#other persona characters
dreamsy990 · 2 years
various persona 5 doodles i drew the other day on a call after *ahem* the akechi scene in shidos palace. if you know you know. quite a lot of them are akeshu. also some p5 spoilers below, but if you know the scene im talking about then youre good.
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if i have a comment on a specific doodle ill put it under the read more
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morgana while being the only straight pt, is an ally. he just doesnt like akechi
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“god fucking damnit kris where the FUCK are we!?”
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dont ask i just draw akechi with a bowtie because he deserves it. also he has a lasergun why does akechi have a lasergun
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i like to think akechis reaction to ren was “oh no hes HOTTT”
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i exclusively refer to akechis second fit as “yugioh bdsm pajamas”. also man akechis whole breakdown felt really gay like “you’re just criminal trash living in an attic!!!! how are you more special than me!!!??” like sir i get it youre jealous of the attic but we can share it bestie!!!!! also “ill destroy you” kinky quick translation because my handwriting is bad “sorry man. we cant kiss because your beak is too big” “NOOO” *cries so hard he becomes bdsm yugioh*
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i wish you couldve ditched the thieves and joined akechi to kill shido because like genuinely i want that bitch dead
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just some best girls!!!! haru and ann are great and i want them to be besties
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akechi but with makoto hair
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consider: ren deserves really long hair because king
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the person i was on call with mentioned they hc third eye gives ren red eyes when he uses it sooooo
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ended up figuring out how i wanted to draw their eyes here!!!! yes ren has the vaggie eyeliner because hes an ICON
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i like to think that throwing a glove at someone is a way of proposing. anyways wouldnt it be funny if instead of just catching it, it either hit ren in the face OR ren just threw it right back at him???? anyways
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ren but i gave him the twilight princess beyblade and clawshot
oh also bonus i came up with an akeshu childhood friends copyright free shadow the hedgehog au while delirious and after i rewrote a basic summary here:
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got confused with some of the names so quickly gloom - shadow swift - sonic shins - knuckles heads - tails calamity rubies - chaos emeralds
anyways gonna finish the game tomorrow!!!! god is waiting and i will smite him. soooooooo no ending spoilers >:OOOOOOO (just so you know like what point im up to, right at the uhhh yaldaboath fight or whatever his name is)
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puppyeared · 5 months
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my attempt at making a fursona
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spinaart · 11 months
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hey leader!!!
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demonadelem · 4 months
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The funny part is that I will always find someone in the fandom that denies the sibling dynamic because B doesn't think of the caretaker as a parent. Buddy, B doesn't need to.
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yuseirra · 4 months
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been listening to her songs lately!! they're a blessing
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gelljc · 8 months
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cute crepes and cute girls 💖
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groven4 · 7 months
"I don't ship securitywaiter" I say as I continue to fall deeper and deeper down the "crackship" rabbit hole.
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ca-3 · 11 months
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Persona 5 girly stuff from my Twitter that I don't think I've posted here at all...
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scamoosh · 2 months
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leave it to the investigation team !!
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achillean-knight · 1 month
I saw others doing this and I couldn't resist lol this is just for fun ngl 💪
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chromxena · 3 months
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they are rivals your honor
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wormedw00d · 1 year
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how sweet!
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petorahs · 1 year
ryoji's character be like. "what if the only thing death ever yearned for is life" "what if the answer to accepting death is to try to live" "what if your entire life's purpose catastrophically goes against your every wish yet youre doomed to carry it out anyway" "what if the only way out of it was death" and being shocked when someone important to you... refuses that fate for your sake. that they want you to live.
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feenixmork · 1 year
Been far too long since I last drew my initial magireco fave
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cobaltfluff · 6 days
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persona boyfriends being cringe (1/3)
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neymiiie · 4 months
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Eyes of the SEES members ~
I’ve always admired artstyles where every character has super unique and recognizable vibes, so decided to try it with the gang. Super fun, highly recommend!
In the process of designing these I developed headcanons for each of their eyes, kind weird but if you want to read me ranting about why I drew Yukaris pupils a certain way or whatever, feel free to click read more lol.
Makoto: I wanted him to look tired, so a lot of his eyelashes go downward instead of upwards, also eye bags because he has insomnia and you can’t convince me otherwise. I didn’t want his eyes to look hollow/empty, but I didn’t want to put super obvious highlights and I think it works? Idk. Also drew his eyes in a way that reminds me of the ocean at night (Atlus gave me a ocean/water motif and I run with it ok?). His eyebrows are kinda “messy” in comparison to the others but I think it makes his eyes prettier so it is in character to me.
Yukari: I wanted her eyes to look a little more intense and turned them a little to give them a slightly “angry look”. Yukari should have a light case of rbf imo. I feel like Yukari puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and she probably wears more makeup but I cannot draw that to save my life lmao. Her eyebrows are probably the least messy other than Mitsurus, for the same reason as the previous one. Also hard to tell, but I put hearts in her pupils because it’s cute. Really proud of these ones, they read like hers so well to me.
Junpei: Junpeis eyes were so fun to draw! I feel like he’d have pretty short lashes and slightly smaller eyes, but still very vibrant! I really wanted his eyes to look full of life but still pretty simple, and I think I did pretty well! They feel very expressive to me. Also I feel like he’d have naturally very thin eyebrows, so gave him that lol.
Akihiko: idk how I feel about these, but I guess they’re alright? Gave him a kinda intense stare ig. I gave him really long natural eyelashes because I feel like he’d have them (canonical pretty boy that he is) and I’m somewhat proud of them because I stuggle with making longer eyelashes look masculine so guess this is a win. Gave him an eyebrow slit because I was so sure he had one in p4arena only to find out he didn’t even have eyebrows in it. What.
Fuuka: I feel like Fuukas neutral expression would still look slightly confused/concerns so her eyes are a little droopy. Gave her short but thick eyebrows because I thought it would be cute. Her eyes kinda remind me of rain and I like that! Also sidenote love the fact that official art draws fuuka with teal eyebrows. The implication that she was either born with teal hair or is so dedicated to the dye job she even dyed her eyebrows is hilarious to me. I know blue is treated as a normal hair color in persona-universe but Fuuka is literally the only one with teal hair how is it not dyed but yosuke and chies is??
Mitsuru: I wanted Mitsuru to be pretty. I gave her thinner but crisp eyebrows and eyeliner. I was a little worried because before I started shading her eyes looked kinda evil?? Lol but they turned out better in the end. Didn’t do a lot of details in her eyes because it felt like it worked better that way, but gave her bright highlights in her eyes to make up for it.
Aigis: These are my least favorite, and the first ones I did. Not sure if thats awful, because I wanted them to be very different from the rest. I feel like Aigis doesn’t actually have this wide eyes but willingly widens them so you can see the whole iris. I feel like her eyes would look more normal at a distance, and most of her classmates just assume she’s got weird eyes because they’re an uncommon eye color (major “give her brown contacts please” energy). Made her eyes look like does target-thingys and slightly plastic-y.
Ken: I didn’t want his eyes to be to bright, but still lively and childish. I gave him round wide eyes + smaller and thicker eyebrows to give a more childish feel. His eyelashes are pretty short but made them point more downwards since they looked too cheerful when turned upwards.
Shinjiro: dunno how readable these are as shinji, but theyre fine. Made his eyes very dark and put bright highlights cause I thought it looked better than the grey he actually has. Also gave him major eyebags because man has not had a good nights rest since like. Last October (sorry)
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