#or sada would get even worse
k-chips · 2 years
Sada: You talking shit about my man?! I'll fight you-
Turo: Sada no
Clavell: SADA NO
Sada: Hold my lab coat-
Turo and Clavell: NO WAIT
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Overlord Niffty backstory because why not
She was born Nancy Sada in 1931 to two first-generation Japanese immigrants in middle America. She had a relatively happy childhood, mostly confined to her local Japanese American community. However, after the US entered WWII, she was suddenly under enormous pressure to acculturate herself into mainstream American society in order to prove her and her family's loyalty to the country.
As she aged, Niffty developed an obsession with perfection– being the perfect American, the perfect woman, the perfect everything. She began molding herself to fit these roles, making herself smaller, sweeter, more demure, all in hopes of achieving the ideal self. It wreaked havoc on her self-esteem and mental health, and more often than not it felt as though it was all in vain since society was so hostile to her due to her ethnicity.
However, when she was 19, Niffty finally made some progress towards her goal of achieving the post-war ideal; a handsome young man had taken an interest in her. Niffty jumped at the opportunity, falling head-over-heels for him (or at least, the idea of him), and agreeing to marry him the moment he asked. This was it. She had the perfect, all American husband and she was going to be his perfect wife.
Things were fine for a while. Niffty was perfectly happy to stay home running the household all day while her husband was at work. She enjoyed housework and even if she was a bit lonely, she knew she'd make friends with the other women in the neighborhood eventually, and if not, then her future children would fill her days. But as time went on, that sunny outlook started to seem more and more naive. The neighborhood women were cold to her due to her ethnicity, she wasn't getting pregnant no matter how hard she tried, and her husband was becoming increasingly callous and neglectful, treating her more like a maid than a wife.
The isolation took its tool on Niffty and she started edging her way towards a nervous breakdown. She tried to suppress her anxieties by committing even harder to the Perfect Housewife persona, but that only made things worse as now she was not only unhappy, she was failing at her goals. Things eventually came to a head in 1953, when she discovered her husband had been cheating on her with someone at work. Niffty felt as though her world was crumbling around her and, in a fit of rage and grief, she stabbed her husband to death with a kitchen knife. The neighbors heard the screams and called the police, who promptly shot Niffty three times in the chest when she refused to drop the knife.
Niffty was devastated when she woke up in Hell. She'd spent her entire life being as sweet and kind and good as possible, but all of it had been for nothing. She'd killed the person who was supposed to be the center of her world and was now damned for eternity because of it. She'd failed. Despite how heartbroken she felt, Niffty wasn't willing to just roll over and die or let herself be swept up in the violence of Hell. She was only 22– she wanted to live, and live well at that. She'd wasted her whole life being good and submitting to everyone who crossed her path and it'd gotten her nowhere, so why not try the opposite?
Niffty never did things by halves. She fully committed herself by seizing back her agency by any means necessary. Using her small size and cute demeanor to her advantage, she started carving out a life for herself in Hell. She got herself a job in the fashion industry (one of her great passions in life that she'd abandoned for her husband) as a seamstress and settled into a typical sinner's life. However, she wasn't satisfied with the state of things for long; she didn't want to just be another face in the crowd, she wanted to make her mark on the world.
Slowly, she started tricking people into contracts. It wasn't hard– so many sinners saw her as weak and harmless that they easily agreed to deals that they would've been far more cautious of had they been dealing with a more physically intimidating demon. Networking, exchanging favors for favors, building up her status– all of it paid off in the end when the previous Overlord of the fashion industry was killed, leaving a power vacuum that people were rushing to fill. Niffty managed to start her own business using the connections she'd made, and while all the other wannabe Overlords were fighting over the old Overlord's power and territory, she positioned herself to start gaining power of her own.
Her business was successful and began to grow, starting to swallow up smaller fashion studios left and right. Niffty's tireless pursuit of her goals was starting to pay off and she was not about to let up now. She pushed her employees to work harder, work faster, and within only a few years, she was the head of the most successful clothing brand in the Pride Ring. It was child's play to topple the person who'd come out on top in the scramble for the title of Overlord of Fashion and claim it for herself. By the end of the 1950s, tiny, humble little Niffty had clawed her way to the top of Hell's hierarchy.
For the next several years, things stayed that way. Niffty felt as though she'd finally reclaimed her personal power and was content to protect that power at all costs. She made sure her brand was always putting out the best clothes they could possibly make; she became very territorial and would crush any competitors who threatened her power like bugs; she decided that while she may never be the most powerful Overlord, she could be the most perfect one.
She developed a toxic work culture within her company, telling her employees/contractees that they were all one big, happy family, with her as the doting mother. She was genuinely sweet and affectionate with her workers and did whatever she could to make them like her– other than improving the sweatshop conditions of her factories, of course. Then, when a problem arose or they fell behind on their quotas, she would leverage that emotional connection against them and punish the whole group for the actions of a few, using the justification of "mother knows best."
Niffty started to open herself back up to men again after several years of ignoring them to focus on her career. She started leaning towards the "bad boys" she'd admired in her youth, since the perfect, seemingly wholesome option had worked out so badly for her. Despite all her power, she was still scared of entering into a real relationship though; if she let her guard down, things could so easily turn abusive again and she'd be back to being someone's little toy on a string again. She eventually decided that she liked men more as aesthetic objects more than as people. She ended up with a little collection of breathtakingly handsome male models who'd signed their souls away to her– she never engaged with them sexually or romantically, but instead got her kicks from displaying them like taxidermied butterflies, reveling in the total control she had over the people who had once had such control over her. She'd occasionally hook up with men outside of her employ, but she never entered into a significant, long-term relationship ever again.
Niffty sat comfortably on top of the hierarchy until the late 1960s. She'd met Alastor in passing a few times during Overlord meetings/events, but she'd never exchanged more than a few polite words with him. She didn't feel particularly in danger from him– his huge Overlord massacre had been over thirty years ago at that point and while he still did topple one every once in a while to keep himself fresh in everyone's minds, he usually went after far bigger fish than her, power-wise. Sure, business was booming, but she was a 4 foot tall bug woman without any of the big, flashy powers most Overlords had; she'd be too easy a target for him to get much of a thrill out of, right? She felt utterly secure that day, sitting in her office, drawing up new designs for the upcoming season, completely invested in her work. And then everything went black.
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silentmoths · 2 years
A cold cure for Insomnia
Hey look, it's not a genshin fic
wild huh?
I'll preface this with 2 things: 1: I am, for some reason, incredibly nervous abt posting a fic that is 100% outside my wheelhouse. I've never actually posted anything but genshin fic since I started uploading a couple years ago, only like, one friend has ever seen anything else from me so this is a bit of a step. 2: this is nothing put pure, indulgent lesbian bullshit and I'll also note that I have no idea how to write f/f smut, so be gentle with me.
If you're only here for my genshin stuff, have a nice day and we'll be back to regularly scheduled bullshittery shortly. Until then, please enjoy me, self indulging over my pokemon wife.
Elite 4 Rika x Fem!Reader 7.4k words, not proofread, we die like prof. sada
NSFW, honestly it's just a whole lot of fkn smut with some fluff sprinkled in there, praise kink, hair pulling, use of toys, oral, tribbing, koraidon being an unintentional wingman.
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What a day.
Sometimes you wonder how Nemona did it, rushing around doing champion things all the time. Honestly, ever since you’d beat Geeta all those years ago while you were still in school, it felt like every day was ‘go here, check this gym, go there, check that gym.’ And you were getting a little tired of it.
Especially recently, with Nemona currently travelling somewhere in the Kalos region doing Arceus knows what, and Geeta being stuck in paperwork hell with the Academy preparing for their annual treasure hunt, you’d been swamped, needing to go and check every. Single. Gym. to make sure they were all up to par.
(who knows maybe this year a new student would claim the champion title and you could retire? That’d be nice.)
Montenevera was the last stop on your trip, and while the vibe was always lovely in the snowy mountain town…you’d never been particularly fond of the cold… Only made worse by Rhyme and her gang of ghost pokemon sending a particular shiver down your spine that you just couldn’t shake.
Night had fallen by the time you finally walked out the sliding doors of the League building, only to be greeted by your one nemesis. 
Fucking snow.
Here, on the outskirts of Mesagoza.
You wanted to scream, but that wasn’t very becoming of a League champion now was it?
So with a sigh, you reach for a specific pokeball on your hip. The trek home wasn’t far, but in the sleet and cold, you knew it’d be faster if you rode.
Koraidon however, apparently had other ideas. 
The moment his feet touch the cold ground, he yelps and backs right up and into the League building once again.
“Koraidon…c’mon bud, we just need to get home.” you sigh “I know you’re tired too…I promise to make you the best dang sandwich when we get home…yeah?” 
The paradox pokemon simply looks at you with wide, sad eyes and a low chitter before he willingly returns to his ball. 
Great….just great. Not even your most reliable pokemon was willing to brave even more snow, not after today.
“Woah-ho, what’s gotten under his scales?” a familiar voice sounds from behind you, snapping you from your despondent staring at Koraidon’s pokeball. The familiar click of dress boots give her away before Rika steps into view.
How she always managed to look so very casual while pulling off suspenders was beyond you, but every time you were anywhere in the vicinity of the first member of the Elite four, you found your mouth running dry and your mind wandering very far away from here. She tilts her head at you and it takes her waving her hand in front of your eyes to realise you were absolutely staring at her.
Way to go.
“Woah, you alright? You look wiped.” She comments, her brow furrowing as she looks you up and down. 
“A-ah…yeah, sorry…s’been a long few days…” you eventually mumble, turning your gaze to the floor as you clip Koraidon’s ball back to your belt with the others. “Geeta’s had me checking and rechecking all the gyms to make sure they’re ready for the next treasure hunt…we just got back from Montenevera…cold…tired…and now it’s snowing a-and Koraidon is just…too tired to take me home..” 
A slender, comforting hand gently rests between your shoulder blades, rubbing small, soothing circles and it takes everything in you to not crumble apart there, man, how desperate did you have to be to nearly cry at friendly touch? “You live all the way on the other side of town, dontcha?” She asks, her free hand raising to push some of her green hair from her face as the look of worry on her features only seems to grow “Ain’t no way you’re making that walk in this state…”
“I’ll live…” you sigh, hanging your head and readjusting your bag as you lift your head to look at the snow flurry that was definitely only getting heavier.
“Nah, C’mon, you can crash at mine tonight, it’s closer.” Rika chimes, patting you on the back and passing you a wink before she heads out the door. 
You blink, watching her back in silence, there was no way she had just invited you to spend the night, absolutely no way. You needed to go see a doctor and maybe get your hearing checked-
“You comin? Or did Rhyme’s Toxtricity paralyse you up there in Montenevera?” She calls, stopping and looking over her shoulder. There's a…a look in her eyes that you can't quite make out, but it makes your heart jackhammer just that little bit, especially when she turns and offers her hand “C’mon, let's get you home, yeah?”
You swallow the lump in your throat as you blink at her outstretched, gloved hand and then up at her smile.
Arceus, you were weak…how you ever made champion when you can’t even look the first of the Elite four in the eye without feeling your cheeks heat, you’ll never know.
Finally, you reach out and take her hand, not expecting her to tug you into her side, arm draping over your shoulders as she starts walking again, all but pulling you along with her. Her hand gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she shares her body warmth with you on the trek down the mountainside towards the tunnel. For someone so slim, she was…much warmer than you expected, and you find yourself sleepily zoning out, simply focusing on one food in front of the other.
Thankfully, Rika was pretty alright with not needing to make small talk. This wasn’t the first time you had both just…existed in the same space in silence…to be fair the silence on your part before was because you had no idea how to talk to her without muddling your words like a lovestruck idiot, and perhaps that was still the case. Regardless, you play up the ‘tired’ aspect and simply bask in being close.
The unfortunate downside to the tunnel from Mesagoza up to the League headquarters, was the wind. Right now? Frigid and inhospitable, the icy chill stinging at your eyes, at least until your companion comes to your rescue, shifting you behind her taller frame and blocking the wind, hand moving from your shoulder to your hand, giving that same reassuring squeeze as she looks over her shoulder, small smile on her face.
You swear you can feel her thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles as she bends her arm behind her back to keep a secure hold on you.
Rika…she really was something else, something you didn’t deserve.
The moment the tunnel spits you both out into Mesagoza’s side streets, she takes an immediate right. Had you been walking home, you would have had to take a left and trudge all the way to the other side of the city, past the academy and almost to the pokemon centre by the west gate. 
The flurry of snow was only getting worse, you can feel your clothes growing heavy and damp, and the concrete was getting slippery. Thankfully it’s not all that long before she tugs you into an apartment building and into a blessedly warm elevator. Holding you steady as your world begins to spin and blur at the edges. Perhaps you really had pushed it a bit too much today, hitting Cascarrafa, Glaseado and Montenevera in a single day…
“Hey.” Rika murmurs as your head rests against her shoulder “Stay with me, nearly there, kay? We’ll get you inside n’warmed up, yeah?” 
“Mmh…kay..” you manage to mumble back, simply enjoying being held, even if it was light. Her arm wrapped around your torso as you just breath. She smells like Cedarwood…and maybe a hint of Ozone…might have something to do with her Camerupt… but it’s not an unwelcome scent at all. You only get a few moments to enjoy it before the elevator chimes, and you’re gently tugged out into, and down a hallway. Rika’s free hand fishing her keys from her pocket. She has to let you go to get the door open, muttering something about a stuck lock and needing to call maintenance, but with a bodily shove of her shoulder, the lock clicks and the door swings open.
Her apartment is blessedly warm, she must have left the heater on when she left for work this morning, because the warm air nearly takes you out before you even enter the door, needing to lean against the frame with a relieved sigh, knowing that even if you had made it home tonight, your heater had definitely not been on, and hadn't been for several days.
Rika only laughs softly, gently pulling you inside so she could close the door. 
“Here…lets get you to the bathroom and into the shower…you’re absolutely freezing.” She mutters. Half-carrying you down the hall. Her apartment is…honestly what you expected. Neat enough, but not overly tidied. Lived in, comfortable, Inviting. Shades of soft greens and earthy tones scattered everywhere, a few large pokemon beds scattered about for her pokemon to enjoy outside of their balls. The only things really alluding to the fact that Rika was far more well off than most had to be the massive TV mounted to the living room wall, and what looked like one of the newer game consoles…the ones that had been super hard to get because of a manufacturing supply issue…fancy.
You don't quite register that she’s slowly pulling your clothes away from you until she’s already got your beanie, scarf and jacket off, each item thrown into her laundry hamper, at some point she’d also already started the shower for you, the room already beginning to fill with steam. You snap back to reality when theres a gently tug at the hem of your shirt, silently asking for your permission to remove it. 
“O-oh, I uh…s-sorry…” you mumble, raising your arms above your head anyway, cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment as she pulls the item away, the tank top beneath still leaving you modest enough to not die on the spot. “I-I can handle it from here…” 
“You sure?” she murmurs softly “S’no big deal to me.” 
“Y-yeah…I’ll be fine…thanks.” 
You watch as the tiniest hint of…disappointment? Flickers across her features…no, surely you were imagining…but she doesn’t push it any further.
“Alrighty, I’ll go find something you can wear for the night and then throw your clothes in the laundry once you’re in the shower, yeah?”
“Mm…t-thank you Rika…you really…you didn’t have to-” you mumble, unable to meet her gaze, but she just smiles and shrugs, her fingers slowly pushing a stray strand of hair out of your face. 
“And what if I wanted to? You look like you need a break.” She retorts, sliding past you and continuing down the hall before you can reply.
Soon enough, the rest of your clothes join the laundry hamper and you slip into the shower, beneath the scalding spray and you want to cry all over again, your fingers begin to prick with pins and needles as they slowly regain feeling, serves you right for leaving your gloves at home.
A few minutes into your shower, you hear the distinctive, soft thud of cloth hitting the counter. “Here’s some jammies, sorry if they’re a bit big.” Rika chuckles before vanishing back down the hall. You almost don’t want to get out of the hot spray, especially not once you start giving yourself a good scrub down with whatever fancy-branded body wash she kept in here.
At least now you know what to buy that would make you smell like cedarwood…
After you feel the last of the day’s grime finally wash from your body, you shut off the water and poke your head out of the shower. Thankfully Rika had already left a towel waiting atop the clothes she’d sacrificed to you. It’s as you’re drying off that you finally get a good look in the mirror and…wow…
Now you think you understand why she’d been so concerned…you look like you had two black eyes, that's how tired you were…
You find Rika relaxing in the living room watching TV when you finally emerge, changed into a fresh set of long pyjamas and- you can’t even stop the giggle when you notice the clodsire slippers.
“Where on earth did you get those?” you ask, pointing to said slippers, earning a grin and a snicker from their wearer.
“Larry actually.” She chuckles “secret santa a couple years back.” With that, she pats the spot on the couch next to her, and you, now warm and content, plop down beside her without a second thought, leaning against the arm of the couch with a content sigh. “How’re you feelin?” she asks, idly flipping through the channels.
“Mmh…much better…thank you again…I…I don’t think I would have made it home…not in this weather.”
“Oh I coulda told you that, Honey. In fact I’m pretty sure I did.” She snickers, her lips quirking at the side when she notes the way your cheeks flush pink at the pet name. “I’ve ordered some takeout, s’too cold to go out n’ grab food...and I’m usually too beat after work to bother cooking.” 
“Then how the hell do you stay so skinny?” You snicker at her, receiving a wink in response.
“Oh I take my cardio seriously.” is all the response she gives before she finally decides there is nothing decent on regular TV, and switches over to a streaming service, throwing on some random popular movie. 
Once again, you both settle into a comfortable silence, Rika rising from the couch half an hour in to fetch the dinner left at her door before returning, at some point with a blanket in tow. You sit up a little as she places the food on the coffee table and plops down right beside you this time, draping the blanket over both your laps. It’s not until you take the first mouthful of that delightful galarian curry, that you realise just how hungry you are, barely paying attention to the movie as you scarf down your meal, fighting back tears at Rika’s acts of kindness for the third time today, and only seemingly taking a breath once you’ve finished your meal, leaning back into the arm of the couch with a content sigh, only to squeak when Rika finishes her own a few minutes later and bodily leans into your side, head to your chest and arms slowly wrapping around your torso as she pulls her legs up and gets comfortable beside you with a content huff.
Arceus she was just so…so handsome, breathtaking… and she was just…cuddling you like you’d both been doing this kind of thing for years… it was sudden, but it didn’t feel wrong…and slowly, you bring your arm down from where it had been splayed along the back of the couch, to gently card through her hair, pulling some of her bangs from her face and tucking them behind her ear.
“Hmm…you should get some sleep, kiddo…arceus knows you need it.” She hums, glancing up at you from her spot on your chest. You know she’s right, and she doesn’t complain when you shift, even reaching behind her to hand you an extra cushion to tuck behind your head as you lay out along the couch, Rika coming to rest between your legs, head once again leaning onto your chest, her extra warmth and weight just adding another layer of comfort as you both go back to watching the movie.
Now usually, usually you were the kind of person who could drop off watching a movie quite easily. But on very rare occasions, you would find yourself struck with bouts of insomnia, and unfortunately for you, they always seemed to happen after periods of prolonged stress.
Like needing to go and personally make sure every gym was up to standards… 
Before you even knew it, the credits begin to roll, you’re exhausted, but offensively awake, to the point where even Rika is surprised, blinking those beautiful crimson eyes up at you. 
“Can’t sleep?” she asks with a tilt of her head. 
“Sometimes Insomnia is a bitch.” You concede, she makes a noise of understanding. 
“Ah, yeah…I know that feeling…” she admits, staring up at you, to the point you feel your cheeks heating again, and you avert your gaze “but, thankfully, I know the best solution for that.” She adds, shimmying to push herself up on her hands and knees, looming over you, some of her hair, having been free’d of its usual ponytail, cascading over her shoulders to tickle at your face.
“O-oh? And…what might that be?” that look in her eyes is back, the one you couldn’t quite read properly back at HQ, but here, with her inches from your face? It’s loud and clear.
“Do you trust me?” She asks, her lips quirking into a smirk as you shrink beneath her. 
“W-would I have followed you home if I hadn’t?” you manage to squeak back at her, nowhere near as confident and commanding as it had sounded in your head. It’s enough to make her chuckle, and you watch in a daze as she licks her lips, a single hand coming up to softly grip your chin, lifting your face. 
“Hm, touche…” and with that, her lips are on yours, she swallows the squeaking gasp that you let out, taking the opportunity of your mouth being open to send her tongue in to explore. To you it feels like electricity, like you’d just taken a thunderbolt to the senses; She’s soft, gentle, probing, gauging your reactions. Apparently she must have liked what she got, because she deepens the kiss, nipping at your lips as one hand tangles in your hair, rougher. You like this a bit better. 
You’re the one who needs to come up for air first, pulling your face away with a loud, breathless gasp as you try to catch your breath. 
The look you find waiting for you is…predatory, is the only word that comes to mind, and if it wasn’t for the fact she was already between your knees, you’d be squeezing your thighs together so tight, because it’s doing something…funny to your insides.
“Hmm…you ever done anything like…this before?” She asks, voice low and husky and you’re very ready to pass away, but you manage a shake of your head and the grin you get in response? 
It’s like a Mightyena who’s just found it’s lunch. She was going to eat you, and she was going to enjoy every second of it. 
“Well then, we’d best move…couch sex is great n’ all, but I’d rather your first time be somewhere a little more comfortable.” she remarks, pulling away. You whine at the loss of her extra warmth, but that whine quickly turns to a yelp when she takes your arm and drags you up with a strength she hadn’t shown you before. Always full of tricks, Rika was. 
The admittedly short trek down the hall to her room is…hindered. Every few steps you’d find yourself pressed against the wall, Rika towering over you as hands tangle in your hair and lips crash to yours as she steals what little breath you manage to catch before you’re separating, taking a couple more steps and repeating the process. 
Right outside the bedroom door, the slim trainer actually lifts you up the wall a ways, enough so that your legs instinctively wrap around her waist, nothing but her pyjama pants and the thin boxer’s you’d borrowed off her keeping you apart, but already entirely too much clothing in the way. You moan loudly when she rolls her hips into yours, the sensations all new and overwhelming, but you don't think you’ve ever felt this good before in your life.
Her hands find your ass as she pulls back from the wall, holding you to her firmly as you both finally stumble into her room, only given a second to brace before she’s throwing you down into the blankets, and even less time before she’s on you, grinning and hungry as hands fly up your top, pushing it up your chest so she can finally access some skin.
“A-ah! Rika-” her name was lost on her for the time being, far too engrossed in leaving open mouthed kisses along your chest and stomach, mouth latching over one of your nipples while her hand works at the other. Your own hands twisting and clenching at her blanket, your squirming only made worse when she shifts again, her knee pressing between your legs and right against your aching cunt. 
At some point, she manages to wrangle the top off you completely, throwing it to the void so her hands can explore the expanse of your chest properly, she leaves no patch of skin untouched, no freckle or blemish uncharted, and when your whining begins to pitch as the nipple she sucks on becomes too sensitive, she gets go, only to latch to your collar bone instead, hands roaming your body.
You let out an embarrassingly pitiful mewl when her fingers dip beneath the waistband of your borrowed boxers, and you immediately bring a hand up to cover your mouth. Rika, apparently, doesn’t like that. Her hand retreating from its place as she props herself on the other, pulling away entirely, even shifting her knee back, depriving you of that delicious friction. Your hand is tugged away from your mouth and pinned to your side, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
“Don’t.” She scolds quietly “I wanna hear you.”
“Don’t be a brat.” she interjects, eyes flashing dangerously “I know that aint’ you… you wanna be a good girl, yeah?”
Oh no.
That shouldn’t have such an effect on you. 
There’s no hiding it from Rika either. Her smirk widens as she stares smugly down at your trembling frame. 
“Oh? You like that huh? Well then, are you gonna be a good girl and do as I say?” she hums “I’ll make sure you feel real good, yeah?”
“M-mhm…” is all you manage to squeak out, earning a raised eyebrow.
“What was that? Didn’t quite hear you there, princess.” Rika snickers. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and the humiliation burns your ears and makes your insides squirm in a way you didn’t think would feel as good as it did.
“I-I’ll be good…” you whisper, your hands twisting into the sheets as Rika hums, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your burning cheek. 
“That’s a good girl.” she purrs “you just relax n’let me handle things, kay?”
You actually sigh into the kiss when she does finally return to what she was doing, your arms wrapping over her shoulders as she shifts back into place, hands lightly roaming your skin, teasing and testing sensitive spots, occasionally getting a little rougher, just enough to rile you a little more, before settling again. Before she can get back into your pants however, you tug at her shirt, whining into her mouth; thankfully, Rika is smart, she gets your hint and pulls away just long enough to tug her top off.
Her skin is soft, smooth, a few burn scars and claw marks here and there as she settles beside you, one of your thighs caught between her knees as she wraps an arm under your shoulders, pulling you close to her chest as the other hand grazes southward, she doesn't dally once her fingers breech the waistband of your boxers, quickly locating the sticky mess between your thighs with a pleased hum.
“Mmm, look at that…” she hums as a pair of fingers easily delve through your pussy, retracting from your boxers entirely so she can admire the glistening slick dripping from her fingers. “You’re so wet already, honey…” Rika makes sure you watch as she pops those two fingers into her mouth and you squeak, face burning in embarrassment. 
She doesn’t give you much time to react, the moment she pulls those slender fingers from her lips, she shifts, your boxers are wrenched off and you’re left bare before her as she parts your knees to settle on her belly between your thighs, eyes flashing devilishly in the low light, and hot breath ghosting over your most sensitive parts.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to get you into my bed.” She rasps between open-mouthed kisses along your thighs, arms wrapping around to keep yout hips in place as she takes her sweet time. “When was it… mmh, yeah I think it was…two years ago? Koraidon suddenly came out of his ball all sorry lookin’ in the middle of a meeting…”
Oh Arceus, you remember that meeting… Perhaps you’d been a little soft with Koraidon…he’d learnt that if he looked sorry enough, you’d make him a sandwich… but it was getting awfully hard to focus when a warm tongue suddenly licks a flat stripe into your cunt, and lips seal around your clit, shocking you from your thoughts as her strong hands prevent you from accidentally crushing her head with your thighs.
“Without even stopping to think, you got up n’ you got him what he needed.” she whispers into your thigh once she finally pulls away “middle of a meetin… n’ heres our newest champion, making a sandwich for her pokemon.” she chuckles “I dunno…something about how casually you just…did that…I’ve wanted this ever since but Geeta’s always had you running all over the place, pinning you down has always been impossible…least until today.” 
“You’re always doing everything for everyone else… you deserve to relax.” For a brief moment, she flashes you a genuine smile, not a hint of that handsome smirk that you’re so used to; just genuine warmth before she tugs you down by your hips and returns her mouth to you, long strokes of her tongue between your folds that leave any words dead in your throat, and your hands tangling in her hair for any semblance of control. You didn’t want to hurt her, but when she sucks harshly on your clit, you cry out and yank on her hair a little harder than you’d meant to, any apology dying when she groans and shudders, her eyes rolling back for a moment. 
“You’re killin me, kid.” She sighs in the brief moment she brings herself to separate from you “keep doin that and you might end up in trouble.”
It sounds like a threat… but the way she suddenly looks so…debauched, has you tugging at her silky hair again when a pair of fingers slowly begin to prod at your core, spurring her on as you squirm and mewl.
Eventually, you feel something deep in your belly, different from before, something building that has your breath coming harshly as you try to squirm away, stopped by a firm hand pressing just below your navel.
“R-rika-! s-somethings…I-I feel-” you whimper as the pressure builds, you expect her to pull away in concern, but her eyes flash with realisation, and she only seems to double down, her long, slender fingers curling inside of you and brushes against…something. Something that has you nearly scream her name as that pressure snaps and your world turns white, fingers curling harshly into her hair.
Somewhere, through the haze, you feel a weight resting on you, and a hand resting on your cheek, but it takes a little longer for your ears to finally stop ringing and realise Rika was gently calling your name.
“There you are..” She chuckles softly as you finally remember how to uncross your eyes and look at her. “That looked intense…you ok?” 
“Uh…uh-huh…” you respond dumbly, resting your cheek against her hand “what…what was that..?”
Rika’s lips pull into a thin, concerned line as her brows furrow.
“They really didn’t teach sex-ed at the academy, did they?” She asks.
“I-I mean…they did…s’just…basic..” you mumble as you slowly come down from…whatever high that just was.
“Obviously.” she sighs with a shake of her head “Was that seriously your first orgasm?” 
“oh…I uh…yeah…I guess it was.” and the humiliation was back. You knew what an orgasm was in theory…you’d just..never bothered to try it yourself. 
“Well…I suppose I should count myself honoured then.” She snickers, leaning in to kiss at your undoubtedly sweaty forehead. “Couple more of those N’ I think you’ll be sleeping like a Komala.” 
“M-more…?” you whisper, she laughs, catching your wide-eyed expression.
“Oh yeah, that was just foreplay, sweet thing…you did so well.” 
And the praise was back, despite the way your joints feel molten hot, you still manage to squirm beneath her. 
“I- s-should I…um…h-help you now?” your question is barely a whisper, all nerves…you have no idea how she did what she did but it felt…wrong to take and not give. 
But Rika only shakes her head. 
“What’d I say before?” she chides, slowly sitting back on her knees “Your one job tonight is to relax…I’ve got you.” 
“But…what about you-”
“Don’t you worry about me. I’ll get off eventually.” She chuckles, smirking when you sigh and relent. “I want one more outta you before then though.” She mumbles as she shifts out from between your knees, sitting and reaching for her bedside table as you stare at the ceiling, basking in the shaky afterglow. 
“D-did you…mean what you said before?” you mumble more at the ceiling than anything “that you’ve been…waiting for this..?” 
“What reason do I have to lie to you?” She chuckles as she fiddles with…whatever she’s fiddling with. “You earned my respect the day you beat me when you first took on the Elite four, my admiration when you beat Geeta and became a champion…”
“God…those stupid glasses haunt me.” you snicker, remembering rather vividly being sat, alone in a room with Rika when you had first taken on the league, you’d read up plenty on other pokemon leagues in other regions, but never once had any of them had an interview-style exam right at the start.
“Hey, I like my glasses, thank you very much!” Rika snorts as she finally shifts back over, pulling you close with one arm as something…new slides between your legs, a quick glance and- oh.
You never really took Rika for the kind to own toys…but…at the same time, you never really gave it much thought. It’s nothing extreme, but to you, who’s never had anything other than a pair of slender fingers inside you very recently, the silicone toy is still rather intimidating. 
“This ok?” She asks, mouthing at your neck and shoulder “if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”
“I…I do..just..nervous is all.” 
“Mmh, good girl, so trusting…” there she goes again with the pet name that makes you shiver, not helped by the cold press of lubricated silicone against your still-sensitive cunt, gently pressing just that little bit further as Rika mouths your neck, nibbling down on the juncture between throat and shoulder, an adequate distraction as she pulls your leg out of the way with her own and sinks the toy in, slowly, almost tender as she coos comforts, coaxing you to relax, praise falling from her easily. 
“Look at that, you took it so well.” She praises once the toy reaches the hilt “fuck, you’re making me regret not buying a harness… might just have to pick one up so I can fuck you proper, yeah?” 
You can't even bring yourself to respond to her dirty talk, blinking hazily downwards as you gently press a hand just below your belly-button, taking the hint, Rika pulls the toy almost all the way out and then thrusts it back in. The feeling of it inside you, plus being able to feel it beneath your hand makes you moan loud and long, head falling back against the pillows as Rika lets you go, using her now free arm to prop herself up to watch you as she begins rhythmically working the dildo in and out of you, a small shift of her thumb has it brushing against your clit every time she sinks the silicone back into you, only adding to the layers of pleasure as your toes curl and your legs twitch.
“Look at you taking it like you were made for this, good girl.” she purrs, licking at her lips “I really shoulda found another reason to get you alone waaay before now.”
“Ungh…please…p-please…more…” It takes more than you feel like it should to beg, good as it felt, you’re worried that Rika was perhaps treating you just a little too softly. “Rika please…please please pleas-”
“Woah there, settle down baby.” She whispers, kissing at your cheek “Lookit you, telling me what you want like a good girl…who am I to deny the champion?” 
Your attempt at telling her she didn’t need to use your title is quickly drowned out when she sits up, plunging the toy deeper inside of you with this new angle, brushing up against that one spot that had triggered your last orgasm. Her free hand pins your chest down as she smiles down at you, predatory and hungry for your reactions as she ups the pace, occasionally stopping to really grind the toy deep inside of you, right against that sensitive spot that has your voice pitch higher while you grip at Rika’s hand like your life depended on it.
As your next orgasm draws closer, you whimper, tugging at her hand, overstimulated ,overwhelmed, knowing you needed something, but not quite sure what that something was. At least until Rika pulls you to sit up, not even interrupting her pace as she braces you against her chest so you can hide your face away into the crook of her neck. All the while she mutters praise and pet names into your ear. She groans when that knot snaps for the second time tonight and you cry her name into her throat. You don’t pass out like you’re pretty sure you did last time at least, but as the shocks of pleasure begin to fade out, you really do begin to feel the pull of exhaustion behind your eyes as you slump against Rika’s shoulder, whimpering quietly when she slowly pulls the toy from your sensitive core, feeling the way your muscles involuntarily clench around it.
“How was that, baby? You doin alright?” She asks, gently tossing the toy back towards the bedside table as she turns her attention back to you. You were dizzy, dazed, and exhausted, yet through all that one thought still persisted.
She’d been doing all of this for you, and she still had her goddamn pants on.
Her breath hitches when your hand drops to her thighs, pressing beneath the waistband as you try to swallow down your nervousness to return the favour properly, biting your lip as you find the slick, wet mess already waiting for you; in a way, it was comforting to know that she was in fact, turned on by all of this. You’re clumsier than Rika at this, inexperienced and nervous, but you listen as she lets out a shuddering breath, her head leaning against yours for a moment as you slowly gain some confidence. That is until she grabs your wrist, ignoring your whine as she pulls your hand away and lays you back down, taking a moment to kiss any air out of your lungs, trying to calm your fraying nerves at being denied the chance to please her. 
“Hey… It’s ok sweetie.” She murmurs against your lips, uncaring of your wide-eyed pout “One more…”
“Nooo.” you whine, wiggling in her grip “I cant…s’too much Rika…” truly, you didn't think you could take another, no matter how good it felt, the first two had been so intense, but Rika only smiles. 
“I know you can give me one more, sweet girl.” she purrs, watching as you squirm and shake your head like you could actually deny her. “Will you stop being a brat if I told you this one will also get me off?” 
At that, your squirming stops as you blink tiredly up at her, earning a chuckle and a fond shake of her head. 
“Yeah, s’nice n easy on you too…you wanna try?” 
You seriously doubted she could get another out of you, hell, you seriously doubted you could stay awake for much longer, her initial plan definitely working…but if it brought her pleasure too…
“O-ok…I’ll try…”
“That’s my girl.” She whispers softly, pressing just as soft a kiss to your lips “Lay back for me, princess.”
You do just that, shifting a few pillows to get comfortable, if you thought your joints ached before, now you felt like you've made the trip to the three final gyms today on foot…perhaps you should make Koraidon his favourite sandwich as thanks for carrying you around all day.
You feel Rika take hold of one of your legs, lifting it so your knee bends over her shoulder as she settles into place, finally free of her own bottoms as she slots her pelvis against yours. You gasp at the feeling of your cores pressing together. It felt…soft, but almost way more intimate and intense than anything she’d done to you prior…whatever she was doing, definitely wasn’t covered in any sex-ed class you’d taken back in school.
You’re about to ask, when she rolls her hips and oh- 
Perhaps it was your already overstimulated state, or just the position itself, but as she slowly grinds herself against you, the friction leaves you breathless, even more so when you look at Rika’s face. Her brow is furrowed in deep concentration as she bites at her bottom lip, face contorting in pleasure as she groans into your knee, her nails digging into the soft flesh of your thigh as she rolls her hips just a little harder, the pain only adding to the sensation.
“S-shit…” she pants, “fuck you feel so good…good girl..” she moans, head tilting back as she stares up at the ceiling, shuddering when you whimper and lift your hips as she rolls down again, sending another jolt of pleasure through you both. “That’s it princess, j-just like that… you’re gettin real good at this…” 
Her words of pleasured praise do…something else to you, sparking that last bit of energy you had left to life as you continue to try and keep rhythm with her, grinding together slow and deep and watching in awe as the first member of the elite four comes apart in front of you for the first time, her sounds going from quite whispers to long moans and pleasured keens. 
“Rika- R-rika…” you pant “mmf-fuck… can’t believe it’s taken this long..” the words are out of your mouth before you have the forethought to think about them “I’ve had the stupidest crush on you since we first met back when I was taking the gym challenge… you were so- ah! H-handsome and intimidating…I…thought you were a-a man and nearly called you S-sir-”
“FUCK-” her shout actually makes you jolt, and you realise she’s cumming, cunt grinding deliciously into your own as she bites down on your leg, the sudden extra jolt of pleasure-pain sending you over the edge as well with an open-mouthed scream.
Somewhere in the haze before you pass out, you make a mental note to try calling Rika ‘sir’ next time…if there was a next time.
It’s light out when you wake the next morning, blinking sleep from your eyes as you look out the window.
Seems the snow had only picked up during the night, most of which you don't remember after…well, everything. Save for a straw in your mouth, Rika’s gentle voice coaxing a few sips of fluid into you, and a damp cloth wiping you down, hushing your overstimulated whimpers of protest. 
Somehow she’d even managed to get you dressed again without waking you…you must have crashed hard. Yet the thing that sticks out to you is that the bed is severely lacking in another body, Rika nowhere to be found.
At first, a pit of worry sows itself into your gut. Had she gone to sleep on the couch after all that? Had she had second thoughts-
A clatter from down the hall, and her warm laughter however, abate that somewhat.
“You’re such an ungainly thing.” you hear her snicker “Hold on a second it’s nearly done, needy lizard.” 
Koraidon’s telltale ‘i'm hungry and sad, feed me’ whine quickly turns to happy chirping at the promise of food, his head turning to the hallway as you shuffle out of bed, blanket and all to trudge down the hall. happily leaving Rika to her business as he trots over to greet you, shoving his massive snout right into your belly. 
“See? All your complainin’ woke her up!” Rika snorts, resting a hand on her hip. “N’here i was trying to make you breakfast before you woke up…”
Your cheeks heat a little at the sentiment.
“Keyword is try…good luck getting any cooking past Koraidon…” you mumble softly, petting said pokemon’s head feathers down as the other trainer leaves the kitchen, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Well, initially I’d enlisted him to help, but that turned out to be a bust..” She snickers. “G’mornin.”
Rika tilts her head at you with an amused grin “aw, actin all shy after everything that happened last night?” she muses, chuckling when all the response you give is a slightly redder face before you drop your head into Koraidon’s feathers. Her amusement soon melts away as a warm, now intimately familiar hand, comes to rest on your back. 
“Hey…” she sighs “I enjoyed myself last night… I hope you did too…” 
“I-I did… its just…I…” you nibble at your bottom lip, unable to come up with the words to describe how you’re feeling. Giddy and nervous, emotional and excited, all wrapped up into one package.
Thankfully, your companion seems to take it in stride, pressing another kiss to your temple before she returns to the kitchen.
“Oh by the way.” She pipes up after a moment. “Geeta called this morning…snow’s a little too heavy today so HQ’s shut…looks like we have a long weekend.” 
Oh, an extra day off? That's probably the best news you could have gotten today, considering your legs were still shaking like a newborn deerling…
“Nice..” you giggle, slowly shuffling towards the couch, pulling her blanket up over your shoulders as you flop down by the arm and get cozy. 
“Thats what I said.” She snickers, soon joining you with a hot plate of food. If you’d thought the galarian curry last night had been good, this trumped it, your body screaming for food after last night’s exertion. 
“Y’know, if you want…you’re more than welcome to crash here for the weekend…” Rika throws the offer casually as she eats, content smile upon her face as she watches you from the corner of her eye “Snow’s only gotten heavier since yesterday, n’I don't wantcha getting hurt tryina get home..” 
This time, you can hear the intent behind her words, the intent you couldn’t read yesterday as you turn your head towards the window, to the almost whiteout of Masagoza. You contemplate the offer as you polish off your breakfast, placing the plate on the coffee table before you, watching as Koraidon happily trots up to lick the plate clean with a happy chirp.
“Hmmm…well, if you’re happy to have me…who am I to say no…sir.” you know it’s cheeky, you know it’s going to end badly for you, but watching Rika’s face suddenly go from cool, calm and collected, to beet red is totally worth it before she shoves the last mouthful of her own food into her mouth, slamming the plate onto the table before she grabs you by the collar of your shirt and hauls you up. 
You cackle all the way down the hall as she all but drags you back to the bedroom.
You were in for a long weekend indeed.
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phoenixesse · 2 years
!! Spoilers for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet !!
Currently having many Scarlet/Violet thoughts that I may talk about later but there's one that's really sticking out to me right now...
If Arven and AI Sada/Turo had more time to talk, it could've given Arven some closure, but honestly, I think it would've made things worse.
Even though the AI would've had to be completely truthful by saying the professor loved him, they clearly got so lost in their research that they began to simply not care for him. They even lost sight of what was most important, with their goal changing from having a paradise for their family, to trying to bring the paradox pokemon to the future to live in harmony. The idea of a paradise was completely lost too because the ecological state would have been completely ruined by the paradox pokemon. Like, the AI tells you initially that was their intention, and to know about what they originally wanted, you had to read the lab books.
Can you imagine how heartbreaking it would be if Arven had the time to ask the AI questions beforehand, like why they didn't even bother to send a message on his birthdays, or get in contact with him about things he was interested in? (The professors probably knew he liked cooking and such, as they had to come up to give him the box art legendary). Can you imagine how tragic it would be if the AI didn't have an answer, that the professors got so lost in their work that they, and subsequently their memory backed up onto the AI, couldn't remember basic things about Arven, and as such, couldn't give him an answer to those basic questions?
Can you imagine how Arven would feel, knowing that his parent loved him at the bare minimum, but were ultimately too far gone to care for anything else?
Man. The professors fucking sucked, my little 'introspection' or not, no matter what the AI remembered.
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noonblight · 2 years
Spoilers / Major DLC Plot Theory For Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Read at your own risk!
So, I’m still writing my analysis on Turo, but while I was looking back at my note screenshots something kind of struck me.
Throughout SV, we learn about an explorer called Heath who was said to be the leader of the first exploration party that successfully made it to the bottom of Area Zero’s crater. We also know that Heath wrote and illustrated the Scarlet/Violet book, and that the paradox Pokémon depicted in the book were what he saw on his expedition. We confirm for ourselves in-game that these Pokémon exist, and that they indeed do inhabit the Great Crater.
However, if we take what Professor Turo says at face value in Pokémon Violet, this fundamentally ceases to make sense. Turo claims that he brought the paradoxical Pokémon to the present day from the future after being inspired by the Violet book, and that he used a time machine of his own creation to do so. This goes for Pokémon Scarlet too however, as Sada says that she brought forth the paradoxical Pokémon from the ‘distant past’. From far before Heath’s time, we can imagine based on their dex entries and implied age.
So how DID these Pokémon get to the Great Crater when Heath went there? They’re also long gone by the time the present-day professors arrive at the Crater to conduct research.
Turo/Sada has access to a time machine to be able to meet these Pokémon, Heath does not.
Or does he?
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You see, an interesting detail connects both Heath and the two professors. That detail is the mentioning of a ‘disk-like’ Pokémon that is said to be made of hexagons, and the origin of the terrastalisation phenomena.
Heath reports that he met this Pokémon in the depths of the crater, and Turo/Sada has somehow determined that this Pokémon is the source of the Tera phenomenon. I don’t think this is a coincidence in the slightest, and I think I may actually have good evidence to prove my point that this Pokémon IS the time machine that opens gateways to other times using its mirror-like panels.
And that evidence would be here:
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I think that room we visit during endgame isn’t just the time machine, I think it’s the Pokémon itself. Or at least contains a part of the Pokémon. It’s even a similar shape, and glows just like gemstones.
I’ve seen people asking why we haven’t met the legendary Pokémon yet, the source of the Tera gems, and I think quite honestly that we’ll see it soon enough in DLC. I think we may even get to meet Heath, considering that he’s mentioned so extensively that they even provide artwork of his face in the Scarlet/Violet book.
Soon enough, I think we’re going to get to see the source of ALL this mess. The man went into Area Zero looking for a “Treasure” that was fabled to be there, and I think he found something far worse.
It even looks like it’s made of jewels. Its face is seen on the jewel of every Tera crown if you look closely! :D
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sparklyfaerie · 2 years
I think the reason Professor Sada neglecting Arven hits harder than Professor Turo is because mothers are inherently viewed as the caring parent? Like don’t get me wrong, both are equally awful, both failed Arven and left him all alone but for his dog at a very tender age, but society as a whole has come to see the mother as the sort of soft, comfy place for children to land.
A mother who walks out (Violet) or who prioritises her work over her child (Scarlet) is viewed as inherently worse than a father who does the same, because there’s supposed to be a bond between mother and child that is nigh unbreakable. It’s a subversion of the ‘natural order’. The mother who ignores her child is a monster, while the father who ignores his child is ‘busy’.
I played Violet first, but even I default to Sada being the Professor when I brainstorm headcanons or fic ideas because it feels inherently more tragic. Maybe that’s because I was largely raised by a single mother and only got close with my father later in life, but idk. It would probably be different for someone who was raised the other way around?
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paradisegrave · 2 days
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I had to think about WHY Celeste shows enough compassion towards Terapagos, the Loyal Three, and Chien - Pao to either keep them around or release them in the case of the Loyal Three when she decided to trap the Miraidon that killed Professor Turo and nearly killed her and her friends in box hell forever and I feel like it comes down to thisㅤ—ㅤshe doesn't view the Paradox Pokémon as actual Pokémon.
As a former Area Zero Expedition researcher, she's studied just how terrifying these things can be and how easily they can slaughter human beings. Even if something like that can be said about a lot of other Pokémon, she's actually SEEN them kill. It doesn't help that the research team also came to the conclusion that many of the Paradox Pokemon were originally built to be weapons like Iron Treads and Iron Crown, could have been extraterrestrial spies like Iron Moth ( though she doesn't think that theory is likelyㅤ—ㅤshe hopes ), or worse yet, possess a frightening malice towards humans like Iron Jugulis and Iron Valiant. She honestly wishes she could get rid of every single one of them and make sure that terrifying future never arrives but she knows that's impossible due to the sheer amount that escaped. The only exception to this is her own Miraidon for obvious reasons.
Meanwhile, even though Terapagos DID try to kill Kieran, it was just a scared Pokémon. Even if the Loyal Three DID kill Ogerpon's friend, they were under the control of Pecharunt. And even if the Ruinous Quartet nearly felled an entire kingdom, they're also just Pokemon ( even though she knows it was a grave mistake to free Chien - Pao and knows better to NOT free the rest of them ).
I also feel like her attitude would be slightly more sympathetic towards the Paradox Pokémon if she were a Pokemon Scarlet protagonist under Professor Sada and she was dealing with the PAST Paradoxes that aren't machines. But that's not the timeline she wound up in.
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While I am deeply mired in my Pokeverse again, I have been attempting to refine some Zoe lore, particularly in regards to her parents.
Zoe has a bad relationship with her parents. She, if asked, would also not describe it as bad - she would say she gets along with her parents "eh, fine" with a shrug and then immediately change the subject because she does not in fact get along fine with them, but she grades on a curve since she battled Ghetsis at the Plasma Castle.
Zoe's parents are both boring, generally inoffensive, conservative (in a non-political context) people. I think one of them never went on a Pokemon journey of their own, while the other was probably only very briefly a trainer and quit at the first real obstacle. I will probably pin the exact details down later if/when I name them. Also they probably met at business school, because of course they did. They live in Castelia City - Zoe grew up there - and are somewhat wealthy.
One of the first points of contention is that neither of them really understand why Zoe has an interest in Pokemon - and worse, neither of them really care to. Zoe's Purrloin, PB, was a gift from them years before she left on her journey, but there was always this sort of...undercurrent, or expectation, that this would be a phase that Zoe would move on. Like, that she would outgrow this living creature she was responsible for! I think they both see an interest in Pokemon, and becoming a Pokemon trainer, as something inherently childish, since in a lot of regions, including Unova, it's usually teens and younger who go out, catch some Pokemon, see the world. If they were in a world without Pokemon I think they would hold disdain for anyone who has ever taken an interest in sports. I do not think they have hobbies.
So they indulge Zoe by getting her a Purrloin, and then when she and Toshiro (her one single friend, his family runs in the same social circle as Zoe's) get starter Pokemon from Professor Juniper, they kind of roll their eyes and say, well, once she's experienced how it really is, she'll get over it and decide to do something worthwhile, like going to business school or whatever. But there just...never comes that point, Zoe never gives up on being a Pokemon trainer. She collects all of the gym badges in Unova, and then she decides to start traveling the world instead, and then she takes a job working for a Pokemon professor in another region - at least that's like, sort of something they consider respectable.
Side note: Zoe does not tell them about her involvement with Team Plasma and I'm not sure she ever will. She grew up being rebuffed when she tried to talk about her interests, and learned from that to simply not tell them anything, at all, about anything. She doesn't really even want them to know anything about her at this point - her life is hers, not theirs. They don't get to know. They lost that right. She's got a legendary Pokemon in her pocket and doesn't tell them.
And all of this...never really resolves. Between Black and Black 2, Zoe traveled the world for a year, then stayed in Kalos, worked with Professor Sycamore, and studied history on the side. Then Sycamore recommended her as "hired muscle" for Sada and Clavell's Area Zero expedition, and then Zoe went back to Unova because the climactic plot of Black 2 happened while she was in Area Zero. And then after that, she went back to Kalos. And then she goes to Galar at some point, and of course, eventually ends up in Paldea.
She's studying history, she's having Pokemon battles, she's getting to see the world - she's happy, but nothing she does is anything that her parents would consider a measure of success. They don't understand why she likes delving into ruins or reading about kings from thousands of years ago - side note, while Zoe had some interest in history before encountering Zekrom and Reshiram, it was them, and their connection to Unova's old kings, that really sparked her interest. She wants to know more about them to understand the situation she's found herself in, and then she wants to learn more about other kings and legendary Pokemon to tie that back to Unova, and then back to herself. So for the regions she spends a lot of time traveling to - Kalos has the old war, the ultimate weapon, King AZ; Galar has the Darkest Day, the two hero-kings that turn out to be Zacian and Zamazenta; Paldea had the king tied to the Treasures of Ruin and then other various emperors who were so obsessed with the Great Crater that they let the empire crumble because they put every resource into failed expeditions.
So ultimately, the litmus they use to measure success accounts for nothing that Zoe is doing, and so they always end up at "when are you going to get a real job?". When is she going to stop being childish, set her Pokemon aside, get a real job that is boring and unfulfilling, marry someone she only half-likes, and then have one kid that she can resent when they don't live their life the way she wants.
(Because even when she has a kid, she's adopting a random six-year-old she found in the woods, together with a guy that her parents have never met before - because there is no way that Zoe has let N into their proximity, Toshiro is probably the only one of her friends who has ever met her parents and that's because they were friends when they were younger and their parents knew each other - who she probably isn't married to. Like they might get married for tax/immigration/adoption purposes, but there was no wedding. There were no invites sent. And Zoe's parents are big on appearances and doing things The Proper Way, whatever that is, and none of this mess is proper. Like they would stop short of saying that an adopted child is not your real child, but they'd still find something to criticize in the whole thing.)
Whenever Zoe comes back to Unova, even if she's staying for a while, she simply stays elsewhere. Like with Alder, or the Junipers, or Cheren, or Toshiro or Bianca or... She loves Unova, Unova is her home; she loves Castelia City and it is her home, but that is, frankly, despite her parents.
The parental figures that Zoe actually cares about what they think of her are more like, both Professors Juniper, Alder, and Sycamore. Scarlett probably knows some of them better than she knows her grandparents.
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arvensimp · 1 year
Spoilers for John Mulaney's new special
When John was in rehab he had to message Arven like "hey I'm getting sober, and I can't keep buying from you."
And before he can block him, arven texts back
"hey I'm so proud of you. You know I only ever bought drugs to sell to you so you wouldn't get worse stuff off the street."
"I just bought drugs so you would have someone safe to get them from..."
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ritornello · 2 years
Sleeping Dead thoughts (lots of spoilers)
I’m expecting the books to arrive on Monday but I decided to buy the digital copy of volume 2, which came out yesterday on Renta!. I have to say I prefer Honto’s reading app to Renta!’s web reader but Honto probably isn’t getting it until the end of October.
The extra at the end of volume 2 is really cute. Mamiya wakes up in Hell, but he’s not sure if he actually died or is just having a dream. Sada appears dressed up as an angel, but he’s a Buddhist so the outfit doesn’t make sense. Mamiya says that if it’s a dream he imagined Sada to look like that, so I guess he thinks of Sada like a guardian angel. It definitely helped take off the edge from how ridiculously bleak the last chapter is.
When I read the final chapter for the first time I assumed that Mamiya killed himself. It was intentionally left kind of vague, but with the experiment failing and Sada re-dying it seemed like he completely lost the will to live, especially after cremating Sada’s corpse. I think by doing the latter he initially planned to follow Sada’s advice to destroy everything and leave, but living without Sada was impossible for him.
Since it was also never revealed who it was that rang the doorbell, I guess we’ll never know if Mamiya committed suicide or was put back in a psych facility by his family. Even he wasn’t sure what happened before the extra, except for the fact that Sada was gone for real, and that being alive would be worse than being dead. The last ten pages of the manga and the callback to volume 1 (when Mamiya was watching Sada play with Monkichi in the garden) was amazing. Mamiya missed Sada so much.
I liked that Mamiya’s final actions were hypocritical to his and Sada’s discussion about loneliness, when he said that he could live “alone” because living in a society and immersing yourself in work doesn’t completely isolate a person. In the end he couldn’t keep to his own word or Sada’s hopes for him to move on.
Speaking of vagueness, there was never a full reveal of what Mamiya looked like without his clothes on. Sada was so great with understanding Mamiya had dealt with a lot of trauma and just goes along with what he requests when it comes to their physical relationship. I loved when Sada did a total 180 about refusing to killing Buta-san after he saw the burn mark and scars on Mamiya. It must have been aggravating for Mamiya to have to hear Sada’s talk about helping him after the incident in highschool, since Sada never knew the extent of what happened, but he still wanted to be a nice guy and look out for Mamiya. And as it turns out, Sada is really trying to be a nice person. During the first half of the series Mamiya took care of Sada’s needs, but as the story progresses their relationship reverses and Sada has to look out for Mamiya’s well-being, even forcing him to eat, bathe and sleep once things really go downhill.
In the end Sada never reciprocated Mamiya’s feelings, so their relationship felt one-sided with a lot of codependency. But I think Sada was genuinely happy when he reacted to Mamiya’s confession of his feelings. Sada said that he preferred being a friend with benefits because it was easier to be a friend than a lover. When Mamiya said he wished Sada liked him the same way, and that Sada could always be with him, that was Sada’s first time being with someone that was a lover. Mamiya also benefitted from this because he got to experience having non-predatory intimacy. So even though there was a lot of incompatibility each one got something out of being together.
My only complaints are saved for a couple redraws for the new release. There’s one page depicting Mamiya at his worst, and in the new version sensei completely omitted one of the arms/temples of his glasses. At first I was thinking “ah cool they’re broken, she made him even more of a mess for the book”….and on the next page the glasses are fine. It really distracts from how emotional the scene is supposed to be. This had to have been one of, if not the worst page in the manga to have an error on. There’s also a chapter cover that looked like a scrapbook polaroid with handwriting on it (something like 2 days 1 night vacation with Mamiya) but the text was removed in the book, so it’s kind of plain in comparison.
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Overall I loved reading this manga and it’s definitely become my fave of Asada Nemui’s works. Her character writing is so good that she can use some cliches but make them perfectly fit into the story, like Sada and Mamiya being highschool classmates. My favorite scene in the entire manga was when Mamiya’s sitting in his van and trying to recite what he would say if he ever met Sada again. Even though Sada wasn’t Mamiya’s friend in school that one page reveals so much about how Mamiya felt about him, and in the following scene Sada’s story and everything that happens in the first chapter begins. Everything tied together so well! 💝
I rarely ever write this much about manga, so I hope whoever finds this series enjoys the ride as much as I did 🥹.
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sadaolim · 10 months
A harmless invitation : ) ft. @picavecalyx (x)
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Poor little bird, all alone in faraway lands... Forced into this cage of flesh and humanity, a state worse than death if one would ask the esteemed professor. (So lost in her convictions, she would insist she knows better, no, the best.) A call to a faraway land, a plan set in motion, unsuspecting the little bird.
(It was for her own good. Sada would not let her end up like herself. Human. Ugly. An evil existence where there was no release from.)
Hadn't it be enough the bird wandered aimlessly, all alone, when the answer was right there... Oh, Silva... Why waste your time? Why appear human, and seek other humans who had proven their hubris time and time again? It wouldn't... take too long to fix her. To free her. Sada had been working day and night, her new obsession, her gift to Silva she loved and wished the best for. (Still... She was conflicted too. You could NOT test her theories on test subjects when the case was too specific... Not bad by itself, challenge was nice but... An issue, still...)
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"Well... It is not time-sensitive, per se, but I would like you to be here soon. As quickly as you can manage, is what I am thinking..."
Always so cheerful, this little bundle of joy trapped within that cage. Sada didn't want her to be hurt further by those circumstances, hunted by others while she was still like this.
"My work is never done, Silva. But, give it a few days and I will get it perfect, as humanly as possible... Such is the setbacks of this existence, come to think of it. Shame..."
(At the mention of trouble, she lost her composure, even if for a few seconds.)
"I will be the judge of that. You know no one else can get here. You will always be safe with me, and even beyond me..."
After all, Silva's existence would be forever... Wasn't that delightful?
"Stay safe. I will be waiting..."
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teraprofs · 1 year
Mr. AI, robot Turo (what do you like to be called?), can you elaborate further on the professor's biology? Will their mutation get... worse? Is there any chance they can get to normal? Can we... help?
Ah, of course. Any name would be enough; call me whatever you like. T1 is my designation. Let me share with you some medical scans taken from the professors. But keep in mind these findings might not be for the faint of heart.
[Content warning: body horror]
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First, their skulls. Here you can see Turo's skull from under the crystal dome on the left. Sada's fractured skull on the right. Most of her skull is not intact, and her jaw and left side were completely lost prior to her transformation. Here you can see their unique growth patterns. Sada's growth patterns show how the crystals grow inwards in her head, unlike the rest of her body. Turo's grow outwards here and has caused significant breakage to his skull. Disturbingly, grey matter continues to grow, even outside the bounds of his skull.
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And here are the professor's hearts. Again, Turo is to the left, and Sada to the right. Here we see more disturbing parts of the crystal infection. Turo has lost significant muscle mass across his body. His heart is no exception. The tera clinging to his muscle seems to be draining it of nutrients. Breaking down fiber for more grey matter. Sada's gone quite the opposite. These crystals, too, dig deep into muscle but instead simulate growth. In fact, to facilitate the development of the heart, the crystal's points gouge holes into the chest cavity, expanding it.
As far as their mutation. It will continue, and while I hope this is only a painful transitionary phase, I cannot say the outcome will be anything more pleasant. Attempts to de-terastralize will lead to almost certain death by the simultaneous failure of multiple vital organs.
But... these questions seem to be having an effect on Turo. His mental state is very fragile. As risky as it is, he requires simulation. Thank you for taking the time to converse with him and me.
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Scarvi characters and their dream date but it gets worse as it goes
Clavell: Standard dinner then maybe a stroll around the park
Larry: Talking over coffee is fine
Jacq: Lunch then an evening movie
Nemona: Non stop pokemon battles
Arven: Subway, but he works there, and you work there, and you are both making sandwiches for other people, and his dog is there, and he won't stop traumadumping about his dead mom/dad
Raifort: Archeological dig
Penny: Hacking into the government database ✨️together✨️
Grusha: Scaling the tallest mountain in the world just to snowboard down it
Miriam: Medical malpractice
Sada and Turo: Showing you the time machine and takes you on an adventure and it goes as well as one would expect (horrible, Arnold Perlstein was right)
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selfboredom · 2 years
summary :⠀When Arven went to Lab Zero, he expected to be tearing his mother apart for everything she put him through. For abandoning him. Only to find yet another that was left behind in the wake of her mistakes. But some small part of him held out hope. Hope that together they could fix things, and not let anything else be ruined by her.
ao3 link :⠀link
content warnings :⠀parental neglect
fandom :⠀pokemon⠀( scarlet version )
word count :⠀2775
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        Nemona and Penny ran off after the other lab zero escapees, leaving Arven and Florian to deal with the remaining horde of ancient Amoongus. They dispatched a good few, but the hoard seemed to have barely thinned.
        “I can take care of these. You go deal with your mom, Arven.” Florian stated, already mid-battle once again.
        “But you’re a better-“ Arven said, trying to protest but getting cut off.
        “You’re as capable as me. You deserve some closure after all the stuff that she's pulled.” Florian said, looking over to Arven. “Just go and deal with her. And take Koraidon with you, he needs some closure too.” He said, shoving Koraidons pokeball into the older teen's hand.
Arven didn’t bother trying to debate further. Florian seemed dead set on him dealing with the professor. He sighed and sprinted into the massive crystallised building. The air felt tense as he stood in the massive dim tunnel. He clenched Koraidons pokeball as he walked through.
He crept towards the gaping hole in the tunnel, revealing an even worse damaged lab on the other side. He stood at the entrance for a long moment, thinking of what he was going to say.
She neglected him… Abandoned him… Yet he still couldn’t bear the thought of seeing her again.
Of hearing all the excuses, all the lies she would tell him. How she had no choice, and how important her research was.
How she still loved him.
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, which he quickly blinked away as he came back to reality. He took in a deep breath, taking his first steps into the lab. The interior was long abandoned. A thick layer of dust covered almost every surface. Various equipment was rusted and broken. Illegible notes and debris littered the floor. And in the centre of it, sat Sada.
She was inhumanly slouched over in an office chair, in a position akin to a corpse. Arven carefully crept closer to the unconscious woman, reaching a hand out toward her.
He recoiled hearing the robotic voice. His eyes widened as he watched Sada shoot awake. Her movements were janky and unnatural as if she was being yanked around by an amateur puppeteer. Her eyes had an unnatural glow like a flashlight was placed behind them.
        “Ah, I’m glad you made it down here safely.” She said, her voice sounding completely flat. It seemed like Sada’s voice, but there wasn’t any trace of vocal inflection. It was inhuman, but human at the same time.
        “What… What the hell is up with you, mom.” Arven questioned, refusing to break eye contact. Sada went quiet, contemplating her words for a moment before she responded.
        “I forgot you wouldn’t be aware. I’m an AI with the real professor's memories embedded into my programming. This is the physical shell I host when need be, hence the more… Awkward… Movement.” She explained.
        “You’re… You’re a robot?” He stammered, confusion lacing his voice. “Then where's the actual person Sada?” He asked soon after.
        “Where… Where’s my actual mom?” He repeated, his voice beginning to crack slightly.
More silence…
        “Where is she! Where is my actual mom!” He snapped, his voice breaking more severely, pure panic setting into him.
“Arven… I’m afraid, your mother… Isn’t here anymore.” She began.
“The true professor passed during the incident that destroyed the fourth research lab. She was trying to protect one of her pokemon and… Sustained fatal injuries in the process.” Sada explained solemnly.
Arvens chest constricted tightly. He couldn’t breathe. It… It couldn’t be true… He refused to accept it. But everything pointed to the robot telling the truth…
The emails stopped…
Florian had only ever received phone calls from her…
They had only ever seen her via video call…
Before he could process it, his vision began to blur. Inky blackness entered his peripheral vision. His breathing quickened, soon turning to full-on hyperventilation. The AI professor was trying to say something, but Arven could only hear a sharp buzzing in his ears.
He clenched fistfuls of his hair, trying to ground himself. To tell himself this was some fucked up prank. That she couldn’t be dead. She would have told him if she could make a damn robot of herself…
She couldn’t be dead…
She couldn’t be dead…
Arvens legs began to give out from under him. He quickly sat on the close by pile of debris, continuing to try and calm himself down.
Sada couldn’t do anything but watch on, racking her memory data for some way to comfort the grieving boy. But… She couldn’t find anything. It was almost exclusively the professor's research.
She had basic data on who he was. As well as other important relations to the professor, such as the academy director. But there was next to nothing in her about how to interact with them. Was the professor that narrow-minded?
Sada sat next to Arven, turning to the internet for some guidance. She repositioned herself to be in front of him, taking his hand. She began reciting breathing exercises she had found, trying to calm down the teen. It took a couple of minutes, but eventually, he was a bit more grounded.
        “Can you hear me properly?” She whispered, staying in her crouched position. Arven gave a small nod in response.
He began to squeeze Sada’s hand, still non-verbal. They continued like this for another few minutes, waiting for Arven to be ready to talk.
        “I know this is difficult to process, Arven. I couldn’t possibly know what you must be feeling. Your mother never intended for things to end up like this, though. I’m sure if she could go back to that day… She would still be here for you.” She whispered. Arven’s grip tightened dramatically.
        “You don’t have any memories of raising me, do you?” He asked bluntly, not bothering to face her, keeping up his bone-breaking grip.
        “Unfortunately not. But based on the data I have available about parental rela-“ She began, quickly cut off.
        “Mom wasn’t an average parent. She wasn’t even below average. That woman neglected me for years just to focus more on her damn research. The only living being I had any relationship with was my Mabosstiff.” He cut in, rage evident in his voice. Though it was only subtle.
        “I had to raise myself the moment she could reliably leave me alone and not have the place burn to the ground. Then I started attending Naranja. The most I would hear from her after that was an email maybe once a month.” He continued, anger building in his voice. His knuckles lost all colour as his grip became painful even for the AI.
        “Then even that stopped. And all this time I just thought she finally gave up the ghost and stopped even pretendingto care. But no! She ran off and got herself killed all in the name of protecting her fucking research!” He screamed,
        “She went through all the effort of making an AI version of herself. She made a fucking replica of herself with her memories and everything. And she couldn’t even be fucking bothered to program you to send me a ‘hey your mom died’ message?” He yelled, snapping his head towards the robot.
Tears filled the teen's eyes again, threatening to spill out as he vented his rage towards his mother. Sada knew that trying to talk had no chance of deescalating the situation. The AI couldn’t form a response…
Arven eventually let go of her hand, calming himself down at least slightly. He rubbed his eyes with his sleeve before speaking again.
        “What do you want anyway? I know you wouldn’t get us down here just for fun.” He asked, his usual composure returning.
        “I am indeed in need of your help. I will explain as we go to see it.” Sada said quietly, getting up and helping Arven up from his position. The pair entered the large elevator, going down to the lower level of the lab.
        “As you are quite clearly aware, your mother dedicated her life to her research. Before she passed, she managed to build an operational time machine. Her dream was for ancient pokemon to co-exist in the modern world with the native pokemon of Paldea.” She explained, receiving a nod in response.
        “But she was extremely thoughtless in this ambition. Natural ecosystems are incredibly delicate. It can be disastrous if they’re tampered with, especially in introducing new non-native species into it. Such as said ancient pokemon.” She continued, turning to fully face Arven. “If her plan… Her dream… Were to be realised it would cause catastrophic damage to Paldea. Potentially irreparable, in the worst case scenario.”
  ��     “They’re all down here, and the general public can’t come here.” Arven said, looking confusedly at Sada, “Why are you bringing this stuff up?”
        “Well, while the ancient pokemon are indeed contained in the walled garden of Area Zero, that wall is beginning to break down. You would have seen it yourself — the titan Great Tusk. It escaped from here. And a sign of what's to come if we continue this way.” She explained.
        “So… I need you to help me destroy that dream… And the professor's life’s work, Arven.” She finished, looking him dead in the eye.
        “Wait, why can’t you do this yourself? You would know how to shut it down.” Arven asked, “She doesn’t care about the consequences, I know. But she had to have programmed you with an emergency shutdown procedure.”
        “That’s the issue. I am unable to perform it myself.” She said dully.
        “I was programmed with the singular purpose of keeping the time machine operational. Shutting it down directly is a violation of my programming.” She explained, “But, you have the key to stopping it. Your mother's copy of the Scarlet Book.”
        “So I just use the book to shut the time machine down?” He asked,
        “It will… Likely not be that simple, unfortunately.” She said.
        “When you initiate the shutdown… My actions will be out of my control. I’ve been programmed to be a literal battling machine, unable to stop until the threat to her work is eliminated.” She said, a slight frown forming on her lips.
The elevator came to a halt, opening to reveal a massive room. The walls were lined with crystals, like a tera den. All perfectly symmetrical. It was lit with sterile white lights, causing the crystalline walls to shine like a massive geode. The floor was made of an almost obsidian-like black mineral, helping to keep the brightness of the room in check.
In the centre of it stood a lone pedestal, a gargantuan structure hanging over the top of it. The time machine. It consumed the entire ceiling, like a massive parasite looming over them. It was almost like a massive camera shutter.
The pair approached the pedestal, coming to a stop in front of it. There was a slot in the front, the perfect size for the book. Arven grabbed it from his backpack, holding it in his hands for a moment. He knew this had to be done. He couldn’t let his mom ruin anything else.
        “I believe you can do this, Arven. When you’re prepared, insert the Scarlet Book into the pedestal.” Sada said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
        “I’ll never forgive her for what she did… But maybe when this is over… I’ll find a way for you to come out of Lab Zero. You seem different… Better, than her.” He said, looking up at the AI professor. He looked back towards the pedestal and placed the book inside.
        “…I can’t blame you for my mom's neglect.” He whispered, taking a step back from the pedestal, anticipating what was about to happen.
An artificial voice boomed through the room. It caused Arven to jolt slightly, looking around for the source of it. Nothing seemed to be visibly changing until the voice started up again.
The crystals lining the walls began shifting hue. Becoming a golden colour as Sada positioned herself in front of the pedestal. He could barely see it on her face, but it was evident that she was sorry.
“It is up to you now, Arven.” She whispered, the vast room echoing her voice just enough for him to hear her.
Massive obsidian pillars erupted from the floor beneath her. Effectively sending herself and the pedestal far out of reach. Arvens hand hovered over his pokeballs as he stared up at Sada, preparing for what was next.
        “Please… Defeat me. Put an end to this… I believe in you.” She begged. The machine above her began spinning, sparks flying out the sides. Massive amounts of energy gathered inside of it before exploding out. The shutter-like machine bloomed outwards, exposing its core. It was like a small supernova, loose energy flying out around it.
From that core came a lone masterball, landing directly in Sada’s hand.
        “At… At last…” She whispered, her voice breaking down as she spoke. “At last my dream is within reach…” She said, followed by the echoing click of her masterball. She spun around to face Arven, her eyes glowing a brilliant electric blue. Her scleras completely blacked out.
        “And you’re not getting in the way!” She shouted down to him, approaching the very edge of the platform. Her voice was becoming… disturbingly realistic. Heavy white noise underlined it… but it sounded ever more like the real professor. Arven shook his head, poising himself for battle.
Sada lowered her hand, letting the pokeball casually fall to the lower platform. A massive ancient Volcarona exploded out of the pokeball. Its wings stood taller than its actual body. Arven quickly sent out Scovillain, beginning their battle.
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        The feathered ancient Salamence let out a cry as it finally fell, summoned back to its pokeball. Arven let out a relieved breath as he withdrew Mabosstiff back into its ball. Almost his entire team was wiped out, but he managed to beat the AI eventually.
        “I-Impossible…” Sada whispered, beginning to break down completely. Her body convulsed, loos sparks flying off of her before collapsing onto her knees. The walls became pitch black as the pillars collapsed, returning the room to its original state.
Sada stayed crouched, unable to stop the convulsions as Arven tentatively approached her. She seemed normal again. Her eyes weren’t glowing anymore, at least.
        “Are you alright? This… This isn’t normal… Is it?” Arven questioned, genuine concern in his voice.
        “Th-Thank you… For… everything… Arven.” She whispered,
        “The time machine… Has finally… She… Has finally… Been stopped.” She stuttered out, hugging him close. Arven froze, unsure of what to do… He’d… Forgotten, what this felt like…
What it was like having his mother hug him…
Comfort him…
Tears began welling in his eyes as hugged her back tightly.
        “You’ve grown up so much… I… Am so p-proud of you…” She whispered, the convulsions becoming worse. “I… Am so… sorry… you were alone for s-so… Long… Arven.”
        “You… You didn’t deserve this… You never could have deserved this…” She continued. The convulsions were worsening, but she gripped him tighter.
        “I know you can… Never… Forgive her… But I hope you can forgive me some day… For never telling you”
        “No… No, that’s not your fault… She programmed you that way… I can’t possibly hold that against you.” Arven said as she slowly let him go, the convulsions worsening.
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raredrop · 2 years
i want to express my thoughts on the professor(s)
gonna split this into two (or three bc i do wanna talk about the ai) chunks bc they remind me of two other characters from previous games
first half: the villain’s motive
every pokemon villain (or the closest thing they might have to one considering a lot of them arent....evil per say) has a motive, a reason, a plot, a plan, whatever potato patato 
the professor wanted to bring prehistoric (sada) or futuristic (turo) pokemon to live side the present pokemon with the time machine they worked on with the AI professor but that would prove to completely ruin the ecosystem and who knows what else if they had gotten out (and like one DID get out already, donphan)
the professor hand waves it off as part of nature, and for this i wanna say the professor kinda....in a way reminds me of colress from bw2 in that his whole thing was that it was less he was evil and more that he was just doing things bc it allowed him to do science (not to mention he got to more or less repent for this)
does this make them evil for it? mmmmmmmmmmm???? i wouldnt put him on the same level as most of the other ones (like giovanni or ghetsis, or even the gen 3 team even if in oras they wised up at the end)
i need like a scale of morally grey-ness to see where that goes bc....
there’s the whole PPP that protects the time machine, i mean why go through such measures to set up something that would attack people (i get it was probably bc of everything that happened leading to the professors death) but come on man....
AND the second chunk: arven.
arven arven arven, much like lillie, n, silver, and others before him....arven was neglected by his parent (considering either his mom or dad depending on what version ur playing, walked right on out....which is currently speculated to be the other professor...specially since he looks like both of them) and had to raise himself
hes traumatized for years, he has a jealousy and hatred for the box legendary (until you help him warm up to it) his only close friend is his pokemon who got hurt in the very place his parent is stuck in
and on top of that he doesn’t even get proper closure with his “remaining” parent bc they died (turo means future and sada means past which means THEYRE NOT PRESENT AAAAAAAAA)
but there is the AI.......
my final section: the AI professor
i do wish we had gotten to hear more about the AI, if pokemon did more flashbacks, or maybe a journal from their POV (since theres journals on the way down from the og professor)
It’s very interesting how despite they are more or less a perfect recreation of the professor....they developed on their own after the fact to want to go against the professor’s dream, that it no longer wanted to do what it was even built to do
and while the ai professor does say that the original professor did care about arven....its hard for me to really accept that....but i do think if the ai was allowed to be free maybe they could have cared for him on their own
(which is a whole nother can of worms to think about)
so do i think the professor is evil, i dunno, do i think their neglectful of things outside of their research and dreams and UH ALSO THEIR SON? very much yes
do i think the professor is well written for the role theyre supposed to fill??? i also dont really know? i think the overall story is one of the best but we dont get a lot of time with the professor (both human and ai) until the very end
and my like ideal of a well written pokemon villain (at least in the main games i dont even wanna talk about pmd whogh) is ghetsis....holy heck i still think hes like the worst guy ever (specially since after gen 6 villains got more not completely evil, and even then i think lys was pretty weak. but even then i think some are just written worse than others even if they arent fully evil COUGH ROSE COUGH)
so i dunno, if theres dlc and we learn anything more maybe i’ll have more thoughts, maybe they wont even cover anything else about the professor...maybe i’ll have to wait for something like animation or something to have more info (assuming they dont do to him whatever the heck they did to lusamine in the anime....i didnt even watch the anime and from what i know it was....weird)
and as a final note i hope this doesnt sound like im excusing the professor for what they did, no matter how evil their plan was i dont think it excuses the FACT THEYRE A PIECE OF TRASH PARENT AND ARVEN I AM YOUR PARENTS NOW
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Welcome to Self Indulgence
Asks Are: OPEN
General Gist of my AU
Instead of being killed by the other ‘raidon, something happened where Sada and Turo suddenly grew gigantic. Maybe it was the passive ‘raidon’s effort to save them, or something went wrong with the aggressive ‘raidon’s effort to kill them.
Well, they survive the attack at first and go back to their lab, where they pass out. But the next day, they wake up suspiciously healed… and their AI double who seemed to shrink in size. But in reality, they got bigger.
The lab miraculously grew to their size too, but now they can’t leave the lab or Area Zero all. Even if they could, their now gigantic size would probably cause a mass panic among the people of Paldea.
Even worse, while they were being attacked; they had the epiphany that there was no way their dream could work, and they only harmed Arven in the end. Now they can’t get to him at all, even though they’re alive in this AU.
The AIs still exist, and they’re the ones doing video calls with Clavell and the player. However, the real professors are the ones that are voice chatting with the MC. There are some subtle differences in their speech (the real professors speak softer, use more contractions, etc. while the AIs speak at a normal volume and are more stiff).
Eventually, the gang does get to Area Zero… and Arven is in for a shock when he sees his parents in their gigantic state, so big to the point where Arven himself is not even the size of their thumb.
Rules below the cut
1. This is not a kink blog in any way. It’s strictly SFW. If you like giants in a kink way, then this blog isn’t for you. I just like giants because I just think they’re neat :3.
2. Keep things relatively SFW please. I’m ok with pick-up lines for the professors though.
3. Obligatory no mean asks.
4. I write only. I don’t do art as of now. Maybe I will one day. Idk. (Drawing people is a nightmare).
5. You can send asks to both the AIs and the Professors. The AIs are normal sized, though.
6. Funky gets bonked by default
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