#other people can have self inserts and its cool and awesome
Perhaps... I can have a self insert... As a little treat... Haha jk... Unless...?
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grimescum-2 · 2 years
i hope everybody with f/os knows that they're so so fucking cool and braver than i could ever be
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starmonsterrr · 8 months
[ * Introduction post i guess??? Erm... Anyway HELLO WORLD ]
[ * With a sudden influx of people following this blog and catching me by surprise, I figured out it would be a good idea to make an intro post about myself. Fun i guess? ]
[ * Anyways, please refer to me as Io or Aurum! Either way works! ]
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[ * Identity things? I guess? ]
[ * My pronouns are it/its and I identify as stargender! ]
[ * I am also non-human, though I recognize that (to my dismay) I have the body of one. (No shade to physical nonhumans of any type though!!! You creatures are awesome!!!!) ]
[ * Further elaborating, I'm otherkin (dragon), therian (silver fox), and fictionkin (well... OCkin. And it's Io! info post link here). ]
[ * I also happen to be the host of what very likely seems to be a system, though luckily for me a small one (as far as me and the one other known member, Atramentum, are aware). I seem to be always in near complete control apparently??? But Atty has gained more control unintentionally before. Not enough for either of us to call it fronting or co-fronting but. Control nonetheless over the meat machine?? Ehh, they're a guy that exists ]
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[ * Hobbies!!!!! ]
[ * The main thing you'll see is drawings. Many drawings. I enjoy drawing a lot! I have been drawing ever since I have memory. I also occasionally compose music and write, but I have yet to post any of that in this blog... ]
[ * And I also animate! Because of the effort it takes, it is quite rare to see me posting animations. But I still do it! I have a YouTube channel dedicated to it, in fact. You can find some of my animations there. ]
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[ * Fandoms!!!! ]
[ * My primary fandom is the UTMV and has been for three years as of 29/07/2024! As such this blog is near entirely centered on it. I may occasionally reblog stuff from other fandoms, though I don't see UTMV getting overthrown as my current main interest anytime soon. ]
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[ * Miscellaneous things? (Extra info, tags, links, cool looking badge thingies I find online) ]
[ * I'm Ink's wife and girlfriend (in a non-binary way if that makes any sense) for all eternity (/srs), and I post about that fairly often I think ]
[ * I also enjoy being an astronomical level of cringe... And I refuse to apologize for it. In fact if you dare insult me for it, or for anything really, I will channel the hatred into more cringepower. Cringe culture is dead and I am mauling its corpse :3 (That is an AMAZING quote. Might put it as a blog title eventually) ]
[ * Tags I use (recalling from memory... May miss a few.) ]
#corv reblogs
#corv friend interactions
#corv gets an ask
#corv draws • (usually full drawings)
#corv doodles • (low-quality drawings usually made for silly reasons)
#corv rambles about lore
#corv's io • (posts about Io)
#corv's aurum • (posts about Aurum)
#the starry night (selfship) • (Ink x Io)
#corv doodle request • (doodle requests I draw)
#corv doodle request status • (status updates for when I open and close doodle requests)
#corv & corvpany • (silly plurality stuff)
[ * Stuff I'm working on ]
OuterRenaissance (Undertale AU, Outertale variant) (has an official blog! @outerrenaissance though I gotta actually get started using it.)
Some info on star-born monsters! I think.
[ * Links for things ]
[ * About Io (UTMV self-insert, sona number 1) ]
[ * About Aurum (UTMV meta ""self-insert""??? lives outside UTMV technically but still interacts with it, also sona number 2) (NEEDS MAJOR-ISH DESIGN UPDATE) ]
[ * About Therian!Ink ]
[ * My Youtube channel ]
[ * Cool looking badges/user boxes!!!!! ]
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[ * And lastly... ]
[ * Please, do NOT interact with me if you... ]
[ * originally this was a list but ehhhh ]
[ * just pls don't harass people... And don't drag me into any kind of discourse (Yup that includes shipcourse)...... Also don't be a bigot ]
[ * AI image generators can go to the ninth circle of hell though ]
[ * I'm too tired on a daily basis to go around checking everyone's DNIs so wahhhh ]
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[ * That's pretty much it! Have a nice day! ]
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mr-ribbit · 1 month
jokes are funny and all but I'm getting so fatigued with bits about "lmao I love my trans partner but no way am I gonna learn mtg/play league of legends/watch indie films/deal with their weird collection/insert whatever stereotypical queer nerdy interest"
like sometimes it's lighthearted and funny and it's fine when it's self-targeted of course, but a lot of it just comes off as:
1. straight up unfiltered jock v geek bullying
2. weird misogynistic and binarist jokes about stereotypically male/female interests being unappealing to the other gender (often in a way that feels like stealth misgendering/bioessentialism)
3. "i hate my wife and everything she's interested in" style heteronormative humor
and idk it's just getting kind of exhausting to see it everywhere, particularly when it comes from people who claim to be allies or from other queer groups across the aisle
"i love trans women but not enough to learn that dumb card game lol"
ok so what do you think goes thru your trans partner/love interest/friend's head when they hear stuff like this?
you don't love them enough to learn about their interests? their hobbies, their favorite games? you hate what your gf does in her free time because its so stupid? your gf and all her friends like the same exact thing, bc of their gender, and you're mocking it at her expense? what would these things feel like coming from a cis dude towards cis women about stereotypical "cis woman interests?"
if you don't love them enough to respect their hobbies, what will you love them enough to do?
will you love them enough to keep loving them even if their appearance changes? will you love them enough to stay together even if your marriage becomes illegal? will you love them enough to move away with them if your hometown becomes too dangerous for them to stay? will you love them enough to stand by them against your family, friends, and peers if they're rejected?
grow the fuck up and stop pretending that negging is funny and cool if you make it Queer Coded. it's worse, actually. trans people have so much shit to worry about 24/7 can we normalize making more jokes about how Awesome and Cool they are instead?
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I am actually reading Alastair Reynolds' Revenger now, and it's a book that's equal parts good and irritating to me, and is really good at tapping into certain things that I like about fiction (like a "concerned with how individuals relate to / are connected to [something big and mysterious], specifically the social institutions and beliefs surrounding it" vibe that I think is present in many books that I like, but not in books I've written in the past)
But the irritating parts are taking up a lot of my attention, so that's what I will write about here
The first, and least surprising, annoying thing is Reynolds' emphasis on sexism and sexual violence. This is a matter of taste, and it would be silly to accuse Reynolds of trying to write a book that's "too political" or whatever (it's very obviously not his intention to lecture his audience, or anything like that)
That said, one of the main characters is a fat dude who is mocked for the fact that he is fat, and Reynolds' sexism is not just limited to making fun of this guy for being fat, which I could deal with -- it's also this:
He could have been the most handsome man Gwen had ever clapped eyes on, if she'd never seen an unmasked man before -- as it was, he simply looked like someone had tried to make the worst possible choice. He was gangly and graceless and simply too tall to carry off the physiognomy of a fop. One thing he had in his favour, Gwen thought, was that a man with his build couldn't exactly be called a "twig".
Unacceptable for a book whose politics are "pirates are awesome," for sure
Moving on to stuff that bugs me more. Reynolds makes a point of showing us that some magic in his universe works by removing a person's spiritual self from the body and inserting it into a sort of miniature wooden puppet, where it will go about its daily life like a normal person (except not really). He then makes a point of making this more central to the plot than his previous books had, and I'm not at all sure why
In Reynolds' earlier books, this concept was just part of the world-building, and was occasionally there for plot purposes, but not the main way he used it (e.g. the dramatic climax in the first book involves a puppet named after a god falling into a conveniently-placed gorge so that her divine spirit can merge with a larger god and trigger a crisis). Here, we are shown a lot of stuff that has to do with these miniature puppets, and it's slowly explained to us that a lot of the arcane magic in the world works via these puppets.
And, again, this is fine as world-building . . . but it becomes way more important to the plot. The main reason for this is that the puppets used to store people's souls contain a mysterious, possibly magical technology that has the ability to regrow its own insides, possibly "ascend" to a state of divinity, etc. This technology is, in the present day of the story, primarily distributed among puppets that, in turn, are owned by this new society of pirates who are the "good guys" of this book. This society operates in the sea (which is mostly covered in ice), and so to get from there to land (which is mostly covered in the puppets in question), they've set up an elaborate system of relay points that send messages back and forth to each other (for some reason).
All this makes sense to me as a "subplot" that is a) well-integrated into the main plot and b) doesn't feel "padding" in the way I am complaining about here. But it is also the main thing the new pirates are doing, and has nothing to do with anything that would traditionally be done by pirates, and I don't understand why Reynolds does this. The society in question contains a bunch of very young teens, too -- which is fine for a character's point of view, since we can just follow one of those kids (but again, not clear to me why Reynolds does this). At some point it just feels like he's showing us that he has a cool new setting that he wants to use, and damn the plot
Which is sort of frustrating, because the book is very well-written and suspenseful in many ways, and I do want to know how it ends, but the author is making me spend a lot of time worrying about nonsense that doesn't seem to matter at all
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poppyseedmuffiin · 2 years
Im literally sobbing I found a list I made describing the keys from Locke and key (tv version) as I was watching the series when it first came out bc I think I wanted to write fanfiction so I made it to keep track of all the keys?? But the way I described them was so weird and also inaccurate for several (tbf some details u don't find out until later in the season and I hadn't made it that far idt) and I completely totally forgot about the entire thing until just now when I went through my Google docs
so for all people who dont watch locke.and key here's a rundown of most of the keys that are introduced in the first season, written by me probably as I watched the show in real time
spoilers might be here I think?? Idk I'm just posting it because I found them kind of funny esp since I couldn't remember writing it At All
Making a list of keys here so i dont forget:
Ghost Key: allows u to astral project and go outside of your body and talk to dead ppl. Very cool right. Unfortunately if u forget to go back through the door or someone else closes it before you go back through yourself and take out the key, you become a permanent ghost. Whoopsies!!
Anywhere Key: can take u wherever u want to go as long as youve been there or have seen a door there. It cant take u where u havent been bitch. So dont even think about ur crush’s pants
Puppet Key (also known as the music box key): when inserted into the music box and the music is playing, that person can control other peoples actions. Pretty damn scary
Mending Key: i think if u put something in a certain cabinet thats broken and then lock and unlock it it comes out fixed?? Idfk. does not work on people. sorry grandma
Head Key: theres a nasty lil hole that appears in the back of ur neck and when you insert it you can go into your mind and do shit!! And even put things in and/or take out shit like personality traits and memories and whatnot. I wouldnt go near this thing tbh. Don't try puttin nothing in my neck u dont need to see my mind
Flower/Plant Key(?? I dont think it has an actual name): it unlocks a tree and then memories in paint jars rise out of the ground?? I dont actually know what this one does. Something to do with memories idk Edit: this should have been fuckin obvious but it controls plants :))
Mirror Key: u put it in a mirror and then an evil you will appear in the reflection and beckon you forward like “come to pappy” and you can go through the mirror and end up in an evil funhouse thingy with lots of mirrors and versions of yourself?? Apparently lots of people have died trying to get out and its a prison of self?? He had to go in with a rope around his waist to get his mom out?? 0/10 would not recommend you might die
Echo Key: “can bring people back”-random guy offscreen, 2020. Apparently if you use it to unlock the wellhouse and then yell someones name into the well like you at le jour d’amour (spoiler alert that person gotta be dead) an “echo” of them will come back and u can talk to them. Its considered disrespectful to use it tbh because u disturbing the dead
Identity Key: basically an identity crisis meets polyjuice potion. A keyhole appears under ur chin and then you insert it and turn the key and then you can look like someone else. Eww gross!! 
Matchstick Key: a lighter. You touch it to something or put it in a keyhole or wHATEVER idc, and whatever u put it in bursts into flames. Fun fact, this also works on people!! Haven’t you ever wanted to just set yourself on fire? Well now you can with the Matchstick Key!! Limited edition because a demon stole it from a child then pushed said child onto train tracks. Also spoiler alert if you use it on yourself you die. Because u fuckin set yourself on fire. What did u expect, to not spontaneously combust??
Shadow Key: Key for the Crown of Shadows. I think u put it in the crown of shadows and then it works. It summons shadow kreechurs to work 4U. Very awesome ikr
Omega Key: literally has no other purpose than to unlock one specific door. The Omega Door (very original name oooh scary ooooh *ghost noises*). Beyond this door lie unimaginable eldritch abominations that Will Definitely Kill You. so unless you want to die at the hands of shadow demons, this aint the key for u. Use it as a mantle decoration or something
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lady-of-lyon · 3 years
So, I made one post a while back about how awesomely feminist the show Wild Kratts was, with how its two main female characters were women of color in engineering and deserving roles of power, female villains who weren’t motivated by spite or quest for youth, etc, but today I wanted to talk about something slightly different, that I’ve wanted to cover for a while now, because I also think it’s very good - and that’s how the show portrays masculinity, in a way that’s really positive!
First, we have our two main characters, Chris and Martin Kratt. Keep in mind these two are basically self-inserts - and there are plenty of creators, especially males, who have used self-insert characters in really scummy ways - all I have to say is Powerpuff Girls reboot and you know exactly what I’m talking about. Even if they weren’t literal self-inserts, male characters, superheroes especially, oftentimes serve the male power fantasy, being just the strong, stoic, all-powerful person so many boys are told they’re supposed to be. I could get into a whole discussion about how the male power fantasy is present even when males are not (ever look through a fashion magazine and wonder why there are so few men? Sure, part of it is that the industry thrives off exploiting women’s insecurities, and men aren’t as concerned for their appearance, but another part of it is so that the guy, looking through it, can feel like he has no competition for these women - there’s a reason so many comedians have jokes about fashion magazines being their sexual awakening as kids. It’s really scummy) but that’s not what this is about. So, the bros had every opportunity to do just that - make themselves these traditional heroes who aren’t actually really good role models, like batman or what have you. It’s certainly not uncommon for celebrity cartoons to do stuff like that. But Martin and Chris chose a different approach. They’re pretty strong standouts for positive masculinity. They’re openly affectionate - both with eachother as brothers, and with their friends. They cry, sometimes over little things - most of the time when big superheroes cry, it’s ‘cause they lost the girl they loved or their mentor or something like that, only in the big, most agonizing moments do they shed a tear. But here, Chris or Martin will cry just because they’ve had a bad day, or because they’re overwhelmed and overjoyed that someone named a mantis after them! In a lot of shows or movies when a guy cries over something little, it’s usually played for laughs, or to emasculate him, but here it’s casual without being unreasonable or overdone. The brothers cry just ad much, maybe even more (haven’t gone back and counted or anything) as the girls do. Not to mention, it’s a very nice depiction of a loving, healthy sibling relationship. As the youngest sibling myself, it’s refreshing to see a pair who don’t abuse eachother with noogies or cruel and snarky remarks. When they do fight, it’s never a screaming match, and also because they had a conflict of interest or disagreed over a fact, not because, say, one of them stole the other’s shirt or is neglecting the other’s feelings. Kids, being very impressionable, get exposed to a lot of abusive sibling relationships played as normal in media, and start thinking this is how siblings are and should act. For instance, my sister (who is now my best friend and has gotten over all these bad habits over time) when she was younger watched a lot of Kim Possible, a show that is great, but has a bad family dynamic with Kim and her little siblings. The “tweebs” as she calls them are always irresponsible, destructive, and making Kim annoyed to no end. My older brother was one of the most polite, reserved, kind little kids, but she still treated him like he was a brat and a nuisance, because that’s what shows like Kim Possible taught her little brothers were. Additionally, I was always treated like a spoiled crybaby who just wanted attention and got away with everything - I was not any of those things, ever, but that’s what shows teach you little sisters are. Sure, Wild Kratts has a smidge of that, with Chris seemingly being the stereotype of the know-it-all little sibling, but instead of being constantly looked town upon for being too “perfect” like with Hailey Long in American Dragon, Martin often praises his brother for his abilities. Sure, Martin gets annoyed when Chris tries to correct him on things, like in the episode Wolf Hawks, but everyone else does too, so it feels more like a take-down of mansplaining than a sibling spat.
I talked too in the feminist post about how refreshing it is that Chris and Martin more or less willingly put themselves under the authority of Koki and Aviva, two women of color. I don’t think it’s possible to say any one character is the “leader,” they all work as a evenly balanced team, but it’s safe to say that Koki and Aviva make the more responsible decisions. The bros try to get out of their calls a few times, but the show plays it more like they’re being irresponsible, and less like they’re renegade cool dudes who don’t take nothing from nobody, especially not two girls. They are pretty much always punished via karma for their reckless choices, most especially in To Touch a Hummingbird, where their arrogant attitudes blow up in their faces rather spectacularly. We also never see the narrative most present in sitcoms, where the male leads mess up and go out of their way to cover it up and ultimately gets away with it - after all, you have to root for them, right, because sure they messed up and had no consequences, but aren’t they just so lovable? No, here Martin and Chris always have to fix their wrongdoing, and it’s always deserved when they get comeuppance. Another aspect of the show I like is that, many times, when the bros get captured or are in peril, they are saved by the women - and most refreshing of all, there’s never a moment of “wink wink nudge nudge wow I can’t believe I had to be rescued by a GIRL” or even “wow you saved me you’re pretty good honey guess I shouldn’t have underestimated you, you go girl!” No, when the girls save them, it’s just - you know, relief? Because they were saved? It’s never a scenario played as an exception, or any more dire than when the bros need to rescue eachother. The bros are genuinely happy to have them as teammates. The show even did the standard “boys vs girls” episode in the form of When Fish Fly - but instead of being actually girls vs. boys, it’s engineers vs. adventurers. There’s nothing really gendered about it - the girls happen to be engineers, and the boys happen to be adventurers. And the episode doesn’t end with the boys being “wow gosh darn I shouldn’t have doubted you girls are better at everything,” it’s a mutual agreement that both parties have hard jobs. Basically, the bros are very naturally respectful of women. That plays more into their feminist narrative too, but either way, it’s refreshing.
Then, we have Jimmy! Jimmy, the lovable gamerboy pizza man. At first glance Jimmy seems like the stereotypical cowardly, pathetic, emasculated loser. He’s frightened of most things, as of yet has no power suit, and he BAKES for crying out loud! But none of these things are framed as terribly bad traits. Sure, we laugh when he screams and runs from an animal, but though it happens over and over, the crew doesn’t get sick of it. They don’t berate him or belittle him because he’s so gosh darn cowardly. There’s a great scene in Rattlesnake Crystal where Jimmy has to deliver something to the bros alone, in the middle of a spooky desert. He is terrified the whole time, sprinting off after he delivers the goods. When Martin and Chris run into him, they don’t laugh at him for being spooked, they just greet and then bid fair well to their friend. To them, this is just Jimmy, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Jimmy isn’t coddled, but he is reassured many times that he’s a valuable member of the team. I love that little message, that you’re just as important of a person even if you can’t do as much or have greater limits. When his friends do try to get him over his fears, it’s not because they have to, that the day will somehow be ruined by Jimmy’s incompetence p, but because they’re his friends, and want him to experience fun and wonderful things that he would otherwise miss out on. But what Jimmy CAN do is just as important! Jimmy is a gamer, which in a lot of shows, is portrayed as a lazy, useless, mindless hobby. But here, because he plays video games, it makes him essential for piloting the ship and teleporting important items. There’s always the joke that video games improves your hand/eye coordination, but recent studies have shown it has much better effects. It can make you much better at keeping track of multiple moving objects and processing technical but variable information- two traits which, fittingly enough, are really really important for air traffic controllers and airplane pilots! He also demonstrates a lot more courage behind the wheel of the Tortuga, which makes sense - in an impersonal setting, he would have more sense of calm and control and courage, because it’s so similar to a video game world. It’s not all too different with how I feel more emboldened to pick fights with people on the internet, but get crazy anxious if a real person so much as looks at me. So Jimmy’s love of video games isn’t because he’s irresponsible, it has real benefits. A quick last point - Jimmy also eats a lot, but they thankfully don’t make him fat or greedy or anything like that. He never takes food from people, he actually bakes, and shares it with others! Having the baker be a boy is a lovely touch.
I might do another post about the toxic masculinity of the two villains, (or four villains, I guess, if I wanna discuss the minions) but I’ve got other work to do, and this post is long enough already, so I’ll get around to it later. I’ll sum it up with this - Wild Kratts is a show that teaches boys it’s not only ok to be kind, but essential. The brothers protect defenseless animals, advocate for things “icky” and “weird,” like bugs or snakes or worms - not because they’re boys, and boys like icky things, but because they genuinely see the beauty in all life, and are encouraging us to slow down and do the same. The Wild Kratts are heroes who save the world not by being the strongest or smartest or coolest, but by looking after those who are exploited and vulnerable, who are essential to the world, even if they can’t always do everything. In Wild Kratts the only weaknesses a man can have isn’t what he can’t do, but what he does do that he shouldn’t have. Sure, it’s a cute show about two funny guys who have cool powers, but it’s also a show about accountability, compassion, respect and trust. The show says “boys will be boys” in all the right ways - Martin is a lovable goof with a heart of gold, but he still has to get his act together when he messes up, and he’s still creative and smart and openly sensitive. Chris is a bit of a know-it-all show-off, but he can also mess up as much as his brother, and is still bold, brave, adventurous, and can put his money where his mouth is. Jimmy is a cowardly, napping, eating machine video-gamer, but he’s still a valued member of the team, has incredible skills and talents, and will always help his friends, even if he is really, really scared. It is so important to have role models like these, in a world dominated by unhealthy machismo. The Wild Kratts are heroes who save the world - both animated, and real.
All they need now is a canon queer character, and I’ll stan them forever! My money’s on Aviva!!
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Why do you defend the writers so much? I’m not saying they deserve to be harassed, but criticizing them and their decisions shouldn’t be treated the same way as RWDE harassing fans of the show.
Eddy literally only cares about Qrow. He treats him like a self insert, just like Kerry and Monty treated Jaune in V1. Before V7 started Eddy said his favorite characters to wrote were Qrow and Weiss, but Weiss barely got anything in Atlas. Not to mention how during the Grimm Campaign he played Qrow and treated him like a celebrity. Then during an AMA after V8 he said that Qrow was his favorite, not mentioning Weiss at all, which to me says he doesn’t care about the main characters.
Noah? IT IS YOU.
You harassed me in DMs yesterday trash-talking the writers.
Now you spam my ask box as an Anonymous.
"Eddy literally only cares about Qrow. He treats him like a self insert, just like Kerry and Monty treated Jaune in V1."
1. Jaune repeatedly is shown being useless or unable to keep up with the female characters. 2. He loses nearly every 1 on 1 fight he's in, to where even Weiss gets more Wins against him. 3. He gets rejected by every woman.... 4. He does NOT have a relationship. 5. He has friendships he actually built by being genuinely helpful. 6. He is not cool or awesome. 7. Where everyone has cool stuff...he just has a sword... 8. Last, and I need you to pay attention? HE IS NOT A MAIN PROTAGONIST...that goes to Team RWBY.
Jaune is NOT Miles Luna's self-insert...he's YOUR self-insert when RWDE is making a shitty fanfic where Jaune is the main protagonist.
A self-insert gets most of the screentime...Jaune and Qrow BOTH get less screentime than the main characters who are the women...in fact, Qrow actually gets LESS screentime during v7 and v8 than he did in previous volumes...and Eddie was involved...so HOW is he a self-insert again?
Oh right, neither are self-inserts, but you keep throwing that word around because it feels right in your anti-CRWBY spewing mouth.
"Before V7 started Eddy said his favorite characters to wrote were Qrow and Weiss, but Weiss barely got anything in Atlas."
1. Weiss had multiple times the amount of screentime that Qrow had in Atlas both in V7 and V8....at least 1.5 hour+ of screentime. 2. She got Jacques arrested. 3. She defended Blake from a Racist. 4. Defeated Marrow of the Ace Ops one on 1. 5. Made up with her brother. 6. Helped Design the portals to evacuate Atlas. 7. Coordinated plans with Winter to defeat Ironwood. 8.Helped Ruby and Penny with Amity.
What did Qrow do?
1. Get and lose a male love interest.
2. Get into just two fights that he could not win one on one.
3. Talk to Ruby about Summer.
4. Have some screentime with Robyn, that was barely 15 minutes across 1 volume.
5. Fought the ace ops.
6. He barely had 30 minutes of screentime across two volumes.
"Then during an AMA after V8 he said that Qrow was his favorite, not mentioning Weiss at all, which to me says he doesn’t care about the main characters."
Context my dear hater? If we were to hear the actual question, and the actual answer, your hate would be picked apart faster than a conservative media outlet being called out on its BS. Didn't Eddie help with Writing Weiss, who continues to be Best Girl in V8, while Qrow barely was anything in v8. Dude...You are acting like a Fox News Journalist....
So...WHY do I defend the writers so much?
Because people like you make up so much bullshit about the writers, that it has to be debunked, piece by piece.
But seriously...WHY THE HELL did you say that RT should be held accountable for Vic Micnogna's actions?
THEY FIRED HIS ASS....and others too for those actions.
Then again, so did Funimation and Conventions...
But why aren’t you pursuing them?
Oh right...they’re not Rooster Teeth...so anything they do is Fair Game for somebody like you so obsessed with hating RT and CRWBY.
I pity your Wrath....and your refusal to educate yourself against being a hater....if you can even do that at all.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
MY TURN give me. all your thoughts about akira. right now
How I feel about this character: you think i can put that into words? You think I can go oh yeah here’s a general overview of how I feel about this guy. With HUMAN WORDS? And anything short of TELEPATHY? I’ll give it a try. First of all I love him <3 he’s like. The best protagonist ever actually. No literally the AUDACITY of some people to act like he doesn’t have a personality- look at him. He is a silent self insert protag in GAMEPLAY ONLY. In the actual narrative? That’s Just A Guy. And a really fun and interesting guy. He wants to help people so bad, it’s so important to him. Where’d he get that from. *squeezes atlus* Show Me His Family. “Really just wants to help people” as a defining trait for a character never gets old like yessssss show me the goodness of humanity the urge to do whatever you can to make things better for someone else even if it’s hard. But at the same time he’s also like. Verging on insufferable sometimes. He has SO many dialogue options to make SO many dumb jokes, he’s just like me <3. He’s the king of *gently bullies his friends* *gently bullies his friends* *gently bullies a complete stranger* he’s a complete dork and an overdramatic showoff and the chuuni of all time and a guy who wants to be a superhero and a guy who just wants to be normal and a guy with social anxiety and a guy who couldn’t shut up to save his life. He chronically adopts younger wiglojgs. SORRY WHAT? SIBLINGS. I TRIED TO TYPE SIBLINGS. IM KEEPING THAT. GOD and that’s not even getting into the way he like… kind of lies a lot. Like for a bunch of the confidants he just Lies about why he’s talking to them, I mean honestly you could say that all the things he says are true if you WANTED I wouldn’t argue with you on that it’s a cool and funny concept but like in my eyes. He’s like. “oh this is because I want to be a politician” “oh im just a model gun enthusiast” and etc etc etc etc and its like. Yeah it’s because all this is because his cat yells at him “THAT PERSON LOOKS USEFUL TALK TO THEM” and he can’t possibly explain That so he just has to come up with a plausible reason but also it’s like. *shakes him* are you good? Like 100%? At the very least lying all the time is really uncomfortable. Like that’s a strain. Oh also he’s so smug <3 Basically I think he’s fun and awesome. Basically he is like a little guy to me. Basically he just does whatever he wants and good for him. He’s a little weirdo who can’t stop being dramatic even in his internal monologue. Has there ever been a better protagonist? Well. That’s a huge paragraph. Hopefully I expressed my thoughts well.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: is there… really gonna be that huge of a gap between these sections? I don’t know if that’s just how it looks for me i or if there’s just gonna be a mile wide gap. Well, either way. Look at me, the man who has probably made at least one tumblr post containing the term “akeshu” every day for the past, like, four days, and take a wild guess. He’s just straight up flirting with akechi in that one confidant. Also see my earlier post abt ryuji being like “THE PLACE YOU BELONG IS WITH ME! ALSO I WOULD DIE FOR YOU” like….. i DO believe in the healing power of best bros. So basically akechi and ryuji r my favorite akira ships. Special mentions go to yusuke and haru as well. Akira may have One girlfriend.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I mean like all of the phantom thieves they’re a fun little found family of bffs but. *banging pots and pans together* FUTABA. FUTABA. FUTABA. SISTER OBTAINED. SISTER ACQUIRED. all futaba and akira do is be siblings and hang out and joke with each other and teach each other things okay? Okay? I am talking directly into your ear now young man? Also gotta mention sojiro their shared dad. Gee akira how come i let you have THREE dads (his actual dad, sojiro, and yoshida)
My unpopular opinion about this character: *leaning in and whispering conspiratorially* i dont interact much with persona fandom… i dont know which opinions are popular or unpopular… I guess my earlier point of just. He DOES have a personality. Some people act like he doesn’t! He DOES! Literally just LOOK AT THE GAME! He makes jokes relentlessly & does cool backflips just bc he realized He Can & he spends every single class every day staring pointedly out the window & he insists on helping people no matter what & he loves his friends & I might have had another thing to say but I got so busy building up to it that I lost it. Anyway. He’s literally just NOT a self insert. He’s his own guy who just occasionally supplies you with dialogue options when he doesn’t feel like talking. Ok? Ok? People stop saying he doesn’t have a personality. He does.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: oh god idk uh. I wish he actually swapped outfits with akechi. I mean there’s still time, I guess, but I know how these things work, so I’m just, like, assuming it won’t happen. Uhh. I wish atlus had not been cowards and gave him the option to date his guy friends too <3 seriously it’s a missed opportunity all around. I wish uhhhhhhhhh. I think I had something else but I forgot it 😐 honestly despite my passion about his personality i DONT wish he wasn’t a silent protag bc like- then so much of the charm is lost. What makes m get so excited abt his personality is the fact that you have to LOOK for it. I LOVE looking at characters and keeping an eye out for things that are less than obvious about them and piecing together details that lie under the surface and akira woild be fun anyway but also hes kind of more fun for his personality having to be something you grow to understand yourself. As much as it infuriates me when people Don’t understand. Also I wish you got to call sojiro dad.
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tyrantisterror · 3 years
The ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3-D: Entry Roundup
You’ve been patiently waiting for the results of the ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3-D, and now... you have to wait a bit longer, but at least you’ve got an entry roundup with lots of sketches and a good bit of feedback for all the entrants!  My goal is to get the finalists illustrated in a week or two, and after that, the grand prize winner will be announced.  But, for now, the official entry roundup!  After the cut:
I should note that while I sketched these in the order they were submitted, my scanner saved the documents with random names, so they’re a bit jumbled.  You know, just in case you’re like me and would get confused noticing that it’s almost in chronological order but with some entries jumbled around.
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@bugcthulhu’s Obsideban was designed as a counterpart to Rohobaron - the Black King to Rohobaron’s Red King, if you will.  Or, well, Black Queen in this case, as Obsideban also takes her personality from the “delinquent girl” archetype in Japanese media.  Bug’s designs always ooze personality, and I had a lot of fun translating this big, gnarly retrosaur into my own style.
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@toothlessloveshiccup‘s Argonox is the first - but far from the last - monster in this breakdown that brings in a bit of fantasy influence to ATOM’s roster.  A golden-fleeced ram with a vicious streak, this sheep is both treasure and dragon at once.  And while it wasn’t written in the monster’s profile, given the Yamaneon-rich nature of its wool, Argonox might be able to replicate the healing power of the golden fleece too!  A very fun mammalian kaiju and excellent entry.
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@highly-radioactive-nerd submitted Gunmetal Jeeves, a robot butler who can gigantomax temporarily create a holographic/hard light version of himself to fight kaiju.  That detail was a late revision added to the entry before the contest’s deadline, made after the creator realized that ATOM allows for some truly ludicrous bullshit, which is something everyone should exploit when making entries for this in my opinion.  Also, this is a robot butler who can size shift.  Revel in its awesome absurdity!
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Ultranerd submitted Rajasaurus, a dimetrodon-like synapsid kaiju with electric powers.  His origin specifies that the electric powers are a result of the volatile nature of the Yamaneon deposits he mutated under, which is an interesting idea.  That’s another theme that cropped up a lot in this contest’s entries, actually - people really wanted to play with what Yamaneon can do.
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Case in point, @polygonfighter’s Yamaneolith takes the Monolith Monsters homage at the heart of Yamaneon even more apparent.  I like the implication that there is a second mineral-based lifeform at the root of this Yamaneon cluster’s anomalous behavior - a parasite, perhaps?  It brings up some interesting possibilities.
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@ariccio50 submitted Kukulkuzana, and damn is this a cool spin on the body plan of my martians.  I made a few changes here and there (splitting its tail into two is probably the biggest one), but tried to keep true to the original design, because holy hell is it gorgeous.  The idea that this is a mountain-dwelling creature is really intriguing to me, as it looks like a sea creature, but at the same time, that flexible and low-slung build WOULD work pretty well in mountains, and it’s just the right mix of plausible weirdness that makes for a fun alien design.
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@akitymh submitted Aramzados, a Venusian monster that’s basically an organic hot rod car.  I like the idea of organic machinery being the gimmick for Venusian kaiju, and Aramzado’s does it subtly enough to not feel like that gimmick is the sole thing going for it.  I especially love this monster’s stange, apparently mouth-less blade-beaked face.
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@virovac submitted Rurzar and Zar Rider, a Beyonder kaiju and mecha (respecitvely) that were both modified and repurposed by humans reverse engineering Beyonder technology to make, like, a motorcycle-saurus essentially.  It is a delightfully absurd concept, and a very, very detailed one (13 pages of description).  There’s a dark undercurrent beneath the sillyness, though, as this pair show that humanity might still be following the same path as the Beyonders before them.
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@dinosaurana brings us Krangor, a humanoid monstrosity of living kelp!  The goal here was to create a Jack Kirby-esque monster dude, complete with the gibberish name and all.  He’s also made out of kelp, which feels very classic 1950′s monster-y despite me not being able to think of any monsters that were explicitly made of kelp.  I love him.
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@kiryuthechimera submitted Genkakurah, a psychic retrosaur with some draconic features.  Though his substantial powerset is probably the biggest distinguishing feature of this kaiju (given that most ATOM kaiju pretty much have the same standard powers), what really draws me to him is that reptilian pseudo-beard.  It’s just a fun detail!
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@glarnboudin submits Tiratola, and see, there’s that fantasy influence again!  Even more explicitly dragon-y than Kraydi, Tiratola still manages to toe the line between sci-fi and fantasy enough to fit ATOM as is while still cementing its ties to my own slice of fantasy fiction.  Man it’s good I’m doing a Midgaheim book next, huh?
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@dragonzzilla submitted Scuttlebutt/Argonautilus, a hermit crab kaiju who lives in/with a hollowed out mecha.  That’s a twist I can’t recall ever hearing before, and the idea of a kaiju and a mecha having an equal partnership that doesn’t involve one being grafted to the other is really intriguing to me.  A very unique concept!
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@evolutionsvoid submitted Fleagor, an enormous flea who has no idea what to do with itself now that there’s no creature large enough for it to parasitize.  I love that concept - it takes the core idea of the giant bug kaiju archetype (i.e. unsettling the audience by showing how terrifying small, “insignificant” creatures would be if our sizes were reversed) and really turns it on its head.  The name also plays on the Universal Monsters, who were a huge part of 1950′s pop culture thanks to their movies being re-released in that era, so all and all this one is very on brand for ATOM!
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@skarmorysilver submitted Lilacorn, another entry that plays up that Midgaheim/ATOM connection.  Reinterpreting the mythological unicorn as an Cenozoic wooly rhinoceros-inspired monster gives it a very unique look, both in ATOM and in the general world of unicorns, and she has a bad-girl with a heart of gold personality to boot!
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dracosaurus-rex submitted Florasaura, a two-headed plant/retrosaur hybrid monster.  I love me some plant monsters, I love me some retrosaurs, and I love me some rhyming the word “flora” with other words that contain similar vowell sounds, so this one has me written all over it!
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@downtofragglerock submitted Sauroguana, a delightfully odd flying retrosaur.  There’s a great deal of charm to the original illustration that this sketch doesn’t quite capture - it’s a deceptively simple design with a lot of personality in it, and with those unique leg-wings it really doesn’t need a whole lot of frills to stand out.
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Draxi submitted Brakan, an unimpressive burrowing retrosaur kaiju whose mastery of illusions allows it to convince other kaiju it’s actually a big, super-powerful badass that’s the ultimate fighter in the universe.  It’s a delightful parody of the concept of a fan self-insert god-mode character, with a really fun story built into it to boot!
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@quinnred submitted O.N.I.A.C., a mysterious cocooned kaiju whose chrysalis has been turned into an organic computer of sorts by the people studying it, and seems to possess a fairly advanced intelligence for a kaiju.  It’s a really bizarre and ominous idea, with built in intrigue given how vague its nature is.  Is it just a kaijufied butterfly/moth who got stuck mid transformation?  A relative of the Mothmanuds?  Something else, perhaps equally alien?  Good story potential here.
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shadyserpent submitted Vespilitor, a bat/retrosaur hybrid made by the nefarious Spooks Organization.  A mercurial prankster whose tendency to stir up trouble never crosses the line into maliciousness, he’s the kind of monster who would make a great foil to a lot of ATOM’s cast.  I’d especially like to see him in a prank off with Ahuul - it’d be like Bugs Bunny fighting Daffy Duck, but on a kaiju scale.
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@multiversefan submitted the Yamaneon King, a nomadic kaiju whose refusal to settle down causes problems as he stirs up trouble at kaiju sanctuaries all over the globe by showing up unannounced and stirring up the locals.  He was basically designed to be a monster that the kaiju sanctuary initiative would struggle to deal with, which is a good idea for a post-ATOM Volume 2 story conflict.
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Sir K submitted Jadeera, a kirin kaiju that can actually forcibly convert most of its body to Yamaneon to enter a dormant, statue-like state in a loose homage to King Shisa.  Though the fantasy elements are far more present than I usually prefer for ATOM kaiju, I think it should be noted they’re pushed that far for a purpose - a theme in Jadeera’s entry, which continues where its creator left off with their submission to the previous ATOM create a kaiju contest (Yokaigon), is that the world of kaiju is more complicated and challenging than many are willing to accept, which is a theme in ATOM itself.  Yokaigon’s more supernatural/occult powers are based on the ghost parascience of my setting, which ATOM has delved into a bit (Pathogen being the big example), so it’s not as out of left field as some might think.
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@cerothenull​ brings us our final entry (unless some got lost thanks to tumblr’s shitty tagging system), the flying spider Naeranti.  She’s a kaiju spider who uses silk to make complicate hot-air balloons, more or less, and that’s just delightful.  ATOM could always use more spider-monsters, and with a really unique gimmick backing up a wonderfully distinct look, Naeranti is sure to stand out among her fellow giant arachnids.
Well, that’s the roundup!  In a week (or two, depending on how much my hand cramps) we’ll have the five finalists, and sometime after that, the grand prize winner!
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flightfoot · 2 years
is it wrong for me to associate works tagged with "bamf X" with salt? Almost anytime I encounter something with that tag it seems like its either salt or maribat
Yeah that's common, even outside of ML. While it is far from always being the case, if someone decides to specify that this version of a character is a "badm", that often means that they don't think the canonical version of the character is badass enough, and want to show them being strong, cool, and smart as they think the character should be - which usually means replacing the canonical personality with someone who's edgier, meaner, smarter, and more willing to use that intelligence to get their way - even (or especially) if it means hurting others.
On the one hand, I see the appeal. Any character that people self-insert into a lot, whether it's Marinette or Ash Ketchum or Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, has a ton of stories like this, where people get to live out their wish fulfillment fantasies of getting to be the most badass person around and exert their will on the world, being so cool and awesome and strong that they can get back at anyone who wronged them, and not have to worry about any resulting consequences, or being so badass that they could deal with anything that comes their way. Heck, in small doses, I enjoy power trip stories like that (though not with Ron the Death Eater type stuff, I've never been a fan of character assassination).
But I do take issue with how many people seem to genuinely mean it, believe that the stuff in these fics is right and justified, that it is what morally should be done, what is deserved.
Generally you have more luck getting a non-salt fic if the "Badass" character isn't one who's generally loved by salters. So like, "Badass Alya" is far less likely to be an issue than "Badass Marinette" is - people just aren't very likely to demonize other characters to make Alya better, the way that people demonize other characters to make Marinette better.
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nattikay · 3 years
So I saw this post while browsing toa tags the other day. While I don’t think being obsessed with the school mascot automatically makes Toby a furry (though it is funny to joke about lol) since “being a furry” actually just means “being a fan of anthropomorphic animals” and doesn’t necessarily require any form of costuming or interest in such, it did get me thinking, hmmm...if he was a furry, what would his fursona be? 🤔 And from there I started wondering what Jim’s and Claire’s would be as well because y not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
BUT WAIT, I hear you say--haven’t you already drawn the trio as werewolves and wolfwalkers etc.? Wouldn’t those be their fursonas??
Well yes....but actually no.
I guess it’s a little hard to explain, but there’s a nuance between “[person] but as an animal” and a proper “fursona”. While a fursona is an animal character used to represent its person, it doesn’t have to physically resemble them at all as you would expect [person]-but-as-[animal] to. For example, if you were to design me but as a cat, you’d probably give it light brown fur and green eyes like I have irl. But my fursona, unlike my human self, actually has blue fur and purple eyes. You can give your fursona matching physical traits to your own if you want to, and some people do, but most use only a pinch of their irl appearance, if any at all.
The choices people make when designing their fursonas vary wildly from “it looks like me irl” to “it looks like who I want to be”  to “I just really like this color scheme” to “this particular color/marking holds deep personal meaning to me” to “this particular pattern represents a particular defining moment in my life” to “idk it looks cool and i vibe with it” etc. etc. etc. Everyone has different reasons of varying depth for the decisions they make in designing their fursona.
Therefore, to design a fursona for Toby etc., it’s less a question of “what would this character look like as [insert species here]?” and more of “how would this character choose to present himself with his own [animal] character?”
And that’s a much trickier game than just transferring a character aesthetic to a new species. ^^; We have to kinda dive into the characters and makes some guesses about how they, if given infinite creative freedom to design an animal avatar with no rules or limits, would choose to present themselves.
So all that said, here’s what I came up with:
Starting with Toby because he’s the one who inspired the post. I think Toby might choose a wolfdog fursona. A lot of people who choose wolves as fursonas consider themselves to be overwhelmingly loyal to their friends, a trait that fits Toby very well. However, while Toby likes to be “cool”, I don’t think he really thinks of himself as much of an “alpha” type--he’s more of a sidekick, and he knows that, and he’s ok with that. He’s the wingman. So what better way to incorporate that than to add dog into the mix? Man’s best friend=Jim’s best friend. Sociable, humorous, and unwaveringly loyal. Wolfdog it is!
With the species decided, we can move on to the design itself.
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I can’t imagine any form of Toby in anything other than warm colors. This is extra emphasized by the flamelike patterns on his legs and tail, which both speaks to his desire to be totally awesome-sauce as well as acts as an allusion to his flaming warhammer. It’s fairly common (not universal, but common) for people to give their fursonas a more “ideal” physique than the person actually has as a sort of way to live by proxy physical goals or fantasies they’ve been unable to attain irl for whatever reason. Given that we’ve seen Toby struggle with fitness from time to time, it wouldn’t shock me to see him take this route. His wolfdog self is still relatively short and stocky, but it’s all muscle, babey. 
This fursona is strong, fun, boisterous, and generally just kicks butt. Concentrated awesomesauce flows through his veins. Just don't mess with his friends, or you’ll feel the flames!
Moving on to Jim. Jim was the hardest to nail down, and most definitely the hardest to keep my personal biases out of oof. Which I may have failed to do anways because yes, ok, I made my favorite character a blue feline, sue me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  But hear me out first!
For Jim I ultimately settling on a cheetah/lion hybrid.
Cheetahs, in a way, are sort of the underdogs (er...cats?) of the feline world--at least, in their local ecosystems. They are built wholly for speed, not strength--and as such, just about every other large predator in their environment has them beat when it comes to raw strength. Remind you of a certain Trollhunter? plus the long lanky legs. don’t forget those lol
However, because of this disadvantage, cheetahs...usually surrender. They know it’s not worth it to defend their kill from larger, stronger opponents, so they’ll give it up and just catch something else. This aspect doesn’t quite fit our protective, selfless protagonist all too eager to risk everything to save his loved ones--so a pure cheetah may not be the right choice.
So what animal is brave and protective? That’s where the lion part comes in, of course!
Why not just make him a pure lion? Well, a little similar to making Toby a wolfdog instead of a pure wolf. A straight-up lion feels a little too “chad” for our sweet Jimbo. Too much of a jock. 
Jim has the humble underdog nature of a cheetah as well as the bravery and fierce protective drive of a lion. Cheelion? Leetah? idk, but let’s design it!
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Like Toby and warm colors, I don’t think I can possibly associate Jim with any color but blue. While it’s never directly stated, given that we’ve never really seen him wear any other color (with the exception of the Eclipse armor), I think it’s pretty safe to assume that that’s his favorite. Blue sweater, blue jeans, blue shoes, even his backpack and bedsheets are blue. So naturally, his fursona would be predominantly blue as well! Plus some yellowish accents to (somewhat) match the natural colors of his chosen species(s).
I imagine he originally designed the character without horns, but then added them after becoming the Trollhunter, since it became such a major and impactful aspect of his life.
His lion’s mane also continues down his back in imitation of the “mantle” found on baby cheetahs. This youthful feature could subtly represent the fact that he’s been forced to grow up too fast and take on so much responsibility so young--so his fursona can still be young and carefree as long as he likes even while his real self struggles with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
This fursona is relaxed, calm, and confident. He’s not just cool--he’s crispy!
Lastly but not leastly, we have Claire. Out of the three, I think Claire was actually the easiest to choose--or at least, I had the clearest idea of what I thought she might go for.
Claire is a bit of an interesting duck, because while she’s shown to be fairly popular at school, she’s definitely far from the stereotype of The Popular Girl™. Yes she’s smart and pretty, but she’s also a little spunky or even a bit quirky--she’s a theatre kid, she’s a huge fan of hard rock band Papa Skull, and while I wouldn’t quite call her “rebellious” per se, she’s certainly willing to bend some rules if she feels the situation calls for it (not telling her parents that she was going to the concert with Steve, literally sneaking into Jim’s basement to try to find out what was up with him, etc).
That said, I think Claire might go for a hyena fursona--something a little out of the box, but not totally out of left field. (she also shows a slight Gurl Power™ streak here and there “the staff was not meant to be wielded by man--” “I am not a man!!!”) and if you know anything about hyenas...well, yeah lol)
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I think Claire would lean into her punk-rock “rebellious” side with her fursona design. This character is completely free of the pressure of being the councilwoman’s daughter and having to maintain her mother’s public reputation, and thus allows Claire to express a less restrained side of herself. She has a bold semi-edgy color scheme with bright accents (and some earrings to match her person’s hair clips) while still remaining feminine and (her own brand of) fashionable. 
This fursona is spunky and sassy; she’s spicy and sweet all rolled up into one. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to chase it down. She lives her own life and she’s dang proud of it.
....sooooo yeah there’s my take on what Toby’s, Jim’s, and Claire’s fursonas could hypothetically be. And I guess since this post was inspired by a joke about Toby’s infatuation with the school mascot, here’s just some quick thoughts on how they might approach fursuiting to end us off:
Jim I don’t see as much of a suiter. He might try it once or twice if given the opportunity, but at the end of the day it’s not really his cup of tea--he’d rather act as the “handler” for his friends, if anything.
Toby and Claire, on the other hand, I could definitely see as suiters. In fact, with her interest in acting, Claire would probably particularly enjoy it--she’d be one of those suiters who really gets into character, absolutely refuses to break the magic publicly (outside of any actual medical emergency), and popular at cons because she just performs so well. 
Toby, meanwhile, would be the more chill type--uses his normal voice in-suit, isn’t really too stressed about “breaking the magic”, just kinda hanging around like he would normally except “look I’m a talking dog, cool right?”. 
also while I was typing this it occurred to be that since Eli is canonically a cosplayer then he could be a fursuiter as well; in his case i imagine he actually made his own suit it’s a protogen and it’s full of little LEDs and other electric gadgets, it’s not the prettiest thing ever as sewing is not his forte but boy did he try!! good for him. good for him
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You playing fallout 4: I'm gonna make 100 awesome and cool OCs that everyone's gonna love and they're all in the fallout universe. Wahey
Me, who played fallout 4, has art block and just wanted to kiss every human (and ghoul) companion: God I wish it were me
In other words I wanna do the same but I have 0 ideas besides shoving a self insert into the story so I can kiss everyone JDJSKKSDJH
i mean. it did take me like 2-3 years to even think about making fallout ocs, and i started with your generic sole survivor. and even then, i wouldnt play the game for another few months and i STILL dont even own fo4. plus after that, its taken me like 5 years to build up my oc hoard anskjdfnsakjd
also i feel very blessed to have my ocs even acknowledged as ive tried to post ocs for other fandoms before but never really got the same reactions. thank u fallout fandom for being oc friendly i owe you my LIFE
but honestly just take ur time with ocs, eat lots of other peoples ideas and then chew them all around to spit out your own ideas. take ur favorite trope and sculpt an oc out of it. look at ur fav actor and Steal Their Look(tm) also!! make that self insert oc. have fun. play around. we are all just goofing around, enjoy that oc/canon kisses
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Valentine’s day taste testing - Ft. Mammon
As you all probably guessed, I planned to write something for this day.
So here's a fic featuring the winner of the poll from last week.
 I hope you enjoy your day!
 Gn. reader insert
2k words
After gifting all the demons of your pacts your self-made chocolate there is only one more left.
  Mammon has been very elusive this entire day. 
Maybe he just doesn't know or care about Valentine’s Day? 
You are about to just hang his chocolate on Mammon's door when he suddenly opens it right in your face. 
"Oh hey… I was just about to go lookin' for ya. What a coincidence." Mammon is pretty surprised to see you. It seems like he is up to something. 
"I was looking for you. I have a present for you." You smile at him and hold the cute package of chocolates up. 
"Chocolate huh…" He huffs slightly. 
"Don't tell me you don't like chocolate?" You feel pretty dumb for not even considering this. 
"No, it's not that. I just know you gave some of these to everyone." Mammon puffs his cheeks. 
Now you see the issue. "Are you jealous?" 
"No-no, why would I be jealous? Like I don't get tons of chocolate from other people." Mammon pouts and takes the box anyway. 
"You sure are popular. I mean I called you, and you just ignore me and don't think that your chocolate is the same as everyone else's." Now you puff your cheeks. You put a ton of time and effort into the chocolate for Mammon. 
Now Mammon seems a bit ashamed of his words and opens the box. The chocolate all looks like gold coins and little cars. You clearly put a ton of effort into this. 
"Oh wow, these are so cool… I-I mean not bad at all." Mammon blushes and his voice slightly cracks. 
You smile nervously. "I hope you like them." 
"They are a fitting tribute to the great Mammon!" He gently puts them away in his room. You don't see any other chocolate in his room. 
"So what did you want from me?" Now you feel like bringing that up. 
"Ah yeah, I wanted to invite you to a taste test that I got invited to. You see, they want me to model for this chocolate brand. Especially their new line of coffee-flavored chocolate and so they thought it would be good for me to taste them first. They let me invite a person so, I figured I'd be nice and invite you." Mammon gives you this grand explanation. 
"That's very sweet of you Mammon. When is the taste test?" You are all into joining this event. 
"Well, it's today. I mean you probably got some other plans today. It's Valentine's Day after all." Mammon suddenly seems unsure. 
You hoped for Mammon to invite you to a date today but at least this means that you will spend the rest of the day together. 
"I have no plans so let's go!" You feel pretty excited, to be honest. 
Mammon is surprised. "You aren't going to flake out in the middle of it right?" 
"Of course not. I would never do that to you and happen to like chocolate." You also happen to like Mammon but don't mention that part. 
Mammon sighs from relief. "Great, then let's meet in an hour at the gate. I just gotta quickly do something." 
"I look forward to it." This is a great opportunity for you to dress something nice. You know it's not a date, but you still want to look nice for Mammon.
  With a bit of a beating heart, you arrive an hour later at the gate. 
Mammon is a bit late, he comes running from somewhere. 
"Sorry, it took a bit longer than I thought." He is completely out of breath. 
"It's fine I wasn't waiting for long." You don't mind, it'd just be a few minutes from now. 
Then Mammon notices that you changed. "Oh darn you are smoking… I mean you look good." Mammon clears his throat and corrects himself while blushing. 
You blush slightly at his words. "Thank you, Mammon."
"I should have dressed nice too." He mumbles under his breath. 
"Anyway, are you ready to go?" Mammon quickly gains his composure. 
"Yes, let's go!" You feel very excited by the prospect of new chocolate flavors and being with Mammon. 
Mammon leads you to a small cake shop. It seems closed, but Mammon has a key. "I got it from the owner himself." He makes sure that you know he didn't steal it. 
Somehow that thought hasn't crossed your mind at all.
  "He must really trust you." You smile.
Mammon blushes a bit and opens the door for you. Much like a true gentleman. 
It's a bit unexpected but nice regardless. 
The inside of the shop is cutely decorated. 
It's a bit more romantic than expected but very nice regardless. 
You can see a small table in the middle of the shop with several plates with an assortment of cutely shaped chocolates. Some of them look a bit crooked but very nice overall.
  "Go ahead and sit down. I will get us some coffee, or do you want something else?" Mammon naturally plays the host. 
Strangely, there is nobody here serving you two. Not that this is a bad thing. It makes this whole event even more romantic. 
"Coffee sounds perfect." You agree on the coffee and sit down.
  While taking a closer look at the chocolates, they look suspiciously self-made. 
Is this because they are samples? 
With some anticipation, you wait for Mammon to return. 
He comes back with a small tray with cups and a can of coffee. He looks like a real server.
  "Here you go, anything else that you need?" Mammon sounds like he has said this many times before. It's surprising to you. 
"I'm good, thank you." You smile at him. 
Mammon sits down across from you. He seems a bit stiff. 
"This place is very nice. I'm surprised we got it all to ourselves." It's pretty unusual but ingresses the romantic feeling a lot.
"I'm glad you like it." Mammon smiles slightly nervous. "You should try some chocolates." He shoves a plate in your direction. 
"Don't mind if I do." You choose a piece and plop it into your mouth. You take its taste in and let it melt for a while before chewing the rest of it. 
"This tastes so great." You didn't expect it to taste so good. "It tastes just like human world chocolate." This is very special to you since human food is so rare in the devildom.
  Your face lights up from joy. 
Mammon seems to relax from that sight. "I'm so glad that you like it." He gives you a big smile. 
"You should try some too." There honestly is so much that it would take Beel to finish it all. 
"I will just gotta enjoy some coffee first." Mammon gently waves you off. 
This is pretty strange, you would think he would be all over this. 
You drink a sip of coffee as well. It fits the chocolate very well. You take another piece, under the watchful eyes of Mammon. 
He looks embarrassed away once you look at him. That causes you to giggle slightly. 
Mammon huffs slightly.
  You decide it's about time for Mammon to try some delicious chocolate as well. You take a piece between your fingers. 
"Say Aaaah." You hold it in front of Mammon. 
He blushes even more than before. "H-hey what are you plannin?"
"I just want to give you a taste." You smile at him. 
"I can eat just fine all by myself." His blush only gets worse.
"Just open your mouth." You move the chocolate in front of him.
"F-ine but you better not do this with anyone else." Mammon pouts slightly and then opens his mouth. 
Carefully you feed him a piece of chocolate. 
"Don't worry you are the only person that I'm feeding." You giggle. 
"How is it?" You crook your head. 
"Pretty okay… Just sad that it wasn't the one you made." He mumbles the second part. 
"Maybe next time." You smirk slightly. 
This causes Mammon to almost choke. 
"You shouldn't say things like that." Mammon huffs.
  You eat another piece of chocolate. 
It's so good but by now you are pretty sure that these aren't part of some taste test. 
"Mammon be honest this isn't a taste test right? 
He sighs." I knew I couldn't hide it from you."
"You made these chocolates all by yourself too, didn't you?" You have a pretty strong feeling about this. 
"You can tell because they aren't that good?" Mammon looks slightly defeated. 
"No, they are great, even better now that I know. This must've taken forever to make." You are impressed, to say the least. 
This gives Mammon a great boost of confidence. 
"Well of course they are great, being made by me. It might took me a month to learn, and I had to work pretty hard at this place for it." Mammon boasts proudly. 
"You did all of this just for me?" You blush, this is such a sweet gesture. And here you thought Mammon wouldn't care at all about Valentine's Day. 
"W-well I mean… I just wanted to make some money, and it just happened to be here and then I just somehow spent all month making chocolate. It's not like I only did it to make you happy." Mammon awkwardly tries to make some excuses. 
"You don't need to cover the truth if you are being so sweet, you know." You can only shake your head. 
"Umm, so you really like this?" Mammon is very embarrassed. 
"Of course I do. Nobody ever did anything this awesome for me. Now I feel bad that I only made chocolate for you." You are very happy about all the work that Mammon put into this. 
"I'd only do something like this for you and that chocolate you made for me is more than enough for me. Even when you also made some for my brothers." Mammon is bothered by this. 
"I only made that extra chocolate because Beel noticed me making some and then Satan noticed. It was pretty clear that they would be hurt if they didn't get anything, so I made some for everyone. The only one I actually wanted to make valentine's chocolate for is you." You feel a bit shy after confessing that. 
"They really can't take a hint." Mammon sighs. "I can't blame you for this in that case." Mammon is still upset, but you are glad that he can see your side. 
"I'm glad you understand. I was a bit disappointed that you didn't ask me out today." You decide to be completely honest with Mammon. 
Mammon widens his eyes. "You wanted to go out with me?" He is so surprised that he is very straight forward. "I should've just invited you instead of being sneaky, but I thought you wouldn't care."
"Of course, I care for you Mammon. I like you and spending my Valentine's Day with you is something that I really wanted. I just wasn't sure if you would be up for some romantic stuff like that with me." You feel a bit nervous telling him all of this. It just seems right to be open to him. 
Mammon seems to be very taken aback by your confession. He seems unsure what to say. Then he clenches his hands. 
"I would be very much open to doing some romantic stuff with you." He speaks unusually quiet. Like he is admitting to a huge secret.
  You had some vague idea that he is interested in you but Mammon saying this so openly is still surprising. 
You blush a little and smile. Losing your words for a moment. Then you get up and in a spur of the moment decision, you walk over to the very surprised Mammon. 
He looks at you with a mix of confusion and anticipation when you lean down to him.
Then your lips meet his. It's a very sweet kiss. It just feels so right that it's a longer kiss than you planned for.
  Your heart is going crazy. 
When your lips part Mammon is bright red and looks slightly confused but also very happy at the same time. 
It almost looks like he doesn't believe what just happened. 
So you give him another kiss, you mainly just really want to kiss him again. 
This time Mammon leans into the kiss and even pulls you a bit closer. 
He is very eager to get more kisses. 
You break the kiss when you need to breathe. 
You both smile at each other, very happy with this date.
  Obey me! Masterlist
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Hii, responding to your post, I hope you’re doing well!
I tend to interpret most “spn is a terrible show” posts from spn fans as just joking around, unless they’re going into actual analysis of it, but I don’t see everything you see in your corner of the internet, and I also am not all that great at interpreting stuff (insults directed at me go over my head sometimes 😂 )
I agree, I love Mary being brought back! I really loved the fact that they turned her from a generic tragic figure into an actual character with nuance, and made the boys confront seeing their mother as an actual person.
I tend to describe Supernatural as simultaneously awful and freaking amazing, and overall an enjoyable and unparalleled experience.
My main criticism of the show is how it starts building a theme, an idea, having some foreshadowing, and then not following through with it, and possibly even contradicting the theme later.
However, Supernatural is such a freaking cool show with so much to analyze and oh dear lords LAYERS of subtext!
And Dean Winchester is probably one of the most complex and nuanced characters I have ever seen—
But the thing is, the show doesn’t dive into the subtext all that much. It doesn’t follow through on stuff that should probably have been explored deeper.
On the other hand, that fact, plus the existence of Chuck and the Ghostfacers Effect, makes Supernatural the PERFECT sandbox for creators and literary analysists!
Hmm… I’m wondering- maybe that’s why we have such a vocal and active fandom that actually makes things happen; the construction of the show means that the majority of people who enjoy it are the ones that can think on more than just the surface level, and enjoy putting the effort into understanding the subtext. That means that the show attracts passionate people who think critically about things. And that passion, that is what makes us able to achieve things on such a big scale.
I guess what I’m saying is, on the surface, Supernatural is a mediocre show. Dive down a level and it becomes amazing. Another level, and you spot all the stuff that makes it awful. Dive down even further and you can suddenly see how utterly brilliant Supernatural is. Then, dive further still into the meta, and notice how- heck I don’t even know what to call it, outside forces influencing the plot in ways that mirror real life (like how the writers strike, something out of authorial control, caused a domino effect that led to Destiel coming into being despite efforts to suppress it, mirroring how Cas was outside of Chuck’s control, aka outside of the control of the writers’ self-insert)… yeah there’s a reason we all have brainworms 😂 and it’s so amazing and profound, and honestly it’s a perfect example of the phenomenon of characters coming to life and the story going where it wants regardless of the author’s plans. Happens with me all the time on little levels, but Supernatural… yeah. It’s awesome.
Heck, my reply was a lot longer than I meant it to be, I apologize for that! This is supposed to be a “cheering you up by reminding that you’re not alone” post, and it did end up a bit of a ramble. Anyways, in short, Supernatural is overall a good show in my opinion, you’re not the only one that thinks that.
Hope you have a wonderful day/night, and whenever you next sleep, sleep very well 😊💜🌸
all of this is very accurate :)
honestly I've been having a bad week so my salty little post was probs a result of that too, but I like all of your points and you are very right :) and I agree without its flaws the show wouldn't have spawned such a flux of creativity and passion and drive here, and that is truly the best part of it!
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akeshuu · 4 years
Ikerev HC
Fenrir going to the Land of Reason with MC to meet her friends
Also MC is from our time period, because a) I forgot whether she was from the 18th or 19th century and had no internet to check it and b) I’m a lazy dumbass and couldn’t stay historically accurate regarding scenery, inventions, etc. anyway.
Alice had spent long hours talking about her friends and family back home in the Land of Reason. Fenrir knew that she loved him and her new home in Cradle, but it was also obvious how much she missed some aspects of her old life. Especially her friends.
Alice was happy most of the time, but he had caught glimpses of the shadow in her eyes whenever something reminded her of her old friends, the regret that sometimes found its way into her heart for leaving without a single goodbye.
A few months had passed and those moments had begun occurring more and more
So, of course, Fenrir decided to take matters into his own hands. He spoke with Ray and arranged for them both to be free for the next month.
When he told her that he was sending her to the Land of Reason, at first Alice was confused. Last time he had done that, it was to protect her from danger. But why this time?
“We’re going together,” he assured her. “I know you left without saying goodbye and you miss everyone from your old life. So we’re going to spend a month with your family and friends so you can assure them that you’re doing alright and see them once more. Sounds good?” When Alice just nods, overwhelmed with happiness at the thought, Fenrir smiles and embraces her.
Alice didn’t regret her decision to stay in Cradle, even for a second. But for some reason she had thought that once she had made a choice, it was final. If she decided to live in this magic Wonderland, she had to abandon her home forever.
But there was Fenrir, the love of her life, who had seen right into her heart and found a way to erase her worries and gift her with even more happiness than she thought possible.
Thus they found themselves in the garden at the next full moon, with quite more luggage than necessary. It was mostly Seth’s fault, though. At first MC had taken only a small bag with necessities, since most of her things were still in her old apartment. They only needed to get Fenrir’s stuff. But seeing how little she had planned to take for an entire month, Seth switched to panicked-big-sis mode and packed an entire suitcase in the span of mere minutes. However, he did remind her to get her friends and family gifts from Cradle, so she was grateful.
“I should be the one asking. Prepared to fall into the rabbit hole into an entirely new world with no magic, where you aren’t allowed to shoot guns?”
“I’m ready for the fight of my life!”
The Land of Reason sure wasn’t as epic as he made it sound, but it was reassurance enough.
Although he hadn’t really expected the fall. Why hadn’t he expected it? Alice warned him beforehand. But boy, that didn’t make sense. She had fallen into Cradle from the sky. So why were they falling out Cradle as well? Shouldn’t they be, I don’t know, flying towards the sky or something?
Magic is weird.
It was late when they found themselves in the park, so they headed towards her old apartment for the night.
On their way, Fenrir was taking everything in and always asking questions. He knew her world was different, but it was another thing to see it for himself. “These weird rectangles all people seem to be holding. Are those the smartphones you mentioned?” “Was this fast thing the car you once told me about? It does indeed seem more comfortable than a carriage.” “Those screens are lighten up and are moving! How the hell does this work without magic crystals?”
“…I don’t actually know. I’ve always been bad at this stuff.” (same, Alice, same. Let me fall into Cradle and forget that science is a thing)
You decide to meet your friends first, because you know it’ll be easier to explain them the whole situation. (and because I only wanna write their meeting with her gang, which was meant to be a shameless self-insert with my friend group, but I got tired writing it)
After they wake up the next day, Alice texts her old friends she hadn’t used a phone in months, what is this? in their group chat, that has hundreds of missed messages, many of which aimed at her or regarding her disappearance. She ignored those for now, still feeling that ping of guilt, and asked to meet them all at their usual spot, which was a little playground with some benches, surrounded by grass. It was where they had played as kids and later on kept as a hangout spot, since barely any people went there anymore. Right after he message was sent, her friends freaked out and texted her back, mostly in all caps, asking where she had been. Alice didn’t respond for less than ten seconds, but her phone was already ringing.
“WHAT HAPPENED, GIRL? WHERE WERE YOU? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?” It was a bit overwhelming, but it was nice hearing her friend’s voice.
“Hey, Rhia, I promise I’m fine. I’ll explain everything later”.
Fenrir placed a soothing hand on her knee and offered a smile. He knows how much she hates making people worry and could practically feel the anxiety pouring out of her in that moment.
An hour later, they were walking towards the place. They’re still a few minutes early, but MC knew her friends well enough to guess that they’ve all talked to each other previously and decided to go early so they were all together when she arrived. Fenrir held her hand during the whole way and didn’t say a word. She had a lot on her mind and he gives her the space she needs to sort those thought out.
As she thought, the others were already waiting for them when they arrived. Two girls and one boy. Fenrir had heard about them already. They lived in the same neighborhood and had always been together. Many people had joined and left their group, but in the end, they were the four that always stayed, always chose each other before anyone else.
Until Alice had left them to live in Cradle without saying anything. From what he had heart, Fenrir was sure that they would acknowledge her happiness and understand and respect her decision. She didn’t seem that confident, though.
“We thought you had been kidnapped! Murdered even! And now you come with a boy? Did you abandon us for some stupid boyfriend?”, one of the girls, probably Rhia, from what he knew, screamed at her.
“I was actually kidnapped at one point,” argued Alice. Probably not the best way to start the conversation.
All her friends froze, not knowing whether it was one of her usual jokes or something real. Fenrir spoke up, hoping to break at least some of the tension. “Hi, I’m Fenrir. Indeed her boyfriend, but definitely not the one who kidnapped her.” And then softly, only so Alice could hear him “Do you want me to leave you alone for this?” She shook her head and so he stayed.
She started her story. She told them about meeting Blanc and falling down the rabbit hole, discovering that the fantasy land from “Alice in Wonderland” was real, albeit a bit different than the book. She told them how she was stuck there for a month, but then didn’t want to leave when she had to. Told them of the world and the armies and all her adventures there.
“Thanks for listening to everything. I don’t know if you can believe me, but I promise that-“
“Of course we believe you”, the boy, Kian, said. “We made a promise when we were kids, remember? If something supernatural happens to one of us, the others have to hear them out and believe them. Or at least believe that they believe themselves.” The last part wasn’t that reassuring, but the fact that they all remembered that silly children’s promise was all she needed. (here comes the self-insert. It’s a promise I have with my friends, because we’re all obsessed with magic and stuff and honestly, it’s the best thing)
“I do believe you” her other friend said, a girl with green hair. That must be Lena. “And I respect those little mind tricks. Letting us know how much you enjoy the world, adventures and new friends, but skipping out on all details on your boyfriend so we don’t assume you’re just ditching us for some boy”
Fenrir tensed at that. He had never thought about it that way, but her friends hadn’t been there when they had fallen in love. Of course they would assume the worst. He himself wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told him he would find another person to be his partner in crime. There had never been someone equally as important to him as Ray, until he met Alice. She was their Ray, but they had lost her for a while and didn’t know why.
“I know you’re all mad that I disappeared, but I also know that you’re worried because you care. Because of that, I wanted to assure you that I’ve got it all figured out. I’ve got an amazing home, awesome friends, a job that makes me happy and all in a world that feels more like home than anything here ever has. So you don’t need to worry about me. I’m doing it for myself, not for him. However, I do love Fenrir. I’m pretty sure I always will.”
That was enough for them to accept it. They all offered her a smile and Fenrir could almost see the tension falling off her shoulders. Keeping Cradle a secret seemed to be more of a burden to her than even he had noticed. Now, she glowed with newly discovered freedom and Fenrir could feel his heart responding to it with a wave of warmth.
Her friends had accepted Cradle and, seeing the loving looks they gave each other, their relationship as well. However, there was still much they had to know about Fenrir. And so, they took turns asking… Or rather, testing him. Luckily, he was cool with it, amused even and Alice seemed to share his feelings.
“Weapon of choice?” “Guns” *sparkling eyes* “Swords are more badass” *angry mode activated*
“Did you know that Alice loved ghost stories so much, she had a notebook where she wrote down all her favorite ones, but doodled silly ghosties around them, because they were “too scary otherwise?”, this was supposed to be a way to embarrass Alice, but eventually lead to teasing Fenrir. “Well, I might’ve skipped that part for his sake?” “What? Too embarrassed to let him know you’re scared of your own interests?” “More like, I think that even the silly ghost doodles would’ve scared the shit out of him”
“Will you protect Alice at all cost?” “I’ll always be there if she needs me, but honestly, I’m not sure she needs it. She’s so badass, even our king is scared of her at this point” *flashback to that one time Alice took all his books out of his room and used them to close off the entrance to the place where all the cats meet. No one knew how she had managed to bring that a good hundred books into the city without anyone noticing. Whoever had helped her kept silent to this day*
“Do you accept that Alice is allowed to speak and be as friendly as she wishes with whomever she wishes and you, even as her boyfriend, have no say in it?”
Alice responded before Fenrir can: “One, he knows I’m not his property and can have my own friends. Two, I’m pretty much the only girl in the whole Black Army, so if that was an issue, we would’ve had a fight ages ago. And three, even if he gets jealous sometimes, he has no right to control my friendships in anyway without being a hypocrite, because I know he and his best friend were making out in high school.”
“Wait, who told you about that?” *baby was confused, he hadn’t told her yet*
“A girl never tells her secrets” *actually, it was just a pure guess*
Yeah, her friends loved him at the end of the day. There was no need to worry this much.
Now Alice could return to Cradle without all the guilt. And who knows, perhaps they could come visit every now and then.
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