#or well. i might. but I'll try to not let it sway me in terms of what's actually in the text
jellycrusher · 10 months
Wolves and Lambs: Part 4
Alpha Max Verstappen x Omega fem!driver
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Genre: Series, Omega verse, Enemies to Lovers, Romance, Eventual smut
Summary: Male Alphas are the ones who dominate motor sports all around the world, especially Formula 1. It is a well known fact. Females in general nor Female Omegas are never heard nor encouraged to join the sport since the 1950s. Well, up until now...
Word Count: 5.8k
Chapter's Premise: y/n finds herself trying to come to terms on who she is and how she avoided her heat for so long.
Parts: W&L masterlist / general masterlist
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"You heard the doctor. You have to stop taking your suppressants for a while." Megan takes the prescription sheet from your hands and shoves it in her bag.
Both of you just came out from the doctor's office. Megan was meticulous in giving you a disguise just in case anyone is going to spot you. You put your head down and hide in your little canopy of protection, your Aston Martin hat. A bit obvious but it's the only one you have at the moment.
"I can't. If it comes during a race weekend, I'm dead." You reply as you walk side by side with Megan, confined by the hospital walls.
"Ay Dios Mio. Your constant intake of suppressants may be the reason why you haven't had your first heat yet at 25 years old. We don't know if there's gonna be negative side effects on your health." Megan tries her best to whisper under her breath.
"Hey, that's not proven." You halt in your steps and turn to her, lifting your head up to face her.
"But the doc says it may be a factor. You can't keep it hidden forever. It has to come sooner or later. If it comes biting your ass, don't come running to me for help."
"I don't want to be confined on what biology or society dictates me to be. I want to prove to everyone first what I can do and who I am." You continue to walk.
"I understand. I just don't want something bad to happen to you." She groaned.
"Fine. If I win a race, then i'll start tapering my dosage. I'll let it come when it wants to come."
"When you win a podium, not a race. Better odds."
"Fine. A podium."
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You felt like you've been basking in the sun, warm against your skin. You didn't want to look at yourself. For every second after that encounter in the elevator until now that you've stayed frozen behind the door of your room, everything was silent.
Your body was fighting your mind. You didn't want this. For so many years, your family and friends, who knew what you really are, told you that we're all bound to meet our mate. We'll know when we meet them.
No. You don't want to. Maybe just not right now. Yes, it's romantic to see couples who are mated and are having the time of their lives. But what if they fell for another person before they met their mate? And what if they refuse their Alpha? What would happen?
Right now, you just want to succeed in this career first. Call yourself stupid for going against your biological desires but there's a lot riding on this. Your parents sacrificed a lot just to get where you are right now. You want to prove that Omegas can also achieve greatness. Female Omegas can also stand in the halls of the greats.
Maybe you're just stubborn. Meeting your mate wouldn't be the end of the world. If you give in, you won't lose anything. Maybe.
Maybe you're just overthinking. Maybe you're being too stubborn.
Max is not a bad person. You've said it yourself before. He is actually a decent guy. Well, just from your text messages but there were no deep conversations yet. You don't love him to see him as your mate. You might learn to love him but it doesn't feel right for your feelings to be swayed just because your biological desires him so.
You barely slept a wink last night. The inkling that bothered you for a few weeks now since the first race have just been confirmed, and the fact that Max left you a lot of messages that you haven't read yet made your mind in a state of disarray.
Megan barged in your room to wake you up. She even had to throw the covers off the bed and furiously opened the curtains, blinding you with the beaming sun. You groan hard as she pulls you out of the comfort of your bed.
"I can't believe this. We're late! Ay Santo Dios..." Megan continued to mention a lot of words that you were not familiar with as she looks at your commitments for the day from her phone screen.
It only took a few moments and the both of you are now on your merry way to the circuit with you being the driver. Megan was still very furious at you for you haven't given her a reason for your tardiness. At the same time, your phone was still blowing up from Max's messages.
"I've had it with your ringtone. I'll set it to silent." Megan pulls your phone from the center console and sees '50 messages' beside the name 'He Who Must Be Avoided At All Times' on the screen.
"It's fine, leave it." You're barely able to look at Megan because you had to focus on the road.
"Who's this? Is there a guy bothering you? Stalking you?!" she asks.
"No. Just leave it." With eyes still glued to the road, you try to yank the phone off her hands.
"Tell me. Is it a stalker?! 'Cause if it is, i'll kill him." She warned.
"Please no. Relax, it's not a stalker." You assured in a calm tone as she hands the phone to you.
"Y/N. If you're in a dangerous situation and you're not telling me, your mom will kill me." She appealed.
Well, that's not impossible. These two are overprotective.
"Megan..." You paused. Megan patiently waits for your answer as you drum your fingers anxiously on the wheel. "It's Max."
"Oh, Max... Wait, who's Max? from Red Bull?" Megan rambles. "Why? Did he do anything to you?"
"He did nothing. It's just.. He found out last night that I was an Omega. I've been avoiding his texts since then." You confessed, tightening your grip on the wheel.
"How? You were always careful."
"That's the thing. I was. I'm still on my suppressants." You gently scratch the surface of the wheel. "Remember when you told me how you met your husband? Your mate?"
"Yes." Megan now replied slowly, now under a notion at where the conversation is going. "Oh my god! Is he..?"
"I think so." you confessed.
Megan was about to shriek from joy but she stopped for she knew how you would respond. For her, it sounds romantic. For you, it's not. She can't count how many times your rejected the idea of having a biological mate. It wasn't against the law of anybody to love somebody else aside your fated mate but for your body to act against your will regardless of what you feel. That's what you dislike about it.
"I still have to talk to him about it. I can't have him blabbering to everyone on the grid." You added. "Let's take this one step at a time."
"You still have a race later. Better focus on that first." She replies as she takes off her seatbelt when you arrived at the car park in the circuit.
Megan hauled you to the team hospitality to prepare you for the drivers' briefing. When you arrived at the briefing hall, majority of the drivers were already seated and the team principals were standing around in a circle, chatting. You stood by the door looking for an empty seat to take when you saw Charles, Oscar, and Lando calling you to take the seat they reserved for you on the third row. Your feet took a few steps when a hand suddenly but gently caught your wrist.
"We need to talk. You've been ignoring my texts." Max urged, eyes dead straight at you.
"Max, not here. Later." You scan the room for any eyes or ears that might eavesdrop as you carefully remove his hand from you.
Max takes a second to compose himself then tugs his hand through his hair. "Fine. Sit with me then."
"I'll choose my own seat. Thank you." You replied as you walk away from him, not giving him enough time to add more. Max's hand hovered uncertainly as if to stop you but he lets his hand limp
You strut farther into the hall and the three men gave you space to stride along the third row to take your seat between Charles and Oscar. Max took an empty seat on the first row beside Checo. He can't help but steal some glances in your direction during the driver's briefing.
It was hard to ignore Max as well. One good thing that your incident with Max has caused is that his scent doesn't make you cower in fear anymore. Knowing the reason why the dynamics between the two of you had changed, you mentally slap your pheromone-disturbed self from inhaling his lingering scent.
His scent wasn't really distinct before. For you, it was associated with fear or something menacing, but now he smelled so crisp like Cotton and sweet like baked Tangerine. Being that close to each other gave you a chance to actually distinguish his scent. Just remembering Max's small sniffs on your neck makes your body squirm, in a good way. It was nice and comforting. But it also felt sensual.
Alpha smells so good. Let's smell him once more. You mentally slap yourself once more, shaking off the tiny voice from your inner Omega in your head.
"I heard from Lance that you're moving. Where will you stay?" Charles' voice took you out from your trance just as the drivers' briefing just ended.
"In Monaco. It being a tax-free haven sounds enticing." you replied in glee knowing that it was the Monegasque who asked you.
Noticing the other younger drivers to turn to you after hearing your response, it took a moment for you to remember that a number of them were living there.
Lando perks up, legs bouncing. He leans forward and peeked his head across Oscar. "Do you know how to play Padel?" you shake your head. "We'll teach you. We had been waiting for another member to join our little club."
"He just wants to have the bragging right when he defeats all of us." Oscar chuckled, arms crossed on his chest.
"He even almost made Max cry. Have some mercy on all of us, will you?" Charles adds, further teasing Lando.
"I'll tell you when I've settled in. Maybe a housewarming lunch or dinner sounds good?" You ask. Lando quickly taps Alex's shoulder to tell him about your new residence and a possibility of a new member for their F1 drivers-exclusive Padel Club.
"I'm going to tour you to some of the best places. You still owe me a car ride." Charles couldn't help but smile at you, already making up a list in his mind.
When the briefing ended, all of the drivers went their own way back to their hospitalities. At the corner of your eyes, you saw Max hurriedly stood up from his seat on the first row and was about to make his way towards you. He noticed the miniscule squirm your body did when your eyes met. You almost panic in your seat but he came to an abrupt stop when he saw Megan pull you away.
Max tried his best to look for a chance to talk to you, much to his dismay. There wasn't much time for each of the drivers to get to interact with each other, especially during race day. After some of his media commitments in the morning were done, he went to visit the Aston Martin hospitality. He comes up to the small ledge when he saw Lance chatting with some of the staff.
"Hey Lance." Lance gets up from his seat when he noticed Max and greets him with a one-armed hug and a double backslap. "Have you seen y/n?"
"I think Sky Sports has her for an interview, I think. You know, the usual." Lance replies as he sits down. Max groans go unnoticed.
"Do you know when she might be free? I need to talk to her." Max asks as he leans his hand on the ledge.
"Maybe after the race? Her schedule's so full today. Haven't even seen her stay here in the hospitality for more than 15 minutes. Megan even got her shooting a lot of content for our Tiktok account."
"Megan?" Max quirks up his eyebrow.
"Speaking of..." Lance chimed in as he spots Megan behind Max, about to walk inside. "Megan!" She stops and turns to Lance's direction. "He's looking for y/n." He points at Max and Megan's eyes follow.
Megan thought differently when she saw Max right there, comfortably leaning on the ledge. It was in her overprotective instinct to assume that Max might possibly be a snitch or asking anyone in the team regarding what you are. She walks up to Max and asked him to come with her, already walking away without waiting for a response. Max was confused at first but did not hesitate to follow behind.
Max and Megan comes to a halt in an empty corner in the paddock, away from prying eyes.
"What are you doing?" Megan snaps around and narrows her eyes at him, arms crossed on her chest.
"I was just asking for y/n." Max innocently confessed.
"Were you going to tell on her? I can't believe you." She leans forward as if interrogating the driver.
Max leans back, baffled by the sudden change in demeanor. "No. Of course not... Wait, you know?" He tries to whisper.
She tries to examine his face for a minute for any sign of a lie but relaxes when she felt that he was telling the truth. "Listen, Max. I know she's been avoiding you but I need her to be at her best today. She needs to be on that podium."
"Don't we all?" Max scoffs.
"No, you don't understand. I need her to be on the podium because her health is on the line. I've let her be stubborn for too long 'cause she's in love with racing too much but I finally had her to agree, at last. I don't know what's going on between the two of you but please don't distract her too much today." She pleads with a serious tone.
Max hated knowing that it wasn't his place to pry. All he wanted from you was answers but it seems that even more questions are piling up. What does she mean? Your health is on the line? Are you sick? Are you injured? How is it connected to you getting that podium?
His inner Alpha was trying to fight himself.
Our omega... She's hurt or sick. Ask for more information. No, we're clearly told to stay put. She's not ours. Isn't it clear that she's avoiding us? Than ask her directly. Let's smell her again. No. Just shut up. Stay.
"Understood?" Megan asserts herself, taking Max out of his trance.
"Yes ma'am."
Megan waited for a bit to see how Max would take their conversation but left quickly when she saw that people are now starting to crowd the paddock. Max stayed in that quiet corner for a few seconds before going out into the paddock. There he saw you, sitting just outside your team's hospitality with Alonso and surrounded by a few cameras and staff. Probably completing a challenge with your teammate. His eyes locked onto you, taking in your smile. It was invigorating for him to see you having fun.
He used to feel so foreign around you. When he sees you having fun with his friends, it irritated him. His face used to turn sour when Lando or Alex hype you up.
There was something about you that intrigues him. You weren't able to race with most of them back then. Charles was a bit familiar with you because you got to race alongside his brother. Oscar and Logan had only met you once or twice and they had raced with you in a few Grand Prix but usually a lot of drivers keep to themselves and stayed in their own garages.
Then there's the big elephant in the room. You were an Omega, no doubt. After the incident in the elevator, he did scour the internet after his haze faded when he got back in his room. There were only articles about you stating that you were an Alpha, your achievements in F2 and F3, and also the highlights of your racing career. No scandals, not much haters. There were no articles claiming you have a bad beef with any driver.
For a public personality, you kept pretty quiet. Maybe that's why no one has discovered your secret yet. But that would be an extreme feat. To conceal your identity. What about heats? The horrendous and taxing schedule of Formula 1 isn't really ideal for Omegas. He recalled when Lando had to deal with Oscar's heat every month. When they were still unmated, Lando had to tiptoe around Oscar and avoid him when his pheromones were on the highest setting. How the other drivers reacted to him when it came around race weekend. It took them at least 5 months to come to the truth that they needed each other.
It was a bit easier for Oscar because everyone knows that he is an Omega since the start. They knew they had to avoid him when Lando or Oscar gave them a heads up. It scares him thinking that it will be much harder for you but it was also amazing how good you hide it.
Questions for another day, he admits to himself.
You were having a blast going against Nando in a PR competition when you spot Max walking through the paddock. Your eyes met and it made you nervous that he might come up and wait for you but no, he avoided your eyes and continued to walk. Your eyes followed his figure, relieved but also worried. Fernando had to call your attention to continue the challenge.
Your PR and media commitments were finally done and then, there was the driver's parade. The crowds in the grandstands were almost full and it was deafening. Everyone was screaming each of the drivers' names when they were called and when it was your turn to be introduced, it was heartwarming to hear their warm welcome. A smile so wide painted your face as you greet the driver while stepping in the convertible car and sat on the surface of the rear end near the deck lid.
You waited for your car's cue to go but you see it got delayed. There were a slight commotion amongst the staff that were on standby on the track and they were pointing to something behind you. You turn around and they were checking the car behind yours that was supposed to be for Max. Apparently, the engine of his parade car won't start again.
Fernando's car already left way before you and also Checo's. The staff are now pointing at yours and you see that the people who were talking to Max assisted him to get off the car. They were ushering him to your direction. Someone slapped Max's car number onto the side of your convertible. You now realize that they're letting you and Max share a car so that this problem won't delay the program.
The car shook slightly as Max climbs up the convertible. Max sees you scooting to one side trying to avoid his eyes so he quietly sat down on the other side of the convertible's rear. Both of you started to wave to the crowd as the engine of the convertible purred. Max would steal a few glances when you're not looking. Your body was stiff and awkward, in contrast to what you were showing the crowd, smiling and waving.
"Relax. It's not like I bite." Max spoke up just loud enough for you to hear under all those noise. "Just concentrate on the race later or else, you'll be an easy target for these guys."
You snap your head around and glared at him. He had this smug smile while still waving. "They wish." You scoff.
With just a few words from him, you find your shoulders loosening up. Slightly offended by his insinuation but you knew that he was just riling you up. It was also surprising that Max didn't bother to disturb you since the briefing. You would be at shoulder's length but still, he'd just nod when your eyes met.
The drivers' parade ended quickly and every driver headed for their respective garages to prepare. You spent the remaining time training with your physio and getting enough rest. The last program was for the national anthem. You make your way onto the track and answered a few questions for a Sky Sports presenter who was roaming and interviewing some of the drivers. You stood behind a grid kid to take your place and kept quiet. Right before the anthem was played, you noticed the female grid kid trying to steal a look at you. You smile back at her and she quietly squealed as she swiftly face in front. When the anthem finished playing and as you follow the other drivers exiting the track, your grid kid raised her hand to request for a high five. You gladly pressed your palm on hers and the other grid kids also eagerly raised their hand as you pass by them, catching the attention of the other drivers and the cameras.
You find yourself gritting your teeth and hands clenching the wheel as you drive the car in your grid position at the track during the formation lap. You look up at the red lights above.
"It's lights out and away we go, here at the Jeddah Corniche Circuit! and it's Max Verstappen who takes the lead of the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix."
With a good reaction time, you were able to overtake three places from 15th. You were able to fend for your position well in those crucial first few laps of the race. You attacked, you defended, you attacked, you defended. It was a constant cycle.
Max, who had started in pole position, lost the lead to Charles on the third sector in the second lap, won it back by the fourth lap and slowly and methodically pulled away for his second win of the season.
It took you only eight laps to move into 10th place, and only eight more to rise to sixth. By the halfway point of the race, and helped by the fortuitous arrival of a safety car that allowed you to make up even more ground, you find yourself in fourth.
"Y/n had played down her chances of victory from the moment a broken drive shaft ended her qualifying early Saturday and left her in 15th place. But that did not mean she had any intention of staying in the back of the field. Look at her picking her way through the pack behind her with ease"
Your driving style was aggressive and clever, a total beast on the offence. The journalists have also made note of your tyre preservation prowess. They have published a few articles after the first race mentioning that with your pairing with Alonso this year, Aston Martin can gain considerable confidence that it will be regularly able to take on the red cars and the black ones fielded by Mercedes too.
At around lap 46, Ben informs you through the radio that Lewis who is in P3 at the moment incurred a 5 second penalty. With Charles on P2 just 2 seconds ahead of Lewis and you tailing behind just a second away, there might be a chance for you to end up on the podium at the end of this race. You just have to maintain the gap behind Lewis and also for Lewis to continue battling with Charles.
Ben: "So, one more lap y/n, just bring it home." Y/N: "Think something happened to my left tyre." Ben: "Ok, copy. So Sainz, 30 seconds behind, battling with Russell."
You peek at your front left tyre and it was starting to wobble. You may have hit something on the track, possibly puncturing the tyre.
Ben: "If you go Diff-Mid 12, Sainz 20 seconds and gap to Lewis is 2 seconds." Ben: "Now 17 seconds. Now 16 seconds."
The car was already slowing down and the left tyre was tumbling around on its rim. Ben was constantly updating you but you did not bother to respond.
Ben: "So use Strat 5. 10 seconds to Sainz and 3 seconds from Lewis." Ben: "7 seconds to Sainz. 6 seconds to Sainz." Ben: "Maintain this gap to Lewis. 4 seconds."
You've passed the last corner and about to go on the straight where the chequered flag should be when you saw Sainz closely tailing behind you. With your feet instinctively pushing flat out, your car zoomed past and hopefully closing the gap with Lewis in less than 5 seconds for P3 position.
Y/N: "Do we have it?! TELL ME BEN, DO WE HAVE IT??" Ben: "That's it, y/n! You've done it, P3! YOU'VE DONE IT! Wow, you've done it y/n." Y/N: "Was there a flag? I did not see it." Ben: "There was a flag. You've done it though. Just stop. You can pull the car over. We'll come and get you." Y/N: "Fuck that was close! Sorry for the profanity." Ben: "Yeah, I was about to say the same thing. That was a close call. Too close for comfort. But awesome work, mate." Y/N: "LET'S GO!!!!! BEN, WE DID IT!!!"
Your team radio is now being broadcasted across all tv screens worldwide. As Max and the other drivers complete their slow lap around the track after they've crossed the line, they catch a glimpse of you in the screens. Throwing your hands in celebration, still inside the cockpit. When you got out of the car at the side of the track, you knelt down and pats the damaged tyre aggressively as if thanking the car.
You had to do your best as not to cry from overwhelming joy. You felt like you won the race for P3 but you didn't. It was as if you were soaring through the clouds right then. The crowds at the grandstands were screaming your name, fireworks were setting off in the background. That was for Max, of course, but it couldn't hurt to imagine that it could be for you too.
You were picked up by a safety car and your car was towed to the parc ferme. When you got out of the car, Oscar jumped at the moment to wrap you in a hug, Lando following behind.
Warm and sincere congratulations, pats on the backs and helmet taps too, were sent over your way when you threw yourself to your team of mechanics and engineers who were waiting on the other side of the barricade. You took off your helmet and balaclava so you could properly breathe and to revel in the sounds of your victory.
You were the first one who had to do the post-race interview, followed by Charles in P2 and Max in P1. You couldn't contain your smile, choking on your words yet again.
"Y/n!" David Coulthard calls out your name in joy. "That was an amazing race. You had your maiden pole last race and now, your maiden F1 podium after just 2 races in this season. Could you tell me more?"
"With the information of Lewis' 5 second penalty, I had to give everything on the table. I've never had a race like that before. We tried to maintain the gap but also had to monitor Carlos behind as well. It was a team effort and I couldn't have done it without them."
"Your last lap had us trembling in our seats. You managed to bring home your car across the line in that state. How did you do it?" David asked with such enthusiasm.
"I don't know how I've managed to be cool in that period but I just... I had no choice. Survival instincts came over me and I've come all this way. I'm not gonna pull over and back off to let anyone drive pass. I was thinking 'How can I get there with taking as much risks as possible without losing the car altogether?'. I still can't believe I did it." You try to take a few deep breaths after you finished your interview, still reeling in from that feeling of accomplishment.
Max and Charles pats your back as the three of you walked towards the cooldown room. The huge screen showing the highlights of the race, including your tyre mishap and struggle to cross the finish line for P3. Charles hands you a water bottle and you took it, not peeling your eyes away from the screen. If you only had your phone, you would take a photo of the small pillar with a huge number 3 and a small screen playing your driver intro bit.
The three of you are now ushered to prepare for the podium ceremony. Your feet was quick to move after your name was called. The crowd roared with applause and cheers as you made your way up the podium. You stood patiently on your step as you hear Charles' and Max's name. Despite feeling a bit flushed due to the adrenaline from winning P3, your cheeks felt a bit cold as you place your hands on the side of your face.
Your race suit now wet from the champagne being sprayed amongst the podium placers. Charles and Max were having fun targeting you, spraying the champagne at your face. They both admired your blissful smile and eyes filled with euphoria.
"Champagne suits you. Congratulations y/n!" Max can't help but admit to himself that you were an excellent racer. Your expression softened when you heard him and it's like Max's heart skipped a beat.
"Thanks Max. Congratulations on winning!" As if the champagne rain slowed down, it was just you and Max. The stage lights made the champagne sparkle, trickling down on both of you. He never saw anyone be so ecstatic in getting P3 but you made celebrating look so beautiful and graceful.
You watched Max's face as he shared a smile with you but not a second later, you could clearly see the horror in his face as his body stiffen.
"Y/n, your nose." Charles cocks his head to the side of Max, inconspicuously pointing to his nose, prompting you to do the same. Your hand crept up to your face and it was met by a warm liquid oozing down your nose. When you swiped it off, you saw blood on your fingertips.
Max was quick to turn you around, shielding you from the cameras. You try to wipe your nose with your arm but the blood can't seem to stop.
"Are you okay? What's wrong? Do you want us to call the medics?" Max whispers in panic, still spraying the champagne at Charles and towards the crowd below as he shields you behind him. To the people below and in the crowd, it was as if you're just wiping the champagne off your face.
"Relax. It's just a nosebleed. This will pass." You whispered, still trying to wipe off the remaining blood. The sleeve of your green suit now tinted red. "What the heck, it's not stopping."
"Y/n, I think the cameramen are now noticing." Charles' eyes darted to the cameramen below and above.
"I've been a bit more anemic lately. I think that's why." You murmured.
"When Megan told me that your health is compromised, is this it?" Max leans to your side a bit, still facing front and waving to the crowd.
"You talked to her? What did she tell you?!" You glared at Max, surprising the two men.
"Y/n, Max, can you two talk about it later? We're still on the podium." Charles cleared his throat.
You slightly nudged Max away from you, not noticed by the crowd, while you pinch your nose and cover your face. Max can't help but stare in concern at your figure. His inner Alpha wanting to carry you and rush to medic's tent.
Then the ceremony ended.
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"Y/n, come on. I haven't told him much, I promise. I just told him to leave you alone that day." Megan pleaded as she follows you while carrying a large box filled with your household items.
You open the door to let Megan in but you avoid her eyes. She darts across the empty unit, footsteps echoing along the walls, to place the box labeled 'Kitchen Items' down on the floor. You sighed, accepting defeat, as you drop the huge bag of items that you were carrying.
"Fine, but next time, stop telling him unnecessary information."
"Hey, your health was not an unnecessary information. I'm just glad you're fine now. I told you that your prolonged use of suppressants will eventually bite you in the ass." She rambled.
"Yes, yes. You gotta stop scolding me. It's been like a thousand times already." You groaned. "I got the podium and I'm on a suppressant detox. Happy?"
"Yes. I'm working on your schedule just in case it came early." Megan skips across the unit and stopped near the door. "I'll get the last box. You can stay here just in case the delivery company calls through the intercom." She exits the unit after you nod your head.
The empty huge apartment unit was now filled with unopened boxes. There were no furnitures yet but the anticipation of decorating your new home is making you excited. Wood and cured paint scent filled the air. It was relaxing for you but after a while, it's actually nauseating so you open the door to the balcony.
Coldness of the elegant granite greeted your arms as you lean against it. Your apartment is located in a spot overlooking the marina where you can spot plentiful yachts. With just a soft breeze, you could almost smell the sea. Even with your eyes closed, you could vividly visualize the city below you from its sound. The hustle and bustle of Monaco.
Closing your eyes for a few seconds made you yawn. You are still recovering from that horrific anemic bout during the podium ceremony in the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix. The team had to recommend you to a local hospital for a check up and was just given a prescription. You took a flight out the next day and went straight to "Moving Out" mode. It hasn't been two days since the race but here you are, renting a luxurious apartment in Monaco, about to live your best life.
"Looks like you could fit a head in your mouth." You heard a familiar warm voice coming from above your balcony. When you opened your eyes, there was someone peeking their head out of their balcony and looking down below at you, apparently still yawning. You closed your mouth in embarrassment.
"Hi neighbor!"
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Next part: Part 5
Taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 @fanboyluvr @giffywiffy3408 @notyouraveragemochii @cmleitora @exotic-iris13 @topguncultleader @mirrorball-6 @barcelonaloverf1life @silscintilla @aquangxl @whyamireadingthis @imaddict
328 notes · View notes
but it's true: Dimitri as whumpee if you think it's in-character for him? Otherwise whoever you think fits best/want to write most :)
Omg actually yeah I think this is in character, at least for younger Dimitri. So let's see younger Dimitri!
but it’s true: [character] has been known to fake being sick, but this time they’re actually sick. TWs: illness, fever, collapse, self-destruction
"I know you're lying to me. Again." Luis' voice sounded even and annoyed over the phone. "You did this last time we were doing this training, and then I got a report of you going to a movie while we were all marching in the hot sun."
"No, Luis, sir, I'm--" Dimitri tried, only to get cut off.
"I don't care if you're hungover. Everyone has to be there, or they'll see me in the training room. Again. I'll see you in two hours."
Luis hung up, and Dimitri was left staring at his phone. Eyes narrowing, rage started to replace the sting of betrayal. "Fine." He whispered to himself. "I'll march in the sun. I'll fucking do it. If he wants to give me the freezer later, I might even thank him."
With heat raging behind his eyelids and the knowledge that, technically, yes, it was his fault for trying to skip out on training the day after his twenty-first birthday a few months ago, Dimitri geared up. Every movement ached, and as he donned his long-sleeved gear he was already plotting his recovery day.
It was hell. Dimitri knew it would be hell. Their packs weighed as much as he did. The sun was unrelenting. The fabric of their clothes was breathable, but it was also black. They even had to keep their masks on. Endurance training was the official term, but Dimitri and Laredo had taken to calling it a Hell Hike.
He wanted to call out to Luis. To beg to lie down in the shade, just for a moment. There was no shade. There would be no sympathy from Luis. He was fueled by spite alone, but even that was waning under the intense heat.
Dimitri just couldn't seem to get quite enough air. His legs weren't as stable as usual. The ground was uneven. The heat beneath his casting mask was beyond stifling as sweat rolled freely down his face. Water didn't give any relief to the scratchiness in his throat. He really should've taken something before leaving their house.
But that would've defeated the purpose.
Up ahead, Laredo was swaying too. The ground was too uneven, more uneven than he remembered. Dimitri’s bag was heavier, somehow. It felt like his boots were too loose, too big. Why hadn't he let Luis check his temperature for himself? He couldn't have faked this sort of fever.
And then he was on the ground. The dirt pressed up against the conductive surface of his mask. He couldn't breathe.
"Shit--" Was that Valentina? That sounded like her. "Luis, sir! Man down!"
Boots sprinted over, and hands worked Dimitri's mask from his face. The rush of fresh air didn't help, even as his pack was unbuckled and lifted from his back. He still wheezed, face red and vision swimming.
"Joaquín, help me." Valentina's voice was above him, and her shadow blocked out the blinding light as he was carefully turned onto his back. Her bare, scar-smeared palm pressed to Dimitri's forehead and she jerked back. "Fuck--Luis, he's bad."
"Oh--Oh no." Luis? When did he get there? "He tried to tell me he wasn't feeling well this morning. I...I thought he was faking."
Another hand, larger this time, cupped Dimitri's face. "Can't fake that. If it's not fever, it's heatstroke. How far are we from base? He needs medical." Adriana. this time.
"I can carry him, we're an hour away, I think." Joaquin said. "Laredo, can you drive?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll get us back in time."
"We'll be right behind..."
Dimitri didn't remember much after that. He was too hot, and then too cold, and then even colder, somehow. He couldn't get warm again. He wasn't allowed to be warm. Someone who sounded like Luis said he couldn't have a blanket, even as he shivered.
Someone who sounded like Luis apologized.
In the depths of his confusion, within his gut, Dimitri felt triumphant.
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Ensemble - 126: Resolution
Wataru: Oh, you're talking about that letter!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium (LIVE)
Wataru: Oh, you're talking about that letter!
I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't confirm its contents. However, I wonder. Just what was written in that letter?
It piques my interest…☆
Hokuto: It was a short letter, it didn't contain anything that would interest you.
It was trivial… A message from a grandmother to her grandson, one you can find in abundance in every family.
That if I'm hurt, I don't need to strain myself. That there's no need to listen to what others say and that I should just do what I want to do.
That whatever the result of that might be, that my grandma would be my ally.
That's what was written. Other than that… there was also something along the lines of a grumble written about how she called out my parents and scolded them, I guess.
My grandma is no idol or singer, no actress or anything of the like. She's just a normal person, just like the transfer student.
Even so, my top idol father and great actress mother can't disobey her.
She's a normal grandmother, an ordinary person that you could find anywhere… But I love her.
As long as my grandma is on my side, neither my parents nor the student council president seem scary to me.
I can fight proudly. I can live my own life.
What's even more fortunate is that the stage and my allies were already waiting in eyesight.
President. Even if it's my destiny to obey you, I won't accept it.
That's what I decided. I'm sure my grandma will be happy for me. My parents don't have anything to do with this. I don't care if I'm throwing away my future.
I want to stand here, as Trickstar.
I'll do as I like.
Even if I fail, even if I come to regret my decision, my grandma will be on my side. With just that fact, I can recklessly move forward without looking back.
I will become your enemy, president. No, I was your enemy from the start. I was swayed by sweet words and lost my way, but I finally remembered.
I'm also Trickstar.
Eichi: …Is that so. It's a shame, I really had high expectations for you.
I evaluated you highly, but if you're that determined, there's nothing I can do.
I won't show any mercy, Hokuto.
I will trample upon the dream, hopes and everything else that you've gained at such great pains.
Hokuto: It won't be trampled upon so easily. No, even if it does get trampled upon, it will come back again and again just like a weed. That's what Trickstar is.
Eichi: I'm sure you're trying to praise Trickstar, but I don't think being compared to a weed is that good.
Subaru: Hokuto.
Hokuto: Akehoshi.
I'm sorry. I don't have the right to call myself your ally. I've made you worry, you must resent me.
There's nothing I can say if you tell me to leave right here and now. In that case I'll shut up and disappear.
However if you can find it in yourself to forgive me, let me be your comrade again.
I want you to let me sing with you.
Subaru: There's only one thing that I want to say to you.
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Subaru: …You're late, idiot ☆
Makoto: He punched him?! Akehoshi-kun, at least spare his face! We'll be doing a live after this…!
Hokuto: Ufu, ufufufu. Punch me more, Akehoshi! I deserve it for having committed such a great offense, punch me as much as you like…☆
Makoto: Huh, Hidaka-kun's character also did a 180!?
But, it's like a dream that to be able to stand on the same stage as Hidaka-kun again…! You did well in coming back, I'm really glad ♪
Mao: Are you alright though, Hokuto?
You had a pretty big reason for transferring to fine, right?
If there wasn't, someone like you, who has such a strong sense of responsibility, wouldn't have left Trickstar.
Hokuto: Yeah. Don't worry, though I suppose that would be hard. I've come to terms with it, that's why I'm here now.
I don't care if this'll be my last live.
Subaru: Don't say last! Let's sing together again countless times! We're the greatest unit, the greatest comrades! Right, Hokuto?
Mao: Hmm. But if you already finished the transfer paperwork, you shouldn't be able to return to Trickstar this easily.
From a rule standpoint. Though I really hate that I have to be the one to say this.
Of course, I'll welcome you back with open arms.
Eichi: I don't mind. I myself will dispose of the transfer documents using my authority as the student council president.
Your crime of betraying me deserves capital punishment. However, your friendship is a rare treasure. I don't want to break that bond for a such a dull, realistic reason.
I want to fight you at your best. By trampling and exhausting you at your best I will gain the greatest strength.
That's what the DDD is for. Don't worry about anything unnecessary, and bring out everything you have.
I'll turn the tables for you.
Subaru: As expected of the president! You're surprisingly generous ☆
Eichi: Fufu. But please stop creating that 'everything's already come to a happy conclusion' atmosphere before the match has even started.
I have my own objective, that's all…
Let's stop the needless chatter here. The audience is waiting in anticipation of our stage.
As a student of Yumenosaki Academy I want to make this a stage we can be proud of.
[ ☆ ]
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loveforpreserumsteve · 8 months
Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
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"OH, LOOK HOW lovely these are!" Sarah squealed when she saw the little sage green mittens with radishes, carrots, and peas in and out of their pods.
"Aren't they," Peggy agreed, fawning over Sarah just as she did with Steve. Steve wondered if Peggy reminded Sarah of her mother as much as she did for Steve.
Reading the card, Steve said, "Thank you, Mr. Sitwell. This is very thoughtful."
The lawyer nodded, but remained in the corner of the room where no one was paying attention to him while he ate a piece of the carrot cake. If Steve's wombmate wasn't the guest of honor, Steve probably would've done the same. He hated being the center of attention, but he occasionally made exceptions. Especially when those exceptions involved his loved ones and their happiness.
Setting the gift bag with the garden themed mittens – along with their matching hats – and the baby nail kit off to the side, Joe crossed the room to him. The alpha handed him another, "Last, but not least." A basket with different bath and post-bath products as well as towels and washcloths. Joe grinned, "This is from mom and me."
"Thank you," he smiled, kissing the older man on his cheek. Teasing, "They're going to be the cleanest baby around."
As though objecting, Natasha's son let out a shrill cry. She stood so she could sway him and joked, "Sorry, he can't help but be the center of attention. It's honestly so rude of him."
"It's alright," Steve chuckled, marking over his thirty-three week bump. "I'm sure bud will be the same."
"Bud? Is that their name?" Angie Martinelli asked.
"You're having a boy?" Natasha asked, glancing over at her work partner as though he had been keeping a secret and she didn't appreciate it.
"Oh, how exciting!" Thor's voice boomed above the chatter filling the room, causing his husband to cover his face in embarrassment.
Laura offered, "I have tons of hand-me-downs that I can –"
Steve shook his head as he corrected, "It's just a term of endearment since their birth is when I'll –" he glanced at Bucky and amended "– we'll find out."
The room quieted at that. Not to complete silence, just to a more manageable volume as smaller conversations started up around the room again. Steve was thankful for that though. He was even more thankful when Bucky rubbed his sore, tense shoulders and kissed his temple.
"C'mon, Niko," Natasha sighed, still trying to soothe the seven month old. Looking over at the sofa where Steve was sandwiched between his mom and his boyfriend, she asked, "Wanna get some practice in?"
Steve looked over at Bucky before deciding that he might as well. With the assistance of both Sarah and Bucky, Steve stood from the couch. Meeting Natasha halfway, she passed the crying baby to him. He had hoped that he'd have the magic touch where as soon as the little guy was in his arms, he'd stop crying. Instead, Niko cried harder. No matter how much Steve swayed him, nothing helped. And it definitely didn't help when Heath-or-Zoey started moving around in the womb as though they didn't like the interruption to their nap.
Looking over at Natasha, Steve said, "I think that's enough practice for today."
"Don't take it too hard," Laura assured.
"You're alright," Joe comforted with a hand on his shoulder, the same way he used to when he coached Steve's T-Ball team. Steve could almost hear the, 'walk it off,' or, 'you'll get 'em next time, kiddo.' And while Steve let out a heavy sigh as he eased himself back onto the couch, it was comforting.
Holding the wiggling, crying baby to her chest, she asked Bucky, "What about you? You're gonna need practice too."
Worrying his lower lip, Bucky glanced over at Steve. Nodding his encouragement, Steve all but pushed the brunet off the couch. Stiffly – and clearly uncomfortable – Bucky took Nikolai in his arms. At first, he was tense, as though the baby would attack if he moved. But then, the baby eased, scenting the alpha. Bucky seemed shocked by the action, and turned his head just enough so he could look at Steve.
"It's nothing personal, darling," Peggy soothed, "Babies are funny like that."
Directing his full attention to his bump, Steve spoke to his baby, "I better be your favorite."
"If it means anything," Bucky swayed the baby, soothing him, "You're my favorite."
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. If he had to be completely honest, it did mean something to him. Out of all of Bucky's friends, partners, and admirers, Steve was his favorite? That meant everything.
"Sorry, I'm late."
The conversations paused and Steve looked over at the entryway to the living room where Greta was standing with a gift bag. With a lot of effort, Steve pushed himself off the couch so he could greet her properly. It had been more than long enough since he had seen her last. For a moment, Steve felt guilty for not visiting with the mourning woman more in the aftermath of Abraham's death.
Hugging her as close as he could despite the bump between them, Steve said, "I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad I came too," Greta sniffled. Pulling from the embrace but not completely, she fondly looked at the pregnant omega, "Abe would've loved to see you like this."
Not able to hold back his tears, he nodded and said, "I wish he could've."
She wiped his tears and then wiped her own. "I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay long. I just wanted to give you this."
Accepting the pastel yellow bag, Steve rested it on his protruding stomach so he could peek inside. His actions halted though when she said, "It was something that Abraham wanted you to have."
"Thank you," Steve hiccupped. "Really, Greta, thank you."
"You're very welcome, sweetheart."
Embracing the older beta again, Steve closed his eyes and scented her. Longing to have her and Abe's scents mingling and lingering together. That was how they should've always been, and now it just left Steve heartbroken.
"I'm really happy for you." Greta rubbed his back, "You deserve this, Steven. You truly do. And I can't wait to see how amazing of a father you're going to be."
"Y'wanna join us on the couch?" Steve offered, gesturing to Sarah and Peggy.
Fidgeting, Greta looked over at the two women who waved her over with kind smiles on their faces. Steve could see that she wasn't so sure, and he got it. He really did. Greta wasn't used to going to gatherings by herself. Steve knew as much from the years that the Erskines had been in his life. But now she didn't have the luxury of having her husband beside her.
So, Steve gave her an out, "I won't be upset if you just want to go home and relax a little."
"Thank you," Greta let out a breath of relief. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely," Steve assured. Suggesting, instead, "We can have lunch sometime, alright."
Nodding, Greta leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Bidding her farewell, Steve walked her to the door. He loved Greta and he knew that she loved him too. Greta not wanting to be around a lot of people didn't mean that she didn't, nor did it mean that Steve was going to stop loving her for not wanting to stay. Kissing each other's cheeks, Steve closed the door behind her.
By himself in the hallway, Steve opened the bag and looked at the soft books and a stuffed rabbit who came as a reading buddy. Steve's eyes grew wet again as he thought about the late author. Always wanting kids to be creative and curious, that was Abraham. Perhaps he wanted everyone like that since not all of the gifts were for his wombmate. No, there was an old, distressed book that claimed, Mysteries, Magic, and Mayhem: The Truth of Stark Tower.
I wrote this at my brother's and using his wife's laptop since I left mine at home, lol. So say thank you to my brother and sister-in-law! I hope you're doing well wherever you are! Much love and appreciation Minnie ❤️❤️❤️
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refriedrambles · 9 months
Purple tech people and red clad theater villains are a recurring theme in characters that end up being my favorites
Which I guess explains my need to make Purple to be like anal about his weapons and super knowledgeable about paks while Red's far more unintentionally cruel in general whilst really trying to come off as kind most of the time (where Purple's just purposely cruel with people, the man doesn't care), despite doing horrible thing in the need for attention. It's why he's both such a pushover and yet also a bully. Which feels both a bit like flipping what I usually see with them on it's head but also very aligned with them too
Which is kinda weird
That being said I typically like the overly pathetic theater villains (with at least a touch of mad scientist vibes) the most ei Zim or Jack Spicer, the kind where the narrative never gives them a true win, which my Red doesn't really fall in line with as much. Always just wanna see how these kinda characters would react if they got something they wanted and I guess Red fall more in line with a post preputial state version of that. Red's the Tallest now, sure that wasn't his dream, but now everyone knows his face, most irkens adore him, he's got constant access to pretty much any sort of attention he wants
And I'll be honest I'm very swayed by a character's design in gauging how much I like them. Zim easily could have been my favorite character ever if his design fell more in line with my visual tastes, but it wouldn't be Zim at that point. His design fits him perfectly for IZ ya know? He's definitely still one of my favorites, he's too entertaining and checks too many boxes on whatever subconscious list I got to determine how much I like a character to not be
If you give a character that would normally make me want to tear my hair out an old Disney villain aesthetic or red hair (be it bright fire truck red or a more natural color) I'll at the very least be okay with their presents in a story.
Also it's a down right shame the more characters don't have scars and shit and this could just be from me reading ungodly amounts of subpar manhwa (don't get me wrong here I wouldn't read them if I didn't enjoy them), but 'curing' a curse or magically healing a character of scar/curse marks that was a huge point of insecurity in their character when they finally begin to accept themselves or that someone can actually love them is bullshit. It defeats the point of maybe I can live in my own skin if you decide to immediately tear it off and give them a shiny new unblemish layer. Let them learn to truly accept themselves not just open up to the idea of it then nixing that part of them completely. fkfjhdjgh This applies to lingering disabilities as well. If someone's gonna suddenly regrow a limb or have a magic replacement against all odds in universe dig into that, give me some body horror, some trauma, an adjustment period, little details about how said new limb comes with a new set of daily rituals/maintenance, anything.
Their disability doesn't need to be a conflict or a story point if it's established as simply a part of them, these things don't need to be constantly acknowledged or pointed out (nor do most aspects of a character), but if you're gonna keep picking at it story wise (if that makes any sense, like there is a fine line between shoving something down your throat and have it effect the character often, invisible illnesses are a thing and they're fucking nightmares but would have to be approached in a different way in comparison to something more blatant in terms of showing, different limitations and quirks that might crop up more frequently that the other characters might not be aware of and all that) or bringing it into a conflict fucking COMMIT!
There's something about regrowing a limb that just screams to me there'd be some internal conflict about it, like maybe the character had begun to adjust to not having it and now it's unwieldy leaving the character frustrated at being unable to simply just DO the things they KNOW they're capable of now or the new one doesn't seem to be quite right, missing freckles or birthmarks, thick hairs grow on it that the character could have simply overlooked before but seeds them with suspicion that this limb isn't truly their own. That kinda shit, I never really see it in shit and with how weirdly common the curing trope is, it's a crime. Basically if you're gonna cure something don't just cut the plot threat there.
These are things I will try to implement in my own writing and when I say you I'm not really meaning anyone in particular or trying to get people to write what I want to see. I'm mostly bitching at this point
Since this feels a smidge preachy and I didn't intend to go off on this tangent, let me talk about how much I like Toph. She's just great, my favorite Avatar character behind Zuko! She's got a magic bandaid for her blindness and I don't think there's anything wrong with that cause the avatar writers are brilliant and implemented it nicely. She's rowdy, tough, rough and tumble and over all just a brilliant character. She's not incapable or helpless to the point it's a recurring gag other characters straight up forget she's bilnd. But like she IS still blind, its a part of her. She gets frustrated with people and herself if she or they forget her limits. She can't see the signs they're putting up for Appa nor the painting being done at the end of the series but like she doesn't get stuck on those facts or get miserable cause of it, she just moves on or uses it as an opportunity to break the tension. I love her
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yousaytomato · 2 years
tumblr will get so close to good textual analysis and discussion and then the next comment will be
"well actually, in an interview/on twitter/in passing on an Instagram Live, they said that's not true so you're wrong actually, end of discussion 🤷‍♂️"
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Constructive Criticism: A Guide
Hey everyone :)) Here's a quick guide that I've created for giving others constructive criticism. This is by no means 'all inclusive' and you should of course use your own judgment before sending anyone feedback of any kind, but here a few general rules that I use when writing con crit (as a professional editor) <3
For those wondering, don't worry, I'm still working on another SoC rant and some more poetry but this is just an interesting aside I thought I might post :DD
So without any further ado, the concrit rules:
Firstly and most importantly, don't provide constructive criticism unless the writer has explicitly asked for feedback. If you're asked by a friend to 'let me know what you think' -- this is generally an opening for support, rather than concrit
Be sure to read the text as an objective piece of work, with a clear frame of mind. These may seem like obvious stipulations, but avoid reading anything for the couple of hours before you read the work to prevent your mind being swayed to a particular judgment (e.g. reading a famous poet's work might make you more critical of a novice writer's first poetry). On that point, remember:
You are not here to give judgement! Avoid stating any terms like "Overall, this piece of work is good enough for ...." or "I think that I would rate this work a ../10". Your job is to provide an analysis of the text in front of you, not its value or worth
Okay, so now to the actual concrit. Lets say you've read this person's work and you're ready to give your feedback:
Always open up with your interpretation of the work so that the writer can see what exactly you are thinking as you are analysing. This statement could be something as simple as "The poem that you've sent me was an evocative teenage love story intersected with romantic poetry to show the everlasting nature of love". In the case that you have mis-interpreted the text, this allows the writer to take your further evaluations with a grain of salt and also gives them a subtle nudge to perhaps improve the clarity of their message :)
List your points in size order. What I mean by that is start with the easiest thing that the writer can fix (e.g. your basic line edit including spelling, punctation, grammar, word choice, etc.) and then slowly work down your edit as you reach the bigger ideas (e.g. major themes, overarching concepts, etc). There are a few benefits for doing it this way. Firstly, as a reader, it makes logical sense to evaluate the themes of a text after you have finished reading the entire work; this way you have a greater appreciation for the text as a whole (which is required for a concept) rather than the text as a collection of small parts. Secondly, for a writer who may be using your edit like a checklist, they can quickly 'tick-off' the easy fixes and then work the bones of their text more thoroughly (also its often hard to start editing your work and simple fixes are a good early motivator).
Afterwards, I always like to go for the 'one for one' rule. For every one feature you 'criticise', give one place where the writer as done well. These should generally be linked if possible. I'll give an example, say my friend who is writing the teenage love story has a really compelling plot that falls short due to flat characters....you'd state something like "You create a touching story that could be enhanced through better characterisation." So this way, you acknowledge the work the writer has done and also introduce your feedback. Notice how instead of criticising, I posed the above statement like an improvement. Give the person something concrete to work on!
Expand! Apart from the judgemental trope, the other trap that editors often fall into is writing wishy-washy statements that don't really have a solution. I'm sure we've all been in that english class with that one teacher who circles entire paragraphs with the overly descriptive term 'vague' and not had a clue about what to fix. Don't be that teacher! Try and list as many clear examples of what the author could touch up on and fix (without sounding too domineering of course). For example: "The characterisation of your protagonist Sue falls a little flat because it's hard to have empathy for her. You portray her as an extremely beautiful young woman who is bullied for her good looks but is still really popular....I'd suggest reconsidering how realistic this may be. You have an amazing connection built up between Sue and Alex however, perhaps a greater focus on that rather than so much description about Sue might be more effective :)"
Finally, wrap everything up with a nice (generally uplifting) conclusion. My advice is that no matter how terrible the text you have just read, the writer has taken the steps to go out and send you their work! This is much more difficult that it seems! Congratulate them for their effort, perhaps point out some of the nicest parts of their work. I like to add short quotes from the work that I found particularly interesting at the end. This not only leaves them on a happier note but also makes them feel comfortable and safe about sharing their work and moving to improve it! Remember, you have had plenty of time to talk about the flaws, this is the time to build up their morale and let them work through everything.
Okay, so now you've written out your concrit. Here are a few things you should do before sending it to the person:
Give the text another read! I cannot emphasise how important this point is!!! Often themes or concepts that might not have made too much sense the first time become a lot clearer now that you are in the world of the text. Also you can make sure that your critiques actually match the work :)
Give your concrit a read. Try and avoid basic spelling and grammar mistakes and make sure you don't sound too patronising or rude. Perhaps sprinkle some other nice things in there too :)
Remember, a piece of writing is often someone's baby! It can be personal and vulnerable for someone to hear its criticism. Be kind and supportive in your work!
If everything is good, send through your concrit to the person. Generally I like to wait a few days or until the person themselves reaches out to me again before talking about the text anymore. Give them some time to process; allow them the space to decide what they want to do with their work.
Sometimes, your writer might not take all of your edits on board. That is perfectly okay! You, like any other human being, can be flawed and have opinions that don't align with someone else. At the end of the day, it is not your work that you are giving concrit to and it is entirely the writer's decision of how they want to shape their work. Try not to take ignored concrit too personally :)
So there you have it; a relatively comprehensive guide to giving concrit. Whether it be for the next literary journal you edit or for that fanfiction you've read (with a writer specifically asking for concrit ofc), I hope some of these tips and tricks help you in your editing work :) If you have any questions, feel free to ask me (I love asks, comments and DMs) :))) I might consider doing beta reading here in the future and if you have requests you can also contact me as above!
Concrit is welcome for this article (ironic, isn't it?) cos I've literally written it all in one sitting and not even had a glance over it before posting (terrible writing advice...don't do that) :) Reblogs and likes are also extremely appreciated!!! Anyways, happy editing out there folks :)
Until next time,
Hics <3
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Love Finds A Way
[Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer] [Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd]
Pairings:Thomas Hunt x Sienna Trinh; Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd (OH!MC); Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) ; Book: Red Carpet Diaries x Open Heart (one-shot AU) Word Count: <1800 Rating: General Prompts: ​@choicesficwriterscreations Blind Date prompt for Thomas x Sienna at a winery; @choicesfebruary2022challenge date; @wackydrabbles #132 (in bold), @choicesmonthlychallenge To Be or Not to Be
Synopsis: Ethan (with a push from Ellie) sets his friend Thomas up on a blind date with Sienna at this year's Edenbrook oncology fundraiser at a local winery.
A/N: This is a one-shot AU for the blind date prompt above. It does not exist in either of my RCD or HWU universes. I've never really written Sienna before so I apologize in advance.
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A hand clapped on his shoulder as he stood at the bar waiting for his tumbler of scotch.
"How's our celebrity guest?" Ethan's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. He understood the need for charity fundraisers and galas, yet he had never been one for enjoying his required presence. He took pleasure in knowing, this time, he wasn't alone.
The famed Hollywood director wasted no time savoring his drink; instead, he took a deep gulp, letting the rush of amber liquid burn down his throat, hoping it would dull the din of the crowd around them. He tapped his glass, signaling for another. "—and a glass of your finest house red, thank you."
He turned his focus toward his friend. "Remind me again why I agreed to this?"
"The fundraiser or the date?" The esteemed doctor quipped.
Thomas massaged the bridge of his nose, exhaling a low breath. "Both."
"You loss our last poker game." Ethan folded his arms and leaned back onto the bar counter. "Ellie's persuasive, and you didn't see through my bluff. Looks like you're getting old, my friend."
"You might recall we are the same age, so what does that make you?"
"Timeless, a classic, or in terms we can both understand, a finely aged scotch."
The bartender returned, placing the two drinks beside the director. Thomas breathed deeply, trying to convince himself to return to Sienna.
"The date going that well?"
"She's practically a child."
"She's the same age as Ellie," Ethan insisted. "And as you've already stated, we are also the same age."
"We have nothing in common. I have little interest in baking or marine life. And, what even is K-Pop?"
"You're getting old, my friend," Ethan repeated, clapping his hand on his friend's shoulder once more.
"Tell your wife I appreciate the concern about my social wellbeing; however, I do not need any assistance."
"Duly noted."
Thomas took the two glasses and surveyed the room for his date, finding her giggling with Ellie. "My apologies for the delay." He offered her the glass of wine he had procured at her request.
"Thank you!" Sienna chirped pleasantly. "We saw you talking with Ethan."
"I suppose that's my cue to go mingle. I'll leave you two beautiful people to get better acquainted." Ellie wrapped her arms around Sienna, hugging her closer. "Give him a little more time. He's a good guy." She turned to Thomas, pressing a kiss on his cheek. "You can smile; it won't kill you. Promise."
His brow rose in challenge, but her stern gaze was not one to be trifled with so he offered a half-hearted smile.
Sienna sucked her lip, watching her friend depart, leaving her and Thomas alone once more.
The two nursed their drinks, the silence between them becoming even more deafening, drowning out the crowd around them.
"Do you want to dance?" Sienna suggested cheerfully, her narrow frame already swaying to the lively beat of the music from the DJ on the other side of the room. Her smile grew as she caught sight of Baz dancing solo (and killing it) on the dance floor. She suppressed a soft laugh, waving to her friend.
"Not my area."
"Everyone can dance," she encouraged. She modeled, letting the rhythm take control as she attempted to tempt him.
"It is not that I am unable to dance. More accurately, this style of music—if one can consider it as such—is not my metier."
She nodded in understanding. "Can I ask you something?" Her chipper voice was softer now. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
Despite years of acting and even teaching college students, his face betrayed him. "Of course I am—"
She laughed to herself, interrupting his white lie. "It's okay, me neither."
For the first time all night, his lips turned up, thankful to her for her honesty. "I must apologize. This might sound cliche, but it's not you. You are beautiful, kind-hearted, and clearly intelligent and talented. I'm just—" His smile fell away as quickly as it came. He didn't know what he was waiting for, maybe nothing. He had always been content on his own with his art. Maybe that was enough.
"It's okay," she insisted. "There's nothing left to say. We can agree this isn't working."
"Let Ellie down gently? I know she had high hopes for tonight."
"You don't even know the half of it." Sienna's warm smile and bright eyes reassured him.
"I truly hope you find what you deserve." He took her hand in his, brushing a tender kiss across her knuckles.
"Thank you. I know we both will. Love finds a way—isn't that what they say?" Sienna shrugged. "We can just agree that the way isn't here."
"That might be the first thing we can agree upon." His voice was tender and open for the first time.
"Do you mind if I go dance with my friends?" She asked shyly.
"By all means, please. Don't allow me to hold you back."
"It was really nice meeting you." She bounced off toward the dance floor, pausing only a moment to turn back once more. "Your girl is out there. Perhaps closer than you think. Don't lose hope. She's just not a dolphin, but there are plenty of other fish in the sea."
Thomas shook his head, pondering her words. He watched her slip into the crowd, joining others as they threw their hands up, letting the music take hold.
He glanced at his watch. He should stay a little longer, but he could justify taking his leave a little earlier. He had made his appearance, signed autographs, posed for the press and for donors, offered his own substantial donation, and even given a blind date a try. He had enough. He slipped through the winery and out toward the parking lot.
Breathing in the crisp New England air, he put the night behind him. All he needed now was his research and the script he was working on. He turned back one last time as he waited for the valet to bring him his car. The winery glowed under the moonlight, the many happy guests enjoying themselves.
"Oof—" She collided with him, her cup of iced coffee slipping from her grip and crashing to the ground. "Oh, no!"
"Watch it," he grumbled. His frustrations only grew when he noticed the splatter of coffee covering his shoes and pant leg. "Great." He leaned over, trying to brush off what he could.
She clasped her hands to her heart, her gaze solemnly on the ground as she mourned the loss of her coffee. "You were a good coffee."
"If you'll excuse me." He attempted to keep walking.
"I'm sorry!" She called, following him. "Oh! Ohmygosh! You're you!"
He turned back toward her, hoping to get the requested photo-op over so he could continue on. The skin around his eyes relaxed as his gaze met hers.
"You're really Thomas Hunt," she marveled. "You're amazing!"
"And you're really Alex Spencer." His lip twitched up, and the skin around his eyes wrinkled as she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You know who I am?"
"I take note of up-and-coming talent when it is warranted... Your work is adequate."
"Adequate?" She fanned herself, looking away. "Don't make a girl blush so hard."
"Would you prefer satisfactory?" He retorted.
"I'd prefer exceptional, but I know with whom I speak." Her smile widened. "Satisfactory is high praise. Thank you, Mr. Hunt."
"Thomas," she repeated trying it out.
The moment lingered, and neither moved. He realized that for the first time that night, the passing quiet was not discomforting. The silence had a comforting warmth, somehow both new and familiar.
"Your car, Mr. Hunt." The valet interrupted.
"Thank you. I'll just be a moment."
"You're leaving?" Her voice held an air of disappointment.
"It appears that way, doesn't it?" His feet stayed firmly planted in front of her, not wanting to move.
"Oh." Her brows pulled in as she glanced at his waiting car before turning back to him. "I'm sorry about the coffee. I guess I really shouldn't be texting and walking while drinking coffee and being like three hours late."
"It's okay." He laughed lightly. His lips pressed together, and a curious expression drew across his brow. "Can I ask why you're bringing coffee to a winery? Is not the custom do partake in wine and spirits?"
"Great question. Well, one, coffee is life!" She nodded in agreement with herself.
Her confidence and spirit captivated him. "And two?"
"And two," she hesitated for a moment. "If you find just the right dessert wine, it makes the best coffee sweetener."
His mouth fell agape, perhaps for the first time in his life, having never let himself succumb to such a gesture. "Wh—why?"
"Why not?" She seemed unphased by his confusion. "Coffee is good. Wine is good. Coffee and wine are doubly good."
He opened his mouth, yet no words came out.
"I mean, it's not all wines. You need to find just the right one. You usually can't go wrong with a nice, bold raspberry wine. Strawberry is nice for something a little lighter and more refreshing."
"I—" He shook his head, still at a loss for words. "I suppose I will have to take your word for it."
"Maybe next time I can convince you to give it a try."
"That seems unlikely."
"The coffee/wine combo or that there will be a next time?"
"The coffee/wine combination."
"Okay, good." She chewed the corner of her lip, her cheeks warming under his steady attention.
"As for the next time, that would presume the first time was at its conclusion."
"I thought you were leaving."
"I was—I am. I'd offer to replace your coffee, but I wouldn't wish to take you from this event. Perhaps a next time is more appropriate."
"All I heard was coffee."
Her effervescent joy pulled him further toward her. "What about the fundraiser?"
"I was filming nearby, and my agent thought I could make an appearance."
"Then you should."
"I don't need to be seen to donate. The money will go to the hospital whether I pose when I write the check or not."
"So, I heard there was going to be coffee? Is that still happening?"
"I think I would enjoy that."
"Great! Me too." Alex took the first step toward his car. "The coffee mostly, but perhaps time with you would be adequate as well."
"I believe we moved to satisfactory," he reminded her as he opened the door of his black sports car.
"Coffee first, then I will consider revisiting my rating of this evening."
He closed the door behind her, his step light and untroubled. He bit back his growing smile and the thought of how quickly the night had turned, not yet knowing, his life would be forever changed.
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A/N #2: I know the prompt is for Thomas x Sienna but I just couldn't do it... I really did try. But Alex! Love finds a way and these two always find each other. It's the rule. I don't make it up!
If you made it this far, thank you so so much. I truly appreciate the support. Likes, comments, and reblogs are especially appreciated.
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
Did you even...? (ANGST)
♡ Prisoner!c!Dream x GN!Reader, (Mention of past poly!dream team x reader)
♡ Summary: You pay an old friend a visit. You just need to get something off your chest.
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This place seemed to be even creepier on the inside than on the outside and stepping foot into the prison gave you immediate chills. You look over to Sam, who strides through the hall with no issue at all. Well, that does make sense, he did build the place after all. He knew the prison like the back of his hand.
He gives you a quick glance before breaking the silence and asking,
"You sure you wanna do this?"
"If I don't do it now, I'll never do it. Might as well take advantage of the situation while it's safe, right?"
He doesn't say anything in response, and while it does leave a slightly awkward tension in the air, you think it's for the best.
After going through the countless safety measures, you finally make it to the bridge.
"Stand back, let the lava wall fall first."
You nod, feeling your chest starting to tighten up from how nervous you're feeling. As the wall falls, you can see a cell in the distance, and in that cell, a very familiar figure.
You start to feel hesitant when you see him and soon you start to rethink your decision as well.
"Last chance, (Y/n). Do you want to do this?" Sam asks, his voice now firmer than before. "I won't be able to follow you, but just know that he won't be able to harm you in there."
You take a deep breath and remind yourself once again, now or never. Do it while he can't properly hurt you, while he can't manipulate you, while you still want to give him a piece of your mind. If you don't let it out now you'll regret never taking this chance.
"Y-yeah, I want this. I have to do this."
Sam doesn't say anything else and turns his attention to the many switches on the wall. "Stand on the bridge and hold onto the railings tight. The moment the bridge connects to the cell hop off quick."
You nod and step onto the bridge.
Upon seeing that it truly is you, Dream is quick to walk towards you but the netherite wall stops him from getting too close too soon. You were here, actually here, visiting him. He hasn't see you in ages, not since he left you three and you still look so-
...you still look so lovely.
Despite his blank look, he seems dead tired and for the first time in a long while, you actually feel sympathetic towards him, but that doesn't mean you were going to go easy on him. No, it's going to take a while before you find yourself comforting him. Though, despite what you tell yourself you still have to hold back from holding him like you used to do.
As the lava falls back down, along with the netherite wall, you let yourself step over that line, approaching closer towards him and he does the same too.
You let out a sigh, a hand covering your face as you try to get your emotions in check. So many things to say but the dull ache you feel is a reminder that you have so little time, but you do know what to start off with. With a deep breath you finally say what you've been dying to tell him,
"You absolute fucking asshole."
You can't help the venom that seep into your voice as you utter those words and Dream can feel his heart break a little as you use that tone with him. This wasn't your usual teasing insults anymore, you were furious and your voice more than shows it.
"All of this, and for what, Dream?" You ask him.
'For power, for absolute control,' a part of him thinks to himself, but he can't find the courage to say it to you. He can't make things worse than it already is.
"I'm sure Sapnap told you, he never could keep his feelings to himself," the way he so casually says it makes you want to slap his mask right off. If only he was there to hear Sapnap claim that Dream never cared about them, how devastating it was to hear those words.
"You're a selfish prick,"
He is, isn't he?
"Such a greedy motherfucker,"
He's come to terms with that a long time ago.
"...An absolute heartbreaking bitch."
...He didn't expect to fall this hard, (Y/n), he didn't know he'd fall in love too.
Tears start to fall as everything grows to be too much from all the sorror and frustration you're letting out with each word you say. You try your best to wipe them away but it's no use. It just hurts. You wish George and Sapnap were here to comfort you, to hug you, but they weren't and you aren't going to simply hug the monster in front of you no matter how much you want to. As much as it hurts you can't find it in you to stop talking just yet though.
"Was what we all had just a joke to you?" You manage to sob out.
He stiffens a bit as his thoughts race. Inside he's begging you to stop, to please don't ask him that question.
"Was it fun? Y'know- stringing me, Sapnap and George along, saying such loving words. Sharing all those gentle kisses and late night giggles. Were those moments just fake to you?"
(Y/n) please.
What can he say, what do you want him to say? Please, (Y/n) he doesn't know what to say-
"Did you even fucking love us?"
'Yes,' something inside of him screams, the part inside of him that he tried desperately to ignore ever since he left you three. He wants to shout out his answer, wants to hold you close and never let go, but he can't, because he knows damn well he doesn't deserve it and it kills him everytime he thinks about it. He doesn't deserve you and them.
His silence and blank stare breaks your heart, but at the same time, it also... relieves you, to know that you don't have to cling to any false hope. To know that you can just let go knowing nothing between you four were ever real to him.
You let out a hiccup and a shuddering sigh. Unclenching the fists you never knew you were clenching to begin with. You have so much to say, but you think you've finally reached your limit, so you focus on calming yourself, starting to feel foolish for losing it in front of him.
Silence between you two filled the room, with you looking down at the floor refusing to even glance at him and Dream not moving from where he stands, his thoughts fighting with one another as he thinks about what he should do or say.
Before Dream can open his mouth he sees you starting to sway a little bit. You feel yourself starting to grow weaker as your sobbing slowly stops and the dull ache from before is becoming unbearable, and that's when you realize the potion was still in effect. Your time was running out, you have to leave soon.
You accept whats coming, you said your piece, and even though you still feel like shit, a slight weight has been lifted off your chest . You got to meet him, and finally got to say what you wanted, face to face. You feel satisfied, at least for now.
"(Y/n)," his voice starts to sound like a distant echo as your head starts to throb.
"Don't... please don't say anything...," you feel the room start to spin and you're slowly losing your balance.
"(Y/n), please listen-"
"...I can't Dream. I can't-," and with that, you feel your heart stop and see the world around you turn black for just a moment before you wake up on the bed Sam had told you to set your spawn at. Your head is in a daze as you look around to check your surroundings. At that moment, it all felt so surreal, but you knew better than to think it was fake.
"...Fuck," you literally can't find anything else to say, feeling speechless and a little emotional.
"Feel better?" Sam asks as he walks over to check you over.
"Yeah, I think so..." a ping can be heard as your communicator goes off and it's from Sapnap.
You told him you'd be visiting the prison a few hours before but you weren't expecting him to come and pick you up, he even brought Quackity and Karl with him too. It's a pleasant surprise after that whole situation at least.
"Best not to keep them waiting, (Y/n)."
You let out a final hiccup before laughing softly, wiping away the remaining tears from your face.
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Sam."
Before your souless body can hit the floor, Dream is quick to catch it and hold it as it starts to slowly fade. He starts to feel some of the tears he's been holding back fall and he doesn't bother to stop them. Instead, he just hugs your body closer to him. It doesn't feel the same with how cold and light it feels, but it's better than nothing.
As your body slowly starts to dissapear, he can't help but whisper out a string of apologies to it, pretending like you three can hear his voice.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."
But no matter how hard he pleads, no voices answer back, only the soft flowing of lava and his screaming throughts return to be his only company.
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Notes: Hello! Thank you so much for reading this if you did! I haven't written fanfic in ages so I may be hella hecking rusty. I'm also really sorry if this is beyond ooc and dramatic! I'll try to get better as time goes on!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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chosenkeepersworld · 3 years
The Curses We Inherit - Chapter 6
Original Work
Date Posted: June 30, 2021 (Tumblr)
Word count: 1, 757 words
A/N: Work is unbeta'd but I do hope you'll still enjoy reading it. Comments are always appreciated! And if you can't wait to read what happens next, this story is also up on Wattpad (under username ChosenKeeper0971) but with way more chapters, I appreciate your support there too!
Thank you so much and happy reading :) Masterlist / Part 5
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Sunlight streamed through the slit between the curtains, stretching toward the bed.
Danika groaned and squeezed her eyes shut tighter when the light hit her face, whining the blonde lifted the blanket over her head as she turned on her other side. Her head was pounding and the young woman could feel all her muscles ache. Her mouth felt so dry it was like there was sand in her mouth. Danika stretched her arm but froze when she felt a warm body next to her.
Panic coursed through her and the young blonde yelped and tried to scramble off the bed, but tripped when her feet got tangled up with the sheets.
"What are you doing?" a sleepy voice asked
The young O'Brien twisted until she could face her bedmate, she knew that voice well enough seeing as she spent an entire day yesterday with her.
"What am I doing?" Danika exclaimed "What about you? Why are you in my bed?"
Jacqueline sat up and yawned "The drinks last night really did a number on you didn't they"
"What?" it was not often that Danika would drink so much that she would get a hangover and forget the events of the night before.
Jac sighed "Alright let's start from after we left Krysa's shop"
The sky was darkening when Jacqueline offered to drive Danika back to her aunt's house. Aileen had called her niece earlier to inform her that there was a business emergency and needed to return home. The blue eyed woman, overhearing the conversation and concerned for Danika's safety, volunteered to bring her back.
"You really don't need to bring me all the way home" Danika said, fidgeting in her seat.
Jacqueline backed out onto the main road "Absolutely not! You are my friend and I should at least make sure you get home alright"
Danika fell silent.
Friends. Majority of the blonde's life was propriety and phoney smiles, friendships were never easy or sincere. There was always a motive to someone's actions, it was exhausting to a child.
But now, there was this stranger with an easy smile and open expression offering friendship. A true and real friendship.
Maybe it was the exhaustion or the overwhelming feeling of loneliness that's been present since her childhood but Danika could only feel something light settle in her chest. She quieted, smiling in her seat as her new friend drove on.
They arrived at Aileen's home by dinner to which the older O'Brien invited Jac to, insisting all the while that the brunette should have something in her stomach before she went home. With that Aileen left them to rest and wash up before the meal, Jac was too stunned to make any protest.
The events of the day had been exhausting and Danika was in need of a good wine on days like this.
Much to the youngest O'Brien's relief her aunt felt the same way, or just took a look at her niece's face and thought she could use a drink.
Once the wine was poured Danika snatched up the glass and brought it closer to her face, sniffed delicately at the pale lemon colored drink then sipped. Danika closed her eyes and sighed in pleasure.
At the sound Jac and Aileen exchanged smiles before drinking the wine from their glasses.
Time and wine flowed as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky. The youngest O'Brien resisted, insisting on drinking more, trying her hardest to drown her emotions.
It wasn't difficult getting the glass and the fourth bottle of wine away from the drunken girl but Jacqueline, just as drunk or arguably more, had difficulty moving her limbs properly.
The two burst into Danika's bedroom with Aileen behind them, tipsy but still aware enough to get two young women into bed before collapsing into her own.
It was officially day three of the young heiress' trip but she still had no leads and she was losing time. Danika was restless, during breakfast she was constantly fidgeting, playing with her food and refilling her water every time she took a small sip.
"Do you want me to talk to her or do you want to do it?" Jac whispered
Aileen sighed "I'll talk to her. I have an idea on what might be bothering her."
As the older woman stood up a ringing could be heard from from the entrance. "I'll get it" Jacqueline hopped out from her seat and headed to the front door, allowing the O'Brien women to have some privacy.
Danika lifted her head when she heard the taller girl speak but Jacqueline was already out of the room.
Silently, Aileen went over to her niece and set down two sets of cups and a steaming pot of tea.
Aileen poured the tea in both cups and pushed one toward the younger woman.
"Whenever I was feeling...off, my mother could always tell and would make tea to comfort me" she lifted the cup to sip at the hot drink "After dinner, and after you went up to your room, Jacqueline and I had a few drinks and she mentioned that you're looking for a 'very fancy necklace'"
Danika froze, her eyes were wide as she stared up at her aunt's face. The younger O'Brien had always kept her reasons for coming to the island to herself. Danika knew that the reason would be considered ridiculous to a lot of people.
"My mother told me the story too, Mo stoirín" Aileen reminded her gently. "She told the story every chance she could, during bedtime, dinners, family gatherings. It's impossible to forget. A prince makes a choice, the woman who loves him dies because of those choices and a friend who loved her curses him and his descendants' loved ones to die, forcing his entire line to feel the same way she did. Now that I think about it, it is not an appropriate story for children" she said thoughtfully, a sad, far away look entered her eyes.
Danika looked away, turning to watch the trees sway in the light breeze. She had forgotten that it wasn't just her who had lost someone important, everyone in her father's family had lost someone too. Her mind drifted back to Sean and Cara starting their own family and shivered.
The young woman turned back to her aunt "Do you believe it?"
Aileen took a long sip of her tea "Why does my opinion matter?"
"Don't you think I'm being ridiculous? Still believing in fairy tales after all these years" Danika asked
Aileen sighed "There are times when I do believe and there are times when I don't, but my opinion shouldn't matter. What's important is what this little quest means for you. Will you finally find peace after everything?"
Danika fell silent again, there were still things she had to think about.
Loud footsteps could be heard racing down the hallway and Jacqueline was back, panting "Hey, uh Danika you need to come with us right now. We might find a potential lead to that fancy necklace you're looking for"
The blonde could only blink "We?"
Outside, Danika was surprised to find Krysanthe standing by Jacqueline's car, the short blonde smiled shyly at the two as they came closer.
"Good morning Danika." she greeted "I hope you're well this morning"
"I'm..." Danika paused, trying to find the right word "fine-ish" she then frowned "Why don't you come inside to talk. Jac said you had a lead"
"Actually, I need you to come with me. The lead is back at the Antique Shop"
A little later the trio arrived at the store. Krysanthe quickly unlocked the door and went in, Jacqueline and Danika followed her inside.
The store was actually quite large inside, the first thing people would see upon entering the establishment was the counter and register, the rest of the store were the different items displayed for customers. There were two other doors in the store, one on the other side of the store and one behind the counter.
"What made you change your mind?" Danika asked taking in the contents of the store, there were a variety of items, and while the young heiress couldn't be sure of the details she could tell by the quality of some items that they should be more expensive than the price displayed.
"Jacqueline forwarded a picture of the necklace and honestly I have personal interest in the necklace." Krysanthe admitted "The necklace has been in this shop since I was a child, when I saw it something just came over me. I kept going back to look at it whenever I could even though I was prohibited from going anywhere near it.
"One day the owner of the store found me really close to touching it and essentially locked me out of the store for almost a week. By the time she let me back in here, the necklace was gone." Krysanthe continued as she went behind the counter to unlock the door behind it.
"Follow me." Krysanthe took a step forward before stopping to face Jacqueline.
"Touch. Nothing." the shorter girl said with a hard glare.
Jacqueline gasped dramatically, putting her hand on her chest "How dare you assume I would cause any damage just by touching-"
Krysanthe raised an eyebrow "You caused almost eighteen thousand euros worth of damages in my flower shop just by touching the display"
Pink stained the brunette's cheeks, she laughed sheepishly "Oh right, I forgot about that"
Behind the counter was a small office, the room itself had minimal decor but there was a desk at the center of the room with four metal cabinets behind it. On the desk was a computer and a few personal items.
Krysanthe made quick work going through the drawers of the cabinet before pulling out a folder, she sifted through the papers before pulling one from the pile.
"Alright, so there was a meeting set up earlier this month for the necklace, the buyer came and they discussed the terms of the sale" Krysanthe's face fell as she read through the page
"Does that mean we can't get it now?"
The shorter woman flipped through the pages and her face brightened "The buyer wanted the necklace for an auction" the dark blonde grinned "We still have a chance"
Danika moved closer, peeking over the woman's shoulder "When's the auction?"
"It's..." her green eyes scanned the paper, her eyes widened and her face twisted in distress "Three days from now" Taglist: @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @dustylovelyrun @woodhousejay
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mononyann · 4 years
a while back people requested that i share some of my headcanons for certain bnha characters, so here's some of the characters that i did
Shota Aizawa
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- he absolutely has at LEAST 3 cats, he spoils the heck out of them too. that's why he's always eating those gel packs... he spends too much on his cats.
- he really does love his class. and we all know honey??? u haven't expelled any of them. ur soft for them ok.
- he likes to sleep with his cats bc he gets lonely at night... he will not admit it, but he likes having someone/something there :)
- he has reuccuring nightmares about the usj attack and how he could have failed to save his students
- has a very low alcohol tolerance and often ends up getting dragged back to his apartment by mic or midnight when they go out whilst he rambles and whines the entire time
- he hates crying and tries his best to keep his emotions held in, he's only cried in front of a select few people
- he tries not to let others opinions on him rule his life and tends to block it out if someone hates him
- he doesn't know it, but he is the entirety of class 1-a's dad.
- he really likes tea, and dislikes sweets
- as you would expect, he takes his coffee black
Hanta Sero
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- he really likes kpop! he stans multiple groups and really wants to attend a concert
- though he seems really chill on the outside, he's actually quite sensitive and has some self confidence issues
- he loves being around people and finds that he gets his energy from being around those he loves
- definitely into e-boy fashion, and he is open about it
- pierced his own ears at 3 am and called kaminari crying about how he screwed it up
- he actually likes to draw a lot in his free time, it's very relaxing. he puts on some nice low-fi music and draws for hours
- he hasn't had many crushes in his life and doesn't find romance to be a big issue currently, but he's open to anything
- accidentally taped his hamster to the ceiling in 2nd grade, he didn't mean to and cried for hours (the hamster was ok)
Nemuri Kayama
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- she is a BRO, she likes to crack a cold one open with the boys on the weekends
- she is bisexual and thinks everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways
- most likely talks shit about her coworkers to her classes
- she thinks children are adorable and loves them, often scaring them with her enthusiasm
- very touchy, she loves hugs and will probably not pass up a chance to use you as an armrest if she has the chance
- she secretly worries about aizawa a lot and is scared that he lets the past effect him too much
- did you guys know she has a cat?!
- i like to think she and mic are like... EPIC bros, she loves to paint his nails and do his hair while gossiping with him (aizawa would NEVER let her do this to him lmao)
- she isn't a mom, but finds the idea of having her own children very nice, for now having a cat will suffice
- she enjoys trying to make all might flustered, she thinks his reactions to things are always very cute and funny (it's all in good fun!)
- she's the mom friend! though she may seem very sexual, which she undoubtedly is, she is also very caring and has a very nuturing motherly personality, she's a lot more than just fanservice !!!!!
Todoroki Shoto
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- completely oblivious when it comes to love... he doesn't even understand his own crushes
- "of course you can borrow my credit card uraraka" *pulls out endeavors card which he sneakily took*
- would be the person to tell a child that their pet guinea pig didn't go to heaven and be confused when they start sobbing... like "what... don't be honest?"
- allows his friends to huddle up to his warm side when they are cold
- is confused when people show him copious amounts of love and affection
- he would beat up anyone if they tried to do ANYTHING bad to midoriya
- he wants more friends. he really is enjoying meeting new people and having some new friends at ua!
- he gives really good hugs, he doesn't try to hug you too tight, but he doesn't half ass it either, very nice and warm
- he hates his scar. like. a lot. he wants to cover it up so bad but it just doesn't work. he's afraid it'll make other people scared of him.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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- loves patd! and fall out boy, a brendon urie STAN
- loves to kiss his kitties on the forehead but dreads human interaction
- he loves to squish his cats' toebeans... he takes pictures of them and posts them to his secret cat social media acc
- he is gay but doesn't know how to feel about it and/or come out, he's really nervous and doesn't trust people to accept him
- he doesn't smile often but when he does it's the cutest thing ever
- he secretly really likes deku and kaminari and is hesitant about accepting their friendship, but appreciates the gestures a lot
- he suffers with social anxiety and doesn't really know how to make friends very well??? like, in middle school people were total dickbags to him so he kinda just closed himself off and decided he was gonna like... not make friends, but now that there's nice people around him he just kind of- doesn't know how
- this is actually canon! but he feels guilty about having to manipulate people when he uses his quirk, during the 4th school briefs book he feels guilty when he overhears midoriya and ojiro talking about him using his quirk during the sports festival, and he's like "i wish ojiro would say something rude about me to show he's angry so i wouldn't have to feel so guilty about this" since ojiro showed no ill feelings towards him
Izuku Midoriya
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- "hold on I'll go get a blanket!" *opens closet* *thousands of all might figurines tumble out*
- watches cat vine compilations until 2 am, than freaks out when he realizes it is 2 am
- very good with children!
- used to be very self conscious about his freckles bc of bakugou insulting them; hid them with concealer for a while until someone told him they were beautiful
- loves his momma so muchhh he would do anything for her, he likes to surprise her with small favors to see her happy
- does not understand the concept of letting people handle their own problems
- stays after to class to offer his teachers help
- he has a lot of self doubts and is still struggling to this day to come to terms with the fact that he is worthy of having one for all
- he wants to learn how to cook for his mom and friends
Kyoka Jirou
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- she is a lesbian!!!!! she has a crush on momo but is completely convinced that it's unrequited
- struggled with judgmental kids in middle school because of her sexual identity and style
- gets very easily flustered by anyone complimenting her
- that one person sitting at the back of the bus with their earbuds blasting full volume
- was a GOD at guitar hero
- acts like she's fed up with kaminari's (which she can be sometimes), but truly he's one of the people she can trust the most. she secretly appreciates the way he hypes up her talents and how he really helps her through the day sometimes!
- she loves heroes so much... when she was a little girl and didn't know what to do she'd ask herself "what would my favorite heroes do!?"
- she also secretly buys hero merch but hides it in fear of her being seen as sappy
Amajiki Tamaki
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- would have trouble standing up for himself but if he sees ANYONE messing with mirio he WILL throw hands
- likes to watch bob ross videos when hes feeling anxious
- he once went to a butterfly museum with his parents and cried out of joy when one landed on his nose
- leaves food out for strays in his neighborhood, ends up attracting an entire hoard of animals.
- he can paint very nicely, he began to paint after he discovered bob ross
- mirio then saw his paintings and showed the entire class to tamaki's dismay, but everyone absolutely LOVED them!!!
- every day he becomes more and more capable and sure of himself, he is still very anxious, but he's learning to open up and embrace his talents <3
- he really loves to listen to music and any time he's not around others he'll probably have earbuds in, gently swaying back and forth to whatever he has on
- nejire loves to try out new hairstyles on him, and strangely enough, tamaki lets her, he loves it when people play with his hair
Shirakumo Oboro
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- shares one collective braincell with mic
- that one person that brings EVERYONE valentine treats on valentines day at school
- most likely plays ding dong ditch
- *draws stick figure* "ah yes. just like van goh" (he cannot draw)
- hates to see his friends (and even random strangers upset) and will go out of his way to do dumb things to make them smile
- probably played soccer
- he's a massive flirt and likes to believe he will become a stereotypical anime protagonist with a massive harem
- he really wants to see aizawa come out of his shell more and tries his best to encourage him to see the best in everything
- he has most likely worn a schoolgirl uniform to class once
- he's very affectionate and loves to hug his friends (even if they don't want hugs), it's his way of showing he likes people
Hizashi Yamada
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- he lives off of caffeine. he is a teacher, pro hero, and radio show host, im honestly not sure how he does it
- gives out stickers when students get the correct answer in class and has class parties when they are well behaved for the semester
- just like everyone else, he has his own turmoil as well, he likes to stay busy because it prevents him from having a lot of time to dwell on the past
- he gives really good hugs, and loves to feel the touch of others, it's very comforting to him
- was probably pretty troublesome when he was very young while he learned to get control of his quirk
- overall a really happy and excitable guy, he loves being the center of attention and if he can make people happy by being what he is, that's awesome!
- he shows his appreciation for people in odd ways, but he always means good, even if his wild antics can be a bit stressful lol
- he likes to sing a lot and does it a bunch when he's alone, he can also play a lot of instruments
- he can be very serious if needed, he does often put on a persona when he's present mic
- when he's hizashi (out of hero persona) he's even more of a dork than usual, very goofy, awkward and pouty. a manchild.
OK so I reached my image limit, if u guys wanna see the rest I might post some more later PLUS feel free to request some in my asks, I don't really know how all that stuff works bc I'm kinda new to Tumblr but ILL FIGURE IT OUT
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