#or someone getting obsessed with why their friend/family member came back Like That
severeweatheralert · 5 months
Say people do regain their memories after they come back from the Borderlands, whether entirely or in flashes - what does that do to a person? Your heart stops. You beat the odds, and somehow you survive, albeit bruised and bloody and scarred. And then the memories come back, and you realise - you went somewhere. You did unspeakable things. Unspeakable things were done to you. And sure, you chose to go back, but didn't you leave part of yourself behind? Didn't it change you, irrevocably? Do you believe it happened at all? Maybe it's just hallucinations. Something your brain came up with to make sense of it all, the terror of near-death, that confrontation with your own mortality. But no matter how much you try to convince yourself that's the case - you can't be sure. It feels so real. So you seek out others. It's the age of the internet; somewhere there's a Discord server, or a subreddit, or some obscure messageboard, where people are whispering. Saying, it happened to me too. Saying, I was a teenager, I almost drowned, and now I dream of drowning other people. Saying, I'm trying to forget it. Saying, my family doesn't recognize me anymore. Saying, I came back but the others didn't, and everyone thinks I'm mourning them, but I know I'm the one who killed them.
And there's other people, who never went to the Borderlands, who are listening. Reading along, and sure, most of them will think it's all a lie or an RPG or a setup for a Nosleep story, but some of them get fascinated. Start to believe. Start to wonder.
What would it be like to go there? Can you send people there on purpose? What would it feel like, that kind of power? How long until someone acts on their obsession?
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jamiewintons · 5 months
I haven’t been able to get this ask out of my head, and I’m kind of obsessed with the whole idea, so I decided to write a little bit for it! I’m terrible with writing multi-chapter fics, so I’ll probably just keep writing snippets and one shots from this universe. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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You were just about to escape down into the manhole when you heard someone behind you say your name. Fear spread throughout your whole body, freezing you in place. Damn it! You’d been caught, and that meant that the entire plan was probably ruined. Why had you not run faster?
A hand grabbed onto your shoulder, and you felt yourself being spun around. Your eyes widened when you saw who had caught you - it wasn’t a police officer as you had expected, but rather Mr. Fickelgruber. You felt relieved for a moment, but your heart rate quickly spiked again. Oh, this was even worse than being caught by the police! Not only was Fickelgruber a member of the Chocolate Cartel - and therefore an enemy - but you’d noticed the way he looked at you… not like he wanted to destroy you, but almost like he wanted something else. Something sinister.
“There you are, my dear,” Fickelgruber said with a sly smile. He withdrew his hand from your shoulder, studying your facial expression. “No need to look so anxious, darling. I am not going to harm you.”
“M-Mr. Fickelgruber… what are you doing here?” you asked, your voice annoyingly shaky. You wanted to sound tougher than that, but you couldn’t pretend you weren’t terrified, regardless of his assurances that he wouldn’t hurt you.
“I came to talk to you,” he told you, stepping a little closer to you. You were forced to step back, leaving you pressed up against the hard, brick wal of the alleyway. “About that debt of yours. You owe quite a large sum to Mrs. Scrubbit, don’t you? Such a large sum that I’m sure you’ll never be able to find the money to pay her what she is due.”
Of course you knew that. You didn’t need to be reminded. You’d been in the service of Mrs. Scrubbit since you were a young girl - even younger than Noodle was now. When you were born, your family was quite well off. You were loved, cared for, you always had food to eat and a nice bed to sleep in. But then one day, you were told that your parents had died. No one ever told you exactly what had happened to them, just that they were gone and they were never coming back. You were supposed to go into the care of some relatives, who would also take care of your inheritance until you came of age… but rather than care for you, they stole your inheritance and dumped you with Mrs. Scrubbit, who you were told was your ‘new guardian’. You were forced to sign a contract… and then put to work in the laundry. You’d long given up hope of ever escaping.
You were silent for a long moment, before the quiet was broken by Mr. Fickelgruber’s voice once again. “Oh, have I struck a nerve, my dear? I do apologise. I didn’t mean to upset you, I simply wanted to ensure that we were on the same page.” You weren’t sure whether you believed him when he said that he didn’t intend to hurt your feelings.
“What about my debt?” you asked, averting your eyes from his face. The way he stared at you was making you nervous. “I already know I’m going to spend the rest of my life in that laundry. I gave up believing I’d find a way out years ago.”
Fickelgruber tutted. “Oh, but what if I told you there was a way for you to get out? And not just you, but all of your friends as well.” Your gaze met his again, and your eyes went wide. “I see that I’ve caught your attention now,” he said with a smirk, sounding utterly pleased with himself.
“Really? All of us could get out?” For the first time in a long time, you felt hope for the future. It was a strange sensation that you almost didn’t recognise, and for a moment, it was as if all of your troubles had melted away. But a great deal of your hope was replaced with dread when you heard Fickelgruber speak again.
“On one condition.” Ah, you should have known. There was no way he was going to offer you a way out without expecting anything in return. He was a businessman after all, and that meant he would want to make a deal.
“I don’t have anything you would want.” You felt your heart drop. Salvation had been so close, only to be ripped away from you mere moments later.
“On the contrary, my dear. You have something that I would like very much.” Fickelgruber’s hand came up to gently brush against your cheek, and your breath hitched in your throat. Where was he going with this? "You see, I have found myself feeling rather… lonely, as of late. But I’m sure you understand that a man in my position cannot look just anywhere for companionship.
You didn’t know what to say. You’d had absolutely no idea what Fickelgruber was going to say, and never would you have guessed he was going to seriously suggest you marry him in exchange for your freedom and that of your friends. Momentarily speechless, you stared at Fickelgruber blankly, like you were waiting for him to laugh or tell you he was joking. But he simply stared back, and after about a minute, it finally sunk in that he was serious.
"W-what?" you stammered, completely lost for words.
"You heard me, darling," Fickelgruber said with a smirk, not seeming at all deterred by your baffled reaction. "I want you to be my wife. All of your debts will be payed, and you will live in luxury for the rest of your days. Doesn’t that sound nice?" His hand cupped your cheek, keeping you from looking away from him. Your face grew warm, and you felt a little bit light headed.
"Why would you want to marry me? I’m no one special, I just work in a laundry…"
"Oh, but we both know that isn’t who you always were, don’t we?” Your eyes widened in shock. How could he possibly know…? "I know where you came from, dear. The poor little orphan girl, losing her parents, and then having her inheritance ripped from her by her cruel family. You aren’t like your friends. You’re special. You deserve better than to be slaving away in some filthy laundry. You deserve to wear fine clothes, eat good food…" Fickelgruber’s voice trailed off, but he continued to stare right into your eyes. "You deserve to be cared for, and I can give you that."
What were you to do? You hated working for Mrs. Scrubbit. You were always tired and sore, and dirty… the promise of nice food and new clothes, not to mention a warm bath and a comfortable bed to sleep in… well, it was tempting. When you were a little girl, before you’d given up hope of escaping, you always dreamed of a handsome prince swooping in to save you - just like in the stories your parents read to you before they passed. Mr. Fickelgruber wasn’t exactly a prince - though you had to admit he was handsome - but he was offering you a way out. And not just for you, but for your friends as well…
“So if I say yes, all of the others will be free. You promise?” you asked cautiously, your eyes trained on his face - not that he was giving you much choice to do otherwise - trying to determine whether he was telling you the truth or not.
“Of course, my dear. Simply say the word, and I will send the money straight to Mrs. Scrubbit.” Though you couldn’t be completely sure, it seemed to you that Fickelgruber was telling the truth. Did he really care for you that much that he would pay such exorbitant fees, just to take you as his wife? The thought of someone desiring you so much… it made your stomach flutter. He truly was offering you a good deal…
"Yes, Mr. Fickelgruber. I… I will marry you."
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working-dreamer · 1 year
The Person Within: An Analysis Of Professor Layton's Hidden Character Development
Spoilers for practically all of the Layton games!
Hershel Layton as a character is sometimes criticized outside of the fandom for having no personality other than his gentlemanly nature and taking the concept of enjoying puzzles to the extreme.
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While I think this criticism shows a blatant misunderstanding to his character, I do think from a different angle that perspective makes Professor Layton more interesting.
Think about it. Most of his personality is taken from the tragedy of those around him. Randall was the one who was originally obsessed with archaeology and puzzles. Claire was the one who originally perceived Hershel as a gentleman (thus giving him the idea.) We don’t really see Layton take these aspects of his personality onto himself until tragedy strikes and these people are taken away from his life.
In the case of Randall's death, Hershel blamed himself for surviving and moved out of town because of his self-loathing and guilt. And when Claire disappeared Layton paused his studies for an unknown amount of time trying to find out what happened until he was beaten into a coma by a group of people associated with her death.
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And yet instead of grieving like you’d normally expect from a person who lost his best friend and girlfriend, he internalized their interests and aspects of their personalities into himself. He wears their passions and dreams as his own to remember them. In a way, he’s always reminding himself that he couldn’t save them.
However one might wonder how Layton really feels about those things outside of his previous losses. Does Layton even enjoy archeology and puzzles? Or is it something he has grown to accept in his life simply because he is living out Randall’s dream? Does he feel like he has a choice in the matter?
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I can easily imagine Layton having doubts deep within himself: Randall didn’t get to live and it’s my fault. His dreams should live on. I don’t deserve anything else.
Same with Claire. She saw him as a gentleman but he certainly didn’t feel like one after her disappearance if his memory of events is to be taken seriously. How long did it take for him to turn into the perfect gentleman? Especially if it's just a painful reminder of her loss?
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It’s probably after waking up from his coma that he starts to really embrace the idea that he has to be the perfect gentleman because he knows he can never get her back. So all he can do is embrace what she thought of him before she died. So with all of this in mind is Layton’s gentlemanly persona genuine to who he is as a person? Or is it just a persona created in order to keep her memory alive?
Layton has kept the shadows of his lost loved ones close to his heart for years and probably would have always done so had he never gotten any closure. However, when Randall turned out to be alive Layton now has the opportunity to let go of that guilt. Claire came back in the future momentarily and Layton got to say goodbye. He no longer needs to keep their personal traits as his own.
So why does he still embody Randall's passion for archeology and puzzles and Claire's perspective that he's the perfect gentleman?
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I think it's because Layton doesn't know who he is without these borrowed parts of his personality. Without those aspects that he adopted into himself… who is Hershel Layton? Deep down he is someone who has silently mourned his loved ones and repressed those emotions. And yet most of his life has been embodying said grief. It makes me wonder if Layton would ever look deep within himself and realize that he doesn’t have anything to claim as his own. His entire personality revolves around past guilt and trauma from people he loved and lost.
Shoot even his name isn’t his own! Hershel Layton was actually the name belonging to his brother and in a moment of sacrifice switched names so our Layton could be adopted. So our Layton loses the only family member he has left without even knowing who that is for the majority of his life!
So we have a man who feels guilt and remorse for the deaths of his best friend and his girlfriend so he doesn’t allow himself to develop his own interests and personality because he doesn’t feel like he deserves to be his own person. It's even implied that he believed for a time that he didn't deserve to be the one who survived the events that killed his best friend and girlfriend. And then adding to the fact that he never knew his real family so he most likely felt a different kind of loss by not knowing where he came from. All and all we find a man that feels alone and tries to make it right by embodying the traits of those he cared about.
We don’t get to see Layton develop his thoughts on all of this but we do see an interesting development later on. I’d like to think that Layton slowly began to heal after his adventures thanks to adopting Katrielle in the anime.
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This is because, for the first time in Layton’s life, he had a family to look after. Someone who doesn't need a mystery-solving archeologist or a perfect gentleman detective. Someone who doesn't need the grand "Professor Layton." This little girl just needs someone to be her father and, while he tries his best, he doesn't really know how to do that.
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Sure he had a familial relationship with Luke and Flora, but he never called himself their father. I don’t think he allowed himself that privilege because of all the self-loathing he had been dealing with before. When he adopts Kat it feels like it’s the first time we see Layton truly allowing himself to be a father figure. And yet he is still uncertain about if he should be the one in this role.
Layton feels like his adopted daughter should know where she came from (something he didn’t get to have) before he can start thinking of himself as a father. He’s scared that if he gets attached then it'll hurt worse when she eventually returns to her own family should she decide that is her wish. But if he finds her family first then he doesn’t have the go through that heartache. He wants to find them first so she can make an informed decision.
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And he says this with the logic that he always had as “Professor Layton” with that calm and collected smile. Notice that he says "I want to solve this puzzle so that we can become a true family." He doesn't say "so that we will become a true family." It’s almost as if he is going to let Kat decide if she wants to stay with him or go back to her real parents and that choice will be up to her. However, it's somewhat implied that he already thinks that she would naturally choose her real parents if she had the opportunity.
Despite his wishes to be her father, he still seems to be internally preparing himself to say goodbye (hence why he disappeared for so long in the first place.) He just doesn’t want to get too close to another person only to lose them and suffer alone again.
It makes sense why he is distancing himself, but he’ll still solve the mystery. It's what “Professor Layton” would do and he’ll have to accept whatever happens once Kat learns the truth. He doubts that she would still see him as her dad if she could be with her real parents. He doesn't even know himself outside of the role of "Professor Layton" so how can he be a true father to her? She'll go away with her real family eventually anyway. Why would anyone choose him?
And yet when he sees her again Layton is surprised when she immediately cries out for him. She still calls him papa. She wants him to be her papa.
In a public display of overwhelming emotion, we see Layton openly weep for the first time. He is so overcome by these emotions and for once doesn't repress them. He's just so happy to see his daughter again (to truly call Kat his daughter again) and allows himself to fully express those feelings for perhaps the first time in decades.
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If Layton from the original game trilogy saw himself like this he would have been mortified by this “un-gentlemanly” behavior. His mindset back then was that a gentleman never cries because he has trouble coming to terms with his emotions. He even chastised Luke in Unwound Future because “a gentleman never makes a scene in public.”
However, he was never a gentleman for himself. It was always for holding onto the guilt of losing his loved ones while trying to honor their memories at the same time. But he doesn’t have to hold himself to those impossible standards anymore. He no longer blames himself for their deaths, he found closure, and now he has found himself in a family who chooses to love him not because of those attributes “Professor Layton” embodied, but because she loves him for the person hidden under that persona. And that is enough for Layton to openly weep as he embraces his child.
I believe Kat's words here helped Layton more than she'll ever know.
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So who is Hershel Layton if he’s not a gentleman or a fan of archeology?
The solution to that puzzle is really quite simple.
He is a caring person. And that’s all he ever needs to be.
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ogfangirl · 1 year
authors note: this is my first piece of writing for Daniel Ricciardo and for F1. I’ve been obsessed with Danny lately and it randomly came to me late last night so bare with me 🥹 with Danny coming back this weekend it brought a lot of emotions happy ! I just want him racing so bad. This is fluffy and cute, and exactly how I imagine he’d be as a dad 🫶🏼
Pairing: Dad!Daniel Ricciardo x Wife!reader
Instagram AU & behind the scenes of the post
Summary: Daniel has been quite busy in 2023, but not behind the wheel of an F1 car.
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Liked by f1, landonorris, redbullracing and 1,991,562 others
danielricciardo I’ve been kept pretty busy these last three months 💙 @.yourinstagram
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yourinstagram we love you papa 🧸💙
- liked by danielricciardo
redbullracing a future Red Bull world champ 🏆
- liked by danielricciardo and yourinstagram
dannyshoney OMG THIS IS AMAZING!
landonorris can’t wait to meet the little man
- liked by danielricciardo and yourinstagram
maxverstappen1 my nephew !
- liked by danielricciardo and yourinstagram
Daniel Ricciardo broke the internet.
Let’s recap:
Almost a year ago, you found out you were expecting your first child with your husband, Daniel. You were thrilled, and you knew you had to come up with a way to surprise him. You got a onesie with his logo on it, a card with the words "and soon there will be 3" as a reference to your growing family AND his racing number 3, as well as the three pregnancy tests you took, and you placed them into a little gift box. On a boat day out in Monaco, you handed him the gift box, but not before you took your phone out and pressed record. He was confused as to why you were recording him, but he opened the box anyway. His face was priceless. He was ecstatic. It was a dream come true.
Since this was your first pregnancy, you wanted to keep it a secret for as long as possible. You felt as though it was more special that way. His life was already so public, and yours was too as a result of being his wife. The two of you agreed to keep your pregnancy between your closest friends and family. But it didn’t take long before Daniel came home looking all guilty, and when you asked him what happened, he told you that everyone at the paddock knew he was going to be a dad. When you asked him how they knew, he sheepishly reminded you of his excitement and that you know how much he likes to talk. You forgave him, of course, because the paddock was like his second home. That was his family, too.
 You didn’t get mad or upset. You knew your husband. Daniel is known to ramble, and he just couldn’t contain himself, but who could blame him? It was an exciting chapter in his life. one that came at a rough time, when he didn’t know what his future in Formula One would look like. Obviously, McLaren wasn't working out, and he didn’t know where else he would end up. But what mattered to him most was that his baby was coming.
 It didn’t take long to find out the gender. He paid for the early test. He was too anxious to wait. The gender reveal was an intimate get-together with only a few family members and friends. As soon as the black balloon exploded and the blue confetti hit the floor, Daniel picked you up and spun you around in joy. "We’re having a boy!" He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. His very own baby boy He already had a little boy in his life, his nephew, whom he watched grow up, and he couldn’t imagine loving someone more than he loves him. But he was excited to experience this new space of love, one he could only share with a son. He also fell even deeper in love with you after seeing you grow a life inside your body.
 Keeping your pregnancy a secret in the beginning was a breeze. At first, there were no signs of a bump; you could get away with wearing any outfit. The second trimester came around, and you had to pull out all the flowy dresses and tops. Daniel watched you in awe as you performed daily tasks, but with a growing belly. He noticed your glow becoming brighter and brighter every day. He loved parading down the paddock with you while everyone congratulated you on the baby.
Throughout the season, you traveled to as many races as possible while you could still hide the bump, but it soon became too difficult. Especially since Daniel was the star of Drive to survive, and there was always a camera in his face. He had asked the producers to try and keep you out of the footage, but it was hard considering he wouldn’t leave your side unless he was in the car. The more your belly grew, the fewer races you attended. Ultimately, with your energy levels plummeting and your bump being extremely noticeable, you decided that it was finally time to stay home. Daniel missed having you at races, and you definitely felt weird having to watch them from home after being used to the hustle and bustle for years.
 Daniel became less and less excited for race weekends as the season went on. One because, frankly, his car sucked, and two because you weren’t there with him. His favorite activity soon became taking the long haul flights back home, because he knew you’d be there waiting for him. Every time he’d arrive home, it was like his world was complete again. You’d be there waiting for him with a smile and your big ol’ growing belly. He didn’t know how to describe how intense his love and admiration for you had gotten. But he sure knew how to show it. Daniel showered you in hugs, kisses, massages, flowers, chocolate, gifts, love, but most importantly, reassurance. The pregnancy itself was fairly easy, but the part you were scared of the most was how his busy lifestyle would impact how much time he’d spend with you and the baby. So he did exactly what he knew you wanted but didn’t have the heart to ask for.
With the 2022 F1 season coming to an end, Daniel decided that it was the perfect opportunity to take time away from the sport so that he could spend time with his wife and his son, who could arrive at any time. He agreed to become a third driver for Red Bull, counting on the fact that they wouldn’t need him for a few weeks. He never gave the media much of an explanation as to why he decided to take a third driver position; all he said was that he needed time to himself. Some fans understood, and some didn’t, but it didn’t matter. He knew he had made the right decision.
 His little boy, Luca Gabriel Ricciardo, was born on January 5, 2023. The day both your lives changed, but for the better.
 You love watching him be a dad. He did it so effortlessly. He was eager to do night feeds and didn’t even mind staying up with the baby at night. He loved doing skin-to-skin, and was a pro at diaper changes. He wanted to be all hands on deck. The two of you would take long walks on the farm with Luca, and occasionally you would have picnics in the garden. That was what he cherished the most. When it was just you three. The family he built with the woman he loves
 The months flew by, and next thing he knew, the Australian Grand Prix was coming up. He couldn’t hide anymore. His life was perfect, but he knew he had to go back to work. That’s his home race, and there isn’t an Australian Grand Prix without F1’s favorite Aussie.
 Race week was the first time since Luca was born that Daniel spent time away from home. It felt weird for both you and him. In the 8 days that he was gone, there were approximately 52 FaceTime calls, 37 phone calls, and 12 pictures of Luca sent to him. He missed his son, and even though he was away, he still wanted to be a full participant in his soon-to-be 3-month-old's daily activities, which didn’t include much but eating, sleeping, and pooping, but you appreciated it.
 Word travels fast in F1, and everyone was excited for Daniel’s return. As predicted, Daniel was asked a million times what he did to keep busy during the past three months. He would chuckle to himself and keep giving vague answers like, "I was working on myself."
 But enough was enough.
 With the Australian Grand Prix behind us, on Monday afternoon he arrived at home and immediately made his way towards you and his baby boy. After planting a kiss on your lips and one on his baby’s head, he looked down at you with a smile. You looked at him, almost afraid of what his mind had come up with. "How do you feel about finally presenting Luca to the world?" He asked. It caught you off guard, but you’d be lying if you said you haven’t thought about it.
 "I think I’m ready if you are," you smiled back.
 And that was all he needed to hear. He was finally going to show the world his biggest accomplishment: his family.
 Daniel had taken a photo of you with Luca while you guys took a trip to the beach when he was about two months old. He loved the photo, and immediately knew that it was the photo he was going to use to announce his boy. Daniel had the post saved in his drafts for about two weeks. He was waiting for the perfect time, but after getting back to work, he knew that there was no better time. Everyone still had lots of questions, and he knew that the answers he gave didn’t actually give them any insight into what his days off looked like. But he could paint a perfect picture with one post. So on Monday, April 3, 2023, he introduced the world to his boy.
 It didn’t take long before his comment section became flooded with support, surprised comments and overall excitement. Both of your phones began blowing up, and you two couldn’t contain your smile. You opened Twitter and saw people were already talking about it all over your timeline. Your family and friends left cute comments on his post, and you took the time to reply and like all of their comments. It meant a lot for the both of you that you had such a strong support system behind your family. Your boy was so loved, and he didn’t even know it yet.
Following Daniel’s Instagram post, you decided to share an announcement of your own.
@.yourinstagram posted on their story
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Yandere Port Mafia Osamu Dazai Alphabet
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Author's Note: I decided since I'm writing for BSD I'll do a yandere alphabet for all the characters I'm writing for. Feel free to send request in like one shots and stuff, but please check in my Masterlist what BSD characters I write for. Even if I haven't done an Alphabet for them yet I'll still do your request once it's done or until I can't wait any longer. In Dazai's case I'm doing him in his time in the Port Mafia and then him at ADA.
Warnings: Violence, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse Implies, Rape Implied, Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Murder Mentioned, Torture, Being Stabbed, Possessiveness, Suicide Mentioned, Clinginess, Lonliness, Sadism, Dehumanization, Kidnapping, Branding, and Just Pure Roxicity.
Links: {Masterlist} {Alphabet Used}
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
We all know Dazai. I can see him being as clingy as ever even while he was still in the Port Mafia.
I can see his reasons on being so affectionate is him being lonely and losing you, and his possessive nature.
He loves to have you sit on his lap while he gives his subordinates orders. And he'll also sit on you lap and not let you go, if you try he'll whine your name and make you feel bad.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
PM! Dazai most likely got carried away when it came to killing people. Remember that gun scene when he first met Chuuya, yeah.
I can see him doing the same thing to people who try to take you away from him or people for even talk to you. Everyone in the PM knows not to mess with you unless they want to face Dazai's wrath.
I don't know why but PM! Dazai would probably take a photo of his killings and show them to you, escpicially if it was a family member or a friend of yours. One of things he loves most about you is your tears and terrified expression.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He'd tease you about easy it was. How weak you were compared to him.
He'll try to make you comfortable and he'd want all you attention. He's like a puppy.
He'll never let you be alone in the first stage of your abduction. If you try he'll pin you against the wall and whisper in your ear why you hated him so much, when he knows exactly why.
Your anger, your fear and your despair all put a smile on his face. What can he say? He's a sadist after all.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
There's a lot of things he'll do against your will. PM Dazai is a lot more heartless, forceful and cold compared to ADA Dazai.
He'll chose what clothes you wear, he'll force to sleep in the same bed as him and if you really were misbehaving he'll have you execute a traitor.
He'll have you kill people and he'll just stand there with a blank face. When you finally snap and have a break down he'll be there hugging you, saying that you belonged to him. You are his dog and you obeyed him, which made you a good girl/boy. He'll reward you with various things because there are times where you tears don't make him happy, sometimes they make him upset, and he hates it.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Dazai is rarely vulnerable with anybody. He won't ever show his heart or true intentions to you. But he won't say it, but you're is only weakness. Yes he may hurt you but if anyone dared to touch you they'll suffer and slow and painful death. Those deaths are ones he'll never show you, because you may figure out you're his weakness.
If you actually wanted him to be vulnerable to you you'll have to be completely in love with him, probably just as obsessed with him as he is with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He likes feisty, strong and independent darlings. He doesn't want a weak darling, someone who can't even defend themselves. Or a submissive darling who does what he wants without a fight. He'll see you as boring and will probably fall out of love with you and have you killed.
When you punched him in the face he was a little caught off guard. When he felt blood come from his nose he'd smile and call you a bad girl/boy.
He'll pin you down and the more you fight him the more he realizes how much he truly loves you. And boy will he have fun with you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Watching you try to escape makes him laugh. You really think you'll escape the Port Mafia, and more importantly him? The moments you open the door he'll be standing there and a grin on his face. He put a gun to your head and tell you to turn around and go to your room.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
There's a lot of things that Dazai has done to you that can go in this one, but the by far worse one of when you made him genuinely mad.
It was probably a very stressful day and Dazai just wanted your affection and attention. But when he saw you laughing and talking to Chuuya he felt rage fill up inside him. But it was fine. He wouldn't let his other dog ruin his day. Dazai would grab your shoulder and tell Chuuya to go be useful for once in his life. They'd argue for a bit before Dazai drags you away.
But the moment you got to his room you were distant, and you looked disgusted.
"What's the matter, Belladonna?"
"Don't call me that."
Dazai would sigh before sitting in front of you. He asked you what made you so upset and you just snapped.
"I fucking hate you. I mean it this time. You murdered your own subordinates just because they looked at me. What the fuck is wrong with you?! You don't love me. You're just obsessed with the fact of having me. You treat me as your fucking dog! And... I'm sick of it. You've hurt me so many times... I can't even leave... After everything you've done, everything you made me do... You deserve to have that emptiness in your heart and be lonely until you fucking die a slow and painful death. I won't be your savior..."
You stood up and kicked Dazai aside. He sat the there quietly, not even moving as he looked at the ground. When you tried to open the door it was locked, from the outside. You heard Dazai's chuckle, before it turned into insane manic laughter. Dazai stood up and walked towards you, taking out his gun as you backed up.
"Savior... When did I ever say you were my savior?" Dazai asked, putting the gun your head and held his hand around your throat.
You stared at him with rage. All fear you had towards Dazai was gone, the only thing you felt was rage.
"You're what dog is to it's master. A dear comfort. And just like a dog, I can put down..."
Dazai stopped, before pulling out his knife and stabbing it into your stomach. Right before you can scream in agony he covered your mouth and looked you in the eye with his dead eyes and his emotionless smile.
"Just like that..."
Dazai would let you go as you fell to the floor. Tears rolling down your face as Dazai stared at you. He threw his gun into the closet and kneeling down so the two of you were at eye level.
"You're not gonna die... But,"
He pulled the knife out, you screamed pain as he smirked. He grabbed your wrist and pulled them above your hand, before he stabbed the knife into your hands in order to keep them in place.
"You're gonna learn your place.."
Your screams of agony and pleasure echoed through the halls of the Port Mafia that night.
The next day though, he felt so much guilt when he woke up and remembered what he had done. He would never, ever forgive himself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He barely sees a future for himself. Maybe the two of you doing a double suicide together. Or maybe even him running the Port Mafia with you by his side. He'll see where the two of you will end up.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Dazai claims he'll never get jealous by some dog or a Port Mafia member, but he's lying.
He gets jealous extremely easily. If you really want to calm him down kiss him and hug him, telling him to calm down and that no one will take you away.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
It depends on his mood and your behavior.
If you're well behaved he'll be spoiling you by buying you all kinds of things. He'll blow his entire paycheck on you just to see you smile. He'll be very affectionate and tease you and act so childish. It would be like a normal relationship if he didn't do all those awful things to you.
If you're misbehaving though, he'll isolate you from everyone. You'll be chained to his bed and all you could do is stare at the ceiling or sleep.
He would definitely brand you, so expect a lot of hickeys and cuts during this time.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He'll go about it the same why he does with everyone else. He'll call you a beauty, flirt with you, ask you out on dates. He won't even act or show any yandere tendencies until you move in with him and start dating.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. It's canon Dazai is kinda two faced, he puts on a mask pretty much. Dazai isn't just a monster under that mask, he's too complex to just be simplified as just a monster.
In front of people he'll still be possessive but only to the point of it looking like he's just worried about you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Port Mafia Dazai is much more willing to hurt you than ADA Dazai.
It really depends on his mood and what you did. Hell, you could've done nothing wrong and he'll make up some bullshit just to punish you.
If you tried to escape he'll torture you before leaving you there in isolation for a week.
If you talked to someone else when he wasn't around that he didn't trust or like (Chuuya), he'll fuck you the entire night just to claim you. When they see your bruises and bite marks and hickeys they'll know your his.
If you insulted him he'd slap you across the face and tell you to watch your mouth if you didn't want him to stitch it closed. It's an empty threat, he wants to hear your voice and your screams some more.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The more you misbehave the more rights you'll lose. You better pick this up quickly because even is you behave, the chances of you getting them back are extremely low.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Dazai is pretty patient, even if he may come off as a brat. But his patience won't last forever. PM Dazai is less patient than ADA Dazai and sooner or later he won't wait for his darling to love him back. Even though it'll hurt him dearly knowing his Darling doesn't love him, but at least they're with him, right?
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die his entire world will fall apart. Why did he have to lose one of the few things that made him happy. He'll become a lot more cold an sadistic. He'd visit your grave often, even after he left th PM.
If you successfully escaped he'd be extremely impressed. It won't be hard for him to find you. When he does he'll tell you how impressed he was, but that it was time to come home.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Dazai isn't delusional. Yes he may seem like it but he isn't. He knows exactly what he's doing is wrong, but he doesn't care. There are times though when he feels guilty. When you're quiet and not fighting him. Letting him do what he wants to you makes him feel awful.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Most likely the lonely and emptiness he feels. He wants a reason to live, something that'll make his life a little bit better, a little bit brighter.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Your screaming and crying can either make Dazai extremely happy since he's a sadist, or extremely upset because it reminds him of how much he's really hurting you.
Dazai craves your love and affection, when you try and isolate yourself from him he's already tackling you and holding you close to while hides in your shirt.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
His intelligence, his skill, his strategies, his sadism. All those hit different.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
There's nothing you can exploit about him without him knowing, so give up.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, but sometimes he'll regret it and try to earn your forgiveness.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He'll worship the ground hou walk on. He'll do almost anything to gain your love!
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He'll wait until he knows the time is just right, and that's when he'll strike.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
It's very likely, and the guilt he'll feel is impossible to put into words. He'll do anything to fix you, and I mean anything.
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alphajocklover · 23 days
What about a G2S story about greasers? There's so few of those.
Imagine: A very lonely gay guy meets a rockabilly, greaser gang. They take him under their wing, which gay guy appreciates because of his loneliness. But slowly they start changing him, making him just like them.
In the end the lonely gay guy becomes a James Dean, Danny Zuco-wannabe with the gang becoming his new found family.
A lot of people think that Alphas and Betas are a relatively new thing. It makes sense to assume so in a way. Alphas as we know them are pretty new, but that’s only because Alpha culture has changed over time, just like ours. There were Alphas in the old west, in the ancient world, and even going back to the beginning of civilization as we know it. Recently I discovered an old book where someone had written down a number of stories about Alphas from the past. I guess I’m not the first person to document their behavior. One story in particular stuck with me though, so I’ve transcribed it here. Hope you enjoy.
Caleb Sparrow was a complete and utter nerd. An unhip clyde with a reputation for being a bit of a spaz. The kind of goof all the cool cats completely ignored. He was only really good at one thing: not standing out. A part of him hated that he was the way he was, that he was a loser with no friends. But a part of him was grateful. For a secretly queer man living in 1955, he was actually pretty lucky. No one bullied him (mainly because no one noticed him), his secret desires hadn’t been found out, and he had a good future ahead of him. He knew that eventually he’d land a steady job, find a swell gal who he could get along with well enough to marry, and live the traditional life his parents had always wanted of him. A part of him was grateful. But a part of him still hated it all. Hated how lonely he was, how he’d never find someone he’d really love, how his entire life was always going to be a lie. But he was resigned to it. Until… he met an Alpha named Biff.
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Biff was everything Caleb wasn’t. He was the hippest greaser in town, with a handsome face, manly muscles, a souped up rag top and a gang of fellow greasers to hang with. Biff had it all. Sure all the squares all said he was bad news, but he didn’t care. He had it made in the shade. He had a different betty with him every night. That’s what made it so weird to everyone when Biff suddenly started being so friendly with Caleb. Caleb didn’t know what to make of it at first, and was pretty sure he was going to end up getting beat, but Biff was… well he was dreamy, so Caleb let himself believe that he really wanted to be his friend. He had no idea that Biff was just looking for a new Beta. Turning Caleb into the perfect Beta took less time than you’d expect. Caleb integrated into the gang with surprising ease, all of the other members treating him like they had been friends for life, and as he began to grow closer to the group and Biff, he began to change.
At first it was a slight change in style and lingo, trying to keep up with his new crew. Then he shot up several inches and began to pack on muscle, which the 19 year old brushed off as an overdue growth spurt. But over time the style changes became more and more drastic and his body grew at an even faster rate. Soon he wasn’t just the new kid, he was the second in command, right after Biff. That’s why everyone started calling him Deuce. Just like everyone else in the gang Deuce was muscular, cool, loved cars and was obsessed with Biff. Deuce eventually even came out to Biff and confessed his love, but Biff didn’t wanna deal with all the issues that came with having a queer beta, so he ‘suggested’ that Deuce was actually a pussy hound like him. Considering how many gals Deuce has played backseat bingo with I think Biff might have overdone it, but just like always he got what he wanted. Another manly, muscular, straight greaser for his gang.
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**hey there guys! Never done anything with Greasers before, so it’s probably not as good as my usual stuff, but I had fun with it. Hope you all enjoy. Might revisit the idea of Alphas throughout history sometime**
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random-fandom1984 · 9 days
hi! Could I request Yandere tfa and tfp Optimus prime headcannons for a chubby gn reader? Cuddling would also be great thx!
Wish granted Anon! 👍
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(Sorry if Prime! Optimus' part seems short. I just don't really see him as a yandere with how stoic he is, and I don't see it in his nature to harm a human knowingly. But, I tried my best.)
TFP! Optimus Prime
And if anyone caused problems for you? Or harassed you? Or have toxic family members or friends trying to manipulate you? Or an ex being a creep and forcing his/her/their way back into your life? They'll never see the light of day again. I mean, who's going to believe them when they report a transforming semi-truck is either stalking them or attempting to run them over?
● You were there with them from the very beginning, when they landed on Earth. The main thing he fell for was your sympathy and kindness.
● He' s your guardian after Raf, Miko, and Jack joined the team. At first, you used to drive yourself home when leaving base, but when you got ambushed by Decepticons and almost getting captured, Optimus Prime swooped in a saved you, and from then on, he took you back and forth from home to base via Groundbridge. Sometimes, he'd drive you back home and stay in your garage, and you would always bring a pillow and blanket to sleep in his cab, almost like having a sleepover you've said.
● Although it was for your protection, this unknowingly gave him the excuse to hang out with you more, and for a tiny seed of obsession to slowly grow over time.
● His yandere side came into fruition after the original base was blown up, he almost died, and when he made his grand return, you cried happy tears because you thought he'd died. Seeing your tear-stained cheeks made him make a promise to himself: To make sure that you were never to be saddened again.
Must be M.E.C.H. up to their old tricks again...
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TFA! Optimus Prime
You've always done your best to help those you care about. It wouldn't matter whether they were human, Cybertronian, or whatever.
He fell in love with you because of your compassion and you being there to listen to his problems. You were there when he had flashback of Arachind-7 when Elita-1, no Blackarachnia, showed up. You were there when he felt like he wasn't a good leader. You were always there for him.
He only fell harder when you stood up to him when the Elite Guard showed up. Although he doesn't tolerate tormenting a colleague because they're an asshole, but... seeing Sentinel run, screaming for the hills when you put spiders in the arrogant Prime's habsuite, he couldn't help but hold back a laugh.
He was flattered when you gave him a matching bracelet more like ring considering how small it is to go with your own, a purple charm in the shape of a crystal you found in the woods to match your Amythyst one. You only had one, so you searched for one that you could make the matching jewelry, and when you found it, you believed it to be another Amythyst or a Sugilite.
Over the next few days, he started feeling strange and getting weird thoughts.
Like, one day, he was hanging out with you when someone from high school passed by and the two of you started catching up, making him feel like a third wheel. As it when on, they would catch the passive-aggressive jabs they would verbally make about your figure, and seeing your expression scrunch up with each mention was making him upset. He started thinking to himself about how terrible this person is to you. Luckily, the conversation was cut short do to a Decepticon attack.
When he drove you back to your apartment and went back to base, he started searching up who this person was. Apparently, they're an influencer, very judgmental to people on looks, having flings with rich people, took anything they wanted no matter how many lives they've ruined, and so much more terrible things. He starts thinking, questioning why someone is so terrible when everything was given to them on a silver platter? Why do they make fun of people who have it bad? Why- No one would miss them. ...What? No one would care if they... happen to go missing. But... no one deserves to die- After what they did to your little darling, they should!
The voice, that for some reason sounds like him but also not at the same time, started speaking in his head, going on a rant about how they should die, they should hurt. After all, if they continue to exist or stick around Reader, they'll only make their life worse, making them insecure, isolate themselves, and then... they'll be gone and in the human equivalent of the Well of Allsparks, just like how he lost Elita-1. The voice continued on and on for days, slowly convincing the young Prime about how it'll be the right thing for his darling.
It was only a matter of time when they ended up missing and found dead the next morning.
Then you reunited with an old friend, Charles, who obviously had a crush on you but you were oblivious to it, and the voice spoke up again, how he will take you away from him. Optimus tried to ignore the voice, but the voice in his head started describing various things that would happen if you and your old friend got together, how your old friend would be the one to hold you close at night, sleeping together, getting your kisses, telling your old friend how much you love him, and so much more that it started driving Optimus crazy.
Charles was reported dead, his body torn to shreds, ripped apart limb by limb.
You stayed with Optimus that week, crying in his arms. He offered you words of comfort when you were in his arms, so soft and warm to the touch compared to his rough, cold metal plating. You would fall asleep on him, not noticing how his soft smile turned into a sly grin, optics flashed an ominous purple to them, filled with possessiveness, yearning, and obsession love.
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The poll results speak. You’re getting some sugar relationship actionnnn plus their hot son
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Orochi Doppo and Natsue addition (plus one-sided Katsumi)
Minors DNI. People who find my content cringe do not interact. Don’t even look at it. Don’t even acknowledge it. (I had a dream about this)
Uncomfortable themes: age difference, obsession, NSFW, escorting, sugar baby, etc
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Doppo and Natsue
They decided to try to spice up their marriage a bit. Their sex life had taken a hit recently and they felt at a stand still. It was thanks to Katsumi that they came up with the idea of a third. He was talking loudly with Katou and Suedou about threesomes and it was then that they decided to try one out for themselves (they know d*mn well none of the karatekas were having sex but it still inspired them)
They decide to look for a sugar baby. That way it’s a symbiotic relationship for all parties. And you were a pretty face indeed! You certainly didn’t look like you belonged in such a website with how innocent you portrayed yourself but maybe that’s what caught their eye. How modest you were amongst the others
They set up a date with you and you’re even cuter in person! Like a lamb. You were also close in age to Katsumi, but they weren’t deterred. You had an old soul. You were so easy to talk to and the three of you got along incredibly well. It was the perfect match!
They discussed the threesome idea with you and payments. You admitted that this would be your first sugar relationship and more. You needed money for schooling so you would I be okay with their offer (it was better than a job). Natsue was thrilled. The two of them pay you handsomely for your time and arrange for you to come over
When they bring you over for the first time, you run into Katsumi. It was just a chance meeting but Natsue and Doppo didn’t expect their son to develop a crush on you. Nor did they expect him to follow you around like a puppy dog
It was when they told him to leave that he began to be a little strange. They didn’t pay any mind to him though. Katsumi was an adult, he was going to find out what his parents do behind closed doors one day
The first time the three of you got intimate, it was definitely more of a learning experience. A tangle of limbs and shy kisses. Natsue never knew someone could be so soft and sweet and Doppo didn’t know how nice it felt to have two people giving him attention. This whole situation made the older couple feel so many years younger
This arrangement really sparked back up their sex life but they enjoyed having you in the mix. You were the missing piece. But they did notice how uncomfortable you seemed around Katsumi and his advances. So Doppo just keeps you away from his son
You were in their bed four to five days a week, you were basically their newest member of the family at this point as the days turned to months. They enjoyed your company so much, they are going to ask you to move in with them
Doppo and Natsu are very gentle with you and everything is incredibly sensual. You’re always left satisfied and you make sure to give them as much satisfaction as possible. Whether your under Doppo or Natsue, you make sure to leave them both breathless
Doppo and Natsue take you on lots of dates. They just love spending time with you. It isn’t always sex with them
Katsumi mentions your close relationship to his parents to his friends and they look at him horrified. They inform him that you’re their third. Reality hits Katsumi like a truck. Is that why you kept rejecting him? Because you’re in a relationship with his parents?
He goes over a little earlier and that’s when he sees Doppo pressing a kiss on one of your cheeks while Natsue presses a kiss on the other while you cook. He couldn’t believe he didn’t see it before
He now has a front row seat to your relationship and he’s so jealous of Doppo and Natsue. He is absolutely starving for any crumbs of attention he gets from you. He will want more and more if you give him the slightest acknowledgment (he’s delusional)
When you move in with Doppo and Natsue, Katsumi starts to swing by everyday to the point his parents have to have one on one time with you. It’s a little frustrating how he’s interfering but Doppo is quick to catch onto Katsumi’s feelings for you
Doppo sits Katsumi down to explain that you were his and Natsue’s partner and he needs to let go but Katsumi wasn’t having it. You were the same age as him so you should be with someone close in age to you. It turns into a pretty heated argument actually
So you have one of two choices. Continue the agreement to just be with Natsue and Doppo or allow Katsumi into the equation to keep the peace. Now you will be with Katsumi one on one only and on the weekends (it’s like a custody agreement)
Doppo and Natsue will respect either decision and Katsumi will still chase after you regardless of your rejection of him
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not-that-fanartist · 3 months
New OC time!!
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So…we all know Deltarune, right? ovo
As I’ve become viscerally obsessed with it over the years, it only makes sense to introduce you to an OC I’ve made for the franchise^^
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Let me introduce you to Retra! The preppy, curious, fun-loving 80s themed printer girl!
Residing in the famed Cyber City, she spends her days making beautiful printer pieces for her cyber citizens! Living an artist’s dream. At night…
Sneaking away to meet someone…?👀
Ooo, mystery! (Except not really as is clearly depicted in the above picture)
This calls for a backstory!
The earliest of her memories…was not the most pleasant. Far behind in a long abandoned alleyway, a musical trio had been wandering around looking for scraps when they came across something heart-rending.
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The three were shocked! It was a new face…roughed up and unconscious behind a sewer grate.
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“What should we do? They need our help!”
But it was hardly worth pondering. You don’t just leave an unconscious person stranded in an alleyway.
“K_K, quick, help us take her back to the shop!”
“We can’t allow any mademoiselle to be left on the streets! Hurry! She needs us!”
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They promptly ran her to their scrap shop. Soon, slowly, she came to. Awaking confused, but grateful for the rescue. It seems…she really remembered nothing. Not even what led to her being in such a scrappy state. Nobody seemed to recognize her either. A new face, no story.
Well, no point in dwelling on it for now. The trio happily volunteered to clean her wounds, give her plenty of refreshments and even offer her an old jacket of theirs to keep her warm.
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They all got along very easily.
Spending some time together, she couldn’t help but reflect the best of their personalities. Still, she couldn’t help but feel a little empty.
Then, a new proposal!
“Hey, we love you hangin around…”
“But why don’t we take a trip downtown!”
“We know some folks you might like to meet!”
“Can I come too?”
“You always go with us, K_K.”
And so they journeyed deeper into Cyber City, arriving to introduce their new friend…
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To the Addisons!
Oh the adoration, the sympathies. It was like they had seen a lost puppy.
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They were willing…no, insistent on taking her in! They treated her like she was one of them. And while Retra was always welcome back at the scrap shop, she felt like the city really gave her room to breathe! It was really her element.
Finally free to build her identity, the Addisons gleefully gave their new member of the Ad family a fresh makeover!
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But their craft was yet finished! Soon enough, Retra was taught the way of the advertiser.
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But their true ambitions were in the arts. So, confiding in their musical friends, they created their own print shop from borrowed scraps and started her journey as not only an Addison, but a commissioner!
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And it's going smooth! Well, it was for a while at least. Since this strange "outage", business has been quite slow. But she aims to keep her head up high!
Something strange though... "Rose" Addison, at some point pulled her aside to warn her about a certain...someone. She was not allowed near THAT dumpster so long as she was living with them.
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The warning was vague...just that this mysterious individual got corrupted somehow...and she doesn't want to see the same happen to them. A kind enough gesture, they supposed but...
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Yeah it didn't go very far.
One night, deciding not to wait for the garbage person, they decided against the Addisons' wishes and took matters into their own hands. It was just one small trip after all, what harm could it do? Maybe something interesting would finally happen after a long streak of slow business and boring empty shifts.
And Interesting things happen, they did. Of course, this is where she met her scrappy little friend and well...perhaps that's a story for another time^^
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The little retro rebel kept sneaking out to see him night after night, getting up to ridiculous shenanigans and wondering how the Addisons could ever keep her from such a funny little soul.
She just couldn't help but be drawn to him! After all...he reminded her of a certain someone else who once wound up stuck in the gutter...
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boiling-potato · 9 days
With Master and Chaoxiang, I doubt it'd be romantic love immediately. Or even at all.
Ironically, Master wears the heart over his good eye, the other one, is almost completely blind. Because of his terrible eyesight, he'd think Chaoxiang is Lo, at first sight (because of the long brown hair, nothing else)
And immediately want to do Chaoxiang some damage.
But Chaoxiang is to smart for that, he gets to Master before Master can get to him.
He treats Master Like a wild animal. Like a Rabid Lion.
In this cage, Master slowly becomes Obsessed with Chaoxiang, Calling him Alice, wanting his head. Wanting his heart.
Wanting him.
When Chaoxiang finally let's him out of this cage, Master refuses to let anyone touch him. Even others are the mansion, anyone comes to close and they're met with Chaoxiang
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I freaking love this scene on the story (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)
I can just imagine this scene happening:
"Chaoxiang, I'm afraid to inform you that your,,, pet has been causing some troubles lately and I believe that you're fully aware of how much I hate pests that cause trouble.. I'm telling you now that If you don't get him to behave like I asked then I'll have no choice but to put that dog down myself, do you understand?"
Casimir and Chaoxiang stood in the hallway, having a one on one conversation about how a certain family member is being uncooperative by agreeing to bring an unwanted guest in the house, disturbing the perfect family line up. The ginger haired male narrowed his eyes at the unfazed male in front of him, clearly not taking his request seriously. Chaoxiang hates hearing the scolding he gets from Cas all the time, he hates how he always wanted to make this the perfect family when it's not, he especially hates it when he keeps getting forced to stay in line just to fullfil the stupid master's perfect made-up family that clearly isn't working. Chaoxiang knows how much it irritated Cas to see him with Master Quill,, maybe that's why he likes to keep him around, it gave Chaoxiang an excuse to disobey and to annoy the hell out of Casimir.
"Master is a companion to Trickster's friend, Lo and I was assigned to,,, take care of him. I cannot fully control his actions when he clearly is unstable but I can assure you that I am doing my best." That's a lie. Chaoxiang can indeed get someone in line no matter how feral or frantic a person is, it's one of his skill to subdue and Casimir knows this cause he's been doing it with visitors in the past. Casimir took a step closer to Chaoxiang with a threatening aura surrounding him, clearly not pleased with the response.
"Chaoxiang.. do you think I'm stupid?" Casimir leaned close to Chaoxiang's face, looking at him with a sinister smile on his face. "Do you honestly think that I don't know what you're doing? The young master made it clear that a family member is not allowed to kill a fellow member so you might think that you're safe, knowing I can't kill you right?"
He smiles wider "Yes, I can't kill you,, but it doesn't mean that I can't still hurt you."
"Just as long as you're still breathing, The young master will just turn a blind eye if I just leave you in agony cause you won't be able to use your arms or legs anymore once I'm done with you."
Chaoxiang narrowed his eyes, not breaking eye contact with the guy in front of him.
"Like what you did to your friend back then?"
Casimir snapped
Black snake-like tendrils came out in Casimir's back and lunged towards Chaoxiang aiming at every part of his body.
Chaoxiang didn't have any time to react
But before one of them can reach him,,, it suddenly stopped, recoiling, and turning back into a normal scarf that wrapped around the ginger haired males neck.
Chaoxiang looked at Cas who's holding his face, blood dripping from his hands and running down his sleeves. The green eyed male raised a brow, confused on what suddenly happened. But that's when he saw the brown haired boy to the side with a blood stained hand.
"Nobody's allowed to hurt my Alice,, except for me~"
Nice, now casimir has claw marks across his face. Don't worry, he's fine. Trickster saw the fight and stopped it, casimir was treated by willow, Chaoxiang continue to take care of master and they all lived happily ever after ^^
Sorry, I kinda got lazy with the story but I really loved this idea of how Master will be like a guard dog for Chaoxiang!! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)✨✨ It's literally perfect for them! I can definitely see Master hurting some of the house members, trying to keep them away from Chaoxiang and Chaoxiang just trying to discipline him, training him and maybe,,, also trying experimenting on him?? He'd definitely write journals and essays about this strange creature that always leeches onto him.
Chaoxiang would for sure put a leash and a muzzle on him to keep him from hurting him. Master feeling extra feral? Handcuff behind the back, chains attached to the wall while Chaoxiang's drinking some tea. Listening to Master's pleas in Lo's voice, trying to get Chaoxiang to release him.
Chaoxiang finds it rather cute how Master keeps trying he's dirty tricks on him, "does he really think I'm that stupid?"
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idsb · 2 months
I know your boyfriend has family in the States and that’s a big part of why he can’t see himself moving to Australia but…has he even been there? It’s been your dream for forever, you fought so hard to make it good for yourself…it just seems weird that he hasn’t even seen this place that holds part of your heart if he also has part of it. I’m probably biased though because I was very much team cut him loose when all the shit went down before and I’m still genuinely unclear on why you took him back. Wish I had some advice on a good place to land in the US but DC is my favorite city (well, Arlington/Alexandria) and it doesn’t do it for you, so…I guess I’ll second Chicago…it’s my next favorite. Good luck bestie, whatever comes next you deserve to be happy.
Hi okay I am getting a lot of anons addressing this topic so I do want to explain bc like, I get this line of questioning.
So, I broke up with him while I was on tour with a band, the tour ended in New York and I stayed on the tour bus and headed to California with the band, because I didn’t want to get dropped off back to our apartment in NYC (as per the original tour plan) under those circumstances. On the way back to San Francisco, we stopped in Chicago for 2 days and I’m standing around in a concert venue while we’re there and who walks up to me but my boyfriend. Once he saw where we were he flew there immediately, and he took me outside and had a very, like, Betty moment and he just poured his heart out and sang me a song he’d written and apologized so profusely and begged me to give him a second chance. Albeit reluctantly at first, I did.
I think the person I am with now is almost a completely different human being than the one I was in a relationship with before, in the best way. You know how Chase Stokes is just so obsessed with and all-in and one of the girlies and biggest cheerleader ever ever ever for Kelsea Ballerini? Or how, a bit less so, Travis is for Taylor? That’s how it is and that’s how it’s been. He’s been so supportive of my every dream and every want and just would bend over backwards to make me smile and is so intentional and clear about those things. To the extent where he’d been paying my rent the first 5 months I’ve been here so that I could be here and be less stressed because he wanted me to have this, at like, extreme financial detriment to himself. And it’s not like my love is something someone can purchase, its more about the gesture and willingness to do that. He is so receptive to critique and is always trying to be better for me. I’ve never imagined being so loved or so supported by someone, genuinely. In my first 5 year relationship I would look at girls with supportive boyfriends like this and think about how that kind of thing was just not something that was in the cards for me. I look back now at how fulfilled I am with this relationship and can’t believe I used to feel that way.
To answer your question, he has been here! We came together in 2018 when we were just friends (he is the ONLY person in my whole life who has met The Australian, ha) and he was just visiting me 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately he didn’t get to be in Melbourne very long (we traveled a lot which I now regret) so I couldn’t really like, broadcast my love of it here onto him, but he has visited and he thinks it’s a great place. He just doesn’t feel any kind of emotional calling to it (other than me obv but I am physically capable of moving) that justifies being away from everything he’s ever worked for and loved in his whole life and every family member and friend he cares about (he’s relatively well adjusted with 90% of his family and fears them getting older, cannot relate at all). Which is, I suppose understandable even though I don’t like it or agree: I’d be giving up my dream if I left. He’d be giving up his dream and his life and his family and every friend he’s ever had.
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singaporesainz · 6 months
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Multiple hot takes in this one:
I think people who keep up with wags are weird especially those who make fan pages and defend them like they know them especially for the wags who literally never interact with people so you don’t even know their personalities. I think it’s also weird when you see a photo of a driver with their partner ie Oscar and lily and people go oh she’s Barbie and he’s there I guess like you can compliment her but putting down a person to compliment another is crazy to me. It’s just icky because if someone said that to my partner or about them I’d be upset. It’s just weird 😰 obviously there are exceptions for if they’re in their own field and you genuinely like their work then that’s okay. Like Alex’s gf lily who’s a pro golfer, but only liking their stuff when it’s attached to said driver and them being a wag is the weird bit.
Speaking of Oscar, this is more Charles fans, I love Charles a lot but those Charles fans who come out of the woodwork to use Oscar to put lando down is insane. Lando will have a bad stop and Oscar will do a good thing and I just see all these Charles fans saying Oscar finally showing lando he’s washed or I bet landos pissed Oscar won before him, which has been proven wrong on many occasions he’s proud of Oscar and does everything to bring it up knowing Oscar won’t really brag about it . Like you guys should be more worried about what war Ferrari is brewing over there instead of trying to make it seem like lando and Oscar hate eachother.
Which brings me to my third take, I love c2 content it’s great but people who are deluding themselves into thinking they’re besties is crazy. It’s okay they can just be teammates no one’s gonna die. I feel like people use the excuse oh well would you laugh with someone you hated? Uh yes especially if I have to work with them, you can also have good times with someone you don’t like. Plus they get paid for this so obviously theyre gonna laugh and do whatever to secure their seats. I’m not saying they hate eachother either I’m just saying they’re coworkers atleast and at most friends but those type of friends you make in certain classes so it makes time go faster ya know.
Also Carlos needs to muzzle his mother because lord I would not let my family members have twter accounts or social media accounts. The way you could literally lose your seat over something a family member likes is crazy. Like why was she beefing with Ferraris long standing driver you’d think she’d want her son to keep his chair especially since Carlos’ sponsor backing is leaving the team. I’d be all up on twter liking c2 content and even some Charles posts congratulating him on doing good like cmon. Shit talking your competitor isn’t gonna work with Carlos like it did his dad in rallying but that’s neither here nor there
One last thing which might be so controversial but like I gotta say it. Checo hate is ridiculous, Yes he made the woman should be in the kitchen statement but you have to understand that was a long time ago and after that incident he apologized profusely and he even has an organization to help young women in motorsports and always mentions the women who work in motorsports. Yes he shouldn’t have said it in the first place but he has learned and grown and showed that he grew from that. It’s a lot more than some of the current drivers who have said or laughed at jokes at women’s expenses and never apologize. hate him for cheating, like honestly there’s a few drivers I don’t like because of cheating that’s just a moral thing on my end but I think the unnecessary hate is unneeded.
This just came to me while rereading this but also those people who compared Bianca being ableist to lando moaning in stream are mad weird. So obsessed too like yall are missing the whole point of why everyone’s upset just so you can whine about how you don’t like lando like he’s not a 25 year old man who can do what he wants. Lando being silly and horny on stream is not the same as using autism as a derogatory word towards another driver who is doing your dream job ((finishing 27th in your championship while your teammates all finished 1-2-3 is embarrassing) (don’t even get me started on her exploiting her brother))
Anyways just wanted to get that off my chests sorry for the essay 🤞😺
girlie pop this is an ESSAY, and im glad you decided to get it off your chest on my blog fr. though i will say that i do not have it in me to respond to every point to great detail so, sorry.
keeping up with wags -> i've been saying this and i agree. wag obsessed people are fucking weird i could go into heavy detail and i have.
oscar -> i didn't think charles fans were doing that thought it was just people who had a general distaste for lando. i've seen the discourse about how lando is probably hurt/salty/angry but people like to make something out of nothing. theyre bored.
c2 -> my personal take is theyre strictly work friends. like neither of them would go out of their way to try and hangout beyond the track, but they get along fine when they need to. i dont think there are any ill feelings there btjm
carlos's mom -> yeah don't know what to say about this except she's a mom being a mom, and not realizing that her likes are public. can't speak to reyes and her ways, as i've said before i try not to pay too much attention to watch goes on outside of carlos really.
checo hate -> i know it exists but i havent come across it to get into detail. but wild loud hate on any driver i think is fucking ridiculous. like the haters who are loud and proud and harassing the driver?? theyre gross and pathetic.
bianca discourse -> didn't know people were comparing??? girlie idk what side of social media you're on but it sounds like a weird and scary place. and people who are doing that are just trying to find a way to diminish her and validate their burning desire to just hate on her.
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sluttyshima · 2 years
Eternally yours
Warnings: no beta, yandere themes, dubcon, manipulation, coercion, punishment, daddy kink, impact play, forced orgasm, overstimulation, dacryphilia, breeding, oral sex, unprotected sex
Characters: Keishin Ukai x female reader
Words: ~3.5k
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AN: reposted from my old account
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You surveyed the wreckage of your apartment. Items had been strewn carelessly about the room, furniture turned over, and several of your dishes had been shattered on the kitchen floor. But perhaps the scariest detail about the break-in was the fact that nothing had been stolen.
If the intruder hadn’t wanted to take any of your valuables, then why bother? The only possible explanation that you could come up with, was that this was no random burglary. You had been targeted for personal reasons, and this intrusion had been carefully planned. It was meant to frighten you, meant to send a message that you had received as clear as day.
You were no longer safe here.
A heavy arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you close. Turning towards the male, you wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned your cheek against his chest. His other hand came to rest on the back of your head, stroking through your hair.
“I can’t let you stay here by yourself,” Keishin said. “Actually, I’m not really comfortable with you staying here at all. What if the person who did this comes back?” He pulls back slightly so that he can look you in the eye, resting his hands on your shoulders. “You should stay at my place until the police catch the perpetrator. Nobody will be able to hurt you while I’m around.”
Pushing against his chest slightly, you shake your head. “Oh no, I couldn’t impose on you like that! I’ll just… get a hotel room, or stay with a family member or something.”
He frowned at your response, and if you hadn’t been so preoccupied with thoughts of the break-in you might have noticed the flash of something dark within his eyes before he regained his composure. “Babe, you could never impose.” Eyes narrowing slightly, he added, “Besides, I’m gonna be really worried about you unless you let me keep an eye on you.”
After a moment of hesitation, you finally gave in. “Alright, fine. Just let me grab a few things and then we can go.”
That had been half a year ago.
Looking back, you wondered: just how many red flags had you ignored? You had always considered Keishin to be the perfect gentleman. He was so sweet, so considerate of your feelings, so protective. Overly protective, you now realized. Possessive, in fact.
You never would have expected that your best friend was actually obsessed with you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t ever thought about him in a romantic light. If he had simply asked you out for drinks sometime, perhaps you would have said yes.
Instead, you were locked in the suite he had built for you in his basement, completely dependent on him.
At first, you had fought against him. You would throw the plates of food that he brought for you, attack him whenever he tried to console you, and would scream until you lost your voice in the small hopes that someone might hear you and come to your rescue. Every time your captor would try to speak to you, you would spit venom-filled words, hurling every insult that you could think of at him.
Keishin didn’t like this. Each time you rebelled against him, his expression would turn to hurt. “I’m only trying to protect you,” he would say. “I love you so much, I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you. You’re safe here, nothing can hurt you. One day you’ll see that everything I did was for your happiness and safety.”
And then one day, he had stopped coming to visit you.
“I understand,” he had said during his last visit as he stared at you forlornly. “You’re scared and confused right now. If you don’t want to see me, then I’ll stay away. But when you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.” He had reached out, trying to touch you. When you had shrank back, he sighed. “I love you,” he whispered, before backing away and exiting, the door locking behind him.
At first, you had been relieved. Now that you knew Keishin’s true colors, simply being near him terrified you. Although he may not have ever put a hand on you against your will, or even raised his voice at you, what he had done was enough for you to lose trust in him forever. He had manipulated you into a false sense of security that enabled him to lock you away from everything and everyone that you loved.
But humans are not solitary creatures. It began small: you would talk to yourself to fill the silence, stare at yourself in the shatterproof mirror in order to feel as if someone were looking back at you. It wasn’t enough, though. And slowly, ever so slowly, it felt as if you were beginning to lose your mind. You were spiralling, tumbling down a black hole from which you were beginning to fear that there was no return.
You had lost track of time at that point. One day bled into the next, hours upon hours of complete isolation. The loss of any human contact weighed heavily on you. You became desperate for someone - anyone - to talk to you, to touch you.
And finally, after what seemed like years but was really only a few weeks, Keishin had you right where he wanted you.
“Please, I’m sorry!” you were banging on the door, screaming. “Keishin, don’t leave me down here alone anymore! I can’t take it, please, I need you!”
I need you. Those three words were like music to your abductor’s ears. He made his way down the stairs, hesitating just outside so that he could hear more of your beautiful begging. Eventually he couldn’t hold back any longer, so he entered the room.
As soon as he saw the tears streaming down your face, he opened his arms to you. “Oh, baby, c'mere.”
You knew that it was wrong. You knew that you were sick to turn to the man who had locked you down here for comfort and affection. But at that moment you simply didn’t care.
A sob tore past your lips as you collapsed into his arms. You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, clinging to him frantically while incoherently babbling. Pleas for him not to leave, to hold you and touch you and talk to you.
“Shh,” he shushed you gently. “I’m here, baby girl. I’ve got you.” One arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other cupped your cheek. “I need to know - do you want this? Do you want me?”
Immediately you begin to nod your head up and down. “Yes, yes, yes!” You used your hold on his shirt to pull his body flush against yours, burying your face in his chest. “Want you so bad, need you. ’s too lonely down here without you, please!”
“I wanna stay right here with you, love,” he coos. “But I can’t have you thinking that you can bat those gorgeous eyes at me and get whatever you want. You have to know that your actions have consequences. You really hurt me the last time we spoke.”
You’re shaking now, pawing at him as you try to increase the physical contact between the two of you. “I’ll be good,” you promise. Your fingers trail beneath his shirt and up his chest, whining at the feeling of his skin, warm beneath your touch. “You can punish me, do anything you want. Just don’t leave me down here alone again, please!”
His thumb strokes across your tear stained cheek. “Is that what you want? You want me to punish you so you can learn your lesson and be a good girl for me?”
No. That isn’t what you want at all, but neither is spending another second locked away from all human contact. Your loneliness has eaten away at your mind, leaving you susceptible to the suggestive glint in your formerly best friend’s eyes.
“Yes, punish me,” you echo your earlier request. Falling to your knees in front of him, you hug his leg. “Teach me a lesson. Make it so that I’ll never disobey you again.”
Keishin groans at the sight of you on your knees for him, completely submissive. The way that you look up at him through lashes sparkling with tears has the blood rushing straight to his cock. And with you clinging to him, he can barely hold himself back.
“Such a good girl,” he praises as he smooths your hair with one hand. “I don’t want to punish you, pretty baby. But there are rules, and you have to learn to obey them.”
You’re disgusted by yourself as you nod up at him. A nagging thought in the back of your mind tells you that this is wrong. That you should be frightened of the man in front of you. Instead, you feel almost euphoric as you lean into his touch, nuzzling against the hand that he brings to your cheek to wipe your tears.
He helps you stand, guiding you over towards the bed. Sitting on the edge of it, he watches you expectantly. “Will you strip for me, sweetheart?”
You hate the way that he does that. Making it seem as if this whole thing is your idea, when you clearly don’t have any choice in the matter. And yet, his words and lustful voice have an effect on you that you know they shouldn’t, causing a needy ache between your legs.
Slowly, you begin to remove your clothing, piece by piece. Keishin watches, sucking in a deep breath as more of your skin is revealed to him. Once you are fully nude, he gestures for you to move closer to him. He parts his legs, allowing you to stand between them as he cups your face in his hand.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he groans. “I’ve waited so long to see you like this, to touch you. I’ve loved you for so long.”
In your desperate haze, the words have you practically purring. You wrap your arms around his neck, and try to straddle him on the bed. But he stops you, holding onto both of your arms to keep you still.
“Ah, ah, ah, I still need to punish you, remember?” His hands guide you into position, bent over his lap with your ass on full display for him. “You’re going to get twenty spankings, okay? I expect you to count them for me, and I expect you to thank me after each one. Can you do that for me, princess?”
You nod, but that doesn’t satisfy him. He grabs your cheeks and squeezes them together, frowning at you. “Use your words, baby girl,” he commands.
“Y-yes daddy,” you stammer obediently.
Keishin’s eyes close for a moment, and he sucks in a deep breath. “Fuck, keep calling me that.” His hands massage the globes of your ass, touch deceptively gentle considering what is about to come.
The first smack comes unexpectedly, causing you to yelp and lurch in his lap. He holds you in place with an arm across your back. As the stinging pain begins to fade, you remember his earlier request, and croak out a quiet, “One, thank you.”
As you receive the rest of your punishment you can’t help but wonder if the man has ever done this before. He times each spanking sporadically so that you are caught by surprise each time, and makes sure that there is enough time between each one so that the pain is fresh every time his hand comes down against your skin. You have to bite your lip to stop from moaning at the mixture of pain and pleasure.
By the time he finishes, your ass is red and stinging from the impact. Tears gather in your lashes, shining like diamonds, while others soak your cheeks. You sob as you feel Keishin’s hands soothing the irritated flesh. He presses a kiss to your lower back before pulling you up and into a hug.
“You were so good for me love, took your punishment so well,” he praises. He peppers kisses along your shoulder as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. “I think you deserve a reward. What do you want, baby?”
Pulling away, you look at him with wet eyes. “Want you, daddy,” you say in a sweet tone. “Want your cock.” As if to prove your words, you begin grinding your bare pussy against his semi through his clothes.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me baby,” he groans. His hands come down to hold your waist, helping you move against him. “Did my princess enjoy her punishment a little too much? Now she needs daddy to take care of her?” One hand moves to your knee, making it’s way up your thigh before tracing over your sex. “Oh shit, you’re already so wet for me.”
“All for you,” you moan. “‘m all yours, daddy.”
As soon as the words leave your lips, you realize how true they are. It’s as if Keishin’s punishment has torn through the last of your resistance. He’s broken you, simply by isolating you and showing a single display of dominance.
His eyes have gone dark, a tiny ring of brown almost completely swallowed by his lust-blown pupils. He stands, lifting you with him before tossing you onto the bed. You sit up on your elbows to watch as he strips his own clothing off. You’ve seen him shirtless countless times, but this time the sight of his rippling muscles sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. And when he removed his sweatpants and briefs in one motion, you were practically drooling.
He was long, and thick. A few veins ran up his hardened length, and you wonder how delicious it will feel to have them rubbing all of those pleasurable spots inside of you. His pubic hair is dark and curly, slightly trimmed to give him a clean, groomed appearance.
When Keishin climbs onto the bed, you immediately reach for him. But he catches both of your hands in one of his and pins them above your head. “Be good for me, princess,” he says. “And daddy will make you feel real good, promise.”
You pout and squirm beneath his hold. But he’s far stronger than you, able to hold you down easily. “I wanna touch you,” you whimper.
“You will, baby,” he says. “But let me take care of you first, okay? I’ve been waiting years to show you how much I adore you. How much I want you. How absolutely irresistible you are to me.” Leaning down, he kisses your pout away. “So just lay back and let daddy do what he wants, okay?”
At his words, you finally stop struggling. Even when he releases his hold on your wrists, you keep them above your head where he had placed them. He smiles, leaning over you to press a kiss to each of them before crawling down your body to settle between your legs.
Using his thumbs to part your slick folds, Keishin groans at the sight. “You have such a pretty pussy,” he says. “I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks.”
The first lap of his tongue has your eyes rolling back and a wanton moan falling from your lips. He teases you with languid strokes at first. His breath ghosts over your clit and you tense, but then he pulls back and begins pressing open-mouthed kisses to one thigh. He suckles marks into your skin, biting harshly at the flesh before soothing it with his tongue and more kisses.
As he moves to the other thigh to give it the same treatment, you begin to squirm. He holds your thighs down, looking up at you and growling a warning before going back to what he was doing. You want to grab his hair and pull his face to your aching cunt, but you manage to just barely hold yourself back, not wanting to anger him and earn another punishment.
Finally, his mouth moves back to the place where you need it most. His flattened tongue collects the juices that soak your folds. As the wet muscle begins circling your clit, two fingers slide inside of you, pumping slowly.
“Daddy, please!” you beg. “I need more.”
Keishin doesn’t answer. But his lips seal around your sensitive bundle of nerves as he suckles, causing you to squeal and buck your hips towards his face. The fingers inside of you curl up, finding the spongy spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. Eyes fixed on your face, he gives you a command: “Cum.”
Your orgasm hits you so suddenly and violently that your vision goes white and you scream. The man continues to finger you as you slowly come down from your high. His tongue flicks against your sensitive clit, and you whimper and try to escape as the pleasure is tinged with pain.
The man doesn’t relent until you’re crying from the overstimulation. He finally lifts his head, mouth and chin glistening with your release. “I’m sorry love,” he wipes your tears and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. “You just taste so good. I wanna drown myself in your sweet pussy.” His lips fall on yours again, this time deepening the kiss and swiping his tongue against yours once your mouth opens to him.
He begins to grind down into you, his throbbing cock sliding easily against you due to the amount of slick gathered between your legs. Whenever the head catches on your clit, your body jerks slightly. You moan into the kiss, legs wrapping around his hips as your nails dig into his back to hold him in place against you.
“Want you so bad,” he groans against your lips. “Are you ready for me, princess? Ready to take daddy’s cock?”
Afraid that your voice will fail you, you simply nod and whine needily. That seems to be enough for him though, as the tip of his length prods at your fluttering hole. You keen when he finally begins to sink into your heat.
“Fuck,” Keishin draws out the word, eyes closed in rapture. “You feel even better than I ever could have imagined, baby. So hot and tight, so wet for me, shit.”
He fucks you with slow, deep thrusts. The force behind his movements is enough to have your body moving up on the bed. One hand settles on your hips, holding you in place as he begins to pick up the pace. The other grabs your leg and places it over his shoulder, allowing him to reach deeper inside of you.
The new angle and depth has you unravelling beneath him. “Daddy please, s’too good, too much, please!” You’re babbling and drooling, nails clawing lines into his back. The coil in your stomach is tightening, and then it snaps.
“That’s right princess, cum all over my cock,” Keishin growls into your ear. “God fuck, you feel so good clampin’ down on me like that. Makes me wanna fill you up, fuck a baby into you.”
Even though you’ve just come down from your high, those words have the tension beginning to build up again. A tiny voice from somewhere deep inside your head tells you that this isn’t right, that you shouldn’t want this. But you push it far into the back of your mind, instead focusing on the pleasure that the man is bringing you.
“Breed me daddy!” you beg. “Wanna have your babies s’bad. Make me your little breeding bitch, I want it!”
His eyes roll back in his head. “Yes baby, ‘m gonna give you what you want. You’re gonna look so fuckin’ beautiful, belly swollen with my kid.” He captures your lips in a searing kiss, nipping at your lower lip. “Gonna be my pretty little wife, having my babies. You won’t ever be able to leave me. You’re mine, mine forever.”
Bringing his thumb down to rub sloppy circles against your clit, he tries to bring you to the edge along with him. His thrusts are becoming uneven, and he manages to pump into you twice more before he buries himself inside of you and spills his seed. The feeling of being stuffed with his hot cum paired with this thumb on your sensitive bud causes the coil in your belly to snap. Waves of intense pleasure wash over you for the third time that night.
Slowly, Keishin pulls out of you. Your mixed releases begin to leak out of your abused hole, but he is quick to use two fingers to push it back inside of you. “Don’t want to waste a single drop,” he mutters. “Gotta keep it all inside, love.”
When he finally falls back onto the bed next to you, the man pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead. You snuggle into him, head resting on his shoulder. One of your hands traces across his stomach and then upwards, stroking through the soft hairs on his chest.
“I love you so much,” he mumbles tiredly. “Tell me you won’t ever leave me, please.”
Propping yourself up, you press a kiss to his chest, right over his heart. “I love you too,” you whisper. “And I’ll never leave. I promise.”
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lunaprincipessa · 23 days
Part Two (Continued from 205)
Man, I really didn't want to rewatch this vid. I put it off for as long as I felt I could. I was really hoping it was just my overthinking, which I am highly prone to do. Can I rightfully say "prone" if it's a way of life at this point? Anyway!
I, very hesitantly, rewatched it twice to make sure I would catch what I thought I caught before. And there it was.
There wasn't any information posted with this vid, as it was just randomly uploaded by a fellow fan in a Type O group. In this vid, the interviewer starts the conversation out with food obsessions the band members may have. To which, Peter responds that he doesn't like his food touching. There was, what I view to be, an obnoxious response from the band that involved a lot of laughing and sarcastic remarks.
I saw a comment on the vid that told me maybe not everything was my overthinking if someone else notices certain things too.
"Sometimes I've caught the others faces (except Johnny) that they roll their eyes behind his back. Josh throws his head back when Peter takes over."
Let me say this before continuing. As someone who is socially awkward, I've often had an outsider-view of certain dynamics between people. I've often had to take a closer look at said dynamics to assure that I not only comprehend, but that I also engage appropriately. And yes, in many circles of people, including one of my own, people do get sarcastic with one another.
However, here is what I look for and here is what I saw in that older vid:
*They're laughing, Peter isn't.
*They're engaging in banter, mocking his food quirks, Peter is seen looking off to the side and attempting to explain himself.
*Peter is not responding with playful, sarcastic banter, instead I hear him say, "you fuckin grained everything I do on the bus, you had your score sheets." He's clearly not having the same amount of fun or getting the same amount of entertainment from the conversation as everyone else.
*You even see Peter's body language shift, seemingly he was uncomfortable.
And that is what I look for. Is EVERYONE laughing? Is EVERYONE smiling? Is EVERYONE enjoying themselves? Is EVERYONE engaging in banter?
He wasn't.
Peter wasn't, and my heart sank because I know exactly what that's like to be in that type of situation. You're misunderstood and many people find it easier to make you a target instead of being compassionate for whatever the reason is. In Peter's case, one can only assume it's because he surpassed them in talent and good looks. Jealousy is ugly, turns people ugly.
And when they feel they can't compete with you, and when they feel they find something about you that is inferior, they feed on it.
I hear, "I've been watching that since I was 13," as if the way Peter fed himself caused problems for anyone. And if this is such an enormous issue, the way Peter fed himself, why be friends since age 13 then?
I had "friends" that did that to me growing up. Instead of trying to understand, it was just this huge thing that made me feel inadequate as a human being and further away from the people I just wanted to be close to. Cuts you like a knife. Especially since I came from a toxic family and had no one else to turn to. I hope Peter's family dynamics were better than mine if this is what he was dealing with from the people who were supposed to be his friends.
As stated in the previous entry, I did wonder about the dynamics between everyone involved because it's good to revisit this fact: it's all speculation because I wasn't there and I don't know anyone personally. However, I feel like what I saw in the vid was but a small window that allowed me to peak at what some of those dynamics were like for Peter, and once again, my heart broke for him.
Why would anyone want to be in a band with someone they don't respect? Right, because this person can be used to accomplish fame and fortune.
After Peter died, there was no more Type O Negative touring and making albums because he couldn't be replaced. I wish he knew that when he was alive. I wish he knew how important he was, but how could he have had any confidence when he was surrounded by people that tore him down?
I want to scream how dare they, but right now, I just need to hear more about the people in Peter's life that saw him for what he was: a human being and a creative force to be reckoned with.
It comes down to that and this in my eyes, it was a form or sub-form of OCD that he didn't want his food touching, known as brumotactillophobia.
OCD is a long-lasting disorder within itself, not even mentioning the other mental health obstacles Peter was dealing with.
Even if there was little to no information on brumotactillophobia at that time, they all still verbally acknowledged it was Peter's OCD. And even if there was little to no information on OCD at that time, you still have a duty as a person in society to make your friend and colleague feel welcomed and accepted as they are without making them feel scrutinized and belittled.
Is this really how it was for Peter all the time? Let's pause right there.
It may be a small window, but it doesn't show everything and once again, I knew none of these people personally. Now, it is possible to continue looking into it, to see if that's the way it was given the article featuring Sal's perspective and this older vid that I came across directly afterward, but this whole thing...
This is gonna be fun to try to explain...
This whole thing has placed me in a unique position, seeing these things before me as a fan. Who was around him that he could actually trust? On the other hand, I'm already in a unique position learning more, for the first time about Peter Steele in general, who I've known about for many years. And there's a lot to take on for a first-timer. If that makes sense. Hard to explain. I gave it my best shot. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm evenly split down the middle, and both halves are at extreme ends.
Half of me wants to just dive in, to watch, and read, and research everything I can to find out if certain claims and perspectives are true and just who all was around this man openly contributing to his downfall.
The other half of me is so damn bothered, so affected by everything he went through that there aren't any desires or wishes to go any further. "I don't wanna know," that type of thing. Same with the music.
Half of me wants to just immerse myself in Peter's music because now I have a better understanding and I feel like for the first time since becoming a fan years ago, that I can finally hear him. And every word, every lyric will speak to me like never before because now I've seen his heart and soul through the multiple accounts of how good he really was underneath it all.
The other half wants to take a break from listening to his music, for that same reason. They were never just songs by some rocker who knew how to sell an album. They give you direct insight into his world, and you gotta have some strength to look into it.
But no, they aren't just songs, are they? They never were, were they? Not when they take you some place that's outer-worldly the way they do. And that could be said even before I had a better understanding of who he was. His music takes you someplace else. It always did. I read he was a practicing Catholic, but his music has magic.
I think I finally know what I'm going to do with all the Dia de los Muertos merch that I collected over the years.
I've also suffered great loss but really appreciated the Dia de los Muertos festivals I attended. The way they use creativity, art, music, and fashion to celebrate their dead is simply beautiful. I began collecting an assortment of sugar skulls and other items to have an altar or ofrenda that I could keep up throughout the entire year.
The altar or ofrenda will be for Peter Steele, as deep down I truly wish to celebrate him instead of mourning him.
A part of me will always hurt for him because I feel in many ways I can relate to the things he went through. But looking at all his creations and all the wonderful things he left behind for us, I just want to celebrate him and the gift from the Gods that was his presence, even if it couldn't last.
Tears will fall though. I'm being introduced to someone I already have to say goodbye to, feeling as though I owe him an apology and a promise upon meeting. But may the majority of those tears be joyous because although we only got to know him for a little while, his art is eternal.
His writing, his voice, his music, his mind, his heart, his hair, his body, his face, his smile, a smile so rare to see in his photography too. All art, all gifts, all eternal, every last one of them.
He sacrificed a job and a life he loved to bring those eternal gifts to us, ultimately sacrificing himself in the process. And I will never forget. And I will be grateful. Always.
In conclusion, how bittersweet his absence is. Gone too soon while wanting to make more music, but my heart soars at the thought of him being reunited with all the loved ones he lost, forever free of earthly hardship and pain.
Rest in peace Peter. Our sweet, sweet dark angel. You know, many of your fans say you're a dream walker. Feel free to give us a visit in our dreams while you watch over us. While you watch your fans continue to uplift you through the years. While you watch multiple generations discover and adore you just as we did. Thank you so much for everything Peter. Thank you. RIP 💔
More thoughts later.
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
Imagine building a “ship” based on rumours 🤡 that explains why you are so miserable, dumb and obsessed with Daemyra😂 Matt Smith just said that no one can trust mushroom at comic con few days ago 😂 Daemyra is everything you crave for your deranged (self-inserted👀) 🚢
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You feel better now? Come off anon and say it with your whole chest if you do not. I promise I will not bite🤗
Now let’s get into your deeply flawed accusations, shall we😊:
1. Daemon and Nettles’ romantic relationship is based on more than just rumors (Mushroom is not the only source despite you people falsely claiming that he is). I know that you Dumbnyra, my apologies, Daemyra stans are a little slow so let me break it down for you:
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In both Fire & Blood and in The Rise of the Dragon (left passages) Maester Norren’s(who was there with them at Maidenpool unlike Mushroom) testimony is used to support the claim that Daemon and Nettles were lovers.
Of course, I know that you are going to say that Maester Norren is the same one who mentions Daemon doting on Nettles like a daughter, but what man bathes with his grown daughter or someone who he sees as his daughter? I also know that you’ll spout out some bull crap about how in The Wheel of Time two friends bathed together and it was platonic. Don’t do that.
I want you to show me a piece of media where a father(or father figure) is bathing naked with his grown adult daughter and it wasn’t considered creepy and weird🙃
Would you consider it normal if Rhaenyra bathed with Corlys 🙃 Or better yet, would you take a bath with your father or a fatherly figure at the age you are now 🙃 Is that what you do for father daughter bonding time ☺️
Furthermore, in Fire & Blood, Lord Mooton’s brother(top right passage) makes note of how fond Daemon is of Nettles. Fond enough that the man who murders family members including children for his own advancement would fight through sixty men, burn down a castle, and would lay his life down for Netty.
Daemon chooses to put Nettles first, disobeying his beloved wife’s orders(remember she wanted him back by her side in Kings Landing not going after Aemond by himself) and betraying her trust causing her to ultimately lose the war and her life:
“Long leagues to the north, in a castle overlooking the Bay of Crabs, another lord found himself sliding down a sword’s edge as well. From King’s Landing came a raven bearing the queen’s message to Manfryd Mooton, Lord of Maidenpool: he was to deliver her the head of the bastard girl Nettles, who had been judged guilty of high treason. “No harm is to be done my lord husband, Prince Daemon of House Targaryen,” Her Grace commanded. “Send him back to me when the deed is done, for we have urgent need of him.” -Fire & Blood
“By evenfall, Rhaenyra Targaryen found herself sore beset on every side, her reign in ruins. “The queen wept when they told her how Ser Lorent died,” Mushroom testifies, “but she raged when she learned that Maidenpool had gone over to the foe, that the girl Nettles had escaped, that her own beloved consort had betrayed her, and she trembled when Lady Mysaria warned her against the coming dark, that this night would be worse than the last.” -Fire & Blood
In The World of Ice & Fire (in the above bottom right passage) Nettles is unquestionably recognized as being Daemon’s lover.
In the Novella The Princess and the Queen Daemon and Nettles are said to be lovers:
“Long leagues to the North in a castle overlooking The Bay of Crabs, another lord found himself sliding down a sword’s edge as well. From King’s Landing came a raven bearing the queen’s message to Manfryd Mooton, Lord of Maidenpool. He was to deliver her the head of the bastard girl Nettles who was said to become Prince Daemon’s lover.”
Lastly, we also have this little piece of media where Nettles is once again stated to be Daemon’s lover.
I can not reiterate this enough, none of the above sources cite Mushroom’s testimony as evidence for Daemon and Nettles being lovers and Daemon loving Nettles. We are not making sh!t up or basing Daemon and Nettles’ relationship off of Mushroom’s salacious tales. They are claimed to be lovers in every(because once again despite in Fire & Blood Maester Norren saying Daemon doted on Nettles like a daughter he is the one providing evidence for their sexual and romantic relationship) single edition of the story.
2. HOTD and shipping Daemon and Nettles is my hobby. The only time I talk about your ship is in defense of my ship or if someone is asking me about your ship.
That being said, while this is a hobby, I’m not going to turn a blind eye to the blatant anti-Blackness and misogynoir that is rife in this fandom. Misogynoir that is perpetuated mainly by your side of the fandom, so what you are not going to do is come for me because I call you people out on your bs.
What we are not going to do is act like I came out the gate swinging for your ship when I did not. You people are actively making Black fans' experience in fandoms(which is supposed to be a fun space) unenjoyable because we either have to ignore your racism or make posts like these defending ourselves on why we say what we say or ship what we ship. So save your miserable, dumb, deranged, and obsessed accusations for the people who are spouting out this bull crap:
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3. Matt was referring to the rumors that Daemon and Alicent had an affair in The Rogue Prince novella (these rumors were cut from Fire & Blood):
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He was not referring to Daemon and Nettles’ relationship. You would know that if you were actually paying attention, but I understand that the facts are not your side of the fandom’s forte. I understand that y’all would rather make up bs to prop up your sinking ship than hear the cold hard truth 🤷🏽‍♀️
At any rate, the show has already incorporated some of Mushroom’s bawdy tales (notably the brothel fiasco😊):
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And I don’t think I need to remind you he’s not the only one who mentions Daemon and Nettles’ relationship(revisit point 1. if you need that reminder 😊)
4. There is nothing about your ship that I want for my ship because I don’t crave this for Daemon and Nettles:
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Or this:
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Or this:
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(This is the fate that awaits your self insert, who is a racist sociopath that thinks the appropriate response to finding out your husband is with someone you deem as being lesser is to go on a racist tirade and commit a hate crime , when the love of her life leaves her on read while saving Netty🤷🏽‍♀️)
I sincerely hope that Daemon and Nettles’ romantic relationship is nothing like your ship and I hope that we get to see this come to life:
“How the prince and his bastard girl spent their last night beneath Lord Mooton's roof is not recorded, but as dawn broke they appeared together in the yard, and Prince Daemon helped Nettles saddle Sheepstealer one last time. It was her custom to feed him each day before she flew; dragons bend easier to their rider's will when full. That morning she fed him a black ram, the largest in all Maidenpool, slitting the ram's throat herself. Her riding leathers were stained with blood when she mounted her dragon, Maester Norren records, and "her cheeks were stained with tears." No word of farewell was spoken betwixt man and maid, but as Sheepstealer beat his leathery brown wings and climbed into the dawn sky, Caraxes raised his head and gave a scream that shattered every window in Jonquil's Tower. High above the town, Nettles turned her dragon toward the Bay of Crabs, and vanished in the morning mists, never to be seen again at court or castle.” -Fire & Blood
Or this(which has more of a real possibility of happening than Dumbnyra, oops I mean Daemyra, riding off into the sunset together since your fave turns into a BBQ Dragon special 🍗):
“The singers tell us that the old prince survived the fall and afterward made his way back to the girl Nettles, to spend the remainder of his days at her side.” -Fire & Blood
And of course this:
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Again, if you guys think Dumbnyra, sorry, Daemyra is some epic romance then honey you are watching the wrong show/reading the wrong book. Daemon choking Rhaenyra’s lights out hours after she gave birth to lizard alone should have told you everything you need to know.
Nettles is coming whether you like it or not so you can go cry about it with the rest of the butthurt Aryan-I mean Valyrian supremacist girlies ☺️
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
I was thinking about one of your older posts when you mentioned how reincarnation works in the sito world (long, prolonged deaths) but theoretically, what would the story have been like if it was the opposite?
i.e. in this case Ghost, Gaz, Griggs remember bc the three of them were taken out with a bullet and were immediately gone. Bc I can totally see a different story where Ghost’s obsession with the mask and persona came from being haunted with his first life, and his slow spiral trying to find Roach again, and going through his own catharsis of accepting the things he was given in the new life and moving on.
Idk just a thought lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
This is a super interesting concept and, assuming everything in SiTO world/the changes stay mostly the same its just that Ghost/Gaz remember, it would certainly be interesting. (Griggs would probably remember too but idk that I'd use him much)
I think Ghost would handle things much the same in terms of Roach, in the way that he wants to get back to something similar to his old life.
Where I think Ghost would differ, is that I can picture this making him into a much darker character. Like he has this knowledge and these skill sets and he is going to use them to try to make this life better, to make this life safer.
So like first thing, I imagine his backstory doesn't happen the same. His family still die, but like the people who killed them in his first life? He kills them long before they even get a chance to turn bad. Because the story of how he loses them in the new life is different, he isn't able to prepare for it.
He absolutely kills Shepherd before the man can even form Shadow company. He kills him and makes it look like an accident so there is someone else in his place. Because of this, when the 141 team up together the events of MW2 don't actually happen the same way.
The missiles still get to Hassan and they still have to stop that, but the plot with Shadow Company doesn't happen because there is no Shadow Company. Instead its like KorTac or something helping them out.
Ghost still wears his mask and he's constantly keeping his ear to the ground for word about Roach. Is constantly telling Price that he should be "looking out for any possible new members" for the 141.
Because he and Gaz never really met in the first life, I imagine they end up much like Jackson and Roach in terms of they work together for years before realizing that the other remembers. When they do realize, they become closer and help watch out for one another better, but neither really wants to talk about the past, so they don't much.
One of the more interesting changes would be his relationship with Soap. Obviously he was used to an older and more mature Captain MacTavish, so I think this worlds Soap catches him off guard a bit. He's definitely still keeping a jealous eye on him, but because Roach isn't there yet he isn't really worrying about any of that so he ends up liking/getting along with Soap more. I still don't necessarily think he'd fall for Soap, but maybe he would become super good friends with him at this point.
Ghost also uses his knowledge of the past world to essentially keep an eye on Makarov and take him out before he can get too far into his rise to power. He does a #assassination on the guy during one of his leaves lmao.
When Roach finally rejoins the team, I think he's probably struck by how different yet similar this Roach is. This Roach is just much lighter and fluffier overall and he, somehow, finds himself quickly falling harder for Roach.
Meanwhile Roach, similar to his first life, when he first joins the team he gains a huge crush on Soap. Ghost can definitely tell, but he finds that he doesn't mind as much as he thought he would.
The team are definitely surprised at how quickly he opens up to and tries to befriend Roach, Gaz is the only one who knows why. Again, similar to the first life, through training and spending more time with Ghost, Roach falls head over heels for him and within like three or so months of Roach joining the team they're probably dating.
Then you get like several months later when Ghost realizes that Soap has developed a thing for his boyfriend again. And he knows he should be angry, like he was in his first life, but this time because he and Soap are closer and, he admits it, he's fully understands why Roach had a crush on him at one point, he finds that he's more willing to share this time around.
So he's just cuddling with Roach one day and is randomly like "hey do you want me to ask Soap if he'll fuck you?"
And Roach is naturally an absolute blushing and stuttering mess at the question. He assumes that Ghost has picked up on the fact that his crush on the man was still lingering but Ghost is like "I didn't even notice that babe I just know he wants to fuck you and hey, I might be willing to share if I get to watch."
So you get Soap/Roach/Ghost that starts out as Soap and Ghost both dating Roach, but not each other. Then slowly as time goes by and they're in this relationship longer, Soap and Ghost just naturally shift into dating each other as well.
But yeah, essentially I think Ghost would go much darker than Roach did and use remembering his past life as a way to justify going around and killing anyone who he perceives as a threat to himself or the people he cares about.
He definitely obsessively looks for Roach again, but probably wouldn't manage to find him on his own. It would only be once Roach joins the 141 in the new world that they meet again.
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