#other insects too
rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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World Honey Bee Day
These little creatures are nature's buzzworthy superstars! They're responsible for pollinating a third of our food supply and creating delicious honey.
We often take nature for granted. We don’t think about the pivotal role that all of life’s creatures play. However, World Honey Bee Day gives you the perfect opportunity to pay honor to the incredible honey bee. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this day, as well as the critical role that honey bees play in our everyday lives.
Learn about World Honey Bee Day
World Honey Bee Day is an awareness day whereby honey bee enthusiasts, beekeeping associations and clubs, and beekeepers celebrate the honey bee. It is a day to recognize the contribution that honey bees make to our everyday lives, as well as learning about the different steps that we can take in order to protect this vital species. On World Honey Bee Day, we also pay homage to beekeepers. After all, it is their efforts that make sure that there are healthy and well-managed bees to pollinate crops.
The health benefits of honey
Of course, honey bees provide us with honey, and this is one of the many reasons why we should be thankful for them! Honey is a golden, thick liquid, which is produced by bees using the nectar of plants that are flowering. The kind of flowers that bees visit will impact the texture, smell, and taste of the honey, resulting in different types of honey, including orange blossom, clover, acacia, and manuka honey.
There are a lot of nutritional benefits that are associated with adding a bit of honey to your diet. High-quality honey offers a number of benefits because of the antioxidants that are included. These include phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, as well as organic acids. The antioxidants that are found in honey have been linked to lowering the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and some forms of cancer. They are also believed to assist in terms of eye health.
There have also been studies that have shown that honey can help to improve your cholesterol levels. If you have high LDL cholesterol levels, then you are going to be at a greater risk of having heart disease. This sort of cholesterol plays a massive role in atherosclerosis, which is the fatty buildup in your arteries that can cause strokes and heart attacks as well. There are more and more studies that are showing that honey can help to enhance your cholesterol levels. This is because it significantly raises the good HDL cholesterol while lowering the total of bad LDL cholesterol.
Honey cannot only benefit you in terms of consuming it, but it has been used for many years as a topical treatment for healing burns and wounds. In fact, this can be dated back to Ancient Egypt. Researchers have concluded that the healing powers of honey come from the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects it has, as well as its ability to nourish the tissue that surrounds the wounded area.
Bees are disappearing
Bees are critical to our daily living, yet they are in decline on a worldwide scale. This is because they face a number of different threats. The use of toxic pesticides is one of these threats. They are also at risk due to habitat loss, as there has been an increase in invasive farming methods and urban developments, meaning that places that honey bees used to call home do not exist anymore. In honor of World Honey Bee Day, it is good to do your bit in order to raise awareness regarding the risks that honey bees all around the world face and the steps that we can take in order to help them. You can begin by researching this issue so that you can find more information about the different challenges that bees face and the reasons why their population is on the decline. By doing this, you will then be able to educate others and we can all do our bit to make sure that the number of bees starts to increase again, rather than decline.
History of World Honey Bee Day
World Honey Bee Day, previously known as Honey Bee Awareness Day, is an idea put together by beekeepers in the USA, who petitioned the USDA in 2009 for an official day to honor honey bees and beekeeping. A few years down the line, people across the globe are holding a date of observation every year.
The organizers of the event, on the concept of the World Honey Bee Day, have said:
Bring together beekeepers, bee associations, as well as other interested groups to connect with the communities to advance beekeeping. By working together and harnessing the efforts that so many already accomplish, and [by] using a united effort one day a year, the rewards and message is magnified many times over. We encourage bee associations, individuals, and other groups to get involved. The program is free and open to all.
How to celebrate World Honey Bee Day
Honey Bee awareness enthusiasts will likely put a bee in your bonnet and say this is not so much a day to celebrate honey bees, as it is to promote their involvement in sustainable farming.
On this day, bee lovers everywhere decorate their gardens with lavender, borage, and marjoram, the bee’s knees in pollinator lures. If you have the time and patience, bake some honey chippers and make your own honey fruit cobbler.
We also recommend that you take the time to learn more about the honey bee on this day and how we can all do our bit in order to provide them with a supportive environment. When we plant orchards, wildflowers, and other types of flowering plants, we are supporting pollinators, which includes honey bees. Honey bees depend on the nectar of different plants in order to survive. We also need to recognize that we depend on honey bees for our own survival. After all, if they did not pollinate, a lot of the nutritious plants that we need would not reproduce. It’s all about the circle of life, and we should do our bit to help other specious along the way.
Another way to celebrate World Honey Bee Day is by enjoying a honey-based treat. There are lots of different options for you to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a tasty dessert or you want to incorporate honey into your main meal, we have got you covered. Here are some tasty suggestions to consider: honey-roast confit of duck, honey cake, vanilla and honey madeleines, stir-fried pork with honey and ginger, salted honey fudge and chocolate tart, honey mustard grilled salmon, homemade crumpets with burnt honey butter, and crispy honey buffalo wings. Is your mouth watering yet?
And because you’ve been as busy as a bee all day, sit back and watch Hitchcock’s ‘The Bees’. You’ll count your blessings honey bees are nothing like South American killer bees!
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sparklingsora · 2 months
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weeee cedric weeheeeeeeeeeeeeee
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jenfoundabug · 3 months
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Skippers are so freakin cute 🥰
Burnsius communis (common checkered skipper), Northern California
Blehhh 😛
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hrokkall · 11 months
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Position limbs into desired arrangement and pin in place
Maintain eye contact
Pin should pass through the center of the thorax
Move slowly; lest the divine light leak out along with the ichor
Wait for the embers to die.
Wait for the embers to reignite.
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b4kuch1n · 8 months
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about ready
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Summer night.
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dailykugisaki · 4 months
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Day 120 | id in alt
Be real. It looks like Itadori and Fushiguro have unholy thin ankles.
(I will be participating in the global strike btw! So no posts until 26 or 27th💥)
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ninawolv3rina · 4 days
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She's beauty, she's grace, she's Bug Hydra (and Laz, for scale)
OC: Bug Hydra (she/it)
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piplupod · 4 months
i feel like i am losing my mind a little bit bc i spent over half of my counselling appt talking about my fear of spiders and this lady kept telling me i should just kill them, and that the only way to get over my fear is to kill them, and i shouldnt catch and release them anymore ??
and now i am thinking about it and wondering do they actually remember how to get into the house,,,,,, if i put them way on the other side of the house in the garden under a plant where its safe, will they just... come back inside? because I don't remember ever seeing any duplicates of spiders that I caught and released, it seems to always be a different looking one each time so :|
but she just seemed so confused and kind of amused by me trying to explain how i think that like... every life has value and I don't think I should be killing spiders if I can avoid doing that. and she straight up laughed at me saying that they are fascinating very interesting little critters.
i don't know, i just feel kind of sick i think. that was just really not what i was expecting and I'm confused like... is this ... the only way I can get over my fear of them? to just start killing them whenever i find one in the house?? that doesn't seem right at all to me but maybe I'm being too soft or something
they talk about values in DBT and how you must make sure your actions don't go against your values, and this seems very backwards to that, especially since this woman started the DBT program at the hospital. so i feel like maybe it's wrong of her to be telling me this, but also maybe she's right about this. idk !!!
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After consuming a questionably healthy amount of hostage!Lucerys works, I think the most powerful move that boy could pull in a no escape scenario is not engage with Aemond. And I don’t mean a silent treatment or livid wall, things that might goad Aemond into breaking him. I mean a withdraw. A shut down. Disengagement. The power of lucemond to me was that mutual obsessive attention they display, and the thought of Lucerys legitimately disconnecting from that???
And if you want it to be a more manipulative Luke, he could be doing it on purpose, but it would probably come naturally at some point, depending on his treatment and stress. (My usual thought is when he gives up all hope on ever being done ‘paying’ his debt, or just becomes convinced he is not being perceived as a person, just an enemy or a ‘bastard’ or a means to an end.) Withdrawing and disassociating in a brutal situation is very natural, and a quiet method to NOT break.
So just, the image of Lucerys initially burning with rage, with tears, with a ‘I will not shame my family’ pride against the loss of his dragon or insults or threats or brutality or how Aemond/the Greens treat him. And then one day like a snap, he switches to quiet, still, unfocused unless prompted, then tense as stone listening, watching, responding as needed but quiet otherwise, no color to his words, no comments or anything beyond direct answers, then regressing back into unfocused as soon as it is safe.
And the Green support team might not care, Aegon might find it boring, Alicent may be surprisingly worried, Helaena is oddly attentive to the boy, but Aemond is the one shaken. Bereft, but the feeling is filtered through confusion and outrage and frustration, especially if Lucerys proves he CAN still emote beyond tension and fear when he talks to Helaena’s kids, smiles and easy focus and (perhaps strained) wit all blooming back to the life in an instant when Aemond thought it all long beaten out of the boy. Then the children go, and Lucerys looks at Aemond, and that life is gone again, his dark eyes back on the walls.
And Aemond could rage or grow desperate, depending on how cruel you wish it to be, but you know whatever he does will be feral, because what he wanted most, whether he wishes to accept it or not, was Lucerys’s regard. And he might have destroyed that with his own hands.
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I hate group projects with a passion :3
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In response to my Booster Gold drawing I drew a bit back (last month or so)
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cinimuffin · 1 year
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Gridded pride moth/butterfly pixel art. If you use them for anything please give design credit (and also @ me because I would like to see). Intended for personal use only.
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eon-bug-collection · 27 days
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snakefly time!!! i like these guys a lot. and haven't seen one irl before so this was pretty cool! unfortunately it chose to land directly in front of the sprinklers so i didn't get to stare at it for too long. alas.
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A giant golden orb weaver (sometimes called the skull spider), a three horned rhinoceros beetle, and a fire-tailed resin bee.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 11 months
Isn't there like a dialogue option (or maybe it's a fan comic who knows) that points out all the bugs in Gonta's lab die after ch4 because no one was taking care of them? Sad face. I think at some point if you go into his lab during ch5 and click on the wall, it prompts that, but I may be misremembering.
I believe that if you look at the bug box item you get after ch4 the description says something like “with its owner gone, there’s no one to look after the bugs anymore” I’m not sure it ever explicitly says the bugs are going to die, but it is implied
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