#or muggleborn witches who were cleverer than purebloods
I don't know how to ask this, but, like, I like reading Marauders content but sometimes I read some stuff about them that makes me think I'm a bad person for that. Like. They were bullies. So, isn't horrible that I like them anyways? How can I? Don't I think bullying is bad? Am I making light of how bad bullying is? I wanted to ask you what you think. Like, do you ever get affected by these feelings. Do you ever get affected by how other people see these characters. Do you ever get affected by people implying you are a bad person if you like character X?
Snape says they were bullies. Snape doesn’t tell us that far from being a harmless little loner, he was in fact hanging around with Mulciber and other mini wannabe Death Eaters (Sirius tells us). This gang bullied muggleborn Wix and called them slurs like mudbloods (Lily tells us), and we’re also involved in using dark magic against other students (Lily tells us Snape’s mates did this to Mary). Snape tries to pretend it was no big deal (it was a joke, he says) but Lily angrily disagrees. Snape used dangerous curses like Sectumsempra against people he hated eg James Potter, which btw he invented himself.
James used Levicorpus against Snape which btw was a curse that Snape had himself invented. James wasn’t happy that Snape was salivating with glee at the thought of discovering and proving Remus was a werewolf. Lily wasn’t happy either. Despite their rivalry, James saved Snape’s life when Snape made the dangerous and frankly terrible decision to follow Remus past the Whomping Willow on a full moon (yes Sirius was wrong to tell him but that still doesn’t make it his fault that Snape consciously/deliberately put himself in mortal danger to out one of his classmates because he hated them).
During 7th Year, when James had deflated his head a bit and was mature enough to be named head boy, Remus tells us this:
‘She started going out with him in seventh year,’ said Lupin.
‘Once James had deflated his head a bit,’ said Sirius.
‘And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,’ said Lupin.
‘Even Snape?’ said Harry.
‘Well,’ said Lupin slowly, ‘Snape was a special case. I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James so you couldn’t really expect James to take that lying down, could you?’
Well, tbf, no, you couldn’t.
So you see, as far as I’m concerned, there were two gangs who were fighting a bit like the golden trio and Draco’s mates, and Snape was just as mean to James as the other way around?
But at least the marauders were fighting blood purist, racist, bigoted little shits who clearly made it known to everyone that they were planning on joining a murderous fascist- dictator type whose forces terrorised a minority group and were at war with innocent people (1970s Wix UK).
So the marauders went out of their way to antagonise these feckers (who clearly did the exact same thing to them). And? I’m not even sure that counts as bullying. It’s not very mature, and I’d prefer if they didn’t, but if my child went out of their way to antagonise bigoted eejits I’m not sure I’d be especially unhappy about it? I might even secretly be quite proud? 🤷‍♀️
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 1 year
Some of my Marauders era/Harry Potter Headcanons
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Professor McGonagall was considered a patient teacher until the Prewett twins and the Marauders, so when the Weasley twins and Prongslet started Hogwarts, she just knew it would be a chaotic repeat of events.
"Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time."
Of course, we can't forget Ron. He was just as much Gideon and Fabian as Fred and George, but to a lesser degree.
He's brilliant and gets a lot of hate for always making Hermione cry (which im totally not ignoring)
Ron is an important part of the trio, even if the movies do kinda portray him as a replaceable, dickish, himbo, carrot top cunt, who purposely hurts Hermione.
We respect him in this household, even if we sometimes wanna kick his ass so hard he begins to think he's Viktor Krum.
He did it as a child and a teenager, but he carried the habit into his adult life. It made him feel in control of something in his life.
James was Sirius's first kiss
Sirius was James's first kiss
Strictly platonic first kiss between a couple of bro's
It happened second year.
"Its not gay, Wormtail, we had socks on."
Peter was terrified of rats before he discovered his animagus was a rat
If Regulus Black was an animagus, he'd be a black cat, for obvious reasons
Speaking of Regulus Arcturus Black, we stan that dramatic emo bitch in this household <3
He was just like Sirius, but in his own way and he catches so much shit because he was a death eater and did bad things.
Before he was marked, he was a boy who wanted to make his family proud. After he was marked, he wanted to escape.
He defected to the good side, but he died before Sirius could know the good thing he had began. He was just a boy.
Draco heard stories from his mother about Regulus and based many of his best traits after his cousin.
He treated house elves with respect, mostly when Lucius wasn't around to influence him. When he had nothing to prove.
He didn't care if they were like Dobby or Kreacher
He simultaneously hated his father and wanted him to be proud, so he took the dark mark at sixteen
Much like Regulus did
He also wanted to defect. He didn't want to be a killer. He didn't want to die.
He was just a boy.
Hermione carried on the soul of Regulus
I will die on that hill.
She was born a few months after he died and they were very similar, except for the obvious differences (blood status, house, family life, you get the gist)
We all know about S.P.E.W.
Regulus would've been the FIRST official member if he had been alive
Lily introduced her pureblood friends to muggle fashion
In fifth year when she saw James in a pair of tight pants, she almost fell out right in the middle of Hogsmeade
After that, she forbade Sirius from letting James borrow his clothes ever again
For self-preservation purposes, I like to pretend THE prank never happened. If you know, you know. If you don't, I can't explain or I'll cry
Marlene McKinnon = blonde Sirius with boobs
Hermione, Remus, and Lily are the voices of reason amongst their friends, while also being just as bad as them in a more subtle way
"Now, if you two don't mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse. . . Expelled!"
Snape on fire ring any bells?
I just know James was sitting in the clouds, laughing his ass off while Lily told him to hush
She was also fighting laughter
Revenge often came in the form of a brilliant muggleborn witch
Sirius craves violence. . . And chaos
He would love when witches or wizards got mad, especially at him.
That shit turned him on faster than Remus fresh out of the shower
Sirius and Marlene yelled at eachother like siblings
Meanwhile Remus and Lily were sipping tea like some high society in-laws at Sunday brunch
Sirius LOVED Abba, but refused to admit it, even after Lily caught him singing 'Mamma Mia' under his breath. . . In the middle of class.
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I SWEAR I had a point to this. I started writing HCs and then I started rambling??? I could ramble forever, honestly.
Send requests, I have some free time
Let me know if you want to be put on the tag list :)
It's currently empty, so it sure would be cool if I could make a list :)
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fischerfrey · 1 year
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► mini profile;
Full Name: Sydney Orville Barlow Birthday: February 13th, 1892 (Aquarius) Pronouns: he/him Sexual Orientation: bisexual Hogwarts House: Slytherin
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Best Subject: Charms, Transfiguration Worst Subject: Divination, History of Magic Extracurriculars: none Sydney realized early on that him being muggle-born was going to affect the way he was treated in the Wizarding World, so he came up with an elaborate lie about his heritage. Some of the school staff knew, of course, but Sydney convinced them to keep quiet about it (which wasn't difficult, since the school was more than happy to close its eyes from the discrimination faced by muggle-borns). At the age of eleven, he didn't realize the far-reaching consequences of the lie and how far he'd have to go to keep it up.
Wand: Larch, 11 inches, phoenix feather core Strong, durable and warm in colour, larch has long been valued as an attractive and powerful wand wood. Its reputation for instilling courage and confidence in the user has ensured that demand has always outstripped supply. This much sought-after wand is, however, hard to please in the matter of ideal owners, and trickier to handle than many imagine. I find that it always creates wands of hidden talents and unexpected effects, which likewise describes the master who deserves it. It is often the case that the witch or wizard who belongs to the larch wand may never realise the full extent of their considerable talents until paired with it, but that they will then make an exceptional match. Patronus: Fire-dwelling salamander This small, fire-dwelling lizard is born out of flames and lives as long as the flames that spawned it, though it can survive outside them for up to six hours if fed properly. This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress. They're also usually extremely passionate, ready to give their all for an idea or relationship if they feel it's the right move.
Faceclaim: Rami Malek Eye colour: Green/gray Hair colour: Black Height: 5ft 7 (171cm)
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Parents: Tyrone and Sarah Barlow Tyrone Barlow and his family live in North Eastern England. He's a muggle and a factory worker and the family isn't particularly well-off. After the death of Tyrone's first wife Katherine, he marries Sarah. As a child, Sydney is close to his parents, but after he starts at Hogwarts, he distances himself from them to keep up his ruse about being pureblood. Tyrone and Sarah are hurt and struggle to understand the stigma around being muggleborn. Older brother: Aiden Tyrone Barlow Aiden is Sydney's half-brother from their father's first marriage, and a muggle. He is five years older than Sydney and the pair were always close as children. When Sydney starts Hogwarts and distances himself from his family, Aiden is hurt but tries to understand the politics of the Wizarding World. Aiden and Sydney reconnect during and after the Great War. FC: Matthew Settle
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Friends: OPEN! ​ Dormmates: OPEN for school years 1903-1910 Love interest: Alexej Kavinsky by @potionboy3 During the war, Sydney is taken captive by an extremist group of Anti-Muggle wizards due to his blood status. Alexej saves his life and the two keep running into each other afterwards. FC: Tom Schilling
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While the Sorting Hat couldn't be fooled about his blood status, it saw great potential for Sydney in Slytherin, so it put him there. Slytherin rarely, if ever, accepted any other than pure-blood students, so Sydney had to be clever and careful to survive. He made friends as well as rivals, and left school with excellent marks in Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA. He considered becoming an auror but decided against it in fear of being discovered as a muggle-born. His secret leaked out anyway, thanks to an old school rival of his. Sydney retreated from the Wizarding World despite promising career options at the Ministry. He returned to his family to make amends and joined the army as his brother had done. Sydney is ambitious and cunning, as befits his placement in Slytherin. He's a practiced liar and throws himself easily into any role if it benefits him. He's not malicious, though, and rarely goes out of his way to hurt others. He has a sense of humour and appreciates that in others too. He's not a very open person, though he can make one believe that they know him. He tells the truth more often than not, because the big lies are easier to keep up that way. He doesn't hold strong convictions or loyalty to any cause, and prefers to keep his options open but ultimately he wants to do what he feels is right.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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rosiheir · 2 years
ADELAIDE KANE? No, that’s actually OPHELIA ROSIER. Only 29 years old, this RAVENCLAW alumni works as a WITCH WATCHER and is sided with THE DOUBLE AGENTS ( DEATH EATERS ). SHE identifies as CISFEMALE and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be MANIPULATIVE, DISTRUSTFUL, and RETICENT but also CLEVER, DEDICATED, and OBSERVANT.
personality.   generally, ophelia is quiet, watchful, and, to a degree, openly distrustful. this is in part due to being largely isolated while growing up ( which is, in some part, her own doing, at least where school is concerned ) and the resentment toward the order of the phoenix her father instilled in her throughout childhood. she doesn’t hate muggles, exactly, though she was raised to believe wizards are better than them - rather, her anger is fixated on the order and those who had sided with them rather than with her family. however irrational, she faults them for the death of the mother she does not remember. to those that she does learn to trust, ophelia is not cold or heartless. she has a sense of humor that is in large part sarcastic and can be very playful as well as loyal to the point of fault.
history.   ophelia and her twin brother zachariah were born into the rosier family in 1995, long known for being death eaters. when the twins were only four months old, their mother, anne rosier nee fawley, was killed in a duel that her husband, peter, believed to be against members of the order. though this was never proven, it seemed the most likely scenario, especially given the rising unrest as rumors of the dark lord’s impending return spread.
peter’s already - present disgust for the order and all that they stood for was amplified by this and he became borderline fanatic where the dark lord’s rise was concerned. when harry potter thwarted this and many death eaters seemed to fade into quietude, waiting and watching once more, he only grew worse - bitter, angry. he took care of his children, but was never a doting father. from the time ophelia was learning to speak, her father taught her that the order of the phoenix and those who would side with them were the bad ones - that they were the ones responsible for the death of her mother. she was raised to consider the death eaters “the good guys,” or so her father would tell her, and voldemort nearly godlike to her. her father instilled in her the same resentment that he clung to so fiercely.
in school, opehlia had few friends besides her twin - before she went, peter drilled it into her head that these were the children of their enemies, and that so few of them could be trusted, that any one of their parents could be the one who had murdered her mother. her brother, on the other hand, who had never been quite as receptive to their father’s anger, didn’t take this suggestion to heart so much as she did, and he thrived at school, became a beater on the ravenclaw quidditch team, was always popular. in some ways, this was when her resentment started to extend to him as well. how could he not see that he shouldn’t be making friends with these people? that their parents had been a part of the organization that had gotten their mother killed and caused their father to become so bitter? he was spending more his summers at their houses than with her and their father. she excelled in most of her classes, but would never make many friends or join any clubs.
when they finished their seventh year, zachariah left - he went off and became an auror, moved out of their house. by this time, they were still close but not so much as they had been before hogwarts, and ophelia didn’t understand him, didn’t understand his motivations or why he was not as bitter over their parents as she was. why he befriended muggleborns, why he spent his summers at the houses of those who had been order members. their father was sick by now, years of silent potion abuse taking their toll on him, and ophelia was the one that tried to care for him until he died, though she didn’t hold much grief for the father who had never seemed to love them. she had, after all, always clung to the idealized memory of their mother that he had long ago painted for them rather than him.
after his death, she joined the ministry as well, however much she distrusted the lot of them ( better to have ears on the inside, she told herself ) and would go on to become a witch watcher for several years. when the winds shifted and rumors of their efforts to bring the dark lord back reached her ears, she was swift to reach out to her fathers’ contacts, to align herself with who she knew to be the right side, and before long found herself planted as a double agent within the ranks of the order.
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decennia · 3 years
i give u free reign to infodump ab all of the knights and the og army bc i am vv intrigued agjgssgsh
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I've separated it into sections:
The Knights of Walpurgis, and the motivations for their assigned sins.
Dumbledore's First Resistance, and the motivations for their assigned virtues.
The dynamics between the opposing contenders.
Given the sheer volume of information, I've included a cut. Please enjoy this manip that I am still very proud of.
THE KNIGHTS OF WALPURGIS (later known as Death Eaters) Tom Riddle (Pride)
Pride and arrogance were very large contributing factors to Tom Riddle's downfall in the end, and honestly, the whole idea for the gifset came from Florence + The Machines' Seven Devils playing while casually thinking of Dagrim and Tom, and then about how perfectly Tom would fit as Lucifer.
Dagrim Patil (Avarice)
When questioned about what she wants, and what Riddle promised her in exchange for her unwavering loyalty, her response is, quite simply: everything. Dagrim grew up starved not for affection, but recognition. And what she was denied in childhood, she would take in adulthood by force. Her philosophy is that if something is worth wanting, it is worth taking.
Cantankerous Nott IV (Lust)
We know so little about Theodore Nott's father from the source material, other than he was elderly, and he raised Theo himself. And that he was a Death Eater, of course. His name is an ode to his ancestor, the Cantankerous Nott who created the Sacred Twenty-Eight pureblood directory. I assigned him "lust" purely for the events leading to the conception of his son (sis, it gets messy).
Abraxas Malfoy (Envy)
Abraxas Malfoy envied Tom Riddle to the point of a half attempted mutiny. He was quickly put in his place, his co-conspirators made examples of, and spared only for his close friendship with Dagrim, who pleaded for his life. Riddle, who trusted Dagrim to a fault for all she'd done to earn it, conceded. Abraxas would later prove himself to Riddle again, regaining his seat among Riddle's favoured generals. He was the one who taught Lucius to never disobey the Dark Lord, and he was not a kind teacher.
Ulysses Mulciber (Gluttony)
Indulgence and excess, spoiled rotten and filthy rich. The Mulcibers were the richest of the Sacred at one point in their lives, rivalled only by the Malfoys. Ulysses never knew the meaning of "enough," and was a glutton not only in all manners of vice, but also for cruelty, dealing it out carelessly with little to no regard for the repercussions he was well protected from by his noble standing and wealth. He was one of Riddle's greatest allies and sponsors, and instrumental in his rise to power.
Carmilla Avery (Wrath)
Carmilla was in the year above Riddle, and was quick to anger and slow to calm. Her temper was legendary, and even her younger brothers – also admitted into the Death Eater ranks – feared her. She had an untempered fury, a rage at the world for no reason at all. She developed an unhealthy codependency with Abraxas Malfoy, who served to have a soothing presence over her. People seldom survive crossing her, as her reputation dictates.
Serafine Lestrange (Sloth)
Serafine is not lazy (as the sin "sloth" would suggest), she just lacks the motivations to pursue the goals that are expected of her. A particularly bright witch, and a wealthy one too, she never applied herself at school for she didn't see the need. Instead, she fell into a fascination of the Dark Arts, where she met Riddle, perusing the Restricted Section. She is rather discontented with life, disillusioned from already such a young age. She initially joins Riddle's gang for the excitement of it all.
DUMBLEDORE'S FIRST RESISTANCE (later known as the Order of the Phoenix in its official conception in 1970)
Albus Dumbledore (Patience)
Name a man more patient than Dumbledore, I'll wait. Better yet, he'll wait, because he's patient as hell. So patient, in fact, he waited until after Harry's supposed death to come to him as a hallucination and tell him about how he was a Horcrux.
Rathin Patil (Temperance)
Temperance is abstinence, and I wanted to explore the kind of toll having his sister so far gone into the dark would have on any man, let alone one who really cared for her and wanted to do right by her. Rathin is not a perfect man, he is still fallible, and unfortunately, he develops a dependent comfort in inebriation when Dagrim disappears with Riddle. He pulls himself back together, especially when he becomes Isaiah Moody's partner at the Ministry, and he begins to pursue Miraya.
Miraya Varma (Diligence)
Methodical and persistent, Miraya Varma earned herself a position at the Ministry immediately out of Hogwarts where she would later go on to form her own task force within the Ministry specifically designed for the interrogation and recommended sentencing of dark wizards and witches. She has been known to put her duty first, up until the birth of her son, Divyansh Patil, father to Padma and Parvati.
Isaiah Moody (Humility)
For a very long time, people seldom knew the Moody name, and that was the way Isaiah liked it. He believed that his line of work would endanger his loved ones (in spite of his wife being in the same profession) and so he never took credit for the numerous arrests he made. It was Isaiah who suspected something was strange about Morfin Gaunt's arrest while investigating the Riddle Massacre, and consulted Dumbledore about it. Once his identity was discovered and he was viewed as a threat by Riddle, an attack was made on his heavily pregnant wife, jeopardizing her and his unborn boy's (Alastor) life.
Minerva McGonagall (Chastity)
Mini Minnie is seventeen, my dudes. But not only that, Minerva grew up with a religious father (he was canonically a reverend), who probably taught her his values. Also given the fact that Minerva was the first of the younger generation to participate and involve herself in the war (she sought out Dumbledore and enlisted herself into his Resistance, fearing her family would be made into another statistic if she didn't at least do something to intervene), she really didn't have much time to think about something as arbitrary as the concept of virginity. Also, it's the 1950s.
Corinne Scamander (Kindness)
Corrine is honestly the greatest. She has all of the tenacity of Tina, and the best qualities of Newt. It was Dumbledore's previous bond with Newt that encouraged him to recruit her, and she willingly accepted, because of course she would. She'd always been the soft spoken girl with a tender touch and a love for life, and she was often the advocate for hope in the resistance. She was adept in a few healing charms she'd learned from her father, and was something of a specialist in magical beings, proving herself to be highly valuable while Riddle was expanding his ranks with all manner of dark creatures.
Declan Diggory (Charity)
Sacrifice is in the Diggory blood, and Cedric's grandfather, Declan, was not the first to prove it. He also, unfortunately, wasn't the last, but he sure was one of the best. Selfless to a fault, Declan would willingly get hypothermia if it meant someone else would have warmth. Diggory's contributions to the war effort consisted of offering sanctuary and shelter to muggleborns who received death threats, and orchestrating the evacuations of targeted muggle residences. He was the leader of a small faction of the resistance, including, but not limited to: Fleamont Potter, Enoch Longbottom, Wilhelm Shacklebolt, and Ramona McKinnon.
DYNAMICS (just the contenders for now because this is hella long)
Albus Dumbledore vs. Tom Riddle
Adversaries, a fair deal of mistrust and guilt from Dumbledore's side (upon reflection, he'd been the one to introduce Tom to the wizarding world; even though he knows that if Riddle had been left unchecked, the risk of him becoming an Obscurus would've resulted in catastrophe all the same). Riddle sees Dumbledore as nothing more than a foolish old man, a pest, and an obstacle to overcome at first, but learns to begrudgingly respect Dumbledore's strength and mastery of magic (after all, Riddle only knew him as the Transfiguration teacher before, and thought the accounts of Dumbledore's victory over Grindelwald had been exaggerated to great effect). Riddle's hubris was believing he could defeat Dumbledore on his own, thinking himself already stronger than Grindelwald ever hoped to be.
Rathin Patil vs. Dagrim Patil
Rathin had always been very protective of Dagrim, and loved her dearly, although his acts of affection were often misinterpreted as pity and condescension. This only served to push them further apart. When Dagrim turned to the Dark Arts and found solace in Riddle, it revolted Rathin, as he was hugely against the corruption the Dark Arts has on the performing witch or wizard, and wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. He still very much loves her, and it hurts him to fight her. Dagrim, on the other hand, finds catharsis in duelling her brother, believing it to be justice for the way her parents treated her and the little he did to dissuade them.
Miraya Varma vs. Cantankerous Nott
A mutual respect and an academic rivalry, Cantankerous and Miraya were not friends by any means, but not enemies, either. Cantankerous even went as far as to warn Miraya of an impending attack, allowing her to evacuate the building. But although he knows she's clever, he also knows that she's incredibly stubborn, and displayed little surprise to find her awaiting him in the now vacant building. They are equally matched, and their unique relationship spans several decades, even into Cantankerous' failed run at Minister for Magic, and Theodore and the Patil twins' time at Hogwarts. She was present at his trial following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and watched as he was sentenced to life in Azkaban for his crimes as a Death Eater.
Isaiah Moody vs. Abraxas Malfoy
Given his profession, Isaiah has a lot of enemies on the Sacred Twenty-Eight who are loyal to the Dark Lord. One such enemy is Abraxas Malfoy. When Tom gets word of Moody's involvement in solving the Riddle Massacre, he sends Malfoy and a newer Death Eater, Evangeline Rosier, to hinder the investigation. Abraxas and Evangeline were responsible for the attack on Isaiah's heavily pregnant wife, who, if she hadn't been an Auror herself, would've never survived. Alastor Moody was prematurely born at St. Mungo's following the attack, and all of Isaiah's efforts were turned on exacting vengeance on those responsible. Malfoy went into hiding, but Isaiah, ruthless, managed to hunt down Rosier. She died under questioning, setting in motion a vicious cycle of vengeance between the Moodys and Rosiers. Once Isaiah had been killed by Evangeline's brother (Evan [who was named after her] Rosier's father), Abraxas deemed it safe to rejoin society.
Minerva McGonagall vs. Ulysses Mulciber
On the list of things Ulysses loathes, he would put half-bloods above muggleborns (although he turns a blind eye to his Dark Lord's blood status when it conveniences him). Half-bloods only serve as a reminder of the lowest and weakest of his kind; the unworthy muggleborns, the lecherous blood traitors, the vermin muggles. Mulciber prides himself as something of a "purifier," and finds great enjoyment in pruning family trees that have been poisoned by muggle blood into purity once more. He takes a great interest in Minerva McGonagall, given that she is an incredibly powerful witch at such a young age, and he wonders how glorious she would've been had she been a pureblood (a twisted and untrue belief among the Sacred Twenty-Eight during that time). Minerva, the threat of Mulciber weighing heavily on her, places her family under Dumbledore's protection. She vows to stop Mulciber and his perverse idea of justice.
Corinne Scamander vs. Carmilla Avery
It didn't take much to enrage Carmilla Avery, and Corinne had been caught in the tempest Carmilla's fury since the day they'd met. Carmilla, who took great pleasure in picking on people she deemed lesser, made a target out of Corinne, perceiving her kindness for weakness. During their time at Hogwarts, Corinne had gained the attention of Avery for being a blood traitor and a muggle sympathizer, which only strengthened Carmilla's vindication. Corinne, who had been friends with Rubeus Hagrid prior to his expulsion, and who had almost fallen prey to the basilisk when she had heard Myrtle Warren's cries from the bathroom, never lowered herself to Carmilla's level nor did she rise to any of the challenges. This hurt Avery's ego, as she thought this was Corinne's way of claiming herself better than her. It wasn't until after Hogwarts that Carmilla's growing resentment came to a head, and, without the protection the school offered Corinne, Carmilla was looking to finally put an end to the blood traitor line of Scamander.
Declan Diggory vs. Serafine Lestrange
Declan and Serafine were childhood friends who drifted apart during their time at Hogwarts, particularly when she fell in with Riddle's crowd. She is viewed by Dumbledore as having the power to sway the entire outcome of the war, for if Serafine could be persuaded into leaving Riddle, her cousins (one of whom is the father of Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange) would surely comply, and the families who held the Lestranges in high regard would be inclined to follow. This makes Declan and Serafine key pieces in Dumbledore's game of strategy. However, Serafine was disowned long before she defected from the Death Eaters, leaving the Lestranges firmly in Riddle's grasp. Although Serafine claimed to feel nothing for Diggory, she still refused to deal any real harm to him when they duel, in spite of having ample opportunity to do so; something which Riddle picked up on. She was later forced to torture Declan in front of him to prove her loyalty to the Dark Lord, something which Declan permitted her to do, knowing she had very little choice in the matter. He was left for dead, but Serafine would later secretly return with Corinne to get him medical attention. She gives her son, Francis, "Declan" as a middle name.
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[tomione thing] Thanks for the recs! I actually was looking forward to the rant, I like how you break things apart so they make sense in a very unique way.( I don't have any strong feelings to the pairing if that was your concern, I just think the stories about them have the potential to be fantastic because I enjoy intelligent characters going through life and solving problems and, usually, in fanfiction there's focus on only one smart character.
So, you people are just poking me with sticks to see what ridiculous opinions spew out then. I’m onto your game.
With that said, let’s get to answering then, and know that you bring this upon yourself.
I loathe Tomione. I put up with it, sometimes, because I will read almost any fic featuring Tom Riddle as a main character. (Want the Carnivorous Muffin to read your fic? Tom Riddle as a main character. Even if I disagree with 110% of your premise I will probably still read your story.)
However, it’s extremely telling that my recs the other day were hilariously small, and one was actually Hermione/Loki. The Tomione exists, I just hate it.
This is for two main reasons. First, I just don’t believe the ship would ever work under any circumstances and the pair are naturally doomed to loathe one another. Second, fanfiction has a collection of tropes associated with Tomione that are in unbearable (likely caused unconsciously by the first, Tomione doesn’t really work, so we do terrible things to make it work). 
Tomione Doesn’t Work: Change My Mind
So, remember we’re living in Muffin-land for this. I’ve explained some of my headcanons regarding these characters, and I’ll offer brief explanation for why I think what I do here, but I’m not going to expand on it too much.
Tomione has appeal under the premise that either you or someone else previously mentioned: they’re both so smart, of course they belong together.
The trouble, Hermione’s not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. What we see of Hermione’s cleverness boils down to having a very good work ethic and reading a lot of books. She tends to outsmart Ron and Harry because she actually puts in the work to do her homework and, my god, read her text books. Also, as I’ve covered before, Harry’s an idiot, so that’s a low bar.
Because Hogwarts can be passed by the likes of Crabbe and Goyle, and the curriculum seems to boil down to “pronounce this fake Latin correctly, ooh look, a spell”, actually reading her books not only gets Hermione by but skyrockets her ahead of her peers. Who, apparently, have no ear at all and don’t understand the swishy motions are important and probably never bothered to read their books.
This isn’t to say she’s stupid, she’s by far one of the more intelligent characters in the series, but it says a lot of not so good things about Hogwarts that Hermione is the “brightest witch of her generation”. In my mind she has never compared to characters like Tom Riddle, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, or Albus Dumbledore.
Hermione never questions how magic exists, why wands work, or why pronunciation is so weirdly important and why we’re using spells that are gibberish Latin instead of English or simply Latin. She never takes that step outside the box I would expect a truly intelligent person to take.
An example, Hermione completely throws out the entire discipline of divination. This is part because she believes it’s stupid, but she also only spends about two seconds thinking about it, and she doesn’t appear to be any good at it. If Hermione’s not good at it then it must be a stupid subject for stupid people.
Now, that alone doesn’t doom her, but it does put a huge chink in the major appeal of Tomione: they’re both just so brilliant that they’d be great together.
What dooms them is that Hermione both a) thinks she is as brilliant as all these other people and b) has this pervasive need to be the smartest person in any room she walks into. Hermione comes across Tom Riddle in the past or just chills with Voldemort in the future, she will inevitably try to show him up. This isn’t just to assure us that good is better than evil, but because she can’t help herself, because being the smartest is how she defines herself.
As a result, especially if we’re in the time travel/school setting, she would inevitably get in competition with him to prove she’s so much better/smarter than he is. It would undoubtedly be on her terms, probably revolving around school work, and she’d throw a fit when Tom wins because he understands the value in being concise where Hermione would quite easily write a hundred page Potions’ essay (that had a five page limit) with the subtext “PRAISE ME” written on every page.
I can’t imagine Tom Riddle would find this anything but completely obnoxious and a waste of his time.
Now, part of this goes into headcanon land, but I have always imagined, 100%, that Tom Riddle in Hogwarts was treated like a muggleborn, that he didn’t find out his ancestry until at least part of the way through, and he never confessed to being the Heir of Slytherin. I can back this up, but that’s another story for another day, I’ll just say that no matter what Dumbledore says any other backdrop makes no damn sense.
So, Tom has clawed the respect of his peers into reality with bleeding hands, he came from nothing in a way that even the ‘good’ purebloods wouldn’t have sympathy for. Even the muggleborns I imagine thought they were better than him. Tom is an impoverished orphan, so poor he has to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays, he was not having a fun time at school.
Tom has ambitions, is mired in hatred, and is not really all that wrapped up in Hogwarts except to get him where he wants to go.
Now, imagine Hermione suddenly shows up in front of this Tom. Suddenly he’s being challenged to essay competitions, she probably leaves cryptic remarks all the time about how evil he is and how amazing she is because she’s not evil and smarter than he is, and if he thinks he’s smarter than her then he better find time to prove it.
It’s like talking to a Dumbledore he can never escape from.
Tom doesn’t have time for this bullshit.
Tomione not only insists that he does but that he lives for this bullshit. Forget Voldemort, Hermione making weird comments about how Tom has a mutilated soul, or that Dumbledore is so much cooler than he is, is where it’s at. 
As for Hermione, ultimately, I don’t think she’d ever really be attracted to Tom Riddle because he’s too much competition. The guys we’ve seen Hermione with are all safely much dumber than she is, Hermione likes being in relationships with men she feels in some way better than. Tom Riddle is not that guy. 
Add on top of this that Hermione’s righteousness would never allow her to even think about dating someone like Tom and we get her, at best, trying for the sake of destroying him (if she seduces Tom then she destroys Voldemort!) but ultimately failing.
Because the thing is, circling back to where we started, there are different kinds of intelligence, different levels of intelligence, and intelligence alone isn’t a reason to get along. Smart people might gravitate towards smart people, but they still have to have compatible personalities. Reading books isn’t magical glue that can bind people together.
No matter what way I look at it, Hermione and Tom would absolutely loathe one another in every capacity. 
Hermione ends up back in time accidentally and goes to Tom with Hogwarts: utter loathing.
Hermione ends up back in time on purpose and tries to save Tom’s troubled soul or else murder the shit out of him: utter loathing with an extra dash of “what the fuck?!” on Tom’s end.
Hermione ends up back in time after Hogwarts when Tom’s a store clerk: utter loathing (Hermione walks into Tom’s shop to tell him how cool and interesting she is to enter into the typical Tomione mind games, all Tom wants is commission.)
Hermione enters into deals with devils with the horcruxes: utter loathing complete with Tom’s triumphant/Nelson laugh when he inevitably betrays her to get his own body.
A young Tom Riddle somehow winds up in the future and is forced to attend Hogwarts because Dumbledore does what he wants: utter loathing (Tom has to sit there and enjoy Harry and especially Hermione telling him how evil he is and how Hermione’s so much smarter than him because she’s muggleborn and reads books.)
Lord Voldemort takes Hermione hostage during the horcrux hunt: utter loathing (though this would be sadly less irritating to Tom than the others, I imagine, if only because Hermione would probably be more terrified and less righteous. But she’d hate him with the fire of a thousand suns and inevitably pull a horrific revenge scheme on either him or his Death Eaters. No one crosses Hermione. No one.)
You name it, I think it’s going to end with the pair hurling chairs at each other and just being completely and utterly uninterested in every capacity. 
Now, onto how Tomione is typically written, which just makes it so much worse.
Tomione Fics Breed Awful: Change My Mind
Tomione, to me, is born from a few things. It’s born from the author’s desire to have an intelligent, female, borderline SI lead and to shove her together with another edgy smart person with some degree of a bad boy persona.
In this way Tomione fics are very similar to Snape/Hermione fics, are similar to Lokane from Thor/Avengers, are similar to Zutara back in the earlier seasons of Avatar the Last Airbender, etc. 
As a result the fics almost invariably spiral into: “Hermione is so smart, she’s so much smarter than everyone else, she impresses Tom because she is so smart. Tom is so smart but so evil, he sexy growls at her, and confesses how much he hates love every other chapter.” 
Only, as I noted above, while there are many interpretations of Tom’s character (and mine certainly doesn’t agree with the vast majority) I can’t help but think every single version would hate her.
To make him not hate her the author will often turn him into one of two Tom Riddles: Emotionally Deficient Robot Tom or Growling Sexy Sociopath Tom. Emotionally Deficient Robot Tom will often have paragraph long tangents to remind us he doesn’t compute your human emotions, “Beep boop” but despite this Hermione’s out of control hair makes him feel urges “bloop bloop”. Growling sexy sociopath Tom usually goes on a rant about how love is beneath him, backs Hermione into broom closets, and growls as he sexily makes out with her in a non-romantic manner because “ew love”. 
In other words, Tom is made an unbelievably flat character. He becomes a base archetype of sexy villain character. He never really gets redeemed, even if the story insists he does, he usually doesn’t have a reason for the way he is (”um, love potions!” the author often cries), and he and Hermione always think they’re much more important than they are.
The story rarely, if ever, goes anywhere because the entire point of the story is mind games between two sixteen-year-olds who think they’re smarter than everyone else. So we get a lot of chapters of Hermione and Tom running around, being very clever to each other, but doing nothing.
Sometimes authors do deviate from this, we will have an actual plot where we’re not just in Hogwarts again or it’s not just centering on ridiculous mind games. However, even then, Tom is usually is some variant of a very flat cartoon villain while Hermione is... Well, one would think the way she’s described that she’s the smartest, best, most beautiful, most brilliant thing to ever grace this earth.
Tomione is not my jam.
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daeneryswhitehorse · 4 years
Deathly hollow written the same way as season 8 of game of thrones:
The battle of hogwarts happen mid book and Ginny is the one killing voldemort. With her bat boogey hex. While harry, who had 6 book to prepare for it, did nothing but scream at nagini.
Fuck the prophecy that was the focus of ootp! Actually, we learn that some vague shit Trelawney said in her class, in one of the previous book, was actually the true prophecy to defeat voldy! And she wasn't even in trans when she did it. After the battle, the seer went dying somewhere.
We learn nothing about the horcrux, RAB, the deathly hollow, and all the other mysteries introduced in previous book.
The centaurs who helped during the battle, don't ask for more rights, but went dying somewhere to not bother the wizarding world anymore.
Ginny decided to not go back with Harry, even if they had sex before the battle, and then went to accomplish her unestablish dream of becoming a wizarding astronaut. Because we don't know what's in space.
Neville learn that herbology actually suck and his grandma was right. Even when he is the first person to cure the Greengrass blood curse, thanks to a book in the restricted section of the hogwarts library. When his girlfriend hannah abbott find useful information there, he took credit for it. He then spend all his time bragging about his feats in the battle of the departement of mysteries and of the astronomy tower to Ron and Harry. He stole the sword of gryffindor instead of earning it. But nearly died during the battle without doing anything important. He get rewarded at the end of the story by becoming both the headmaster of hogwarts and part of the board of governors.
Draco had a quick redemption arc after he understood his parents belief in blood supremacy was bad, got forgiven of his past bullying because it was all harry's fault actually, and everyone conveniently forgot about what happen to katie bell and ron last year. He fought side by side with our heroes during the battle of hogwarts. But in the aftermarth, he decided his parents were more important than equal rights and fuck off. He had a meaningless fight with Greyback and died with his parents.
The second part of the book is about how Hermione is trying to crush Percy Weasley tyranny and change the ministry racist system that put pureblood wizard above muggleborn and other magical race.
Yes the Percy Weasley tyranny. The ambition of this man had no limit. It wasn't voldemort that managed to overthrow the wizarding governement, but him by blowing up the minister of magic, the wizengamot and other important political figures. And without suffering any consequences for this. The wizarding world completly accepted it.
Anyway, while he prep for his war against Hermione, he tried to procure some Graphorn for his army, and was dissapointed when he found out it was impossible. It pushed him into making reckless decision, like having sex with Greyback.
In Hermione side, even with their established rivality, the twins were not particulary happy to fight against their dear brother. They have such a pure heart and want a bloodless war. Same with Harry and Ron who tried to convince her to negociate peace with him. But it failed, and Luna Lovegood, all the poc in the books, the Grangers, Grawp and Dobby died because of it. McGonagall did warned her to not listen to man's clever plan. She is a gryffindor, what she need is to be a lioness!
Before this, the male character of the story, as well as Ginny and a jealous Fleur Delacour, who got prop up as the smart girl in this book, all think Hermione is going crazy and becoming a second Voldemort.
They have multiple reason to believe in this:
Both Hermione and Tom Riddle jr were considered the brightest witch/wizard of their age. And Hermione use a similar spell to the dark mark to call the DA member. It mean they are the same.
Hermione was the only person that didn't trust Draco immediatly when he came to them, wich show she is mean spirited and unforgiving
Her cat crookshank ate Trevor, Neville pet toad. It make him sad and he told Harry she was crazy.
She tried to reconciliate with Fleur who for some reason keep being catty with her.
She was a bit too emotional and try to save people during the battle, instead of staying rational and pragmatic like Harry.
She didn't like that her boyfriend Ron took all the credit of her achievement during the battle.
She was sad and lonely at the victory party while everyone was having fun.
She threaten the wizarding world by wanting equal right for everyone while every wizard are racist and xenophobic. This filthy mudblood was not one of them!
But after she started grieving, people knew she had lose it.
Her first act of madness was killing Snape, after he spend a week trying to poison her and telling everyone she was crazy, and that Harry should become the minister of magic over her because he is a man.
Her second act of madness was trying to have sex with her boyfriend after killing Snape, and taking it badly when he rejected her. Wich mean she will now rule the wizarding world through fear.
Her third act of madness was making draco her prisoner after it was clear he was not on their side anymore. And refusing to give him the second chance Harry wanted.
It all obviously lead to Hermione burning down muggle street, to take down the ministry of magic, with a powerful fiendfyre spell. She then got her army to execute on sight any living pure blood.
The twins and Ron were all super sad that Percy died and refused to be part of Hermione rule. So she put them all in prison.
Ron manage to convince Harry to kill her because Hermione has always been evil. First she came from the slavers with spew, and they thought she was weird. Than she came for Umbrage, and they thought it was awesome! But it all lead to her believing herself to be moraly superior to everyone and that only she can do no wrong. And since she will never understand that what she did was bad, she need to die.
So he killed her easly and went to Azkaban for two days. Crookshank was pissed and scratched the still intact fountain of magical brethren, before dragging away the body of his human.
People say fuck muggleborn, and the sorting hat was named Minister of magic by Ron Weasley in prison. And he became part of his governement, with dude like Mundungus Fletcher as the head of the departement of magical law enforcement, and Nymphadora tonks as the chief auror. They then vote for Brexit decades before muggles did.
We learn that the true heart of the story was the Weasley family, so it end with all of them getting separated for an undetermined time. It's all bittersweet.
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So I wanted to do a Homestuck HP au because I love writing about Homestuck. But like right now I don't have a lot of ideas so I'm gonna write whatever goes in my head.
John is a muggleborn. Everyone thinks he's a halfblood because when he talks about his dad people thinks he's a wizard (nope just a weird but cool muggle who took the magic thing very well). John doesn't correct them because honestly, pranking half of his classmates without even trying, that's something (he just want to see their faces when they realize). Also I think he would be a gryffindor. Oooor maybe a slytherin, but idk I don't see the "ambitious" side. No, gryffindor. Because pranks. He think he'd be very good at potions and charms ? Because pranks. Like you know you're better with subjects that are interesting to you. He really likes potion and charms because the amount of pranks he can do is like, unlimited. He's also good with a broomstick, even if he's not on the quidditch team : he likes to fly for flying, not for playing. He never really understood the problem with houses - or rather, the competition. He pranks everyone equally, that's all that matters (OK maybe he pranks more Dave and Karkat, but come on. Their reactions are priceless).
Jade is, I think, a half-blood ? Honestly, nobody knows, not even her : she doesn't remember if her grandpa was a wizard or not, and she remembers even less her parents. She grew up on a island (like in canon tbh) with Bec, who is a ex-wizard : he had a accident and he got trapped in his animagus form but due to the incident he sorta kept some of his powers (that's why he can still apparate) and, kinda, got the mind of a dog (still more intelligent than any dog, but not enough to notice that he was a wizard - he doesn't even remember bieng one). She's a slytherin ! Because she's really clever and kinda ambitious ? Like she really want to mix science and magic. She wants the magic world to know science ("guys, they don't even know what an atom is !!!"). Due to that, she's really fucking good with potions. The best of her years (of any year, really). While being a arithmancy and herbology genius, She's also pretty good in every other class tbh. Not really the best at flying, but she tries. Also she somehow learn to apparate when she's like 12 and everybody is stunned like HOW (and she's "oh my dog taught me !" "... WHAT"). She's very happy to be a witch but her scientific side SCREAMED when she learned the existence of magic. She can often be found staring at the moving stairs mumbling something about the physics laws.
Rose iiiiis... A pureblood. Come on. Like she grew up with magic traditions and such. She also loves the muggle's representation of wizards (it's very funny). She's SO a ravenclaw. That was obvious. Her mother is a famous witch (both famous for her acts of heroism during the last War (??) and also famous for being drunk anytime) and she doesn't really likes to be famous by association, but eh. She's obviously a Seer (like, a true one). She took divination and she fucking destroyed the teacher. Like she just looked at them with her superior smile (you know the insufferable one) and proceeded to walk out of class and never return (the destroying the teacher part took place at the exams when she got the highest score despite having skipped every divination period). She's really good in DADA and Alchemy and potions. Maybe sometimes she's a bit too close to the dark side of magic (*snort*) but eh she didn't killed anyone (yet). The only classes she's not good with is care of magical creatures : the creatures are all afraid of her (tbh it's because she tried to summon a eldricht horror once. She failed but the eldricht aura kinda stayed on her). She's very interested in vampires, but her interest may be personal rather than scholar ;)
Dave is, I think. A pureblood ? Tbh I really don't know where Bro stands. Since he's Rose's twin, he's obviously a pureblood, but he didn't grew up in the same place. Bro was the kind of wizard who was absolutely obsessed with muggle's technology so one day he just... Moved to the muggle side ? Idk. So here I'm really torn up between "Dave's shitty childhood and shitty role model is a important part of his character" and "I want Dave to be happy and have a happy childhood". Fuck it he' ll have a extremely weird but happy childhood (like. Remember before we knew that Bro was abusive and we tought that he was just a cool and really really really weird guardian ?). So he grew up in a mix of magic and technology : ofc Bro didn't hide he was a wizard, he used magic pretty often. Dave knows some things about technology but he kinda lacks... Basic knowledge. You know. Bro still taught him fencing (kinda was a family thing) but like. Low-key ? Like not before he was ten and Dave wasn't beat up, it was actual teaching (I just want Dave to be happy without PTSD, dammit). Also Dave is a hufflepuf (fight me). The beta kids are all the four houses (they think that's funny and they're kinda proud to be a multi-house group. XD amateurs just wait to see the trolls). When Dave got his letter, he was "... Bro. There is a magic community ??" "yes ? You didn't knew ?" "you never told me I tought we were mutants". Bro then realizes he never told Dave that he was actually a wizard, uh. Then "oh yeah your twin sister must be at hogwarts too" "I have a twin sister". Like. Bro legit forgot to tell him. Also Dave is absolutely fascinated by magic pictures. He's kinda good with classes because he's pretty smart but he's better with charms and DADA. He can fly (I mean with a broomstick of course) but he's not in the quidditch team. He took divination because he knows it's bullshit : it's for irony. He carries a camera everywhere because honestly magic pictures are so cool. He takes pictures every time because come on, Hogwarts is wonderful (he sends some of his pics to Bro who replies by "I know how Hogwarts looks, dumbass"). He also likes to take pics of his friends and also of this strange, huge group of friends who are not in the same house and who are indeed very strange and very differents but they stay together no matter what (yeah I'm talking about the trolls). Not gonna lie, he takes more pics of one of them... (yes I'm talking about Karkat. Because I ship DaveKat). He didn't realized he got a crush, the poor boy (also a lot less internalized homophobia because Bro is so gay. Dave's just takes a while to understand that he's Bi).
The trolls are a big multi-house group. Some of them knew each other before Hogwarts but mostly they were strangers who inexplicably and despite all their differences became friends the first day of school and stayed together for their whole life (it's Karkat. What keeps them together is Karkat).
And you know what I'm gonna do the ancestors before the beta trolls.
The Handmaid, Damara Megido (yeah they're keeping their post-Scratch selfs names), is Aradia's mother. She works at the ministry's time department (idk if it exists in HP so if not it's a department to regulate time travel and time traveling objects) and she's pretty great since she's the head of her department. She likes her work and she's pretty famous : both for her work, her magic skills (she's super fucking powerful) and her one-night stands (come on it's still Damara I had to). Actually Aradia comes from one of these one-night stands. She never hid it to her daughter. Aradia honestly doesn't mind. She's the type you would never expect to have a kid, but she's actually a good mother. She smokes a bit too much and maybe sometimes she forgets to cook but she tries.
The Summoner, Rufioh Nitram, is Tavros' father. He's part fairy and has absolutely no fucking clue about who was a fairy in his family but he doesn't really cares. His wings are cool, he likes to fly, talking to animals is even cooler. He's really chill about it. He never really felt ashamed of his wings, even when people tought they were girly. He's an auror affected to the department for control and regulation of magical creatures. He deals with dangerous creatures such as dragons. He loves his job. It's perfect for him : when he was a teen he was torn between auror (the action !) and the department [...] of magical creatures (the creatures !) but he got a mix of the two. He's proud of his son : he fully knows that being different can be hard and knows that his son is doing his best.
The Psiioniic, the Signless and the Disciple are in a happy poly relationship. Their kids Sollux, Karkat and Nepeta are actually triplets. The funny thing is that since they named them differently (Sollux is Captor-Vantas-Leijon, Karkat is Vantas-Leijon-Captor and Nepeta is Leijon-Captor-Vantas. Honestly their parents did that just to mess with everyone) and that most of the teacher's call list was only long enough to include the first of their last names, everybody at Hogwarts took like a year to understand that they were related and one more year to discover that they were triplets. That's exactly the kind of mess that was in their parent's mind when they named them.
The Psiioniic, Mituna Captor, is one of Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's dads. He's a sarcastic little shit who got a job with computers on the muggle side of the world (people are usually stunned when they discover that he's a pureblood). He's a parseltongue and has a yellow-blue-red snake named Gemini. Honestly the only reason why everyone doesn't know he's a parseltongue isn't because he hides it (he doesn't care about people's opinion) but because, as a very not talkative person, he talks to his snake (or any snakes) like he talks to people : rarely. He's trying to introduce technology in the wizard world. It goes slowly. He' s actually a good dad who may forget to eat and/or to cook sometimes and has bipolarity (wizards usually think it's a curse. He gave up trying to explain every time) but he loves his childrens and is so in love with Signless and Disciple that sometimes he embarrasses himself.
The Signless, Kankri Vantas, is Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's other dad. He's a half-blood and a Seer. Unlike Rose, he can't see the future, but the past lives. His past life or anyone's. He needs to touch people to See their past life and it's not really useful but he likes it. He's a teacher in Muggle studies : he was so appalled by the muggle studies in hogwarts that he decided to correct wizard's opinion on muggles. That's how he met Psii : he was trying to make a computer who could resist in Hogwarts (spoiler it exploded) and Signless was extremely interested (spoiler he lost his eyebrows in the explosion because he was too close). He kinda travels in various magic communities to teach them about muggle things that are very useful (he's not 'muggle are better than wizards'. Just 'we could learn so much from them and also the muggle are not a different species, we're all humans'). When his kids talked to him about their friends he laughed really hard and said "of course. You twelve are bound to each other after all". He's such a great dad. He loves his childrens so much and when he looks like he could explode you know he's thinking about how much he loves Psii and Disciple.
The Disciple, Meulin Leijon, is Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's mother. She's a author and journalist. She does documentary-like articles. Like about animals or nature. She's a muggle born who was raised by a nundu ! You know the leopard-like creature with spikes in Fantastic Beasts (It moved silently, despite its "gigantic" size and was considered by some to be the most dangerous creature alive. The breath of the Nundu was toxic and filled with disease so potent that it can wipe out entire villages of people. Source wikipedia). Her muggle village was wiped by said toxic breath. Her magic protected her and somehow the nundu adopted her *shrugs*. She lived with her until she was seven and a witch found her and took her to the wizard world. It took her time to learn to talk, write, read, behave like a human. But oh she loved writing. She loved the books and she loved the stories and she loved to read. She kept some things from her years with her mother (she won't call the nundu who adopted her anything else), like the ability to move very silently and the, well, wilderness and fight skills. Honestly everyone believes she's a werewolf. She's tiny and pretty but actually more dangerous than half of the ancestor combined (admittedly in this HP au they are physically weaker or just not used to fight). So she writes reports about magical creatures and animals, she write books (her best book is an autobiography : everyone believes it's a fiction because of the adoption by a nundu thing). Sometimes Signless helps her to find a good story because you wouldn't believe the crazy things they did in their past life : he tells her, and she writes a book with that basis. Sometimes she works with the department [...] of magical creatures because she knows a lot about magical creatures and she understand their mind you know. Sometimes she works with the Summoner. They make a good pair and are very good friends.
The Dolorosa, Porrim Maryam, is Signless' adoptive mother, Karkat's, Sollux's and Nepeta's grandma and Kanaya's guardian and relative. She doesn't look that old because she's a vampire. She's Kanaya's ancestor, but literally. She must be like +600. She's really wise and really cool and also she can kick your ass easily. She lived in both worlds (muggle and magic) and lived in every country. She knows almost everything. Really she is just super badass. She adopted Signless when he was like 3 months. She greatly influenced him and his ideas. She's a very supportive mom and guardian. Also she uses a chainsaw. She's a bit of a legend everywhere honestly some people don't believe she exists.
Neophyte Redglare, Latula Pyrope, is Terezi's older sister and guardian. She's a auror (duh) and one of the best ! She's also a part-time lawyer and she's feared. With reason. She is Terezi's role model ! Redglare is very proud of her little sister and think that she will surpass her one day. Her and Psii are good friends even if they have nothing in common except their tendencies to sarcasm (Signless says they get along well because they dated in another life. They both gagged at that).
Spinneret Mindfang, Aranea Serket, is a fucking criminal. That's all. Like. She's a rich pureblood who leads a sort of magic-muggle mafia ? Like she does things on the muggle side and on the magic side and her group has wizards and squibs and muggles (who of course know about magic. When you're breaking laws everyday, what's one more ?). Her group works with magic methods as well as non magic methods - that's kinda why she never got arrested. Muggle police can never find them because magic, and aurors usually don't know where to search on the muggle side. She's feared everywhere and she's Redglare's principal target but she's not worried about being caught. She's not a really good mother to Vriska - she loves her daughter but she's a bit neglecting ? Like sometimes she's not home for a week or something. Also she has a pet acromentula.
Darkleer, Horuss Zahhak, is a black-Smith who lives in the same magic town as The Nitram, Maryam and Captor-Vantas-Leijon. He's a pureblood from a high family but he somehow get kicked out and ended up being a blacksmith. He actually, truly loves his job and while being Greatly ashamed (sweating) to have been kicked out of his house, he actually thinks that, hadn't he been kicked out, he would never have found his true vocation. He's very very awkward but his son doesn't mind since he's also very awkward. He's a good dad who teach blacksmithing to his son (while trying to erase the "better than anyone" way to think that his House teached to his son). He's friends with Disciple, she thinks his awkwardness is cute and he's kinda fascinated by her wilderness - they come from totally opposed sides after all.
The Grand Highblood, Kurloz Makara is a pure mystery. Is he wizard ? A muggle ? Is he at least alive ? Nobody knows.
Orphaner Dualscar, Cronus Ampora, is a pureblood who was a little shit when he was young (see post-scratch Cronus) but somehow (spoiler he pissed off the wrong person) he got his wand broken on his teens and he was dropped in the muggle world. Since he didn't knew what to do he ended up being in the marines by accident. It was hell for him. He fought a war, a muggle war, and saw what muggles can do. Years after his PTSD is still here. That's where he got his scars. After the war he succeeded to come back to the wizard world. He got a new wand and still had his family's name behind him but he still had the war in his bones. He never talked shit about muggles again and while being very scared of them he's also kinda fascinated - he had a sort of rifle harpoon (harpoon rifle ?) in the marines and it felt more right than his wand. He had Eridan like a year after being back. He panicked at first of course but he did his best to be a good father (he didn't had the best parents either) and kinda dropped everything to take care of his son. He's a very good dad even if he had to hire a cook because he can't cook to save his life. He later adopted Feferi and he has no clue why he did that but he loved her as if she was his biological daughter. Now that Eridan and Feferi are at Hogwarts he's searching for a job (spoilers he'll end up being Disciple's secretary because she's absolutely hopeless with planing and such and also he helps her with her books because he knows some things she doesn't about the muggle world or the army. He'll end up writing his own book - an autobiography)
The Condesce is the queen of the Selkies. Just. The queen. She's not a very good mother since she drooped Feferi in a magic orphanage after having her with a human.
now the beta trolls !
Aradia is a half-blood. She lives with her mother and their house is in the middle of a magic graveyard. Aradia grew surrounded by graves and ghosts, and she loved it. Some ghosts were around often, to visit their own grave or their family's grave. She talked to every one of them ! And they all had stories to tell ! And (and one day when she was little she met a woman with gray skin and eyes glowing of diferents colors and she had ram horns and she wore a green dress and she asked Aradia "tell me about yourself" Aradia told her about her mom and how she loved talking to ghosts and how her mom is the best with time problems and how they both are happy and the grey lady cried rust red tears and said she was relieved to know that at least in this universe they could know happiness and she vanished and Aradia never forgot her). She's a little spooky and also every ghost loves her, even Peeves ! That's, like, her own power. She can do necromancy and she thinks it's super cool. She doesn't talk about it outside of their group because she knows that even if her friends have no problems with that, the magic society isn't that accepting. She's gryffindor, even if the hat seriously considered Ravenclaw. She really like the dark red of gryffindor (that reminds her of the red eyelashes and red lips and red tears of the grey lady with ram horns who never came back but is somehow still with her). She' s really good with charms and DADA. she's not very good with herbology, every plant she touches seems to age a bit too fast. She's very good with flying ! Maybe a bit too risky. She's beater in the quidditch team ! She's animagus. A ram ! She loves it (and she swears she heard a laugh in the back of her head and she knows that was the lady with ram horns and rust red lips even if she never heard her laughter)
Tavros is a pureblood who grew in a magic town. He was kinda bullied because his family somehow got fairy blood - that's why his father got wings (Summoner is proud of his wings and doesn't see how having fairy blood makes you feminine). He had a disease who got him paralyzed. The Zahhaks built him a sort of magic-mechanic thing who helped him to walk but he still has to use his wheelchair sometimes. He can control animals and talk to them (he can't control people who are part animal and creatures who are sentient but he can talk to them). His father says it comes from the fairy blood. Despise being kinda bullied because being part fairy is "girly" he's still proud of his fairy blood like his father taught him ! (also it's hard to think that being part fairy is girly when your father is the Summoner). I'm so torn between hufflepuf and gryffindor for him... Nah gryffindor (like Neville you know). Gryffindor helps him to be more brave you know ? He's also the absolute best in care of magical creatures (of fucking course).
Sollux is a slytherin. His blood status (as well as his sibling's) is kinda undetermined since he got three parents. He's not a muggle born for sure. Honestly he doesn't care if he's a half-blood or a pureblood. He's kinda pissed to not have inherited of his dad's parlestongue because he likes snakes but eh. He's a absolute genius with computers and he HATES how computers doesn't work at hogwarts. He's trying to make a magic-proof one (spoiler it'll explode and more spoiler Karkat Nepeta and him will be too close and will get their eyebrows burned). He's pretty good with potions but he's better with transfiguration. Arithmancy is like his favorite class (it's easy for him and he's kinda in competition with Jade). Surprisingly he flies pretty well but he hates broomsticks. Like. Blurgh. He's animagus and guess what he's a bee. Karkat and Nepeta made fun of him endlessly but it's actually quite useful. He likes it. He's not bipolar like his dad but he got some pretty bad mood swings. Honestly he wanted to go to hufflepuf because they're yellow. He likes yellow. The fact that everyone took like two years to figure out that him, Nepeta and Karkat were triplets was absolutely hilarious to him. Like. They have the same birthday and the same parents how did they not understood once they figured out that they were related ? (he knows they don't look alike but seriously) he's one of the only persons to know about Karkat's secret obviously. This tsundere won't admit he loves his siblings but Nepeta and Karkat are on top of his "things I love the most" list.
Nepeta is a gryffindor. She got a limited form of metamorphmagi (?) mixed with her animagus form (she's a cat of course) she can manifest only a part of her animagus form, like the tail and ears or the claws. But she can't do what a normal metamorphmagus can do. She can fully turn into a cat of course. She keeps the ears and tail more or less always. A lot of people think someone cursed her to be part cat. She's really fucking strong : she learned martial art (more specifically taekwondo and aïkido) and parkour. She knows that most of the wizards are physically weak and that without their wand they're usually kinda useless. She's not really powerful magically speaking. More average but she doesn't mind. She's good in care of magical creatures and transfiguration. She absolutely hates flying. Like she's not afraid of heights but if she was made to fly her animagus form would be a bird not a cat ! She's Equius' best friend and nobody understands how they became friends (then again, nobody understands how the whole group became friends). She likes to ship people and they usually come to her (or Karkat) for romantic advice. She wants to be like her mother because she's so cool. She loves listening to his dad's stories about their past lives and she tries to understand her other dad's thing with computers but honestly the only thing she can do with a computer is an explosion. She likes to go to the forbidden forest to fight some dangerous creatures. She LOVES her brothers so much you wouldn't believe it. One of her favorite thing is the faces people do when they discover that they are triplets. It's priceless.
Karkat is a hufflepuf. To everyone's surprise. Like... He does works hard but friendly ? Him ? (when you tell that to his friends they laugh because Karkat, not friendly ? lmao dude he's the mom friend™) he inherited of his dad's ability to talk to snakes. He think it's completely useless and also he doesn't talk about it because ~discrimination~ he doesn't want to be seen as a dark wizard (he sucks at Dark magic anyways). He also has a weird thing with his blood : his blood is kinda like a soothing soporific ? Like, he can calm people by contact and when someone touch his blood they sleep. Nobody knows why is blood is like this (although Signless muttered something about candy red and a mutation). He keeps it secret (obviously his family knows) because honestly he doesn't want to be a test subject for the Department of mysteries. It's actually super useful when Sollux or his Dads are in lack of sleep - one drop of blood and bam they're asleep. Ironically, he's insomniac - he's obviously immune to the soporific effects of his blood. So he's a hufflepuf like Dave and some others and maybe he has a little crush on Dave. Ok it's not a crush he's in love but still a bit in denial. He likes potions and charms and alchemy and he's quite good. He also likes DADA but despite it he's not really good. He thinks Divination and Muggle studies are bullshit (but he regrets to not have been here to see Rose destroying the teacher). At first he took muggle studies to see if it was as awful as his dad told him - nope. It's worse. He absolutely, fully, from the bottom of his soul, HATES flying. He's actually one of the best students (not as good as Jade or Sollux but eh). First years are always afraid of him at first because he's always grumpy and angry and loud but the older are "lol no give it some time you'll see he's a giant teddy bear". He ends up being a sort of big brother figure for the youngers badgers. Nobody except him is surprised when he's named prefect. He's known at hogwarts to be somehow angry to everyone but also soft to everyone, all houses and years included. Everyone kinda loves him, despite *vague hand gestures to Karkat *. Some people don't like him, of course but he's not in danger : he got some powerful and protective friends. He's like one of the only persons who did not get lost in the castle. Like not even one time.
Kanaya is also a hufflepuf. She's a kind of cousin to the Captor-Vantas-Leijon since Dolorosa, her ancestor, adopted Signless. She's not a vampire like her ancestor (yet. She'll be at like 25. Don't want her to be 13 firvever after all). She's absolutely feared by everyone but nobody knows why. Like she's not really threatening ? She's really nice and pretty and always helping people. But she's still feared. Pure mystery. She likes to do handmade clothes and she's obviously very good. She took study of ancient runes and she's really good. She likes to sew protective runes onto her friend's clothes (they really need it). Strangely she's absolutely terrible at charms. She's pretty good with everything, but charms ? Nope. She's the mom friend as well as Karkat. But less aggressive of course. Her blood status is just as unknown as Sollux's, Karkat's and Nepeta's (them because they have three parents and her because the only family she has is Dolorosa who is too distantly related - and Dolorosa might have forgot her own blood status. She's old after all). Of course she knew that Nepeta, Sollux and Karkat are triplets, she basically grew up with them. She has always been more close to Karkat than to Sollux and Nepeta but she likes to have tea with Nepeta and reminding Sollux to eat had become a daily habit. She's the other prefect of hufflepuf, no surprise. When she and Rose began to date, everyone was both happy for them and midly terrified. Because they both pretty scary to begin with, so together ?? Brrr.
Terezi's a muggleborn like her sister Latula. She's been raised in the magic world. When she learned about dragons she went absolutely apeshit. She wants one, it's like one of her big goals >:] also she's a Slytherin. She's still blind but it was from birth. She has extreme synesthesia, an actual blind cane and some magic detection abilities. She's fine and is actually one of the few people who can find their way through the castle. She wants to be the head of the Justice department ! She's already D34L1NG W1TH TH3 1NJUST1C3S at hogwarts. Usually the culprits ends on the infirmary. She's maybe a bit too violent, but she's fair. She is surprisingly good at flying (better than Nepeta, Karkat and Feferi, even if that's not difficult) : she says that's because she was a dragon in her past life (Signless quietly disagreed but said that she had a strong bond with a dragon in her previous life). She's pretty good with the other classes but absolutely terrible in potions. Nobody knows if she's really that bad or if she messes it up on purpose (her failed potions always explodes). She and Vriska are absolutely the castle's terrors.
Vriska is a pureblood. The hat hesitated between gryffindor and slytherin but she ended up in slytherin. She's absolutely fascinated by acromantulas. She's also extremely disappointed that she cannot be a pirate (she fully intends to take over her mom's criminal network). She's good with potions, particularly the mind-controlling ones (*badum tsss*). She's also good with DADA and transfiguration, in her own way : everything she does in transfiguration class ends looking like a spider.
Equius is a ravenclaw. He grew up in a pureblood family (see Darkleer's part for more details) and kept some pureblood manners. He likes to build magic objects and is absolutely fascinated by muggle technology (and also ashamed bc muggle technology). He's the most discreet person in the whole castle. This boy is tall and buff and always carries metal things, but somehow he's like hidden in the shadows. He's not very good in magic but that's because he always breaks his wand :( he'd trying to learn wandless magic (that's how it's called righ ?) so he can avoid to buy a wand every week. This also happens with broomsticks - he's been definitely banned from flying class after breaking five broomsticks. He loves his house, they're all pretty calm (with a few exceptions) and they don't seem to mind his awkwardness. When he discovered that Sollux and Karkat were Nepeta's triplets, his brain exploded (they're so differents - both mentally and physically. He tought that Nepeta had a crush on Karkat because she was always hugging him. Nope she's just a very affectionate sister and Karkat loves hugs even if he won't admit it).
Eridan is a hufflepuf and he's very disappointed. He wanted to be in slytherin because he kinda got the mentality "pureblood = slytherin, hufflepuf = lame". But well hufflepuf he is. He'll find out later that his house is actually great and full of nice people who support him :) he's pretty good in DADA (his expelliarmus is mortal *badum tsss*) and good with water spells (*badum tsss x2*). He can fly but only because he had hours of training (if he hadn't he would be just as bad as Karkat, Nepeta and Feferi). His dad adopted Feferi when Eridan was like two. He had a crush on her for five years then realized that being her best friend was better (listen I want them to be happy and without major relationship drama). He's animagus but nobody knows except Feferi and Karkat (and that's becayse Karkat saw him on his animagus form by accident) he hides it because he's a seahorse (*badum tsss x3*) and he thinks it's lame and people will make fun of him but he enjoys being able to breathe underwater so... He's that kind of wizard who claims that muggle are disgusting but actually hides muggle books under his bed.
Feferi is technically a pureblood since Eridan's dad adopted her but her mother is actually the Selkies queen (yes I'm talking about the Condesce) and her father is a unknown wizard. Since she's not fully selkie she doesn't have the turn-into-a-seal thing but she can still breathe under water and swim really fast. She's a Slytherin (Eridan was jealous at first). She's just as bad with flying as Karkat and Nepeta - she's afraid of heights. She's a pretty good student but she's especially good in herbology. Like Eridan she's good with water spells (*badum tsss x4*). She's pretty ambitious (that's why she's in slytherin) : she wants to be the Minister. To change the magic world ! But like in a good sense. She wants to introduce muggle technology into the wizard world ! That far she gained the support of the Captor-Vantas-Leijon family (especially Psiioniic, who works in the muggle side with computers and Signless who knows a lot about muggle things) and Jade (come on she's a scientist). She's very determined >:)
So much for having no ideas... I wanted to do the Beta kids but this post is already long enough. Lets' just say that Jane is in slytherin, Jake in Gryffindor and Dirk and Roxy in ravenclaw. Thanks to @cornusblr ;) you kinda helped me I think you'll recognize some things.
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borgiin · 4 years
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               “  she was her father’s daughter but she’d inherited her mother’s                   black anger. it burned through her sometimes like a chemical fire. “
{ cis woman, she/her } ❝ walk like pepper spray, like don’t fucking touch me. walk like the knife in your pocket is in your hands, like you were born with it there, because weren’t you? ❞ huh, who’s KATIE DOUGLAS? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually VICTORIA BORGIN. she is a 21 year old PUREBLOOD witch who is a BUYER FOR BORGIN AND BURKES. she is known for being DUPLICITOUS, IRASCIBLE, RECKLESS, SHORT-FUSED, and LACKADAISICAL but also INDEPENDENT, PROTECTIVE, UNSWERVING, VALIANT, and BEGUILING, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song DEVIL LIKE ME BY RAINBOW KITTEN SURPRISE and A FLIRTATIOUS SMILE USED WITH ABANDON; PUNCHING A HOLE IN THE WALL AND COVERING IT WITH A MIRROR; COFFEE SO DARK AND BITTER IT FEELS LIKE PUNISHMENT; HEELS HELD IN YOUR HAND AS YOU WALK BAREFOOT OVER GRAVEL; SLIPPING INTO THE COOL LONELINESS OF YOUR BED AT FOUR AM. i hear she is aligned with THE DEATH EATERS, so be sure to keep an eye on her. { zoe, 22, cst, she/her }
ADDITIONAL MATERIALS:   victoria’s playlist, stats page, & pinterest board CONTENT WARNINGS:    car accidents, death of a spouse / partner, parental manipulation
nicholas borgin ii was an exceptionally smart young wizard who was unburdened by the war that had ruled his father’s youth. his father was happy for him, in a way; nicholas sr. thought his son was his most shining achievement. it was easy for him to want the best for his beautiful, clever, perfect son. it was easy to be proud that he could do better than be someone else’s follower. it was easy to be happy that he would get to do better than that. 
well, easy in theory. in practice, nothing was easy about nic deciding that he wanted to continue his education abroad once h graduated from hogwarts. there were several fine magical colleges in the united states and nic was eager to branch out from the british wizarding society he’d known all his life. he’d done all the right things up to that point; he attended all the dinners with his parents’ old friends, he’d been sorted into slytherin, made a prefect, earned the respect of all his professors. enough respect that a few of them encouraged he look to further his studies outside of hogwarts’ walls. 
nic had such a good head on his shoulders. he never once insinuated that he wouldn’t look to take over duties at the shop, one day. when he broached the subject of college in america with his parents, he was certain to assure nicholas sr. that his studying spell invention would only help the shop; after all, he said, wouldn’t it be wonderful if they could sell certain members of their clientele custom charms and spells? 
it was hard for nicholas to find a reasonable excuse to quash his son’s dream. he had a bad idea about him fucking off to the united states to study, but it was unfounded, his wife assured him  —  nic knew he was the future of the borgin name and had only ever done things that helped the family. this would be no different. 
that was that. nic was a smooth talker before he was anything else; he hadn’t been lying to his parents when he gave his big speech to sell them on the idea of a magical college in america. he really did think that there would be a way to incorporate whatever he learned into the shop’s whole, like, business model. at least, he really did think he was smart enough to find a way to incorporate it. no, nic hadn’t been lying. he was a smooth talker but he rarely lied  —  he just knew how to tell the truth in such a way that it was what other people wanted to hear. 
nic wanted to go to leave the country for a little bit before he had to settle down and become old and serious, the face of the borgin name. he was smart enough that college in the united states was an option, the easiest at his disposal. it was simple as breathing to tell his family that it was what he wanted his first step to look like, when step two was coming home and doing something at borgin & burkes for the betterment of the family business. 
he hadn’t had any real ulterior motive when he left for the georgia college of magical mechanics. nic just thought he was too  —  too young to set off down the path his family wanted just yet. too young, too smart, too pretty; nic was a smooth talker, sure, and a little bit of a narcissist, but none of that was unfounded. he was a hot commodity on campus, and it took almost no time at all for him to fancy himself in love with two fellow students, and for them to fancy themselves in love with him in return. 
helen beauvais and anthony fontaine had been a package deal almost their whole lives. both the fontaines and the beauvais’ were large families of excellent pedigree with a proclivity towards mapping out their children’s lives. the families drafted up a betrothal agreement as soon as helen and anthony could toddle and they all saw how sweetly the two children played together. 
helen and anthony were, by and large, fine with this. they’d had their whole lives to be fine with it. first they were each other’s best friend and later they fell in love and neither really knew if that was nurture or nature; and they’d never know, so it was easy not to care, not when the perfect lives they’d been handed suited them well enough. they’d wanted to go to college before they got married and their families were fine with that  —   largely because all involved knew they would get married, as soon as they were done with school and ready for the rest of their lives. it was a forgone conclusion.
nic was a surprise to helen and anthony (who had always been a matched set; and never thought somebody else could match them, too), but he was a pleasant one. all three of them were equals and all three of them loved each other, dearly. they attended seminars and galas and winged-horse races together, the trio standing off to the side, untouchable; their peers’ envy was an almost palpable thing. they were the brightest things at the georgia college of magical mechanics. no one else came close. 
they were, of course, such smart and clever and forward-thinking individuals, who cared naught for blood purity. the only reason none of them ever interacted with muggles and muggleborns was obviously because they were so smart and clever and forward thinking that, of course, their circles were a little exclusive. 
nic’s parents weren’t pleased with this dalliance; it was nice that nic, at least, wasn’t sullying himself with people of impure blood, but really. the borgins wouldn’t get any heirs out of this extended diversion. fontaines and the beauvais’ weren’t exactly pleased with this wrench in their plans, either. it didn’t look great that their perfectly matched children had sought out a poly relationship. but they both decided to look the other way as long as the pair of them fulfilled their betrothal. the borgins were a little less forgiving. 
after college, nic stayed in the states  —  that’s where his partners were, and he knew his parents didn’t approve of them. it was the first time nic had ever had to take a stand, but it was a hard choice was fine with making. the shop would wait, or it wouldn’t; his father would cave, or he wouldn’t. nic was just fine with the life he’d landed himself in. 
in a short time the fontaines and beauvais’ warmed to nic, or at least seemed to: if not as their children’s partner then as a person. he’d take it. they knew of the shop and what it had done to supply the dark lord during his time in power; they figured, there were worse families to find themselves loosely allied with. 
helen and anthony got married and everyone remarked on how lucky they were to have their good friend nicholas so close to them during the celebrations. they bought a house and everyone laughed at how fun it was that they decided to let their close friend nicholas move in, too. less than a year after the wedding, the couple had a child, and everyone noted how sweet it was that their dear friend nicholas doted on the baby girl. 
everybody knew the three of them were together, that little victoria was his as much as she was theirs. everybody knew; but helen and anthony got married and polite society breathed a collective sigh of relief at finally having a legal excuse to pretend nic was nothing more than the pair’s very best friend. the younger people in their set were all quick to assure the three of them that they were happy they were happy; but their parents still made the guest lists. 
the big house they lived in saw two sets of invitations, sometimes; always one for mr. and mrs. fontaine, and another for mr. borgin when his presence was necessary. nic’s parents begged him to come home; he and helen and anthony drafted wills when they were all too young to really think of death, deciding that they were better safe than sorry when it came to their daughter’s future. 
the three of them resigned to the awkward dance they had to do to carry on with their lives in georgia; nic knew that helen and anthony didn’t want to uproot their lives, but they all talked about the possibility of relocating to nic’s wales so he could take over the shop  —  his family, he thought, might be so glad to have him back they forgave his choice of relationship. all of them were tired of being told they weren’t living their lives right, but they had time to figure out what to do with that tiredness.  
sometimes it almost felt like they were accepted; other times it was clear nic was being snubbed. he was just the easiest target for it, of the three of them; he was the only outsider. he was rarely left off society guest lists, or those hosted by their fellow gcmm alums, but the fontaine and beauvais made it clear that he had no real place at important family events. helen and anthony rebelled against this as best they could, by leaving victoria at home with her dad whenever all four of them weren’t explicitly invited. 
the three of them said their goodbyes for the evening before helen and anthony left for one such event, and the next thing nic knew, his partners were dead at the hands of some drunk muggle  —  the flashy car the trio used crushed like a tin can into a tree at the side of the road. 
it hit nic really hard. of course it did; he lost both the loves of his life in one fell swoop. he was still so young. he hadn’t had a war like his father had, to prepare him for the reality of death. 
at their funerals, helen and anthony’s families were all grieving too much to keep up the pretense of politeness he’d always gotten from them before. it was one thing to know that they didn’t approve of his relationship with their children and another to feel truly hated for having been close to them at all. nicholas was, at least, morbidly pleased they’d all thought to leave extensively detailed wills; there was no way for either the fontaine or the beauvais families to leave him out of the funeral preparations like they’d tried to leave him out of so many other things. 
it felt like he’d barely buried them before both families started making thinly veiled threats about finding a way to take victoria from him. nic was mourning, still so deeply hurt and traumatized at losing both of the people he loved, and feared that they could find a way. he packed all the things he couldn’t bear to leave in a rush, and hightailed it out of america in the dead of night, landing in entrance to his family’s home in wales before he could think of another option. his mother hugged him and her granddaughter to her chest the moment she saw them; his father tried as best he could not to say I told you so.
(his best wasn’t that hard. borgins were, at their core, stubborn assholes. nic was too hurt to mind his father’s smug righteousness.)
victoria had never known helen and anthony, not really; but she felt their impact in every little crevice of her life, like a heavy coating dust that couldn’t be swept away. her grandfather had bit his tongue on his harsher I-told-you-so’s by reminding his son that muggles were ultimately responsible for the death of the people of loved  —  whatever it took to keep him close to his family and never want to leave again. almost immediately after nic had returned with victoria, he took over his father’s duties at borgin & burkes. 
it took almost no coaxing from his father at all for nicholas to wholeheartedly give himself into borgin & burke’s mission statement, to protect the legacy of magical artefacts. nic had always thought himself too smart to fall into the trap of blood purity talk, but grief really changed him. seeing his partners’ families really turn on him fucked him up, and he never got over feeling like he’d nearly lost his daughter. the damage was done; he might have left for america as a freer-spirited borgin, a smooth talker with a devil-may-care attitude, but he returned jaded and wary. 
he was a good, devoted father to little victoria. when she was older, part of her wondered if he hadn’t thought he had to be the best dad to make up for doing the job mostly alone when he’d always expected to have two other parents to help with her. he was protective of his little girl  —  over protective, victoria thought. controlling. from the very start of her life, she was not a person to be controlled; it figured her father was the only person who ever really tried. 
she’d been born with her hands formed into fists. all three of her parents had cooed over this, when she was barely born, but the truth of it was there if any of them had cared to look: she was always ready to swing first
victoria grew up firmly under her father’s thumb. she was his miracle, his darling daughter; he looked at her and saw the ghosts of the loves of his life and wanted, fiercely, for no harm to ever come to her. it grated on victoria in a way that she kept tightly under wraps. she wasn’t ever sure if she was a product of nurture or nature. maybe any child raised by her silver-tongued, clever father would have equal mastery over lies. maybe victoria did, because he held the reigns so tightly she’d had to learn how to pretend to abide by what he wanted for her just to steal a little breathing room. 
her father hadn’t wanted to half-ass his life, not when he saw himself as the only person looking out for his daughter. he’d been fine living amongst whispers for the sake of true love when he was young and careless, but he knew now that he needed stability for his family. not just victoria, either; he needed stability for the shop, for the family legacy. 
he married valentina dolohov within a year of his triumphant return home. valya was a widow herself, looking for a little stability for her and her children now that her true love was gone. she and nic understood each other. they were a perfect match; they knew that if they wed their tragedies would stop being gossip fodder. they could fade peacefully into their adulthood, content that their spouse understood them if they didn’t love them. neither of them put much stock in love, now. 
little victoria was a flower girl; one of valya’s children was the ring bearer. everybody invited gushed about how perfect nic and valya were for each other, raved over how lovely the wedding had been. just like that, it was as if everybody forgot about the years nic had spent in america (and forgotten just how little victoria came to be). out of sight, out of mind. he and his new wife both had things they’d prefer to leave in their pasts.  
victoria didn’t, like, hate her stepmom, or anything. she’d honestly never understood why they were always the villains in fairy tales. valya might have never tried to be victoria’s mom, but victoria thought that was part of why they worked. her father was parent enough for victoria. she had a good relationship with valya, anyway  —  she might not have been victoria’s mother, but she was the only mother-figure she’d ever really had, unless she counted theo’s mom. victoria thought valya always knew when victoria was lying to her father, but she never told on her. victoria loved her for that alone; she lied to her father a lot. it was nice to have someone around who would keep that secret for her. 
feeling things was always a struggle for victoria. she was glad her stepmom never asked her to love her; that wasn’t the sort of thing victoria could feel just because she was meant to. it was frustrating to try. and she did try when she was younger, often, to feel the things she thought she was meant to. she was just bad at it, and that would never change, and she got so angry when she thought of trying so hard at something so silly. it made her want to find something to hit, or somewhere to run, or something to do. anything to do. 
she just knew that she was so bad with feelings that weren’t  ...  anger, maybe. frustration. it was the softer emotions that confused her when they came until she didn’t know what to do with them. it was easier to pretend she didn’t have them, to try and will them away. she hated feeling soft.
valya always understood that better than nic did. victoria’s father loved her so much; it was smothering. he loved his perfect daughter, the tiny, helpless girl that needed his protection. victoria had never been that girl  —  sometimes she wondered if it was doing both of them more harm than good when she pretended to be that girl for him. it was just that it was easier, so much easier, to let him think what he wanted about her so their relationship never had to be even a little complicated. maybe it was doing them more harm than good, but it was easier, too. victoria loved the easy route too much to let it go. 
when it came time for victoria to go to hogwarts, she was a hatstall. the gross looking thing sat on the head of curls valya had carefully set before victoria’s departure and couldn’t seem to get her. what else was new, right? gryffindor or slytherin, green or red. she was a little overly self concerned but lacking in any real ambition, bored with bullies; angry and prone to acting on that anger, quick to stick with the sides she chose, eleven and already tired of existence. she picked gryffindor just to speed up the whole affair, on the reasoning that gold would look better with her complexion than silver.
she wrote back home to share the news and it was true that no one was really surprised. 
when her father and valya got married, nic brought victoria to the table and valya brought kids of her own who bore the dolohov name. victoria thought that no one but her grandfather would have really blamed the couple for not wanting to add even more kids into the mix. such a pity that grandfather was always the loudest voice in any crowd; victoria might have been the shortest of all her siblings, but she was far from the youngest. 
by the time some of her younger half-siblings started writing home with news of their own hogwarts sortings, victoria’s grandfather started leaving hints that maybe victoria wasn’t the one who nic should prepare to take over the shop, one day. nic had slowly started to get a more full picture of who his daughter was  —  she still only dropped all pretenses of being nice and sweet when she was away from her father. but still, she loved physical exertion. she excelled on a broom and led the complex games she and her siblings played. she loved winning, but more than that, she adored the way her mind fell silent when her body was being forced past its limits. 
victoria was never happier than when she had bruises on her fists and legs and blood singing in her ears, and it was something her father had noticed. he’d started to think about how useful that competitive spirit would be once she was old enough. 
her grandfather, though, thought that even the most ruthless, business-minded disposition wouldn’t make up for the fact that she didn’t have a drop of borgin blood. how lucky for all of them that she wasn’t business-minded in the slightest. he wanted nic to start looking at his younger kids to take over one day. 
he wasn’t shy about sharing this fact with victoria, either; the two of them got together for tea all the time when victoria was home, so they could play wizard’s chess and discuss how she was doing at school. he told her point blank that he didn’t think she had what it took to take over the shop, and seemed to expect her to be pleased with this news. just think, victoria, he told her, now you can set your sights on  ...  professional quidditch, or something more suited to you. 
which was pretty much the nail in the coffin on whatever half-baked dreams sixteen-year-old victoria had actually had of her life after school. no fucking way was she going to let her grandfather push her out of the way and tell it was for her own good. she knew she was one of the only ones in the family who could ignore how hard he tried to impose his will. he was stubborn, but she could out stubborn him. 
the last thing she wanted was to see him pluck one of her younger siblings out of their life and into whatever mold he wanted them to fill. she’d put her ear to the door during enough of his meetings with her father and stepmom to know that the three of them knew things about the azkaban breaks. there was talk of another war, or something like it, and victoria didn’t especially want to fight but she knew as well as she knew anything that it was better her than any of her siblings. 
she might not have had borgin blood, but she was a borgin through and through. no one else was taking the fall for her. 
she still wasn’t business-minded, but she figured that she didn’t actually need to be, yet. she spent the rest of her time at school doing what she could to keep her father from trying to groom one of her younger siblings for the job or for the cause. it meant cracking a little bit of the veneer she always wore with him; he never stopped doting on her like she was a sweet, defenseless thing, but she knew that he knew better. valya seemed to be proud of her for stepping up, which made victoria feel conflicted in a way she did not want to examine much, thanks. 
victoria had always dug her feet in at the thought of assigning any of her actions innate morals. victoria dug her feet in at most things, but it was true: she didn’t like thinking that she was doing something because it was the ‘right choice.’ no one could ever convince her to do something just because it was ‘right.’ she sure as hell wasn’t going to start feeling like she was looking out for her siblings out of anything but a selfish sense of protectiveness.
yes, she was aware of the hypocrisy. but she thought she’d never needed looking after, not like they did. she’d been born ready to fight and none of them had that same fire in them, not that she could see. she didn’t especially believe in what she’d be fighting for but victoria didn’t think that mattered half as much as anything else. 
victoria had always been competitive when it came to school  —  she’d never been the one at the very top of her classes, but doing well mattered to her. doing well always mattered to her. it’s what always made teas with her grandfather so pleasant; the two of them were well matched at wizard’s chess and she was never afraid to give him a progress report on her n.e.w.t. studies. in her last years at school, she was even more determined to do well, to show him that she was the right choice  ...  that she was the only choice. 
when she got out of school she dropped quidditch like it had been a hot coal held in her hand too long. she asked valya to take her shopping and completely overhauled her wardrobe until she had more crisp, respectable items of clothing than she knew what to do with. she reported for duty at the shop and greeted every customer with her most sugared smile. it took almost nothing from her to get people to sell borgin & burke’s their priceless magical artefacts. a half hour meeting with victoria and they were ready to give her first dibs on their great aunts’ estate. 
victoria was doing so well for the shop and for her family that she never stopped to wonder if she, like, liked the life she had. that didn’t matter; she wasn’t doing any of this for herself, so what the fuck did it matter if she was happy with it? 
victoria had always needed to stay in constant motion to feel content. there was this listless, restless feeling under her skin all the time that only seemed to calm when she was working herself to the bone over a goal. her goals during school had been simple. she wanted to do well in her classes, to win quidditch matches, to have fun at parties, and to keep her father from finding out too much about her. her goals now were a little more complex; she wanted to do well at the shop, to make herself indispensable. she wanted to pull her grandfather’s focus from any of her younger siblings. she wanted to keep making valya proud of her without doing anything that made her feel too sick to her stomach. 
victoria thought about moving out, getting her own apartment, but she wasn’t quite ready to leave home yet when there was so much going on. she started letting her father dote on her, just a little, when she got back to their home in wales after a long day. she let him bring her cocoa, or smooth her hair back when she sat going over a seller’s information on the couch. she was more an adult now than she’d ever been when she hated being coddled, but it felt  —  nice, to be coddled, just a little. 
things felt less real when she sat back and let her father ramble about whatever spell he was workshopping at the moment. unreality was soothing, now. victoria at sixteen probably wouldn’t have recognized who victoria was at twenty-one, but she figured she needed to make her peace with that. she had let herself turn into this person for a good reason. 
(a selfish reason, she reminded herself; she wanted an easy life for her siblings because she was selfish.) 
people were dying. victoria knew she was doing what she had to do to keep her siblings out of this fight, as much as she could; but it hurt victoria a little to see that people were dying and know why. she didn’t want to examine why it hurt. 
she joined a muggle boxing gym and spent hours there once her work at the shop was done. she let everyone at home think she was just spending a lot of time getting drinks with old hogwarts friends. really, victoria just needed to punch something until she felt like a person again. she split her knuckles over and over again, and used healing balms and bruise removal paste to hide the evidence. 
part of her wonders if this kind of existence isn’t entirely sustainable; but that kind of introspection is soft, too soft. victoria shoved it out of her head before she could worry herself over it. it’s not anger and it’s not pride and it’s not frustration, and she really didn’t have the time for anything more complicated than those three things. it didn’t matter if it was sustainable, because victoria would sustain it anyway. she had to. 
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pulaasul · 4 years
(Not-So) Heist Planning
At a café in muggle London, a group of Japanese teenagers was talking to each other in hushed tones, in fact, they were in a private booth where no one else could overhear what they were talking about.
They were discussing their plans for the next school year with Voldemort taking over.
At a café in muggle London, a group of Japanese teenagers was talking to each other in hushed tones, in fact, they were in a private booth where no one else could overhear what they were talking about.
"Are the five of you sure not to attend this September?" Makoto asked her friends.
"Can't," Ren shook his head. "Muggleborn Slytherin remember?" He smirked. "They'd hand my head to Voldemort on a silver platter."
"Stop!" Morgana hissed as he transformed from a cat to a black-haired man. "Don't say his name."
"Not you too Morgana?!" Anne groaned.
"I thought we agreed to continue using his name despite everyone's insistence not to," Ryuji asked.
"I just learned something," Morgana hissed. "The reason people were afraid to say his name was because he made it into a taboo and it's used to track down the Dark Lord's enemies and kill them."
"So we're not using his name, what do we use as a substitute then?" Haru questioned.
"How about Noseless?" Ryuji snickered.
"Could you take this seriously you ape, you're not a Gryffindor to do that!" Morgana glared.
"It doesn't mean that I'm a Hufflepuff that I can't call him names." Ryuji stuck out his tongue at the animagus.
"Cut that out you two." Makoto admonished.
"Sorry." Both the animagus and the Hufflepuff apologized.
"I think Noseless would work, it'd be easier to identify who we're talking about instead of hiding his identity."
"The antithesis of our reasons when we came up with our own codenames," Morgana grinned. "Clever Ren, very clever."
"Why does he get praised when he suggests it?" Ryuji pouted.
"There, there." Anne chuckled as she rubbed Ryuji's back.
"What about you Anne? Yusuke? Futaba? Ryuji?"
"Can't," Ryuji shook his head. "Have to protect ma against these Death Eaters and coordinate an escape with Renren with the other muggleborns."
"I don't know," Anne admitted. "I may be a pureblood witch but I cannot, in good conscience, condone what they're doing to muggleborns and the supposed blood traitors."
"Not to mention the muggles." Morgana nodded.
"While no one really knows what my blood status currently is, being taken into Madarame's custody as soon as my mother passed away, I do not think I can stomach everything that's to happen during Noseless's reign in Hogwarts."
"Futaba-chan?" Haru motioned for the youngest girl in the group.
"I think I will go with Ren and Ryuji," Futaba admitted. "I don't think I can survive school without everyone else."
"Akechi, Haru, and I will still be at the school," Makoto informed the girl. "You'll still have us."
"Are you sure Mako-chan?" Haru asked. "Your sister is a muggle right?"
"She's a squib actually." Makoto shook her head.
"If she's a squib, how'd you gain your information about Voldemort taking over Hogwarts?" Ryuji questioned.
"As much as it pains me to say it, it was because of Akechi," Makoto admitted. "He's actually a marked Death Eater now."
"For real?!"
"How'd that happen?" Ren scowled. "I thought we agreed not to send Akechi on a suicide mission against Noseless?"
"I don't know." Makoto admitted.
Ren looked at Haru and Futaba as if asking the both of them if they have anything to do with the recent development.
"As much as I can't forgive him for killing my father in our previous life Ren, I would never ask him of this."
"What Haru said!" Futaba nodded.
"Dude, calm down." Ryuji placed a hand on Ren's shoulders. "You know Akechi, he'd do what he thinks is right, regardless of what happens to himself in the process, just like when we were fighting against Doctor Maruki."
"He should know that we won't ask that of him." Ren slammed his hands on the table.
"We are all in agreement with that." Morgana voiced out.
"Still it's impressive for him to be able to know of Noseless's plans despite being marked recently."
"In any case, what's our plan for the coming school year?"
"Ryuji, Futaba, and I will be coordinating with each other to help muggles and muggleborns escape the Ministry's and Voldemort's clutches." Ren informed.
"Haru and I will keep watch at Hogwarts and keep the coming Death Eaters posing as teachers and the injuries they'll inflict towards students to a minimum." Makoto relayed.
"I'll be with Lady Anne, whatever she's planning." Morgana voiced out.
"Anne? Yusuke?"
"I think I will go with Haru and Makoto," Anne decided. "With Ryuji not attending the next school year, the Hufflepuffs and my own house will be blind spots for our information network."
"I think I will help the girls in gathering information," Yusuke informed everyone.
"What're you going to say about your blood status?" Ryuji asked, worried for the artist.
"We'll take care of that." Anne smiled. "
"If only technology worked in Hogwarts, I can still work with these retro gadgets."
"About that." Ryuji grinned.
Ryuji retrieved two gold galleon coins from his pocket and placed one at the center of the table. He wrote something on the galleon coin he was holding and the coin at the center now had the word 'skull' written on it.
"Ryuji! How'd you do that?!" Anne looked at the Hufflepuff in amazement.
"Asked Granger to teach me the spell she used on the galleon coins she used to communicate with the DA."
"What about our Patronus? Aren't they viable as a means of communication?" Yusuke questioned.
"Not exactly," Makoto shook her head. "We can't exchange words instantly using our Patronus only deliver messages without a reply."
"I'm impressed Ryuji, you managed to contribute a good idea today."
"Yeah, yeah." Ryuji rolled his eyes. "So anyway, Granger is like a crazy good teacher despite her haughty attitude, she managed to teach me the spells she used for this." He grinned. "I think this is a spell she invented."
"Actually no." Makoto shook her head. "If memory serves me right, what she used was the Protean Charm."
"It's rather impressive that you can use the charm yourself Ryuji-kun as it's a NEWT level spell." Haru praised.
"Granger taught him," Morgana rolled his eyes. "Even a first-year can do the spell if Granger's teaching them."
Ryuji glared at Morgana before taking a deep breath.
"It still surprises me to no end that you've gotten good in controlling your emotion Ryuji." Morgana commented.
"Diggory was a good influence on him," Ren supplied.
"So you're still on with the plan?" Futaba asked the Hufflepuff. "Sending an accidental thunder reign at Pettigrew?"
"Ryuji!" Anne admonished.
"I'm not searching for him, I've got bigger priorities than searching for a rat" Ryuji huffed. "If I encounter him, I'll send one his way, I'm not pullin' an Akechi geez."
"For the record, I disagree with the notion that anyone would get the spell, no matter the difficulty, as long as Granger's the one teaching," Ren spoke up. "It's also dependent on the witch or wizard, the mere fact that Ryuji was able to properly cast a NEWT level charm, speaks more of his abilities than Granger's ability to teach."
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Seb!
You have been accepted for the role of MADALÉINA WARREN with the faceclaim of Sirena Warren! We really enjoyed how Maddy, while being a fighter against injustice, is also still a young adult. We truly can’t wait to see how she blossoms into herself and finds out who she really is as a person. We also love that she’ll be joining the ranks as a Muggleborn witch, as this is a group fighting for people of her blood status and doesn’t actually have many of them within their organization. So excited to have her on the dash! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Seb he/him
AGE: 21+ (not getting younger, lads!)
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m here! Usually I’d do at least a round of replies every morning (either 1 reply per character or a full round of 1 character) but at times I’m a bit anxious about spamming people with too many of my replies at once, so I hold off. And now that I’m on a holiday until October 15th, I’ll definitely be able to keep that regularity going so what am I to do? Find another roleplay? Never!
ANYTHING ELSE: Triggers, still: under-water sequences
NAME: Madaléina “Maddy” Warren
AGE: 18
Cis female. She/Her. Hetero.
To turn things around a bit, I like to think that Maddy is quite endeared by the idea of being bisexual, of just loving everyone and anyone regardless of their gender, and she definitely clings to the girl-crushes she had, but really, she’s just straight. She hasn’t had any serious relationships yet but I think the day she meets the right guy, she’ll realise that those feelings are very different from infatuation. For a while it’ll make her seek the same emotional depth with a woman for a while, but eventually she’ll realise that she’s fully straight. This being said, she was raised Irish-Catholic and this whole ‘I’m open-minded and bisexual!’ might ironically stem from that; a way to distance herself from the conservative world around her. So it’s less observation-based and more a head thing, where she’d just rather want to be on the side of the ostracised than the ostracis..ers. 
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff.
ANY CHANGES: No, please stay the way you are!
Maddy’s heart is big, open, and full of love. That is the first thing you must know.
She sees the good in people before anything else, and when there is no good, she dreams of planting it into their hearts, seed by seed, smile by smile. She’s the epitome of ‘kill them with kindness, giving everyone second, third and fourth chances, and truly believing that everyone can change for the better, that no one deserves death, that everyone deserves a friendly hand, helping them. The second thing you must know, is that she’s a clever little fox, and when she asks: What Would Jesus Do?, she doesn’t mean the glorified white Jesus people misuse for the prejudiced bullcrap, but the actual Jewish Jesus who yelled at the rich and kissed prostitutes regardless of their reputation. She’s got an innate sense of justice, and it can turn her into an American Honey Badger if ever she encounters someone being treated unfairly. The third thing you must know, is that she’s still very much searching for herself. She knows who she wants to be, she knows she wants to spread love and eradicate injustice in the world, but in between those goals, she’s an 18-year-old mess who’s not really good at what she’s doing. One minute she’s talking about the importance of unity amongst the Order, the next minute she’s talking about how cool it would be if they all wore the yellow-black X-Men uniform. One minute she’s angry about big corporations exploiting the poor, the next minute she’s babbling about how much she loves coca cola. One minute she’s talking feminism and how every woman should be allowed to do what she wants, the next minute she scoffs at a roommate wearing too short of a mini-skirt. She’s young, Christ-damnit – oh yes, she also truly struggles with cursing in a non blasphemous way – but she’s trying.
Derry, 1972. The infamous key-event of The Troubles of Northern Ireland called Bloody Sunday, which caused the IRA to grow and radicalise further, makes the mother of 9 children a widow. The youngest of those 9 children has just been born in the hospital and Maddy is watching over the other younger siblings with only mild interest – after all, the Addams Family is on TV! – and she knows not to expect her mother to come home before tomorrow night. What she doesn’t know, however, is that while her mother returns, her father never does.
From that day on, the Warrens’ life is no longer the same. Were they a wild, jumbled bunch of messy but cheerful people, they are now scraping at the stone of their personal rock bottom hell. Maddy’s older siblings are off to find work, so is their mother, and Maddy is left to slowly become a second mum to her younger siblings.
Before that, she was one of many, forgotten and forced to scream and scratch for attention – now there’s not even that much left. Who she is doesn’t matter, what she wants doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the family survives, and a fun and quirky personality brings laughter but not bread to the table, so what’s it really worth?
The TV is sold, so are all of Maddy’s comic books and the cool earrings she got for Christmas. When it’s time to even sell her father’s clothes, she steals the jeans jacket he was shot in, never bothering to repair the hole on its back. A reminder, perhaps, of the injustice in the world. Of how dangerous it is, to let people know who you really are. No one notices. No one ever notices what she’s doing. Much like the big jeans jacket eats her entire frame, her father’s death overshadows everything she once was. By the age of 10, she’s lost her identity and personality, becomes ‘one of the many Warren children’, and people in the streets address her by her father’s name, not her own. And then she turns 11. It’s Dumbledore himself who appears in her living room, explaining Maddy everything, and her mother cries the whole time through. Why? That’s something Maddy learns only a few years later. And quite frankly, in that moment? She doesn’t want to know. Here is a real whole Wizard who looks like Gandalf the Wise and says she’s a Witch and says she’s special and says she has a life away from all of this. And then he says: “It’s okay to be scared,” and Maddy hears herself admit that, yes, she is a little scared. After all, she wasn’t raised to be special.
Suddenly she’s an individual, her own person, and the possibilities are endless. Who does she want to be? What’s the plan? Where will this adventure lead her to, and why is no one there to guide her? She’s lost. Alone and lost. Her dream has become a nightmare. Her first year, she is focusing on being a good Witch at Hogwarts, carrying the burden of her destiny as good as she can while keeping her head low and fearing the sound of her own name. It’s only been a bit less than a year since her father died, but a year in the life of an 11-year-old is a lot, and it scarred Maddy. Hogwarts isn’t a big school, people quickly know her, that Irish Mudblood, as they call her, and even though she hears the snarl in their voice she’s too afraid to correct them. “What is it, muddy Mudblood? Don’t know how to use your wand to defend yourself?” Then the Summer holidays come. She’s can’t wait to be back home, one of many, ‘one of the Robert Warren kids’, back in anonymity. But it’s too late. Things have changed. She’s the special one now here, too. In Derry, people know her as the girl who got a scholarship in a private school in Scotland; everyone is proud of her. Her older siblings are glad they don’t have to feed yet another hungry mouth all the time, to see at least someone get out of here unharmed. And her younger siblings have, for the first time in years, hope in their own future again. Hope that they, too, might become special at the age of 11. None of them are.
Maddy remains the only Witch of her family.
For a while, as the years pass, she tries to fit in even better. Look less catholic, speak less witchy, smell less like a Mudblood. She’s long stopped screaming and scratching for attention but now she’s actively trying to never stand out. And why would she want to? The English don’t care about the beauty of the green. The Muggles don’t understand the full scope of the marvel that the Wizarding World holds in store. And the Purebloods can’t even grasp the greatness of using a damn – sorry! – telephone. People live and exist in in- and out-groups, and the walls are high, causing cold wars in the world and amongst possible friends. She’s special, yes, but in a way no one truly understands, and she realises that there is loneliness in being different. And that’s when Maddy, fourteen years old, walks into the second-floor bathroom at Hogwarts and into a long-deceased family member: Myrtle Warren. Her father’s sister and her mother’s childhood best friend. Killed by bloodpurist ideologies. Safe, nowhere, not even in the hopeful life she’d been promised here. And Maddy understands. People die because they’re different. It’s not just lonely. It’s dangerous. But ducking one’s head and letting the un-different people rule will never undo the danger. Only being visibly different, outspoken, unashamed of one’s specialness can tear down the walls and help people familiarize themselves with the cultures on the other side. She’s special, goddamnit – sorry! – and she’d rather die teaching people how beautiful that is rather than pretending she’s not! With determination, she puts her wooden cross back around her neck. Stuffs her Wolverine T-shirt into her jeans, tosses her dad’s jeans jacket over her shoulders. Then she marches up to the Slytherin table and smashes her fist into Avery’s face. “See, the thing is, we Mudbloods don’t need a wand to defend ourselves.” So, while the war in Northern Ireland gets worse and worse, Maddy makes a name for herself at Hogwarts by selling Muggle-trinkets (sending the money home), playing on the Quidditch team, excelling in various classes and just being a good sport altogether. People listen to her ideas and even laugh at her jokes, and she makes sure to learn about everyone else’s specialness as well. After all, if everyone realised they’re worth of attention and love, maybe they’d grant the same blessing to others as well, and no one would have to fear being different anymore. 
Nowadays, cheer has returned to her family. With four children out of the house and two already capable to work, the Warrens are much more relaxed, enjoying watching everyone’s path unfold, while still waiting curiously to see if the youngest, Robert Jr., will receive a letter for his 11th birthday or not. Some resent never having received their letters, others are just happy for Maddy, and others prefer not to think about it at all. What matters is that they’re now all individuals thinking for themselves, allowing each other, at times together, to be happy. And all would be good… Only that Maddy’s no longer part of it now, is she?
Entrepreneur (Business for Muggle-trinkets sold in the magical world).
What started as an act of desperation (bringing ballpens to Hogwarts) suddenly turned into its whole own thing, where first Muggleborns begged for more objects from home and then the other kids got interested in it, too. Seeing how Hogwarts’ magic didn’t let electronics function properly, those objects were usually of mechanical banality or just plain cultural stuff like magazines, blotting paper, alarm clocks, a special type of cereals, etc.
Maddy was more than ready to stop her business after graduating, but the fact that her clients graduated along with her and now still preferred her shop than hunting through Muggle cities for the things they never really had to buy for themselves in seven long years just had her continue the thing. And now, since she has to make money somehow, she’s looking into buying an empty shop at Diagon Alley.
Maddy was attracted to the Order by Maurice’s radio show and his subcultural references calling out for more Muggleborns to join the war. In all honesty, up until that point, she wasn’t really aware that a war was going on..? She understood that she was being discriminated against, and that Muggleborns were fleeing the country, but, Jesus – sorry! – she’d grown up in Derry, a bit of oppression is neither a proof of war nor a reason to run away, is it? But when she learnt that there was a vigilante group trying to fix the racist bullcrap that was going on, she found herself quite interested. “I don’t really know what I bring to the table, though,” she told Maurice after meeting him before anyone else, and he replied: “You bring perspective, and that’s exactly what we need.”
She doesn’t really support the more radical notions of some Order members, and would rather see them figure out a peaceful way to end the war (the idea of seeing someone be shot in the back like they did it to her father is haunting her at all times, unfortunately) but she knows that not doing anything won’t fix things either. And at least these people understand the beauty of diversity. In fact, she’s more than proud of the Purebloods who have joined the cause, and takes it as proof that everyone can change if given the chance.
She’s still very new in the Order (therefore still full of hope) and is mostly trying to find her footing. But I think it won’t take long until she will come forth with her first pro-active, constructive suggestions: it’ll be less about killing Voldemort and more about educating those who could become potential followers. Teaching them of the Muggle World, of how fun the culture can be, how there’s not such thing as blood dilution, etc, perhaps going all the way to even dismantle the Statue of Secrecy.
She lives in a flat with some Muggleborn and Halfblood friends in Muggle London. Gerry and Charlie started a university degree and Kathy is currently doing an internship at the Ministry of Magic. None of them really know what’s going on, what they’re doing, and how to subscribe to a newspaper, so while they do face daily discrimination in the Wizarding World (very much a reason why Gerry and Charlie went back to the Muggle World for the time being), they haven’t really paid attention to fixing it yet. And while Maddy knows it’ll be a bit difficult to keep the Order thing a secret from them, she also knows that they wouldn’t really care. In a way, that’s what’s also keeping them safe: they’re just a bunch of kids, so no one would ever suspect Maddy to be a danger to society. Right?
As you just saw above, there will definitely be a strain put on Maddy’s relationship with her friends. She knows that she’ll eventually have to leave them, if the secret becomes too much of a burden or Death Eaters could put them at danger just for being close to her, or tell them the truth and let them decide whether they want to join the Order as well or not. In a way, she already knows they won’t. After all, they chose to go back to the Muggle World for a reason. The same goes for her family – who, admittedly, are less close to her these days, but who are still very much family, and she’d never forgive herself if something happened to them. Other than that, I think joining the Order will open a lot of new relationships, seeing how Maddy will be surrounded by people who are equally as invested in wanting to make the world a better place.
The Bang Gang (Chaos Trio): Maddy went to school with them and has a complicated relationship with them. By the type of personality, she’s similar to Dorcas, her roommate, and you’d think that’s a great basis for a friendship. But that’s definitely not what happened. From the day Dorcas revealed herself to be more on the ‘I’ma fight everyone!’ type, Maddy decided to go against that and be of the ‘I’ma befriend everyone!’ type. The Bang Gang seems loud and obnoxious and not at all on the peace-path to fix discrimination with love. No wonder the Order is so radical! Sure, deep down, Maddy admires them at least a little, for being so cool and brave, but on the outside she’s mostly annoyed. After all, if Maddy had wanted to join a terrorist group, she could’ve picked the IRA.
Caradoc: Big Grumpy Man, Maddy is not a fan. While he’s surprisingly civil to her, compared to many other Order members, she doesn’t agree with his radical notions. Sure, Purebloods are the ones who started it all, but Christ – sorry! – give them a chance to change! It’s not by antagonising them that you will end up making friends. From the outside, their relationship must look like a tiny dog yapping at a benevolent old man who just smiles back with patience.
Dedalus: Funky Funny Man has a shop on Diagon Alley, and while Maddy absolutely despises Wizarding Candy, she wonders if the flamboyant (and very handsome) Wizard might want to give her a corner of his shop for her to set up her own. Just until she has enough money scraped together to buy her own shop. And if the poor Muggleborns entering this world had to suffer through ear-wax jelly beans, then it’s about time that Purebloods experience the greatness that is Muggle candy.
Maurice: Feisty Pretty Man is the one who attracted Maddy to the Order. His voice drew her in, his face made her stay. Who can blame her? When she asked him what the Order could possibly want from her, he said: “Perspective”, and it was what Maddy needed to realise that her whole thing about changing the world one kind deed at a time might’ve just found a home to grow in. Whether Maurice knows it or not, he’s become her mentor, and Maddy couldn’t look at him with any more heart-eyes if she were a cartoon.
I direly need Maddy to have a crush on every boy she encounters, be they gay or racist. I don’t care how far it gets (I don’t think she really wants anything serious anyway, even if she whines about being single all the time) or how many rejections she’ll receive, I just need her to constantly be distracted by the urge to snog, thank you.
I think by nature of who they are, how they grew up, Muggleborns are less prejudiced towards people and creatures from the Wizarding World. Because on the one hand, everything is weird and different to them, on the other, it’s just fairy tales! Werewolves are cool as hell – sorry! – why would you be mean to them?! Why not befriend them and learn everything about them! And while obviously Maddy finds herself kind of tense around Purebloods, it’s not at all an innate thing like her hate towards the English. And then there’s the whole thing where she believes in the good in everyone that just makes her actively fight any prejudices she might have. So while I’m sure she’s free of bias, I think of all my characters, she’s the most open-minded one.
For Maddy:      - have her fight for a spot on Diagon Alley while bloodpurists try to keep her from it.      - have her kill the Basilisk at Hogwarts (it’s personal, okay)      - have her get some snogs      - make up with Dorcas and Benjy? For the RP:      - telephone station at House of Bones for Maurice to actually receive responses from the Muggleborns he calls out to (Pride style)      - Generally a branch of the DTF actively recruiting Muggleborns (and it causing discussions in the Order)      - maybe a law passing at the Ministry related to her shop in Diagon Alley, taking away the right for Muggleborns to have their own shops, and the Order managing to prevent the law from passing (but before they manage, perhaps there’s a surge of refugees the DTF has to take care of?)
Maddy is Low-Level. I’d say she joined fairly recently, seeing how Maurice’s radio show plot hasn’t even been made official yet. So maybe Dedalus’ plan of that buddy-system [x (first paragraph)] for new Order members could take effect on her as a test dummy? :’ D
PAST: Born and raised as an Irish Catholic in Derry during The Troubles of Northern Ireland, young Maddy learnt from a young age that there are people who will kill you based on something you cannot control. Born and raised amongst a family of nine children, however, she also learnt that being different is a gift and not something you should hide. Being the same as everyone else, one of many, might make life easy, but it certainly doesn’t make life honest and good. This realisation came when she met the ghost of her aunt in the second-floor bathroom at Hogwarts – known as Moaning Myrtle; Maddy didn’t know why she was the only one of her siblings to have been granted magical powers, but she sure as hell – sorry for the swearing! – understood in this very moment that keeping a low profile like Myrtle had done fifty years ago would neither protect her life, nor change the world for the better. Thus, in the span of four years, she grew to be the most honest version of herself that she could possibly be: an Irish Catholic Muggleborn Witch with a love for superhero comics. Selling Muggle trinkets at Hogwarts (ranging from ballpens to comic books) she was known as the proud Hufflepuff who knew how to befriend about anyone. ‘Kill them with kindness’ became her motto, and while she still had a lot to learn regarding how to be as self-assured as she liked to present herself to be, she was, for the most part, succeeding in her mission to introduce Purebloods to Muggle culture, building bridges for those two worlds in ways she knew she’d never be able to do it for the English and the Irish at home.
 PRESENT: The cat who dragged her into the Order was Maurice Creevey and his radio show. Her “What do I possibly have to offer them, though?” was answered with a “Perspective,” and it was all she needed to hear to be convinced. Had he said ‘your wits’, ‘your optimism’, or ‘the stakes you have in this war,’, she would’ve declined and gone back home to her Muggleborn flatmates who have turned their back to the Wizarding World after graduating from Hogwarts. But he said: “Perspective”, and that was the one thing Maddy has always believed is in her range of capabilities. After all, she does have a different perspective on it all, and she is more than willing to teach people of this perspective, of her side of the story, to make them empathise and want to tear down the walls of cultural divide alongside with her. She firmly believes that everyone could be friends if they only understood each other, and she’s not afraid to grab her megaphone to have communication happen. Either way, she does not care for another war like there is at home, does not care at all for seeing more people she loves be killed by being shot in the back, the way it happened to her father in 1972. So her main focus right now (except finding an empty place in Diagon Alley to set up her Muggle shop) is to identify the more radical members of the Order and explain to them that they shouldn’t hurt anyone on behalf of the Muggleborns, or there will be direct retaliation against exactly those. And once she’s got them in her pocket, she wants to update the Hogwarts curriculum to educate Wizards about Muggles to finally end the divide – and perhaps even the Statue of Secrecy, one day. 
FC CHOICES: Sirena Warren as found here: [x], [x], [x]. Alternatively: Meta Gewald [x], [x], [x] or Faith Jaggernauth [x], [x], [x] . I must admit, none of them have very good resources, though…
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drcasmeadows · 4 years
❛ she wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword. ❜
cis woman / she/her. ┊ if you’re looking for DORCAS MEADOWES, you’ll probably find HER in the SLYTHERIN dorm with the rest of the SEVENTH years. they’re the TWENTY year old PUREBLOOD who looks kind of like TATI GABRIELLE. they seem CLEVER, DETERMINED & ENTERPRISING to me, but apparently they’re also ARROGANT, SCRUTINISING & OBSTINATE. maybe that’s why they remind me of rolling eyes beneath pitch black sunglasses, half drunk glasses of red wine stained with red lipstick, a roaring lion now strangled with a quick slithering snake, stacks upon stacks of perfectly completed assignments, rolling through an empty and hollow mansion on dusty, old roller-skates, a permanent smirk on the large and important portrait that takes up half the wall.
links: stats, pinterest character parallels: robin buckley (stranger things), britta perry (community), donna paulsen (suits), cassandra pressman (the society), jessica huang (fresh off the boat), piper chapman (orange is the new black) triggers: nsfw
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miss dorcas meadowes: one of a kind. not your classmate's younger sister’s tutor. not your friend’s cousin’s twin. not the girl who gave your friend head in a cupboard on the fourth floor. she’s dorcas - and she demands your attention.
dorcas has always been rather exceptional. from a young age she has shown herself to be far more advanced than anyone is ever expected to be - a prodigy, if you wish to put a label on it. she was walking and talking before her twin brother had even got a handle on crawling and she’s been muttering incantations from the age of five. she’s exceptionally talented at everything she attempts, perfecting complicated spells and maneuvers and twenty-letter words far before anyone expects her to. or at least, when she was younger it was a surprise. now she’ll be damned if you don’t know what she can do. but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
mr and mrs meadowes were rather sweet parents. they were kind and softly spoken and damn good with a wand. they were so kind, in fact, that they pandered to dorcas’s rather big ego and always made sure she knew she was special, an extraordinary little girl. she was paraded at pureblood events as the best her generation had to offer, and even some of pureblood society’s greatest elitists had respect for the meadowes’ simply because of how exceptional their eldest daughter was. dorcas was proud, for a while - she loved her mother and father, and she loved her twin and their little sibling and it delighted her to know she could make this family known.
as she grew up, of course, her mother and father’s backbone started to show. though they wouldn’t announce it at parties or the like, they made sure their children knew that blood elitism was beneath them. they were accepting of anyone who deserved their respect, no matter what their blood lineage said about them. mr and mrs meadowes might not have been loud about that to the public, but dorcas certainly was - by the time she was ten, all the respect she had earnt from her fellow purebloods vanished as she made it widely known that she didn’t give a damn if you were muggleborn - she would love you just the same.
when dorcas started at hogwarts, no one was particularly surprised that she didn’t follow in her mother and brother’s footsteps of joining hufflepuff - though perhaps there was a certain expectation that she was a gryffindor, like her father. exactly fifty-two seconds after the hat was placed on her head, dorcas was inducted into the house of the snakes, and a part of her was disappointed. although she knew deep down that this was where she belonged (she’d always been ambitious, cunning, intelligent beyond compare), she had no particular wish to join the nasty children who had shunned her from pureblood society. she wouldn’t let them know of her disappointment, of course, in fact she would push to be the best witch that damned house had ever seen, but late at night sometimes, behind the curtains of her four-poster, she would wish she was with her brother, or even her knew friends - slytherin felt isolating.
it didn’t take long for dorcas to cement her in hogwarts’ popularity scale - right at the top. she was one of the brightest witches the school had seen in a long time, but she was also fun and loving and the life of hogwarts’ party scene. she might’ve had a head two sizes too big, but many believed she had deserved it. she topped every class she partook in, she was keeper for the slytherin quidditch team by her third year, and she’d even taken to tutoring students in the years above her. she was dorcas meadowes: exceptionally exceptional. 
if you couldn’t already tell, dorcas is incredibly arrogant. she’s talented at pretty much everything and she knows it. and she’ll tell you. some people resent her for it, whereas others just see it as a confidence they aspire towards. my hot take is she’s a dumbass.
she is of the undeniable belief that her word is gold and if you try and challenge that, you’re wrong. sometimes these beliefs are good, sometimes they’re questionable, but good luck trying to tell her that. she’s stubborn and obstinate and, yet again, super arrogant.
she’s incredibly ambitious, but don’t try and ask her what she wants to do once she graduates - she doesn’t know. of course the clearest path for her would be straight to the ministry, but there is not a bone in dorcas’s body that trusts politics. she believes the ministry of magic is as corrupt as they come and believes her talents would be wasted at such a place, but it’s difficult for her to conceive where else she’d be useful. she’s mcstruggling.
she adores her family a lot. try and mess with her twin and she’ll cut you. try and mess with their younger sibling and you’re dead. a family gal first and foremost!
she’s obviously talented at everything she does, but she has a particular gift for duelling - and she has every intention of using that to her advantage in the upcoming war. she hates pureblood supremacy and will fight tooth and nail to ensure that muggleborn’s can keep the rights they earned. 
her empathy for muggleborn’s likely comes from the racism she experienced as a child. as a young black girl, even though the older pureblood’s were respectful of her and would shower her in compliments, it was almost always followed with ‘especially for a black girl’. not only that, but she had been isolated for the colour of her skin when she was a child, away from the other young kids, as they would often say they were ‘scared’ of her. this discrimination she feels can be likened to what muggleborn’s experience, and for that reason, she is particularly loud about her stance - something about it just hits a little too close to home for her. 
pansexual but tired of men. 
a bit of a serial dater, she finds it hard to settle down. it’s not that she doesn’t believe in monogamy, she’s just so hard to keep up with and she knows that and there’s so few people who can calm her down, but it’s what she needs. 
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conteramme · 4 years
Emmeline Basics
FULL NAME: Emmeline Vance
NICKNAME(S): Em or Emmy
AGE: 17
DATE OF BIRTH:  August 24th
SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English and enough French to order herself a croissant
HOUSE: Ravenclaw
YEAR: Seventh
AFFILIATIONS: Neutral. [Future: Order. Family: Death Eaters]
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
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HEIGHT: 5′3″
WEIGHT: Slim / 110 pounds
SCARS: One on her knee from falling from a small height when she was younger
HOMETOWN: Yorkshire, England
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Hogwarts castle, Scotland
FINANCIAL STATUS: Wealthy parents
PATRONUS: A fat cat
WAND: Unicorn tail hair
, cedar wood, 11 1/4 inches, sturdy
POSITIVE TRAITS: Sympthatic, inclusive, clever
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Blunt, faithless, fervid
LIKES: Being with her friends, getting a rise out of Mack, reading, studying, hugs, and eating.
DISLIKES: Liars, authority figures who abuse their power, physical violence
TW for death of a loved one & mentions of sex
Emmeline grew up as the only child to a cold and often distant family in Yorkshire, England. Her parents were exceptionally wealthy and the only other children Em knew growing up were also wealthy children, so she thought all families had the same luxuries she did. Both her parents came from prestigious Pureblood lineages and as such were often away from home representing the Vance family as benefactors for this charity event or that social event.
Emmeline was left alone with a nanny whom she had known since she was tiny and now considered to be more like family than her absent parents were. Her nanny was the woman who taught Em that it was good to have her own opinions and to always choose the right time to share them or to keep quiet. This helped Emmeline a lot when she was growing up.
When she was thirteen her nanny passed away suddenly, leaving Em feeling like she’d lost the only guardian who cared about her. She was forced to remain stoic about the passing in front of her parents who didn’t take kindly to weakness. It was possibly from this event that Emmeline now refuses to hide her feelings or feel as terrible about something as she did when she was forced to suppress her grief.
She was fifteen years old when she realised that she was attracted to more than just men and she spent a solid year questioning herself, her sexuality, and the validity of her sexuality for almost a full year. When she was finally comfortable with her sexuality and the label pansexual, she decided to tell her best friend. Then came the experimenting. But what she never did was tell her parents; she knew that would not have gone down well at all.
Questioning her sexuality also brought into question her beliefs. She found she no longer cared about the importance of blood purity like her parents did, and she couldn’t give a toss whether or not she was in the right circles. She was upset to realise that it had taken this long for her to question her families ideals and values, especially when she was friends with so many people who had muggleborn and half-blood backgrounds. She was ashamed, to say the least. But distancing herself from her families beliefs wasn’t the same as publicly denouncing them. She isn’t quite ready to let go of the money, status, and power the Vance family name comes with.
Then came the news that would change everything for her. She was betrothed. Her parents had arranged between themselves and the Yaxley family for her to be married off, probably at the earliest convenience.The only problem? Mack and Em hated each other. They were constantly trading barbs in the halls, rolling their eyes when the other answered a question in class, laughing if the other got hurt, making crude nicknames up for one another to humiliate. The fact that they’d hooked up once the year before and had incredibly intense hate sex had absolutely nothing to do with how annoyed Em was about this betrothal. Nothing at all.
Emmeline is known to be an incredibly gifted witch (canon). She excels in her classes and is a natural at charms.
She can produce a corporeal patronus
Em is currently learning the art of wandless magic. It has always fascinated her so she’s teaching herself.
She is a highly adept and accomplished flyer (canon), though she refuses to play for her house team because she doesn’t like contact sports
Emmeline can use her wand whilst flying, which is a hard feat to accomplish (canon)
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january3693 · 5 years
Dorcas Meadowes
(Reposting and expanding my Dorcas head canons from another spot.)
Dorcas Meadowes was a half-blood Slytherin who gave no fucks about blood status, but she earned her place in that house because she was ambitious and resourceful as hell. Slughorn loved her like she was his own daughter. He knew from the start that she was going to do great things.
She was easily the most powerful witch of her year. Many of the older students and even a few of the teachers were actually scared of her. She was Head Girl, because she’d set her mind on being Head Girl all the way back in first year when one of her snooty, pureblood roommates sneered and said Dorcas would never even make it as a prefect.
Even though she didn’t agree with some of the more common sentiments in her house, Dorcas did manage to make fast friends within Slytherin. Her closest friend was one whose family definitely wouldn’t have approved of Dorcas, but Andromeda Black was a bit of a rebel too.
As close as they were, Dorcas didn’t approve of her best friend’s star-crossed romance with a certain Muggleborn Hufflepuff. There was nothing but trouble there, for both of them, Dorcas told Andromeda many times over. However, she still helped Andromeda and Ted Tonks meet secretly. She warmed up to Ted eventually, finally admitting that, yes, he really was just that nice and honest.
When the time came, she helped Andromeda run off with Ted. She was one of the few to attend their tiny wedding, and (scandalously) less than nine months later, she was named godmother to Ted and Andromeda’s daughter, Nymphadora. Dorcas never wanted children of her own, but she loved that little girl so fiercely.
Voldemort tried to recruit her. Of course he did, Dorcas was far too powerful for him not to. Besides, she was already a rising young star at the Ministry even just out of Hogwarts. He sent one of her former classmates to entice her with promises and veiled threats. She sent the emissary back with a politely worded refusal and his own tongue pickled in a jar.
Dorcas planned on being Minister for Magic one day. Not, “she wanted to be Minister,” Dorcas planned on it. She knew she would never get what she wanted out of life by serving Voldemort. There was no room for true ambition in a servant, and very little call for resourcefulness, leadership or cleverness either.
She joined the Order of the Phoenix instead. In part because it was the right thing to do, but also because she refused to live in a world where her talents could be ignored and her ambitions thwarted because her mother was a Muggle. Dorcas demanded more from the world than that.
She was ambitious as fuck, and wouldn’t let anyone, not even a dark lord, stand in her way.
Dorcas was invaluable to the Order, using her position in the ministry to pass information along as well as cover up the Order’s activities. Additionally, she was a force of nature in a duel.
Dorcas had plans. For her career, for her life, for everything. She did not, however, plan for Marlene McKinnon. Dorcas first met Marlene at an Order meeting. She’d known of her in an abstract sort of way. They’d overlapped at Hogwarts, where Marlene was two years younger and over in Gryffindor. She’d probably watched Marlene play Quidditch against Slytherin many times without ever really seeing her.
Then they were together in the same room, plotting to overthrow Voldemort and quite possibly die trying. Marlene was bold and electric, and Dorcas barely heard a word Dumbledore or Moody said because she was staring at this brash, beautiful creature whose chin was tilted up like she could take on the whole world.
They weren’t a good match on paper. Perhaps they wouldn’t have been a good match in peacetime either, but with war raging around them, they fell hard and fast. So many late nights full of dangerous skirmishes and mornings spent curled around each other in bed.
She wasn’t surprised when Marlene died. They were at war. Dorcas felt like she died that day too, her body just hadn’t realized it yet. Death finally caught up to her a month later though.
Voldemort killed her himself. He had to do it. Likely, there was no one else who could have managed it. She went down fighting like wildfire though, and she left a mark. The Dark Lord hid it well, but Dorcas Meadowes made him bleed before he killed her. She left a fucking scar.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years
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there are two thys families in belgium: one magical and one muggle. at one point there were a pair of brothers, nearly four centuries ago, and one was a squib. he went on to do brilliant things of course, as every thys before him had, and though his descendants went on to become kings, ministers, and heroes, none ever had the blessing of magic. until ainsley. she was a bright spot in her family, one who reinvigorated the magical life of her line, and though her cousins have reached out since, it was the belgian ministry who had informed her parents of their daughter’s magical gifts after she accidentally turned herself into a puppy when she was three. there are a collection of more stories like that one, full of accidental transformations and making herself float across the room and they were all just the beginning of what the young witch could do. her parents wanted to do everything they could to aid their daughter’s talents and though she could not learn magic before attending, there was a gift from cousins they hadn’t spoken to in almost three decades who left a copy of beauxbatons’ history under their christmas tree one year. just a few months before she was due to begin her magical education, her mother got a job opportunity that she couldn’t pass up and they found themselves in the heart of london. despondent that she would not attend beauxbatons, ainsley received a second magical gift in her life: a letter, addressed to her, from hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. she was a hat stall between slytherin and ravenclaw, eleven long minutes that saw the hat debating where she would go -- ravenclaw or slytherin: ambition mixed with cleverness mixed with a voracious need to learn and influence the world around her. these are the things that nearly led her down the road to slytherin but the hat decided at the last moment to make her new home ravenclaw. a beautiful fit, she was an animagus by the time that she graduated and the next year was publishing research and her first spell: a replacement for dittany. within weeks, the minister was pinning an order of merlin, third class to her shoulder. soon after, reporters were lauding ainsley as the brightest witch of her age. not long after, another letter found itself on her dining room table, addressed to ainsley thys, brightest witch of her age. many pieces of mail had found their way to her but this one thrummed with a potential that the others lacked, an invitation to join the most exclusive dinner club in britain: the knights of walpurgis. she’d seen members in the halls at hogwarts but they were younger than her, something that only truly came to prominence as she was well on her way out. the first time she’d sat down to dinner with them, they had spoken about pureblood beliefs and it occurred to her then: they thought she was of the pureblood thys. in the moment it didn’t feel right to correct them and now she’s unsure of whether or not she corrects the mistake and stops seeing them or if she remains within their ranks — for as dangerous as their rhetoric is, they are a wildly intelligent set of individuals who are talented beyond expectation. perhaps remaining wouldn’t hurt, so long as no one discovers the truth. 
CEDRELLA BLACK — confidant — to be expanded upon by the player.
FRANCISCA OGDEN — close friend — to be expanded upon by the player.
EILEEN PRINCE — intrigued by — to be expanded upon by the player.
FACECLAIM: chloe bridges.  ADDITIONAL NOTES: n/a. FORTUNATELY, ainsley thys is OPEN.
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actiobellicahq · 4 years
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Name: Narcissa Black Year: Fifth Year Age: Sixteen House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Allegiance: Death Eaters Faceclaim: Milena Tscharntke
As the youngest Black daughter, Narcissa grew up watching her sisters for signs of what to do and not to do. The family she had been born into was not an easy one to navigate. She learned from their mistakes and missteps and, despite not being the son her father had hoped for (for a third time), became the best daughter their family could ask for. She took to lessons in piano and dance with ease, bathed in her mother’s stories and teachings, and never raised her voice or had a hair out of place. To keep the peace, Narcissa had to be perfect and she would never be anything but. Especially once her sisters were out of the house and it was her alone with her parents.
The year she finally got to attend Hogwarts had been something Narcissa had been dreaming of for ages. She was growing up, no longer just a baby to her sisters. A proper witch but she was disappointed to say that the castle did not meet her expectations. She had long been educated on the rampant and distasteful ways muggleborns, half-bloods, and blood traitors ran around but she had never witnessed it before her first year.
Ever in his sisters’ shadow, Narcissa stuck closely to the people she knew and was very thankful to be placed in Slytherin. When people assumed her quiet nature was in fact a trademark Black coldness, she didn’t correct them. It was better to be feared or have someone be wary of her than for them to pinpoint the real reason for her lack of interacting, shyness and naivety. She had learned so much through her mother and various tutors and governess but Narcissa had never learned how to be a child or a teenager. Letting loose wasn’t a skill she possessed, or so she thought.
Though her home may have been cold (bordering on cruel if not for the stories she herd of other purebloods upbringings) and the castle not up to her expectations, Hogwarts was still a time of year she looked forward to. Away from the watchful gazes of her parents’ elves and constant presence of her sisters (though they were never that quiet far away while occupying the same house), fifth year had given Narcissa an opportunity to explore who she was. She had come out of her shell some in the past four years of schooling. She learned her love of subjects such as Charms and Magical Theory although holding onto any dreams of careers after graduation were foolish and a daytime fantasy.
Ever sheltered and blinded by the comforts of her own life, Narcissa hasn’t grasped the horrors that are slowly overtaking the magical world. If, for some reason, those horrors would begin to start effecting her, she would simply follow in her sisters lead.
+   Clever, Meticulous, Maternal
-   Apathetic, Entitled, Deceptive
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