#or maybe modders will make a mod for that
sonicunleash · 2 years
here's the thing i would recommend sonic frontiers to anyone who likes hype badass shit like metal gear rising-- or anyone who likes open world stuff or even people who dont like open world stuff cause its usually slow and too big but sonic is so FAST that its much nicer-- basically uhm. I would recommend sonic frontiers.
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bennymaxxing · 1 year
hey modders just a reminder that using AI for your mods is as bad as AI art and visual deepfakes (especially you sick mfs using AI to make porn mods). just like AI art, you're taking someone's work that they are paid for without consent to get something similar for free and idk how anyone can think that's ok
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pinayelf · 11 days
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Okay I figured out the toolset...a Nate WIP
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Hello oni lore fans, I have been fighting for my life to solve a lil mystery and I decided to finally clean up one of the logs I copy and pasted from the code so I can hopefully find someone else who's seen it in game before. It's called "a seed is planted" and I'm pretty sure it was in the research notes section, but in the code it's placed alongside the story trait logs so I'm not 100% confident where it's supposed to be found. I first saw it in a save that I was using sandbox mode to hunt for lore with, and it stuck around for a lil while before disappearing, and then it randomly came back for a lil bit before all my lore logs got wiped with the recent update. I have no idea how I got it in the first place nor what made it disappear and come back, so I'm basically just wondering if anyone else has had this issue with this particular log (or any logs for that matter)
I have copy and pasted the log under the cut, although the formatting might be a bit off as this was cleaned up from a copy paste directly from the code itself
"A Seed is Planted"
[Voice Recognition Initialized]
[Subject Identified: B040]
Three days ago, we completed our first non-fatal Duplicant trial of Nikola's comprehensive synapse microanalysis and mirroring process. Five hours from now, Subject #901 will make history as our first human test subject.
Even at the Vertex Institute, which is twice Gravitas's size, I could've spent half my career waiting for approval to advance to human trials for such an invasive process! But Director Stern is too invested in this work to let it stagnate.
My darling Bruce always said that when you're on the right path, the universe conspires to help you. He'd be so proud of the work we do here.
My bio-printed multi-cerebral storage chambers (or "mega minds" as I've been calling them) are working! Just in time to save my job.
The Director's been getting increasingly impatient about our struggle to maintain the integrity of our growing datasets during extraction and processing. The other day, she held my report over a Bunsen burner until the flames reached her fingertips.
I can only imagine how much stress she's under.
The whole world is counting on us.
On a hunch, I added dream content analysis to the data and...wow. Oneirology may be scientifically "fluffy", but integrating subconscious narratives has produced a new type of brainmap - one with more latent potential for complex processing.
If these results are replicable, we might be on the verge of unlocking the secret to creating synthetic life forms with the capacity to evolve beyond blindly following commands.
Nikola says that's irrelevant for our purposes. Surely Director Stern would disagree.
Nikola gave me a dataset to plug into the mega minds. He wouldn't say where it came from, but even if he had...nothing could have prepared me for what it contained.
When he saw my face, he muttered something about how people should call me "Tremors," not "Nails" and sent me on my lunch break.
All I could think about was those poor souls.
Did they have souls?
...do we?
It's done. My adjustments to the memory transfer protocol are hardcoded into the machine.
I finished just as Nikola stormed in.
I may be too much of a coward to stand up for those unfortunate creatures, but with these new parameters in place...someday, they might be able to stand up for themselves.
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insomniatm1023 · 7 months
been on that bg3 grind and an idea came to me like wouldnt it be cool for bg3 (may a bit difficult but yk) is if we had our own tent we could decorate and like all the stuff in/around it in a certain area would travel to all the other camps like how the tents of our companions do so like we could have our own space to decorate with the various items we collect (deffo has been thought about by others but yk)
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chooh2 · 2 years
Hey, a question for the Cyberpunk 2077 photographer folks specifically
Are there any mods that y'all would recommend to be like the "Starter Pack" in making the overall photographing experience better from vanilla?
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spiria · 5 months
i am straight up almost tempted to learn how to make stardew mods specifically so i can make a dumb self indulgent immersive wedding mod ok. im just obsessed with fancy weddings and goddammit i wanna have a fancy wedding in my silly farming game
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jackalopenecropsy · 4 months
ok i'll indulge myself....
part 1(?) of biker gang!141 and an interesting fem grunge!reader... if u want more
cw; slight mentions of blood
The streets were pretty quiet this time of night. The only sounds to be heard were barking dogs or tires occasionally skidding in the distance. And the teenagers were never out this late in the fall, as school just started or they were working their dead jobs at the gas station or high school graduates pouring the same 5 drinks at a bar.
You liked walking around- even though it was maybe 1 or 2 in the morning- mainly because you had your scary guard dog with you, (who wasn't even a bit scary, he was just a police academy dropout with a fear of cotton swabs and squirrels) but also because the air this time of year smelled the best. It did wonders for your skin and sinuses, so why not? Walking around in the daytime was a lot more of a chore anyways, teenagers skating sporradically with fruity vapes on necklaces or older men just leaving their blue collar jobs for lunch while staring at you with unreadable expressions.
The northwoods, sigh. You'd told yourself that you'd leave it all the time when you were a kid. Over the years, a mix of the economy making that absolutely impossible and an aquirement of taste for small-town life made it a lot easier to accept the impossibility of it. Bartending and eventually being remote in editorial work kept you afloat in the small house you'd been able to buy flat out in the south side of town.
That part of town was just cemeteries and neighborhoods, neighborhoods and railroads, and gas stations and bars. As most south sides were. Another luxury of living where you lived was the copious amounts of streets and drag-worthy strips of old highway that laid for miles in one direction or another.
You used to work as a freelance flag girl for drag racers on some shitty craigslist copy, but quit l because the only racers that wanted you were full of white-claw drunk young assholes rooting for douchebag car modders who compensated for their dick sizes by throttling so hard that the pop of their exhausts sounded like gunfights. It was too loud and to risky and too tasteless.
But in the ends of the summer, it was taken over by the bikers. Not bicycle-bikers, but motorcyclists.
You were absolutely terrible at hiding your drooling depraved stares at every single one of them. The young women in skin-clad leather and red lipstick with matching sleek bikes, the finer-aged older men in their lean-back harleys with bandanas, the cute guys your age in their blackout helmets and their modestly-modded bikes. Oh, the variety, oh the taste. You had once thought about picking up biking yourself, but when you told your friends they all cackled at the idea. You were too absent minded at times; definitely from all the weed you smoked. Only half embarassed, you agreed.
Tonight was no different than the other nights of early Septembers before. Your dog lapped his tongue in the air catching stray dew drops falling from leaves overhead as you took your time walking accross the street. He swayed his tail so hard that you almost got knocked over a few times. The sound of a motorcyle revving in the distance made you slow your speed to a halt, listening intently, shamefully to see if you could get any bit of eye candy while out.
You recognized the sound of the engine, which soon became engines as the sounds came closer.
'Oh... a group of Kawaskis?? No... that's at least two more different motorcyles, but a few Kawaskis.. Do I hear a Harley?'
You blinked to yourself before shaking your head.
'God fucking damnit, you geek. You should NOT be able to tell what motorcyle model someone's riding from the fucking engine.'
Before you can shamefully walk back towards your house, you feel your dog tug harshly at his leash. You try to hold him back, but he yanks with one solid push of his back paws on the blacktop, and before you know it, you're hands and knees down on the hard ground as he's running full speed towards the sound of the motorcycles.
You groan in frustration as you stand up in a small bit of pain, your fishnets torn to shit as your palms and knees are scraped just enough to bleed a reasonable amount for getting launched by a 90 lb dog of muscle.
"Riley!" You shout and run at him, dodging a few trash cans along the street's edge as you do so. "Riley, goddamnit! Come back! Here boy!" Your converse were broken in enough to give you good ground as you chased him, and you almost grab his loose leash dragging behind him- until you trip over your own feet again just before you do.
You stay on the ground this time, unworried for your dog, as he's a big boy who knows how to not get hit by a car or get lost. More focused on the soul-eating embarassment of being outrun by a dog with more anxiety than a war veteran, and tripping twice in the process. You ignore the growing and stalling sound of engines beside- or in front, you can't tell being face down in the gravel- you as you're grovelling.
"Eh... excuse me miss? Are you alright?" You hear a gruff, dark voice mumble from just above you. You whip your head up to look at 5 people in bikers helmets just in front of you, their motorcyles off or stalling as they stand looking down at you on the ground.
"Oh- oh my- uh yeah- don't worry about me I'm great. I just tripped- nothing serious." You wave them off as you try and cover the growing fluster on your face. You stand and shake the dirt off your hands before swiping it off of your zip up, shaking it out of your gloves too. You look up to see none other than Riley, sitting contently behind the man in front of you, eagerly being pet by one of the bikers with a skull design painted onto his helmet and visor.
"Riley!" The biker looks up and your dog wags his tail hard enough to knock the bikers over too, and barks at you. "You are so not going to get any treats when we get home." He whines and continues barking, then twirls in a circle.
"You're dog's name is Riley?" The man in the skull helmet asks- and you suddenly become hyperaware of how all of the bikers are staring so intently at you. And those that have spoken so far have sickeningly thick English accents.
"Ah- yes, yeah. I was just on a walk and I heard you guys from the other street- but he just loves motorcylists so much, he took off on me. Usually he just waits until they pass us by. I'm so so sorry if he got in your way or anything." You scramble to try and seem somewhat normal as you switch between standing like a deer in their headlights, and holding your arms as the wind blew against your back.
"Ain't that a funny coincidence." The biker next to him stated, his accent thicker, and different. Possibly scottish.
"You watch it- It is a good name for a dog like this." The skull-helmet points an authoritative finger at the scot before patting Riley's head again. The man in front of you laughs heartily and takes his helmet off, revealing an older- FINELY aged man with hair in a short, short pulled back light brown and gray spotted ponytail. His mustache pulled down into a scruffy beard by mutton chops, giving him a real grizzly harley-rider look. You swore your jaw dropped when he took it off, and you were quick to cover your mouth when he smiled at you.
"I'm sorry about that miss- You've got a good dog protecting you. My names John Price." He walked up and took your hand from your face, squeezing it lightly. "My boys back there are harmless. You seem to have roughed yourself up a bit." He tilts his head as he leans back and looks you up and down, still holding your hand. Oh how deeply thankful you were that he was blocking the headlights from illuminating your red face.
"Yeah- I'm fine though, really! I just, can't keep up with Riley if I tried." You laugh and tremble a little as the cold air catches up to you. He raises an eyebrow- and fuck it gets to you because it makes him smirk a little bit too.
"Well, no offense but you look like you're in no condition to walk home like that!" A woman's voice comes up from behind Price's. You squint at the light when she comes up, and you see a blonde woman about his age with smile lines and blue eyes that could knock you down to your knees yet again. "My name's Kate, don't let John here scare you, he's just an old man." They banter a bit as you stare into space, begging any ethreal being to show you a sign that this is real life.
'Fuck being bisexual, god hates me.' You curse to yourself as you smile shyly at her.
"We can give you a ride home if you'd want! I wouldn't feel right letting you have to get yourself home with blood down your legs." Price motions with his free hand at your torn fishnets, rocks littering the cuts on your leg.
"Oh- I don't want to impose or anything, and I'll have Riley!" You struggle to keep yourself still as the wind continually stings.
"Lass, you're shakin' like a leaf in this wind." The scottish man shakes his head in his helmet, leaning back against the flat of his bike.
"You ain't getting home with just a dog draggin' you forward." The gruff voice of the skull-head from beside him made you look away in embarassment. They were all right, you were blocks away from home, and you didn't have your phone on you either.
"Um.. If you're sure you don't mind... but what about Riley?"
"He can ride wi' me!" The scott excitedly patted the flat he was leaning on, shuffling a few top panels to show a compartment on the back of it that had a hooking mechanism for leashes. Assumedly he had dogs too, and how greatful you were for it.
You sigh in relief that you wont have to limp home in your misery, as strong as you are, the chunk of you lost twice to the blacktop actually hurt more than you'd ever want to admit.
Before you can take a step forward, you're lifted off your feet and holding the shoulders of Kate. She laughs as you gasp and sets you on the back of skull-head's bike so you can backpack him, right next to Riley in the odd formation their bikes created.
"I promise he's not as scary as he looks- right Simon?"
"I don't bite." He chuckles deeply and you tense against his back as he does so. "You might want to hold on tho', I'm not exactly the easiest ride." You blush, hard as he says it, and the group laughs loudly as they start their bikes.
"Oi, treat her nice Si." A soft voice jeered from the last bike to Kate's right. "Or else I'll have to take her off your hands."
"Nice try Gaz."
"Boys! Quit scarin' her." Price chuckles and lights a cigar as he revs his engine. "Or else she wont wanna see us again. Now where do you need us to take you, love?"
'Ah.' Was all that crossed your mind as you locked your arms around Simon's waist, and you all shot off down the street.
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tau1tvec · 10 months
S/O to a few of my favorite TS3CC Creators
I know this community is small, and therefore doesn't get as much love and attention as it deserves, but know that it is alive and well, much like my love for it, and it's many thanks to these ppl for keeping it fresh and fun even today.
@simtanico literally what would my sims be without you and your amazing sliders, slider fixes, and conversions.
@rollo-rolls you always work so hard to keep our sims looking stylish, I know a lotta people in this community appreciate you as much as I do!
@johziii you put so much love into your CC as you do your sims, homes and gameplay, you're truly the whole package!
@sim-songs an absolute legend for helping revive the Maxis Match ts3 community!
@nectar-cellar an absolute legend, period.
@imamiii idk how you do it, but you make this game look how it probably would had it been released today. Whether it's your gameplay posts, or your CC, I know when I see your post on my dash, I'm bound to be blown away.
@sourlemonsimblr still can't tell whether we're playing the same game, bc everything you post looks like The Sims 10, but I am so glad you're willing to share your CC with us, so maybe one day we will be playing the same game, lol.
@pleaseputnamehere just thought I'd let you know that I kiss your nosemasks goodnight as I tuck them into bed.
@xiasimla an amazing talented and devoted creator all around, every download post is a WIN.
@martassimsbook you keep my love for ts3's buy/build mode alive!
@billsims-cc ty for never giving up on us. 😭😭😭
@bioniczombie for sharing your amazing conversions, and helping run one of my favorite ts3cc finds blogs!
@satellite-sims although you aren't too active right now, I miss you, and I love your conversions sm. The extra work you put into making them the absolute best quality, just like all your posts is so loved and appreciated.
@simbouquet your mods and fixes are such a MUST, you always know exactly what this game needs, and execute it like a pro.
@phoebejaysims another amazing modder keeping this game truly interesting, ty so much for your dedication.
@criisolatex you're like some ethereal being sent to Earth on a mission to make ts3 the best it can be, and you're kind enough to share it with us.
@nemiga-sims-archive you pop out every once and a while like an all year round Santa giving us presents to throw into our games. TY!
@olomaya you work so hard to expand and improve and also make the gameplay in ts3 a lot more interesting.
@twinsimming you know you carry ts3 simblr, right? 💕
@thesweetsimmer111 besides being just the most talented animator I've ever seen in any modding community, your dedication to the youngest and ignored age groups is most admirable, ty.
@flotheory yet another talented and devoted modder giving ts3 the love and attention it deserves. I just know the devs would be so proud.
@greenplumbboblover you've always got something big up your sleeve, your ambition knows no bounds, and the ts3 community is so lucky to have you.
I'm likely forgetting some folks, so I'll probably add some more when I remember, and ty again everyone on this list for working so hard to keep this game alive, and fun, and freeeeeee!
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Speaking of nothing, we've recently got some anecdotal evidence that we might be getting third kits after all.
This is pretty speculative so take it with it a grain of salt, but the TL;DR is that Diamcreeper23, a Splatoon 3 dataminer and modder, had one of their mods DMCA'd by Nintendo and taken down from GameBanana. It's the only mod out of dozens to have been hit, and wouldn't you know it, it was a Sheldon's Picks mod that added new kits.
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Now, this could very well just be a coincidence, or maybe they didn't want modders to be offering more content than they are, but it's actually extremely rare for Nintendo to go after Splatoon mods. The exceptions seem to be when they're adding things Nintendo are planning to do themselves, like how they took down fan-made Metroid 2 remakes before revealing Samus Returns, or for a Splatoon-specific example, how they DMCA'd Project Gamblitz, a big Splatoon 2 mod that added the ability to revisit Inkopolis Plaza, not long before revealing that to be a part of the Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass.
So there is precedent here, which by no means makes it a guarantee, just seem a whole lot more likely. Dataminers have already found dialogue that indicates that Big Run reruns are going to be a thing, and there are also currently unused Splatoween and FrostyFest versions of Inkopolis Square in the files too.
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And with this in mind new weapons don't actually seem entirely improbable to me? They're probably some of the easiest "new content" they could add to the game, especially for how much it adds. The real question would be why they haven't confirmed it yet, but it could be that they want it to be a post-Grand Festival surprise. Maybe they'll be matched to the team that wins the Splatfest?
All that said, this is just speculation, and please treat it as such. Manage your expectations and all that. We'll know for sure when we know for sure.
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kaitsawamura · 4 months
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🪞 🔮 🍅 🧺 🍯 🌱 The Farmer & The Wizard
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You need a change, a big one. When your estranged grandfather passes away and bequeaths you his farm in a little town just south of the middle of nowhere, you take it as the sign you needed to make a change instead of waiting for one.
The farm, while having fallen into a state of disrepair, is just the thing to cure your modern-world ailments. The people are kind and always ready to offer help, if a bit unusual. They have old superstitions, a haunted community center, and a resident wizard. Spoiler alert: those last two on the list take some getting used to.
Yes, things are different here but you have a sneaking suspicion that the slow pace and a certain alchemical practitioner are going to remind you that sometimes, all you need is time and a little bit of magic.
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Pairing: Wizard!Gojo Satoru x Farmer!Reader
Rating: M for Mature, 18+ only minors do not interact
Warnings: Fantasy/Stardew Valley violence, sexual content, angst (maybe like just a tiny lil bit)
Tags: Stardew Valley AU, strangers to friends to lovers, red thread of fate, soulmates (kinda) eventual smut, fluff focused, canon divergent, more tags to come (literally am too excited, I need to get this masterlist post out in the world lol)
Projected Word Count: 100K
Author’s Note: In unsurprising news, I have still been in the trenches with my Stardew Valley hyperfixation. Then, along comes this lovely PC Gojo mod and the fate of this fic was sealed. It's going to be inspired a touch by that mod (which I will link below, full credit to that amazing modder) and will heavily follow a standard Stardew Valley play through timeline. I'm a lil nervous to write Gojo since he doesn't fall neatly into the character type I normally am drawn to but I have WRITING HANDS (like jazz hands but for writers :P ) and so I'm adding another fic to my WIPs list.
Important Note: This fic is part of this blog's contribution to the @ficsforgaza initiative!
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Fics for Gaza Masterlist <- now linked! ->
JJK Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Part 1: In Which You Unexpectedly Receive The Deed to A Farm
Part 2 | In Progress | TBL
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This work and its digital elements (credit for pixel art to ConcernedApe) are © Kait of @kaitsawamura 2020-PRESENT. I do not own any rights to Stardew Valley and any subsequent settings/characters, but this work is heavily inspired by that amazing game. Please do not alter or copy this work. Please do not repost this work to other platforms without my express permission.
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mathmodder · 10 months
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Ocean Life Mod by MathModder (In Progress)
What you need to know:
This mod seamlessly integrates oceanic creatures into your game map, spawning naturally in the vast expanse of the ocean. Featuring Whales, Dolphins, Sharks, Seals, and various accompanying effects, the experience is enhanced as some animals gracefully breach the water's surface while others elegantly swim near the shore.
How do I make them appear in the ocean?
If your world already has the sailing boat effect like in Sunset Valley, they will appear naturally, spawning little by little without crowding your ocean.
For worlds that don't have this effect, you may be adding the "sailboats" effect to the CAW to make them appear.
There is another way you can do it without needing to go to CAW, which I will explain in a soon-to-be-released video, so in your save you can manually place it without having to edit the world.
How many files will there be?
Will be a maximum of 2 to 3 files.
It is worth mentioning that some files maybe will need to be placed in the Overrides folder and others in the Packages folder, they will all be specified at launch.
Is this mod compatible with other effect mods?
Yes, it will be compatible.
Animals always spawn at sea level. In case your city is very flat in relation to sea level, some whales might occasionally leap high and appear on land, but this seldom happens as land surfaces in worlds are usually a few meters above sea level.
Release date:
Early January 2024 Early Access for Patreons December 2023
Here is the list of animals and other effects that will be included in the mod:
Kraken (From Island Paradise Expansion Pack)
Sharks (From Island Paradise Expansion Pack)
Great White Shark
Tiger Shark
Lemon Shark
Whale Shark
Hammerhead Shark
School of fish
Humpback Whale
Manta Ray
Sea lion
Sea Turtle
Sperm Whale
Salt Water Alligator
Pilot Whale
Sting Ray
Reef Shark
Killer Whale "Orca"
Sail boats
Water buoy
All the submerged fish from diving spots from the Island Paradise Expansion Pack will appear in the shallow waters near the shore
Want to support? Be a Patreon and get Early Access! Math Modder | The Sims 3 Mods and MO-MO-MORE! | Patreon
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I will add them to this post!
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mister-qi · 5 months
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod Devlog 5/9/2024
Previous update
For those curious about the mod progress, read on!
Since the previous update, most of my efforts have been spent on Art and Implementation. While I've made some progress on Writing, that hasn't been my main focus.
Heart Events: no major progress, besides a bit of writing/blocking for the 4 heart cutscene.
Daily Dialogues: Generic dailies are 64% done. Unique dailies are currently on the back-burner. Marriage dailies are also on the back-burner, but I have quite a few written regardless.
Misc dialogues: A new section! This includes so many little details, which even get as hyper-specific as what happens if you divorce him and then attempt to invite him to a movie. What does he say if you give him a bouquet at low hearts? What does he say if you're married to him and there are slimes in the house? Stuff like that! There are 49 of these written so far, and it's hard to estimate my progress because as I continue looking through both the documentation and existing files I get more and more ideas.
Gift Dialogues: Not a ton of progress since the previous update, though I've written his birthday gift reactions.
Portraits: 2 new portraits finished: blush and shocked.
Sprites: You may have seen me posting about this, but Mr. Qi does not have a walk cycle in the vanilla game, so I had to make custom animations for him. I've also changed his color scheme to better match his sprites.
Besides that, I've also made a walk cycle for the Bouncer, who will show up in at least one cutscene, maybe two.
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look at him go!
Maps: I'm really excited to announce that I've recruited someone to help with maps! Their name is wovensong, and they're currently working on the Casino VIP Room, which features in the 10 heart cutscene. They're helping with both the sprites and .tmx files, which is a huge help.
Misc sprites: none yet
I have a functional version of Mr. Qi that can be befriended in my files now. He doesn't have a ton of dialogue in game yet, but you can give him stuff, raise his friendship, and trigger some placeholder heart events. But getting to that point has been kind of a hassle, in ways that the average modder doesn't have to deal with!
You see... the vanilla "Mister Qi" has a space in his internal name. If you know anything about coding, this should be setting off alarm bells.
Here's an example of where that's an issue: say you want to trigger a cutscene at two hearts with an NPC. You'd write something like:
f Jodi 500
which the game reads as "trigger this cutscene when you have 500 amount of friendship with the NPC named Jodi"
But if you were to write:
f Mister Qi 500
the game would go "you want me to trigger this cutscene when you have Qi amount of friendship with the NPC named Mister?? WTF?" and then SMAPI throws you a big red error and the cutscene would never trigger. Yippee!
It took me... a while to figure out how to get around this. Luckily the 1.6 update now allows for parsing for quotes in certain scenarios, so what actually works is:
f \"Mister Qi\" 500
So I'm glad that I started this mod now instead of pre-1.6!
However, it's definitely possible that the space in the internal name will cause issues down the line, so I have some (rough) code for what to do in that scenario. This involves hiding the vanilla Mister Qi, and adding a new, identical NPC with an internal name that doesn't have a space. Other mods, such as Morris Redeemed and some NPCs like Marlon and Gunther in SVE, do this as well.
And, if you're thinking that I could just change the internal name itself: maybe?? But probably not. There's some hardcoded stuff surrounding Mister Qi, and I worry about breaking it. Additionally, if any future official Stardew updates added new content revolving around Mister Qi, there's a risk that the mod would break in more serious ways.
Final Notes
Overall, I feel like I'm making pretty good progress! There's still a lot to get done, but I'm proud of the work I've done so far. Thanks for reading!
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mrssimply · 10 months
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Everything is fine, now.
So... I aquired new tools! it's with trepidation that I installed AMM, prepared for it to crash my game and maybe kill the PC but it worked fine and I ended up installing a bunch of other mods to go with it. So a big thank you to the modder comunity for making things so easy to install and use!
The poses here are from the In the Mood for Love pack by BusyVampire on Nexus.
Of course the first thing I did was to undress them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Of course, there is some clipping, but after an hour and various tries, I deemed this first try good enough xD
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astarionposting · 7 months
So I tried to record a somewhat organized "tutorial" on what I do when I edit base game heads into my presets, as well as texture swapping, common issues you might face and replacing ears (or anything, you would just follow the same process). I just began learning blender and modding, so I don't know everything and maybe still make some rookie mistakes, but I tried my best! I apologize for my scatter brain as well in some parts haha.
LSLib - to convert .dae files and .GR2 files BG3/DOS2 Collada Exporter for Blender - allows you to import and export the heads correctly in blender
BG3 Modders Multitool - to extract meshes/textures as well as for packing mods BG3 Modding Wiki - Helps with figuring out asset names and file naming when you do replacers
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twinsimming · 3 months
Hi! Can you make mod for the sims 3, a calendar for holidays, editing them.. creating custom holidays.. no need to be exactly same, I will literally be happy even with: *holiday will be in that many days* *name of the holiday* and *moodlet*, no need of to do list.. Or do you know some mod which can do this?
The idea of a calendar mod has been discussed several times by TS3 modders over the past few years, but one of the biggest hurdles is how best to execute such an expansive system like that.
There’s a lot of stuff the calendar would have to keep track of, like birthdays, school trips, game days, festival cycles, and existing holidays. Plus a new or repurposed interface for creating custom holidays, editing current ones, and all of the UI work for the calendar visual.
I don’t think it’s impossible to do, but it would be pretty complex. Unfortunately, it’s not a mod I have the skills to make. But maybe in the future another modder will.
If any modders are working on a mod like this, I’d love to know!
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