#or that I have safety and cant die but I don't know that
k1ttysh1ft4r · 1 year
Scripting struggles
I'm changing my magical girl outfit and I have 5 I like and I cant pick one... they don't even match the magic I gave myself anyways idk why I'm like this...
Anyways I'm just taking them all 🤷🏾‍♀️ when I wear them in my DR I'll decide which ones I want to keep.
On that note I need to pick a wand/weapon too. The struggle starts again.
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
Security Breach/Ruin Incorrect Quotes Part 7
Chica: Christmas lights?
Vanessa: Check.
Monty: Thermos of hot cocoa?
Vanessa: Check.
Moon: Santa suits?
Vanessa: Check.
Gregory: Shovel?
Vanessa: Check.
Cassie: Alibi and bail money?
Vanessa: Check- wait, WHAT?!
Monty: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Eclipse.
Moon: You just said it again.
Monty: I am not a role model.
Moon: Hopefully Gregory has learned a lesson about respecting other people's feelings.
Gregory: Oh, shut up and die Moon.
Sun: If you see me talking to myself, go away! I’m self-employed and we’re having a staff meeting!
Eclipse: I'll offer you some friendly advice-
Moon: I don't want your advice.
Eclipse: Well, then consider it unfriendly advice.
*meeting Glitchtrap*
Vanessa: This is a very powerful artifact. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand.
Vanny: That sounds like a dare to me.
Vanessa: Oh my god.
Cassie: What’s it like being tall?
Cassie: Is it nice?
Cassie: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Roxy: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Gregory: It was one time!
Gregory: I will send my army to attack!
Gregory: *releases a dumpster of raccoons*
Bonnie: We’re getting married, bitches!
Freddy: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
Freddy: I am going to need you to swear-
Monty: Fuck.
Freddy: ...swear as in promise.
Vanessa: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Roxy: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The FazFam: Awwww-
Roxy: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The FazFam: Oh.
Cassie: This is a safety pin.
*cuts off end*
Cassie: It is now a danger pin.
Gregory: I CAN'T DO IT!
Cassie, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Gregory: I appreciate it,
Chica: Gregory-
Freddy: Gregory we gotta-
Gregory: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Gregory, motioning to Vanny: NOT FUCKING THIS!
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lutorao · 13 days
trust and hope
it's really odd what I'm going to tell you now but let's start
It's very clear how luffy trusts Zoro right?! because we have like thousand of moment of it but if I tell you that law is one of them who trust luffy most will you believe me ?!
let's start from whisky peak , do you remember the moment when some guy told luffy that Zoro was the reason why they were in this condition ? and what luffy did ? he fought with him
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but in punk hazard when chopper told him that Law was murderer , he just ignored "Traffy " ?! nuh , but it wasn't some guy it was Chopper, his crewmate and what Luffy did ? nothing
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don't get me wrong , maybe It can be assumed that the reason for Luffy's hesitation at Whiskey Peak was that, first of all, he had not known Zoro for a long time, in addition, you can say that the reason was also that these people shared food and Zoro thanked them in this way. It was the first and last time he suspected Zoro, you can't say that Luffy didn't know what Zoro was up to because of him. Let's go back a bit.
The case of Buggy, a seriously wounded man who is close to losing his mind doesn't hesitate for a second to hang onto Luffy's back with a cage, that should have been enough for Luffy, right? In addition, Luffy has animal instincts when it comes to people, but for some reason he blamed Zoro for his actions.
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Let's continue with Law
Let's look at the situation from Law's side
A traumatized childhood, dead and murdered parents, a burned city, and the only person who trusted after this trauma was killed by Doflamingo, who was Corazon's brother.
so words "trust " and " hope " is not for law
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And the only thing that motivated him during this time was revenge
revenge for the person he lost, Revenge for everything that happened
he spent 13 years preparing for his revenge and yes he was willing to do anything for this revenge, he ripped out the hearts of 100 pirates, became warlord, spent months on Punk Hazard, developed a plan, left the only people he trusted on Zou for their own safety, and yes he was really ready even to die
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I hope you realize how important all this was to him right ?!
but what happened when it comes to luffy ?
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Yes hope and Trust
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And Doflamingo knew it clearly, maybe Luffy didn't realize how much it meant to law , but Doflamingo knew, it's not common for someone like Law to put that kind of trust in someone.
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what about luffy ?
"Torao is a good guy " he was so happy wasn't he ?! just look at his face
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Nami : noo luffy , we cant trust him
meanwhile luffy just ignored his crewmates words and "I'm in "
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then Robin
luffy : " stop talking shits, he is a good guy " he just ignored everyone from his crew and when law switched their body luffy just laughed , he wasn't even mad , he just laughed. wtf luffy
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let's make things clear straw hat
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even it means go to hell together (please just look at him )
and yes now he was law's "bodyguard "
" just tell me which one Torao"
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I won't talk about how he took care of Law all the way to Dressrosa, only Law? No, he didn't forget his sword either, just like law didn't forget Luffy's straw hat before
The funny thing is that even during the fight with Bellamy, Luffy's attention was on top, he didn't pay attention to his opponent, his whole concentration was on "how was Traffy?! "
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Don't even dare, it all obvious in his face
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And yes, he hasn't forgotten law's sword here either, his first order was "look after Law", he didn't ask anyone anything, just look after Law, protect him at any cost
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if you ask me how their love language looks like I will say
"luffy : I'm glad you are okay , wanna eat? "
sharing his food
yes he shared his food with law
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"law : let me die along with him I m begging you , please "
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and at the end , I would like to mention the moment that makes these two people special to me along with everything else, first of all, the fact that Law was by Luffy's side when he needed it the most, when Luffy lost his brother the only member of his family( lets dont talk about Garp ) who had left, and lost his crew , his friends, was alone without his crew , and his life was in Law's hands. and yes, Law has seen Luffy at his worst, PTSD, despair, depression, and all together.
As for Law, this person who had no hope for anything in life and had no one but a crew, was left alone and everything he had been building and organizing for 13 years, all work, all hope, he left to Luffy. At this moment he was without his crew , and yes Luffy had seen him at his worst.
If that's not a sign of trust, hope and love, then I don't know what is
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haza1206 · 2 months
i cant stop thinking about pardo so i'm going to ramble about her
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The way the only USEFUL thing she could do for ANYONE was to die... and in chap31 her monologue...
"Flying to the Moon to battle the Final Herrscher? That's way out of my league! Besides... I'm the best at running away! There's no way I could have died there! That's right... the real me must be alive, I know she's basking in the sun somewhere..."
'But why did her feet, which should be taking her to safety... take her back to that path?'
'She ultimately made the same decision, even when she had no way to convince herself.'
LIKE AAAAAAA like I think pardo is such a good demonstration of the cruelty of honkai, herrschers and the PE because she was literally just having a fun time with the cats of sundown alley but ended up becoming a mantis and having to learn about the cruelty of honkai. (and i think her recollection about sakura's death makes this hit the hardest:
"Here… SAKURA. This is the snack I promised to find for you. You don't know how hard it was to find… No one can make 'sakura mochi' anymore···" [...]
"…SAKURA. My heart is still broken…"
All kinds of possibilities linger in her mind. The endless "what ifs" make her speechless.
"This really... this really feels worse than death." )
and her being so innocent and likeable in the elysian realm and just a silly character in general makes the cruelty and bravery of her sacrifices (both in the real world and in the elysian realm) stand out more. it wouldnt be as impactful if it was someone like kosma (and honestly he deserves his own analysis too) because he had always sort of willingly dedicated himself to the cause, but pardo was basically an ordinary person who ended up making one decision (by accidentally becoming a mantis) that defined her life and was asked to shoulder horrible sacrifices. :(
but i also think it's such an amazing part of her character that she CHOSE to go to the moon, KNOWING there was basically no way she'd come back, because she felt a sense of duty because she was a flame-chaser (even if she was the weakest). it really highlights both pardo's bravery, and that even the bravest and kindest people were still annihilated by honkai so cruelly in the PE (elysia and eden are good examples of this too).
considering the flame-chasers seem like they're meant to be a microcosm of the PE, and that we go so in depth into their stories to make us grow very emotionally attached to them, and i think that's why pardo hits so hard as a character - because she's just a NORMAL person, her recollections are literally just called "MORTAL'S MEMORY"; and then you expand that view out to look at kevin before and after he became a mantis, before and after su became a mantis... they were all NORMAL people.
i think that's also why the revelation of the samsara hit so hard because we know that the PE wasn't the only time people have died fruitlessly trying to stop honkai, the PE wasn't the only occasion in which the earth was destroyed by honkai and had to start again, people like pardo have lived and made their sacrifices maybe countless times before, and it's all ended so awfully until the CE.
that revelation is what made me love the moon arc so much because FINALLY, humans have found a way to counter the honkai, to quell it and make the earth safe again, and it was only possible through the sacrifice of the flame-chasers, especially pardo and elysia. (and the moon arc is also such a good testament to kevin's trauma but that deserves it's own analysis.)
i dont tend to be a fan of happy endings, but the hi3 cast (especially kiana) went through SO much that it feels so lovely to finally see things work out, and especially because of the efforts of the flame-chasers (and in this image from graduation trip, the way elysia has turned to look at the trio... she's watching what she and the others helped to make flourish...)
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tldr because this ended up being so long PARDO IS SO BRAVE AND I LOVE HER
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
I see a lot of Kusakabe talk lately. Can I please ask for General relationship HCs for our resident lazy sorcerer <3
FINNALLY SOME NEW CHARACTERS!!! I don't like Kusabake that much, but Def His memes makes me laugh so considerate it done. Thanks for the Request❤️
Atsuya Kusakabe General Dating Headcanons
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: typical canon violence, some spoilers of the manga.
We all know that Kusakabe, although he is quite strong, does not really want to risk dying and prefers tasks that do not endanger his life, such as evacuating civilians and facing minor curses.
partly because he appreciates his life...and partly because I don't think he wants to cause pain to the few people he loves (reader included).
He wants to LIVE HIS LIFE with his s/o, he doesn't want to die prematurely and leave them alone!
I firmly believe that if he had a partner they would probably be a civilian, because 1- then he wouldn't have to worry about them dying because of sorcery work and 2- he can finally have some normality and peace of mind.
I imagine him in part as a boyfriend-father, who, although he is usually quite serious, usually shows that he cares in other ways, such as asking if you have eaten, buying food if you haven't, going for a walk to clear your head if you feel overwhelmed. . that kind of things.
As I said before, he is someone who appreciates tranquility a lot compared to his rather hectic life, so I think he would meet his s/o somewhere where he often lives as a civilian, perhaps (similar to Nanami with the girl at the bread) from some place where he goes to eat after his missions.
You could say that seeing his s/o gives him a hit of dopamine.
THERE IS DEFINITELY NO WAY HE'LL LET HIS STUDENTS KNOW ABOUT HIS S/O. he wants to save himself from Miwa's constant teasing and questions.
although maybe after a while (and only to Miwa) he will show ONE (1) photo and brag a little about them.
There is also a possibility that he ends up talking a little about his s/o to Panda in Shibuya, just to calm down and not be so stressed, you could say that is the effect it has on him.
I can see him as a protective boyfriend, more than anything because just as he appreciates his life a lot, he appreciates his s/o's A LOT MORE, and will give him priority over that of others (he thinks it's appropriate, they are civilians after all).
There's not much chance that he'll end up running into his s/o during a mission, but that can either automatically lower his stress level considerably or raise it to unimaginable levels.
If it were a normal mission, it is most likely the first case, since there he can simply greet his s/o and have them go somewhere else for "safety issues" and be reassured that they are away from danger. even if it is a lesser grade curse.
Now, if his s/o were involved in a mission like SHIBUYA he's definitely losing his shit trying to protect them. and he is escorting them all the time with Panda to wherever it is safe and far from danger.
He grows green gray hair, as we say in my country.
It doesn't mean he's against his s/o going to see him at work! Quite the opposite, but he prefers that they go see him when he is a teacher.
I think he would especially like it if his s/o brings him food (whether made by them or bought) or something like that (more cigarettes/candy) and he is very grateful.
Although he doesn't like to share his love life with his students, he is DEFINITELY bragging to his workmates about how he DOES HAVE TIME for good things and that he doesn't regret anything >:)
He's like "that's what happens to you for not doing things the easy way, not like me, I even have an INCREDIBLE and very pretty partner😎" he's shameless.
I would say that his main language of affection would be compliments in a certain way, he knows what to say to get his way in situations where it is required, but with his partner that translates to what he knows what to say to cheer them up or make their day better. .
apart from the fact that he is much more attentive than one would think due to his vague nature.
He remembers his partner's main dislikes well, although he sometimes uses that against them to joke with them (for example, if they don't like bugs, he will chase them with a spider around the house) but he never takes it too far. It's just a little fun between the two.
Apart from that he knows very well when his partner really likes something or if he only says he likes it so as not to hurt his feelings, which is nice, but he prefers sincerity in those types of aspects.
very direct.
Let's say that just as he greatly appreciates his life and KNOWS that he could die at any moment, he doesn't want to waste time, so he is going to be as direct as possible with his s/o if what he wants is something lasting or something temporary, he will do it. which is very good for the relationship honestly.
I think his Achilles heel with the relationship would be PDA, I mean, he doesn't mind things like holding hands or kissing in public, but I don't think he does much more or at least with people around.
low key his s/o will be the one who initiates physical contact at the beginning.
The dates are usually either somewhere preferred by both (anywhere where salmon eyes don't work, please) or right at home watching ridiculous movies to disconnect a little from reality.
or even just be silent for a while with your s/o, at PEACE and let things flow in your head, this is what you do more than anything on a particularly bad day at work.
Sometimes he blurts out sudden thoughts about thoughts he's keeping from work to his partner, it's completely unintentional, but it helps him open up more honestly to his partner.
He's generally pretty open about almost everything, EXCEPT his job, so his s/o has to appreciate those kinds of moments of vulnerability.
As for issues of, for example, settling down, I think he wouldn't be against it at all.
His job already causes him enough stress, it is not unreasonable to think that one day he would like to retire and function alone as a teacher or some other common job (anything seems like baby play compared to cursing).
Along with that, I can see him in this case proposing to his s/o, wanting them to be in his life permanently and "officially" so to speak.
As for the children...I don't think he would want in the first place. He just doesn't see anyone he likes (he can barely stand his own students, my God), so he could be fine with an s/o who has that same opinion.
Did you see that Kusakabe has a sister named Usami? the one who was devastated by the death of her son so they gave her something similar to Panda.
I imagine that Kusakabe would take VERY much into account if his sister likes his s/o to continue the relationship, Usami is one of the few people he cares about and believes that it is appropriate to have her approval.
Can you imagine if Kusakabe had met his partner through his sister? That would be nice
Probably his s/o is also one of the few people with whom he confides secrets like about his sister's son, I don't think he reveals important things about work, but he definitely lets his s/o know that it is for the greater good and especially for their safety.
I saw on the wiki that apparently he likes fishing, it would probably be a hobby that he normally likes to do alone, but if his s/o shows interest, he will try to teach them the basics in a decent way and have them form their own opinion about it.
He secretly hopes that they like it, but no pressure.
Kusakabe wants them to share the hobby because they both like it after all, he doesn't see the point in it being just to spend time together if they don't enjoy it :/
Now, going to the elephant in the room, a s/o sorcerer or part of the academy.
It would be more useful in the aspect of seeing each other often, since they would constantly see if their s/o is a teacher in Kyoto as well.
They could even do joint classes to teach their students an ear of tricks (and that way he doesn't have to give it all alone). ironically the students would respect the s/o more than their normal sensei.
Even if the s/o was from Tokyo, it's not that there would be a serious problem in seeing each other, they send him on missions nearby often, so they could take advantage and see each other after finishing work or better yet, go on missions together.
The problem would be that his more protective side comes to light, which is not necessarily bad, but it can be somewhat annoying.
always puts the s/o behind or does the work before the s/o can do his part, especially if it is a mid-grade curse.
which can be irritating because HELLO, they are of the SAME RANK, they are supposed to be able to do the same things.
Kusakabe should learn to stop being so scared when his sorcerer s/o goes on a mission with him and let them do their job.
Even if we're honest, after that phase, they make a good combo, especially if your s/o encourages you to get out of your comfort zone and not be so lazy.
It would be like the dynamics of "no energy" and "a lot of energy" in short.
He finds it adorable that they believe in him so much, but at the same time he thinks they should be less naïve before the world of Jujustu swallows them alive.
He still liked the idea of settling down, but in this situation it will have to be his s/o who takes the first step. It's a feeling.
In general, if you are one of the few people this man cares about, rest assured that he will not take your affection or your company for granted. He will appreciate it as much as he can and APPRECIATE you as much as he can.
He just wants to live another day. hopefully with you.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Gem Au where everyone is a Gem except Reader, who is a Half-Gem like Steven.
Maybe they were friends with Reader's human or gem parent, maybe they found them in a dumpster, maybe one of them is Reader's parent (if the human parent was the one who gave birth) .
However they got them, they now have a little baby that they love with everything they are. Even if they don't exactly get why their fragile meat child needs to eat or sleep or why they cant walk and talk as a newborn, they will be their every step of the way.
Maybe Reader is already grown up when they finally meet. Reader knows they're half-Gem but doesn't know anything about that because they were raised by humans, so they continue doing their normal human life of going to work, paying the bills, and doing all of their normal human thing
Meanwhile all the Yans are just horrified because Reader is so FRAGILE, humans can die to almost anything but Reader keeps doing things! And they have so little experience 20 years is nothing to a Gem lifespan. Even the newer Gems like Kurt and Kitty are centuries older than them so Reader clearly needs protection! (Not really, all the yans have done is invaded their house and added the extra responsibility of teaching them Earth and human things)
Hahaha! Okay! Let's mash those two ideas together, @sugar-soda!
Reader is a half human/half gem who is about, say, 16 or 17. They're old enough to know basic safety, how to cook easy meals, how to clean, and has survived mostly with a little help from their human parent. Then they passed away, and Reader ends up in an abandoned gem temple they turn into a home. They add an old couch, whatever blankets they can find or buy, and a fridge that miraculously works. They earn their keep by setting up a market stall to sell odd knick-knacks and rocks and random old gem artifacts in the temple...
Then one day, they meet a few of the platonic yam X-Men gems, who, when Reader sees them, realizes they are not human, while the gems believe Reader is one of them (or a poor, possible force-fused one). They struggle to understand the concept of birth amd parents and death, only for Reader to walk them through it. Slowly, Reader becomes friends with them (or at least the youngest gems) (the teens).
The gems try to be careful with Reader, remembering that humans are rather fragile, squishy, easy to die beings who need constant food and water, each and every day. They ask, almost jokingly, how old Reader is, guessing maybe a few centuries, rather young... And Reader drops on them that they're only 16 or 17... To say the gems are horrified is an understatement.
This poor, defenseless, court-less, Dimaond-less gem, was without any other gems, and has no idea of their society, their culture, or that they even were a gem?! And were essential a GEMLING?! A GEODE?!
Oh no. NononNonONO! They are coming with them back to their mighty, safe, secure, beautiful Homeworld, free from these death traps they call a planet, and are going to learn how to be a gem! They can't leave them like this! They're so new, so naive, they can't even think of themself as a gem-! How could they leave them there to suffer?!
Reader insists they are fine in Earth, and have to block the entrances to the temple so the platonic yans don't break in or catch them while they're asleep. Attempts are certainly made. Until finally, one late night/early morning, Reader goes out, ends up knocked out, and is forcefully adopted by the platonic yans and taken aboard a hand ship or other gem spacecraft, and are held somewhere to be inspected and slowly "unconditioned"...
(Ask questions for this AU, please! And @sugar-soda, surprise, you have helped inspire/make an AU! Now, I need to figure out what gem Reader should be... Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? I'm open to a few...)
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froglover7789 · 1 month
Why don't the prequels work as Vader's backstory? It's literally about how anyone no matter how good or well intentioned has the propensity for evil if they let themselves make bad decisions.
Narratively I think it's beautiful and tragic that way.
i think the prequels r actually about how corruption and manipulation and desperation and fear can ruin a person---not just bad decisions :3c and the prequels r consistent with some of the messaging of the originals in that way but that doesnt necessarily mean they serve as a good backstory
heres a handful of reasons why i dont think anakins back story really works with vader:
the originals imply that anakin and uncle owen are blood brothers or at least grew up together. owen sees anakin in luke and this is something that would only really be possible if owen knew anakin well as a teenager. this is also the reason why owen doesnt tell luke about the jedi; he thinks that luke will, like his father, run off to become some sort of war hero and die in the process bc thats what he thinks happened to anakin (some ppl think that owen suspects anakin became vader but i think this is a stretch). the prequels establish that they dont know eachother and didnt grow up together. owen doesnt know anakin outside of what he mightve seen in war/ republic propaganda and thats not very indicative of character. this also raises questions about why obiwan gave luke to owen/ why they took him in in the first place. it makes more sense for anakin and owen to have been very close bc then obiwan wouldve heard of owen and would genuinely trust him to raise his best friends son and owen wouldve cared enough about luke to raise him as his own
what we're led to believe in the originals is that anakin was a powerful jedi who lost sight of what he was fighting for. we're led to believe that he was torn, that the war corrupted him, that war isnt the answer. this works bc the originals r meant to be symbolic of the vietnam war (where the empire would be america) and so this idea of the consequences of war and the importance of peace is a huge part of the originals message. while this is somewhat supported by the prequels its undermined by the fact that anakins fall is mostly bc of YEARS of grooming starting from when he was a kid. this wasnt a normal, good man who lost sight of what was right and crumpled under the weight of a war. this was a man who was the most special of them all and fell bc he had space hitler literally whispering in his ear since before he knew he was a person. thats not the same thing at all! and that steals the implication that vader could have been any soldier, any general and makes his story all messy
side note- leia has vague memories of her mother which means padme shouldntve died in childbirth and should probably have died/ left the twins when they were at least a year or two old. this would also give more reason as to why the lars have luke call them aunt and uncle rather than mom or dad. i think what probably shouldve happened is that padme got pregnant right before anakin was shipped out at some point so he didnt know he had kids before "dying" and she ended up getting involvef in the rebellion/ fearing for her kids safety and had to get rid of em. literally anything else than what happened in canon lol like wtf is dying of heartbreak get OUT
my final thought i can think of rn is that having hitlers right hand man be a slave is just kinda a strange backstory? like i cant be the only one who doesnt like that. idk. doesnt feel right :/
obv most this stuff is just preference and obv you can argue against most of it. the prequels Do technically work but theyre not great backstory. im also not a fan of how the jedi order and all that mess was established. like you can only be one if youre raised one since diapers but luke literally didnt know what the force was until he was 19 but he ended up being one of the most powerful jedi ever??? yeah. makes perfect sense. :////
i do agree that the prequels r tragic and beautiful in their own right. i think the story they tell is good in some ways and bad in others ans one of the ways they r bad is how they tie in with the originals lol
hope this answers your question :3c or at least helps you see where im coming from :33
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I am back to complain more but do you ever notice how like. Every pet that isn't a cat or a dog is often labelled "exotic"? It really confuses me. It seems like sometimes a very good domesticated pet and a wild animal that is deeply unethical to keep as a pet both get put into the same category. Idk. I don't like when people do that. I don't think "cats and dogs" and "not cats and dogs" is a very useful way to categorise peoples pets.
I have also seen people suggest that the only domesticated animals are cats and dogs!
humans have NEVER only practiced husbandry with domesticated animals. NEVER.
first off... we had to domesticate things in the first place
second off... most animal husbandry until recently was practical, not companion-based, so *all* pet husbandry now is just very different from the past
third off... many populations of animals have been "tamed" for human husbandry, including things you would never imagine to be possible (Cassowaries! FUCKING CASSOWARIES WERE REARED ON NEW GUINEA.)
fourth off... Human-Animal Bonding (HAB) is in fact a universal thing - we see signs of it across animal groups (and probably other organisms, but anthropocentrism = not acknowledging plants have feelings), with zoo animals and even wild animals bonding with humans in a variety of forms, leading to a release of bonding chemicals in both the human and the non-human animal's brains. idk where this "your pet cant love you" shit came from, because the science shows it happens in the most random animals (fish. fish release bonding chemicals with their humans. fish.)
fifth off... there are SO MANY ANIMALS IN SHELTERS THAT NEED HOMES it is irresponsible to say that people shouldn't have x or y pet if they are able to actually take care of it (admittedly, there are many ACTUALLY exotic pets where that last part doesn't count, but not as many as these anti-pet schmucks say)
sixth off... so. many. things. are. domesticated. chickens! pigeons! ducks! geese! and you know what? a lot of those things DONT MAKE GOOD PETS. domesticated doesn't equal good pet, and non-domesticated doesn't equal bad pet. it's NUANCED. NUANCED. LIKE EVERYTHING.
seventh off... the actual problems that occur in pet care come from not respecting the animal as an individual and as a different kind of individual than yourself, not from an inherent problem in caring for certain kinds of animals. you have to view the human-animal bond as a *partnership*, not a hierarchical relationship, that just happens to include you physically caretaking for the partner. bah. when you think you "own" the animal, have control over it, get to dictate it - that's when you have problems.
eighth off... there are many animals that can *only* survive in captivity, whether its proper pet care, a shelter, or a zoo/aquarium. maybe they're disabled, maybe they were reared by humans, maybe they were traumatized. the list goes on. so many people would just "free" these animals into the wild where they would, ya know, die (remember Keiko, anyone?)
ninth off... anthropocentrism means assuming other animals want the same things as us... I s2g if I see another person say "oh poor pet birdie in a cage it should be free" when I know for a fact these pet birds actually appreciate the safety and security as long as they get enough out-of-cage and bonding time...
tenth off... this all goes back to the fundamental truth that humans are a PART of nature, that we are ALSO ANIMALS, that we are just connecting with other creatures and that is NORMAL, and it is OKAY that we shape the world, the problem is HOW we shape it... like... we are not separate from nature, and thinking that is how we got into this climate crisis in the first place!
idk what the actual definition of "exotic" pet should be, but "non-domesticated" isn't it
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thewoodbine · 3 months
I keep running into this same conversation over and over
Me or some other Jew: Hey can you stop saying X, it makes us feel extremely unsafe and uncomfortable even if we are agreeing with your cause or the underlying point of your statement. Please stop, we find it deeply upsetting.
Someone thinking they're being the activist of a lifetime while expressing themselves in an environment they feel safe in: You'd put your FEELINGS over LIVES??? You think you should FEEL safe while people die???? You want SAFETY when others don't have it???? You think activism can still exists without me also hate criming you????
And like.... I need everyone to realize that these things aren't mutually exclusive. You can be an activist for Palestine and also not make your Jewish peers feel extremely uncomfortable. You can speak out against the issue without using language that a minority group has asked you to avoid. It's such a bizarre and wild concept that in order to fight for peace you cant possibly be considerate of the people you interact with along the way (many of which are fighting with you). It's like if you were like " I can't stop saying we have to kill and r*pe every single Russian, how else will Ukraine be freed without my hate speech!?"
So here it is: we've asked you over and over to stop calling Jewish people Nazis, to stop saying you want to kill all Zionist and threatening them with bodily harm, to stop harassing random visibly Jewish people. And if you argue that you SHOULD be allowed to do anything of these things because of the war just know you sound like those morons who argued they should be allowed to say the n word. Your hate is thinly veiled and we will know you care more about getting to be antisemitic than you do about freeing the people of Palestine.
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Delusional - Part 25
Delaney stood in her now empty room infront of her vanity. She had showered and was currently trying to tame her curly hair with one hand. Her shoulder was unbelievably sore and she didn't want to risk breaking the stitches by waving her arm around. "Baby let me help" Jax's voice was soft and she could tell by his tone he was worried about her. Having been held hostage for a day and shot at, how could he not? Sighing in defeat, knowing there was no way she was going to be able to do it alone she held her hair tie out towards him. "Just pile it on top of my head. The last thing I give a shit about is looking presentable." Jax kissed her head as he made eye contact with her through the vanity mirror. "Your beautiful. Always." Smiling at him, she couldn't help but think that she almost lost him today. Almost lost everything. Because of him. Gently taking hold of her long curls Jax twisted them into a messy bun on top of her head like he had seen her do thousands of times before. "You don't have to do this y'know? I can take care of it.." Spinning around, the look on her face alone stopped Jax speaking. "This. This is my choice. This is something i have to do. Closure. Whatever the fuck you wanna call it." Stepping around him, she continued to speak as she pulled on one of his SAMCRO jackets and zipped up the front. "Look, the amount of hurt he has caused me. What me made me lose and what i almost lost yesterday, i need to face him. I need to watch it happen. Know he is really gone." Delaney took Jax's hands in hers and looked up at him. His blue eyes held nothing but concern and love, and it honestly made her want to melt. The safety and love he gave her was something she had never had before, even from her own parents. And she will spend every day of the rest of her life with him feeling like she didn't deserve it. "I love you. And i know your looking out for me. Us.." She moved their hands to rest on her lower belly. "But this is something I'm not going to let go. If i dont confront this, dont face him, he will haunt me forever. It will bleed all over our relationship, our future and that is not something im going to let happen. " Jax nodded and kissed her gently. "Im with you. Always." Smiling against his lips, she captured him in another kiss. "Always."
An hour later and they were pulling up outside the warehouse on the edge of the Wahiwah land. Delaney would be lying if she said she was fine. Sickness rolled through her stomach from the moment they left the house, but she wasn't going to tell Jax that. If he thought for one second she was anything other than fine he would pull the plug on the whole thing. Stepping off the bike and pulling her helmet off, she made her way towards Opie. Wrapping her arms around his middle, he leaned down and enveloped her in a massive bear hug. "You had us all scared for a second there, D." Smiling up at him, Delaney pushed her fallen curls from her eyes. "Im always fine Ope. Cant die yet, Donna still hasn't made me that dinner she promised." Opie laughed loudly at the mention of his wifes cooking. "Yeah youll wish you had when you try her food. I love my wife, but fucking hell she cant cook for shit. You'll have to give her some tips D." The lighthearted moment was cut short as Happy made his way out of the warehouse. No words were exchanged as he made his way to Delaney and scooped her up into a hug. He held her for a long moment, before putting her down and stepping back. Happy was a man of small words but him and Delaney had always been close. She knew she could call on him whenever she needed and he would do anything to keep her safe. She couldnt explain how happy she was when he patched into SAMCRO, meaning he could stay in charming. "Hes ready." Delaney's smile wiped from her face instantly. Reaching out her hand to Jax, they made their way in together. Lets get this over with, once and for all. That was all Delaney could think.
Walking into the room where Alex was held filled Delaney with mixed emotions. He hung from the ceiling in a very similar position to how she did when he took her all those months ago. His arms stretched above his head in a position she new all to well how painful it was. As soon as she stepped into the room, a grin spread across his face. "Oh how disappointing, i thought id killed you." Delaney took a shaky breath before stepping close to him. Her Anger resurfacing at the sight of him. "Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm very much alive and kicking." Bringing up her knee hard and fast she rammed it in his groin. The noise of pain he let out music to her ears. Turning around to Jax she held her hand out for his knife, which he gladly produced. "I'm not going to stand here and beg you to tell me why you did it, any of it. It's just you. Who you are. Your fucking rotten from the inside out. Theres only one thing i want to know." Tracing the tip of the knife down his chest Delaney had to fight the urge to plunge it in to his breast bone. For the tip of it to graze his hateful heart. For him to burn with pain like she did every day she was with him. "Whats the connection between you and Dr Knowles?" Alex smirked at her. "I cant believe it took you this long to work out. You really are stupid. We both had something in common. We both wanted you and that biker bastard away from each other. Except i wanted you dead and she wanted him to herself." Delaney drove her elbow into his sternum at the admission. She couldnt believe he told her outright. She expected him to toy with her, to make it a game. He groaned painfully as he swung back on the chain he was connected to. She hit him again and again, years worth of anger and pain spurring her on. "Do you think You'll be able to do it?" He spat out "you really think you'll be able to kill me? Even if you manage to do it, itll haunt you forever. The truth of what you did. Just like what you did to that Idiot Kevin does. Just like your baby haunts you." Delaney's eyes watered at his words. "It haunts you deep inside. The pain of it. You carry it dont you? And its heavy. The guilt. That you should've protected it. Just think of what my death will do to you. Ill always be around Laney. Always be in the back of your mind. That voice in your head. Always reminding you Who you really are. Little Laney, Never good enough. You should be thanking me anyway!" He spoke fast blood trickling from his mouth. "Thank you? What the fuck am i thanking you for you delusional prick?" She spat as she glared into his cold eyes. "I did you a favour. You'd be a shit mom Laney. Your not mom material. If you were you'd never have lost the first one. Your weak. You dont deserve to be a mom." Stepping back like she'd been struck, Delaney's back met Jax's chest and he quickly wrapped his arms around her. Tears fell from her cheeks at the taunts from Alex, and her stomach twisted at the satisfaction that spread across his face. He got to her and he knew it. One last dig. And by fuck did it hurt.
"Breathe baby. He's full of shit. Please let me handle it." Jax's worried tone filled her ears. Gripping the knife tightly, she tried to breathe deep. Tried to get a hold on herself. She promised herself she wasnt going to let him do this. Wasnt going to let him get to her. What a fucking lie that was. Stepping out of Jax's arms, She wiped her tears angrily. She wasnt doing this. Not anymore. She was done. Looking Alex directly in the eyes she drove the knife into his stomach. "Hate to break it to you asshole. I'm Pregnant." Pulling the knife back she jammed it into his throat. "I fucking WIN." She spat angrily. She stood there watching the light fade from his eyes. The sick Part of her enjoying it. Stepping back shakily, she dropped the knife to the floor. "See you in hell fucker." Turning around, her eyes fell on a wide eyed Happy and a worried looking Jax.
He's gone. He was actually gone. Never again would she have to look over her shoulder for fear of being snatched. He couldn't hurt her or her family ever again.
So tell me why Delaney still felt terrified on the inside?
Why did she not feel free?
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brown-little-robin · 3 months
1, 5, 18 :]
1: What is a scene that really got to you?
in the anime it's right before Mogami arc, there's this scene where Mob is supposed to exorcise a peaceful ghost family, and he doesn't want to do it so bad that he starts shaking. and that GETS me. the social pressure of the people who cant see the ghosts snapping at him. Reigen trying to be nonchalant, just wanting to get out of there and eat soba. Dimple trying to get the ghosts to go evil to give Mob an easier choice (sir??? can we talk about that???). and Mob in the center of it all, standing quite still, shaking. hhhhhh
this is Doesn't Express His Emotions And Rarely Does Things Of His Own Will kid. and he speaks up. he speaks up (quietly) (voice shaking) and says he doesn't think these ghosts have to be exorcised, in front of kids who can't see the ghosts and a master who claims the ghosts are too weak and inconsequential to see. Mob looks at those ghosts and he sees something like himself, invisible, peaceful, people just wanting to exist for a little while, and the "normal people" present are calling them creepy and demanding that he erase their existence. like. no wonder he's so shaken???
5: What battle shook you most?
I don't think I've mentioned this before, but the first time I tried watching mp100, when I was little, I fled the show on episode five (Teru fight) because I was so scared of ???%. I thought Mob was possessed. Looking back on my reaction... profoundly disturbs me. I literally demonized him. It's so easy to dehumanize people, especially people who behave abnormally in daily life (like Mob), when they're doing something scary. I had to become more mature—more familiar with mental illness and neurodivergence, and more intentionally gentle with myself and others—before I came back to mp100 and saw ???% as an aspect of a person, not as a Scary Thing. sorry, Shigeo.
The battle that shakes me the most now is the one against Touichirou Suzuki, because it's so complex and just a bit morally ambiguous. Mob goes from emotion to emotion so fast, and he's trying to put his resolution to use his powers to protect people into practice but he's not used to it yet! he's trying to accept being hard on people and he slips! he stumbles he enjoys it too much he despairs he twists Touichirou like a rag (EXACTLY WHAT MOGAMI DID TO MINORI'S BODY, BTW,,) and he nearly gives up and he can't find a way to "win"! it's!! !!!!! YIKES
18: What headcanons do you have for (character)?
feel free to give me a specific character if you want but!! here's a really specific headcanon for you
I think Teru enjoys horror movies because his nervous system doesn't know how to relax. literally. when you've been traumatized and on edge for a long time, relaxing starts to feel like being unsafe because if you relaxed in your former situation you were unsafe. so Teru is fleeing from relaxation; his mind HAS to be occupied at all times he HAS to be exercising his brain's "how do we strategize a way out of Dangerous Situation" capability all the time, otherwise he feels like he's Missing Something and Going To Die. watching horror is a way for him to safely put himself in a position of feeling like he's in danger again and allowing his brain to cycle its familiar pattern of fear -> creative planning under pressure -> feeling of power and safety again. critically, Teru is COMPLETELY UNAWARE that he is doing this. all he knows is that it feels nice to watch horror movies.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
crowshipping anon here
i was suddenly struck with the image of murder being surrounded by crows and rats as he talks and coos at them. and then killer, who is secretly watching this the whole time, just has to open his mouth and comment "ok cinderella". i just know murder is pissed that his peaceful alone time is interrupted by killer lol
that being said, i wonder how other people feel about murder as a worshiper of death. nightmare is murderously angry about it, but cannot actually do anything short of killing murder of course. killer might be interested in murder's quirks at first, but i'm not sure he finds it that interesting - i don't think he's interested in poking into the death gods in the grand scheme of things. horror takes one look at murder's mini-shrine for the death gods and just thinks "im so glad im the only sane person here".
and if murder manages to escape nightmare and gets to live in the omega timeline? what would the residents think about his practice? one-man death cults (i'm using "cult" in the most liberal sense) aren't exactly something... harmless. but eh, i'm sure someone would find it fascinating (not sure who though).
imagine killer in his "official qpr with color" stage finally gets what murder's death cult is about and joins him lmaooooo
The thing I find interesting about Killer and death is that, by his own admission, he has accepted death. Even encouraged Color to kill him should he ever “get out of control”/went Stage 3. He asked Swap to kill him once.
Death permeates every corner of killers existence. and yet the only reason it can be argued why he isnt dead before color comes along is simply..because no one else wants him to die. no one who matters.
nightmare still has a use for him. player still has a use for killer, and so determination will not allow him to go so easily. at most the only reason that can be argued why killer himself is trying to live is just spite. wanting to go on his own terms, or eventually, at the hands of someone he trusts.
killer doesnt really have much reason to want to live besides spite and “something new,” did he.
no hope in a better life, just more death and violence and destruction in his wake. i doubt stage 2 is anything resembling stage 1’s suicidal tendencies (now arguably more passive), but im sure he probably experiences that sensation of just..wanting things to stop. go back to nothing, back to the empty.
i doubt he really acknowledged that, though. just enjoyed whatever bits of nothing he could find in sleep.
then things change when color comes along, offering safety and choice and hope. he really lit up killers grey and empty world. so i cant help but wonder how his relationship with death and Death would go in his good ending.
perhaps once again resisting reaper, only this time because hes not ready to go, even if..uh, his breakdowns are dangerous enough to push him to the brink. he doesnt really want to go anywhere color wont be.
perhaps he will take part in murders offerings from time to time, if only to apologize for making Reaper’s job a lot harder and being a straight nuisance for the poor God. but killer isnt going without color, and not until theyre good and ready. killers literally willing to fist fight both Reaper and Grimm for his Good Ending.
..but, id say killer gets it now. Stage 2 never felt the guilt or remorse or shame that any of the others did, and i doubt he will even as he attempts to change, but in a way, color is like his god. his religion. the closest he can see himself getting to such things anymore.
he supposes he can understand that, if Death has offered to Murder even a fraction of what Color has given him.
As for what everyone else would think. There’d probably be the few that judge Murder’s practices—either because they believe Death to somehow be evil, or simply because they are holding Murder’s past back in Dustale and in Nightmare’s Gang against him. A murderer, worshipping death? There’s probably all sorts of whispers of animal sacrifices and blood rituals, the usual judgments bred from fear and ignorance.
I think itd be cute if killer, cross, and the epic sanses decide to look out for murder a bit. murder’s still a bit of loner, but the gang will look out for him in their own ways; such as helping him protect his shrines from people trying to ruin them, occasionally leaving Death some offerings themselves and just generally being respectful about it, and..you know. Intimidating a few people here and there (delta and killer lmao).
{i can imagine nightmare seething in outrage and possessive jealousy and feeling very offended that murder brought that stuff into his castle, so murder just takes it outside and now nightmare has to try and let it go or killer will relentlessly taunt and pick at him about it.}
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As title implies, just an of list^ will try and add links as I go (hoping eventually this will be so long each oc I have needs their own post list! so! send em in!)
All ocs will be tagged on each of their involved post as follows: "#RD- [Name]" .
"Aegius" - A391U5 [Story Link] it/its via programming > grows to like he/him
Android 391- Unit 5 A pink android with eyes that change slightly depending on the program as follows: Grey- Blank, Basic program. Obedient and obeying, the system comes blank and easy to reprogram to fit the needs of any owner! Bash its head in or take it on a walk to show off to friends, this pet is incapable of disobeying and fighting back. Mind you, this program is unspecialized and may fall short if you have specific needs! Blue- Advanced math and science program. This is a specialized program for scientists and engineers of all degrees. Need a test dummy or subject or even a henchmen to carry out specific combinations for key result? This program is for you! This program will have your robot doing anything to help with your endeavors, its key command of science. Pink- Romantic program. Looking for a more durable romantic-pet? Satisfy your needs with this programing! It will do anything to do what you decide is "good"- just be careful, as this programming may cause some disobedience if not commanded properly ;) Don't worry, our patrons seem to like that. Purple- Oh no :( Unfortunately your device has been corrupted. You shouldn't try and shove new programming into these bots without first decoding old programming! You cant know what this robot will do with such messed up programming. We advice you terminate your bot and return it to our labs and get a new and improved updated item from our catalog.
[Placeholder 1 Name] - Backstory HERE! Regenerative, Immortal, Winged Whumpees. KID WHUMP TW!
Orion (He>It), Adult
Winged-Humanoid with massive brown and grey wings and birdlike legs. His hair is ash brown, greying from the trauma he's enduring. In most storied his hair is long and bluntly chopped off as allowed, but he likes his hair rather short as he hates his hair being grabbed and thinks it helps (spoiler alert.. you can still grab short hair </3). Once he'd been torn apart enough, he does scar. His regeneration is slow and painful, and although he does black out, hes never allowed to "die". He doesnt know what to think of himself most of the time. Pessimistic of all beings on earth, he doesn't believe that he was meant to be tortured and hurt like he is, but ponders why.. why is he allowed to live on like this. If there was a being above, wouldn't they want to stop this? Ellie, his kiddo, is the only star in his life. He loves her dearly and uses his own blood to feed her when they need to. He'll do anything to keep her safe.
I will rp nsfw, whump, comfort, the works with Orion. Anythin, just send stuff on in.
Ellie (She/They>It), Child
Blue eyed wonder, she is. Light brown hair and white and brown baby feather adorn her ting little body. Her hair is short, soft, and warm brown. She has a scar on her throat from the repetitive destruction and removal of her vocal cords. She knows nothing of safety in life... of hope... of the sky, ocean, or sea her dad sometimes mumbles about. But she will always love her dad..
All roleplaying with her will have her set at newborn age to age 5. You can threaten Orion with her in any way and torture her, but do not send me ask box stuff actually having her partake in any sexual activity. Infact her whump should be more like a plot point than a focus point ^^;. Thank you in advance.
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quodekash · 2 years
—- —-
Tinn: You have an impressive pain tolerance.  Gun: Thanks, it's the trauma.
—- —-
Sound: Win! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.  Win: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
—- —-
Tinn: Tiw! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.  Tiw: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
—-(it worked for both of them)—-
Sound, joining chinzhilla: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart. 
—- —-
Gun: I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don't KNOW! 
—-(adhd gun hcssss)—-
Yo: So uh, for this party and everything, do you, uh...  Por, sighing: You don't know how to dress for this, do you?  Yo, panicked: WHAT IS CLOTHES??? 
—- —-
Tinn: I’m this close to falling in love with Gun.  Tiw: Your fingertips are touching.  Tinn: Exactly. 
Gun: So, Pat is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.  Sound: Why?  Gun: Because I've caught him trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.  Pat, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
Tiw: Why would anyone want to harm Tinn?  Sound: Maybe because they met him? 
—-(you cant tell me this didn’t happen)—-
Tiw, teaching Tinn to drive: Okay, you're driving and Gun and Por walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?  Tinn: Oh, definitely Por. I could never hurt Gun.  Tiw, massaging his temples: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
—- —-
Tinn: Bye Gun! Bye Win! Bye Sound! Bye Yo! Bye Por! Bye Pat! Bye Gun!  Tiw: You said ‘bye Gun’ twice.  Tinn: I like Gun. 
—- —-
Tinn: If you see me talking to myself, go away! I’m self-employed and we’re having a staff meeting!
—- —-
Pat: I drink to forget but I always remember. Gun: You're drinking orange juice.
—- —-
Tinn: Hi- Sound: Leave before there's a terrible misunderstanding between my foot and your ass.
—- —-
Gun: I haven't seen Yo and Win for fifteen minutes now. *Outside a nearby window, a car without a driver inside is seen rolling down a driveway, with Yo and Win running after it in a panic. Gun doesn't look outside at all.* Gun: That probably means they're getting into trouble.
—-(yo and win's friendship means everything to me)—-
Pat: Hey Win, can you give me the opposite of these words? Pat: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down. Win: Never, Going, To, Give, You- Win: The fucking satisfaction.
—-(pat likes rickrolling i decided)—-
Gun: Can you keep a secret? Tinn: Well, I'm good until I meet the next person.
—-(hes literally told tiw everything and idek if gun knows that tiw knows)—-
Tinn, trying to reconcile with Sound: Hey, can I get a sip of that water? Sound: It’s not water. Tinn: Vodka! I like your sty- Sound: It’s vinegar. Tinn: …What? Sound: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
—-(im a sucker for these sound-tinn rivalry quotes. mostly cos i desperately need to know wHY)—-
Gun: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo? Tiw: ICARUS?
—-(his poor nerd heart)—-
Pat: I’m gonna die alone. Win: Pat, you’re not gonna die alone. Pat: Gun, was my safety net, okay? He got married and now I have to get a snake. Sound: Uh-huh. Why is that? Pat: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. Pat: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man. Pat: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN!
—- —-
Win: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
—-(that's why he's always late for school)—-
Win: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Win: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Win: Go big or go home.
—- —-
Tinn: Your smile? It makes my day. Gun: Your happiness? I live for that. Yo: A room? Get one. Pat: Hotel? Trivago.
—-(i will milk pat's loneliness dry bc its funny)—-
Tinn's mum: Where's Tinn and the music club? Tiw: They're playing hide and seek. Tinn's mum: Where? Tiw: I don't think you get how this game works.
—- —-
Gun, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Yo: Hey. Win: Hi. Sound: Hello. Por: Hey! Gun: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Pat: We were out of Doritos.
—- —-
Por: I’m the smartest person in my friend group. Tiw: You hang out with Gun, Win, Pat, and Yo. Tiw: It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
—- —-
Pat: Dumbest scar stories, go! Tiw: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Por: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned. Win: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Tinn: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn. Gun: I have emotional scars.
—- —-
Squad reactions to being called straight: Por: The fuck, no I'm not. Tiw: Excuse the hell out of you? Tinn: Ding dong, you are wrong! Gun: Who told you that? And why did they lie? Sound: Rude. Win: *punches the person*
—- —-
(I couldn’t decide who would fit this next one best so you get all three versions of the same quote)
Gun: You don't need my blessing to go kiss Win. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Win!  Sound: Nope.  Gun: In that case, as the archbishop of Sound's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Win right on the lips!!!
Gun: You don't need my blessing to go kiss Por. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Por!   Tiw: Nope.  Gun: In that case, as the archbishop of Tiw's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Por right on the lips!!!
Tiw: You don't need my blessing to go kiss Tinn. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Tinn!  Gun: Nope.  Tiw: In that case, as the archbishop of Gun's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Tinn right on the lips!!!
—- —-
Pat: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.  Pran: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!! 
—- —-
Korn: Do you guys want to see a butterfly? Pat: Ooh, yes please! Pran, with his laptop open: I'm not going to stop working to look at a stupid bug! Korn: It's not a bug though... Pran: ... Pat: ... Pran: Well I still don't want to see. Pat, realizing: Please don't throw- Korn: Whee! *throws a stick of butter*
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adoredmarigold · 6 months
Questions!! Yay!!!!!! I've got a lot to ask about, I'm sorry
1. What are your favorite ships other than david and lingard (tbh in some way that ship reminds me of kirk x bones, not sure if youre into star trek tho xd)
2. Ava or Tripp?
3. Favorite S2 characters? Do you have any S2 ships?
4. What do you think are the best possible and your favorite endings of S2, S3 and S4??
5. And of course, I wanted to ask, whats your opinion on Bonnie.
I feel like I've been asking you some questions before but I dont remember excstly what it waasszzzzzzddsdszs if I already asked some of these questions IM SO SORRY but I cant say no to asking twdg questions
hello :) 1. VIOLENTINE!!!! It's such a lovely ship I will defend it with my life, istg Violentine haters have yet to bring up a valid point as to why they don't like it. I have some crack ships like Eleanor x Kate or Eleanor x Ava, I don't have much to say about them I'm just gay and wanna ship my girls together lmao. hmmm, I've been seeing some Mark x Lee stuff to and that looks pretty cute. Ermmm this is making me realize I actually don't ship much in twdg lmao, I guess I also ship Clouis and Gabentine Clouis is sweet and has good moments but I just don't find them as compelling as Violentine (sorry Clouis shippers). As for Gabentine I guess I would say I ship it, but more so in a "first crush/puppy love" kinda of way, The relationship never becomes anything serious they're just kids with a crush on each other and honestly I don't need them to become anything more than that. aaaannnd I know nothing about Star Trek but you're gonna make me look into Kirk x Bones now, thanks. 2. Well if we're just talking about the characters in general then Ava, she's so underrated imo. BUT, if we're talking about whether I choose to "save" Tripp or Ava during the execution, I always choose to let Tripp live. I'd rather have Ava die here than get that stupid fucking death she gets in ep 5, Tripps death in ep 5 is a lot better cinematically and writing-wise. 3. Sarah :) She's been my fav season 2 character since the season first came out and I will never forgive the writers/fandom at the time for how they treated her, SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. As for ships I guess I don't really have any for season 2, I mean Alvin x Rebecca I suppose though I'm not particularly invested in either character. Never been a Nick x Luke fan, I get the appeal but it ain't for me. 4. I can't really say which ending for each season is the best cause it's all pretty subjective, but I will give you my favs :) I guess I don't really have a fav ending for season 2? I choose the alone ending each time just cause I can't deal with Jane and Kenny's bs, don't hate either character but Clem doesn't deserve to put up with their bullshit anymore, she's the main character it's fine let's just ignore the logistics of an 11-year-old going off alone with a newborn. I also like the Wellington ending alot though! Not only because it's the best location for Clem and AJ to end up at but it also gives a satisfying conclusion to Kenny's character imo. Kenny spent all of season 2 trying to keep Clem and in the end AJ by his side for ultimately selfish reasons and he became extremely violent and unhinged in the process. So to see Kenny finally be selfless and be willing to give them both up to ensure their health and safety really redeems him for me. Kenny loves Clem and AJ but I really don't think he's fit to take care of them, this is the best possible Kenny ending for me. 5. Bonnies cool. It's been awhile since I've played season 2 and 400 days so I am in a desperate refresh of her character, but from what I remember she was interesting. I def think the fandom goes WAY too hard on hating her, from what I remember she's not really any worse or better than any of the other adults in season 2, she's extremely flawed but hell who isn't in The Walking Dead. I get being frustrated with her but the lengths people go to shit all over her character is kinda insane to me. So overall I guess I don't have much of a strong opinion on Bonnie, she's an interesting character with alot of flaws but I don't think she's evil or cruel. I hope her and Mike where able to get away and join a community or something. Also, I distinctly remember her being my fav 400 Days character and having a crush on her when I was a kid lmao. wowie okay that's all I gotta say, and don't worry you're all good! If you (or anybody really) send me a question and I don't reply it's probably just cause I forgot to or I'm stumped on what to say. CRIES
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catmaidetho · 1 year
not really an etho question but related, do you have headcanons about redstone :? like, its toxicity, its effect on skin, maybe etho has some redstone related injuries or his skin is just fucked up cuz of it. or if you don't have your own headcanons, which ones do u like??
i got pinned in a discord server for very plainly saying, "all redstoners are insane because they have radiation poisoning." because redstone is absolutely radioactive. it's mostly stable, the way plutonium is, but if you power that shit? why do you think it glows? that's radioactivity, baby!!!
it won't kill you, and the average minecrafter probably won't experience any detrimental health effects, but people like etho who've made a career out of working with it are definitely at risk. the average, small redstone contraption has about as much radiation in it as an x-ray. larger contraptions you can definitely feel the heat radiating off of them if the wires aren't enclosed properly.
etho's definitely had a few close calls in the early days (grabbing live redstone wires when machines start going off the fritz and burning his hands, for example) but he's gotten better with time. both of his eyes used to be black, but while building the nexus it started raining and a redstone wire jumped and slapped him in the face. he still hates having to make sure all his redstone is entirely covered by blocks, but the other hermits are like "that's a safety hazard. please cover your redstone i dont want radiation poisoning from just flying past your base."
i also think redstone dust stains like nothing else. like how flamingos are pink from all the shrimp they eat, the tips of redstoners' fingers and their nails are permanently stained red from constant handling. impulse learned to wear gloves early on, and his fingertips have mostly healed back to a normal color. tango and etho are both in the camp of "if i cant physically feel the redstone on my fingers, i feel like i dont know what i'm doing" so they just suffer. doc is simply immune because creeper/robot logic.
(cw vomit) eating redstone makes you very, very ill. unless you're mumbo "killsalot" jumbo who for some reason is just immune. he's accidentally put redstone instead of sugar in his coffee more times than he can count and never gotten sick. etho, on the other hand! while very bored, he decided to eat a redstone torch like it was pocky and then was throwing up blood for three days. (he'd do it again, it doesnt even taste that bad. "etho you were throwing up so much blood we all thought you were going to die" "okay and? it tasted like sweettarts.")
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