#original meem
su1c1d4lpup · 6 months
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piiinkfreak · 9 months
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The duality of a little girl
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
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you mean to tell me this isn’t exactly what happened when Tim’s parents died?
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kleinstar · 5 months
i rly liked the sporty fit from last time, but what about 👨‍💼
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Send a symbol and my muse will pick an outfit for your muse (NOT ACCEPTING)
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" For the record that's a blazer cape! Anddd that's wristband aaand those are socks... Maybe go with the ankle length pants to show them off hehe? "
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neptuniadoesstuff · 6 months
TW: A bunch of ded bodies.
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Context: Insane king from another land orders WAY TOO MUCH CHEESE for a god that he prays to-
Characters: Marlin (Reaper) & Pansy the Skooba (Mine)
Art: Mine.
Program: Scratch.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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ukuntt · 1 year
Seventeen's I don't understand but I luv u, or as I like to call it:
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radioconstructed · 2 years
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dzvagabond · 4 months
can I get numbers 66 and 80 milord.
Hi bestie! 👋
No. 66 is my mans The Sorrow (MGS3)
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There's so much I haven't said about MGS Snake Eater and my insert's lore so here we go! The Sorrow and The Lonely (insert) are both a part of the Cobra Unit led by their other lover, The Joy. Now I haven't really put much thought into who is with who first, but I'd love to imagine that both Sorrow and Lonely were an item first, saw Joy, and were IMMEDIATELY infatuated. But ANYWAY! Sorrow and Lonely obviously are both a part of the Cobras together, one as a spirit medium, the other as a Code-Talker of sorts, a scout in the field to see if any enemies nearby (hence the feeling of being "alone" on the battlefield.) They bond over the fact they never really get in the midst of combat, preferring to be on the sidelines providing support while the rest take care of the action. The two (+Joy) are almost utterly codependent on one another to where when Lonely finds out about Sorrow's death from Joy herself, they isolate and do not join the rest of the Cobras in defecting to the Soviet Union. But instead join Naked Snake and FOX for Operation Snake Eater & The Virtuous Mission. I also love to believe that Sorrow still visits Lonely from time to time even in death, not wanting them to be truly alone.
No. 80 is another husband, Luis (RE4R)!
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There's soooo much that I have put into thought for the lore between Luis and Ezio. For one, I love toying with the idea that they meet before Luis leaves Umbrella Euro entirely due to the fact that he doesn't want to hurt anyone, doesn't want to perform experiments on live human test subjects despite already having done so with Ezio & the nemesis alpha prototype parasite. They are both toxic for one another in the beginning of it all, especially when they kidnap Ezio, take them to Spain, and continue to experiment on them thinking that it's helping them (no fault on Luis really, he's just trying to make up for what he's done), and form a trauma bond.
Eventually, they both come to terms with the fact that they due care for one another despite the circumstances given, and are still trying to escape and help people while doing it ***cough cough, Leon and Ashley, cough cough***. There's so much more I wanna say, but I will continue rambling on if I do. So yea, that the gist of their lore XD
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menalez · 10 months
i’m curious did they really say the q slur or was it a translation thing?
it literally says “queers in palestine” in arabic. like those exact words (queers), not even an arabic equivalent
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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asma-al-husna · 3 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Qayyoom— The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting— on three occasions in the Quran. Al-Qayyoom is the One who is self-existing while every being exists through Him and because of Him. He is completely free of any dependence on anything else, while the whole creation depends entirely on Him!
The Self-Existing, The All-Sustaining
Qayyoom comes from the root qaaf-waw-meem, which points to five main meanings. The first meaning is to stand or to rise up. The second main meaning is to be or begin, the third to be ongoing and to exist. The fourth main meaning is to be founded or to be built on and the fifth is to manage and to make right.
This root appears 660 times in the Quran in 22 derived forms. Examples of these forms are qaamoo (“they stand”), aqeemoo (“establish”), istaqaamoo (“remain firm”), al qawma (” the people”) and al qiyaamah (“the Resurrection”).
Al-Qayyoom comes always in combination with the beautiful name Al-Hayy in the Quran, with Al-Hayyreferring to the attribute of everlasting life and Al-Qayyoom signifying the attribute of self-existing life. Al-Qayyoom is the One who established Himself on His own and is the foundation upon which all things exist. He is the One who sustains and manages the complete creation and at the same time is without any need of any type of sustenance Himself!
Al-Qayyoom Himself says: . . . Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence [Quran,2:255] And [all] faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he will have failed who carries injustice [Quran, 20:111]
The beautiful concept of qiyaam
Al-Qayyoom is among the greatest of the names of Allah ‘azza wajal and its origin is the word al-qiyaam. From this root a few of the most important concepts of Islam evolve. The iqaamah, is the call just before the obligatory prayer is established. In our prayer we recite the Quran in the standing position (qiyaam); we do not recite Quran in the sitting position, nor during our ruku(bowing), nor during our prostration. Great importance has the night prayer for the believer, which is referred to as qiyaam ul layl. True believers are adorned with istaqaamah (to remain firm) on the straight path of Islam (siraatul mustaqeem) and ultimately we will all be brought in front of Al-Qayyoom on the Day of Standing, Yawm ul Qiyaamah.
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Establish salah.
Aqeemoo as-salah! Al-Qayyoom instructs you many times in the Quran to establish the prayer. But do you really establish your salah in your daily life, or do you fit your prayers around your daily routine?  One of the sahaabah asked: “What is the thing that Allah loves most?” The Prophet said: “The thing that Allah loves most is when his people pray salah on time.” [Al-Bukharee] Fit your daily activities around your salah and not your salah around your daily activities. Focus on praying your salah on time for a week and see the difference in your emaan!
2. Recite surah Al-Ikhlaas often.
This surah contains a beautiful description of Allah, His Oneness and His self-existing and sustaining attributes . The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam heard a man reciting ‘Qul huwa Allaahu ahad,’ and said, “It is his right.’ They asked, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, what is his right?’ He said, ‘Paradise is his right.’ [ Ahmad] He salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam also said: “Whoever recites Qul huwa Allaahu ahad ten times, Allaah will build for him a house in Paradise.” [Saheeh al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer] So recite it whenever you can: whenever you have a spare moment, fill it with recitation of surah al-Ikhlaas!
3. Help sustain the needy.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: If you love the poor and bring them near you . . . Allah will bring you near Him on the Day of Resurrection.[At-Tirmidhi]
4. Humble yourself.
We have no reason to ever be arrogant, and this name should humble us.  When you were born your parents needed to do everything for you; you could not even sit by yourself. As you grow, developing your intellect and body, you become less dependent on your parents. Then your body and mind start decreasing in strength, and you go back to the beginning where others need to take care of you again. Even when you feel strong, still remember you are completely dependant on Al-Qayyoom.
5. Help in the cause of Islam.
Even though Al-Qayyoom does not need any of us, nor does He need food, drink or sleep, He made you a beautiful promise in the Quran: O you who believe! If you “help Allah,” He will help you. [Quran,47:7] This means you should do your best to help in the cause of Allah’s Deen, for Al-Qayyoom is the One Who is in full charge of all things. Ask Him to make you of those who help the Deen by spreading the message of the Quran, teaching and helping others.
6. Think about the Day of Standing.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, You will surely stand before Allah, no screen between Him and you, no interpreter to translate for you. Then He will say, ‘Did I not bring you wealth?’ He will say, ‘Yes.’ Then He will say, ‘Did I not send you a Messenger?’ He will say, ‘Yes.’ Then he will look to his right and left and see nothing but Hell. So protect yourselves from it even with half a date (in charity), and if not then with a kind word. [Al-Bukharee] Daily remind yourself about this moment and make sure you do a deed of charity each day, even if it’s a kind word to someone!
7. Stand in the night.
The best prayer after the obligatory ones is the night prayer [Muslim]. Abu Sulaimaan Ad-Daaraanie said, Those who pray in the night enjoy when they are observing their night prayer more than what the people of pastime and fun enjoy from their pastime. If not because of the night, I would not have loved to remain in this world.  When Umar was dying, he said I do not grieve on anything of this life except the night prayer. Some people think only those who have strong emaan can pray and they are not good enough, but in fact qiyaam ul layl is the opportunity for those who feel far away from Allah to become closer to Him, so go for it and motivate others to gain extra reward!
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
Old medic AU/ oc masterpost
Here you can find all the links to everything Old medic related
Just old Medic
Concept drawing of an old Medic (original post)
More drawings and context
Some more drawings
Sad Update, Happy Update
Medic's life story
Some more drawings 2
Old medic, yes. But now in color !
Old meem at his desk
Lil old meem
Counting War crimes (a comic)
Old HeavyMedic
First drawing of old HeavyMedic
More of old HeavyMeem
Old HeavyMedic dancing (comic)
More of old HeavyMeem 2
Did they got Married ? Do they have children ? (Q and A)
Old heavy sharing(comic)
Some more drawings 3
Love birds in warm coats
Doktor works too much
Old HeavyMedic kiss
Love comic
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lunefuforu · 1 year
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kleinstar · 2 years
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@eusyram​ sent:  no wait can i send this for Ark bwahaha [ ARM ]
> after holding their hand, the sender releases the receiver, but slowly glides their hand up the full length of their arm, lingering on the upper arm, then the shoulder, then resting their touch against the side of their neck.
The Secret Date Eiden had managed unlock had thus been incident after another and Eiden had thought he’d managed wreck it all. The new shoes bought with game currency that had +50 for sincerity apparently lowered your sense of dexterity by -40. When Ark lets go of his hand Eiden thinks it’s all. 
(At this point Eiden still knew little of the man after all.)
Sorry Ark I couldn’t be what you needed.
Then it happens. Sudden slide along the skin of his arm, over the fabric climbing up to his neck. 
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“ ....wait, even though I kept tripping and flashing my thighs again--- I thought you were sick of me already.... “
Ark’s looks at him,with that  the sweet hunksome face of ice, fingers still on neck.
“ You showed me a pleasant sight. “
Is he talking about his thighs or the sparkle radiating from the countless, attempted sincere plans of EIDEN - who knows? What Eiden does know is that their faces are close and he can feel his breath on him....
> A) Join in passionate kiss  B) Tell him you need to leave C) Kick him onto the crotch with all your might D) (Input own answer)
“ Hey, big bro? Can you come here, let me show you-- “
Within a second before locking the option Eiden hides the screen. Not that it’s a secret but rather just the instinct that happens when someone sneaks on you while playing. Before getting up to see whatever Yuuji’s up to Eiden turns one more time and looks at his phone on the sofa with it’s screen hidden against it with a flushed, sorrowful face.
Ark... I will return soon...
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
Introduction Thing Ig... So.. Welcome to the Basement?
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(Plz click the read more to see all of the text)
(Yeh this is a remake of my introduction post, but we don't talk about that-)
So yeh, welcome to this.. place... This is where I store all of my art & whatever I can think of. So, you will expect:
Art (Usually Fandom-based or OC based)
Art WiPs (That of ATs, DTs, & Character Refs)
Meems (Except I'm not funny so don't expect many)
& Stoopid Garbage like my rambles & crud.
(Although reminder that my art can & will be 13+ as it will contain things like g0r3, Cannibalism, & even death, I'm just uncomfy with anyone under 13 actually interacting with me due to my past experience back on Screb... But if you are kind enough maybe I'll let you talk to me, I'm pretty friendly but I do have some problems irl so keep in mind..)
My Bio (Full):
|| Name: Bubs | Aliases: N (If you know me irl), Neptunia | Gender: Female, She/Her | Age: 15 (I'm a minor, so leave me alone if yur an 18+ only/mature acc) | Height: Blob-Sized, May be a bit chonky lol | Pride: AroAce | Other: Big fan of MO: Astray & an avid enjoyer of Blobs ||
Birthday: December 26.
Zodiac: Capricorn. (I don't take zodiacs seriously though tbh, I just think they're a bit neat to say.)
IQ Level: Moron.
If you know who I am, I'm BuggoBlobs from Scratch (Sadly due to the whole banning fiasco bcs of someone mass reporting me for calling them out on their bs.... Lets say things didnt end well for me..)
So yeh erm... that's why I'm here....? (Well not rlly, I have known about Tumblr for a long time, except I only made an acc this year due to a frend of mine (REDACTED) making an acc on here, so I thought "Let's do the same thing" & here we are)
(Funfact: I'm quite anti-social irl & only have like... 2 irl frends but I only talk to one-)
My Mascots/Sonas ig-:
Neppy ◆/♠︎/♣︎ (Main Mascot) (You will see her... A LOT, so be ready) (Her Ref & TH Page)
Bubs (Design coming soon) ◆ (This is my persona/irlsona btw)
JJ Sam Green ♣︎/♠︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page) (TW: Can contain sensitive info) (You can also see his full ref here)
Jayden/Greeny ♥︎/♣︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page)
(Symbol Meanings: ♥︎ = Comfort. ♣︎ = Favorite. ◆ = Sona. ♠︎ = Just think they're neat lookin.)
Content warnings!
Sometimes horrifying imagery
Semi-graphic descs of charcters.
OC with Scars
My Socials ig:
Screb (I have 2 accs on there.but one got murked... At least i have a back up ig? Welp. The one that got murked is a archive now so yeah...), Tumblr (Your Here lol), ToyHouse (Where all of my OCs whom I created/put on there exist)
Or you can use my Carrd here. I don't mind tbh. (+ Having a Carrd is much easier to link than all of my Socials.)
Fandoms (I'm in ig):
MO: Astray (Fave Game)
Hollow Knight
DNU (Doctor Nowhere Universe)
Oh yeah this includes content I make of/for but not in. (Like TES & Fallout)
(Reminder: Just bcs I sometimes make content about smtn I'm not a part of doesn't mean I'm actually a part of that thing's Fandom, like example, some of my OCs in Fandoms I used to be in/aren't apart of.)
Some of my original trash (In no actual order bcs I'M NOT NEAT & TIDY!):
Mortal's Curse/Terminal Archina/PoL (Same Universe as AoE/A2P)
Endoterr's Vail (Project Cata nka Oblivion Monroe &
RoTG (Realm of the Gods)
BloopTopia/LoA (Land of Ackezelle) (Aka World of Eeross)
Silver Valley
Soul Seekers
Noirvillah? (A part of a universe owned by my frend Ashe)
A Stargazer's Diary
And whatever else I have
My TOS (You will see it a lot in my art-based posts)
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
So yeh, if you my any see a PNS in my drawings, that means it says, "Plz No Steal". DO NOT SEAL MY ART!
DNI If you do any of these:
Taking my art w/o permission (This includes Tracing, copying, recoloring, or just straight up saying it's your art. Bcs I take lots of time making art & you taking my art w/o permission hurts me) (It will not only matter if it was made for you & only you but plz frikin credit me if you post it)
Being weird to me or my characters/designs. (Just... don't... I'm AroAce (+ a Minor) & that makes me uncomfortable tbh... Look even if I do make a character with a certain body type/looks that's kinda "sus", does not allow you to make weird comments about them at all)
The average hate comments, harassment, bullying, & spamming/threats thing. We all know those 4, right? Just be a frikin decent person for crying out loud. (You can dislike me & my art all you want, idc tbh. Just don't go harassing me on multiple levels to the point IT WILL MAKE ME HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN!) (Also, these 4 count for my frends here. Again, be a decent person. I'm watching you..) (Also, this rule includes nor respecting me, just plz respect everyone with kindness... Thanks.)
Pestering/threatening me to draw you smtn. (I work hard on my drawings + I have a life outside of here, so don't expect me to draw you smtn since I only draw for my frends & myself. If you really want art from me, pay in art, idc how bad the art is, art is art & I have no biases when it comes to it as everyone has their own style.)
LGBTQ-Phobes/Menaces to certain groups of ppl who did nothing wrong but exist. (This is a LGBTQ+ Safe place)
Creeps, Weirdos, & ppl who ship problematic ships. (Like don't be any of those plz... Especially the weirdos who like children or animals WAY TOO MUCH.)
(Edit) Making false accusations/hateful comments of my friends. Be a goddamn decent human being for the love of God or ill have to report you.
(Not strictly but I do get uncomfortable) following any adults only/18+ acc on here. Yeh I just don't really interact with anyone who is currently following a 18+ acc bcs it just.. weird..
Breaking any of these DNI Rules can get you blocked BY ME! So be careful...
My Mutuals/Friends:
@oregon-or-the-grave (Ashe/Oregon), @mor-meowcat (Abi), @viellohi (Vie), @somepersonyouknow (Mia), @spiasshdown (Splesh).
(4 of them are literally from Screb & only one I know IRL- It's a whole bag of worms lol-)
Anyways my side blogs bcs I said so:
The Official Mortal's Curse Blog (Ask/RP OC Blog)
My Species Storage Blog (Lore QnA/Original Species Blog) (Originally a Ref Sheet storage Blog)
My MO: Astray AU Blog called Timeline-Breaker (Ask/RP/AU)
So yeh... Thats its rlly for this post... Hope you enjoyed yur stay, & remember, always stay a goober! Even in the toughest times.
(Art is by me btw, Plz don't take. :( )
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ukuntt · 2 years
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Me at 4 in the mornin
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