#or were they not there together (unlikely)
ohposhers · 3 months
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fuumiku · 11 months
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ACNH AU but it’s just Chil as Tom Nook giving out lax loans to people in need with his half-foot guild, and his close friend Isabelle Marcille helping out and hanging around. Been playing ACNH and came to the realization that Tom Nook & Isabelle give Chil & Marcille energy, and immediately had to draw it…
Man wanted to retire early but still hasn’t stopped. What I want for post-canon Chilchuck is just for him to have Tom Nook energy fr fr
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cottagecore-raccoon · 8 months
The more I think about it, the more I think that Persuasion has my favorite premise of all of Jane Austen's novels
Anne Elliot as a character speaks to my soul. She feels tremendous guilt for a decision she made eight years ago. Her life is lonely, as she doesn't really have anyone she can truly confide in despite being surrounded by people. So she swallows her pain, the yearning she feels deep in her soul, and vows that if nothing else at least she'll be helpful.
And of course she is reunited with Frederick Wentworth (the one that got away) who seems to hate her now, and she just keeps going. She keeps being kind and supporting her loved ones while slowly carving out a life for herself. There's something about her classic heroism that just feels so attainable. I don't have Elizabeth Bennett's wit, or Jane Bennett's unwavering belief in the goodness of everyone, or even Elinor's constant composure. But I can be like Anne and just keep moving forward attempting to be helpful
Of course it all works out in the end, and Anne is finally surrounded by people who truly appreciate her, even if she had to wait an extra eight years. Others have observed the fairy tale quality of the ending, and perhaps that's why it speaks to me. The idea that if you just keep doing your best and being kind, you'll eventually find happiness
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prolibytherium · 10 months
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Low effort IASIP sketches from the past few months
(sorry for the weird blue ones, tumblr was stealth filtering these images otherwise)
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fafayayarhen · 16 days
spaus spaus spaus spaus
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this just in the divorcees are pathetically unable to keep their hands off of each other
no first comic is not a vampire au i subscribe to the hc tonio has fangs so he can bite roddi bark bark bark
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kinaesthetiqueer · 23 days
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"Spread across the comforter are their film strips from the photo corner at the dance... A full size picture of the four of them signing their team letter to the camera with huge smiles on their faces."
On the Run from Tomorrow, ch. 17
Last chap's up. I am getting so horribly emotional trying to write a note here, so just...
JNPR 💛🧡❤️💚 Forever
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people talk about how they could have so easily made troy and abed the typical nerd x jock relationship dynamic friend duo and they didn’t, which made it better. which is all true but I think we forget that they didn’t start with really any dynamic in mind for them at all. troy and abed weren’t even originally supposed to be especially close. they built the characters, seperately, then as the show came together they realized how much chemistry the two had (troy and abed AND danny and donald.) their dynamic wrote itself, with almost no pretense or planning, and that’s what makes it so special and unique. that’s why there’s not really any other duo quite like them in any other sitcom, or even any other show/movie. it’s a really strange realization but some of the best things we create are completely unplanned
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hoshiina · 3 months
as much as it absolutely pains me to admit (because hoshina is in love with ME. ME.) okonogi and hoshina would be quite a lovely ship. she's been watching him from the very start and she truly has not taken her eyes off of him. like ever. she just watches him work hard and recognizes the sheer effort he's put into this. like I understand the whole thing with mina but it's really not that... like every single time hoshina has an important fight, okonogi is the one watching and narrating all his work that he's done until now, she's the one that cries when he's hurt (not just physically but also mentally) and cheers when he's alright.
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she cares about hoshina's work on such a personal level like I think about how she was sobbing when that kaiju was copying his blade work... because that was his thing, something he took most pride in and something he's worked on for his entire life. she's also the one to constantly research for him and monitor his work... i just think its rather lovely. I really wish to see a moment where hoshina properly recognizes how much she cares about him NOT EVEN NECESSARILY IN A ROMANTIC SENSE in just a like. thank u for always watching over me. type way because that's genuinely what she's done all this time
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like this scene specifically I think about so much. she wasn't even crying about the fact that he was beat up.... she was crying because he was losing at the thing he treasured most. if that isn't the sweetest thing ever idk what is
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corpsentry · 7 months
at the asian american studies sponsored movie screening i run out of my seat to press a button for the presenter and you look away, not in shame, but in anger
go make your own movie.
One where you’re the star
and everything’s my fault
the way you want it to be. I know, it’s easy
to let someone else hold this grief
and sit in the bathtub,
all dressed up to go to the party.
Maybe in this movie it’s your party
and I the party crasher,
holding cymbals and a baseball bat, et cetera.
But we don’t stop getting older when we’re angry
and you’re only twenty,
can’t listen to lullabies at night,
can’t sleep without a blanket
over your head like you’re scared
of your own shadow. God, go
write your own movie.
You could do it,
you’re still
pretty. Angry? Me too.
The bathtub’s overflowing,
the bathroom’s flooding
with whatever you couldn’t say
to the poet with their palms glued shut
in a cheap simulacrum of prayer.
Didn’t you say you were tired? Angry? Me too.
Upset? Unhappy? Me too. Hungry? Lonely? Me too. Me too.
Standing barefoot in the grass
I remembered the month of bad weather.
How I parted the fog with broken hands each night,
looking for your voice.
Oh, I will not forgive you.
Not like this.
With your fingers splayed
against the brute February sky,
lips cracked open like windows,
waiting, like you always are, for me to say the first word.
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yiangchen · 11 months
okay i'm a zutara shipper through and through....however....i absolutely ADORE jinko alright??? like,,,, if jin had appeared in the atla finale as uncle iroh's first employee of his tea shop and she shared an awkward flirty moment with zuko hinting at something more happening between them in the future, just LISTEN. i would have screamed. i would have yelled. i would have been on the fucking floor. also just....imagine the look on uncle iroh's face when he tells zuko who he hired. imagine zuko's flustered reaction in front of the gaang PLEASE
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cynicalmusings · 2 months
the pairing of heizou x forensic linguist!reader is rotating around my brain like it’s in a microwave.
i can totally imagine them both hyper-analysing mundane conversations between people (and each other!)—and it’s an added bonus if there’s a hint of a skulder dynamic going on where heizou’s always going on about his wacky dreams and intuition and the reader’s more down-to-earth and sticking to the hard facts.
actually, hold that thought for a moment—a linguist who likes sticking to the hard facts is interesting. it’s not necessarily a contradiction, per se, but linguistics as a science/field of study is much less materialistic than, well, the sciences, despite the research being conducted in a scientific manner. so having an brain-in-the-clouds detective, who “should” be concerned with purely the physical evidence, and a very down-to-earth linguist who “should” be more comfortable with the abstract, work together, makes a very interesting dynamic…
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balladsaboutnothing · 1 month
I have absolutely no idea if this would work from a timeline perspective BUT
consider Sophia, Claudia, Patricia friend group
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holygroundgone · 6 months
just absolutely fucking obsessed with the 0.5 evil marriage bad end deep in love deep in suffering of it all, everything that could've possibly went wrong went wrong and they're in it together
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huldrabitch · 3 months
Something something the idea of a character all about death and the dead and the fragments of previously living beings spirits. A character who finds passion and care and respect for the end of life and the small bits that remain after life has finished. Someone who finds humanity in someone needing to find their rest and going out of their way to help them get there regardless of gaining nothing. Meanwhile, the antagonist of the game essencially has many of his actions driven by the guilt and regret of in some ways creating death and dying. Because what could be more terrible than nothingness. And how could it ever be forgiven that he created the end of an existence that was supposed to be endless?
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recurring-polynya · 11 months
My new hobby is squinting at the background of Sky Chord and trying to find recognizable silhouettes.
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I think the first half is the Living World? And the second half is Soul Society?
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I only just now noticed the person walking left to right at the end of the gif, but for both thematic and height-based reasons I think it's gotta be Rukia.
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problemswithbooks · 7 months
Is Cat a Kind of Inntinnsic?
The answer, the one I'm sure the author would give, would be no. The story in no way treats Cat's Gift as an Inntinnsic ability. Violet and particularly Xaden don't act as if what she does is at all similar to what an Inntinnsic does.
But I'd argue it has to be in order for it to work.
Because everything is first person from Violet's PoV or a rare chapter from Xaden, I sort of doubt the author really sat down and thought of how certain characters powers would work. If she did, i think she'd have realized Cat's Gift would function similarly to Xaden's second signet.
Cat can manipulate emotions. We're told she can't force someone to feel something they don't, but instead amplify what they do feel. On the surface that doesn't seem anything like an Inntinnsic ability. Where things become more complicated is how she uses that power.
If Cat can't implant an emotion, then she has to know what emotions the person is feeling. Sure, she could just be throwing her ability at people and seeing what sticks, or it could work in broad strokes; emotions overlap, so maybe any negative emotion can be made increasingly worse, while a good one amplified into pure elation.
I'd argue though that her power doesn't seem that broad, instead being pretty focused. Violet was easy to read so it wouldn't even have been hard to read that she hated Cat, and Cat threw out insults during their fight to make sure Violet is more susceptible to her Gift.
But the Venin she goes after at the end of the book wasn't as easy a read. She doesn't know this Venin. She's bragging and boastful, but whose to say that's greed and not pride? Or even done as a way to taunt Violet and make her more afraid?
Yet Cat manipulates the Venin without much difficulty, seeming to know exactly what emotions she's feeling without any trouble.
There's also the issue where people are generally feeling more then one emotion at a time. Violet is always in love with Xaden, but she can also be annoyed with him. Emotions aren't something that are felt one at a time--so how does Cat pick which one to manipulate without knowing instinctively what they're feeling?
I think it's very likely that Cat can either sense what people are feeling, or even see it (I'm thinking sort of like auras) and from there use her power to exaggerate which ever one she wants. It just makes the most sense.
But if that is the case, similar to how Xaden can read people's impulses and intentions, Cat could read their emotions. Now, that's not exactly mind reading, but Xaden's power isn't strictly reading minds either, yet he count's as an inntinnsic. To me what seems to make someone Inntinnsic is that they have no outward tell or rule for using their powers--they can just do it.
Dain isn't an inntinnsic because he requires touch to activate his memory seeing. As long as he does not touch you, you are safe from his ability.
Meanwhile, what makes inntinnsics such a security risk, is that they can activate their signet at anytime without anyone's knowledge. Xaden seems to be using his second signet constantly to read everyone, and no one has ever picked up on it at all.
In a way Cat's Gift seems to be similar in that she can use it without a hard and fast rule. She can just do it. If it works by letting her sense people's emotions, she could be constantly reading people Xaden does, but instead for intent, it's for their emotional state.
Does that not make her power Inntinnsic? Or at least Inntinnsic adjacent?
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