me a warm smile before turning towards Damon.
“No. Bonnie can’t use that much power without dying.”
“I’ll write her a great eulogy,” Damon’s words have me turning in my seat and glaring at him. So much for my speech getting to him.
“It’s not an option Damon,” You tell him, Elena. 
Stefan sighs, “Alright, how do we break this curse?”
“Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak you already know,” Elijah answers.
“The moonstone,” Stefan says.
“A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that’s bound within the stone. After that Klaus, being both a werewolf and a vampire, will sacrifice one of each.”
“And where do I fit into it,” Elena asks him.
“The final part of the ritual. Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger…to the point of your death.”
Elijah’s words have both Stefan and I taking deep breaths.
“And that’s where you come in.”
Elijah goes to the shelf behind him and opens a little wooden box, “This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses the mystical properties of resuscitation.”
“So I’ll be dead..”
“And then you won’t.”
Damon the grouch speaks up, “That’s your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date,” He turns to Elena, “You want to come back to life, what…What about John’s ring?”
“Those rings only work on humans. The doppelganger is a supernatural occurrence. Odds are…the ring won’t work.”
“I’ll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn’t work Elena?”
“Then I guess I’ll just be dead.”
Damon shoots his brother a look, but knowing Stefan, he’ll go with whatever Elena wants. Even if he doesn’t agree. Damon realizes this too before shooting another glare at the group before leaving the living room back to where we originally came from.
“Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?”
“Klaus has been waiting over a thousand years to break this curse. If he doesn’t already have a werewolf my guess is by tonight, he will.”
I watch from my position on the couch as Stefan follows his brother outside. That’s going to be a fun conversation. 
Elena approaches Elijah, “You’d think he’d understand why I’m willing to do this.”
“Why are you?”
“I’m the key to breaking the curse. Klaus is here because of me. If I don’t stop him, then he’s gonna hurt people. It’s that simple.”
I frown sadly to myself and fight back the watering that has started in my eyes. This isn’t fair. None of this is. 
“You know, there’s a possibility this elixir won’t work. I don't want to mislead you.”
“I know the chance I’m taking.”
The tense atmosphere is broken by a door slamming shut and a woman yelling from the foyer. 
“Jenna, Jenna!”
“Get out!”
I quickly rise from my seat and go to follow behind Elena to check on Jenna, but a hand grabs my own, pulling me back. 
“Wait here,” Elijah’s stern voice says to me as he drops my hand and follows behind Elena.  I watch his retreating figure and shake my head. Who tf does this guy think he’s talking to?
I run towards the foyer and freeze when I see Ric standing there. Or Klaus, I guess. My breathing gets faster and I’m debating on whether to swing on him or pass out.
“Jenna, put the cross-bow down, okay? It’s me.”
Stefan joins us and Elijah comes to stand in front of me, not before shooting me a disapproving look.
“What’s going on,” Elena asks the two adults.
“It’s me, Elena, I swear, okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go,” I frown at Ric’s words and look to Elijah to see if he can tell if Ric is telling the truth or not but his face is completely still. 
“Prove it,” Damon who has now joined says.
“Okay, uh, the first night you and I spent together Jeremy walked in right when-”
“Ok! It’s him,” Jenna exclaims as she drops her weapon. Ew. Everyone in the room throws glances at each other before turning back towards Ric. 
“Why did he let you go,” Stefan asks.
“He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight.”
“Katherine was there,” Ric says from his position on the couch. We all moved back into the living room to keep discussing our plans for tonight. 
“She’s under compulsion. Damon snuck her vervain but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can.”
“Where is Damon,” Elena questions, and I get a bit unnerved. Not knowing where Damon is is not an ideal situation. 
“I saw him go upstairs,” Jenna says. 
Elena stands up and goes towards his room and I go to follow her but Elijah grabs my upper arm, “I need to speak with you,” I begin to argue back as he pulls me into the next room.
“Dude let go of me,” I hiss at him and he drops my arm and stares blankly at me.
“Do not dude me, Elskan,” Elijah says with that stupid monotone voice of his that makes me want to wrap my hands around his throat.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do Elijah,” I whisper yell to him so the others don’t overhear us, “And stop with that stupid nickname.”
Elijah narrows his eyes at me, “You are making it incredibly hard for me to protect you.”
“Oh I’m sorry,” I roll my eyes sarcastically, “I didn’t realize you actually cared, since you’ve been acting like you don't.”
Elijah’s narrowed eyes morph into ones of confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“Seriously! One second you’re making all these promises to protect me and being all nice and stuff and then the next moment you won’t even acknowledge my existence.”
“It would be impossible for me to not acknowledge your existence, Y/n. There is not a single moment where I am not searching for you. This situation,” He gestures between us, “Is not something I take lightly. And keeping you safe is now my most important mission in this life. So I apologize if I have hurt your feelings whilst doing that.”
I’m frozen as I listen to Elijah and he takes a single step towards me. He reaches his hand up and brushes a stray hair behind my ear. 
“You have no idea how long I have waited for you,” His words have me frowning in confusion as he brushes his finger across my cheek, “But, I fear that if I let myself get too close then it will only put you in more danger and I would rather dagger myself before ever letting that happen.”
My chest and my brain don't seem to be working properly as I just stare wide-eyed at the man in front of me. I try to think of something, anything really to say but I can’t seem to get my mouth to form a sentence. 
A loud bang comes from upstairs and Elijah gives me one more look before exiting. I feel like I’m on autopilot as I walk towards the noise, catching sight of Ric and Jenna running towards it as well. I make my way up to Damon’s room and gasp as I see Stefan with a very big piece of wood through his stomach. Ric tries to grab Damon but the ladder pushes him off him before walking out of the room.
“Okay, Jenna, downstairs in the basement are some blood bags,” Ric tells Jenna who is standing in front of me, “Go get them, now. Go!”
Jenna leaves as Elena rips the wood out of Stefan. I walk over and kneel next to them as Elena holds and tries to comfort her hurt boyfriend.
“I’m so sorry,” Stefan groans out.
I frown, confused, “Why is he sorry? He’s the one who got stabbed?”
I’m ignored for a moment as Elena shushes Stefan until he passes out and with tearful eyes, she looks over to me, “Damon he…he fed me his blood. Y/n, I don’t want to be a vampire”
'My chest practically caves in on itself as I hear my friend's small sobs and shake my head in denial, “No…no. There has to be another way. There has to be Elena,” I stand up and look at her once more, “You’re not going to be a vampire.”
I storm through the halls and down the stairs until I see Damon in the living room pouring himself a glass of whatever alcohol he has on hand. That anger from before rises at the idea of what he just did.
“You selfish bastard,” I storm over to him and I see Elijah try to stop me from the corner of my eye, only to receive my hand in his face. And as Damon turns around to look at me he receives my fist in his face. 
Damon hisses as my fist flies across his cheekbone and I fight back tears at the pain in my knuckles. I’ve never thrown a punch before but I didn’t realize it would hurt this much. Jesus.
Damon looks back at me as if my punch did nothing to him, which it probably didn’t and I expect him to charge at me, and I’m assuming Elijah does as well because he moves next to me. But all Damon does is stare at me, raise his glass to his lips, downs it, and then exits the living room. 
“You’ve never thrown a punch before have you,” Elijah’s voice has me turning my gaze over to him.
I look at him sheepishly, “Is it that obvious?”
Elijah stares at me and from his face I think he's trying to debate whether to be amused by me or scold me, “A bit, but I applaud you for the effort,” Elijah’s eyes dart towards my hurting hand and he picks it up with his own and inspects it. 
“You’ll have some bruising but thankfully there appears to be no breakage.”
I let out a pained hiss as one of his fingers brushed against my middle knuckle. He instantly stops and looks at me.
“I can heal you if you’d like,” He asks me and I remember back to when he healed me the first time. It feels like another lifetime ago. 
“I’ll be fine,” I dismiss him and he nods but doesn’t drop my hand. He does reach his other hand up and uses his thumb to wipe a stray tear off my cheek. 
“I’m sorry about Elena,” I quickly remember why I punched Damon in the first place and go to question about the elixir but he shakes his head as if he already knows what I’m thinking, “It won’t work any longer. Damon made sure of that when he fed her his blood. When Elena dies she’ll wake up as a vampire."
I shake my head in denial and feel the tears reach my eyes again, “No... Elijah. There has to be another way! Please tell me there’s another way.”
Elijah’s features form to one of sorrow as if he can feel the pain I’m in, “I’m sorry, Elskan. I truly am.”
I shake my head and bite down hard on my lip to try to stop my tears. Elijah reaches up his hand though and frees my bottom lip from my teeth with his thumb. 
“Come here,” Elijah says as he pulls me into him and wraps his arms around my body. The smell of something masculine, almost smoky, surrounds me as he rests his chin on my head. After everything that has happened, if I were to die like this in his embrace, I don’t think I would regret it. 
I wipe the remnants of my smeared mascara as I look at myself in my car mirror. After Elijah left the Salvatore’s saying he had some loose ends to clean up before tonight and to not get myself into any more trouble, I went to check on Elena. 
She hugged me for about ten minutes straight and I just rubbed her back as she cried into my shoulder. And I may or may not have cried along with her, feeling heartbroken for my friend. 
Elena and Stefan then left together to go spend her last day as a human together, which is as bittersweet as it is heartbreaking. And after bidding Jenna and Ric a goodbye I found myself driving to the Mystic Grill. That’s why I am now sitting in it’s parking lot trying to collect myself and trying to keep myself busy for what is to happen tonight. 
I open my car door and hold my bruised hand tentatively as I push through the front door to the Grill. I had seen a “Help Wanted,” sign here the other day and if I hopefully survive the night I’ll need a job for the summer. Not being a trust fund baby really sucks ass sometimes. 
Matt Donovan sends me a warm smile as I walk past him. I'd never really talked to the guy other than the few times in class where he’d ask to borrow a pencil or if I could help him with some math equation, but he always seemed sweet. Unlike the stupid jock stereotype, I’ve gotten used to seeing in this town. After being told by Elena what happened to his sister and that now he lives by himself as a 17-year-old because his mom’s a deadbeat, I feel bad for the guy. 
I let out a low groan as I stop my walk towards the bar which is currently occupied by the demon overlord himself. I debate to myself if I should just turn around, but a hand on my shoulder shocks me.
Ric stands there with his hands raised up in apology, “My bad Y/N. Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted to check on you and see how you’re doing.”
I look at Ric and sigh, “I’m just glad you’re you again.”
Ric nods his head in agreement, “Ya, me too. I didn’t hurt you while I was Klaus right?”
I shake my head, “No Ric, and even if you did it wouldn’t have been your fault. You had no control over yourself.”
Ric sends me a warm smile and nods, “I feel kind of violated, to be honest.”
I snort at his joke, “I don’t blame you.”
“I need a drink,” Ric says as he walks with me up towards the bar and my knuckles start to burn as I stare at the hair on the back of Demon’s head.
“I’ll have the same as him,” Ric says to the waiter as he sits on Damon’s right and I sit down on his left. The waiter then looks at me for my drink order, “A Shirley Temple, please. And a job application?”
The waiter, a half-decent-looking man, smirks as he pulls out a pad of papers from behind the bar and hands them to me before going back to making drinks.
“Job searching, Pukey,” Damon asks from beside me and I stare forward not looking at him.
“Ric,” I call to him and he turns to look at me, “If Damon’s here who do you think is guarding the gates of hell?”
Rics snorts out a deep laugh and I can see Damon scowling from beside me. The waiter comes back and gives Ric his bourbon and me my Shirley Temple. I accidentally grab it with my injured hand and try to cover the hiss I let out, with a cough.
“How’s your hand,” Damon asks from next to me. I’m surprised that his voice doesn’t sound completely sarcastic.
I turn and glare at him, “How’s your face?”
Damon sends me a smirk and gestures to his unmarked face, “Perfect.”
I roll my eyes and take a sip of my Shirley Temple ignoring whatever the two men next to me are talking about. That is until a voice that has my heart doing a fucking backflip in my chest calls from behind us. 
“Gentlemen? Why so glum,” A deep British voice asks and I could’ve sworn goosebumps went up my arms at the sound. What the fuck? 
All three of us turn to match the voice to the face and…Holy shit.
A tall dark-blond man stands about a foot length from me. At this distance, I can see the different shades of blue in his eyes and the small freckles that decorate his perfect nose. 
I hear Damon groan from behind me and I’m not sure why as I’m too busy ogling the pretty man before me. 
“Klaus, I presume.”
I blink. And then I blink again. And then once more as I’m frozen staring at Klaus. The Shirley Temple in my hands starts to shake as I can’t take my eyes off the man. 
“In the flesh. Thanks for the loner, mate,” Klaus smirks at Ric and if I wasn’t in total shock right now I’d defend him. But the man I’ve thought of killing for the past week is standing right in front of me and I was counting how many fucking freckles I could see on his goddamned nose. There’s thirteen.
 Shut tf up Y/n?!
Klaus hasn’t looked my way once and although I should be glad about that a part of my lower stomach drops at the fact.
Damon stands from his seat and goes to face the man, “Any reason you stopped by to say hi?”
“I’m told you and your brother fancy my doppelganger. Just thought I’d remind you not to do anything you’ll regret,” Klaus’ warning doesn’t seem to sway Damon as the ladder lets out a laugh.
“Thanks for the advice. I don’t supposed I could talk you into a postponement by any chance, huh?”
Klaus lets out a chuckle and I swear my heart just skipped a beat. What the fuck Y/n?!?!??
“You are kidding,” Klaus asks and then turns to Ric, “He is kidding, right?”
“No, not really.”
“I mean, come on, what’s one month in the whole grand scheme of things,” Damon asks and I realize that he’s doing this because he doesn’t want Elena to die with vampire blood in her system. 
“Ya, I mean one month is like,” I pretend to count on my fingers, “Like thirty days. I don’t see why you can’t wait that long. You’ve already waited over a thousand years, what’s thirty days?”
I ask the man and this finally has Klaus acknowledging my presence. But honestly, from the way he’s looking at me, I wish I would’ve kept quiet. His eyebrows are drawn together and his lips curve upwards into what I hope isn’t a snarl. Damon must’ve noticed the look too because he moves in front of me blocking me from Klaus’ vision and him from mine. 
“Let me be clear,” I hear Klaus’ deep voice say, “I have my vampire, I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow don’t screw it up.”
I catch sight of Klaus’ back as he strolls away.
“Would I be a bad person to say I kind of hope his werewolf was the Jules’ chick,” I see Ric shoot me an “Are you serious” look and I shrug, “Hey, she was the one who tortured me. I still got the little knife scare on my leg to prove it.”
Damon doesn’t say anything as he sits back down and sighs. 
“You’re gonna screw it up, aren’t you?”
“You think if I took his werewolf out of the equation she might…get over the fact that I tried to turn her into a vampire?”
“Nope,” I say popping the p.
“I think it won’t matter, because you’ll be dead.”
“But without the werewolf he can’t preform the ritual tonight which means I would have bought her one month before the next full moon.”
Ric shakes his head, “But you’ll still be dead.”
Damon leans into him, “Are you gonna help me or what?”
Ric looks at him for a moment, “What do you want me to do?”
I slurp up the rest of my drink, throw a five onto the counter,  and jump up as the two men next to me watch me wearily.
“Alright gentlemen, dream team time!”
Ric raises an eyebrow while Damon shoots me a look of disgust, “I don’t know what the hell that was, but you’re not coming along.”
I frown as I grab my application and follow behind the two men, “Why the hell not? I want to help.”
Damon whips around to me, “Look kid, not happening. There’s already too much shit going down and I can’t be babysitting you, making sure you don’t get killed on my watch. So go back home and we’ll see you tonight. Capiche?”
Damon turns back around and walks to his car. Ric sends me one last smile and a shrug of his shoulders before following behind. I watch the two men drive off and I sigh as I stand in the middle of the parking lot. Anger and sadness building in me, when I realize just how useless I truly am.
I try to give Elijah a smile as he opens the SUV door for me. But with the mood I’m in I think the smile comes out more like a frown than anything else. Elijah must notice this too as he reaches his hand out for me to take. I debate it for a moment, 1. Not being a big fan of PDA, and 2. Stefan and Ric are with us and I don’t want them to be angry with me. But then I remember that my best friend is going to die tonight so a little PDA isn’t that huge in the grand scheme of things. 
Elijah seems elated as I place my hand in his and he guides Stefan and I through the woods toward the creepy ass witch house where Bonnie, Jeremy, and Ric are. 
“The sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets,” Elijah explains to us. I feel his hand squeeze mine in comfort and I squeeze his back, “First the werewolf is killed, then the vampire’ and finally the doppelganger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken. Klaus will become a hybrid.”
Stefan comes to walk next to us. His eyes go down to Elijah and I’s intertwined hands briefly before looking back up to me. When I send him a weary smile, he sends me a small one in return calming down my nerves.
“So when do we attack,” Ric asks from behind us.
“Elena’s death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He’ll be vulnerable during the transformation. That’s when Bonnie comes in.”
“And you’re sure Bonnie will survive this,” Stefan asks and I’m thankful at least one of the Salvatore brothers has a heart.
“If she can deliver him to the brink of death I’ll finish the job myself.”
Stefan and Ric nod.
“Could I talk to Elijah for a moment,” I ask the two men who share a look before nodding and moving towards the house. 
Elijah turns towards me, “What is wrong, Elskan?”
“Are you going to be able to do it?”
Elijah frowns and shakes his head, “What do you mean?”
“Elijah you’re going to be killing your brother. I know siblings are a pain in the ass,” I think back to Theo and thank whatever higher being is out there that he left town this week, “but even when you hate them…you still love them. I’m not judging you for what you have to do. I’m just asking, are you ready for what you’re about to do?”
Elijah’s face is solemn as he processes what I asked, “Klaus wasn’t my only sibling,” I frown as he continues, “There once was a time when we were all together. But Klaus ruined that when he dumped their bodies in the middle of the Pacific.”
I let out a strangled gasp at Elijah’s confession. His pain evident on his face. 
“Elijah…I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Elijah steps forward and holds the side of my face with his free hand, “You’re so good. So…pure. I didn’t want to strangle out the light you have inside you with my demons.” 
“Elijah, you’re not the only one with skeletons in their closet. Trust me. But I want you to be honest with me. I need you to be. If this,” I gesture between us, “whatever this is. Is going to work. I’d never judge you. I know sometimes I can be a lot but that doesn’t mean I don’t anything but happiness for you. I don’t know what this means but you make me feel something I’d never felt with another human being.”
Elijah stares at me and something in his eyes tugs at my chest, “What is that?”
“Safe. You make me feel safe, Elijah. And I know I’m not some supernatural immortal and I can’t throw a punch to save my life. But, I want to make you feel that way too. However, I can.”
I start to get embarrassed as Elijah stares at me silently and I really wish I would’ve just kept my mouth closed.
“ᛁ ᚹᚨᛚᛚ ᛚᛟᚡᛖ ᛇᚢ ᚢᚾᛏᛁᛚ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᛖᛗᛈᛚᛟᛞᛖᛋ, ᚦᛖ ᛟᚲᛖᚨᚾᛋ ᛞᚱᛁ ᚢᛈ, ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᚺᚨᛋ ᛚᛟᚾᚷ ᛋᛖᚾᚲᛖ ᚷᛟᚾᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁ ᚨᛗ ᚾᛟᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ ᛒᚢᛏ ᛗᚣ ᛋᛟᚢᛚ. ᛒᚢᛏ ᛖᚡᛖᚾ ᛏᚺᛖᚾ ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛋᛏᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖᛚᛟᚾᚷ ᛏᛟ ᚢ. ᛖᚡᛖᚱᚢᛏᚦᛁᚾᚷ ᛁ ᚨᛗ ᛁᛊ ᚢ,” Elijah says in some old language I can’t place. 
“What exactly did you just say to me,” I ask, expecting the worst.
Elijah smiles and places a kiss on my temple, “I feel safe with you as well, Elskan.”
“I’m going now,” Stefan interrupts us and I move away from Elijah shocked.
The sense of warmth and peace I just had completely washed away as soon as those words left Stefan’s mouth. 
“You should get inside Y/N. Bonnie needs you,” Stefan says to me making me frown. But I nod as I walk through the threshold of the house. Elijah follows me as I stand next to Ric. After a moment Bonnie and Damon walk up the basement stairs and out the front door. I frown as Ric and I follow them and Elijah squeezes my hand once more before dropping it as he passes through the threshold. Ric and I are pushed back though.
“What the hell?”
Ric yells from next to me, “Bonnie! What is this?”
Bonnie turns back towards us, “I can’t put anyone else at risk. I’m sorry.”
“You can’t do this! What if he goes after Jenna,” Ric asks angry.
“Jenna safe locked in at the Salvatore’s.”
Damon sends us a look, “Sorry buddy. She’s right.”
I look to Elijah for help but from the look on his face he doesn’t seem surprised.
“You knew.”
Elijah turns to me one last time, “I meant what I said about protecting you. If I have to kill my brother to do that, I will. I’m sorry, Elskan. I will see you soon.”
I watch silently, as he turns his back on me and disappears into the woods. So much for trust. 
I watch as my history teacher paces in front of me. Jeremy’s unconscious body lay on the couch next to me and Elena's estranged bald father who looks like Charlie Brown watches us wearily. If you had told me I’d be in this situation a month ago I would’ve called you crazy and set up an appointment for you with my therapist mother. But here I am. Yippee. 
I stand up, and both of the grown men watch me, “Just using the bathroom. Wait…Does this place even have a bathroom,” I ask but groan when I get no answer. I’m about to make my way out of the room when a piercing pain slices through my chest.
It only takes one scream from my lips before Ric is at my side. His mouth is moving but the sheer pain I’m experiencing makes it so I can’t process his words. I watch with teary eyes and sobs coming out of my mouth as Ric lifts his hand from my chest and his eyes widen. The crimson liquid coating his hand is the last thing I see before the world goes black.
3rd Person POV- 
Bonnie screams out her spell as she crushes Klaus’s body. Fire burns around them as the once powerful Original lay in agonising pain. From the shadows, Elijah stalks towards his younger brother. 
Elijah stands above him. A mask of anger covers his face as he leans down to stare at the man he once called a brother and a friend. 
Klaus stares up at the man he once saw as his protector, and for the first time in centuries, Klaus feels true fear. 
“Hello, brother.”
Stefan and Bonnie watch from afar as Elijah plunges his arm into his brother’s chest. Wrapping his hand around his still-beating heart. 
“In the name of our family…Niklaus…”
“I didn’t bury them at sea,” Klaus’ desperate voice halts Elijah momentarily before shaking off what he believes to be a trick.
“I know about Y/n,” Those four words have Elijah pausing, “I know what she is to you. And I know she's the same to me.”
The hand that was once clenched around Klaus’ heart slacks as Elijah stares at his brother in horror.
“You’re lying,” Elijah snarls.
Klaus shakes his head, “I wish I was, brother. But I’m not. And if you kill me what do you think will happen to her. Are you really going to take that risk?”
Elijah’s once cool face breaks and turns into one of horror as he looks at his hand that is in his brother’s chest. 
Stefan noticing this lapse of judgement speaks up, “Elijah, don’t listen to him.”
“Elijah,” Klaus says, “Think of her.” 
“Do it and I’ll take you both out,” The Bennet witch threatens.
Elijah looks up to her, “You’ll die.”
“I don’t care.”
Stefan and Bonnie watch in horror as Elijah speeds himself and his brother out of the flames and into the night, leaving only silence and heartbreak. 
“Why are we going to this again,” My brother asks from the hallway outside my room as I fix my black dress in my mirror. My hands freeze for a moment as they land on the spot on my chest that was bleeding just the night before. 
I woke with a gasp and before I could get a second to breathe I felt someone grasp my shoulders into a hug.
“You’ve really got to stop freaking me out like this,” A soft voice says into my ear.
I pull back and my eyes widen to see Elena with glossy eyes staring back at me.
I shake my head confused, “What happened? Did the ritual happen? Who died? Are you a…,” I pause before finishing my last question.
Elena sends me a smile and shakes her head, “They found another way.”
I feel a smile break out onto my face and I go to sit up to hug her but a sharp pain in my chest stops me.
“Don’t move ok. Just lay still,” Elena coaxes me back onto the coach I’m lying on.
“What happened?”
-End of Flashback-
In Elena and Ric’s spark notes version of the night, about 20 minutes after Stefan, Bonnie, and, Elijah left for the ritual I fell down to the ground in pain, screaming and yelling, and when Ric went to check on me I had blood spilling from my chest. Right above where my heart is. Ric said there was so much blood he couldn’t find where it was coming from but after holding pressure on it for another ten minutes the bleeding had stopped and when he moved his hands from my chest I had no wounds that showed I had been wounded. 
Alaric told me he was surprised that I was still breathing after losing the blood that I did. He also told me that while I was unconscious he found Damon slipping me some of my blood. And if I wasn’t as sore as I was I’d have bitched him out. I’ll just put that on the back burner for now. As well as figuring out what the hell is wrong with me. Bonnie said she couldn’t feel any spells or curses on me so at least that’s a plus. I guess. Also, I haven’t seen Elijah in over a day. Honestly, I don’t know if I could face him right now anyway. I’m pissed that he betrayed us, but there’s a part of me that is happy he didn’t kill his brother. A part I’m not telling the public because right now I’m off to a funeral for Elena’s dad who did die.
Elena told me he had Bonnie do some spell that switched his life for hers. And as much as I disliked the guy, I got to give it to him he showed up in the end. RIP Charlie Brown. 
“We’re going because Elena’s my friend and her dad died, Theo. Try to not be an asshole for the afternoon please,” I say as I meet my brother at the front door of our house. My mother and he came back early last night because she had to get home for some work thing. Typical. But that also means I get to be with Theo for the day and after almost dying yesterday, I realized that I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to say goodbye to him, and today could’ve been my funeral he’d be going to. A chill runs down my spine at the thought and I fight back a set of tears.
“Okay, I promise. I’m sorry,” Theo says as he notices a tear fall down my face.
I smile at my little brother and pull him into a hug.
“I knew you missed me,” I can hear the smirk in his voice as I laugh into his suit jacket. 
“Ya, whatever loser let’s go.”
I watch with tear-filled eyes as Elena places a rose on her biological father’s grave and then walks over to her parent's matching graves and places roses on them. Theo stands next to me with a solemn expression on his face, Jeremy is next to him, Bonnie, Caroline, and Tyler stand behind us, and Jenna is on my left as she holds Ric’s hand. I turn to look over my shoulder and I catch Damon’s eye as he stands against a tree. And for the first time ever I almost swore he smiled at me. Damn, maybe he’s dying too. 
“I’ll be in the car,” Theo says to me and begins to walk away but not before bringing Jeremy in for a bro hug. I watch as my brother safely gets to the car and then I begin to walk over to Elena but see her already crowded with our friends. My gaze goes towards Damon who stands facing the graveyard and I frown. 
“I have a bone to pick with you. You can’t just go and put blood into people’s mouths while they’re-” I say as I approach him. 
“I’m happy you’re ok, Y/N.”
Damon’s interruption and the sincerity in his voice make me halt as I approach him. 
“Wait…I think I’m hallucinating because I could’ve sworn you just called me by my actual name,” I walk up to him and jokingly smirk, “You dying or something?”
“Tyler Lockwood bit me.”
Oh. Fuck.
“​​I will love you until the sun explodes, the oceans dry up, human life has long since gone and I am nothing but my soul. But even then I will still belong to you. Everything I am is you.”
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melodrangea · 11 months
I loved your nicknames headcanons so much 🥺Could I please have a Death the Kid in an enemies to lovers scenario where the reader is really laidback and chill. Kid hates how they never appear to take anything seriously on the surface, and the reader thinks he’s too uptight. The two eventually reach a mutual understanding that develops into a relationship
Tysm if you’re reading this!!
Of course my dear, and thank you so much!! 🫶🫶🫶
You didn’t specify a one shot or just headcannons so I hope headcannons are alright!!! :D
Death the Kid w/ a Laidback S/O
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-Kid would not BE ABLE TO STAND YOU at first
-he just can’t comprehend how you never take anything seriously, never study, always forget your homework etc
-you have the ability to just lay back and let most things roll do your shoulder while he just can’t
-and you aren’t exactly a huge fan of him either
-thinking he’s wayyy too uptight (which he is tbf)
-he’s always lecturing someone, everything needs to be perfect around him which you found to be a headache
-so safe to say you two don’t get along
-until the day you knocked over a painting in the hall
-Kid ofc is inconsolable as he stayed after school for several hours trying to fix and reposition the painting
-when he saw you coming out of the library, hair pulled back, jacket unbuttoned with a decently high stack of books in your arms, backpack swaying back and forth on your shoulder
You chuckled, tilting your head towards Kid and the painting. “Still fixing that painting? I’m surprised you didn’t use your Grim Reaper crap to fix it”
Kid rolled his eyes.“And I’m surprised you know where the library is, seeing as you never study”
You scoffed, “Atleast I work for it behind the scenes, school doesn’t come easy for people that aren’t golden-child pricks like you.”
“Being a grim reaper doesn’t give me enhanced intelligence, I do my fair share of studying like you.”
You paused, “you mean it isn’t easy for you either?”
“It’s easier sometimes but sometimes I don’t understand everything right away.”
“Huh, who knew?”
-From then on there was a change between you two, small at first
- like you not taking every opportunity to make some unsymmetrical, and him sometimes slipping you an answer you don’t know
-you two grew to have a very sarcastic academic rivalry, both pushing eachother to make the other better
-you didn’t know when you had developed a crush on Kid but it was hard not to, he was determined, driven, and handsome. And not as much of a snob as you previously thought
-then you ran into eachother at the library again, you were sat where Kid usually sits
He paused, noticing that his spot was taken
You saw him and start to stand up “sorry, you usually sit here don’t you?”
Kid shrugged, setting his books down across from you, “it’s fine, it’s just a chair. Is this one open?”
You cracked a small smile and gestured to the seat, “all yours.”
Kid sat down across from you, peering at the worksheet ahead of you. “Is that Professors Steins lab?”
“Yeah, I was just about to start it, is it hard?”
“I’m not quite sure, I haven’t started it yet.”
Your small smile turned into an evil grin, “you wanna race and see who finishes first?”
Kid looked at you, curiously. “And what do I get if I win.”
You shrugged, “whatever you want.” You pause, “within reason of course!”
“Seems acceptable, what would look like if you by some miracle beat me.” Kid said sarcastically.
You laughed, “hm, if I win. How about…you maybe take me out to lunch sometime?”
Kids eyes widened, his checks turning a bright pink in contrast to his fair monochromatic outfit.
You panicked, going to grab your paper to leave, “I’m sorry that was way to forward, I’m such an idiot, I’ll just go.”
Kid grabs your wrist, “no, it’s fine. And who said I didn’t agree to the terms anyways?”
It was your turn to blush. You nodded sitting back down. Kid grinned at you and picked up his pencil, starting his worksheet
You did the same, brain turned to mush, you frantically scratched at the paper
Mere ten minutes later Kid placed his pencil down, you had three questions left
You look down at his paper then at him, you frowned, tears of embarrassment working their way to your eyes. “You won Kid, what do you want?”
“Well If the offer still stands for lunch that would be what I want.”
Your heart skipped a beat, face turning bright red.
-from then on it only got better, the academic rivalry was still there but even more lighthearted then before
-Kid motivated you to work harder, and you pushed him to let loose sometimes, creating a healthy equilibrium for the both of you
-most of your dates are either study dates or out to small cafes
-he will refuse to take you back to the manor as long as he can (in fear of Liz and Patty mostly)
-but regardless of when you meet his weapons you’re just glad that Kid is your boyfriend and not another smart asshole
-It saves a lot of paintings from being destroyed
that’s all folks!
thank you anon for the request! I hope you enjoyed and if anyone else has requests or questions feel free to get in touch or submit an inbox!
-Melodrangea <3
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piinkipie · 1 year
Bad days.—(Miguel O’hara x Blk!Fem!Reader Fluff🧸)
“Fucking hell.” You said as you entered work. You really didn’t wanna go since you weren’t too fond of the idea of being Miguel O’Hara’s “right hand man.” You didn’t even get that much sleep last night, but you’re 2 year into this. You should’ve thought about that instead of fiending over a hot, muscular vampire dude. You get to your destination and sit down in the chair next to the one and only, Miguel O’Hara.
“You’re late.” He said with a stern voice. You rolled your eyes, you were wayyy too tired to deal with his sassy ass attitude.
“What an immaculate observation.” You hissed, sarcastically. He thinks because he’s older than you he can act all tough and boss you around. Like you’d let that happen. You started typing on the computer in front of you as Miguel sighed in frustration.
“Your life you be way easier if you didn’t always talk back.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. You furrowed your eyebrows, putting on a stank face when he said that. Who the hell did he think he was talking to?
“Don’t even start that. You talk back more than everybody in the spider-verse combined, yo sassy ass.” You crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair. You watched as he turned his head towards you, that familiar nonchalant face meeting your irritated one. He hated your attitude, you hated his, it was a neutral feeling.
“How many times do I have to remind you to set your alarm, Y/n?” He sighed, his voice sounding a bit passive-aggressive. You can confirm you forgot to set your alarm, but you were pretty busy yesterday.
“I was busy, Miguel.” You snapped back. “I just had things to do before I went to sleep, you know my family always needs me to do somethin’” He raised an eyebrow, his face taking a curious expression.
“Like?” He questioned as he turned his attention to you. You knew he was gonna say that. You yawned, stretching your arms out.
“Girl, let me tell you.” He scoffed with a small smirk at your choice of words. “My uncle’s car broke down, so I had to go get him. And, guess what?!” You ranted. This was very amusing to Miguel, making his smile grow and for his to turn all his attention to you, and only you.
“What?” He said smugly. He rested his chin on his hand, which was propped up by his elbow. You were definitely enjoying the attention from the fine man in front of you, but you were still fixated on the story.
“That crackhead was all the way in CANADA. I had to drive an entire hour just to get to that old man!” You complained, rolling your eyes for what felt like the 6th time this morning. “I love that man with all my life, but I really wish someone else did that.” You huffed, fiddling with your frizzy braids. You really gotta take those bitches out. Miguel, on the other hand, was definitely enjoying himself. He looked you up & down as he listened to your story.
“Wow, such an eventful day.” He said with a snarky tone. You acted offended, putting a hand on your chest.
“That’s not the only thing that happened!” You huffed, still in a jokingly manner. He leaned in closer, crossing his arms and leaning forward so they were on his knees.
“Then tell me, Amor.” Those words sent a shiver up your spine, making your face feel warm and heart race. Your knees were almost touching his making him mighty close to you. Damn, that’s hot.
“Well.. I also had to babysit my 3 cousins, which was a nightmare.” You giggled a bit at the thought of you having to run after a 5 year old while carrying a 1 year old. You think Miguel felt your energy since his smile widened a bit. “I have a BUNCH of stories from yesterday. Just some family things.” You sighed. He put his hand on yours and looked up at you, locking eyes. All you’re seeing right now is space and opportunity. His face was closer than it should be. He wasn’t smiling anymore, but his face was still as mesmerizing as always. You swear you could almost feel his breath brush against your lips.
“You should really talk to me more, Y/n. It might not seem like it, but I enjoy your company. Though, your attitude is more than annoying, you’re a great partner in crime.” That was unexpected, but it made your heart bounce off walls like a toddler after trick-or-treating. You thought you were just like a sidekick type of thing to him, but hearing him call you his partner-in-crime, awakened an entirely different understanding. You were good at hiding facial expression, but your actions, not so much. You squeezed your thighs together and fiddled with one of the braids that always got in your face. You felt so captivated that it was nerve-racking.
“I- I really appreciate that.. Thank you, Miguel.” You smiled. You felt so delusional at that moment. You wanted to lean in, just close enough for him the hearts in your eyes. You were just about to start beating yourself up for it until you felt his cold hand on your cheek. He had that small smile that always crossed your mind 24/7. Maybe working with Miguel won’t be so bad.
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whowantslovergirl · 7 months
bad idea right?
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Topper Thornton x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, um just y/n being a dumb bitch tbh, this is obviously inspired by the song 😫, slightly suggestive, bold words are the lyrics, this in your pov, HOPE YOU ENJOY MY LOVERSS 🤍
outer banks masterlist
Summary: Y/n knows it bad that she keeps going to Topper but omg look at him!!!!
posted: February 28,2024
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Me and Topper broke up a couple months ago. We were the golden couple and I was way better than Sarah (in my opinion) I didn’t have cold feelings toward Sarah but I didn’t think she was the best person. Sorry getting off topic but I miss Topper and I have this bad habit of going back to him. I know it’s a bad idea but guys look at him!
“Come on you have to come! Yes Topper might be there but it doesn’t matter.” My friend Bianca said trying to convince me to go to this party.
Of course I wanted to go but he’s going to be there. I am not going.
I went.
I saw him and he saw me but I quickly went the other way before anything happened. I mean I haven't heard from you in a couple of months. And you just expect me to just hop back into your arms. Yes I want to do something about it but I'm out right now, and I'm all fucked up, wayyy too fucked up and I don’t wanna go back that road.
I have been here for a couple of hours and Topper still haven’t left. He never stays this long. After dancing for a while I got a little tired so I went to get a drink. And fucking Topper is also getting drinks. I try to ignore him and do what I have to do but that obviously didn’t work.
“Hey Y/n.”
“Hey Top.” I avoid eye contact. “How you doing?” He sounds nervous. “I’m doing good, what about you?” He shrugs. “I been alright better now I’m with you.” You just roll your eyes.
Once you’re done with the drinks you leave or at least try too. He grabs my arm not enough to hurt but his grip is pretty tight. We make eye contact and I can feel myself getting lost in his eyes again. And I know we're done, I know we're through.
But, God, when I look at you
“Come over N/n.” Only he calls me that and it still has the same effect on me. And I hate that. I should probably, probably not. “I don’t know Top.” He cuts me off. “Please N/n, I just wanna see you.”
“I’ll think about it. I will text you later.” Then I walk away to tell Bianca what the fuck just happened.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
“It’s a bad idea right?”
“Um yes?! Y/n you spent months crying and now he says two words and you’re at his feet?! Stand on business!”
“I am! But he seemed pretty sincere.”
“Fuck being sincere. Y/n don’t do stupid shit.”
“Ok! I’ll text him no.”
“Good now I’m going to dance. Text him no.”
She left and once she’s out of sight. I text him.
n/n 🩷
im coming over
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
I went over and we fucked like really fucked. He dropped me off and right now we’re pulling up to my house. “Bye Top.” “Bye N/n.” We kissed for a little bit then I finally left the car.
Bianca’s going to pissed.
“What the fuck?!”
“I didn’t mean too! It just happened.”
“Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend.”
That was the biggest lie I ever said.
“You are such a liar! So friends fuck now? Wow! I did not know that!” I can tell she’s being sarcastic.
“And you’re wearing his shirt!” I looked down and I am indeed wearing his shirt. “My clothes were dirty he was just being nice.”
“You’re so delusional I can’t.”
“It wasn’t my fault! I just tripped and fell into his bed.”
“You are terrible Y/n! Don’t let it happen again.”
She knows it’s gonna happen again.
“No she definitely had sex with him.” Me, Bianca and some other friends were just gossiping about people we don’t like at the country club. Then I got a text from no other than Topper. “Hey I gotta go to the bathroom real quick.” I say while walking towards the bathroom to answer his text.
top 🩷
Can you come over tonight n/n??
n/n 🩷
yea I’ll be there ml <3
As I’m walking back I’m smiling. I’m so excited to see him.
On my way to Topper and I told my friends I was asleep, but I never said where or in whose sheets.
I’m finally here it felt like it was forever since I’ve seen him and I pull up to your place, on the second floor. And you're standin', smiling at the door.
“Hey N/n. I missed you.” We hugged and stayed there for a while. “Top it’s only been 24 hours.” I said while laughing and he slowly joined in. “24 hours too long.” He said while pulling away and looking into my eyes. And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men, but I really can't remember when.
There was another party and everyone was there. Even Topper. I was dancing with Bianca and I can feel eyes on us, I turn and see Topper smiling at me and he sent a little wave. I waved back then he made a come here motion. I nodded and he went to a secluded spot. “Hey Bianca I’m getting something to drink, you want anything?” She shook her head and continued dancing.
I started to follow him and couldn’t find him anywhere. Then I felt arms around me. “Oh my god! Get off you weirdo!” You try to pull him off then he started laughing. You turned around and saw Topper. You slapped his arm. “You’re an asshole.”
“Hey I’m very sorry, just wanted to scare you.” He started to hug me and I hugged him back. “Can you come over tonight?”
I should probably, probably not
“Um ok.” You smiled and gave him a kiss and you both walked back to the party.
This can’t be a good idea. I’m slowly starting to see why we broke up in the first place. He’s getting possessive again. Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein’ you tonight, fuck it, it’s fine
Whatever I’m bored anyway.
It happened again. I fucked Topper and it was better than other times and yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
“I only see him as a friend” Again that is the biggest lie I ever said.
“Y/n I’m only saying this because I’m your friend but you’re becoming old y/n, making excuses defending him when he treated you like shit.”
“And before you said but we. Yea you guys were cute together but everyone slowly saw what was going on behind closed doors.”
Bianca is a really good friend and I understand what she’s saying and I appreciate what she’s saying but I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed.
Then it was excuse after excuse.
“We’re just fuck buddies.”
“I ended it anyway.”
“I just tripped and fell into his bed you know?”
I’m getting really fucking tired of Topper. Right now he’s yelling about something and I’m just zoning him out.
“Are you even listening Y/n?! Do you not understand how this would make someone upset?!”
“Why are you yelling at me? I can't hear my thoughts Topper.”
“I’m not yelling, It’s just-.” Before he could finish I just left. I can hear him screaming behind me but I really couldn’t care less.
But I know it’s gonna be the same thing anyway and the same excuse.
‘I just tripped and fell into his bed’
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An: AGHHHHHSHEIDND ngl i lowkey cooked on this but HOPED YOU ENJOYED MY LOVERSSSS 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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angellbarnes · 2 years
sparks flying
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day 1 - firefighter AU
pairing: firefighter!Bucky x reader
summary: a real life firefighter to crush on? say less. with you’re clumsiness you’ll definitely be needing him around a lot more
word count: 1.3k
warnings: just idiots with crushes fluff, (small) fires
A/N: so this is officially day 1 of my 30 day writing challenge! I’ve been gone from writing for wayyy too long. I’ve had a lot going on in life and in my head tbh but now I’m ready to saddle up again and hopefully this will be a good n fun way to bring back my writing! I think this is a cute one to start the challenge with. please like, comment and reblog, it means so so much🤍
A couple of weeks ago…
“Wanda, stop!” you yell. “You know how ticklish I am!” You’re fighting against her as she pins you down. Nat is cackling beside you, laughing at your struggling.
“Say it! Admit you like him!” She cries.
“No! I’ll never!” You cry back.
A relaxed girls night seemed like a good idea before truth or dare was involved, and it led to both Nat and Wanda forcing you to admit your schoolgirl crush on Bucky, a firefighter in your neighbourhood.
“Then I won’t stop.” You’re fighting for breath at this point, before you kick your leg perfectly, or unfortunately, to knock over a candle on the side. It falls to the carpet and everyone’s eyes widen.
“Shit!” You exclaim. You grab a pillow and hit it over the flames repeatedly. You exhale heavily when it’s out. You turn and see Wanda and Nat smirking as Nat is holding her phone to her ear. “Wha- Nat, no!” You say sternly, you can see her plan smug on her face. She holds her finger up at you as she starts speaking.
“Hey, Steve, we just had a small fire over here, maybe you should come over to make sure it’s been put out properly… Yeah, just a candle, nothing major… Ok, thanks babe. Oh, and you should probably bring Bucky too, if he’s around. Cool, see you soon.” She hangs up.
“Seriously?” You deadpan.
When they arrive, you’re sitting on the sofa with Wanda and Nat opens the door. Of course, behind Steve, Bucky comes striding in too. Wanda wiggles her eyebrows at you, poorly hiding her grin. You simply roll your eyes.
“What’ve we got here then?” Steve remarks, blankly staring and, frankly being unimpressed, at the charred patch of carpet beneath you.
“I just knocked over a candle. It is absolutely no big deal and it’s clearly out.” You reply, tight lipped. Avoiding eye contact with the looming brunet beside him, as if you’d drop dead if you were to. “What would we do without you two though?” You sarcastically add.
“What even happened?” Bucky asks, and you finally look at him, in the eyes, as you silently die inside while searching for a reason other than the truth.
“Wanda pushed me into it, and then it fell on the carpet.” Bucky raises a suspicious brow at your answer.
“Ok,” Steve says. “Just maybe try to keep candles upright from now on. We should go, Buck, and get to that bar before it’s too busy.”
“You guys are going out? We’ll come with!” Nat jumps up and pulls Wanda from the sofa, stretching her hands out to you next.
“I would, but I’ve got an early shift tomorrow. A 6am start is not what I want on less than 7 hours of sleep.” You reply, honestly this time.
“Ugh, fine.” Nat whines. Everyone starts to head out as you hold the door. You say bye to everyone and wish them a good night as Bucky hangs back.
“Shame you can’t come tonight, maybe next time?” He leans in the doorway and you think your heart actually skips a beat.
“Yeah, sounds good.” You can’t help but smile as he flashes a cheeky grin. He begins walking out and you admire his frame. It’s a shame he can’t put out the fire roaring inside of you right now.
“Have a fun shift tomorrow!” He calls out.
“Oh, I will.” You shut the door and roll your eyes and the feelings he gives you.
“Ugh, stupid fucking lights!” You growl and the flickering bulb above you, which eventually goes out altogether. You know it’s not the lightbulb because you’ve only just changed it. The same thing happens in your bedroom and the kitchen. Determined, you set out to find the light panel for your flat, which is somewhere in the building. You finally find it and open it up. You see your flat number and, beneath it, some switches and screws and wires you’ve never encountered before.
“Fuck it.” You take out your screwdriver and just head into this unknown world. You try a few switches and screws when a couple of sparks fly. You jump back with a slight shriek. Your eyes widen and your hand covers your mouth as the sparks turn into a small flame.
“Nooo. no, no, no, no, no, shit, shit, shit.”
The flame begins to grow and you look around, with no luck, for some sort of fire extinguisher. The nearest thing is a fire alarm. Brilliant. 10 in the evening and now the whole building is going to hate you.
“For fucks sake.” You press the alarm and run away from the scene of the crime before people can see you near it.
Everyone is stood outside, cold and annoyed, when the engines arrive. With everyone in gear it’s hard to tell who’s going in. You’re all waiting for a short while before they tell everyone it’s taken care of and you can start heading back in. The firefighters begin taking off their helmets and masks. You notice Steve and – shit – Bucky. You don’t have time to get away before he spots you too. He heads over.
“Hey. I’m starting to get used to this building now.” He comments. You chuckle lightly. “I’m worried you’re heading towards becoming an arsonist.” Your eyes go wide.
“How did you know it was me?” You whisper-yell. His eyes widen in response, brows furrowing.
“We didn’t. I was just making a joke, but now I’m actually concerned about you.” He folds his arms and laughs as you slap your hand to your face in stupidity.
“Oh. Shit. Uhh, there’s no getting out of this, is there? Oh god, are you meant to arrest me or something? Ok, here’s the plan: I never said or did anything. Sound good?” You reason, realising you’re just continuing your idiocy. He just smiles in response before nodding his head toward the building.
“Should I walk you up? Just to make sure you don’t start any more fires.” He quips and you scoff, rolling your eyes and playfully elbowing him.
“Fine. Just to make sure.”
“You do realise I’m going to be telling Steve about this?” Bucky says when you reach your door. “And then he’ll tell Nat, who will then tell Wanda.” He smirks, leaning against the doorway again after you step inside. God, you love a man in uniform. Although, you’d like him more out of it–
“Oh, I’m prepared for that.” You look back into your apartment, and at that patch of carpet from last time, and why it happened. “Did you want to come in?”
“Uhh…” He begins. You mentally scold yourself. He clearly doesn’t want to. But then again, he’s still in uniform.
“Oh, shit, are you still on duty? Or you don’t want to. Either way, it’s fine. Sorry for asking.” You ramble.
“No, no, that’s not it. I’m actually technically finished now. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to that bar now? As long as you don’t have another early shift tomorrow, that is.” You light up inside at his question, and can’t help the grin that spreads across your lips.
“Yes! Yeah, that sounds nice, I mean.” You shyly look at the floor and notice he steps forwards. He lifts your chin with his finger so you’re looking into his eyes.
“Uh, there’s actually something else I wanted to ask you…” He begins, and you both instinctively begin to lean into one another.
“Yeah?” You reply softly. The corner of his mouth lifts.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers into your lips and your breath hitches.
“Yes.” You pull him into you with his jacket and his lips press against yours. Suddenly, another fire is igniting. But a much, much better kind. The kiss is deep and long-awaited, both of you trying to get closer, while already being flush against one other. Finally you part, chuckling and biting your lip.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
“Thank god for my lack of my electrician knowledge, huh?”
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livfastdieyoung69 · 2 years
Edge x reader where edge and reader are bored in a hotel room one day and they decide to try on each others clothes and have like a fashion show and Christian walking in
Ring Gear
“I’m bored.” Edge and Y/N sat against the frame of his hotel bed, the tv playing Cops but it clearly wasn’t keeping Edge’s attention very well.
“Yeah, I got that from the first five times you said it.” Edge groaned at the sarcastic response, flopping over to continue his complaining against their thigh. “If you’re so bored than go pick out what you’re gonna wear tonight or something!” Instead of replying, Edge continued his huffing but walked over to his suitcase, dragging his feet. He quickly unzipped it, pulling out all of the options onto Christians bed- who had left Edge in their hotel room to go get a few drinks with a couple of friends that he knew Edge wasn’t really a big fan of so he made Y/N babysit him.
“How about the green pants? I like those ones.” Y/N took their eyes from the tv to give their input. Edge turned to look at them like they were insane.
“I wore those last Monday babe! You totally have to wait at least like two weeks before wearing the same thing!” He explained as if everybody was supposed to know that already.
“Well, sorry, Jesus. I didn’t mean to affend you..” Y/N mumbled with an eye roll, turning their attention back to Cops.
“How about these ones?” He held up a pair of white ones with red details.
“Yeah, those are cool. I like the red velvet ones too they look fuzzy.”
“They are! It kinda sucks to wrestle in, I always feel like I’m overheating but they look cool.”
“That’s kinda gross.’
“It’s true, babe! Here try em’ on, see for yourself.” Edge threw the pants at them while talking, accidentally hitting them in the face.
“I don’t really wanna try your sweaty ring gear on, Adam.”
“I’ll try on your ring gear if you do.” Y/N’s eyebrows raised, a smirk settling on their face at the idea. “And I’ll wear the green pants tonight?” Y/N got out of bed and made their way to the door.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“Well, I gotta get my ring gear don’t I?”
Y/N sat a pair of ridiculously big sunglasses over their eyes, tinted red with white frames, before moving back to sit on the bed, Edge’s pants bunching around their ankles due to the height difference he held above them as they waited for him to leave the bathroom.
“You almost done in there?” Y/N shouted over Edge’s grunts.
“Dont rush me, these pants are like impossible to put on!”
“Please dont rip-“ Before they were able to finish the bathroom door swung open to reveal Edge posing with one hand to his head and the other on his jutted hip. Y/N tried to speak but their laughter wouldn’t allow it.
“I know, I just look so great, huh?” He continued with the poses while making his way over to the bed. “Ooh, look at me, I’m Y/N in my tight leather pants, ooh I’m so sexy!” His voice went high in impersonation. Y/N slapped him on the arm before jumping out of the bed and lowering their voice.
“I’m Edge, I’m so cool dude and totally a great wrestler, I definitely don’t cheat in every match! And Christian totally isn’t wayyy cooler than me!”
“Just speaking the truth.” Y/N spoke with a shrug before they were roughly put into a headlock.
“Take that back!”
“Just becuase you can’t handle it doesn’t mean its not the truth, Adam!” They spoke through giggles. Edge opened his mouth to answer but someone else beat him to it.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Christian spoke from the door frame of the hotel room. Edge and Y/N quickly seperated, refusing to make eye contact with the newly returned man. Christian signed before speaking again. “I knew I shouldn’t of left you.”
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ya yeet little brother jakey tryna roast me? ive had that in my head literally all dayyyyy bro i used to love logan paul i literally watched that one video of the Suicide Forest before it was taken down
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feyhunter78 · 11 months
Hi Meg🖤
So I have an idea for a Miguel fic if you're interested in writing it;
dilf neighbor! Miguel x woc chubby f!reader. Enemies to lovers since they're both grumpy sarcastics. They're not fans of each other because they got off on the wrong foot.
Now they're hostile for no reason, reader loves kids so she A D O R E S Gabi and Miguel can't do anything about it. Reader is also sharing her house with a roommate who is very much sunshine and conventionally attractive. She's aggressively into flirting with Miguel but he's not letting up.
He kind of gives up on wanting Gabi to dislike reader so he can continue being an ass but it doesn't work in his favor and now he and reader are seeing alot more of each other because of everything and now they're both battling with themselves internally to not be attracted to each other or like the other person since they're also both very emotionally awkward. They have tense moments too, like 'are they going to make a move or no'.
Cue Gabi getting sick and Miguel needs help and he has no idea what to do so he's over at reader's house frazzled and she goes and sorts her best girl out like a calm boss and he's just absolutely floored, his baby fever/breeding schmink is at an all time high.
Reader is about to leave after a day since Gabi is doing good, they're both tired and he's sitting and brooding and grabs her hand like 'don't leave' and she wants to know why?? they get into a petty argument and cue the explosive confession scene and then you give them devils tango with both of their absolute raging breeding kinks coming out to play.
Reader's housemate is shook when she learns Miguel has been into reader the whole time but she's cool with it, everyone was basically shipping them anyways, they were just too hard ass to see it.
Give them a HEA with a Miguel Jr if you'd please??? 🥺
If any part of this makes you feel uncomfortable or you're not keen to write it, that's fine. If you do choose to do this please feel free to take it in any direction you'd like though, the idea is yours now and I'd like you to be comfortable and happy doing this.
Thank you🌻
This is a really interesting idea but unfortunately all Kinktober asks have to be pulled from the list!
If you want to check it out then come back with a different idea I’d be more than happy to write something for you!!!!💗
(Also babe this is wayyy too much for a one shot, I wouldn’t be able to do it proper justice without multiple parts, which I am unfortunately not doing for Kinktober!)
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starraxxtra · 2 months
Attack On Titan Oneshots
meeting them for the first time!! <3
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(GN Reader) here btw! ^_^
posted on: Tumblr, Wattpad
💥 - EREN
- At first it was just like, "yeah whatever, their weak like everyone else."
- but then he saw how strong you were with ODM gear and how good you were with your blades!!
- he did a little '😯' when you did your badass hand-to-hand combat & ODM stuff c:
- after a while he finally got the courage and attempted (keyword: attempted) at making casual conversation with you!
- it failed tremendously and he fainted.
- however he was pleased when he had learned you had been the one making sure he was okay 😌
- the both of you immediately clicked (seeing as you two were the only mental bodybuilders in the room)
- you guys just communicated with looks at first, like you and him had a psychic connection or something
- eventually he got wayyy comfy with you and now you guys are best friends!!
- funnily enough, you two met when she wouldn't stop staring at you during training, resulting you being a bit worried about her!
- turns out she was zoning out, but she did admit to watching you for a while.
- still with a poker face of course.
- but overtime she warmed up to you (in however way she does that) and one day walked up to you and said quite literally:
- "we're friends now."
- then she walked away. strange, but who were you to judge?
🐴 - JEAN
- you met when he tried to flirt with you during dinner, of course.
- you didn't mind (or tried not to mind at least)
- eventually you noticed that he started to stare at you more than Mikasa...
- you tried to think nothing of it though, taking it as simply the way he attempts to make friends.
- now you and Jean are just simply friends, perhaps even best friends? yes his staring was slightly creepy but it's okay. his hair is soft that makes up for it
- you've just promised yourself to start fake flirting back if this happens constantly.
- when you met him, he was just being same ol' Connie, class clown n shit
- eventually you decided to mutter a sarcastic joke about how jean's hair looked like a mop.
- of course Sasha heard this (because she hears everything apparently.), and started wheezing laughing like an elderly person who vaped too early in life and has shit lungs, but is attempting to yell.
- Connie asked what the hell was funny, and you repeated your joke
- he immediately started banging his fist on the table and started dying or some shit.
- (nevermind he was just laughing)
- then Connie looked at you with that "we should be friends because your funny but I have no idea who you are" sorta look
- so now you two have non-verbally decided that your besties (including Sasha ofc, its mandatory)
- you saw the whole time during training how she just seemed to spawn food out of thin air, and so you thought "hey, why not be friends with her, that's too funnily comical not to be entertained by"
- and turns out she wanted to meet you too. why? because you gave her half of your bread during lunch.
- soon she forced you to meet baldy, but you told her that you liked her better.
- and then the three of you (sometimes including Jean if he wasn't being a bitch) just came together to be the most unserious friend group of the century.
- you two met when he was trying to defend you from eren being a bitch, such a sweetheart 😭😭
- so yes, you did call him a sweetheart and thanked him, because why not?! it's not a y/n moment it's just manners 🤨🤨
- afterwards the both of you decided to stick together as you both are pretty chill compared to... other people.
- (hi yes, i'd like to say that i think Bertholdt hugs are absolutely amazing, author out)
- you met when you were attempting to stop him from hitting on Krista, ft. Ymir
- he was really shocked about it, but how noble of you to do that, right?
- pretty much everyone but him realized he was staring at you more than Krista, but you thought it was just a glare.
- eventually you decided to just approach him to stop the staring because, like hell, it was annoying
- you forced him to be your friend. that's it. not that he minds, but it was just the simple;
- "dude if you wanted to be friends I really wouldn't mind" trope
- you met him at the stables, you were both assigned stable cleaning duties 🫶🏽
- eventually he got curious, and came over to ask out a few questions, the norm y'know.
- for example "how'd you get assigned cleaning duty?", "What's your horses name?", and "hey your cool, wanna hang out sometime?"
- the both of you appreciated each others calmness, seeing as everyone else was extremely loud.
- (the exceptions Armin, Bertholdt, and Mikasa)
- whenever you 2 hang out it's like a breath of fresh air for both of you lmao
- you guys met during training, because you got partnered up 😎
- surprisingly, you were able to (slightly)beat her, not many others were
- (besides Mikasa of course)
- which lead to her thinking she should befriend you!
- (just for the mission, totally. 🤨)
- to be honest, the two of you are so scary together, even Reiner is slightly intimidated.
- don't think she'll go easier on you just because your friends though. she's still finna beat your ass when you least expect it.
🧚‍♀️ - YMIR
- Ymir was really mean, no sugarcoating needed to describe her.
- she was jokingly mean with you, so you got used to it and knew not to get offended too quickly.
- she was mildly surprised at you not really caring about her insults, so she stuck around you.
- (not that you minded, of course.)
- and yeah, maybe she's mean and calls you a crybaby and messes your hair up and wakes you up in the middle of the night to go on walks with her, but you can fix her!!! we believe in u :3
- being completely honest with you, she just came up to you because she was dared to.
- then she realized that you were the only person there who wasn't overwhelming.
- after a while krista started coming up to you on her own
- just for "advice" on people ofc
- (im sorry but this girl is adrien 2.0)
😾 - LEVI
- you were introduced to him thru your promotion (your rank was moved to captain)
- he already was glad you weren't loud as shit and a blabbermouth like SOMEONE...
- (don't take this sentence wrong hange is my bbg)
- he found himself coming to you for assistance in tons of things
- totally just so his ears could rest
- and totalllyyyy not because he was a little fond of you...
- (bonus points because the tea you make hits hard asf)
- they met you when you volunteered to help with one of their little experiments when Moblit was out sick ❤️
- and ofc they were ecstatic, you had actually volunteered for this and hadn't been forced to do it!!!
- turns out you were really really smart, close to their level of smart!
- so with that, they decided to keep you around just in case, you becoming their favorite assistant
- also their favorite coffee runner. you make that brown morning mixture slap harder than Eren when he was getting that fly.
🦾 - Erwin
- you were the nurse taking care of him when he lost his arm (GOWITHITOKAY)
- and hey, let's face the truth, you looked forward to seeing him everyday because LOOK AT HIM
-bro looks forward to you visiting to do checkups too, your the "fun nurse"
- (he's on HM anesthetic.) (hange made anesthetic, not to be confused with home made.)
-he does not look forward to the day he has to leave the infirmary, he'll miss you :(
- and the times you'll kiss his wounds better 💔
🛌 - Moblit
- bro was eepy and needed a replacement for the day so he could get some sleep and a break from hange
- you took up the offer because you felt bad for him tbh 😢
- and yes you might've had to actually fill in for him for a few days because he accidentally slept too long
- but you didn't mind bc your just cool like that ❤️
- now you guys just do favors for each other on the daily, fair and square :3
- you also get to play with his hair to your liking. AND IT IS SO SOFT OH MY GO-
PLEASE lmk if you liked these! it’s my first time uploading an x reader thing and im scared :3
if there are any characters I should add to this list pls tell me!!
next chapter: ok so like basically then starting to crave your company, not really jealousy just missing you 😿
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winchester-books · 2 years
I Can Handle my Alcohol
Based On: Outer Banks
Characters: JJ x Reader (kinda), John B, Pope, Kie, Sarah
Warnings: n/a
w/c: 800ish
Summary: JJ has a little too much to drink and needs a little taking care of.
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You dropped your head in defeat as John B screamed your name as he ran past you. “And I think that’s my que to leave,” you offered the group of girls you had befriended a tight-lipped smile. 
They exchanged odd looks as you took off after your best friend. You didn’t manage to catch up to him until you made it to the van where Pope, JJ, and John B were already inside. You climbed in the back, taking your usual spot next to JJ.  
“What happened?” You asked, slightly out of breath, “Did you guys get into it with Rafe and Top again or…”
“No,” John B snapped, “And if we had, they would have been the ones to start it-”
Pope cut him off before he had the chance to start on a never-ending rant about the Kooks, “It’s JJ,” he nodded toward the boy next to you, giving you a look.
You turned, finally getting a real look at him and just now realizing how uncharacteristically quiet he had been. His face was flushed and his  eyes were partially closed, “Good god,” You muttered, “Somebody had wayyy too much to drink tonight,” You looked over at Pope stifling a laugh, “I didn’t know it was possible for him to drink too much-”
“I am perfectly fine, thank you for asking,” JJ’s words slurred and his head bobbed up to look at you, “I can handle my alcohol,”
You sighed as his head slumped to the side, resting against your shoulder, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this. I swear if he yacks on me-”
As if he was waiting for you to say something, JJ lurched forward and threw up his stomach contents all over your sneakers and the van floor. 
“Oh come on man!” “Not in my car, dude!”
“Oh god-JJ,” you covered your mouth, holding back the urge to puke, “These were new shoes,” 
Suddenly the van’s back door slid open again, this time revealing Kie and Sarah, “What did we miss-” Kie stopped mid-sentence when she saw the vomit, “Oh hell no.”
Sarah gagged and turned away, shaking her head, “We’re gonna walk home,” She quickly decided, Kie eagerly nodded in agreement. 
“Wow thanks guys,” you said sarcastically as the two slowly backed away from the van, “So helpful.”
“Sorry, I just remembered we have this thing that we said we’d do…” Kie lied and gave you a small smile before she and Sarah sped away and back toward the party. 
“You guys suck,” John B muttered, turning over the engine and driving to the chateau. 
You groaned looking down at the mess on your shoes, but then snapped out of it, remembering how sick the boy next to you was. “JJ?” you said softly, gently grabbing his face so he’d look at you, “You okay now?”
He blinked, “Think so,” he slurred, “S-sorry about the shoes,”
“Its okay- but I’m definitely going to make you wash them when your hangover wears off-”
“I do not get hungover,” he mumbled, “I am JJ Maybank. I can handle-”
“Yes. Yes, you can handle your alcohol- you've mentioned it,” you held back another laugh, shaking at his stubbornness, “We’ll see about that tomorrow.”
John B peeled into the front yard and took the keys out of the ignition.
“JJ, come on,” you nudged him slightly and followed Pope out of the van, extending your hand out to JJ. It took him a few seconds, but he finally grabbed hold and stumbled out towards you and Pope. He leaned forward into you, nearly knocking you over with his weight. “Woah, there JJ,” 
Pope managed to grab one of JJ’s arms to take some of the weight and you put his other arm around your shoulder, “Come on J, let's get you inside,”
You and Pope managed to practically drag JJ inside, you made sure to kick off your ruined sneakers before getting indoors, “Do you need to yack again?” You looked toward the blonde boy, figuring getting the remainder of the alcohol in his system out was the best decision.
He shrugged in response, but you nodded to Pope in the direction of the bathroom. The two of you slowly lowered JJ to the ground, who was quick to lunge for the toilet and finish getting the liquor out of his system. 
The color in Pope’s face drained at the sight and he decided to head outside with John B. 
“Y/N?” JJ groaned, still leaned over the bowl, “I don't feel very good,”
“Really?” you raised a brow and rubbed his back, “I never would’ve guessed,”
“What's up J?”
“Thank you,” he mumbled, sitting up.
“For what?” you furrowed your brows at his words.
“For always being here for me,”
You smiled, “Of course JJ, always.” Your heart fluttered at his sweet words, “Alright, let’s get you in bed, huh?”
He nodded weakly and you wrapped an arm around him, helping him stand up and get his bearings. He wrapped his arm tightly around you and stumbled toward the guest room, you helped keep him upright. The moment you stepped inside JJ flopped forward onto the bed, taking you with him from his hold on your waist.
“JJ?!” Your words came out muffled by the pillows and blankets you were lying face down in. He only groaned and you sighed in defeat, pinned under his arm. Guess you were spending your night with JJ- and not in a way you had ever anticipated.
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roaches? yuck
featuring: tsukishima kei
warnings: none, sfw, fluff??, cockroaches, tsukishima is scared of them, reader is not
tsukishima x g/n reader
a/n: probably wayyy too many quotation marks but I love writing dialogue. I like how it ended but I also liked the banter at the end so bonus content whoop whoop. I’m thinking ab making this a series so let me know if you want a part 2 or have character requests!!
meet not-so-cute
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tsukishima kei was snarky, sarcastic, smart, and even mean. in other words, tsukishima kei would be described by many people as an asshole. he also, in fact, hated cockroaches.
you were his new neighbor, occupying the apartment directly across the hallway. you were friendly, smiling at him with a wave when you walked out of your door just as he was unlocking his. he glanced at you before stepping inside without a word.
so why was he standing outside your apartment a week later working up the nerve to knock on the door?
right, because there was a demon in his house.
three days ago he had heard a noise from the hallway and checked his peephole to see you come out of the door wielding a sandal like a weapon. In a swift movement, you crushed the nasty monster on the floor, investigating your handiwork and wiping the remains with a clorox wipe. tsukishima thought it was disgusting.
but right now, he could really use your bug-killing expertise.
he knocked firmly on your door and waited.
“hello? oh you live across me right? I’m l/n y/n” you said sticking your hand out.
“yes, I’m tsukishima kei.”
“it’s nice to meet you, is there anything I can help you with?”
tsukishima explained how there was a huge cockroach currently occupying his kitchen.
“you’re talking to me for the first time to kill a roach for you?”
his face heated up, “well it sounds worse when you say it like that. I was almost done making ramen when that thing appeared, so you can have some after if you want.”
“I’m just kidding, you don’t have to bribe me with food. I’ll get my sandal.”
now you were both standing in his kitchen, him cautiously lingering in the doorway as you stepped further in.
“do you remember where it was?”
tsukishima slowly stepped towards the counter, “it was right over-”
he jumped as the roach crawled out from behind his toaster, grabbing your shoulders as he stepped behind you. he released you with a cough as you stifled your chuckle.
“step back tough guy, I got this.”
tsukishima rolled his eyes but exited the kitchen regardless. he peeked in through the doorway, planning his escape if the roach were to pass you and scurry towards him.
he watched as you moved another appliance and the roach came out, “there’s the roach. there’s the roach. kill it. KILL IT!”
it was over in a flash, you cleaning up the remains and tsukishima letting out a sigh of relief.
you turned back to him, “anyway, my job here is done. feel free to knock on my door again for any bug-related murders.”
“so normal murders are out of the question?”
“I can’t legally answer that. we can discuss the details when the time comes.”
tsukishima slightly grinned at you, “before you leave, I believe I promised you ramen.”
“oh don’t worry about it, my services are free of charge,” you paused, “that sounded wrong.”
he snorted, “we can discuss the implications of that statement and future murders, bug-related of course, if you stay for ramen?”
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“ok, thank you tsukishima,” you beamed at him.
“you can call me kei, but only after you get that roach-haunted sandal out of my place.”
“excuse you, this killing machine just saved your life.”
“actually,” he teased, “you did. now please, get the roach sandal out of my apartment.”
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thank you for reading <3
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omiscurls · 3 years
hi! (this request is heavily inspired by a kdrama i just watched called sweet home lmao) could i request a childe x gn reader fic where childe and the reader r both severely injured and the reader had to kill someone for self defense and as theyre running away the reader feeling super guilty is like “i’m so terrible i killed someone” and childe is trying to comfort them and they find a place to rest while being both on the verge of death and the reader is like “i killed someone, i’m so scared that it’ll be my last memory”and the childe is like “try to forget abt it it’s ok” and the reader is like “u don’t think abt either too” (yk implying like oh don’t think abt the ppl you���ve killed before childe, bc im assuming he’s killed a lot of ppl) and he’s like ok with a sad smile and they die together in each other’s arms holding hands?)/?:))2 help this is wayyy to detailed i’m sry but if u want the reference scene it’s from this video , they show the specific scene in time stamps 0:57-2:56 again i’m so sorry if this is too detailed or if u don’t wanna write it!!! tysm <3
a/n oh my god that is just my kind of angst, thanks for the request and i hope you'll enjoy!!
prompt: honestly? dying with tartaglia (that sounds like a creepy tv show's title and i'm proud of it)
contains: tartaglia
warnings: angst, death, blood, major character death, self-blame, murder, more blood, really a lot of dying and bleeding, please do not proceed if you're not comfortable with the topics
adrenaline was probably the last string that had your body moving and functioning in any way. the blood in your veins made you deaf, only capable of noticing the sounds of it pumping behind your ears, head pulsing like a bomb about to explode.
your whole body shook, and you felt a metallic taste on your tongue, covering your mouth with your hand to prevent throwing up, which you predicted would happen in a matter of seconds.
"hey!" you finally heard childe yell, sounding distant even still, when you lifted your gaze away from the body before you and noticed he was standing fairly close. "come on, move, or his buddies" he said pointing to the lifeless man beneath you "might just come to get revenge"
with that he took your arm by the waist and pulled you along with him.
you stumbled over your own feet, and almost fell down every couple of minutes. your lungs started to burn after mere seconds, and you couldn't even find breath to tell him to slow down. you also knew he couldn't, having better self-preservation instincts than you, he understood the situation you two were in better.
you looked behind you, to the spot where blood painted the grass red under a pile of dead bodies, some of your allies, some of your foes, but from this kind of distance, you couldn't even make out which one was which. your gaze fell down to your hands, covered in sticky redness as well.
you just killed somebody.
it wasn't even the consequences that frightened you, it was the sheer act of life leaving his eyes before he fell down, of his pupils staring at you in one last beg for mercy before freezing like that for the eternity ahead, for how his body seemed to have gained weight in a matter of seconds, almost pulling you down with him. the ringing in your head got more intense as you choked on a strained sob.
"they're dead" you breathed out, making your partner laugh sarcastically.
"good guess" he answered, his grip on your arm loosening as the both of you climbed up a hill.
"no, you don't understand, they're- dead dead! i- i didn't think i-" you stumbled over your words, panic settling in your eyes as you tried to comprehend the situation.
"what, you didn't think that if you pierce a person through with a blade they're gonna die?" he asked rhetorically, back almost slamming against a tree, sliding down to the ground with a breath of relief. "fuck, looks like i got pierced, too" he noticed, looking down onto his side, the grey material of his uniform getting dark and sticky. he hissed, trying to lift it up, and gave up on his attempts, instead opting to look at you.
you didn't sit down, but kept staring forward with the most frightened expression he had ever seen you wear. eyes wide open as you searched for answers in thin air, hands shaking, moving up to cover your mouth.
“hey” he whispered way gentler than before, urging you to sit down in front of him “it’s okay, it was only self-defense. you did kill them, but you didn’t murder them or anything, it was kill or be killed”
his words held so much confidence in what he was saying, you almost felt comforted. he really did master the art of bending the truth to his liking, didn’t he?
“i did it, what if he was someone’s father, or brother, or whoever else, what if i just destroyed someone’s world? he was a human being just as much as i am, i had no right-“ you started relapsing into panic, hands gripping on your hair, head moving down to hide between your legs.
only then did tartaglia notice the huge wound right across the back of your thigh, and several others. fuck, he instantly thought, whoever did it knew what he was doing, cut you in a very specific place, with intent to kill.
he couldn’t even fight back the wave of anger coming crushing at him, but bit his lip instead of saying anything. there was no way the both of you could get to a safe place in time.
he used to be so passionate about continuing to live, normally he would’ve just throw you over his shoulder and run, until his legs gave out, but now, he didn’t even have the energy to stand up. he barely could move his hand, and the more he tried to fight it, the more tired he became.
the feeling of helplessness was eating him alive, both from not having any way of providing you safety, and for not protecting you earlier, not to mention how he couldn’t find the right words to say to you now.
“listen” he started carefully, waiting for you to stop sobbing. “it’s painful, killing someone. it leaves a hole inside you that you don’t know how to cover. it makes your thoughts twist and fight back against you, it makes you want to leave your own head for how bad you feel. it sucks, believe me, i know. you didn’t deserve to have to feel this shitty. i’m- i’m sorry. for not shielding you well enough.” he said bluntly, not a hint of comfort or the usual beating around the bush that he used every time he intended to coax you. just pure, brutal truth. for once.
“it’s okay” you mumbled quietly. your head felt heavy on your shoulders, and you felt how it started to fall off its support. the numbness in your legs, this sort of stressful feeling of being constantly out of air- “i don’t want to die, though”
the sentence felt like a whimper, a cry of help, but tartaglia knew there was exactly nothing he could do.
“am i gonna die?” your voice felt a little stronger, laced with fear, and you lifted your eyes back onto him, in search of a “no” that you knew you wouldn’t find. “i’m gonna leave this world with killing a man as my last memory” you laughed bitterly, before laugh became a cry, and tears mixed with sweat on the surface of your cheeks. “that’s the worst fucking death i could ever imagine”
“baby, look at me” he asked calmly “come here”
when you moved to sit on his side, his hand, sticky from blood, intertwined its fingers with yours, and squeezed tightly.
“look. we’re sitting on a hill, under a tree, the sun is high up in the sky, a meadow below us, it’s a perfect date!” he laughed so authentically, you almost believed it was true. “we’re on a dream date, isn’t that amazing? and look.”
with that, he tilted your head towards his, and kissed you softly and shortly.
“i love you.” he said in the calmest manner he could force out “is that a better memory?”
you placed your head on his side, attempting to hug him even a little bit, tears staining his uniform even more.
“i don’t want to leave you.”
“i’ll be right behind you. guarding your back, like i always do. after all, i promised to always protect you, right? death won’t change my plans.”
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marvelhero-fics · 4 years
Series - Chapter One
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You’re a HYDRA assassin that’s worked closely with the Winter Soldier, to each of your dismay you’re reunited with Bucky after the blip. 
A/N: I haven’t posted in like 300 years, but I hope you guys enjoy this new series! This follows parts of TFATWS so expect spoilers! (Also I’m sure all the Russian is absolutely wrong, if you’d like to correct it please send me a message!)
Word Count: 1,815 (future chapters will be wayyy longer)
Snowman Masterlist || Full Masterlist
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New York
“So tell me about this-” the therapist looked down at her notes briefly, “(Y/N).” She finished.
Bucky paused momentarily, “No.”
“James, for these therapy sessions to be effective, you need to open up to me. I can’t help you if I don't know what’s wrong.” His therapist responded, laying her pen carefully on her small notebook.
Bucky thought for a moment, taking in the ambience of the room. What would he even say about (Y/N)? He hadn’t seen her in years. Bucky was kicking himself for accidentally bringing her up in his session last week. “I- uh-” he stammered, shifting his weight on the couch, “I met her in 2011. At least I think it was 2011. Date’s get kinda fuzzy sometimes, with all the cryo.” Bucky’s hand pressed against his head, feeling dazed as he tried to think back. “It was at the big HYDRA base outside of Moscow. We had to go on a mission together-” he was cut off,
“Did she work for HYDRA?” Dr Raynor interjected.
“Yea. She was an assassin too. She went by the alias the Viper.” Bucky pretended not to notice his therapist tense up. Anyone who knew anything about HYDRA knew who the Viper was. She was one of the most prolific assassins after the Winter Soldier.
“Tell me more about when you met her.”
“We were instructed to take out a terrorist organisation forming against SHIELD. Which was ironic because we were working for a terrorist organisation. But at this point SHIELD was being run by HYDRA and they couldn’t risk any slip ups, so they put 6 assassins on the job. HYDRA usually didn’t have their assassins working together, we were all too volatile. But we had to take out over 70 people in one night. It was (Y/N), a few assassins from the Red Room, and a few agents that HYDRA had trained personally, and me.” Bucky stopped.
“Where was (Y/N) trained?”
“At a secondary facility run by HYDRA. She was trained from a really young age. It’s all she’s known.” Bucky seemed somber. But his therapist continued,
“What happened on the mission?”
“Nothing. It went exactly to plan. The targets were taken out and we all left without a trace. But (Y/N), she- she kept trying to talk to me, or get to know me. I was the Winter Soldier. No one in their right mind ever tried to ‘get to know me’.”
“Why do you think (Y/N) did that?”
“She told me she was bored.” He replied bluntly.
The poorly lit conference room was filled with a myriad of assassins and officials. The only illumination came from old LED lights hanging from the concrete ceiling. The mossy green paint on the walls looked as if it hadn’t been patched up in years. The only new-ish part of the room was the large, oak conference table, surrounded by black, leather seating. It was difficult not to notice the red HYDRA symbol holding a spot on almost every piece of clothing in the area.
“TITAN terroristicheskaya organizatsiya, formiruyushchayasya protiv nas. (TITAN is a terrorist organisation forming against us.)” Kuznetsov spoke, “Izbrannyye budut otpravleny segodnya vecherom v Ukrainu dlya vypolneniya postavlennoy zadachi. Uberi ikh. (The chosen ones will be sent to Ukraine tonight to complete their given tasks. Take them out.)”
That was all it took. You stared at the file in front of you. You had read through it multiple times, going over every single name, every single skill set your targets had. You were more than certain you could complete this job on your own. But you had no choice on the matter.
Your eyes darted around, taking in the faces of the assassins that were to accompany you on your mission. Two youthful females, dressed in black leather sat next to each other. The older, grimacing woman behind them was Madame B., the head supervisor of the Red Room. You moved your gaze to the two agents in dark green uniforms and red, soviet berets. Neither looked particularly menacing.
You finally landed on the last assassin. His dark hair fell like curtains around his face. Gloomy blue eyes searched their way through the room. His sharp jaw seemed tense through his stubbled cheeks. He was large, extremely built. Covering his frame was an amplitude of black clothing and gear.
“Play nice.” Your mentor spoke softly over your shoulder, breaking you from your train of thought.  
“I always do.”
Your padded snow boots ripped through the thick snow covering the ground. The six of you had hiked your way to the set point on your GPS systems, the clouds of snowfall covering your vision held the illusion that there were absolutely no structures nearby. A large helicopter had dropped the group a few miles out from the hideout to ensure nothing was compromised. The trek was in utter silence, fighting against the harsh temperature in mid February.
The waypoint became closer on your map, a tiny building slowly appeared in your vision against the foggy downfall. It was a small, wooden cabin. Everyone hustled their way through the unlocked door. It was barren, it held no furniture, no blankets, no means of any life. There appeared to be a few doors that led to small, empty rooms. The entrance only held a small fireplace, filled with old cut down logs that had been eaten by bugs.
The group quickly dispersed, you headed to one of the rooms alone, throwing down your belongings onto the floor. The bag you carried was mainly filled with weapons and ammunition, along with a very warm sleeping bag. You knew too well you wouldn’t be sleeping tonight, but you would need the extra heat for now.
There was no chatter anywhere in the house. Your mission would begin in 6 hours. Everyone was likely putting together their artillery. You decided to cozy up in your navy sleeping bag for a moment of comfort.
Someone had lit the fire in the lounge. A warm, orange light crept through the cracks in your door. The ambiance was strangely calming for a shitty cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Snow continued to fall against the tiny glass pane of your room. You weren’t a fan of assassinating in the snow. It was low vision, harsher climates, and it lessened the ability to move. Snakes weren’t creatures of the cold. Conveniently you’d been grouped with someone who called himself ‘The Winter Soldier’. I’m sure he loves the cold, you thought.
You’d heard a lot about him. Everyone had. He was the perfect assassin. He never failed a mission, his body didn’t reject cryo, every form of enhancement HYDRA had used on him had been a success. He was what every assassin had aspired to be.
Without thought, you grabbed the glass bottle laying next to you and walked off to the room the Winter Soldier had claimed for the night.
“Privet (Hello)”. You announced, pushing his door open with a creak. His head didn’t turn towards you. He sat on the floor, the sound coming from him indicated he was sharpening knives.
“Khochesh' vypit'? (Want a drink?)” You asked, motioning the bottle towards him.
He stayed silent for a moment. Finally he turned, looking up at you from his position on the floor. “What is it?” His dark tone asked back. The amber light from the fire crashed against his features. His strong jaw was covered with a dark stubble, his brunette hair tucked behind his ears. His most obvious feature was the hauntingly blue eyes that sat in sunken sockets, he looked drained.
“It’s vodka.” You stated, honestly. You were surprised to hear he wasn’t Russian, he sounded… American?
“You’re drinking before a mission?” He queried.
You shrugged. “Alcohol doesn’t freeze.” You sat down next to him. “Plus it takes the edge off.” A faint clinking noise announced as you placed the bottle on the floor between you two. He stared at you for a moment, before quietly going back to his knives.
“Wanna play 20 questions?” You interrupted the silence.
“What about truth or dare?”
“I’m not 14.” the soldier replied, his eyes not leaving his handy work.
“How old are you?” You shot back,
“Why are you trying to get to know me?” He dodged your question.
“I’m bored.” You shrugged, taking a deep swig of the vodka. “And by my calculations,” you peered down at your watch, “we still have 3 hours and 27 minutes until the mission starts.”
He gave a shallow sigh, “93.”
“I’m 93. How old are you.”
“93?! You were born in 1917?”
“Mhm. How old are you.”
“25. You look great for 93.” You chuckled.
“You look old for 25.” He jabbed back. His knife sharpener still grinding across a 6 inch blade.
“You flatter me.” You replied sarcastically. “So what’s your story? How’d you make it to 93?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“Why would I ask if I didn’t want to know?”
Bucky looked over at you. “I’m telling you, you don’t want to know.”
“C’mon old man,  I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” You smirked. He once again, went back to his knives. It almost seemed as if he was trying to threaten you, pulling out larger knife after larger knife.
You huffed, opening your mouth to speak, “I was born in Hungary to a drug abusing mother, and an absent father. I was kidnapped and sold to HYDRA when I was 6. I was placed under the care of the Kraken. Not sure if you’ve met him, he’s this large guy-”
“I’ve met him.” Bucky stated, interrupting your spiel.
“Right, well, he trained me for years. Eventually HYDRA got involved again and I was tested on, experimented on, messed with, ya’ know, all that fun stuff.” You explained.
“Are you enhanced?” Bucky asked, almost as if he was actually interested.
“Yea. I have this whole snake venom trick. It’s great for up close combat. The experiments really should’ve killed me though. But maybe that’s what makes us so good-” Bucky looked over at the woman next to him, her bright eyes stared back at him as she spoke “ya’ know, the best assassins are the ones living off borrowed time. Because we’ve met death before, so we’re not afraid to do it again.”
Bucky quickly grabbed the Barrett M82 rifle next to him, his metal arm making faint whirring noises. “I’m going to scope out the base.” He stated bluntly. And with that, his large black boots walked him out the bedroom, and out the door.
You let out a faint sigh, creeping back to your room to sort out your weapons. You were sure it was something you said that scared him off. I guess at 93 you have to be living off too much borrowed time, you speculated. You absentmindedly set up your pistols, your mind not being able to wander from the Winter Soldier. Maybe annoying the Red Room girls would get your mind off it.
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Head cannons of Kokichi finding out that his s/o is being bullied. I just imagine him sending dice after them
kokichi x reader who is being bullied headcanons <3
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this is pretty wholesome 😳 i like the idea of kokichi protecting his s/o no matter what! and thanks for the request!
kokichi never wants you to get hurt!
sure he teases you a lot...but he’s the only one allowed to do that!
and he only does that because he loves you!
you’re everything to him, and anytime he sees you upset at all his immediate instinct is to comfort you and make you smile!
and he has noticed that you’ve been more upset lately...
he doesn’t pry too much, since he doesn’t want to make you even more upset
but he does ask you what’s wrong on more than one occasion
“Y/n, what exactly made my beautiful lover look so sad? You can tell me y’know!”
if you give him excuses, he knows that you’re lying
but he’ll try to leave it alone until you’re ready to tell him, again he doesn’t want to make you upset!
so instead of pestering you too much, he just offers you his support!
“Welll, I guess I’ll just have to give you kisses until you’re happy again! C’mon! Come here!”
but eventually the secret comes out...
either you tell him you’re being bullied or he sees it with his own eyes 
if you decide to tell him...
he know he shouldn’t lie and joke right now so he won’t, instead just listening to your every word, holding your hand and squeezing it tight
he didn’t actually expect you were being bullied, of course the thought did cross his mind, but he didn’t entertain it
because he doesn’t understand how someone would bully someone as amazing as you!
how?? what would they even make fun of you for????
you’re just so cute and so lovable and so beautiful and you’re just all of these incredible things so how would someone bully you?!?!
it didn’t make sense at all for him!
and he’s hugging you as soon as you finish explaining
“Jeez, they’re such idiots. You’re so awesome, Y/n! They shouldn’t even be allowed in your presence!”
honestly, he’s angry. angry at those “people” who tried to hurt you, angry that he couldn’t protect you
he’ll try to keep calm...
but it’s hard!
his mind keeps rushing to ways he can get them back, like certain pranks he can pull on them that would really hinder their life 
but he has to make sure you’re okay with that first
“Do you need me to plan revenge or anything like that? Because D.I.C.E. and I could 100% help you out!”
if you say yes, he’s on it immediately!
he starts thinking of extensive plans, and of course D.I.C.E. is involved!
they make sure your bullies never bully you again!
but if you say no, he’ll still give dirty looks and sly comments to them
and if he sees you getting bullied...
he’s even angrier at being the one to witness it and he can’t really calm himself down
someone hurting his beloved? seriously??
if it’s online...
he’s messaging them. he’s using all the sarcastic replies he possibly can. and he uses periods and correct grammar in every sentence to instill fear.
‘hi. i heard you were harassing y/n. do you care to tell me why?’
he doesn’t give into his anger and lash out because he knows that acting like the bigger person is going to annoy them
so no matter what he just types like this.
it’s gotta scare them off at some point!
‘i’ll have you know I have ways of making your life way worse. so i suggest you don’t continue harassing my lover. thank you.”
it ends up working!
 if he sees it in person...
he immediately walks up to them and starts pulling out his best insults
“Oh? Are you trying to hurt my wonderful significant other? You really think someone like you should be allowed to do that?”
he won’t stop talking and if you tell him to stop, he...won’t
he just wants these bullies to leave you alone! and he knows they won’t do that unless they’re scared away not!
but if it really makes you uncomfortable he’ll leave
if not he’ll just leave when he’s satisfied!
“Now don’t talk to me or y/n ever again. They’re wayyy too beautiful for you!”
and if the bullying is physical...
he’ll step in
he’s not the best at fighting but he’s not letting you get hurt, no matter what
he’ll push you away from the scene, protecting you, and then face the bullies
if they hurt him, he’s fine with it! he’ll take any amount of damage as long as you’re okay
and there’s no way he’s letting them win this fight anyway
you’ll have to patch up his wounds when you two leave
but it’s okay, because he’ll patch up yours too!
overall, however he finds out about the bullying, and no matter what type it is, he’s comforting you all day
he really loves you, and he doesn’t want you to feel upset ever again!
“I know I lie a lot but I’m here for you, y/n. if that ever happens again, tell me, okay?”
expect a lot of cuddles!
thank you for reading! reminder that kokichi ouma loves you !
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Before that beastman reader was using Savanaclaw's kitchen, making TONS of meat skewers for Epel. Knowing his dorm members, they all act like menaces aiming for the meat until reader said that it's for the kit since he eats "rabbit food". The aggressiveness turned into teasing. "LOOK AT HIM TAKING CARE OF HIS KIT", reader continued cooking while blushing. He made sure NOT to share any of his extra meat skewers with his dormmates tho.
Savannaclaw enables him. >:3
[F/N] scowled at the rest of his dorm members as they grabbed at the skewers.
“Come onnn, [F/NNN]!! Man, you’re never this stingy!!!” One of them said, attempting to snag a skewer.
“They’re for the kit.” [F/N] explained, gruffly.
The dorm members perked up at that.
“Awww~! Look at him taking care of his kit. Well, why didn’t you say so?! Your kit is wayyy too scrawny. Those won’t be enough! I’ll fix ‘im a couple of steaks, too!” One of the members said, grinning.
“Right, I can make some ribs!” Another said.
Later that evening saw [F/N] carrying multiple Tupperwares of meat to Epel.
The kit looked shocked, but accepted them all with a grin.
[F/N] grinned as well, and finished off the extra skewers before he got back to his dorm.
Several expectant eyes met him when he got in.
“No. I have only one kit.” He said sarcastically, and the other dorm mates roared with laughter.
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