#biker gang 141
jackalopenecropsy · 4 months
ok i'll indulge myself....
part 1(?) of biker gang!141 and an interesting fem grunge!reader... if u want more
cw; slight mentions of blood
The streets were pretty quiet this time of night. The only sounds to be heard were barking dogs or tires occasionally skidding in the distance. And the teenagers were never out this late in the fall, as school just started or they were working their dead jobs at the gas station or high school graduates pouring the same 5 drinks at a bar.
You liked walking around- even though it was maybe 1 or 2 in the morning- mainly because you had your scary guard dog with you, (who wasn't even a bit scary, he was just a police academy dropout with a fear of cotton swabs and squirrels) but also because the air this time of year smelled the best. It did wonders for your skin and sinuses, so why not? Walking around in the daytime was a lot more of a chore anyways, teenagers skating sporradically with fruity vapes on necklaces or older men just leaving their blue collar jobs for lunch while staring at you with unreadable expressions.
The northwoods, sigh. You'd told yourself that you'd leave it all the time when you were a kid. Over the years, a mix of the economy making that absolutely impossible and an aquirement of taste for small-town life made it a lot easier to accept the impossibility of it. Bartending and eventually being remote in editorial work kept you afloat in the small house you'd been able to buy flat out in the south side of town.
That part of town was just cemeteries and neighborhoods, neighborhoods and railroads, and gas stations and bars. As most south sides were. Another luxury of living where you lived was the copious amounts of streets and drag-worthy strips of old highway that laid for miles in one direction or another.
You used to work as a freelance flag girl for drag racers on some shitty craigslist copy, but quit l because the only racers that wanted you were full of white-claw drunk young assholes rooting for douchebag car modders who compensated for their dick sizes by throttling so hard that the pop of their exhausts sounded like gunfights. It was too loud and to risky and too tasteless.
But in the ends of the summer, it was taken over by the bikers. Not bicycle-bikers, but motorcyclists.
You were absolutely terrible at hiding your drooling depraved stares at every single one of them. The young women in skin-clad leather and red lipstick with matching sleek bikes, the finer-aged older men in their lean-back harleys with bandanas, the cute guys your age in their blackout helmets and their modestly-modded bikes. Oh, the variety, oh the taste. You had once thought about picking up biking yourself, but when you told your friends they all cackled at the idea. You were too absent minded at times; definitely from all the weed you smoked. Only half embarassed, you agreed.
Tonight was no different than the other nights of early Septembers before. Your dog lapped his tongue in the air catching stray dew drops falling from leaves overhead as you took your time walking accross the street. He swayed his tail so hard that you almost got knocked over a few times. The sound of a motorcyle revving in the distance made you slow your speed to a halt, listening intently, shamefully to see if you could get any bit of eye candy while out.
You recognized the sound of the engine, which soon became engines as the sounds came closer.
'Oh... a group of Kawaskis?? No... that's at least two more different motorcyles, but a few Kawaskis.. Do I hear a Harley?'
You blinked to yourself before shaking your head.
'God fucking damnit, you geek. You should NOT be able to tell what motorcyle model someone's riding from the fucking engine.'
Before you can shamefully walk back towards your house, you feel your dog tug harshly at his leash. You try to hold him back, but he yanks with one solid push of his back paws on the blacktop, and before you know it, you're hands and knees down on the hard ground as he's running full speed towards the sound of the motorcycles.
You groan in frustration as you stand up in a small bit of pain, your fishnets torn to shit as your palms and knees are scraped just enough to bleed a reasonable amount for getting launched by a 90 lb dog of muscle.
"Riley!" You shout and run at him, dodging a few trash cans along the street's edge as you do so. "Riley, goddamnit! Come back! Here boy!" Your converse were broken in enough to give you good ground as you chased him, and you almost grab his loose leash dragging behind him- until you trip over your own feet again just before you do.
You stay on the ground this time, unworried for your dog, as he's a big boy who knows how to not get hit by a car or get lost. More focused on the soul-eating embarassment of being outrun by a dog with more anxiety than a war veteran, and tripping twice in the process. You ignore the growing and stalling sound of engines beside- or in front, you can't tell being face down in the gravel- you as you're grovelling.
"Eh... excuse me miss? Are you alright?" You hear a gruff, dark voice mumble from just above you. You whip your head up to look at 5 people in bikers helmets just in front of you, their motorcyles off or stalling as they stand looking down at you on the ground.
"Oh- oh my- uh yeah- don't worry about me I'm great. I just tripped- nothing serious." You wave them off as you try and cover the growing fluster on your face. You stand and shake the dirt off your hands before swiping it off of your zip up, shaking it out of your gloves too. You look up to see none other than Riley, sitting contently behind the man in front of you, eagerly being pet by one of the bikers with a skull design painted onto his helmet and visor.
"Riley!" The biker looks up and your dog wags his tail hard enough to knock the bikers over too, and barks at you. "You are so not going to get any treats when we get home." He whines and continues barking, then twirls in a circle.
"You're dog's name is Riley?" The man in the skull helmet asks- and you suddenly become hyperaware of how all of the bikers are staring so intently at you. And those that have spoken so far have sickeningly thick English accents.
"Ah- yes, yeah. I was just on a walk and I heard you guys from the other street- but he just loves motorcylists so much, he took off on me. Usually he just waits until they pass us by. I'm so so sorry if he got in your way or anything." You scramble to try and seem somewhat normal as you switch between standing like a deer in their headlights, and holding your arms as the wind blew against your back.
"Ain't that a funny coincidence." The biker next to him stated, his accent thicker, and different. Possibly scottish.
"You watch it- It is a good name for a dog like this." The skull-helmet points an authoritative finger at the scot before patting Riley's head again. The man in front of you laughs heartily and takes his helmet off, revealing an older- FINELY aged man with hair in a short, short pulled back light brown and gray spotted ponytail. His mustache pulled down into a scruffy beard by mutton chops, giving him a real grizzly harley-rider look. You swore your jaw dropped when he took it off, and you were quick to cover your mouth when he smiled at you.
"I'm sorry about that miss- You've got a good dog protecting you. My names John Price." He walked up and took your hand from your face, squeezing it lightly. "My boys back there are harmless. You seem to have roughed yourself up a bit." He tilts his head as he leans back and looks you up and down, still holding your hand. Oh how deeply thankful you were that he was blocking the headlights from illuminating your red face.
"Yeah- I'm fine though, really! I just, can't keep up with Riley if I tried." You laugh and tremble a little as the cold air catches up to you. He raises an eyebrow- and fuck it gets to you because it makes him smirk a little bit too.
"Well, no offense but you look like you're in no condition to walk home like that!" A woman's voice comes up from behind Price's. You squint at the light when she comes up, and you see a blonde woman about his age with smile lines and blue eyes that could knock you down to your knees yet again. "My name's Kate, don't let John here scare you, he's just an old man." They banter a bit as you stare into space, begging any ethreal being to show you a sign that this is real life.
'Fuck being bisexual, god hates me.' You curse to yourself as you smile shyly at her.
"We can give you a ride home if you'd want! I wouldn't feel right letting you have to get yourself home with blood down your legs." Price motions with his free hand at your torn fishnets, rocks littering the cuts on your leg.
"Oh- I don't want to impose or anything, and I'll have Riley!" You struggle to keep yourself still as the wind continually stings.
"Lass, you're shakin' like a leaf in this wind." The scottish man shakes his head in his helmet, leaning back against the flat of his bike.
"You ain't getting home with just a dog draggin' you forward." The gruff voice of the skull-head from beside him made you look away in embarassment. They were all right, you were blocks away from home, and you didn't have your phone on you either.
"Um.. If you're sure you don't mind... but what about Riley?"
"He can ride wi' me!" The scott excitedly patted the flat he was leaning on, shuffling a few top panels to show a compartment on the back of it that had a hooking mechanism for leashes. Assumedly he had dogs too, and how greatful you were for it.
You sigh in relief that you wont have to limp home in your misery, as strong as you are, the chunk of you lost twice to the blacktop actually hurt more than you'd ever want to admit.
Before you can take a step forward, you're lifted off your feet and holding the shoulders of Kate. She laughs as you gasp and sets you on the back of skull-head's bike so you can backpack him, right next to Riley in the odd formation their bikes created.
"I promise he's not as scary as he looks- right Simon?"
"I don't bite." He chuckles deeply and you tense against his back as he does so. "You might want to hold on tho', I'm not exactly the easiest ride." You blush, hard as he says it, and the group laughs loudly as they start their bikes.
"Oi, treat her nice Si." A soft voice jeered from the last bike to Kate's right. "Or else I'll have to take her off your hands."
"Nice try Gaz."
"Boys! Quit scarin' her." Price chuckles and lights a cigar as he revs his engine. "Or else she wont wanna see us again. Now where do you need us to take you, love?"
'Ah.' Was all that crossed your mind as you locked your arms around Simon's waist, and you all shot off down the street.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Don’t follow the wrong person
Biker!ghost x afab!fem!reader
F/d- favourite drink
Tw: being stalked, harassment, creep following you, panicked reader, fighting, language and intimidation (I believe that’s it)
You were currently walking towards your usual bus top, that after every shift you have working as a tattoo artist; you’d take the bus home and continue either your day or night depending how long you take.
It was the same as any other day, you wave goodbye to your co-worker and friend. You walk out the tattoo parlour and into the small mini market a few shops down to grab a small snack and drink. As you entered the shop you were soon to exit the shop with your snacked goods.
Walking over to the bus stop it was quiet today, no one sat at the stop. So you took a seat and waited for the bus. You grabbed your phone from in your jacket pocket, looking at the bus app to see where the bus was you saw that a little tab had notified ‘bus delayed by 30 mins due to traffic jams’.
You huffed and decided to walk since it’d only take you around 15 to 20 minutes to walk. So you stood up and had a quick glance around. You noticed a shady looking man stood across from you. They wore all black and had a hat on which covered his face for the time being.
You thought nothing of it yet kept an eye on them as you started your journey home.
As you walked home the sun started to set which made the even look pretty and the breeze ever so slightly stronger.
As you walked you took your ear buds out as they had just died. You sighed in annoyance and shoved them into your pant pocket. You guess someone above in the clouds must of use that as a warning of possible danger because you heard walking behind you and muffling speaking. So you glanced as you saw that very shady looking guy, he seemed to be muffling words to himself as he was alone.
You decided to pick up your pace as the evening grew closer and you felt more uncomfortable. You also noticed they too picked up their pace. Your breathe started to become more quick and you became more scared.
You knew then that they were following you making you more panicked, so you did what you were taught; you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts and began to ring the one and only Simon Riley. He answered almost instantly, you whispered “Si?” He replied “hey, doll, you ok?” You whispered “uh where are you?” He spoke “I’m at the bar, why?” You answered “I’m being followed.” He asked “where are you to?” You replied “cherry vale, by James street” He said “ok, come straight to us here, don’t go to your place, then come straight to us, yeah?” You answered “ok, I’ll send you my location just in case.” You heard him hum in reply as you sent him your location.
You kept your pace fast but not fast enough to run, you don’t know how fast this person can run so you didn’t want to chance it.
You sighed in relief as you saw the brightly light sign of the bar Simon always goes to. He’s apart of a biker gang called ‘Ghosts 141’ it’s named that as Ghost was one of the first to be apart of the gang. But everyone agreed it was a good name.
You watched as the ‘snakes eye’ sign glowed brightly, you saw all the gangs bikes in a continuous row. You walked into the bar and quickly glanced back at the door seeing the person still walking towards you.
You walked over to the bar and asked “where’s Ghost?” The bartender spoke “the usual spot.” With a tilt of his head.
You looked over and headed towards their known spot. You were relieved when you saw the boys sitting and having many conversations between them. Soap spotted you first and shouted “there she is! Y/n come to join us have ya!” You nodded as you looked at Simon he stood up and asked “you alright? Have they left?” You shook your head and as you turned around the person spotted you and walked over.
You felt your spine shiver, it was revealed that the person was a man who had a very untamed beard. His appearance seemed dirty, he had greasy hair that stuck out of the bottom of his cap and his hands seemed dirty and so are his fingernails. This making you feel uncomfortable you knew it was harsh but the man had been stealing you since the bus stop. You weren’t the type to judge but this wasn’t the time to be kind to this unknown stalker.
Ghost was first to speak “can I help you, sir?”
The guy replied “no, I’m just here with my date, we were just about to grab a drink, isn’t that right?” He suggested at you. You couldn’t even speak, you still had some fear in you although Simon was standing there. You still felt uncomfortable, Simon spoke “this is your date?” The man nodded and placed an arm around you and squeezed your shoulder. You cringed at his action, he spoke “come on, let’s get going, leave these men in peace.”
You attempted to subtly shove you into walking away with him but failed. As you tripped and fell, Simon asked “what are you doing?” The guy spoke “my bad sometime I forget how strong I am.” Soap and Gaz helped you up and made sure you stood between them.
Ghost spoke “I don’t think you know who she is do you?” He nodded and spoke “I’m on a date with her, it’s our first date.” Soap chuckled and said “yeah, right” the man defended “we are! Aren’t we sweetheart.” He smirked at you showing his teeth which you cringed at. Simon spoke “are you sure? Cause last time I remember that’s my fiancée.” The guy’s smirk dropped instantly and so did his skin tone.
The guy became white as a sheet when he heard ‘my fiancée’. Simon walked over and fisted the guys shirt and spoke deeply “I think we should have a talk outside, about how you’ve been stalking her.” The guy looked at you angrily, for what you didn’t know till you heard him shout “you did it! You dressed like that! Not my fault!” Simon spoke “that’s enough!” He demanded “outside now!” As Simon practically dragged the guy out he shouted “she shouldn’t dress like that if she didn’t want me following her!” He kept making awful excuses.
You looked down at your clothing, a long black skirt with a black button up shirt and a small corset with made your what you thought ‘cute outfit’ complete. It was your uniform for work practically, you had to wear black no matter what your outfit was.
Gaz gestured you to sit and join them while Soap goes out front with Simon. The bartender brought you over a drink after watching all the commotion. He knew what you liked to drink so he made you your f/d. You thanked him as Price started up a conversation with you to ease your fears about that guy.
After some time Soap and Simon join you all, Simon kept you close that night. Making sure you were okay and that your safe.
Late evening you all decided to call it a day. You and Simon headed over to his beast of a motorcycle. God you loved when you both went on joy rides and feeling the air brush your body. Lucky for you, you were actual dropped off this morning by Simon so you had your helmet on you.
Simon helped you up onto his bike, he felt your arms wrap around his large yet attractive waist. You held him tightly as he drove through the almost empty roads. Ending the day both of you in bed laying closely and talking about your days before the incident. Times like this you were glad Simon was there to protect you at time like earlier. Also you were proud that he was protecting and making sure your safe at all times.
And he was just proud that he made you smile after a bad situation. You two are proud to say your both are soon to be happily married.
(Maybe a wedding post next time???)
Have a good day/night!🫶
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evilgwrl · 1 month
okay ngl, this is an ask I'm sending to multiple people because holy shit why did it pop in my head I need to see this written T^T
reader is part of !141 and is the only one who knows how to ride a motorbike, so she has to go undercover for a biker gang?? idk but just hear me out. Anyway she has no tattoos or piercings so they get her those temporary tattoos that last two weeks and some fake piercings (or real ones in case they fall off) and so none of the 141 know she's having this whole makeover, and when they get the big reveal I just want to know their reactions- I'm sorry I suck at writing, I'm just good at coming up with the ideas lmao. reading back my whole paragraph I realised how much I truly suck at typing, I apologise that you had to deal with this.
Ahhhh!!! I love this. I hope I did your idea justice and you enjoy it anon 🥹 If you want something a lil more racy let me know but I kept it SFW just incase
CW: None
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Your body felt exhausted, thighs moulded to the chair as manicured hands rushed around your frame, prodding at your skin with brushes and wet rags, stamping your flesh with intricate designs. The woman’s voice was soft as she took in your expression, an understanding smile adorning her features as she assured you, they were nearly done.
“Voila,” she gasped, moving away from you as you stared at the mirror in front of you. Temporary tattoos snaked around the coil of your arms, muscles stamped with infamous gang signs and your nose and eyebrows dangling with metal jewellery as your fingers prodded at them, your face creased with slight discomfort.
“We’re going to need to get you dressed but you already look the part!”
You winced at the excitement in her voice, a slight simmer of humiliation broiling through you as you took in the look. You looked so… different. “Thank you,” you murmured, turning around to take in the large snake design that was entwined between your spine.
You felt like you were entering a pageant, constant hands smoothing out your skin and hair as you coughed at the lethal amount of hairspray. Grease dribbled down your chin as you choked down some food, disgusted huffs passing through the lady’s mouth as she ushered something about acting the part too.
“You’re all done, sergeant.”
You paced the room anxiously, wire taped to your chest, nestled in between your cleavage as you awaited the remainder of the task force. It was strange, the most they had ever seen you in was a pair of jeans and a simple top beside your military gear, the barracks were no place for fashion. Sweaty hands rubbed at the leather pants; slick stains of residue quickly brushed away nervously as you prodded with the facial piercings in the mirror.
“Hells feckin’ bells, Bonnie,” a swift voice whistled, Soap’s face charmed with a boyish grin, blue eyes sweeping across your exposed skin, “ain’ you a sight for sore eyes?”
“I look ridiculous,” you blurted, folding your arms self-consciously as the Scotsman tsked his tongue, smacking his lips together.
“Ye’ look good… lil too good for the task force, hen. Might need to find ye a new profession after this.”
You rolled his eyes at his playful tone, his lashes flickering as he took in the sight of you. A flirtatious whistle cut through the air as Gaz slapped his hand against the door, mouth wide. “Sergeant Y/N, that you under all those tattoos?” You bit back a bark as he smiled at you, tongue darting out to lick his chapped lips.
“You look good, [callsign]. Them bikers might wanna keep you to themselves.”
“We ain’ gonna let that happen, lass,” Soap jabbered, “Yer’ our girl, ain’ ya?”
Your reply was cut short by a pound against the door as a gruff voice snapped, “Oi, let’s move it. Don’t got all bloody day, Sergeants.”
Ghost’s eyes lingered over you for a moment, blonde lashes flicking up and down your body, pausing on every tattoo almost as if he was memorising them before he turned around, cold physique dusting through the hallway as you all followed. Captain Price was rambling through his headset to Laswell before he paused, dismissing himself as you all waltzed towards him.
A large Yamaha was sleeked against the exit, the tyres slightly worn to feign usage as you whistled lowly. “Got this all for me, Cap?” Your tone was sharp, admiring the ride before you as a tattooed hand wrapped around the leather handles.
“A biker looking like you ain’ gonna ride a shitbox,” he said, his voice holding an underlying meaning as he did a once over, “Y’ get in trouble in there and you call us in immediately, you understand [callsign]?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Take care of those tattoos after this as well, suit ya.”
A warm blush settled on the apple of your cheeks before you reached for the helmet, flattening your hair down as you secured it in place.
“Let’s get us a win.”
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yeyinde · 23 days
okayyyyyyy. i've been reading too much quasi crime king romances (Layla Frost when i find you) and watching SOA with my sister so my next project after dogmeat is gonna be a SOA/141 biker au.
spitballing here but Price is the leader. Captain. finds a pretty, desperate thing on the side of the road and instantly turns all growly and overprotective. lots of lap sitting during important meetings with his hand on your throat, and a few "you don't get to walk away from me; once you're mine, you're mine."
Kyle is sent to threaten distract a local reporter who keeps getting a little too close to the truth for comfort. a completely normal, well-adjusted person who thinks crime should be punished. conflict arises when Kyle takes care of her stalker for her. what should be a quick, take the cash and run, pretty thing, or you better tell your family you want a closed casket turns into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
Johnny falls head over heels in love with a down on her luck stripper and burns the club down so she'll only ever dance for him. unfortunately, it incites a gang war. oops.
Simon is tasked with getting rid of said rival gang. amid the carnage, he finds you. with the cub aptly named the sea, he supposes salvage rights applies.
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littlebit-of-art · 3 months
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biker gang!141: Ghost
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memecucker · 6 years
big wild hog energy
Wild Hogs From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wild Hogs Wild-hogs-poster-750.jpg Theaterical poster Directed by Walt Becker Produced by Kristin Burr Todd Lieberman Brian Robbins Amy Sayres Sharla Sumpter Michael Tollin Written by Brad Copeland Starring Tim Allen John Travolta Martin Lawrence William H. Macy Ray Liotta Marisa Tomei Music by Teddy Castellucci Cinematography Robbie Greenberg Edited by Christopher Greenbury Production company Touchstone Pictures Tollin/Robbins Productions Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Release date March 2, 2007 Running time 100 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $60 million Box office $253.6 million[1] Wild Hogs is a 2007 American biker comedy road film directed by Walt Becker and starring Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macy. It was released nationwide in the United States and Canada on March 2, 2007. Contents  [hide] 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Motorcycles 5 Reception 5.1 Critical response 5.2 Box office 5.3 Lawsuit 6 DVD release 7 Cancelled sequel 8 Awards and nominations 9 References 10 External links Plot[edit] Doug Madsen (Tim Allen), Woody Stevens (John Travolta), Bobby Davis (Martin Lawrence), and Dudley Frank (William H. Macy) are four middle-aged suburban men living in a Cincinnati area suburb who find themselves frustrated with the pace of daily life and lack of adventure. Doug is a dentist who has trouble relating to his son Billy (Dominic Janes), Dudley is a single clumsy computer programmer who is afraid to talk to women. Bobby is a henpecked plumber whose wife has made him return to work after having taken a year off to unsuccessfully write a book, and Woody is a rich lawyer married to a supermodel. They find escape from their daily routines on weekends by riding motorcycles together posing as a biker gang called the "Wild Hogs". One day, when Woody finds out his wife is divorcing him and leaving him bankrupt, he and his friends go on a road trip on their bikes to California. After encountering several misadventures, they end up at a local bar, where they meet a much larger biker gang called the Del Fuegos, headed by Jack Blade (Ray Liotta). Jack calls the Wild Hogs "posers" and has his gang take Dudley's bike after a bogus deal to exchange Dudley's bike for a new bike that is in fact old and derelict, forcing the men to leave with Dudley in a sidecar attached to Woody's bike. Outraged at their actions, Woody returns to the Del Fuegos bar and retrieves Dudley's bike, cuts off their bikes' fuel supplies in the process and fabricates a story to the other Wild Hogs of how he "negotiated" with them to return the bike. When the Del Fuegos hear the Wild Hogs riding back past the bar, they attempt to pursue them, only for the bikes to stall. Jack inadvertently drops his lit cigarette onto the ground, igniting the fuel leaking from the bikes which then causes the bar to explode. Woody, after witnessing the explosion from afar, convinces the others to keep riding. Eventually, the Wild Hogs run out of gas and end up in Madrid, New Mexico, where they stumble into a diner and help themselves to water and beer without first paying for the beer. As a result, the townspeople first mistake them for Del Fuegos. When the Wild Hogs explain their actions, they learn that the Del Fuegos have been terrorizing the town frequently, while the local police force are unable to do anything to protect the town. Although Woody is still antsy about the Del Fuegos, the others convince him to stay in the town overnight. During their stay in the town, Dudley falls in love with Maggie (Marisa Tomei), the diner's owner. While out searching for the Wild Hogs, Jack's closest biker members Red & Murdock spot the group and report their location to Jack. Jack tells the pair not to hurt the Wild Hogs until he gets there, leaving them unable to fight back when Bobby spots and confronts the pair by splashing beer and spraying ketchup and mustard on their clothes before finally laying two uppercuts to them. The Wild Hogs are hailed as heroes amongst the town's residents and celebrate well into the night with the townspeople. The next day, Woody persuades the others that they must leave, but their departure is ruined when the Del Fuegos arrive. Jack threatens to attack the town unless the Wild Hogs pay for the damage done to their bar. Woody admits to the Wild Hogs what he really did to get Dudley's bike back as well as the real reason for the trip, upsetting the others. Jack and the rest of the Del Fuegos take over Maggie's diner, but when he threatens to burn it, Dudley confronts them and is captured and tied from a rope against a tree. The others attempt to rescue Dudley but fail. They then decide to fight the Del Fuego gang letting Jack, Red, Murdock and a member trained in martial arts battle the group in a 4 on 4 fight but the Wild Hogs are repeatedly beaten down. The townspeople band together to battle the Del Fuegos, but just as Jack threatens to take on the rest of the town, Damien Blade (Peter Fonda), Jack's father and the founder of the Del Fuegos, arrives and stops the fight. Damien lectures Jack for letting four "posers" hold off an entire biker gang, questioning aloud just which side was the "posers". He also adds that the bar was merely an insurance scam and therefore was glad that the Wild Hogs destroyed it. Damien tells the Del Fuegos to leave town and ride the open road until they remember what riding is really about, mentioning as he leaves that Jack "takes after his mother." He then acknowledges the Wild Hogs by telling them his motto: "Ride hard, or go home." Doug and Bobby's wives arrive, and Doug reconciles with his son. Bobby's wife orders him to return with her, but he refuses and convinces her to let him finish the ride. The Wild Hogs leave and arrive in California, where everyone except for Dudley crashes into a surfboard while he laughs. During the credits, it is revealed that the Wild Hogs called Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to give the Del Fuegos a new bar. The Del Fuegos react in joy at their new bar while the Wild Hogs watch the event on TV. Cast[edit] Tim Allen as Doug Madsen John Travolta as Woody Stevens Martin Lawrence as Bobby Davis William H. Macy as Dudley Frank Ray Liotta as Jack Blade Marisa Tomei as Maggie Kevin Durand as Red M. C. Gainey as Murdock Tichina Arnold as Karen Davis Stephen Tobolowsky as Sheriff Charley Jason Sklar as Deputy Earl Dooble Randy Sklar as Deputy Buck Dooble John C. McGinley as Highway Patrolman Peter Fonda as Damien Blade Production[edit] This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Travolta and Macy had previously worked together in the 1998 drama, A Civil Action where they originally came up with the idea for Wild Hogs. Liotta and Durand had previously appeared together in the 2006 action thriller Smokin' Aces. Lawrence and McGinley appeared in the 1997 comedy Nothing to Lose. Lawrence and Arnold had previously worked together on the television series Martin; many fans of the series found their pairing in this film humorous, as well as ironic, as in the series, their characters hated each other, while in the film they were husband and wife.[citation needed] Though the film takes place in various places throughout the U.S., the entire movie was actually filmed in New Mexico (except the beach on the West Coast at the end).[citation needed] The opening scenes that supposedly take place in Cincinnati were actually filmed in and around Albuquerque; the final scenes said to depict Madrid were actually shot there.[citation needed] Motorcycles[edit] Harley-Davidson provided the motorcycles for the making of this film.[citation needed] XL1200C Sportster Custom for Dudley. FXSTS Springer Softail for Bobby. Black Fatboy with a chrome front wheel for Doug. Screamin' Eagle Fatboy for Woody. Many of the motorcycles utilized by the Del Fuego gang were customized choppers. The motorcycle used by Jack featured the logo for Orange County Choppers, run by Paul Teutul, Sr. with design work by Paul Teutul, Jr.. Both Teutuls have cameo appearances at the beginning of the film.[citation needed] Tim Allen, a noted automotive designer and hobbyist, gave input to the design of his motorcycle. Of the bikes used in the film by the four main characters, his is the most customized model.[citation needed] Reception[edit] Critical response[edit] Wild Hogs opened on March 2, 2007 to mostly negative reviews. The film holds an average rating of 3.8/10 on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 14% approval rating based on 141 reviews. The site's consensus says "Wild Hogs is a dreadful combination of fish-out-of-water jokes, slapstick, and lazy stereotypes".[2] Ty Burr of The Boston Globe compared the film's merits to its titular motorcycles, believing it to be "a bumptious weekend ride... the engine could use tuning and the plugs are shot, but it gets you most of the way there." Although writing a negative review, Burr offered praise for the film's final act, believing it "takes a satisfying turn" and that, with the exception of Allen, each of the film's primary cast members "earned his designated chuckle." He also favorably compared the film to RV, another comedy film focusing on a road trip.[3] Box office[edit] Despite negative reviews, the film grossed $39.7 million on its opening weekend, ranking #1 in box office sales and nearly tripling the debut of fellow opener Zodiac.[4] The film performed well throughout its entire run, falling just 30.5% in its second weekend[5] and ultimately grossing $168.2 million domestically and $253.6 million worldwide,[1] becoming Travolta's first film since The General's Daughter in 1999 to gross over $100 million domestically.[citation needed] Lawsuit[edit] In March 2007, the Hells Angels filed suit against Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group alleging that the film used both the name and distinctive logo of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation without permission.[6] That suit resulted in voluntary dismissal.[7] DVD release[edit] Wild Hogs was released on standard DVD and Blu-ray Disc on August 14, 2007.[citation needed] Cancelled sequel[edit] Because of the movie's strong box office performance, Disney announced that a sequel, Wild Hogs 2: Bachelor Ride, would be released in 2010. However, after Disney's next comedy starring John Travolta, Old Dogs (which co-starred Robin Williams) was a box office failure, Disney canceled both Wild Hogs 2: Bachelor Ride and Wedding Banned, a comedy that was to star Williams and Anna Faris.[8] Awards and nominations[edit] People's Choice Awards 2008 Nominated- Favorite Movie Comedy[citation needed] References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=wildhogs.htm Jump up ^ "Wild Hogs". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved February 22, 2016. Jump up ^ Wild Hogs Movie Review – Wild Hogs Movie Trailer – The Boston Globe Jump up ^ Weekend Box Office Results for March 2–4, 2007 Jump up ^ Wild Hogs (2007) – Weekend Box Office Results Jump up ^ 'Litigation against movie release' (March 8, 2006) and they rule., HAMC vs Walt Disney Jump up ^ 'Hells Angels file suit against Alexander McQueen' (October 27, 2010) [1] Jump up ^ McKittrick, Christopher (2 March 2016). "Why Disney Put the Brakes on 'Wild Hogs 2'". ThoughtCo.com. Retrieved 8 May 2017. External links[edit] Wikiquote has quotations related to: Wild Hogs Official website Wild Hogs on Internet Movie Database Wild Hogs at AllMovie Wild Hogs at Rotten Tomatoes Wild Hogs at Metacritic Wild Hogs at Box Office Mojo The Times Film Review: Wild Hogs [hide] v t e Films directed by Walt Becker Buying the Cow (2000) Van Wilder (2002) Wild Hogs (2007) Old Dogs (2009) Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015) Categories: 2007 filmsEnglish-language filmsAmerican films2000s comedy filmsAmerican comedy filmsAmerican buddy filmsFilms directed by Walt BeckerFilms set in New MexicoFilms shot in New MexicoMidlife crisis filmsMotorcycling films2000s road moviesAmerican road moviesTouchstone Pictures filmsOutlaw biker films Navigation menu Not logged inTalkContributionsCreate accountLog inArticleTalkReadEditView historySearch Search Wikipedia Go Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikipedia store Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Wikidata item Cite this page Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version In other projects Wikiquote Languages العربية Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français Galego Italiano Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本語 Norsk bokmål Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 21 June 2017, at 17:12. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. Privacy policyAbout WikipediaDisclaimersContact WikipediaDevelopersCookie statementMobile viewWikimedia Foundation Powered by MediaWiki
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Read Ride Steady (Chaos #3)(12) online free by Kristen Ashley
Ride Steady (Chaos #3)(12) Author: Kristen Ashley
He squirmed in my arms and squealed louder.
Goodness, that sound was beautiful.
No better sound in the world.
Not one.
I kept playing with my boy, and in doing so, I was suddenly unconcerned I was standing on I-25 with a biker from a biker gang changing my tire, and that soon I’d be handing my baby off to my ex and Tory, so I wouldn’t have him for a whole week.
Right then, it was just Travis and me.
It had been just him and me for a year and a half, part of that time he was in my belly, the rest he was my entire world.
I’d wanted a family. After Althea died, I’d started wanting that and made it with my dolls, then my Barbies, then in my dreams.
That’s all I wanted. All I’d ever wanted.
A husband. A home. And lots of babies.
I didn’t care what it said about me that I didn’t want a career. That I didn’t dream of cruises or tiaras or being important, carrying a briefcase, getting up and going to a high powered job.
I wanted to do laundry.
I wanted to make cookies.
I wanted to have dinner ready for my husband and children when they got home.
I wanted to be a soccer mom (though, I didn’t want a minivan, I wanted something like Aaron’s Lexus SUV).
That’s all I wanted.
I wanted to be a good wife and a great mother.
And again, I did not care even a little bit what... Read here: Read Ride Steady (Chaos #3)(12) online free by Kristen Ashley #Romance #BillionaireRomance #New-Adult #Young-Adult #HotBookSeries #fantasy #Vampires #OthersBooks #ScienceFiction #Thriller #Horror #Classics #NewReleases #Mystery/Suspense #HotAuthors #RideSteady(Chaos#3)(12) #141 pages: #Previous #UnfinishedHeroseries #ColoradoMountainseries #Chaosseries #TheSinclairsseries #TheYoungElitesseries #BillionairesandBridesmaidsseries #JustOneDayseries #SinnersonTourseries #AThousandLetters #WastedWords #MyNotSoPerfectLife #Caraval(Caraval#1) #TheSunIsAlsoaStar #Everything,Everything #DevilinSpring(TheRavenels#3) #MarryingWinterborne(TheRavenels#2)
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littlebit-of-art · 3 months
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biker gang!141: price
116 notes · View notes
littlebit-of-art · 3 months
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Biker Gang! 141: Gaz
(Yes I did give him a mohawk, but I mean, look at him!)
122 notes · View notes
littlebit-of-art · 3 months
And for my next trick! (Series??) biker gang!141 and reader 🥰
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memecucker · 7 years
Wild Hogs From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wild Hogs Wild-hogs-poster-750.jpg Theaterical poster Directed by Walt Becker Produced by Kristin Burr Todd Lieberman Brian Robbins Amy Sayres Sharla Sumpter Michael Tollin Written by Brad Copeland Starring Tim Allen John Travolta Martin Lawrence William H. Macy Ray Liotta Marisa Tomei Music by Teddy Castellucci Cinematography Robbie Greenberg Edited by Christopher Greenbury Production company Touchstone Pictures Tollin/Robbins Productions Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Release date March 2, 2007 Running time 100 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $60 million Box office $253.6 million[1] Wild Hogs is a 2007 American biker comedy road film directed by Walt Becker and starring Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macy. It was released nationwide in the United States and Canada on March 2, 2007. Contents  [hide] 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Motorcycles 5 Reception 5.1 Critical response 5.2 Box office 5.3 Lawsuit 6 DVD release 7 Cancelled sequel 8 Awards and nominations 9 References 10 External links Plot[edit] Doug Madsen (Tim Allen), Woody Stevens (John Travolta), Bobby Davis (Martin Lawrence), and Dudley Frank (William H. Macy) are four middle-aged suburban men living in a Cincinnati area suburb who find themselves frustrated with the pace of daily life and lack of adventure. Doug is a dentist who has trouble relating to his son Billy (Dominic Janes), Dudley is a single clumsy computer programmer who is afraid to talk to women. Bobby is a henpecked plumber whose wife has made him return to work after having taken a year off to unsuccessfully write a book, and Woody is a rich lawyer married to a supermodel. They find escape from their daily routines on weekends by riding motorcycles together posing as a biker gang called the "Wild Hogs". One day, when Woody finds out his wife is divorcing him and leaving him bankrupt, he and his friends go on a road trip on their bikes to California. After encountering several misadventures, they end up at a local bar, where they meet a much larger biker gang called the Del Fuegos, headed by Jack Blade (Ray Liotta). Jack calls the Wild Hogs "posers" and has his gang take Dudley's bike after a bogus deal to exchange Dudley's bike for a new bike that is in fact old and derelict, forcing the men to leave with Dudley in a sidecar attached to Woody's bike. Outraged at their actions, Woody returns to the Del Fuegos bar and retrieves Dudley's bike, cuts off their bikes' fuel supplies in the process and fabricates a story to the other Wild Hogs of how he "negotiated" with them to return the bike. When the Del Fuegos hear the Wild Hogs riding back past the bar, they attempt to pursue them, only for the bikes to stall. Jack inadvertently drops his lit cigarette onto the ground, igniting the fuel leaking from the bikes which then causes the bar to explode. Woody, after witnessing the explosion from afar, convinces the others to keep riding. Eventually, the Wild Hogs run out of gas and end up in Madrid, New Mexico, where they stumble into a diner and help themselves to water and beer without first paying for the beer. As a result, the townspeople first mistake them for Del Fuegos. When the Wild Hogs explain their actions, they learn that the Del Fuegos have been terrorizing the town frequently, while the local police force are unable to do anything to protect the town. Although Woody is still antsy about the Del Fuegos, the others convince him to stay in the town overnight. During their stay in the town, Dudley falls in love with Maggie (Marisa Tomei), the diner's owner. While out searching for the Wild Hogs, Jack's closest biker members Red & Murdock spot the group and report their location to Jack. Jack tells the pair not to hurt the Wild Hogs until he gets there, leaving them unable to fight back when Bobby spots and confronts the pair by splashing beer and spraying ketchup and mustard on their clothes before finally laying two uppercuts to them. The Wild Hogs are hailed as heroes amongst the town's residents and celebrate well into the night with the townspeople. The next day, Woody persuades the others that they must leave, but their departure is ruined when the Del Fuegos arrive. Jack threatens to attack the town unless the Wild Hogs pay for the damage done to their bar. Woody admits to the Wild Hogs what he really did to get Dudley's bike back as well as the real reason for the trip, upsetting the others. Jack and the rest of the Del Fuegos take over Maggie's diner, but when he threatens to burn it, Dudley confronts them and is captured and tied from a rope against a tree. The others attempt to rescue Dudley but fail. They then decide to fight the Del Fuego gang letting Jack, Red, Murdock and a member trained in martial arts battle the group in a 4 on 4 fight but the Wild Hogs are repeatedly beaten down. The townspeople band together to battle the Del Fuegos, but just as Jack threatens to take on the rest of the town, Damien Blade (Peter Fonda), Jack's father and the founder of the Del Fuegos, arrives and stops the fight. Damien lectures Jack for letting four "posers" hold off an entire biker gang, questioning aloud just which side was the "posers". He also adds that the bar was merely an insurance scam and therefore was glad that the Wild Hogs destroyed it. Damien tells the Del Fuegos to leave town and ride the open road until they remember what riding is really about, mentioning as he leaves that Jack "takes after his mother." He then acknowledges the Wild Hogs by telling them his motto: "Ride hard, or go home." Doug and Bobby's wives arrive, and Doug reconciles with his son. Bobby's wife orders him to return with her, but he refuses and convinces her to let him finish the ride. The Wild Hogs leave and arrive in California, where everyone except for Dudley crashes into a surfboard while he laughs. During the credits, it is revealed that the Wild Hogs called Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to give the Del Fuegos a new bar. The Del Fuegos react in joy at their new bar while the Wild Hogs watch the event on TV. Cast[edit] Tim Allen as Doug Madsen John Travolta as Woody Stevens Martin Lawrence as Bobby Davis William H. Macy as Dudley Frank Ray Liotta as Jack Blade Marisa Tomei as Maggie Kevin Durand as Red M. C. Gainey as Murdock Tichina Arnold as Karen Davis Stephen Tobolowsky as Sheriff Charley Jason Sklar as Deputy Earl Dooble Randy Sklar as Deputy Buck Dooble John C. McGinley as Highway Patrolman Peter Fonda as Damien Blade Production[edit] This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Travolta and Macy had previously worked together in the 1998 drama, A Civil Action where they originally came up with the idea for Wild Hogs. Liotta and Durand had previously appeared together in the 2006 action thriller Smokin' Aces. Lawrence and McGinley appeared in the 1997 comedy Nothing to Lose. Lawrence and Arnold had previously worked together on the television series Martin; many fans of the series found their pairing in this film humorous, as well as ironic, as in the series, their characters hated each other, while in the film they were husband and wife.[citation needed] Though the film takes place in various places throughout the U.S., the entire movie was actually filmed in New Mexico (except the beach on the West Coast at the end).[citation needed] The opening scenes that supposedly take place in Cincinnati were actually filmed in and around Albuquerque; the final scenes said to depict Madrid were actually shot there.[citation needed] Motorcycles[edit] Harley-Davidson provided the motorcycles for the making of this film.[citation needed] XL1200C Sportster Custom for Dudley. FXSTS Springer Softail for Bobby. Black Fatboy with a chrome front wheel for Doug. Screamin' Eagle Fatboy for Woody. Many of the motorcycles utilized by the Del Fuego gang were customized choppers. The motorcycle used by Jack featured the logo for Orange County Choppers, run by Paul Teutul, Sr. with design work by Paul Teutul, Jr.. Both Teutuls have cameo appearances at the beginning of the film.[citation needed] Tim Allen, a noted automotive designer and hobbyist, gave input to the design of his motorcycle. Of the bikes used in the film by the four main characters, his is the most customized model.[citation needed] Reception[edit] Critical response[edit] Wild Hogs opened on March 2, 2007 to mostly negative reviews. The film holds an average rating of 3.8/10 on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 14% approval rating based on 141 reviews. The site's consensus says "Wild Hogs is a dreadful combination of fish-out-of-water jokes, slapstick, and lazy stereotypes".[2] Ty Burr of The Boston Globe compared the film's merits to its titular motorcycles, believing it to be "a bumptious weekend ride... the engine could use tuning and the plugs are shot, but it gets you most of the way there." Although writing a negative review, Burr offered praise for the film's final act, believing it "takes a satisfying turn" and that, with the exception of Allen, each of the film's primary cast members "earned his designated chuckle." He also favorably compared the film to RV, another comedy film focusing on a road trip.[3] Box office[edit] Despite negative reviews, the film grossed $39.7 million on its opening weekend, ranking #1 in box office sales and nearly tripling the debut of fellow opener Zodiac.[4] The film performed well throughout its entire run, falling just 30.5% in its second weekend[5] and ultimately grossing $168.2 million domestically and $253.6 million worldwide,[1] becoming Travolta's first film since The General's Daughter in 1999 to gross over $100 million domestically.[citation needed] Lawsuit[edit] In March 2007, the Hells Angels filed suit against Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group alleging that the film used both the name and distinctive logo of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation without permission.[6] That suit resulted in voluntary dismissal.[7] DVD release[edit] Wild Hogs was released on standard DVD and Blu-ray Disc on August 14, 2007.[citation needed] Cancelled sequel[edit] Because of the movie's strong box office performance, Disney announced that a sequel, Wild Hogs 2: Bachelor Ride, would be released in 2010. However, after Disney's next comedy starring John Travolta, Old Dogs (which co-starred Robin Williams) was a box office failure, Disney canceled both Wild Hogs 2: Bachelor Ride and Wedding Banned, a comedy that was to star Williams and Anna Faris.[8] Awards and nominations[edit] People's Choice Awards 2008 Nominated- Favorite Movie Comedy[citation needed] References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=wildhogs.htm Jump up ^ "Wild Hogs". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved February 22, 2016. Jump up ^ Wild Hogs Movie Review – Wild Hogs Movie Trailer – The Boston Globe Jump up ^ Weekend Box Office Results for March 2–4, 2007 Jump up ^ Wild Hogs (2007) – Weekend Box Office Results Jump up ^ 'Litigation against movie release' (March 8, 2006) and they rule., HAMC vs Walt Disney Jump up ^ 'Hells Angels file suit against Alexander McQueen' (October 27, 2010) [1] Jump up ^ McKittrick, Christopher (2 March 2016). "Why Disney Put the Brakes on 'Wild Hogs 2'". ThoughtCo.com. Retrieved 8 May 2017. External links[edit] Wikiquote has quotations related to: Wild Hogs Official website Wild Hogs on Internet Movie Database Wild Hogs at AllMovie Wild Hogs at Rotten Tomatoes Wild Hogs at Metacritic Wild Hogs at Box Office Mojo The Times Film Review: Wild Hogs [hide] v t e Films directed by Walt Becker Buying the Cow (2000) Van Wilder (2002) Wild Hogs (2007) Old Dogs (2009) Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015) Categories: 2007 filmsEnglish-language filmsAmerican films2000s comedy filmsAmerican comedy filmsAmerican buddy filmsFilms directed by Walt BeckerFilms set in New MexicoFilms shot in New MexicoMidlife crisis filmsMotorcycling films2000s road moviesAmerican road moviesTouchstone Pictures filmsOutlaw biker films Navigation menu Not logged inTalkContributionsCreate accountLog inArticleTalkReadEditView historySearch Search Wikipedia Go Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikipedia store Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Wikidata item Cite this page Print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version In other projects Wikiquote Languages العربية Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français Galego Italiano Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本語 Norsk bokmål Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 21 June 2017, at 17:12. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. Privacy policyAbout WikipediaDisclaimersContact WikipediaDevelopersCookie statementMobile viewWikimedia Foundation Powered by MediaWiki
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