kaabatm · 6 years
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ghoulxfriend · 3 years
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A little photo dump of me ✨
I wish I can always feel this good about myself.
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turuncubirhayalett · 4 years
Bu gece ara sıra hiç beklenmedik anlarda olduğu gibi aklıma düştün. Seninle ilgili şeyler yazdığım yeşil defterin yazdığım kısımlarını bantlamıştım 2 yıl önce ve devam etmiyordum o deftere. Bantları çıkarıp okudum yazdıklarımı. Gariptir ama 'boğazıma bir yumru oturdu' dedikleri şeyi ilk kez tecrübe ettim. 3 yıl önce edebiyat dersi performans ödevinde bir hikaye yazmamız istenmişti. Seninle ilgili yazmıştım, bunu sana söylemiştim. Ana karakterimiz Sally, bir sabah hayallerinin şehri olan Londra'nın sokaklarında yürürken zihni geçmişinden cümleler hatırlatıyordu ona. Sally, bu cümlelerin kime ve neye ait olduğunu anlamlandıramıyordu, rahatsız bir his oluşuyordu içinde. Unutmanın ve parçaları birleştirememenin rahatsızlığı. Sonra turuncu duvarlı pastanesine giriyordu, radyoyu açtığında bir şarkı çalıyordu ona geçmişi hatırlatan... Ve zihni parçaları birleştirip bu özel anıları tekrar hatırlatıyordu ona. Her sabah erkenden pastaneye gelen en sevdiği müşterilerinden biri olan Marvin amcayla paylaşıyordu hafızasının bugünki ona oyunlarını. Marvin amcayla çaylarını yudumlarken hatıralarının parçası olan o kişinin nasıl bir çaykolik olduğundan bahsetmeyi de ihmal etmiyordu. Hatıralarının sonuna geldiğinde çaylarını tazelemek üzere mutfağa gidiyordu Sally. Geri döndüğünde arkası dönük bir müşteri görüyordu. Siparişini soruyordu bu müşteriye. Aldığı cevap "Bir bardak çay alabilir miyim?" oluyordu.
İşte böyle zihnimin durduk yere seni karşıma çıkardığı günler düşünmeden edemiyorum. "Acaba hayat tıpkı Sally'ın karşısına çıkardığı gibi senin de mi karşına çıkaracak, bu bir işaret mi, neden hiç olmadık anlarda sana Neo'yu hatırlatsın ki zihnin?"
Yaşamında neler oluyor çok merak ediyorum. Hayallerin ne alemde mesela? Yazmaya devam ediyor musun? En son konuştuğumuzda tanıdığım Neo'yu değişmiş görmüştüm, hayal kurmanın yanlış olduğunu söylediğini hatırlıyorum. Şu anki düşüncelerin nasıl acaba? O yeşil kapaklı defterde bir şey daha okudum. Kitabının ilk baskısından bir tane bana ayıracakmışsın, söz vermişsin! Bu gerçekleşecek mi?Kitabınla ilgili bahsettiğin her şey duruyor, 10 yıl sonra çıkacağından bahsetmişsin. 7 yıl kaldı sanırım. 7 yıl sonra raflarda ismini arayacağım, ah tabii takma bir isim kullanmazsan! 7 yıl sonra çıkacak bir kitap hakkında bu kadar fazla bilgi sahibi olmak garip, şimdiden insanlara spoiler verebilirim kdşgelvşdşgl Birkaç alıntı da var kitabından, umarım tamamlarsın ve gerçekten okuyucularla buluşur.
Nasıl bir bedenin içinde, dünyanın neresinde yaşıyorsun bilmiyorum. Sana dair somut hiçbir bilgiye sahip değilim, buradaki hesabın da dahil. Bu yüzden bu satırları yazıyorum. Eğer bir gün denk gelirsen bana yazmanı rica ediyorum.Eski kullanıcı adını defalarca denedim ama yoksun. Tumblr'ı kapatmadığını düşünüyorum. Umarım kapatmamışsındır.
Eğer bir gün yazarsan dünyayı keşfet'mek konusundaki ilerlememi soracağını biliyorum, ödevini yapmamış öğretmenine ne hesap vereceğini bilmeyen öğrenci gibi hissediyorum sanırım. Ancak yine de bahsedecek çok şey var.
Kabul etmeliyim içten içe hâlâ yaşıyor olduğunu umut ediyorum ancak bencil olmayacağım. "Umarım hâlâ nefes alıyorsundur ve bir gün karşılaşırız" demek istesem de demeyeceğim.Yaşam senin için oldukça sancılıydı, yaşamak senin için hayırlı olduğu sürece yaşa...
Orange Lady
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hurtcomfortbucky · 5 years
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The Heart of Saturday Night ~ by OrangeLady [5,479 words; T]
Five times Steve fell asleep on Bucky. And one time he didn't.
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artwow · 4 years
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Cool art prints "Orange Lady" by Desirée Feldmann - Buy on ArtWOW. Ideal for bedroom or living room.  
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gordyscamerastraps · 7 years
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Giuliano G. Leica IIIG
Adjustable Long Neck strap Burgundy leather Orange wrap
Tonight I was inspired by Miles Davis for the title of the picture. “Orange Lady” Listen here: https://youtu.be/YXLteGDyUyw
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dazelleyvette-blog · 5 years
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Just a glimpse. . . . #Me #Woman #IAm #Powerful #PrettyGirlCertified #SelfLove #Growth #MyPath #Empowered #Actress #OrangeLady #Refined #Eyes #Lips #Strength #Lifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwybpb0ByY3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4pth8i27d5pa
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emmaklee · 5 years
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embroidered mandala
[@orangelady / instagram]
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redwhale · 6 years
re: Fic Rec Days, I was hoping to have this done by the 12th! Nope. This is an updated rec list for James/Thomas and James/Miranda/Thomas for Black Sails. 
I am still wanting to rec a lot of the newer stories on this list separately (plus some other wonderful stories), but I don’t think that will happen before mid-March, so that’s really frustrating. Curses! I haven’t even caught up on writing reviews for some of the newer stories, which I’m even more frustrated about. I sadly don’t have a lot of time to read fic, so this is by no means an extensive list. There is so much goddamn fantastic work out there! The following is just a very small taste. Positively, there are some underrated gems linked here that deserve some more love. 
(I always feel awful about rec lists, because I know I’ve inevitably lost track of some amazing stories, and there are also equally as many excellent stories from stupidly talented authors that I might have missed or haven’t gotten to read yet, so I want to emphasize again, this is by no means extensive.)  The following stories are just AO3 links, as I’ve lost track of so many Tumblr fics, and when a user changes their username, the links break. Double curses!
Idealism Sits In A Prison -  Sunnyrea
Thomas Hamilton's ten years without James.
Stimulus -  AstronautSquid
After ten years of separation and hardship, their hearts love each other the same.
It's their bodies that need longer to settle.
Thomas Hamilton: A Life -  AstronautSquid
Thomas Hamilton is born with two front teeth.
He dies with the morning sun in his eyes.
This is everything in between.
Les mille et une nuits -  andloawhatsit 
Abigail Ashe grows up, buys a printing press, and finds a man she thought she'd never see again.
On Kindly Beaches -  Theonenamedafterahat
Woodes Rogers tries to get Thomas Hamilton to help him persuade Captain Flint to accept the pardons. This does not go well for him.
A Break In The Clouds -  moonflowers
The end of his nose brushed the back of the man's hood; he smelt of oil and salt and wet canvas. For the first time that evening, Thomas was thankful he was cold and miserable - it provided a distraction from the firmness of the body pressed against his front, and how inconvenient it would be for Thomas to crave it.
In which Thomas is lost in the rain, and rather enamoured with his rescuer.
For whither thou goest, I will go -  OrangeLady
When Thomas is set free from Bedlam, he knows he has to see New Providence, the place that stole so much from him: his lovers, his family and his life.
wooden tides to run -  AstronautSquid
James was almost certain he had walked more miles on wooden planks than on solid ground in his life.
Fascination -  AstronautSquid
“Pirates,” was all James rasped above him.
“A general history thereof,” Thomas agreed. “Detailing the most fearsome scoundrels to ever plague the high seas. Though I have to say, this likeness doesn’t quite do you justice. Your moustache is not as ridiculously curly as that.”
Imitation -   AstronautSquid
In battle he was clear-headed and footsure.
Faced with Thomas' request for a taste of Flint, James felt anything but.
Reorienting -  Palebluedot
Thomas grabs ahold of his holy apparition with both hands and keeps him there, draws him nearer. Let them hold each other until they both bruise, he thinks fiercely, for tenderness needn't always step light. Love owes them kind wounds.
Eye of the Beholder -  Palebluedot 
“Open your eyes for me, love,” Thomas reminds him, voice husky, and when he does, the first thing he sees is Thomas's reflected grin, hungry as the gaze that caresses every inch of skin from James's parted, panting lips down to his flushed and leaking cock. “Just look at you,” he sighs in James's ear before he trails imprecise, open-mouthed kisses back down to James's throat. Author’s Note: ((alternatively, that time bean was like "so what if they fucked in front of a mirror" and I was like "shit what if they DID"))
Unaccommodated Man -  kvikindi 
It is at this point that, for the first time, Thomas Hamilton begins to consider that he has gone mad.
The Peaceable Kingdom -  kvikindi
William Manderly visits the plantation, some six years after the events of Unaccommodated Man.
Congress -  kvikindi
James and Thomas put the "fuck" in "fucked-up."
The Cup of Their Deserving (the wages of their virtue) -  DreamingPagan
Madi decides not to be sent away after her rescue. When she returns to Skeleton Island, she finds a betrayal in progress and takes steps to save her friend and put her people's choice regarding the war back in their hands. 
name one hero who was happy -  mapped
Lying in bed together, James and Thomas talk about the Iliad. (Thomas is practically ready to write Achilles/Patroclus fanfiction.)
Crescent Moon -  sebastianL (felix_atticus)
One shot of the months following the finale, with a focus on a certain tattoo.
Bent -  azarias
In a warm room in London, James tells Thomas about the events on the Exeter.
Thomas applies what he learns. (Established relationship, consensual kink.)
With Fire and With His Sword -  azarias
After the reunion, after the plantation, Captain Flint returns to the sea.
He takes James and Thomas with him.
katabasis -  csoru
Flint discovers Thomas is a passenger aboard the Maria Aleyne alongside his father, and events proceed from there. 
Lord Captain -  Apetslife
“Once a year, I send a letter to My Lord father, accounting for every penny of commerce I have cost the colony of the Bahamas, and every lover I have taken in that time. So far, he has failed to send a reply. An oversight, I’m sure.” (Pirate Captain Thomas Hamilton).
Sea Salt and Lavender -  moonflowers
James hadn't heard the song, nor spared it a thought, for years. He'd had no need of it. But her singing grounded him, reminded him that he'd had a home once, before everything, where his grandmother had sung those same words as she rolled out pastry, where he'd played as a boy, and dreamt of sailing away through those harbour walls and making something of himself. It came as a surprise to uncover something of James McGraw from so long ago, and to find it still intact.
With Sweet, Reluctant, Amorous Delay -  Magnetism_bind
For the Flinthamilton prompt: "There's no way you're getting me in /that/"
Thomas takes James to a costume party.
The Loaning of Books Between Friends -  Magnetism_bind
Thomas loans books to James in an attempt to get to know his new liaison better.
The Fields of Elysium -  Fyre
A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time. - The Odyssey.
The Pirate -  x_art
(Modern AU)  What if Pickram got there first?
The Sundering Sea -  x_art
Stepping into the foamy surf, gasping at the force of it, the surprise of it—it had been breathtaking. Thomas had been that for him, his boundless sea, and he wasn’t ashamed.
Folly -  x_art
It wasn’t too late to nip this in the bud. He could do it because he’d done it before, because his heart was always subservient to his head. Always.
Thomas the Mariner -  shirogiku
Thomas' voyage home takes slightly less than ten years, but not for the lack of misadventures.
a word like tiger -  bellis
A few months after Charlestown, Flint finds out that Thomas is alive. This is, by all accounts, terrible timing. 
Feed Among The Lilies -  willowbilly
James has been warned that they are duplicitous people, and by all rights he should remain on guard.
He does not care to.
Thomas actually chuckles when Astraea meets his eyes as fiercely and haughtily and lingeringly nonplussed as only a raptor can be, and it is such a disarmingly lovely sound that she immediately discards all the proud composure she'd just managed to gather and swivels away to preen busily beneath her wing, her hot yellow glare in its bandit stripe of brown ducked and hidden with telling alacrity within the downiest and snowiest of her feathers. (Daemon AU)
Firebird -  Wind_Ryder
There are two truths in the world.
One: Before Thomas and Miranda leave London to begin Governing Nassau, they receive a note that reads: "Lt. James McGraw died a resident of Bethlem Hospital on December 25, 1705." And they have nothing left to live for.
and Two: on December 25, 1705, Admiral Hennessey takes James from Bethlem and brings him to his new life far away from London society. He is told he will never see the Hamiltons again.
These two truths were never meant to be spoken at the same time.
Elisha made the oil pour forth -  azarias
Miranda is a widow. Miranda has a husband, but not the one she wants. Miranda may have gone mad a month ago, but no one's had the guts to tell her.
Start Anew - Neery
James and Miranda rescue Thomas from Bethlem. This was supposed to solve all their problems.
As it turns out, things are more complicated than that.
Late night walk date -  fandomfan
Having just returned from the West Indies, James tries—rather unsuccessfully—to take his leave from the Hamiltons' London house. 
Where The Winds Sigh -  Chainofprospit
The last levee of tradition belaying him gave way, and with it any sense of reticence. James could feel his furrowed brow falling, his chin lifting, without needing to will it so. I am going to be kissed by Thomas Hamilton, he thought, and in the next second he was.
We've seen the moment that James and Thomas finally kissed; this is what I imagine comes after.
To The Upper Air - DreamingPagan
James Flint goes to sleep expecting a battle the next day. What he's not expecting is to wake, eleven years in his own past, with a very different fight on his hands - to save the people he loves and his own soul.
Full of Grace -  DreamingPagan
Alfred orders both Thomas and James to be taken to Bedlam. Miranda is left to rescue them with the aid of Admiral Hennessey.
You Can’t Handle The Truth -  Wind_Ryder 
Now, all of England and beyond were discussing how an MP of Thomas' reputation was actually gay, that a Naval Officer with James' CV was a home wrecker, and how Miranda was either the victim of her husband's deviations, or a slut begging for more. Modern AU: In which Thomas, Miranda, and James are outed to the press.
Thereto I plight thee my troth -  azarias
Thomas consults Miranda on the subject of his military liaison. Sexily.
a more rational burning -  sea_changed (foxlives) 
She had understood this as her role from the beginning, the head to Thomas's heart and James's hands.
and into what it will be changed - sea_changed (foxlives) 
His own heart, so often obscure to him, has become clear. (Tag notes: Political philosophy, art, naval policy, mostly threesomes.)
to ithaca -  sea_changed (foxlives)
Miranda finds him first.
A Savor of the Heart -  drivingsideways
In some cultures, speaking the name of the dead is taboo.
Apprehension -  orienter (orientinme)
For a year, Miranda watches them with fear. Until the day she understands why they feel none.
The Art of Asymmetry -  AstronautSquid
Her sketches of people tended to veer into caricature with their lively emphasis of all things out of the ordinary - a large nose, a double chin, a foppish gesture -, and had thus quickly been ruled unfit for display among polite company.
Thomas encouraged her to keep a rotating selection framed on a dresser in the chamber connecting their rooms.
It was a week into their affair that Miranda first sketched James.
No Part Behind -  atrata
James thinks of Thomas.
A Knock Upon the Moonlit Door -  FeoplePeel
A werewolf, a fairy, a witch, and a vampire walk onto a magical island and--no wait. Once upon a time, there was a Knocker who betrayed his friend and spent over a century in a Sidhe prison until he met a handsome werewolf and--hang on a minute.
There are stories that reach even the Sidhe's side of the Veil, of Nassau and its healing shores. But what use could the ghosts of giants, and vampires, and all of those who will never meet death find for a fountain of life? The obvious answer is: keep it away from everyone else.
Or: The story of how John Silver joined Flint's very non-traditional pack.
May it happen to me (all) - drivingsideways
In the summer of 1695, Miranda Barlow meets Lord Thomas Hamilton.
book of days - sea_changed (foxlives)
He looks at her, lost, like he is trying to understand the distance between them and cannot. A line of longitude, incalculable, mysterious and imprecise.
whalebone, rigged to stem the floods - AstronautSquid
James had learnt how to unlace a woman's stays, and how to help put them back on.
The fine material of the cords had snagged on his callouses, but they were after all just delicate ropes, and ropes he knew. The knots came together between his fingers under Miranda's direction and adjusting the tension of the laces running through the eyelets felt surprisingly familiar, the same way he could almost feel in his own body the tension of a ship's rigging.
It was the first time during their affair that James had felt truly in control of the situation at hand.
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For whither thou goest, I will go
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2r6aJfx
by OrangeLady
When Thomas is set free from Bedlam, he knows he has to see New Providence, the place that stole so much from him: his lovers, his family and his life.
Words: 1075, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Black Sails
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Captain Flint (Black Sails), Thomas Hamilton, Eleanor Guthrie
Relationships: Captain Flint/Thomas Hamilton
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2r6aJfx
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mrnego-blog · 7 years
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God bless ur New age my #PaddyPaddy u no say me den u di333 since the 80s ano fit talk say ano go wish a forgot tho #wullnp🙏🎁🎉🌹🎂🎏🎌🎋🎄 #teamNeGo #OrangeLady🍊👩 #shigege #HappyBirthday🎂
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ghoulxfriend · 3 years
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I’ll leave this here 🧡🧡
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redwhale · 7 years
Mini-fic rec list for James/Thomas and James/Thomas/Miranda, as there have been a few people looking for recs recently! This is by no means an extensive list in any way, shape, or form - god, there is so much goddamn fantastic fic out there, thank you to Black Sails for drawing in such a talented fandom - the following is just a small taste. Positively, there are some underrated gems linked here that deserve some more love. (I always feel bad about rec lists, because I know I’ve inevitably lost track and missed a lot of great fics/stupidly talented authors, so I want to emphasize again, this is by no means extensive.) Most of these are newer fics from the last few months, but there are some older fics recommended, too. I’m furiously kicking myself re: how many drabbles/short fics and drabbles/short fics from authors that just post on Tumblr have disappeared into the horrifying void that is my Tumblr Likes list, I was an absolute idiot for not keeping track of them separately. The following is pretty much just from AO3, as bookmarks made it easier to keep track of everything. (Sub-categories for one’s Likes outside of tags wouldn’t go astray, Tumblr, just sayin’. ie. categories for fic, meta, soul destroying gifs, etc.) ETA: My bookmarks on AO3 also have newer recs, which I’m hoping to come back and add.
Long & Lost & Found - jamesvflint
For whither thou goest, I will go -  OrangeLady
When Thomas is set free from Bedlam, he knows he has to see New Providence, the place that stole so much from him: his lovers, his family and his life.
wooden tides to run -  AstronautSquid
James was almost certain he had walked more miles on wooden planks than on solid ground in his life.
Fascination -  AstronautSquid
“Pirates,” was all James rasped above him.
“A general history thereof,” Thomas agreed. “Detailing the most fearsome scoundrels to ever plague the high seas. Though I have to say, this likeness doesn’t quite do you justice. Your moustache is not as ridiculously curly as that.”
Imitation -   AstronautSquid
In battle he was clear-headed and footsure.
Faced with Thomas' request for a taste of Flint, James felt anything but.
Eye of the Beholder -  Palebluedot
“Open your eyes for me, love,” Thomas reminds him, voice husky, and when he does, the first thing he sees is Thomas's reflected grin, hungry as the gaze that caresses every inch of skin from James's parted, panting lips down to his flushed and leaking cock. “Just look at you,” he sighs in James's ear before he trails imprecise, open-mouthed kisses back down to James's throat. Author’s Note: ((alternatively, that time bean was like "so what if they fucked in front of a mirror" and I was like "shit what if they DID"))
Reorienting -  Palebluedot
Thomas grabs ahold of his holy apparition with both hands and keeps him there, draws him nearer. Let them hold each other until they both bruise, he thinks fiercely, for tenderness needn't always step light. Love owes them kind wounds.
Unaccommodated Man -  kvikindi
It is at this point that, for the first time, Thomas Hamilton begins to consider that he has gone mad. 
The Peaceable Kingdom -  kvikindi
William Manderly visits the plantation, some six years after the events of Unaccommodated Man.
Congress -  kvikindi
James and Thomas put the "fuck" in "fucked-up."
The Cup of Their Deserving (the wages of their virtue) -  DreamingPagan
Madi decides not to be sent away after her rescue. When she returns to Skeleton Island, she finds a betrayal in progress and takes steps to save her friend and put her people's choice regarding the war back in their hands.
Full of Grace -  DreamingPagan
Alfred orders both Thomas and James to be taken to Bedlam. Miranda is left to rescue them with the aid of Admiral Hennessey.
name one hero who was happy -  mapped
Lying in bed together, James and Thomas talk about the Iliad. (Thomas is practically ready to write Achilles/Patroclus fanfiction.)
Crescent Moon -  sebastianL (felix_atticus)
One shot of the months following the finale, with a focus on a certain tattoo.
Bent -  azarias
In a warm room in London, James tells Thomas about the events on the Exeter.
Thomas applies what he learns. (Established relationship, consensual kink.)
katabasis -  csoru
Flint discovers Thomas is a passenger aboard the Maria Aleyne alongside his father, and events proceed from there.
With Sweet, Reluctant, Amorous Delay -  Magnetism_bind
For the Flinthamilton prompt: "There's no way you're getting me in /that/"
Thomas takes James to a costume party.
The Loaning of Books Between Friends -  Magnetism_bind
Thomas loans books to James in an attempt to get to know his new liaison better.
The Fields of Elysium -  Fyre
A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time. - The Odyssey.
The Pirate -  x_art
(Modern AU)  What if Pickram got there first?
The Sundering Sea -  x_art
Stepping into the foamy surf, gasping at the force of it, the surprise of it—it had been breathtaking. Thomas had been that for him, his boundless sea, and he wasn’t ashamed.
Folly -  x_art
It wasn’t too late to nip this in the bud. He could do it because he’d done it before, because his heart was always subservient to his head. Always.
Thomas the Mariner -  shirogiku
Thomas' voyage home takes slightly less than ten years, but not for the lack of misadventures.
a word like tiger -  bellis
A few months after Charlestown, Flint finds out that Thomas is alive. This is, by all accounts, terrible timing.
Lord Captain -  Apetslife
“Once a year, I send a letter to My Lord father, accounting for every penny of commerce I have cost the colony of the Bahamas, and every lover I have taken in that time. So far, he has failed to send a reply. An oversight, I’m sure.” (Pirate Captain Thomas Hamilton).
Sea Salt and Lavender -  moonflowers
James hadn't heard the song, nor spared it a thought, for years. He'd had no need of it. But her singing grounded him, reminded him that he'd had a home once, before everything, where his grandmother had sung those same words as she rolled out pastry, where he'd played as a boy, and dreamt of sailing away through those harbour walls and making something of himself. It came as a surprise to uncover something of James McGraw from so long ago, and to find it still intact.
You Can’t Handle The Truth -   Wind_Ryder
Now, all of England and beyond were discussing how an MP of Thomas' reputation was actually gay, that a Naval Officer with James' CV was a home wrecker, and how Miranda was either the victim of her husband's deviations, or a slut begging for more. Modern AU: In which Thomas, Miranda, and James are outed to the press. 
a more rational burning -  sea_changed (foxlives)
She had understood this as her role from the beginning, the head to Thomas's heart and James's hands.
and into what it will be changed -  sea_changed (foxlives)
His own heart, so often obscure to him, has become clear. (Tag notes: Political philosophy, art, naval policy, mostly threesomes.)
to ithaca -  sea_changed (foxlives)
Miranda finds him first.
A Savor of the Heart -  drivingsideways
In some cultures, speaking the name of the dead is taboo.
Apprehension -  orienter (orientinme)
For a year, Miranda watches them with fear. Until the day she understands why they feel none.
The Art of Asymmetry -  AstronautSquid
Her sketches of people tended to veer into caricature with their lively emphasis of all things out of the ordinary - a large nose, a double chin, a foppish gesture -, and had thus quickly been ruled unfit for display among polite company.
Thomas encouraged her to keep a rotating selection framed on a dresser in the chamber connecting their rooms.
It was a week into their affair that Miranda first sketched James.
No Part Behind -  atrata
James thinks of Thomas.
A Knock Upon the Moonlit Door -  FeoplePeel
A werewolf, a fairy, a witch, and a vampire walk onto a magical island and--no wait. Once upon a time, there was a Knocker who betrayed his friend and spent over a century in a Sidhe prison until he met a handsome werewolf and--hang on a minute.
There are stories that reach even the Sidhe's side of the Veil, of Nassau and its healing shores. But what use could the ghosts of giants, and vampires, and all of those who will never meet death find for a fountain of life? The obvious answer is: keep it away from everyone else.
Or: The story of how John Silver joined Flint's very non-traditional pack.
May it happen to me (all) -  drivingsideways
In the summer of 1695, Miranda Barlow meets Lord Thomas Hamilton.
whalebone, rigged to stem the floods -  AstronautSquid + James/Thomas pining.
James had learnt how to unlace a woman's stays, and how to help put them back on.
The fine material of the cords had snagged on his callouses, but they were after all just delicate ropes, and ropes he knew. The knots came together between his fingers under Miranda's direction and adjusting the tension of the laces running through the eyelets felt surprisingly familiar, the same way he could almost feel in his own body the tension of a ship's rigging.
It was the first time during their affair that James had felt truly in control of the situation at hand.
James/Thomas & James/John:
The Far Waste of the Waters -  More_night
James McGraw removes Skeleton Island from his mind.
James/Thomas, John/Madi, & James/Thomas/John/Madi:
Epic of Gilgamesh -  Wind_Ryder
“I thought it was trite.”
Thomas blinks. Once. Twice. He looks up and meets John’s eyes. Challenging and cool. “You thought...the Epic of Gilgamesh... was...was trite?”
The Canterbury Tales -  Wind_Ryder
Pirates. Attacking Georgia. A part of Thomas wants to believe that there's nothing at all relating the events outside to the events in his personal life.
But when he turns around and sees John Silver slipping in through the backdoor, he very much doubts that's the case. "Tea?" Thomas asks blandly, throwing the latch and shutting his blinds like a good Puritan man.
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emmaklee · 6 years
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