#order of the gater
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Wishing a healthy recovery for King Charles III a lifetime spent working for the environment, community inclusion, historical preservation and housing among many other things. Honi soit qui mal y pense.
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Neighbor next door
Yandere Steven Grant x reader
A/N: This has some serious Basil Stitt vibes not gonna lie.
Category: Twisted Letter - I recommend you read the informations for twisted letters first ->here<- if you haven't already.
Dead dove do not eat - you'll get exactly what's in the tags!
Tags: yandere themes, stalking(?), Steven being a shy but sweet guy. :)
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Hello Neighbour,
I'm sure you're wondering why I reach out to like that? You're currently not at home, but I will leave this note at your door so you see it when you come back.
I couldn't help but notice you since the day you moved in. And given the thin walls separating us two I almost always heard your front door open and close, so I guess you could say I was always aware of you.
You see, I have trouble sleeping, it ain't easy for me getting sleep, so I mostly stay up most nights. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass but I got used to it and it's now getting better.
Anyways, I always heard you leaving for work. Please don't think of me as a creep, oh god no. I even heard you talking to the other people living in this building, I have to say you got a cute laugh.
The following days I got curious about you, and even more when we two met eachother inside the elevator or just on the floor. I really started to like you...
You're just so kind to everybody, and to be honest you're beautiful too.
Remember that one day you accidentally dropped the flower vase? It was pure coincidence I was peeking through the peephole in my door after hearing the loud crash. I wanted so badly to help you, but other kind people came out from their apartments to help you.
The next day after work I came across the flower Store and saw the exact same vase you dropped. I bought it and I want to give it to you, I hope you don't mind. I'm a kind guy after all.
And before I forget, I often saw you at the Museum - I work there, at the gift shop. I'm Steven with a v.
I once saw you strolling around in the Ancient Egypt part, did you like it? Not to sound creepy and all that, I'm not a stalker! It's because I am studying Ancient Egypt, and I can offer you help if you want. If not that's completely fine with me of course.
Anyways, I realized you're often by yourself in your Apartment, and I was thinking maybe you want some company? I can order Pizza if you want to.
If you don't want it that's okay, really, but if you change your mind, I am always available for you. I just wanted to let you know I like you, really like you.
I know, it sounds crazy that I already like you really much, but I can't help, something in my head just made click.
Anyways, laters gaters! I mean- if you're interested in the meeting and the Pizza? I wouldn't want to rush you.
It's your choice after all.
--Steven Grant, your neighbour next door
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nunalastor · 2 months
I present unto thee this adorable thought:
(Gater girl Alastor AU)
Betty the Pet Ferry
She's figured out that she gets treats for letting the other pets, as well as the small humanoids, at the Hotel ride on her back to get to places.
Fat Nuggets and Niffty are the ones most commonly found riding her, but KeeKee will nap on her back, the last of the Egg Boiz will sometimes find himself on her head, and Razzle likes to sit on her when she's following Vaggie around.
Everyone at the Hotel is more than willing to give Betty some gater-friendly treats in order to encourage her to refrain from eating their pets and small friends.
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degree of lewdity x reader years after PC got kidnapped by Kylar
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Kylar was taken away from the police after kidnapping you and impregnating you. Kylar had multiple other charges for things he's done long ago. After that day, you fail to get your hands on any birth control, and so you were stuck with this baby inside of you. Plus, there's no abortion clinic. Either way, your budget is too tight to afford it since you've been at the orphanage so long you had to pay Bailey eight thousand dollars. Plus, when that baby is born, you gotta pay an extra one hundred dollars fee. With money tight, you were forced to do more extreme jobs like prostitute, stealing, working for the brothel, and doing a few jobs for a smuggler. The day finally came. After hours of labor, your son/daughter was born. Disturbingly, they look exactly like Kylar. Same hair, eyes, and skin. Perfect look alike. Despite the baby's appearance, you tried your best to be a perfect mother. Seem like your good karma payed off in the future. You have an even better modeling job, a good house, your rich, and your child doing well in school. Present day, you're relaxing on your clam shell bed when your child came into your bedroom wanting you to make dinner. Getting out of bed you head to the kitchen but then you remember you forget to go shopping last week meaning you don't have enough food to make dinner. Feeling lazy and you ordered pizza and got dressed in your virgin killer dress with gater stockings and a sexy pair of black heels. Once home, you sat the pizza on the dinner table and called out for your child. Getting no response, you cautiously made your way toward their bedroom. Turning the room light on you don't find them in bed but you do find a blood stained letter. Picking up the paper you noticed writing, it reads, "I missed you so much. Did you miss me?" Before you could react, you felt something sharp prick your skin, making you fall unchonchance. After some time, you awake tied to a chair. Why does this feel similar to you? looking around the room, you see that the walls are covered in pictures of you and your child. All pictures tooken at an angle that whomever took those pictures and were stalking you. Putting two to two together, know who's doing this. it's Kylar. But that wasn't possible. Kylar shouldn't have been let out this early for the crimes he committed. Panic sets in making you struggle from your ropes. After clawing at the rope with your nails, you freed yourself from the rope. Suddenly, you hear noises coming from upstairs. It sounds like your son. You rushed to the basement door, getting close to the basement door, and it swings open, revealing Kylar. "Did you miss me, darling?" He shuts the basement door, locking it behind him. It took you a few seconds to gather all of your confidence to speak. "You better not lay onther finger on my child or else." Kylar chuckles to himself. The insults he given in prison make your threat look like a compliment. "Don't worry darling, I would never hurt my child after years of wishing to see them." His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer into a kiss. Before he could, you attempted to push him away. "I'm not interested, Kylar. I want to know what you're doing to my child." Kylar smile grows ear to ear. "You're such a caring mother. I admire that."
"I think it's time we make another one."
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I decided after my second SGA watch through to watch SG-1 and do this whole chronological order thing.
Over the weekend, I got to the divergence between the two shows and was able to start SGA over again. Guys, I'm going home!
I've really grown to love SG-1, but Atlantis will always be my Gater home. I didn't think I would have that many thoughts, because I thought all the thoughts last time through. (Y'all have got to be tired of my meta by now.)
I was wrong.
First off, it was supremely rewarding to watch this in chronological order, to go from SG-1 to SGA. It's like I've read the other half of the story, heard the other side of the conversation. I know Daniel and Jack at this point of their life and what they've been through. I know Elizabeth. I know that she's the anti-military who stood up for the military to the vice-president. I know she's earned their trust.
John "I like Antarctica" Sheppard. Of course he does. Also I love that he goes into the Stargate program basically blind, but he goes. It really shows he has nothing on earth and no one.
Highlights include:
Weir says: We need him. Everyone else with the Ancient gene can train to get better. John Sheppard does it naturally. I love that she picked Sheppard. She saw his potential.
When he walks into Atlantis, I always think: The city that lights up for Sheppard just the way Elizabeth left it for him.
When Teyla says Summner looks right through her and Sheppard asks if he does, and she says no.🥰
Okay, so when Sheppard picked up Teyla's necklace, did he activate it? Because 3 drones show up right away.
They all feel so light, buoyant. Even when you know Sheppard is here because he has no home, he's worlds away from the man he is in Doppelganger. And the same with Rodney. Rodney isn't really even stressed yet. He's kinda calm. Even when he knows they're running out of power he's not freaking out, not really freaking out. (So, does that mean the better you know Rodney, the more he's willing to whine at you?)
Also, the cinematography stood out to me because it's often framing Sheppard and Rodney in the same shot, like a hint at their friendship, or is panning between Elizabeth, Rodney, and Sheppard, hinting that they're the crew, the team, the family.
Also, Peter. Sigh.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
My Scriddler headcannons over Batman The Audio Adventures:
1. Ed and Jon start hang out cause Ms. Tuesday bullies Ed. She is basically forcing him into team ups with Scarecrow because she wants to hang out with her gf Autumm (and because she worries about him, honestly she is his only friend and she is a teen he hired to a part-time job, he needs someone his age to hang out, prefencially someone he isn't paying to).
2. Autumm is more gentle and is subtly manipulating Jon into the team ups for basically the same reasons: Crane needs friends and she wants to be able to kiss her gf on work.
3. Small tangent Autumm and Miss. Tuesday are both not cis (Autuum is nb and Miss Tuesday is trans) and they go to high school together. They study in the same building as Dick Grayson (who is transmasc in this universe cause I said so) but Dick is a middle schooler so they don't interact much.
4. As a social experiment Miss Tuesday secretly starts "borrowing" Ed's phone to send heart emojis to Crane at random. She always whipes the evidences so Ed has no idea she is doing it. He knows she is stealling his phone but not what she is doing with it. The though should annoy him more, but as Jeremiah Arkham once said he has a weird unexpected soft spot for the kid (the phrasing was more on the side of "I cannot understand why he listens to a sassy teen and not to the very qualified doctors but if it can be used to stop the propery damage related paperwork he causes I'm glad." ).
5. Somehow the random emojis, constant team ups and several casual hang outs are enough to convince Jon that he and Ed are dating. He proceeds to tell it to Autumm who tells it to Miss Tuesday.
6. Now everyone thinks Ed and Jon are a couple except Ed.
7. It lasts until one day they are fighting Batman and Robin casually says "you and your boyfriend are going to Arrkham, Nygma" and Ed's reaction is "Did you hit your head, Boy Wonder? Did Barman's constant child endangerment finnally took it's tool? I don't have a boyfriend" and Jonathan who has being fighting with Edward over his lack of sleep in the last two days and truly didn't sleept just looks at Riddler sadly and says "Are you breaking out with me?"
Ed's reaction is a very confused "Am I breaking out with you? What are you talking about? We were never dating. Has the world gone mad?"
8. At this point Robin is unconfortable and regreting very much the fact he brough the subject up. He was just trying to be supportive. Catwoman had looked very happy when he acknowledged her relationship with Vicky Vale. Apparently he was the first person to not call them "friends" or "sisters". It even helped him realize that when people said Bruce and Harvey used to be "besties" before Two-Face they ment the same thing. So when Miss Tuesday told him Riddler and Scarecrow were dating (they hanged out in costume sometimes, after patrol, she called him brat but was always up for it, mostly they went to the batburguer ordered some junk food and gossiped about heros and villans, he called it "his information gatering mission" when explaining his disapearances to B) he decided that he wouldn't be one of this weirdos and just call them boyfriends. Miss Tuesday sayed it was a great idea.
But noo, Riddler had to be weird about it.
9. They prooced to have a discussion over their relationship. Good side is they agree they are dating actually. Bad side is that they were too distracted over it and now they are in Arkham.
10. Queerplatonic relationship goals.
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chartedsuns · 2 months
GOLGOTHA: Part 1 - The Psychic
He could feel the music through his skin and the alcohol running through his veins, but all Alec could focus on was him. Jake was talking but the chaos of the club was drowning him out. Alec let the walls of his mind blur, and reached out, “Sorry I can’t hear a damn thing, what did you say?”
Alec could feel Jake’ thoughts scamper to create a response, unused to telepathic communication. Using all his mental might he managed to convey the concept of piss. It would seem two way telepathic verbal communication was still a touch too difficult for Jake. “Piss. How eloquently put.” Alec gestured vaguely toward the corridor “I think the toilets are down that way and to the right.” Jake slid off the barstool onto his feet, “SEE YOU LATER ALEC-GATER”.  Pleased with his pun he wobbled his way toward the toilets.
Now Alec was left only to his own thoughts. He could hear the stern disapproving words of his tutor, “A Philosopher is above carnal delights such as these.” He momentarily panicked thinking it might have really been the voice of his tutor within his head, before swiftly deciding he didn’t care. In fact, he cared so little, he raised two fingers to the bartender to order another round for himself and Jake . He withdrew a small plastic device from his bag and began drunkenly fumbling with its unresponsive touch screen, trying desperately to pay the bartend. Before Alec could wrangle the device into cooperation Jake arrived back at the bar and sent the payment through his Membrane Implant.
Jake shouted over the music, “SO TOUGH BEING A PSYCHIC, CAN’T PAY FOR YOUR OWN DRINKS!” Alec chuckled and psychically responded, “Ah you discovered our secret scheme! Our brains reject our Membranes purely so we can get free drinks from cute boys.” 
“Shut up Jake.” 
He did in fact think Jake was cute. So much so two hours and four drinks later Alec had Jake pinned against a wall two streets down from the bar. Another hour later they were in bed.
Silver sunlight rudely ended their sleep. Alec woke first, fumbling with his Membrane-Surrogate, trying to catch up on what had transpired in the eight hours he was asleep. As it would turn out quite a lot. He was gone before Jake awoke.
He sat in the office of Tableman Ulric of the College of Wills, his tutor and superior. Alec was tall, even for a moon-born man. Yet in front of his tutor he felt tiny and frightened. 
“Thank you for arriving on time, Philosopher Gater. I appreciate it can be an awkward affair when a breach of conduct is brought up. But it is always good to ‘nip it in the bud’ early so to speak.”
“You spied on me.” Alec spat, “You spied on me. How come when I dare suggest an alternate interpretation of the Moralist Code I am looked down upon, but when you openly break it you suffer no repercussions!”
“You would accuse a Tableman of disregarding The Code young Philosopher? Don’t you think you find yourself in enough trouble already?” Ulric paused and calmed himself, “No we did not ‘spy on you’ Alec, but your charge —”
“Yes. Mister Chainman did observe you and your - coupling - outside an establishment last night. He has requested you be assigned to a different post, a decision that I concur with. Having a relationship with a charge’s son is not only unprofessional but may also alter the council you provide him.”
“My coupling is none of Mister Chainman’s business, Sir Tableman. Jake and I have in fact been coupling for the last year, and I have yet to receive any complaint on my ever precious council. And besides, what is this sudden concern over my council; what council have I ever given to him? All I give to him is status, the bragging rights of having a Philosopher under his thumb.”
Tableman Ulric sighed “On that last point I will secede to you. It was a waste of a talented young Philosopher to be assigned to a technician of all people. As such you are to be reassigned —”
“Yes, reassigned. And please, do me a kindness, and stop interrupting.” Alec shrunk down into his chair.
“You are hereby reassigned to the city of Golgotha upon the world of Throne. There you shall aid the leading Archon in investigating the recent disappearances of foundry workers. A position much more fit for a hot-blooded Philosopher such as yourself, wouldn’t you agree?”
“May I speak?”
“You may.”
“I am thankful for this new assignment —”
“But. I can’t help but note that our great nation is engaged in active conflict against The Sword Stars, The Khanate of Flesh and the Numen Cooperatives. Why not send me to war, I promise you I could serve best as a war councillor . Not an advisor to some Archon ruling an ancient torn up world.”
“You don’t want to see war, boy. And besides, that ancient torn up world was once the capital of the old Dynasties and is presently the greatest industrial planet in the New Moralist Authority, hardly an unimportant post. Not to mention it is the planet our moon currently orbits - unless I am terribly mistaken - meaning you could visit your acquaintance, if you so wished.”
Alec gathered himself, “Thank you Tableman. I will gladly accept this charge, and would like to apologise for my behaviour today. It was unbecoming of a Philosopher.”
“Your apology is accepted. I too was young once.” Ulric chuckles, “Though I can scarcely remember it. Your charge awaits. Go to Golgotha and meet with its Archon. Report back what you find.”
As Alec’s shuttlecraft plunged into the atmosphere he felt trapped between the sky above and the city below. The skies were choked with pollution, staining the cancerous sunlight a sickly saffron. The city was little better, mostly consisting of dusty ruins of rusted steel and crumbling brick. This place looked old, and it was so very old. Yet in the centre of the detritus was a colossal facility of gleaming chrome, tendrils stretched out from it rooting into the remains of the city. This was The Foundry, the reason Alec had come all this way. The Hegemony built The Foundry to recycle the city to create a new world after the old collapsed. And when the Hegemony too wilted and died, his people, The Moralists, assumed control of the vast mega-factory. Looking down at The City of Aeons and the scars it bore, he wondered what they would leave behind.
The planet's ecosystem had long since perished, and the city was so overgrown as to become an urban wilderness. Populated by mindless scrapper drones eager to recycle the iron in your blood, and subterranean pirates that lurked in the now submerged tri-rail below. Yet the Foundry is vital to the Moralists, the beating heart of its economy. So a small population of survivalists tends to it, ensuring its production of starships, computer chips - and anything else the imagination can summon - remains uninterrupted. 
Yet Alec wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been interrupted. People were disappearing and The Foundry was under threat. But by who, and for what purpose? The shuttlecraft landed, Alec swept his anxieties aside and emerged into the streets.
Condensation clung to the rebreather strapped onto Alec’s face and his unpowered exoskeleton dug awkwardly into his ribs. He wore a hooded ivory dress and a tall corset that accentuated his lithe moon-born frame. Yet with all the paraphernalia he needed to inhabit the surface of Throne, and the tawny dirt that now clung to his dress, it felt as if all the pomp of his formal Philosopher attire had been somewhat undermined.
Alec had been assigned to the Archon of Highcross, the quasi-capital of this wild city and one of the only safe havens from the worst of the smog below; it was a far cry from his home. Highcross was situated atop a massive suspended monorail that in days past served The Foundry with a near endless supply of minerals from the Ferox Mountains, before they were disassembled. Now it serves as a skyborn refuge providing a rare pocket of safety. And in Golgotha safety was a rare commodity indeed.
Alec grew up on Scepter, without the burden of a planet's gravity, rendering him a foot or two taller than most Golgothans. Which was most helpful when navigating the meat-packed streets of Highcross. His dress stuck uncomfortably to his sweat slick skin, though mercifully his respirator saved him from the rather organic odour that wafted through the streets. 
As he jostled his way through the crowd he couldn’t help but notice the looks he got. Curious residents lurched over their balconies above him, their eyes tracking the strange foreigner, and sinister figures weaved through the crowd looking for a chance to pick his non-existent pockets.
Eventually the street he was navigating split as a row of thin buildings carved the path in two. At the frontmost of these buildings a semicircular terrace hung three stories above an enraptured crowd, from which a blue banner was hoisted, emblazoned with the symbol of a bear. Upon the terrace was a man, well put together compared to the local populace, but his sun-scarred skin and lack of respirator marked him as a local. His voice carried across the street through tinny speakers that dangled precariously from cables strung from rooftop to rooftop. Alec was entranced by his voice. Curious and eager to rest his legs; he locked his exoskeleton in place to serve as a makeshift chair, and listened.
“Every ideology born under a sun has come to this city, and every ideology has failed it. Five Dynasties ruled over us, and five left the city polluted and dying. Then came the Hegemony and their artificial rulers, Instead of lifting our city back up to its glory, they preyed upon our world like a vulture. Now the Moralists occupy our streets under the pretence of ‘protection’, but make no mistake, they are here for The Foundry and naught else. Our people - who work The Foundry for our occupiers - have been disappearing, vital machinery gone with them. Pirates from the Drowned City have gotten to the very core of The Foundry yet the Moralists stand back and watch as our people vanish one by one. Where is our supposed protection now?”
“Puzzling.” Alec responded in a psychically amplified voice, “then why have they sent me?” The crowd shifted attention, their trance was broken and all eyes were on him.
“So a Moralist wormed his way into our midst; a Philosopher if my eyes still work. Unlike you I can’t spy into peoples heads, so why don’t you tell us the purpose of your visit?”
Alec took a moment to bask in the attention before continuing, “I am Philosopher Gater of the College of Wills. Tableman Ulric himself sent me to investigate these disappearances and to aid your elected Archon. We abandon no one, including the kind people of Golgotha.”
The man chuckled to himself, “Oh, so we just have to put our lives in the hands of Philosophers from a college us small folk aren’t even allowed to see? The G.I.P have been stopped time and time again from taking arms against the enemy, despite our people being willing to die for the cause. Yet you Philosophers are bound by their oh so precious Code to not hurt their ‘fellow man’? Tell me little psychic, how are you going to stop the Drowned City from stealing, kidnapping, and murderin’ without giving them any bruises or bumps?”
“The first step is to speak and to hear them out —” The crowd didn’t react well to that. First it was shocked murmuring, then a few raised voices, until it eventually boiled into outraged shouting. Even the speakers broadcasting the man’s voice were drowned out by the crowd. Yet their anger was far more tangible for Alec. His mind was a submarine beneath a sea of fury, the compartments of his brain bursting under the pressure. He saw visions of a man, destitute after all he had was taken from him in a midnight raid. Another vision, this time of a woman who had been a slave in a city shrouded in shadowed water, serving wine to a despotic ruler. Finally a vision of a burning town within the lower depths of Golgotha, gunfire rattling through the streets, blood running into cracked concrete.
It was too much, far too much for Alec to bear. Bodies rammed into him and minds scorned him, he was an icon of the Moralists to rail against. He wanted to be anywhere else. Anywhere else. Anywhere. No, not anywhere, with Jake. He just wanted to listen to Jake ramble on about membranes, and computers, whatever he wanted. As long as he could feel his warmth next to him in bed.
He closed his eyes, hoping to withstand the storm, only to find it suddenly stop.
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top favourite video game characters?
Okay top 5's in no particular order are probably:
Monty Gater (fnaf sb)
The puppet (fnaf 2)
Maru (stardew)
Specifically swamp villagers (minecraft)
J'zargo (skyrim)
My least favorite is fucking Belethor (skyrim) that bitch is so annoying and if he had a wife I would steal her so quickly.
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bear-of-mirrors · 1 month
Well, fellow ‘Gaters, my check lined up with a flash drop, so look what I ordered.
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cherryphobe · 6 months
Hey bolders gaters does anyone else currently have an ongoing glitch where your party members say they need a shovel in order to dig treasure spots when they all LICHRALLY have shovels? & if you try to use them manually the action command is greyed out unclickable
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thewanderer-000 · 6 months
Penelope Thompson(18 + yrs and up)
The mother of four sat out in the field as her long time lover the father of her fourth son ordered his flock to pack away material for New Eden. It'd been a long while since they left Jacob's gate, a hopeful sight to her was their son running around with one of uncle John's airplane models that he was given. Their trusted wolf sitting at a distance, Hati surveyed the the small area, protecting her family. Penelope laughed at her little boy running, shouting, trying to climb trees like a bear cub. Then roar of engines sounded in the distance, definitely wasn't what anyone expected. Jacob immediately went to pick up his little boy as he threw his rifle to Penelope. Eden's Gaters got vigilant as did Hati, staying close to Jacob and little Ferdinand.
"Come on my little bear cub, time to go. Penelope, they may not be too close but let's be vigilant. Those fuckin' Scavengers could be watching from the trees" I say scanning the area as we retreated, Pen readied my reconstructed rifle, eyeing the horizon through the sniper scope ready for anything. Joseph wouldn't like this but I wouldn't going to part with my rifle, especially when I'm on an outing here with my family. I quickly moved to get everyone out of the area, New Eden's Gate was a damn fortress, thankfully. Not a full 3 years out, and we got Scavenger bull' on our plate.
"That was too close. I don't think we should take little bear again" I say in an exasperated yawn to Penelope, she looked on like it wasn't so bad. She probably was right but what if we weren't so lucky next time, we haven't yet got ready to go California way to search for her family. So far the research going out that way is filled with worry, strife and more fuckin' Scavengers. A few of my followers found Scavengers, they're dotting a few places outside of what used to be Hope County, Montana. I couldn't help thinking on it as we undress, I kick off my shoes, hesitant about bringing up conversation 'bout California.
"About California, I think-, I think we should go without our little bear, babe" I felt a lump in my throat trying to sound like we weren't actually going to make it there and back. She looked relieved though, Penelope grabbed my hand endearingly but tight and sighed. I knew it was serious, she never does that unless she's scared.
"I hate to say it, but, I think that's best, if you asked me a week ago, I think I would have tried to argue against the notion. Realistically it might be too much for him, he'd like to go, I'd hate to leave him. I don't want to leave him! But I would hate to lose him" I am shakey as Penelope says that last part, but it's a real concern. One I know we both share, I mask that I'm falling apart at the thought, but not too much as I squeezed her hand a bit. Before I knew it she pulled her hand away to try stopping her tears, Penelope wiped away the few tears rolling down her cheek. We sat on the bed quietly, I knew this would be difficult, breaking the news to him would be hard.
Our mother Penelope Thompson, once Penelope Wyatt was out there somewhere, it'd been years and the General just put our cause on the back burner since forever. We were trained, me and my brothers could just go out on our own and look for her. We were getting desperate to find her, I could only remember the name Hope County. My grandmother had said the name but she and grandfather just decided to live on without mom. Our father didn't care to remember, he already dropped her memory and chased whomever to get us a new mom. But he wouldn't 'round much. And we let him know we liked it better that way, we understood why grandma and grandpa just wanted to live without her. She was the only girl, grandma was in asylum after we made it in the bunker under the base. But after a couple years she was alright to talk about her but our bio dad started to try talking about our "family". Odd since we told him to buzz off, he wasn't clean and had women coming and going from his place a lot.
Grandmother and grandfather tolerated him but once he started on the live as a new family bull, it was time for him to go. He spent most of our lives dodging us or going no contact after the end of the world, which was odd since we all lived in a big ass military bunker. We didn't need him, our grandfather out ranked him but once out we found our own, joined service. Not much of a choice but it was something to find mom. We did better than our biological father. But I kept having dreams of mom, it was too vivid, I wanted to talk about it but how does one do that. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, I know I had to talk with my brothers though. We're hunting, so it's a good time.
"Hey, guys. Uh, I dreamt of mom. And- and I think she's alive, I don't know if that makes sense or-" I say scanning their responses, after a moment they're relieved. Max gave a big sigh.
"Oh holy fuck, I thought I was the only one, I thought I was going through the shit, David" Max said rubbing his head and face, it felt hopeful, I had hoped she was out there somewhere. Waiting or searching.
"Me too, I couldn't understand why this was happening and it only freaked me out" William sat just staring at the ground, I see them gears turning. I knew he was already planning on going after her, and looking back at Max I knew that was his intention too.
"Well, let's get our deer and then we prepare for Hope County, Montana. Find mom, and whoever the others are" I say picking up my rifle, we find our places and hunt.
(Edited update: my fics aren't in chronological order, sorry lol)
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catladyrn · 1 year
bf irritated at me this morning, went to a donut shop and i ordered a maple donut and my usual hot chai tea latte. i always added a shot of expresso and 2% milk. they said they didn't have any 2% milk just whole and oat. my bf is right, whole makes me uncomfortable bc of the calories, plus i grew up drinking 2% milk. bf was not pleased about my inability to compromise. not true, i'm a nurse, my job involves FLEXIBILITY. but i paid for a service and if i expect it to be the same as i ordered. it's my decision if i want to be flexible in that situation since i'm paying for the service. so long as i'm not rude, and i was super kind.
also, why does my bf feel like he should come with me back to my apt? i stayed over the night and planned on returning back on my own but he decided to come with me. i love him and i like spending time with him, but if he's gonna bitch at me about not having time for himself and pile of chores accumulating in his house, then why tf come? come when you're done with your shit. i appreciate his help but i'm not being as productive as i would alone. i love him and appreciate his help soooo much but we need time apart. it's hard and was hard, but we need to do this. we need ME time. HIS time. etc
i need a shower, bleh. hot water i look forward to you. i have a maple donut and caffeinated later wooo. ok if bf isn't going to shower with me now, then imma shower without him.
kkkkkkk later cool gaters.
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Pizza Boy wants his pizza right now shirt
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Entertainment: Dickson street is great, lots of Pizza Boy wants his pizza right now shirt and good food. There is the Walton Arts Center which has top notch broadway events (musicals, plays, etc). TheatreSquared is also excellent for watching plays. The AMP (Arkansas Music Pavilion) has well known bands/artists every year. There is a Botanical Gardens. Believe it or not, we still have a drive-in theatre which plays current movies and is lots of fun. There is also a retro-arcade, bowling, skating rink, Locomotion (go karts, arcade, mini-golf), Gater Golf (mini-golf), several area Golf courses that are very nice, museums, and lots more. Outdoors: We are right next to the Ozark National Forrest, Beaver Lake, the Buffalo River, White River, Mulberry River, Devil’s Den state park, the Ozark Highlands Trail (218 miles through seven counties), caving, rock climbing, hand gliding, scuba diving in Beaver lake, and countless more to do. There is an excellent paved trail system that stretches from south of Fayetteville to the Missouri border with lots of parks and side trails along the way. Everywhere you turn there is hiking, biking, canoeing, geocaching, etc. Enough to never be bored. Community: Excellent Farmer’s Market, lots of community outreach programs, excellent public schools and some great private ones also (or so I’ve heard) Events: We also have lots of events in our area: Bikes Blues & BBQ, Joe Martin Stage Race, First Thursday (every first Thursday downtown), Fayetteville Foam Fest (Local Breweries, Food Trucks, Lots of Beer), War Eagle Crafts Fair, Block Street Block Party, NWA Naturals baseball games, Tri Sport Kid’s Triathlon, Fayetteville Roots Festival, Lights of the Ozarks, Ozark Valley Triathlon, Halloween Monster Dash, Color Vibe 5K Run, Primal Challenge.
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mi6021alishia · 1 year
Set Styling Research
For my new project I have made a complete house layout in Blender. I took a floor plan I liked after browsing a few in a real estate website featuring luxury homes because conceptually considering the original story of multiple heros living together there would need to be ample living space for a lot of people. I made some alterations in order to use the space the way I felt would be the best  for the characters. They are rather jouvenile heros they all have their own interests and I imagined that the house owner and teacher of the heros would likely host parties with high up politicians to raise funds to maintain their secrecy. I watched a LOT of interior design and architectural shows and videos on youtube and really put my head into being a bit like a tv/movie designer whilst still considering functionality of what these characters need from a home.
I watched Grand Designs, Your Home Made Perfect, Interior Design Masters and Dream Homes on Netflix.
 I also watched videos on youtube from The Sorry Girls, Tina Le, DIY Danie, xo macenna, LoneFox, and Alexandra Gater, as they have great ideas on style, on storage solution, on good room configuration (particularly Alexandra Gater as her clients tend to live in tiny cramped studio apartments and she makes those spaces feel much larger.) I also watched a lot of Architectural Digest in their series of designers creating furniture, designing spaces and their Open Door series, from that I took inspiration from the book shelf created by designer Leonard Bessemer in this video:
Troye Sivan, Bretman Rock and Kylie Jenner's homes in the Open Door series specifically the plants from Bretman Rock, the overal cosy, classy eclictic vibe of Troye Sivan's and I fell in love with the living room and light fixtures in Kylie Jenner's home.
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I found I particularly gravitated towards midcentury and dark and moody, maximalist styles, they feel cosy, classic, a bit older and especially in terms of midcentury, timeless.
Making all the house in blender really helps keep things to scale when drawing and makes it a lot easier for me to see the character moving through the space for when I'm animating her, keeping everything to scale as the perspective changes.
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Hello! Super fluffy request, Um Can I request Steven Grant dating Waitress (female) reader headcanons??
Steven Grant
dating a waitress
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Reader: female | romantic
Type: headcannons
Notes: i liked writing this
Warnings: one sex joke
He was very shy the first time you took his order.
He's a regular at the cafe, either it be for breakfast lunch or his 12th cup of coffee
He's very sweet always leaves you a nice tip, knowing that you'll chase him down to give him his money back
"How about you use it on our date?" Y/n smiled.
"D. Date?" Steve asked.
"Mhm." Y/n smiled, "I know this great thai place. They specialize in vegan food too. Pick me up from the cafe at.. .8?"
"Y. Yeah! Sound's like a jolly time!"
He ran to work so quick, such a happy smile on his face.
To be honest, it freaked Donna out.
She'd yell at him but he was too happy to even snap back or feel offended and just went along with his job.
Then rushes home, to get ready that is.
Turns out he's 3 days late.
How? He doesn't know.
He showed up the next day with flowers and a box of chocolates from the night before.
He got stood up?
"Hey gater..." Steven spoke up, she turning her head.
"Oh...." y/n spoke, "glad you're not dead..."
"I uh...didn't see you yesterday ya know...here." he laughed nervously.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You know...dinner?"
"Steven I waited here for two hours! Three days ago!"
"What? No! No that's not right!" Steven spoke, "I was here! The same day!"
Y/n paused, Steven looked frantic, worried even.
"Does...does this happen often?" Y/n questioned.
"Yes! No!" Steven tried to explain, "its....complicated....."
Y/n sighed, "come on I'll make us some coffee. Cafe's slow anyway."
So the two of you sat down, he apologizing and thanking you every other sentence as he explained his sleeping condition.
You didn't understand much of what he was saying: when he goes to sleep he looses things? The times change?
"Steven. Look. I...I don't know about all this-"
"Y/n! Y/n please! I love-"
It was silent as he became shy, "I...like you...alot."
Y/n sighed sitting back down: "I just...if I worry about you....you're not gonna push me away?"
"Bloody no! I'd love- i'd be honored! Honored! That you even...."
So you gave him a second chance.
Best decision ever.
Your date went great, you guys went to the thai place after all.
It was so cute: walking arm in arm through the cold street, all snuggled up against each other as you walked
He walked you home,
"Would you...would you like to come in? For a cup of tea?" Y/n questioned.
"A spot of tea would be lovely...it is a bit chilly out."
So she made him tea, he sitting in her victorian era apartment all warm in the nook.
She brought the tea over, taking a seat across from him with a smile.
"See you've got the American flag...." Steven pointed out, Y/n turning her head and looking at the flag in a triangle shaped display box.
"Oh...yes." y/n responsed, "my brothers."
"Brother?" Steven asked, "Well if he's anythin like you I bet he's a chip off the old block-"
"He's dead."
"Oh. Oh no. I'm. I'm terribly sorry."
He couldnt help but ask more about your family: there was no story, she had come abroad for school, and enjoyed it, and moved over once school was done
He in return told his story: he talked to his mother but that was about it, never seen her much, only really had a good fish as a friend and family.
"I've got your back steven." Y/n smiled, her hand reaching over the table, hand holding his.
He's flustered for sure, and your hands are so warm and comforting
Then the rain started to pick up out of nowhere: and with it being so harsh, he ended up staying the night
he's jumpy for sure, especially after only going on one date with you and already staying over
He'd hate for you to see him as a playboy type, especially after you offered him your bed, and he made the comment of sharing it
He's more flustered at the comment that you are that he made it.
"I don't mind sharing," Y/n responded, "if it'll make you feel better."
So you end up sharing the queen-sized bed, it's not as big as some people think when the girl of your dreams is beside you
Ends up cuddling with you throughout the night
Wakes up super close to you: but anyone that's worn a tank top knows there's one thing about sleeping in a tank top: they just never stay on right
He quickly covers you with the blanket up to your neck.
But you are such a pretty sleeper, with your hair spewed everywhere
He'll watch you sleep as weird as that it, then you wake up, and it startles him causing him to fall off the bed.
You quickly rush to see if he's okay.
"Hey! Are you alright!?"
"Bloody marvelous, thank you."
But then you realize your late for work and rushing to get ready, not really even carring if he's in the room while you're pulling off chlothes.
Steven would squeak out incoherent words and turn around.
"Mhm? You're eyes virgin?" Y/n questioned teasingly walking infront of him to her closet, her bra and jeans on, "I slept good last night. Your a good sleeping buddy."
Oh god you back. Is that a tattoo? Thats hot
"You're tattoo. It's Greek?"
"One is yeah, Pan inebtween my shoulders" Y/n smiled pulling a shirt from a hanger.
You could feel the heavy stare on her back
Can...can he touch?
You only turned back to him buttoning up your shirt.
He quickly got dressed too, you leaving him in the bedroom while you were getting coffee to go ready.
He came out and you both walked to the cafe together.
"I had fun steven."
"Me too. Jolly old time." Steven smiled, "shame it has to end."
Y/n smiled, "Who said it'd have to end?...maybe..."
Y/n was trying to drop a hint as she fixed his wind breaker a bit. "You could come over? Again? We could do something more entertaining?"
Steven flustered she bitting her inner cheek worriedly: "like...watch a film? Netflix and chill- well not Netflix and chill. No chilling. There will be no chilling what so ever!"
Y/n chuckled, "I don't think I'd mind the chilling if it was will you."
He can only agree nervously: did...did He just agree to having sex later on?
Theres definitely tension as you both stand infront of the cafe.
Y/n's oddly close to him, and he's enjoying it, she smells like coffee and pasteries like always. Maybe a hint of eral gray in here aroma.
"You're...um...very pretty up close like this..." Steven admitted, Y/n smiling and planting a soft kiss on his lips
Oh man he's on cloud nine
And he wants to kiss you more and more
But you're already late enough as it is and wave to him through the glass, he watching you vanish behind the counter and into the back
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sparklestardesigns · 2 years
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as a snowtuft enthusiast it is a need to draw Multiple Snowtufts At Once BUT ANYWAYS i wanted to do one of these with designs i love dearly!!!! the wc design template meme is made by @shebpaw !
all design creators in order (from top to bottom, left to right!)
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